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Legitimate Essay Writing Service
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Legitimate Essay Writing Service" can be a challenging
endeavor, presenting a paradoxical situation where the very topic implies a pursuit of
authenticity and credibility in a field that has been marred by skepticism. The difficulty arises
from the nuanced nature of the subject, requiring a delicate balance between highlighting the
necessity of reliable essay writing services and addressing the prevalent concerns surrounding
their legitimacy.
To begin with, one must delve into the intricacies of the essay writing industry, navigating
through the myriad of services available. The challenge lies in critically evaluating these services,
differentiating between legitimate providers and those engaging in unethical practices such as
plagiarism or delivering subpar work. It requires thorough research, meticulous scrutiny of
customer reviews, and an understanding of the ever-evolving landscape of online essay
Moreover, discussing the ethical implications of using essay writing services adds another layer
of complexity to the task. Balancing the legitimate reasons individuals may have for seeking
such services—ranging from time constraints to language barriers—while acknowledging
the potential for academic misconduct, requires a nuanced approach. Addressing the ethical
concerns surrounding these services necessitates a careful examination of the responsibilities of
both service providers and customers.
The multifaceted nature of the topic also involves exploring the role of educational institutions
and their policies in shaping the demand for essay writing services. Analyzing the root causes
that drive students to seek external help and the consequences of a system that might
inadvertently encourage such behavior contributes to the depth of the essay.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the legitimacy of essay writing services requires a fine balance
between acknowledging the valid reasons for their existence and addressing the ethical
dilemmas they pose. Navigating through the intricacies of this topic demands careful research,
critical analysis, and a nuanced understanding of the various perspectives involved.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or exploring a variety of topics, a valuable
resource is There, a plethora of essay writing services and academic support
can be accessed, providing a convenient avenue for those navigating the challenges of essay
composition and research.
Legitimate Essay Writing ServiceLegitimate Essay Writing Service
Elephants In The Vietnam War
Elephants have been used in war for 2,300 years. The first known use of them was
in Ancient Greece and they have more recently been used in the Vietnam War.
Alexander the Great was well known for the most instrumental spread of elephants as
a weapon of war (Knodell, 2014). Elephants were the tanks of the ancient battlefield
(Knodell, 2014). The mere sight, or smell, of these beasts could cause the enemy to
retreat. If the enemy did not retreat, however, the elephantswould often disrupt their
formation. Even cavalry horses were afraid of the smell, sight, and sounds of the
oncoming elephants. The horses would refuse to proceed.
A driver would sit atop the neck of a domesticated elephant and command it. A
howdah would be placed atop the
Maximum Phonational Frequency Range Case Studies
Maximum Phonational Frequency Range (MPFR) is described as the maximum
range of phonation between a client s lowest modal/chest register tone and highest
loft tone/falsetto register. The MPFR is typically determined by using a pitch
matching procedure. Ms. Noid will be instructed to sustain a vowel (i.e. /a/) matching
the pitch of a presented tone (i.e. sine wave). She will start phonation at a comfortable
frequencylevel, and will incrementally increase her frequency range production, until
she can no longer sustain phonation. Then, Ms. Noid will be instructed to
incrementally decrease her frequency range until her modal phonation can no longer
be sustained.
The rationale for using an MPFR measure is to explore the physical condition of the
phonatory mechanism. Furthermore, it is a way to quantify the client s frequency
variability, measured through an entire range of frequencies (i.e. highest to lowest),
which are produced with maximal effort.
... Show more content on ...
Ms. Noid will have a constrained phonational frequency range of approximately 1 2
octaves, reflecting a physiological limitation and impaired vocal mechanism, due to a
unilateral vocal fold paralysis. She will be unable to transition between low to high
frequency ranges, and exhibit a vocal quality characterized as breathy and hoarse.
3.Frequency Perturbation (jitter) is an indicator of the stability of phonation. It is a
measurement of cycle to cycle variability in fundamental frequency. Typically, results
are acquired from a three second mid segment sample of a sustained phonation task,
avoiding phonatory onset and offset. Fundamental frequency and intensity values
should be specified since they vary, affecting the Frequency Perturbation (jitter)
The rationale for measuring jitter is that it provides objective measures for
distinguishing a normal from a disordered voice, and estimates vocal
Music of the Baroque
Unit 3 Music of the Baroque
1. Name two important visual artists (such as painters) and also two important writers
of literature (such as poets) from the Baroque Period. Do not name musicians.
(Visual Artists) Peter Paul Rubens Artemisia Gentileschi / (Writers) John Fletcher and
Francis Beaumont
2. Write a paragraph about The Baroque Style .
The baroque style was very well suited to the wishes of the aristocracy, who were
enormously rich and powerful during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, also
religious institutions powerfully shaped the baroque style. Churches used the
emotional and theatrical qualities of art to make worship more attractive and
appealing. The middle class too, influenced the development of the ... Show more
content on ...
The Camerata wanted to create a new vocal style modeled on the music of ancient
Greek tragedy. Since no actual dramatic music had come down to them from the
Greeks, they based their theories on literacy accounts that had survived. The
Camerata wanted the vocal line to follow the rhythms and pitch fluctuations of
6. Write a detailed description of each of the following new forms in Baroque music:
A. concerto grosso Extended composition for instrumental soloists and orchestra,
usually in three movements: (1) Fast, (2) Slow, (3) Fast.
B. Fugue Polyphonic composition based on one main theme or subject.
C. Opera Drama that is sung to orchestral accompaniment, usually a large scale
composition employing vocal soloists, chorus, orchestra, costumes, and society.
D. solo concerto A piece for a single soloist and an orchestra.
E. Baroque suite A group of dance, usually in the same key, with each piece in the
binary form or the ternary form.
F. Oratorio Large scale composition for chorus, vocal soloists, and orchestra, usually
set to a narrative text, but without acting, scenery, or costumes; often based on
biblical stories.
G. Sonata In baroque music, an instrumental composition in several movements for
one to eight players. In music after the baroque period, an instrumental composition
usually in several movements for one or two players.
H. church cantata Composition in several movements, usually
Woodrow Wilson Zeitgeist Essay
Zeitgeist: During President Wilson s zeitgeist was greatly influenced by the Civil
war, which led Wilson to be apprehensive about bringing the United States into
World War I when he became president. Wilson became the president of Princeton
University on June 9, 1902 where he constantly worked to reform the education and
social aspects of Princeton, which were called the Preceptorial System, where he
hoped to bring students and teachers together in engaging in the learning process. He
viewed the creating of an educational community as a duty to, take men and
reintroduce them to the country as it is; to make them forget the interest of their
fathers and to see how the interests of all the people are linked together, (Clements,
29). Where... Show more content on ...
During his presidency at Princeton, he fought against clubs based on exclusivity,
where his progressive reforms clashed with the wealthy trustees. Wilson was more
concerned with forming a system where students would be encouraged to self learn
and have access to their professors as well as having a community that would not
only benefit the wealthy and privileged students. During his presidency, Wilson
instigated various reforms to benefit the population where the reformations ensured
that the U.S government would work towards improving the livelihood of its citizens.
In an interview with John Reed following his inauguration, Reed stated that President
Wilson was, more interested in principles than in politics, (Cooper, 125) which
demonstrates how President Wilson was concerned with public service, where he
utilized his legal background to understand the ideologies and philosophies that lay
behind ordinances and policies where he wanted to achieve the fundamentals of a
progressive government. Wilson established the Federal Trade Commission to
investigate and seize unfair business practices, enacted the Adamson Act to establish
right hour work days and pushed Congress to enact the Underwood Simmons Act to
reduce the tariff on imports from
Compare And Contrast Dreamworks And Disney
Animated films are one of the most entertaining forms of media out there. When it
comes to animated films, two major film companies may come to mind: DreamWorks
and Disney. For the past couple of years, people have been asking which company is
better, and the answer is quite simply Disney. They have better stories, they maintain
a certain theme, they are consistent, and extremely successful which is what makes
them stand out from other studios and filmcompanies. Of course, DreamWorks has
some of these qualities as well, but they are far and few in between.
Disney, when it comes to their stories, almost always deliver. They have made
some of the most iconic films with brilliant stories such as Aladdin, Lion King,
Wreck It Ralph, Frozen, Beauty and the Beast, etc. Granted, they haven t always
made the best films, but the good definitely outweighs the bad. They take time to
make their films great and usually release a film once a year. DreamWorks has
focused more on the quantity instead of the quality of their films, releasing at least
2 3 movies a year. Because of this, only some good movies like Kung Fu Panda,
How to Train Your Dragon, Megamind, etc. have come about and the rest only
earning 7/10 or lower.
Disney has always been consistent and has maintained two certain themes since the
1930 s, the first is to Follow Your Dreams. They ve applied this to the older movies
like Pinocchio and Dumbo, and they apply them to today s movies like Tangled or
Wreck It Ralph just
Speech to Inform
Speech To Inform Speech to inform:Euro 2012 In April 2007, Ukraine and Poland
were named co hosts for Euro 2012 tournament. This joint bid, taking into account
Ukraine s tough economic condition and administration problems, has become a
headache for UEFA President Michel Platini. The matches will be staged at eight
venues, divided between the co host countries. Ukraine is behind the schedule,
having problems with modernization of airports, roads, and rail networks. As a co
host country, Poland seems to be doing better than Ukraine. Yet, it also has lots of
problems. Platini made it clear that without modern stadiums in capital cities, Warsaw
and Kiev, neither Poland nor Ukraine would host Euro 2012. Platini persuades
Europe that football... Show more content on ...
It is savage like and inhuman, for it values neither the life of a freedom fighter nor
the life of a victim who is killed or badly injured only because he or she happened
to be in the target place. Terrorists kill to obtain public exposure. The United States
has defined the anti terrorist priority measures. They include chemical plant
security, transit security, terrorism risk insurance, disaster response, nuclear waste,
and drinking water safety. It is hard to curb terrorism for several reasons. First,
terrorists are well organized and have a strong network which is tied by fanatic faith
in their cause. Second, terrorists are unseen. They are scattered all over the world,
arranging terrorist attacks in unpredictable places. Third, terrorists are outrageous
and resolute, fearless and stubborn to give their lives for their cause. Fourth,
terrorists have support of the civilians who are on their side. Terrorism is our
nightmare, unseen danger that may cost us our life. Terrorism is a criminal act, since
no fight for justice can be justified by murders of innocent people. Without extricating
the roots of terrorism, our governments will never achieve positive results. Terrorism
is a response to oppression, poverty, and discrimination. When human rights are
universally respected, terrorism will not have a justifiable soil under its feet.
Cultivate love, not hate in your heart. Try
Dr Jekyll Artifacts
My coffee cup contains five artifacts that represent the character, Dr. Jekyll. The
reason why Dr. Jekyll was my first choice for the character coffee cup assignment
was because he interested me in the way he wanted to separate the innocent and evil
within himself by using medicine. In the novel, the doctor portrays the wickedness
part that exists in every individual. Jekyll believed that humankind was cursed by
having two separate natures which are constantly struggling with each other for
dominance. Inside of the coffee cup there is a vial, a book, a key, a mirror, and salt.
The salt represents Dr. Jekyll s transformations. Salt played an important role in the
changes, due to its purity the switch between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde were not
successful.... Show more content on ...
Due to the salt as being part of the ingredients for the remedy, it was a responsible
factor in giving Dr. Jekyll extra time to write the letter to Mr. Utterson confessing
his secrets. In the coffee cup, the vial is the large clear plastic container. A vial was
one of the artifacts added to the cup because it was the method the doctor chose to
commit suicide. The vial was Dr. Jekyll s last hope in preventing the short evil
man, Mr Hyde, from completely taking over his body permanently. There was not
any guarantee that Mr. Hyde would die along with him, but he took the chance
anyways. Another significant object related to the doctor was the mirror. Henry
Jekyll observed his evil side for the first time with the help of his mirror which was
located in his bedroom. Mr. Hyde s unattractive appearance produced the doctor to
experience a feeling of welcome rather than concern. The mirror revealed the
reflection of Mr. Hyde who was little compared to the doctor himself because of Dr.
Jekyll s evil side being kept caged up throughout his life. Dr. Jekyll s decision to be
himself instead of Mr. Hyde is exhibited by the broken
Human Inhumanity
Human experimentation is subjecting living beings to science experiments that can
sometimes be painful, cruel, deadly and risky. The human beings used in these
experiments have changed the lives of billions with advancements made in the
medical field, over the last two centuries, some of the subjects used in the
experiments have been compensated for the physical and emotional damage done
(Veracity,2). However, many have lost their lives due to the experiments. By
examining the cruelty and inhumanity that the people were treated during the
procedures of the experiments throughout history, the abuse of power of the doctors
performing experiments, and the permanent disabilities that some of the subjects
would experience for the rest of their lives, it is clear that the data gathered from
human experimentation it is not ethical, and shouldn t be used by future generation.
Human experimentation has been around for many centuries. Experiments have been
performed on willing and unwilling participants, some experiments were not harmful
to the subjects, while others caused distress, pain and even death to the subjects. An
unknown Auschwitz survivor wrote I suffered immense pain and cruelty from the
experiments. They were inhuman, but because of them, I survived... (The conference
on Jewish material claims against Germany,3). Subjects were often tested without
anesthesia or painkiller causing them a lot of pain, many subjects were not able to
survive these painful and cruel
Green Card Vs Us Citizenship Essay
Green card vs us citizenship
1. Green Card Vs US Citizenship U.S Immigration Center 1623 Central Ave, Suite
145, Cheyenne, WY 82001 1 888 943 4625 support@usimmigration
2. Difference Between the Green Card US Citizenship Green Card Being a valid
green card holder means that the person has lawful rights to work and permanently
reside in the United States. US Citizenship U.S. citizenship is the highest status
someone can attain under U.S. immigration law. It means a permanent right to live in
the United States. 2www.usimmigration
3. Difference Between the Green Card US Citizenship A Form, which is Used to
The application form I 485 is available in online, which is used to obtain a green card.
A Form, which is used to The Application form N 400 is used to apply... Show more
content on ...
Bring Foreign Loved Ones to the United States Green Card Can petition for spouse
or child for a visa Cannot petition for other family members US Citizenship Can
petition for spouse for a visa Can petition for siblings and parents and fiancГ© for a
visa 12www.usimmigration
13. Bring Foreign Loved Ones to the United States Green Card Cannot petition for
fiancГ© Petitioning for spouse or child takes 4 or 5 times longer than citizen US
Citizenship Children under 18 are automatically naturalized as citizens Petitioning for
relatives is much quicker 13www.usimmigration
14. Green Card Vs US Citizenship 14www.usimmigration
15. About US Immigration Center We help applicants to fill the US immigration
applications easily, quickly efficiently. We make the entire application filling
process stress free, time saving Check if you re eligible for Green card Renewal if
you have had a Green card want to apply for US Citizenship 15www.usimmigration
16. Disclaimer usimmigration is a private entity and is not affiliated or
approved by any government agency. It does not provide any legal advice.
The Social Climate Of White And Blue Collar
College is one of the most beneficial gifts a parent can give to their child, an
opportunity to give their children a higher education than what they received. College
tuition has more than double when compared to the last generation, making
unpayable debts increasingly higher on graduates. At the same time college
admission rates have also increased, creating a factory with a high surplus of college
graduates looking for a jobs that there is not enough demand for. Universityin the past
was considered a privilege but now it has become a cultural standard in the U.S.
and the rest of developed nations. The social climate of white and blue collar
classes, the idea of working hard vs. the idea of working smart, may have created
the social climate that looks down on blue collar workers. Even though Hacker and
Dreifus, and Murray take two different approaches to the purpose of universities, they
actually agree on the important idea that colleges are not for everyone, contrary to
popular belief, this common ground becomes clear through the price of admission,
the stigma of a college education, and the original purpose of going to college.
Colleges are taking on too many roles and doing none well (Hacker and Dreifus).
As stated, the price of admission has clearly augmented in the last decades. What is
to gain from paying ludicrous amounts to a PhD factories? Universities have also
grown to become a $420 billion dollar conglomerate in the last decades that is
immune to
Principles of Investigation
1.0Introduction of Investigation Investigation can be defined quite simply as a
systematic fact finding and reporting process. It is derived from the Latin word
vestigere, to track or trace, and encompasses a patient, step by step inquiry.
Investigation is finding facts; it is akin to research conducted in the academic arena.
Investigation is a multi disciplined field of study. It encompasses law, the sciences,
communications, and a host of other things. Investigation requires an inquisitive
mind coupled with an attention to detail. Astute students of investigation may find
themselves particularly well suited for the research needed for graduate study.
Investigation is a key process used by management. Whether or not one is an... Show
more content on ...
Thereafter, the work plan can be developed to address preservation and, ultimately,
collection. 2.3.2 Witnesses
Witness testimony is particularly important evidence to collect and critical to any
investigation. Because of the importance and special nature of witness testimony,
careful planning is necessary. Witness recollection fades quickly and can be
influenced by external factors such as media reports, sympathy and even office
gossip. The investigation work plan must, therefore, include a detailed interview
schedule which addresses issues of * Witness availability * Order of testimony *
Special needs (interpreter, guardian) * Re interviews
These elements are inter related and changes can affect the entire investigation work
plan. Accordingly, the work plan should be monitored and adjusted to compensate for
scheduling and other factors related to witnesses. Witness testimony also concerns
more general planning issues, such as investigation support and travel/logistics.
