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How To Write A Medical Paper For Publication — How To Write A Medical Paper For Publication —
How to Redesign a Classroom to Optimize Learning Experience
Improving your Learning Experience from this class: i.e., MGT 9700 TR6A(Fall 2010). Assume the
Class Room (seating, facility, etc.) to be The Product and your Learning Experience (facilitated by me,
the Instructor) as The Service .
(a) How would you redesign the Class Room (Rm3 125) to materially improve the Service?
The overall learning goal for us students is to grasp what the instructor teaches in class and gain extra
knowledge and abilities through class discussion and interaction. To that end, it s best to study in an
optimal learning environment, so as to keep focused in class and avoid distraction from externals.
We pay for the service our learning experience, hoping to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of
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Additionally, in this way, students will seat together more compactly, facilitating discussion among
teachers and students.
Larger Projector Screen and High tech Handwriting: It would be best to widen the projector screen in
this rectangular room. As I mentioned above, for those seat in the sides and rear, it s hard to recognize
some important contents in the slides projected on the screen (e.g. numbers, charts). Enlarging the
projector screen would surely enhance the visibility of projector and hence improve our learning
Meanwhile, I noticed that sometimes the handwriting of the professor is hard to read. And those sitting
aside couldn t see the notes in the blackboard clearly. So I recommend that the professor use high tech
product such as the pad or IBM s tablet based pen, by which the professor could write on the screen of
the laptop and it could then be projected in the blackboard screen. With enlarged screen, the visibility
of handwriting could also be enhanced.
Bright Lighting and Audiovisual Scenario : We need to add more electrical lights in our classroom and
rearrange the light distribution. However, the lights couldn t be too bright to harm the eyes and result
in reflecting. More importantly, we need to consider the illuminance levels according to daylight,
glaring and uniformity.
Another thing we need to take into account is the lighting
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Bed Bug Extermination Memorandum
Memorandum To: All Staff From: Arana Kiss, Executive Assistant to the CEO Date: March 1, 2017
Subject: Scheduled Bug Extermination at Corporate Office on March 17, 2017 With the recent
overseas visit to our newly acquired key carpet supplier, it has been concluded that our team of buyers
had direct exposure to bed bugs in the hotel at which they were staying. Due to the aggressive
reproductive nature of this bug, a professional extermination company has been contacted and will be
treating the current infestation at our main corporate office. The scheduled bed bug extermination date
has been slotted to take place at the main corporate office on Friday March 17, 2017. It should be
noted that the office will be closed to all employees, with
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Global Merger Essay
It is proper to present a business definition of merger as it found on legal reference with the ultimate
goal in the pursuing of an explanation on which this paper intents to present. A merger in accordance
with the textbook is legally defined as a contractual and statuary process in which the (surviving
corporation) acquires all the assets and liabilities of another corporation (the merged corporation). The
definition go even farther to involve and clarify about what happen to shares by explaining the
following; the shareholders of the merged corporation either are paid for their share or receive the
shares of the surviving corporation . But in simple terms is my attempt to define as the product or birth
of a corporation on which ... Show more content on ...
It is an interest point to mention Citi Bank (mostly based on the northeast USA) from the Citi Group
who makes a move to add some fun in this particular merging process. The terms learned on class
such as contract, negotiation, creditors, agreements, counteroffer and other will be utilized and applied
as a matter of review enabling for the a better understanding of the learned concepts from Business
Law. During the recent years the economy, the business world and the government have been
experiencing tremendous change that is impacting all common private and public business practices.
Business are experiencing a Global Financial Crisis on which are not only the local or national
markets but also the global markets are impacted on a negative and at times threaten the existence of
powerful established corporations and organization. The new era is not a safe haven for no one
anymore; including those who one time were described as solid financial enterprises. This
environment has obligated the USA government on to attempt to rescue or become involve in the
process to alleviate or provide some temporary solutions in a form of financial bail outs and
economical stimulus package. This era started back on year 2007 and to continue to this very present
day touching many economical areas such as Housing Industry, unemployment, investments
securities, stock markets and others. One of
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Social Inequality In Nasca Society
Diet and Social Inequality in Nasca Society
Beresford Jones DG, Whaley O, Ledesma CA, Cadwallader L. 2011. Two millennia of changes in
human ecology: archaeobotanical and invertebrate records from the lower Ica valley, south coast Peru.
Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 20:273 292.
Buzon MR, Conlee CA, Simonetti A, Bowen GJ. 2012. The consequences of Wari contact in the
Nasca region during the Middle Horizon: archaeological, skeletal, and isotopic evidence. Journal of
Archaeological Science 39:2627 2636.
Cadwallader L. 2013. Investigating 1500 Years of Dietary Change in the Lower Ica Valley, Peru Using
an Isotopic Approach (Doctoral dissertation). University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Cadwallader L, Beresford Jones DG, ... Show more content on ...
unmodified crania. Webb et al. (2013) argue that short term dietary heterogeneity in this context can
be interpreted to represent flexibility as a risk minimization strategy through the interaction between
food acquisition and participation in local mobility among the Nasca
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Against Reinstating the Military Draft Essay
Against Reinstating the Military Draft On July 1, 1973, Congress chose to end the draft in favor of an
All Volunteer Army. According to The Professional Bulletin of Army History, No. 27, the last man
was drafted in December 1972 and reported for training in June 1973. Now, not only might the
renewed military draft come back but also the age of compulsory service in the meat grinder might be
extended from its former limit of 26 years up to 42 years of age. As Ken Adachi, the editor of ?
Educate Yourself,? reports, a new draft will include BOTH men and women. While at various points
in history the United States military has operated effectively and efficiently with the draft, reinstating
the draft would contradict the ideals of ... Show more content on ...
Post 9 11 military enlistment numbers spiked because individuals wanted to serve and protect our
recently attacked country and our way of life. If individuals are forced to participate in a military
campaign, the government will be relieved of one of the checks that help prevent them from engaging
in unpopular or unwarranted campaigns. Sure, the government makes us do all sorts of things: serve
on juries, pay taxes, have a driver?s license. When the government requires possession of a driver?s
license it is for our own security, to make sure that only those who are capable to drive are on the road.
When we are being asked to serve on jury, it is for our interest as well. As a society, we get to take a
part in a legal decision and make sure that justice is done in our country. Even the requirement to pay
taxes eventually is for our interest. The tax money helps the government to do things for us as a
society, such as financing culture events, helping elders and people in need. However, asking us to risk
our lives for something that not all citizens believe worth fighting for is not in our interest. People
should not be forced to enlist in the army, which is one reason why we should not reinstate the
military draft. In other words, since we live in a country based on freedom, the government should not
take away our right to decide if we want to fight or not. We should not be forced to fight a war. We
should not be forced into the meat grinder and possibly killed
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The Dwelling Place A Plantation Epic Summary
The Dwelling Place, A Plantation Epic, is a book by Erskine Clark about plantation life in the coastal
low country of Georgia from the beginning of the 19th century to the end of the American Civil War.
It chronicles the life of Charles Colcock Jones (1804 1863), a member of a wealthy slave owning
planter family in Liberty County, Georgia. As with many plantation families, Charles was expected to
follow in his father s footsteps and take over the family plantation business. While training for this at a
counting house in Savannah, he received a calling to pursue a life as a Presbyterian minister. At about
the same time, due to some unfortunate deaths in his family, Charles became the recipient of some
tracts of land and the slaves that went with them. He now had to decide between pursuing the life of a
planter and supporting his family or following his calling to be a minister. He chose a rather difficult
path, he was going to become a minister and bring the gospel and Christianity to the slaves on his
plantations and those of his neighbors while managing a profitable plantation business. The purpose of
this essay is to discuss the hypocrisy that Charles Colcock Jones developed as he tried to find a
balance between these two contradictory careers. Even before Charles had left the plantation, he
became aware of a perceived difference between the white world and the world of the slaves, a
difference that would be used as an ideological tool to provide justification for the
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Over Sharer Scene Analysis
Shake and stir s production of, Over Sharer, is a bold, contemporary interpretation of adolescent s use
of technology. It over dramatizes events which happen in every day life for teenagers who use
technology. This play presents characters grappling sever repercussions with using social media. Over
Sharer s dramatic meaning is that social media allows adolescents to wear a mask and create a
different persona, this is successfully shown throughout multiple scenes. Using a series of dynamic
digital backgrounds, use of transformational objects and clever onstage character transformation shake
and stir has successfully shown the negative effects of social media. In scene 5 there was a significant
shift in tempo as Michelle entered through ... Show more content on ...
When Brit and Sam where having a conversation on Facebook Sam was sitting and Brit was standing
on opposite sides of the stage to represent the distance when chatting online. Brit s tone was very
arrogant as she looks down on most people. Her online and reality personas are mostly the same. Sam
when talking to Brit online can be seen becoming uneasy by his tone when responding. He continues
with the conversation beating up Martin as he is able to wear that mask as he believes Martin will not
find out. When Brit and Sam are kissing Brit is taking photo and she makes him repeat the photo
multiple times as she wants to post it online. She wants this photo to be perfect as she wants to seem
perfect so she does not lose her reputation. When they leave the room and Martin comes in Sam s
conversation with Brit is read by him and he discovers what they said about him. This causes Martin
to be anger and helps start building tension between them, this scene destroys the idea that online you
wear a mask as sooner or later people will find out. When he sends the photos of Brit and Sam to all
their contracts this ruins the persona they have built about their relationship and removes their mask.
This also creates more tension between Martin, Sam and Brit as it affects Brit
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Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde
The novel The Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is influenced by some various factors. One of
the factors that portray Robert Louis Stevenson s idea about the duality of man s nature is Sigmund
Freud s psychological theory. Freud s tells human behavior is the consequence of one s id, ego and
superego. He says id part is an important part of our personality. For example, the pleasure of doing
whatever we want to like eating or even killing with no consideration of the situation is our id part of
personality. Using this theory, Stevenson portrays a character Dr. Jekyll that is a superego or the outer
face other see and Mr. Hyde, the id that every person try to suppress because it is unacceptable within
the society. Therefore, Stevenson creates a dual identity of ... Show more content on
In the novel, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde says, Hence it came about that I concealed my pleasures; and
that when I reached years of reflection, and began to look around me and take stock of my progress
and position in the world, I stood already committed to a profound duplicity of me (Stevenson 864).
The two personalities of Dr. Jekyll are but one; same person but with different characters that are
conflicting with each other. The good, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the evil one can be represented as the
id and superego based on the theory of Sigmund Freud. Dr. Jekyll behaves through his superego
meaning he acts according to the standards of the society; meanwhile, Mr. Hyde represents the id,
which does anything he wants without consideration for the reality of the society. In general, Dr.
Jekyll can be himself when he is as Mr. Hyde. Meaning, as Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll can express his desire
without suffering guilt and without any consideration. This he cannot do when he changes
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Jazz Vs Cheerleading
Most jazz dancers and cheerleaders would agree that jazz dance is not cheerleading and that
cheerleading is not jazz. Although the general public might not see much contrast in this performing
art and sport, their athletes including my self seem to want to make clear their differences. Jazz
dancers could argue that cheerleading involves high energy performances that involve various types of
stunts, tumbling passes, and some dancing, while cheerleaders might argue that dancers perform
pieces that give off different vibes and exhibit various types of character. Although these statements
are true, what most of these athletes don t see are their similarities and how reinforcing each skill is
one another. Jazz dance is a melting pot of different ... Show more content on ...
Although it took nearly fifty years for cheerleading to follow in the footsteps of jazz dance,
competitive cheerleading is now a huge industry. Jamie Shultz published an article on Pennsylvania
State University s Communication website discussing the debate on whether or not cheerleading is a
sport. Ultimately, Shultz concludes that it depends on who you ask. She considers the industry as a
whole and states that the first high school cheerleading championship was held in 1983 by Varsity
cheerleading brands, which in turn cornered the cheerleading market. This live event televised by
ESPN sparked the competitive cheerleading world and initiated substantial cheerleading innovations.
The article, Leveling the dancing field, by Rachel Rizzuto in the magazine Competitions: Winning
Ways, discusses a Headliners Dance competition judge, Hassan Sayyed s thoughts when judging a
musical theatre number that included dancers of all ages, abilities, and sizes . Rizzuto mentions that it
is often easy to pick out a studio s top dancer with the highest skill level, but it is absolutely necessary
to utilize each dancer s skill level. In the competition world, jazz dance choreographers and
cheerleading choreographers will take the athletes they have and choreograph routines to utilize every
dancer or cheerleaders maximum skill level in order to impress their audiences. The world
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Personal Narrative-Switch
As I look up at the burnt orange sky I feel like I could forget where I am and what I am. I love
watching the sky, during the day, at night, at sunrise and sunset there isn t one time the sky disappoints
me. As I walk home from college and watch the sunset morph I can t help but feel blessed, everything
still isn t perfect but it s going to be.
I stretch at the starting line and take in the scene around me, the green of the trees, the sea of blue
above me and the sea of colour on the people. There s a crowd of smiles and the atmosphere is
buzzing. I hear the gun and like a tidal wave I m swept away and lost in a crowd of athletes, I m not an
athlete but I promised myself November of last year I d lose the weight and run. I look to ... Show
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I hear a clap of thunder and slam my book shut. My Mom jumps, I tell her to stay here. I go to the
kitchen, she s screaming at me, I don t care. I walk out the front door and I feel the first drop of rain
hit my head. I pause and look up toward the sky: the sky doesn t care about what I am or what I do. I
run to his house and twist the worn knob of his door, I m not stopped. I open the door to find him in
the kitchen, a look of surprise on his face he goes to yell but is stopped by the cold stainless steel
piercing his abdomen. I take in the stale stench of his room and the vision of his helpless large body
hit the cold concreted floor. I walk to the door, lock it and close it. I hit an icy wall or rain and let the
pure water trickle down me. I hear the cries of my mother but I cannot help but smile. One less set of
unrelenting predators eyes to stare into, one less rumbling mouth for our eardrums to beat
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International Order And Its Effect On The World s The...
International order, though it may be fleeting in the grand scheme of history, seems to be at least on a
continuous track of lingering longer and longer each time before chaos takes over. The Persians,
Greeks, and Romans all seemed to enjoy ever increasing periods of relative peace at the top of their
systems of international order before it unraveled. Most of Europe was in good order on the tail of the
Industrial Revolution until some arch duke decided to vacation in Sarajevo. After each major conflict,
the world re shuffles itself and order is established again in some form or fashion. The players are
bigger and more numerous with greater consequences for conflict but order is still unseated from time
to time and the rules of the existing orders seem to change daily. Realism can explain this violent
cycle of order and disorder. States and even non state actors continuously seek to balance regional
power in order to secure their survival in a world dominated by fear and uncertainty; if unable to
balance that power through violent means, players will seek to form alliances and organizations to at
least prevent domination; once a status quo has been created and survival is temporarily assured,
players will seek to maintain life within that order; new members thrust the order back into violence
and potentially chaos if unable or unwilling to play by those rules. This cycle of power balancing can
be illustrated in three phases. International orders are created as
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Essay about Gradual and Sudden Anxiety
People s anxiety levels will be tested through their heart rates. The resting heart rate of 30 people will
be taken, and then the test group will be split in half. The first 15 subjects are going to be told that
they are going to watch a scary video. And for the last 15 we will not tell the subjects anything that
will happen in the video. A series of health questions that have nothing to do with our project will be
asked. The goal of this project is to record any changes in heart rate, due to anxiety, anticipation, and
being caught unawares.
