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Peace Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic of peace can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. The
difficulty lies not in the scarcity of information or the lack of personal opinions on peace, but
rather in the vastness and complexity of the subject. Peace is a multifaceted concept that
encompasses various dimensions, including political, social, cultural, and individual perspectives.
To begin with, defining peace is a nuanced task. It goes beyond the absence of war and involves
a harmonious coexistence among individuals and nations. This complexity makes it challenging
to encapsulate the essence of peace in a concise and comprehensive manner. The writer must
delve into historical events, philosophical perspectives, and contemporary issues to provide a
well-rounded understanding of peace.
Moreover, addressing the root causes of conflict and proposing viable solutions requires a deep
analysis of geopolitical factors, economic disparities, and sociocultural differences. Attempting
to unravel the intricacies of peace-building processes adds another layer of difficulty to the
essay. It demands a careful examination of diplomatic efforts, international collaborations, and
grassroots movements aimed at fostering peace.
On a personal level, expressing one's thoughts on peace can be challenging due to the inherent
subjectivity of the topic. Each person's perception of peace may vary based on their cultural
background, personal experiences, and worldview. Balancing these individual perspectives while
maintaining objectivity is a delicate task for the essayist.
Additionally, conveying the urgency and relevance of the topic is crucial. The essay must
resonate with the reader, evoking a sense of responsibility and a call to action. Striking the right
tone to inspire reflection and promote positive change can be challenging, especially when
addressing such a weighty and sensitive subject.
In conclusion, while writing an essay on peace may be challenging, the opportunity to contribute
to a discourse that transcends borders and ideologies is immensely rewarding. It requires a
thoughtful exploration of diverse perspectives, a deep understanding of historical and
contemporary contexts, and the ability to inspire others towards the pursuit of peace. Despite its
difficulty, such an essay has the potential to sow the seeds of understanding and unity.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, various
resources are available, including online platforms, where professional
writers can be engaged to provide guidance and support in navigating the complexities of essay
Peace Essay Peace Essay
Wickham Masculinity
We live in a society which idealises a man of big muscles, big egos and small
brains. In this generation, it s all about looks and how men portray themselves to
be. We ve moved into an era where personal qualities such as emotions and all that
lovey dovey stuff only make you feminine. Recently, while scrolling through my
timeline as every bored teenager does to avoid doing work, I came across an article
on the pressure of masculinityour society enforced on men . To my understanding,
four out of ten males feel they lack the qualities and abilities that partners look for in
a man, with 61% of all respondents agreeing that men are stereotyped in the media.
We are on the verge of fictionilising the malespecies, and what it truly means to be...
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In a letter to her aunt, she describes that whether married or single, he [Wickham]
must always be her model of the amiable and pleasing. Elizabeth fails to understand
the propriety of the situation, as she tries to set a married man and a single man on
an equal footing. Being masculine is in no way reconcilable; for a married man, it
would be a grave offense to try and attract an unmarried young woman such as
Elizabeth. Wickham is corrupting his masculinity into nothing but adulterous ways.
Through a stroke of luck, Wickham is forced to marry Lydia. Wickham has no
trouble securing Lydia s consent for marriage, proving to possess desirable qualities
of a man. This emphasises that Wickham is nonetheless very masculine, proved by
his success with courting women; particularly, Lydia. Both sisters have received
attention and been charmed the dashing Wickham but only Elizabeth s less likable,
less relatable little sister falls prey to him. Although Wickham s drawbacks are not
evident to Lydia, she falls head over heels by his
Gender Bias In The Hawthorne
performed on them every year in hopes of making themselves more attractive.
Religion has been moved to the back burner in todays society, so there for the
importance of perfection by God has also taken a major step back. So here s the
big question: Is it honorable to alter what was presented to you by God? Possibly,
but it may not go without repercussions. Many esthetic surgeries call for agonizing
recovery periods and follow ups, and some that may even be hazardous to one s
overall wellness. The major genderbias Hawthorne depicts in this story are reflected
by his times, and even though slightly exaggerated, it still gives you a relatively
good idea where women stood in society during this time period.
You would think that a story based on
The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Animal Cloning
Advantages and Disadvantages of Animal Cloning
Kathleen C. Adraneda
Bataan Peninsula State University
Submitted to: Sir Adrian Perdio
Introduction What is Animal Cloning? It is defined as a cell, group of cells, or an
organism that is produced asexually from and is identical to a single ancestor. Cloning
is also known as the nuclear cloning methodology using the nuclear transfer in
early 1950 s. Animal Cloning was first tried in amphibians. The main problem in
animal cloning up to this time is the efficiency of the process, how effective it is for
us. The current efficiency of Nuclear Transfer is poor. The product of nuclear
transfer is not really a clone because it possesses ... Show more content on ...
Trough the process of nuclear transfer (NT), cloning can be done. But up to present,
nuclear transfer is still inefficient. Lots of physiological malfunctions can happen,
high losses throughout gestation, during birth and in the post natal period through
adulthood are the high concerns of NT. Many of the pregnancy losses relate to the
failure of the placenta to develop and function normally in the case of cloned animals.
These problems are probably because of the epigenetic reprogramming of the genome,
leading to improper patterns of gene expression during the development of clones.
Same as some physiological tests, the surviving clones suggests normality and other
indicates post natal clone associated abnormalities. Nuclear cloning methodology is
considered to have the greatest potential for the success in animal agriculture and
medicine. This study shows the description of the current efficiency and applications
of cloning, as well as the current limitations of its technology that is affecting the
welfare, as with the health of the cloned
Essay about Exp 4 Soo Jin Park 73426
Name: Soo Jin Park
Date: 03/30/2015
Exp 4: Properties of Gases
Lab Section: 73426
Data Tables:
Step B: Describe the zinc and acid reaction.
As placing a small piece of Zn(mossy zinc) metal into the test tube containing the
diluted HCI(Hydrochloric Acid) solution, gas bubbles rose from the solution slowly
at the beginning and vigorously in process of time. As this reaction continued for a
long time, transparent solution turned into white opaque color and black precipitates
were formed and floated.
Step G: Record your observations with the flame and the hydrogen gas.
When gently squeezing a small portion of the hydrogen gas into the flame, the flame
showed small flash with a pop.
Step B: Describe the hydrogen ... Show more content on ...
Part 3
Step F: Observe and record the reaction results with the limewater.
The lime water turned into white opaque color, and gas bubbles and white
precipitate was formed, as placed the open end of the gas delivery tube(reaction
between Alka Seltzer tablet + water) into the limewater.
Part 4
Step C: Record your observations of your breath with the limewater.
As I blow gently into the limewater with a straw, the limewater turned into opaque
white color.
The purpose of this experiment is to investigate some physical and chemical
properties of gases and to use these properties to identify these gases when they are
I could learn how to identity Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, and hydrogen and
oxygen mixture when they are present through this experiment. Before conducting
this experiment, I should know the combustion chemical reaction first to predict
right results. The most interesting thing was the experiment for gases of hydrogen
and oxygen mixture. Through the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, H2O is
produced. H2O is water as we know. So I just expected that flame would blow out
due to the water vapor. But it was wrong. The flame grew bigger with a pop and a
To reduce error for this experiment, it was crucial to collect right amounts of gases
from the reaction and handle it quickly for the next step due to properties of gases.
A. Why do
A Saintlike Power In Saint Marie By Louise Erdrich
A Saintlike Power
There are different kinds of power. There is, of course, the power over another
person. A power in superiority, in dominance that makes people afraid. There s
power in acceptance too. Any person who has been welcomed by their peers has
more power than one that has not. In my own life, I struggle with power, and what
kind of power I should want. My need for power likely stems from a fundamental
desire to fit in. Some days the power I crave is simply in acceptance. Acceptance
from peers, friends, or family. On other, less agreeable days, the power I desire is in
superiority, dominance, the power to make people listen to what you have to say. In
the short story Saint Marie by Louise Erdrich, Marie, like me, seeks power.
However, the power she craves is in relation to God and the convent she has been
raised to look up to. At the convent, Marie struggles between wanting acceptance
from the Sisters and desiring superiority over them, especially Leopolda. The first,
acceptance, Marie mentions before joining the convent: I was going up there to
pray as good as they could (1). Marie strives to be as good: as holy as the Sisters.
Once she joins the convent, she hopes to be accepted by them. Superiority, the
second kind of power, she uses as a threat to Leopolda. Marie threatened that she
would get to heaven first, and when Leopolda arrived, she would shut the gate (5).
Here, she strives for superiority over Leopolda by blocking her out of heaven rather
Heart Attack Research Paper
Myocardial Infarction
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America. 1 in every 4 deaths in the
United States is from Heart disease. 720,000 people suffer from heart attacks per
year of these 205,000 are repeat heart attacks. More than half a million people
actually die from heart attacks each year. So you can see this is a major issue with
society today. Most of these deaths could be avoided with the right knowledge. If
everyone was informed on what causes heart attacks, how to prevent them and how
the process takes place then less people would die from it.
Heart attacks are caused by a disruption of blood supply to the heart muscle. When
the blood supply is interrupted it will cause the muscle to die or cause damage
because the ... Show more content on ...
There are many different conditions that can happen with this complex system but
there are also many antibodies and cells that are in place to prevent fatal things
from occurring within the body. With a heart attack that is brought on by plaque
buildup, there are phases in which it will occur. It all starts in the endothelium.
This is a thin layer of cells that lines the inside of the vessels, arteries and lymphatic
vessels. Our endothelium is very important because that is the surface that the
blood touches while flowing through the vessels in the body. The endothelium can
be damaged by smoking, toxic chemicals and metals, unhealthy dieting, high
insulin intake, stress and high blood pressure. Endothelium is normally very
smooth and the damage causes it to become porous. The pores give fat particles in
the blood steam a place to become wedged into the internal lining of the
endothelium. There are also some uncharged molecules that will stick to the fat
particles and damage them and turn the formation into LDL (low density
lipoprotein). This becomes oxidized and the immune system kicks into action.
Cells then surround the area in the layer and release chemicals and it causes
inflammation, while the intima layer under the endothelium is also releasing a
sticky substance for monocytes to stick to. They are focused on getting any
foreign objects out of the body so that it can resume the normal body function.
White blood cells also surround the site and they get stuck and destroyed. This
cycle happens with many different cells trying to rid the body of the foreign
object and they end up getting stuck and this is when a fibrous cap is formed
around all the dead cells and fatty substance. It bubbles out of the artery wall like an
inverted swollen bulge in a hose pipe. So basically plaque buildup creates more
plaque to arise. This large growth of plaque in the blood stream can be deadly because
Online Learning Course Analysis
Receiving an education via an online course is one that has begun with many
challenges. I have come from having no knowledge of researching information to feel
like I have journeyed a long way finding the confidence to research pertinent and
quality resources. Through this particular unit I have been given the implements to
develop a sound knowledge of online group collaborations and the programs to allow
the communication to take place.
Learning about how to obtain credible resources has been invaluable to my
advancement so far. Using Metzger s criteria has helped me to detect information that
is accurate, current, objective, credible and comprehensive (Swinburne Online,
2016). Metzger s criteria have helped me to find references such as; ... Show more
content on ...
I have since realised learning in the digital world is more challenging than it
appears with feelings of isolation playing a vast role in my study to begin with. I
found, during this time that I needed to participate in as much collaboration as
possible and to converse with the class and my group to facilitate myself to learn
as much as conceivable with also feeling connected to the class. Constructivist
theorists believe a child learns best using collaboration with peers to build on their
current knowledge. Vygotsky called this the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
and he came to this view by observing children who were tested on tasks
individually compared to children who were tested on tasks in a collaborative way,
he found that the progression of engagement helped to refine the thinking and make
the learning more effective (Atherton, n.d.). I believe the same can be said for adults
as well, especially after going from one online university where no group tasks were
initiated to studying here were grouped collaboration was encouraged
Software Development Is No Easy Task
Software development is no easy task. There are many ways to plan and execute
the development of a software application. The biggest problem facing developers
is to figure out which processes will work best for them. There are many things a
developer needs ask themselves when planning a product. Requirements gathering
has many ways to be accomplished, but which is the best? Should a waterfall style
of development be used, or does agile offer more important features? Would it save
time to develop in a test driven environment? What is the most accurate way to
estimate the time needed to complete the project? Is there an architecture that would
be more efficient for this product? How can the documentation be kept up to pace
with the code?... Show more content on ...
This means that trying to interpret someone else s wants and needs can result in a
different interpretation by the developer, resulting in features that were not properly
developed. This process can also often be hindered by the fact that customers do not
actually know what they want, and are unaware of what would actually best fulfill
their needs. There are ways in which these miscommunications and customer
misnomers can be combatted. One way is to interview the client and take notes on
what they need their software to do. Often these notes can be much different than
what the client actually tells you they need. Another way to get requirements is by
observation. Observing a client do their job and navigate current software can often
tell you much more than the client themselves. This process can also help during the
design process as you can see what function are used the most frequent and should be
at the top of the design backlog. Although there are many more way to gather
requirements, these types of requirements gathering that require customer interaction
tend to produce the best results. Waterfall vs. Agile When developing a software
product there are two different project management approaches that can be taken:
waterfall or agile. Both waterfall and agile have their advantages and disadvantages
but agile has become the more popular of the two, due to its ease of change during
the devolvement process. Waterfall development is constructed with a step by step
Redefining The Tragic Tragedy Of Chinua Achebe s
Tom White
McQuaid Jesuit High School, 2014 2015
Sophomore English Adv.
