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My Favourite Movies Essay
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My Favourite Movies EssayMy Favourite Movies Essay
Community Water System
The environmental justice hypothesis as stated by Brown, P. is that hazards in the physical and
chemical environmental disproportionately affect those individuals and households that also face
hazards in their social environment. What Brown is indicating is that environmental justice is
mostly seen being acted upon people belonging to the groups of poor, minority and color. The
issue of injustice of exposure of arsenic in poor, minority and color groups is a complex one
because of the natural occurrence of arsenic in ground water shows no bias in who it affects. It
can only be avoided through adequate testing and treatment. The injustice stems from the legal
enforcement of new regulation of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SWDA), updated on January 22,
2001, and the differences in detection and treatment as subject to different racial and
socioeconomic groups. Regulated communities are asking for flexibility in design of
enforcement because it is harder for small public water systems (PWS) to adhere to new
regulation. Smaller systems are unable to adhere to new regulation in time because they do not
have the finances to update technology and machinery. Since they serve a smaller number of
people the cost of updating their facilities is higher per person. Larger systems are able to spread
out the cost more efficiently among a larger number of people making it easier for them to comply
(Cory, D.C.).
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Gramophone Research Paper
Some believe that about 30,000 to 60,000 years ago, music was first discovered. The love of a
song back then could only be heard live or if you learned to play it yourself. Since then, there
have been many inventions for you to listen to your favorite genres, songs, and artists anytime
you like. The history of music players dates back to November 21, 1877 when Thomas Alva
Edison invented a device for recording sounds and then playing it back called the Gramophone.
It was patented on February 19, 1878. The Gramophone looked like a cylinder that was smaller
at one end and bigger at the other. Even today, at the annual Grammy Awards the awards that are
given out are miniature versions of Edison s invention. Despite the Phonograph and the
Gramophone s success, the invention of the radio in 1906 was a threat to the recording industry.
The major record companies had a hard time keeping their own sales up due to the radio, but the
later invention of the LPs and 45 rpm records made the sales rocket. By the 60s and 70s, the
records had taken America by storm. There are many types of records with a variety of number
of songs. A 10 inch 78 RPM record could play only about 3 minutes of music. But as sizes changed
and the ways the songs were put on the record changed, so... Show more content on
The music industry is one of the biggest industries in the world due to how music is a universal
language that does not create barriers, it breaks down walls. People dream all of their life to make
it as a big star to write songs and make their mark on the recording industry. For most of the
recording artists out there today, music was something that saved them from any troubles. And
from then on, it is something that they wanted to create and write as if it is a journal. Music is
something that people want to share with each
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Human Right For The People Of Israel And Palestine
Peace is a basic human right for the people of Israel and Palestine. Given the tenuous nature of
amity between Israel and Palestine, this is a difficult subject at best. However, there are women out
there that believe in, and engage in, peacebuilding efforts between these two territories. Women s
participation in the peace building process of these two countries is vital to the construction of an
unbiased, proactive reconciliation to occur. Because women comprise a large percentage of the
population in these countries, their input and nonviolent negotiating practices are extremely
important considering the escalation of violence in the presently unstable situation between these
warring parties. Since women have a tendency to operate from a nonviolent arena, their inclusion
in the peace building efforts are necessary to eliminate the violence that is ripping these two
countries apart. Women are generally viewed as keepers of the domestic domain, thus, they stand
to lose their very foundation if peace cannot be achieved. At a time when the conflict between
these groups has reached an all time high, it is of upmost importance for women to help pave the
way to culminate a peaceful coexistence between these two opposing factions. The imperative need
for a resolution to this age old conflict must find some immediate answers. There are many women
operating at a grassroots level which will hopefully bring about some significant changes that will
be instrumental to creating a
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Rock And A Hard Place Theme
What drives a human to go beyond their physical capabilities? In the book Between a Rock and
a Hard Place is an autobiography of Aron Ralston life stories of troubles and triumphs. The main
themes displayed in the book are the will to survive and to follow passions in a person s life. The
themes are brought out through a dangerous entrapment of being stuck by a boulder in the desert
for several days. Aron Ralston s incident brought repercussions and blessings in his life. Aron has
affected not only himself, but society also as told in the public s review of Aron Ralston s book
Between a Rock And a Hard Place. Aron Ralston was very active in the outdoors, and over time
began to find an appreciation for nature. For instance, in Aron s youth,... Show more content on ...
As I continued reading, the story peaked my interest with Aron being trapped with little food and
water. The book became hard to put down, but gruesome at the same time, because of Aron s
descriptive writing about him cutting off his own arm with a pocket knife; which made me curl
up and wince the whole time. Even though I wasn t excited about reading a nonfiction book, I
began to enjoy reading the book. When finished with the publication, the main message I got from
Aron s book is to follow what means most to an individual. The book improved my mindset of
making the best of any circumstance, and to enjoy life to the
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Jean Bowman Ehr
First off, it was really amazing to see all the different types of errors that can occur while using
an EHR. Quite frankly, I found both articles extremely interesting and educational. In the first
article, Bowman states that one problem that can occur while using an EHR has to do with the
software system itself. She explains how software systems can have flaws that put the patient s
information in jeopardy because these systems can be acquire bugs and viruses which causes the
patient s information to be lost and/or deleted (Bowman, 2013). Other problems derived from EHR
s are due to the lack of user friendly features which make interfaces difficult to use. These type of
issues can mislead the user to enter wrong patient data into the system... Show more content on ...
This company was developed to search and correct potential medical errors that occur in the medical
field setting when using interactive systems. A human factor engineer is trained to study the
medical activities that are involved in medical setting along with its physical and skilled demands,
mental workload, team dynamics, aspects of work environment, and device design required to
complete the task (PSNet, 2016). Human factors engineers focus their attention on studying how
well and efficiently interactive systems perform in actual practice and develop new and innovative
tools and formats which can reduce medical errors. Some of the tools that human factors engineers
use to reduce errors are usability testing, forcing functions, standardizations, and resiliency efforts
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Pope Pius XII and the Jews Essay
The twentieth century was marked by genocides on an monstrous scale. One of the most terrible
was the Holocaust wrought by Nazi Germany, which killed an estimated six million European Jews
and almost as many other victims.
During this dark time, the Catholic Church was shepherded by Pope Pius XII, who proved
himself an untiring foe of the Nazis, determined to save as many Jewish lives as he could. Yet
today Pius XII gets almost no credit for his actions before or during the war.
Anti Catholic author Dave Hunt writes, quot;The Vaticanhad no excuse for its Nazi partnership or
for its continued commendation of Hitler on the one hand and its thunderous silence regarding the
Jewish question on the other hand. . . . [The popes] continued ... Show more content on ...
The Germans were likewise displeased with the reigning pontiff, Pius XI, who showed himself to
be a unrelenting opponent of the new German quot;ideals quot; even writing an entire encyclical,
Mit Brennender Sorge (1937), to condemn them. When Pius XI died in 1939, the Nazis abhorred
the prospect that Pacelli might be elected his successor.
Dr. Joseph Lichten, a Polish Jew who served as a diplomat and later an official of the Jewish
Anti Defamation League of B nai B rith, writes: quot;Pacelli had obviously established his
position clearly, for the Fascist governments of both Italy and Germany spoke out vigorously
against the possibility of his election to succeed Pius XI in March of 1939, though the cardinal
secretary of state had served as papal nuncio in Germany from 1917 to 1929. . . . The day after
his election, the Berlin Morgenpost said: The election of cardinal Pacelli is not accepted with
favor in Germany because he was always opposed to Nazism and practically determined the
policies of the Vatican under his predecessor. quot;[4]
Former Israeli diplomat and now Orthodox Jewish Rabbi Pinchas Lapide states that Pius XI
quot;had good reason to make Pacelli the architect of his anti Nazi policy. Of
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Exercises to Alleviate a Separated Rectus Essays
Although common in postpartum women, a separated rectus, also known as diastasis recti, can
also occur in obese individuals and in children up to 2 years of age. (See References 1, p. 337)
This condition occurs when there s a separation between the right and left side of the rectus
abdominis muscle. This can trigger pelvic and back pain, and make it hard to stabilize the trunk.
(See References 2) Although it can correct itself, targeted exercisecan lend a helping hand.
Things to Consider
Abdominal exercise, such as traditional crunches and situps, aren t going to correct a separated
rectus. More so, they can worsen the condition, and make your tummy bulge out. (See References
3, p. 64) Your emphasis should be on retraining your... Show more content on ...
After exhaling and engaging your transverse abdominis by pulling your belly button to your spine,
engage your buttocks and roll your hips back. Imagine trying to eliminate the space between your
back and the floor. Hold the contraction in your tummy for up to five seconds, and then release it
and return your hips to the starting point. Perform pelvic tilts up to 10 times, three times a day.
(See References 3, p. 65)
Lift Your Hips
The hip lift, sometimes also referred to as the bridge exercise, is also done while lying on the
floor on your back, with your feet flat and knees bent. This exercise is the next step up from the
pelvic tilt. It starts in a similar manner; you draw your navel to your spine and engage your
glutes. Instead of staying on the floor, you raise your hips and back until your body forms a
straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Hold the contraction for up to five seconds, and
then lower back down to the starting point. Repeat this motion 10 times, up to three times a day.
(See References 3, p. 65)
Key Concepts
separated rectus exercises separated rectus abdominis diastasis recti exercises correcting abdominal
Clinical Mastery in the Treatment of Myofascial Pain; Lucy Whyte Ferguson and Robert Gerwin
[ pg=PA337 dq=diastasis+recti hl=en sa=X
ei=46wBU_KxMM DogS7r4Bo ved=0CEIQ6AEwBA#v=onepage q=diastasis%20recti f=false]
The Physiotherapy
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IT Career Issues and Communication Skills Essay
All employers want you to have a basic understanding of the technology being used in whatever area
of the Information Technology (IT) field you go into; however, the most important skill has nothing
to do with computers or networks. Tammy from the Industrial Credit Union put it succinctly.
Communication skills are a priority. Someone with tech skills are a dime a dozen. What employers
are looking for is someone with skills and the ability to communicate. Communicationskills are key
to a successful career in IT.
In most fields of IT, you will interact with customers or clients on some level. Whether it involves
pitching a product, making a presentation, or helping them diagnose and fix a problem. Though a
career in IT can be very ... Show more content on ...
I ve worked at a number of jobs over the year s sense I graduated from High School, and from
time to time I ve run into co workers that are more than difficult to get along with. The one thing
that has helped the most has been being able to communicate with them in such a way as to learn
what it is that they need and learn how they operate. There s a reason people are difficult and being
able to communicate with them can be instrumental in possibly exercising that information from
them or at least learning the most effective way to work with them.
Unless you own your own business, you must be able to get along with the boss. Your boss may
be good at managing others and making business decisions, but they may not know much about
computers and networks. Harlan, from Retrotech, said that when dealing with his manager, he
has to walk on eggshells with someone who doesn t know what they re doing. He told us about a
co worker that was hired and promoted above him. This employee cut a lot of corners and
majorly screwed up one of their servers before up and quitting. He just couldn t understand why
this person was promoted above him and in retrospect they probably regretted that decision. While
listening to Harlan talk I knew exactly why the other guy got the promotion and he didn t. At the
end of the talk, he stated that probably why the other guy got the promotion was because he would
sit down and deal with the boss. Harlan probably thought it had
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The Problem Of Climate Change
There are millions of planets that has the possibility to sustain life on a planet, but not a single
one we know of like earth. fermi paradox says there are things called life barriers and there are
certain barriers that have filters . filters only let the smartest lifeforms through them if they are real.
They state electricity and earthor ourselves evolution are huge barriers that was destroyed. If an
asteroid hit the earth or nuclear warfare happens it is a huge reason we have lost. According to
the fermi paradox we either pass this wall (barrier) or not. I have my conclusion of why we will
fail, it is because humans are selfish, hard headed, fool mined incompetent beings. Climatechange is
the barrier that we don t really have any research on. El ninos and la ninas are the cause. To
know El NiГ±o, you need to know the intercoarse between the ocean and the atmosphere. Warm
ocean surface water currents heats and adds moistness to the air above it, forming a low
pressure system. Cool surface water cools the air above it, forming a high pressure system . In a
Low, the warm, moist air produces tropical thunderstorms. In a High, cool, parched air sinks back
to the surface and there is no precipitation. Together, the High and Low create a circulation pattern
in which surface winds blow toward the Low and higher level winds rushes toward the High. An
El nino come from the spanish word little boy. It was found by fisherman by the coast of south
america in the 1600s
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Therapeutic Effect Essay
Haloperidol 5 mg PO Q4H PRN Use: Acute and chronic psychotic disorders of manic states
Therapeutic Effect: Reduces signs and symptoms of psychoses. Side effects: SEIZURES,
extrapyramidal reactions, drowsiness, restlessness, tardive dyskinesia, blurred vision, respiratory
depression, hypotension, tachycardia, ECG changes (QT prolongation, torsade de pointes),
ventricular arrhythmias, constipation, dry mouth, anorexia, weight gain, urinary retention,
diaphoresis, photosensitivity, rashes, sexual dysfunction such as amenorrhea, galactorrhea,
gynecomastia, AGRANULOCYTOSIS, anemia, low white blood cell count, hyperpyrexia,
NEUROLEPTIC MALIGNANT SYNDROME. Patient teaching: 1.Instruct the patient to take the
medication as prescriber directed. If missed a dose take the missed dose as soon as remembered
and following doses should be evenly spaced. Also advice the patient that the dose takes weeks till
therapeutic effects are achieved. Do not discontinue or reduce dose during this time since there are
side effects. Some of the withdrawal effects include; dizziness; nausea; vomiting; GI upset;
trembling; or uncontrolled movements of mouth, tongue, or jaw. 2.... Show more content on ...
Educate the patient on the side effects of the drug, and to notify the provider if side effects
manifest. 3.Change positions slowly in order to minimize the effects of orthostatic hypotension.