Anxiety is fear. It is a psychological problem that starts in the brain, when humans see that people are
looking at them, and they start to get think that they are being judged. It is ... Show more content on ...
The reason it is believed the experiment will turn out this way is they will have a majority of the video
to anticipate when what is going to happen, so their heart rate will gradually increase before they see
the frightening part of the video, at which point their blood pressure and heart rate should spike
suddenly. It will also be taken into account how easily somebody gets frightened. That will play an
important role in how much the data changes. For the lab, 30 people have been chosen as the test
subjects. The people were chosen at random; there was no equation used in choosing who was picked
for the lab. The subjects were split into two groups; one would be told that they are going to see a
video that will give them good feelings, and then negatives ones suddenly, and the other group would
only be told that they are going to see a video, no details. Their resting heart rate Was taken, and
recorded it on a table, and then had them watch the video they were randomly assigned to.
Immediately after they had finished the video, their heart rates were tested again, and recorded any
changes in their diastole, systole, and their pulse. Each of the test subjects was tested separately, and
away from other distractions. The variables in this procedure are whether or not the person is a dog or
a cat
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Australia s Present Religious Tradition
Australia s Present Religious Landscape Christianity as the major religious tradition:
Christianity is the major religious tradition today and has been since around 1945. Many of the British
who first came to Australia, either as convicts or free settlers were Christians. They formed the huge
base for Christianity to rise to the top religion in Australia before they began to let more immigrants
enter. In the 1947 census, 88% of the population (not including Aboriginals because they were not
considered in the census) stated they were Christian. The remaining 12% was mostly people who didn
t respond to the question. Today not much has changed the percentage of Christians has slightly
decreased because of a rise in new religions. In the census of 2011 it is seen that out of 21.5 million
people just under half, 42% classed themselves as Christian and around 8% said they were of a
different religion. The number of people who said they had no religion was hugely increased at around
25%per cent. Today, even with the growing amount of Islam Buddhism and Hinduism, Christianity
still remains the major religious tradition.
Immigration has easily had the largest and most significant effect on Australia s religious landscape
and has managed to see Australia become a vast multi cultural and religious community. Immigration
has taken several years to make significant changes to the Australian religious landscape. After the
early settlers arrived and began to set up churches and
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Aztec Civilization Essay
The Aztec Indians created a great civilization in Central Mexico, reaching its peak in the 1500
amp;#8217;s. Being late arrivals to the area, and because of their strong neighboring nations, they
were forced to live in the swampy western areas of the Lake Texcoco. Because of the swampy
surroundings, the Aztecs used mud to create miniature islands in the swamps. These islands are called
chinampas, or amp;#8220;floating gardens, ; and were used as farming lands. On these fertile islands
they grew corn, squash, vegetables, and flowers.
Being an agriculturally dependant empire, the Aztec amp;#8217;s religion was based highly on the
forces of nature and worshipped them as gods. The god of war, Huitzilopochtli, was the most
important deity. ... Show more content on ...
On the stone is a picture of what the Aztecs thought the universe was like. The sun god is in the
middle, with the heavens surrounding it, and pictures of people made out of precious stones. The
Aztec form of writing was in pictographs, or small pictures symbolizing objects or sounds. The Aztec
numbering system used pictographs also, and was based on the number 20. For example, a flag
represented 20, a fir tree represented 20 times 20, or 400, and a pouch represented 400 times 20, or
8000. The capitol of the Aztec Empire was Tenochtitlan, which was built where modern day Mexico
City is. It was given the nickname amp;#8220;Venice of the New World, ; because it had many canals.
During the acme of the Aztec civilization, the population of this great city numbered more than
200,000. This made it one of the most populated cities in the ancient world. The city was connected to
the mainland by 3 causeways, which, when flooded, served as protective dikes. In the city aqueducts,
which was probably the first type of indoor plumbing, brought fresh water into homes. Many people
used canoes to travel through the city. Most of the houses were made up of mud and twisted twigs, but
the nobility and priests had plastered brick or stone houses.
In 1519, Spanish explorer Hernando Cortes and more than 500 other Spaniards landed on the shores of
Mexico in search of gold. The Aztecs welcomed the Spaniards and gave them gifts, because they
thought they were gods. Cortes became greedy when he
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Essay On Micromechanical Resonators
8 We systematically demonstrate that one dimensional phononic crystal (1 D PnC) tethers can signif
9 icantly reduce tether loss in micromechanical resonators to a point where the total energy loss is
10 dominated by intrinsic mechanisms, particularly phonon damping. Multiple silicon resonators are
11 designed, fabricated, and tested to provide comparisons in terms of the number of periods in the
12 PnC and the resonance frequency, as well as a comparison with conventional straight beam tethers.
13 The product of resonance frequency and measured quality factor (f_Q) is the critical figure of
14 merit, as it is inversely related to the total energy dissipation in a resonator. For a wide range of fre
15 quencies, devices with PnC tethers ... Show more content on ...
Phonon loss is a result of the anharmonicity of the
38 material lattice, while TED is due to the irreversible heat flow
39 across thermal gradients induced during vibration.1,2,4 Tether
40 loss8 11 is the energy lost through the tethers to the substrate
41 anchors and is the subject of the experiments presented here.
42 In general, the goal is to design the tethers to minimize the
43 amount of elastic energy that leaks through to the substrate.
44 One common approach treats the tether as a transmission line,
45 assuming that the best isolation is achieved by using quarter
46 wavelength tethers. For specific resonator designs, the tether
47 dimensions can be optimized to provide improved Q.11,12
48 Recent research into phonon engineered structures has led to a
49 number of designs that allow selective phonon control, from
50 phonon cavities,13 16 waveguides,17,18 and filters.19,20 The abil
51 ity to control acoustic phonon dispersion enables the design of
52 acoustic/phononic bandgaps19,20 that can be used as tethers or
53 shields to efficiently confine energy in a phonon cavity or resonator. 54 15,21 26 In such devices,
acoustic propagation is miti gated by using multiple repeating units to create a phononic 55 crystal
(PnC) that has a transmission bandgap. Several of these 56 studies have focused on improving the Q
of acoustic Fabry 57
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The Pros And Cons Of Bluvos Energy
Bluvos Energy Overview Bluvos Energy adds to the list of many nootropic agents available in the
market currently. Nootropics are gaining popularity due to their positive mental benefits that improve
the overall cognitive function. However, due to the rising demand, nootropic companies are
increasingly becoming difficult to verify their originality. This is why extensive research is vital
before using a nootropic. Bluvos Energy offers a better offer compared to other agents available
currently. Manufacturers Information and Claims About Bluvos Energy Bluvos Energy is formulated
by a team of nutritionists, health experts and neuroscientists. Manufacturers of this health supplement
claim that this product increases mental focus and stamina. ... Show more content on
This includes a supplement that not only provides mental benefits but also safe to use. Bluvos Energy
suits this description. This is because this supplement is made from six scientifically proven
ingredients that enhances mental function. Caffeine included in the formulation provides immediate
stimulatory functions. Bluvos Energy offers health enthusiasts a better alternative to other nootropic
agents claiming to provide mental health benefits. It is professionally designed with scientific trials
backing up the use of this supplement. Its intelligent dosing, transparent formulation and ingredient
profile and effectiveness makes it stand out in the market. Consider placing your order via the
manufacturers official website to enjoy these
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How Did The Colonists Respond To The Declaration Of...
Before the U.S. Colonists signed the Declaration of Independence they were upset with England for
not giving them enough power. After the French Indian War, taxation was a major issue with the stamp
act taxing paper, as well as the tea act, taxing tea. Colonists were opposed to these taxes and rebelled
with the Boston Tea Party. Many of these rebellions led to bloodshed as with the case of the Boston
Massacre.The colonists were not only upset about taxing and violence, but were also upset for not
having enough power in the colonial government. Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of
independence to King George III in order to give themselves self government. However the king
rejected the declaration, so the colonist needed to fight and prove ... Show more content on ...
The battles of Lexington and Concord, fought outside of Boston, were the start of the revolutionary
war. Even though the colonist failed to defend against the British in the battles of Lexington and
concord, they were able to surprise and catch the British off guard using Guerilla tactics. Colonists
would hide in trees and bushes and ambush the British troops, who were expecting more of a
traditional stand off type of battle. After the battles of Lexington and Concord the colonists had a
better understanding of what was needed to defeat the British. Under the guidance of general George
Washington, the colonists performance in battle was terrible, however their performance began to
improve to where they began winning battles consistently. The war began to go well for the colonists
and ended in a victory over Yorktown. In the battle of Yorktown, general George Washington, and his
army faced the British army led by general George Cornwallis. George Washington with help of
french troops encircled the British preventing escaping from Yorktown. General Cornwallis
surrendered on October 17,1781, terminating the war for
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Assess The Difference Between Democracy And Totalitarianism
Authoritarianism is a political system in which a leader or a small elite group contains all real power.
Individual liberties such as freedom of speech, press, and religion are subordinate to the authority of
which citizens are blindly compliant to, as opposed to enjoying at will. Therefore, the people s main
role in the government is to execute rather than engage. Authoritarianism is described as being a
strong central government, which is essentially the exact opposite of democracy.
There are several types of authoritative regimes that can be divided up into two categories, which are:
autocracy and oligarchy. An autocracy is the rule by a single person and totalitarian government or
dictatorship, monarchy, and constitutional monarchy are all examples of this. A totalitarian
government or dictatorship is as the name implies when every part of the government is totally and
completely controlled by one person. Adolf Hitler of Germany, Joseph Stalin of Russia were both
dictators. A monarchy is when a king, queen, emperor or empress contains absolute power. An ...
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As a result, laws become legally binding faster. Authoritative leaders are able to administer long term
projects without the fear of running out of time in their term or not being reelected. This political
system creates discipline amongst the people. Citizens of authoritative government are more aware
and careful of not breaking rules and laws. Factually speaking, China is a good example of a
successful of an authoritarian regime. Despite China being controlled by the communist party, it has a
high GDP, great infrastructure and healthcare and high literacy rates. Singapore is another great
example of a successful authoritarian regime. Singapore is a one party state, but it has high rankings
on a lot of international indexes and low levels of corruption
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Toenail Fungus Essay
Toenail fungus, or onychomycosis, is a very tough and aggravating problem for many people, which is
undoubtedly a well known fact. When you have this problem, maybe you are questioning what you
must do about this, and that s definitely a sound thing for you to question. There are a variety of
options in terms of toenail fungus. If you are thinking about these different solutions, you ought to
undoubtedly look into this article as we will discuss some of them, and you might find this data to be
really helpful. Oral medications is one option which is effective for most patients. You might find that
your medical doctor may prescribe an oral medication for you. This may not be the best choice for
you, though, as these medications can frequently ... Show more content on ...
Although it does depend on your specific case, this treatment is commonly the most effective and the
most quick in numerous patients. Conversing with your personal doctor and trying different things to
discover which treatment would be the most effective for you is the greatest move to make. In regards
to eliminating toenail fungus, Zetaclear is among the best topical creams. Zetaclear also assists to
promote the development of cells to replace the cells which were impaired by the fungal infection
along with removing the toenail fungus. Zetaclear goes right to the root of the problem and focuses on
the actual problem rather than just treating the signs and symptoms. Several patients find it to be very
efficient for this reason. Whether you re trying oral medications, home remedies, or topical
medications such as Zetaclear, you will find the solution to your toenail fungus if you merely work
with your medical professional and try different things. There are lots of patients who have found one
or two of these methods to be very effective, and it s also critical to remember that the solution is
available to you if you simply shop around and try out various things. You can discover more details
about these treatments on the
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The United States And The War On Terror
Over the course of United States History the country has engaged in several wars. Some of these wars
were for independence, national preservation, and national defense. Other wars were for more dubious
and obscure reasons such as stopping the spread of communism, protecting America s interests , and
the war on terror . Throughout the history of the United States foreign affairs another pattern has
emerged. Our propensity toward military action has also had the unintended consequence of fostering
an atmosphere of distrust, anger, and resentment that nurtures potential enemies. This begs the
question; does the United States create its own future enemies? If this is the case, what can we do to
stop this? From the ashes of World War ... Show more content on ...
These proxy wars over time became highly unpopular when the American public became aware of the
great human cost of these proxy wars as well as a general distrust of the American government s
reasons for engaging in these wars. While the United States set to expand its influence globally and
participated in conflict, wars, and military interventions an unintended consequence came to the fore,
destabilization of the regions of conflict. After the 1989 collapse of the Soviet Union the United States
turned its attention toward the Middle East. The United States had previous dealing in the region
during the Iran Hostage Crisis in the late 1970s which ultimately hurt perception of the United States
in the Middle East and bolstered Iran0, major military presence in the region would not truly happen
until the First Gulf War. When Iraqi president Saddam Hussein invaded and annexed Kuwait in 1990
the United States along with a coalition of nations engaged in war with Iraq. Although the war resulted
in defeat of the Iraqi army, public image of the United States in the region continued to deteriorate.
Due to the United States support of the formation of Israel and our choice of allies the perception of
the United States among the Arab population in the region has continued to take a negative tone.
Another hidden aspect to our perpetual war engaging society, is our peculiar alliances. In the past the
United States has taken part in a certain somewhat
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The Water Quality Of South Creek
Geography Internal Assessment
How does the water quality of South Creek in the Narrabeen catchment vary downstream and what do
these variations infer about human influences?
Candidate Number: 003047 0022
Word Count:
Table of Contents
Fieldwork Question and Geographical Context 3
Nature and Purpose of this Investigation 3
Location of this Investigation 4
Hypothesis 5
Methods of Investigation 6
Method of Measurement 7
The Water Quality Index 8
Treatment of Information Collected and Written Analysis 10
Data Collection and Processing The Headwaters Point A 14
Testing Conditions and Results 15
Qualitative Observations 15
Interpretation of Results 16
Data Collection and Processing The Midpoint Point B 17
Testing Conditions and Results 18 ... Show more content on ...
This investigation is derived from:
Part 1. Patterns and change
1.3 Patterns in environmental quality and sustainability
3. Water and Change
Concerned with both environmental and human factors affecting water quality.
Part 2. Optional themes
Option A: Freshwater issues and conflicts
Which focusses on both the physical geography of freshwater and human impacts on water quality.
Location of this Investigation
South Creek is located in Narrabeen, New South Whales, Australia, within the Warringah area. The
Narrabeen basin is approximately 7km from north to south and 7km from east to west (Entrance from
Narrabean Lakes, Forest Way) (Mona Vale at Tumbledown Dick to Warringah road ). South Creek
flows through Oxford falls, Beacon Hill, Cromer, Narraweena, Wheeler Heights before flowing into
Narrabeen Lakes. The landscape of the area is dissected sandstone plateau with some areas of flat land
at height, such as Collaroy Plateau with an average height of 42 metres above sea level.
