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Making the most of G Suite
with Google Apps Script
Automate Laborious Tasks in Google Cloud
(G Suite & GCP)
Wesley Chun
Developer Advocate, Google Cloud
Adjunct CS Faculty, Foothill College
G Suite Dev Show
About the speaker
Developer Advocate, Google Cloud
● Mission: enable current and future
developers everywhere to be
successful using Google Cloud and
other Google developer tools & APIs
● Videos: host of the G Suite Dev Show
on YouTube
● Blogs: &
● Twitters: @wescpy, @GoogleDevs,
Previous experience / background
● Software engineer & architect for 20+ years
● One of the original Yahoo!Mail engineers
● Author of bestselling "Core Python" books
● Technical trainer, teacher, instructor since
1983 (Computer Science, C, Linux, Python)
● Fellow of the Python Software Foundation
● AB (Math/CS) & CMP (Music/Piano), UC
Berkeley and MSCS, UC Santa Barbara
● Adjunct Computer Science Faculty, Foothill
College (Silicon Valley)
Confidential & Proprietary
● Cloud computing overview
● Google Cloud serverless
● Intro to Google Apps Script
● Coding with Apps Script
● All of Cloud (inspiration)
● BONUS, resources and summary
Cloud computing
All you need to know about the cloud
What is cloud computing?
Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage
AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent
Cloud service levels/"pillars"
Software as a Service
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL,
Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub
AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker
Google Apps Script, App Maker
G Suite (Google Apps)
Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite
Google App Engine, Cloud Functions
Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda
Summary of responsibility
Software as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
Platform as a Service
Managed by YOU Managed by cloud vendor
all you, no cloud
Google Cloud
GCP & G Suite
Google Compute Engine
Google Cloud
Yeah, we got VMs & big disk… but why*?
Serverless: what & why
● What is serverless?
○ Misnomer
○ "No worries"
○ Developers focus on writing code & solving business problems*
● Why serverless?
○ Fastest growing segment of cloud... per analyst research*:
■ $1.9B (2016) and $4.25B (2018) ⇒ $7.7B (2021) and $14.93B (2023)
○ What if you go viral? Autoscaling: your new best friend
○ What if you don't? Code not running? You're not paying.
* in USD; source:Forbes (May 2018), MarketsandMarkets™ & CB Insights (Aug 2018)
G Suite APIs
Top-level documentation and comprehensive developers
overview video at
2008 2009 2016 2019 ???
serverless timeline
App Engine
(2008; 2011)
Cloud Functions
(2016; 2017; 2018)
Apps Script
(2009; 2009)
App Maker
(2016; 2018)
Cloud Run
(2019; TBD)
Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage
AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent
Software as a Service
Platform as a Service
Infrastructure as a Service
G Suite (Google Apps)
Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite
Google App Engine, Cloud Functions
Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda
Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL,
Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub
AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker
Serverless: PaaS-y compute/processing
Google Apps Script, App Maker
Intro to
Google Apps Script
Automate & extend G Suite
-API “flavor”
-OAuth2 (you)
Not your daddy’s JavaScript
Google Apps Script is a serverless
JavaScript runtime for automation, and
extension & integration with G Suite,
Google, or other external services.
What can you do with Apps Script?
Simple, < 10 lines Complex, > 1000 lines
Web app that sends email,
creates calendar invites, &
sends out customized
Anything in between
For Google services...
… each is a JavaScript class
Google AND external services
G Suite services
Admin SDK
Google+ Domains
Other Google services
Fusion Tables
Mirror (Glass)
External services
… and more…
Types of Apps Scripts
● Standalone scripts
○ Google Drive > Create > Script
● Add-ons and document-bound scripts
○ Tools > Script editor
○ Add-ons > Get/Manage add-ons
● Simple web apps and Sites-bound gadgets
○ More > Manage Site > Apps Scripts > Add new script
Document-bound scripts
Tied to specific documents, i.e., Google
Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms. Calls
unique to doc types:
● getActiveCell() — Sheets
● getCursor() — Docs
● createPresentation() — Slides
Add-ons: specific type of document-
bound scripts. Gmail is special.
