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How To Write An Ap Analysis EssayHow To Write An Ap Analysis Essay
Slavitt Vs Hardy
The Titanic was one of the largest ships that has ever been made. On its first voyage, the Titanic
quickly ceased after encountering an iceberg. In the poem, Titanic , David R. Slavitt gives a brief
description of the Titanic and how the world has remembered the legend. In a different poem, The
Convergence of the Twain , Thomas Hardy illustrates the impact an Immanent Will had on the
crashing of the Titanic. Both, Slavitt and Hardy challenge the views that people have on the legend
of the Titanic by applying tone as well as creating a duality of expectations and reality.
Through tone, the authors portray each way the Titanic should be identified by using effective
word choice. Many lives were lost on the Titanic that day, but instead... Show more content on ...
Slavitt correlates the Titanic to the world while Hardy challenges whether or not the crashing off
the Titanic was choice or fate. Slavitt implies that the world becomes numb to death and tragedy by
writing, And the world, shocked, mourns, as it ought to do and almost never does. When tragedies
similar to the Titanic happen, people overlook and forget the events until another tragedy happens.
With the improvement of communication through technology, news and events are shared at the
speed of sound. Every few seconds bears a new tragic event; for instance, the lives lost in the
Boston Massacre, the bar shooting in Orlando, and numerous school shootings fade into the chaos
each day brings. Hardy previews the conception of the Titanic happening by choice or by fate.
Hardy mentions, The Immanent Will that stirs and urges everything...A Shape of Ice, for the time
far and dissociate, formulating that fate forced the Titanic to crash into the iceberg(18 21). Hardy
signifies the crash happened because of the pride the architects acquired of their magnificent
structure. According to prior knowledge of the short sail at sea, the captains of the ship had the
choice of taking a test run, turning around after having a fire on board, or simply cruise at a
slower pace. Hardy reminds of the hurried departure and the idea that the crash rested in the hands
of an
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Solutions and strategy to overcome challenges in...
Issues and Challenges in Development of India
India as a Nation faces most of the issues this modern world has faced. It has the issues of the
developed nations like the USA and other European countries and at the same time problems faced
by the developing and underdeveloped countries in Africa and Asian continent. At the same time
with a diverse population in diverse geographical setting with large number of social and religious
issues, India faces issues of its own with unique kind of attention. In spite of these issues India s
progress with growth and development in recent decades has raised expectations to the extent that
some analysts have started predicting when India will outgrow China. Due to this expectation, the
pressure on ... Show more content on ...
India s progress in health and education between 1990 and 2010 lagged behind not only China but
also its South Asian neighbours like Nepal and Bangladesh as already discussed. The lack of
committed organizations to work as a catalyst between these services and people is still a problem
in developing India. India needs massive number of independent organizations to guide, criticise
and help to implement the public policies.
India s problems for sustainable and inclusive development are structural manifesting in governance
weaknesses as they are the pillars of all policy making and implementation. The outcome of several
corruptions in government mechanism in recent time, people are gradually losing the faith.
Government s inability in i) mobilising resources and boosting the supply side of the economy, for
example, through infrastructure development; ii) ensuring broad based improvements in education
and health; and iii) keeping growth reasonably inclusive and broadly shared have posed a threat to
the nation s development.
As the Infrastructure development remains a key constraint, the government s role remains
essential. India s government has long struggled to set aside enough money for infrastructure
investment. The past decade has seen improvement on this front, largely because of private sector
involvement. Also, political pressure to keep
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Describe The Difference Between First And Second-Degree Burns
Burns are classified by the depth of the skin affected; There are two categories of burns partial
thickness burns, first and second degree burns, and full thickness burns, third degree burns. First
degree burns can be obtained through sunburns or brief exposer to very hot or cold objects and are
the least serious with only damage to the epidermisor top layer of the skin. You can identify first
degree burns through red skin with possible slight swelling and pain. Since these burns are not
very serious medical attention is not usually needed but homecare options include soaking the
affected area in cool water these burns have a recovery time of about a week. Second degree burns
can be obtained by severe sunburns, severe scalding, touching a... Show more content on ...
This loss of water affects homeostasis and until skin is repaired and the patient is on their way to
recovery they may not have the ability to properly maintain their water levels to remain in a
homeostatic state. This results in the need for fluids to be given to the patient through an IV at the
same rate the patient is losing fluid to avoid both death and shock. The amount of fluid being lost
can be calculated using the Rule of Nines and the patients body weight. While burns may not spread
to others it may spread to affect more than just the integumentary system; severe burns may reach
bone infecting the skeletal system, severe burns damage or destroy nerve endings causing an effect
on the nervous system, the inability to retain fluids in severe burn patients causes dehydration
affecting the urinary system.
Key terms
Skin grafts A skin graft is a piece of unburned skin which is surgically removed to cover a burned
Rule of Nines method used in calculating body surface area involved in burns: Head and neck,
9%; anterior thorax, 18%; posterior thorax, 18%; arms, 9% each; legs, 18% each; and genital,
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The Importance Of Weather Conditions In The Sea
Any experienced captain will tell you that weather conditions play a huge roll in decision making
while navigating any vessel. Seaworthiness does not rely on the size of your boat. How your boat
handles weather conditions are taken into consideration during the design and construction process.
Using your boatfor what it is designed to do is key. Voyages into water ways and harsh weather that
your boat cannot handle can be disastrous. Different levels of experience determine your ability to
handle weather conditions. One boater may find certain heavy weather conditions to be manageable
while another may not. The type of waterway you re operating on has much to do with how
treacherous weather conditions will become. Navigating in deep,... Show more content on ...
The zig zag approach will enable you to leave your boat in the trough long enough to turn. You
need to minimize the time in the trough and being broad side by the swell, so you do not broach.
Running with the swell behind you
When running in front of the sea,, the swell comes from behind you and this can be challenging.
The stern can be swept and pushed side to side. Keep the stern perpendicular to the oncoming seas
to navigate these conditions.
Being lifted by heavy seas is reason for concern. Boats tend fall quickly down the slope crest to
trough. When the stern is high your propeller could rise out of the water. If the rudder loses
contact with the flow of water, it will be left useless. Your boat could yaw to one side and broach
into the trough.
Sliding down the wave fast enough to bury the bow is another reason for concern. Pitchpoling can
exists when the stern is being pushed. To take the swells off one quarter and the other try tacking
before the seas. When running before the seas consider towing a drogue to slow your speed. This
will allow the helmsman an easier time control the stern in the proper position. The heaving to
When conditions are become violent beyond your control, you and the boat are taking too much
force it s time to for the heaving to maneuver. Depending on the type of boat, this maneuver keeps
the bow in to the wind or a tad off the wind and waves.
When in a power boat forget where
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A Midsummer Night s Dream Literary Analysis
What literary criticism lens is most effective in creating meaning and entertainment throughout
Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream? The play, A Midsummer Night s Dream, has
several characters involved in a love triangle. Many scenes in the story involves power being
used or taken away and use of money. Throughout the play, readers and viewers experiences
Hermia s power is being taken away by her father, Eugues,which is her kindred, not letting her
marry the man she truly loves,Lysander. Later throughout the story, Robin, character from the
story contains a enthrall love juice that has power and makes another character from the story,
Titania, fall in love with a donkey.The marxist literary criticism lens is the most effective in
creating meaning and entertaining readers and viewers in Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s
Dream. To begin with, Act 1 Scene 1 helps develop the marxist lens for the reader and viewer.
According to a Midsummer Night s Dream, That s why I m giving him my daughter. She mine
and I m giving her to Demetrius. My lord I m just as noble and rich.. (Shakespeare 1.1, 9). This
demonstrates how there is money and power involved in the story. Egeus, Hermia s father,
removes all of her power. Egeus has her power and controls his daughter, Hermia. In the story,
Egeus arranges her marriage with someone whom she doesn t love, and he doesn t let her marry
who she loves, Lysander. Not only that, but also shows how money also is being used in the story.
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Neurodevelopmental and Neurocognitive Disorders Essay
Neurodevelopmental and Neurocognitive Disorders Until the twentieth century, little account was
taken of the special characteristics of psychopathology in children; maladaptive patterns considered
relatively specific to childhood, such as autism, received virtually no attention at all (Butcher
Hooley, 2014). Today there is more attention paid to children with maladaptive behaviors and
scientific research has been done that demands more attention is paid to specific children s
behaviors, not the behaviors of adult as there are no fair comparisons that allow the diagnosis and
treatments of adult and children s behaviors to be equal. Neurodevelopment disorders in children
result in maladaptive behavior which appears in different life... Show more content on ...
N., Hooley, J. M., Mineka, 2014). The causal factors for ADHD in children have been much
debated. It still remains unclear to what extent the disorder results from environmental or biological
factors (Carr et al., 2006; Hinshaw et al., 2007), and recent researchers believe that biological
factors such as genetic inheritance will turn out to be important precursors to the development of
ADHD (Durston, 2003). But firm conclusions about any biological basis for ADHD must await
further research (Butcher Hooley, 2014, p. 513). Treatment for ADHD that focuses on controlling
behavior with drugs has been promising. One particular treatment involved the effectiveness of
MTA fading procedures. According to the article, the findings suggest that in contrast to the
hypothesized deterioration in the relative benefit of behavioral modification between nine and 14
months (after completion of fading), the MTA behavior generalization and maintenance procedures
implemented through nine months apparently yield continuing improvement through 14 months,
with preservation of the relative position of behavior compared
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The Affect Of The Six-Day War On Israel
Terrorism and war have affected Israel, and the people living there, ever since they became their
own nation. Over the long history of Jerusalem it has been destroyed twice, besieged 23 times
attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times. Jerusalem was established by King David
as the capital city of Israel, however there has since been a struggle of which religion should
occupy the region. Christians and Muslims have been fighting a long time to control the land of
Israel because they both feel they are entitled to it. The Muslims believe Muhammad s armies
founded Israel. On the other hand, the Christians feel positive that the land should be theirs because
they founded it first. Numerous people have died over the years for... Show more content on ...
The Arab nations were trying to eliminate Israel and take away the shame they felt after they
were defeated a few years earlier when they fought Israel. The countries against Israel united
together and planned out the war thinking it would be a piece of cake. Moreover, Israel fended
off the countries and won the war in six days hence the name the Six Day War. General
Mordechai Hod, who was a commanding general for the Israeli Air Force, said about the Six
Day War, The dangers of Israel s extermination was hardly present before the Six Day War (Dodd
and Mead Co). The Six Day War increased the number of terrorist attacks that Israel has now, this
is because many countries are not fans of Israel and are upset about the way they lost the war.
The countries that fought Israel used a billion dollars worth of supplies during the war, causing
serious debt. The Six Day War changed the events that happened in Israel and the ones that are
still occurring in Israel. Israel gained some respect because of how they won the war against all
the countries facing them in the Six Day War. Furthermore, Israel gained respect from some of the
countries. Even though Israel had a small population they put up a tough fight. Israel showed
resilience during the Six Day War, and since the war they have been able to protect their
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Patriarchal Family Roles
The traditional family roles that have been established by American patriarchal culture have set
women at a professional disadvantage due to the presumed duties that they are often expected to
uphold. Women were expected to stay home with children while men were the bread winners and
prosper professionally. This stereotypical approach to family was prevalent and has carried over to
the workplace today. Slaughter explains how her own mother fell victim to these cultural practices.
She recalls My mother built a successful and rewarding career as a professional artist largely in the
years after my brothers and I left home and after being told in her 20s that she could not go to
medical school, as her father had done, and her brother would go on to do, because, of course, she
was going to get married. (par. 17) Slaughter s testimony illustrates the thought process that
restricted her mother s professional achievement throughout history. Throughout history, the
relegation of women to the family has kept countless women from realizing professional prowess
and solidified their status as The Others. Men were expected to work, thus allowing them to achieve
positions of power and establish the culture of the American work force. This male dominated
professional culture forged the tempo, and environment that would become the standard of
American employment and Promotion. This professional environment that dominated American
employment proved generally intolerant and biased
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Assignment 1 Negotiation and Bargaining
Assignment #1 Negotiation and Bargaining 1. Using the definition of negotiation as provided in
the text, modify the definition so you can include aspects of negotiation you deem important.
Negotiation is a form of decision making in which two or more parties talk with one another in
an effort to resolve their opposing interests (Essentials of Negotiation fifth edition. Negotiation
occurs on a daily basis. It occurs between businesses, partnerships, marriages, friends, family and
even law enforcement. Negotiations occur for several reasons: (1) to agree on how to share or
divide a limited resource, such as land, or property, or time; (2) to create something new that
neither party could do on his or her own, or (3) to resolve... Show more content on
The rules are a work order should be completed within 24 hours of reports unless it is the
weekend or a part needs to be order. The manager had to review when the work order was called
in and determine if the resident request should be honored. The resident requested $200
concession for the inconvenience and not completed the work orders within the 24 hour window.
Once the manager made sure all work orders were completed then the offer was a $100
concession. The parties are interdependent of one another due to this is the resident home and the
manager needs the resident for monthly rental payments and to keep up occupancy. The two
parties are interdependent of each other so it was in most parties to come up with a mutual
decision. The resident acceptations of the offer to the concession made them happy and the
manager happy due to all the work orders were complete. 4. Compare and contrast the concepts of
bargaining and negotiation. Most people consider bargaining and negotiation have the same
meaning. Bargaining is win lose situation such as hanging over price at a used car lost.
Negotiation refers to a win win situation such as those that occur when parties are trying to find
mutually acceptable solution to a complex conflict (Essentials of Negotiation fifth edition).
Bargaining reminds me of prospected resident always wanting to haggle over price or fees being
charged. They use the
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An Examination of the Factors of Algerian Foreign Policy
It is commonly held that a compelling explanation of the foreign policy orientation of any country
cannot be well understood without an examination of its determinants and guiding principles. A
state s foreign policy is also conditional on both domestic and external factors, which may change
from time to time, thus forcing it to review its foreign policyto ensure that it operates in the best
possible conditions to achieve its objectives. An examination of any country s foreign policy must,
if only by way of background, take into consideration the past, for history itself often determines the
boundaries within which current politics evolve. In the case of Algeria, colonial history gave rise to
many determinants which still exercise pertinent influences on Algerian foreign policy: factors
whose origins lie in the past but which continue to impact contemporary policy.
The roots of independent Algeria s revolutionary foreign policy are commonly attributed to the
impact of the extremely revolutionary national ideology acquired as a result of the sufferings
endured by the Algerians in their resistance to and struggle against the French occupation and to the
experience acquired by the Algerian diplomacy during wartime, as well as to the indifference of
Western powers, particularly the United States, towards Algeria s revolutionary war against the
French (Stone 228 229).
Algeria s foreign policy constants include the right to decolonization, non intervention in domestic
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Agricultural Extension Practices For A Farming Community
The previous chapter reviewed the agricultural extension practices where extension plays an
important role in facilitating changes in a farming community. The literature indicated that there
are a lot of extension approaches due to change of ideas, purposes vary, and paradigm shift. It
appears that, agricultural extension involves many different approaches and methodologies. And it
is managed and delivered through a variety of institutional arrangements. It seems that no single
approach best suit extension development in all circumstances.
The purpose of this chapter is to consider farming from the perspective of the farmer and how such
consideration might benefit extension approaches and outcomes. The farming environment is
complex and ... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless, after the introduction, the chapter begins by clarifying what kind of farmers this
study refers to by defining smallholder farmer, elements of smallholder, and the farming
environment as to understand and identify some key variables in farming environment that will
enhance our investigation of farmers livelihood.
This chapter identifies various factors that affect farmers decision making concerning their way
of life. The sustainable livelihoods approach (SLA) is a way to improve understanding of the
way of life of rural people (IFAD, 2011). It draws on the main factors (internal and external) that
affect rural people s livelihoods and the natural relationships between these factors. SLA is based
on the concept of capability, equity and sustainability (Chambers Conway, 1992).This study seeks
to consider SLA as a framework to help understand the main factors that affect cocoa farmers
livelihoods, the relationships between these factors and how decisions are made on growing cocoa.
In this chapter the diffusion of innovation model, particularly the variables which influences an
innovation s rate of adoption (after Rogers, 2003), and elements of smallholder farmer by HLPE
(2013) (see Figure 11) will be viewed through SLA. The commonly known variables determining the
rate of technology adoption in agriculture were listed by Rogers (2003). These variables include
perceived attributes of
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The Security Issue Against Data Leak Essay
Abstract Android is one of the biggest operating system for smart devices in the market and its
application greatly impact life of billions of people. Thus it is safe to assume security will be
too. Security is a big issue for Android as its application is given rights to access several
information and some are sensitive information. Attackers accessing to those information could
prove fatal to the users. In some cases, the application are secured yet information are being leak
to the attackers. One of such methods are an attack though communication channels and side
channels [1]. Having information leak out in real time allows attackers to listen to conversation
or acquiring bank information. This paper will explore ways to prevent or solve security issue
against data leak. Two approach to this will be the introduction to apps: App Guardian [1] and
AppAudit [2]. App Guardian pauses suspicious applications and suspicious application is
identify using side channels. [1] AppAudit in the other hand run a simulation or sandbox version
of an application and does a checklist to each for security laws. [2] Those two are an example the
paper will be touching on. This paper will explore possible attacks and solution in the form of
methods to resolve it. 1. Introduction Android operating system is used in many device such smart
phone and tablets. Based on a report android in the fourth quarter of 2013 has a market share of
78.1% of all smartphone. [3] Furthermore, with the
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Milton Hershey s Accomplishments
Milton Hershey once said, If I ever become rich, I am going to use my money to build schools to
give every boy and girl an opportunity to get an education (Quotes Said by Milton Hershey). These
words reflected how Milton Hershey felt about education because he was uneducated and forced to
drop out. Hersheyknew from that point on that he wanted to help others get educated. The Hershey
Companyhelped him achieve these goals. Milton Hershey always has a passion for candy making,
and he fulfilled his dream by becoming one of the most successful chocolate entrepreneurs. He
used his wealth to create a school for orphaned boys and helped anyone in need.
