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Narrative Essay | Narrative | Essays | Free 30-Day Trial Narrative Essay | Narrative | Essays | Free 30-Day Trial
Nonviolent Methods Used By Randall Robinson, Mahatma...
Around the world there are people whose rights have been restrained by those in power, but only a
few take a stand for them. The nonviolent methods used by Randall Robinson, Mahatma Gandhi, and
Cesar Chavez are what set them apart from other rights activists. Many people around the world owe
their freedom and inspiration to these three activists who have improved the lives of billions.
Throughout history, Africans have faced racism in and out of their home countries. Randall Robinson
was one of the many African American rights activists and helped bring South Africans the rights they
deserved. Robinson said many times that he was inspired by Martin Luther King Jr., who stated that
being peaceful was a surer way to equality. Robinson s participation in a quiet act of civil
disobedience in 1984 set in motion a radical change in American policy toward South Africa s
discriminatory apartheid regime. (). To further his efforts to influence America s foreign policy toward
African and Caribbean countries, he founded TransAfrica Forum in 1977. ... in 1977 TransAfrica came
into existence with Randall Robinson as its executive director and founder. (African American
Registry). Later in his life he lived in a self imposed exile from the United States because he felt that
America continued to mistreat African Americans. Before leaving, he convinced Congress to pass a
bill that would effectively end the South African Regime. In 1986 the U.S. Senate overrode a Reagan
veto to pass a series of sweeping sanctions against South Africa ... known as the Anti Apartheid Act of
1986. (). He progressed African s rights without ever using force.
Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian man who through nonviolent methods paved the way for India s
eventual freedom. Mahatma Gandhi...was the leader of India s non violent independence movement
against British rule and in South Africa who advocated for the civil rights of Indians. (
Editors). Gandhi was always promoting peaceful protests, so it countered his beliefs that he was
assassinated by a young Hindu as they were headed to a prayer meeting. Gandhi was assassinated by
Hindu extremist Nathuram Godse, who was upset at Gandhi s tolerance of Muslims... (
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The Lack Of Media Distraction
Today, the web grants the people easy accessibility to unprecedented amounts of knowledge.
However, a growing body of scientific proof suggests that the web, with its constant distractions and
interruptions, is additionally turning society into scattered and superficial thinkers.The Roman thinker
Seneca could have place it best 2,000 years ago: To be all over is to be obscurity (Carr, 2010).
The picture rising from the article is deeply heavy, at least any person who values the depth, instead of
simply the rate, of human thought. Individuals that scan text decorated with links, studies show,
comprehend less than those that scan classic linear text. Individuals that are frequently distracted by
emails, notifications and different ... Show more content on ...
a number of the studies indicated that bound laptop tasks, like enjoying video games, will enhance
visual attainment skills, increasing the speed at which individuals will shift their focus among icons
and different pictures on screens. different studies, however, found that such fast shifts focused ,
notwithstanding performed adeptly, end in less rigorous and more automatic thinking.In an experiment
conducted at Cornell university, for instance, a category of scholars was allowed to use Internet
connected laptops throughout a lecture, whereas the opposite had to stay their computers shut. those
that browsed the online performed abundant worse on a succeeding take a look at of however well
they preserved the lecture s content.
Ms. Greenfield ended that every medium develops some psychological feature skills at the expense of
others. Mans growing use of screen based media, she said, has strong visual spatial intelligence, which
might improve the power to try and do jobs that involve keeping track of immeasurable coincident
signals, like traffic management. however that has been among new weaknesses in higher order
psychological feature processes, together with abstract vocabulary, heedfulness, reflection, inductive
drawback determination, vital thinking, and imagination. People are changing into an a word,
shallower. will the web extremely make society smarter, the silly videos and spam are the roots of a
brand new reading and writing culture, says
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Bayou Macon-Madison Baptist Association Analysis
Churches are an important part of the community. They join together for the purpose of spreading the
word of the gospel and to help serve the community in times of need. In my area, there is an
association of churches joined together for that purpose. The Bayou Macon Madison Baptist
Association is an organization of 36 Southern Baptist Churches that work together to do mission
work, serve the church members and pastors, and other work to minister to the people.
The Bayou Macon Madison Baptist Association is located in Epps, Louisiana and is headed by
Director of Missions Bro. Jay Morgan. It is an organization of 36 churches that work together to
spread the word of Christ and to improve the lives of church members as well as members of the
community. Bro. Jay Morgan serves the churches of the association as an advisor. He advises the
pastors of the churches and acts as a resource person to them. The association offers different
programs for pastors to help them improve their skills so they can better serve their churches.
The association organizes mission work locally and internationally to reach people not normally
reached by the message of the churches. Whether these churches minister to people here in the
community or in another country, such as Honduras, the members of the association work hard to
ensure that their ... Show more content on ...
Brotherhood rallies and women s retreats are arranged in order to help encourage men and women to
serve their churches. Youth discipleship events, such as D Now, are also organized to minister to the
younger members of the churches. The association s purpose is to unite the churches so they are better
able to serve the community and to fulfill God s purpose for them. As Director of Missions Bro. Jay
Morgan said, One cord is weak, but when many cords are wound together, they are strong. That s what
we do when all our churches work
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Fourth Ward School Analysis
Within historic Virginia City resides the Fourth Ward School, a building constructed in 1874. When it
was built, Virginia City was booming with a population of approximately twenty two thousand people.
Virginia City at the time wanted to show off some of its pride as a city with a new four story school.
As the school today is so very old and has a history, people running the museum have to balance
keeping the place funded and staying historically true. Today, the museum has lost much of its
historical authenticity and has taken on more of a museum s role, rather than a historical building role.
However, that does not diminish the education potential the Fourth Ward School still has.
The School itself closed down in 1936, and it was not until ... Show more content on
This comes from the fact that the Fourth Ward School has undergone massive reconstruction since its
desertion in 1936. That does not take away from the fact that the school looks to be authentic, like it
was just preserved. This adds to its efficiency to educate as few museums can also claim to be a
historical building and show history visually. Even if the school is entirely re created, with the vast
sum of knowledge on the school, we can recreate it masterfully so that everyone can still learn and
enjoy being in a historical building that is the last of its kind. The Fourth Ward School blends the
needs of historic preservation well with the needs of a modern museum. It is likely that as time goes
on, the needs of the museum will outweigh the needs of historical
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The Pardoners Tale Essay
The Pardoner #8217;s Greed The pardoner, in Geoffrey Chaucer #8217;s #8220;The Pardoner #8217;s
Tale, #8221; is a devious character. He is a man with a great knowledge of the Catholic Church and a
great love of God. However, despite the fact that he is someone whom is looked at with respect at the
time, the pardoner is nothing more than an imposter who makes his living by fooling people into
thinking he forgives their sins, and in exchange for pardons, he takes their money. His sermon like
stories and false relics fool the people of the towns he visits and make him seem as a plausible man,
which is exactly what the pardoner wants. In fact, the pardoner is an avaricious and deceitful character
whose driving force in life is his ... Show more content on ...
When the pardoner is through with his tale, he does not forget to remind the congregation about
making their offering to him, so that they may protect themselves from avarice and against sin. The
pardoner shows no sign of sympathy or remorse towards his acts upon those whom he cheats. This is
one of the many greedy tricks that the pardoner performs to fool and steal from the people. Besides
being a great storyteller and speaker, the pardoner is also a wonderful actor, complete with convincing
props to deceive the congregation with. He preaches and tells the people about the power of his relics,
which in fact are fakes. Many of his relics were actually the bones of dead animals, such as pigs,
which he claimed to be the bones of dead saints, and gloves, which, he claimed, would help crops
grow if worn when planting them (Pichaske, 131). The pardoner claims that his relics have the power
to forgive sinners of both the punishment due to sin and the guilt of sin itself (Hussey, 177). The
people believe the pardoners words and quickly pay to be pardoned, in return the pardoner hands them
one of his fake relics. The pardoner quickly and happily accepts their offerings without first seeing if
there is any repentance in the people. This goes to show just how uninterested in the people the
pardoner is and how he is only interested in the offerings he receives. Those who buy the pardons,
mistake what is
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Treasure Island And The Shack Sparknotes
Introduction Throughout the years many people fall away from others because of tragic memories they
had in their life. The Shack explains how Mackenzie Allen Philips loses faith in God as his childhood
father dies of addiction to alcohol and as his youngest daughter Missy gets kidnapped and killed. This
book compares to Treasure Island as Jim Hawkins acts rebellious once his father dies at a young age.
II. The Shack Mack was broken as a kid because when his father died addicted to alcohol and as he
grew he became a different person taking care of a family but also leaving God. It s morning and
Mack gets mail but one of them says come back to the shack signed papa. His family believes in God
so his Wife and kids call God as Papa and again Mack doesn t really like God as much as his family
does. Mack has Five children, Jon the oldest, Tyler, Josh, Kate, and Missy the youngest. Three and a
Half years ago Mack, Josh, Kate, and Missy went on a camping trip but always Missy ask to tell her
favorite story. B. The story is about a princess giving up her life to save her people from a disease that
was spreading and when she died everyone was healed. When they arrived they had a wonderful day
and went to bed. In the morning Kate and Josh ask Mack if them two can go canoeing, he agree so
they went off as Mack cooked and Missy was coloring in her dress. Until Josh fell off the canoe and
started to drowning and mack ran to save him,but once Josh was safe he went back
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Underage Drinking At Its Worst
Underage Drinking at its worst! One lesson I thought I would never have to learn as a teenager was
underage drinking, toothbrushes, and bunk beds do not mix! I was 16 years old in high school and I
had braces. I was going through my rebellious stage, I didn t think about things before I did them and
what kind of consciences my actions had. I played football and I had lots of friends. I had friends who
were jocks, theater geeks, nerds, and some friends who were the trouble makers of the school. I went
to parties a lot, I would drink and have a good old time that was until I had my accident. My friend
Stevie s parents were going out of town and we all knew what that meant, he was going to have a
party. We all had our jobs to do to prepare for it. Stevie had the house so he was all set, another friend
of mine was in charge of inviting everyone, and my job was to get the alcohol. I had an older brother
who would always buy my friends and I booze, so I went all out. I got beer in bottles and in a keg, I
got hard alcohol like whiskey, vodka, rum and all the mixers that you need for a good underage
drinking party. The party was going great everyone was having a blast! Everyone showed up it was
turning out to be the best party of the year. People showed up that we didn t even invite, so they got
charged at the door to cover the cost of the party. As the night went on and it was getting late people
were starting to leave, we started to wind down and clean up a little (as well as
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Mobile Ad Hoc Network Research Paper
A Mechanism for Detection of Cooperative part attack in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Jaydip Sen ;
Sripad Koilakonda ; Arijit Ukil A mobile impromptu network (MANET) could also be a assortment of
autonomous nodes that communicate with one another by forming a multi hop radio network and
maintaining connections in an extremely localized manner. Security remains a significant challenge
for these networks due to their choice of open medium, properly dynamical topologies, reliance on
cooperative algorithms, absence of centralized observation points, and lack of clear lines of defense.
Most of the routing protocols for MANETs are so in danger of various types of attacks. impromptu on
demand distance vector routing (AODV) could also very ... Show more content on ...
Flooding attack is one such kind of DoS attack, at interval that a compromised node floods the entire
network by inflicting associate in nursing large of faux RREQs to nonexistent nodes at interval the
network, thus resulting in network congestion. Throughout this paper, the protection of painter AODV
routing protocol is investigated by distinctive the impact of flooding attack on it. A simulation study of
the implication of flooding attack on the performance of the AODV routing protocol is presented. The
simulation surroundings is implemented by using the NS 3 network machine. it s determined that as a
result of the presence of such malicious nodes, average proportion of packet loss at interval the
network, average routing overhead and average system of measurement demand all can increase, thus
degrading the performance of painter significantly.
Simulation study of part and Jellyfish attack on painter victimization NS3 Nidhi Purohit ; Richa Sinha
; Khushbu Maurya Wireless networks are gaining quality to its peak recently das result of the user s
need wireless property regardless of their geographic position. There is associate increasing threat of
attacks on the Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET). The attacks studied throughout this paper are
against the routing protocols in Mobile impromptu network. We ve got used AODV for simulating this
attacks NS3. Region attack is one in each of the protection threat
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The Wrinkle In Time Movie And Book Differences
The Wrinkle In Time there are some difference and similarities between the book and the movie it is
that the character are not that much more alike in the movie than in the book and the part in the movie
is not like the book. The Wrinkle In Time is by Madeleine L Engle. A summary about the book is that
Meg tries to find her dad and She has a brother named Charles and he is very special and they go on a
journey to find their dad and in the beginning their was a boy that thy meet and his name was Calvin
The book of The Wrinkle In Time had differences In the movie like Meg had no braces and glasses in
the movie, but in the book She had those things in the book. The character where different in the book
and in the movie
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The And Cultural Conservatism, And Homogeneity
HRC is a dichotomous variable: 1 if the county had an HR department or staff, and 0 if it had none.
Apptmgr is also a dichotomous variable, 1 if the county had an appointed county manager, and 0 if it
did not.
Total is the number of full time employees for each county published in the 2012 Census of
Governments: Employment.
PCI is per capita income, it s the mean income of residents inside each county.
Pop is the estimates from the 2012 census population for each county.
Cultural conservatism is the percentage of the population in each county that are members of a
religious congregation. This is a proxy for cultural conservatism, and homogeneity.
Hypothesis 1: The greater the population, the more likely the county has an HR department.
Hypothesis 1a: The greater the population, the more full time employees working for the county.
Hypothesis 1b: The greater the population, the more likely the county has an appointed county
Hypothesis 1c: The greater the population, the smaller the percentage of the population in each county
that are members of a religious congregation.
Hypothesis 2: The greater the per capita income the more likely of having a county human resources
Hypothesis 2a: The greater the per capita income the more likely of having more full time employees
working for the county.
Hypothesis 2b: The greater the per capita income the more likely having an appointed county
Hypothesis 2c: The greater the
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Alibaba Group
ALIBABA Group Holding
Brief History. Alibaba cooperation is a global wide Internet company founded by Jack Ma, Chinese
name Ma Yun.Although Alibaba was founded in 1999, the story of how the company came to be
actually dates back to 1995, when Jack Ma was on a trip to the U.S. and first became exposed to the
Internet. As the story goes, he tried searching for the word beer on Yahoo but the search results did not
turn up a single Chinese option. In fact, he could hardly find anything about China on the Internet at
all. After returning home, he founded a company called China Pages a directory of various Chinese
companies looking for customers abroad. China Pages was a flop. But a few years later, Ma took
another stab at an ... Show more content on ...
The Partnership has the exclusive right to nominate a simple majority of the members of Alibaba s
board of directors, subject to shareholders approval. If the director nominee from Alibaba Partnership
is not elected by the shareholders, the Partnership has the right to appoint a different person to serve as
an interim director until the next scheduled annual general meeting. The Alibaba Partnership elects
new partners annually after a nomination process whereby existing partners propose candidates to the
partnership committee. The partnership committee reviews the nominations and determines whether
the nomination of a candidate will be proposed to the entire partnership for election. Election of new
partners requires the approval of at least 75% of all of the partners.[Alibaba group Web]
The Alibaba Culture and Value A company s culture and value is well connected with the founder,
Jack Ma is transforming his personal value and ethic into Alibaba, which cause Alibaba group strong
cohesion. The Alibaba culure is about championing small business (means there are not difficulties on
small business operating). Alibaba operate an ecosystem where all participants consumers, mechants
third party service providers and
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Islamic Empire Achievements
There are three Islamic empires, the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empire. Each one had their own
leader and where located in different places. They each had battles to win land and conquer other
cities. Their achievements were all unique.