Redefining the Tragic
The power of tragic heroes in literature is almost immeasurable in that they evoke
multiple emotions within the reader. Through pain and suffering, heroes of tragedy
fill the audience with not only terror and pity, but also relief through a cathartic
experience. Over two thousand years ago, Aristotle first defined what characteristics
make up a tragic hero. He claimed that heroes of tragedy must be fundamentally
decent, of noble status, and eventually destroyed by a situation that exposes their one
tragic flaw. Consider Chinua Achebes famous Things Fall Apart: the protagonist of
the novel, the once mighty and respected warrior, Okonkwo of Umofia, is the
paragon of the Aristotelian definition of a tragic hero. His suicide and loss of
power within the tribe is not caused by his negative qualities, but rather his respect
to his elders and their traditions. However, there are also characters of literature that
do not fulfill all of Aristotle s requirements and still leave the reader with an
overwhelming sense of tragedy. For instance, the main character of John Steinbeck s
Of Mice and Men, the average and short tempered, George Milton, fails to meet
several aspects of the ancient definition. Despite his low social status, George s
murder of his mentally disabled companion, Lennie, consumes the reader with a
feeling of both compassion and fear. Also consider The Good Earth by
Rko Time Warner
Executive Summary
RKO Warner Video is currently a very centralized organization located in a
relatively compact area. As the company grows, it must make sure that the
organizational architecture grows with it. The senior management team is going to
have to power decisions down to lower levels as the company expands. Having the
right people in place to make these future decisions is vitally important to the health
of the organization. We feel that the proposed incentive plan differentiates good
managers from bad managers. The plan provides incentives to improve the current
performance of the stores. The plan also serves to attract and keep quality employees
for the future growth of RKO Warner Video.
We propose a mixture of a ... Show more content on ...
Since RKO Warner is really focused on growth we suggest a shift in risk to the
District Manager (DM) level giving them more control over pricing within their
respective districts. As RKO grows it will be more and more difficult for Berns to
have his eyes on everything. Tying the DM s directly to the VP of purchasing and
VP of operations will give them a clearer picture of how much leeway they have in
pricing their videocassettes for sale and rental. This will allow for the DM s to have
sufficient control and knowledge of the financials to implement the objective based
portion of the incentive plan. The objective portion of the plan should be discussed
with the store mangers before implementation to provide some transparency into the
process and reneging fears down. Keep in mind the objective based portion makes up
the minority of the incentive plan and will based on total revenue with no distinction
between sales and rental revenue. The senior management team believes that RKO s
major sources of competitive advantage are quality appearance, and the breadth and
depth of the store s PRC inventory. RKO believes they can outsell their competitors
who are discounting, while selling at list prices. Steve Berns said Our В‘discount is
in the selection and service we provide, not in the price. All this comes together to
Why News Ownership Affects Free Press And Press
The importance of news media ownership has been both a contemporary and
historical issue that has had significant effects on the way in which the press
operates and influences society. This essay examines why the ownership of the
news media is of importance to society. In order to examine this fully the essay will
discuss why news ownership affects free press and press censorship, why it can be
seen to change the nature of political communication, and why is it is important that it
affects the circuit of communication and the ways in which the public receive news.
One reason why it matters who owns the news media is that is can be seen to affect
the levels of free press within a state, determining therefore how regulated or
censored information becomes. The freedom of the press is a factor that is highly
influenced by the organisations and public figures that own the news media.
Government ownership of the media, particularly authoritarian regimes, can be seen
to limit the levels of free press a country has. Barker (2006, p. 5) argues that
authoritarian regimes regularly try to censor or control the mass media s provision of
vision and information . His argument therefore suggests that if the state has a strong
control of the news media, they are more easily able to alter the information that the
public receive. For example in North Korea, newspapers, such as the official party
mouthpiece Rodong Sinmun, are all owned by the state (BBC, 2011). This therefore
allows the
The Role of the British East India Company Essay
British East India Company played a significant yet strange part in the Indian. It was,
at its inception, a commercial venture in the history of The British Empire, which was
established in the year 1600 in the subcontinent. The main reason for entering the
subcontinent was trade, making money and importing spices from South Asia. It was
the Portuguese who used all their skills and their navigational technology to enter this
great area first, and start trade in the most profitable manner they could. East India
Companyentered as an early and old fashioned venture, and conducted a separate
business with their private stockholders. Their approach and their trade lasted for
many years until year 1657 (Farrington 5), when they made their base... Show more
content on ...
Soon after, the British started their own voyages and the first attempt to start trade
with China, under the Captain Benjamin Wood, was undertaken in 1596. However,
the ship did not reach its destination; instead it was lost without any trace. Forty
years later, in 1637, Captain Wendell reached China successfully and tried to open
trade negotiations with Chinese locals but he was resisted and sent on his way. His
ship was destroyed on his journey back home. Ten years after the Dutch East India
Company was expelled from China, English East India Company finally set up a
post in Taiwan, in 1672. By the 1700 s this base was shifted to Canton and EIC
granted the monopoly of trade until 1833. Despite the many restrictions on trading
by the government, the Chinese trade flourished, and in the 18th century, the East
India Company traded woollens from Britain and cottons from India in exchange
for Chinese tea, silk and porcelain. Out of these, tea became the largest item to be
traded by the British (Robins 18 33). However, as the demand for tea increased, the
items the British were exchanging for it, like the Indian cottons, were not enough to
meet these demands. They started looking for other items to trade instead, to
increase their profits, and found opium to be the best deal. The EIC were already
growing opium in India, mainly for medicinal purposes, and although opium was
banned in
Thomas Edison Contributions
Where would we be today without Thomas Alva Edison? How would our life be
different? Thomas Edison probably did more than any other man to influence the
industrial civilization in the world we live in today. He developed many devices that
greatly influenced life in the United States. Let us explore the life and contributions
of Thomas Edison.
Thomas Alva Edison was born February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio in a humble
brick house that still stands today. Edison was pulled from public school at the age
of twelve and taught by his mother at home. At eleven years old, he had a
chemical lab in the cellar of his parent s home, and at age twelve took a job as a
newspaper boy on a train. He had a chemical lab in a section of a baggage car and
ran a printing press where he made copies of the local newspaper. He also bought
and sold fresh fruit and vegetables along the train route. As you can tell, Thomas
Edison showed a work ethic and knowledge of business transactions that was
unusual for a boy of his age. While working at the train yard, Thomas Edison saved a
little boy who had fallen in the path of a freight car. The boy s father was the station
agent. As a show of thankfulness to Edison, he taught Edison telegraphy. Edison had
been interested in electricity, but telegraphy made him even more interested, and that
led him to his studies and experiments that resulted in some of the world s greatest
In 1868 Edison filed his first patented invention, the electrical vote
The State of the Economy in the Netherlands
Netherlands is the fifth largest economy in the Euro zone. It is known for its stable
economic relations with the industrial sector, moderate inflation and unemployment.
It also has a sizable trade surplus and plays an important role as the transportation
hub. The industrial sector deals mainly in food processing, chemicals, petroleum
refining and electrical machinery. The agricultural sector is highly mechanized thus
only provides employment to only 2% of the population but provides surpluses to the
food processing industries and for exports. Netherlandsalong with 11 other of its
EUROpartners started spreading it s currency from 1 January 2002. The Dutch
economy after 26 years of uninterrupted stability was left contracted by 3.5% owing
to the international financial crisis. The Dutch economy suffered because of the
close contact between some of its banks with the US mortgage backed securities.
In 2008 the government nationalized two banks and injected billions of dollars to
stem the losses in that crucial sector. In an effort to boost the economy the
government started infrastructure projects and gave tax breaks to the employers to
retain the workers and expanding export credit facilities. The stimulus programs
and bank bailouts led to a deficit of 5.3% in the GDP, in 2010, as compared with a
surplus of 0.7% in 2008. The Prime Minister started implementing fiscal
consolidation measures in early 2011, which resulted in a reduced fiscal deficit to
3.8% of the GDP. In
The Influence Of The Flood In The Epic Of Gilgamesh
Some people and historians have claimed that the biblical story of the flood and
Noah s ark was influenced by the flood of Gilgamesh. The flood of Gilgamesh and
the Biblical story of the flood in Genesis showed similar characteristics, but the
Biblical flood was not influenced by ancient readings in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Noah
s ark was influenced by God in the Bible, compared to the flood in the Epic of
Gilgamesh where it is written on clay tablets influenced by many gods and
goddesses. The biblical flood is taught today as a place in religion throughout
Christian teaching, where the Epic of Gilgamesh is based off stories found in the
18th Century in an ancient library called Nineveh (Lorey). Despite the two accounts
being so similar in context, there are some differences as well confirming the clear
distinction between the two. The flood in Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh with its account of
a universal flood, had significant parallels to the Flood of Noah s day. The rest of the
Epic, which dates back to possibly third... Show more content on ...
In both of the passages they expressed similarities with the flood occurring in the
Mesopotamian plain, the main character being warned to build a boat to escape the
flood, the main character is told to save himself, his family, and a sampling of
animals, the fact that the boats were sealed with tar, the boats came to rest on a
mountain, birds were released to determine if the waters receded, and the main
character sacrificing an offering. (Deem) The two writings of the floods come in
close comparison in many ways but soon will show much difference
Gross Domestic Production (GDP)
Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total output of absolute commodities and
services that a nation puts out including exports but not including imports. Gross
domestic product is used to measure the health of a national and global economy.
When gross domestic product is increasing, particularly if inflation is not an issue,
employees and industries are usually better off than when it is not. GDP signifies
the economic growth and production, symbolizing the whole dollar value of all
goods and services produced over a precise time period. It sums up the output created
within the margins of a country. GDP is made up of goods and services produced for
sale in the market. The GDP is the sum of domestic consumption; new capital
investments; government spending, and the difference between the values of goods
imported into the United States and the value of exports to other countries.
Gross domestic product can be measured in two ways using income approach or
expenditure method. When using the income approach, GDP (I), you add up what
everyone made in one year, which would include rent, wages, interest and profits
earned, by the selling of the merchandises in the nations market. The income
approach is determined by accumulating the total payment to workers, gross profits
for incorporated and non incorporated companies, and taxes without aids. This
method is the most complicated because measuring income is much more complex
than measuring spending. Whereas, when using the
Disco In The 1970s
This article is an in depth discussion and look at the development of disco in its
distinct forms throughout the 1970s. The decade where, as David Brackett the author
describes an underground phenomenon, that grew and morphed into the most popular
music throughout the decade. There were three very distinct occurrences during the
1970s, as described in the piece. One, a musical style, two, a performance site and
three, a musical fandom or participation all made up discoduring the height of the
1970s. This was very different from rock music and its followers, also, seemingly
were very increasingly opposite of the styles popularized by the disco dance happy
culture. The disco scene was popularized by mostly three categories. First, a Motown,
soul blend style that consisted of your funkblend and vocalists, with styles like Barry
White s Love... Show more content on ...
The DJ was responsible for selecting and sequencing songs, it was their taste that
dictated disco s sense of style, rather than the singers and instrumentalists of soul
and rock music s and successful DJs could acquire their own following in much the
same way as a recording artist. Disco focused on 3 main components during 1975
76. These three main components are R B disco, Eurodisco and a transformation of
disco associated with gays, blacks and latinos to being embraced by straight, white
Americans. R B incorporated soul and funk and was heavily influenced by gospel
oriented vocals and syncopated guitar and bass parts. Eurodisco featured simple,
chanted vocals, less syncopated bass parts and thicker arrangements with orchestral
instruments and synthesizers. Saturday Night Fever was a major factor in changing
the public opinion about disco . The Saturday Night Fever soundtrack featured four
number one singles and became the best selling album of its time. The soundtrack of
Saturday Night Fever included music by the Bee Gees and the Kool
Goodnight And Good Luck Analysis
Goodnight and Good Luck The movie Goodnight and Good Luck, released October
9th, 2005, Edward Murrow and his news team at CBS deal with exposing Joseph
McCarthy, a Wisconsin senator who was going after possible communists. The
movie starts out with members at CBS signing documents to confirm they are not
communist, because everyone must pick a side. Ed then talks about the military
because they were actively trying and convicting people without any evidence or
proof that they are even members of the communist party. After this episode a man
who was suspected to be a communist was freed because of the lack of evidence
against him. In their next episode they go after McCarthy, inviting him to the show,
which he accepts. In McCarthys recorded response he claims Murrow is a
communist. CBS then responds by stating we shouldn t use media to paint a negative
view of others and then it turns in thier favor when McCarthy begins being
investigated himself.... Show more content on ...
During this period of time we were in the middle of the Cold war, everyone
expected athird world war to occur any day because of the tension between
between the U.S. and Russia. This movie does a wonderful job of depicting the
era, they even went as far as to put it in black and white even though we were way
more advanced in technology at the time of the movie it comes off as a movie from
that period of time. Although it usually is not important in many historical films, this
one fails to provide emotions for the character leaving the effect of bland characters
and relationships, yet this is still only a minor setback for a movie of this
Greek Art History
Chapter 15 primarily includes insightful information about the earliest art all the
way through to the Bronze Age. Art history is a very unique type of history
because it allows for people to visualize earlier life and how our ancestors survived,
perceived themselves and their surroundings during different time periods. This art
comes from different eras and locations such as the Paleolithic Period, Neolithic
Period, early civilization, Mesopotamia, and Egypt. Beginning somewhere around 2
million years prior to today, early hominids, in east central Africa, crafted the first
ever tools that could be used to cut and shape stone. These primitive tools were later
refined and developed into sharp objects for cutting and refined blades for chopping.
... Show more content on ...