Milton Hershey was born on September 13, 1857 in Derry Township, Pennsylvania to Henry
Hershey and Veronica Fanny Snavely. Milton had one younger sister named Serina Hershey, who
had died of scarlet fever when she was four (Milton S. Hershey). Veronica was the daughter of
Bishop Abraham Snavely, a highly respected figure of the Mennonite church. She raised Milton the
same way ... Show more content on ...
Hershey started with 500 acres of land to build the company; within one year of being open he
expanded to 12,000 acres (Career). He made the company bigger and better as time went on.
When Hershey first opened, milk chocolate was the only candy produced. Around 400,000 quarts
of milk were used each day to manufacture chocolate, around half a million pounds of chocolate
was produced a day. While planning the rest of the Hershey factory, Milton wanted his employees
to have a safe, home like environment to live in. Workers would need comfortable homes, medical
care, recreational facilities, and school for their children. Not only would Hershey help them out
financially, he would help them with personal issues too. The production took around a year to do.
By then Hershey Company was ready to open and produce candy
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The Role Of Gender During The Renaissance Period
A critical point in European history was the Renaissance period, which took place between 1300
1700. The term Renaissance stands for rebirth , and in this context refers to the increased interest
that was taken in learning from Greek and Roman classical writing. Recent exploration by
historians into the Renaissanceperiod has seen a fixation on the discussion of the role of gender
during the Renaissance. A variety of historians, such as Joan Kelly and Merry E. Weisner, believe
that women didn t experience any form of a Renaissance during this period. It can be widely
acknowledged that during this period society did experience a rebirth , especially in terms of the
role of the men in Europe. Women, on the other hand, weren t as fortunate.... Show more content on ...
As a result, women didn t have a renaissance in terms of the way people regarded them, as attitudes
regarding women from the middle ages continued right through the Renaissance.
The second area that saw the littlest change for women in the Renaissance was the expectations
that came with their social status. Overall women were deemed to be a lower class in terms of
gender, and men often treated them with less respect as a result. Within social classes,
stereotypical beliefs regarding women and their role were held. Lower class women were
expected to be housewives and take care of everything to do with the house. The expectation of
working class women, however, was slightly different. They were expected to work for their
husbands and help them run their business, although they couldn t partake in any of the work by
themselves or outside of the house. However, this different expectation wasn t necessarily new and
was upheld from previous times, supporting this idea of women not receiving a Renaissance in the
area of social class. Some women in the elite were able to become slightly more independent from
their husbands and gain more responsibility, but the vast majority of women in the Renaissance
continued to be used for the sole benefits of the men; as providers of a dowry, homemakers
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3d Hydrogel Scaffold For Characterization Of Ovarian...
3D Hydrogel Scaffold for Characterization of Ovarian Cancer Tumor Cell Growth
Courtney Dreyer | A09795311
Jenny Pan | A97020570
Julia Wong | A09901322
Ovarian cancer is of significant concern to women because it is both hard to diagnose and
aggressive. As of current, there is a lack of viable in vitro models that accurately model ovarian
cancer tumor metastasis and growth. The purpose of this research is to develop a viable 3D
hydrogel that enables the ovarian cancer cell environment to be effectively modeled in vitro.
The goal is to develop a 3D hydrogel scaffold that properly models the mechanical, physical, and
chemical properties of the in vivo environment. These properties include but are not limited to:
vascularization, cell migration, cytokine signaling, metastasis, and chemosensitivity of cancer
cells. By adequately modeling ovarian cancer metastasis in vitro, the proposed scaffold will
allow for more precise screening of drug efficacy prior to usage in in vivo studies. To quantify
whether or not the model is accurate, mechanical, cytokine signaling, and drug efficacy tests will
be carried out and evaluated to determine if the proposed 3D hydrogel scaffold is suitable as a
viable in vitro representation of ovarian cancer cell environment. Thus, in the long term, this 3D
hydrogel scaffold can be used in personalized medicine and can determine the drug efficacy on a
patient s own cancer cells as a precursor to chemotherapy treatment.
Objectives and Aims
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Mamilieen Luce Research Paper
A painter, lithographer and draftsman, Maximilien Luce was born in Paris, France on October
13, 1858. His parents, Charles Desire Luce and Louise Josephine Dunas were of modest means
and lived in the working class of Montparnasse. He began studying about engraving in 1872. In
the evening he took courses of engraving after training as a wood carver at the Ecole Nationale
Superieure des Arts Decoratifs at the age of fourteen. That apprenticeship with that wood engraver
lasted for three years.Maximilien Luce entered a engraver shop and began working at the studio of
the engraver EugГЁne Froment where he made woodcut prints.The following year he traveled with
Froment to London and on his return to France in 1879 he joined military service for a... Show more
content on ...
Around 1894 He was also arrested for a short period on suspicion of being involved in the
assassination of the president of France, Mari François Sadi Carnot. He became involved in the
Trial of the Thirty and served a short term of imprisonment. They had a first child that was a boy
named Frederick, but unfortunately died in 1895 at the age of fifteen months old. They had
another son the following year who was also named Frederick, they also adopted Bouin s
orphaned nephew, Georges Edouard in 1903. Until 1904, Luce lived in Montmartre, so between
1904 and 1924, he lived in Auteuil, then moved back to Paris. the streets of Montmartre in
which appeared in many of his works. After 1920, however, when he began spending a large
amount of time around Rolleboise, Luce started to paint in a freer manner. Maximilien Luce was
elected President of the Societe des Artistes Independants but then resigns his post in 1940 in the
protest against racial laws enacted by the regime, which had banned Jewish artists from all official
groupings and exhibitions. Luce and Bouin married in Paris in 1940, only a few months before
her death in June. Luce died in Paris on February 6 the following year,
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Why Author Use Pen Names
Pen names are very useful to authors, and all authors that use pen names have pretty valid reasons
to use them in a way to benefit themselves in their career. Many authors use pen names as a security
for themselves to avoid the hate mail and the interference with fans coming into their personal lives.
Pennames also allow authors to have freedom when they are writingso no one knows who they
really are, this lets the authors let go of the stress and fear of being judged and criticized by family
and friends, it allows them release from their personal life.
Some authors don t use pen names because of the fear of what people might think of their career
but as an easier way to get published. Especially women authors did the in the earlier years
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How Hamilton Changed My Life
The award winning Broadway musical Hamilton has won over the hearts of numerous
Broadway regulars and non regulars alike. Written by Lin Manuel Miranda over six years ( How
Hamilton changed my life ), it is based upon a biography by Ron Chernow: Alexander Hamilton
(Churchwell). Its surge of popularity has puzzled an innumerable amount of people. The main
reasons for this are clear if you have seen the musical live or listened to the soundtrack: the tunes
and lyrics are beautifully composed and very catchy. However, if you try to be perceptive, you may
find there are more enigmatic reasons as to why Hamilton became such a hit in a little amount of
time. An element that helped the musical reach its current popularity is its strangeness. A musical
about a founding father with hip hop and rap elements caused some to be suspicious. This
suspiciousness... Show more content on ...
Much has been written about Miranda s wide ranging but acute musical references, from a
Britpop inflected George III ( When you re gone, I ll go mad / So don t throw away this thing
we had / Cause when push comes to shove / I will kill your friends and family to remind you of
my love ) to the three Schuyler sisters singing about New York in the manner of Destiny s Child;
from the Notorious BIG to Kander and Ebb... Lines about racism from Rodgers and
Hammerstein s South Pacific ( you ve got to be carefully taught ) rub shoulders with Busta
Rhymes; Sondheim s experiments in perspective from Pacific Overtures meet Snoop Dogg.
(Churchwell) Lin Manuel Miranda used multiple genres of music, which helped to captivate his
audience. It also helps that there s something for everyone. There are Broadway esque elements
to please avid Broadway fans, plenty of hip hop and rap to fill the hearts of fans of that genre. The
fact that the musical genres are so diverse in the one musical truly make it one of a
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An Example Of The Note 7 Fiasco
The Note 7 Fiasco
At a lunch event in Hammerstein Ballroom at the Manhattan Center in New York on August 2,
Samsung announced the note 7 with much fanfare from loyal customers and journalist alike.
Samsung note 7 was released on the 19th of August 2016 to its customers, a couple of weeks
later there was news circulating on the internet it is exploding in charge. Due to this issue airlines
and passengers were advised to refrain from using their note 7 in flight to avoid explosion and
possibly plane crash whilst consumer safety stated that it is working closely with Samsung on the
issue and warned the public to stop using the note 7 (Czarnecki, 2016)
It took Samsung a while to admit there was a problem with is a new product and finally issued a
voluntary recall of the note 7 on the 2nd of September 2016 (Czarnecki, 2016). The replacement
Note 7 phones given to people that had returned their unit after it issued a recall was also
revealed to had exploded which led to a second global recall by Samsung. This fiasco was indeed
a public relation nightmare that Samsung handled badly (Sullivan, 2016). It ultimately led to the
loss of $19B in its stock value (Milanesi, 2017).
1. Winning back the trust of loyal customers and ensuring that similar incidence is prevented in the
2. Improve communication with customers,
3. taken steps to address safety concerns that plugged the note 7.
4. Change quality assurance implemented by its suppliers.
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A Cubist Perspective of Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s...
A Cubist Perspective of Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream
The great cycle of the ages is renewed. Now Justice returns, returns the Golden Age; a new
generation now descends from on high. Virgil, Eclogues 1.5
As Virgil stated so many years ago, history is a cyclical phenomenon. The experiences of one age
tend to be repeated in future generations. Knowing that, we should not be surprised to find the
seeds of modern styles and philosophies sprouting in earlier ages.
Elizabethan England was a society undergoing major social changes. In religion the country had
recently left the fold of Catholicism to establish the Church of England. While England during this
time was a major world power, she ... Show more content on ...
The Cubist artist wanted to show multiple views of one object at the same time. This attempt to
represent multiple viewpoints simultaneously was opposed to the renaissance artist s attempt to
establish a single viewpoint#. In Midsummer Night s Dream, a play that belongs to the period of
the late renaissance, William Shakespeare has managed to incorporate the same elements we use to
define Cubist art.
As Alexander Leggatt points out, this play is divided into four different groups of characters; the
lovers, the older Athenian citizens, the fairies and the rude mechanics. # Each of these groups
proceeds through the play as a separate plane or playing field that intersects the other fields in
proscribed and largely ceremonial ways. The interaction of the different groups helps to define each
group and at the same time keeps them separate.
At the center of the play, the object which is divided up and examined in multiple perspectives is
love. The four groups each show a different aspect of love and the interaction within and among the
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Go Greyhound Poem Analysis
The idea of mobility in these poems (Whitman s Song of the Open Road , Hicok s Go Greyhound
and Waldman s Our Past ) is described both literally as traveling by foot, train and/or boat as well
as figuratively in that the characters are traveling to intangible destinations.
As far as physical examples of traveling, the most obvious one would be in Hicok s poem, Go
Greyhound . In the poem, Hicok discusses his observations and experiences while riding a
Greyhound bus from Des Moines through Arizona. Though he does not directly state that he is
traveling, the lines Hope s a smaller thing on a bus, (1 Hicok) and As we entered Arizona, I
thought I smelled the ocean, (2 Hicok) show that he is traveling literally from one place to another.
Something I d like to mention in reference to the second line I quoted would be that the line itself
is an impossibility that brings contrast to the poem. Arizona is nowhere near the shores of the
ocean so for Hicok to smell the ocean would be impossible and, yet, he mentions it so casually in
the poem. This quote, therefore, shows both the theme of mobility as well as the descriptive use of
Now, an example of figurative traveling can be found in Whitman s poem, part 2, stanza2, in the
line the black with his woolly head, the felon, the diseas d, the illiterate person, are not denied, (2
Whitman). This line does not state that the felon and the sick are moving literally from one point to
another but that they are traveling
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The Six Chief Characteristics Of Philosophy
The main goal behind philosophy is to seek the deepest, and most detailed truth behind everything
in the universe. Many different concepts such as relativism attempt to disprove truth that
philosophy attempts to pursue. To understand what it means for philosophy to pursue truth, we
must first understand the nature of philosophy, or what philosophy really is. To understand the
nature of philosophy, we must look at the six chief characteristics of philosophy. The six chief
characteristics of philosophy will help us understand why other concepts such as relativism are
wrong, and why philosophy does indeed pursue the deepest truth. The nature of philosophy is
defined as the essence of philosophy, or what philosophy really is. First we must look at the six
chief characteristics of philosophy to understand the nature of philosophy. The first chief
characteristic is doing an Etymological analysis of the term philosophy. This simply means that
we must analyze the word to get its root parts. If we divide philosophy it comes out to mean love
of wisdom, and a philosopher is a lover of wisdom or truth. Philosophy can be seen as the desire
to know deeply the world that is around us. The next chief characteristic is the basic mood of
philosophy. The basic mood of philosophy is wonder or anxiety in a world we cannot understand to
the fullest. This brings us to our next chief characteristic which is raising fundamental questions.
These deep philosophical questions, are raised in order to
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African-American Values
I ve been raised in North Bethesda, a city inside of Montgomery County my whole life . A
county that values education and success more than most things, and rightfully so. To live in
this county you have to have money and to have money you must be successful, and also to be
able to have the things you want , such as a nice car, nice houses, nice clothes and local and
clean grocery stories, etc. that they have here. It motivates and instills values on us to try our
hardest and make the most out of school as possible to get a job that will help us and our
community in the future. Which is why I see myself as an educated , adventurous , and hungry for
success. My dad is from Cameroon, which is a country in Africa and lived there up until adulthood
then he came to the states because he felt that his... Show more content on ...
So when they moved to North Bethesda, they knew I would have a better head start in life than
most other people, African Americanor Caucasian. I ve maintained over a 4.0 GPA, with a mix of
A s and B s . I was raised as a catholic, going to church most every sunday with my father, most
people in his country are christians but when he moved to america he converted to catholic.
This instilled values into me, to believe in jesus christ and believe that there s a reason for
everything because he set it up that way. I m the older sister to one (half) brother, who is only
six years old with my parents working often it leaves me to be in charge of my brother, which
has made me become very domesticated at an early age, and pretty talented in being able to
communicate and understand with those at a much younger age than me. I can cook any dish
that I have the recipe too, and can make a meal in under 45 minutes. My parents become
divorced when I was 4, which instilled values in me to wait till I was mature enough, and also in a
long term stable relationship before I get married because to wake up one day and realize I know
longer love the person I married is the scariest thing to
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Aboriginal Issues For Canada s Health Systems
Aboriginal Issues
Imagine a world without jobs, education or even no health systems. Well as in today many
aboriginals in Canada are living a life compared to this. Indigenous people of Canada, including
status Indians, non status Indians, MГ©tis and Inuit people are Aboriginal people of Canada.(
Aboriginal Definition and Terms ) According to a study by the National Household Survey (NHS)
1,400,685 people had an Aboriginal identity in 2011, representing 4.3% of the total Canadian
population. Aboriginal people mostly live in Ontario and the western provinces of Manitoba,
Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia (Aboriginal Peoples). The loss of land is not the
biggest problem facing the aboriginal Canadians. The biggest problem facing the ... Show more
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Patients that want to receive a drug exemption that is not listed on the Non Insured health benefit
(NIHB) Programs drug benefit list must complete a long lengthy paperwork process that can take
weeks or even months to complete. This procedure can be complicated when the aboriginal patient
must depend on visiting specialist that are only available for appointments once a month. In the
north the effects of lack of access to the health services have caused patients to leave their
communities to get more specialized care , they are usually send to the south for medical
emergencies, hospitalization, appointments with medical specialists , diagnosis and treatments . In
2005, 5% of Inuit s had been away from their homes for one of more months due to illness effects
(Access to health services as a social determinant of first nations, in unit and metis health). Many
children are suffering because of their health. Some families don t have enough money to get
their children medicine or a cure for their disease. Some families are struggling to reach for help
and also many families struggle financially, so they may not have the money to get a cure or
medicine. Non aboriginal people can just easily go out and get medication and simply cure
themselves from the sickness but aboriginals have difficulties accessing the health systems that we
have and that can be a hard task. If aboriginals have a
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Invictus By William Earnest Fintus Analysis
Invictus by William Earnest Henley, is about a man, the courage he has through his struggles, and
the relationship he has with God. When reading this poem I think of my own life as a young girl.
She is someone that I think about a lot. I look at the struggles she has faced and how her
relationship with God has changed throughout these challenges. Through all the evil that had come
into her life, she turned to God and blamed him because of the belief that he would protect her.
The only way she did not turn to death is through her hope, much like Henley s, courage got her
through these times. The little painful stories build up in our lives to create who we are. They also
teach us that we have the strength within us to keep moving forward.
