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How To Start Off An Essay For UniversityHow To Start Off An Essay For University
The Establishment Of A Free Market Economy
The establishment of a free market economy with the creation of joint stock companies in the
modern day Netherlands during the 1500 1600s spelt the beginning of capitalism, an economic
system which has, since this period, brought untold prosperity to billions throughout the world. Its
proliferation throughout Europe is one of the primary reasons why in the centuries thereafter it
became the sole hegemon on the world stage, with its greatest embracer, Great Britain, holding
sway over a fourth of the globe by the mid nineteenth century. Since these European centuries,
liberal economic thought has spread throughout the world, with vibrant, flourishing economies
sprouting in places from Singapore to Japan to even China, with its tentative economic
liberalization being the direct result in hundreds of millions being lifted out of poverty. With such a
good track record, one would be surprised that the bulk of the intelligentsia of this country is
opposed to the continuation of a liberal, free market system. Indeed, in their papers on higher
education in America, Mark Edmundson and William Deresiewicz indict the capitalist system as
the bane of higher education, accusing the profiteering of private institutions as the primary reason
why students are receiving a sub par education. Using terms such as consumerism and neoliberalism
pejoratively, they posit that each system has had an adverse affect on higher education, and present
differing solutions to put an end to the problems
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Eisenhower and Patton Comparison Essay
General Eisenhower and General Patton:
A Comparison
Zerrrouk (PN)
From a fiercely brave General, who strictly enforces customs, bravery, formalities, and success; to
a General with a lighthearted mood, down to earth attitude, a steadfast courage, and a integrity and
decency to lead the nations of the world into battle; while both these legendary Generals fought on
the same side, both General S. Patton and General D. Eisenhower were distinctly different
Generals. This paper seeks to outline the differences and similarities between the two Generals by
taking a close look at their lives, and the impacts they had on WWII.
George S. Patton was born on November 11th, 1885, in San Gabriel California. As Patton grew
older, he developed a ... Show more content on ...
For this action he was stripped of his command over the 2nd Armored Division in Africa. Patton
could not stand to have a soldier that was anything less than what he thought a true soldier should
represent. Patton believes that courage and fear are phenomena which can be governed by training
and discipline, and that fear is lost through intense training and patriotism. Patton did not hate his
men, but he didn t want to see his soldiers hospitalized as injured men with battle fatigue or
neurosis, but as a spectacle of American bravery. Visiting his troops in the hospital got him
emotional and he state once that, They re the best damned soldiers the world has ever seen. One
day I bawl the hell out of them and the next I weep over them.
Patton was relieved of active duty until he was summoned by Eisenhower to lead the 3rd American
army in the breakthrough Normandy. Eisenhower, more than anybody, knew the talents that Patton
had in war; and with the 3rd American Army, Patton cut through the German lines all the way to
Rennes, and then to Nantes, and then stopped at Metz for gas and munitions. Patton was always a
step ahead of everyone especially the Germans. After the push stopped, Patton was ordered to move
from Saar and attack General Von Rundstedt which was deemed impossible by others but not
Patton. After Rundstedt was captured, Rundstedt gave a high praise to Patton for his
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Modern Medicine And Its Constitution Of Synthetic Drugs
Before the existence of modern medicine and its Constitution of synthetic drugs, and there were
stations, ancient civilizations knew how to use them strategically to treat common diseases and
even life threatening diseases. Papyrus details Egyptian Ebers old, moved from 1550 BC is
more than 100 pages long, 700 medicinal herbs and how to use them. Greek hibokratikom corpus
of sixteenth century BC also details using herbs medicine.1 Later, during the nineteenth century
and early twentieth century, herbal pharmacology was passed from one generation to the next
one. Typically, a woman s House was well versed in the use of herbs for healing, and serve as a
family doctor not only to treat diseases but also prepare various wellness herbal tonics and other
remedies. Today, it is estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO), 80 per cent of the world
s population still uses conventional treatments, including plants, such as tools.2 primary health care
at the same time, most new drugs (70 per cent) and introduced in the United States are derived
from natural products, mainly from plants.3 Unfortunately, the reverence for the use of medicinal
plants in everyday life was largely in the United States. But if you want to use natural remedies to
support your health, you should know that there are a lot of right at your fingertips. Medicinal
plants that you can use for your health Below is an excellent starting point to learn how to harness
the power of medicinal plants. This
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Equestria Alternate Ending
Cadence awoke. An immense pressure bore on her confused mind, feeling like a lost soul in the
depths of hell. Her vision swam into focus as her eye adjusted to the dim light, coming from
some crack in the wall, but only for a minute, before it dwindled like a dying star, brining
darkness once more. The world around her was like a distorted night sky, gyrating across
rippling oceans waves, lit by the moon. Her eyes, feeling like they were being used for the first
time in a decade, seared as they tried to distinguish her surroundings: A white, padded cell, along
with a door in front; a flickering light above, buzzing irregularly. Weakness tore through her body
as she tried to move, only to find herself tethered to chains on the wall; her efforts for liberation,
while valiant, were in vain. She yanked the chains, trying to sever its attachment to... Show more
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The mind was unwilling to delve into the depths her dark past the same one that changed
Equestria. Curiosity got the best of her and she forced her mind to recollect. She closed her eyes
and thought. A multitude of fallen ponies, subjugated to a tyrant s ruthless act of bloodshed, lay
in a pool of blood; a weeping white stallion, sitting in the midst of his slaughtered subjects, the
only living soul amongst the dead, begging to be spared mercifully. A pink alicorn towered over
the white stallion. A terrifying, mirthless cackle sounded. The alicorn was charging its horn ready
to strike, but a blast of chaos magic that Discord managed to discharge ceased its movement.
Everything became unreal, and the alicorn tumbled, shrieking louder than a thousand condemned
souls. In the alicorn s last efforts, a surge of cursed magic unleashed from its horn and webbed the
entire sky. The alicorn blacked out from the sheer volume of pain, and the last thing it saw was total
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Galileo s Influence On Nicolaus Copernicus
During the 16th and 17th centuries, a scientific revolution transpires which inevitably yields the
basis of our modern scientific knowledge. This new vision in science has been examined by the use
of sophisticated mathematics along with observations. One of the revolutionary discoveries is
honored to the famed Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus. He developed a heliocentric model of
the universe. Prior to his time, an earth centered model, also known as the Ptolemaic model, was
believed because it was simply common sense that the earth was motionless as the sunrises and set
from east to west, respectively. Unlike Nicolaus Copernicus, his predecessors believed in
geocentrism; the theory which Earth is the center of the universe, which... Show more content on ...
Therefore, one would not dare to oppose the church s beliefs as it may result with consequences.
Copernicus was well aware of this, therefore, he published his work shortly before his death.
Additionally, his book was also banned. Later on, his book entitled De Revolutionibus Orbium
Celestium, translated to On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, has been an influential in
our time. Although there was one scholar, after Copernicus s time, by the name of Galileo, who
suffered a consequence appointed by the church. Galileo was permitted to write about new
scientific theories because in his time, in 1623 Pope Urban VIII had an appreciation for such new
discoveries. Galileo was able to support the heliocentric theory as he used the revolutionary
instrument, the telescope, systematically. The observations he made explained that Copernicus is
in fact right. Therefore, Galileo wrote a book entitled Two Chief Systems of the World in 1632,
which he defends Copernicus theory and censures the Ptolemy s and Aristotle s model. Inevitably,
the papal Inquisition placed Galileo on trial for heresy. He was punished for his writing, that was
banned, and he was also put under house arrest until the day he
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Court Observation At Harris County Criminal Justice Court
Quan Nguyen
Business Law
Professor Donna Kohlhausen
November 14, 2016
Court Observation Paper The court I attended was the court # 184, on October 25th 2015 at
Harris County Criminal Justice Court , located in downtown of Houston city. The Judge in
charge was Jan Krocker. It was an aggravated sexual assault of child case between The State of
Texas vs. Samuel Gallegos. As I entered the court, the trial has already commenced so I did not
really know how a real trial started. I sat in the back where the public sits, facing the judge bench.
The courtroom was cold and quiet. Especially it was very small, much smaller and less
impressive than I expected.. Everyone was in formal dressing code. There were just a few
number of spectators and family members in the court room. There was a clerk who was typing
everything what was happening during the court time. Judge Krocker appeared to have things
under control and had the proceedings moving forward smoothly. She was a very friendly lady
with short blonde hair. She was listening attentively. She spoke clearly and distinctly so that
everyone in the courtroom could hear. Samuel Gallegos is a white man about 5 8 tall. He looked
quite nervous while some police officers were standing behind him. From what I understood, this
case was really happening back in 2014 and the suspect has criminal history relating to assault of
child and another related case to this case. On my left hand side were the bailiffs while some
others stood observed
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Leadership Is The Best Leadership
Leadership is fundamental to every successful process known to mankind. There must always be
someone who is willing to initiate the first step, and by example, others are given inspiration or
purpose to follow suit. Though many definitions exist, Josh Kuehler captures the essence of
leadership in business by noting Leadership is the ability to inspire motivation in others to move
toward a desirable vision. While management is focused on tasks, leadership is focused on the
person. All in all, the best leadership drives change and long lasting motivation. (Helmrich, 2015, p.
1) Given the thousands of leadership definitions, why did I choose this one? Because it clearly
highlights a clear difference between leadership and management. Leadership is about people, not
about processes, and people enable a strong ethics program. Therefore, my belief is that leadership,
not management is the primary catalyst behind a flexible yet sustainable ethics program in any
organization, private or public. Whether establishing, modifying, or cultivating a successful ethics
program, leadership involvement at all levels of an organization is absolutely paramount.
I ll use our very own United States Air Force as an example, as I spent 23 years in the organization.
I feel confident that I can demonstrate how the Air Force has adapted the seven Federal Sentencing
Guidelines for Organizations (FSGO) requirements of an effective compliance and ethics program.
(Johnson, 2004, no page). As
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Age Discrimination At The Workplace
Age Discrimination in the Workplace
American workforce is getting older. Fact, in between 1970 to 1991, the workforce number over
the age of 40 in the U.S. has increased from 39,689,000 to 53,940,000. Because of that, the
legislative and judicial developments in the age discrimination in employment have occurred (1).
The baby boomer generation Americans born between 1946 and 1964 represents more than
seventy million workers in the U.S. workplace, and that around 50 percent of the whole workforce.
The whole baby boomer generation since 2006 has falls under the protection of the federal laws
against acts of discrimination based of age (ADEA) (2). In 2011 more than 40 million people in the
United States are ages 65 and older. Moreover, this number will increase to 89 million and that is
more than double by 2050. Age discrimination is continuing, as the workforce is growing old (3).
A study by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the older workers unemployed longer
than younger (4). Age discrimination is harmful not only to the individuals who experience it. In
2004 alone, the cost of negotiated settlements of federal age discrimination complaints totaled $69
million . Age discrimination is possibly the most damaging of the various cases of discrimination
that occur in the workplace. According to Collins English Dictionary, ageism is the discrimination
regarding to the age, especially against the elderly. People who are in their middle of
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Napping In Edgar Allan Poe s The Raven
In the poem The Raven, by Edgar Allan Poe, he talks about how this raven that enters his room
while he was nearly napping and how the narrator starts asking him questions and weirdly the
raven answers with nevermore. At the beginning, Poe was describing how weak and weary he
was, and while [he] nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping on his door (Poe 1).
Poe is entering a dream like state, it s like he was not sure if there was someone tapping on his
door or he was in his dream hearing someone tapping on his door. Shortly, the narrator gets up to
open the door and tells the taper that he was napping, and so gently you came tapping hardly he
could hear that taps on his door (Poe 4). But there was no one on the door. So he
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Analysis Of The Article Grim Variations From Fairy Tales
In the article Grim Variations from Fairy Tales to Modern Anti Fairy Tales , the author Wolfgang
Mieder identifies that fairy tales has a quite significant value in people s life. The author argues
that fairy tales are not only just meant for children, but they are also meant for adults, even
though fairy tales may be refer to as children stories, according to scholars these tales are
traditional narratives for adults. Within these tales there are lessons on how people should
behave and other aspect of life, which only adults can understand. The fairy tales contain the
hidden frustrations of adults and their longing for a perfect world. Mieder present the readers
with examples of why these tales are also for adults and the hidden meaning they have within
them. Mieder states fairy tales present the world in black and white, but in the end of this
conflict is resolved (Mieder 91) and the belief that there is always good in humanity and the
longing for a utopia plays a significant role for adults. The concept of hope for fairness and
equality allows these tales to last for centuries among children and adults. Mieder then states
many adults today do not accept the value of the benefits that these tales contain, and are too
focus by real life problems. The adults of today s society are realist and do not see the good
meaning behind these tales, deeming them to be far fetched, unlike the adults in the past who
create these stories as a form of escape from the cruel reality.
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Analyzing Black Liberation Theology, Latin American...
Liberation Theology
Black Liberation Theology, Latin American Liberation Theology, and Feminist Theology
Liberation theology comprises of two main principles: it recognizes the call for liberation from any
form of oppression economic, political, and social: second, it says that theology must grow from the
basic Christian communities and not from above. Liberation theology examines the theological
meaning of human activities, which includes an explanation of the Christian faith out of suffering,
struggle and hopes for the poor, critiques the society and its ideologies that sustaining its existence.
In addition, it also reflects on the activities of the church from a perspective of the poor.
Liberation lies at three levels of meaning which have a correlation. Liberation at the social and
political level, it states on the oppressed classes and people. It emphasizes on the conflict that
arises from the economic, social, and political process that happens between the oppressed and
oppressors. At the human level, liberation emerges as a historical process that shows the conscious
development of people on their own through social changes. At the religious level, liberation means
being free from sin the main source of all alienation from fraternity and the source of all oppression
and injustice. This last form of liberation brings man into communion with God. The three processes
are inseparable and form a unique complex process (Hillar, 2000).
Black Liberation Theology
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The Biggest Software Disasters
This research paper takes a look at two of the biggest software disasters in the past decade, website and the DIA Baggage system. In this paper, I analyze the different
engineering approaches that were used, assess the success or failure of each to draw conclusions
regarding best practices.
The Affordable Care Act also known as ObamaCare was signed into law by President Barack
Obama on
March 23, 2010 to overhaul the US healthcare system. is a health insurance
exchange website that was created as a result of this law. The objective of the website is to create a
marketplace of health insurance companies and facilitate the sale of private health insurance plans
to residents. ... Show more content on ...
Thus the is a huge complex system. Designing a complex system such as this is
quite an undertaking. A good design approach is required. A properly designed system goes a long
way to make testing easier. Architecture
The consists of the following major components
1. A dynamic website and transaction processing application called the Federally Facilitated
Marketplace (FFM)
2. A Data Services Hub
3.A set of distributed services comprising of the new and legacy systems of many health insurance
companies and government agencies.
Figure 1. logical system architecture [1]
The FFM requirement was to interact in real time with other systems, existing federal agency
databases and online services of more 170 insurance companies doing business in the 36 states. The
data services hub allows the insurance companies to validate information provided by applicants
against information maintained in the federal agencies databases. The distributed services are the
services provided by the insurance and the government agencies through published APIs. So the
data services hub connect to all these different entities through their application programming
The four activities fundamental to software engineering are software specification, software
development (design and implementation), software validation and software evolution. These
activities are used
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Fodo Baggins Archetypes
One of the most important archetypes is the hero. Without the hero, there is no story to be told.
Heroes can be found in every story and many times if you analyze the story you will find that
there is more than one hero. In The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring, there are
multiple heroes. The obvious herowould be Frodo Baggins, because he is the main characterand he
has the undertaking of destroying Sauron s ring, but there are others as well. Two others that
stood out immensely are; Gandalf The Grey and Aragorn (The Strider). They all performed many
courageous and brave actions to save their fellowship. Frodo, Gandalf and Aragorn all take part in
destroying the ring that rules all, to restore order.
Frodo Baggins was who the ring was passed onto. The one who was called upon to be the one to
obliterate the ring from existence. Events that took place throughout the major motion picture The
Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring, made it very distinct that Frodo is the hero.
When the ring is brought to Rivendell, an argument develops that concerns who will take the ring
to Mordor to destroy it. Many people volunteered to take on this task but, none are accepted
because their ... Show more content on ...
This would be the case of Strider (Aragorn). When Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin arrive at the
Prancing Pony, there is a dark character watching over them from the corner. Frodo loses his
balance, falls to the floor the ring goes flying out, lands on his finger and makes him disappear
for a couple of seconds. The Strider approaches them in a fairly intimidating manner, looks as if
he is a ringwraith but ends up saving them. Aragorn takes them all to hide them while the
ringwraiths are searching around and if he would not have taken this precaution their journey
would have been over before it even started. This is defined at heroic because without him there
would not have ever been a chance for the ring to be
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Joan Of Arc Religion
During the late medieval period there was a handful of warfare and violence. England and France
engaged in the hundreds years war and there was a violent uprising by Europe s peasants known as
the Peasant s revolt. Many figures of this period in medieval history such as Joan of Arc and
Thomas Willinghamin justified these violent actions through religion. In two of Willingham s
famous works about the hundreds years warand the peasant s revolt he justifies war and violence
with religion. Joan of Arc assist France in its was against Englandand claims that she is driven by
God to help France. Thomas Moore was clearly disgusted by this period of Europe and wrote a
famous book known as Utopia, depicting an ideal society that Europe should emulate.... Show more
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Joan of Arc, nicknamed The Maid of OrlГ©ans , is viewed as a courageous woman of France for
her part amid the Lancastrian period of the Hundred Years War, and was consecrated as a Roman
Catholic Saint. While Joan of Arc is a major medieval religious figure she was clearly a huge
advocate of violent bloodshed and she used religion to justify it. When Joan made her case to
help France win the Hundred s years war she claimed that she was sent by God to assist England
in the war, The King should not turn away from, or reject, the Pucelle, who says she has been
sent by God (The Life of Joan Arc, 75). It is clear that Joan of Arc believes that England s war
with France was part of God s will and that it was her duty to help assist her country in war. After
convincing King Charles to help him in the Hundreds year war he sends her to the siege of
Orleans as part of a relief mission. Joan of Arc s participation in the war boosted French moral
leading to victory. Eventually Joan of Arc is captured and put on trial. While on trial Joan once
again claims that she had visions of saints telling her to assist in the war, Item, this women says
and confesses that she has paid reverence to these voices and spirits that she calls, Michael,
Gabriel, Katherine and Margaret ( The Rouen Trial, 211). Joan is found guilty of heresy and
burned at the stake. Joan of Arc was war hero and martyr and clearly a warfare apologist using
Christianity to justify
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Domestic Violence In A Thousand Splendid Suns, By Khaled...