Gmail Add-ons not tied to documents
but individual email threads.
Use case categories
Enterprise workflows
Resource management
Third-party integrations
Domain administration
Document approval, purchase orders
Timekeeping, helpdesk, project tracking, billing
Calendaring, mail merge, complex spreadsheets
Dashboards, automated report generation
CRM, accounting, marketing, telephony, HR, social
User management, provisioning, and reset
Teachers’ tools(i.e., GFormIt, Flubaroo, Doctopus)
Automation(i.e., mail merge)
Enterprise workflow(i.e., team OoO calendars)
Productize & distribute
“Our online diagram
application makes it easy
to sketch and share
professional flowchart
That’s why millions of
users choose Lucidchart.”
Lucidchart Website
Diagram & drawing tool
Coding with
Apps Script
Ecosystem tour
Spreadsheets… any magic functions?
Sure, how about GOOGLEFINANCE()?
Spreadsheets… can you code them?
Sure, if you know where to look...
“Hello World!” in Apps Script
OAuth2 flow
Sheets-bound “Hello World!”
Apps Script intro
Combining your code & ours
But I want (to write) my own function!
Creating my own ("custom") function!
Bitcoin sample
Woo-hoo… using my own function!
What can you do with this?
Accessing maps from
This… with help from Google Maps & Gmail
function sendMap() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var address = sheet.getRange("A2").getValue();
var map = Maps.newStaticMap().addMarker(address);
GmailApp.sendEmail('', 'Map',
'See below.', {attachments:[map]});
● Extend functionality of G Suite editors
● Embed your app within ours!
● 2014: Google Docs, Sheets, Forms
● 2017 Q3: Google Slides
● 2017 Q4: Gmail
● 2018 Q1: Hangouts Chat bots
● Apps Script also powers App Maker,
Google Data Studio community
connectors, and Google Ads scripts
Apps Script powers add-ons… and more!
● Expense reports
● Can't we do them
without leaving Gmail?
● On Web AND mobile?
● At your desk or on the road
● One place to complete
your expense report
● One code base
Gmail Add-ons
Expediting expense
Simple sentiment & classification analysis
● Analyze sentiment in
Google Docs
● Use simple API call to
Natual Language API
● Call with Apps Script
UrlFetch service
● Build this app yourself at
[simple API/API key sample]
Simple sentiment & classification analysis
// Create API payload
var nlOptions = {
method: 'POST',
contentType: 'application/json',
payload: JSON.stringify(nlData)
// Make API call via UrlFetch (when no object available)
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiEndpoint, nlOptions);
var data = JSON.parse(response);
var sentiment = 0.0;
if (data && data.documentSentiment && data.documentSentiment.score) {
sentiment = data.documentSentiment.score;
return sentiment;
● Not just for conversations
● Create microservice utilities
● Build chat bots to...
○ Automate workflows
○ Query for information
○ Other heavy-lifting
● Plain text or rich UI "cards"
● Very flexible ("any")
development environment
○ POST to HTTP port
Hangouts Chat bots
(bot framework & API)
“I got to work deploying a
light-weight Flask app server…
and in less than an hour had a
working chatbot.”
Greg Meyers, Motorola Solutions CIO
Build bots for anyone, your org or your team… FAST
"Hello World" (echo bot)
JavaScript: Google Apps Script
function onMessage(m) {
return {
'text': 'Hi ' + m.sender.displayName + '. You sent: ' + m.text,
'thread': {'name':}
Hangouts Chat bots
function onMessage(e) {
return createMessage(e.user.displayName, 0);
function onCardClick(e) {
// Create a new vote card when 'NEW' button is clicked.
if (e.action.actionMethodName === 'newvote') {
return createMessage(e.user.displayName, 0);
// Updates the card in-place when '+1' or '-1' button is clicked.
var voteCount = +e.action.parameters[0].value;
e.action.actionMethodName === 'upvote' ? ++voteCount : --voteCount;
return createMessage(e.user.displayName, voteCount, true);
Simple vote bot
JavaScript: Google Apps Script
Hangouts Chat bots
● Command-line interface
● Intergrate with git plus
your local IDE/dev env.
