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Mba Entrance Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of MBA entrance is no small feat. It involves navigating through
a myriad of intricate aspects that collectively contribute to shaping a compelling narrative. The
difficulty arises not merely from the requirement to showcase one's academic prowess and
professional achievements but also from the necessity to articulate personal experiences, goals,
and aspirations in a way that stands out amidst a sea of competitive submissions.
The process begins with a thorough self-assessment, forcing the writer to delve deep into their
academic and professional journey. This introspective analysis demands a level of honesty and
self-awareness that can be challenging. It requires the ability to distill key moments and
achievements into a coherent narrative that not only highlights competence but also reflects one's
unique qualities.
Furthermore, the writer must be adept at aligning their goals with the specific MBA program,
demonstrating a clear understanding of what sets that program apart. This requires in-depth
research and a keen eye for detail, adding an additional layer of complexity to the essay-writing
The challenge intensifies when considering the need for a persuasive tone throughout the essay.
Convincing the admissions committee that you are not only a suitable candidate but a standout
one necessitates a delicate balance between confidence and humility. It's a fine line to tread,
requiring careful consideration of language and tone.
Finally, the essay should culminate in a strong conclusion that leaves a lasting impression. This
requires skillful summarization without repetition and a closing statement that reinforces the
writer's candidacy.
In essence, writing an essay on the topic of MBA entrance demands a multidimensional approach
that combines introspection, research, persuasion, and eloquence. It is an intricate dance of
words that requires both a strategic mindset and a creative flair. However, with the right
approach and dedication, it is possible to craft an essay that not only meets the criteria but also
elevates the applicant above the competition.
For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, you may explore services like, where professionals can offer guidance and support tailored to your specific
Mba Entrance Essay Mba Entrance Essay
The Christmas Holiday From The Federal Calendar
Omitting the Christmas Holiday from the Federal Calendar
The establishment of a legal holiday is best defined as a day where there are no
courts, labor, and is a day of joy and rest. While there should be a separation of
church and state, Christmas is considered a legal holiday and one needs to question
the validity of establishing this day as a legal holiday when one looks at the concept
of separation of church and state and considering the diversity we face in today s
modern society.
Christmas in in fact defined as a Holyday. This should not be considered a legal
holiday due to the fact that it is Christian based and we do not have legal holidays
that recognize other religions. The United States does not have a recognized national
religion, so Christmas should be separated from legally recognized holidays.
In the American Law Register the opening paragraph gives an interesting point of
view on this matter. Notwithstanding the distinction drawn by the great American
Lexicographer, between a holiday and a holy day, where by the latter should be
used as the proper term for a religious festival, while the former should rather
denote a day of exemption for labor and of amusement, joy and gaiety, the common
impression seems to liken both the holiday and the holyday to the great weekly day
of rest and legal inaction? (Uhle 137)
With cultural diversity being what it is today, and the many different religious
traditions that comes of this, establishing a holyday as a legal
Casey Anthony Essay
Casey Anthony Trial Patricia Saylor Donna Dansey Computer Forensics November
25, 2012 Casey Anthony Case There have been many murder trials in the United
States which have gripped the nation, OJ Simpson, BTK, Lee Harvey Oswald. But
more shocking to the consciousness of America is the story of a child which has
been killed. Such would be the case of Caylee Anthony, and the trial of Casey
Anthony. In this assignment the discussion will focus on this case, exposing the
much of the drama created by this case. On July 15th, 2008, two year old Caylee
Marie Anthony was reported missing by her Cindy Anthony, Caylee s grandmother.
Caylee was missing from the home of Casey Marie Anthony, her mother, and... Show
more content on ...
The evidence would indicate that someone had searched the word chloroform on
that computer at least 84 times around the dates of the dates when Caylee Anthony
was suspected to be missing. It was later that John Bradley would discover
inaccuracy of the data caused by the software, which he would to authorities.
Additionally there was photographic evidence entered on the case which had been
retrieved from the computer of Ricardo Morales, a former boyfriend of Casey
Anthony. The picture was that of a poster which said Win Her Over with Chloroform
. (DD, 2011). The prosecution had based much of the case on the digital evidence
found on the computer that Casey Anthony used, with most of the attention given to
the 84 times that the word chloroform had been searched. That evidence would later
be challenged by John Bradley himself, who would change his original statement and
reveal that there was only one reference found in the computer related to the search
of chloroform. (Jones, 2012). Other challenges to the computer forensic evidence
were provided in the case by one of the investigators, Detective Yuri Melich, who by
using Net Analysis was able to determine that there was inaccuracies in the data on
the Casey Anthony case, which brought into question the data itself as well as
whether Casey Anthony could have been the only
The American Crocodile Essay
The American Crocodile
(Crocodylus acutus)
Crocodylus acutus, or more commonly referred to as the American crocodile, is the
second most widely distributed of the New World crocodiles, ranging from the
southern tip of Florida, both the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of Southern Mexico, as
well as the Caribbean islands of Cuba, Jamaica, and HispaniolaВЎВЁ (1 Species).
These areas provide the perfect climate for these endangered species that have
roamed the earth for over 200 million years. Florida is known for its large population
of American alligators, which are often confused for the rare American crocodile.
However, there are vast differences between the two species. Hunted for their hides
and the changing of their habitat to ... Show more content on ...
This Family is further divided into three subfamilies: Alligatorinae (alligators),
Gavialinae (gharial), and Crocodylinae (crocodiles).
Very often the American alligator(Alligatorinae mississippiensis) is confused for an
American crocodile, even though these two species are of the same family they are
different in many ways. The alligator has a much broader snout and the crocodile a
much narrower snout ¡§¡Knarrower snouts usually indicating fish eating
speciesВЎВЁ (42). Another characteristic seen in the American crocodile and not the
alligator is the front two teeth that penetrate the upper jaw from below as they grow
(2 List). These teeth are one of the major differences between crocodiles and
A not so recognizable difference between the American crocodile and alligator is the
crocodileВЎВ¦s ability to regulate saltwater balance in their body. Crocodiles
maintain salt concentrations in their body fluid at the typical level of other
vertebrates, which is about one third that of seawater (52). ВЎВ§The osmoregulatory
problems posed by life in fresh or saline waters are related to the amounts of water
and salts exchanged across various body surfaces. Loss of salts and water occurs in
feces and urine, through respiration, excretion from salt glands in the tongue, and
through the skin. The ability of the American crocodile to tolerate salt water is
related to their low rate of water loss, low rate of sodium uptake, the ability to
excrete excess
Dr. Phil Pringle Analysis
In a time when leaders are portrayed as power hungry, Christian leadership is
imperative for the Church to be an influential agent within the world. Dr. Phil
Pringle outlines ten qualities that a Christian leader should possess if he aims to
be a great leader. Within the context of the ten qualities, Pringle presents a portrait
of a leader that is integral to the Church s success. Therefore, Dr. Phil Pringle
begins by examining the leader s motivation. Pringle concludes that Christian
leaders are called to serve God and others. Further, a Christian leader is to live a life
of self abasement, a life of sacrifice. Pringle (2007) argues, When we move from a
life of comfort to life with discomfort, serving others even though it cost us... Show
more content on ...
Pringle illustrates the power that temptation has in a person s life. He equates it to
how a moth is drawn to the flame. Although the flame will eventually kill the moth,
the moth has an uncontrolled desire to the light of the flame. Similarly, individuals
are drawn to the very thing that seeks to destroy them. Pringle (2007) advises,
Unless we make strong choices to live above the temptations, they will destroy us (p.
179). In other words, unlike the moth, a Christian leader has the ability, through
Christ, to live above the carnal desires that seek to crush
Figure of Speech
A figure of speech is a use of a word that diverges from its normal meaning,[citation
needed] or a phrase with a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of
the words in it such as a metaphor, simile, or personification.[citation needed]
Figures of speech often provide emphasis, freshness of expression, or clarity.
However, clarity may also suffer from their use, as any figure of speechintroduces an
ambiguity between literal and figurative interpretation. A figure of speech is
sometimes called a rhetoricor a locution.
Not all theories of meaning have a concept of literal language (see literal and
figurative language). Under theories that do not, figure of speech is not an entirely
coherent concept.
Rhetoric originated as ... Show more content on ...
Faustus, 12.80 81| irony| expressing a meaning directly contrary to that suggested by
the words| He was no notorious malefactor, but he had been twice on the pillory, and
once burnt in the hand for trifling oversights. Direccions for Speech and Style|
metalepsis| a double metonymy in which an effect is represented by a remote cause|
Woe worth the mountain that the mast bear/ Which was the first causer of all my care
First Time Quintering Essay
First time quintering I was at the madison county equestrian club, pulling into the
driveway. We sat under a shade tree where are trailer was. We started writing me
down for the classes. Then I went and saddled my horse to get ready to start the
show. I was walking around in the makeup arena when I thought i should quinter in
barrels. Barrels was the best thing I was good at so I thought I would do quinter in
that, but it was also the one of the last class. So I thought and thought if I really
should do it. We started rulling through the classes one after another. Then we took
a 1 hour break for lunch. That is when I decided I was going to do it. Then the break
was over and it was poles, then it was barrels. I ended up winning
Sectarianism In WW1
1.Sectarianism is like racism, it is a form of bigotry, discrimination, or hatred arising
from attaching importance to perceived differences between subdivisions within a
group, such as between different denominations of a religion, like a split between 2
religious denominations. This split therefore caused further rivalry and split
throughout Australian society, which lead to the separation throughout social
welfare, public morality services, and throughout politics particularly in the issue of
2.There was many religious bias in pre 1945 Australia, the church of England s
values, rules and morals were integrated into Australia s law, and those who did not
follow the church of England faced endless sectarianism at the time.
Application Of A New Password Protected
A new password protected Training folder has been created on the root of drive R to
be used for all current training materials.
The password is Training. Please do not store anything in this folder until we have all
outdated training materials archived and files and folders re organized.
As we move, and delete files and folders, a TD Mirror folder of the TD folder has
been created as a backup. The TD Mirror folder will be deleted after the re
organization project is complete and The TD folder will be deleted after all files and
folders have been moved to their perspective housing area.
The original Archives folder has been moved (as is) from the TD sub folder in the
Human Resources folder on drive R to the Training folder at the root of R. There
are many versions and copies of the same course stored in the current Archive folder
making it challenging to determine which courses were actually in production (used
by the learners) and which were a work in progress or backups before the final
release. In other words, a course is not considered a version until it is released in
Production or to the public, anything before that time is considered a Work in
Progress. These two procedures seems to cause confusion. Consider the follow story:
A work team for a popular magazine company is tasked with producing a fun,
interesting, an exciting, spring issue. The team begins work drafting concepts and
ideas and then presents them to other team
The Confederate Flag
The Confederate Flag
Within the United States of America, arguments, involving the Confederate Flag, are
solved every sngle day. However, some controversies have managed to carry on from
the 1800 s until present day without any solution. The text and symbolic meaning
behind the Confederate Flag is a perfect example. The Confederate Flag is one of
America s most embattled symbolic controversies. Created in 1861in a battle between
the South, Confederates, and the North, Union, two men by the name P.G.T.
Beauregard and Congressman William P. Miles designed and created a flag that
would represent the true southern pride and demands that would not only bring about
conflict with one half of the nation but also with our American society today.... Show
more content on ...
So why get rid of this flag? Being a nation that prohibits slavery in written law, some
Americans who continue to believe the false rumor that the flag represents slavery
and racism or are less educated with the history behind the flag and want to get rid of
it. Our society has represented the Confederate flag in a disrespectful manner and
needs to change that.
Hear the Northern thunders mutter! Northern flags in South s winds flutter! To
Arms, To Arms, To Arms in Dixie! Send them back your fierce defiance! Stamp
upon the cursed alliance! To Arms, To Arms, To Arms in Dixie! Advance the flag
of Dixie! Hurrah! Hurrah! For Dixie s land we take our stand, And we live or die
for Dixie! To Arms! To Arms! And conquer peace for Dixie! To Arms! To Arms!
And conquer peace for Dixie! Confederacy chant. Many people praise it, display it,
and chant it, yet others view it with pure disgust. Once again, the Confederate or
Rebel Flag has been shoved onto the table of debate due to the raising of the flag in
front of the South Carolina State House. So much debate has arose that President
Obama was questioned where this flag should be placed? President Obama replied
with a very considerate answer. His answer was, In a museum. But why would he
want to take down the flag and retire it? Many have applauded him upon the issue,
yet others are left confused as to why? Many people fly the Confederate Flag with
pride and none of which are racist. In fact, the flag does not even represent
The Role Of Socialization, Gender, And Education As A...
Socialization, Gender, and Education as a social institution have all been topics that
have been heavily discussed in the classroom. Each of these sociological aspects of
society help create ideologies and norms in particular as to the role gender plays in
the household and in the workplace. From the extended interview on Adam Belaid, it
has become evident that the educationplays the largest role in socialization. In
particular, the public educational institutions that have been founded on the
principals of the state. Particularly, educational institutions and their effect on its
students views on gender. Through an analysis of the interviewee, Martin s
Becoming a Gendered Body: Practices of Preschools , and Bowles Education and
Inequality it is evident that the educational institution plays the greatest role in the
socialization of an individual. Adam Belaid is currently a software engineer at Riot
Games, whose job is primarily in back end development and program execution. He
was educated in several countries where each country has a slightly different
sociological norm. His adolescent education was in France, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan;
his high school education took place in what he defined as a small school that taught
an Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum in
Arizona. His undergraduate education took place at Virginia Tech with a major in
Computer Science. Adam identifies himself as a practicing Muslim with his parents
Essay on Outsourcing business processes
Outsourcing Business Processes
This paper captures the most prominent services and issues associated with today s
outsourcing environment. Outsourcing is the modern business term for having other
companies accomplish basic business processes rather than doing them inhouse.
While outsourcing has always been an important business option, modern technical
capabilities are fast making outsourcing a critical requirement in competitive, cost
conscious industries. However, our recent experience with terrorist challenges
indicates that a second look is needed to ensure that outsourcing risks are still
This paper (1) benchmarks classical (but modern) outsourcing methods to provide a
starting point, (2) notes what information ... Show more content on ...
Outsourcing Today
Exploring the Internet for outsourcing information consistently leads to the obvious.
For example, outsourcing has become a major element of the high tech startup
environment over the past couple of years. There have been (and are) many new high
tech companies trying to convince low tech companies of the advantages of e
business. Indeed, many high tech outsourcing marketers touted services to their high
tech peers, proclaiming the advantages of focusing on their high tech core business
while outsourcing everything else. Of course, much of this was easier to sell prior to
September, before security and reliability became a central concern throughout the
High tech to high tech marketing results from the emergence of high tech access to
cheap labor (e.g., programming, data entry, and accounting) from other countries,
more immediate access to state of the art software (discussed below), and access to
expert problem solvers for future non core business issues that make outsourcing
attractive from a risk sharing perspective. Unfortunately, some of these overseas labor
cost savings advantages are decreasingly attractive due to other problems, including
the emergent security issues but also including recent realizations of new problems.
The new set
Disadvantages Of Elastomers
1.Segmented polyurethanes
Segmented polyurethanes are a broad class of polymers whose properties range from
those characteristic of tough plastics to very soft rubbers, depending on the soft
segment length and concentration. Polyurethane elastomers are high quality
engineering materials combining high elasticity with high hardness and low wear. It
is very important to mention and understand, during working with polyurethanes that
we dealing with two types of materials : plastics and elastomers , which have the
identical manufacturing process.
Elastomers are defined as materials that possessed high, reversible deformations.
Crosslinking of elastomers obtain these reversibility of extension. In polyurethane
elastomers crosslinking could be presented with two different natures of bonding as
chemical as a physical. As said below segmented polyurethanes represent two phase
structure of hard ... Show more content on ...
Therefore NDI based polyurethane elastomers have a temperature range for
continuous use between в€’30 and +80 в
—¦C. At temperatures below 0 в—¦C the
material becomes increasingly hard and inelastic, though there is no danger of
fracture. Embrittlement occurs only at very low temperatures (below в€’30
в—¦C).Some famous NDI elastomer products of Bayer company with name
Vulkollan also is resistant to mineral oils, grease, gasoline, and most organic
solvents. Gasoline and some solvents cause swelling of polyurethanes , but this does
not affect its mechanicalproperties dramatically if the solvents could easily be re
evaporate.Concentrated acids, alkalis, and other hydrolyzingmedia attack NDI
elastomers but by incorporatingadditives or run synthesis with different structure
polyols as polyesters thehydrolytic stability can be increased so that theservice life of
the elastomers product being enough for a variety of special uses even under extreme
Analyzing Patricia Lockwood s What Is The Zoo For What
Lily Atkins
Lit 2000
Professor Farmen
Analysis Of: What Is The Zoo For What
In What Is The Zoo For What, Patricia Lockwood paints a portrait of nature. Nature
is violent and free; it embodies a sense of chaos and unruliness that society has tried
to control through the invention of captivity. Inventions of captivity can be described
as zoos, but is also anything that holds another thing; like a fountain holding water, a
song containing sound. Many forms of captivity are described while words are
redefined to point out the very abstract invention of captivity, which is language.
This is a poem that problematizes language . Language plays an altogether
fundamental role in human thinking, and it bestows on man his unique ability ... Show
more content on ...
Yes. Although the reader may still wonder: Are constraints safer? Or is chaos safer
than society s constraints? Lockwoods answer is hold is a zoo for hand.