This assignment aims to emphasise upon the portrayal of subjugation and oppression of women,
especially with reference to domestic violence, that has been prominently depicted by the
diasporic writer, Khaled Hosseini in his novel A Thousand Splendid Suns. The novel borrows its
title from a poem written about Kabul by the seventeenth century poet Saib e Tabrizi. The plot
revolves around the lives of two Afghan women who are born a generation apart and have been
married to the same man within a span of few years. Hosseini projects how violence behind closed
doors affects their lives in a greater degree than the turmoil and terror caused in the society under
the rule and influence of the Mujahideen and Taliban. Hosseini is careful... Show more content on ...
Mariam and Laila represent only a part of all the trials and tribulations the Afghan women have
endured throughout their lives and project how violence can affect individuals emotionally,
mentally and physically. Oppression becomes almost ritualistic in A Thousand Splendid Suns,
cruelty heaped upon cruelty, despair buried beneath despair. Even though Afghanistan s reality
seems to render melodrama virtually impossible, Hosseini reluctantly admits that he spared readers
the worst of what he saw that spring he returned. (Hosseini; Jones)
Through this novel, the author portrays the raw reality of hardship that has been, and continues to
be endured by the individuals of Afghanistan, and how the women are more violated. With poverty
and abuse doing their respective rounds in the warzone, life in general has become one with grief
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Why Do Insurers Pay Attention On The Terms Of An Domestic...
Another important point in sanction clauses is the wording of the terms that are included in the
contract. Insurers pay attention in a large extent on the language of the clause, in order to be
realistic with glaringly obvious purpose. Otherwise, misunderstandings in the conditions of the
contract and a variety of arguments and claims will appear from clients and companies against the
insurancecompanies and P I Clubs, a fact that will have detrimental economical consequences for
them. Also, in case of a deny of cover by U.S and European P I clubs, the interested party will
proceed to alternative cover by an domestic club like in case of Iran, the Kish P I club, a negative
effect for the traditional clubs because they will reduce their... Show more content on ...
An example of such clauses is the Lloyd s Market Association which has published the 3100
Sanction Limitation and Exclusion , or GDV . Moreover, the same clause is observed by
Hellenic Mutual Protection Indemnity War Risks Association and Standard P I Club .
Comparing the LMA and Standard Club, we conclude that the wording is specific and strong in
both cases, so they are clear for the protection of the insurer. The first instance focus on the
source of application of sanctions namely the Organizations that enforce the regulations, while
the second, on the kinds of trade operations and voyages that the assured may have in relevance
to this country. The penalties for breach of sanctions are generally several. In particular, many
banks have suffered huge fines in the United States, a point which except from economical
issues, affects to the increase of the potential risk in case of an incident but also to their
reputation. Insurers and reinsurers are dealt mainly with client s services worldwide, so they
may be inadvertently involved in sanctions breaches. In 2011, following the examination of a
case, a notice of cancellation by EU insurers was formed based on EU Regulation 961/2010, and
held to be valid as to deny cover to an Iranian shipowner . Broadly speaking, the most proper
solution to stop sanctioned shipping activity is to cut off the availability of insurance cover, in
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How The Death Penalty Changed
My feelings about the death penalty have not changed. To me, I believe that life in prison is
better, because I would rather them live with what they did than just make it easier for them by
taking their life away. But no one should have to experiece that. I am for the death penalty, but
only when there is not another option for that person. They must really really be a threat for our
society, especially when they are influencing other criminals. Now that I ve researched the death
penalty, I can not believe how many states have it. I know that most use it just for more of a threat.
According to the news and how many crimes we actually have, evidently it doesn t really scare
anyone. Once it gets to that point, hopefully it continues its job
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How significant is the theme of violence in Of Mice and...
The novel Of Mice and Men , written by John Steinbeck, is a tale of an extraordinary friendship
between two ranch workers who fight for survival in the harsh times of the 1930s, the great
depression of America. The essay concerns the role of violence throughout the novel and
explores the theme of violence in different parts of the tale, as well as looking how specific
characters use violence for different reasons. Specific areas of which the novel will explore are
parts such as the death of Curlys wife, the fight between Curly and Lennie and the death of
Lennie. The content of the book as a strong historic and social element, as well as a literary one.
The social element refers to the way they lived. This would have been poorly, as they... Show more
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After Carlson has belittled Curly by calling him weak, Curly feels foolish. This causes him to
pick on a person weaker than him, as he feels he can rebuild his respect and keep his last little bit
of dignity. This person happens to be Lennie. No big son of a bitch is gonna laugh at me. I ll
show ya who s yella . This show Curly trying to show everyone that he is not weak, and that he is
still in charge. He also uses the word yella to insult Lennie with. The fight between Lennie and
Curly is a major point in the novel. This mid point to the story displays the most violence,
aggression and emotive language in a single scene, and also sees the two most physical
characters go head to head. On one side there is Curly a psychotic mad man who craves violence
and respect. On the other side there is Lennie a simple, child minded man who would not whish
to hurt anyone until he is forced to. When Curly starts to attack Lennie, Lennie does not retaliate
until George instructs him to. This is because Lennie s use of violence is unintentional. He does
not use violence to hurt them on purpose, but will when he is forced to. In this case Lennie grabs
Curly s hand. When this happens he panics. This causes him to hang on, and he will not let go
until he calms down. This can also be seen in the incident at weed, when Lennie grabs a women s
dress. In this incident, the woman yells. This causes Lennie to panic, and therefore he grabs tighter.
This also
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Lolita Quotes
Major Characters
Humbert Humbert is the narrator and protagonist of the novel, and he is a European scholar who
is overly attracted to nymphets. This obsession stems from meeting Annabel in Europe, as
Humbert is traumatized after his childhood love s life is cut short. He is a handsome man who is
capable of writing in beautiful prose to his audience.
Early on in the novel, Lolita seems to be attracted to Humbert, even occasionally competing with
her mother for his love. Over time, she becomes irritated by Humbert s demands, and she begins to
be more flirtatious and crude, especially around other children her age. She eventually runs away
with Clare Quilty, but after refusing to participate in child pornography, she is abandoned by him....
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Blindly driven by his lust for Lolita, he uses any set of words in order to defend his actions. For
example, he claims that Lolita is the one that came onto him and that she had complete control in
their relationship. However, in truth, Humbert is the adult who restricts Lolita s money and
freedom. It is only at the end of the novel in which Humbert finally admits to being the one who
stole Lolita s childhood.
The timeframe in which the novel is set also plays an important role in the novel s development.
Set in post World War II America, the characters feature in a time when the country is gaining its
own identity as a superpower. Because of this, a European chap such as Humbert himself would
have a hard time adjusting to the confident, more outspoken American people. The fact that
Humbert comes from a different culture is the main reason why Charlotte is attracted to him. Her
love for his sophistication makes her oblivious to the fact that Humbert is in a sexual relationship
with her
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A Glimpse into Nineteenth Century Brazil Essay
Esau and Jacob by Joaquim Machado de Assis portrays the tumultuous relationship between twin
brothers, Pedro and Paulo, during the late nineteenth century; the twins symbolize the Brazilian
political struggles during the transition from a monarchy to a republic. The brothers are
emblematically born in 1870, at the end of the Paraguayan War, a time when the Brazilian political
elite split between conservatives and reformers (xiii). The brothers fight; their most contentious
arguments regard politics. Paulo is a republican and Pedrois a monarchist. The only commonalities
the twins have are their love for their mother, Natividade, and their courtship of Flora. As an
allegory, Natividade represents the old nation of... Show more content on ...
Esau and Jacob illustrates the mix of Brazilians uncertainty and indifference during the fall of the
monarchy, the flaws of their political system, and provides insights into 19th century society.
Uncertainty as the Monarchy Collapses
One of the cornerstones of Brazilian national mythology is the myth of conciliation. In 1822,
Pedro I proclaimed Fico ( I am staying ) to declare Brazilian independence from Portugal; Brazil
separated from Portugal and created a nation without a revolutionary war. In 1889, Marshal
Deodoro de Fonseca declared Brazil a republic without firing a shot. Brazil s bloodless history is
extraordinary, especially compared to the gory political upheavals in Spanish Latin America.
Mexico, for example, endured a ten year revolutionary war in which 10% of the population was
killed and another 10% emigrated before the Porfirian dictatorship was ousted and a semi
democratic state was formed. Despite the relative peacefulness of the Brazilian revolution, chapter
LXIII ( The New Sign ) finds CustГіdio, the teashop owner, agonizing about the name of his
teashop. The teashop s original name is Confietaria do ImpГ©rio, however the day after the
monarchy collapses, CustГіdio fears revolutionary mobs will ransack his shop because of the
teashop s association with the old regime. CustГіdio considers renaming the
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Pathological Consideration Of Acute Chest Pain Essay
Chest pain is among the most every now and again assessed introducing complaints in the
emergency department (ED). Diagnostic etiologies range from benign to life debilitating. Inability
to diagnose the life debilitating chest emergencies can prompt to catastrophic medical and legal
results for the patient and physician separately (Boie, 2005).
The first approach to assessing chest pain incorporates excluding life threatening reasons, which for
the most part incorporate (1)coronary artery disease (Kettunen and Talvensaari ,2009) (2)acute
aortic syndrome (AAS) (3)pulmonary embolism (PE) (4)esophageal rupture (5)tension
pneumothorax and (6)pericardial tamponade (Butler and Swencki, 2006). I Pathology of Pulmonary
embolism (PE):
As the third most common reason of cardiovascular death after myocardial ischemia and stroke,
pulmonary embolism (PE) is a conceivably fatal condition connected with significant morbidity and
mortality (Araoz et al., 2007).
PE and DVT are two clinical presentations of venous thrombo embolism and offer the same
predisposing factors. In many cases PE is a result of DVT (Pitts et al., 2008).
Thrombi generally form in the deep veins of the calf and after that propagate into the proximal
veins, including and above the popliteal veins, from which they will properly embolize. Around
79% of patients who present with pulmonary embolism have
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Report Assignment
This report comprises the Emissions Inventory of Stationary Sources for the United States Army
Garrison Kwajalein Atoll (USAG KA). The report was prepared according to Section 3 1.11.3 of
the USAKA Environmental Standards (UES) to update the inventory of stationary sources of air
pollutants following issuance of a DEP 13 002.0, Construction and Operation of Space Fence
Radar System. As appropriate for the additional new sources this update contains the appropriate
information as required by Section 3 1.11.3. This update also reflects reductions in the USAG KA
stationary source inventory since the last issuance of the inventory in 2013. 1.2Inventory of
Stationary Source Emissions Section 3 1.11.3 of the UES establishes requirements for... Show more
content on ...
1.3Methods and Assumptions Emission rates were estimated using either an emission factor or
mass balance technique. Emission factors were primarily taken from USEPA s Compilation of Air
Pollutant Emission Factors (AP 42), Fifth Edition. Actual annual emission rates in tons per year are
calculated using the best available information such as annual throughput or hours of operation, as
appropriate for the source. Annualized hourly emission rates in pounds per hour are generally
calculated by dividing the actual annual emission rates by the number of hours in one year (8,760).
This provides the average hourly emission rate during the entire year, regardless of whether the
source was in operation. In general, maximum hourly emission rates are calculated as a function of
predetermined peak operational parameters, such as the maximum hourly charging rate and
maximum hourly fuel throughput for incinerators. For other sources, where maximum hourly
operational parameters are unknown, maximum hourly emission rates are generally calculated by
dividing the actual annual emission rates by the number of operating hours during the calendar
year. This provides the maximum emission rate for a one hour operating period, though the rate is
effectively averaged over the operational time frame. Maximum allowable hourly and annual
emissions are calculated by determining the maximum emission rate of a pollutant that can occur at
a source when operated at its
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Why The Internet Is Affecting Political Views And Thoughts...
Understanding how to perceive the news can be a difficult task especially with their savvy word
usages. This essay will explore multiple attributes of the Today show and CNN world news
online. We will also exploring marketing perspective to attract an audience, credibility, biasness,
uncovering racial or gender stereotypes, and fabrication. Next my research will show if there was
any extra research needed to understand what the news report was covering. Lastly sharing options
or suggestions on how to make newscast fair and balanced and enquiring why the internet is
affecting political views and thoughts more than television. Having an audience is key, to having a
show on television and how does a network or newscasts make that... Show more content on ...
The Today Show is a more personable than CNN. The Today show talks about the top story
grabs people from the audience and does makeovers and give away. The Today show also has
celebrity movie stars and musicians on their show every day. The shows also give out great
advice for everyday people like how to cook, or the best clothes and beauty products on the
market. The Today Show is more entertainment news then CNN s hardcore news. The news
stories on Today and CNN seemed to be from appropriate and credible sources. When CNN was
giving the report online a stream of video accompanied the journalist. Their also showed maps
and statistics support what they were reporting. They also had interview with credible (you
would like) people like senator and campaign associates. CNN is known for being a credible
network; however I feel the need to still research anything I am interested in or that just stir up
any emotions with in myself. The Today show hand multiple interview of people that their
stories where about. Though the Today show is more entertainment with musicians and movie
stares, each of this celebrates where interviews on their on topics that was shown on television. I
also took it upon myself to look of a couple of their topics to make sure what they were reporting
was true. I feel doing your own research is the only way to make sure what is being reported to the
public is the only
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Examples Of Surveillance In George Orwell s 1984
Surveillance in George Orwell s 1984 is extreme, but there are some very real parallels to today s
life. Telescreens and hidden microphones are just a couple of examples of 1984 s controlling
technology. The ideas depicted by author George Orwell s dystopian society are becoming more
real every day. Telescreens were literally and thematically the biggest piece of surveillance
technology in 1984. They were large screens that took in as much information as they put out.
They were massive and could look over an entire room. A telescreen could record video of a person
and also record sound, transmitting the recordings presumably to thought police to be monitored.
They could hear anything above a soft whisper and they could see anything in
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Jaco Pastorius Research Paper
Jaco Pastorius once stated, A chimpanzee could learn to do what I do physically. But it goes way
beyond that. When you play, you play life ( Jaco Pastorius ). From his artificial harmonics to
virtuosic bass lines with phrasing that was previously unknown to the bass guitar, Jaco Pastorius
not only revolutionized the playing of an instrument, but an entire genre of music. As demonstrated
in Pastorius quote, his passion for jazzwas often drawn from his life experiences, particularly his
emotions. This man is responsible for defining the jazz fusion sound. Yet his success was hindered
by bipolar disorder. John Francis Anthony Pastorius III was raised in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Hailing from a musical family, John Jaco Pastorius appreciated... Show more content on ...
However, towards the end of his career, Jaco Pastorius resorted to substance abuse. Colleagues
attested that he ...began to drink heavily and for months before his death was penniless and
unemployed, often sleeping in a local park ( Jaco Pastorius, Jazz Bassist, Dies of Injuries in a
Beating ).
These dangerous dependencies ultimately led to his death. On September 11, 1987, Pastorius was
refused entrance to the Midnight Bottle Club in Wilton Manors, Florida. He became engaged in a
violent confrontation which led to his hospitalization for multiple facial fractures and other
injuries. He fell into a coma and exactly ten days later, on September 21, 2981, Jaco Pastorius, aged
35, was declared
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Communication Concepts in 50 First Dates
Throughout the first half of Communication 101: Introduction to Human Communication we have
been introduced to and discussed a lot of new concepts, ideas, and terms. All of this new material
has been pertinent to how humans interact with one another, while also informing us of the why
and how behind these interactions as well. The amount of new information we have learned
would be impossible to cover and apply to one piece of pop culture, but a lot of what we have
learned is relatable to the movie 50 First Dates. This 2004 movie featuring Adam Sandler and Drew
Barrymorefeatures numerous examples of normative relationships and key concepts that we have
learned about in class. In this paper I will not only introduce communicationterms... Show more
content on ...
Stereotyping can be defined as the unfair characterization of a person or group of people based
off of assumptions or appearance. Prejudice is just turning stereotypes into a feeling of hatred or
unkindness and is usually due to a feeling of superiority or for a feeling of protection. In
conclusion, all of the terms defined and described above play a role in the movie 50 First Dates and
are essential and crucial to the movie s plot.
Henry is the main character of 50 First Dates, and he is a middle aged man living in Hawaii.
Henry has previously had a bad relationship experience and this has left him hesitant in getting
involved in a relationship again. His mindset is one of avoiding relationships in favor of flings
and one night stands, and this perspective is promoted by the people close to him. However, one
morning when eating breakfast at the local diner he sees a beautiful girl that he hasn t noticed
before eating breakfast by herself. Lacking the confidence to approach her, Henry stares at her
for a while before finishing up his meal and heading to work. The next day however, he is eating
at the same diner and this beautiful girl is there again eating by herself. This time Henry has the
nerve to approach her, and ends up striking up good conversation. He learns her name is Lucy and
they find common ground talking about the fishy smell of Henry s hands. After finishing up their
meal, which is filled with mutual flirtatious
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Inductive Vs. Inductive Reasoning
Although inductive reasoning is as we shall see not logically continuous, it is nevertheless a
seemingly parsimonious avenue for the formation of theories and conceptions about the world
around us. The sun has risen and fallen every day up until this point in time and while this may
not logically prove that it will do the same tomorrow, the popular belief is that this repetition
gives us a firm ontological grounding for expecting it to do so. This does not seem
unreasonable, at least in one sense of the word; indeed, if you happened to meet an individual
who claimed to possess an agnostic belief about whether or not the sun is likely to reappear
tomorrow, then you would most likely consider them to be a very odd person. So inductive
inferences are all around us, they are the functional basis of our understanding of the world. For
the sake of this paper, then, it is important to understand what we mean when we talk about an
inductive inference. Presented in its most rudimentary construct, the inductive inference appears
in the logical form: (I)Pa1,..., Pan Pan+1, or (II)Pa1,..., Pan AxPx. Let us briefly explore these
two statements. In statement (I), an+1 denotes a different object or form from those denoted by
a1 ,...., an. During the application of these principles (I) and (II), we are to assume that we do not
know any non P s, and furthermore that the class of a1 ,..., an are the sole objects for which we
know that they are P s. Now,
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Gerry Adams Research Paper
Gerry Adams and The IRA
The Irish Republican Army started in Northern Ireland to protect and fight for the rights of the
catholic citizens there. Ireland was conquered in 1607 by England, this brought protestant
immigrants from England and Scotland. The Protestants quickly came to be the majority of the
population. In the 1920s the island was partitioned and Catholics in the north felt that they had been
removed from their political heritage. The Protestants felt like they were losing out on resources
and wanted to keep control of the north. Neither side was satisfied and problems continued.