● Actions
○ Create
○ Pull
○ Push
○ Clone
○ Deploy
○ View logs
● Built on Apps Script API
● Launched early 2018
Professional workflow with clasp tool
All of Cloud
Build powerful solutions
with both GCP and G Suite
Big data analysis to slide presentation
Access GCP tools from G Suite
Store big data results
Visualize big data results
Ingest data from Sheets
Link to chart in Sheets
Supercharge G Suite with GCP
G Suite GCP
Apps Script
Slides Sheets
Big data
App summary
● Leverage GCP and build the "final mile" with G Suite
● Driven by Google Apps Script
● Google BigQuery for data analysis
● Google Sheets for visualization
● Google Slides for presentable results
● "Glued" together w/G Suite serverless
● Build this app (codelab)
● Video and blog post
● Application source code
● Presented at Google Cloud NEXT (Jul 2018 [DEV229] & Apr 2019 [DEV212])
Lightweight sales inventory web app
Help on-floor sales connect to backoffice
Lightweight inventory management system
G Suite GCP
Apps Script
App summary
● Motivation
● Help sales floor staff with store inventory information
● GCP helps Sheets scale and provide machine learning capabilities
● Web interface for scale and convenience
● Use G Suite and GCP APIs to:
● Build friendly web interface (mobile or computer)
● Export Sheets data into Cloud SQL
● Allow users to make information requests
● Add intelligence to data and enahance user experience
● Cloud Functions microservices leveraging Sheets as "glue tool" for user experience
● Application source code:
● Presented at Google Cloud NEXT '19
BONUS, resources
and summary
BONUS: alternative to Apps Script
● HTTP-based REST APIs
○ Lower-level, higher-flexibility
○ Code in your own development environment
○ Introductory G Suite APIs codelab
List (first 100) files/folders in Google Drive
from __future__ import print_function
from googleapiclient import discovery
from httplib2 import Http
from oauth2client import file, client, tools
store = file.Storage('storage.json')
creds = store.get()
if not creds or creds.invalid:
flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets('client_secret.json', SCOPES)
creds = tools.run_flow(flow, store)
DRIVE ='drive', 'v3', http=creds.authorize(Http()))
files = DRIVE.files().list().execute().get('files', [])
for f in files:
print(f['name'], f['mimeType'])
Listing your files
Migrate SQL data to a Sheet
# read SQL data then create new spreadsheet & add rows into it
FIELDS = ('ID', 'Customer Name', 'Product Code',
'Units Ordered', 'Unit Price', 'Status')
cxn = sqlite3.connect('db.sqlite')
cur = cxn.cursor()
rows = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM orders').fetchall()
rows.insert(0, FIELDS)
DATA = {'properties': {'title': 'Customer orders'}}
SHEET_ID = SHEETS.spreadsheets().create(body=DATA,
SHEETS.spreadsheets().values().update(spreadsheetId=SHEET_ID, range='A1',
body={'values': rows}, valueInputOption='RAW').execute()
Migrate SQL data
to Sheets
Creating events in Calendar
# define event data, then create event
TIMEZONE = 'America/Los_Angeles'
'summary': 'Dinner with friends',
'start': {'dateTime': '2017-06-14T19:00:00', 'timeZone': TIMEZONE},
'end': {'dateTime': '2017-06-14T22:00:00', 'timeZone': TIMEZONE},
'attendees': [
{'email': ''},
{'email': ''},
}'primary', body=EVENT,
sendNotifications=True, fields='').execute()
Modifying and
recurring events
Creating events
BigQuery: querying Shakespeare words
from random import choice
from import bigquery
TITLE = "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works"
QUERY = '''
SELECT LOWER(word) AS word, sum(word_count) AS count
FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare`
rsp = bigquery.Client().query(QUERY).result()
print('n*** Results for %r:n' % TITLE)
print('t'.join( for col in rsp.schema)) # HEADERS
print('n'.join('t'.join(str(x) for x in row.values()) for row in rsp)) # DATA
Top 10 most common Shakespeare words
$ python
*** Results for "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works":
the 29801
and 27529
i 21029
to 20957
of 18514
a 15370
you 14010
my 12936
in 11722
that 11519
Apps Script summary
● It’s just JavaScript
● Access to Google plus other online resources
● No API complexity… use authenticated, built-in
● Serverless… no setup nor deployment required
● Variety of use cases
● Execution as scripts or add-ons
● No longer Google's best kept secret?!?
