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Introduction Words For Essays
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Introduction Words for Essays" can be a challenging
endeavor. The difficulty lies in the delicate balance one must strike between creativity and
clarity. The introductory section of an essay serves as a crucial gateway, setting the tone for the
entire piece. Finding the right words to captivate the reader's attention while succinctly
conveying the essay's main idea requires a careful selection of language.
Moreover, delving into the realm of introduction words involves an exploration of various
writing techniques. It demands a keen understanding of rhetorical devices, strategic use of
hooks, and an awareness of the intended audience. The challenge intensifies as one strives to
avoid clichГ©s and predictable openings, aiming instead for a fresh and engaging
commencement that compels the reader to delve further into the essay.
As a writer navigates through the complexities of crafting an introduction, the task extends
beyond mere linguistic prowess. It involves a deep comprehension of the essay's central theme
and a strategic approach to foreshadowing the subsequent content. Striking the right balance
between providing a glimpse of the essay's direction without revealing too much too soon poses
an additional layer of difficulty.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Introduction Words for Essays" requires a fusion
of linguistic finesse, creativity, and a nuanced understanding of the essay's purpose. Navigating
through the intricacies of captivating the reader's interest without giving away the entirety of the
essay poses a substantial challenge for any writer undertaking this task.
For assistance with similar essays and a plethora of writing challenges, one may explore the
services offered on There, a wealth of resources and professional support
awaits to aid individuals in overcoming the complexities of essay writing and other academic
Introduction Words For Essays Introduction Words For Essays
Testing For Plant Samples And Begin Procedure
Hisssss! The tram slid to a stop, hovering slightly above the track.
Welcome to Station 7. An electronic voice said over the intercom. Enjoy your stay in
Nicholas Pierce looked up from his tablet and grabbed his brief case from the seat
beside him. Actively avoided eye contact with anyone, he shuffled out into the open
square. The light from the giant solar lamps attached to the ceiling of the cave high
above caused him to wince and look down into his tablet once again.
It was already eight o clock. The trams seemed to be getting later and later every
day. Checking his email, Nicholas once again read over his project schedule.
10:00 Three samples to be run through the test again.
12:30 Results need to be sent over to ... Show more content on ...
Any of the plants responded to the serum yet?
No, and I don t expect they will any time soon. The guys in Division 3 say that we re
just being lazy with protocol or some other excuse so they can continue working on
their damn super serum.
Come on now Nick. We all know the effect this new fertilizer method would have. It
would be huge. Might even solve the food problems entirely. Besides, they have
already shown some conclusive growth in their preliminary tests. Anthony responded
Yeah, preliminary tests that I m sure they fudged the data on. But it doesn t even
matter. We ll have the official data by tomorrow and then perhaps the higher ups will
cancel the project. Nicholas retorted as he stepped off the elevator and opened the
door to his lab immediately on the left. Nicholas shut the door without saying
goodbye to Anthony. They often arrived at the same time, and Nicholas found
Anthony s attitude towards Division 3 to be too hopeful.
Nia Bio Tech had eight divisions total (evidently mimicking the eight colonies) each
with its own goals and purpose. Division 1 dealt with artificial materials, Division 2
and 3 were each experimental food supplies divisions, with 2 being lab oriented and
3 being design oriented, and Divisions 4 7 each worked with different organisms that
lived in the cave systems around the colonies or could be created to live in them.
Division 8 was administration.
Nicholas believed that the food crisis that was
Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Air-To-Air Combat
With the paradigm shift towards unconventional warfare, the effectiveness of
aerial combat missions such as air to air combat and strategic bombing are
somewhat nullified as opposing forces on the ground or objectives are generally
covert and not well defined. Despite this, the role of airpower should not be seen as
a lower priority as the Г©lan of true combat ability arises from providing close air
support to the ground troops. CAS is the quick reflection of aircraft s firepower in
contribution to the battle on the ground where especially the characteristics such as
speed, ubiquity, concentration, precision and lethality claim a big share at the
efficiency of these missions16. Historical evidences have informed us that lightly
armoured ground forces employed with no CAS support has had heavy causalities
and a termination of the operation.... Show more content on ...
Task Force Smith failed to significantly slow the advance of the North Korean
armoured column as they had lost nearly 40% of its force in a matter of hours
when the North Koreans attacked. In hindsight, effective CAS could have
prevented the heavy losses and aided the task force to achieve its mission of
slowing the North Korean column17. In addition, CAS provides a much needed
psychological impact to frontline operations supporting friendly forces on the
ground through guns, bombs, and missiles as well as using airpower to save the
lives of soldiers engaged in close combat. This is largely because of the ability of its
pilots to fly lower and slower to support ground troops a visible sign relief in combat.
It must also be cautioned that in order to minimize the chance of fratricide and
enhance mission effectiveness, communications must be mission tailored and robust
to ensure that links between aircraft and ground units are maintained and to allow the
proper control of
Dorian Gray Aestheticism
Whenever someone is involved in a debate, they are quick to refer to the opposing
party as close minded and unreasonable. I understand that individuals that are
ignored in their debates tend to appear to be more liberal in their beliefs. So, I
decided to thoroughly explore the mechanisms of change in order to discover why
people are so afraid of opposing viewpoints. I wished to explore this concept
because change is one of the only forces in this world that is immutable. It baffles
me why humanity wishes to resist the only thing we are certain exists in this world.
Especially since, we devote a large portion of our lives searching for answers to an
infinite amount of questions. The Jungle provided an excellent example of change in
physical form since the book itself is a mechanism of change. The novel... Show more
content on ...
This book explored a concept that everyone understands, but at the same time does
not comprehend our innate desire to pursue it. Beauty is one of the things man
has been obsessed with since the creation of mankind. We are so fascinated by
beauty and yet we believe ourselves to be incapable of achieving true beauty
because we are tainted by corruption. The author explored the essence of
Aestheticism in order to portray how man tries to lead two lives. Although man
may attempt to run from himself and put on a fabricated image of perfection and
constancy, one can never escape the truth behind the corruption of their soul.
People become so drowned in creating a beautiful and pure artwork that they fail to
examine the impurity of the materials used to compose the artwork. A lie done in
the name of beauty is still impure regardless of the outcome. In order for one to
understand how to change for the better, they must be able to analyze the flaws
behind their mistakes. However, a large portion of society refuse to acknowledge
these flaws, and because of that they fail to see the need for
Analysis Of The Film Jigsaw
In the film JIGSAW, the screenwriters are Pete Goldfinger and Josh Stolberg. The
directors are Micheal Spiering and Peter Spiering. Its genre falls under crime,
horror, mystery, and thriller. The production company is Twisted Pictures.
JIGSAW is the eighth film in the SAW franchise it features deadly scenarios with
extreme gore, torture, and violence. Each player must follow the rules of the game
or there would be consequences such as body parts being sliced to bits, needles
injected with poisons, which may result death. John Kramer is a serial killer who
teaches his victims to value life lessons by placing them in deadly traps. After being
dead for ten years series of murders are appearing with the marks of the jigsaw killer.
Detectives and investigators find themselves chasing the ghost of John Kramer
who its purpose is to remind the world to be appreciative towards life by testing the
victims will to live. The victims are forced to face physical torture upon
themselves by killing others in order to escape. Five victims are trapped in a room
and in order to continue in the games for survival they are forced to experience
physical torture. The first victim dies in the first test due to being unconscious and
cannot manage to free himself. As the four victims continue in the games they are
selected due to their lies and must confess the truth for survival. One of the victim
dies from an injection of acid, and the other one dies from being lowered into a death
Analysis Of Atmospherics As A Marketing Tool
Company Value
Businesses all over the world want to make a profit, increase sales, improve
customer satisfaction, and employee loyalty, but the difficult task in achieving
these goals is knowing the exact balance in order to reach their true potential.
Generally speaking, a business will either succeed or fail based on these three
internal variables: their products, their set prices, and the atmosphere or tone which
is set once the customer enters the store. It is understood that if a business owner
sets their prices too high, their customers will think they are over priced and will
not consider their products; however, if they undervalue their products, the
customers will be under the impression that the product is cheap and will also avoid
the item under accusation. Products and their prices tend to work hand in hand;
however, beyond these two variables, there is also an other variable we tend to
overlook as it is an experience that fully surrounds us; this is called atmospherics. It
describes the music, whether it s in the background or foreground, the styles of
materials and products sold, the scents the customer smells as they enter the
department, and even the mood that the sales associate is in as they assist customers.
These factors all define the atmosphere of the business and will either encourage
shoppers to return or take their business somewhere else. In the article, Atmospherics
as a Marketing Tool written by Philip Kotler, he explains that there are two
The Problems, Effects, and Solutions to Workplace Stress...
Executive Summary
This proposal examines the problems, effects, and solutions to workplace stress. In
addition, I will explain risk assessment, management, and prevention. Finally, I will
review coping strategies for workplace stress.
Holland s Automotive Repair has seventy seven people of a wide diverse nature.
Internal research shows many employees are suffering from workplace stress.
External research focuses on several studies, models, and theories of workplace stress
Workplace stress causes problems such as lack of motivation, poor health, increased
safety concerns, and overall low morale within the company. Stress related hazards
target work content and work context. Businesses endure many losses when
employees workplace stress is not controlled and prevented.
Holland s Automotive Repair needs to establish a risk assessment and management
policy to implement immediately. The best practice is to prevent workplace stress
with a well designed work environment. This practice will save time, resources, and
money within the company.
An internal survey of Holland s Automotive Repair employees clarifies how the
business can reduce workplace stress and increase overall employee resolve.
Because of the wide diversity within Holland s Automotive Repair, specific coping
skills can assist all employees with their specific needs.
Holland s Automotive Repair business will uphold their reputation by following these
guidelines. These policies will also
Long Distance Movements Of Animals
For most species, movement is essential for life. Movement of seeds helps plants
disperse, while animals move to forage, reproduce, find alternate habitat types,
repopulate areas where they have been extirpated, and maintain genetic diversity
needed to adapt to change. If individuals cannot move across a landscape to mix with
individuals of other populations, local extinctions can result. Additionally, the smaller
a population is, the more vulnerable it is to extinction if that population is also
isolated (i.e., lacks the ability to intermix with other populations (Fagan Holmes
2006)). Juveniles are often especially important for movements that help maintain
genetic diversity in populations (Rothermel Semlitsch 2002).
Long distance movements of animals can take one of two forms, migration or
dispersal. Migratory movements consist of daily, seasonal, or even generational
movements among habitat types while dispersal movements are movements away
from a normal range, providing for the mixing of genetic materials, or the population
of new habitats or repopulation of previously occupied but currently vacant habitats.
When animals migrate, it is because there is a need for individuals in a population
to move to a different habitat patch. These movements can be to reach a breeding
site (Sinevro 2007, Webster et al. 2002), a more favorable climate (PeГ±uelas Filella
2001), an overwintering area (Wilcove Wikelski 2008), or better forage (Olson et al.
Malcolm Fraser Research Paper
Malcolm Fraser Born on the 21st of May, 1930, Malcolm Fraser was born in
Toorak, Victoria. He was taught in the Melbourne Grammar School, from 1943 to
1948, then was taught in Oxford University, located in London, from 1949.
Graduating from Oxford University in 1952, Malcolm Fraser took his career path
to becoming a cultivator. He married Tamara Beggs on the 9th of December 1956
and Tamara s named was changed to Tamie Fraser. They had four children whose
names were Mark, born in 1958, Angela, born in 1959, Hugh, born in 1963 and
Phoebe, born in 1966. Around the same year as Phoebe was born, Malcolm Fraser
was declared the Australian Army Minister, from the 26th of January 1966 to the 28th
of February 1983. Being the Australian Army Minister, Malcolm Fraser had argued
about the controversial Vietnam War debate. It was about the needs of sending young
Australian men, who were under 20 years old were sent to Vietnam.... Show more
content on ...
Being the minster for education and science, he had accomplished a great amount
of things, he was the education minster from the 28th of November 1968 to the
12tho of November 1969. Once he stopped his job as the Education Minster,
Malcolm became the Australian Defence Minister from the 12th of November
1969 to the 8th of March 1971. After quitting the job as the Defence Minster,
Malcolm Fraser, had turned his head back to the Education Minster. Malcolm
Fraser was in charge of the electorate of Wannon, located in Victoria. While doing
that he was juggling the task of a backbencher for Robert Gordon Menzie s party.
Moved to the job of Prime Minster on the 11th of November 1975, he was voted
into parliament after Gogh Whitlam was forced out of the seat of prime Minster,
because of the Governor General, Sir John Kerr. As the 22nd Prime Minster, many
things had awaited him for the
The Viability Of Carbon Capture And Storage
9 November 2017
The Viability of Carbon Capture and Storage From UK Power Stations
The UK s Climate Change Act and participation in the Paris Agreement, has been
put into place to ensure the UK plays its part in reducing the emission of
greenhouse gasses into our environment. The UK, in particular, has committed to
reducing its emissions to 80% of 1990 levels by 2050 and must adhere to strict self
set Carbon Budgets until 2030. In order to meet targets set by the Paris agreement,
by 2070 there must be no anthropogenic CO2 input, thus we need to actively
remove CO2 from the atmosphere, a more common term for this is negative
emissions (James R, 2017). There are several ways of going about this, in this essay
we will be ... Show more content on ...
In this essay, three main issues are brought forward and analysed in order to make a
conclusion on the viability of carbon capture for UK power stations, these issues are;
Cost, CCS Technologies, and Storage.
The aim of this paragraph is to analyse the costs involved with the implementation
of CCS technologies in UK power plants. It is estimated that in the UK, CCS could
cost every household up to 10% more per year for electricity (Haszeldine, R.2009)
however this cost is predicted to reduce the necessary costs of CO2 removal in 2050
by a factor of 10, which will likely save the country more money in the long run. The
greatest cost to the UK when discussing the implementation of CCS technology in
UK power stations is carbon capture.
Table 1 Summary of reported CO2 emissions and costs for a new electric power plant
with and without CO2 capture based on current technology (excluding CO2 transport
and storage costs)
(Rubin, E, et al, 2007)
Costs in constant US$2002 (IPCC, 2005).
COE= Cost of Energy Production, NGCC=Natural Gas Combined Cycle,
PC=Pulverised Coal, IGCC=Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
Table shows comparative costs stemming from the use of CCS technologies in three
different types of power plants against power plants of the same type which do not
use CCS technology.
In Table 1
Similarities Between The Stranger And Meursault
On June 12th, 1830 thirty thousand French soldiers landed at Sidi Ferruch, twenty
seven kilometers from Algiers. After three weeks, the better trained and better
equipped French soldiers captured Algiers and raped, looted, desecrated mosques, and
destroyed cemeteries. Thus beginning a 132 year long occupation ripe with the
arrogant cruelty of the French civilizing mission . The French mistreatment of
Algerian natives would continue until a violent revolution, beginning in 1954, would
eventually expel the French from Algeria, in 1962 (Algeria FRANCE IN ALGERIA,
1830 1962). The Stranger, written by Albert Camus, and The Meursault Investigation,
by Kamel Daoud, are two versions of the French colonial experience in Algeria.
Camus character, Meursault, is an apathetic, almost emotionless French Algerian and
Daoud s protagonist, Harun, is an angry... Show more content on ...
The other murder victim, was [his] brother. There s nothing left of him. There s
only [Harun], left to speak in his place, sitting in the bar, waiting for condolences
no one s ever going to offer (Daoud 1). The way the French treated the Algerians
during their occupation and the brutality faced by both sides during the Algerian
War for independence is a mirror image of The Stranger and The Meursault
Investigation, both the same story told from different lenses. One through the eyes of
an apathetic borderline sociopath and the other the eyes of a grieving brother simply
trying to put is life back together and get the retribution that he feels he deserves. In
the long run, the French are expelled from Algeria and the Algerians have to put it all
back together after the torment. As is the conclusion of The Stranger, where
Meursault is sentenced to death. For Harun, he gets away with killing the Frenchman,
but he still longs for ...them to be legion, my spectators, and savage in their hate
The Provision Of The Affordable Care Act
When president Obama signed the Affordable Care Act in March 2010, it came
with a lot of new provisions that would vary when they would come into effect.
The very first provision was the Grandfather Clause which allowed people to keep
their insurance plan before the act went into effect. As long as the employer still
offered that plan the employee could still maintain it because they were
grandfathered into receiving that coverage. If someone bought an insurance plan
after March 2010 they would not be considered under the Grandfather Clause. Thus,
these individuals would be required to get a new plan by 2014 if their plan did not
meet all the criteria, they would need to get a new plan that fills all the criteria.
Another major provision of the Affordable Care Act is that patients have a guaranteed
issue. This means that insurance companies are unable to deny anybody health
insurancebased on their health or prior health. This may create a problem because
the risk pool of an insurance company may not have the best people. Eventually,
this could lead to the majority of the risk pool for an insurance company to have
people who are at a greater risk of needing health insurance. This will make the
insurance company more vulnerable and the only way that they will be able to cover
the losses is by raising the premiums on everyone even though there may be some
individuals that are in perfect health. The next provision that was added under the
Affordable Care Act is that the
The Consequences Of The Khmer Rouge And The Genocide
On the 17 April 1975, Khmer Rouge started to take over the entire country and
defeated the rules of Lon Nol Army. The seizure of Phnom Penh, the capital city of
Cambodia, marked the beginning of the genocide in Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge
people were so cruel to everyone in the country, and Cambodian people did not expect
it to happen to them in harshly way. After three years eight months and 20 days, the
nightmare had finished, and the Khmer Rougehad overthrown, but they left deep
scars for Cambodian people with unforgettable memories. Even though the genocide
has ended, unfortunately there nearly 2 millions Cambodian victims out of a
population of just 8 million were killed since they were starved, struck down by
diseases, overworked and executed by Khmer Rouge. Furthermore, this genocide
also caused an indigent education system, lack of proper nutrition, families fell
apart, extreme poverty for living, refugees and an unstable government. It is my
belief that any wars or genocides are a direct result of the human suffering. That is
the main reason that I appreciate of reading the Borany s storybook.
Firstly, I strongly disagreed with the vicious Khmer Rouge regime behaved and how
they treated people like animals. The Khmer Rouge regime evacuated people in
Phnom Penh city about 2.5 million who are residents to the countrysides. Former
civil servants, doctors, teachers and other professionals were stripped of their
possessions and forced to take agricultural works as part
Investigation Of Criminal Investigation And Trials
in criminal investigation and trials by Dr B.P Maithil) CASE STUDIES:
On night intervening, a Saturday party was going on at kutub colonnade in a
restaurant, Delhi. That night the liquor was served by the woman bartenders
named as Janvi shah with her co tender jayant sharma. At about 2 am, mukesh
Verma and Brejesh Sharma along with their friends went there and asked for the
drinks, the waiter did not serve them the liquor as the party was over, Janvi shah
and jayant sharma were tried to make him understand that the party was over and
there was no alcohol available with them. On refusal to serve drinks, mukesh
verma took his pistol and fired one shot at the roof and another at Janvi which it
near her left eye as a result of which she fell down. Meena ramini who is the owner
of the restaurant stopped the appellant and questioned him as to why he had shot
Jessica and demanded the weapon from him but he did not hand over the pistol and
ran away in his black Tata safari. The victim was sent to the hospital where she was
declared brought dead.