4.This drug can cause drowsiness. Caution while taking other CNS depressants or alcohol. In
addition be caution while driving or doing any activity that requires concentration. 5.To prevent a
photosensitivity reaction, advise the patient to use sunscreen and protective clothing when in the
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Masfluidity In The Movie The Fits
The movie The Fits illustrates the life of a tomboy, Toni, whom is curious about the stereotypes of
being a girl. One underlying theme of the movie is genderfluidity, which is when someone does
not conform strictly to society s rules of gender and does not identify with one gender. This theme
is seen by a scene in which Toni is staring into the gymnasium where the all girls danceteam is
having a dance battle. This scene s underlying theme of genderfluidity is shown through Toni s
body language and the camera angles.
The scene starts out with Toni setting down an empty 5 gallon water jug and taking a full one off
of the rack. By starting the scene like this, the director shows that Toni is inclined to do things that
we as a society associate more with males. She does things like boxing, heavy lifting, and weight
training, which is seen throughout the beginning of the movie. The water jug is too heavy for Toni
to carry back to the gym, where she and her brother train in boxing, so she rolls it back.
On her way to the gym, Toni comes across four older ... Show more content on ...
In this scene, all of the masculinity Toni has been exposed to and emits is lost. She is exposed to
the glitter and the girls, making her realize what she has been missing out on. She never had the
life that most girls live, she is constantly around boys in a boxing gym. And, her brother picked up
the water jug for her, almost like he is stripping her of the masculinity.
In the long run, Toni s curiosity shows in the remainder of the movie as she joined the dance team,
pierced her ears, and put nail polish on for the first time. As for the fits that cause violent and
uncontrollable actions in the girls, it is a symbol for the change from girlhood to womanhood. The
scene I have chosen helps the viewer understand the theme through small actions and gives them an
idea of what the fits
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Analysis of The Spectacular Spider-Man and The Fairly Odd...
Mass media is a microsystem that influence on a person s values, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior.
Mass media is a form of communication that is viewed by large audiences through medium such as
TV, newspaper, book, and internet. Television is the most influential form of media and the way it
has impacted on children s lives. The two children televisionshow that I will be discussing is The
Spectacular Spider Man and The Fairly OddParents. We will look at it content and the hidden
message that these two television show is conveying to young children.
In the Spectacular Spider Man, the episode Group Therapy show started out with the villains
trying to escape from prison and planning to take down Spider Man. Peter who is Spider Man is
wearing a black spider suit rather than his regular red spider suit to fight off the vicious villains.
The black spider suit has taken over his body and had fought with the villains the night before.
When he wakes up in the morning he felt his whole body aching but cannot remember why. Upon
from waking up, he read on the morning news paper that Spider Man has taken down the villain
last night. Even though he was the one fighting the villain he has no memory of the fight. The
episode end when one of Peter s co workers knocks at his door and let him knows that his
Grandma May is in the hospital because of a heart attack.
From watching the episode of Spectacular Spider Man I noticed that there was a lot of violent and
negative messages/treatment.
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Affinity Plus Advertisement Analysis
Have you ever heard of the saying, BROKE COLLEGE STUDENT? When I first saw this ad for
the Affinity Plus scholarship walking through St. Cloud State University (SCSU), inside of
Atwood. I was having one of those days in every college student s career, where you could
imagine your whole world being on fire and in the midst of it all you could see yourself sitting
somewhere, thinking to yourself, How am I going to be able to get through this mess now? In
times like those, I always think back to a favorite author of mine Na Mim Akbar, who said, You
can curtail my mobility but you can t limit my mentality. Lack of information I believe is one of
the major reasons people can t seem to solve most of their life problems. When we are not fully
informed we are unable to... Show more content on ...
This can be done on meeting on a monthly basis so that students can be current with the latest
trends in the finical market. Affinity Plus can also offer to be a part of the major conferences that
are hosted by these organizations from the months of October March. These conferences are
extremely educational and reach a massive audience throughout the campus. Affinity plus can also
offer or make aware of special rates on savings accounts, student loans and so forth, with the help of
these on campus organizations. Students are constantly receiving terrible rates from other banks
around the Minnesota region and they then end up leaving college $50,000 dollars and more in debt.
Students never know about something beneficial until it s too late, and I m sure that most of these
organizations will be more than willing to help their members receive the financial literacy they
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The Importance Of Art And The Judgement Of Hunefer
Art by its nature is a subject of the philosophical, social, economic, political or religious context
surrounding its creator. More often than not, a work of art addresses a specific topic or
somewhat revolves around a particular person. Therefore, it is impossible to separate the context
of a piece of painting, either historical or cultural, to its intrinsic value or the artwork s meaning.
On the other hand, different cultures and time utilized specific conventions that govern the
representation of objects of creativity. This essay highlights various pieces of art and their
relationship to particular cultural, political, economic, or social settings. Moreover, it pinpoints
how different times influence art presentation. One of the pieces of art that shows the relationship
between context and art is the Judgement of Hunefer as illustrated in the Book of The Dead
(Kleiner, 2016). The Judgement of Hunefer is a painting on a papyrus scroll showing the journey
of Hunefer, a royal scribe, and steward of Seti, from his death to the afterlife. The image illustrates
several items including spells and prayers needed to secure a happy immortality (Kleiner, 2016).
Moreover, the picture shows several steps in transition into the afterlife including Anubis, the jackal
headed god of embalmment leading Hunefer into the hall of judgment, Anubis weighing Hunefer s
heart against a feather, and finally Hunefer meeting Horus to receive an award of the eternal life
(Kleiner, 2016). The
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The Importance Of Personal Rehabilitation Individual...
Beck Pride Agency The Beck Pride agency stands for what it does. Personal Rehabilitation
Individual Development and Education. They have a participant model that they go by to achieve
an assortment of outcomes that benefits the veteran and or families. This model starts you off first
part with information and acquiring knowledge about what you can achieve. Second part gets you
assistance in enrolling and financial aids. Third part aids in the development in social, emotional,
physical and educational departments. Fourth part is to help you attain that goal that was set in the
beginning of your journey to succeed.
The Beck Pride agency offers assistance in many categories. Educational services including
assistance towards entrance to ... Show more content on ...
The Beck Pride agency are constantly involved in social activities and events for all veteran and
families to attend either locally or group trips. These types of events are to help the veteran get
reassociated with the civilian life and be around other veterans that understand the trivial ways of
transition to life away from the military. Some events can be very useful to the veteran, in some
cases life changing. Programs such as suicide prevention, substance abuse, and mental health issues
maybe dealing with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or Post Traumatic Stress Disability (PTSD) are
addressed. I have attached a recent advertisement posted at the agency concerning PTSD and TBI.
This event will give educational and address some issues that veterans may have questions
concerning these issues.
The Beck Pride agency was founded in 2007 by Mr. Beck...... He donated a million dollars
towards this agency investing in his belief, all veterans are entitled to an enrichment of life
beyond the military. His wife ..... also devotes her time being involved and sits today on the board
of trustees that monitor the development and continuation of services to veterans. Mr. Beck was
approached by colleagues and associates to develop an agency to assist with the needs of veterans
from every branch of the military. This agency does not discriminate in any type, form or favor one
branch over another. All interested veterans go through the same process of admittance and have
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Innate Immune System
Zinc is the 24th most abundant element in the earth s crust, it is a metallic chemical element which
has exceptional biological importance (Bonaventura et al., 2015). Zn is involved in numerous
aspects of cellular metabolism such as: protein synthesis, cellular respiration, wound healing, DNA
synthesis, cell division, and immune function (Bonaventura et al., 2015). For as many essential
functions Zn is necessary for it also has the potential to interact with at least as many biological
functions to induce adverse effects (Maret and Sandstead, 2006). For these reasons Zn deficiency
and toxicity is linked to a number of diseases and particularly immune diseases affecting both the
innate and adaptive immune systems (Bonaventura et al., 2015, Maares and Haase,
2016).Therefore, a disruption in Zn homeostasis can lead to compromised host defense and an
increased risk of excessive inflammation (Maares and Haase, 2016). Innate immune system. Innate
immunity is the first line of defense, it is regulated delicately by Zn, when Zn homeostasis is
altered all kinds of immune cells show a decrease in function (Ibs and Rink, 2003). When Zn
concentrations are depleted, in monocytes all function is impaired, in NK cells cytotoxicity is
reduced, and in neutrophil granulocytes phagocytosis is also decreased (Ibs and Rink, 2003). Zn
deficiency reduces phagocytosis and Zn supplementation has the opposite effect. The effect on
phagocytosis is thought to be mediated by Zn
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Axillary Case Studies
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, comprising 16% of all female
cancers. And although breast cancer is thought to be a disease of the developed world, a majority
(69%) of all breast cancer deaths occurs in developing countries. (WHO, 2004)
Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in women worldwide, comprising 14.3% of all
female cancer mortalities. It is estimated that 480,000 women died in 2008 due to breast cancer.
(WHO, 2008)
Survival rates vary greatly worldwide, ranging from 80% or over in North America, Sweden and
Japan to around 60% in middle income countries and below 40% in low income countries.
(Coleman, et al., 2008)
In Egypt in 2008, the estimated breast cancer incidence was 12,621 ... Show more content on ...
Krag and colleagues п¬Ѓrst described the use of radioisotope alone for breast cancer in 1993, using
technetium 99m sulfur colloid and a hand held gamma probe. The sentinel node identification
rate was 98%, with a false negative rate of 11%. (Krag, et al., 1993) Giuliano and colleagues used
isosulfan blue dye as a single agent in SLNB for breast cancer with sentinel node identification
rates of 98%, without false negative nodes. The major disadvantage of isosulfan blue dye is the
risk of life threatening allergic and anaphylactic reactions (Giuliano, et al., 1994). On the other
hand Simmons and colleagues used Methylene blue with comparable results. (Simmons, et al.,
2003) Methylene blue is preferred by some authors because of its lower costs, and also because of
its lower risk of allergic reactions. (Newman Newman,
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The Greek And Greek Influence Of The Roman Empire
Another empire would soon take many influences from the Greeks. In Rome, an empire was
beginning to rise. Roman civilization had its roots in Hellenistic culture because they idolized them.
They borrowed and enhanced upon the Greek intellectual accomplishments. As the empire
expanded this would become increasingly important. As the Romans continued to expand their
empire and influence, they were also spreading the culture of those who influenced them the Greeks
. The Roman Empireat their peak had a vast control over much of the Mediterranean and into
Europe controlling much of Britain, Spain, France, the North African coast, much of Asia minor.
Within these regions they had vast numbers provinces where they would allow rule the local... Show
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These effects reached from China, India, the Middle East, and some portions of Africa. As different
regions adopted new aspects of life, they further implement that into their culture. Then the as the
culture grows, it grows with the influences adopted form that of the Romans who borrowed it form
the Greeks. Similarly, with the Romans and Macedonians their conquest and implementation of
their culture was the main source of the spread of Hellenistic culture. However the combination of
controlling more regions and being more involved with global trade, the Romans were able to
further expand Greek influence than those before them. Soon the Roman Empire began to decline
and an even more impactful implementation of Greek culture began to arise in a region to the east.
As the Roman Empire fell and small Kingdoms began to arise throughout Europe, in a different
region of the world, an intellectual revolution began and flourished. During a period between the
eighth and ninth centuries, the Islamic world of the Middle East Experienced its Golden Age .
This was a period of advancements in the sciences, astronomy, mathematics, and medicine. The
main source contributed to these advancements is from the Greeks. However this Golden Age may
have been delayed for many years if not for a man named Mamun. Mamun was a Caliph who would
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The Controversy Between The Movie Troy And The Iliad
The Movie Troy has been one of the best Hollywood movies to be filmed. However, many
historical events that took place in the movie, and the Iliad can be questioned whether or not they
are reliable, creating controversy about the historical accuracy of the film. This essay will examine
and evaluate the evidence, and compare the movie with archeological evidence about the Trojan War
. It will be argued that the myth of Troywas altered while creating the epic movie, Troy, to make it
more attractive for the audience. I will begin by introducing the source of the movie s storyline.
Then it is going to evaluate the archeological evidence to uncover certain factors, such as whether
or not Troy actually existed. How big was Troy? Who attacked... Show more content on ...
Schliemann assumed that Troy was located in the North West of Turkey; he came to this
conclusion with the description given by Homer. When Schliemann arrived he attacked the
mountain with pic axes to get rid of all the debris, and to be able to see the hidden treasure
underneath, Troy . One day he found ruins of the pre historic city. Ramps guided to a gate.
Schliemann found gold, and jewels that Helen once wore, or so he thought. Decade s later
archeologist Korfmann showed some interest on the city of Troy. Korfmann realized that the
jewels were more 1,000 years old coming to the conclusion that Helen couldn t have worn those
jewels because they were too old. Korfmann took a photo of the landscape underneath with
advanced technology, and found wide streets, towers and a gate. He examined his evidence and
came to the conclusion that the city was too small, and that the gates had no way of closing
allowing the enemy to walk right in. His reasoning made him believe that perhaps this weren t the
Trojan Walls, that there was more to Troy. Evidence suggested that Troy really did
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Light In The Painted Door
In The Painted Door by Sinclair Ross, it is evident that light is used to illustrate the degradation of
Ann s devotion to John as the night approaches and the time spent with Steven, due to John s
absence, lengthens. This is first demonstrated when the setting of a landscape with bitter light (1) is
established. Despite the bitterness, caused by Ann and John s non communicative relationship, the
lightexemplifies that Ann retains a secure devotion towards John and is confident that he will return
home no matter what circumstances. Moreover, this is demonstrated when Ann offers to paint the
kitchen wood work... to make the room a lot lighter (2). Although Ann is aware that paintingthe
woodwork is an inconsequential task, as the paint will peel off, she is yearning to bring... Show
more content on ...
Furthermore, Ann s uncertainty flourishes when night [comes] early (5) and the slow dimming of
the light [clutches] her with an illogical sense of abandonment (5). The illusion of loneliness
becomes reality as night approaches and John remains absent. As the light progressively
disappears, Ann begins to feel abandoned and uncertain of the truth behind John s promise. In
addition, we notice the significance of light in Ann and John s relationship when Steven arrives
and Ann [lets] him in and [lights] the lamp (6). Lighting the lamp for Steven elucidates Ann s
slight sense of reassurance that John will return. During her moment of uncertainty, Ann believes
that if Steven is able to travel and persist through the storm then John will be capable as well.
