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Importance Of Commerce Education Essay
Crafting an essay on the importance of commerce education is not without its challenges. The
task involves delving into various facets of commerce, including its role in shaping economic
landscapes, fostering business acumen, and contributing to societal progress. The complexity
arises from the need to strike a balance between theoretical insights and practical applications,
making it imperative to draw connections between abstract concepts and real-world scenarios.
Researching for such an essay demands a thorough exploration of diverse sources, from
academic journals to industry reports, to gather comprehensive information. This, in turn,
requires a discerning eye to filter out relevant data and discern its significance in the context of
commerce education. Navigating through the labyrinth of economic theories, educational
methodologies, and the dynamic nature of the business world adds an extra layer of complexity.
Structuring the essay effectively is another hurdle. Arranging the content logically, developing a
coherent flow of ideas, and ensuring a seamless transition between paragraphs are crucial aspects
that demand careful attention. Moreover, presenting a nuanced argument that captures the
multifaceted nature of commerce education can be a daunting task.
The essay's success hinges on the ability to articulate thoughts with clarity and precision.
Expressing complex concepts in a manner that is accessible to a diverse audience, while
maintaining an academic tone, requires a high level of writing proficiency. The challenge lies not
only in conveying information accurately but also in engaging the reader and persuading them of
the significance of commerce education.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the importance of commerce education entails overcoming
various challenges, from extensive research and content organization to effective communication
of ideas. It is a task that demands a blend of analytical skills, research acumen, and adept writing
abilities. However, with dedication and attention to detail, navigating these challenges can lead
to a compelling and insightful exploration of the topic.
For assistance with similar essays or a variety of academic topics, consider exploring services like, where professionals can provide support tailored to your specific needs.
Importance Of Commerce Education Essay Importance Of Commerce Education Essay
What Is The Theme Of Little Women By Louisa May Alcott
Louisa May Alcott was one of the America s best known writers of young people
fiction. Alcott showed the lives of four sisters and their dreams Louisa May Alcott s
in Little Women showed the difficulties that are communicated with the gender roles
between women and men during the Civil War in America. The civil war was a clear
metaphor for internal conflict of four little women grils.The story was based on the
childhood experiences Alcott shared with her real life sisters, Anna, May and
According to Nicola Watson the publication of little women in 1868 that talks about
a founding myth of American girlhood. The story of a family of four girls and how
they grow up during the American Civil War. (Louisa May Alcott
, little women (1868
9) p.13 17 . ... Show more content on ...
Laurie wanted to be a musician but Laurie grandfather s wants him to work as
business man because of money.
In my opinion, I agree with the quote because she makes Jo married at the end
because the society at that time refused the working women and Jo gave up her
dreams. She defense also the individual rights in the case of Laurie did not talk a lot
in the novel but talks a lot about four little women. His grandfather force him to work
as businessmen because of the society and not work as musician.
At the end of the essay talks about four little women and their dreams. Secondly, the
different roles between men and women in American society at that time. Women did
not equal with men and women try to demands the women rights to be equality with
men. For example in little women showed the character of Jo that was against
women attitude and tried to demand the rights of equality to fight with her father
during the civil war in addition to she wants to be a writer but the society at that time
refused the working women and women must be married according to the rules of
Power Of The Law And Intimidation
ASSIGNMENT # 2 (Small Group Discussion # 1)
Reviewing an individual who was fighting a ticket within the provincial setting in
traffic court. The accused was a white male approximately 19 years of age and was
charged with failing to stop while going through a yellow light. In the City of
London, Ontario, there are a number of initiative that take place on a monthly bases.
The London Police department are known for, meeting their quota for tickets each
month . This was one of those times.
There are a number of power dynamics going on within this situation. The power of
the law and intimidation, young white male discrimination (as he is a male, must be
a poor, speed hungry driver), and legal ... Show more content on ...
Once in front of the white male judge, it took less than 2 minutes for the entire
proceedings to occur. There was an obvious feeling of men against the female
prosecutor, which in turn led to a change in statute of the defense lawyer. When she
stood, she step slightly back, away from the desk, behind her accused. She appeared
to diminish in front of my eyes. The prosecutor read the charge, and explained that
the charge had been changed. At that moment, the judge looked up at the young man
and lectured him on the dangers of driving. The lawyer stepped backwards a little
more, as if she was fearful of the situation. This judge was discriminated against this
young man because of his age and sex. As Pamela George states, The
disqualifications of racialized victims is systemic throughout the criminal justice
system (Chan Dorothy, 2014, p.35), which further supported when the judge asked
the prosecutor if they were sure they didn t wanted to keep the original charge, and
offered to make the correction. Further stating, this would be a good lesson for the
young man (2014).
This judge is suppose to be impartial , neutrality and provide objectivity (Comack,
2014, p. 11) which is the backbone of the legal system, which provides the notion of
legal positivism (Comack, 2014, p. 12). This judge used his power in the
relationships in his court, to evoke various emotions, including
Causes Of The Age Of Imperialism
Question did the First World War mark the beginning of the end for European
imperialism? (YES)
The Industrial Revolution contributed to the prosperity of the capitalist system in
Europe during the 19th century, this was reflected on the European community. The
flourishing of the capitalist system in Europe during the 19th century caused the
emergence of an imperial expansionist movement.
What is the meaning of imperialism and what their motives? And which causes make
this imperial movement disappear little by little?
I European imperialism and its motives:
Imperialist expansionist colonialist movement, spearheaded by European countries
during the 19th century, and has sought to provide
Foreign markets for demographic and ... Show more content on ...
The rise of nationalism basically killed the age of imperialism and the revolution
made by human looking for their rights and the desire of every one to no longer
want to live under someone else. Note also the European in fighting had led to arise
in the cost of maintaining coloniesпѓЁ beginning of the end of imperialism.
World War Iled to several changes inside and outside Europe, imperialism which
existed before the war had dispersed step by step especially when the World War I
took place and the political consequences were carrying signs of a second world
war. That why one of major cause of the end of this imperial movement was certainly
he outbreak of the First World War IпѓЁhe First World War marked the dramatic
beginning of the end of European predominance over the globe Which
Automatic Stay Research Paper
Everything You Need to Know About an Automatic Stay
Many things happen after you file for bankruptcy, but one of the first things that
occurs is that an automatic stay goes into effect. An automatic stay may seem a bit
scary if you don t know what it is, but here are the important things you need to know
about an automatic stay.
What Is It An Automatic Stay?
An automatic stay is when your creditors are notified you ve filed bankruptcy and
they can not attempt to collect the money owed to them anymore. This is not
indefinite pause on your bills, it simply gives the bankruptcy court time to review
your case and decide how much each creditor will get from your bankruptcy
What Does It Affect?
Before filing for bankruptcy, it
Type 1 Diabetes Type 2
One type of chronic disease that numerous individuals must live with is diabetes,
which has two types. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA),
diabetes type 1 is also known as juvenile diabetes and occurs when the individual s
body lacks insulin, the hormone needed to properly distribute glucose. On the other
hand type 2 is due to insulinresistance, which occurs when the body cannot produce
enough insulin to keep glucose levels in the blood stream under control (ADA).
Etiology is the cause of, or investigation to find the cause of, a disease or condition.
Similarly with other diseases, diabetes is caused by a multitude of factors, not one
sole reason. Both forms of diabetes are a public health issue because these conditions
... Show more content on ...
Although genetics and other unmodifiable risk plays a large role in the appearance of
the disease, there are steps that individuals could take to prevent diabetes. Primary
prevention could take the form of health education in schools and the community to
learn about how nutrition choices greatly affect health and limit the chances of
diabetes. Secondary prevention of diabetes works to reduce its severity and is done
through early diagnosis or individuals that look out for and acknowledge the
symptoms of diabetes. Tertiary prevention is done in efforts to rehabilitate the
individuals that suffered the disease, however since diabetes is a chronic condition
that may affect people throughout their whole life, health insurance or insulin
treatment could be what they require instead to prevent further
West Side Story
West Side Story By: Buthainah Alsalmi 05/29/2017THE 100West side story is an
old musical film in 1961. It was taking from William Shakespeare`s play Romeo
and Juliet. The story was about two groups of boys one from United States (Jets)
lead by Riff and the other from Puerto Rico (Sharks) lead by Bernardo. There was a
tension between the groups and Jets challenged Sharks for a dance. Tony invited to
the dance by his friend Riff and he was not interested at first but Riff convinced him
to come. Bernardo`s sister Maria was excited to dance and she told her friend Anita
Bernardo`s girlfriend about that. Then, at the dance she met with Tony and they fell
in love but, Bernardo fought Tony and took his sister away and sent
The Animals Of Animal Animals
The animals of this world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for
humans anymore than black people were made for whites. Alice Walker There are
many fears in the world, for one animals are afraid of us. They probably think that we
humans would hurt them. And they re actually right, we use them for clothes, food,
transportation and entertainment. For me, these are really good valid reasons to be
afraid. Throughout the years, there have been many adjustment in how to treat
animals, which include animalrights.People shouldn t abuse the power of an animal
in its habitat, especially if it is not in its unoriginal habitat.Not only is it missing out
on having a natural environment, but also it does not know how to communicate...
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However, the park instead chooses to stick with the same inhumane business
model that it has used for 50 years, despite all the violent and deadly incidents and
evidence of harm. In an article by the Huffington Post by Brianna Elliott, it gives a
viewpoint on how some people treat animals like objects and not human beings
which means, as humans sometimes we forget how to deal with situations as so.
Also, to prove that a picture is enough to see how some animals deaths go
unnoticed. ( 1). In addition, fewer than 5% to 10% of zoos and aquaria are
involved in substantial conservation programs. The amount spent on these
programs is a mere fraction of the income generated by the facilities. Simply
exhibiting wildlife is not considered conservation.At least 134 orcas (killer whales)
have been taken into captivity from the wild since 1961. One hundred and three
(77%) are now dead (WDCS, 1999).While this information may be correct, no
conclusions can be derived from this since no timing details are given which would
allow the calculation of animal days or years.
First off, some aquatic animals, such as Wild orcas and dolphins live in large,
complex social groups and swim vast distances every day in the open ocean. In
captivity, these
1)What are the most relevant dimensions along which to segment the patient market
for ED treatment? Of the segments identified, which would you target initially with
The relevant dimensions are: age, occupation, marital/partner status, level of
education, level of income and ED medication use habits (i.e. Viagra dropout).
Within these segments, the populations to target are:
Age: Men ages 50+ (slight market with men ages 40 49)
Occupation: Retired or employed full time
Marital Status: Married or living together with a partner / have a sexual partner
Education: U.S. high level of education; Other countries secondary to primary level
of education
Income: U.S. mid to high level of income; Other countries ... Show more content on ...
a.What would be the most important message to communicate to the target
patients? To physicians? To partners? o Cialis is better, safer, has fewer side effects
and lasts longer. Cialis is a drug for people like you (ED can and does happen to
many people).
b.What medium would you use to reach each of these parties and what would your
relative resource allocation be to each?
oThrough PCP and Urology offices, directly marketing to these physicians o Through
magazine advertisements in men s magazines and magazines that might target the
female partner population o Through television advertisements run at times when a
50+ male audience (or their partners) would be watching
c.How would you price Cialis? What type of promotions would you offer? o Product:
Cialis a superior erectile disfunction drug
Green pill (means go)
Slightly higher than Viagra
Packaged in 4 pills at $12 per pill oPromotion:
Market to
Aztec And Inca Similarities
The Incas and the Aztecs had many things that were similar to one another, and they
also had many things that were different to one another. Some of their similarities and
differences are seen between their cultures, their religion, their government, and their
societies. The two groups existed roughly around the same time, but they differed in
their geographic locations. The Inca and the Aztecs were based on a long
development of civilization that preceded them.
Culturally and in terms of family, the Aztecs used the term Calpulli. Calpulli were
nuclear families organized into working groups. They claimed descent from a
common ancestor.
Each calpulli had a temple, armory to hold weapons, and land was divided among
the heads of families according ... Show more content on ...
The Aztecs believed that war was for captives and tribute. Although the
Incas tried to create an overarching political state and to integrate their empire as a
unit, both empires recognized local ethnic groups and political leaders and allowed
variation from one group or region to another as long as Inca or Aztec sovereignty
was recognized and tribute paid.
The empires were created by the conquest of a sedentary agricultural peoples and the
extraction of tribute and labor from them.
Religiously the two groups were very different. The Incas were not as violent and
did not believe in sacrifices as much as the Aztecs did. In the Incan empire, ruling
class venerated the sun as a god, Inti, as their major deity. The moon, stars, planets,
and other natural forces were recognized as divine. The cult of sun largest had 4000
priests, attendants, and virgin devotees.
Deities were honored with sacrifices in the form of agricultural produce and
animals. Religious beliefs had a strong moral dimension. Incas conceived of sin as a
violation of the established social or natural order; believed in a life beyond death;
and punishments for sins. They observed rituals of confession and penance by which
priests absolved individuals of their sins. In the
If you live in Kearny, N.J. and have a child at Lincoln...
If you live in Kearny, N.J. and have a child at Lincoln Grade School, you know
Adriana Soares. And chances are, Adriana knows you, too. Ever since I was a
young lady, I have tried to treat people with respect and kindness the same way that
I would like to be treated, she says. That is probably the main reason why so many
people have come to know me and become my friends. In fact, spending any amount
of time with her at school, whether she is talking with students, parents or any of the
other faculty members, no one can walk by without Adriana greeting them with a
welcoming smile. But it is more than that, Adriana takes her work at the school very
seriously. She works with kids who come from other countries, teaching English...
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It is this sort of personal rapport that endears Adriana to her friends and fellow
teachers all alike. Born into a family with deep Portuguese roots, Adriana Soares
grew up on Market Street in the heart of the Ironbound section of Newark, N.J.,
where she still visits frequently to enjoy great Portuguese and Spanish restaurants.
Her late father was a general contractor that owned his own business, while her
mother is still a seamstress working for designers such as Calvin Klein and Donna
Karen. Adriana studied at Kean University where she earned her Bachelor s degree
in teaching, while also minoring in Spanish. Her experience at Kean was so
positive that she decided to remain there and earn her Master s degree. She was an
active student, taking part in many activities with her honor society and also
writing for the school newspaper Kean Current. While as a student, Adriana
worked for Lusitania Bank, a medium size Portuguese bank in the Newark area.
She believes that dealing with all sorts of different characters that approached her
at the bank, both nice and mean, has helped her to deal with people today. Today,
she is not only a true professional, but also a loving mother to her six year old
daughter Rebecca, and a wife to Paul Soares all part of a happy and truly fulfilling
marriage. Perhaps the hardest part of her day is commuting to work from where she
lives in Union, N.J., all the way into Kearny.
The Problems With Childhood Obesity
The Problems with Childhood Obesity A growing problem in America is
childhood obesity which literally gets over looked every day. Children who are
obese are more likely to have cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and other
serious health risk when they get older. Childhood obesity has increased highly
over the generations. In my opinion causes for childhood obesity includes, not
having enough physical activity at home or in schools, and food habits, which the
parents is in control of when it comes to their children. Before we can talk about
the causes of childhood obesity we must know what obesity is. Obesity is when a
person has too much body fat for their height and weight. Too much body fat
especially around the heart can cause life threatening effects if not reduce. Doctors
check their patients to see if they are normal, overweight or obese by checking
their BMI. This medical term stands for a person s body mass index. Doctors have
to divide a person s weight in kilogram by their height in meters squared to indicate
if their patients are obese or not. If the person s BMI is equal to or greater than 30
than that s a problem that must be solved to decrease high health risk. So why is
this a problem, and how does childhood obesity start? One of the most important
causes for obesity is food habits. Food habits deal with what children eat on a daily
basis. Proper nutritionisn t taken seriously. Just because it looks good, smell good
and taste good doesn t mean it s
Essay On Harrison Bergeron
Do you think society would improve if everyone was equal? Even though people
may argue with me, I say that everyone isn t truly equal in the story, Harrison
Bergeron. I say this due to how people that are naturally born with above average
intelligence, strength, and looks gorgeous has to wear handicaps to hide their
unique abilities. Another reason is that some people are either respected or
disrespected because of their special talents. Thirdly, some people in the story does
not need to follow the law, even if they are a citizen of the United States, which
means that everyone does not have equal rights.
Primarily, everyone in the story that are naturally born with above average abilities
have to cover it up with things called handicaps. ... Show more content on ...
Others might say that people like Harrison Bergeron are also treated like him, I say
that some people that are above average is treated differently. I say this by how
George, in the story, was wearing a handicap too but he was not considered a
criminal and disrespected by other citizens. Therefore, everyone in the story was not
equal to each other, by how they were treated differently.
Finally, people in the story, Harrison Bergeron, does not have equal rights. For
instance, Diana Moon Glampers punishes the people who doesn t follow the law,
even though Diana is a citizen of United States. This back ups my point by how if
everyone was truly equal, they would have equal rights, that means Diana would
not be in charge of everyone and violate other people s rights. People may argue
with me by saying Diana is suppose to make sure that no one breaks the law, I say
that it would help support my claim by how it means that everybody isn t really
equal. This clarifies that everybody is not really equal, even if there is there is a
law that says everyone is equal. Thus meaning, that the law doesn t really indicate
everyone is really equal by how the government needs to force a handicap on people
that are above average to balance everything out.
In conclusion, everyone wasn t truly equal to each other in my opinion. This clearly
demonstrates that everyone is different from each other in varieties of ways. As
stated, everyone is not truly equal to each other by how
Comparing The Langmuir And Bet Isotherms
Figure 3 Comparison of the Langmuir and BET isotherms
Fig. 3 compares Langmuir and BET isotherm shapes: gas adsorption along the BET
isotherm contributes more significantly at early time of production than that of
Langmuir isotherm curve. The reason for this is the slope of the BET isotherm curve
at higher pressure is larger than that of the Langmuir isotherm curve, resulting in
more adsorbed gas releasing at early production times. The amount of released
adsorbed gas with BET isotherm curve is larger than that with Langmuir isotherm
curve under the same pressure drop from the initial reservoir pressure to the bottom
hole pressure.
Dubinin Astakhov equation
To describe adsorption in micro porous material, Dubinin Astakhov have proposed
form of Dubinin Rudishkevich equation which has the form: a=W_0 ПЃ_L exp{
D[Tln(P_s/P)]^n }
a concentration (adsorbed mass per unit adsorbent mass)
W_0 Maximum adsorption capacity (volume of adsorbate/mass of adsorbent) ПЃ_L
Specific mass of the liquid adsorbate
D Coefficient of affinity n Characteristic parameter of the adsorbent adsorbate pair
Adsorption Isotherm Models for Multi Components
Shale reservoir would rarely contain a pure hydrocarbon fluid. Sometimes the fluid
type dry gas may have two or three components accounting for more than 99% of the
composition. In some cases, the liquid fluid may contain more than 40 components.