Figure 1.1 Location of South Creek
Figure 1.2 Annoyed Location map of South Creek
South Creek will start off with good water quality, but the water quality will degrade downstream due
to proximity to human influences.
Although South Creek begins adjacent to residential infrastructure, since it is the beginning of the
stream, I suspect the stream won t be that polluted
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Jean Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Motier
Marquis de Lafayette At age nineteen, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Motier, commonly
known as Marquis de Lafayette, abandoned his high social class in France and became a major
General in the United States continental army. Lafayette had developed a strong relationship with
George Washington, creating a friendship that would last a lifetime. He undeniably was a key
component in securing the victory of the American Revolution. Marquis de Lafayette was one of the
most successful leaders during the American Revolutionary War. Not long after coming to America,
Lafayette was commissioned a Major General in the Continental Army and began a close relationship
with George Washington. His loyalty to Washington was a factor that helped ... Show more content on ...
His parents died at a young age, therefore he was forced to take care of himself. He was born into a
family of military lineage, so at age 14 he joined the royal army, gaining not only military experience
but also recognition. He married into a wealthy family in 1773, marrying Marie Adrienne Francoise de
Noailles ( Marquis de Lafayette ). This also helped him climb the social class ladder
and become highly enough recognized to later convince the French government to send military aid to
the United States. Lafayette had done an extraordinary job at persuading the French government to
send aid to the United States continental army. By 1777 they had negotiated approximately $2 million
(about $35 million in 2013 dollars) in loans from France. As early as 1775 the French government
began shipping arms and money to colonial rebels through dummy corporations created to hide the
source of the gifts from the British. ( European Loans during the American Revolution ). This aid was
vital to winning the revolution, Lafayette taking credit for being responsible for the aid makes him an
even more successful leader. Lafayette s first battle in the American Revolution was the Battle of
Brandywine in September of 1777 ( Marquis de Lafayette ). This battle highlighted his
leadership skills greatly and proved he put his men above himself. Lafayette was
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Analyze a Sociological Issue
Analyze a Sociological Issue Social Inequality and Minorities in the United States 10/24/2010 In this
course I have learned about different social problems in societies worldwide. Some of these include
poverty, social inequality, discrimination of race and culture, urbanization, and more. After learning all
these subjects and more, I have decided to do my final on social inequality and minorities in the
United States. I chose this particular topic because I have seen this in almost every place have lived. I
find it appalling that minorities are still not treated 100% equal. We as Americans know what
inequality is and know how it is used in our everyday society. I want to explore this topic and show
how real and big this ... Show more content on ...
They have had to deal with numerous inequalities throughout time. After slavery they were not given
equal rights. There were many rights rallies and according to the statistics, they are still not receiving
equal pay. There used to be restaurants that would not serve a person of color and they were even told
they could only sit in the back of buses. Though we have overcome most of this we have not
overcome hate crimes. Every group has encountered unequal or cruel treatment based on nothing more
than a characteristic about them. Though the hate crime rate had dropped in 2007 there was a rise of
anti gay crime. Now with the new election the hate crime rate has risen again. This shows the problem
is not diminishing and that we need to find a way to get this under control. Criminal justice is another
area of social inequality for minorities in the U.S. Getting a fair trial is difficult is one is accused of a
crime that is a stereotype. If a minority is accused of rape, murder, theft, assault, or many other crimes,
it may be hard to get a fair trial if the jury basis the evidence against stereotypes. Another aspect to
this is that minorities are not given as many options as others. If they are in lower income areas, have
less education or just less options general their chances of living a life of crime is high. Our human
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American Politician And Political Philosopher, John C....
John C. Calhoun was an American politician and political theorist from South Carolina during the first
half of the 19th century. His ideas about states rights and limited government led the state and region
towards session from the union infighting the civil war. John Caldwell Calhoun was born March 18th
1782 in the Abbeville district which is now known as McCormick County. Calhoun was the fourth
child to Patrick Calhoun and his wife Martha Caldwell. At the age of seventeen when Calhoun s father
became sick he quit school and began working on the family farm. With financial help from his
brother he was able to eventually get the chance to begin attending school again. He attended both
common and private schools and he eventually studied law
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Failure Of Market Failure
Market failure happens when the price mechanism fails to allocate scarce resources efficiently or
when the operation of market forces lead to a net social welfare loss. Market failure exists when the
competitive outcome of markets is not satisfactory from the point of view of society. In economics,
market failure is a situation in which the allocation of goods and services is not efficient. That is, there
exists another conceivable outcome where an individual may be made better off without making
someone else worse off.
Market failures can be viewed as scenarios where individuals pursuit of pure self interest leads to
results that are not efficient that ... Show more content on ...
BREAKING DOWN Market Failure : Market failures have negative effects on the economy because
an optimal allocation of resources is not attained. In other words, the social costs of producing the
good or service (all of the opportunity cost of the input resources used in its creation) are not
minimized, and this results in a waste of some resources. Take, for example, the common argument
against minimum wage laws. Minimum wage laws set wages above the going market clearing wage in
an attempt to raise market wages. Critics argue that this higher wage cost will cause employers to hire
fewer minimum wage employees than before the law was implemented. As a result, more minimum
wage workers are left unemployed, creating a social cost and resulting in market failure.
Types of Market Failures
Natural monopoly, Externalities, Public Goods, Asymmetric information, Moral hazard, Transaction
cots. Anyone of these six failures legitimates
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Analysis Of The Beet Queen By Louise Erdich
In Louise Erdich s novel, The Beet Queen, Erdich portrays how two children are affected by the new
environment where they moved to. Erdich is able to show that the environment is able to produce a
confusion of feelings in the children by depicting the environment in which they live as both cold and
inviting. Erdich starts the passage by noting how an addition and subtraction entered the town by train,
which a nice foreshadowing of Karl leaving the town. Erdich writes that it was so cold that their lips
were violet and their feet were so numb. These images show that this environment is an uninviting one
which actually hinders their abilities. Not only is the environment physically cold, but also
emotionally. As mary looks out on the town, all she could see is more bare horizon. ... Show more
content on ...
The use of a third person narrator add the emphasis of the coldness to the place. As the third person
omniscient narrator describes the hardship and the effects of the cold weather and watery wind on
mary, there is no sense of sympathy. While most would feel sorry for the young girl, the speaker as
able to describe her misfortunes with a lack of care. As the children get farther into town, they see the
weathered or peeling gray facades of the houses. These images of the dreary facades add to the idea of
coldness of the town because they are so bleak. Through the use of imagery, diction, and point of
view, Erdich is able to demonstrate how cold and lifeless the town is. Erdich also is able to portray the
town as an inviting place. She writes that the topsoil...hadn t all blown off yet, and that times were
generally much better in, the town than in other places. This image of the land being more fertile here
than elsewhere contrasts the idea that the environment is cold and desolate.
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Tale Of Two Cities Revenge
Humanity is a spectrum. There is no one person who is unequivocally bad or good. Every individual is
ambiguous, and merely has the strength of their character and the choices they make. In some cases,
these choices are influences by external factors that push fundamentally good individuals to commit
deplorable acts. One of the most interesting of these factors is the concept of revenge, and the lengths
to which humans will go in its pursuit. Throughout A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens is deliberate
in his portrayal of the deleterious effect that a desire for revenge can have on even the most
unimpeachable of characters, especially in the lives of Dr. Manette, Madam Defarge, and Gaspard.
The case of Dr. Alexandre Manette in regard to revenge ... Show more content on ...
Charles Defarge harbors resentment for the aristocracy and wants revenge against the disservice that
they do to the common people, as he grew up impoverished in a small town in France. This hatred can
be seen in the scene in which he interacts with the Marquis, when he throws the golden coin back in
the face of the embodiment of the nobility he so despises. It is this desire for revenge that leads Mr.
Defarge to become a leader of the Revolution, heading the charge to storm the Bastille and leading the
group of Jacques. It is common knowledge that revolution is bloody business, and Mr. Defarge has no
qualms spilling blood. In several points in the book, he is willing to compromise his morals to further
the ends of the revolution, even displaying Dr. Manette in his most frazzled state to the Jacques to
inspire passion for the revolution. Despite this clear ethical ambiguity, he is something of a
sympathetic revolutionary; Mr. Defarge is unwilling to cross some lines that don t even exist in the
mind of his wife. At one point in the book, Defarge speaks to this idea: Well, well, reasoned Defarge,
but one must stop somewhere. After all, the question is still where? His wife s reply is merely: At
extermination. A Tale of Two Cities is a classic piece that explores many motifs through the lives of
the characters it involves. The consequences of the desire for revenge and how it introduces ambiguity
to the lives of Dr. Manette, Madam Defarge, and Mr. Defarge are masterfully played out in this
literary work, in such a way that gives warning and hope at the same time. The message is clear: we
are all human, and we are all in control. To what extent we allow the desire for revenge to control us is
entirely in our
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Business Communication Analysis
A large part of business communication hinges on the recipient s understanding of the source s
message. Many times, business communication is misunderstood, partially understood, and even
completely misunderstood because it lacks certain elements, Among these are clarity, conciseness,
arrangement, credibility, expectation. If a message is lacking in just one of these elements, the
message may simply be disregarded as unprofessional, and the source s intentions my also be
disregarded, possibly resulting in detriment tot he company, department, or even the interpersonal
relationship between the source and the recipient.
Clarity involves crafting a message that is clear and not easily misinterpreted. Clarity is important
when exchanging pertinent ... Show more content on ...
Expectations help to provide a positive experience for all involved, because they know what each
party s obligations are. In writing estimates for my customers, I will follow up with a more elaborate
email, laying out exactly what we are going to do for them in exchange for the money they are going
to pay us. This helps the customer be at ease when doing business with us, and we appear more
credible and professional.
Effective business communication hinges on the message being understood by the recipient. The
source should ensure that the message is clear and concise to avoid confusion, The message should
also be appropriately arranged so that the importance of the message can be conveyed. Setting
expectations in the message helps to build the message s credibility and, perhaps, the interpersonal
relationship between the source and the
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Xbox 360 Supply Chain Case Study
Global Supply Chain Design
Case Study
Evolution of the Xbox Supply Chain
Evolution of the Xbox Supply Chain
1.) What supply chain changes did Microsoft make between the Xbox and the Xbox 360? What was
the motivation for these changes? When Microsoft first entered the market with the release of the
Xbox in 2001 it was a newcomer in the console business. The company had neither an established
brand presence in this area, nor did it have a developed base of games and gamers in the market, such
as Sony. Therefore, the primary purpose of introducing the Xbox was to establish Microsoft in the
market, to develop a brand presence, gain acceptance among gamers and to prepare the way for future
products. Therefore, Microsoft s ... Show more content on ...
However, when Microsoft started the development of its next generation console the Xbox 360 it
recognized the deficits and problems related to its initial strategy: the company was operating under
too high costs in order to assure high product availability which was not the critical factor in this
business. The nature of the console business is about providing the customer with a cheap hardware
and a variety of games, in order to generate profits from games sales. Additionally, the first Xbox was
released one year behind Sony s PS2, Microsoft s biggest competitor in the market. This delay
resulted in a substantial loss of sales and consequently reduced game sales. Therefore, Microsoft
learned that the Xbox 360 had to be launched ahead of Sony s PS3. Accordingly, one relevant part of
Microsoft s new strategy was the first to market approach. Another essential change in Microsoft s
business strategy concerned its cost structure in the Xbox supply chain. Whereas the initial strategy
focused heavily on reliability, Microsoft changed its strategy to achieving reduced costs and increased
profitability. Additionally, the company insisted on owning the design of critical components, such as
the microprocessor and the graphics chip, in order to control its own destiny . Therefore, the supply
chain network needed to be redesigned in order to support Microsoft s strategic shift. So as to reach
the desired cost
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Accommodation Packet
What happens to the IEP? How do I get an Accommodation Packet?
Once students are accepted they should contact their post secondary settings Disability Services Office
(ideally this is done prior to the start of the semester to ensure necessary supports are implemented at
the beginning of the year). Students will not receive services if they do not advocate for their
educational needs. They must submit adequate documentation of their disability (IEPs, educational
testing, etc.). The Disability Office then reviews the documentation to determine eligibility. Students
meet with Disability Service staff to create an Accommodation Package, which takes the place of an
IEP. During this time, students can advocate for their needs by discussing supports that they benefitted
from in the past. Oftentimes, Disability Services will assist students in course selection and can advise
them on specific accommodations for varying subjects or courses.
Parental Involvement
As a parent it is time to take a step back to encourage and allow your son/daughter to independently
take responsibility for their academic lives. Once a student leaves Lexington High School and ... Show
more content on ...
It is also important to understand that college is a drastic change from Lexington High School. The
supports, services and structure you and your child have become accustomed to in Lexington will not
be the same as in college.
Once your child leaves Lexington High School and enters college, you will take on the role as mentor
for your child as he or she takes control of making life choices. Some ways in which you can help are
to be knowledgeable about the rights and responsibilities your son/daughter has under the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA). You likely have all the paperwork and current documentation needed to
obtain services. As a first step toward assuming responsibility, parents may make copies and turn it
over to
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Friedrich Schleiermacher s Views On Religion And Religion...
Known as the Father of Modern Liberal Theology, Friedrich Schleiermacher was a German
philosopher and theologian who directed his attention on the nature of religious experience from the
viewpoint of the individual and human nature itself (Mariña 3). Highly influenced by German
Romanticism, Schleiermacher attempted to settle the criticisms of the Enlightenment with
conventional Protestant Christianity (Crouter 261). By doing so, he abandoned the Moravian theology
that had neglected to gratify his growing reservations and he embraced the sensible outlook of
Christian Wolff and Johann Salomo Semler. He then became accustomed to the methods of historical
criticism of the New Testament and of Johann Augustus Eberhard, from whom he attained an
adoration of the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle. Consequently, he began reforming Immanuel Kant
s structure by implementing thoughts from the Greek thinkers (Mariña 3). On this basis, this essay will
clearly articulate Friedrich Schleiermacher s conception of religion and religion s association with
Christianity as expressed in Speech I: Defense and Speech II: The Nature of Religion of his work, On
Religion: Speeches to Its Cultured Despisers. The essay will explore Schleiermacher s refutation of
three notions of religion possessed by the despisers, clarify his recognition of the true religion with
sensation as well as express his understanding of the association involving religion and Christianity.
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Legal Aid In Criminal Justice
One thing that needs to be changed within the civil justice system is a victims right to counsel,
especially involving domestic violence victims that have a low income. The President of the Legal
Services Corporation, James J. Sandman quotes that Most Americans don t realize that you can have
your home taken away, your children taken away and you can be a victim of a domestic violence, but
have no constitutional right to a lawyer to protect you Basically, the abuser is entitled to free legal
assistance if they are charged with a crime, but there is no legal right to an attorney for victims that try
to get a restraining order or a protective order in civil cases. As the article would say, there is no right
to counsel in civil cases. Victims ... Show more content on ...
Communities should work together, communicate, organize and help their fellow neighbor more often.
It is great to see that some victim assistance programs are funded through good will contributions.
