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How To Write A Background
Research Paper For Scienc
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How To Write A Background Research Paper For Scienc How To Write A Background Research Paper For Scienc
Compare racial and cultural struggles in Alice Walker’s...
Compare racial and cultural struggles in Alice Walker s The Color
Purple as well as Toni Morrison s The Bluest Eye.
In African American texts, blacks are seen as struggling with the patriarchal worlds they live in order
to achieve a sense of Self and
Identity. The texts I have chosen illustrate the hazards of Western religion, Rape, Patriarchal
Dominance and Colonial notions of white supremacy; an intend to show how the protagonists of Alice
Walker s
The Color Purple as well as Toni Morrison s The Bluest Eye, cope with or crumble due to these issues
in their struggle to find their identities. The search for self identity and self knowledge is not an easy
task, even more so when you are a black woman and considered a mule and ... Show more content on ...
If Celie looks for God in a white church or a white written Bible it is inevitable that she will encounter
a white God, therefore she must look at her immediate environment for guidance.
Celie then accepts and employs Shug s ideology that God is inside you and inside everyone else. In
her rejection of the Euro central God who doesn t listen to her prayers, Celie liberates her Self and
finds identity evident in her signing of her letters which she now addresses to Nettie. For the first time
in Celie s life, the colour people (purple) are recognized by God and she is liberated with the belief
that the colour purple/people is/are noticed as a part in God s majestic composition, and that this God
is everything and everywhere.
It is thus possible to identify Celie with the color purple by realizing that she has gone unnoticed and
is finally being noticed as she asserts her existence. This existentialist epiphany becomes manifest
when Celie writes, I m pore, I m black, I may be ugly and can t cook, a voice say to everything
listening. But I m here.
In The Bluest Eye however,
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Essay on Causes of Crime
Causes of Crime
For centuries, the one plague that human civilization faces is a disease that has no evident cure crime.
Before one can even try to find solutions for it, one must understand what a crime is and the nature of
crime. Crime itself is defined as any offence harmful against society. The nature of crime however
deals with the motives and causes of crime, which has no one clear cut explanation. There are several
different theories on the cause of crime such as heredity, gender and mental defects, but each one is
not substantial enough to explain crime and why it takes place. The theory on heredity as being the
source of crime is based on the idea that criminal activity is ... Show more content on
First of all, the world in which we live in depends a lot on financial standards. This includes poverty,
social classes and the simple fact that money makes the world go around. However, it is not fair
enough to say all criminals come from a poor background, but evidently a majority of crime does exist
among the projects :
...postcode areas with high levels of poverty tended to have significantly higher levels of parenting
deficients such as childe neglect; there is a strong relationship between the level of child neglect/abuse
in a postcode area and the level of juvenile participation in crime in that area,
Obviously it is implicated that children raised in the ghetto are more susceptible to crime. Youth crime
is probably the most direct link since such poor living conditions, as mentioned above, can cause a
youth to find comfort in stealing or protection and affection from gangs. The quotation also mentions
neglect and abuse through childhood, which correlates with mental defect. Since it is an economical
situation in childhood that can lead to mental defect or youth crime itself, the theory of mental
imbalance is not really needed as its own branch. Also, organized crime and their leaders usually have
poor beginnings. These leaders usually don t have a
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Buddhism, The Noble Eightfold Path And The Four Noble Truths
Buddhism was an incredibly intriguing religion to me due to the emphasis placed on the reality that
surrounds us, it s a rational religion based on peace, self understanding and the ultimate goal of
nirvana. Buddhist followers live their life with three main goals; morality, meditation and
enlightenment. Ultimately the core teachings of Buddhism are The Noble Eightfold Path and The Four
Noble Truths. It is their lives journey to understand, live kindly and find their inner peace. In a world
so full of hate, misunderstanding, war, segregation and close mindedness; it is unimaginable to not
find such a peaceful and understanding religion not attractive in one way or another. However with
that, how is it possible that in this same world we find ourselves, those Buddhist followers are able to
find such inner peace and understanding when the world around them conducts themselves with such
We don t know details about the life of Siddhartha Buddha as nothing was written down by him or his
disciples until hundreds of years after his death. However, the legends that were passed down paint a
very humble and intriguing picture of the man known as Buddha. The story states that Buddha was
born into a very lavish lifestyle; he was given anything and everything he could ever want and kept
very sheltered in order to protect him from the realities of the world around him. Eventually becoming
curious of the surrounding world he escaped the royal walls and seen what the world
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Microbial Survey, Smear Preparation, and Simple Stain Essay
Instructional Objectives 1. Define
Roccal = green, liquid disinfectant.
Pathogen = an agent which causes disease.
Wet Mount Slide = a microscope slide of a liquid specimen covered with a cover glass.
Yeast = a single celled fungi.
Budding = a true characteristic method of asexual reproduction among yeasts where budding of a new
cell from a parent cell can be observed.
Mold = multicellular masses of filamentous fungal growth.
Hyphae = individual filaments of mold, generally comprised of more than one cell.
Mycelium = the entire mass of the intermeshed hyphae.
Colony = the sometimes circular body of fungal growth that is visible to the unaided eye. Can be
comprised of ... Show more content on ...
To prepare a wet mount slide you begin with the substance at hand. The specimens studied in the
laboratory using this type of slide were a hay infusion, a yeast suspension, and the mold specimen. For
the hay infusion you begin with placing two drops of the suspension in the center of a clean
microscope slide using a transfer pipet. The specimen must be immediately covered with a cover glass
completing the wet mount slide. The yeast suspension is transferred from the tube to the slide using a
flame sterilized inoculating loop. Immediately cover the specimen with a cover glass. The stained
yeast suspension is prepared the same way except that the suspension is mixed with a drop of
lactophenol cotton blue placed on the slide prior to transferring the yeast. The mold must be cut from
the petri plate and placed on top of the drop of lactophenol cotton blue already placed on the
microscope slide. After it is covered it may be studied under the microscope. 3. State the scientific
name of the yeast studied in the laboratory.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the scientific name of the yeast studied in the laboratory. 4. Name the
medium upon which the mold was cultured.
Sabouraud agar is the medium upon which the mold was cultured. 5. Name the stain routinely
employed on fungal specimens.
Lactophenol cotton blue is a stain routinely used on fungal specimens. 6. List two methods by which
the mold specimen was examined.
The mold
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A Case Control Study On Birth Defects
In 2002, a case control study was started in Brittanny, France. The candidates were women who were
well into their second trimester (Douglas). Out of this study, they concluded that 79 out of the 580
babies were born with birth defects (Douglas). The mothers were questioned about their home lives
and their hobbies, along with their occupation. Twenty nine percent of the women were found to be
exposed to these solvents based on the products they use in their home while twenty one percent of
women were exposed to harmful products through their profession (Douglas). Women who reported
regular exposure to solvents were four times more likely to have a baby with an oral cleft as compared
to women who did not report regular exposure. Using job ... Show more content on ...
Hormones are the building blocks of life. Without them, you can t create new lives. However,
hormones are starting to cause people to worry. Breast development is on the rise. Girls, on average,
are beginning to mature and grow breasts at the age of nine, which causes one to raise suspicion
considering how the average in the 1960 s was around age 11 (Steingraber 746). Early breast
development can be linked to breast cancer later on in life. A common misconception is that all man
made chemicals are harmful, and all natural chemicals are good for us. However, many natural
chemicals are just as harmful to human health, if not more so (Lorch). Dorea Reeser provides a
different perspective to counteract the harmful effects of manmade chemicals. Dorea Reeser upholds a
Ph. D. in environmental chemistry at the University of Toronto. She researches and studies the
chemical reactions at water surfaces, and how the chemical and physical properties influence these
reactions and the release of important trace gases into the troposphere.
The idea that nature can harm us is not new. Have you ever heard of malaria, HIV, tuberculosis,
botulism or tetanus? Why, then, are so many convinced that anything and everything natural is
healthier for us than synthetic products? It s true that modern chemistry has brought us a number of
toxic chemicals, like DDT and dioxins, but do you really think that nature s chemicals are any less
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Star Trek Religion
Star Trek the original television show created by Gene Roddenberry in 1966, is a renowned cult
classic due to the longevity and dedicated support from fans for over fifty years. The breadth of the
Star Trek Universe and its fandom is so vast, with its continuity everlasting as both the show and
creations from fans evolves with each generation. The Star Trek in today s media has changed from
how it was back in the 60s but is still as relevant and popular, this is shown with how younger fans
continue the idolisation of Leonard Nimoy, (the original Commander Spock) and consider him to be a
cult icon and the ultimate Spock . Even though the dedication and love to the original Spock is strong
the new portrayal of the character in the reboot ... Show more content on ...
For example, members of the Church of Latter Day Saints receive special clothing called a temple
garment, at the age of 18 which is then worn under every day clothing. Cosplay worn by fans at
conventions can further develop this comparison. Cosplay is the act of dressing to resemble a
character or actor from a media text. However, some argue that cosplay goes beyond a costume and
becomes a part of someone s identity. Often cosplayers choose characters they identify with or have
traits they wish they had. (Allison, 2014) This can be compared to people with religious beliefs, who
say that the religion they follow is a part of their identity. Similar to denominations within a religion,
Star Trek has many organisations, one of which being Star Fleet. Taken as a whole, ST fandom forms
a type of symbolic community where people seek to form identities distinct from the outside world.
(Jindra, 1994). Further demonstrating how the franchise creates identity for its
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Essay On Nancy Reagan
Nancy Davis Reagan
By Klaire Ladehoff Nancy Reagan was born in New York City on July 6, 1921. Nancy s name isn t
even Nancy at all, it s Anne Frances Robbins. She was the only child of Kenneth Robbins and Edith
Luckett Robins. Kenneth was a salesman and Edith was an actress. Kenneth left the marriage while
Anne was still an infant. Since Kenneth left, Edith sent Anne to be raised by her aunt and uncle,
Virginia and C. Audley Galbraith in Bethesda, Maryland. Edith sent Anne to them because she wanted
to fulfill her acting career. Anne attended Sidwell Friends School. Anne and Virginia went to New
York whenever Edith was there for theater runs. Early on in her life, she got the nickname Nancy .
She, clearly, used that as her real name. Edith married a man named Loyal Davis. Loyal adopted
Nancy and treated her as his own. She went back and lived with her mother and stepfather. In the
household, she was surrounded with wealth. Loyal was a neurosurgeon in Chicago. Edith and Loyal
brought in a lot of money to Nancy s world. Since Nancy moved in with Edith and Loyal, she attended
the Girls Latin School. ... Show more content on ...
She received very bad press for that, but she flipped it. She campaigned drug abuse awareness and
education. She visited prevention programs and rehabilitation centers. She preached that drugs are bad
for the communities and held a youth drug abuse conference at the White House. The National
Crusade for a Drug Free America act was signed into law by President Reagan in 1986. People
thought that Nancy s most important role as the first lady was Ronald s personal protector. Some
attempted to assassinate President Reagan, and Nancy made it her concern to know every little thing
that he was doing. This caused Nancy and Ronald to argue after she found out the Iran Contra affair
was revealed. This is what caused Ronald to
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Why Freight Brokers Need Formal Training
Why Freight Brokers Need Formal Training
Freight brokers are the logistical key between shippers and carriers. Being a freight broker is a
rewarding, but challenging career. However, you need a lot of skills and knowledge in order to
become a successful transportation broker. Keep reading to learn why freight brokers need formal
Freight Brokerage 101
According to Entrepreneur magazine, there are legal requirements for anyone who starts a brokerage
business. For example, all new freight brokers must register with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety
Administration (FMCSA). This involves filing forms, paying fees, designating legal agents and
getting a $75,000 bond or trust fund. In addition to this, a small business owner will need to obtain a
local business license and a state operating permit. A training program will help the freight broker
understand these complex legal requirements. Keep in mind that any mistakes on these permits could
result in legal problems down the road.
Second, freight brokers must have financial training and management skills. For example, the bond or
trust fund must be established as part of the permit process. The purpose of this is to prove that the
freight broker is responsible and that they have access to money in order to pay any claims. However,
freight brokers who don t understand finances will have a hard time convincing clients, the bonding
company and even their own bank that they are competent. Freight broker training will
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How The Columbia Disaster Made NASA
The space shuttle Columbia disaster lead NASA to finally change their culture and realize that no
matter how small a threat may be perceived, it cannot be overlooked. The Columbia disaster was the
second disaster in NASA s history, that a small component, which was not adequately tested,
inevitably caused a chain reaction that lead to the disintegration of the space shuttle leaving no
survivors. The first disaster was Challenger in 1986. The Columbia disaster investigations lead NASA
to look further than just procedures and into the culture behind the entire space shuttle program. The
recognition of human spaceflight as a develop mental activity requires a shift in focus from operations
and meeting schedules to a concern for the risks involved. [1 p.208] The Columbia Space Shuttle STS
107 mission was the 113th mission and the 28th flight by the Columbia Space shuttle. The astronauts
that lost their lives were David Brown, Rick Husband, Laurel Clark, Kalpana Chawla, Michael
Anderson, Willian McCool, and Ilam Ramon. The mission was for research purposes. The three
experiments on board were SPACEHAB, MEIDEX, and FREESTAR. The research was carried out
successfully, and it wasn t until the re entry that the weakness was exposed. The space shuttle was
damaged on January 16, 2003 81.9 seconds into flight. Initially the damage was not noticed. The
impact wasn t observed until the high resolution film was analyzed. A piece of foam broke off the left
bi pod and
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Smartphones
Are You As Smart as A Cell Phone? Did you know, in 2011, a boy from Norway used his cell phone to
play a heavy metal song by Megadeth to escape from wolves? This strange story demonstrates the
many unexplored uses for cell phones. Although there are many advantages to using a cell phone for
social, entertainment and safety purposes, there are equally as many disadvantages. To start, there are
a multitude of social advantages in owning a smartphone. In past years, teenagers had to share
landlines with the rest of the family, so phone calls were infrequent and carefully monitored. Today,
smartphones are either always in a tweens hand or lap. And whether beeping some strange noise or
vibrating, the youth is in constant touch with their peers. Group texts, snapchat, and Instagram are just
a few of the methods that these children stay hooked into each other s lives. Of course, the
disadvantages are that if one has no friends, it will make one feel terrible and isolated not to be
included in the virtual conversations. Another problem is that research shows that a lack of practice
hampers many teenagers face to face social skills such as recognizing body language or having an
effective conversation. Correspondingly, communication by texts can be so brief that
misunderstandings occur, which is why the development of emojis has been so successful. A
psychologist whose focus is the effect of technology on people says, Digital communication has a
tendency to be impersonal. Emoji
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The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre
Many case it is said that the love of money is the root of all evil and that money can buy happiness,
meaning that, one s involvement with too much money can make it lose their humanity. In the case of
three men in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, they soon realize that the only thing that money buys
is a ticket to trouble. In the beginning of the movie, two characters, Dobbs and Curtin agreed that
money should be hard earned. So the two characters set out to Tampico, in efforts to find a job that can
earn them extra change in their empty pockets. Unfortunately, once they started working for a man
named McCormick, they later discover that McCormick had swindled both Dobbs and Curtin by not
paying them for their duties. After forcing their ... Show more content on ...
Curtin, on the other hand, had found his way back to Howard and the two men were helped by the
villagers to retrieve their gold. Unfortunately, they discovered not only that their gold is gone, but that
Dobbs was killed by the bandits. In the end, as the Curtin and Howard separated their ways, they
realize that despite not coming back with pounds and pounds of gold, the two men earned something
even better: a new life. Howard is returning to the village to become a grandfather like figure to the
villagers. As for Curtin, he is going to look for the widow of a man, named Cody, as he was killed
initially in the film by the bandits, in efforts to marry her and start a family. The film was not done yet,
it ended with an image of the empty sack of gold lying next to a cactus. Proving that although money
can be tempting to the eye, does not mean that it can be dangerous. The moral of the film is to not let
greed of too much money get in the way of one s soul/humanity in what is right and what is
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Technology Impact On Technology
In our world today, things are constantly being created and changed; whether it be laws, fashion, food,
etc., but the one thing that seems to change at a faster rate than the rest is technology. Whether it be
with machines, computers, or medicine, technology is always being improved, and for most, it s now
quite difficult to go a single day without using some type of technology because it s become so
widespread in our world. Difficulty to operate without technology is now also becoming true for
businesses. Whether it be local or international, businesses have begun to rely more heavily on
technology for purposes such as storing their files, making transactions, keeping track of their
inventory, and many other reasons. While technology has ... Show more content on ...
Today hackers currently have a large amount of American s personal information such as birthdates,
social security numbers, credit card numbers, addresses, etc. If a large company such as Equifax is
susceptible to cyber attacks, then it s safe to say that practically all businesses are also taking a huge
risk leaving their customer s private information in the hands of technology. A common reason that
businesses are using technology to store all of their files is because it s quick and easily accessible for
them and their customers, but as we ve seen in the Equifax case, putting one s trust in the internet to
keep our information safe in exchange for easier and quicker access to information can prove to be
unwise. Similarly, businesses are risking losing customers and their business due to technical
difficulties. Before technology, business owners still had to find a way to run their business to keep
their employees paid and their customers happy. But today, utter chaos erupts in everyone s mind as
soon as they hear those four words; our servers are down . This is when it becomes clear that
businesses are relying too much on technology because in this moment they aren t able to do their jobs
the convenient way, and for some, there is no other way. In the case of Amazon Web Services (AWS)
in February 2017, when their servers went down and affected many other websites as well. AWS is
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Marketing Petland
Social. People have become dependent on their pets for companionship, friendship and love. They are
an important and loved part of our families, and it is especially apparent in the spending patterns of
these pet owners (Kadet, A., 2012). Owning a pet is a big responsibility, and some owners take it to a
whole new level with the pampering they provide to their pets.