Apps Script references + next steps
● Introductory Apps Script codelab
● Developer videos, guides, and tutorials
● Documentation
● Alternative: G Suite REST APIs
Session Summary
● G Suite isn't just a set of productivity apps
○ You can code these apps too!
○ Create tools to automate workflows
○ Leverage different data in your G Suite domain
● How can you code G Suite?
○ Your environment: G Suite REST APIs
○ Our environment: Google Apps Script or Google App Maker
■ Go serverless and focus on logic not app-hosting
○ Interesting possibilities using both platforms (GCP + G Suite)
Other Google APIs & platforms
● GCP (cloud-based compute, storage, networking, AI/ML, data analysis tools!)
● Firebase (mobile development platform + RT DB)
● Google Data Studio (data visualization, dashboards, etc.)
● Actions on Google/Assistant/DialogFlow (voice apps)
● YouTube (Data, Analytics, and Livestreaming APIs)
● Google Maps (Maps, Routes, and Places APIs)
● Flutter (native apps [Android, iOS, web] w/1 code base[!])
Get started today w/G Suite "codelabs"
● Self-paced, hands-on tutorials, always free, Google/Gmail/G Suite acct req'd
● Directory:
● Catalog:
Intro to G Suite APIs
Sheets API
Slides + BigQuery APIs
Google App Maker
Build a database web app
Google Apps Script
Intro to Apps Script
Gmail Add-ons
Docs Add-on+GCP NL API
Hangouts Chat
Learning resources
● Codelabs: self-paced, hands-on tutorials
○ Google codelabs: need a Gmail account, always free
○ Qwiklabs codelabs: don't need a Gmail acct; typically not free
■ Request free credits ("tokens") at
● GCP documentation
○ Recommended: Getting Started, Cloud Console, Cloud Shell, Cloud SDK, Community
● YouTube developer video series:
○ GCP:
○ G Suite:
Resources for Higher Education
● Education grant program
○ Teaching grants (per-course basis)
■ $50USD for students & $100USD for faculty & TAs
■ Must exceed "Always Free" daily/monthly quota to incur billing
■ Students will barely use it… average utilization: <25%
■ KEY: not giving Google your personal credit card
○ Research grants
■ Larger amounts; consider as seed funding
■ Over a longer period of time (more than a single term)
○ Apply at
○ Turnaround time: "within a few business days"
○ Redeem at
Invite me (or my team) to
your campus... it's our job!
● Faculty & grad students
● Researchers
● Undergrads
● University IT staff/CIO/CTO
● University entrepreneurship
centers/capstone project leads
Thank you! Questions?