However, sadly we live in a world where a large majority are consumed with selflessness, or are
forced to do so to live.
Bergmark, M. (2016, January 4). How to reduce domestic violence with legal assistance. Fox News.
Retrieved from to reduce domestic violence with
legal assistance.html
Legal Services Corporation. (2017). The unmet need for legal aid. Retrieved February 15, 2017, from
America s Partner for Equal Justice, legal aid/unmet need legal aid
Rizos, C. (2016, May 17). MLAC urges state senate to increase investment in civil legal aid
Massachusetts legal assistance corporation. Retrieved February 15, 2017, from Massachusetts Legal
Assistance Corporation, urges state senate to increase investment in civil legal aid
Voices for Civil Justice. (2013). What is Civil Legal Aid? Retrieved February 15, 2017, from
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The Role Of Recollection In Plato s Meno
In Plato s Meno, Socrates states that the theory of recollection is that all the knowledge a person has is
known from previous experience. In simple terms, this means that instead of learning and acquiring
knowledge to answer a question or state a fact, they are simply just remembering something that they
already knew Socrates is presented as a philosophical pilot, asking questions in order to prod the slave
boy into recalling the information that he in return truly had no prior connection with. We do not learn,
and that what we call learning is only a process of recollection (Hackett). The notion of true
knowledge is said to be innate in that asking a series of the right questions can recollect all knowledge.
The theory of recollection suggests ... Show more content on ...
Meno is instructed by Socrates to look at the situation between the slave boy and Socrates to
determine whether the slave boy is learning or recalling the information from his soul. Socrates starts
questioning the slave boy on a square, even thought he boy has no geometric knowledge; but guided
by Socrates he is able to provide the right answer When asked the area the boy confidently answers
incorrectly Although his initial response was incorrect, guided by Socrates questions the boy was able
to answer correctly Socrates suggests that one does not need to understand topics such as geometry,
but can still answer the questions correctly by someone asking the right questions. Plato s Meno gives
the idea that the slave boy, without anyone s help and only the questions asked of him, he will
understand, finding the knowledge from within, recollecting. This is proof that the slave boy had no
knowledge of mathematics or geometry prior to this happening. There was no way that the boy could
have gained this knowledge anytime in his life. This helps the theory of recollection hold true and
enhance the statement that the knowledge of the slave boy came from
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An examination of the sonnet from Petrarch to Browning....
An examination of the sonnet from Petrarch to Browning.
A sonnet is a poem, which traditionally contains the subject of love.
The creator of the sonnet was a man named Francesco Petrarca who was usually referred to as
Petrarch. Petrarch wrote many of his sonnets based upon himself, and his lover, Laura. The
conventional format of a sonnet contains fourteen lines, and is segregated to illustrate two arguments.
Every sonnet takes the conventional format of fourteen lines, although the way the arguments are split
up, may be different.
For example, Petrarch and Elizabeth Barrett Browning s sonnet both take the format of an octave and
a sestet, whereas Shakespeare s sonnet takes the format of three quatrains and a rhyming couplet. ...
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The Petrarchan sonnet is in the form of an octave and a sestet, which explores the persona s
experience of unrequited love. In the octave,
Petrarch is searching for his lost lover, Laura. This can be proven in the first line of the sonnet, A
thousand times to make my peace I sought. The persona describes his deep love for Laura by using
descriptive and metaphorical language. He elevates Laura to a high point by using religious imagery,
while he is still below her. And offer you my heart; but little thought had your proud spirit to look
down so low. This line also tells us that the persona had offered his love to Laura, but she rejected it;
she did not return his affections.
From the fourth line and onwards, love is described as being imprisoned. Yet if another would that
heart enchain, is an example of this. He believes that Laura is not accepting his love because she has
changing dreams and hopes, which are just imaginary. She lives in fickle hopes and dreams untrue. He
is also speaking about how any other woman would have hopes and dreams about capturing his heart
because it is bound to Laura. In the seventh line of the octave,
Petrarch has mentioned about how the persona has things in common with his lover Laura. For
example, he hates the things that she hates.
Since I despise all the things that you disdain.
In the sestet of, Sonnet XXL, the subject changes from the search for love, to the journey of love.
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Ucoat It Case Study
At UCoat It, we believe that you shouldn t have to choose between high performance floors and
beautiful ones. Our floor coating systems are true, commercial grade coatings formulated for
industrial, commercial and residential use that come in a variety of systems and colors specifically
designed for you to get that personalized looking floor. One of the many benefits of choosing UCoat It
floor coating systems is the unique ability for customization. We offer plenty of different options to
suit all of your needs. With UCoat It floor coating systems, you can truly have a one of a kind floor
that adds protection, professionalism, and personality.
All of our floor coating systems come in a variety of colors including the recently introduced:
Midnight Blue, Explorer Blue, and Latte colors available in our UCoat It system. The exact color
options depend upon the system but all systems offer a wide range of choices for personalization.
Highlight pictures of our most popular colors OR showcase all the systems with their color choices
UFlek Flakes
In addition to our variety of base color options, our UFlek flakes are a popular way to add additional
decorative qualities to your floor. Available in 12 standard blends, 42 colors, 4 metallic, and glow in
the dark, ... Show more content on ...
Available in 9 solid colors, 9 pre mixed 1:1 with white options, and 4 color blends, URock creates a
very textured surface that helps to create an anti slip surface, ideal for those floor areas that come in
contact with bare feet and/or your pet s paws. These easily hand dispensable granules can be applied
as light or as heavy as you desire during the bond coat application process. All that is needed for the
finishing touch is either UGloss, UGloss AF or UGlaze as a top coat to seal and provide additional
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Example Of Romantic Comedy
Danielle Herrin
Section 7
Romantic Comedy
Romantic Comedy has been around for many generations enticing the public with ideas of love and
romance in a humorous way. According to Romantic Comedy is defined as, a movie
or play that deals with love in a light, humorous way. For all romantic comedies to make this happen,
they follow three simple rules. Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back. As Brian Finnigan
from The Five Golden Rules of Romantic Comedy says, Different but the same, He wants She Wants,
turmoil, and learning curves . Although these technical terms are different, they mean the same thing.
Today that may look a little different but this is a staple part of romantic comedy that makes it
different ... Show more content on ...
There was not much luck.
Animal comedy came during the late 70s and 80s. Due to the lack of character growth between the
beginning and the end of the movie, these films are great for sequels. Characteristically, animal
comedy is about pigs who want to have meaningless sex with women, and due to the lack of character
change, at the end of the movie, the characters still want to have meaningless sex with women.
The most used Romantic comedy style today is Modern American Romantic Comedy. The woman is
portrayed to be equal to the man. A great example that really changed the way romantic comedy was
viewed was When Harry Met Sally. Women gave their point of view on relationships and could
express equality with men. As James Murphy from states, Can men and women ever
be just friends? Is it possible to move on from the one you love? Is love at first sight ever true love? Is
there just one person for everyone? Can I be a big corporate superman AND a decent human being?
Etc. These are some questions from romantic comedies that prove the point that women were viewed
differently in this film and that caused movies the future movies to change the way the portray women
and men together.
Finally, Geek Comedy began in 1998. Like animal comedy the characters start out wanting to have
meaningless sex with the opposite sex. The difference is there is a character change throughout the
storyline and by the end of the
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Shooting An Intruder Vs. Safety
Shooting an Intruder vs. Your Safety
In today s world there is so much controversy over guns and whether or not civilians should have
access to them. Since the beginning of time, we have used some type of weapon to protect both
ourselves and our family. Protecting our loved ones comes naturally to us. Since the first gun was
invented in China during the 10th century, which was the Chinese Fire Lances (Harder), they have
been used as a means for protection. Using guns for protection brings about a great question; is it
permissible for a person protecting his or her home to shoot an intruder in self defense , or does such
an act constitute excessive force ? The use of a gun to shoot an intruder to defend yourself, your
family and your home is necessary for protection against those who intrude upon our home.
The first question you have to ask yourself when discussing this topic is what is an intruder? An
intruder is a person who enters on to somebody s property without permission and with criminal intent
towards the owner and/or their belongings. Criminal intent is the intention to commit a crime, which
could be to take something away from the owner, cause bodily harm, or to end someone s life. The
next part to look at is the intention of the one protecting their belongings and life. Self defense is the
defense of one s life, loved ones, or belongings, especially through the use of physical force, such as
the use of a gun, which is permitted in certain cases as an answer to
... Get more on ...
Why In 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)
Accounting Regulation Enron and WorldCom was the reason why in 2002, Sarbanes Oxley Act were
passed. This Federal law were passed in order to not only protects investors from accounting fraud,
but it also prevents these corporate scandals from happening. SOX aims directly at public accounting
firms that participate in financial audits of corporations. Even though it increases that cost of
accounting services for many company, it has been proven that it has improved corporate governance,
ethics and audit quality. This act not only affects publicly held corporations, but smaller firms are also
affected. Most likely because local and state lawmakers will extend similar regulations throughout the
accounting industry. Accounting services cost ... Show more content on ...
Although there have been accounting fraud since the implementation of SOX, it seems that the act has
lessened the rate at which these scandals occur. Even though the Sarbanes Oxley Act was
implemented to fight accounting fraud, and increase regulations and oversight by the SOX, accounting
fraud is almost too big to eradicate. Although, it can be significantly reduced, accounting fraud and
scandals will remain to be a part of corporate America. References LLC, D. M. (n.d.). How the
Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 Impacts the Accounting Profession. Retrieved June 24, 2017, from center/sarbanes oxley information/how the sarbanes oxley act of
2002 impacts the accounting profession Proposed Rule: Disclosure Required by Sections 404, 406 and
407 of the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002. (n.d.). Retrieved July 10, 2017, from 8138.htm Starr, R. (n.d.). Ernst Young: Governance is stronger,
audit quality is improved ten years on with Sarbanes Oxley. Retrieved July 10, 2017, from
... Get more on ...
John White As A Person Who Not Many People
John white, a person who not many people are familiar with. This English born man did so many
important things in his lifetime, but just never got recognized. Little is known about John during his
early years in England; however, used his abilities to upgrade his station in life, contribute to the art
world and journey across the ocean during the Age of Discovery. John White was born roughly
between 1540 1550 in the English midlands or Cornwall, which is a southwestern peninsula that is
surrounded by wild moorlands, hundreds of sandy beaches and high cliffs. He married Thomasine
Cooper in June 1566. The couple s first child Thomas was born in 1567 but died the following year.
Their daughter Eleanor, born in 1568, became the mother of ... Show more content on
To be specific, the first exploration launched from Plymouth, England April 1584, a long while since
John went on a journey with Martin Frobisher. Thomas Harriot is present during this exploration
(Moran). Thomas Harriot, to sum it up, was, first of all, a lifelong friend of Raleigh s. He was an
astronomer, mathematician, and a master of navigation. He even founded the school of algebra and
constructed telescopes (States). He and White went together and were in charge with drawing and
mapping the people and land they encountered. They also learned about the Algonquian language and
culture from the wanchese and Manteo. As you may guess, John painted pictures of that. Later, 1585,
Raleigh decides to colonize where John white and Thomas Harriot explored earlier in 1584. Raleigh s
first attempt at colonizing Roanoke was terrible. They had found no quick sources of wealth and had
made enemies of the Indians there. He made another attempt; though, replacing the sometimes hot
headed military men with craftsmen, laborers, farmers and their families). The colony decided that
they would pay their own way in exchange for the foreign land and they would work to make the
colony self sustaining. Walter decided that they would colonize near the Chesapeake Bay where John
and Thomas explored in the previous years (1585). They didn t want to risk the angered Indians of
Roanoke, not to mention the extremely dangerous shallow waters. January 7, 1587, Raleigh drew up a
... Get more on ...
Protests In The NFL Protests
For the past year, several NFL players have decided to take a knee during the national anthem. This all
started last year when Colin Kaepernick, Quarterback of San Francisco 49ers, sat during the national
anthem. He claimed that he did this because of the oppression of African Americans in the country.
Various other players from different teams joined Kaepernick, together with his protest. Now, this
protest has gotten larger, at week 3 of the NFL games there were more than 130 players and even an
anthem singer were protesting. President Donald Trump has gotten involved in these protests by going
against the players. Trump has stated that these players need to be fired, as well as the public needs to
boycott the NFL. Millions of people in the United States are extremely furious with these protests for
disrespecting the country, nevertheless the players till protest. These protests have caused a major
division problem in the US, so this will share why these protests aren t what people feel they are. First
of all, many people believe that these protests are about disrespected the anthem in addition to the
country. But, These players aren t trying to disrespect the country; they re trying to peacefully protest
police treatment of African Americans in America. When this all began Colin Kaepernick used to sit
on the bench during the anthem, until a former NFL player as well a veteran, Nate Boyer, told
Kaepernick that there was a better way to do this. So, Kaepernick
... Get more on ...
Ebola Virus Outbreak
The Ebola Virus Outbreak The ebola virus disease is a deathly illness first discovered in the late
twentieth century. This disease is viral, spreading from human to human through any bodily fluid
contact. Due to this process infection, it is easy enough to become unprotected and cause a mass
distribution of the disease among the human populace. Regretfully, this disease had gone undetected
within West Africa until March of 2014, when it had branched off from just the one country Guinea to
four of its surrounding countries. This probes as one of the world s newest health issues since there is
no vaccine to prevent this disease from sweeping across the rest of nation and infecting us all. The
origins of the ebola virus are still unknown but ... Show more content on ...
WHO also works along another agency called Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
CDC has activated its Emergency Operations Center to help coordinate technical assistance and
control activities with partners ( Ebola Outbreak in West Africa, 2014). Both WHO and CDC are
helping each other and various other health partners in their goal to stop this disease from spreading
and to save the lives of the people already infected. CDC has even deployed teams of public health
experts to West Africa to go to all the infected countries ( Ebola Outbreak in West Africa, 2014).
Luckily, the National Institutes of Health has undergone a study performed by its researchers to create
a vaccine for the ebola virus. So far it has generated long term immunity against the Ebola virus in
monkeys. The vaccine is now entering phase one clinical trials in humans (Whiteman, 2014). The
vaccine known as ZMapp kept the monkeys healthy for 10 months and was even able to treat two men
that had already been
... Get more on ...
Edward Vernon Rickenbacker Biography
Edward Vernon Rickenbacker was a WWI captain and hero. He was born on October 8, 1890 in
Columbus, Ohio. He was the son of Swiss immigrants and had seven siblings. He smoked when he
was five and was the leader of a mischievous group of kids called The Horsehead Gang . At age 8 he
took the gang down a slide in a steel cart into a deep gravel pit the cart flipped over and his leg got cut
straight to the bone. He later quit school at age 12 when his father died in a construction accident.
After his father s death he went on to work in foundry, shoe factory, and monument works where he
carved and polished his father s gravestone.Eddie loved to work with engines, that s why in 1906 he
went to work with Lee frayer the owner of Frayer Miller Automobile ... Show more content on ...