Over time there came to be ethnic controversy between the Catholic and Protestant groups. The
Catholic people were not able to get the same ... Show more content on ...
This day will forever be remembered as Bloody Sunday. Bloody Sunday brought the catholic
people together and brought about militant actions from the IRA. It was huge help in the
propaganda war for the IRA. The whole world had seem what had happened and support for the
IRA increased dramatically. There were so many people wanting to join IRA some had to be
turned away. The British lost a lot of power in Northern Irelandand excepted all responsibility for
what happened Gerry Adams is now the president of Sinn Fein which is an Irish nationalist
political party. He was born on October 6, 1948 in west Belfast, Northern Ireland. In his earlier
years he grew up as part of a working class catholic minority that suffered social and economic
discrimination. Adams finished his schooling in the 1960 s. After this he became strongly
involved in civil rights movements and decided to become politically active by joining Sinn Fein.
Due to Adams involvement with anti government demonstrations he was interned without trial for
many years throughout the 1970 s. He was elected to a seat in the British Parliament, but never
took his seat due to the requirement of swearing alegience to the Queen. He became president of
Sinn Fein in 1983 and has held the position since. In 1984 Gerry Adams was severely wounded
when some one tried to assassinate him. He recovered and continued on with his actions. He has
never admitted to being a member of the
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Gustav Klimt Research Paper
Gustav Klimt was one of the most decorative and erotic painters in the 19th century with having
worked iconic paintings such as The Kiss and the Portrait of Adele Bloch Bauer. He was against
the traditional culture of art which was being anti decorative and erotic. Klimt was born in 1862 in
Vienna Austria. His father Ernest was a immigrant from Bohemia to Austria and was coping to
engrave gold while his mother Anna was talented in the field of music but was never to put a
vision to her dreams to become a musician. ( Klimt was so talented at the early age, that
his school sent him to another school which was the ViennaSchool of Arts and Craft on a full
scholarship at the age of 14 even though he was raised in poverty. While he was in the art school,
he was mostly focused on architectural paintingas he wanted to become a drawing instructor as his
first career choice of a artist career. However with having such talent, Gustav ideas expended and
while still in school, he was receiving small commission. After graduating the school in 1883, his
younger brother Ernst and their friend Franz Masch opened a new studio.... Show more content on ...
It was beneficial to the trio as they won commissions to paint churches, theaters and other public
spaces with a blank space. One high profiled work that they made together at the time were the
murals of the Vienna Burgtheater and ceiling above the staircase at the Kunschithistiches Museum.
In 1888, the three of them received a award for their achievements together as a group which was
the Golden Order of Merit from Emperor Franz
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Peter Singer Animal Liberation Essay
This argument: that rational beings must be considered ends in themselves, was the lifeblood of the
movements of the 1970s that sought to bring oppressed groups under the umbrella of equal moral
consideration. These prolonged and often violent debates revolved around demands for equality
through which oppressed groups could attain their liberation. As such it is not surprising that the
movement for animal liberation stems from these concerns. In fact, they are explicitly allied with
them. Peter Singer s seminal text Animal liberation is deliberately called so to evoke memories of
the fortitude and determination of these earlier movements for humanliberation. Singer emphasises
rationality and self consciousness of some animals as evidence... Show more content on ...
Fifteen minutes later, when Goliath got up and left, Figan without a moment s hesitation went over
and collected the banana. Quite obviously, he had sized up the whole situation: if he had climbed
for the fruit earlier, Goliath would almost certainly have snatched it away, If he had remained close
to the banana, he would probably have looked at it from time. Chimps are very quick to notice and
interpret the eye movements of their fellows, and Goliath would possibly, therefore, have seen the
fruit himself. And so Figan had not only refrained from instantly gratifying hiss desire but had also
gone away so that he could not give the game away by looking at the banana. the police dog here:
Often when one observes the behaviour of non human animals and concludes that it is likely that
they are going through some thought process that is unlikely to be dissimilar to our own, it is
called anthropomorphising: falsely ascribing human characteristics to a non human animal. The
distinction between human and person allows us to make the claim that both humans and some non
human animals display particular characteristics that place them under the category of personhood.
It provides a sobering and humble approach to understanding our (human) place in relation to non
humans. Animal liberationists conclude
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Lovers stopped in time, unable to proceed to the lip...
Lovers stopped in time, unable to proceed to the lip locking trophy of affection. A simple four
letter word that has changed the world by its beauty and awe. What are these interesting pictures
of words and love? The Kiss, a dramatic scene unfolding before everyone created by Auguste
Rodin, and LOVE, the simplistic sucker punch created by Robert Indiana, are wonderful creations
that have both an impact and a meaning. These two sculptures have graced the art world with all
their beauty leaving some breathless. They mean so many different things with different imagining,
reside in separate parts of the world, but some sculptures are more well known. In this case LOVE
is more Known.
To begin with, we all think of love as this beautiful, ... Show more content on ...
The only words he would see were God is love. and he became involved in it to show his love
spiritually. The italicized O can be interpreted as it can roll away
Joseph 2 and break the square like structure of the display. This is meant to show how fragile
love can be. The colors of the piece of work are red and blue. A color pattern that is pleasing to
the eye, but to Indiana shows an honor to his father who worked at a Phillips 66 gas station.
Whatever this word means to you, your interpretation will probably not be what it means to him.
Then, everything with artful beauty is normally put out on display in museums for everyone to see,
point fingers, and ohh and ahh . The Kiss is memorialized in the MusГ©e Rodin, a museum
dedicated to the artist. Originally was a hit at its unveiling in its first exhibit in 1877 in Paris. It was
originally going to be a part of another sculpture The Gates of Hell , but later it got a full sized
version in 1889. It was shown at Salon de la SociГ©tГ© Nationale des Beaux Arts in 1889 for its
first public appearance. One year later, it was moved to MusГ©e du Luxembourg, where it
became no longer free to the public due to its almost provocative nature. The Kiss only resided
there for another eighteen years before being hulled to its current home at MusГ©e Rodin in Paris,
France. Some pieces of work are flaunted in open areas for all to see. LOVE is showcased in New
York City
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Neville Longbottom
Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can t practice any
other virtue consistently. This quote by Maya Angelou exemplifies a value that Neville
Longbottom eventually comes to terms with. In the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Part 2, Neville Longbottom gives out a speech that captivates everybody s attention. Neville is a
friend to Harry, Hermione, and Ron, who all belong to the Gryffindor house, which symbolizes
the bravery in Hogwarts. Throughout the series, Neville had always been a very shy and timid
character, but as the end of the last movie approached, he started becoming more and more like a
Gryffindor should be. This speech was given right after Harry Potterwas killed by Voldemort,...
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This is mostly displayed when Neville exclaims, They didn t die in vain. [he turns to Voldemort]
But you will! Because you re wrong! Harry s heart did beat for us. For all of us! By raising his
voice, Neville is able to convey an angry and exasperated tone which makes the audience see the
emotion that the speaker is trying to portray. The screaming shows how he is challenging
Voldemort and demonstrating his bravery and credibility towards the concerned audience. This
tone is an effective rhetorical strategy since it basically shows the speaker s emotions and his
ability to pass on these emotions towards the audience. By doing so, Neville is able to successfully
motivate the audience and make sure that they all are involved in killing Lord Voldemort.
Furthermore, Neville also uses an authoritative tone, showing that he is not afraid of Voldemort,
and ultimately proving that his life is not worthy in comparison of any of the lives that he has
taken from Neville s group of friends. This specific tone is appropriate for the occasion because
it was right after Harry s death, which made all of the audience vulnerable, and making Voldemort
feel like he had essentially won the war he had been fighting. By having an authoritative and
challenging tone, it made Voldemort see that this war was not over yet and that he was not done
fighting since he would have to pay for all the harm he
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The Effects Of Horserace Journalism
The media in Canada plays an integral role in relaying important election based news to the general
public. This may include candidate s policy, stories of intrigue, and in some cases, polling related to
an election. However, an analysis of modern literature suggests that Canadian media outlets have
become overly focused on polling data during election cycles and, subsequently, have made
horserace journalism much more prominent in mainstream news. The purpose of this literature
review is to explore and discuss the current debate among academic research on the effects that
constant polling publication and horserace journalism have on voters, and consequently, on
Canadian democracy. This paper will first discuss horserace journalism and the... Show more
content on ...
Not only has horserace journalism and the increase of polling publication taken root in Canadian
media, but it appears to be growing. In 1988 it was reported that in a 51 day election campaign, 22
national voting intention polls were created and publicized (Bastien and PГ©try 2013:1). During
the 2008 election, which lasted 37 days, over 200 national voting intention polls were created
(ibid:1 2). This massive increasing in polling has, in turn, seen a proliferation of news stories based
around polling data, instead of policy. In the 2006 election campaign period, Cutler, Matthews, and
Pickup (2012:270) found that 473 news stories were developed solely around polling data. Another
study has found that, although not used as the entirety of the story, in the 1997 election there were
4,430 media reports that included polling data within them Anderson (2006:287). Therefore, from
available literature, we can see that not only has horserace journalism and polling publication taken
root in Canadian election reporting but this constant use of polling, either as the story or within a
story, has been increasing since
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Anyone Who Is Watching News Such As The Euronews Channel,
Anyone who is watching news such as the Euronews channel, has seen many times by now cases
of serious crimes such as murders, rapes, kidnappings and sexual assaults. These crimes are
heinous, violent and monstrous. The people who committed these crimes broke the law and they
have to face the consequences of their actions. Due to such crimes are significant the government
will take them to the court. Under multiple trials the judge will decide if they are guilty or not and
if they are guilty they will spend some years of their lives in prisonor even their whole life. All the
people who are watching these trials are completely consistent that everyone who is guilty, should
go to the prison. However, there are arguments about this situation.... Show more content on ...
Their behaviour towards the individuals was inhumane as they were making them think constantly
about their faults and to do hard and exhausting activities. Such as tread wheel or picking oakum.
In these activities they were isolating strands of ropes. Anyone who had cash, could purchase better
food, more guests or even keep pets, however any individual who had no cash he had none of them.
However, it seems that the physical and mental labour in Victorian Prisons never stop, they
found new ways to punish the offenders. As Beaken (2013) states in his recent article, the
amount and the kind of food that the individuals were eating it was one of their plenty
punishments. He discovered that the detainees were eating one pound of bread per day and for
dinner they were eating two pounds of potatoes or a half a pound of boiled rice with treacle. It
was impossible to find someone who was eating meat as they did not give this kind of food. He
claims that this diet led to sickness and death. After they saw that many individuals died, they start
to providing meat twice a week. They were having different portions of each one of the persons
according to the crime that they committed. For instance, individuals who were in solitary
confinement for prison offences they were eating just a single pound of bread every day. Then
again, individuals who not sentenced to hard labour and their time of imprisonment did not exist
the fourteen days, they were eating 10
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Essential Care Needs in Nursing and Midwifery
Essential care needs present specific requirements for an individual s survival. The Nursing and
Midwifery Council (2010), suggest nurses should be able to consider patient s essential care
needs and aid them with these needs when patients are not able to help themselves. Allowing
nurses to make the patient feel comfortable, during periods when they may be undergoing
distress or discomfort. Nurses have to deliver essential care such as making sure patients are
eating sufficient amounts of food, keeping hydrated and assisting with hygiene needs. Arnett
(2013) emphasises care needs are unique to each individual and vital for preserving patients
health and well being. This links into Roper Logan Tierney (1999) model of activities of daily
living identifying 16 activities essential to maintaining human life, including: eating and
mobilising. Fulfilment and maintenance of these 16 activities indicate an individual is healthy
and gives a focus for nurses to deliver targeted patient centred care. This is emphasised in
Essence of Care (Department of Health, 2010) which reaffirms meeting essential needs of
patients is the main focus point of nursing in contemporary practice. The Essence of Care is made
up of 12 categories which health care professionals focus on in order to provide thorough patient
centred care. These categories include: bladder, bowel, continence care and personal hygiene.
Kitson et al (2013) identified the nurse s role as being one of promoting good patient
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Milwaukee Art Museum
The Milwaukee Art Museum is a large modernistic building that is designed both for both beauty
and function. The museum as a whole is a piece of art. It features clean lines, impressive symmetry,
a clean color pallet, and many other aesthetically pleasing elements. These elements work together
to create a building that Milwaukee is proud of. It is positioned in a prime position on Wisconsin
Avenue, and is also rite on the lakefront. This placement makes the building viewable to museum
visitors, lakefront visitors, and commuters alike, making the structure an even more important part
of Milwaukee. The importance is highlighted through its impressive aesthetic. The beautiful
architecture features an elegant pedestrian bridge, a grand entrance,... Show more content on ...
It functions as a multipurpose space. Some of its uses are the grand entry to the museum, a
temporary exhibit space, a brunch area, an art fair space, and a wedding venue. No wonder it
has so many uses, with 90 foot glass ceilings and a magnificent view of the lake, it is truly a
grand space that extends beyond its walls. All of the glass lets in a magnificent amount of
natural light. The lake is framed with large arched windows, and the floors are beautiful white
marble. The walls are entirely white, and the ceiling is made of giant windows with white metal
frames that slope up to a point. This follows the overall clean and futuristic look of the museum, as
it is an architectural feature rarely seen in buildings today, and it is almost surreal when you look
at it in person. The windows themselves are not square, and their frames appear to be slanted at
angles similar to the unique tangents of the suspension bridge. All of the windows appear to be
custom to their placement, none exactly like the other. This contributes to the futuristic look of the
building, making it appear surreal from both inside and out. A feature of this room that is most
noticeable from the outside its front looks like the bow of a ship. This ties the museum to the lake.
It looks as though it could sail off in the night, a beautiful translucent vessel. Overall, Windhover
Hall is an impressive space that wows visitors. With it s high ceiling, beautiful floors, and interesting
shape, it is a memorable piece of the architecture. It is an important piece that rounds out the
building, intensifies its modern look, and makes the structure feel
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Culture and Creative Industry Week 1 Essay
Week 2
2. Critical Theory and the Critique of the Culture Industry
This lecture considers how the Critical Theorists of the Frankfurt School sought to understand the
relationship of culture and society in an age of advanced capitalism and mass media. It explores
their analyses of popular culture, and poses the question of whether the term culture industry has
now lost its original, critical meaning.
Key thinkers: Marx, Gramsci, Adorno, Horkheimer, Benjamin
Seminar questions
1.Has the mechanical reproduction of art opened up possibilities of a more democratic
appreciation, or merely reduced it to the status of a commodity?
2.Has the Culture Industry killed High Culture ?
Walter Benjamin (1936)
The Work of Art in the Age... Show more content on ...
223 224
How is this useful for media criticism
Film Criticism:
The difference between theater and film is also about loss of aura. A play (has aura) is always
different because the actors interact with the audience and each performance is unique. A film,
however has no audience the actors usually only perform tiny fragments of the whole and generally
not even in order....movies are pieced together by editors. Film д№џж ЇдёЂз§ЌreproductionгЂ‚
Audience Reception:
Watching a film is a collective experience and each audience member is a critic its part of the
fun. Think of a newsreel when a group of people witness an event they are educated on something
and they can become politically active because of it (For example, although he was talking about
the potential for class revolt Benjamin would be proven correct when American men and women
were motivated by newsreels in
WWIIзѕЋе›Ѕдєєж°‘ењЁдєЊж€ зљ„ж—¶жњџеЏ—иї‡ж–°й—»зџз‰‡зљ„еЅ±е“ЌгЂ‚ж–°й—»зџз‰‡е
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they want to tell you.
Capitalism/Fan Culture:
But just as the medium has the potential to be used in the Revolution, it cannot be because it is
controlled by capitalism (this might be a good connection to the Hollywood Censored book).
Because of the way capitalism operates, there is a false consciousness between the actors and
audience. The actors become held up as having cult value (ritual
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Summary Of Will Storr s Visit To Past Life
In the previous chapter, Will Storr visited a Past Life Regression therapist who essentially opened
the floodgates of his mind. This inspired his decision to take some time in the Blue Mountains of
Australia to meditate in this chapter. While he intended to enroll in the Vipassana Meditation
Center s meditation session purely for the purpose of a mental retreat, Storr quickly discovered
that it was also a physically taxing experience. He got so into his own zone that he found himself
unable to help others who were more obviously struggling alongside him. This lead him to wonder
about the origin and function of cognitive dissonance why do we feel one thing and say or do
another? He cited many psychological experiments before coming to the... Show more content on ...
For example, people in the study believed they were more likely to win the lottery if they chose the
numbers versus having the numbers randomly generated. Assuming that the individual choosing
the numbers knows no more about the winning sequence than the random generator, then this
notion is illogical. Choosing is as arbitrary by a person as a random generator the only difference
is that people often choose numbers with sentimental value, such as a birthday, anniversary, or
favorite number. However, in this particular instance, people felt that their odds were increased
when they chose the numbers despite no apparent logical reason to think so ergo, the illusion of
control (Sanger). It is important to note that the illusion of control had no measurable effect in this
scenario whether people chose their numbers or not, their odds did not change. I think this implies
that even when we are able to achieve unity between our interior and exterior selves, some things
are simply out of our self s reach. Sometimes, other factors are simply too powerful to ignore;
consequently, they are given control. Is it not possible that this could relate to the disconnect we
feel between our interior and exterior selves, particularly in stressful
... Get more on ...
Monsanto Vs Us
The differences found in the social report between the two companies could be explained by the
different views between the US and EU concerning to GOM According to Library of Congress
(n.d) compared to other countries, regulation of GMOs in the US is relatively favourable to their
development. GMOs are an economically important component of the biotechnology industry,
which now plays a significant role in the US economy. For example, the US is the world s leading
producer of genetically modified crops. This explains, why Monsanto Company makes more
emphasis on improving their biotechnology and teach it to future generations, while EU establishes
a strict monitoring of GM products for marketing in regard to the requirement of mandatory
labelling rules. On the other hand, in the United States the issue of GMOs are promoted as a
benefit for the population and the environment, while in the European Union, biotechnology has
been viewed as a new process that requires large regulators by the European Food Safety Authority.