Wesley Chun
Progress bars:

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Google Apps Script: Accessing G Suite & other Google services with JavaScript

  • 1. Making the most of G Suite with Google Apps Script Automate Laborious Tasks in Google Cloud (G Suite & GCP) Wesley Chun Developer Advocate, Google Cloud Adjunct CS Faculty, Foothill College G Suite Dev Show About the speaker Developer Advocate, Google Cloud ● Mission: enable current and future developers everywhere to be successful using Google Cloud and other Google developer tools & APIs ● Videos: host of the G Suite Dev Show on YouTube ● Blogs: & ● Twitters: @wescpy, @GoogleDevs, @GSuiteDevs Previous experience / background ● Software engineer & architect for 20+ years ● One of the original Yahoo!Mail engineers ● Author of bestselling "Core Python" books ( ● Technical trainer, teacher, instructor since 1983 (Computer Science, C, Linux, Python) ● Fellow of the Python Software Foundation ● AB (Math/CS) & CMP (Music/Piano), UC Berkeley and MSCS, UC Santa Barbara ● Adjunct Computer Science Faculty, Foothill College (Silicon Valley)
  • 2. Confidential & Proprietary Outline ● Cloud computing overview ● Google Cloud serverless ● Intro to Google Apps Script ● Coding with Apps Script ● All of Cloud (inspiration) ● BONUS, resources and summary 01 Cloud computing overview All you need to know about the cloud
  • 3. What is cloud computing? spar Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent Cloud service levels/"pillars" SaaS Software as a Service PaaS Platform as a Service IaaS Infrastructure as a Service Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL, Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker Google Apps Script, App Maker Salesforce1/ G Suite (Google Apps) Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite Google App Engine, Cloud Functions Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda
  • 4. Summary of responsibility SaaS Software as a Service Applications Data Runtime Middleware OS Virtualization Servers Storage Networking Applications Data Runtime Middleware OS Virtualization Servers Storage Networking IaaS Infrastructure as a Service Applications Data Runtime Middleware OS Virtualization Servers Storage Networking PaaS Platform as a Service Managed by YOU Managed by cloud vendor Applications Data Runtime Middleware OS Virtualization Servers Storage Networking on-prem all you, no cloud 02 Google Cloud serverless GCP & G Suite
  • 5. > Google Compute Engine Google Cloud Storage cloud cloud Yeah, we got VMs & big disk… but why*? Serverless: what & why ● What is serverless? ○ Misnomer ○ "No worries" ○ Developers focus on writing code & solving business problems* ● Why serverless? ○ Fastest growing segment of cloud... per analyst research*: ■ $1.9B (2016) and $4.25B (2018) ⇒ $7.7B (2021) and $14.93B (2023) ○ What if you go viral? Autoscaling: your new best friend ○ What if you don't? Code not running? You're not paying. * in USD; source:Forbes (May 2018), MarketsandMarkets™ & CB Insights (Aug 2018)
  • 6. G Suite APIs Top-level documentation and comprehensive developers overview video at
  • 7. 2008 2009 2016 2019 ??? serverless timeline Google App Engine (2008; 2011) Google Cloud Functions (2016; 2017; 2018) Google Apps Script (2009; 2009) Google App Maker (2016; 2018) Google Cloud Run (2019; TBD) Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud Storage AWS EC2 & S3; Rackspace; Joyent SaaS Software as a Service PaaS Platform as a Service IaaS Infrastructure as a Service G Suite (Google Apps) Yahoo!Mail, Hotmail, Salesforce, Netsuite Google App Engine, Cloud Functions Heroku, Cloud Foundry, Engine Yard, AWS Lambda Google BigQuery, Cloud SQL, Cloud Datastore, NL, Vision, Pub/Sub AWS Kinesis, RDS; Windows Azure SQL, Docker Serverless: PaaS-y compute/processing Google Apps Script, App Maker Salesforce1/
  • 8. 03 Intro to Google Apps Script Automate & extend G Suite +JavaScript -API “flavor” +built-in “flavor” -OAuth2 (you) !=
  • 10. Google Apps Script is a serverless JavaScript runtime for automation, and extension & integration with G Suite, Google, or other external services. What can you do with Apps Script? Simple, < 10 lines Complex, > 1000 lines Sheets function Web app that sends email, creates calendar invites, & sends out customized docs Anything in between
  • 11. For Google services... … each is a JavaScript class
  • 12. Google AND external services G Suite services Admin SDK Calendar Classroom Contacts Docs Drive Forms Gmail Google+ Domains Groups Sites Sheets Tasks Other Google services AdSense Analytics BigQuery Fusion Tables Maps Mirror (Glass) Prediction Translate YouTube External services UrlFetch JDBC … and more… Types of Apps Scripts ● Standalone scripts ○ ○ Google Drive > Create > Script ● Add-ons and document-bound scripts ○ Tools > Script editor ○ Add-ons > Get/Manage add-ons ● Simple web apps and Sites-bound gadgets ○ More > Manage Site > Apps Scripts > Add new script
  • 13. Document-bound scripts Tied to specific documents, i.e., Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Forms. Calls unique to doc types: ● getActiveCell() — Sheets ● getCursor() — Docs ● createPresentation() — Slides Add-ons: specific type of document- bound scripts. Gmail is special. Gmail Add-ons not tied to documents but individual email threads. Use case categories Enterprise workflows Resource management Automation Reporting Third-party integrations Domain administration Document approval, purchase orders Timekeeping, helpdesk, project tracking, billing Calendaring, mail merge, complex spreadsheets Dashboards, automated report generation CRM, accounting, marketing, telephony, HR, social User management, provisioning, and reset
  • 14. Teachers’ tools(i.e., GFormIt, Flubaroo, Doctopus) Automation(i.e., mail merge)
  • 15. Enterprise workflow(i.e., team OoO calendars) Productize & distribute
  • 16. “Our online diagram application makes it easy to sketch and share professional flowchart diagrams. That’s why millions of users choose Lucidchart.” Lucidchart Website Diagram & drawing tool 04 Coding with Apps Script Ecosystem tour
  • 17. Spreadsheets… any magic functions? Sure, how about GOOGLEFINANCE()?