Economic. Most people are aware of the cost associated with owning a pet, a pet is an extension of
ones family and in many cases people are spending more on theirs pets than they would a child. And
even with the economy tanking, the pet industry still seems to thrive. According to the article on
Market Watch spending on pets rose 73% during the last recession. Its become clear ... Show more
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Petland uses there Pet Councilors to help persuade customers and provide information on their pet
needs. These pet councilors help to drive sales, and creates loyalty in customers to their stores. They
help to deliver a positive and unique experience, which also helps to generate tremendous word of
mouth marketing ( Culture , n.d). Petland provides training for its staff that helps to set it apart from
other pet retailers, helping to create customer loyalty ( Training , n.d). They also remind consumers
about their commitment to helping animals through Adopt A Pet, which aids in the adoption of
homeless animals for local shelters, displaying highly visible images of pets in store. Other programs
like Pets for a Lifetime, aid in finding homes for pets that owners can no longer keep ( Community ,
n.d). Petland also uses in store vibrant point of sale signage, posters, and advertisements (Paper and
online), as well as a loyalty program to generate sales ( Resources , n.d). These tactics are working
well for Petland stores as they have a loyal customer base. I believe a larger push on social media
presence would also help to promote Petland and its
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Love Of Love By Pablo Neruda
Each country today has faced the heart rending impacts of colonization and imperialization, clothed in
the ideas of modernization and contemporary thoughts, their effects cannot be camouflaged to a great
extent. The present still continues to be a doubtful chronicle of the history of the respective nations in
question clouded by the diverse issues of linguistic and cultural transpositions , alienation and loss, or
for that matter the conflict in race. However, many poets have and continue to document the gruesome
impact these wars have had on the masses. Some such tales are narrated by the Chilean poet Pablo
Neruda who can be seen as the representative poet of the entire 20th century. The poet wrote mostly in
Spanish elaborately and passionately about his people , their misery . His Nobel prize in literature ...
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Neruda in each of his love poem strikes the correct chord of one s heart sometimes in an
overwhelming way. Susinighda Dey in her essay describing Neruda s poetry often pinpoints towards
the elemental passion of love that Neruda realizes that in a way transcends the lovers who are nothing
but mere objects of this love. In poems like Tonight I can write.. with lines like she loved me/
sometimes I loved her too Neruda seems to be ambiguous regarding his feeling towards the woman
and therefore , he comes across as somebody who loves the idea of love more than the woman and
hence , he now can write the saddest lines .
Neruda is immensely Lyrical with his love poetry and never fails to disappoint with his emphasis on
the pent up passion that in a way inspires his poetry
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Linux And Windows And Linux
1. What are Linux distros? Mention the names of a few distros. Are all of the distros open source and
Linux distros i.e. Linux distributions, is a merging of all the different parts and programs that is
created by different organizations.
Some of the Linux distros are Ubuntu, openSUSE, Debian, Slackware, Gentoo, Arch Linux.
Not all of the distros are open source and free.
2. What is the significance of file extensions (.txt, .pdf, .docx, .jpeg, etc) in Windows and Linux? For
example, there is a file named as hello.mp3 in windows and Linux. What type of file will it be in
Windows and Linux? Briefly explain.
In windows almost every file require the use of extension in order for the system to function.
In Linux operating system they do not require the use of extension.
In Linux, the extensions are used only to make the user understand the type of file.
TYPE OF FILE: o In windows: hello.mp3 will be a mp3 file only and the extension is important to be
specified. o In Linux: hello.mp3 is considered as a normal file which can be used for texts, video etc
3. Briefly explain metacharacter and in Linux with an example
Special character in data field or program that provides information about other character.
this metacharacter is basically used as command filename .Sends the output of the command on the
left into the file named on the right of this symbol. If the file does not exist, create it and if does exist,
overwrite it eg. cal
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Speech On Coconut Oil
The coconut oil can cure all diseases.
Coconut oil is a natural gift of all round nutrition food. It is the best natural disinfectant, fungicide,
antibiotics, disease prevention and treatment of specific drugs.
I believe you never thought. Coconut oil was originally a godsend cure all the magic drugs, cheap,
easy to get, safe and no side effects and convenient magic
Coconut can cure what disease?
eat a lot of papaya at breakfast. After two hours, drink 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
If there is no obvious effect, do for three days.
Heat the coconut oil to about 60 ° C.
Apply to any part of the body s pain, massage by heart depending on the location and circumstances.
Drink a cup of coconut water every day, and 3 tablespoons of coconut oil.
Elderly spot
rubbed every day in a spotted spot .
Take 3 tablespoons of coconut oil daily.
Lipstick bursts, dermatitis
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Is the daily life of the coconut blessing everywhere.
Specific implementation: very simple, from today, from this change the cooking oil choice absolutely
no longer eat manure, all the kitchen oil as much as possible instead of coconut oil instead. A small
amount of cold pressed olive oil, amber seed oil, camellia oil, cashew oil, almond oil, butter oil is also
eat a lot of coconut green drink coconut green water.
Use coconut products as much as possible, such as coconut, coconut honey, coconut snacks, coconut
milk, etc., and use coconut oil to skin care and cure.
In fact, as long as the use of coconut diet law, not only slim magic effect, and a wide range of patients
subsided, energetic, the skin is more beautiful yet.
How to eat coconut governance diabetes
Diabetes is the main problem of sugar, the disease is the result of long term eating a lot of unfavorable
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Baywatch Movie Analysis
Baywatch is an interesting action and comedy film which shows the exploits of lifeguards who use
their skills to solve a case involving a series murders related to a drug ring. They do this despite
murder not falling in their jurisdiction which causes friction between them and the local police force.
The murders are discovered to be linked to a drug lord who they have to face in their exploits. In
addition to the film being action packed, it is also funny and provides valuable entertainment to
The film was released on May 25th 2017 by Paramount pictures in the US. This film is based on the
series Baywatch which is an action drama TV series which was aired form 1989 2001. The film is
directed by Seth Gordon who has several notable works under his name which include Identity Theft,
Horrible Bosses, among others. The film features several stars who include Dwayne Johnson who
stars as Lt. Mitch Buchannon. Other stars include Zac Efron, Priyanka Chopra, David Hasselhoff,
Alexandra Daddario and Kelly Rochbach.bThe film as stated above is based on the TV series
Baywatch by Michael Berk Douglas Schwartz and Gregory J. Bonann which features the life of a
lifeguard and his team in an attempt to make their beach safer. Lifeguards are considered heroes in
coastal communities. This is because they risk their lives in an attempt to save other peoples lives.
This film shows the important role played by lifeguards in the society. In addition to that, it shows that
their roles
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Near Field Communication Research Report
Near Field Communication
Researcher Name: Pasan Abeywickrama
Date: 18.01.2013
Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Mechanism 4 2.1 Industry Standards and Compatibility 4 2.2
Types of Communication Modes: 4 2.3 Modulation 5 2.3.1 Manchester Code 6 2.3.2 Modified Miller
Code 6 2.4 Coupling 6 3. Advantages and Disadvantages 7 3.1 Advantages 7 3.2 Disadvantages 7 4.
NFC compare with other Technologies (Bluetooth and Infrared) 7 5. Security Perspective 7 5.1 Data
Destruction 8 5.2 Data Modification 8 5.3 Man in the Middle 8 5.4 Eavesdropping 8 5.5 Data
Insertion 8 5.6 NFC secure channel 8 6. Projects implemented using NFC 9 6.1 LAUGFS unveils
NFC enabled fuel card powered by Dialog 9 6.2 San Francisco Launches NFC ... Show more content
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2.1 Industry Standards and Compatibility
NFC technology is described by NFCIP 1 (Near Field Communication Interface and Protocol 1), is
standardized in ISO 18092, ECMA 340 as well as in ETSI TS 102 190, while reader/writer mode must
support the RF requirements for ISO/IEC 14443A, ISO/IEC 14443 B and FeliCa. These standards
specify the transport protocol, transfer speeds, bit encoding schemes, the frame architecture, and the
modulation. Furthermore, the active and passive NFC modes are described and the conditions that are
required to prevent collisions during initialization (ECMA International, 2004). Today s NFC devices
allows for selecting one of three operating modes such as: * NFC data transfer (NFCIP 1) * Vicinity
coupling device (VCD), defined in ISO 15693 * Proximity coupling device (PCD), defined in ISO
All NFC devices have to provide these three functions in order to be compatible with the main
international standards to connect with the millions of contactless smartcards and scanners worldwide.
2.2 Types of Communication Modes:
NFC can operate in two different modes; it is an active and passive. An active device generates its
own radio frequency (RF) field, where as a device in passive mode has to use inductive coupling to
transmit data. Mobile phone such as battery powered devices act as in passive mode. In contrast to the
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Comparing Macbeth And Great Expectations
There are more than enough examples from Macbeth and Great Expectations to prove that subversion
of gender roles, a term that describes someone acting in a way that is not expected from those of their
said gender, is evident in both writing pieces. There are a number of connections between the women
of the play and novel; this can be seen in their stern, powerful and leader like and always changing
personalities that a number of female characters share. For instance, Miss Havisham s burning hatred
for men that she implemented into Estella s mind, to Lady Macbeth s level of ambition to have her
husband become king. Others include similarities in levels of knowledge, even though they were
considered commoners on a part of the social ladder where a lack of knowledge is expected, and
examples of how they use their high levels of knowledge to their advantage. This can also be
considered evidence of subversion of gender roles; women at the time were not expected to be
knowledgeable by society as they are now. Other connections would be based on the topic of visual
appearance overall, with connections to how they portray themselves to other characters and the
reader throughout. The women of these two works show an exceptionable amount of power, control
and capability of holding a family together a number of times throughout the novel and the play. A
leading factor in this is their personalities they spoke their mind, and were not afraid of the
consequences. which happen to be
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Alcoholism and Angela s Ashes
Alcoholism and Angela s Ashes
Alcoholism is one of the most common disorders in the world today. It is a disease, a sickness that
harms the body and the mind in the most violent ways possible. The body is racked by a need to
suffice its desire, and this leads addicts to do anything to get the alcohol into their systems. In Angela s
Ashes, alcoholism is a major theme, and becomes the destroyer of the families and loved ones that are
In Angela s Ashes, the father Malachy is inflicted with the disease of alcoholism, and his need for the
drink leads him to use his paycheck to buy alcohol instead of using it for the basic needs of his family.
Countless times, Malachy s alcoholism harms or gets in the way of his family. Not ... Show more
content on ...
Alcoholism is truly crippling, and he does a great job in getting this across. And in some ways,
Malachy s alcoholism helped his children—by showing them the tragic consequences of choosing a
life for the drink. From his mistakes, he children can learn and avoid alcohol.
Alcoholism is a demon, a disease, something reached for out of desperation. It helps with a person s
problem by deadening their senses, and increasing his problems at the same time by destroying his
character. When you drink, you don t have to think about all your problems, you can just let the
alcohol wash them away from your mind. But it can never take away all your problems—they still
remain, just your sense to care for them is gone. Alcoholism has a great chance to pass on to later
generations, but sometimes growing up in an alcoholic family will make the children swear off the
drink because they have seen what it can turn people into. It turns them into the basic raw human
emotion of grief. They are miserable for alcohol is the only thing that can make them feel normal after
awhile, their entire bodies ache for it. Even when they have given up drinking, their bodies can revert
back after having just one drop again. Yes, alcoholism is truly a terrifying disease of the mind and
body—not just to the addict, but also to the loved ones
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Advantages Of Buying A Food Truck
Why Buy a Food truck? / Why Become a Food Trucker? / Why Food Trucks are better to Use? /
Advantages of Becoming a Food Trucker / How Buying a Food Truck Will Help You?
Love food? Love travelling from one place to another? Want to income money in easy way? Then you
are the one of the job. Don t know how you begin, Search for a poster or an advertisement where it
says food trucks for sale then you only grab one and you are ready to go. A food truck business does
not require lot money to start. Having a financial problem? Do not worry because there are always
used food trucks for sale and are very cheap to buy. You can buy one of those used food trucks then
make a menu of the food that you will provide and paint your food truck with a nice color and you are
ready to live your dream.
Food trucks are getting very popular these days. It is very easy to sell various kinds of foods by
travelling. It is very important to maintain time perfectly in this busy world. People are so busy that
they do not have time for going to a cafeteria or food parlor to have food. They can easily buy and eat
food on the go from a food truck which is easy to find. There are always people on the street so there
always are great chances to sell foods. Serving different kinds of food is very important in food truck
business because all people s taste is ... Show more content on ...
A nice menu of food increases the chance of success. A food trucker must a food quality certificate
and a food truck license. People from different places like different foods. So you should know people
s taste and change the menu of food after you go to another place. A modern day food truck is not just
an ordinary taco truck. These truck s food menu is filled with choices and they focuses on limited but
creative dishes at reasonable price. They offer customers to experience the food for free before selling
it. It works as marketing and makes that food truck
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The Fiction Film District 9 And The Novel Dawn
Throughout the years discrimination will always affect in today s society. Humans have made it
possible to change society and end slavery. Slavery has always been a delicate topic, especially when
it is experienced. Despite the differences between their color of their skin and culture slavery was
abolished. Aliens depict a different feature of slavery but carry the same aspect. The novel Dawn and
the film District 9 describe slavery in the sense of learning and rejection from both species. The
science fiction film and literature have not changed as many still reveal humanization with alienation
in relation to our society. The artist of the science fiction history has brought historic stories that relate
to real life experiences that will ... Show more content on ...
My understanding is that the prawns are surrounded by humans and should remain in the section
where only prawns are allowed. Prawns are contained in a section where they are controlled not to
escape or to cause any damages to any human. District 9 is enclosed with spike wires, which to me
symbolizes for all slave aliens are in control of humans. Historically, Prawns are the black South
African humans that were emerged to look into survival during the time of Apartheid. The black South
African was the humans that were inside district 9 with the prawns. The black African people were
treated the same as the prawns under their own oath. Another sign of slavery is how the black Africans
used their goods for trading with the prawns. The black Africans also had a sort of power over them
especially when they had cat food.
Wikus transforms into a prawn due to the black fluid that he accidently released from the metal tube
he had found in one of the prawns home. Once Wikus was discovered he was transforming into one of
them, the NMU biologist urged to examine him before he transforms into a full prawn. When wikus
was taken to the examination facility, he noticed all the exercises the NMU manipulated and abused
prawns. Prawns were not just being held in their section of District 9 but they were also being
contained as slaves. The term slave defines as a person who is the legal
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Carnival Cruise Lines Employee Reward System
Carnival Cruise Lines is arguably the world s most popular cruise line on the basis of the number of
guests served per annum. The company was founded by Ted Arison in 1972 and is one of the nine
brands of cruise ships owned and operated in the US and the Caribbean by the Carnival Corporation
Plc. The company has a fleet that account for close to 21.1% of the global share of luxury fleet vessels
(Cruise Market Watch, 2015). The company was a pioneer of the concept of shorter and affordable
cruises. Carnival Cruise Lines are known for their exceptionally designed Las Vegas style décor and
onboard entertainment.
An evaluation of the Carnival Cruise Lines operations revealed that it is affected by key issues in
regard to the need for urgent ... Show more content on ...
Reward and recognition systems must be adaptable to the changes at the speed of the business, as well
as adjust to the existing business climate. A good reward and recognition program should have the
capacity to motivate employees while aligning its goals to those of the organization. This program
would essentially involve creating a balance between the remuneration of employees and
acknowledgement of a job well done while optimizing competitiveness and getting good return on pay
expenditure. It is imperative that a clearly or properly thought out strategy is articulated reflecting the
requirements and needs of the organization, as well as its population especially considering the cost of
the reward and recognition programs in the
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Comfort and Emotional Support for the Terminally Ill
End of life comes too quickly for many, especially the people taking care of the terminally ill. This can
be a very difficult time for everyone involved. Hospice is a great opportunity to take advantage of; it is
used for patients who are not to be recovered from their illness but rather to provide comfort and
emotional support to the terminally ill, resulting in the patient being as comfortable as possible. The
caregiver and patient can also have an extra support system from the nurse and interdisciplinary team.
Not everyone understands what hospice is and has different views on what it may offer to the patient
and family. According to the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization; hospice care involves
a team oriented approach to expert medical care, pain management, and emotional and spiritual
support tailored to the patient s needs and wishes (National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization).
No patient wants to experience end of life in pain, and the family and caregiver definitely don t want
to see their loved one in pain. With hospice care, pain is kept to a minimum which keeps the patient as
comfortable as possible and makes it easier for the family. Nurses play a main role in this type of care.