It would be the reason because Syngenta s report is focusing on issues related to make crops more
efficient and to help farmers meet new emissions requirements, to produce more food while
reducing their environmental footprint.... Show more content on ...
This is the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, which establish some general basic rules on the use of
GMOs to ensure the protection of the health and care of the environment. Recently, there are 163
Member States, including the European Union. However U.S has not ratified the Protocol, despite
U.S is the largest producer of genetically modified crops in the
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What Is A Walmart A Corporate Giant
A Corporate Giant Or A Corporate Beast Introduction This case discusses: Introduction to Wal
Mart History of Wal Mart The Road to Success Corporate Strategy The Criticism and the
Challenges Wal Mart s PR strategy The Road ahead Wal Mart An Introduction American public
corporation that runs a chain of large, discount department stores World s largest public
corporation by revenue Largest private employer in the world Fourth largest utility or commercial
employer Largest grocery retailer in the United States ( 20% ) Largest toy seller in the United
States ( 22% ) Wal Mart at a Glance Founded Arkansas, USA(1962) by Sam Walton Headquarters
Bentonville, Arkansas, U.S.A. Products ... Show more content on ...
Whether you walk into a Wal Mart store in your hometown or one across the country while you
re on vacation, you can always be assured you re getting low prices and that genuine customer
service you ve come to expect from us. You ll feel at home in any department of any store...that s
our culture The Corporate Strategy (contd..) Practices followed Aggressive hospitality # Using
door greeters # Patriotic themes and displays in stores # Compels its staff to engage in morning
cheers Affiliations with charities The United Way and Children s Miracle Network Sundown Rule
All customer and supplier requests or queries
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Explain How And When Did The Earth Produce Its Core,...
How and when did the Earth produce its core, mantle and continental crust?
It has been known for well over a century now that the Earth s core, mantle and the crust make up
the basic structure of the Earth. However, there is some controversy over how and when the Earth
produced its core, mantle and crust. In this essay, I will first discuss about the formation of the Early
Earth and its Moon, then about the methods used to pinpoint the age of the Earth. Other than that, I
will also expand on core and mantle formation, as well as the eventual production of the continental
Firstly, to deduce how the Earth came to form the structures we know today in modern Earth, we
must go back ... Show more content on ...
Many believe that while Early Earth was undergoing accretion, it had a massive collision with a
large body as huge as the size of Mars (see Fig. 2.). This collision produced a shower of debris
around the Earth and thrusted it into space (Grotzinger and Jordan, 2010). According to this
theory, the Earth reformed as a boy with an outer molten layer hundreds of kilometres thick a
magma ocean. (Grotzinger and Jordan, 2010). Marshak (2007) deduced that the Moon was
formed from the accretion of the debris floating around the Earth. He also suggested that the
Moon s composition resembles that of the mantle because of the way the Mars sized body
collided with the Earth. From this, we can assume that when the collision happened it did not
disturb the Earth s iron nickel core that was already formed. The formation of the Moon must
have happened 4.51 billion years ago between the early stages of the accretion of the Earth which
was 4.56 billion years ago,) and the formation of the oldest Moon rocks brought back by the
Apollo astronauts (4.47 billion years ago,) (Grotzinger and Jordan, 2010).
Fig. 2. The formation of the Moon due to an off centre collision of a Mars sized body (Freedman
and Kaufmann, 2009) p.249
Before the discovery of radiometric methods to determine the age of the Earth, the first few
attempts were off by thousands of millions
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Max Weber s Politics As A Vocation
He who seeks the salvation of the soul, of his own and of others, should not seek it along the
avenue of politics, for the quite different tasks of politics can only be solved by violence , stated
Max Weber in his lecture Politics as a Vocation (Weber 4). In order to participate in politics, an
individual will inevitably encounter times when they must break with traditional morality. An ethic
of ultimate ends is not realistic or plausible for the field of politics, particularly when it is
followed steadfastly. An ethic of responsibility is more compatible with politics, as it allows the
response to a situation to be determined by the circumstances rather than inflexible rules, while still
maintaining accountability for one s own actions. This flexibility is most necessitated by the
politicians use of violence. There is a fallacy that an ethic of ultimate ends and an ethic of
responsibility are incompatible and cannot be reconciled. A politician can follow an ethic of
responsibility, while still following certain ethical principles of ultimate ends, on which they will
hold their ground. Weber states, ... an ethic of ultimate ends and an ethic of responsibility are not
absolute contrasts but rather supplements, which only in unison constitute a genuine man a man
who can have the calling for politics (Weber 4). True morality in politics is found in the
compromise between the competing ethical codes, and the ability to discern when this compromise
is necessary is
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Xavier University Jazz Ensemble
I attended the concert of Xavier University Jazz Ensemble which was held on Wednesday,
December 10 and took place in Gallagher Theater. Instrumentation was the style of ensemble and
the instruments used at the band were saxophone, trombone, trumpet, piano, guitar, drum, and
saxophone. Personnel were the students of Xavier University, community members, and Xavier
Tite of the tunes are range from big band era to Jazz rock fusion. For instance, One O clock Jump
which is a tune from big band era, Scrapple from the Apple which came from bebop era, and
Paranoid Android which is a tune of rock fusion. The others are March Majestic, Pennsylvania6
5000, A Child is Born, September, and Truth. In addition to this, the form of tunes are changed with
the change of tunes and era. Sometimes they used unusual percussion.( I m not sure but it was
agogo bell?) ... Show more content on ...
So, I can recognize the differences of each categories of jazz tunes. Especially, the shift from
bebop era to smooth jazz era was easy to understand. Smooth jazz was intended to make tunes
easier to listen, so it term of melodies and improvisations are shorter than bebop era and it was
comfortable to listen for me. When I listened to September, I can recognize the A A B A form. In
addition to this, I can easily find the A A B A form in Pennsylvania 6 5000. As we learned in the
class, big band jazz caught popularity because of the easiness melodies, I convince those reasons.
The evidence for that, the person sitting next to me got into the rhythm during the tunes of big band
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Essay on The Etruscan Religion
The origin of the Etruscans is a mystery, still unsolved by modern man. Ancient peoples held an
almost unanimous opinion on the subject, based on the account of the first great Greek historian,
Herodotus, who wrote in about 800 B. C. as follows:
In the reign of Atys, son of Manes, a great famine is said to have occurred in the whole of Lydia.
For some time, the Lydians persisted in carrying on their usual life; then as the famine did not
abate, they sought remedies and some thought of one thing and some thought of another. It is said
that is was then that the game of dice, the game of knuckles, games of ball and other games were
invented but not the game of draughts, the invention of which the Lydians do not claim. And this is
how ... Show more content on ...
The name Etruscan comes from the Romans, who called them Tusci or Etrusci, the Greeks called
them Tyrrhenoi, and they called themselves Rasena. A Lydian or Oriental origin is probable
because there is a locality in Lydia which is called Tyrra, which would help to explain the Greek
name, Tyrrhenoi.
At any rate, it is believed that during the Iron Age in the first millennium B. C. groups of people
of the so called Villanovan culture settled on various hilltops, which provided ideal defensive
locations. Following the Villanovans came the Etruscans who invaded by ship and set up their
first towns on the coast. They were exceptional metal workers and were evidently attracted to this
section of Italy by the vast supplies of copper near Populonia and Piombino and by the iron ore on
the island of Elba. The date is estimated at 750 B. C.
The Etruscan language is another mystery, still unsolved by modern man. A reason for this is a lack
of sources. Although about ten thousand inscriptions have been found, about nine thousand are
funerary and contain only the name of the deceased, his parentage and the age at which he died.
There are only about ten texts which consist of more than one line; there are only two that consist
of more than one hundred words. One is an engraved tile discovered at Capua, containing about
three hundred words, the other is the Cippus Perusianus, containing about one hundred twenty
words. A manuscript was also found.
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Difference Between Knowledge And Shared Knowledge
The knowledge system of a society can be divided into two bodies of knowledge, shared and
personal knowledge. Shared knowledge is a knowledge that shared and group of individuals it is
also continually being contributed creating new forms of knowledge. While personal knowledge is
knowledge that someone gains through the own experiences and research. Now in the natural
sciences a scientist can further their personal knowledge through shared knowledge in how they
can learn and further improve their experiments by learning from those who have performed
similar ones. Now there are other instances such as with history. When you use primary sources,
you are using personal knowledge firsthand accounts of an event. Personal knowledge is then
shared to provide collective knowledge demonstrating that through personal knowledge one can
further shared knowledge and vice versa. This all leads to the question How does the interaction
between shared and personal knowledge allow for human progress? In history, there have been
instances in which an individual s own personal knowledge has been completely rejected to
preserve the current shared knowledge. Moments in history such as when martin Lutherwrote his
ninety five theses Luther penned a document attacking the Catholic Church s corrupt practice of
selling indulgences to absolve sin. His 95 Theses, (ap achiver). Which propounded two central
beliefs that the Bible is the central religious authority and that humans may reach
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Cannery Row Summary
Fiction Book Reporting Form AP English Language Composition *I divided this book into five
sections, starting with introducing the townsfolk, to the protagonists planning and throwing
parties for Doc Name: ______Jacob Ricafrente_____________ Date: ______4/10/16_______
Period: _3_ Book Title: _____Cannery Row____________________ Genre: ___Fiction
/Novel______ Author: ___John Steinbeck________________________ Number of Pages:
___208____ Brief Summary and Arrangement of the Book: Cannery Row is a 208 page novel
written by author John Steinbeck divided into 32 chapters with a loose but linear main storyline
interrupted by various vignettes referencing acts of direct and indirect violence, and the cruelty of
the world. The book begins with... Show more content on ...
Mack asks Dora what he should do to make it up to Doc, so she suggests throwing another party
that Doc can actually attend. Thus, plans are in place for another party, this time on Doc s
birthday (although Mack does not realize that Doc gave a false date when Mack asked about his
birthday). All of Cannery Row knows about the party except for Doc, who forgets that he gave
Mack a made up birthday. Everyone comes up with genuine and homemade presents for Doc.
Doc does eventually hear about the planned party from a random drunk at a bar, and he decides
to forestall some of the problems from the first celebration by buying alcohol and food and
locking up his cherished and/or breakable possessions. The night of the party arrives, and it begins
slowly but then it soon blossoms into a lively, fun, and boisterous affair with fights, food and
dancing. Doc even reads a poem to the crowd that renders them pensive and nostalgic for lost
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Jacob Research Paper
Today s text describes Jacob s fight with a man.
Jacob wrestled with the man until daybreak.
During the hard fighting, the man struck Jacob s hip, which was put out of joint.
Despite great pain, Jacob was fighting against the man without giving up
At last, the man ardently asked Jacob, Let me go, for the day is breaking. (32:26)
From this scene, we wonder, why didn t Jacob allow the man to go?
Clearly, we are able to know the answer from Jacob s saying.
I will not let you go, unless you bless me. (32:26)
To Jacob, the reason to fight with the man was to receive a blessing.
Why did Jacob need the blessing, even putting his life in danger?
In order to answer the question, we first should look at his life.
Jacob was a born fighter.
Even before ... Show more content on ...
Regarding this, the prophet, Hosea said that [Jacob] wept and sought his favor. (Hosea 12:4)
Then, a wonderful thing happened.
The man wrestling with Jacob asked, What is your name? (32:27)
And, Jacob answered, Jacob. (32:27)
Then the man said to Jacob, You shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel,
For you have striven with God and with humans, and have prevailed. (32:28)
Now, we can answer to the question I raised at the beginning of this sermon.
Why Jacob needed a blessing, even putting his life in danger?
In fact, Jacob s past life was to plunder Esau s birthright and blessing.
Jacob was a thief and a bad fighter.
So, in order to face Esau confidently, he urgently needed a true blessing gained through a fair fight.
At that time, God was willing to fight with Jacob to give an opportunity to fight in a right way, to
give a blessing through the new name, Israel.
Through the fight, God made Jacob reconcile with himself.
Through the name, God gave Jacob new personality.
You have striven with God and with humans, and have prevailed.
Now, Jacob was ready to meet Esau.
Now, Jacob was ready to go forward.
In light of today s scripture, I want to ask
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The Intellectual Roots Of Modern Day Environmentalism
Many people today do not understand or appreciate the lasting effects that the environmental
movement of the 1960s brought to our world. The things that most people immediately associate
with the 1960s usually include the Civil Rights movement, Vietnam, the space race, student protests
and the hippie generation, underscoring the fact that the environmental movement is often put
aside relative these seemingly more iconic symbols of this decade. The 1960s certainly did not
mark the first time that efforts were made in the United States to change attitudes, policies, and
views regarding the environment. Many trace the intellectual roots of modern day environmentalism
all the way back to the 19th century American writers and philosophers Ralph Waldo Emerson
and Henry David Thoreau, most notably the latter s 1854 work, Walden. President Theodore
Roosevelt set aside more public land for national parks than all of his predecessors combined.
His policies and views about conservation remained dominate for decades ( The efforts
made by these figures in the mid 1800s through the early part of the 20th century were crucial for
paving the way for what would come in later years. The main reason for such progress in the
environmental movement in the 1960s is because of influential leaders, the prominent role of
media, and a generation of people who were not afraid to initiate change.
Influential figures in the 1960s were the first ones to bring to light the urgency of the
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Difference Between Eastern And Confucianism
How has the world changed in just one century? How has it changed in a decade? To say that we
live in the same world today as we did 10 years or 100 years ago would be incorrect. In a matter
of months or days our lives and society itself changes. Whether it be through new technology or
political ideology, we experience a different way of life in a short period of time. Taking this into
account, how do we continue to apply Confucianism to an ever changing world? Are eastern
countries still affected by these longstanding values present in the four books or have they
shifted as well? If so, when did they start to differ? Firstly, I believe that though the way of life
changes and we advance to a higher standard of living compared to the dark ages, there have
been certain core principles that have persevered through the times. No matter the year these
values held within a society guide its community. However, I believe that there are very obvious
differences between a western and eastern society when it comes to this. An eastern society
follows the above rule to the T unlike western society. For example, in America, the ideologies of
the people have changed over time such as, unwavering respect for your parents. American s used
to respect their parents at the expense of their own happiness. Over time, America has grown more
individualistic and have lost respect for their elders. However, in eastern traditions respect for the
family and elders has stayed true well into the 21st
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Summary Of Upton Sinclair s The Jungle
Upon reading Upton Sinclair s book The Jungle, it can easily be seen that there were numerous
injustices occurring within the early 1900s Chicago government. He wrote the book in 1906 after
spending six months gathering research on the lives of poor, low class, immigrant families. With
this information, he published his first book, The Jungle, through which he displays the hardships a
immigrant family faces when they move to America. He chose the meat packing industryin the city
of Chicago as his backdrop for this story, and while the names of the characters are fictional,
most of the story is based on his real observations. He originally wrote the book trying to set forth
the breaking of human hearts by a system which exploits the labor of men and women for profit,
but people took it the wrong way, and Sinclair explained this misinterpretation when he says I
aimed at the public s heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach. (NCBI) By this, he means that
he wanted the American people to see the plight of the immigrants but instead the general public
was more upset by the unsanitary condition of the meat they were ingesting. While Sinclair may
not have achieved his original goal, his book did in fact have a significant impact; an impact that
still effects the American people of today. It led to the creation of the Pure Food and Drugs Act
of 1906 which is the predecessor to the modern day FDA (Young 231) (US Food). The Jungle
shows the corruption in the Chicago government through the main character Jurgis and his trial,
the raping of his wife Ona, and the unsanitary conditions in the meat factories where he worked.
Sinclair shows the corruption in the Chicago government through the raping of Ona. Ona is the
teenage wife of Jurgis, and just a few months after their wedding she is raped by her own boss.
When Jurgis demands a reason for why she was gone for an entire night, she says He told me he
would have me turned off. He told me he would we would all of us lose our places. We could
never get anything to do here again. He he meant it he would have ruined us (Sinclair 109) Now
this example would be good to describe the corruption both in the meat packing factories, and in the
government. While it
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Essay on Sophocles Antigone
Sophocles Antigone Theater played a large role in ancient Greek society. The citizens were meant
to learn from the mistakes made in tragedies. They should have learned what not to be like as a
citizen or human. In the classic tragedy Antigone, the third and final play in SophoclesВ№s Oedipus
Cycle, there are two main characters, Antigone and Creon. They are both strong willed and
stubborn people. By their resistance to change, they both seal each others fate. Antigone is
passionate... Creon is full of rage. They are both so similar that they can not see eye to eye.
Although they may seem quite different, Creon and Antigone... Show more content on ...
Even when faced with TeresiasВ№s prophecy, he refuses to believe the truth. He claims that
Tortuous has been bribed, and that he Віsold out!ВІ (227) He is finally forced to listen when
Choragos reminds him of TeresiasВ№s perfect record. Eventually he is persuaded to reverse his
decision, persuaded that it is the will of the gods, he gives Polyneices a proper burial, and is on
his way to free Antigone, but it is too late.
Creon and Antigone and they are both very strong in their views. Creon is devoted to his laws,
while Antigone is loyal to her beliefs. Creon refuses to give in and alter his law. He labels those
who dare act against him as traitors, and his justice is quick and cruel.
ВіThis girl is guilty of a double insolence, Breaking the given laws and boasting of it. Who is the
man here, She or I, if this crime goes unpunished? SisterВ№s child, or more than sisterВ№s child,
Or closer yet in blood she and her sister Win bitter death for this!ВІ (204)
He is willing to kill his own family in the name of the law. Antigone is a traitor for giving a burial
to her dead brother Polyneices, but Ismene is sentenced as well, merely by association. He is so
devoted to his own laws that he fails to see that he is disobeying the law of the gods.
Antigone , however, puts the laws of the gods ahead of the laws of the state. She gives her brother
a proper burial, and therefore
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The Roman Or Chinese Method
The Roman or Chinese Method in Governing?
The Empire of the Great Tang and the Byzantine Empire existed on a similar large scale in the
around same period. Both empires dominated vast land area and had significant impact on the
human history. The territories of both empires were so large that were even difficult to manage in
the 21 century. On one hand, the Tang Empire used the examination method to select officials. On
the other hand, the Byzantine Empire used the republic system to elect officials (Mckay). How did
these methods seek the proper people to govern the such immense territory and large population?
Further, which empire was more appropriate, efficient and well handled in electing officials for
Intelligence in ... Show more content on ...
