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Osteotomies around Hip jointOsteotomies around Hip joint
Dr Gaurav Singh
Central Institute Of Orthopaedics
 An osteotomy is a surgical corrective
procedure used to obtain a correct
biomechanical alignment of the extremity so
as to achieve equivocal load transmission,
performed with or without removal of a
portion of the bone.
Forces across hip joint
 BW
 Ground rection forces
 Abductor muscle forces  Improving abductor function will
decrease joint reaction forces
Why does Osteotomy work?
 Osteotomies improve hip function
 Increasing contact area / congruency
 Improve coverage of head
 Moving normal articular cartilage into weight bearing
 Restore biomechanical advantage / Decreasing joint
reactive forces
 ?? Stimulating cartilage repair
Contraindications to
 Neuropathic arthropathy
 Inflammatory arthropathy
 Active infections
 Severe osteopenia
 Advanced arthritis/ankylosis
 Advanced age
 *smoking, obesity
 According to Anatomic Location
 Femoral Osteotomy.
 Subtrochanteric Osteotomy.
 Greater Trochanteric.
 High Cervical
 Intertrochanteric Osteotomy
 Pelvic Osteotomy.
 Salvage Osteotomies : eg. Chiari, Shelf.
 Reconstructive Osteotomies : eg. Periacetabular, Single,
Double, Triple Innominate.
 Based on Indications
 To obtain stability
 old unreduced dislocations.
 Lorenz bifurcation osteotomy.
 Schanz low subtrochanteric.
 To obtain union
 ununited fractures of femoral neck.
 McMurry’s osteotomy.
 Dickson's high geometric osteotomy.
 Schanz Angulation Osteotomy.
 unstable intertrochanteric fractures.
 Dimon Hughston Osteotomy.
 Sarmiento’s Osteotomy
 Relief of pain
 osteoarathritis.
 Pauwel’s type I varus osteotomy.
 Pauwel’s type II valgus osteotomy.
 To Correct deformities
 coxa vara
 slipped upper femoral epiphysis
 Intracapsular cuneiform osteotomy by dunn.
 Compensatory Basilar Osteotomy of Femoral Neck.
 Extracapsular Base-of-Neck osteotomy.
 Ball-and-Socket Trochanteric Osteotomy.
 Pauwel’s osteotomy (Y).
 In Osteonecrosis of femoral head
 Sugioka’s transtrochanteric osteotomy.
 Varus derotation osteotomy of Axer.
- In paralytic disorders of hip.
 Varus Osteotomy.
 Rotational Osteotomy
 In congenital dislocation.
 INDI-Congruous hip reduction,<10-15 degrees correction of
acetabular index required ,paralytic disorder,subluxation after septic
 PREREQUISITES- femoral head must be positioned opposite the
level of acetabulum, contracture of iliopsoas and adductor
muscles must be released, range of motion of the hip must be
good specially in abduction , int. rotation flexion
 PROC.- Single Innominate osteotomy
Acetabulum together with ilium and pubis rotated
Held by wedge of bone
 AGE-18 months-6years
 AFTERCARE-hip spica for 8 to 12 week,then partial weight bearing
on crutches ,followed by full weight bearing.result assesed by center
edge angle.
 INDICATION- >10-15 degrees correction of acetabular index
required ,small femoral head ,large acetabulum.
 ADV- internal fixation not required .greater degree of rotation can
be achieved with less rotation of acetabulum
 DISADV- Technically more difficult . Alters the configuration and
capacity of acetabulum and produce joint incongruity that requires
 AGE-18months- 10 yr
 AFTERCARE-spica cast for 8 to 12 weeks
 PROCEDURE- Pemberton described a pericapsular osteotomy
of the ilium in which the osteotomy is made through the full
thickness of the bone from just superior to the anteroinferior iliac
spine anteriorly to the triradiate cartilage posteriorly : the
triradiate cartilage acts as a hinge on which the acetabular roof is
rotated anteriorly and laterally.
 INDI-Adolescents and skeletally mature adults with residual
dysplasia and subluxation in whom remodelling of acetabulum is
no longer anticipated
 ADV-Better coverage of femoral head by articular cartilage ,
Better hip joint stability, no need of spica cast.
 DIS- Technically difficuilt, does not change size of acetabulum,
distort the hip such that natural child birth may be impossible in
 PROC-The ischium, the sup pubic ramus and ilium superior to
the acetabulum is reposition and stabilized by bone graft
 This Triplaner osteotomy is for adolescent and adult
dysplastic hip that required correction of congruency
& containment of the femoral head with little or no
 If significant degenerative changes are presents a
proximal femoral osteotomy can be added.
 Approach Smith Peterson approach.
 Advantages :
 Only one approach is used.
 A large amount of correction can be obtained in all
directions, including the medial and lateral planes.
 Blood supply to the acetabulum is preserved.