He was the oldest in the group but his still had to get over disliking of aerobatics. He shared credit of
scoring his first solo conquest with Captain James Norman Hall. Later the Captain was shot down and
taken prisoner,only later to report the death of Lieutenant Wilhelm Scheerer. Eddie s technique was to
sneak up on his enemy closer than dared before firing his guns. But sometimes when he did that his
guns were jammed but his luck held out when the cloth on his upper wing tore on May 17 and he
made a successful landing. For that he was made an ace. During interviews One of Eddie
Rickenbacker s most well known happened in October of 1942. He was sent into the pacific theatre to
look over living conditions of the soldiers and operations as well as delivering personally a message to
General Douglas Macarthur. After viewing many air and sea bases in Hawaii Rickenbacker was
provided with an older model B 17 which nickname is the Flying Fortress as transportation to the
south pacific. The B 17 had eight crew members and while staying hundreds of miles off while on it s
way to Canton Island was forced to land the old B 17 in the Pacific
... Get more on ...

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How To Write A Medical Paper For Publication

  • 1. How To Write A Medical Paper For Publication — 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. How To Write A Medical Paper For Publication — How To Write A Medical Paper For Publication —
  • 2. How to Redesign a Classroom to Optimize Learning Experience Improving your Learning Experience from this class: i.e., MGT 9700 TR6A(Fall 2010). Assume the Class Room (seating, facility, etc.) to be The Product and your Learning Experience (facilitated by me, the Instructor) as The Service . (a) How would you redesign the Class Room (Rm3 125) to materially improve the Service? The overall learning goal for us students is to grasp what the instructor teaches in class and gain extra knowledge and abilities through class discussion and interaction. To that end, it s best to study in an optimal learning environment, so as to keep focused in class and avoid distraction from externals. We pay for the service our learning experience, hoping to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of ... Show more content on ... Additionally, in this way, students will seat together more compactly, facilitating discussion among teachers and students. Larger Projector Screen and High tech Handwriting: It would be best to widen the projector screen in this rectangular room. As I mentioned above, for those seat in the sides and rear, it s hard to recognize some important contents in the slides projected on the screen (e.g. numbers, charts). Enlarging the projector screen would surely enhance the visibility of projector and hence improve our learning experience. Meanwhile, I noticed that sometimes the handwriting of the professor is hard to read. And those sitting aside couldn t see the notes in the blackboard clearly. So I recommend that the professor use high tech product such as the pad or IBM s tablet based pen, by which the professor could write on the screen of the laptop and it could then be projected in the blackboard screen. With enlarged screen, the visibility of handwriting could also be enhanced. Bright Lighting and Audiovisual Scenario : We need to add more electrical lights in our classroom and rearrange the light distribution. However, the lights couldn t be too bright to harm the eyes and result in reflecting. More importantly, we need to consider the illuminance levels according to daylight, glaring and uniformity. Another thing we need to take into account is the lighting ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Bed Bug Extermination Memorandum Memorandum To: All Staff From: Arana Kiss, Executive Assistant to the CEO Date: March 1, 2017 Subject: Scheduled Bug Extermination at Corporate Office on March 17, 2017 With the recent overseas visit to our newly acquired key carpet supplier, it has been concluded that our team of buyers had direct exposure to bed bugs in the hotel at which they were staying. Due to the aggressive reproductive nature of this bug, a professional extermination company has been contacted and will be treating the current infestation at our main corporate office. The scheduled bed bug extermination date has been slotted to take place at the main corporate office on Friday March 17, 2017. It should be noted that the office will be closed to all employees, with ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Global Merger Essay It is proper to present a business definition of merger as it found on legal reference with the ultimate goal in the pursuing of an explanation on which this paper intents to present. A merger in accordance with the textbook is legally defined as a contractual and statuary process in which the (surviving corporation) acquires all the assets and liabilities of another corporation (the merged corporation). The definition go even farther to involve and clarify about what happen to shares by explaining the following; the shareholders of the merged corporation either are paid for their share or receive the shares of the surviving corporation . But in simple terms is my attempt to define as the product or birth of a corporation on which ... Show more content on ... It is an interest point to mention Citi Bank (mostly based on the northeast USA) from the Citi Group who makes a move to add some fun in this particular merging process. The terms learned on class such as contract, negotiation, creditors, agreements, counteroffer and other will be utilized and applied as a matter of review enabling for the a better understanding of the learned concepts from Business Law. During the recent years the economy, the business world and the government have been experiencing tremendous change that is impacting all common private and public business practices. Business are experiencing a Global Financial Crisis on which are not only the local or national markets but also the global markets are impacted on a negative and at times threaten the existence of powerful established corporations and organization. The new era is not a safe haven for no one anymore; including those who one time were described as solid financial enterprises. This environment has obligated the USA government on to attempt to rescue or become involve in the process to alleviate or provide some temporary solutions in a form of financial bail outs and economical stimulus package. This era started back on year 2007 and to continue to this very present day touching many economical areas such as Housing Industry, unemployment, investments securities, stock markets and others. One of ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Social Inequality In Nasca Society Diet and Social Inequality in Nasca Society Beresford Jones DG, Whaley O, Ledesma CA, Cadwallader L. 2011. Two millennia of changes in human ecology: archaeobotanical and invertebrate records from the lower Ica valley, south coast Peru. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 20:273 292. Buzon MR, Conlee CA, Simonetti A, Bowen GJ. 2012. The consequences of Wari contact in the Nasca region during the Middle Horizon: archaeological, skeletal, and isotopic evidence. Journal of Archaeological Science 39:2627 2636. Cadwallader L. 2013. Investigating 1500 Years of Dietary Change in the Lower Ica Valley, Peru Using an Isotopic Approach (Doctoral dissertation). University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom. Cadwallader L, Beresford Jones DG, ... Show more content on ... unmodified crania. Webb et al. (2013) argue that short term dietary heterogeneity in this context can be interpreted to represent flexibility as a risk minimization strategy through the interaction between food acquisition and participation in local mobility among the Nasca ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Against Reinstating the Military Draft Essay Against Reinstating the Military Draft On July 1, 1973, Congress chose to end the draft in favor of an All Volunteer Army. According to The Professional Bulletin of Army History, No. 27, the last man was drafted in December 1972 and reported for training in June 1973. Now, not only might the renewed military draft come back but also the age of compulsory service in the meat grinder might be extended from its former limit of 26 years up to 42 years of age. As Ken Adachi, the editor of ? Educate Yourself,? reports, a new draft will include BOTH men and women. While at various points in history the United States military has operated effectively and efficiently with the draft, reinstating the draft would contradict the ideals of ... Show more content on ... Post 9 11 military enlistment numbers spiked because individuals wanted to serve and protect our recently attacked country and our way of life. If individuals are forced to participate in a military campaign, the government will be relieved of one of the checks that help prevent them from engaging in unpopular or unwarranted campaigns. Sure, the government makes us do all sorts of things: serve on juries, pay taxes, have a driver?s license. When the government requires possession of a driver?s license it is for our own security, to make sure that only those who are capable to drive are on the road. When we are being asked to serve on jury, it is for our interest as well. As a society, we get to take a part in a legal decision and make sure that justice is done in our country. Even the requirement to pay taxes eventually is for our interest. The tax money helps the government to do things for us as a society, such as financing culture events, helping elders and people in need. However, asking us to risk our lives for something that not all citizens believe worth fighting for is not in our interest. People should not be forced to enlist in the army, which is one reason why we should not reinstate the military draft. In other words, since we live in a country based on freedom, the government should not take away our right to decide if we want to fight or not. We should not be forced to fight a war. We should not be forced into the meat grinder and possibly killed ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Dwelling Place A Plantation Epic Summary The Dwelling Place, A Plantation Epic, is a book by Erskine Clark about plantation life in the coastal low country of Georgia from the beginning of the 19th century to the end of the American Civil War. It chronicles the life of Charles Colcock Jones (1804 1863), a member of a wealthy slave owning planter family in Liberty County, Georgia. As with many plantation families, Charles was expected to follow in his father s footsteps and take over the family plantation business. While training for this at a counting house in Savannah, he received a calling to pursue a life as a Presbyterian minister. At about the same time, due to some unfortunate deaths in his family, Charles became the recipient of some tracts of land and the slaves that went with them. He now had to decide between pursuing the life of a planter and supporting his family or following his calling to be a minister. He chose a rather difficult path, he was going to become a minister and bring the gospel and Christianity to the slaves on his plantations and those of his neighbors while managing a profitable plantation business. The purpose of this essay is to discuss the hypocrisy that Charles Colcock Jones developed as he tried to find a balance between these two contradictory careers. Even before Charles had left the plantation, he became aware of a perceived difference between the white world and the world of the slaves, a difference that would be used as an ideological tool to provide justification for the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Over Sharer Scene Analysis Shake and stir s production of, Over Sharer, is a bold, contemporary interpretation of adolescent s use of technology. It over dramatizes events which happen in every day life for teenagers who use technology. This play presents characters grappling sever repercussions with using social media. Over Sharer s dramatic meaning is that social media allows adolescents to wear a mask and create a different persona, this is successfully shown throughout multiple scenes. Using a series of dynamic digital backgrounds, use of transformational objects and clever onstage character transformation shake and stir has successfully shown the negative effects of social media. In scene 5 there was a significant shift in tempo as Michelle entered through ... Show more content on ... When Brit and Sam where having a conversation on Facebook Sam was sitting and Brit was standing on opposite sides of the stage to represent the distance when chatting online. Brit s tone was very arrogant as she looks down on most people. Her online and reality personas are mostly the same. Sam when talking to Brit online can be seen becoming uneasy by his tone when responding. He continues with the conversation beating up Martin as he is able to wear that mask as he believes Martin will not find out. When Brit and Sam are kissing Brit is taking photo and she makes him repeat the photo multiple times as she wants to post it online. She wants this photo to be perfect as she wants to seem perfect so she does not lose her reputation. When they leave the room and Martin comes in Sam s conversation with Brit is read by him and he discovers what they said about him. This causes Martin to be anger and helps start building tension between them, this scene destroys the idea that online you wear a mask as sooner or later people will find out. When he sends the photos of Brit and Sam to all their contracts this ruins the persona they have built about their relationship and removes their mask. This also creates more tension between Martin, Sam and Brit as it affects Brit ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde The novel The Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is influenced by some various factors. One of the factors that portray Robert Louis Stevenson s idea about the duality of man s nature is Sigmund Freud s psychological theory. Freud s tells human behavior is the consequence of one s id, ego and superego. He says id part is an important part of our personality. For example, the pleasure of doing whatever we want to like eating or even killing with no consideration of the situation is our id part of personality. Using this theory, Stevenson portrays a character Dr. Jekyll that is a superego or the outer face other see and Mr. Hyde, the id that every person try to suppress because it is unacceptable within the society. Therefore, Stevenson creates a dual identity of ... Show more content on ... In the novel, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde says, Hence it came about that I concealed my pleasures; and that when I reached years of reflection, and began to look around me and take stock of my progress and position in the world, I stood already committed to a profound duplicity of me (Stevenson 864). The two personalities of Dr. Jekyll are but one; same person but with different characters that are conflicting with each other. The good, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the evil one can be represented as the id and superego based on the theory of Sigmund Freud. Dr. Jekyll behaves through his superego meaning he acts according to the standards of the society; meanwhile, Mr. Hyde represents the id, which does anything he wants without consideration for the reality of the society. In general, Dr. Jekyll can be himself when he is as Mr. Hyde. Meaning, as Mr. Hyde, Dr. Jekyll can express his desire without suffering guilt and without any consideration. This he cannot do when he changes ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Jazz Vs Cheerleading Most jazz dancers and cheerleaders would agree that jazz dance is not cheerleading and that cheerleading is not jazz. Although the general public might not see much contrast in this performing art and sport, their athletes including my self seem to want to make clear their differences. Jazz dancers could argue that cheerleading involves high energy performances that involve various types of stunts, tumbling passes, and some dancing, while cheerleaders might argue that dancers perform pieces that give off different vibes and exhibit various types of character. Although these statements are true, what most of these athletes don t see are their similarities and how reinforcing each skill is one another. Jazz dance is a melting pot of different ... Show more content on ... Although it took nearly fifty years for cheerleading to follow in the footsteps of jazz dance, competitive cheerleading is now a huge industry. Jamie Shultz published an article on Pennsylvania State University s Communication website discussing the debate on whether or not cheerleading is a sport. Ultimately, Shultz concludes that it depends on who you ask. She considers the industry as a whole and states that the first high school cheerleading championship was held in 1983 by Varsity cheerleading brands, which in turn cornered the cheerleading market. This live event televised by ESPN sparked the competitive cheerleading world and initiated substantial cheerleading innovations. The article, Leveling the dancing field, by Rachel Rizzuto in the magazine Competitions: Winning Ways, discusses a Headliners Dance competition judge, Hassan Sayyed s thoughts when judging a musical theatre number that included dancers of all ages, abilities, and sizes . Rizzuto mentions that it is often easy to pick out a studio s top dancer with the highest skill level, but it is absolutely necessary to utilize each dancer s skill level. In the competition world, jazz dance choreographers and cheerleading choreographers will take the athletes they have and choreograph routines to utilize every dancer or cheerleaders maximum skill level in order to impress their audiences. The world ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Personal Narrative-Switch Switch. As I look up at the burnt orange sky I feel like I could forget where I am and what I am. I love watching the sky, during the day, at night, at sunrise and sunset there isn t one time the sky disappoints me. As I walk home from college and watch the sunset morph I can t help but feel blessed, everything still isn t perfect but it s going to be. I stretch at the starting line and take in the scene around me, the green of the trees, the sea of blue above me and the sea of colour on the people. There s a crowd of smiles and the atmosphere is buzzing. I hear the gun and like a tidal wave I m swept away and lost in a crowd of athletes, I m not an athlete but I promised myself November of last year I d lose the weight and run. I look to ... Show more content on ... I hear a clap of thunder and slam my book shut. My Mom jumps, I tell her to stay here. I go to the kitchen, she s screaming at me, I don t care. I walk out the front door and I feel the first drop of rain hit my head. I pause and look up toward the sky: the sky doesn t care about what I am or what I do. I run to his house and twist the worn knob of his door, I m not stopped. I open the door to find him in the kitchen, a look of surprise on his face he goes to yell but is stopped by the cold stainless steel piercing his abdomen. I take in the stale stench of his room and the vision of his helpless large body hit the cold concreted floor. I walk to the door, lock it and close it. I hit an icy wall or rain and let the pure water trickle down me. I hear the cries of my mother but I cannot help but smile. One less set of unrelenting predators eyes to stare into, one less rumbling mouth for our eardrums to beat ... Get more on ...