  • 18. Spreadsheets… can you code them? Sure, if you know where to look...
  • 19. “Hello World!” in Apps Script OAuth2 flow
  • 20. Sheets-bound “Hello World!” Apps Script intro Combining your code & ours
  • 21. But I want (to write) my own function! Creating my own ("custom") function! Bitcoin sample
  • 22. Woo-hoo… using my own function! What can you do with this?
  • 23. Accessing maps from spreadsheets?!? This… with help from Google Maps & Gmail function sendMap() { var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); var address = sheet.getRange("A2").getValue(); var map = Maps.newStaticMap().addMarker(address); GmailApp.sendEmail('', 'Map', 'See below.', {attachments:[map]}); } JS
  • 24. ● Extend functionality of G Suite editors ● Embed your app within ours! ● 2014: Google Docs, Sheets, Forms ● 2017 Q3: Google Slides ● 2017 Q4: Gmail ● 2018 Q1: Hangouts Chat bots ● Apps Script also powers App Maker, Google Data Studio community connectors, and Google Ads scripts Apps Script powers add-ons… and more! Expense reports... ● Expense reports ● Can't we do them without leaving Gmail? ● On Web AND mobile?
  • 25. ● At your desk or on the road ● One place to complete your expense report ● One code base Gmail Add-ons Expediting expense reports Simple sentiment & classification analysis ● Analyze sentiment in Google Docs ● Use simple API call to Natual Language API ● Call with Apps Script UrlFetch service ● Build this app yourself at
  • 26. [simple API/API key sample] Simple sentiment & classification analysis // Create API payload var nlOptions = { method: 'POST', contentType: 'application/json', payload: JSON.stringify(nlData) }; // Make API call via UrlFetch (when no object available) var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(apiEndpoint, nlOptions); var data = JSON.parse(response); var sentiment = 0.0; if (data && data.documentSentiment && data.documentSentiment.score) { sentiment = data.documentSentiment.score; } return sentiment; } ● Not just for conversations ● Create microservice utilities ● Build chat bots to... ○ Automate workflows ○ Query for information ○ Other heavy-lifting ● Plain text or rich UI "cards" ● Very flexible ("any") development environment ○ POST to HTTP port Hangouts Chat bots (bot framework & API)
  • 27. “I got to work deploying a light-weight Flask app server… and in less than an hour had a working chatbot.” Greg Meyers, Motorola Solutions CIO Build bots for anyone, your org or your team… FAST "Hello World" (echo bot) JavaScript: Google Apps Script function onMessage(m) { return { 'text': 'Hi ' + m.sender.displayName + '. You sent: ' + m.text, 'thread': {'name':} }; } Hangouts Chat bots
  • 28. function onMessage(e) { return createMessage(e.user.displayName, 0); } function onCardClick(e) { // Create a new vote card when 'NEW' button is clicked. if (e.action.actionMethodName === 'newvote') { return createMessage(e.user.displayName, 0); } // Updates the card in-place when '+1' or '-1' button is clicked. var voteCount = +e.action.parameters[0].value; e.action.actionMethodName === 'upvote' ? ++voteCount : --voteCount; return createMessage(e.user.displayName, voteCount, true); } Simple vote bot JavaScript: Google Apps Script Hangouts Chat bots ● Command-line interface ● Intergrate with git plus your local IDE/dev env. ● Actions ○ Create ○ Pull ○ Push ○ Clone ○ Deploy ○ View logs ● Built on Apps Script API ● Launched early 2018 Professional workflow with clasp tool
  • 29. 05 All of Cloud (inspiration) Build powerful solutions with both GCP and G Suite Big data analysis to slide presentation Access GCP tools from G Suite