The nurse s number one main concern while taking care of a patient in hospice is controlling pain and
maintaining the highest quality of life while patient continues to be as independent as possible. The
number one pain relief measure is over the counter pain
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Essay about Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Obviously, it is a very natural thing for men and women to be attracted to each other in sexual ways.
Men, more than women, have been historically known to be far more aggressive in their advances
toward women sexually and it varies from each woman as to how these aggressive advances make
them feel. Advances such as whistling, bottom pinching and glaring are the types of things some men
do to women in an attempt to show they are sexually attracted to them. These types of advances can be
attempted just about anywhere; the beach, the mall, in night clubs, walking down the street, or even in
their place of employment. Where should the line be drawn as to where these advancements are
appropriate and what can a woman do to protect ... Show more content on ...
Sexual harassment in itself is not new, women have been harassed at work ever since they have
worked alongside men. In 1840, women working in the mines were described in a Royal Commission
investigation as being constantly pressured for sexual favors by men. The actual term of sexual
harassment is relatively new. A women s movement in the 1970 s brought the term to the United States
and it became widely known in the United Kingdom in the 1980 s(2). As time has continued to move
and women began to fill up the workforce, the issue has become a bigger problem. Obviously, since
there are more women and men working together, there are going to be more cases of sexual
harassment. Since sexual harassment, as an act, has been going on for centuries, there is no conclusive
evidence as to what studies pinpointed the problem as to when and where it began. However, many
studies have been conducted since sexual harassment has become more of a problem and these studies
deal with the definition from different people as well as the extreme cases of what was actually said
and done. Many case studies are being conducted in order to obtain a true since of what is being said
and they provide information to the workforce as to the extremes of some cases. Barbara Gutek, in her
book Sex and the Workplace, provided a series of sexually harassing experiences from women as well
as mutually entered social sexual experiences that occurred in the workplace.
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Designing An Original Toy For Children Aged Eight And Under
Introduction As a part of our final project for GEEN 1400 Engineering Projects, we had to design an
original toy for children aged eight and under. Each group has to come up with a new toy which has
not yet existed. The toy requires the implementation of engineering skills in its manufacturing and
design process. Some of those competence are obtained from in class workshops or personal
experience, though students are also allowed to take workshops outside of class, in the ITLL, or Idea
Forge. Several of the skills most groups require are: laser cutting, CAD, electronics, 3D printing, etc.
Not everyone in the group possesses skills for all aspects of the project. Students divide among
themselves and each member takes over a part of the project, however, team members still
communicate with each other in completing their tasks. Later, they piece in their parts and collaborate
to figure out remaining tasks and possible improvements to the project. The deadline for this project is
the Design Expo where students present their project to judges visiting from local companies. Our
section s theme of the final project is toys, particularly for those aged eight and under. Therefore, we
wanted to construct a toy which is fun, yet suitable for children within that age group. We decided to
design an LED maze for our final project. It primarily consist of a hockey themed maze with several
LED beams as barriers. A mini air hockey puck is part of the toy and the user utilizes it to glide
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Stravinsky Opera And Oedipus Comparison
The Stravinsky Opera directed by Julie Taymor, is a loose adaptation from the play Oedipus Rex
written by Sophocles. This film narrates Oedipus life and how the oracle affects his life. The fact that
Stravinsky Opera is a loose adaptation makes the film different than what we could imagine while
reading the original play, besides the film shows us that the director is able to see through situation,
interpret them and demonstrate how everything happened instead of making a summary of certain
moments like how Sophocles did in Oedipus Rex s play. On the other hand, the structure used by
Taymor in the film which implements costumes, actions and animals, helps the spectator to see
through situations in the film letting us know how the film will ... Show more content on ...
The Oedipus Rex tells us a summary of some moments in the play, skipping actions made by some
characters in the play and avoiding explanations of how certain situations happened. The Oedipus Rex
s play clearly explains that Iocaste (Oedipus mother) was found death in her room by one of the
messengers because she could not face the reality of being married with her own son who killed her
husband and took his place in tebas. On the other hand, the Stravinsky Opera clearly shows us how
Iocaste hang herself the moment after she steps out the scene when she was talking with his son and
goes to her room to kill herself with a white cloth. This clearly shows us that the author and director of
this opera had a great imagination in order to demonstrate what was not explained in the play;
moreover, the author indicates when everything happened and how did it
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How Does Public Education Affect The Future Of Public...
Every weekday you wake up, get dressed, eat and go to school. When the bell rings you are expected
to be in your seat and ready to listen to your teacher talk for an hour. Once the bell rings you drop and
forget everything you are doing and move onto the next hour long lesson. This bell rules your life and
you pray every day to hear the bell so you can scurry out of class. You did this six times a day, five
days a week, four weeks a month, for nine months, for twelve years. If you have the money you go to
school for another four years. By the time you are done with this sixteen year long process you are our
in the free world and allowed to live and follow your passion. As long as you are in school you are
forced to learn six different materials in one day. ... Show more content on ...
The system teaches for the neurotypical and not for the other millions of other differently functioning
brains that don t learn the same way. Children s stress, depression, and suicide rates were at their peak
these past ten years. To be able to absorb material at their peak capacity students need to be physical,
emotionally, intellectually and spiritually well (American Physiological Association). Public schools
have broken down students creativity and ability to be proactive in and out of school. Schools have
implemented the idea of right and wrong. This ideology of not learning and understanding from our
mistakes has nurtured fear in students. The public school system s purpose is to create students that
comply and follow directions and not students that can create and critically
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Lake Nacogdoches Research Paper
Located approximately ten miles west of Nacogdoches, Texas, Lake Nacogdoches is continuing to
provide beautiful real estate for Texans and Texas newcomers alike. Covering over two thousand
acres, Lake Nacogdoches is known for its beautiful lakefront properties, as well as well as lakefront
outdoor activities. In purchasing on or near the lake, there is much to see and do in the area, as well as
in surrounding areas.
Lake Nacogdoches was initially impounded in the late nineteen seventies. Containing several species
of fish, and being surrounded with a plethora of wildlife, the lake is a sight to see year round.
Fishing is a favorite activity of those who live on the lake, or those that visit the area. From sunfish, to
crappie, to trophy sized largemouth or white bass, fishing has become quite the popular sport on Lake
Nacogdoches. ... Show more content on ...
It is said that the largemouth bass is the most popular catch in Lake Nacogdoches.
It is also explained that homeowners on Lake Nacogdoches find the best fishing times to be in early
morning in the spring months. So it is popular at this time each year, to see several other
fishermen/women and families trying their hand at a catch on the lake.
Another favorite activity of Nacogdoches residents is water sports. Water skiing, wakeboarding, knee
boarding, tubing and jet skis are some of the activities that occur on a daily basis during the warm
summer months at Lake Nacogdoches.
The City of Nacogdoches provides visitors or real estate owners on Lake Nacogdoches with two
parks. These parks are informally known as Eastside Park and Westside Park. Each of these parks
holds a boat ramp for easy access to the lake. There are also public swimming areas and picnic areas
provided. With such a beautiful location, and amazing weather in the spring and fall months this is a
great place to come enjoy the beauty of the
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An Essay On Grendel s Monster In Beowulf
Beowulf is an epic about a hero named Beowulf who fights and kills two monsters named Grendel and
Grendel s Mother. Beowulf travels from his home land of Sweden to Denmark, the land of King
Hrothgar and the Danes; to help King Hrothgar by killing Grendel, a monster that haunts Herot,
Hrothgar s famous mead hall, nightly, killing Hrothgar s people for 12 years. One night Grendel
sneaks into Herot, kills a Geat, and then grabs a sleeping Beowulf. While in Grendel s grip, Beowulf
uses his strength of thirty men to tear Grendel s arm from his body. Grendel runs back to his lair and
dies a painful death. Beowulf s victory is rewarded with a feast, gold, and treasures, which Beowulf
brings home and gives to his king.
As the epic
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Malcolm Gladwell Essay On Blink
MS. Kairis
Leadership Book Report
The Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
Blink is great book about leadership and making decisions which was published on Jan 11th , 2005 by
the great journalist, Malcolm Gladwell who is an expert of talking and leadership. He was born on
September 3rd 1936. He has been a staff writer for the New Yorker since 1996. His books are: Blink,
The Tipping Point, Out Lier.
In Blink, writer Malcolm Gladwell explores the psychology of snap decisions and quick thinking. He
illuminates how our subconscious biases affect the way we think and behave. He concludes that we
shouldn t always rely on our snap judgments.
Gladwell introduces ... Show more content on ...
Contrary to Coca Cola executives beliefs, the Pepsi Challenge didn t necessarily prove that people
preferred Pepsi to Coke; it just suggested that, when blindfolded, people preferred a small amount of
Pepsi to the same amount of Coke. Louis Cheskin s success as an advertiser is notable because it
proves that people don t always know what they want; they have to be told. In the case of margarine,
for instance, people weren t consciously aware that they would respond to margarine wrapped in
attractive gold foil it wasn t until Cheskin released margarine of this kind that people discovered their
attraction to such a product. It s also important to notice that Cheskin didn t change the taste of
margarine; rather, he only altered the product s presentation. Good packaging can be very important
because it catches customers eyes and convinces them that the product itself is good, too. Cheskin s
research into marketing and packaging has been very influential, inspiring hundreds of companies to
revamp their products. Once a new package or advertisement is proven to be successful, many other
companies will try to imitate that package or ad hence the sudden popularity of semi realistic food
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Victorian Influence on Women s Fashions Essay
Before Research
Before the Victorian Era, the main focus of fashion was for men. Women s fashion changed some, but
the general idea of long skirts, tight bodices, and heavy fabrics stayed consistent. Real changes to style
and fashion were not made until about the 1840 s, when Queen Victoria came into power. After her
rise to Queen, the fashions began to change dramatically. Pride and Prejudice is a book written in this
time, and the fashion is clearly visible. Looking at fashion of the time can be clear examples of social
customs, role models, and other aspects of the time period.
The question to start off with is how has royalty affected women s fashions through the ages? Royalty
is influential on all sorts of things, so why not fashion? ... Show more content on ...
The beginning of the civil war in America affected the cotton production, so fabric became more
scarce, leading into the next era, one that used less fabric. The early bustle period featured a narrower
skirt, with gathered fabric on the back. Bodices ended at the natural waist. By 1877, the bustles had
dropped to knees, leading into the Natural Form period. By this time, a tall, slim figure was born.
Dresses were long and the bodice became long and tight. The Late bustle period brought the bustle
back into style. The skirts stayed long and tight, with a large amount of fabric gathered in the back.
The 1890 s saw the disappearance of the bustle for good. At this time, skirts became plain, and the
bodice was dressed up with frills and puffed sleeves. The popular Pigeon Silhouette of the Victorian
era was born. The Edwardian Period was a time of ultimate femininity. The skirts became soft and
flowing, and the hobble skirt became popular (What is). This was probably the most interesting part of
my research, because I got a deeper look into the world of fashion.
The Queen s Fashion
I now needed to know what Queen Victoria did for fashion in this time period. I learned through my
next source that Queen Victoria and her daughters were often fashion models for women of this
period. Typical outfits of this time consisted of cotton fabrics, as they were in abundant supply and
allowed air into the often heavy fabrics. Day dresses were worn inside the home, and were
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Essay Value Chain Management
Crocs splashed onto the scene in 2002 with brightly colored plastic shoes that the whole family could
wear. From preschoolers to doctors, these shoes appealed to a vast array of consumers. The reason for
Crocs success can be attributed to their value chain development. Value chains exist to enhance value
created at every step of the manufacturing process, from raw materials to final product disposal or
reuse ( Value Chain, n.d.). The sequence of this chain gives the customer high value for a low cost.
Customers ultimately have the power in the value chain (Robbins Coulter, 2009). While Crocs use of
the value chain allowed them to create a valuable product and enhance their already valuable product
there are aspects of their value ... Show more content on ...
However, Crocs revolutionized the traditional shoe market by satisfying their customer s demand
within the same season as they were able to manufacture more shoes as needed (Hoyt Silverman,
2008). Finally, Crocs saw the value chain through to the end stage by offering their customers a way
of giving back by working with a company called Soles4Soles ( Donate Your Crocs, 2010). Their
partnership with this company allows customers to donate their gently used shoes to the less fortunate.
Additional value was added to their value chain by increasing variety of the product, improving
procurement strategies and minimizing time the product spends in transit, all while sustaining
competitive advantage ( Value Chain, 2010). Crocs went public in 2006 and reported $847 million in
revenues in 2007 (von Briesen, 2009). Whether you loved them or hated them, almost everyone knew
what they were and where to get them. Crocs used their product visibility to their advantage. A few
years after their initial debut, they began making different styles of shoes and various accessories.
Crocs shoe line expanded into the production of fashion shoes for all ages and genders, a professional
line for those who were on their feet all day and a line for those with medical problems affecting the
feet (Hoyt Silverman, 2008). This expansion satisfied their current customer base by applying variety
to their original concept and increased their
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Analysis Of The Movie Iceman The Neanderthal
Neanderthal Prejudice
Elizabeth Armistead When humans encounter other humans, we tend to treat them differently.
Whether it s because of cultural barriers, language barriers, or something as trivial as skin color, we
view some people differently than we view those who share our ethnicity, culture, and values. This is
referred to as racism or prejudice and it is still an active problem in the world today. But although
people can differ greatly when it comes to culture or appearance, we share most of our genes. Our
closest related (and now extinct) ancestor, the Neanderthal, can be viewed in similar terms. Their
culture differed from ours now as modern humans, but surprisingly the genomes of humans and
Neanderthals are 99.84% identical (Gibbons). However, based on our history of bias, if Neanderthals
were alive today, we would no doubt treat them differently, if not inferior, to modern humans.
In the movie Iceman the Neanderthal, Charlie, was caged in a room that resembled a natural terrain
while he was subject to the studies that were performed on him including the monitoring of his speech
patterns. But in this movie, he was portrayed as very human like and had multiple interactions with
Dr. Shephard, an anthropologist who also became his friend. Dr. Shephard and Dr. Brady represented
the two angles from which treatment of a Neanderthal in today s world could be perceived. Dr.
Shephard, who is a scientist, was very interested in the behaviors of Charlie. But he was more
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Personal Narrative Essay-Fall In Love With Florida
Fall in Love With Florida
We don t mean only seasonally. While autumn s transitional lower temperatures, harvest festivals and
softer sunshine is a splendid time to live in the state of Florida, the three other seasons on the calendar
are equally remarkable here. Wouldn t you like to spend them all in the Sunshine State? If you re
considering a move to Florida whether seasonal or full time there are many other reasons why our
state s lifestyle trumps a relocation or part time getaway elsewhere. Allow us to convince you...
So obvious that perhaps you don t need the reminder. A daily mean temperature of 71 degrees
Fahrenheit means banishing the heavy outerwear if you hail from colder climates. No more snow or
ice! You might
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Image Denoising Essay
Denoising of image means, suppressing the effect of noise to an extent that the resultant image
becomes acceptable. The spatial domain or transform (frequency) domain filtering can be used for this
purpose. There is one to one correspondence between linear spatial filters and filters in the frequency
domain. However, spatial filters offer considerably more versatility because they can also be used for
non linear filtering, something we cannot do in the frequency domain. Recently wavelet transform is
also being used to remove the impulse noise from noisy images. Historically, in early days filters were
used uniformly on the entire image without discriminating between the noisy and noise free pixels.
mean filter such as ... Show more content on ...
Researchers published different ways to compute the parameters for the thresholding of wavelet
coefficients. Data adaptive thresholds were introduced to achieve optimum value of threshold. Later
efforts found that substantial improvements in perceptual quality could be obtained by translation
invariant methods based on thresholding of an Undecimated Wavelet Transform . These thresholding
techniques were applied to the nonorthogonal wavelet coefficients to reduce artifacts. Multiwavelets
were also used to achieve similar results. Probabilistic models using the statistical properties of the
wavelet coefficient seemed to outperform the thresholding techniques and gained ground. Recently,
much effort has been devoted to Bayesian denoising in Wavelet domain. Hidden Markov Models and
Gaussian Scale Mixtures have also become popular and more research continues to be published. Tree
Structures ordering the wavelet coefficients based on their magnitude, scale and spatial location have
been researched. Data adaptive transforms such as Independent Component Analysis (ICA) have been
explored for sparse shrinkage. The trend continues to focus on using different statistical models to
model the statistical properties of the wavelet coefficients and its neighbors. Future trend will be
towards finding more accurate probabilistic models for the distribution of non orthogonal wavelet
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Economic uncertainty, coupled with the retirement of the...
Economic uncertainty, coupled with the retirement of the baby boomers, skyrocketing medical costs,
and rising life expectancy, have left our lawmakers at their wits end in regards to our ever expanding
budget. Barr states, Contrary to popular belief, long term trends Policymakers are now acting upon
this, by enacting a policy beginning in 2017 and ending in 2036, to gradually increase the Social
Security tax by 1/20th of 1 percent . As of now, employers and employee pay 6.2 percent tax to Social
Security on earnings up to $110,000.00, while self employed workers pay both the employer and
employee share for a combined total of 12.4 . Our current policy works on pay as you go basis, in
which, current workers finance the benefits of ... Show more content on ...
Even though, the increase is small employees and employers are going to feel it in theirs pockets and
checkbooks; leading towards an already declining labor force and corporation downsize. The tax
increase is a bad idea as it can discourage those looking for employment and those trying to retire.
