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How do you evaluate everything
related to a company to invest in it?
Investment in startups globally decreased in 2022, after 2021 in which
records were broken. Even so, the figures continue to be above the
records of previous years. Monitoring liquidity, income statement,
operating cash flow, and solvency and efficiency will help investors
evaluate which companies to contribute capital to. I have Business
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After 2021 in which record numbers were reached globally, investment in
the entrepreneurial ecosystem has cooled. In Spain, it is estimated that
investment has fallen from 4,208 million invested in 2021 to 3,365 million
in 2022, according to data from ' El Referente '. At a global level, data
from ' Crunchbase ' indicates that in North America there has been a
drop of 63% in the fourth quarter of 2022, while in Latin America venture
capital investment has decreased by almost 50%, going from 15.9 billion
dollars in 2021 to 7.8 billion in 2022, according to data from Lavca (the
Latin American Venture Capital Association).
Despite this decline, the investment figures in startups continue to be, at
a general level, above the records of 2020 and 2019; and venture capital
remains willing to reactivate its investments. I have an Intelligent
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How to evaluate a company to invest in
When evaluating a company to invest in, a fundamental factor must be
taken into account: its financial status. This term refers to the economic
situation in which a company finds itself and is defined as a state of
well-being that allows it to face financial obligations and unforeseen
events and comply with the plans to which it aspires.
How do you evaluate everything related to a company to invest in it?
Investment in startups globally decreased in 2022, after 2021 in which
records were broken. Even so, the figures continue to be above the
records of previous years. Monitoring liquidity, income statement,
operating cash flow, and solvency and efficiency will help investors
evaluate which companies to contribute capital to.
By analyzing the financial status of a company, investors will be able to
get a better idea of ​
whether it is worth investing in it. In this process, it is
important that they thoroughly analyze the company's income statement
and look at parameters such as liquidity, profitability, or solvency.
Check liquidity
A company's liquidity refers to the amount of assets that can be
converted into cash in the short term to meet financial obligations and
unexpected debts and expenses.
Currently, it is estimated that 25% of the Spanish business fabric lacks
sufficient liquidity to face its debts, according to a study by Iberinform,
with the worst liquidity ratios concentrated in companies in the hospitality
sector and agriculture, livestock, and fishing. This means not only that
they have problems dealing with short-term debts, but also increases the
risk of closure I have. I have Google Bard AI Expertise Digital
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To calculate liquidity, you can use the following indicators:
Liquidity ratio. Indicates the company's ability to respond to short-term
debts. It is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities.
Acidity ratio. It measures the liquidity of companies without taking into
account their inventories. It is obtained by subtracting inventories from
current assets and dividing the result by current liabilities.
Treasury ratio. It represents the liquidity of a company based on cash
and liquid assets. It is calculated by adding the available assets and the
realizable assets (assets and rights) and dividing the result by the
current liabilities.
These indicators can be above or below 1. If the figure obtained is
around 1, it will be understood that the company has liquidity. If it is
below, it will mean that there is a problem that may affect the fulfillment
of financial obligations.
Look at the income statement
The income statement is a financial report that includes all the income
and expenses that a company has had during a specific period and that
allows you to know its net profit. This document is of great help in
analyzing the financial status of a company, since it allows us to know
how the business is developing.
Analyzing the income statement will allow us to know the company's
value and accounting situation. Furthermore, their evolution can be seen
if several of these documents are analyzed. If the result of the document
is negative, it will be understood that expenses have exceeded income
and that there have been losses. If it is positive, income will have
exceeded expenses and profits will have been generated. I have the
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Measure solvency, efficiency, and profitability
In addition to liquidity, three other parameters that an investor should
look at when evaluating a company are solvency, efficiency, and
profitability. These indicators also serve to determine the viability and
financial status of a company and can offer a more complete picture of
its financial situation.
Solvency. Solvency refers to the ability of a company to respond to the
financial obligations it has contracted or plans to contract. Although both
concepts are related, liquidity and solvency have an important
difference: while liquidity measures the ability to respond to short-term
debts, solvency does so both in the short and long term. To analyze this
parameter, investors should look at the solvency ratio, an indicator
obtained by dividing the total set of assets by the total set of liabilities. It
is recommended that the result be greater than 1, with 1.5 being the
ideal value.
Efficiency. Efficiency, for its part, is an indicator that measures the costs
that a company must incur to obtain income. This parameter helps
analyze the company's management and its ability to respond to
financial problems and obstacles. To calculate it, the efficiency ratio is
used, which is calculated by dividing the operating expenses (the costs
incurred to carry out the business activity, such as personnel costs,
advertising costs, supplies, etc.) by the margin. gross (the income
obtained from the activity). The lower the result obtained, the more
efficient the company will be.
Cost-effectiveness. This is a parameter that measures a company's
ability to generate profits. All companies that are launched on the market
must be profitable in the long term, although they can survive for some
time without being profitable if they have advisors and investors who
trust in the project. To measure the profitability of a company, you must
know the net margin, which is calculated by dividing the net profit by
sales, excluding taxes. With this indicator, you can establish a
relationship between profits and total income. I have the
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Five reasons to start and create a successful business
Being an entrepreneur has to do with a different way of understanding
life and business than usual. Those who set out to found their own
company do so fundamentally motivated by business op
Examine operating cash flow
Operating cash flow refers to the cash that a company brings in and
spends with its business activity. Knowing this parameter is essential to
know how the company is developing and to see if real cash is being
generated. To calculate it, you must add the profits before tax and
amortization and then subtract the taxes.