Further, these elements must also be taken into consideration when planning the
interview schedule where individuals are identified as implicated personnel at the
predication phase. 2.3.3 Records
Records are documentary evidence, regardless of physical form, created or received
by a staff member in connection with, or as a result of, the official work of the
United Nations, and remain the property of the United
Fristianticism And Romanticism In Frankenstein
Frankenstein or A Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley is the story of a scientist
who artificially creates life, although in a grotesque, monstrous form. This titular
scientist spends the rest of the story trying and failing to destroy this creature that he
eternally regrets creating. Although many readers see this purely as a horror story,
and indeed it did start as one, Frankensteinhas very nuanced messages and subtext.
Frankenstein is best understood in the context of Romanticism, in fact, the work is
commonly seen as one of the flagships to the movement. Romanticism emerged as a
response to the Enlightenment. While the Enlightenment preaches the advantages of
science and rationality, Romanticism preaches the joys of nature and human emotion.
... Show more content on ...
Frankenstein is the real monster, not the creature. However, I would like to take
this a step further and propose mankind as a whole is the monster, and the creature
is the innocent. On the surface, the grotesque, murderous creature, repulsive to
anyone who lays eyes on it could hardly be seen as anything other than a monster.
But, on closer inspection, the creature has numerous, distinctly human qualities. He
is clearly capable of emotions. He desires to be accepted into society and is crushed
when he is not, he desires a partner and he goes to great lengths to get one, and when
he reads Paradise Lost in the cabin he has a clear emotional reaction. He is obviously
intelligent. When trying to convince Frankenstein to create a bride for him, I believe
he shows very clever strategic thinking. When Frankenstein and the creature meet at
the peak of Mont Blanc, the creature confesses to Frankenstein his emotional troubles,
and convinces him to create a companion. I do not think this choice was emotional, I
think the creature intentionally manipulated Frankenstein into doing this deed for
him. Frankenstein reacts to seeing the creature with disgust, calling him a devil and
sprang on him , but the creature remained calm and collected, and he went on to
convince Frankenstein to create a bride for him (ch. 10 p. 6.) In this, the creature
shows that he is aware both of his own emotions and those of others. And he shows
that he is capable of controlling his own emotions and manipulating other s emotions.
He is self aware, capable of self control, and capable of empathy. On the other hand,
Frankenstein rejects companionship with Elizabeth and isolates himself in his
apartment, he is irresponsible, and he clearly does not possess a single strategic
thought or think things through at all. This lack of responsibility, forethought, and
strategy is most evident with his creation of the creature. He performed his
Essay on Mystic Monk Coffee Case
Mystic Monk Coffee Case.
1. Has Father Daniel Mary established a future direction for the Carmelite Monks of
Wyoming? What is his vision for the monastery? What is his vision for Mystic Monk
Coffee? What is the mission of the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming?
Father Daniel Mary established the future direction for Carmelite Monks. He
determined clear sense of the future, directions and inspiration for the goal setting.
The biggest vision of Father Daniel Mary included expanding the monastery by
acquiring the Irma Lake ranch for its current listed price of $8.9 million. This would
enable to build a retreat center, a Gothic church, a convert for Carmelite nuns,
hermitage and transform the small brotherhood of 13 monks to 30. Father Daniel ...
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What competitive advantage might Mystic Monk Coffee s strategy produce?
Father s strategy for achieving his vision was to promote Mystic Monk Coffee
among Catholic population. One of the strategies they had was word of the mouth
and this strategy went from their loyal customers in Catholic parishes across the
US. Mystic Monk is a coffee that has a unique meaning for Catholics who want to
support monastery mission. By buying Mystic Monk coffee Catholic population
could support a cause at the same time. It s a great advantage Mystic Monk brand
has and other brands don t. 4. Is Mystic Monk Coffee s strategy a money maker?
What is MMC s business model? What is your assessment of Mystic Monk Coffee s
customer value proposition? its profit formula? its resources that enable it to create
and deliver value to customers?
Mystic Monk Coffee business is a money maker. There is no risk of loss. There are
150 million consumers that drink coffee in the US, so the business has a potential
to generate profit. It has a net profit of 11 percent of revenues, which could be even
higher since the business has a quality product and ability to expend. Business
model is the way the company generate profit. MMC s business model is to
increase the production of coffee by buying a new roaster and including wholesale
sales to churches and local coffee shops. Mystic Monk Coffee is a product with a
successful consumer value proposition. It is
Institutional Review Board
Institutional Review Boards are tasked with carrying out two main forms of review:
initial review and continuing review; they are indispensable to the review process for
protecting human participants. Initial review of an experiment occurs before it is
approved. Coleman remarks, This review encompasses the research protocol, the
informed consent documents to be signed by subjects, any advertisements to be used
in recruiting subjects, and other relevant documents (Coleman et al. 169). The
informed consent document is vital for the review; it is the required document which
supplies all research participants with necessary information to give informed
consent. Institutional Review Boards also utilize continuous review, which is done
over the... Show more content on ...
The HHS is required to oversee IRBs in order to ensure that they are functioning
properly. Institutional Review Boards cannot function properly without being
overseen by the HHS, and therefore lack of oversight would lead to weakened
protection of human participants. An Institutional Review Board may not fulfill its
purpose without the HHS s close oversight. Two agencies within the Department of
Health and Human Services, the Office for Protection from Research Risks (OPRR)
and the FDA, are both tasked with reviewing IRBs. The OPRR utilizes an assurance
document to oversee how IRBs are functioning. All IRBs using HHS funding must
have an assurance document on file with the OPRR. Coleman adds, The assurance is
a written statement of an institution s requirements for its IRB and human subject
protections (Coleman et al. 170). Meanwhile, FDA uses research investigators to
determine whether IRBs are functioning in an effective manner. The OPRR and the
FDA share the task of oversight of IRBs, and do so through documentation and
research investigators respectively. Without this system of review, Institutional
Review Boards would not be checked by any part of government, and thus would
have free reign to do as they please. Thus, the interests of human participants
Limiting Ip Spoofing Through Bgp Idpf Essay
Limiting IP Spoofing through BGP IDPF
Mr. A.K.Kadam, Devadkar Kirti Rajaram, Ankita Kumari,Arunima
Mr. A.K.Kadam, Professor, Dept. Of Computer Engineering,BVPCOE
Devadkar Kirti Rajaram,Student, Dept. Of Computer Engineering,BVPCOE
Ankita Kumari, Student, Dept. Of Computer Engineering,BVPCOE
Arunima,student, Dept. Of Computer Engineering,BVPCOE Pune,Maharashtara,India
Abstract IP Spoofing is a serious threat to the legitimate use of the Internet. By
employing IP spoofing, attackers can overload the destination network thus
preventing it from providing service to legitimate user. In this paper, we propose an
inter domain packet filter (IDPF) architecture that can minimize the level of IP
spoofing on the Internet. A key feature of our scheme is that it does not require global
routing information. IDPFs are constructed from the information implicit in Border
Gateway Protocol (BGP) route updates and are deployed in network border routers.
We establish the conditions under which the IDPF framework correctly works in that
it does not discard packets with valid source addresses. We show that, even with
partial deployment on the Internet, IDPFs can proactively limit the spoofing
capability of attackers. In addition, they can help localize the origin of an attack
Joe Louis Essay
Joe Louis
Joe Louis was born in Alabama on May 13, 1914. He was the son of an Alabama
sharecropper, the great grandson of a slave, and the great great grandson of a white
slave owner.
Joe Louis moved to Detroit as a youngster with his mother. He was the first African
American ever to achieve lasting fame and star status in the 20th Century. He did so
with boxing, he would capture the hearts of millions of American s, both white and
This was a time when blacks were being discriminated against, the military was
segregated, blacks were not allowed to play Major League Baseball. When he started
boxing early in the 1930 s hero worship was not achievable in any professional
sports, there were none that were able ... Show more content on ...
Louis war time patriotism in a racially divided country made him a symbol of
national unity and purpose. Twice he donated his winnings to the military relief
funds. He advertised himself even more tot he American Public when he said the
U.S. would win World War 2 because we re on God s side . In front of 70,000
screaming fans at Yankee Stadium, Louis pulverized the Aryan figurehead,
knocking him to the floor 3 times. Two years of waiting ended in a quick 124
second knockout of Scheming Due to that fight, Louis had crossed the line from
champion to idol as Americans of all color and race celebrated frantically.
In 1942 he would join the U.S. Army, during the hard times of World War 2. During
this time he fought close to 100 exhibitions before some 2 million servicemen.
After the war, he knocked out Billy Conn again, and won three other fights,
including two with Jersey Joe Walcott, before abdicating his title, and retiring.
However, because he needed money to pay back taxes, he returned to boxing.
After not fighting for two years, he lost a one sided decision to his successor as
champ, Ezzard Charles, in 1950. He then retired for good when Rocky Marciano
knocked him out in the eighth round in 1951. Louis boxing career earned him close
to 5 million dollars, but most of his money was lost due to his extreme generosity.
The IRS,
Applying A Collaborative Learning Environment
Have you ever pondered the question What is education? This simple, yet complex,
question can be answered differently as everyone s perception of how education
impacts his life is unique. When I meet someone, I used to ask what he did for a
living as it reflected his education background which allowed me to determine how
educated he is. The reality is that the name of a distinguished university attended or
the title of a high salary earning career gives us an idea of the level of scholarship. As
today s system of educationwill continually undergo progressive refinement, I believe
that it is crucial to dissect the significance of education and provide students with
principles to apply to their everyday learningexperience and not just a label on their
diploma. At the prestigious TC I dream to fervently study to spark the working minds
of aspiring scholars to explore the authentic meaning and function of education. In
addition, I hope to create a collaborative learning environment in schools filled with
curiosity and inquiry in which all participants are both teachers and learners. Looking
for wisdom, I have asked my colleagues about what education meant to them and the
majority interpreted it as a transmission of knowledgefrom a teacher to a student. I
disagreed because it sounded as though the realm of academia simply consisted of a
transfer of knowledge that can result in either a successful delivery or omission of
expected action. Education is not merely a
The World Of The Alps
South of the Alps, there is a peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea. The peninsula
has been named Italy since about 1st century BC. About 700 BC a group of people of
unknown origin named the Etruscans was dominant over the Indo Europeans at this
Around 500 BC, the Etruscans had gained control over much of Italy. By the 4th
Rome is gaining power, while the Etruscans are steadily losing it. Jumping ahead to
around the 12th century, we see that Florence comes into play. Florence is noted as the
powerhouse of the Renaissance, since it produced outstanding pieces of Art and
Literature. Jumping ahead to present day, Florence is home to the enormous cathedral,
commonly referred to as The Duomo. Florence also has The ... Show more content on ...
Since Florence is small, compared to
Scottsdale, we walked almost everywhere we went. The museum that we visited had
a lot
about the Medici family and about Durante degli Alighieri. The largest bank in
Europe in
the 15th century was the Medici Bank. Dante was just a poet that knew some
people in the church.
Dante Alighieri, who lived in Florence until he was exiled in 1302, was a poet,
along with other political and community positions. Dante is known throughout the
for his three books that he wrote in exile. The books that Dante wrote are called the
Divine Comedy . The set of three started out with the book named the Inferno or Hell.
He continues his Comedy in Purgatorio or Purgatory and finishes the set with
or Paradise.
The Inferno is the first book of the series and is also the most vivid and
modern of the three. The Inferno is the easiest of the three books for people that have
very little or no theological knowledge at all. One would guess from the name that
Inferno is a book about hell, and it is a book about hell, just the hell that Dante went
through while he was exiled from Florence. Dante did not actually go through hell, it
just something that he wrote in order to cope with being exiled from the place that he
begun to call his home.
The middle book, or Purgatorio is the one that has the most poets
Essay on Symbolism in August Wilson s Piano Lesson
In The Piano Lesson each central character learns a lesson. August Wilson uses plenty
of symbolism throughout his play, the strongest symbol being the piano itself,
representing the family s history, their long struggle, and their burden of their race.
Throughout the play, the conflict revolves around the piano, and Berniece and Boy
Willie s contrasting views about its significance and about what should be done
with it. Berniece is ashamed and cannot let go of the past, or the piano, and Boy
Willie wants to move his life forward, and use the piano to do so. Wilson portrays
the lesson of the piano as accepting and respecting one s past and moving on with
one s life gracefully, through Berniece and Boy Willies contrasting actions and the...
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As Avery says, she is carrying stones with her, letting the piano weight her down,
keeping it as a grave reminder of her family?s history. If Berniece were able to touch
the piano, she would be able to accept and overcome her fear and disgrace of the
violent past, but she is not ready to do that. Boy Willie sees the piano as an
opportunity to own land and advance his life that his ancestors left for him. He
constantly puts forward that the piano is doing no good being kept in the house,
since it is not being used. He cannot see the sentimental value, or Berniece?s point
of view on the piano. He says it is just ?sitting there and rotting,? and states that he
?ain?t gonna be no fool about sentimental value.? Boy Willie only sees the
monetary value of the piano, and the opportunity it creates for him. He says that if
Berniece wants it so much, he?ll cut it in half and give her half the money,
demonstrating his lack of seeing historical significance in the piano. He instead
argues that his father would want him to sell it, and that is all it is worth. He sees
the bloody history surrounding the piano as a fight for advancement of himself and
his family, and pushes to sell it regardless of anybody else?s opinion, even when
Berniece threatens him with Crawley?s pistol. He thinks Berniece is acting foolishly
and the purpose of the piano is to be sold for his personal
Use this document as a template for designing an informed...
Use this document as a template for designing an informed consent form for your
research project for ENC1102 Title: Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD). Researcher: Tim Witvoet You are invited to participate in a research study.
The following information is being provided to help you make an informed decision
on whether to participate. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. Purpose:
The purpose of this study is to determine the proper treatment for people diagnosed
with PTSD. And the alternatives that could be assessed for treatment. Participants:
The participants in this study are at random selection. Procedures: This study will be
in the form of 25 questions. Participants will not be required to... Show more content
on ...
Up to 20% of these people go on to develop PTSD. As of today, that s 31.3 million
people who did or are struggling with PTSD. An estimated 8% of Americans that s
24.4 million people have PTSD at any given time. An estimated 1 out of 10 women
develops PTSD; women are about twice as likely as men. Among people who are
victims of a severe traumatic experience 60 80% will develop PTSD. 1. Are you a
Male Female 2. Are you White Black or African American Hispanic American Indian
or Alaskan Native Asian Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 3. What s is your
age range? 18 20 21 29 30 40 41 50 Over 50 4. What is your highest level of
education? Some High School High School Graduate Some College College
Graduate 5. Are you a veteran or currently serving in the armed forces? Yes No 6.
Have you been diagnosed with PTSD? No Yes 7. Do you know anyone who has been
diagnosed with PTSD? Yes No N/A 8. What is your relation to them? Self Friend
Family Member 9. Who is currently treating you? Psychiatrist Psychologist Medical
Practitioner Other (please specify)______________________________________ N
/A 10. How did you get PTSD? Military service Police or Fire department Hospital
worker Accident Abused Assaulted Illness or injury Natural disaster Family related
N/A 11. How long have you had PTSD? Less than a year 1 2 years 3 4 years 5 6
years More than 6 years N/A 12. Do you have trouble falling asleep? No Yes N/A 13.
How many hours a night do
Analysis Of Flying By Alice Miller
Flying, by Alice Miller is a complex story about a woman named Allie, who
reminisces about a time spent when her cousin Mack taught her to fly when she
was just a young girl. On different occasions when Mack visited, he would show her
how to do new things. As Allie grew up she found herself thinking of the secret that
Mack shared with her and how he told her not to tell anyone or she may get hurt.