  • 30. Store big data results
  • 31. Visualize big data results Ingest data from Sheets
  • 32. Link to chart in Sheets
  • 33. Supercharge G Suite with GCP G Suite GCP BigQuery Apps Script Slides Sheets Application request Big data analytics App summary ● Leverage GCP and build the "final mile" with G Suite ● Driven by Google Apps Script ● Google BigQuery for data analysis ● Google Sheets for visualization ● Google Slides for presentable results ● "Glued" together w/G Suite serverless ● Build this app (codelab) ● ● Video and blog post ● ● Application source code ● ● Presented at Google Cloud NEXT (Jul 2018 [DEV229] & Apr 2019 [DEV212]) ● ●
  • 34. Lightweight sales inventory web app Help on-floor sales connect to backoffice
  • 35. Sheets Cloud SQL Lightweight inventory management system Cloud Functions Cloud Vision G Suite GCP Export data Cloud Functions Apps Script Analyze image Get inventory CRUD inventory App summary ● Motivation ● Help sales floor staff with store inventory information ● GCP helps Sheets scale and provide machine learning capabilities ● Web interface for scale and convenience ● Use G Suite and GCP APIs to: ● Build friendly web interface (mobile or computer) ● Export Sheets data into Cloud SQL ● Allow users to make information requests ● Add intelligence to data and enahance user experience ● Cloud Functions microservices leveraging Sheets as "glue tool" for user experience ● Application source code: ● Presented at Google Cloud NEXT '19 ●
  • 36. 06 BONUS, resources and summary BONUS: alternative to Apps Script ● HTTP-based REST APIs ○ Lower-level, higher-flexibility ○ Code in your own development environment ○ Introductory G Suite APIs codelab ■
  • 37. List (first 100) files/folders in Google Drive from __future__ import print_function from googleapiclient import discovery from httplib2 import Http from oauth2client import file, client, tools SCOPES = '' store = file.Storage('storage.json') creds = store.get() if not creds or creds.invalid: flow = client.flow_from_clientsecrets('client_secret.json', SCOPES) creds = tools.run_flow(flow, store) DRIVE ='drive', 'v3', http=creds.authorize(Http())) files = DRIVE.files().list().execute().get('files', []) for f in files: print(f['name'], f['mimeType']) Listing your files Migrate SQL data to a Sheet # read SQL data then create new spreadsheet & add rows into it FIELDS = ('ID', 'Customer Name', 'Product Code', 'Units Ordered', 'Unit Price', 'Status') cxn = sqlite3.connect('db.sqlite') cur = cxn.cursor() rows = cur.execute('SELECT * FROM orders').fetchall() cxn.close() rows.insert(0, FIELDS) DATA = {'properties': {'title': 'Customer orders'}} SHEET_ID = SHEETS.spreadsheets().create(body=DATA, fields='spreadsheetId').execute().get('spreadsheetId') SHEETS.spreadsheets().values().update(spreadsheetId=SHEET_ID, range='A1', body={'values': rows}, valueInputOption='RAW').execute() Migrate SQL data to Sheets
  • 38. Creating events in Calendar # define event data, then create event TIMEZONE = 'America/Los_Angeles' EVENT = { 'summary': 'Dinner with friends', 'start': {'dateTime': '2017-06-14T19:00:00', 'timeZone': TIMEZONE}, 'end': {'dateTime': '2017-06-14T22:00:00', 'timeZone': TIMEZONE}, 'attendees': [ {'email': ''}, {'email': ''}, ], }'primary', body=EVENT, sendNotifications=True, fields='').execute() Modifying and recurring events Creating events BigQuery: querying Shakespeare words from random import choice from import bigquery TITLE = "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works" QUERY = ''' SELECT LOWER(word) AS word, sum(word_count) AS count FROM `bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare` GROUP BY word ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 10 ''' rsp = bigquery.Client().query(QUERY).result() print('n*** Results for %r:n' % TITLE) print('t'.join( for col in rsp.schema)) # HEADERS print('n'.join('t'.join(str(x) for x in row.values()) for row in rsp)) # DATA
