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Higher Modern Studies China
Essay Questions
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Higher Modern Studies China Essay Questions Higher Modern Studies China Essay Questions
A Interview On The Playboy Enterprise
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform the audience of history the Playboy Enterprise while providing well
researched and collaborative support from experts.
Central Idea: Through researching the Playboy Enterprise I learned the history behind the
legendary Hugh Hefner, as well as the history behind the Playboy bunny logo and the history
behind the famous Playboy magazine.
I want you to trust me for a second. Close your eyes and clear your mind and listen to the sound
of my voice. Playboy, I want you to envision anything that reminds you of the word Playboy, now
open your eyes. From the look on the majority of your faces the word Playboy brings you to a
smile. Whether you enjoy the word Playboy or not, is ... Show more content on ...
He would later on leave Esquire because they denied him a 5 dollar raise. That is the turning point
for Mr. Hugh Hefner. When he left Esquire Mr. Hugh Hefner was determined to make his own
Mr. Hugh Hefner raised $8,000 from 45 investors which included $2,000 from his mother and
brother Keith combined to launch Playboy magazine. In an interview with CNN I learned that Mr.
Hugh Hefner had originally planned to title the magazine Stag Party but he received a cease and
desist letter from the lawyer for Stag Magazine, saying Stag felt that the title would be an
infringement. (Adler)
Mr. Hugh Hefner stated that a colleague suggested the name Playboy after a defunct automobile
company. Mr. Hugh Hefner stated he liked the name, as he thought it reflected high living and
Transition: Now that I have told you the history behind the legendary Hugh Hefner, let me tell you
the history behind the Playboy magazine.
The Playboy magazine has such a rich history.
As per they Playboy Enterprise website, the first Playboy magazine was published in December
of 1953, their cover featured Marilyn Monroe with a one page center fold and sold over 50,000
copies. The magazine had a theme which was called Sweetheart of the Month which had a nude
photo of Marilyn Monroe.
The magazine decided to go a different route in 1954 where they released their second issue in
January which would now become the blue print for have three page
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The Emperor Of The King
After Otto had received the imperial crown at Rome (2 February, 962) Liutprand was often
entrusted with important commissions, in 963 when he was sent as ambassador to John XII at
the beginning of the quarrel between the pope and the emperor, owing to the former s alliance
with BГ©renger s son Adelbert. Liutprand also took part in the assembly of bishops at Rome, 6
November, 963, which deposed John XII. Liutprand describes from his point of view these
events of 960 64, and sides entirely with the emperor, condemning the Romans very harshly.
After the death of the pope, Leo VIII, Liutprand again went to Rome with Bishop Otgar of
Speyer, as the emperor s envoy, to conduct the election of a new pope, on which occasion John
XIII was chosen. The Bishop of Cremona undertook another mission to Constantinople by order
of the emperor in the summer of 968 to ask the Byzantine Emperor to bestow his daughter in
marriage on Otto s son, later Otto II. In regards to the Capitulary of the Missi, inhabitants of the
district they administered had to provide for their subsistence, and at times they led the host to
battle. The missi were protected by a triple wergeld and resistance to them was punishable by
death. They were to execute justice, to ensure respect for the king, to control the government of the
military dukes and administrative counts (then still royal officials), to receive their oath of
allegiance, to let the king s will be known, at times by distributing
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Comparison Of The Project Who s To Blame In Romeo And Juliet
DBQ Project Who s to Blame Blame is a word used to describe those who have some type of fault
in a situation. Love can cause great emotions, yet it can also cause tragedies. When your love is
strong enough it can also be dangerous, Romeo and Juliet caused the death of six people in a
course of three days just so they can be together. In Romeo and Juliet there are many to blamefor the
cause of each death, but the most responsible for this situation are those who follow: Juliet,
Nurse, and Friar Lawrence. Juliet could have stopped the death of six people if she only told the
truth. The Nurse, also one to blame, could have spoke out and helped out in the situation. At last,
Friar Lawrence, he could have made the choice not to marry Romeo and Juliet, yet all he wanted
was for the Capulets and Montagues to be in peace. Juliet, such an innocent girl, one would not
think she is one to blame until you know her situation. With her being a Capulet and her husband
being a Montague, she knew she would have problems with her parents, especially since she told
her mother It is an honor that I dream not of... (DBQ Project Who s to Blame, Document B). She
wishes not to get married, yet the next day marries her enemy which she now is in deep love.
Telling her... Show more content on ...
Thou wast the prettiest babe that e er I nursed: An I might live to see thee married once, I have
my wish. (DBQ Project Who s to Blame, Document B) words from the Nurse who raised Juliet,
show proof that she wanted to see her married soon. The Nurse also wanted to see Juliet get
married, and she did, yet did not say nothing about it. If the Nurse would have spoke out and said
the truth the day it happened she to could have saved everyone including her beloved Juliet. The
Nurse had an understandable position, Juliet trusted her with not telling her parents, and the Nurse
does not want to lose her trust therefore she does not say a
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Market Transparency and Consumer Choice for Housing Essay
Since 2006, the number of foreclosures in the housing market has sparked dramatically. This is
due to the fact that banks have given out subprime mortgages or interest only loans to consumers
regardless of their credit score. One of the main reasons why banks did not care about consumers
credit history is because they resold the loans as mortgagebacked securities. This caused the loans
to fall into the hands of credit rating companies that rated the loans too positive; thus, these assets
were expanded and helped lead to the foreclosure crisis without hurting the banks directly. The goal
was that banks lustily sought the big payoff that these mortgages could provide. The mortgages
and loans let low income consumers pay only a low rate of... Show more content on
So far, as a result, foreclosures are decreasing and the mortgages are becoming more affordable, but
job creation and transparency in the market has not occurred, so the crisis continues.
Fortunately, job creation is projected to increase by this spring due to the passing of the
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act dubbed the economic stimulus to pull us out of the
recession and create jobs; therefore, new job growth will help citizens pay their mortgages and
lower foreclosure even more. Despite all of these laws, there still remains one vital part to ensure
the stability of our financial system: transparency. Congress has proposed a financial overhaul bill
that would enforce new rules and regulation to the industry, but the downfall of it is that it would
hinder needed economic growth in a time of feeble recovery. So I propose creating an internet
portal administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The government
would then require banks to put the address on the top of every loan application to ensure
consumer awareness of the address. The portal or website would allow consumers to create a
profile and input a basic credit history. The employees at the Department of Housing and Urban
Development would then perform calculations about the type of loan, the ability to refinance and
buy a home, the risk factor for different types of loans, the outcome of the housing market in the
future, and a background check on every bank in
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Stereotypes Of Alienation
Musician Boyd Rice stated I never understood alienation. Alienation what? You have to be part
of something in order to feel alienated from it (World Famous Quotes). Rice s statement reveals
that humans are a part of certain cultures or societies yet feel as if they are not. On occasions,
individuals choose to be alienated from groups, but others are alienated against their will. Cultures
and societies both can give individuals a way to connect with one another but also can be a way of
segregating others. Society s stereotypes create a notion that everyone in a certain group should be
the same otherwise they are an outcast. Alienation can be beneficial to one s growth but also shows
how the individual has to attempt to fit a certain stereotype... Show more content on
Torvald catches his wife eating macaroons and comments No, I am sure of that; besides, you
gave me your word . Keep your little Christmas secrets to yourself, my darling. They will all be
revealed tonight when the Christmas Tree is lit, no doubt (7). Nora purposely tells these little
lies and says things so that Torvald will hear them. The lies and the comments aimed at her
husband are Nora s way of revolting against Torvald s rules. Nora consumed macaroons because
Torvald banned them from being in the household. When Torvald notices the crumbs around her
mouth, Nora states that Mrs. Linde made her eat them. Nora tells these lies to show that she is
her own individual rather than Torvald s belief that she is less superior to him. Torvald calls
Nora nicknames such as little skylark and little squirrel to show that he views her as childlike and
innocent. He believes that she is incapable of spending money wisely when in reality, Nora
attempts to pay off the loan. Nora s lies about the loan show that she is an adult who can make big
decisions. Nora tells lies to emphasize her attempt to revolt against the stereotypical
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Research Paper On Hatshepsut
Queen Hatshepsut
Hatshepsut was born in 1507 BC.
She was born to Thutmose I and Ahmose.
Hatshepsut means She is first among noble women.
In Egypt, the tradition is that the woman is only the wife, nothing else.
Hatshepsut married her half brother, son of Thutmose I and his secondary wife, Mutnofret, when
she was about twelve years old. His name was also Thutmose, making him Thutmose II.
She was married to her half brother in order to make his reign more legitimate, since he was only
the son of a secondary wife and not the queen.
They had a daughter named Neferure.
Thutmose II died after about 14 years of rule.
The throne went to another son named Thutmose, who was born to Thutmose II and one of his
secondary wives, named Iset, which made him Thutmose III. ... Show more content on ...
Hatshepsut ruled for about seven years until something changed. It s unknown exactly why she did
it, maybe she was being threatened by another part of the royal family who wanted the throne,
maybe she wanted the power that would come with being a pharaoh, but she dressed up as a man
and declared herself the pharaoh of Egypt.
She wasn t disguising herself as man, everyone knew she was a woman, but they accepted her.
Hatshepsut was the 5th pharaoh of the 18th
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Nt1310 Unit 3 Site Review Paper
More than 2.6 million of the top 10 million websites on the web are powered by WordPress. It s
no wonder hackers are so interested in WP websites. WordPress does a good job of issuing patches
and monitoring vulnerabilities, but with so many third party themes and plugins out there, your
WP website may still be at risk.
The WordPress plugins below will help you take your security to a new level and protect your
assets online.
Number One: All in One WP Security Firewall
This plugin is packed with advanced security features and functionality. Protect your assets with
Lockdown Login capabilities utilizing features that enable you to determine how many login
attempts a user can make before being locked out and which IP addresses are blocked, and ... Show
more content on ...
For advanced protection, consider iTheme Pro which comes with two factor authentication,
automated daily malware scanning and a dashboard widget to help you manage user banning and
system scans directly from your WP dashboard. Check out iThemesSync if you want an easy way
to manage multiple website from a single pane. By the way, you can Sync your first ten sites for
free easy to use, easy to manage and easy on your budget, what s not to love about this security
Rated 4.7 out of 5 by WP users
Number Three: WordFence
Every minute, WordPress websites experience almost 10,000 attack attempts. Whether you choose
the free version, or opt to pay the $5.00 for a premium download, you can have confidence
WordFence is always on top of your risks and vulnerabilities. The plugin comes with functionality
that enables you to view crawlers in real time, scan your core, theme and plugin files, customize
blocking protocol and so much more. After you install the plugin, read this checklist to make sure
your team is doing everything they can to strengthen website security and keep bots and evil doers
from sneaking in the backdoor.
Rated 4.9 out of 5 by WP users
Number Four: Block Bad Queries
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Alan Moore s Watchmen As The Golden Age Of Superheroes In...
For centuries, man has struggled with the concepts of good and evil and have produced
astounding works as a reflection of it. This is ideally the foundation of early fables and folklore
dating back to ancient civilizations. Stories about famed heroes and the battle of good and evil
woven into extravagant tales of danger, destiny, and triumph. These stories were often assimilated
into individual societies, told from generation to generation until eventually finding themselves
becoming an integral part of the culture. In 1938, a new era began to emerge known as the golden
age of superheroes. Supermanmade his first appearance in action comics, forging a unique identity
as the first comic book superheroin American culture and quickly... Show more content on ...
Because Rorschach grew up experiencing injustice and constant humiliation from other
children, he sees his barbaric acts as being equitable, almost as if they redeem him of the rightful
childhood he never had. On page 182, panels 4 6, Rorschach s mother relentlessly beats him after
one of her patrons storms out on her. Rorschach tries to explain his actions to his mother, stating
that he thought the man was hurting her, this can arguably mean he was coming to her aid. Still,
she beats him mercilessly. This is a brief example of what he endured in childhood that later
manifests itself through his troublesome adolescence and haunts him into adulthood. On page
203 panel 8, Rorschach stands outside a man s home, watching as it becomes engulfed in flames,
notably, this man was allegedly responsible for the murder of a little girl. Rorschach interprets
slaughtering him as an act of redemption, especially because the victim was a small, helpless
child. We see his character illuminated by the bright orange embers as his own dark shadow is
cast behind him. This panel essentially captures Rorschach s character, his face covered and his
hands resting in his pockets, giving the reader a sense of his cool yet dark demeanor stemming
from a troubled past. Similarly, he stands tall in the panel, a metaphor that could interpreted as
standing tall in the face of injustice knowing justice has been served on his own terms. His
character is misunderstood and seen as cold hearted. Often
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An Analysis Of Washington s Atlanta Exposition Address
Washington was born into slavery in 1856, despite this he received an education at the Hampton
Institute, a school designed to educate African Americans and Native Americas. In 1881,
Washington built and became the headmaster at a school, the Tuskegee Institute, which was
virtually all black in population. From this Washington lived a comfortable life and was able to
give a number of addresses regarding issues of black rights. Washington s famous speech, the
Atlanta Exposition address, was given in 1895.The address was a speech designed to seek
compromise between the races, through asking for greater treatment from white Southerners, in
return for positive economic cooperation through educating black peoplein the industrial spheres.
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Mexican-American Studies Textbook Analysis
Within America, each state is responsible for the operation of public schools and rules addressing
curriculum, teaching methods, and learning materials; the process Texas has implemented to adopt
new school textbooks is illustrated in the three articles, Publisher Defends Controversial Mexican
American Studies Textbook, Explained: how Texas picks its textbooks, and Teaching Truthiness.
These articles, in particular, focus on problems with Mexican American Heritage, a proposed
Mexican American textbook for schools in Texas. They each express similar information over this
event, such as the unique viewpoints of people involved. By analyzing this information, it becomes
apparent that the current adoption process for textbooks in Texas doesn t... Show more content on ...
They each described the different opinions of Republicans and Democrats over a controversial
Mexican American studies textbook, which in turn, highlighted a distinct relationship between
politics and education. Furthermore, they revealed a downfall in the adoption process, proving
that it doesn t always work out how it is intended to. Now, it is up to Texas to determine how they
proceed with the adoption process in order to successfully help students further their knowledge and
develop a quality
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Lewis And Clark Dbq Analysis
The American travelers Lewis, and Clark embarked on a journey, discovering new lands and
space bought from the French. Along the way they encountered numerous tribes, and numerous
Natives who have aided them in many ways, but new evidence states that the legendary
cartographers were in fact very impolite people. Many people debate about it, but were Lewis
and Clark respectful to the Natives they met on their journey? They weren t in fact respectful at
all. They left a medal on a dead Native to sprout fear between the people, and rid the Natives of
their land to poor soil, as well as used their own belief and religion against them. According to
Lewis s diary entry (Doc B), While the men were preparing the horses, I put four shields and two
bows and quivers of arrows which had been left [by the Indians] on the fire... I also retook the
flag but left the medal about the neck of the dead man that they might be informed who were.
Lewis left the medal on the deceased male to inform the others who they were. This means that
they want to make the people of the tribe aware of who was in charge , and what would happen if
anyone stepped out of line. This is disrespectful because that was a person they cared about and to
mock, and use him inhumanely is truly preposterous!... Show more content on ...
Instead of simply showing gratitude for the aid on their journey, they are kicked off their land and
given poorer, underutilized grounds to live upon. The white people took land that was already
theirs and decided to purposely cause cultural genocide for the Natives. This shows rudeness and
disrespect because the Natives aided them, and without their help Lewis and Clark would be lost
and probably
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Redundant Storage Vs Backup Storage
Redundant Storage
Redundant Storage vs Backup
Redundant storage in the context of data storage usually refers to the use of Redundant Array of
Independent Disks (RAID). RAID is a set of disks which are usually identical in specifications and
when configured will divide or replicate the data saved on them.
A backup is where a copy of the data is stored on the same disk or another location and is the
primary means for retrieval of data should the need arise (i.e. due to loss of data or corruption).
The difference lies in the fact that RAID utilises multiple disks, which either replicates or divides
the data among them as opposed to storing a copy of the data on a memory storage device as in the
case of a backup. Backup has the capability of ... Show more content on ...
In such a situation backup has the advantage in that it has the capability of being stored off site.
One possible improvement to redundant storage is to change the configuration to mirroring with
the capability of being backed up off site.
Striping, Mirroring Parity
Striping in the context of RAID refers to data being split up among a group disks (array). An
analogy would be like cutting up strips on a piece of paper (with text on it) and every odd line
stored on one disk and every even line stored on another disk. (Most commonly used in RAID 0.
Mirroring refers to the replication of logical disk volumes onto separate physical hard disks in real
time to ensure continuous availability. (Most commonly used in RAID1)
Parity refers to a bit added to the end of a string of binary code that indicates whether the number
of bits in the string with the value one is even or odd. Parity is the simplest form of error detecting
code in data.
The benefit of striping is that more data can be fitted on the group of disks (array) due to the fact
that it is divided up rather than replicated on each disk.
The benefit of mirroring is that in the event of a system crash there is a much greater chance of
recovery due to the fact that an entire copy of the data is replicated on each disk of the array.
Parity can be used for checking and repairing errors on
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Systematic Research Review On The And Late Initiation Of...
Systematic Research Review Systematic Research Reviews (SRR) is seen as the highest level
of evidence that synthesizes all relevant studies and critically analyzes key elements to answer a
specific research question (Sriganesh, Shanthanna Busses, 2016). The aim of this paper is to
critique an SRR related to early versus late initiation of epidural analgesia for labor, the
relevance of the research problem, research rigor, levels of evidence, clarity of the findings,
overall findings and implications for use in current nursing practice and future research.
Relevance of the Research Problem Patients have a choice to deliver their babies without any
form of pain medication and having a natural delivery is a painful process. Many women view
this process as the worst pain they have ever experienced in their lifetime (Sng et al., 2014). The
laboring process starts out as mild to severe pain. When the level of pain becomes unbearable,
patients often seek out ways to relieve their pain and often times, it is done through epidural
analgesia. The controversial issue among pregnant women is knowing when the correct time to
request an epidural. The aim of this review is to provide evidence base information on the safety
of early initiation versus late initiation of epidural analgesia and its maternal and fetal outcome
(Sng et al., 2014). The relevance of this topic is to see if epidural timing can cause an effect on the
laboring process such as increasing the risk of caesarean
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Spirituality Across Britain Differ From Aboriginal...