These deserts also kept outside architecture away and allowed for the Egyptians to
develop their own, very unique, methods of building. The greatest works of
Egyptian civilization are the Great Pyramids, which are comparable to the size of
mountains and severed as tombs for fallen Pharaohs. It was a common belief in
Egypt that in order for someone to reach the afterlife, their body on Earth had to be
preserved and taken care of with respect. All bodies were embalmed as quickly as
possible and then were buried in their tomb to rest for all eternity. Inside these
pyramids and tombs, architects spent a great deal of time and effort building false
hallways and walls in an effort to keep people from reaching the actual resting
place of the deceased. We were finally able to get a better understanding as to why
architects tried to keep people from reaching the tombs and why grave robbers were
so active when we discovered the Tomb of Tutankhamen. Tutankhamen, also known
as King Tut, died at the age of 18 and is so well documented because his tomb was
discovered in modern times with most of his valuables left inside. Another tomb that
has taught us a great amount about ancient Egypt is the Tomb of Nebamun. In this
tomb there is a wall painting in which the artist applied such attention to detail that
were are able to figure out what plants
High Stakes Testing Cizek Analysis
Cizek, Gregory J. More Unintended Consequences of High Stakes Testing.
Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 20.4 (2005): 19 27. Google Scholar.
Web. 8 Mar. 2017. This source explores the negative critiques of standardized testing
from within the education profession. The history of high stakes tests is described to
provide background information on how testing practices have evolved. Various
consequences addressed include: reduction of instruction time, neglect of teaching
material not covered by the tests, instruction and assessment mirroring the tests, and
negative effects on teacher morale and creativity. Cizek also takes time to address the
time commitment of testtaking. While multiple hours spent on one test is necessary in
... Show more content on ...
Study says standardized testing is overwhelming nation s public schools. The
Washington Post. WP Company, 24 Oct. 2015. Web. 09 Mar. 2017. This source
provides statistics to demonstrate the dramatic increase of standardized testing and
specific examples to establish the effects these tests can have on a learning
environment. It is stated that a typical student takes an average of 112 mandated
standardized tests between pre kindergarten and 12th grade. While one of the reasons
behind the excessive amounts of testing is to improve America s academic
competitiveness, most countries that rank higher that the U.S. in academic s test
students three times throughout their entire school career. This source suggests that
the problem comes from tests being mandated by multiple sources, Congress, the
U.S. Department of Education, and state and local governments. While every test is
mandated for a different reason, the main priority is not the benefit of the children.
An example utilized to demonstrate the detrimental effects of excessive testing is a
K 8 Pilot School in Boston. Individual, 90 minute reading tests are required every
year. This causes teachers to spend over 60 hours of class time not teaching.
Although many people support the use of standardized tests, excessive testing is still
recognized as a problem from multiple sides of the argument. The president of the
Education Trust, an advocacy group focused on reducing the achievement gap,
believes there is
The Abolition Of Slavery In America
Slavery in America began when the first African slaves were brought to the North
American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, to aid in the production of such
lucrative crops as tobacco. Slaves were mostly of African decent. About 12 million
slaves had been shipped from Africa, and 10 million had arrived in America. Slavery
was a problem that lasted 245 years in North America. There was nothing uplifting
or positive about slavery, and it was basically white people making black people, their
Slavery was eventually put to an end by leaders such as; Fredrick Douglass,
Theodore Parker, Harriet Tubman, and Martin Luther King Jr. These leaders brought
attention to the horrid act of slavery and what it does to people. Slavery is ... Show
more content on ...
Douglass was born a slave and became a noted reformer, author and speaker. He
dedicated his life to the abolition of slavery and the fight for Black rights. He was
convinced that Abolition should be achieved by moral enticement alone, without
political action.
Next, Theodore Parker (1818 1895) attacked the Fugitive Slave Law from his
Boston stand, urging his audience to assist runaways in any way they could. He
wanted to stress the importance of helping in any way possible. He hid scores of
fugitives from the federal agents delegated to summon up them, and he engineered
their escape to Canada.
Harriet Tubman man (1822 1913) was an African American woman whose daring
rescues helped hundreds of slaves to freedom. She became the most famous leader of
the Underground Railroad, which helped slaves escaping to the free states or to
She was called the Black Moses, who led over 300 slaves to freedom on the
Underground Railroad and was never caught, nor any of the fugitives in her charge.
Even just the fact that she was a women makes some people look up to her even
more and appreciate her for doing what she could possible for
Explain The Supply Network Of Ford Motor Company
This essay is to discuss the supply network of a product of a specific brand. The
supply network means setting an operation in the context of all the other operations
with which it interacts. Ford Motor Company is the best example to illustrate the
supply network better. So, before illustrate the supply network, let s talking about ford
Motor Company. Ford Motor Company founded by Henry Ford in June 16, 1903. It
is an American multinational automaker. Its headquarters are in Dear born,
Michigan, United states. But Ford Motor Company isn t the first one to build or
make a car. The industry of making a car had a long journey. The automobileindustry
started in the 1890s. The United States was the leader in total automobile production.
After World War II, China was the top in producing automobile. China almost
doubled the US production, and Japan was in third place. In the whole world, there
were about 806 million cars on the road in 2007. The essay will illustrate everything
about the company.... Show more content on ...
Ford makes lots of car. But, the product that the essay will make the light on a car
called Fiesta . Fiesta has lots of features. It has a navigation system, and audio
system. It also has My Key, which is a system that can help others drive the person
car more responsibly. Another thing, it has Hill Start Assist which is a modern
technology to help the driver prevent rollback. It also has really nice colors such as
Silver Metallic, White, and Black Metallic. Ford Motor Company is a successful
company, and any successful company has a competitors. The competitors to Ford
Motor Company are BMW, FIAT, KIA, Peugeot, Mercedes, Mini, and Honda. There
are lots of competitors to
A More Than Modest Proposal to Solve the Ever-Growing...
More Than Modest Proposal to Solve the Ever Growing Traffic Troubles
On average, an American commuter spends around 30 hours per week sitting in
traffic going to and from the job that they may or may not love. Commuters in some
cities like Washington DC, that is both near and dear to our hearts, can spend roughly
60 hours per week stuck in traffic. Not only is time wasted wasted while commuting,
but the gas that we constantly fill our cars up with may as well be flushed down the
drain. Following the gas that is going down this metaphorical drain here, is a
ridiculous amount of money from an innocent commuter s wallet. Additionally, time
wasted while commuting could ve been time well spent with one s family or even
with one s pets. The ... Show more content on ...
Because there are no drivers of the pods, there is zero chance of any casualties
caused by drunk drivers, or by drivers who are texting or plugging information into
their GPS. These pods will eliminate any chance of pedestrians or animals getting hit
due to the sensitive sensors that will be placed in each pod. Though there are
alternate means of transportation such as carpools, buses, or simply walking, these
alternatives can be just as problematic as cars themselves. With carpools, we still run
the risk of drivers that are not paying full attention to the road because they are
paying more attention to the members of their carpool. Though with the intent of
conserving gas, carpools will still pollute our fresh air with the harsh chemicals
found in gas. Buses are more or less a large scale carpool. Buses may seem to
promote mass transportation of people, they are very costly because drivers must
be paid and money must be spent on gas. Not to mention that buses can be
extremely dirty, whereas the pods are self sanitized. Not only will the Pod System
immediately solve the present issue of traffic and the load of side effects that come
with it, the Pod System brings many more positive long term effects. For starters, the
reduced commute time now allows working Americans to spend more time with their
families and other loved ones. Also, these new electronic
Brent Runyon Maybe Summary
Le Intro The book, Maybe, by Brent Runyon, is an unusual book about a boy who
lost his brother when he drove off a road and into a tree at night. After his brother s
suicide, Brian is forced to go to a new school after they move. Most of the kids
Brian decides to befriend end their relationship with him because of Brian s
unexpected actions. Brian takes himself on an adventure of being really perverted,
losing a best friend, and discovering that forcing a relationship with someone isn t
needed if you really love them. The companion book that you are about to read
explains in further detail why Brian does certain things, what his thoughts and his
intents were, and why every action is significantly important to the story. This
companion book will also uncover how Brian changes throughout the story because
of the people he meets, and also how he changes the friends he makes. Chapter One...
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He makes friends, but he quickly realizes these friends do drugs, something Brian
doesn t approve of. This can be proven true because I promised my brother I never
would (Runyon 21). Uncomfortably, Brian states that I have to. I have to go. Get
up. You need to drive me (Runyon 27). This information is essential to the fact that
Brian is struggling with making friends. It is important to the story because it shows
that the path Brian has took is not easy, and facing it will definitely be struggling
with what he will face now and
Who Is A Saved Believer In The Army
Some people are soldiers, but most people are civilians. Some people are saved, while
most people are lost. A civilian becomes a soldier when he is enlisted in the army.
A person becomes enlisted in God s army when he is saved by receiving Jesus as
his Lord and Saviour. When we receive our salvation, we also receive the burden to
seek and save the lost, by leading others to Jesus Christ and helping them to walk the
paths of righteousness.
A person that is genuinely saved will no longer live for his own cause, but for the
cause of Jesus Christ. He will not live according to his own will, but according to the
will of his Heavenly Father, therefore a saved believer in Jesus Christ is also a soldier
of Jesus Christ. There are only a few that are saved, while there are many that are
They perish for the reason that those that are enlisted as soldiers in God s army are
cowards and instead of fighting the battle, they have turned cold and have lost their
way. Sadly, Christians are not aware of their battle, they have no clue on which side
they are fighting, they have become allies with the enemy, they have deserted their
true calling, and are shooting at their own comrades in arms. ... Show more content on ...
Our posting may be different, our duties and gifts are not the same, but our job is
to do His will and walk according to our calling. The role of a soldier is primarily
to complete the mission that is assigned to him or her. Our mission is to do the
will of our Heavenly Father. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and
teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you
always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28: 19 20
Psalms 23
Psalms 23 is a verse that is indicated that God loves us and we should only pass one
love. This verse stood out to me because even though some people don t always get
along with me I will always have God to stand right by my side through all the
problems I endure. It s not telling you that you re not always going to like someone
and they re not always going to like you but you have to think, if you hold a grudge
forever are you going down than right path? Everyone somehow has different
theories one the verse which is good to have thoughts on this verse.It is the type of
verse that is meant for you to think it s meant for you to wonder about how you are
handling your disagreements now and it makes you want to change how you are
already dealing with them.Psalms 23 is meant to makes us understand if Godloves us
what good is it to hate someone that wronged us at some point his loveis meant to be
passed one no matter if than person did wrong towards us we must forgive and move
This verse stood out to me because I know I haven t always done the right thing
with those people who I don t call friends anymore or those who I never called my
friend.This verse also stands out to me when it says Surely your ... Show more content
on ...
This verse connects with police brutality because I feel that some people with the
career of law enforcement take advantage of their jobs. They may have hatred in
their hearts for a certain race that may have wronged them or they just hate them
but when their hatred begins to show people begin to lose their lives. I feel like
this verse also works for bullying because a bully finds a target/enemy and harrasses
them even if they have done no wrong and they most definitely aren t treating the
person with any respect or love.Maybe if more people read they would think more
about how God gives us nothing but love and somehow we have than nerve to
disrespect and hate his other
The Importance Of Immigrants
Many people believe immigrants should have more rights because we re all human
and we all deserve human rights. They believe immigrants founded this country for
immigrants. They believe they should have the same rights because they work and
pay taxes like everyone else. Most of the field workers are immigrants. If it weren t
for immigrants we wouldn t have as many crops as we have now because many
americans wouldn t want to work in the fields.
Should immigrants be able to vote? People believe immigrants should be able to
vote because no matter the amount of paperwork can define a resident of a country.
They believe this country was built by immigrants and because of that they should
be able to vote. They believe if the immigrant has been living here for more than 5
years they should be able to vote,
Many immigrants fear being deported because they are in the US illegally. (They
don t have the official paperwork that allows them to live in a new country.) They
fear being deported because they don t want to leave there kids behind. For
examples when immigrants bring a new born baby from a different country, and
raise them in the US. If those kids ever get deported they won t know what to do, or
where to go because they were raised in the US, and they don t know anything about
the country where they were born.
Immigrants have the right to defend themselves while being deported. They could
hire a lawyer to help them fight their case. It is a big risk in doing this because you
are not guaranteed to win even if you pay. The judge will decide if you should stay
or not. There is a possibility you might win the case. Many people believe
immigrants don t pay taxes. They believe they don t pay taxes because they don t
have a social security number. (Contributions varied by state. In Montana they
contributed $2 million. In California, more than $2.2 billion. On average they pay
about 6.4% of their income in state and local taxes.) Many immigrants without the
official paperwork can t have good credit. They can t have good credit because
they don t have a social security number. For example when you don t have a good
credit and you want to buy a car the interest will be double or triple the price.
Without a social
Manifestation of Communism
Marx, K. F. Engels Bourgeois and proletarians
Tom Considine
Marx, K. F. Engels (1972 [1848], p.1) said The history of all hitherto existing
society is the history of class struggles. (Marx, K. F. Engels 1972 [1848], p.1) This
is the opening text from Marx and it is the theme of the rest of the chapter. Marx
writes of the oppression of the proletarians and how the capitalist bourgeoisie have
commodified them. He describes his disapproval for the capitalists stating that there
is revolt from the proletariats due to the exploitation that was taking place, this would
be the same for any capitalist society. Throughout the text there is the overriding idea
that society would benefit with equality and public ownership (socialism). ... Show
more content on ...
Marx is trying to convey that capitalism is a poor way for a society to operate however
i can see that this method would be more efficient and competitive, thus increasing
the productivity of the economy.
Marx s idea is that property should be publicly owned, individuals should
cooperate, production is social and everything is shared equally. Marx, K. F.