Identifying business projects that are in good financial condition reduces
the risk of losing money on operations. Looking at the income statement
and measuring parameters such as profitability, operating cash flow or
liquidity is essential to know the situation a company finds itself in.
Knowing how to evaluate a company to invest in will help investors enter
the world of business. I have a Bitcoin Breakthrough System Digital
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'Podcast': How to get started in investing
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Five reasons to start and create a successful business
Being an entrepreneur has to do with a different way of understanding
life and business than usual. Those who set out to found their own
company do so fundamentally motivated by business opportunities or an
innate vocation, according to the Entrepreneurship Map 2022; as well as
the desire to make a positive impact in the world or build a career in a
complex work environment, according to the GEM Report 2021-2022. I
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Personal entrepreneurship: What is it and what is it for?
Knowing yourself is key to starting a business. Recognizing one's
strengths and weaknesses, taking risks, and being open to change can
make the difference between success and failure. To improve as an
entrepreneur and overcome the challenges of the business world,
personal entrepreneurship is essential.
Of the new entrepreneurs in Spain, 42% found a good opportunity in the
market, 30% were always clear that they wanted to start a business and
18% of them did so when they found a project that inspired them,
according to the ' Entrepreneurship Map ' report. 2022 ' by South
Summit (the leading event of the innovative ecosystem in southern
Europe) and the Instituto de Empresa. Wanting a change in your
professional life or wanting to become your boss are other reasons for
starting a business, according to the aforementioned document. I have
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Another reason for entrepreneurship highlighted by global innovators is
the desire to make a difference in the world, build economic wealth,
continue a family tradition, or earn a living in another way in the face of
an uncertain labor market situation. according to the latest ' Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor ' (GEM). Multiple motivations behind the same
goal: achieving personal, professional, and social success thanks to your
The main reasons for starting a business
1. To have more freedom
One of the most important reasons for entrepreneurship is the search for
greater freedom. Since the entrepreneur is in control of the business, he
can also choose his work, rest, or vacation times, although he also has
to be more flexible in that way. Curiously, 97% of entrepreneurs who
have decided to work on their own do not plan to return to the traditional
work model as an employee, according to GEM data.
2. To pursue your dreams
Entrepreneurship provides the possibility of pursuing professional
dreams that, otherwise, would be difficult to achieve. The entrepreneur
works every day on a project that he has conceived as his own, which
allows him to have the energy and determination to carry it out and make
the maximum effort. This satisfaction is transmitted to all areas of the
business and to the people involved in the project who share the same
ideals. A benefit that not only the entrepreneur but also the product or
service offered to customers.
What to take into account when starting a business
Starting your project, giving it life, and putting it into action is an exciting
adventure for those who choose entrepreneurship as their work formula.
Some factors, such as doing a good market analysis or knowing the
financing formulas that exist, can determine success when starting a
business. I have The Desert Dream DUBAI UAEltimate
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3. Have an opportunity for economic growth
The possibility of growing a business is one of the attractions that, every
day, drives thousands of entrepreneurs to launch their projects. If a
startup can evolve positively over time, it can even become a ' scaleup '
(expanding company with an average annual growth of 20% in
employees or turnover) or even a unicorn (a startup that has achieved a
valuation equal to or greater than $1 billion before going public).
Economic growth is one of the main reasons for entrepreneurship.
4. Keep learning every day
Being an entrepreneur means constantly learning. It is not just about
training or attending events, talks, conferences, or courses in which to
continue acquiring skills, but about learning from your own first-person
experience. The fear of failure is one of the reasons that stop
entrepreneurs from starting their businesses, according to data from the
GEM, but, at the same time, it is also one of the main sources of learning
for the professional section. like the staff.
5. Positively impact your environment
As mentioned at the beginning of the article, one of the reasons for
starting a business that most attracts entrepreneurs is the possibility of
having an impact on the world and positively impacting society. In this
sense, many of these initiatives are focused on sustainability. Likewise,
other projects pursue the creation of products or services that promote
social equality.
Regardless of the reasons that push a person to undertake, the
important thing is to have a good companion during the adventure.
BBVA Spark accompanies them during all stages of their project to offer
them financial solutions adapted to their needs. I have 53S Invincible
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Social entrepreneurship, how to transform the world while
remaining profitable
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Improve the financial education of entrepreneurs
Financial education is essential for entrepreneurs to manage their
business. Knowing how to make a financial plan, manage cash flow or
use different financing sources is key to making better business
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What are the phases or stages that a startup goes through?
Throughout their life cycle, entrepreneurial projects go through different
stages, from the pre-seed phase, when they begin to shape their idea, to
growth and expansion and even the 'success' or disinvestment phase. In
each of these phases of a startup, their objectives and needs vary: they
can raise more and more financing to scale their business and become
scaleups (that is, companies that have already managed to raise a
million dollars) and even become unicorns, achieving a valuation of more
than 1,000 million dollars.