She was a young girl in high school just trying to be normal. A month of sleeping and the
inability to get out of bed, her mother finally got worried and took her to the hospital. Tests were
performed, questions were asked, and she would finally be diagnosed with the trembling words
of, You have severe depression. She was put on many medications, but this would not stop her
from putting knives to her chest and throat, wanting for it all to end. This monster in her head
would be there for the rest of her life, creating the inability to make the chemicals she needed to
have to be happy. Everyday prayers would be made asking God why this was happening to her.
As a teenage girl, she found love in the right and wrong places. Her first love was
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Theories of Classical Management
The classical approach were established and carried out in the early 1900centyry. Group of
technician, manager and scientist came up with idea in order to reduce industrial dispute. They are
Frederick Taylor the theory of scientific management, Max Weber theory of bureaucracy, and Henri
Fayol theory of classical management. Most of them theories were based on the principal for a
comprehensive theory of management. Now I am going to discuss about perspective view of
each theories. Frederick Taylor came up with the principal theory of scientific management. His
theory put emphasis on how an organisation can increase or gain their productivity through strong
management control and supervision on worker and planning and maintain structure of
organisation. He believe in so called Division of labour worker can do best and process can be
run smoothly if worker assigned to a limited number of specific task. He argued best result will out
come if the employee appointed for a specific task and monitor them closely. Taylor found out that
lack of employee initiative in the work place was the major issue of inefficient work in the
organisation. He believes that the organisation emphasis more on external job rather than focusing
on internal process of the production line, giving less priority to the external process created
negative impact on organisation such as waste of time, human effort and materials. The reasons
behind that were at that time most of the organization used to
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Renaissance Rebirth
Revival, Rebirth, these are the words that describes the Renaissance period. The Renaissance
period was a period in Europe during the 1300 1700 it was a period of rebirth . It was the period
between the high middle ages to the modern age. The Renaissance period influenced/ pioneered the
things or ideas we use today.During this period, science and technology boosted while,the arts
became famous. Renaissancehumanismand the bubonic plague (black death)led to the renaissance
period this is because there was a need of rebirth after the series of epidemics,also people relied on
REASON rather than FAITH for explanations thus, boosting science and technology.
Humanism changed the way people see things.During the middle ages people believe in religion as
the ultimate virtue but, during the renaissance period they now beleived in reason.Also, they know
focus on learning from human experiences rather than the life of Jesus Christ.Human living is now
the ultimate goal and not religion. This shows a shift of perspective on the interest of people in the
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There was a need of rebirth after the bubonic plague this brought the people to become interested in
knowledge.Also the churches power was weakened during the Renaissance period because they
could not provide an explanation for the bubonic plague nor,could they cure it. Also people became
interested in scientific studies which some does contradict with the religious teachings of the church.
The Renaissance humanism and the Bubonic plague cause the birth of the Renaissance period.
This two causes changed the course of history and the view of the people.For me the Renaissance
period is still ongoing because its effects are still felt
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Historical Development Of Incorporation Law
1.0 Introduction There are different business structures in Australia. Each business structure has
unique set of obligations, legal requirements, convenience or advantages and inconvenience or
disadvantages. Purpose of this essay is to understand the incorporated business framework and to
explain in depth that why one or more business owner need to register the business as
incorporation. Firstly, essay will have insight over the historical development of incorporation law
in Australia since 1901. According to Incorporation Associations (2014) Incorporation is a method
of registration that gives an association legal advantages, in return for accepting certain legal
responsibilities (p. 5). A limited company has certain characteristics and features which are
discussed in third section. These characteristics are the platform for the functioning of the
incorporated body. Furthermore, the essential steps which are required to convert or start a limited
company will be elaborated in later part. Final section will be the analysis of the question whether
a business should be incorporated or not! Which factors business should consider before opting for
a business structure and how these factors will affect the business. What are the legal and moral
responsibilities of limited companies! In the end, the crux of the essay is that incorporation of the
business provides the proper environment for the economic growth. 2.0 Corporate Law in
Australia: Historical background In Australia
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Kofi Annan Finding Common Ground
In American society, two individuals often join hands and collaborate regardless of their different
characteristics. Even though their identities may clash with each others and be absolute opposites,
their union remains unaffected. Their combined strength enables them to complete many tasks. In
the unit of Finding Common Ground, the selections focuses on the citizens of America to explore
this concept of being unified despite diversity. Kofi Annansums up this unit by saying, [People]
may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but [they] all belong to
one human race, in which he expresses that though people are carry differences, they have the
potential to unite. The main messages of this unit coincide with his words because the texts
highlight that the people of any country can unify and be strong as a group if they have the resolve
to do so. Ultimately, a nation derives strength from... Show more content on ...
While people tend to behave poorly towards other people who are different, they also have the
capability of correcting that weakness. With immense dedication to the goal of unity, individuals
can build bridges that show [they] are better together (Making the Future Better, Together page 7,
lines 89 90). People will take actions that promote the concept of coming together if they commit
themselves. Differences will not stand in the way then. Their willingness to unite will drive them
to build [a] beloved community (Martin Luther King Jr., Making the Future Better, Together page
8, line 97), where people tolerate or even embrace the differences of one another. If people do not
have determination, they will not be able to discard their tendency to not welcome other people who
are different from them and remain separated. In the end, the realization of unity in a nation
depends on whether its citizens are willing to devote themselves to striving for
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The And Medicinal Purposes Of Ginger
Zingiber officinale, commonly known as Ginger, is a prevalent kitchen spice that has both been
used for dietary and medicinal purposes around the world. A member of the Zingiberacae family,
ginger is a flowering plant that is said to have originated in India, but was harvested to extinction.
It is now cultivated predominately in India, China, and Jamaica. Although this is a flowering
herb, the root or rhizome of the plant is regularly utilized for cooking or for medicinal purposes.
The powder of the rhizome is often made into a tonic that is consumed by the patient. Ginger has
been used traditionally in various cultures as a remedy for a number of different conditions. In
Bone and Mills (2013), it is stated that ginger has been... Show more content on ...
812). The anti inflammatory factors of 6 gingerol are key in the treatment of Ulcerative Colitis. In
addition, 6 gingerol is a phenol that is rapidly metabolized in comparison to the rates of other
isolated components of the ginger rhizome. The metabolism rate of the compound has been
documented at about 30 minutes (Benzie Watchel galor, 2011, Ch.7 p.6). The concentration of the
phenol is also found to be higher within the tissue when compared to plasma. The combination of a
high metabolism rate and tissue concentration levels makes 6 gingerol the most bioactive
component within the ginger rhizome. The highest concentration of 6 gingerol can be found in the
gastrointestinal tract (Benzie Watchel galor, 2011, p. 6). This is important when considering
treatment of GI conditions using ginger.
Ulcerative colitis is an idiopathic, chronic inflammatory condition that is characterized by the
inflammation of the colon and rectum. This is a disorder that affects the innermost layer of the
colon, known as the mucosal layer. Similar to other inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcerative colitis
results from abnormal and increased activation of the intestinal immune system. The increased
presence of the inflammatory mediators within the tissue leads to the disruption of the mucosa and
ultimately ulceration of the tissues( El Abhar, Hammad, and
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Environmental Effects Of Plastic Pollution
Plastic pollution is all over this world. People purchase plastic almost everyday, even if someone
does not realize they are purchasing this synthetic product, most of the time the item s packaging is
made of plastic. Even cleaning products and clothes contain plastic. When plastic was man made
the only thought was the benefits it can create, the deficits were not thought of. Humans and
animals are being physically harmed by hazardous chemicals inside plasticand sadly, fifty percent
of plastic is hazardous. The environment as well is being affected with pollution because of the
amount of resources that are taken and used. Many authors have researched the effects of the
plastic we use daily. ZHigui He s article Pollution characteristics and health risk assessment of
volatile organic compounds emitted from different plastic solid waste recyclingworkshops
researches the various volatile compounds found in different recycling shops that lead to health
risks. Charles Talsness article is explaining the health risks of the components found in plastic on
humans and animals. Along with the article written by Chelsea Rochman, assistant professor, that
classifies plastic waste as hazardous as well and W.C. Li s article focuses on the effects of the
plastic waste in the marine environment. All the while, Robert LeBlanc has found many statistics
on all negative aspects inside his article Plastic RecyclingFacts and Figures . All of these articles
connect in the agreement of plastic
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Aldo Leopold The Land Pyramid
In his essay titled The Land Ethic, Aldo Leopold argues that humans should extend ethical
behaviors to the natural environment or in other words, the land. The author points out that, thus
far, humans have only acted ethically towards one another. However, he believes that it is time for
humans also to start to treat the environment with the same respect and dignity that we have for the
members of our own species. The author states that he is aware that we cannot entirely prevent
utilizing natureas a resource and a commodity. Nonetheless, he concludes that humans should have
the responsibility to take care of the environment and to assure its continued existence.
Leopold does not believe that humans are the inferior species, the conquerors of the land as he
puts it. Instead, he argues, humans are just plain citizens who simply share the planet with
millions of other species and who are a part of an intricate and sophisticated system that makes
life possible for all living beings. Nonetheless, he believes that in order for people to realize this,
and for them to recognize nature as valuable and worth loving, they must be able to envision it as
a tangible object. To make this possible, Leopold creates the idea of The Land Pyramid, whose
purpose is to create a mental image of the environment as a complex biotic mechanism. The food
pyramid is comprised of many layers. The bottom layer is the widest because it represents the
species that are most abundant such as
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The Curriculum For The Class
Perhaps when writing the curriculum for the class you could consider some of these ideas, it is
important to reach out to each of the students and make them feel comfortable and want to take
interest in what they are learning. According to Interest Theory it is important for students to find
value in what they are learning. Some examples of this include; when a student is able to apply
what they have learned to everyday occurrences, being able to gain gratification from
achievements, and even feel the recognition of a practiced skill as useful. Attribution Theory
implies that as a teacher it is important to create an environment where many different cultures
and viewpoints are valid and offered. Calvin makes a point by saying that sometimes his ideas are
too big so that no one cares. So if you encourage this out of the box thinking and give Calvin
opportunities to show he knows what he is talking about Calvin will take more interest in what he
is learning. Tying in Self Determination Theory into the curriculum. Calvin would then be
intrinsically motivated when you give him the opportunity to test his knowledge with a topic that
interests him. As the teacher, you can offer a variety of tasks, which will make it difficult for him
to attribute his failure to one specific type of lesson plan or lecture. Which ties into Goal Theory,
and suggesting letting students have some control in the class. For instance; letting the students
have a choice of what they can read. If you
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Changes In Metropolitan Statistical Area
Census data from the last 2 Censuses reveal population migration patterns through changes in
Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSAs) populations. The data shows that certain metropolitan areas
are growing while others are declining. Many Southern cities and Western cities are rapidly rising
in population as economic industries settle and family friendly conditions allow innovation and
education to thrive. One strong example of this is the Raleigh Cary MSA, in North Carolina, which
has experienced rapid growth in recent decades from increased economic dominance in government
and education sector. New Orleans is an extreme exception for these regions, with the population
being greatly reduced because of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Cleveland and
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Wapusk National Park of Canada
Physical Aspects: At an area of 11,375 square kilometres Wapusk National Park is Canada s 37th
national park. Wapusk National Park is in the Hudson Plains, there are not many visitor facilities
making this park truly wild and undisturbed. This is to protect and preserve the fragile tundra
environment. In my poster there are a variety of animals, trees, plants and birds that exist in the
Park. Most of Wapusk National Parkis made up of bog and tundra. In the summer the park s
marshy wetlands and peat bog make it difficult for visitors to navigate safely. I colored in the
majority of my poster white because there is an abundance of snowy weather, but this park also
contains wetlands so I colored parts of my poster with green and blue.
As a result of the high latitude the climate is cold and another factor is that it is near the Arctic
climate region. The majority of the year it is quite chilly and the temperature rarely surpasses
twenty degrees Celsius. However when it does go above ten degrees Celsius many birds migrate
to this park, like the snow geese I illustrated beside the park s monitoring centre. The park only
has about four five months above zero degrees, and since the area is tundra there is permafrost
also the area has very poor drainage causing the wetlands. Overall, the climate is cold, with a very
large temperature range with moderate relief precipitation. There is a wide array of different types
of wildlife and vegetation in Wapusk National Park. On my
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Why Companies Should Pay Attention On Technology And Talent
One of the most significant part of business is a supply chain and today it is far more complex
than ever before. According to Mack and Media (2013), The most effective supply chains deliver
products as fast and as cheaply as possible without sacrificing quality . In order to succeed in doing
so, it is strongly believed that companies should pay attention to technology and talent. What is
supply chain? Cottrill (2010) notes that People often think it is only about moving boxes,
something to do with transport and logistics; it almost gets narrowed down to the warehousing and
delivery piece . In reality, supply chain does not only focus on moving products from one place to
another places. It involves every stages from the beginning that customers want to buy products
until they pay and become satisfied with goods. Manufacturer and suppliers, customers, retailers,
warehouses and transporters are all parts of the supply chain (Chopra et al., 2004). Due to
globalization and market uncertainties, there is a changing competitive environment in doing
business. I believe that a supply chain can keep on improving in such condition by implementing
The Triple A Supply Chain strategy which is agile, adaptable and aligned. The term agile refers to
an ability to quickly respond to unexpected changes for instance natural disasters and epidemics.
Adaptable can be defined as an ability to adjust oneself to deal with problems such as political
changes and demographic trends in order to
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Reciprocating Compressors
For lower flow rates during holding mode, reciprocating compressors are usually a good fit
because of their efficient turndown capabilities. They cater to a wider range of flow rates than any
other compressor type.
For large scale terminals, to cater higher BoG flow rate during unloading, centrifugal compressors
are appropriate. Multiple (2 or 3) compressors are installed in parallel so that shutdown of any one
of them does not hamper the operation. Depending on the tank type, reciprocating compressors can
be used if the tank is concrete roof tank. Those tanks generally are operated at higher pressures and
therefore, vapour generation is significantly low and hence reciprocating compressors can be used
even for unloading mode.
Composition ... Show more content on ...
The simple and modular design of SCV s make capital cost of SCV s much lower than ORV s.
But, operating cost of SCV s is much higher than ORV s because of use of natural gasas a fuel.
Typically about 1.5% of the vaporized LNG is used up for running SCV s.
пѓ Shell and tube vaporizers
Shell and tube vaporizers (STV) involve 2 levels of heat transfer, where, first level is heat
exchange between LNG and intermediate fluid like propane and the second level is heat
exchange between intermediate fluid and sea water. The surface areas of the heat exchangers are
optimized to have maximum heat exchange. The major advantage of STV s is, they prevent
freezing (unlike ORV s) and reduce fouling risks. But of course, they are costly because of use of
intermediate fluid like propane.
пѓ Ambient air vaporizers
The emissions because of SCV s and unknowns associated with ORV s has made companies
focus on something which is reliable and cheap and renewable and hence, companies are
focussing on ambient air vaporizers which use ambient air as a source of heat transfer. The
technology of using ambient air for LNG vaporization was there in the market before, but for
smaller scales. The recent advancements has made it possible to use it at larger scales as well.
The impact of temperature and climate is an important factor for designing ambient air vaporizers.
The technology is considered green because it has no emissions and makes use of solar heat stored
in air as a heat transfer
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Odd Personality Disorders
Odd personality disorders consist of paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal personality disorders. These
disorders have symptoms similar to schizophrenia, but not as extreme. Paranoid personality disorder
is suspicious, deeply distrust others, and tend to isolate themselves. Individuals with this disorder
believe that other individuals, commonly at work, are out to get them and are working against
them. They are easy to blame others and are extremely sensitive to criticism. Causes for paranoid
personality disorder can stem from demanding and distant fathers and over controlling and rejecting
mothers. Genes may also play a factor. Treatment can include teaching anxietyreduction techniques
and skills to help improve interpersonal relationships and
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The Phenomenon Of Violent Political Islamism
3. Discuss the phenomenon of violent political Islamism. What are its origins, aims and grievances?
How ought we to deal with the phenomenon?
Political Islam, or Islamism, is the instrumental use of Islam to pursue socio political objectives.
Islam in this case is not merely a religious construct, but a political ideology. Individuals, groups,
and organisations pursue political ideas and programs based on Islamic principles and concepts.
They aim to implement Islamic law (Sharia) in both the public and private domain. Islamism is
often mobilised in existing political issues, and has become a vehicle and vocabulary for the
expression of many different agendas in the Muslim world . It is the most dominant ideology in the
Muslim world.
While not all political Islamism is violent, it is undeniable that violent extremism occurs in the
Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. In this essay, I analyse the phenomenon of violent
political Islamism, focusing on the Middle East. I investigate its macro level historical and political
origins, and the micro level factors which influence the use of violence. I discuss its aims and
grievances, and provide suggestions on how to deal with this phenomenon.
Macro level: historical, political, socioeconomic factors
During the 1950s, the West embarked on a mission to overthrow the secular nationalist, communist,
and left wing regimes in the Middle East, which they perceived to be a threat to Western corporate
capital and a
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Bis 220 Introduction to Computer Applications and Systems...
BIS 220 Introduction To Computer Applications and Systems /Complete Class Click Link below To
Purchase: http://homework 220 Complete Class 256.htm BIS 220 Week 1 Individual
Information Technology Acts Paper Select two of the following acts to research: Do Not Call
Implementation Act, 2003 Controlling the Assault of Non solicited Pornography and Marketing
(CAN SPAM) Act, 2003 Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), 2002 Uniting and
Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct
Terrorism Act (US Patriot Act), 2001, renewed 2006 Children s Internet Protection Act, 2000
Financial Services Modernization Act, 1999 Children s Online Privacy Protection... Show more
content on ...