Engels (1972 [1848], p.42) said Of all the classes that stand face to face with the
Bourgeois today, the proletariat alone is a really revolutionary class (Marx, K. F.
Engels 1972 [1848], p.42). Marx believes this is because the laborers where the
individuals who created socialism because they wanted to fight for their rights and
become equal. They succeeded because they were the majority and therefore had a
power over the Bourgeois because with the labour there would be no capitalism.
The first reason I disagree with socialism is because price signals become distorted
or absent, the market price for goods and services cannot be rationally allocated if
the individuals aren t earning income in a free market. If all individuals receive an
equal income and everything is shared then what is the incentive to work harder? If
there is no incentive to earn a higher wage then individuals may be less motivated.
Decreased motivation means that there will be a decrease in efficiency and thus a
decrease in production, therefore the economy will suffer. The last argument against
socialism is that it the advancement of
Doolittle s Identities Change Through Language
Language has been around for thousands of years and is one of the greatest factors
in human beings holding the spot for most powerful organism on this planet. It has
helped bring together masses of people and has helped define many cultures today.
Through language, we are able to identify a person s level of education, social
class, and upbringing. In Malcolm X s autobiography and in the movie My Fair
Lady directed by George Cuker, Malcolm X and Eliza Doolittle s identities change
immensely as they progress through a common goal of becoming greater than what
they were.
Malcolm X s autobiography serves as a great example for the importance in language
and how it greatly it defines our roles in society. After dropping out of school and
Discrimination And The International Covenant On
Discrimination is addressed in various treaties of international law, especially the
main three, Universal declaration of human rights, the international covenant on civil
and political rights, and the international covenant on economic, social and cultural
rights. E.g. under article two of the UDHR, Everyone is entitled to all the rights and
freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race,
colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin,
property, birth or other status . Similar restrictions are also evident in the other
international conventions and treaties. However, discrimination based on age is
rarely addressed within these laws and is often considered to... Show more content on ...
In order to address this increasing form of discrimination, it is essential that the
international law develops and includes the rights of older people within their
main bodies. Whether this is through a new convention or by developing existing
laws to address the rights of older men and women around the world. 1.1 Older
Women When discovering the various altitudes of discrimination towards elderly
people, what shines out the most is the discrimination towards elderly women.
Women are often viewed as the caregiver for their families and friends. However,
as they grow older they are considered fragile and as a burden by the people around
them, often leading to older women being disowned by their families. It can be said
without any doubt, that elderly women suffer and go through much more harsh
living conditions than elderly men around the globe, as not only is their age
targeted but also their gender. Speaking of demographics, what stands out the most
is how there have always been more older women than men, but men still have more
rigorous rights than women. Statistically, women have a longer life span, and thus
many older women are left alone during their 60s . However, societal structures
make it difficult for these women to live without relying on the men in their lives.
Older women are not only facing discrimination at a societal level but also through
every aspect. Older women in prison, older sex workers
Analysis of Themes in Rear Window Essay
Fear of Marriage and Voyeurism in Rear Window
In Alfred Hitchcock s 1954 classic thriller Rear Window, Jimmy Stewart stars as
L.B. Jeffries, a world traveling magazine photographer accustomed to living a fast
pace active lifestyle. When Jefferies injures himself taking a risky picture he is
immobilized, confined to a wheelchair inside his apartment for two months. Bored
with his uneventful life he becomes completely obsessed with the lives of his
neighbors spending the majority of his waking hours watching them from his
window. To obtain a better view he begins using a telescopic lens from one of his
cameras. By watching his neighbors through the camera he assumes the role of both a
spectator and a voyeur. This contributes to ... Show more content on
Jefferies claims that Lisa is just not the right girl for [him] because she is too
committed to high society and materialistic for him. Jefferies barely acknowledges
her and focuses most of his attention on watching the neighbors apartments
specifically the Thorwalds. She is unable to divert his attention from the window even
with the most forward flirtations. It is not until she puts herself on the other side and
into the movie that he becomes interested in her. Lisa finally becomes the subject of
his gaze and only then does Jeffries show any sexual attraction towards her. Near
the end of the movie when Lisa breaks into Thorwald s apartment, Jeffries does not
see the same Lisa he saw when she stood by him and sat in his lap. This dangerous
act of bravery and courage proves to Jefferies that she is capable of more than he
previously thought. By exposing her willingness to take risks he sees that there is
more to her than high society and fashion. He now looks upon a guilty intruder
exposed by a dangerous man threatening her with punishment Mulvey 207 . He is
aroused by this new spontaneous side of her. From this scene we see that Lisa
Freemont cannot become a part of the movie until she becomes a character in the
movie within the movie. This creates a new perception of Lisa
Riordan Manufacturing Integrated Human Resource...
Riordan Manufacturing is looking to integrate their existing human resource tools in
use today into a single integrated application. This new system is long overdue and in
order to implement a successful system certain criteria must be obtained. The first
step in the process includes gathering information on the current and proposed
system, setting the scope and goals for the project, and considering the projects
feasibility. Information Gathering TechniquesA. InterviewsTo begin my research, I
would take the interview approach. In order to conduct a successful interview I have
create some interview criteria. 1.Determine who to interview2.Create interview
questions3.Conduct the interview4.Document the interview5.Evaluate the... Show
more content on ...
Training and development records are kept in Excel by the training and development
specialist. Recruiters maintain applicant information for open positions with resumes
being filed in a central store area using Excel to track applicant s status. Riordan
outsources workers compensation and the third party provider keeps its own records.
Another example displaying the lack of unity between the manufacturing plants is the
employee files. They are kept by individual managers who are responsible for
tracking FMLA absences and any requests for accommodation under ADA. All this
information is provided by Riordan Manufacturing s intranet site and is examples of
the need for an integrated system. A new state of the art integrated information
system would undoubtedly make operations much more efficient, effective, and
money saving. Goals associated with the achievement of the scope includeHaving a
database that contains human resource data from each of Riordan s Manufacturing
plantsCreate a unified HRIS located at Riordan s headquarters in San Jose, California
in which all plants have access. Implement all Riordan s current and future
information into the new systemFeasibility of the ProjectThe feasibility of the project
will be determined by many factors. These factors include1.Does Riordan have
enough experience to use newer technology2.Will the new system allow for efficient,
effective, and cost
My Third Year Of Study Statement
In my third year of study, I have decided to undertake a study placement abroad. I
have chosen Bilkent University in Ankara/Turkey as my study abroad location.
What I am aiming to achieve during my study placement is to get an idea of what
studying abroad is like. To be honest, I believe it will be easier to get high grades
and I believe I am going to do very well. I got this insight as I looked at the modules
I am provided to take and generally, I have covered most of these modules or at
least topics included in the modules at Aston. Tomorrow we will get registered for
the modules we have decided to choose. I am planning to take Managerial
Accounting as I have taken this course last year at Aston and believe I will not have
much difficulty
The Vaccination
It begins as minor flu symptoms. But then things seem to never get any better. As
symptoms become more severe, a person is advised to go see a doctor. It turns out the
individual did not have the flu. It was something far worse, something more
treacherous, something more contagious, something chilling, something life
threatening. This disease is known as bacterial meningitis. It is possibly a college
students worst nightmare, and a disease that students should be well informed about.
But while the bacterial infection is rather rare, it s also terminal, killing 10 to 12
percent of those it infects, sometimes within hours. The disease attacks and closes up
major organs and prevents blood from circulating to limbs, causing tissue to die....
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Why not also ensure they are paying for a safe environment by imposing this
proposal. No university would want their public safety to be questionable when
students are making the tough decision on whether or not to attend. Though the
disease has no general region to be transmitted, next year a school such as A M may
be passed up by students due to the incident with Williams. An opposer to this view
may complain that the Meningococcal vaccination does not protect students from all
strains of meningitis, but this is the case with every vaccination. The vaccination is
created to protect society from the most common strain of the disease, and the overall
rarity of these diseases only calls for the single vaccination of this strain.
Another importance of this proposal is personal safety. As nature proves, only the
strong survive. Meaning, one must put themselves first as far as safety when
matters such as this arise. When the subject of meningitis is brought up to most
college students, by the end of the conversation the person fears the disease as
though it were serial killer on the loose. This is not necessary, as it is made so easy
now a days to go and receive vaccination. Another possible complaint made by
opposers, is that a person may be allergic to chemicals within the vaccination, so why
put themselves at risk? On average it is quite uncommon for someone to have an
allergic reaction to the vaccination. If someone did have a reaction the symptoms
Everybody s Luck Begins To Run Out Summary
Yes, the climax of the story is as significant as this sounds because Sammy is able
to describe and explain why everybody s luck begins to run out. For example, he
mentions Queenie s blushes when Leagel confronts her and her friends are not
dressing decently. After they leave the store, Sammy tells Leagel that he is quitting
the job because he does not like the way in which Leagel treats the girls. From
these two examples, it proves that everybody s luck begins to run out because the
girls leaves the store unpleasantly and Sammy loses his job. However, the tone of
Sammy s telling the story is informal and it does not match the events due to his
usage of colloquialism. Therefore, his decision to quit the job will let audiences think
he is immature... Show more content on ...
Sammy describes Leagel as a dreary person who is the store manager and teaches
in a Sunday school. Therefore, being a teacher explains why Leagel is strict on
policy and readers can infer that he lives with conformity, which he never breaks
rules. Stokesie is Sammy s friend who is married, has two children, and wants to
become a manager one day in A P. Therefore, when he sees Sammy resigns his job,
he is not likely to follow Sammy s action because he needs to support his family.
This shows Stokesie is more mature than Sammy because he understands what
responsibilities he has. Apart from describing the male employees, Sammy thinks
the young female customers who wear bathing suits know what they want and they
enjoy greater freedom than other customers, which Sammy describes them as a few
houseslaves in pin curlers . From Sammy s point of view, he suggests the
houseslaves customers are most likely housewives because they go to A P with
curlers and that means they are busy taking care of their families and do not have
time to focus on their appearances. Therefore, Sammy s depiction of the house slaves
in pin curlers suggests they do not have control of their
Ruthless Or Progressive Animal Testing
Veronica Peiffer
Ms. Sharon Graham
ENG 102 VF
08 October 2015
Ruthless or Progressive Animal Testing Curious minds since the beginning of time
have used animals to explore deeper into the realms of science, whether behavioral
or biomedical. Despite many medical advances since, people have developed a
division between what they feel is beneficial or not to the modernizing world as to
whether animal cruelty is acceptable and humane or not. Animal testing is research
science, typically regarding chemical exposures, drug overdoses, genetic
manipulation, and surgical procedures that result in prolonged suffering and eventual
death. According to Bernard E. Rollin s journal entry from the Hastings Center
Report, The Moral Status of Invasive Animal Research, Science is value free in
general and ethics free in particular which indicates scientists are not concerned with
the ethical matters but more so the results. Throughout the world, there are over 115
million animals tested in laboratories per year, ranging from farm animals to non
human primates (such as chimpanzees, monkeys, etc.) Many people are aware that
animal testing exists, but not to the extent of what it is, such as how an eyeliner from
L Oreal has been tested on an animal. However, it s not the finished product that is
tested on an animal but rather so the breakdown of the chemical composition within
the product. There are ongoing experiments to this day where hazardous chemicals
are rubbed into the shaved
Miners Essay
The Young Change Agents Introduction: Every organizational structures and practice
has the role of the change agent and it plays a significant part in organization. A case
like The Young Change Agents focuses on the change leader and the bottom of the
ladder. Following by that in this case study James Shaw who joined AIESEC world
largest student run international student exchange and development organization and
his main responsibilities were recruiting, training, motivating, utilizing and retaining
the organization s members. Therefore as a self directed and self motivated person,
Shaw kept himself engaged with the organization, and spent time on networking
within the firm and making suggestions where he felt... Show more content on ...
Personal characteristics, attitudes, and qualities most needed to be successful: To
be successful in these situation personal characteristics, attitudes and qualities are
most needed. Therefore, they recruit Fabio Sgaragli, he had been the national
president of AIESEC Italy and also had also worked with Shaw at AIESEC
international in Brussels, deeply talented and real visionary. However, implement a
whole new strategy adopted by the company, hard work and determination was a
very important role to be exercised by the members of the group. In addition, the
members were also required to be enthusiastic, creative and ambitious to achieve
their goals. Considering different parties involved to the new strategy networking
was another important issue that could be considered to make everyone understand
the efficiency. According to Jick T.D and Peiperl M.A (2003), each member of the
group had good experience with strategic management for being involved for long
period in management in other organization, which helps the members to figure out
the necessity of a strategy to be considered based on the vision, objectives and goals
of the company. PwC is a very big company and it was beyond their thoughts before
they actually got selected to the company and it was very hard for the members to
communicate with each others to get help and authorization to implement the new
strategy. Therefore, it is very important to have good communication skill and
Why Is Jeffrey Dahmer Wrong
Jeffrey Dahmer did a horrible man who did horrible things. Jeffrey Dahmer was
arrested and sentenced 15 consecutive life sentences and was forced to live in a
mental institution for a year. From there he went to jail, and two years later was
killed by his cellmate. Died on November 28, 1994, Jeffrey Dahmer killed 17 men
and boys. Jeffrey Dahmer was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1960 where he
lived with mother Joyce, and father Lionel. Dahmer had, what seemed to be, a
normal childhood. He was a happy and energetic child until the age of four when he
had a surgery for a double hernia. After the surgery something happened and Dahmer
was no longer the same boy he was before. Dahmer s mother gave birth to another
boy, the family moved quite... Show more content on ...