 The posterior column of the hemipelvis remains
mechanically intact, allowing immediate crutch walking
with minimal internal fixation.
 The shape of the true pelvis is unaltered, permitting a
normal child delivery.
 Can be combined with trochanteric osteotomy if
 Have commonly been performed to enlarge the volume of the
 The objective is to create a shelf, the size of which is decided by
measuring the “width of augmentation” form the CE angle. The
shelf is put just above the acetabular margin. It secure two layers
of cancellous grafts bringing the reflected head of rectus femoris
forward over the graft and suturing it in its original position.
 Best to do after 5 years of age.
 Indication : A deficient acetabulum that cannot be corrected by
redirectional, osteotomy is the primary indication.
 Contraindication :
 Dysplastic hip with spherical congruity suitable for
redirectional osteotomy
 Hip requiring open reduction.
 CE ANGLE-measured after 5 yr age, >25 normal,
<20 severe dysplasia
 AC IND- <27.5 normal, >30 dysplasia
 PROC-It is performed at the superior margin of the
acetabulum and the pelvis inferior to the osteotomy
along with the femur is displaced medially.
This is also called as capsular interposition Arthroplasty
as the capsule is interposed between the shelf and the
femoral head.
 INDI-incongruous joint, dysplastic hip with osteoarthritis ,
other osteotomy not possible
 DISADV-salvage osteotomy only, leaves anterior
acetabulum uncovered,abductor lurch common .
 Primary objective is deflection of wt. bearing by
angulation of femur to bring the axis of the
femoral shaft more in line with the direction of
weight transmission.
 The osteotomy performed are Angulation
Osteotomy (Stabilizing osteotomy).
 Schanz osteotomy.
 Lorenz osteotomy.
(a)(a)Femur is sectioned transversely a lower border of pelvis.Femur is sectioned transversely a lower border of pelvis.
(b)(b)Upper end is angled inward until it rest against side wall of pelvis.Upper end is angled inward until it rest against side wall of pelvis.
 Schanz osteotomy (Low S/T Osteotomy) :
 In this osteotomy the deformity flexion, adduction &
external Rotation is corrected by making the osteotomy at
tuber ischii level.
 Preparation :
 X-ray are taken with full adduction – to measure
angle medially.
 Thomas Test - measure degree of flexion to be
 Advantages :
 Lurching gait will be diminished.
 The depression of the trochanter also improves the
leverage of the glutei.
 Contraindication : Before 15 years of age, because loss
of angulation during growth period.
 Lorenz (Bifurcation osteotomy)
 In this upper end of the lower fragment is abducted and
inserted in to the acetabulum after making on
intertrochanteric osteotomy “plane of osteotomy” below &
outward to above & inward.
 Disadvantage :
 Increased shortening.
 Less mobility and arthritic pain.
(A) Plane of
osteotomy – Distal
end at posterolateral
aspect towards
proximal end at
anteromedial aspect.
(B) Limb is Abducted(B) Limb is Abducted
and extended so proximaland extended so proximal
end of distal fragmentend of distal fragment
directed medially anddirected medially and
anteriorly in acetabulum.anteriorly in acetabulum.
 The normal femoral neck shaft angle in infant is 1200
to 1400
Reduction to a more acute angle constitute a coxa vara
 The goal of treatment are
 To promote ossification of the defect and correct varus
 Indication for surgery :
 Increasing coxa vara
 Neck shaft angle less than 110°.
 Painful unilateral or associated with leg length
 Hilgenreiner - epiphy seal angle of more than 60° .
 Surgery performed are
 Valgus Subtrochanteric Osteotomy or abduction
osteotomy-with Internal Fixation.
 A transverse osteotomy at about the level of lesser
 If necessary take a small lateral wedge to correct
neck shaft angle to 135-150.
 The surgery may be delayed till child is 4 to 5 year
old to make internal fixation easier.
 Alternative Method : Pauwels Y shaped osteotomy :
 Static forces are converted from shearing to
impacting forces
 Prerequisites :
 Viable femoral head.
 Young vigorous patient.
 Advantage :
 Union is rapid.
 Recurrence is less likely.
 Before the onset of osteoarthritis, if normal or near normal
function of the hip can be maintained, reconstructive
osteotomy can prevent or delay the development of
osteoarthritis; if mild or moderate osteoarthritis is present, a
salvage osteotomy can improve function and delay the need
for total hip Arthroplasty.
varus osteotomy
 Designed to elevate the greater trochanter and move it
laterally while moving the abductor and psoas muscles
medially, to restore joint congruity and decrease muscle forces
about the hip.
 Varus osteotomy alone is indicated for patients with a
spherical femoral head, little or no acetabular dysplasia
center-edge angle of at least 15 to 20 degrees), signs lateral
overloading, and a valgus neck-shaft angle of more than 135
 Varus osteotomy with medial displacement of the femoral
shaft relaxes the abductor, psoas, and adductor
musclesunloads the hip joint, and increases the weight-
bearing surface.