There is a large transition zone between the dry gas and the liquid areas. In this
The Change Of Control During Brazil
The change of control began to occur rapidly in the 19th century from the shift of
power of the crown to Brazilian colonies. Influences of the Enlightenment fueled the
restlessness of the Brazilian Portuguese who were looked down upon. This was not
new to other nations surrounding Brazil. In Spanish America the creoles (American
born Spaniards) faced similar discrimination with distrust from their homeland
leading to tensions within the nation. Through these tensions and other factors such
as inequality and politics led to revolts and insurrections to accrue leading to the
independent of many Spanish American nations. While Brazilhad successfully
become independent their pathway they re was different from those nations. Brazil
heavily relied on the slave trade and became another empire as opposed to a
republic. Through changes of economy such as trade, social structures conflict
between the different classes and political aspects of Brazil were unique as opposed
to Spanish America. In this essay I will analyze the processes of Independence in
Brazil through economic, social class structures and political changes which
differentiated the way Brazil formed leading to new empire.
In Brazil the economic structure was very different as opposed to other nations in
Latin America. The establishment of Brazilian colonies gave Portugal immense
control over the trade of sugar. They were the predominate suppliers, but also the
Portuguese relayed heavily on the slave trade, which
Telstra Health Care HR Plan
This HR plan is designed for my current place of employment, Telstra Health. In our
business we aim to be the technology provider of choice for the Australian healthcare
sector, empowering provider and payers to find better ways to serve patients in a
connected world (Telstra Health, 2017).
Our offering is wide and varied, we provide software applications, open platforms and
data security services to the pharmacy, hospital, primary, diagnostic, Indigenous
health and aged, disability and community care sectors in Australia as well as
Government and insurance companies (Telstra Health, 2017) .
I work within the hospital business unit, which focuses on both the private and public
hospital setting within Australia.
As discussed in (Kramar, ... Show more content on ...
We employee a more collaborative structure in our business, with teams working
closely together on projects, ultimately for the benefit of the customer.
The challenge of sustainability
Corporate social responsibility is something Telstra Health does well. Our driving
vision is make a better connected healthcare system, for the better of society. We also
do a lot of work in the community with respect to diversity and inclusion. There is a
high focus on talent management.
The challenge of attracting and retaining people
Attracting and retaining staff can be quite the challenge, this is an area we invest a
significant amount of time in. The Hudson 20/20 report states employees are
highlighting a lack of career progression and boredom as their biggest issues. They
are looking for different experiences and acknowledging this is crucial not only for
attracting new staff but for retaining existing talent. (Hudson 20:20 series, Paper on,
Theme Of Power In Paul And Virginia
Paul and Virginia by Bernardin De Saint Pierre tells the story of two children
raised in a seemingly idyllic society, Paul and Virginia. Raised by two mothers, far
away from Europe, it is assumed that the children have been raised in an idyllic
society, far from the influence of European society and its ideals. However, as the
book progresses, it can be noticed that the ideals of Europe have followed the
children and their family to the island, especially when it comes to aspects of power.
Throughout the novel, it is presented that the European family and Paul carry most
of the power, based on various actions. However, what is perhaps some of the most
unexpected characters, Mary and Domingo, and the other slaves on the island, carry
the... Show more content on ...
To begin, as mentioned, most of Domingo s and Mary s powers lie within their
ability to provide for Madame de la Tour s and Margaret s family, and in Domingo
s case, his ability to also save the family. This would have been in line with the
cultural and social norms at the time of the novel s conception, as slaves were a
common thing at the time. As slaves, their common duty would have been to provide
for their masters. In conclusion, Paul and Virginia showcases an idyllic society in
which the main characters are raised without the preconceptions of European society,
or at least so it seems on the surface. In reality, as the novel progresses, it becomes
obvious that those preconceptions have made their way to Mauritius, especially in the
power dynamics of the novel. While it is presented that the main characters possess
a majority of the power, it is the care of their slaves, Mary and Domingo, that allows
the family to survive on the island, thus giving them most of the
Advantages Of Debit Card
Debit Card
A debit card is a plastic recompense card that can be used instead of cash when
making purchases. It is similar to a credit card, but unlike a credit card, the money
comes directly from the user s bank account when performing a transaction.
Some cards may have a stored value with which a payment is made, while most
send a message to the cardholder s bank to withdraw funds from a payer s selected
bank account. In some cases, the primary account number is assigned solely for use
on the Internet and there is no physical card.
The development of debit cards, unlike credit cards has generally been country
specific resulting in a number of different systems around the world, which were
often mismatched. Since the mid 2000s, a number of initiatives have ... Show more
content on ...
Once you open an account most banks will issue you a debit card upon request.
Ease. Purchases can be made using a chip enabled terminal or by swiping the card
rather than filling out a paper check.
Portable. You don t have to carry cash or a checkbook.
Readily accepted. When out of the country, debit cards are usually widely accepted.
Disadvantages of a Debit Card
No grace period. Unlike a credit card, a debit card uses funds directly from your
checking account. A credit card allows you to borrow funds on credit, leaving
disposable cash in your account.
High Fees. Using your debit card for ATM transactions may be costly if the ATM is
not affiliated with your institution.
Some Guidelines
Guard your debit card against loss or theft. Keep it in a safe place just like cash,
credit cards or checks.
If you lose your debit card, notify your bank immediately.
Choose a PIN number that only you know. It is recommended, you don t use your
phone number or birthday.
Protect your PIN number. Memorize it and never write it on anything you keep with
Record transactions.
Analyze your statements immediately and investigate any unknown
Extra-Mitochondrial Family Structure
Many physiological processes in the cells require the participation of both intra and
extra mitochondrial enzyme reactions. A link between mitochondria and cytosol is
provided by a group of proteins known as the mitochondrial carriers (MCs) family
(Arco Satrustegui, 2005; F. Palmieri, 2004). MCs comprise a family of about 40 50
proteins, depending on the organism, and provide the main communication between
mitochondrial matrix and extra mitochondrial spaces by transporting a wide range
of metabolites, nucleotides and cofactors. In humans, MCs are encoded by the
nuclear SLC25 family genes and are membrane embedded proteins that have to be
imported into the i.m.m. (F. Palmieri, 2004). MCs are structurally related proteins of
about 30 KDa that shared a tripartite structure with six hydrophobic domains. The
analysis of the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier sequence, the first primary structure
of a mitochondrial solute carrier to be reported (Aquila et al., 1982), established that
the whole structure, of around 300 amino acids, could be divided into three tandemly
repeated homologous domains, each of about 100 residues in length (Saraste Walker,
1982) (Fig.1). Subsequently, this pattern of homologous repeats was also observed in
the UCP1 carrier (Aquila et al., 1985), in... Show more content on ...
The primary structure of these sequenced
Australian Labour Party Analysis
Australia s oldest political party is the Australian Labor Party (ALP). Their history
associates with the history of Australia s democracy and labor movement. The
largest trade boom in the history of the period of economic transition is Australia.
The core Labor morals of opportunity and fairness. The core Labor has never been
more pleased to establish the foster economic growth. The government has
demolished the morals and economic growth. The Australian economy leads Labor
through a time of significant global ambiguity, the Global Financial Crisis (GFC).
The action Labor took with a broad scale economic packages the economy did not
stall because Australians faired exceptional than the highest in the world during the
GFC. More than 200,000... Show more content on ...
The party finally realized about gay marriage when the Labor for life was formed.
The conservative is raging up for a fight about abortion. The Federal gave their
support together with Helen Polley the Tasmanian senator, who pushed about gay
marriage. The Labor Party spoke to show more about gay marriage. This became an
argument issue with the gay marriage and the abortion trying to get conservative
supporters. The Australian Labor Party is all for the gay marriage and the abortion,
they are trying to get more people who are against the two to be for the two. When
someone has their mind set on something they do not want to be for, they will stay
Before the year 2019, Australian Labor Party will not vote for gay marriage. The
Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Abbott has thinking about gay marriage to be
legal if it was done correctly. The conservative Labor will not have to vote against
gay marriage until it has become legal and will not allow it to happen before 2019.
The campaign making gay marriage legal in Australia gives supporters the
government ranks and they need to get voters on the other side. The Labor Party has
bumped up the pressure on Tony Abbott to not be able to vote against
The Label Switching And Mpls Is A Technique That
Multiprotocol label switching or MPLS is a technique that enables the labeling of
packets in such a way that facilitates network traffic and the tracking of that packet
across different routers along a network. As a technique, moreover, it is
differentiated from a specific service, so that in essence MPLS can be utilized in
the delivery of different kinds of services, including virtual private networks on IP,
Ethernet, and optics based services. The fundamental idea is that information
about a packet in a network is saved in a kind of tag or label, known as the FEC or
the forwarding equivalence class. This FEC is a sequence of bits that is attached to
the packet. From there, routers within a network access a lookup table whenever it
handles a packet, and that lookup table contains information on how to deal with the
packet based on its FEC. This is a boost for network efficiency because in traditional
IP networks, the routerhas to do an analysis of the packet header, and therefore make
decisions on how to deal with the packet after an analysis step. This is a bottleneck,
because the decision on what to do with the packet is done by each and every router.
What happens is that the packet, once within the network, is tagged, and that label
corresponds to an action in the lookup table or index, from which the table then goes
on to give the packet a fresh FEC. The distinction power that this technique provides
for different kinds of packets allows MPLS implementations to then
Lack Search In Section 213 Of The Patriot Act
The sneak and peek search is provided in Section 213 of the Patriot Act. A sneak
and peek warrant allows the police to lawfully investigate in a premises and delay in
notifying the suspect that they are about to conduct a search. The sneak and peek is
referred to as counterterrorism, but it is also used in criminal investigations. That
includes law enforcement sneaking in the house unnoticed utilizing the no knock
policy. The police carrying out the sneak and peek search often do not leave a copy
of notice that they have conducted the search, including whatever they may have
found during the search. The main reason why law enforcement does not notify the
individual or leave a copy of the notice, is because it may jeopardize the investigation
... Show more content on ...
This search is not only conducted for households, but also other buildings such as a
terrorist cell or even a vehicle. For example, a suspect in Buffalo had his car
searched and the agents utilized a delay notice warrant in which they used a
duplicate key to take the suspect s car without the suspect noticing. The DEA agent
left traces behind as if the suspect s car was broken into and stolen. It is also
important to notice that the suspect must be informed eventually about the warrant
being issued against them, but that could last up to days, months or years (DeRosa,
2005). However, according to the 2006 Amendment of the Patriot Act, a thirty day
notice is mandatory unless the agent or officer extend the notice by providing further
facts and information to the judge. Before the attacks on 9/11, sneak and peek
searches did not involve the inspection of files, documents and pictures in the home,
but Section 213 expands the scope of these searches (Lippman,
A Report On The S 10 Pickup Truck
On Thursday, 4/14/2016, at approximately 5:55 P.M. I was dispatched to 1909
Hemlock Drive in reference to someone discharging a firearm. Dispatch advised that
a neighbor witnesses the incident and that the two white males were getting into a
vehicle. The vehicle was described as black, Chevrolet S 10 pickup truck.
Upon my arrival to Hemlock drive I located the residence and observed a black,
Chevrolet S 10 parked in the yard with the passenger door open. There vehicle was
unoccupied. As I approached the house two white males exited the front door of the
house. One of the males, identified as Patrick Duffy, was holding a pitt bull by the
collar. I ordered both males to stop and to put their hands in the air. Duffy put his
free hand in the air and the second male, identified as Nicholas Gale, complied with
my commands by putting both hands in the air.
I performed a terry frisk on Nicholas Gale and then ordered him to place his hands
on the back of the S 10. I allowed Duffy to place the dog in the house while I
accompanied him. After the dog was secured inside the house I performed a terry
frisk on Duffy and detained him by placing him in handcuffs. I told Duffy to sit on
the ground and Gale to sit on the tail gate of the S 10.
A short time later Officer Parker #52 and Officer Stirrat #50 arrived at my location.
After both officers arrived I took the handcuffs off of Duffy. I informed Duffy that I
was investigating a person shooting a firearm. Duffy then made the
Academic Reflection
Throughout my academic career, I have always been aware of that writing is one
of my greatest weaknesses. But, this semester English 120 class has helped me gain
more knowledge and acquire skills that would improve my writing significantly over
the course. I have learned different techniques such as how to annotated lengthy
papers, how to cite sources in MLA format. I can carry over all tools I have learned
in this course and re purpose them for intensive writingclasses I take in the future.
Every paperI composed throughout the course was a learning experience and
fostered me to grow as an academic writer. And I was also given good sources that
helped me get along the way. Looking back of my writing process, my first piece of
writing in this semester is the pre semester reading response. I did the best that I
could, but now I realize there are always innumerably ways to improve it. When
planted my paper, I did not included author s counter argumentin it. By reading They
Say I Say , Graff emphasizes the importance of anticipate a naysayer in the text. I
realized that including a counter arguments in writing can definitely improved my
work and helped me better understood the text. I also edited my introduction to
make it less wordy and articulates my arguments with specific details. The most
challenge assignment was the research paper. It is not simply writing a paper, we
need to do extensive researches around the topic we choose. For the first draft of
my researchers paper, I tended to expresses all of my thoughts and integrating
sources I found without organized it in a coherent way, which make it hard for
readers to follow. For example: I jumped right in into talking about Obamacare, but
I didn t argued how it connects to my argument. After receiving feedbacks from the
professor, I tried to make it more consistently and provide appropriate informations so
the readers wouldn t get confused while reading. And I failed to provide specific
details in my text, because details can always strengthen my argument and increase
credibility of my work. Revision plays a big role in my writing process. No papers is
ever perfect, the feedbacks I received from the professor and peer reviews helps me
Need Destruction Of Justice Code Case Study
Need Obstruction of Justice Code Article Title: Ex liquor board director admits
tipping off those in bribery scheme to FBI probe Source/Author/Date of
Publication: The Washington Post/Lynh Bui/October 18, 2017 Who? o David
Dae Sok Son, liquor board commissioner of Prince George s County in Maryland. o
Liquor store and restaurant owners in Prince George s County. o Liquor lobbyists
in Prince George s County. o Former delegates, William Campos and Michael
Vaughn. What? o During his tenure as liquor board commissioner, Son tried to
increase liquor sales in Prince George s County by encouraging the use of Sunday
liquor licensees. o In order to accomplish this goal, Son partnered with storeowners
and lobbyists to bribe... Show more content on ...
Need Obstruction of Justice Code Article Title: 3 Chicago Officers Charged With
Conspiracy in Laquan McDonald Case Source/Author/Date of Publication: The
New York Times/Monica Davey and Mitch Smith/June 27th, 2017 Who? o Laquan
McDonald, an African American teenager who was shot by a policeman. o Officer
Jason Van Dyke, the policeman that is accused of murdering Laquan Duncan. o
Detective David March, Patrol Officer Joseph Walsh, and Patrol Officer Thomas
Gaffney are the three police officials accused of lying to protect Van Dyke. What?
o In October 2014, the police were sent out to search the streets of Chicago for a
man using a knife to break into residents cars. o Laquan Duncan was found a
holding a knife, and Van Dyke claims that he shot Duncan in self defense. o
However, video footage shows that Duncan was trying to run away, rather than
threatening the officers with his knife. o Gaffney, March, and Walsh lied about the
series of events that occurred that evening in order to backup Van Dyke s story. o
In addition, these three officers, failed to interview potential witnesses. The
accounts from the witnesses would have proved that Duncan did not agitate police
officers. o It may be of some relief to know that March and Walsh are no longer
employed with the Chicago Police Force. Where? o The murder took place in
Chicago, and involved members of its Fraternal
Torture In Medieval Times
Crime and punishment was much different in medieval times than it is now. In
today s ages you may get sent to jail or prison, or have to do community services.
While back then you may be put on the Catherine Wheel, be Drawn Hanged And
Quartered, or even be put in the Scavenger s Daughter device. There were many
other ways of brutal, diverse ways to make a point
There were many reasons for torture in medieval times. A few reasons would be
trying to get information out of a citizen, or trying to get a person to own up to a
crime, or to just execute them. The word torture comes from the French word torture,
originating in the late Latin tortura and ultimately deriving the past participle of
torquere, meaning to twist (Medieval 1). An ... Show more content on
This was a torture device used to crush victims (Roberts 2)The affliction of the
Scavenger s Daughter was quite straightforward. After the victim was strapped to a
metal frame, the frame was then used to force the knees of the victim to a sitting
position. On the opposite side of the device, the frame was then moved so that the
head of the casualty was pushed in the opposite direction. This resulted in
compressing the body of the victim which damaged the joints and muscles, which
also resulted in blood flowing from the nose and ears and eyes of the victim. Many
would say being Hanged, Drawn, and Quartered was one of the worst methods of
torture. This was a commonly used method of torture in medieval England. It was
often saved for prisoners convicted of high treason. First, the casualty was hanged
by the neck and just before the minute he would die, he was taken to a wooden
edge, where he was then laid and emasculated. At long last, both of his arms and
legs were tied with ropes to four different stallions who were whipped to jerk in four
different directions, eventually literally tearing the victim into pieces. The mangled
limbs were then displayed over the town for all to see. This method was never used
on women. As a matter of decency, women would simply be burned at the stake.
Medieval tortures were meant to be very gruesome and publicly humiliating to get
the victim to confess to doing a crime. There were countless ways of making a
Killswitch Research Paper
Grant I.
Ciara Grant
American Politics
April 20, 2017
KillSwitch Essay #2
The film Killswitch was about the government trying to monopolize and control user
traffic on the internet. Whether it is for security purposes or financial gain, our
system of democracy is being compromised at a technological level. Several speakers
including Tim Wu, expressed how hacktivism was a revolutionary tool used to take a
stand against government interference.
One of the main topics of Killswitch s is democracy and how it is being challenged
now at a technological level. The film portrays how the smaller groups that have
funding are trying to control the majority through restriction of internet capabilities
and more surveillance amongst ... Show more content on ...
They were both targeted because of their politics and ideology behind the system of
Aaron Swarts becomes the face of this cause of freedom of Internet Privacy. The
back story of Aaron Swarts and how he was portrayed as a hero, can make a person
question and distrust the government even more. Aaron Swarts embodies the fight for
protection of freedom of press.
They were both targeted because they used the freedom of the internet to do what
they thought was right by the people. It s a network platform formed of smaller
connecting networks that multiplies in the age of technology. The internet is a huge
collaboration with social websites like google, twitter, email accounts, Facebook
and so forth. It can be a platform for all interest of fields. This is where citizens can
communicate freely amongst each other where we share post on issues and news.