The person may have a mental disorder, or something neurologically wrong with
them. For example, they could think that people are talking to them in their head
and telling them to kill someone. A person could also have had a rough childhood
which causes them to kill as a release of anger or sadness. A person could kill for
revenge, money, alcohol, or drugs. Someone who kills has to have something
wrong with them. Who can kill just someone for no reason? Jeffrey Dahmer was
arrested on July, 22 1991 when other residents of the apartment building he was
living in complained about a horrid smell coming from his apartment. When the
police arrived, they immediately arrested Dahmer and searched his apartment.
When they went through his apartment they found the genitals of 9 men and boys
stuffed in containers in his fridge. There were also the skeletons of men and boys
in his deep freeze. Dahmer pleaded guilty and was sentenced to fifteen consecutive
life sentences. Dahmer also pleaded insanity for the murders of 17 men and boys.
He was required to be admitted to a mental institution for two years. Two years
after being in jail, Dahmer s cellmate, Christopher Scarver, fatally beat Dahmer.
Scarver was Dahmer s cellmate and also a murderer. Scarver also killed another
inmate named Jesse Anderson. Dahmer was 34 years old when he was murdered. He
lived from May 21, 1960 to November 28,
Nash Street Historic District Starkville Essay
The Nash Street Historic District a significant part of Starkville due to it being one
of the cities earliest twentieth century suburb. It signifies the change of Starkville
from a minor, agricultural town to a contemporary, university oriented city in
response to the development of Mississippi A M College (later Mississippi State
University) in the 1930s. The district is also the largest and most complete
concentration of significant 1930s suburban architecture in the county. The
significant period starts in 1932 and ends in 1940 when the last pre war housewas
Nash Street is Starkville s first subdivision, 61 subdivisions have been listed at the
Courthouse from 1934 1974. The Nash Street Historic District started the shift to
suburban living and development in Starkville, because the first housing was
formerly gathered around the businesses in the central business district.
The District is also noteworthy for its architecture with Tudor Revival, Colonial
Revival, and Craftsman styles contributing to its recognizable atmosphere. The
building styles reflect the architectural desires of the university administrators,
professors, and ... Show more content on ...
Joyner, who was a pharmaceutical salesman and member of the College Board of
Trustees from 1940 1944, this two story, brick and frame house has a blend of
esthetic influences. Its asymmetrical facade is fixated on the two and a half story
chimney, with twin stacks and case concrete shoulder and necking details. Its
windows, previously diamond paned, are now multi light casements on the facade
and 6/6 double hung elsewhere. The carport and cast iron porch supports were
added in the late 1950 s. Interior features include a wood molding framed, basket
handle arched fireplace opening in a stuccoed wall with a deep, wooden shelf at the
base of a demi lune recessed over mantle. Archways in the living room and hallway
and main interior door openings have curvilinear corner
Negative Effects Of Mental Health On College Students
Although mental health has become a big issue across the U.S., it is especially
becoming a problem in college. Suicide has become the normal, even though it s
unheard of primarily because of the stigma. Don t believe me? Are you willing to
tell me that stress is normal and to have thoughts of taking your own life while trying
to juggle the responsibilities of being an adult is normal? Before you jump to any
conclusions, let s take a look at my argument. Mental health has a negative effect on
college students.
What is mental health? Mental health is a person s condition with regard to their
psychological and emotional well being. It affects how we act and feel, while all
the more dictating how we control our stress, relate to others, and how we make
choices (ASPA). Mental health illnesses can range from depression, anxiety, eating
disorders, college addiction abuse, bipolar disorder, ADHD, and sleep issues, just
to name a few. To explain why mental health is important, I will provide an
example of poor mental health. A quote from NBC News writes, But then I would
have extreme downs and want to do nothing, she told NBC News. All I wanted to do
was sleep. I screwed up in school and at work, I was crying and feeling suicidal
(James). As you can see, someone who has bad mental health or an illness has a very
hectic life.
I will now go on and talk about and how they can affect students. The most common
mental health illnesses that students can suffer from are suicide and
Cisco Systems Inc. And The Leadership Of John T.
Cisco Systems Inc. and the Leadership of John T. Chambers
As Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Cisco Systems
Incorporated, the leadership of John Thomas Chambers solidified Cisco as the world
s premiere data networking company.
Cisco Systems Incorporated is an international technology corporation founded in
1984 and headquartered in San Jose, California. Cisco designs, manufactures and
sells networking equipment worldwide and is the largest networking company in the
world. The name Cisco was derived from the city name, San Francisco, and the
Cisco logo is intended to represent the two towers of the Golden Gate Bridge.
John Thomas Chambers was born August 23, 1949 and is the Chairman of the Board
and former Chief Executive Officer of Cisco Systems. Chambers holds a Bachelor of
Arts degree in business and a law degree from West Virginia University and a master
of business administration degree in finance and management from Kelley School of
Business at Indiana University. After obtaining his master of business administration
degree, Chambers began his career in technology at IBM in 1976. In 1983, he
moved to Wang Laboratories. There, he became the vice president of US operations
in 1987. In 1991, Chambers left Wang and joined Cisco. John Chamberswas
appointed Chief Executive Officer of Cisco Systems in 1995. In 2006, Chambers
was named Chairman of the Board, in addition to his Chief Executive Officer role. It
is a safe bet that anyone who uses
Identify the stages of a series of counselling sessions...
1 .1 Identify the stages of a series of counselling sessions The beginning The
beginning of the counselling process starts when the client first meets the counsellor,
the saying first impressions count is absolutely true for both the client and
counsellor, the client will be very nervous and unsure what is about to take place.
The way the counsellor approaches the client in this infant stage is vital for the client
to gain trust and has the willingness to open up in later sessions. Some clients may
just rush into what is troubling them or say nothing, in both cases the counsellor will
need to be patient, observe and listen to what is being said as there will be vital
information given and without understanding this it could damage... Show more
content on ...
1.2 Evaluate the importance of an appropriate opening of a series of sessions In my
opinion the beginning of the counselling session is one of the most important stage
of the process, the client will be very nervous and will not fully trust the process they
are about to embark on, their unknown journey they will be nervous. The Client may
hold back what they are feeling until they have gained the trust of the counsellor, and
know they are safe and in a confidential environment. Another important factor in the
opening stage is to draw up a contract and discuss the content with the client, this
will demonstrate it s a working relationship and both the client and counsellor will
know their barriers, it also gives structure and prevents any misunderstanding in the
relationship. By having a contract it demonstrates to the client they are safe and able
to speak freely also it shows the client that each session if totally confidential, there
are exceptions to the rule and these will be included in the contract and what the
process will be if they disclose anything that is unlawful. Having unconditional
positive regard from the beginning will display to the client there is no hidden
agenda and that the counsellor is non judgmental, this will support the client to
develop the working relationship and show the client they are valued and wanted,
they will start to relax to open up freely and loosen up their attitude towards the
session. 1.3
The Influence of Star Wars in TodayВґs Culture Essay
Motion Pictures have always had a strong influence in today s culture, but maybe
none as prevalent as Star Wars. Originating with Episode 4 A New Hope, the series
boomed from 1977 to 2005 with yet another addition coming in 2015. The
strongest of the series was the original trilogy episodes 4, 5, and 6, all generally
released in the 1980s. As one of the strongest film francaises still today, it s impact
within the 1980s was only the tip of the iceberg. Children and adults alike still
anticipate the new edition of this seemingly endless journey. If any singular film
series still holds prevalence in its future decades it is Star Wars: Original Trilogy. Far
off in a distant galaxy an infamous story would begin, A New Hope. This episode is...
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He races home to find his family dead and nothing left but becoming a jedi (A New
Hope Scene by scene. Web. 2010). In an effort to get to the Princesses planet they
go to the Cantina, a bar filled with scam artist, where the find Han Solo and his co
pilot Chewbacca. Once they ve settled on a payment their journey begins. What
Obi Wan and Luke don t know is that in an effort to get Leia to talk Darth threatens
and then follow through with blowing up her home planet.(Web.
Star Wars Episodes iv vi. 2014) Eventually Han s ship is pulled up by Darth s and
then they are forced to fight their way out. Obi Wan encounters and allows Darth to
defeat him, meanwhile Leia is rescued by Han, Luke, and the others. Without Obi
Wan but the rescue of the Princess the only thing left to do is defeat Darth s ship,
the Death Star. Against all odds and the discovery of the force Luke blows it up
and is later awarded for heroic nature, as is Han and Chewbacca, ending the first of
the epic series. This dramatic space voyage caught the minds of not only children,
but adults as well causing a flourishing need for more. After this 2 more episodes
were released to complete the trilogy The Empire Strikes Back and Return of The
Jedi. These two had just as great reviews and story plots only causing more and more
of an influence on generations to come. Within the 1980s the fandom that arose
would only be a portion of the fandom still
The National Aeronautics And Space Administration
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been a driving force
in both research and industry through advancing technologies and defining the future
through innovation. This government agency specifically has four mission
directorates to organize various fields of study and to further propel the spread of
knowledge: Aeronautics Research, Human Exploration and Operations, Science, and
Space Technology. Specifically under the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate
(ARMD) is the Advanced Air Vehicle Program (AAVP), whose goal is to enable the
United States continual success as a leader in aeronautics, economic competitiveness,
and job creation in the aerospace industry. Additionally, the AAVP is a host to five...
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A noteworthy concern is ice accretion and shedding, which has negatively affected
both aircraft and rotorcraft for many decades. The goal of the de icing project is to
advance the safe operation of helicopters and other rotary wing vehicles while
flying in such conditions. This is in accordance with NASA s goal to further
develop rotorcraft technology to create a safer form of transportation. Research is
being conducted at the NASA Glenn Icing Research Tunnel to help achieve this
goal. While a majority of the published research and theory about rotorcraft icing
was performed between the late 1980s and today, more research still needs to be
conducted to fully understand the effects of icing on rotorcraft. Currently, there
are only a few indoor facilities capable of performing icing tests such as the NASA
Glenn Icing Research Tunnel and the AERTS facility at Penn State. Attempts at
analytically modeling ice accretion and shedding events have been performed
successfully for fixed wing aircraft, but there is still a need for development and
validation of prediction tools for ice shedding off of rotorcraft blades. There is
currently no reliable methods to accurately determine the size and shape of shed ice
from photos or videos of experiments, along with the ability to accurately predict
trajectories of the ice particles. By developing tools to predict how and under what
conditions ice
Rodney King Violence
170 On The 91
April 29th, 1992. A jury in Ventura County acquitted four white Los Angeles Police
Department officers of brutally beating Rodney G. King, an unarmed African
American motorist. The riots that followed over the next five days left more than 50
people dead, more than 2,000 injured, and nearly 12,000 arrested (Los Angeles Riots
Fast Facts). My father, James Webster, was a witness to these riots.
On March 3, 1991, paroled felon Rodney King led police on a high speed chase
through the streets of Los Angeles County before eventually surrendering.
Intoxicated and uncooperative, King resisted arrest and was brutally beaten by
police officers Laurence Powell, Theodore Briseno, and Timothy Wind ( Riots Erupt
in Los Angeles ). The incident was caught on video, and is still viewable on YouTube.
The 81 second video featured the LAPS officers repeatedly delivering baton blows,
kicking King until he fell to the ground. To say that they just beat him is a severe
understatement. The video also captured King cowering on the concrete, and
attempting to crawl away, but to no avail, as the police officers swarmed around
him. Rodney King was beaten inches from death. Its images have been seared into
the minds of viewers the world over who have watched the tape broadcast repeatedly
( The L.A. Riots, 25 Years Later ).
Rodney King was released without charges, and the four LAPD officers were
acquitted of any wrongdoing, since jurors were not convinced the video evidence
A Short History Of Disease Chapter Summary
As the second part of this reflection paper, I selected a book A Short History of
Disease by Sean Martin. He is a writer and filmmaker also known for his other
famous books like The Knights Templar, Alchemy and alchemists, the Gnostics.
His films include Lanterna Magicka: Bill Douglas the secret history of cinema.
The most alluring thing which conceives me to cull this book is a history of the
disease, as a medical professional, it s always tantalizing to know from where all
these begins and this book reaches up to my expectations as it started from the first
ever recorded disease in the history of mankind. He isn t lying when he say this a
history of the disease. He starts from the earliest bacteria to evolve on the earth, long
before there was anything around to infect. This book is divided into seven chapters,
each chapter describes the history of diseases in a particular era. Chapter One:
Prehistory, Chapter Two: Antiquity, Chapter Three: The Dark and Middle Ages,
Chapter Four: The New World, Chapter... Show more content on ...
Smallpox believed to be brought by a Portuguese explorer in 1506 who also bring
tuberculosis. This disease brings to America by African slaves which kill more
than half of the population of Indians, from there this disease spread to Mexico,
Colombia, Cuba, Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, and Yucatan. In the 17th century,
this disease spread to North America killing large numbers of people. Great pox
which is known as syphilis nowadays is another disease after smallpox which
dominates this era. This disease is supposed to be traveled with a crew of
Columbus who introduce this disease in Europe. This disease traveled to India
with Vasco de Gama who also introduce the world with a new type of skin disease
which is known as scurvy. Another disease which shows its glimpse is epilepsy.
Arabs consider it as divine disease and Babylonian consider it was caused by touch of
Immigration Issues
Over the years the United States has been called a nation of immigrants. The fact that
America is a melting pot for so many different cultures, races, and religions makes it
unique in the world. The newcomers, both legal and illegal, fill labor shortages and
provide new business opportunities. History shows they also bring ideas, vigor, and
ambition. However, rising immigrant numbers and messy immigrationpolicies have
become a serious problem to gain control of. Although immigrants have contributed to
America, the government should reform current immigration policies and limit
immigrants flow today because of the economics and the large populationproblem.