The Ottomans lived in Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire, Syria, and Persia. Their leader was
Mehmed the Second, and Ottoman leaders were called sultans. Another leader was Suleymen the First,
also known as the Magnificent. Ottomans were divided into two classes and they also made rules of
their own. Wealthy women could also own property or businesses, which is rare in most cultures.
The Safavid Empire lived in Persia, and has two different types of Muslims. One was Shia and the
other was Sunni, and there were ... Show more content on ...
The founder of them was Babur, or tiger, and established the Mughal Empire in 1526. One leader was
Akbar, who diminished taxes on non Muslims and invited Hindus to be part of the Mughal Empire.
While he was ruling, Persians and Indian lived in the same communities and Muslims also wrote in
Hindi or Urdu. The main achievement of the Mughal Empire was the Taj Mahal, which is a tomb built
from 1631 until 1647. In the 1600s, The Mughal Empire fell apart.
If I could live in any empire, it would be the Safavid Empire. There would both Persian and Muslim
traditions. There were magnificent mosques and lots of beautiful art. Handwoven carpet and textiles
were made and sold to people. They also had ceramics and metal goods, especially those of steel.
There was trade as far away as Europe, which gave wealth to the Safavid Empire. Therefore, I would
stay in the Safavid Empire.
The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires were all very advanced for their time. Each had their own
achievements and brave leaders. They all lasted for different time periods and lived in different places.
However, I would choose to stay in the Safavid Empire if I
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The Columbine Massacre
The Columbine Massacre Were They Pushed or Did They Jump What would drive two seemingly
normal high schoolers to try and slaughter everyone they went to school with? Was it the bullying,
angst or video games and movies? Or none of the above. As we examine what led up to one of the
worst domestic terrorist acts in American history I think we ll that find Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold
weren t your average teenagers. In my opinion they were cold blooded killers who had every intention
to take as many lives as they could. At approximately 11:10 on April 20th 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan
Klebold went to their high school and carried out a coordinated attack, killing twelve students and one
teacher before eventually turning the guns on themselves. ... Show more content on ...
He makes statements like The pain multiplies infinitely. Never stops. Yet I m here, STILL alone, still
in pain. ... I d rather have nothing than be nothing. One of the last pages in Dylan s journal was him
and Eric s plan for the massacre and it goes like this. Walk in, set bombs at 11:09, for 11:17. Leave.
Drive to clemete Park. Gearup. Get back by 11:15. Park cars. Set car bombs for 11:18. Get out, go to
outside hill, wait. When first bombs go off, attack. Have fun! Dylan s journals start off very suicidal
and progressively more hateful until him and Eric are on the same level and were set on completing
their final mission. During their senior year Eric and Dylan starred in a short film for a class called
Hitmen for Hire where they foreshadowed themselves walking around Columbine in their trenchcoats
and talked about relocating other students. Even though in the film they talk about killing other
students that are bullying another student, who hires Eric and Dylan for twenty dollars a day to protect
him, Eric says you know we can t have weapons on school grounds. There are too many similarities to
think that this short film for a class was simply just that, I believe at this time (December 1998) the
duo had a plan and they were intentionally foreshadowing it through this
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Alcohol and the Brain
Alcohol and the Brain
In chemistry terms, alcohol is any organic compound where a hydroxyl group is bound to a carbon
atom, which is has single bonds to three other atoms. The type of alcohol that can be consumed is
called Ethanol which is a liquid and psychoactive recreational drugs. If a person drinks Ethanol, or
alcohol, it affects the central nervous system, which causes decrease in activity, anxiety, tensions,
concentration, and judgement. There are also several cases of memory loss due to heavy drinking that
cuts off the supply of oxygen to the brain.
Most of us have witnessed the effects of alcohol, whether it be slurring words, lack of balance, or lack
of judgement. These physical signs occur due to the effect of alcohol in our brains and central nervous
system. Although many of us have witnessed or experienced effects of alcohol, very few of us have
knowledge of what exactly is happening to our body and brain when consuming alcohol. It has always
been evident that alcohol has an effect on the brain, which can in turn impair the behavior and
thinking processes of individuals. However, most of society is unaware of the chemical reaction that is
occurring within their body and brains every time they consume alcohol. Alcohol affects brain
chemistry by the altering levels of neurotransmitters. Alcohol increases the effects of the inhibitory
neurotransmitters GABA in the brain, causing slower or sluggish movements and slurred speech that
is a common occurrence with
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The Breakfast Club Analysis
Don t Skip Breakfast!
The Breakfast Club is a timeless movie centered around the very relevant concept of discovering your
identity and breaking away from stereotypes. It is about a group of 5 defiant high school students who
are all forced to spend their Saturday in detention. The five main characters include Claire (Molly
Ringwald) the princess, Brian (Anthony Michael Hall) the brain, Andrew (Emilio Estevez) the jock,
Allison (Ally Sheedy) the weirdo, and John Bender (Judd Nelson) the criminal. These students have
very different personalities and very little in common or so they think. The five are stuck together
under the oppressive authority of Richard Vernon (Paul Gleason) the Principal, who served as a
common enemy for the students. Their sole task for that Saturday was to write an essay describing
who they are, a question that remained pondered for the duration of the film as The Breakfast Club is
an iconic story of self discovery.
WHAT WORKED The Breakfast Club did an excellent job of capturing the strife of students as they
try and find themselves through their adolescent years. They have all been cast a different stereotype
and at the beginning of the movie it is clear that all of the characters have a fairly decent idea of who
they think everyone is. Every viewer can relate to at least one of the various stereotypes, and I think
your overall enjoyment of the movie will depend on how easily you can identify with one of the
characters. Their stereotypes are
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The Role Of Gun Violence In The United States
Teens and young adults are far more likely to be victims of gun violence than older people. Between
1976 and 2005, some 77 percent of homicide victims ages fifteen to seventeen were killed with guns.
(Gun Control). In today s society, people are allowed to have guns because of the second amendment.
The second amendment gives people the right to keep and bear arms. Many politicians disagree on
who the second amendment applies to; however, regardless of who it is intended for, gun violence has
become extremely high in the United States. Men originally made guns to aid soldiers fighting in
wars. Now, people are using guns to commit crimes such as robbery and murder. The only way to stop
the rate at which these crimes are being committed, is to
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Helmet Comparison Essay
Imagine this, going into a burning building that could collapse, explode, or kill and you are the one
that is going to save someone s life inside and put your life on the line. This is what firefighters have
to think about everyday whether they are from the United States, Europe, or any other country.
Despite this similarity and multiple more,the United States and the Europeans fire services differences
are clear.
Approximately 1,134,400 people in the United States are firefighters. About 346,000 are career and
paid firefighters. 788,000 are volunteer and don t get paid for their time.Only seven percent of all
these firefighters are women which leaves ninety three percent being male.The classes of fire are
categorized by what burns. Class ... Show more content on ...
The European helmet is reportedly more comfortable and practical than the helmets used in the United
States. These helmets look like a motorcycle with a different shield. These guys were ... universally
afraid of being mocked for wearing something new, different or unfashionable. Seliger on European
style helmets. Surprisingly, the United States and Europe use trucks with the same way, however, they
are much different. About seventy five percent of the United States truck are custom cabs. This means
that they are not regular car brands. Some brands of American trucks are Rosenbauer, E ONE, and
Pierce. A reason for using custom cabs is because they can make trucks bigger in America because of
the larger roads. The United States ladder trucks have a lot of uses. They have equipment for rescuing
people, ventilation, and fire suppression which is actually putting out the fire. European trucks are
very different from American trucks. Their trucks are ninety five percent commercial cabs so, their
trucks are brands like Mercedes or Volvo. They use these brands because they make smaller and more
compact trucks for their smaller roads. Unlike the American ladder truck, the Europeans don t have
many with pumps or tanks. They are strictly use for rescuing and not putting out fire. They also don t
have room to have large ladder trucks with lots of equipment on
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The Great Recession Of 2008 Was A Worldwide Economic Downturn
The Great Recession of 2008 was a worldwide economic downturn that impacted the global economy.
Economists consider the economic decline as one of the most damaging recessions that occurred since
the Great Depression of 1930 s. Several documentations and research regarding the recession have
been made to make a better understanding of the economic downturn in 2008 as well as the global
economy as a whole. The book used as reference in this essay, the Diary Of A Very Bad Year:
Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, captured the events corresponding to the length
of the Great Recession through separate interviews of an anonymous hedge fund manager (HFM). The
interviews contain information shared by HFM that describes the Great ... Show more content on ...
HFM s experience as a hedge fund manager gives value into this information and the authority to
describe what started the crisis. The advantage that follows from the source regarding this idea is that
it recorded information that described the creation of the mortgage bubble in the financial market, and
the damage dealt to the financial system when the mortgage market crashed from a finance expert.
The disadvantage is that the subprime market might not be the only reason of the misallocation of
resources, given the fact that HFM s hedge fund was involved in the subprime market which might
have formed a biased opinion on that matter (18 19). The nature of the source does not complicate the
idea of the cause of the crisis, although concluding that the subprime market was the main cause could
complicate the subject. This clearly shows that the idea of the misallocation of resources within the
book had negatively impacted the financial system that built the momentum of the economic decline.
Another main idea in the book is the linkages of the financial system to the real economy during the
recession. In the duration of the financial crisis, unemployment as well as job loss increased, wage
eroded, and companies and businesses closing were in significant numbers (66; 83). In a more specific
example, the Reserve Primary
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Difference Between Malaysia Dilemma And Malaysia Dilemma
I not only think but also look and study things carefully. When I travel around, I look things carefully
make comparisons of what I see. I don t accept things at face value, you cannot trust what you hear or
see. Don t jump to conclusions without thinking
Mahathir Mohamad
What is dilemma? Basically dilemma is a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between
two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones. In this case, Malay Dilemma and
Malaysia Dilemma is to be compared
Malaysia is one of the great international success stories of the past generation. Back then, Malaysia
lagged behind Haiti in per capita income but since then it has grown an average of 7 percent annually
and would rank third in per capita wealth in the Western Hemisphere. In any standard, the growth is
very outstanding. Moreover, Malaysia had evolved from an agrarian economy since its independence
in 1957 into an industrial one envied by many other developing nations. Vision 2020 was launched by
Dr. Mahathir ... Show more content on ...
Since, there are also pleas for a shift to social development , which is believed to add more to
happiness than continued economic development does. Social development is a rhetoric notion in the
first place. It denotes a contrast with economic development , but has no clear meaning in itself. The
term suggests something more communitarian than market economy, leaving open what that precisely
is. The concept functions in fact as an umbrella for different alternative views, suggesting that these go
together. The organ donation among Malaysian leads to the Malay Dilemma on social development
because eventhough the Malays in Malaysia is the largest ethnics, but unfortunately the statistics
shows that the Malays are the least to sign up for organ donation. As we know, organ donation among
the world community today is not a new
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Juvenile Corrections Essay
1. What are five goals of juvenile corrections? How effectively are these goals achieved? The goals of
juvenile corrections are too deter, rehabilitate and reintegrate, prevent, punish and reattribute, as well
as isolate and control youth offenders and offenses. Each different goal comes with its own challenges.
The goal of deterrence has its limits; because rules and former sanctions, as well anti criminal
modeling and reinforcement are met with young rebellious minds. Traditional counseling and
diversion which are integral aspects of community corrections can sometimes be ineffective, and
studies have shown that sometimes a natural self intervention can take place as the youth grows older;
resulting in the youth outgrowing delinquency. ... Show more content on ...
What are halfway houses? What are their functions and goals? Halfway houses are non confining
residential facilities intended to provide an alternative to incarceration as a period of readjustment to
community for offenders after confinement. Halfway houses are used by parolees while they seek out
employment and adjust to the outside world. Halfway houses aim to give the parolee a transitional
shelter so that they may adjust and reintegrate into the community. Freedoms are often restricted and
parolee activity is also monitored. 3. What are wilderness experiences and what are their functions?
Wilderness experiences are programs that focus on outdoor activities to help develop self worth, pride,
and trust in others. This program is an alternative to incarceration, and is less expensive. Wilderness
programs like The Rawhide Boys Ranch have had a great deal of success. RBR is a faith based
residential center in Wisconsin and was established in the 1960s. RBR can accommodate around 60 at
risk youths who suffer from mental illnesses. RBR has shown great success during their evaluation
resulting in a 73 percent success rate. 4. What is meant by shock probation? What are different types
of shock probation? What are some major differences among them? Shock probation is an
intermediate probation where the offenders are initially assigned to secure confinement, but are later
removed from detention and sentenced to serve the remainder of
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The Effects Of Dairy Farms On The Dairy Industry
The dairy industry, which includes dairy farms and dairy processing plants, is a major contributor to
the economy. Dairy farms are involved in the production of raw milk, whereas dairy processing plants
produce a variety of dairy products (such as processed milk, cheese, butter, yogurt and ice cream). The
dairy industry ranks third (based on farm cash receipts) in the Canadian agriculture sector and
Newfoundland has the fewest number (n=33) of dairy farms of all the provinces (CDIC 2014).
Although Quebec and Ontario are the major dairy producing provinces in Canada, Newfoundland has
the highest number of dairy cows and milk production levels per farm (CDIC 2014). The close contact
between animals within a dairy farm can make them prone to ... Show more content on ...
2014). Furthermore, some diseases that infect dairy animals can also be transmitted to humans
(Bannantine et al. 2014). Therefore, epidemiological studies are important for successful prevention
and control programs. The work described in this thesis will focus on two bacterial pathogens
affecting dairy animals: (i) Klebsiella species, one of the causative agent of clinical mastitis (CM,
cases where the cow displays definitive symptoms of inflammation of the mammary glands and udder
tissue) and (ii) MAP, which causes Johne s disease, which is a contagious bacterial disease of the
intestinal tract. The molecular diversity of the pathogens associated with these two diseases has not
been examined in Newfoundland previously and was therefore selected to be the topic of the research
1.3 Mastitis and Klebsiella species
Mastitis in dairy animals is caused by a number of bacteria that include the major pathogens such as
Streptococcus uberis, Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli. Other mastitis causing pathogens are
Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Corynebacterium bovis, Mycoplasma spp.,
Staphylococcus spp., Klebsiella spp., Citrobactor spp., Enterobacter spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Pasteurella spp. and Bacillus spp. Sometimes fungi, yeasts and moulds are
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The Mediation of The Concept of Balance in the Tao Te...
The mediation of the concept of balance in the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu;
The way is cluttered with constant imagery of contradictory views which are both compelling and
insightful, through which we are taken on a journey, our final destination being the true meaning of
life. In a world where we are all yearning for the meaning for life, true harmony and real balance it is
no surprise that the Tao Te Ching is a very haunting piece of literature that holds the reader in an
almost trans like state of mind as it attempts to portray the way to accomplish the above.
The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao.
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The opening two lines of this collection of 81 proverbial chapters ... Show more content on ...
However simultaneously during this time of anarchy and imperialism there were many different
cultural and religious sects forming in China. This provides the modern day reader with one of the
main obstacles from fully comprehending the text seeing as it cannot be approached from a mere
linguistic point of view, as to do this a comparison between various translations would be necessary.
Having said this, to overlook the one link in all of the translations would be impossible. That being the
image of equilibrium it tries to obtain by putting forward two almost totally opposing concepts and
within them making the reader to ponder on it for a while and sieve out the rightful meaning. Which
makes it almost like mathematical formula that just has to be applied, this is present in the translation
of the Tao Te Ching by Stephen Mitchell and Stanley Lombardo also in the translation done by
Thomas Cleary and C. Lau.