Works Cited
Andrews, Tom. What Is Social Constructionism? Grounded Theory Review RSS,
University College Cork, 1 June 2012,
is social constructionism/.
Gay, Doug (2000) Labeling Theory: The New Perspective, The Corinthian: Vol. 2 ,
Article 1. Available at:
Sweden, Ministry of Justice, Council for Crime Prevention, and Johanness Knuttson., NCJRS, 17 Apr. 18AD.
Zoo. Merriam Merriam Webster, n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2018.
Young, Clark. Neil Young and Contemporary Poetry, Part II. Wow Canada!, 12 Dec.
Risk Reduction Plan For A Residential Building
Risk Reduction Plan
In a community risk reduction plan I would choose improper heating of a residential
structure as my fire related topic. I would ask the following groups for their
assistance in implementing a plan of community risk reduction from the following
stakeholders and partners.
local government officials homeowner associations the American Red Cross housing
authorities commercial property owners, apartment complex owners utilities; gas,
water and electric company
local hardware stores
Underwriter Laboratories
National Fire Protection Agency other area fire departments
Hospital Burn Center
United Fire
In a community risk reduction plan for a non fire incident I would choose drowning
as a result of negligent supervision.
homeowner associations local fencing companies local pool companies the water
company commercial property owners, apartment complex owners local government
local hardware stores area hospitals local media area school districts other area fire
departments the American Red Cross
To establish a distinction between a stakeholder and a partner I have gathered three
references from various websites to establish an identity for each.
A stakeholder: ?A stakeholder is a person such as an employee, customer, or citizen
who is involved with an organization, society, etc. and therefore has responsibilities
towards it and an interest in its success? (Cambridge
Analysis Of The Film Immigration Battle
The documentary, Immigration Battle expose the problem of race and ethnicity with
immigrants in the United States. The immigration Battle shows that United States of
America is a country with a diversity of multicultural religions, races and nations.
United States is a nation of many immigrants but this country still being racial until
today. It is hard to see how immigrants are being treated and kept from their rights
and need to be hide for the fear of being deported. The video shows a bipartisan
immigrationreform in the election of Obama s by passing a common ground between
Democrats and Republicans.
The events in the congress show who minority and majority groups are dividen even
inside and outside the congress. Groups of immigrations
Goal 7 Of The United Nations Framework Convention On...
Goal 7 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) sustainability goals (2014) is to take urgent action to combat climate
change and its impacts.In breaking down this goal, a number of specific targets have
been generated to make the goal more attainable. The first of which is being able to
strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate related hazards and natural
disasters in all countries. This target is difficult to assess because it is not directly
measurable. The second target involves integrating climate change measures into all
national policies, plans and strategies. It is easy to determine whether progress is
being made with this objective because as more countries implement climate change
... Show more content on ...
As of 2014, the UNFCCC has multiple programs regarding the assessment of
adaptation abilities. The National Adaptation Program of Actions and the Work
Program of Loss and Damage focus on identifying options for lowest development
countries to adapt to climate change.Although there are multiple programs that work
towards more adaptive communities, there is no way to measure how much progress
is being made. Unlike the first target, the second is much more measurable.Currently,
the UNFCCC is surveying countries for their climate change strategies and policies
by asking countries to submit National Reports or National Adaption Plans.
Acknowledging that countries need to have national adaptation plans which identify
and prioritize not only urgent and immediate needs but also medium and long term
needs, longer term national adaptation plans are part of the on going UNFCCC
negotiations (Hardee and Mutunga, 1). Once a developing country joins the
UNFCCC they must submit a NC within the first three years, and then every four
years thereafter. As of 2014, 147 developing countries have submitted their first
initial NC ( National Reports , 1). According to an analysis of 119 countries,
approximately 40% of the adult population across the globe is unaware of climate
change ( 119 country survey, 1). The United
Mature In Lord Of The Flies
All people change over time. They develop, mature, and leave their childhood
behind. But what causes this realization of their own place in the world? Lord of
the Flies, a fictional allegory written by William Golding, demonstrates the
protagonist evolving throughout the story. Ralph matures from an easygoing and
carefree boy to being aware of the inner demon residing in humans. Ralph starts off
being blinded by happiness as all he could think about was that there were no adults
and was excited for the new freedom. But as time progresses, Ralph realizes that the
world isn t just fun and games. He discovers the true nature of humans as he watches
the others descend into savagery. Ralph is exposed of kinds of evil that begin to
affect him... Show more content on ...
He saw what humans were capable of and watched as his friends began to revert to
their savage nature. He weeps for the loss of innocence, the darkness of a man s
heart, and the fall through the air of the once wise, true friend called Piggy. It is at
this point that Ralph matures, as when he cries, he cries for everyone and everything.
He realizes that life isn t so simple and that it, along with other humans, are complex
and unpredictable.
His realization and maturity reflects on the theme of the book as a whole. The
moment of when Ralph watches the others cross the boundary in between good and
evil further emphasizes the idea of good and evil being juxtaposed throughout the
book. All the symbols of good begin to die out on the island while evil embraces the
characters. This leads to the darkness of people s hearts beginning to be exposed and
affect others around them.
After finding out the true beast, Ralph finally begins to cry about everything that had
happened while on the island. He discovered new ideas about human nature and
faced the evil in others firsthand. He watched as law and order ceased to exist and
the other boys turned into savages, losing all sense of civilized behavior. He
discovered the real beast; darkness, savagery, and evil inside human
What Does Birches Mean
In the poem Birches by Robert Frost and the famous scientific research paper The
Patterns in Thumb and Finger Marks by Francis Galton are two significant examples
that illustrate that the purpose and the form of a text allows meaning to be drawn
from it.
First, in poems, various figurative devices are used to emphasis the meaning and
enhance the understanding of a word or a sentence. Similar has been depicted in
Robert Frost s Birches . Frost too uses many of such devices in his poem out of
which alliteration is one of them. Alliteration is the repetition of a particular letter or
sound in a line of the poem. When the reader reads such lines, the reader is forced to
slow down his reading pace, and it requires more attention to be paid ... Show more
content on ...
When writing any kind of research or scientific paper, it is very essential that the
correct format and method is used in writing the report. The first thing that would
strike one s eyes and gain complete attention would be the headings and the sub
headings that are placed throughout the research paper. The headings provide the
most basic overview of the main topic that would be discussed further in upcoming
paragraphs. Looking at just the headings and the titles, one can figure if the article
or the paper would be of any significance to the reader. In order to place emphasis
on the titles, authors would usually bold, italicize, place them in the center or even
change the font type. This concept is also relevant in Galton s paper. Some
examples form Galton s paper would be: Obtaining Impressions and Reversal of
Patterns (Galton 1890). These headings are italicized and are central aligned to set
them apart, and put emphasis on their importance. This way the reader is giving a
warning that the text below would be concentrating on the mentioned specific areas.
Suppose if these headings or titles, had not been altered in any such way, they
would be read just as simple text or sentences and would not hold any particular
special attention or meaning to it. This would make the task of the reader to figure
out its significance harder, and hence, the paper would be boring
The Neolithic Period, which includes events from 12,000...
The Neolithic Period, which includes events from 12,000 years ago, is one of the
most important revolutions to occur in history. The Neolithic lifestyle was
established first in the Middle East, and then later in the Yellow river basin in China,
which then spread over the years into the Western Hemisphere. During this time
period, the domestication of plants and animals and the development of cities was
starting to become more prominent and well known to many different civilizations
across many different countries. It consisted of many changes in human cultures from
a lifestyle of hunting and gathering to one of farming and settlement, which supported
a larger population. As civilizations expanded, so did traditions and techniques. A
major... Show more content on ...
Throughout the inundation period, which happens at some point around July, the
water level ascends and fills the waterways made by Egyptian workers. At some
point around the end of October, the stream might start to subside which leaves
behind the rich silt deposits. This permitted horticulture to thrive, and also directing
when planting and reaping might happen. Since the delta zone generated surplus
products on a consistent support, society here was very equitably stable, and there
was plenty of time for leisure activities such as art or science. Not only was the Nile
perfect for irrigation, but it also served as a method of transportation and enabled
them to interact with other civilizations. This transportation became important to the
Ancient Egyptians in the New Kingdom when the empire spread along the Nile.
Egyptians used the Nile for transport to build pyramids; they had to use the Nile as
their main transport system because they could not move the heavy bricks through
the sand. Although people tend to think that being surrounded by sand would make
living much more difficult, the Egyptians took advantage of it, rather than despise the
desert. The desert is an area of land with minimal vegetation, no arable farmland, and
an exceptionally poor atmosphere, typically hot and dry. Deserts often act as a barrier
to outside civilizations, making
Matthew And John Essay
The Gospels (literally, good news ) encompass the Synoptics (Matthew, Mark, Luke)
and John). In the Gospels of Matthew and John, Jesus is revealed; Jesus reveals God
(John 1:18; Matt 11:27); and God speaks finally (Heb 1:1 4). While Matthew
presented a narration on the temptation of Jesus, his transfiguration, and the
institution of the Lord s Supper, John was silent on those materials. John mentions no
examples of Jesuscasting out demons. While Matthew focuses on the genealogy of
Jesus, John establishes the deity of Jesus. The Sermon on the Mount and the Lord s
Prayer are not found in John s Gospel. Matthew is the only Gospel writer who speaks
directly of the church (Matthew16: 18; 18:17). He points to the Gentile composition
of this church... Show more content on ...
But one day, Israel will be restored to its place of blessing (Rom. 11:25 27; 15:8, 9).
One of the purposes of Matthew is to instruct the church. An obvious clue to this is in
the Great Commission: teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded
you (28:20). The discipling process involves instruction in the words of Christ, and
the Gospel of Matthew revolves around five of Jesus discourses (5:1 7:28; 10:5 11:1;
13:3 53; 18:2 19:1; 24:4 26:1). Instead of emphasizing a narrative of Jesus life as
Mark does, Matthew uses the narrative elements in his Gospel as a setting for Jesus
The Gospel of John is a persuasive argument for the deity of Jesus. It concentrates
on presenting Jesus as the Word (Logos), that is, God (1:1) who became a man
(1:14). Thus John meticulously records the statements and describes the miracles
of Jesus that can only be attributed to God Himself. Jesus called Himself the bread
of life (6:35, 41, 48, 51), the light of the world (8:12; 9:5), the door for the sheep
(10:7, 9), the good shepherd (10:11, 14), the resurrection and the life (11:25), the
way, the truth, the life (14:6), and the true vine (15:1, 5). Each of these statements
begins with the words, I am, recalling God s revelation of His name, I
The Mask In T. Clark s Mask Of Superman
People look at Superman like a God, strong and mighty. A warrior against evil.
Superman s appearance is distinctive and iconic; he usually wears a blue costume
with a red and yellow emblem on the chest, consisting of the letter S in a shield
shape, and a red cape. Clark creates the costumed identity of Supermanso as to protect
his personal privacy and the safety of his loved ones. As Clark Kent, he wears glasses
to disguise his face and wears his Superman costume underneath his clothes so that he
can change at a moment s notice. To complete this disguise, Clark avoids violent
confrontation, preferring to slip away and change into Superman when danger arises,
and suffers occasional ridicule for his apparent cowardice. Whenever I picture
Emily Grierson s Time
Time Does Not Stand Still Miss Emily Grierson was a proper lady of Jefferson.
Unfortunately for her, she came to live in a time when being a proper lady was no
longer what was expected. She avoided any sort of change coming to her life, and
because of it, the world moved on without her. The story takes place in the South,
as is illustrated a few times throughout the story. It took place some time between
the 1860 s and the 1930 s, which illustrates the source of some problems for Miss
Emily. That was just after the civil war, and that was a period of great change for
the South. Not only did the South have to quickly extinguish slavery, it changed
from agriculture to factories with almost the same pace. Most of the people in
Jefferson had someone to go through these changes with, but Emily did not. Clearly
her father was wealthy. He would have owned a fair amount of slaves, one of whom
was probably Tobe, the Negro... Show more content on ...
Before, she had not had anyone to help her through the change, but now she did
not have anyone at all. There was no one to remind her of the passage of time. The
only one who might have done this was Tobe, and as he was a Negro, he did not
count in her mind. Homer probably helped her to accept the fact that time was
moving, yet as she was beginning to adjust, beginning to move with time again, she
lost him. He threatened to leave her, so she trapped him in time with her. William
Faulkner grew up in the South, which had a definite influence on his writing. Born
in 1897, he was too young to have watched slavery die, and yet he knew many of
those who had. A Rose for Emilycould easily have had its beginnings in someone he
knew through childhood. After all, he watched those around him fall into poverty
because their wealth was based on their human property. Once they lost that, they lost
their fortune as well. It must have been easy for William Faulkner to picture them
losing their mind as
To Kill A Mockingbird Dialectical Journal
... Naw, Jem, I think there s just one kind of folks. Folks. ... That s what I thought
too...I m beginning to understand why Boo Radley s stayed shut up in the house
all this time . . . It s because he wants to stay inside. (304) In Harper Lee s To Kill A
Mockingbird, six year old Scout was certain, Boo Radley was a monster who, at six
and a half feet, ate all the stray cats and wild squirrels his bloodstained hands could
catch, a monster who committed assault on his father before happily returning to
cutting out newspaper. As Scout begins to grow and change, so does her ideology of
Boo Radley, causing her to learn that you never truly understand someone until you
understand their point of view. In chapter 7, Jem confided in Scout telling her that he
believed a man had sewn his pants together after he had ripped them on the Radley
property. As the chapter continues they begin to find trinkets and treats in a knothole
on the radley... Show more content on ...
His lips parted into a timid smile, and our neighbor s image blurred with my sudden
tears. Hey, Boo, I said. (362) This is the moment, Boo the monster becomes Boo
the human, in this sentence, Scout takes large progress in assuming the grown up
moral perspective that Atticus has shown her throughout the book. This except
from the last chapter is Scout thinking from Boo Radley s perspective about the
world. Atticus was right. One time he said you never really know a man until you
stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley porch was
enough. (374) Scout stands on Boo s porch and imagines many of the main events
in the story as Boo most likely perceived them. Only then does she realize the love
and protection that he has quietly offered her and Jem all along. Scout s newfound
ability to assume another person s perspective is the culmination of her development
as a
Nazi Propaganda Essay
Nazi Propaganda
Propaganda attempts to force a doctrine on the whole people... Propaganda works
on the general public from the standpoint of an idea and makes them ripe for the
victory of this idea. These words of Adolf Hitler are taken from his book Mien
Kampf (My Struggle) published in 1926. Propaganda was an elaborate and essential
tool used extensively by Hitler and the Nazi s during their terrorizing reign of
Germany and throughout Europe. Not only was it used to promote and endorse the
party and its leader s extreme anti Semitic values, but also to mask the horrifying
truths of what was to become known as the Holocaust.
Anti Jewish measures and programs have taken place numerous times throughout
history, but never to the ... Show more content on ...
The Jewish nose is bent at the tip. It looks like a figure 6. So we call them Figure
sixes. Many non Jews also have bent noses. But in their case the nose is bent up, not
down. They have nothing to do with the Jewish nose. Encouraged by the teacher,
Karl points out that the lips are another distinguishing feature; they are usually puffed
up. The eyebrows are: Usually thicker and more fleshy than ours. From the eyes one
can see that the Jew is: A false, deceitful person.
Shown along with the text is a drawing of a boy, Karl, at the front of his class
pointing to a numeral 6 that resembles what was said to be the stereotypical Jewish
nose. The reasoning behind the title of the book is explained as, Just as it is often
hard to tell a toadstool from an edible mushroom, so too it is often very hard to
recognize the Jew as a swindler and criminal.
Another fundamental example of radical anti Semitic press was the newspaper
printed by Julius Streicher called Der StГјrmer (The Attacker). This paper used anti
Semitic caricatures, accused Jews of plotting secret plans against the German
government, promoted the idea of Jewish seduction and even called for the
annihilation of all Jews in 1941. The passionate language by the writers and crafty
manipulation of the readers is evident in a 1935 article written by Ernst
The Future Of Renewable Energy
Renewable energy constitutes the energy coming from sources that do not get
depleted with time. These sources are not typically exhausted and are environmental
friendly. Although this paper will focuses more on hydropower, the types of
renewable energy sources available in Canada include solar power, wind power,
geothermal energy, ocean energy, and bio energy. Renewable energy
in Canada has as
well had its environmental impacts. The outcomes pose various impacts to the
environment either positively or negatively and end up affecting people s lives.
Canada has had greater embrace on renewable energy, particularly hydropower and
nuclear. In 2011, it was the sixth largest wind power producer worldwide. In Ontario,
there are numerous photovoltaic plants of power. A tidal plant is located in
Annapolis found in Nova Scotia, and it utilizes the tides generated by the Fundy Bay.
Canada has over twenty hydro power stations majority of these located in
Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Alberta, Quebec and Labrador (Islam, Fartaj Ting,
A brief look at the sources of Renewable energy in Canada
It is quite notable that Canada has the large reserves of renewable energy. In the
year 2012, it produced three times more renewable energy than the whole of
Germany (McKirdy Solar Energy Society of Canada, 2011). Sources of renewable
energy include:
Tidal energy: Canada has North America s only tidal plant. This is located in
Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia, Canada. The highest tides in
John s Presentation Of Jesus Surprises Me Or Challenges
Throughout the course of this class we ve taken in and learned a great deal about
the Gospel of John. It s crazy to see how much you can learn in such a short period
of time but when the authors of both of our required text load them down with such
rich insight, it s hard not take anything away from this class. What I want to focus
and reflect on in this paper are a few things; the way Jesusis presented in John 1 9,
which components of John s presentation of Jesus surprises me or challenges me,
and what component of John s presentation of Jesus do you believe is the most
relevant to the present needs of your local congregation? When the paper is
concluded I hope the reader has a better understanding of John so that without even
reading... Show more content on ...
