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Management Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of "Management" can be both challenging and rewarding. On one
hand, management is a broad and complex field that encompasses various theories, practices, and
perspectives. This breadth can make it difficult to narrow down a specific focus for the essay.
Additionally, management topics often require a deep understanding of organizational behavior,
leadership principles, strategic planning, and other related concepts, which can be daunting to
grasp and articulate effectively.
Furthermore, the field of management is constantly evolving, with new theories and approaches
emerging regularly. This means that staying up-to-date with the latest research and trends is
essential for producing a well-informed and insightful essay.
Moreover, writing a management essay requires critical thinking skills and the ability to analyze
and evaluate different arguments and perspectives. This entails conducting thorough research,
gathering relevant evidence, and synthesizing information from various sources to support your
arguments effectively.
Despite these challenges, writing a management essay can also be a valuable learning experience.
It provides an opportunity to deepen your understanding of management concepts, refine your
analytical skills, and develop your ability to communicate complex ideas clearly and persuasively.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on the topic of management may present certain
difficulties, it is also a rewarding endeavor that can enhance your knowledge and skills in this
important field.
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Management Essay Management Essay
Norovirus Case Studies
Each year many people across the globe are effected by Norovirus, otherwise
commonly known as a Norwalk virus misdiagnoses as a gastric flu, stomach flu or the
common viral gastro (Health, 2010). Norovirus is the most common type of
gastroenteritis which causes the inflammation of the stomach and intestines (Ageing,
2014). The focus of this essay is to not only inform the audience on Norovirusbut also
focus on the principles of infection control within a nursing/aged care centre. The
essay is also focused around a case study of Annabelle Mason who is 96 years old
who has attracted the virusand is a resident in an aged care facility. The case study
also involves another resident, Mrs Mary Biggs, who may also be affected by the
The ... Show more content on ...
The best way to reduce the risk of infection is by following these simple measures.
You should avoid visiting settings where the virus is easily attracted, such as
hospitals or aged care facilities (Johnson, 2012). Other prevention measurements to be
taken could be to isolate the host until there has been no vomiting or diarrhoea,
washing hands before and after preparing and eating food as well as when using the
bathroom. If clothing and bedding has been contaminated they must immediately be
removed and thoroughly washed. This must also go for surfaces that have been
contaminated as well. Lastly, flush or discard of any vomit and/or faeces in the toilet
and make sure that the surrounding area is kept clean (Health, Public fact sheet on
norovirus gastroenteritis , 2010). It is not only to the publics benefit if these
precautions are taken but it will also secure your
Eukaryotic Cells And Its Functions
Eukaryotic cells are complex and include all animal and plant cells. Prokaryotic cells
are smaller and simpler, e.g. Bacteria (AQA 2008)
Eukaryotic cells contain membrane bound organelles, whereas prokaryotic cells do
not contain these.
Although both of these cells contain DNA, only eukaryotic cells contain a nucleus.
The nucleus is the largest organelle, surrounded by a double membrane (nuclear
envelope) containing lots of pores. The nuclear membrane protects contents of the
nucleus and controls the transport of substances in and out. The nucleus contains
linear DNA in chromatin which protects the DNA from damage. Chromatin is
formed of DNA which controls the activities of the cell. The nucleus often contains a
structure called the nucleolus. This structure produces ribosomes which enter the
cytoplasm in the cell through the nuclear pores, as well as transcribing DNA into
Prokaryotic cells do not contain nuclei. Instead of having a nucleus to carry the
DNA, these cells contain plasmids with circular DNA, as well as having most of the
DNA float freely inside the cytoplasm. The plasmids carry the information necessary
to keep the cell alive. For example including genes that make the bacteria cell resistant
to antibiotics.
Both cells transcribe DNA into RNA in order to translate RNA and produce proteins
on ribosomes.
Endoplasmic Reticulum is present in eukaryotic cells. There are two types of ER:
Smooth and rough. This organelle is formed of a network of
Blade Runner Final Scene
The film Blade Runner: The final cut, directed by Ridley Scott takes place in a
futuristic society. We are given a summary of what will be going on in the film since
the very first scene of the film. The setting of the film is demonstrated early on
showing how important the setting of this film will be for the understanding of what
is going on. The setting of the filmtakes place in futuretime in Los Angeles in the year
2019.In the White Scrolling text we learn about the Tyrell Corporation, an advanced
high tech corporation that focuses on the production of human replicants. The Tyrell
Corporation is significant in how the film develops as it is where the most important
scenes that interpret the film occur. The opening scene starts off at the Tyrell
Corporation we can see the odd pyramid shape architecture of the building. This first
scene in the film is one of the most important scenes because throughout the film
what Leon says in this first scene is... Show more content on ...
The first symbol that is very apparent is that of the eyes. The opening scene, before
it leads us to the Tyrell Corporation shows a close up of an eye. Also, when the
thought to be replicants are given the Voight Kompff test to see whether the
individuals are actually human, a close examination of their iris is given to
identify any reaction. The eye can also show emotion that the examiner is looking
for since eyes are widely referred to as the windows to the soul. Another theme that
jumps out with the symbolism of eyes is how the replicants have a light up glow
in their eyes. In The scene where Rachel is introduced to Deckard inside the Tyrell
building it seems as if her eyes glow in a way. In this scene is also when we are
introduced to a robotic owl the pet replicant of. Rachel asks Do you like our owl?
When Deckard asks if it s artificial she assures him that it is. The artificial owl in the
building represents the wisdom of
Environmentalism Was Once A Social Justice Movement
Druyor, Kyle Environmentalism Was Once a Social Justice Movement
Environmentalism has been difficult for us to keep control of and the use of the
Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act explain how we are supposed to keep our air
and water clear for our own use. During the 1970s most of these laws were passed
and hopefully during Presidents Trump s campaign will have a better idea of our
environment and how we can change America to becoming a better country
environmentally. America is one of the countries that need to be changed
environmentally for us to have a better living place for us now, instead of for works
working in mines and gaining bad lungs from breathing in the wrong type of air. If
we change these laws to fit our environment
Guyon The Knight Of Temperance s Horse
Artegall is first compared to Bacchus (I.2.1) and Hercules (2.2.6) with his club of
justice dread (I.2.9) to give him the authority of precedent mythical figures to subdue
lawless men and even monstrous tyrants(1.2) in the narrative voice s violent
construction of common law, and by his training under the goddess Astrea he is
given the instruction on how to apply equity but perhaps not the conscience for it.
Certain moments demonstrate he incorporates an understanding of equity, but more
along the lines of using it as an authority. To be clear, equity is divided into the trial s
composition, whether it s particular circumstances fall outside the confines of the
documented common lawand as a result is needed to be judged accordingly... Show
more content on ...
Now, moving backward from these trials back to the first trial in Canto I, the trial of
Sangliere and the unnamed squire (V.1.25 30), Carol Stillman in Nobility and
Justice in Book Five of The Faerie Queene, asserts there is no body of laws or
precedents to cite for or against
Sanglier , and as consequence, Artegall must find other means to accomplish his task
which leads him to employ an adaptation of Solomon s strategy (541).Despite what
Stillman states, there is an antique legal doctrine that changes the crime of this case
and places it under a precedent boundary and thereby, common law. At first, it may
seem odd Artegall refrains from his usual immediate tendency to violence or
sentencing corporal punishment, but as Stillman states, the trial s process is
governed by its adaptation to Solomon s first judgement, which contrastive to her is
perhaps in itself precedent enough; however there is yet another specific legal
doctrine of common law that dictates the sentence. In this dispute, the allegory
provides the precedent verdict and procedure, but it is the interpretation of marriage
in common
English Essay
English Essay Mister Pip
Analyse how contrast between characters helped the author communicate an
important message or idea.
Mister Pip written by Lloyd Jones is a novel recounted by the protagonist Matilda.
Set in 1990 s Bougainville, we see Matilda begin to question her Mother s
traditional idea s about life as a civil war rages between the rebels and the Redskins
in her homeland. Mr. Wattsor Pop eye is given the role teaching the village children,
being the only educated, and consequentially, white man left on the island. He begins
reading Great Expectations to the children and Matilda finds herself becoming
entranced in white civilisation. She gets immersed in the story of the white boy Pip
living in London in the 1800 s, ... Show more content on ...
She continues to try and save her daughter, the power of unconditional love
overcoming their even more obviously marked differences.
Dolores then tries to impose her faith on Matilda in hope she will begin to value
God over Great Expectations to lead her away from the white world. Dolores
comes unannounced to Matilda s class and tries to educate the children on the only
thing she knows well: the importance of faith she didn t know anything outside
what she knew from the bible but as Mr. Watts gets further through the novel Pip
becomes yet even more important to Matilda. Dolores never stops in trying to steer
Matilda away from the white world. The world she knows barely anything about, the
world she thinks is evil. Despite their ever increasing differences Dolores will always
continue to protect Matilda from what she believes is bad.
We see the power of unconditional love shown again through Matilda and Dolores
s contrast when Matilda discovers Great Expectations to have been stolen by her
Mother. When Dolores hides Great Expectations much strife is caused. The Red
Skins visit Matilda s island, threatening to burn all of their possessions unless they
give up Pip who is only a character from a book and cannot be given up. Because the
book is not where it is supposed to be Pip cannot be explained. The redskins burn the
whole villages possessions because Dolores fails to come forward and admit to what
she had done in order to retrieve
Forgiveness And Its Impact On Education
To resolve a conflict, forgiveness is at some point is a must. It may not come
immediately, but one has to be open to having the ability to both give and receive it
in order for reconciliation to be successful. One may ask how forgiving someone
they are in conflict with is important to achieving a positive outcome, such as
reconciliation. This paper is going to explore that question and show that yes, having
the ability to forgive, is very significant in finding a resolution to the conflict. It will
research, viewpoints on forgivenessand its much needed contribution to resolve a
conflict. It will look into how the field of psychology views the importance of
forgiveness and that of a biblical worldview and even the effects it can have on
your daily health. Not everyone looks at forgiveness the same, most all want some
kind of resolution or reconciliation when conflicts arise. In some people, forgiveness
comes naturally but in others it can be learned. Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one
another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you (Holy
BibleESV). The purpose of this paper is providing research to show the importance
of forgiveness, both of oneself and to others, because without it, some conflicts
become never ending. Forgiveness is a way of healing human relationships and
solving human conflicts (Gopin, 2001, para. 1). Forgiveness comes in many forms
such as verbal acts and formal gestures, confession, apology, repentance, and
The Effects Of Television On Public Service Advertising
1. Introduction Public service advertisements are a type of advertisements that
usually communicate a certain idea not a mainly a product, they are used by Mass
media to raise awareness and educate publics about an issue in order to shift attitudes
and motivate behavior change. PSAs mainly communicate about health topics or
social issues including alcohol and drug awareness, environmental protection,
obesity prevention and gun control. A PSA is generally sponsored by a not for
profit organization, trade association or political group. It is usually featured on
television, radio or print. The Public Service Advertisement should contain three
types of messages to motivate behavior change: Awareness, instruction, and
persuasion. To create awareness, the messages of the campaign must inform publics
about the health topic. Instruction messages should tell the people what to do and
how to do it, and persuasion messages should give reasons to the public to adopt
this particular health behavior. 2. Literature Review: 2.1 Effects of Televised Public
Service Ad The effects of television are of particular interest because of this medium
s ability to reach a variety of populations, including adolescents. Television is by far
the most widely used means of disseminating prevention messages, usually in the
form of PSAs(Phillip Palmgreen, Lewis Donohew N.D)1. Drug Abuse Prevention
Campaign Studies generally suffer from mistakes in campaign execution, including
violating two of the main
Comparison Of Depression In The Big Sur By Jack Kerouac
Depression affects 350 million people and is the leading cause of disability
worldwide. Everyone deals with depression a different way but it is not easy, the
best way is to see a professional and talk about it to try to let it all out, but most
people come up with their own way. Depressed modern poets such as Jack Kerouac
and Sylvia Plath tried to shock themselves into reality and heal their depression and
feelings about certain subjects with alcohol and electroconvulsive therapy but could
not. They both decided to chose the outlet of poetry and release their negative
feelings by writing about similar themes. This becomes evident when one draws
similarities between themes such as isolation, nature and loveproven by examining
The Big Sur by Jack Kerouac and many poetic works from Sylvia Plath. Being a
popular poet can do alot to one, and if ones fans only care about their work and not
their true feelings the artist tends to feel isolated.
When one is depressed he/she tends to isolate themselves. Kerouac and Plath both do
this when they are writing. In many of Plath s poems she writes about her loneliness,
and in some she even tells God. Plath is so depressed that she associate s life with
loneliness, which proves that Plath feels she is isolated God, but life is loneliness
(Under the Night Starry Sky, Plath). Plath feels empty, she feels useless, she is tired
and just wants to relax, this proves that Plath is giving up and she is so upset with
her life that she does
The Nasa Space Flight Center Essay
The Goddard Space Flight Center states that there are 2,271 artificial satellites
currently in space orbiting the earth. An artificial satellite is a hand made machine
that orbits the planet earth to help in many different ways in communications,
documenting information, sending and receiving signals. A satelliteis a moon, planet,
or a machine that orbit a planet or a star. There are many types of satellites and each
one is used for different reasons. Some satellites are used to send and receive
television signals. Some other satellites are used in communications by making it
possible to send and receive signals from phones, fax, internet and computers to
people all over the world. Other satellites are used in forecasting by giving
information about the earth s weather to scientists. Also, there is another type of
satellites that take accurate picture of earth to show the environmental situation such
as resources, pollution and statistics of crops and water (NOAA, 2014). Satellites
improved a lot in the daily life uses such as weather forecasting, documenting
information, communication and positioning systems.
The idea of satellites The development of the invention started in 1952 when the
International Council of Scientific Unions decided to start a project named
International Geophysical Year which started on July1, 1957 and ended on
December31, 1958. They put in considerations to launch the artificial satellite in this
year for mapping earth s surface (Verma, 2012).
Realism in Oedipus the King Essay
Realism in Oedipus Rex
This essay will examine a feature of Sophocles tragedy which causes the reader to
doubt the realism underlying the literary work. Specifically, the essay will consider
the feasability of the belief at that time that the Delphi oracle possessed credibility
with the people.
At the outset of the drama the priest of Zeus and the crowd of citizens of Thebes are
gathered before the royal palace of Thebes talking to King Oedipus about the plague
which is ravaging the city. The king is sorely troubled and laments the sad situation.
Then he says:
I have sent Menoeceus son,
Creon, my consort s brother, to inquire
Of Pythian Phoebus at his Delphic shrine,
How I might ... Show more content on ...
What s amiss?
CREON Banishment, or the shedding blood for blood.
This stain of blood makes shipwreck of our state.
And for the duration of the tragedy the characters explicitly or implicitly
acknowledge their total belief in the directions of the Delphic oracle as the only
means of ridding Thebes of the plague. Historically speaking, did the Delphic oracle
have such credibility among the populace?
For an answer to this question we go to The Histories of Herodotus. Herodotus was
called the Father of History by Cicero and others. He lived and wrote in the fifth
century BC just like Sophocles. As a contemporary, Herodotus knew and wrote about
the beliefs and customs of the ancient Greeks as an historian, not as a litterateur.
Herodotus was therefore interested in a factual presentation, not in an imaginative
presentation such as Sophocles sought for as a dramatist. Herodotus, therefore, can be
relied upon to either substantiate or contradict the validity of the situation in Oedipus
Rex where the realism of the drama rests considerably on the claimed belief in the
infallibility of the Delphic oracle.
Let us examine a portion of The Histories that describes Athens, since Sophocles lived
in Athens and wrote for an Athenian audience and even had Oedipus die at Colonnus,
a suburb of Athens. In Book V Herodotus describes the engagement between the
Athenians and the Boeotians, who were defeated; then another victory for Athens
The Food Truck I Visited
The food truck I visited is called Froyo To Go in Washington D.C. It was a franchised
food truck of Froyo To Go in Crystal city, Virginia. The franchisor Froyo To Go itself
opened the store since the end of 2013 as its food truck ended its operation from
May, 2012. Froyo To Go sells freshly made frozen yogurt with fresh fruittoppings,
which were all made from natural and organic ingredients. The main idea for the
owner of the food truck was to deliver the health concept to people.
Each portion of frozen yogurt was sold for six dollars with two toppings on it.