The internet is a supposed to be anyplace that s not monitored and where we can
receive unaltered information and form our own ideologies on topics. The
filmmakers in Killswitch believes that. The internet was invented to be that place but
can it stay that way? Its Critical to know that the network continues to empower
Cultures And Values Of Culture, Culture And Culture
Culture is a body of characteristics such as beliefs, social norms and ethnic
background shared in a region by a population of people. Development and discipline
can be influenced by culture. Culture contains values, norms, prejudice, social
influence and human activity. Values and beliefs hold high importance. An example
would be religion, in many cultures religion is of high value (Kerfoot). Norms set an
expectation to what is socially acceptable. Prejudice is formed in culture. This bias
can be generalized ideas formed off popular belief and tolerance (Wilson 2008).
Social influence comes from media outlets and world leaders. Culture guides human
activity. Being culturally aware of Russian culture, history and region... Show more
content on ...
This is under atmospheric diffusion through Cinder Cone Butte, Idaho calculation.
Russia has measured to have 25% error of complex diffusion while the United
States has 15% error. The European plain takes up a large portion of Russian
territory this is the most populated and active area in the country. There are many
important places located in the European plain. The Federation Tower located in
Moscow, Russia is an international business center. Sheremetyevo International is
the most active airport in Russia and Novorossiysk is the major ship port. The
airport and port are fine representations of urban terrain Russia dominates. A final
example would the 275 foot length Subway located in Moscow. Upgrades in this
country spread beyond the national limits; changes globally have been in effect.
Within the last ten years, Russia has attracted foreign direct investment at 3.3%. In
the past 20 years, Russia has fallen behind dropping to 93rd globally in quality of
overall infrastructure (Eitelhuber, 2009). Russia s Railway infrastructure is ranked
31st, this placement is relatively high. Over 300 projects have surfaced in the past
five years. Estimated funding at 969.4 B dollars. The benefits from operating at a
lower global rate include lowered production cost and increased net output for
national economy. A stable economic home front improves a nation and even
Roman Empire And The Han Dynasty Contrast
Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty Contrast Rise of the Roman Empire The
Roman Empire is still known today as one of history s most powerful period.
Rome government had stick rules and policies. The Roman government at this
point was known as the Roman Republic. The Roman Republic was controlled by
the roar Rome. Bureaucracy was ran throughout the region, but Rome did not want
this nor could they afford it. However, they did allow small cities to run a lower
level of government. The exercise of indirect rule thus became a basic principle of
imperial government. The business of local administration and jurisdiction was
delegated to the existing communities of city or tribe. This type of structure was
deemed to be a weakness to some historians because of the consequences.
Consequences that allow a third level government to enforce the emperor s rules.
Because of the expansion of the territory, this was the only reasonable way for it to
function normally. The empire was a commonwealth of cities which acted as
economic and cultural of the Roman world and were integrated into the
administrative system as local foci of government. This imperial ruling was first
implemented by Rome. It came about because of social trends and not the Roman
strategic policies that was often changed by Romanized upper class citizens. These
upper classman brought about firmness throughout the land with their strategic and
educated planning.
Suffering In Shakespeares Plays Essay
Suffering In Shakespeare s Plays
How does suffering affect one s actions? Do different types of suffering affect one in
different ways? This paper seeks to determine how William
Shakespeare s character s respond to various types of suffering. Suffering can be
defined in two ways; physical suffering, in which the character is inflicted with
physical pain and trauma, and emotional suffering, where the character suffers an
emotional trauma or loss.
In The Tempest, the physically traumatized characters, are Trinculo and
Stephano. They are chased by dogs but their physical trauma has not induced any sign
of remorse or guilt. Ferdinand, on the other hand, is overcome by emotional suffering
at the quot;loss quot; of his son. In King Lear, ... Show more content on ...
quot;The mistress which I serve quickens what s dead and makes my labors pleasure.
quot; (Tempest, III, i, 6 7)
Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio, who are denounced as quot;men of sin quot;
(Tempest, III,, iii, 53) are driven by Ariel into a frenzy of madness. Alonso is
deeply affected, he believes the quot;death quot; of his son to be punishment and he
confesses his guilt and seeks to atone for it. He is purified through the trial and
reconciled with Prospero at the play s end. Neither Antonio nor Sebastian, who are
equally guilty, is affected in this way. They remain impenitent. Their incapacity for
remorse is punished, Ariel suggests by a quot;ling ring perdition, worse than any
death. quot; ( Tempest, III, iii, 77)
Stephano, the King s butler, and Trinculo, the jester, plot to overthrow
Prospero. Their trial and suffering take form in a physical way. They are submerged
in a horse pond and then hunted by Prospero s dogs.
King Lear allows one to see how physical suffering can bring on emotional suffreing.
This can be seen in the two main characters of each subplot.
Lear, King of Brittain, is described as quot;a very foolish old man, fourscore and
upward. quot; His fatal flaw of rashness causes his suffering. The Earl of
Gloucester lacks Lear s capacity for wrath but shares his fatal flaw of rashness. Like
Lear, he is made to suffer greatly by his children before he gains true insight.
Cordelia, Lear s
Social Psychology, The Social Identity
Within social psychology, the social identity tradition (Tajfel, Billig, Bundy, Flament,
1971) argues that individuals possess more than their characteristic personal
identities, which are activated during interpersonal contact with others; in addition,
people can engage in intergroup behavior as informed by their social identities
(Gudykunst Bond, 1980). Such social identities comprise memberships in any
psychologically relevant grouping with which an individual identifies, including kin,
peers, profession, nation, and cultural identity(Galang, QuiГ±ones, Adriano, Portillo,
Carvajal, 2015). The ingroup identification afforded by social identities then allows
individuals to distinguish between people belonging to and excluded from the
ingroup (Brewer Yuki, 2007), and to bolster one s self concept through affiliation
with high status groups and individuals (Gudykunst Bond, 1980). In addition, these
social identities are created and manifested in different ways across cultures as a
function of the values endorsed by society, the ways in which society s members
construe themselves, and the manners in which their interpersonal relationships are
structured (Feitosa, Salas, Salazar, 2012).
Moreover, social identity theory (SIT) has been invoked as an explanation for a
social psychological phenomenon introduced in Robert Cialdini and his colleagues
(1976) research: basking in reflected glory (BIRG). As reflected in the opening quote,
individuals are able to emphasize
The 9 Layers Of Hell Essay
Dante Alighieri was a major Italian poet born in 1265 A.D know most famously for
his Epic poem, the Devine Comedy. The Devine Comedy is a narration of Dante s
journey through Hell, purgatory and finally Heaven. Dante utilizes the notion of hell
to encourage, admonish and warn his readers of the contrapasso of their sins, the
different layers of hell, and famous leaders of his time. This essay is an exposition,
interpretation and critical analysis of the 9 layers of Hell depicted in Dante s epic,
the Inferno.
To begin Dante s trip to heaven to be with his one true love Beatrice, he must first
travel through hell. Directly through the gates of hell is the outlying regions of Hell,
or Ante inferno. This is the area that houses those who did not commit to good or
evil, but who lived their lives without making conscious moral choices. These souls
have been denied by both heaven and hell. This does not mean Ante inferno is much
more pleasant than hell. Souls here must constantly chase after blank banners while
flies and wasps constantly bite them and worms consume their blood and tears.
Neutral angels do the tormenting in this place. These are the angels that did not
choose God nor Satan in the war of heaven. This first punishment we see in our
journey through hell sets the stage for punishments that fit the crime. We see souls
having to chase a blank banner symbolizing the meaninglessness of their time on
earth. In the afterlife wasps and flies are present to sting
Analysis Of Stickup Kid
The short documentary titled Stickup Kid is about a 15 year old named Alonza
Thomas who was sentenced to 13 years in maximum adult prison for attempted
armed robbery. Alonza s story begins when he runs away from his home because of
an argument with his mom and ends up meeting an older gentleman on the street.
The older gentleman offered him a place to stay and some food, but after a while
Alonza wanted to go home; however, the man brought a gun out and told him he
had to rob a store because nothing was free and he wasn t just going to leave after
staying and eating at his house. Alonza ended up unsuccessfully robbing the store
and was caught by the police. He was later tried as an adult since the crime was
dangerous and the state of California had just passed a law making it easier to try
minors as adults. Frontline does a great job of telling Thomas story and telling the
problems of juveniles in adult prisons. To begin, the documentary uses a good amount
of emotional appeal by telling touching stories. One of the stories that may tug at
many people s hearts is the story about another young teenager that was sent to the
same adult prisonAlonza was sent to. There that young teenager committed suicide,
which then raised concerns about housing juveniles in adult prisons. Alonza later
even wonders if he could be next. In turn, he reaches out to doctors at the jail
through a letter and signs it A young man crying out for help. Later in the video it is
even revealed that
History Essay
Modified Essay Questions for Exam Practice
This document provides modifications of the AP World History Comparative and
Continuity and Change Over Time (CCOT) essay questions from the 2002 to the
2010 operational exams. The modified questions provide examples of essay
questions that align more closely with the Curriculum Framework for the revised
course as of the 2011 12 academic year. The accompanying rationale for each
question explains the revisions.
Mission Statement
The College Board s mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity.
We are a not for profit membership organization committed to excellence and equity
in education.
About the College Board
The College Board is a ... Show more content on ...
Revised Question
Compare the effects of racial ideologies on North American societies with those on
Latin American/Carribean societies during the period from 1500 to 1830.
Rationale for Revision: The fundamental comparison in this question is the same in
both versions, though in the revised question students are asked to compare only the
effects of the ideologies. It is, as a result, a bit narrower in focus than the original.
Teachers will need to make the connections between the ideologies and their effects
explicit because they are in different sections of the Curriculum Framework.
Revised Question s Alignment with the Curriculum Framework
Key Concept 4.2.II.D; 5.2.III; 5.3.III.C Theme Theme 2: Development and
Interaction of Cultures Theme 4: Creation, Expansion and Interaction of Economic
Systems Theme 5: Development and Transfer of Social Structures Skills for Basic
Core Points Argumentation; Comparison; Causation; Synthesis
2011 The College Board
Modified AP World History Essay Questions
2008 Continuity and Change Over Time Essay Question
Analyze the changes and continuities in commerce in the Indian Ocean region from
650 C.E. to 1750 C.E.
Revised Question
Analyze continuities and changes in the commercial life of the Indian Ocean region
from 650 C.E. to 1750 C.E.
Rationale for Revision: The revised question is slightly broader than the
Nubia Jar Analysis
Today, what might only be considered a basic jar to most people, but could have
been considered a treasured alum at the time, a large highly decorated jar was
discovered within a cemetery in Nubia that must hold a greater meaning to the people
of Koronog. Within Nubia during the Meroitic period, there lied a cemetery within
Koronog, Nubiadesign to be a place of ritual where the local people of Koronog
could worship their ancestors and present offering to aid and give thanks their
spirits within the afterlife. A part of that process would be the jars that they left with
their ancestors, leaving them filled with large quantities of water or beer as an
offering to their souls. Casted and painted, these ceramic jars did not follow a strict
process... Show more content on ...
Looking at the jar you can tell from the visible likes of demarcation that it was
constructed by creating layers, as one part dried the artist would have begun to build
higher. It looks like it would weigh about 20 pounds, with a neck that is big enough
to stick your hand into.
The Jar from Koronog had a unique structure, if viewed from above it would be
com pletely symmetrical, its outer form being a large circle and nearing the center
that circle is repeated at the neck and lip of the jar. Looking into the jar from above
you see a dark hole due to its closed off form hiding most light from the inside.
Inside you also see the red color of the jar meaning that it form was created using
red clay soil, a popular building material at the time due to it being indigenous to
the region. If you were to view the jar head on, as if it sat on a pedestal in front of
you, there you would notice that the form has a unique build structure. The over
all shape of the Jar is similar to a circle, where the bottom is circular and as you get
to the side they flatten into the become a rounded square that is wider on top.
Sitting on top of the square like form would be similar to an isosceles triangle with
a wide base, which meets the neck of the jar that is very short with a slight lip at the
`` The First Full Length Novel `` By Henry Fielding
Joseph Andrews, the first full length novel which was made by the English author
Henry Fielding. And considered from the first English novels, this novel was called
by Henry Fielding s comic epic poem in prose. This novel is a parody version of the
novel Pamela . it is the story of a good natured footman s adventures on the road home
from London with his friend and mentor, the stargazing parson Abraham Adams. The
novelspeaks to the meeting up of the two contending feel of eighteenth century
writing: the false chivalrous and neoclassical (and, by augmentation, privileged)
methodology of Augustans, for example, Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift; and
the famous, household exposition fiction of authors, for example, Daniel Defoe and
Samuel Richardson. At this paper I will discuss points of view themes, characters,
language, and significance
for ten or eleven years, Joseph Andrews was in the administration of Sir Thomas
Booby, the uncle of Squire Booby, who was hitched to the prudent Pamela, Joseph s
sister. At the point when Lord Booby passes on, Joseph from the beginning stays in
the utilize of Lady Booby as her footman. This woman, much more seasoned than
her twenty one year old servant and evidently minimal irritated by her spouse s
demise, is pulled in to the charming mannered, attractive young person. Joseph, be
that as it may, is as prudent as his renowned sister, and when Lady Booby s advances
ended up such that even his honesty can no more disregard their
Restriction Enzyme Digestion Lab Report
Materials and Methods
Restriction Enzyme Digestion The experiment was begun after putting on gloves to
avoid any chemical contact with the skin. Four microtest tubes were obtained, and
each of them was labeled to contain the different enzymes or suspect DNA. Two of
the microtest tubes were used for suspect one and the two different restriction
enzymes, while two other microtest tubes were labeled for suspect two and the two
restriction enzymes. After labeling the tubes, the contents that were at the bottom
were taken out by slightly tapping them. Then to begin setting up the enzyme
reactions, a micropipette was used to obtain 10 ОјL of the reaction buffer which was
added to each of the four test tubes. The buffer is important because it carries the
electrical current from the power supply in the gel. After the reaction buffer was in
each, the microtest tubes were individually filled with their specific enzymes and
DNA, shown in summary through Table 1.1 below. The restriction enzymes are used
to cleave the DNA at specific ... Show more content on ...
The use of gel electrophoresis to separate DNA fragments by size and charge can
be used in genetic testing, like paternity or maternity tests. This method could
allow the DNA of the child to be accurately compared with the DNA fragments and
banding patterns of one of the parents. This can allow one to determine the
biological parents of a child. Another important use of DNA fingerprinting is the
diagnosis of many inherited diseases. The DNA fingerprint of a person can allow
doctors to determine if they carry an inherited disease through comparison of the
band patterns, and if they are diagnosed, a treatment for the disease can be provided
early on. DNA fingerprinting is extremely useful and essential in the improvement
of lives through the medical field, as well as its other uses in solving crimes and
cases of biological
Negative Effects Of Napoleon Bonaparte
The Napoleonic Age was the most controversial time period. Some people thought
Napoleon was a reformer, while others thought he was an absolute dictator. One thing
is for sure though, that he shaped France/Europe into the continent/country is is
today. Napoleon was very narcissistic and cruel, and did not value humanlife. At the
same time, he believed in education and instruction. Also, he positively influenced
the schools and created the Napoleonic Code, which solved a lot of France s
problems. Napoleon Bonaparte had a negative impact on France, because he
mistreated the rights that every human should obtain, created a bad image for other
countries, and only really cared about absolute power.
Napoleon was born in Corsica, Italy and was entered directly into the Military, at age
ten. Napoleon s leadership, and role as emperor, was heavily based around the fact
that all of his childhood was being trained in the military! Some people view this in a
negative light (seeing other people just as a target, and appreciating human life.)
Some people on the other hand, view this in a positive light (Being a good instructor,
and knowing how to make the right moves with politics.) During the French
revolution the citizens of France tried to create a republic, and when they failed
continuously, Napoleon Bonaparte stepped up and became a strong leader in France.
In 1799, the government started to grow more and more corrupt, and that s when
Napoleon came into play. Napoleon was an
Yosemite National Park Visit
At Yosemite National Park I got a chance to truly experience the nature and
wildlife around me. The Merced River ran through the valley, and I could hear the
sound of the rushing water from far away. I could hear the whistle of the wind and
the birds chirping from high up in the trees. The vivid colors of the flowers there
were incredible. On top of Pride Rock, there was a splendid view of famous
landmarks including the Half Dome. From OMG Point the view of the valley
below was absolutely breathtaking. Some plants and trees had a nice scent to them.
The Jeffrey Pine tree had a pleasant aroma of vanilla. I also got a chance to smell
the fresh scent of earth when rain was falling on the last but one day of the trip. We
got to taste the leaves... Show more content on ...
Some trees and shrubs were hard while others were soft and could easily be bent or
even ripped out of the ground. The bark of the trees was rough and parts could be
chipped off. Overall, I felt that Yosemite was a place where a person can understand
what nature really is.
At Yosemite we learned about how the valley was formed, how the original
Ahwahneechee people interacted with whites, and how there are many dangerous
wildfires in the park. The valley first began to form when there was tectonic activity
along the Sierra Fault and rocks were slightly eroded. Next glaciers began to sculpt
the valley. These glaciers gave Yosemite Valleyits current shape. The glaciers that
sculpted the valley were ginormous and were taller than most landmarks. Eventually,
the last of the last of the glaciers
The Importance Of A Comfort Zone As A Resident
A comfort zone is a relaxing safe space in which people are familiar with because it
causes no anxiety or stress. In life, each of us will be in uncomfortable situations
that are outside of our comfort zone. However, we have to be become accustomed
in environments that are normally perceived as uncomfortable to experience what
others may have to deal with on a daily basis. Additionally, this applies to social
workers. We may deal with clients or different situations that are out of our comfort
zone. However, we must overcome it to be more aware, as well as completing the
job to the best of our abilities. For instance, a strongly devoted Baptist African
American male may be uncomfortable attending a LGBT Pride parade due to his
beliefs. Nonetheless, this experience may change his perspective on individuals from
the LGBT community and cause him to not be as biased or judgmental. This paper
will entail my personal experience of being outside of my comfort zone as a Resident
Assistant for the University of Texas at Arlington.
As a Resident Assistant, my job is to create a fun, on campus living experience for
residents in a co ed residence hall while hosting academic, life engaging, social, and
/or inclusive programs for them to attend. Nevertheless, I am the residents
connection to resources on campus, such as the Counseling and Psychological
Services (CAPS), Health Services, Career Center, the Leadership Center, and many
other resources on campus. This job is a
Impact Of Organizational Change On The Workplace
The word Change is generally defined as the act or instance of making or becoming
different. However, our current interest lies with change happening on the scale of
an organization. Different characterizations have been proposed over the years for
organizational change, due to the fact that a clear definition was needed to
distinguish it from the simple study of organizations. Such a definition would
indicate that organizational change is a shift from a present state of organization to
a future state over a given period of time (Beckhard and Harris, 1987). It would also
include the size and magnitude of change that occurred (Dunphy and Stace, 1990)
and also whether the change has taken place through a single radical metamorphosis
or... Show more content on ...