The FIR was dodged in the near police station. The police took the statement of the
eye witnesses and prepared the list of invited guests. During investigating the crime
scene two cartridges shells were found and the bullet was also recovered from the
roof and sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory for the examination. The police
started searching for the accused. On the same day, at
The Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917-Essay Review
In 1917, in the midst of the Great War, Russia faced one of the biggest political shifts
that the Tsarist ruled country had ever known the Bolshevik Revolution. There are
two significant time frames associated with the Bolshevik Revolution. In the
February revolution Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne and a Provisional
Government took control. In the October revolutionthe Bolsheviks took power by
overthrowing the Provisional Government. How did the October revolution become a
reality? What factors facilitated the BolshevikRevolution of October 1917? Two
important factors were the July event at Taurida Palace, and the Kornilov Affair.
Richard Pipes describes in detail how Lenin influenced the Bolshevik party
throughout the... Show more content on ...
After the July event, Lvov s resignation, Kerensky took control as the new Prime
Richard Pipes gives a detailed account of the events that led up to the July event and
the Bolsheviks preparedness. The Bolsheviks were opportunists and used propaganda
to influence and agitate, gives credit to their political strategy. The Bolsheviks saw an
opportunity and used it. They also understood that their timing had to be flawless.
They did not want to quell the frenzy they had created among the mutineers; however,
a premature large scale uprising would give the Provisional Government an excuse to
crush them. Although the July event was a setback for the Bolsheviks, it did create a
growing dissatisfaction among the soldiers. Many had no more will to fight, and lost
their faith in the government. This would prove crucial when Kerensky would, with
failed attempts, call on them to defend the Winter Palace against insurgents in the
October Revolution.
An important factor that facilitated the Bolshevik Revolution was the Kornilov
Affair. Pipes and Fitzpatrick disagree in that Fitzpatrick refers to the Kornilov
Affair as a coup based on national interest. Pipes refers to the Kornilov Affair as a
coup in response to deception. Fitzpatrick writes the coup attempt by Kornilov was
of his own design and without provocation. Pipes however, establishes the Kornilov
Affair was a result of Kerensky s misperceptions. Kerensky felt that as head
The Importance Of Oil Production
IV. Data
The data collected factors that the authors thought would contribute to the price of
oil. All 14 OPEC members monthly oil production is found on the US. Energy
Information Administration. The United States of America monthly production is
found on the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Data also collected on the
prices of commodities including Gold, Coal, and Oil. This is collected from the
Federal Reserve of Economic Data. The price of the Dow Jones Industrial Average
and the Trade Weight United Statesof America Dollar Index: Broad also collected
from the Federal Reserve of Economic Data.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a price weighted average of thirty individual
and significant stocks that is traded on the ... Show more content on ...
Where the data may be inaccurate would be regarding each countries reporting
policies. Specifically, the author s are concerned regarding the integrity of the
Venezuela production numbers. Current economic and political conditions in
Venezuela are causing areas of concern for the United States, South America, also
in the legitimacy in the contribution of the global price of oil. As Venezuela obtains
the largest amount of oil reserves, along with the countries high dependence on the
production of oil, on going political conditions are creating large areas of concern.
With Venezuela being such a large oil producing country, 95% of the country s
revenue comes from the sale of oil. In having such a heavy dependence, the large
collapse in the production of oil, with a decline of 120,000 barrels a day with failed
infrastructure developments, unpaid shipping fees, and contaminated oil, Venezuela s
relations with major oil producing countries and OPEC is resulting in areas of concern
and thus importance. Along with placing U.S. sanctions that prohibit any American
financial institution from providing assistance to the Venezuelan government to help
in economic bailout, current Venezuelan president is constantly pursuing changes in
oil price from OPEC to increase so that increased oil prices would help pay off the
millions in debt that the country owes. With Venezuela producing the lowest amount
of oil in a
Six Principles Of Political Realism
Realism is an approach to the study and practice of international politics. It
emphasizes the role of the nation state and makes a broad assumption that all nation
states are motivated by national interests, or, at best, national interests disguised as
moral concerns.
Political realism means nations are conceived as political entities pursuing their
respective interests defined in terms of power.
Morgenthau divides the history of modern political thought into two distinct schools,
realism and other (presumably idealism ), that differ fundamentally in their
conceptions of the nature of man, society, and politics.
The other school assumes the essential goodness and infinite malleability of human
nature. It sees education (increased knowledge ... Show more content on ...
Political realism believe that politics, like society in general, is governed by objective
laws that have their roots in human nature. These objective laws allow us to
differentiate truth from opinion the difference between objective and rational truth
(supported by evidence and reason) and subjective judgement. We must also approach
political reality with a rational outline/map in order to understand chosen behaviours.
The operation of these laws being impervious to our preferences, men will challenge
them only at the risk of failure.
It believes also, then, in the possibility of distinguishing in politics between truth and
opinion between what is true objectively and rationally, supported by evidence and
illuminated by reason, and what is only a subjective judgment, divorced from the
facts as they are and informed by prejudice and wishful thinking.
It assumes that the character of a foreign policy can be ascertained only through the
examination of the political acts performed and of the foreseeable consequences of
these acts. We can find out what statesmen have actually done, and from the
foreseeable consequences of their acts we can surmise what their objectives might
Wordsworth and Into the Wild, Mans Connection with
Nature is the universe, with all its phenomena, the elements of the natural world. In
society there are those individuals that have an intense connection with nature.
William Wordsworth, a romanticist, pantheist and transcendentalist believed that the
natural world was an emblem of god or the divine and his poetryoften celebrates the
beauty and spiritual values of the natural world. Chris McCandless believed that
nature was the essence of freedom.
The module In the Wild deals with humanity s relationship with nature. It shows that
nature is the cure for all humanity, the cure for all deeds and a guide to them all. Man
s origins lie in nature, it is where man begun and where man will end. Both composers
gain insight from nature. Nature ... Show more content on ...
The Solitary Reaper is a description of a melodious sound that is heard in the
atmosphere. Its mood can be described as one of relaxation, depression and
gentleness. The structure, four eight line stanzas, each closing with two couplets and
all written in octosyllabic lines in iambic tetrameter, have a musical lilt. Short lines
deliver the rhymes at a quick pace. Sentences normally need two or more such short
lines to complete, so that few lines are strongly end stopped, diction is conversational
and often lines consist mainly of monosyllabic words.
A voice so thrilling was ne er heard The this quote describes how the sound of the
girl s voice was accepted by all who heard. The sound of the reaper was pleasurable,
and indeed welcoming. This quote also shows how the voice could not be compare to
any other that existed.
Wordsworth uses a few literary devices to express his description so the readers
could imagine themselves listening to the soothing voice of the Scottish reaper.
These include hyperboles and the use of rhetorical questions and metaphors. The
use of hyperboles is seen in the sentence Breaking the silence of the seas, among the
farthest Hebrides. It describes the voice of the reaper as one that is so loud, that it
was heard miles away from where it originally began.
The use of metaphors were seen when the poet compares the
Athens vs. Sparta Essay
Athens vs. Sparta
During the times of Ancient Greece, two major forms of government existed,
democracy and oligarchy. The city states of Athens and Sparta are the best
representatives of democracy and oligarchy, respectively. The focus of the times was
directed towards military capabilities, while the Athenians were more interested in
comfort and culture. It was the oligarchy in Sparta that put a war like attitude as its
first priority and best met the needs of Ancient Greece. These factors empowered
Sparta and led to the development of an authoritative and potent state. Other
contrasting issues included women s rights, social classes, and value of human life.
Four rulers, Draco, Solon, Pisistratus, and Cleithenes, greatly ... Show more content
on ...
The government in Sparta followed a very different coarse than that of the
Athenians. It was controlled by an oligarchy in which the power was held by a
group of five men called ephors. Working below the ephors was the Council of
Elders and an Assembly. Male citizens over age sixty could serve on the Council
while anyone, male or female, over the age of twenty could be a member of the
Assembly. Though the citizens had little say in the decisions made by the
government, the system worked effectively. Over the years, the Spartan s brutal
reputation in war grew so great that other nations and city states were too frightened
to attack Sparta even though the Spartan army was no larger then eight thousand
men. The Spartan Constitution called for all men to begin their military education at
the age of seven, where they were trained to be tough and self sufficient. Every man
in the army fought with a great deal of passion for his country. Life in Sparta may
have been rough, but the rest of the Greeks envied the Spartans for their simplicity,
straight forwardness, and fanatical dedication. The beliefs of Sparta were oriented
around the state. The individual lived and died for the state. The combination of this
philosophy, the education of Spartan males, and the discipline of their army gave the
Spartans the stability needed to survive in Ancient Greece. The Athenian economy
depended on foreign trade and
Canterbury Tales Squire Essay
In the Canterbury Tales, Geoffry Chaucer, meets and describes twenty nine
pilgrims. While all of their reasons and intentions differ, they are all going to visit
the shrine of Sir Thomas Beckett. Chaucer uses many different methods to
describe his characters. To describe the squire, he chooses to focus on his
appearence, his abilities, and his sexuality but the more that is revealed about the
Squire s character, the more likely it seems that his talents lie elsewhere than on the
battlefield. Many lines are dedicated to his appearence. It is made apparent that he
cares how he looks to others as his hair is first described as locks curled as they were
laid in a press (______ 81). Furthermore, his apparel is described as being
Embroidered... as it were a mead (_______ 89). His appearence being made an
apparent priority, comes off to... Show more content on ...
Mentioning only Briefly the Squires battlefield experience, Chacuer explains his
horseback skills, Well could he sit on horse and fairВЏ ride (______ 94). Otherwise
he is only ever given credit for his skills with knives while at dinner with his father,
carved before his father at the table (_____ 100). Besides his duties on the
battlefield, the Squire is tremendously talented with fine arts. He is able to dance,
sing, write and tell stories. These being applaudable skills, mean nothing to his true
posistion in town. He is highly skilled in places where it does not matter which
also eludes to what he actually cares about. He has just shortly been brought into
his apprenticeship but is already very distinguished; some of his characteristics may
give light to the reasons he is. The Squire is described as a lusty batchelor (_____l
80). There is proof that he acts in hope of ladies approval when Chaucer says And
borne him well as in so little space conducted / In hope to standen in his lady s grace
(_____ ll
Radiohead Research Paper
Exactly six months to the day before Donald Trump was elected president of the
United States, Radiohead released their eerily prescient and hypnotic ninth album, A
Moon Shaped Pool, to great fanfare. Nothing could have foretold the future more
than the lyrics to the opening song, Burn the Witch : Abandon all reason / avoid all
eye contact / this is a low flying panic attack. Backed by a repetitive and sawing
string arrangement and an equally disturbing music video, it s one of the most overtly
political songs Radioheadhas ever done, as well as one of their all time best. The
following track, Daydreaming is nearly as good, with vocal loops and mournful piano
reminiscent of Radiohead s very best work from 2000 s Kid A. The final minute...
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Each song transitions smoothly into the next one, with a prime example being the
smooth transition from the Decks Dark, a guitar driven, hooky number reminiscent
of the band s OK Computer era down to its extraterrestrial subject matter, to Desert
Island Disc, a low key, Nick Drake esque acoustic ballad. The songs all deal with the
same underlying themes of heartbreak and, especially, a deep rooted paranoia, a
common subject matter in Radiohead songs. Although Radiohead were once pegged
as the preeminent doomsayers (Greene) of a generation, their characteristic paranoia
is more understandable now than ever
Cosi Fan Tutte Analysis
Cosi fan tutte Review Have you ever stared at stage full of people never knowing
what they are saying? Have you ever heard words that sound like gibberish making
it extremely painful for you to understand? Have you ever tried to decipher a
cryptic language that keeps you from unfurling the truth? The play, Cosi fan tutte,
by W.A. Mozart and Lorenza De Ponte, fails to impress the audience by making its
dialogue frighteningly difficult to understand. This musical drama, at its best, is
ineffective which can be shown by its recurring dreary themes and its shockingly
limited relatability. Perhaps it only redeemable quality is it genuine and dedicated
cast, who try to add humor and excitement to this otherwise monotonous opus.
Music lies at the heart of every opera. If the songs of the opera fail to impress the
audience, it can spell disaster for the performance. The compositions of Cosi fan
tutte prove to be dour and repetitious, ultimately setting a bleak and distressing
atmosphere. For instance songs such as Sento oddio, che questo piede and Di
Scrivermi ogni giorno address the same topic of Ferrando and Guglielmo leaving
their fiancГ©s Fiordiligi and Dorabella and going off to war. In both of these songs,
the men try to appease their clearly distressed fiancГ©s and in both of these songs
the fiancГ©s give and overly dramatic performance of heartbreak. The themes of
heartbreak, affliction and separation coupled with the repetitive nature of the songs,
serve to create a
Strengths And Weaknesses Of Intelligence
leadership. Though not explicitly called intelligence tests, various achievement and
aptitude tests are identical to the earlier IQ tests. The main difference is that
achievement tests are designed to assess what a candidate has learned while aptitude
tests are designed to assess one s potential to learn. The educational, business and
governmental institutions using these assessments refrain from using the word
intelligence, as it can be a labeling and frightening word or even cause discord and
objection among the test takers. The College Board has even dropped the world
aptitude from the title of the SAT, now calling it the Scholastic Assessment Test.
However, the most common aptitude style tests in the IQ tradition are the SAT, CAT,
GRE, LSAT, and the MCAT.
... Show more content on ...
In the end, choices have to be made and some students turned away, preferably on
fair and objective grounds. Even though commonly used, there are still numerous
criticisms of widely practiced methods of intelligence testing. Many believe that the
available measures do not actually test overall intelligence, but just some of the
mental processes of a person. According to the supporters of this criticism,
intelligence is constituted of many other abilities such as wisdom, creativity,
common sense, social skills, and practical knowledge. However, other psychologists
either believe that these are derivative from, or a consequence of, the basic processes
that the intelligence tests measure. It is also possible that these abilities are
immeasurable because they are intuitive and too subjective to be tested for using an
objective measure. Others looking at the same pattern of findings have concluded
that the degree of development in the areas that are tapped depends largely on the
environment that the subject has been exposed to which creates a large number of
Inherit The Wind Moral Analysis
Morals are everywhere in the movie Inherit The Wind and in everyday life. Morals
are always changing and there are different kinds of beliefs everywhere. Merriam
Webster describes morals being of or relating to principles of right and wrong in
behavior and a belief as a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is
placed in some person or thing. Beliefs and morals go hand in hand when you
think about it. Each one of the billions of people on this earth has different morals
depending on who they and where they are. Our morals are challenged every day
and we, ourselves, question them every hour of the day if they are right or wrong;
should we defend our morals or change them?. In the movie characters beliefs are
challenged and... Show more content on ...
When put to trial his beliefs are put to the test and at one point he was willing to
give up. In the end, Cate s stood his ground and fought for what he believed in.
When Cate s is said to be guilty he responds I ve been convicted of violating an
unjust law. I will continue in the future as I have in the past to oppose this law in
any way I can. He once wavered but now he stood for what he believed in
becoming strong with his morals. Challenges for morals were very high in the
movie, especially for dear young Rachel. She believed her morals were just like
her father s the priest of the town but wanted to help her lover, Cates, despite his
opposite beliefs. She admits in the movie that she fears her father, later in the film
he damns her to hell for associating with Cates. She fears if Cates doesn t follow
everyone else s beliefs she ll lose him, so she tells him to basically follow the
townspeople like a good little sheep so they don t get more in trouble. Through the
rest of the movie, she battles herself of what she believes in almost losing it. At the
end, she comes to grasp herself and figures out what she wants. She became a
stronger person now that she knows her own morals letting go of her fear of her
cursing damnation father. She finally finds what her own morals are not what other s
want her to believe in as she stands with her lover proud. We fight, but truly, who is
right we only know that we have different
Analysis Of Agile Methodology With Cloud Computing
Analysis of Agile Methodology with Cloud Computing Swati Dhawan Institute of
Software Engineering Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA Abstract?Agile methodology and the Cloud computing are
the two practices which has started gaining momentum in the industry. The paper
reflects the findings on how the latest cloud technology has effected the way the agile
process works. On one side, it can be much advantageous to the teams which are
looking for frequent releases based on fast customer feedback. The integrated agile
cloud development helps in overcoming the limitations of both practices and provide
a higher degree of innovation. On the other hand, there are some issues and
challenges reported with this new technology even after the widespread adoption of
the agile cloud development. The paper reflects some proposed solutions which can
help in paving better way to handle those challenges and issues. Keywords? Agile,
Agile Cloud Development, Agile Methodology, Cloud, Cloud Computing, Scrum, XP
Introduction Innovation in technology has been accelerating in a faster pace. To
establish themselves in the market and compete with the best, the companies are
adopting new techniques to be innovative. Here the innovation implies that the
relevant software is released to modern trends faster than ever. Also, industries are
mainly focusing on the user needs fulfillment in an efficient way. In such scenarios,
the companies are increasingly adopting the
The Last Critic That Will Be Evaluated
The last critic that will be evaluated is Margaret B. Wilkerson. During the time that
her critical study was composed, Margaret B. Wilkerson was the Director of the UC
Berkeley Center for the Study, Education, and Advancement of Women. Wilkerson
critical analysis is titled A Raisin in the Sun: Anniversary of an American Classic.
Wilkerson s critical analysis discusses the various social, historical, and artistic
factors that have contributed to the play s contemporary relevance and popularity,
with particular focus on script revisions. (Wilkerson 442) Wilkerson states that
critics claimed that plays about the Black experience were seen as unattractive and
of temporary or limited appeal to the theatre audiences. A Raisin in the Sun was
different because the play was created at the right time. Wilkerson stated, The Play s
phenomenal reception can be attributed, in part, to its timeliness, for this dram
reflects that moment in U.S. history when the country was poised on the brink of
cataclysmic social and legal upheavals that would forever change its character.