While tax increases are wonderful long term, the short term effects seem too risky to chance during
the tough economic situation we are currently involved in. Overall, the proposals both seem like bad
policies. Our young workers deserve to have the long term benefits they are both working and paying
for now, readily available at retirement and without proper reform that may not come to fruition.
Although, compromise is needed to close the gap and create revenue for Social Security for future
generations, how can one morally stand by and take from another because of their salary or increase
their taxes and employer payments. Collectively, our lawmakers and economist need to come together
and think or the people rather than the numbers and focus on our morals, and most importantly to help
one another.
AARP.2012 Reforming Social Security Option Increase the Payroll Tax. AARP Public Policy Institute.
Last Modified June 25. Accessed April 19,2014. increase
the payroll tax rate AARP ppi econ sec.pdf
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Research Paper On Mars Exploration Rover
ESS 102 Research Paper
Bo Wang In 2017, scientists discovered a planet hidden beyond Pluto, they named it planet X. Twenty
years has passed. In 2037, NASA decided to launch a robotic mission on planet X. The goal of the
mission is to find the existence of water and detecting the major components of atmosphere and soil.
The ultimate goal is to determine whether planet X can become our second Earth. The science fiction
paper will be in the form of a log in the perspective of the space rover landed on Planet X.
Opportunity was launched in July 2003 for an exploration on Mars. Its mission was to search for signs
of past life on Mars [1]. In particular it was searching for geological clues about the existence of water
on Mars and whether Mars was wet enough to be hospitable to life [2]. Opportunity was lucky that it
landed close to a thin out crop of rocks and it was able to find the evidence of existence of deep salty
water flowed over the area from those rocks [2]. Moreover, those rocks could also ... Show more
content on ...
Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity . NASA. RetrievedFebruary 2, 2014.
[2] California, United States. NASA. Jet Propulsion Laboratory. NASA Facts: Mars Exploration
Rover. NASA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Oct. 2004. Web. 29 Jan.
[3] Showstack,R., (2011), Mars Opportunity rover finds gypsum veins, Eos Trans. AGU, 92(51), 479.
[4] Hamran, S. E., et al. The RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar on the Mars 2020 Rover. AGU Fall
Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 1. 2014.
[5] Berthling, Ivar, et al. Rock glaciers on Prins Karls Forland. II: GPR soundings and the
development of internal structures. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 11.4 (2000): 357 369.
[6] Rapp, Donald, et al. The Mars oxygen ISRU experiment (MOXIE) on the Mars 2020 rover. Space
forum. 2015.
[7] Beegle, Luther, et al. SHERLOC: scanning habitable environments with raman luminescence for
organics chemicals. Aerospace Conference, 2015 IEEE. IEEE,
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GRT task 2 Essay
Task 2
Melissa Robinson
March 21, 2015
A1. Threonine is an essential amino acid that is classified as slightly polar due to its hydroxyl group
and the ability to easily donate a hydrogen atom. This as well makes it hydrophilic and often will
saturate the outer region of a water soluble protein. They hydroxyl side chain can undergo
glycosylation by adding saccharides and phosphorylation by adding phosphate through the actions of
threonine kinase (New World Encyclopedia, 2015).
B. Protein Structure
C. Peptide bond through dehydration
D. Peptide bond broken through hydrolysis
E. Four forces that stabilize tertiary protein structure The tertiary structure is the last shape formation
that a protein undergoes and is ... Show more content on ...
The chaperones have the main role of ensuring proper folding. When a chaperone protein becomes
toxic, major changes in the conformation occur as the alpha helix becomes beta pleated sheets. The
sheets now expose the hydrophobic amino acid and aggregation, or clumping together of sheets occurs
(Borges, 2014). In bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), the disease is caused by the misfolding
of proteins that cause proteins and peptides to develop a fibrillary structure. The PrPc is a correctly
folded prion and the misfolded form is called PrPSc. BSE occurs when the normal PrPc come into
contact with the toxic PrPSc and the normal prion takes on the shape of the PrPSc. The normal
chaperones are unable to convert the PrPSc back to the normal form. The PrPSc now takes on the role
of chaperone and the conversion of PrPc prions continue over and over. PrPSc, now being
hydrophobic avoids the water of the inner cell and begin to accumulate and form plaques along the
neuronal cell membranes. The aggregation of the prions on the cell membrane eventually lead to cell
death which produces the sponge like appearance in the brain of cattle infected with BSE (Thompson,
F4. Recommendations in decreasing the risk of BSE BSE is a form of transmissible spongiform
encephalopathy that is transmitted when cattle consume feed that contains other animal protein from
infected animals such as scrapie in sheep (CDC,
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Application Of A Smart Home
ABSTRACT Residential area consume a lot of energy and electricity. The lack of energy resources
give impact to the rise of energy cost, thus to have a convenient home is extremely important in the
future. One of the way to reduce the costs in this issue is by using the energy efficiently. The idea of
energy saving is applied in the concept of a smart home. This project aims to develop an algorithm to
estimate the energy plans for future periods in a smart home in order to achieve energy efficiency.
Using the Household Demand Side Management (DSM) systems, the total usage of energy in the
future can be predicted according to the demand supply in the smart home. Furthermore, it is
estimated that the simultaneousness between production and consumption of the electricity will be
increasing. In this case, the house owner should be able to manage and plan to use the electricity
wisely. Powerful tools such as MATLAB / Simulink allow the design, analysis and simulation of this
project. This project will in divided into various stages including researching, experimenting,
modelling, testing and designing in order to achieve the required objectives. TABLE OF CONTENTS
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background of Study 1 1.2 Problem Statement 1 1.3 Objectives
3 1.4 Scope of Study 3 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORY 4 2.1 Theory 4 2.2
INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces and explains the project topic,
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Crossing Borders
Crossing Borders
The beat up Arab minivan slowed tentatively under the scrutinizing gaze of the Israeli soldier on duty.
The routine was simple. About halfway between Damascus Gate in East Jerusalem and Ramallah, the
West Bank commercial center, the driver, blaring Arabic music on his radio, maneuvered around the
dusty slabs of concrete that composed the Beit Haninah Checkpoint. He waited for a once over by the
Hebrew speaking 18 year old and permission to continue. Checkpoints usually just small tin huts with
a prominent white and blue Israeli flag have become an integral and accepted part of Palestinian
existence under Israeli occupation. But for me, a silent passenger in the minivan, each time we entered
the no man s land ... Show more content on ...
This summer I traversed these border crossings and military checkpoints several times a week,
traveling from the comfortable West Jerusalem neighborhood where I was staying, to various locations
in the West Bank. Now that I am home, I cannot help but return again and again to this millisecond of
uncertainty. I realize now that border crossings and checkpoints have permeated my intellectual and
personal lives here at school as I continue crossing over symbolic borders in both my extra curricular
and academic endeavors.
For example, I have crossed over from the back of the classroom to the front, and have been both
rewarded and challenged by my teaching experiences. Since my freshman year of high school, I have
taught Hebrew language and Judaic studies at a local religious school, where I have tried to impart my
love for my heritage to middle school age students. Additionally, I have not only volunteered but also
invested personally in problematic middle school classrooms. Whether role playing methods of de
escalating a fight, or dividing the class into China and the U.S. in order to simulate global politics,
each class has given me a fresh outlook on education as well as a renewed excitement for my own
As a student, the opportunity to share my passion for learning has been personally fulfilling; the
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Differences Of Takaful s Participant Between Motorcycle...
The differences of takaful s certificate between Motorcycle Policy, Personal Accident Policy, Burglary
Policy and Fire Policy. Based on condition, any claim can be made to the Takaful Company but must
refer to the conditions which are provided. For example, if the accident or loss/ damage of property
happen because of involving in any unlawful activities or natural disaster, Takaful Company will not
cover the loss of Participants. For Motorcycle Policy, upon the happening of an accident likely to give
rise to a claim under this certificate, the Participant shall give notice to the Takaful Company within
the specific time frame as follows. Firstly, within 7 days if Participant are not physically disabled or
hospitalised following the event. ... Show more content on ...
Takaful Company will not cover personal injury involved. Meanwhile, for Personal Accident Policy
the participant shall within 15 days after the happening of the accident give notice to the Takaful
Company with full particulars of the accident and injuries and shall as soon as possible procedure and
act on proper medical or surgical advise. In case of Participant die, the death of the Participant shall be
established by an Official Death Certificate or in the even of his disappearance following an accident
or the total loss of a vessel or aircraft by a Court Order presuming his death. For the Burglary Policy,
Participant shall give immediate notice to the police and render all reasonable assistance in tracing and
recovering the property and also participant must deliver to the Company a statement in writing all
particulars and details reasonably practicable of the property affected and the value thereof and of the
loss destruction or damage not more than 15 days from the date of occurrence and within 6 weeks
after the happening of such event. For Fire Policy, on the happening of any loss or damage the
participant shall forthwith give
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Obesity Is Common All Over The United States Society Today
There are a variety of public issues in the United States society today. Many people are facing some
type of illness or disease, one we do not consider a major problem until just recently. Obesity is a
disease/condition that many people in America are suffering from. Really obesity can be defined in
many different ways; Mayo Clinic defines obesity as a complex disorder involving an excessive
amount of body fat (Obesity, 2015). When a person is diagnosed having this disease/condition it can
cause many health problems such as, diabetes, heart trouble, high and low blood pressure. According
to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one third (34.9% or 78.6 million) of
U.S adults are obese. ( Adult Obesity Facts, 2015). ... Show more content on ...
Adding, many factors have been shown that Obesity should be taken more seriously then what many
people consider. Factors of a person becoming obese can be all of the following, community and
environment, drugs, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet, lack of sleep, bad habits (smoking and drinking),
genetics, social and economic issues, and one of the most important is they way a person s family
lives. Obesity can happen so quickly in young children if their family does not do anything to make
sure their children are getting enough exercise and good nutrition. First, community and the
environment play a role in exercise. A way a person can help prevent becoming overweight, if living
on a farm or in a neighborhood. Gather friends, family, or even pets and take them for a walk, ride a
bike, run, and some if close enough may walk to work. It is very important to make sure environments
are created to make it simpler and easier to participate in physical exercise and maintaining a healthy
diet. Next, drugs can have impact on your body weight. Many may not realize how much drugs can
have an effect on our bodies and health in general. The pharmacist that I work for told me that most of
your antidepressants (Wellbutrin) or steroids could cause us to gain weight. Along with Antihistamines
(Zyrtec), Antihypertensive (blood pressure medication), Insulin, Gabapentin (Seizures) and
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Flannery O Connor Religion
Generally when a person writes a story, they use past experiences and adventures in their life to help
create a plot for their stories. Usually these events create a base for which the author writes upon thus
contributing to the author s exceptional way of thinking. For example, author Terry Teachout says that
O Connor s religious beliefs were central to her art (Teachout 56). O Connor s religion played a
crucial role in her writings. Flannery O Connor is regarded one of the major brief tale authors in
United States literary performs. Among the thing that makes her work stand out to date is the boldness
in her writing in style which she made no effort to hide her affiliation to the Roman Catholic faith and
spared no wrath when ... Show more content on ...
She successfully uses made up characters from the south to depict a rather bizarre religiosity of the
protestant fundamentalists to show a spiritual life which is struggling to exist in what is rather a non
spiritual world. Flannery O Connor s qualifications affected her to create the story Revelation. an
essential impact on the tale is her Southern experience. During her life time, Southerners were
extremely prejudiced towards other people of other cultures. They regarded that poor individuals were
substandard to them; therefore, individuals were marked as different things and placed into different
community sessions. Loads and loads of works have been written with the sole intention of honouring
one O Connor and trying to shed some light on her literary genius. Unlike many writers of her time O
Connor did not write to entertain or edify. She was not a modernist either something that influenced
her writing style towards grotesque shock other than gentle persuasion Her literature sought to reorder
the way we perceived the love of God at the same time maintaining the integrity if her artistic writing
style. O Connor can be put in the same literary class as the likes of Sophocles depicting her as a post
modern classic writer. In her fictions work, she does not shy to criticize spiritual apathy and
materialism critiquing the modern day rationalism s nullification to the need for a Christian faith
(Whitt 122). She
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Nursing Attributes
This paper will discuss three attributes of a nurse: competencies, commitment and
compassion with a rational. Ethics / Human rights and communication concepts across
the human life span will also be discussed.
The three attributes were chosen on the basis that it takes a special type of person to
fulfil these requirements. Zhang et al (2000,pg 469) quoted that the
... Key differences between superior and average
job performance is not the measurable skills but the
soft skills or competencies.
Competence is a persons underlying knowledge and attributes to complete a task to
meet job requirements. Nursing competencies are regarded as knowledge, skills, traits,
motives and attributes such as boundaries of care and ... Show more content on ...
Not all Asian people are Pakistani Muslims
just as not all white people with ginger hair are Welsh. The values of British people
from the North differ to those of the South just as the values of people in different
social classes differ. It is therefore a nurses responsibility to not demoralise a patient
or their family s moral code if it disagrees with the nurses own code of ethics. This is
extremely difficult as often ethics and morals come from personal experiences and
how the person was brought up. A persons morals and ethics also change depending
on social circles, religious beliefs, society as a whole i.e. Media and culture. This is all
held and acted upon by a person s subconscious mind and often is unknown to them
until they are placed in a situation that they disagree with. It is important that all
nurses follow the ethical decision making model by Thompson and Thompson (1985)
as quoted in the fundamentals of nursing (2004, pg76), review the situation to
determine health problems, decision needs, ethical components and key individuals
and to gather additional information to clarify the situation. Nurses must identify
moral positions of key individuals involved and identify value conflicts, if any, determine who should
make the decision. Identify range of actions with anticipated
Outcomes, decide on a course of action and carry it out, evaluate/ review results of
decision / action.
In order for nurses to adhere
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Assassination Attemps on Adolf Hitler
Researchers have proven that Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazis, killed more than 6 million Jews in his
lifetime. The resistance knew that they couldn t let him continue this behavior and needed to take
action. There were an estimated 42 attempts on assassinating Hitler but a man by the name of Claus
Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg came up the closest. Cornel Claus was a highly respected man due to
him being in the General Army Office as chief of staff, and because he led an assassination attempt on
Hitler, killing four Nazi officers. Claus was a very brave man for not only trying to eliminate Hitler
but also for his war actions. Stauffenberg was born and raised in Upper Franconia, Germany
November 15, 1907 ( Claus Almanac). He grew up into a noble catholic family in Southern Germany.
Claus went to high school looking to be an architect but eventually pursued the military due to family
history. He made a good decision by going into the military because of his future actions. Claus was
deployed as an officer in a cavalry regiment in 1930. He eventually fought in Poland and France from
1939 1940 (Leaders). Soon afterward, he was assigned to the army General Staff and for one month
fought in North Africa at night against the Germans. During the war in North Africa Claus was
attacked while in an airplane and lost his right hand, two fingers of his left hand, and his left eye. He
must have had to change his daily routines due to the loss. After a month of recovery, upon his
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The My Lai Massacre Essay
The My Lai Massacre
My family was eating breakfast when the Americans came, nothing was said to us, no explanation was
given, This is what a man named Do Chuc reported to Time Magazine. He claimed to have lost a
daughter and a son in the incident that occured in a small village of Vietnam in 1968. The My Lai
Massacre is an event that will be forever imprinted on our hearts. The stories of those who survived,
and those who are gone. Many things have been written about My Lai, but not all of them are true. So
many things were transposed that the facts are hard to find. I feel that I have done a careful job of
weeding the true from the false. When one hears about My Lai, they must remember what happened,
and the heinous ... Show more content on ...
The company of 60 70 US men entered My Lai and destroyed houses, livestock, and all inhabitants
they could find in less than 20 minutes.
No other resistance was encountered.
Some villagers were herded into ditches where they were shot. Still other groups were taken to a
southern trail and shot there. Members of the 2nd Platoon killed at least sixty to seventy Vietnamese
men, women, and children. The 2nd platoon also committed several rapes of the women. Military
photographers recorded graphic images of bodies dumped in ditches. Many of these photos were given
to Time Magazine and published. (Time 1) A group of about 70 80 Vietnamese were killed in a mass
execution in the same fashion. Orders were given during the morning to stop the mass killings. The
2nd platoon stopped at 0920 hours, but the 1st platoon didn t stop until 1030 hours when the orders
were repeated. There were only twenty five or so Vietnamese survivors who excaped by hiding under
the bodies of their neighbors and relatives. This was not an isolated incident however, while the
massacre at My Lai was taking place there was a similar mission of nearby My Khe of a lesser
magnitude. The death toll in My Khe was over 90 women and children, but far less than the estimated
tolls of My Lai. The estimates of My Lai deaths of non combatants ranges from 175 450+. Only one
US soldier was killed in action, and seven
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Business Law Case
6. Briefing book.
Terry wants a contract to work at the restaurant. The reason he wants this deal is so he could break
into the Midwest market and create his own restaurant.
Don s Major interest: signing a contract with a salary of $85,000 for 5 years with a two years non
compete clause. o Terry s Major Interest, Sign a contract, which allows him to make a lot of money,
and allows him to break into the Midwest market. Because of this, he would not want a non compete
clause, or a contract for more than 2 years. He would also want some form of ownership in the
company so he could make money if the restaurant goes global.