189). As a result, the Tang officials were generally knowledgeable and intelligent. Tang civilians
from different classes also had fairly equal chance to become officials and influence the government
policy making. This also allowed the government to be diverse and innovative, which also implied
more debates which had happened in previous dynasties such as The Debate on Salt and Iron s
monopoly between the learned man and the minister in Han Dynasty. Throughout the debate, the
emperor of China was able to hear the voices from different perspectives from different classes.
Whereas, the Byzantine Empire preserved old Roman law and political system (McKay et al. 203).
The Senate was the major voice of patricians and the plebeians to the Byzantine Emperor. The
plebeian were generally less educated and less knowledgeable. The plebeian s impact on the
decision and policy were weak since they were not close to the emperor and shared less mutual
benefit with the emperor compare with the plebeian (Chang). This situation was similarly like
early The Roman Senate and People time period. Furthermore, the patricians were usually born in
wealthy aristocracy families and they were more likely to become officials. They considered their
own interest and benefit for the their class and less for the civilians. Thus, the Byzantine Empire
had less diverse voices in bureaucracy and had less intelligent representatives of humble birth
people would play
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How To Start Off An Essay For University
How To Start Off An Essay For University

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  • 2. The Establishment Of A Free Market Economy The establishment of a free market economy with the creation of joint stock companies in the modern day Netherlands during the 1500 1600s spelt the beginning of capitalism, an economic system which has, since this period, brought untold prosperity to billions throughout the world. Its proliferation throughout Europe is one of the primary reasons why in the centuries thereafter it became the sole hegemon on the world stage, with its greatest embracer, Great Britain, holding sway over a fourth of the globe by the mid nineteenth century. Since these European centuries, liberal economic thought has spread throughout the world, with vibrant, flourishing economies sprouting in places from Singapore to Japan to even China, with its tentative economic liberalization being the direct result in hundreds of millions being lifted out of poverty. With such a good track record, one would be surprised that the bulk of the intelligentsia of this country is opposed to the continuation of a liberal, free market system. Indeed, in their papers on higher education in America, Mark Edmundson and William Deresiewicz indict the capitalist system as the bane of higher education, accusing the profiteering of private institutions as the primary reason why students are receiving a sub par education. Using terms such as consumerism and neoliberalism pejoratively, they posit that each system has had an adverse affect on higher education, and present differing solutions to put an end to the problems ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Eisenhower and Patton Comparison Essay General Eisenhower and General Patton: A Comparison Zerrrouk (PN) From a fiercely brave General, who strictly enforces customs, bravery, formalities, and success; to a General with a lighthearted mood, down to earth attitude, a steadfast courage, and a integrity and decency to lead the nations of the world into battle; while both these legendary Generals fought on the same side, both General S. Patton and General D. Eisenhower were distinctly different Generals. This paper seeks to outline the differences and similarities between the two Generals by taking a close look at their lives, and the impacts they had on WWII. George S. Patton was born on November 11th, 1885, in San Gabriel California. As Patton grew older, he developed a ... Show more content on ... For this action he was stripped of his command over the 2nd Armored Division in Africa. Patton could not stand to have a soldier that was anything less than what he thought a true soldier should represent. Patton believes that courage and fear are phenomena which can be governed by training and discipline, and that fear is lost through intense training and patriotism. Patton did not hate his men, but he didn t want to see his soldiers hospitalized as injured men with battle fatigue or neurosis, but as a spectacle of American bravery. Visiting his troops in the hospital got him emotional and he state once that, They re the best damned soldiers the world has ever seen. One day I bawl the hell out of them and the next I weep over them. Patton was relieved of active duty until he was summoned by Eisenhower to lead the 3rd American army in the breakthrough Normandy. Eisenhower, more than anybody, knew the talents that Patton had in war; and with the 3rd American Army, Patton cut through the German lines all the way to Rennes, and then to Nantes, and then stopped at Metz for gas and munitions. Patton was always a step ahead of everyone especially the Germans. After the push stopped, Patton was ordered to move from Saar and attack General Von Rundstedt which was deemed impossible by others but not Patton. After Rundstedt was captured, Rundstedt gave a high praise to Patton for his ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Modern Medicine And Its Constitution Of Synthetic Drugs Before the existence of modern medicine and its Constitution of synthetic drugs, and there were stations, ancient civilizations knew how to use them strategically to treat common diseases and even life threatening diseases. Papyrus details Egyptian Ebers old, moved from 1550 BC is more than 100 pages long, 700 medicinal herbs and how to use them. Greek hibokratikom corpus of sixteenth century BC also details using herbs medicine.1 Later, during the nineteenth century and early twentieth century, herbal pharmacology was passed from one generation to the next one. Typically, a woman s House was well versed in the use of herbs for healing, and serve as a family doctor not only to treat diseases but also prepare various wellness herbal tonics and other remedies. Today, it is estimated by the World Health Organization (WHO), 80 per cent of the world s population still uses conventional treatments, including plants, such as tools.2 primary health care at the same time, most new drugs (70 per cent) and introduced in the United States are derived from natural products, mainly from plants.3 Unfortunately, the reverence for the use of medicinal plants in everyday life was largely in the United States. But if you want to use natural remedies to support your health, you should know that there are a lot of right at your fingertips. Medicinal plants that you can use for your health Below is an excellent starting point to learn how to harness the power of medicinal plants. This ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Equestria Alternate Ending Cadence awoke. An immense pressure bore on her confused mind, feeling like a lost soul in the depths of hell. Her vision swam into focus as her eye adjusted to the dim light, coming from some crack in the wall, but only for a minute, before it dwindled like a dying star, brining darkness once more. The world around her was like a distorted night sky, gyrating across rippling oceans waves, lit by the moon. Her eyes, feeling like they were being used for the first time in a decade, seared as they tried to distinguish her surroundings: A white, padded cell, along with a door in front; a flickering light above, buzzing irregularly. Weakness tore through her body as she tried to move, only to find herself tethered to chains on the wall; her efforts for liberation, while valiant, were in vain. She yanked the chains, trying to sever its attachment to... Show more content on ... The mind was unwilling to delve into the depths her dark past the same one that changed Equestria. Curiosity got the best of her and she forced her mind to recollect. She closed her eyes and thought. A multitude of fallen ponies, subjugated to a tyrant s ruthless act of bloodshed, lay in a pool of blood; a weeping white stallion, sitting in the midst of his slaughtered subjects, the only living soul amongst the dead, begging to be spared mercifully. A pink alicorn towered over the white stallion. A terrifying, mirthless cackle sounded. The alicorn was charging its horn ready to strike, but a blast of chaos magic that Discord managed to discharge ceased its movement. Everything became unreal, and the alicorn tumbled, shrieking louder than a thousand condemned souls. In the alicorn s last efforts, a surge of cursed magic unleashed from its horn and webbed the entire sky. The alicorn blacked out from the sheer volume of pain, and the last thing it saw was total ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Galileo s Influence On Nicolaus Copernicus During the 16th and 17th centuries, a scientific revolution transpires which inevitably yields the basis of our modern scientific knowledge. This new vision in science has been examined by the use of sophisticated mathematics along with observations. One of the revolutionary discoveries is honored to the famed Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus. He developed a heliocentric model of the universe. Prior to his time, an earth centered model, also known as the Ptolemaic model, was believed because it was simply common sense that the earth was motionless as the sunrises and set from east to west, respectively. Unlike Nicolaus Copernicus, his predecessors believed in geocentrism; the theory which Earth is the center of the universe, which... Show more content on ... Therefore, one would not dare to oppose the church s beliefs as it may result with consequences. Copernicus was well aware of this, therefore, he published his work shortly before his death. Additionally, his book was also banned. Later on, his book entitled De Revolutionibus Orbium Celestium, translated to On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres, has been an influential in our time. Although there was one scholar, after Copernicus s time, by the name of Galileo, who suffered a consequence appointed by the church. Galileo was permitted to write about new scientific theories because in his time, in 1623 Pope Urban VIII had an appreciation for such new discoveries. Galileo was able to support the heliocentric theory as he used the revolutionary instrument, the telescope, systematically. The observations he made explained that Copernicus is in fact right. Therefore, Galileo wrote a book entitled Two Chief Systems of the World in 1632, which he defends Copernicus theory and censures the Ptolemy s and Aristotle s model. Inevitably, the papal Inquisition placed Galileo on trial for heresy. He was punished for his writing, that was banned, and he was also put under house arrest until the day he ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Court Observation At Harris County Criminal Justice Court Quan Nguyen Business Law Professor Donna Kohlhausen November 14, 2016 Court Observation Paper The court I attended was the court # 184, on October 25th 2015 at Harris County Criminal Justice Court , located in downtown of Houston city. The Judge in charge was Jan Krocker. It was an aggravated sexual assault of child case between The State of Texas vs. Samuel Gallegos. As I entered the court, the trial has already commenced so I did not really know how a real trial started. I sat in the back where the public sits, facing the judge bench. The courtroom was cold and quiet. Especially it was very small, much smaller and less impressive than I expected.. Everyone was in formal dressing code. There were just a few number of spectators and family members in the court room. There was a clerk who was typing everything what was happening during the court time. Judge Krocker appeared to have things under control and had the proceedings moving forward smoothly. She was a very friendly lady with short blonde hair. She was listening attentively. She spoke clearly and distinctly so that everyone in the courtroom could hear. Samuel Gallegos is a white man about 5 8 tall. He looked quite nervous while some police officers were standing behind him. From what I understood, this case was really happening back in 2014 and the suspect has criminal history relating to assault of child and another related case to this case. On my left hand side were the bailiffs while some others stood observed ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Leadership Is The Best Leadership Leadership is fundamental to every successful process known to mankind. There must always be someone who is willing to initiate the first step, and by example, others are given inspiration or purpose to follow suit. Though many definitions exist, Josh Kuehler captures the essence of leadership in business by noting Leadership is the ability to inspire motivation in others to move toward a desirable vision. While management is focused on tasks, leadership is focused on the person. All in all, the best leadership drives change and long lasting motivation. (Helmrich, 2015, p. 1) Given the thousands of leadership definitions, why did I choose this one? Because it clearly highlights a clear difference between leadership and management. Leadership is about people, not about processes, and people enable a strong ethics program. Therefore, my belief is that leadership, not management is the primary catalyst behind a flexible yet sustainable ethics program in any organization, private or public. Whether establishing, modifying, or cultivating a successful ethics program, leadership involvement at all levels of an organization is absolutely paramount. I ll use our very own United States Air Force as an example, as I spent 23 years in the organization. I feel confident that I can demonstrate how the Air Force has adapted the seven Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations (FSGO) requirements of an effective compliance and ethics program. (Johnson, 2004, no page). As ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Age Discrimination At The Workplace Age Discrimination in the Workplace American workforce is getting older. Fact, in between 1970 to 1991, the workforce number over the age of 40 in the U.S. has increased from 39,689,000 to 53,940,000. Because of that, the legislative and judicial developments in the age discrimination in employment have occurred (1). The baby boomer generation Americans born between 1946 and 1964 represents more than seventy million workers in the U.S. workplace, and that around 50 percent of the whole workforce. The whole baby boomer generation since 2006 has falls under the protection of the federal laws against acts of discrimination based of age (ADEA) (2). In 2011 more than 40 million people in the United States are ages 65 and older. Moreover, this number will increase to 89 million and that is more than double by 2050. Age discrimination is continuing, as the workforce is growing old (3). A study by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the older workers unemployed longer than younger (4). Age discrimination is harmful not only to the individuals who experience it. In 2004 alone, the cost of negotiated settlements of federal age discrimination complaints totaled $69 million . Age discrimination is possibly the most damaging of the various cases of discrimination that occur in the workplace. According to Collins English Dictionary, ageism is the discrimination regarding to the age, especially against the elderly. People who are in their middle of ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Napping In Edgar Allan Poe s The Raven In the poem The Raven, by Edgar Allan Poe, he talks about how this raven that enters his room while he was nearly napping and how the narrator starts asking him questions and weirdly the raven answers with nevermore. At the beginning, Poe was describing how weak and weary he was, and while [he] nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping on his door (Poe 1). Poe is entering a dream like state, it s like he was not sure if there was someone tapping on his door or he was in his dream hearing someone tapping on his door. Shortly, the narrator gets up to open the door and tells the taper that he was napping, and so gently you came tapping hardly he could hear that taps on his door (Poe 4). But there was no one on the door. So he ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Analysis Of The Article Grim Variations From Fairy Tales In the article Grim Variations from Fairy Tales to Modern Anti Fairy Tales , the author Wolfgang Mieder identifies that fairy tales has a quite significant value in people s life. The author argues that fairy tales are not only just meant for children, but they are also meant for adults, even though fairy tales may be refer to as children stories, according to scholars these tales are traditional narratives for adults. Within these tales there are lessons on how people should behave and other aspect of life, which only adults can understand. The fairy tales contain the hidden frustrations of adults and their longing for a perfect world. Mieder present the readers with examples of why these tales are also for adults and the hidden meaning they have within them. Mieder states fairy tales present the world in black and white, but in the end of this conflict is resolved (Mieder 91) and the belief that there is always good in humanity and the longing for a utopia plays a significant role for adults. The concept of hope for fairness and equality allows these tales to last for centuries among children and adults. Mieder then states many adults today do not accept the value of the benefits that these tales contain, and are too focus by real life problems. The adults of today s society are realist and do not see the good meaning behind these tales, deeming them to be far fetched, unlike the adults in the past who create these stories as a form of escape from the cruel reality. ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Analyzing Black Liberation Theology, Latin American... Liberation Theology Black Liberation Theology, Latin American Liberation Theology, and Feminist Theology Liberation theology comprises of two main principles: it recognizes the call for liberation from any form of oppression economic, political, and social: second, it says that theology must grow from the basic Christian communities and not from above. Liberation theology examines the theological meaning of human activities, which includes an explanation of the Christian faith out of suffering, struggle and hopes for the poor, critiques the society and its ideologies that sustaining its existence. In addition, it also reflects on the activities of the church from a perspective of the poor. Liberation lies at three levels of meaning which have a correlation. Liberation at the social and political level, it states on the oppressed classes and people. It emphasizes on the conflict that arises from the economic, social, and political process that happens between the oppressed and oppressors. At the human level, liberation emerges as a historical process that shows the conscious development of people on their own through social changes. At the religious level, liberation means being free from sin the main source of all alienation from fraternity and the source of all oppression and injustice. This last form of liberation brings man into communion with God. The three processes are inseparable and form a unique complex process (Hillar, 2000). Black Liberation Theology Black ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Biggest Software Disasters Introduction This research paper takes a look at two of the biggest software disasters in the past decade, website and the DIA Baggage system. In this paper, I analyze the different engineering approaches that were used, assess the success or failure of each to draw conclusions regarding best practices. The Affordable Care Act also known as ObamaCare was signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010 to overhaul the US healthcare system. is a health insurance exchange website that was created as a result of this law. The objective of the website is to create a marketplace of health insurance companies and facilitate the sale of private health insurance plans to residents. ... Show more content on ... Thus the is a huge complex system. Designing a complex system such as this is quite an undertaking. A good design approach is required. A properly designed system goes a long way to make testing easier. Architecture The consists of the following major components 1. A dynamic website and transaction processing application called the Federally Facilitated Marketplace (FFM) 2. A Data Services Hub 3.A set of distributed services comprising of the new and legacy systems of many health insurance companies and government agencies. Figure 1. logical system architecture [1] The FFM requirement was to interact in real time with other systems, existing federal agency databases and online services of more 170 insurance companies doing business in the 36 states. The data services hub allows the insurance companies to validate information provided by applicants against information maintained in the federal agencies databases. The distributed services are the services provided by the insurance and the government agencies through published APIs. So the data services hub connect to all these different entities through their application programming interfaces. Problems The four activities fundamental to software engineering are software specification, software development (design and implementation), software validation and software evolution. These activities are used ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Fodo Baggins Archetypes One of the most important archetypes is the hero. Without the hero, there is no story to be told. Heroes can be found in every story and many times if you analyze the story you will find that there is more than one hero. In The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring, there are multiple heroes. The obvious herowould be Frodo Baggins, because he is the main characterand he has the undertaking of destroying Sauron s ring, but there are others as well. Two others that stood out immensely are; Gandalf The Grey and Aragorn (The Strider). They all performed many courageous and brave actions to save their fellowship. Frodo, Gandalf and Aragorn all take part in destroying the ring that rules all, to restore order. Frodo Baggins was who the ring was passed onto. The one who was called upon to be the one to obliterate the ring from existence. Events that took place throughout the major motion picture The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring, made it very distinct that Frodo is the hero. When the ring is brought to Rivendell, an argument develops that concerns who will take the ring to Mordor to destroy it. Many people volunteered to take on this task but, none are accepted because their ... Show more content on ... This would be the case of Strider (Aragorn). When Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin arrive at the Prancing Pony, there is a dark character watching over them from the corner. Frodo loses his balance, falls to the floor the ring goes flying out, lands on his finger and makes him disappear for a couple of seconds. The Strider approaches them in a fairly intimidating manner, looks as if he is a ringwraith but ends up saving them. Aragorn takes them all to hide them while the ringwraiths are searching around and if he would not have taken this precaution their journey would have been over before it even started. This is defined at heroic because without him there would not have ever been a chance for the ring to be ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Joan Of Arc Religion During the late medieval period there was a handful of warfare and violence. England and France engaged in the hundreds years war and there was a violent uprising by Europe s peasants known as the Peasant s revolt. Many figures of this period in medieval history such as Joan of Arc and Thomas Willinghamin justified these violent actions through religion. In two of Willingham s famous works about the hundreds years warand the peasant s revolt he justifies war and violence with religion. Joan of Arc assist France in its was against Englandand claims that she is driven by God to help France. Thomas Moore was clearly disgusted by this period of Europe and wrote a famous book known as Utopia, depicting an ideal society that Europe should emulate.... Show more content on ... Joan of Arc, nicknamed The Maid of OrlГ©ans , is viewed as a courageous woman of France for her part amid the Lancastrian period of the Hundred Years War, and was consecrated as a Roman Catholic Saint. While Joan of Arc is a major medieval religious figure she was clearly a huge advocate of violent bloodshed and she used religion to justify it. When Joan made her case to help France win the Hundred s years war she claimed that she was sent by God to assist England in the war, The King should not turn away from, or reject, the Pucelle, who says she has been sent by God (The Life of Joan Arc, 75). It is clear that Joan of Arc believes that England s war with France was part of God s will and that it was her duty to help assist her country in war. After convincing King Charles to help him in the Hundreds year war he sends her to the siege of Orleans as part of a relief mission. Joan of Arc s participation in the war boosted French moral leading to victory. Eventually Joan of Arc is captured and put on trial. While on trial Joan once again claims that she had visions of saints telling her to assist in the war, Item, this women says and confesses that she has paid reverence to these voices and spirits that she calls, Michael, Gabriel, Katherine and Margaret ( The Rouen Trial, 211). Joan is found guilty of heresy and burned at the stake. Joan of Arc was war hero and martyr and clearly a warfare apologist using Christianity to justify ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Domestic Violence In A Thousand Splendid Suns, By Khaled... This assignment aims to emphasise upon the portrayal of subjugation and oppression of women, especially with reference to domestic violence, that has been prominently depicted by the diasporic writer, Khaled Hosseini in his novel A Thousand Splendid Suns. The novel borrows its title from a poem written about Kabul by the seventeenth century poet Saib e Tabrizi. The plot revolves around the lives of two Afghan women who are born a generation apart and have been married to the same man within a span of few years. Hosseini projects how violence behind closed doors affects their lives in a greater degree than the turmoil and terror caused in the society under the rule and influence of the Mujahideen and Taliban. Hosseini is careful... Show more content on ... Mariam and Laila represent only a part of all the trials and tribulations the Afghan women have endured throughout their lives and project how violence can affect individuals emotionally, mentally and physically. Oppression becomes almost ritualistic in A Thousand Splendid Suns, cruelty heaped upon cruelty, despair buried beneath despair. Even though Afghanistan s reality seems to render melodrama virtually impossible, Hosseini reluctantly admits that he spared readers the worst of what he saw that spring he returned. (Hosseini; Jones) Through this novel, the author portrays the raw reality of hardship that has been, and continues to be endured by the individuals of Afghanistan, and how the women are more violated. With poverty and abuse doing their respective rounds in the warzone, life in general has become one with grief and ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Why Do Insurers Pay Attention On The Terms Of An Domestic... Another important point in sanction clauses is the wording of the terms that are included in the contract. Insurers pay attention in a large extent on the language of the clause, in order to be realistic with glaringly obvious purpose. Otherwise, misunderstandings in the conditions of the contract and a variety of arguments and claims will appear from clients and companies against the insurancecompanies and P I Clubs, a fact that will have detrimental economical consequences for them. Also, in case of a deny of cover by U.S and European P I clubs, the interested party will proceed to alternative cover by an domestic club like in case of Iran, the Kish P I club, a negative effect for the traditional clubs because they will reduce their... Show more content on ... An example of such clauses is the Lloyd s Market Association which has published the 3100 Sanction Limitation and Exclusion , or GDV . Moreover, the same clause is observed by Hellenic Mutual Protection Indemnity War Risks Association and Standard P I Club . Comparing the LMA and Standard Club, we conclude that the wording is specific and strong in both cases, so they are clear for the protection of the insurer. The first instance focus on the source of application of sanctions namely the Organizations that enforce the regulations, while the second, on the kinds of trade operations and voyages that the assured may have in relevance to this country. The penalties for breach of sanctions are generally several. In particular, many banks have suffered huge fines in the United States, a point which except from economical issues, affects to the increase of the potential risk in case of an incident but also to their reputation. Insurers and reinsurers are dealt mainly with client s services worldwide, so they may be inadvertently involved in sanctions breaches. In 2011, following the examination of a case, a notice of cancellation by EU insurers was formed based on EU Regulation 961/2010, and held to be valid as to deny cover to an Iranian shipowner . Broadly speaking, the most proper solution to stop sanctioned shipping activity is to cut off the availability of insurance cover, in ... Get more on ...
