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Love Is An Abstract Emotion
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
Love is an abstract emotion that society has always tried to describe. Artists, poets, musicians, and many others have attempted to pinpoint what exactly
constitutes love, but none have been successful. Through a conversation between two couples, Carver shows that love is an emotion too ambiguous to
be defined by words.
There are several different types of love, demonstrated by different couples throughout the story. Terri describes the love of an old abusive partner,
Ed. She claims that while it was not the same form of love she shares with Mel, her current partner, it was love nonetheless. She adds he loved her
enough to die for her. Mel tells her, "If that's love, you can have it" (525). He tries to force love into an absolute by insisting that love should not be
one parallel Ed's, but is unable to successfully put this absolute into words. To explain, he tells of an elderly couple who were severely injured. As
they slowly healed, they became depressed because they were unable to view each other from their beds. While Mel is unable to explain in what
way this defines love, he recognizes that it somehow explains an element of love that he cannot put into words. He also tries to understand why love
can evolve or even resolve. He tells the group of when he loved his ex–wife, but goes on to explain he no longer feels the same for her. "The terrible
thing is, but...the saving grace, you might say, is that if something happened to one of
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The Meaning of Abstract Art Essay
There are generally two types of paintings– representational and abstract. While representational painting portrays recognizable objects, abstract
painting does not look like a particular object. Instead, abstract art is made up of designs, shapes and colors. (–art/ )
The meaning of abstract art is, in its most simplified form, art that relies on the emotions of the artist and the elements of design rather than exact
representation. This broad definition allows artists almost unlimited freedom of expression. Some abstract artists create compositions that have no
precedent in nature. Other abstract artists work from nature and then interpret their subjects in a nonrepresentational manner. In other words,
more content... divides abstract art into 3 main classifications: Abstract Expressionism, Neoplasticism and Cubism. (
Cubism focused on analyzing the subject using geometry. ( Neoplasticists believed that only horizontal and
vertical lines with primary colors should be used in order to represent the "absolutes of life." ( The
spontaneous nature of Abstract Expressionism allowed the painter to show feeling and personality. (
Examples of each of these classifications can be found at the links provided.
Art is important to us because it reaches inside of us to our unconscious feelings. This power is very clear when studied in regards to abstract art. "The
reason abstract art has the potential to be so powerful is that it keeps the conscious distractions to a minimum." (–art/)
Instead of focusing on a particular image, like a fruit of flower, abstraction allows us to feel the energy of the painting. Because abstract art is not
limited by precise or even realistic representation, the artist is free to analyze objects from various angles and show situations that may appear stilted in
representational works. For example, in Fernand Leger's The City, (, the
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Abstract On Water Pollution
Abstract Water pollution is one of most rapidly growing problems occurring today. It is responsible for more than million deaths worldwide. The
Industrial Revolution was the catalyst that sparked several types of pollution, air, water, and noise, to become more apparent in our society because of
the developments of factories, trains, and cars. Rivers were getting polluted by sewage and the air by carbon monoxide and lead. This pushed the
government to take affirmative action against pollution by creating the Pollution Prevention Act and 1972 Clean water Act. Several other acts were
made to help clean the environment. Simple solutions to combat water pollution includes, carpooling, ending the use of pesticides and fertilizers, and
stop littering.
3 "Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans." ― Jacques–Yves Cousteau Over the years this
statement has become very true. Today, developing countries like India use their rivers to dump their sewage waste not realizing the last–longing
effects. This research paper will go into depth in water pollution, detailing the history, types, and sources of water pollution as well as the possible
solutions to how to combat this problem and what governments around the world are doing to fix this issue.
Pollution comes
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Independence Definition Essay
Independence! What is the meaning of this word? Some people have different thoughts, ideas, or notions of the word but we always hear our parents
telling us, from a young age, what it is and we grow up wanting and striving for that "independence". I remember when I was a teenager, I got into
plenty of arguments with my mother about having friends over and the last thing she would always tell me after every argument, "Once you get your
own place you can do whatever you want." Right after that I would mutter and mumble to myself, with anxiousness, ignorance, and sometimes anger,
"I can't wait till I'm old enough to get my own place." Little did know, I would soon be ingesting the harsh reality of my own words.
When I was nineteen the wait was over, I finally got that first step to independence, I had the financial means to rent more content...
It was like I would take one step forward and two steps back. There were a lot of things that I didn't have to worry about especially staying with my
parents, such as electricity bills and cable bills because those were always paid. Since I was having such a tough time paying bills I decided to get a
roommate and luckily, I thought at the time, my friend told me that he had a friend who has a child and needed a place to stay. First glance when I met
my roommate I saw a beautiful, mature, well–mannered person; whose clothes looked neat, clean, and pressed. I thought she was the best candidate to
be my roommate, but I was wrong. The first two weeks after her move–in were a living hell, she was filthy and a slob. She would leave dirty diapers
everywhere, her room looked like a pig–pin, and the main bathroom smelled so bad. I would often think a bomb had gone off and wished that I had a
gas mask when I would pass by her room and bathroom because I thought the toxic fumes could possibly kill
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The Meaning of Abstract Art
There are generally two types of paintings– representational and abstract. While representational painting portrays recognizable objects, abstract
painting does not look like a particular object. Instead, abstract art is made up of designs, shapes and colors. (–art/ )
The meaning of abstract art is, in its most simplified form, art that relies on the emotions of the artist and the elements of design rather than exact
representation. This broad definition allows artists almost unlimited freedom of expression. Some abstract artists create compositions that have no
precedent in nature. Other abstract artists work from nature and then interpret their subjects in a nonrepresentational manner. In more
For example, in Fernand Leger's The City, (, the artist shows a primitive, birds eye view of a busy city. We
can see in the middle of the painting there is some kind road and there are simplified people scattered throughout the painting, composed of geometric
forms. The effect is one of confusion and over stimulation, like one might feel during rush hour. However, the painting does not show an actually street
filled with cars and pedestrians. It gives the viewer the feeling of a bustling streetscape, without actually portraying it.
Using the same principles that portrayed the "bustling" of a landscape, abstract artists can show movement, even movement that is not "real." An
example of this is Umberto Boccioni's Unique Forms of Continuity in Space. This is a great example of abstract art. This bronze sculpture seems to
gliding in space. Umberto, a futurist, projected his own beliefs and tried to capture the future that maybe one day we would be in space. (http:/
/ The sculpture is almost recognizable as a figure, but Boccioni was more
concerned with showing movement than man, so the form is distorted and stretched. This sense of movement adds another dimension to the meaning
of abstract art, as an
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Happiness Is An Abstract Concept
Happiness is an abstract concept. It is mainly expressed individual's own feeling that is a sensational state of a person (Suikkanen 2011). It is all
about what we imagine, feel, assume and how do we perform in harmony. Nowadays, there is a rising trend of measurement of happiness amongst
government all over the world to determine their people's well–being. In Australia, numerous studies have been done in the past on the grounds of
happiness. The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics Australia (HILDA) follow questionnaire survey mostly on the lives of Australian residents.
It focuses on happiness and life satisfaction based on their survey. This survey has a significant feature of life satisfaction on same households and
individuals. They have been interviewed frequently over time to assess the changes in their life (Wilkins 2015, p.4).
According to the HILDA report, it is absolutely vital for Australians to be happy is to be male, to be in a relationship (but not married), not to have
children, to be employed and to reside in a small town. However, there are significant determinants in measurement of happiness based on the "Desire
Satisfactionism" theory, such as individual's satisfied desires, perspectives and their own life circumstances which should be compared with the factors
considered in the HILDA survey.
It is worth bearing in mind that throughout the history, many psychologists and philosophers analyze various theories on happiness. According to
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Abstract: Culture
Culture is the background of every human communication. Cultural embedding as a feature of texts in general is also valid in technical and scientific
texts. As translation by humans is based on understanding, the translator needs knowledge in order to detect cultural aspects. This is possible by
putting down implicit cultural references to certain structures on the text level. Cultural elements appear in the text on all levels – from the concept and
form of words, to the sentence and text structure, to pragmatics. Examples for the various appearances are presented in the first part of the paper.
The second part discusses translation as a writing process. Here the categories of attention governing the translator's approach more content...
That means that understanding can be put down to linguistic structures on the text level that first triggered the respective cognitive reaction. Culture
will be present in texts, even in technical ones. And culturally based conventions of text construction may even constitute a major translation problem
for scientific communication. Detecting cultural elements in texts therefore is decisive for translation.
Chapter 1
Cultural elements in texts
A key question is what are cultural elements and how are they visible in texts? Cultural elements cannot be reduced to strange objects that would be
unknown elsewhere. Cultural elements are a background of knowledge which is generally relevant for adequate communication within a society:
Culture, being what people have to learn as distinct from their biological heritage, must consist of the end product of learning: knowledge, in a most
general, if relative, sense of the term. By this definition, we should note that culture is not a material phenomenon; it does not consist of things, people,
behaviour, or emotions. It is rather an organization of these things. It is the forms of things that people have in mind, their models for perceiving,
relating, and otherwise interpreting them (Goodenough 1964: 36).
Culture determines how people speak and write and perceive each other. Consequently, cultural elements, therefore, must be present implicitly in texts,
but as a
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The Influence Of Abstract And Modern Art
Abstract and modern art have really changed the way society views and appreciation for the amazing contributions and work created by artists. There
are so many styles and concepts which those artists have come up with over times which are greatly reflected in their paintings and creations. In this
essay we will be going on a journey to find out the inspiration and the intended messages from three paintings mentioned in the above topic. "The Large
Bathers, 1898–1905 is the largest of Cezanne's pictures and because it is also the most formal in aspect, it has been cited often as an example of his
ideal of composition and his restoration if classical monumentality after its lapse during the nineteenth century" ( This painting
was one of the most mind–blowing yet interesting pieces during this era because of its unfinished quality which caused quite a stir among writers,
artists and historians. The nude forms presented along with the river and triangular pattern in which the trees were painted gives quite an interesting
perspective to his work. The composition of the painting did not reflect the ideal typical style from the Renaissance pyramid. Instead it was created in
another style where the central part is empty, the apex is intercepted by the frame and the greatest compactness comes in smaller pyramids for the
largest figures. One can also notice from Cezanne's work the way he thought about portrayed women. "The abstract nude females present in Large
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Data Model : An Abstract Model
What is data model:
Data model is defined in different ways; Here I discuss couple of definitions.
A Data model is an abstract model that organizes elements of data and standardizes how they relate to one another and to properties of the real world.
A Data model says what information is to be contained in a database, how the information will be used, and how the items in the database will be
related to each other. (
Data modeling is the process of documenting a complex software system design as an easily understood diagram, using text and symbols to represent
the way data needs to flow. (Margaret Rouse)
Data model is managing a large quantity of organized or unorganized data. Data model identify clearly in data modeling.
Types of Data model:
The conceptual Model
The Logical Model
The physical Model
How are data models layered and why?
In database management layers of data is most important, With the help of layers of data we design database.
External layer or External level:
External layer is prior planning level, in external layer we gathered views from users. External provides strong and well maintained security
mechanism by hiding parts of the database from certain users. External layer allows users to access data, which design according to their needs, in this
way different users access the same data at same time in different way.
Logical layer:
The logical layer is the planning part of the database. In this logical layer we write
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Communication Abstract On Communication
Communication is a key function in our everyday lives, not only in personal settings but business settings as well. Communication is something that
can potentially make or break a situation, and this is also very true in business and the companies we work for. Without having the proper techniques
and processes in place dealing with an organizations communication, the end results could be disastrous. There are many theories that business should
consider using in their work culture, and some that in todays society should be avoided at all costs.
The Problem The company I work for, is a durable medical equipment or DME supply company that has now puts its focus on respiratory care. I hear
all the time that we are leading in the industry for respiratory care, and another main competitor has just closed its doors in California. My company
may be purchasing close to 80% of the closing competitor's business within the next 60–90 days and I foresee this as nothing but chaos and mayhem.
The problem here is that all the decisions are being made solely at the top with the CEO and CFO who yes may know numbers, but have no idea of
what the everyday work looks like, nor what it entails.
My company has begun to slowly outsource, or "insource" we are calling it now, parts of the company that they deem as "easy" to a team in Sonora,
Mexico. Nothing is communicated until boom they lay off a whole dept. and send the work to Sonora. This is causing quite an uneasy atmosphere and
low morale to go with it, companywide. Not to mention that the focus and time that should be given to train and continually supervise these Sonora
teams so they can potentially be successful, is not there either. They also often put new policies in play without consulting the people who use the
system every day to see if they have any effective ideas on how it could be done or what it could potentially effect, without properly testing the
procedures first, or communicating them to the employees before they go live. A recent example of this was deciding to turn on the "switch" in the
billing system to automatically bill the patients for their estimated coinsurance amounts on their monthly DME rental claims, the
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Writing An Abstract Analysis
There are many major parts of a research project, each part is important because each part build from the previous part of the research project. The
abstract is just the basic summary of the project. The abstract tell what the project is about. Abstract is not a long drawn out process, the abstract
should not be no more 300 words. The abstract would point the major aspect of the project and prescribe each aspect in the order the paper would
talk about the aspect. Abstract will include the overall of the study and state the research problem. Next the abstract will design the study. Third
thing the abstract will discuss the major finding and or tends that was found as a result to my analysis. Lastly the abstract will give a brief summary
my interpretations and my conclusion. I feel that my abstract was straight to the point, I stated what my study was about, and I stated the aspect of
my paper. I also stated what the problem and what I feel what cause the problem. I feel my abstract was strong but I could have made some
improvement and the weak spot was not include the other theories I have discuss in my paper. I could add that I was going to briefly describe other
theories that is associated with crime and why I feel my theory fit better than the other theory. Introduction builds from the abstract. more
I also had studies that back up my claim why I felt that social learning theory was the most influence theory on young. My literature review explain
why I felt that social learning theory had a major influence on our young youth. I explain how I apply my theory and why I thought it was the best.
Only weak spot I found in this section I could explain how all the theory tie up together because it all have to do with some type of crime. This
section was rough for me , I want to make sure I had everything I want talk about , and I want make sure I had studies to back up my claim
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Abstract Art Research Paper
While many accomplishments build on existing knowledge, many significant breakthroughs result from those who have completely broken with
tradition. Clearly then, significant breakthroughs do not always build upon existing knowledge. By the mid–20th Century, Abstract art was at its acme.
At the same time, many critics felt that the artists had all but exhausted themselves in terms of innovation. To be unique one had to be random and
chaotic–silly even. It was little surprise that many crowed about the imminent demise of Abstract art. Into this intellectual milieu, the artist Jackson
Pollock came to prominence. Seemingly random and chaotic–though anything but silly–his work had no clear precedent. He would throw paint at a
canvas on the ground or propped up against the wall. Though many dismissed him as a madman and a crank, eventually his work was hailed as that of
a genius, and that work did much to reinvigorate the movement of Abstract Art. Had Pollock tried to simply build off of the existing art he very well
may have fallen victim to the prophecy that the Abstract art movement had become effete and more content...
At the time, the geocentric model of the universe was considered gospel: both the church and the scientific community (at that time the two were
heavily interrelated) endorsed this view because it put man at the center of the universe. Even then, it had the stamp of scientific legitimacy in Ptolemy,
who had centuries earlier "proven" that the Sun revolved around the Earth. Using advanced math and his observation skills, Copernicus was able to
determine that the earth revolved around the Sun. Just as importantly, he was able to challenge the orthodox view, and instead of building off of it,
exposed the shoddy foundations upon which this view was
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Abstract On The Death Penalty
The issue of capital punishment is a difficult one and the opinions are as diverse as the people giving them. The death penalty exists in 38 states and
those that have it spend enormous amounts of tax payer dollars to engage the justice system in what is a long and drawn out series of court dates and
appeals that are lasting years. In addition, the trials and appeals of those on Death Row will have attorneys, prosecutors, experts and judges with more
experience creating a major strain on the budget and manpower of the state. Nationally there is no study identifying the cost associated with the
Death Penalty, but each state uses their state laws and pay scales in determining the cost of the Death Penalty. Prior to the Death Penalty being
abolished New York has spent millions of dollars on Death Penalty cases and the result was there were no executions. Those in favor of the death
penalty believe that the cost associated with incarcerating an individual for life will far outweigh those associated with the Death Penalty, due to old
age, medical issues, food and other essentials needed to keep one alive. This would be true if the Death Penalty was a swift method of justice. The
monies spent on Death Penalty cases could be far better spent on local budgets and programs that are evidenced based and proven to provide needed
services, such as law enforcement, drug treatment and youth programs.
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Abstract On Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that represents the most common type of dementia in the elderly. The disease is characterised by
progressive dementia that inevitably leads to incapacitation and death. The most common and distinctive hallmark lesions present within the disease
brain are the senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. The amyloid plaques is a major component of the disease, and is constituted mainly by the
neurotoxic amyloid–ОІ42, which is a product of the amyloid precursor protein. Mutations on the amyloid precursor protein alters the proteolytic
processing, leading to overproduction and accumulation of the neurotoxic amyloid–ОІ42, generating a progressive deposition of protein fragments in
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Abstract For Theory Paper
Emily Dutton
ENGL 4481
March 7, 2018
Abstract for Theory Paper
Different events in people's lives directly shape their inner–thoughts and ways of thinking. In turn, these events impact how these individuals act in the
world around them. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the ability to communicate in one form or another is essential to a human's positive
developmental growth. The most fundamental way that people express themselves is through various forms of language whether that language is
written, spoken, or conveyed through the body. Because of the inter–connectivity of individuals' thoughts and language, many discourse analysts
attempt to analyze how individuals' psychology impacts the types of discourse they use. This is also
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Abstract Expressionism Essay
Abstract Expressionism
Abstract Expressionism started in America as a post World War II art movement. It was the first art movement that arose from America and put New
York at the center of the art world. The term Abstract Expressionism was first applied to American art in 1946 by art critic Robert Coates. It is most
commanly said that Surealism is it's predecessor because of the use of spontaneous, automatic and subconscious creations.
Abstract Expressionism gets its name from the combining of emotional intensity and self–expression of German Expressionists and the anti–figurative
aesthetics of abstract schools where Futurism, Bauhaus and Synthetic Cubism came from. The term Abstract Expressionism was applied to any number
of more content...
Mark Rothko
Mark Rothko born September 25 1903 and died in February 25 1970. He was an Abstract Expressionist but denies that his work is abstract. He was
born as Marcus Rothkowitz in Russia and the emigrated to the United States in 1916.
His work was based on basic emotions and mainly filling his canvases with few but intense colours using little detail. He also combined mythical
themes with primordial imagery in order to express universal experiences. In this time his paintings showed biomorphic shapes that float within an
atmospheric haze. Although other artists were inspired by him his work was still frowned apon by others that did not understand it and so had to
support himself by teaching art. Rothko became known for his large murals for different buildings and public places where it was displayed such as
"The Rothko Chapel" a church in Houston, Texas. Rothko's work was secretly supported by The "CIA" which considered it "free enterprise painting".
Rothko committed suicide in 1970 as he suffered from depression in his New York studio.
Untitled (Violet, Black, Orange, Yellow on White and Red)
Mark Rothko, Untitled (Violet, Black, Orange, Yellow on White and Red), 1949. Oil on canvas, 81 1/2 x 66 inches. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum,
Gift, Elaine and Werner Dannheisser and The Dannheisser Foundation. 78.2461. ©
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Abstract On Artificial Intelligence
There are numerous indications that the field of Artificial intelligence (AI) is now well established. There are several computer science departments
with AI specialties and some important disciplines whose roots are in AI, such as Pattern Recognition and Symbolic Algebraic Manipulation, have
already spun off as independent areas. Still, I identify this field of Artificial intelligence has the positivity beyond its aspect. It matters how we accept it
and use it in a positive manner. Its problem–solving approach has already showed the world that how much it can be effective in solution making. This
research will explain that how artificial intelligence is applied in numerous fields at present and in future and in this article, I have given the substantial
evidence to support my opinion of favoring the AI (Bertram, 1973).
Keywords: artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, symbolic algebraic manipulation
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is as intelligent as human beings and perform intellectual tasks as human beings can do. According to the Singularity Summit
(2012), it may happen in future, which will be based on inputs from experts. There is no predefined definition for Artificial Intelligence. Generally, it
should be capable of learning, representing knowledge, planning, taking decisions under uncertainty, communicating in a natural language as well as
using these skills towards common goals to be a complete Artificial Intelligence.
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Abstract On Artificial Intelligence
Abstract :Artificial intelligence(AI) is a science that involves simulation of intelligent behaviours in machineries, like visual perception, decision
making, speech recognition and so on. While the rate of progress in AI has been patchy and unpredictable, there have been significant advances. In this
paper we discuss about one of the upcoming field in artificial intelligence which is automatic speech recognition from neural signals. Nowadays
speech interfaces are becoming more common and popular becoming a part of daily lives. Speech interfaces have the ability to produce intelligible
speech in cases where it is not possible for speech production. (ie, in the case of locked in syndrome,Lou Gehrig's disease patients). For such reasons it
is desirable to not speak but to simply envision oneself to say words or sentences. Introduction :
Speech driven services like Siri and Google voice search are used by millions of people in their everyday lives. These speech interfaces allow natural
interaction with electronic devices and enable faster communication.Brain–computer interface(BCI), also called as mind machine interface (MMI),
direct neural interface (DNI) isa collaboration between a brain and an external component or device that facilitates brain signals to manipulate or
control some activity of that device. This provides direct communication pathway between the brain and the component to be controlled. BCI's usage
is limited. This is partly due to the unnatural paradigms that are used to give commands and texts to the BCI's like motion of hands etc. This is slow
and unnatural. On the other hand if speech was used as a paradigm then it would be faster and more natural.But only the concept of thought to speech
would enable severely disabled persons (i.e., locked–in syndrome, Lou Gehrig's syndrome) to communicate with the outside world.
Automatic speech recognition involves methods and techniques for speech recognition and translation. It can be based on various inputs like neural
signals, text input etc.
Brain Imaging Techniques:
Potential of neural signals that are used for recognizing speech are decided by using brain imaging techniques. The major techniques are as follows:
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Abstract Paper On Stress
Abstract Stress is not always a short–lived. Some negative effects on a person's body, such as memory issues and a slower learning pace, are
long–term. Long–term stress issues include nervous system issues; High Blood Pressure (HBP). Because your body is tired you are more likely to
get sick and may have a higher chance of becoming ill; Skin problems can be a side effect of stress. Diabetes is a risk from chronic stress due to
the immune system fighting and affecting insulin cells. While stress will not make a person infertile, if it is a stressful time such as holiday, major
family illness, or major life event the ability to become, pregnant may decrease. Research shows certain stages of life are more susceptible to stress
such as prenatal, adolescence, and elderly, this can result in reduced hippocampal size, which can also lead to depression later in life. A person is
more likely to have a reduced immunity to contagious disease. Treatment plans may involve medication, Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exercise,
focused deep breathing, rest, there are alternative treatments such as acupuncture, reflexology, essential oil use, diet changes, keeping a journal, or
adding a multivitamin to your daily routine may help cope with stress. Key words: Stress, HBP, Diabetes, hippocampal, treatments Stress is one of the
most common emotions many times we don't even realize we are stressed; this can be hard to explain because stress isn't an emotion that we visibly
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Love Is An Abstract Emotion

  • 1. Love Is An Abstract Emotion What We Talk About When We Talk About Love Love is an abstract emotion that society has always tried to describe. Artists, poets, musicians, and many others have attempted to pinpoint what exactly constitutes love, but none have been successful. Through a conversation between two couples, Carver shows that love is an emotion too ambiguous to be defined by words. There are several different types of love, demonstrated by different couples throughout the story. Terri describes the love of an old abusive partner, Ed. She claims that while it was not the same form of love she shares with Mel, her current partner, it was love nonetheless. She adds he loved her enough to die for her. Mel tells her, "If that's love, you can have it" (525). He tries to force love into an absolute by insisting that love should not be one parallel Ed's, but is unable to successfully put this absolute into words. To explain, he tells of an elderly couple who were severely injured. As they slowly healed, they became depressed because they were unable to view each other from their beds. While Mel is unable to explain in what way this defines love, he recognizes that it somehow explains an element of love that he cannot put into words. He also tries to understand why love can evolve or even resolve. He tells the group of when he loved his ex–wife, but goes on to explain he no longer feels the same for her. "The terrible thing is, but...the saving grace, you might say, is that if something happened to one of Get more content on
  • 2. The Meaning of Abstract Art Essay There are generally two types of paintings– representational and abstract. While representational painting portrays recognizable objects, abstract painting does not look like a particular object. Instead, abstract art is made up of designs, shapes and colors. (–art/ ) The meaning of abstract art is, in its most simplified form, art that relies on the emotions of the artist and the elements of design rather than exact representation. This broad definition allows artists almost unlimited freedom of expression. Some abstract artists create compositions that have no precedent in nature. Other abstract artists work from nature and then interpret their subjects in a nonrepresentational manner. In other words, more content... divides abstract art into 3 main classifications: Abstract Expressionism, Neoplasticism and Cubism. ( Cubism focused on analyzing the subject using geometry. ( Neoplasticists believed that only horizontal and vertical lines with primary colors should be used in order to represent the "absolutes of life." ( The spontaneous nature of Abstract Expressionism allowed the painter to show feeling and personality. ( Examples of each of these classifications can be found at the links provided. Art is important to us because it reaches inside of us to our unconscious feelings. This power is very clear when studied in regards to abstract art. "The reason abstract art has the potential to be so powerful is that it keeps the conscious distractions to a minimum." (–art/) Instead of focusing on a particular image, like a fruit of flower, abstraction allows us to feel the energy of the painting. Because abstract art is not limited by precise or even realistic representation, the artist is free to analyze objects from various angles and show situations that may appear stilted in representational works. For example, in Fernand Leger's The City, (, the Get more content on
  • 3. Abstract On Water Pollution Abstract Water pollution is one of most rapidly growing problems occurring today. It is responsible for more than million deaths worldwide. The Industrial Revolution was the catalyst that sparked several types of pollution, air, water, and noise, to become more apparent in our society because of the developments of factories, trains, and cars. Rivers were getting polluted by sewage and the air by carbon monoxide and lead. This pushed the government to take affirmative action against pollution by creating the Pollution Prevention Act and 1972 Clean water Act. Several other acts were made to help clean the environment. Simple solutions to combat water pollution includes, carpooling, ending the use of pesticides and fertilizers, and stop littering. 3 "Water and air, the two essential fluids on which all life depends, have become global garbage cans." ― Jacques–Yves Cousteau Over the years this statement has become very true. Today, developing countries like India use their rivers to dump their sewage waste not realizing the last–longing effects. This research paper will go into depth in water pollution, detailing the history, types, and sources of water pollution as well as the possible solutions to how to combat this problem and what governments around the world are doing to fix this issue. Pollution comes Get more content on
  • 4. Independence Definition Essay Independence! What is the meaning of this word? Some people have different thoughts, ideas, or notions of the word but we always hear our parents telling us, from a young age, what it is and we grow up wanting and striving for that "independence". I remember when I was a teenager, I got into plenty of arguments with my mother about having friends over and the last thing she would always tell me after every argument, "Once you get your own place you can do whatever you want." Right after that I would mutter and mumble to myself, with anxiousness, ignorance, and sometimes anger, "I can't wait till I'm old enough to get my own place." Little did know, I would soon be ingesting the harsh reality of my own words. When I was nineteen the wait was over, I finally got that first step to independence, I had the financial means to rent more content... It was like I would take one step forward and two steps back. There were a lot of things that I didn't have to worry about especially staying with my parents, such as electricity bills and cable bills because those were always paid. Since I was having such a tough time paying bills I decided to get a roommate and luckily, I thought at the time, my friend told me that he had a friend who has a child and needed a place to stay. First glance when I met my roommate I saw a beautiful, mature, well–mannered person; whose clothes looked neat, clean, and pressed. I thought she was the best candidate to be my roommate, but I was wrong. The first two weeks after her move–in were a living hell, she was filthy and a slob. She would leave dirty diapers everywhere, her room looked like a pig–pin, and the main bathroom smelled so bad. I would often think a bomb had gone off and wished that I had a gas mask when I would pass by her room and bathroom because I thought the toxic fumes could possibly kill Get more content on
  • 5. The Meaning of Abstract Art There are generally two types of paintings– representational and abstract. While representational painting portrays recognizable objects, abstract painting does not look like a particular object. Instead, abstract art is made up of designs, shapes and colors. (–art/ ) The meaning of abstract art is, in its most simplified form, art that relies on the emotions of the artist and the elements of design rather than exact representation. This broad definition allows artists almost unlimited freedom of expression. Some abstract artists create compositions that have no precedent in nature. Other abstract artists work from nature and then interpret their subjects in a nonrepresentational manner. In more content... For example, in Fernand Leger's The City, (, the artist shows a primitive, birds eye view of a busy city. We can see in the middle of the painting there is some kind road and there are simplified people scattered throughout the painting, composed of geometric forms. The effect is one of confusion and over stimulation, like one might feel during rush hour. However, the painting does not show an actually street filled with cars and pedestrians. It gives the viewer the feeling of a bustling streetscape, without actually portraying it. Using the same principles that portrayed the "bustling" of a landscape, abstract artists can show movement, even movement that is not "real." An example of this is Umberto Boccioni's Unique Forms of Continuity in Space. This is a great example of abstract art. This bronze sculpture seems to gliding in space. Umberto, a futurist, projected his own beliefs and tried to capture the future that maybe one day we would be in space. (http:/ / The sculpture is almost recognizable as a figure, but Boccioni was more concerned with showing movement than man, so the form is distorted and stretched. This sense of movement adds another dimension to the meaning of abstract art, as an Get more content on
  • 6. Happiness Is An Abstract Concept Happiness is an abstract concept. It is mainly expressed individual's own feeling that is a sensational state of a person (Suikkanen 2011). It is all about what we imagine, feel, assume and how do we perform in harmony. Nowadays, there is a rising trend of measurement of happiness amongst government all over the world to determine their people's well–being. In Australia, numerous studies have been done in the past on the grounds of happiness. The Household, Income and Labour Dynamics Australia (HILDA) follow questionnaire survey mostly on the lives of Australian residents. It focuses on happiness and life satisfaction based on their survey. This survey has a significant feature of life satisfaction on same households and individuals. They have been interviewed frequently over time to assess the changes in their life (Wilkins 2015, p.4). According to the HILDA report, it is absolutely vital for Australians to be happy is to be male, to be in a relationship (but not married), not to have children, to be employed and to reside in a small town. However, there are significant determinants in measurement of happiness based on the "Desire Satisfactionism" theory, such as individual's satisfied desires, perspectives and their own life circumstances which should be compared with the factors considered in the HILDA survey. It is worth bearing in mind that throughout the history, many psychologists and philosophers analyze various theories on happiness. According to Aristotle Get more content on
  • 7. Abstract: Culture ABSTRACT Culture is the background of every human communication. Cultural embedding as a feature of texts in general is also valid in technical and scientific texts. As translation by humans is based on understanding, the translator needs knowledge in order to detect cultural aspects. This is possible by putting down implicit cultural references to certain structures on the text level. Cultural elements appear in the text on all levels – from the concept and form of words, to the sentence and text structure, to pragmatics. Examples for the various appearances are presented in the first part of the paper. The second part discusses translation as a writing process. Here the categories of attention governing the translator's approach more content... That means that understanding can be put down to linguistic structures on the text level that first triggered the respective cognitive reaction. Culture will be present in texts, even in technical ones. And culturally based conventions of text construction may even constitute a major translation problem for scientific communication. Detecting cultural elements in texts therefore is decisive for translation. Chapter 1 Cultural elements in texts A key question is what are cultural elements and how are they visible in texts? Cultural elements cannot be reduced to strange objects that would be unknown elsewhere. Cultural elements are a background of knowledge which is generally relevant for adequate communication within a society: Culture, being what people have to learn as distinct from their biological heritage, must consist of the end product of learning: knowledge, in a most general, if relative, sense of the term. By this definition, we should note that culture is not a material phenomenon; it does not consist of things, people, behaviour, or emotions. It is rather an organization of these things. It is the forms of things that people have in mind, their models for perceiving, relating, and otherwise interpreting them (Goodenough 1964: 36). Culture determines how people speak and write and perceive each other. Consequently, cultural elements, therefore, must be present implicitly in texts, but as a Get more content on
  • 8. The Influence Of Abstract And Modern Art Abstract and modern art have really changed the way society views and appreciation for the amazing contributions and work created by artists. There are so many styles and concepts which those artists have come up with over times which are greatly reflected in their paintings and creations. In this essay we will be going on a journey to find out the inspiration and the intended messages from three paintings mentioned in the above topic. "The Large Bathers, 1898–1905 is the largest of Cezanne's pictures and because it is also the most formal in aspect, it has been cited often as an example of his ideal of composition and his restoration if classical monumentality after its lapse during the nineteenth century" ( This painting was one of the most mind–blowing yet interesting pieces during this era because of its unfinished quality which caused quite a stir among writers, artists and historians. The nude forms presented along with the river and triangular pattern in which the trees were painted gives quite an interesting perspective to his work. The composition of the painting did not reflect the ideal typical style from the Renaissance pyramid. Instead it was created in another style where the central part is empty, the apex is intercepted by the frame and the greatest compactness comes in smaller pyramids for the largest figures. One can also notice from Cezanne's work the way he thought about portrayed women. "The abstract nude females present in Large Get more content on
  • 9. Data Model : An Abstract Model What is data model: Data model is defined in different ways; Here I discuss couple of definitions. A Data model is an abstract model that organizes elements of data and standardizes how they relate to one another and to properties of the real world. (wekipedia,2016) A Data model says what information is to be contained in a database, how the information will be used, and how the items in the database will be related to each other. ( Data modeling is the process of documenting a complex software system design as an easily understood diagram, using text and symbols to represent the way data needs to flow. (Margaret Rouse) Data model is managing a large quantity of organized or unorganized data. Data model identify clearly in data modeling. Types of Data model: The conceptual Model The Logical Model The physical Model How are data models layered and why? In database management layers of data is most important, With the help of layers of data we design database. External layer or External level: External layer is prior planning level, in external layer we gathered views from users. External provides strong and well maintained security mechanism by hiding parts of the database from certain users. External layer allows users to access data, which design according to their needs, in this way different users access the same data at same time in different way. Logical layer: The logical layer is the planning part of the database. In this logical layer we write Get more content on
  • 10. Communication Abstract On Communication Abstract Communication is a key function in our everyday lives, not only in personal settings but business settings as well. Communication is something that can potentially make or break a situation, and this is also very true in business and the companies we work for. Without having the proper techniques and processes in place dealing with an organizations communication, the end results could be disastrous. There are many theories that business should consider using in their work culture, and some that in todays society should be avoided at all costs. The Problem The company I work for, is a durable medical equipment or DME supply company that has now puts its focus on respiratory care. I hear all the time that we are leading in the industry for respiratory care, and another main competitor has just closed its doors in California. My company may be purchasing close to 80% of the closing competitor's business within the next 60–90 days and I foresee this as nothing but chaos and mayhem. The problem here is that all the decisions are being made solely at the top with the CEO and CFO who yes may know numbers, but have no idea of what the everyday work looks like, nor what it entails. My company has begun to slowly outsource, or "insource" we are calling it now, parts of the company that they deem as "easy" to a team in Sonora, Mexico. Nothing is communicated until boom they lay off a whole dept. and send the work to Sonora. This is causing quite an uneasy atmosphere and low morale to go with it, companywide. Not to mention that the focus and time that should be given to train and continually supervise these Sonora teams so they can potentially be successful, is not there either. They also often put new policies in play without consulting the people who use the system every day to see if they have any effective ideas on how it could be done or what it could potentially effect, without properly testing the procedures first, or communicating them to the employees before they go live. A recent example of this was deciding to turn on the "switch" in the billing system to automatically bill the patients for their estimated coinsurance amounts on their monthly DME rental claims, the Get more content on
  • 11. Writing An Abstract Analysis There are many major parts of a research project, each part is important because each part build from the previous part of the research project. The abstract is just the basic summary of the project. The abstract tell what the project is about. Abstract is not a long drawn out process, the abstract should not be no more 300 words. The abstract would point the major aspect of the project and prescribe each aspect in the order the paper would talk about the aspect. Abstract will include the overall of the study and state the research problem. Next the abstract will design the study. Third thing the abstract will discuss the major finding and or tends that was found as a result to my analysis. Lastly the abstract will give a brief summary my interpretations and my conclusion. I feel that my abstract was straight to the point, I stated what my study was about, and I stated the aspect of my paper. I also stated what the problem and what I feel what cause the problem. I feel my abstract was strong but I could have made some improvement and the weak spot was not include the other theories I have discuss in my paper. I could add that I was going to briefly describe other theories that is associated with crime and why I feel my theory fit better than the other theory. Introduction builds from the abstract. more content... I also had studies that back up my claim why I felt that social learning theory was the most influence theory on young. My literature review explain why I felt that social learning theory had a major influence on our young youth. I explain how I apply my theory and why I thought it was the best. Only weak spot I found in this section I could explain how all the theory tie up together because it all have to do with some type of crime. This section was rough for me , I want to make sure I had everything I want talk about , and I want make sure I had studies to back up my claim Get more content on
  • 12. Abstract Art Research Paper While many accomplishments build on existing knowledge, many significant breakthroughs result from those who have completely broken with tradition. Clearly then, significant breakthroughs do not always build upon existing knowledge. By the mid–20th Century, Abstract art was at its acme. At the same time, many critics felt that the artists had all but exhausted themselves in terms of innovation. To be unique one had to be random and chaotic–silly even. It was little surprise that many crowed about the imminent demise of Abstract art. Into this intellectual milieu, the artist Jackson Pollock came to prominence. Seemingly random and chaotic–though anything but silly–his work had no clear precedent. He would throw paint at a canvas on the ground or propped up against the wall. Though many dismissed him as a madman and a crank, eventually his work was hailed as that of a genius, and that work did much to reinvigorate the movement of Abstract Art. Had Pollock tried to simply build off of the existing art he very well may have fallen victim to the prophecy that the Abstract art movement had become effete and more content... At the time, the geocentric model of the universe was considered gospel: both the church and the scientific community (at that time the two were heavily interrelated) endorsed this view because it put man at the center of the universe. Even then, it had the stamp of scientific legitimacy in Ptolemy, who had centuries earlier "proven" that the Sun revolved around the Earth. Using advanced math and his observation skills, Copernicus was able to determine that the earth revolved around the Sun. Just as importantly, he was able to challenge the orthodox view, and instead of building off of it, exposed the shoddy foundations upon which this view was Get more content on
  • 13. Abstract On The Death Penalty Abstract The issue of capital punishment is a difficult one and the opinions are as diverse as the people giving them. The death penalty exists in 38 states and those that have it spend enormous amounts of tax payer dollars to engage the justice system in what is a long and drawn out series of court dates and appeals that are lasting years. In addition, the trials and appeals of those on Death Row will have attorneys, prosecutors, experts and judges with more experience creating a major strain on the budget and manpower of the state. Nationally there is no study identifying the cost associated with the Death Penalty, but each state uses their state laws and pay scales in determining the cost of the Death Penalty. Prior to the Death Penalty being abolished New York has spent millions of dollars on Death Penalty cases and the result was there were no executions. Those in favor of the death penalty believe that the cost associated with incarcerating an individual for life will far outweigh those associated with the Death Penalty, due to old age, medical issues, food and other essentials needed to keep one alive. This would be true if the Death Penalty was a swift method of justice. The monies spent on Death Penalty cases could be far better spent on local budgets and programs that are evidenced based and proven to provide needed services, such as law enforcement, drug treatment and youth programs. Beginning Get more content on
  • 14. Abstract On Alzheimer's Disease Abstract Alzheimer's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that represents the most common type of dementia in the elderly. The disease is characterised by progressive dementia that inevitably leads to incapacitation and death. The most common and distinctive hallmark lesions present within the disease brain are the senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. The amyloid plaques is a major component of the disease, and is constituted mainly by the neurotoxic amyloid–ОІ42, which is a product of the amyloid precursor protein. Mutations on the amyloid precursor protein alters the proteolytic processing, leading to overproduction and accumulation of the neurotoxic amyloid–ОІ42, generating a progressive deposition of protein fragments in amyloid Get more content on