Allie longed for the feeling of flying, if she could just reach out and talk to Mack
but too much time had passed. She dreams of flying in her sleep, not for long
periods of time, but just enough to embrace that feeling she had years ago. She
wonders if many people have experienced flying the way that she has and if she
could fly by herself without Mack. One day, Allie tries to fly on her own and
succeeds, soaring higher than she did with Mack. Before Allie knew it, she was
flying through the clouds and around town. Now that Allie has experienced the
feeling of flying again, more than ever she wanted to share with her kids. One
night after the children were asleep she wanted to share her secret with her boys
but instead chose her daughter. Miller suggests that when a person is afraid of
doing something on their own, sometimes it just takes a little bit of courage to step
out and let go of the things that could be holding a person back. Allie appears to be
a lonely person, although married and with three children of her own. She has no one
that she can share her secret of
Ernest Hemingway Feminism
Ernest Hemingway is a male author of fictional stories whose work has been
controversial regarding the way he portrays women. This paper will explain how
feminist scholars view Ernest Hemingway s fictional stories and why. The way
female scholars view Hemingway s stories are important because readers have
criticized Hemingway for use stereotyping women in his work and others have
enjoyed his work. Therefore, it is important to learn about the different view female
scholars have on his fiction. Lawrence Broer and Gloria Holland of The University of
Alabama argue that Hemingway has an inability to portray women as independent,
strong and sympathetic, therefore why should women continue to read, teach and
write about his work (Broer, Holland 7). In contrast Margaret Bauer proposes that the
problem critics have with Hemingway s female characters is not that they are one
dimensional, but that they are not the central characters (Bauer 126). Throughout this
paper short stories by Hemingway like Indian Camp, Hills Like White Elephants, The
Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Cat in Rain and The
Last Good Country. Throughout the research studies have shown that female scholars
criticize Ernest Hemingways stories passed on prior knowledge to what they have
heard about him. However, other scholars read Hemingway s work with an open
mind and make their interpretations afterward. The research has shown both negative
and positive responses to Hemingway s
Regulation Standardising Accounting Practice
University of Wollongong Research Online Faculty of Business Accounting Finance
Working Papers Faculty of Business 2006 Regulation: Standardising Accounting
Practice M. Gaffikin University of Wollongong, Publication
Details This working paper was originally published as Gaffikin, M, Regulation:
Standardising Accounting Practice, Accounting Finance Working Paper 06/22,
School of Accounting Finance, University of Wollongong, 2006. Research Online is
the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further
information contact the UOW Library: research 06/22 University
of Wollongong School of Accounting Finance Regulation: Standardising Accounting
Practice... Show more content on ...
Thus, it was seen as necessary to maintain the integrity of the profession of
accounting as the capacity to effectively self regulate was viewed as one of the
hallmarks of a profession. The accounting profession, therefore, remained very private
enterprise in keeping with the ideology of capitalism. But, the state did intervene in
creating the SEC as one of its functions was the oversight of the published accounting
information of publicly listed corporations. However, after much debate between the
SEC and the profession it was decide that the SEC would leave the profession to
develop principles of accounting practice which would eventually become generally
acceptable as a standard of professional performance. As indicated in the previous
chapter, there have been varying interpretations placed on the reason for the state s
intervention in creating the SEC and why the SEC delegated its accounting
responsibility to the profession. Taken together, both the creation of the SEC and the
profession s serious attempts at effective self regulation would tend to suggest that
they were necessary to preserve capitalism from the public disenchantment that
marked the great depression. These developments in the 1930s greatly affected
processes of accounting regulation in the United States. Questions surrounding the
issues involved continued for many
Introduction And Theoretical Explanation Of The
Introduction And Theoretical Explanation Of The Management Principle Organising
It is my aim within this essay to introduce, define, and theoretically explain the
management principle that is organising. Paramount to explaining organising it is
important to understand the characteristics that are often used to describe management
such as: goal orientation, decision maker, activity integration, and connective
processes. Each characteristic represents an important managerial concept; take for
example goal orientation, which is the primary task of utilising resources, knowledge,
and time to achieve expected results. Synonymous to achieving results management
requires a decision maker, in addition to activity integration. A decision maker will
oversee various departments, like marketing, production, finance, and human
resources (HR), whilst activity integration will connect these departments to work
cohesively together. This integration completes connective processes resembling five
steps: planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling (Chaganti and
Sambharya, 1987). From an abstract perspective the management process will always
start with planning and end with controlling, however to cohesively develop
management, organising becomes a fundamental tool (Hawes and Thanopoulos,
The term organising has many variants in meaning, although it is widely seen as; a
relationship structure, a group of people, and the development of management
functions. High
Music Appreciation Of The New York Philharmonic
The paper at hand is a music appreciation of The New York Philharmonic s
performance of Gustav Holst s The Planets at Avery Fisher Hall, New York, on 7th
July 2013 at 3:00 p.m. This tenth season of Summertime Classics, presented by The
New York Philharmonic, features Bramwell Tovey, who has been the host as well
as the conductor of this series since its commencement in 2004 (Gilbert, 2013, p.1).
Tovey, a Grammy winning conductor is renowned all around the world as a highly
versatile musician due to his artistic depth as well as charismatic personality that
reflects in his works as a composer and pianist (p.1). On the other hand, The New
York Philharmonic is an orchestragroup that is comprised of highly talented
musicians who by playing musical instruments such as violins, piccolo, cellos,
trombones etc are able to bring in the essence of the works done by original
composers (Keller, 2012, p.7).
This concert series basically features two programs with Holst s The Planets being
performed during the end of the second program, which also includes Adams Short
Ride in a Fast Machine, Offenbach s Ballet of the Snowflakes from Le Voyage dans
la lune and Josef Strauss s Music of the Spheres (New York Public Radio, 2013,
p.1). I happened to really enjoy the concert primarily due to the overall ambience
provided by the program. Tovey does a wonderful job in leading the orchestra as well
as maintaining a good rapport with the audience throughout the concert. It felt like the
Case Study Of Lending Policies Of KSFC
Lending Policies of KSFC
The lending policies are formulated by the corporation at the beginning of the each
financial year. Corporation will provide loan based on its lending policies. The
lending policy involves various aspects like, thrust sectors, the group exposure,
promoters contribution, sectors in the negative list, security margin, collateral
security norms etc. the State and Central Government industrial policies also taken
consideration while formulating the lending policy of the Corporation.
Policy on Minimum Loan Size:
Rs.5.00 lakhs Loan size is applicable for all activities except medical and veterinary
doctors where minimum limit is Rs.2.00 lakhs.
In case of existing units going in for expansion / modernization the minimum size of
the loan is reduced to Rs.2.00 lakhs. ... Show more content on ...
пѓ Single Window Scheme
Objective: To provide working capital assistance to micro, small and medium
enterprises (MSME) along with term loan for fixed assets for entrepreneurs to start
new projects by KSFC.
пѓ Working Capital Term Loan For Existing Units
Objective: To extend timely and adequate working capital assistance to the existing
micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) who have availed term loans earlier
from the Corporation, having proven track record.
пѓ Line of Credit for Purchase of Raw Materials
Objective: To lend timely and adequate working capital assistance in the form of
Working Capital Term Loan to MSME s for purchase of raw materials from KSSIDC.
пѓ Assistance for Marketing Related Activities
Objective: To contribute finance to small medium scale units to operate various
activities require to increase their sales in domestic as well as in foreign markets and
to build physical marketing
Positive Effects Of Positive Reinforcement
Watson (1913) quoted, give me a dozen healthy infants, well formed, and my own
specified world to bring them up in and I ll guarantee to take any one at random
and train him to become any type of specialist I might select doctor, lawyer, artist,
merchant chief and, yes, even beggar man and thief, regardless of the talents,
penchants, tendencies, vocations, and race of his or her ancestors In the mid
1970s another scientist, Peter Lewinsohn argued that depression is caused by a
combination of different stresses in a person s environment and a lack of personal
skills. More specifically, the environmental stress cause a person to receive a low
rate of positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement occurs when people do
something or participate on something they find pleasurable and rewarding.
According to learning theory, receiving positive reinforcement increases the
chances that people will do repeatedly the sorts of actions they have taken
previously that led them to receive that reinforcement. In other words, people will
tend to repeat those behaviours that get reinforced. For example, many people
show up at work on a regular basis in order to receive money or insurance benefits.
Children academically good study in order to ensure that they will continue to
receive good grades at school. In these examples clearly, working and studying are
behaviours that are motivated by money, benefits, and good grades, which are
positive reinforcers for each and everyone. According
Aisha Lemu Polygamy
In Defense of Polygamy Aisha Lemu discusses her beliefs on Polygamy. Polygamy
is a form of marriage where a man or women is allowed to have more than one
spouse. Most of the time it occurs in the form of Polygyny; were a man has more
than one wife. Mrs. Lemu states that it is possible that Polygamy has its benefits, and
it could have tremendous effects on any community. According to Aisha Lemu,
marriageis an investment instead of an agreement; however, Mrs. Lemu is inaccurate.
Lemu thinks that Polygamyis the legitimate way to handle a marriage, but in reality
Lemu needs to comprehend that Polygamy is ultimately wrong. As a matter of fact
Polygamy is an ancient practice known in a variety of societies. Although this
belief is horrific, and biblically wrong, people still consider taking part of these
actions as Mrs. Lemu discusses. This Practice is found in nearly every country and
even in the United States; however, it is primarily found in the Islamic society.
Marriage is supposed to be the mutually forming of a bond between couples. In this
bond couples are to cherish each other through sickness, and health, richer or poorer.
In the bible... Show more content on ...
Economically speaking Polygamy would be a vigorous situation to be in, for
many reasons. Moreover the fact that Mrs. Lemu is misguided by the guidelines of
marriage; she continues to be certain that Polygamy is economically efficient.
Clearly Mrs. Lemu is inaccurate once again. Through out the ambitious years of
marriage a spouse is more than likely to get ill. Saying that, if a man or women is
involved in a polygamous marriage he or she will have to deal with a great amount
of illness in his or her home. If this spouse has children included in this substantial
family, then this man or women will have to consider too financially support them.
Pursuing this further, this is an enormous responsibility to be essentially concerned
Group Performance Analysis Essay
During our recent group presentations, we covered negotiation, building teams,
working in groups, managing conflict, effective meetings, facilitating team success,
managing decisions and solving problems creatively (De Janasz, Wood, Gottschalk,
Dowd, Schneider. 2006, pg 196 314). Our team was given working in teams for
success as a presentation topic. I believe we not only clarified the topic but managed
to use the content to our own benefit and produce a successful presentation. This
essay highlights our ability to work co operatively in a team, initiate a successful
presentation, and reveal what we can do next time to improve our work techniques.
Negotiation is the process of two individuals or groups reaching a joint agreement ...
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Mcalister Kizzier). Breaking down the work load was an extremely effective
technique and I would not hesitate to use this technique during during future
In 1996 Jim Oliver described negotiation as negotiators jointly searching a
multidimensional space and then agreeing to a single point in the space (Oliver, Jim
R, 31 July, 1996). We were to meet at a specific place and time, with some home
research relevant to the task ahead. When it came to the meeting, one person was half
an hour late, with no material, two more members with no material, two with relevant
material, and one of the members with no written material but a slide show base
created to fill with the relevant information. Groups require open communication,
mutual supportiveness, effective conflict management, discussion of strategy, and the
appropriate weighing of individual inputs into group decisions (Barron s, 2008). From then on we had to re assess and communicate who was
doing what work load, and make sure that each individual pulled their weight.
Despite the lack of input from some members the meeting did not fail. The process
of team building includes, (a) clarifying the goal, and building ownership across the
team and (b)identifying the inhibitors to teamwork and removing or overcoming
them ( Pages 1307 1325). Our meeting established team building as we clearly had
two leaders, two thinkers, and two followers, we
Us Involvement In Vietnam Essay
If one were to think about the war against communism, one might think of the
Vietnam Conflict. The Vietnam Conflict built up over the years. While it was under
French regulation, Vietnam was later seized by Japan in World War II. However, Ho
Chi Minh, an activist for communism, created the Viet Minh and overthrew the
Emperor Bao when the Japanese left, effectively letting Viet Minh create the
Democratic Republic of Vietnam. However, France still wanted to control and backed
Bao in the southern region. The fight eventually ended with Vietnam being split at
the 17th parallel, making Ho the leader of the northern region and Bao the leader of
the southern region. In 1956, the citizens wanted to reunite the country, but South
Vietnam(Government of the Republic of Vietnam) was then lead by Ngo Dinh Diem,
who was anti communist. As tensions rose in Vietnam, the Cold War
was active. Out
of fear and hate of communism, in 1955, the United States joined the conflict as a
supporter of... Show more content on ...
During the time the Vietnam Conflict took place, America was in the middle of the
Cold War, fighting the Soviet Union with races and words. Upon seeing Vietnam s
condition, the leaders of America were worried that the domino theory would take
place, in which many countries would fall to communism if one falls first. In 1955,
the United States, led by Dwight D. Eisenhower, officially supported Diem and
offered training and equipment. In 1965, Lyndon Johnson sent combat forces to fight
in Vietnam. Since television was also present, many American families saw the
bloodshed and the horror of fighting. The exposure led to many protests which were
usually led by millennials. Seeing how the conflict was ending and the discontent of
the citizens, America slowly retracted their troops until all left the country. More than
58,000 Americans died, and over 300,000 American soldiers were
Blindness Or Low Vision, Cancer, And Alzheimer s Disease
Blindness or low vision is one of the most feared illness by Americans, ranking
fourth after acquired immunodeficiency by syndrome, cancer, and Alzheimer s
disease. The National Eye Institute reports that blindness or low vision affect 3.3
million American 40 years and older, this number is projected to reach 5.5 million
by 2020. As the U.S. population ages, the number of persons with major eye disease
is increasing. Octogenarians currently make up 8 percent of the population, but they
account for 69 percent of blindness. Age related macular degeneration (AMD)
accounts for 54 percent of all blindness and is the leading cause of blindness
among white Americans. Cataracts are the most prevalent eye disease in older
persons and are the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Almost all persons in
their 90s will have had a cataract surgery is the most common therapeutic surgical
procedure reimbursed by Medicare, with more than 1.5 million operations performed
annually. Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of new blindness in U.S. adults
20 to 74 years of age. Low visionranks behind arthritis and heart disease as the third
most common chronic cause of impaired function in persons older than 70 years.
Patients with vision impairment are more likely to fall, make medication errors, have
depression, or report social isolation. With rehabilitation, many patients with impaired
vision can attain independence, retain their jobs, and lessen their reliance on social
services and
Entering The Mirror Maze Analysis
Dr. Len Hightower, the author of the article Success: Entering the Mirror Maze, aim
to demonstrate people s impotent of having a growth mindset, leading to an obscure
future. Writing to the broad readers specifically educated individuals the author
addresses the dominance a fixed mindset have over a growth mindset. To convey his
purpose, Hightower creates his article using the shifting from third person to first
person perspective, an em dashpunctuations, and appositive phrases. One unique
feature of Hightower article involves a third person perspective shifting to a first
person perspective, illustrating the incapability of having a growth mindset. From
paragraph one to five, Hightower write in third person to indicate that the subject, a
fixed mindset, is not... Show more content on ...
Hightower includes em dash punctuations to set apart parenthetical phrases or
clauses in a sentence. For instance, Dweck posits that successful people children
who do well in school, powerful CEO s, and those highly recognized... (paragraph
1), is set in em dash to replace comma that would otherwise sound awkward if
enclosed by comma. Equally important, em dash can go in parenthese to break in
thought such as it s only fitting that the transformation from ordinary person to
Hollywood icon... as if stardom somehow elevates the human condition... (paragraph
2). In fact, Hightower provided an excellent example of em dash clarification from
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby s mind, all along, was fixated upon
the single illusory green light of hope the money, the car, the girl, the success
(paragraph 7). The em dash can be used in a variety of situations, particularly in
Hightower s article, the author utilize em dashes to emphasis or provide charity the
common goal and traits of success a fixed mindset individual shared. Furthermore, em
dashes can triggered an informative tone and create attentive mood drawing readers to
read further into his
Interest Groups in Taxation
A part of the darker side of Washington is considered by the American public as
interest groups. Even James Madison described them in the federalist papers he
wrote in 1787 as factions that could be dangerous. The modern day hasn t changed
much. People today largely agree with Madison in how they view interest groups.
What interest groups do, how they are supported, and what their stances are an
interesting mix of controversy, clash, and representation. Interest groups are there to
represent the people, usually a portion of the people. This representation stems from
either a view point or stance for a plethora of issues. There are hundreds of different
interest groups that represent view points from big business. Interest groups... Show
more content on ...
Another benefit of being in a coalition is that it shows more support for the issue
by more people when there is a coalition of organizations over just one group.
Coalitions can build support for many goals, such as tax policies, that are on the
agenda for today for lobbyists such as Americans for tax reform. Americans for Tax
Reform is an interest group that deals with addressing tax issues. This interest
group primarily lobbies for a flat tax. They don t care if it is a flat sales tax or a
flat income tax but they want a flat tax. This interest group is most similar to
individualistic conservatives ideology. The major parallel this group has to the
individual conservatives group is that they both believe in flat taxation. The biggest
policy that Americans for Tax Reform want the tax code to be broken down to limit
government power over certain individuals and to make the system equal for all.
This interest group has been funded by most notably Microsoft and Time Warner.
They are also funded by the general public in the form of anonymous donations,
which is similar to another interest group called Americans for Fair Taxation. The
next interest group is Americans for Fair Taxation. This interest group calls for a
national sales tax. They describe this national sales tax as being more effective than
the current 3 million word tax code currently implemented by the federal government.
The United States Constitution Vs. Anti Federalism
The United States Constitution was written in 1787 during the Philadelphia
Convention. This new document was meant to replace the older, weaker Articles of
Confederation. This document became the foundation of America s Government. But
as times change so did the document, these changes are known as Amendments , the
first ten being known simply as The Bill of Rights . These two unique sections of the
constitution are similar yet serve different purposes. In the early stages of the
founding of the United States the largest political issue was federalism vs anti
federalism. The federalist moving for a larger, stronger central government and the
anti federalists moving for a smaller more state oriented government. After the
constitution was written many of the Anti federalists felt that the constitution allotted
for too much federal power and lacked emphasis on the rights of the individual. This
is when representative and later president James Madison began to make corrections
to the constitution. However, congress spoke out that the constitution could not be
altered and so Madison s corrections and additions were presented as seventeen
amendments. His amendments were passed through the House and Senate and then
on to the states, by the end only ten of Madison s proposed amendments were ratified.