Further decisions by the new Chief Executive Officer have included closing 11 out
of 65 plants worldwide, cutting 10000 jobs 7 % of Sony s global workforce and
shedding unprofitable products. According to Goodman Rousseau (2004), this
helped Sony render its decision making process more effective, and reactive
enough to adapt to the fast changing market of electronics. The objective was to
bring down costs by $1.8 billion by March 2007 in order to effect a positive change
on bottom lines. Mr. Stringer had indeed chosen a retrenchment strategy, based on
cutting back and improving efficiency, with a divisional reorientation to enable a
faster response to market threats and opportunities, combined with a growth
strategy where products deemed obsolete, or redundant, were removed in favor of
new innovative and differentiated products which were introduced to old and new
markets at a competitive price for a chance to rival recently established standards
like Sharp s Televisions sets, Apple s Ipod in the personal audio segment, and
Microsoft s Xbox in the gaming industry. Sony s marketing strategy seems to have
mirrored this ambition to innovate as the focus was put on viral marketing, a
relatively novel word of mouth message spreading technique, with mixed results.
Ultimately, the goal was to redefine Sony s brand perception and bring in costumers
Epidemiology Is A Medical Science Discipline That Arranges
Epidemiology is a medical science discipline that arranges the structure for studying
the distribution and determinants of health, communicable disease, and
circumstances related to health status. The epidemiology research help to understand
in what means a person catch diseases, the changes, and how the disease affect the
population. The nurses that work with these communities to help identify the onset of
communicable diseases determine new victims, the patterns it spread, the causes or
preventive methods are known as community or public health nursing (Maurer,
Smith, 2013). The purpose of this paper is to explain on the concepts of a
communicable disease Chickenpoxwith its own unique epidemiologyand nursing
research to this... Show more content on ...
Once there is a dry scabs formation, the virus is unlikely to spread.
Chickenpox disease can cause serious complications on infants, adults, adolescents,
pregnant women and those with weakened immune system like HIV/Aids or cancer
patients, people with organ transplants, on chemotherapy, immunosuppressive
medications or long term use of steroids. Complications includes pneumonia,
dehydration, sepsis, bleeding problems, children having bacterial infection like group
A streptococcal on the skin and soft tissues, and death to unvaccinated person. If a
pregnant woman is infected with Chickenpox at her first trimester, the diseases can
cause rare congenital symptoms on the fetal which presents as congenital varicella
syndrome, low birth weight, atrophy, neurological abnormalities, or scarring of the
skin and eyes (Maurer Smith 2013).
Chickenpox can best be prevented by given the dose of varicella vaccine to children,
adolescents, adults and the herpes zoster vaccine for people age 60 and above
(Maurer Smith 2013). Generally, people who get the vaccine will not get
chickenpox, however, if the vaccinated person get chickenpox, the symptoms is
usually mild fever or no fever, fewer red spots or blisters.
The treatment of acute infection of chickenpox includes isolating the infected
Essay on John Maynard Keynes Versus Friederich A. Hayek
Two major economic thinkers of the of the early twentieth century, John Maynard
Keynes and Friedrich A. Hayek, hold very different economic viewpoints. Keynes is
among the most famous economic philosophers. Keynes, who s theories gained a
reputation during the Great Depression in the 1930s, focused mainly on an economy
s bust. It is where the economy declines and finally bottoms out, that Keynesian
economics believes the answers lie for its eventual recovery. On the other hand,
Hayek believed that in studying the boom answers would be provided to lead the
economy out of the bust that was sure to follow. Hayek backed the Austrian school of
economics. John Maynard Keynes fostered a school of thought that came to be
known after him,... Show more content on ...
This is almost the textbook definition of money illusion, which of course classical
economics assumes people are not fooled by. Still, Keynes ideas gained popularity
and President Franklin D. Roosevelt s New Deal was directly influenced by the
Keynesian point of view. Keynes held that the way out of a depression was to
increase an economy s aggregate demand(AD). Roosevelt s New Deal contained huge
federal expenditures and government jobs programs, all designed to boost AD. These
programs, including direct relief, were paid by taxpayers dollars and the tax rates rose
dramatically multiple times during the Great Depression. F. A. Hayek, the other
economic thinker of the twentieth century, believed that the way to stabilize a broken
economy was to find solution from the boom that preceded the current bust. The
Hayek supported Austrian theory sought a connection among business cycles, capital
theory, and monetary theory. Hayek believed an economy started going downhill
when people did not coordinate their actions. The spontaneous order of the free
market and price system usually does a fantastic job of coordinating people s actions.
Hayek said that the credit market becomes distorted when the money supply
increases, interest rates go down, and the credit becomes artificially cheap (Friedrich).
This causes an artificially high rate of investment and malinvestment. [Malinvestment
is ]...too much investment in long term projects relative to short term ones, and the
Greek Art And Greek Architecture
Greece No matter where you are, chances are you have witness an inspiring piece
of Greece art and Greece architecture. Whether it s a building, furniture, or pottery,
you have seen ideas that started from Greek. Even houses have resemblance to
some of the most famous buildings we seen throughout history. The architecture of
ancient Greece is defined by the temples built to glorify their gods and goddesses
and express pride in their cities. Though in today s world we may not glorify gods
and goddesses when we began to design a home, but we do know how to turn once
traditional into a more contemporary feel. Modern Greek architecture is generally
constructed with wood, unbaked bricks, limestone and marble, and terracotta and
metals. Contractors today still use the methods, and of all the architectural designs
used by ancient Greeks throughout history, three major systems have withstood the
test of time and are still used today. Doric, Ionic and Corinthian styles have their own
characteristics, but, however they can look very similar.
The Doric (sturdiest) was based on the proportions of a man. It was the first order
and arguably the most famous Greek system used in today s world. It seemed to have
known base and has the simplest capital atop the fluted shaft. The Parthenon
communicated the ideals of the order and harmony for what Greek architecture is
known for.
As for the Ionic it was lighter in character to reflect the portions of women. Unlike the
Doric originating
The Contributions And Achievements Of Albert Einstein
Civilization, for several thousand years during which it developed, has come to a
multitude of accomplishments and has produced many exceptional people. Many of
them have left a trace that will exist as long as there is a civilization. However, a
special place in world history with the achievements and discoveries is taken by
Albert Einsteinand Mahatma Gandhi. Paper will be about their lives and
achievements, and as a conclusion, paper will try to explain all these achievements
and their significance for the history of the world.
At first, a bit more about Albert Einstein himself. He spent his youth in Munich,
Italy and then in Switzerland, where he completed his studies at the Technical
College in Zurich in 1900. During 1902 09 he was working at Bern in the patent
office. During this period, he discovered a series of basic laws of nature (the speed
of light as the maximum speed, the dilation of time, and the new interpretation of
length dilation, and the equivalence of mass and energy, the corpuscular nature of
light, and the principle of equivalence, the basis of the general theory of relativity).
In 1909 he became an associate professor of theoretical physics at the University of
Zurich, and in 1911 professor of theoretical physics in Prague; In 1912, he returned
to Zurich and became a full time professor at the Technical College; In 1914, he
was elected a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences; In 1914 he became
director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics in Berlin. After Hitler s coming
to power in 1933, Einstein was stripped of all functions and confiscated wealth. As
a sign of the protest, Einstein renounced German citizenship and went to the United
States, where he worked at the Institute for Advanced Scientific Research in
Princeton for the rest of his life. He was a man of wide understanding, a free do it
all, free lance and consistent pacifist, who advocated justice and peace. At the
beginning of World War I, he refused to sign a declaration of German scholars who
agreed with Germany s entry into the war. On his warning in 1939 that the Germans
could make an atomic bomb, they began researching the United States for the
production of such a bomb. Later, Einstein persistently fought
Nvc Tool Analysis
Reflect on the usefulness of the two tools.
I particularly enjoyed reading all about SCARF, more so than NVC, I think
because I can relate more to it. Perhaps this means I need to work more on NVC? I
m not sure because I also like to think I can politely and correctly communicate with
others, usually doing it assertively but in a non violent way.
The five key elements of SCARF (Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, and
Fairness) were perhaps a little more natural to me, than using the NVC process,
except for Autonomy, which I have only just learned about in this unit.
I believe they are both very useful to learn, perfect and utilize in every day life with
relationships, at work, with the self, etc.
How would you apply the two tools in your daily life? Use two concrete examples for
both tools (4 examples).
SCARF: ... Show more content on ...
I have had zero control, or at least it has mostly felt that way! It stresses me out,
and in turn, my family, friends and especially my partner. Hopefully, I will be on
the way to greater autonomy in 2016, and will have increased rewards. : )
Knowing my situation is stressing out those close to me, and could be potentially
putting a strain on some of my personal relationships, it is important to me to move
onto the next stage of my life as soon as possible; we will all be happier.
I did not really know much at all about autonomy until reading Rock s Journal (2008),
but it is something I naturally crave (especially the element of control). I thought it
was just down to the F element in the ENFJ personality, and because I have OCD
type tendencies, so it was also reassuring to know that autonomy is a natural instinct
for all of
The Hawthorn Hedge Poem Analysis
Humanity is but a facet of the sublime macrocosm that is the world s landscapes. In
the relationship between man and landscape, nature is perpetually authoritarian. In
her free verse poems, The Hawthorn Hedge, (1945) and Flame Tree in a Quarry
(1949), Judith Wright illustrates the how refusal to engage with this environment is
detrimental to one s sense of self, and the relentless endurance of the Australian
landscape. This overwhelming force of nature is mirrored in JMW Turner s Romantic
artwork, Fishermen at Sea (1796). Both Wright and Turner utilise their respective
texts to allegorise the unequal relationship between people and the unforgiving
landscape. Wright s 1945 poem, The Hawthorn Hedge, is a representation of the
predatory power of the Australian landscape over those who refuse to unite with it. It
details an unspecific persona s attempts to establish security by planting a hawthorn
hedge, separating her from a harsh, imagined landscape. The specificity of the
hawthorn hedge reveals that this is introduced British species. As the hawthorn hedge
is traditionally used as a natural fence, this clarifies that the persona is attempting to
block out the landscape around her. Secondly, the fact that the hawthorn hedge is a
British species suggests that the persona is also attempting to establish a reminder of
her homeland, Britain. A tenet of Wright s poetry is the strength of the true Australia
and the concept of Australia s break away from Britain, exemplified in
Wynona House Observation
For this experience, I have visited Wynona s House Child Advocacy Center, often
referred to as Wynona s House. Wynona s House was the perfect agency to visit
because April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. During my visit, I interviewed
Ashley Pires and briefly, Karen J. Zambrano. Ashley Pires is the FamilyAdvocate and
Karen Zambrano is Wynona House s Forensic Interview Specialist.
As the Family Advocate, Ashley specializes in the casework of families, leading to
forensic video interviews with their clients. Pires also provides the services that these
children and their families may need, which are determined from a strength and needs
assessment. She is essentially a victim witness advocate; rather than working against
victims, she works with ... Show more content on ...
Their occupation is based upon advocacy and social justice. In addition to this, it is
crucial for the social worker to know everything about child abuse. This ranges
from the signs and symptoms of it, to knowing how to react to these situations
based on medical and psychological impact. The social workers at Wynona s House
must be resilient and patient. Having these qualities makes room for effective
procedures because the psychosocial examinations usually last up to 2 and a half
hours. More than one examination occurs each day. Lastly, social workers here must
be committed to their work to fully lend a helping
Separation Of Concrete Essay
3. COMPOSITION OF CONCRETE Cement and sand ready to be mixed.
There are many types of concrete available, created by varying the proportions of the
main ingredients below.
The mix design depends on the type of structure being built, how the concrete will be
mixed and delivered, and how it will be placed to form this structure.
Portland cement is the most common type of cement in general usage. It is a basic
ingredient of concrete, mortar, and plaster. English engineer Joseph Aspdin patented
Portland cement in 1824; it was named because of its similarity in colour to Portland
limestone, quarried from the English Isle of Portland and used extensively in London
architecture. It consists of a mixture of oxides of calcium, silicon ... Show more
content on ...
However, it is weak in tension as the cement holding the aggregate in place can
crack, allowing the structure to fail. Reinforced concrete solves these problems by
adding either meta reinforcing bars, steel fibers, glass fiber, or plastic fiber to carry
tensile loads. Chemical admixtures
Chemical admixtures are materials in the form of powder or fluids that are added to
the concrete to give it certain characteristics not obtainable with plain concrete mixes.
In normal use, admixture dosages are less than 5% by mass of cement, and are added
to the concrete at the time of batching/mixing. The most common types of admixtures
Accelerators speed up the hydration (hardening) of the concrete. Typical materials
used are CaCl2 and NaCl. However use of Chlorides may cause corrosion in steel
reinforcing and is prohibited in some countries.
Acrylic retarders slow the hydration of concrete, and are used in large or difficult
pours where partial setting before the pour is complete is undesirable. A typical
retarder is table sugar, or sucrose
Evaluate the effectiveness of approaches to teaching and...
Evaluate the effectiveness of approaches to teaching and learning strategies in your
subject area in meeting the needs of learners. Your response should include an
examination of how these could be improved or enhanced and how college
management could be involved in making such improvements / enhancements? For
my class it is vital to identify the most appropriate level of the course for the learner.
Also, the students should know what exceptions and the regulations they need to
follow. For that the college could train staff to present the high quality initial
assessment and induction to ensure the management of the class is of high standard. I
need to make sure students with different learning styles; visual, aural,... Show more
content on ...
I make sure the learners received high quality induction information about the
inclusive strategies and I will discuss with college about the reasonable adjustments
that should be made for the disabled students within my class, at College or while
they are on school trip; for example for their health and safety arrangements in a
work placement. If any support teachers or guest lecturers are delivering my
scientific sessions I will
John F Kennedy Assassination Essay
On November 22, 1963, the world lost a leader, mentor, father, husband, and hero.
John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas while driving through downtown
with his wife and security. While this is all many can tell you about John F. Kennedy,
he was so much more than a president who was assassinated . John F. Kennedywas an
incredible figure head who lead an important and impactful life and left a large
wound in not only our country, but the world as a whole. The 35th president of the
United Statesof America grew up in Brookline, Massachusetts. He was born to a
wealthy family of eleven, which includes his parents and eight siblings. John F.
Kennedy, or Jack, was an intelligent young man with a bright future ahead of him. He
went to... Show more content on ...
Kennedy s political carreer had already taken off by 1946. That year Kennedy
decided to run for congress and had a majority of the votes in his favor. The
conservative democrat was able to win the election and entered the 80th Congress
in January 1947. Kennedy was reelected in 1948 and 1950 and was elected into
Senate in 1952. At the beginning of 1960 John F. Kennedy announced that he
would be running for president in January of 1960. His major opponent was the
Republican Richard Nixon, however, Kennedy was able to win and became the
thirty fifth president of the United States of America and the first ever Roman
Catholic president. In Kennedy s perhaps most recognizable speeches, his
inauguration speech, he states Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief
Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, reverend
clergy, fellow citizens:... Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill,
that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend,
oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we
pledge and more....In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the
final success or failure of our [country]. Since this country was founded, each
generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty.
The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe.
Now the trumpet summons us again not as a call to bear
The Relationship Between Mother and Daughter in The
The Rules of the Game by Amy Tan is about Waverly Jong mother taught her the art
of invisible strength when she was six years old, saying that it is a strategy for
winning arguments and respect. At Christmas Waverly and her brothers received
gifts from donations of members from another church. Waverly convinced her
brothers, Winston and Vincent, to let her play chess by offering two of her life
savers to stand in for the missing pieces. Waverly began playing with Lau Po, an old
man who played chess in the park. He taught her many new strategies. Waverly began
to attract attention because of her young age, and she became a celebrity within the
Chinatown community. Waverly s mother would force her to go to the market with
her, presenting... Show more content on ...
Best torture (Tan 33). This quote shows that Waverly is trying to have a little fun
with her mother but she took everything serious. The next example of dynamics
relationship between mother and daughter is almost at the end of the story when
Waverly s mother forces her to the market on Saturday so she can constantly brag
that Waverly is her daughter. This really embarrassed Waverly. She got so angry at
her mother and told her that she wished that she would stop telling everyone
Waverly is her daughter. Then she and her mother got into an argument, and
Waverly ran away from her mother. My mother would proudly walk with me,
visiting many shops, buying very little. This my daughter Waverly Jong, she said
to whoever looked her way. One day after we left a shop I said under my breath, I
wish you wouldn t do that , telling everybody I m your daughter. My mother
stopped walking..... Aiii ya. So shame be with mother? She grasped my hand even
tighter as she glared at me. I looked down. It s not that, just so obvious. It s so
embarrassing. ... If you want to show off, then why don t you learn to play chess?
(Tan 41). Waverly is tired of her mother telling everyone about her accomplishment,
that she lost her patients and tell her mother want were exactly on her mind. The
dynamics relationship between mother and daughter is that you sometime lost your
temper and tell your mother some of the problems you having with them. The last
citing of
Ethical Issues In Social Work
being shared. Summarizing the conversation provided clarity resolving any areas of
misunderstanding about her situation (Shulman, 2016, p237). Through this process
of engagement pertinent information about this student was obtained. (AS) spoke
about her culture, family, past school history and why she feels she needs
counseling. (AS) requested weekly in school counseling sessions to help her with
her poor school attendance. (AS) verbalized that she has struggled with her school
attendance for a very long time. She is a fifteen year old Hispanic female who lives
with her biological mother and four year old biological brother. Prior to her enrolling
in Morris High School for collaborative studies, she attended two other schools. She
is challenged by periodic episodes of anxiety, she is currently taking medication to
help manage her symptoms,which she states prevents her from attending school
regularly. Defining the problem... Show more content on ...
Problems are defined as interactions between people and their environments
(Burghardt, 2014, p247). The social worker s approach for defining a problem
must entail all three systems at the micro, mezzo and macro levels (Burghardt,
2014, p247). The worker engages directly with the client at the micro level
(Burghardt, 2014 ,p247). At this level the client and the social worker identify the
client s strengths and abilities. The focus at the mezzo level is on agencies, schools
and businesses rather than the individual. The purpose of the mezzo system is to
coordinate people and resources (Burghardt 2014,p247). The aimed at the macro
level is to improve people s lives, encourage social development and collaborating
with different organizations (Burghardt, 2014,
Famous Soccer Player
Hook: 1281 goals scored by one man during his soccer season. Born into poverty.
Started a soccer revolution in America. If I were to ask you, do you know of the
world famous soccer player who goes by the name of Pele, you would probably ask
who or what I am talking about. At least that s the response I got countless times as
I asked my friends. That A national treasure as described by Wikipedia is an
artifact, institution, or public figure regarded as being emblematic of a nation s
cultural heritage or identity. Did you know that the most famous soccer player in
the world is regarded as a national treasure by Brazil? Did you know that because of
one person soccer came to America in 1975. All information unless stated is sourced
from... Show more content on ...