Various fresh fruits were included in the choices of toppings, such as kiwi,
strawberry and banana. The biggest advantage of Froyo To Go, expressed by the
owner, was the healthy and fresh toppings with the frozen yogurt for the image his
product shows is healthier and thus more attractive to customers than others. The
competition is rather low comparing with other food trucks in this area with rare
similar products were sold around.
Before having this food truck, the owner said that the food trucks he saw were all
selling heavy meal such as spicy food from south America, fast food like hot dogs,
burgers and kabobs.
One of the biggest reasons why he chose and became one of the franchisee food
truck of Froyo To Go was that the mobility gave him freedom to deliver his concept
offering healthy food, more pervasively. The healthy benefits were also listed outside
of the truck telling and attracting people to purchase.
Applying Two Kinds Of A Spherically Symmetric...
In this work, we consider two kinds of a spherically symmetric semiconductor
quantum dots: (a) type I single quantum dot (SQD) with radius r_1, in which
electrons and holes are confined in the same region of space, and (b) type II core
/shell quantum dot (CCQD) with the same core radius, r_1, coated with shell
thickness t=r_2 r_1, in which the spatial confinement of electrons and holes depends
strongly on the geometrical parameters (core radius and shell thickness) and strain
effects. Due to the potential structure of CdSe/CdTe CCQD, electrons mainly reside
in the CdSe core region, while the holes dwell mainly in the CdTe shell region. This
separation is shown in Fig. 1. For clarity, we designate the band gap energy, the
conduction band minimum (CBM) and the valence bandmaximum (VBM) of bulk
semiconductormaterials in the unstrained case by E_g0^i, E_c0^i and E_v0^i,
respectively. E_c^i and E_v^i denote the bulk band edges of each
nanoheterostructure compound including strain effect. In this paper, the index
i=1,2,3 refers to the CdSe region (1), CdTe region (2) and the external medium (3),
c(v) holds for conduction (valence) band and e(h) holds for electron (hole). E_g and
V_(e(h)) are the bulk gap energy and the electron (hole) confining potential of
strained hetero nanocrystal, respectively. In Fig 1, Оµ_1, Оµ_2 and Оµ_3 are
dielectric constants of core, shell and external medium, respectively. For simplicity,
we assume that the potential outside each kind of nanocrystal is
Laboratory Information Management System ( Lims )
Laboratory information management system (LIMS) is a software system that leads
records and reserves data for laboratories. It sends laboratory test orders to laboratory
materials, tracking its responsible and records the results to a searchable database.
Also LIMS supports the operations of public health organizations such as hospitals
and clinics.
Data tracking support
Customer data
Data exchange
Data exchange interfaces
Electronic documents management
Quality control
Data storage
Barcode handling
LIMS helps improve the workflow which relates to project result criteria and
automatically line samples for inferior screens which forms associated apparatus,
samples and specialist. The users control workloads by the apparatus or specialist for
this procedure and identifying the tests to increase more the workflow.
LIMS uses data exchange to transmit the results for doctors; laboratories; sample
processing to find out the disease. The barcodes are included on the reports or results
which they are tracked. Also uses a logbook perception to be able to enter, renew,
observing samples, test results and maintain notes easier. Automatic devices send
diagnostic data to LIMS, not manually to avoid the entrance of large amounts of data
such as organics, metals that would disrupt the results. The manual data do not use
this procedure due to its characteristics.
I work in a biomedical laboratory and waiting to receive samples from a clinic and
need to send
The Theory And Practice Of Teacher Leadership
The concept and practice of teacher leadership have gained momentum in the past
two decades. Teachers are assuming more leadership functions at both instructional
and organizational levels of practice. Empirical literature reveals effects of teacher
leadership practice, teacher leader characteristics, and conditions that promote and
challenge teacher leadership. Teachers leadership and collective expertise are tightly
linked to student achievement. A sophisticated new study has found that schools
staffed by credentialed and experienced teachers who work together over an extended
time generate the largest student achievement gains. Students of less experienced
teachers who had access to the most accomplished colleagues made the very greatest
achievement growth gains. Obviously, less experienced teachers had the greatest
margin for improvement. But this finding nonetheless implies that the master
teachers with whom they worked are spreading their expertise among colleagues.
(Wayne, 2003) The question is whether teachers have time to lead or learn from their
peers, either informally or through structured professional development experiences.
Case studies find that they do not, limiting the cultivation of teacher leaders who can
spread their expertise to their colleagues. Teachers Network survey respondents
joined their professional networks for a broad variety of reasons, including the
ability to secure funding for projects in their classrooms or schools and involvement in
The King s Speech Analysis
Based on the true story of King George VI, The King s Speech is a typical
psychological movie about how George VI, a patient with stuttering, successfully
delivered a stirring speech to his people after the psychotherapy given by his speech
therapist Lionel Logue. Stuttering has negative influence on patient s daily life and
work and sometimes is the reflection of mental disorders. It is necessary to carry out
analyses around stuttering. This paper will analyze the causes of King George VI s
stuttering, what are the symptoms of stuttering and the effective treatment to
alleviate or even cure this disease.
According to the definition provided by World Health Organization (1977), stuttering
is disorders in the rhythm of speech in which the ... Show more content on ...
His stuttering was caused by the rough childhood experience and the pressure as an
royal member. He had a strong desire to be responsible for his country and fulfil the
mission as succeeding to the crown. However, he could not face the inner aspiration
because of the repression, injury and self denial. Stuttering is the speech disorder that
has negative effect on patients daily life. It shows not only the disorder on verbal
speaking but also the mental problems of people who stutter. Most development
stuttering can be spontaneously recovered while psychogenic stuttering which is
caused by mental trauma is not easy to eliminate. Through establishing a harmonious
relationship with George VI, using speech therapy and some other treatments,
speech therapist named Lionel Logue helped George VI to awaken up his good self
awareness and reduce the anticipatory anxiety. George VI accepted the limit and
restriction of his life and recognized himself more clearly. The speech he gave deeply
inspired the whole
The Unification Of Germany And Italy
The unification of Germany and Italy was centered around the belief of nationalism.
Nationalism is the belief that one s greatest loyalty should not be to a king or an
empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture and history. The nation
will then become a nation state when it has its independent government. Bonds that
will create a nation state are nationality, language, culture, and religion. Germanyand
Italyboth went to drastic measures to unify their countries In 1815, Italy as divides
after the Congress of Vienna. Some provinces were still under Austrian rule such as
Venetia and Lombardy. The Spanish Bourbon family ruled the Kingdom of the Two
Sicilies while the Pope controlled the Papal States. Seeing the separation of states,
Mazzini, Garibaldi, and Cavour made advancements towards unifying the country.
Mazzini formed a nationalist group called Young Italy. He called for an end to
foreign rule and the unification of Italy based on the common language and culture
of the people. This movement was called the risorgimento. This plan failed and the
former rules of Italian states drove Mazzini and other nationalist leaders into exile.
Next came Garibaldi who was the leader of the Red Shirts. They were volunteers
who followed Garibaldi in Southern Italy. This nationalist group was successful in
gaining control of Sicily in 1860. He then crossed into the mainland and marched
north. After Garibaldi took complete control of Southern Italy, the people voted to
Bartocelli Art Analysis
The characters above are all of mythological ideas, some possessing some biblical
traits such as Venus with the halo created by the reflection of the orange grove.
The red lines drawn on the image show the commonly used technique of perspective
leading to the vanishing point which is the centre of the image. This is where Venus
stands, which is a technical element conveying her importance within the painting.
The impeccable attention and detail on Flora s face indicates that he was of the High
Renaissance movement.
Bartocelli used Egg tempera to create this painting. He has connected the colours of
the paint with the message behind each part and being of the image. With the use of
egg tempera, he had to work fast aw well as with this technique there must be an
under colour and the darker colour over it. The under colour will therefore shine
through, giving a stronger and clear final product.
Symbols in the artwork include: o Fruit This including the orange which is the
fruit of free will. There are no oranges only after the incident of Zephyr and
Chloris, showing after trials will there only be fertilisation and produce o Colour
The use or oranges and Red indicates the long for materialism, indulgence, carnal
desire and a desire for worldly goods.
Multiple Choice Answers 1. A
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. A
Question two (Naming Paintings)
A. The Last Supper , Leonardo da Vinci
B. The Birth of Venus , Sornado Bartocelli
C. The meeting of
Essay On Mr Birling In An Inspector Calls
Throughout Act One of An Inspector Calls, the unremarkable setting and staging
focus the audience s attention on the characters, who form a microcosm of 1912
society. Priestley first introduces the Birling family, and viewers quickly discover the
unique attributes and opinions which will shape the play s plot. Arguably the most
striking character, Arthur Birling dominates the dialogue of the opening scenes, as he
brashly proclaims his capitalist views. His primary focuses, on ascending the social
ladder and running a financially successful business, are noticeably ignorant of others
wellbeing, establishing him as unlikable and disagreeable, which is only reinforced
by his increasingly grating remarks. Birling sees Eva Smith s suicide as unfortunate,
... Show more content on ...
She is constantly mindful of societal expectations, continually maintaining a façade
of cordiality, which means that affectionate comments often seem condescending.
Priestley emphasises Sybil s prejudice against her social inferiors as well as her
distant parenting, portraying her as generally unpleasant. In sharp contrast to her
parents, Sheila evolves throughout Act One, transforming from spoiled to
conscientious with the guidance of Inspector Goole. Initially, she appears to be a
stereotypical high class young woman who shares the attitudes and characteristics of
her parents, but, upon realising her involvement in the plot, Sheila matures quickly,
seeming genuinely upset and repentant. In this way, Priestley indicates that she is a
likable, compassionate person who the audience can empathise with. Eric Birling
seems perpetually uncomfortable amongst his family, uneasily following in his father
s footsteps but without the same conviction. By speaking at strange times and stating
discordant opinions with unapologetic emotion, Priestley conveys a continual sense
of awkwardness and confusion, which is only enhanced by frequent mentions of Eric
s drinking habits. One realises that he is more similar to his caring sister than his
unsympathetic parents, but finds his agitated restlessness hard to connect
Foundations of American Government
Foundations of American Government
I believe the five pathways for change were put here to guide us in becoming a
more efficient government and to give different examples of how to go about
change in America. All of the pathways are important but to me the most important
is the lobbying decision makers pathway. Lobbyists are said to be advocates,
someone who represents a specific side of an issue. According to Thomson Gale
Legal Encyclopedia, A lobbyist and a lawyer have similar attributes whereas the
lobbyist targets the legislative point of view and the lawyer targets the judicial point
of view. Lawyers provide facts on different perspectives on legal issues dealing with
the case; And lobbyist offer local, state, and federal ... Show more content on ...
Their advertisement proclaimed that all they wanted to do was protect their Freedom
of Choice. This is New York City; no one tells us what neighborhood to live in or
what team to root for, says the narrator, as Yankees and Mets fans shout in the
background. (Grynbaum, 2012). Since May 30 when Bloomberg wanted to ban
the sale of soft drinks over 16 ounces in regulated food establishments such as
movie theaters and sport arenas. Senator Frank R. Lautenberg, a New Jersey
Democrat, recommended there be a federal study linking together sugary
beverages and obesity. The talking points are Nanny State, that it won t work,
because people will just buy as much as they ever would, and that this
disproportionately hurts the poor, said Kelly Brownell, director of the Rudd
Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University. (Grynbaum, 2012). People
that are not middle or low class would buy as much soda as they wanted and the
rest of the people would be stuck with whatever drink is leftover. The lower class
minority groups seem to always get the shorter end of the stick and in most cases
unless a big group of them get together their voices will not be heard. The mayor or
the city council should not have the right to tell you what size soda to drink or what
kind of soda to drink; We live in The United Statesof America and there is no law
that says anything about a specific size or flavor of soda so until that day comes
nobody should
Summary Of The Brief Wondrous Life Of Oscar Wao
In The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz the author uses the trick of
different stories to sew together a series of experiences to create the full story of
Oscar s life. There are many important pieces in the book that help create an
understanding of how Oscar came to be Oscar. One example is the experiences of
his family members while they lived in Santo Domingo, such as La Inca deciding
to go find Beli and also when Beli fell in love with the Gangster. The influence of
the sci fi world has also had a massive effect on Oscar, since he had no real
examples of a healthy relationship he was under the impression that all relationships
had to be like the one s he saw in movies. Overall the influence of his mother s past
and the influence... Show more content on ...
A turning point in Oscars future was when La Inca went to find Beli and save her
from the family who locked her in a chicken coop. That was incredibly important
because if La Inca hadn t gone and got Beli then Beli wouldn t have had to flee to
America and Oscar wouldn t have been born at all. Diaz chose specific points in
the book to tell the story of Beli while also telling the story of Oscar to show how
Beli s life influenced Oscar. The use of Yunior as a narrator in this story is unique
but it provides the reader with a bird s eye view of Beli s past and lets the reader
see how it changed Oscar. Yunior s role shows the reader stories of people s past
that we wouldn t otherwise have known if Yunior or Oscar had told the story from
a first person point of view. Another example of a story that would have been
unknown to the reader is when Beli fell in love with the Gangster, and it eventually
led to her having to leave Santo Domingo to go to America where she would be
safe. If she had not fell for the gangster then she most likely wouldn t have left and
wouldn t have met Oscar s father in New York. If she hadn t left then Oscar would
have grown up in Santo Domingo rather than New Jersey, and Oscar s worldview
would have changed drastically. Diaz introduced the story of Beli growing up in
Santo Domingo to show the difference between growing up there versus Paterson.
The people that came before Oscar changed many aspects of his life and where he
PINK1 Genetic Paper
PINK1 (PTEN Induced Putative Kinase 1) is a gene that provides directions for
making the protein PTEN induced putative kinase 1. The greatest amounts of this
protein can be found in the muscles, heart, and testes, but it is also found in cells
throughout the body. The protein lies within the mitochondria of the cell, and,
although the function of PTEN induced putative kinase 1 is not yet fully understood,
it seems to assist in protecting the mitochondria from becoming impaired when the
cell is under stress. In order for PTEN induced putative kinase 1 to help the
mitochondria, it needs to first function properly itself. Two specialized regions of this
proteinensure that it does this. One of these regions, the mitochondrial targeting
motif, serves as the delivery address. In other words, once the protein is created, the
mitochondrial targeting motif makes sure that it gets to the mitochondria. The other
region, the kinase domain, most likely executes the proteins protective function. One
of the main reasons I chose to research this geneis because of its association with...
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PINK1, encoded by the PINK1 gene, is a part of quality control of the mitochondria It
finds mitochondria that has been damaged and marks them for autophagy; the
controlled digestion of an organelle, in this case, the damaged mitochondria. PINK1
can be taken in and out by healthy mitochondria because of a membrane potential, but
damaged mitochondria lack an adequate membrane potential to take in PINK1
protein. The protein will then collect on the outer membrane of the damaged
mitochondria, at which point PINK1 will then enlist parkin, another protein
associated with Parkinson s disease, to target the mitochondria for autophagy. The
function of PINK1 is not completely known, but because of it s presence throughout
the cytoplasm of cells, a suggestion of the function of PINK1 is to be a lookout for
The Things They Carried Essay
After the devastation that World War II left the world, no one wanted to go into
another war. Families lost their members, countries lost their dignity, and some
soldiers were left with the moments of war forever in their minds. However, the
concern that communism was going to spread made Vietnam become the longest
war in American History. During this time a lot of young people were anti war,
they were sick of losing people they loved to violence. Though the war still needed
to be fought so men became soldiers freely or because they were drafted. In the
story Things They Carried , soldiers are faced head on with the Vietnam War. Tim O
Brien shows how the men carry the weight of physical objects through out the war.
The men bog themselves... Show more content on ...
Every soldier hears the horror stories of war but never really understands till they
are in war themselves. In the short story, The Things They Carried all the soldiers
are constantly dreading every second. For example it is not good news when a
high command orders the soldiers to search the tunnel before having to blow them
up. No one knows what is going to be in the tunnels and for the lucky ones that do
not have to search the tunnels still feel the panic. The soldiers kneel down facing
away from the tunnel. The fear causes them to think of anything that is down there
such as, cobwebs and ghosts (O Brien 103). However, the soldier that is not so
fortunate crawls down into the hole shoving him self deeper into the ground.