The most significant part about the prologue is that it introduces the readers to who
Jesus is and it also prepares them for the ministry that he is about to set out on. The
prologue also affirms that all things were made through him, so when Jesus changes
water to wine or walks on water later in the Gospel, what he does confirms what the
narrator has said about who he is. Jesus is also presented to us in the Gospel of John
as The Light . What do you think of when you think of the word light? Me
personally, I think of something that drowns out darkness. That s exactly who
Jesus is and what Jesus does. There are so many times in my own personal life
where I feel like I m surrounded by darkness but knowing the there is a light at the
end of the tunnel and his name is Jesus sets a fire in my soul that I can t contain
and I can t control. Not only in my own personal life but even in scripture there are
references of Jesus being the light. In John 12:46 Jesus says; I have come as light
into the world, so that everyone who believes in me should not remain in the
darkness . Another way Jesus is presented in the Gospel of John is the Giver of
Life . The Giver of Life can be seen in many different ways in John, one way is the
stories of Jesus turning water into wine. Now it may seem a little far fetched but if
we take it into context wine and weddings celebrate the goodness of life. Another
example would be the story of
Messalina Vs Claudius
Claudius survived in a hard time in his childhood, and he was ignored as an idiot
and embarrassment. However, Claudius life changed somewhat because of his
nephew named Gaius who was killed by a murder. And then Claudius was ratified by
Senate as an emperor for an accident.
Claudius married Valeria Messalina in 38 A.D., Messalina came from a noble family,
and therefore we could say that the marriage between Claudius and Messalina was a
two prominent family. Suetonius portrayed Messalina as she hold a crazy party with
other nymphomaniac adolescent and Messalina had performance of disloyal to her
husband, however, on this point, Claudius did not know anything. Messalina used
sex as a weapon to manipulate court politics. Messalina hold a great ... Show more
content on ...
In fact, Agrippina was the daughter of Claudius s brother, Germanicus and a sister
of Gaius Caligula. Someone just believed that Agrippina exiled for involvement in
the conspiracy of Gaetulicus; in addition, Agrippina married before, so she was
second marriage with Claudius. The main point was the law should be changed to
avoid consanguineous marriage because Claudius was Agrippina s uncle, which
was really ridiculous of consanguineous marriage. Therefore, consanguineous
marriage of Claudius could be the second the political invective. Furthermore,
Claudius s marriage to Agrippina could be a disaster, especially in the Claudius s
last years. The reason was Agrippina had powerful personality, and she wanted to
dominate Claudius. If compared with Claudius s previous empress, Agrippina was
the brightest because she was recognized by imperial politics, and Agrippina
appeared in official coins and inscriptions. The powerful position of Agrippina could
facilitate the advancement of her son Domitius, and Domitius could consolidate the
status of Agrippina as well. In fact, Claudius had a natural son named Britannicus
but he was still a minor, he was only 13 years old; Claudius really liked Britannicus,
and then Claudius began to advance Domitius through various signs of favor.
However, Claudius marked Domitius as his successor, he might be influence by
Agrippina and had
Attractiveness As A Long Term Romantic Partner
Attractiveness ratings as a short term and a long term romantic partner, as well as
an opposite sex friend and a friend to other opposite sex people are shown in Fig.1
(women s rating for attractiveness of male dates) and Fig.2 (men s rating for
attractiveness of female dates). In Fig.1 and Fig.2, it is noteworthy that men
considered even low willing femaledates as attractive as more than 5 out of 10 in the
scales, but women never gave men with low willingness such high ratings in all four
categories of attractiveness.
A three way 2 (Sex: Women vs. Men) x 3 (Willingness: Willing vs. Control vs.
Unwilling) x 3 (Ability: Strong vs. Average vs. Weak) between subjects Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA) was conducted to evaluate the effects of sex, willingness, ability
on four forms of attractiveness. Sex had significant main effects on all four forms of
attractiveness (as a short term partner, F_(1,694) = 118.80, p .001; as a long term
partner, F_(1,694) = 40.39, p .001; an opposite sex friend, F_(1,694) = 32.67, p .001;
as a friend to other opposite sex people, F_(1,694) = 33.33, p .001). Male participants
gave significantly higher ratings for all kinds of attractiveness of a female date.
There were main effects of willingness to protect on all four forms of attractiveness
(as a short term partner, F_(2,694) = 104.72, p .001; as a long term partner,
F_(2,694) = 209.02, p .001; an opposite sex friend, F_(2,694) = 189.22, p .001; as a
friend to other opposite sex
Religion And Abortion Essay
Religion is an important aspect of human existence that has existed for thousands of
years. Through the different variations of religion there have been opinions,
attitudes, and actions formed off of the ideologies taught. The influence of religion
has permeated society at all levels and continues to be a topic of discussion in today
s society. An area of concern that has been studied is the influence of religion on
politics. This is important considering that the United States government is based
upon the concept of the separation of church and state. While this area is important,
it is too broad in scope to study effectively. To narrow the focus of the research topic
an emphasis on how religion affects the politics of abortion was selected. However,
even this topic was too expansive to study. The final topic of study chosen was how
the religion of Christianityinfluenced the politics of abortion. Abortion, like
religion, is another topic that is regularly discussed in today s society. Abortion is
a heavily debated topic that has serious outcomes for individuals. For some
religious persons it is an area of concern because it is considered a sin and murder.
For other persons in society abortion is important because it may affect the mother s
health or the mother may be too poor to adequately take care of the child. By... Show
more content on ...
(2016). Gay analyzed the relationship between race, religion, and abortion attitudes
based upon data from General Social Surveys (GSS) from 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994,
and 1996. The data collected revealed the same conclusions as Schwadel (2017)
and Wilde et al. (2016). The more someone attended religious services the more
likely they are to be pro life and conservative. It was also revealed that respondents
that were married and/or living in the south were more likely to be pro life. The
study showed that there was not a significant difference in the responses between
blacks and
Business Law And How It Ties Into Our Everyday Lives
Research Paper Business law and how it ties into our everyday lives is very
important. To understand these laws and find them applicable in certain life issues
is something I feel that every citizen should have a grasp of. With this research
paper I will focus on the issue of copyrights, lawsuits, trademarks and how it affects
designers and artist. I myself am a clothing designer and have my own brand
5ivepillars. Numerous times during my years as an artist and designer I have seen
companies both big and small rip off my work. Most of the time these companies and
the individuals behind them steal a concept or ideayou may have and replicate it using
different colors. This trend has grown more and more in the fashion industry while
leading to a large amount of lawsuits, and trademarksuits. But these lawsuits have not
stopped companies from stealing intellectual property. Some such as forever21 have
blatantly stolen dress and clothing ideas straight off of runaways and have had
them in stores ready to sell two weeks after the dresses were show cased. This time
of disagreed for the law sadly happens a lot to designers and creatives in the United
states. Lets see how this happens.
Copyrights by definition are the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an
assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical
material, and to authorize others to do the same. By reading the definition one might
feel comfortable with the process of
The Importance Of The Submaximal Treadmill Walk Test
в—‹Because these populations are at a high risk of experiencing a cardiac event
(Coquart et al., 2016), the submaximal treadmill walk test would be a better option.
2.How accurate do you think these tests were? Which test was most accurate? Why?
What might account for these differences? в—‹I do not believe that the submaximal
tests were accurate. When comparing the relative predicted VO2MAX values, the
non exercise test predicted 2.22 (L/min), the 1 mile walk/ run test predicted 2.62 (L
/min), the step test predicted 2.04 (L/min), the YMCA cycle ergometer test
predicted 1.83 (L/min), and the submax treadmill test predicted 2.22 (L/min). The
most accurate of the submaximal tests was the submax treadmill test, as when
compared to the 1 mile walk/run test, the predicted values were the same. For the
most part, the submaximal testing predictions varied significantly when compared
to each other, which is likely a result of testing discrepancies and error in
measurements. To predict VO2MAX, all tests used an equation used for all
populations, and is not specific to the client at all (Bennett et al., 2016).
Additionally, it is likely that there were measurement errors taken during test such
as being able to identify HR immediately after completion of the step test. The test, I
believe, to be most accurate was the VO2MAX maximal graded exercise test.
Although a true VO2MAX was not achieved, if the client could have lasted a few
more seconds on the treadmill, it is likely that two
Yuma Project Research Paper
The Yuma Project was important because it dealt with all the uprising conflicts
that occurred.Irrigation greatly changed southern Arizona, also known as Yuma. It
started out small, but as more people moved there it grew largely. There were a
series of different irrigation systems, but the commonly used one was canals.
Some of the canals that were built long ago still stand today, and Yuma is the most
linked place. Yuma today is the largest agricultural place, but will not be for long if
they keep having the problems they do. They also need to have money so they can
fix what they need to and be able to pay workers to help.
Not only did the Yma Project affect farming and how irrigation worked, but it also
affected the people that lived around it. There was an issue that the Indians along the
Colorado River had. They were being pushed out of the area on both the California
side and the Arizona side because of the immigrants that came September 3, 1852.
They came on a boat called the Capacity . Not only did that boat carry the
immigrants, it also carried lumber and an engine for a steamboat (steamer) that
would be able to sail in twenty two inches of water. The Indians realized that Fort
Yuma was getting stronger and was not going anywhere, anytime soon. It was big on
the California side, but the ... Show more content on ...
They have to agree to let the workers and that state use their land for the canals. It
is their land, they were owed it, so it belongs to them and the government or state
can t take it from them. The workers have to bribe them into letting them use the
land. Most of the time the bribe consisted of money but others, consisted of using
the water from the canal as a lifetime supply of water for their own personal needs.
Most of the time, they would agree to make a deal, or treaty, and if they didn t then
the workers would have to find another piece of
Photography In Malcolm Browne s The Burning Monk
Since the invention of photography back in the nineteenth century, the impact that
photography made to the world was tremendous. From allowing us to document
events, remember moments, or even create art, photography has evolved into one of
the most influential forms of media today. If you take a look around almost everyone
has a camerain their pocket. Photographs can make an impact in many ways and The
Burning Monk is one of the photos that made an impact in history.
The Burning Monk, taken by Malcolm Browne in 1963 was published by
Associated Press. Used to expose Vietnam Monks sentiments towards their
government, the photo illustrates an elderly monk ablaze in what appears to be a
heavily populated part of town. As the flames engulf the monk, he does not seem to
show any signs of pain, his ... Show more content on ...
There appears to be a somber tone to the photo, and almost an aspect of disbelief,
to witness half a man s body covered by flames but remaining motionless. The
photo was taken in black and white to emphasize a critical message and what it
stood for. The role of color has no importance in this image because the addition of
color would not change what the photo represents in any way. Rather, by opting to
not use color, there is a serious tone to this picture, allowing the action of the shot to
speak for itself. The Burning Monk was published in the United States during the
1960 s. During this era, the Vietnam War had become a part of the everyday
American s life. The war had been going on for eight years and America was
supporting Southern Vietnam s government. Vietnamese monks under the rule of
President Ngo Dinh Diem were banned from observing their practices, one such
example was the prohibition of flying their own flag. During a time of national
separation, the president wanted to emphasize patriotism, however, his harsh
treatment of the monks lead to them to protest.
Claude Monet Research Paper
Claude Monet was a prolific French painter who founded Impressionism in the 19th
century. He strongly held onto his belief of his painting style throughout his long
career and is considered to be one of the most prominent and influential painters in
history. He focused on capturing the feeling or experience of a certain moment. He
was intrigued by the light and color, so he explored their changes under various
weather conditions at various times of day. Monet s fascination of shifting effect of
light and color directed him in the creation of Impressionism. In addition to his
passion for depicting the visual impression, Claude strongly disliked the classical
style of painting, which encouraged him to present the world as it is. Monet was
disenchanted with the traditional academics of art; therefore, he was motivated to
pioneer a new and fresh style of painting, which transformed visual arts and unleashed
a path to the beginning of abstraction.... Show more content on ...
Despite his decent academic progress, he felt confined and restricted from doing
the things he desired that he even compared school to a prison. Claude started
spending most of his time outside and developed a love of drawing at a very
young age. With a passion for art in his mind, Monet made the decision to leave
school and pursue his dream. When seventeen, he started to make money from some
of his pieces. The public began to notice Monet s talent, specifically Eugene Boudin.
Eugene Boudin was one of the first French landscape artists to paint outdoors who
planned to befriend Monet. Boudin would take Monet on sketching trips and teach
him open air painting. Through Boudin s work, Claude started to explore the natural
world and began to express an interest in painting landscapes. Monet s new friend not
only taught him great artistic skills, but also persuaded him to expand his love of
bright hues and play of light when
Descriptive Essay On My Thursday Morning
The clock glares off the white tile floor, my blushed face matches the bright
lettering on the clock. Collected dust and dirt from the students shoes has now
ended up all along of the back of my pants. What a great way to start off my
thursday morning. Beep, beep, beep, sounded my alarm, 7:05 glared across the
screen of my fluorescent alarm clockinto my squinted eyes in the barely lit room.
My legs quickly jolted out of my bed, I was late again, I was supposed to be in the
car by 7:25, of course since I was already running very late, it was also the type of
morning when I had nothing prepared. I had no idea what to wear, and hadn t
packed my lunch or backpack, but at this point i had only been awake for around 5
minutes, so I wasn t thinking very clearly. I grabbed all of my stuff and made it
out the door only 5 minutes late. Since I left a little bit late, I had to sit in traffic on
Woodruff Road, but luckily I made it to first period on time, I was in geometry,
when the teacher asked us to get out our homework, I dug in my backpack and
couldn t find my notebook anywhere, meaning that I had left it at home. So I had
already woken up late, and now also forgotten my math homework, I figured that my
thursday couldn t get much worse, I was wrong.
It was newly spring, meaning it was time to start wearing sandals. I was wearing my
brand new Sam Edelman shoes. They were taupe and laced up, with a very thin
bottom with clearly no friction, this was my first mistake. I had
War In Syria Dbq Essay
War in Syria DBQ Essay Experts on civil wars say there are several reasons Syria is
a really, really tough case that defies historical parallels. Foreign involvement in the
Syrian Civil War refers to political, military and operational support to parties
involved in the ongoing conflict in Syria that began in March 2011, as well as active
foreign involvement. Most parties involved in the war in Syria receive various types
of support from foreign countries and entities based outside Syria. The ongoing
conflict in Syria is widely described as a series of overlapping wars between the
regional and world powers, primarily between the U.S. and Russia as well as between
Iran and Saudi Arabia. Jordan has taken part in airstrikes in Syria for a year,
escalating them after IS claimed it had executed one of its pilots in February. French
military jets set off for Syria from ... Show more content on ...
There are claims that they have been leading fighters from Afghanistan and Lebanon
s Shiite movement Hezbollah, which Tehran denies. In the United StatesPresident
Barack Obama has called Assad a tyrant and insisted on his departure since 2011.
But Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that Washington would discuss
options that could perhaps reignite the political process and bring about a political
transition in Syria . Washington has spearheaded an anti IS coalition since
September 2014, conducting airstrikes in Syria and Iraq. And in Russia, whose only
Mediterranean military base is in Tartus on the Syrian coast, says it is fighting
terrorists , referring to all of Assad s opponents. But the West accuses it of primarily
targeting moderate rebels rather than the Islamic State (IS) group. Russian President
Vladimir Putin pledged Tuesday to continue supporting Damascus militarily, while
calling for a political solution involving all groups to end the
The Frog And The Scorpion Story In The Crying Game
The Frog and the Scorpion story in the Crying game movie
Early, in the Crying Game movie by Neil Jordan, Jodi starts telling Fergus a story
about two kinds of people in the world, Those who give and those who take
(22.24). Jodi says this at a moment when he is not only kidnap but also hungry. He
knows that by telling this story he can make Fergus feed him. Once Jodi gets his
food, he persuades Fergus into taking off his hood by continuing the story. The story
is about a frog who helps cross the river, and a scorpion who stink even when he was
receiving help. By using the story of the Frog and scorpion, the Crying game
movie suggests that we are born in an unchangeable, undeniable and certain way
that we must embrace because it is part of our nature. However, I claim that the
movie does not support the learning of the fable because the characters make their
own decisions based on factors as personality, survival, etc. the story of the frog
and scorpion is a manipulative tactic used by Jodi to get what he needs. As his life
is at risk, he decides to persuade Fergus with his charisma, charming personality,
jokes, compliments and ultimately, the fable. Jodi is aware that in order to make his
way out, he has to make sure that Fergus believes that he is denying his nature with
his wrongdoing. However, Jodi knows better than anyone else that Fergus has the
power to choose whatever he wants to do but he persuades him into believing that he
cannot. The real intention for using
Case Study Of Reliance Industries
пЃ¶General Information5
пЃ¶Production Department32
пЃ¶Marketing Department39
пЃ¶Finance Department44
пЃ¶Personnel / HR Department72
пЃ¶Mini Project89
пЃ¶Literature Review90
пЃ¶Research methodology104
пЃ¶Data analysis and interpretation107
пЃ¶Results Findings121
пЃ¶Conclusion 123
Reliance Industries Limited:
The Reliance Group, founded by Dhirubhai H. Ambani (1932 2002), is India s
largest private sector enterprise, with businesses in the energy and materials value
chain. Group s annual revenues are in excess of US$ 66 billion. The flagship
company, Reliance Industries Limited, is a Fortune Global 500 company and is the
largest private sector company ... Show more content on ...