A clear example of this sense of equilibrium is in the second chapter as is talks about the necessity of
the presence of both extremes so that one can appreciate both, invariably proving that the only way to
recognize things is to accept the opposite of it, be it a good or bad thing. It is a simple equation of
comparison plus balance which equals to tranquil understanding but the real task is putting that into
practice. Therefore having and not having arise together.
Difficult and easy complement each other
Here we see reference to the concept of
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Persia Dbq Essay
Every civilization had their own special way of governing. Some liked their way of government,
others did not. Persia s bureaucracy created a way to efficiently govern a vast empire. Athens
innovative democracy allowed people to make decisions which are best for their city. Although Athens
had their achievements, the Persians did a better job with their bureaucracy and keeping their
government and empire stable.
Athens was the first city to have a structured democracy. They wanted people to make their decisions
that were best for the city. According to Document 6, Athens assembly, the Ecclesia, voted on laws,
appointed the magistrates, controlled finances, made decisions based on war and peace, and controlled
treaties. All men were in the ... Show more content on ...
However, what seemed as a great form of government was tyrannical one.
It was really intolerant towards non Athenians. The Persian bureaucracy was more tolerant.The
Achaemenid Persian Empire was the largest empire in the world. According to
Document 2, the empire stretched from Greece in the west to India in the east. Persian
Emperor Darius united 70 different cultures. According to Document 1, the Charter of the
Rights of Nations, Cyrus wrote, I did not want anyone to terrorize the land [Babylon]... I lifted their
unbecoming yoke . Cyrus, instead of treating his subjects brutally, decided to treat his subjects fairly,
just like normal Persians. The Persian way of government proved to make their empire socially more
stable than Athens .
Some may say that Athens culture is better than the Persians because they were an innovative
democracy and the Persians were not. However, Athens was a very limited democracy. According to
Document 6 ,only 1/10 of Athenians were actually citizens of the city. In Persia, even though there
was no democracy, there was equality. A successful government is not the one that has the fair
government, it is the one that results in stability and peace.
In conclusion, the Persians clearly had been more successful than the
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Passage One Is From One s A Heifer By Ross Sinclair
Passage one is from One s a Heifer by Ross Sinclair. The major theme of this short story is being
afraid to grow up. This quote, from passage one identifies the theme as it explains the main character
wanting to understand the secret of becoming mature by looking, inside the stall . However, the main
character is unable to grow up and understand maturity as he is afraid of seeing .
Passage two quote is from Coraline by Neil Gaiman. The main idea of Coraline is that getting
everything a character wants is not a good thing for the character. In Coraline the main character
speaks this quote from passage two, to the other Mr. Bobo and explains receiving everything she
wants; toys, undivided attention by her parents and never being bored is not good. As she would be
losing her independence also not working towards her goals. Therefore, a character getting everything
they want is bad because your independence is lost due to always striving for the next best and not
being happy. In passage two from part A, the quote is from My Last Duchess by Robert Browning.
Power is very important to the protagonist the Duke in the short story, My Last Duchess, as he needs
and holds power. However, before this quote, the Duke had told the envoy how he planned his wife s
murder. The envoy upon hearing this is wanting to leave the Duke, but the Duke says together down,
sir . Furthermore, making the envoy feel equal to the Duke, but ultimately the protagonist is displaying
his power
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Currency War Between China and Usa and Its Global Impacts...
Currency war between China and USA and its global impacts on economy.
Currency War:
Currency war, also known as competitive devaluation, is a condition in international affairs where
countries compete against each other to achieve a relatively low exchange rate for their own currency.
As the price to buy a particular currency falls so too does the real price of exports from the country.
Imports become more expensive too, so domestic industry, and thus employment, receives a boost in
demand both at home and abroad. However, the price increase in imports can harm citizens
purchasing power. The policy can also trigger retaliatory action by other countries which in turn can
lead to a general decline in international trade, harming ... Show more content on ...
It will occur when the money supply is increased faster than the growth of real output.
Note: the link between printing money and causing inflation is not straightforward. The money supply
does not just depend on the amount the government prints.
Large National Debt. To finance large national debts, governments often print money and this can
cause inflation.
Economic Outlook
If a country s economy is in a slow growth or recessionary phase, the value of their currency
depreciates. The value of a country s currency also depreciates if its major economic indicators like
retail sales and Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, are declining. A high and/or rising unemployment
rate can also depreciate currency value because it indicates an economic slowdown. If a country s
economy is in a strong growth period, the value of their currency appreciates.
Trade Deficit
A trade deficit occurs when the value of goods a country imports is more than the value of goods it
exports. When the trade deficit of a country increases, the value of the domestic currency depreciates
against the value of the currency of its trading partners.
The demand for imports should fall as imports become more expensive. However, some imports are
essential for production or cannot be made in the country and have an inelastic demand we end up
spending more on these when the exchange rate falls in value. This can cause the balance of payments
to worsen in the short run (a
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The War Photo No One Would Publish Analysis
The Limitations of Censorship
In The War Photo No One Would Publish , the author Torie Rose DeGhett depicts the meaning of
censorship. DeGhett proposes that pictures should always be published so the viewers can get the full
effect of what is happening in the world. DeGhett also proposes the idea that it s hard to calculate the
consequences of a photographs absence (DeGhett Page 74). This statement leads to the idea of
censorship causing the argument of whether certain media outlooks should be censored to the public
or not. Personally, I believe that the ethics of censorship is a controversial topic. People should have
the right to view/hear any material they wish, however, there should be standard limitations on certain
topics that are ... Show more content on ...
Although Perez doesn t post about the horrors of war, he does posts about the horrors of society and
the catastrophic events that happen to celebrities. Perez is known to not have a filter and in doing so
his stories and uncensored and eradicated. Many people strive to report devastating stories on
celebrities and Perez showcases those celebrities in their worst moments of life. There is an estimate
of 8.8 million people [who] read his website within a twenty four hour period which means that
several people are reading exploiting stories on someone s life (Klosterman Page 225). In providing
this website Perez is hurting others career and family life so, should his website be censored from the
internet? This draws a fine line on the topic of censorship because should the people not have the right
to view the material or if they should be blocked. Personally, I think it should be up to the person to
decide if he or she wants to look at unflattering images of celebrities or believe convoluted stories to
make themselves feel better. On the other hand, some people might wish not to view certain media
because they have ethical standards that don t need to be entertained with other people s lives.
Censorship should be based off individual morals in which they can decide what they think should and
shouldn t be censored
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Essay on Walmart
Walmart From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wal Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT
( ), branded as Walmart, is an American
multinational retail corporation that runs chains of large discount department stores and warehouse
stores. The company is the world s third largest public corporation, according to the Fortune Global
500 list in 2012, the biggest private employer in the world with over two million employees, and is the
largest retailer in the world. Walmart remains a family owned business, as the company is controlled
by the Walton family, who own a 48 percent stake in Walmart.[5][6] It is also one of the world s most
valuable companies.[7] The company was founded by Sam Walton ... Show more content on ...
Within the fifth year, the store was making $250,000 in revenue. When the lease for the location
expired, he couldn t reach an agreement for renewal, so he opened a new Ben Franklin franchise in
Bentonville, Arkansas and called it Walton s Five and Dime. [13][14] On July 2, 1962, Walton opened
the first Walmart Discount City store located at 719 Walnut Ave. in Rogers, Arkansas. The building is
now occupied by a hardware store and an antique mall. Within five years, the company expanded to
24 stores across Arkansas and reached $12.6 million in sales.[15] In 1968, it opened its first stores
outside Arkansas, in Sikeston, Missouri and Claremore, Oklahoma.[16] Sam Walton s original Walton
s Five and Dime store in Bentonville, Arkansas now serving as the Walmart Visitor Center
Incorporation and growth (1969 2005) The company was incorporated as Wal Mart Stores, Inc. on
October 31, 1969. In 1970, it opened its home office and first distribution center in Bentonville,
Arkansas. It had 38 stores operating with 1,500 employees and sales of $44.2 million. It began trading
stock as a publicly held company on October 1, 1970, and was soon listed on the New York Stock
Exchange. The first stock split occurred in May 1971 at a market price of $47. By this time, Walmart
was operating in five states: Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, and Oklahoma; it entered
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Analysis Of Theater Of The Oppressed By Augusto Boal
In Theater of the Oppressed , Augusto Boal argues that theater is inherently political and that
traditional, Aristotelian theater is inherently oppressive. He reviews the history of theater, from
Aristotle through Machiavelli, Hegel, and Brecht, and proposes a new idea of theater that breaks the
bounds between audience and performers, and between chorus and protagonist. In the Introduction ,
Boal introduces his main proposition, that theater is inherently political. He presents conflicting
classical ideas of whether the theater is merely entertainment or is fundamentally political. Aristotle
argued that theater and poetry are independent of politics, and Boal seeks to show that Aristotelian
theater is a political tool that represses the ... Show more content on ...
According to Boal, Aristotle s tragic hero has one flaw, a characteristic that is antisocial or rebellious.
The audience empathizes with this trait, and the virtuous character. When the flaw leads the character
to tragedy, the audience pities the character and fears for themselves, who share this trait. Through the
character s downfall, the trait is suppressed in the audience.
How does Art imitate Nature? Well Aristotle seems to think that Art imitates nature means that Art
recreates the creative principle of created things. Not in the sense that it mimics things in the world,
but that it re cerates nature. In this sense, art utilizes the creative principal of created things. Artistic
items are not exact reproductions, but contain much of the same tenets as the original so as to impart
knowledge and understanding about that item. Boal describes ideas of the thinkers of Aristotle s time
and how Aristotle may have developed this point of view. Boal concludes this sub section of section
one with the idea of knowledge and how it is presented. He suggests that through dialectics and the
debate of ideas knowledge ascends. Boal further depicts how Aristotle may have reconciled his
position on the arts and society with that of his contemporaries. He introduced new concepts in the
perception that substance is the enduring unity of matter and form. In tragedy (Aristotle s
characterization for theater),
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Hewlett Packard Company In Vietnam Case Summary
Hewlett Packard Company in Vietnam
Case Summary
John Peter, a Marketing Manager of Hewlett Packard Asia Pacific (HPAP) was evaluating HPAP s
long term strategic investment options for doing business in Vietnam. Before start up business in
Vietnam, John needs to know the current business environment in Vietnam. History, Economic and
Politic Environment are important to know about the country whether is stable from others control.
Current workforce is important to find the skillful employee when it s start up the factory in Vietnam.
Foreign exchange and investment regulations are also important to know whether Vietnam market was
open to global market or not. Hence, facility in Vietnam such as financial services, communicate
services, ... Show more content on ...
It is because through the joint venture, the company is more familiar with the situation of the company
there. The negative outcome is that the management system different between the company. So it is
hard to make a decision making. It is because there is different opinion of each person.
2. Independent
The positive outcome of this strategy is that the company will get more profit. It is because the
company no need to share the profits with others company. The negative outcome is that it is more
risky. The government will take action to take over the company because there have no acknowledge
of the company.
3. Franchising
The positive outcome of this strategy is that the company is easy to control the market. It is because
through the franchising, the local company needs to get the agreement contract from the main
company. The local company can manage the local market well because it has already familiar with
the cultural of that country. The negative outcome is that the local company didn t follow the rules that
have set by the main company and boycott them because they take control of the business.
The Best Strategies and Justification
1. Joint venture with Local partner
The best strategy to resolve the problem of What strategies that Hewlett Packard Company should
adopt to explore the Vietnam market is joint venture with local distribute. The Hp Company doesn t
know with the environment there so through the Joint venture, the company can more
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Argumentative Essay On Meat
Meat is under attack in our society today. The media is full of articles highlighting the negative effects
of meat, an army of people are trying to tarnish the reputation of meat in any way possible. More
people are cutting meat from their diet now then ever before. I guess you could say then that meat is
not in a good place. I recently read an article on the negative effects of meat on the human body and
on the environment. The essay was good and the argument compelling by the time I finished reading I
was almost persuaded to give up eating meat and live the vegetarian life style. I spent sometime
mulling over the idea of giving up my some of my favorite foods, what it would be like to never again
taste a warm, tender juicy steak, or bite down it to a succulent buffalo burger. I decided that if I was
going to change my life in such a drastic way I had to be sure that the benefits were all that people
worked them up to be. Did I give up meat then and join the ranks of the vegetarian? While researching
the topic I found that although meat does have many negative effects these effects come from over
eating and gorging ourselves on meat. If meat is eaten in moderation it actually has positive effects on
the body. The nutriance found in meat is vital to help the body function properly, maintain brain tissue
and make our minds sharper and more alert. Meat is an essential part of our diets and should be eaten
(in moderation) by every one who wants to live the healthiest life
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In Shakespeare’s Othello, race is a concept that is only...
In Shakespeare s Othello, race is a concept that is only minimally explored. Characters in the play
assume that, since they are English, they are superior and foreign characters (like Othello the Moor)
are inferior. This is not questioned much at all, and in fact it is assumed outright that Othello is indeed
a lesser man because of his skin color and the ways in which characters like Iago and Roderigo treat
him. While an early modern audience would accept this concept without hesitation, an audience of
today s age is left to question whether Othello is actually acting out because of the societal pressures,
beliefs, and actions put upon him, or because he is inherently different as a person who is not white.
While Shakespeare seems to think ... Show more content on ...
All of these insults are packed into only the first scene of the play there are dozens more sprinkled
throughout, used commonly by Iago and Roderigo, most often behind Othello s back than to his face.
This ever constant presence of racism when regarding Othello is proof of Iago s plot: to degrade and
insult and trick Othello into believing that he is subpar, and therefore trusting in Iago s accusations of
Desdemona s infidelity. But why does Iago despise Othello so much? The answer is in the text, both
explicitly and implicitly. When Roderigo mentions Othello in the opening scene, Iago states that he is
angered by the appointment of Othello as general, and the appointment of Cassio as his officer. He
states that by the faith of man...I am worth no worse of a price suggesting that he believes he should
have been honored with a similar military position (1.1.10 11). He goes on then to suggest that Cassio
is not a fit officer, as he is a great arithmetician...a Florentine...that never set a squadron in the field in
short, Cassio is too theoretical and inexperienced to be of any use as an officer (1.1.18 21). In addition
to his jealousy of Othello s power, Iago must also be jealous of Othello s wife Desdemona. While
waking up her father Brabanzio to warn him of his daughter s so called treachery in marrying and
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How Does Dickerson Use Ethos Pathos Logos
All good essays use some combination of the three rhetorical appeals: logos, ethos, and pathos. Logos
is an appeal to logical reasoning and how a writer puts together a cohesive, flowing argument. Ethos is
an appeal to a writer s credibility and good character, while pathos is an appeal to the emotions of the
audience. The Great White Way by Debra J. Dickerson is an essay that questions America s racial and
social norm of whiteness . Dickerson describes how the terms of being white have differed over the
past century and how this infatuation with race still defines American society. The Great White Way
by Debra J. Dickerson is a persuasive essay because of its proficient use of logos, ethos, and, pathos.
Dickerson s use of logos is prevalent from the very beginning of her essay. She challenges the reader
to define race and differentiate between blacks, whites, Hispanics, and Asians. Most readers would
define race as skin color but Dickerson proves this answer to be incorrect by asking what a black
person from Darfur and one from Detroit have in common beyond melanin (Dickerson 68). She then
goes on to explain how ... Show more content on ...