These amendments later became known as the Bill of Rights. These ten rights were
to grant the people certain undeniable rights as to prevent the government from
slipping into
Essay Week Development Plan
In this development plan, I have set out for harry a week development plan where
he would stick to a session every day for one week including one day of rest as
well one day having a competitive game day. The main aim of this development is
making sure that all areas of Harry s weakness are achieved including
cardiovascular system and correcting the techniques of some of the shots by
breaking the shot down biomechanically but also improve Harry s muscular
endurance. To relate to the SMART targets I have set out a plan to improve Harry s
cardiovascular system by doing 2 different types of cardiovascular training within
the week which are fartlek and interval training. I have done this because these 2
types are training are known to improve your cardiovascular system. Doing interval
training would improve speed and stamina because over time it will slowly... Show
more content on ...
In the Thursday sessions, I have implemented that he is able to practise the right
technique of the shot by understanding the biomechanics of the shot as well as
helping when it is the correct time for the shot to be played. Then on Saturday, he
would practise the smash shot where he would practise the technique and
implement that within the SMART targets where at the end of the session I would
need to beat my previous score by placing the shuttlecock in certain places of the
court. Recommendations Made for My Development Plan The recommendations
made for my development plan is progressing on from 8 weeks into a 12 week
development plan which means we would be able to compare results and analyse
how harry has been doing throughout the 12 weeks. I would recommend doing this
because it will allow harry and myself reflect on his performances and able to give
constructive feedback throughout the
The Mayan Civilization And The Maya Empire
The Mayan civilization or the Maya Empire, centered in the tropical lowlands of what
is now Guatemala, reached the peak of its power and influence around the sixth
century A.D. The Maya excelled at agriculture, pottery, hieroglyph writing, calendar
making and mathematics, and left behind an astonishing amount of impressive
architecture and symbolic artwork. Most of the great stone cities of the Maya were
abandoned by A.D. 900. The Maya civilizationwas one of the most dominant
indigenous societies of Mesoamerica. Unlike other scattered indigenous populations
of Mesoamerica, the Maya were centered in one geographical block covering all of
the Yucatan Peninsula and modern day Guatemala; Belize and parts of the Mexican
states of Tabasco and Chiapas; and the western part of Honduras and El Salvador.
This concentration showed that the Maya remained relatively secure from invasion
by other Mesoamerican peoples.
Within that expanse, the Maya lived in three separate sub areas with distinct
environmental and cultural differences: the northern Maya lowlands on the Yucatan
Peninsula; the southern lowlands in the Peten district of northern Guatemala and
adjacent portions of Mexico, Belize and western Honduras; and the southern Maya
highlands, in the mountainous region of southern Guatemala. The earliest Maya
settlements date to around 1800 B.C., or the beginning of what is called the
Preclassic or Formative Period. The Middle Preclassic Period also saw the rise of the
first major
Ender s Game Argumentative Essay
Last summer, when I was a rising freshman, I made a grave mistake. I had relaxed
all summer, and I was somewhat mentally prepared to start school. However, I still
had one task left to complete: read the summer reading book. Ender s Game by
Orson Scott Card. This is a fantastic story I had read it in sixth grade and I adored
it. Despite my affection for the novel, I was tentative to read it again after all, why
should I why waste my precious time repeating a task I had already completed?
However, by the time August rolled around, I came to the inevitable realization that I
barely remembered the plot. Even though I knew I needed to crack it open, I put off
re readingthe story for as long as I could. I ended up finally dusting off my copy on...
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So, that leaves an important question to be answered: how can you stop
procrastinating? The first thing I would recommend doing is buying the book or
checking the story you must read out from the library. If you wait all summer to
complete the reading assignment, you might find that your local bookstore is
completely sold out of the novel you need. Or, when you finally get around to
stepping into the library, the waiting list for the copy of Legend by Marie Lu that
you need by next week is twenty people long. If you read the book earlier in the
summer, you won t feel nearly as rushed to find a copy of the novel and finish it as
quickly as possible, which gives you much more time to relax. Another tip for not
procrastinating comes from the University of Alabama, there are three primary
considerations in creating your study environment: Your most effective and efficient
learning style, the nature of the learning task, and the availability of learning
resources. With that being said, the first thing you need to take into consideration
is your personal learning style. You might have an easier time reading the book if
you determine how you learn in advance and create a better reading environment
for you to study in. If you are an auditory learner, determine whether you learn
better with or without background noise, and place yourself within a suitable
environment when preparing to read. If you are a visual learner, be sure to read in
a place with adequate lighting and minimal distractions (like highways and other
busy roads). If you are a tactile learner, be sure to find a suitable place to sit and
read a workspace that is not too comfortable (so you don t fall asleep) but not
unbearable. When determining the nature of the task, it is important to know that
you have no say in what you must read; the nature of your learning is
Burglary Tactics
Criminals are becoming more and more brazen and continually coming up with
new tactics in which to trick and deceive their victims. So this begs the question,
are you and your family safe in and around your home? Are you sure? Most people
are complacent when it comes to their home security because they have developed
a certain comfort level and this is what could ultimately spell disaster. No one
wants to live in fear; however, staying aware of the ever changing tactics criminals
are using to commit their crimes will help you take the necessary steps to protect
your home and your family. Here are the four most common burglary tactics today s
criminals are using to trick and deceive their victims. 1. Using Your Pets to Case
Your Home Criminals... Show more content on ...
Litter Outside Your Home If you see any type of litter on your property,
immediately dispose of it because criminal scouts commonly leave trash indicators
on your property. Things such as cans, lids, bags, or any other type of litter on
your property could have been left there by a criminal scout as a signal to another
criminal that your house has been deemed to have something of value and is a
prime a break in opportunity. 3. Business Cards and Ad Flyers Never take flyers or
business cards from a random person who approaches you at your home, or
anywhere else for that matter. Criminals have been known to lace legitimate
business looking handouts with chloroform or another substance that once it s
absorbed by your skin, it causes you to pass out at which time that criminal will
rob you of your money and your keys and those keys will give him access to your
home and your family. One last mention on this topic. This criminal tactic has also
been used on the mail that s in your mailbox, although this is not as common. So be
aware of this and either wear gloves when bringing in your mail or bring the mail
into your house and lock the door before going through it so you are at least
protected if it has been altered by a
Akeelah And The Bee Essay
In this short clip, the film Akeelah and the Bee demonstrates a couple verbal and
nonverbal cues that display liking, affection, and involvement while also showing
others like hostility and dislike. The audience can observe a good example of cues
involving liking in the relationship of Akeelah and Javier, and also observe good
examples of hostility between Akeelah and Georgia and mostly, Akeelah and Dylan.
Beginning with Akeelah and Javier, Akeelah shows involvement when she wants to
go to his birthday party in the first place. By going to his party, it shows that she
likes him or is interested in him. Javier meets her outside of the house and they sit
down on a bench to talk; Javier then invites Akeelah inside to see his house. Inviting
... Show more content on ...
There is a clear dislike from the beginning when the audience hears Akeelah
verbally and directly ask Javier: why d you invite Dylan? A little bit later on, we
see that Dylan is clearly an entitled scrabble player because he brings a number of
gamesets so he can play against everyone at the party. When Dylan asks for one
more volunteer, Akeelah volunteers and Dylan reacts by giving her a really heavy
glare. This glare is a direct nonverbal cue that he doesn t like Akeelah and that she
is basically his rival for stepping up to the challenge. When Akeelah completes her
first turn with an extremely high scoring word, Dylan gives Akeelah a look of
disgust but composes himself and gets a word that scores almost as high. Dylan s
look displayed nonverbally that he had underestimated Akeelah but that he still
despised her and wanted to beat her. Dylan begins to show some mercy when he
feels like he is gonna lose but then says arrivederci and rubs it in Akeelah s face
when he actually ends up winning. There is an extreme dislike between Akeelah and
Dylan and I wouldn t be surprised if based on this short clip, they are rivals
throughout the whole
The Relationship Between Uk Shareholder Voting And...
Executive compensation keeps a highly controversial for recent years, with more
credit crisis appears in companies, the action of shareholders vote on directors
payment get more acception. The new reform act 2013 in the UK gives firm owners
more power and influence to shape managers pay. In fact, this act is not only popular
in the uk, also sprung up in other European countries, Australia and USA. In this
essay, I will focus on discussing the relation between UK shareholder voting and
executive pay. As for shareholders have a binding vote on executive compensation, I
think the negative effects overweigh the positive ones. In the following paragraphs, I
am gong to describe the benefits and harms.
At the first, I will give a defination ... Show more content on ...
The opinion is exactly confirmed by Ferri and Maber s research (2012). Ferri and
Maber based on a large sample evidence of UK firms over the period 2002 to 2005
on the effect of SOP, they point that the increase in sensitivity of CEO pay to
negative operating performance and no influence to stock performance. Otherwise,
this new rule is benefit to reduce the unreasonable pay for CEO and improve the
practice. In say on pay, if greater proportions of shareholders against owner managers
proposals, the result will create more value because managers have to make changes
in corporate governance to adjust shareholders request. Meanwhile, the performance
will be better under this pressure. This thought is similar with Cai and Walking
(2011), firms would benefit the most when experience obvious positive abnormal
interest and the market reacts positively with the most highly paid CEOs.
Besides, the second advantage is enhance the transparency, accountability and
governance.This new regulation require boards publish directors compensation
reports add to annual reporting, and disclose individual managers unreasonable
payment.Under the fraud and financial scandals increase frequence and severe cases,
the shareholders ask to improve the transparency of compensation and thereby make
more perfect rule of corporate governance. M. B.
The Advertising Of Love Teams In The Philippines
The advertising of love teams in the Philippines has slowly been changing the
Filipino s colonial mentality mindset because it allows Filipinos to emulate local
celebrities instead of foreign ones. Local and global companies are capitalizing on
this, making use of the love team s fame in order to advertise their products. For
global companies, they use glocalization in order to make their product seem more
localized to attract Filipinos. This is effective because Filipinos become attracted to
loveteams because they project on to these love teams the traits they find important
in themselves and their surroundings. However, this type of projection can also be
negative because of how celebrities in love teams lose their right to privacy and are
made to live up to extremely high expectations. While it is good that Filipinos are
beginning to emulate local celebrities over foreign ones, love teams are not
necessarily a good thing for the local industry. This is because international and
multinational companies are using them in order to advertise their products in a way
that attracts those with a more local mindset. It has come to the point that people
often can no longer differentiate what is local and what is foreign. It also leads to the
effect of colonial mentality lessening but the effect of this staying the same.
Keywords: Love Teams, Colonial Mentality, Advertising, Glocalization, Projection
For centuries, there has been an ongoing struggle between the
Random Sampling
Source: Frerichs, R.R. Rapid Surveys (unpublished), 2008. NOT FOR
Simple Random Sampling
Everyone mentions simple random sampling, but few use this method for
population based surveys. Rapid surveys are no exception, since they too use a
more complex sampling scheme. So why should we be concerned with simple
random sampling? The main reason is to learn the theory of sampling. Simple
random sampling is the basic selection process of sampling and is easiest to
understand. If everyone in a population could be included in a survey, the analysis
featured in this book would be very simple. The average value for equal interval and
binomial variables, respectively, could easily be derived using ... Show more content
on ...
Three of the nine addicts are now infected with the human immunodeficiency virus
(HIV). To be derived are the proportion who are HIV infected (a binomial variable),
the mean number of intravenous injections (IV) and shared IV injections during the
past two weeks (both equal interval variables), and the proportion of total IV
injections that were shared with other addicts. This latter proportion is a ratio of
two variables and, as you will learn, is termed a ratio estimator. Figure 3 3 The total
population of nine drug addicts is seen in Figure 3 3. Names of the nine male
addicts are listed below each figure. The three who are infected with HIV are shown
as cross hatched figures. Each has intravenously injected a narcotic drug eight or
more times during the past two weeks. The number of injections is shown in the
white box at the midpoint of each addict. With one exception, some of the intravenous
injections were shared with other addicts; the exact number is shown in Figure 3 3 as
a white number in a black circle. Our intention is to sample three addicts from the
population of nine, assuming that the entire population cannot be studied. To provide
an unbiased view of the population, the sample mean
3 2
should on average equal the population mean, and the sample variance should on
average equal the population
Necco Wafers Research Paper
In 1847, with Oliver Chase s invention of the lozenge cutter, the famous Necco
Wafers were born. Necco Wafers quickly became an American favorite with eight
flavors to enjoy: orange, lemon, lime, clove, chocolate, cinnamon, licorice, and
wintergreen. Aside from consumption, Necco Wafers have also been used as poker
chips, for first communion practice, and even as bulls eyes at target ranges. Four
billion Necco Wafers are produced each year, and if placed edge to edge, would
wrap around the world twice. In the early 1900 s, Necco Wafers came in handy for
more than just gingerbread house decorations. For example, in 1913, Donald
MacMillan, an arctic explorer, gave eskimo children the American candy on his
expedition. In the 1930 s, two and a half tons of this chalky candy were included
on Admiral Byrd s two year journey in the Antarctic, enough for each of member of
his crew to consume a pound of wafers each week. Since Necco Wafers did not melt
and rarely broke during transport, during World War II, the American government
sent massive amounts of these candies overseas to soldiers. Although World War II
veterans were not the first soldiers to have rations of Necco Wafers, Union... Show
more content on ...
After being flattened in a different machine, the dough is cut into wafers and
stamped with the brand name using the lozenge cutter, first American candy
machine made by Oliver Chase. The wafers are now dropped onto a moving belt
where they go through a 30 minute drying process. After, the eight flavors are
mixed together and workers pack them in rows that are then packaged. These rolls
of Necco Wafers are then sold year round everywhere from convenience stores to
online, or even in bulk. In exchange for around $1.49, a roll containing all eight
flavors of wafers can be
Immigration Act Of 1924 Research Paper
SUBJECT: Immigration act of 1924 PROBLEM: In the early 1920s the United States
addressed the quick rising immigration population by creating the Immigration act of
1924. The immigration Act limited the number of European, African, and completely
ban the migration of Asians and Arab immigrants. The American people after World
War One had a strong patriotism for their country and did not easily accept new ethic
groups. The fear of Communism also contributed to the dislike of new immigrants
amongst the American people. The American people also felt that immigrants took
jobs away from American citizens and were uncomfortable with the idea of more job
competition. BACKGROUND The Red Scare Post war Recession New found
patriotism High
A Hidden Cost To Giving Kids Poor Mothers Summary
Introduction In The article A Hidden Cost to Giving Kids Their Vegetables and its
opposing viewpoints, it argues on how many Mothers go through the struggle of
what to feed their children, from poor to rich moms. The opposing viewpoints Some
commentators contend that healthy diets are too expensive, others argue that
wholesome options are affordable that junk foods that seem cheap are healthy a
good deal. This all relies on Mothers who are rich and who are poor, and their opinion
on healthy diets and affordable food. But both camps overlook what most parents
know well: Children are picky . This paper will analyze Opposing viewpoints, of
Rich, middle class, and rich mother s opinions on the hidden cost to giving kids their
vegetables or healthy food.
The overview of A Hidden Cost to Giving... Show more content on ...
Describing her grocery shopping routine, a poor mother from South Boston with a
3 year old: I get my food stamps on the 5th and I try to make them last for a month,
but that s really difficult because toddlers waste a lot of food . Poor parent s
struggle to have enough money for groceries, and some have to wait and rely on
food stamps. When poor mother s kids refuse what she cooks, she thinks of things
she could have purchased instead. In other words poor Mother s don t have enough
money to just buy something that is going to go to waste. Poor Mother s worried
about their kids rejecting food, because not only don t they have money for food but
buying something that is going to go to waste isn t going to be worth spending the
money. I met plenty of poor parents who wished that their children liked healthier
food... but developing their children s palates has hidden costs. It explains, that poor
parents don t want to give their kids unhealthy food they wish they afforded healthier
food but unfortunately that can t workout with
How To Write A Picnic At Hanging Rock Essay
The novel Picnic at Hanging Rock written by Joan Lindsay in 1967 is set in
Australia and tells the story of a class of female students who attend an exclusive
private girls boarding school called Appleyard College. In 1900, most of the
students and staff go on an excursion to the isolated Hanging Rock where three girls
and a teacher inexplicably vanish after climbing the rock on a Valentine s Day picnic.
The text explores the outlying effects the disappearances have on the school and local
community as the authorities conduct an exhaustive search for the missing four.
Picnic at Hanging Rock has been adapted across numerous mediums and is most
renowned in the 1975 film adaptation by director Peter Weir.... Show more content on ...