 Most authors recommend medial displacement of 10 to
15 mm to keep the ipsilateral knee centered under the
femoral head and to maintain the mechanical axis of the
 Varus osteotomy, however, shortens the limb to some
degree. creates a Trendelenburg gait that may persist for
months after surgery, and increases the prominence of
the greater trochanter.
 Limb shortening can be minimized by making a smaller
medial osteotomy and transposing it to the lateral side.
 Valgus Osteotomy - Increase weight bearing area of femur
 It does not produce muscle relaxation.
 Relaxation obtained by tenotomy of Iliopsos and adductor
 Transfer the center of hip rotation medially from the superior
aspect of the acetabulum to increase joint congruity and the
weight-bearing area of the femoral head.
 Osteotomy of the greater trochanter often is performed with
valgus femoral osteotomy to move the greater trochanter
 Best result were obtained in patients younger than 40 years of
age with unilateral involvement, good preoperative range of
motion, and a mechanical (secondary) cause.
 Unsatisfactory results occurred in patients with limited
preoperative flexion, they cited preoperative flexion of less than
60 degrees as a relative contraindication to valgus osteotomy.
 Most surgeons now advise that all osteotomies be fixed with rigid
internal fixation, which offers several obvious advantages:
 The fragments are maintained in proper position;
 The danger of limitation of motion of the hip and knee is
greatly decreased;
 The patient can be allowed out of bed early; and
 Pulmonary, urological, and other medical complications
are decreased. A device frequently used for rigid internal
fixation of intertrochanteric osteotomies is the ASIF, or
right-angled, blade plate. Our experience with this device
has been quite favorable.
 Nonunion has been a troublesome complication after
Osteotomy, and an incidence as high as 20% has been
 Sarmiento Technique
 Dimon and Hughston :
 Described technique of Trochanteric osteotomy with
valgus nailing and medial displacement to improve
stability there techniques are occasionally useful in
some extremely comminuted fractures.
 Recent studies have indicated that anatomical reduction
allow greater load shearing by bone than medial
displacement osteotomy.
 Is a disorder in which there is a displacement of the capital
femoral epiphysis form the metaphysis through the physeal
 By this head is placed in posterior & downward position in
 The goal of treatment is
 To prevent further displacement and
 To promote closure of physeal plate.
 The use of realignment procedure such as lntertrochameric,
Subtrochanteric Osteotomy & osteotomies the around neck is
in those situation in which restricted range of motion impairs
function after plate physeal closure.
 Principle of Osteotomy
 There are basically three type of Deformity present in SCFE.
These are-
 Varus
 Hyper extension
 Moderate Severe external rotation
 The osteotomy to correct theseThe osteotomy to correct these
deformities work at two sites.deformities work at two sites.
 Through the femoral neckThrough the femoral neck
(closing wedge osteotomy)(closing wedge osteotomy)
 Through the trochantericThrough the trochanteric
 types of femoral neck osteotomy are -
 The technique of Dunn - for severe chronic slip with open
 Base of the neck osteotomy - Compensatory Basilar
most of femoral neck. (Kramer) - correct the varus and
retroversion component of moderate to severe chronic
 It is safer than cuniform osteotomy of neck.
 Further slipping is prevented.
 Intertrochantric osteotomies
 By these osteotomies one can correct angulation, rotation,
flexion, extension Deformity of bones to restore motion for
patient with stiff hip.
 Like
 Deformities in septic arthritis
 Malunion of I/T femurs
 Neuromuscular disorder
 Cerebral palsy
 Poliomyelitis
 There are three types of corrective osteotomies
 Close wedge - transverse closing wedge provide good
bony apposition and is stable, however, it shortens the
 Open wedge - simple and lengthens the extremity
however. bony apposition is limited, union is delayed in
adults and it is initially unstable.
 Ball and Socket type - achieves stability without
shortening the extremity; however, extensive dissection is
required, and in severe biplame deformities an accurate
and stable osteotomy is difficult to perform.
 In Ball & socket type of osteotomy concave surface in created in
the proximal fragment of convex surface at the distal fragment,
at intertrochantaric level & fixed in place by plate.
Brackett ball and socket
Whitman closing wedge
Gant-opening wedge
 In those case which present late (1-5 wks.), are difficult case to
treat because
 Close reduction is not possible.
 Open reduction is associated AVN
 In young Pt. with viable femoral head & nonunion options are-
 Mcmurray & Pauwel’s ‘y’ osteotomy
 Angulation Osteotomy (Schanz)
 Dickson geometric osteotomy
 In old Pt.-
 Girdle stone osteotomy
 Mcmurray Displacement
 The oblique osteotomy extends from the lateral aspect of
the shaft at a level just below the lower border of the lesser
trochanter and lower border of neck.Then the limb is
rotated inward and outward to remove any bony spike
 Fixation of osteotomy - By Compression nail
plate./Castle Plate.