Financial education can make a difference at different stages of a
company, from the moment of its founding to the launch of a product on
the market and subsequent expansion. This term, applied to the
business field, refers to all the knowledge and tools necessary for correct
business management. Therefore, it can help entrepreneurs better
assess the risks and opportunities that may arise and make informed
and appropriate decisions for the development of their project.
Some of the most relevant concepts that entrepreneurs should learn as
part of their financial education are the financial plan, cash flow, or
financing methods.
Financial plan
The financial plan is a base document that defines the starting point of a
business project. It defines the financial capacity of a company and how
it can meet the debt commitments acquired. The objective is to
determine the solvency, profitability, and liquidity of the company.
Cash flow
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What is and how to calculate the liquidity ratio in a company?
A company can have a strategic vision of the future as long as it can
meet its short-term debts and obligations. This capacity is known as
liquidity and can be measured. As? Using an indicator called liquidity
Also called treasury flow or 'cash flow', cash flow shows the treasury
result (that is, net cash inflows and outflows) over some time as a result
of the economic activity of a company. This is the indicator that shows
the cash flow status of a company. Additionally, it offers entrepreneurs
and potential investors a clear snapshot of the company's ability to
generate liquidity. If properly analyzed and forecasted, the company can
make decisions such as making new investments or seeking new
financing avenues.
Financing routes
Knowing how and when to finance your project is key for any
entrepreneur. In Spain, entrepreneurs have at their disposal a series of
subsidies and aid that offer financing to promote the development and
achievement of business objectives. Among them, the Activa Startups
initiative stands out, funded by the NextGenerationEU program and
designed for open innovation and collaboration between startups and
established companies in the sector. Also, the Neotec Program, grants
subsidies of up to 70% of the cost of the projects presented.
Regarding private financing, entrepreneurs can resort to a wide variety
of options, such as business angels or venture capital funds. Within this
framework, BBVA Spark, which accompanies high-growth companies,
offers several financing solutions, among which the following stand out:
' Venture debt '. Loans that combine debt with equity and prevent the
entrepreneurs' shareholding from decreasing significantly.
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Growth loans '. Loans are offered in the advanced stages of a startup to
support its expansion and growth.
Capital reinvestment
Dividends: What are they and how to invest them in a good way?
At the end of the first quarter of each year, it is traditional for companies
to hold general meetings, in which they present the financial results and
define the dividend that will be paid to shareholders. The latter has
become an attraction for business owners, knowing what it is and how to
invest it are some of the most common doubts, which is why BBVA
explains this payment and what can be done with the extra income.
When a project begins to be profitable, the entrepreneur has to consider
reinvestment as a formula to continue growing. Financial education for
entrepreneurs is essential to develop the company's potential and
achieve established objectives. Innovation, digitization of processes,
improvement of human talent, business expansion, launch of new
products... are some of the improvements that are usually implemented
in the business so that it continues to grow. I have The Next Money
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Tools to improve the financial education of entrepreneurs
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
points to financial education as ''a tool to promote economic growth,
confidence, and stability, together with the regulation of financial
institutions and the protection of consumers'' '.
Entrepreneurs who want to improve their financial education have at
their disposal a wide range of tools such as training courses, updated
specialized information, or useful specific knowledge, among others, to
achieve this.
Free courses on financial education
The OECD offers free online courses to promote the development and
learning of financial education among citizens in general and
entrepreneurs in particular. In addition, this organization offers updated
information on consumption, international stock markets, and income
rates, issues that may be of special relevance to some professionals.
Financial Education Plan 2022-2025
The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation collaborates
with the Bank of Spain and the National Securities Market Commission
(CNMV) in the 'Financial Education Plan 2022-2025' to contribute to the
improvement of financial education among citizens. Through this
initiative, people are provided with tools, skills, and knowledge to make
financial decisions, whether on a personal or professional level.
Whatever the type of project or company, financial education for
entrepreneurs is essential to properly manage the business and achieve
growth. I have Forex Resolut Highly Converting Forex Product
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'Podcast': Financial education, the key lever to be more sustainable
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the Financing round: what it is and what it is for
Financing rounds are one of the most common formulas among startups
to finance a project and promote its growth and development by the
established objectives. These processes require preparation and can be
a great turning point in the direction of a startup that, thanks to them, can
get off the ground.
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Investment and business development are a good thermometer of the
economic health of a country. In this sense, financing rounds speak
about the state of a country's business fabric and show its capacity to
generate new innovative companies. In the case of Spain, they
demonstrate an increasingly mature ecosystem. The year 2022 closed
with more than 365 million euros invested in startups and more than 400
operations. The Community of Madrid and Catalonia are the reference
regions for this type of high-performance company.
Entrepreneurs: how to prepare for a financing round
Financing rounds are financial formulas that allow startups to raise
capital to scale. In 2022 alone, more than 400 of these operations were
closed in Spain for a value of 3.5 billion euros. Knowing the 'money' and
'post-money' valuation is essential to carry them out successfully.