She has a knack for suddenly switching from a professional tone to an emotional one and then back to
the professional tone. She does this when she mentions how race governs who could vote, who could
murder or marry whom, and what kind of work one can do (Dickerson 68). Someone who skims The
Great White Way may miss that jarring change, but an active reader will feel shocked and intrigued by
it. Dickerson does this again when she defines race as an arbitrary system for establishing hierarchy
and privilege . . . and deciding who gets to kick whose butt (68). This tactic grabs the reader s
attention and keeps him or her reading to find out what other fact is shocking. This is a clever way of
making the reader feel something while also placing emphasis onto the
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Music Therapy ( Mt )
For most, music plays an integral role in life. Whether it s putting a playlist on to get hyped up for a
daily workout, or shuffling through an Adele album to get through a bad break up. In short, music is
connected to our mood. Henceforth, it should come as no surprise that music therapy (MT) has been
used in various forms of rehab, specifically in terms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). ASD is a
condition masked with impairments to social functioning, speech, and language along with unusual
behaviors such as fixations and repetitive movements (Boso et al., 2007). Therapy associated with
ASD has usually been associated with speech fixation therapy or occupational and physical
activity/challenged based therapy, to name a few, however ... Show more content on
In a study conducted by LaGasse in 2004 looked to measure the effect of music therapy when
conducted as a group to see if the social skills of children with ASD would change, compared to a
regular social skills group. The study employed seventeen participants with an age range of 6 to 9
years old. The groups engaged in 10 sessions, twice a week, with a schedule of a welcome exercise,
followed by a rotation of sensory and social experiences and finally ended with a farewell exercise.
The social experiences specifically looked at promoting eye contact, communication and joint
attention (LaGasse, 2014). Exercises included passing a ball amongst the group, board games, and
telling of jokes to the group. The experience of music to half of the groups was done in a way that
would be similar to the nonmusical groups, such as music making instead of play a game or using
music to help complete a social interaction (LaGasse, 2014). Results found that specifically after
finishing all ten sessions, parents of children who received music based therapy reported large
increases in not only eye contact situations, but also in length of time. While eye gaze did increase
overall, LaGasse found that it increased among peers but decreased amongst adults, explaining it
could be due to the facilitators shifting for a more peer to peer interaction. Results from LaGasse s
study were able to show initial evidence those social skills such as joint attention and eye contact
could be
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Obergefell V. Hodges Summary
most likely kids to be bullied are gay or are perceived to be gay, and in a nationally representative
sample 1/3 of 3,500 students were bullied due to sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation.
Thereby, illustrating that even though times are changing, there are still several issues concerning
sexual orientation. Though the LGBT community has made headway, especially with the Obergefell v.
Hodges case decision, they have had to deal with a large amount disparity, much more than there
heterosexual counterparts relative to issues of love, marriage, intimacy, and relations. Ultimately, there
are still issues facing the LGBT community, but with the ruling in the Obergefell v. Hodges case, there
is evidence of those issues, as they pertain to equality, being addressed.
Case Presentation:
Facts of the Case: Obergefell v. Hodges has been addressed several times throughout the introduction
and is not only one of the most recent victories, but also one of the most substantial in terms of
equality. This case got its start because four states (Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, and Michigan) defined
marriage as being between a man and a woman, and then six cases in the respective states challenged
that definition. In Tennessee s Tanco v. Haslam, three same sex couples married, validly, outside of the
state, and then moved to Tennessee, where their marriages were no longer recognized due to the
aforementioned definition of marriage in the state of Tennessee. District Court Judge
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Difference Between Locke And Hobbes
In the 18th century, the ideas of philosophers were rising in popularity as people began to question the
societal norm. In the 1600s, Hobbes and Locke shared their ideas about the natural state of man. While
Locke believed that men are born good and naturally know the difference between right and wrong,
Hobbes believed that men were naturally evil and needed a strict government in order to stay under
control. President John Adams shared his views on how he believed America should be run. When
talking about the taxation of American colonists, he shared his belief that The Parliament of Great
Britain can have no more right to tax the colonies than a Parliament of Paris. John Adam s belief can
be supported by the ideas of Locke. Locke s ... Show more content on ...
Many of the colonists were not please with the Parliament of Great Britain imposing major taxes on
them and taking their property. For example, John Adams believed no nation, specifically Great
Britain of France, had the right to intervene in the taxation of the colonists of an entirely separate
nation. Adams believed that the colonies could function on their own, without help from the
Parliaments of other nations. The ideas of Locke support this, for he has very positive, good natured,
and optimistic views on man. Locke believed that man knows what is right and wrong naturally, and
that we have the ability to fix our problems and conflicts lawfully. These positive views prove that it is
not necessary to have an outside Parliament helping the colonies because the colonists are more than
capable of fixing problems on their own. They had fought for years to become self functioning and
independent, and they did not need the Parliament of Great Britain helping them. As stated by Locke,
men can solve their problems, such as economic issues, lawfully and safely without the help of
another nation. Locke s ideas could be used to support Adam s belief that the colonies did not need
assistance from another nation because they were more than capable of handling their own situations
in the right
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History Of Mole National Park Is Ghana s Largest...
area, its historic background, methodology used for data collection, data analysis methods employed
and how data was finally presented. THE STUDY AREA Mole National Park is Ghana s largest
protected area. Situated between Upper West and Tamale, it covers about 4,577 km² and lies between
9° 11 and 10° 10 N latitude, and 1° 22 and 2° 13 W longitude (MNP, 2011). It was gazetted as a
national a park in 1971 for its outstanding wildlife and also to protect representative ecological
habitats. Visitors usually see a range of species including elephants, hartebeests, kobs, waterbucks,
bushbucks, warthogs, roan antelopes, duikers, buffalos, oribis, baboons, patas monkeys, vervet
monkeys, red throated bee eaters, Abyssinia ground horn bills, saddle billed storks, agama lizards,
crocodiles, bush snakes and other species (MNP, 2011). The average annual rainfall of the Mole
ecosystem is about 1100 mm. More than 90% of the rain falls in the rainy season from April to
October, with peaks in July and September. The dry season lasts from November to March. The mean
annual temperature of 28°C varies from 26°C in December to 31°C in March. The average range from
day to night is 13°C. It can be unpleasantly hot in March and April, with temperatures sometimes in
the 40°Cs. The Harmattan (a dry wind from the Sahara) blows during December to February bringing
dusty, hazy weather conditions. The relative humidity
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“Beauty (Re) Discovers the Male Body” Essay examples
Beauty (Re) Discovers the Male Body response In Beauty (Re) Discovers the Male Body by Susan
Bordo, Bordo writes an analysis on the male body in advertising. Bordo discusses how in the society
of advertising and fashion the male body isn t really seen as a symbol of arousal compared to the
female body. She continues saying how the naked or half naked female body is seen as an object of
mainstream consumption (p.299), while the male boy is just beginning to be a commercial
representation (p.299) object. She also talks about how the percentage of people viewing these
pictures with half naked males mainly only increased in the male percentage of viewers instead of the
females. Bordo continues by adding how women feel the need ... Show more content on ...
The sources help to show how looking thin and muscular or fit is the popular trend. She explains that
advertisements and movies have changed to fit the trend and that she wishes the male body would
look more natural rather than a sex object. In Bordo s opinion the male body should be less sexual and
more natural. Although this is a plausible argument I believe that men in the ads should continue to
appear as sex objects (p.312). It would allow men to strive to look like what the ads show. It will also
motivate the men of our society to be fit. Bordo also believes that men get aroused by the ads of men
in underwear more than women but nowadays a lot of women get aroused by half naked men. Women
do actually survey (p.303) men more than she thinks they do. Women like to read or look at pictures
with men toned, tan and sexy and fantasize about them. Bordo uses primary and secondary sources
from multiple companies to prove her argument that men rather than be seen as sexy macho men they
rather be seen for how the really look. She also touches upon how society has changed in media
fashion and advertisement concerning the male body from just females just being the only ones in ads
to male and females and how it affects females in society
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The Use Of Urban Sewage Sludge On Slaughtered Animals From...
Abdel Hafez, S.K; Al Yaman, F.M and Said, I.M. (1986): Further studies on prevalence of Hydatidosis
in slaughtered animals from North Jordan. Z.Parasitenkd. 72(1):89 96.
Abu Elwafa S.A and Al Araby M.A (20008) prevalence of tissue parasites among slaughtered animals
in Dakahlia province Mansoura, Vet med.J.(79 91) vol.x,No1,2008
Kaufmann,J.(1996) Parasitic infections of Domestic Animals. A Diagnostic Manual.Birkha,user
Cabaet,J,Geerts,S, Madeline,M,Ballendine,C and Barber,D(2002): The use of urban sewage sludge on
postures.The cysticercus threat. Vet.Res.33:575 597.
Blazek,K;Schramlova,J and hulinska,D.(1985):Pathology of the migration phase of Taenia hydatigenia
(Palas 1766) larvae.Folia Parasitol.32,127 137.
Okolo,M.I (1986). Studies on taenia saginata cysticercosis in eastern Nigeria.Int j Zoonoses.13(2):98
Onah,D.N. and Chiejina, S. N. (1986). Taenia saginata cysticercosis in slaughter cattle in anambra
State, Nigeria.Int J Zoonoses 13(1):32 9.
Mosienyane, M. G. (1986). A survey of Cysticercus bovis (measles) infestation in cattle sent for
slaughter to Botswana Meat Commission (BMC). A ten years retrospective study 1974 1983. Int
Zoonoses. Jun;13(2):124 30
Okkafor, F. C. (1988) Epizootiology of Cysticercus bovis in Imo state, Nigeria. Angew
Parasitol.29(1):25 30
Pugh, K. E. and Chambers, P. G. (1989). Observations on Cysticercus bovis in slaughter cattle in
Matabeleland province of Zimbabwe. Vet Rec.4;125(19):480 4
Oryan, A. ; Moghaddar, N.
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The Nature Of The Polar Bear
The scientific name for the polar bear is Ursus maritimus. However, it has many other names as well,
such as sea bear, ice bear, lord of the Arctic, and old man in the fur cloak. Despite all the different
names, one thing is for sure, the polar bear s body has been constructed perfectly to deal with the
seasonal shifts in the Arctic.
The fur of a polar bear acts as a dense insulator, preventing almost all heat loss. In fact, adult males
can overheat from running. The fur is transparent with a hollow core that scatters and reflects visible
light, making it appear white, just like what happens with snow and ice. The skin of a polar bear is
black, and it covers up a layer of fat that can be up to 4.49 inches thick. This thick layer of fat helps
keep the polar bear warm in the water, since wet fur acts as a poor insulator. The polar bear s small
round ears and short, compact tail also help conserve heat. Their large paws, approximately 11.81
inches across, are covered with papillae which help from slipping on ice. To complete the challenge of
crossing thin ice, the polar bear extends its legs far apart while lowering its body to distribute its
weight evenly. This action helps it survive on its home range of sea ice, which can be quite large,
expanding far greater than any other species of bear.
A polar bear s home range depends on both habitat quality and prey availability. Polar bears mainly
depend on seals for their high fat content and can eat 100 pounds of blubber
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Anzia Yezierska’s novel Bread Givers and Assimilation of...
Anzia Yezierska s novel Bread Givers and Assimilation of Jews
An entire chapter of Eric Liu s memoir, The Accidental Asian, is founded on the supposition that Jews
today serve as a metaphor for assimilation into American culture. According to Liu, this is due to the
ease with which Jews have been able to assimilate. However, the progress that Jews have made in
embracing and affecting America has been gradual rather than instantaneous, as evidenced by the
character Sara Smolensky in Anzia Yezierska s novel Bread Givers. Sara is not the symbol of an
assimilated Jew, but instead represents a period of transition between complete assimilation into
American identity and complete dissimilation from her Jewish and Polish heritage, ... Show more
content on ...
Sara s willing dedication to her American identity, as represented by her clothing, is contrasted with
the blood relationship she has with her mother, and by extension her actions separate her from her
entire ancestry and ethnicity. Denounced for her refusal to comply with the traditions of her culture,
and disdainfully called an Americanerin, Sara experiences the social death that Sollors describes, a
result of her cultural relationships having become mutually antagonistic (xx). In this scene she
temporarily ceases to be Jewish and becomes to her people and to her family merely a female
American. This schism is paralleled by a more subtle contrast at the conclusion of the same chapter
that should be noted, when Sara hears the poverty stricken cries that Charity saves you from death
(256)! This statement of course cannot be literally true, but displays a further contrast between the
voluntary and the natural on a more literal level: voluntary generosity versus natural inevitable death.
Sara is further distanced from her ethnicity through her resistance to the patriarchal doctrines of
Judaism that are followed by her family. Sexually biased Judaism is represented by her father and his
frequent citations of the Torah to justify such a position. When Sara refuses to marry the wealthy Max
Goldstein, her father tells her that the Torah says What s a woman without a man? Less than nothing a
blotted out existence. No life on earth and no
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Revenge in Wuthering Heights Essay
Revenge in Wuthering Heights Novels often use the emotion of hate to create tension and distress in
the plot. Wuthering Heights uses Heathcliff s disdain for the other characters to add conflict to the
story. Wuthering Heights examines the source of Heathcliff s hate as well as its effects on the other
characters throughout the story. Heathcliff s relationships with other characters also suggests the
universal theme that breeds hatred. Hindley plants the seeds of hate into Heathcliff by treating him
cruelly as a child to begin with. This past happening creates the mutual scornful attitude between
Heathcliff and Hindley, which spreads into the rest of the characters in the novel. Heathcliff becomes a
vortex of hate which ... Show more content on ...
This shows that children who are taught to hate or breed hate are destined to spread hate as adults. As
soon as Hindley s father dies, Heathcliff is taught the true meaning of hate by Hindley. As Heathcliff
ages, his hate for Hindley grows inside of him, along with a need for revenge. Heathcliff s need for
revenge allows him to formulate his diabolical plan for taking over both the Grange and the Heights,
upon return from his three year sojourn. Heathcliff s ability to gamble the Heights away from Hindley
foreshadows the unyielding power of Heithcliff s hate when fueled by revenge. Thus establishing hate
as the source of Heathcliff s revenge. Heathcliff s loathing feelings against Hindley even last long
after Hindley s death. Heathcliff has created a demonic reality in which his mistreatment of Hereton
will enable him to gain revenge against Hindley. Heathcliff also maintains his revenge by becoming
extremely possessive of the Heights. Heathcliff s vicious watch dogs ensure the security of the
Heights because maintaining complete control of the Heights continues his revenge against Hindley.
Since Edgar and Isabella were sources of oppression in Heathcliff s childhood, Heathcliff feels the
need to plot for revenge against them. Heathcliff s reappearance is his first act of revenge, because he
immediately makes Edgar jealous.
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Ragtime Essay examples
Ragtime was a very influential part of the development of jazz. Ragtime became very popular in the
late 1800 s. Ragtime s distinct style set it apart from the other genres. Syncopation is what defines this
art form. This is when the loud accents fall in between the beats. Anything that is syncopated is
basically ragtime. One of the most important ragtime composers was Scott Joplin. Like all great
artists, Joplin did not restrict himself to this favored art form. Both before the advent of ragtime and
after, Joplin composed marches and waltzes, including the syncopated waltzes. There s more to
ragtime than syncopation, while some very good ragtime is not of the classic form. But the lines are
often blurred. Ragtime s influence on other ... Show more content on ...
Other developments led to the ``trumpet piano style of Earl Hines and Teddy Weatherford and to the
swing style of Duke Ellington. Some Historians consider ragtime to be the very first jazz style.