He played were ever he could with his neighborhood friends The field they played
on everyday was only dirt, there was no grass and no lines. Nevertheless it was
ample for Pele as well as all the other boy s. They didn t complain about the field
they just played the beautiful game of soccer. As the boy s sharpened their soccer
skills they determined it was time to form a soccer team, so the September 7th
club came about in honor of the street they played on. Now that they had a team of
aspiring young soccer players, moreover they decided they needed jerseys. The
boy s got together and debated ideas to make just that happen. They knew that their
parents didn t have the funds for such a trivial thing so so they needed to think of
other ways to get the uniforms. One of the brilliant plans they had that didnt turn
ot so well was stacking firewood for their own parents. The arrangement was that
one of the boy s would not be home when he was needed to stack firewood. Another
one of the boy s from the team would suddenly appear, by the house in need of
wood stacking. He would see the other boy s mother calling for him to stack the
wood. Because the boy was not there the generous team member would stack the
wood for the mother in hopes of getting a little
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Importance Of Commerce Education Essay. Notes On Commerce - The Importance Of Commerce And Its Functions ...

  • 1. Importance Of Commerce Education Essay Crafting an essay on the importance of commerce education is not without its challenges. The task involves delving into various facets of commerce, including its role in shaping economic landscapes, fostering business acumen, and contributing to societal progress. The complexity arises from the need to strike a balance between theoretical insights and practical applications, making it imperative to draw connections between abstract concepts and real-world scenarios. Researching for such an essay demands a thorough exploration of diverse sources, from academic journals to industry reports, to gather comprehensive information. This, in turn, requires a discerning eye to filter out relevant data and discern its significance in the context of commerce education. Navigating through the labyrinth of economic theories, educational methodologies, and the dynamic nature of the business world adds an extra layer of complexity. Structuring the essay effectively is another hurdle. Arranging the content logically, developing a coherent flow of ideas, and ensuring a seamless transition between paragraphs are crucial aspects that demand careful attention. Moreover, presenting a nuanced argument that captures the multifaceted nature of commerce education can be a daunting task. The essay's success hinges on the ability to articulate thoughts with clarity and precision. Expressing complex concepts in a manner that is accessible to a diverse audience, while maintaining an academic tone, requires a high level of writing proficiency. The challenge lies not only in conveying information accurately but also in engaging the reader and persuading them of the significance of commerce education. In conclusion, writing an essay on the importance of commerce education entails overcoming various challenges, from extensive research and content organization to effective communication of ideas. It is a task that demands a blend of analytical skills, research acumen, and adept writing abilities. However, with dedication and attention to detail, navigating these challenges can lead to a compelling and insightful exploration of the topic. For assistance with similar essays or a variety of academic topics, consider exploring services like, where professionals can provide support tailored to your specific needs. Importance Of Commerce Education Essay Importance Of Commerce Education Essay
  • 2. What Is The Theme Of Little Women By Louisa May Alcott Louisa May Alcott was one of the America s best known writers of young people fiction. Alcott showed the lives of four sisters and their dreams Louisa May Alcott s in Little Women showed the difficulties that are communicated with the gender roles between women and men during the Civil War in America. The civil war was a clear metaphor for internal conflict of four little women grils.The story was based on the childhood experiences Alcott shared with her real life sisters, Anna, May and Elizabeth. According to Nicola Watson the publication of little women in 1868 that talks about a founding myth of American girlhood. The story of a family of four girls and how they grow up during the American Civil War. (Louisa May Alcott , little women (1868 9) p.13 17 . ... Show more content on ... Laurie wanted to be a musician but Laurie grandfather s wants him to work as business man because of money. In my opinion, I agree with the quote because she makes Jo married at the end because the society at that time refused the working women and Jo gave up her dreams. She defense also the individual rights in the case of Laurie did not talk a lot in the novel but talks a lot about four little women. His grandfather force him to work as businessmen because of the society and not work as musician. At the end of the essay talks about four little women and their dreams. Secondly, the different roles between men and women in American society at that time. Women did not equal with men and women try to demands the women rights to be equality with men. For example in little women showed the character of Jo that was against women attitude and tried to demand the rights of equality to fight with her father during the civil war in addition to she wants to be a writer but the society at that time refused the working women and women must be married according to the rules of American
  • 3. Power Of The Law And Intimidation ASSIGNMENT # 2 (Small Group Discussion # 1) POWER RELATIONS IN LAW OBSERVED Reviewing an individual who was fighting a ticket within the provincial setting in traffic court. The accused was a white male approximately 19 years of age and was charged with failing to stop while going through a yellow light. In the City of London, Ontario, there are a number of initiative that take place on a monthly bases. The London Police department are known for, meeting their quota for tickets each month . This was one of those times. There are a number of power dynamics going on within this situation. The power of the law and intimidation, young white male discrimination (as he is a male, must be a poor, speed hungry driver), and legal ... Show more content on ... Once in front of the white male judge, it took less than 2 minutes for the entire proceedings to occur. There was an obvious feeling of men against the female prosecutor, which in turn led to a change in statute of the defense lawyer. When she stood, she step slightly back, away from the desk, behind her accused. She appeared to diminish in front of my eyes. The prosecutor read the charge, and explained that the charge had been changed. At that moment, the judge looked up at the young man and lectured him on the dangers of driving. The lawyer stepped backwards a little more, as if she was fearful of the situation. This judge was discriminated against this young man because of his age and sex. As Pamela George states, The disqualifications of racialized victims is systemic throughout the criminal justice system (Chan Dorothy, 2014, p.35), which further supported when the judge asked the prosecutor if they were sure they didn t wanted to keep the original charge, and offered to make the correction. Further stating, this would be a good lesson for the young man (2014). This judge is suppose to be impartial , neutrality and provide objectivity (Comack, 2014, p. 11) which is the backbone of the legal system, which provides the notion of legal positivism (Comack, 2014, p. 12). This judge used his power in the relationships in his court, to evoke various emotions, including
  • 4. Causes Of The Age Of Imperialism Question did the First World War mark the beginning of the end for European imperialism? (YES) INTRODUCTION: The Industrial Revolution contributed to the prosperity of the capitalist system in Europe during the 19th century, this was reflected on the European community. The flourishing of the capitalist system in Europe during the 19th century caused the emergence of an imperial expansionist movement. What is the meaning of imperialism and what their motives? And which causes make this imperial movement disappear little by little? I European imperialism and its motives: Imperialist expansionist colonialist movement, spearheaded by European countries during the 19th century, and has sought to provide Foreign markets for demographic and ... Show more content on ... The rise of nationalism basically killed the age of imperialism and the revolution made by human looking for their rights and the desire of every one to no longer want to live under someone else. Note also the European in fighting had led to arise in the cost of maintaining coloniesпѓЁ beginning of the end of imperialism. Conclusion: World War Iled to several changes inside and outside Europe, imperialism which existed before the war had dispersed step by step especially when the World War I took place and the political consequences were carrying signs of a second world war. That why one of major cause of the end of this imperial movement was certainly he outbreak of the First World War IпѓЁhe First World War marked the dramatic beginning of the end of European predominance over the globe Which Reference:
  • 5. Automatic Stay Research Paper Everything You Need to Know About an Automatic Stay Many things happen after you file for bankruptcy, but one of the first things that occurs is that an automatic stay goes into effect. An automatic stay may seem a bit scary if you don t know what it is, but here are the important things you need to know about an automatic stay. What Is It An Automatic Stay? An automatic stay is when your creditors are notified you ve filed bankruptcy and they can not attempt to collect the money owed to them anymore. This is not indefinite pause on your bills, it simply gives the bankruptcy court time to review your case and decide how much each creditor will get from your bankruptcy settlement. What Does It Affect? Before filing for bankruptcy, it
  • 6. Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 One type of chronic disease that numerous individuals must live with is diabetes, which has two types. According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), diabetes type 1 is also known as juvenile diabetes and occurs when the individual s body lacks insulin, the hormone needed to properly distribute glucose. On the other hand type 2 is due to insulinresistance, which occurs when the body cannot produce enough insulin to keep glucose levels in the blood stream under control (ADA). Etiology is the cause of, or investigation to find the cause of, a disease or condition. Similarly with other diseases, diabetes is caused by a multitude of factors, not one sole reason. Both forms of diabetes are a public health issue because these conditions ... Show more content on ... Although genetics and other unmodifiable risk plays a large role in the appearance of the disease, there are steps that individuals could take to prevent diabetes. Primary prevention could take the form of health education in schools and the community to learn about how nutrition choices greatly affect health and limit the chances of diabetes. Secondary prevention of diabetes works to reduce its severity and is done through early diagnosis or individuals that look out for and acknowledge the symptoms of diabetes. Tertiary prevention is done in efforts to rehabilitate the individuals that suffered the disease, however since diabetes is a chronic condition that may affect people throughout their whole life, health insurance or insulin treatment could be what they require instead to prevent further
  • 7. West Side Story West Side Story By: Buthainah Alsalmi 05/29/2017THE 100West side story is an old musical film in 1961. It was taking from William Shakespeare`s play Romeo and Juliet. The story was about two groups of boys one from United States (Jets) lead by Riff and the other from Puerto Rico (Sharks) lead by Bernardo. There was a tension between the groups and Jets challenged Sharks for a dance. Tony invited to the dance by his friend Riff and he was not interested at first but Riff convinced him to come. Bernardo`s sister Maria was excited to dance and she told her friend Anita Bernardo`s girlfriend about that. Then, at the dance she met with Tony and they fell in love but, Bernardo fought Tony and took his sister away and sent
  • 8. The Animals Of Animal Animals The animals of this world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans anymore than black people were made for whites. Alice Walker There are many fears in the world, for one animals are afraid of us. They probably think that we humans would hurt them. And they re actually right, we use them for clothes, food, transportation and entertainment. For me, these are really good valid reasons to be afraid. Throughout the years, there have been many adjustment in how to treat animals, which include animalrights.People shouldn t abuse the power of an animal in its habitat, especially if it is not in its unoriginal habitat.Not only is it missing out on having a natural environment, but also it does not know how to communicate... Show more content on ... However, the park instead chooses to stick with the same inhumane business model that it has used for 50 years, despite all the violent and deadly incidents and evidence of harm. In an article by the Huffington Post by Brianna Elliott, it gives a viewpoint on how some people treat animals like objects and not human beings which means, as humans sometimes we forget how to deal with situations as so. Also, to prove that a picture is enough to see how some animals deaths go unnoticed. ( 1). In addition, fewer than 5% to 10% of zoos and aquaria are involved in substantial conservation programs. The amount spent on these programs is a mere fraction of the income generated by the facilities. Simply exhibiting wildlife is not considered conservation.At least 134 orcas (killer whales) have been taken into captivity from the wild since 1961. One hundred and three (77%) are now dead (WDCS, 1999).While this information may be correct, no conclusions can be derived from this since no timing details are given which would allow the calculation of animal days or years. First off, some aquatic animals, such as Wild orcas and dolphins live in large, complex social groups and swim vast distances every day in the open ocean. In captivity, these
  • 9. Cialis 1)What are the most relevant dimensions along which to segment the patient market for ED treatment? Of the segments identified, which would you target initially with Cialis? The relevant dimensions are: age, occupation, marital/partner status, level of education, level of income and ED medication use habits (i.e. Viagra dropout). Within these segments, the populations to target are: Age: Men ages 50+ (slight market with men ages 40 49) Occupation: Retired or employed full time Marital Status: Married or living together with a partner / have a sexual partner Education: U.S. high level of education; Other countries secondary to primary level of education Income: U.S. mid to high level of income; Other countries ... Show more content on ... a.What would be the most important message to communicate to the target patients? To physicians? To partners? o Cialis is better, safer, has fewer side effects and lasts longer. Cialis is a drug for people like you (ED can and does happen to many people). b.What medium would you use to reach each of these parties and what would your relative resource allocation be to each? oThrough PCP and Urology offices, directly marketing to these physicians o Through magazine advertisements in men s magazines and magazines that might target the female partner population o Through television advertisements run at times when a 50+ male audience (or their partners) would be watching c.How would you price Cialis? What type of promotions would you offer? o Product: Cialis a superior erectile disfunction drug Green pill (means go) oPrice: Slightly higher than Viagra Packaged in 4 pills at $12 per pill oPromotion: Market to
  • 10. Aztec And Inca Similarities The Incas and the Aztecs had many things that were similar to one another, and they also had many things that were different to one another. Some of their similarities and differences are seen between their cultures, their religion, their government, and their societies. The two groups existed roughly around the same time, but they differed in their geographic locations. The Inca and the Aztecs were based on a long development of civilization that preceded them. Culturally and in terms of family, the Aztecs used the term Calpulli. Calpulli were nuclear families organized into working groups. They claimed descent from a common ancestor. Each calpulli had a temple, armory to hold weapons, and land was divided among the heads of families according ... Show more content on ... The Aztecs believed that war was for captives and tribute. Although the Incas tried to create an overarching political state and to integrate their empire as a unit, both empires recognized local ethnic groups and political leaders and allowed variation from one group or region to another as long as Inca or Aztec sovereignty was recognized and tribute paid. The empires were created by the conquest of a sedentary agricultural peoples and the extraction of tribute and labor from them. Religiously the two groups were very different. The Incas were not as violent and did not believe in sacrifices as much as the Aztecs did. In the Incan empire, ruling class venerated the sun as a god, Inti, as their major deity. The moon, stars, planets, and other natural forces were recognized as divine. The cult of sun largest had 4000 priests, attendants, and virgin devotees. Deities were honored with sacrifices in the form of agricultural produce and animals. Religious beliefs had a strong moral dimension. Incas conceived of sin as a violation of the established social or natural order; believed in a life beyond death; and punishments for sins. They observed rituals of confession and penance by which priests absolved individuals of their sins. In the
  • 11. If you live in Kearny, N.J. and have a child at Lincoln... If you live in Kearny, N.J. and have a child at Lincoln Grade School, you know Adriana Soares. And chances are, Adriana knows you, too. Ever since I was a young lady, I have tried to treat people with respect and kindness the same way that I would like to be treated, she says. That is probably the main reason why so many people have come to know me and become my friends. In fact, spending any amount of time with her at school, whether she is talking with students, parents or any of the other faculty members, no one can walk by without Adriana greeting them with a welcoming smile. But it is more than that, Adriana takes her work at the school very seriously. She works with kids who come from other countries, teaching English... Show more content on ... It is this sort of personal rapport that endears Adriana to her friends and fellow teachers all alike. Born into a family with deep Portuguese roots, Adriana Soares grew up on Market Street in the heart of the Ironbound section of Newark, N.J., where she still visits frequently to enjoy great Portuguese and Spanish restaurants. Her late father was a general contractor that owned his own business, while her mother is still a seamstress working for designers such as Calvin Klein and Donna Karen. Adriana studied at Kean University where she earned her Bachelor s degree in teaching, while also minoring in Spanish. Her experience at Kean was so positive that she decided to remain there and earn her Master s degree. She was an active student, taking part in many activities with her honor society and also writing for the school newspaper Kean Current. While as a student, Adriana worked for Lusitania Bank, a medium size Portuguese bank in the Newark area. She believes that dealing with all sorts of different characters that approached her at the bank, both nice and mean, has helped her to deal with people today. Today, she is not only a true professional, but also a loving mother to her six year old daughter Rebecca, and a wife to Paul Soares all part of a happy and truly fulfilling marriage. Perhaps the hardest part of her day is commuting to work from where she lives in Union, N.J., all the way into Kearny.