Peter Weir s film adaptation of the novel explores many themes and ideas of the
original text; however, through various cinematic techniques, he is able to enhance
and bring to life aspects of the novel such as the rock and the foreign Australian
landscape, the innocence of the girls and the claustrophobic atmosphere of the
college, and finally, the terrible effects of the girl s disappearance on those left behind.
Through the incorporation of soundtrack and camera angles, Weir enhances the
rock and Australian bush by transforming these two aspects of the novel into an
even darker and sinister presence which looms over the individuals in the film.
Within Lindsay s novel, the rock is mentioned on several occasions and is referred
to have soaring peaks and a powerful presence which gives readers the idea that it is
a potentially dangerous location. However, in the film, the rock is portrayed like a
character in its own right and is purposely made to be more frightening. The
haunting pan pipes are played in the background when the camera pans on the rock to
depict the implacable monoliths as a menacing creature which lures the girls. Pan
was the god who seduced and kidnapped young nymphs and

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Legitimate Essay Writing Service.pdfLegitimate Essay Writing Service

  • 1. Legitimate Essay Writing Service Crafting an essay on the subject of "Legitimate Essay Writing Service" can be a challenging endeavor, presenting a paradoxical situation where the very topic implies a pursuit of authenticity and credibility in a field that has been marred by skepticism. The difficulty arises from the nuanced nature of the subject, requiring a delicate balance between highlighting the necessity of reliable essay writing services and addressing the prevalent concerns surrounding their legitimacy. To begin with, one must delve into the intricacies of the essay writing industry, navigating through the myriad of services available. The challenge lies in critically evaluating these services, differentiating between legitimate providers and those engaging in unethical practices such as plagiarism or delivering subpar work. It requires thorough research, meticulous scrutiny of customer reviews, and an understanding of the ever-evolving landscape of online essay assistance. Moreover, discussing the ethical implications of using essay writing services adds another layer of complexity to the task. Balancing the legitimate reasons individuals may have for seeking such services—ranging from time constraints to language barriers—while acknowledging the potential for academic misconduct, requires a nuanced approach. Addressing the ethical concerns surrounding these services necessitates a careful examination of the responsibilities of both service providers and customers. The multifaceted nature of the topic also involves exploring the role of educational institutions and their policies in shaping the demand for essay writing services. Analyzing the root causes that drive students to seek external help and the consequences of a system that might inadvertently encourage such behavior contributes to the depth of the essay. In conclusion, writing an essay on the legitimacy of essay writing services requires a fine balance between acknowledging the valid reasons for their existence and addressing the ethical dilemmas they pose. Navigating through the intricacies of this topic demands careful research, critical analysis, and a nuanced understanding of the various perspectives involved. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or exploring a variety of topics, a valuable resource is There, a plethora of essay writing services and academic support can be accessed, providing a convenient avenue for those navigating the challenges of essay composition and research. Legitimate Essay Writing ServiceLegitimate Essay Writing Service
  • 2. Elephants In The Vietnam War Elephants have been used in war for 2,300 years. The first known use of them was in Ancient Greece and they have more recently been used in the Vietnam War. Alexander the Great was well known for the most instrumental spread of elephants as a weapon of war (Knodell, 2014). Elephants were the tanks of the ancient battlefield (Knodell, 2014). The mere sight, or smell, of these beasts could cause the enemy to retreat. If the enemy did not retreat, however, the elephantswould often disrupt their formation. Even cavalry horses were afraid of the smell, sight, and sounds of the oncoming elephants. The horses would refuse to proceed. A driver would sit atop the neck of a domesticated elephant and command it. A howdah would be placed atop the
  • 3. Maximum Phonational Frequency Range Case Studies Maximum Phonational Frequency Range (MPFR) is described as the maximum range of phonation between a client s lowest modal/chest register tone and highest loft tone/falsetto register. The MPFR is typically determined by using a pitch matching procedure. Ms. Noid will be instructed to sustain a vowel (i.e. /a/) matching the pitch of a presented tone (i.e. sine wave). She will start phonation at a comfortable frequencylevel, and will incrementally increase her frequency range production, until she can no longer sustain phonation. Then, Ms. Noid will be instructed to incrementally decrease her frequency range until her modal phonation can no longer be sustained. The rationale for using an MPFR measure is to explore the physical condition of the phonatory mechanism. Furthermore, it is a way to quantify the client s frequency variability, measured through an entire range of frequencies (i.e. highest to lowest), which are produced with maximal effort. ... Show more content on ... Ms. Noid will have a constrained phonational frequency range of approximately 1 2 octaves, reflecting a physiological limitation and impaired vocal mechanism, due to a unilateral vocal fold paralysis. She will be unable to transition between low to high frequency ranges, and exhibit a vocal quality characterized as breathy and hoarse. 3.Frequency Perturbation (jitter) is an indicator of the stability of phonation. It is a measurement of cycle to cycle variability in fundamental frequency. Typically, results are acquired from a three second mid segment sample of a sustained phonation task, avoiding phonatory onset and offset. Fundamental frequency and intensity values should be specified since they vary, affecting the Frequency Perturbation (jitter) values. The rationale for measuring jitter is that it provides objective measures for distinguishing a normal from a disordered voice, and estimates vocal
  • 4. Music of the Baroque Unit 3 Music of the Baroque 1. Name two important visual artists (such as painters) and also two important writers of literature (such as poets) from the Baroque Period. Do not name musicians. (Visual Artists) Peter Paul Rubens Artemisia Gentileschi / (Writers) John Fletcher and Francis Beaumont 2. Write a paragraph about The Baroque Style . The baroque style was very well suited to the wishes of the aristocracy, who were enormously rich and powerful during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, also religious institutions powerfully shaped the baroque style. Churches used the emotional and theatrical qualities of art to make worship more attractive and appealing. The middle class too, influenced the development of the ... Show more content on ... The Camerata wanted to create a new vocal style modeled on the music of ancient Greek tragedy. Since no actual dramatic music had come down to them from the Greeks, they based their theories on literacy accounts that had survived. The Camerata wanted the vocal line to follow the rhythms and pitch fluctuations of speech. 6. Write a detailed description of each of the following new forms in Baroque music: A. concerto grosso Extended composition for instrumental soloists and orchestra, usually in three movements: (1) Fast, (2) Slow, (3) Fast. B. Fugue Polyphonic composition based on one main theme or subject. C. Opera Drama that is sung to orchestral accompaniment, usually a large scale composition employing vocal soloists, chorus, orchestra, costumes, and society. D. solo concerto A piece for a single soloist and an orchestra. E. Baroque suite A group of dance, usually in the same key, with each piece in the binary form or the ternary form. F. Oratorio Large scale composition for chorus, vocal soloists, and orchestra, usually set to a narrative text, but without acting, scenery, or costumes; often based on biblical stories. G. Sonata In baroque music, an instrumental composition in several movements for one to eight players. In music after the baroque period, an instrumental composition usually in several movements for one or two players. H. church cantata Composition in several movements, usually
  • 5. Woodrow Wilson Zeitgeist Essay Zeitgeist: During President Wilson s zeitgeist was greatly influenced by the Civil war, which led Wilson to be apprehensive about bringing the United States into World War I when he became president. Wilson became the president of Princeton University on June 9, 1902 where he constantly worked to reform the education and social aspects of Princeton, which were called the Preceptorial System, where he hoped to bring students and teachers together in engaging in the learning process. He viewed the creating of an educational community as a duty to, take men and reintroduce them to the country as it is; to make them forget the interest of their fathers and to see how the interests of all the people are linked together, (Clements, 29). Where... Show more content on ... During his presidency at Princeton, he fought against clubs based on exclusivity, where his progressive reforms clashed with the wealthy trustees. Wilson was more concerned with forming a system where students would be encouraged to self learn and have access to their professors as well as having a community that would not only benefit the wealthy and privileged students. During his presidency, Wilson instigated various reforms to benefit the population where the reformations ensured that the U.S government would work towards improving the livelihood of its citizens. In an interview with John Reed following his inauguration, Reed stated that President Wilson was, more interested in principles than in politics, (Cooper, 125) which demonstrates how President Wilson was concerned with public service, where he utilized his legal background to understand the ideologies and philosophies that lay behind ordinances and policies where he wanted to achieve the fundamentals of a progressive government. Wilson established the Federal Trade Commission to investigate and seize unfair business practices, enacted the Adamson Act to establish right hour work days and pushed Congress to enact the Underwood Simmons Act to reduce the tariff on imports from
  • 6. Compare And Contrast Dreamworks And Disney Animated films are one of the most entertaining forms of media out there. When it comes to animated films, two major film companies may come to mind: DreamWorks and Disney. For the past couple of years, people have been asking which company is better, and the answer is quite simply Disney. They have better stories, they maintain a certain theme, they are consistent, and extremely successful which is what makes them stand out from other studios and filmcompanies. Of course, DreamWorks has some of these qualities as well, but they are far and few in between. Disney, when it comes to their stories, almost always deliver. They have made some of the most iconic films with brilliant stories such as Aladdin, Lion King, Wreck It Ralph, Frozen, Beauty and the Beast, etc. Granted, they haven t always made the best films, but the good definitely outweighs the bad. They take time to make their films great and usually release a film once a year. DreamWorks has focused more on the quantity instead of the quality of their films, releasing at least 2 3 movies a year. Because of this, only some good movies like Kung Fu Panda, How to Train Your Dragon, Megamind, etc. have come about and the rest only earning 7/10 or lower. Disney has always been consistent and has maintained two certain themes since the 1930 s, the first is to Follow Your Dreams. They ve applied this to the older movies like Pinocchio and Dumbo, and they apply them to today s movies like Tangled or Wreck It Ralph just
  • 7. Speech to Inform Speech To Inform Speech to inform:Euro 2012 In April 2007, Ukraine and Poland were named co hosts for Euro 2012 tournament. This joint bid, taking into account Ukraine s tough economic condition and administration problems, has become a headache for UEFA President Michel Platini. The matches will be staged at eight venues, divided between the co host countries. Ukraine is behind the schedule, having problems with modernization of airports, roads, and rail networks. As a co host country, Poland seems to be doing better than Ukraine. Yet, it also has lots of problems. Platini made it clear that without modern stadiums in capital cities, Warsaw and Kiev, neither Poland nor Ukraine would host Euro 2012. Platini persuades Europe that football... Show more content on ... It is savage like and inhuman, for it values neither the life of a freedom fighter nor the life of a victim who is killed or badly injured only because he or she happened to be in the target place. Terrorists kill to obtain public exposure. The United States has defined the anti terrorist priority measures. They include chemical plant security, transit security, terrorism risk insurance, disaster response, nuclear waste, and drinking water safety. It is hard to curb terrorism for several reasons. First, terrorists are well organized and have a strong network which is tied by fanatic faith in their cause. Second, terrorists are unseen. They are scattered all over the world, arranging terrorist attacks in unpredictable places. Third, terrorists are outrageous and resolute, fearless and stubborn to give their lives for their cause. Fourth, terrorists have support of the civilians who are on their side. Terrorism is our nightmare, unseen danger that may cost us our life. Terrorism is a criminal act, since no fight for justice can be justified by murders of innocent people. Without extricating the roots of terrorism, our governments will never achieve positive results. Terrorism is a response to oppression, poverty, and discrimination. When human rights are universally respected, terrorism will not have a justifiable soil under its feet. Cultivate love, not hate in your heart. Try
  • 8. Dr Jekyll Artifacts My coffee cup contains five artifacts that represent the character, Dr. Jekyll. The reason why Dr. Jekyll was my first choice for the character coffee cup assignment was because he interested me in the way he wanted to separate the innocent and evil within himself by using medicine. In the novel, the doctor portrays the wickedness part that exists in every individual. Jekyll believed that humankind was cursed by having two separate natures which are constantly struggling with each other for dominance. Inside of the coffee cup there is a vial, a book, a key, a mirror, and salt. The salt represents Dr. Jekyll s transformations. Salt played an important role in the changes, due to its purity the switch between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde were not successful.... Show more content on ... Due to the salt as being part of the ingredients for the remedy, it was a responsible factor in giving Dr. Jekyll extra time to write the letter to Mr. Utterson confessing his secrets. In the coffee cup, the vial is the large clear plastic container. A vial was one of the artifacts added to the cup because it was the method the doctor chose to commit suicide. The vial was Dr. Jekyll s last hope in preventing the short evil man, Mr Hyde, from completely taking over his body permanently. There was not any guarantee that Mr. Hyde would die along with him, but he took the chance anyways. Another significant object related to the doctor was the mirror. Henry Jekyll observed his evil side for the first time with the help of his mirror which was located in his bedroom. Mr. Hyde s unattractive appearance produced the doctor to experience a feeling of welcome rather than concern. The mirror revealed the reflection of Mr. Hyde who was little compared to the doctor himself because of Dr. Jekyll s evil side being kept caged up throughout his life. Dr. Jekyll s decision to be himself instead of Mr. Hyde is exhibited by the broken
  • 9. Human Inhumanity Human experimentation is subjecting living beings to science experiments that can sometimes be painful, cruel, deadly and risky. The human beings used in these experiments have changed the lives of billions with advancements made in the medical field, over the last two centuries, some of the subjects used in the experiments have been compensated for the physical and emotional damage done (Veracity,2). However, many have lost their lives due to the experiments. By examining the cruelty and inhumanity that the people were treated during the procedures of the experiments throughout history, the abuse of power of the doctors performing experiments, and the permanent disabilities that some of the subjects would experience for the rest of their lives, it is clear that the data gathered from human experimentation it is not ethical, and shouldn t be used by future generation. Human experimentation has been around for many centuries. Experiments have been performed on willing and unwilling participants, some experiments were not harmful to the subjects, while others caused distress, pain and even death to the subjects. An unknown Auschwitz survivor wrote I suffered immense pain and cruelty from the experiments. They were inhuman, but because of them, I survived... (The conference on Jewish material claims against Germany,3). Subjects were often tested without anesthesia or painkiller causing them a lot of pain, many subjects were not able to survive these painful and cruel
  • 10. Green Card Vs Us Citizenship Essay Green card vs us citizenship 1. Green Card Vs US Citizenship U.S Immigration Center 1623 Central Ave, Suite 145, Cheyenne, WY 82001 1 888 943 4625 support@usimmigration 2. Difference Between the Green Card US Citizenship Green Card Being a valid green card holder means that the person has lawful rights to work and permanently reside in the United States. US Citizenship U.S. citizenship is the highest status someone can attain under U.S. immigration law. It means a permanent right to live in the United States. 2www.usimmigration 3. Difference Between the Green Card US Citizenship A Form, which is Used to The application form I 485 is available in online, which is used to obtain a green card. A Form, which is used to The Application form N 400 is used to apply... Show more content on ... Bring Foreign Loved Ones to the United States Green Card Can petition for spouse or child for a visa Cannot petition for other family members US Citizenship Can petition for spouse for a visa Can petition for siblings and parents and fiancГ© for a visa 12www.usimmigration 13. Bring Foreign Loved Ones to the United States Green Card Cannot petition for fiancГ© Petitioning for spouse or child takes 4 or 5 times longer than citizen US Citizenship Children under 18 are automatically naturalized as citizens Petitioning for relatives is much quicker 13www.usimmigration 14. Green Card Vs US Citizenship 14www.usimmigration 15. About US Immigration Center We help applicants to fill the US immigration applications easily, quickly efficiently. We make the entire application filling process stress free, time saving Check if you re eligible for Green card Renewal if you have had a Green card want to apply for US Citizenship 15www.usimmigration 16. Disclaimer usimmigration is a private entity and is not affiliated or approved by any government agency. It does not provide any legal advice.