  • 18. How The Death Penalty Changed My feelings about the death penalty have not changed. To me, I believe that life in prison is better, because I would rather them live with what they did than just make it easier for them by taking their life away. But no one should have to experiece that. I am for the death penalty, but only when there is not another option for that person. They must really really be a threat for our society, especially when they are influencing other criminals. Now that I ve researched the death penalty, I can not believe how many states have it. I know that most use it just for more of a threat. According to the news and how many crimes we actually have, evidently it doesn t really scare anyone. Once it gets to that point, hopefully it continues its job ... Get more on ...
  • 19. How significant is the theme of violence in Of Mice and... The novel Of Mice and Men , written by John Steinbeck, is a tale of an extraordinary friendship between two ranch workers who fight for survival in the harsh times of the 1930s, the great depression of America. The essay concerns the role of violence throughout the novel and explores the theme of violence in different parts of the tale, as well as looking how specific characters use violence for different reasons. Specific areas of which the novel will explore are parts such as the death of Curlys wife, the fight between Curly and Lennie and the death of Lennie. The content of the book as a strong historic and social element, as well as a literary one. The social element refers to the way they lived. This would have been poorly, as they... Show more content on ... After Carlson has belittled Curly by calling him weak, Curly feels foolish. This causes him to pick on a person weaker than him, as he feels he can rebuild his respect and keep his last little bit of dignity. This person happens to be Lennie. No big son of a bitch is gonna laugh at me. I ll show ya who s yella . This show Curly trying to show everyone that he is not weak, and that he is still in charge. He also uses the word yella to insult Lennie with. The fight between Lennie and Curly is a major point in the novel. This mid point to the story displays the most violence, aggression and emotive language in a single scene, and also sees the two most physical characters go head to head. On one side there is Curly a psychotic mad man who craves violence and respect. On the other side there is Lennie a simple, child minded man who would not whish to hurt anyone until he is forced to. When Curly starts to attack Lennie, Lennie does not retaliate until George instructs him to. This is because Lennie s use of violence is unintentional. He does not use violence to hurt them on purpose, but will when he is forced to. In this case Lennie grabs Curly s hand. When this happens he panics. This causes him to hang on, and he will not let go until he calms down. This can also be seen in the incident at weed, when Lennie grabs a women s dress. In this incident, the woman yells. This causes Lennie to panic, and therefore he grabs tighter. This also ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Lolita Quotes Lolita Major Characters Humbert Humbert is the narrator and protagonist of the novel, and he is a European scholar who is overly attracted to nymphets. This obsession stems from meeting Annabel in Europe, as Humbert is traumatized after his childhood love s life is cut short. He is a handsome man who is capable of writing in beautiful prose to his audience. Early on in the novel, Lolita seems to be attracted to Humbert, even occasionally competing with her mother for his love. Over time, she becomes irritated by Humbert s demands, and she begins to be more flirtatious and crude, especially around other children her age. She eventually runs away with Clare Quilty, but after refusing to participate in child pornography, she is abandoned by him.... Show more content on ... Blindly driven by his lust for Lolita, he uses any set of words in order to defend his actions. For example, he claims that Lolita is the one that came onto him and that she had complete control in their relationship. However, in truth, Humbert is the adult who restricts Lolita s money and freedom. It is only at the end of the novel in which Humbert finally admits to being the one who stole Lolita s childhood. The timeframe in which the novel is set also plays an important role in the novel s development. Set in post World War II America, the characters feature in a time when the country is gaining its own identity as a superpower. Because of this, a European chap such as Humbert himself would have a hard time adjusting to the confident, more outspoken American people. The fact that Humbert comes from a different culture is the main reason why Charlotte is attracted to him. Her love for his sophistication makes her oblivious to the fact that Humbert is in a sexual relationship with her ... Get more on ...
  • 21. A Glimpse into Nineteenth Century Brazil Essay Esau and Jacob by Joaquim Machado de Assis portrays the tumultuous relationship between twin brothers, Pedro and Paulo, during the late nineteenth century; the twins symbolize the Brazilian political struggles during the transition from a monarchy to a republic. The brothers are emblematically born in 1870, at the end of the Paraguayan War, a time when the Brazilian political elite split between conservatives and reformers (xiii). The brothers fight; their most contentious arguments regard politics. Paulo is a republican and Pedrois a monarchist. The only commonalities the twins have are their love for their mother, Natividade, and their courtship of Flora. As an allegory, Natividade represents the old nation of... Show more content on ... Esau and Jacob illustrates the mix of Brazilians uncertainty and indifference during the fall of the monarchy, the flaws of their political system, and provides insights into 19th century society. Uncertainty as the Monarchy Collapses One of the cornerstones of Brazilian national mythology is the myth of conciliation. In 1822, Pedro I proclaimed Fico ( I am staying ) to declare Brazilian independence from Portugal; Brazil separated from Portugal and created a nation without a revolutionary war. In 1889, Marshal Deodoro de Fonseca declared Brazil a republic without firing a shot. Brazil s bloodless history is extraordinary, especially compared to the gory political upheavals in Spanish Latin America. Mexico, for example, endured a ten year revolutionary war in which 10% of the population was killed and another 10% emigrated before the Porfirian dictatorship was ousted and a semi democratic state was formed. Despite the relative peacefulness of the Brazilian revolution, chapter LXIII ( The New Sign ) finds CustГіdio, the teashop owner, agonizing about the name of his teashop. The teashop s original name is Confietaria do ImpГ©rio, however the day after the monarchy collapses, CustГіdio fears revolutionary mobs will ransack his shop because of the teashop s association with the old regime. CustГіdio considers renaming the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Pathological Consideration Of Acute Chest Pain Essay PATHOLOGICAL CONSIDERATION OF ACUTE CHEST PAIN Chest pain is among the most every now and again assessed introducing complaints in the emergency department (ED). Diagnostic etiologies range from benign to life debilitating. Inability to diagnose the life debilitating chest emergencies can prompt to catastrophic medical and legal results for the patient and physician separately (Boie, 2005). The first approach to assessing chest pain incorporates excluding life threatening reasons, which for the most part incorporate (1)coronary artery disease (Kettunen and Talvensaari ,2009) (2)acute aortic syndrome (AAS) (3)pulmonary embolism (PE) (4)esophageal rupture (5)tension pneumothorax and (6)pericardial tamponade (Butler and Swencki, 2006). I Pathology of Pulmonary embolism (PE): As the third most common reason of cardiovascular death after myocardial ischemia and stroke, pulmonary embolism (PE) is a conceivably fatal condition connected with significant morbidity and mortality (Araoz et al., 2007). PE and DVT are two clinical presentations of venous thrombo embolism and offer the same predisposing factors. In many cases PE is a result of DVT (Pitts et al., 2008). Thrombi generally form in the deep veins of the calf and after that propagate into the proximal veins, including and above the popliteal veins, from which they will properly embolize. Around 79% of patients who present with pulmonary embolism have ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Report Assignment This report comprises the Emissions Inventory of Stationary Sources for the United States Army Garrison Kwajalein Atoll (USAG KA). The report was prepared according to Section 3 1.11.3 of the USAKA Environmental Standards (UES) to update the inventory of stationary sources of air pollutants following issuance of a DEP 13 002.0, Construction and Operation of Space Fence Radar System. As appropriate for the additional new sources this update contains the appropriate information as required by Section 3 1.11.3. This update also reflects reductions in the USAG KA stationary source inventory since the last issuance of the inventory in 2013. 1.2Inventory of Stationary Source Emissions Section 3 1.11.3 of the UES establishes requirements for... Show more content on ... 1.3Methods and Assumptions Emission rates were estimated using either an emission factor or mass balance technique. Emission factors were primarily taken from USEPA s Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP 42), Fifth Edition. Actual annual emission rates in tons per year are calculated using the best available information such as annual throughput or hours of operation, as appropriate for the source. Annualized hourly emission rates in pounds per hour are generally calculated by dividing the actual annual emission rates by the number of hours in one year (8,760). This provides the average hourly emission rate during the entire year, regardless of whether the source was in operation. In general, maximum hourly emission rates are calculated as a function of predetermined peak operational parameters, such as the maximum hourly charging rate and maximum hourly fuel throughput for incinerators. For other sources, where maximum hourly operational parameters are unknown, maximum hourly emission rates are generally calculated by dividing the actual annual emission rates by the number of operating hours during the calendar year. This provides the maximum emission rate for a one hour operating period, though the rate is effectively averaged over the operational time frame. Maximum allowable hourly and annual emissions are calculated by determining the maximum emission rate of a pollutant that can occur at a source when operated at its ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Why The Internet Is Affecting Political Views And Thoughts... Understanding how to perceive the news can be a difficult task especially with their savvy word usages. This essay will explore multiple attributes of the Today show and CNN world news online. We will also exploring marketing perspective to attract an audience, credibility, biasness, uncovering racial or gender stereotypes, and fabrication. Next my research will show if there was any extra research needed to understand what the news report was covering. Lastly sharing options or suggestions on how to make newscast fair and balanced and enquiring why the internet is affecting political views and thoughts more than television. Having an audience is key, to having a show on television and how does a network or newscasts make that... Show more content on ... The Today Show is a more personable than CNN. The Today show talks about the top story grabs people from the audience and does makeovers and give away. The Today show also has celebrity movie stars and musicians on their show every day. The shows also give out great advice for everyday people like how to cook, or the best clothes and beauty products on the market. The Today Show is more entertainment news then CNN s hardcore news. The news stories on Today and CNN seemed to be from appropriate and credible sources. When CNN was giving the report online a stream of video accompanied the journalist. Their also showed maps and statistics support what they were reporting. They also had interview with credible (you would like) people like senator and campaign associates. CNN is known for being a credible network; however I feel the need to still research anything I am interested in or that just stir up any emotions with in myself. The Today show hand multiple interview of people that their stories where about. Though the Today show is more entertainment with musicians and movie stares, each of this celebrates where interviews on their on topics that was shown on television. I also took it upon myself to look of a couple of their topics to make sure what they were reporting was true. I feel doing your own research is the only way to make sure what is being reported to the public is the only ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Examples Of Surveillance In George Orwell s 1984 Surveillance in George Orwell s 1984 is extreme, but there are some very real parallels to today s life. Telescreens and hidden microphones are just a couple of examples of 1984 s controlling technology. The ideas depicted by author George Orwell s dystopian society are becoming more real every day. Telescreens were literally and thematically the biggest piece of surveillance technology in 1984. They were large screens that took in as much information as they put out. They were massive and could look over an entire room. A telescreen could record video of a person and also record sound, transmitting the recordings presumably to thought police to be monitored. They could hear anything above a soft whisper and they could see anything in ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Jaco Pastorius Research Paper Jaco Pastorius once stated, A chimpanzee could learn to do what I do physically. But it goes way beyond that. When you play, you play life ( Jaco Pastorius ). From his artificial harmonics to virtuosic bass lines with phrasing that was previously unknown to the bass guitar, Jaco Pastorius not only revolutionized the playing of an instrument, but an entire genre of music. As demonstrated in Pastorius quote, his passion for jazzwas often drawn from his life experiences, particularly his emotions. This man is responsible for defining the jazz fusion sound. Yet his success was hindered by bipolar disorder. John Francis Anthony Pastorius III was raised in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Hailing from a musical family, John Jaco Pastorius appreciated... Show more content on ... However, towards the end of his career, Jaco Pastorius resorted to substance abuse. Colleagues attested that he ...began to drink heavily and for months before his death was penniless and unemployed, often sleeping in a local park ( Jaco Pastorius, Jazz Bassist, Dies of Injuries in a Beating ). These dangerous dependencies ultimately led to his death. On September 11, 1987, Pastorius was refused entrance to the Midnight Bottle Club in Wilton Manors, Florida. He became engaged in a violent confrontation which led to his hospitalization for multiple facial fractures and other injuries. He fell into a coma and exactly ten days later, on September 21, 2981, Jaco Pastorius, aged 35, was declared ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Communication Concepts in 50 First Dates Throughout the first half of Communication 101: Introduction to Human Communication we have been introduced to and discussed a lot of new concepts, ideas, and terms. All of this new material has been pertinent to how humans interact with one another, while also informing us of the why and how behind these interactions as well. The amount of new information we have learned would be impossible to cover and apply to one piece of pop culture, but a lot of what we have learned is relatable to the movie 50 First Dates. This 2004 movie featuring Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymorefeatures numerous examples of normative relationships and key concepts that we have learned about in class. In this paper I will not only introduce communicationterms... Show more content on ... Stereotyping can be defined as the unfair characterization of a person or group of people based off of assumptions or appearance. Prejudice is just turning stereotypes into a feeling of hatred or unkindness and is usually due to a feeling of superiority or for a feeling of protection. In conclusion, all of the terms defined and described above play a role in the movie 50 First Dates and are essential and crucial to the movie s plot. Henry is the main character of 50 First Dates, and he is a middle aged man living in Hawaii. Henry has previously had a bad relationship experience and this has left him hesitant in getting involved in a relationship again. His mindset is one of avoiding relationships in favor of flings and one night stands, and this perspective is promoted by the people close to him. However, one morning when eating breakfast at the local diner he sees a beautiful girl that he hasn t noticed before eating breakfast by herself. Lacking the confidence to approach her, Henry stares at her for a while before finishing up his meal and heading to work. The next day however, he is eating at the same diner and this beautiful girl is there again eating by herself. This time Henry has the nerve to approach her, and ends up striking up good conversation. He learns her name is Lucy and they find common ground talking about the fishy smell of Henry s hands. After finishing up their meal, which is filled with mutual flirtatious ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Inductive Vs. Inductive Reasoning Although inductive reasoning is as we shall see not logically continuous, it is nevertheless a seemingly parsimonious avenue for the formation of theories and conceptions about the world around us. The sun has risen and fallen every day up until this point in time and while this may not logically prove that it will do the same tomorrow, the popular belief is that this repetition gives us a firm ontological grounding for expecting it to do so. This does not seem unreasonable, at least in one sense of the word; indeed, if you happened to meet an individual who claimed to possess an agnostic belief about whether or not the sun is likely to reappear tomorrow, then you would most likely consider them to be a very odd person. So inductive inferences are all around us, they are the functional basis of our understanding of the world. For the sake of this paper, then, it is important to understand what we mean when we talk about an inductive inference. Presented in its most rudimentary construct, the inductive inference appears in the logical form: (I)Pa1,..., Pan Pan+1, or (II)Pa1,..., Pan AxPx. Let us briefly explore these two statements. In statement (I), an+1 denotes a different object or form from those denoted by a1 ,...., an. During the application of these principles (I) and (II), we are to assume that we do not know any non P s, and furthermore that the class of a1 ,..., an are the sole objects for which we know that they are P s. Now, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Gerry Adams Research Paper Gerry Adams and The IRA The Irish Republican Army started in Northern Ireland to protect and fight for the rights of the catholic citizens there. Ireland was conquered in 1607 by England, this brought protestant immigrants from England and Scotland. The Protestants quickly came to be the majority of the population. In the 1920s the island was partitioned and Catholics in the north felt that they had been removed from their political heritage. The Protestants felt like they were losing out on resources and wanted to keep control of the north. Neither side was satisfied and problems continued. Over time there came to be ethnic controversy between the Catholic and Protestant groups. The Catholic people were not able to get the same ... Show more content on ... This day will forever be remembered as Bloody Sunday. Bloody Sunday brought the catholic people together and brought about militant actions from the IRA. It was huge help in the propaganda war for the IRA. The whole world had seem what had happened and support for the IRA increased dramatically. There were so many people wanting to join IRA some had to be turned away. The British lost a lot of power in Northern Irelandand excepted all responsibility for what happened Gerry Adams is now the president of Sinn Fein which is an Irish nationalist political party. He was born on October 6, 1948 in west Belfast, Northern Ireland. In his earlier years he grew up as part of a working class catholic minority that suffered social and economic discrimination. Adams finished his schooling in the 1960 s. After this he became strongly involved in civil rights movements and decided to become politically active by joining Sinn Fein. Due to Adams involvement with anti government demonstrations he was interned without trial for many years throughout the 1970 s. He was elected to a seat in the British Parliament, but never took his seat due to the requirement of swearing alegience to the Queen. He became president of Sinn Fein in 1983 and has held the position since. In 1984 Gerry Adams was severely wounded when some one tried to assassinate him. He recovered and continued on with his actions. He has never admitted to being a member of the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Gustav Klimt Research Paper Gustav Klimt was one of the most decorative and erotic painters in the 19th century with having worked iconic paintings such as The Kiss and the Portrait of Adele Bloch Bauer. He was against the traditional culture of art which was being anti decorative and erotic. Klimt was born in 1862 in Vienna Austria. His father Ernest was a immigrant from Bohemia to Austria and was coping to engrave gold while his mother Anna was talented in the field of music but was never to put a vision to her dreams