(Wilkerson 442) Hansberry happen to respond to Langston Hughespoem A Dream
Deferred by making a play about the struggles and frustrations of a working class
Black family living in the South Side of Chicago post World War II. It is three
generations of family members living under one roof. The apartment is a two
bedroom apartment that is shared by five people so it is not only crowded but
unsanitary because of
Howard S Becker
Howard Becker
SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology
Professor Smith
March 4, 2012
Howard S. Becker Howard Becker was a famous American sociologist. He made
several contributions in the fields of occupations, education, deviance and art and
made several studies in those fields. He particularly made several studies in the
field of social deviance and occupations. Most of studies went into the interactions
between criminal people and regular people. Many of these studies included the
criminal minds of these people, relationship between them and regular society, and
how society viewed them. Howard Saul Becker was born on April 18, 1928 in
Chicago, Illinois (Bernard, 2012). He studied sociology at the University of Chicago
and he ... Show more content on ...
Society does little to nothing to help itself either. Criminal activity happens all
around us yet we still leave valuables in our cars, leave the doors unlocked, or let
our children roam free and then wonder why someone breaks into our car or house
and demand law enforcement fix the problem. Certain areas of the United States
have higher crimes than other parts such as the south has more crimes rates than
the north and the city of Washington D. C. has the highest crime rate in all the
country (Vissing, 2011). What we don t realize that if we have a little common
sense such as lock doors or keep our valuables tucked away we can prevent petty
crimes and at the same time save our taxpayer money. Society views deviants are
just that, those that defy the rules that were set in place for a reason or purpose
such as safety or as legal guidance. We view criminals as if they are lost but if we
taught them the right ways maybe we can help reverse some of the problems.
There are some crimes though that even criminals themselves don t like such as
child rapist, molesters, or others that commit sexual crimes. These are some of the
most serious offenders and even when they are in prison they get treated like dirt
and even murders look down on them. Society though has given some people a bad
name even though they don t deserve it such as people who have a lot of tattoos or
piercings. Society sees these people that maybe criminals
Allusions In Crime And Punishment
Crime and Punishment, written by Fyodor Dostoevsky, is a novel about the actions
of a man, his punishment, and his eventual redemption. Rodion Romanovich
Raskolnikov, (Raski), is a man with many flaws. By the end of part one, he had
already murdered two women, a pawnbroker, and her friend. This act is very
important for it sets the tone for the rest of the plot. The majority of Dostoevsky s
book is about the suffering Raskolnikov endures and how, through his pain, Raski is
able to achieve redemption. Among Dostoevsky s use of many techniques, his use of
literary motifs, and Christian allusions help to convey the importance of religion in
One major motif used by Dostoevsky was water. Historically, this has represented the
purification of sins and is a motif that is generally based in a religious way. Crime
and Punishment exemplifies the idea of water as a purifying substance, almost a
sort of baptism. Water becomes important to note in Part 2, specifically chapter 6.
In this chapter, Raskolnikov witnesses a woman s attempt to take her life by
jumping off of a bridge and drowning in the water. She is eventually saved and
Raskolnikov starts thinking about suicide in the same way. It was disgusting to him.
No, it s vile . . . the water . . . better not (170). This thought shows Raskolnikov
considering plunging himself into the river in response to his crime. He is so caught
up in the murder and the investigation that he considers ending his life. Although these
Target Blood Pressure Case Study
target blood pressure before starting VSPi. To this end, shorter acting
antihypertensive medications with closer follow up may be more suitable to avoid
any delays in starting VSPi. As long as an adequate plan has been established
between the patient and physician, the dose titration to achieve target BP can be
achieved while the patient is on VSPi. It may not be necessary to delay initiation of
VSPi if the blood pressure is not at target, as long as it is not elevated to levels that
are more likely associated with acute complications. [Maitland 2010] If the patient is
already on antihypertensive medications, the importance of adherence and regular
follow up should be explained, and the patient should be initiated on a single
antihypertensive medication, titrated to maximum tolerated dose in order to achieve
the target blood pressure before adding a second medication if required. [Maitland
2010]... Show more content on ...
Patients who have increase in DBP 20 mmHg above baseline may not always cross
the 140/90 mmHg threshold for HTN. It is recommended to start antihypertensive
medication to keep the DBP within 20mmHg of
Racial Profiling Racism
Racial Profiling occurs in every region of the world. Everybody will judge you
based on your race and ethnicity. Racial profiling happens in our daily life, just like
in the film Us Against the World . The film showed how the people from Knott
County did not accept the players from Cordia since they came from another place
and people were against them because of their race. Racial profilingis a huge problem
in our society and we should treat everybody equally. Racial profiling affects our
everyday life by showing how different people are being judged base on their
background, skin tone, raceand ethnicity. In the film, Us against the World showed
how the players from Cordia was being racial profiled. It was a challenge for
Cordia s players since they have to go through unexpected changes in their families
while have to deal with racism. They were coming into Kentucky which is a
racially charge state. For example, people were treating them differently, They
have been told the N word. They have been told they need to go back to Africa
(episode 1). This shows that just because they are black they are treating them
differently. The people from Lotts Creek was mad because the superintendent
from Knott County, Kim King stated, Coach Rhodes s contract will not be
renewed for next season because she said that he have a poor relationship with
Principal Mullins and neglect of duty ( Kim King,Episode 2). This shows that they
didn t want the players and the coach to be there. Everybody was against them and
it was a challenge for them, Everybody have enemies but I just think about me (
Oumar Keita). This mean that even though the players from Cordia was being
racial profiled, it would not stop them from reaching their goals. Racial profiling
was a difficult situation to control and there was a huge tension between Knott
County High School and Cordia high school. They did not let people supports
Coach Rhodes, If they were to stand behind Rodrick Rhodes, they can lose their
jobs in a matter of days, I have been told to be quite (Carl Smith Cordia school parent,
episode 5). This was a problem since they did not want to lose their jobs because they
still need to feed their families. Coach Rhodes was like a father
Bullying And The American Medical Association
In a study taken by the American Medical Association it was reported that over 3.2
million students are victims of bullying each year. Out of these 3.2 million they
found that approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day and 1 in 10 students
drop out to school to escape from repeatedly being bullied. Reading these statistics,
you can almost hear them call for someone to step up against this horrid and
harassing act known as bullying. However, in a room full of bystanders, not one
voice has the courage to stand up and intervene when someone is being bullied. As
parents, the main goal to have should be obtaining every bit of information you can
on what is happening in the lives of your child and teach them how they are capable
of turning things around and stepping up against bullying by becoming an upstander.
When they witness someone being bullied, a bystander s first instincts are to remain
silent and try to slip away from the bully as he/she throws another student against a
locker or calls them names and teases them for being different. Although the child
may empathize with the person being targeted, they retaliate to avoid embarrassment
if they speak up, or they may feel as though they do not have the power or social
status to challenge and to change what they are witnessing. Other assumptions why
kids don t get involved is because they may not want to become the next target, they
have been told to mind their own business in the past or fear the reputation of
Company Overview Of The Coca Cola Company
Company Overview
The Coca Cola Corporation is a multinational company that specializes in
production, retailing and marketing of non alcoholic beverages. Coca Cola is
ranked number 1 as global provider of their non alcoholic beverages. These
beverages consists of, but are not limited too, Coca Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Dasani,
Simply orange, PowerAde, and Vitamin water. The Coca Cola Companys main
competitors consist of PepsiCo, Dr Pepper Snapple Group, and Groupe Danone Water
Division. The company s main focus is soft drink industry, resulting in most of the
company s revenue.
PPE: To acquire the percentage of change between the years for Coca Cola a
horizontal analysis calculation of the balance sheet accounts must be completed.
This consists of taking the most recent period amount and subtracting it by the
previous years account balance this is then all divided by the pervious years
amount. On Dec 31st, 2014 the balance for PPE was $14.6 Billion, in the recent
year end of Dec 31st, 2015 that number decreased by 14.09% to $12.5 Billion. In
order to better judge the change in PPE, a vertical analysis needs to be calculated to
help understand the drop in PPE. A vertical analysis is done by taking the company s
individual assets accounts and dividing them by the total asset balance. This allows
for a representation of how vital the account is in the company s overall operation.
The Property, Plant and Equipment vertical analysis for the year of 2015 is
Admire My Mother
Maybelys Avalos
Oct.26, 2017
My Abuela, Nory
Let me tell you about wonderful women that not only raised me but my mother.
This person is someone I admire and hope to be like her someday. My Abuela, Nory
touched the heart and soul of everyone that met her, but none more so than me. She
has always been there for me and my family. My Abuela has taught me many
valuable things in life and hopefully, she will continue to do that. Nory is important
to me because she knows how to cook, she knows how to have fun, and she s the
most confident person I have ever seen.
First of all, Nory is an exceptional chef. We all know how amazing a grandma can
cook especially if she s Hispanic. They know the recipes from the old world and
can recreate them perfectly. When we try to copy their masterpieces we find that
we still fall short. No one can measure up to my grandma. This 5 foot 3, 65 year old
beast of a woman can make you taste heaven in every meal that she prepares. I have
always loved baking but I found it fascinated when I would watch my grandma cook.
She always has more than two shoves one plus the rice cooker and the microwave. If
you have ever seen how busy a five star restaurant kitchen is on a weekend then I m
sure you can picture just how busy the kitchen is, except in this case its only one
master chef. Her short auburn hair is all over the place, the sweat on her face shows
just how much she has worked and you can never forget her signature mismatched
socks. The best
Homor Language And Its Benefits Of Humor And Language
Humor and Language Humor is elusive, inexplicable phenomena, often the best
medicine for our psychological problems and issues. Humor language is rarely
discussed; we will explore later on the reasons why humor is avoided in schools,
the types of humor and its benefits. At times we overlook humor as an important
element in teaching and using it as a tool to contribute to a positive environment
for learning, humor for some is considered to be synonyms of disorder and chaos. I
m not going to start telling jokes, it will lead to a complete loss of control said my
friend s teacher in LycГ©e school. For others, lack of knowledge as to how one
may use humor in his speech effectively might prevent him from using his sense of
humor. I enjoy humor, but I don t know how to go about using it, so I don t, I don t
want... Show more content on ...
The writer of the article Benefits of Humor (n.d), states that studies by Fabio Sala at
the Hay Group have shown that humor, when used skillfully, reduces hostility,
improves morale, and helps to communicate difficult messages. Other research done
by three experts showed that humor makes the target person want to listen more,
makes the information more memorable, distracts the person from thinking about
counter arguments and it builds rapport and liking of the humorist. Most importantly,
humor makes people healthier, on both physical and psychological level. Health
wise, it lowers the blood pressure, improves breathing and strengthens the immune
system and exercises the muscles. On the psychological base, humor distracts one
from negative emotions, increases and boosts the energy, and it just makes us feel
better and more connected to others. As cited in this article, humor also breaks
through barriers laughter, can transcend age, race, gender and belief. Therefore,
humor is a great tool employed to get closer to others, and communicate in a more
The Visitation Handbook For The Custodial Parent
The impacts of abuse are devastating. As a result of abuse, half a million youth run
away from home every year. 63% of young men between the age of 15 and 20 have
been incarcerated for homicide for killing their mother s abuser (Berry 9). The
majority of boys present in domestic violence cases, try to protect their mothers.
62% of boys who try to protect their mothers are injured in the process. A vast
number of teenagers who run away, move in with their boyfriend or girlfriend, and
become pregnant at a young age. These teens are unable to care for themselves, let
alone a child. In result, they end up selling their bodies for survival (Straussner
2002). More than a million teenage pregnancies occur each year, which in turn results
in over... Show more content on ...
One reason why Christians should have a heart for destitute children is because
the proper view of human life Christians possess. Recently there was a man in
Wisconsin who was sentenced to twelve years in prison for killing his cats. Two
days later a woman in Delaware was sentenced to thirty months, two and a half
years of prison, for killing her newborn child. The woman threw her child,
umbilical cord still attached, out the window of a third floor motel room into a
garbage bin below (MacArthur 4). Maybe one of the reasons why there are so
many families falling apart and so many children in foster care is because people
do not possess a proper view of human life. If society views the life of a child
equivalent to the life of an animal, then it is no wonder why there are hundreds of
thousands of children in the foster care system. The sanctity of human life should be
fought for and protected, especially by
The Basic Idea Of Science
In the field of physical science it has been proved that absolutely everything can be
scientifically reduced to one ultimate invisible Essence, something which cannot be
contacted by the physical senses. It is therefore only reasonable to say that originally
everything must have, and still does, come from It. According to one s way of
thinking, different names are given to It: Energy, Principle, Universal Intelligence,
Universal Mind, Consciousness, Spirit, God.
The Basic Ideas of Science of Mind, pg. 11
Infinite = One The number that best represents the infinite is not a very big number.
Infinity is one, not two, or three or more. The infinite is not many, but one. The
infinite is indivisible and inseparable. If ... Show more content on ...
That too is an inescapable realization drawn from the premise of an infinite being.
The Infinite cannot be one with just one of us. It must be one with every one of us.
Each and everyone is one with the infinite One, God. If you doubt that Jesus came to
this conclusion, then consider one question: Why did he say that when we pray we
should pray to Our Father, rather than his Father? We are all one with the infinite
One. I think that we must accept this premise because it is reasonable; but my
insistence that others think and reason as I do would be unreasonable. Anyone can
ignore the infinite One; they just can t be separate or apart from It. We can ignore our
heritage, our inheritance and our inherent nature. Nevertheless it is with us, even
thou we deny it. You can ignore reality, but it doesn t go away.
One Reality The Apostle Paul wrote: In him we live, and move, and have our being
[Acts 17:28] Jesus said: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the
kingdom of God is within you. [Lk. 17:21] God would have to be very small to be
within all, and very large to include all. However, to resolve these two extremes, God
need only be infinite. Remember what Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote in his essay,
There is no great and no small
To the Soul that maketh all:
And where it cometh, all things are;
And it cometh everywhere. When we envision a God that is omniscient, omnipotent
and omnipresent we are thinking of the infinite,
Dian Diana Der-Hovanessian s Essay Two Voices
The Armenian Genocide left the Armenians in ruin. Apart for the human and material
loss, the sociocultural loss was most significant. The Armenians were robbed of their
centuries old, rich culture within in a space of a year. Their society was forced into
diaspora in order to survive. This movement encouraged integration into other
countries and resulted in partial loss of the suffering Armenian culture.
Those Armenians who survived the genocide of 1915 were forced to exile their
Homeland in the Ottoman Empire in order to survive. Behind them they left their
culture; castles, towns, villages, churches, thousands of manuscripts and cultural
secrets and data were destroyed. This effectively stripped the Armenians of their rich
heritage left from ancestors. Within years, an entire culture, it s people and its all
histories were virtually erased. Today, Armenians are dispersed throughout the
Middle East and the United States, with only about 1 million of the estimated 9
million actually living in Armenia. This diaspora of the Armenians, living scattered
across the world, has created a struggle to hold on to their Armenian identity.... Show
more content on ...
Der Hovanessian is herself an Armenian American writer born in the United States.
Her grandparents took refuge in the United States following the genocide in Ottoman
Armenia. The poem reveals the struggle of an assimilated Armenian American and
the influence of her family s history on her identity. Diana Der Hovanessian is
influenced by the loss of culture, little heritage bar the genocide itself and a
surrounding Armenian society. Due to this, she has, like many other dispersed
Armenians, integrated into another culture, somewhat adopting it, and is conflicted
between the two
The High Renaissance
The High Renaissance was more impactful than the Early Renaissance. While the
Early Renaissance provided the foundational skills required for Renaissance art and
thinking, the High Renaissance allowed for artists and their talent to expand and
influence other regions. To the average individual, the Late Renaissanceremains the
most prominent due to the creative and technical prowess of famous artists, and the
development of Europe s literary and philosophical culture. The High Renaissance is
the main period in which people recall upon hearing of the Renaissance famous
Renaissance artists and works were created during this time. Many of the defining
characteristics of Renaissance art, such as perspective and realism, were refined in
their technical forms during the High Renaissance. They were mastered by artists
such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangeloin Rome under papal commissions, due
to Florences relevancy declining. The earlier Renaissance contained mostly
rediscoveries of the works created in Antiquity, and the growing stylistic distinctions
between... Show more content on ...
The Early Renaissance had only ended due to to the death of Lorenzo de Medici,
one of the most influential patrons of the time. Additionally, Girolamo Savonarola,
a Dominican friar, influenced most of Florence to denounce the Medici family and
reject all vanities; this included many non religious works of art. The hostility
towards artists and their crafts caused most artists to travel to other city states, thus
spreading the mastery of Renaissance art. Overall, the Renaissance can be split into
two sections: the Early Renaissance, and the Late, or the High Renaissance. The
Late Renaissance is a more refined version of the Early Renaissance; in artistic
terms, the Late Renaissance was the mastery of technical skills founded in the earlier
ages, while also an age of literary and philosophical
My Reflection On How Grit Is The Ability Of An Individual
Grit is the ability of an individual to persevere over obstacles and their goals,
especially through a long period of time. In this essay. I will talk about my grades,
ability to stick up for what I believe in, and my growth mindset versus my fixed
mindset. I believe I have an average balance of growth and fixed mindset, however,
I would like to strengthen my growth and grit mindset. I will have to work on this
and connect it to my school work as i will state in my essay. Many educators, and
researchers believe there is a struggle to balance morals and grit, with concrete
school work. My essay will define my line of this balance Every student has their
habits, good and bad. Mine unfortunately are mostly bad. Like most students, I have
the... Show more content on ...
As students, our habits are embedded in us, then once we are out of school, we are
told habits are bad. If the period between twenty and thirty is the critical one in the
formation of intellectual and professional habits, the period below twenty is more
important still for fixing the personal habits (James 9). Instead of having students
create studying habits, and learning habits in school, the education system should
have gratuitous exercises, that deny habits of sitting down in the same desks every
day, doing the same homework packets, and should have us thinking about what we
learned instead of: Learn, repeat, take test, forget . Our learning is a habit of
memorizing instead of soaking in the information. Grit is strengthening your
character, being able to resolve problems, and never giving up. From Angela
Duckworth s speech about true grit; The common traits of 300 geniuses include:
tendency not to abandon tasks from mere changeability. Not seeking something
fresh because of novelty. Not looking for change . (Duckworth). Many may say that
change is good, and that is true in some cases. Change is good for the bad habits
that I mentioned in my previous habit, however, constant changing results in worse
habits, and not being able to experience and work on true grit. I believe true grit can
be concrete, or abstract. Grit is concrete in the
Vietnam Memorial Trajan
Art is not only meant to stimulate our eyes and please our sight but it is meant to
reflect history. Art can reflect social/political themes and showcase events such as
wars or battles. No matter the era, or geographical location, art is made to tell the
history of the people. Such storytelling can be found in Maya Lin s Vietnam
Memorial and The Column of Trajan. These two works of art are similar and are also
very different. Regardless of these similarities and differences, they both had strong
impacts in their time and still do to this very day. The United State s various attempts
to stop Communism from spreading brought about many conflicts among countries.