Don s Minor Interest: giving Terry an ownership stake in the company, and giving Terry interest in
merchandise and branding. o Terry s Minor Interest, the liquor license, percentage of ownership, and
percentage of branding rights.
The average Chef in Chicago makes $70,000 a year.
Research on Morton Grove liquor laws. See above.
7. What kind of Negotiators are on your side
Strength: I am very good at asking questions and pulling information from the opposing side. I have
also improved in trying to build a golden bridge and trying to work out the issues with the other side,
instead of arguing with the other party about why my interests are correct.
Weakness: I often put the issues in front of the negotiation, I still need to learn to go to my balcony
instead of letting my emotions take over during the negotiation.
8 Strategies,
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How To Write A Background Research Paper For Scienc

  • 1. How To Write A Background Research Paper For Scienc 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. How To Write A Background Research Paper For Scienc How To Write A Background Research Paper For Scienc
  • 2. Compare racial and cultural struggles in Alice Walker’s... Compare racial and cultural struggles in Alice Walker s The Color Purple as well as Toni Morrison s The Bluest Eye. In African American texts, blacks are seen as struggling with the patriarchal worlds they live in order to achieve a sense of Self and Identity. The texts I have chosen illustrate the hazards of Western religion, Rape, Patriarchal Dominance and Colonial notions of white supremacy; an intend to show how the protagonists of Alice Walker s The Color Purple as well as Toni Morrison s The Bluest Eye, cope with or crumble due to these issues in their struggle to find their identities. The search for self identity and self knowledge is not an easy task, even more so when you are a black woman and considered a mule and ... Show more content on ... If Celie looks for God in a white church or a white written Bible it is inevitable that she will encounter a white God, therefore she must look at her immediate environment for guidance. Celie then accepts and employs Shug s ideology that God is inside you and inside everyone else. In her rejection of the Euro central God who doesn t listen to her prayers, Celie liberates her Self and finds identity evident in her signing of her letters which she now addresses to Nettie. For the first time in Celie s life, the colour people (purple) are recognized by God and she is liberated with the belief that the colour purple/people is/are noticed as a part in God s majestic composition, and that this God is everything and everywhere. It is thus possible to identify Celie with the color purple by realizing that she has gone unnoticed and is finally being noticed as she asserts her existence. This existentialist epiphany becomes manifest when Celie writes, I m pore, I m black, I may be ugly and can t cook, a voice say to everything listening. But I m here. In The Bluest Eye however, ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Essay on Causes of Crime Causes of Crime For centuries, the one plague that human civilization faces is a disease that has no evident cure crime. Before one can even try to find solutions for it, one must understand what a crime is and the nature of crime. Crime itself is defined as any offence harmful against society. The nature of crime however deals with the motives and causes of crime, which has no one clear cut explanation. There are several different theories on the cause of crime such as heredity, gender and mental defects, but each one is not substantial enough to explain crime and why it takes place. The theory on heredity as being the source of crime is based on the idea that criminal activity is ... Show more content on ... First of all, the world in which we live in depends a lot on financial standards. This includes poverty, social classes and the simple fact that money makes the world go around. However, it is not fair enough to say all criminals come from a poor background, but evidently a majority of crime does exist among the projects : ...postcode areas with high levels of poverty tended to have significantly higher levels of parenting deficients such as childe neglect; there is a strong relationship between the level of child neglect/abuse in a postcode area and the level of juvenile participation in crime in that area, Obviously it is implicated that children raised in the ghetto are more susceptible to crime. Youth crime is probably the most direct link since such poor living conditions, as mentioned above, can cause a youth to find comfort in stealing or protection and affection from gangs. The quotation also mentions neglect and abuse through childhood, which correlates with mental defect. Since it is an economical situation in childhood that can lead to mental defect or youth crime itself, the theory of mental imbalance is not really needed as its own branch. Also, organized crime and their leaders usually have poor beginnings. These leaders usually don t have a ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Buddhism, The Noble Eightfold Path And The Four Noble Truths Buddhism was an incredibly intriguing religion to me due to the emphasis placed on the reality that surrounds us, it s a rational religion based on peace, self understanding and the ultimate goal of nirvana. Buddhist followers live their life with three main goals; morality, meditation and enlightenment. Ultimately the core teachings of Buddhism are The Noble Eightfold Path and The Four Noble Truths. It is their lives journey to understand, live kindly and find their inner peace. In a world so full of hate, misunderstanding, war, segregation and close mindedness; it is unimaginable to not find such a peaceful and understanding religion not attractive in one way or another. However with that, how is it possible that in this same world we find ourselves, those Buddhist followers are able to find such inner peace and understanding when the world around them conducts themselves with such insanity? We don t know details about the life of Siddhartha Buddha as nothing was written down by him or his disciples until hundreds of years after his death. However, the legends that were passed down paint a very humble and intriguing picture of the man known as Buddha. The story states that Buddha was born into a very lavish lifestyle; he was given anything and everything he could ever want and kept very sheltered in order to protect him from the realities of the world around him. Eventually becoming curious of the surrounding world he escaped the royal walls and seen what the world ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Microbial Survey, Smear Preparation, and Simple Stain Essay MICROBIAL SURVEY, SMEAR PREPARATION, AND SIMPLE STAIN Instructional Objectives 1. Define Roccal = green, liquid disinfectant. Pathogen = an agent which causes disease. Wet Mount Slide = a microscope slide of a liquid specimen covered with a cover glass. Yeast = a single celled fungi. Budding = a true characteristic method of asexual reproduction among yeasts where budding of a new cell from a parent cell can be observed. Mold = multicellular masses of filamentous fungal growth. Hyphae = individual filaments of mold, generally comprised of more than one cell. Mycelium = the entire mass of the intermeshed hyphae. Colony = the sometimes circular body of fungal growth that is visible to the unaided eye. Can be comprised of ... Show more content on ... To prepare a wet mount slide you begin with the substance at hand. The specimens studied in the laboratory using this type of slide were a hay infusion, a yeast suspension, and the mold specimen. For the hay infusion you begin with placing two drops of the suspension in the center of a clean microscope slide using a transfer pipet. The specimen must be immediately covered with a cover glass completing the wet mount slide. The yeast suspension is transferred from the tube to the slide using a flame sterilized inoculating loop. Immediately cover the specimen with a cover glass. The stained yeast suspension is prepared the same way except that the suspension is mixed with a drop of lactophenol cotton blue placed on the slide prior to transferring the yeast. The mold must be cut from the petri plate and placed on top of the drop of lactophenol cotton blue already placed on the microscope slide. After it is covered it may be studied under the microscope. 3. State the scientific name of the yeast studied in the laboratory. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the scientific name of the yeast studied in the laboratory. 4. Name the medium upon which the mold was cultured. Sabouraud agar is the medium upon which the mold was cultured. 5. Name the stain routinely employed on fungal specimens. Lactophenol cotton blue is a stain routinely used on fungal specimens. 6. List two methods by which the mold specimen was examined. The mold ... Get more on ...
  • 6. A Case Control Study On Birth Defects In 2002, a case control study was started in Brittanny, France. The candidates were women who were well into their second trimester (Douglas). Out of this study, they concluded that 79 out of the 580 babies were born with birth defects (Douglas). The mothers were questioned about their home lives and their hobbies, along with their occupation. Twenty nine percent of the women were found to be exposed to these solvents based on the products they use in their home while twenty one percent of women were exposed to harmful products through their profession (Douglas). Women who reported regular exposure to solvents were four times more likely to have a baby with an oral cleft as compared to women who did not report regular exposure. Using job ... Show more content on ... Hormones are the building blocks of life. Without them, you can t create new lives. However, hormones are starting to cause people to worry. Breast development is on the rise. Girls, on average, are beginning to mature and grow breasts at the age of nine, which causes one to raise suspicion considering how the average in the 1960 s was around age 11 (Steingraber 746). Early breast development can be linked to breast cancer later on in life. A common misconception is that all man made chemicals are harmful, and all natural chemicals are good for us. However, many natural chemicals are just as harmful to human health, if not more so (Lorch). Dorea Reeser provides a different perspective to counteract the harmful effects of manmade chemicals. Dorea Reeser upholds a Ph. D. in environmental chemistry at the University of Toronto. She researches and studies the chemical reactions at water surfaces, and how the chemical and physical properties influence these reactions and the release of important trace gases into the troposphere. The idea that nature can harm us is not new. Have you ever heard of malaria, HIV, tuberculosis, botulism or tetanus? Why, then, are so many convinced that anything and everything natural is healthier for us than synthetic products? It s true that modern chemistry has brought us a number of toxic chemicals, like DDT and dioxins, but do you really think that nature s chemicals are any less ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Star Trek Religion Star Trek the original television show created by Gene Roddenberry in 1966, is a renowned cult classic due to the longevity and dedicated support from fans for over fifty years. The breadth of the Star Trek Universe and its fandom is so vast, with its continuity everlasting as both the show and creations from fans evolves with each generation. The Star Trek in today s media has changed from how it was back in the 60s but is still as relevant and popular, this is shown with how younger fans continue the idolisation of Leonard Nimoy, (the original Commander Spock) and consider him to be a cult icon and the ultimate Spock . Even though the dedication and love to the original Spock is strong the new portrayal of the character in the reboot ... Show more content on ... For example, members of the Church of Latter Day Saints receive special clothing called a temple garment, at the age of 18 which is then worn under every day clothing. Cosplay worn by fans at conventions can further develop this comparison. Cosplay is the act of dressing to resemble a character or actor from a media text. However, some argue that cosplay goes beyond a costume and becomes a part of someone s identity. Often cosplayers choose characters they identify with or have traits they wish they had. (Allison, 2014) This can be compared to people with religious beliefs, who say that the religion they follow is a part of their identity. Similar to denominations within a religion, Star Trek has many organisations, one of which being Star Fleet. Taken as a whole, ST fandom forms a type of symbolic community where people seek to form identities distinct from the outside world. (Jindra, 1994). Further demonstrating how the franchise creates identity for its ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Essay On Nancy Reagan Nancy Davis Reagan By Klaire Ladehoff Nancy Reagan was born in New York City on July 6, 1921. Nancy s name isn t even Nancy at all, it s Anne Frances Robbins. She was the only child of Kenneth Robbins and Edith Luckett Robins. Kenneth was a salesman and Edith was an actress. Kenneth left the marriage while Anne was still an infant. Since Kenneth left, Edith sent Anne to be raised by her aunt and uncle, Virginia and C. Audley Galbraith in Bethesda, Maryland. Edith sent Anne to them because she wanted to fulfill her acting career. Anne attended Sidwell Friends School. Anne and Virginia went to New York whenever Edith was there for theater runs. Early on in her life, she got the nickname Nancy . She, clearly, used that as her real name. Edith married a man named Loyal Davis. Loyal adopted Nancy and treated her as his own. She went back and lived with her mother and stepfather. In the household, she was surrounded with wealth. Loyal was a neurosurgeon in Chicago. Edith and Loyal brought in a lot of money to Nancy s world. Since Nancy moved in with Edith and Loyal, she attended the Girls Latin School. ... Show more content on ... She received very bad press for that, but she flipped it. She campaigned drug abuse awareness and education. She visited prevention programs and rehabilitation centers. She preached that drugs are bad for the communities and held a youth drug abuse conference at the White House. The National Crusade for a Drug Free America act was signed into law by President Reagan in 1986. People thought that Nancy s most important role as the first lady was Ronald s personal protector. Some attempted to assassinate President Reagan, and Nancy made it her concern to know every little thing that he was doing. This caused Nancy and Ronald to argue after she found out the Iran Contra affair was revealed. This is what caused Ronald to ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Why Freight Brokers Need Formal Training Why Freight Brokers Need Formal Training Freight brokers are the logistical key between shippers and carriers. Being a freight broker is a rewarding, but challenging career. However, you need a lot of skills and knowledge in order to become a successful transportation broker. Keep reading to learn why freight brokers need formal training. Freight Brokerage 101 According to Entrepreneur magazine, there are legal requirements for anyone who starts a brokerage business. For example, all new freight brokers must register with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). This involves filing forms, paying fees, designating legal agents and getting a $75,000 bond or trust fund. In addition to this, a small business owner will need to obtain a local business license and a state operating permit. A training program will help the freight broker understand these complex legal requirements. Keep in mind that any mistakes on these permits could result in legal problems down the road. Second, freight brokers must have financial training and management skills. For example, the bond or trust fund must be established as part of the permit process. The purpose of this is to prove that the freight broker is responsible and that they have access to money in order to pay any claims. However, freight brokers who don t understand finances will have a hard time convincing clients, the bonding company and even their own bank that they are competent. Freight broker training will ... Get more on ...