 Disadvantages:
 Instability - Degenerative changes in normal head
 Shortening - AVN when neck have been fractured
 Medial displacement of shaft compromise the
insertion of femoral stem of total hip.
 Advantage -Changes line of fracture to horizontal,callus
may incarporate fracture
 Principle - the line of vertical force is
converted to a horizontal (impacting
force). In this distal fragment is
abducted to 60° after making
osteotomy just below the grater
trochanter & fixed with plate.
 High rate of union
 Lengthens limb
 Improves abductor strength
 In this head & neck of femur are excised at Inter trochanteric
level to create pseudo arthrosis in order to improve stability.
Angulations Osteotomy is added.
 Indication
 T.B. Hip
 Pyogenic Hip
 Non union #.neck femur [in elderly pt.]
 AVN of femoral head.
 Advantages :-
 Painless mobile hip joint.
 These procedure have achieved best result for small and
medium sized lesion. 1<30% femoral head involvement in
young pt.
 Intertrochanteric varus/valgus - osteotomies
 Transtrochantric ant. Rotational osteotomy (Sugioka) -
Technically Demanding procedures.
 All osteotomies are designed to transfer the weight
bearing forces form the necrotic area to the cartilage on
the sound part of the femoral head to allow healing of
necrotic area by hyper vascularisation of upper part of
 Femoral head is rotated anteriorly (450
- 900
) by handling
proximal pin.
 Salvage :
 Varus Derotational Osteotomy
 Innominate Osteotomy.
 Combined Procedure -
 MRI / Arthrogram before surgery is mandatory.
 Varus/derotation osteotomy of this embodies the principle
of “containment” of the diseased femoral head in the
treatment of Legg - Calve-Perthes disease.
 Guide pin inserted compression screw is placed over
guide wire.
 Appropriate angled osteotomy is made.
 Wedge is removed.
 Make osteotomy as proximal as possible just below lag
screw for -
 Better Healing
 Better correction of deformity.
 Reduce the osteotomy and fixed with plate and
compression screw.
 The aim of surgery is to center the whole "plastic" epiphysis
inside the joint cavity, keeping it well covered by the roof of the
acetabulum and allowing the child to walk so that the
redistributed intra-articular pressures will contribute the molding
of a more normal joint.
 A small 4-hole plate is bent to the desired angle, and a
subtrochanteric osteotomy is done followed by derotation and
yarns angulation of the shaft. A double hip spica is applied and
the removed 2 months later. When the osteotomy site is united,
the child is encouraged to walk, at first in warm water pool, then
with walking aids and finally without support.
 The operation is best suited for early stage of Leg-Calve-
Perthes’ disease, preferably those under the age of 7 years.
 Axer : Described lateral open wedge osteotomy for children <
5 years with perthes disease. Defect laterally fills rapidly in
young children > 5 years of age delayed or non union may
 Valgus subtrochanteric osteotomy - for Hing
 Shelf Augmentation – Coxa Megna.
 Chilectomy - Malformed head in late III Group.
 Chiar's Pelvic Osteotomy - Large Malformed
Femoral Head with Subluxation laterally.
 Apley's System of Orthopaedics and Fractures - Loui's Soloman
8th Edition.
 Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics - 11th Edition. Vol.-2.
 Text Book of Orthopaedics - John Ebnezar - IInd Edition.
 Orthopaedic Knowledge Update – 7.
 Samuel L Turek Orthopaedics principles & their applications

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osteotomies around hip

  • 1. Osteotomies around Hip jointOsteotomies around Hip joint Dr Gaurav Singh Central Institute Of Orthopaedics VMMC & SJH
  • 2. DEFINITION  An osteotomy is a surgical corrective procedure used to obtain a correct biomechanical alignment of the extremity so as to achieve equivocal load transmission, performed with or without removal of a portion of the bone.
  • 3. BIO MECHANICS Forces across hip joint  BW  Ground rection forces  Abductor muscle forces  Improving abductor function will decrease joint reaction forces
  • 4. Why does Osteotomy work?  Osteotomies improve hip function  Increasing contact area / congruency  Improve coverage of head  Moving normal articular cartilage into weight bearing zone  Restore biomechanical advantage / Decreasing joint reactive forces  ?? Stimulating cartilage repair
  • 5. Contraindications to Osteotomy  Neuropathic arthropathy  Inflammatory arthropathy  Active infections  Severe osteopenia  Advanced arthritis/ankylosis  Advanced age  *smoking, obesity
  • 6. OSTEOTOMY AROUND HIP CLASSIFICATION  According to Anatomic Location  Femoral Osteotomy.  Subtrochanteric Osteotomy.  Greater Trochanteric.  High Cervical  Intertrochanteric Osteotomy  Pelvic Osteotomy.  Salvage Osteotomies : eg. Chiari, Shelf.  Reconstructive Osteotomies : eg. Periacetabular, Single, Double, Triple Innominate.