Efficiency and Collaboration Proposal BIS 220 Week 3 LT, Efficiency and Collaboration
Proposal Resources: Ch. 1 2 of ExcelВ® in MicrosoftВ® Office 2010. Scenario: Imagine you are
an employee of Party Plates, a company that manufactures decorative paper plates and napkins for
special events. Your team has been assigned a new project. The president of your company has
tasked you with improving the efficiency of the current information systems used in the sales
department, because the current systems are somewhat antiquated. Your organization is currently
using MicrosoftВ® ExcelВ® to track all personnel data, but would like to migrate to a relational
database like MicrosoftВ® AccessВ®. You have also been tasked with identifying potential
collaborative software that may improve internal communications and help streamline some of the
work processes for the sales department. Prepare a 350 to 700 word proposal addressing the
potential implementation of new information systems in your organization. Explain the usefulness
of converting data currently held in MicrosoftВ® ExcelВ® spreadsheets into a relational database
using MicrosoftВ® AccessВ®. Describe the benefits of using MicrosoftВ® AccessВ® in the work
environment. Include suggestions for the future use of collaborative software and how it can help
the sales
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Logos And Ethos In Carrie Underwood s Blown Away
Blown Away by Carrie Underwood shows many examples of pathos, ethos, and logos in the song.
The emotions within the song are very heart wrenching and dark and the sound of the song is
portrayed this way. The sound of the song is very dark and intense with a fast loud beat
throughout which correlates to the lyrics and the video of the song as well. Carrie Underwood
establishes her credibility by being who she is as a country singer and has been for the past ten
years. She also shows logos in her song by telling the state in which it is happening which she
repeatedly said was Oklahoma. Blown Away is written to people who have experienced similar
circumstances with violence in their life at home and for people to hear about a story. The music...
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The song tells of an emotional breakup and the emotions shown in the song are sadness and
anger. After the breakup, she emotionally was torn apart and continuously will want him. Miley
Cyrus shows credibility by being who she is as a much known singer. The sound of the song
automatically starts with high and fast beats which sets the intense scene for the song. By the
middle of the song, the sound drops to a much slower beat but then back up for the final chorus.
Wrecking Ball was written to the guy who caused her to feel the way she did. In the first line of
the song, she uses the words clawed and chained which are not normal words used for people in
a relationship. She then says she fell under his spell meaning that she was into the relationship
more of then him. She also relate the death of their relationship to we re ashes in the ground.
Within the entire song when she sung the word wreck, it was emphasized and had a longer beat.
The last two lines of Wrecking Ball was yeah, you, you wreck me, repeated twice also for emphasis.
The music video begins the song zoomed into Miley Cyrus face almost like looking into her and
her feelings. By the second chorus and the increased beat she begins swinging on a ball, creating
a visual of her feelings and her literally coming in like a wrecking ball and breaking his
... Get more on ...
The Role Of Women In The Arabian Nights
Society s view of women has changed as a result of what they have accomplish to become
relevant inside a man oriented culture. Women are accused of being untrustworthy, due to their
approach of going around the rules. Although this may be true, their limited possibilities push
them to use their cleverness to look for alternatives that will help them reach their goals. The
stories of The Arabian Nights demonstrate that when women are in control of a situation they
must be trusted, as long as they act upon good will. Heroes, kings and presidents, for so long
men are the protagonist of the stories. Across the world and through the centuries, women have
always been situated below men. Women were considered the weak sex, they are portrayed as
delicate, obedient, naive and passionate. Never trust in women; nor rely upon their vows (44). As
the wives of the kings on The Arabian Nights, whose passion brought them to cheat on both their
husbands. They ended up being executed because they threatened the kings power. Or bringing
danger into the families, as the wives of Kasim and Ali Baba, who wouldn t think of the
consequences of their actions and would act by the pure instinct of greed and naiveness. Yet,
seldomly acknowledged, women have had to step up to fix troubled situations, the few stories told
of women of scarce resources who have manage to triumph over the standardized society. This not
only shows how women take advantage of the resources at their reach but how their
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Argumentative Essay On Luxury Cars
For people who like power and luxury together, the Bentley Mulsanne was a great choice to have.
Bentley Motors produced it throughout the 80 s. It was named after the famous Le Mans race
track section. The Mulsane Straight was the fastest part of the famous track in the 1920 s. This car
is extremely versatile and therefore, owners want to use it for a multitude of reasons.
As with other Bentleys, it is important to keep the luxury car in a pristine condition. For this, you
need to replace the worn out parts and ensure that you do not run the vehicle with a damaged or low
performing component. This means support from spare parts suppliers. Hunt Auto Parts (HAP) can
truly help Bentley owners in this regard.
Parts through HAP
HAP is a resource
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Chinook Salmon Respiration
All organisms need to respire to survive. Respiration requires oxygen which is brought into the
body during gas exchange. In gas exchange oxygen is taken from the water or air into the
bloodstream and carbon dioxide is released.
The Chinook Salmon or Oncorhynchus tshawytscha is one of my chosen vertebrates, the Chinook
Salmon are found natively in the Pacific Ocean, they are anadromous meaning they are born in
fresh water, they move gradually move to deep salt water oceans when they are young before
returning back to the fresh water streams where they hatched as fully matured adults to lay eggs
and die.
Chinook Salmon live in water, which has a low concentration of oxygen, this means that for a
Chinook Salmon to get its energy requirements lots of water needs to flow over the gas exchange
surface in order to take in ... Show more content on ...
Like in most fish gills are the Chinook Salmon s gas exchange system, they take water in through
their mouths then close it and force the water through the gills and out
... Get more on ...
Medieval Theology Texts
Medieval Theology Texts Final Exam
1. Both Bernard of Clairvaux and Bonaventure show an appreciation for the natural world not seen
in many of the other authors that we read. In what way does this appreciation guide their theologies
and mystical journeys? How are their journeys similar and how are they different? Be sure to touch
on their understandings of human nature and each author s methodologies.
The natural world plays an important role in Bernard of Clairvaux s theological life. According to
Bernard of Clairvaux, love is one of the passions and what is natural should be at the service of
the Lord of nature. There are 4 degrees of love, and the first one is when man loves himself for
his own sake. Because nature has become rather frail and weak, man is driven by necessity to
serve nature first. It results in bodily love and such bodily animal that does not know how to
love anything but himself begins to love God for his own benefit, because he learns from
frequent experience that in God he can do everything which is good for him, and without God
he can do nothing. The second degree of love is when man loves God for his own good. Man loves
good for his own sake, not God s. The wise man will know what he can do by himself and what
he can do only with God s help, and then people will avoid hurting him who keeps you from
getting hurt. The third degree is when man loves God for God s sake. As man needs God more
frequently, the taste of his own sweetness leads us to love
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Charles Dickens Research Paper
Early Life
Charles John Huffam Dickens was born at 13 Mile End Terrace, Portsea, Portsmouth, the 4th
day of the second month as the second child to John and Elizabeth Dickens (EBSCOhost).
Dickens sadly became the eldest child when his older sister died in 1820 (Britannica). In the year
1822, the whole Dickens household moved their belongings to Camden Town, London
( Charles schooling was interrupted in 1824 when his father was put in prison
for his unpaid debt (Dickens Fellowship). Because of this, Dickens was forced to pick up the
slack (British Library). Dickens earned 6 shillings a week at his new job ( When
Dickens father was released from prison, his mother asked him to keep working because he gave
them good money. Because of this, Dickens grew to despise his mother (Britannica). Dickens went
back to school and is getting a good education, for the meantime (Dickens Fellowship). In the year
... Show more content on ...
In the year of 1833, he began entering drawings below the heading Boz , and ended up with a
book in the year of 1836. Soon after his first book, he was married to a beautiful woman named
Catherine Hogarth ( In 1836 there wasn t a single soul who didn t know the name
Charles Dickens (British Library). It seemed that each of Charles books after his wedding took
20 months each to complete; Nicholas Nickleby (1838 39), The Old Curiosity Shack (1840 41),
and a few others (Britannica). After completing Barnaby Ridge in 1841, Dickens traveled to the
USA the first 6 months of 1842 (Dickens Fellowship). In 1850 he began writing again. He wrote
David Copperfield (1850), Bleak House (1853), Great Expectations (1861) and Our Mutual Friends
(1865) (British Library). Dickens became so famous everyone knew of his presence as he strolled
down the street ( Charles was chosen to give a public reading of his works (Dickens
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Impact Of Globalization Of English Language
Globalization of the English language is the concept of using English as a global language for
purpose of communication in numerous different dialects that is the movement of English
towards a standard language. From history we see that twenty first century is known as the
period of globalization of English language in which English has gained so much importance
that it is now known as the language of the universe. It is known by every class of people from
rich to poor even though its usage in the lower class society is very little but still people want to
learn it for better opportunities. It has overtaken the world as the global language. Everyone
irrespective of the fact where he belongs to speak English though not fluent as well as understands
it very well. Education in most of the countries is given in English as it is the language of
researches and technology. It is the major language of newspapers, academic conferences,
diplomacy, sports and advertisement industry. Multinational companies requires their workers to be
fluent in English language because they deal with their foreign business partners and customers in
English language as it s understood everywhere. The standardized form of English language came
into form after planning of creating... Show more content on ...
It was made the official medium of communication throughout the world by the Air and Sea
control, and by 2020 there was hardly anyone in the world who could not talk and understand it.
(Wells, 1933, pp. 418, 419). This shows us what lead to the growing supremacy of English
language. In this essay I will be discussing about the globalization of the English language and how
it has effected other languages and people s
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Walter Lee Younger s Characteristics
Walter Lee Youngers Characteristics In the 1920 s, many African American families had left the
southern states and migrated north to Chicago s South Side in search of the American Dream ,
dreaming of freedom, equality, and the opportunity that was supposed to be available to every
American. This American Dream was sought by many African Americans in the U.S. Written by
Lorraine Hansberry and produced in 1959, The play: A Raisin in the Sun, gave readers a strong
meaning about the values of dreams and the struggles in fulfilling them. Unlike other plays that
contain one main character, A Raisin in the Sun consisted of having two main characters: Walter
and Mama. The audience may find that one of the main characters from the play,... Show more
content on ...
You see, this little liquor store we got in mind costs $75,000 and we figured the initial
investment on the place be bout $30,000, see. That be $10,000 each. Course, there s a couple of
hundred you got to pay so s you don t spend your life just waiting for them clowns to get your
license approved., (1.1, 1133). Walter believes that investing in the liquor store, will earn his
family a fortune. However, the reader is likely to feel that he is being inconsiderate by failing to
acknowledge that the money does not belong to him, it belongs to Mama and should be up to
her how to spend it. Furthermore, Walter acts selfishly and is inconsiderate of what his mother
wants. An example of Walter acting selfishly is located towards the end of Act I, scene II. It is
Saturday, and Walter has just returned home from work. He is only concerned of the checks
arrival; he fails to greet his family. He tries showing Mama the paperwork that his friend Willy
put together for the liquor store, and becomes upset that Mama wanted nothing to do with his
plans and had refused to even look at the papers he showed her. Sarcastically he tells Mama, Oh
so you don t aim to have to speak on that again? So you have decided . . Well you tell that to my
boy tonight when you put him to sleep on the living room couch . . . Yeah and tell it to my wife,
Mama, tomorrow when she has to go out of here and look after somebody else s kids. And tell it to
me, Mama, every time we
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Argumentative Essay On Flowers For Algernon
The idea of changing someone s IQ is an interesting thing but Charlie a thirty seven year old man
who struggles with learning and wants to be smart will become smart as a doctor gives him this
chance by having a brain operation, Charlie should not have had the operation performed on him.
Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyesis a great sci fi short story that you can learn a lot from.
Although I think Charlie should not have had the operation, some might say that he should have
had it because he wanted to be smart so it gave him a taste of what being intelligent is all about.
The operation done on Charlie had a negative impact on him in the end, poor doctor choses, weak
animal testing and bad knowledge of the situation could leave many other... Show more content on ...
Earl Hunt a professor says While petty crime rates would fall in a society of Newton s, Hunt
speculated that white collar crimes, such as banking scams and cover ups by pharmaceutical
companies, might increase even grow more sophisticated (Wolchover, By Natalie What if
Humans Were Twice as Intelligent? LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 14 Jan 2012. Web. 29
Mar. 2016). Hunt states that small crimes would flush down the toilet like a dead fish, but bigger
crimes would be performed more often as people would be more sophisticated making the
crimes more sophisticated. Richard Haier a neuroscientist says that Even if everyone had an IQ
of 200, you d have exactly the same range of personalities as you do now, and because that s a
determining factor is how good society is, you won t necessarily have a better society .
(Wolchover, By Natalie What if Humans Were Twice as Intelligent? LiveScience. TechMedia
Network, 14 Jan 2012. Web. 29 Mar. 2016). Haier explains that even with people with higher IQs
the world would be a better place because people s ways wouldn t change. Hunt also says there s
evidence to suggest that many humans, if significantly smarter would, lose their belief in God .
(Wolchover, By Natalie What if Humans Were Twice as Intelligent? LiveScience. TechMedia
Network, 14 Jan 2012. Web. 29 Mar. 2016). Hunt clearly shows that as people become smarter
they will
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Guilt In The Secret, By Moravia And Dagerman
Guilt is feeling anger, disappointment and/or shame to an individual for something they have done
accidentally or purposely. OneВґs conscience haunts and eat them from inside out for the rest of
their lives. Stefan Zweig, a novelist and a journalist, once said that ВЁno guilt is forgotten so
long as the conscience still knows of it. This quote reflects to two short stories, ВЁThe SecretВЁ
and ВЁTo Kill A ChildВЁ where its characters made wrong choices that ends up to tragedy they
would never be able to forget for it is in their guilty conscience. Trying to forget and not listen to
an individual s conscience is expressed differently regarding each work s conflict and point of
view, yet presented similarly regarding the delivery of the story s purpose. The two... Show more
content on ...
Moravia and Dagerman used different ways to help the audience to expand their understanding of
the two characters. In The Secret , Moravia used first person point of view which shows the inner
thoughts of the main character. This have helped readers to understand what Gino was thinking
and feeling which contributed to reader s further insights and view of Gino to why he run away
and did not take responsibility for his wrong choices. Using first person P.O.V. also shows how
Gino regretted and questioned his actions that [he] just couldn t understand why [he] hadn t
stopped, why [he] hadn t tried to help the poor guy (Moravia 200). On the contrary, Dagerman
used third person point of view and shows the narrator s interpretation of character s thoughts. He
also used words to name and describe the characters like naming the character the man instead of
naming them. This technique sends us a message that this literary work is to generalize the
message that applies to everyone. Also to show that even though an individual is not an evil man...
carefree and cheerful (Dagerman) they could make wrong choices that can cause to a
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Child Recovery
What is the Role of Education in the Recovery of a Child?
Often, when a child is ill or needs behavioral health treatment, education is the last thing on a
guardian s mind. They re focused on the day to day management of their child s care:
communicating with doctors and nurses and easing their child s fears during his or her hospital stay.
During and after treatment, the focus is on the child s recovery so they can go back to being a kid:
playing with their friends, enjoying family time, and transitioning back to school.
The moment a child walks through those hospital doors they become a student patient, who not
only has to deal with their illness, but also keep up with their education. It can be extremely
challenging for guardians to ... Show more content on ...
Many student patients must miss extended periods of school, becoming disconnected from their
education and social life. They may feel that their teachers and friends have forgotten about them.
Some may become depressed and have anxiety about returning to school after treatment. So, it s
important they stay engaged. KidsHealth authors recommend that student patients stay connected
via online social networking sites, email, instant message, text messaging, and talking on the phone
with classmates, friends, and teachers. They also state that staying connected to school bring
academic, cognitive, psychological, and social benefits.
There are numerous reasons why children must be admitted to the hospital for treatment. Some
kids may be battling cancer and need chemo. Others may need to visit the hospital a few days a
month for kidney dialysis. A child with a disability may need regular physical therapy treatment.
On the other side, children who struggle with a mental, social, or behavioral illness, like bipolar
disorder, depression, or post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may miss school for extended
periods of time to treat or manage their condition and minimize stressors.
According to an article on Nationwide Children s, stress is a common part of every child s life. A
certain amount of stress is normal, but too much stress can be unhealthy...
... Get more on ...
Factors Affecting Patients With Chronic Idiopathic Neck Pain
1.Title: Does the number of visits of mobilizations influence the MCID* on pain improvement in
patients with chronic idiopathic neck pain A cross sectional study?
*MCID= Minimum clinically important difference
2.The specific aim of this cross sectional study is to reduce cost and improve pain outcome in
patients with chronic idiopathic neck pain (CINP). To do this, the study will examine whether the
number of visits of mobilization (hypothesis) affect the MCID on pain reduction for patients to
begin exercising. In addition, the study will also identify which patients are likely to respond or not
to mobilization based on their conditioned pain modulation (CPM) profile? (research questions).
These findings could potentially cut costs ... Show more content on ...
Providing 1 session of joint mobilization has been shown to immediately improve the impaired
CPM in those with knee osteoarthritis (Courtney et al., 2016) compared to placebo.