Worry and concern drips over him as he starts to think what if the flashlight dies,
or if the rats have rabies, or what if a he gets stuck in the tunnel can the other
soldiers rescue him? Fear can get the best of soldier and cause them not to be the
best soldier they can be. Apprehension can weigh a soldier down mentally and
physically. It can cause a soldier worry about things such ghosts while their main
concern should be on their objective. At night the soldiers place claymores, which
are bombs set on the ground to go off on an intruder then they crawl into their holes,
lie down and spend the whole night waiting (O Brien 103). It was impossible for the
soldiers to get rest because they constantly
Compare And Contrast Bbkar And Babasaheb Ambedkar
When we talked about the famous Indian leader, Mahatma Gandhi will be the first
person that comes to most people mind. However, there are other many leaders
that also played the important roles in reforming India. One of them is Babasaheb
Ambedkar. If I have to compare both of them with the warlord, I would say that
Gandhi is like the warlord who fight peacefully for the country liberation, while
Babasaheb Ambedkar is like the warlord who fight for equality and justice in the
country. To be honest, it is very shameful that I have never known Ambedkar
before. Since after I have read his biography and what he had done, he suddenly
became one of my idols. Bhimrao or Babasaheb Ambedkar was born on April 14,
1891 at Mhow in central India. Different from Ghandi who belonged to the merchant
caste, Bhimrao was born in a religious Mahar family... Show more content on ...
Ambedkar saw untouchability as the additional product of caste system, and
believed that there could not be any uplift or relief from untouchability if there were
not the abolition of caste. Moreover, Ambedkar believed that the caste system was
actually a division of labourers which simply meant that the caste system is the basis
of assigning occupations. This caused a stagnant economy in communities because
the system did not allow people to have other professional skills and entered other
professions outside the caste group. He said that fixity of occupations hindered the
growth and development of the Indian economy and the society. In his thought,
people should do the work that is best suited to them to gain the most efficient or
else this would lead to immobility of both labour and capital. It could be said that
Ambedkar was a challenge to Hinduism. By contrast, Gandhi was a devoted Hindu.
He thought that the responsibility of eliminating untouchability should depend on the
upper caste. Gandhi goal was not to annihilate the
Sylvia Plath
Sylvia Plath is said to be one the most prodigious, yet interesting, confessional poets
of her time. She was an extremely vital poet of the post World War II time period
and expressed her feelings towards her father and husband through her poetry. Plath s
mental illness had a dramatic influence upon her work in which she demonstrated the
hatred she had for her father specifically. The poem Daddyis an easily applicable
example. Within this piece of work, Plath uses direct references to how she feels
towards her father who was the greatest influence on her poetry. The bond, or lack
of, between Sylvia Plath and her Daddy is commonly associated with the purpose of
her poetry. Her father died when Plath was only ten years old and... Show more
content on ...
Eileen M. Aird analyzes and comments, The danger of such criticism lies in its
assumption that the poem is objectively true , that it bears a precise relationship to
the facts of the poet s life. The direct criticism Plath puts upon her father is very
crucial, yet evidently true if one was research her life. Sylvia Plath s
autobiographical poetry can be easily connected to her life and the answers to the
many questions are easier to uncover than one may suspect. As her poetry
developed, it became more autobiographical and although through her teenage
years she possessed what seemed to be a rounded personality, the anguish and grief
of her father s death was easily linked with her mental instability that haunted her in
the later years. Her time period is easily reflected in the poem with the severity in
her reference to Nazis, swastikas, barbed wire, fascists, brutes, devils, and
vampires. In Daddy , Plath refers to herself as a Jew multiple times, An engine, an
engine Chuffing me off like a Jew. A Jew to Dachau, Auschwitz, Belsen. I began to
talk like a Jew. I think I may well be a Jew.
The extremity Plath went to to emphasize these references during her time period
were enough to make any soul cringe. World War II s concentration camps are still
enough over half a century later to make one shudder in despair. The rage Plath has
for her father is so easily conveyed to the reader that an illiterate individual could
pick up on it, let
Free Will In Dostoevsky s The Grand Inquisitor
In this paper I will argue that although one may perceive Ivan to be against
organized religion in Dostoevsky s The Grand Inquisitor, he is actually against
humans having free will. Ivan Karamazov advocates for the negative liberty of
freeing humans, however it may be unclear as to what he wants humans to be free
from. It may seem as though Ivan wants humans to be completely free of organized
religionand Yeshua, but he is actually advocating for humans to be free of the free will
given by Yeshua. So in a sense, he is against freedom and prefers organized religion
without the free will aspect. Ivan seems to be against organized religion and God
because he directs all of his anger toward Yeshua. It isn t Yeshua that Ivan is mad at,
he is discontent with the fact that Yeshua allowed humans to have free will. By
giving humans free will, Yeshua ultimately caused destruction to humanity due to
human nature and the lack of morality of humans when they were given the ability to
have free will.
In Dostoevsky s The Grand Inquisitor, organized religion is explored through the lens
of freedom and human nature by the ... Show more content on ...
Usually freedom and liberty hold positive connotations, however in The Grand
Inquisitor, free will is a burden on human beings that has caused destruction to
humanity. ...for nothing has ever been more insufferable for man and human society
than freedom! (Dostoevsky, 252) The reason why free will has been a burden on
humans is because Ivan Karamazov believes that humans need three things to keep
them satisfied: miracle, mystery, and authority. The Grand Inquisitor tells Yeshua that
he had the ability to acquire these three powers but he chose not to, instead desiring
love that people chose to give. But because Yeshua desired followers by choice and
not obedience, humans have been conflicted with making the choice of whether or
not to follow
The Health And Weight Loss
Have you ever wondered why Coca Cola now comes in versions such as light and
zero ? If you have, chances are that you mentally answered your question by saying
that the company read your mind and was fulfilling your desire to lose weight while
still indulging in your favorite beverage. However, the relationship between you and
the food giants is quite the opposite. What you think is healthy or unhealthy is based
on research funded by companies that profit off of your food choices, currently, much
of the research regarding health and weight lossis funded by companies such as Coca
Cola and Kellogg therefore therefore, you are the one fulfilling their desire (CBS,
The idea that large companies and the media dictate our daily lives has slowly
become common knowledge. Therefore, one must be cautious in regards of the
sources he or she trusts. For instance, Steve Blair, who conducts research that
supports the idea that obesity in America is due to lack of physical activity as
opposed to calorie consumption has much of his research funded by Coca Cola, a
company which is largely known for its calorie packed drinks and snacks.
Moreover, while Blair s research might be supported by relevant data, so was the
research that justified smoking. Nonetheless, the way data is analyzed can be
extremely biased based on who is paying for the collection and analysis of such data
(Freedhoff, 2015).
The increase in the obese population is both an opportunity and a liability to
William Faulkner s The Sound and The Fury Essay
Heart s Darling: Faulkner and Womanhood
In William Faulkner s The Sound and The Fury, Caddy Compson is the anchor
character because Faulkner himself is so obsessed with her that he is unable bring
her down off a platform enough to write words for her. Instead, he plays out his
obsession by using her brothers as different parts of himself through which to play out
his fantasies and interact with her. Faulkner writes himself into the novel by creating
male characters all based on aspects of his own personality. In Freud s personality
theory the human personality is composed of three parts; the id, the ego and the
superego. (Freud 17) By writing about Caddy from her three brothers perspectives,
Faulkner is ... Show more content on ...
Through Quentin, Faulkner is able to express his own incestuous feelings toward
her by playing out this fantasy as her brother. Quentin represents the ego in Freud s
personality theory. The ego has access to consciousness and reality but doesn t
know the difference between right and wrong. He has such strong feelings for
Caddy that he tells his father that he has committed incest with her. This is where
Faulkner falls prey to his own virgin/whore complex. Quentin s character wants to
have sex with his sister so that they will be banished from society and be forced to
run away together. Faulkner wants to have sex with Caddy so that no one else will
be able to. This illustrates how men want women to be virginal, but also want to be
the ones to take their virginity. Since Quentin failed to be the one to take her
virginity, he tries to fight the man who succeeded in the conquest. (Faulkner 160) He
equates sex to death, first wanting to destroy the man who took her virginity, then
wanting to quot;kill quot; Caddy herself.
caddy do you love him now
I don t know
outside the grey light the shadows of things like dead
things in stagnant water
I wish you were dead
do you you coming in now
are you thinking about him now
Socialism Vs Neoliberalism
No doubt that there is an issue of economic disparity in the United States.
According to a 2013 CNN article, a study done by PEW trusts shows that 70% of
those who started off poor, stayed poor. The study followed families from 1968 and
the numbers used for this article are from 2009. A different study from the Kaiser
Family Foundation shows that in almost every state in the United States, a bigger
portion of Black and Hispanics are poor. This is when I haul in Socialismand
Liberalism/Neoliberalism. First I have to define Liberalism and Socialism;
Liberalism is the idea that all should be left to their own devices to freely compete in
the market while Pure Socialism offers to abolish private property, the market, and
currency. While our current... Show more content on ...
It is problems like these that are starting to push the Y generation and Millennials
to think about Democratic Socialism. Socialism, in general, is starting to become
more and more relevant today which is greatly demonstrated in the near success of
Bernie Sanders even when he was getting little to no press and when he did get the
press it was usually negative. According to an article by Washington Post, an exit
poll comprised of youth (those under 30) done by Tufts University, shows that
about 2 million young people voted for Bernie Sanders in about 21 states. His
ideas and socialist views were popular amongst the young and were beginning to
get more accepted. This is progress especially because socialism has so much
stigma and not a lot of the evidence behind that stigma can even be deemed valid.
There are people who say that socialism could not be possible and one of the biggest
critiques of it is Fukuyama. Fukuyama, first of all, believes that liberalism and
capitalism create the most viable form of
Runaway Twin Analysis
In the book Runaway Twin by Peg Kehret, Sunny is a foster kid and Sunny has
been to six foster homes and she ran away from all of them . . .except Rita. Sunny
stays with Rita because Rita cares about her the text states In my opinion, it is
cruel and unusual punishment to put a thirteen year old girl who was raised on
junk food in a home . . . .This book is a great adventure book because it has great
events and it is not a long it is 197 pages of adventure. Sunny tells her own story.
Sunny will face so many up and going through challenges for 10 years wanting to
meet her twin sister. Finally, she takes the chance and goes on a adventure to go find
her sister on the way finds a dog that will travel with her but there are ups and downs
Business Strategy for Competative Advantage
Porter set out to define a strategic model to which all companies conform. He
maintained that failing to fit into one of his pre defined categories the firm stuck in
the middle is almost guaranteed low profitability. (Porter, 1980). The pre defined
categories are noted in appendix 1. Apple Inc. falls under a differentiation strategy,
Differentiation is the ability of the firm to provide unique and superior value to the
buyer in terms of product quality, special features, or after sale services (Porter 1990,
1998). This encompasses the Apple philosophy, in an Apple Report they state that
they are committed to bringing the best user experience to its customers through its
innovative hardware, software, peripherals, and services. The... Show more content on ...
The year prior, the company spent $2.4 billion, up $647 million or 36 per cent
from the year before (Lowensohn J) which shows the commitment to push
innovation and to keep ahead of competition with differentiated products. Their
original principle when procuring raw materials was do it their own , however,
this led to failed attempts to seize the market due to overpromising and under
delivering market offerings (Apple Inc. 2012). The company realized that
outsourcing raw materials was a step towards competitive advantage. By hiring
supplies externally raises the issue of control and risk because they now rely on
suppliers to provide these raw materials. However, Apple developed control systems
called Suppliers Code of Standard that can measure manufacturing standards, labour
related issues, sourcing of raw materials and ability to meet deadlines. By
outsourcing apple are able benefit both parties, they procure raw materials at lower
cost and in a timely manner. Concerns with these procurement activities are that
Apple are dependent on a single supplier for many of their raw materials, but
nurtured positive relationships with these suppliers should safeguard Apple. There
are also many primary activities which contribute to Apple Inc. s success in
differentiating themselves. Apple offer a unique service to its customers, Applecare
is an exclusive Protection Plan that extends your service coverage and
Role Of A Human Resource Department
Role and Function of a Human Resource Department
Human resources (HR) are so much more than the traditional view of an
administrative function within the organization. If properly developed and initiated
HR can become a strong, strategic business partner. This paper looks at the purpose
and role of human resources as a strategic partner as well as its impact on the
responsibilities of an HR department.
Purpose and Role
As businesses evolve and grow so do the purpose and role of an HR department.
Once traditionally thought of only as an administrative department, HR has grown
to become a vital part in any strategic organization. The traditional role for HR
professionals focuses on recruitment, selection, salary, benefits, training, evaluation,
rewards, and discipline. In many organizations, executives feel that their managers
can do the work eliminating the need for HR. Human resources can be applied to
any activity within the organization (Nica, 2013). HR professionals focus on
finding the appropriate balance of workforce supply and how efficient and
productive the workforce is. Employees are now being recognized as a vital asset to
an organization s success and have extended the strategic role of a HR department
(Anca Ramona, 2013).
Responsibilities of the HR Department
From the traditional administrative department, human resources take on essential
responsibilities to increase organizational performance. HR has begun to focus on
employee development and
Was Tsar Nicholas Emperor Unfit
Tsar Nicholas II of Russia: An Emperor Unfit to Rule Ravaged Russia At the end of
the nineteenth century, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia reluctantly took command of an
empire overflowing with revolutionaries who were seeking change in response to
hardships that their nation was facing. His timid personality, coupled with his lack of
political education and military experience, made him unfit to calm the war fueled
chaos that would soon envelop Russia. Nicholas series of unfortunate, unprepared
and uninformed decisions began with his marriage and eventually ended with his
decision to abandon the capital to lead his armies, ultimately leading to the demise
of his imperial family s three hundred year dynastic tradition. The turn of the century
illuminated Russia, commonly labeled as backwards by the other European powers,
as the last remaining European autocracy. Russian society still operated on the estate
system, which was characterized by an enormous gap between the upper class
nobility and the lower class peasantry. Peasants comprised eighty percent of the
population and only a fraction were educated. They had little understanding of
government and were highly patriarchal. Many served as serfs. It was not until the
1860s that these serfs were freed from legal bondage by Nicholas grandfather,
Alexander II. However, this was not enough to satisfy Russian citizens newfound
taste of freedom. In the years following, they demanded he establish an elected
Oscar Wilde Individualism Essay
The famous Irish writer Oscar Wilde is perhaps best known for his individualistic
ideas about art and life as well as for his homosexuality, which was not only
frowned upon in Victorian society, but illegal. Despite this however, Wilde was
influenced heavily by the inescapable pressure from society to conform. He revelled
in being a part of the Victorian upper class, which had strict rules, whether spoken or
unspoken, to dictate the behaviour of everyone in high society. The four comedic
plays that centred on satirizing this very society earned Wilde most of his fame,
especially The Importance of Being Earnest, an amusing story focusing on pretending
to be someone else for the sake of both reputation and pleasure. After his harsh 2 year
imprisonment... Show more content on ...
He also reveals his increased individualism through the contrasting tones of De
Profundis (written during and after prison) and The Importance of Being Earnest
(written before prison). While Earnest is cheerful and extravagant to appeal to
society, De Profundis is sad and realistic, showing that Wilde no longer cared what
society thought about him after his exile from the upper class lifestyle. In addition,
Earnest s exaggerated, theatrical, happy ending evokes a distinct feeling that Wilde
means the direct opposite. Especially knowing that the play was written as satire, it
seems unlikely that he really believed that all the characters in that situation would
end up with exactly what they wanted and no consequences. Jack s final line, I ve
now realized for the first time in my life the vital Importance of Being Earnest
(Wilde, 2005, p.79), seems especially sarcastic, and rather than saying that being
honest ( earnest ) is the reason everyone ends up perfectly content, it reads as a
warning that unless one maintains society s definition of earnest , he will inevitably
suffer the
Compare The Regions Of The Digestive System
List the regions of the digestive tract and the accessory organs of the digestive
system To discuss the regions of the digestive system, it seems more reasonable to
start superiorly and work my way down. The digestive system as a whole can be
broken down into two regions called the alimentary tract, and accessory organs
(SEER, .n.d.) The Alimentary tract consists of the: mouth, pharynx, esophagus,
stomach, small intestines, and large intestines. The accessory organs are there to aid
the digestive systemand are the: salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.
The Alimentary Tract
The mouth which may also be known as the oral or buccal cavity is in charge of:
food intake, mastication (chewing), chemical digestion, and swallowing. ... Show
more content on ...
The cheeks within the mouth are there to help move the food to the teeth for
mastication. They are also responsible for the action of sucking, which is what an
infant uses to eat. The tongue not only has many taste buds but has many functions
including the moving of food to the back of the mouth and through the teeth like
the cheeks, and to extract some foods after eating as well. Dentition, or as we call
them teeth, aides in breaking down food into smaller pieces which increases the
surface area of the food for break down further down the alimentary canal. The
pharynx is there to initiate the involuntary swallowing reflex and contains the
epiglottis that prevents food from going down the trachea. There is an important
process that I like to think of as a snake motion called peristalsis that automatically
propels food down the pharynx to the esophagus. Once in the esophagus it continues
as a passageway to the stomach going through an opening called the esophageal
hiatus and meet the stomach at about T7 of the vertebral column (Saladin, 2015).
The stomach could most definitely be its own discussion topic to I will be brief, it is
separated into the: cardiac, fundic, body, and pyloric
A Transient Citizen Essays
A Transient Citizen
...1 hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce all allegiance and
fidelity to any foreign prince or state of whom or which I have been a subject or
This is a clause from an oath I took on February 6, 2002 an ordinary day of no
significance to most people, a climatic point in my life it was the day I became a
U.S. citizen. I did not attend the formal ceremony in the Los Angeles Convention
Center, yet for me it did not matter; I was still just as excited, for this was the day I
became a true American. There were many people from different cultures in the noisy
office where I received my certificate, yet we were all filled with the same excitement
the potential of the ... Show more content on ...
With this, I renounced a part of me, and Mexico now became a foreign country.
The word citizen has becomes more complex, for unlike my first citizenship it is
not something that I possessed from birth. Also unlike my religion, it was not
something that my parents gave to me when I was born. Becoming a citizen of the
United States was a decision that I made. Becoming a citizen of a new nation, even
if you have lived in it for many years is something that you have to work for, and it
is this price, time, and dedication that gives personal satisfaction. The ability to
choose whether to become a citizen of another nation and drop any legal bonds
with a birth country is what makes a citizenship ceremony unlike anything else
because the modern political systems seldom gives us the opportunity of choice.
However, when one faces the opportunity to make a choice of citizenship, it also
forces them to give something up. It is not only giving up the citizenship from a
birth country, but also heritage and traditions; and to a certain point it is also
giving up friendships and family because one becomes a traitor of their own
country. Not only do you give your word that if The United States and your birth
country ever go to war you will defend The United States; but you are also a traitor
in the views of others who think you have forgotten where you came from.
During the ceremony, the only thing that is celebrated is this new
The Church Is Holy Through Complete Devotion And Love
For God
The church is holy through complete devotion and love for God. Because the
church is holy, the church has the duty to love and take care of all people.
Holiness is a dedication to God. This dedication is formed individually by the
people of God, who are the church. However, not every person of God is one
hundred percent holy. Only Jesus Christ had complete dedication to God, but the
church strives for this dedication. Throughout time, there has been role models of
holiness within the church known as saints. Throughout the church s history, there
has been many saints that lived their life in complete devotion to God. For
example, Joan of Arc was known as a Fool for God. As a teenager, she trusted the
Lord and followed her call to lead a French army to victory. She went against all odds
but continued to put her faith in the Lord. Even when she was captured and burned at
the stake, the saintnever lost her faith. James Martin writes in his book, My Life
with the Saints, Joan was devoted to Jesus Christ, to prayer, to the sacraments, to
the church, and to its saints. She believed in God even when God asked her to
accomplish the seemingly impossible, (My life with the Saints, 25). Pedro Arrupe,
another saint studied within the book stated the following about devotion to God,
He or she is a person who hast the conviction that Gods knows, can do, and will do
what is best for mankind, (My Life with the Saints, 91). Throughout life, the people
of God face many setbacks, but
Freedom Of Expression
What is art? Can it be defined in any single painting, or sculpture? Is it even
something that can be seen, or does it have to be experienced? The term quot;art
quot; is so vague that it can be applied to almost anything, really. Mostly, however, art
should be that which frees our imagination. It connects our conscious with our
subconscious, putting into a visual form what we feel and think. It allows us to
explore our inner selfand fill that urge to understand our minds and our universe. Art
helps us to see beyond the ordinary, to see what is in our hearts without being
blinded by reality. When an artist creates a painting, it is not to create a picture; it is
to create a feeling or mood. The purpose is to convey an emotion, and, it is... Show
more content on ...
At that time, Mayor Rudolph Guiliani, after having viewed the exhibit, threatened to
withdraw city financial support to the museum.
The Mayor labeled the exhibit quot;sick quot; and quot;offensive to Catholics
quot;, and made no secret that his objections were based on his personal dislike of
the contents of the show. He criticized the work of Chris Ofili, specifically a
painting called The Holy Virgin Mary, because of its use of elephant dung. Ofili, a
British artist of Nigerian descent, uses elephant dung in many of his works as a
reference to his African roots. As an observant Catholic himself, he denies that his
work is either anti Catholic or anti religious. He meant the dung to be a symbol of
life and providence, however this simple explanation was not enough to satisfy
Guilani. His threats to withdraw funding stood firm. Offili told the New York
Times, quot;The people who are attacking this painting are attacking their own
interpretation, not mine. quot; Damien Hirst, whose display was also part of the
show, said that the mayor quot;may as well say, I only like Picasso and if you don t
show it then I m going to cut your funding. It s just pure censorship. quot; He may be
right, and the Brooklyn Museum of Art sued the city on September 28th, protesting
the mayor s threat to freeze millions of dollars in funds.
To the relief of museum officials and art lovers across the country, the courts ruled on
November 1st in favor of the Brooklyn Museum of Art and
The Day Of A Bus
It was September 20th of 2011 when I stepped aboard a bus heading to Recruit
Training Command in Great Lakes, Illinois. It was rather dark in the bus as I sat
there next to other young men looking just as nervous and scared as I was since
none of us knew what our ordeal would be for the upcoming 2 months. I was
thinking to myself man what the hell am I even doing here? and then without me
even paying attention to where we were outside; the bus came to a halt. As soon as
the bus stopped this man came aboard and said to all us get the fuck out the bus
right now! and all of us got up as quickly as humanly possible and started exciting
the bus double time. As we were heading into the building at a rather spry pace, the
man kept screaming and swearing at us making us even more nervous for none of
us had a clue on what would really be happening in the upcoming months. Line up
against the wall recruits is what a man started screaming over and over again as he
walked out of this room at the corner of the hall. This man kept screaming and
yelling things at us, but I barely got word of what he was actually saying since I
was in another world. What is going on? and am I going to get to talk to my parents
at all? were all common thoughts that kept going through my head as this was all
happening. However I was soon brought back into the world of reality when he
started saying things that I actually cared about. Alright recruits you ll have 10
minutes to call you folks to tell
Atari 2600 And Pac-Man
One of the first reasons is poorly made games; there are two games that are
associated with the cause of crash which is Pac man and E.T for Atari 2600. Pac
man was one of the most recognizable video game characters in the late 70 s and
early 80 s and everyone wanted a home version of this classic arcade character, so
Atari obtain the license to make the game therefore developer Tod Frye s was
rushed to get the game ready for Christmas season resulted in one of the worst ports
of all time (Loguidice, 185).Which hardly resembled the original game with poor
character pixels an unrecognizable music that Atari was so confident that the game,
would be successful they made 12 million cartridges more than systems which
resulted in thousands of cartridges not bring sold.... Show more content on ...
was one of the best critically acclaimed and biggest blockbuster movies in 1982, so
naturally Atari obtain the license to create a game based on the movie. They ask
Atari designer Howard Scott Warshaw to create the game within six weeks before
the Christmas season the result was he program which would be known as the
worst video game ever (Stanton, 89). So the E.T for Atari 2600 did not sell well,
but thousands of unsold cartridges and were thrown in landfills within New Mexico
and Atari lost millions in profit. But it didn t stop there with these two games other
companies kept popping out poorly made games to get easy money, which made 60
dollars games to 5 dollars in the bargain bin which create a chain reaction that over
saturated the market with poor quality entertainment and loss of trust with the
209 Complex Number System
Competency 209.3.1: Complex Number System
Jennifer Moore
Western Governor s University
Complex does not mean complicated (Math is Fun, 2014). Complex means a
combination of numbers. These combinations of numbers that form a complex
number consists of real numbers and imaginary numbers. The complex number
system is an extension of the real number system because it introduces the imaginary
number system to the real number system. The complex number system can be
visualized in two dimensions and the numbers within the system can be plotted
using a Cartesian plane. However, the axes are not exactly the same as a traditional
Cartesian plane (x axis and y axis). To plot the... Show more content on ...
The real number system consists of five subsets of numbers (Blitzer, 2013). The
first subset is natural numbers; natural numbers consist of positive counting
numbers not including zero. The second subset is whole numbers; whole numbers
consist of zero and natural numbers. The third subset is integers; integers are
positive and negative whole numbers, as well as zero. The fourth subset is rational
numbers; rational numbers are numbers that can be written in fraction form. The
fifth and last subset is irrational numbers; irrational numbers are numbers that are
not a perfect square, do not have a repeating or terminating decimal, and are not
included in the whole numbers subset (Blitzer, 2013). Rational and irrational
numbers are often the most difficult to understand out of these 5 subsets of real
numbers. Simply put, rational numbers are any numbers that can be re written as a
simple fraction, and if a number cannot be defined as rational then it is defined as
irrational. For example, the number 7 is a rational number because it can be re
written as , which is a simple fraction. The number 2.5 is also defined as rational
because it can be re written as , which, again, is a simple fraction. However, if the
number ПЂ were defined, it would have to be irrational since it has neither a
repeating decimal nor a terminating decimal, and cannot be written as a simple
Explain The Legal Underpinning Of Business Law
Legal Underpinnings of Business Law
OMM 670: Legal Environment
February 25, 2013
Legal Underpinnings of Business Law Business| Type of Business| Liability
Exposure| Compare| Contrast| Tinker s Home Security Service| Sole
proprietorship| Unlimited| Monetary rewards are from both the Proprietor amp;
business | Sole Liability | Tinker amp; Tailor s Home Security Service| General
partnership| Unlimited| All partners are responsible whether silent or active | If you
are named in the business you are a partner and also liable| Tinker amp; Tailor s
Home Security Service| LP| Limited| To obtain funding for a business venture will
only loose what is put in | My not participate in the business decisions| ... Show more
content on ...
The personal liability exposure would be minimal. With an LLC if I messed up the
partners would not be responsible. The consequences are not as bad is if I was in a
The LLC is more flexible. The positives are less record keeping and more profit
sharing. The state would have some say into my company so I would have to keep up
with guidance regularly. The negative of this company is that once a member leaves,
the entire company must complete their duties and responsibilities and then dissolve.
Another down fall is that self employment tax contributions towards Medicare and
Social Security.
The net income of the LLC is subject to this tax. The federal government does not
recognize LLC as a business entity for taxation purposes, all LLCs must file as a
corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship tax return. Certain LLCs are
automatically classified and taxed as a corporation by federal tax law. SBA. (2013)
Brown, D.R. amp; Harvey, D., (2006). An experiential approach to Organizational
(7th ED.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
Cameron, P., (2012). Defending a Company in a Breach of Contract Lawsuit in San
Diego Superior Court. Retrieved from
/defending a company in a breach of contract lawsuit/
IRS. (2013). Limited Liability Company (LLC). Retrieved from
The Impact Of Corporate Politics On The Corporate World
Over the years, the corporate world has been and continues to be plagued with high
profile scandals and unethical business practices on the pretext of creating social
and business values. For most global companies, corporate social responsibility
and sustainability have become mere watchwords despite the fact they claim being
their prominent company agendas. The reality is companies are too blind and
ruthless to draw lessons from the past. Exxon s Climate change controversy(1980
s), Nike s sweatshop crisis (1990s) or even BP s Deepwater oil spill (2010) are
some of the most outrageous corporate scandals that shook the corporate world.
Despite all these scandals, the recent Volkswagen s emissions scandal (2015) is a
clear indication that businesses will resort to any means to make money. These short
lived decisions have no doubt yet again created public cynicism in corporations and
will continue to haunt their social accountability and responsibility. Volkswagon s
(VW) reputation, built up over decades, was in tatters overnight because of poor
leadership vision and unethical business practices. Its emission scandal caught the
corporate world gobsmacked and brought business ethicsto the forefront and ripped
into the stakeholder s consciousness. What was supposed to be fuel efficient, eco
friendly people s car turned out to be an environmental polluting monster, duping 11
million customers globally of their trust in the process. VW s outrageous culture to
mislead the
The Technology And Artificial Intelligence
What s the most advanced technology in the 21st century? The technology becomes
more similar like the human is the most advanced in the 21st century. Artificial
intelligence is one part of computer science involved with making computers behave
like humans. (Vangie Beal. 2015). Moreover, the Artificial Intelligence has scope
very widely. Artificial Intelligence covers a broad range of techniques, which can be
applied to a very wide range of application areas. (Russell, Stuart J.; Norvig Peter et
al.,2003). Also, evidence will focus on the knowledge acquisition, data mining,
computer vision and the search. An artificial intelligence system is intelligent not
only of banking and sharing data, but also of acquiring, representing, and
manipulating knowledge. (Buchanan. et al., 1983). Data mining is the process of
extracting non trivial and potentially useful information, or knowledge, from the
enormous data sets available in experimental sciences. (Ancell, alпјЊ2004).
Computer vision is a different field, and its researchers have multifaceted concerns
and ambitions. (Tomasz Malisiewicz, 2011). Search plays a significant role in
solving many Artificial Intelligence (AI) problems. The search is a universal
problem solving mechanism in AI. (Robin et al., 2009). Knowledge Acquisition A
knowledge acquisition is utilized to acquire area information around an application
with the end goal of developing a specialist framework. Knowledge acquisition is the
process of adding new
My Opinion About A.A.Milne s A Word for Autumn
What can be more dreadful than autumn? Every year we say farewell to summer
and always think of it as the end of the world, to tell the truth, me, too. Undoubtedly,
there are people who are fascinated with autumn, they like it. Anyway, it s a
beautiful time of the year, very picturesque and bright, especially during September.
Leaves are red, orange, yellow, golden brown and amber. The air is cool, crisp and
the sky looks darker and more boundless in the evenings. s autumn and
nothing can be done till the next June. It s like a damnation and a punishment for
relaxed and carefree summer we ve just spent.
A.A. Milne shares the other point of view in his essay A Word for Autumn . The
narrator is kind of a relativist here. ... Show more content on ...
I think it s in the air, this feeling of happiness, of youth and joyful moments.
Everything makes a mix of complete and sunny summer bliss and that s how it goes
from year to year.
That s why, may be, it so important to keep this feeling and thought inside, and bring
it throughout autumn and winter. We still don t have such a skill. To be honest, me
not. I try to cultivate this habit in me but every time it s in vain and A. A. Milneon the
contrary succeeded in it and I m a little envious about him in this way. He is
epicurean here, he takes the best of life while he can, he enjoys every moment of
life. He sees it s beauty in the fresh celery and a wedge of cheese , in vegetables and
fruits, in the pipe he just smoked, in taverns and London inns.
And here comes the thought that it s a good life and it s going to be this way no
matter what happens. The narrator wanted to make us think about it and he did. He
ensured me and here I agree with him that: The end of the summer is not the end of
the world. Here s to October and, waiter, some more
Case Study Of Constantine s Grocery
University of the people
BUS 5111: Financial Management Term 1, 2017 2018
Written Assignment 6
XXX XXX XXX Abstract
In this case, Constantine s Grocery became a full service grocery store chain in the
USA and required additional 135 million dollars to maintain current operations. This
paper is intended to provide the narrative to discuss pros and cons of different ways
such as issuing debts and stocks to raise capital. Later, I talked about initial public
offering(IPO) process.
Background Information
Constantine s Grocery, one of family businesses in the USA, has endured sixty years
and became a full service grocery store chain. In order to maintain the current
operations and support the growth in the future, an additional ... Show more content
on ...
(n.d.). Retrieved October 03, 2017, from
Suralta, J. (2016, April 12). Is Your Company Aiming for an Initial Public Offering?
This Checklist Can Guide You. Retrieved October 03, 2017, from http:/
/ to ipo process/
IPO Process A Guide to Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). (n.d.). Retrieved October 03,
2017, from
Koba, M. (2013, December 27). Initial Public Offering: CNBC Explains. Retrieved
October 03, 2017, from
Execute a debt offering. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2017, from https:/
/ assurance/ipo centre/execute a debt offering.html
Advantages and disadvantages of stock market flotation. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15,
2017, from and disadvantages
stock market flotation
Marino, M. (2015, August 31). Stock Market Basics: What Is An IPO? Retrieved
October 15, 2017, from market basics what is an
ipo cm514916
Brain, M. (n.d.). How NASDAQ IPOs Work. Retrieved October 15, 2017, from

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Management Essay. What is Management Essay

  • 1. Management Essay Writing an essay on the topic of "Management" can be both challenging and rewarding. On one hand, management is a broad and complex field that encompasses various theories, practices, and perspectives. This breadth can make it difficult to narrow down a specific focus for the essay. Additionally, management topics often require a deep understanding of organizational behavior, leadership principles, strategic planning, and other related concepts, which can be daunting to grasp and articulate effectively. Furthermore, the field of management is constantly evolving, with new theories and approaches emerging regularly. This means that staying up-to-date with the latest research and trends is essential for producing a well-informed and insightful essay. Moreover, writing a management essay requires critical thinking skills and the ability to analyze and evaluate different arguments and perspectives. This entails conducting thorough research, gathering relevant evidence, and synthesizing information from various sources to support your arguments effectively. Despite these challenges, writing a management essay can also be a valuable learning experience. It provides an opportunity to deepen your understanding of management concepts, refine your analytical skills, and develop your ability to communicate complex ideas clearly and persuasively. In conclusion, while writing an essay on the topic of management may present certain difficulties, it is also a rewarding endeavor that can enhance your knowledge and skills in this important field. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Management Essay Management Essay
  • 2. Norovirus Case Studies Each year many people across the globe are effected by Norovirus, otherwise commonly known as a Norwalk virus misdiagnoses as a gastric flu, stomach flu or the common viral gastro (Health, 2010). Norovirus is the most common type of gastroenteritis which causes the inflammation of the stomach and intestines (Ageing, 2014). The focus of this essay is to not only inform the audience on Norovirusbut also focus on the principles of infection control within a nursing/aged care centre. The essay is also focused around a case study of Annabelle Mason who is 96 years old who has attracted the virusand is a resident in an aged care facility. The case study also involves another resident, Mrs Mary Biggs, who may also be affected by the virus. The ... Show more content on ... The best way to reduce the risk of infection is by following these simple measures. You should avoid visiting settings where the virus is easily attracted, such as hospitals or aged care facilities (Johnson, 2012). Other prevention measurements to be taken could be to isolate the host until there has been no vomiting or diarrhoea, washing hands before and after preparing and eating food as well as when using the bathroom. If clothing and bedding has been contaminated they must immediately be removed and thoroughly washed. This must also go for surfaces that have been contaminated as well. Lastly, flush or discard of any vomit and/or faeces in the toilet and make sure that the surrounding area is kept clean (Health, Public fact sheet on norovirus gastroenteritis , 2010). It is not only to the publics benefit if these precautions are taken but it will also secure your
  • 3. Eukaryotic Cells And Its Functions Eukaryotic cells are complex and include all animal and plant cells. Prokaryotic cells are smaller and simpler, e.g. Bacteria (AQA 2008) Eukaryotic cells contain membrane bound organelles, whereas prokaryotic cells do not contain these. Although both of these cells contain DNA, only eukaryotic cells contain a nucleus. The nucleus is the largest organelle, surrounded by a double membrane (nuclear envelope) containing lots of pores. The nuclear membrane protects contents of the nucleus and controls the transport of substances in and out. The nucleus contains linear DNA in chromatin which protects the DNA from damage. Chromatin is formed of DNA which controls the activities of the cell. The nucleus often contains a structure called the nucleolus. This structure produces ribosomes which enter the cytoplasm in the cell through the nuclear pores, as well as transcribing DNA into RNA. Prokaryotic cells do not contain nuclei. Instead of having a nucleus to carry the DNA, these cells contain plasmids with circular DNA, as well as having most of the DNA float freely inside the cytoplasm. The plasmids carry the information necessary to keep the cell alive. For example including genes that make the bacteria cell resistant to antibiotics. Both cells transcribe DNA into RNA in order to translate RNA and produce proteins on ribosomes. Endoplasmic Reticulum is present in eukaryotic cells. There are two types of ER: Smooth and rough. This organelle is formed of a network of
  • 4. Blade Runner Final Scene The film Blade Runner: The final cut, directed by Ridley Scott takes place in a futuristic society. We are given a summary of what will be going on in the film since the very first scene of the film. The setting of the film is demonstrated early on showing how important the setting of this film will be for the understanding of what is going on. The setting of the filmtakes place in futuretime in Los Angeles in the year 2019.In the White Scrolling text we learn about the Tyrell Corporation, an advanced high tech corporation that focuses on the production of human replicants. The Tyrell Corporation is significant in how the film develops as it is where the most important scenes that interpret the film occur. The opening scene starts off at the Tyrell Corporation we can see the odd pyramid shape architecture of the building. This first scene in the film is one of the most important scenes because throughout the film what Leon says in this first scene is... Show more content on ... The first symbol that is very apparent is that of the eyes. The opening scene, before it leads us to the Tyrell Corporation shows a close up of an eye. Also, when the thought to be replicants are given the Voight Kompff test to see whether the individuals are actually human, a close examination of their iris is given to identify any reaction. The eye can also show emotion that the examiner is looking for since eyes are widely referred to as the windows to the soul. Another theme that jumps out with the symbolism of eyes is how the replicants have a light up glow in their eyes. In The scene where Rachel is introduced to Deckard inside the Tyrell building it seems as if her eyes glow in a way. In this scene is also when we are introduced to a robotic owl the pet replicant of. Rachel asks Do you like our owl? When Deckard asks if it s artificial she assures him that it is. The artificial owl in the building represents the wisdom of
  • 5. Environmentalism Was Once A Social Justice Movement Analysis Druyor, Kyle Environmentalism Was Once a Social Justice Movement Summary: Environmentalism has been difficult for us to keep control of and the use of the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act explain how we are supposed to keep our air and water clear for our own use. During the 1970s most of these laws were passed and hopefully during Presidents Trump s campaign will have a better idea of our environment and how we can change America to becoming a better country environmentally. America is one of the countries that need to be changed environmentally for us to have a better living place for us now, instead of for works working in mines and gaining bad lungs from breathing in the wrong type of air. If we change these laws to fit our environment
  • 6. Guyon The Knight Of Temperance s Horse Artegall is first compared to Bacchus (I.2.1) and Hercules (2.2.6) with his club of justice dread (I.2.9) to give him the authority of precedent mythical figures to subdue lawless men and even monstrous tyrants(1.2) in the narrative voice s violent construction of common law, and by his training under the goddess Astrea he is given the instruction on how to apply equity but perhaps not the conscience for it. Certain moments demonstrate he incorporates an understanding of equity, but more along the lines of using it as an authority. To be clear, equity is divided into the trial s composition, whether it s particular circumstances fall outside the confines of the documented common lawand as a result is needed to be judged accordingly... Show more content on ... Now, moving backward from these trials back to the first trial in Canto I, the trial of Sir Sangliere and the unnamed squire (V.1.25 30), Carol Stillman in Nobility and Justice in Book Five of The Faerie Queene, asserts there is no body of laws or precedents to cite for or against Sanglier , and as consequence, Artegall must find other means to accomplish his task which leads him to employ an adaptation of Solomon s strategy (541).Despite what Stillman states, there is an antique legal doctrine that changes the crime of this case and places it under a precedent boundary and thereby, common law. At first, it may seem odd Artegall refrains from his usual immediate tendency to violence or sentencing corporal punishment, but as Stillman states, the trial s process is governed by its adaptation to Solomon s first judgement, which contrastive to her is perhaps in itself precedent enough; however there is yet another specific legal doctrine of common law that dictates the sentence. In this dispute, the allegory provides the precedent verdict and procedure, but it is the interpretation of marriage in common
  • 7. English Essay English Essay Mister Pip Analyse how contrast between characters helped the author communicate an important message or idea. Mister Pip written by Lloyd Jones is a novel recounted by the protagonist Matilda. Set in 1990 s Bougainville, we see Matilda begin to question her Mother s traditional idea s about life as a civil war rages between the rebels and the Redskins in her homeland. Mr. Wattsor Pop eye is given the role teaching the village children, being the only educated, and consequentially, white man left on the island. He begins reading Great Expectations to the children and Matilda finds herself becoming entranced in white civilisation. She gets immersed in the story of the white boy Pip living in London in the 1800 s, ... Show more content on ... She continues to try and save her daughter, the power of unconditional love overcoming their even more obviously marked differences. Dolores then tries to impose her faith on Matilda in hope she will begin to value God over Great Expectations to lead her away from the white world. Dolores comes unannounced to Matilda s class and tries to educate the children on the only thing she knows well: the importance of faith she didn t know anything outside what she knew from the bible but as Mr. Watts gets further through the novel Pip becomes yet even more important to Matilda. Dolores never stops in trying to steer Matilda away from the white world. The world she knows barely anything about, the world she thinks is evil. Despite their ever increasing differences Dolores will always continue to protect Matilda from what she believes is bad. We see the power of unconditional love shown again through Matilda and Dolores s contrast when Matilda discovers Great Expectations to have been stolen by her Mother. When Dolores hides Great Expectations much strife is caused. The Red Skins visit Matilda s island, threatening to burn all of their possessions unless they give up Pip who is only a character from a book and cannot be given up. Because the book is not where it is supposed to be Pip cannot be explained. The redskins burn the whole villages possessions because Dolores fails to come forward and admit to what she had done in order to retrieve
  • 8. Forgiveness And Its Impact On Education To resolve a conflict, forgiveness is at some point is a must. It may not come immediately, but one has to be open to having the ability to both give and receive it in order for reconciliation to be successful. One may ask how forgiving someone they are in conflict with is important to achieving a positive outcome, such as reconciliation. This paper is going to explore that question and show that yes, having the ability to forgive, is very significant in finding a resolution to the conflict. It will research, viewpoints on forgivenessand its much needed contribution to resolve a conflict. It will look into how the field of psychology views the importance of forgiveness and that of a biblical worldview and even the effects it can have on your daily health. Not everyone looks at forgiveness the same, most all want some kind of resolution or reconciliation when conflicts arise. In some people, forgiveness comes naturally but in others it can be learned. Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you (Holy BibleESV). The purpose of this paper is providing research to show the importance of forgiveness, both of oneself and to others, because without it, some conflicts become never ending. Forgiveness is a way of healing human relationships and solving human conflicts (Gopin, 2001, para. 1). Forgiveness comes in many forms such as verbal acts and formal gestures, confession, apology, repentance, and
  • 9. The Effects Of Television On Public Service Advertising Essay 1. Introduction Public service advertisements are a type of advertisements that usually communicate a certain idea not a mainly a product, they are used by Mass media to raise awareness and educate publics about an issue in order to shift attitudes and motivate behavior change. PSAs mainly communicate about health topics or social issues including alcohol and drug awareness, environmental protection, obesity prevention and gun control. A PSA is generally sponsored by a not for profit organization, trade association or political group. It is usually featured on television, radio or print. The Public Service Advertisement should contain three types of messages to motivate behavior change: Awareness, instruction, and persuasion. To create awareness, the messages of the campaign must inform publics about the health topic. Instruction messages should tell the people what to do and how to do it, and persuasion messages should give reasons to the public to adopt this particular health behavior. 2. Literature Review: 2.1 Effects of Televised Public Service Ad The effects of television are of particular interest because of this medium s ability to reach a variety of populations, including adolescents. Television is by far the most widely used means of disseminating prevention messages, usually in the form of PSAs(Phillip Palmgreen, Lewis Donohew N.D)1. Drug Abuse Prevention Campaign Studies generally suffer from mistakes in campaign execution, including violating two of the main
  • 10. Comparison Of Depression In The Big Sur By Jack Kerouac Depression affects 350 million people and is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Everyone deals with depression a different way but it is not easy, the best way is to see a professional and talk about it to try to let it all out, but most people come up with their own way. Depressed modern poets such as Jack Kerouac and Sylvia Plath tried to shock themselves into reality and heal their depression and feelings about certain subjects with alcohol and electroconvulsive therapy but could not. They both decided to chose the outlet of poetry and release their negative feelings by writing about similar themes. This becomes evident when one draws similarities between themes such as isolation, nature and loveproven by examining The Big Sur by Jack Kerouac and many poetic works from Sylvia Plath. Being a popular poet can do alot to one, and if ones fans only care about their work and not their true feelings the artist tends to feel isolated. When one is depressed he/she tends to isolate themselves. Kerouac and Plath both do this when they are writing. In many of Plath s poems she writes about her loneliness, and in some she even tells God. Plath is so depressed that she associate s life with loneliness, which proves that Plath feels she is isolated God, but life is loneliness (Under the Night Starry Sky, Plath). Plath feels empty, she feels useless, she is tired and just wants to relax, this proves that Plath is giving up and she is so upset with her life that she does
  • 11. The Nasa Space Flight Center Essay The Goddard Space Flight Center states that there are 2,271 artificial satellites currently in space orbiting the earth. An artificial satellite is a hand made machine that orbits the planet earth to help in many different ways in communications, documenting information, sending and receiving signals. A satelliteis a moon, planet, or a machine that orbit a planet or a star. There are many types of satellites and each one is used for different reasons. Some satellites are used to send and receive television signals. Some other satellites are used in communications by making it possible to send and receive signals from phones, fax, internet and computers to people all over the world. Other satellites are used in forecasting by giving information about the earth s weather to scientists. Also, there is another type of satellites that take accurate picture of earth to show the environmental situation such as resources, pollution and statistics of crops and water (NOAA, 2014). Satellites improved a lot in the daily life uses such as weather forecasting, documenting information, communication and positioning systems. The idea of satellites The development of the invention started in 1952 when the International Council of Scientific Unions decided to start a project named International Geophysical Year which started on July1, 1957 and ended on December31, 1958. They put in considerations to launch the artificial satellite in this year for mapping earth s surface (Verma, 2012).
  • 12. Realism in Oedipus the King Essay Realism in Oedipus Rex This essay will examine a feature of Sophocles tragedy which causes the reader to doubt the realism underlying the literary work. Specifically, the essay will consider the feasability of the belief at that time that the Delphi oracle possessed credibility with the people. At the outset of the drama the priest of Zeus and the crowd of citizens of Thebes are gathered before the royal palace of Thebes talking to King Oedipus about the plague which is ravaging the city. The king is sorely troubled and laments the sad situation. Then he says: I have sent Menoeceus son, Creon, my consort s brother, to inquire Of Pythian Phoebus at his Delphic shrine, How I might ... Show more content on ... What s amiss? CREON Banishment, or the shedding blood for blood. This stain of blood makes shipwreck of our state. And for the duration of the tragedy the characters explicitly or implicitly acknowledge their total belief in the directions of the Delphic oracle as the only means of ridding Thebes of the plague. Historically speaking, did the Delphic oracle have such credibility among the populace? For an answer to this question we go to The Histories of Herodotus. Herodotus was called the Father of History by Cicero and others. He lived and wrote in the fifth century BC just like Sophocles. As a contemporary, Herodotus knew and wrote about the beliefs and customs of the ancient Greeks as an historian, not as a litterateur. Herodotus was therefore interested in a factual presentation, not in an imaginative presentation such as Sophocles sought for as a dramatist. Herodotus, therefore, can be relied upon to either substantiate or contradict the validity of the situation in Oedipus Rex where the realism of the drama rests considerably on the claimed belief in the infallibility of the Delphic oracle. Let us examine a portion of The Histories that describes Athens, since Sophocles lived in Athens and wrote for an Athenian audience and even had Oedipus die at Colonnus, a suburb of Athens. In Book V Herodotus describes the engagement between the Athenians and the Boeotians, who were defeated; then another victory for Athens
  • 13. The Food Truck I Visited The food truck I visited is called Froyo To Go in Washington D.C. It was a franchised food truck of Froyo To Go in Crystal city, Virginia. The franchisor Froyo To Go itself opened the store since the end of 2013 as its food truck ended its operation from May, 2012. Froyo To Go sells freshly made frozen yogurt with fresh fruittoppings, which were all made from natural and organic ingredients. The main idea for the owner of the food truck was to deliver the health concept to people. Each portion of frozen yogurt was sold for six dollars with two toppings on it. Various fresh fruits were included in the choices of toppings, such as kiwi, strawberry and banana. The biggest advantage of Froyo To Go, expressed by the owner, was the healthy and fresh toppings with the frozen yogurt for the image his product shows is healthier and thus more attractive to customers than others. The competition is rather low comparing with other food trucks in this area with rare similar products were sold around. Before having this food truck, the owner said that the food trucks he saw were all selling heavy meal such as spicy food from south America, fast food like hot dogs, burgers and kabobs. One of the biggest reasons why he chose and became one of the franchisee food truck of Froyo To Go was that the mobility gave him freedom to deliver his concept offering healthy food, more pervasively. The healthy benefits were also listed outside of the truck telling and attracting people to purchase.
  • 14. Applying Two Kinds Of A Spherically Symmetric... In this work, we consider two kinds of a spherically symmetric semiconductor quantum dots: (a) type I single quantum dot (SQD) with radius r_1, in which electrons and holes are confined in the same region of space, and (b) type II core /shell quantum dot (CCQD) with the same core radius, r_1, coated with shell thickness t=r_2 r_1, in which the spatial confinement of electrons and holes depends strongly on the geometrical parameters (core radius and shell thickness) and strain effects. Due to the potential structure of CdSe/CdTe CCQD, electrons mainly reside in the CdSe core region, while the holes dwell mainly in the CdTe shell region. This separation is shown in Fig. 1. For clarity, we designate the band gap energy, the conduction band minimum (CBM) and the valence bandmaximum (VBM) of bulk semiconductormaterials in the unstrained case by E_g0^i, E_c0^i and E_v0^i, respectively. E_c^i and E_v^i denote the bulk band edges of each nanoheterostructure compound including strain effect. In this paper, the index i=1,2,3 refers to the CdSe region (1), CdTe region (2) and the external medium (3), c(v) holds for conduction (valence) band and e(h) holds for electron (hole). E_g and V_(e(h)) are the bulk gap energy and the electron (hole) confining potential of strained hetero nanocrystal, respectively. In Fig 1, Оµ_1, Оµ_2 and Оµ_3 are dielectric constants of core, shell and external medium, respectively. For simplicity, we assume that the potential outside each kind of nanocrystal is
  • 15. Laboratory Information Management System ( Lims ) Laboratory information management system (LIMS) is a software system that leads records and reserves data for laboratories. It sends laboratory test orders to laboratory materials, tracking its responsible and records the results to a searchable database. Also LIMS supports the operations of public health organizations such as hospitals and clinics. Workflow Data tracking support Customer data Data exchange Data exchange interfaces Electronic documents management Quality control Data storage Barcode handling LIMS helps improve the workflow which relates to project result criteria and automatically line samples for inferior screens which forms associated apparatus, samples and specialist. The users control workloads by the apparatus or specialist for this procedure and identifying the tests to increase more the workflow. LIMS uses data exchange to transmit the results for doctors; laboratories; sample processing to find out the disease. The barcodes are included on the reports or results which they are tracked. Also uses a logbook perception to be able to enter, renew, observing samples, test results and maintain notes easier. Automatic devices send diagnostic data to LIMS, not manually to avoid the entrance of large amounts of data such as organics, metals that would disrupt the results. The manual data do not use this procedure due to its characteristics. I work in a biomedical laboratory and waiting to receive samples from a clinic and need to send
  • 16. The Theory And Practice Of Teacher Leadership The concept and practice of teacher leadership have gained momentum in the past two decades. Teachers are assuming more leadership functions at both instructional and organizational levels of practice. Empirical literature reveals effects of teacher leadership practice, teacher leader characteristics, and conditions that promote and challenge teacher leadership. Teachers leadership and collective expertise are tightly linked to student achievement. A sophisticated new study has found that schools staffed by credentialed and experienced teachers who work together over an extended time generate the largest student achievement gains. Students of less experienced teachers who had access to the most accomplished colleagues made the very greatest achievement growth gains. Obviously, less experienced teachers had the greatest margin for improvement. But this finding nonetheless implies that the master teachers with whom they worked are spreading their expertise among colleagues. (Wayne, 2003) The question is whether teachers have time to lead or learn from their peers, either informally or through structured professional development experiences. Case studies find that they do not, limiting the cultivation of teacher leaders who can spread their expertise to their colleagues. Teachers Network survey respondents joined their professional networks for a broad variety of reasons, including the ability to secure funding for projects in their classrooms or schools and involvement in
  • 17. The King s Speech Analysis Based on the true story of King George VI, The King s Speech is a typical psychological movie about how George VI, a patient with stuttering, successfully delivered a stirring speech to his people after the psychotherapy given by his speech therapist Lionel Logue. Stuttering has negative influence on patient s daily life and work and sometimes is the reflection of mental disorders. It is necessary to carry out analyses around stuttering. This paper will analyze the causes of King George VI s stuttering, what are the symptoms of stuttering and the effective treatment to alleviate or even cure this disease. According to the definition provided by World Health Organization (1977), stuttering is disorders in the rhythm of speech in which the ... Show more content on ... His stuttering was caused by the rough childhood experience and the pressure as an royal member. He had a strong desire to be responsible for his country and fulfil the mission as succeeding to the crown. However, he could not face the inner aspiration because of the repression, injury and self denial. Stuttering is the speech disorder that has negative effect on patients daily life. It shows not only the disorder on verbal speaking but also the mental problems of people who stutter. Most development stuttering can be spontaneously recovered while psychogenic stuttering which is caused by mental trauma is not easy to eliminate. Through establishing a harmonious relationship with George VI, using speech therapy and some other treatments, speech therapist named Lionel Logue helped George VI to awaken up his good self awareness and reduce the anticipatory anxiety. George VI accepted the limit and restriction of his life and recognized himself more clearly. The speech he gave deeply inspired the whole
  • 18. The Unification Of Germany And Italy The unification of Germany and Italy was centered around the belief of nationalism. Nationalism is the belief that one s greatest loyalty should not be to a king or an empire but to a nation of people who share a common culture and history. The nation will then become a nation state when it has its independent government. Bonds that will create a nation state are nationality, language, culture, and religion. Germanyand Italyboth went to drastic measures to unify their countries In 1815, Italy as divides after the Congress of Vienna. Some provinces were still under Austrian rule such as Venetia and Lombardy. The Spanish Bourbon family ruled the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies while the Pope controlled the Papal States. Seeing the separation of states, Mazzini, Garibaldi, and Cavour made advancements towards unifying the country. Mazzini formed a nationalist group called Young Italy. He called for an end to foreign rule and the unification of Italy based on the common language and culture of the people. This movement was called the risorgimento. This plan failed and the former rules of Italian states drove Mazzini and other nationalist leaders into exile. Next came Garibaldi who was the leader of the Red Shirts. They were volunteers who followed Garibaldi in Southern Italy. This nationalist group was successful in gaining control of Sicily in 1860. He then crossed into the mainland and marched north. After Garibaldi took complete control of Southern Italy, the people voted to
  • 19. Bartocelli Art Analysis The characters above are all of mythological ideas, some possessing some biblical traits such as Venus with the halo created by the reflection of the orange grove. The red lines drawn on the image show the commonly used technique of perspective leading to the vanishing point which is the centre of the image. This is where Venus stands, which is a technical element conveying her importance within the painting. The impeccable attention and detail on Flora s face indicates that he was of the High Renaissance movement. Bartocelli used Egg tempera to create this painting. He has connected the colours of the paint with the message behind each part and being of the image. With the use of egg tempera, he had to work fast aw well as with this technique there must be an under colour and the darker colour over it. The under colour will therefore shine through, giving a stronger and clear final product. Symbols in the artwork include: o Fruit This including the orange which is the fruit of free will. There are no oranges only after the incident of Zephyr and Chloris, showing after trials will there only be fertilisation and produce o Colour The use or oranges and Red indicates the long for materialism, indulgence, carnal desire and a desire for worldly goods. Multiple Choice Answers 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A Question two (Naming Paintings) A. The Last Supper , Leonardo da Vinci B. The Birth of Venus , Sornado Bartocelli C. The meeting of
  • 20. Essay On Mr Birling In An Inspector Calls Throughout Act One of An Inspector Calls, the unremarkable setting and staging focus the audience s attention on the characters, who form a microcosm of 1912 society. Priestley first introduces the Birling family, and viewers quickly discover the unique attributes and opinions which will shape the play s plot. Arguably the most striking character, Arthur Birling dominates the dialogue of the opening scenes, as he brashly proclaims his capitalist views. His primary focuses, on ascending the social ladder and running a financially successful business, are noticeably ignorant of others wellbeing, establishing him as unlikable and disagreeable, which is only reinforced by his increasingly grating remarks. Birling sees Eva Smith s suicide as unfortunate, ... Show more content on ... She is constantly mindful of societal expectations, continually maintaining a faГ§ade of cordiality, which means that affectionate comments often seem condescending. Priestley emphasises Sybil s prejudice against her social inferiors as well as her distant parenting, portraying her as generally unpleasant. In sharp contrast to her parents, Sheila evolves throughout Act One, transforming from spoiled to conscientious with the guidance of Inspector Goole. Initially, she appears to be a stereotypical high class young woman who shares the attitudes and characteristics of her parents, but, upon realising her involvement in the plot, Sheila matures quickly, seeming genuinely upset and repentant. In this way, Priestley indicates that she is a likable, compassionate person who the audience can empathise with. Eric Birling seems perpetually uncomfortable amongst his family, uneasily following in his father s footsteps but without the same conviction. By speaking at strange times and stating discordant opinions with unapologetic emotion, Priestley conveys a continual sense of awkwardness and confusion, which is only enhanced by frequent mentions of Eric s drinking habits. One realises that he is more similar to his caring sister than his unsympathetic parents, but finds his agitated restlessness hard to connect
  • 21. Foundations of American Government Foundations of American Government I believe the five pathways for change were put here to guide us in becoming a more efficient government and to give different examples of how to go about change in America. All of the pathways are important but to me the most important is the lobbying decision makers pathway. Lobbyists are said to be advocates, someone who represents a specific side of an issue. According to Thomson Gale Legal Encyclopedia, A lobbyist and a lawyer have similar attributes whereas the lobbyist targets the legislative point of view and the lawyer targets the judicial point of view. Lawyers provide facts on different perspectives on legal issues dealing with the case; And lobbyist offer local, state, and federal ... Show more content on ... Their advertisement proclaimed that all they wanted to do was protect their Freedom of Choice. This is New York City; no one tells us what neighborhood to live in or what team to root for, says the narrator, as Yankees and Mets fans shout in the background. (Grynbaum, 2012). Since May 30 when Bloomberg wanted to ban the sale of soft drinks over 16 ounces in regulated food establishments such as movie theaters and sport arenas. Senator Frank R. Lautenberg, a New Jersey Democrat, recommended there be a federal study linking together sugary beverages and obesity. The talking points are Nanny State, that it won t work, because people will just buy as much as they ever would, and that this disproportionately hurts the poor, said Kelly Brownell, director of the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University. (Grynbaum, 2012). People that are not middle or low class would buy as much soda as they wanted and the rest of the people would be stuck with whatever drink is leftover. The lower class minority groups seem to always get the shorter end of the stick and in most cases unless a big group of them get together their voices will not be heard. The mayor or the city council should not have the right to tell you what size soda to drink or what kind of soda to drink; We live in The United Statesof America and there is no law that says anything about a specific size or flavor of soda so until that day comes nobody should
  • 22. Summary Of The Brief Wondrous Life Of Oscar Wao In The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz the author uses the trick of different stories to sew together a series of experiences to create the full story of Oscar s life. There are many important pieces in the book that help create an understanding of how Oscar came to be Oscar. One example is the experiences of his family members while they lived in Santo Domingo, such as La Inca deciding to go find Beli and also when Beli fell in love with the Gangster. The influence of the sci fi world has also had a massive effect on Oscar, since he had no real examples of a healthy relationship he was under the impression that all relationships had to be like the one s he saw in movies. Overall the influence of his mother s past and the influence... Show more content on ... A turning point in Oscars future was when La Inca went to find Beli and save her from the family who locked her in a chicken coop. That was incredibly important because if La Inca hadn t gone and got Beli then Beli wouldn t have had to flee to America and Oscar wouldn t have been born at all. Diaz chose specific points in the book to tell the story of Beli while also telling the story of Oscar to show how Beli s life influenced Oscar. The use of Yunior as a narrator in this story is unique but it provides the reader with a bird s eye view of Beli s past and lets the reader see how it changed Oscar. Yunior s role shows the reader stories of people s past that we wouldn t otherwise have known if Yunior or Oscar had told the story from a first person point of view. Another example of a story that would have been unknown to the reader is when Beli fell in love with the Gangster, and it eventually led to her having to leave Santo Domingo to go to America where she would be safe. If she had not fell for the gangster then she most likely wouldn t have left and wouldn t have met Oscar s father in New York. If she hadn t left then Oscar would have grown up in Santo Domingo rather than New Jersey, and Oscar s worldview would have changed drastically. Diaz introduced the story of Beli growing up in Santo Domingo to show the difference between growing up there versus Paterson. The people that came before Oscar changed many aspects of his life and where he grew
  • 23. PINK1 Genetic Paper PINK1 (PTEN Induced Putative Kinase 1) is a gene that provides directions for making the protein PTEN induced putative kinase 1. The greatest amounts of this protein can be found in the muscles, heart, and testes, but it is also found in cells throughout the body. The protein lies within the mitochondria of the cell, and, although the function of PTEN induced putative kinase 1 is not yet fully understood, it seems to assist in protecting the mitochondria from becoming impaired when the cell is under stress. In order for PTEN induced putative kinase 1 to help the mitochondria, it needs to first function properly itself. Two specialized regions of this proteinensure that it does this. One of these regions, the mitochondrial targeting motif, serves as the delivery address. In other words, once the protein is created, the mitochondrial targeting motif makes sure that it gets to the mitochondria. The other region, the kinase domain, most likely executes the proteins protective function. One of the main reasons I chose to research this geneis because of its association with... Show more content on ... PINK1, encoded by the PINK1 gene, is a part of quality control of the mitochondria It finds mitochondria that has been damaged and marks them for autophagy; the controlled digestion of an organelle, in this case, the damaged mitochondria. PINK1 can be taken in and out by healthy mitochondria because of a membrane potential, but damaged mitochondria lack an adequate membrane potential to take in PINK1 protein. The protein will then collect on the outer membrane of the damaged mitochondria, at which point PINK1 will then enlist parkin, another protein associated with Parkinson s disease, to target the mitochondria for autophagy. The function of PINK1 is not completely known, but because of it s presence throughout the cytoplasm of cells, a suggestion of the function of PINK1 is to be a lookout for damaged
  • 24. The Things They Carried Essay After the devastation that World War II left the world, no one wanted to go into another war. Families lost their members, countries lost their dignity, and some soldiers were left with the moments of war forever in their minds. However, the concern that communism was going to spread made Vietnam become the longest war in American History. During this time a lot of young people were anti war, they were sick of losing people they loved to violence. Though the war still needed to be fought so men became soldiers freely or because they were drafted. In the story Things They Carried , soldiers are faced head on with the Vietnam War. Tim O Brien shows how the men carry the weight of physical objects through out the war. The men bog themselves... Show more content on ... Every soldier hears the horror stories of war but never really understands till they are in war themselves. In the short story, The Things They Carried all the soldiers are constantly dreading every second. For example it is not good news when a high command orders the soldiers to search the tunnel before having to blow them up. No one knows what is going to be in the tunnels and for the lucky ones that do not have to search the tunnels still feel the panic. The soldiers kneel down facing away from the tunnel. The fear causes them to think of anything that is down there such as, cobwebs and ghosts (O Brien 103). However, the soldier that is not so fortunate crawls down into the hole shoving him self deeper into the ground. Worry and concern drips over him as he starts to think what if the flashlight dies, or if the rats have rabies, or what if a he gets stuck in the tunnel can the other soldiers rescue him? Fear can get the best of soldier and cause them not to be the best soldier they can be. Apprehension can weigh a soldier down mentally and physically. It can cause a soldier worry about things such ghosts while their main concern should be on their objective. At night the soldiers place claymores, which are bombs set on the ground to go off on an intruder then they crawl into their holes, lie down and spend the whole night waiting (O Brien 103). It was impossible for the soldiers to get rest because they constantly
  • 25. Compare And Contrast Bbkar And Babasaheb Ambedkar When we talked about the famous Indian leader, Mahatma Gandhi will be the first person that comes to most people mind. However, there are other many leaders that also played the important roles in reforming India. One of them is Babasaheb Ambedkar. If I have to compare both of them with the warlord, I would say that Gandhi is like the warlord who fight peacefully for the country liberation, while Babasaheb Ambedkar is like the warlord who fight for equality and justice in the country. To be honest, it is very shameful that I have never known Ambedkar before. Since after I have read his biography and what he had done, he suddenly became one of my idols. Bhimrao or Babasaheb Ambedkar was born on April 14, 1891 at Mhow in central India. Different from Ghandi who belonged to the merchant caste, Bhimrao was born in a religious Mahar family... Show more content on ... Ambedkar saw untouchability as the additional product of caste system, and believed that there could not be any uplift or relief from untouchability if there were not the abolition of caste. Moreover, Ambedkar believed that the caste system was actually a division of labourers which simply meant that the caste system is the basis of assigning occupations. This caused a stagnant economy in communities because the system did not allow people to have other professional skills and entered other professions outside the caste group. He said that fixity of occupations hindered the growth and development of the Indian economy and the society. In his thought, people should do the work that is best suited to them to gain the most efficient or else this would lead to immobility of both labour and capital. It could be said that Ambedkar was a challenge to Hinduism. By contrast, Gandhi was a devoted Hindu. He thought that the responsibility of eliminating untouchability should depend on the upper caste. Gandhi goal was not to annihilate the
  • 26. Sylvia Plath Sylvia Plath is said to be one the most prodigious, yet interesting, confessional poets of her time. She was an extremely vital poet of the post World War II time period and expressed her feelings towards her father and husband through her poetry. Plath s mental illness had a dramatic influence upon her work in which she demonstrated the hatred she had for her father specifically. The poem Daddyis an easily applicable example. Within this piece of work, Plath uses direct references to how she feels towards her father who was the greatest influence on her poetry. The bond, or lack of, between Sylvia Plath and her Daddy is commonly associated with the purpose of her poetry. Her father died when Plath was only ten years old and... Show more content on ... Eileen M. Aird analyzes and comments, The danger of such criticism lies in its assumption that the poem is objectively true , that it bears a precise relationship to the facts of the poet s life. The direct criticism Plath puts upon her father is very crucial, yet evidently true if one was research her life. Sylvia Plath s autobiographical poetry can be easily connected to her life and the answers to the many questions are easier to uncover than one may suspect. As her poetry developed, it became more autobiographical and although through her teenage years she possessed what seemed to be a rounded personality, the anguish and grief of her father s death was easily linked with her mental instability that haunted her in the later years. Her time period is easily reflected in the poem with the severity in her reference to Nazis, swastikas, barbed wire, fascists, brutes, devils, and vampires. In Daddy , Plath refers to herself as a Jew multiple times, An engine, an engine Chuffing me off like a Jew. A Jew to Dachau, Auschwitz, Belsen. I began to talk like a Jew. I think I may well be a Jew. The extremity Plath went to to emphasize these references during her time period were enough to make any soul cringe. World War II s concentration camps are still enough over half a century later to make one shudder in despair. The rage Plath has for her father is so easily conveyed to the reader that an illiterate individual could pick up on it, let
  • 27. Free Will In Dostoevsky s The Grand Inquisitor In this paper I will argue that although one may perceive Ivan to be against organized religion in Dostoevsky s The Grand Inquisitor, he is actually against humans having free will. Ivan Karamazov advocates for the negative liberty of freeing humans, however it may be unclear as to what he wants humans to be free from. It may seem as though Ivan wants humans to be completely free of organized religionand Yeshua, but he is actually advocating for humans to be free of the free will given by Yeshua. So in a sense, he is against freedom and prefers organized religion without the free will aspect. Ivan seems to be against organized religion and God because he directs all of his anger toward Yeshua. It isn t Yeshua that Ivan is mad at, he is discontent with the fact that Yeshua allowed humans to have free will. By giving humans free will, Yeshua ultimately caused destruction to humanity due to human nature and the lack of morality of humans when they were given the ability to have free will. In Dostoevsky s The Grand Inquisitor, organized religion is explored through the lens of freedom and human nature by the ... Show more content on ... Usually freedom and liberty hold positive connotations, however in The Grand Inquisitor, free will is a burden on human beings that has caused destruction to humanity. ...for nothing has ever been more insufferable for man and human society than freedom! (Dostoevsky, 252) The reason why free will has been a burden on humans is because Ivan Karamazov believes that humans need three things to keep them satisfied: miracle, mystery, and authority. The Grand Inquisitor tells Yeshua that he had the ability to acquire these three powers but he chose not to, instead desiring love that people chose to give. But because Yeshua desired followers by choice and not obedience, humans have been conflicted with making the choice of whether or not to follow
  • 28. The Health And Weight Loss Have you ever wondered why Coca Cola now comes in versions such as light and zero ? If you have, chances are that you mentally answered your question by saying that the company read your mind and was fulfilling your desire to lose weight while still indulging in your favorite beverage. However, the relationship between you and the food giants is quite the opposite. What you think is healthy or unhealthy is based on research funded by companies that profit off of your food choices, currently, much of the research regarding health and weight lossis funded by companies such as Coca Cola and Kellogg therefore therefore, you are the one fulfilling their desire (CBS, 2015). The idea that large companies and the media dictate our daily lives has slowly become common knowledge. Therefore, one must be cautious in regards of the sources he or she trusts. For instance, Steve Blair, who conducts research that supports the idea that obesity in America is due to lack of physical activity as opposed to calorie consumption has much of his research funded by Coca Cola, a company which is largely known for its calorie packed drinks and snacks. Moreover, while Blair s research might be supported by relevant data, so was the research that justified smoking. Nonetheless, the way data is analyzed can be extremely biased based on who is paying for the collection and analysis of such data (Freedhoff, 2015). The increase in the obese population is both an opportunity and a liability to
  • 29. William Faulkner s The Sound and The Fury Essay Heart s Darling: Faulkner and Womanhood In William Faulkner s The Sound and The Fury, Caddy Compson is the anchor character because Faulkner himself is so obsessed with her that he is unable bring her down off a platform enough to write words for her. Instead, he plays out his obsession by using her brothers as different parts of himself through which to play out his fantasies and interact with her. Faulkner writes himself into the novel by creating male characters all based on aspects of his own personality. In Freud s personality theory the human personality is composed of three parts; the id, the ego and the superego. (Freud 17) By writing about Caddy from her three brothers perspectives, Faulkner is ... Show more content on ... Through Quentin, Faulkner is able to express his own incestuous feelings toward her by playing out this fantasy as her brother. Quentin represents the ego in Freud s personality theory. The ego has access to consciousness and reality but doesn t know the difference between right and wrong. He has such strong feelings for Caddy that he tells his father that he has committed incest with her. This is where Faulkner falls prey to his own virgin/whore complex. Quentin s character wants to have sex with his sister so that they will be banished from society and be forced to run away together. Faulkner wants to have sex with Caddy so that no one else will be able to. This illustrates how men want women to be virginal, but also want to be the ones to take their virginity. Since Quentin failed to be the one to take her virginity, he tries to fight the man who succeeded in the conquest. (Faulkner 160) He equates sex to death, first wanting to destroy the man who took her virginity, then wanting to quot;kill quot; Caddy herself. caddy do you love him now I don t know outside the grey light the shadows of things like dead things in stagnant water I wish you were dead do you you coming in now are you thinking about him now I
  • 30. Socialism Vs Neoliberalism No doubt that there is an issue of economic disparity in the United States. According to a 2013 CNN article, a study done by PEW trusts shows that 70% of those who started off poor, stayed poor. The study followed families from 1968 and the numbers used for this article are from 2009. A different study from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that in almost every state in the United States, a bigger portion of Black and Hispanics are poor. This is when I haul in Socialismand Liberalism/Neoliberalism. First I have to define Liberalism and Socialism; Liberalism is the idea that all should be left to their own devices to freely compete in the market while Pure Socialism offers to abolish private property, the market, and currency. While our current... Show more content on ... It is problems like these that are starting to push the Y generation and Millennials to think about Democratic Socialism. Socialism, in general, is starting to become more and more relevant today which is greatly demonstrated in the near success of Bernie Sanders even when he was getting little to no press and when he did get the press it was usually negative. According to an article by Washington Post, an exit poll comprised of youth (those under 30) done by Tufts University, shows that about 2 million young people voted for Bernie Sanders in about 21 states. His ideas and socialist views were popular amongst the young and were beginning to get more accepted. This is progress especially because socialism has so much stigma and not a lot of the evidence behind that stigma can even be deemed valid. There are people who say that socialism could not be possible and one of the biggest critiques of it is Fukuyama. Fukuyama, first of all, believes that liberalism and capitalism create the most viable form of
  • 31. Runaway Twin Analysis In the book Runaway Twin by Peg Kehret, Sunny is a foster kid and Sunny has been to six foster homes and she ran away from all of them . . .except Rita. Sunny stays with Rita because Rita cares about her the text states In my opinion, it is cruel and unusual punishment to put a thirteen year old girl who was raised on junk food in a home . . . .This book is a great adventure book because it has great events and it is not a long it is 197 pages of adventure. Sunny tells her own story. Sunny will face so many up and going through challenges for 10 years wanting to meet her twin sister. Finally, she takes the chance and goes on a adventure to go find her sister on the way finds a dog that will travel with her but there are ups and downs with
  • 32. Business Strategy for Competative Advantage Porter set out to define a strategic model to which all companies conform. He maintained that failing to fit into one of his pre defined categories the firm stuck in the middle is almost guaranteed low profitability. (Porter, 1980). The pre defined categories are noted in appendix 1. Apple Inc. falls under a differentiation strategy, Differentiation is the ability of the firm to provide unique and superior value to the buyer in terms of product quality, special features, or after sale services (Porter 1990, 1998). This encompasses the Apple philosophy, in an Apple Report they state that they are committed to bringing the best user experience to its customers through its innovative hardware, software, peripherals, and services. The... Show more content on ... The year prior, the company spent $2.4 billion, up $647 million or 36 per cent from the year before (Lowensohn J) which shows the commitment to push innovation and to keep ahead of competition with differentiated products. Their original principle when procuring raw materials was do it their own , however, this led to failed attempts to seize the market due to overpromising and under delivering market offerings (Apple Inc. 2012). The company realized that outsourcing raw materials was a step towards competitive advantage. By hiring supplies externally raises the issue of control and risk because they now rely on suppliers to provide these raw materials. However, Apple developed control systems called Suppliers Code of Standard that can measure manufacturing standards, labour related issues, sourcing of raw materials and ability to meet deadlines. By outsourcing apple are able benefit both parties, they procure raw materials at lower cost and in a timely manner. Concerns with these procurement activities are that Apple are dependent on a single supplier for many of their raw materials, but nurtured positive relationships with these suppliers should safeguard Apple. There are also many primary activities which contribute to Apple Inc. s success in differentiating themselves. Apple offer a unique service to its customers, Applecare is an exclusive Protection Plan that extends your service coverage and
  • 33. Role Of A Human Resource Department Role and Function of a Human Resource Department Human resources (HR) are so much more than the traditional view of an administrative function within the organization. If properly developed and initiated HR can become a strong, strategic business partner. This paper looks at the purpose and role of human resources as a strategic partner as well as its impact on the responsibilities of an HR department. Purpose and Role As businesses evolve and grow so do the purpose and role of an HR department. Once traditionally thought of only as an administrative department, HR has grown to become a vital part in any strategic organization. The traditional role for HR professionals focuses on recruitment, selection, salary, benefits, training, evaluation, rewards, and discipline. In many organizations, executives feel that their managers can do the work eliminating the need for HR. Human resources can be applied to any activity within the organization (Nica, 2013). HR professionals focus on finding the appropriate balance of workforce supply and how efficient and productive the workforce is. Employees are now being recognized as a vital asset to an organization s success and have extended the strategic role of a HR department (Anca Ramona, 2013). Responsibilities of the HR Department From the traditional administrative department, human resources take on essential responsibilities to increase organizational performance. HR has begun to focus on employee development and
  • 34. Was Tsar Nicholas Emperor Unfit Tsar Nicholas II of Russia: An Emperor Unfit to Rule Ravaged Russia At the end of the nineteenth century, Tsar Nicholas II of Russia reluctantly took command of an empire overflowing with revolutionaries who were seeking change in response to hardships that their nation was facing. His timid personality, coupled with his lack of political education and military experience, made him unfit to calm the war fueled chaos that would soon envelop Russia. Nicholas series of unfortunate, unprepared and uninformed decisions began with his marriage and eventually ended with his decision to abandon the capital to lead his armies, ultimately leading to the demise of his imperial family s three hundred year dynastic tradition. The turn of the century illuminated Russia, commonly labeled as backwards by the other European powers, as the last remaining European autocracy. Russian society still operated on the estate system, which was characterized by an enormous gap between the upper class nobility and the lower class peasantry. Peasants comprised eighty percent of the population and only a fraction were educated. They had little understanding of government and were highly patriarchal. Many served as serfs. It was not until the 1860s that these serfs were freed from legal bondage by Nicholas grandfather, Alexander II. However, this was not enough to satisfy Russian citizens newfound taste of freedom. In the years following, they demanded he establish an elected parliament,
  • 35. Oscar Wilde Individualism Essay The famous Irish writer Oscar Wilde is perhaps best known for his individualistic ideas about art and life as well as for his homosexuality, which was not only frowned upon in Victorian society, but illegal. Despite this however, Wilde was influenced heavily by the inescapable pressure from society to conform. He revelled in being a part of the Victorian upper class, which had strict rules, whether spoken or unspoken, to dictate the behaviour of everyone in high society. The four comedic plays that centred on satirizing this very society earned Wilde most of his fame, especially The Importance of Being Earnest, an amusing story focusing on pretending to be someone else for the sake of both reputation and pleasure. After his harsh 2 year imprisonment... Show more content on ... He also reveals his increased individualism through the contrasting tones of De Profundis (written during and after prison) and The Importance of Being Earnest (written before prison). While Earnest is cheerful and extravagant to appeal to society, De Profundis is sad and realistic, showing that Wilde no longer cared what society thought about him after his exile from the upper class lifestyle. In addition, Earnest s exaggerated, theatrical, happy ending evokes a distinct feeling that Wilde means the direct opposite. Especially knowing that the play was written as satire, it seems unlikely that he really believed that all the characters in that situation would end up with exactly what they wanted and no consequences. Jack s final line, I ve now realized for the first time in my life the vital Importance of Being Earnest (Wilde, 2005, p.79), seems especially sarcastic, and rather than saying that being honest ( earnest ) is the reason everyone ends up perfectly content, it reads as a warning that unless one maintains society s definition of earnest , he will inevitably suffer the
  • 36. Compare The Regions Of The Digestive System List the regions of the digestive tract and the accessory organs of the digestive system To discuss the regions of the digestive system, it seems more reasonable to start superiorly and work my way down. The digestive system as a whole can be broken down into two regions called the alimentary tract, and accessory organs (SEER, .n.d.) The Alimentary tract consists of the: mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestines, and large intestines. The accessory organs are there to aid the digestive systemand are the: salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. The Alimentary Tract The mouth which may also be known as the oral or buccal cavity is in charge of: food intake, mastication (chewing), chemical digestion, and swallowing. ... Show more content on ... The cheeks within the mouth are there to help move the food to the teeth for mastication. They are also responsible for the action of sucking, which is what an infant uses to eat. The tongue not only has many taste buds but has many functions including the moving of food to the back of the mouth and through the teeth like the cheeks, and to extract some foods after eating as well. Dentition, or as we call them teeth, aides in breaking down food into smaller pieces which increases the surface area of the food for break down further down the alimentary canal. The pharynx is there to initiate the involuntary swallowing reflex and contains the epiglottis that prevents food from going down the trachea. There is an important process that I like to think of as a snake motion called peristalsis that automatically propels food down the pharynx to the esophagus. Once in the esophagus it continues as a passageway to the stomach going through an opening called the esophageal hiatus and meet the stomach at about T7 of the vertebral column (Saladin, 2015). The stomach could most definitely be its own discussion topic to I will be brief, it is separated into the: cardiac, fundic, body, and pyloric
  • 37. A Transient Citizen Essays A Transient Citizen ...1 hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince or state of whom or which I have been a subject or citizen.... This is a clause from an oath I took on February 6, 2002 an ordinary day of no significance to most people, a climatic point in my life it was the day I became a U.S. citizen. I did not attend the formal ceremony in the Los Angeles Convention Center, yet for me it did not matter; I was still just as excited, for this was the day I became a true American. There were many people from different cultures in the noisy office where I received my certificate, yet we were all filled with the same excitement the potential of the ... Show more content on ... With this, I renounced a part of me, and Mexico now became a foreign country. The word citizen has becomes more complex, for unlike my first citizenship it is not something that I possessed from birth. Also unlike my religion, it was not something that my parents gave to me when I was born. Becoming a citizen of the United States was a decision that I made. Becoming a citizen of a new nation, even if you have lived in it for many years is something that you have to work for, and it is this price, time, and dedication that gives personal satisfaction. The ability to choose whether to become a citizen of another nation and drop any legal bonds with a birth country is what makes a citizenship ceremony unlike anything else because the modern political systems seldom gives us the opportunity of choice. However, when one faces the opportunity to make a choice of citizenship, it also forces them to give something up. It is not only giving up the citizenship from a birth country, but also heritage and traditions; and to a certain point it is also giving up friendships and family because one becomes a traitor of their own country. Not only do you give your word that if The United States and your birth country ever go to war you will defend The United States; but you are also a traitor in the views of others who think you have forgotten where you came from. During the ceremony, the only thing that is celebrated is this new
  • 38. The Church Is Holy Through Complete Devotion And Love For God The church is holy through complete devotion and love for God. Because the church is holy, the church has the duty to love and take care of all people. Holiness is a dedication to God. This dedication is formed individually by the people of God, who are the church. However, not every person of God is one hundred percent holy. Only Jesus Christ had complete dedication to God, but the church strives for this dedication. Throughout time, there has been role models of holiness within the church known as saints. Throughout the church s history, there has been many saints that lived their life in complete devotion to God. For example, Joan of Arc was known as a Fool for God. As a teenager, she trusted the Lord and followed her call to lead a French army to victory. She went against all odds but continued to put her faith in the Lord. Even when she was captured and burned at the stake, the saintnever lost her faith. James Martin writes in his book, My Life with the Saints, Joan was devoted to Jesus Christ, to prayer, to the sacraments, to the church, and to its saints. She believed in God even when God asked her to accomplish the seemingly impossible, (My life with the Saints, 25). Pedro Arrupe, another saint studied within the book stated the following about devotion to God, He or she is a person who hast the conviction that Gods knows, can do, and will do what is best for mankind, (My Life with the Saints, 91). Throughout life, the people of God face many setbacks, but
  • 39. Freedom Of Expression What is art? Can it be defined in any single painting, or sculpture? Is it even something that can be seen, or does it have to be experienced? The term quot;art quot; is so vague that it can be applied to almost anything, really. Mostly, however, art should be that which frees our imagination. It connects our conscious with our subconscious, putting into a visual form what we feel and think. It allows us to explore our inner selfand fill that urge to understand our minds and our universe. Art helps us to see beyond the ordinary, to see what is in our hearts without being blinded by reality. When an artist creates a painting, it is not to create a picture; it is to create a feeling or mood. The purpose is to convey an emotion, and, it is... Show more content on ... At that time, Mayor Rudolph Guiliani, after having viewed the exhibit, threatened to withdraw city financial support to the museum. The Mayor labeled the exhibit quot;sick quot; and quot;offensive to Catholics quot;, and made no secret that his objections were based on his personal dislike of the contents of the show. He criticized the work of Chris Ofili, specifically a painting called The Holy Virgin Mary, because of its use of elephant dung. Ofili, a British artist of Nigerian descent, uses elephant dung in many of his works as a reference to his African roots. As an observant Catholic himself, he denies that his work is either anti Catholic or anti religious. He meant the dung to be a symbol of life and providence, however this simple explanation was not enough to satisfy Guilani. His threats to withdraw funding stood firm. Offili told the New York Times, quot;The people who are attacking this painting are attacking their own interpretation, not mine. quot; Damien Hirst, whose display was also part of the show, said that the mayor quot;may as well say, I only like Picasso and if you don t show it then I m going to cut your funding. It s just pure censorship. quot; He may be right, and the Brooklyn Museum of Art sued the city on September 28th, protesting the mayor s threat to freeze millions of dollars in funds. To the relief of museum officials and art lovers across the country, the courts ruled on November 1st in favor of the Brooklyn Museum of Art and
  • 40. The Day Of A Bus It was September 20th of 2011 when I stepped aboard a bus heading to Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, Illinois. It was rather dark in the bus as I sat there next to other young men looking just as nervous and scared as I was since none of us knew what our ordeal would be for the upcoming 2 months. I was thinking to myself man what the hell am I even doing here? and then without me even paying attention to where we were outside; the bus came to a halt. As soon as the bus stopped this man came aboard and said to all us get the fuck out the bus right now! and all of us got up as quickly as humanly possible and started exciting the bus double time. As we were heading into the building at a rather spry pace, the man kept screaming and swearing at us making us even more nervous for none of us had a clue on what would really be happening in the upcoming months. Line up against the wall recruits is what a man started screaming over and over again as he walked out of this room at the corner of the hall. This man kept screaming and yelling things at us, but I barely got word of what he was actually saying since I was in another world. What is going on? and am I going to get to talk to my parents at all? were all common thoughts that kept going through my head as this was all happening. However I was soon brought back into the world of reality when he started saying things that I actually cared about. Alright recruits you ll have 10 minutes to call you folks to tell
  • 41. Atari 2600 And Pac-Man One of the first reasons is poorly made games; there are two games that are associated with the cause of crash which is Pac man and E.T for Atari 2600. Pac man was one of the most recognizable video game characters in the late 70 s and early 80 s and everyone wanted a home version of this classic arcade character, so Atari obtain the license to make the game therefore developer Tod Frye s was rushed to get the game ready for Christmas season resulted in one of the worst ports of all time (Loguidice, 185).Which hardly resembled the original game with poor character pixels an unrecognizable music that Atari was so confident that the game, would be successful they made 12 million cartridges more than systems which resulted in thousands of cartridges not bring sold.... Show more content on ... was one of the best critically acclaimed and biggest blockbuster movies in 1982, so naturally Atari obtain the license to create a game based on the movie. They ask Atari designer Howard Scott Warshaw to create the game within six weeks before the Christmas season the result was he program which would be known as the worst video game ever (Stanton, 89). So the E.T for Atari 2600 did not sell well, but thousands of unsold cartridges and were thrown in landfills within New Mexico and Atari lost millions in profit. But it didn t stop there with these two games other companies kept popping out poorly made games to get easy money, which made 60 dollars games to 5 dollars in the bargain bin which create a chain reaction that over saturated the market with poor quality entertainment and loss of trust with the
  • 42. 209 Complex Number System Task #3: SUBDOMAIN 209.3 PRECALCULUS Competency 209.3.1: Complex Number System Jennifer Moore Western Governor s University Complex does not mean complicated (Math is Fun, 2014). Complex means a combination of numbers. These combinations of numbers that form a complex number consists of real numbers and imaginary numbers. The complex number system is an extension of the real number system because it introduces the imaginary number system to the real number system. The complex number system can be visualized in two dimensions and the numbers within the system can be plotted using a Cartesian plane. However, the axes are not exactly the same as a traditional Cartesian plane (x axis and y axis). To plot the... Show more content on ... The real number system consists of five subsets of numbers (Blitzer, 2013). The first subset is natural numbers; natural numbers consist of positive counting numbers not including zero. The second subset is whole numbers; whole numbers consist of zero and natural numbers. The third subset is integers; integers are positive and negative whole numbers, as well as zero. The fourth subset is rational numbers; rational numbers are numbers that can be written in fraction form. The fifth and last subset is irrational numbers; irrational numbers are numbers that are not a perfect square, do not have a repeating or terminating decimal, and are not included in the whole numbers subset (Blitzer, 2013). Rational and irrational numbers are often the most difficult to understand out of these 5 subsets of real numbers. Simply put, rational numbers are any numbers that can be re written as a simple fraction, and if a number cannot be defined as rational then it is defined as irrational. For example, the number 7 is a rational number because it can be re written as , which is a simple fraction. The number 2.5 is also defined as rational because it can be re written as , which, again, is a simple fraction. However, if the number ПЂ were defined, it would have to be irrational since it has neither a repeating decimal nor a terminating decimal, and cannot be written as a simple fraction.
  • 43. Explain The Legal Underpinning Of Business Law Legal Underpinnings of Business Law OMM 670: Legal Environment February 25, 2013 Legal Underpinnings of Business Law Business| Type of Business| Liability Exposure| Compare| Contrast| Tinker s Home Security Service| Sole proprietorship| Unlimited| Monetary rewards are from both the Proprietor amp; business | Sole Liability | Tinker amp; Tailor s Home Security Service| General partnership| Unlimited| All partners are responsible whether silent or active | If you are named in the business you are a partner and also liable| Tinker amp; Tailor s Home Security Service| LP| Limited| To obtain funding for a business venture will only loose what is put in | My not participate in the business decisions| ... Show more content on ... The personal liability exposure would be minimal. With an LLC if I messed up the partners would not be responsible. The consequences are not as bad is if I was in a corporation. The LLC is more flexible. The positives are less record keeping and more profit sharing. The state would have some say into my company so I would have to keep up with guidance regularly. The negative of this company is that once a member leaves, the entire company must complete their duties and responsibilities and then dissolve. Another down fall is that self employment tax contributions towards Medicare and Social Security. The net income of the LLC is subject to this tax. The federal government does not recognize LLC as a business entity for taxation purposes, all LLCs must file as a corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship tax return. Certain LLCs are automatically classified and taxed as a corporation by federal tax law. SBA. (2013) Reference Brown, D.R. amp; Harvey, D., (2006). An experiential approach to Organizational development. (7th ED.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall Cameron, P., (2012). Defending a Company in a Breach of Contract Lawsuit in San Diego Superior Court. Retrieved from /defending a company in a breach of contract lawsuit/ IRS. (2013). Limited Liability Company (LLC). Retrieved from
  • 44. The Impact Of Corporate Politics On The Corporate World Essay Over the years, the corporate world has been and continues to be plagued with high profile scandals and unethical business practices on the pretext of creating social and business values. For most global companies, corporate social responsibility and sustainability have become mere watchwords despite the fact they claim being their prominent company agendas. The reality is companies are too blind and ruthless to draw lessons from the past. Exxon s Climate change controversy(1980 s), Nike s sweatshop crisis (1990s) or even BP s Deepwater oil spill (2010) are some of the most outrageous corporate scandals that shook the corporate world. Despite all these scandals, the recent Volkswagen s emissions scandal (2015) is a clear indication that businesses will resort to any means to make money. These short lived decisions have no doubt yet again created public cynicism in corporations and will continue to haunt their social accountability and responsibility. Volkswagon s (VW) reputation, built up over decades, was in tatters overnight because of poor leadership vision and unethical business practices. Its emission scandal caught the corporate world gobsmacked and brought business ethicsto the forefront and ripped into the stakeholder s consciousness. What was supposed to be fuel efficient, eco friendly people s car turned out to be an environmental polluting monster, duping 11 million customers globally of their trust in the process. VW s outrageous culture to mislead the
  • 45. The Technology And Artificial Intelligence What s the most advanced technology in the 21st century? The technology becomes more similar like the human is the most advanced in the 21st century. Artificial intelligence is one part of computer science involved with making computers behave like humans. (Vangie Beal. 2015). Moreover, the Artificial Intelligence has scope very widely. Artificial Intelligence covers a broad range of techniques, which can be applied to a very wide range of application areas. (Russell, Stuart J.; Norvig Peter et al.,2003). Also, evidence will focus on the knowledge acquisition, data mining, computer vision and the search. An artificial intelligence system is intelligent not only of banking and sharing data, but also of acquiring, representing, and manipulating knowledge. (Buchanan. et al., 1983). Data mining is the process of extracting non trivial and potentially useful information, or knowledge, from the enormous data sets available in experimental sciences. (Ancell, alпјЊ2004). Computer vision is a different field, and its researchers have multifaceted concerns and ambitions. (Tomasz Malisiewicz, 2011). Search plays a significant role in solving many Artificial Intelligence (AI) problems. The search is a universal problem solving mechanism in AI. (Robin et al., 2009). Knowledge Acquisition A knowledge acquisition is utilized to acquire area information around an application with the end goal of developing a specialist framework. Knowledge acquisition is the process of adding new
  • 46. My Opinion About A.A.Milne s A Word for Autumn Essay. What can be more dreadful than autumn? Every year we say farewell to summer and always think of it as the end of the world, to tell the truth, me, too. Undoubtedly, there are people who are fascinated with autumn, they like it. Anyway, it s a beautiful time of the year, very picturesque and bright, especially during September. Leaves are red, orange, yellow, golden brown and amber. The air is cool, crisp and the sky looks darker and more boundless in the evenings. s autumn and nothing can be done till the next June. It s like a damnation and a punishment for relaxed and carefree summer we ve just spent. A.A. Milne shares the other point of view in his essay A Word for Autumn . The narrator is kind of a relativist here. ... Show more content on ... I think it s in the air, this feeling of happiness, of youth and joyful moments. Everything makes a mix of complete and sunny summer bliss and that s how it goes from year to year. That s why, may be, it so important to keep this feeling and thought inside, and bring it throughout autumn and winter. We still don t have such a skill. To be honest, me not. I try to cultivate this habit in me but every time it s in vain and A. A. Milneon the contrary succeeded in it and I m a little envious about him in this way. He is epicurean here, he takes the best of life while he can, he enjoys every moment of life. He sees it s beauty in the fresh celery and a wedge of cheese , in vegetables and fruits, in the pipe he just smoked, in taverns and London inns. And here comes the thought that it s a good life and it s going to be this way no matter what happens. The narrator wanted to make us think about it and he did. He ensured me and here I agree with him that: The end of the summer is not the end of the world. Here s to October and, waiter, some more
  • 47. Case Study Of Constantine s Grocery University of the people BUS 5111: Financial Management Term 1, 2017 2018 Written Assignment 6 XXX XXX XXX Abstract In this case, Constantine s Grocery became a full service grocery store chain in the USA and required additional 135 million dollars to maintain current operations. This paper is intended to provide the narrative to discuss pros and cons of different ways such as issuing debts and stocks to raise capital. Later, I talked about initial public offering(IPO) process. Background Information Constantine s Grocery, one of family businesses in the USA, has endured sixty years and became a full service grocery store chain. In order to maintain the current operations and support the growth in the future, an additional ... Show more content on ... (n.d.). Retrieved October 03, 2017, from Suralta, J. (2016, April 12). Is Your Company Aiming for an Initial Public Offering? This Checklist Can Guide You. Retrieved October 03, 2017, from http:/ / to ipo process/ IPO Process A Guide to Initial Public Offerings (IPOs). (n.d.). Retrieved October 03, 2017, from process Koba, M. (2013, December 27). Initial Public Offering: CNBC Explains. Retrieved October 03, 2017, from Execute a debt offering. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2017, from https:/ / assurance/ipo centre/execute a debt offering.html Advantages and disadvantages of stock market flotation. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2017, from and disadvantages stock market flotation Marino, M. (2015, August 31). Stock Market Basics: What Is An IPO? Retrieved October 15, 2017, from market basics what is an ipo cm514916 Brain, M. (n.d.). How NASDAQ IPOs Work. Retrieved October 15, 2017, from