  • 7. Contd.  Based on Indications  To obtain stability  old unreduced dislocations.  Lorenz bifurcation osteotomy.  Schanz low subtrochanteric.  To obtain union  ununited fractures of femoral neck.  McMurry’s osteotomy.  Dickson's high geometric osteotomy.  Schanz Angulation Osteotomy.  unstable intertrochanteric fractures.  Dimon Hughston Osteotomy.  Sarmiento’s Osteotomy
  • 8.  Relief of pain  osteoarathritis.  Pauwel’s type I varus osteotomy.  Pauwel’s type II valgus osteotomy.  To Correct deformities  coxa vara  slipped upper femoral epiphysis  Intracapsular cuneiform osteotomy by dunn.  Compensatory Basilar Osteotomy of Femoral Neck.  Extracapsular Base-of-Neck osteotomy.  Ball-and-Socket Trochanteric Osteotomy.  Pauwel’s osteotomy (Y). Contd.Contd.
  • 9.  In Osteonecrosis of femoral head  Sugioka’s transtrochanteric osteotomy.  Varus derotation osteotomy of Axer. - In paralytic disorders of hip.  Varus Osteotomy.  Rotational Osteotomy  In congenital dislocation. Contd.Contd.
  • 10. SALTER OSTEOTOMY  INDI-Congruous hip reduction,<10-15 degrees correction of acetabular index required ,paralytic disorder,subluxation after septic arthritis  PREREQUISITES- femoral head must be positioned opposite the level of acetabulum, contracture of iliopsoas and adductor muscles must be released, range of motion of the hip must be good specially in abduction , int. rotation flexion  PROC.- Single Innominate osteotomy Acetabulum together with ilium and pubis rotated Held by wedge of bone  AGE-18 months-6years  AFTERCARE-hip spica for 8 to 12 week,then partial weight bearing on crutches ,followed by full weight bearing.result assesed by center edge angle.
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  • 19.  INDICATION- >10-15 degrees correction of acetabular index required ,small femoral head ,large acetabulum.  ADV- internal fixation not required .greater degree of rotation can be achieved with less rotation of acetabulum  DISADV- Technically more difficult . Alters the configuration and capacity of acetabulum and produce joint incongruity that requires remodeling  AGE-18months- 10 yr  AFTERCARE-spica cast for 8 to 12 weeks PEMBERTON PERICAPSULAR OSTEOTOMYPEMBERTON PERICAPSULAR OSTEOTOMY
  • 20. PEMBERTON OSTEOTOMY  PROCEDURE- Pemberton described a pericapsular osteotomy of the ilium in which the osteotomy is made through the full thickness of the bone from just superior to the anteroinferior iliac spine anteriorly to the triradiate cartilage posteriorly : the triradiate cartilage acts as a hinge on which the acetabular roof is rotated anteriorly and laterally.
  • 22. STEEL OSTEOTOMY  INDI-Adolescents and skeletally mature adults with residual dysplasia and subluxation in whom remodelling of acetabulum is no longer anticipated  ADV-Better coverage of femoral head by articular cartilage , Better hip joint stability, no need of spica cast.  DIS- Technically difficuilt, does not change size of acetabulum, distort the hip such that natural child birth may be impossible in adulthood  PROC-The ischium, the sup pubic ramus and ilium superior to the acetabulum is reposition and stabilized by bone graft
  • 24. GANZ OSTEOTOMY: (BERNESE) PRIACETUBULAR OSTEOTOMY.  This Triplaner osteotomy is for adolescent and adult dysplastic hip that required correction of congruency & containment of the femoral head with little or no arthritis.  If significant degenerative changes are presents a proximal femoral osteotomy can be added.  Approach Smith Peterson approach.
  • 26.  Advantages :  Only one approach is used.  A large amount of correction can be obtained in all directions, including the medial and lateral planes.  Blood supply to the acetabulum is preserved.  The posterior column of the hemipelvis remains mechanically intact, allowing immediate crutch walking with minimal internal fixation.  The shape of the true pelvis is unaltered, permitting a normal child delivery.  Can be combined with trochanteric osteotomy if needed. Contd.Contd.
  • 27. SHELF OPERATION (STAHELI)  Have commonly been performed to enlarge the volume of the acetabulum.  The objective is to create a shelf, the size of which is decided by measuring the “width of augmentation” form the CE angle. The shelf is put just above the acetabular margin. It secure two layers of cancellous grafts bringing the reflected head of rectus femoris forward over the graft and suturing it in its original position.  Best to do after 5 years of age.  Indication : A deficient acetabulum that cannot be corrected by redirectional, osteotomy is the primary indication.  Contraindication :  Dysplastic hip with spherical congruity suitable for redirectional osteotomy  Hip requiring open reduction.