These conflicts sometimes led to many deaths and casualties, such as in the Vietnam
... Show more content on ...
First of all, the material of which these two works were made from are vastly
different. The memorial was made out of black granite and the column was made
from carrara marble. Also, the physical shape of the two pieces are different. The
memorial is a flat wall surface that goes up in an angle meanwhile the column is a
curved surface and has bands of reliefs going upwards. Another example showing
the difference between the two is the political reasoning as to why these works of
art were made. The Vietnam Memorial was made of remembrance of a war the U.S
fought in and lost meanwhile, The Column of Trajan serves to remind the people of
the battles Trajan had one. In which case, one showed the loss and the other the
wins. Another way to look at the Column of Trajan is to see it as an advertisement,
or imperial propaganda. The reliefs in the column portray Trajan as an amazing
emperor and an efficient army commander. This could have influenced the Romans at
the time to like him and teach them what to expect from any other emperor after
Trajan. This differs from the Vietnam Memorial due to the fact the memorial is
simply a memorial, something to remember those who died, not to influence others to
like a ruler or not. Overall, the Vietnam Memorial and the Column of Trajan share
The Advantages of Conscription
It has long been a controversial topic of debate in the United States, whether or not
our young men and women should be required to serve in the armed forces. There is
proof that compulsory military service would be in our nations best interest. It has
historically shown to improve military preparedness, and also has evenly balanced
the burden of military service. It also helps to instill a sense of duty into those who
serve. From an economic standpoint, there are numerous arguments to be made in
support of conscription, including government savings. Numerous scholars write in
favor of the subject as well. The government has been debating this topic since the
draft system was removed from our country, and many reports written also... Show
more content on ...
If however, a draft was imposed, with these deferments eliminated, then the burden of
military service would fall less on the minorities and the impoverished, but rather on
all men of military age.
Professor Charles Moskos, a former draftee, and currently a professor at
Northwestern University makes several good arguments in support of the draft. He
points out the large number of volunteers who fail to fulfill their initial enlistments: A
reality often overlooked in the all volunteer force is that one third of entering
members fail to complete their initial enlistments. Contrast this with the one in 10
draftees who did not complete their two year obligation. It s much better to have a
soldier serve a short term honorably than be discharged prematurely for cause .
He raises an excellent point when he says that it would be detrimental to allow our
troops to be dishonorably discharged. Another excellent point brought up by
Professor Moskos. He argues that because for some jobs it takes a higher level of
technical skill, that cant possibly be met by short term service, higher compensation
should be offered to those who serve longer. Higher compensation should be aimed at
those whose skills require extended training and job experience. A two track pay
system could be devised to give long term enlistees higher compensation than their
drafted counterparts (many of whom, however, may have
The Study Of Practice And Practice Essay
The Study of Practice
Introduction As the term refers to the untrained individual, practice may seem like
a minuscule activity that is drawn out to emulate a pattern that is to be learned. As
practice refers to motor learning it is a very integral part of learning a motor
pattern. The same can be said for other activities such as riding a bike, dribbling a
ball, or climbing stairs. According to the Oxford English dictionary the term practice
is defined as, repeated exercise in our performance of an activity or skill so as to
acquire or maintain proficiency in it (Practice, 2016). We practice a certain activity
to become better at performing said activity. For example, a small child learning how
to ride a bike, may use training wheels help the child maintain balance without the
threat of falling off of the bike. The training wheels help the child acquire the
feeling of what it is like to ride a bike. The use of the training wheels allows the
child to practice or get comfortable with the action of riding a bike before actually
doing so. Practice encompasses many other factors that contribute to how well an
individual attains and learns a skill. Practicing a skill infrequently or frequently
affects how that skill is performed. The distribution or spread of practice may affect
learning. The instability or variability of a skill performance can have an effect on
the end result learning. Mental practice, part practice, and whole practice are types of
practice that also has
Project Pl Planning Market Research Essay
BSBMKG506 Plan market research
Assessment Task 2: Project planning market research
Part 1: Identify and present market research needs
The first part of this project requires you to prepare and present a power point
presentation to your assessor and class colleagues. Your presentation should last
approximately 10 minutes. Your power point presentation should clearly explain and
provide sufficient detail on:
1.General information on the function and importance of market research.
2.The company s position in the market place (and including market trends) and why
you believe market research would be of benefit to the company.
3.A statement of what you believe the company s market research needs are (and as
discussed with your assessor in meeting prior to commencing Part 1) and based on
the documentation that you have reviewed. You will also need to state what the
documentation is and explain how it assisted you to come to your decision about
what area of market research would be most useful.
4.Draft objectives for the market research to be conducted.
5.A scoping of the proposed market research that describes timelines for conducting
the research, human, financial and physical resources required, whether the market
research can be conducted by internal staff or if external assistance is also required,
possible methodologies, sample size, etc.
At the end of your presentation you should seek feedback on your presentation and
the planned market research, including
It 315 Unit 3 Assignment
Portfolio Assignment ITS 315: Introduction to Networks Mazen Alkhatib December
23, 2012 Network Implementation Over four months, a very short period of time, a
small accounting firm grew from five employees to fifty. The existing network
architecture could no longer support the exponential growth. Peer to Peer networks
work very well in a small office environment. Once the ratio of employees exceeds
around five employees resources, file storage and a plethora of other network
disasters begin. The obvious solution was to recommend a change. As explained in
the proposal the proposed upgrade from a peer to peer network architecture to client
/server was an imminent necessity. Cable Recommendation The accounting firm...
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Our intention is to do the aforementioned in a manner that will allow us to manage
all of the files and resources from a central location by implementing a server to
our current network architecture. Reasons to Change. In the past our peer to peer
network architecture served us well by providing us with a way to share our files
and resources in a manner that did not require much planning. Unfortunately, as a
peer to peer network grows it becomes more difficult to maintain due to its lack of
centralized control which makes it un scalable. With the addition of fifty
individual workstations, security access and file storage control remains in the
hands of the user. For example, should someone decide to delete a company file,
there would be no way of knowing. Once there are more than five or six
workstations attached peer to peer networks begin to pose as a security threat that
may cause loss of sensitive company data due to virus and spyware attacks.
Fortunately advancements in technology have provided a viable solution for
rapidly growing small businesses such as our own called servers. Our Viable
Solution. Adding a server to our current network will allow our employees to
manage, store, send and process data from a centralized location 24 hours a day. In
The Journey Of Modern Theology
The Journey of Modern Theology: Chapter 3, 7, 11
I enjoyed reading about Charles Hodge and some of the things Olson recorded about
Hodge really spoke to me. One topic I enjoyed was Hodge s belief that God would
not ask or command us to do something that is morally wrong (p.225). Hodge also
believed that God would not reveal anything that would contradict a well
authenticated truth or revelation (p. 225). I think Hodge is correct with his
assumption because God does not change His mind or ask us to do something
immoral. I think many people believe that God changed His mind and sent Jesus
after His first attempt the Law of Moses had failed. We know the Law was a part of
the plan for Jesus entrance into this world. Hodge s statement is ... Show more content
on ...
The Apostle Paul alludes to this when he says that All Scripture is inspired by God
and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training 2 Timothy 3:16
(NASB). Paul is telling us we can use the scripture to form our teachings from. I do
believe we can see God s existence in nature just as the Apostle Paul says, Since the
creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature,
have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they
are without excuse Roman 1:20 (NASB). I will not doubt the scripture that you can
find evidence of God in nature but what you find should not replace the truths found
in the scripture.
Hodge believed that the Bible was a store house of facts for the theologian, but for
some of the liberal theologians of the enlightenment period they looked for
answers outside of God s word. Many churches have went this way as well and its a
reminder to me and my ministry that I must keep myself centered in the store
house of facts, the Bible. As Christians I believe when problems arise we must seek
out answers to these problems through scripture study and prayer. I believe to often
we try to handle things with our own reasoning and hands when Jesus himself said,
...apart from Me you can do nothing John 15:5 (NASB). To me this is a reminder in
my ministry that if I m trying to do things outside of God s will
Dell s Value Chain
About Dell
Dell was started by Michael Dell in his dorm room at the University of Texas in
1984 with $1000. Essentially, Dell started as an entrepreneurial venture, based on
some unique. Company headquartered in Round Rock, Texas, U.S.A. Michael Dell
has been successfully able to guide the organization to a point where its revenue is
around US$ 63.07 billion in 2012. In 2001, became the No. 1 computer systems
company in the world. At present (2013), it is the third largest PC vendor in the world
after HP and Lenovo. The product portfolio, before the onset of smartphone
revolution included Desktops, Laptops, Storage Products, Workstations and Network
Servers. In the present time Dell has ventured into the Smartphones and Tablet as
Business ... Show more content on ...
The most impressive trait of this lean inventory model was the 3 Days of inventory
which meant an inventory turn of 122 per annum. Dell s Strategy in Present Times
With the advent of Internet and particularly the e commerce business, the scenario
has changed to a large extent. Hence the system at Dell needs modification to stay
updated with the competition. The following factors have changed:
1)The customers are willing to choose from the number of model provided by the
companies instead of a more customized product.
2)The movement of the different models of products has become faster. Hence the
companies are required to keep inventory so as to meet the demand.
3)Significant drop in the prices of the products as PCs and Laptops have become a
Hybrid Model
Due the significant changes in the scenario, the tried and tested model of Dell
needs changing. Hence Dell has adopted a Hybrid Model to incorporate the present
times. Hence with the addition of the Retail Stores, Dell has been able to provide the
look and feel of the product to the customers. This change has taken place as the
systems are considered a commodity in the present
Comparing Kudrow s Room And Bored
So, after securing roles in films such as Analyze This and Marci X in 2003,
Kudrow s return to television as a producer, writer and actress was welcomed.
Appropriately titled The Comeback was, in reality, correspondent to Kudrow s life
at the time. It told a story about a star of a sitcom who had taken a dive in ratings
and was trying to make a comeback. Kudrow plays this character named Valerie
Cherish (Valarie is Kudrow s middle name) in a new comedy that mocks her
previous giddy roles. Valarie attempts to make her returning debut on a low budget
network as Aunt Sassy, a crazy and horny individual, in a comedy called Room and
Bored. At the same time, Valarie would be preceded by a reality show that displayed
much of her life in detail.
Hypocrisy In Ghosts And Tartuffe
The two plays deal with similar issues of deception and hypocrisy present in the
society and how people wear masks in order to conform to the social norms of their
respective societies. Both the authors, Henrik Ibsen and Moliere have made
effective use of deception in order to bring their ideas and views through to their
audience. Ghosts is a perfect example of a realistic play which attacks the hypocrisy
present in the society and in its value systems. Ibsen therefore was known as the
father of modern theatre. Tartuffewas written by Moliere in the age of reason. During
this period writers usually wrote in a common genre which was known as the comedy
of manners. As a form of satire, the genre of comedy was aimed at ridiculing human...
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Mrs Alving goes to the extent of constructing an orphanage in his name, so as to keep
up his appearance in society and thus uses deception as a tool to do so. And in Act II
we get evidence of this deceit, I had always before me the fear that it was
impossible that the truth should come out and be believed. That is why the
Orphanage is to exist, to silence all rumours and clear away all doubt. But shortly
afterwards we hear of the burning down of the orphanage. Here Ibsen has made use
of great irony in order to strip the deception and bring out the truth. The orphanage
was built in the memory of Mr. Alving and therefore its burning down acts as a
symbol of the corrupt life which had been lead by him.
The tragedy of the burning of the orphanage was that it was not insured. The
orphanage had not been insured as Manders (the priest) thought that people would
not take it in the correct manner and will accuse Manders of not having enough
faith in god. Mr. Manders is a priest in the local church but is very conservative and
narrow minded and is also very gullible, as he gets deceived very easily by
Engstrand. Engstrand also uses the tool of deception in order to hide his true
intentions from the society. He is very corrupted and immoral to the extent of turning
Regina (his daughter) into a whore in his very own whore house. Engstrand is a
compulsive liar and he makes
Christian Life Coach Essay
As a life coach you can have a tremendous impact on how the future of your client
come to past. A Christian life coach helpS your client to clarify their vision, set
goals, and help them move towards their mission is vital because it can help the
client to see their life purpose here on earth. Often clients seek for a life coach to
improve areas of their life that they would like to change. According to the article,
Evidence Based Well Being/Positive PsychologyAssessment and Intervention with
Quality of Life Therapy and Coachingand the Quality of Life Inventory, a client can
improve satisfaction in areas of their life by changing their circumstances, attitudes,
goals or standards, and priorities that your client feels is important to them... Show
more content on ...
Coaches role help client achieves specific, self determined outcomes, encourage
client self discovery, elicit client generated solutions/strategies and hold the client
responsible/accountable (Cooper et al., 2013, p. 802). However, as a Christian
life coach, a moral foundation that can help your client is applying Christian
principles, and scriptural strategies. In the Bible, 2 Timothy 3:17 says, all Scripture
is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in
righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every
good work (NLV). Therefore, integrating biblical principles in coaching is
essential, it can help you in all aspects of your life. Having a foundation in
scriptural foundations gives us direction in our lives. So, that you can apply
yourself in all that you do according to God. Nevertheless, the quality of life
consists of having mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well being (Clark et al.,
2014). However, because of the struggles and barriers that life brings. It is okay to
have a coach to help guide you to reach the goals that will help have the quality of
life you deserve. It starts with having a positive, trustful, reliable, honest relationship
with your coach. According to McCarthy Milner (2013), the relationship between
coach and
Linguistics and Dialects in Japanese Essays
In a language, there are usually variants that emerge from it variants such as dialects
or different colloquial phrases. This usually happens when the language is split
across different parts of the country or world. Different living situations call for
different phrases or different ways of expressing that idea. In Japanese, these
different dialects are known as hougen. There are several different Japanese hougen
comprising that of the Tokyoarea, the Tohoku region, the Kansai region, and even
the Kyushu area to name a few places. Also within each certain areas, there may also
be variants of each hougen with similar or minor changes such as in Kansai, there s
difference between Osakaand Kyoto for example. In general, the dialects... Show
more content on ...
Two of the most common features of Tohoku dialect are drawing out vowels
sounds which make them sound longer. They also change consonant sounds. For
example, the k sound becomes a g sound. And sometimes Tohoku speakers add an
extra sound before the start of some words like inserting an n before g to make it
ng. These features lead Tokyo people to generally consider it a lazy, country way of
speaking. The accent also carries the stereotype of laziness or clumsiness, as Tohoku
speakers are known for slurring and not opening their mouths very much. The rather
negative nickname for the dialect is zuuzuu ben, zuuzuu being the sound that a Kanto
speaker hears when a Tohoku speaker neutralizes and drags their vowels. Because of
the negative stereotypes, when speaking with Tokyo speakers, Tohoku speakers tend
to hide their accents and speak in Tokyo dialect. The accent only shows up when
talking to family or when stressed.
Western Japan Kansai, Osaka, Kyoto, Fukui (Phrases, changes from standard, )
Kansai includes Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe and surrounding areas. To speakers of
standard Japanese, Osaka sounds either charming and funny, or grating and
obnoxious. There s a sort of Tokyo Osaka rivalry and both areas have great pride in
their way of speaking.
Kansai people generally change the way they talk when they move to Tokyo, except
for times when they want to be charming or show their Kansai pride. This is the
dialect spoken by comedians (many of whom are
Nt1310 Unit 3 Internal Components
Internal components:
CPU stands for Central Processing Unit and it s the brain of the computer. CPU
executes instructions that enable the operating system and application software to
run on a system. Inside the CPU we can find three main components which are the
ALU, Control Unit and memory unit. ALU stands for Arithmetic and Logic Unit and
performs calculations like addition, multiplication, division and subtraction. It also
compares results using greater than , less than or equal to . Control Unit controls the
operation of the memory unit, processor and input/output units. Memory unit is
where all data that the CPU may need to process is stored. The data is stored in the
memory in binary form.
CPU can be single core, dual core, quad core ... Show more content on ...
It s more expensive than USB 2.0 and full duplex what means that can send and
receive data at once.
Nowadays there are also keyboards and mousses that can be connected via Wi Fi. It
s a wireless technology that allows computers and other type of electronic devices to
communicate through a wireless signal. Wi Fi is the most common way to connect
computers to wireless networks.
Bluetooth also uses a wireless technology that enables communication between
compatible devices. Bluetooth uses a standard 2.4 GHz frequency what allows all
Bluetooth enabled devices to be compatible with each other.
пѓјAs we can see in the image above mouse and keyboard are connected to the
motherboard via PS/2 Port. PS/2 connector allows us to connect some keyboards and
mouse to a personal computer.
пѓјMouse is an input and pointing device that allows the user to control the graphical
user interface. Keyboard is an input device that allows the user to input data and give
commands to the operating system by typing. Commonly, a keyboard contains all the
alphabetical letters, numbers from 1 to 9 and punctuation
Questions On Amazon, Apple, Google, And Honan Himself
(1) For each of the following actors, make a list of assumptions made by the
following actors that may have appeared valid in isolation, but were not valid in
the combination described in Honan s article: Amazon, Apple, Google, Twitter,
and Honan himself. The following are the list of assumptions made in isolation by
the following actors: Amazon: 1) Amazon allows adding of credit card
information through requests from telephone calls. This makes it convenient for
the customer, but in this case it allowed the hacker to add a part of identity
information by just knowing basic details 2) Amazon allows the user to add an
email address by telephone if the credit card information among other details are
known. This seems like a valid procedure by in Honan s case the hacker used the
self added credit card information. Apple: 1) In a normal case a user who has
information about the billing address, last 4 digits of credit card and email can
usually be trusted. The hacker knew the last 4 digits of the credit card through the
Amazon exploit and was able to access the Apple account 2) Apple s feature of
remote wipe is particularly for the scenario wherein the customer loses his Mac or
iPhone. But by gaining access to the account, the hacker was able to remote wipe all
the devices. 3) As mentioned in the case of Amazon, administration of account
settings through the telephone for the sake of convenience was how the hacker
gained control of the account. Google: 1) Google allows
Icarus The Minotaur
Icarus felt himself abruptly shoved into the dark hole. He lost his balance and fell
on the rough stone floor. He quickly jumped up to catch his father, but Daedalus
was already sprawled on the floor next to him. Icarus helped his father stand and
then whirled around to face the guards and the tall darkness behind them. You can t
do this, Minos! My father did everything you asked this is how you repay him?