Some patients with chronic pain related to knee osteoarthritis have impaired CPM while others do
not (Courtney et al 2016)
However, because Courtney et al did not apply joint mobilization to those whose CPM is not
impaired, it is unclear if joint mobilization is or is not effective in changing pain in those with
normal functioning CPM
More importantly, it is not clear whether the positive results Courtney et al 2016 achieved in
chronic pain related to knee osteoarthritis carries over to patients with CINP.
4. Scope of the problem
The high cost of CINP may be related to the fact that these patients typically seek on average 5
providers over 21 visits every year and receive largely ineffective treatments (Carlesso et al., 2014).
Heat, NSAID, exercise, cold and spinal manipulation/mobilization are the most common treatments
received (Goode et al., 2010).
Only exercise and spinal manipulation/mobilization, however, have good evidence for effectiveness
based on multiple systematic reviews and meta analyses.
In fact, current practice guidelines suggest combining exercise and spinal mobilization for better
pain and functional outcomes than mobilization or exercise alone.
To prevent long term disability
... Get more on ...

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How To Write An Ap Analysis Essay. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. How To Write An Ap Analysis Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. How To Write An Ap Analysis EssayHow To Write An Ap Analysis Essay
  • 2. Slavitt Vs Hardy Title The Titanic was one of the largest ships that has ever been made. On its first voyage, the Titanic quickly ceased after encountering an iceberg. In the poem, Titanic , David R. Slavitt gives a brief description of the Titanic and how the world has remembered the legend. In a different poem, The Convergence of the Twain , Thomas Hardy illustrates the impact an Immanent Will had on the crashing of the Titanic. Both, Slavitt and Hardy challenge the views that people have on the legend of the Titanic by applying tone as well as creating a duality of expectations and reality. Through tone, the authors portray each way the Titanic should be identified by using effective word choice. Many lives were lost on the Titanic that day, but instead... Show more content on ... Slavitt correlates the Titanic to the world while Hardy challenges whether or not the crashing off the Titanic was choice or fate. Slavitt implies that the world becomes numb to death and tragedy by writing, And the world, shocked, mourns, as it ought to do and almost never does. When tragedies similar to the Titanic happen, people overlook and forget the events until another tragedy happens. With the improvement of communication through technology, news and events are shared at the speed of sound. Every few seconds bears a new tragic event; for instance, the lives lost in the Boston Massacre, the bar shooting in Orlando, and numerous school shootings fade into the chaos each day brings. Hardy previews the conception of the Titanic happening by choice or by fate. Hardy mentions, The Immanent Will that stirs and urges everything...A Shape of Ice, for the time far and dissociate, formulating that fate forced the Titanic to crash into the iceberg(18 21). Hardy signifies the crash happened because of the pride the architects acquired of their magnificent structure. According to prior knowledge of the short sail at sea, the captains of the ship had the choice of taking a test run, turning around after having a fire on board, or simply cruise at a slower pace. Hardy reminds of the hurried departure and the idea that the crash rested in the hands of an ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Solutions and strategy to overcome challenges in... Issues and Challenges in Development of India India as a Nation faces most of the issues this modern world has faced. It has the issues of the developed nations like the USA and other European countries and at the same time problems faced by the developing and underdeveloped countries in Africa and Asian continent. At the same time with a diverse population in diverse geographical setting with large number of social and religious issues, India faces issues of its own with unique kind of attention. In spite of these issues India s progress with growth and development in recent decades has raised expectations to the extent that some analysts have started predicting when India will outgrow China. Due to this expectation, the pressure on ... Show more content on ... India s progress in health and education between 1990 and 2010 lagged behind not only China but also its South Asian neighbours like Nepal and Bangladesh as already discussed. The lack of committed organizations to work as a catalyst between these services and people is still a problem in developing India. India needs massive number of independent organizations to guide, criticise and help to implement the public policies. India s problems for sustainable and inclusive development are structural manifesting in governance weaknesses as they are the pillars of all policy making and implementation. The outcome of several corruptions in government mechanism in recent time, people are gradually losing the faith. Government s inability in i) mobilising resources and boosting the supply side of the economy, for example, through infrastructure development; ii) ensuring broad based improvements in education and health; and iii) keeping growth reasonably inclusive and broadly shared have posed a threat to the nation s development. As the Infrastructure development remains a key constraint, the government s role remains essential. India s government has long struggled to set aside enough money for infrastructure investment. The past decade has seen improvement on this front, largely because of private sector involvement. Also, political pressure to keep ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Describe The Difference Between First And Second-Degree Burns Burns are classified by the depth of the skin affected; There are two categories of burns partial thickness burns, first and second degree burns, and full thickness burns, third degree burns. First degree burns can be obtained through sunburns or brief exposer to very hot or cold objects and are the least serious with only damage to the epidermisor top layer of the skin. You can identify first degree burns through red skin with possible slight swelling and pain. Since these burns are not very serious medical attention is not usually needed but homecare options include soaking the affected area in cool water these burns have a recovery time of about a week. Second degree burns can be obtained by severe sunburns, severe scalding, touching a... Show more content on ... This loss of water affects homeostasis and until skin is repaired and the patient is on their way to recovery they may not have the ability to properly maintain their water levels to remain in a homeostatic state. This results in the need for fluids to be given to the patient through an IV at the same rate the patient is losing fluid to avoid both death and shock. The amount of fluid being lost can be calculated using the Rule of Nines and the patients body weight. While burns may not spread to others it may spread to affect more than just the integumentary system; severe burns may reach bone infecting the skeletal system, severe burns damage or destroy nerve endings causing an effect on the nervous system, the inability to retain fluids in severe burn patients causes dehydration affecting the urinary system. Key terms Skin grafts A skin graft is a piece of unburned skin which is surgically removed to cover a burned area Rule of Nines method used in calculating body surface area involved in burns: Head and neck, 9%; anterior thorax, 18%; posterior thorax, 18%; arms, 9% each; legs, 18% each; and genital, ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Importance Of Weather Conditions In The Sea Any experienced captain will tell you that weather conditions play a huge roll in decision making while navigating any vessel. Seaworthiness does not rely on the size of your boat. How your boat handles weather conditions are taken into consideration during the design and construction process. Using your boatfor what it is designed to do is key. Voyages into water ways and harsh weather that your boat cannot handle can be disastrous. Different levels of experience determine your ability to handle weather conditions. One boater may find certain heavy weather conditions to be manageable while another may not. The type of waterway you re operating on has much to do with how treacherous weather conditions will become. Navigating in deep,... Show more content on ... The zig zag approach will enable you to leave your boat in the trough long enough to turn. You need to minimize the time in the trough and being broad side by the swell, so you do not broach. Running with the swell behind you When running in front of the sea,, the swell comes from behind you and this can be challenging. The stern can be swept and pushed side to side. Keep the stern perpendicular to the oncoming seas to navigate these conditions. Being lifted by heavy seas is reason for concern. Boats tend fall quickly down the slope crest to trough. When the stern is high your propeller could rise out of the water. If the rudder loses contact with the flow of water, it will be left useless. Your boat could yaw to one side and broach into the trough. Sliding down the wave fast enough to bury the bow is another reason for concern. Pitchpoling can exists when the stern is being pushed. To take the swells off one quarter and the other try tacking before the seas. When running before the seas consider towing a drogue to slow your speed. This will allow the helmsman an easier time control the stern in the proper position. The heaving to maneuver When conditions are become violent beyond your control, you and the boat are taking too much force it s time to for the heaving to maneuver. Depending on the type of boat, this maneuver keeps the bow in to the wind or a tad off the wind and waves. When in a power boat forget where ... Get more on ...
  • 6. A Midsummer Night s Dream Literary Analysis What literary criticism lens is most effective in creating meaning and entertainment throughout Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream? The play, A Midsummer Night s Dream, has several characters involved in a love triangle. Many scenes in the story involves power being used or taken away and use of money. Throughout the play, readers and viewers experiences Hermia s power is being taken away by her father, Eugues,which is her kindred, not letting her marry the man she truly loves,Lysander. Later throughout the story, Robin, character from the story contains a enthrall love juice that has power and makes another character from the story, Titania, fall in love with a donkey.The marxist literary criticism lens is the most effective in creating meaning and entertaining readers and viewers in Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream. To begin with, Act 1 Scene 1 helps develop the marxist lens for the reader and viewer. According to a Midsummer Night s Dream, That s why I m giving him my daughter. She mine and I m giving her to Demetrius. My lord I m just as noble and rich.. (Shakespeare 1.1, 9). This demonstrates how there is money and power involved in the story. Egeus, Hermia s father, removes all of her power. Egeus has her power and controls his daughter, Hermia. In the story, Egeus arranges her marriage with someone whom she doesn t love, and he doesn t let her marry who she loves, Lysander. Not only that, but also shows how money also is being used in the story. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Neurodevelopmental and Neurocognitive Disorders Essay Neurodevelopmental and Neurocognitive Disorders Until the twentieth century, little account was taken of the special characteristics of psychopathology in children; maladaptive patterns considered relatively specific to childhood, such as autism, received virtually no attention at all (Butcher Hooley, 2014). Today there is more attention paid to children with maladaptive behaviors and scientific research has been done that demands more attention is paid to specific children s behaviors, not the behaviors of adult as there are no fair comparisons that allow the diagnosis and treatments of adult and children s behaviors to be equal. Neurodevelopment disorders in children result in maladaptive behavior which appears in different life... Show more content on ... N., Hooley, J. M., Mineka, 2014). The causal factors for ADHD in children have been much debated. It still remains unclear to what extent the disorder results from environmental or biological factors (Carr et al., 2006; Hinshaw et al., 2007), and recent researchers believe that biological factors such as genetic inheritance will turn out to be important precursors to the development of ADHD (Durston, 2003). But firm conclusions about any biological basis for ADHD must await further research (Butcher Hooley, 2014, p. 513). Treatment for ADHD that focuses on controlling behavior with drugs has been promising. One particular treatment involved the effectiveness of MTA fading procedures. According to the article, the findings suggest that in contrast to the hypothesized deterioration in the relative benefit of behavioral modification between nine and 14 months (after completion of fading), the MTA behavior generalization and maintenance procedures implemented through nine months apparently yield continuing improvement through 14 months, with preservation of the relative position of behavior compared ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Affect Of The Six-Day War On Israel Terrorism and war have affected Israel, and the people living there, ever since they became their own nation. Over the long history of Jerusalem it has been destroyed twice, besieged 23 times attacked 52 times, and captured and recaptured 44 times. Jerusalem was established by King David as the capital city of Israel, however there has since been a struggle of which religion should occupy the region. Christians and Muslims have been fighting a long time to control the land of Israel because they both feel they are entitled to it. The Muslims believe Muhammad s armies founded Israel. On the other hand, the Christians feel positive that the land should be theirs because they founded it first. Numerous people have died over the years for... Show more content on ... The Arab nations were trying to eliminate Israel and take away the shame they felt after they were defeated a few years earlier when they fought Israel. The countries against Israel united together and planned out the war thinking it would be a piece of cake. Moreover, Israel fended off the countries and won the war in six days hence the name the Six Day War. General Mordechai Hod, who was a commanding general for the Israeli Air Force, said about the Six Day War, The dangers of Israel s extermination was hardly present before the Six Day War (Dodd and Mead Co). The Six Day War increased the number of terrorist attacks that Israel has now, this is because many countries are not fans of Israel and are upset about the way they lost the war. The countries that fought Israel used a billion dollars worth of supplies during the war, causing serious debt. The Six Day War changed the events that happened in Israel and the ones that are still occurring in Israel. Israel gained some respect because of how they won the war against all the countries facing them in the Six Day War. Furthermore, Israel gained respect from some of the countries. Even though Israel had a small population they put up a tough fight. Israel showed resilience during the Six Day War, and since the war they have been able to protect their ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Patriarchal Family Roles The traditional family roles that have been established by American patriarchal culture have set women at a professional disadvantage due to the presumed duties that they are often expected to uphold. Women were expected to stay home with children while men were the bread winners and prosper professionally. This stereotypical approach to family was prevalent and has carried over to the workplace today. Slaughter explains how her own mother fell victim to these cultural practices. She recalls My mother built a successful and rewarding career as a professional artist largely in the years after my brothers and I left home and after being told in her 20s that she could not go to medical school, as her father had done, and her brother would go on to do, because, of course, she was going to get married. (par. 17) Slaughter s testimony illustrates the thought process that restricted her mother s professional achievement throughout history. Throughout history, the relegation of women to the family has kept countless women from realizing professional prowess and solidified their status as The Others. Men were expected to work, thus allowing them to achieve positions of power and establish the culture of the American work force. This male dominated professional culture forged the tempo, and environment that would become the standard of American employment and Promotion. This professional environment that dominated American employment proved generally intolerant and biased ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Assignment 1 Negotiation and Bargaining Assignment #1 Negotiation and Bargaining 1. Using the definition of negotiation as provided in the text, modify the definition so you can include aspects of negotiation you deem important. Negotiation is a form of decision making in which two or more parties talk with one another in an effort to resolve their opposing interests (Essentials of Negotiation fifth edition. Negotiation occurs on a daily basis. It occurs between businesses, partnerships, marriages, friends, family and even law enforcement. Negotiations occur for several reasons: (1) to agree on how to share or divide a limited resource, such as land, or property, or time; (2) to create something new that neither party could do on his or her own, or (3) to resolve... Show more content on ... The rules are a work order should be completed within 24 hours of reports unless it is the weekend or a part needs to be order. The manager had to review when the work order was called in and determine if the resident request should be honored. The resident requested $200 concession for the inconvenience and not completed the work orders within the 24 hour window. Once the manager made sure all work orders were completed then the offer was a $100 concession. The parties are interdependent of one another due to this is the resident home and the manager needs the resident for monthly rental payments and to keep up occupancy. The two parties are interdependent of each other so it was in most parties to come up with a mutual decision. The resident acceptations of the offer to the concession made them happy and the manager happy due to all the work orders were complete. 4. Compare and contrast the concepts of bargaining and negotiation. Most people consider bargaining and negotiation have the same meaning. Bargaining is win lose situation such as hanging over price at a used car lost. Negotiation refers to a win win situation such as those that occur when parties are trying to find mutually acceptable solution to a complex conflict (Essentials of Negotiation fifth edition). Bargaining reminds me of prospected resident always wanting to haggle over price or fees being charged. They use the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. An Examination of the Factors of Algerian Foreign Policy It is commonly held that a compelling explanation of the foreign policy orientation of any country cannot be well understood without an examination of its determinants and guiding principles. A state s foreign policy is also conditional on both domestic and external factors, which may change from time to time, thus forcing it to review its foreign policyto ensure that it operates in the best possible conditions to achieve its objectives. An examination of any country s foreign policy must, if only by way of background, take into consideration the past, for history itself often determines the boundaries within which current politics evolve. In the case of Algeria, colonial history gave rise to many determinants which still exercise pertinent influences on Algerian foreign policy: factors whose origins lie in the past but which continue to impact contemporary policy. The roots of independent Algeria s revolutionary foreign policy are commonly attributed to the impact of the extremely revolutionary national ideology acquired as a result of the sufferings endured by the Algerians in their resistance to and struggle against the French occupation and to the experience acquired by the Algerian diplomacy during wartime, as well as to the indifference of Western powers, particularly the United States, towards Algeria s revolutionary war against the French (Stone 228 229). Algeria s foreign policy constants include the right to decolonization, non intervention in domestic affairs ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Agricultural Extension Practices For A Farming Community The previous chapter reviewed the agricultural extension practices where extension plays an important role in facilitating changes in a farming community. The literature indicated that there are a lot of extension approaches due to change of ideas, purposes vary, and paradigm shift. It appears that, agricultural extension involves many different approaches and methodologies. And it is managed and delivered through a variety of institutional arrangements. It seems that no single approach best suit extension development in all circumstances. The purpose of this chapter is to consider farming from the perspective of the farmer and how such consideration might benefit extension approaches and outcomes. The farming environment is complex and ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, after the introduction, the chapter begins by clarifying what kind of farmers this study refers to by defining smallholder farmer, elements of smallholder, and the farming environment as to understand and identify some key variables in farming environment that will enhance our investigation of farmers livelihood. 4.1Introduction This chapter identifies various factors that affect farmers decision making concerning their way of life. The sustainable livelihoods approach (SLA) is a way to improve understanding of the way of life of rural people (IFAD, 2011). It draws on the main factors (internal and external) that affect rural people s livelihoods and the natural relationships between these factors. SLA is based on the concept of capability, equity and sustainability (Chambers Conway, 1992).This study seeks to consider SLA as a framework to help understand the main factors that affect cocoa farmers livelihoods, the relationships between these factors and how decisions are made on growing cocoa. In this chapter the diffusion of innovation model, particularly the variables which influences an innovation s rate of adoption (after Rogers, 2003), and elements of smallholder farmer by HLPE (2013) (see Figure 11) will be viewed through SLA. The commonly known variables determining the rate of technology adoption in agriculture were listed by Rogers (2003). These variables include perceived attributes of ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Security Issue Against Data Leak Essay Abstract Android is one of the biggest operating system for smart devices in the market and its application greatly impact life of billions of people. Thus it is safe to assume security will be too. Security is a big issue for Android as its application is given rights to access several information and some are sensitive information. Attackers accessing to those information could prove fatal to the users. In some cases, the application are secured yet information are being leak to the attackers. One of such methods are an attack though communication channels and side channels [1]. Having information leak out in real time allows attackers to listen to conversation or acquiring bank information. This paper will explore ways to prevent or solve security issue against data leak. Two approach to this will be the introduction to apps: App Guardian [1] and AppAudit [2]. App Guardian pauses suspicious applications and suspicious application is identify using side channels. [1] AppAudit in the other hand run a simulation or sandbox version of an application and does a checklist to each for security laws. [2] Those two are an example the paper will be touching on. This paper will explore possible attacks and solution in the form of methods to resolve it. 1. Introduction Android operating system is used in many device such smart phone and tablets. Based on a report android in the fourth quarter of 2013 has a market share of 78.1% of all smartphone. [3] Furthermore, with the ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Milton Hershey s Accomplishments Milton Hershey once said, If I ever become rich, I am going to use my money to build schools to give every boy and girl an opportunity to get an education (Quotes Said by Milton Hershey). These words reflected how Milton Hershey felt about education because he was uneducated and forced to drop out. Hersheyknew from that point on that he wanted to help others get educated. The Hershey Companyhelped him achieve these goals. Milton Hershey always has a passion for candy making, and he fulfilled his dream by becoming one of the most successful chocolate entrepreneurs. He used his wealth to create a school for orphaned boys and helped anyone in need. Milton Hershey was born on September 13, 1857 in Derry Township, Pennsylvania to Henry Hershey and Veronica Fanny Snavely. Milton had one younger sister named Serina Hershey, who had died of scarlet fever when she was four (Milton S. Hershey). Veronica was the daughter of Bishop Abraham Snavely, a highly respected figure of the Mennonite church. She raised Milton the same way ... Show more content on ... Hershey started with 500 acres of land to build the company; within one year of being open he expanded to 12,000 acres (Career). He made the company bigger and better as time went on. When Hershey first opened, milk chocolate was the only candy produced. Around 400,000 quarts of milk were used each day to manufacture chocolate, around half a million pounds of chocolate was produced a day. While planning the rest of the Hershey factory, Milton wanted his employees to have a safe, home like environment to live in. Workers would need comfortable homes, medical care, recreational facilities, and school for their children. Not only would Hershey help them out financially, he would help them with personal issues too. The production took around a year to do. By then Hershey Company was ready to open and produce candy ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Role Of Gender During The Renaissance Period A critical point in European history was the Renaissance period, which took place between 1300 1700. The term Renaissance stands for rebirth , and in this context refers to the increased interest that was taken in learning from Greek and Roman classical writing. Recent exploration by historians into the Renaissanceperiod has seen a fixation on the discussion of the role of gender during the Renaissance. A variety of historians, such as Joan Kelly and Merry E. Weisner, believe that women didn t experience any form of a Renaissance during this period. It can be widely acknowledged that during this period society did experience a rebirth , especially in terms of the role of the men in Europe. Women, on the other hand, weren t as fortunate.... Show more content on ... As a result, women didn t have a renaissance in terms of the way people regarded them, as attitudes regarding women from the middle ages continued right through the Renaissance. The second area that saw the littlest change for women in the Renaissance was the expectations that came with their social status. Overall women were deemed to be a lower class in terms of gender, and men often treated them with less respect as a result. Within social classes, stereotypical beliefs regarding women and their role were held. Lower class women were expected to be housewives and take care of everything to do with the house. The expectation of working class women, however, was slightly different. They were expected to work for their husbands and help them run their business, although they couldn t partake in any of the work by themselves or outside of the house. However, this different expectation wasn t necessarily new and was upheld from previous times, supporting this idea of women not receiving a Renaissance in the area of social class. Some women in the elite were able to become slightly more independent from their husbands and gain more responsibility, but the vast majority of women in the Renaissance continued to be used for the sole benefits of the men; as providers of a dowry, homemakers ... Get more on ...