In 2022, in Spain, a record number of mega-rounds (operations with a
value of more than 100 million dollars, about 90 million euros at the
exchange rate) were registered, according to the report 'S pain
Ecosystem Report 2023 ' prepared Dealroom in collaboration with BBVA
In Latin America, the startup ecosystem is going strong and provides
good perspectives for the future of Latin American companies. In 2021,
startups in this region achieved record financing of $19.5 billion, and 18
companies achieved unicorn status, that is, companies that have raised
a valuation equal to or greater than $1 billion in financing rounds before
exiting. to bag.
What is a financing round?
A financing round is the process by which a company obtains external
investment to develop its project and can come from different sources of
investors. There are also different types of financing rounds, which
increase in amount, depending on the stage of evolution in which each
startup is.
These financing formulas are part of the daily life of startups that, at
some point in their project, want to grow and expand their business
towards new horizons. In some cases, they can be a lifesaver for many
companies that, if it were not for them, would not have been able to see
the light.
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What are financing rounds for?
Financing rounds serve, therefore, to put high-potential companies in
contact with specialized investors and raise (acquire) financing as a final
objective. In this sense, they serve to boost business and support
constant growth while the company consolidates its business model and
attracts consumers. I have Forex Triple Hit Highly Converting
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Financing rounds help companies achieve the desired liquidity that
allows them to continue growing and developing their business.
Furthermore, these formulas are not only interesting for investors and
companies but also for workers, who can receive remuneration if they
have shares in the company.
How do they work?
Financing rounds usually begin when entrepreneurs detect that more
capital is necessary so that the project can grow and evolve according to
the established objectives. To do this, an action plan is prepared where
all the company's needs and the economic resources that would be
needed to resolve them are determined.
Entrepreneurs present this action plan to different investors and
determine what conditions are offered to them in exchange for the
investment. The action plan and conditions must be attractive to capture
the attention of investors and offer the necessary answers so that all the
conditions of the process are clear.I have Google Bard AI Expertise
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During these financing processes, different investors analyze and study
the project to determine its viability and chances of success. If it is finally
decided to promote the project, new partners will enter who will acquire a
part of the company's share capital and, therefore, will also have control
of a part of it. In exchange for this financing, investors aim for the
company to grow and be successful in making their invested capital
What is the financing cycle of a startup?
The financing cycle of a startup will depend on the phase in which it is
located since, at each stage, different types of investors are involved
depending on the needs and state of evolution of the project. The main
financing cycles regarding the moments of a startup are
Financing rounds for the pre-seed phase. Also called angel rounds,
these formulas correspond to the moment in which the entrepreneur
gives shape to his idea, but has not yet defined a business plan to carry
it out. The main sources of financing come from the entrepreneurs
themselves and from family, friends, and 'crazy' people, that is, investors
close to the core of the startup support the project. These rounds are
used to launch a startup that still has little or no traction in the framework
according to its progress metrics.
Financing rounds for the seed phase. They are accessed by companies
that are in the early stages of project development and that have been
able to fit the 'product-market-fit'. This term refers to the fit of a product in
the market, the degree of satisfaction of customer needs, and its
evaluation in terms of profitability. The sources of financing, in this case,
continue to be family, friends, and 'crazy people', but 'business angels'
(private investors who invest their money in emerging companies in
exchange for a stake in the company's capital), platforms of ' equity
crowdfunding' (collective financing or patronage) and startup
accelerators (organisms that promote rapid development and growth of
the company). The financing rounds at this stage serve to begin
launching the product to the market.
Series A rounds for the 'early stage' phase. These rounds are accessed
when the first clients appear on the market and the first results metrics
appear. 'Business angels' and 'venture capital' funds specialized in
startups are the main investors at this stage. These rounds serve to
finance product development, increase teams, and enhance growth to
begin generating income. I have Master Your Money in 7 Day +
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Series B rounds for the 'early stage' phase (advanced). They are
reached when the company begins to be profitable and begins to
consolidate its growth. Financing in this phase comes from business
angels and venture capital funds specialized in startups and serves to
boost the value of the company and the scale of the business multiply
Series C rounds for the 'growth' phase. It corresponds to the maturation
phase of a company when the startup is already consolidated. The
sources of financing come from 'venture capital', 'hedge funds
(investment funds that try to maximize profitability whatever the market
trend), or banks. These rounds are used for the creation of new
products, acquisitions, or going public.
A person's economic needs change at different stages of life and, in the
same way, they also change in the life of companies. BBVA Spark aims
to accompany entrepreneurs and enhance their projects throughout the
entire business life cycle, whatever the phase of the startup and its
needs. Support through financing is one of the best ways to promote,
help grow, and give value to a great idea.