He shouted at the shadowy figure. Wrong, the figure said in reply, and King Minos
stepped forward into the light. The dancing flames of the torches showed his
unbelievably pale face lit up with madness. Your father failed. I asked for a place
where the Minotaur could be safe from the people and people safe from
Digging For The Truth King Solomon s Gold Summary
In Digging for the Truth King Solomon s Gold it is stated that many researchers
and explorers have been in the hunt for King Solomon s mine but has yet to be
found. This mine is full of riches and gold. According to the video, this temple was
located in Jerusalem and it was the cause of the downfall. In 586 BC Jerusalem fell
to the army of King Nebuchadnezzar (Discovery History Science). With the help of
The Bible, our explorer, Josh Bernstein takes us through a 4,000 mile though Africato
find the mysterious King Solomon s temple.
Firstly, the explorer goes to southern Israel. On the map, there is a place labeled as
King Solomon s Mines located deep in the Negev desert. Here they found a site that
was dedicated to the first strongest and independent woman. Many had believed that
King Solomon had something to do with this but it was ... Show more content on ...
Here he surprisingly finds miners still using old mining techniques. In the end, Josh
Bernstein did not find King Solomon s mines.
In Digging for the Truth King Solomon s Gold it is stated that many researchers
and explorers have been in the hunt for King Solomon s mine but has yet to be
found. This mine is full of riches and gold. According to the video, this temple was
located in Jerusalem and it was the cause of the downfall. In 586 BC Jerusalem fell
to the army of King Nebuchadnezzar (Discovery History Science). With the help of
The Bible, our explorer, Josh Bernstein takes us through a 4,000 mile though Africa to
find the mysterious King Solomon s temple.
Firstly, the explorer goes to southern Israel. On the map, there is a place labeled as
King Solomon s Mines located deep in the Negev desert. Here they found a site that
was dedicated to the first strongest and independent woman. Many had believed that
King Solomon had something to do with this but it was proven wrong. In the video,
Digging for the Truth at this site they had found copper, not
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  • 2. Testing For Plant Samples And Begin Procedure Hisssss! The tram slid to a stop, hovering slightly above the track. Welcome to Station 7. An electronic voice said over the intercom. Enjoy your stay in Nia. Nicholas Pierce looked up from his tablet and grabbed his brief case from the seat beside him. Actively avoided eye contact with anyone, he shuffled out into the open square. The light from the giant solar lamps attached to the ceiling of the cave high above caused him to wince and look down into his tablet once again. It was already eight o clock. The trams seemed to be getting later and later every day. Checking his email, Nicholas once again read over his project schedule. 10:00 Three samples to be run through the test again. 12:30 Results need to be sent over to ... Show more content on ... Any of the plants responded to the serum yet? No, and I don t expect they will any time soon. The guys in Division 3 say that we re just being lazy with protocol or some other excuse so they can continue working on their damn super serum. Come on now Nick. We all know the effect this new fertilizer method would have. It would be huge. Might even solve the food problems entirely. Besides, they have already shown some conclusive growth in their preliminary tests. Anthony responded enthusiastically. Yeah, preliminary tests that I m sure they fudged the data on. But it doesn t even matter. We ll have the official data by tomorrow and then perhaps the higher ups will cancel the project. Nicholas retorted as he stepped off the elevator and opened the door to his lab immediately on the left. Nicholas shut the door without saying goodbye to Anthony. They often arrived at the same time, and Nicholas found Anthony s attitude towards Division 3 to be too hopeful. Nia Bio Tech had eight divisions total (evidently mimicking the eight colonies) each with its own goals and purpose. Division 1 dealt with artificial materials, Division 2 and 3 were each experimental food supplies divisions, with 2 being lab oriented and 3 being design oriented, and Divisions 4 7 each worked with different organisms that lived in the cave systems around the colonies or could be created to live in them. Division 8 was administration. Nicholas believed that the food crisis that was
  • 3. Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Air-To-Air Combat With the paradigm shift towards unconventional warfare, the effectiveness of aerial combat missions such as air to air combat and strategic bombing are somewhat nullified as opposing forces on the ground or objectives are generally covert and not well defined. Despite this, the role of airpower should not be seen as a lower priority as the Г©lan of true combat ability arises from providing close air support to the ground troops. CAS is the quick reflection of aircraft s firepower in contribution to the battle on the ground where especially the characteristics such as speed, ubiquity, concentration, precision and lethality claim a big share at the efficiency of these missions16. Historical evidences have informed us that lightly armoured ground forces employed with no CAS support has had heavy causalities and a termination of the operation.... Show more content on ... Task Force Smith failed to significantly slow the advance of the North Korean armoured column as they had lost nearly 40% of its force in a matter of hours when the North Koreans attacked. In hindsight, effective CAS could have prevented the heavy losses and aided the task force to achieve its mission of slowing the North Korean column17. In addition, CAS provides a much needed psychological impact to frontline operations supporting friendly forces on the ground through guns, bombs, and missiles as well as using airpower to save the lives of soldiers engaged in close combat. This is largely because of the ability of its pilots to fly lower and slower to support ground troops a visible sign relief in combat. It must also be cautioned that in order to minimize the chance of fratricide and enhance mission effectiveness, communications must be mission tailored and robust to ensure that links between aircraft and ground units are maintained and to allow the proper control of
  • 4. Dorian Gray Aestheticism Whenever someone is involved in a debate, they are quick to refer to the opposing party as close minded and unreasonable. I understand that individuals that are ignored in their debates tend to appear to be more liberal in their beliefs. So, I decided to thoroughly explore the mechanisms of change in order to discover why people are so afraid of opposing viewpoints. I wished to explore this concept because change is one of the only forces in this world that is immutable. It baffles me why humanity wishes to resist the only thing we are certain exists in this world. Especially since, we devote a large portion of our lives searching for answers to an infinite amount of questions. The Jungle provided an excellent example of change in physical form since the book itself is a mechanism of change. The novel... Show more content on ... This book explored a concept that everyone understands, but at the same time does not comprehend our innate desire to pursue it. Beauty is one of the things man has been obsessed with since the creation of mankind. We are so fascinated by beauty and yet we believe ourselves to be incapable of achieving true beauty because we are tainted by corruption. The author explored the essence of Aestheticism in order to portray how man tries to lead two lives. Although man may attempt to run from himself and put on a fabricated image of perfection and constancy, one can never escape the truth behind the corruption of their soul. People become so drowned in creating a beautiful and pure artwork that they fail to examine the impurity of the materials used to compose the artwork. A lie done in the name of beauty is still impure regardless of the outcome. In order for one to understand how to change for the better, they must be able to analyze the flaws behind their mistakes. However, a large portion of society refuse to acknowledge these flaws, and because of that they fail to see the need for
  • 5. Analysis Of The Film Jigsaw In the film JIGSAW, the screenwriters are Pete Goldfinger and Josh Stolberg. The directors are Micheal Spiering and Peter Spiering. Its genre falls under crime, horror, mystery, and thriller. The production company is Twisted Pictures. JIGSAW is the eighth film in the SAW franchise it features deadly scenarios with extreme gore, torture, and violence. Each player must follow the rules of the game or there would be consequences such as body parts being sliced to bits, needles injected with poisons, which may result death. John Kramer is a serial killer who teaches his victims to value life lessons by placing them in deadly traps. After being dead for ten years series of murders are appearing with the marks of the jigsaw killer. Detectives and investigators find themselves chasing the ghost of John Kramer who its purpose is to remind the world to be appreciative towards life by testing the victims will to live. The victims are forced to face physical torture upon themselves by killing others in order to escape. Five victims are trapped in a room and in order to continue in the games for survival they are forced to experience physical torture. The first victim dies in the first test due to being unconscious and cannot manage to free himself. As the four victims continue in the games they are selected due to their lies and must confess the truth for survival. One of the victim dies from an injection of acid, and the other one dies from being lowered into a death spiral
  • 6. Analysis Of Atmospherics As A Marketing Tool Company Value Businesses all over the world want to make a profit, increase sales, improve customer satisfaction, and employee loyalty, but the difficult task in achieving these goals is knowing the exact balance in order to reach their true potential. Generally speaking, a business will either succeed or fail based on these three internal variables: their products, their set prices, and the atmosphere or tone which is set once the customer enters the store. It is understood that if a business owner sets their prices too high, their customers will think they are over priced and will not consider their products; however, if they undervalue their products, the customers will be under the impression that the product is cheap and will also avoid the item under accusation. Products and their prices tend to work hand in hand; however, beyond these two variables, there is also an other variable we tend to overlook as it is an experience that fully surrounds us; this is called atmospherics. It describes the music, whether it s in the background or foreground, the styles of materials and products sold, the scents the customer smells as they enter the department, and even the mood that the sales associate is in as they assist customers. These factors all define the atmosphere of the business and will either encourage shoppers to return or take their business somewhere else. In the article, Atmospherics as a Marketing Tool written by Philip Kotler, he explains that there are two
  • 7. The Problems, Effects, and Solutions to Workplace Stress... Executive Summary This proposal examines the problems, effects, and solutions to workplace stress. In addition, I will explain risk assessment, management, and prevention. Finally, I will review coping strategies for workplace stress. Holland s Automotive Repair has seventy seven people of a wide diverse nature. Internal research shows many employees are suffering from workplace stress. External research focuses on several studies, models, and theories of workplace stress effects. Workplace stress causes problems such as lack of motivation, poor health, increased safety concerns, and overall low morale within the company. Stress related hazards target work content and work context. Businesses endure many losses when employees workplace stress is not controlled and prevented. Holland s Automotive Repair needs to establish a risk assessment and management policy to implement immediately. The best practice is to prevent workplace stress with a well designed work environment. This practice will save time, resources, and money within the company. An internal survey of Holland s Automotive Repair employees clarifies how the business can reduce workplace stress and increase overall employee resolve. Because of the wide diversity within Holland s Automotive Repair, specific coping skills can assist all employees with their specific needs. Holland s Automotive Repair business will uphold their reputation by following these guidelines. These policies will also
  • 8. Long Distance Movements Of Animals Introduction For most species, movement is essential for life. Movement of seeds helps plants disperse, while animals move to forage, reproduce, find alternate habitat types, repopulate areas where they have been extirpated, and maintain genetic diversity needed to adapt to change. If individuals cannot move across a landscape to mix with individuals of other populations, local extinctions can result. Additionally, the smaller a population is, the more vulnerable it is to extinction if that population is also isolated (i.e., lacks the ability to intermix with other populations (Fagan Holmes 2006)). Juveniles are often especially important for movements that help maintain genetic diversity in populations (Rothermel Semlitsch 2002). Long distance movements of animals can take one of two forms, migration or dispersal. Migratory movements consist of daily, seasonal, or even generational movements among habitat types while dispersal movements are movements away from a normal range, providing for the mixing of genetic materials, or the population of new habitats or repopulation of previously occupied but currently vacant habitats. When animals migrate, it is because there is a need for individuals in a population to move to a different habitat patch. These movements can be to reach a breeding site (Sinevro 2007, Webster et al. 2002), a more favorable climate (PeГ±uelas Filella 2001), an overwintering area (Wilcove Wikelski 2008), or better forage (Olson et al. 2006).
  • 9. Malcolm Fraser Research Paper Malcolm Fraser Born on the 21st of May, 1930, Malcolm Fraser was born in Toorak, Victoria. He was taught in the Melbourne Grammar School, from 1943 to 1948, then was taught in Oxford University, located in London, from 1949. Graduating from Oxford University in 1952, Malcolm Fraser took his career path to becoming a cultivator. He married Tamara Beggs on the 9th of December 1956 and Tamara s named was changed to Tamie Fraser. They had four children whose names were Mark, born in 1958, Angela, born in 1959, Hugh, born in 1963 and Phoebe, born in 1966. Around the same year as Phoebe was born, Malcolm Fraser was declared the Australian Army Minister, from the 26th of January 1966 to the 28th of February 1983. Being the Australian Army Minister, Malcolm Fraser had argued about the controversial Vietnam War debate. It was about the needs of sending young Australian men, who were under 20 years old were sent to Vietnam.... Show more content on ... Being the minster for education and science, he had accomplished a great amount of things, he was the education minster from the 28th of November 1968 to the 12tho of November 1969. Once he stopped his job as the Education Minster, Malcolm became the Australian Defence Minister from the 12th of November 1969 to the 8th of March 1971. After quitting the job as the Defence Minster, Malcolm Fraser, had turned his head back to the Education Minster. Malcolm Fraser was in charge of the electorate of Wannon, located in Victoria. While doing that he was juggling the task of a backbencher for Robert Gordon Menzie s party. Moved to the job of Prime Minster on the 11th of November 1975, he was voted into parliament after Gogh Whitlam was forced out of the seat of prime Minster, because of the Governor General, Sir John Kerr. As the 22nd Prime Minster, many things had awaited him for the
  • 10. The Viability Of Carbon Capture And Storage 774394 9 November 2017 The Viability of Carbon Capture and Storage From UK Power Stations The UK s Climate Change Act and participation in the Paris Agreement, has been put into place to ensure the UK plays its part in reducing the emission of greenhouse gasses into our environment. The UK, in particular, has committed to reducing its emissions to 80% of 1990 levels by 2050 and must adhere to strict self set Carbon Budgets until 2030. In order to meet targets set by the Paris agreement, by 2070 there must be no anthropogenic CO2 input, thus we need to actively remove CO2 from the atmosphere, a more common term for this is negative emissions (James R, 2017). There are several ways of going about this, in this essay we will be ... Show more content on ... In this essay, three main issues are brought forward and analysed in order to make a conclusion on the viability of carbon capture for UK power stations, these issues are; Cost, CCS Technologies, and Storage. The aim of this paragraph is to analyse the costs involved with the implementation of CCS technologies in UK power plants. It is estimated that in the UK, CCS could cost every household up to 10% more per year for electricity (Haszeldine, R.2009) however this cost is predicted to reduce the necessary costs of CO2 removal in 2050 by a factor of 10, which will likely save the country more money in the long run. The greatest cost to the UK when discussing the implementation of CCS technology in UK power stations is carbon capture. Table 1 Summary of reported CO2 emissions and costs for a new electric power plant with and without CO2 capture based on current technology (excluding CO2 transport and storage costs) (Rubin, E, et al, 2007) Costs in constant US$2002 (IPCC, 2005). COE= Cost of Energy Production, NGCC=Natural Gas Combined Cycle, PC=Pulverised Coal, IGCC=Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle Table shows comparative costs stemming from the use of CCS technologies in three different types of power plants against power plants of the same type which do not use CCS technology. In Table 1
  • 11. Similarities Between The Stranger And Meursault On June 12th, 1830 thirty thousand French soldiers landed at Sidi Ferruch, twenty seven kilometers from Algiers. After three weeks, the better trained and better equipped French soldiers captured Algiers and raped, looted, desecrated mosques, and destroyed cemeteries. Thus beginning a 132 year long occupation ripe with the arrogant cruelty of the French civilizing mission . The French mistreatment of Algerian natives would continue until a violent revolution, beginning in 1954, would eventually expel the French from Algeria, in 1962 (Algeria FRANCE IN ALGERIA, 1830 1962). The Stranger, written by Albert Camus, and The Meursault Investigation, by Kamel Daoud, are two versions of the French colonial experience in Algeria. Camus character, Meursault, is an apathetic, almost emotionless French Algerian and Daoud s protagonist, Harun, is an angry... Show more content on ... The other murder victim, was [his] brother. There s nothing left of him. There s only [Harun], left to speak in his place, sitting in the bar, waiting for condolences no one s ever going to offer (Daoud 1). The way the French treated the Algerians during their occupation and the brutality faced by both sides during the Algerian War for independence is a mirror image of The Stranger and The Meursault Investigation, both the same story told from different lenses. One through the eyes of an apathetic borderline sociopath and the other the eyes of a grieving brother simply trying to put is life back together and get the retribution that he feels he deserves. In the long run, the French are expelled from Algeria and the Algerians have to put it all back together after the torment. As is the conclusion of The Stranger, where Meursault is sentenced to death. For Harun, he gets away with killing the Frenchman, but he still longs for ...them to be legion, my spectators, and savage in their hate (Daoud
  • 12. The Provision Of The Affordable Care Act When president Obama signed the Affordable Care Act in March 2010, it came with a lot of new provisions that would vary when they would come into effect. The very first provision was the Grandfather Clause which allowed people to keep their insurance plan before the act went into effect. As long as the employer still offered that plan the employee could still maintain it because they were grandfathered into receiving that coverage. If someone bought an insurance plan after March 2010 they would not be considered under the Grandfather Clause. Thus, these individuals would be required to get a new plan by 2014 if their plan did not meet all the criteria, they would need to get a new plan that fills all the criteria. Another major provision of the Affordable Care Act is that patients have a guaranteed issue. This means that insurance companies are unable to deny anybody health insurancebased on their health or prior health. This may create a problem because the risk pool of an insurance company may not have the best people. Eventually, this could lead to the majority of the risk pool for an insurance company to have people who are at a greater risk of needing health insurance. This will make the insurance company more vulnerable and the only way that they will be able to cover the losses is by raising the premiums on everyone even though there may be some individuals that are in perfect health. The next provision that was added under the Affordable Care Act is that the
  • 13. The Consequences Of The Khmer Rouge And The Genocide In... On the 17 April 1975, Khmer Rouge started to take over the entire country and defeated the rules of Lon Nol Army. The seizure of Phnom Penh, the capital city of Cambodia, marked the beginning of the genocide in Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge people were so cruel to everyone in the country, and Cambodian people did not expect it to happen to them in harshly way. After three years eight months and 20 days, the nightmare had finished, and the Khmer Rougehad overthrown, but they left deep scars for Cambodian people with unforgettable memories. Even though the genocide has ended, unfortunately there nearly 2 millions Cambodian victims out of a population of just 8 million were killed since they were starved, struck down by diseases, overworked and executed by Khmer Rouge. Furthermore, this genocide also caused an indigent education system, lack of proper nutrition, families fell apart, extreme poverty for living, refugees and an unstable government. It is my belief that any wars or genocides are a direct result of the human suffering. That is the main reason that I appreciate of reading the Borany s storybook. Firstly, I strongly disagreed with the vicious Khmer Rouge regime behaved and how they treated people like animals. The Khmer Rouge regime evacuated people in Phnom Penh city about 2.5 million who are residents to the countrysides. Former civil servants, doctors, teachers and other professionals were stripped of their possessions and forced to take agricultural works as part
  • 14. Investigation Of Criminal Investigation And Trials in criminal investigation and trials by Dr B.P Maithil) CASE STUDIES: CASE NO. 1 On night intervening, a Saturday party was going on at kutub colonnade in a restaurant, Delhi. That night the liquor was served by the woman bartenders named as Janvi shah with her co tender jayant sharma. At about 2 am, mukesh Verma and Brejesh Sharma along with their friends went there and asked for the drinks, the waiter did not serve them the liquor as the party was over, Janvi shah and jayant sharma were tried to make him understand that the party was over and there was no alcohol available with them. On refusal to serve drinks, mukesh verma took his pistol and fired one shot at the roof and another at Janvi which it near her left eye as a result of which she fell down. Meena ramini who is the owner of the restaurant stopped the appellant and questioned him as to why he had shot Jessica and demanded the weapon from him but he did not hand over the pistol and ran away in his black Tata safari. The victim was sent to the hospital where she was declared brought dead. The FIR was dodged in the near police station. The police took the statement of the eye witnesses and prepared the list of invited guests. During investigating the crime scene two cartridges shells were found and the bullet was also recovered from the roof and sent to the Forensic Science Laboratory for the examination. The police started searching for the accused. On the same day, at