  • 16. 3d Hydrogel Scaffold For Characterization Of Ovarian... 3D Hydrogel Scaffold for Characterization of Ovarian Cancer Tumor Cell Growth Courtney Dreyer | A09795311 Jenny Pan | A97020570 Julia Wong | A09901322 Abstract Ovarian cancer is of significant concern to women because it is both hard to diagnose and aggressive. As of current, there is a lack of viable in vitro models that accurately model ovarian cancer tumor metastasis and growth. The purpose of this research is to develop a viable 3D hydrogel that enables the ovarian cancer cell environment to be effectively modeled in vitro. The goal is to develop a 3D hydrogel scaffold that properly models the mechanical, physical, and chemical properties of the in vivo environment. These properties include but are not limited to: vascularization, cell migration, cytokine signaling, metastasis, and chemosensitivity of cancer cells. By adequately modeling ovarian cancer metastasis in vitro, the proposed scaffold will allow for more precise screening of drug efficacy prior to usage in in vivo studies. To quantify whether or not the model is accurate, mechanical, cytokine signaling, and drug efficacy tests will be carried out and evaluated to determine if the proposed 3D hydrogel scaffold is suitable as a viable in vitro representation of ovarian cancer cell environment. Thus, in the long term, this 3D hydrogel scaffold can be used in personalized medicine and can determine the drug efficacy on a patient s own cancer cells as a precursor to chemotherapy treatment. Objectives and Aims ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Mamilieen Luce Research Paper A painter, lithographer and draftsman, Maximilien Luce was born in Paris, France on October 13, 1858. His parents, Charles Desire Luce and Louise Josephine Dunas were of modest means and lived in the working class of Montparnasse. He began studying about engraving in 1872. In the evening he took courses of engraving after training as a wood carver at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Decoratifs at the age of fourteen. That apprenticeship with that wood engraver lasted for three years.Maximilien Luce entered a engraver shop and began working at the studio of the engraver EugГЁne Froment where he made woodcut prints.The following year he traveled with Froment to London and on his return to France in 1879 he joined military service for a... Show more content on ... Around 1894 He was also arrested for a short period on suspicion of being involved in the assassination of the president of France, Mari FranГ§ois Sadi Carnot. He became involved in the Trial of the Thirty and served a short term of imprisonment. They had a first child that was a boy named Frederick, but unfortunately died in 1895 at the age of fifteen months old. They had another son the following year who was also named Frederick, they also adopted Bouin s orphaned nephew, Georges Edouard in 1903. Until 1904, Luce lived in Montmartre, so between 1904 and 1924, he lived in Auteuil, then moved back to Paris. the streets of Montmartre in which appeared in many of his works. After 1920, however, when he began spending a large amount of time around Rolleboise, Luce started to paint in a freer manner. Maximilien Luce was elected President of the Societe des Artistes Independants but then resigns his post in 1940 in the protest against racial laws enacted by the regime, which had banned Jewish artists from all official groupings and exhibitions. Luce and Bouin married in Paris in 1940, only a few months before her death in June. Luce died in Paris on February 6 the following year, ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Why Author Use Pen Names Pen names are very useful to authors, and all authors that use pen names have pretty valid reasons to use them in a way to benefit themselves in their career. Many authors use pen names as a security for themselves to avoid the hate mail and the interference with fans coming into their personal lives. Pennames also allow authors to have freedom when they are writingso no one knows who they really are, this lets the authors let go of the stress and fear of being judged and criticized by family and friends, it allows them release from their personal life. Some authors don t use pen names because of the fear of what people might think of their career but as an easier way to get published. Especially women authors did the in the earlier years ... Get more on ...
  • 19. How Hamilton Changed My Life The award winning Broadway musical Hamilton has won over the hearts of numerous Broadway regulars and non regulars alike. Written by Lin Manuel Miranda over six years ( How Hamilton changed my life ), it is based upon a biography by Ron Chernow: Alexander Hamilton (Churchwell). Its surge of popularity has puzzled an innumerable amount of people. The main reasons for this are clear if you have seen the musical live or listened to the soundtrack: the tunes and lyrics are beautifully composed and very catchy. However, if you try to be perceptive, you may find there are more enigmatic reasons as to why Hamilton became such a hit in a little amount of time. An element that helped the musical reach its current popularity is its strangeness. A musical about a founding father with hip hop and rap elements caused some to be suspicious. This suspiciousness... Show more content on ... Much has been written about Miranda s wide ranging but acute musical references, from a Britpop inflected George III ( When you re gone, I ll go mad / So don t throw away this thing we had / Cause when push comes to shove / I will kill your friends and family to remind you of my love ) to the three Schuyler sisters singing about New York in the manner of Destiny s Child; from the Notorious BIG to Kander and Ebb... Lines about racism from Rodgers and Hammerstein s South Pacific ( you ve got to be carefully taught ) rub shoulders with Busta Rhymes; Sondheim s experiments in perspective from Pacific Overtures meet Snoop Dogg. (Churchwell) Lin Manuel Miranda used multiple genres of music, which helped to captivate his audience. It also helps that there s something for everyone. There are Broadway esque elements to please avid Broadway fans, plenty of hip hop and rap to fill the hearts of fans of that genre. The fact that the musical genres are so diverse in the one musical truly make it one of a ... Get more on ...
  • 20. An Example Of The Note 7 Fiasco The Note 7 Fiasco At a lunch event in Hammerstein Ballroom at the Manhattan Center in New York on August 2, Samsung announced the note 7 with much fanfare from loyal customers and journalist alike. Samsung note 7 was released on the 19th of August 2016 to its customers, a couple of weeks later there was news circulating on the internet it is exploding in charge. Due to this issue airlines and passengers were advised to refrain from using their note 7 in flight to avoid explosion and possibly plane crash whilst consumer safety stated that it is working closely with Samsung on the issue and warned the public to stop using the note 7 (Czarnecki, 2016) It took Samsung a while to admit there was a problem with is a new product and finally issued a voluntary recall of the note 7 on the 2nd of September 2016 (Czarnecki, 2016). The replacement Note 7 phones given to people that had returned their unit after it issued a recall was also revealed to had exploded which led to a second global recall by Samsung. This fiasco was indeed a public relation nightmare that Samsung handled badly (Sullivan, 2016). It ultimately led to the loss of $19B in its stock value (Milanesi, 2017). Objective 1. Winning back the trust of loyal customers and ensuring that similar incidence is prevented in the future. 2. Improve communication with customers, 3. taken steps to address safety concerns that plugged the note 7. 4. Change quality assurance implemented by its suppliers. Target ... Get more on ...
  • 21. A Cubist Perspective of Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s... A Cubist Perspective of Shakespeare s A Midsummer Night s Dream The great cycle of the ages is renewed. Now Justice returns, returns the Golden Age; a new generation now descends from on high. Virgil, Eclogues 1.5 As Virgil stated so many years ago, history is a cyclical phenomenon. The experiences of one age tend to be repeated in future generations. Knowing that, we should not be surprised to find the seeds of modern styles and philosophies sprouting in earlier ages. Elizabethan England was a society undergoing major social changes. In religion the country had recently left the fold of Catholicism to establish the Church of England. While England during this time was a major world power, she ... Show more content on ... The Cubist artist wanted to show multiple views of one object at the same time. This attempt to represent multiple viewpoints simultaneously was opposed to the renaissance artist s attempt to establish a single viewpoint#. In Midsummer Night s Dream, a play that belongs to the period of the late renaissance, William Shakespeare has managed to incorporate the same elements we use to define Cubist art. As Alexander Leggatt points out, this play is divided into four different groups of characters; the lovers, the older Athenian citizens, the fairies and the rude mechanics. # Each of these groups proceeds through the play as a separate plane or playing field that intersects the other fields in proscribed and largely ceremonial ways. The interaction of the different groups helps to define each group and at the same time keeps them separate. At the center of the play, the object which is divided up and examined in multiple perspectives is love. The four groups each show a different aspect of love and the interaction within and among the groups ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Go Greyhound Poem Analysis The idea of mobility in these poems (Whitman s Song of the Open Road , Hicok s Go Greyhound and Waldman s Our Past ) is described both literally as traveling by foot, train and/or boat as well as figuratively in that the characters are traveling to intangible destinations. As far as physical examples of traveling, the most obvious one would be in Hicok s poem, Go Greyhound . In the poem, Hicok discusses his observations and experiences while riding a Greyhound bus from Des Moines through Arizona. Though he does not directly state that he is traveling, the lines Hope s a smaller thing on a bus, (1 Hicok) and As we entered Arizona, I thought I smelled the ocean, (2 Hicok) show that he is traveling literally from one place to another. Something I d like to mention in reference to the second line I quoted would be that the line itself is an impossibility that brings contrast to the poem. Arizona is nowhere near the shores of the ocean so for Hicok to smell the ocean would be impossible and, yet, he mentions it so casually in the poem. This quote, therefore, shows both the theme of mobility as well as the descriptive use of contrast. Now, an example of figurative traveling can be found in Whitman s poem, part 2, stanza2, in the line the black with his woolly head, the felon, the diseas d, the illiterate person, are not denied, (2 Whitman). This line does not state that the felon and the sick are moving literally from one point to another but that they are traveling ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Six Chief Characteristics Of Philosophy The main goal behind philosophy is to seek the deepest, and most detailed truth behind everything in the universe. Many different concepts such as relativism attempt to disprove truth that philosophy attempts to pursue. To understand what it means for philosophy to pursue truth, we must first understand the nature of philosophy, or what philosophy really is. To understand the nature of philosophy, we must look at the six chief characteristics of philosophy. The six chief characteristics of philosophy will help us understand why other concepts such as relativism are wrong, and why philosophy does indeed pursue the deepest truth. The nature of philosophy is defined as the essence of philosophy, or what philosophy really is. First we must look at the six chief characteristics of philosophy to understand the nature of philosophy. The first chief characteristic is doing an Etymological analysis of the term philosophy. This simply means that we must analyze the word to get its root parts. If we divide philosophy it comes out to mean love of wisdom, and a philosopher is a lover of wisdom or truth. Philosophy can be seen as the desire to know deeply the world that is around us. The next chief characteristic is the basic mood of philosophy. The basic mood of philosophy is wonder or anxiety in a world we cannot understand to the fullest. This brings us to our next chief characteristic which is raising fundamental questions. These deep philosophical questions, are raised in order to ... Get more on ...