  • 15. Abstract For Theory Paper Emily Dutton ENGL 4481 March 7, 2018 Abstract for Theory Paper Different events in people's lives directly shape their inner–thoughts and ways of thinking. In turn, these events impact how these individuals act in the world around them. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the ability to communicate in one form or another is essential to a human's positive developmental growth. The most fundamental way that people express themselves is through various forms of language whether that language is written, spoken, or conveyed through the body. Because of the inter–connectivity of individuals' thoughts and language, many discourse analysts attempt to analyze how individuals' psychology impacts the types of discourse they use. This is also Get more content on
  • 16. Abstract Expressionism Essay Abstract Expressionism Abstract Expressionism started in America as a post World War II art movement. It was the first art movement that arose from America and put New York at the center of the art world. The term Abstract Expressionism was first applied to American art in 1946 by art critic Robert Coates. It is most commanly said that Surealism is it's predecessor because of the use of spontaneous, automatic and subconscious creations. Abstract Expressionism gets its name from the combining of emotional intensity and self–expression of German Expressionists and the anti–figurative aesthetics of abstract schools where Futurism, Bauhaus and Synthetic Cubism came from. The term Abstract Expressionism was applied to any number of more content... Mark Rothko Mark Rothko born September 25 1903 and died in February 25 1970. He was an Abstract Expressionist but denies that his work is abstract. He was born as Marcus Rothkowitz in Russia and the emigrated to the United States in 1916. His work was based on basic emotions and mainly filling his canvases with few but intense colours using little detail. He also combined mythical themes with primordial imagery in order to express universal experiences. In this time his paintings showed biomorphic shapes that float within an atmospheric haze. Although other artists were inspired by him his work was still frowned apon by others that did not understand it and so had to support himself by teaching art. Rothko became known for his large murals for different buildings and public places where it was displayed such as "The Rothko Chapel" a church in Houston, Texas. Rothko's work was secretly supported by The "CIA" which considered it "free enterprise painting". Rothko committed suicide in 1970 as he suffered from depression in his New York studio. Untitled (Violet, Black, Orange, Yellow on White and Red) Mark Rothko, Untitled (Violet, Black, Orange, Yellow on White and Red), 1949. Oil on canvas, 81 1/2 x 66 inches. Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Gift, Elaine and Werner Dannheisser and The Dannheisser Foundation. 78.2461. ©
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  • 18. Abstract On Artificial Intelligence Abstract There are numerous indications that the field of Artificial intelligence (AI) is now well established. There are several computer science departments with AI specialties and some important disciplines whose roots are in AI, such as Pattern Recognition and Symbolic Algebraic Manipulation, have already spun off as independent areas. Still, I identify this field of Artificial intelligence has the positivity beyond its aspect. It matters how we accept it and use it in a positive manner. Its problem–solving approach has already showed the world that how much it can be effective in solution making. This research will explain that how artificial intelligence is applied in numerous fields at present and in future and in this article, I have given the substantial evidence to support my opinion of favoring the AI (Bertram, 1973). Keywords: artificial intelligence, pattern recognition, symbolic algebraic manipulation Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence is as intelligent as human beings and perform intellectual tasks as human beings can do. According to the Singularity Summit (2012), it may happen in future, which will be based on inputs from experts. There is no predefined definition for Artificial Intelligence. Generally, it should be capable of learning, representing knowledge, planning, taking decisions under uncertainty, communicating in a natural language as well as using these skills towards common goals to be a complete Artificial Intelligence. Get more content on
  • 19. Abstract On Artificial Intelligence Abstract :Artificial intelligence(AI) is a science that involves simulation of intelligent behaviours in machineries, like visual perception, decision making, speech recognition and so on. While the rate of progress in AI has been patchy and unpredictable, there have been significant advances. In this paper we discuss about one of the upcoming field in artificial intelligence which is automatic speech recognition from neural signals. Nowadays speech interfaces are becoming more common and popular becoming a part of daily lives. Speech interfaces have the ability to produce intelligible speech in cases where it is not possible for speech production. (ie, in the case of locked in syndrome,Lou Gehrig's disease patients). For such reasons it is desirable to not speak but to simply envision oneself to say words or sentences. Introduction : Speech driven services like Siri and Google voice search are used by millions of people in their everyday lives. These speech interfaces allow natural interaction with electronic devices and enable faster communication.Brain–computer interface(BCI), also called as mind machine interface (MMI), direct neural interface (DNI) isa collaboration between a brain and an external component or device that facilitates brain signals to manipulate or control some activity of that device. This provides direct communication pathway between the brain and the component to be controlled. BCI's usage is limited. This is partly due to the unnatural paradigms that are used to give commands and texts to the BCI's like motion of hands etc. This is slow and unnatural. On the other hand if speech was used as a paradigm then it would be faster and more natural.But only the concept of thought to speech would enable severely disabled persons (i.e., locked–in syndrome, Lou Gehrig's syndrome) to communicate with the outside world. ASR: Automatic speech recognition involves methods and techniques for speech recognition and translation. It can be based on various inputs like neural signals, text input etc. Brain Imaging Techniques: Potential of neural signals that are used for recognizing speech are decided by using brain imaging techniques. The major techniques are as follows: FMRI: Functional Get more content on
  • 20. Abstract Paper On Stress Abstract Stress is not always a short–lived. Some negative effects on a person's body, such as memory issues and a slower learning pace, are long–term. Long–term stress issues include nervous system issues; High Blood Pressure (HBP). Because your body is tired you are more likely to get sick and may have a higher chance of becoming ill; Skin problems can be a side effect of stress. Diabetes is a risk from chronic stress due to the immune system fighting and affecting insulin cells. While stress will not make a person infertile, if it is a stressful time such as holiday, major family illness, or major life event the ability to become, pregnant may decrease. Research shows certain stages of life are more susceptible to stress such as prenatal, adolescence, and elderly, this can result in reduced hippocampal size, which can also lead to depression later in life. A person is more likely to have a reduced immunity to contagious disease. Treatment plans may involve medication, Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), exercise, focused deep breathing, rest, there are alternative treatments such as acupuncture, reflexology, essential oil use, diet changes, keeping a journal, or adding a multivitamin to your daily routine may help cope with stress. Key words: Stress, HBP, Diabetes, hippocampal, treatments Stress is one of the most common emotions many times we don't even realize we are stressed; this can be hard to explain because stress isn't an emotion that we visibly express. Get more content on