Kofi Annan in her lecture on International Flows of Humanity states that we... Show
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As Kofi Annan in her lecture on International Flows of Humanity states, migrant
workers in developed countries send at least $88 billion back to their countries of
origin more than those same developing countries received in official development
aid (Annan). If American government won t do anything about it, the numbers will
grow faster with each year. I suggest that to compensate the loss of national wealth,
American government should stop sending financial aid to developing countries.
Unlimited immigration will cause a large population problem. The large population in
India has caused increasing unemployment, unsafe environments, and a lack of
resources. Following their experience, America should be on the alert that continued
rising immigrant numbers will lead to a large population one day. It is estimated that
if immigration continues at a current levels, the nation s population will increase
from 301 million today to 468 million in 2060 a 167 million (56 percent) increase
(Camarota). Immigrants plus their descendents will account for 105 million (63
percent) of the increase (Camarota). Kofi Annan mentions in her article:
The more we try to deal with migration simply by clamping down on it with tighter
border controls, the more we find that human rights are sacrificed on the journey, at
the border, and inside host countries.
Salt Synthesis Essay
A pattern that occurred was that the the current flow generally went up by 0.10
and 0.20 as the concentration of salt increased. As each gram of salt was added the
current flow increased at a rate of 0.14amps on average. One of the strange results
in the experiment was that on test 3 from 9g to 10g of salt it only went up by
0.03amps. This could of happened because the person who was holding the
electrodes could have been holding them further away or closer tighter between the
tests. This would of effected the results because of 4 reasons, one of the reasons
could have been that when the scales were being used there could have been
moisture in the salt which would have effected the weight so the salt amount could
have varied as the salt was added. Another reason could have been that some of the
salt might not have been dissolved throughly so it could of effected the amount
increased. This is because.... Poor wire contact on with the ammeter is another
reason there could have been strange results as .... The last reason that could have
caused strange results is the quality of electrodes. This would have effected each test
that was done because after each test was done, the electrodes... Show more content
on ...
This would of effected the flow of current and caused stranger or odd results
because it s not going to give clear reading of what solutions is doing as large
pieces could assist in the current flow through the solution by acting as a parcel
conductor. The current was causing the aluminium foil to break off, it was weaken
the bonds between the aluminium molecules. Wanting to go with the ion flow.
Positive to negative.To improve this instead of wrapping it with aluminium foil
around a paddle pop stick for an electrode use 2 pieces of wire. It might of worked
better if the aluminium foil was wrapped differently or two pieces of foil was used
the results may of been more
Exploring The Cost Of Hydraulic Fracturing Essay
Exploring the Cost of Hydraulic Fracturing in Colorado: What are the potential
effects of the Tres Rio 2016 Oil and Gas Lease/Sale on Montezuma County s public
health, ecological communities, and economic stability?
Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is a technique often administered by oil and gas
companies in order to create fissures within subsurface shale formations. After a
site is established, the initial step entails breaking through the soil and stone via a
bit placed at the end of a drill. As the drill moves through the rock layers, it utilizes
air pressure to drive fragmented rocks to the surface.The drill ceases immediately
after it comes into contact with the first indication of fresh water. Once the drill is
removed, cement is incorporated into the drilled hole in an effort to prevent
contamination of the water source and as a safety measure.
Secondary steps require a perforated gun producing high magnitude electrical currents
to be introduced down the wellbore (oil field terminology pertaining to a hole
generated from oil/gas exploration), helping drive holes into the cement and
ultimately enabling a channel for gas flow. The gun is then removed. Under high
pressure, the drill pumps a solution of water, sand, and chemicals into the established
site, allowing the gas (methane) to be released and stored.
Finally, a pipeline constructed from the storage space to the consumer market
supplies the gas as an energy source. Radioactive waste water also
Sensitive Item Essay
Importance of Keeping Sensitive Items Secure
In opening this essay will be covering the importance of keeping accountability of
and securing sensitive items and its effect it has and can have on completing the
mission. As well as maintaining Operational Security (OPSEC). I will also be
covering the Army s views and standards on maintaining sensitive item
accountability and the punishments that can be set forth to an individual or group
by section leader or chain of command. I will be using references and real life
scenarios to illustrate its importance. I am writing this essay due to the fact that on
12 January 2011 around 0700 hours on Forward Operating Base Salerno, Afghanistan.
I left my identification card unsecured in a ... Show more content on
This is all do to the fact that a thumb drive device was used against military
regulations banning the use of any portable memory storage devices. Due to the fact
that not only have problems like this arose, but the spread of viruses, Trojans, and
other spamming and hacking codes have affected military computer networks several
times. This is dangerous and has a direct negative affect on the operational missions
over seas and security both on the homeland and abroad. It can allow the opposing
forces to not only obtain battle
Page 2 of 3
Plains and battle focus. But allow them to obtain the number strengths and
locations of ours and allied forces. As well as let them obtain information on
individuals that supply are government with vital Intel on operations, plans and
relations of our opposing forces and their allies. This is extremely detrimental to
our operations due to the fact that the vital information source is lost and can cause
loss of human lives, allies and allies. Lynn s decision to declassify the incident
reflects the Pentagon s desire to raise concern over the threats facing the U.S.
governments 15,000 networks and 7 million computing devices that are being
probed thousands of times a day, experts said. This all relates to the fact that all it
takes is
The Changes in Police and Crime Drama Over Time Essay
The Changes in Police and Crime Drama Over Time
Crime drama has always been featured as one of the most popular genres of our
society. However over the year s crime drama has been changed and adapted to fit
into different times. Many aspects of crime drama have been changed such as camera
shots, seriousness of crimes and police language/jargon in order for crime drama to
change with the times, become more realistic and retain its former popularity.
Throughout time many crime programmes featured on T.V have changed through
Media language (Iconography, editing, camerawork and music). The Bill, first created
in 1984 featured a lot of Iconography. At the start of the title sequence the camera
focuses ... Show more content on ...
Camera shots and editing have also changed. Older title sequences of the Bill used
long camera shots, which were not varied and were focused on a particular person.
However over the years as technology has improved the title sequences have become
faster paced and use shorter and varied camera shots that create feelings of excitement
and tension for the viewer.
Music has also changed. The original title sequence (1984) featured reggae style
music and used off beat instruments. This suggested that the programme was based
in a multi cultural area. The music in the late 80 s was more upbeat and faster
paced, however it featured the same theme tune. The music in the mid 90 s was
jazzy and sophisticated. Music has become more upbeat due to changes of
personalities in society. However the theme tune has remained the same in order for
people of different times to identify the programme as a long remaining classic.
The storylines of each title sequence have also changed over time. In the original
title sequence we do not see the police s face. This indicates that the main emphasis
of the programme is on the job of the police rather than their characters. The slow
moving music and camera shots convey the sense that the programme does not
feature dangerous crimes but simple crimes such as theft or burglary. However the
late 80 s title sequence shows clips of
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Peace Essay. Essay Writing Center: Essay about world peace

  • 1. Peace Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of peace can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. The difficulty lies not in the scarcity of information or the lack of personal opinions on peace, but rather in the vastness and complexity of the subject. Peace is a multifaceted concept that encompasses various dimensions, including political, social, cultural, and individual perspectives. To begin with, defining peace is a nuanced task. It goes beyond the absence of war and involves a harmonious coexistence among individuals and nations. This complexity makes it challenging to encapsulate the essence of peace in a concise and comprehensive manner. The writer must delve into historical events, philosophical perspectives, and contemporary issues to provide a well-rounded understanding of peace. Moreover, addressing the root causes of conflict and proposing viable solutions requires a deep analysis of geopolitical factors, economic disparities, and sociocultural differences. Attempting to unravel the intricacies of peace-building processes adds another layer of difficulty to the essay. It demands a careful examination of diplomatic efforts, international collaborations, and grassroots movements aimed at fostering peace. On a personal level, expressing one's thoughts on peace can be challenging due to the inherent subjectivity of the topic. Each person's perception of peace may vary based on their cultural background, personal experiences, and worldview. Balancing these individual perspectives while maintaining objectivity is a delicate task for the essayist. Additionally, conveying the urgency and relevance of the topic is crucial. The essay must resonate with the reader, evoking a sense of responsibility and a call to action. Striking the right tone to inspire reflection and promote positive change can be challenging, especially when addressing such a weighty and sensitive subject. In conclusion, while writing an essay on peace may be challenging, the opportunity to contribute to a discourse that transcends borders and ideologies is immensely rewarding. It requires a thoughtful exploration of diverse perspectives, a deep understanding of historical and contemporary contexts, and the ability to inspire others towards the pursuit of peace. Despite its difficulty, such an essay has the potential to sow the seeds of understanding and unity. For those seeking assistance with similar essays or other academic writing tasks, various resources are available, including online platforms, where professional writers can be engaged to provide guidance and support in navigating the complexities of essay writing. Peace Essay Peace Essay
  • 2. Wickham Masculinity We live in a society which idealises a man of big muscles, big egos and small brains. In this generation, it s all about looks and how men portray themselves to be. We ve moved into an era where personal qualities such as emotions and all that lovey dovey stuff only make you feminine. Recently, while scrolling through my timeline as every bored teenager does to avoid doing work, I came across an article on the pressure of masculinityour society enforced on men . To my understanding, four out of ten males feel they lack the qualities and abilities that partners look for in a man, with 61% of all respondents agreeing that men are stereotyped in the media. We are on the verge of fictionilising the malespecies, and what it truly means to be... Show more content on ... In a letter to her aunt, she describes that whether married or single, he [Wickham] must always be her model of the amiable and pleasing. Elizabeth fails to understand the propriety of the situation, as she tries to set a married man and a single man on an equal footing. Being masculine is in no way reconcilable; for a married man, it would be a grave offense to try and attract an unmarried young woman such as Elizabeth. Wickham is corrupting his masculinity into nothing but adulterous ways. Through a stroke of luck, Wickham is forced to marry Lydia. Wickham has no trouble securing Lydia s consent for marriage, proving to possess desirable qualities of a man. This emphasises that Wickham is nonetheless very masculine, proved by his success with courting women; particularly, Lydia. Both sisters have received attention and been charmed the dashing Wickham but only Elizabeth s less likable, less relatable little sister falls prey to him. Although Wickham s drawbacks are not evident to Lydia, she falls head over heels by his
  • 3. Gender Bias In The Hawthorne performed on them every year in hopes of making themselves more attractive. Religion has been moved to the back burner in todays society, so there for the importance of perfection by God has also taken a major step back. So here s the big question: Is it honorable to alter what was presented to you by God? Possibly, but it may not go without repercussions. Many esthetic surgeries call for agonizing recovery periods and follow ups, and some that may even be hazardous to one s overall wellness. The major genderbias Hawthorne depicts in this story are reflected by his times, and even though slightly exaggerated, it still gives you a relatively good idea where women stood in society during this time period. You would think that a story based on
  • 4. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Animal Cloning Running head: ANIMAL CLONING PROS AND CONS Advantages and Disadvantages of Animal Cloning Kathleen C. Adraneda Bataan Peninsula State University Submitted to: Sir Adrian Perdio Introduction What is Animal Cloning? It is defined as a cell, group of cells, or an organism that is produced asexually from and is identical to a single ancestor. Cloning is also known as the nuclear cloning methodology using the nuclear transfer in early 1950 s. Animal Cloning was first tried in amphibians. The main problem in animal cloning up to this time is the efficiency of the process, how effective it is for us. The current efficiency of Nuclear Transfer is poor. The product of nuclear transfer is not really a clone because it possesses ... Show more content on ... Trough the process of nuclear transfer (NT), cloning can be done. But up to present, nuclear transfer is still inefficient. Lots of physiological malfunctions can happen, high losses throughout gestation, during birth and in the post natal period through adulthood are the high concerns of NT. Many of the pregnancy losses relate to the failure of the placenta to develop and function normally in the case of cloned animals. These problems are probably because of the epigenetic reprogramming of the genome, leading to improper patterns of gene expression during the development of clones. Same as some physiological tests, the surviving clones suggests normality and other indicates post natal clone associated abnormalities. Nuclear cloning methodology is considered to have the greatest potential for the success in animal agriculture and medicine. This study shows the description of the current efficiency and applications of cloning, as well as the current limitations of its technology that is affecting the welfare, as with the health of the cloned
  • 5. Essay about Exp 4 Soo Jin Park 73426 Name: Soo Jin Park Date: 03/30/2015 Exp 4: Properties of Gases Lab Section: 73426 Data Tables: Hydrogen Step B: Describe the zinc and acid reaction. As placing a small piece of Zn(mossy zinc) metal into the test tube containing the diluted HCI(Hydrochloric Acid) solution, gas bubbles rose from the solution slowly at the beginning and vigorously in process of time. As this reaction continued for a long time, transparent solution turned into white opaque color and black precipitates were formed and floated. Step G: Record your observations with the flame and the hydrogen gas. When gently squeezing a small portion of the hydrogen gas into the flame, the flame showed small flash with a pop. Oxygen Step B: Describe the hydrogen ... Show more content on ... Part 3 Step F: Observe and record the reaction results with the limewater. The lime water turned into white opaque color, and gas bubbles and white precipitate was formed, as placed the open end of the gas delivery tube(reaction between Alka Seltzer tablet + water) into the limewater. Part 4 Step C: Record your observations of your breath with the limewater. As I blow gently into the limewater with a straw, the limewater turned into opaque white color. Conclusion: The purpose of this experiment is to investigate some physical and chemical properties of gases and to use these properties to identify these gases when they are encountered. I could learn how to identity Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, and hydrogen and oxygen mixture when they are present through this experiment. Before conducting this experiment, I should know the combustion chemical reaction first to predict right results. The most interesting thing was the experiment for gases of hydrogen and oxygen mixture. Through the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen, H2O is