However, this feeling is momentary as the lamp between [her and Steven] [flickers] (7). The
flickering light augments a feeling of weariness in her fidelity as well as wavering feelings
towards Steven. Ann is unsure of her feelings towards John and begins to question if they should
instead be directed to Steven
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Charlie Parker Take 5 Analysis
This task requires the close comparison of two jazz pieces of different decades and their defining
styles. The musical styles, instrumentation, compositional techniques, structure, technology and
role of lyrics are key factors in the comparison and will be focused on. The artists lives as well as
the historical and social contexts of those decades will also be analysed because they played key
roles in the composition of the music.
Charlie Parker s 1945 Bebop recording Ko Ko will be compared to Take Five composed by Paul
Desmond and Dave Brubeck.
Ko Ko was composed and recorded in 1945 which marked the end of the Second World War. The
original recorded version featured Parker playing alto saxophone, Miles Davis on trumpet, Curley
Russelland on double bass, Max Roach on drums and Dizzy Gillespie on piano, instead of his main
instrument trumpet. ... Show more content on ...
Parker recorded Ko Ko during his first session and first date as a leader for Savoy Records.
This piece showcased just how challenging this new music was to play. Parker was no longer
confining himself in the traditional jazz musical style but rather creating his own new Jazz
language. Ko Ko was a ferocious salvo fired across swings bow. (Myers n.d.)
Take Five, a West Coast Cool Jazz piece, was composed by Paul Desmond during the Cold War
and performed by The Dave Brubeck Quartet on their 1959 album Time Out . The piece got its
name due to its 5/4 time signature, which is very unusual. This reflects the experimental nature
of West Coast Cool Jazz. I was breaking a whole bunch of rules. (Zollo 1991), but this evidently
worked because it was the first jazz single to ever sell over a million copies globally.
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The Future of Scholarship Essay
The Future of Scholarship
The development and rapid movement in the field of technology has changed the face of modern
society from what it was twenty years ago. Information and communication technologies have
changed dramatically even in the last ten years. Electronic mail, listservs, and the Internet, to name
a few, are all parts of the new technology that is re defining scholarly communication. In her article
entitled Scholarly Communication Christine Borgman states that [r]esearch was clustered around
three variables: producers of the communication . . ., artifacts of communication . . . and
communication concepts. (146) The impact of the new communication technologies to scholarly
communication cannot be ... Show more content on ...
The division of knowledge into disciplines, however, doesn t impose a pre ordained order and
doesn t easily transfer to the modern workplace. Many reports have stressed the importance of
incorporating interdisciplinarity into the undergraduate experience at the research university. (13)
Elsewhere she states that [d]isciplinarity is specialized scientific exploration of a particular
homogenous subject matter, producing new knowledge and making obsolete old knowledge.
Therefore, disciplinary activity results in continuous formulations and reformulations of the present
body of knowledge about the subject matter. (Coleman The New Scholarship 1) With this in mind,
interdisciplinarity occurs when curricula and/or research and innovation are organized around a
problem that is too broad to be studied/solved using just the methods and knowledge in one
discipline (Coleman Interdisciplinarity 9) When such a problem is addressed within the scholarly
community, interdisciplinarity leads directly into collaboration. Maria Bordons and Isabel Gomez
define scientific collaboration as two or more scientists working together on a joint research
project, sharing intellectual, economic and/or physical resources. (198) This definition however,
can easily be expanded to all areas of the scholarly community.
As more and more interdisciplinary and collaborative teaching and research occurs, there
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The Case Of Pope V. Illinois
On July 21, 1983 local police detectives in Rockford, Illinois entered two different local book stores
and purchased six magazines. Soon after exiting the store, police separately arrested clerks Richard
Pope and Charles Morrison. Both men were charged and convicted for selling obscene materials, in
accordance with an Illinois statute. On appeal, both petitioners argued that the Illinois statute was
unconstitutional to both the first and Fourteenth Amendments. They reasoned that the state was
required to make the value determination by an objective standard rather than community standard
in conformance with the Miller decision, and the juries in this case had been instructed to judge
whether the material had value as viewed by ordinary adults in the state of Illinois. The Appellate
Court rejected the both petitioners arguments and the Illinois Supreme courtdenied requests for
further review, but the United States Supreme Court granted certiorari and merged both cases for
The case, Pope v. Illinois, was argued on February 24, 1987. Glenn A. Stanko represented the
petitioners whose argument was: The Illinois Obscenity Statute violated the First and Fourteenth
Amendments by allowing the value element to be determined by community standards and
instructing the jury to do so. Therefore, the convictions against petitioners must be reversed because
the statute is invalid. Glenn Stanko made it clear that the petitioners did not argue whether the
materials were
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Margot s Intentional Killing in Hemingway s The Short...
Ernest Hemingway is known for writing novels and short stories with unresolved endings. In his
short story, ?The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber?, he definitely leaves his readers guessing.
The question is whether Margot kills her husband,
Francis, intentionally, or if she accidentally shoots him, because she tries to save his life. There are
many points that could be argued for both conclusions, but my observations have led me to believe
that Margot did indeed shoot her husband intentionally, however, without pre meditation.
Margot has one of the most obvious motivations to kill her husband: money. In addition, she, on the
other hand, has one great asset, her beauty, ?They had a sound basis of union. Margot was too
beautiful ... Show more content on ...
Francis reveals his lack of self confidence and control over the situation. ?If he had been better
with women she would probably have started to worry about him getting another new, beautiful
wife but she knew too much about him to worry? (Hemingway). His lack of self confidence has
given her all the power in the relationship and it was a major contributing factor in her infidelity.
Later on in the story, the growth of Francis?s confidence during the buffalo hunt and Margot?s
displeasure with it is the final clue in determination of the death of Francis Macomber. The
buffalo hunt gives Francis a new found sense of ?happiness?. This ?new wealth? of confidence is
powerful for Francis and devastating for Margot . ?Fear gone like an operation. Something else
grew in its place. Main thing a man had. Made him into man. Women knew it too. No bloody fear?
(Hemingway). Margot knew at this point that if Francis survives the trip, he might possess enough
personal strength and finally leave her, and that is what encourages her decision to kill him. At the
end of the story Wilson confirms the reader?s suspicion when he reacts to the shooting by saying to
Margot, ?That was a pretty thing to do? (Hemindway). That statement reinforces the belief that
Margot was indeed taking advantage of the opportunity to ensure her long term wealth and
eliminate the possibility of being
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Essay on Bill Gates Biography
Bill Gates Biography
Bill Gates is not only a genius, but also an innovator in education, technology, and philanthropy. A
prodigy, Bill Gates shares an education fact with Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison,
and even his competitor Steve Jobs: no college degree. Instead, he devoted his time to his passion
for technology, going on to create the most profitable technology company in the world. For much
of the past decade, Gates allocated both his profit and attention to philanthropy. Evidence of his
innovation, industry and curiosity can be seen at an early age.
Gates passion for technology began at the age of 8, when he built his first computer program. This
program allowed the player to compete in a game of tic tac toe ... Show more content on ...
By the time Bill Gates dies, he will have given away 90% of his wealth. He created the Bill and
Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife in 1997. So far, he has donated 28 billion dollars to
philanthropic causes that include: better health care, vaccines, school grants, education. To date, the
Foundation saved over one million lives with vaccines and better health care alone! In 2002, Bill
and Melinda were named the most generous philanthropists in the world.
Bill founded several schools based on hands on knowledge and technology. He also has given
many Ted talks on education and constantly strives to make the public school system more
effective and innovative. The Bill and Melinda Foundation has made large strides in education
and offers billions of dollars in grants for schools across the US. In fact, my past school, Da Vinci
Innovation Academy, earned a million dollar grant from this generous foundation to provide one of
the first hybrid homeschool project based learning school. Bill not only helps the students in these
lucky schools, he also supports the teachers through increased awareness about the lack of feedback
and compensation teachers receive. His Ted talks on education inspire others to join in educational
Bill Gates influence is widespread. He has led the technological industry of the 20th century. He
currently holds the sixth position for the most
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Product Design In Daniel Pink s A Whole New Mind
In saying you need to differentiate to survive, Bob Lutz meant that in order to compete in the
modern economy that a company must be capable of producing products faster and cheaper with
higher quality than that of their overseas competitors. If this is our goal how might it be that we
can achieve such a task? In Daniel Pink s work entitled A Whole New Mind, he puts forth several
ideas about how the right brain as it is known in psychology may have the answers.
Design combines technology, cognitive science, human need, and beauty to produce something
the world didn t know it was missing . Assume that all products have the same technology, price,
performance, and features. How would you know which product is better? That s what design
does; it is what differentiates one product from another. It creates utility and significance. For
every percent of sales invested in product design, a company s sales and profits rise by an average
of 3 4 percent. My MAP organization Aldis thrives on making design choices that will benefit
them in the future. They choose to have all stores exactly the same square footage, minimal brand
options, only 6 8 employees, even multiple bar codes so checking out is quicker, and chose to
save on stocking time by keeping their products in the same boxes they were shipped in. They
utilize their costs and that has a huge significance on customer appreciation. Who doesn t want
greater quality at everyday low prices?
We are our stories; context enriched by emotions. We are not set up to understand logic, we are set
up to understand stories. Aldi s wasn t always called Aldi s. It became Aldi s from ALbrecht
(brothers last name) +DIscount = ADLI. Aldi s story begins with two brothers; Karl and Theo
Albrecht; from the mining town of Essen, Germany in 1913. Their mother had a small food store
and when they were old enough they took over the business and expanded to 4 locations. To be
able to do this they had to reduce costs by removing merchandise that were not selling, keep the
size of their retail outlets small, and neither advertise nor sell fresh produce. Once the locations
started booming they opened their first self service store which was a first for Germany. Once they
had grown
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Philip III Research Paper
God, who has given me so many Kingdoms to govern, has not given me a son fit to govern them.
This is a quote from Philip II saying he had many lands that he ruled during his life and how he had
a son and his son became Philip III of spain.
Philip II was a very important king to the Renaissance era due to his many contributions to the
Renaissance society. His early life was hard He contributed much to society by contributing to
government, religion, and economy finance. He has left behind many things like expanding Spain s
colonial empire, he also became King of Portugal, Philip had a very strong presence in Italy and
other parts of Europe such as France.
Philip II was born in the capital of Valladolid on 21 May 1527 then died on September 13,1598 at
the age of 71. Philip was the son of the Holy Roman emperor Charles I of Spain and Isabella of
Portugal. Philips early life Philip was raised by his mother until ... Show more content on ...
Many people started questioned the clean basis of the catholic church and argued against it. Later
Philip would return back to Spain and rule Spain in 1558 and gets Charles other lands. In result he
succeeded his uncle as emperor.ruled his empire through his personal control of appointments and
all forms of patronage. Philip never left again.
Philip was a great emperor when he was emperor spain reached high on influence and power.
During Philip as emperor there were many government problems this was caused by the
declaration of Independence the result of this was the Dutch Republic was created in 1581. Philip
also organized naval expedition of declaim England. In Philip s first 20 years of govern he
preserved peace with western Europe. Philip faced major naval war with the Ottoman Empire in the
Mediterranean then Philip faced rebellion and war in the Netherlands. Philip also failed to suppress
the Netherlands revolt.Philip lost the Invincible Armada from his attempts invasion of
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Medication Errors In The Health Care Industry
As the health care industry continues to grow rapidly and patient s diagnosis is becoming more
complex, providing safe, reliable care have never been all the more difficult. Medications,
depending on its utilization can cause desired therapeutic effects as well as harmful effects to one s
health, especially when error is committed. Medication error is an on growing issue that continues
to affect the quality of patient care. And the need for better error avoidance strategies or medication
management practice and administration system is becoming crystal clear as the number of
medication errors are increasing daily in the healthcare industry.
Medication errors can be a wrong dispensing or administration of a medication that have the
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Examples Of Religious Symbols In Dystopian Literature
Religious Symbols in Dystopian Literature In the literary guide, How to Read Literature Like a
Professor, Thomas C. Foster discusses the methods by which an English professor reads and
analyzes literature from all genres and time periods. He references literary works from famous
authors, including Shakespeare and Charles Dickens, as well as several religious texts in order to
provide examples of major properties that occur frequently in literature. Two of these elements: the
idea of characters resembling or sharing characteristics with Christ, as well as Baptismal rebirth
appear in George Orwell s 1984 and Ray Bradbury s Fahrenheit 451, respectively. Though Orwell s
monolithic authoritarian character Big Brother is the apotheosis of corruption
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Criminal Justice Essay
To understand contemporary policing in America it is necessary to understand its antecedents; we
will gain a better understanding of this history by looking at its three eras. The police, said, are to
great extent, the prisoners of the past. Day to day practices are influenced by deeply ingrained
traditions. Another reason for analyzing historical developments and trends is that several discrete
legacies have been transmitters to modern police agencies. In view of the significant historical
impact on modern policing, it is necessary to turn back the clock to about A.D.900. Therefore, we
begin with a brief history of the evolution of four primary criminal justice ... Show more content on ...
As the county police officer turns more and more to matter of defense, the constable alone pursued
felons focusing in later the ancient custom of citizens rising aloud noisy and joining in pursuit
of criminals lapsed into disuse. During the middle Ages there was yet on high degree of
specialization. The constable had a variety of duties including collecting taxes, supervising
highways, and serving as magistrate. The office soon became subject to election and was
conferrer upon local men of prominence; however, the creation of the wearing away grinding
down office of the justice of the peace around 1200 quickly changed this trend forever; soon the
constable was limited to making arrests only with warrants issued by a justice of the peace. As a
result, the office deprived of social and civic prestige was no longer attractive. It carried on
salary and the duties were often dangerous. In addition there was heavy attrition in the office, so
the constable s term was limited to one year in an attempted attract officeholders; in 1856
Parliament completely discarded the office The office of constable experienced a similar process
of disintegration in the colonies However, the American constables usually two in each town were
give control over the night watch. By the 1930s, State constitution in twenty one states provided for
the office of constable but constable still received no pay and like their British colleagues they
enjoyed little
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Dakota Access Pipeline Protest Movement
Dakota Access Pipeline Protest Movement Introduction Civil societies are voluntary social
institutions and organizations that are separate from the government and the market where a
community of citizens are able to come together and pursue their shared common interest. They are
beneficial to the community as well as the broader society as civil societies ultimately promote
progressive policies, nurture positive social norms that encourage stability, and advocates
accountability and checks against state authority (Edwards 2010). Moreover, civil societies
represent a third sphere of association where citizens are able to address the deficiencies that the
state and market fail to handle and then have the opportunity to develop their own... Show more
content on ...