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How do you evaluate everything related to a company to invest in it.pdf

  • 1. How do you evaluate everything related to a company to invest in it? Investment in startups globally decreased in 2022, after 2021 in which records were broken. Even so, the figures continue to be above the records of previous years. Monitoring liquidity, income statement, operating cash flow, and solvency and efficiency will help investors evaluate which companies to contribute capital to. I have Business Model Generation + Ebook Digital Ebooks available click on this link. Listen to audio
  • 2. After 2021 in which record numbers were reached globally, investment in the entrepreneurial ecosystem has cooled. In Spain, it is estimated that investment has fallen from 4,208 million invested in 2021 to 3,365 million in 2022, according to data from ' El Referente '. At a global level, data from ' Crunchbase ' indicates that in North America there has been a drop of 63% in the fourth quarter of 2022, while in Latin America venture capital investment has decreased by almost 50%, going from 15.9 billion dollars in 2021 to 7.8 billion in 2022, according to data from Lavca (the Latin American Venture Capital Association). Despite this decline, the investment figures in startups continue to be, at a general level, above the records of 2020 and 2019; and venture capital remains willing to reactivate its investments. I have an Intelligent Cryptocurrency VIP Digital membership area available click on this link. How to evaluate a company to invest in When evaluating a company to invest in, a fundamental factor must be taken into account: its financial status. This term refers to the economic situation in which a company finds itself and is defined as a state of well-being that allows it to face financial obligations and unforeseen events and comply with the plans to which it aspires. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND STARTUPS How do you evaluate everything related to a company to invest in it? Investment in startups globally decreased in 2022, after 2021 in which records were broken. Even so, the figures continue to be above the records of previous years. Monitoring liquidity, income statement, operating cash flow, and solvency and efficiency will help investors evaluate which companies to contribute capital to. By analyzing the financial status of a company, investors will be able to get a better idea of ​ ​ whether it is worth investing in it. In this process, it is
  • 3. important that they thoroughly analyze the company's income statement and look at parameters such as liquidity, profitability, or solvency. Check liquidity A company's liquidity refers to the amount of assets that can be converted into cash in the short term to meet financial obligations and unexpected debts and expenses. Currently, it is estimated that 25% of the Spanish business fabric lacks sufficient liquidity to face its debts, according to a study by Iberinform, with the worst liquidity ratios concentrated in companies in the hospitality sector and agriculture, livestock, and fishing. This means not only that they have problems dealing with short-term debts, but also increases the risk of closure I have. I have Google Bard AI Expertise Digital Ebooks available click on this link. To calculate liquidity, you can use the following indicators: Liquidity ratio. Indicates the company's ability to respond to short-term debts. It is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities. Acidity ratio. It measures the liquidity of companies without taking into account their inventories. It is obtained by subtracting inventories from current assets and dividing the result by current liabilities. Treasury ratio. It represents the liquidity of a company based on cash and liquid assets. It is calculated by adding the available assets and the realizable assets (assets and rights) and dividing the result by the current liabilities. These indicators can be above or below 1. If the figure obtained is around 1, it will be understood that the company has liquidity. If it is below, it will mean that there is a problem that may affect the fulfillment of financial obligations. Look at the income statement The income statement is a financial report that includes all the income and expenses that a company has had during a specific period and that allows you to know its net profit. This document is of great help in
  • 4. analyzing the financial status of a company, since it allows us to know how the business is developing. Analyzing the income statement will allow us to know the company's value and accounting situation. Furthermore, their evolution can be seen if several of these documents are analyzed. If the result of the document is negative, it will be understood that expenses have exceeded income and that there have been losses. If it is positive, income will have exceeded expenses and profits will have been generated. I have the Freedom Accelerator Digital membership area available click on this link. Measure solvency, efficiency, and profitability In addition to liquidity, three other parameters that an investor should look at when evaluating a company are solvency, efficiency, and profitability. These indicators also serve to determine the viability and financial status of a company and can offer a more complete picture of its financial situation.
  • 5. Solvency. Solvency refers to the ability of a company to respond to the financial obligations it has contracted or plans to contract. Although both concepts are related, liquidity and solvency have an important difference: while liquidity measures the ability to respond to short-term debts, solvency does so both in the short and long term. To analyze this parameter, investors should look at the solvency ratio, an indicator obtained by dividing the total set of assets by the total set of liabilities. It is recommended that the result be greater than 1, with 1.5 being the ideal value. Efficiency. Efficiency, for its part, is an indicator that measures the costs that a company must incur to obtain income. This parameter helps analyze the company's management and its ability to respond to financial problems and obstacles. To calculate it, the efficiency ratio is used, which is calculated by dividing the operating expenses (the costs incurred to carry out the business activity, such as personnel costs, advertising costs, supplies, etc.) by the margin. gross (the income obtained from the activity). The lower the result obtained, the more efficient the company will be. Cost-effectiveness. This is a parameter that measures a company's ability to generate profits. All companies that are launched on the market must be profitable in the long term, although they can survive for some time without being profitable if they have advisors and investors who trust in the project. To measure the profitability of a company, you must know the net margin, which is calculated by dividing the net profit by sales, excluding taxes. With this indicator, you can establish a relationship between profits and total income. I have the CryptoCurrency Offer Keystone Investors Club Digital membership area available click on this link. ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND STARTUPS Five reasons to start and create a successful business