  • 24. African-American Values I ve been raised in North Bethesda, a city inside of Montgomery County my whole life . A county that values education and success more than most things, and rightfully so. To live in this county you have to have money and to have money you must be successful, and also to be able to have the things you want , such as a nice car, nice houses, nice clothes and local and clean grocery stories, etc. that they have here. It motivates and instills values on us to try our hardest and make the most out of school as possible to get a job that will help us and our community in the future. Which is why I see myself as an educated , adventurous , and hungry for success. My dad is from Cameroon, which is a country in Africa and lived there up until adulthood then he came to the states because he felt that his... Show more content on ... So when they moved to North Bethesda, they knew I would have a better head start in life than most other people, African Americanor Caucasian. I ve maintained over a 4.0 GPA, with a mix of A s and B s . I was raised as a catholic, going to church most every sunday with my father, most people in his country are christians but when he moved to america he converted to catholic. This instilled values into me, to believe in jesus christ and believe that there s a reason for everything because he set it up that way. I m the older sister to one (half) brother, who is only six years old with my parents working often it leaves me to be in charge of my brother, which has made me become very domesticated at an early age, and pretty talented in being able to communicate and understand with those at a much younger age than me. I can cook any dish that I have the recipe too, and can make a meal in under 45 minutes. My parents become divorced when I was 4, which instilled values in me to wait till I was mature enough, and also in a long term stable relationship before I get married because to wake up one day and realize I know longer love the person I married is the scariest thing to ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Aboriginal Issues For Canada s Health Systems Aboriginal Issues Imagine a world without jobs, education or even no health systems. Well as in today many aboriginals in Canada are living a life compared to this. Indigenous people of Canada, including status Indians, non status Indians, MГ©tis and Inuit people are Aboriginal people of Canada.( Aboriginal Definition and Terms ) According to a study by the National Household Survey (NHS) 1,400,685 people had an Aboriginal identity in 2011, representing 4.3% of the total Canadian population. Aboriginal people mostly live in Ontario and the western provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia (Aboriginal Peoples). The loss of land is not the biggest problem facing the aboriginal Canadians. The biggest problem facing the ... Show more content on ... Patients that want to receive a drug exemption that is not listed on the Non Insured health benefit (NIHB) Programs drug benefit list must complete a long lengthy paperwork process that can take weeks or even months to complete. This procedure can be complicated when the aboriginal patient must depend on visiting specialist that are only available for appointments once a month. In the north the effects of lack of access to the health services have caused patients to leave their communities to get more specialized care , they are usually send to the south for medical emergencies, hospitalization, appointments with medical specialists , diagnosis and treatments . In 2005, 5% of Inuit s had been away from their homes for one of more months due to illness effects (Access to health services as a social determinant of first nations, in unit and metis health). Many children are suffering because of their health. Some families don t have enough money to get their children medicine or a cure for their disease. Some families are struggling to reach for help and also many families struggle financially, so they may not have the money to get a cure or medicine. Non aboriginal people can just easily go out and get medication and simply cure themselves from the sickness but aboriginals have difficulties accessing the health systems that we have and that can be a hard task. If aboriginals have a ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Invictus By William Earnest Fintus Analysis Invictus by William Earnest Henley, is about a man, the courage he has through his struggles, and the relationship he has with God. When reading this poem I think of my own life as a young girl. She is someone that I think about a lot. I look at the struggles she has faced and how her relationship with God has changed throughout these challenges. Through all the evil that had come into her life, she turned to God and blamed him because of the belief that he would protect her. The only way she did not turn to death is through her hope, much like Henley s, courage got her through these times. The little painful stories build up in our lives to create who we are. They also teach us that we have the strength within us to keep moving forward. She was a young girl in high school just trying to be normal. A month of sleeping and the inability to get out of bed, her mother finally got worried and took her to the hospital. Tests were performed, questions were asked, and she would finally be diagnosed with the trembling words of, You have severe depression. She was put on many medications, but this would not stop her from putting knives to her chest and throat, wanting for it all to end. This monster in her head would be there for the rest of her life, creating the inability to make the chemicals she needed to have to be happy. Everyday prayers would be made asking God why this was happening to her. As a teenage girl, she found love in the right and wrong places. Her first love was ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Theories of Classical Management The classical approach were established and carried out in the early 1900centyry. Group of technician, manager and scientist came up with idea in order to reduce industrial dispute. They are Frederick Taylor the theory of scientific management, Max Weber theory of bureaucracy, and Henri Fayol theory of classical management. Most of them theories were based on the principal for a comprehensive theory of management. Now I am going to discuss about perspective view of each theories. Frederick Taylor came up with the principal theory of scientific management. His theory put emphasis on how an organisation can increase or gain their productivity through strong management control and supervision on worker and planning and maintain structure of organisation. He believe in so called Division of labour worker can do best and process can be run smoothly if worker assigned to a limited number of specific task. He argued best result will out come if the employee appointed for a specific task and monitor them closely. Taylor found out that lack of employee initiative in the work place was the major issue of inefficient work in the organisation. He believes that the organisation emphasis more on external job rather than focusing on internal process of the production line, giving less priority to the external process created negative impact on organisation such as waste of time, human effort and materials. The reasons behind that were at that time most of the organization used to ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Renaissance Rebirth Revival, Rebirth, these are the words that describes the Renaissance period. The Renaissance period was a period in Europe during the 1300 1700 it was a period of rebirth . It was the period between the high middle ages to the modern age. The Renaissance period influenced/ pioneered the things or ideas we use today.During this period, science and technology boosted while,the arts became famous. Renaissancehumanismand the bubonic plague (black death)led to the renaissance period this is because there was a need of rebirth after the series of epidemics,also people relied on REASON rather than FAITH for explanations thus, boosting science and technology. Humanism changed the way people see things.During the middle ages people believe in religion as the ultimate virtue but, during the renaissance period they now beleived in reason.Also, they know focus on learning from human experiences rather than the life of Jesus Christ.Human living is now the ultimate goal and not religion. This shows a shift of perspective on the interest of people in the ... Show more content on ... There was a need of rebirth after the bubonic plague this brought the people to become interested in knowledge.Also the churches power was weakened during the Renaissance period because they could not provide an explanation for the bubonic plague nor,could they cure it. Also people became interested in scientific studies which some does contradict with the religious teachings of the church. The Renaissance humanism and the Bubonic plague cause the birth of the Renaissance period. This two causes changed the course of history and the view of the people.For me the Renaissance period is still ongoing because its effects are still felt ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Historical Development Of Incorporation Law 1.0 Introduction There are different business structures in Australia. Each business structure has unique set of obligations, legal requirements, convenience or advantages and inconvenience or disadvantages. Purpose of this essay is to understand the incorporated business framework and to explain in depth that why one or more business owner need to register the business as incorporation. Firstly, essay will have insight over the historical development of incorporation law in Australia since 1901. According to Incorporation Associations (2014) Incorporation is a method of registration that gives an association legal advantages, in return for accepting certain legal responsibilities (p. 5). A limited company has certain characteristics and features which are discussed in third section. These characteristics are the platform for the functioning of the incorporated body. Furthermore, the essential steps which are required to convert or start a limited company will be elaborated in later part. Final section will be the analysis of the question whether a business should be incorporated or not! Which factors business should consider before opting for a business structure and how these factors will affect the business. What are the legal and moral responsibilities of limited companies! In the end, the crux of the essay is that incorporation of the business provides the proper environment for the economic growth. 2.0 Corporate Law in Australia: Historical background In Australia ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Kofi Annan Finding Common Ground In American society, two individuals often join hands and collaborate regardless of their different characteristics. Even though their identities may clash with each others and be absolute opposites, their union remains unaffected. Their combined strength enables them to complete many tasks. In the unit of Finding Common Ground, the selections focuses on the citizens of America to explore this concept of being unified despite diversity. Kofi Annansums up this unit by saying, [People] may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but [they] all belong to one human race, in which he expresses that though people are carry differences, they have the potential to unite. The main messages of this unit coincide with his words because the texts highlight that the people of any country can unify and be strong as a group if they have the resolve to do so. Ultimately, a nation derives strength from... Show more content on ... While people tend to behave poorly towards other people who are different, they also have the capability of correcting that weakness. With immense dedication to the goal of unity, individuals can build bridges that show [they] are better together (Making the Future Better, Together page 7, lines 89 90). People will take actions that promote the concept of coming together if they commit themselves. Differences will not stand in the way then. Their willingness to unite will drive them to build [a] beloved community (Martin Luther King Jr., Making the Future Better, Together page 8, line 97), where people tolerate or even embrace the differences of one another. If people do not have determination, they will not be able to discard their tendency to not welcome other people who are different from them and remain separated. In the end, the realization of unity in a nation depends on whether its citizens are willing to devote themselves to striving for ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The And Medicinal Purposes Of Ginger Zingiber officinale, commonly known as Ginger, is a prevalent kitchen spice that has both been used for dietary and medicinal purposes around the world. A member of the Zingiberacae family, ginger is a flowering plant that is said to have originated in India, but was harvested to extinction. It is now cultivated predominately in India, China, and Jamaica. Although this is a flowering herb, the root or rhizome of the plant is regularly utilized for cooking or for medicinal purposes. The powder of the rhizome is often made into a tonic that is consumed by the patient. Ginger has been used traditionally in various cultures as a remedy for a number of different conditions. In Bone and Mills (2013), it is stated that ginger has been... Show more content on ... 812). The anti inflammatory factors of 6 gingerol are key in the treatment of Ulcerative Colitis. In addition, 6 gingerol is a phenol that is rapidly metabolized in comparison to the rates of other isolated components of the ginger rhizome. The metabolism rate of the compound has been documented at about 30 minutes (Benzie Watchel galor, 2011, Ch.7 p.6). The concentration of the phenol is also found to be higher within the tissue when compared to plasma. The combination of a high metabolism rate and tissue concentration levels makes 6 gingerol the most bioactive component within the ginger rhizome. The highest concentration of 6 gingerol can be found in the gastrointestinal tract (Benzie Watchel galor, 2011, p. 6). This is important when considering treatment of GI conditions using ginger. Ulcerative colitis is an idiopathic, chronic inflammatory condition that is characterized by the inflammation of the colon and rectum. This is a disorder that affects the innermost layer of the colon, known as the mucosal layer. Similar to other inflammatory bowel diseases, ulcerative colitis results from abnormal and increased activation of the intestinal immune system. The increased presence of the inflammatory mediators within the tissue leads to the disruption of the mucosa and ultimately ulceration of the tissues( El Abhar, Hammad, and ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Environmental Effects Of Plastic Pollution Plastic pollution is all over this world. People purchase plastic almost everyday, even if someone does not realize they are purchasing this synthetic product, most of the time the item s packaging is made of plastic. Even cleaning products and clothes contain plastic. When plastic was man made the only thought was the benefits it can create, the deficits were not thought of. Humans and animals are being physically harmed by hazardous chemicals inside plasticand sadly, fifty percent of plastic is hazardous. The environment as well is being affected with pollution because of the amount of resources that are taken and used. Many authors have researched the effects of the plastic we use daily. ZHigui He s article Pollution characteristics and health risk assessment of volatile organic compounds emitted from different plastic solid waste recyclingworkshops researches the various volatile compounds found in different recycling shops that lead to health risks. Charles Talsness article is explaining the health risks of the components found in plastic on humans and animals. Along with the article written by Chelsea Rochman, assistant professor, that classifies plastic waste as hazardous as well and W.C. Li s article focuses on the effects of the plastic waste in the marine environment. All the while, Robert LeBlanc has found many statistics on all negative aspects inside his article Plastic RecyclingFacts and Figures . All of these articles connect in the agreement of plastic ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Aldo Leopold The Land Pyramid In his essay titled The Land Ethic, Aldo Leopold argues that humans should extend ethical behaviors to the natural environment or in other words, the land. The author points out that, thus far, humans have only acted ethically towards one another. However, he believes that it is time for humans also to start to treat the environment with the same respect and dignity that we have for the members of our own species. The author states that he is aware that we cannot entirely prevent utilizing natureas a resource and a commodity. Nonetheless, he concludes that humans should have the responsibility to take care of the environment and to assure its continued existence. Leopold does not believe that humans are the inferior species, the conquerors of the land as he puts it. Instead, he argues, humans are just plain citizens who simply share the planet with millions of other species and who are a part of an intricate and sophisticated system that makes life possible for all living beings. Nonetheless, he believes that in order for people to realize this, and for them to recognize nature as valuable and worth loving, they must be able to envision it as a tangible object. To make this possible, Leopold creates the idea of The Land Pyramid, whose purpose is to create a mental image of the environment as a complex biotic mechanism. The food pyramid is comprised of many layers. The bottom layer is the widest because it represents the species that are most abundant such as ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Curriculum For The Class Perhaps when writing the curriculum for the class you could consider some of these ideas, it is important to reach out to each of the students and make them feel comfortable and want to take interest in what they are learning. According to Interest Theory it is important for students to find value in what they are learning. Some examples of this include; when a student is able to apply what they have learned to everyday occurrences, being able to gain gratification from achievements, and even feel the recognition of a practiced skill as useful. Attribution Theory implies that as a teacher it is important to create an environment where many different cultures and viewpoints are valid and offered. Calvin makes a point by saying that sometimes his ideas are too big so that no one cares. So if you encourage this out of the box thinking and give Calvin opportunities to show he knows what he is talking about Calvin will take more interest in what he is learning. Tying in Self Determination Theory into the curriculum. Calvin would then be intrinsically motivated when you give him the opportunity to test his knowledge with a topic that interests him. As the teacher, you can offer a variety of tasks, which will make it difficult for him to attribute his failure to one specific type of lesson plan or lecture. Which ties into Goal Theory, and suggesting letting students have some control in the class. For instance; letting the students have a choice of what they can read. If you ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Changes In Metropolitan Statistical Area Census data from the last 2 Censuses reveal population migration patterns through changes in Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSAs) populations. The data shows that certain metropolitan areas are growing while others are declining. Many Southern cities and Western cities are rapidly rising in population as economic industries settle and family friendly conditions allow innovation and education to thrive. One strong example of this is the Raleigh Cary MSA, in North Carolina, which has experienced rapid growth in recent decades from increased economic dominance in government and education sector. New Orleans is an extreme exception for these regions, with the population being greatly reduced because of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Cleveland and ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Wapusk National Park of Canada Physical Aspects: At an area of 11,375 square kilometres Wapusk National Park is Canada s 37th national park. Wapusk National Park is in the Hudson Plains, there are not many visitor facilities making this park truly wild and undisturbed. This is to protect and preserve the fragile tundra environment. In my poster there are a variety of animals, trees, plants and birds that exist in the Park. Most of Wapusk National Parkis made up of bog and tundra. In the summer the park s marshy wetlands and peat bog make it difficult for visitors to navigate safely. I colored in the majority of my poster white because there is an abundance of snowy weather, but this park also contains wetlands so I colored parts of my poster with green and blue. As a result of the high latitude the climate is cold and another factor is that it is near the Arctic climate region. The majority of the year it is quite chilly and the temperature rarely surpasses twenty degrees Celsius. However when it does go above ten degrees Celsius many birds migrate to this park, like the snow geese I illustrated beside the park s monitoring centre. The park only has about four five months above zero degrees, and since the area is tundra there is permafrost also the area has very poor drainage causing the wetlands. Overall, the climate is cold, with a very large temperature range with moderate relief precipitation. There is a wide array of different types of wildlife and vegetation in Wapusk National Park. On my ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Why Companies Should Pay Attention On Technology And Talent One of the most significant part of business is a supply chain and today it is far more complex than ever before. According to Mack and Media (2013), The most effective supply chains deliver products as fast and as cheaply as possible without sacrificing quality . In order to succeed in doing so, it is strongly believed that companies should pay attention to technology and talent. What is supply chain? Cottrill (2010) notes that People often think it is only about moving boxes, something to do with transport and logistics; it almost gets narrowed down to the warehousing and delivery piece . In reality, supply chain does not only focus on moving products from one place to another places. It involves every stages from the beginning that customers want to buy products until they pay and become satisfied with goods. Manufacturer and suppliers, customers, retailers, warehouses and transporters are all parts of the supply chain (Chopra et al., 2004). Due to globalization and market uncertainties, there is a changing competitive environment in doing business. I believe that a supply chain can keep on improving in such condition by implementing The Triple A Supply Chain strategy which is agile, adaptable and aligned. The term agile refers to an ability to quickly respond to unexpected changes for instance natural disasters and epidemics. Adaptable can be defined as an ability to adjust oneself to deal with problems such as political changes and demographic trends in order to ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Reciprocating Compressors For lower flow rates during holding mode, reciprocating compressors are usually a good fit because of their efficient turndown capabilities. They cater to a wider range of flow rates than any other compressor type. For large scale terminals, to cater higher BoG flow rate during unloading, centrifugal compressors are appropriate. Multiple (2 or 3) compressors are installed in parallel so that shutdown of any one of them does not hamper the operation. Depending on the tank type, reciprocating compressors can be used if the tank is concrete roof tank. Those tanks generally are operated at higher pressures and therefore, vapour generation is significantly low and hence reciprocating compressors can be used even for unloading mode. Composition ... Show more content on ... The simple and modular design of SCV s make capital cost of SCV s much lower than ORV s. But, operating cost of SCV s is much higher than ORV s because of use of natural gasas a fuel. Typically about 1.5% of the vaporized LNG is used up for running SCV s. пѓ Shell and tube vaporizers Shell and tube vaporizers (STV) involve 2 levels of heat transfer, where, first level is heat exchange between LNG and intermediate fluid like propane and the second level is heat exchange between intermediate fluid and sea water. The surface areas of the heat exchangers are optimized to have maximum heat exchange. The major advantage of STV s is, they prevent freezing (unlike ORV s) and reduce fouling risks. But of course, they are costly because of use of intermediate fluid like propane. пѓ Ambient air vaporizers The emissions because of SCV s and unknowns associated with ORV s has made companies focus on something which is reliable and cheap and renewable and hence, companies are focussing on ambient air vaporizers which use ambient air as a source of heat transfer. The technology of using ambient air for LNG vaporization was there in the market before, but for smaller scales. The recent advancements has made it possible to use it at larger scales as well. The impact of temperature and climate is an important factor for designing ambient air vaporizers. The technology is considered green because it has no emissions and makes use of solar heat stored in air as a heat transfer ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Odd Personality Disorders Odd personality disorders consist of paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal personality disorders. These disorders have symptoms similar to schizophrenia, but not as extreme. Paranoid personality disorder is suspicious, deeply distrust others, and tend to isolate themselves. Individuals with this disorder believe that other individuals, commonly at work, are out to get them and are working against them. They are easy to blame others and are extremely sensitive to criticism. Causes for paranoid personality disorder can stem from demanding and distant fathers and over controlling and rejecting mothers. Genes may also play a factor. Treatment can include teaching anxietyreduction techniques and skills to help improve interpersonal relationships and ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Phenomenon Of Violent Political Islamism 3. Discuss the phenomenon of violent political Islamism. What are its origins, aims and grievances? How ought we to deal with the phenomenon? Political Islam, or Islamism, is the instrumental use of Islam to pursue socio political objectives. Islam in this case is not merely a religious construct, but a political ideology. Individuals, groups, and organisations pursue political ideas and programs based on Islamic principles and concepts. They aim to implement Islamic law (Sharia) in both the public and private domain. Islamism is often mobilised in existing political issues, and has become a vehicle and vocabulary for the expression of many different agendas in the Muslim world . It is the most dominant ideology in the Muslim world. While not all political Islamism is violent, it is undeniable that violent extremism occurs in the Middle East, North Africa, and South Asia. In this essay, I analyse the phenomenon of violent political Islamism, focusing on the Middle East. I investigate its macro level historical and political origins, and the micro level factors which influence the use of violence. I discuss its aims and grievances, and provide suggestions on how to deal with this phenomenon. Macro level: historical, political, socioeconomic factors During the 1950s, the West embarked on a mission to overthrow the secular nationalist, communist, and left wing regimes in the Middle East, which they perceived to be a threat to Western corporate capital and a ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Bis 220 Introduction to Computer Applications and Systems... BIS 220 Introduction To Computer Applications and Systems /Complete Class Click Link below To Purchase: http://homework 220 Complete Class 256.htm BIS 220 Week 1 Individual Information Technology Acts Paper Select two of the following acts to research: Do Not Call Implementation Act, 2003 Controlling the Assault of Non solicited Pornography and Marketing (CAN SPAM) Act, 2003 Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA), 2002 Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (US Patriot Act), 2001, renewed 2006 Children s Internet Protection Act, 2000 Financial Services Modernization Act, 1999 Children s Online Privacy Protection... Show more content on ... Efficiency and Collaboration Proposal BIS 220 Week 3 LT, Efficiency and Collaboration Proposal Resources: Ch. 1 2 of ExcelВ® in MicrosoftВ® Office 2010. Scenario: Imagine you are an employee of Party Plates, a company that manufactures decorative paper plates and napkins for special events. Your team has been assigned a new project. The president of your company has tasked you with improving the efficiency of the current information systems used in the sales department, because the current systems are somewhat antiquated. Your organization is currently using MicrosoftВ® ExcelВ® to track all personnel data, but would like to migrate to a relational database like MicrosoftВ® AccessВ®. You have also been tasked with identifying potential collaborative software that may improve internal communications and help streamline some of the work processes for the sales department. Prepare a 350 to 700 word proposal addressing the potential implementation of new information systems in your organization. Explain the usefulness of converting data currently held in MicrosoftВ® ExcelВ® spreadsheets into a relational database using MicrosoftВ® AccessВ®. Describe the benefits of using MicrosoftВ® AccessВ® in the work environment. Include suggestions for the future use of collaborative software and how it can help the sales ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Logos And Ethos In Carrie Underwood s Blown Away Blown Away by Carrie Underwood shows many examples of pathos, ethos, and logos in the song. The emotions within the song are very heart wrenching and dark and the sound of the song is portrayed this way. The sound of the song is very dark and intense with a fast loud beat throughout which correlates to the lyrics and the video of the song as well. Carrie Underwood establishes her credibility by being who she is as a country singer and has been for the past ten years. She also shows logos in her song by telling the state in which it is happening which she repeatedly said was Oklahoma. Blown Away is written to people who have experienced similar circumstances with violence in their life at home and for people to hear about a story. The music... Show more content on ... The song tells of an emotional breakup and the emotions shown in the song are sadness and anger. After the breakup, she emotionally was torn apart and continuously will want him. Miley Cyrus shows credibility by being who she is as a much known singer. The sound of the song automatically starts with high and fast beats which sets the intense scene for the song. By the middle of the song, the sound drops to a much slower beat but then back up for the final chorus. Wrecking Ball was written to the guy who caused her to feel the way she did. In the first line of the song, she uses the words clawed and chained which are not normal words used for people in a relationship. She then says she fell under his spell meaning that she was into the relationship more of then him. She also relate the death of their relationship to we re ashes in the ground. Within the entire song when she sung the word wreck, it was emphasized and had a longer beat. The last two lines of Wrecking Ball was yeah, you, you wreck me, repeated twice also for emphasis. The music video begins the song zoomed into Miley Cyrus face almost like looking into her and her feelings. By the second chorus and the increased beat she begins swinging on a ball, creating a visual of her feelings and her literally coming in like a wrecking ball and breaking his ... Get more on ...