Although it cannot actually be classified as jazz, ragtime is definitely a very influential part of jazz. In
Louisiana at this time there was music everywhere. Ragtime bands and marching bands were joining
together. Mexican bands were also and influence especially in the way the trumpets and horns were
played. All this merging of different band sounds was important in the creation of jazz. Eventually the
instruments used in marching bands crossed over into jazz instruments. The drums and clarinet filled
in for the marching band instruments. New Orleans was such a melting pot for music and culture but it
was also a party town. This party scene was also a part of how jazz was molded. The demand for fresh
new music was high, which caused musicians to alter and elongate their styles. All the new creations
and variations on the music in the end fused into jazz.
2. The blues first emerged as a distinct type of music in the late 1800s. Spirituals, work songs,
seculars, field hollers and arhoolies all had some form of influence on the blues. Early blues were a
curious mixture of African cross rhythms and vocal techniques, Anglo American melodies and
thematic material from fables and folktales, and tales of personal experience on
... Get more on ...

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Narrative Essay Narrative Essays Free 30-Day Trial

  • 1. Narrative Essay | Narrative | Essays | Free 30-Day Trial 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Narrative Essay | Narrative | Essays | Free 30-Day Trial Narrative Essay | Narrative | Essays | Free 30-Day Trial
  • 2. Nonviolent Methods Used By Randall Robinson, Mahatma... Around the world there are people whose rights have been restrained by those in power, but only a few take a stand for them. The nonviolent methods used by Randall Robinson, Mahatma Gandhi, and Cesar Chavez are what set them apart from other rights activists. Many people around the world owe their freedom and inspiration to these three activists who have improved the lives of billions. Throughout history, Africans have faced racism in and out of their home countries. Randall Robinson was one of the many African American rights activists and helped bring South Africans the rights they deserved. Robinson said many times that he was inspired by Martin Luther King Jr., who stated that being peaceful was a surer way to equality. Robinson s participation in a quiet act of civil disobedience in 1984 set in motion a radical change in American policy toward South Africa s discriminatory apartheid regime. (). To further his efforts to influence America s foreign policy toward African and Caribbean countries, he founded TransAfrica Forum in 1977. ... in 1977 TransAfrica came into existence with Randall Robinson as its executive director and founder. (African American Registry). Later in his life he lived in a self imposed exile from the United States because he felt that America continued to mistreat African Americans. Before leaving, he convinced Congress to pass a bill that would effectively end the South African Regime. In 1986 the U.S. Senate overrode a Reagan veto to pass a series of sweeping sanctions against South Africa ... known as the Anti Apartheid Act of 1986. (). He progressed African s rights without ever using force. Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian man who through nonviolent methods paved the way for India s eventual freedom. Mahatma Gandhi...was the leader of India s non violent independence movement against British rule and in South Africa who advocated for the civil rights of Indians. ( Editors). Gandhi was always promoting peaceful protests, so it countered his beliefs that he was assassinated by a young Hindu as they were headed to a prayer meeting. Gandhi was assassinated by Hindu extremist Nathuram Godse, who was upset at Gandhi s tolerance of Muslims... ( Editors). ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Lack Of Media Distraction Today, the web grants the people easy accessibility to unprecedented amounts of knowledge. However, a growing body of scientific proof suggests that the web, with its constant distractions and interruptions, is additionally turning society into scattered and superficial thinkers.The Roman thinker Seneca could have place it best 2,000 years ago: To be all over is to be obscurity (Carr, 2010). The picture rising from the article is deeply heavy, at least any person who values the depth, instead of simply the rate, of human thought. Individuals that scan text decorated with links, studies show, comprehend less than those that scan classic linear text. Individuals that are frequently distracted by emails, notifications and different ... Show more content on ... a number of the studies indicated that bound laptop tasks, like enjoying video games, will enhance visual attainment skills, increasing the speed at which individuals will shift their focus among icons and different pictures on screens. different studies, however, found that such fast shifts focused , notwithstanding performed adeptly, end in less rigorous and more automatic thinking.In an experiment conducted at Cornell university, for instance, a category of scholars was allowed to use Internet connected laptops throughout a lecture, whereas the opposite had to stay their computers shut. those that browsed the online performed abundant worse on a succeeding take a look at of however well they preserved the lecture s content. Ms. Greenfield ended that every medium develops some psychological feature skills at the expense of others. Mans growing use of screen based media, she said, has strong visual spatial intelligence, which might improve the power to try and do jobs that involve keeping track of immeasurable coincident signals, like traffic management. however that has been among new weaknesses in higher order psychological feature processes, together with abstract vocabulary, heedfulness, reflection, inductive drawback determination, vital thinking, and imagination. People are changing into an a word, shallower. will the web extremely make society smarter, the silly videos and spam are the roots of a brand new reading and writing culture, says ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Bayou Macon-Madison Baptist Association Analysis Churches are an important part of the community. They join together for the purpose of spreading the word of the gospel and to help serve the community in times of need. In my area, there is an association of churches joined together for that purpose. The Bayou Macon Madison Baptist Association is an organization of 36 Southern Baptist Churches that work together to do mission work, serve the church members and pastors, and other work to minister to the people. The Bayou Macon Madison Baptist Association is located in Epps, Louisiana and is headed by Director of Missions Bro. Jay Morgan. It is an organization of 36 churches that work together to spread the word of Christ and to improve the lives of church members as well as members of the community. Bro. Jay Morgan serves the churches of the association as an advisor. He advises the pastors of the churches and acts as a resource person to them. The association offers different programs for pastors to help them improve their skills so they can better serve their churches. The association organizes mission work locally and internationally to reach people not normally reached by the message of the churches. Whether these churches minister to people here in the community or in another country, such as Honduras, the members of the association work hard to ensure that their ... Show more content on ... Brotherhood rallies and women s retreats are arranged in order to help encourage men and women to serve their churches. Youth discipleship events, such as D Now, are also organized to minister to the younger members of the churches. The association s purpose is to unite the churches so they are better able to serve the community and to fulfill God s purpose for them. As Director of Missions Bro. Jay Morgan said, One cord is weak, but when many cords are wound together, they are strong. That s what we do when all our churches work ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Fourth Ward School Analysis Within historic Virginia City resides the Fourth Ward School, a building constructed in 1874. When it was built, Virginia City was booming with a population of approximately twenty two thousand people. Virginia City at the time wanted to show off some of its pride as a city with a new four story school. As the school today is so very old and has a history, people running the museum have to balance keeping the place funded and staying historically true. Today, the museum has lost much of its historical authenticity and has taken on more of a museum s role, rather than a historical building role. However, that does not diminish the education potential the Fourth Ward School still has. The School itself closed down in 1936, and it was not until ... Show more content on ... This comes from the fact that the Fourth Ward School has undergone massive reconstruction since its desertion in 1936. That does not take away from the fact that the school looks to be authentic, like it was just preserved. This adds to its efficiency to educate as few museums can also claim to be a historical building and show history visually. Even if the school is entirely re created, with the vast sum of knowledge on the school, we can recreate it masterfully so that everyone can still learn and enjoy being in a historical building that is the last of its kind. The Fourth Ward School blends the needs of historic preservation well with the needs of a modern museum. It is likely that as time goes on, the needs of the museum will outweigh the needs of historical ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Pardoners Tale Essay The Pardoner #8217;s Greed The pardoner, in Geoffrey Chaucer #8217;s #8220;The Pardoner #8217;s Tale, #8221; is a devious character. He is a man with a great knowledge of the Catholic Church and a great love of God. However, despite the fact that he is someone whom is looked at with respect at the time, the pardoner is nothing more than an imposter who makes his living by fooling people into thinking he forgives their sins, and in exchange for pardons, he takes their money. His sermon like stories and false relics fool the people of the towns he visits and make him seem as a plausible man, which is exactly what the pardoner wants. In fact, the pardoner is an avaricious and deceitful character whose driving force in life is his ... Show more content on ... When the pardoner is through with his tale, he does not forget to remind the congregation about making their offering to him, so that they may protect themselves from avarice and against sin. The pardoner shows no sign of sympathy or remorse towards his acts upon those whom he cheats. This is one of the many greedy tricks that the pardoner performs to fool and steal from the people. Besides being a great storyteller and speaker, the pardoner is also a wonderful actor, complete with convincing props to deceive the congregation with. He preaches and tells the people about the power of his relics, which in fact are fakes. Many of his relics were actually the bones of dead animals, such as pigs, which he claimed to be the bones of dead saints, and gloves, which, he claimed, would help crops grow if worn when planting them (Pichaske, 131). The pardoner claims that his relics have the power to forgive sinners of both the punishment due to sin and the guilt of sin itself (Hussey, 177). The people believe the pardoners words and quickly pay to be pardoned, in return the pardoner hands them one of his fake relics. The pardoner quickly and happily accepts their offerings without first seeing if there is any repentance in the people. This goes to show just how uninterested in the people the pardoner is and how he is only interested in the offerings he receives. Those who buy the pardons, mistake what is ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Treasure Island And The Shack Sparknotes Introduction Throughout the years many people fall away from others because of tragic memories they had in their life. The Shack explains how Mackenzie Allen Philips loses faith in God as his childhood father dies of addiction to alcohol and as his youngest daughter Missy gets kidnapped and killed. This book compares to Treasure Island as Jim Hawkins acts rebellious once his father dies at a young age. II. The Shack Mack was broken as a kid because when his father died addicted to alcohol and as he grew he became a different person taking care of a family but also leaving God. It s morning and Mack gets mail but one of them says come back to the shack signed papa. His family believes in God so his Wife and kids call God as Papa and again Mack doesn t really like God as much as his family does. Mack has Five children, Jon the oldest, Tyler, Josh, Kate, and Missy the youngest. Three and a Half years ago Mack, Josh, Kate, and Missy went on a camping trip but always Missy ask to tell her favorite story. B. The story is about a princess giving up her life to save her people from a disease that was spreading and when she died everyone was healed. When they arrived they had a wonderful day and went to bed. In the morning Kate and Josh ask Mack if them two can go canoeing, he agree so they went off as Mack cooked and Missy was coloring in her dress. Until Josh fell off the canoe and started to drowning and mack ran to save him,but once Josh was safe he went back ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Underage Drinking At Its Worst Underage Drinking at its worst! One lesson I thought I would never have to learn as a teenager was underage drinking, toothbrushes, and bunk beds do not mix! I was 16 years old in high school and I had braces. I was going through my rebellious stage, I didn t think about things before I did them and what kind of consciences my actions had. I played football and I had lots of friends. I had friends who were jocks, theater geeks, nerds, and some friends who were the trouble makers of the school. I went to parties a lot, I would drink and have a good old time that was until I had my accident. My friend Stevie s parents were going out of town and we all knew what that meant, he was going to have a party. We all had our jobs to do to prepare for it. Stevie had the house so he was all set, another friend of mine was in charge of inviting everyone, and my job was to get the alcohol. I had an older brother who would always buy my friends and I booze, so I went all out. I got beer in bottles and in a keg, I got hard alcohol like whiskey, vodka, rum and all the mixers that you need for a good underage drinking party. The party was going great everyone was having a blast! Everyone showed up it was turning out to be the best party of the year. People showed up that we didn t even invite, so they got charged at the door to cover the cost of the party. As the night went on and it was getting late people were starting to leave, we started to wind down and clean up a little (as well as ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Mobile Ad Hoc Network Research Paper A Mechanism for Detection of Cooperative part attack in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Jaydip Sen ; Sripad Koilakonda ; Arijit Ukil A mobile impromptu network (MANET) could also be a assortment of autonomous nodes that communicate with one another by forming a multi hop radio network and maintaining connections in an extremely localized manner. Security remains a significant challenge for these networks due to their choice of open medium, properly dynamical topologies, reliance on cooperative algorithms, absence of centralized observation points, and lack of clear lines of defense. Most of the routing protocols for MANETs are so in danger of various types of attacks. impromptu on demand distance vector routing (AODV) could also very ... Show more content on ... Flooding attack is one such kind of DoS attack, at interval that a compromised node floods the entire network by inflicting associate in nursing large of faux RREQs to nonexistent nodes at interval the network, thus resulting in network congestion. Throughout this paper, the protection of painter AODV routing protocol is investigated by distinctive the impact of flooding attack on it. A simulation study of the implication of flooding attack on the performance of the AODV routing protocol is presented. The simulation surroundings is implemented by using the NS 3 network machine. it s determined that as a result of the presence of such malicious nodes, average proportion of packet loss at interval the network, average routing overhead and average system of measurement demand all can increase, thus degrading the performance of painter significantly. Simulation study of part and Jellyfish attack on painter victimization NS3 Nidhi Purohit ; Richa Sinha ; Khushbu Maurya Wireless networks are gaining quality to its peak recently das result of the user s need wireless property regardless of their geographic position. There is associate increasing threat of attacks on the Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET). The attacks studied throughout this paper are against the routing protocols in Mobile impromptu network. We ve got used AODV for simulating this attacks NS3. Region attack is one in each of the protection threat ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Wrinkle In Time Movie And Book Differences The Wrinkle In Time there are some difference and similarities between the book and the movie it is that the character are not that much more alike in the movie than in the book and the part in the movie is not like the book. The Wrinkle In Time is by Madeleine L Engle. A summary about the book is that Meg tries to find her dad and She has a brother named Charles and he is very special and they go on a journey to find their dad and in the beginning their was a boy that thy meet and his name was Calvin The book of The Wrinkle In Time had differences In the movie like Meg had no braces and glasses in the movie, but in the book She had those things in the book. The character where different in the book and in the movie ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The And Cultural Conservatism, And Homogeneity HRC is a dichotomous variable: 1 if the county had an HR department or staff, and 0 if it had none. Apptmgr is also a dichotomous variable, 1 if the county had an appointed county manager, and 0 if it did not. Total is the number of full time employees for each county published in the 2012 Census of Governments: Employment. PCI is per capita income, it s the mean income of residents inside each county. Pop is the estimates from the 2012 census population for each county. Cultural conservatism is the percentage of the population in each county that are members of a religious congregation. This is a proxy for cultural conservatism, and homogeneity. Hypothesis 1: The greater the population, the more likely the county has an HR department. Hypothesis 1a: The greater the population, the more full time employees working for the county. Hypothesis 1b: The greater the population, the more likely the county has an appointed county manager. Hypothesis 1c: The greater the population, the smaller the percentage of the population in each county that are members of a religious congregation. Hypothesis 2: The greater the per capita income the more likely of having a county human resources department. Hypothesis 2a: The greater the per capita income the more likely of having more full time employees working for the county. Hypothesis 2b: The greater the per capita income the more likely having an appointed county manager. Hypothesis 2c: The greater the ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Alibaba Group ALIBABA Group Holding Brief History. Alibaba cooperation is a global wide Internet company founded by Jack Ma, Chinese name Ma Yun.Although Alibaba was founded in 1999, the story of how the company came to be actually dates back to 1995, when Jack Ma was on a trip to the U.S. and first became exposed to the Internet. As the story goes, he tried searching for the word beer on Yahoo but the search results did not turn up a single Chinese option. In fact, he could hardly find anything about China on the Internet at all. After returning home, he founded a company called China Pages a directory of various Chinese companies looking for customers abroad. China Pages was a flop. But a few years later, Ma took another stab at an ... Show more content on ... The Partnership has the exclusive right to nominate a simple majority of the members of Alibaba s board of directors, subject to shareholders approval. If the director nominee from Alibaba Partnership is not elected by the shareholders, the Partnership has the right to appoint a different person to serve as an interim director until the next scheduled annual general meeting. The Alibaba Partnership elects new partners annually after a nomination process whereby existing partners propose candidates to the partnership committee. The partnership committee reviews the nominations and determines whether the nomination of a candidate will be proposed to the entire partnership for election. Election of new partners requires the approval of at least 75% of all of the partners.