пЃ¶After completion of all types of checking, Technician, engineers prepare service
GRN for that particular job against PO/WO/ACR awarded to them.
пЃ¶Plant Technician / Engineer prepare service GRN reflect A1 stage.
пЃ¶After service GRN preparation, it is checked and released by sectional head of
that particular plant which reflect A2 stage.
пЃ¶There after service entry is released by plant / department head by A3 release
пЃ¶Bill send back to finance accounts payable section.
3. Physical Verification of Bills:
пЃ¶Verification of bills includes many steps.
First of all check the calculation involve in the bills.
Check whether supporting attachments are properly signed.
Check whether job carried out by contractor is included in the ARC / PO.
Check whether rates claimed by the contractor are as per PO/ ARC.
Check RGP /GP is in original mode.
Check reimbursement supporting papers are in organizational mode.
If bill issued for man power supply then attendance sheet should be checked.
Check whether abstract sheet prepared correctly from measurement sheet.
Check whether any discount is applicable as per PO/ARC.
Check service entry prepared correctly as per abstract sheet of
My Research For Brave New World
Cultural Clash In my research for Brave New World, I came across literary
criticism that unveiled fresh perspective of the work when it comes to the
psychology of characters. The idea of a perfectly stable world versus a world of
recklessness and savagery that shape every aspect of human morale and convictions
held at society s core beliefs; which through psychological analysis of characters and
how their external influences can vindicate questionable actions displayed by those in
the novel. The dichotomy of inherited and learned behavior in society, clashes with
diffusions of culture ands impacts on instinctive culture, all accentuated by John the
Savage and his intricately fervent relationships with other characters in the novel,...
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World State conditioned a loss sense of human nature, while the Reserve preserved
value in animalistic but instinctive humane tendencies, Self transcendence and loss
of personality is only effective cure for a world suffering from idolatry, stupidity, and
cruelty. In the ultimate reality, we can find true salvation. (Birnbaum 3). The
substantial distinction between the Reserve and World State, is the agricultural and
mechanical ways of life. World State focuses on assembly lines, excessively on
science as a basis for operating in daily life. John experiencing for the first time an
introduction to post industrial world compared to his pre industrial upbringing, a
distaste for the technological advances in reproducing humans, Applied science he
argues, has intensified standardized mediocrity and the loss of attention to
intellectual and spiritual values (Birnbaum 2). The damage done to embryos and void
of familiar connections such as family, If the word industry is a measure of how far
cultural production has extended its reach throughout modern civilization (Eagleton
1). Modern civilization emphasizes on technology and similarity among the entire
state simply to keep everyone happy, on the contrary to John was vacant of substance
and ignited ignorance. For John, books were valued writings of complexities of
human emotions to even morals that he saw
Passion On Screen And Real Life
Passion on Screen and Real Life: Ava Gardner in Mogambo
Cinema fans love to expound on the lives and careers of their favorite classic film
stars. Though few young people in the current day and age have a true understanding
of the difficulties that came with being a young starlet, in particular being taken
seriously as a performer. This is particularly true of Ava Gardner, who was regarded
as just a pretty face for a majority of her career. Gardner really only gained respect
after her performance as Honey Bear Kelly in John Ford s 1953 film Mogambo
opposite Clark Gable as Victor Marswell. In Mogambo, Ford allowed Gardner to
utilize her real personality which brought her character to the next level and
catapulted her career into a more ... Show more content on ...
I was just a pretty little girl. This led to her getting interesting roles where she said
few lines. She finally got a lucky break when she was cast as femme fatale Kitty
Collins in 1946 s The Killers along side Burt Lancaster s Ole Swede Anderson. The
Killers was wildly successful in its time racking up two and a half million and
sealing its place in film noir history. This is the film that established Gardner as a
star, but it really only solidified her as a pretty face. A majority of her roles
following The Killers were femme fatale characters or boring loving interests for
her male costars, such as East Side, West Side (1949) and The Bribe (1949).
Despite her success she was still not thought of as an actress. Her roles were one
dimensional and as David Meuel points out in his book Women in the Films of
John Ford she was far better known for her sex appeal that her acting ability. In
fact, Gardner was a source of wild gossip due to her hard drinking, swearing, and
public love life. Her three marriages were the primary source of gossip, particular her
relationship with singer Frank Sinatra. At twenty four, she was already divorced
from Mickey Rooney, married unhappily to Artie Shaw, and rejecting proposals from
eccentric Howard Hughes. Grobel points out that It was Mickey Rooney and
Howard Hughes and Artie Shaw and Frank Sinatra and most of the men who caught a
whiff of Ava and became intoxicated. Her
Analysis Of Linda Sue Park s A Long Walk To Water
Imagine living in a world of poverty, not having much water, and food being scarce.
Along with that your government is being attacked and you are separated from
your family. A Long Walk to Water is a true story, Written by Linda Sue Park.
Linda is an American author that writes mostly teen fiction. She has written a total
of 9 books including Long Walk to Water. The events that occurred in A Long Walk
to Water would be horrifying for anyone. Living in a country during war can be
hard for anyone,, it can change your future in a big way. Salva s childhood was a
normal life, any other eleven year old s life in south Sudan would be composed of
mostly the same events. Salva worked for his mother most of his day. Travelling
many miles to the closest pond of water they had. Salva would make two trips there
a day. He went to school unlike most of the kids because his dad was an important
person and he made a lot of money allowing... Show more content on
Into the bush, not home. Unfortunately Salva couldn t find his parents. He thought,
Where are we going? Where is my family (Park 7). He ran until he couldn t run
anymore, then he walked. Salva was walking with other people. He walked until
the sun went down. After they stopped walking and it was night time. Everybody
decided they would group each other with their villages. Eventually Salva heard his
village name, The village of Loun Ariik, here! (Park 9). He found his village! Once
he visually found them there were about twelve people in his group. Salva looked
at everyone from his village, none of them were his family. They spent the night at a
road. Once morning came they started walking again. While they were walking the
Rebels saw them, came up to them and forced all of the men to come with them. All
that was left were women and children. That night they slept in a barn they found.
Salva woke up in the morning and everybody was gone, he thought, Nobody else was
in the barn...Nobody, nothing (Park
The Social Work Field
Current Changes in The Social Work FieldThere are significant changes in the field
of social work, and these changes have both challenges and opportunities. At the
February, 2007, Council of Social Work Education (CSWE) Board of Directors
Meeting, Dean Kay Hoffman, CSWE president opens by making the statement,
Type to enter textSocial work is out of step with the most critical social issues and
problems confronting us in our society. We have lost ground to other professions and
are moving down a path of irrelevance. Unless we change, social work may not exist
in years (Social Work, July 2007). Dean
Hoffman speaks of the state and constraints of social work today. She makes a
reference to Albert Einstein who reminded us that we are capable of overcoming
obstacles when he said, No problem can be solved by the same level of
consciousness that created it (Social Work, July 1, 2007). Current changes in the
social work field will be addressed. Social work, like other fields, is being driven by
the economy. A few management professionals at the top of the hierarchical systems
are making more money than those in non management positions. The profession is
down skilled, requiring less education and training, while the public sector is being ...
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Agency directorships are increasingly going to those with Master s in Business
Administration rather than Master s in Social Work (M.S.W.). Generally, schools of
social work prepare their students in clinical work more than administrative work. At
the University of Cincinnati, the focus was only on clinical education, until about 20
years ago when administration was given as an option. Even though administrative
social work is now offered, the coursework does not provide a strong concentration in
marketing. It is not unusual for M.S.W. s to choose to get another master s in
business administration to compliment their educational and employment
It s Time To Play The Pokemon Game
Pokemon are little creatures that you catch, train, and battle within a video games
and card games.Did you know Pokemon has 6 generations (Generations are Six
regions that have appeared in the core series of PokГ©mon games Kanto, Johto,
Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos.) of Pokemon? In all, 6 generations there are
751 Pokemon. That a lot, right? They come in big, small, giant, or tiny sizes. There
are 18 types of Pokemon. The franchise began as a pair of video games for the
original Game Boy, developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo. The
franchise now spans video games, trading card games, animated television shows and
movies, comic books, and toys
What is a Pokemon Trainer? A trainer is a person who catches, trains,... Show more
content on ...
In the US, it was initially published by Wizards of the Coast; Nintendo eventually
took over publishing the card game alongside the video games in June 2003.Do
you know how to play the Pokemon game if not l ll tell you. If you know how to
play the Pokemon game you need a deck. Shuffle your deck, the deck should have
60 cards and they should be shuffled well. Draw 7 cards and put the remaining cards
on the deck, then find a basic card and put it on the table. In the meantime, put the
remaining six cards on the bench. Then put a basic card out and its evolution or
evolutions. That is one way to play the Pokemon card game.
What is Ash s Journey? Is the main character of both the PokГ©mon anime and is
believed to be based on the protagonist of the first generation PokГ©mon games.
He is also the main character of The Electric Tale of Pikachu, Ash and Pikachu and
Pocket Monsters Diamond Pearl Manga based on the anime. He shares his Japanese
name which can be taken to mean wisdom or reason (ж™є) with the creator of the
PokГ©mon franchise, Satoshi Tajiri. His English surname is a pun of the English
motto, Gotta catch em
Analysis Of Innocence In Ill-Advised Curiosity
When you think of innocence, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it a small
child that hurts their sibling but is excused because they didn t know any better? Or
maybe is it a young woman that is shy, with good intentions, and essentially pure?
Whatever your interpretation may be, the trait of innocenceis applicable to all
humans. We are all innocent; it just presents itself in various forms. In the novel, The
Ill Advised Curiosity, Camilla is an innocent woman despite her temptations to be
seduced by Lothario, the best friend of her husband, Anselmo. Regardless of Camilla
s intentions, it is foolish to question her innocence and thus her purity as an
individual. Anselmo chooses to test this quality in Camilla, who he claims to... Show
more content on ...
With that, they are innocent. Anselmo s lack of trust is an external locus of
control for them that only he himself has the power to influence. Lothario and
Camilla both have the potential to be guilty of disloyalty to Anselmo but because
he chooses to question their innocence, he ultimately creates his own untruthful
relationships. However, it cannot be said that any of Anselmo s relationships were
ever bound by trust especially because he feels the need to test them. Trust should
not be proven but rather naturally displayed. Moreover, when Lothario and
Camilla flee from the city, Anselmo recognizes that a foolish and ill advised desire
has robbed [him] of [his] life (Quixote 27). Now that events are going wrong in his
life, that signals him to seek explanation that he never desired when things were
going smoothly. In addition, Anselmo begins to ponder the innocence of his wife
to be pure and refusal to succumb to the sexual seduction of Lothario. However,
Camilla is innocent because she is capable of being controlled by her own sexual
desires towards Lothario. She is aware of the morals of society to not cheat on her
husband when married but her capability to be swayed by the desires she
The Crucible And Homecoming By Arthur Miller And Bruce
The composers Arthur Miller and Bruce Dawe explore their personal point of views
through their respective texts The Crucible and Homecoming to give insight of the
nature and abuse of power. Influencing responders to be socially aware of the abuse
of power and its detrimental effects on the individual and society. The composer
chose distinct textual forms uses their chosen context to display the truthabout
politics, registering it s merciless and catastrophic power. Miller s dramatic play
concentrates on the Communist Red Scare of the 1950 s USA, whereas Dawe s
poem portrays the aftermath of the Vietnam war both depicting that individuals must
stand against a ruling body and use their voice to influence change.
Miller s The Crucible utilises the four act structure explores the inextricable link
between religious and political authority within Salem and its parallels to the
conservative 1940 s USA politics and its abuse of power. Leading responders to
understand the excessive political zeal that represses the individual. The play opens
with young girls dancing naked in the forest caught red handed practicing witchcraft
and fear prosecution. Puritan s strict theocratic environment believed that all
suspected witches were worthy of death, conveying the social stigma associated with
writing in the metaphorical Devil s book and unholy activities. The humiliating
practice of punishing criminals reflects the Puritan ideology of creating an idealistic,
True Professionalism is Related to a PersonВґs Attitudes,...
Nowadays, the competitiveness of companies and the fight for customers, it s
increasingly more and more difficult to attract and retain clients on their side. For
this reason, companies must pay great attention and care to their employees, as
they are the ones in constant contact with customers. This essay will talk about
professionalism, particularly what constitutes professionalism, what are the
consequences when employees do not follow the company s conduct for the big
company such as Rolls Royce and will look at some of the facts how Rolls Royce
deals with these kind of issues. Furthermore, I will reflect on the situation when
acting as professional become an issue during the placement with Rolls Royce.
The word professionalism is often referred to as person s attitude, behaviour , and
capabilities in their job (Smith and McKeen, 2003). Maister (1997) explains, being
professional does not necessary describes a person with a set of job qualifications,
it is rather a label one have to earn in the eyes of others. So what describes true
professionalism? There is no generally adopted norm of what constitutes
professionalism, what defines professionalism in one company may not apply
somewhere else, however, it is recognized that manners and appearance are
inseparable part of it (Smith and McKeen, 2003). Physical appearance is just as
important as actual behaviour on the job. If IT employee s appearance does not fit
with the professional image of the rest of the
Cults are often seen as an alternative religion. A cult is defined as a religious or
secular group that employs unethical and extreme measures of manipulation to
recruit, control and retain its members (Study Resources). Most cults are started
because someone doesn t like the way the world is and want to create what they feel
the perfect world is. Then this person strives to make others believe as they do so
they will join. There are somewhere around 3,000 to 5,000 of these cults throughout
the United States, but only 75 to 100 are documented (Study Resources). The most
commonly known cults are Reverend Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple, Heavens
Gate, and Charles Manson and the Family; these cults were able to drag people in and
... Show more content on ...
The cult recognized most in America is the one created by Charles Manson. Manson
grew up with no official name in a house with his mother who was a teenage,
bisexual, alcoholic prostitute (Charles Manson). Growing up, Manson was shown the
cold sides of the world. His
mother would trade him for beer, and his uncle would force him to put on a dress
and go to school. Events like these caused Charles to become a troubled child and
start his rap sheet at a young age. By the time he reached the age of 35 he had spent
more than half of his life imprisoned (Charles Manson). Upon his release from yet
another stint in jail, Manson moved to San Francisco where he was paroled in
1967. There Manson became known as the God of F*#k . He was able to surround
himself by many beautiful girls who thought of him as god (Charles Manson, 2).
Not long after moving to San Francisco, Manson relocated himself and the women
that adored him to the Spahn Ranch. They began to call themselves The Family .
The Family grew rapidly to more than 30 girls with more joining every day. Every
night Charles would sleep with a different girl as they all got high. They obtained
food by stealing it from garbage cans and would shoplift for all other things they
needed. During the building of his family, Manson tried to launch his career as a folk
singer. The music industry rejected Manson and this
Events Surrounding Josephus writing Description of the...
This account I have given the reader, not so much with the intention of
commending the Romans, as of comforting those that have been conquered by
them, and for the deterring others from attempting innovations under their
government. This discourse of the Roman military conduct may also perhaps be
of use to such of the curious as are ignorant of it, and yet have a mind to know it.
excerpt from Description of the Roman Army, by Josephus Josephus, a Jewish
priest, was said to be hated by his Jewish people for the relationship he held with
Rome and the Romans hated him because of his ties to the Jewish faith. His writings
have been criticized as being nothing more than Pro Roman propaganda.Born in the
year 37 C.E., a few years... Show more content on ...
Josephus was taken prisoner by Vespasian and presented himself as a prophet. He
told Vespasian that he foresaw him as the Emperor of Rome. Intrigued, Vespasian,
freed Josephus. When Josephus premonition came true, Vespasian was so
delighted he adopted him into his family. They were the Flavians. At this time,
Josephus was referred to as Flavius Josephus. He then marries a captive, his first
wife. For the remainder of the war, Josephus helped Titus, Vespasian s son, with
the matters of the Jewish war. He helped him understand the Jewish nation and
helped with negotiations. He pled with Jerusalem to surrender to the Romans.
They called him a traitor. At this point, all he could do was witness the destruction
of the Holy city. While living at the Flavian residence, Josephus, wrote down all
the events he had witnessed. His works are meant to be factually correct and a
tribute to the Roman Army, which apparently he admired very much with such
lines as great as are their possessions, the people that won them are greater still...
He originally wrote in Gaelic, but later translated into Greek, the most used
language in the Empire at that time. After the temple of Jerusalem was destroyed,
Jerusalem was taken by Titus. The war ends in 70 C.E. Josephus was then
rewarded with land in Judeas, but became a Roman citizen instead. He was
commissioned by Vespasian to write a history of the war. This is followed by the
birth of his first son. His book
Business Liability Insurance
Liability insurance is a way to protect your business against the effects of potential
damage that your business can cause to other people or their property. Let us say
that somebody got injured or his property was damaged due to another person s
business, that person can legally sue the owner of the business. The owner would
be held responsible for the harm that his business has caused. The definition for the
word liability is as follows: Being legally responsible for something . When the
legal responsibility is established, the owner of the business will have to pay
compensation for the harm that his business has done to a person or to their
property. If the harm was an injury, the National Health Service can ask for
compensation for the costs of... Show more content on ...