  • 12. The Problems With Childhood Obesity The Problems with Childhood Obesity A growing problem in America is childhood obesity which literally gets over looked every day. Children who are obese are more likely to have cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and other serious health risk when they get older. Childhood obesity has increased highly over the generations. In my opinion causes for childhood obesity includes, not having enough physical activity at home or in schools, and food habits, which the parents is in control of when it comes to their children. Before we can talk about the causes of childhood obesity we must know what obesity is. Obesity is when a person has too much body fat for their height and weight. Too much body fat especially around the heart can cause life threatening effects if not reduce. Doctors check their patients to see if they are normal, overweight or obese by checking their BMI. This medical term stands for a person s body mass index. Doctors have to divide a person s weight in kilogram by their height in meters squared to indicate if their patients are obese or not. If the person s BMI is equal to or greater than 30 than that s a problem that must be solved to decrease high health risk. So why is this a problem, and how does childhood obesity start? One of the most important causes for obesity is food habits. Food habits deal with what children eat on a daily basis. Proper nutritionisn t taken seriously. Just because it looks good, smell good and taste good doesn t mean it s
  • 13. Essay On Harrison Bergeron Do you think society would improve if everyone was equal? Even though people may argue with me, I say that everyone isn t truly equal in the story, Harrison Bergeron. I say this due to how people that are naturally born with above average intelligence, strength, and looks gorgeous has to wear handicaps to hide their unique abilities. Another reason is that some people are either respected or disrespected because of their special talents. Thirdly, some people in the story does not need to follow the law, even if they are a citizen of the United States, which means that everyone does not have equal rights. Primarily, everyone in the story that are naturally born with above average abilities have to cover it up with things called handicaps. ... Show more content on ... Others might say that people like Harrison Bergeron are also treated like him, I say that some people that are above average is treated differently. I say this by how George, in the story, was wearing a handicap too but he was not considered a criminal and disrespected by other citizens. Therefore, everyone in the story was not equal to each other, by how they were treated differently. Finally, people in the story, Harrison Bergeron, does not have equal rights. For instance, Diana Moon Glampers punishes the people who doesn t follow the law, even though Diana is a citizen of United States. This back ups my point by how if everyone was truly equal, they would have equal rights, that means Diana would not be in charge of everyone and violate other people s rights. People may argue with me by saying Diana is suppose to make sure that no one breaks the law, I say that it would help support my claim by how it means that everybody isn t really equal. This clarifies that everybody is not really equal, even if there is there is a law that says everyone is equal. Thus meaning, that the law doesn t really indicate everyone is really equal by how the government needs to force a handicap on people that are above average to balance everything out. In conclusion, everyone wasn t truly equal to each other in my opinion. This clearly demonstrates that everyone is different from each other in varieties of ways. As stated, everyone is not truly equal to each other by how
  • 14. Comparing The Langmuir And Bet Isotherms Figure 3 Comparison of the Langmuir and BET isotherms Fig. 3 compares Langmuir and BET isotherm shapes: gas adsorption along the BET isotherm contributes more significantly at early time of production than that of Langmuir isotherm curve. The reason for this is the slope of the BET isotherm curve at higher pressure is larger than that of the Langmuir isotherm curve, resulting in more adsorbed gas releasing at early production times. The amount of released adsorbed gas with BET isotherm curve is larger than that with Langmuir isotherm curve under the same pressure drop from the initial reservoir pressure to the bottom hole pressure. Dubinin Astakhov equation To describe adsorption in micro porous material, Dubinin Astakhov have proposed form of Dubinin Rudishkevich equation which has the form: a=W_0 ПЃ_L exp{ D[Tln(P_s/P)]^n } Where, a concentration (adsorbed mass per unit adsorbent mass) W_0 Maximum adsorption capacity (volume of adsorbate/mass of adsorbent) ПЃ_L Specific mass of the liquid adsorbate D Coefficient of affinity n Characteristic parameter of the adsorbent adsorbate pair Adsorption Isotherm Models for Multi Components Shale reservoir would rarely contain a pure hydrocarbon fluid. Sometimes the fluid type dry gas may have two or three components accounting for more than 99% of the composition. In some cases, the liquid fluid may contain more than 40 components. There is a large transition zone between the dry gas and the liquid areas. In this
  • 15. The Change Of Control During Brazil The change of control began to occur rapidly in the 19th century from the shift of power of the crown to Brazilian colonies. Influences of the Enlightenment fueled the restlessness of the Brazilian Portuguese who were looked down upon. This was not new to other nations surrounding Brazil. In Spanish America the creoles (American born Spaniards) faced similar discrimination with distrust from their homeland leading to tensions within the nation. Through these tensions and other factors such as inequality and politics led to revolts and insurrections to accrue leading to the independent of many Spanish American nations. While Brazilhad successfully become independent their pathway they re was different from those nations. Brazil heavily relied on the slave trade and became another empire as opposed to a republic. Through changes of economy such as trade, social structures conflict between the different classes and political aspects of Brazil were unique as opposed to Spanish America. In this essay I will analyze the processes of Independence in Brazil through economic, social class structures and political changes which differentiated the way Brazil formed leading to new empire. In Brazil the economic structure was very different as opposed to other nations in Latin America. The establishment of Brazilian colonies gave Portugal immense control over the trade of sugar. They were the predominate suppliers, but also the Portuguese relayed heavily on the slave trade, which
  • 16. Telstra Health Care HR Plan This HR plan is designed for my current place of employment, Telstra Health. In our business we aim to be the technology provider of choice for the Australian healthcare sector, empowering provider and payers to find better ways to serve patients in a connected world (Telstra Health, 2017). Our offering is wide and varied, we provide software applications, open platforms and data security services to the pharmacy, hospital, primary, diagnostic, Indigenous health and aged, disability and community care sectors in Australia as well as Government and insurance companies (Telstra Health, 2017) . I work within the hospital business unit, which focuses on both the private and public hospital setting within Australia. As discussed in (Kramar, ... Show more content on ... We employee a more collaborative structure in our business, with teams working closely together on projects, ultimately for the benefit of the customer. The challenge of sustainability Corporate social responsibility is something Telstra Health does well. Our driving vision is make a better connected healthcare system, for the better of society. We also do a lot of work in the community with respect to diversity and inclusion. There is a high focus on talent management. The challenge of attracting and retaining people Attracting and retaining staff can be quite the challenge, this is an area we invest a significant amount of time in. The Hudson 20/20 report states employees are highlighting a lack of career progression and boredom as their biggest issues. They are looking for different experiences and acknowledging this is crucial not only for attracting new staff but for retaining existing talent. (Hudson 20:20 series, Paper on,
  • 17. Theme Of Power In Paul And Virginia Paul and Virginia by Bernardin De Saint Pierre tells the story of two children raised in a seemingly idyllic society, Paul and Virginia. Raised by two mothers, far away from Europe, it is assumed that the children have been raised in an idyllic society, far from the influence of European society and its ideals. However, as the book progresses, it can be noticed that the ideals of Europe have followed the children and their family to the island, especially when it comes to aspects of power. Throughout the novel, it is presented that the European family and Paul carry most of the power, based on various actions. However, what is perhaps some of the most unexpected characters, Mary and Domingo, and the other slaves on the island, carry the... Show more content on ... To begin, as mentioned, most of Domingo s and Mary s powers lie within their ability to provide for Madame de la Tour s and Margaret s family, and in Domingo s case, his ability to also save the family. This would have been in line with the cultural and social norms at the time of the novel s conception, as slaves were a common thing at the time. As slaves, their common duty would have been to provide for their masters. In conclusion, Paul and Virginia showcases an idyllic society in which the main characters are raised without the preconceptions of European society, or at least so it seems on the surface. In reality, as the novel progresses, it becomes obvious that those preconceptions have made their way to Mauritius, especially in the power dynamics of the novel. While it is presented that the main characters possess a majority of the power, it is the care of their slaves, Mary and Domingo, that allows the family to survive on the island, thus giving them most of the
  • 18. Advantages Of Debit Card Debit Card A debit card is a plastic recompense card that can be used instead of cash when making purchases. It is similar to a credit card, but unlike a credit card, the money comes directly from the user s bank account when performing a transaction. Some cards may have a stored value with which a payment is made, while most send a message to the cardholder s bank to withdraw funds from a payer s selected bank account. In some cases, the primary account number is assigned solely for use on the Internet and there is no physical card. The development of debit cards, unlike credit cards has generally been country specific resulting in a number of different systems around the world, which were often mismatched. Since the mid 2000s, a number of initiatives have ... Show more content on ... Once you open an account most banks will issue you a debit card upon request. Ease. Purchases can be made using a chip enabled terminal or by swiping the card rather than filling out a paper check. Portable. You don t have to carry cash or a checkbook. Readily accepted. When out of the country, debit cards are usually widely accepted. Disadvantages of a Debit Card No grace period. Unlike a credit card, a debit card uses funds directly from your checking account. A credit card allows you to borrow funds on credit, leaving disposable cash in your account. High Fees. Using your debit card for ATM transactions may be costly if the ATM is not affiliated with your institution. Some Guidelines Guard your debit card against loss or theft. Keep it in a safe place just like cash, credit cards or checks. If you lose your debit card, notify your bank immediately. Choose a PIN number that only you know. It is recommended, you don t use your phone number or birthday. Protect your PIN number. Memorize it and never write it on anything you keep with you. Record transactions. Analyze your statements immediately and investigate any unknown
  • 19. Extra-Mitochondrial Family Structure Many physiological processes in the cells require the participation of both intra and extra mitochondrial enzyme reactions. A link between mitochondria and cytosol is provided by a group of proteins known as the mitochondrial carriers (MCs) family (Arco Satrustegui, 2005; F. Palmieri, 2004). MCs comprise a family of about 40 50 proteins, depending on the organism, and provide the main communication between mitochondrial matrix and extra mitochondrial spaces by transporting a wide range of metabolites, nucleotides and cofactors. In humans, MCs are encoded by the nuclear SLC25 family genes and are membrane embedded proteins that have to be imported into the i.m.m. (F. Palmieri, 2004). MCs are structurally related proteins of about 30 KDa that shared a tripartite structure with six hydrophobic domains. The analysis of the mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier sequence, the first primary structure of a mitochondrial solute carrier to be reported (Aquila et al., 1982), established that the whole structure, of around 300 amino acids, could be divided into three tandemly repeated homologous domains, each of about 100 residues in length (Saraste Walker, 1982) (Fig.1). Subsequently, this pattern of homologous repeats was also observed in the UCP1 carrier (Aquila et al., 1985), in... Show more content on ... The primary structure of these sequenced
  • 20. Australian Labour Party Analysis Australia s oldest political party is the Australian Labor Party (ALP). Their history associates with the history of Australia s democracy and labor movement. The largest trade boom in the history of the period of economic transition is Australia. The core Labor morals of opportunity and fairness. The core Labor has never been more pleased to establish the foster economic growth. The government has demolished the morals and economic growth. The Australian economy leads Labor through a time of significant global ambiguity, the Global Financial Crisis (GFC). The action Labor took with a broad scale economic packages the economy did not stall because Australians faired exceptional than the highest in the world during the GFC. More than 200,000... Show more content on ... The party finally realized about gay marriage when the Labor for life was formed. The conservative is raging up for a fight about abortion. The Federal gave their support together with Helen Polley the Tasmanian senator, who pushed about gay marriage. The Labor Party spoke to show more about gay marriage. This became an argument issue with the gay marriage and the abortion trying to get conservative supporters. The Australian Labor Party is all for the gay marriage and the abortion, they are trying to get more people who are against the two to be for the two. When someone has their mind set on something they do not want to be for, they will stay against. Before the year 2019, Australian Labor Party will not vote for gay marriage. The Prime Minister of Australia, Tony Abbott has thinking about gay marriage to be legal if it was done correctly. The conservative Labor will not have to vote against gay marriage until it has become legal and will not allow it to happen before 2019. The campaign making gay marriage legal in Australia gives supporters the government ranks and they need to get voters on the other side. The Labor Party has bumped up the pressure on Tony Abbott to not be able to vote against
  • 21. The Label Switching And Mpls Is A Technique That Enables... Multiprotocol label switching or MPLS is a technique that enables the labeling of packets in such a way that facilitates network traffic and the tracking of that packet across different routers along a network. As a technique, moreover, it is differentiated from a specific service, so that in essence MPLS can be utilized in the delivery of different kinds of services, including virtual private networks on IP, Ethernet, and optics based services. The fundamental idea is that information about a packet in a network is saved in a kind of tag or label, known as the FEC or the forwarding equivalence class. This FEC is a sequence of bits that is attached to the packet. From there, routers within a network access a lookup table whenever it handles a packet, and that lookup table contains information on how to deal with the packet based on its FEC. This is a boost for network efficiency because in traditional IP networks, the routerhas to do an analysis of the packet header, and therefore make decisions on how to deal with the packet after an analysis step. This is a bottleneck, because the decision on what to do with the packet is done by each and every router. What happens is that the packet, once within the network, is tagged, and that label corresponds to an action in the lookup table or index, from which the table then goes on to give the packet a fresh FEC. The distinction power that this technique provides for different kinds of packets allows MPLS implementations to then
  • 22. Lack Search In Section 213 Of The Patriot Act The sneak and peek search is provided in Section 213 of the Patriot Act. A sneak and peek warrant allows the police to lawfully investigate in a premises and delay in notifying the suspect that they are about to conduct a search. The sneak and peek is referred to as counterterrorism, but it is also used in criminal investigations. That includes law enforcement sneaking in the house unnoticed utilizing the no knock policy. The police carrying out the sneak and peek search often do not leave a copy of notice that they have conducted the search, including whatever they may have found during the search. The main reason why law enforcement does not notify the individual or leave a copy of the notice, is because it may jeopardize the investigation ... Show more content on ... This search is not only conducted for households, but also other buildings such as a terrorist cell or even a vehicle. For example, a suspect in Buffalo had his car searched and the agents utilized a delay notice warrant in which they used a duplicate key to take the suspect s car without the suspect noticing. The DEA agent left traces behind as if the suspect s car was broken into and stolen. It is also important to notice that the suspect must be informed eventually about the warrant being issued against them, but that could last up to days, months or years (DeRosa, 2005). However, according to the 2006 Amendment of the Patriot Act, a thirty day notice is mandatory unless the agent or officer extend the notice by providing further facts and information to the judge. Before the attacks on 9/11, sneak and peek searches did not involve the inspection of files, documents and pictures in the home, but Section 213 expands the scope of these searches (Lippman,
  • 23. A Report On The S 10 Pickup Truck On Thursday, 4/14/2016, at approximately 5:55 P.M. I was dispatched to 1909 Hemlock Drive in reference to someone discharging a firearm. Dispatch advised that a neighbor witnesses the incident and that the two white males were getting into a vehicle. The vehicle was described as black, Chevrolet S 10 pickup truck. Upon my arrival to Hemlock drive I located the residence and observed a black, Chevrolet S 10 parked in the yard with the passenger door open. There vehicle was unoccupied. As I approached the house two white males exited the front door of the house. One of the males, identified as Patrick Duffy, was holding a pitt bull by the collar. I ordered both males to stop and to put their hands in the air. Duffy put his free hand in the air and the second male, identified as Nicholas Gale, complied with my commands by putting both hands in the air. I performed a terry frisk on Nicholas Gale and then ordered him to place his hands on the back of the S 10. I allowed Duffy to place the dog in the house while I accompanied him. After the dog was secured inside the house I performed a terry frisk on Duffy and detained him by placing him in handcuffs. I told Duffy to sit on the ground and Gale to sit on the tail gate of the S 10. A short time later Officer Parker #52 and Officer Stirrat #50 arrived at my location. After both officers arrived I took the handcuffs off of Duffy. I informed Duffy that I was investigating a person shooting a firearm. Duffy then made the
  • 24. Academic Reflection Throughout my academic career, I have always been aware of that writing is one of my greatest weaknesses. But, this semester English 120 class has helped me gain more knowledge and acquire skills that would improve my writing significantly over the course. I have learned different techniques such as how to annotated lengthy papers, how to cite sources in MLA format. I can carry over all tools I have learned in this course and re purpose them for intensive writingclasses I take in the future. Every paperI composed throughout the course was a learning experience and fostered me to grow as an academic writer. And I was also given good sources that helped me get along the way. Looking back of my writing process, my first piece of writing in this semester is the pre semester reading response. I did the best that I could, but now I realize there are always innumerably ways to improve it. When planted my paper, I did not included author s counter argumentin it. By reading They Say I Say , Graff emphasizes the importance of anticipate a naysayer in the text. I realized that including a counter arguments in writing can definitely improved my work and helped me better understood the text. I also edited my introduction to make it less wordy and articulates my arguments with specific details. The most challenge assignment was the research paper. It is not simply writing a paper, we need to do extensive researches around the topic we choose. For the first draft of my researchers paper, I tended to expresses all of my thoughts and integrating sources I found without organized it in a coherent way, which make it hard for readers to follow. For example: I jumped right in into talking about Obamacare, but I didn t argued how it connects to my argument. After receiving feedbacks from the professor, I tried to make it more consistently and provide appropriate informations so the readers wouldn t get confused while reading. And I failed to provide specific details in my text, because details can always strengthen my argument and increase credibility of my work. Revision plays a big role in my writing process. No papers is ever perfect, the feedbacks I received from the professor and peer reviews helps me diagnose
  • 25. Need Destruction Of Justice Code Case Study Need Obstruction of Justice Code Article Title: Ex liquor board director admits tipping off those in bribery scheme to FBI probe Source/Author/Date of Publication: The Washington Post/Lynh Bui/October 18, 2017 Who? o David Dae Sok Son, liquor board commissioner of Prince George s County in Maryland. o Liquor store and restaurant owners in Prince George s County. o Liquor lobbyists in Prince George s County. o Former delegates, William Campos and Michael Vaughn. What? o During his tenure as liquor board commissioner, Son tried to increase liquor sales in Prince George s County by encouraging the use of Sunday liquor licensees. o In order to accomplish this goal, Son partnered with storeowners and lobbyists to bribe... Show more content on ... Need Obstruction of Justice Code Article Title: 3 Chicago Officers Charged With Conspiracy in Laquan McDonald Case Source/Author/Date of Publication: The New York Times/Monica Davey and Mitch Smith/June 27th, 2017 Who? o Laquan McDonald, an African American teenager who was shot by a policeman. o Officer Jason Van Dyke, the policeman that is accused of murdering Laquan Duncan. o Detective David March, Patrol Officer Joseph Walsh, and Patrol Officer Thomas Gaffney are the three police officials accused of lying to protect Van Dyke. What? o In October 2014, the police were sent out to search the streets of Chicago for a man using a knife to break into residents cars. o Laquan Duncan was found a holding a knife, and Van Dyke claims that he shot Duncan in self defense. o However, video footage shows that Duncan was trying to run away, rather than threatening the officers with his knife. o Gaffney, March, and Walsh lied about the series of events that occurred that evening in order to backup Van Dyke s story. o In addition, these three officers, failed to interview potential witnesses. The accounts from the witnesses would have proved that Duncan did not agitate police officers. o It may be of some relief to know that March and Walsh are no longer employed with the Chicago Police Force. Where? o The murder took place in Chicago, and involved members of its Fraternal
  • 26. Torture In Medieval Times Torture Crime and punishment was much different in medieval times than it is now. In today s ages you may get sent to jail or prison, or have to do community services. While back then you may be put on the Catherine Wheel, be Drawn Hanged And Quartered, or even be put in the Scavenger s Daughter device. There were many other ways of brutal, diverse ways to make a point There were many reasons for torture in medieval times. A few reasons would be trying to get information out of a citizen, or trying to get a person to own up to a crime, or to just execute them. The word torture comes from the French word torture, originating in the late Latin tortura and ultimately deriving the past participle of torquere, meaning to twist (Medieval 1). An ... Show more content on ... This was a torture device used to crush victims (Roberts 2)The affliction of the Scavenger s Daughter was quite straightforward. After the victim was strapped to a metal frame, the frame was then used to force the knees of the victim to a sitting position. On the opposite side of the device, the frame was then moved so that the head of the casualty was pushed in the opposite direction. This resulted in compressing the body of the victim which damaged the joints and muscles, which also resulted in blood flowing from the nose and ears and eyes of the victim. Many would say being Hanged, Drawn, and Quartered was one of the worst methods of torture. This was a commonly used method of torture in medieval England. It was often saved for prisoners convicted of high treason. First, the casualty was hanged by the neck and just before the minute he would die, he was taken to a wooden edge, where he was then laid and emasculated. At long last, both of his arms and legs were tied with ropes to four different stallions who were whipped to jerk in four different directions, eventually literally tearing the victim into pieces. The mangled limbs were then displayed over the town for all to see. This method was never used on women. As a matter of decency, women would simply be burned at the stake. Medieval tortures were meant to be very gruesome and publicly humiliating to get the victim to confess to doing a crime. There were countless ways of making a
  • 27. Killswitch Research Paper Grant I. Ciara Grant American Politics T.Grossi April 20, 2017 KillSwitch Essay #2 The film Killswitch was about the government trying to monopolize and control user traffic on the internet. Whether it is for security purposes or financial gain, our system of democracy is being compromised at a technological level. Several speakers including Tim Wu, expressed how hacktivism was a revolutionary tool used to take a stand against government interference. One of the main topics of Killswitch s is democracy and how it is being challenged now at a technological level. The film portrays how the smaller groups that have funding are trying to control the majority through restriction of internet capabilities and more surveillance amongst ... Show more content on ... They were both targeted because of their politics and ideology behind the system of Government. Aaron Swarts becomes the face of this cause of freedom of Internet Privacy. The back story of Aaron Swarts and how he was portrayed as a hero, can make a person question and distrust the government even more. Aaron Swarts embodies the fight for protection of freedom of press. They were both targeted because they used the freedom of the internet to do what they thought was right by the people. It s a network platform formed of smaller connecting networks that multiplies in the age of technology. The internet is a huge collaboration with social websites like google, twitter, email accounts, Facebook and so forth. It can be a platform for all interest of fields. This is where citizens can communicate freely amongst each other where we share post on issues and news. The internet is a supposed to be anyplace that s not monitored and where we can receive unaltered information and form our own ideologies on topics. The filmmakers in Killswitch believes that. The internet was invented to be that place but can it stay that way? Its Critical to know that the network continues to empower people
  • 28. Cultures And Values Of Culture, Culture And Culture Culture is a body of characteristics such as beliefs, social norms and ethnic background shared in a region by a population of people. Development and discipline can be influenced by culture. Culture contains values, norms, prejudice, social influence and human activity. Values and beliefs hold high importance. An example would be religion, in many cultures religion is of high value (Kerfoot). Norms set an expectation to what is socially acceptable. Prejudice is formed in culture. This bias can be generalized ideas formed off popular belief and tolerance (Wilson 2008). Social influence comes from media outlets and world leaders. Culture guides human activity. Being culturally aware of Russian culture, history and region... Show more content on ... This is under atmospheric diffusion through Cinder Cone Butte, Idaho calculation. Russia has measured to have 25% error of complex diffusion while the United States has 15% error. The European plain takes up a large portion of Russian territory this is the most populated and active area in the country. There are many important places located in the European plain. The Federation Tower located in Moscow, Russia is an international business center. Sheremetyevo International is the most active airport in Russia and Novorossiysk is the major ship port. The airport and port are fine representations of urban terrain Russia dominates. A final example would the 275 foot length Subway located in Moscow. Upgrades in this country spread beyond the national limits; changes globally have been in effect. Within the last ten years, Russia has attracted foreign direct investment at 3.3%. In the past 20 years, Russia has fallen behind dropping to 93rd globally in quality of overall infrastructure (Eitelhuber, 2009). Russia s Railway infrastructure is ranked 31st, this placement is relatively high. Over 300 projects have surfaced in the past five years. Estimated funding at 969.4 B dollars. The benefits from operating at a lower global rate include lowered production cost and increased net output for national economy. A stable economic home front improves a nation and even
  • 29. Roman Empire And The Han Dynasty Contrast Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty Contrast Rise of the Roman Empire The Roman Empire is still known today as one of history s most powerful period. Rome government had stick rules and policies. The Roman government at this point was known as the Roman Republic. The Roman Republic was controlled by the roar Rome. Bureaucracy was ran throughout the region, but Rome did not want this nor could they afford it. However, they did allow small cities to run a lower level of government. The exercise of indirect rule thus became a basic principle of imperial government. The business of local administration and jurisdiction was delegated to the existing communities of city or tribe. This type of structure was deemed to be a weakness to some historians because of the consequences. Consequences that allow a third level government to enforce the emperor s rules. Because of the expansion of the territory, this was the only reasonable way for it to function normally. The empire was a commonwealth of cities which acted as economic and cultural of the Roman world and were integrated into the administrative system as local foci of government. This imperial ruling was first implemented by Rome. It came about because of social trends and not the Roman strategic policies that was often changed by Romanized upper class citizens. These upper classman brought about firmness throughout the land with their strategic and educated planning.