First the economic role, deals with the securing of livelihoods and providing services for their
citizens when the state and market seem to be weak. In addition to holding corporations
accountable and promoting progressive policies (Edwards 2010). Moreover, dealing with the
health and welfare of their citizens. Second the political role, deals with the promotion of
accountability and transparency within the government and provides checks against the state
authority (Edwards 2010). Third the social role, deals with nurturing positive social norms that
can foster stability. In addition to teaching people skills of good citizenship that will allow for
maintaining social ties in an impersonal modern world (Edwards 2010). Overall, all of this three
roles are reflected in the Dakota Access Pipeline protest movement as the community demonstrates
the three main concepts throughout their civil society. Firstly, the social movement demonstrates
the economic role by trying to secure the livelihood of the Sioux tribe by protesting for the
protection of their primary water source essentially protesting for the right (and necessity) to
water without worries of damage from oil spills because of the pipeline. Thus, the protest
movement reflects the economic role of civil society as its main concern is with the health and
welfare of the 10,000 Native Americans that live on the reservation and whose primary source of
water is in danger of
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Vassalage And Senmenment In The Song Of Roland, Oliver And...
The word, vassalage will have a different meaning to different people and their personalities. This
will cause people to argue about how to deal with situations and what course of action is the best
According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, vassalage is defined as a position of subordination or
submission to a political power. While a vassal is someone who is under the protection of someone
with authority such as a feudal lord. This person (vassal) will feel obligated to vow their loyalty
to that person in power. In The Song of Roland , Oliver and Roland both have a different
definition on what makes a great vassal. This paper will discuss both viewpoints on what makes a
marvelous vassal , why the poet used Roland and Oliver to balance out vassals, and a brief
understanding of vassalage and fief holding.
First, a vassal and fief holding is more than just someone of lower status being obedient to their
ruler and using their land to pay them. According to Britannica, some vassals were apart of their
lord s court as household knights. Although, vassals who did not live in their lord s court were
required to have a fief in order to sustain his land and have a solid holding of his service for his
lord and/or king. However, if the vassal did something to violate or break his allegiance to his lord
then it could result is a felony. This could explain why Roland refused several times to use his horn
to call Charlemagne. However, he mentioned several times that calling
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An Overview Of Opiate Addiction
An Overview Of Opiate Addiction
Opiates are medications that are prescribed to treat pain. Opiates create a sense of euphoria, which
can be addictive to some people. That is why many people exceed the recommended dosage.
However, long term opiate abuse can lead to an addiction.
Long term opiate use can also lead to tolerance. That is why it is common for people who use
opiates to increase their dosage in order to experience the same effects. People who are addicted to
opiates may also go to extreme measures to obtain the drug, such as stealing and doctor shopping.
Opiates are one of the most commonly abused prescription drugs. The number of prescriptions
written for opiates doubled from 1991 to 2013. Researchers believe that the ease of
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The New Of Colonial America
Colonial America was the era when America was made up of different colonies; in this case there
were thirteen. Colonial America lasted from 1587 to 1770, 183 years long. As said before, there
were thirteen colonies: four New England colonies, four Middle colonies, and five Southern
colonies. The New England colonies were New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and
Massachusetts, otherwise known as the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The four Middle colonies
were New York, Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina,
North Carolina, and Maryland made up the Southern colonies. These colonies were located in
North America, along the Atlantic coast. Although these were the main colony groups, the very
first colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. People settled in the colonies in North
America to have a better life, and to escape persecution from people with different beliefs. The
next colony, founded in 1620 by the Pilgrims, was Plymouth, Massachusetts. Native Americans
assisted the Pilgrims when they first arrived at Plymouth. Two of the Native Americans were
Samoset and Squanto, an English speaking Pawtuxet, who was kidnapped by Europeans, but was
later freed. Another colony that was helped by Native Americans was Virginia, where tobacco
was used as a cash crop that helped Virginia prosper. The colonies in Colonial America not only
prospered from cash crops, but slaves as well. African Americans were brought in on trade ships
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Kathryn Schulz The Really Big One Essay
The Really Big One by Kathryn Schulz has won a Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing in 2015.
This article talks about the potential really big one on that could happen on the Cascadia fault
line. This article is a great example of effective writing. Schulz considers her audience, gives
context to her writing, effectively informs her audience. The audience of this article is the
American people. She specifically addresses the people who live in the northwest. I know that
Schulz is writing to Americans specifically by how delivers her message. She starts out by saying
Most people in the United States know just one fault line by name, the San Andreas (Schulz). She
also addresses the catastrophic earthquakethat could happen in the Northwest United States. I think
that Schulz is very effective at appealing to the audience. She uses a story from an American that
has seen the dangerous effects of an earthquake in Japan. She also explains the terrible things that
will happen. She doesn t just use facts and statistics of what could happen. She also has many
predictions of what will happen.
Heck 2
The shaking from the Cascadia quake will set off landslides throughout the region Bridges,
railways, airports, fire stations, and police stations will collapse. She appeals to the audience s
emotions by explaining that schools, ... Show more content on ...
She starts by telling of the effects that a hurricane in Japan had. She informs the audience of a lesser
known fault line known as the Cascadia subduction zone. As I pointed out earlier, Schulz does a
great job at describing terms her audience does not understand. She wants to inform the audience
that the potential Cascadian earthquake could be deferential. The words that she uses help Schulz
show this purpose to her audience. She emphasizes how much damage could result. For example,
she says that the reign will be unrecognizable it will be the worst
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Assessment Of Spreadsheet And Database Alternatives
1. Introduction
This is a report for a retail second hand car organisation. The report will include how this
organisation should store their business data, either in a spreadsheet or in a database. There are a
lot of advantages and disadvantages with the two alternatives, and both of the alternatives will be
considered. The report will give the manager of this organisation a recommendation for this
proposed situation. In the outline design part of the report, the data regarding the customers, the
suppliers, the products and sales will be included in a proposed option, either in a spreadsheet or in
a database.
2. Assessment Discussion
In the section Assessment of Spreadsheet and Database Alternatives will we describe the
advantages and disadvantages with using either spreadsheet or database with storing data. In this
section it will also be argued for and against for the reasons on the benefits and limitations of the
In the next section, Recommendation to the Manager will we come with a solid recommendation
for the manager of using either spreadsheet or database to store their business data.
In the last section Outline Design will it be illustrated a possible design for the selected option,
either spreadsheet or database. Examples of data regarding the customers, the suppliers and the
products will be included in this section.
2.1. Part 1 Assessment of Spreadsheet and Database Alternatives
There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages of
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Essay about Japanese Malaise
Japan s ongoing economic stagnation for decades has provoked wider debate in the US. Along
with the raise in unemployment rate and weak industrial production relative to other major
industrial countries, the economic malaise in Japan was described as a lost decade. Studies have
shown that Japanese economy suffers of severe problems that are not only cyclical but also
structural in nature. In this paper, I will shed light on the major cause of the prolonged slowdown
of the Japanese economy by analyzing the impact of supply side factors, including the decline in
total factor productivity (TFP) and Japan s aging population.... Show more content on ...
In the 1970s 1980s, total fertility rate in Japan fell below replacement levels, resulting in young
labor shortage. Of the sharp slowdown in real GDP growth since the early 1990s, half is
contributed by a drop in labor input. Between 1983 1991 and 1991 1998, the Japan Industrial
Productivity (JIP) Database reports that Japan s real GDP declines 2.69 percentage points.
Fukao, Inui, Kawai, Miyagawa (2004) demonstrate that the combined effect of 0.79 and 0.25
percentage point slowdowns in growth of working age population and in labor quality have
reduced Japan s balanced growth rate by 1.04 percentage points. In hopes of placing Japanese
economy back on a stable growth path, my suggestion is to make adjustments that affect job
securities among employees, increasing economic certainties among married Japanese couples and
stimulating their fertility decisions. In addition, women at their reproductive age should be
supported in taking childcare leaves. Substituting labor saving technology and better utilizing
older workers are possible ways of coping with Japan s labor shortage. To revive the economic
growth, regulatory changes allow banks to classify restructured Small and Medium Sized
Enterprises (SME) loans normal if a company demonstrates its ability to make the loan perform
from five to ten years. Low productivity growth and shrinking working age
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Lao Tzu Vs. Machiavelli
(Lao tzu V. Machiavelli) What is government? Government is the governing body of nation, state,
or community. Government determines the way any group of people are ran. There a several
different types of government used all around the world. In the United States for example, uses a
type of government that has three different branches of power. The Legislative Branch is the law
making branch. The Judicial branch is the courts and the low enforcement. Lastly, the Executive
branch is the presidential branch. Each has its own responsibilities and at the same time they
work together to make the country run smoothly and to assure that the rights of citizens are not
ignored or disallowed. (Osborne) Usually, governments break up the responsibilities into two or
more groups. Two very influential writers wrote about their views on government; Lao tzu and
Machiavelli. These writers were in very different times which makes it very interesting to
compare their views. Lao tzu and Machiavelli had very different views on the ultimate purpose
of government, the obligations of government leaders, and the main work of the state. To begin,
Lao tzu s and Machiavelli s views on the ultimate purpose of government are very different. First of
all, Lao tzu s idea of the purpose of government is more as a suggestion or a guide. Lao tzu believes
that government should not be a part of people s personal lives in any way shape or form. He
believes in a very simple type of government. He
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Intersectionality In Racism
Camryn Permann
M. Clements
QS 301
04 October 2017
Intersections of Race and Sexuality in Queer Culture
Since 2016, there has been a notable and insatiable effort from minority groups to have their
experiences at the hands of oppression legitimized and recognized as valid by the majority.
However, what many people tend to overlook is that these oppressed groups are also fighting for
validity from another minority group. For example, the fight for recognition of women of a racial
minority within the feminist movement, or the acknowledgement of Deaf people of color within
the Deaf community. This overlap, and the experiences people endure because of it, is commonly
referred to as intersectionality. The word itself has been around since the 1980s, coined by an
African American woman named KimberlГ© Crenshaw in an essay she wrote about feminist
theory and how the feminist movement itself only focused on the factor of gender, rather than other
identities that influence a woman s experience with oppression ( New Words: Intersectionality ).
Although there are numerous amounts of intersections that one person can experience, this essay
aims to focus on the intersectionality of Queer people of color, as well as racism and oppression
within the LGBTQ+ community.
A number of individuals who are not directly involved in the Queer community are rarely exposed
to the discrimination of other subcultures from the majority (i.e. white, gay males). As a result of
this, people are led to assume
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Law School Scandal
I would like to take this opportunity to respectfully make the Admissions Committee aware of the
extenuating circumstances surrounding my academic dismissal from New York Law School.
I was granted admission to New York Law School in the fall of 2012. Unfortunately, I was
academically dismissed from NYLS for academic deficiency after my first semester. Life events
beyond my control adversely affected my overall academic performance. In the months following
my law school admission to NYLS, my mother s health condition began to deteriorate rapidly. She
experienced a variety of symptoms such as weight loss, anxiety, elevated liver enzymes, jaundice
of the skin and eyes, swelling, nausea and vomiting after meals, mild fevers, loss of ... Show more
content on ...
I resumed my legal education at Florida A M UniversityCollege of Law, but sadly disaster struck
again. I, once again, was dismissed from law school after my first semester. This time, my
mother s health had nothing to do with my dismissal from law school. A different type of life
event, a case of infidelity, adversely affected my overall academic performance. As a man who
is a true gentleman, I will not provide much context or detail about the nature of the infidelity. I
relocated to Florida along with my ex fiancГ©e. Apparently, she became enamored with another
man who lived in the same complex building we lived in. I found out of her unfaithfulness days
before review session week. One afternoon, I decided not to remain in the law library, as
accustomed, and go home early to study; and the worst case scenario, you can imagine,
occurred. Words cannot express what I felt when I discovered my ex fiancГ©e with her lover in
my apartment. This experience was perhaps one of, if not, the most excruciatingly painful
experiences I have ever endured. After this event, which happened days before review session
week commenced, I was not able to remain focused enough to continue with my studies; and did
not function the way I wanted to. Frankly, I was in an absent minded state, my mind was filled
with multiple thoughts, doubts, and questions, I was emotionally distraught and dealt with a
variety of emotions ranging from grief, insecurity, and embarrassment to guilt; and instead of
focusing on my studies I became more concerned with trying to figure out what had gone wrong
in my relationship. As a result, I missed classes, group study meetings, and review sessions prior
to finals; and consequently, I underperformed and paid the price, as I was academically dismissed
from FAMU College of Law at the end of the semester. Believe you me, I am not the
... Get more on ...
First Generation Nigerian Immigrants
get older because they feel the children have a solid foundation academically and are responsible.
Like Amy Chua, Nigerian Parents assume strength not fragility (Chua, 2011 p.52). Nigerian parents
/student immigrants understand this because of where they come from. For all Nigerian/African
immigrants, America is deemed as the land of opportunity and so there is no room for failure when
transitioning from no opportunity to many opportunities and possibilities. Believe that their kids
owe them everything (Chua,2011, p.53). I find similarities in this statement by Amy because again
Nigeria is still going through many economic issues and first generation Nigerian Immigrants did
not have an easy life, so they look to their children to do far
... Get more on ...
Septic Tank Research
Things A Contractor Looks For When Inspecting Your Septic Tank If you own a home with a
septic tank, then you know you have to pump the tank on a regular schedule. What you may not
know is that you should have the tank inspected regularly too, even if it isn t time to pump the
tank yet. If you live in an area that gets frequent small earthquakes, or if your area unexpectedly
has a quake, it s a good idea to get your tank inspected. While the tanks are durable and last for
years under normal conditions, they aren t indestructible. Here are some things the inspector
will look for. Cracks And Holes If your tank has a hole or cracks in it, then water can seep inside
the tank from the ground or waste can leak out of the tank. Both are bad situations that can lead
to problems with your tank and the drainfield. Holes are most common in old metal tanks. These
tanks aren t used much any longer, but if your home is old, it s possible it still has a metal tank.