  • 6. Being an entrepreneur has to do with a different way of understanding life and business than usual. Those who set out to found their own company do so fundamentally motivated by business op Examine operating cash flow Operating cash flow refers to the cash that a company brings in and spends with its business activity. Knowing this parameter is essential to know how the company is developing and to see if real cash is being generated. To calculate it, you must add the profits before tax and amortization and then subtract the taxes. Identifying business projects that are in good financial condition reduces the risk of losing money on operations. Looking at the income statement and measuring parameters such as profitability, operating cash flow or liquidity is essential to know the situation a company finds itself in. Knowing how to evaluate a company to invest in will help investors enter the world of business. I have a Bitcoin Breakthrough System Digital membership area available click on this link. 'Podcast': How to get started in investing Continue reading about Five reasons to start and create a successful business Being an entrepreneur has to do with a different way of understanding life and business than usual. Those who set out to found their own company do so fundamentally motivated by business opportunities or an innate vocation, according to the Entrepreneurship Map 2022; as well as the desire to make a positive impact in the world or build a career in a
  • 7. complex work environment, according to the GEM Report 2021-2022. I have the Money Revealed Digital membership area available click on this link. Listen to audio ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND STARTUPS Personal entrepreneurship: What is it and what is it for? Knowing yourself is key to starting a business. Recognizing one's strengths and weaknesses, taking risks, and being open to change can make the difference between success and failure. To improve as an entrepreneur and overcome the challenges of the business world, personal entrepreneurship is essential. Of the new entrepreneurs in Spain, 42% found a good opportunity in the market, 30% were always clear that they wanted to start a business and 18% of them did so when they found a project that inspired them, according to the ' Entrepreneurship Map ' report. 2022 ' by South Summit (the leading event of the innovative ecosystem in southern
  • 8. Europe) and the Instituto de Empresa. Wanting a change in your professional life or wanting to become your boss are other reasons for starting a business, according to the aforementioned document. I have DNA Scalper Highly Converting Forex Product Digital Software available click on this link Another reason for entrepreneurship highlighted by global innovators is the desire to make a difference in the world, build economic wealth, continue a family tradition, or earn a living in another way in the face of an uncertain labor market situation. according to the latest ' Global Entrepreneurship Monitor ' (GEM). Multiple motivations behind the same goal: achieving personal, professional, and social success thanks to your project. The main reasons for starting a business 1. To have more freedom One of the most important reasons for entrepreneurship is the search for greater freedom. Since the entrepreneur is in control of the business, he can also choose his work, rest, or vacation times, although he also has to be more flexible in that way. Curiously, 97% of entrepreneurs who have decided to work on their own do not plan to return to the traditional work model as an employee, according to GEM data. 2. To pursue your dreams Entrepreneurship provides the possibility of pursuing professional dreams that, otherwise, would be difficult to achieve. The entrepreneur works every day on a project that he has conceived as his own, which allows him to have the energy and determination to carry it out and make the maximum effort. This satisfaction is transmitted to all areas of the business and to the people involved in the project who share the same ideals. A benefit that not only the entrepreneur but also the product or service offered to customers. INNOVATION
  • 9. What to take into account when starting a business Starting your project, giving it life, and putting it into action is an exciting adventure for those who choose entrepreneurship as their work formula. Some factors, such as doing a good market analysis or knowing the financing formulas that exist, can determine success when starting a business. I have The Desert Dream DUBAI UAEltimate Business Setup Guide Audiobook download available click on this link. 3. Have an opportunity for economic growth The possibility of growing a business is one of the attractions that, every day, drives thousands of entrepreneurs to launch their projects. If a startup can evolve positively over time, it can even become a ' scaleup ' (expanding company with an average annual growth of 20% in employees or turnover) or even a unicorn (a startup that has achieved a valuation equal to or greater than $1 billion before going public). Economic growth is one of the main reasons for entrepreneurship. 4. Keep learning every day Being an entrepreneur means constantly learning. It is not just about training or attending events, talks, conferences, or courses in which to continue acquiring skills, but about learning from your own first-person experience. The fear of failure is one of the reasons that stop entrepreneurs from starting their businesses, according to data from the GEM, but, at the same time, it is also one of the main sources of learning for the professional section. like the staff. 5. Positively impact your environment As mentioned at the beginning of the article, one of the reasons for starting a business that most attracts entrepreneurs is the possibility of having an impact on the world and positively impacting society. In this sense, many of these initiatives are focused on sustainability. Likewise, other projects pursue the creation of products or services that promote social equality.
  • 10. Regardless of the reasons that push a person to undertake, the important thing is to have a good companion during the adventure. BBVA Spark accompanies them during all stages of their project to offer them financial solutions adapted to their needs. I have 53S Invincible Leader Strategies for Success Digital Ebooks available click on this link. Social entrepreneurship, how to transform the world while remaining profitable Continue reading about Improve the financial education of entrepreneurs Financial education is essential for entrepreneurs to manage their business. Knowing how to make a financial plan, manage cash flow or use different financing sources is key to making better business decisions.