  • 30. Suffering In Shakespeares Plays Essay Suffering In Shakespeare s Plays How does suffering affect one s actions? Do different types of suffering affect one in different ways? This paper seeks to determine how William Shakespeare s character s respond to various types of suffering. Suffering can be defined in two ways; physical suffering, in which the character is inflicted with physical pain and trauma, and emotional suffering, where the character suffers an emotional trauma or loss. In The Tempest, the physically traumatized characters, are Trinculo and Stephano. They are chased by dogs but their physical trauma has not induced any sign of remorse or guilt. Ferdinand, on the other hand, is overcome by emotional suffering at the quot;loss quot; of his son. In King Lear, ... Show more content on ... quot;The mistress which I serve quickens what s dead and makes my labors pleasure. quot; (Tempest, III, i, 6 7) Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio, who are denounced as quot;men of sin quot; (Tempest, III,, iii, 53) are driven by Ariel into a frenzy of madness. Alonso is deeply affected, he believes the quot;death quot; of his son to be punishment and he confesses his guilt and seeks to atone for it. He is purified through the trial and reconciled with Prospero at the play s end. Neither Antonio nor Sebastian, who are equally guilty, is affected in this way. They remain impenitent. Their incapacity for remorse is punished, Ariel suggests by a quot;ling ring perdition, worse than any death. quot; ( Tempest, III, iii, 77) Stephano, the King s butler, and Trinculo, the jester, plot to overthrow Prospero. Their trial and suffering take form in a physical way. They are submerged in a horse pond and then hunted by Prospero s dogs. King Lear allows one to see how physical suffering can bring on emotional suffreing. This can be seen in the two main characters of each subplot. Lear, King of Brittain, is described as quot;a very foolish old man, fourscore and upward. quot; His fatal flaw of rashness causes his suffering. The Earl of Gloucester lacks Lear s capacity for wrath but shares his fatal flaw of rashness. Like Lear, he is made to suffer greatly by his children before he gains true insight. Cordelia, Lear s
  • 31. Social Psychology, The Social Identity Within social psychology, the social identity tradition (Tajfel, Billig, Bundy, Flament, 1971) argues that individuals possess more than their characteristic personal identities, which are activated during interpersonal contact with others; in addition, people can engage in intergroup behavior as informed by their social identities (Gudykunst Bond, 1980). Such social identities comprise memberships in any psychologically relevant grouping with which an individual identifies, including kin, peers, profession, nation, and cultural identity(Galang, QuiГ±ones, Adriano, Portillo, Carvajal, 2015). The ingroup identification afforded by social identities then allows individuals to distinguish between people belonging to and excluded from the ingroup (Brewer Yuki, 2007), and to bolster one s self concept through affiliation with high status groups and individuals (Gudykunst Bond, 1980). In addition, these social identities are created and manifested in different ways across cultures as a function of the values endorsed by society, the ways in which society s members construe themselves, and the manners in which their interpersonal relationships are structured (Feitosa, Salas, Salazar, 2012). Moreover, social identity theory (SIT) has been invoked as an explanation for a social psychological phenomenon introduced in Robert Cialdini and his colleagues (1976) research: basking in reflected glory (BIRG). As reflected in the opening quote, individuals are able to emphasize
  • 32. The 9 Layers Of Hell Essay Dante Alighieri was a major Italian poet born in 1265 A.D know most famously for his Epic poem, the Devine Comedy. The Devine Comedy is a narration of Dante s journey through Hell, purgatory and finally Heaven. Dante utilizes the notion of hell to encourage, admonish and warn his readers of the contrapasso of their sins, the different layers of hell, and famous leaders of his time. This essay is an exposition, interpretation and critical analysis of the 9 layers of Hell depicted in Dante s epic, the Inferno. To begin Dante s trip to heaven to be with his one true love Beatrice, he must first travel through hell. Directly through the gates of hell is the outlying regions of Hell, or Ante inferno. This is the area that houses those who did not commit to good or evil, but who lived their lives without making conscious moral choices. These souls have been denied by both heaven and hell. This does not mean Ante inferno is much more pleasant than hell. Souls here must constantly chase after blank banners while flies and wasps constantly bite them and worms consume their blood and tears. Neutral angels do the tormenting in this place. These are the angels that did not choose God nor Satan in the war of heaven. This first punishment we see in our journey through hell sets the stage for punishments that fit the crime. We see souls having to chase a blank banner symbolizing the meaninglessness of their time on earth. In the afterlife wasps and flies are present to sting
  • 33. Analysis Of Stickup Kid The short documentary titled Stickup Kid is about a 15 year old named Alonza Thomas who was sentenced to 13 years in maximum adult prison for attempted armed robbery. Alonza s story begins when he runs away from his home because of an argument with his mom and ends up meeting an older gentleman on the street. The older gentleman offered him a place to stay and some food, but after a while Alonza wanted to go home; however, the man brought a gun out and told him he had to rob a store because nothing was free and he wasn t just going to leave after staying and eating at his house. Alonza ended up unsuccessfully robbing the store and was caught by the police. He was later tried as an adult since the crime was dangerous and the state of California had just passed a law making it easier to try minors as adults. Frontline does a great job of telling Thomas story and telling the problems of juveniles in adult prisons. To begin, the documentary uses a good amount of emotional appeal by telling touching stories. One of the stories that may tug at many people s hearts is the story about another young teenager that was sent to the same adult prisonAlonza was sent to. There that young teenager committed suicide, which then raised concerns about housing juveniles in adult prisons. Alonza later even wonders if he could be next. In turn, he reaches out to doctors at the jail through a letter and signs it A young man crying out for help. Later in the video it is even revealed that
  • 34. History Essay AP WORLD HISTORY В® Modified Essay Questions for Exam Practice This document provides modifications of the AP World History Comparative and Continuity and Change Over Time (CCOT) essay questions from the 2002 to the 2010 operational exams. The modified questions provide examples of essay questions that align more closely with the Curriculum Framework for the revised course as of the 2011 12 academic year. The accompanying rationale for each question explains the revisions. Mission Statement The College Board s mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. We are a not for profit membership organization committed to excellence and equity in education. About the College Board The College Board is a ... Show more content on ... Revised Question Compare the effects of racial ideologies on North American societies with those on Latin American/Carribean societies during the period from 1500 to 1830. Rationale for Revision: The fundamental comparison in this question is the same in both versions, though in the revised question students are asked to compare only the effects of the ideologies. It is, as a result, a bit narrower in focus than the original. Teachers will need to make the connections between the ideologies and their effects explicit because they are in different sections of the Curriculum Framework. Revised Question s Alignment with the Curriculum Framework Key Concept 4.2.II.D; 5.2.III; 5.3.III.C Theme Theme 2: Development and Interaction of Cultures Theme 4: Creation, Expansion and Interaction of Economic Systems Theme 5: Development and Transfer of Social Structures Skills for Basic Core Points Argumentation; Comparison; Causation; Synthesis 4 2011 The College Board Modified AP World History Essay Questions 2008 Continuity and Change Over Time Essay Question Analyze the changes and continuities in commerce in the Indian Ocean region from 650 C.E. to 1750 C.E.
  • 35. Revised Question Analyze continuities and changes in the commercial life of the Indian Ocean region from 650 C.E. to 1750 C.E. Rationale for Revision: The revised question is slightly broader than the
  • 36. Nubia Jar Analysis Today, what might only be considered a basic jar to most people, but could have been considered a treasured alum at the time, a large highly decorated jar was discovered within a cemetery in Nubia that must hold a greater meaning to the people of Koronog. Within Nubia during the Meroitic period, there lied a cemetery within Koronog, Nubiadesign to be a place of ritual where the local people of Koronog could worship their ancestors and present offering to aid and give thanks their spirits within the afterlife. A part of that process would be the jars that they left with their ancestors, leaving them filled with large quantities of water or beer as an offering to their souls. Casted and painted, these ceramic jars did not follow a strict process... Show more content on ... Looking at the jar you can tell from the visible likes of demarcation that it was constructed by creating layers, as one part dried the artist would have begun to build higher. It looks like it would weigh about 20 pounds, with a neck that is big enough to stick your hand into. The Jar from Koronog had a unique structure, if viewed from above it would be com pletely symmetrical, its outer form being a large circle and nearing the center that circle is repeated at the neck and lip of the jar. Looking into the jar from above you see a dark hole due to its closed off form hiding most light from the inside. Inside you also see the red color of the jar meaning that it form was created using red clay soil, a popular building material at the time due to it being indigenous to the region. If you were to view the jar head on, as if it sat on a pedestal in front of you, there you would notice that the form has a unique build structure. The over all shape of the Jar is similar to a circle, where the bottom is circular and as you get to the side they flatten into the become a rounded square that is wider on top. Sitting on top of the square like form would be similar to an isosceles triangle with a wide base, which meets the neck of the jar that is very short with a slight lip at the
  • 37. `` The First Full Length Novel `` By Henry Fielding Joseph Andrews, the first full length novel which was made by the English author Henry Fielding. And considered from the first English novels, this novel was called by Henry Fielding s comic epic poem in prose. This novel is a parody version of the novel Pamela . it is the story of a good natured footman s adventures on the road home from London with his friend and mentor, the stargazing parson Abraham Adams. The novelspeaks to the meeting up of the two contending feel of eighteenth century writing: the false chivalrous and neoclassical (and, by augmentation, privileged) methodology of Augustans, for example, Alexander Pope and Jonathan Swift; and the famous, household exposition fiction of authors, for example, Daniel Defoe and Samuel Richardson. At this paper I will discuss points of view themes, characters, language, and significance for ten or eleven years, Joseph Andrews was in the administration of Sir Thomas Booby, the uncle of Squire Booby, who was hitched to the prudent Pamela, Joseph s sister. At the point when Lord Booby passes on, Joseph from the beginning stays in the utilize of Lady Booby as her footman. This woman, much more seasoned than her twenty one year old servant and evidently minimal irritated by her spouse s demise, is pulled in to the charming mannered, attractive young person. Joseph, be that as it may, is as prudent as his renowned sister, and when Lady Booby s advances ended up such that even his honesty can no more disregard their
  • 38. Restriction Enzyme Digestion Lab Report Materials and Methods Restriction Enzyme Digestion The experiment was begun after putting on gloves to avoid any chemical contact with the skin. Four microtest tubes were obtained, and each of them was labeled to contain the different enzymes or suspect DNA. Two of the microtest tubes were used for suspect one and the two different restriction enzymes, while two other microtest tubes were labeled for suspect two and the two restriction enzymes. After labeling the tubes, the contents that were at the bottom were taken out by slightly tapping them. Then to begin setting up the enzyme reactions, a micropipette was used to obtain 10 ОјL of the reaction buffer which was added to each of the four test tubes. The buffer is important because it carries the electrical current from the power supply in the gel. After the reaction buffer was in each, the microtest tubes were individually filled with their specific enzymes and DNA, shown in summary through Table 1.1 below. The restriction enzymes are used to cleave the DNA at specific ... Show more content on ... The use of gel electrophoresis to separate DNA fragments by size and charge can be used in genetic testing, like paternity or maternity tests. This method could allow the DNA of the child to be accurately compared with the DNA fragments and banding patterns of one of the parents. This can allow one to determine the biological parents of a child. Another important use of DNA fingerprinting is the diagnosis of many inherited diseases. The DNA fingerprint of a person can allow doctors to determine if they carry an inherited disease through comparison of the band patterns, and if they are diagnosed, a treatment for the disease can be provided early on. DNA fingerprinting is extremely useful and essential in the improvement of lives through the medical field, as well as its other uses in solving crimes and cases of biological
  • 39. Negative Effects Of Napoleon Bonaparte The Napoleonic Age was the most controversial time period. Some people thought Napoleon was a reformer, while others thought he was an absolute dictator. One thing is for sure though, that he shaped France/Europe into the continent/country is is today. Napoleon was very narcissistic and cruel, and did not value humanlife. At the same time, he believed in education and instruction. Also, he positively influenced the schools and created the Napoleonic Code, which solved a lot of France s problems. Napoleon Bonaparte had a negative impact on France, because he mistreated the rights that every human should obtain, created a bad image for other countries, and only really cared about absolute power. Napoleon was born in Corsica, Italy and was entered directly into the Military, at age ten. Napoleon s leadership, and role as emperor, was heavily based around the fact that all of his childhood was being trained in the military! Some people view this in a negative light (seeing other people just as a target, and appreciating human life.) Some people on the other hand, view this in a positive light (Being a good instructor, and knowing how to make the right moves with politics.) During the French revolution the citizens of France tried to create a republic, and when they failed continuously, Napoleon Bonaparte stepped up and became a strong leader in France. In 1799, the government started to grow more and more corrupt, and that s when Napoleon came into play. Napoleon was an
  • 40. Yosemite National Park Visit At Yosemite National Park I got a chance to truly experience the nature and wildlife around me. The Merced River ran through the valley, and I could hear the sound of the rushing water from far away. I could hear the whistle of the wind and the birds chirping from high up in the trees. The vivid colors of the flowers there were incredible. On top of Pride Rock, there was a splendid view of famous landmarks including the Half Dome. From OMG Point the view of the valley below was absolutely breathtaking. Some plants and trees had a nice scent to them. The Jeffrey Pine tree had a pleasant aroma of vanilla. I also got a chance to smell the fresh scent of earth when rain was falling on the last but one day of the trip. We got to taste the leaves... Show more content on ... Some trees and shrubs were hard while others were soft and could easily be bent or even ripped out of the ground. The bark of the trees was rough and parts could be chipped off. Overall, I felt that Yosemite was a place where a person can understand what nature really is. At Yosemite we learned about how the valley was formed, how the original Ahwahneechee people interacted with whites, and how there are many dangerous wildfires in the park. The valley first began to form when there was tectonic activity along the Sierra Fault and rocks were slightly eroded. Next glaciers began to sculpt the valley. These glaciers gave Yosemite Valleyits current shape. The glaciers that sculpted the valley were ginormous and were taller than most landmarks. Eventually, the last of the last of the glaciers
  • 41. The Importance Of A Comfort Zone As A Resident Assistant... Introduction A comfort zone is a relaxing safe space in which people are familiar with because it causes no anxiety or stress. In life, each of us will be in uncomfortable situations that are outside of our comfort zone. However, we have to be become accustomed in environments that are normally perceived as uncomfortable to experience what others may have to deal with on a daily basis. Additionally, this applies to social workers. We may deal with clients or different situations that are out of our comfort zone. However, we must overcome it to be more aware, as well as completing the job to the best of our abilities. For instance, a strongly devoted Baptist African American male may be uncomfortable attending a LGBT Pride parade due to his beliefs. Nonetheless, this experience may change his perspective on individuals from the LGBT community and cause him to not be as biased or judgmental. This paper will entail my personal experience of being outside of my comfort zone as a Resident Assistant for the University of Texas at Arlington. As a Resident Assistant, my job is to create a fun, on campus living experience for residents in a co ed residence hall while hosting academic, life engaging, social, and /or inclusive programs for them to attend. Nevertheless, I am the residents connection to resources on campus, such as the Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Health Services, Career Center, the Leadership Center, and many other resources on campus. This job is a
  • 42. Impact Of Organizational Change On The Workplace Change The word Change is generally defined as the act or instance of making or becoming different. However, our current interest lies with change happening on the scale of an organization. Different characterizations have been proposed over the years for organizational change, due to the fact that a clear definition was needed to distinguish it from the simple study of organizations. Such a definition would indicate that organizational change is a shift from a present state of organization to a future state over a given period of time (Beckhard and Harris, 1987). It would also include the size and magnitude of change that occurred (Dunphy and Stace, 1990) and also whether the change has taken place through a single radical metamorphosis or... Show more content on ... Further decisions by the new Chief Executive Officer have included closing 11 out of 65 plants worldwide, cutting 10000 jobs 7 % of Sony s global workforce and shedding unprofitable products. According to Goodman Rousseau (2004), this helped Sony render its decision making process more effective, and reactive enough to adapt to the fast changing market of electronics. The objective was to bring down costs by $1.8 billion by March 2007 in order to effect a positive change on bottom lines. Mr. Stringer had indeed chosen a retrenchment strategy, based on cutting back and improving efficiency, with a divisional reorientation to enable a faster response to market threats and opportunities, combined with a growth strategy where products deemed obsolete, or redundant, were removed in favor of new innovative and differentiated products which were introduced to old and new markets at a competitive price for a chance to rival recently established standards like Sharp s Televisions sets, Apple s Ipod in the personal audio segment, and Microsoft s Xbox in the gaming industry. Sony s marketing strategy seems to have mirrored this ambition to innovate as the focus was put on viral marketing, a relatively novel word of mouth message spreading technique, with mixed results. Ultimately, the goal was to redefine Sony s brand perception and bring in costumers
  • 43. Epidemiology Is A Medical Science Discipline That Arranges Epidemiology is a medical science discipline that arranges the structure for studying the distribution and determinants of health, communicable disease, and circumstances related to health status. The epidemiology research help to understand in what means a person catch diseases, the changes, and how the disease affect the population. The nurses that work with these communities to help identify the onset of communicable diseases determine new victims, the patterns it spread, the causes or preventive methods are known as community or public health nursing (Maurer, Smith, 2013). The purpose of this paper is to explain on the concepts of a communicable disease Chickenpoxwith its own unique epidemiologyand nursing research to this... Show more content on ... Once there is a dry scabs formation, the virus is unlikely to spread. Chickenpox disease can cause serious complications on infants, adults, adolescents, pregnant women and those with weakened immune system like HIV/Aids or cancer patients, people with organ transplants, on chemotherapy, immunosuppressive medications or long term use of steroids. Complications includes pneumonia, dehydration, sepsis, bleeding problems, children having bacterial infection like group A streptococcal on the skin and soft tissues, and death to unvaccinated person. If a pregnant woman is infected with Chickenpox at her first trimester, the diseases can cause rare congenital symptoms on the fetal which presents as congenital varicella syndrome, low birth weight, atrophy, neurological abnormalities, or scarring of the skin and eyes (Maurer Smith 2013). Chickenpox can best be prevented by given the dose of varicella vaccine to children, adolescents, adults and the herpes zoster vaccine for people age 60 and above (Maurer Smith 2013). Generally, people who get the vaccine will not get chickenpox, however, if the vaccinated person get chickenpox, the symptoms is usually mild fever or no fever, fewer red spots or blisters. The treatment of acute infection of chickenpox includes isolating the infected