Spirituality across Britain differs from Aboriginal spirituality in numerous ways. Religion was a
very important aspect in nineteenth century Britain, although it could be reasoned that their
individual spirituality was less developed compared to that of the Aborigines. This is because the
religions at the time were very strict on what followers should and shouldn t do. The entire of the
religion s followers followed the guidelines set by the church. was There was no one major
religion in eighteenth century Britain different religions that were important included Church of
England, Catholic and Presbyterian. There was a lot of importance put on tangible objects in
these religions there was the sacred texts books which contained guidelines for how to live their
lives, holy deities who were seen as not being capable of wrong doing and strict customs. An
individual person s spirituality was commonly the same as every other member of the religion.
Aborigines were and continue to be very deeply connected to their spirituality.
History of Contact
Australia Wide
British Settlement
After Captain James Cook discovered Australia in 1770 he claimed the land for Britain assuming
Australia to be of Terra Nullius . This principle of British law meant the land could be claimed as it
belonged to no one. This was not true as the Indigenous Australians had been living in the country
for over 50,000 years and were owners of the land. Nevertheless it was seen as not belonging to
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New Grub Street
New Grub Street
New Grub Street is known as
George Robert Gissing s best and most respected novel. This masterpiece gives its readers a taste of
the anti idealistic principle that is shown all throughout Grub
Street. This society that Gissing has mirrored from his own life experience is one that revolves
around selfishness and money.
The reader is supposed to understand that the art of literature cannot exist without good economic
The term Grub Street continues to be used in reference to authors and journalists who are compelled
to struggle desperately to make a bare livelihood, and also to those who have no scruples about
what they write so long as it brings them profit or popularity (Ward32).
The novel s ... Show more content on ...
New Grub Street was published in the same year that Gissing married Edith Underwood. This
was his second unhappy marriage to an alcoholic shrew. Edith was unhappy because she believed
her husband to be a failure. The character of Amy Reardon in New Grub Street also thought her
husband to be a failure due to his poverty and small literary success. Therefore, Gissing s personal
life had a huge impact on his writing.
Several reviews were found on this novel that were not optimistic. Jacob Korg did one such
review. The reader is aware of the author at his shoulder, pointing to one detail after another as
illustrations of an implicit lesson (Dimauro 131). Korg is saying that Gissing intrudes being an all
knowing omniscient narrator. The author s overwhelming presence is found in the tone,
vocabulary, and passages of comment. Gissing s personal opinions are forced upon the reader in
his characters thoughts and actions. The intrusions could be irritating to the reader who would like
to skip over the seemingly pointless descriptions and historical backgrounds. P.J. Keating did
another review that was not favorable.
He was a morbidly autobiographical novelist and this has, perhaps, prevented his best work from
receiving the critical attention it deserves. Sometimes, as in the portrait of Reardon, Gissing
becomes too personally involved and this is a flaw which needs to be recognized (Michaux
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The Importance Of Volunteering
At some point in life almost everyone is going to end up in a nursing home. The phase of ageing
causes the elderly to go through a phase of mixed emotions of loneliness and depression. Students
should volunteer in their local community because it can benefit the elderly, the volunteers themself
and the community.
Older students are more and likely to volunteer than younger students ( volunteering ). Younger
students want to spend more time on playing video games , hanging out with friends and doing
what they prefer to do so volunteering doesn t seem to come to mind. Teens of the ages 16 to
19, are more and likely to volunteer than other age groups of the age of 35 ( volunteering ). A
little over a third of High School seniors volunteer at least once a month. Among all the Tenth
Graders, the percentages and patterns was similar with the Twelfth Graders. In the Year of 1991
the percentage of Twelfth Graders who volunteered increased to 24%. ( Volunteering ). As many
years came the percentage of Twelfth graders who volunteered increased. In the year of 2001 the
percentages of Twelfth Graders who volunteered increased to 35% and stayed steady until 2010 (
volunteering ). Between the years of 2010 and 2014, volunteering among both tenth and twelfth
graders increased( Trends ). Based on these statistics, it is clear that individuals should put in more
time in volunteering because it helps a lot with the elderly and community.
Many seniors face a lot of different
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Essay on Book Review 46 pages
Elliot Loud Triston Young 46 Pages 1301 Im going to give you my take on the book 46 pages by
Scott Liell. This book was first copyrighted in 2003. This book is general consensuses of how
Scoot Liell viewed Thomas Paine s writing of Common Sense and the Turning point to
Independence and how they effected the colony s. He shows us the true meaning of Thomas
Paines writings and how valuable they were even after nearly two and a half century s. This
novel is written in a third person person point of view we get a first row seat in the viewing of
how Thomas Paines writing of the Common Sense. Liell goes into great detail to show us how
substantial Common Sense really was, and how it shaped life into... Show more content on ...
They believed that the king would come to their aid but this was far from the truth as Thomas
Pane proves. Lille efficiently establishes that the idea of independence spread almost overnight,
it did not come easily. He take us back and reveals things that we may not have previously
known, he shows us his true colors in valuing Common Sense and its importance. Pane attacked
the king saying that he was just as responsible as parliament for the state of the colonies. After
Thomas Paine was condemned by the British after the revolution, he became the sole reason for
the American Revolution and their thirst for independence. Liell did an outstanding job in
reporting most of Paine s life before and after his fame in America. Never before has as single
document had such an impact on people that they took action for something they believed in.
Common Sense was and will forever be one of the most valuable writing in all of our history I
feel it can easily without hesitation be compared to the Declaration of independence. They are
both based on the same subject matter for one goal for the colonies to breach the oppression of
the King. Lille says O! ye that love mankind! Ye that dare oppose not only the tyranny but the
tyrant, stand forth! Every spot of the world is overrun with oppression. Freedom hasth been
hunted round the globe (pg 81). He writes of how he is calling for people
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Public Order Crimes
Assignment #4Ingrid Victorero
1. What are public order crimes, and how are they different from violent and property crimes?
Explain how moral entrepreneurship affects the public perception of morality and thus the creation
of new public order crimes.
Public order crimes are crimes against the public consensus of morality. Sometimes public order
crimes are called victimless crimes, as there is no clear victim that can be identified. A crime
against the public order is quite different than a crime against a person. Violent and property
crimes are a direct victimization against a person. The victim has been affected by violence and
the act has caused a loss of something of value. Moral entrepreneurs can be ... Show more content
on ...
For this reason, victimless crimes are often called consensual crimes. One common example of a
victimless crime is prostitution. Offering sexual favors in exchange for money is considered a
crime in many places. Both the solicitor and the prostitute can be arrested for violating public
decency laws. If, however, both parties are deemed to have committed the illegal act consensually,
then neither party may be considered victims in the eyes of the law. Prostitution is often not a free
choice. Prostitution is usually accompanied by forms of force or enslavement Most prostitutes use
drugs regularly. Addiction means they must stay to pay for drugs. Pimping, gangsterism; runaway
girls to cities or immigrants who are promised good jobs. Often, the initial loss of innocence was
forced by sexual abuse / rape. Street prostitution becomes trafficking when a pimp uses force, fraud
and/or coercion to maintain control over the person providing commercial sexual services and cause
the person to engage in commercial sex acts. An individual engaged in street prostitution under the
age of 18 is considered a victim of sex trafficking regardless of the presence of force, fraud or
coercion. Unfortunately, when purchasing a prostitute, many buyers don t think about the serious
consequences that come with street sex. Sexually transmitted disease, infidelity, violence, thefts and
many crimes take place with the average prostitute exchange. Wives, husbands and innocent
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Structural Significance Of The Fall In John Milton s...
Final Milton Paper on the Structural Significance of the Fall
The introduction should brief characterize PL... and set up argument elegantly.
Though Milton details Adam and Eve s falls separately, the fall in Paradise Lost is not two
separate falls, but one because Adam and Eve are not independent of each other. Rather Milton has
them fall physically apart to emphasize how connected they are, and in doing so, through the fall,
he solidifies Eve as a symbol of liberty and Adam as a symbol of reason, thus making significant
comments on the relationship between and the significance of the relationship between reason and
liberty. In totality, through the structural significance of the fall, Milton is not only able to justify
the ways of God to man, as stated in his thesis for Paradise Lost, but is able to justify the ways of
man, legitimizing some of his major assertions in his prose works such as Second Defense of the
English People, Areopagitica, and The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates.
Analyszing their individual falls revelas that Milton uses the falls to solidfy Eve as a symbol of
liberty and Adam as a symbol of reason. Thoughout the epic, Adam is portrayed as a symbol of
reason through his rational disposition. In Areopagitica, John Milton s address to the English
Parliament of censorship, he states Many there be that accuse divine accusation for suffering Adam
to transgress. Foolish tongues! when he gave him reason he gave him the freedom to choose, for
reason is but
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House Of Mirth Literary Analysis
The House of Mirth is a novel that revolves around Lily Bart s attempts to find a husband as a
way to have a successful life. Through discussing Lily s attempts to find a spouse, Wharton gives
a glimpse to upper class society in the late 1800s and early 1900s. For the first passage, Selden
ponders on Lily Bart. For the second passage, Lily confesses to Gerty her true intentions of marriage
when Lily experienced distress about her current state and her past choices.
Through a close reading of the two passages, the diction, grammatical elements, and poetic
devices utilized in these excerpts help unearth the passages hidden messages. For the first
passage, through diction, the passage sheds new light. The words no less conscious convey that
Selden is not influenced by what people tell him about Lily, since he understands Lily at a
deeper level through Selden s and Lily s talks at his flat and Bellomont than Lily s other friends
understand her. The words the woman he knew implies the version of Lily that Selden has seen
a glimpse of when Lily acts like her true self and expresses her actual thoughts. The vulgar
estimate of her shows the version of Lily that most of her friends perceive. However, they fail to
perceive Lily s true self, since Lily attempts a facade in public. The words Selden was in
impassioned self absorption indicate Selden felt deeply attracted to Lily that most of his attention
was focused on Lily. Selden s love for Lily allowed him to not judge
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Identifying A Cluster Of Media Communication
Examining a cluster of media communication in order to review common and unique approaches
that the marketing industry utilizes was not something that crossed my mind to ever do. The task
was not as easy as I expected when explained in class; but, it was interesting and seeing as though I
have learned over the years through my other classes that the average American spends somewhere
near 8 hours of their day watching television, the marketing industry has a big advantage using
commercials to attract their viewers and manipulate them into purchasing and using or consuming
the product they are delivering to them through the television screen. For this assignment, I tuned
into TBS where an episodeof Friends was finishing up and an episode... Show more content on ...
Of all the commercials I saw, they were all geared towards young adults and older. From Ink Joy
pen commercials to a commercial with Pepsi, Pizza Hut, and Reds Ale in between,
these commercials seem to be heavily concentrated on adults, the activities they take part in, and the
resources they will need for future endeavors. I was unable to document a significant difference in
the types of commercials shown during these programs in order to have much of a comparison, but
there was enough alike about them to dissect them and really figure out the methods which
broadcasting companies use in order to attract their buyers and consumers. For every television
channel I have ever watched throughout my life the commercials have always been significantly
louder than the actual show I am viewing; not just for these two channels, but I did notice it more
when actually having to pay attention. Why does this annoying thing constantly happen every
channel I choose to watch? The answer to this question: marketing purposes. It is in the companies
best interest on becoming successful with the product they are attempting to sell by turning the
volume up on their commercials louder than the actual television show because it attracts the
viewers and manipulates them in to paying attention to them. People are not watching television
shows to see the commercials; maybe some people on
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The, America, By Ralph Waldo Emerson
America the brave, America the Best, these are the phrases that an average American individual
grows up with. America without any second thoughts is considered to be the best in everything, the
number one nation in the world, which is a result of immense planning, and hard work that the
generations before us went through to build this nation. Little does one realize today that
continuous efforts are required to stay on top, and this illusion of excellence and being the best in
everything has clouded the reality for the present generation where people have started taking all
the resources and facilities for granted. The mind of this country, taught to aim at low objects, eats
upon itself. Ralph Waldo Emersonoffered that observation in 1837, but his words echo with painful
prescience in today s very different United States. Americans are in serious intellectual trouble in
danger of losing our hard won cultural capital to a virulent mixture of anti intellectualism, anti
rationalism and low expectations. People are reluctant to work hard as their ancestors did and more
emphasis is placed on the quantity of work rather than quality. Such ignorance has resulted in
sinking economy, generations today have been so much pampered by the resources provided by the
government that nobody wants to work no body wants to take the hard route anymore. There, in
fact, is absolutely no evidence to support the statement that America the greatest country in the
world anymore. We are
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The Importance Of Individualism In Society
Being an individual means to be free from society. Mark Twain portrays in his satiric novel, The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, published in 1884 in the Antebellum South in Mississippi, 14
year old protagonist exposes the immorality of white society. The author s purpose is to criticize
the racism, slavery, and the hypocrisy that existed in the white civilized society in order to enact
social change. Walt Whitmanportrays in his free verse poem Song Of Myself from the collection
Leaves Of Grass published in 1855 that everyone in the universe has a purpose and that purpose
is to be a part of nature. Whitman might express the idea to Twain that everyone in the pre Civil
War era is a part of nature and find solutions from it; therefore everyone has to value nature because
it represents the higher power. James McPherson, author of The Best Government on God s
Footstool, claims in his historical account, What We Fought For, during the Civil War is that why
did they fight. McPherson wrote similarly as Whitman in his writing, What We Fought For, that
informed his readers that both sides fought for their own way of freedom and both had equal
sacrifices. During a time of cultural turmoil the text made by Twain, Whitman and McPherson
expresses ideas of individualism and society when an individual does not conform to society s
expectations during the 19th century.
In Mark Twains The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, Twain s character Huck thinks freedom is
more important that
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Lisa The Iconoclast And The Simpsons
The short story An Enemy of the People and the Simpsons episode Lisa the Iconoclast both deal
with themes of obtaining new information and deciding whether to then release that information in
the best interests of the public based on consequences that do not only impact themselves but those
important to them. In An Enemy of the People , Dr. Stockmann has discovered information
regarding the town s public baths, that the water has been contaminated and any future use of the
facilities could lead to severe illness. In Lisa the Iconoclast , during Springfield s bicentennial
celebrations, Lisa Simpsondiscovers that the town founder, Jebediah Springfield is really Hans
Sprungfeld, a murderous pirate who had tried to kill George Washington. In both stories there are
also consequences for the Stockmann and Simpson families. Though there are ultimately major
differences as to the conclusion of each of the stories regarding their decision to withhold or release
the information based on the public opinion. One of the most important themes that both these
stories share is the existence of knowledge that the protagonists believe is important to share for the
good of the community. For Dr. Stockmann it is the baths and their contamination, for Lisa
Simpsons it is the true identity of Springfield s founder. Dr. Stockmann learns about this new
information, after sending away a sample of the town s water to a major university. When the
results are returned, he is shocked to find
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Kick Asss Is A Superhero
Every single comic fan has dreamed to be a superhero, Mark Millar, creator of Kick Ass comic
states in his interview. Millar addresses the superhero fantasies that the intended audience of the
superhero action comic and movie Kick Ass sometimes marveled at (Multipleverses). Dave
Lizewski, the main protagonist of Kick Ass, has a similar dream to the comic s audience; he also
wants to become a superhero. Dave is an average comic lover that turns into a superhero without
the qualities many of the iconic superheroes posses that follow the superhero conventions, such as
extraordinary power, skills and equipment (Chopra). The audience is able to make more
connections to Dave due to his realistic nature. Though Dave is a character with... Show more
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The audience is given a typical scene that a film, which follows the superhero conventions, may
contain, films such as The Dark Knight (Wired). Though the film begins with a scene following
a superhero genre convention, it is immediately undermined when the man clad in the superhero
costume ultimately falls to his death. The scene is utilized to emphasize the point that the film
isn t another typical superhero movie, what happens in real life will occur in the movie. The
man trying to be super instead of a hero is described as one with a history of mental instability.
The film ridicules the idea of a superhero being one with superhuman powers. As Mathew Vaughn
describe in his interview, Dave is an every day kid, [a] peter parker and doesn t get bitten by a
spider (Empire). Mathew Vaughn believes that a superhero can exist in real life and that it can be
any person who s extraordinary, not through the surface, but through the heroism of one s self. The
film emphasizes this point by making Dave, Big Daddy, and Hit Girl, the three characters that
displays the most heroism, different from the other characters.
The difference between the characters is made apparent early on in the movie. In the scene, when
Dave mentions to his friends Todd and Marty that it s not impossible to putting on a mask and
helping people, his friends describes his idea as psycho. Dave s friends ridicules at his perception
of a superhero for their
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Ongoing Delinquent Criminal Behavior
Joe. Problem/Issue: Ongoing delinquent/ criminal behavior. Goals: The identified goals
established by this worker and Joe, are to reduce criminal behavior, further Joe s academic
standing, and to provide Joe with structured activities throughout the week to reduce his negative
social behavior, and increase pro social behaviors. The following objectives were also
established by both this work and Joe, to aid in the attainment of the identified goals. Objectives:
This worker will work with Joe to (1) identified the thinking errors that contribute to his criminal
behavior, and will referred Joe to a psychosocial group held weekly to address the thinking errors.
Joe s regular participation and level of success reported each week by the facilitator... Show more
content on ...
Goals: the identified goals established by this worker and Mike are to establish positive coping
strategies, and increase social interactions. The following objectives were also established by
both this work and Mike, to aid in the attainment of such goals. Objectives: This worker will
work with Mike to (1) identify the areas that trigger maladaptive emotional responses within
Mike. (2) This worker will also work with Mike to support him in establishing positive coping
strategies to address the emotional responses. Mike s level of participation and self reported
progress with the use of the established coping strategies will be used to measure Mikes
progress. Mike will need a self reported score of 90, or greater to be considered making progress.
The identified meetings will occur weekly for duration of 12 weeks. (3) This worker will also
work with Mike to seek community activities to engage in. The level of interaction and time
spent engaging in the identified activities will gradually increase to allow Mike to acclimate to
the new settings. This worker will continue to meet with Mike on a weekly basis to ensure his
continued progress and concerns are addressed. During these scheduled meetings, this worker will
use a self reported score provided by Mike to determine the level of progress. A score of 85 out of
100, or better will be considered making
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Routine Child Immunization
The importance of knowledge or awareness and not aware of the needs of vaccination is the main
reason for children not being fully immunized. Inadequacy of community participation was also an
important factor for poor coverage. Therefore keeping every factor in mind the present study has
been carried out with the objectives of assessing the knowledge of routine child immunization
among care givers of 12 to 23 months old children, finding out the coverage of all the vaccines
among the recipients and also to identify the practice of routine immunization.
In the present study, 52.85% males and 47.15% females were there. The results are quite similar to
a study by (11) (51.9% males and 48.1% females).
In our study out of 210 infants, 70.96% of the children were fully immunized while 23.80% were
partially and only 5.24% were non immunized. Similar results of 72.23% completely immunized
and 4.64% non immunized, were observed in a study by (3) and in another study, 73.3% fully
immunized and 2.8% non immunized infants by (13). (Table 1)
We have observed 90.95% had immunized with the BCG which are comparable to 93.2% by
DLHS 3 Tonk, 94.75% by (13) ... Show more content on ...
In the present study there were 57.61% named Tuberculosis, 24.28% for Diphtheria, 18.57 %
named Pertussis and 65.24% named Measles a VPD, similar to a study by (4) i.e. 52.4%
Tuberculosis, 23.2% Diphtheria, 17.3% were Pertussis and 61.9% for Measles. In our study
contraindication for vaccination indicated by caretakers was 46.67% fever, 45.24% cough and cold
and 18.57% told diarrhoea, similar to 46.0% for fever by (4) and 41.0% for cold and 14.0% for
diarrhoea by
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Lawrence Lessig Net Neutrality
On December 30, 2015, Lawrence Lessig, Professor of Law and Ethics at Harvard University, who
had announced his candidacy for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination the previous month,
told the Wall Street Journal that, ...When push comes to shove, if certain services are not available
to you because of privacyrestrictions, you back out of restrictions...Where I can protect privacy at
very low cost, people will want to protect privacy (The CIO Report RSS). Lessig was referring to
the controversial concept of net neutrality, which is essentially the idea that ISPs, or Internetservice
providers, should allow the public to access any amount of content on the Internet the same way,
which is what currently the case, but some parties have... Show more content on ...
Many individuals still believe in the progressive ideals that the Internet was founded upon, and
want to see that it continues to be a place for innovation, where information is free and available.
They don t want large corporations having very strict control over that. Only a few days ago, the
House of Representatives passed a bill in an attempt to limit the FCC s authority on net neutrality.
The debate on net neutrality is far from over, and no one knows how the Internet will operate a
decade from now. One thing is clear, however: the American people have a huge influence on what
will ultimately happen, so if they want to maintain the privacy and freedom that they desire, they
need to continue to make their voices
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The Integration Of Computers And Software Tools
Bioinformatics is the integration of computers and software tools to analyse information associated
with biomolecules on a large scale. Conventionally, biological study examines individual system in
detail and uses the data that is produced to frequently compare similar systems that are related.
However, bioinformaticsfacilitates scientists to study and conduct global analysis of all the
available data. This allows researchers, to uncover common principles that may be applied across
numerous systems, which results in different features to be highlighted (Luscombe , et al., 2001).
Due to the increased amount of research that has been conducted in association with genes and
proteins, computational methods such as bioinformatics has become ... Show more content on ...
Computational biology became popular during the 1970 s when the price of computers decreased
and they were easier to use and more readily available. Subsequently, this new technology was
introduced primarily to store and manage data that was produced through genomic research. This
then resulted in investigations to be completed in shorter amounts of time, which lead to larger
investigations, leading to more data being produced. Thus, bigger and better computers were
needed to manage the data that was generated. Hence, bioinformatics was used to create tools,
algorithms and databases, which enabled comprehensive management of data. Therefore, as more
and more data is being produced, the need for more powerful computers are needed in order to
manage the data. Furthermore, due to large amount of data being generated, larger databases are
required and more powerful tools are needed to manage and store the data.
The proteins play a key role in the biological function and their studies make possible to understand
the mechanisms that occur in many biological events. The human genome project enabled the
emergence of proteomics. Proteomics is the large scale study of proteins, particularly the functions
and structure of different proteins. The field of bioinformatics has had a significant effect in
proteomics, as it has introduced new algorithms to handle large and heterogeneous data sets.
Moreover, Bioinformatics has offered the
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Baseball, Baseball And Softball
When it comes to Baseball and Softball, these two sports have many similarities, but yet differ in
many areas of the game. It insists, Softball is often referred to baseball for girls, with a larger ball
and aa smaller diamond (History of Softball). Even though there may be some truth about that
statement, it doesn t mean that s the only difference between the two. When it comes down to it,
both sports have specific field requirements, equipment, rules and future occupations. Baseballhas
special field requirements for the different levels of baseball. The general levels of baseball
include little league, pony, high school, college, and professional. Even though high school,
college, and professional are different levels of baseball they have almost the same field
regulations. The baseline is the distance between bases, each base is exactly 90 feet apart from
one another in a diamond shape and there is four bases total. The pitcher s mound has to be 60
feet 6 inches away from home base. From home plate to the backstop needs to be about 60 feet. The
outfield consists of three sections; left field, center field, and right field. The left and right field can
be from 320 feet up to 350 feet, while center field can be up to 400+ feet away from home plate
(Frazier). These are the general regulations every baseball field needs to acquire before becoming a
legal baseball field for high school, college, and professional players to be able to play on. There
are many little
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Using The Pulse Echo Principle ( Venables 2011a )
Sound is a mechanical wave, propagating through a medium in order for it to travel (Venables
2011a). Ultrasound is defined as high frequency sound waves, above the audible range i.e. 20 kHz
(Zidan et al. 2011). These waves are formed using the pulse echo principle (Venables 2011a). This
principle refers to the piezoelectric crystals which are situated in the transducer. When an
alternating electrical voltage is applied across the transducer element (Lieu 2010), the element
undergoes a series of compressions and rarefactions, resulting in electrical energy being converted
into mechanical waves (ultrasound). These ultrasound waves propagate through tissues until they
reach an acoustic interface. It is here where there is a change in impedance (an acoustic boundary)
(Venables 2011a, that ultrasound waves will be reflected back to the transducer as echoes. These
reflected echoes are then turned into an electrical signal and displayed on the ultrasound image as
shades of grey, ranging from black to white.
For the best possible image to be achieved, ultrasound requires good spatial resolution. Spatial
resolution is the ability of two structures which are close together to be seen as separate, along the
axis and perpendicular to the ultrasound beam (Gibbs et al. 2009). Good spatial resolution
corresponds to an optimum axial and lateral resolution. Axial resolution depends on the spatial
pulse length, if the pulse length is decreased better axial resolution will be achieved. This
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Descriptive Essay FSU
FSU Essay As I stare anxiously at my coach, my heart pounding. He signals for a squeeze bunt,
as I stand on third I ready myself. This run determines the winner, in the bottom of the seventh
inning. The fans sit nervously on the edge of their seats, as they watch my team comeback from
losing 10 2. What I do next decides the outcome of this game. My eyes lock in on the pitchers
palm, ball in hand. She winds up, throwing her arm in a circle. As her arm reaches directly above
her head, I take off. Jenna places the bunt aimed towards the pitcher, however, before she even
picks up the ball, I glide safely into home. American Heritage s Lady Patriots just won the state
championship. The experience of winning states will never be forgotten in my
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Generation Of Nurses
The differences between men and women in the unit that I work in is more by age than by grouped
by sex. The older generation of nurses seems to work more independently then be younger
generations. The older nurses are more solitary and do not embrace team nursing. The younger
generation nurses tend to work as team members and have a group belonging mentality. They
patients are the unit s patients and everyone has to work together. The older nurses own their
patients, and no one should touch them.
The older nurses are considered from the Baby Boomer generation and are typically in the fifties
and sixties (Borkowski, 2011 p. 39). These nurses tend to be long term employees who stay with
tradition and have a hard working attitude (Borkowski, 2011). The younger nurses would be in the
Generation X and Millennial age grouping, who tend to be less formal and have a more casual
relationship with their employer (Borkowski, 2011, P. 39). The different generations present unique
management challenges when handling the group s needs.
The additional difference is that the older generation of nurses is there for longevity celebrating 20
and 30 years with the hospital. The newer generation nurses are beefing up their resumes and are
leaving on a monthly basis. The younger generation is always looking for the next experience, the
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The good managers that truly manage the group can sit down with the group of younger nurses and
harness the group effort. They also individually handle the older nurses as unique independent
individuals. The best charge nurses balance between both groups equally a converse with the older
nurses independently and the team approach with younger nurses. The times that an older or
younger nurse covers charge is a tough experience when speaking with the alternate
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What Is The Vanishing Point Of View Of The Last Supper
The Last Supper is a painting made by Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. The painting
was completed on February 9th, 1498 and is located in the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie
in Milan. The Renascence masterpiece depicts Christ s final supper with his apostles before being
arrested by the authorities. The use of perspective in the mural is prominent and easily appreciated.
Leonardo used one point perspective because all of the lines in the paintingconvert at the top of
Christ s head, which is considered the vanishing point. The horizon line extends from both sides of
the vanishing point and thus goes through the top of some apostles heads. He also employs aerial
perspective, or depth by atmosphere, as he uses dull colors
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Sherlock Holmes Quotes
There are not many standout characters in literature that are internationally known and loved as
much as Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes is a world wide known character created by Sir
Arthur Conan Doyle. After killing him off Doyle brings back Sherlock in The Hounds of the
Baskervilles. In the Hounds of the Baskervilles the internationally known character Sherlock lives
up to his own legend. One of the most well known things about Sherlock is his extremely high
intelligence, his power of deduction, and his keen ability to understand and predict human
behavior. Doyle immediately shows the reader Sherlock s deduction skills in the beginning of the
novel when he studies Dr. James Mortimer s walking stick as he deduces that he owns a small...
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Watson. Throughout The Hounds of The Baskervilles Sherlock the reader can see that Sherlock
is not able cope with boredom. This is seen the quote, Holmes struck his hand passionately upon
the rock in front of us stamped his feet in impatience, (Doyle, 1902, Pg.) In the quote we see
Sherlock unable to cope with waiting. Instead of acting normally Sherlock decides to injure
himself as he can t cope with his boredom of waiting. This is a perfect example of Sherlock s
known personality of being unable to be bored or wait. Another thing Sherlock is internationally
notable for is his love for a challenge of someone intelligent. This excitement Sherlock has is seen
in many of the Sherlock Holmes novels and an example of this is James Moriarty. We see this
excitement in the quote, The cunning rascal... I tell you, Watson, this time we have got a
foeman who is worthy of our steel. (Doyle, 1902, Pg.). In the quote we see a excited Sherlock as
he finally is gaining the rush of a challenging opponent. Sherlock is known for this as most
regular heros see a challenging opponent as bad thing, while Sherlock sees it as fun. Sherlock is
also acknowledged for his partner and friend Dr. Watson who is the narrator of most of the
Sherlock novels. Throughout The Hounds of the Baskervilles we see Sherlock and Watson
together. We see the dynamic relationship of Sherlock and Watson in the quote, I am afraid, my
dear Watson, that most of your conclusions were erroneous. When I said that you stimulated me I
meant, to be frank, that in noting your fallacies I was occasionally guided towards the truth. Not
that you are entirely wrong in this instance. (Doyle, 1902, Pg. ). Just like in the legend of Sherlock
Holmes we see Sherlock trying to appreciate Watson, but ends up insulting him. Even after insulting
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James Crisp s Sleuthing The Alamo
All through history there has been a plentiful measure of occasions; some are substantial and ready
to change the course of history, while some are little and have minuscule influence in the
advancement of today s general public. At the point when initially brought into the subject of Texas
Independence, James Crisp s, the creator of Sleuthing the Alamo, surveys a lot of data that paves
the way to address given by Sam Houston, concerning the theme of accepting TexasIndependence
from Mexico. At the point when Crips goes over this discourse he is amazed by the word usage of
the location and wasn t anticipating that it should give such a stunning component. With the stun of
the discourse, Crips had a right personality to go on a noteworthy chase... Show more content on ...
One of the disclosures was that Charlotte Churchill s interpretation precluded an extraordinary
measure of data of H. Ehrenberg s unique German content. For this specific interpretation it was
gone through altering, which brought about numerous erasures, to make it considerably more
youngster fitting with the goal that it was considered to wind up separated of the state funded
educational system. Another disclosure made, was that actuality that the majority of the Sam
Houston discourse, which was represented by H. Ehrenberg, had numerous things added to it.
Things that were included incorporated an individual assessment of youthful German solider,
which prior on in his enterprise was taken hostage by Mexicans and could escape demise. An
assessment to such of these principles would emphatically change the result of how the discourse
was composed.
All through James Crisp s examination of the Sam Houston discourse, he doubts sources,
furthermore inquires about until he s found the right answers and disclosures he was searching for.
Today, understudies carelessly trust that the sources given to them in a classroom setting are the
unrivaled hotspot for them to gain from. Inside of the setting and recorded data of this book, the
peruser can figure out how to question sources, and how not to accept one and only history
specialist s feeling, or even an interpretation, of a specific
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Current State Of New Zealand And The United States Of...
Over the last thirty years the economic rise of China has contributed to a worldwide shift in
power. Discussing the current state of New Zealand s relationship with both China and the United
States of America (USA), this essay will outline likely future foreign policy choices. Authors such
as Mosher and Krauthammer see the rise of China as a threat to the West that must be contained, a
view which is not widely accepted. With reference to New Zealand s recent economic and strategic
success this essay will suggest that future foreign policymust work to deepen relations with both
countries. New Zealand must not choose between China nor the USA, instead a broad based
approach to trade and international relationsshould be maintained.
In 2008 New Zealand was the first of the Organisation for Economic Co operation and
Development countries to sign a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China. As a result China has
overtaken the USA as our second largest trading partner, with exports increasing from NZ$2.3
billion in 2008 to NZ$6.7 billion in 2012. In 2010 New Zealand set the goal of doubling two way
trade with China by 2015, a goal which was achieved a full year earlier. Speaking to the New
Zealand Institute of International Affairs (NZIIA) in 2010 John Key described New Zealand China
relations as unquestionably and unashamedly an economic relationship . Without pausing the New
Zealand and Chinese governments have been quick to capitalize on this recent economic success.
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Biological Weapons And Its Uses
Dating back to the 1100 s there have been records of the use of biological weapons in warfare.
This involved the usage of human and animal corpses to pollute water sources and to spread
diseases. Post World War One increased interest in biological weapons lead to them becoming
more advanced. With this improvement it is evident that warfare has evolved. This progression
in warfare can be seen when looking at the manner in which wars were fought prior to the
introduction of biological weapons in the 1100 s, and comparing it to the manner in which they
were fought succeeding the advancement of these weapons in the 1900 s. Although biological
weapons have rarely been used, their effects on warfare are apparent. When studying biological
weapons one must deliberate on the factors that have driven its use and creation as well as the
responses and threats thereof. This essay will therefore focus on depicting biological weapons and
their uses throughout history; beginning with its most medieval applications in siege warfare and
comparing it to its various uses in World War One, Japan in the 1920 s , the Cold Warand the
Persian Gulf War. The reasons as to why biological weapons have been used and created differ in
each circumstance, ranging from its advantageousness in imperialism to its role in instilling fear.
Furthermore, to properly determine the impact of biological weapons on warfare this essay will
examine the outcomes of its use. With the main response being the
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Description Of Biltmore Hotel
The Biltmore Hotel is located in Coral Gables, Florida around 10 minutes from downtown Miami.
The hotel sits proudly on the corner of Anastasia Avenue and Columbus Boulevard.
The Biltmore is a lovely mix of Victorian and European and was built in 1925. It is advertised as a
luxury golf and spa resort. The hotel has long catered to high society and has seen guests like Al
Capone, the Roosevelt family, the Vanderbilts, Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Judy Garland, Bing
Crosby and Ginger Rogers.
The hotel was built in the Mediterranean Revivalist style and has become one of the grandest
hotels in the U.S. After its heyday for some years it was used by the federal government, the
University of Miami s School of Medicine and then sat vacant.
The Biltmore then went through two major restorations in 1981 and in 1992. Today the hotel
welcomes not only guests but hosts various events like fashion shows and weddings. People can
come just to take a look at this lovely hotel and dine at the patio restaurant. Visitors can choose to
take tours and on Thursday nights both the guests and the public can listen to ghost stories.
The hotel features an 18 hole golf course, tennis courts and a country club. Right from the start it is
an impressive building with a red tile roof, resembling a European palace and has an archway over
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When the war ended it became The Hospital of Veteran s Affairs and late was the University of
Miami s Medical School where they stored cadavers of the dead homeless on the lower floors. In
1987 the hotel opened up once again as a deluxe hotel but shut down once more in 1990. It was
once again thoroughly renovated and as a result became the top hotel for Hollywood stars,
politicians and the elite catering to such people as Margaret Thatcher, Bill Clinton and Robert
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Subway Is Testing A New Rebranding Campaign
On August 18, 2015, longtime Subway pitchman Jared Fogle was arrested under a child
pornography investigation. Quick to respond, Subway communicated to press via public comment
and Twitter on their stance. Hours after the arrest, Subway made public its separation from Fogle
and its disgust and lack of knowledge of the crimes committed. Because of their quick response,
while they were directly tied to Fogle, most of the negative response was placed on Fogle and not
Subway. Moving forward, Subway is testing a new rebranding campaign in Australia that focuses
on products, rather than a pitchman.
Company History:
In 1965, a 17 year old medical school student, Fred DeLuca, opened up a submarine sandwich shop
in Connecticut on a $1,000 loan from a friend. By 1982, the chain had opened up its 300th
location. In 1984, the Subway sandwich chain was introduced overseas and by 1990, there were
more than 5,000 locations. Today, Subway has the most sandwich restaurants in the world at
37,000 locations (3). Known for their freshly baked bread and healthy options, Subway restaurants
are located in schools, malls, gas stations, airports and even zoos. In 1995, the Subway began its
journey towards becoming a major supporter of motorsports. In 1996, was
launched and was featured multiple times in the movie Happy Gilmore (3). In 1999, an article was
written about an overweight college student who lost a large amount of weight eating nothing but
Subway sandwiches
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Fabrication Of Four Wheel Steering Mechanism
BISHT VIKRAM D. SINGH 121000119023
SHINDE LALIT M. 121000119026
BIJARNIA DINESH O. 121000119034
JADHAV PRASHANT P. 121000119104
In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree
Sigma Engineering college, Matar
Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad
May 2016
Date: 20/04/2016
This is to certify that the dissertation entitled FABRICATION OF FOUR WHEEL STEERING
MECHANISM has been carried out by Bisht Vikram D. Singh (121000119023), Shinde Lalit M.
(121000119026), Bijarnia Dinesh O. (121000119034), Jadhav Prashant P. (121000119104) under
my guidance in partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical (8th
Semester) of Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad during the academic year 2015 16.
Guide:Head of Department(I/C) Principal
Mr. Sachin Jadav
Mechanical Department,SEC, MATAR.SEC, Matar.
Seal of Institute
For successful working on the Fabrication of four wheel steering mechanism we would like to
thank some
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machiavelli and the prince Essay
Social Life in Medieval and Early Modern Italy
Nicolo Macchiavelli and The Prince
At the end of the 14th century, Italy was still politically organized by city states. Emerging as one
of the most influential writers of the Renaissance, Niccolo Machiavelli was a political analyst,
whose aim was to free italy from foreign rule, as well as to unite and strengthen the Italian city
states. Machiavelli believed Italy could not be united unless its leader was ... Show more content on ...
As head of the second chancery, Machiavelli was also soon assigned the further job of secretary to
the Ten of War, the committee responsible for Florence s diplomatic relations. This meant that in
addition to his routine office duties, Machiavelli sometimes traveled abroad to act as spokesman for
the Ten.
During the next fourteen years, Machiavelli was sent on numerous diplomatic missions to France,
Switzerland, and Germany. His observations abroad resulted in many of the ideas that form the
basis for the major statements found in his political works. While in France, Machiavelli observed
the effect of having one prince ruling a united country and in 1512 he wrote his most famous
treatise The Prince. Remembering how the French benefitted from having one principality ruled
by one prince, Machiavelli intended The Prince to serve as a guide to centralize Italy under one
principality, as well as how to gain, maintain political power. Most importantly, The Prince suggests
how to rule effectively and what kind of prince is best.
Dedicated to Lorenzo DiMedici, The Prince provides a blueprint for how to take control of other
lands and how to maintain power over them. The Prince is different because Machaivelli avoids
purely theoretical issues and focues on how things actually are, rather than speculating on how they
might be. Drawing examples from his personal experiences and
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My Personal Reasoning For Choosing Nursing
Becoming a nurse offers a great opportunity to improve the way an individual s thoughts process,
by converting from a creative thinker to a critical thinker. This facilitates the general care levels
of people and gives a positive atmosphere in the environment. In this essay I will explain and
describe my personal reasoning s for choosing nursing as a career; the skills, qualities and
inspirations that I have obtained throughout my life which have influenced me. Also describing the
importance and benefits of reflective practice for nurses, discussing how I will use it in my career
as a nurse. Nursing, for me specifically is the perfect career which suits what I would enjoy and
last in as a lifetime occupation. Influences through family and friends have given me a great idea
of what nursing is like in hospitals and age care facilities, I have been educated to constantly
provide and offer others care and aid towards the people around me. Providing this type of
positive atmosphere delivers a constructive build on my self motivation and self confidence, this
is fulfilling and exciting to me. Another reason that has motivated myself to pursue in the career
of nursing is that it offers a perfect opportunity to make a huge difference in other people s lives.
Pleasing the people around me provides myself with inspiration, giving a positive impact in their
lives sustains my happiness. In the recent year and a half, bodybuilding has become a passionate
sport I participate in, the
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Gender Expectations In Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina displays a direct reflection of gender expectations in the 19th century. The sole
purpose of women being to take care of their children or to please their husbands. While men are
credited with being the leader and sole provider of the household. The majority of the characters in
this novel follow this superficial guideline, with the rare exception. The societal pressure of gender
norms placed on the characters is significant and inescapable, suggesting that if one breaks these
norms, they will endure great suffering. Women are seen as submissive objects, who must first get
and then always obey their husbands. From the beginning of the novel, the expectation of women
being the housekeepers is shown, when Dolly is cleaning... Show more content on
First being shown when Vronsky sees Kitty as a prize and as an object to obtain, Marriage had
never presented itself as a possibility to [Vronsky]. He only did not like family life, but pictured
the family, and especially a husband, according to the general view of the bachelor world in
which he lived, as something alien, hostile and, above all ridiculous (57). After showing an
abundance of attention toward Kitty, he makes it very clear that he has no intention of marrying
her, and views it as alien like in his bachelor world. Contradicting the expectation of Kitty to be
married off at 18 years old. Similiar in the sense of sexism, after Stiva perputrates his affair, no one
is even phased by the fact, everyone almost expected this action, Although Stepan Arkadyich was
roundly guilty before his wife and felt it himself, almost everyone in the house, even the nanny,
Darya Alexandrovna s chief friend, was on his side (5) Following, is the reaction of Stiva to his
own affair, No, she hates me. She won t forgive me. This is terrible, terrible! (12). Stiva does not
feel any remorse toward the fact he cheated on his wife, and the mother of his children, he only is
upset that she will not forgive him. Not only this but the reaction of others, who are not even
phased by the fact that Stiva had, and will continuously cheat on his wife, which directly contradicts
the opinions of others on Anna s affair. From both
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Gravitational Potential Energy Lab Report
To find out the relationship between gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, and total
mechanical energy of a cart as it rolls down a ramp
If the cart rolls down the ramp with constant speed, then the kinetic energy will get bigger, the
gravitational potential energy will decrease, and the total mechanical energy will stay at the same
constant value, because due to the law of Conservation of Energy, these are the estimated results.
Materials/Apparatus: ramp (1) textbooks (3/4) meter stick (1) motion sensor (1) cart (1)
GLX system
The ramp was raised at a 8.4 degree angle using 3 textbooks
The length and the height of the ramp was measured using a meter stick
The motion sensor was placed on the top of the ramp. The cart was placed near the notion sensor
and released
As the cart rolled down the ramp, the position time graph of the cart was recored
One point near the end of the graph was chosen and was represented by its d2 and the reference
point, which was used to determine the height of the cart. (this point was kept throughout the whole
The equation h = d (h/L) was used to calculate the height of the cart on the ramp
The slope tool was used to determine the speed at any point
The position and the speed was determined using the point near the start if the graph
These values were used to complete the first row
The other positions from the graph were used to complete the next three rows
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Death Of A Salesman Guidance
Throughout our childhood and adolescent years, we rely on the influences that we receive from
the outside world to help guide our underdeveloped virtues and sense of morality towards
maturity, and through these teachings, we make progress in establishing the contours of who we
are as individuals; however, not everyone will receive guidance that is beneficial to his or her
well being, for many of the people that are relied upon for this much needed wisdom are unable to
face the enigmatic fog of life, let alone mentor others through it, and for others, they will not have
anyone to guide them the fog at all. Death of a Salesmanby Arthur Miller enlightens us on the
importance that parents provide proper guidance for their young, and the... Show more content on ...
When I was young,
In our youths, the need for guidance is crucial for our development, whether it is from our parents,
a friend, or a mentor. We all start out as a blank canvas, and the product that we become is dictated
by our experiences and interpretations of reality; however, without proper directions on how to
learn from these experience, or leadership to allow us to interpret our reality with mental clarity, the
conclusions that we draw with our young, naГЇve minds can produce a distressing portrait. We are,
after all, products of our
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Pros And Cons Of Driverless Cars
Ratti, Carlo, and Assaf Biderman. From Parking Lot to Paradise. Scientific American, July
2017, pp. 54 59. EBSCO Academic Search. Accessed 23 June 2017. The Scientific American
contributing writers, Ratti and Biderman, discuss the pros and cons of driverless cars, such as
freeing up time spent driving, to making the roads safer. Concurrently: the article explores a
reduction in the number of cars needed with the onset of ride sharing; more riders per car equals
less cars required on the road. Furthermore: the article examines the pitfalls of onboard computer
viruses and the possibility of a substantial shortfall in city revenues from loss of city transport
riders and licensing fees due to a reduced number of cars on the road. Though: traffic control
would be easier in their opinion, with the use of slot technology; this is how driverless cars
would navigate the roads, like modern trains on tracks. Concluding; the authors theorize, simply
eliminating drivers could result in a disaster due to a loss of tax revenues, nevertheless we
would achieve a more urbane experience with the proper use and introduction of driverless cars.
This article leans in favor of driverless cars without targeting any age group, but then again does
show how the car could be used for nefarious activities. Randal O Toole, Dude, Where s My
Driverless Car? Gridlock: Why We re Stuck in Traffic and What To Do About It, Cato Institute,
2009, pp. 189 202.Opposing Viewpoints Online Web. 23 June
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A Sound County Almanac Summary
Aldo Leopold published a book in 1949, titled A Sound County Almanac. In the second half of
his book he discusses and creates this idea of what a land ethic should be. The land ethic simply
enlarges the boundaries of the community to include soils, waters, plants, and animals, or
collectively: the land. (239) Land ethics is a simple concept with a large amount of complexity
because it is arduous to incorporate every community member s thoughts and beliefs on how to
steward the land. In class we used two periods to create a list of 10 land ethic commandments.
Which is only 60 students compared to the United States which is 319 million people. This large
population number may describe the lull of people understanding the concept of land ethic... Show
more content on ...
Leopold discusses conservation as homo sapien involvement to respect, love, and care for the
ecosystem. That we need to step back at certain times to appreciate the environment, but also
harvest from the landscape and bear fruit. So conservation involves both human and non human
involvement. Understanding this concept further we need to understand how we do not care and
respect the environment. We need to learn what our communities problem
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The Bublebee Sips Honeuy
The music of the Balinese concert recital music showed music from the village of Peliatan,
Indonesia. The concert had several performances including a full gamelan kebyar set, a
performance of gamelan kebyar with dancing performers, and a kecak performance with
performers surrounding the singers. These performances appeared to be for entertainment as the
musicians are dressed in matching attire and have arranged themselves so that can be seen by all
those viewing. Also, the accompanying dancers all had unique costumes, and are very willing to
display their musicto outsiders such as David Attenborough and his film crew. The great variety in
performances in the recital helps to display the long enduring musical traditions of the Indonesian
In the full gamelan kebyar orchestra section there was a solely instrumental performance of a ...
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Once again the instruments had a fast, bright pitch. Interestingly the performance of the two
dancers involved the male performer joining in playing with the musicians at the end of the
performance with a metallophone. It seems that dancers and musicians do not have to be separate
groups in performances. The dance routine, called The Bublebee Sips Honeuy in English, was
designed by a man called Mario and the female performer Mario and I Gusti Ngurah Raka helped
create the female role while the male role was danced by Anak Agunbangdi. The texture of the
performance, like the previous performance, was polyphonic as the different sections of instruments
appeared to be playing different melodies with each grouping s instruments. Also, there appeared to
be little ornamentation like the previous piece as each of the sections musicians played their
distinct melodies together with a great
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Essay on Abstinence and Orgy in Measure for Measure
Abstinence and Orgy in Measure for Measure
Many existing views of Measure for Measure seem intriguing but incomplete. They might reinforce
our perception of this play as fragmented and baffling, because they do not integrate apparently
conflicting outlooks presented in the play s Vienna, and generated by the mysterious action of
Vincentio. Notice how the following different interpretations display the conflicts: the extreme
view proposed by Roy Battenhouse that the Duke stands for God (Rossiter 108 28); the modified
position of Elizabeth Marie Pope that the Duke is a successful magistrate with divinely delegated
powers ( Renaissance 66 82), almost in line with Eliade s version of a receding sky god replaced by
a local ... Show more content on ...
The context of theology provides one key to this analysis. Thomas Morton s translation of
Calvin s The Institution of Christian Religion, for example, asserts a tripartite division of
temptation as a trial in which God tests us by offering lures; the devil then assails the weakened
individuals; and evildoers consequently seek to take advantage of the afflicted (75 77). Thomas
Tymme s A Commentarie of John Caluine, vpon the first booke of Moses called Genesis also
describes God s role in temptation as that of putting us to a serious triall in order to test faith
(473). And Thomas Taylor s Christs Combate and Conquest notes that God may tempt us by
sending afflictions, by pronouncing a speciall commandement, or by occasioning objects lures.
These divinely ordained temptations occur for a proofe what is in vs, and a tryall what we doe
(69). It is the divine prerogative to assay humanity, and the human duty to obey God.
One who assumes this prerogative to test another s character by occasioning temptation who
experiments with others while pretending to be sacrosanct is presumptuous. And pride the very
medieval/Augustinian pride of life is the Duke s failing in arrogating to himself the power to tempt
Angelo. Vincentio has appeared to some as erring and inconsistent, and to others as a deific
incarnation for the same reason: the
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Tax Law and Accounting Paper
Tax Law and Accounting Paper In today s financial world, preparation and reporting of income
taxes has become one among the other main reasons why individuals and businesses are keeping
and maintain their financial records. However, there has been some controversy between tax laws
and accounting under the General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Simply because IRS
is not always agrees with GAAP s principles and thus creates its own taxlaws. This paper will
discuss the objectives of modern income tax statutes, compare and contrast the GAAS and tax
accounting, and differentiate between tax avoidance and tax evasion.
Objectives of Modern Income Tax Statutes The primary objective of the modern income tax statutes
was to amend the ... Show more content on ...
It is basically a legal process of avoiding paying too much taxes through finding tax loopholes, by
using the existing tax laws at own advantage (Murray, 2008). One example of tax avoidance was
shown by Browning in her article, IRS Aims to Curb Offshore Tax Avoidance Tactic, where she
showing on how internationally trading companies try to avoid taxes by using the transfer
pricing tactics. The transfer pricing tactic stands for companies transferring their income back
overseas by undercharging or overpaying foreign subsidiaries for goods and services (2008, p.
6). While such companies are supposed to calculate those prices as if they were between
independent entities and pay taxes, typically 35 percent, on profits brought back to the United
States (Browning, 2008, p. 6). Other examples of tax avoidance include but not limited to
various tax allowances for education, medical bills, to reduce some amount for each depended,
etc. Tax evasion, on the other hand, is the other side of the tax avoidance and is considered to be
a crime. It is a willfully attempt to evade or defeat the payment of federal income taxes (Lectric
Law, 2008). The tax evasion involves failing to report an income, or improperly failing
deductions which are not authorized by the IRS. Stark (2008), provides some examples of tax
evasion. First example includes sales tax evasion, when a retailer offers to let a customer pay cash
and provide a false
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Randall Jarrell Research Paper
The people who live in a golden age usually go around complaining how yellow everything looks.
This quote by Randall Jarrell emphasizes verbatim nature and his realistic take on his stories.
Randall Jarrell was born in the Realism Era, which is heavily reflected in his writing style;
writing about the harsh realities of war, the fragileness of life, and the struggle of life in general.
Randall s stories and the events in his life are always on the realistic side of life, focusing on
death, pain, and confusion. While he was in high school, he became the critic of his high school
newspaper. Throughout his life,Jarrell was mainly two professions. one was to evaluate the writing
of others was to make stories of his own. This gave him extremely valuable work experience, for
both... Show more content on ...
In the latter portion of Jarrell s life he fell into a very deep depression. He attempted to remedy
the depression by taking anti depressants, but the pills didn t work, infact they did quite the
opposite. The pills made Jarrell go completely bonkers. Then, after time in an insane asylum,
Jarrell was let out, Knowing that the pills couldn t help him, his depression only grew, further
darkening Jarrell s bleak outlook on life. One of Jarrell s most well known poems is titled
Losses. In this poem he tells about the darker realities of war and how easily people die. In a
critique done by Charlotte H. Beck, they talk about how Jarrell wrote it, saying, Jarrell
experiments with multiple identity in the interplay of several speakers united in one all
representing those airmen who were pre combat losses in training, in simulated combat but all
wasted even before they could be born into the real experience of war meaning, Jarrell cycles
through several different people, to give both a feel for the utter hopelessness of the situation for
the soldiers in training, as well as the soldiers feeling of
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Satan s Excessive Pride Quotes
Paradise Lost, a criteria on man s first disobedience, displays a struggle of liberty against
authority. It presents a fascinating background on how Satan, a lowly figure of God s creation,
invokes sin and death into our world. Satan, a prominent and ambitious angel in Heaven, fails to
respect God s almighty throne and loses his placement as an angel. Accepting Hellas his new
dominion, he struggles to purify the horrid bounds of Hell and overcome Gods celestial power. He
starts off as a heroic and prominent leader whose supreme pride impels his plans to overthrow God
s throne, then begins to lose his pride as he ponders his banishment from Heaven, and ultimately
loses his free will by corrupting mankind. Through the course of the poem, Satan... Show more
content on ...
. . (IV. 58 60). As he contemplates his actions during his rebellion, he can see that they were not
entirely justified. He further delves into the matter that things were once more glorious than the
way they are now, and even acknowledges that his service toward God was not hard . Satan even
suggests that God did not deserve such malicious behavior from him, and implies that he owes
God service for creating him. This speech from Satan reveals his incertitude about his fall from
Heaven, in that he goes from desiring to create a Heaven of Hell to stating how he was happier
in Heaven. We can see a shift in his argument, as he goes from showing compassion toward God
to blaming him for his fall and corruption of mankind. His perpetual exposure to evil in Hell has
further restricted his free will, and he can only undertake evil. This leaves him to despise the
divine and desire wickedness. Further, Satan feels that God put him into too prominent of a
position in Heaven to become an ambitious angel. He concedes that if God had made him an
inferior angel , then he would still have been a happy angel, willing to accept God s superiority.
During this moment, Satan does not desire authority. This is substantial, in that his sole mission is
to overpower God. Instead, he blames God for exposing him to power and fame.
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The Chasseur
Caspar David Friedrich s work The Chasseur in the Forest, 1814, makes use of this technique as
the subject is positioned at a distance from the audience, walking away from our line of sight and
toward the towering trees of a forest ahead. The work is typically romantic as the poignancy and
theatricality of the imagery attests to the visual impact of this motif and its complex
characterization of the individual in relation to the natural world . In light of this, Friedrich s work
blurs the boundaries between landscape and portrait painting, effectively carving out a unique
subdivision of these disciplines which exists in both realms at once. However, the artist s
humanistic technical and compositional tendencies solidify the position of this... Show more content
on ...
What emerged in its place was a newfound appreciation of the ordinary and the real, in a nostalgic
revival of the pre industrial world through depicting the life and work of peasants . However, this
bourgeoning realist and naturalist preoccupation did not entirely destroy or even entirely
disassociate from the artistic tastes of the romantics. The temporal and contextual proximity of
romanticism, realism and their affiliated stylistic subsets culminate with widespread influence
throughout Europe, providing some explanation for potential similarities in subject matter and
aesthetics. One of the key parallels between the romantics and the realists is their departure from
urban living to regional, sparsely populated areas favouring natural settings, once again
emphasising the connection between people and the environment . However, the visual
consideration of this relationship is approached in different ways, and this is the pivotal point of
divergence from romanticism to realism. The realist movement, with its empathetic and attentive
depictions of farmers, labourers and the working class in general, marked a new appreciation of
simple, wholesome and humble living as opposed to grand narratives of mythology and history or
dramatic and formidable landscapes which largely
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Higher Modern Studies China Essay Questions

  • 1. Higher Modern Studies China Essay Questions 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Higher Modern Studies China Essay Questions Higher Modern Studies China Essay Questions
  • 2. A Interview On The Playboy Enterprise General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: To inform the audience of history the Playboy Enterprise while providing well researched and collaborative support from experts. Central Idea: Through researching the Playboy Enterprise I learned the history behind the legendary Hugh Hefner, as well as the history behind the Playboy bunny logo and the history behind the famous Playboy magazine. Introduction I want you to trust me for a second. Close your eyes and clear your mind and listen to the sound of my voice. Playboy, I want you to envision anything that reminds you of the word Playboy, now open your eyes. From the look on the majority of your faces the word Playboy brings you to a smile. Whether you enjoy the word Playboy or not, is ... Show more content on ... He would later on leave Esquire because they denied him a 5 dollar raise. That is the turning point for Mr. Hugh Hefner. When he left Esquire Mr. Hugh Hefner was determined to make his own publication. Mr. Hugh Hefner raised $8,000 from 45 investors which included $2,000 from his mother and brother Keith combined to launch Playboy magazine. In an interview with CNN I learned that Mr. Hugh Hefner had originally planned to title the magazine Stag Party but he received a cease and desist letter from the lawyer for Stag Magazine, saying Stag felt that the title would be an infringement. (Adler) Mr. Hugh Hefner stated that a colleague suggested the name Playboy after a defunct automobile company. Mr. Hugh Hefner stated he liked the name, as he thought it reflected high living and sophistication. Transition: Now that I have told you the history behind the legendary Hugh Hefner, let me tell you the history behind the Playboy magazine. The Playboy magazine has such a rich history. As per they Playboy Enterprise website, the first Playboy magazine was published in December of 1953, their cover featured Marilyn Monroe with a one page center fold and sold over 50,000 copies. The magazine had a theme which was called Sweetheart of the Month which had a nude photo of Marilyn Monroe. The magazine decided to go a different route in 1954 where they released their second issue in January which would now become the blue print for have three page ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Emperor Of The King After Otto had received the imperial crown at Rome (2 February, 962) Liutprand was often entrusted with important commissions, in 963 when he was sent as ambassador to John XII at the beginning of the quarrel between the pope and the emperor, owing to the former s alliance with BГ©renger s son Adelbert. Liutprand also took part in the assembly of bishops at Rome, 6 November, 963, which deposed John XII. Liutprand describes from his point of view these events of 960 64, and sides entirely with the emperor, condemning the Romans very harshly. After the death of the pope, Leo VIII, Liutprand again went to Rome with Bishop Otgar of Speyer, as the emperor s envoy, to conduct the election of a new pope, on which occasion John XIII was chosen. The Bishop of Cremona undertook another mission to Constantinople by order of the emperor in the summer of 968 to ask the Byzantine Emperor to bestow his daughter in marriage on Otto s son, later Otto II. In regards to the Capitulary of the Missi, inhabitants of the district they administered had to provide for their subsistence, and at times they led the host to battle. The missi were protected by a triple wergeld and resistance to them was punishable by death. They were to execute justice, to ensure respect for the king, to control the government of the military dukes and administrative counts (then still royal officials), to receive their oath of allegiance, to let the king s will be known, at times by distributing ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Comparison Of The Project Who s To Blame In Romeo And Juliet DBQ Project Who s to Blame Blame is a word used to describe those who have some type of fault in a situation. Love can cause great emotions, yet it can also cause tragedies. When your love is strong enough it can also be dangerous, Romeo and Juliet caused the death of six people in a course of three days just so they can be together. In Romeo and Juliet there are many to blamefor the cause of each death, but the most responsible for this situation are those who follow: Juliet, Nurse, and Friar Lawrence. Juliet could have stopped the death of six people if she only told the truth. The Nurse, also one to blame, could have spoke out and helped out in the situation. At last, Friar Lawrence, he could have made the choice not to marry Romeo and Juliet, yet all he wanted was for the Capulets and Montagues to be in peace. Juliet, such an innocent girl, one would not think she is one to blame until you know her situation. With her being a Capulet and her husband being a Montague, she knew she would have problems with her parents, especially since she told her mother It is an honor that I dream not of... (DBQ Project Who s to Blame, Document B). She wishes not to get married, yet the next day marries her enemy which she now is in deep love. Telling her... Show more content on ... Thou wast the prettiest babe that e er I nursed: An I might live to see thee married once, I have my wish. (DBQ Project Who s to Blame, Document B) words from the Nurse who raised Juliet, show proof that she wanted to see her married soon. The Nurse also wanted to see Juliet get married, and she did, yet did not say nothing about it. If the Nurse would have spoke out and said the truth the day it happened she to could have saved everyone including her beloved Juliet. The Nurse had an understandable position, Juliet trusted her with not telling her parents, and the Nurse does not want to lose her trust therefore she does not say a ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Market Transparency and Consumer Choice for Housing Essay Since 2006, the number of foreclosures in the housing market has sparked dramatically. This is due to the fact that banks have given out subprime mortgages or interest only loans to consumers regardless of their credit score. One of the main reasons why banks did not care about consumers credit history is because they resold the loans as mortgagebacked securities. This caused the loans to fall into the hands of credit rating companies that rated the loans too positive; thus, these assets were expanded and helped lead to the foreclosure crisis without hurting the banks directly. The goal was that banks lustily sought the big payoff that these mortgages could provide. The mortgages and loans let low income consumers pay only a low rate of... Show more content on ... So far, as a result, foreclosures are decreasing and the mortgages are becoming more affordable, but job creation and transparency in the market has not occurred, so the crisis continues. Fortunately, job creation is projected to increase by this spring due to the passing of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act dubbed the economic stimulus to pull us out of the recession and create jobs; therefore, new job growth will help citizens pay their mortgages and lower foreclosure even more. Despite all of these laws, there still remains one vital part to ensure the stability of our financial system: transparency. Congress has proposed a financial overhaul bill that would enforce new rules and regulation to the industry, but the downfall of it is that it would hinder needed economic growth in a time of feeble recovery. So I propose creating an internet portal administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The government would then require banks to put the address on the top of every loan application to ensure consumer awareness of the address. The portal or website would allow consumers to create a profile and input a basic credit history. The employees at the Department of Housing and Urban Development would then perform calculations about the type of loan, the ability to refinance and buy a home, the risk factor for different types of loans, the outcome of the housing market in the future, and a background check on every bank in ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Stereotypes Of Alienation Musician Boyd Rice stated I never understood alienation. Alienation what? You have to be part of something in order to feel alienated from it (World Famous Quotes). Rice s statement reveals that humans are a part of certain cultures or societies yet feel as if they are not. On occasions, individuals choose to be alienated from groups, but others are alienated against their will. Cultures and societies both can give individuals a way to connect with one another but also can be a way of segregating others. Society s stereotypes create a notion that everyone in a certain group should be the same otherwise they are an outcast. Alienation can be beneficial to one s growth but also shows how the individual has to attempt to fit a certain stereotype... Show more content on ... Torvald catches his wife eating macaroons and comments No, I am sure of that; besides, you gave me your word . Keep your little Christmas secrets to yourself, my darling. They will all be revealed tonight when the Christmas Tree is lit, no doubt (7). Nora purposely tells these little lies and says things so that Torvald will hear them. The lies and the comments aimed at her husband are Nora s way of revolting against Torvald s rules. Nora consumed macaroons because Torvald banned them from being in the household. When Torvald notices the crumbs around her mouth, Nora states that Mrs. Linde made her eat them. Nora tells these lies to show that she is her own individual rather than Torvald s belief that she is less superior to him. Torvald calls Nora nicknames such as little skylark and little squirrel to show that he views her as childlike and innocent. He believes that she is incapable of spending money wisely when in reality, Nora attempts to pay off the loan. Nora s lies about the loan show that she is an adult who can make big decisions. Nora tells lies to emphasize her attempt to revolt against the stereotypical ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Research Paper On Hatshepsut Queen Hatshepsut Hatshepsut was born in 1507 BC. She was born to Thutmose I and Ahmose. Hatshepsut means She is first among noble women. In Egypt, the tradition is that the woman is only the wife, nothing else. Hatshepsut married her half brother, son of Thutmose I and his secondary wife, Mutnofret, when she was about twelve years old. His name was also Thutmose, making him Thutmose II. She was married to her half brother in order to make his reign more legitimate, since he was only the son of a secondary wife and not the queen. They had a daughter named Neferure. Thutmose II died after about 14 years of rule. The throne went to another son named Thutmose, who was born to Thutmose II and one of his secondary wives, named Iset, which made him Thutmose III. ... Show more content on ... Hatshepsut ruled for about seven years until something changed. It s unknown exactly why she did it, maybe she was being threatened by another part of the royal family who wanted the throne, maybe she wanted the power that would come with being a pharaoh, but she dressed up as a man and declared herself the pharaoh of Egypt. She wasn t disguising herself as man, everyone knew she was a woman, but they accepted her. Hatshepsut was the 5th pharaoh of the 18th ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Nt1310 Unit 3 Site Review Paper More than 2.6 million of the top 10 million websites on the web are powered by WordPress. It s no wonder hackers are so interested in WP websites. WordPress does a good job of issuing patches and monitoring vulnerabilities, but with so many third party themes and plugins out there, your WP website may still be at risk. The WordPress plugins below will help you take your security to a new level and protect your assets online. Number One: All in One WP Security Firewall This plugin is packed with advanced security features and functionality. Protect your assets with Lockdown Login capabilities utilizing features that enable you to determine how many login attempts a user can make before being locked out and which IP addresses are blocked, and ... Show more content on ... For advanced protection, consider iTheme Pro which comes with two factor authentication, automated daily malware scanning and a dashboard widget to help you manage user banning and system scans directly from your WP dashboard. Check out iThemesSync if you want an easy way to manage multiple website from a single pane. By the way, you can Sync your first ten sites for free easy to use, easy to manage and easy on your budget, what s not to love about this security plugin. Rated 4.7 out of 5 by WP users Number Three: WordFence Every minute, WordPress websites experience almost 10,000 attack attempts. Whether you choose the free version, or opt to pay the $5.00 for a premium download, you can have confidence WordFence is always on top of your risks and vulnerabilities. The plugin comes with functionality that enables you to view crawlers in real time, scan your core, theme and plugin files, customize blocking protocol and so much more. After you install the plugin, read this checklist to make sure your team is doing everything they can to strengthen website security and keep bots and evil doers from sneaking in the backdoor. Rated 4.9 out of 5 by WP users Number Four: Block Bad Queries ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Alan Moore s Watchmen As The Golden Age Of Superheroes In... For centuries, man has struggled with the concepts of good and evil and have produced astounding works as a reflection of it. This is ideally the foundation of early fables and folklore dating back to ancient civilizations. Stories about famed heroes and the battle of good and evil woven into extravagant tales of danger, destiny, and triumph. These stories were often assimilated into individual societies, told from generation to generation until eventually finding themselves becoming an integral part of the culture. In 1938, a new era began to emerge known as the golden age of superheroes. Supermanmade his first appearance in action comics, forging a unique identity as the first comic book superheroin American culture and quickly... Show more content on ... Because Rorschach grew up experiencing injustice and constant humiliation from other children, he sees his barbaric acts as being equitable, almost as if they redeem him of the rightful childhood he never had. On page 182, panels 4 6, Rorschach s mother relentlessly beats him after one of her patrons storms out on her. Rorschach tries to explain his actions to his mother, stating that he thought the man was hurting her, this can arguably mean he was coming to her aid. Still, she beats him mercilessly. This is a brief example of what he endured in childhood that later manifests itself through his troublesome adolescence and haunts him into adulthood. On page 203 panel 8, Rorschach stands outside a man s home, watching as it becomes engulfed in flames, notably, this man was allegedly responsible for the murder of a little girl. Rorschach interprets slaughtering him as an act of redemption, especially because the victim was a small, helpless child. We see his character illuminated by the bright orange embers as his own dark shadow is cast behind him. This panel essentially captures Rorschach s character, his face covered and his hands resting in his pockets, giving the reader a sense of his cool yet dark demeanor stemming from a troubled past. Similarly, he stands tall in the panel, a metaphor that could interpreted as standing tall in the face of injustice knowing justice has been served on his own terms. His character is misunderstood and seen as cold hearted. Often ... Get more on ...
  • 10. An Analysis Of Washington s Atlanta Exposition Address Washington was born into slavery in 1856, despite this he received an education at the Hampton Institute, a school designed to educate African Americans and Native Americas. In 1881, Washington built and became the headmaster at a school, the Tuskegee Institute, which was virtually all black in population. From this Washington lived a comfortable life and was able to give a number of addresses regarding issues of black rights. Washington s famous speech, the Atlanta Exposition address, was given in 1895.The address was a speech designed to seek compromise between the races, through asking for greater treatment from white Southerners, in return for positive economic cooperation through educating black peoplein the industrial spheres. Washington ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Mexican-American Studies Textbook Analysis Within America, each state is responsible for the operation of public schools and rules addressing curriculum, teaching methods, and learning materials; the process Texas has implemented to adopt new school textbooks is illustrated in the three articles, Publisher Defends Controversial Mexican American Studies Textbook, Explained: how Texas picks its textbooks, and Teaching Truthiness. These articles, in particular, focus on problems with Mexican American Heritage, a proposed Mexican American textbook for schools in Texas. They each express similar information over this event, such as the unique viewpoints of people involved. By analyzing this information, it becomes apparent that the current adoption process for textbooks in Texas doesn t... Show more content on ... They each described the different opinions of Republicans and Democrats over a controversial Mexican American studies textbook, which in turn, highlighted a distinct relationship between politics and education. Furthermore, they revealed a downfall in the adoption process, proving that it doesn t always work out how it is intended to. Now, it is up to Texas to determine how they proceed with the adoption process in order to successfully help students further their knowledge and develop a quality ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Lewis And Clark Dbq Analysis The American travelers Lewis, and Clark embarked on a journey, discovering new lands and space bought from the French. Along the way they encountered numerous tribes, and numerous Natives who have aided them in many ways, but new evidence states that the legendary cartographers were in fact very impolite people. Many people debate about it, but were Lewis and Clark respectful to the Natives they met on their journey? They weren t in fact respectful at all. They left a medal on a dead Native to sprout fear between the people, and rid the Natives of their land to poor soil, as well as used their own belief and religion against them. According to Lewis s diary entry (Doc B), While the men were preparing the horses, I put four shields and two bows and quivers of arrows which had been left [by the Indians] on the fire... I also retook the flag but left the medal about the neck of the dead man that they might be informed who were. Lewis left the medal on the deceased male to inform the others who they were. This means that they want to make the people of the tribe aware of who was in charge , and what would happen if anyone stepped out of line. This is disrespectful because that was a person they cared about and to mock, and use him inhumanely is truly preposterous!... Show more content on ... Instead of simply showing gratitude for the aid on their journey, they are kicked off their land and given poorer, underutilized grounds to live upon. The white people took land that was already theirs and decided to purposely cause cultural genocide for the Natives. This shows rudeness and disrespect because the Natives aided them, and without their help Lewis and Clark would be lost and probably ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Redundant Storage Vs Backup Storage Redundant Storage Redundant Storage vs Backup Redundant storage in the context of data storage usually refers to the use of Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID). RAID is a set of disks which are usually identical in specifications and when configured will divide or replicate the data saved on them. A backup is where a copy of the data is stored on the same disk or another location and is the primary means for retrieval of data should the need arise (i.e. due to loss of data or corruption). The difference lies in the fact that RAID utilises multiple disks, which either replicates or divides the data among them as opposed to storing a copy of the data on a memory storage device as in the case of a backup. Backup has the capability of ... Show more content on ... In such a situation backup has the advantage in that it has the capability of being stored off site. One possible improvement to redundant storage is to change the configuration to mirroring with the capability of being backed up off site. Striping, Mirroring Parity Striping in the context of RAID refers to data being split up among a group disks (array). An analogy would be like cutting up strips on a piece of paper (with text on it) and every odd line stored on one disk and every even line stored on another disk. (Most commonly used in RAID 0. Mirroring refers to the replication of logical disk volumes onto separate physical hard disks in real time to ensure continuous availability. (Most commonly used in RAID1) Parity refers to a bit added to the end of a string of binary code that indicates whether the number of bits in the string with the value one is even or odd. Parity is the simplest form of error detecting code in data. The benefit of striping is that more data can be fitted on the group of disks (array) due to the fact that it is divided up rather than replicated on each disk. The benefit of mirroring is that in the event of a system crash there is a much greater chance of recovery due to the fact that an entire copy of the data is replicated on each disk of the array. Parity can be used for checking and repairing errors on ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Systematic Research Review On The And Late Initiation Of... Systematic Research Review Systematic Research Reviews (SRR) is seen as the highest level of evidence that synthesizes all relevant studies and critically analyzes key elements to answer a specific research question (Sriganesh, Shanthanna Busses, 2016). The aim of this paper is to critique an SRR related to early versus late initiation of epidural analgesia for labor, the relevance of the research problem, research rigor, levels of evidence, clarity of the findings, overall findings and implications for use in current nursing practice and future research. Relevance of the Research Problem Patients have a choice to deliver their babies without any form of pain medication and having a natural delivery is a painful process. Many women view this process as the worst pain they have ever experienced in their lifetime (Sng et al., 2014). The laboring process starts out as mild to severe pain. When the level of pain becomes unbearable, patients often seek out ways to relieve their pain and often times, it is done through epidural analgesia. The controversial issue among pregnant women is knowing when the correct time to request an epidural. The aim of this review is to provide evidence base information on the safety of early initiation versus late initiation of epidural analgesia and its maternal and fetal outcome (Sng et al., 2014). The relevance of this topic is to see if epidural timing can cause an effect on the laboring process such as increasing the risk of caesarean ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Spirituality Across Britain Differ From Aboriginal... Spirituality across Britain differs from Aboriginal spirituality in numerous ways. Religion was a very important aspect in nineteenth century Britain, although it could be reasoned that their individual spirituality was less developed compared to that of the Aborigines. This is because the religions at the time were very strict on what followers should and shouldn t do. The entire of the religion s followers followed the guidelines set by the church. was There was no one major religion in eighteenth century Britain different religions that were important included Church of England, Catholic and Presbyterian. There was a lot of importance put on tangible objects in these religions there was the sacred texts books which contained guidelines for how to live their lives, holy deities who were seen as not being capable of wrong doing and strict customs. An individual person s spirituality was commonly the same as every other member of the religion. Aborigines were and continue to be very deeply connected to their spirituality. History of Contact Australia Wide British Settlement After Captain James Cook discovered Australia in 1770 he claimed the land for Britain assuming Australia to be of Terra Nullius . This principle of British law meant the land could be claimed as it belonged to no one. This was not true as the Indigenous Australians had been living in the country for over 50,000 years and were owners of the land. Nevertheless it was seen as not belonging to ... Get more on ...
  • 16. New Grub Street New Grub Street New Grub Street is known as George Robert Gissing s best and most respected novel. This masterpiece gives its readers a taste of the anti idealistic principle that is shown all throughout Grub Street. This society that Gissing has mirrored from his own life experience is one that revolves around selfishness and money. The reader is supposed to understand that the art of literature cannot exist without good economic means. The term Grub Street continues to be used in reference to authors and journalists who are compelled to struggle desperately to make a bare livelihood, and also to those who have no scruples about what they write so long as it brings them profit or popularity (Ward32). The novel s ... Show more content on ... New Grub Street was published in the same year that Gissing married Edith Underwood. This was his second unhappy marriage to an alcoholic shrew. Edith was unhappy because she believed her husband to be a failure. The character of Amy Reardon in New Grub Street also thought her husband to be a failure due to his poverty and small literary success. Therefore, Gissing s personal life had a huge impact on his writing. Several reviews were found on this novel that were not optimistic. Jacob Korg did one such review. The reader is aware of the author at his shoulder, pointing to one detail after another as illustrations of an implicit lesson (Dimauro 131). Korg is saying that Gissing intrudes being an all knowing omniscient narrator. The author s overwhelming presence is found in the tone, vocabulary, and passages of comment. Gissing s personal opinions are forced upon the reader in his characters thoughts and actions. The intrusions could be irritating to the reader who would like to skip over the seemingly pointless descriptions and historical backgrounds. P.J. Keating did another review that was not favorable. He was a morbidly autobiographical novelist and this has, perhaps, prevented his best work from receiving the critical attention it deserves. Sometimes, as in the portrait of Reardon, Gissing becomes too personally involved and this is a flaw which needs to be recognized (Michaux ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Importance Of Volunteering At some point in life almost everyone is going to end up in a nursing home. The phase of ageing causes the elderly to go through a phase of mixed emotions of loneliness and depression. Students should volunteer in their local community because it can benefit the elderly, the volunteers themself and the community. Older students are more and likely to volunteer than younger students ( volunteering ). Younger students want to spend more time on playing video games , hanging out with friends and doing what they prefer to do so volunteering doesn t seem to come to mind. Teens of the ages 16 to 19, are more and likely to volunteer than other age groups of the age of 35 ( volunteering ). A little over a third of High School seniors volunteer at least once a month. Among all the Tenth Graders, the percentages and patterns was similar with the Twelfth Graders. In the Year of 1991 the percentage of Twelfth Graders who volunteered increased to 24%. ( Volunteering ). As many years came the percentage of Twelfth graders who volunteered increased. In the year of 2001 the percentages of Twelfth Graders who volunteered increased to 35% and stayed steady until 2010 ( volunteering ). Between the years of 2010 and 2014, volunteering among both tenth and twelfth graders increased( Trends ). Based on these statistics, it is clear that individuals should put in more time in volunteering because it helps a lot with the elderly and community. Many seniors face a lot of different ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Essay on Book Review 46 pages Elliot Loud Triston Young 46 Pages 1301 Im going to give you my take on the book 46 pages by Scott Liell. This book was first copyrighted in 2003. This book is general consensuses of how Scoot Liell viewed Thomas Paine s writing of Common Sense and the Turning point to Independence and how they effected the colony s. He shows us the true meaning of Thomas Paines writings and how valuable they were even after nearly two and a half century s. This novel is written in a third person person point of view we get a first row seat in the viewing of how Thomas Paines writing of the Common Sense. Liell goes into great detail to show us how substantial Common Sense really was, and how it shaped life into... Show more content on ... They believed that the king would come to their aid but this was far from the truth as Thomas Pane proves. Lille efficiently establishes that the idea of independence spread almost overnight, it did not come easily. He take us back and reveals things that we may not have previously known, he shows us his true colors in valuing Common Sense and its importance. Pane attacked the king saying that he was just as responsible as parliament for the state of the colonies. After Thomas Paine was condemned by the British after the revolution, he became the sole reason for the American Revolution and their thirst for independence. Liell did an outstanding job in reporting most of Paine s life before and after his fame in America. Never before has as single document had such an impact on people that they took action for something they believed in. Common Sense was and will forever be one of the most valuable writing in all of our history I feel it can easily without hesitation be compared to the Declaration of independence. They are both based on the same subject matter for one goal for the colonies to breach the oppression of the King. Lille says O! ye that love mankind! Ye that dare oppose not only the tyranny but the tyrant, stand forth! Every spot of the world is overrun with oppression. Freedom hasth been hunted round the globe (pg 81). He writes of how he is calling for people ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Public Order Crimes Assignment #4Ingrid Victorero 1. What are public order crimes, and how are they different from violent and property crimes? Explain how moral entrepreneurship affects the public perception of morality and thus the creation of new public order crimes. Answer: Public order crimes are crimes against the public consensus of morality. Sometimes public order crimes are called victimless crimes, as there is no clear victim that can be identified. A crime against the public order is quite different than a crime against a person. Violent and property crimes are a direct victimization against a person. The victim has been affected by violence and the act has caused a loss of something of value. Moral entrepreneurs can be ... Show more content on ... For this reason, victimless crimes are often called consensual crimes. One common example of a victimless crime is prostitution. Offering sexual favors in exchange for money is considered a crime in many places. Both the solicitor and the prostitute can be arrested for violating public decency laws. If, however, both parties are deemed to have committed the illegal act consensually, then neither party may be considered victims in the eyes of the law. Prostitution is often not a free choice. Prostitution is usually accompanied by forms of force or enslavement Most prostitutes use drugs regularly. Addiction means they must stay to pay for drugs. Pimping, gangsterism; runaway girls to cities or immigrants who are promised good jobs. Often, the initial loss of innocence was forced by sexual abuse / rape. Street prostitution becomes trafficking when a pimp uses force, fraud and/or coercion to maintain control over the person providing commercial sexual services and cause the person to engage in commercial sex acts. An individual engaged in street prostitution under the age of 18 is considered a victim of sex trafficking regardless of the presence of force, fraud or coercion. Unfortunately, when purchasing a prostitute, many buyers don t think about the serious consequences that come with street sex. Sexually transmitted disease, infidelity, violence, thefts and many crimes take place with the average prostitute exchange. Wives, husbands and innocent ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Structural Significance Of The Fall In John Milton s... Final Milton Paper on the Structural Significance of the Fall The introduction should brief characterize PL... and set up argument elegantly. Though Milton details Adam and Eve s falls separately, the fall in Paradise Lost is not two separate falls, but one because Adam and Eve are not independent of each other. Rather Milton has them fall physically apart to emphasize how connected they are, and in doing so, through the fall, he solidifies Eve as a symbol of liberty and Adam as a symbol of reason, thus making significant comments on the relationship between and the significance of the relationship between reason and liberty. In totality, through the structural significance of the fall, Milton is not only able to justify the ways of God to man, as stated in his thesis for Paradise Lost, but is able to justify the ways of man, legitimizing some of his major assertions in his prose works such as Second Defense of the English People, Areopagitica, and The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates. Analyszing their individual falls revelas that Milton uses the falls to solidfy Eve as a symbol of liberty and Adam as a symbol of reason. Thoughout the epic, Adam is portrayed as a symbol of reason through his rational disposition. In Areopagitica, John Milton s address to the English Parliament of censorship, he states Many there be that accuse divine accusation for suffering Adam to transgress. Foolish tongues! when he gave him reason he gave him the freedom to choose, for reason is but ... Get more on ...
  • 21. House Of Mirth Literary Analysis The House of Mirth is a novel that revolves around Lily Bart s attempts to find a husband as a way to have a successful life. Through discussing Lily s attempts to find a spouse, Wharton gives a glimpse to upper class society in the late 1800s and early 1900s. For the first passage, Selden ponders on Lily Bart. For the second passage, Lily confesses to Gerty her true intentions of marriage when Lily experienced distress about her current state and her past choices. Through a close reading of the two passages, the diction, grammatical elements, and poetic devices utilized in these excerpts help unearth the passages hidden messages. For the first passage, through diction, the passage sheds new light. The words no less conscious convey that Selden is not influenced by what people tell him about Lily, since he understands Lily at a deeper level through Selden s and Lily s talks at his flat and Bellomont than Lily s other friends understand her. The words the woman he knew implies the version of Lily that Selden has seen a glimpse of when Lily acts like her true self and expresses her actual thoughts. The vulgar estimate of her shows the version of Lily that most of her friends perceive. However, they fail to perceive Lily s true self, since Lily attempts a facade in public. The words Selden was in impassioned self absorption indicate Selden felt deeply attracted to Lily that most of his attention was focused on Lily. Selden s love for Lily allowed him to not judge ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Identifying A Cluster Of Media Communication Examining a cluster of media communication in order to review common and unique approaches that the marketing industry utilizes was not something that crossed my mind to ever do. The task was not as easy as I expected when explained in class; but, it was interesting and seeing as though I have learned over the years through my other classes that the average American spends somewhere near 8 hours of their day watching television, the marketing industry has a big advantage using commercials to attract their viewers and manipulate them into purchasing and using or consuming the product they are delivering to them through the television screen. For this assignment, I tuned into TBS where an episodeof Friends was finishing up and an episode... Show more content on ... Of all the commercials I saw, they were all geared towards young adults and older. From Ink Joy pen commercials to a commercial with Pepsi, Pizza Hut, and Reds Ale in between, these commercials seem to be heavily concentrated on adults, the activities they take part in, and the resources they will need for future endeavors. I was unable to document a significant difference in the types of commercials shown during these programs in order to have much of a comparison, but there was enough alike about them to dissect them and really figure out the methods which broadcasting companies use in order to attract their buyers and consumers. For every television channel I have ever watched throughout my life the commercials have always been significantly louder than the actual show I am viewing; not just for these two channels, but I did notice it more when actually having to pay attention. Why does this annoying thing constantly happen every channel I choose to watch? The answer to this question: marketing purposes. It is in the companies best interest on becoming successful with the product they are attempting to sell by turning the volume up on their commercials louder than the actual television show because it attracts the viewers and manipulates them in to paying attention to them. People are not watching television shows to see the commercials; maybe some people on ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The, America, By Ralph Waldo Emerson America the brave, America the Best, these are the phrases that an average American individual grows up with. America without any second thoughts is considered to be the best in everything, the number one nation in the world, which is a result of immense planning, and hard work that the generations before us went through to build this nation. Little does one realize today that continuous efforts are required to stay on top, and this illusion of excellence and being the best in everything has clouded the reality for the present generation where people have started taking all the resources and facilities for granted. The mind of this country, taught to aim at low objects, eats upon itself. Ralph Waldo Emersonoffered that observation in 1837, but his words echo with painful prescience in today s very different United States. Americans are in serious intellectual trouble in danger of losing our hard won cultural capital to a virulent mixture of anti intellectualism, anti rationalism and low expectations. People are reluctant to work hard as their ancestors did and more emphasis is placed on the quantity of work rather than quality. Such ignorance has resulted in sinking economy, generations today have been so much pampered by the resources provided by the government that nobody wants to work no body wants to take the hard route anymore. There, in fact, is absolutely no evidence to support the statement that America the greatest country in the world anymore. We are ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Importance Of Individualism In Society Being an individual means to be free from society. Mark Twain portrays in his satiric novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, published in 1884 in the Antebellum South in Mississippi, 14 year old protagonist exposes the immorality of white society. The author s purpose is to criticize the racism, slavery, and the hypocrisy that existed in the white civilized society in order to enact social change. Walt Whitmanportrays in his free verse poem Song Of Myself from the collection Leaves Of Grass published in 1855 that everyone in the universe has a purpose and that purpose is to be a part of nature. Whitman might express the idea to Twain that everyone in the pre Civil War era is a part of nature and find solutions from it; therefore everyone has to value nature because it represents the higher power. James McPherson, author of The Best Government on God s Footstool, claims in his historical account, What We Fought For, during the Civil War is that why did they fight. McPherson wrote similarly as Whitman in his writing, What We Fought For, that informed his readers that both sides fought for their own way of freedom and both had equal sacrifices. During a time of cultural turmoil the text made by Twain, Whitman and McPherson expresses ideas of individualism and society when an individual does not conform to society s expectations during the 19th century. In Mark Twains The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn, Twain s character Huck thinks freedom is more important that ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Lisa The Iconoclast And The Simpsons The short story An Enemy of the People and the Simpsons episode Lisa the Iconoclast both deal with themes of obtaining new information and deciding whether to then release that information in the best interests of the public based on consequences that do not only impact themselves but those important to them. In An Enemy of the People , Dr. Stockmann has discovered information regarding the town s public baths, that the water has been contaminated and any future use of the facilities could lead to severe illness. In Lisa the Iconoclast , during Springfield s bicentennial celebrations, Lisa Simpsondiscovers that the town founder, Jebediah Springfield is really Hans Sprungfeld, a murderous pirate who had tried to kill George Washington. In both stories there are also consequences for the Stockmann and Simpson families. Though there are ultimately major differences as to the conclusion of each of the stories regarding their decision to withhold or release the information based on the public opinion. One of the most important themes that both these stories share is the existence of knowledge that the protagonists believe is important to share for the good of the community. For Dr. Stockmann it is the baths and their contamination, for Lisa Simpsons it is the true identity of Springfield s founder. Dr. Stockmann learns about this new information, after sending away a sample of the town s water to a major university. When the results are returned, he is shocked to find ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Kick Asss Is A Superhero Every single comic fan has dreamed to be a superhero, Mark Millar, creator of Kick Ass comic states in his interview. Millar addresses the superhero fantasies that the intended audience of the superhero action comic and movie Kick Ass sometimes marveled at (Multipleverses). Dave Lizewski, the main protagonist of Kick Ass, has a similar dream to the comic s audience; he also wants to become a superhero. Dave is an average comic lover that turns into a superhero without the qualities many of the iconic superheroes posses that follow the superhero conventions, such as extraordinary power, skills and equipment (Chopra). The audience is able to make more connections to Dave due to his realistic nature. Though Dave is a character with... Show more content on ... The audience is given a typical scene that a film, which follows the superhero conventions, may contain, films such as The Dark Knight (Wired). Though the film begins with a scene following a superhero genre convention, it is immediately undermined when the man clad in the superhero costume ultimately falls to his death. The scene is utilized to emphasize the point that the film isn t another typical superhero movie, what happens in real life will occur in the movie. The man trying to be super instead of a hero is described as one with a history of mental instability. The film ridicules the idea of a superhero being one with superhuman powers. As Mathew Vaughn describe in his interview, Dave is an every day kid, [a] peter parker and doesn t get bitten by a spider (Empire). Mathew Vaughn believes that a superhero can exist in real life and that it can be any person who s extraordinary, not through the surface, but through the heroism of one s self. The film emphasizes this point by making Dave, Big Daddy, and Hit Girl, the three characters that displays the most heroism, different from the other characters. The difference between the characters is made apparent early on in the movie. In the scene, when Dave mentions to his friends Todd and Marty that it s not impossible to putting on a mask and helping people, his friends describes his idea as psycho. Dave s friends ridicules at his perception of a superhero for their ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Ongoing Delinquent Criminal Behavior Joe. Problem/Issue: Ongoing delinquent/ criminal behavior. Goals: The identified goals established by this worker and Joe, are to reduce criminal behavior, further Joe s academic standing, and to provide Joe with structured activities throughout the week to reduce his negative social behavior, and increase pro social behaviors. The following objectives were also established by both this work and Joe, to aid in the attainment of the identified goals. Objectives: This worker will work with Joe to (1) identified the thinking errors that contribute to his criminal behavior, and will referred Joe to a psychosocial group held weekly to address the thinking errors. Joe s regular participation and level of success reported each week by the facilitator... Show more content on ... Goals: the identified goals established by this worker and Mike are to establish positive coping strategies, and increase social interactions. The following objectives were also established by both this work and Mike, to aid in the attainment of such goals. Objectives: This worker will work with Mike to (1) identify the areas that trigger maladaptive emotional responses within Mike. (2) This worker will also work with Mike to support him in establishing positive coping strategies to address the emotional responses. Mike s level of participation and self reported progress with the use of the established coping strategies will be used to measure Mikes progress. Mike will need a self reported score of 90, or greater to be considered making progress. The identified meetings will occur weekly for duration of 12 weeks. (3) This worker will also work with Mike to seek community activities to engage in. The level of interaction and time spent engaging in the identified activities will gradually increase to allow Mike to acclimate to the new settings. This worker will continue to meet with Mike on a weekly basis to ensure his continued progress and concerns are addressed. During these scheduled meetings, this worker will use a self reported score provided by Mike to determine the level of progress. A score of 85 out of 100, or better will be considered making ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Routine Child Immunization The importance of knowledge or awareness and not aware of the needs of vaccination is the main reason for children not being fully immunized. Inadequacy of community participation was also an important factor for poor coverage. Therefore keeping every factor in mind the present study has been carried out with the objectives of assessing the knowledge of routine child immunization among care givers of 12 to 23 months old children, finding out the coverage of all the vaccines among the recipients and also to identify the practice of routine immunization. In the present study, 52.85% males and 47.15% females were there. The results are quite similar to a study by (11) (51.9% males and 48.1% females). In our study out of 210 infants, 70.96% of the children were fully immunized while 23.80% were partially and only 5.24% were non immunized. Similar results of 72.23% completely immunized and 4.64% non immunized, were observed in a study by (3) and in another study, 73.3% fully immunized and 2.8% non immunized infants by (13). (Table 1) We have observed 90.95% had immunized with the BCG which are comparable to 93.2% by DLHS 3 Tonk, 94.75% by (13) ... Show more content on ... In the present study there were 57.61% named Tuberculosis, 24.28% for Diphtheria, 18.57 % named Pertussis and 65.24% named Measles a VPD, similar to a study by (4) i.e. 52.4% Tuberculosis, 23.2% Diphtheria, 17.3% were Pertussis and 61.9% for Measles. In our study contraindication for vaccination indicated by caretakers was 46.67% fever, 45.24% cough and cold and 18.57% told diarrhoea, similar to 46.0% for fever by (4) and 41.0% for cold and 14.0% for diarrhoea by ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Lawrence Lessig Net Neutrality On December 30, 2015, Lawrence Lessig, Professor of Law and Ethics at Harvard University, who had announced his candidacy for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination the previous month, told the Wall Street Journal that, ...When push comes to shove, if certain services are not available to you because of privacyrestrictions, you back out of restrictions...Where I can protect privacy at very low cost, people will want to protect privacy (The CIO Report RSS). Lessig was referring to the controversial concept of net neutrality, which is essentially the idea that ISPs, or Internetservice providers, should allow the public to access any amount of content on the Internet the same way, which is what currently the case, but some parties have... Show more content on ... Many individuals still believe in the progressive ideals that the Internet was founded upon, and want to see that it continues to be a place for innovation, where information is free and available. They don t want large corporations having very strict control over that. Only a few days ago, the House of Representatives passed a bill in an attempt to limit the FCC s authority on net neutrality. The debate on net neutrality is far from over, and no one knows how the Internet will operate a decade from now. One thing is clear, however: the American people have a huge influence on what will ultimately happen, so if they want to maintain the privacy and freedom that they desire, they need to continue to make their voices ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Integration Of Computers And Software Tools Bioinformatics is the integration of computers and software tools to analyse information associated with biomolecules on a large scale. Conventionally, biological study examines individual system in detail and uses the data that is produced to frequently compare similar systems that are related. However, bioinformaticsfacilitates scientists to study and conduct global analysis of all the available data. This allows researchers, to uncover common principles that may be applied across numerous systems, which results in different features to be highlighted (Luscombe , et al., 2001). Due to the increased amount of research that has been conducted in association with genes and proteins, computational methods such as bioinformatics has become ... Show more content on ... Computational biology became popular during the 1970 s when the price of computers decreased and they were easier to use and more readily available. Subsequently, this new technology was introduced primarily to store and manage data that was produced through genomic research. This then resulted in investigations to be completed in shorter amounts of time, which lead to larger investigations, leading to more data being produced. Thus, bigger and better computers were needed to manage the data that was generated. Hence, bioinformatics was used to create tools, algorithms and databases, which enabled comprehensive management of data. Therefore, as more and more data is being produced, the need for more powerful computers are needed in order to manage the data. Furthermore, due to large amount of data being generated, larger databases are required and more powerful tools are needed to manage and store the data. The proteins play a key role in the biological function and their studies make possible to understand the mechanisms that occur in many biological events. The human genome project enabled the emergence of proteomics. Proteomics is the large scale study of proteins, particularly the functions and structure of different proteins. The field of bioinformatics has had a significant effect in proteomics, as it has introduced new algorithms to handle large and heterogeneous data sets. Moreover, Bioinformatics has offered the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Baseball, Baseball And Softball When it comes to Baseball and Softball, these two sports have many similarities, but yet differ in many areas of the game. It insists, Softball is often referred to baseball for girls, with a larger ball and aa smaller diamond (History of Softball). Even though there may be some truth about that statement, it doesn t mean that s the only difference between the two. When it comes down to it, both sports have specific field requirements, equipment, rules and future occupations. Baseballhas special field requirements for the different levels of baseball. The general levels of baseball include little league, pony, high school, college, and professional. Even though high school, college, and professional are different levels of baseball they have almost the same field regulations. The baseline is the distance between bases, each base is exactly 90 feet apart from one another in a diamond shape and there is four bases total. The pitcher s mound has to be 60 feet 6 inches away from home base. From home plate to the backstop needs to be about 60 feet. The outfield consists of three sections; left field, center field, and right field. The left and right field can be from 320 feet up to 350 feet, while center field can be up to 400+ feet away from home plate (Frazier). These are the general regulations every baseball field needs to acquire before becoming a legal baseball field for high school, college, and professional players to be able to play on. There are many little ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Using The Pulse Echo Principle ( Venables 2011a ) Sound is a mechanical wave, propagating through a medium in order for it to travel (Venables 2011a). Ultrasound is defined as high frequency sound waves, above the audible range i.e. 20 kHz (Zidan et al. 2011). These waves are formed using the pulse echo principle (Venables 2011a). This principle refers to the piezoelectric crystals which are situated in the transducer. When an alternating electrical voltage is applied across the transducer element (Lieu 2010), the element undergoes a series of compressions and rarefactions, resulting in electrical energy being converted into mechanical waves (ultrasound). These ultrasound waves propagate through tissues until they reach an acoustic interface. It is here where there is a change in impedance (an acoustic boundary) (Venables 2011a, that ultrasound waves will be reflected back to the transducer as echoes. These reflected echoes are then turned into an electrical signal and displayed on the ultrasound image as shades of grey, ranging from black to white. For the best possible image to be achieved, ultrasound requires good spatial resolution. Spatial resolution is the ability of two structures which are close together to be seen as separate, along the axis and perpendicular to the ultrasound beam (Gibbs et al. 2009). Good spatial resolution corresponds to an optimum axial and lateral resolution. Axial resolution depends on the spatial pulse length, if the pulse length is decreased better axial resolution will be achieved. This ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Descriptive Essay FSU FSU Essay As I stare anxiously at my coach, my heart pounding. He signals for a squeeze bunt, as I stand on third I ready myself. This run determines the winner, in the bottom of the seventh inning. The fans sit nervously on the edge of their seats, as they watch my team comeback from losing 10 2. What I do next decides the outcome of this game. My eyes lock in on the pitchers palm, ball in hand. She winds up, throwing her arm in a circle. As her arm reaches directly above her head, I take off. Jenna places the bunt aimed towards the pitcher, however, before she even picks up the ball, I glide safely into home. American Heritage s Lady Patriots just won the state championship. The experience of winning states will never be forgotten in my ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Generation Of Nurses The differences between men and women in the unit that I work in is more by age than by grouped by sex. The older generation of nurses seems to work more independently then be younger generations. The older nurses are more solitary and do not embrace team nursing. The younger generation nurses tend to work as team members and have a group belonging mentality. They patients are the unit s patients and everyone has to work together. The older nurses own their patients, and no one should touch them. The older nurses are considered from the Baby Boomer generation and are typically in the fifties and sixties (Borkowski, 2011 p. 39). These nurses tend to be long term employees who stay with tradition and have a hard working attitude (Borkowski, 2011). The younger nurses would be in the Generation X and Millennial age grouping, who tend to be less formal and have a more casual relationship with their employer (Borkowski, 2011, P. 39). The different generations present unique management challenges when handling the group s needs. The additional difference is that the older generation of nurses is there for longevity celebrating 20 and 30 years with the hospital. The newer generation nurses are beefing up their resumes and are leaving on a monthly basis. The younger generation is always looking for the next experience, the ... Show more content on ... The good managers that truly manage the group can sit down with the group of younger nurses and harness the group effort. They also individually handle the older nurses as unique independent individuals. The best charge nurses balance between both groups equally a converse with the older nurses independently and the team approach with younger nurses. The times that an older or younger nurse covers charge is a tough experience when speaking with the alternate ... Get more on ...
  • 35. What Is The Vanishing Point Of View Of The Last Supper The Last Supper is a painting made by Italian Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci. The painting was completed on February 9th, 1498 and is located in the monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. The Renascence masterpiece depicts Christ s final supper with his apostles before being arrested by the authorities. The use of perspective in the mural is prominent and easily appreciated. Leonardo used one point perspective because all of the lines in the paintingconvert at the top of Christ s head, which is considered the vanishing point. The horizon line extends from both sides of the vanishing point and thus goes through the top of some apostles heads. He also employs aerial perspective, or depth by atmosphere, as he uses dull colors ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Sherlock Holmes Quotes There are not many standout characters in literature that are internationally known and loved as much as Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes is a world wide known character created by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. After killing him off Doyle brings back Sherlock in The Hounds of the Baskervilles. In the Hounds of the Baskervilles the internationally known character Sherlock lives up to his own legend. One of the most well known things about Sherlock is his extremely high intelligence, his power of deduction, and his keen ability to understand and predict human behavior. Doyle immediately shows the reader Sherlock s deduction skills in the beginning of the novel when he studies Dr. James Mortimer s walking stick as he deduces that he owns a small... Show more content on ... Watson. Throughout The Hounds of The Baskervilles Sherlock the reader can see that Sherlock is not able cope with boredom. This is seen the quote, Holmes struck his hand passionately upon the rock in front of us stamped his feet in impatience, (Doyle, 1902, Pg.) In the quote we see Sherlock unable to cope with waiting. Instead of acting normally Sherlock decides to injure himself as he can t cope with his boredom of waiting. This is a perfect example of Sherlock s known personality of being unable to be bored or wait. Another thing Sherlock is internationally notable for is his love for a challenge of someone intelligent. This excitement Sherlock has is seen in many of the Sherlock Holmes novels and an example of this is James Moriarty. We see this excitement in the quote, The cunning rascal... I tell you, Watson, this time we have got a foeman who is worthy of our steel. (Doyle, 1902, Pg.). In the quote we see a excited Sherlock as he finally is gaining the rush of a challenging opponent. Sherlock is known for this as most regular heros see a challenging opponent as bad thing, while Sherlock sees it as fun. Sherlock is also acknowledged for his partner and friend Dr. Watson who is the narrator of most of the Sherlock novels. Throughout The Hounds of the Baskervilles we see Sherlock and Watson together. We see the dynamic relationship of Sherlock and Watson in the quote, I am afraid, my dear Watson, that most of your conclusions were erroneous. When I said that you stimulated me I meant, to be frank, that in noting your fallacies I was occasionally guided towards the truth. Not that you are entirely wrong in this instance. (Doyle, 1902, Pg. ). Just like in the legend of Sherlock Holmes we see Sherlock trying to appreciate Watson, but ends up insulting him. Even after insulting him, ... Get more on ...
  • 37. James Crisp s Sleuthing The Alamo All through history there has been a plentiful measure of occasions; some are substantial and ready to change the course of history, while some are little and have minuscule influence in the advancement of today s general public. At the point when initially brought into the subject of Texas Independence, James Crisp s, the creator of Sleuthing the Alamo, surveys a lot of data that paves the way to address given by Sam Houston, concerning the theme of accepting TexasIndependence from Mexico. At the point when Crips goes over this discourse he is amazed by the word usage of the location and wasn t anticipating that it should give such a stunning component. With the stun of the discourse, Crips had a right personality to go on a noteworthy chase... Show more content on ... One of the disclosures was that Charlotte Churchill s interpretation precluded an extraordinary measure of data of H. Ehrenberg s unique German content. For this specific interpretation it was gone through altering, which brought about numerous erasures, to make it considerably more youngster fitting with the goal that it was considered to wind up separated of the state funded educational system. Another disclosure made, was that actuality that the majority of the Sam Houston discourse, which was represented by H. Ehrenberg, had numerous things added to it. Things that were included incorporated an individual assessment of youthful German solider, which prior on in his enterprise was taken hostage by Mexicans and could escape demise. An assessment to such of these principles would emphatically change the result of how the discourse was composed. All through James Crisp s examination of the Sam Houston discourse, he doubts sources, furthermore inquires about until he s found the right answers and disclosures he was searching for. Today, understudies carelessly trust that the sources given to them in a classroom setting are the unrivaled hotspot for them to gain from. Inside of the setting and recorded data of this book, the peruser can figure out how to question sources, and how not to accept one and only history specialist s feeling, or even an interpretation, of a specific ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Current State Of New Zealand And The United States Of... Over the last thirty years the economic rise of China has contributed to a worldwide shift in power. Discussing the current state of New Zealand s relationship with both China and the United States of America (USA), this essay will outline likely future foreign policy choices. Authors such as Mosher and Krauthammer see the rise of China as a threat to the West that must be contained, a view which is not widely accepted. With reference to New Zealand s recent economic and strategic success this essay will suggest that future foreign policymust work to deepen relations with both countries. New Zealand must not choose between China nor the USA, instead a broad based approach to trade and international relationsshould be maintained. In 2008 New Zealand was the first of the Organisation for Economic Co operation and Development countries to sign a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with China. As a result China has overtaken the USA as our second largest trading partner, with exports increasing from NZ$2.3 billion in 2008 to NZ$6.7 billion in 2012. In 2010 New Zealand set the goal of doubling two way trade with China by 2015, a goal which was achieved a full year earlier. Speaking to the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs (NZIIA) in 2010 John Key described New Zealand China relations as unquestionably and unashamedly an economic relationship . Without pausing the New Zealand and Chinese governments have been quick to capitalize on this recent economic success. The ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Biological Weapons And Its Uses Introduction Dating back to the 1100 s there have been records of the use of biological weapons in warfare. This involved the usage of human and animal corpses to pollute water sources and to spread diseases. Post World War One increased interest in biological weapons lead to them becoming more advanced. With this improvement it is evident that warfare has evolved. This progression in warfare can be seen when looking at the manner in which wars were fought prior to the introduction of biological weapons in the 1100 s, and comparing it to the manner in which they were fought succeeding the advancement of these weapons in the 1900 s. Although biological weapons have rarely been used, their effects on warfare are apparent. When studying biological weapons one must deliberate on the factors that have driven its use and creation as well as the responses and threats thereof. This essay will therefore focus on depicting biological weapons and their uses throughout history; beginning with its most medieval applications in siege warfare and comparing it to its various uses in World War One, Japan in the 1920 s , the Cold Warand the Persian Gulf War. The reasons as to why biological weapons have been used and created differ in each circumstance, ranging from its advantageousness in imperialism to its role in instilling fear. Furthermore, to properly determine the impact of biological weapons on warfare this essay will examine the outcomes of its use. With the main response being the ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Description Of Biltmore Hotel The Biltmore Hotel is located in Coral Gables, Florida around 10 minutes from downtown Miami. The hotel sits proudly on the corner of Anastasia Avenue and Columbus Boulevard. The Biltmore is a lovely mix of Victorian and European and was built in 1925. It is advertised as a luxury golf and spa resort. The hotel has long catered to high society and has seen guests like Al Capone, the Roosevelt family, the Vanderbilts, Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Judy Garland, Bing Crosby and Ginger Rogers. The hotel was built in the Mediterranean Revivalist style and has become one of the grandest hotels in the U.S. After its heyday for some years it was used by the federal government, the University of Miami s School of Medicine and then sat vacant. The Biltmore then went through two major restorations in 1981 and in 1992. Today the hotel welcomes not only guests but hosts various events like fashion shows and weddings. People can come just to take a look at this lovely hotel and dine at the patio restaurant. Visitors can choose to take tours and on Thursday nights both the guests and the public can listen to ghost stories. The hotel features an 18 hole golf course, tennis courts and a country club. Right from the start it is an impressive building with a red tile roof, resembling a European palace and has an archway over ... Show more content on ... When the war ended it became The Hospital of Veteran s Affairs and late was the University of Miami s Medical School where they stored cadavers of the dead homeless on the lower floors. In 1987 the hotel opened up once again as a deluxe hotel but shut down once more in 1990. It was once again thoroughly renovated and as a result became the top hotel for Hollywood stars, politicians and the elite catering to such people as Margaret Thatcher, Bill Clinton and Robert ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Subway Is Testing A New Rebranding Campaign Overview On August 18, 2015, longtime Subway pitchman Jared Fogle was arrested under a child pornography investigation. Quick to respond, Subway communicated to press via public comment and Twitter on their stance. Hours after the arrest, Subway made public its separation from Fogle and its disgust and lack of knowledge of the crimes committed. Because of their quick response, while they were directly tied to Fogle, most of the negative response was placed on Fogle and not Subway. Moving forward, Subway is testing a new rebranding campaign in Australia that focuses on products, rather than a pitchman. Company History: In 1965, a 17 year old medical school student, Fred DeLuca, opened up a submarine sandwich shop in Connecticut on a $1,000 loan from a friend. By 1982, the chain had opened up its 300th location. In 1984, the Subway sandwich chain was introduced overseas and by 1990, there were more than 5,000 locations. Today, Subway has the most sandwich restaurants in the world at 37,000 locations (3). Known for their freshly baked bread and healthy options, Subway restaurants are located in schools, malls, gas stations, airports and even zoos. In 1995, the Subway began its journey towards becoming a major supporter of motorsports. In 1996, was launched and was featured multiple times in the movie Happy Gilmore (3). In 1999, an article was written about an overweight college student who lost a large amount of weight eating nothing but Subway sandwiches ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Fabrication Of Four Wheel Steering Mechanism FABRICATION OF FOUR WHEEL STEERING MECHANISM A PROJECT REPORTSubmitted by BISHT VIKRAM D. SINGH 121000119023 SHINDE LALIT M. 121000119026 BIJARNIA DINESH O. 121000119034 JADHAV PRASHANT P. 121000119104 In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree Of BACHELOR OF ENGINEERING in MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT Sigma Engineering college, Matar Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad May 2016 SIGMA ENGINEERING COLLEGE, MATAR MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT 2016 CERTIFICATE Date: 20/04/2016 This is to certify that the dissertation entitled FABRICATION OF FOUR WHEEL STEERING MECHANISM has been carried out by Bisht Vikram D. Singh (121000119023), Shinde Lalit M. (121000119026), Bijarnia Dinesh O. (121000119034), Jadhav Prashant P. (121000119104) under my guidance in partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical (8th Semester) of Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad during the academic year 2015 16. Guide:Head of Department(I/C) Principal Mr. Sachin Jadav Mechanical Department,SEC, MATAR.SEC, Matar.