  • 39. Top 10 most common Shakespeare words $ python *** Results for "The most common words in all of Shakespeare's works": WORD COUNT the 29801 and 27529 i 21029 to 20957 of 18514 a 15370 you 14010 my 12936 in 11722 that 11519 Apps Script summary ● It’s just JavaScript ● Access to Google plus other online resources ● No API complexity… use authenticated, built-in services ● Serverless… no setup nor deployment required ● Variety of use cases ● Execution as scripts or add-ons ● No longer Google's best kept secret?!?
  • 40. Apps Script references + next steps ● Introductory Apps Script codelab ○ ● Developer videos, guides, and tutorials ○ ● Documentation ○ ● Alternative: G Suite REST APIs ○ Session Summary ● G Suite isn't just a set of productivity apps ○ You can code these apps too! ○ Create tools to automate workflows ○ Leverage different data in your G Suite domain ● How can you code G Suite? ○ Your environment: G Suite REST APIs ○ Our environment: Google Apps Script or Google App Maker ■ Go serverless and focus on logic not app-hosting ○ Interesting possibilities using both platforms (GCP + G Suite)
  • 41. Other Google APIs & platforms ● GCP (cloud-based compute, storage, networking, AI/ML, data analysis tools!) ○ ● Firebase (mobile development platform + RT DB) ○ ● Google Data Studio (data visualization, dashboards, etc.) ○ ● Actions on Google/Assistant/DialogFlow (voice apps) ○ ● YouTube (Data, Analytics, and Livestreaming APIs) ○ ● Google Maps (Maps, Routes, and Places APIs) ○ ● Flutter (native apps [Android, iOS, web] w/1 code base[!]) ○ Get started today w/G Suite "codelabs" ● Self-paced, hands-on tutorials, always free, Google/Gmail/G Suite acct req'd ● Directory: ● Catalog: REST APIs Intro to G Suite APIs Sheets API Slides + BigQuery APIs Google App Maker Build a database web app Google Apps Script Intro to Apps Script Gmail Add-ons clasp Docs Add-on+GCP NL API Hangouts Chat BigQuery-Sheets-Slides
  • 42. Learning resources ● Codelabs: self-paced, hands-on tutorials ○ Google codelabs: need a Gmail account, always free ■ ○ Qwiklabs codelabs: don't need a Gmail acct; typically not free ■ ■ Request free credits ("tokens") at ● GCP documentation ○ ○ Recommended: Getting Started, Cloud Console, Cloud Shell, Cloud SDK, Community ● YouTube developer video series: ○ GCP: ○ G Suite: ○ Resources for Higher Education ● Education grant program ○ Teaching grants (per-course basis) ■ $50USD for students & $100USD for faculty & TAs ■ Must exceed "Always Free" daily/monthly quota to incur billing ■ Students will barely use it… average utilization: <25% ■ KEY: not giving Google your personal credit card ○ Research grants ■ Larger amounts; consider as seed funding ■ Over a longer period of time (more than a single term) ○ Apply at ○ Turnaround time: "within a few business days" ○ Redeem at
  • 43. Invite me (or my team) to your campus... it's our job! ● Faculty & grad students ● Researchers ● Undergrads ● University IT staff/CIO/CTO ● University entrepreneurship centers/capstone project leads Thank you! Questions? Wesley Chun @wescpy Progress bars: