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Marineland Canada Ticket Deals Marineland Canada Ticket Deals
The Colonization Of The Americas Became A Time Of Growth...
The 1700s in the Americas became a time of growth of independence and religious freedoms. People
began separating from the original religious sects and began searching for other ways of worship.
These included revivals, outdoor sermons, and more inclusive baptisms. This allowed more people to
experience religion, allowing people to decide for themselves which way of worship was right for
them. Along with growing religious independence, the nation itself began to establish itself as a
unified entity. The colonies began thinking of independence, away from the control of England.
However, one group, enslaved Africans, remained separated and excluded from the nation s
unification. The use of slaves, common during this time, established the ... Show more content on ...
She accomplishes this within the poem by depicting her conversion to Christianity as an enslaved
African, using herself as an example while calling for salvation of Africans, and through her specific
use of language, word choice, and religion to separate herself from the African race in order to appeal
to while colonists.
The Wheatley family purchased a young African girl, who was enslaved and sent to Boston. Her
owners named her Phillis after the ship carrying her overseas. The Wheatley family taught her to read
and write using the King James Bible. Wheatley utilized her education and began writing poetry. At
the age of twelve, she published her first poem, making her the first African American female poet.
Later in 1770, the poem titled On the Death of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield raised international
attention. This attention helped Phillis Wheatley publish a book of collected poems in 1773 including
poems titled On Being Brought from Africa to America , and Thoughts on the Works of Providence .
Her early education not only focused on literacy, but religion, where it played a large role in her
poetry. Writing an elegy for Rev. Mr. George Whitefield, an evangelist preacher who spoke to
thousands of people to spread the word of God, portrayed Wheatley s admiration for the preacher she
had the opportunity to observe.
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Assessment Of Acute Phase Protein
Assessment of acute phase protein (plasminogen activating inhibitor) levels and in type 2 Sudanese
diabetic patients
A research proposal for master degree of medical biochemistry
By Khalid M.Elhassan Osman Abdelsamad Supervisor Dr. Khalid Hussein
Introduction and literature review: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder of multiple etiologies. It is
characterized by chronic hyperglycemia together with disturbances of carbohydrate, fat and protein
metabolism resulting from defects of insulin secretion, insulin action or both.(1) Type 2 diabetes
(formerly called non insulin dependent or adult onset diabetes) is caused by the body s ineffective use
of insulin. It often results from excess body weight and physical inactivity. The expected number of
diabetic patients 438 million by 2030, an increase of 54% compared to predicted figures for 2010(2).
Macro vascular diseases such as coronary artery disease are one of complications of both type 1 and
type 2 diabetes mellitus. The prevalence of diabetes is increasing, now diabetes also affects
adolescents and younger adults, thus promoting the earlier development of long term cardiovascular
complications. Diabetes itself accounts for 75 90% of the excess coronary artery disease (CAD) risk
and enhances the effects of other cardiovascular risk factors. Death from stroke and myocardial
infarction (MI) are the leading
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Textual Analysis Of Hey Wait
In the story of Hey, Wait... by Jason, the title of the book ideally lays the theme of the story. As we
start the story, we learn about Jon and Bjorn and how they were innocent children, however two
simple words that Jon said changed his life altogether. This goes to show how one simple thing in life
can unintentionally turn your life completely upside down. In the story, Jon continually struggles with
tragedy that he feels he was at fault for. On page 24 of part 1 of the story the two friends are at the
scene of the tree on the cliff and this is a major turning part in the book. Leading up into this scene,
everything was all happiness and innocence, but the artist really put consideration in developing each
panel for this page. The facial expression
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The Black And White Water Fountains
Visualize the critical racial discrimination in the United States and recall prior knowledge about the
harsh environments and the unequal treatments that African Americans faced such as the black and
white water fountains in the South. Dating back to the beginning of the 1910s, Apartheid has done its
share in racial segregation .It as an immense conflict that was yet concluded by the people who
collaborated to form the Anti Apartheid movement. Resistance to apartheid within South Africa took
many forms over the years, from non violent demonstrations, protests and strikes to political action
and eventually to armed resistance. Overtime there has been a plethora of leaders that were willing to
abolish segregation, which includes Nelson ... Show more content on ...
The Land Acts are one of the many laws established by the white supremacy government to separate
the different races in South Africa. Under apartheid, native South Africans (black) would be forced to
live in isolated areas from whites and use separate facilities, and contact between both races would be
permitted unless of certain circumstance (jobs). Despite the consistent opposition to apartheid within
of South Africa and around the world, South African laws remained in action for over 50 years. In
1950, the Afrikaners prohibited marriage between different races. Also, The Population Registration
Act of 1950 included the basic blue print for apartheid by classifying/ distinguishing all South
Africans by race, including Bantu (black Africans), Coloured (mixed race) and white. In 1958 Dr.
Hendrik Verwoerd, who was elected prime minister, would redefined/ reestablish the apartheid policy
into a management he referred to as separate development. In 1959 Bantustans were formed for the
black South Africans as communities, this was a part of The Promotion of Bantu Self Government Act
of 1959. The government began to separating black South Africans from each other to enabled the
government to claim there was no black South African majority, and it reduced the chance that blacks
would unify into one big oppositionist/ rebellious organization. Every black South African was
designated as a
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Jewish Contributions to the Early Civil Rights Movement
In many ways, the 1950s planted the seeds for the progress of the 60s. Glimpses of the rebellious
generation, who would later find its way to the anti War protests, are found throughout the fifties,
specifically in movies like Rebel Without a Cause and more overtly in Jack Kerouac?s On The Road.
The move away from conformity and towards more of an individualistic mentality began in the
somewhat closed circles of the Beat movement and spread throughout America during the sixties. The
Montgomery Bus Boycotts and Brown V. Board of Education were great precursors to the
revolutionary civil rights legislation of the mid sixties. Whereas for most of the aforementioned
societal changes, the 50s only exhibited hints of what was to come in the ... Show more content on ...
Martin Luther King Jr. took the helm of the Montgomery Improvement Association, which was in
charge of the boycott, and it was under his leadership that the civil rights movement began to take a
new direction. His approach to the civil injustices of the time was peaceful confrontation. Exploiting
the new TV medium of the 1950s, King was able to reach millions more. The contrast of innocent
Blacks against the antagonistic White policemen of the South struck a chord with the liberal
Americans of the North. Playing on progressive ideals, King captured the attention of the left leaning
Americans, specifically those who found it difficult to express themselves in the federally hunted
Communist movement.
King, a religious man himself, frequently alluded to Biblical stories and themes. Instead of talking
about the resurrection of Jesus and other themes which divided Christians and Jews, King focused on
the Old Testament and the common values found in both religions. King himself declared that, I draw
not from Marxism or any other secular philosophy but from the prophets of Israel; from their passion
for justice and cry for righteousness. The ethic of Judaism is integral to my Christian faith. [3] King
concentrated on the shared belief of a compassionate God, as he once told a Rabbi, You and I draw
living waters from the same spring, from the belief in a God of love, Mercy and Justice.
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Study Of The Ethics Committee Of Our University
This prospective study was performed during the period from April 2015 to July 2016. The study was
conducted according to the guidelines of the ethics committee of our university and was approved by
our institutional review board. The study population comprised 103 males construction manual
workers (mean age, 38.73± 12.43; age range, 23 60 years) presenting with low back pain with or
without lower limb radiculopathy to the outpatient spine clinic and with lumbar disc prolapse on MRI.
Disc herniation and 250 lumbar nerve roots at the levels of disc degeneration were evaluated on MR
images for compromise. The workers included manual workers involved in physical and mechanical
work such as bricklayers, concrete mixers, crane operators and plumbers. Patients with prior back
surgery, spine fractures, sacroiliac arthritis, metabolic bone disease, spinal infection and rheumatoid
arthritis, were excluded. Each worker gave a written informed consent to participate in our study. II.
Methods All workers were subjected to the following: 1. Face to face interview using a predesigned
questionnaire: The questionnaire included demographic information (e.g. name, age, height, body
weight, job description, work experience, duration of present work) and data on low back pain
perceived causes and symptoms. Visual Analogue Scale 100mm (VAS) was used to assess pain and
Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) was used to assess functional disability pre and 3months post
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Fear In Lord Of The Flies Research Paper
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Franklin D. Roosevelt conveyed human nature in these
words, which painted the picture of fear s grip on our thoughts and actions. In Lord of the Flies by
William Golding, a stranded group of boys transformed to savages as they attempted to extinguish the
source of their uneasiness, only they were too late to learn that fright was not something driven away
by a stick sharpened at both ends (Golding 267). Trepidation was proven to be all controlling
throughout Golding s writing as it prompted the juveniles to kill under night s shadows while
pressuring them to act rashly to keep from being hunted by an imaginary monster.
Ironically, the terror brought on by the mysteriousness of nightfall, along ... Show more content on ...
All of them continually rationalized that if there was a beast out there, they had to constantly focus on
hunting and satiating it. At first, Jack claimed that fear can t hurt you any more than a dream. He even
aforementioned, There aren t any beasts to be afraid of on this island (Golding 82 83). This affirmation
momentarily soothed the children. Exploration for meat, in addition to maintaining a rescue fire, again
became the focal point of their labors. All seemed well, but one morning, while keeping up the fire,
Samneric saw the dead parachutist on the mountain. Despite having a two against one chance, they
mistook it for their worst nightmare rather than inspecting the situation further. The bright morning
was full of threats and the circle began to change. It faced out, rather than in, and the spears of
sharpened wood were like a fence (Golding 137). This was a major turning point in the novel, because
the smoke signal was no longer a priority, while the lads thoughts were consumed with fright by the
beast and the lust for hunting. In a sacrificial effort to satisfy the monster, they also left the head of
their killed pig as an offering (Golding 191). From then on, instead of focusing on being rescued,
fright converted the boys sticks to spears, in lieu of
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Pros And Cons Of Peary
The article states that the three arguments provide strong support for the truth of Pearys s claim, and
provide three reasons of support. However, the professor explains that there would not be any solid
evidence to prove that the Peary s reached the North Pole, and refutes each of the author s reasons.
Firstly, the reading claims that National geographic society concluded that he had reached the North
Pole. The professor opposes this point by saying that The National geography society was the close
friends of Peary, and they funded his trip to the North Pole. He states that the investigation that have
been recorded, was only of two days. So, this contributes that the society s calculations were biased
and not trust worthy.
Second, the
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Multistep Synthesis Essay
Limiting Reactant: Eq 1 Limiting reactant = Benzoin
Theoretical yield of Benzil:
Eq 2
Theoretical Yield Benzil | 0.296 g | Mass of Crude Benzil | 0.188 g | Mass of Final Benzil | 0.127 g | %
Yield | 43% | % Recovery | 66% |
Table 1: Mass of crude/final Benzil, % yield, and % recovery
Percent Yield: % Yield = (Final product/Theoretical product) x 100 Eq 3 = (0.127 g/0.296 g) x 100 =
43% yield
Percent Recovery % Recovery = (Final product/Crude product) x 100 Eq 4 = (0.127 g/0.188 g) x 100
= 66% recovery
Theoretical Yield Benzilic Acid:
Eq 5
Theoretical Yield Benzilic Acid | 0.109 g | Final Benzilic Acid | 0.060g | ... Show more content on ...
The percent yield, calculated using the theoretical and final amount of benzil, was 43% (see Eq 3).
The percent recovery, calculated using the crude and final amount of benzil, was 66% (Eq 4). The
melting points of crude and final benzil were 82.5 85.6C and 94.2C respectively (Table 3). The
literature value for pure benzil is 95C and the final crystallized benzil temperature value is very close
to the literature value. This testifies the purity of the experimental benzil. The melting point value of
the crude was much lower and the range was much wider due to the impurities. For further
conformation of the purity of experimental benzil, the infrared spectroscopy was observed. . The
following functional groups were determined on the infrared spectroscopy according to their
corresponding wavenumbers: aromatic, sp2 C H bonds, and C=O/carbonyl group (Table 4). Benzil
incorporates all of the above functional groups. The melting and infrared spectroscopy confirmed that
the final product created was Benzil.
In the following reaction, benzil was rearranged to from benzilic acid by reacting it with potassium
hydroxide in ethanol. 0.100 benzil was utilized and the theoretical yield of benzilic acid was 0.109
grams (see Eq 5). The final yield and weight of benzilic acid was 0.60 grams. The final yield and
theoretical yield were used to calculate the percent yield, 55% (similar to Eq 3). The melting point of
benzilic acid was 148.3C and the literature value for
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Ophelia Alternate Ending Essay
Doyle sat with his back against a tree and his hands over his ears, it did no good, he could still hear
her voice calling out to him to help her. He had been chasing that voice since he suddenly found
himself alone, no matter how fast and long he ran, he never got any closer to it. He heard the
everhungry roaring in the distance and then Ophelia s screams, he pulled himself to his feet, but before
he took one step someone grabbed him by the arm. Doyle turned to look at the woman who held him,
for a moment he thought it was Ophelia, because she wore the same clothing that Ophelia had donned
back at the merfolk colony when she had reclaimed her human form. The woman said, Come with me,
Ophelia needs your help. She pulled him in the opposite direction from Ophelia s screams and he
pulled back. It s not real, you ll never catch it, it s just a will o the wisp, a phantom voice to torture
you, you must ignore it if you are to help Ophelia and Belinda, come, we must hurry. ... Show more
content on ...
Grunk held the everhungry on a thick leather leash as they walked down the hall to Belinda s suite, he
expected her door to be locked and bolted, but when he pushed on it, it opened without resistance. The
lights were off, but he could see the silhouette of a feminine form standing on the balcony looking
down at the street below. Grunk grinned and let loose of the leash and the everhungry lunged forward,
when it got to the door, it leapt through at the unsuspecting woman. Both woman and balcony
disappeared before it made contact and the everhungry fell roaring through the sky, it hit the the
pavement six floors below and the roaring stopped. Grunk walked over and examined the reality that
had replaced the illusion. Instead of an open door there was only a broken picture window and no
balcony at all, he glanced down at the everhungry and the pool of blood spreading out around
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The Goffman s Theory Of Dramaturgy
Pretend you are playing the role of a character named Jordan, while discussing Erving Goffman s
theory of dramaturgy. Jordan finally made it. Jordan finally graduated university and has been lucky
enough to receive an offer for an interview at the institution that he had been working towards his
entire university career, an interview at the top law firm in all of Toronto. Now it is time to prepare. It
is time for Jordan to show the firm that he is meant to be there. To show the firm that this position was
meant for him, he must be the best version of himself. Jordan is competing against hundreds of other
university graduates, but he must show them that he is the one. Jordan s first impression matters, he
must show them the qualities that they want to see to ensure that he receives the position at the law
firm. While attending this interview in the role of Jordan, you want to put forward the best version of
yourself, it is expected by all to do so. If you want the job you are going to show the interviewers
exactly what they want to see to ensure that you get the position. While doing this you are engaging in
what Goffman calls impression management. Impression management refers to the verbal and
nonverbal practices we employ in an attempt to present an acceptable image of our self to others
(Goffman, 2012, pg. 469). You portray a certain, expected image to the audience and hope that they
see that image the way that you intended. In association with the term impression
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Developmental Issues Research Paper
Development.A procees that takes nine months to create the people we see today.Sometimes while the
developmental process is happening there is an issue that causes specific functions of the body not to
work.These developmental issues are more common than not. Developmental issues vary with
person.It can causes changes of skin,hair,limbs,and even organs. There is a genetic disorder called
Ectodermal Dysplasia. Its not a single disorder, but a group of closely related conditions of which
more than 150 different syndromes have been identified.It effects the hair,skin,nails,and teeth.Teeth
shatter never fully able to grow,the persons hair grows inwards never being able to grow hair on the
outside, and the nails also arent able to completely.There
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Essay On Tranexalogy Fracture
Primary aim
To investigate whether administration of tranexamic acid to neck of femur fracture patients
at admission and prior to surgery reduce the blood transfusion rate.
Secondary aims
To investigate the effect of tranexamic acid on
Estimated blood loss.
Length of stay.
Wound complications.
Post op recovery time.
Null hypothesis
There is no effect of tranexamic acid on blood transfusion rates, acute vascular events,
length of stay, recovery and cost of treatment.
Patient selection
All patients admitted with neck of femur fracture to RVI will be screened for eligibility and
will be recruited into trial after consent.
Inclusion criteria
All isolated neck of femur fractures who are mobile with not less than one aid. ... Show more content
on ...
The patient would be monitored and reported by the orthopaedic
team at RVI blinded about the treatment.
The patients haemoglobin and other parameters will be monitored by the blinded medical
team, the blood transfusion threshold will be Hb 8.0 mg/dl (as per institution policy).
Estimated blood loss will be calculated based on Hb drop, number of units of transfusion
using formula. Blood loss = Preop Hb (Postop Hb + Units Transfused) {where 1 unit = 315 mls}.
Primary outcome
The patients will be monitored until discharge and number of units of blood transfusion
starting from intra operative period will be recorded. Our aim is to investigate if tranexamic
acid reduces the rate intraoperative of post operative blood transfusion.
Secondary outcome
In addition, we will also document length of stay, compare mobility status in both groups,
estimate blood loss, identify the incidence on new vascular event (MI, CVA, PE, DVT) and
Further the vascular events will be confirmed by teats objectively and by medical specialists.
Mycocardial infarction will be diagnosed by ECG changes, Troponin I levels and confirmed
physician review. The pulmonary embolism will be confirmed by CT pulmonary angiogram,
ECG and chest X ray. The deep vein thrombosis will be confirmed by ultrasound Doppler
scan of the limbs. The patients with CVA will have a neurologist s review and CT would
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Training Pyramid Effects Of A Horse s Adaptability
A horse s adjustability is the result of a horses, strength, relaxation (both mental and physical), and
ability to maintain contact. The horse should be able to shorten the stride while still actively stepping
under/ tracking up and pushing from the hindend into the bridle. On the opposite end of the spectrum a
horse should be able to extend or lengthen the stride without their balance shifting onto their forehand
creating a running and unbalanced gait. Each rung of the training pyramid effects the horse s
adjustability in a different way. Overall, If the horse has no steady rhythm to his gait there is no way
for him to truly be connected or have impulsion therefore his gait, especially stride length can not be
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Police V. Guns On The Streets
Police v. Guns on the Streets
My research paper is that people should focus on the streets that are mainly weapons, kids carrying
toy guns replica from a real gun will be mistakenly the targets getting killed by police officer s. People
have not realized that guns are the major causes of death. Against fellow police officers. it has showed
that since the shooting of Oscar Grant and Michael Brownl increase the killings of police officers shot
by a real or a toy replica gun. Police are basically putting their lives out in the streets, and that they
police officers have families to return home to. I have wondered why manufacturers are putting toy
guns that are made realistic, and that back in the days toy guns were made in different colors, the guns
were made of plastic water guns, silver steel guns are made.
All guns are brought in from different countries, Asia, China, North America and Europe. The United
States are fighting to keep guns off the streets and although these companies are willing to sale the
products to businesses, such as a Sporting goods store or a toy store and a private company that
produces the items to whole sales producers that sales these items in the flea markets or a dollar store
and other major shops in the United States.
These companies from North and South of the Country creates guns that are real with no indication
that the police officers instinct is to follow the law by asking the suspect to put the gun down slowly
and move away from the
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The Chinese Martial Arts Film
Most Martial arts films in China generally tend to foreground issues of gender. In addition, these films
portray a fixed line of gender separation. The Chinese Martial arts film culture has always been more
receptive to the general idea of the female character in what Westerners would indeed consider
exclusively male role such as the action hero (Castillo 3). In the martial art films several actress have
even established their entire reputations as action stars. The action heroes were also held up as the idea
of masculinity with all of its inherent characteristics of control, privilege and agency. This is actually
adopted from the western archetypes of male action hero which emphasize connotations of physical
presence and prominent body musculature. The emergence of the Chinese martial arts has resulted to
convergence of social, economic and political pressures that along with creative talents of producers,
writers, actors and directors, have indeed forged a national cinema that captured attention of the world
wide cinematic consciousness. Majority of the Chinese martial arts movies are distinctively known in
cultivating the concept of gender roles. A close analysis of these movies ultimately portrays that
multiple characters from the both genders not only play an immense role in the martial arts aspect of
the films, but indeed symbolize Chinese themes as well as some of the issues that the country was
going through at that particular time. In these regard, in most of the
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Should College Tuition Be Free
Imagine having to pay $25,620 just for a college education, research has shown the average bachelor s
degree holder takes 21 years to pay off his or her loans. This leads to the question if college tuition
should be free or not. While some may believe it ought to be others disagree.
People like Arne Duncan believe college tuition should be free. The cost of college should never
discourage anyone from going after a valuable degree. Meanwhile people such as Matt Bruenig
disagree. Making college free for everyone would almost certainly mean giving far more money to
students from richer families than from poorer ones.
To start off, some people strongly concur that college tuition should be free. For example free college
tuition means more ... Show more content on ...
One of the reasons why people believe that college tuition shouldn t be free is because taxes and fees
will be increased. Many students can afford to pay a considerable amount toward their higher
education. It is wasteful to give them a free ride. Eric Maskin explains. Just because some students can
t pay their college tuition doesn t mean everyone can t therefore there is no need for college tuition to
be free. College loans are often the first major financial dealing that people work with. Paying them
off in a timely manner proves you know how to budget your money, skills people use again and again
when buying cars or houses. Without having to pay for school, that experience won t exist, which
might be trouble down the road for buying that house or car. In reason to college shouldn t be free
because college might not seem as important and private schools may have to be closed. If college
becomes free for students, colleges will attract more young people who are not suited for college and
more students will major in fields with little or no market value. Students may skip class or not try
their hardest of the fact that they don t need to get their cash s worth when they aren t paying for
anything. As enrollment at public schools increases, so do the fees. Either more money would have to
be given to the schools, or they would have to create waitlists. This means that the taxes for education
related purposes might go up, or funding for something else (such as military expenditures). After
consideration some may believe that college tuition shouldn t be
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Animal Abuse And Human Abuse
For years people have been abusing animals. So much so, that there are commercials and
organizations dedicated to stopping the abuse of animals. It seems like everyday we turn on the news
and hear stories of a person burning a kitten or someone shooting a puppy, but why do these people
feel the need to do that to these helpless animals? Is there something deeper than just animal abuse?
The types of animal abuse these helpless victim faces are similar to the same type of abuse children
face. Animals are sexually abused, physically abused, neglected and even psychologically abused, but
it does not seem to be taken as seriously as human abuse. Domestic violence, school shootings,
murders and other forms of violence are also topics that seem to come up far too often in everyday
life. These criminals that have committed heinous crimes against humans all got their start
somewhere, and for many of them animals were where their abuses started. This paper will discuss
what animal abuse is, how animal abuse and violence are linked, how people evolve into the criminals
they are today through some sort of animal abuse, the warning signs of future abuse, and how we can
help these mentally ill individuals. Animal abuse, defined by the MSPCA, is Cruelty to Animals. The
infliction of physical pain, suffering or death upon an animal, when not necessary for purposes of
training or discipline or (in the case of death) to procure food or to release the animal from incurable
suffering, but
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Safe Sex No Regrets Campaign Essay
Northern Territory Government Safe Sex, No Regrets Media Campaign
Australia has been experiencing increased rates of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) over the
past ten years as a direct result of unsafe sex practises (ABS Australian Social Trends, Jun 2012).
These infections are some of the most common illnesses worldwide affecting the health and wellbeing
of people infected, particularily women in regards to their fertility (Gerbase, Rowley, heymann et, al
1998). Northern Territory Health (2008) along with the other Australian states have identified that the
age group at being most at risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections is people aged between
15 and 29. This paper will establish whether a positive ... Show more content on ...
The National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (2010) received reports that the predominant
sexually transmissible infections during 2010 were Chlamydia and syphilis. It has been established
that the 15 to 29 year age group have the highest rates of infection and this is continually increasing
(Wilkins amp; Mak 2005). Research carried out by Stancombe Research amp; Planning (2008) have
confirmed that people falling into this age group not only show higher rates of infection of STIs but
also have limited knowledge of correct safe sex practice. These findings brought to the forefront that
the awareness of STIs was extremely low, particularly amongst the younger population bringing to
attention that education about the harm associated with STIs was and is crucial, along with informed
structural strategies that help reduce the risks, if changing beliefs and attitudes in regards to improved
sexual health are to be achieved.
Undiagnosed and untreated sexually transmissible infections (STIs) have negative health outcomes for
both individuals involved and the community (Strobel amp; Ward 2012). Higher costs to medical
services are a direct result from complications such as infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease and
cervical cancer caused by STIs. Risks need to be brought to the wider communities attention and
messages that STIs contribute to the mortality statistics through deaths associated with AIDS,
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U.s. Maritime Strategic Operations
Introduction For over 60 years the Forward Deployed Naval Forces (FDNF) in Japan has served as a
cornerstone for executing U.S. Maritime Strategies in Asia. From the strategies of Deterrence, Power
Projection, and Crisis Response, to the strategies of Littoral Operations and
Engagement, the FDNF has been a key contributor to these missions.
Several commands in the United States Navy operate in overseas outside of Continental United States
(CONUS). These are the different platforms of naval ships such as: Destroyers (DDG), Mine Counter
Measure (MCM), Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD), landing Platform Dock (LPD), Dock Landing
Ship (LSD), Military Sealift Command (MSC), Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit, Undersea
Surveillance Detachment, ... Show more content on ...
This was accomplished during a single day during underway in FDNF operation. All of this was done
on time, professionally and most importantly safely without a single personnel or equipment casualty.
FDNF Operational Requirements
The U.S. 7th Fleet is the largest U.S. numbered fleet (Figure 1), with 60 70 ships, 200 300 aircraft and
about 40,000 Sailors and Marines operating in the region on a typical day (Carr, 2013). There are
more than 48 million square miles (more than 124 million square kilometers) in the 7th Fleet s Area of
Responsibility (AOR). It covers the Kuril Islands in the north to the Antarctic in the south, and from
the International Date Line to the 68th meridian east, which runs down from the India Pakistan border.
It has 36 maritime countries and the world s five largest foreign armed forces in the 7th AOR (i.e.,
Russia, India, North Korea, People s Republic of China, and Republic of Korea). Five of the seven
U.S. Mutual Defense Treaties are with countries in the area of Republic of the Philippines, Republic of
Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and Thailand (C7F, 2015).
The FDNF offers two independent striking forces; the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) battle group and
the USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) amphibious ready group. When augmented with submarines
from Submarine squadron FIFTEEN out of Guam, the strike potential is apparent (Mitchell,
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The Effects Of Rap Music On Social Behavior Essay
In society today, it is highly noticed that the role of rap music messages and video images of violence
causes an increase in negative emotions, thoughts and behaviors which could lead to violence amongst
youth. Rap music has been at the center of concern in regards to the potential harmful effect of violent
media on social behavior amongst youth. This potential behavior could be seen in the music video
titled Kim by Eminem. In this music video, the storyline, language and sound encourages hostile
thoughts and feelings amongst its audience. In the music video, Kim husband catches her cheating on
him in their home with another man, while he is away. However, when Marshall gets home and finds
out that his wife is cheating on him, he gets upset, angry, and abusive and becomes violent towards his
wife Kim. He screams at her saying that, if she moves again, he will beat the shit out of her (Line 11).
Violence in rap music has increased in response to the complex interplay of changing social conditions
such as the elevated levels of youth violence in the changing commercial practices within the music
industry. Hence, the media influences violence in four negative ways, which contributes immensely to
anger amongst youth which leads to aggressive behavior such as social violence, substance abuse,
domestic violence, and negative perceptions of women.
In the song, Eminem s anger and emotions is used as a premise in the music lyrics, which
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Different Types Of Register That People Use Every Day, And...
Leonardo Dagne
Hanna Ellis
Aice English Language AS Level
21 September 2016
1. There are different types of register that people use every day, and your register makes you different
from everybody else.
2. Synonym Style
3. There are different types of styles that people use every day, and your style makes you different
from everybody else.
4. The messages of the sentence changes drastically, the replacing of register to style makes a great
difference in the sentences. Register means how language is used can vary in audiences, purposes, or
contexts .Style means the way of doing something. The term register is more focused on the subject of
English because it s about how a language is used in situations like audience, purposes, or context.
Whereas the term style is broader and the term can be used for a way of doing anything nothing
particularly specific. The words can be interchangeable but they have further described to be fully
1. When people are talking, the mode decides how they re going to speak
2. Synonym process
3. When we are talking, the process decides if we support or are against the subject that is being talked
4. The message of the sentences are the same, the replacement of process to mood has a minimum
change in the sentence. The word mode means how language is said depending in the type of
communication. Whereas the term process means a procedure was done for a specific reason The term
mode is more
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Importance Of Interpersonal Relationship In Law Enforcement
Interpersonal relationships, dealing and working under stressful conditions, proficient in MSWord,
Outlook, ATS, Enforce and other proprietary software used in law enforcement, working as a team
member or independently to carry out set goals, researching and interpreting complex laws,
regulations, policies, and multi tasking.
U.S. Immigration Services Officer II U.S. Citizenship Immigration Services U.S. Department of
Homeland Security
Detroit, Michigan 2012 2015
Achieved Excellence Performance Rating for fiscal years 2013 and 2014. An award based on my work
performed and obtaining a case completion rate of 135% vs regional rate of 125% and an activity rate
of 68%.
Interpret, apply and enforce an intricate field of Immigration and Nationality laws, which includes
planning and conducting independent research concerning the eligibility and entitlement of persons
seeking immigration benefits and/or legal status under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
Interview applicants to elicit statements and assess credibility via verbal testimony and nonverbal
behavioral observation to assist in determining eligibility for benefits being sought, performed initial
fact finding and initiated further action where fraud was detected.
Make final determinations on complex and highly sensitive immigration applications and petitions
involving eligibility for citizenship and immigration benefits; wrote complex final determinations with
legal analysis to support decisions.
Coordinate with other federal agencies in identifying individuals who pose a threat to national security
and safety while establishing and maintaining relationships with attorneys, and other government
agencies and private organizations.
Oversee naturalization ceremonies in U.S. District Court and off site events serving as USCIS
representative and speaker.
U.S. Customs Border Protection Officer U.S. Customs Border Protection U.S. Department of
Homeland Security Detroit, Michigan 2003 2012
Received eight awards during this time based on my job performance. Most notably, my research
which involved the arrest and
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The Service Strategy Of IKEA
IKEA is a cosmopolitan group of establishments that designs and sells ready to accumulate furniture
such as beds, chair and desks, appliances, small motor vehicles and home accessories. As of January
2008, it is the world s largest furniture trader. Originated in Sweden in 1943 by the 17 years old Ingvar
Kamprad, who was enumerated as one of the world s richest society in 2013, the company s name
IKEA is an abbreviation that contains of the initials of Ingvar Kamprad, Elmtaryd the farm where he
raised up, and Agunnaryd his hometown in Smaland, South Sweden.
The establishment is recognized for its contemporary architectural designs for countless types of
utilizations and furniture, and its interior design work is often connected with eco friendly ... Show
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First thing been identified about IKEA is that it is not just a furniture trader but provides solutions to
lot of people for an affordable price. Here the affordable price does not mean low quality product but
it originates lower cost products. So the first strategy in IKEA is the Overall Cost Leadership. They
maintain their cost in a lower level without destroying to its quality. IKEA as a prominent furniture
franchiser it faces for an enormous demand in every day. According to the volume they have hefty
show room which has adjusted capacity distribution. Thus, they are sustaining a restaurant chain along
with their store with their occupant and also cultural foods. They have used the strategy of Developing
Complementary Services in managing their demand. IKEA started in Sweden but now it has blow out
to 40 countries with 330 stores. It is a comprehensive company it has expands the company to every
country. IKEA been identified as Globalization Strategy and the influences they used in entering to
these countries. Before they decide in entering to a country it conducts a research on the viability and
sustainability of it. For an example they have once tried to enter to the New Zealand market but
according to the investigation finding there will be an enormous traffic jam in Auckland if they open a
store so they give up the idea. As the conclusion of the strategies of IKEA they used 3 main strategies
to become successful in shorter time period. They are; Overall Cost Leadership Developing
Complementary Services Globalization Strategy Franchiser Multi Country
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How Olympus Has Fallen Made Similar Strides For Success
For a world fearful of terrorism, we sure do love to watch mad men run amok in a fictional capacity
and do so in epic fashion. Usually it s aliens devastating the world s largest cities, but on occasion, it s
nothing more than a evil doer with a vision. Popular films, like Die Hard, Air Force One, and Speed
have previously created concentrated environments for terrorists to thrive with their grandiose, sinister
schemes creating timeless heroes and memorable climaxes in the process. And, while not as famous as
those aforementioned films, Olympus Has Fallen made similar strides for success a few short years
Olympus Has Fallen was by no stretch of the imagination plausible, nor realistic, though. Honestly,
with an argument ... Show more content on ...
The who s who of world leaders gather in England for the funeral, including those from Germany,
France, Italy, and others. But, someone on the inside of the world s intelligence community tips off a
Most Wanted criminal, Aamir Barkawi (Alon Moni Aboutboul) who is seeking revenge for the death
of his daughter (she died during a drone strike launched by President Asher). Thus, Barkawi
orchestrates a devastating attack that takes the lives of several world leaders and nearly takes the life
of President Asher, too.
Thankfully, with the help of Banning, Asher is able to escape, though putting them on the run from a
seemingly endless amount of pursuing terrorists that wish to capture the President, so he can be
executed live on the internet. And, with the President unaccounted for it thrusts Vice President Allan
Trumball (Morgan Freeman) back into a Presidential capacity.
It s not as if Olympus Has Fallen was a resounding success when it hit the big screen at this same time
three years ago making the proposal for a sequel to be a complete oddity. The idea of the White House
being compromised was about as far fetched of an idea as one could possibly imagine (unless its
1814). Oddly enough, though, the President s mansion was attacked twice in 2013 once by Olympus
Has Fallen, and then a few months later by being the equally
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Spare Parts Scientific Method
In the movie Spare Parts there are numerous comparisons from the movie to the scientific method in
which the movie shown. One of the many would be Lorenzo which he did materials in the scientific
method. Secondly, there is Oscar who was determined to make the underwater robot happen. Another
one would be when the whole team did the experiment for the robot. Those are some of the many in
which the scientific is applied to the robot project.
In the project of the underwater robot one of the methods was material which was done by Lorenzo.
Lorenzo was the one who thought of the whole idea to get the plastic ,trolling motors, pool noodles,
cameras, tape measure and cables. The whole idea of the scientific method of materials is colors,
texture, smell and how it changes size. On the website called it states Materials:
Identify all materials being used. Since this site says Scientific Method for the title it means that
Lorenzo did the scientific method correct according to the website. ... Show more content on ...
It states on the website called Scientific method research Scientific method of research
Four steps: 1.Observation 2.Hypothesis 3.Testing 4.Predictions . According to the website Oscar did
do the research right because he went onto the computer and searched up the contest and he observed
the information given. Then he also printed out the paper in which it contained information for the
group and got the hypothesis which was that they would be able to make the robot for the
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The View that Religion Acts as a Conservative Force on...
The View that Religion Acts as a Conservative Force on Society Even though sociologists do not have
a true definition of religion they believe that religion is a belief in the supernatural. Some sociologists
believe that religion acts as a conservative force. A conservative force is something that prevents
change within society and also maintains the status quo. Functionalist believes that religion is a
conservative force. Durkhiem believes that everybody shares the same beliefs and values that are
represented by sacred symbols. Durkhiem would argue that religion acts as a conservative force as it
reinforces the collective conscious. Durkhiem would argue that as people worship in church they are
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Malinowski a functionalist focuses on the psychological needs of individuals in times of stress.
Malinowski believes religion provides people with meanings in times of life crisis for example death
and funerals. Things such as funerals allow people to move on and minimise the disruption to society.
He argues that the idea of heaven provides people with a meaning of life. This maintains the status
quo as it allows people to get on with day to day life. Malinowski did a study of the Troiband Island
and he argued people use religion in times of uncertainty. He found that when the people of the island
went to out to fish they felt safe when they fished in the lagoon they felt safe as they was close to
home, However when they went to fish out in the sea where the survival rate was low they would pray
to god to keep them safe. This shows that religion is a conservative force as it maintains the status quo
because it allows people to forget their problems and carry on with their every day life. Parsons
another functionalist would ague that religion provides answers to question that appear to be
unanswerable, for example when villains seem
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Booker T Washington Research Paper
Booker Taliaferro Washington was born a slave on April 5, 1856 on a Virginia farm. He was born to an
unknown white man and a black women named Jane. Washington had a very difficult childhood.
Having to work as a small kid for others and often beaten.Washington was born into slavery and he
still managed to maintain an educated life. Booker T. Washington was an American educator, author,
orator, and advisor to presidents of the United States. In the 1900s it was illegal for slaves to receive
an education. Poverty was often a problem in slaves not getting an education. Even after Washington s
family was freed he still had to seek employment. Booker T. Washington watched the white kids learn
and go to school and he wanted to do the same. After
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The Gods In The Iliad
In Greek Mythology, gods and goddesses were assigned gifts related to specific aspects of nature. It
explained to people the origin of the universe and how the world operates. The ancient Greeks were
basing these scientific concepts solely based on their beliefs alone, which resulted in stories that
included the gods swooping in and interfering with human affairs. Many of those recorded stories,
including Homer s The Iliad, can be interpreted in two ways: either the actual gods have appeared
before a protagonist or that there was a natural occurrence that had no scientific evidence to clarify
what it was. Book 5 of The Iliad shows several occasions where this occurs, and each example
presented in this essay will argue if it shows that the gods are physically present in the story, or the
gods are used only as metaphors for a scientific phenomenon. On the first line of page 164, Homer
describes a scene where Athena gives Diomedes strength and daring to ... shine forth and tower over
the Argives and win himself great glory (Hom. Il. 5.2 3). The reality of the situation is that Diomede s
sudden surge of energy is most likely coming from the chemicals in his brain. It seems like it could
have been his endorphins, which are a group of hormones that were activated by his ... Show more
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This specific battle reveals the gods personalities, and it can be also argued that they were physically
present as they were interacting with both humans and other gods. This book can be either interpreted
heavily or taken at face value by the people reading it today, but it can be agreed upon all that the
Greeks have created a belief system that describes science in a beautifully abstract way. Through
them, humans will begin to identify certain human occurrences and discover a more logical way to
explain them as time
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What Is The Connection Between Animal Farm And Russian...
Animal Farm is an allegorical book written by George Orwell. This book is said to be the most
popular and most relatable allegorical book written. In Animal Farm, the characters and events that
happen represent people and feelings during the Russian Revolution. Some of those connections
include Old Major to V.I. Lenin, Snowball to Trotsky, and Mr. Jones to Tsar Nicholas II. George
Orwell s book, Animal Farm, has numerous similarities to the people and the events that happened in
the Russian Revolution.
In Animal Farm, Old Major, a ruling pig, and V.I. Lenin, the leader of the Bolshevik Party, share many
connections in their paths. They are both leaders of their community and make a great change.
According to CliffsNotes, Lenin was responsible
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The American Of The Mexican War
In an effort to gain the Texas territory, Polk s decision to declare war on Mexico was provoked by the
Mexican government itself. His diplomatic course of action proved to have been in vain in an attempt
to gain compromise and peace between America and Mexico. Regardless of the attempts made by the
American government to peacefully coerce Mexico to relinquish the land, America was denied each
and every time. Military presence was necessary in order to facilitate a greater respect from Mexico
and to also offer additional protection for the Americans residing in Texas at the time; it was not meant
by any means to act as a threat towards the Mexican government. Provided these facts, it can be
assumed that the Mexican War was not an exercise in American imperialism, but rather, was instigated
by the increasing fear felt by the Mexican government due to the lack of power within their own
boundaries; this fear was further perpetrated by the fact that Mexico owed America money but could
not pay, Mexico stepped onto American soil and fired the first shots, and that the majority of residents
residing in Texas were in fact American citizens.
Knowing that the internal framework of the Mexican government was very unstable, Polk guarded the
borders with troops in order to intimidate them into complying with Congress s request not to engage
in war. His use of military force was designed less to protect Texas than to support an aggressive
diplomacy which might extract a
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Hope By Emily Dickinson Rhetorical Devices
Hope is the thing with feathers
Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops at all
And sweetest in the Gale is heard
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little Bird
That kept so many warm
I ve heard it in the chillest land
And on the strangest Sea
Yet never in Extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.
Hope abides; therefore I abide.
Countless frustrations have not cowed me.
I am still alive, vibrant with life.
The black cloud will disappear,
The morning sun will appear once again
In all its supernal glory. Sri Chinmoy
Poetic Device Analysis
In the poem Hope by Emily Dickinson, persona described hope as a confident ... Show more content
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The poem opens with the line Hope is the thing with feather. In this line, persona associated hope and
bird and made a metaphor.Then it follows like this, That perches in the soul/ And sings the tune
without words/ And never stops at all. In these lines, persona thinks that hope is like a singing bird,
even though sometimes it doesn t speak to us, eternally it will stay permanent in us. Also by
mentioning, hope as a permanent thing in inside of us, allows us to acquire most of what life gives to
us. The second stanza creates some kind of opposition for the hope, and in this stanza persona
metaphorically describe a person, who destroys his/her hope. By saying, And sore must be the
storm/That could abash the little bird/ That kept so many warm, persona used an impressive metaphor
by associating storm with anger and negativity. The storm abash the bird (hope) and cause pain and
discomfort hurts it. In the fourth stanza, with the following line which is I ve heard it in the chilliest
lands, persona tried to make her reader to believe in hope, she tried to convince that hope is
everywhere. In the last two lines, Yet never in extremity/ It asked a crumb of me , persona mentioned
that hope is a gift that doesn t exist for
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The Great Plague In London
The Great Plague was the worst outbreak outbreak in England since the black death in 1348. The
plague caused swellings in the lymph nodes, headaches, vomiting, and fevers. There was a thirty
percent chance of dying within two weeks. Treatments and prevention did not work at the time.
London, England lost about fifteen percent of their population, and there were 68,596 recorded deaths.
The true number of deaths, however, was most likely over 100,000. Other parts of England suffered as
well. The spring of 1665 was when the earliest cases of the disease occurred. The deaths began to
increase in the hot summer months, and they peaked in September when 7,165 people in London died
in one week. Scientist suggest rats carried fleas that caused the
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The Mining Industry in South Australia
Mining industry has been the anchor of South Australia s economy and, benefits it has provided
outweigh whichever associated costs. As developed by the South Australian State Government (2013),
realising the benefits of the mining boom for all is one of the seven strategic priorities to secure the
state s future. Mining is an important industry in South Australia because it has been a major source of
minerals for the high demand in Australia and many countries (Flinders Ranges Research n.d.). This
industry plays a vital part in advantaging the state in terms of economic profits and job opportunities;
social more skilled workers and population growth in the outback; political good state and country
reputations; cultural workforce ... Show more content on ...
In addition, planned mine expansion projects will contribute to expanding the population size in
remote areas. For evidence extracted from iMINCO (2013), the Adelaide Hills area will benefit from
the economic advantage in Adelaide by means of future construction and permanent mining jobs, as
there is potential for hundreds of new highly paid households in the mining industry.
On the other hand, mining industry has industrialised suburban areas by way of polluting the
countryside. It has been confirmed by Kelly (2013) that greenhouse gas emissions is a major impact
from massive coal mining developments and coal seam gas. Nevertheless, environmental concerns
and actions have been taken sand mining terminated its operation at Whiskey Swamp over five years
ago; ODT Australis Company undertook to rehabilitate the site by demolishing constructions and
reseeding the land according to Australian Mining (2013). Moreover, South Australia gained 20 per
cent of jobs growth in regional areas which produce coal due to actions on cutting pollution as
mentioned by the Australian Conversation Foundation (2010).
Furthermore, South Australia s mining industry also provides cultural advantages to the state; it
removes the gender and cultural barriers in the working culture today. For instance, an effective
indigenous employment program is run at Thiess and OZ mining sites, which accepts applicants from
nearby communities,
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Inclusion and Consultation Theory
The principle of Inclusion tresses, among other concepts, that all members accept their fair share of
responsibility for all children, including those with disabilities (Dettmer, Thurston, Dyck, 2005, p. 40).
This shared responsibility and giftedness is facilitated through consultation theory, which employs a
team approach to successful inclusion of students with disabilities within mainstream education.
Sheridan, Richards and Smoot (2000) report that Urie Brofenbrenner (1977) In a seminal article,
emphasized the importance of ecological considerations in child development by recognizing that a
child is part of a number of interrelated systems, each with reciprocal and bidirectional influence on
the others. (p.167) It is reported that the subsystems primarily addressed in consultation are the
microsystem and the mesosystem. The mesosystem is reported to be defined as the immediate setting
or system within which an individual functions at anyone point in time, such as a classroom,
neighborhood, or home setting. (Sheridan, Richards and Smoot, 2000, p.167) Problems are addressed
at this level at the time they occur in a setting or environment that is isolated in nature whereas the
mesosystem is focused on relationships among immediate systems in an individual s environment,
such as interrelations among the home and school settings. (Sheridan, Richards and Smoot, 2000, p.
167) The focus at this level is such that enables the identification and resolution of broader
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Street Fight Movie Leadership
Djibril Diabate
Street Fight is a documentary based on the 2002 mayoral race between Cory Booker and Sharpe
James for the city of Newark. Much like the title, the film is centered on a battle against poverty
between the two candidates that takes place on streets of Newark. Throughout the film, both
candidates exhibit behaviors of Power and Leadership, but in distinct ways. Cory Booker, the
challenger, has traits of leadership that Mayor Sharpe James does not possess, but in the end, Mayor
James power advantage over resources is how he defeats Booker in the first election.
Leadership The first element of leadership is articulating a vision. This is setting goals and making
them evident. Cory Booker, competing against someone who has ... Show more content on ...
Unlike creating conflicts where there is more of a debate and hostile attacks from both sides, this
involves dealing with conflict in a way where ideas are accepted and redirected. One scene where
Booker appears to be in a town hall meeting, he is orchestrating conflict with this young lady. The
lady is expressing to Booker that citizens of Newark have had enough of all the empty promises and
lies made by politicians. At this point, Booker says to her that he needs her help in hearing what the
people on the streets are saying. This is when she openly supports the claim by Mayor James stating
Booker lied about living in the brick towers. Booker directs this conversation away from the lie, and
towards the facts and realties he wants her to see. He is the change the city needs despite the rumors.
Of the three elements of leadership, this is the one Mayor Sharpe James lacks the most. He is not open
to any oppositions whatsoever, and this is seen in the film when he discovers the camera man is a
supporter of Cory Booker. He insisted that he be removed from the event by police and stop recording.
This is the opposite of what orchestrating conflict is about, one must seek to resists fights and embrace
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Heritage Differences In Everyday Use By Alice Walker
Heritage Differences
In the short story Everyday Use , by Alice Walker she represents the conflicts and struggles of the
African American culture in rural Georgia around the early 1970 s. Alice Walker introduced 4 main
characters; Mama and her two daughters, Maggie and Dee as well as Dee s boyfriend Hakim a barber.
Mama is the narrator of the story, she is both a mother and father to her daughters as she is uneducated
but worked years of physical labor and lives in poverty. Maggie is the youngest daughter who s shy
and lives with Mama, she lacks confidence and is unable to be open nor make eye contact with the
people talking to her. Mama s older daughter, Dee who renamed herself as Wangero Leewanika
Kemanjo is educated, determined, and confident. She declares that she is the one who is looking at the
important aspects of her family history and Mama and Maggie aren t aware of it. Everyday Use carries
many different meanings that highlight the issue of how things are used on an everyday basis.
Understanding their family African heritage was a big concept for Dee. As Mama and Dee had two
different opinions about heritage which caused conflict about whom should keep the quilts from
Maggie and Dee. Everyday Use is a focus on the bonds women have between different generations
and legacies for example, the Quilts. Mama and Maggie see a different usefulness to the quilts
compared to Dee, the quits represent matters such as reading, race and class, among others.
Quilting in Everyday Use symbolizes family heritage. They are a history of papers in fabric that vary
over generations. They symbolize the family s history of pride, poverty and struggle. Mama and Dee
have different perspectives on what the quilts mean to the family heritage. As to Mama, the quilts have
a special significance; when she goes to touch them, she is feeling the people who represented them,
the ones who worked on them in her family. It represents the bond between women of different
generations in their family. The quilts to Mama don t only represent her understanding of heritage but
also shows how she s connected to them with her family. I took it for a moment in my hands. You didn
t even have to look close to see where hands
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Henrietta Lacks Theme
Rebecca Skloot, a science writer has always been obsessed with the name Henrietta Lacks. Henrietta
Lacks was an African American women whose cancer cells were removed and used for scientific
experimentation. Many doctors believed that cells were not immortal, until they found Henrietta s.
People did not know much information about Henrietta and her family, and so Skloot wants to tell her
story. Throughout her research, she does not realize how much backstory, and emotional baggages
exists until she contacts the family, and begins to connect with them. The family members are keen
about the idea of opening up to people about Henrietta. They believe that reporters will just keep on
taking advantage of them. With this, Skloot realizes that the ... Show more content on
Skloot writes about how family members and friends suffered from the outcomes of the HeLa cells.
Henrietta herself suffered through the whole process, Doctors examined her inside and out, pressing
her stomach, inserting new catheters into her bladder, fingers into her vagina and anus, needles into
her veins. (40) As well as, Sometimes she would beat Joe for no reason while he lay in bed or sat at
the dinner table. She d hit him with her fists, or whatever she had close: shoes, chairs, sticks. She
made him stand in a dark basement corner on one foot, nose pressed to the wall, dirt filling his eyes.
(112) With this, the kids do not have a mom to protect them from, people took advantage of them,
especially from Ethel. Joe was the one that suffered more from the death of his mom, because of Ethel
s abuse. Rebecca Skloot lives in Chicago, where she is working on new books like, humans, animals,
science and many more. She spent many decades working as a veterinarian technician before
becoming a science writer. She is also is an avid knitter, which was passed down from her mother. She
is the author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller, for her book The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks.
Skloot has also worked at WNYC S Radiolab and PBS s Nova ScienceNOW. The Immortal Life of
Henrietta Lacks is a great inspiration for the science community that it is being made as an HBO Film
starring Oprah Winfrey and Rose
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The Cure, By Geeta Anand
Some people succeed because they are destined to, but mostly because they are determined to
(unknown). This quote truly represents John and Aileen Crowley, the parents of John, Meagan, and
Patrick in the book The Cure, by Geeta Anand. Having two of their children born with a life
debilitating disease called Pompe disease, was hard to comprehend. Being told that their children have
only months to live due to the fact that there was no medicine on the market to combat the disease,
John decided to quit his marketing executive job to find a cure and make a drug that will save them.
He invested himself and his life s savings in a startup biotechnology company that grew from 27
million dollars to 137.5 million dollars. There were many challenges he faced throughout the entire
story line, yet he continued to persevere which ultimately paid off. One of the biggest hardships he
faced was after the drug was about to get tested. He was told that the drug would only be tried on
babies that were less than six months old and that his two children would not be included in the
clinical trial. To hear that his children were not going to in fact receive the drug after all this time and
effort was crushing, yet he insisted to find a way that they would get it. The scientist concluded that it
would be good research to see if the medicine worked in siblings, and they made an exception to let
these two siblings be included in the study. His hard work and willpower to succeed paid off when the
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Essay Cathrine The Great
The woman who was to become Catherine the Great was born Sophie Augusta Fredericka. During her
teen years Sophie blossomed into a beautiful young woman and had excellent health. She later went
on to marry Peter III the future emperor and grandson of Peter the Great. During her reign as empress
Catherine encountered many conflicts, which she surpassed so successfully that even now so many
years after her death she is still remembered. Even though she was known to have many lovers during
her lifetime and had three illegitimate children two of who survived, her strong spirit, willingness to
make Russia a better place, and her political victories made her one of the greatest empress ever.
Throughout her reign as ... Show more content on ...
She did this by giving amp;#8220; a good deal of attention to projects to build schools, founding the
Smolny Institute, an academy designed for five hundred girls and young women. ; (Erickson 311). She
also wanted future doctors to know all the current methods as other European countries in the field of
medicine because she only wanted the best for her people. She helped Russia amp;#8217;s people and
amp;#8220;founded and endowed a medical college to educate Russian physicians and apothecaries,
and commissioned the first Russian pharmacopoeia ;. (Erickson 311). She helped landowners find out
other types of methods to use on their land. So that they would prosper and so would the economy.
She established amp;#8220; The Free Economic Society for the Encouragement Of Agriculture and
Husbandry. ; (Alexander 100). This group was established to tell landowners of advanced methods of
farming that was practiced throughout other countries. Catherine also corresponded with the
philosopher Voltaire because he enlightened her and that was good for making Russia a better place.
amp;#8220;She continued to model herself, as far as possible, in the likeness of Voltaire ;. (Erickson
During Catherine amp;#8217;s reign she had many political victories. She won many battles on the
war front but she was also quite good at political victories. Pugachev tried to
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The Consequences Of Blame In Romeo And Juliet
Blame is the action of placing fault on someone else s shoulders in order to take responsibility off of
ours. People resort to blame because they do not want to own up to the responsibility and the
consequences following the fault. The quote, We live in a culture of blame. People will blame anyone
or anything for their misery sooner than to take responsibility to own it and make it better, is an
excerpt of a book written by psychologists Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. Blame comes
into play during Romeo and Juliet, because the fault of the couple s death rests on the shoulders of
King Capulet and Friar Laurence. Capulet and Friar Laurence are to blame for Romeo and Juliet s
deaths, because the Friar marries them in the first place, ... Show more content on ...
The Friar s decision to marry Romeo and Juliet is significant, because that is what caused Romeo to
aggravate Tybalt, eventually leading into two deaths of royalty. In Romeo and Juliet, although the
priest easily could have decided not to marry the two, whom originate from warring sides of a city,
marries them anyway. The Friar was fully aware of the inevitable consequences foreshadowed to
come. This is illustrated when Romeo pleads to the Friar to marry the pair, to which the priest fiercely
denies. Over the course of only a few minutes, the Friar sees an image of God and has the divine
inspiration to marry them. This piece of the play creates a ripple effect, in which Romeo emerges from
the church in an excited, happy manner, escalating the situation between Mercutio and Tybalt, which
then eventually fell into a downward spiral towards Romeo and Juliet s graves. Moreover, the priest s
settlement to marry Romeo and Juliet signifies importance, because his loyalty to his overall
conclusion to marry them ultimately lead to their deaths. This is expressed in the scene where he
provides a solution to Juliet to delay her marriage. As Juliet comes crying to the Friar after everyone in
her household has betrayed her, he offers her a solution in which she will sleep for 48 hours. Juliet
impulsively agrees and snatches the bottle, quickly thanking him and running home to sleep. By
handing her the potion first, the priest sets their graves in stone by not telling Romeo the plan, causing
confusion, and ultimately,
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Social Policy On Invisible Disabilities
The policy topic that I have decided to address is Invisible Disabilities, because this is a huge social
problem. In our society a person with a disability is primarily recognized from when you look at
someone and you can visibly confirm that they are disabled. Visible disabilities are what most people
think of when they think of someone who is disabled: for instance someone in a wheelchair. The truth
is, not all disabilities are physically visible, and generates negative attitudes towards persons who
suffer from them. Some invisible disabilities include learning disabilities, brain injuries, epilepsy,
narcolepsy, and so many more. The goal is to try to aid people with invisible disabilities have the
equivalent rights, and respect as any other ... Show more content on ...
(Brennan 2013, p.68 69)
Disability, under Social Security law, is based on your inability to work. You will meet the Social
Security definition of disability if SSA finds that you cannot do the work you did before; you cannot
adjust to other work because of your medical condition(s); and your disability has lasted or is expected
to last for at least one year or result in death. This is a strict definition of disability. (Brennan 2013,
p.68 69)
With the way that the current laws and policies are defined it creates a burden to those that do not fit
in the narrow box created. There are obvious flaws with the way that the economic factors affect this
social problem. The statistics are what hold the truth, and it shows that economic factors are still at a
standstill for the disabled
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Theme Of Midnight In Paris
Midnight in Paris: Golden Age Thinking
Midnight in Paris is a beautiful film, its aesthetically pleasing scenery without being too over the top
gives us a small taste of what Paris might look like to its everyday inhabitants. Woody Allen captures
the attention of the audience with an interesting plot, theme, and authenticity but unfortunately falls
flat on his attempt to create drama with unnecessary complications which earns the movie four and a
half stars. The whole movie is a dream to those familiar with American literature and history, diving
into the 20 s where there were no cares in the world, and those with the passion go to Paris to fulfill
their desires. It s impeccably perfect cast and attention to small details are nothing to those with no
prior knowledge of what some may call American literature s heroes.
Gil (played by Owen Wilson) is a young writer who seems to be caught in the middle of his fantasies
and dreams, which is something we can all ... Show more content on ...
The dialogue of the writers closely reflect what they would ve conversed about, and the artists and
surrealists were the fanatics that we thought they were. As well as the realistic setting, the casting was
flawless. Wonderstruck Owen Wilson did a great job in showing his speechless admiration for the
famous writers, who were also casted perfectly for their roles. Zelda (Allison Pill) and Scott Fitzgerald
(Tom Hiddleston) definitely look the part, and also sound identical to their character, using phrases
and exclamation where needed. The most successful actress in this film was Kathy Bates. She is a well
known feminist author and poet, and is known for being close to Hemingway, and was even asked to
be his son s godmother. Bates acting shows her authoritative yet motherly presence in the film which
gives Gil someone to
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The Importance Of A Common Assessment Framework
1. Correctly name three pieces of legislation which inform work in the field of safeguarding children.
3marks  The Children Act 1989  Safeguarding Act 2010  The Education Act 2002 2. Describe
the role of the Common Assessment Framework in safeguarding children. (400 words) 10marks A
Common Assessment Framework is to enable that children and young people are safeguarding and
looked after. It is also known as CAF. The process of a Common Assessment Framework is to gather
information a child who needs additional support or if for example a teacher of this child has concerns
about his/her ability in learning. The role of a Common Assessment Framework is to provide support
and put strategies in place for the child to meet. When filling in a Common Assessment Framework
you then have to identify targets for the child needs to be meet in order for the child to progress. This
is a common type of framework which is used for the children who need additional help. There is four
steps that you may have to go through when dealing with a common assessment framework form
(CAF). The first step involves you to identify the needs of the child who may have additional needs;
depending on the child s situation the person who is dealing with this issue may want to get the child s
parent involved. The child s practitioner may want to find out if the child has been referred before
therefore the practitioner needs to make sure that the information about the child is reviewed before
starting a
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Correlation Between Zinc And Copper Solutions
Read the Voltmeter to see what the electrical cell potential is. Repeat steps 13 18 for all variations of
Copper Chloride. Record the raw quantitative data in the table below:
Electrical Potential Difference Between Zinc and Copper Solutions Electrical Potential Difference
Variation in Copper Chloride Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Record qualitative data as well in the Observations section. When all quantitative data has been
collected and recorded, use the equation below to calculate the average electrical potential difference,
or Average E_Cell of each variation of Copper Chloride.
Ave.E_(Cell ) for Variation in Copper Chloride=(Trial 1+Trial 2+Trial 3)/(Number of Trials)
Create a scatter plot graph with a trend line to showcase the data. Calculate the slope/increase in
average cell potential with the equation below:
=(y_2 y_1)/(x_2 x_1 ) Observations:
Qualitative Observations: Zinc chloride was easier to manipulate than Copper chloride because the
solid was less condensed than Copper When Zinc Chloride was mixed with water, the solution was
first green and when stirred turned light blue When the Potassium Nitrate became fully dissolved in
water, the bottom of the beaker became cold The more Copper Chloride that was added to the Copper
solution, the more opaque the solution became When the salt bridge connected the two electrodes, the
Voltmeter reacted immediately
Raw Quantitative
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Luther King Jr
The fight for racial equality between the African American and Caucasian races in Civil Rights
Movement of the 1950s and 1960s was an extraordinary point in history. Two of the leaders of this
movement were Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. These two leaders were almost complete
opposites of each other in how they acted. One of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. s famous speech, I Have
a Dream had shown that passion and faith can restore the broken promises of America and its
government. This was most likely due to how Dr. King grew up. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had grown
up in a balanced, benevolent family with his father and grandfather who were part of the ministry.
Martin Luther King Jr. was able to establish a secure impression on what ... Show more content on ...
Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were almost the complete opposites of each other. Even their
message, tone, and sentence structure were different. Dr. King s message was about how passion and
faith could restore the broken promises of America and its government, tone being inspiring and using
imagery, and sentence structure having compound complex sentences. Malcolm X s message on the
other hand was about how such things as passion and faith will do nothing to help their problems, tone
being angry and frustrated, and sentence structure being brief and straight to the point. It is very
surprising how dissimilar these two men were with how they ended up in
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Australian Code Of Research Ethics Essay
1) Codes and policies
Research integrity means meeting the professional standards expected of the researchers in the
institution. That includes honesty and fairness in proposing, performing and reporting research. It also
involves care and respect for all participants in and subjects of research, including humans, animals,
the environment and cultural objects. Researcher should conduct his/her research in a way which
allows others to have trust and confidence in the methods used.
The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (the Code) guides institutions and
researchers in responsible research practices and promotes research integrity. It assists institutions in
developing their own codes.
In my research, the Australian code and RMIT policy govern my way in which I must conduct my
research. Responsible research is encouraged and guided by the research culture of the organization.
My research project is based on chemical synthesis and analysis and I found that I need to reference
the following information in my research:
ideas, thoughts, definitions
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These are some examples for people who involved in research misconduct:
Mahesh Visvanathan and Gerald Lushington, computer scientist who were worked at University of
Kansas, were found to have plagiarized of their research. Their punishment was to leave their work.
In 2006, Hwang Woo suk, Korean researcher, had done a series of experiments in stem cell research
which found later that he had fabricated them. Hwang was charged with a two year suspended prison
and fired from his position in Seoul National University.
David Robinson, the Vice Chancellor of Monash University, was accused of serious academic
misconduct in 2002. He was reported for plagiarism in two books that he had written and published in
UK in the 1970s and 1980s. He fired from his position as a Vice Chancellor at Monash
... Get more on ...
The Twentieth-Century Sparknotes
In chapter 1, the text was about the twentieth century world and the four themes play a role in this
world. The four themes show that history is not just facts after facts, but also all connected through the
themes. Global interrelatedness is the international connection between groups and the pattern of this
type of connection has evolved over the years; into globalization. Identity and difference; formation of
identity that is key to understanding the politics of the twentieth century and world history in general,
but also distinct ones make some an outcast of society. The rise of the mass society has brought forth
mass changes in industrialization, globalization, and changes in political ideas; both good and bad.
Technology vs nature, humans have been ... Show more content on ...
They took with them their culture and technology, along with their plants, animals, and disease
causing pathogens, spreading them through the world.
Multistory farming a local knowledge of farming that still maintains productivity; hard won science
by experience. When different groups and cultures interact, the formation of identity and differences
appear. Why does politics get in the way of identities? When identities formed, they are supposed to
bring people together and not make some that do not fit in an outcast, labeling them different or
uncivilized. Europe s rise to power depends on this type of distinction, as did Hilter s program. Most
civilization has these types of distinctions and regard outsiders as barbarians , but the uncivilized
barbarians were not always disadvantaged. So, why bother to classify them as something negative?
They might have a better way of being productive, but just because they are not the same they are
classified. This happens a lot in this century, but there is some resistance to this distinction. Where
resistance did occur, leaders made it part of a coherent nationalist agenda or the place have to create a
new national
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Marineland Canada Ticket Deals 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Marineland Canada Ticket Deals Marineland Canada Ticket Deals
  • 2. The Colonization Of The Americas Became A Time Of Growth... The 1700s in the Americas became a time of growth of independence and religious freedoms. People began separating from the original religious sects and began searching for other ways of worship. These included revivals, outdoor sermons, and more inclusive baptisms. This allowed more people to experience religion, allowing people to decide for themselves which way of worship was right for them. Along with growing religious independence, the nation itself began to establish itself as a unified entity. The colonies began thinking of independence, away from the control of England. However, one group, enslaved Africans, remained separated and excluded from the nation s unification. The use of slaves, common during this time, established the ... Show more content on ... She accomplishes this within the poem by depicting her conversion to Christianity as an enslaved African, using herself as an example while calling for salvation of Africans, and through her specific use of language, word choice, and religion to separate herself from the African race in order to appeal to while colonists. The Wheatley family purchased a young African girl, who was enslaved and sent to Boston. Her owners named her Phillis after the ship carrying her overseas. The Wheatley family taught her to read and write using the King James Bible. Wheatley utilized her education and began writing poetry. At the age of twelve, she published her first poem, making her the first African American female poet. Later in 1770, the poem titled On the Death of the Rev. Mr. George Whitefield raised international attention. This attention helped Phillis Wheatley publish a book of collected poems in 1773 including poems titled On Being Brought from Africa to America , and Thoughts on the Works of Providence . Her early education not only focused on literacy, but religion, where it played a large role in her poetry. Writing an elegy for Rev. Mr. George Whitefield, an evangelist preacher who spoke to thousands of people to spread the word of God, portrayed Wheatley s admiration for the preacher she had the opportunity to observe. In ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Assessment Of Acute Phase Protein DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY FACULTY OF MEDICINE UNIVERSITY OF KHARTOUM Assessment of acute phase protein (plasminogen activating inhibitor) levels and in type 2 Sudanese diabetic patients A research proposal for master degree of medical biochemistry By Khalid M.Elhassan Osman Abdelsamad Supervisor Dr. Khalid Hussein Introduction and literature review: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder of multiple etiologies. It is characterized by chronic hyperglycemia together with disturbances of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism resulting from defects of insulin secretion, insulin action or both.(1) Type 2 diabetes (formerly called non insulin dependent or adult onset diabetes) is caused by the body s ineffective use of insulin. It often results from excess body weight and physical inactivity. The expected number of diabetic patients 438 million by 2030, an increase of 54% compared to predicted figures for 2010(2). Macro vascular diseases such as coronary artery disease are one of complications of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. The prevalence of diabetes is increasing, now diabetes also affects adolescents and younger adults, thus promoting the earlier development of long term cardiovascular complications. Diabetes itself accounts for 75 90% of the excess coronary artery disease (CAD) risk and enhances the effects of other cardiovascular risk factors. Death from stroke and myocardial infarction (MI) are the leading ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Textual Analysis Of Hey Wait In the story of Hey, Wait... by Jason, the title of the book ideally lays the theme of the story. As we start the story, we learn about Jon and Bjorn and how they were innocent children, however two simple words that Jon said changed his life altogether. This goes to show how one simple thing in life can unintentionally turn your life completely upside down. In the story, Jon continually struggles with tragedy that he feels he was at fault for. On page 24 of part 1 of the story the two friends are at the scene of the tree on the cliff and this is a major turning part in the book. Leading up into this scene, everything was all happiness and innocence, but the artist really put consideration in developing each panel for this page. The facial expression ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Black And White Water Fountains Visualize the critical racial discrimination in the United States and recall prior knowledge about the harsh environments and the unequal treatments that African Americans faced such as the black and white water fountains in the South. Dating back to the beginning of the 1910s, Apartheid has done its share in racial segregation .It as an immense conflict that was yet concluded by the people who collaborated to form the Anti Apartheid movement. Resistance to apartheid within South Africa took many forms over the years, from non violent demonstrations, protests and strikes to political action and eventually to armed resistance. Overtime there has been a plethora of leaders that were willing to abolish segregation, which includes Nelson ... Show more content on ... The Land Acts are one of the many laws established by the white supremacy government to separate the different races in South Africa. Under apartheid, native South Africans (black) would be forced to live in isolated areas from whites and use separate facilities, and contact between both races would be permitted unless of certain circumstance (jobs). Despite the consistent opposition to apartheid within of South Africa and around the world, South African laws remained in action for over 50 years. In 1950, the Afrikaners prohibited marriage between different races. Also, The Population Registration Act of 1950 included the basic blue print for apartheid by classifying/ distinguishing all South Africans by race, including Bantu (black Africans), Coloured (mixed race) and white. In 1958 Dr. Hendrik Verwoerd, who was elected prime minister, would redefined/ reestablish the apartheid policy into a management he referred to as separate development. In 1959 Bantustans were formed for the black South Africans as communities, this was a part of The Promotion of Bantu Self Government Act of 1959. The government began to separating black South Africans from each other to enabled the government to claim there was no black South African majority, and it reduced the chance that blacks would unify into one big oppositionist/ rebellious organization. Every black South African was designated as a ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Jewish Contributions to the Early Civil Rights Movement In many ways, the 1950s planted the seeds for the progress of the 60s. Glimpses of the rebellious generation, who would later find its way to the anti War protests, are found throughout the fifties, specifically in movies like Rebel Without a Cause and more overtly in Jack Kerouac?s On The Road. The move away from conformity and towards more of an individualistic mentality began in the somewhat closed circles of the Beat movement and spread throughout America during the sixties. The Montgomery Bus Boycotts and Brown V. Board of Education were great precursors to the revolutionary civil rights legislation of the mid sixties. Whereas for most of the aforementioned societal changes, the 50s only exhibited hints of what was to come in the ... Show more content on ... Martin Luther King Jr. took the helm of the Montgomery Improvement Association, which was in charge of the boycott, and it was under his leadership that the civil rights movement began to take a new direction. His approach to the civil injustices of the time was peaceful confrontation. Exploiting the new TV medium of the 1950s, King was able to reach millions more. The contrast of innocent Blacks against the antagonistic White policemen of the South struck a chord with the liberal Americans of the North. Playing on progressive ideals, King captured the attention of the left leaning Americans, specifically those who found it difficult to express themselves in the federally hunted Communist movement. King, a religious man himself, frequently alluded to Biblical stories and themes. Instead of talking about the resurrection of Jesus and other themes which divided Christians and Jews, King focused on the Old Testament and the common values found in both religions. King himself declared that, I draw not from Marxism or any other secular philosophy but from the prophets of Israel; from their passion for justice and cry for righteousness. The ethic of Judaism is integral to my Christian faith. [3] King concentrated on the shared belief of a compassionate God, as he once told a Rabbi, You and I draw living waters from the same spring, from the belief in a God of love, Mercy and Justice. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Study Of The Ethics Committee Of Our University This prospective study was performed during the period from April 2015 to July 2016. The study was conducted according to the guidelines of the ethics committee of our university and was approved by our institutional review board. The study population comprised 103 males construction manual workers (mean age, 38.73± 12.43; age range, 23 60 years) presenting with low back pain with or without lower limb radiculopathy to the outpatient spine clinic and with lumbar disc prolapse on MRI. Disc herniation and 250 lumbar nerve roots at the levels of disc degeneration were evaluated on MR images for compromise. The workers included manual workers involved in physical and mechanical work such as bricklayers, concrete mixers, crane operators and plumbers. Patients with prior back surgery, spine fractures, sacroiliac arthritis, metabolic bone disease, spinal infection and rheumatoid arthritis, were excluded. Each worker gave a written informed consent to participate in our study. II. Methods All workers were subjected to the following: 1. Face to face interview using a predesigned questionnaire: The questionnaire included demographic information (e.g. name, age, height, body weight, job description, work experience, duration of present work) and data on low back pain perceived causes and symptoms. Visual Analogue Scale 100mm (VAS) was used to assess pain and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) was used to assess functional disability pre and 3months post operative. ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Fear In Lord Of The Flies Research Paper The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Franklin D. Roosevelt conveyed human nature in these words, which painted the picture of fear s grip on our thoughts and actions. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding, a stranded group of boys transformed to savages as they attempted to extinguish the source of their uneasiness, only they were too late to learn that fright was not something driven away by a stick sharpened at both ends (Golding 267). Trepidation was proven to be all controlling throughout Golding s writing as it prompted the juveniles to kill under night s shadows while pressuring them to act rashly to keep from being hunted by an imaginary monster. Ironically, the terror brought on by the mysteriousness of nightfall, along ... Show more content on ... All of them continually rationalized that if there was a beast out there, they had to constantly focus on hunting and satiating it. At first, Jack claimed that fear can t hurt you any more than a dream. He even aforementioned, There aren t any beasts to be afraid of on this island (Golding 82 83). This affirmation momentarily soothed the children. Exploration for meat, in addition to maintaining a rescue fire, again became the focal point of their labors. All seemed well, but one morning, while keeping up the fire, Samneric saw the dead parachutist on the mountain. Despite having a two against one chance, they mistook it for their worst nightmare rather than inspecting the situation further. The bright morning was full of threats and the circle began to change. It faced out, rather than in, and the spears of sharpened wood were like a fence (Golding 137). This was a major turning point in the novel, because the smoke signal was no longer a priority, while the lads thoughts were consumed with fright by the beast and the lust for hunting. In a sacrificial effort to satisfy the monster, they also left the head of their killed pig as an offering (Golding 191). From then on, instead of focusing on being rescued, fright converted the boys sticks to spears, in lieu of ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Pros And Cons Of Peary The article states that the three arguments provide strong support for the truth of Pearys s claim, and provide three reasons of support. However, the professor explains that there would not be any solid evidence to prove that the Peary s reached the North Pole, and refutes each of the author s reasons. Firstly, the reading claims that National geographic society concluded that he had reached the North Pole. The professor opposes this point by saying that The National geography society was the close friends of Peary, and they funded his trip to the North Pole. He states that the investigation that have been recorded, was only of two days. So, this contributes that the society s calculations were biased and not trust worthy. Second, the ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Multistep Synthesis Essay Results: Limiting Reactant: Eq 1 Limiting reactant = Benzoin Theoretical yield of Benzil: Eq 2 Theoretical Yield Benzil | 0.296 g | Mass of Crude Benzil | 0.188 g | Mass of Final Benzil | 0.127 g | % Yield | 43% | % Recovery | 66% | Table 1: Mass of crude/final Benzil, % yield, and % recovery Percent Yield: % Yield = (Final product/Theoretical product) x 100 Eq 3 = (0.127 g/0.296 g) x 100 = 43% yield Percent Recovery % Recovery = (Final product/Crude product) x 100 Eq 4 = (0.127 g/0.188 g) x 100 = 66% recovery Theoretical Yield Benzilic Acid: Eq 5 Theoretical Yield Benzilic Acid | 0.109 g | Final Benzilic Acid | 0.060g | ... Show more content on ... The percent yield, calculated using the theoretical and final amount of benzil, was 43% (see Eq 3). The percent recovery, calculated using the crude and final amount of benzil, was 66% (Eq 4). The melting points of crude and final benzil were 82.5 85.6C and 94.2C respectively (Table 3). The literature value for pure benzil is 95C and the final crystallized benzil temperature value is very close to the literature value. This testifies the purity of the experimental benzil. The melting point value of the crude was much lower and the range was much wider due to the impurities. For further conformation of the purity of experimental benzil, the infrared spectroscopy was observed. . The following functional groups were determined on the infrared spectroscopy according to their corresponding wavenumbers: aromatic, sp2 C H bonds, and C=O/carbonyl group (Table 4). Benzil incorporates all of the above functional groups. The melting and infrared spectroscopy confirmed that the final product created was Benzil. In the following reaction, benzil was rearranged to from benzilic acid by reacting it with potassium hydroxide in ethanol. 0.100 benzil was utilized and the theoretical yield of benzilic acid was 0.109 grams (see Eq 5). The final yield and weight of benzilic acid was 0.60 grams. The final yield and
  • 11. theoretical yield were used to calculate the percent yield, 55% (similar to Eq 3). The melting point of benzilic acid was 148.3C and the literature value for ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Ophelia Alternate Ending Essay Doyle sat with his back against a tree and his hands over his ears, it did no good, he could still hear her voice calling out to him to help her. He had been chasing that voice since he suddenly found himself alone, no matter how fast and long he ran, he never got any closer to it. He heard the everhungry roaring in the distance and then Ophelia s screams, he pulled himself to his feet, but before he took one step someone grabbed him by the arm. Doyle turned to look at the woman who held him, for a moment he thought it was Ophelia, because she wore the same clothing that Ophelia had donned back at the merfolk colony when she had reclaimed her human form. The woman said, Come with me, Ophelia needs your help. She pulled him in the opposite direction from Ophelia s screams and he pulled back. It s not real, you ll never catch it, it s just a will o the wisp, a phantom voice to torture you, you must ignore it if you are to help Ophelia and Belinda, come, we must hurry. ... Show more content on ... Grunk held the everhungry on a thick leather leash as they walked down the hall to Belinda s suite, he expected her door to be locked and bolted, but when he pushed on it, it opened without resistance. The lights were off, but he could see the silhouette of a feminine form standing on the balcony looking down at the street below. Grunk grinned and let loose of the leash and the everhungry lunged forward, when it got to the door, it leapt through at the unsuspecting woman. Both woman and balcony disappeared before it made contact and the everhungry fell roaring through the sky, it hit the the pavement six floors below and the roaring stopped. Grunk walked over and examined the reality that had replaced the illusion. Instead of an open door there was only a broken picture window and no balcony at all, he glanced down at the everhungry and the pool of blood spreading out around ... Get more on ...
  • 13. The Goffman s Theory Of Dramaturgy Pretend you are playing the role of a character named Jordan, while discussing Erving Goffman s theory of dramaturgy. Jordan finally made it. Jordan finally graduated university and has been lucky enough to receive an offer for an interview at the institution that he had been working towards his entire university career, an interview at the top law firm in all of Toronto. Now it is time to prepare. It is time for Jordan to show the firm that he is meant to be there. To show the firm that this position was meant for him, he must be the best version of himself. Jordan is competing against hundreds of other university graduates, but he must show them that he is the one. Jordan s first impression matters, he must show them the qualities that they want to see to ensure that he receives the position at the law firm. While attending this interview in the role of Jordan, you want to put forward the best version of yourself, it is expected by all to do so. If you want the job you are going to show the interviewers exactly what they want to see to ensure that you get the position. While doing this you are engaging in what Goffman calls impression management. Impression management refers to the verbal and nonverbal practices we employ in an attempt to present an acceptable image of our self to others (Goffman, 2012, pg. 469). You portray a certain, expected image to the audience and hope that they see that image the way that you intended. In association with the term impression ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Developmental Issues Research Paper Development.A procees that takes nine months to create the people we see today.Sometimes while the developmental process is happening there is an issue that causes specific functions of the body not to work.These developmental issues are more common than not. Developmental issues vary with person.It can causes changes of skin,hair,limbs,and even organs. There is a genetic disorder called Ectodermal Dysplasia. Its not a single disorder, but a group of closely related conditions of which more than 150 different syndromes have been identified.It effects the hair,skin,nails,and teeth.Teeth shatter never fully able to grow,the persons hair grows inwards never being able to grow hair on the outside, and the nails also arent able to completely.There ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Essay On Tranexalogy Fracture Primary aim To investigate whether administration of tranexamic acid to neck of femur fracture patients at admission and prior to surgery reduce the blood transfusion rate. Secondary aims To investigate the effect of tranexamic acid on Estimated blood loss. Length of stay. Wound complications. Post op recovery time. Null hypothesis There is no effect of tranexamic acid on blood transfusion rates, acute vascular events, length of stay, recovery and cost of treatment. Patient selection All patients admitted with neck of femur fracture to RVI will be screened for eligibility and will be recruited into trial after consent. Inclusion criteria All isolated neck of femur fractures who are mobile with not less than one aid. ... Show more content on ... The patient would be monitored and reported by the orthopaedic team at RVI blinded about the treatment. The patients haemoglobin and other parameters will be monitored by the blinded medical
  • 16. team, the blood transfusion threshold will be Hb 8.0 mg/dl (as per institution policy). Estimated blood loss will be calculated based on Hb drop, number of units of transfusion using formula. Blood loss = Preop Hb (Postop Hb + Units Transfused) {where 1 unit = 315 mls}. Primary outcome The patients will be monitored until discharge and number of units of blood transfusion starting from intra operative period will be recorded. Our aim is to investigate if tranexamic acid reduces the rate intraoperative of post operative blood transfusion. Secondary outcome In addition, we will also document length of stay, compare mobility status in both groups, estimate blood loss, identify the incidence on new vascular event (MI, CVA, PE, DVT) and death. Further the vascular events will be confirmed by teats objectively and by medical specialists. Mycocardial infarction will be diagnosed by ECG changes, Troponin I levels and confirmed physician review. The pulmonary embolism will be confirmed by CT pulmonary angiogram, ECG and chest X ray. The deep vein thrombosis will be confirmed by ultrasound Doppler scan of the limbs. The patients with CVA will have a neurologist s review and CT would ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Training Pyramid Effects Of A Horse s Adaptability A horse s adjustability is the result of a horses, strength, relaxation (both mental and physical), and ability to maintain contact. The horse should be able to shorten the stride while still actively stepping under/ tracking up and pushing from the hindend into the bridle. On the opposite end of the spectrum a horse should be able to extend or lengthen the stride without their balance shifting onto their forehand creating a running and unbalanced gait. Each rung of the training pyramid effects the horse s adjustability in a different way. Overall, If the horse has no steady rhythm to his gait there is no way for him to truly be connected or have impulsion therefore his gait, especially stride length can not be adjusted. Relaxation/ ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Police V. Guns On The Streets Police v. Guns on the Streets My research paper is that people should focus on the streets that are mainly weapons, kids carrying toy guns replica from a real gun will be mistakenly the targets getting killed by police officer s. People have not realized that guns are the major causes of death. Against fellow police officers. it has showed that since the shooting of Oscar Grant and Michael Brownl increase the killings of police officers shot by a real or a toy replica gun. Police are basically putting their lives out in the streets, and that they police officers have families to return home to. I have wondered why manufacturers are putting toy guns that are made realistic, and that back in the days toy guns were made in different colors, the guns were made of plastic water guns, silver steel guns are made. All guns are brought in from different countries, Asia, China, North America and Europe. The United States are fighting to keep guns off the streets and although these companies are willing to sale the products to businesses, such as a Sporting goods store or a toy store and a private company that produces the items to whole sales producers that sales these items in the flea markets or a dollar store and other major shops in the United States. These companies from North and South of the Country creates guns that are real with no indication that the police officers instinct is to follow the law by asking the suspect to put the gun down slowly and move away from the ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Chinese Martial Arts Film Most Martial arts films in China generally tend to foreground issues of gender. In addition, these films portray a fixed line of gender separation. The Chinese Martial arts film culture has always been more receptive to the general idea of the female character in what Westerners would indeed consider exclusively male role such as the action hero (Castillo 3). In the martial art films several actress have even established their entire reputations as action stars. The action heroes were also held up as the idea of masculinity with all of its inherent characteristics of control, privilege and agency. This is actually adopted from the western archetypes of male action hero which emphasize connotations of physical presence and prominent body musculature. The emergence of the Chinese martial arts has resulted to convergence of social, economic and political pressures that along with creative talents of producers, writers, actors and directors, have indeed forged a national cinema that captured attention of the world wide cinematic consciousness. Majority of the Chinese martial arts movies are distinctively known in cultivating the concept of gender roles. A close analysis of these movies ultimately portrays that multiple characters from the both genders not only play an immense role in the martial arts aspect of the films, but indeed symbolize Chinese themes as well as some of the issues that the country was going through at that particular time. In these regard, in most of the ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Should College Tuition Be Free Imagine having to pay $25,620 just for a college education, research has shown the average bachelor s degree holder takes 21 years to pay off his or her loans. This leads to the question if college tuition should be free or not. While some may believe it ought to be others disagree. People like Arne Duncan believe college tuition should be free. The cost of college should never discourage anyone from going after a valuable degree. Meanwhile people such as Matt Bruenig disagree. Making college free for everyone would almost certainly mean giving far more money to students from richer families than from poorer ones. To start off, some people strongly concur that college tuition should be free. For example free college tuition means more ... Show more content on ... One of the reasons why people believe that college tuition shouldn t be free is because taxes and fees will be increased. Many students can afford to pay a considerable amount toward their higher education. It is wasteful to give them a free ride. Eric Maskin explains. Just because some students can t pay their college tuition doesn t mean everyone can t therefore there is no need for college tuition to be free. College loans are often the first major financial dealing that people work with. Paying them off in a timely manner proves you know how to budget your money, skills people use again and again when buying cars or houses. Without having to pay for school, that experience won t exist, which might be trouble down the road for buying that house or car. In reason to college shouldn t be free because college might not seem as important and private schools may have to be closed. If college becomes free for students, colleges will attract more young people who are not suited for college and more students will major in fields with little or no market value. Students may skip class or not try their hardest of the fact that they don t need to get their cash s worth when they aren t paying for anything. As enrollment at public schools increases, so do the fees. Either more money would have to be given to the schools, or they would have to create waitlists. This means that the taxes for education related purposes might go up, or funding for something else (such as military expenditures). After consideration some may believe that college tuition shouldn t be ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Animal Abuse And Human Abuse For years people have been abusing animals. So much so, that there are commercials and organizations dedicated to stopping the abuse of animals. It seems like everyday we turn on the news and hear stories of a person burning a kitten or someone shooting a puppy, but why do these people feel the need to do that to these helpless animals? Is there something deeper than just animal abuse? The types of animal abuse these helpless victim faces are similar to the same type of abuse children face. Animals are sexually abused, physically abused, neglected and even psychologically abused, but it does not seem to be taken as seriously as human abuse. Domestic violence, school shootings, murders and other forms of violence are also topics that seem to come up far too often in everyday life. These criminals that have committed heinous crimes against humans all got their start somewhere, and for many of them animals were where their abuses started. This paper will discuss what animal abuse is, how animal abuse and violence are linked, how people evolve into the criminals they are today through some sort of animal abuse, the warning signs of future abuse, and how we can help these mentally ill individuals. Animal abuse, defined by the MSPCA, is Cruelty to Animals. The infliction of physical pain, suffering or death upon an animal, when not necessary for purposes of training or discipline or (in the case of death) to procure food or to release the animal from incurable suffering, but ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Safe Sex No Regrets Campaign Essay Northern Territory Government Safe Sex, No Regrets Media Campaign Australia has been experiencing increased rates of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) over the past ten years as a direct result of unsafe sex practises (ABS Australian Social Trends, Jun 2012). These infections are some of the most common illnesses worldwide affecting the health and wellbeing of people infected, particularily women in regards to their fertility (Gerbase, Rowley, heymann et, al 1998). Northern Territory Health (2008) along with the other Australian states have identified that the age group at being most at risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections is people aged between 15 and 29. This paper will establish whether a positive ... Show more content on ... The National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (2010) received reports that the predominant sexually transmissible infections during 2010 were Chlamydia and syphilis. It has been established that the 15 to 29 year age group have the highest rates of infection and this is continually increasing (Wilkins amp; Mak 2005). Research carried out by Stancombe Research amp; Planning (2008) have confirmed that people falling into this age group not only show higher rates of infection of STIs but also have limited knowledge of correct safe sex practice. These findings brought to the forefront that the awareness of STIs was extremely low, particularly amongst the younger population bringing to attention that education about the harm associated with STIs was and is crucial, along with informed structural strategies that help reduce the risks, if changing beliefs and attitudes in regards to improved sexual health are to be achieved. Undiagnosed and untreated sexually transmissible infections (STIs) have negative health outcomes for both individuals involved and the community (Strobel amp; Ward 2012). Higher costs to medical services are a direct result from complications such as infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease and cervical cancer caused by STIs. Risks need to be brought to the wider communities attention and messages that STIs contribute to the mortality statistics through deaths associated with AIDS, ... Get more on ...
  • 23. U.s. Maritime Strategic Operations Introduction For over 60 years the Forward Deployed Naval Forces (FDNF) in Japan has served as a cornerstone for executing U.S. Maritime Strategies in Asia. From the strategies of Deterrence, Power Projection, and Crisis Response, to the strategies of Littoral Operations and Engagement, the FDNF has been a key contributor to these missions. Several commands in the United States Navy operate in overseas outside of Continental United States (CONUS). These are the different platforms of naval ships such as: Destroyers (DDG), Mine Counter Measure (MCM), Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD), landing Platform Dock (LPD), Dock Landing Ship (LSD), Military Sealift Command (MSC), Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit, Undersea Surveillance Detachment, ... Show more content on ... This was accomplished during a single day during underway in FDNF operation. All of this was done on time, professionally and most importantly safely without a single personnel or equipment casualty. FDNF Operational Requirements The U.S. 7th Fleet is the largest U.S. numbered fleet (Figure 1), with 60 70 ships, 200 300 aircraft and about 40,000 Sailors and Marines operating in the region on a typical day (Carr, 2013). There are more than 48 million square miles (more than 124 million square kilometers) in the 7th Fleet s Area of Responsibility (AOR). It covers the Kuril Islands in the north to the Antarctic in the south, and from the International Date Line to the 68th meridian east, which runs down from the India Pakistan border. It has 36 maritime countries and the world s five largest foreign armed forces in the 7th AOR (i.e., Russia, India, North Korea, People s Republic of China, and Republic of Korea). Five of the seven U.S. Mutual Defense Treaties are with countries in the area of Republic of the Philippines, Republic of Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and Thailand (C7F, 2015). The FDNF offers two independent striking forces; the USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) battle group and the USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) amphibious ready group. When augmented with submarines from Submarine squadron FIFTEEN out of Guam, the strike potential is apparent (Mitchell, ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Effects Of Rap Music On Social Behavior Essay In society today, it is highly noticed that the role of rap music messages and video images of violence causes an increase in negative emotions, thoughts and behaviors which could lead to violence amongst youth. Rap music has been at the center of concern in regards to the potential harmful effect of violent media on social behavior amongst youth. This potential behavior could be seen in the music video titled Kim by Eminem. In this music video, the storyline, language and sound encourages hostile thoughts and feelings amongst its audience. In the music video, Kim husband catches her cheating on him in their home with another man, while he is away. However, when Marshall gets home and finds out that his wife is cheating on him, he gets upset, angry, and abusive and becomes violent towards his wife Kim. He screams at her saying that, if she moves again, he will beat the shit out of her (Line 11). Violence in rap music has increased in response to the complex interplay of changing social conditions such as the elevated levels of youth violence in the changing commercial practices within the music industry. Hence, the media influences violence in four negative ways, which contributes immensely to anger amongst youth which leads to aggressive behavior such as social violence, substance abuse, domestic violence, and negative perceptions of women. In the song, Eminem s anger and emotions is used as a premise in the music lyrics, which ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Different Types Of Register That People Use Every Day, And... Leonardo Dagne Hanna Ellis Aice English Language AS Level 21 September 2016 Register 1. There are different types of register that people use every day, and your register makes you different from everybody else. 2. Synonym Style 3. There are different types of styles that people use every day, and your style makes you different from everybody else. 4. The messages of the sentence changes drastically, the replacing of register to style makes a great difference in the sentences. Register means how language is used can vary in audiences, purposes, or contexts .Style means the way of doing something. The term register is more focused on the subject of English because it s about how a language is used in situations like audience, purposes, or context. Whereas the term style is broader and the term can be used for a way of doing anything nothing particularly specific. The words can be interchangeable but they have further described to be fully understood. Mode 1. When people are talking, the mode decides how they re going to speak 2. Synonym process 3. When we are talking, the process decides if we support or are against the subject that is being talked about 4. The message of the sentences are the same, the replacement of process to mood has a minimum change in the sentence. The word mode means how language is said depending in the type of communication. Whereas the term process means a procedure was done for a specific reason The term mode is more ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Importance Of Interpersonal Relationship In Law Enforcement SKILLS Interpersonal relationships, dealing and working under stressful conditions, proficient in MSWord, Outlook, ATS, Enforce and other proprietary software used in law enforcement, working as a team member or independently to carry out set goals, researching and interpreting complex laws, regulations, policies, and multi tasking. EXPERIENCE U.S. Immigration Services Officer II U.S. Citizenship Immigration Services U.S. Department of Homeland Security Detroit, Michigan 2012 2015 Achieved Excellence Performance Rating for fiscal years 2013 and 2014. An award based on my work performed and obtaining a case completion rate of 135% vs regional rate of 125% and an activity rate of 68%. Interpret, apply and enforce an intricate field of Immigration and Nationality laws, which includes planning and conducting independent research concerning the eligibility and entitlement of persons seeking immigration benefits and/or legal status under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). Interview applicants to elicit statements and assess credibility via verbal testimony and nonverbal behavioral observation to assist in determining eligibility for benefits being sought, performed initial fact finding and initiated further action where fraud was detected. Make final determinations on complex and highly sensitive immigration applications and petitions involving eligibility for citizenship and immigration benefits; wrote complex final determinations with legal analysis to support decisions. Coordinate with other federal agencies in identifying individuals who pose a threat to national security and safety while establishing and maintaining relationships with attorneys, and other government agencies and private organizations. Oversee naturalization ceremonies in U.S. District Court and off site events serving as USCIS representative and speaker. U.S. Customs Border Protection Officer U.S. Customs Border Protection U.S. Department of Homeland Security Detroit, Michigan 2003 2012
  • 27. Received eight awards during this time based on my job performance. Most notably, my research which involved the arrest and ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Service Strategy Of IKEA IKEA is a cosmopolitan group of establishments that designs and sells ready to accumulate furniture such as beds, chair and desks, appliances, small motor vehicles and home accessories. As of January 2008, it is the world s largest furniture trader. Originated in Sweden in 1943 by the 17 years old Ingvar Kamprad, who was enumerated as one of the world s richest society in 2013, the company s name IKEA is an abbreviation that contains of the initials of Ingvar Kamprad, Elmtaryd the farm where he raised up, and Agunnaryd his hometown in Smaland, South Sweden. The establishment is recognized for its contemporary architectural designs for countless types of utilizations and furniture, and its interior design work is often connected with eco friendly ... Show more content on ... First thing been identified about IKEA is that it is not just a furniture trader but provides solutions to lot of people for an affordable price. Here the affordable price does not mean low quality product but it originates lower cost products. So the first strategy in IKEA is the Overall Cost Leadership. They maintain their cost in a lower level without destroying to its quality. IKEA as a prominent furniture franchiser it faces for an enormous demand in every day. According to the volume they have hefty show room which has adjusted capacity distribution. Thus, they are sustaining a restaurant chain along with their store with their occupant and also cultural foods. They have used the strategy of Developing Complementary Services in managing their demand. IKEA started in Sweden but now it has blow out to 40 countries with 330 stores. It is a comprehensive company it has expands the company to every country. IKEA been identified as Globalization Strategy and the influences they used in entering to these countries. Before they decide in entering to a country it conducts a research on the viability and sustainability of it. For an example they have once tried to enter to the New Zealand market but according to the investigation finding there will be an enormous traffic jam in Auckland if they open a store so they give up the idea. As the conclusion of the strategies of IKEA they used 3 main strategies to become successful in shorter time period. They are; Overall Cost Leadership Developing Complementary Services Globalization Strategy Franchiser Multi Country ... Get more on ...
  • 29. How Olympus Has Fallen Made Similar Strides For Success For a world fearful of terrorism, we sure do love to watch mad men run amok in a fictional capacity and do so in epic fashion. Usually it s aliens devastating the world s largest cities, but on occasion, it s nothing more than a evil doer with a vision. Popular films, like Die Hard, Air Force One, and Speed have previously created concentrated environments for terrorists to thrive with their grandiose, sinister schemes creating timeless heroes and memorable climaxes in the process. And, while not as famous as those aforementioned films, Olympus Has Fallen made similar strides for success a few short years ago. Olympus Has Fallen was by no stretch of the imagination plausible, nor realistic, though. Honestly, with an argument ... Show more content on ... The who s who of world leaders gather in England for the funeral, including those from Germany, France, Italy, and others. But, someone on the inside of the world s intelligence community tips off a Most Wanted criminal, Aamir Barkawi (Alon Moni Aboutboul) who is seeking revenge for the death of his daughter (she died during a drone strike launched by President Asher). Thus, Barkawi orchestrates a devastating attack that takes the lives of several world leaders and nearly takes the life of President Asher, too. Thankfully, with the help of Banning, Asher is able to escape, though putting them on the run from a seemingly endless amount of pursuing terrorists that wish to capture the President, so he can be executed live on the internet. And, with the President unaccounted for it thrusts Vice President Allan Trumball (Morgan Freeman) back into a Presidential capacity. It s not as if Olympus Has Fallen was a resounding success when it hit the big screen at this same time three years ago making the proposal for a sequel to be a complete oddity. The idea of the White House being compromised was about as far fetched of an idea as one could possibly imagine (unless its 1814). Oddly enough, though, the President s mansion was attacked twice in 2013 once by Olympus Has Fallen, and then a few months later by being the equally ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Spare Parts Scientific Method In the movie Spare Parts there are numerous comparisons from the movie to the scientific method in which the movie shown. One of the many would be Lorenzo which he did materials in the scientific method. Secondly, there is Oscar who was determined to make the underwater robot happen. Another one would be when the whole team did the experiment for the robot. Those are some of the many in which the scientific is applied to the robot project. In the project of the underwater robot one of the methods was material which was done by Lorenzo. Lorenzo was the one who thought of the whole idea to get the plastic ,trolling motors, pool noodles, cameras, tape measure and cables. The whole idea of the scientific method of materials is colors, texture, smell and how it changes size. On the website called it states Materials: Identify all materials being used. Since this site says Scientific Method for the title it means that Lorenzo did the scientific method correct according to the website. ... Show more content on ... It states on the website called Scientific method research Scientific method of research Four steps: 1.Observation 2.Hypothesis 3.Testing 4.Predictions . According to the website Oscar did do the research right because he went onto the computer and searched up the contest and he observed the information given. Then he also printed out the paper in which it contained information for the group and got the hypothesis which was that they would be able to make the robot for the ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The View that Religion Acts as a Conservative Force on... The View that Religion Acts as a Conservative Force on Society Even though sociologists do not have a true definition of religion they believe that religion is a belief in the supernatural. Some sociologists believe that religion acts as a conservative force. A conservative force is something that prevents change within society and also maintains the status quo. Functionalist believes that religion is a conservative force. Durkhiem believes that everybody shares the same beliefs and values that are represented by sacred symbols. Durkhiem would argue that religion acts as a conservative force as it reinforces the collective conscious. Durkhiem would argue that as people worship in church they are ... Show more content on ... Malinowski a functionalist focuses on the psychological needs of individuals in times of stress. Malinowski believes religion provides people with meanings in times of life crisis for example death and funerals. Things such as funerals allow people to move on and minimise the disruption to society. He argues that the idea of heaven provides people with a meaning of life. This maintains the status quo as it allows people to get on with day to day life. Malinowski did a study of the Troiband Island and he argued people use religion in times of uncertainty. He found that when the people of the island went to out to fish they felt safe when they fished in the lagoon they felt safe as they was close to home, However when they went to fish out in the sea where the survival rate was low they would pray to god to keep them safe. This shows that religion is a conservative force as it maintains the status quo because it allows people to forget their problems and carry on with their every day life. Parsons another functionalist would ague that religion provides answers to question that appear to be unanswerable, for example when villains seem ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Booker T Washington Research Paper Booker Taliaferro Washington was born a slave on April 5, 1856 on a Virginia farm. He was born to an unknown white man and a black women named Jane. Washington had a very difficult childhood. Having to work as a small kid for others and often beaten.Washington was born into slavery and he still managed to maintain an educated life. Booker T. Washington was an American educator, author, orator, and advisor to presidents of the United States. In the 1900s it was illegal for slaves to receive an education. Poverty was often a problem in slaves not getting an education. Even after Washington s family was freed he still had to seek employment. Booker T. Washington watched the white kids learn and go to school and he wanted to do the same. After ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Gods In The Iliad In Greek Mythology, gods and goddesses were assigned gifts related to specific aspects of nature. It explained to people the origin of the universe and how the world operates. The ancient Greeks were basing these scientific concepts solely based on their beliefs alone, which resulted in stories that included the gods swooping in and interfering with human affairs. Many of those recorded stories, including Homer s The Iliad, can be interpreted in two ways: either the actual gods have appeared before a protagonist or that there was a natural occurrence that had no scientific evidence to clarify what it was. Book 5 of The Iliad shows several occasions where this occurs, and each example presented in this essay will argue if it shows that the gods are physically present in the story, or the gods are used only as metaphors for a scientific phenomenon. On the first line of page 164, Homer describes a scene where Athena gives Diomedes strength and daring to ... shine forth and tower over the Argives and win himself great glory (Hom. Il. 5.2 3). The reality of the situation is that Diomede s sudden surge of energy is most likely coming from the chemicals in his brain. It seems like it could have been his endorphins, which are a group of hormones that were activated by his ... Show more content on ... This specific battle reveals the gods personalities, and it can be also argued that they were physically present as they were interacting with both humans and other gods. This book can be either interpreted heavily or taken at face value by the people reading it today, but it can be agreed upon all that the Greeks have created a belief system that describes science in a beautifully abstract way. Through them, humans will begin to identify certain human occurrences and discover a more logical way to explain them as time ... Get more on ...
  • 34. What Is The Connection Between Animal Farm And Russian... Animal Farm is an allegorical book written by George Orwell. This book is said to be the most popular and most relatable allegorical book written. In Animal Farm, the characters and events that happen represent people and feelings during the Russian Revolution. Some of those connections include Old Major to V.I. Lenin, Snowball to Trotsky, and Mr. Jones to Tsar Nicholas II. George Orwell s book, Animal Farm, has numerous similarities to the people and the events that happened in the Russian Revolution. In Animal Farm, Old Major, a ruling pig, and V.I. Lenin, the leader of the Bolshevik Party, share many connections in their paths. They are both leaders of their community and make a great change. According to CliffsNotes, Lenin was responsible ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The American Of The Mexican War In an effort to gain the Texas territory, Polk s decision to declare war on Mexico was provoked by the Mexican government itself. His diplomatic course of action proved to have been in vain in an attempt to gain compromise and peace between America and Mexico. Regardless of the attempts made by the American government to peacefully coerce Mexico to relinquish the land, America was denied each and every time. Military presence was necessary in order to facilitate a greater respect from Mexico and to also offer additional protection for the Americans residing in Texas at the time; it was not meant by any means to act as a threat towards the Mexican government. Provided these facts, it can be assumed that the Mexican War was not an exercise in American imperialism, but rather, was instigated by the increasing fear felt by the Mexican government due to the lack of power within their own boundaries; this fear was further perpetrated by the fact that Mexico owed America money but could not pay, Mexico stepped onto American soil and fired the first shots, and that the majority of residents residing in Texas were in fact American citizens. Knowing that the internal framework of the Mexican government was very unstable, Polk guarded the borders with troops in order to intimidate them into complying with Congress s request not to engage in war. His use of military force was designed less to protect Texas than to support an aggressive diplomacy which might extract a ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Hope By Emily Dickinson Rhetorical Devices Hope is the thing with feathers Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings the tune without the words And never stops at all And sweetest in the Gale is heard And sore must be the storm That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm I ve heard it in the chillest land And on the strangest Sea Yet never in Extremity, It asked a crumb of me. Hope Hope abides; therefore I abide. Countless frustrations have not cowed me. I am still alive, vibrant with life. The black cloud will disappear, The morning sun will appear once again In all its supernal glory. Sri Chinmoy Poetic Device Analysis In the poem Hope by Emily Dickinson, persona described hope as a confident ... Show more content on ... The poem opens with the line Hope is the thing with feather. In this line, persona associated hope and bird and made a metaphor.Then it follows like this, That perches in the soul/ And sings the tune without words/ And never stops at all. In these lines, persona thinks that hope is like a singing bird, even though sometimes it doesn t speak to us, eternally it will stay permanent in us. Also by mentioning, hope as a permanent thing in inside of us, allows us to acquire most of what life gives to us. The second stanza creates some kind of opposition for the hope, and in this stanza persona metaphorically describe a person, who destroys his/her hope. By saying, And sore must be the storm/That could abash the little bird/ That kept so many warm, persona used an impressive metaphor by associating storm with anger and negativity. The storm abash the bird (hope) and cause pain and discomfort hurts it. In the fourth stanza, with the following line which is I ve heard it in the chilliest
  • 37. lands, persona tried to make her reader to believe in hope, she tried to convince that hope is everywhere. In the last two lines, Yet never in extremity/ It asked a crumb of me , persona mentioned that hope is a gift that doesn t exist for ... Get more on ...
  • 38. The Great Plague In London The Great Plague was the worst outbreak outbreak in England since the black death in 1348. The plague caused swellings in the lymph nodes, headaches, vomiting, and fevers. There was a thirty percent chance of dying within two weeks. Treatments and prevention did not work at the time. London, England lost about fifteen percent of their population, and there were 68,596 recorded deaths. The true number of deaths, however, was most likely over 100,000. Other parts of England suffered as well. The spring of 1665 was when the earliest cases of the disease occurred. The deaths began to increase in the hot summer months, and they peaked in September when 7,165 people in London died in one week. Scientist suggest rats carried fleas that caused the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Mining Industry in South Australia Mining industry has been the anchor of South Australia s economy and, benefits it has provided outweigh whichever associated costs. As developed by the South Australian State Government (2013), realising the benefits of the mining boom for all is one of the seven strategic priorities to secure the state s future. Mining is an important industry in South Australia because it has been a major source of minerals for the high demand in Australia and many countries (Flinders Ranges Research n.d.). This industry plays a vital part in advantaging the state in terms of economic profits and job opportunities; social more skilled workers and population growth in the outback; political good state and country reputations; cultural workforce ... Show more content on ... In addition, planned mine expansion projects will contribute to expanding the population size in remote areas. For evidence extracted from iMINCO (2013), the Adelaide Hills area will benefit from the economic advantage in Adelaide by means of future construction and permanent mining jobs, as there is potential for hundreds of new highly paid households in the mining industry. On the other hand, mining industry has industrialised suburban areas by way of polluting the countryside. It has been confirmed by Kelly (2013) that greenhouse gas emissions is a major impact from massive coal mining developments and coal seam gas. Nevertheless, environmental concerns and actions have been taken sand mining terminated its operation at Whiskey Swamp over five years ago; ODT Australis Company undertook to rehabilitate the site by demolishing constructions and reseeding the land according to Australian Mining (2013). Moreover, South Australia gained 20 per cent of jobs growth in regional areas which produce coal due to actions on cutting pollution as mentioned by the Australian Conversation Foundation (2010). Furthermore, South Australia s mining industry also provides cultural advantages to the state; it removes the gender and cultural barriers in the working culture today. For instance, an effective indigenous employment program is run at Thiess and OZ mining sites, which accepts applicants from nearby communities, ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Inclusion and Consultation Theory The principle of Inclusion tresses, among other concepts, that all members accept their fair share of responsibility for all children, including those with disabilities (Dettmer, Thurston, Dyck, 2005, p. 40). This shared responsibility and giftedness is facilitated through consultation theory, which employs a team approach to successful inclusion of students with disabilities within mainstream education. Sheridan, Richards and Smoot (2000) report that Urie Brofenbrenner (1977) In a seminal article, emphasized the importance of ecological considerations in child development by recognizing that a child is part of a number of interrelated systems, each with reciprocal and bidirectional influence on the others. (p.167) It is reported that the subsystems primarily addressed in consultation are the microsystem and the mesosystem. The mesosystem is reported to be defined as the immediate setting or system within which an individual functions at anyone point in time, such as a classroom, neighborhood, or home setting. (Sheridan, Richards and Smoot, 2000, p.167) Problems are addressed at this level at the time they occur in a setting or environment that is isolated in nature whereas the mesosystem is focused on relationships among immediate systems in an individual s environment, such as interrelations among the home and school settings. (Sheridan, Richards and Smoot, 2000, p. 167) The focus at this level is such that enables the identification and resolution of broader ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Street Fight Movie Leadership Djibril Diabate Street Fight is a documentary based on the 2002 mayoral race between Cory Booker and Sharpe James for the city of Newark. Much like the title, the film is centered on a battle against poverty between the two candidates that takes place on streets of Newark. Throughout the film, both candidates exhibit behaviors of Power and Leadership, but in distinct ways. Cory Booker, the challenger, has traits of leadership that Mayor Sharpe James does not possess, but in the end, Mayor James power advantage over resources is how he defeats Booker in the first election. Leadership The first element of leadership is articulating a vision. This is setting goals and making them evident. Cory Booker, competing against someone who has ... Show more content on ... Unlike creating conflicts where there is more of a debate and hostile attacks from both sides, this involves dealing with conflict in a way where ideas are accepted and redirected. One scene where Booker appears to be in a town hall meeting, he is orchestrating conflict with this young lady. The lady is expressing to Booker that citizens of Newark have had enough of all the empty promises and lies made by politicians. At this point, Booker says to her that he needs her help in hearing what the people on the streets are saying. This is when she openly supports the claim by Mayor James stating Booker lied about living in the brick towers. Booker directs this conversation away from the lie, and towards the facts and realties he wants her to see. He is the change the city needs despite the rumors. Of the three elements of leadership, this is the one Mayor Sharpe James lacks the most. He is not open to any oppositions whatsoever, and this is seen in the film when he discovers the camera man is a supporter of Cory Booker. He insisted that he be removed from the event by police and stop recording. This is the opposite of what orchestrating conflict is about, one must seek to resists fights and embrace ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Heritage Differences In Everyday Use By Alice Walker Heritage Differences In the short story Everyday Use , by Alice Walker she represents the conflicts and struggles of the African American culture in rural Georgia around the early 1970 s. Alice Walker introduced 4 main characters; Mama and her two daughters, Maggie and Dee as well as Dee s boyfriend Hakim a barber. Mama is the narrator of the story, she is both a mother and father to her daughters as she is uneducated but worked years of physical labor and lives in poverty. Maggie is the youngest daughter who s shy and lives with Mama, she lacks confidence and is unable to be open nor make eye contact with the people talking to her. Mama s older daughter, Dee who renamed herself as Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo is educated, determined, and confident. She declares that she is the one who is looking at the important aspects of her family history and Mama and Maggie aren t aware of it. Everyday Use carries many different meanings that highlight the issue of how things are used on an everyday basis. Understanding their family African heritage was a big concept for Dee. As Mama and Dee had two different opinions about heritage which caused conflict about whom should keep the quilts from Maggie and Dee. Everyday Use is a focus on the bonds women have between different generations and legacies for example, the Quilts. Mama and Maggie see a different usefulness to the quilts compared to Dee, the quits represent matters such as reading, race and class, among others. Quilting in Everyday Use symbolizes family heritage. They are a history of papers in fabric that vary over generations. They symbolize the family s history of pride, poverty and struggle. Mama and Dee have different perspectives on what the quilts mean to the family heritage. As to Mama, the quilts have a special significance; when she goes to touch them, she is feeling the people who represented them, the ones who worked on them in her family. It represents the bond between women of different generations in their family. The quilts to Mama don t only represent her understanding of heritage but also shows how she s connected to them with her family. I took it for a moment in my hands. You didn t even have to look close to see where hands ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Henrietta Lacks Theme Rebecca Skloot, a science writer has always been obsessed with the name Henrietta Lacks. Henrietta Lacks was an African American women whose cancer cells were removed and used for scientific experimentation. Many doctors believed that cells were not immortal, until they found Henrietta s. People did not know much information about Henrietta and her family, and so Skloot wants to tell her story. Throughout her research, she does not realize how much backstory, and emotional baggages exists until she contacts the family, and begins to connect with them. The family members are keen about the idea of opening up to people about Henrietta. They believe that reporters will just keep on taking advantage of them. With this, Skloot realizes that the ... Show more content on ... Skloot writes about how family members and friends suffered from the outcomes of the HeLa cells. Henrietta herself suffered through the whole process, Doctors examined her inside and out, pressing her stomach, inserting new catheters into her bladder, fingers into her vagina and anus, needles into her veins. (40) As well as, Sometimes she would beat Joe for no reason while he lay in bed or sat at the dinner table. She d hit him with her fists, or whatever she had close: shoes, chairs, sticks. She made him stand in a dark basement corner on one foot, nose pressed to the wall, dirt filling his eyes. (112) With this, the kids do not have a mom to protect them from, people took advantage of them, especially from Ethel. Joe was the one that suffered more from the death of his mom, because of Ethel s abuse. Rebecca Skloot lives in Chicago, where she is working on new books like, humans, animals, science and many more. She spent many decades working as a veterinarian technician before becoming a science writer. She is also is an avid knitter, which was passed down from her mother. She is the author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller, for her book The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Skloot has also worked at WNYC S Radiolab and PBS s Nova ScienceNOW. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is a great inspiration for the science community that it is being made as an HBO Film starring Oprah Winfrey and Rose ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The Cure, By Geeta Anand Some people succeed because they are destined to, but mostly because they are determined to (unknown). This quote truly represents John and Aileen Crowley, the parents of John, Meagan, and Patrick in the book The Cure, by Geeta Anand. Having two of their children born with a life debilitating disease called Pompe disease, was hard to comprehend. Being told that their children have only months to live due to the fact that there was no medicine on the market to combat the disease, John decided to quit his marketing executive job to find a cure and make a drug that will save them. He invested himself and his life s savings in a startup biotechnology company that grew from 27 million dollars to 137.5 million dollars. There were many challenges he faced throughout the entire story line, yet he continued to persevere which ultimately paid off. One of the biggest hardships he faced was after the drug was about to get tested. He was told that the drug would only be tried on babies that were less than six months old and that his two children would not be included in the clinical trial. To hear that his children were not going to in fact receive the drug after all this time and effort was crushing, yet he insisted to find a way that they would get it. The scientist concluded that it would be good research to see if the medicine worked in siblings, and they made an exception to let these two siblings be included in the study. His hard work and willpower to succeed paid off when the ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Essay Cathrine The Great The woman who was to become Catherine the Great was born Sophie Augusta Fredericka. During her teen years Sophie blossomed into a beautiful young woman and had excellent health. She later went on to marry Peter III the future emperor and grandson of Peter the Great. During her reign as empress Catherine encountered many conflicts, which she surpassed so successfully that even now so many years after her death she is still remembered. Even though she was known to have many lovers during her lifetime and had three illegitimate children two of who survived, her strong spirit, willingness to make Russia a better place, and her political victories made her one of the greatest empress ever. Throughout her reign as ... Show more content on ... She did this by giving amp;#8220; a good deal of attention to projects to build schools, founding the Smolny Institute, an academy designed for five hundred girls and young women. ; (Erickson 311). She also wanted future doctors to know all the current methods as other European countries in the field of medicine because she only wanted the best for her people. She helped Russia amp;#8217;s people and amp;#8220;founded and endowed a medical college to educate Russian physicians and apothecaries, and commissioned the first Russian pharmacopoeia ;. (Erickson 311). She helped landowners find out other types of methods to use on their land. So that they would prosper and so would the economy. She established amp;#8220; The Free Economic Society for the Encouragement Of Agriculture and Husbandry. ; (Alexander 100). This group was established to tell landowners of advanced methods of farming that was practiced throughout other countries. Catherine also corresponded with the philosopher Voltaire because he enlightened her and that was good for making Russia a better place. amp;#8220;She continued to model herself, as far as possible, in the likeness of Voltaire ;. (Erickson 235). During Catherine amp;#8217;s reign she had many political victories. She won many battles on the war front but she was also quite good at political victories. Pugachev tried to ... Get more on ...
  • 46. The Consequences Of Blame In Romeo And Juliet Blame is the action of placing fault on someone else s shoulders in order to take responsibility off of ours. People resort to blame because they do not want to own up to the responsibility and the consequences following the fault. The quote, We live in a culture of blame. People will blame anyone or anything for their misery sooner than to take responsibility to own it and make it better, is an excerpt of a book written by psychologists Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. Blame comes into play during Romeo and Juliet, because the fault of the couple s death rests on the shoulders of King Capulet and Friar Laurence. Capulet and Friar Laurence are to blame for Romeo and Juliet s deaths, because the Friar marries them in the first place, ... Show more content on ... The Friar s decision to marry Romeo and Juliet is significant, because that is what caused Romeo to aggravate Tybalt, eventually leading into two deaths of royalty. In Romeo and Juliet, although the priest easily could have decided not to marry the two, whom originate from warring sides of a city, marries them anyway. The Friar was fully aware of the inevitable consequences foreshadowed to come. This is illustrated when Romeo pleads to the Friar to marry the pair, to which the priest fiercely denies. Over the course of only a few minutes, the Friar sees an image of God and has the divine inspiration to marry them. This piece of the play creates a ripple effect, in which Romeo emerges from the church in an excited, happy manner, escalating the situation between Mercutio and Tybalt, which then eventually fell into a downward spiral towards Romeo and Juliet s graves. Moreover, the priest s settlement to marry Romeo and Juliet signifies importance, because his loyalty to his overall conclusion to marry them ultimately lead to their deaths. This is expressed in the scene where he provides a solution to Juliet to delay her marriage. As Juliet comes crying to the Friar after everyone in her household has betrayed her, he offers her a solution in which she will sleep for 48 hours. Juliet impulsively agrees and snatches the bottle, quickly thanking him and running home to sleep. By handing her the potion first, the priest sets their graves in stone by not telling Romeo the plan, causing confusion, and ultimately, ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Social Policy On Invisible Disabilities The policy topic that I have decided to address is Invisible Disabilities, because this is a huge social problem. In our society a person with a disability is primarily recognized from when you look at someone and you can visibly confirm that they are disabled. Visible disabilities are what most people think of when they think of someone who is disabled: for instance someone in a wheelchair. The truth is, not all disabilities are physically visible, and generates negative attitudes towards persons who suffer from them. Some invisible disabilities include learning disabilities, brain injuries, epilepsy, narcolepsy, and so many more. The goal is to try to aid people with invisible disabilities have the equivalent rights, and respect as any other ... Show more content on ... (Brennan 2013, p.68 69) Disability, under Social Security law, is based on your inability to work. You will meet the Social Security definition of disability if SSA finds that you cannot do the work you did before; you cannot adjust to other work because of your medical condition(s); and your disability has lasted or is expected to last for at least one year or result in death. This is a strict definition of disability. (Brennan 2013, p.68 69) With the way that the current laws and policies are defined it creates a burden to those that do not fit in the narrow box created. There are obvious flaws with the way that the economic factors affect this social problem. The statistics are what hold the truth, and it shows that economic factors are still at a standstill for the disabled ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Theme Of Midnight In Paris Midnight in Paris: Golden Age Thinking Midnight in Paris is a beautiful film, its aesthetically pleasing scenery without being too over the top gives us a small taste of what Paris might look like to its everyday inhabitants. Woody Allen captures the attention of the audience with an interesting plot, theme, and authenticity but unfortunately falls flat on his attempt to create drama with unnecessary complications which earns the movie four and a half stars. The whole movie is a dream to those familiar with American literature and history, diving into the 20 s where there were no cares in the world, and those with the passion go to Paris to fulfill their desires. It s impeccably perfect cast and attention to small details are nothing to those with no prior knowledge of what some may call American literature s heroes. Gil (played by Owen Wilson) is a young writer who seems to be caught in the middle of his fantasies and dreams, which is something we can all ... Show more content on ... The dialogue of the writers closely reflect what they would ve conversed about, and the artists and surrealists were the fanatics that we thought they were. As well as the realistic setting, the casting was flawless. Wonderstruck Owen Wilson did a great job in showing his speechless admiration for the famous writers, who were also casted perfectly for their roles. Zelda (Allison Pill) and Scott Fitzgerald (Tom Hiddleston) definitely look the part, and also sound identical to their character, using phrases and exclamation where needed. The most successful actress in this film was Kathy Bates. She is a well known feminist author and poet, and is known for being close to Hemingway, and was even asked to be his son s godmother. Bates acting shows her authoritative yet motherly presence in the film which gives Gil someone to ... Get more on ...
  • 49. The Importance Of A Common Assessment Framework 1. Correctly name three pieces of legislation which inform work in the field of safeguarding children. 3marks  The Children Act 1989  Safeguarding Act 2010  The Education Act 2002 2. Describe the role of the Common Assessment Framework in safeguarding children. (400 words) 10marks A Common Assessment Framework is to enable that children and young people are safeguarding and looked after. It is also known as CAF. The process of a Common Assessment Framework is to gather information a child who needs additional support or if for example a teacher of this child has concerns about his/her ability in learning. The role of a Common Assessment Framework is to provide support and put strategies in place for the child to meet. When filling in a Common Assessment Framework you then have to identify targets for the child needs to be meet in order for the child to progress. This is a common type of framework which is used for the children who need additional help. There is four steps that you may have to go through when dealing with a common assessment framework form (CAF). The first step involves you to identify the needs of the child who may have additional needs; depending on the child s situation the person who is dealing with this issue may want to get the child s parent involved. The child s practitioner may want to find out if the child has been referred before therefore the practitioner needs to make sure that the information about the child is reviewed before starting a ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Correlation Between Zinc And Copper Solutions Read the Voltmeter to see what the electrical cell potential is. Repeat steps 13 18 for all variations of Copper Chloride. Record the raw quantitative data in the table below: Electrical Potential Difference Between Zinc and Copper Solutions Electrical Potential Difference Variation in Copper Chloride Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Record qualitative data as well in the Observations section. When all quantitative data has been collected and recorded, use the equation below to calculate the average electrical potential difference, or Average E_Cell of each variation of Copper Chloride. Ave.E_(Cell ) for Variation in Copper Chloride=(Trial 1+Trial 2+Trial 3)/(Number of Trials) Create a scatter plot graph with a trend line to showcase the data. Calculate the slope/increase in average cell potential with the equation below: Slope=Rise/Step =(y_2 y_1)/(x_2 x_1 ) Observations: Qualitative Observations: Zinc chloride was easier to manipulate than Copper chloride because the solid was less condensed than Copper When Zinc Chloride was mixed with water, the solution was first green and when stirred turned light blue When the Potassium Nitrate became fully dissolved in water, the bottom of the beaker became cold The more Copper Chloride that was added to the Copper solution, the more opaque the solution became When the salt bridge connected the two electrodes, the Voltmeter reacted immediately Raw Quantitative ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Luther King Jr The fight for racial equality between the African American and Caucasian races in Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s was an extraordinary point in history. Two of the leaders of this movement were Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. These two leaders were almost complete opposites of each other in how they acted. One of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. s famous speech, I Have a Dream had shown that passion and faith can restore the broken promises of America and its government. This was most likely due to how Dr. King grew up. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had grown up in a balanced, benevolent family with his father and grandfather who were part of the ministry. Martin Luther King Jr. was able to establish a secure impression on what ... Show more content on ... Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were almost the complete opposites of each other. Even their message, tone, and sentence structure were different. Dr. King s message was about how passion and faith could restore the broken promises of America and its government, tone being inspiring and using imagery, and sentence structure having compound complex sentences. Malcolm X s message on the other hand was about how such things as passion and faith will do nothing to help their problems, tone being angry and frustrated, and sentence structure being brief and straight to the point. It is very surprising how dissimilar these two men were with how they ended up in ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Australian Code Of Research Ethics Essay 1) Codes and policies Research integrity means meeting the professional standards expected of the researchers in the institution. That includes honesty and fairness in proposing, performing and reporting research. It also involves care and respect for all participants in and subjects of research, including humans, animals, the environment and cultural objects. Researcher should conduct his/her research in a way which allows others to have trust and confidence in the methods used. The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (the Code) guides institutions and researchers in responsible research practices and promotes research integrity. It assists institutions in developing their own codes. In my research, the Australian code and RMIT policy govern my way in which I must conduct my research. Responsible research is encouraged and guided by the research culture of the organization. My research project is based on chemical synthesis and analysis and I found that I need to reference the following information in my research: ideas, thoughts, definitions ... Show more content on ... These are some examples for people who involved in research misconduct: Mahesh Visvanathan and Gerald Lushington, computer scientist who were worked at University of Kansas, were found to have plagiarized of their research. Their punishment was to leave their work. In 2006, Hwang Woo suk, Korean researcher, had done a series of experiments in stem cell research which found later that he had fabricated them. Hwang was charged with a two year suspended prison and fired from his position in Seoul National University. David Robinson, the Vice Chancellor of Monash University, was accused of serious academic misconduct in 2002. He was reported for plagiarism in two books that he had written and published in UK in the 1970s and 1980s. He fired from his position as a Vice Chancellor at Monash ... Get more on ...
  • 53. The Twentieth-Century Sparknotes In chapter 1, the text was about the twentieth century world and the four themes play a role in this world. The four themes show that history is not just facts after facts, but also all connected through the themes. Global interrelatedness is the international connection between groups and the pattern of this type of connection has evolved over the years; into globalization. Identity and difference; formation of identity that is key to understanding the politics of the twentieth century and world history in general, but also distinct ones make some an outcast of society. The rise of the mass society has brought forth mass changes in industrialization, globalization, and changes in political ideas; both good and bad. Technology vs nature, humans have been ... Show more content on ... They took with them their culture and technology, along with their plants, animals, and disease causing pathogens, spreading them through the world. Multistory farming a local knowledge of farming that still maintains productivity; hard won science by experience. When different groups and cultures interact, the formation of identity and differences appear. Why does politics get in the way of identities? When identities formed, they are supposed to bring people together and not make some that do not fit in an outcast, labeling them different or uncivilized. Europe s rise to power depends on this type of distinction, as did Hilter s program. Most civilization has these types of distinctions and regard outsiders as barbarians , but the uncivilized barbarians were not always disadvantaged. So, why bother to classify them as something negative? They might have a better way of being productive, but just because they are not the same they are classified. This happens a lot in this century, but there is some resistance to this distinction. Where resistance did occur, leaders made it part of a coherent nationalist agenda or the place have to create a new national ... Get more on ...