  • 43. The Role Of Women In The Arabian Nights Society s view of women has changed as a result of what they have accomplish to become relevant inside a man oriented culture. Women are accused of being untrustworthy, due to their approach of going around the rules. Although this may be true, their limited possibilities push them to use their cleverness to look for alternatives that will help them reach their goals. The stories of The Arabian Nights demonstrate that when women are in control of a situation they must be trusted, as long as they act upon good will. Heroes, kings and presidents, for so long men are the protagonist of the stories. Across the world and through the centuries, women have always been situated below men. Women were considered the weak sex, they are portrayed as delicate, obedient, naive and passionate. Never trust in women; nor rely upon their vows (44). As the wives of the kings on The Arabian Nights, whose passion brought them to cheat on both their husbands. They ended up being executed because they threatened the kings power. Or bringing danger into the families, as the wives of Kasim and Ali Baba, who wouldn t think of the consequences of their actions and would act by the pure instinct of greed and naiveness. Yet, seldomly acknowledged, women have had to step up to fix troubled situations, the few stories told of women of scarce resources who have manage to triumph over the standardized society. This not only shows how women take advantage of the resources at their reach but how their ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Argumentative Essay On Luxury Cars For people who like power and luxury together, the Bentley Mulsanne was a great choice to have. Bentley Motors produced it throughout the 80 s. It was named after the famous Le Mans race track section. The Mulsane Straight was the fastest part of the famous track in the 1920 s. This car is extremely versatile and therefore, owners want to use it for a multitude of reasons. As with other Bentleys, it is important to keep the luxury car in a pristine condition. For this, you need to replace the worn out parts and ensure that you do not run the vehicle with a damaged or low performing component. This means support from spare parts suppliers. Hunt Auto Parts (HAP) can truly help Bentley owners in this regard. Parts through HAP HAP is a resource ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Chinook Salmon Respiration All organisms need to respire to survive. Respiration requires oxygen which is brought into the body during gas exchange. In gas exchange oxygen is taken from the water or air into the bloodstream and carbon dioxide is released. The Chinook Salmon or Oncorhynchus tshawytscha is one of my chosen vertebrates, the Chinook Salmon are found natively in the Pacific Ocean, they are anadromous meaning they are born in fresh water, they move gradually move to deep salt water oceans when they are young before returning back to the fresh water streams where they hatched as fully matured adults to lay eggs and die. Chinook Salmon live in water, which has a low concentration of oxygen, this means that for a Chinook Salmon to get its energy requirements lots of water needs to flow over the gas exchange surface in order to take in ... Show more content on ... Like in most fish gills are the Chinook Salmon s gas exchange system, they take water in through their mouths then close it and force the water through the gills and out ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Medieval Theology Texts Medieval Theology Texts Final Exam 1. Both Bernard of Clairvaux and Bonaventure show an appreciation for the natural world not seen in many of the other authors that we read. In what way does this appreciation guide their theologies and mystical journeys? How are their journeys similar and how are they different? Be sure to touch on their understandings of human nature and each author s methodologies. The natural world plays an important role in Bernard of Clairvaux s theological life. According to Bernard of Clairvaux, love is one of the passions and what is natural should be at the service of the Lord of nature. There are 4 degrees of love, and the first one is when man loves himself for his own sake. Because nature has become rather frail and weak, man is driven by necessity to serve nature first. It results in bodily love and such bodily animal that does not know how to love anything but himself begins to love God for his own benefit, because he learns from frequent experience that in God he can do everything which is good for him, and without God he can do nothing. The second degree of love is when man loves God for his own good. Man loves good for his own sake, not God s. The wise man will know what he can do by himself and what he can do only with God s help, and then people will avoid hurting him who keeps you from getting hurt. The third degree is when man loves God for God s sake. As man needs God more frequently, the taste of his own sweetness leads us to love ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Charles Dickens Research Paper Early Life Charles John Huffam Dickens was born at 13 Mile End Terrace, Portsea, Portsmouth, the 4th day of the second month as the second child to John and Elizabeth Dickens (EBSCOhost). Dickens sadly became the eldest child when his older sister died in 1820 (Britannica). In the year 1822, the whole Dickens household moved their belongings to Camden Town, London ( Charles schooling was interrupted in 1824 when his father was put in prison for his unpaid debt (Dickens Fellowship). Because of this, Dickens was forced to pick up the slack (British Library). Dickens earned 6 shillings a week at his new job ( When Dickens father was released from prison, his mother asked him to keep working because he gave them good money. Because of this, Dickens grew to despise his mother (Britannica). Dickens went back to school and is getting a good education, for the meantime (Dickens Fellowship). In the year ... Show more content on ... In the year of 1833, he began entering drawings below the heading Boz , and ended up with a book in the year of 1836. Soon after his first book, he was married to a beautiful woman named Catherine Hogarth ( In 1836 there wasn t a single soul who didn t know the name Charles Dickens (British Library). It seemed that each of Charles books after his wedding took 20 months each to complete; Nicholas Nickleby (1838 39), The Old Curiosity Shack (1840 41), and a few others (Britannica). After completing Barnaby Ridge in 1841, Dickens traveled to the USA the first 6 months of 1842 (Dickens Fellowship). In 1850 he began writing again. He wrote David Copperfield (1850), Bleak House (1853), Great Expectations (1861) and Our Mutual Friends (1865) (British Library). Dickens became so famous everyone knew of his presence as he strolled down the street ( Charles was chosen to give a public reading of his works (Dickens ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Impact Of Globalization Of English Language Globalization of the English language is the concept of using English as a global language for purpose of communication in numerous different dialects that is the movement of English towards a standard language. From history we see that twenty first century is known as the period of globalization of English language in which English has gained so much importance that it is now known as the language of the universe. It is known by every class of people from rich to poor even though its usage in the lower class society is very little but still people want to learn it for better opportunities. It has overtaken the world as the global language. Everyone irrespective of the fact where he belongs to speak English though not fluent as well as understands it very well. Education in most of the countries is given in English as it is the language of researches and technology. It is the major language of newspapers, academic conferences, diplomacy, sports and advertisement industry. Multinational companies requires their workers to be fluent in English language because they deal with their foreign business partners and customers in English language as it s understood everywhere. The standardized form of English language came into form after planning of creating... Show more content on ... It was made the official medium of communication throughout the world by the Air and Sea control, and by 2020 there was hardly anyone in the world who could not talk and understand it. (Wells, 1933, pp. 418, 419). This shows us what lead to the growing supremacy of English language. In this essay I will be discussing about the globalization of the English language and how it has effected other languages and people s ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Walter Lee Younger s Characteristics Walter Lee Youngers Characteristics In the 1920 s, many African American families had left the southern states and migrated north to Chicago s South Side in search of the American Dream , dreaming of freedom, equality, and the opportunity that was supposed to be available to every American. This American Dream was sought by many African Americans in the U.S. Written by Lorraine Hansberry and produced in 1959, The play: A Raisin in the Sun, gave readers a strong meaning about the values of dreams and the struggles in fulfilling them. Unlike other plays that contain one main character, A Raisin in the Sun consisted of having two main characters: Walter and Mama. The audience may find that one of the main characters from the play,... Show more content on ... You see, this little liquor store we got in mind costs $75,000 and we figured the initial investment on the place be bout $30,000, see. That be $10,000 each. Course, there s a couple of hundred you got to pay so s you don t spend your life just waiting for them clowns to get your license approved., (1.1, 1133). Walter believes that investing in the liquor store, will earn his family a fortune. However, the reader is likely to feel that he is being inconsiderate by failing to acknowledge that the money does not belong to him, it belongs to Mama and should be up to her how to spend it. Furthermore, Walter acts selfishly and is inconsiderate of what his mother wants. An example of Walter acting selfishly is located towards the end of Act I, scene II. It is Saturday, and Walter has just returned home from work. He is only concerned of the checks arrival; he fails to greet his family. He tries showing Mama the paperwork that his friend Willy put together for the liquor store, and becomes upset that Mama wanted nothing to do with his plans and had refused to even look at the papers he showed her. Sarcastically he tells Mama, Oh so you don t aim to have to speak on that again? So you have decided . . Well you tell that to my boy tonight when you put him to sleep on the living room couch . . . Yeah and tell it to my wife, Mama, tomorrow when she has to go out of here and look after somebody else s kids. And tell it to me, Mama, every time we ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Argumentative Essay On Flowers For Algernon The idea of changing someone s IQ is an interesting thing but Charlie a thirty seven year old man who struggles with learning and wants to be smart will become smart as a doctor gives him this chance by having a brain operation, Charlie should not have had the operation performed on him. Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyesis a great sci fi short story that you can learn a lot from. Although I think Charlie should not have had the operation, some might say that he should have had it because he wanted to be smart so it gave him a taste of what being intelligent is all about. The operation done on Charlie had a negative impact on him in the end, poor doctor choses, weak animal testing and bad knowledge of the situation could leave many other... Show more content on ... Earl Hunt a professor says While petty crime rates would fall in a society of Newton s, Hunt speculated that white collar crimes, such as banking scams and cover ups by pharmaceutical companies, might increase even grow more sophisticated (Wolchover, By Natalie What if Humans Were Twice as Intelligent? LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 14 Jan 2012. Web. 29 Mar. 2016). Hunt states that small crimes would flush down the toilet like a dead fish, but bigger crimes would be performed more often as people would be more sophisticated making the crimes more sophisticated. Richard Haier a neuroscientist says that Even if everyone had an IQ of 200, you d have exactly the same range of personalities as you do now, and because that s a determining factor is how good society is, you won t necessarily have a better society . (Wolchover, By Natalie What if Humans Were Twice as Intelligent? LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 14 Jan 2012. Web. 29 Mar. 2016). Haier explains that even with people with higher IQs the world would be a better place because people s ways wouldn t change. Hunt also says there s evidence to suggest that many humans, if significantly smarter would, lose their belief in God . (Wolchover, By Natalie What if Humans Were Twice as Intelligent? LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 14 Jan 2012. Web. 29 Mar. 2016). Hunt clearly shows that as people become smarter they will ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Guilt In The Secret, By Moravia And Dagerman Guilt is feeling anger, disappointment and/or shame to an individual for something they have done accidentally or purposely. OneВґs conscience haunts and eat them from inside out for the rest of their lives. Stefan Zweig, a novelist and a journalist, once said that ВЁno guilt is forgotten so long as the conscience still knows of it. This quote reflects to two short stories, ВЁThe SecretВЁ and ВЁTo Kill A ChildВЁ where its characters made wrong choices that ends up to tragedy they would never be able to forget for it is in their guilty conscience. Trying to forget and not listen to an individual s conscience is expressed differently regarding each work s conflict and point of view, yet presented similarly regarding the delivery of the story s purpose. The two... Show more content on ... Moravia and Dagerman used different ways to help the audience to expand their understanding of the two characters. In The Secret , Moravia used first person point of view which shows the inner thoughts of the main character. This have helped readers to understand what Gino was thinking and feeling which contributed to reader s further insights and view of Gino to why he run away and did not take responsibility for his wrong choices. Using first person P.O.V. also shows how Gino regretted and questioned his actions that [he] just couldn t understand why [he] hadn t stopped, why [he] hadn t tried to help the poor guy (Moravia 200). On the contrary, Dagerman used third person point of view and shows the narrator s interpretation of character s thoughts. He also used words to name and describe the characters like naming the character the man instead of naming them. This technique sends us a message that this literary work is to generalize the message that applies to everyone. Also to show that even though an individual is not an evil man... carefree and cheerful (Dagerman) they could make wrong choices that can cause to a ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Child Recovery What is the Role of Education in the Recovery of a Child? Often, when a child is ill or needs behavioral health treatment, education is the last thing on a guardian s mind. They re focused on the day to day management of their child s care: communicating with doctors and nurses and easing their child s fears during his or her hospital stay. During and after treatment, the focus is on the child s recovery so they can go back to being a kid: playing with their friends, enjoying family time, and transitioning back to school. The moment a child walks through those hospital doors they become a student patient, who not only has to deal with their illness, but also keep up with their education. It can be extremely challenging for guardians to ... Show more content on ... Many student patients must miss extended periods of school, becoming disconnected from their education and social life. They may feel that their teachers and friends have forgotten about them. Some may become depressed and have anxiety about returning to school after treatment. So, it s important they stay engaged. KidsHealth authors recommend that student patients stay connected via online social networking sites, email, instant message, text messaging, and talking on the phone with classmates, friends, and teachers. They also state that staying connected to school bring academic, cognitive, psychological, and social benefits. There are numerous reasons why children must be admitted to the hospital for treatment. Some kids may be battling cancer and need chemo. Others may need to visit the hospital a few days a month for kidney dialysis. A child with a disability may need regular physical therapy treatment. On the other side, children who struggle with a mental, social, or behavioral illness, like bipolar disorder, depression, or post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may miss school for extended periods of time to treat or manage their condition and minimize stressors. According to an article on Nationwide Children s, stress is a common part of every child s life. A certain amount of stress is normal, but too much stress can be unhealthy... ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Factors Affecting Patients With Chronic Idiopathic Neck Pain 1.Title: Does the number of visits of mobilizations influence the MCID* on pain improvement in patients with chronic idiopathic neck pain A cross sectional study? *MCID= Minimum clinically important difference 2.The specific aim of this cross sectional study is to reduce cost and improve pain outcome in patients with chronic idiopathic neck pain (CINP). To do this, the study will examine whether the number of visits of mobilization (hypothesis) affect the MCID on pain reduction for patients to begin exercising. In addition, the study will also identify which patients are likely to respond or not to mobilization based on their conditioned pain modulation (CPM) profile? (research questions). These findings could potentially cut costs ... Show more content on ... Providing 1 session of joint mobilization has been shown to immediately improve the impaired CPM in those with knee osteoarthritis (Courtney et al., 2016) compared to placebo. Some patients with chronic pain related to knee osteoarthritis have impaired CPM while others do not (Courtney et al 2016) However, because Courtney et al did not apply joint mobilization to those whose CPM is not impaired, it is unclear if joint mobilization is or is not effective in changing pain in those with normal functioning CPM More importantly, it is not clear whether the positive results Courtney et al 2016 achieved in chronic pain related to knee osteoarthritis carries over to patients with CINP. 4. Scope of the problem The high cost of CINP may be related to the fact that these patients typically seek on average 5 providers over 21 visits every year and receive largely ineffective treatments (Carlesso et al., 2014). Heat, NSAID, exercise, cold and spinal manipulation/mobilization are the most common treatments received (Goode et al., 2010). Only exercise and spinal manipulation/mobilization, however, have good evidence for effectiveness based on multiple systematic reviews and meta analyses. In fact, current practice guidelines suggest combining exercise and spinal mobilization for better pain and functional outcomes than mobilization or exercise alone. To prevent long term disability ... Get more on ...