  • 6. produced. H2O is water as we know. So I just expected that flame would blow out due to the water vapor. But it was wrong. The flame grew bigger with a pop and a flash. To reduce error for this experiment, it was crucial to collect right amounts of gases from the reaction and handle it quickly for the next step due to properties of gases. Questions: A. Why do
  • 7. A Saintlike Power In Saint Marie By Louise Erdrich A Saintlike Power There are different kinds of power. There is, of course, the power over another person. A power in superiority, in dominance that makes people afraid. There s power in acceptance too. Any person who has been welcomed by their peers has more power than one that has not. In my own life, I struggle with power, and what kind of power I should want. My need for power likely stems from a fundamental desire to fit in. Some days the power I crave is simply in acceptance. Acceptance from peers, friends, or family. On other, less agreeable days, the power I desire is in superiority, dominance, the power to make people listen to what you have to say. In the short story Saint Marie by Louise Erdrich, Marie, like me, seeks power. However, the power she craves is in relation to God and the convent she has been raised to look up to. At the convent, Marie struggles between wanting acceptance from the Sisters and desiring superiority over them, especially Leopolda. The first, acceptance, Marie mentions before joining the convent: I was going up there to pray as good as they could (1). Marie strives to be as good: as holy as the Sisters. Once she joins the convent, she hopes to be accepted by them. Superiority, the second kind of power, she uses as a threat to Leopolda. Marie threatened that she would get to heaven first, and when Leopolda arrived, she would shut the gate (5). Here, she strives for superiority over Leopolda by blocking her out of heaven rather than
  • 8. Heart Attack Research Paper Myocardial Infarction Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America. 1 in every 4 deaths in the United States is from Heart disease. 720,000 people suffer from heart attacks per year of these 205,000 are repeat heart attacks. More than half a million people actually die from heart attacks each year. So you can see this is a major issue with society today. Most of these deaths could be avoided with the right knowledge. If everyone was informed on what causes heart attacks, how to prevent them and how the process takes place then less people would die from it. Heart attacks are caused by a disruption of blood supply to the heart muscle. When the blood supply is interrupted it will cause the muscle to die or cause damage because the ... Show more content on ... There are many different conditions that can happen with this complex system but there are also many antibodies and cells that are in place to prevent fatal things from occurring within the body. With a heart attack that is brought on by plaque buildup, there are phases in which it will occur. It all starts in the endothelium. This is a thin layer of cells that lines the inside of the vessels, arteries and lymphatic vessels. Our endothelium is very important because that is the surface that the blood touches while flowing through the vessels in the body. The endothelium can be damaged by smoking, toxic chemicals and metals, unhealthy dieting, high insulin intake, stress and high blood pressure. Endothelium is normally very smooth and the damage causes it to become porous. The pores give fat particles in the blood steam a place to become wedged into the internal lining of the endothelium. There are also some uncharged molecules that will stick to the fat particles and damage them and turn the formation into LDL (low density lipoprotein). This becomes oxidized and the immune system kicks into action. Cells then surround the area in the layer and release chemicals and it causes inflammation, while the intima layer under the endothelium is also releasing a sticky substance for monocytes to stick to. They are focused on getting any foreign objects out of the body so that it can resume the normal body function. White blood cells also surround the site and they get stuck and destroyed. This cycle happens with many different cells trying to rid the body of the foreign object and they end up getting stuck and this is when a fibrous cap is formed around all the dead cells and fatty substance. It bubbles out of the artery wall like an inverted swollen bulge in a hose pipe. So basically plaque buildup creates more plaque to arise. This large growth of plaque in the blood stream can be deadly because
  • 9. Online Learning Course Analysis Receiving an education via an online course is one that has begun with many challenges. I have come from having no knowledge of researching information to feel like I have journeyed a long way finding the confidence to research pertinent and quality resources. Through this particular unit I have been given the implements to develop a sound knowledge of online group collaborations and the programs to allow the communication to take place. Learning about how to obtain credible resources has been invaluable to my advancement so far. Using Metzger s criteria has helped me to detect information that is accurate, current, objective, credible and comprehensive (Swinburne Online, 2016). Metzger s criteria have helped me to find references such as; ... Show more content on ... I have since realised learning in the digital world is more challenging than it appears with feelings of isolation playing a vast role in my study to begin with. I found, during this time that I needed to participate in as much collaboration as possible and to converse with the class and my group to facilitate myself to learn as much as conceivable with also feeling connected to the class. Constructivist theorists believe a child learns best using collaboration with peers to build on their current knowledge. Vygotsky called this the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) and he came to this view by observing children who were tested on tasks individually compared to children who were tested on tasks in a collaborative way, he found that the progression of engagement helped to refine the thinking and make the learning more effective (Atherton, n.d.). I believe the same can be said for adults as well, especially after going from one online university where no group tasks were initiated to studying here were grouped collaboration was encouraged
  • 10. Software Development Is No Easy Task Software development is no easy task. There are many ways to plan and execute the development of a software application. The biggest problem facing developers is to figure out which processes will work best for them. There are many things a developer needs ask themselves when planning a product. Requirements gathering has many ways to be accomplished, but which is the best? Should a waterfall style of development be used, or does agile offer more important features? Would it save time to develop in a test driven environment? What is the most accurate way to estimate the time needed to complete the project? Is there an architecture that would be more efficient for this product? How can the documentation be kept up to pace with the code?... Show more content on ... This means that trying to interpret someone else s wants and needs can result in a different interpretation by the developer, resulting in features that were not properly developed. This process can also often be hindered by the fact that customers do not actually know what they want, and are unaware of what would actually best fulfill their needs. There are ways in which these miscommunications and customer misnomers can be combatted. One way is to interview the client and take notes on what they need their software to do. Often these notes can be much different than what the client actually tells you they need. Another way to get requirements is by observation. Observing a client do their job and navigate current software can often tell you much more than the client themselves. This process can also help during the design process as you can see what function are used the most frequent and should be at the top of the design backlog. Although there are many more way to gather requirements, these types of requirements gathering that require customer interaction tend to produce the best results. Waterfall vs. Agile When developing a software product there are two different project management approaches that can be taken: waterfall or agile. Both waterfall and agile have their advantages and disadvantages but agile has become the more popular of the two, due to its ease of change during the devolvement process. Waterfall development is constructed with a step by step
  • 11. Redefining The Tragic Tragedy Of Chinua Achebe s Famous... Tom White McQuaid Jesuit High School, 2014 2015 Sophomore English Adv. A.M.D.G. Redefining the Tragic The power of tragic heroes in literature is almost immeasurable in that they evoke multiple emotions within the reader. Through pain and suffering, heroes of tragedy fill the audience with not only terror and pity, but also relief through a cathartic experience. Over two thousand years ago, Aristotle first defined what characteristics make up a tragic hero. He claimed that heroes of tragedy must be fundamentally decent, of noble status, and eventually destroyed by a situation that exposes their one tragic flaw. Consider Chinua Achebes famous Things Fall Apart: the protagonist of the novel, the once mighty and respected warrior, Okonkwo of Umofia, is the paragon of the Aristotelian definition of a tragic hero. His suicide and loss of power within the tribe is not caused by his negative qualities, but rather his respect to his elders and their traditions. However, there are also characters of literature that do not fulfill all of Aristotle s requirements and still leave the reader with an overwhelming sense of tragedy. For instance, the main character of John Steinbeck s Of Mice and Men, the average and short tempered, George Milton, fails to meet several aspects of the ancient definition. Despite his low social status, George s murder of his mentally disabled companion, Lennie, consumes the reader with a feeling of both compassion and fear. Also consider The Good Earth by
  • 12. Rko Time Warner Executive Summary RKO Warner Video is currently a very centralized organization located in a relatively compact area. As the company grows, it must make sure that the organizational architecture grows with it. The senior management team is going to have to power decisions down to lower levels as the company expands. Having the right people in place to make these future decisions is vitally important to the health of the organization. We feel that the proposed incentive plan differentiates good managers from bad managers. The plan provides incentives to improve the current performance of the stores. The plan also serves to attract and keep quality employees for the future growth of RKO Warner Video. We propose a mixture of a ... Show more content on ... Since RKO Warner is really focused on growth we suggest a shift in risk to the District Manager (DM) level giving them more control over pricing within their respective districts. As RKO grows it will be more and more difficult for Berns to have his eyes on everything. Tying the DM s directly to the VP of purchasing and VP of operations will give them a clearer picture of how much leeway they have in pricing their videocassettes for sale and rental. This will allow for the DM s to have sufficient control and knowledge of the financials to implement the objective based portion of the incentive plan. The objective portion of the plan should be discussed with the store mangers before implementation to provide some transparency into the process and reneging fears down. Keep in mind the objective based portion makes up the minority of the incentive plan and will based on total revenue with no distinction between sales and rental revenue. The senior management team believes that RKO s major sources of competitive advantage are quality appearance, and the breadth and depth of the store s PRC inventory. RKO believes they can outsell their competitors who are discounting, while selling at list prices. Steve Berns said Our В‘discount is in the selection and service we provide, not in the price. All this comes together to
  • 13. Why News Ownership Affects Free Press And Press Censorship... The importance of news media ownership has been both a contemporary and historical issue that has had significant effects on the way in which the press operates and influences society. This essay examines why the ownership of the news media is of importance to society. In order to examine this fully the essay will discuss why news ownership affects free press and press censorship, why it can be seen to change the nature of political communication, and why is it is important that it affects the circuit of communication and the ways in which the public receive news. One reason why it matters who owns the news media is that is can be seen to affect the levels of free press within a state, determining therefore how regulated or censored information becomes. The freedom of the press is a factor that is highly influenced by the organisations and public figures that own the news media. Government ownership of the media, particularly authoritarian regimes, can be seen to limit the levels of free press a country has. Barker (2006, p. 5) argues that authoritarian regimes regularly try to censor or control the mass media s provision of vision and information . His argument therefore suggests that if the state has a strong control of the news media, they are more easily able to alter the information that the public receive. For example in North Korea, newspapers, such as the official party mouthpiece Rodong Sinmun, are all owned by the state (BBC, 2011). This therefore allows the
  • 14. The Role of the British East India Company Essay British East India Company played a significant yet strange part in the Indian. It was, at its inception, a commercial venture in the history of The British Empire, which was established in the year 1600 in the subcontinent. The main reason for entering the subcontinent was trade, making money and importing spices from South Asia. It was the Portuguese who used all their skills and their navigational technology to enter this great area first, and start trade in the most profitable manner they could. East India Companyentered as an early and old fashioned venture, and conducted a separate business with their private stockholders. Their approach and their trade lasted for many years until year 1657 (Farrington 5), when they made their base... Show more content on ... Soon after, the British started their own voyages and the first attempt to start trade with China, under the Captain Benjamin Wood, was undertaken in 1596. However, the ship did not reach its destination; instead it was lost without any trace. Forty years later, in 1637, Captain Wendell reached China successfully and tried to open trade negotiations with Chinese locals but he was resisted and sent on his way. His ship was destroyed on his journey back home. Ten years after the Dutch East India Company was expelled from China, English East India Company finally set up a post in Taiwan, in 1672. By the 1700 s this base was shifted to Canton and EIC granted the monopoly of trade until 1833. Despite the many restrictions on trading by the government, the Chinese trade flourished, and in the 18th century, the East India Company traded woollens from Britain and cottons from India in exchange for Chinese tea, silk and porcelain. Out of these, tea became the largest item to be traded by the British (Robins 18 33). However, as the demand for tea increased, the items the British were exchanging for it, like the Indian cottons, were not enough to meet these demands. They started looking for other items to trade instead, to increase their profits, and found opium to be the best deal. The EIC were already growing opium in India, mainly for medicinal purposes, and although opium was banned in
  • 15. Thomas Edison Contributions Where would we be today without Thomas Alva Edison? How would our life be different? Thomas Edison probably did more than any other man to influence the industrial civilization in the world we live in today. He developed many devices that greatly influenced life in the United States. Let us explore the life and contributions of Thomas Edison. Thomas Alva Edison was born February 11, 1847, in Milan, Ohio in a humble brick house that still stands today. Edison was pulled from public school at the age of twelve and taught by his mother at home. At eleven years old, he had a chemical lab in the cellar of his parent s home, and at age twelve took a job as a newspaper boy on a train. He had a chemical lab in a section of a baggage car and ran a printing press where he made copies of the local newspaper. He also bought and sold fresh fruit and vegetables along the train route. As you can tell, Thomas Edison showed a work ethic and knowledge of business transactions that was unusual for a boy of his age. While working at the train yard, Thomas Edison saved a little boy who had fallen in the path of a freight car. The boy s father was the station agent. As a show of thankfulness to Edison, he taught Edison telegraphy. Edison had been interested in electricity, but telegraphy made him even more interested, and that led him to his studies and experiments that resulted in some of the world s greatest inventions. In 1868 Edison filed his first patented invention, the electrical vote