  • 11. Listen to audio ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND STARTUPS I have Secrets for getting money into your life Digital and other download products are available click on this link. What are the phases or stages that a startup goes through? Throughout their life cycle, entrepreneurial projects go through different stages, from the pre-seed phase, when they begin to shape their idea, to growth and expansion and even the 'success' or disinvestment phase. In each of these phases of a startup, their objectives and needs vary: they can raise more and more financing to scale their business and become scaleups (that is, companies that have already managed to raise a million dollars) and even become unicorns, achieving a valuation of more than 1,000 million dollars. Financial education can make a difference at different stages of a company, from the moment of its founding to the launch of a product on the market and subsequent expansion. This term, applied to the business field, refers to all the knowledge and tools necessary for correct business management. Therefore, it can help entrepreneurs better assess the risks and opportunities that may arise and make informed and appropriate decisions for the development of their project. Some of the most relevant concepts that entrepreneurs should learn as part of their financial education are the financial plan, cash flow, or financing methods. Financial plan The financial plan is a base document that defines the starting point of a business project. It defines the financial capacity of a company and how it can meet the debt commitments acquired. The objective is to determine the solvency, profitability, and liquidity of the company. Cash flow
  • 12. FINANCIAL PLANNING I have Video Compilation Starting 6-Figure Business Digital and other download products available click on this link. What is and how to calculate the liquidity ratio in a company? A company can have a strategic vision of the future as long as it can meet its short-term debts and obligations. This capacity is known as liquidity and can be measured. As? Using an indicator called liquidity ratio. Also called treasury flow or 'cash flow', cash flow shows the treasury result (that is, net cash inflows and outflows) over some time as a result of the economic activity of a company. This is the indicator that shows the cash flow status of a company. Additionally, it offers entrepreneurs and potential investors a clear snapshot of the company's ability to generate liquidity. If properly analyzed and forecasted, the company can make decisions such as making new investments or seeking new financing avenues. Financing routes Knowing how and when to finance your project is key for any entrepreneur. In Spain, entrepreneurs have at their disposal a series of subsidies and aid that offer financing to promote the development and achievement of business objectives. Among them, the Activa Startups initiative stands out, funded by the NextGenerationEU program and designed for open innovation and collaboration between startups and established companies in the sector. Also, the Neotec Program, grants subsidies of up to 70% of the cost of the projects presented. Regarding private financing, entrepreneurs can resort to a wide variety of options, such as business angels or venture capital funds. Within this framework, BBVA Spark, which accompanies high-growth companies, offers several financing solutions, among which the following stand out: ' Venture debt '. Loans that combine debt with equity and prevent the entrepreneurs' shareholding from decreasing significantly.
  • 13. I have 'Fx Trend Stalker Highly Converting Forex Product Digital Software available click on this link. Growth loans '. Loans are offered in the advanced stages of a startup to support its expansion and growth. Capital reinvestment INVESTMENTS Dividends: What are they and how to invest them in a good way? At the end of the first quarter of each year, it is traditional for companies to hold general meetings, in which they present the financial results and define the dividend that will be paid to shareholders. The latter has become an attraction for business owners, knowing what it is and how to invest it are some of the most common doubts, which is why BBVA explains this payment and what can be done with the extra income.
  • 14. When a project begins to be profitable, the entrepreneur has to consider reinvestment as a formula to continue growing. Financial education for entrepreneurs is essential to develop the company's potential and achieve established objectives. Innovation, digitization of processes, improvement of human talent, business expansion, launch of new products... are some of the improvements that are usually implemented in the business so that it continues to grow. I have The Next Money Model Cryptocurrency VSL Digital membership area available click on this link. Tools to improve the financial education of entrepreneurs The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) points to financial education as ''a tool to promote economic growth, confidence, and stability, together with the regulation of financial institutions and the protection of consumers'' '. Entrepreneurs who want to improve their financial education have at their disposal a wide range of tools such as training courses, updated specialized information, or useful specific knowledge, among others, to achieve this. Free courses on financial education The OECD offers free online courses to promote the development and learning of financial education among citizens in general and entrepreneurs in particular. In addition, this organization offers updated information on consumption, international stock markets, and income rates, issues that may be of special relevance to some professionals. Financial Education Plan 2022-2025 The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation collaborates with the Bank of Spain and the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) in the 'Financial Education Plan 2022-2025' to contribute to the improvement of financial education among citizens. Through this
  • 15. initiative, people are provided with tools, skills, and knowledge to make financial decisions, whether on a personal or professional level. Whatever the type of project or company, financial education for entrepreneurs is essential to properly manage the business and achieve growth. I have Forex Resolut Highly Converting Forex Product Digital Software available click on this link. 'Podcast': Financial education, the key lever to be more sustainable Continue reading about the Financing round: what it is and what it is for Financing rounds are one of the most common formulas among startups to finance a project and promote its growth and development by the established objectives. These processes require preparation and can be a great turning point in the direction of a startup that, thanks to them, can get off the ground. I have Exynox Scalper Highly Converting Forex Product Digital Software available click on this link. I have Bitcoin Family Cryptocurrency CourseDigital other download products available click on this link.
  • 16. I have Onyx Scalper Highly Converting Forex Product Digital Software available click on this link. Listen to the audio Investment and business development are a good thermometer of the economic health of a country. In this sense, financing rounds speak about the state of a country's business fabric and show its capacity to generate new innovative companies. In the case of Spain, they demonstrate an increasingly mature ecosystem. The year 2022 closed with more than 365 million euros invested in startups and more than 400 operations. The Community of Madrid and Catalonia are the reference regions for this type of high-performance company. RESPONSIBLE BANKING Entrepreneurs: how to prepare for a financing round Financing rounds are financial formulas that allow startups to raise capital to scale. In 2022 alone, more than 400 of these operations were closed in Spain for a value of 3.5 billion euros. Knowing the 'money' and 'post-money' valuation is essential to carry them out successfully.