  • 43. Seal of Institute ACKNOWLEDGEMENT For successful working on the Fabrication of four wheel steering mechanism we would like to thank some ... Get more on ...
  • 44. machiavelli and the prince Essay Social Life in Medieval and Early Modern Italy Nicolo Macchiavelli and The Prince At the end of the 14th century, Italy was still politically organized by city states. Emerging as one of the most influential writers of the Renaissance, Niccolo Machiavelli was a political analyst, whose aim was to free italy from foreign rule, as well as to unite and strengthen the Italian city states. Machiavelli believed Italy could not be united unless its leader was ... Show more content on ... As head of the second chancery, Machiavelli was also soon assigned the further job of secretary to the Ten of War, the committee responsible for Florence s diplomatic relations. This meant that in addition to his routine office duties, Machiavelli sometimes traveled abroad to act as spokesman for the Ten. During the next fourteen years, Machiavelli was sent on numerous diplomatic missions to France, Switzerland, and Germany. His observations abroad resulted in many of the ideas that form the basis for the major statements found in his political works. While in France, Machiavelli observed the effect of having one prince ruling a united country and in 1512 he wrote his most famous treatise The Prince. Remembering how the French benefitted from having one principality ruled by one prince, Machiavelli intended The Prince to serve as a guide to centralize Italy under one principality, as well as how to gain, maintain political power. Most importantly, The Prince suggests how to rule effectively and what kind of prince is best. Dedicated to Lorenzo DiMedici, The Prince provides a blueprint for how to take control of other lands and how to maintain power over them. The Prince is different because Machaivelli avoids purely theoretical issues and focues on how things actually are, rather than speculating on how they might be. Drawing examples from his personal experiences and ... Get more on ...
  • 45. My Personal Reasoning For Choosing Nursing Becoming a nurse offers a great opportunity to improve the way an individual s thoughts process, by converting from a creative thinker to a critical thinker. This facilitates the general care levels of people and gives a positive atmosphere in the environment. In this essay I will explain and describe my personal reasoning s for choosing nursing as a career; the skills, qualities and inspirations that I have obtained throughout my life which have influenced me. Also describing the importance and benefits of reflective practice for nurses, discussing how I will use it in my career as a nurse. Nursing, for me specifically is the perfect career which suits what I would enjoy and last in as a lifetime occupation. Influences through family and friends have given me a great idea of what nursing is like in hospitals and age care facilities, I have been educated to constantly provide and offer others care and aid towards the people around me. Providing this type of positive atmosphere delivers a constructive build on my self motivation and self confidence, this is fulfilling and exciting to me. Another reason that has motivated myself to pursue in the career of nursing is that it offers a perfect opportunity to make a huge difference in other people s lives. Pleasing the people around me provides myself with inspiration, giving a positive impact in their lives sustains my happiness. In the recent year and a half, bodybuilding has become a passionate sport I participate in, the ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Gender Expectations In Anna Karenina Anna Karenina displays a direct reflection of gender expectations in the 19th century. The sole purpose of women being to take care of their children or to please their husbands. While men are credited with being the leader and sole provider of the household. The majority of the characters in this novel follow this superficial guideline, with the rare exception. The societal pressure of gender norms placed on the characters is significant and inescapable, suggesting that if one breaks these norms, they will endure great suffering. Women are seen as submissive objects, who must first get and then always obey their husbands. From the beginning of the novel, the expectation of women being the housekeepers is shown, when Dolly is cleaning... Show more content on ... First being shown when Vronsky sees Kitty as a prize and as an object to obtain, Marriage had never presented itself as a possibility to [Vronsky]. He only did not like family life, but pictured the family, and especially a husband, according to the general view of the bachelor world in which he lived, as something alien, hostile and, above all ridiculous (57). After showing an abundance of attention toward Kitty, he makes it very clear that he has no intention of marrying her, and views it as alien like in his bachelor world. Contradicting the expectation of Kitty to be married off at 18 years old. Similiar in the sense of sexism, after Stiva perputrates his affair, no one is even phased by the fact, everyone almost expected this action, Although Stepan Arkadyich was roundly guilty before his wife and felt it himself, almost everyone in the house, even the nanny, Darya Alexandrovna s chief friend, was on his side (5) Following, is the reaction of Stiva to his own affair, No, she hates me. She won t forgive me. This is terrible, terrible! (12). Stiva does not feel any remorse toward the fact he cheated on his wife, and the mother of his children, he only is upset that she will not forgive him. Not only this but the reaction of others, who are not even phased by the fact that Stiva had, and will continuously cheat on his wife, which directly contradicts the opinions of others on Anna s affair. From both ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Gravitational Potential Energy Lab Report Purpose: To find out the relationship between gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, and total mechanical energy of a cart as it rolls down a ramp Hypothesis: If the cart rolls down the ramp with constant speed, then the kinetic energy will get bigger, the gravitational potential energy will decrease, and the total mechanical energy will stay at the same constant value, because due to the law of Conservation of Energy, these are the estimated results. Materials/Apparatus: ramp (1) textbooks (3/4) meter stick (1) motion sensor (1) cart (1) GLX system Procedures: The ramp was raised at a 8.4 degree angle using 3 textbooks The length and the height of the ramp was measured using a meter stick The motion sensor was placed on the top of the ramp. The cart was placed near the notion sensor and released As the cart rolled down the ramp, the position time graph of the cart was recored One point near the end of the graph was chosen and was represented by its d2 and the reference point, which was used to determine the height of the cart. (this point was kept throughout the whole experiment) The equation h = d (h/L) was used to calculate the height of the cart on the ramp The slope tool was used to determine the speed at any point The position and the speed was determined using the point near the start if the graph These values were used to complete the first row The other positions from the graph were used to complete the next three rows Observations: ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Death Of A Salesman Guidance Throughout our childhood and adolescent years, we rely on the influences that we receive from the outside world to help guide our underdeveloped virtues and sense of morality towards maturity, and through these teachings, we make progress in establishing the contours of who we are as individuals; however, not everyone will receive guidance that is beneficial to his or her well being, for many of the people that are relied upon for this much needed wisdom are unable to face the enigmatic fog of life, let alone mentor others through it, and for others, they will not have anyone to guide them the fog at all. Death of a Salesmanby Arthur Miller enlightens us on the importance that parents provide proper guidance for their young, and the... Show more content on ... When I was young, In our youths, the need for guidance is crucial for our development, whether it is from our parents, a friend, or a mentor. We all start out as a blank canvas, and the product that we become is dictated by our experiences and interpretations of reality; however, without proper directions on how to learn from these experience, or leadership to allow us to interpret our reality with mental clarity, the conclusions that we draw with our young, naГЇve minds can produce a distressing portrait. We are, after all, products of our ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Pros And Cons Of Driverless Cars Ratti, Carlo, and Assaf Biderman. From Parking Lot to Paradise. Scientific American, July 2017, pp. 54 59. EBSCO Academic Search. Accessed 23 June 2017. The Scientific American contributing writers, Ratti and Biderman, discuss the pros and cons of driverless cars, such as freeing up time spent driving, to making the roads safer. Concurrently: the article explores a reduction in the number of cars needed with the onset of ride sharing; more riders per car equals less cars required on the road. Furthermore: the article examines the pitfalls of onboard computer viruses and the possibility of a substantial shortfall in city revenues from loss of city transport riders and licensing fees due to a reduced number of cars on the road. Though: traffic control would be easier in their opinion, with the use of slot technology; this is how driverless cars would navigate the roads, like modern trains on tracks. Concluding; the authors theorize, simply eliminating drivers could result in a disaster due to a loss of tax revenues, nevertheless we would achieve a more urbane experience with the proper use and introduction of driverless cars. This article leans in favor of driverless cars without targeting any age group, but then again does show how the car could be used for nefarious activities. Randal O Toole, Dude, Where s My Driverless Car? Gridlock: Why We re Stuck in Traffic and What To Do About It, Cato Institute, 2009, pp. 189 202.Opposing Viewpoints Online Web. 23 June ... Get more on ...
  • 50. A Sound County Almanac Summary Aldo Leopold published a book in 1949, titled A Sound County Almanac. In the second half of his book he discusses and creates this idea of what a land ethic should be. The land ethic simply enlarges the boundaries of the community to include soils, waters, plants, and animals, or collectively: the land. (239) Land ethics is a simple concept with a large amount of complexity because it is arduous to incorporate every community member s thoughts and beliefs on how to steward the land. In class we used two periods to create a list of 10 land ethic commandments. Which is only 60 students compared to the United States which is 319 million people. This large population number may describe the lull of people understanding the concept of land ethic... Show more content on ... Leopold discusses conservation as homo sapien involvement to respect, love, and care for the ecosystem. That we need to step back at certain times to appreciate the environment, but also harvest from the landscape and bear fruit. So conservation involves both human and non human involvement. Understanding this concept further we need to understand how we do not care and respect the environment. We need to learn what our communities problem ... Get more on ...
  • 51. The Bublebee Sips Honeuy The music of the Balinese concert recital music showed music from the village of Peliatan, Indonesia. The concert had several performances including a full gamelan kebyar set, a performance of gamelan kebyar with dancing performers, and a kecak performance with performers surrounding the singers. These performances appeared to be for entertainment as the musicians are dressed in matching attire and have arranged themselves so that can be seen by all those viewing. Also, the accompanying dancers all had unique costumes, and are very willing to display their musicto outsiders such as David Attenborough and his film crew. The great variety in performances in the recital helps to display the long enduring musical traditions of the Indonesian people. In the full gamelan kebyar orchestra section there was a solely instrumental performance of a ... Show more content on ... Once again the instruments had a fast, bright pitch. Interestingly the performance of the two dancers involved the male performer joining in playing with the musicians at the end of the performance with a metallophone. It seems that dancers and musicians do not have to be separate groups in performances. The dance routine, called The Bublebee Sips Honeuy in English, was designed by a man called Mario and the female performer Mario and I Gusti Ngurah Raka helped create the female role while the male role was danced by Anak Agunbangdi. The texture of the performance, like the previous performance, was polyphonic as the different sections of instruments appeared to be playing different melodies with each grouping s instruments. Also, there appeared to be little ornamentation like the previous piece as each of the sections musicians played their distinct melodies together with a great ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Essay on Abstinence and Orgy in Measure for Measure Abstinence and Orgy in Measure for Measure Many existing views of Measure for Measure seem intriguing but incomplete. They might reinforce our perception of this play as fragmented and baffling, because they do not integrate apparently conflicting outlooks presented in the play s Vienna, and generated by the mysterious action of Vincentio. Notice how the following different interpretations display the conflicts: the extreme view proposed by Roy Battenhouse that the Duke stands for God (Rossiter 108 28); the modified position of Elizabeth Marie Pope that the Duke is a successful magistrate with divinely delegated powers ( Renaissance 66 82), almost in line with Eliade s version of a receding sky god replaced by a local ... Show more content on ... The context of theology provides one key to this analysis. Thomas Morton s translation of Calvin s The Institution of Christian Religion, for example, asserts a tripartite division of temptation as a trial in which God tests us by offering lures; the devil then assails the weakened individuals; and evildoers consequently seek to take advantage of the afflicted (75 77). Thomas Tymme s A Commentarie of John Caluine, vpon the first booke of Moses called Genesis also describes God s role in temptation as that of putting us to a serious triall in order to test faith (473). And Thomas Taylor s Christs Combate and Conquest notes that God may tempt us by sending afflictions, by pronouncing a speciall commandement, or by occasioning objects lures. These divinely ordained temptations occur for a proofe what is in vs, and a tryall what we doe (69). It is the divine prerogative to assay humanity, and the human duty to obey God. One who assumes this prerogative to test another s character by occasioning temptation who experiments with others while pretending to be sacrosanct is presumptuous. And pride the very medieval/Augustinian pride of life is the Duke s failing in arrogating to himself the power to tempt Angelo. Vincentio has appeared to some as erring and inconsistent, and to others as a deific incarnation for the same reason: the ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Tax Law and Accounting Paper Tax Law and Accounting Paper In today s financial world, preparation and reporting of income taxes has become one among the other main reasons why individuals and businesses are keeping and maintain their financial records. However, there has been some controversy between tax laws and accounting under the General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Simply because IRS is not always agrees with GAAP s principles and thus creates its own taxlaws. This paper will discuss the objectives of modern income tax statutes, compare and contrast the GAAS and tax accounting, and differentiate between tax avoidance and tax evasion. Objectives of Modern Income Tax Statutes The primary objective of the modern income tax statutes was to amend the ... Show more content on ... It is basically a legal process of avoiding paying too much taxes through finding tax loopholes, by using the existing tax laws at own advantage (Murray, 2008). One example of tax avoidance was shown by Browning in her article, IRS Aims to Curb Offshore Tax Avoidance Tactic, where she showing on how internationally trading companies try to avoid taxes by using the transfer pricing tactics. The transfer pricing tactic stands for companies transferring their income back overseas by undercharging or overpaying foreign subsidiaries for goods and services (2008, p. 6). While such companies are supposed to calculate those prices as if they were between independent entities and pay taxes, typically 35 percent, on profits brought back to the United States (Browning, 2008, p. 6). Other examples of tax avoidance include but not limited to various tax allowances for education, medical bills, to reduce some amount for each depended, etc. Tax evasion, on the other hand, is the other side of the tax avoidance and is considered to be a crime. It is a willfully attempt to evade or defeat the payment of federal income taxes (Lectric Law, 2008). The tax evasion involves failing to report an income, or improperly failing deductions which are not authorized by the IRS. Stark (2008), provides some examples of tax evasion. First example includes sales tax evasion, when a retailer offers to let a customer pay cash and provide a false ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Randall Jarrell Research Paper The people who live in a golden age usually go around complaining how yellow everything looks. This quote by Randall Jarrell emphasizes verbatim nature and his realistic take on his stories. Randall Jarrell was born in the Realism Era, which is heavily reflected in his writing style; writing about the harsh realities of war, the fragileness of life, and the struggle of life in general. Randall s stories and the events in his life are always on the realistic side of life, focusing on death, pain, and confusion. While he was in high school, he became the critic of his high school newspaper. Throughout his life,Jarrell was mainly two professions. one was to evaluate the writing of others was to make stories of his own. This gave him extremely valuable work experience, for both... Show more content on ... In the latter portion of Jarrell s life he fell into a very deep depression. He attempted to remedy the depression by taking anti depressants, but the pills didn t work, infact they did quite the opposite. The pills made Jarrell go completely bonkers. Then, after time in an insane asylum, Jarrell was let out, Knowing that the pills couldn t help him, his depression only grew, further darkening Jarrell s bleak outlook on life. One of Jarrell s most well known poems is titled Losses. In this poem he tells about the darker realities of war and how easily people die. In a critique done by Charlotte H. Beck, they talk about how Jarrell wrote it, saying, Jarrell experiments with multiple identity in the interplay of several speakers united in one all representing those airmen who were pre combat losses in training, in simulated combat but all wasted even before they could be born into the real experience of war meaning, Jarrell cycles through several different people, to give both a feel for the utter hopelessness of the situation for the soldiers in training, as well as the soldiers feeling of ... Get more on ...
  • 55. Satan s Excessive Pride Quotes Paradise Lost, a criteria on man s first disobedience, displays a struggle of liberty against authority. It presents a fascinating background on how Satan, a lowly figure of God s creation, invokes sin and death into our world. Satan, a prominent and ambitious angel in Heaven, fails to respect God s almighty throne and loses his placement as an angel. Accepting Hellas his new dominion, he struggles to purify the horrid bounds of Hell and overcome Gods celestial power. He starts off as a heroic and prominent leader whose supreme pride impels his plans to overthrow God s throne, then begins to lose his pride as he ponders his banishment from Heaven, and ultimately loses his free will by corrupting mankind. Through the course of the poem, Satan... Show more content on ... . . (IV. 58 60). As he contemplates his actions during his rebellion, he can see that they were not entirely justified. He further delves into the matter that things were once more glorious than the way they are now, and even acknowledges that his service toward God was not hard . Satan even suggests that God did not deserve such malicious behavior from him, and implies that he owes God service for creating him. This speech from Satan reveals his incertitude about his fall from Heaven, in that he goes from desiring to create a Heaven of Hell to stating how he was happier in Heaven. We can see a shift in his argument, as he goes from showing compassion toward God to blaming him for his fall and corruption of mankind. His perpetual exposure to evil in Hell has further restricted his free will, and he can only undertake evil. This leaves him to despise the divine and desire wickedness. Further, Satan feels that God put him into too prominent of a position in Heaven to become an ambitious angel. He concedes that if God had made him an inferior angel , then he would still have been a happy angel, willing to accept God s superiority. During this moment, Satan does not desire authority. This is substantial, in that his sole mission is to overpower God. Instead, he blames God for exposing him to power and fame. ... Get more on ...
  • 56. The Chasseur Caspar David Friedrich s work The Chasseur in the Forest, 1814, makes use of this technique as the subject is positioned at a distance from the audience, walking away from our line of sight and toward the towering trees of a forest ahead. The work is typically romantic as the poignancy and theatricality of the imagery attests to the visual impact of this motif and its complex characterization of the individual in relation to the natural world . In light of this, Friedrich s work blurs the boundaries between landscape and portrait painting, effectively carving out a unique subdivision of these disciplines which exists in both realms at once. However, the artist s humanistic technical and compositional tendencies solidify the position of this... Show more content on ... What emerged in its place was a newfound appreciation of the ordinary and the real, in a nostalgic revival of the pre industrial world through depicting the life and work of peasants . However, this bourgeoning realist and naturalist preoccupation did not entirely destroy or even entirely disassociate from the artistic tastes of the romantics. The temporal and contextual proximity of romanticism, realism and their affiliated stylistic subsets culminate with widespread influence throughout Europe, providing some explanation for potential similarities in subject matter and aesthetics. One of the key parallels between the romantics and the realists is their departure from urban living to regional, sparsely populated areas favouring natural settings, once again emphasising the connection between people and the environment . However, the visual consideration of this relationship is approached in different ways, and this is the pivotal point of divergence from romanticism to realism. The realist movement, with its empathetic and attentive depictions of farmers, labourers and the working class in general, marked a new appreciation of simple, wholesome and humble living as opposed to grand narratives of mythology and history or dramatic and formidable landscapes which largely ... Get more on ...