These tanks can be dangerous since they rust and develop holes. That allows leaks to occur, but
even worse,... Show more content on ...
Your septic system has two parts. One is the tank and the other is the drainfield. Both have to be
working properly for the waste to be processed from your house. When the drainfield goes bad,
there may be wet soggy grass in the area above it. There could also be sewage in your yard. If
sewage is leaking, the grass above the drainfield will be lush and darker green than the rest of
the yard. Problems with the drainfield are costly to repair. Since drainfield problems often start
in a tank that is too full or damaged, it is worth the effort and expense to keep your septic tank in
good shape. If you have a large tank and you don t use much water, you may go a few years
between cleaning and serving the tank. You may want to consider having an inspection more often
than that just to make sure everything is working okay and no big problems are
... Get more on ...

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My Favourite Movies Essay

  • 1. My Favourite Movies Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. My Favourite Movies EssayMy Favourite Movies Essay
  • 2. Community Water System The environmental justice hypothesis as stated by Brown, P. is that hazards in the physical and chemical environmental disproportionately affect those individuals and households that also face hazards in their social environment. What Brown is indicating is that environmental justice is mostly seen being acted upon people belonging to the groups of poor, minority and color. The issue of injustice of exposure of arsenic in poor, minority and color groups is a complex one because of the natural occurrence of arsenic in ground water shows no bias in who it affects. It can only be avoided through adequate testing and treatment. The injustice stems from the legal enforcement of new regulation of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SWDA), updated on January 22, 2001, and the differences in detection and treatment as subject to different racial and socioeconomic groups. Regulated communities are asking for flexibility in design of enforcement because it is harder for small public water systems (PWS) to adhere to new regulation. Smaller systems are unable to adhere to new regulation in time because they do not have the finances to update technology and machinery. Since they serve a smaller number of people the cost of updating their facilities is higher per person. Larger systems are able to spread out the cost more efficiently among a larger number of people making it easier for them to comply (Cory, D.C.). ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Gramophone Research Paper Some believe that about 30,000 to 60,000 years ago, music was first discovered. The love of a song back then could only be heard live or if you learned to play it yourself. Since then, there have been many inventions for you to listen to your favorite genres, songs, and artists anytime you like. The history of music players dates back to November 21, 1877 when Thomas Alva Edison invented a device for recording sounds and then playing it back called the Gramophone. It was patented on February 19, 1878. The Gramophone looked like a cylinder that was smaller at one end and bigger at the other. Even today, at the annual Grammy Awards the awards that are given out are miniature versions of Edison s invention. Despite the Phonograph and the Gramophone s success, the invention of the radio in 1906 was a threat to the recording industry. The major record companies had a hard time keeping their own sales up due to the radio, but the later invention of the LPs and 45 rpm records made the sales rocket. By the 60s and 70s, the records had taken America by storm. There are many types of records with a variety of number of songs. A 10 inch 78 RPM record could play only about 3 minutes of music. But as sizes changed and the ways the songs were put on the record changed, so... Show more content on ... The music industry is one of the biggest industries in the world due to how music is a universal language that does not create barriers, it breaks down walls. People dream all of their life to make it as a big star to write songs and make their mark on the recording industry. For most of the recording artists out there today, music was something that saved them from any troubles. And from then on, it is something that they wanted to create and write as if it is a journal. Music is something that people want to share with each ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Human Right For The People Of Israel And Palestine Peace is a basic human right for the people of Israel and Palestine. Given the tenuous nature of amity between Israel and Palestine, this is a difficult subject at best. However, there are women out there that believe in, and engage in, peacebuilding efforts between these two territories. Women s participation in the peace building process of these two countries is vital to the construction of an unbiased, proactive reconciliation to occur. Because women comprise a large percentage of the population in these countries, their input and nonviolent negotiating practices are extremely important considering the escalation of violence in the presently unstable situation between these warring parties. Since women have a tendency to operate from a nonviolent arena, their inclusion in the peace building efforts are necessary to eliminate the violence that is ripping these two countries apart. Women are generally viewed as keepers of the domestic domain, thus, they stand to lose their very foundation if peace cannot be achieved. At a time when the conflict between these groups has reached an all time high, it is of upmost importance for women to help pave the way to culminate a peaceful coexistence between these two opposing factions. The imperative need for a resolution to this age old conflict must find some immediate answers. There are many women operating at a grassroots level which will hopefully bring about some significant changes that will be instrumental to creating a ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Rock And A Hard Place Theme What drives a human to go beyond their physical capabilities? In the book Between a Rock and a Hard Place is an autobiography of Aron Ralston life stories of troubles and triumphs. The main themes displayed in the book are the will to survive and to follow passions in a person s life. The themes are brought out through a dangerous entrapment of being stuck by a boulder in the desert for several days. Aron Ralston s incident brought repercussions and blessings in his life. Aron has affected not only himself, but society also as told in the public s review of Aron Ralston s book Between a Rock And a Hard Place. Aron Ralston was very active in the outdoors, and over time began to find an appreciation for nature. For instance, in Aron s youth,... Show more content on ... As I continued reading, the story peaked my interest with Aron being trapped with little food and water. The book became hard to put down, but gruesome at the same time, because of Aron s descriptive writing about him cutting off his own arm with a pocket knife; which made me curl up and wince the whole time. Even though I wasn t excited about reading a nonfiction book, I began to enjoy reading the book. When finished with the publication, the main message I got from Aron s book is to follow what means most to an individual. The book improved my mindset of making the best of any circumstance, and to enjoy life to the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Jean Bowman Ehr First off, it was really amazing to see all the different types of errors that can occur while using an EHR. Quite frankly, I found both articles extremely interesting and educational. In the first article, Bowman states that one problem that can occur while using an EHR has to do with the software system itself. She explains how software systems can have flaws that put the patient s information in jeopardy because these systems can be acquire bugs and viruses which causes the patient s information to be lost and/or deleted (Bowman, 2013). Other problems derived from EHR s are due to the lack of user friendly features which make interfaces difficult to use. These type of issues can mislead the user to enter wrong patient data into the system... Show more content on ... This company was developed to search and correct potential medical errors that occur in the medical field setting when using interactive systems. A human factor engineer is trained to study the medical activities that are involved in medical setting along with its physical and skilled demands, mental workload, team dynamics, aspects of work environment, and device design required to complete the task (PSNet, 2016). Human factors engineers focus their attention on studying how well and efficiently interactive systems perform in actual practice and develop new and innovative tools and formats which can reduce medical errors. Some of the tools that human factors engineers use to reduce errors are usability testing, forcing functions, standardizations, and resiliency efforts (PSNet, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Pope Pius XII and the Jews Essay The twentieth century was marked by genocides on an monstrous scale. One of the most terrible was the Holocaust wrought by Nazi Germany, which killed an estimated six million European Jews and almost as many other victims. During this dark time, the Catholic Church was shepherded by Pope Pius XII, who proved himself an untiring foe of the Nazis, determined to save as many Jewish lives as he could. Yet today Pius XII gets almost no credit for his actions before or during the war. Anti Catholic author Dave Hunt writes, quot;The Vaticanhad no excuse for its Nazi partnership or for its continued commendation of Hitler on the one hand and its thunderous silence regarding the Jewish question on the other hand. . . . [The popes] continued ... Show more content on ... The Germans were likewise displeased with the reigning pontiff, Pius XI, who showed himself to be a unrelenting opponent of the new German quot;ideals quot; even writing an entire encyclical, Mit Brennender Sorge (1937), to condemn them. When Pius XI died in 1939, the Nazis abhorred the prospect that Pacelli might be elected his successor. Dr. Joseph Lichten, a Polish Jew who served as a diplomat and later an official of the Jewish Anti Defamation League of B nai B rith, writes: quot;Pacelli had obviously established his position clearly, for the Fascist governments of both Italy and Germany spoke out vigorously against the possibility of his election to succeed Pius XI in March of 1939, though the cardinal secretary of state had served as papal nuncio in Germany from 1917 to 1929. . . . The day after his election, the Berlin Morgenpost said: The election of cardinal Pacelli is not accepted with favor in Germany because he was always opposed to Nazism and practically determined the policies of the Vatican under his predecessor. quot;[4] Former Israeli diplomat and now Orthodox Jewish Rabbi Pinchas Lapide states that Pius XI quot;had good reason to make Pacelli the architect of his anti Nazi policy. Of ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Exercises to Alleviate a Separated Rectus Essays Although common in postpartum women, a separated rectus, also known as diastasis recti, can also occur in obese individuals and in children up to 2 years of age. (See References 1, p. 337) This condition occurs when there s a separation between the right and left side of the rectus abdominis muscle. This can trigger pelvic and back pain, and make it hard to stabilize the trunk. (See References 2) Although it can correct itself, targeted exercisecan lend a helping hand. Things to Consider Abdominal exercise, such as traditional crunches and situps, aren t going to correct a separated rectus. More so, they can worsen the condition, and make your tummy bulge out. (See References 3, p. 64) Your emphasis should be on retraining your... Show more content on ... After exhaling and engaging your transverse abdominis by pulling your belly button to your spine, engage your buttocks and roll your hips back. Imagine trying to eliminate the space between your back and the floor. Hold the contraction in your tummy for up to five seconds, and then release it and return your hips to the starting point. Perform pelvic tilts up to 10 times, three times a day. (See References 3, p. 65) Lift Your Hips The hip lift, sometimes also referred to as the bridge exercise, is also done while lying on the floor on your back, with your feet flat and knees bent. This exercise is the next step up from the pelvic tilt. It starts in a similar manner; you draw your navel to your spine and engage your glutes. Instead of staying on the floor, you raise your hips and back until your body forms a straight line from your knees to your shoulders. Hold the contraction for up to five seconds, and then lower back down to the starting point. Repeat this motion 10 times, up to three times a day. (See References 3, p. 65) Key Concepts separated rectus exercises separated rectus abdominis diastasis recti exercises correcting abdominal separation References Clinical Mastery in the Treatment of Myofascial Pain; Lucy Whyte Ferguson and Robert Gerwin [ pg=PA337 dq=diastasis+recti hl=en sa=X ei=46wBU_KxMM DogS7r4Bo ved=0CEIQ6AEwBA#v=onepage q=diastasis%20recti f=false] The Physiotherapy ... Get more on ...