[Alibaba group Web] The Alibaba Culture and Value A company s culture and value is well connected with the founder, Jack Ma is transforming his personal value and ethic into Alibaba, which cause Alibaba group strong cohesion. The Alibaba culure is about championing small business (means there are not difficulties on small business operating). Alibaba operate an ecosystem where all participants consumers, mechants third party service providers and ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Islamic Empire Achievements There are three Islamic empires, the Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empire. Each one had their own leader and where located in different places. They each had battles to win land and conquer other cities. Their achievements were all unique. The Ottomans lived in Constantinople, the Byzantine Empire, Syria, and Persia. Their leader was Mehmed the Second, and Ottoman leaders were called sultans. Another leader was Suleymen the First, also known as the Magnificent. Ottomans were divided into two classes and they also made rules of their own. Wealthy women could also own property or businesses, which is rare in most cultures. The Safavid Empire lived in Persia, and has two different types of Muslims. One was Shia and the other was Sunni, and there were ... Show more content on ... The founder of them was Babur, or tiger, and established the Mughal Empire in 1526. One leader was Akbar, who diminished taxes on non Muslims and invited Hindus to be part of the Mughal Empire. While he was ruling, Persians and Indian lived in the same communities and Muslims also wrote in Hindi or Urdu. The main achievement of the Mughal Empire was the Taj Mahal, which is a tomb built from 1631 until 1647. In the 1600s, The Mughal Empire fell apart. If I could live in any empire, it would be the Safavid Empire. There would both Persian and Muslim traditions. There were magnificent mosques and lots of beautiful art. Handwoven carpet and textiles were made and sold to people. They also had ceramics and metal goods, especially those of steel. There was trade as far away as Europe, which gave wealth to the Safavid Empire. Therefore, I would stay in the Safavid Empire. The Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal Empires were all very advanced for their time. Each had their own achievements and brave leaders. They all lasted for different time periods and lived in different places. However, I would choose to stay in the Safavid Empire if I ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Columbine Massacre The Columbine Massacre Were They Pushed or Did They Jump What would drive two seemingly normal high schoolers to try and slaughter everyone they went to school with? Was it the bullying, angst or video games and movies? Or none of the above. As we examine what led up to one of the worst domestic terrorist acts in American history I think we ll that find Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold weren t your average teenagers. In my opinion they were cold blooded killers who had every intention to take as many lives as they could. At approximately 11:10 on April 20th 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold went to their high school and carried out a coordinated attack, killing twelve students and one teacher before eventually turning the guns on themselves. ... Show more content on ... He makes statements like The pain multiplies infinitely. Never stops. Yet I m here, STILL alone, still in pain. ... I d rather have nothing than be nothing. One of the last pages in Dylan s journal was him and Eric s plan for the massacre and it goes like this. Walk in, set bombs at 11:09, for 11:17. Leave. Drive to clemete Park. Gearup. Get back by 11:15. Park cars. Set car bombs for 11:18. Get out, go to outside hill, wait. When first bombs go off, attack. Have fun! Dylan s journals start off very suicidal and progressively more hateful until him and Eric are on the same level and were set on completing their final mission. During their senior year Eric and Dylan starred in a short film for a class called Hitmen for Hire where they foreshadowed themselves walking around Columbine in their trenchcoats and talked about relocating other students. Even though in the film they talk about killing other students that are bullying another student, who hires Eric and Dylan for twenty dollars a day to protect him, Eric says you know we can t have weapons on school grounds. There are too many similarities to think that this short film for a class was simply just that, I believe at this time (December 1998) the duo had a plan and they were intentionally foreshadowing it through this ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Alcohol and the Brain Alcohol and the Brain In chemistry terms, alcohol is any organic compound where a hydroxyl group is bound to a carbon atom, which is has single bonds to three other atoms. The type of alcohol that can be consumed is called Ethanol which is a liquid and psychoactive recreational drugs. If a person drinks Ethanol, or alcohol, it affects the central nervous system, which causes decrease in activity, anxiety, tensions, concentration, and judgement. There are also several cases of memory loss due to heavy drinking that cuts off the supply of oxygen to the brain. Most of us have witnessed the effects of alcohol, whether it be slurring words, lack of balance, or lack of judgement. These physical signs occur due to the effect of alcohol in our brains and central nervous system. Although many of us have witnessed or experienced effects of alcohol, very few of us have knowledge of what exactly is happening to our body and brain when consuming alcohol. It has always been evident that alcohol has an effect on the brain, which can in turn impair the behavior and thinking processes of individuals. However, most of society is unaware of the chemical reaction that is occurring within their body and brains every time they consume alcohol. Alcohol affects brain chemistry by the altering levels of neurotransmitters. Alcohol increases the effects of the inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA in the brain, causing slower or sluggish movements and slurred speech that is a common occurrence with ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Breakfast Club Analysis Don t Skip Breakfast! The Breakfast Club is a timeless movie centered around the very relevant concept of discovering your identity and breaking away from stereotypes. It is about a group of 5 defiant high school students who are all forced to spend their Saturday in detention. The five main characters include Claire (Molly Ringwald) the princess, Brian (Anthony Michael Hall) the brain, Andrew (Emilio Estevez) the jock, Allison (Ally Sheedy) the weirdo, and John Bender (Judd Nelson) the criminal. These students have very different personalities and very little in common or so they think. The five are stuck together under the oppressive authority of Richard Vernon (Paul Gleason) the Principal, who served as a common enemy for the students. Their sole task for that Saturday was to write an essay describing who they are, a question that remained pondered for the duration of the film as The Breakfast Club is an iconic story of self discovery. WHAT WORKED The Breakfast Club did an excellent job of capturing the strife of students as they try and find themselves through their adolescent years. They have all been cast a different stereotype and at the beginning of the movie it is clear that all of the characters have a fairly decent idea of who they think everyone is. Every viewer can relate to at least one of the various stereotypes, and I think your overall enjoyment of the movie will depend on how easily you can identify with one of the characters. Their stereotypes are ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Role Of Gun Violence In The United States Teens and young adults are far more likely to be victims of gun violence than older people. Between 1976 and 2005, some 77 percent of homicide victims ages fifteen to seventeen were killed with guns. (Gun Control). In today s society, people are allowed to have guns because of the second amendment. The second amendment gives people the right to keep and bear arms. Many politicians disagree on who the second amendment applies to; however, regardless of who it is intended for, gun violence has become extremely high in the United States. Men originally made guns to aid soldiers fighting in wars. Now, people are using guns to commit crimes such as robbery and murder. The only way to stop the rate at which these crimes are being committed, is to ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Helmet Comparison Essay Imagine this, going into a burning building that could collapse, explode, or kill and you are the one that is going to save someone s life inside and put your life on the line. This is what firefighters have to think about everyday whether they are from the United States, Europe, or any other country. Despite this similarity and multiple more,the United States and the Europeans fire services differences are clear. Approximately 1,134,400 people in the United States are firefighters. About 346,000 are career and paid firefighters. 788,000 are volunteer and don t get paid for their time.Only seven percent of all these firefighters are women which leaves ninety three percent being male.The classes of fire are categorized by what burns. Class ... Show more content on ... The European helmet is reportedly more comfortable and practical than the helmets used in the United States. These helmets look like a motorcycle with a different shield. These guys were ... universally afraid of being mocked for wearing something new, different or unfashionable. Seliger on European style helmets. Surprisingly, the United States and Europe use trucks with the same way, however, they are much different. About seventy five percent of the United States truck are custom cabs. This means that they are not regular car brands. Some brands of American trucks are Rosenbauer, E ONE, and Pierce. A reason for using custom cabs is because they can make trucks bigger in America because of the larger roads. The United States ladder trucks have a lot of uses. They have equipment for rescuing people, ventilation, and fire suppression which is actually putting out the fire. European trucks are very different from American trucks. Their trucks are ninety five percent commercial cabs so, their trucks are brands like Mercedes or Volvo. They use these brands because they make smaller and more compact trucks for their smaller roads. Unlike the American ladder truck, the Europeans don t have many with pumps or tanks. They are strictly use for rescuing and not putting out fire. They also don t have room to have large ladder trucks with lots of equipment on ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Great Recession Of 2008 Was A Worldwide Economic Downturn The Great Recession of 2008 was a worldwide economic downturn that impacted the global economy. Economists consider the economic decline as one of the most damaging recessions that occurred since the Great Depression of 1930 s. Several documentations and research regarding the recession have been made to make a better understanding of the economic downturn in 2008 as well as the global economy as a whole. The book used as reference in this essay, the Diary Of A Very Bad Year: Confessions of an Anonymous Hedge Fund Manager, captured the events corresponding to the length of the Great Recession through separate interviews of an anonymous hedge fund manager (HFM). The interviews contain information shared by HFM that describes the Great ... Show more content on ... HFM s experience as a hedge fund manager gives value into this information and the authority to describe what started the crisis. The advantage that follows from the source regarding this idea is that it recorded information that described the creation of the mortgage bubble in the financial market, and the damage dealt to the financial system when the mortgage market crashed from a finance expert. The disadvantage is that the subprime market might not be the only reason of the misallocation of resources, given the fact that HFM s hedge fund was involved in the subprime market which might have formed a biased opinion on that matter (18 19). The nature of the source does not complicate the idea of the cause of the crisis, although concluding that the subprime market was the main cause could complicate the subject. This clearly shows that the idea of the misallocation of resources within the book had negatively impacted the financial system that built the momentum of the economic decline. Another main idea in the book is the linkages of the financial system to the real economy during the recession. In the duration of the financial crisis, unemployment as well as job loss increased, wage eroded, and companies and businesses closing were in significant numbers (66; 83). In a more specific example, the Reserve Primary ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Difference Between Malaysia Dilemma And Malaysia Dilemma MALAY DILEMMA VS MALAYSIA DILEMMA I not only think but also look and study things carefully. When I travel around, I look things carefully make comparisons of what I see. I don t accept things at face value, you cannot trust what you hear or see. Don t jump to conclusions without thinking Mahathir Mohamad What is dilemma? Basically dilemma is a situation in which a difficult choice has to be made between two or more alternatives, especially equally undesirable ones. In this case, Malay Dilemma and Malaysia Dilemma is to be compared Malaysia is one of the great international success stories of the past generation. Back then, Malaysia lagged behind Haiti in per capita income but since then it has grown an average of 7 percent annually and would rank third in per capita wealth in the Western Hemisphere. In any standard, the growth is very outstanding. Moreover, Malaysia had evolved from an agrarian economy since its independence in 1957 into an industrial one envied by many other developing nations. Vision 2020 was launched by Dr. Mahathir ... Show more content on ... Since, there are also pleas for a shift to social development , which is believed to add more to happiness than continued economic development does. Social development is a rhetoric notion in the first place. It denotes a contrast with economic development , but has no clear meaning in itself. The term suggests something more communitarian than market economy, leaving open what that precisely is. The concept functions in fact as an umbrella for different alternative views, suggesting that these go together. The organ donation among Malaysian leads to the Malay Dilemma on social development because eventhough the Malays in Malaysia is the largest ethnics, but unfortunately the statistics shows that the Malays are the least to sign up for organ donation. As we know, organ donation among the world community today is not a new ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Juvenile Corrections Essay 1. What are five goals of juvenile corrections? How effectively are these goals achieved? The goals of juvenile corrections are too deter, rehabilitate and reintegrate, prevent, punish and reattribute, as well as isolate and control youth offenders and offenses. Each different goal comes with its own challenges. The goal of deterrence has its limits; because rules and former sanctions, as well anti criminal modeling and reinforcement are met with young rebellious minds. Traditional counseling and diversion which are integral aspects of community corrections can sometimes be ineffective, and studies have shown that sometimes a natural self intervention can take place as the youth grows older; resulting in the youth outgrowing delinquency. ... Show more content on ... What are halfway houses? What are their functions and goals? Halfway houses are non confining residential facilities intended to provide an alternative to incarceration as a period of readjustment to community for offenders after confinement. Halfway houses are used by parolees while they seek out employment and adjust to the outside world. Halfway houses aim to give the parolee a transitional shelter so that they may adjust and reintegrate into the community. Freedoms are often restricted and parolee activity is also monitored. 3. What are wilderness experiences and what are their functions? Wilderness experiences are programs that focus on outdoor activities to help develop self worth, pride, and trust in others. This program is an alternative to incarceration, and is less expensive. Wilderness programs like The Rawhide Boys Ranch have had a great deal of success. RBR is a faith based residential center in Wisconsin and was established in the 1960s. RBR can accommodate around 60 at risk youths who suffer from mental illnesses. RBR has shown great success during their evaluation resulting in a 73 percent success rate. 4. What is meant by shock probation? What are different types of shock probation? What are some major differences among them? Shock probation is an intermediate probation where the offenders are initially assigned to secure confinement, but are later removed from detention and sentenced to serve the remainder of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The Effects Of Dairy Farms On The Dairy Industry The dairy industry, which includes dairy farms and dairy processing plants, is a major contributor to the economy. Dairy farms are involved in the production of raw milk, whereas dairy processing plants produce a variety of dairy products (such as processed milk, cheese, butter, yogurt and ice cream). The dairy industry ranks third (based on farm cash receipts) in the Canadian agriculture sector and Newfoundland has the fewest number (n=33) of dairy farms of all the provinces (CDIC 2014). Although Quebec and Ontario are the major dairy producing provinces in Canada, Newfoundland has the highest number of dairy cows and milk production levels per farm (CDIC 2014). The close contact between animals within a dairy farm can make them prone to ... Show more content on ... 2014). Furthermore, some diseases that infect dairy animals can also be transmitted to humans (Bannantine et al. 2014). Therefore, epidemiological studies are important for successful prevention and control programs. The work described in this thesis will focus on two bacterial pathogens affecting dairy animals: (i) Klebsiella species, one of the causative agent of clinical mastitis (CM, cases where the cow displays definitive symptoms of inflammation of the mammary glands and udder tissue) and (ii) MAP, which causes Johne s disease, which is a contagious bacterial disease of the intestinal tract. The molecular diversity of the pathogens associated with these two diseases has not been examined in Newfoundland previously and was therefore selected to be the topic of the research project. 