to become a musician. ( Klimt was so talented at the early age, that his school sent him to another school which was the ViennaSchool of Arts and Craft on a full scholarship at the age of 14 even though he was raised in poverty. While he was in the art school, he was mostly focused on architectural paintingas he wanted to become a drawing instructor as his first career choice of a artist career. However with having such talent, Gustav ideas expended and while still in school, he was receiving small commission. After graduating the school in 1883, his younger brother Ernst and their friend Franz Masch opened a new studio.... Show more content on ... It was beneficial to the trio as they won commissions to paint churches, theaters and other public spaces with a blank space. One high profiled work that they made together at the time were the murals of the Vienna Burgtheater and ceiling above the staircase at the Kunschithistiches Museum. In 1888, the three of them received a award for their achievements together as a group which was the Golden Order of Merit from Emperor Franz ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Peter Singer Animal Liberation Essay This argument: that rational beings must be considered ends in themselves, was the lifeblood of the movements of the 1970s that sought to bring oppressed groups under the umbrella of equal moral consideration. These prolonged and often violent debates revolved around demands for equality through which oppressed groups could attain their liberation. As such it is not surprising that the movement for animal liberation stems from these concerns. In fact, they are explicitly allied with them. Peter Singer s seminal text Animal liberation is deliberately called so to evoke memories of the fortitude and determination of these earlier movements for humanliberation. Singer emphasises rationality and self consciousness of some animals as evidence... Show more content on ... Fifteen minutes later, when Goliath got up and left, Figan without a moment s hesitation went over and collected the banana. Quite obviously, he had sized up the whole situation: if he had climbed for the fruit earlier, Goliath would almost certainly have snatched it away, If he had remained close to the banana, he would probably have looked at it from time. Chimps are very quick to notice and interpret the eye movements of their fellows, and Goliath would possibly, therefore, have seen the fruit himself. And so Figan had not only refrained from instantly gratifying hiss desire but had also gone away so that he could not give the game away by looking at the banana. the police dog here: Often when one observes the behaviour of non human animals and concludes that it is likely that they are going through some thought process that is unlikely to be dissimilar to our own, it is called anthropomorphising: falsely ascribing human characteristics to a non human animal. The distinction between human and person allows us to make the claim that both humans and some non human animals display particular characteristics that place them under the category of personhood. It provides a sobering and humble approach to understanding our (human) place in relation to non humans. Animal liberationists conclude ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Lovers stopped in time, unable to proceed to the lip... Lovers stopped in time, unable to proceed to the lip locking trophy of affection. A simple four letter word that has changed the world by its beauty and awe. What are these interesting pictures of words and love? The Kiss, a dramatic scene unfolding before everyone created by Auguste Rodin, and LOVE, the simplistic sucker punch created by Robert Indiana, are wonderful creations that have both an impact and a meaning. These two sculptures have graced the art world with all their beauty leaving some breathless. They mean so many different things with different imagining, reside in separate parts of the world, but some sculptures are more well known. In this case LOVE is more Known. To begin with, we all think of love as this beautiful, ... Show more content on ... The only words he would see were God is love. and he became involved in it to show his love spiritually. The italicized O can be interpreted as it can roll away Joseph 2 and break the square like structure of the display. This is meant to show how fragile love can be. The colors of the piece of work are red and blue. A color pattern that is pleasing to the eye, but to Indiana shows an honor to his father who worked at a Phillips 66 gas station. Whatever this word means to you, your interpretation will probably not be what it means to him. Then, everything with artful beauty is normally put out on display in museums for everyone to see, point fingers, and ohh and ahh . The Kiss is memorialized in the MusГ©e Rodin, a museum dedicated to the artist. Originally was a hit at its unveiling in its first exhibit in 1877 in Paris. It was originally going to be a part of another sculpture The Gates of Hell , but later it got a full sized version in 1889. It was shown at Salon de la SociГ©tГ© Nationale des Beaux Arts in 1889 for its first public appearance. One year later, it was moved to MusГ©e du Luxembourg, where it became no longer free to the public due to its almost provocative nature. The Kiss only resided there for another eighteen years before being hulled to its current home at MusГ©e Rodin in Paris, France. Some pieces of work are flaunted in open areas for all to see. LOVE is showcased in New York City ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Rhetorical Analysis Of Neville Longbottom Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can t practice any other virtue consistently. This quote by Maya Angelou exemplifies a value that Neville Longbottom eventually comes to terms with. In the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2, Neville Longbottom gives out a speech that captivates everybody s attention. Neville is a friend to Harry, Hermione, and Ron, who all belong to the Gryffindor house, which symbolizes the bravery in Hogwarts. Throughout the series, Neville had always been a very shy and timid character, but as the end of the last movie approached, he started becoming more and more like a Gryffindor should be. This speech was given right after Harry Potterwas killed by Voldemort,... Show more content on ... This is mostly displayed when Neville exclaims, They didn t die in vain. [he turns to Voldemort] But you will! Because you re wrong! Harry s heart did beat for us. For all of us! By raising his voice, Neville is able to convey an angry and exasperated tone which makes the audience see the emotion that the speaker is trying to portray. The screaming shows how he is challenging Voldemort and demonstrating his bravery and credibility towards the concerned audience. This tone is an effective rhetorical strategy since it basically shows the speaker s emotions and his ability to pass on these emotions towards the audience. By doing so, Neville is able to successfully motivate the audience and make sure that they all are involved in killing Lord Voldemort. Furthermore, Neville also uses an authoritative tone, showing that he is not afraid of Voldemort, and ultimately proving that his life is not worthy in comparison of any of the lives that he has taken from Neville s group of friends. This specific tone is appropriate for the occasion because it was right after Harry s death, which made all of the audience vulnerable, and making Voldemort feel like he had essentially won the war he had been fighting. By having an authoritative and challenging tone, it made Voldemort see that this war was not over yet and that he was not done fighting since he would have to pay for all the harm he ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Effects Of Horserace Journalism The media in Canada plays an integral role in relaying important election based news to the general public. This may include candidate s policy, stories of intrigue, and in some cases, polling related to an election. However, an analysis of modern literature suggests that Canadian media outlets have become overly focused on polling data during election cycles and, subsequently, have made horserace journalism much more prominent in mainstream news. The purpose of this literature review is to explore and discuss the current debate among academic research on the effects that constant polling publication and horserace journalism have on voters, and consequently, on Canadian democracy. This paper will first discuss horserace journalism and the... Show more content on ... Not only has horserace journalism and the increase of polling publication taken root in Canadian media, but it appears to be growing. In 1988 it was reported that in a 51 day election campaign, 22 national voting intention polls were created and publicized (Bastien and PГ©try 2013:1). During the 2008 election, which lasted 37 days, over 200 national voting intention polls were created (ibid:1 2). This massive increasing in polling has, in turn, seen a proliferation of news stories based around polling data, instead of policy. In the 2006 election campaign period, Cutler, Matthews, and Pickup (2012:270) found that 473 news stories were developed solely around polling data. Another study has found that, although not used as the entirety of the story, in the 1997 election there were 4,430 media reports that included polling data within them Anderson (2006:287). Therefore, from available literature, we can see that not only has horserace journalism and polling publication taken root in Canadian election reporting but this constant use of polling, either as the story or within a story, has been increasing since ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Anyone Who Is Watching News Such As The Euronews Channel, Anyone who is watching news such as the Euronews channel, has seen many times by now cases of serious crimes such as murders, rapes, kidnappings and sexual assaults. These crimes are heinous, violent and monstrous. The people who committed these crimes broke the law and they have to face the consequences of their actions. Due to such crimes are significant the government will take them to the court. Under multiple trials the judge will decide if they are guilty or not and if they are guilty they will spend some years of their lives in prisonor even their whole life. All the people who are watching these trials are completely consistent that everyone who is guilty, should go to the prison. However, there are arguments about this situation.... Show more content on ... Their behaviour towards the individuals was inhumane as they were making them think constantly about their faults and to do hard and exhausting activities. Such as tread wheel or picking oakum. In these activities they were isolating strands of ropes. Anyone who had cash, could purchase better food, more guests or even keep pets, however any individual who had no cash he had none of them. However, it seems that the physical and mental labour in Victorian Prisons never stop, they found new ways to punish the offenders. As Beaken (2013) states in his recent article, the amount and the kind of food that the individuals were eating it was one of their plenty punishments. He discovered that the detainees were eating one pound of bread per day and for dinner they were eating two pounds of potatoes or a half a pound of boiled rice with treacle. It was impossible to find someone who was eating meat as they did not give this kind of food. He claims that this diet led to sickness and death. After they saw that many individuals died, they start to providing meat twice a week. They were having different portions of each one of the persons according to the crime that they committed. For instance, individuals who were in solitary confinement for prison offences they were eating just a single pound of bread every day. Then again, individuals who not sentenced to hard labour and their time of imprisonment did not exist the fourteen days, they were eating 10 ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Essential Care Needs in Nursing and Midwifery Essential care needs present specific requirements for an individual s survival. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (2010), suggest nurses should be able to consider patient s essential care needs and aid them with these needs when patients are not able to help themselves. Allowing nurses to make the patient feel comfortable, during periods when they may be undergoing distress or discomfort. Nurses have to deliver essential care such as making sure patients are eating sufficient amounts of food, keeping hydrated and assisting with hygiene needs. Arnett (2013) emphasises care needs are unique to each individual and vital for preserving patients health and well being. This links into Roper Logan Tierney (1999) model of activities of daily living identifying 16 activities essential to maintaining human life, including: eating and mobilising. Fulfilment and maintenance of these 16 activities indicate an individual is healthy and gives a focus for nurses to deliver targeted patient centred care. This is emphasised in Essence of Care (Department of Health, 2010) which reaffirms meeting essential needs of patients is the main focus point of nursing in contemporary practice. The Essence of Care is made up of 12 categories which health care professionals focus on in order to provide thorough patient centred care. These categories include: bladder, bowel, continence care and personal hygiene. Kitson et al (2013) identified the nurse s role as being one of promoting good patient ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Milwaukee Art Museum The Milwaukee Art Museum is a large modernistic building that is designed both for both beauty and function. The museum as a whole is a piece of art. It features clean lines, impressive symmetry, a clean color pallet, and many other aesthetically pleasing elements. These elements work together to create a building that Milwaukee is proud of. It is positioned in a prime position on Wisconsin Avenue, and is also rite on the lakefront. This placement makes the building viewable to museum visitors, lakefront visitors, and commuters alike, making the structure an even more important part of Milwaukee. The importance is highlighted through its impressive aesthetic. The beautiful architecture features an elegant pedestrian bridge, a grand entrance,... Show more content on ... It functions as a multipurpose space. Some of its uses are the grand entry to the museum, a temporary exhibit space, a brunch area, an art fair space, and a wedding venue. No wonder it has so many uses, with 90 foot glass ceilings and a magnificent view of the lake, it is truly a grand space that extends beyond its walls. All of the glass lets in a magnificent amount of natural light. The lake is framed with large arched windows, and the floors are beautiful white marble. The walls are entirely white, and the ceiling is made of giant windows with white metal frames that slope up to a point. This follows the overall clean and futuristic look of the museum, as it is an architectural feature rarely seen in buildings today, and it is almost surreal when you look at it in person. The windows themselves are not square, and their frames appear to be slanted at angles similar to the unique tangents of the suspension bridge. All of the windows appear to be custom to their placement, none exactly like the other. This contributes to the futuristic look of the building, making it appear surreal from both inside and out. A feature of this room that is most noticeable from the outside its front looks like the bow of a ship. This ties the museum to the lake. It looks as though it could sail off in the night, a beautiful translucent vessel. Overall, Windhover Hall is an impressive space that wows visitors. With it s high ceiling, beautiful floors, and interesting shape, it is a memorable piece of the architecture. It is an important piece that rounds out the building, intensifies its modern look, and makes the structure feel ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Culture and Creative Industry Week 1 Essay Week 2 2. Critical Theory and the Critique of the Culture Industry This lecture considers how the Critical Theorists of the Frankfurt School sought to understand the relationship of culture and society in an age of advanced capitalism and mass media. It explores their analyses of popular culture, and poses the question of whether the term culture industry has now lost its original, critical meaning. Key thinkers: Marx, Gramsci, Adorno, Horkheimer, Benjamin Seminar questions 1.Has the mechanical reproduction of art opened up possibilities of a more democratic appreciation, or merely reduced it to the status of a commodity? 2.Has the Culture Industry killed High Culture ? Walter Benjamin (1936) The Work of Art in the Age... Show more content on ... 223 224 How is this useful for media criticism Film Criticism: The difference between theater and film is also about loss of aura. A play (has aura) is always different because the actors interact with the audience and each performance is unique. A film, however has no audience the actors usually only perform tiny fragments of the whole and generally not even in order....movies are pieced together by editors. Film д№џж ЇдёЂз§ЌreproductionгЂ‚ Audience Reception: Watching a film is a collective experience and each audience member is a critic its part of the fun. Think of a newsreel when a group of people witness an event they are educated on something and they can become politically active because of it (For example, although he was talking about the potential for class revolt Benjamin would be proven correct when American men and women were motivated by newsreels in WWIIзѕЋе›Ѕдєєж°‘ењЁдєЊж€ зљ„ж—¶жњџеЏ—иї‡ж–°й—»зџз‰‡зљ„еЅ±е“ЌгЂ‚ж–°й—»зџз‰‡е propaganda). зњ‹ж–°й—»ж ЇдёЂз§ЌeducatedдЅ гЂ‚еЏ—дј—ж ЇдёЂз§Ќиў«еЉЁзљ„иї‡зЁ‹пјЊеЏ—дј—жЋҐеЏ— they want to tell you. Capitalism/Fan Culture: But just as the medium has the potential to be used in the Revolution, it cannot be because it is controlled by capitalism (this might be a good connection to the Hollywood Censored book). Because of the way capitalism operates, there is a false consciousness between the actors and audience. The actors become held up as having cult value (ritual ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Summary Of Will Storr s Visit To Past Life In the previous chapter, Will Storr visited a Past Life Regression therapist who essentially opened the floodgates of his mind. This inspired his decision to take some time in the Blue Mountains of Australia to meditate in this chapter. While he intended to enroll in the Vipassana Meditation Center s meditation session purely for the purpose of a mental retreat, Storr quickly discovered that it was also a physically taxing experience. He got so into his own zone that he found himself unable to help others who were more obviously struggling alongside him. This lead him to wonder about the origin and function of cognitive dissonance why do we feel one thing and say or do another? He cited many psychological experiments before coming to the... Show more content on ... For example, people in the study believed they were more likely to win the lottery if they chose the numbers versus having the numbers randomly generated. Assuming that the individual choosing the numbers knows no more about the winning sequence than the random generator, then this notion is illogical. Choosing is as arbitrary by a person as a random generator the only difference is that people often choose numbers with sentimental value, such as a birthday, anniversary, or favorite number. However, in this particular instance, people felt that their odds were increased when they chose the numbers despite no apparent logical reason to think so ergo, the illusion of control (Sanger). It is important to note that the illusion of control had no measurable effect in this scenario whether people chose their numbers or not, their odds did not change. I think this implies that even when we are able to achieve unity between our interior and exterior selves, some things are simply out of our self s reach. Sometimes, other factors are simply too powerful to ignore; consequently, they are given control. Is it not possible that this could relate to the disconnect we feel between our interior and exterior selves, particularly in stressful ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Monsanto Vs Us The differences found in the social report between the two companies could be explained by the different views between the US and EU concerning to GOM According to Library of Congress (n.d) compared to other countries, regulation of GMOs in the US is relatively favourable to their development. GMOs are an economically important component of the biotechnology industry, which now plays a significant role in the US economy. For example, the US is the world s leading producer of genetically modified crops. This explains, why Monsanto Company makes more emphasis on improving their biotechnology and teach it to future generations, while EU establishes a strict monitoring of GM products for marketing in regard to the requirement of mandatory labelling rules. On the other hand, in the United States the issue of GMOs are promoted as a benefit for the population and the environment, while in the European Union, biotechnology has been viewed as a new process that requires large regulators by the European Food Safety Authority. It would be the reason because Syngenta s report is focusing on issues related to make crops more efficient and to help farmers meet new emissions requirements, to produce more food while reducing their environmental footprint.... Show more content on ... This is the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, which establish some general basic rules on the use of GMOs to ensure the protection of the health and care of the environment. Recently, there are 163 Member States, including the European Union. However U.S has not ratified the Protocol, despite U.S is the largest producer of genetically modified crops in the ... Get more on ...