  • 9. IT Career Issues and Communication Skills Essay All employers want you to have a basic understanding of the technology being used in whatever area of the Information Technology (IT) field you go into; however, the most important skill has nothing to do with computers or networks. Tammy from the Industrial Credit Union put it succinctly. Communication skills are a priority. Someone with tech skills are a dime a dozen. What employers are looking for is someone with skills and the ability to communicate. Communicationskills are key to a successful career in IT. In most fields of IT, you will interact with customers or clients on some level. Whether it involves pitching a product, making a presentation, or helping them diagnose and fix a problem. Though a career in IT can be very ... Show more content on ... I ve worked at a number of jobs over the year s sense I graduated from High School, and from time to time I ve run into co workers that are more than difficult to get along with. The one thing that has helped the most has been being able to communicate with them in such a way as to learn what it is that they need and learn how they operate. There s a reason people are difficult and being able to communicate with them can be instrumental in possibly exercising that information from them or at least learning the most effective way to work with them. Unless you own your own business, you must be able to get along with the boss. Your boss may be good at managing others and making business decisions, but they may not know much about computers and networks. Harlan, from Retrotech, said that when dealing with his manager, he has to walk on eggshells with someone who doesn t know what they re doing. He told us about a co worker that was hired and promoted above him. This employee cut a lot of corners and majorly screwed up one of their servers before up and quitting. He just couldn t understand why this person was promoted above him and in retrospect they probably regretted that decision. While listening to Harlan talk I knew exactly why the other guy got the promotion and he didn t. At the end of the talk, he stated that probably why the other guy got the promotion was because he would sit down and deal with the boss. Harlan probably thought it had ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Problem Of Climate Change There are millions of planets that has the possibility to sustain life on a planet, but not a single one we know of like earth. fermi paradox says there are things called life barriers and there are certain barriers that have filters . filters only let the smartest lifeforms through them if they are real. They state electricity and earthor ourselves evolution are huge barriers that was destroyed. If an asteroid hit the earth or nuclear warfare happens it is a huge reason we have lost. According to the fermi paradox we either pass this wall (barrier) or not. I have my conclusion of why we will fail, it is because humans are selfish, hard headed, fool mined incompetent beings. Climatechange is the barrier that we don t really have any research on. El ninos and la ninas are the cause. To know El NiГ±o, you need to know the intercoarse between the ocean and the atmosphere. Warm ocean surface water currents heats and adds moistness to the air above it, forming a low pressure system. Cool surface water cools the air above it, forming a high pressure system . In a Low, the warm, moist air produces tropical thunderstorms. In a High, cool, parched air sinks back to the surface and there is no precipitation. Together, the High and Low create a circulation pattern in which surface winds blow toward the Low and higher level winds rushes toward the High. An El nino come from the spanish word little boy. It was found by fisherman by the coast of south america in the 1600s ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Therapeutic Effect Essay Haloperidol 5 mg PO Q4H PRN Use: Acute and chronic psychotic disorders of manic states Therapeutic Effect: Reduces signs and symptoms of psychoses. Side effects: SEIZURES, extrapyramidal reactions, drowsiness, restlessness, tardive dyskinesia, blurred vision, respiratory depression, hypotension, tachycardia, ECG changes (QT prolongation, torsade de pointes), ventricular arrhythmias, constipation, dry mouth, anorexia, weight gain, urinary retention, diaphoresis, photosensitivity, rashes, sexual dysfunction such as amenorrhea, galactorrhea, gynecomastia, AGRANULOCYTOSIS, anemia, low white blood cell count, hyperpyrexia, NEUROLEPTIC MALIGNANT SYNDROME. Patient teaching: 1.Instruct the patient to take the medication as prescriber directed. If missed a dose take the missed dose as soon as remembered and following doses should be evenly spaced. Also advice the patient that the dose takes weeks till therapeutic effects are achieved. Do not discontinue or reduce dose during this time since there are side effects. Some of the withdrawal effects include; dizziness; nausea; vomiting; GI upset; trembling; or uncontrolled movements of mouth, tongue, or jaw. 2.... Show more content on ... Educate the patient on the side effects of the drug, and to notify the provider if side effects manifest. 3.Change positions slowly in order to minimize the effects of orthostatic hypotension. 4.This drug can cause drowsiness. Caution while taking other CNS depressants or alcohol. In addition be caution while driving or doing any activity that requires concentration. 5.To prevent a photosensitivity reaction, advise the patient to use sunscreen and protective clothing when in the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Masfluidity In The Movie The Fits The movie The Fits illustrates the life of a tomboy, Toni, whom is curious about the stereotypes of being a girl. One underlying theme of the movie is genderfluidity, which is when someone does not conform strictly to society s rules of gender and does not identify with one gender. This theme is seen by a scene in which Toni is staring into the gymnasium where the all girls danceteam is having a dance battle. This scene s underlying theme of genderfluidity is shown through Toni s body language and the camera angles. The scene starts out with Toni setting down an empty 5 gallon water jug and taking a full one off of the rack. By starting the scene like this, the director shows that Toni is inclined to do things that we as a society associate more with males. She does things like boxing, heavy lifting, and weight training, which is seen throughout the beginning of the movie. The water jug is too heavy for Toni to carry back to the gym, where she and her brother train in boxing, so she rolls it back. On her way to the gym, Toni comes across four older ... Show more content on ... In this scene, all of the masculinity Toni has been exposed to and emits is lost. She is exposed to the glitter and the girls, making her realize what she has been missing out on. She never had the life that most girls live, she is constantly around boys in a boxing gym. And, her brother picked up the water jug for her, almost like he is stripping her of the masculinity. In the long run, Toni s curiosity shows in the remainder of the movie as she joined the dance team, pierced her ears, and put nail polish on for the first time. As for the fits that cause violent and uncontrollable actions in the girls, it is a symbol for the change from girlhood to womanhood. The scene I have chosen helps the viewer understand the theme through small actions and gives them an idea of what the fits ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Analysis of The Spectacular Spider-Man and The Fairly Odd... Mass media is a microsystem that influence on a person s values, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior. Mass media is a form of communication that is viewed by large audiences through medium such as TV, newspaper, book, and internet. Television is the most influential form of media and the way it has impacted on children s lives. The two children televisionshow that I will be discussing is The Spectacular Spider Man and The Fairly OddParents. We will look at it content and the hidden message that these two television show is conveying to young children. In the Spectacular Spider Man, the episode Group Therapy show started out with the villains trying to escape from prison and planning to take down Spider Man. Peter who is Spider Man is wearing a black spider suit rather than his regular red spider suit to fight off the vicious villains. The black spider suit has taken over his body and had fought with the villains the night before. When he wakes up in the morning he felt his whole body aching but cannot remember why. Upon from waking up, he read on the morning news paper that Spider Man has taken down the villain last night. Even though he was the one fighting the villain he has no memory of the fight. The episode end when one of Peter s co workers knocks at his door and let him knows that his Grandma May is in the hospital because of a heart attack. From watching the episode of Spectacular Spider Man I noticed that there was a lot of violent and negative messages/treatment. ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Affinity Plus Advertisement Analysis Have you ever heard of the saying, BROKE COLLEGE STUDENT? When I first saw this ad for the Affinity Plus scholarship walking through St. Cloud State University (SCSU), inside of Atwood. I was having one of those days in every college student s career, where you could imagine your whole world being on fire and in the midst of it all you could see yourself sitting somewhere, thinking to yourself, How am I going to be able to get through this mess now? In times like those, I always think back to a favorite author of mine Na Mim Akbar, who said, You can curtail my mobility but you can t limit my mentality. Lack of information I believe is one of the major reasons people can t seem to solve most of their life problems. When we are not fully informed we are unable to... Show more content on ... This can be done on meeting on a monthly basis so that students can be current with the latest trends in the finical market. Affinity Plus can also offer to be a part of the major conferences that are hosted by these organizations from the months of October March. These conferences are extremely educational and reach a massive audience throughout the campus. Affinity plus can also offer or make aware of special rates on savings accounts, student loans and so forth, with the help of these on campus organizations. Students are constantly receiving terrible rates from other banks around the Minnesota region and they then end up leaving college $50,000 dollars and more in debt. Students never know about something beneficial until it s too late, and I m sure that most of these organizations will be more than willing to help their members receive the financial literacy they ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Importance Of Art And The Judgement Of Hunefer Art by its nature is a subject of the philosophical, social, economic, political or religious context surrounding its creator. More often than not, a work of art addresses a specific topic or somewhat revolves around a particular person. Therefore, it is impossible to separate the context of a piece of painting, either historical or cultural, to its intrinsic value or the artwork s meaning. On the other hand, different cultures and time utilized specific conventions that govern the representation of objects of creativity. This essay highlights various pieces of art and their relationship to particular cultural, political, economic, or social settings. Moreover, it pinpoints how different times influence art presentation. One of the pieces of art that shows the relationship between context and art is the Judgement of Hunefer as illustrated in the Book of The Dead (Kleiner, 2016). The Judgement of Hunefer is a painting on a papyrus scroll showing the journey of Hunefer, a royal scribe, and steward of Seti, from his death to the afterlife. The image illustrates several items including spells and prayers needed to secure a happy immortality (Kleiner, 2016). Moreover, the picture shows several steps in transition into the afterlife including Anubis, the jackal headed god of embalmment leading Hunefer into the hall of judgment, Anubis weighing Hunefer s heart against a feather, and finally Hunefer meeting Horus to receive an award of the eternal life (Kleiner, 2016). The ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Importance Of Personal Rehabilitation Individual... Beck Pride Agency The Beck Pride agency stands for what it does. Personal Rehabilitation Individual Development and Education. They have a participant model that they go by to achieve an assortment of outcomes that benefits the veteran and or families. This model starts you off first part with information and acquiring knowledge about what you can achieve. Second part gets you assistance in enrolling and financial aids. Third part aids in the development in social, emotional, physical and educational departments. Fourth part is to help you attain that goal that was set in the beginning of your journey to succeed. The Beck Pride agency offers assistance in many categories. Educational services including assistance towards entrance to ... Show more content on ... The Beck Pride agency are constantly involved in social activities and events for all veteran and families to attend either locally or group trips. These types of events are to help the veteran get reassociated with the civilian life and be around other veterans that understand the trivial ways of transition to life away from the military. Some events can be very useful to the veteran, in some cases life changing. Programs such as suicide prevention, substance abuse, and mental health issues maybe dealing with Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) or Post Traumatic Stress Disability (PTSD) are addressed. I have attached a recent advertisement posted at the agency concerning PTSD and TBI. This event will give educational and address some issues that veterans may have questions concerning these issues. The Beck Pride agency was founded in 2007 by Mr. Beck...... He donated a million dollars towards this agency investing in his belief, all veterans are entitled to an enrichment of life beyond the military. His wife ..... also devotes her time being involved and sits today on the board of trustees that monitor the development and continuation of services to veterans. Mr. Beck was approached by colleagues and associates to develop an agency to assist with the needs of veterans from every branch of the military. This agency does not discriminate in any type, form or favor one branch over another. All interested veterans go through the same process of admittance and have ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Innate Immune System Introduction Zinc is the 24th most abundant element in the earth s crust, it is a metallic chemical element which has exceptional biological importance (Bonaventura et al., 2015). Zn is involved in numerous aspects of cellular metabolism such as: protein synthesis, cellular respiration, wound healing, DNA synthesis, cell division, and immune function (Bonaventura et al., 2015). For as many essential functions Zn is necessary for it also has the potential to interact with at least as many biological functions to induce adverse effects (Maret and Sandstead, 2006). For these reasons Zn deficiency and toxicity is linked to a number of diseases and particularly immune diseases affecting both the innate and adaptive immune systems (Bonaventura et al., 2015, Maares and Haase, 2016).Therefore, a disruption in Zn homeostasis can lead to compromised host defense and an increased risk of excessive inflammation (Maares and Haase, 2016). Innate immune system. Innate immunity is the first line of defense, it is regulated delicately by Zn, when Zn homeostasis is altered all kinds of immune cells show a decrease in function (Ibs and Rink, 2003). When Zn concentrations are depleted, in monocytes all function is impaired, in NK cells cytotoxicity is reduced, and in neutrophil granulocytes phagocytosis is also decreased (Ibs and Rink, 2003). Zn deficiency reduces phagocytosis and Zn supplementation has the opposite effect. The effect on phagocytosis is thought to be mediated by Zn ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Axillary Case Studies Introduction Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide, comprising 16% of all female cancers. And although breast cancer is thought to be a disease of the developed world, a majority (69%) of all breast cancer deaths occurs in developing countries. (WHO, 2004) Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in women worldwide, comprising 14.3% of all female cancer mortalities. It is estimated that 480,000 women died in 2008 due to breast cancer. (WHO, 2008) Survival rates vary greatly worldwide, ranging from 80% or over in North America, Sweden and Japan to around 60% in middle income countries and below 40% in low income countries. (Coleman, et al., 2008) In Egypt in 2008, the estimated breast cancer incidence was 12,621 ... Show more content on ... Krag and colleagues п¬Ѓrst described the use of radioisotope alone for breast cancer in 1993, using technetium 99m sulfur colloid and a hand held gamma probe. The sentinel node identiп¬Ѓcation rate was 98%, with a false negative rate of 11%. (Krag, et al., 1993) Giuliano and colleagues used isosulfan blue dye as a single agent in SLNB for breast cancer with sentinel node identiп¬Ѓcation rates of 98%, without false negative nodes. The major disadvantage of isosulfan blue dye is the risk of life threatening allergic and anaphylactic reactions (Giuliano, et al., 1994). On the other hand Simmons and colleagues used Methylene blue with comparable results. (Simmons, et al., 2003) Methylene blue is preferred by some authors because of its lower costs, and also because of its lower risk of allergic reactions. (Newman Newman, ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Greek And Greek Influence Of The Roman Empire Another empire would soon take many influences from the Greeks. In Rome, an empire was beginning to rise. Roman civilization had its roots in Hellenistic culture because they idolized them. They borrowed and enhanced upon the Greek intellectual accomplishments. As the empire expanded this would become increasingly important. As the Romans continued to expand their empire and influence, they were also spreading the culture of those who influenced them the Greeks . The Roman Empireat their peak had a vast control over much of the Mediterranean and into Europe controlling much of Britain, Spain, France, the North African coast, much of Asia minor. Within these regions they had vast numbers provinces where they would allow rule the local... Show more content on ... These effects reached from China, India, the Middle East, and some portions of Africa. As different regions adopted new aspects of life, they further implement that into their culture. Then the as the culture grows, it grows with the influences adopted form that of the Romans who borrowed it form the Greeks. Similarly, with the Romans and Macedonians their conquest and implementation of their culture was the main source of the spread of Hellenistic culture. However the combination of controlling more regions and being more involved with global trade, the Romans were able to further expand Greek influence than those before them. Soon the Roman Empire began to decline and an even more impactful implementation of Greek culture began to arise in a region to the east. As the Roman Empire fell and small Kingdoms began to arise throughout Europe, in a different region of the world, an intellectual revolution began and flourished. During a period between the eighth and ninth centuries, the Islamic world of the Middle East Experienced its Golden Age . This was a period of advancements in the sciences, astronomy, mathematics, and medicine. The main source contributed to these advancements is from the Greeks. However this Golden Age may have been delayed for many years if not for a man named Mamun. Mamun was a Caliph who would ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Controversy Between The Movie Troy And The Iliad The Movie Troy has been one of the best Hollywood movies to be filmed. However, many historical events that took place in the movie, and the Iliad can be questioned whether or not they are reliable, creating controversy about the historical accuracy of the film. This essay will examine and evaluate the evidence, and compare the movie with archeological evidence about the Trojan War . It will be argued that the myth of Troywas altered while creating the epic movie, Troy, to make it more attractive for the audience. I will begin by introducing the source of the movie s storyline. Then it is going to evaluate the archeological evidence to uncover certain factors, such as whether or not Troy actually existed. How big was Troy? Who attacked... Show more content on ... Schliemann assumed that Troy was located in the North West of Turkey; he came to this conclusion with the description given by Homer. When Schliemann arrived he attacked the mountain with pic axes to get rid of all the debris, and to be able to see the hidden treasure underneath, Troy . One day he found ruins of the pre historic city. Ramps guided to a gate. Schliemann found gold, and jewels that Helen once wore, or so he thought. Decade s later archeologist Korfmann showed some interest on the city of Troy. Korfmann realized that the jewels were more 1,000 years old coming to the conclusion that Helen couldn t have worn those jewels because they were too old. Korfmann took a photo of the landscape underneath with advanced technology, and found wide streets, towers and a gate. He examined his evidence and came to the conclusion that the city was too small, and that the gates had no way of closing allowing the enemy to walk right in. His reasoning made him believe that perhaps this weren t the Trojan Walls, that there was more to Troy. Evidence suggested that Troy really did ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Light In The Painted Door In The Painted Door by Sinclair Ross, it is evident that light is used to illustrate the degradation of Ann s devotion to John as the night approaches and the time spent with Steven, due to John s absence, lengthens. This is first demonstrated when the setting of a landscape with bitter light (1) is established. Despite the bitterness, caused by Ann and John s non communicative relationship, the lightexemplifies that Ann retains a secure devotion towards John and is confident that he will return home no matter what circumstances. Moreover, this is demonstrated when Ann offers to paint the kitchen wood work... to make the room a lot lighter (2). Although Ann is aware that paintingthe woodwork is an inconsequential task, as the paint will peel off, she is yearning to bring... Show more content on ... Furthermore, Ann s uncertainty flourishes when night [comes] early (5) and the slow dimming of the light [clutches] her with an illogical sense of abandonment (5). The