1.3 Mastitis and Klebsiella species Mastitis in dairy animals is caused by a number of bacteria that include the major pathogens such as Streptococcus uberis, Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli. Other mastitis causing pathogens are Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus dysgalactiae, Corynebacterium bovis, Mycoplasma spp., Staphylococcus spp., Klebsiella spp., Citrobactor spp., Enterobacter spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Pasteurella spp. and Bacillus spp. Sometimes fungi, yeasts and moulds are ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Mediation of The Concept of Balance in the Tao Te... The mediation of the concept of balance in the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu; The way is cluttered with constant imagery of contradictory views which are both compelling and insightful, through which we are taken on a journey, our final destination being the true meaning of life. In a world where we are all yearning for the meaning for life, true harmony and real balance it is no surprise that the Tao Te Ching is a very haunting piece of literature that holds the reader in an almost trans like state of mind as it attempts to portray the way to accomplish the above. The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The opening two lines of this collection of 81 proverbial chapters ... Show more content on ... However simultaneously during this time of anarchy and imperialism there were many different cultural and religious sects forming in China. This provides the modern day reader with one of the main obstacles from fully comprehending the text seeing as it cannot be approached from a mere linguistic point of view, as to do this a comparison between various translations would be necessary. Having said this, to overlook the one link in all of the translations would be impossible. That being the image of equilibrium it tries to obtain by putting forward two almost totally opposing concepts and within them making the reader to ponder on it for a while and sieve out the rightful meaning. Which makes it almost like mathematical formula that just has to be applied, this is present in the translation of the Tao Te Ching by Stephen Mitchell and Stanley Lombardo also in the translation done by Thomas Cleary and C. Lau. A clear example of this sense of equilibrium is in the second chapter as is talks about the necessity of the presence of both extremes so that one can appreciate both, invariably proving that the only way to recognize things is to accept the opposite of it, be it a good or bad thing. It is a simple equation of comparison plus balance which equals to tranquil understanding but the real task is putting that into practice. Therefore having and not having arise together. Difficult and easy complement each other Here we see reference to the concept of ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Persia Dbq Essay Every civilization had their own special way of governing. Some liked their way of government, others did not. Persia s bureaucracy created a way to efficiently govern a vast empire. Athens innovative democracy allowed people to make decisions which are best for their city. Although Athens had their achievements, the Persians did a better job with their bureaucracy and keeping their government and empire stable. Athens was the first city to have a structured democracy. They wanted people to make their decisions that were best for the city. According to Document 6, Athens assembly, the Ecclesia, voted on laws, appointed the magistrates, controlled finances, made decisions based on war and peace, and controlled treaties. All men were in the ... Show more content on ... However, what seemed as a great form of government was tyrannical one. It was really intolerant towards non Athenians. The Persian bureaucracy was more tolerant.The Achaemenid Persian Empire was the largest empire in the world. According to Document 2, the empire stretched from Greece in the west to India in the east. Persian Emperor Darius united 70 different cultures. According to Document 1, the Charter of the Rights of Nations, Cyrus wrote, I did not want anyone to terrorize the land [Babylon]... I lifted their unbecoming yoke . Cyrus, instead of treating his subjects brutally, decided to treat his subjects fairly, just like normal Persians. The Persian way of government proved to make their empire socially more stable than Athens . Some may say that Athens culture is better than the Persians because they were an innovative democracy and the Persians were not. However, Athens was a very limited democracy. According to Document 6 ,only 1/10 of Athenians were actually citizens of the city. In Persia, even though there was no democracy, there was equality. A successful government is not the one that has the fair government, it is the one that results in stability and peace. In conclusion, the Persians clearly had been more successful than the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Passage One Is From One s A Heifer By Ross Sinclair Passage one is from One s a Heifer by Ross Sinclair. The major theme of this short story is being afraid to grow up. This quote, from passage one identifies the theme as it explains the main character wanting to understand the secret of becoming mature by looking, inside the stall . However, the main character is unable to grow up and understand maturity as he is afraid of seeing . Passage two quote is from Coraline by Neil Gaiman. The main idea of Coraline is that getting everything a character wants is not a good thing for the character. In Coraline the main character speaks this quote from passage two, to the other Mr. Bobo and explains receiving everything she wants; toys, undivided attention by her parents and never being bored is not good. As she would be losing her independence also not working towards her goals. Therefore, a character getting everything they want is bad because your independence is lost due to always striving for the next best and not being happy. In passage two from part A, the quote is from My Last Duchess by Robert Browning. Power is very important to the protagonist the Duke in the short story, My Last Duchess, as he needs and holds power. However, before this quote, the Duke had told the envoy how he planned his wife s murder. The envoy upon hearing this is wanting to leave the Duke, but the Duke says together down, sir . Furthermore, making the envoy feel equal to the Duke, but ultimately the protagonist is displaying his power ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Currency War Between China and Usa and Its Global Impacts... Currency war between China and USA and its global impacts on economy. Currency War: Currency war, also known as competitive devaluation, is a condition in international affairs where countries compete against each other to achieve a relatively low exchange rate for their own currency. As the price to buy a particular currency falls so too does the real price of exports from the country. Imports become more expensive too, so domestic industry, and thus employment, receives a boost in demand both at home and abroad. However, the price increase in imports can harm citizens purchasing power. The policy can also trigger retaliatory action by other countries which in turn can lead to a general decline in international trade, harming ... Show more content on ... It will occur when the money supply is increased faster than the growth of real output. Note: the link between printing money and causing inflation is not straightforward. The money supply does not just depend on the amount the government prints. Large National Debt. To finance large national debts, governments often print money and this can cause inflation. Economic Outlook If a country s economy is in a slow growth or recessionary phase, the value of their currency depreciates. The value of a country s currency also depreciates if its major economic indicators like retail sales and Gross Domestic Product, or GDP, are declining. A high and/or rising unemployment rate can also depreciate currency value because it indicates an economic slowdown. If a country s economy is in a strong growth period, the value of their currency appreciates. Trade Deficit A trade deficit occurs when the value of goods a country imports is more than the value of goods it exports. When the trade deficit of a country increases, the value of the domestic currency depreciates against the value of the currency of its trading partners. The demand for imports should fall as imports become more expensive. However, some imports are essential for production or cannot be made in the country and have an inelastic demand we end up spending more on these when the exchange rate falls in value. This can cause the balance of payments to worsen in the short run (a ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The War Photo No One Would Publish Analysis The Limitations of Censorship In The War Photo No One Would Publish , the author Torie Rose DeGhett depicts the meaning of censorship. DeGhett proposes that pictures should always be published so the viewers can get the full effect of what is happening in the world. DeGhett also proposes the idea that it s hard to calculate the consequences of a photographs absence (DeGhett Page 74). This statement leads to the idea of censorship causing the argument of whether certain media outlooks should be censored to the public or not. Personally, I believe that the ethics of censorship is a controversial topic. People should have the right to view/hear any material they wish, however, there should be standard limitations on certain topics that are ... Show more content on ... Although Perez doesn t post about the horrors of war, he does posts about the horrors of society and the catastrophic events that happen to celebrities. Perez is known to not have a filter and in doing so his stories and uncensored and eradicated. Many people strive to report devastating stories on celebrities and Perez showcases those celebrities in their worst moments of life. There is an estimate of 8.8 million people [who] read his website within a twenty four hour period which means that several people are reading exploiting stories on someone s life (Klosterman Page 225). In providing this website Perez is hurting others career and family life so, should his website be censored from the internet? This draws a fine line on the topic of censorship because should the people not have the right to view the material or if they should be blocked. Personally, I think it should be up to the person to decide if he or she wants to look at unflattering images of celebrities or believe convoluted stories to make themselves feel better. On the other hand, some people might wish not to view certain media because they have ethical standards that don t need to be entertained with other people s lives. Censorship should be based off individual morals in which they can decide what they think should and shouldn t be censored ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Essay on Walmart Walmart From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Wal Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT ( ), branded as Walmart, is an American multinational retail corporation that runs chains of large discount department stores and warehouse stores. The company is the world s third largest public corporation, according to the Fortune Global 500 list in 2012, the biggest private employer in the world with over two million employees, and is the largest retailer in the world. Walmart remains a family owned business, as the company is controlled by the Walton family, who own a 48 percent stake in Walmart.[5][6] It is also one of the world s most valuable companies.[7] The company was founded by Sam Walton ... Show more content on ... Within the fifth year, the store was making $250,000 in revenue. When the lease for the location expired, he couldn t reach an agreement for renewal, so he opened a new Ben Franklin franchise in Bentonville, Arkansas and called it Walton s Five and Dime. [13][14] On July 2, 1962, Walton opened the first Walmart Discount City store located at 719 Walnut Ave. in Rogers, Arkansas. The building is now occupied by a hardware store and an antique mall. Within five years, the company expanded to 24 stores across Arkansas and reached $12.6 million in sales.[15] In 1968, it opened its first stores outside Arkansas, in Sikeston, Missouri and Claremore, Oklahoma.[16] Sam Walton s original Walton s Five and Dime store in Bentonville, Arkansas now serving as the Walmart Visitor Center Incorporation and growth (1969 2005) The company was incorporated as Wal Mart Stores, Inc. on October 31, 1969. In 1970, it opened its home office and first distribution center in Bentonville, Arkansas. It had 38 stores operating with 1,500 employees and sales of $44.2 million. It began trading stock as a publicly held company on October 1, 1970, and was soon listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The first stock split occurred in May 1971 at a market price of $47. By this time, Walmart was operating in five states: Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, and Oklahoma; it entered Tennessee ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Analysis Of Theater Of The Oppressed By Augusto Boal In Theater of the Oppressed , Augusto Boal argues that theater is inherently political and that traditional, Aristotelian theater is inherently oppressive. He reviews the history of theater, from Aristotle through Machiavelli, Hegel, and Brecht, and proposes a new idea of theater that breaks the bounds between audience and performers, and between chorus and protagonist. In the Introduction , Boal introduces his main proposition, that theater is inherently political. He presents conflicting classical ideas of whether the theater is merely entertainment or is fundamentally political. Aristotle argued that theater and poetry are independent of politics, and Boal seeks to show that Aristotelian theater is a political tool that represses the ... Show more content on ... According to Boal, Aristotle s tragic hero has one flaw, a characteristic that is antisocial or rebellious. The audience empathizes with this trait, and the virtuous character. When the flaw leads the character to tragedy, the audience pities the character and fears for themselves, who share this trait. Through the character s downfall, the trait is suppressed in the audience. How does Art imitate Nature? Well Aristotle seems to think that Art imitates nature means that Art recreates the creative principle of created things. Not in the sense that it mimics things in the world, but that it re cerates nature. In this sense, art utilizes the creative principal of created things. Artistic items are not exact reproductions, but contain much of the same tenets as the original so as to impart knowledge and understanding about that item. Boal describes ideas of the thinkers of Aristotle s time and how Aristotle may have developed this point of view. Boal concludes this sub section of section one with the idea of knowledge and how it is presented. He suggests that through dialectics and the debate of ideas knowledge ascends. Boal further depicts how Aristotle may have reconciled his position on the arts and society with that of his contemporaries. He introduced new concepts in the perception that substance is the enduring unity of matter and form. In tragedy (Aristotle s characterization for theater), ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Hewlett Packard Company In Vietnam Case Summary Hewlett Packard Company in Vietnam Case Summary John Peter, a Marketing Manager of Hewlett Packard Asia Pacific (HPAP) was evaluating HPAP s long term strategic investment options for doing business in Vietnam. Before start up business in Vietnam, John needs to know the current business environment in Vietnam. History, Economic and Politic Environment are important to know about the country whether is stable from others control. Current workforce is important to find the skillful employee when it s start up the factory in Vietnam. Foreign exchange and investment regulations are also important to know whether Vietnam market was open to global market or not. Hence, facility in Vietnam such as financial services, communicate services, ... Show more content on ... It is because through the joint venture, the company is more familiar with the situation of the company there. The negative outcome is that the management system different between the company. So it is hard to make a decision making. It is because there is different opinion of each person. 2. Independent The positive outcome of this strategy is that the company will get more profit. It is because the company no need to share the profits with others company. The negative outcome is that it is more risky. The government will take action to take over the company because there have no acknowledge of the company. 3. Franchising The positive outcome of this strategy is that the company is easy to control the market. It is because through the franchising, the local company needs to get the agreement contract from the main company. The local company can manage the local market well because it has already familiar with the cultural of that country. The negative outcome is that the local company didn t follow the rules that have set by the main company and boycott them because they take control of the business. The Best Strategies and Justification 1. Joint venture with Local partner The best strategy to resolve the problem of What strategies that Hewlett Packard Company should adopt to explore the Vietnam market is joint venture with local distribute. The Hp Company doesn t know with the environment there so through the Joint venture, the company can more ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Argumentative Essay On Meat Meat is under attack in our society today. The media is full of articles highlighting the negative effects of meat, an army of people are trying to tarnish the reputation of meat in any way possible. More people are cutting meat from their diet now then ever before. I guess you could say then that meat is not in a good place. I recently read an article on the negative effects of meat on the human body and on the environment. The essay was good and the argument compelling by the time I finished reading I was almost persuaded to give up eating meat and live the vegetarian life style. I spent sometime mulling over the idea of giving up my some of my favorite foods, what it would be like to never again taste a warm, tender juicy steak, or bite down it to a succulent buffalo burger. I decided that if I was going to change my life in such a drastic way I had to be sure that the benefits were all that people worked them up to be. Did I give up meat then and join the ranks of the vegetarian? While researching the topic I found that although meat does have many negative effects these effects come from over eating and gorging ourselves on meat. If meat is eaten in moderation it actually has positive effects on the body. The nutriance found in meat is vital to help the body function properly, maintain brain tissue and make our minds sharper and more alert. Meat is an essential part of our diets and should be eaten (in moderation) by every one who wants to live the healthiest life ... Get more on ...
  • 32. In Shakespeare’s Othello, race is a concept that is only... In Shakespeare s Othello, race is a concept that is only minimally explored. Characters in the play assume that, since they are English, they are superior and foreign characters (like Othello the Moor) are inferior. This is not questioned much at all, and in fact it is assumed outright that Othello is indeed a lesser man because of his skin color and the ways in which characters like Iago and Roderigo treat him. While an early modern audience would accept this concept without hesitation, an audience of today s age is left to question whether Othello is actually acting out because of the societal pressures, beliefs, and actions put upon him, or because he is inherently different as a person who is not white. While Shakespeare seems to think ... Show more content on ... All of these insults are packed into only the first scene of the play there are dozens more sprinkled throughout, used commonly by Iago and Roderigo, most often behind Othello s back than to his face. This ever constant presence of racism when regarding Othello is proof of Iago s plot: to degrade and insult and trick Othello into believing that he is subpar, and therefore trusting in Iago s accusations of Desdemona s infidelity. But why does Iago despise Othello so much? The answer is in the text, both explicitly and implicitly. When Roderigo mentions Othello in the opening scene, Iago states that he is angered by the appointment of Othello as general, and the appointment of Cassio as his officer. He states that by the faith of man...I am worth no worse of a price suggesting that he believes he should have been honored with a similar military position (1.1.10 11). He goes on then to suggest that Cassio is not a fit officer, as he is a great arithmetician...a Florentine...that never set a squadron in the field in short, Cassio is too theoretical and inexperienced to be of any use as an officer (1.1.18 21). In addition to his jealousy of Othello s power, Iago must also be jealous of Othello s wife Desdemona. While waking up her father Brabanzio to warn him of his daughter s so called treachery in marrying and ... Get more on ...