  • 29. CENTER EDGE ANGLE/ACETABULAR INDEX  CE ANGLE-measured after 5 yr age, >25 normal, <20 severe dysplasia  AC IND- <27.5 normal, >30 dysplasia
  • 30. CHIARI OSTEOTOMY  PROC-It is performed at the superior margin of the acetabulum and the pelvis inferior to the osteotomy along with the femur is displaced medially. This is also called as capsular interposition Arthroplasty as the capsule is interposed between the shelf and the femoral head.  INDI-incongruous joint, dysplastic hip with osteoarthritis , other osteotomy not possible  DISADV-salvage osteotomy only, leaves anterior acetabulum uncovered,abductor lurch common .
  • 34. OSTEOTOMY  Primary objective is deflection of wt. bearing by angulation of femur to bring the axis of the femoral shaft more in line with the direction of weight transmission.  The osteotomy performed are Angulation Osteotomy (Stabilizing osteotomy).  Schanz osteotomy.  Lorenz osteotomy.
  • 35. SCHANZ OSTEOTOMY (LOW S/T OSTEOTOMY) (a)(a)Femur is sectioned transversely a lower border of pelvis.Femur is sectioned transversely a lower border of pelvis. (b)(b)Upper end is angled inward until it rest against side wall of pelvis.Upper end is angled inward until it rest against side wall of pelvis.
  • 36.  Schanz osteotomy (Low S/T Osteotomy) :  In this osteotomy the deformity flexion, adduction & external Rotation is corrected by making the osteotomy at tuber ischii level.  Preparation :  X-ray are taken with full adduction – to measure angle medially.  Thomas Test - measure degree of flexion to be corrected.  Advantages :  Lurching gait will be diminished.  The depression of the trochanter also improves the leverage of the glutei. Contd.Contd.
  • 37.  Contraindication : Before 15 years of age, because loss of angulation during growth period.  Lorenz (Bifurcation osteotomy)  In this upper end of the lower fragment is abducted and inserted in to the acetabulum after making on intertrochanteric osteotomy “plane of osteotomy” below & outward to above & inward.  Disadvantage :  Increased shortening.  Less mobility and arthritic pain. Contd.Contd.
  • 38. LORENZ (BIFURCATION OSTEOTOMY) (A) Plane of osteotomy – Distal end at posterolateral aspect towards proximal end at anteromedial aspect. (B) Limb is Abducted(B) Limb is Abducted and extended so proximaland extended so proximal end of distal fragmentend of distal fragment directed medially anddirected medially and anteriorly in acetabulum.anteriorly in acetabulum.
  • 39. OSTEOTOMY FOR COXA VERA  The normal femoral neck shaft angle in infant is 1200 to 1400 , Reduction to a more acute angle constitute a coxa vara deformity.  The goal of treatment are  To promote ossification of the defect and correct varus deformity.  Indication for surgery :  Increasing coxa vara  Neck shaft angle less than 110°.  Painful unilateral or associated with leg length discrepancy  Hilgenreiner - epiphy seal angle of more than 60° .
  • 40.  Surgery performed are  Valgus Subtrochanteric Osteotomy or abduction osteotomy-with Internal Fixation.  A transverse osteotomy at about the level of lesser trochanter.  If necessary take a small lateral wedge to correct neck shaft angle to 135-150.  The surgery may be delayed till child is 4 to 5 year old to make internal fixation easier. Contd.Contd.
  • 41.  Alternative Method : Pauwels Y shaped osteotomy :  Static forces are converted from shearing to impacting forces  Prerequisites :  Viable femoral head.  Young vigorous patient.  Advantage :  Union is rapid.  Recurrence is less likely. Contd.Contd.
  • 45. OSTEOTOMY FOR RELIEF OF PAIN IN OSTEOARTHRITIS  Before the onset of osteoarthritis, if normal or near normal function of the hip can be maintained, reconstructive osteotomy can prevent or delay the development of osteoarthritis; if mild or moderate osteoarthritis is present, a salvage osteotomy can improve function and delay the need for total hip Arthroplasty.
  • 47. varus osteotomy  Designed to elevate the greater trochanter and move it laterally while moving the abductor and psoas muscles medially, to restore joint congruity and decrease muscle forces about the hip.  Varus osteotomy alone is indicated for patients with a spherical femoral head, little or no acetabular dysplasia center-edge angle of at least 15 to 20 degrees), signs lateral overloading, and a valgus neck-shaft angle of more than 135 degrees.  Varus osteotomy with medial displacement of the femoral shaft relaxes the abductor, psoas, and adductor musclesunloads the hip joint, and increases the weight- bearing surface. Contd.Contd.