illusion of loneliness becomes reality as night approaches and John remains absent. As the light progressively disappears, Ann begins to feel abandoned and uncertain of the truth behind John s promise. In addition, we notice the significance of light in Ann and John s relationship when Steven arrives and Ann [lets] him in and [lights] the lamp (6). Lighting the lamp for Steven elucidates Ann s slight sense of reassurance that John will return. During her moment of uncertainty, Ann believes that if Steven is able to travel and persist through the storm then John will be capable as well. However, this feeling is momentary as the lamp between [her and Steven] [flickers] (7). The flickering light augments a feeling of weariness in her fidelity as well as wavering feelings towards Steven. Ann is unsure of her feelings towards John and begins to question if they should instead be directed to Steven ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Charlie Parker Take 5 Analysis Introduction This task requires the close comparison of two jazz pieces of different decades and their defining styles. The musical styles, instrumentation, compositional techniques, structure, technology and role of lyrics are key factors in the comparison and will be focused on. The artists lives as well as the historical and social contexts of those decades will also be analysed because they played key roles in the composition of the music. Charlie Parker s 1945 Bebop recording Ko Ko will be compared to Take Five composed by Paul Desmond and Dave Brubeck. Context Ko Ko was composed and recorded in 1945 which marked the end of the Second World War. The original recorded version featured Parker playing alto saxophone, Miles Davis on trumpet, Curley Russelland on double bass, Max Roach on drums and Dizzy Gillespie on piano, instead of his main instrument trumpet. ... Show more content on ... Parker recorded Ko Ko during his first session and first date as a leader for Savoy Records. This piece showcased just how challenging this new music was to play. Parker was no longer confining himself in the traditional jazz musical style but rather creating his own new Jazz language. Ko Ko was a ferocious salvo fired across swings bow. (Myers n.d.) Take Five, a West Coast Cool Jazz piece, was composed by Paul Desmond during the Cold War and performed by The Dave Brubeck Quartet on their 1959 album Time Out . The piece got its name due to its 5/4 time signature, which is very unusual. This reflects the experimental nature of West Coast Cool Jazz. I was breaking a whole bunch of rules. (Zollo 1991), but this evidently worked because it was the first jazz single to ever sell over a million copies globally. Musical ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Future of Scholarship Essay The Future of Scholarship Introduction: The development and rapid movement in the field of technology has changed the face of modern society from what it was twenty years ago. Information and communication technologies have changed dramatically even in the last ten years. Electronic mail, listservs, and the Internet, to name a few, are all parts of the new technology that is re defining scholarly communication. In her article entitled Scholarly Communication Christine Borgman states that [r]esearch was clustered around three variables: producers of the communication . . ., artifacts of communication . . . and communication concepts. (146) The impact of the new communication technologies to scholarly communication cannot be ... Show more content on ... The division of knowledge into disciplines, however, doesn t impose a pre ordained order and doesn t easily transfer to the modern workplace. Many reports have stressed the importance of incorporating interdisciplinarity into the undergraduate experience at the research university. (13) Elsewhere she states that [d]isciplinarity is specialized scientific exploration of a particular homogenous subject matter, producing new knowledge and making obsolete old knowledge. Therefore, disciplinary activity results in continuous formulations and reformulations of the present body of knowledge about the subject matter. (Coleman The New Scholarship 1) With this in mind, interdisciplinarity occurs when curricula and/or research and innovation are organized around a problem that is too broad to be studied/solved using just the methods and knowledge in one discipline (Coleman Interdisciplinarity 9) When such a problem is addressed within the scholarly community, interdisciplinarity leads directly into collaboration. Maria Bordons and Isabel Gomez define scientific collaboration as two or more scientists working together on a joint research project, sharing intellectual, economic and/or physical resources. (198) This definition however, can easily be expanded to all areas of the scholarly community. As more and more interdisciplinary and collaborative teaching and research occurs, there ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Case Of Pope V. Illinois On July 21, 1983 local police detectives in Rockford, Illinois entered two different local book stores and purchased six magazines. Soon after exiting the store, police separately arrested clerks Richard Pope and Charles Morrison. Both men were charged and convicted for selling obscene materials, in accordance with an Illinois statute. On appeal, both petitioners argued that the Illinois statute was unconstitutional to both the first and Fourteenth Amendments. They reasoned that the state was required to make the value determination by an objective standard rather than community standard in conformance with the Miller decision, and the juries in this case had been instructed to judge whether the material had value as viewed by ordinary adults in the state of Illinois. The Appellate Court rejected the both petitioners arguments and the Illinois Supreme courtdenied requests for further review, but the United States Supreme Court granted certiorari and merged both cases for reexamination. The case, Pope v. Illinois, was argued on February 24, 1987. Glenn A. Stanko represented the petitioners whose argument was: The Illinois Obscenity Statute violated the First and Fourteenth Amendments by allowing the value element to be determined by community standards and instructing the jury to do so. Therefore, the convictions against petitioners must be reversed because the statute is invalid. Glenn Stanko made it clear that the petitioners did not argue whether the materials were ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Margot s Intentional Killing in Hemingway s The Short... Ernest Hemingway is known for writing novels and short stories with unresolved endings. In his short story, ?The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber?, he definitely leaves his readers guessing. The question is whether Margot kills her husband, Francis, intentionally, or if she accidentally shoots him, because she tries to save his life. There are many points that could be argued for both conclusions, but my observations have led me to believe that Margot did indeed shoot her husband intentionally, however, without pre meditation. Margot has one of the most obvious motivations to kill her husband: money. In addition, she, on the other hand, has one great asset, her beauty, ?They had a sound basis of union. Margot was too beautiful ... Show more content on ... Francis reveals his lack of self confidence and control over the situation. ?If he had been better with women she would probably have started to worry about him getting another new, beautiful wife but she knew too much about him to worry? (Hemingway). His lack of self confidence has given her all the power in the relationship and it was a major contributing factor in her infidelity. Later on in the story, the growth of Francis?s confidence during the buffalo hunt and Margot?s displeasure with it is the final clue in determination of the death of Francis Macomber. The buffalo hunt gives Francis a new found sense of ?happiness?. This ?new wealth? of confidence is powerful for Francis and devastating for Margot . ?Fear gone like an operation. Something else grew in its place. Main thing a man had. Made him into man. Women knew it too. No bloody fear? (Hemingway). Margot knew at this point that if Francis survives the trip, he might possess enough personal strength and finally leave her, and that is what encourages her decision to kill him. At the end of the story Wilson confirms the reader?s suspicion when he reacts to the shooting by saying to Margot, ?That was a pretty thing to do? (Hemindway). That statement reinforces the belief that Margot was indeed taking advantage of the opportunity to ensure her long term wealth and eliminate the possibility of being ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Essay on Bill Gates Biography Bill Gates Biography Bill Gates is not only a genius, but also an innovator in education, technology, and philanthropy. A prodigy, Bill Gates shares an education fact with Abraham Lincoln, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and even his competitor Steve Jobs: no college degree. Instead, he devoted his time to his passion for technology, going on to create the most profitable technology company in the world. For much of the past decade, Gates allocated both his profit and attention to philanthropy. Evidence of his innovation, industry and curiosity can be seen at an early age. Gates passion for technology began at the age of 8, when he built his first computer program. This program allowed the player to compete in a game of tic tac toe ... Show more content on ... By the time Bill Gates dies, he will have given away 90% of his wealth. He created the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation with his wife in 1997. So far, he has donated 28 billion dollars to philanthropic causes that include: better health care, vaccines, school grants, education. To date, the Foundation saved over one million lives with vaccines and better health care alone! In 2002, Bill and Melinda were named the most generous philanthropists in the world. Bill founded several schools based on hands on knowledge and technology. He also has given many Ted talks on education and constantly strives to make the public school system more effective and innovative. The Bill and Melinda Foundation has made large strides in education and offers billions of dollars in grants for schools across the US. In fact, my past school, Da Vinci Innovation Academy, earned a million dollar grant from this generous foundation to provide one of the first hybrid homeschool project based learning school. Bill not only helps the students in these lucky schools, he also supports the teachers through increased awareness about the lack of feedback and compensation teachers receive. His Ted talks on education inspire others to join in educational reform. Bill Gates influence is widespread. He has led the technological industry of the 20th century. He currently holds the sixth position for the most ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Product Design In Daniel Pink s A Whole New Mind In saying you need to differentiate to survive, Bob Lutz meant that in order to compete in the modern economy that a company must be capable of producing products faster and cheaper with higher quality than that of their overseas competitors. If this is our goal how might it be that we can achieve such a task? In Daniel Pink s work entitled A Whole New Mind, he puts forth several ideas about how the right brain as it is known in psychology may have the answers. Design combines technology, cognitive science, human need, and beauty to produce something the world didn t know it was missing . Assume that all products have the same technology, price, performance, and features. How would you know which product is better? That s what design does; it is what differentiates one product from another. It creates utility and significance. For every percent of sales invested in product design, a company s sales and profits rise by an average of 3 4 percent. My MAP organization Aldis thrives on making design choices that will benefit them in the future. They choose to have all stores exactly the same square footage, minimal brand options, only 6 8 employees, even multiple bar codes so checking out is quicker, and chose to save on stocking time by keeping their products in the same boxes they were shipped in. They utilize their costs and that has a huge significance on customer appreciation. Who doesn t want greater quality at everyday low prices? We are our stories; context enriched by emotions. We are not set up to understand logic, we are set up to understand stories. Aldi s wasn t always called Aldi s. It became Aldi s from ALbrecht (brothers last name) +DIscount = ADLI. Aldi s story begins with two brothers; Karl and Theo Albrecht; from the mining town of Essen, Germany in 1913. Their mother had a small food store and when they were old enough they took over the business and expanded to 4 locations. To be able to do this they had to reduce costs by removing merchandise that were not selling, keep the size of their retail outlets small, and neither advertise nor sell fresh produce. Once the locations started booming they opened their first self service store which was a first for Germany. Once they had grown ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Philip III Research Paper God, who has given me so many Kingdoms to govern, has not given me a son fit to govern them. This is a quote from Philip II saying he had many lands that he ruled during his life and how he had a son and his son became Philip III of spain. Philip II was a very important king to the Renaissance era due to his many contributions to the Renaissance society. His early life was hard He contributed much to society by contributing to government, religion, and economy finance. He has left behind many things like expanding Spain s colonial empire, he also became King of Portugal, Philip had a very strong presence in Italy and other parts of Europe such as France. Philip II was born in the capital of Valladolid on 21 May 1527 then died on September 13,1598 at the age of 71. Philip was the son of the Holy Roman emperor Charles I of Spain and Isabella of Portugal. Philips early life Philip was raised by his mother until ... Show more content on ... Many people started questioned the clean basis of the catholic church and argued against it. Later Philip would return back to Spain and rule Spain in 1558 and gets Charles other lands. In result he succeeded his uncle as emperor.ruled his empire through his personal control of appointments and all forms of patronage. Philip never left again. Philip was a great emperor when he was emperor spain reached high on influence and power. During Philip as emperor there were many government problems this was caused by the declaration of Independence the result of this was the Dutch Republic was created in 1581. Philip also organized naval expedition of declaim England. In Philip s first 20 years of govern he preserved peace with western Europe. Philip faced major naval war with the Ottoman Empire in the Mediterranean then Philip faced rebellion and war in the Netherlands. Philip also failed to suppress the Netherlands revolt.Philip lost the Invincible Armada from his attempts invasion of ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Medication Errors In The Health Care Industry As the health care industry continues to grow rapidly and patient s diagnosis is becoming more complex, providing safe, reliable care have never been all the more difficult. Medications, depending on its utilization can cause desired therapeutic effects as well as harmful effects to one s health, especially when error is committed. Medication error is an on growing issue that continues to affect the quality of patient care. And the need for better error avoidance strategies or medication management practice and administration system is becoming crystal clear as the number of medication errors are increasing daily in the healthcare industry. Medication errors can be a wrong dispensing or administration of a medication that have the potential ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Examples Of Religious Symbols In Dystopian Literature Religious Symbols in Dystopian Literature In the literary guide, How to Read Literature Like a Professor, Thomas C. Foster discusses the methods by which an English professor reads and analyzes literature from all genres and time periods. He references literary works from famous authors, including Shakespeare and Charles Dickens, as well as several religious texts in order to provide examples of major properties that occur frequently in literature. Two of these elements: the idea of characters resembling or sharing characteristics with Christ, as well as Baptismal rebirth appear in George Orwell s 1984 and Ray Bradbury s Fahrenheit 451, respectively. Though Orwell s monolithic authoritarian character Big Brother is the apotheosis of corruption ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Criminal Justice Essay (J.Ken, 2006)COMING TO AMERICA STRUGGLE AND TRANSACTION Introduction To understand contemporary policing in America it is necessary to understand its antecedents; we will gain a better understanding of this history by looking at its three eras. The police, said, are to great extent, the prisoners of the past. Day to day practices are influenced by deeply ingrained traditions. Another reason for analyzing historical developments and trends is that several discrete legacies have been transmitters to modern police agencies. In view of the significant historical impact on modern policing, it is necessary to turn back the clock to about A.D.900. Therefore, we begin with a brief history of the evolution of four primary criminal justice ... Show more content on ... As the county police officer turns more and more to matter of defense, the constable alone pursued felons focusing in later the ancient custom of citizens rising aloud noisy and joining in pursuit of criminals lapsed into disuse. During the middle Ages there was yet on high degree of specialization. The constable had a variety of duties including collecting taxes, supervising highways, and serving as magistrate. The office soon became subject to election and was conferrer upon local men of prominence; however, the creation of the wearing away grinding down office of the justice of the peace around 1200 quickly changed this trend forever; soon the constable was limited to making arrests only with warrants issued by a justice of the peace. As a result, the office deprived of social and civic prestige was no longer attractive. It carried on salary and the duties were often dangerous. In addition there was heavy attrition in the office, so the constable s term was limited to one year in an attempted attract officeholders; in 1856 Parliament completely discarded the office The office of constable experienced a similar process of disintegration in the colonies However, the American constables usually two in each town were give control over the night watch. By the 1930s, State constitution in twenty one states provided for the office of constable but constable still received no pay and like their British colleagues they enjoyed little ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Dakota Access Pipeline Protest Movement Dakota Access Pipeline Protest Movement Introduction Civil societies are voluntary social institutions and organizations that are separate from the government and the market where a community of citizens are able to come together and pursue their shared common interest. They are beneficial to the community as well as the broader society as civil societies ultimately promote progressive policies, nurture positive social norms that encourage stability, and advocates accountability and checks against state authority (Edwards 2010). Moreover, civil societies represent a third sphere of association where citizens are able to address the deficiencies that the state and market fail to handle and then have the opportunity to develop their own... Show more content on ... First the economic role, deals with the securing of livelihoods and providing services for their citizens when the state and market seem to be weak. In addition to holding corporations accountable and promoting progressive policies (Edwards 2010). Moreover, dealing with the health and welfare of their citizens. Second the political role, deals with the promotion of accountability and transparency within the government and provides checks against the state authority (Edwards 2010). Third the social role, deals with nurturing positive social norms that can foster stability. In addition to teaching people skills of good citizenship that will allow for maintaining social ties in an impersonal modern world (Edwards 2010). Overall, all of this three roles are reflected in the Dakota Access Pipeline protest movement as the community demonstrates the three main concepts throughout their civil society. Firstly, the social movement demonstrates the economic role by trying to secure the livelihood of the Sioux tribe by protesting for the protection of their primary water source essentially protesting for the right (and necessity) to water without worries of damage from oil spills because of the pipeline. Thus, the protest movement reflects the economic role of civil society as its main concern is with the health and welfare of the 10,000 Native Americans that live on the reservation and whose primary source of water is in danger of ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Vassalage And Senmenment In The Song Of Roland, Oliver And... The word, vassalage will have a different meaning to different people and their personalities. This will cause people to argue about how to deal with situations and what course of action is the best option. According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, vassalage is defined as a position of subordination or submission to a political power. While a vassal is someone who is under the protection of someone with authority such as a feudal lord. This person (vassal) will feel obligated to vow their loyalty to that person in power. In The Song of Roland , Oliver and Roland both have a different definition on what makes a great vassal. This paper will discuss both viewpoints on what makes a marvelous vassal , why the poet used Roland and Oliver to balance out vassals, and a brief understanding of vassalage and fief holding. First, a vassal and fief holding is more than just someone of lower status being obedient to their ruler and using their land to pay them. According to Britannica, some vassals were apart of their lord s court as household knights. Although, vassals who did not live in their lord s court were required to have a fief in order to sustain his land and have a solid holding of his service for his lord and/or king. However, if the vassal did something to violate or break his allegiance to his lord then it could result is a felony. This could explain why Roland refused several times to use his horn to call Charlemagne. However, he mentioned several times that calling ... Get more on ...