  • 11. The Social Climate Of White And Blue Collar College is one of the most beneficial gifts a parent can give to their child, an opportunity to give their children a higher education than what they received. College tuition has more than double when compared to the last generation, making unpayable debts increasingly higher on graduates. At the same time college admission rates have also increased, creating a factory with a high surplus of college graduates looking for a jobs that there is not enough demand for. Universityin the past was considered a privilege but now it has become a cultural standard in the U.S. and the rest of developed nations. The social climate of white and blue collar classes, the idea of working hard vs. the idea of working smart, may have created the social climate that looks down on blue collar workers. Even though Hacker and Dreifus, and Murray take two different approaches to the purpose of universities, they actually agree on the important idea that colleges are not for everyone, contrary to popular belief, this common ground becomes clear through the price of admission, the stigma of a college education, and the original purpose of going to college. Colleges are taking on too many roles and doing none well (Hacker and Dreifus). As stated, the price of admission has clearly augmented in the last decades. What is to gain from paying ludicrous amounts to a PhD factories? Universities have also grown to become a $420 billion dollar conglomerate in the last decades that is immune to
  • 12. Principles of Investigation 1.0Introduction of Investigation Investigation can be defined quite simply as a systematic fact finding and reporting process. It is derived from the Latin word vestigere, to track or trace, and encompasses a patient, step by step inquiry. Investigation is finding facts; it is akin to research conducted in the academic arena. Investigation is a multi disciplined field of study. It encompasses law, the sciences, communications, and a host of other things. Investigation requires an inquisitive mind coupled with an attention to detail. Astute students of investigation may find themselves particularly well suited for the research needed for graduate study. Investigation is a key process used by management. Whether or not one is an... Show more content on ... Thereafter, the work plan can be developed to address preservation and, ultimately, collection. 2.3.2 Witnesses Witness testimony is particularly important evidence to collect and critical to any investigation. Because of the importance and special nature of witness testimony, careful planning is necessary. Witness recollection fades quickly and can be influenced by external factors such as media reports, sympathy and even office gossip. The investigation work plan must, therefore, include a detailed interview schedule which addresses issues of * Witness availability * Order of testimony * Special needs (interpreter, guardian) * Re interviews These elements are inter related and changes can affect the entire investigation work plan. Accordingly, the work plan should be monitored and adjusted to compensate for scheduling and other factors related to witnesses. Witness testimony also concerns more general planning issues, such as investigation support and travel/logistics. Further, these elements must also be taken into consideration when planning the interview schedule where individuals are identified as implicated personnel at the predication phase. 2.3.3 Records Records are documentary evidence, regardless of physical form, created or received by a staff member in connection with, or as a result of, the official work of the United Nations, and remain the property of the United
  • 13. Fristianticism And Romanticism In Frankenstein Frankenstein or A Modern Prometheus by Mary Shelley is the story of a scientist who artificially creates life, although in a grotesque, monstrous form. This titular scientist spends the rest of the story trying and failing to destroy this creature that he eternally regrets creating. Although many readers see this purely as a horror story, and indeed it did start as one, Frankensteinhas very nuanced messages and subtext. Frankenstein is best understood in the context of Romanticism, in fact, the work is commonly seen as one of the flagships to the movement. Romanticism emerged as a response to the Enlightenment. While the Enlightenment preaches the advantages of science and rationality, Romanticism preaches the joys of nature and human emotion. ... Show more content on ... Frankenstein is the real monster, not the creature. However, I would like to take this a step further and propose mankind as a whole is the monster, and the creature is the innocent. On the surface, the grotesque, murderous creature, repulsive to anyone who lays eyes on it could hardly be seen as anything other than a monster. But, on closer inspection, the creature has numerous, distinctly human qualities. He is clearly capable of emotions. He desires to be accepted into society and is crushed when he is not, he desires a partner and he goes to great lengths to get one, and when he reads Paradise Lost in the cabin he has a clear emotional reaction. He is obviously intelligent. When trying to convince Frankenstein to create a bride for him, I believe he shows very clever strategic thinking. When Frankenstein and the creature meet at the peak of Mont Blanc, the creature confesses to Frankenstein his emotional troubles, and convinces him to create a companion. I do not think this choice was emotional, I think the creature intentionally manipulated Frankenstein into doing this deed for him. Frankenstein reacts to seeing the creature with disgust, calling him a devil and sprang on him , but the creature remained calm and collected, and he went on to convince Frankenstein to create a bride for him (ch. 10 p. 6.) In this, the creature shows that he is aware both of his own emotions and those of others. And he shows that he is capable of controlling his own emotions and manipulating other s emotions. He is self aware, capable of self control, and capable of empathy. On the other hand, Frankenstein rejects companionship with Elizabeth and isolates himself in his apartment, he is irresponsible, and he clearly does not possess a single strategic thought or think things through at all. This lack of responsibility, forethought, and strategy is most evident with his creation of the creature. He performed his
  • 14. Essay on Mystic Monk Coffee Case Mystic Monk Coffee Case. 1. Has Father Daniel Mary established a future direction for the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming? What is his vision for the monastery? What is his vision for Mystic Monk Coffee? What is the mission of the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming? Father Daniel Mary established the future direction for Carmelite Monks. He determined clear sense of the future, directions and inspiration for the goal setting. The biggest vision of Father Daniel Mary included expanding the monastery by acquiring the Irma Lake ranch for its current listed price of $8.9 million. This would enable to build a retreat center, a Gothic church, a convert for Carmelite nuns, hermitage and transform the small brotherhood of 13 monks to 30. Father Daniel ... Show more content on ... What competitive advantage might Mystic Monk Coffee s strategy produce? Father s strategy for achieving his vision was to promote Mystic Monk Coffee among Catholic population. One of the strategies they had was word of the mouth and this strategy went from their loyal customers in Catholic parishes across the US. Mystic Monk is a coffee that has a unique meaning for Catholics who want to support monastery mission. By buying Mystic Monk coffee Catholic population could support a cause at the same time. It s a great advantage Mystic Monk brand has and other brands don t. 4. Is Mystic Monk Coffee s strategy a money maker? What is MMC s business model? What is your assessment of Mystic Monk Coffee s customer value proposition? its profit formula? its resources that enable it to create and deliver value to customers? Mystic Monk Coffee business is a money maker. There is no risk of loss. There are 150 million consumers that drink coffee in the US, so the business has a potential to generate profit. It has a net profit of 11 percent of revenues, which could be even higher since the business has a quality product and ability to expend. Business model is the way the company generate profit. MMC s business model is to increase the production of coffee by buying a new roaster and including wholesale sales to churches and local coffee shops. Mystic Monk Coffee is a product with a successful consumer value proposition. It is
  • 15. Institutional Review Board Institutional Review Boards are tasked with carrying out two main forms of review: initial review and continuing review; they are indispensable to the review process for protecting human participants. Initial review of an experiment occurs before it is approved. Coleman remarks, This review encompasses the research protocol, the informed consent documents to be signed by subjects, any advertisements to be used in recruiting subjects, and other relevant documents (Coleman et al. 169). The informed consent document is vital for the review; it is the required document which supplies all research participants with necessary information to give informed consent. Institutional Review Boards also utilize continuous review, which is done over the... Show more content on ... The HHS is required to oversee IRBs in order to ensure that they are functioning properly. Institutional Review Boards cannot function properly without being overseen by the HHS, and therefore lack of oversight would lead to weakened protection of human participants. An Institutional Review Board may not fulfill its purpose without the HHS s close oversight. Two agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services, the Office for Protection from Research Risks (OPRR) and the FDA, are both tasked with reviewing IRBs. The OPRR utilizes an assurance document to oversee how IRBs are functioning. All IRBs using HHS funding must have an assurance document on file with the OPRR. Coleman adds, The assurance is a written statement of an institution s requirements for its IRB and human subject protections (Coleman et al. 170). Meanwhile, FDA uses research investigators to determine whether IRBs are functioning in an effective manner. The OPRR and the FDA share the task of oversight of IRBs, and do so through documentation and research investigators respectively. Without this system of review, Institutional Review Boards would not be checked by any part of government, and thus would have free reign to do as they please. Thus, the interests of human participants
  • 16. Limiting Ip Spoofing Through Bgp Idpf Essay Limiting IP Spoofing through BGP IDPF Mr. A.K.Kadam, Devadkar Kirti Rajaram, Ankita Kumari,Arunima Mr. A.K.Kadam, Professor, Dept. Of Computer Engineering,BVPCOE Pune,Maharashtara,India Devadkar Kirti Rajaram,Student, Dept. Of Computer Engineering,BVPCOE Pune,Maharashtara,India Ankita Kumari, Student, Dept. Of Computer Engineering,BVPCOE Pune,Maharashtara,India Arunima,student, Dept. Of Computer Engineering,BVPCOE Pune,Maharashtara,India *** Abstract IP Spoofing is a serious threat to the legitimate use of the Internet. By employing IP spoofing, attackers can overload the destination network thus preventing it from providing service to legitimate user. In this paper, we propose an inter domain packet filter (IDPF) architecture that can minimize the level of IP spoofing on the Internet. A key feature of our scheme is that it does not require global routing information. IDPFs are constructed from the information implicit in Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) route updates and are deployed in network border routers. We establish the conditions under which the IDPF framework correctly works in that it does not discard packets with valid source addresses. We show that, even with partial deployment on the Internet, IDPFs can proactively limit the spoofing capability of attackers. In addition, they can help localize the origin of an attack
  • 17. Joe Louis Essay Joe Louis Joe Louis was born in Alabama on May 13, 1914. He was the son of an Alabama sharecropper, the great grandson of a slave, and the great great grandson of a white slave owner. Joe Louis moved to Detroit as a youngster with his mother. He was the first African American ever to achieve lasting fame and star status in the 20th Century. He did so with boxing, he would capture the hearts of millions of American s, both white and black. This was a time when blacks were being discriminated against, the military was segregated, blacks were not allowed to play Major League Baseball. When he started boxing early in the 1930 s hero worship was not achievable in any professional sports, there were none that were able ... Show more content on ... Louis war time patriotism in a racially divided country made him a symbol of national unity and purpose. Twice he donated his winnings to the military relief funds. He advertised himself even more tot he American Public when he said the U.S. would win World War 2 because we re on God s side . In front of 70,000 screaming fans at Yankee Stadium, Louis pulverized the Aryan figurehead, knocking him to the floor 3 times. Two years of waiting ended in a quick 124 second knockout of Scheming Due to that fight, Louis had crossed the line from champion to idol as Americans of all color and race celebrated frantically. In 1942 he would join the U.S. Army, during the hard times of World War 2. During this time he fought close to 100 exhibitions before some 2 million servicemen. After the war, he knocked out Billy Conn again, and won three other fights, including two with Jersey Joe Walcott, before abdicating his title, and retiring. However, because he needed money to pay back taxes, he returned to boxing. After not fighting for two years, he lost a one sided decision to his successor as champ, Ezzard Charles, in 1950. He then retired for good when Rocky Marciano knocked him out in the eighth round in 1951. Louis boxing career earned him close to 5 million dollars, but most of his money was lost due to his extreme generosity. The IRS,
  • 18. Applying A Collaborative Learning Environment Have you ever pondered the question What is education? This simple, yet complex, question can be answered differently as everyone s perception of how education impacts his life is unique. When I meet someone, I used to ask what he did for a living as it reflected his education background which allowed me to determine how educated he is. The reality is that the name of a distinguished university attended or the title of a high salary earning career gives us an idea of the level of scholarship. As today s system of educationwill continually undergo progressive refinement, I believe that it is crucial to dissect the significance of education and provide students with principles to apply to their everyday learningexperience and not just a label on their diploma. At the prestigious TC I dream to fervently study to spark the working minds of aspiring scholars to explore the authentic meaning and function of education. In addition, I hope to create a collaborative learning environment in schools filled with curiosity and inquiry in which all participants are both teachers and learners. Looking for wisdom, I have asked my colleagues about what education meant to them and the majority interpreted it as a transmission of knowledgefrom a teacher to a student. I disagreed because it sounded as though the realm of academia simply consisted of a transfer of knowledge that can result in either a successful delivery or omission of expected action. Education is not merely a
  • 19. The World Of The Alps South of the Alps, there is a peninsula in the Mediterranean Sea. The peninsula has been named Italy since about 1st century BC. About 700 BC a group of people of unknown origin named the Etruscans was dominant over the Indo Europeans at this time. Around 500 BC, the Etruscans had gained control over much of Italy. By the 4th century, Rome is gaining power, while the Etruscans are steadily losing it. Jumping ahead to around the 12th century, we see that Florence comes into play. Florence is noted as the powerhouse of the Renaissance, since it produced outstanding pieces of Art and Literature. Jumping ahead to present day, Florence is home to the enormous cathedral, commonly referred to as The Duomo. Florence also has The ... Show more content on ... Since Florence is small, compared to Scottsdale, we walked almost everywhere we went. The museum that we visited had a lot about the Medici family and about Durante degli Alighieri. The largest bank in Europe in the 15th century was the Medici Bank. Dante was just a poet that knew some important people in the church. Dante Alighieri, who lived in Florence until he was exiled in 1302, was a poet, along with other political and community positions. Dante is known throughout the world for his three books that he wrote in exile. The books that Dante wrote are called the Divine Comedy . The set of three started out with the book named the Inferno or Hell. He continues his Comedy in Purgatorio or Purgatory and finishes the set with Paradisio
  • 20. or Paradise. The Inferno is the first book of the series and is also the most vivid and modern of the three. The Inferno is the easiest of the three books for people that have very little or no theological knowledge at all. One would guess from the name that Inferno is a book about hell, and it is a book about hell, just the hell that Dante went through while he was exiled from Florence. Dante did not actually go through hell, it was just something that he wrote in order to cope with being exiled from the place that he had begun to call his home. The middle book, or Purgatorio is the one that has the most poets
  • 21. Essay on Symbolism in August Wilson s Piano Lesson In The Piano Lesson each central character learns a lesson. August Wilson uses plenty of symbolism throughout his play, the strongest symbol being the piano itself, representing the family s history, their long struggle, and their burden of their race. Throughout the play, the conflict revolves around the piano, and Berniece and Boy Willie s contrasting views about its significance and about what should be done with it. Berniece is ashamed and cannot let go of the past, or the piano, and Boy Willie wants to move his life forward, and use the piano to do so. Wilson portrays the lesson of the piano as accepting and respecting one s past and moving on with one s life gracefully, through Berniece and Boy Willies contrasting actions and the... Show more content on ... As Avery says, she is carrying stones with her, letting the piano weight her down, keeping it as a grave reminder of her family?s history. If Berniece were able to touch the piano, she would be able to accept and overcome her fear and disgrace of the violent past, but she is not ready to do that. Boy Willie sees the piano as an opportunity to own land and advance his life that his ancestors left for him. He constantly puts forward that the piano is doing no good being kept in the house, since it is not being used. He cannot see the sentimental value, or Berniece?s point of view on the piano. He says it is just ?sitting there and rotting,? and states that he ?ain?t gonna be no fool about sentimental value.? Boy Willie only sees the monetary value of the piano, and the opportunity it creates for him. He says that if Berniece wants it so much, he?ll cut it in half and give her half the money, demonstrating his lack of seeing historical significance in the piano. He instead argues that his father would want him to sell it, and that is all it is worth. He sees the bloody history surrounding the piano as a fight for advancement of himself and his family, and pushes to sell it regardless of anybody else?s opinion, even when Berniece threatens him with Crawley?s pistol. He thinks Berniece is acting foolishly and the purpose of the piano is to be sold for his personal
  • 22. Use this document as a template for designing an informed... Use this document as a template for designing an informed consent form for your research project for ENC1102 Title: Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Researcher: Tim Witvoet You are invited to participate in a research study. The following information is being provided to help you make an informed decision on whether to participate. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to determine the proper treatment for people diagnosed with PTSD. And the alternatives that could be assessed for treatment. Participants: The participants in this study are at random selection. Procedures: This study will be in the form of 25 questions. Participants will not be required to... Show more content on ... Up to 20% of these people go on to develop PTSD. As of today, that s 31.3 million people who did or are struggling with PTSD. An estimated 8% of Americans that s 24.4 million people have PTSD at any given time. An estimated 1 out of 10 women develops PTSD; women are about twice as likely as men. Among people who are victims of a severe traumatic experience 60 80% will develop PTSD. 1. Are you a Male Female 2. Are you White Black or African American Hispanic American Indian or Alaskan Native Asian Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 3. What s is your age range? 18 20 21 29 30 40 41 50 Over 50 4. What is your highest level of education? Some High School High School Graduate Some College College Graduate 5. Are you a veteran or currently serving in the armed forces? Yes No 6. Have you been diagnosed with PTSD? No Yes 7. Do you know anyone who has been diagnosed with PTSD? Yes No N/A 8. What is your relation to them? Self Friend Family Member 9. Who is currently treating you? Psychiatrist Psychologist Medical Practitioner Other (please specify)______________________________________ N /A 10. How did you get PTSD? Military service Police or Fire department Hospital worker Accident Abused Assaulted Illness or injury Natural disaster Family related N/A 11. How long have you had PTSD? Less than a year 1 2 years 3 4 years 5 6 years More than 6 years N/A 12. Do you have trouble falling asleep? No Yes N/A 13. How many hours a night do
  • 23. Analysis Of Flying By Alice Miller Flying, by Alice Miller is a complex story about a woman named Allie, who reminisces about a time spent when her cousin Mack taught her to fly when she was just a young girl. On different occasions when Mack visited, he would show her how to do new things. As Allie grew up she found herself thinking of the secret that Mack shared with her and how he told her not to tell anyone or she may get hurt. Allie longed for the feeling of flying, if she could just reach out and talk to Mack but too much time had passed. She dreams of flying in her sleep, not for long periods of time, but just enough to embrace that feeling she had years ago. She wonders if many people have experienced flying the way that she has and if she could fly by herself without Mack. One day, Allie tries to fly on her own and succeeds, soaring higher than she did with Mack. Before Allie knew it, she was flying through the clouds and around town. Now that Allie has experienced the feeling of flying again, more than ever she wanted to share with her kids. One night after the children were asleep she wanted to share her secret with her boys but instead chose her daughter. Miller suggests that when a person is afraid of doing something on their own, sometimes it just takes a little bit of courage to step out and let go of the things that could be holding a person back. Allie appears to be a lonely person, although married and with three children of her own. She has no one that she can share her secret of
  • 24. Ernest Hemingway Feminism Ernest Hemingway is a male author of fictional stories whose work has been controversial regarding the way he portrays women. This paper will explain how feminist scholars view Ernest Hemingway s fictional stories and why. The way female scholars view Hemingway s stories are important because readers have criticized Hemingway for use stereotyping women in his work and others have enjoyed his work. Therefore, it is important to learn about the different view female scholars have on his fiction. Lawrence Broer and Gloria Holland of The University of Alabama argue that Hemingway has an inability to portray women as independent, strong and sympathetic, therefore why should women continue to read, teach and write about his work (Broer, Holland 7). In contrast Margaret Bauer proposes that the problem critics have with Hemingway s female characters is not that they are one dimensional, but that they are not the central characters (Bauer 126). Throughout this paper short stories by Hemingway like Indian Camp, Hills Like White Elephants, The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Cat in Rain and The Last Good Country. Throughout the research studies have shown that female scholars criticize Ernest Hemingways stories passed on prior knowledge to what they have heard about him. However, other scholars read Hemingway s work with an open mind and make their interpretations afterward. The research has shown both negative and positive responses to Hemingway s
  • 25. Regulation Standardising Accounting Practice University of Wollongong Research Online Faculty of Business Accounting Finance Working Papers Faculty of Business 2006 Regulation: Standardising Accounting Practice M. Gaffikin University of Wollongong, Publication Details This working paper was originally published as Gaffikin, M, Regulation: Standardising Accounting Practice, Accounting Finance Working Paper 06/22, School of Accounting Finance, University of Wollongong, 2006. Research Online is the open access institutional repository for the University of Wollongong. For further information contact the UOW Library: research 06/22 University of Wollongong School of Accounting Finance Regulation: Standardising Accounting Practice... Show more content on ... Thus, it was seen as necessary to maintain the integrity of the profession of accounting as the capacity to effectively self regulate was viewed as one of the hallmarks of a profession. The accounting profession, therefore, remained very private enterprise in keeping with the ideology of capitalism. But, the state did intervene in creating the SEC as one of its functions was the oversight of the published accounting information of publicly listed corporations. However, after much debate between the SEC and the profession it was decide that the SEC would leave the profession to develop principles of accounting practice which would eventually become generally acceptable as a standard of professional performance. As indicated in the previous chapter, there have been varying interpretations placed on the reason for the state s intervention in creating the SEC and why the SEC delegated its accounting responsibility to the profession. Taken together, both the creation of the SEC and the profession s serious attempts at effective self regulation would tend to suggest that they were necessary to preserve capitalism from the public disenchantment that marked the great depression. These developments in the 1930s greatly affected processes of accounting regulation in the United States. Questions surrounding the issues involved continued for many
  • 26. Introduction And Theoretical Explanation Of The Management... Introduction And Theoretical Explanation Of The Management Principle Organising It is my aim within this essay to introduce, define, and theoretically explain the management principle that is organising. Paramount to explaining organising it is important to understand the characteristics that are often used to describe management such as: goal orientation, decision maker, activity integration, and connective processes. Each characteristic represents an important managerial concept; take for example goal orientation, which is the primary task of utilising resources, knowledge, and time to achieve expected results. Synonymous to achieving results management requires a decision maker, in addition to activity integration. A decision maker will oversee various departments, like marketing, production, finance, and human resources (HR), whilst activity integration will connect these departments to work cohesively together. This integration completes connective processes resembling five steps: planning, organising, staffing, directing and controlling (Chaganti and Sambharya, 1987). From an abstract perspective the management process will always start with planning and end with controlling, however to cohesively develop management, organising becomes a fundamental tool (Hawes and Thanopoulos, 1989). The term organising has many variants in meaning, although it is widely seen as; a relationship structure, a group of people, and the development of management functions. High
  • 27. Music Appreciation Of The New York Philharmonic The paper at hand is a music appreciation of The New York Philharmonic s performance of Gustav Holst s The Planets at Avery Fisher Hall, New York, on 7th July 2013 at 3:00 p.m. This tenth season of Summertime Classics, presented by The New York Philharmonic, features Bramwell Tovey, who has been the host as well as the conductor of this series since its commencement in 2004 (Gilbert, 2013, p.1). Tovey, a Grammy winning conductor is renowned all around the world as a highly versatile musician due to his artistic depth as well as charismatic personality that reflects in his works as a composer and pianist (p.1). On the other hand, The New York Philharmonic is an orchestragroup that is comprised of highly talented musicians who by playing musical instruments such as violins, piccolo, cellos, trombones etc are able to bring in the essence of the works done by original composers (Keller, 2012, p.7). This concert series basically features two programs with Holst s The Planets being performed during the end of the second program, which also includes Adams Short Ride in a Fast Machine, Offenbach s Ballet of the Snowflakes from Le Voyage dans la lune and Josef Strauss s Music of the Spheres (New York Public Radio, 2013, p.1). I happened to really enjoy the concert primarily due to the overall ambience provided by the program. Tovey does a wonderful job in leading the orchestra as well as maintaining a good rapport with the audience throughout the concert. It felt like the
  • 28. Case Study Of Lending Policies Of KSFC Lending Policies of KSFC The lending policies are formulated by the corporation at the beginning of the each financial year. Corporation will provide loan based on its lending policies. The lending policy involves various aspects like, thrust sectors, the group exposure, promoters contribution, sectors in the negative list, security margin, collateral security norms etc. the State and Central Government industrial policies also taken consideration while formulating the lending policy of the Corporation. Policy on Minimum Loan Size: Rs.5.00 lakhs Loan size is applicable for all activities except medical and veterinary doctors where minimum limit is Rs.2.00 lakhs. In case of existing units going in for expansion / modernization the minimum size of the loan is reduced to Rs.2.00 lakhs. ... Show more content on ... пѓ Single Window Scheme Objective: To provide working capital assistance to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) along with term loan for fixed assets for entrepreneurs to start new projects by KSFC. пѓ Working Capital Term Loan For Existing Units Objective: To extend timely and adequate working capital assistance to the existing micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) who have availed term loans earlier from the Corporation, having proven track record. пѓ Line of Credit for Purchase of Raw Materials Objective: To lend timely and adequate working capital assistance in the form of Working Capital Term Loan to MSME s for purchase of raw materials from KSSIDC. пѓ Assistance for Marketing Related Activities Objective: To contribute finance to small medium scale units to operate various activities require to increase their sales in domestic as well as in foreign markets and to build physical marketing
  • 29. Positive Effects Of Positive Reinforcement Watson (1913) quoted, give me a dozen healthy infants, well formed, and my own specified world to bring them up in and I ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant chief and, yes, even beggar man and thief, regardless of the talents, penchants, tendencies, vocations, and race of his or her ancestors In the mid 1970s another scientist, Peter Lewinsohn argued that depression is caused by a combination of different stresses in a person s environment and a lack of personal skills. More specifically, the environmental stress cause a person to receive a low rate of positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement occurs when people do something or participate on something they find pleasurable and rewarding. According to learning theory, receiving positive reinforcement increases the chances that people will do repeatedly the sorts of actions they have taken previously that led them to receive that reinforcement. In other words, people will tend to repeat those behaviours that get reinforced. For example, many people show up at work on a regular basis in order to receive money or insurance benefits. Children academically good study in order to ensure that they will continue to receive good grades at school. In these examples clearly, working and studying are behaviours that are motivated by money, benefits, and good grades, which are positive reinforcers for each and everyone. According
  • 30. Aisha Lemu Polygamy In Defense of Polygamy Aisha Lemu discusses her beliefs on Polygamy. Polygamy is a form of marriage where a man or women is allowed to have more than one spouse. Most of the time it occurs in the form of Polygyny; were a man has more than one wife. Mrs. Lemu states that it is possible that Polygamy has its benefits, and it could have tremendous effects on any community. According to Aisha Lemu, marriageis an investment instead of an agreement; however, Mrs. Lemu is inaccurate. Lemu thinks that Polygamyis the legitimate way to handle a marriage, but in reality Lemu needs to comprehend that Polygamy is ultimately wrong. As a matter of fact Polygamy is an ancient practice known in a variety of societies. Although this belief is horrific, and biblically wrong, people still consider taking part of these actions as Mrs. Lemu discusses. This Practice is found in nearly every country and even in the United States; however, it is primarily found in the Islamic society. Marriage is supposed to be the mutually forming of a bond between couples. In this bond couples are to cherish each other through sickness, and health, richer or poorer. In the bible... Show more content on ... Economically speaking Polygamy would be a vigorous situation to be in, for many reasons. Moreover the fact that Mrs. Lemu is misguided by the guidelines of marriage; she continues to be certain that Polygamy is economically efficient. Clearly Mrs. Lemu is inaccurate once again. Through out the ambitious years of marriage a spouse is more than likely to get ill. Saying that, if a man or women is involved in a polygamous marriage he or she will have to deal with a great amount of illness in his or her home. If this spouse has children included in this substantial family, then this man or women will have to consider too financially support them. Pursuing this further, this is an enormous responsibility to be essentially concerned
  • 31. Group Performance Analysis Essay During our recent group presentations, we covered negotiation, building teams, working in groups, managing conflict, effective meetings, facilitating team success, managing decisions and solving problems creatively (De Janasz, Wood, Gottschalk, Dowd, Schneider. 2006, pg 196 314). Our team was given working in teams for success as a presentation topic. I believe we not only clarified the topic but managed to use the content to our own benefit and produce a successful presentation. This essay highlights our ability to work co operatively in a team, initiate a successful presentation, and reveal what we can do next time to improve our work techniques. Negotiation is the process of two individuals or groups reaching a joint agreement ... Show more content on ... Mcalister Kizzier). Breaking down the work load was an extremely effective technique and I would not hesitate to use this technique during during future evaluations. In 1996 Jim Oliver described negotiation as negotiators jointly searching a multidimensional space and then agreeing to a single point in the space (Oliver, Jim R, 31 July, 1996). We were to meet at a specific place and time, with some home research relevant to the task ahead. When it came to the meeting, one person was half an hour late, with no material, two more members with no material, two with relevant material, and one of the members with no written material but a slide show base created to fill with the relevant information. Groups require open communication, mutual supportiveness, effective conflict management, discussion of strategy, and the appropriate weighing of individual inputs into group decisions (Barron s, 2008). From then on we had to re assess and communicate who was doing what work load, and make sure that each individual pulled their weight. Despite the lack of input from some members the meeting did not fail. The process of team building includes, (a) clarifying the goal, and building ownership across the team and (b)identifying the inhibitors to teamwork and removing or overcoming them ( Pages 1307 1325). Our meeting established team building as we clearly had two leaders, two thinkers, and two followers, we
  • 32. Us Involvement In Vietnam Essay If one were to think about the war against communism, one might think of the Vietnam Conflict. The Vietnam Conflict built up over the years. While it was under French regulation, Vietnam was later seized by Japan in World War II. However, Ho Chi Minh, an activist for communism, created the Viet Minh and overthrew the Emperor Bao when the Japanese left, effectively letting Viet Minh create the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. However, France still wanted to control and backed Bao in the southern region. The fight eventually ended with Vietnam being split at the 17th parallel, making Ho the leader of the northern region and Bao the leader of the southern region. In 1956, the citizens wanted to reunite the country, but South Vietnam(Government of the Republic of Vietnam) was then lead by Ngo Dinh Diem, who was anti communist. As tensions rose in Vietnam, the Cold War was active. Out of fear and hate of communism, in 1955, the United States joined the conflict as a supporter of... Show more content on ... During the time the Vietnam Conflict took place, America was in the middle of the Cold War, fighting the Soviet Union with races and words. Upon seeing Vietnam s condition, the leaders of America were worried that the domino theory would take place, in which many countries would fall to communism if one falls first. In 1955, the United States, led by Dwight D. Eisenhower, officially supported Diem and offered training and equipment. In 1965, Lyndon Johnson sent combat forces to fight in Vietnam. Since television was also present, many American families saw the bloodshed and the horror of fighting. The exposure led to many protests which were usually led by millennials. Seeing how the conflict was ending and the discontent of the citizens, America slowly retracted their troops until all left the country. More than 58,000 Americans died, and over 300,000 American soldiers were
  • 33. Blindness Or Low Vision, Cancer, And Alzheimer s Disease Blindness or low vision is one of the most feared illness by Americans, ranking fourth after acquired immunodeficiency by syndrome, cancer, and Alzheimer s disease. The National Eye Institute reports that blindness or low vision affect 3.3 million American 40 years and older, this number is projected to reach 5.5 million by 2020. As the U.S. population ages, the number of persons with major eye disease is increasing. Octogenarians currently make up 8 percent of the population, but they account for 69 percent of blindness. Age related macular degeneration (AMD) accounts for 54 percent of all blindness and is the leading cause of blindness among white Americans. Cataracts are the most prevalent eye disease in older persons and are the leading cause of blindness worldwide. Almost all persons in their 90s will have had a cataract surgery is the most common therapeutic surgical procedure reimbursed by Medicare, with more than 1.5 million operations performed annually. Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of new blindness in U.S. adults 20 to 74 years of age. Low visionranks behind arthritis and heart disease as the third most common chronic cause of impaired function in persons older than 70 years. Patients with vision impairment are more likely to fall, make medication errors, have depression, or report social isolation. With rehabilitation, many patients with impaired vision can attain independence, retain their jobs, and lessen their reliance on social services and
  • 34. Entering The Mirror Maze Analysis Dr. Len Hightower, the author of the article Success: Entering the Mirror Maze, aim to demonstrate people s impotent of having a growth mindset, leading to an obscure future. Writing to the broad readers specifically educated individuals the author addresses the dominance a fixed mindset have over a growth mindset. To convey his purpose, Hightower creates his article using the shifting from third person to first person perspective, an em dashpunctuations, and appositive phrases. One unique feature of Hightower article involves a third person perspective shifting to a first person perspective, illustrating the incapability of having a growth mindset. From paragraph one to five, Hightower write in third person to indicate that the subject, a fixed mindset, is not... Show more content on ... Hightower includes em dash punctuations to set apart parenthetical phrases or clauses in a sentence. For instance, Dweck posits that successful people children who do well in school, powerful CEO s, and those highly recognized... (paragraph 1), is set in em dash to replace comma that would otherwise sound awkward if enclosed by comma. Equally important, em dash can go in parenthese to break in thought such as it s only fitting that the transformation from ordinary person to Hollywood icon... as if stardom somehow elevates the human condition... (paragraph 2). In fact, Hightower provided an excellent example of em dash clarification from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby s mind, all along, was fixated upon the single illusory green light of hope the money, the car, the girl, the success (paragraph 7). The em dash can be used in a variety of situations, particularly in Hightower s article, the author utilize em dashes to emphasis or provide charity the common goal and traits of success a fixed mindset individual shared. Furthermore, em dashes can triggered an informative tone and create attentive mood drawing readers to read further into his
  • 35. Interest Groups in Taxation A part of the darker side of Washington is considered by the American public as interest groups. Even James Madison described them in the federalist papers he wrote in 1787 as factions that could be dangerous. The modern day hasn t changed much. People today largely agree with Madison in how they view interest groups. What interest groups do, how they are supported, and what their stances are an interesting mix of controversy, clash, and representation. Interest groups are there to represent the people, usually a portion of the people. This representation stems from either a view point or stance for a plethora of issues. There are hundreds of different interest groups that represent view points from big business. Interest groups... Show more content on ... Another benefit of being in a coalition is that it shows more support for the issue by more people when there is a coalition of organizations over just one group. Coalitions can build support for many goals, such as tax policies, that are on the agenda for today for lobbyists such as Americans for tax reform. Americans for Tax Reform is an interest group that deals with addressing tax issues. This interest group primarily lobbies for a flat tax. They don t care if it is a flat sales tax or a flat income tax but they want a flat tax. This interest group is most similar to individualistic conservatives ideology. The major parallel this group has to the individual conservatives group is that they both believe in flat taxation. The biggest policy that Americans for Tax Reform want the tax code to be broken down to limit government power over certain individuals and to make the system equal for all. This interest group has been funded by most notably Microsoft and Time Warner. They are also funded by the general public in the form of anonymous donations, which is similar to another interest group called Americans for Fair Taxation. The next interest group is Americans for Fair Taxation. This interest group calls for a national sales tax. They describe this national sales tax as being more effective than the current 3 million word tax code currently implemented by the federal government.
  • 36. The United States Constitution Vs. Anti Federalism The United States Constitution was written in 1787 during the Philadelphia Convention. This new document was meant to replace the older, weaker Articles of Confederation. This document became the foundation of America s Government. But as times change so did the document, these changes are known as Amendments , the first ten being known simply as The Bill of Rights . These two unique sections of the constitution are similar yet serve different purposes. In the early stages of the founding of the United States the largest political issue was federalism vs anti federalism. The federalist moving for a larger, stronger central government and the anti federalists moving for a smaller more state oriented government. After the constitution was written many of the Anti federalists felt that the constitution allotted for too much federal power and lacked emphasis on the rights of the individual. This is when representative and later president James Madison began to make corrections to the constitution. However, congress spoke out that the constitution could not be altered and so Madison s corrections and additions were presented as seventeen amendments. His amendments were passed through the House and Senate and then on to the states, by the end only ten of Madison s proposed amendments were ratified. These amendments later became known as the Bill of Rights. These ten rights were to grant the people certain undeniable rights as to prevent the government from slipping into
  • 37. Essay Week Development Plan In this development plan, I have set out for harry a week development plan where he would stick to a session every day for one week including one day of rest as well one day having a competitive game day. The main aim of this development is making sure that all areas of Harry s weakness are achieved including cardiovascular system and correcting the techniques of some of the shots by breaking the shot down biomechanically but also improve Harry s muscular endurance. To relate to the SMART targets I have set out a plan to improve Harry s cardiovascular system by doing 2 different types of cardiovascular training within the week which are fartlek and interval training. I have done this because these 2 types are training are known to improve your cardiovascular system. Doing interval training would improve speed and stamina because over time it will slowly... Show more content on ... In the Thursday sessions, I have implemented that he is able to practise the right technique of the shot by understanding the biomechanics of the shot as well as helping when it is the correct time for the shot to be played. Then on Saturday, he would practise the smash shot where he would practise the technique and implement that within the SMART targets where at the end of the session I would need to beat my previous score by placing the shuttlecock in certain places of the court. Recommendations Made for My Development Plan The recommendations made for my development plan is progressing on from 8 weeks into a 12 week development plan which means we would be able to compare results and analyse how harry has been doing throughout the 12 weeks. I would recommend doing this because it will allow harry and myself reflect on his performances and able to give constructive feedback throughout the
  • 38. The Mayan Civilization And The Maya Empire The Mayan civilization or the Maya Empire, centered in the tropical lowlands of what is now Guatemala, reached the peak of its power and influence around the sixth century A.D. The Maya excelled at agriculture, pottery, hieroglyph writing, calendar making and mathematics, and left behind an astonishing amount of impressive architecture and symbolic artwork. Most of the great stone cities of the Maya were abandoned by A.D. 900. The Maya civilizationwas one of the most dominant indigenous societies of Mesoamerica. Unlike other scattered indigenous populations of Mesoamerica, the Maya were centered in one geographical block covering all of the Yucatan Peninsula and modern day Guatemala; Belize and parts of the Mexican states of Tabasco and Chiapas; and the western part of Honduras and El Salvador. This concentration showed that the Maya remained relatively secure from invasion by other Mesoamerican peoples. Within that expanse, the Maya lived in three separate sub areas with distinct environmental and cultural differences: the northern Maya lowlands on the Yucatan Peninsula; the southern lowlands in the Peten district of northern Guatemala and adjacent portions of Mexico, Belize and western Honduras; and the southern Maya highlands, in the mountainous region of southern Guatemala. The earliest Maya settlements date to around 1800 B.C., or the beginning of what is called the Preclassic or Formative Period. The Middle Preclassic Period also saw the rise of the first major
  • 39. Ender s Game Argumentative Essay Last summer, when I was a rising freshman, I made a grave mistake. I had relaxed all summer, and I was somewhat mentally prepared to start school. However, I still had one task left to complete: read the summer reading book. Ender s Game by Orson Scott Card. This is a fantastic story I had read it in sixth grade and I adored it. Despite my affection for the novel, I was tentative to read it again after all, why should I why waste my precious time repeating a task I had already completed? However, by the time August rolled around, I came to the inevitable realization that I barely remembered the plot. Even though I knew I needed to crack it open, I put off re readingthe story for as long as I could. I ended up finally dusting off my copy on... Show more content on ... So, that leaves an important question to be answered: how can you stop procrastinating? The first thing I would recommend doing is buying the book or checking the story you must read out from the library. If you wait all summer to complete the reading assignment, you might find that your local bookstore is completely sold out of the novel you need. Or, when you finally get around to stepping into the library, the waiting list for the copy of Legend by Marie Lu that you need by next week is twenty people long. If you read the book earlier in the summer, you won t feel nearly as rushed to find a copy of the novel and finish it as quickly as possible, which gives you much more time to relax. Another tip for not procrastinating comes from the University of Alabama, there are three primary considerations in creating your study environment: Your most effective and efficient learning style, the nature of the learning task, and the availability of learning resources. With that being said, the first thing you need to take into consideration is your personal learning style. You might have an easier time reading the book if you determine how you learn in advance and create a better reading environment for you to study in. If you are an auditory learner, determine whether you learn better with or without background noise, and place yourself within a suitable environment when preparing to read. If you are a visual learner, be sure to read in a place with adequate lighting and minimal distractions (like highways and other busy roads). If you are a tactile learner, be sure to find a suitable place to sit and read a workspace that is not too comfortable (so you don t fall asleep) but not unbearable. When determining the nature of the task, it is important to know that you have no say in what you must read; the nature of your learning is
  • 40. Burglary Tactics Criminals are becoming more and more brazen and continually coming up with new tactics in which to trick and deceive their victims. So this begs the question, are you and your family safe in and around your home? Are you sure? Most people are complacent when it comes to their home security because they have developed a certain comfort level and this is what could ultimately spell disaster. No one wants to live in fear; however, staying aware of the ever changing tactics criminals are using to commit their crimes will help you take the necessary steps to protect your home and your family. Here are the four most common burglary tactics today s criminals are using to trick and deceive their victims. 1. Using Your Pets to Case Your Home Criminals... Show more content on ... Litter Outside Your Home If you see any type of litter on your property, immediately dispose of it because criminal scouts commonly leave trash indicators on your property. Things such as cans, lids, bags, or any other type of litter on your property could have been left there by a criminal scout as a signal to another criminal that your house has been deemed to have something of value and is a prime a break in opportunity. 3. Business Cards and Ad Flyers Never take flyers or business cards from a random person who approaches you at your home, or anywhere else for that matter. Criminals have been known to lace legitimate business looking handouts with chloroform or another substance that once it s absorbed by your skin, it causes you to pass out at which time that criminal will rob you of your money and your keys and those keys will give him access to your home and your family. One last mention on this topic. This criminal tactic has also been used on the mail that s in your mailbox, although this is not as common. So be aware of this and either wear gloves when bringing in your mail or bring the mail into your house and lock the door before going through it so you are at least protected if it has been altered by a
  • 41. Akeelah And The Bee Essay In this short clip, the film Akeelah and the Bee demonstrates a couple verbal and nonverbal cues that display liking, affection, and involvement while also showing others like hostility and dislike. The audience can observe a good example of cues involving liking in the relationship of Akeelah and Javier, and also observe good examples of hostility between Akeelah and Georgia and mostly, Akeelah and Dylan. Beginning with Akeelah and Javier, Akeelah shows involvement when she wants to go to his birthday party in the first place. By going to his party, it shows that she likes him or is interested in him. Javier meets her outside of the house and they sit down on a bench to talk; Javier then invites Akeelah inside to see his house. Inviting ... Show more content on ... There is a clear dislike from the beginning when the audience hears Akeelah verbally and directly ask Javier: why d you invite Dylan? A little bit later on, we see that Dylan is clearly an entitled scrabble player because he brings a number of gamesets so he can play against everyone at the party. When Dylan asks for one more volunteer, Akeelah volunteers and Dylan reacts by giving her a really heavy glare. This glare is a direct nonverbal cue that he doesn t like Akeelah and that she is basically his rival for stepping up to the challenge. When Akeelah completes her first turn with an extremely high scoring word, Dylan gives Akeelah a look of disgust but composes himself and gets a word that scores almost as high. Dylan s look displayed nonverbally that he had underestimated Akeelah but that he still despised her and wanted to beat her. Dylan begins to show some mercy when he feels like he is gonna lose but then says arrivederci and rubs it in Akeelah s face when he actually ends up winning. There is an extreme dislike between Akeelah and Dylan and I wouldn t be surprised if based on this short clip, they are rivals throughout the whole
  • 42. The Relationship Between Uk Shareholder Voting And... Executive compensation keeps a highly controversial for recent years, with more credit crisis appears in companies, the action of shareholders vote on directors payment get more acception. The new reform act 2013 in the UK gives firm owners more power and influence to shape managers pay. In fact, this act is not only popular in the uk, also sprung up in other European countries, Australia and USA. In this essay, I will focus on discussing the relation between UK shareholder voting and executive pay. As for shareholders have a binding vote on executive compensation, I think the negative effects overweigh the positive ones. In the following paragraphs, I am gong to describe the benefits and harms. At the first, I will give a defination ... Show more content on ... The opinion is exactly confirmed by Ferri and Maber s research (2012). Ferri and Maber based on a large sample evidence of UK firms over the period 2002 to 2005 on the effect of SOP, they point that the increase in sensitivity of CEO pay to negative operating performance and no influence to stock performance. Otherwise, this new rule is benefit to reduce the unreasonable pay for CEO and improve the practice. In say on pay, if greater proportions of shareholders against owner managers proposals, the result will create more value because managers have to make changes in corporate governance to adjust shareholders request. Meanwhile, the performance will be better under this pressure. This thought is similar with Cai and Walking (2011), firms would benefit the most when experience obvious positive abnormal interest and the market reacts positively with the most highly paid CEOs. Besides, the second advantage is enhance the transparency, accountability and governance.This new regulation require boards publish directors compensation reports add to annual reporting, and disclose individual managers unreasonable payment.Under the fraud and financial scandals increase frequence and severe cases, the shareholders ask to improve the transparency of compensation and thereby make more perfect rule of corporate governance. M. B.
  • 43. The Advertising Of Love Teams In The Philippines The advertising of love teams in the Philippines has slowly been changing the Filipino s colonial mentality mindset because it allows Filipinos to emulate local celebrities instead of foreign ones. Local and global companies are capitalizing on this, making use of the love team s fame in order to advertise their products. For global companies, they use glocalization in order to make their product seem more localized to attract Filipinos. This is effective because Filipinos become attracted to loveteams because they project on to these love teams the traits they find important in themselves and their surroundings. However, this type of projection can also be negative because of how celebrities in love teams lose their right to privacy and are made to live up to extremely high expectations. While it is good that Filipinos are beginning to emulate local celebrities over foreign ones, love teams are not necessarily a good thing for the local industry. This is because international and multinational companies are using them in order to advertise their products in a way that attracts those with a more local mindset. It has come to the point that people often can no longer differentiate what is local and what is foreign. It also leads to the effect of colonial mentality lessening but the effect of this staying the same. Keywords: Love Teams, Colonial Mentality, Advertising, Glocalization, Projection Introduction For centuries, there has been an ongoing struggle between the
  • 44. Random Sampling Source: Frerichs, R.R. Rapid Surveys (unpublished), 2008. NOT FOR COMMERCIAL DISTRIBUTION 3 Simple Random Sampling 3.1 INTRODUCTION Everyone mentions simple random sampling, but few use this method for population based surveys. Rapid surveys are no exception, since they too use a more complex sampling scheme. So why should we be concerned with simple random sampling? The main reason is to learn the theory of sampling. Simple random sampling is the basic selection process of sampling and is easiest to understand. If everyone in a population could be included in a survey, the analysis featured in this book would be very simple. The average value for equal interval and binomial variables, respectively, could easily be derived using ... Show more content on ... Three of the nine addicts are now infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). To be derived are the proportion who are HIV infected (a binomial variable), the mean number of intravenous injections (IV) and shared IV injections during the past two weeks (both equal interval variables), and the proportion of total IV injections that were shared with other addicts. This latter proportion is a ratio of two variables and, as you will learn, is termed a ratio estimator. Figure 3 3 The total population of nine drug addicts is seen in Figure 3 3. Names of the nine male addicts are listed below each figure. The three who are infected with HIV are shown as cross hatched figures. Each has intravenously injected a narcotic drug eight or more times during the past two weeks. The number of injections is shown in the white box at the midpoint of each addict. With one exception, some of the intravenous injections were shared with other addicts; the exact number is shown in Figure 3 3 as a white number in a black circle. Our intention is to sample three addicts from the population of nine, assuming that the entire population cannot be studied. To provide an unbiased view of the population, the sample mean 3 2 should on average equal the population mean, and the sample variance should on average equal the population
  • 45. Necco Wafers Research Paper In 1847, with Oliver Chase s invention of the lozenge cutter, the famous Necco Wafers were born. Necco Wafers quickly became an American favorite with eight flavors to enjoy: orange, lemon, lime, clove, chocolate, cinnamon, licorice, and wintergreen. Aside from consumption, Necco Wafers have also been used as poker chips, for first communion practice, and even as bulls eyes at target ranges. Four billion Necco Wafers are produced each year, and if placed edge to edge, would wrap around the world twice. In the early 1900 s, Necco Wafers came in handy for more than just gingerbread house decorations. For example, in 1913, Donald MacMillan, an arctic explorer, gave eskimo children the American candy on his expedition. In the 1930 s, two and a half tons of this chalky candy were included on Admiral Byrd s two year journey in the Antarctic, enough for each of member of his crew to consume a pound of wafers each week. Since Necco Wafers did not melt and rarely broke during transport, during World War II, the American government sent massive amounts of these candies overseas to soldiers. Although World War II veterans were not the first soldiers to have rations of Necco Wafers, Union... Show more content on ... After being flattened in a different machine, the dough is cut into wafers and stamped with the brand name using the lozenge cutter, first American candy machine made by Oliver Chase. The wafers are now dropped onto a moving belt where they go through a 30 minute drying process. After, the eight flavors are mixed together and workers pack them in rows that are then packaged. These rolls of Necco Wafers are then sold year round everywhere from convenience stores to online, or even in bulk. In exchange for around $1.49, a roll containing all eight flavors of wafers can be
  • 46. Immigration Act Of 1924 Research Paper SUBJECT: Immigration act of 1924 PROBLEM: In the early 1920s the United States addressed the quick rising immigration population by creating the Immigration act of 1924. The immigration Act limited the number of European, African, and completely ban the migration of Asians and Arab immigrants. The American people after World War One had a strong patriotism for their country and did not easily accept new ethic groups. The fear of Communism also contributed to the dislike of new immigrants amongst the American people. The American people also felt that immigrants took jobs away from American citizens and were uncomfortable with the idea of more job competition. BACKGROUND The Red Scare Post war Recession New found patriotism High
  • 47. A Hidden Cost To Giving Kids Poor Mothers Summary Introduction In The article A Hidden Cost to Giving Kids Their Vegetables and its opposing viewpoints, it argues on how many Mothers go through the struggle of what to feed their children, from poor to rich moms. The opposing viewpoints Some commentators contend that healthy diets are too expensive, others argue that wholesome options are affordable that junk foods that seem cheap are healthy a good deal. This all relies on Mothers who are rich and who are poor, and their opinion on healthy diets and affordable food. But both camps overlook what most parents know well: Children are picky . This paper will analyze Opposing viewpoints, of Rich, middle class, and rich mother s opinions on the hidden cost to giving kids their vegetables or healthy food. Summary The overview of A Hidden Cost to Giving... Show more content on ... Describing her grocery shopping routine, a poor mother from South Boston with a 3 year old: I get my food stamps on the 5th and I try to make them last for a month, but that s really difficult because toddlers waste a lot of food . Poor parent s struggle to have enough money for groceries, and some have to wait and rely on food stamps. When poor mother s kids refuse what she cooks, she thinks of things she could have purchased instead. In other words poor Mother s don t have enough money to just buy something that is going to go to waste. Poor Mother s worried about their kids rejecting food, because not only don t they have money for food but buying something that is going to go to waste isn t going to be worth spending the money. I met plenty of poor parents who wished that their children liked healthier food... but developing their children s palates has hidden costs. It explains, that poor parents don t want to give their kids unhealthy food they wish they afforded healthier food but unfortunately that can t workout with
  • 48. How To Write A Picnic At Hanging Rock Essay PICNIC AT HANGING ROCK PRACTICE ESSAY The novel Picnic at Hanging Rock written by Joan Lindsay in 1967 is set in Australia and tells the story of a class of female students who attend an exclusive private girls boarding school called Appleyard College. In 1900, most of the students and staff go on an excursion to the isolated Hanging Rock where three girls and a teacher inexplicably vanish after climbing the rock on a Valentine s Day picnic. The text explores the outlying effects the disappearances have on the school and local community as the authorities conduct an exhaustive search for the missing four. Picnic at Hanging Rock has been adapted across numerous mediums and is most renowned in the 1975 film adaptation by director Peter Weir.... Show more content on ... Peter Weir s film adaptation of the novel explores many themes and ideas of the original text; however, through various cinematic techniques, he is able to enhance and bring to life aspects of the novel such as the rock and the foreign Australian landscape, the innocence of the girls and the claustrophobic atmosphere of the college, and finally, the terrible effects of the girl s disappearance on those left behind. Through the incorporation of soundtrack and camera angles, Weir enhances the rock and Australian bush by transforming these two aspects of the novel into an even darker and sinister presence which looms over the individuals in the film. Within Lindsay s novel, the rock is mentioned on several occasions and is referred to have soaring peaks and a powerful presence which gives readers the idea that it is a potentially dangerous location. However, in the film, the rock is portrayed like a character in its own right and is purposely made to be more frightening. The haunting pan pipes are played in the background when the camera pans on the rock to depict the implacable monoliths as a menacing creature which lures the girls. Pan was the god who seduced and kidnapped young nymphs and