  • 48.  Most authors recommend medial displacement of 10 to 15 mm to keep the ipsilateral knee centered under the femoral head and to maintain the mechanical axis of the leg.  Varus osteotomy, however, shortens the limb to some degree. creates a Trendelenburg gait that may persist for months after surgery, and increases the prominence of the greater trochanter.  Limb shortening can be minimized by making a smaller medial osteotomy and transposing it to the lateral side. Contd.Contd.
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  • 54. VALGUS INTERTROCHANTERIC FEMORAL OSTEOTOMIES  Valgus Osteotomy - Increase weight bearing area of femur head.  It does not produce muscle relaxation.  Relaxation obtained by tenotomy of Iliopsos and adductor muscle.  Transfer the center of hip rotation medially from the superior aspect of the acetabulum to increase joint congruity and the weight-bearing area of the femoral head.  Osteotomy of the greater trochanter often is performed with valgus femoral osteotomy to move the greater trochanter laterally.
  • 55.  Best result were obtained in patients younger than 40 years of age with unilateral involvement, good preoperative range of motion, and a mechanical (secondary) cause.  Unsatisfactory results occurred in patients with limited preoperative flexion, they cited preoperative flexion of less than 60 degrees as a relative contraindication to valgus osteotomy.  Most surgeons now advise that all osteotomies be fixed with rigid internal fixation, which offers several obvious advantages:  The fragments are maintained in proper position;  The danger of limitation of motion of the hip and knee is greatly decreased; Contd.Contd.
  • 56.  The patient can be allowed out of bed early; and  Pulmonary, urological, and other medical complications are decreased. A device frequently used for rigid internal fixation of intertrochanteric osteotomies is the ASIF, or right-angled, blade plate. Our experience with this device has been quite favorable.  Nonunion has been a troublesome complication after Osteotomy, and an incidence as high as 20% has been reported. Contd.Contd.
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  • 62. OSTEOTOMY TO CORRECT UNSTABLE INTERTROCHANTERIC FRACTURES  Dimon and Hughston :  Described technique of Trochanteric osteotomy with valgus nailing and medial displacement to improve stability there techniques are occasionally useful in some extremely comminuted fractures.  Recent studies have indicated that anatomical reduction allow greater load shearing by bone than medial displacement osteotomy.
  • 64. SLIPPED CAPITAL FEMORAL EPIPHYSIS (SCFE)  Is a disorder in which there is a displacement of the capital femoral epiphysis form the metaphysis through the physeal plate.  By this head is placed in posterior & downward position in acetabulum.  The goal of treatment is  To prevent further displacement and  To promote closure of physeal plate.
  • 65.  The use of realignment procedure such as lntertrochameric, Subtrochanteric Osteotomy & osteotomies the around neck is in those situation in which restricted range of motion impairs function after plate physeal closure.  Principle of Osteotomy  There are basically three type of Deformity present in SCFE. These are-  Varus  Hyper extension  Moderate Severe external rotation Contd.Contd.
  • 66. SLIPPED CAPITAL FEMORAL EPIPHYSIS (SCFE)  The osteotomy to correct theseThe osteotomy to correct these deformities work at two sites.deformities work at two sites.  Through the femoral neckThrough the femoral neck (closing wedge osteotomy)(closing wedge osteotomy)  Through the trochantericThrough the trochanteric area.area.
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  • 68. EXTRACAPSULAR BASE OF NECK OSTEOTOMY  types of femoral neck osteotomy are -  The technique of Dunn - for severe chronic slip with open physis.  Base of the neck osteotomy - Compensatory Basilar most of femoral neck. (Kramer) - correct the varus and retroversion component of moderate to severe chronic SCFE.  It is safer than cuniform osteotomy of neck.  Further slipping is prevented.  Intertrochantric osteotomies
  • 69. CORRECTIVE OSTOTOMIES  By these osteotomies one can correct angulation, rotation, flexion, extension Deformity of bones to restore motion for patient with stiff hip.  Like  Deformities in septic arthritis  Malunion of I/T femurs  Neuromuscular disorder  Cerebral palsy  Poliomyelitis
  • 70.  There are three types of corrective osteotomies  Close wedge - transverse closing wedge provide good bony apposition and is stable, however, it shortens the extremity.  Open wedge - simple and lengthens the extremity however. bony apposition is limited, union is delayed in adults and it is initially unstable.  Ball and Socket type - achieves stability without shortening the extremity; however, extensive dissection is required, and in severe biplame deformities an accurate and stable osteotomy is difficult to perform.  In Ball & socket type of osteotomy concave surface in created in the proximal fragment of convex surface at the distal fragment, at intertrochantaric level & fixed in place by plate. Contd.Contd.