  • 10. How The Columbia Disaster Made NASA The space shuttle Columbia disaster lead NASA to finally change their culture and realize that no matter how small a threat may be perceived, it cannot be overlooked. The Columbia disaster was the second disaster in NASA s history, that a small component, which was not adequately tested, inevitably caused a chain reaction that lead to the disintegration of the space shuttle leaving no survivors. The first disaster was Challenger in 1986. The Columbia disaster investigations lead NASA to look further than just procedures and into the culture behind the entire space shuttle program. The recognition of human spaceflight as a develop mental activity requires a shift in focus from operations and meeting schedules to a concern for the risks involved. [1 p.208] The Columbia Space Shuttle STS 107 mission was the 113th mission and the 28th flight by the Columbia Space shuttle. The astronauts that lost their lives were David Brown, Rick Husband, Laurel Clark, Kalpana Chawla, Michael Anderson, Willian McCool, and Ilam Ramon. The mission was for research purposes. The three experiments on board were SPACEHAB, MEIDEX, and FREESTAR. The research was carried out successfully, and it wasn t until the re entry that the weakness was exposed. The space shuttle was damaged on January 16, 2003 81.9 seconds into flight. Initially the damage was not noticed. The impact wasn t observed until the high resolution film was analyzed. A piece of foam broke off the left bi pod and ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Smartphones Are You As Smart as A Cell Phone? Did you know, in 2011, a boy from Norway used his cell phone to play a heavy metal song by Megadeth to escape from wolves? This strange story demonstrates the many unexplored uses for cell phones. Although there are many advantages to using a cell phone for social, entertainment and safety purposes, there are equally as many disadvantages. To start, there are a multitude of social advantages in owning a smartphone. In past years, teenagers had to share landlines with the rest of the family, so phone calls were infrequent and carefully monitored. Today, smartphones are either always in a tweens hand or lap. And whether beeping some strange noise or vibrating, the youth is in constant touch with their peers. Group texts, snapchat, and Instagram are just a few of the methods that these children stay hooked into each other s lives. Of course, the disadvantages are that if one has no friends, it will make one feel terrible and isolated not to be included in the virtual conversations. Another problem is that research shows that a lack of practice hampers many teenagers face to face social skills such as recognizing body language or having an effective conversation. Correspondingly, communication by texts can be so brief that misunderstandings occur, which is why the development of emojis has been so successful. A psychologist whose focus is the effect of technology on people says, Digital communication has a tendency to be impersonal. Emoji ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Treasure Of The Sierra Madre Many case it is said that the love of money is the root of all evil and that money can buy happiness, meaning that, one s involvement with too much money can make it lose their humanity. In the case of three men in The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, they soon realize that the only thing that money buys is a ticket to trouble. In the beginning of the movie, two characters, Dobbs and Curtin agreed that money should be hard earned. So the two characters set out to Tampico, in efforts to find a job that can earn them extra change in their empty pockets. Unfortunately, once they started working for a man named McCormick, they later discover that McCormick had swindled both Dobbs and Curtin by not paying them for their duties. After forcing their ... Show more content on ... Curtin, on the other hand, had found his way back to Howard and the two men were helped by the villagers to retrieve their gold. Unfortunately, they discovered not only that their gold is gone, but that Dobbs was killed by the bandits. In the end, as the Curtin and Howard separated their ways, they realize that despite not coming back with pounds and pounds of gold, the two men earned something even better: a new life. Howard is returning to the village to become a grandfather like figure to the villagers. As for Curtin, he is going to look for the widow of a man, named Cody, as he was killed initially in the film by the bandits, in efforts to marry her and start a family. The film was not done yet, it ended with an image of the empty sack of gold lying next to a cactus. Proving that although money can be tempting to the eye, does not mean that it can be dangerous. The moral of the film is to not let greed of too much money get in the way of one s soul/humanity in what is right and what is ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Technology Impact On Technology In our world today, things are constantly being created and changed; whether it be laws, fashion, food, etc., but the one thing that seems to change at a faster rate than the rest is technology. Whether it be with machines, computers, or medicine, technology is always being improved, and for most, it s now quite difficult to go a single day without using some type of technology because it s become so widespread in our world. Difficulty to operate without technology is now also becoming true for businesses. Whether it be local or international, businesses have begun to rely more heavily on technology for purposes such as storing their files, making transactions, keeping track of their inventory, and many other reasons. While technology has ... Show more content on ... Today hackers currently have a large amount of American s personal information such as birthdates, social security numbers, credit card numbers, addresses, etc. If a large company such as Equifax is susceptible to cyber attacks, then it s safe to say that practically all businesses are also taking a huge risk leaving their customer s private information in the hands of technology. A common reason that businesses are using technology to store all of their files is because it s quick and easily accessible for them and their customers, but as we ve seen in the Equifax case, putting one s trust in the internet to keep our information safe in exchange for easier and quicker access to information can prove to be unwise. Similarly, businesses are risking losing customers and their business due to technical difficulties. Before technology, business owners still had to find a way to run their business to keep their employees paid and their customers happy. But today, utter chaos erupts in everyone s mind as soon as they hear those four words; our servers are down . This is when it becomes clear that businesses are relying too much on technology because in this moment they aren t able to do their jobs the convenient way, and for some, there is no other way. In the case of Amazon Web Services (AWS) in February 2017, when their servers went down and affected many other websites as well. AWS is ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Marketing Petland Social. People have become dependent on their pets for companionship, friendship and love. They are an important and loved part of our families, and it is especially apparent in the spending patterns of these pet owners (Kadet, A., 2012). Owning a pet is a big responsibility, and some owners take it to a whole new level with the pampering they provide to their pets. Economic. Most people are aware of the cost associated with owning a pet, a pet is an extension of ones family and in many cases people are spending more on theirs pets than they would a child. And even with the economy tanking, the pet industry still seems to thrive. According to the article on Market Watch spending on pets rose 73% during the last recession. Its become clear ... Show more content on ... Petland uses there Pet Councilors to help persuade customers and provide information on their pet needs. These pet councilors help to drive sales, and creates loyalty in customers to their stores. They help to deliver a positive and unique experience, which also helps to generate tremendous word of mouth marketing ( Culture , n.d). Petland provides training for its staff that helps to set it apart from other pet retailers, helping to create customer loyalty ( Training , n.d). They also remind consumers about their commitment to helping animals through Adopt A Pet, which aids in the adoption of homeless animals for local shelters, displaying highly visible images of pets in store. Other programs like Pets for a Lifetime, aid in finding homes for pets that owners can no longer keep ( Community , n.d). Petland also uses in store vibrant point of sale signage, posters, and advertisements (Paper and online), as well as a loyalty program to generate sales ( Resources , n.d). These tactics are working well for Petland stores as they have a loyal customer base. I believe a larger push on social media presence would also help to promote Petland and its ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Love Of Love By Pablo Neruda INTRODUCTION Each country today has faced the heart rending impacts of colonization and imperialization, clothed in the ideas of modernization and contemporary thoughts, their effects cannot be camouflaged to a great extent. The present still continues to be a doubtful chronicle of the history of the respective nations in question clouded by the diverse issues of linguistic and cultural transpositions , alienation and loss, or for that matter the conflict in race. However, many poets have and continue to document the gruesome impact these wars have had on the masses. Some such tales are narrated by the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda who can be seen as the representative poet of the entire 20th century. The poet wrote mostly in Spanish elaborately and passionately about his people , their misery . His Nobel prize in literature ... Show more content on ... Neruda in each of his love poem strikes the correct chord of one s heart sometimes in an overwhelming way. Susinighda Dey in her essay describing Neruda s poetry often pinpoints towards the elemental passion of love that Neruda realizes that in a way transcends the lovers who are nothing but mere objects of this love. In poems like Tonight I can write.. with lines like she loved me/ sometimes I loved her too Neruda seems to be ambiguous regarding his feeling towards the woman and therefore , he comes across as somebody who loves the idea of love more than the woman and hence , he now can write the saddest lines . Neruda is immensely Lyrical with his love poetry and never fails to disappoint with his emphasis on the pent up passion that in a way inspires his poetry ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Linux And Windows And Linux 1. What are Linux distros? Mention the names of a few distros. Are all of the distros open source and free? Linux distros i.e. Linux distributions, is a merging of all the different parts and programs that is created by different organizations. Some of the Linux distros are Ubuntu, openSUSE, Debian, Slackware, Gentoo, Arch Linux. Not all of the distros are open source and free. 2. What is the significance of file extensions (.txt, .pdf, .docx, .jpeg, etc) in Windows and Linux? For example, there is a file named as hello.mp3 in windows and Linux. What type of file will it be in Windows and Linux? Briefly explain. In windows almost every file require the use of extension in order for the system to function. In Linux operating system they do not require the use of extension. In Linux, the extensions are used only to make the user understand the type of file. TYPE OF FILE: o In windows: hello.mp3 will be a mp3 file only and the extension is important to be specified. o In Linux: hello.mp3 is considered as a normal file which can be used for texts, video etc 3. Briefly explain metacharacter and in Linux with an example Special character in data field or program that provides information about other character. this metacharacter is basically used as command filename .Sends the output of the command on the left into the file named on the right of this symbol. If the file does not exist, create it and if does exist, overwrite it eg. cal ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Speech On Coconut Oil The coconut oil can cure all diseases. Coconut oil is a natural gift of all round nutrition food. It is the best natural disinfectant, fungicide, antibiotics, disease prevention and treatment of specific drugs. I believe you never thought. Coconut oil was originally a godsend cure all the magic drugs, cheap, easy to get, safe and no side effects and convenient magic Coconut can cure what disease? Constipation eat a lot of papaya at breakfast. After two hours, drink 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. If there is no obvious effect, do for three days. Pain Heat the coconut oil to about 60 ° C. Apply to any part of the body s pain, massage by heart depending on the location and circumstances. Drink a cup of coconut water every day, and 3 tablespoons of coconut oil. Elderly spot rubbed every day in a spotted spot . Take 3 tablespoons of coconut oil daily. Lipstick bursts, dermatitis ... Show more content on ... Is the daily life of the coconut blessing everywhere. Specific implementation: very simple, from today, from this change the cooking oil choice absolutely no longer eat manure, all the kitchen oil as much as possible instead of coconut oil instead. A small amount of cold pressed olive oil, amber seed oil, camellia oil, cashew oil, almond oil, butter oil is also good. eat a lot of coconut green drink coconut green water. Use coconut products as much as possible, such as coconut, coconut honey, coconut snacks, coconut milk, etc., and use coconut oil to skin care and cure. In fact, as long as the use of coconut diet law, not only slim magic effect, and a wide range of patients subsided, energetic, the skin is more beautiful yet. How to eat coconut governance diabetes Diabetes is the main problem of sugar, the disease is the result of long term eating a lot of unfavorable health ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Baywatch Movie Analysis Baywatch is an interesting action and comedy film which shows the exploits of lifeguards who use their skills to solve a case involving a series murders related to a drug ring. They do this despite murder not falling in their jurisdiction which causes friction between them and the local police force. The murders are discovered to be linked to a drug lord who they have to face in their exploits. In addition to the film being action packed, it is also funny and provides valuable entertainment to viewers. The film was released on May 25th 2017 by Paramount pictures in the US. This film is based on the series Baywatch which is an action drama TV series which was aired form 1989 2001. The film is directed by Seth Gordon who has several notable works under his name which include Identity Theft, Horrible Bosses, among others. The film features several stars who include Dwayne Johnson who stars as Lt. Mitch Buchannon. Other stars include Zac Efron, Priyanka Chopra, David Hasselhoff, Alexandra Daddario and Kelly Rochbach.bThe film as stated above is based on the TV series Baywatch by Michael Berk Douglas Schwartz and Gregory J. Bonann which features the life of a lifeguard and his team in an attempt to make their beach safer. Lifeguards are considered heroes in coastal communities. This is because they risk their lives in an attempt to save other peoples lives. This film shows the important role played by lifeguards in the society. In addition to that, it shows that their roles ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Near Field Communication Research Report Near Field Communication Researcher Name: Pasan Abeywickrama Date: 18.01.2013 Table of Contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Mechanism 4 2.1 Industry Standards and Compatibility 4 2.2 Types of Communication Modes: 4 2.3 Modulation 5 2.3.1 Manchester Code 6 2.3.2 Modified Miller Code 6 2.4 Coupling 6 3. Advantages and Disadvantages 7 3.1 Advantages 7 3.2 Disadvantages 7 4. NFC compare with other Technologies (Bluetooth and Infrared) 7 5. Security Perspective 7 5.1 Data Destruction 8 5.2 Data Modification 8 5.3 Man in the Middle 8 5.4 Eavesdropping 8 5.5 Data Insertion 8 5.6 NFC secure channel 8 6. Projects implemented using NFC 9 6.1 LAUGFS unveils NFC enabled fuel card powered by Dialog 9 6.2 San Francisco Launches NFC ... Show more content on ... 2.1 Industry Standards and Compatibility NFC technology is described by NFCIP 1 (Near Field Communication Interface and Protocol 1), is standardized in ISO 18092, ECMA 340 as well as in ETSI TS 102 190, while reader/writer mode must support the RF requirements for ISO/IEC 14443A, ISO/IEC 14443 B and FeliCa. These standards specify the transport protocol, transfer speeds, bit encoding schemes, the frame architecture, and the modulation. Furthermore, the active and passive NFC modes are described and the conditions that are required to prevent collisions during initialization (ECMA International, 2004). Today s NFC devices allows for selecting one of three operating modes such as: * NFC data transfer (NFCIP 1) * Vicinity coupling device (VCD), defined in ISO 15693 * Proximity coupling device (PCD), defined in ISO 14443 All NFC devices have to provide these three functions in order to be compatible with the main international standards to connect with the millions of contactless smartcards and scanners worldwide. 2.2 Types of Communication Modes: NFC can operate in two different modes; it is an active and passive. An active device generates its own radio frequency (RF) field, where as a device in passive mode has to use inductive coupling to transmit data. Mobile phone such as battery powered devices act as in passive mode. In contrast to the active ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Comparing Macbeth And Great Expectations There are more than enough examples from Macbeth and Great Expectations to prove that subversion of gender roles, a term that describes someone acting in a way that is not expected from those of their said gender, is evident in both writing pieces. There are a number of connections between the women of the play and novel; this can be seen in their stern, powerful and leader like and always changing personalities that a number of female characters share. For instance, Miss Havisham s burning hatred for men that she implemented into Estella s mind, to Lady Macbeth s level of ambition to have her husband become king. Others include similarities in levels of knowledge, even though they were considered commoners on a part of the social ladder where a lack of knowledge is expected, and examples of how they use their high levels of knowledge to their advantage. This can also be considered evidence of subversion of gender roles; women at the time were not expected to be knowledgeable by society as they are now. Other connections would be based on the topic of visual appearance overall, with connections to how they portray themselves to other characters and the reader throughout. The women of these two works show an exceptionable amount of power, control and capability of holding a family together a number of times throughout the novel and the play. A leading factor in this is their personalities they spoke their mind, and were not afraid of the consequences. which happen to be ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Alcoholism and Angela s Ashes Alcoholism and Angela s Ashes Alcoholism is one of the most common disorders in the world today. It is a disease, a sickness that harms the body and the mind in the most violent ways possible. The body is racked by a need to suffice its desire, and this leads addicts to do anything to get the alcohol into their systems. In Angela s Ashes, alcoholism is a major theme, and becomes the destroyer of the families and loved ones that are involved. In Angela s Ashes, the father Malachy is inflicted with the disease of alcoholism, and his need for the drink leads him to use his paycheck to buy alcohol instead of using it for the basic needs of his family. Countless times, Malachy s alcoholism harms or gets in the way of his family. Not ... Show more content on ... Alcoholism is truly crippling, and he does a great job in getting this across. And in some ways, Malachy s alcoholism helped his children—by showing them the tragic consequences of choosing a life for the drink. From his mistakes, he children can learn and avoid alcohol. Alcoholism is a demon, a disease, something reached for out of desperation. It helps with a person s problem by deadening their senses, and increasing his problems at the same time by destroying his character. When you drink, you don t have to think about all your problems, you can just let the alcohol wash them away from your mind. But it can never take away all your problems—they still remain, just your sense to care for them is gone. Alcoholism has a great chance to pass on to later generations, but sometimes growing up in an alcoholic family will make the children swear off the drink because they have seen what it can turn people into. It turns them into the basic raw human emotion of grief. They are miserable for alcohol is the only thing that can make them feel normal after awhile, their entire bodies ache for it. Even when they have given up drinking, their bodies can revert back after having just one drop again. Yes, alcoholism is truly a terrifying disease of the mind and body—not just to the addict, but also to the loved ones ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Advantages Of Buying A Food Truck Why Buy a Food truck? / Why Become a Food Trucker? / Why Food Trucks are better to Use? / Advantages of Becoming a Food Trucker / How Buying a Food Truck Will Help You? Love food? Love travelling from one place to another? Want to income money in easy way? Then you are the one of the job. Don t know how you begin, Search for a poster or an advertisement where it says food trucks for sale then you only grab one and you are ready to go. A food truck business does not require lot money to start. Having a financial problem? Do not worry because there are always used food trucks for sale and are very cheap to buy. You can buy one of those used food trucks then make a menu of the food that you will provide and paint your food truck with a nice color and you are ready to live your dream. Food trucks are getting very popular these days. It is very easy to sell various kinds of foods by travelling. It is very important to maintain time perfectly in this busy world. People are so busy that they do not have time for going to a cafeteria or food parlor to have food. They can easily buy and eat food on the go from a food truck which is easy to find. There are always people on the street so there always are great chances to sell foods. Serving different kinds of food is very important in food truck business because all people s taste is ... Show more content on ... A nice menu of food increases the chance of success. A food trucker must a food quality certificate and a food truck license. People from different places like different foods. So you should know people s taste and change the menu of food after you go to another place. A modern day food truck is not just an ordinary taco truck. These truck s food menu is filled with choices and they focuses on limited but creative dishes at reasonable price. They offer customers to experience the food for free before selling it. It works as marketing and makes that food truck ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Fiction Film District 9 And The Novel Dawn Throughout the years discrimination will always affect in today s society. Humans have made it possible to change society and end slavery. Slavery has always been a delicate topic, especially when it is experienced. Despite the differences between their color of their skin and culture slavery was abolished. Aliens depict a different feature of slavery but carry the same aspect. The novel Dawn and the film District 9 describe slavery in the sense of learning and rejection from both species. The science fiction film and literature have not changed as many still reveal humanization with alienation in relation to our society. The artist of the science fiction history has brought historic stories that relate to real life experiences that will ... Show more content on ... My understanding is that the prawns are surrounded by humans and should remain in the section where only prawns are allowed. Prawns are contained in a section where they are controlled not to escape or to cause any damages to any human. District 9 is enclosed with spike wires, which to me symbolizes for all slave aliens are in control of humans. Historically, Prawns are the black South African humans that were emerged to look into survival during the time of Apartheid. The black South African was the humans that were inside district 9 with the prawns. The black African people were treated the same as the prawns under their own oath. Another sign of slavery is how the black Africans used their goods for trading with the prawns. The black Africans also had a sort of power over them especially when they had cat food. Wikus transforms into a prawn due to the black fluid that he accidently released from the metal tube he had found in one of the prawns home. Once Wikus was discovered he was transforming into one of them, the NMU biologist urged to examine him before he transforms into a full prawn. When wikus was taken to the examination facility, he noticed all the exercises the NMU manipulated and abused prawns. Prawns were not just being held in their section of District 9 but they were also being contained as slaves. The term slave defines as a person who is the legal ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Carnival Cruise Lines Employee Reward System Carnival Cruise Lines is arguably the world s most popular cruise line on the basis of the number of guests served per annum. The company was founded by Ted Arison in 1972 and is one of the nine brands of cruise ships owned and operated in the US and the Caribbean by the Carnival Corporation Plc. The company has a fleet that account for close to 21.1% of the global share of luxury fleet vessels (Cruise Market Watch, 2015). The company was a pioneer of the concept of shorter and affordable cruises. Carnival Cruise Lines are known for their exceptionally designed Las Vegas style décor and onboard entertainment. An evaluation of the Carnival Cruise Lines operations revealed that it is affected by key issues in regard to the need for urgent ... Show more content on ... Reward and recognition systems must be adaptable to the changes at the speed of the business, as well as adjust to the existing business climate. A good reward and recognition program should have the capacity to motivate employees while aligning its goals to those of the organization. This program would essentially involve creating a balance between the remuneration of employees and acknowledgement of a job well done while optimizing competitiveness and getting good return on pay expenditure. It is imperative that a clearly or properly thought out strategy is articulated reflecting the requirements and needs of the organization, as well as its population especially considering the cost of the reward and recognition programs in the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Comfort and Emotional Support for the Terminally Ill End of life comes too quickly for many, especially the people taking care of the terminally ill. This can be a very difficult time for everyone involved. Hospice is a great opportunity to take advantage of; it is used for patients who are not to be recovered from their illness but rather to provide comfort and emotional support to the terminally ill, resulting in the patient being as comfortable as possible. The caregiver and patient can also have an extra support system from the nurse and interdisciplinary team. Not everyone understands what hospice is and has different views on what it may offer to the patient and family. According to the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization; hospice care involves a team oriented approach to expert medical care, pain management, and emotional and spiritual support tailored to the patient s needs and wishes (National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization). No patient wants to experience end of life in pain, and the family and caregiver definitely don t want to see their loved one in pain. With hospice care, pain is kept to a minimum which keeps the patient as comfortable as possible and makes it easier for the family. Nurses play a main role in this type of care. The nurse s number one main concern while taking care of a patient in hospice is controlling pain and maintaining the highest quality of life while patient continues to be as independent as possible. The number one pain relief measure is over the counter pain ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Essay about Sexual Harassment in the Workplace Obviously, it is a very natural thing for men and women to be attracted to each other in sexual ways. Men, more than women, have been historically known to be far more aggressive in their advances toward women sexually and it varies from each woman as to how these aggressive advances make them feel. Advances such as whistling, bottom pinching and glaring are the types of things some men do to women in an attempt to show they are sexually attracted to them. These types of advances can be attempted just about anywhere; the beach, the mall, in night clubs, walking down the street, or even in their place of employment. Where should the line be drawn as to where these advancements are appropriate and what can a woman do to protect ... Show more content on ... Sexual harassment in itself is not new, women have been harassed at work ever since they have worked alongside men. In 1840, women working in the mines were described in a Royal Commission investigation as being constantly pressured for sexual favors by men. The actual term of sexual harassment is relatively new. A women s movement in the 1970 s brought the term to the United States and it became widely known in the United Kingdom in the 1980 s(2). As time has continued to move and women began to fill up the workforce, the issue has become a bigger problem. Obviously, since there are more women and men working together, there are going to be more cases of sexual harassment. Since sexual harassment, as an act, has been going on for centuries, there is no conclusive evidence as to what studies pinpointed the problem as to when and where it began. However, many studies have been conducted since sexual harassment has become more of a problem and these studies deal with the definition from different people as well as the extreme cases of what was actually said and done. Many case studies are being conducted in order to obtain a true since of what is being said and they provide information to the workforce as to the extremes of some cases. Barbara Gutek, in her book Sex and the Workplace, provided a series of sexually harassing experiences from women as well as mutually entered social sexual experiences that occurred in the workplace. ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Designing An Original Toy For Children Aged Eight And Under Introduction As a part of our final project for GEEN 1400 Engineering Projects, we had to design an original toy for children aged eight and under. Each group has to come up with a new toy which has not yet existed. The toy requires the implementation of engineering skills in its manufacturing and design process. Some of those competence are obtained from in class workshops or personal experience, though students are also allowed to take workshops outside of class, in the ITLL, or Idea Forge. Several of the skills most groups require are: laser cutting, CAD, electronics, 3D printing, etc. Not everyone in the group possesses skills for all aspects of the project. Students divide among themselves and each member takes over a part of the project, however, team members still communicate with each other in completing their tasks. Later, they piece in their parts and collaborate to figure out remaining tasks and possible improvements to the project. The deadline for this project is the Design Expo where students present their project to judges visiting from local companies. Our section s theme of the final project is toys, particularly for those aged eight and under. Therefore, we wanted to construct a toy which is fun, yet suitable for children within that age group. We decided to design an LED maze for our final project. It primarily consist of a hockey themed maze with several LED beams as barriers. A mini air hockey puck is part of the toy and the user utilizes it to glide ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Stravinsky Opera And Oedipus Comparison The Stravinsky Opera directed by Julie Taymor, is a loose adaptation from the play Oedipus Rex written by Sophocles. This film narrates Oedipus life and how the oracle affects his life. The fact that Stravinsky Opera is a loose adaptation makes the film different than what we could imagine while reading the original play, besides the film shows us that the director is able to see through situation, interpret them and demonstrate how everything happened instead of making a summary of certain moments like how Sophocles did in Oedipus Rex s play. On the other hand, the structure used by Taymor in the film which implements costumes, actions and animals, helps the spectator to see through situations in the film letting us know how the film will ... Show more content on ... The Oedipus Rex tells us a summary of some moments in the play, skipping actions made by some characters in the play and avoiding explanations of how certain situations happened. The Oedipus Rex s play clearly explains that Iocaste (Oedipus mother) was found death in her room by one of the messengers because she could not face the reality of being married with her own son who killed her husband and took his place in tebas. On the other hand, the Stravinsky Opera clearly shows us how Iocaste hang herself the moment after she steps out the scene when she was talking with his son and goes to her room to kill herself with a white cloth. This clearly shows us that the author and director of this opera had a great imagination in order to demonstrate what was not explained in the play; moreover, the author indicates when everything happened and how did it ... Get more on ...