  • 33. How Does Dickerson Use Ethos Pathos Logos All good essays use some combination of the three rhetorical appeals: logos, ethos, and pathos. Logos is an appeal to logical reasoning and how a writer puts together a cohesive, flowing argument. Ethos is an appeal to a writer s credibility and good character, while pathos is an appeal to the emotions of the audience. The Great White Way by Debra J. Dickerson is an essay that questions America s racial and social norm of whiteness . Dickerson describes how the terms of being white have differed over the past century and how this infatuation with race still defines American society. The Great White Way by Debra J. Dickerson is a persuasive essay because of its proficient use of logos, ethos, and, pathos. Dickerson s use of logos is prevalent from the very beginning of her essay. She challenges the reader to define race and differentiate between blacks, whites, Hispanics, and Asians. Most readers would define race as skin color but Dickerson proves this answer to be incorrect by asking what a black person from Darfur and one from Detroit have in common beyond melanin (Dickerson 68). She then goes on to explain how ... Show more content on ... She has a knack for suddenly switching from a professional tone to an emotional one and then back to the professional tone. She does this when she mentions how race governs who could vote, who could murder or marry whom, and what kind of work one can do (Dickerson 68). Someone who skims The Great White Way may miss that jarring change, but an active reader will feel shocked and intrigued by it. Dickerson does this again when she defines race as an arbitrary system for establishing hierarchy and privilege . . . and deciding who gets to kick whose butt (68). This tactic grabs the reader s attention and keeps him or her reading to find out what other fact is shocking. This is a clever way of making the reader feel something while also placing emphasis onto the ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Music Therapy ( Mt ) For most, music plays an integral role in life. Whether it s putting a playlist on to get hyped up for a daily workout, or shuffling through an Adele album to get through a bad break up. In short, music is connected to our mood. Henceforth, it should come as no surprise that music therapy (MT) has been used in various forms of rehab, specifically in terms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). ASD is a condition masked with impairments to social functioning, speech, and language along with unusual behaviors such as fixations and repetitive movements (Boso et al., 2007). Therapy associated with ASD has usually been associated with speech fixation therapy or occupational and physical activity/challenged based therapy, to name a few, however ... Show more content on ... In a study conducted by LaGasse in 2004 looked to measure the effect of music therapy when conducted as a group to see if the social skills of children with ASD would change, compared to a regular social skills group. The study employed seventeen participants with an age range of 6 to 9 years old. The groups engaged in 10 sessions, twice a week, with a schedule of a welcome exercise, followed by a rotation of sensory and social experiences and finally ended with a farewell exercise. The social experiences specifically looked at promoting eye contact, communication and joint attention (LaGasse, 2014). Exercises included passing a ball amongst the group, board games, and telling of jokes to the group. The experience of music to half of the groups was done in a way that would be similar to the nonmusical groups, such as music making instead of play a game or using music to help complete a social interaction (LaGasse, 2014). Results found that specifically after finishing all ten sessions, parents of children who received music based therapy reported large increases in not only eye contact situations, but also in length of time. While eye gaze did increase overall, LaGasse found that it increased among peers but decreased amongst adults, explaining it could be due to the facilitators shifting for a more peer to peer interaction. Results from LaGasse s study were able to show initial evidence those social skills such as joint attention and eye contact could be ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Obergefell V. Hodges Summary most likely kids to be bullied are gay or are perceived to be gay, and in a nationally representative sample 1/3 of 3,500 students were bullied due to sexual orientation or perceived sexual orientation. Thereby, illustrating that even though times are changing, there are still several issues concerning sexual orientation. Though the LGBT community has made headway, especially with the Obergefell v. Hodges case decision, they have had to deal with a large amount disparity, much more than there heterosexual counterparts relative to issues of love, marriage, intimacy, and relations. Ultimately, there are still issues facing the LGBT community, but with the ruling in the Obergefell v. Hodges case, there is evidence of those issues, as they pertain to equality, being addressed. Case Presentation: Facts of the Case: Obergefell v. Hodges has been addressed several times throughout the introduction and is not only one of the most recent victories, but also one of the most substantial in terms of equality. This case got its start because four states (Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, and Michigan) defined marriage as being between a man and a woman, and then six cases in the respective states challenged that definition. In Tennessee s Tanco v. Haslam, three same sex couples married, validly, outside of the state, and then moved to Tennessee, where their marriages were no longer recognized due to the aforementioned definition of marriage in the state of Tennessee. District Court Judge ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Difference Between Locke And Hobbes In the 18th century, the ideas of philosophers were rising in popularity as people began to question the societal norm. In the 1600s, Hobbes and Locke shared their ideas about the natural state of man. While Locke believed that men are born good and naturally know the difference between right and wrong, Hobbes believed that men were naturally evil and needed a strict government in order to stay under control. President John Adams shared his views on how he believed America should be run. When talking about the taxation of American colonists, he shared his belief that The Parliament of Great Britain can have no more right to tax the colonies than a Parliament of Paris. John Adam s belief can be supported by the ideas of Locke. Locke s ... Show more content on ... Many of the colonists were not please with the Parliament of Great Britain imposing major taxes on them and taking their property. For example, John Adams believed no nation, specifically Great Britain of France, had the right to intervene in the taxation of the colonists of an entirely separate nation. Adams believed that the colonies could function on their own, without help from the Parliaments of other nations. The ideas of Locke support this, for he has very positive, good natured, and optimistic views on man. Locke believed that man knows what is right and wrong naturally, and that we have the ability to fix our problems and conflicts lawfully. These positive views prove that it is not necessary to have an outside Parliament helping the colonies because the colonists are more than capable of fixing problems on their own. They had fought for years to become self functioning and independent, and they did not need the Parliament of Great Britain helping them. As stated by Locke, men can solve their problems, such as economic issues, lawfully and safely without the help of another nation. Locke s ideas could be used to support Adam s belief that the colonies did not need assistance from another nation because they were more than capable of handling their own situations in the right ... Get more on ...
  • 37. History Of Mole National Park Is Ghana s Largest... CHAPTER THREE MATERIALS AND METHODS INTRODUCTION This chapter looks at the area, its historic background, methodology used for data collection, data analysis methods employed and how data was finally presented. THE STUDY AREA Mole National Park is Ghana s largest protected area. Situated between Upper West and Tamale, it covers about 4,577 km² and lies between 9° 11 and 10° 10 N latitude, and 1° 22 and 2° 13 W longitude (MNP, 2011). It was gazetted as a national a park in 1971 for its outstanding wildlife and also to protect representative ecological habitats. Visitors usually see a range of species including elephants, hartebeests, kobs, waterbucks, bushbucks, warthogs, roan antelopes, duikers, buffalos, oribis, baboons, patas monkeys, vervet monkeys, red throated bee eaters, Abyssinia ground horn bills, saddle billed storks, agama lizards, crocodiles, bush snakes and other species (MNP, 2011). The average annual rainfall of the Mole ecosystem is about 1100 mm. More than 90% of the rain falls in the rainy season from April to October, with peaks in July and September. The dry season lasts from November to March. The mean annual temperature of 28°C varies from 26°C in December to 31°C in March. The average range from day to night is 13°C. It can be unpleasantly hot in March and April, with temperatures sometimes in the 40°Cs. The Harmattan (a dry wind from the Sahara) blows during December to February bringing dusty, hazy weather conditions. The relative humidity ... Get more on ...
  • 38. “Beauty (Re) Discovers the Male Body” Essay examples Beauty (Re) Discovers the Male Body response In Beauty (Re) Discovers the Male Body by Susan Bordo, Bordo writes an analysis on the male body in advertising. Bordo discusses how in the society of advertising and fashion the male body isn t really seen as a symbol of arousal compared to the female body. She continues saying how the naked or half naked female body is seen as an object of mainstream consumption (p.299), while the male boy is just beginning to be a commercial representation (p.299) object. She also talks about how the percentage of people viewing these pictures with half naked males mainly only increased in the male percentage of viewers instead of the females. Bordo continues by adding how women feel the need ... Show more content on ... The sources help to show how looking thin and muscular or fit is the popular trend. She explains that advertisements and movies have changed to fit the trend and that she wishes the male body would look more natural rather than a sex object. In Bordo s opinion the male body should be less sexual and more natural. Although this is a plausible argument I believe that men in the ads should continue to appear as sex objects (p.312). It would allow men to strive to look like what the ads show. It will also motivate the men of our society to be fit. Bordo also believes that men get aroused by the ads of men in underwear more than women but nowadays a lot of women get aroused by half naked men. Women do actually survey (p.303) men more than she thinks they do. Women like to read or look at pictures with men toned, tan and sexy and fantasize about them. Bordo uses primary and secondary sources from multiple companies to prove her argument that men rather than be seen as sexy macho men they rather be seen for how the really look. She also touches upon how society has changed in media fashion and advertisement concerning the male body from just females just being the only ones in ads to male and females and how it affects females in society ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Use Of Urban Sewage Sludge On Slaughtered Animals From... Abdel Hafez, S.K; Al Yaman, F.M and Said, I.M. (1986): Further studies on prevalence of Hydatidosis in slaughtered animals from North Jordan. Z.Parasitenkd. 72(1):89 96. Abu Elwafa S.A and Al Araby M.A (20008) prevalence of tissue parasites among slaughtered animals in Dakahlia province Mansoura, Vet med.J.(79 91) vol.x,No1,2008 Kaufmann,J.(1996) Parasitic infections of Domestic Animals. A Diagnostic Manual.Birkha,user Verlag,Basal,Schweiz. Cabaet,J,Geerts,S, Madeline,M,Ballendine,C and Barber,D(2002): The use of urban sewage sludge on postures.The cysticercus threat. Vet.Res.33:575 597. Blazek,K;Schramlova,J and hulinska,D.(1985):Pathology of the migration phase of Taenia hydatigenia (Palas 1766) larvae.Folia Parasitol.32,127 137. Okolo,M.I (1986). Studies on taenia saginata cysticercosis in eastern Nigeria.Int j Zoonoses.13(2):98 103. Onah,D.N. and Chiejina, S. N. (1986). Taenia saginata cysticercosis in slaughter cattle in anambra State, Nigeria.Int J Zoonoses 13(1):32 9. Mosienyane, M. G. (1986). A survey of Cysticercus bovis (measles) infestation in cattle sent for slaughter to Botswana Meat Commission (BMC). A ten years retrospective study 1974 1983. Int Zoonoses. Jun;13(2):124 30 Okkafor, F. C. (1988) Epizootiology of Cysticercus bovis in Imo state, Nigeria. Angew Parasitol.29(1):25 30 Pugh, K. E. and Chambers, P. G. (1989). Observations on Cysticercus bovis in slaughter cattle in Matabeleland province of Zimbabwe. Vet Rec.4;125(19):480 4 Oryan, A. ; Moghaddar, N. ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Nature Of The Polar Bear The scientific name for the polar bear is Ursus maritimus. However, it has many other names as well, such as sea bear, ice bear, lord of the Arctic, and old man in the fur cloak. Despite all the different names, one thing is for sure, the polar bear s body has been constructed perfectly to deal with the seasonal shifts in the Arctic. The fur of a polar bear acts as a dense insulator, preventing almost all heat loss. In fact, adult males can overheat from running. The fur is transparent with a hollow core that scatters and reflects visible light, making it appear white, just like what happens with snow and ice. The skin of a polar bear is black, and it covers up a layer of fat that can be up to 4.49 inches thick. This thick layer of fat helps keep the polar bear warm in the water, since wet fur acts as a poor insulator. The polar bear s small round ears and short, compact tail also help conserve heat. Their large paws, approximately 11.81 inches across, are covered with papillae which help from slipping on ice. To complete the challenge of crossing thin ice, the polar bear extends its legs far apart while lowering its body to distribute its weight evenly. This action helps it survive on its home range of sea ice, which can be quite large, expanding far greater than any other species of bear. A polar bear s home range depends on both habitat quality and prey availability. Polar bears mainly depend on seals for their high fat content and can eat 100 pounds of blubber ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Anzia Yezierska’s novel Bread Givers and Assimilation of... Anzia Yezierska s novel Bread Givers and Assimilation of Jews An entire chapter of Eric Liu s memoir, The Accidental Asian, is founded on the supposition that Jews today serve as a metaphor for assimilation into American culture. According to Liu, this is due to the ease with which Jews have been able to assimilate. However, the progress that Jews have made in embracing and affecting America has been gradual rather than instantaneous, as evidenced by the character Sara Smolensky in Anzia Yezierska s novel Bread Givers. Sara is not the symbol of an assimilated Jew, but instead represents a period of transition between complete assimilation into American identity and complete dissimilation from her Jewish and Polish heritage, ... Show more content on ... Sara s willing dedication to her American identity, as represented by her clothing, is contrasted with the blood relationship she has with her mother, and by extension her actions separate her from her entire ancestry and ethnicity. Denounced for her refusal to comply with the traditions of her culture, and disdainfully called an Americanerin, Sara experiences the social death that Sollors describes, a result of her cultural relationships having become mutually antagonistic (xx). In this scene she temporarily ceases to be Jewish and becomes to her people and to her family merely a female American. This schism is paralleled by a more subtle contrast at the conclusion of the same chapter that should be noted, when Sara hears the poverty stricken cries that Charity saves you from death (256)! This statement of course cannot be literally true, but displays a further contrast between the voluntary and the natural on a more literal level: voluntary generosity versus natural inevitable death. Sara is further distanced from her ethnicity through her resistance to the patriarchal doctrines of Judaism that are followed by her family. Sexually biased Judaism is represented by her father and his frequent citations of the Torah to justify such a position. When Sara refuses to marry the wealthy Max Goldstein, her father tells her that the Torah says What s a woman without a man? Less than nothing a blotted out existence. No life on earth and no ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Revenge in Wuthering Heights Essay Revenge in Wuthering Heights Novels often use the emotion of hate to create tension and distress in the plot. Wuthering Heights uses Heathcliff s disdain for the other characters to add conflict to the story. Wuthering Heights examines the source of Heathcliff s hate as well as its effects on the other characters throughout the story. Heathcliff s relationships with other characters also suggests the universal theme that breeds hatred. Hindley plants the seeds of hate into Heathcliff by treating him cruelly as a child to begin with. This past happening creates the mutual scornful attitude between Heathcliff and Hindley, which spreads into the rest of the characters in the novel. Heathcliff becomes a vortex of hate which ... Show more content on ... This shows that children who are taught to hate or breed hate are destined to spread hate as adults. As soon as Hindley s father dies, Heathcliff is taught the true meaning of hate by Hindley. As Heathcliff ages, his hate for Hindley grows inside of him, along with a need for revenge. Heathcliff s need for revenge allows him to formulate his diabolical plan for taking over both the Grange and the Heights, upon return from his three year sojourn. Heathcliff s ability to gamble the Heights away from Hindley foreshadows the unyielding power of Heithcliff s hate when fueled by revenge. Thus establishing hate as the source of Heathcliff s revenge. Heathcliff s loathing feelings against Hindley even last long after Hindley s death. Heathcliff has created a demonic reality in which his mistreatment of Hereton will enable him to gain revenge against Hindley. Heathcliff also maintains his revenge by becoming extremely possessive of the Heights. Heathcliff s vicious watch dogs ensure the security of the Heights because maintaining complete control of the Heights continues his revenge against Hindley. Since Edgar and Isabella were sources of oppression in Heathcliff s childhood, Heathcliff feels the need to plot for revenge against them. Heathcliff s reappearance is his first act of revenge, because he immediately makes Edgar jealous. ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Ragtime Essay examples Ragtime was a very influential part of the development of jazz. Ragtime became very popular in the late 1800 s. Ragtime s distinct style set it apart from the other genres. Syncopation is what defines this art form. This is when the loud accents fall in between the beats. Anything that is syncopated is basically ragtime. One of the most important ragtime composers was Scott Joplin. Like all great artists, Joplin did not restrict himself to this favored art form. Both before the advent of ragtime and after, Joplin composed marches and waltzes, including the syncopated waltzes. There s more to ragtime than syncopation, while some very good ragtime is not of the classic form. But the lines are often blurred. Ragtime s influence on other ... Show more content on ... Other developments led to the ``trumpet piano style of Earl Hines and Teddy Weatherford and to the swing style of Duke Ellington. Some Historians consider ragtime to be the very first jazz style. Although it cannot actually be classified as jazz, ragtime is definitely a very influential part of jazz. In Louisiana at this time there was music everywhere. Ragtime bands and marching bands were joining together. Mexican bands were also and influence especially in the way the trumpets and horns were played. All this merging of different band sounds was important in the creation of jazz. Eventually the instruments used in marching bands crossed over into jazz instruments. The drums and clarinet filled in for the marching band instruments. New Orleans was such a melting pot for music and culture but it was also a party town. This party scene was also a part of how jazz was molded. The demand for fresh new music was high, which caused musicians to alter and elongate their styles. All the new creations and variations on the music in the end fused into jazz. 2. The blues first emerged as a distinct type of music in the late 1800s. Spirituals, work songs, seculars, field hollers and arhoolies all had some form of influence on the blues. Early blues were a curious mixture of African cross rhythms and vocal techniques, Anglo American melodies and thematic material from fables and folktales, and tales of personal experience on ... Get more on ...