This is because the possibility of younger drivers having accidents is much greater
than a more experienced driver. Also the more power a car has is greater the
chances of an accident so the cost of the premium will be higher. The price of the
premium also depends on the business sector that the insurer is concentrated on as
some firms specialize in particular sectors and can evaluate the risks more
accurately. This way they will give better offers, (usually a smaller premium), than to
the more mainstream insurers. If the business has small or medium risk involved, the
insurers will usually have the standard rate applied to determine the cost of the
premium. The insurer will use this rate to apply a factor that is determined by level
of activity taking place in that business. This involves looking at the turnover in
public and product liability insurance or the company s employees liability insurance.
However, there may be some other factors in the process of the determination of the
premium such as historical claims records and experience and risk management
procedures. If the business involves high risk, the price of the premium will
probably be discussed in a very scrupulous way putting every detail into

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Mba Entrance Essay

  • 1. Mba Entrance Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of MBA entrance is no small feat. It involves navigating through a myriad of intricate aspects that collectively contribute to shaping a compelling narrative. The difficulty arises not merely from the requirement to showcase one's academic prowess and professional achievements but also from the necessity to articulate personal experiences, goals, and aspirations in a way that stands out amidst a sea of competitive submissions. The process begins with a thorough self-assessment, forcing the writer to delve deep into their academic and professional journey. This introspective analysis demands a level of honesty and self-awareness that can be challenging. It requires the ability to distill key moments and achievements into a coherent narrative that not only highlights competence but also reflects one's unique qualities. Furthermore, the writer must be adept at aligning their goals with the specific MBA program, demonstrating a clear understanding of what sets that program apart. This requires in-depth research and a keen eye for detail, adding an additional layer of complexity to the essay-writing process. The challenge intensifies when considering the need for a persuasive tone throughout the essay. Convincing the admissions committee that you are not only a suitable candidate but a standout one necessitates a delicate balance between confidence and humility. It's a fine line to tread, requiring careful consideration of language and tone. Finally, the essay should culminate in a strong conclusion that leaves a lasting impression. This requires skillful summarization without repetition and a closing statement that reinforces the writer's candidacy. In essence, writing an essay on the topic of MBA entrance demands a multidimensional approach that combines introspection, research, persuasion, and eloquence. It is an intricate dance of words that requires both a strategic mindset and a creative flair. However, with the right approach and dedication, it is possible to craft an essay that not only meets the criteria but also elevates the applicant above the competition. For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, you may explore services like, where professionals can offer guidance and support tailored to your specific requirements. Mba Entrance Essay Mba Entrance Essay
  • 2. The Christmas Holiday From The Federal Calendar Omitting the Christmas Holiday from the Federal Calendar The establishment of a legal holiday is best defined as a day where there are no courts, labor, and is a day of joy and rest. While there should be a separation of church and state, Christmas is considered a legal holiday and one needs to question the validity of establishing this day as a legal holiday when one looks at the concept of separation of church and state and considering the diversity we face in today s modern society. Christmas in in fact defined as a Holyday. This should not be considered a legal holiday due to the fact that it is Christian based and we do not have legal holidays that recognize other religions. The United States does not have a recognized national religion, so Christmas should be separated from legally recognized holidays. In the American Law Register the opening paragraph gives an interesting point of view on this matter. Notwithstanding the distinction drawn by the great American Lexicographer, between a holiday and a holy day, where by the latter should be used as the proper term for a religious festival, while the former should rather denote a day of exemption for labor and of amusement, joy and gaiety, the common impression seems to liken both the holiday and the holyday to the great weekly day of rest and legal inaction? (Uhle 137) With cultural diversity being what it is today, and the many different religious traditions that comes of this, establishing a holyday as a legal
  • 3. Casey Anthony Essay Casey Anthony Trial Patricia Saylor Donna Dansey Computer Forensics November 25, 2012 Casey Anthony Case There have been many murder trials in the United States which have gripped the nation, OJ Simpson, BTK, Lee Harvey Oswald. But more shocking to the consciousness of America is the story of a child which has been killed. Such would be the case of Caylee Anthony, and the trial of Casey Anthony. In this assignment the discussion will focus on this case, exposing the much of the drama created by this case. On July 15th, 2008, two year old Caylee Marie Anthony was reported missing by her Cindy Anthony, Caylee s grandmother. Caylee was missing from the home of Casey Marie Anthony, her mother, and... Show more content on ... The evidence would indicate that someone had searched the word chloroform on that computer at least 84 times around the dates of the dates when Caylee Anthony was suspected to be missing. It was later that John Bradley would discover inaccuracy of the data caused by the software, which he would to authorities. Additionally there was photographic evidence entered on the case which had been retrieved from the computer of Ricardo Morales, a former boyfriend of Casey Anthony. The picture was that of a poster which said Win Her Over with Chloroform . (DD, 2011). The prosecution had based much of the case on the digital evidence found on the computer that Casey Anthony used, with most of the attention given to the 84 times that the word chloroform had been searched. That evidence would later be challenged by John Bradley himself, who would change his original statement and reveal that there was only one reference found in the computer related to the search of chloroform. (Jones, 2012). Other challenges to the computer forensic evidence were provided in the case by one of the investigators, Detective Yuri Melich, who by using Net Analysis was able to determine that there was inaccuracies in the data on the Casey Anthony case, which brought into question the data itself as well as whether Casey Anthony could have been the only
  • 4. The American Crocodile Essay The American Crocodile (Crocodylus acutus) Crocodylus acutus, or more commonly referred to as the American crocodile, is the second most widely distributed of the New World crocodiles, ranging from the southern tip of Florida, both the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of Southern Mexico, as well as the Caribbean islands of Cuba, Jamaica, and HispaniolaВЎВЁ (1 Species). These areas provide the perfect climate for these endangered species that have roamed the earth for over 200 million years. Florida is known for its large population of American alligators, which are often confused for the rare American crocodile. However, there are vast differences between the two species. Hunted for their hides and the changing of their habitat to ... Show more content on ... This Family is further divided into three subfamilies: Alligatorinae (alligators), Gavialinae (gharial), and Crocodylinae (crocodiles). Very often the American alligator(Alligatorinae mississippiensis) is confused for an American crocodile, even though these two species are of the same family they are different in many ways. The alligator has a much broader snout and the crocodile a much narrower snout ¡§¡Knarrower snouts usually indicating fish eating speciesВЎВЁ (42). Another characteristic seen in the American crocodile and not the alligator is the front two teeth that penetrate the upper jaw from below as they grow (2 List). These teeth are one of the major differences between crocodiles and alligators. A not so recognizable difference between the American crocodile and alligator is the crocodileВЎВ¦s ability to regulate saltwater balance in their body. Crocodiles maintain salt concentrations in their body fluid at the typical level of other vertebrates, which is about one third that of seawater (52). ВЎВ§The osmoregulatory problems posed by life in fresh or saline waters are related to the amounts of water and salts exchanged across various body surfaces. Loss of salts and water occurs in feces and urine, through respiration, excretion from salt glands in the tongue, and through the skin. The ability of the American crocodile to tolerate salt water is related to their low rate of water loss, low rate of sodium uptake, the ability to excrete excess
  • 5. Dr. Phil Pringle Analysis In a time when leaders are portrayed as power hungry, Christian leadership is imperative for the Church to be an influential agent within the world. Dr. Phil Pringle outlines ten qualities that a Christian leader should possess if he aims to be a great leader. Within the context of the ten qualities, Pringle presents a portrait of a leader that is integral to the Church s success. Therefore, Dr. Phil Pringle begins by examining the leader s motivation. Pringle concludes that Christian leaders are called to serve God and others. Further, a Christian leader is to live a life of self abasement, a life of sacrifice. Pringle (2007) argues, When we move from a life of comfort to life with discomfort, serving others even though it cost us... Show more content on ... Pringle illustrates the power that temptation has in a person s life. He equates it to how a moth is drawn to the flame. Although the flame will eventually kill the moth, the moth has an uncontrolled desire to the light of the flame. Similarly, individuals are drawn to the very thing that seeks to destroy them. Pringle (2007) advises, Unless we make strong choices to live above the temptations, they will destroy us (p. 179). In other words, unlike the moth, a Christian leader has the ability, through Christ, to live above the carnal desires that seek to crush
  • 6. Figure of Speech A figure of speech is a use of a word that diverges from its normal meaning,[citation needed] or a phrase with a specialized meaning not based on the literal meaning of the words in it such as a metaphor, simile, or personification.[citation needed] Figures of speech often provide emphasis, freshness of expression, or clarity. However, clarity may also suffer from their use, as any figure of speechintroduces an ambiguity between literal and figurative interpretation. A figure of speech is sometimes called a rhetoricor a locution. Not all theories of meaning have a concept of literal language (see literal and figurative language). Under theories that do not, figure of speech is not an entirely coherent concept. Rhetoric originated as ... Show more content on ... Faustus, 12.80 81| irony| expressing a meaning directly contrary to that suggested by the words| He was no notorious malefactor, but he had been twice on the pillory, and once burnt in the hand for trifling oversights. Direccions for Speech and Style| metalepsis| a double metonymy in which an effect is represented by a remote cause| Woe worth the mountain that the mast bear/ Which was the first causer of all my care
  • 7. First Time Quintering Essay First time quintering I was at the madison county equestrian club, pulling into the driveway. We sat under a shade tree where are trailer was. We started writing me down for the classes. Then I went and saddled my horse to get ready to start the show. I was walking around in the makeup arena when I thought i should quinter in barrels. Barrels was the best thing I was good at so I thought I would do quinter in that, but it was also the one of the last class. So I thought and thought if I really should do it. We started rulling through the classes one after another. Then we took a 1 hour break for lunch. That is when I decided I was going to do it. Then the break was over and it was poles, then it was barrels. I ended up winning
  • 8. Sectarianism In WW1 1.Sectarianism is like racism, it is a form of bigotry, discrimination, or hatred arising from attaching importance to perceived differences between subdivisions within a group, such as between different denominations of a religion, like a split between 2 religious denominations. This split therefore caused further rivalry and split throughout Australian society, which lead to the separation throughout social welfare, public morality services, and throughout politics particularly in the issue of conscription. 2.There was many religious bias in pre 1945 Australia, the church of England s values, rules and morals were integrated into Australia s law, and those who did not follow the church of England faced endless sectarianism at the time.
  • 9. Application Of A New Password Protected A new password protected Training folder has been created on the root of drive R to be used for all current training materials. The password is Training. Please do not store anything in this folder until we have all outdated training materials archived and files and folders re organized. As we move, and delete files and folders, a TD Mirror folder of the TD folder has been created as a backup. The TD Mirror folder will be deleted after the re organization project is complete and The TD folder will be deleted after all files and folders have been moved to their perspective housing area. The original Archives folder has been moved (as is) from the TD sub folder in the Human Resources folder on drive R to the Training folder at the root of R. There are many versions and copies of the same course stored in the current Archive folder making it challenging to determine which courses were actually in production (used by the learners) and which were a work in progress or backups before the final release. In other words, a course is not considered a version until it is released in Production or to the public, anything before that time is considered a Work in Progress. These two procedures seems to cause confusion. Consider the follow story: A work team for a popular magazine company is tasked with producing a fun, interesting, an exciting, spring issue. The team begins work drafting concepts and ideas and then presents them to other team
  • 10. The Confederate Flag The Confederate Flag Within the United States of America, arguments, involving the Confederate Flag, are solved every sngle day. However, some controversies have managed to carry on from the 1800 s until present day without any solution. The text and symbolic meaning behind the Confederate Flag is a perfect example. The Confederate Flag is one of America s most embattled symbolic controversies. Created in 1861in a battle between the South, Confederates, and the North, Union, two men by the name P.G.T. Beauregard and Congressman William P. Miles designed and created a flag that would represent the true southern pride and demands that would not only bring about conflict with one half of the nation but also with our American society today.... Show more content on ... So why get rid of this flag? Being a nation that prohibits slavery in written law, some Americans who continue to believe the false rumor that the flag represents slavery and racism or are less educated with the history behind the flag and want to get rid of it. Our society has represented the Confederate flag in a disrespectful manner and needs to change that. Hear the Northern thunders mutter! Northern flags in South s winds flutter! To Arms, To Arms, To Arms in Dixie! Send them back your fierce defiance! Stamp upon the cursed alliance! To Arms, To Arms, To Arms in Dixie! Advance the flag of Dixie! Hurrah! Hurrah! For Dixie s land we take our stand, And we live or die for Dixie! To Arms! To Arms! And conquer peace for Dixie! To Arms! To Arms! And conquer peace for Dixie! Confederacy chant. Many people praise it, display it, and chant it, yet others view it with pure disgust. Once again, the Confederate or Rebel Flag has been shoved onto the table of debate due to the raising of the flag in front of the South Carolina State House. So much debate has arose that President Obama was questioned where this flag should be placed? President Obama replied with a very considerate answer. His answer was, In a museum. But why would he want to take down the flag and retire it? Many have applauded him upon the issue, yet others are left confused as to why? Many people fly the Confederate Flag with pride and none of which are racist. In fact, the flag does not even represent
  • 11. The Role Of Socialization, Gender, And Education As A... Socialization, Gender, and Education as a social institution have all been topics that have been heavily discussed in the classroom. Each of these sociological aspects of society help create ideologies and norms in particular as to the role gender plays in the household and in the workplace. From the extended interview on Adam Belaid, it has become evident that the educationplays the largest role in socialization. In particular, the public educational institutions that have been founded on the principals of the state. Particularly, educational institutions and their effect on its students views on gender. Through an analysis of the interviewee, Martin s Becoming a Gendered Body: Practices of Preschools , and Bowles Education and Inequality it is evident that the educational institution plays the greatest role in the socialization of an individual. Adam Belaid is currently a software engineer at Riot Games, whose job is primarily in back end development and program execution. He was educated in several countries where each country has a slightly different sociological norm. His adolescent education was in France, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan; his high school education took place in what he defined as a small school that taught an Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum in Arizona. His undergraduate education took place at Virginia Tech with a major in Computer Science. Adam identifies himself as a practicing Muslim with his parents
  • 12. Essay on Outsourcing business processes Outsourcing Business Processes Summary This paper captures the most prominent services and issues associated with today s outsourcing environment. Outsourcing is the modern business term for having other companies accomplish basic business processes rather than doing them inhouse. While outsourcing has always been an important business option, modern technical capabilities are fast making outsourcing a critical requirement in competitive, cost conscious industries. However, our recent experience with terrorist challenges indicates that a second look is needed to ensure that outsourcing risks are still acceptable. This paper (1) benchmarks classical (but modern) outsourcing methods to provide a starting point, (2) notes what information ... Show more content on ... Outsourcing Today Exploring the Internet for outsourcing information consistently leads to the obvious. For example, outsourcing has become a major element of the high tech startup environment over the past couple of years. There have been (and are) many new high tech companies trying to convince low tech companies of the advantages of e business. Indeed, many high tech outsourcing marketers touted services to their high tech peers, proclaiming the advantages of focusing on their high tech core business while outsourcing everything else. Of course, much of this was easier to sell prior to September, before security and reliability became a central concern throughout the industry. High tech to high tech marketing results from the emergence of high tech access to cheap labor (e.g., programming, data entry, and accounting) from other countries, more immediate access to state of the art software (discussed below), and access to expert problem solvers for future non core business issues that make outsourcing attractive from a risk sharing perspective. Unfortunately, some of these overseas labor cost savings advantages are decreasingly attractive due to other problems, including the emergent security issues but also including recent realizations of new problems. The new set
  • 13. Disadvantages Of Elastomers 1.Segmented polyurethanes Segmented polyurethanes are a broad class of polymers whose properties range from those characteristic of tough plastics to very soft rubbers, depending on the soft segment length and concentration. Polyurethane elastomers are high quality engineering materials combining high elasticity with high hardness and low wear. It is very important to mention and understand, during working with polyurethanes that we dealing with two types of materials : plastics and elastomers , which have the identical manufacturing process. Elastomers are defined as materials that possessed high, reversible deformations. Crosslinking of elastomers obtain these reversibility of extension. In polyurethane elastomers crosslinking could be presented with two different natures of bonding as chemical as a physical. As said below segmented polyurethanes represent two phase structure of hard ... Show more content on ... Therefore NDI based polyurethane elastomers have a temperature range for continuous use between в€’30 and +80 в —¦C. At temperatures below 0 в—¦C the material becomes increasingly hard and inelastic, though there is no danger of fracture. Embrittlement occurs only at very low temperatures (below в€’30 в—¦C).Some famous NDI elastomer products of Bayer company with name Vulkollan also is resistant to mineral oils, grease, gasoline, and most organic solvents. Gasoline and some solvents cause swelling of polyurethanes , but this does not affect its mechanicalproperties dramatically if the solvents could easily be re evaporate.Concentrated acids, alkalis, and other hydrolyzingmedia attack NDI elastomers but by incorporatingadditives or run synthesis with different structure polyols as polyesters thehydrolytic stability can be increased so that theservice life of the elastomers product being enough for a variety of special uses even under extreme