  • 15. The Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917-Essay Review In 1917, in the midst of the Great War, Russia faced one of the biggest political shifts that the Tsarist ruled country had ever known the Bolshevik Revolution. There are two significant time frames associated with the Bolshevik Revolution. In the February revolution Tsar Nicholas II abdicated his throne and a Provisional Government took control. In the October revolutionthe Bolsheviks took power by overthrowing the Provisional Government. How did the October revolution become a reality? What factors facilitated the BolshevikRevolution of October 1917? Two important factors were the July event at Taurida Palace, and the Kornilov Affair. Richard Pipes describes in detail how Lenin influenced the Bolshevik party throughout the... Show more content on ... After the July event, Lvov s resignation, Kerensky took control as the new Prime Minister. Richard Pipes gives a detailed account of the events that led up to the July event and the Bolsheviks preparedness. The Bolsheviks were opportunists and used propaganda to influence and agitate, gives credit to their political strategy. The Bolsheviks saw an opportunity and used it. They also understood that their timing had to be flawless. They did not want to quell the frenzy they had created among the mutineers; however, a premature large scale uprising would give the Provisional Government an excuse to crush them. Although the July event was a setback for the Bolsheviks, it did create a growing dissatisfaction among the soldiers. Many had no more will to fight, and lost their faith in the government. This would prove crucial when Kerensky would, with failed attempts, call on them to defend the Winter Palace against insurgents in the October Revolution. An important factor that facilitated the Bolshevik Revolution was the Kornilov Affair. Pipes and Fitzpatrick disagree in that Fitzpatrick refers to the Kornilov Affair as a coup based on national interest. Pipes refers to the Kornilov Affair as a coup in response to deception. Fitzpatrick writes the coup attempt by Kornilov was of his own design and without provocation. Pipes however, establishes the Kornilov Affair was a result of Kerensky s misperceptions. Kerensky felt that as head
  • 16. The Importance Of Oil Production IV. Data The data collected factors that the authors thought would contribute to the price of oil. All 14 OPEC members monthly oil production is found on the US. Energy Information Administration. The United States of America monthly production is found on the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Data also collected on the prices of commodities including Gold, Coal, and Oil. This is collected from the Federal Reserve of Economic Data. The price of the Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Trade Weight United Statesof America Dollar Index: Broad also collected from the Federal Reserve of Economic Data. The Dow Jones Industrial Average is a price weighted average of thirty individual and significant stocks that is traded on the ... Show more content on ... Where the data may be inaccurate would be regarding each countries reporting policies. Specifically, the author s are concerned regarding the integrity of the Venezuela production numbers. Current economic and political conditions in Venezuela are causing areas of concern for the United States, South America, also in the legitimacy in the contribution of the global price of oil. As Venezuela obtains the largest amount of oil reserves, along with the countries high dependence on the production of oil, on going political conditions are creating large areas of concern. With Venezuela being such a large oil producing country, 95% of the country s revenue comes from the sale of oil. In having such a heavy dependence, the large collapse in the production of oil, with a decline of 120,000 barrels a day with failed infrastructure developments, unpaid shipping fees, and contaminated oil, Venezuela s relations with major oil producing countries and OPEC is resulting in areas of concern and thus importance. Along with placing U.S. sanctions that prohibit any American financial institution from providing assistance to the Venezuelan government to help in economic bailout, current Venezuelan president is constantly pursuing changes in oil price from OPEC to increase so that increased oil prices would help pay off the millions in debt that the country owes. With Venezuela producing the lowest amount of oil in a
  • 17. Six Principles Of Political Realism Realism is an approach to the study and practice of international politics. It emphasizes the role of the nation state and makes a broad assumption that all nation states are motivated by national interests, or, at best, national interests disguised as moral concerns. Political realism means nations are conceived as political entities pursuing their respective interests defined in terms of power. Morgenthau divides the history of modern political thought into two distinct schools, realism and other (presumably idealism ), that differ fundamentally in their conceptions of the nature of man, society, and politics. The other school assumes the essential goodness and infinite malleability of human nature. It sees education (increased knowledge ... Show more content on ... Political realism believe that politics, like society in general, is governed by objective laws that have their roots in human nature. These objective laws allow us to differentiate truth from opinion the difference between objective and rational truth (supported by evidence and reason) and subjective judgement. We must also approach political reality with a rational outline/map in order to understand chosen behaviours. The operation of these laws being impervious to our preferences, men will challenge them only at the risk of failure. It believes also, then, in the possibility of distinguishing in politics between truth and opinion between what is true objectively and rationally, supported by evidence and illuminated by reason, and what is only a subjective judgment, divorced from the facts as they are and informed by prejudice and wishful thinking. It assumes that the character of a foreign policy can be ascertained only through the examination of the political acts performed and of the foreseeable consequences of these acts. We can find out what statesmen have actually done, and from the foreseeable consequences of their acts we can surmise what their objectives might have
  • 18. Wordsworth and Into the Wild, Mans Connection with Nature Nature is the universe, with all its phenomena, the elements of the natural world. In society there are those individuals that have an intense connection with nature. William Wordsworth, a romanticist, pantheist and transcendentalist believed that the natural world was an emblem of god or the divine and his poetryoften celebrates the beauty and spiritual values of the natural world. Chris McCandless believed that nature was the essence of freedom. The module In the Wild deals with humanity s relationship with nature. It shows that nature is the cure for all humanity, the cure for all deeds and a guide to them all. Man s origins lie in nature, it is where man begun and where man will end. Both composers gain insight from nature. Nature ... Show more content on ... The Solitary Reaper is a description of a melodious sound that is heard in the atmosphere. Its mood can be described as one of relaxation, depression and gentleness. The structure, four eight line stanzas, each closing with two couplets and all written in octosyllabic lines in iambic tetrameter, have a musical lilt. Short lines deliver the rhymes at a quick pace. Sentences normally need two or more such short lines to complete, so that few lines are strongly end stopped, diction is conversational and often lines consist mainly of monosyllabic words. A voice so thrilling was ne er heard The this quote describes how the sound of the girl s voice was accepted by all who heard. The sound of the reaper was pleasurable, and indeed welcoming. This quote also shows how the voice could not be compare to any other that existed. Wordsworth uses a few literary devices to express his description so the readers could imagine themselves listening to the soothing voice of the Scottish reaper. These include hyperboles and the use of rhetorical questions and metaphors. The use of hyperboles is seen in the sentence Breaking the silence of the seas, among the farthest Hebrides. It describes the voice of the reaper as one that is so loud, that it was heard miles away from where it originally began. The use of metaphors were seen when the poet compares the
  • 19. Athens vs. Sparta Essay Athens vs. Sparta During the times of Ancient Greece, two major forms of government existed, democracy and oligarchy. The city states of Athens and Sparta are the best representatives of democracy and oligarchy, respectively. The focus of the times was directed towards military capabilities, while the Athenians were more interested in comfort and culture. It was the oligarchy in Sparta that put a war like attitude as its first priority and best met the needs of Ancient Greece. These factors empowered Sparta and led to the development of an authoritative and potent state. Other contrasting issues included women s rights, social classes, and value of human life. Four rulers, Draco, Solon, Pisistratus, and Cleithenes, greatly ... Show more content on ... The government in Sparta followed a very different coarse than that of the Athenians. It was controlled by an oligarchy in which the power was held by a group of five men called ephors. Working below the ephors was the Council of Elders and an Assembly. Male citizens over age sixty could serve on the Council while anyone, male or female, over the age of twenty could be a member of the Assembly. Though the citizens had little say in the decisions made by the government, the system worked effectively. Over the years, the Spartan s brutal reputation in war grew so great that other nations and city states were too frightened to attack Sparta even though the Spartan army was no larger then eight thousand men. The Spartan Constitution called for all men to begin their military education at the age of seven, where they were trained to be tough and self sufficient. Every man in the army fought with a great deal of passion for his country. Life in Sparta may have been rough, but the rest of the Greeks envied the Spartans for their simplicity, straight forwardness, and fanatical dedication. The beliefs of Sparta were oriented around the state. The individual lived and died for the state. The combination of this philosophy, the education of Spartan males, and the discipline of their army gave the Spartans the stability needed to survive in Ancient Greece. The Athenian economy depended on foreign trade and
  • 20. Canterbury Tales Squire Essay In the Canterbury Tales, Geoffry Chaucer, meets and describes twenty nine pilgrims. While all of their reasons and intentions differ, they are all going to visit the shrine of Sir Thomas Beckett. Chaucer uses many different methods to describe his characters. To describe the squire, he chooses to focus on his appearence, his abilities, and his sexuality but the more that is revealed about the Squire s character, the more likely it seems that his talents lie elsewhere than on the battlefield. Many lines are dedicated to his appearence. It is made apparent that he cares how he looks to others as his hair is first described as locks curled as they were laid in a press (______ 81). Furthermore, his apparel is described as being Embroidered... as it were a mead (_______ 89). His appearence being made an apparent priority, comes off to... Show more content on ... Mentioning only Briefly the Squires battlefield experience, Chacuer explains his horseback skills, Well could he sit on horse and fairВЏ ride (______ 94). Otherwise he is only ever given credit for his skills with knives while at dinner with his father, carved before his father at the table (_____ 100). Besides his duties on the battlefield, the Squire is tremendously talented with fine arts. He is able to dance, sing, write and tell stories. These being applaudable skills, mean nothing to his true posistion in town. He is highly skilled in places where it does not matter which also eludes to what he actually cares about. He has just shortly been brought into his apprenticeship but is already very distinguished; some of his characteristics may give light to the reasons he is. The Squire is described as a lusty batchelor (_____l 80). There is proof that he acts in hope of ladies approval when Chaucer says And borne him well as in so little space conducted / In hope to standen in his lady s grace (_____ ll
  • 21. Radiohead Research Paper Exactly six months to the day before Donald Trump was elected president of the United States, Radiohead released their eerily prescient and hypnotic ninth album, A Moon Shaped Pool, to great fanfare. Nothing could have foretold the future more than the lyrics to the opening song, Burn the Witch : Abandon all reason / avoid all eye contact / this is a low flying panic attack. Backed by a repetitive and sawing string arrangement and an equally disturbing music video, it s one of the most overtly political songs Radioheadhas ever done, as well as one of their all time best. The following track, Daydreaming is nearly as good, with vocal loops and mournful piano reminiscent of Radiohead s very best work from 2000 s Kid A. The final minute... Show more content on ... Each song transitions smoothly into the next one, with a prime example being the smooth transition from the Decks Dark, a guitar driven, hooky number reminiscent of the band s OK Computer era down to its extraterrestrial subject matter, to Desert Island Disc, a low key, Nick Drake esque acoustic ballad. The songs all deal with the same underlying themes of heartbreak and, especially, a deep rooted paranoia, a common subject matter in Radiohead songs. Although Radiohead were once pegged as the preeminent doomsayers (Greene) of a generation, their characteristic paranoia is more understandable now than ever
  • 22. Cosi Fan Tutte Analysis Cosi fan tutte Review Have you ever stared at stage full of people never knowing what they are saying? Have you ever heard words that sound like gibberish making it extremely painful for you to understand? Have you ever tried to decipher a cryptic language that keeps you from unfurling the truth? The play, Cosi fan tutte, by W.A. Mozart and Lorenza De Ponte, fails to impress the audience by making its dialogue frighteningly difficult to understand. This musical drama, at its best, is ineffective which can be shown by its recurring dreary themes and its shockingly limited relatability. Perhaps it only redeemable quality is it genuine and dedicated cast, who try to add humor and excitement to this otherwise monotonous opus. Music lies at the heart of every opera. If the songs of the opera fail to impress the audience, it can spell disaster for the performance. The compositions of Cosi fan tutte prove to be dour and repetitious, ultimately setting a bleak and distressing atmosphere. For instance songs such as Sento oddio, che questo piede and Di Scrivermi ogni giorno address the same topic of Ferrando and Guglielmo leaving their fiancГ©s Fiordiligi and Dorabella and going off to war. In both of these songs, the men try to appease their clearly distressed fiancГ©s and in both of these songs the fiancГ©s give and overly dramatic performance of heartbreak. The themes of heartbreak, affliction and separation coupled with the repetitive nature of the songs, serve to create a
  • 23. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Intelligence leadership. Though not explicitly called intelligence tests, various achievement and aptitude tests are identical to the earlier IQ tests. The main difference is that achievement tests are designed to assess what a candidate has learned while aptitude tests are designed to assess one s potential to learn. The educational, business and governmental institutions using these assessments refrain from using the word intelligence, as it can be a labeling and frightening word or even cause discord and objection among the test takers. The College Board has even dropped the world aptitude from the title of the SAT, now calling it the Scholastic Assessment Test. However, the most common aptitude style tests in the IQ tradition are the SAT, CAT, GRE, LSAT, and the MCAT. ... Show more content on ... In the end, choices have to be made and some students turned away, preferably on fair and objective grounds. Even though commonly used, there are still numerous criticisms of widely practiced methods of intelligence testing. Many believe that the available measures do not actually test overall intelligence, but just some of the mental processes of a person. According to the supporters of this criticism, intelligence is constituted of many other abilities such as wisdom, creativity, common sense, social skills, and practical knowledge. However, other psychologists either believe that these are derivative from, or a consequence of, the basic processes that the intelligence tests measure. It is also possible that these abilities are immeasurable because they are intuitive and too subjective to be tested for using an objective measure. Others looking at the same pattern of findings have concluded that the degree of development in the areas that are tapped depends largely on the environment that the subject has been exposed to which creates a large number of variable
  • 24. Inherit The Wind Moral Analysis Morals are everywhere in the movie Inherit The Wind and in everyday life. Morals are always changing and there are different kinds of beliefs everywhere. Merriam Webster describes morals being of or relating to principles of right and wrong in behavior and a belief as a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing. Beliefs and morals go hand in hand when you think about it. Each one of the billions of people on this earth has different morals depending on who they and where they are. Our morals are challenged every day and we, ourselves, question them every hour of the day if they are right or wrong; should we defend our morals or change them?. In the movie characters beliefs are challenged and... Show more content on ... When put to trial his beliefs are put to the test and at one point he was willing to give up. In the end, Cate s stood his ground and fought for what he believed in. When Cate s is said to be guilty he responds I ve been convicted of violating an unjust law. I will continue in the future as I have in the past to oppose this law in any way I can. He once wavered but now he stood for what he believed in becoming strong with his morals. Challenges for morals were very high in the movie, especially for dear young Rachel. She believed her morals were just like her father s the priest of the town but wanted to help her lover, Cates, despite his opposite beliefs. She admits in the movie that she fears her father, later in the film he damns her to hell for associating with Cates. She fears if Cates doesn t follow everyone else s beliefs she ll lose him, so she tells him to basically follow the townspeople like a good little sheep so they don t get more in trouble. Through the rest of the movie, she battles herself of what she believes in almost losing it. At the end, she comes to grasp herself and figures out what she wants. She became a stronger person now that she knows her own morals letting go of her fear of her cursing damnation father. She finally finds what her own morals are not what other s want her to believe in as she stands with her lover proud. We fight, but truly, who is right we only know that we have different
  • 25. Analysis Of Agile Methodology With Cloud Computing Essay Analysis of Agile Methodology with Cloud Computing Swati Dhawan Institute of Software Engineering Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA Abstract?Agile methodology and the Cloud computing are the two practices which has started gaining momentum in the industry. The paper reflects the findings on how the latest cloud technology has effected the way the agile process works. On one side, it can be much advantageous to the teams which are looking for frequent releases based on fast customer feedback. The integrated agile cloud development helps in overcoming the limitations of both practices and provide a higher degree of innovation. On the other hand, there are some issues and challenges reported with this new technology even after the widespread adoption of the agile cloud development. The paper reflects some proposed solutions which can help in paving better way to handle those challenges and issues. Keywords? Agile, Agile Cloud Development, Agile Methodology, Cloud, Cloud Computing, Scrum, XP Introduction Innovation in technology has been accelerating in a faster pace. To establish themselves in the market and compete with the best, the companies are adopting new techniques to be innovative. Here the innovation implies that the relevant software is released to modern trends faster than ever. Also, industries are mainly focusing on the user needs fulfillment in an efficient way. In such scenarios, the companies are increasingly adopting the
  • 26. The Last Critic That Will Be Evaluated The last critic that will be evaluated is Margaret B. Wilkerson. During the time that her critical study was composed, Margaret B. Wilkerson was the Director of the UC Berkeley Center for the Study, Education, and Advancement of Women. Wilkerson critical analysis is titled A Raisin in the Sun: Anniversary of an American Classic. Wilkerson s critical analysis discusses the various social, historical, and artistic factors that have contributed to the play s contemporary relevance and popularity, with particular focus on script revisions. (Wilkerson 442) Wilkerson states that critics claimed that plays about the Black experience were seen as unattractive and of temporary or limited appeal to the theatre audiences. A Raisin in the Sun was different because the play was created at the right time. Wilkerson stated, The Play s phenomenal reception can be attributed, in part, to its timeliness, for this dram reflects that moment in U.S. history when the country was poised on the brink of cataclysmic social and legal upheavals that would forever change its character. (Wilkerson 442) Hansberry happen to respond to Langston Hughespoem A Dream Deferred by making a play about the struggles and frustrations of a working class Black family living in the South Side of Chicago post World War II. It is three generations of family members living under one roof. The apartment is a two bedroom apartment that is shared by five people so it is not only crowded but unsanitary because of
  • 27. Howard S Becker Howard Becker SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology Professor Smith March 4, 2012 Howard S. Becker Howard Becker was a famous American sociologist. He made several contributions in the fields of occupations, education, deviance and art and made several studies in those fields. He particularly made several studies in the field of social deviance and occupations. Most of studies went into the interactions between criminal people and regular people. Many of these studies included the criminal minds of these people, relationship between them and regular society, and how society viewed them. Howard Saul Becker was born on April 18, 1928 in Chicago, Illinois (Bernard, 2012). He studied sociology at the University of Chicago and he ... Show more content on ... Society does little to nothing to help itself either. Criminal activity happens all around us yet we still leave valuables in our cars, leave the doors unlocked, or let our children roam free and then wonder why someone breaks into our car or house and demand law enforcement fix the problem. Certain areas of the United States have higher crimes than other parts such as the south has more crimes rates than the north and the city of Washington D. C. has the highest crime rate in all the country (Vissing, 2011). What we don t realize that if we have a little common sense such as lock doors or keep our valuables tucked away we can prevent petty crimes and at the same time save our taxpayer money. Society views deviants are just that, those that defy the rules that were set in place for a reason or purpose such as safety or as legal guidance. We view criminals as if they are lost but if we taught them the right ways maybe we can help reverse some of the problems. There are some crimes though that even criminals themselves don t like such as child rapist, molesters, or others that commit sexual crimes. These are some of the most serious offenders and even when they are in prison they get treated like dirt and even murders look down on them. Society though has given some people a bad name even though they don t deserve it such as people who have a lot of tattoos or piercings. Society sees these people that maybe criminals