  • 12. International Order And Its Effect On The World s The... International order, though it may be fleeting in the grand scheme of history, seems to be at least on a continuous track of lingering longer and longer each time before chaos takes over. The Persians, Greeks, and Romans all seemed to enjoy ever increasing periods of relative peace at the top of their systems of international order before it unraveled. Most of Europe was in good order on the tail of the Industrial Revolution until some arch duke decided to vacation in Sarajevo. After each major conflict, the world re shuffles itself and order is established again in some form or fashion. The players are bigger and more numerous with greater consequences for conflict but order is still unseated from time to time and the rules of the existing orders seem to change daily. Realism can explain this violent cycle of order and disorder. States and even non state actors continuously seek to balance regional power in order to secure their survival in a world dominated by fear and uncertainty; if unable to balance that power through violent means, players will seek to form alliances and organizations to at least prevent domination; once a status quo has been created and survival is temporarily assured, players will seek to maintain life within that order; new members thrust the order back into violence and potentially chaos if unable or unwilling to play by those rules. This cycle of power balancing can be illustrated in three phases. International orders are created as ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Essay about Gradual and Sudden Anxiety People s anxiety levels will be tested through their heart rates. The resting heart rate of 30 people will be taken, and then the test group will be split in half. The first 15 subjects are going to be told that they are going to watch a scary video. And for the last 15 we will not tell the subjects anything that will happen in the video. A series of health questions that have nothing to do with our project will be asked. The goal of this project is to record any changes in heart rate, due to anxiety, anticipation, and being caught unawares. Anxiety is fear. It is a psychological problem that starts in the brain, when humans see that people are looking at them, and they start to get think that they are being judged. It is ... Show more content on ... The reason it is believed the experiment will turn out this way is they will have a majority of the video to anticipate when what is going to happen, so their heart rate will gradually increase before they see the frightening part of the video, at which point their blood pressure and heart rate should spike suddenly. It will also be taken into account how easily somebody gets frightened. That will play an important role in how much the data changes. For the lab, 30 people have been chosen as the test subjects. The people were chosen at random; there was no equation used in choosing who was picked for the lab. The subjects were split into two groups; one would be told that they are going to see a video that will give them good feelings, and then negatives ones suddenly, and the other group would only be told that they are going to see a video, no details. Their resting heart rate Was taken, and recorded it on a table, and then had them watch the video they were randomly assigned to. Immediately after they had finished the video, their heart rates were tested again, and recorded any changes in their diastole, systole, and their pulse. Each of the test subjects was tested separately, and away from other distractions. The variables in this procedure are whether or not the person is a dog or a cat ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Australia s Present Religious Tradition Australia s Present Religious Landscape Christianity as the major religious tradition: Christianity is the major religious tradition today and has been since around 1945. Many of the British who first came to Australia, either as convicts or free settlers were Christians. They formed the huge base for Christianity to rise to the top religion in Australia before they began to let more immigrants enter. In the 1947 census, 88% of the population (not including Aboriginals because they were not considered in the census) stated they were Christian. The remaining 12% was mostly people who didn t respond to the question. Today not much has changed the percentage of Christians has slightly decreased because of a rise in new religions. In the census of 2011 it is seen that out of 21.5 million people just under half, 42% classed themselves as Christian and around 8% said they were of a different religion. The number of people who said they had no religion was hugely increased at around 25%per cent. Today, even with the growing amount of Islam Buddhism and Hinduism, Christianity still remains the major religious tradition. Immigration Immigration has easily had the largest and most significant effect on Australia s religious landscape and has managed to see Australia become a vast multi cultural and religious community. Immigration has taken several years to make significant changes to the Australian religious landscape. After the early settlers arrived and began to set up churches and ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Aztec Civilization Essay The Aztec Indians created a great civilization in Central Mexico, reaching its peak in the 1500 amp;#8217;s. Being late arrivals to the area, and because of their strong neighboring nations, they were forced to live in the swampy western areas of the Lake Texcoco. Because of the swampy surroundings, the Aztecs used mud to create miniature islands in the swamps. These islands are called chinampas, or amp;#8220;floating gardens, ; and were used as farming lands. On these fertile islands they grew corn, squash, vegetables, and flowers. Being an agriculturally dependant empire, the Aztec amp;#8217;s religion was based highly on the forces of nature and worshipped them as gods. The god of war, Huitzilopochtli, was the most important deity. ... Show more content on ... On the stone is a picture of what the Aztecs thought the universe was like. The sun god is in the middle, with the heavens surrounding it, and pictures of people made out of precious stones. The Aztec form of writing was in pictographs, or small pictures symbolizing objects or sounds. The Aztec numbering system used pictographs also, and was based on the number 20. For example, a flag represented 20, a fir tree represented 20 times 20, or 400, and a pouch represented 400 times 20, or 8000. The capitol of the Aztec Empire was Tenochtitlan, which was built where modern day Mexico City is. It was given the nickname amp;#8220;Venice of the New World, ; because it had many canals. During the acme of the Aztec civilization, the population of this great city numbered more than 200,000. This made it one of the most populated cities in the ancient world. The city was connected to the mainland by 3 causeways, which, when flooded, served as protective dikes. In the city aqueducts, which was probably the first type of indoor plumbing, brought fresh water into homes. Many people used canoes to travel through the city. Most of the houses were made up of mud and twisted twigs, but the nobility and priests had plastered brick or stone houses. In 1519, Spanish explorer Hernando Cortes and more than 500 other Spaniards landed on the shores of Mexico in search of gold. The Aztecs welcomed the Spaniards and gave them gifts, because they thought they were gods. Cortes became greedy when he ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Essay On Micromechanical Resonators 8 We systematically demonstrate that one dimensional phononic crystal (1 D PnC) tethers can signif 9 icantly reduce tether loss in micromechanical resonators to a point where the total energy loss is 10 dominated by intrinsic mechanisms, particularly phonon damping. Multiple silicon resonators are 11 designed, fabricated, and tested to provide comparisons in terms of the number of periods in the 12 PnC and the resonance frequency, as well as a comparison with conventional straight beam tethers. 13 The product of resonance frequency and measured quality factor (f_Q) is the critical figure of 14 merit, as it is inversely related to the total energy dissipation in a resonator. For a wide range of fre 15 quencies, devices with PnC tethers ... Show more content on ... Phonon loss is a result of the anharmonicity of the 38 material lattice, while TED is due to the irreversible heat flow 39 across thermal gradients induced during vibration.1,2,4 Tether 40 loss8 11 is the energy lost through the tethers to the substrate 41 anchors and is the subject of the experiments presented here. 42 In general, the goal is to design the tethers to minimize the 43 amount of elastic energy that leaks through to the substrate. 44 One common approach treats the tether as a transmission line, 45 assuming that the best isolation is achieved by using quarter 46 wavelength tethers. For specific resonator designs, the tether 47 dimensions can be optimized to provide improved Q.11,12 48 Recent research into phonon engineered structures has led to a 49 number of designs that allow selective phonon control, from 50 phonon cavities,13 16 waveguides,17,18 and filters.19,20 The abil 51 ity to control acoustic phonon dispersion enables the design of 52 acoustic/phononic bandgaps19,20 that can be used as tethers or 53 shields to efficiently confine energy in a phonon cavity or resonator. 54 15,21 26 In such devices, acoustic propagation is miti gated by using multiple repeating units to create a phononic 55 crystal (PnC) that has a transmission bandgap. Several of these 56 studies have focused on improving the Q of acoustic Fabry 57 P_erot ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Pros And Cons Of Bluvos Energy Bluvos Energy Overview Bluvos Energy adds to the list of many nootropic agents available in the market currently. Nootropics are gaining popularity due to their positive mental benefits that improve the overall cognitive function. However, due to the rising demand, nootropic companies are increasingly becoming difficult to verify their originality. This is why extensive research is vital before using a nootropic. Bluvos Energy offers a better offer compared to other agents available currently. Manufacturers Information and Claims About Bluvos Energy Bluvos Energy is formulated by a team of nutritionists, health experts and neuroscientists. Manufacturers of this health supplement claim that this product increases mental focus and stamina. ... Show more content on ... This includes a supplement that not only provides mental benefits but also safe to use. Bluvos Energy suits this description. This is because this supplement is made from six scientifically proven ingredients that enhances mental function. Caffeine included in the formulation provides immediate stimulatory functions. Bluvos Energy offers health enthusiasts a better alternative to other nootropic agents claiming to provide mental health benefits. It is professionally designed with scientific trials backing up the use of this supplement. Its intelligent dosing, transparent formulation and ingredient profile and effectiveness makes it stand out in the market. Consider placing your order via the manufacturers official website to enjoy these ... Get more on ...
  • 18. How Did The Colonists Respond To The Declaration Of... Before the U.S. Colonists signed the Declaration of Independence they were upset with England for not giving them enough power. After the French Indian War, taxation was a major issue with the stamp act taxing paper, as well as the tea act, taxing tea. Colonists were opposed to these taxes and rebelled with the Boston Tea Party. Many of these rebellions led to bloodshed as with the case of the Boston Massacre.The colonists were not only upset about taxing and violence, but were also upset for not having enough power in the colonial government. Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence to King George III in order to give themselves self government. However the king rejected the declaration, so the colonist needed to fight and prove ... Show more content on ... The battles of Lexington and Concord, fought outside of Boston, were the start of the revolutionary war. Even though the colonist failed to defend against the British in the battles of Lexington and concord, they were able to surprise and catch the British off guard using Guerilla tactics. Colonists would hide in trees and bushes and ambush the British troops, who were expecting more of a traditional stand off type of battle. After the battles of Lexington and Concord the colonists had a better understanding of what was needed to defeat the British. Under the guidance of general George Washington, the colonists performance in battle was terrible, however their performance began to improve to where they began winning battles consistently. The war began to go well for the colonists and ended in a victory over Yorktown. In the battle of Yorktown, general George Washington, and his army faced the British army led by general George Cornwallis. George Washington with help of french troops encircled the British preventing escaping from Yorktown. General Cornwallis surrendered on October 17,1781, terminating the war for ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Assess The Difference Between Democracy And Totalitarianism Authoritarianism is a political system in which a leader or a small elite group contains all real power. Individual liberties such as freedom of speech, press, and religion are subordinate to the authority of which citizens are blindly compliant to, as opposed to enjoying at will. Therefore, the people s main role in the government is to execute rather than engage. Authoritarianism is described as being a strong central government, which is essentially the exact opposite of democracy. There are several types of authoritative regimes that can be divided up into two categories, which are: autocracy and oligarchy. An autocracy is the rule by a single person and totalitarian government or dictatorship, monarchy, and constitutional monarchy are all examples of this. A totalitarian government or dictatorship is as the name implies when every part of the government is totally and completely controlled by one person. Adolf Hitler of Germany, Joseph Stalin of Russia were both dictators. A monarchy is when a king, queen, emperor or empress contains absolute power. An ... Show more content on ... As a result, laws become legally binding faster. Authoritative leaders are able to administer long term projects without the fear of running out of time in their term or not being reelected. This political system creates discipline amongst the people. Citizens of authoritative government are more aware and careful of not breaking rules and laws. Factually speaking, China is a good example of a successful of an authoritarian regime. Despite China being controlled by the communist party, it has a high GDP, great infrastructure and healthcare and high literacy rates. Singapore is another great example of a successful authoritarian regime. Singapore is a one party state, but it has high rankings on a lot of international indexes and low levels of corruption ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Toenail Fungus Essay Toenail fungus, or onychomycosis, is a very tough and aggravating problem for many people, which is undoubtedly a well known fact. When you have this problem, maybe you are questioning what you must do about this, and that s definitely a sound thing for you to question. There are a variety of options in terms of toenail fungus. If you are thinking about these different solutions, you ought to undoubtedly look into this article as we will discuss some of them, and you might find this data to be really helpful. Oral medications is one option which is effective for most patients. You might find that your medical doctor may prescribe an oral medication for you. This may not be the best choice for you, though, as these medications can frequently ... Show more content on ... Although it does depend on your specific case, this treatment is commonly the most effective and the most quick in numerous patients. Conversing with your personal doctor and trying different things to discover which treatment would be the most effective for you is the greatest move to make. In regards to eliminating toenail fungus, Zetaclear is among the best topical creams. Zetaclear also assists to promote the development of cells to replace the cells which were impaired by the fungal infection along with removing the toenail fungus. Zetaclear goes right to the root of the problem and focuses on the actual problem rather than just treating the signs and symptoms. Several patients find it to be very efficient for this reason. Whether you re trying oral medications, home remedies, or topical medications such as Zetaclear, you will find the solution to your toenail fungus if you merely work with your medical professional and try different things. There are lots of patients who have found one or two of these methods to be very effective, and it s also critical to remember that the solution is available to you if you simply shop around and try out various things. You can discover more details about these treatments on the ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The United States And The War On Terror Over the course of United States History the country has engaged in several wars. Some of these wars were for independence, national preservation, and national defense. Other wars were for more dubious and obscure reasons such as stopping the spread of communism, protecting America s interests , and the war on terror . Throughout the history of the United States foreign affairs another pattern has emerged. Our propensity toward military action has also had the unintended consequence of fostering an atmosphere of distrust, anger, and resentment that nurtures potential enemies. This begs the question; does the United States create its own future enemies? If this is the case, what can we do to stop this? From the ashes of World War ... Show more content on ... These proxy wars over time became highly unpopular when the American public became aware of the great human cost of these proxy wars as well as a general distrust of the American government s reasons for engaging in these wars. While the United States set to expand its influence globally and participated in conflict, wars, and military interventions an unintended consequence came to the fore, destabilization of the regions of conflict. After the 1989 collapse of the Soviet Union the United States turned its attention toward the Middle East. The United States had previous dealing in the region during the Iran Hostage Crisis in the late 1970s which ultimately hurt perception of the United States in the Middle East and bolstered Iran0, major military presence in the region would not truly happen until the First Gulf War. When Iraqi president Saddam Hussein invaded and annexed Kuwait in 1990 the United States along with a coalition of nations engaged in war with Iraq. Although the war resulted in defeat of the Iraqi army, public image of the United States in the region continued to deteriorate. Due to the United States support of the formation of Israel and our choice of allies the perception of the United States among the Arab population in the region has continued to take a negative tone. Another hidden aspect to our perpetual war engaging society, is our peculiar alliances. In the past the United States has taken part in a certain somewhat ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Water Quality Of South Creek Geography Internal Assessment How does the water quality of South Creek in the Narrabeen catchment vary downstream and what do these variations infer about human influences? Candidate Number: 003047 0022 Word Count: Table of Contents Fieldwork Question and Geographical Context 3 Nature and Purpose of this Investigation 3 Location of this Investigation 4 Hypothesis 5 Methods of Investigation 6 Method of Measurement 7 The Water Quality Index 8 Treatment of Information Collected and Written Analysis 10 Data Collection and Processing The Headwaters Point A 14 Testing Conditions and Results 15 Qualitative Observations 15 Interpretation of Results 16 Data Collection and Processing The Midpoint Point B 17 Testing Conditions and Results 18 ... Show more content on ... This investigation is derived from: Part 1. Patterns and change 1.3 Patterns in environmental quality and sustainability 3. Water and Change Concerned with both environmental and human factors affecting water quality. Part 2. Optional themes Option A: Freshwater issues and conflicts Which focusses on both the physical geography of freshwater and human impacts on water quality. Location of this Investigation South Creek is located in Narrabeen, New South Whales, Australia, within the Warringah area. The Narrabeen basin is approximately 7km from north to south and 7km from east to west (Entrance from Narrabean Lakes, Forest Way) (Mona Vale at Tumbledown Dick to Warringah road ). South Creek flows through Oxford falls, Beacon Hill, Cromer, Narraweena, Wheeler Heights before flowing into Narrabeen Lakes. The landscape of the area is dissected sandstone plateau with some areas of flat land at height, such as Collaroy Plateau with an average height of 42 metres above sea level. Figure 1.1 Location of South Creek Figure 1.2 Annoyed Location map of South Creek
  • 23. Hypothesis South Creek will start off with good water quality, but the water quality will degrade downstream due to proximity to human influences. Although South Creek begins adjacent to residential infrastructure, since it is the beginning of the stream, I suspect the stream won t be that polluted ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Jean Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Motier Marquis de Lafayette At age nineteen, Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert Motier, commonly known as Marquis de Lafayette, abandoned his high social class in France and became a major General in the United States continental army. Lafayette had developed a strong relationship with George Washington, creating a friendship that would last a lifetime. He undeniably was a key component in securing the victory of the American Revolution. Marquis de Lafayette was one of the most successful leaders during the American Revolutionary War. Not long after coming to America, Lafayette was commissioned a Major General in the Continental Army and began a close relationship with George Washington. His loyalty to Washington was a factor that helped ... Show more content on ... His parents died at a young age, therefore he was forced to take care of himself. He was born into a family of military lineage, so at age 14 he joined the royal army, gaining not only military experience but also recognition. He married into a wealthy family in 1773, marrying Marie Adrienne Francoise de Noailles ( Marquis de Lafayette ). This also helped him climb the social class ladder and become highly enough recognized to later convince the French government to send military aid to the United States. Lafayette had done an extraordinary job at persuading the French government to send aid to the United States continental army. By 1777 they had negotiated approximately $2 million (about $35 million in 2013 dollars) in loans from France. As early as 1775 the French government began shipping arms and money to colonial rebels through dummy corporations created to hide the source of the gifts from the British. ( European Loans during the American Revolution ). This aid was vital to winning the revolution, Lafayette taking credit for being responsible for the aid makes him an even more successful leader. Lafayette s first battle in the American Revolution was the Battle of Brandywine in September of 1777 ( Marquis de Lafayette ). This battle highlighted his leadership skills greatly and proved he put his men above himself. Lafayette was ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Analyze a Sociological Issue Analyze a Sociological Issue Social Inequality and Minorities in the United States 10/24/2010 In this course I have learned about different social problems in societies worldwide. Some of these include poverty, social inequality, discrimination of race and culture, urbanization, and more. After learning all these subjects and more, I have decided to do my final on social inequality and minorities in the United States. I chose this particular topic because I have seen this in almost every place have lived. I find it appalling that minorities are still not treated 100% equal. We as Americans know what inequality is and know how it is used in our everyday society. I want to explore this topic and show how real and big this ... Show more content on ... They have had to deal with numerous inequalities throughout time. After slavery they were not given equal rights. There were many rights rallies and according to the statistics, they are still not receiving equal pay. There used to be restaurants that would not serve a person of color and they were even told they could only sit in the back of buses. Though we have overcome most of this we have not overcome hate crimes. Every group has encountered unequal or cruel treatment based on nothing more than a characteristic about them. Though the hate crime rate had dropped in 2007 there was a rise of anti gay crime. Now with the new election the hate crime rate has risen again. This shows the problem is not diminishing and that we need to find a way to get this under control. Criminal justice is another area of social inequality for minorities in the U.S. Getting a fair trial is difficult is one is accused of a crime that is a stereotype. If a minority is accused of rape, murder, theft, assault, or many other crimes, it may be hard to get a fair trial if the jury basis the evidence against stereotypes. Another aspect to this is that minorities are not given as many options as others. If they are in lower income areas, have less education or just less options general their chances of living a life of crime is high. Our human instincts ... Get more on ...