  • 71. CORRECTIVE OSTOTOMIES Brackett ball and socket Osteotomy Whitman closing wedge Osteotomy Gant-opening wedge Osteotomy
  • 72. FRACTURE NECK FEMUR  In those case which present late (1-5 wks.), are difficult case to treat because  Close reduction is not possible.  Open reduction is associated AVN  In young Pt. with viable femoral head & nonunion options are-  Mcmurray & Pauwel’s ‘y’ osteotomy  Angulation Osteotomy (Schanz)  Dickson geometric osteotomy  In old Pt.-  Girdle stone osteotomy  Mcmurray Displacement
  • 73. MC-MURRAY’S OSTEOTOMY  The oblique osteotomy extends from the lateral aspect of the shaft at a level just below the lower border of the lesser trochanter and lower border of neck.Then the limb is rotated inward and outward to remove any bony spike  Fixation of osteotomy - By Compression nail plate./Castle Plate.  Disadvantages:  Instability - Degenerative changes in normal head  Shortening - AVN when neck have been fractured  Medial displacement of shaft compromise the insertion of femoral stem of total hip.  Advantage -Changes line of fracture to horizontal,callus may incarporate fracture
  • 75. DICKSON HIGH GEOMETRIC OSTEOTOMY  Principle - the line of vertical force is converted to a horizontal (impacting force). In this distal fragment is abducted to 60° after making osteotomy just below the grater trochanter & fixed with plate.  High rate of union  Lengthens limb  Improves abductor strength
  • 76. GIRDLE STONE OSTEOTOMY  In this head & neck of femur are excised at Inter trochanteric level to create pseudo arthrosis in order to improve stability. Angulations Osteotomy is added.  Indication  T.B. Hip  Pyogenic Hip  Non union #.neck femur [in elderly pt.]  AVN of femoral head.  Advantages :-  Painless mobile hip joint.
  • 78.
  • 79.  OSTEOTOMIES –  These procedure have achieved best result for small and medium sized lesion. 1<30% femoral head involvement in young pt.  Intertrochanteric varus/valgus - osteotomies  Transtrochantric ant. Rotational osteotomy (Sugioka) - Technically Demanding procedures.  PRINCIPLE:  All osteotomies are designed to transfer the weight bearing forces form the necrotic area to the cartilage on the sound part of the femoral head to allow healing of necrotic area by hyper vascularisation of upper part of femur. AVNAVN
  • 81. TECHNIQUE FOR ROTATION  Femoral head is rotated anteriorly (450 - 900 ) by handling proximal pin.
  • 82. OSTEOTOMY IN PERTHE'S DISEASE  Salvage :  Varus Derotational Osteotomy  Innominate Osteotomy.  Combined Procedure -  MRI / Arthrogram before surgery is mandatory.  Varus/derotation osteotomy of this embodies the principle of “containment” of the diseased femoral head in the treatment of Legg - Calve-Perthes disease.  Guide pin inserted compression screw is placed over guide wire.
  • 84.  Appropriate angled osteotomy is made.  Wedge is removed.  Make osteotomy as proximal as possible just below lag screw for -  Better Healing  Better correction of deformity.  Reduce the osteotomy and fixed with plate and compression screw. Contd.Contd.
  • 85. SUBTROCHANTERIC DEROTATION AND VARUS OSTEOTOMY  The aim of surgery is to center the whole "plastic" epiphysis inside the joint cavity, keeping it well covered by the roof of the acetabulum and allowing the child to walk so that the redistributed intra-articular pressures will contribute the molding of a more normal joint.  A small 4-hole plate is bent to the desired angle, and a subtrochanteric osteotomy is done followed by derotation and yarns angulation of the shaft. A double hip spica is applied and the removed 2 months later. When the osteotomy site is united, the child is encouraged to walk, at first in warm water pool, then with walking aids and finally without support.
  • 87.  The operation is best suited for early stage of Leg-Calve- Perthes’ disease, preferably those under the age of 7 years.  Axer : Described lateral open wedge osteotomy for children < 5 years with perthes disease. Defect laterally fills rapidly in young children > 5 years of age delayed or non union may occur. Contd.Contd.
  • 88. RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY  Valgus subtrochanteric osteotomy - for Hing Abduction  Shelf Augmentation – Coxa Megna.  Chilectomy - Malformed head in late III Group.  Chiar's Pelvic Osteotomy - Large Malformed Femoral Head with Subluxation laterally.
  • 89. BIBLIOGRAPHY  Apley's System of Orthopaedics and Fractures - Loui's Soloman 8th Edition.  Campbell's Operative Orthopaedics - 11th Edition. Vol.-2.  Text Book of Orthopaedics - John Ebnezar - IInd Edition.  Orthopaedic Knowledge Update – 7.  Samuel L Turek Orthopaedics principles & their applications volume

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. osteotomy