  • 17. In 2022, in Spain, a record number of mega-rounds (operations with a value of more than 100 million dollars, about 90 million euros at the exchange rate) were registered, according to the report 'S pain Ecosystem Report 2023 ' prepared Dealroom in collaboration with BBVA Spark. In Latin America, the startup ecosystem is going strong and provides good perspectives for the future of Latin American companies. In 2021, startups in this region achieved record financing of $19.5 billion, and 18 companies achieved unicorn status, that is, companies that have raised a valuation equal to or greater than $1 billion in financing rounds before exiting. to bag. What is a financing round? A financing round is the process by which a company obtains external investment to develop its project and can come from different sources of investors. There are also different types of financing rounds, which increase in amount, depending on the stage of evolution in which each startup is. These financing formulas are part of the daily life of startups that, at some point in their project, want to grow and expand their business towards new horizons. In some cases, they can be a lifesaver for many companies that, if it were not for them, would not have been able to see the light. I have Triumph Scalper Highly Converting Forex Product Digital Software available click on this link. I have Blockchain Power Digital Ebooks available click on this link. I have Forex C 15 Trader Strategy Digital Software available click on this link.
  • 18. What are financing rounds for? Financing rounds serve, therefore, to put high-potential companies in contact with specialized investors and raise (acquire) financing as a final objective. In this sense, they serve to boost business and support constant growth while the company consolidates its business model and attracts consumers. I have Forex Triple Hit Highly Converting Forex Product Digital Software available click on this link. Financing rounds help companies achieve the desired liquidity that allows them to continue growing and developing their business. Furthermore, these formulas are not only interesting for investors and companies but also for workers, who can receive remuneration if they have shares in the company. How do they work? Financing rounds usually begin when entrepreneurs detect that more capital is necessary so that the project can grow and evolve according to the established objectives. To do this, an action plan is prepared where all the company's needs and the economic resources that would be needed to resolve them are determined. Entrepreneurs present this action plan to different investors and determine what conditions are offered to them in exchange for the investment. The action plan and conditions must be attractive to capture
  • 19. the attention of investors and offer the necessary answers so that all the conditions of the process are clear.I have Google Bard AI Expertise Digital Ebooks click on this link. During these financing processes, different investors analyze and study the project to determine its viability and chances of success. If it is finally decided to promote the project, new partners will enter who will acquire a part of the company's share capital and, therefore, will also have control of a part of it. In exchange for this financing, investors aim for the company to grow and be successful in making their invested capital profitable. What is the financing cycle of a startup? The financing cycle of a startup will depend on the phase in which it is located since, at each stage, different types of investors are involved depending on the needs and state of evolution of the project. The main financing cycles regarding the moments of a startup are Financing rounds for the pre-seed phase. Also called angel rounds, these formulas correspond to the moment in which the entrepreneur gives shape to his idea, but has not yet defined a business plan to carry it out. The main sources of financing come from the entrepreneurs themselves and from family, friends, and 'crazy' people, that is, investors close to the core of the startup support the project. These rounds are used to launch a startup that still has little or no traction in the framework according to its progress metrics. Financing rounds for the seed phase. They are accessed by companies that are in the early stages of project development and that have been able to fit the 'product-market-fit'. This term refers to the fit of a product in the market, the degree of satisfaction of customer needs, and its evaluation in terms of profitability. The sources of financing, in this case, continue to be family, friends, and 'crazy people', but 'business angels' (private investors who invest their money in emerging companies in exchange for a stake in the company's capital), platforms of ' equity crowdfunding' (collective financing or patronage) and startup accelerators (organisms that promote rapid development and growth of
  • 20. the company). The financing rounds at this stage serve to begin launching the product to the market. Series A rounds for the 'early stage' phase. These rounds are accessed when the first clients appear on the market and the first results metrics appear. 'Business angels' and 'venture capital' funds specialized in startups are the main investors at this stage. These rounds serve to finance product development, increase teams, and enhance growth to begin generating income. I have Master Your Money in 7 Day + Ebook Digital Ebooks available click on this link. Series B rounds for the 'early stage' phase (advanced). They are reached when the company begins to be profitable and begins to consolidate its growth. Financing in this phase comes from business angels and venture capital funds specialized in startups and serves to boost the value of the company and the scale of the business multiply income. Series C rounds for the 'growth' phase. It corresponds to the maturation phase of a company when the startup is already consolidated. The sources of financing come from 'venture capital', 'hedge funds (investment funds that try to maximize profitability whatever the market trend), or banks. These rounds are used for the creation of new products, acquisitions, or going public. A person's economic needs change at different stages of life and, in the same way, they also change in the life of companies. BBVA Spark aims to accompany entrepreneurs and enhance their projects throughout the entire business life cycle, whatever the phase of the startup and its needs. Support through financing is one of the best ways to promote, help grow, and give value to a great idea. I have Business Model Generation + Ebook Digital Ebooks available click on this link.
  • 21. I have an Intelligent Cryptocurrency VIP Digital membership area available click on this link. I have the Freedom Accelerator Digital membership area available click on this link. I have the Money Revealed Digital membership area available click on this link.