  • 26. American Politician And Political Philosopher, John C.... John C. Calhoun was an American politician and political theorist from South Carolina during the first half of the 19th century. His ideas about states rights and limited government led the state and region towards session from the union infighting the civil war. John Caldwell Calhoun was born March 18th 1782 in the Abbeville district which is now known as McCormick County. Calhoun was the fourth child to Patrick Calhoun and his wife Martha Caldwell. At the age of seventeen when Calhoun s father became sick he quit school and began working on the family farm. With financial help from his brother he was able to eventually get the chance to begin attending school again. He attended both common and private schools and he eventually studied law ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Failure Of Market Failure Market failure happens when the price mechanism fails to allocate scarce resources efficiently or when the operation of market forces lead to a net social welfare loss. Market failure exists when the competitive outcome of markets is not satisfactory from the point of view of society. In economics, market failure is a situation in which the allocation of goods and services is not efficient. That is, there exists another conceivable outcome where an individual may be made better off without making someone else worse off. Market failures can be viewed as scenarios where individuals pursuit of pure self interest leads to results that are not efficient that ... Show more content on ... BREAKING DOWN Market Failure : Market failures have negative effects on the economy because an optimal allocation of resources is not attained. In other words, the social costs of producing the good or service (all of the opportunity cost of the input resources used in its creation) are not minimized, and this results in a waste of some resources. Take, for example, the common argument against minimum wage laws. Minimum wage laws set wages above the going market clearing wage in an attempt to raise market wages. Critics argue that this higher wage cost will cause employers to hire fewer minimum wage employees than before the law was implemented. As a result, more minimum wage workers are left unemployed, creating a social cost and resulting in market failure. Types of Market Failures Natural monopoly, Externalities, Public Goods, Asymmetric information, Moral hazard, Transaction cots. Anyone of these six failures legitimates ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Analysis Of The Beet Queen By Louise Erdich In Louise Erdich s novel, The Beet Queen, Erdich portrays how two children are affected by the new environment where they moved to. Erdich is able to show that the environment is able to produce a confusion of feelings in the children by depicting the environment in which they live as both cold and inviting. Erdich starts the passage by noting how an addition and subtraction entered the town by train, which a nice foreshadowing of Karl leaving the town. Erdich writes that it was so cold that their lips were violet and their feet were so numb. These images show that this environment is an uninviting one which actually hinders their abilities. Not only is the environment physically cold, but also emotionally. As mary looks out on the town, all she could see is more bare horizon. ... Show more content on ... The use of a third person narrator add the emphasis of the coldness to the place. As the third person omniscient narrator describes the hardship and the effects of the cold weather and watery wind on mary, there is no sense of sympathy. While most would feel sorry for the young girl, the speaker as able to describe her misfortunes with a lack of care. As the children get farther into town, they see the weathered or peeling gray facades of the houses. These images of the dreary facades add to the idea of coldness of the town because they are so bleak. Through the use of imagery, diction, and point of view, Erdich is able to demonstrate how cold and lifeless the town is. Erdich also is able to portray the town as an inviting place. She writes that the topsoil...hadn t all blown off yet, and that times were generally much better in, the town than in other places. This image of the land being more fertile here than elsewhere contrasts the idea that the environment is cold and desolate. ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Tale Of Two Cities Revenge Humanity is a spectrum. There is no one person who is unequivocally bad or good. Every individual is ambiguous, and merely has the strength of their character and the choices they make. In some cases, these choices are influences by external factors that push fundamentally good individuals to commit deplorable acts. One of the most interesting of these factors is the concept of revenge, and the lengths to which humans will go in its pursuit. Throughout A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens is deliberate in his portrayal of the deleterious effect that a desire for revenge can have on even the most unimpeachable of characters, especially in the lives of Dr. Manette, Madam Defarge, and Gaspard. The case of Dr. Alexandre Manette in regard to revenge ... Show more content on ... Charles Defarge harbors resentment for the aristocracy and wants revenge against the disservice that they do to the common people, as he grew up impoverished in a small town in France. This hatred can be seen in the scene in which he interacts with the Marquis, when he throws the golden coin back in the face of the embodiment of the nobility he so despises. It is this desire for revenge that leads Mr. Defarge to become a leader of the Revolution, heading the charge to storm the Bastille and leading the group of Jacques. It is common knowledge that revolution is bloody business, and Mr. Defarge has no qualms spilling blood. In several points in the book, he is willing to compromise his morals to further the ends of the revolution, even displaying Dr. Manette in his most frazzled state to the Jacques to inspire passion for the revolution. Despite this clear ethical ambiguity, he is something of a sympathetic revolutionary; Mr. Defarge is unwilling to cross some lines that don t even exist in the mind of his wife. At one point in the book, Defarge speaks to this idea: Well, well, reasoned Defarge, but one must stop somewhere. After all, the question is still where? His wife s reply is merely: At extermination. A Tale of Two Cities is a classic piece that explores many motifs through the lives of the characters it involves. The consequences of the desire for revenge and how it introduces ambiguity to the lives of Dr. Manette, Madam Defarge, and Mr. Defarge are masterfully played out in this literary work, in such a way that gives warning and hope at the same time. The message is clear: we are all human, and we are all in control. To what extent we allow the desire for revenge to control us is entirely in our ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Business Communication Analysis A large part of business communication hinges on the recipient s understanding of the source s message. Many times, business communication is misunderstood, partially understood, and even completely misunderstood because it lacks certain elements, Among these are clarity, conciseness, arrangement, credibility, expectation. If a message is lacking in just one of these elements, the message may simply be disregarded as unprofessional, and the source s intentions my also be disregarded, possibly resulting in detriment tot he company, department, or even the interpersonal relationship between the source and the recipient. Clarity involves crafting a message that is clear and not easily misinterpreted. Clarity is important when exchanging pertinent ... Show more content on ... Expectations help to provide a positive experience for all involved, because they know what each party s obligations are. In writing estimates for my customers, I will follow up with a more elaborate email, laying out exactly what we are going to do for them in exchange for the money they are going to pay us. This helps the customer be at ease when doing business with us, and we appear more credible and professional. Effective business communication hinges on the message being understood by the recipient. The source should ensure that the message is clear and concise to avoid confusion, The message should also be appropriately arranged so that the importance of the message can be conveyed. Setting expectations in the message helps to build the message s credibility and, perhaps, the interpersonal relationship between the source and the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Xbox 360 Supply Chain Case Study Global Supply Chain Design Case Study Evolution of the Xbox Supply Chain 2012 Evolution of the Xbox Supply Chain 1.) What supply chain changes did Microsoft make between the Xbox and the Xbox 360? What was the motivation for these changes? When Microsoft first entered the market with the release of the Xbox in 2001 it was a newcomer in the console business. The company had neither an established brand presence in this area, nor did it have a developed base of games and gamers in the market, such as Sony. Therefore, the primary purpose of introducing the Xbox was to establish Microsoft in the market, to develop a brand presence, gain acceptance among gamers and to prepare the way for future products. Therefore, Microsoft s ... Show more content on ... However, when Microsoft started the development of its next generation console the Xbox 360 it recognized the deficits and problems related to its initial strategy: the company was operating under too high costs in order to assure high product availability which was not the critical factor in this business. The nature of the console business is about providing the customer with a cheap hardware and a variety of games, in order to generate profits from games sales. Additionally, the first Xbox was released one year behind Sony s PS2, Microsoft s biggest competitor in the market. This delay resulted in a substantial loss of sales and consequently reduced game sales. Therefore, Microsoft learned that the Xbox 360 had to be launched ahead of Sony s PS3. Accordingly, one relevant part of Microsoft s new strategy was the first to market approach. Another essential change in Microsoft s business strategy concerned its cost structure in the Xbox supply chain. Whereas the initial strategy focused heavily on reliability, Microsoft changed its strategy to achieving reduced costs and increased profitability. Additionally, the company insisted on owning the design of critical components, such as the microprocessor and the graphics chip, in order to control its own destiny . Therefore, the supply chain network needed to be redesigned in order to support Microsoft s strategic shift. So as to reach the desired cost ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Accommodation Packet What happens to the IEP? How do I get an Accommodation Packet? Once students are accepted they should contact their post secondary settings Disability Services Office (ideally this is done prior to the start of the semester to ensure necessary supports are implemented at the beginning of the year). Students will not receive services if they do not advocate for their educational needs. They must submit adequate documentation of their disability (IEPs, educational testing, etc.). The Disability Office then reviews the documentation to determine eligibility. Students meet with Disability Service staff to create an Accommodation Package, which takes the place of an IEP. During this time, students can advocate for their needs by discussing supports that they benefitted from in the past. Oftentimes, Disability Services will assist students in course selection and can advise them on specific accommodations for varying subjects or courses. Parental Involvement As a parent it is time to take a step back to encourage and allow your son/daughter to independently take responsibility for their academic lives. Once a student leaves Lexington High School and ... Show more content on ... It is also important to understand that college is a drastic change from Lexington High School. The supports, services and structure you and your child have become accustomed to in Lexington will not be the same as in college. Once your child leaves Lexington High School and enters college, you will take on the role as mentor for your child as he or she takes control of making life choices. Some ways in which you can help are to be knowledgeable about the rights and responsibilities your son/daughter has under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). You likely have all the paperwork and current documentation needed to obtain services. As a first step toward assuming responsibility, parents may make copies and turn it over to ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Friedrich Schleiermacher s Views On Religion And Religion... Known as the Father of Modern Liberal Theology, Friedrich Schleiermacher was a German philosopher and theologian who directed his attention on the nature of religious experience from the viewpoint of the individual and human nature itself (Mariña 3). Highly influenced by German Romanticism, Schleiermacher attempted to settle the criticisms of the Enlightenment with conventional Protestant Christianity (Crouter 261). By doing so, he abandoned the Moravian theology that had neglected to gratify his growing reservations and he embraced the sensible outlook of Christian Wolff and Johann Salomo Semler. He then became accustomed to the methods of historical criticism of the New Testament and of Johann Augustus Eberhard, from whom he attained an adoration of the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle. Consequently, he began reforming Immanuel Kant s structure by implementing thoughts from the Greek thinkers (Mariña 3). On this basis, this essay will clearly articulate Friedrich Schleiermacher s conception of religion and religion s association with Christianity as expressed in Speech I: Defense and Speech II: The Nature of Religion of his work, On Religion: Speeches to Its Cultured Despisers. The essay will explore Schleiermacher s refutation of three notions of religion possessed by the despisers, clarify his recognition of the true religion with sensation as well as express his understanding of the association involving religion and Christianity. REFUTATION OF VIEWS OF RELIGION HELD ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Legal Aid In Criminal Justice One thing that needs to be changed within the civil justice system is a victims right to counsel, especially involving domestic violence victims that have a low income. The President of the Legal Services Corporation, James J. Sandman quotes that Most Americans don t realize that you can have your home taken away, your children taken away and you can be a victim of a domestic violence, but have no constitutional right to a lawyer to protect you Basically, the abuser is entitled to free legal assistance if they are charged with a crime, but there is no legal right to an attorney for victims that try to get a restraining order or a protective order in civil cases. As the article would say, there is no right to counsel in civil cases. Victims ... Show more content on ... Communities should work together, communicate, organize and help their fellow neighbor more often. It is great to see that some victim assistance programs are funded through good will contributions. However, sadly we live in a world where a large majority are consumed with selflessness, or are forced to do so to live. References Bergmark, M. (2016, January 4). How to reduce domestic violence with legal assistance. Fox News. Retrieved from to reduce domestic violence with legal assistance.html Legal Services Corporation. (2017). The unmet need for legal aid. Retrieved February 15, 2017, from America s Partner for Equal Justice, legal aid/unmet need legal aid Rizos, C. (2016, May 17). MLAC urges state senate to increase investment in civil legal aid Massachusetts legal assistance corporation. Retrieved February 15, 2017, from Massachusetts Legal Assistance Corporation, urges state senate to increase investment in civil legal aid 2/ Voices for Civil Justice. (2013). What is Civil Legal Aid? Retrieved February 15, 2017, from ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Role Of Recollection In Plato s Meno In Plato s Meno, Socrates states that the theory of recollection is that all the knowledge a person has is known from previous experience. In simple terms, this means that instead of learning and acquiring knowledge to answer a question or state a fact, they are simply just remembering something that they already knew Socrates is presented as a philosophical pilot, asking questions in order to prod the slave boy into recalling the information that he in return truly had no prior connection with. We do not learn, and that what we call learning is only a process of recollection (Hackett). The notion of true knowledge is said to be innate in that asking a series of the right questions can recollect all knowledge. The theory of recollection suggests ... Show more content on ... Meno is instructed by Socrates to look at the situation between the slave boy and Socrates to determine whether the slave boy is learning or recalling the information from his soul. Socrates starts questioning the slave boy on a square, even thought he boy has no geometric knowledge; but guided by Socrates he is able to provide the right answer When asked the area the boy confidently answers incorrectly Although his initial response was incorrect, guided by Socrates questions the boy was able to answer correctly Socrates suggests that one does not need to understand topics such as geometry, but can still answer the questions correctly by someone asking the right questions. Plato s Meno gives the idea that the slave boy, without anyone s help and only the questions asked of him, he will understand, finding the knowledge from within, recollecting. This is proof that the slave boy had no knowledge of mathematics or geometry prior to this happening. There was no way that the boy could have gained this knowledge anytime in his life. This helps the theory of recollection hold true and enhance the statement that the knowledge of the slave boy came from ... Get more on ...