  • 28. Allusions In Crime And Punishment Crime and Punishment, written by Fyodor Dostoevsky, is a novel about the actions of a man, his punishment, and his eventual redemption. Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov, (Raski), is a man with many flaws. By the end of part one, he had already murdered two women, a pawnbroker, and her friend. This act is very important for it sets the tone for the rest of the plot. The majority of Dostoevsky s book is about the suffering Raskolnikov endures and how, through his pain, Raski is able to achieve redemption. Among Dostoevsky s use of many techniques, his use of literary motifs, and Christian allusions help to convey the importance of religion in redemption. One major motif used by Dostoevsky was water. Historically, this has represented the purification of sins and is a motif that is generally based in a religious way. Crime and Punishment exemplifies the idea of water as a purifying substance, almost a sort of baptism. Water becomes important to note in Part 2, specifically chapter 6. In this chapter, Raskolnikov witnesses a woman s attempt to take her life by jumping off of a bridge and drowning in the water. She is eventually saved and Raskolnikov starts thinking about suicide in the same way. It was disgusting to him. No, it s vile . . . the water . . . better not (170). This thought shows Raskolnikov considering plunging himself into the river in response to his crime. He is so caught up in the murder and the investigation that he considers ending his life. Although these
  • 29. Target Blood Pressure Case Study target blood pressure before starting VSPi. To this end, shorter acting antihypertensive medications with closer follow up may be more suitable to avoid any delays in starting VSPi. As long as an adequate plan has been established between the patient and physician, the dose titration to achieve target BP can be achieved while the patient is on VSPi. It may not be necessary to delay initiation of VSPi if the blood pressure is not at target, as long as it is not elevated to levels that are more likely associated with acute complications. [Maitland 2010] If the patient is already on antihypertensive medications, the importance of adherence and regular follow up should be explained, and the patient should be initiated on a single antihypertensive medication, titrated to maximum tolerated dose in order to achieve the target blood pressure before adding a second medication if required. [Maitland 2010]... Show more content on ... Patients who have increase in DBP 20 mmHg above baseline may not always cross the 140/90 mmHg threshold for HTN. It is recommended to start antihypertensive medication to keep the DBP within 20mmHg of
  • 30. Racial Profiling Racism Racial Profiling occurs in every region of the world. Everybody will judge you based on your race and ethnicity. Racial profiling happens in our daily life, just like in the film Us Against the World . The film showed how the people from Knott County did not accept the players from Cordia since they came from another place and people were against them because of their race. Racial profilingis a huge problem in our society and we should treat everybody equally. Racial profiling affects our everyday life by showing how different people are being judged base on their background, skin tone, raceand ethnicity. In the film, Us against the World showed how the players from Cordia was being racial profiled. It was a challenge for Cordia s players since they have to go through unexpected changes in their families while have to deal with racism. They were coming into Kentucky which is a racially charge state. For example, people were treating them differently, They have been told the N word. They have been told they need to go back to Africa (episode 1). This shows that just because they are black they are treating them differently. The people from Lotts Creek was mad because the superintendent from Knott County, Kim King stated, Coach Rhodes s contract will not be renewed for next season because she said that he have a poor relationship with Principal Mullins and neglect of duty ( Kim King,Episode 2). This shows that they didn t want the players and the coach to be there. Everybody was against them and it was a challenge for them, Everybody have enemies but I just think about me ( Oumar Keita). This mean that even though the players from Cordia was being racial profiled, it would not stop them from reaching their goals. Racial profiling was a difficult situation to control and there was a huge tension between Knott County High School and Cordia high school. They did not let people supports Coach Rhodes, If they were to stand behind Rodrick Rhodes, they can lose their jobs in a matter of days, I have been told to be quite (Carl Smith Cordia school parent, episode 5). This was a problem since they did not want to lose their jobs because they still need to feed their families. Coach Rhodes was like a father
  • 31. Bullying And The American Medical Association In a study taken by the American Medical Association it was reported that over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year. Out of these 3.2 million they found that approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day and 1 in 10 students drop out to school to escape from repeatedly being bullied. Reading these statistics, you can almost hear them call for someone to step up against this horrid and harassing act known as bullying. However, in a room full of bystanders, not one voice has the courage to stand up and intervene when someone is being bullied. As parents, the main goal to have should be obtaining every bit of information you can on what is happening in the lives of your child and teach them how they are capable of turning things around and stepping up against bullying by becoming an upstander. When they witness someone being bullied, a bystander s first instincts are to remain silent and try to slip away from the bully as he/she throws another student against a locker or calls them names and teases them for being different. Although the child may empathize with the person being targeted, they retaliate to avoid embarrassment if they speak up, or they may feel as though they do not have the power or social status to challenge and to change what they are witnessing. Other assumptions why kids don t get involved is because they may not want to become the next target, they have been told to mind their own business in the past or fear the reputation of
  • 32. Company Overview Of The Coca Cola Company Company Overview The Coca Cola Corporation is a multinational company that specializes in production, retailing and marketing of non alcoholic beverages. Coca Cola is ranked number 1 as global provider of their non alcoholic beverages. These beverages consists of, but are not limited too, Coca Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Dasani, Simply orange, PowerAde, and Vitamin water. The Coca Cola Companys main competitors consist of PepsiCo, Dr Pepper Snapple Group, and Groupe Danone Water Division. The company s main focus is soft drink industry, resulting in most of the company s revenue. Analysis Assets: PPE: To acquire the percentage of change between the years for Coca Cola a horizontal analysis calculation of the balance sheet accounts must be completed. This consists of taking the most recent period amount and subtracting it by the previous years account balance this is then all divided by the pervious years amount. On Dec 31st, 2014 the balance for PPE was $14.6 Billion, in the recent year end of Dec 31st, 2015 that number decreased by 14.09% to $12.5 Billion. In order to better judge the change in PPE, a vertical analysis needs to be calculated to help understand the drop in PPE. A vertical analysis is done by taking the company s individual assets accounts and dividing them by the total asset balance. This allows for a representation of how vital the account is in the company s overall operation. The Property, Plant and Equipment vertical analysis for the year of 2015 is
  • 33. Admire My Mother Maybelys Avalos ENC1101 Oct.26, 2017 My Abuela, Nory Let me tell you about wonderful women that not only raised me but my mother. This person is someone I admire and hope to be like her someday. My Abuela, Nory touched the heart and soul of everyone that met her, but none more so than me. She has always been there for me and my family. My Abuela has taught me many valuable things in life and hopefully, she will continue to do that. Nory is important to me because she knows how to cook, she knows how to have fun, and she s the most confident person I have ever seen. First of all, Nory is an exceptional chef. We all know how amazing a grandma can cook especially if she s Hispanic. They know the recipes from the old world and can recreate them perfectly. When we try to copy their masterpieces we find that we still fall short. No one can measure up to my grandma. This 5 foot 3, 65 year old beast of a woman can make you taste heaven in every meal that she prepares. I have always loved baking but I found it fascinated when I would watch my grandma cook. She always has more than two shoves one plus the rice cooker and the microwave. If you have ever seen how busy a five star restaurant kitchen is on a weekend then I m sure you can picture just how busy the kitchen is, except in this case its only one master chef. Her short auburn hair is all over the place, the sweat on her face shows just how much she has worked and you can never forget her signature mismatched socks. The best
  • 34. Homor Language And Its Benefits Of Humor And Language Humor and Language Humor is elusive, inexplicable phenomena, often the best medicine for our psychological problems and issues. Humor language is rarely discussed; we will explore later on the reasons why humor is avoided in schools, the types of humor and its benefits. At times we overlook humor as an important element in teaching and using it as a tool to contribute to a positive environment for learning, humor for some is considered to be synonyms of disorder and chaos. I m not going to start telling jokes, it will lead to a complete loss of control said my friend s teacher in LycГ©e school. For others, lack of knowledge as to how one may use humor in his speech effectively might prevent him from using his sense of humor. I enjoy humor, but I don t know how to go about using it, so I don t, I don t want... Show more content on ... The writer of the article Benefits of Humor (n.d), states that studies by Fabio Sala at the Hay Group have shown that humor, when used skillfully, reduces hostility, improves morale, and helps to communicate difficult messages. Other research done by three experts showed that humor makes the target person want to listen more, makes the information more memorable, distracts the person from thinking about counter arguments and it builds rapport and liking of the humorist. Most importantly, humor makes people healthier, on both physical and psychological level. Health wise, it lowers the blood pressure, improves breathing and strengthens the immune system and exercises the muscles. On the psychological base, humor distracts one from negative emotions, increases and boosts the energy, and it just makes us feel better and more connected to others. As cited in this article, humor also breaks through barriers laughter, can transcend age, race, gender and belief. Therefore, humor is a great tool employed to get closer to others, and communicate in a more friendly
  • 35. The Visitation Handbook For The Custodial Parent The impacts of abuse are devastating. As a result of abuse, half a million youth run away from home every year. 63% of young men between the age of 15 and 20 have been incarcerated for homicide for killing their mother s abuser (Berry 9). The majority of boys present in domestic violence cases, try to protect their mothers. 62% of boys who try to protect their mothers are injured in the process. A vast number of teenagers who run away, move in with their boyfriend or girlfriend, and become pregnant at a young age. These teens are unable to care for themselves, let alone a child. In result, they end up selling their bodies for survival (Straussner 2002). More than a million teenage pregnancies occur each year, which in turn results in over... Show more content on ... One reason why Christians should have a heart for destitute children is because the proper view of human life Christians possess. Recently there was a man in Wisconsin who was sentenced to twelve years in prison for killing his cats. Two days later a woman in Delaware was sentenced to thirty months, two and a half years of prison, for killing her newborn child. The woman threw her child, umbilical cord still attached, out the window of a third floor motel room into a garbage bin below (MacArthur 4). Maybe one of the reasons why there are so many families falling apart and so many children in foster care is because people do not possess a proper view of human life. If society views the life of a child equivalent to the life of an animal, then it is no wonder why there are hundreds of thousands of children in the foster care system. The sanctity of human life should be fought for and protected, especially by
  • 36. The Basic Idea Of Science THE BASIC IDEA In the field of physical science it has been proved that absolutely everything can be scientifically reduced to one ultimate invisible Essence, something which cannot be contacted by the physical senses. It is therefore only reasonable to say that originally everything must have, and still does, come from It. According to one s way of thinking, different names are given to It: Energy, Principle, Universal Intelligence, Universal Mind, Consciousness, Spirit, God. The Basic Ideas of Science of Mind, pg. 11 Infinite = One The number that best represents the infinite is not a very big number. Infinity is one, not two, or three or more. The infinite is not many, but one. The infinite is indivisible and inseparable. If ... Show more content on ... That too is an inescapable realization drawn from the premise of an infinite being. The Infinite cannot be one with just one of us. It must be one with every one of us. Each and everyone is one with the infinite One, God. If you doubt that Jesus came to this conclusion, then consider one question: Why did he say that when we pray we should pray to Our Father, rather than his Father? We are all one with the infinite One. I think that we must accept this premise because it is reasonable; but my insistence that others think and reason as I do would be unreasonable. Anyone can ignore the infinite One; they just can t be separate or apart from It. We can ignore our heritage, our inheritance and our inherent nature. Nevertheless it is with us, even thou we deny it. You can ignore reality, but it doesn t go away. One Reality The Apostle Paul wrote: In him we live, and move, and have our being [Acts 17:28] Jesus said: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. [Lk. 17:21] God would have to be very small to be within all, and very large to include all. However, to resolve these two extremes, God need only be infinite. Remember what Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote in his essay, History: There is no great and no small To the Soul that maketh all: And where it cometh, all things are; And it cometh everywhere. When we envision a God that is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent we are thinking of the infinite,
  • 37. Dian Diana Der-Hovanessian s Essay Two Voices The Armenian Genocide left the Armenians in ruin. Apart for the human and material loss, the sociocultural loss was most significant. The Armenians were robbed of their centuries old, rich culture within in a space of a year. Their society was forced into diaspora in order to survive. This movement encouraged integration into other countries and resulted in partial loss of the suffering Armenian culture. Those Armenians who survived the genocide of 1915 were forced to exile their Homeland in the Ottoman Empire in order to survive. Behind them they left their culture; castles, towns, villages, churches, thousands of manuscripts and cultural secrets and data were destroyed. This effectively stripped the Armenians of their rich heritage left from ancestors. Within years, an entire culture, it s people and its all histories were virtually erased. Today, Armenians are dispersed throughout the Middle East and the United States, with only about 1 million of the estimated 9 million actually living in Armenia. This diaspora of the Armenians, living scattered across the world, has created a struggle to hold on to their Armenian identity.... Show more content on ... Der Hovanessian is herself an Armenian American writer born in the United States. Her grandparents took refuge in the United States following the genocide in Ottoman Armenia. The poem reveals the struggle of an assimilated Armenian American and the influence of her family s history on her identity. Diana Der Hovanessian is influenced by the loss of culture, little heritage bar the genocide itself and a surrounding Armenian society. Due to this, she has, like many other dispersed Armenians, integrated into another culture, somewhat adopting it, and is conflicted between the two
  • 38. The High Renaissance The High Renaissance was more impactful than the Early Renaissance. While the Early Renaissance provided the foundational skills required for Renaissance art and thinking, the High Renaissance allowed for artists and their talent to expand and influence other regions. To the average individual, the Late Renaissanceremains the most prominent due to the creative and technical prowess of famous artists, and the development of Europe s literary and philosophical culture. The High Renaissance is the main period in which people recall upon hearing of the Renaissance famous Renaissance artists and works were created during this time. Many of the defining characteristics of Renaissance art, such as perspective and realism, were refined in their technical forms during the High Renaissance. They were mastered by artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangeloin Rome under papal commissions, due to Florences relevancy declining. The earlier Renaissance contained mostly rediscoveries of the works created in Antiquity, and the growing stylistic distinctions between... Show more content on ... The Early Renaissance had only ended due to to the death of Lorenzo de Medici, one of the most influential patrons of the time. Additionally, Girolamo Savonarola, a Dominican friar, influenced most of Florence to denounce the Medici family and reject all vanities; this included many non religious works of art. The hostility towards artists and their crafts caused most artists to travel to other city states, thus spreading the mastery of Renaissance art. Overall, the Renaissance can be split into two sections: the Early Renaissance, and the Late, or the High Renaissance. The Late Renaissance is a more refined version of the Early Renaissance; in artistic terms, the Late Renaissance was the mastery of technical skills founded in the earlier ages, while also an age of literary and philosophical
  • 39. My Reflection On How Grit Is The Ability Of An Individual Grit is the ability of an individual to persevere over obstacles and their goals, especially through a long period of time. In this essay. I will talk about my grades, ability to stick up for what I believe in, and my growth mindset versus my fixed mindset. I believe I have an average balance of growth and fixed mindset, however, I would like to strengthen my growth and grit mindset. I will have to work on this and connect it to my school work as i will state in my essay. Many educators, and researchers believe there is a struggle to balance morals and grit, with concrete school work. My essay will define my line of this balance Every student has their habits, good and bad. Mine unfortunately are mostly bad. Like most students, I have the... Show more content on ... As students, our habits are embedded in us, then once we are out of school, we are told habits are bad. If the period between twenty and thirty is the critical one in the formation of intellectual and professional habits, the period below twenty is more important still for fixing the personal habits (James 9). Instead of having students create studying habits, and learning habits in school, the education system should have gratuitous exercises, that deny habits of sitting down in the same desks every day, doing the same homework packets, and should have us thinking about what we learned instead of: Learn, repeat, take test, forget . Our learning is a habit of memorizing instead of soaking in the information. Grit is strengthening your character, being able to resolve problems, and never giving up. From Angela Duckworth s speech about true grit; The common traits of 300 geniuses include: tendency not to abandon tasks from mere changeability. Not seeking something fresh because of novelty. Not looking for change . (Duckworth). Many may say that change is good, and that is true in some cases. Change is good for the bad habits that I mentioned in my previous habit, however, constant changing results in worse habits, and not being able to experience and work on true grit. I believe true grit can be concrete, or abstract. Grit is concrete in the
  • 40. Vietnam Memorial Trajan Art is not only meant to stimulate our eyes and please our sight but it is meant to reflect history. Art can reflect social/political themes and showcase events such as wars or battles. No matter the era, or geographical location, art is made to tell the history of the people. Such storytelling can be found in Maya Lin s Vietnam Memorial and The Column of Trajan. These two works of art are similar and are also very different. Regardless of these similarities and differences, they both had strong impacts in their time and still do to this very day. The United State s various attempts to stop Communism from spreading brought about many conflicts among countries. These conflicts sometimes led to many deaths and casualties, such as in the Vietnam ... Show more content on ... First of all, the material of which these two works were made from are vastly different. The memorial was made out of black granite and the column was made from carrara marble. Also, the physical shape of the two pieces are different. The memorial is a flat wall surface that goes up in an angle meanwhile the column is a curved surface and has bands of reliefs going upwards. Another example showing the difference between the two is the political reasoning as to why these works of art were made. The Vietnam Memorial was made of remembrance of a war the U.S fought in and lost meanwhile, The Column of Trajan serves to remind the people of the battles Trajan had one. In which case, one showed the loss and the other the wins. Another way to look at the Column of Trajan is to see it as an advertisement, or imperial propaganda. The reliefs in the column portray Trajan as an amazing emperor and an efficient army commander. This could have influenced the Romans at the time to like him and teach them what to expect from any other emperor after Trajan. This differs from the Vietnam Memorial due to the fact the memorial is simply a memorial, something to remember those who died, not to influence others to like a ruler or not. Overall, the Vietnam Memorial and the Column of Trajan share their