  • 14. Analyzing Patricia Lockwood s What Is The Zoo For What Lily Atkins 4/18/2018 Lit 2000 Professor Farmen Analysis Of: What Is The Zoo For What In What Is The Zoo For What, Patricia Lockwood paints a portrait of nature. Nature is violent and free; it embodies a sense of chaos and unruliness that society has tried to control through the invention of captivity. Inventions of captivity can be described as zoos, but is also anything that holds another thing; like a fountain holding water, a song containing sound. Many forms of captivity are described while words are redefined to point out the very abstract invention of captivity, which is language. This is a poem that problematizes language . Language plays an altogether fundamental role in human thinking, and it bestows on man his unique ability ... Show more content on ... Yes. Although the reader may still wonder: Are constraints safer? Or is chaos safer than society s constraints? Lockwoods answer is hold is a zoo for hand. Works Cited Andrews, Tom. What Is Social Constructionism? Grounded Theory Review RSS, University College Cork, 1 June 2012, is social constructionism/. Gay, Doug (2000) Labeling Theory: The New Perspective, The Corinthian: Vol. 2 , Article 1. Available at: Sweden, Ministry of Justice, Council for Crime Prevention, and Johanness Knuttson., NCJRS, 17 Apr. 18AD. /Digitization/47664NCJRS.pdf. Zoo. Merriam Merriam Webster, n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2018. Young, Clark. Neil Young and Contemporary Poetry, Part II. Wow Canada!, 12 Dec. 2013,
  • 15. Risk Reduction Plan For A Residential Building RISK REDUCTION PLAN1 RISK REDUCTION PLAN2 Risk Reduction Plan In a community risk reduction plan I would choose improper heating of a residential structure as my fire related topic. I would ask the following groups for their assistance in implementing a plan of community risk reduction from the following stakeholders and partners. Stakeholders local government officials homeowner associations the American Red Cross housing authorities commercial property owners, apartment complex owners utilities; gas, water and electric company Partners local hardware stores Underwriter Laboratories National Fire Protection Agency other area fire departments Hospital Burn Center United Fire In a community risk reduction plan for a non fire incident I would choose drowning as a result of negligent supervision. Stakeholders homeowner associations local fencing companies local pool companies the water company commercial property owners, apartment complex owners local government officials Partners local hardware stores area hospitals local media area school districts other area fire departments the American Red Cross To establish a distinction between a stakeholder and a partner I have gathered three references from various websites to establish an identity for each. A stakeholder: ?A stakeholder is a person such as an employee, customer, or citizen who is involved with an organization, society, etc. and therefore has responsibilities towards it and an interest in its success? (Cambridge
  • 16. Analysis Of The Film Immigration Battle The documentary, Immigration Battle expose the problem of race and ethnicity with immigrants in the United States. The immigration Battle shows that United States of America is a country with a diversity of multicultural religions, races and nations. United States is a nation of many immigrants but this country still being racial until today. It is hard to see how immigrants are being treated and kept from their rights and need to be hide for the fear of being deported. The video shows a bipartisan immigrationreform in the election of Obama s by passing a common ground between Democrats and Republicans. The events in the congress show who minority and majority groups are dividen even inside and outside the congress. Groups of immigrations
  • 17. Goal 7 Of The United Nations Framework Convention On... Goal 7 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) sustainability goals (2014) is to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.In breaking down this goal, a number of specific targets have been generated to make the goal more attainable. The first of which is being able to strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate related hazards and natural disasters in all countries. This target is difficult to assess because it is not directly measurable. The second target involves integrating climate change measures into all national policies, plans and strategies. It is easy to determine whether progress is being made with this objective because as more countries implement climate change ... Show more content on ... As of 2014, the UNFCCC has multiple programs regarding the assessment of adaptation abilities. The National Adaptation Program of Actions and the Work Program of Loss and Damage focus on identifying options for lowest development countries to adapt to climate change.Although there are multiple programs that work towards more adaptive communities, there is no way to measure how much progress is being made. Unlike the first target, the second is much more measurable.Currently, the UNFCCC is surveying countries for their climate change strategies and policies by asking countries to submit National Reports or National Adaption Plans. Acknowledging that countries need to have national adaptation plans which identify and prioritize not only urgent and immediate needs but also medium and long term needs, longer term national adaptation plans are part of the on going UNFCCC negotiations (Hardee and Mutunga, 1). Once a developing country joins the UNFCCC they must submit a NC within the first three years, and then every four years thereafter. As of 2014, 147 developing countries have submitted their first initial NC ( National Reports , 1). According to an analysis of 119 countries, approximately 40% of the adult population across the globe is unaware of climate change ( 119 country survey, 1). The United
  • 18. Mature In Lord Of The Flies All people change over time. They develop, mature, and leave their childhood behind. But what causes this realization of their own place in the world? Lord of the Flies, a fictional allegory written by William Golding, demonstrates the protagonist evolving throughout the story. Ralph matures from an easygoing and carefree boy to being aware of the inner demon residing in humans. Ralph starts off being blinded by happiness as all he could think about was that there were no adults and was excited for the new freedom. But as time progresses, Ralph realizes that the world isn t just fun and games. He discovers the true nature of humans as he watches the others descend into savagery. Ralph is exposed of kinds of evil that begin to affect him... Show more content on ... He saw what humans were capable of and watched as his friends began to revert to their savage nature. He weeps for the loss of innocence, the darkness of a man s heart, and the fall through the air of the once wise, true friend called Piggy. It is at this point that Ralph matures, as when he cries, he cries for everyone and everything. He realizes that life isn t so simple and that it, along with other humans, are complex and unpredictable. His realization and maturity reflects on the theme of the book as a whole. The moment of when Ralph watches the others cross the boundary in between good and evil further emphasizes the idea of good and evil being juxtaposed throughout the book. All the symbols of good begin to die out on the island while evil embraces the characters. This leads to the darkness of people s hearts beginning to be exposed and affect others around them. After finding out the true beast, Ralph finally begins to cry about everything that had happened while on the island. He discovered new ideas about human nature and faced the evil in others firsthand. He watched as law and order ceased to exist and the other boys turned into savages, losing all sense of civilized behavior. He discovered the real beast; darkness, savagery, and evil inside human
  • 19. What Does Birches Mean In the poem Birches by Robert Frost and the famous scientific research paper The Patterns in Thumb and Finger Marks by Francis Galton are two significant examples that illustrate that the purpose and the form of a text allows meaning to be drawn from it. First, in poems, various figurative devices are used to emphasis the meaning and enhance the understanding of a word or a sentence. Similar has been depicted in Robert Frost s Birches . Frost too uses many of such devices in his poem out of which alliteration is one of them. Alliteration is the repetition of a particular letter or sound in a line of the poem. When the reader reads such lines, the reader is forced to slow down his reading pace, and it requires more attention to be paid ... Show more content on ... When writing any kind of research or scientific paper, it is very essential that the correct format and method is used in writing the report. The first thing that would strike one s eyes and gain complete attention would be the headings and the sub headings that are placed throughout the research paper. The headings provide the most basic overview of the main topic that would be discussed further in upcoming paragraphs. Looking at just the headings and the titles, one can figure if the article or the paper would be of any significance to the reader. In order to place emphasis on the titles, authors would usually bold, italicize, place them in the center or even change the font type. This concept is also relevant in Galton s paper. Some examples form Galton s paper would be: Obtaining Impressions and Reversal of Patterns (Galton 1890). These headings are italicized and are central aligned to set them apart, and put emphasis on their importance. This way the reader is giving a warning that the text below would be concentrating on the mentioned specific areas. Suppose if these headings or titles, had not been altered in any such way, they would be read just as simple text or sentences and would not hold any particular special attention or meaning to it. This would make the task of the reader to figure out its significance harder, and hence, the paper would be boring
  • 20. The Neolithic Period, which includes events from 12,000... The Neolithic Period, which includes events from 12,000 years ago, is one of the most important revolutions to occur in history. The Neolithic lifestyle was established first in the Middle East, and then later in the Yellow river basin in China, which then spread over the years into the Western Hemisphere. During this time period, the domestication of plants and animals and the development of cities was starting to become more prominent and well known to many different civilizations across many different countries. It consisted of many changes in human cultures from a lifestyle of hunting and gathering to one of farming and settlement, which supported a larger population. As civilizations expanded, so did traditions and techniques. A major... Show more content on ... Throughout the inundation period, which happens at some point around July, the water level ascends and fills the waterways made by Egyptian workers. At some point around the end of October, the stream might start to subside which leaves behind the rich silt deposits. This permitted horticulture to thrive, and also directing when planting and reaping might happen. Since the delta zone generated surplus products on a consistent support, society here was very equitably stable, and there was plenty of time for leisure activities such as art or science. Not only was the Nile perfect for irrigation, but it also served as a method of transportation and enabled them to interact with other civilizations. This transportation became important to the Ancient Egyptians in the New Kingdom when the empire spread along the Nile. Egyptians used the Nile for transport to build pyramids; they had to use the Nile as their main transport system because they could not move the heavy bricks through the sand. Although people tend to think that being surrounded by sand would make living much more difficult, the Egyptians took advantage of it, rather than despise the desert. The desert is an area of land with minimal vegetation, no arable farmland, and an exceptionally poor atmosphere, typically hot and dry. Deserts often act as a barrier to outside civilizations, making
  • 21. Matthew And John Essay The Gospels (literally, good news ) encompass the Synoptics (Matthew, Mark, Luke) and John). In the Gospels of Matthew and John, Jesus is revealed; Jesus reveals God (John 1:18; Matt 11:27); and God speaks finally (Heb 1:1 4). While Matthew presented a narration on the temptation of Jesus, his transfiguration, and the institution of the Lord s Supper, John was silent on those materials. John mentions no examples of Jesuscasting out demons. While Matthew focuses on the genealogy of Jesus, John establishes the deity of Jesus. The Sermon on the Mount and the Lord s Prayer are not found in John s Gospel. Matthew is the only Gospel writer who speaks directly of the church (Matthew16: 18; 18:17). He points to the Gentile composition of this church... Show more content on ... But one day, Israel will be restored to its place of blessing (Rom. 11:25 27; 15:8, 9). One of the purposes of Matthew is to instruct the church. An obvious clue to this is in the Great Commission: teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you (28:20). The discipling process involves instruction in the words of Christ, and the Gospel of Matthew revolves around five of Jesus discourses (5:1 7:28; 10:5 11:1; 13:3 53; 18:2 19:1; 24:4 26:1). Instead of emphasizing a narrative of Jesus life as Mark does, Matthew uses the narrative elements in his Gospel as a setting for Jesus sermons. The Gospel of John is a persuasive argument for the deity of Jesus. It concentrates on presenting Jesus as the Word (Logos), that is, God (1:1) who became a man (1:14). Thus John meticulously records the statements and describes the miracles of Jesus that can only be attributed to God Himself. Jesus called Himself the bread of life (6:35, 41, 48, 51), the light of the world (8:12; 9:5), the door for the sheep (10:7, 9), the good shepherd (10:11, 14), the resurrection and the life (11:25), the way, the truth, the life (14:6), and the true vine (15:1, 5). Each of these statements begins with the words, I am, recalling God s revelation of His name, I
  • 22. The Mask In T. Clark s Mask Of Superman People look at Superman like a God, strong and mighty. A warrior against evil. Superman s appearance is distinctive and iconic; he usually wears a blue costume with a red and yellow emblem on the chest, consisting of the letter S in a shield shape, and a red cape. Clark creates the costumed identity of Supermanso as to protect his personal privacy and the safety of his loved ones. As Clark Kent, he wears glasses to disguise his face and wears his Superman costume underneath his clothes so that he can change at a moment s notice. To complete this disguise, Clark avoids violent confrontation, preferring to slip away and change into Superman when danger arises, and suffers occasional ridicule for his apparent cowardice. Whenever I picture Superman
  • 23. Emily Grierson s Time Time Does Not Stand Still Miss Emily Grierson was a proper lady of Jefferson. Unfortunately for her, she came to live in a time when being a proper lady was no longer what was expected. She avoided any sort of change coming to her life, and because of it, the world moved on without her. The story takes place in the South, as is illustrated a few times throughout the story. It took place some time between the 1860 s and the 1930 s, which illustrates the source of some problems for Miss Emily. That was just after the civil war, and that was a period of great change for the South. Not only did the South have to quickly extinguish slavery, it changed from agriculture to factories with almost the same pace. Most of the people in Jefferson had someone to go through these changes with, but Emily did not. Clearly her father was wealthy. He would have owned a fair amount of slaves, one of whom was probably Tobe, the Negro... Show more content on ... Before, she had not had anyone to help her through the change, but now she did not have anyone at all. There was no one to remind her of the passage of time. The only one who might have done this was Tobe, and as he was a Negro, he did not count in her mind. Homer probably helped her to accept the fact that time was moving, yet as she was beginning to adjust, beginning to move with time again, she lost him. He threatened to leave her, so she trapped him in time with her. William Faulkner grew up in the South, which had a definite influence on his writing. Born in 1897, he was too young to have watched slavery die, and yet he knew many of those who had. A Rose for Emilycould easily have had its beginnings in someone he knew through childhood. After all, he watched those around him fall into poverty because their wealth was based on their human property. Once they lost that, they lost their fortune as well. It must have been easy for William Faulkner to picture them losing their mind as
  • 24. To Kill A Mockingbird Dialectical Journal ... Naw, Jem, I think there s just one kind of folks. Folks. ... That s what I thought too...I m beginning to understand why Boo Radley s stayed shut up in the house all this time . . . It s because he wants to stay inside. (304) In Harper Lee s To Kill A Mockingbird, six year old Scout was certain, Boo Radley was a monster who, at six and a half feet, ate all the stray cats and wild squirrels his bloodstained hands could catch, a monster who committed assault on his father before happily returning to cutting out newspaper. As Scout begins to grow and change, so does her ideology of Boo Radley, causing her to learn that you never truly understand someone until you understand their point of view. In chapter 7, Jem confided in Scout telling her that he believed a man had sewn his pants together after he had ripped them on the Radley property. As the chapter continues they begin to find trinkets and treats in a knothole on the radley... Show more content on ... His lips parted into a timid smile, and our neighbor s image blurred with my sudden tears. Hey, Boo, I said. (362) This is the moment, Boo the monster becomes Boo the human, in this sentence, Scout takes large progress in assuming the grown up moral perspective that Atticus has shown her throughout the book. This except from the last chapter is Scout thinking from Boo Radley s perspective about the world. Atticus was right. One time he said you never really know a man until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley porch was enough. (374) Scout stands on Boo s porch and imagines many of the main events in the story as Boo most likely perceived them. Only then does she realize the love and protection that he has quietly offered her and Jem all along. Scout s newfound ability to assume another person s perspective is the culmination of her development as a
  • 25. Nazi Propaganda Essay Nazi Propaganda Propaganda attempts to force a doctrine on the whole people... Propaganda works on the general public from the standpoint of an idea and makes them ripe for the victory of this idea. These words of Adolf Hitler are taken from his book Mien Kampf (My Struggle) published in 1926. Propaganda was an elaborate and essential tool used extensively by Hitler and the Nazi s during their terrorizing reign of Germany and throughout Europe. Not only was it used to promote and endorse the party and its leader s extreme anti Semitic values, but also to mask the horrifying truths of what was to become known as the Holocaust. Anti Jewish measures and programs have taken place numerous times throughout history, but never to the ... Show more content on ... The Jewish nose is bent at the tip. It looks like a figure 6. So we call them Figure sixes. Many non Jews also have bent noses. But in their case the nose is bent up, not down. They have nothing to do with the Jewish nose. Encouraged by the teacher, Karl points out that the lips are another distinguishing feature; they are usually puffed up. The eyebrows are: Usually thicker and more fleshy than ours. From the eyes one can see that the Jew is: A false, deceitful person. Shown along with the text is a drawing of a boy, Karl, at the front of his class pointing to a numeral 6 that resembles what was said to be the stereotypical Jewish nose. The reasoning behind the title of the book is explained as, Just as it is often hard to tell a toadstool from an edible mushroom, so too it is often very hard to recognize the Jew as a swindler and criminal. Another fundamental example of radical anti Semitic press was the newspaper printed by Julius Streicher called Der StГјrmer (The Attacker). This paper used anti Semitic caricatures, accused Jews of plotting secret plans against the German government, promoted the idea of Jewish seduction and even called for the annihilation of all Jews in 1941. The passionate language by the writers and crafty manipulation of the readers is evident in a 1935 article written by Ernst
  • 26. The Future Of Renewable Energy Renewable energy constitutes the energy coming from sources that do not get depleted with time. These sources are not typically exhausted and are environmental friendly. Although this paper will focuses more on hydropower, the types of renewable energy sources available in Canada include solar power, wind power, geothermal energy, ocean energy, and bio energy. Renewable energy in Canada has as well had its environmental impacts. The outcomes pose various impacts to the environment either positively or negatively and end up affecting people s lives. Canada has had greater embrace on renewable energy, particularly hydropower and nuclear. In 2011, it was the sixth largest wind power producer worldwide. In Ontario, there are numerous photovoltaic plants of power. A tidal plant is located in Annapolis found in Nova Scotia, and it utilizes the tides generated by the Fundy Bay. Canada has over twenty hydro power stations majority of these located in Saskatchewan, British Columbia, Alberta, Quebec and Labrador (Islam, Fartaj Ting, 2013). A brief look at the sources of Renewable energy in Canada It is quite notable that Canada has the large reserves of renewable energy. In the year 2012, it produced three times more renewable energy than the whole of Germany (McKirdy Solar Energy Society of Canada, 2011). Sources of renewable energy include: Tidal energy: Canada has North America s only tidal plant. This is located in Annapolis Royal in Nova Scotia, Canada. The highest tides in