  • 34. An Overview Of Opiate Addiction An Overview Of Opiate Addiction Opiates are medications that are prescribed to treat pain. Opiates create a sense of euphoria, which can be addictive to some people. That is why many people exceed the recommended dosage. However, long term opiate abuse can lead to an addiction. Long term opiate use can also lead to tolerance. That is why it is common for people who use opiates to increase their dosage in order to experience the same effects. People who are addicted to opiates may also go to extreme measures to obtain the drug, such as stealing and doctor shopping. Opiates are one of the most commonly abused prescription drugs. The number of prescriptions written for opiates doubled from 1991 to 2013. Researchers believe that the ease of ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The New Of Colonial America America Colonial America was the era when America was made up of different colonies; in this case there were thirteen. Colonial America lasted from 1587 to 1770, 183 years long. As said before, there were thirteen colonies: four New England colonies, four Middle colonies, and five Southern colonies. The New England colonies were New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, otherwise known as the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The four Middle colonies were New York, Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Maryland made up the Southern colonies. These colonies were located in North America, along the Atlantic coast. Although these were the main colony groups, the very first colony was founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607. People settled in the colonies in North America to have a better life, and to escape persecution from people with different beliefs. The next colony, founded in 1620 by the Pilgrims, was Plymouth, Massachusetts. Native Americans assisted the Pilgrims when they first arrived at Plymouth. Two of the Native Americans were Samoset and Squanto, an English speaking Pawtuxet, who was kidnapped by Europeans, but was later freed. Another colony that was helped by Native Americans was Virginia, where tobacco was used as a cash crop that helped Virginia prosper. The colonies in Colonial America not only prospered from cash crops, but slaves as well. African Americans were brought in on trade ships ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Kathryn Schulz The Really Big One Essay The Really Big One by Kathryn Schulz has won a Pulitzer Prize for Feature Writing in 2015. This article talks about the potential really big one on that could happen on the Cascadia fault line. This article is a great example of effective writing. Schulz considers her audience, gives context to her writing, effectively informs her audience. The audience of this article is the American people. She specifically addresses the people who live in the northwest. I know that Schulz is writing to Americans specifically by how delivers her message. She starts out by saying Most people in the United States know just one fault line by name, the San Andreas (Schulz). She also addresses the catastrophic earthquakethat could happen in the Northwest United States. I think that Schulz is very effective at appealing to the audience. She uses a story from an American that has seen the dangerous effects of an earthquake in Japan. She also explains the terrible things that will happen. She doesn t just use facts and statistics of what could happen. She also has many predictions of what will happen. Heck 2 The shaking from the Cascadia quake will set off landslides throughout the region Bridges, railways, airports, fire stations, and police stations will collapse. She appeals to the audience s emotions by explaining that schools, ... Show more content on ... She starts by telling of the effects that a hurricane in Japan had. She informs the audience of a lesser known fault line known as the Cascadia subduction zone. As I pointed out earlier, Schulz does a great job at describing terms her audience does not understand. She wants to inform the audience that the potential Cascadian earthquake could be deferential. The words that she uses help Schulz show this purpose to her audience. She emphasizes how much damage could result. For example, she says that the reign will be unrecognizable it will be the worst ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Assessment Of Spreadsheet And Database Alternatives 1. Introduction This is a report for a retail second hand car organisation. The report will include how this organisation should store their business data, either in a spreadsheet or in a database. There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages with the two alternatives, and both of the alternatives will be considered. The report will give the manager of this organisation a recommendation for this proposed situation. In the outline design part of the report, the data regarding the customers, the suppliers, the products and sales will be included in a proposed option, either in a spreadsheet or in a database. 2. Assessment Discussion In the section Assessment of Spreadsheet and Database Alternatives will we describe the advantages and disadvantages with using either spreadsheet or database with storing data. In this section it will also be argued for and against for the reasons on the benefits and limitations of the alternatives. In the next section, Recommendation to the Manager will we come with a solid recommendation for the manager of using either spreadsheet or database to store their business data. In the last section Outline Design will it be illustrated a possible design for the selected option, either spreadsheet or database. Examples of data regarding the customers, the suppliers and the products will be included in this section. 2.1. Part 1 Assessment of Spreadsheet and Database Alternatives There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Essay about Japanese Malaise THE IMPACT OF SUPPLY SIDE FACTORS ON JAPANESE ECONOMIC STAGNATION Japan s ongoing economic stagnation for decades has provoked wider debate in the US. Along with the raise in unemployment rate and weak industrial production relative to other major industrial countries, the economic malaise in Japan was described as a lost decade. Studies have shown that Japanese economy suffers of severe problems that are not only cyclical but also structural in nature. In this paper, I will shed light on the major cause of the prolonged slowdown of the Japanese economy by analyzing the impact of supply side factors, including the decline in total factor productivity (TFP) and Japan s aging population.... Show more content on ... In the 1970s 1980s, total fertility rate in Japan fell below replacement levels, resulting in young labor shortage. Of the sharp slowdown in real GDP growth since the early 1990s, half is contributed by a drop in labor input. Between 1983 1991 and 1991 1998, the Japan Industrial Productivity (JIP) Database reports that Japan s real GDP declines 2.69 percentage points. Fukao, Inui, Kawai, Miyagawa (2004) demonstrate that the combined effect of 0.79 and 0.25 percentage point slowdowns in growth of working age population and in labor quality have reduced Japan s balanced growth rate by 1.04 percentage points. In hopes of placing Japanese economy back on a stable growth path, my suggestion is to make adjustments that affect job securities among employees, increasing economic certainties among married Japanese couples and stimulating their fertility decisions. In addition, women at their reproductive age should be supported in taking childcare leaves. Substituting labor saving technology and better utilizing older workers are possible ways of coping with Japan s labor shortage. To revive the economic growth, regulatory changes allow banks to classify restructured Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SME) loans normal if a company demonstrates its ability to make the loan perform from five to ten years. Low productivity growth and shrinking working age ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Lao Tzu Vs. Machiavelli Government (Lao tzu V. Machiavelli) What is government? Government is the governing body of nation, state, or community. Government determines the way any group of people are ran. There a several different types of government used all around the world. In the United States for example, uses a type of government that has three different branches of power. The Legislative Branch is the law making branch. The Judicial branch is the courts and the low enforcement. Lastly, the Executive branch is the presidential branch. Each has its own responsibilities and at the same time they work together to make the country run smoothly and to assure that the rights of citizens are not ignored or disallowed. (Osborne) Usually, governments break up the responsibilities into two or more groups. Two very influential writers wrote about their views on government; Lao tzu and Machiavelli. These writers were in very different times which makes it very interesting to compare their views. Lao tzu and Machiavelli had very different views on the ultimate purpose of government, the obligations of government leaders, and the main work of the state. To begin, Lao tzu s and Machiavelli s views on the ultimate purpose of government are very different. First of all, Lao tzu s idea of the purpose of government is more as a suggestion or a guide. Lao tzu believes that government should not be a part of people s personal lives in any way shape or form. He believes in a very simple type of government. He ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Intersectionality In Racism Camryn Permann M. Clements QS 301 04 October 2017 Intersections of Race and Sexuality in Queer Culture Since 2016, there has been a notable and insatiable effort from minority groups to have their experiences at the hands of oppression legitimized and recognized as valid by the majority. However, what many people tend to overlook is that these oppressed groups are also fighting for validity from another minority group. For example, the fight for recognition of women of a racial minority within the feminist movement, or the acknowledgement of Deaf people of color within the Deaf community. This overlap, and the experiences people endure because of it, is commonly referred to as intersectionality. The word itself has been around since the 1980s, coined by an African American woman named KimberlГ© Crenshaw in an essay she wrote about feminist theory and how the feminist movement itself only focused on the factor of gender, rather than other identities that influence a woman s experience with oppression ( New Words: Intersectionality ). Although there are numerous amounts of intersections that one person can experience, this essay aims to focus on the intersectionality of Queer people of color, as well as racism and oppression within the LGBTQ+ community. A number of individuals who are not directly involved in the Queer community are rarely exposed to the discrimination of other subcultures from the majority (i.e. white, gay males). As a result of this, people are led to assume ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Law School Scandal Addendum I would like to take this opportunity to respectfully make the Admissions Committee aware of the extenuating circumstances surrounding my academic dismissal from New York Law School. I was granted admission to New York Law School in the fall of 2012. Unfortunately, I was academically dismissed from NYLS for academic deficiency after my first semester. Life events beyond my control adversely affected my overall academic performance. In the months following my law school admission to NYLS, my mother s health condition began to deteriorate rapidly. She experienced a variety of symptoms such as weight loss, anxiety, elevated liver enzymes, jaundice of the skin and eyes, swelling, nausea and vomiting after meals, mild fevers, loss of ... Show more content on ... I resumed my legal education at Florida A M UniversityCollege of Law, but sadly disaster struck again. I, once again, was dismissed from law school after my first semester. This time, my mother s health had nothing to do with my dismissal from law school. A different type of life event, a case of infidelity, adversely affected my overall academic performance. As a man who is a true gentleman, I will not provide much context or detail about the nature of the infidelity. I relocated to Florida along with my ex fiancГ©e. Apparently, she became enamored with another man who lived in the same complex building we lived in. I found out of her unfaithfulness days before review session week. One afternoon, I decided not to remain in the law library, as accustomed, and go home early to study; and the worst case scenario, you can imagine, occurred. Words cannot express what I felt when I discovered my ex fiancГ©e with her lover in my apartment. This experience was perhaps one of, if not, the most excruciatingly painful experiences I have ever endured. After this event, which happened days before review session week commenced, I was not able to remain focused enough to continue with my studies; and did not function the way I wanted to. Frankly, I was in an absent minded state, my mind was filled with multiple thoughts, doubts, and questions, I was emotionally distraught and dealt with a variety of emotions ranging from grief, insecurity, and embarrassment to guilt; and instead of focusing on my studies I became more concerned with trying to figure out what had gone wrong in my relationship. As a result, I missed classes, group study meetings, and review sessions prior to finals; and consequently, I underperformed and paid the price, as I was academically dismissed from FAMU College of Law at the end of the semester. Believe you me, I am not the ... Get more on ...
  • 42. First Generation Nigerian Immigrants get older because they feel the children have a solid foundation academically and are responsible. Like Amy Chua, Nigerian Parents assume strength not fragility (Chua, 2011 p.52). Nigerian parents /student immigrants understand this because of where they come from. For all Nigerian/African immigrants, America is deemed as the land of opportunity and so there is no room for failure when transitioning from no opportunity to many opportunities and possibilities. Believe that their kids owe them everything (Chua,2011, p.53). I find similarities in this statement by Amy because again Nigeria is still going through many economic issues and first generation Nigerian Immigrants did not have an easy life, so they look to their children to do far ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Septic Tank Research Things A Contractor Looks For When Inspecting Your Septic Tank If you own a home with a septic tank, then you know you have to pump the tank on a regular schedule. What you may not know is that you should have the tank inspected regularly too, even if it isn t time to pump the tank yet. If you live in an area that gets frequent small earthquakes, or if your area unexpectedly has a quake, it s a good idea to get your tank inspected. While the tanks are durable and last for years under normal conditions, they aren t indestructible. Here are some things the inspector will look for. Cracks And Holes If your tank has a hole or cracks in it, then water can seep inside the tank from the ground or waste can leak out of the tank. Both are bad situations that can lead to problems with your tank and the drainfield. Holes are most common in old metal tanks. These tanks aren t used much any longer, but if your home is old, it s possible it still has a metal tank. These tanks can be dangerous since they rust and develop holes. That allows leaks to occur, but even worse,... Show more content on ... Your septic system has two parts. One is the tank and the other is the drainfield. Both have to be working properly for the waste to be processed from your house. When the drainfield goes bad, there may be wet soggy grass in the area above it. There could also be sewage in your yard. If sewage is leaking, the grass above the drainfield will be lush and darker green than the rest of the yard. Problems with the drainfield are costly to repair. Since drainfield problems often start in a tank that is too full or damaged, it is worth the effort and expense to keep your septic tank in good shape. If you have a large tank and you don t use much water, you may go a few years between cleaning and serving the tank. You may want to consider having an inspection more often than that just to make sure everything is working okay and no big problems are ... Get more on ...