  • 41. What Is A Walmart A Corporate Giant A Corporate Giant Or A Corporate Beast Introduction This case discusses: Introduction to Wal Mart History of Wal Mart The Road to Success Corporate Strategy The Criticism and the Challenges Wal Mart s PR strategy The Road ahead Wal Mart An Introduction American public corporation that runs a chain of large, discount department stores World s largest public corporation by revenue Largest private employer in the world Fourth largest utility or commercial employer Largest grocery retailer in the United States ( 20% ) Largest toy seller in the United States ( 22% ) Wal Mart at a Glance Founded Arkansas, USA(1962) by Sam Walton Headquarters Bentonville, Arkansas, U.S.A. Products ... Show more content on ... Whether you walk into a Wal Mart store in your hometown or one across the country while you re on vacation, you can always be assured you re getting low prices and that genuine customer service you ve come to expect from us. You ll feel at home in any department of any store...that s our culture The Corporate Strategy (contd..) Practices followed Aggressive hospitality # Using door greeters # Patriotic themes and displays in stores # Compels its staff to engage in morning cheers Affiliations with charities The United Way and Children s Miracle Network Sundown Rule All customer and supplier requests or queries ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Explain How And When Did The Earth Produce Its Core,... How and when did the Earth produce its core, mantle and continental crust? It has been known for well over a century now that the Earth s core, mantle and the crust make up the basic structure of the Earth. However, there is some controversy over how and when the Earth produced its core, mantle and crust. In this essay, I will first discuss about the formation of the Early Earth and its Moon, then about the methods used to pinpoint the age of the Earth. Other than that, I will also expand on core and mantle formation, as well as the eventual production of the continental crust. THE BIRTH OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM HEATING OF EARLY EARTH Firstly, to deduce how the Earth came to form the structures we know today in modern Earth, we must go back ... Show more content on ... FORMATION OF THE MOON Many believe that while Early Earth was undergoing accretion, it had a massive collision with a large body as huge as the size of Mars (see Fig. 2.). This collision produced a shower of debris around the Earth and thrusted it into space (Grotzinger and Jordan, 2010). According to this theory, the Earth reformed as a boy with an outer molten layer hundreds of kilometres thick a magma ocean. (Grotzinger and Jordan, 2010). Marshak (2007) deduced that the Moon was formed from the accretion of the debris floating around the Earth. He also suggested that the Moon s composition resembles that of the mantle because of the way the Mars sized body collided with the Earth. From this, we can assume that when the collision happened it did not disturb the Earth s iron nickel core that was already formed. The formation of the Moon must have happened 4.51 billion years ago between the early stages of the accretion of the Earth which was 4.56 billion years ago,) and the formation of the oldest Moon rocks brought back by the Apollo astronauts (4.47 billion years ago,) (Grotzinger and Jordan, 2010). Fig. 2. The formation of the Moon due to an off centre collision of a Mars sized body (Freedman and Kaufmann, 2009) p.249 THE AGE OF THE EARTH Before the discovery of radiometric methods to determine the age of the Earth, the first few attempts were off by thousands of millions ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Max Weber s Politics As A Vocation He who seeks the salvation of the soul, of his own and of others, should not seek it along the avenue of politics, for the quite different tasks of politics can only be solved by violence , stated Max Weber in his lecture Politics as a Vocation (Weber 4). In order to participate in politics, an individual will inevitably encounter times when they must break with traditional morality. An ethic of ultimate ends is not realistic or plausible for the field of politics, particularly when it is followed steadfastly. An ethic of responsibility is more compatible with politics, as it allows the response to a situation to be determined by the circumstances rather than inflexible rules, while still maintaining accountability for one s own actions. This flexibility is most necessitated by the politicians use of violence. There is a fallacy that an ethic of ultimate ends and an ethic of responsibility are incompatible and cannot be reconciled. A politician can follow an ethic of responsibility, while still following certain ethical principles of ultimate ends, on which they will hold their ground. Weber states, ... an ethic of ultimate ends and an ethic of responsibility are not absolute contrasts but rather supplements, which only in unison constitute a genuine man a man who can have the calling for politics (Weber 4). True morality in politics is found in the compromise between the competing ethical codes, and the ability to discern when this compromise is necessary is ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Xavier University Jazz Ensemble I attended the concert of Xavier University Jazz Ensemble which was held on Wednesday, December 10 and took place in Gallagher Theater. Instrumentation was the style of ensemble and the instruments used at the band were saxophone, trombone, trumpet, piano, guitar, drum, and saxophone. Personnel were the students of Xavier University, community members, and Xavier Faculty/staffs. Tite of the tunes are range from big band era to Jazz rock fusion. For instance, One O clock Jump which is a tune from big band era, Scrapple from the Apple which came from bebop era, and Paranoid Android which is a tune of rock fusion. The others are March Majestic, Pennsylvania6 5000, A Child is Born, September, and Truth. In addition to this, the form of tunes are changed with the change of tunes and era. Sometimes they used unusual percussion.( I m not sure but it was agogo bell?) ... Show more content on ... So, I can recognize the differences of each categories of jazz tunes. Especially, the shift from bebop era to smooth jazz era was easy to understand. Smooth jazz was intended to make tunes easier to listen, so it term of melodies and improvisations are shorter than bebop era and it was comfortable to listen for me. When I listened to September, I can recognize the A A B A form. In addition to this, I can easily find the A A B A form in Pennsylvania 6 5000. As we learned in the class, big band jazz caught popularity because of the easiness melodies, I convince those reasons. The evidence for that, the person sitting next to me got into the rhythm during the tunes of big band were ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Essay on The Etruscan Religion The origin of the Etruscans is a mystery, still unsolved by modern man. Ancient peoples held an almost unanimous opinion on the subject, based on the account of the first great Greek historian, Herodotus, who wrote in about 800 B. C. as follows: In the reign of Atys, son of Manes, a great famine is said to have occurred in the whole of Lydia. For some time, the Lydians persisted in carrying on their usual life; then as the famine did not abate, they sought remedies and some thought of one thing and some thought of another. It is said that is was then that the game of dice, the game of knuckles, games of ball and other games were invented but not the game of draughts, the invention of which the Lydians do not claim. And this is how ... Show more content on ... The name Etruscan comes from the Romans, who called them Tusci or Etrusci, the Greeks called them Tyrrhenoi, and they called themselves Rasena. A Lydian or Oriental origin is probable because there is a locality in Lydia which is called Tyrra, which would help to explain the Greek name, Tyrrhenoi. At any rate, it is believed that during the Iron Age in the first millennium B. C. groups of people of the so called Villanovan culture settled on various hilltops, which provided ideal defensive locations. Following the Villanovans came the Etruscans who invaded by ship and set up their first towns on the coast. They were exceptional metal workers and were evidently attracted to this section of Italy by the vast supplies of copper near Populonia and Piombino and by the iron ore on the island of Elba. The date is estimated at 750 B. C. The Etruscan language is another mystery, still unsolved by modern man. A reason for this is a lack of sources. Although about ten thousand inscriptions have been found, about nine thousand are funerary and contain only the name of the deceased, his parentage and the age at which he died. There are only about ten texts which consist of more than one line; there are only two that consist of more than one hundred words. One is an engraved tile discovered at Capua, containing about three hundred words, the other is the Cippus Perusianus, containing about one hundred twenty words. A manuscript was also found. ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Difference Between Knowledge And Shared Knowledge The knowledge system of a society can be divided into two bodies of knowledge, shared and personal knowledge. Shared knowledge is a knowledge that shared and group of individuals it is also continually being contributed creating new forms of knowledge. While personal knowledge is knowledge that someone gains through the own experiences and research. Now in the natural sciences a scientist can further their personal knowledge through shared knowledge in how they can learn and further improve their experiments by learning from those who have performed similar ones. Now there are other instances such as with history. When you use primary sources, you are using personal knowledge firsthand accounts of an event. Personal knowledge is then shared to provide collective knowledge demonstrating that through personal knowledge one can further shared knowledge and vice versa. This all leads to the question How does the interaction between shared and personal knowledge allow for human progress? In history, there have been instances in which an individual s own personal knowledge has been completely rejected to preserve the current shared knowledge. Moments in history such as when martin Lutherwrote his ninety five theses Luther penned a document attacking the Catholic Church s corrupt practice of selling indulgences to absolve sin. His 95 Theses, (ap achiver). Which propounded two central beliefs that the Bible is the central religious authority and that humans may reach ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Cannery Row Summary Fiction Book Reporting Form AP English Language Composition *I divided this book into five sections, starting with introducing the townsfolk, to the protagonists planning and throwing parties for Doc Name: ______Jacob Ricafrente_____________ Date: ______4/10/16_______ Period: _3_ Book Title: _____Cannery Row____________________ Genre: ___Fiction /Novel______ Author: ___John Steinbeck________________________ Number of Pages: ___208____ Brief Summary and Arrangement of the Book: Cannery Row is a 208 page novel written by author John Steinbeck divided into 32 chapters with a loose but linear main storyline interrupted by various vignettes referencing acts of direct and indirect violence, and the cruelty of the world. The book begins with... Show more content on ... Mack asks Dora what he should do to make it up to Doc, so she suggests throwing another party that Doc can actually attend. Thus, plans are in place for another party, this time on Doc s birthday (although Mack does not realize that Doc gave a false date when Mack asked about his birthday). All of Cannery Row knows about the party except for Doc, who forgets that he gave Mack a made up birthday. Everyone comes up with genuine and homemade presents for Doc. Doc does eventually hear about the planned party from a random drunk at a bar, and he decides to forestall some of the problems from the first celebration by buying alcohol and food and locking up his cherished and/or breakable possessions. The night of the party arrives, and it begins slowly but then it soon blossoms into a lively, fun, and boisterous affair with fights, food and dancing. Doc even reads a poem to the crowd that renders them pensive and nostalgic for lost ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Jacob Research Paper Today s text describes Jacob s fight with a man. Jacob wrestled with the man until daybreak. During the hard fighting, the man struck Jacob s hip, which was put out of joint. Despite great pain, Jacob was fighting against the man without giving up At last, the man ardently asked Jacob, Let me go, for the day is breaking. (32:26) From this scene, we wonder, why didn t Jacob allow the man to go? Clearly, we are able to know the answer from Jacob s saying. I will not let you go, unless you bless me. (32:26) To Jacob, the reason to fight with the man was to receive a blessing. Why did Jacob need the blessing, even putting his life in danger? In order to answer the question, we first should look at his life. Jacob was a born fighter. Even before ... Show more content on ... Regarding this, the prophet, Hosea said that [Jacob] wept and sought his favor. (Hosea 12:4) Then, a wonderful thing happened. The man wrestling with Jacob asked, What is your name? (32:27) And, Jacob answered, Jacob. (32:27) Then the man said to Jacob, You shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, For you have striven with God and with humans, and have prevailed. (32:28) Now, we can answer to the question I raised at the beginning of this sermon. Why Jacob needed a blessing, even putting his life in danger? In fact, Jacob s past life was to plunder Esau s birthright and blessing. Jacob was a thief and a bad fighter. So, in order to face Esau confidently, he urgently needed a true blessing gained through a fair fight. At that time, God was willing to fight with Jacob to give an opportunity to fight in a right way, to give a blessing through the new name, Israel. Through the fight, God made Jacob reconcile with himself. Through the name, God gave Jacob new personality. You have striven with God and with humans, and have prevailed. Now, Jacob was ready to meet Esau. Now, Jacob was ready to go forward. In light of today s scripture, I want to ask ... Get more on ...
  • 49. The Intellectual Roots Of Modern Day Environmentalism Many people today do not understand or appreciate the lasting effects that the environmental movement of the 1960s brought to our world. The things that most people immediately associate with the 1960s usually include the Civil Rights movement, Vietnam, the space race, student protests and the hippie generation, underscoring the fact that the environmental movement is often put aside relative these seemingly more iconic symbols of this decade. The 1960s certainly did not mark the first time that efforts were made in the United States to change attitudes, policies, and views regarding the environment. Many trace the intellectual roots of modern day environmentalism all the way back to the 19th century American writers and philosophers Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, most notably the latter s 1854 work, Walden. President Theodore Roosevelt set aside more public land for national parks than all of his predecessors combined. His policies and views about conservation remained dominate for decades ( The efforts made by these figures in the mid 1800s through the early part of the 20th century were crucial for paving the way for what would come in later years. The main reason for such progress in the environmental movement in the 1960s is because of influential leaders, the prominent role of media, and a generation of people who were not afraid to initiate change. Influential figures in the 1960s were the first ones to bring to light the urgency of the ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Difference Between Eastern And Confucianism How has the world changed in just one century? How has it changed in a decade? To say that we live in the same world today as we did 10 years or 100 years ago would be incorrect. In a matter of months or days our lives and society itself changes. Whether it be through new technology or political ideology, we experience a different way of life in a short period of time. Taking this into account, how do we continue to apply Confucianism to an ever changing world? Are eastern countries still affected by these longstanding values present in the four books or have they shifted as well? If so, when did they start to differ? Firstly, I believe that though the way of life changes and we advance to a higher standard of living compared to the dark ages, there have been certain core principles that have persevered through the times. No matter the year these values held within a society guide its community. However, I believe that there are very obvious differences between a western and eastern society when it comes to this. An eastern society follows the above rule to the T unlike western society. For example, in America, the ideologies of the people have changed over time such as, unwavering respect for your parents. American s used to respect their parents at the expense of their own happiness. Over time, America has grown more individualistic and have lost respect for their elders. However, in eastern traditions respect for the family and elders has stayed true well into the 21st ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Summary Of Upton Sinclair s The Jungle Upon reading Upton Sinclair s book The Jungle, it can easily be seen that there were numerous injustices occurring within the early 1900s Chicago government. He wrote the book in 1906 after spending six months gathering research on the lives of poor, low class, immigrant families. With this information, he published his first book, The Jungle, through which he displays the hardships a immigrant family faces when they move to America. He chose the meat packing industryin the city of Chicago as his backdrop for this story, and while the names of the characters are fictional, most of the story is based on his real observations. He originally wrote the book trying to set forth the breaking of human hearts by a system which exploits the labor of men and women for profit, but people took it the wrong way, and Sinclair explained this misinterpretation when he says I aimed at the public s heart, and by accident I hit it in the stomach. (NCBI) By this, he means that he wanted the American people to see the plight of the immigrants but instead the general public was more upset by the unsanitary condition of the meat they were ingesting. While Sinclair may not have achieved his original goal, his book did in fact have a significant impact; an impact that still effects the American people of today. It led to the creation of the Pure Food and Drugs Act of 1906 which is the predecessor to the modern day FDA (Young 231) (US Food). The Jungle shows the corruption in the Chicago government through the main character Jurgis and his trial, the raping of his wife Ona, and the unsanitary conditions in the meat factories where he worked. Sinclair shows the corruption in the Chicago government through the raping of Ona. Ona is the teenage wife of Jurgis, and just a few months after their wedding she is raped by her own boss. When Jurgis demands a reason for why she was gone for an entire night, she says He told me he would have me turned off. He told me he would we would all of us lose our places. We could never get anything to do here again. He he meant it he would have ruined us (Sinclair 109) Now this example would be good to describe the corruption both in the meat packing factories, and in the government. While it ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Essay on Sophocles Antigone Sophocles Antigone Theater played a large role in ancient Greek society. The citizens were meant to learn from the mistakes made in tragedies. They should have learned what not to be like as a citizen or human. In the classic tragedy Antigone, the third and final play in SophoclesВ№s Oedipus Cycle, there are two main characters, Antigone and Creon. They are both strong willed and stubborn people. By their resistance to change, they both seal each others fate. Antigone is passionate... Creon is full of rage. They are both so similar that they can not see eye to eye. Although they may seem quite different, Creon and Antigone... Show more content on ... Even when faced with TeresiasВ№s prophecy, he refuses to believe the truth. He claims that Tortuous has been bribed, and that he Віsold out!ВІ (227) He is finally forced to listen when Choragos reminds him of TeresiasВ№s perfect record. Eventually he is persuaded to reverse his decision, persuaded that it is the will of the gods, he gives Polyneices a proper burial, and is on his way to free Antigone, but it is too late. Creon and Antigone and they are both very strong in their views. Creon is devoted to his laws, while Antigone is loyal to her beliefs. Creon refuses to give in and alter his law. He labels those who dare act against him as traitors, and his justice is quick and cruel. ВіThis girl is guilty of a double insolence, Breaking the given laws and boasting of it. Who is the man here, She or I, if this crime goes unpunished? SisterВ№s child, or more than sisterВ№s child, Or closer yet in blood she and her sister Win bitter death for this!ВІ (204) He is willing to kill his own family in the name of the law. Antigone is a traitor for giving a burial to her dead brother Polyneices, but Ismene is sentenced as well, merely by association. He is so devoted to his own laws that he fails to see that he is disobeying the law of the gods. Antigone , however, puts the laws of the gods ahead of the laws of the state. She gives her brother a proper burial, and therefore ... Get more on ...
  • 53. The Roman Or Chinese Method The Roman or Chinese Method in Governing? The Empire of the Great Tang and the Byzantine Empire existed on a similar large scale in the around same period. Both empires dominated vast land area and had significant impact on the human history. The territories of both empires were so large that were even difficult to manage in the 21 century. On one hand, the Tang Empire used the examination method to select officials. On the other hand, the Byzantine Empire used the republic system to elect officials (Mckay). How did these methods seek the proper people to govern the such immense territory and large population? Further, which empire was more appropriate, efficient and well handled in electing officials for bureaucracy? Intelligence in ... Show more content on ... 189). As a result, the Tang officials were generally knowledgeable and intelligent. Tang civilians from different classes also had fairly equal chance to become officials and influence the government policy making. This also allowed the government to be diverse and innovative, which also implied more debates which had happened in previous dynasties such as The Debate on Salt and Iron s monopoly between the learned man and the minister in Han Dynasty. Throughout the debate, the emperor of China was able to hear the voices from different perspectives from different classes. Whereas, the Byzantine Empire preserved old Roman law and political system (McKay et al. 203). The Senate was the major voice of patricians and the plebeians to the Byzantine Emperor. The plebeian were generally less educated and less knowledgeable. The plebeian s impact on the decision and policy were weak since they were not close to the emperor and shared less mutual benefit with the emperor compare with the plebeian (Chang). This situation was similarly like early The Roman Senate and People time period. Furthermore, the patricians were usually born in wealthy aristocracy families and they were more likely to become officials. They considered their own interest and benefit for the their class and less for the civilians. Thus, the Byzantine Empire had less diverse voices in bureaucracy and had less intelligent representatives of humble birth people would play ... Get more on ...