  • 27. John s Presentation Of Jesus Surprises Me Or Challenges Me Throughout the course of this class we ve taken in and learned a great deal about the Gospel of John. It s crazy to see how much you can learn in such a short period of time but when the authors of both of our required text load them down with such rich insight, it s hard not take anything away from this class. What I want to focus and reflect on in this paper are a few things; the way Jesusis presented in John 1 9, which components of John s presentation of Jesus surprises me or challenges me, and what component of John s presentation of Jesus do you believe is the most relevant to the present needs of your local congregation? When the paper is concluded I hope the reader has a better understanding of John so that without even reading... Show more content on ... The most significant part about the prologue is that it introduces the readers to who Jesus is and it also prepares them for the ministry that he is about to set out on. The prologue also affirms that all things were made through him, so when Jesus changes water to wine or walks on water later in the Gospel, what he does confirms what the narrator has said about who he is. Jesus is also presented to us in the Gospel of John as The Light . What do you think of when you think of the word light? Me personally, I think of something that drowns out darkness. That s exactly who Jesus is and what Jesus does. There are so many times in my own personal life where I feel like I m surrounded by darkness but knowing the there is a light at the end of the tunnel and his name is Jesus sets a fire in my soul that I can t contain and I can t control. Not only in my own personal life but even in scripture there are references of Jesus being the light. In John 12:46 Jesus says; I have come as light into the world, so that everyone who believes in me should not remain in the darkness . Another way Jesus is presented in the Gospel of John is the Giver of Life . The Giver of Life can be seen in many different ways in John, one way is the stories of Jesus turning water into wine. Now it may seem a little far fetched but if we take it into context wine and weddings celebrate the goodness of life. Another example would be the story of
  • 28. Messalina Vs Claudius Claudius survived in a hard time in his childhood, and he was ignored as an idiot and embarrassment. However, Claudius life changed somewhat because of his nephew named Gaius who was killed by a murder. And then Claudius was ratified by Senate as an emperor for an accident. Claudius married Valeria Messalina in 38 A.D., Messalina came from a noble family, and therefore we could say that the marriage between Claudius and Messalina was a two prominent family. Suetonius portrayed Messalina as she hold a crazy party with other nymphomaniac adolescent and Messalina had performance of disloyal to her husband, however, on this point, Claudius did not know anything. Messalina used sex as a weapon to manipulate court politics. Messalina hold a great ... Show more content on ... In fact, Agrippina was the daughter of Claudius s brother, Germanicus and a sister of Gaius Caligula. Someone just believed that Agrippina exiled for involvement in the conspiracy of Gaetulicus; in addition, Agrippina married before, so she was second marriage with Claudius. The main point was the law should be changed to avoid consanguineous marriage because Claudius was Agrippina s uncle, which was really ridiculous of consanguineous marriage. Therefore, consanguineous marriage of Claudius could be the second the political invective. Furthermore, Claudius s marriage to Agrippina could be a disaster, especially in the Claudius s last years. The reason was Agrippina had powerful personality, and she wanted to dominate Claudius. If compared with Claudius s previous empress, Agrippina was the brightest because she was recognized by imperial politics, and Agrippina appeared in official coins and inscriptions. The powerful position of Agrippina could facilitate the advancement of her son Domitius, and Domitius could consolidate the status of Agrippina as well. In fact, Claudius had a natural son named Britannicus but he was still a minor, he was only 13 years old; Claudius really liked Britannicus, and then Claudius began to advance Domitius through various signs of favor. However, Claudius marked Domitius as his successor, he might be influence by Agrippina and had
  • 29. Attractiveness As A Long Term Romantic Partner Attractiveness ratings as a short term and a long term romantic partner, as well as an opposite sex friend and a friend to other opposite sex people are shown in Fig.1 (women s rating for attractiveness of male dates) and Fig.2 (men s rating for attractiveness of female dates). In Fig.1 and Fig.2, it is noteworthy that men considered even low willing femaledates as attractive as more than 5 out of 10 in the scales, but women never gave men with low willingness such high ratings in all four categories of attractiveness. A three way 2 (Sex: Women vs. Men) x 3 (Willingness: Willing vs. Control vs. Unwilling) x 3 (Ability: Strong vs. Average vs. Weak) between subjects Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was conducted to evaluate the effects of sex, willingness, ability on four forms of attractiveness. Sex had significant main effects on all four forms of attractiveness (as a short term partner, F_(1,694) = 118.80, p .001; as a long term partner, F_(1,694) = 40.39, p .001; an opposite sex friend, F_(1,694) = 32.67, p .001; as a friend to other opposite sex people, F_(1,694) = 33.33, p .001). Male participants gave significantly higher ratings for all kinds of attractiveness of a female date. There were main effects of willingness to protect on all four forms of attractiveness (as a short term partner, F_(2,694) = 104.72, p .001; as a long term partner, F_(2,694) = 209.02, p .001; an opposite sex friend, F_(2,694) = 189.22, p .001; as a friend to other opposite sex
  • 30. Religion And Abortion Essay Religion is an important aspect of human existence that has existed for thousands of years. Through the different variations of religion there have been opinions, attitudes, and actions formed off of the ideologies taught. The influence of religion has permeated society at all levels and continues to be a topic of discussion in today s society. An area of concern that has been studied is the influence of religion on politics. This is important considering that the United States government is based upon the concept of the separation of church and state. While this area is important, it is too broad in scope to study effectively. To narrow the focus of the research topic an emphasis on how religion affects the politics of abortion was selected. However, even this topic was too expansive to study. The final topic of study chosen was how the religion of Christianityinfluenced the politics of abortion. Abortion, like religion, is another topic that is regularly discussed in today s society. Abortion is a heavily debated topic that has serious outcomes for individuals. For some religious persons it is an area of concern because it is considered a sin and murder. For other persons in society abortion is important because it may affect the mother s health or the mother may be too poor to adequately take care of the child. By... Show more content on ... (2016). Gay analyzed the relationship between race, religion, and abortion attitudes based upon data from General Social Surveys (GSS) from 1990, 1991, 1993, 1994, and 1996. The data collected revealed the same conclusions as Schwadel (2017) and Wilde et al. (2016). The more someone attended religious services the more likely they are to be pro life and conservative. It was also revealed that respondents that were married and/or living in the south were more likely to be pro life. The study showed that there was not a significant difference in the responses between blacks and
  • 31. Business Law And How It Ties Into Our Everyday Lives Research Paper Business law and how it ties into our everyday lives is very important. To understand these laws and find them applicable in certain life issues is something I feel that every citizen should have a grasp of. With this research paper I will focus on the issue of copyrights, lawsuits, trademarks and how it affects designers and artist. I myself am a clothing designer and have my own brand 5ivepillars. Numerous times during my years as an artist and designer I have seen companies both big and small rip off my work. Most of the time these companies and the individuals behind them steal a concept or ideayou may have and replicate it using different colors. This trend has grown more and more in the fashion industry while leading to a large amount of lawsuits, and trademarksuits. But these lawsuits have not stopped companies from stealing intellectual property. Some such as forever21 have blatantly stolen dress and clothing ideas straight off of runaways and have had them in stores ready to sell two weeks after the dresses were show cased. This time of disagreed for the law sadly happens a lot to designers and creatives in the United states. Lets see how this happens. Copyrights by definition are the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same. By reading the definition one might feel comfortable with the process of
  • 32. The Importance Of The Submaximal Treadmill Walk Test в—‹Because these populations are at a high risk of experiencing a cardiac event (Coquart et al., 2016), the submaximal treadmill walk test would be a better option. 2.How accurate do you think these tests were? Which test was most accurate? Why? What might account for these differences? в—‹I do not believe that the submaximal tests were accurate. When comparing the relative predicted VO2MAX values, the non exercise test predicted 2.22 (L/min), the 1 mile walk/ run test predicted 2.62 (L /min), the step test predicted 2.04 (L/min), the YMCA cycle ergometer test predicted 1.83 (L/min), and the submax treadmill test predicted 2.22 (L/min). The most accurate of the submaximal tests was the submax treadmill test, as when compared to the 1 mile walk/run test, the predicted values were the same. For the most part, the submaximal testing predictions varied significantly when compared to each other, which is likely a result of testing discrepancies and error in measurements. To predict VO2MAX, all tests used an equation used for all populations, and is not specific to the client at all (Bennett et al., 2016). Additionally, it is likely that there were measurement errors taken during test such as being able to identify HR immediately after completion of the step test. The test, I believe, to be most accurate was the VO2MAX maximal graded exercise test. Although a true VO2MAX was not achieved, if the client could have lasted a few more seconds on the treadmill, it is likely that two
  • 33. Yuma Project Research Paper The Yuma Project was important because it dealt with all the uprising conflicts that occurred.Irrigation greatly changed southern Arizona, also known as Yuma. It started out small, but as more people moved there it grew largely. There were a series of different irrigation systems, but the commonly used one was canals. Some of the canals that were built long ago still stand today, and Yuma is the most linked place. Yuma today is the largest agricultural place, but will not be for long if they keep having the problems they do. They also need to have money so they can fix what they need to and be able to pay workers to help. Not only did the Yma Project affect farming and how irrigation worked, but it also affected the people that lived around it. There was an issue that the Indians along the Colorado River had. They were being pushed out of the area on both the California side and the Arizona side because of the immigrants that came September 3, 1852. They came on a boat called the Capacity . Not only did that boat carry the immigrants, it also carried lumber and an engine for a steamboat (steamer) that would be able to sail in twenty two inches of water. The Indians realized that Fort Yuma was getting stronger and was not going anywhere, anytime soon. It was big on the California side, but the ... Show more content on ... They have to agree to let the workers and that state use their land for the canals. It is their land, they were owed it, so it belongs to them and the government or state can t take it from them. The workers have to bribe them into letting them use the land. Most of the time the bribe consisted of money but others, consisted of using the water from the canal as a lifetime supply of water for their own personal needs. Most of the time, they would agree to make a deal, or treaty, and if they didn t then the workers would have to find another piece of
  • 34. Photography In Malcolm Browne s The Burning Monk Since the invention of photography back in the nineteenth century, the impact that photography made to the world was tremendous. From allowing us to document events, remember moments, or even create art, photography has evolved into one of the most influential forms of media today. If you take a look around almost everyone has a camerain their pocket. Photographs can make an impact in many ways and The Burning Monk is one of the photos that made an impact in history. The Burning Monk, taken by Malcolm Browne in 1963 was published by Associated Press. Used to expose Vietnam Monks sentiments towards their government, the photo illustrates an elderly monk ablaze in what appears to be a heavily populated part of town. As the flames engulf the monk, he does not seem to show any signs of pain, his ... Show more content on ... There appears to be a somber tone to the photo, and almost an aspect of disbelief, to witness half a man s body covered by flames but remaining motionless. The photo was taken in black and white to emphasize a critical message and what it stood for. The role of color has no importance in this image because the addition of color would not change what the photo represents in any way. Rather, by opting to not use color, there is a serious tone to this picture, allowing the action of the shot to speak for itself. The Burning Monk was published in the United States during the 1960 s. During this era, the Vietnam War had become a part of the everyday American s life. The war had been going on for eight years and America was supporting Southern Vietnam s government. Vietnamese monks under the rule of President Ngo Dinh Diem were banned from observing their practices, one such example was the prohibition of flying their own flag. During a time of national separation, the president wanted to emphasize patriotism, however, his harsh treatment of the monks lead to them to protest.
  • 35. Claude Monet Research Paper Claude Monet was a prolific French painter who founded Impressionism in the 19th century. He strongly held onto his belief of his painting style throughout his long career and is considered to be one of the most prominent and influential painters in history. He focused on capturing the feeling or experience of a certain moment. He was intrigued by the light and color, so he explored their changes under various weather conditions at various times of day. Monet s fascination of shifting effect of light and color directed him in the creation of Impressionism. In addition to his passion for depicting the visual impression, Claude strongly disliked the classical style of painting, which encouraged him to present the world as it is. Monet was disenchanted with the traditional academics of art; therefore, he was motivated to pioneer a new and fresh style of painting, which transformed visual arts and unleashed a path to the beginning of abstraction.... Show more content on ... Despite his decent academic progress, he felt confined and restricted from doing the things he desired that he even compared school to a prison. Claude started spending most of his time outside and developed a love of drawing at a very young age. With a passion for art in his mind, Monet made the decision to leave school and pursue his dream. When seventeen, he started to make money from some of his pieces. The public began to notice Monet s talent, specifically Eugene Boudin. Eugene Boudin was one of the first French landscape artists to paint outdoors who planned to befriend Monet. Boudin would take Monet on sketching trips and teach him open air painting. Through Boudin s work, Claude started to explore the natural world and began to express an interest in painting landscapes. Monet s new friend not only taught him great artistic skills, but also persuaded him to expand his love of bright hues and play of light when
  • 36. Descriptive Essay On My Thursday Morning The clock glares off the white tile floor, my blushed face matches the bright lettering on the clock. Collected dust and dirt from the students shoes has now ended up all along of the back of my pants. What a great way to start off my thursday morning. Beep, beep, beep, sounded my alarm, 7:05 glared across the screen of my fluorescent alarm clockinto my squinted eyes in the barely lit room. My legs quickly jolted out of my bed, I was late again, I was supposed to be in the car by 7:25, of course since I was already running very late, it was also the type of morning when I had nothing prepared. I had no idea what to wear, and hadn t packed my lunch or backpack, but at this point i had only been awake for around 5 minutes, so I wasn t thinking very clearly. I grabbed all of my stuff and made it out the door only 5 minutes late. Since I left a little bit late, I had to sit in traffic on Woodruff Road, but luckily I made it to first period on time, I was in geometry, when the teacher asked us to get out our homework, I dug in my backpack and couldn t find my notebook anywhere, meaning that I had left it at home. So I had already woken up late, and now also forgotten my math homework, I figured that my thursday couldn t get much worse, I was wrong. It was newly spring, meaning it was time to start wearing sandals. I was wearing my brand new Sam Edelman shoes. They were taupe and laced up, with a very thin bottom with clearly no friction, this was my first mistake. I had
  • 37. War In Syria Dbq Essay War in Syria DBQ Essay Experts on civil wars say there are several reasons Syria is a really, really tough case that defies historical parallels. Foreign involvement in the Syrian Civil War refers to political, military and operational support to parties involved in the ongoing conflict in Syria that began in March 2011, as well as active foreign involvement. Most parties involved in the war in Syria receive various types of support from foreign countries and entities based outside Syria. The ongoing conflict in Syria is widely described as a series of overlapping wars between the regional and world powers, primarily between the U.S. and Russia as well as between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Jordan has taken part in airstrikes in Syria for a year, escalating them after IS claimed it had executed one of its pilots in February. French military jets set off for Syria from ... Show more content on ... There are claims that they have been leading fighters from Afghanistan and Lebanon s Shiite movement Hezbollah, which Tehran denies. In the United StatesPresident Barack Obama has called Assad a tyrant and insisted on his departure since 2011. But Secretary of State John Kerry said Monday that Washington would discuss options that could perhaps reignite the political process and bring about a political transition in Syria . Washington has spearheaded an anti IS coalition since September 2014, conducting airstrikes in Syria and Iraq. And in Russia, whose only Mediterranean military base is in Tartus on the Syrian coast, says it is fighting terrorists , referring to all of Assad s opponents. But the West accuses it of primarily targeting moderate rebels rather than the Islamic State (IS) group. Russian President Vladimir Putin pledged Tuesday to continue supporting Damascus militarily, while calling for a political solution involving all groups to end the
  • 38. The Frog And The Scorpion Story In The Crying Game The Frog and the Scorpion story in the Crying game movie Early, in the Crying Game movie by Neil Jordan, Jodi starts telling Fergus a story about two kinds of people in the world, Those who give and those who take (22.24). Jodi says this at a moment when he is not only kidnap but also hungry. He knows that by telling this story he can make Fergus feed him. Once Jodi gets his food, he persuades Fergus into taking off his hood by continuing the story. The story is about a frog who helps cross the river, and a scorpion who stink even when he was receiving help. By using the story of the Frog and scorpion, the Crying game movie suggests that we are born in an unchangeable, undeniable and certain way that we must embrace because it is part of our nature. However, I claim that the movie does not support the learning of the fable because the characters make their own decisions based on factors as personality, survival, etc. the story of the frog and scorpion is a manipulative tactic used by Jodi to get what he needs. As his life is at risk, he decides to persuade Fergus with his charisma, charming personality, jokes, compliments and ultimately, the fable. Jodi is aware that in order to make his way out, he has to make sure that Fergus believes that he is denying his nature with his wrongdoing. However, Jodi knows better than anyone else that Fergus has the power to choose whatever he wants to do but he persuades him into believing that he cannot. The real intention for using
  • 39. Case Study Of Reliance Industries TITLEPAGE NO. пЃ¶General Information5 пЃ¶Production Department32 пЃ¶Marketing Department39 пЃ¶Finance Department44 пЃ¶Personnel / HR Department72 пЃ¶Mini Project89 пЃ¶Literature Review90 пЃ¶Research methodology104 пЃ¶Data analysis and interpretation107 пЃ¶Results Findings121 пЃ¶Conclusion 123 пЃ¶Recommadation125 пЃ¶Appedies127 пЃ¶Bibliography133 Reliance Industries Limited: The Reliance Group, founded by Dhirubhai H. Ambani (1932 2002), is India s largest private sector enterprise, with businesses in the energy and materials value chain. Group s annual revenues are in excess of US$ 66 billion. The flagship company, Reliance Industries Limited, is a Fortune Global 500 company and is the largest private sector company ... Show more content on ... пЃ¶After completion of all types of checking, Technician, engineers prepare service GRN for that particular job against PO/WO/ACR awarded to them. пЃ¶Plant Technician / Engineer prepare service GRN reflect A1 stage. пЃ¶After service GRN preparation, it is checked and released by sectional head of that particular plant which reflect A2 stage. пЃ¶There after service entry is released by plant / department head by A3 release stage. пЃ¶Bill send back to finance accounts payable section. 3. Physical Verification of Bills: пЃ¶Verification of bills includes many steps. First of all check the calculation involve in the bills. Check whether supporting attachments are properly signed. Check whether job carried out by contractor is included in the ARC / PO. Check whether rates claimed by the contractor are as per PO/ ARC. Check RGP /GP is in original mode. Check reimbursement supporting papers are in organizational mode. If bill issued for man power supply then attendance sheet should be checked. Check whether abstract sheet prepared correctly from measurement sheet. Check whether any discount is applicable as per PO/ARC. Check service entry prepared correctly as per abstract sheet of