  • 36. An examination of the sonnet from Petrarch to Browning.... An examination of the sonnet from Petrarch to Browning. A sonnet is a poem, which traditionally contains the subject of love. The creator of the sonnet was a man named Francesco Petrarca who was usually referred to as Petrarch. Petrarch wrote many of his sonnets based upon himself, and his lover, Laura. The conventional format of a sonnet contains fourteen lines, and is segregated to illustrate two arguments. Every sonnet takes the conventional format of fourteen lines, although the way the arguments are split up, may be different. For example, Petrarch and Elizabeth Barrett Browning s sonnet both take the format of an octave and a sestet, whereas Shakespeare s sonnet takes the format of three quatrains and a rhyming couplet. ... Show more content on ... The Petrarchan sonnet is in the form of an octave and a sestet, which explores the persona s experience of unrequited love. In the octave, Petrarch is searching for his lost lover, Laura. This can be proven in the first line of the sonnet, A thousand times to make my peace I sought. The persona describes his deep love for Laura by using descriptive and metaphorical language. He elevates Laura to a high point by using religious imagery, while he is still below her. And offer you my heart; but little thought had your proud spirit to look down so low. This line also tells us that the persona had offered his love to Laura, but she rejected it; she did not return his affections. From the fourth line and onwards, love is described as being imprisoned. Yet if another would that heart enchain, is an example of this. He believes that Laura is not accepting his love because she has changing dreams and hopes, which are just imaginary. She lives in fickle hopes and dreams untrue. He is also speaking about how any other woman would have hopes and dreams about capturing his heart because it is bound to Laura. In the seventh line of the octave, Petrarch has mentioned about how the persona has things in common with his lover Laura. For example, he hates the things that she hates. Since I despise all the things that you disdain. In the sestet of, Sonnet XXL, the subject changes from the search for love, to the journey of love. ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Ucoat It Case Study At UCoat It, we believe that you shouldn t have to choose between high performance floors and beautiful ones. Our floor coating systems are true, commercial grade coatings formulated for industrial, commercial and residential use that come in a variety of systems and colors specifically designed for you to get that personalized looking floor. One of the many benefits of choosing UCoat It floor coating systems is the unique ability for customization. We offer plenty of different options to suit all of your needs. With UCoat It floor coating systems, you can truly have a one of a kind floor that adds protection, professionalism, and personality. Colors All of our floor coating systems come in a variety of colors including the recently introduced: Midnight Blue, Explorer Blue, and Latte colors available in our UCoat It system. The exact color options depend upon the system but all systems offer a wide range of choices for personalization. Highlight pictures of our most popular colors OR showcase all the systems with their color choices UFlek Flakes In addition to our variety of base color options, our UFlek flakes are a popular way to add additional decorative qualities to your floor. Available in 12 standard blends, 42 colors, 4 metallic, and glow in the dark, ... Show more content on ... Available in 9 solid colors, 9 pre mixed 1:1 with white options, and 4 color blends, URock creates a very textured surface that helps to create an anti slip surface, ideal for those floor areas that come in contact with bare feet and/or your pet s paws. These easily hand dispensable granules can be applied as light or as heavy as you desire during the bond coat application process. All that is needed for the finishing touch is either UGloss, UGloss AF or UGlaze as a top coat to seal and provide additional ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Example Of Romantic Comedy Danielle Herrin Section 7 Romantic Comedy Romantic Comedy has been around for many generations enticing the public with ideas of love and romance in a humorous way. According to Romantic Comedy is defined as, a movie or play that deals with love in a light, humorous way. For all romantic comedies to make this happen, they follow three simple rules. Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back. As Brian Finnigan from The Five Golden Rules of Romantic Comedy says, Different but the same, He wants She Wants, turmoil, and learning curves . Although these technical terms are different, they mean the same thing. Today that may look a little different but this is a staple part of romantic comedy that makes it different ... Show more content on ... There was not much luck. Animal comedy came during the late 70s and 80s. Due to the lack of character growth between the beginning and the end of the movie, these films are great for sequels. Characteristically, animal comedy is about pigs who want to have meaningless sex with women, and due to the lack of character change, at the end of the movie, the characters still want to have meaningless sex with women. The most used Romantic comedy style today is Modern American Romantic Comedy. The woman is portrayed to be equal to the man. A great example that really changed the way romantic comedy was viewed was When Harry Met Sally. Women gave their point of view on relationships and could express equality with men. As James Murphy from states, Can men and women ever be just friends? Is it possible to move on from the one you love? Is love at first sight ever true love? Is there just one person for everyone? Can I be a big corporate superman AND a decent human being? Etc. These are some questions from romantic comedies that prove the point that women were viewed differently in this film and that caused movies the future movies to change the way the portray women and men together. Finally, Geek Comedy began in 1998. Like animal comedy the characters start out wanting to have meaningless sex with the opposite sex. The difference is there is a character change throughout the storyline and by the end of the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Shooting An Intruder Vs. Safety Shooting an Intruder vs. Your Safety In today s world there is so much controversy over guns and whether or not civilians should have access to them. Since the beginning of time, we have used some type of weapon to protect both ourselves and our family. Protecting our loved ones comes naturally to us. Since the first gun was invented in China during the 10th century, which was the Chinese Fire Lances (Harder), they have been used as a means for protection. Using guns for protection brings about a great question; is it permissible for a person protecting his or her home to shoot an intruder in self defense , or does such an act constitute excessive force ? The use of a gun to shoot an intruder to defend yourself, your family and your home is necessary for protection against those who intrude upon our home. The first question you have to ask yourself when discussing this topic is what is an intruder? An intruder is a person who enters on to somebody s property without permission and with criminal intent towards the owner and/or their belongings. Criminal intent is the intention to commit a crime, which could be to take something away from the owner, cause bodily harm, or to end someone s life. The next part to look at is the intention of the one protecting their belongings and life. Self defense is the defense of one s life, loved ones, or belongings, especially through the use of physical force, such as the use of a gun, which is permitted in certain cases as an answer to ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Why In 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) Accounting Regulation Enron and WorldCom was the reason why in 2002, Sarbanes Oxley Act were passed. This Federal law were passed in order to not only protects investors from accounting fraud, but it also prevents these corporate scandals from happening. SOX aims directly at public accounting firms that participate in financial audits of corporations. Even though it increases that cost of accounting services for many company, it has been proven that it has improved corporate governance, ethics and audit quality. This act not only affects publicly held corporations, but smaller firms are also affected. Most likely because local and state lawmakers will extend similar regulations throughout the accounting industry. Accounting services cost ... Show more content on ... Although there have been accounting fraud since the implementation of SOX, it seems that the act has lessened the rate at which these scandals occur. Even though the Sarbanes Oxley Act was implemented to fight accounting fraud, and increase regulations and oversight by the SOX, accounting fraud is almost too big to eradicate. Although, it can be significantly reduced, accounting fraud and scandals will remain to be a part of corporate America. References LLC, D. M. (n.d.). How the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002 Impacts the Accounting Profession. Retrieved June 24, 2017, from center/sarbanes oxley information/how the sarbanes oxley act of 2002 impacts the accounting profession Proposed Rule: Disclosure Required by Sections 404, 406 and 407 of the Sarbanes Oxley Act of 2002. (n.d.). Retrieved July 10, 2017, from 8138.htm Starr, R. (n.d.). Ernst Young: Governance is stronger, audit quality is improved ten years on with Sarbanes Oxley. Retrieved July 10, 2017, from ... Get more on ...
  • 41. John White As A Person Who Not Many People John white, a person who not many people are familiar with. This English born man did so many important things in his lifetime, but just never got recognized. Little is known about John during his early years in England; however, used his abilities to upgrade his station in life, contribute to the art world and journey across the ocean during the Age of Discovery. John White was born roughly between 1540 1550 in the English midlands or Cornwall, which is a southwestern peninsula that is surrounded by wild moorlands, hundreds of sandy beaches and high cliffs. He married Thomasine Cooper in June 1566. The couple s first child Thomas was born in 1567 but died the following year. Their daughter Eleanor, born in 1568, became the mother of ... Show more content on ... To be specific, the first exploration launched from Plymouth, England April 1584, a long while since John went on a journey with Martin Frobisher. Thomas Harriot is present during this exploration (Moran). Thomas Harriot, to sum it up, was, first of all, a lifelong friend of Raleigh s. He was an astronomer, mathematician, and a master of navigation. He even founded the school of algebra and constructed telescopes (States). He and White went together and were in charge with drawing and mapping the people and land they encountered. They also learned about the Algonquian language and culture from the wanchese and Manteo. As you may guess, John painted pictures of that. Later, 1585, Raleigh decides to colonize where John white and Thomas Harriot explored earlier in 1584. Raleigh s first attempt at colonizing Roanoke was terrible. They had found no quick sources of wealth and had made enemies of the Indians there. He made another attempt; though, replacing the sometimes hot headed military men with craftsmen, laborers, farmers and their families). The colony decided that they would pay their own way in exchange for the foreign land and they would work to make the colony self sustaining. Walter decided that they would colonize near the Chesapeake Bay where John and Thomas explored in the previous years (1585). They didn t want to risk the angered Indians of Roanoke, not to mention the extremely dangerous shallow waters. January 7, 1587, Raleigh drew up a ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Protests In The NFL Protests For the past year, several NFL players have decided to take a knee during the national anthem. This all started last year when Colin Kaepernick, Quarterback of San Francisco 49ers, sat during the national anthem. He claimed that he did this because of the oppression of African Americans in the country. Various other players from different teams joined Kaepernick, together with his protest. Now, this protest has gotten larger, at week 3 of the NFL games there were more than 130 players and even an anthem singer were protesting. President Donald Trump has gotten involved in these protests by going against the players. Trump has stated that these players need to be fired, as well as the public needs to boycott the NFL. Millions of people in the United States are extremely furious with these protests for disrespecting the country, nevertheless the players till protest. These protests have caused a major division problem in the US, so this will share why these protests aren t what people feel they are. First of all, many people believe that these protests are about disrespected the anthem in addition to the country. But, These players aren t trying to disrespect the country; they re trying to peacefully protest police treatment of African Americans in America. When this all began Colin Kaepernick used to sit on the bench during the anthem, until a former NFL player as well a veteran, Nate Boyer, told Kaepernick that there was a better way to do this. So, Kaepernick ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Ebola Virus Outbreak The Ebola Virus Outbreak The ebola virus disease is a deathly illness first discovered in the late twentieth century. This disease is viral, spreading from human to human through any bodily fluid contact. Due to this process infection, it is easy enough to become unprotected and cause a mass distribution of the disease among the human populace. Regretfully, this disease had gone undetected within West Africa until March of 2014, when it had branched off from just the one country Guinea to four of its surrounding countries. This probes as one of the world s newest health issues since there is no vaccine to prevent this disease from sweeping across the rest of nation and infecting us all. The origins of the ebola virus are still unknown but ... Show more content on ... WHO also works along another agency called Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC has activated its Emergency Operations Center to help coordinate technical assistance and control activities with partners ( Ebola Outbreak in West Africa, 2014). Both WHO and CDC are helping each other and various other health partners in their goal to stop this disease from spreading and to save the lives of the people already infected. CDC has even deployed teams of public health experts to West Africa to go to all the infected countries ( Ebola Outbreak in West Africa, 2014). Luckily, the National Institutes of Health has undergone a study performed by its researchers to create a vaccine for the ebola virus. So far it has generated long term immunity against the Ebola virus in monkeys. The vaccine is now entering phase one clinical trials in humans (Whiteman, 2014). The vaccine known as ZMapp kept the monkeys healthy for 10 months and was even able to treat two men that had already been ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Edward Vernon Rickenbacker Biography Edward Vernon Rickenbacker was a WWI captain and hero. He was born on October 8, 1890 in Columbus, Ohio. He was the son of Swiss immigrants and had seven siblings. He smoked when he was five and was the leader of a mischievous group of kids called The Horsehead Gang . At age 8 he took the gang down a slide in a steel cart into a deep gravel pit the cart flipped over and his leg got cut straight to the bone. He later quit school at age 12 when his father died in a construction accident. After his father s death he went on to work in foundry, shoe factory, and monument works where he carved and polished his father s gravestone.Eddie loved to work with engines, that s why in 1906 he went to work with Lee frayer the owner of Frayer Miller Automobile ... Show more content on ... He was the oldest in the group but his still had to get over disliking of aerobatics. He shared credit of scoring his first solo conquest with Captain James Norman Hall. Later the Captain was shot down and taken prisoner,only later to report the death of Lieutenant Wilhelm Scheerer. Eddie s technique was to sneak up on his enemy closer than dared before firing his guns. But sometimes when he did that his guns were jammed but his luck held out when the cloth on his upper wing tore on May 17 and he made a successful landing. For that he was made an ace. During interviews One of Eddie Rickenbacker s most well known happened in October of 1942. He was sent into the pacific theatre to look over living conditions of the soldiers and operations as well as delivering personally a message to General Douglas Macarthur. After viewing many air and sea bases in Hawaii Rickenbacker was provided with an older model B 17 which nickname is the Flying Fortress as transportation to the south pacific. The B 17 had eight crew members and while staying hundreds of miles off while on it s way to Canton Island was forced to land the old B 17 in the Pacific ... Get more on ...