  • 41. The Advantages of Conscription It has long been a controversial topic of debate in the United States, whether or not our young men and women should be required to serve in the armed forces. There is proof that compulsory military service would be in our nations best interest. It has historically shown to improve military preparedness, and also has evenly balanced the burden of military service. It also helps to instill a sense of duty into those who serve. From an economic standpoint, there are numerous arguments to be made in support of conscription, including government savings. Numerous scholars write in favor of the subject as well. The government has been debating this topic since the draft system was removed from our country, and many reports written also... Show more content on ... If however, a draft was imposed, with these deferments eliminated, then the burden of military service would fall less on the minorities and the impoverished, but rather on all men of military age. Professor Charles Moskos, a former draftee, and currently a professor at Northwestern University makes several good arguments in support of the draft. He points out the large number of volunteers who fail to fulfill their initial enlistments: A reality often overlooked in the all volunteer force is that one third of entering members fail to complete their initial enlistments. Contrast this with the one in 10 draftees who did not complete their two year obligation. It s much better to have a soldier serve a short term honorably than be discharged prematurely for cause . He raises an excellent point when he says that it would be detrimental to allow our troops to be dishonorably discharged. Another excellent point brought up by Professor Moskos. He argues that because for some jobs it takes a higher level of technical skill, that cant possibly be met by short term service, higher compensation should be offered to those who serve longer. Higher compensation should be aimed at those whose skills require extended training and job experience. A two track pay system could be devised to give long term enlistees higher compensation than their drafted counterparts (many of whom, however, may have
  • 42. The Study Of Practice And Practice Essay The Study of Practice Introduction As the term refers to the untrained individual, practice may seem like a minuscule activity that is drawn out to emulate a pattern that is to be learned. As practice refers to motor learning it is a very integral part of learning a motor pattern. The same can be said for other activities such as riding a bike, dribbling a ball, or climbing stairs. According to the Oxford English dictionary the term practice is defined as, repeated exercise in our performance of an activity or skill so as to acquire or maintain proficiency in it (Practice, 2016). We practice a certain activity to become better at performing said activity. For example, a small child learning how to ride a bike, may use training wheels help the child maintain balance without the threat of falling off of the bike. The training wheels help the child acquire the feeling of what it is like to ride a bike. The use of the training wheels allows the child to practice or get comfortable with the action of riding a bike before actually doing so. Practice encompasses many other factors that contribute to how well an individual attains and learns a skill. Practicing a skill infrequently or frequently affects how that skill is performed. The distribution or spread of practice may affect learning. The instability or variability of a skill performance can have an effect on the end result learning. Mental practice, part practice, and whole practice are types of practice that also has
  • 43. Project Pl Planning Market Research Essay BSBMKG506 Plan market research Assessment Task 2: Project planning market research Part 1: Identify and present market research needs The first part of this project requires you to prepare and present a power point presentation to your assessor and class colleagues. Your presentation should last approximately 10 minutes. Your power point presentation should clearly explain and provide sufficient detail on: 1.General information on the function and importance of market research. 2.The company s position in the market place (and including market trends) and why you believe market research would be of benefit to the company. 3.A statement of what you believe the company s market research needs are (and as discussed with your assessor in meeting prior to commencing Part 1) and based on the documentation that you have reviewed. You will also need to state what the documentation is and explain how it assisted you to come to your decision about what area of market research would be most useful. 4.Draft objectives for the market research to be conducted. 5.A scoping of the proposed market research that describes timelines for conducting the research, human, financial and physical resources required, whether the market research can be conducted by internal staff or if external assistance is also required, possible methodologies, sample size, etc. At the end of your presentation you should seek feedback on your presentation and the planned market research, including
  • 44. It 315 Unit 3 Assignment Portfolio Assignment ITS 315: Introduction to Networks Mazen Alkhatib December 23, 2012 Network Implementation Over four months, a very short period of time, a small accounting firm grew from five employees to fifty. The existing network architecture could no longer support the exponential growth. Peer to Peer networks work very well in a small office environment. Once the ratio of employees exceeds around five employees resources, file storage and a plethora of other network disasters begin. The obvious solution was to recommend a change. As explained in the proposal the proposed upgrade from a peer to peer network architecture to client /server was an imminent necessity. Cable Recommendation The accounting firm... Show more content on ... Our intention is to do the aforementioned in a manner that will allow us to manage all of the files and resources from a central location by implementing a server to our current network architecture. Reasons to Change. In the past our peer to peer network architecture served us well by providing us with a way to share our files and resources in a manner that did not require much planning. Unfortunately, as a peer to peer network grows it becomes more difficult to maintain due to its lack of centralized control which makes it un scalable. With the addition of fifty individual workstations, security access and file storage control remains in the hands of the user. For example, should someone decide to delete a company file, there would be no way of knowing. Once there are more than five or six workstations attached peer to peer networks begin to pose as a security threat that may cause loss of sensitive company data due to virus and spyware attacks. Fortunately advancements in technology have provided a viable solution for rapidly growing small businesses such as our own called servers. Our Viable Solution. Adding a server to our current network will allow our employees to manage, store, send and process data from a centralized location 24 hours a day. In
  • 45. The Journey Of Modern Theology The Journey of Modern Theology: Chapter 3, 7, 11 I enjoyed reading about Charles Hodge and some of the things Olson recorded about Hodge really spoke to me. One topic I enjoyed was Hodge s belief that God would not ask or command us to do something that is morally wrong (p.225). Hodge also believed that God would not reveal anything that would contradict a well authenticated truth or revelation (p. 225). I think Hodge is correct with his assumption because God does not change His mind or ask us to do something immoral. I think many people believe that God changed His mind and sent Jesus after His first attempt the Law of Moses had failed. We know the Law was a part of the plan for Jesus entrance into this world. Hodge s statement is ... Show more content on ... The Apostle Paul alludes to this when he says that All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training 2 Timothy 3:16 (NASB). Paul is telling us we can use the scripture to form our teachings from. I do believe we can see God s existence in nature just as the Apostle Paul says, Since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse Roman 1:20 (NASB). I will not doubt the scripture that you can find evidence of God in nature but what you find should not replace the truths found in the scripture. Hodge believed that the Bible was a store house of facts for the theologian, but for some of the liberal theologians of the enlightenment period they looked for answers outside of God s word. Many churches have went this way as well and its a reminder to me and my ministry that I must keep myself centered in the store house of facts, the Bible. As Christians I believe when problems arise we must seek out answers to these problems through scripture study and prayer. I believe to often we try to handle things with our own reasoning and hands when Jesus himself said, ...apart from Me you can do nothing John 15:5 (NASB). To me this is a reminder in my ministry that if I m trying to do things outside of God s will
  • 46. Dell s Value Chain About Dell Dell was started by Michael Dell in his dorm room at the University of Texas in 1984 with $1000. Essentially, Dell started as an entrepreneurial venture, based on some unique. Company headquartered in Round Rock, Texas, U.S.A. Michael Dell has been successfully able to guide the organization to a point where its revenue is around US$ 63.07 billion in 2012. In 2001, became the No. 1 computer systems company in the world. At present (2013), it is the third largest PC vendor in the world after HP and Lenovo. The product portfolio, before the onset of smartphone revolution included Desktops, Laptops, Storage Products, Workstations and Network Servers. In the present time Dell has ventured into the Smartphones and Tablet as well. Business ... Show more content on ... The most impressive trait of this lean inventory model was the 3 Days of inventory which meant an inventory turn of 122 per annum. Dell s Strategy in Present Times With the advent of Internet and particularly the e commerce business, the scenario has changed to a large extent. Hence the system at Dell needs modification to stay updated with the competition. The following factors have changed: 1)The customers are willing to choose from the number of model provided by the companies instead of a more customized product. 2)The movement of the different models of products has become faster. Hence the companies are required to keep inventory so as to meet the demand. 3)Significant drop in the prices of the products as PCs and Laptops have become a commodity. Hybrid Model Due the significant changes in the scenario, the tried and tested model of Dell needs changing. Hence Dell has adopted a Hybrid Model to incorporate the present times. Hence with the addition of the Retail Stores, Dell has been able to provide the look and feel of the product to the customers. This change has taken place as the systems are considered a commodity in the present
  • 47. Comparing Kudrow s Room And Bored So, after securing roles in films such as Analyze This and Marci X in 2003, Kudrow s return to television as a producer, writer and actress was welcomed. Appropriately titled The Comeback was, in reality, correspondent to Kudrow s life at the time. It told a story about a star of a sitcom who had taken a dive in ratings and was trying to make a comeback. Kudrow plays this character named Valerie Cherish (Valarie is Kudrow s middle name) in a new comedy that mocks her previous giddy roles. Valarie attempts to make her returning debut on a low budget network as Aunt Sassy, a crazy and horny individual, in a comedy called Room and Bored. At the same time, Valarie would be preceded by a reality show that displayed much of her life in detail.
  • 48. Hypocrisy In Ghosts And Tartuffe The two plays deal with similar issues of deception and hypocrisy present in the society and how people wear masks in order to conform to the social norms of their respective societies. Both the authors, Henrik Ibsen and Moliere have made effective use of deception in order to bring their ideas and views through to their audience. Ghosts is a perfect example of a realistic play which attacks the hypocrisy present in the society and in its value systems. Ibsen therefore was known as the father of modern theatre. Tartuffewas written by Moliere in the age of reason. During this period writers usually wrote in a common genre which was known as the comedy of manners. As a form of satire, the genre of comedy was aimed at ridiculing human... Show more content on ... Mrs Alving goes to the extent of constructing an orphanage in his name, so as to keep up his appearance in society and thus uses deception as a tool to do so. And in Act II we get evidence of this deceit, I had always before me the fear that it was impossible that the truth should come out and be believed. That is why the Orphanage is to exist, to silence all rumours and clear away all doubt. But shortly afterwards we hear of the burning down of the orphanage. Here Ibsen has made use of great irony in order to strip the deception and bring out the truth. The orphanage was built in the memory of Mr. Alving and therefore its burning down acts as a symbol of the corrupt life which had been lead by him. The tragedy of the burning of the orphanage was that it was not insured. The orphanage had not been insured as Manders (the priest) thought that people would not take it in the correct manner and will accuse Manders of not having enough faith in god. Mr. Manders is a priest in the local church but is very conservative and narrow minded and is also very gullible, as he gets deceived very easily by Engstrand. Engstrand also uses the tool of deception in order to hide his true intentions from the society. He is very corrupted and immoral to the extent of turning Regina (his daughter) into a whore in his very own whore house. Engstrand is a compulsive liar and he makes
  • 49. Christian Life Coach Essay As a life coach you can have a tremendous impact on how the future of your client come to past. A Christian life coach helpS your client to clarify their vision, set goals, and help them move towards their mission is vital because it can help the client to see their life purpose here on earth. Often clients seek for a life coach to improve areas of their life that they would like to change. According to the article, Evidence Based Well Being/Positive PsychologyAssessment and Intervention with Quality of Life Therapy and Coachingand the Quality of Life Inventory, a client can improve satisfaction in areas of their life by changing their circumstances, attitudes, goals or standards, and priorities that your client feels is important to them... Show more content on ... Coaches role help client achieves specific, self determined outcomes, encourage client self discovery, elicit client generated solutions/strategies and hold the client responsible/accountable (Cooper et al., 2013, p. 802). However, as a Christian life coach, a moral foundation that can help your client is applying Christian principles, and scriptural strategies. In the Bible, 2 Timothy 3:17 says, all Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (NLV). Therefore, integrating biblical principles in coaching is essential, it can help you in all aspects of your life. Having a foundation in scriptural foundations gives us direction in our lives. So, that you can apply yourself in all that you do according to God. Nevertheless, the quality of life consists of having mental, emotional, social, and spiritual well being (Clark et al., 2014). However, because of the struggles and barriers that life brings. It is okay to have a coach to help guide you to reach the goals that will help have the quality of life you deserve. It starts with having a positive, trustful, reliable, honest relationship with your coach. According to McCarthy Milner (2013), the relationship between coach and
  • 50. Linguistics and Dialects in Japanese Essays In a language, there are usually variants that emerge from it variants such as dialects or different colloquial phrases. This usually happens when the language is split across different parts of the country or world. Different living situations call for different phrases or different ways of expressing that idea. In Japanese, these different dialects are known as hougen. There are several different Japanese hougen comprising that of the Tokyoarea, the Tohoku region, the Kansai region, and even the Kyushu area to name a few places. Also within each certain areas, there may also be variants of each hougen with similar or minor changes such as in Kansai, there s difference between Osakaand Kyoto for example. In general, the dialects... Show more content on ... Two of the most common features of Tohoku dialect are drawing out vowels sounds which make them sound longer. They also change consonant sounds. For example, the k sound becomes a g sound. And sometimes Tohoku speakers add an extra sound before the start of some words like inserting an n before g to make it ng. These features lead Tokyo people to generally consider it a lazy, country way of speaking. The accent also carries the stereotype of laziness or clumsiness, as Tohoku speakers are known for slurring and not opening their mouths very much. The rather negative nickname for the dialect is zuuzuu ben, zuuzuu being the sound that a Kanto speaker hears when a Tohoku speaker neutralizes and drags their vowels. Because of the negative stereotypes, when speaking with Tokyo speakers, Tohoku speakers tend to hide their accents and speak in Tokyo dialect. The accent only shows up when talking to family or when stressed. Western Japan Kansai, Osaka, Kyoto, Fukui (Phrases, changes from standard, ) Kansai includes Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe and surrounding areas. To speakers of standard Japanese, Osaka sounds either charming and funny, or grating and obnoxious. There s a sort of Tokyo Osaka rivalry and both areas have great pride in their way of speaking. Kansai people generally change the way they talk when they move to Tokyo, except for times when they want to be charming or show their Kansai pride. This is the dialect spoken by comedians (many of whom are
  • 51. Nt1310 Unit 3 Internal Components Internal components: CPU stands for Central Processing Unit and it s the brain of the computer. CPU executes instructions that enable the operating system and application software to run on a system. Inside the CPU we can find three main components which are the ALU, Control Unit and memory unit. ALU stands for Arithmetic and Logic Unit and performs calculations like addition, multiplication, division and subtraction. It also compares results using greater than , less than or equal to . Control Unit controls the operation of the memory unit, processor and input/output units. Memory unit is where all data that the CPU may need to process is stored. The data is stored in the memory in binary form. CPU can be single core, dual core, quad core ... Show more content on ... It s more expensive than USB 2.0 and full duplex what means that can send and receive data at once. Nowadays there are also keyboards and mousses that can be connected via Wi Fi. It s a wireless technology that allows computers and other type of electronic devices to communicate through a wireless signal. Wi Fi is the most common way to connect computers to wireless networks. Bluetooth also uses a wireless technology that enables communication between compatible devices. Bluetooth uses a standard 2.4 GHz frequency what allows all Bluetooth enabled devices to be compatible with each other. пѓјAs we can see in the image above mouse and keyboard are connected to the motherboard via PS/2 Port. PS/2 connector allows us to connect some keyboards and mouse to a personal computer. пѓјMouse is an input and pointing device that allows the user to control the graphical user interface. Keyboard is an input device that allows the user to input data and give commands to the operating system by typing. Commonly, a keyboard contains all the alphabetical letters, numbers from 1 to 9 and punctuation
  • 52. Questions On Amazon, Apple, Google, And Honan Himself (1) For each of the following actors, make a list of assumptions made by the following actors that may have appeared valid in isolation, but were not valid in the combination described in Honan s article: Amazon, Apple, Google, Twitter, and Honan himself. The following are the list of assumptions made in isolation by the following actors: Amazon: 1) Amazon allows adding of credit card information through requests from telephone calls. This makes it convenient for the customer, but in this case it allowed the hacker to add a part of identity information by just knowing basic details 2) Amazon allows the user to add an email address by telephone if the credit card information among other details are known. This seems like a valid procedure by in Honan s case the hacker used the self added credit card information. Apple: 1) In a normal case a user who has information about the billing address, last 4 digits of credit card and email can usually be trusted. The hacker knew the last 4 digits of the credit card through the Amazon exploit and was able to access the Apple account 2) Apple s feature of remote wipe is particularly for the scenario wherein the customer loses his Mac or iPhone. But by gaining access to the account, the hacker was able to remote wipe all the devices. 3) As mentioned in the case of Amazon, administration of account settings through the telephone for the sake of convenience was how the hacker gained control of the account. Google: 1) Google allows
  • 53. Icarus The Minotaur Icarus felt himself abruptly shoved into the dark hole. He lost his balance and fell on the rough stone floor. He quickly jumped up to catch his father, but Daedalus was already sprawled on the floor next to him. Icarus helped his father stand and then whirled around to face the guards and the tall darkness behind them. You can t do this, Minos! My father did everything you asked this is how you repay him? He shouted at the shadowy figure. Wrong, the figure said in reply, and King Minos stepped forward into the light. The dancing flames of the torches showed his unbelievably pale face lit up with madness. Your father failed. I asked for a place where the Minotaur could be safe from the people and people safe from
  • 54. Digging For The Truth King Solomon s Gold Summary In Digging for the Truth King Solomon s Gold it is stated that many researchers and explorers have been in the hunt for King Solomon s mine but has yet to be found. This mine is full of riches and gold. According to the video, this temple was located in Jerusalem and it was the cause of the downfall. In 586 BC Jerusalem fell to the army of King Nebuchadnezzar (Discovery History Science). With the help of The Bible, our explorer, Josh Bernstein takes us through a 4,000 mile though Africato find the mysterious King Solomon s temple. Firstly, the explorer goes to southern Israel. On the map, there is a place labeled as King Solomon s Mines located deep in the Negev desert. Here they found a site that was dedicated to the first strongest and independent woman. Many had believed that King Solomon had something to do with this but it was ... Show more content on ... Here he surprisingly finds miners still using old mining techniques. In the end, Josh Bernstein did not find King Solomon s mines. In Digging for the Truth King Solomon s Gold it is stated that many researchers and explorers have been in the hunt for King Solomon s mine but has yet to be found. This mine is full of riches and gold. According to the video, this temple was located in Jerusalem and it was the cause of the downfall. In 586 BC Jerusalem fell to the army of King Nebuchadnezzar (Discovery History Science). With the help of The Bible, our explorer, Josh Bernstein takes us through a 4,000 mile though Africa to find the mysterious King Solomon s temple. Firstly, the explorer goes to southern Israel. On the map, there is a place labeled as King Solomon s Mines located deep in the Negev desert. Here they found a site that was dedicated to the first strongest and independent woman. Many had believed that King Solomon had something to do with this but it was proven wrong. In the video, Digging for the Truth at this site they had found copper, not