  • 29. How Does Public Education Affect The Future Of Public... Every weekday you wake up, get dressed, eat and go to school. When the bell rings you are expected to be in your seat and ready to listen to your teacher talk for an hour. Once the bell rings you drop and forget everything you are doing and move onto the next hour long lesson. This bell rules your life and you pray every day to hear the bell so you can scurry out of class. You did this six times a day, five days a week, four weeks a month, for nine months, for twelve years. If you have the money you go to school for another four years. By the time you are done with this sixteen year long process you are our in the free world and allowed to live and follow your passion. As long as you are in school you are forced to learn six different materials in one day. ... Show more content on ... The system teaches for the neurotypical and not for the other millions of other differently functioning brains that don t learn the same way. Children s stress, depression, and suicide rates were at their peak these past ten years. To be able to absorb material at their peak capacity students need to be physical, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually well (American Physiological Association). Public schools have broken down students creativity and ability to be proactive in and out of school. Schools have implemented the idea of right and wrong. This ideology of not learning and understanding from our mistakes has nurtured fear in students. The public school system s purpose is to create students that comply and follow directions and not students that can create and critically ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Lake Nacogdoches Research Paper Located approximately ten miles west of Nacogdoches, Texas, Lake Nacogdoches is continuing to provide beautiful real estate for Texans and Texas newcomers alike. Covering over two thousand acres, Lake Nacogdoches is known for its beautiful lakefront properties, as well as well as lakefront outdoor activities. In purchasing on or near the lake, there is much to see and do in the area, as well as in surrounding areas. Lake Nacogdoches was initially impounded in the late nineteen seventies. Containing several species of fish, and being surrounded with a plethora of wildlife, the lake is a sight to see year round. Fishing is a favorite activity of those who live on the lake, or those that visit the area. From sunfish, to crappie, to trophy sized largemouth or white bass, fishing has become quite the popular sport on Lake Nacogdoches. ... Show more content on ... It is said that the largemouth bass is the most popular catch in Lake Nacogdoches. It is also explained that homeowners on Lake Nacogdoches find the best fishing times to be in early morning in the spring months. So it is popular at this time each year, to see several other fishermen/women and families trying their hand at a catch on the lake. Another favorite activity of Nacogdoches residents is water sports. Water skiing, wakeboarding, knee boarding, tubing and jet skis are some of the activities that occur on a daily basis during the warm summer months at Lake Nacogdoches. The City of Nacogdoches provides visitors or real estate owners on Lake Nacogdoches with two parks. These parks are informally known as Eastside Park and Westside Park. Each of these parks holds a boat ramp for easy access to the lake. There are also public swimming areas and picnic areas provided. With such a beautiful location, and amazing weather in the spring and fall months this is a great place to come enjoy the beauty of the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. An Essay On Grendel s Monster In Beowulf Beowulf Beowulf is an epic about a hero named Beowulf who fights and kills two monsters named Grendel and Grendel s Mother. Beowulf travels from his home land of Sweden to Denmark, the land of King Hrothgar and the Danes; to help King Hrothgar by killing Grendel, a monster that haunts Herot, Hrothgar s famous mead hall, nightly, killing Hrothgar s people for 12 years. One night Grendel sneaks into Herot, kills a Geat, and then grabs a sleeping Beowulf. While in Grendel s grip, Beowulf uses his strength of thirty men to tear Grendel s arm from his body. Grendel runs back to his lair and dies a painful death. Beowulf s victory is rewarded with a feast, gold, and treasures, which Beowulf brings home and gives to his king. As the epic ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Malcolm Gladwell Essay On Blink MS. Kairis Leadership Book Report 4/14/2017 The Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking Blink is great book about leadership and making decisions which was published on Jan 11th , 2005 by the great journalist, Malcolm Gladwell who is an expert of talking and leadership. He was born on September 3rd 1936. He has been a staff writer for the New Yorker since 1996. His books are: Blink, The Tipping Point, Out Lier. In Blink, writer Malcolm Gladwell explores the psychology of snap decisions and quick thinking. He illuminates how our subconscious biases affect the way we think and behave. He concludes that we shouldn t always rely on our snap judgments. Gladwell introduces ... Show more content on ... Contrary to Coca Cola executives beliefs, the Pepsi Challenge didn t necessarily prove that people preferred Pepsi to Coke; it just suggested that, when blindfolded, people preferred a small amount of Pepsi to the same amount of Coke. Louis Cheskin s success as an advertiser is notable because it proves that people don t always know what they want; they have to be told. In the case of margarine, for instance, people weren t consciously aware that they would respond to margarine wrapped in attractive gold foil it wasn t until Cheskin released margarine of this kind that people discovered their attraction to such a product. It s also important to notice that Cheskin didn t change the taste of margarine; rather, he only altered the product s presentation. Good packaging can be very important because it catches customers eyes and convinces them that the product itself is good, too. Cheskin s research into marketing and packaging has been very influential, inspiring hundreds of companies to revamp their products. Once a new package or advertisement is proven to be successful, many other companies will try to imitate that package or ad hence the sudden popularity of semi realistic food ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Victorian Influence on Women s Fashions Essay Before Research Before the Victorian Era, the main focus of fashion was for men. Women s fashion changed some, but the general idea of long skirts, tight bodices, and heavy fabrics stayed consistent. Real changes to style and fashion were not made until about the 1840 s, when Queen Victoria came into power. After her rise to Queen, the fashions began to change dramatically. Pride and Prejudice is a book written in this time, and the fashion is clearly visible. Looking at fashion of the time can be clear examples of social customs, role models, and other aspects of the time period. The question to start off with is how has royalty affected women s fashions through the ages? Royalty is influential on all sorts of things, so why not fashion? ... Show more content on ... The beginning of the civil war in America affected the cotton production, so fabric became more scarce, leading into the next era, one that used less fabric. The early bustle period featured a narrower skirt, with gathered fabric on the back. Bodices ended at the natural waist. By 1877, the bustles had dropped to knees, leading into the Natural Form period. By this time, a tall, slim figure was born. Dresses were long and the bodice became long and tight. The Late bustle period brought the bustle back into style. The skirts stayed long and tight, with a large amount of fabric gathered in the back. The 1890 s saw the disappearance of the bustle for good. At this time, skirts became plain, and the bodice was dressed up with frills and puffed sleeves. The popular Pigeon Silhouette of the Victorian era was born. The Edwardian Period was a time of ultimate femininity. The skirts became soft and flowing, and the hobble skirt became popular (What is). This was probably the most interesting part of my research, because I got a deeper look into the world of fashion. The Queen s Fashion I now needed to know what Queen Victoria did for fashion in this time period. I learned through my next source that Queen Victoria and her daughters were often fashion models for women of this period. Typical outfits of this time consisted of cotton fabrics, as they were in abundant supply and allowed air into the often heavy fabrics. Day dresses were worn inside the home, and were ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Essay Value Chain Management Crocs splashed onto the scene in 2002 with brightly colored plastic shoes that the whole family could wear. From preschoolers to doctors, these shoes appealed to a vast array of consumers. The reason for Crocs success can be attributed to their value chain development. Value chains exist to enhance value created at every step of the manufacturing process, from raw materials to final product disposal or reuse ( Value Chain, n.d.). The sequence of this chain gives the customer high value for a low cost. Customers ultimately have the power in the value chain (Robbins Coulter, 2009). While Crocs use of the value chain allowed them to create a valuable product and enhance their already valuable product there are aspects of their value ... Show more content on ... However, Crocs revolutionized the traditional shoe market by satisfying their customer s demand within the same season as they were able to manufacture more shoes as needed (Hoyt Silverman, 2008). Finally, Crocs saw the value chain through to the end stage by offering their customers a way of giving back by working with a company called Soles4Soles ( Donate Your Crocs, 2010). Their partnership with this company allows customers to donate their gently used shoes to the less fortunate. Additional value was added to their value chain by increasing variety of the product, improving procurement strategies and minimizing time the product spends in transit, all while sustaining competitive advantage ( Value Chain, 2010). Crocs went public in 2006 and reported $847 million in revenues in 2007 (von Briesen, 2009). Whether you loved them or hated them, almost everyone knew what they were and where to get them. Crocs used their product visibility to their advantage. A few years after their initial debut, they began making different styles of shoes and various accessories. Crocs shoe line expanded into the production of fashion shoes for all ages and genders, a professional line for those who were on their feet all day and a line for those with medical problems affecting the feet (Hoyt Silverman, 2008). This expansion satisfied their current customer base by applying variety to their original concept and increased their ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Analysis Of The Movie Iceman The Neanderthal Neanderthal Prejudice Elizabeth Armistead When humans encounter other humans, we tend to treat them differently. Whether it s because of cultural barriers, language barriers, or something as trivial as skin color, we view some people differently than we view those who share our ethnicity, culture, and values. This is referred to as racism or prejudice and it is still an active problem in the world today. But although people can differ greatly when it comes to culture or appearance, we share most of our genes. Our closest related (and now extinct) ancestor, the Neanderthal, can be viewed in similar terms. Their culture differed from ours now as modern humans, but surprisingly the genomes of humans and Neanderthals are 99.84% identical (Gibbons). However, based on our history of bias, if Neanderthals were alive today, we would no doubt treat them differently, if not inferior, to modern humans. In the movie Iceman the Neanderthal, Charlie, was caged in a room that resembled a natural terrain while he was subject to the studies that were performed on him including the monitoring of his speech patterns. But in this movie, he was portrayed as very human like and had multiple interactions with Dr. Shephard, an anthropologist who also became his friend. Dr. Shephard and Dr. Brady represented the two angles from which treatment of a Neanderthal in today s world could be perceived. Dr. Shephard, who is a scientist, was very interested in the behaviors of Charlie. But he was more ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Personal Narrative Essay-Fall In Love With Florida Fall in Love With Florida We don t mean only seasonally. While autumn s transitional lower temperatures, harvest festivals and softer sunshine is a splendid time to live in the state of Florida, the three other seasons on the calendar are equally remarkable here. Wouldn t you like to spend them all in the Sunshine State? If you re considering a move to Florida whether seasonal or full time there are many other reasons why our state s lifestyle trumps a relocation or part time getaway elsewhere. Allow us to convince you... Weather So obvious that perhaps you don t need the reminder. A daily mean temperature of 71 degrees Fahrenheit means banishing the heavy outerwear if you hail from colder climates. No more snow or ice! You might ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Image Denoising Essay 3.1 IMAGE DENOISING Denoising of image means, suppressing the effect of noise to an extent that the resultant image becomes acceptable. The spatial domain or transform (frequency) domain filtering can be used for this purpose. There is one to one correspondence between linear spatial filters and filters in the frequency domain. However, spatial filters offer considerably more versatility because they can also be used for non linear filtering, something we cannot do in the frequency domain. Recently wavelet transform is also being used to remove the impulse noise from noisy images. Historically, in early days filters were used uniformly on the entire image without discriminating between the noisy and noise free pixels. mean filter such as ... Show more content on ... Researchers published different ways to compute the parameters for the thresholding of wavelet coefficients. Data adaptive thresholds were introduced to achieve optimum value of threshold. Later efforts found that substantial improvements in perceptual quality could be obtained by translation invariant methods based on thresholding of an Undecimated Wavelet Transform . These thresholding techniques were applied to the nonorthogonal wavelet coefficients to reduce artifacts. Multiwavelets were also used to achieve similar results. Probabilistic models using the statistical properties of the wavelet coefficient seemed to outperform the thresholding techniques and gained ground. Recently, much effort has been devoted to Bayesian denoising in Wavelet domain. Hidden Markov Models and Gaussian Scale Mixtures have also become popular and more research continues to be published. Tree Structures ordering the wavelet coefficients based on their magnitude, scale and spatial location have been researched. Data adaptive transforms such as Independent Component Analysis (ICA) have been explored for sparse shrinkage. The trend continues to focus on using different statistical models to model the statistical properties of the wavelet coefficients and its neighbors. Future trend will be towards finding more accurate probabilistic models for the distribution of non orthogonal wavelet ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Economic uncertainty, coupled with the retirement of the... Economic uncertainty, coupled with the retirement of the baby boomers, skyrocketing medical costs, and rising life expectancy, have left our lawmakers at their wits end in regards to our ever expanding budget. Barr states, Contrary to popular belief, long term trends Policymakers are now acting upon this, by enacting a policy beginning in 2017 and ending in 2036, to gradually increase the Social Security tax by 1/20th of 1 percent . As of now, employers and employee pay 6.2 percent tax to Social Security on earnings up to $110,000.00, while self employed workers pay both the employer and employee share for a combined total of 12.4 . Our current policy works on pay as you go basis, in which, current workers finance the benefits of ... Show more content on ... Even though, the increase is small employees and employers are going to feel it in theirs pockets and checkbooks; leading towards an already declining labor force and corporation downsize. The tax increase is a bad idea as it can discourage those looking for employment and those trying to retire. While tax increases are wonderful long term, the short term effects seem too risky to chance during the tough economic situation we are currently involved in. Overall, the proposals both seem like bad policies. Our young workers deserve to have the long term benefits they are both working and paying for now, readily available at retirement and without proper reform that may not come to fruition. Although, compromise is needed to close the gap and create revenue for Social Security for future generations, how can one morally stand by and take from another because of their salary or increase their taxes and employer payments. Collectively, our lawmakers and economist need to come together and think or the people rather than the numbers and focus on our morals, and most importantly to help one another. Bibliography AARP.2012 Reforming Social Security Option Increase the Payroll Tax. AARP Public Policy Institute. Last Modified June 25. Accessed April 19,2014. increase the payroll tax rate AARP ppi econ sec.pdf ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Research Paper On Mars Exploration Rover ESS 102 Research Paper Bo Wang In 2017, scientists discovered a planet hidden beyond Pluto, they named it planet X. Twenty years has passed. In 2037, NASA decided to launch a robotic mission on planet X. The goal of the mission is to find the existence of water and detecting the major components of atmosphere and soil. The ultimate goal is to determine whether planet X can become our second Earth. The science fiction paper will be in the form of a log in the perspective of the space rover landed on Planet X. Opportunity was launched in July 2003 for an exploration on Mars. Its mission was to search for signs of past life on Mars [1]. In particular it was searching for geological clues about the existence of water on Mars and whether Mars was wet enough to be hospitable to life [2]. Opportunity was lucky that it landed close to a thin out crop of rocks and it was able to find the evidence of existence of deep salty water flowed over the area from those rocks [2]. Moreover, those rocks could also ... Show more content on ... Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity . NASA. RetrievedFebruary 2, 2014. [2] California, United States. NASA. Jet Propulsion Laboratory. NASA Facts: Mars Exploration Rover. NASA: Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Oct. 2004. Web. 29 Jan. 2016. [3] Showstack,R., (2011), Mars Opportunity rover finds gypsum veins, Eos Trans. AGU, 92(51), 479. [4] Hamran, S. E., et al. The RIMFAX Ground Penetrating Radar on the Mars 2020 Rover. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 1. 2014. [5] Berthling, Ivar, et al. Rock glaciers on Prins Karls Forland. II: GPR soundings and the development of internal structures. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 11.4 (2000): 357 369. [6] Rapp, Donald, et al. The Mars oxygen ISRU experiment (MOXIE) on the Mars 2020 rover. Space forum. 2015. [7] Beegle, Luther, et al. SHERLOC: scanning habitable environments with raman luminescence for organics chemicals. Aerospace Conference, 2015 IEEE. IEEE, ... Get more on ...