  • 44. Essay on John Maynard Keynes Versus Friederich A. Hayek Two major economic thinkers of the of the early twentieth century, John Maynard Keynes and Friedrich A. Hayek, hold very different economic viewpoints. Keynes is among the most famous economic philosophers. Keynes, who s theories gained a reputation during the Great Depression in the 1930s, focused mainly on an economy s bust. It is where the economy declines and finally bottoms out, that Keynesian economics believes the answers lie for its eventual recovery. On the other hand, Hayek believed that in studying the boom answers would be provided to lead the economy out of the bust that was sure to follow. Hayek backed the Austrian school of economics. John Maynard Keynes fostered a school of thought that came to be known after him,... Show more content on ... This is almost the textbook definition of money illusion, which of course classical economics assumes people are not fooled by. Still, Keynes ideas gained popularity and President Franklin D. Roosevelt s New Deal was directly influenced by the Keynesian point of view. Keynes held that the way out of a depression was to increase an economy s aggregate demand(AD). Roosevelt s New Deal contained huge federal expenditures and government jobs programs, all designed to boost AD. These programs, including direct relief, were paid by taxpayers dollars and the tax rates rose dramatically multiple times during the Great Depression. F. A. Hayek, the other economic thinker of the twentieth century, believed that the way to stabilize a broken economy was to find solution from the boom that preceded the current bust. The Hayek supported Austrian theory sought a connection among business cycles, capital theory, and monetary theory. Hayek believed an economy started going downhill when people did not coordinate their actions. The spontaneous order of the free market and price system usually does a fantastic job of coordinating people s actions. Hayek said that the credit market becomes distorted when the money supply increases, interest rates go down, and the credit becomes artificially cheap (Friedrich). This causes an artificially high rate of investment and malinvestment. [Malinvestment is ]...too much investment in long term projects relative to short term ones, and the
  • 45. Greek Art And Greek Architecture Greece No matter where you are, chances are you have witness an inspiring piece of Greece art and Greece architecture. Whether it s a building, furniture, or pottery, you have seen ideas that started from Greek. Even houses have resemblance to some of the most famous buildings we seen throughout history. The architecture of ancient Greece is defined by the temples built to glorify their gods and goddesses and express pride in their cities. Though in today s world we may not glorify gods and goddesses when we began to design a home, but we do know how to turn once traditional into a more contemporary feel. Modern Greek architecture is generally constructed with wood, unbaked bricks, limestone and marble, and terracotta and metals. Contractors today still use the methods, and of all the architectural designs used by ancient Greeks throughout history, three major systems have withstood the test of time and are still used today. Doric, Ionic and Corinthian styles have their own characteristics, but, however they can look very similar. The Doric (sturdiest) was based on the proportions of a man. It was the first order and arguably the most famous Greek system used in today s world. It seemed to have known base and has the simplest capital atop the fluted shaft. The Parthenon communicated the ideals of the order and harmony for what Greek architecture is known for. As for the Ionic it was lighter in character to reflect the portions of women. Unlike the Doric originating
  • 46. The Contributions And Achievements Of Albert Einstein And... Civilization, for several thousand years during which it developed, has come to a multitude of accomplishments and has produced many exceptional people. Many of them have left a trace that will exist as long as there is a civilization. However, a special place in world history with the achievements and discoveries is taken by Albert Einsteinand Mahatma Gandhi. Paper will be about their lives and achievements, and as a conclusion, paper will try to explain all these achievements and their significance for the history of the world. At first, a bit more about Albert Einstein himself. He spent his youth in Munich, Italy and then in Switzerland, where he completed his studies at the Technical College in Zurich in 1900. During 1902 09 he was working at Bern in the patent office. During this period, he discovered a series of basic laws of nature (the speed of light as the maximum speed, the dilation of time, and the new interpretation of length dilation, and the equivalence of mass and energy, the corpuscular nature of light, and the principle of equivalence, the basis of the general theory of relativity). In 1909 he became an associate professor of theoretical physics at the University of Zurich, and in 1911 professor of theoretical physics in Prague; In 1912, he returned to Zurich and became a full time professor at the Technical College; In 1914, he was elected a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences; In 1914 he became director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics in Berlin. After Hitler s coming to power in 1933, Einstein was stripped of all functions and confiscated wealth. As a sign of the protest, Einstein renounced German citizenship and went to the United States, where he worked at the Institute for Advanced Scientific Research in Princeton for the rest of his life. He was a man of wide understanding, a free do it all, free lance and consistent pacifist, who advocated justice and peace. At the beginning of World War I, he refused to sign a declaration of German scholars who agreed with Germany s entry into the war. On his warning in 1939 that the Germans could make an atomic bomb, they began researching the United States for the production of such a bomb. Later, Einstein persistently fought
  • 47. Nvc Tool Analysis Reflect on the usefulness of the two tools. I particularly enjoyed reading all about SCARF, more so than NVC, I think because I can relate more to it. Perhaps this means I need to work more on NVC? I m not sure because I also like to think I can politely and correctly communicate with others, usually doing it assertively but in a non violent way. The five key elements of SCARF (Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, and Fairness) were perhaps a little more natural to me, than using the NVC process, except for Autonomy, which I have only just learned about in this unit. I believe they are both very useful to learn, perfect and utilize in every day life with relationships, at work, with the self, etc. How would you apply the two tools in your daily life? Use two concrete examples for both tools (4 examples). SCARF: ... Show more content on ... I have had zero control, or at least it has mostly felt that way! It stresses me out, and in turn, my family, friends and especially my partner. Hopefully, I will be on the way to greater autonomy in 2016, and will have increased rewards. : ) Knowing my situation is stressing out those close to me, and could be potentially putting a strain on some of my personal relationships, it is important to me to move onto the next stage of my life as soon as possible; we will all be happier. I did not really know much at all about autonomy until reading Rock s Journal (2008), but it is something I naturally crave (especially the element of control). I thought it was just down to the F element in the ENFJ personality, and because I have OCD type tendencies, so it was also reassuring to know that autonomy is a natural instinct for all of
  • 48. The Hawthorn Hedge Poem Analysis Humanity is but a facet of the sublime macrocosm that is the world s landscapes. In the relationship between man and landscape, nature is perpetually authoritarian. In her free verse poems, The Hawthorn Hedge, (1945) and Flame Tree in a Quarry (1949), Judith Wright illustrates the how refusal to engage with this environment is detrimental to one s sense of self, and the relentless endurance of the Australian landscape. This overwhelming force of nature is mirrored in JMW Turner s Romantic artwork, Fishermen at Sea (1796). Both Wright and Turner utilise their respective texts to allegorise the unequal relationship between people and the unforgiving landscape. Wright s 1945 poem, The Hawthorn Hedge, is a representation of the predatory power of the Australian landscape over those who refuse to unite with it. It details an unspecific persona s attempts to establish security by planting a hawthorn hedge, separating her from a harsh, imagined landscape. The specificity of the hawthorn hedge reveals that this is introduced British species. As the hawthorn hedge is traditionally used as a natural fence, this clarifies that the persona is attempting to block out the landscape around her. Secondly, the fact that the hawthorn hedge is a British species suggests that the persona is also attempting to establish a reminder of her homeland, Britain. A tenet of Wright s poetry is the strength of the true Australia and the concept of Australia s break away from Britain, exemplified in
  • 49. Wynona House Observation For this experience, I have visited Wynona s House Child Advocacy Center, often referred to as Wynona s House. Wynona s House was the perfect agency to visit because April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. During my visit, I interviewed Ashley Pires and briefly, Karen J. Zambrano. Ashley Pires is the FamilyAdvocate and Karen Zambrano is Wynona House s Forensic Interview Specialist. As the Family Advocate, Ashley specializes in the casework of families, leading to forensic video interviews with their clients. Pires also provides the services that these children and their families may need, which are determined from a strength and needs assessment. She is essentially a victim witness advocate; rather than working against victims, she works with ... Show more content on ... Their occupation is based upon advocacy and social justice. In addition to this, it is crucial for the social worker to know everything about child abuse. This ranges from the signs and symptoms of it, to knowing how to react to these situations based on medical and psychological impact. The social workers at Wynona s House must be resilient and patient. Having these qualities makes room for effective procedures because the psychosocial examinations usually last up to 2 and a half hours. More than one examination occurs each day. Lastly, social workers here must be committed to their work to fully lend a helping
  • 50. Separation Of Concrete Essay 3. COMPOSITION OF CONCRETE Cement and sand ready to be mixed. There are many types of concrete available, created by varying the proportions of the main ingredients below. The mix design depends on the type of structure being built, how the concrete will be mixed and delivered, and how it will be placed to form this structure. Cement Portland cement is the most common type of cement in general usage. It is a basic ingredient of concrete, mortar, and plaster. English engineer Joseph Aspdin patented Portland cement in 1824; it was named because of its similarity in colour to Portland limestone, quarried from the English Isle of Portland and used extensively in London architecture. It consists of a mixture of oxides of calcium, silicon ... Show more content on ... However, it is weak in tension as the cement holding the aggregate in place can crack, allowing the structure to fail. Reinforced concrete solves these problems by adding either meta reinforcing bars, steel fibers, glass fiber, or plastic fiber to carry tensile loads. Chemical admixtures Chemical admixtures are materials in the form of powder or fluids that are added to the concrete to give it certain characteristics not obtainable with plain concrete mixes. In normal use, admixture dosages are less than 5% by mass of cement, and are added to the concrete at the time of batching/mixing. The most common types of admixtures are: Accelerators speed up the hydration (hardening) of the concrete. Typical materials used are CaCl2 and NaCl. However use of Chlorides may cause corrosion in steel reinforcing and is prohibited in some countries. Acrylic retarders slow the hydration of concrete, and are used in large or difficult pours where partial setting before the pour is complete is undesirable. A typical retarder is table sugar, or sucrose
  • 51. Evaluate the effectiveness of approaches to teaching and... Evaluate the effectiveness of approaches to teaching and learning strategies in your subject area in meeting the needs of learners. Your response should include an examination of how these could be improved or enhanced and how college management could be involved in making such improvements / enhancements? For my class it is vital to identify the most appropriate level of the course for the learner. Also, the students should know what exceptions and the regulations they need to follow. For that the college could train staff to present the high quality initial assessment and induction to ensure the management of the class is of high standard. I need to make sure students with different learning styles; visual, aural,... Show more content on ... I make sure the learners received high quality induction information about the inclusive strategies and I will discuss with college about the reasonable adjustments that should be made for the disabled students within my class, at College or while they are on school trip; for example for their health and safety arrangements in a work placement. If any support teachers or guest lecturers are delivering my scientific sessions I will
  • 52. John F Kennedy Assassination Essay On November 22, 1963, the world lost a leader, mentor, father, husband, and hero. John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas while driving through downtown with his wife and security. While this is all many can tell you about John F. Kennedy, he was so much more than a president who was assassinated . John F. Kennedywas an incredible figure head who lead an important and impactful life and left a large wound in not only our country, but the world as a whole. The 35th president of the United Statesof America grew up in Brookline, Massachusetts. He was born to a wealthy family of eleven, which includes his parents and eight siblings. John F. Kennedy, or Jack, was an intelligent young man with a bright future ahead of him. He went to... Show more content on ... Kennedy s political carreer had already taken off by 1946. That year Kennedy decided to run for congress and had a majority of the votes in his favor. The conservative democrat was able to win the election and entered the 80th Congress in January 1947. Kennedy was reelected in 1948 and 1950 and was elected into Senate in 1952. At the beginning of 1960 John F. Kennedy announced that he would be running for president in January of 1960. His major opponent was the Republican Richard Nixon, however, Kennedy was able to win and became the thirty fifth president of the United States of America and the first ever Roman Catholic president. In Kennedy s perhaps most recognizable speeches, his inauguration speech, he states Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, reverend clergy, fellow citizens:... Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge and more....In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our [country]. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe. Now the trumpet summons us again not as a call to bear
  • 53. The Relationship Between Mother and Daughter in The Rule... The Rules of the Game by Amy Tan is about Waverly Jong mother taught her the art of invisible strength when she was six years old, saying that it is a strategy for winning arguments and respect. At Christmas Waverly and her brothers received gifts from donations of members from another church. Waverly convinced her brothers, Winston and Vincent, to let her play chess by offering two of her life savers to stand in for the missing pieces. Waverly began playing with Lau Po, an old man who played chess in the park. He taught her many new strategies. Waverly began to attract attention because of her young age, and she became a celebrity within the Chinatown community. Waverly s mother would force her to go to the market with her, presenting... Show more content on ... Best torture (Tan 33). This quote shows that Waverly is trying to have a little fun with her mother but she took everything serious. The next example of dynamics relationship between mother and daughter is almost at the end of the story when Waverly s mother forces her to the market on Saturday so she can constantly brag that Waverly is her daughter. This really embarrassed Waverly. She got so angry at her mother and told her that she wished that she would stop telling everyone Waverly is her daughter. Then she and her mother got into an argument, and Waverly ran away from her mother. My mother would proudly walk with me, visiting many shops, buying very little. This my daughter Waverly Jong, she said to whoever looked her way. One day after we left a shop I said under my breath, I wish you wouldn t do that , telling everybody I m your daughter. My mother stopped walking..... Aiii ya. So shame be with mother? She grasped my hand even tighter as she glared at me. I looked down. It s not that, just so obvious. It s so embarrassing. ... If you want to show off, then why don t you learn to play chess? (Tan 41). Waverly is tired of her mother telling everyone about her accomplishment, that she lost her patients and tell her mother want were exactly on her mind. The dynamics relationship between mother and daughter is that you sometime lost your temper and tell your mother some of the problems you having with them. The last citing of
  • 54. Ethical Issues In Social Work being shared. Summarizing the conversation provided clarity resolving any areas of misunderstanding about her situation (Shulman, 2016, p237). Through this process of engagement pertinent information about this student was obtained. (AS) spoke about her culture, family, past school history and why she feels she needs counseling. (AS) requested weekly in school counseling sessions to help her with her poor school attendance. (AS) verbalized that she has struggled with her school attendance for a very long time. She is a fifteen year old Hispanic female who lives with her biological mother and four year old biological brother. Prior to her enrolling in Morris High School for collaborative studies, she attended two other schools. She is challenged by periodic episodes of anxiety, she is currently taking medication to help manage her symptoms,which she states prevents her from attending school regularly. Defining the problem... Show more content on ... Problems are defined as interactions between people and their environments (Burghardt, 2014, p247). The social worker s approach for defining a problem must entail all three systems at the micro, mezzo and macro levels (Burghardt, 2014, p247). The worker engages directly with the client at the micro level (Burghardt, 2014 ,p247). At this level the client and the social worker identify the client s strengths and abilities. The focus at the mezzo level is on agencies, schools and businesses rather than the individual. The purpose of the mezzo system is to coordinate people and resources (Burghardt 2014,p247). The aimed at the macro level is to improve people s lives, encourage social development and collaborating with different organizations (Burghardt, 2014,
  • 55. Famous Soccer Player Hook: 1281 goals scored by one man during his soccer season. Born into poverty. Started a soccer revolution in America. If I were to ask you, do you know of the world famous soccer player who goes by the name of Pele, you would probably ask who or what I am talking about. At least that s the response I got countless times as I asked my friends. That A national treasure as described by Wikipedia is an artifact, institution, or public figure regarded as being emblematic of a nation s cultural heritage or identity. Did you know that the most famous soccer player in the world is regarded as a national treasure by Brazil? Did you know that because of one person soccer came to America in 1975. All information unless stated is sourced from... Show more content on ... He played were ever he could with his neighborhood friends The field they played on everyday was only dirt, there was no grass and no lines. Nevertheless it was ample for Pele as well as all the other boy s. They didn t complain about the field they just played the beautiful game of soccer. As the boy s sharpened their soccer skills they determined it was time to form a soccer team, so the September 7th club came about in honor of the street they played on. Now that they had a team of aspiring young soccer players, moreover they decided they needed jerseys. The boy s got together and debated ideas to make just that happen. They knew that their parents didn t have the funds for such a trivial thing so so they needed to think of other ways to get the uniforms. One of the brilliant plans they had that didnt turn ot so well was stacking firewood for their own parents. The arrangement was that one of the boy s would not be home when he was needed to stack firewood. Another one of the boy s from the team would suddenly appear, by the house in need of wood stacking. He would see the other boy s mother calling for him to stack the wood. Because the boy was not there the generous team member would stack the wood for the mother in hopes of getting a little