  • 40. My Research For Brave New World Cultural Clash In my research for Brave New World, I came across literary criticism that unveiled fresh perspective of the work when it comes to the psychology of characters. The idea of a perfectly stable world versus a world of recklessness and savagery that shape every aspect of human morale and convictions held at society s core beliefs; which through psychological analysis of characters and how their external influences can vindicate questionable actions displayed by those in the novel. The dichotomy of inherited and learned behavior in society, clashes with diffusions of culture ands impacts on instinctive culture, all accentuated by John the Savage and his intricately fervent relationships with other characters in the novel,... Show more content on ... World State conditioned a loss sense of human nature, while the Reserve preserved value in animalistic but instinctive humane tendencies, Self transcendence and loss of personality is only effective cure for a world suffering from idolatry, stupidity, and cruelty. In the ultimate reality, we can find true salvation. (Birnbaum 3). The substantial distinction between the Reserve and World State, is the agricultural and mechanical ways of life. World State focuses on assembly lines, excessively on science as a basis for operating in daily life. John experiencing for the first time an introduction to post industrial world compared to his pre industrial upbringing, a distaste for the technological advances in reproducing humans, Applied science he argues, has intensified standardized mediocrity and the loss of attention to intellectual and spiritual values (Birnbaum 2). The damage done to embryos and void of familiar connections such as family, If the word industry is a measure of how far cultural production has extended its reach throughout modern civilization (Eagleton 1). Modern civilization emphasizes on technology and similarity among the entire state simply to keep everyone happy, on the contrary to John was vacant of substance and ignited ignorance. For John, books were valued writings of complexities of human emotions to even morals that he saw
  • 41. Passion On Screen And Real Life Passion on Screen and Real Life: Ava Gardner in Mogambo Cinema fans love to expound on the lives and careers of their favorite classic film stars. Though few young people in the current day and age have a true understanding of the difficulties that came with being a young starlet, in particular being taken seriously as a performer. This is particularly true of Ava Gardner, who was regarded as just a pretty face for a majority of her career. Gardner really only gained respect after her performance as Honey Bear Kelly in John Ford s 1953 film Mogambo opposite Clark Gable as Victor Marswell. In Mogambo, Ford allowed Gardner to utilize her real personality which brought her character to the next level and catapulted her career into a more ... Show more content on ... I was just a pretty little girl. This led to her getting interesting roles where she said few lines. She finally got a lucky break when she was cast as femme fatale Kitty Collins in 1946 s The Killers along side Burt Lancaster s Ole Swede Anderson. The Killers was wildly successful in its time racking up two and a half million and sealing its place in film noir history. This is the film that established Gardner as a star, but it really only solidified her as a pretty face. A majority of her roles following The Killers were femme fatale characters or boring loving interests for her male costars, such as East Side, West Side (1949) and The Bribe (1949). Despite her success she was still not thought of as an actress. Her roles were one dimensional and as David Meuel points out in his book Women in the Films of John Ford she was far better known for her sex appeal that her acting ability. In fact, Gardner was a source of wild gossip due to her hard drinking, swearing, and public love life. Her three marriages were the primary source of gossip, particular her relationship with singer Frank Sinatra. At twenty four, she was already divorced from Mickey Rooney, married unhappily to Artie Shaw, and rejecting proposals from eccentric Howard Hughes. Grobel points out that It was Mickey Rooney and Howard Hughes and Artie Shaw and Frank Sinatra and most of the men who caught a whiff of Ava and became intoxicated. Her
  • 42. Analysis Of Linda Sue Park s A Long Walk To Water Imagine living in a world of poverty, not having much water, and food being scarce. Along with that your government is being attacked and you are separated from your family. A Long Walk to Water is a true story, Written by Linda Sue Park. Linda is an American author that writes mostly teen fiction. She has written a total of 9 books including Long Walk to Water. The events that occurred in A Long Walk to Water would be horrifying for anyone. Living in a country during war can be hard for anyone,, it can change your future in a big way. Salva s childhood was a normal life, any other eleven year old s life in south Sudan would be composed of mostly the same events. Salva worked for his mother most of his day. Travelling many miles to the closest pond of water they had. Salva would make two trips there a day. He went to school unlike most of the kids because his dad was an important person and he made a lot of money allowing... Show more content on ... Into the bush, not home. Unfortunately Salva couldn t find his parents. He thought, Where are we going? Where is my family (Park 7). He ran until he couldn t run anymore, then he walked. Salva was walking with other people. He walked until the sun went down. After they stopped walking and it was night time. Everybody decided they would group each other with their villages. Eventually Salva heard his village name, The village of Loun Ariik, here! (Park 9). He found his village! Once he visually found them there were about twelve people in his group. Salva looked at everyone from his village, none of them were his family. They spent the night at a road. Once morning came they started walking again. While they were walking the Rebels saw them, came up to them and forced all of the men to come with them. All that was left were women and children. That night they slept in a barn they found. Salva woke up in the morning and everybody was gone, he thought, Nobody else was in the barn...Nobody, nothing (Park
  • 43. The Social Work Field Current Changes in The Social Work FieldThere are significant changes in the field of social work, and these changes have both challenges and opportunities. At the February, 2007, Council of Social Work Education (CSWE) Board of Directors Meeting, Dean Kay Hoffman, CSWE president opens by making the statement, Type to enter textSocial work is out of step with the most critical social issues and problems confronting us in our society. We have lost ground to other professions and are moving down a path of irrelevance. Unless we change, social work may not exist in years (Social Work, July 2007). Dean Hoffman speaks of the state and constraints of social work today. She makes a reference to Albert Einstein who reminded us that we are capable of overcoming obstacles when he said, No problem can be solved by the same level of consciousness that created it (Social Work, July 1, 2007). Current changes in the social work field will be addressed. Social work, like other fields, is being driven by the economy. A few management professionals at the top of the hierarchical systems are making more money than those in non management positions. The profession is down skilled, requiring less education and training, while the public sector is being ... Show more content on ... Agency directorships are increasingly going to those with Master s in Business Administration rather than Master s in Social Work (M.S.W.). Generally, schools of social work prepare their students in clinical work more than administrative work. At the University of Cincinnati, the focus was only on clinical education, until about 20 years ago when administration was given as an option. Even though administrative social work is now offered, the coursework does not provide a strong concentration in marketing. It is not unusual for M.S.W. s to choose to get another master s in business administration to compliment their educational and employment
  • 44. It s Time To Play The Pokemon Game Pokemon Pokemon are little creatures that you catch, train, and battle within a video games and card games.Did you know Pokemon has 6 generations (Generations are Six regions that have appeared in the core series of PokГ©mon games Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos.) of Pokemon? In all, 6 generations there are 751 Pokemon. That a lot, right? They come in big, small, giant, or tiny sizes. There are 18 types of Pokemon. The franchise began as a pair of video games for the original Game Boy, developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo. The franchise now spans video games, trading card games, animated television shows and movies, comic books, and toys What is a Pokemon Trainer? A trainer is a person who catches, trains,... Show more content on ... In the US, it was initially published by Wizards of the Coast; Nintendo eventually took over publishing the card game alongside the video games in June 2003.Do you know how to play the Pokemon game if not l ll tell you. If you know how to play the Pokemon game you need a deck. Shuffle your deck, the deck should have 60 cards and they should be shuffled well. Draw 7 cards and put the remaining cards on the deck, then find a basic card and put it on the table. In the meantime, put the remaining six cards on the bench. Then put a basic card out and its evolution or evolutions. That is one way to play the Pokemon card game. What is Ash s Journey? Is the main character of both the PokГ©mon anime and is believed to be based on the protagonist of the first generation PokГ©mon games. He is also the main character of The Electric Tale of Pikachu, Ash and Pikachu and Pocket Monsters Diamond Pearl Manga based on the anime. He shares his Japanese name which can be taken to mean wisdom or reason (ж™є) with the creator of the PokГ©mon franchise, Satoshi Tajiri. His English surname is a pun of the English motto, Gotta catch em
  • 45. Analysis Of Innocence In Ill-Advised Curiosity When you think of innocence, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it a small child that hurts their sibling but is excused because they didn t know any better? Or maybe is it a young woman that is shy, with good intentions, and essentially pure? Whatever your interpretation may be, the trait of innocenceis applicable to all humans. We are all innocent; it just presents itself in various forms. In the novel, The Ill Advised Curiosity, Camilla is an innocent woman despite her temptations to be seduced by Lothario, the best friend of her husband, Anselmo. Regardless of Camilla s intentions, it is foolish to question her innocence and thus her purity as an individual. Anselmo chooses to test this quality in Camilla, who he claims to... Show more content on ... With that, they are innocent. Anselmo s lack of trust is an external locus of control for them that only he himself has the power to influence. Lothario and Camilla both have the potential to be guilty of disloyalty to Anselmo but because he chooses to question their innocence, he ultimately creates his own untruthful relationships. However, it cannot be said that any of Anselmo s relationships were ever bound by trust especially because he feels the need to test them. Trust should not be proven but rather naturally displayed. Moreover, when Lothario and Camilla flee from the city, Anselmo recognizes that a foolish and ill advised desire has robbed [him] of [his] life (Quixote 27). Now that events are going wrong in his life, that signals him to seek explanation that he never desired when things were going smoothly. In addition, Anselmo begins to ponder the innocence of his wife to be pure and refusal to succumb to the sexual seduction of Lothario. However, Camilla is innocent because she is capable of being controlled by her own sexual desires towards Lothario. She is aware of the morals of society to not cheat on her husband when married but her capability to be swayed by the desires she
  • 46. The Crucible And Homecoming By Arthur Miller And Bruce Dawe The composers Arthur Miller and Bruce Dawe explore their personal point of views through their respective texts The Crucible and Homecoming to give insight of the nature and abuse of power. Influencing responders to be socially aware of the abuse of power and its detrimental effects on the individual and society. The composer chose distinct textual forms uses their chosen context to display the truthabout politics, registering it s merciless and catastrophic power. Miller s dramatic play concentrates on the Communist Red Scare of the 1950 s USA, whereas Dawe s poem portrays the aftermath of the Vietnam war both depicting that individuals must stand against a ruling body and use their voice to influence change. Miller s The Crucible utilises the four act structure explores the inextricable link between religious and political authority within Salem and its parallels to the conservative 1940 s USA politics and its abuse of power. Leading responders to understand the excessive political zeal that represses the individual. The play opens with young girls dancing naked in the forest caught red handed practicing witchcraft and fear prosecution. Puritan s strict theocratic environment believed that all suspected witches were worthy of death, conveying the social stigma associated with writing in the metaphorical Devil s book and unholy activities. The humiliating practice of punishing criminals reflects the Puritan ideology of creating an idealistic, hyperbolised
  • 47. True Professionalism is Related to a PersonВґs Attitudes,... Nowadays, the competitiveness of companies and the fight for customers, it s increasingly more and more difficult to attract and retain clients on their side. For this reason, companies must pay great attention and care to their employees, as they are the ones in constant contact with customers. This essay will talk about professionalism, particularly what constitutes professionalism, what are the consequences when employees do not follow the company s conduct for the big company such as Rolls Royce and will look at some of the facts how Rolls Royce deals with these kind of issues. Furthermore, I will reflect on the situation when acting as professional become an issue during the placement with Rolls Royce. The word professionalism is often referred to as person s attitude, behaviour , and capabilities in their job (Smith and McKeen, 2003). Maister (1997) explains, being professional does not necessary describes a person with a set of job qualifications, it is rather a label one have to earn in the eyes of others. So what describes true professionalism? There is no generally adopted norm of what constitutes professionalism, what defines professionalism in one company may not apply somewhere else, however, it is recognized that manners and appearance are inseparable part of it (Smith and McKeen, 2003). Physical appearance is just as important as actual behaviour on the job. If IT employee s appearance does not fit with the professional image of the rest of the
  • 48. Cults Cults Cults are often seen as an alternative religion. A cult is defined as a religious or secular group that employs unethical and extreme measures of manipulation to recruit, control and retain its members (Study Resources). Most cults are started because someone doesn t like the way the world is and want to create what they feel the perfect world is. Then this person strives to make others believe as they do so they will join. There are somewhere around 3,000 to 5,000 of these cults throughout the United States, but only 75 to 100 are documented (Study Resources). The most commonly known cults are Reverend Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple, Heavens Gate, and Charles Manson and the Family; these cults were able to drag people in and ... Show more content on ... The cult recognized most in America is the one created by Charles Manson. Manson grew up with no official name in a house with his mother who was a teenage, bisexual, alcoholic prostitute (Charles Manson). Growing up, Manson was shown the cold sides of the world. His mother would trade him for beer, and his uncle would force him to put on a dress and go to school. Events like these caused Charles to become a troubled child and start his rap sheet at a young age. By the time he reached the age of 35 he had spent more than half of his life imprisoned (Charles Manson). Upon his release from yet another stint in jail, Manson moved to San Francisco where he was paroled in 1967. There Manson became known as the God of F*#k . He was able to surround himself by many beautiful girls who thought of him as god (Charles Manson, 2). Not long after moving to San Francisco, Manson relocated himself and the women that adored him to the Spahn Ranch. They began to call themselves The Family . The Family grew rapidly to more than 30 girls with more joining every day. Every night Charles would sleep with a different girl as they all got high. They obtained food by stealing it from garbage cans and would shoplift for all other things they needed. During the building of his family, Manson tried to launch his career as a folk singer. The music industry rejected Manson and this
  • 49. Events Surrounding Josephus writing Description of the... This account I have given the reader, not so much with the intention of commending the Romans, as of comforting those that have been conquered by them, and for the deterring others from attempting innovations under their government. This discourse of the Roman military conduct may also perhaps be of use to such of the curious as are ignorant of it, and yet have a mind to know it. excerpt from Description of the Roman Army, by Josephus Josephus, a Jewish priest, was said to be hated by his Jewish people for the relationship he held with Rome and the Romans hated him because of his ties to the Jewish faith. His writings have been criticized as being nothing more than Pro Roman propaganda.Born in the year 37 C.E., a few years... Show more content on ... Josephus was taken prisoner by Vespasian and presented himself as a prophet. He told Vespasian that he foresaw him as the Emperor of Rome. Intrigued, Vespasian, freed Josephus. When Josephus premonition came true, Vespasian was so delighted he adopted him into his family. They were the Flavians. At this time, Josephus was referred to as Flavius Josephus. He then marries a captive, his first wife. For the remainder of the war, Josephus helped Titus, Vespasian s son, with the matters of the Jewish war. He helped him understand the Jewish nation and helped with negotiations. He pled with Jerusalem to surrender to the Romans. They called him a traitor. At this point, all he could do was witness the destruction of the Holy city. While living at the Flavian residence, Josephus, wrote down all the events he had witnessed. His works are meant to be factually correct and a tribute to the Roman Army, which apparently he admired very much with such lines as great as are their possessions, the people that won them are greater still... He originally wrote in Gaelic, but later translated into Greek, the most used language in the Empire at that time. After the temple of Jerusalem was destroyed, Jerusalem was taken by Titus. The war ends in 70 C.E. Josephus was then rewarded with land in Judeas, but became a Roman citizen instead. He was commissioned by Vespasian to write a history of the war. This is followed by the birth of his first son. His book
  • 50. Business Liability Insurance Liability insurance is a way to protect your business against the effects of potential damage that your business can cause to other people or their property. Let us say that somebody got injured or his property was damaged due to another person s business, that person can legally sue the owner of the business. The owner would be held responsible for the harm that his business has caused. The definition for the word liability is as follows: Being legally responsible for something . When the legal responsibility is established, the owner of the business will have to pay compensation for the harm that his business has done to a person or to their property. If the harm was an injury, the National Health Service can ask for compensation for the costs of... Show more content on ... This is because the possibility of younger drivers having accidents is much greater than a more experienced driver. Also the more power a car has is greater the chances of an accident so the cost of the premium will be higher. The price of the premium also depends on the business sector that the insurer is concentrated on as some firms specialize in particular sectors and can evaluate the risks more accurately. This way they will give better offers, (usually a smaller premium), than to the more mainstream insurers. If the business has small or medium risk involved, the insurers will usually have the standard rate applied to determine the cost of the premium. The insurer will use this rate to apply a factor that is determined by level of activity taking place in that business. This involves looking at the turnover in public and product liability insurance or the company s employees liability insurance. However, there may be some other factors in the process of the determination of the premium such as historical claims records and experience and risk management procedures. If the business involves high risk, the price of the premium will probably be discussed in a very scrupulous way putting every detail into