  • 40. GRT task 2 Essay WGU GRT 1 Task 2 Melissa Robinson March 21, 2015 A1. Threonine is an essential amino acid that is classified as slightly polar due to its hydroxyl group and the ability to easily donate a hydrogen atom. This as well makes it hydrophilic and often will saturate the outer region of a water soluble protein. They hydroxyl side chain can undergo glycosylation by adding saccharides and phosphorylation by adding phosphate through the actions of threonine kinase (New World Encyclopedia, 2015). B. Protein Structure C. Peptide bond through dehydration D. Peptide bond broken through hydrolysis E. Four forces that stabilize tertiary protein structure The tertiary structure is the last shape formation that a protein undergoes and is ... Show more content on ... The chaperones have the main role of ensuring proper folding. When a chaperone protein becomes toxic, major changes in the conformation occur as the alpha helix becomes beta pleated sheets. The sheets now expose the hydrophobic amino acid and aggregation, or clumping together of sheets occurs (Borges, 2014). In bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), the disease is caused by the misfolding of proteins that cause proteins and peptides to develop a fibrillary structure. The PrPc is a correctly folded prion and the misfolded form is called PrPSc. BSE occurs when the normal PrPc come into contact with the toxic PrPSc and the normal prion takes on the shape of the PrPSc. The normal chaperones are unable to convert the PrPSc back to the normal form. The PrPSc now takes on the role of chaperone and the conversion of PrPc prions continue over and over. PrPSc, now being hydrophobic avoids the water of the inner cell and begin to accumulate and form plaques along the neuronal cell membranes. The aggregation of the prions on the cell membrane eventually lead to cell death which produces the sponge like appearance in the brain of cattle infected with BSE (Thompson, 2014). F4. Recommendations in decreasing the risk of BSE BSE is a form of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy that is transmitted when cattle consume feed that contains other animal protein from infected animals such as scrapie in sheep (CDC, ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Application Of A Smart Home ABSTRACT Residential area consume a lot of energy and electricity. The lack of energy resources give impact to the rise of energy cost, thus to have a convenient home is extremely important in the future. One of the way to reduce the costs in this issue is by using the energy efficiently. The idea of energy saving is applied in the concept of a smart home. This project aims to develop an algorithm to estimate the energy plans for future periods in a smart home in order to achieve energy efficiency. Using the Household Demand Side Management (DSM) systems, the total usage of energy in the future can be predicted according to the demand supply in the smart home. Furthermore, it is estimated that the simultaneousness between production and consumption of the electricity will be increasing. In this case, the house owner should be able to manage and plan to use the electricity wisely. Powerful tools such as MATLAB / Simulink allow the design, analysis and simulation of this project. This project will in divided into various stages including researching, experimenting, modelling, testing and designing in order to achieve the required objectives. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background of Study 1 1.2 Problem Statement 1 1.3 Objectives 3 1.4 Scope of Study 3 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW AND THEORY 4 2.1 Theory 4 2.2 Literature Review 4 CHAPTER 3 CONCLUSION 8 REFERENCES 9 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION This chapter introduces and explains the project topic, ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Crossing Borders Crossing Borders The beat up Arab minivan slowed tentatively under the scrutinizing gaze of the Israeli soldier on duty. The routine was simple. About halfway between Damascus Gate in East Jerusalem and Ramallah, the West Bank commercial center, the driver, blaring Arabic music on his radio, maneuvered around the dusty slabs of concrete that composed the Beit Haninah Checkpoint. He waited for a once over by the Hebrew speaking 18 year old and permission to continue. Checkpoints usually just small tin huts with a prominent white and blue Israeli flag have become an integral and accepted part of Palestinian existence under Israeli occupation. But for me, a silent passenger in the minivan, each time we entered the no man s land ... Show more content on ... This summer I traversed these border crossings and military checkpoints several times a week, traveling from the comfortable West Jerusalem neighborhood where I was staying, to various locations in the West Bank. Now that I am home, I cannot help but return again and again to this millisecond of uncertainty. I realize now that border crossings and checkpoints have permeated my intellectual and personal lives here at school as I continue crossing over symbolic borders in both my extra curricular and academic endeavors. For example, I have crossed over from the back of the classroom to the front, and have been both rewarded and challenged by my teaching experiences. Since my freshman year of high school, I have taught Hebrew language and Judaic studies at a local religious school, where I have tried to impart my love for my heritage to middle school age students. Additionally, I have not only volunteered but also invested personally in problematic middle school classrooms. Whether role playing methods of de escalating a fight, or dividing the class into China and the U.S. in order to simulate global politics, each class has given me a fresh outlook on education as well as a renewed excitement for my own studies. As a student, the opportunity to share my passion for learning has been personally fulfilling; the ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Differences Of Takaful s Participant Between Motorcycle... The differences of takaful s certificate between Motorcycle Policy, Personal Accident Policy, Burglary Policy and Fire Policy. Based on condition, any claim can be made to the Takaful Company but must refer to the conditions which are provided. For example, if the accident or loss/ damage of property happen because of involving in any unlawful activities or natural disaster, Takaful Company will not cover the loss of Participants. For Motorcycle Policy, upon the happening of an accident likely to give rise to a claim under this certificate, the Participant shall give notice to the Takaful Company within the specific time frame as follows. Firstly, within 7 days if Participant are not physically disabled or hospitalised following the event. ... Show more content on ... Takaful Company will not cover personal injury involved. Meanwhile, for Personal Accident Policy the participant shall within 15 days after the happening of the accident give notice to the Takaful Company with full particulars of the accident and injuries and shall as soon as possible procedure and act on proper medical or surgical advise. In case of Participant die, the death of the Participant shall be established by an Official Death Certificate or in the even of his disappearance following an accident or the total loss of a vessel or aircraft by a Court Order presuming his death. For the Burglary Policy, Participant shall give immediate notice to the police and render all reasonable assistance in tracing and recovering the property and also participant must deliver to the Company a statement in writing all particulars and details reasonably practicable of the property affected and the value thereof and of the loss destruction or damage not more than 15 days from the date of occurrence and within 6 weeks after the happening of such event. For Fire Policy, on the happening of any loss or damage the participant shall forthwith give ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Obesity Is Common All Over The United States Society Today There are a variety of public issues in the United States society today. Many people are facing some type of illness or disease, one we do not consider a major problem until just recently. Obesity is a disease/condition that many people in America are suffering from. Really obesity can be defined in many different ways; Mayo Clinic defines obesity as a complex disorder involving an excessive amount of body fat (Obesity, 2015). When a person is diagnosed having this disease/condition it can cause many health problems such as, diabetes, heart trouble, high and low blood pressure. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one third (34.9% or 78.6 million) of U.S adults are obese. ( Adult Obesity Facts, 2015). ... Show more content on ... Adding, many factors have been shown that Obesity should be taken more seriously then what many people consider. Factors of a person becoming obese can be all of the following, community and environment, drugs, lack of exercise, unhealthy diet, lack of sleep, bad habits (smoking and drinking), genetics, social and economic issues, and one of the most important is they way a person s family lives. Obesity can happen so quickly in young children if their family does not do anything to make sure their children are getting enough exercise and good nutrition. First, community and the environment play a role in exercise. A way a person can help prevent becoming overweight, if living on a farm or in a neighborhood. Gather friends, family, or even pets and take them for a walk, ride a bike, run, and some if close enough may walk to work. It is very important to make sure environments are created to make it simpler and easier to participate in physical exercise and maintaining a healthy diet. Next, drugs can have impact on your body weight. Many may not realize how much drugs can have an effect on our bodies and health in general. The pharmacist that I work for told me that most of your antidepressants (Wellbutrin) or steroids could cause us to gain weight. Along with Antihistamines (Zyrtec), Antihypertensive (blood pressure medication), Insulin, Gabapentin (Seizures) and ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Flannery O Connor Religion Generally when a person writes a story, they use past experiences and adventures in their life to help create a plot for their stories. Usually these events create a base for which the author writes upon thus contributing to the author s exceptional way of thinking. For example, author Terry Teachout says that O Connor s religious beliefs were central to her art (Teachout 56). O Connor s religion played a crucial role in her writings. Flannery O Connor is regarded one of the major brief tale authors in United States literary performs. Among the thing that makes her work stand out to date is the boldness in her writing in style which she made no effort to hide her affiliation to the Roman Catholic faith and spared no wrath when ... Show more content on ... She successfully uses made up characters from the south to depict a rather bizarre religiosity of the protestant fundamentalists to show a spiritual life which is struggling to exist in what is rather a non spiritual world. Flannery O Connor s qualifications affected her to create the story Revelation. an essential impact on the tale is her Southern experience. During her life time, Southerners were extremely prejudiced towards other people of other cultures. They regarded that poor individuals were substandard to them; therefore, individuals were marked as different things and placed into different community sessions. Loads and loads of works have been written with the sole intention of honouring one O Connor and trying to shed some light on her literary genius. Unlike many writers of her time O Connor did not write to entertain or edify. She was not a modernist either something that influenced her writing style towards grotesque shock other than gentle persuasion Her literature sought to reorder the way we perceived the love of God at the same time maintaining the integrity if her artistic writing style. O Connor can be put in the same literary class as the likes of Sophocles depicting her as a post modern classic writer. In her fictions work, she does not shy to criticize spiritual apathy and materialism critiquing the modern day rationalism s nullification to the need for a Christian faith (Whitt 122). She ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Nursing Attributes This paper will discuss three attributes of a nurse: competencies, commitment and compassion with a rational. Ethics / Human rights and communication concepts across the human life span will also be discussed. The three attributes were chosen on the basis that it takes a special type of person to fulfil these requirements. Zhang et al (2000,pg 469) quoted that the ... Key differences between superior and average job performance is not the measurable skills but the soft skills or competencies. Competence is a persons underlying knowledge and attributes to complete a task to meet job requirements. Nursing competencies are regarded as knowledge, skills, traits, motives and attributes such as boundaries of care and ... Show more content on ... Not all Asian people are Pakistani Muslims just as not all white people with ginger hair are Welsh. The values of British people from the North differ to those of the South just as the values of people in different social classes differ. It is therefore a nurses responsibility to not demoralise a patient or their family s moral code if it disagrees with the nurses own code of ethics. This is extremely difficult as often ethics and morals come from personal experiences and how the person was brought up. A persons morals and ethics also change depending on social circles, religious beliefs, society as a whole i.e. Media and culture. This is all held and acted upon by a person s subconscious mind and often is unknown to them
  • 47. until they are placed in a situation that they disagree with. It is important that all nurses follow the ethical decision making model by Thompson and Thompson (1985) as quoted in the fundamentals of nursing (2004, pg76), review the situation to determine health problems, decision needs, ethical components and key individuals and to gather additional information to clarify the situation. Nurses must identify moral positions of key individuals involved and identify value conflicts, if any, determine who should make the decision. Identify range of actions with anticipated Outcomes, decide on a course of action and carry it out, evaluate/ review results of decision / action. In order for nurses to adhere ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Assassination Attemps on Adolf Hitler Researchers have proven that Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazis, killed more than 6 million Jews in his lifetime. The resistance knew that they couldn t let him continue this behavior and needed to take action. There were an estimated 42 attempts on assassinating Hitler but a man by the name of Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg came up the closest. Cornel Claus was a highly respected man due to him being in the General Army Office as chief of staff, and because he led an assassination attempt on Hitler, killing four Nazi officers. Claus was a very brave man for not only trying to eliminate Hitler but also for his war actions. Stauffenberg was born and raised in Upper Franconia, Germany November 15, 1907 ( Claus Almanac). He grew up into a noble catholic family in Southern Germany. Claus went to high school looking to be an architect but eventually pursued the military due to family history. He made a good decision by going into the military because of his future actions. Claus was deployed as an officer in a cavalry regiment in 1930. He eventually fought in Poland and France from 1939 1940 (Leaders). Soon afterward, he was assigned to the army General Staff and for one month fought in North Africa at night against the Germans. During the war in North Africa Claus was attacked while in an airplane and lost his right hand, two fingers of his left hand, and his left eye. He must have had to change his daily routines due to the loss. After a month of recovery, upon his ... Get more on ...
  • 49. The My Lai Massacre Essay The My Lai Massacre My family was eating breakfast when the Americans came, nothing was said to us, no explanation was given, This is what a man named Do Chuc reported to Time Magazine. He claimed to have lost a daughter and a son in the incident that occured in a small village of Vietnam in 1968. The My Lai Massacre is an event that will be forever imprinted on our hearts. The stories of those who survived, and those who are gone. Many things have been written about My Lai, but not all of them are true. So many things were transposed that the facts are hard to find. I feel that I have done a careful job of weeding the true from the false. When one hears about My Lai, they must remember what happened, and the heinous ... Show more content on ... The company of 60 70 US men entered My Lai and destroyed houses, livestock, and all inhabitants they could find in less than 20 minutes. No other resistance was encountered. Some villagers were herded into ditches where they were shot. Still other groups were taken to a southern trail and shot there. Members of the 2nd Platoon killed at least sixty to seventy Vietnamese men, women, and children. The 2nd platoon also committed several rapes of the women. Military photographers recorded graphic images of bodies dumped in ditches. Many of these photos were given to Time Magazine and published. (Time 1) A group of about 70 80 Vietnamese were killed in a mass execution in the same fashion. Orders were given during the morning to stop the mass killings. The 2nd platoon stopped at 0920 hours, but the 1st platoon didn t stop until 1030 hours when the orders were repeated. There were only twenty five or so Vietnamese survivors who excaped by hiding under the bodies of their neighbors and relatives. This was not an isolated incident however, while the massacre at My Lai was taking place there was a similar mission of nearby My Khe of a lesser magnitude. The death toll in My Khe was over 90 women and children, but far less than the estimated tolls of My Lai. The estimates of My Lai deaths of non combatants ranges from 175 450+. Only one US soldier was killed in action, and seven ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Business Law Case 6. Briefing book. Terry wants a contract to work at the restaurant. The reason he wants this deal is so he could break into the Midwest market and create his own restaurant. Don s Major interest: signing a contract with a salary of $85,000 for 5 years with a two years non compete clause. o Terry s Major Interest, Sign a contract, which allows him to make a lot of money, and allows him to break into the Midwest market. Because of this, he would not want a non compete clause, or a contract for more than 2 years. He would also want some form of ownership in the company so he could make money if the restaurant goes global. Don s Minor Interest: giving Terry an ownership stake in the company, and giving Terry interest in merchandise and branding. o Terry s Minor Interest, the liquor license, percentage of ownership, and percentage of branding rights. The average Chef in Chicago makes $70,000 a year. Research on Morton Grove liquor laws. See above. 7. What kind of Negotiators are on your side Strength: I am very good at asking questions and pulling information from the opposing side. I have also improved in trying to build a golden bridge and trying to work out the issues with the other side, instead of arguing with the other party about why my interests are correct. Weakness: I often put the issues in front of the negotiation, I still need to learn to go to my balcony instead of letting my emotions take over during the negotiation. 8 Strategies, ... Get more on ...