  • 16. The State of the Economy in the Netherlands Netherlands is the fifth largest economy in the Euro zone. It is known for its stable economic relations with the industrial sector, moderate inflation and unemployment. It also has a sizable trade surplus and plays an important role as the transportation hub. The industrial sector deals mainly in food processing, chemicals, petroleum refining and electrical machinery. The agricultural sector is highly mechanized thus only provides employment to only 2% of the population but provides surpluses to the food processing industries and for exports. Netherlandsalong with 11 other of its EUROpartners started spreading it s currency from 1 January 2002. The Dutch economy after 26 years of uninterrupted stability was left contracted by 3.5% owing to the international financial crisis. The Dutch economy suffered because of the close contact between some of its banks with the US mortgage backed securities. In 2008 the government nationalized two banks and injected billions of dollars to stem the losses in that crucial sector. In an effort to boost the economy the government started infrastructure projects and gave tax breaks to the employers to retain the workers and expanding export credit facilities. The stimulus programs and bank bailouts led to a deficit of 5.3% in the GDP, in 2010, as compared with a surplus of 0.7% in 2008. The Prime Minister started implementing fiscal consolidation measures in early 2011, which resulted in a reduced fiscal deficit to 3.8% of the GDP. In
  • 17. The Influence Of The Flood In The Epic Of Gilgamesh Some people and historians have claimed that the biblical story of the flood and Noah s ark was influenced by the flood of Gilgamesh. The flood of Gilgamesh and the Biblical story of the flood in Genesis showed similar characteristics, but the Biblical flood was not influenced by ancient readings in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Noah s ark was influenced by God in the Bible, compared to the flood in the Epic of Gilgamesh where it is written on clay tablets influenced by many gods and goddesses. The biblical flood is taught today as a place in religion throughout Christian teaching, where the Epic of Gilgamesh is based off stories found in the 18th Century in an ancient library called Nineveh (Lorey). Despite the two accounts being so similar in context, there are some differences as well confirming the clear distinction between the two. The flood in Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh with its account of a universal flood, had significant parallels to the Flood of Noah s day. The rest of the Epic, which dates back to possibly third... Show more content on ... In both of the passages they expressed similarities with the flood occurring in the Mesopotamian plain, the main character being warned to build a boat to escape the flood, the main character is told to save himself, his family, and a sampling of animals, the fact that the boats were sealed with tar, the boats came to rest on a mountain, birds were released to determine if the waters receded, and the main character sacrificing an offering. (Deem) The two writings of the floods come in close comparison in many ways but soon will show much difference
  • 18. Gross Domestic Production (GDP) Gross domestic product (GDP) is the total output of absolute commodities and services that a nation puts out including exports but not including imports. Gross domestic product is used to measure the health of a national and global economy. When gross domestic product is increasing, particularly if inflation is not an issue, employees and industries are usually better off than when it is not. GDP signifies the economic growth and production, symbolizing the whole dollar value of all goods and services produced over a precise time period. It sums up the output created within the margins of a country. GDP is made up of goods and services produced for sale in the market. The GDP is the sum of domestic consumption; new capital investments; government spending, and the difference between the values of goods imported into the United States and the value of exports to other countries. Gross domestic product can be measured in two ways using income approach or expenditure method. When using the income approach, GDP (I), you add up what everyone made in one year, which would include rent, wages, interest and profits earned, by the selling of the merchandises in the nations market. The income approach is determined by accumulating the total payment to workers, gross profits for incorporated and non incorporated companies, and taxes without aids. This method is the most complicated because measuring income is much more complex than measuring spending. Whereas, when using the
  • 19. Disco In The 1970s This article is an in depth discussion and look at the development of disco in its distinct forms throughout the 1970s. The decade where, as David Brackett the author describes an underground phenomenon, that grew and morphed into the most popular music throughout the decade. There were three very distinct occurrences during the 1970s, as described in the piece. One, a musical style, two, a performance site and three, a musical fandom or participation all made up discoduring the height of the 1970s. This was very different from rock music and its followers, also, seemingly were very increasingly opposite of the styles popularized by the disco dance happy culture. The disco scene was popularized by mostly three categories. First, a Motown, soul blend style that consisted of your funkblend and vocalists, with styles like Barry White s Love... Show more content on ... The DJ was responsible for selecting and sequencing songs, it was their taste that dictated disco s sense of style, rather than the singers and instrumentalists of soul and rock music s and successful DJs could acquire their own following in much the same way as a recording artist. Disco focused on 3 main components during 1975 76. These three main components are R B disco, Eurodisco and a transformation of disco associated with gays, blacks and latinos to being embraced by straight, white Americans. R B incorporated soul and funk and was heavily influenced by gospel oriented vocals and syncopated guitar and bass parts. Eurodisco featured simple, chanted vocals, less syncopated bass parts and thicker arrangements with orchestral instruments and synthesizers. Saturday Night Fever was a major factor in changing the public opinion about disco . The Saturday Night Fever soundtrack featured four number one singles and became the best selling album of its time. The soundtrack of Saturday Night Fever included music by the Bee Gees and the Kool
  • 20. Goodnight And Good Luck Analysis Goodnight and Good Luck The movie Goodnight and Good Luck, released October 9th, 2005, Edward Murrow and his news team at CBS deal with exposing Joseph McCarthy, a Wisconsin senator who was going after possible communists. The movie starts out with members at CBS signing documents to confirm they are not communist, because everyone must pick a side. Ed then talks about the military because they were actively trying and convicting people without any evidence or proof that they are even members of the communist party. After this episode a man who was suspected to be a communist was freed because of the lack of evidence against him. In their next episode they go after McCarthy, inviting him to the show, which he accepts. In McCarthys recorded response he claims Murrow is a communist. CBS then responds by stating we shouldn t use media to paint a negative view of others and then it turns in thier favor when McCarthy begins being investigated himself.... Show more content on ... During this period of time we were in the middle of the Cold war, everyone expected athird world war to occur any day because of the tension between between the U.S. and Russia. This movie does a wonderful job of depicting the era, they even went as far as to put it in black and white even though we were way more advanced in technology at the time of the movie it comes off as a movie from that period of time. Although it usually is not important in many historical films, this one fails to provide emotions for the character leaving the effect of bland characters and relationships, yet this is still only a minor setback for a movie of this
  • 21. Greek Art History Chapter 15 primarily includes insightful information about the earliest art all the way through to the Bronze Age. Art history is a very unique type of history because it allows for people to visualize earlier life and how our ancestors survived, perceived themselves and their surroundings during different time periods. This art comes from different eras and locations such as the Paleolithic Period, Neolithic Period, early civilization, Mesopotamia, and Egypt. Beginning somewhere around 2 million years prior to today, early hominids, in east central Africa, crafted the first ever tools that could be used to cut and shape stone. These primitive tools were later refined and developed into sharp objects for cutting and refined blades for chopping. ... Show more content on ... These deserts also kept outside architecture away and allowed for the Egyptians to develop their own, very unique, methods of building. The greatest works of Egyptian civilization are the Great Pyramids, which are comparable to the size of mountains and severed as tombs for fallen Pharaohs. It was a common belief in Egypt that in order for someone to reach the afterlife, their body on Earth had to be preserved and taken care of with respect. All bodies were embalmed as quickly as possible and then were buried in their tomb to rest for all eternity. Inside these pyramids and tombs, architects spent a great deal of time and effort building false hallways and walls in an effort to keep people from reaching the actual resting place of the deceased. We were finally able to get a better understanding as to why architects tried to keep people from reaching the tombs and why grave robbers were so active when we discovered the Tomb of Tutankhamen. Tutankhamen, also known as King Tut, died at the age of 18 and is so well documented because his tomb was discovered in modern times with most of his valuables left inside. Another tomb that has taught us a great amount about ancient Egypt is the Tomb of Nebamun. In this tomb there is a wall painting in which the artist applied such attention to detail that were are able to figure out what plants
  • 22. High Stakes Testing Cizek Analysis Cizek, Gregory J. More Unintended Consequences of High Stakes Testing. Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice 20.4 (2005): 19 27. Google Scholar. Web. 8 Mar. 2017. This source explores the negative critiques of standardized testing from within the education profession. The history of high stakes tests is described to provide background information on how testing practices have evolved. Various consequences addressed include: reduction of instruction time, neglect of teaching material not covered by the tests, instruction and assessment mirroring the tests, and negative effects on teacher morale and creativity. Cizek also takes time to address the time commitment of testtaking. While multiple hours spent on one test is necessary in ... Show more content on ... Study says standardized testing is overwhelming nation s public schools. The Washington Post. WP Company, 24 Oct. 2015. Web. 09 Mar. 2017. This source provides statistics to demonstrate the dramatic increase of standardized testing and specific examples to establish the effects these tests can have on a learning environment. It is stated that a typical student takes an average of 112 mandated standardized tests between pre kindergarten and 12th grade. While one of the reasons behind the excessive amounts of testing is to improve America s academic competitiveness, most countries that rank higher that the U.S. in academic s test students three times throughout their entire school career. This source suggests that the problem comes from tests being mandated by multiple sources, Congress, the U.S. Department of Education, and state and local governments. While every test is mandated for a different reason, the main priority is not the benefit of the children. An example utilized to demonstrate the detrimental effects of excessive testing is a K 8 Pilot School in Boston. Individual, 90 minute reading tests are required every year. This causes teachers to spend over 60 hours of class time not teaching. Although many people support the use of standardized tests, excessive testing is still recognized as a problem from multiple sides of the argument. The president of the Education Trust, an advocacy group focused on reducing the achievement gap, believes there is
  • 23. The Abolition Of Slavery In America Slavery Slavery in America began when the first African slaves were brought to the North American colony of Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619, to aid in the production of such lucrative crops as tobacco. Slaves were mostly of African decent. About 12 million slaves had been shipped from Africa, and 10 million had arrived in America. Slavery was a problem that lasted 245 years in North America. There was nothing uplifting or positive about slavery, and it was basically white people making black people, their slaves. Slavery was eventually put to an end by leaders such as; Fredrick Douglass, Theodore Parker, Harriet Tubman, and Martin Luther King Jr. These leaders brought attention to the horrid act of slavery and what it does to people. Slavery is ... Show more content on ... Douglass was born a slave and became a noted reformer, author and speaker. He dedicated his life to the abolition of slavery and the fight for Black rights. He was convinced that Abolition should be achieved by moral enticement alone, without political action. Next, Theodore Parker (1818 1895) attacked the Fugitive Slave Law from his Boston stand, urging his audience to assist runaways in any way they could. He wanted to stress the importance of helping in any way possible. He hid scores of fugitives from the federal agents delegated to summon up them, and he engineered their escape to Canada. Harriet Tubman man (1822 1913) was an African American woman whose daring rescues helped hundreds of slaves to freedom. She became the most famous leader of the Underground Railroad, which helped slaves escaping to the free states or to Canada. She was called the Black Moses, who led over 300 slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad and was never caught, nor any of the fugitives in her charge. Even just the fact that she was a women makes some people look up to her even more and appreciate her for doing what she could possible for
  • 24. Explain The Supply Network Of Ford Motor Company This essay is to discuss the supply network of a product of a specific brand. The supply network means setting an operation in the context of all the other operations with which it interacts. Ford Motor Company is the best example to illustrate the supply network better. So, before illustrate the supply network, let s talking about ford Motor Company. Ford Motor Company founded by Henry Ford in June 16, 1903. It is an American multinational automaker. Its headquarters are in Dear born, Michigan, United states. But Ford Motor Company isn t the first one to build or make a car. The industry of making a car had a long journey. The automobileindustry started in the 1890s. The United States was the leader in total automobile production. After World War II, China was the top in producing automobile. China almost doubled the US production, and Japan was in third place. In the whole world, there were about 806 million cars on the road in 2007. The essay will illustrate everything about the company.... Show more content on ... Ford makes lots of car. But, the product that the essay will make the light on a car called Fiesta . Fiesta has lots of features. It has a navigation system, and audio system. It also has My Key, which is a system that can help others drive the person car more responsibly. Another thing, it has Hill Start Assist which is a modern technology to help the driver prevent rollback. It also has really nice colors such as Silver Metallic, White, and Black Metallic. Ford Motor Company is a successful company, and any successful company has a competitors. The competitors to Ford Motor Company are BMW, FIAT, KIA, Peugeot, Mercedes, Mini, and Honda. There are lots of competitors to
  • 25. A More Than Modest Proposal to Solve the Ever-Growing... More Than Modest Proposal to Solve the Ever Growing Traffic Troubles On average, an American commuter spends around 30 hours per week sitting in traffic going to and from the job that they may or may not love. Commuters in some cities like Washington DC, that is both near and dear to our hearts, can spend roughly 60 hours per week stuck in traffic. Not only is time wasted wasted while commuting, but the gas that we constantly fill our cars up with may as well be flushed down the drain. Following the gas that is going down this metaphorical drain here, is a ridiculous amount of money from an innocent commuter s wallet. Additionally, time wasted while commuting could ve been time well spent with one s family or even with one s pets. The ... Show more content on ... Because there are no drivers of the pods, there is zero chance of any casualties caused by drunk drivers, or by drivers who are texting or plugging information into their GPS. These pods will eliminate any chance of pedestrians or animals getting hit due to the sensitive sensors that will be placed in each pod. Though there are alternate means of transportation such as carpools, buses, or simply walking, these alternatives can be just as problematic as cars themselves. With carpools, we still run the risk of drivers that are not paying full attention to the road because they are paying more attention to the members of their carpool. Though with the intent of conserving gas, carpools will still pollute our fresh air with the harsh chemicals found in gas. Buses are more or less a large scale carpool. Buses may seem to promote mass transportation of people, they are very costly because drivers must be paid and money must be spent on gas. Not to mention that buses can be extremely dirty, whereas the pods are self sanitized. Not only will the Pod System immediately solve the present issue of traffic and the load of side effects that come with it, the Pod System brings many more positive long term effects. For starters, the reduced commute time now allows working Americans to spend more time with their families and other loved ones. Also, these new electronic
  • 26. Brent Runyon Maybe Summary Le Intro The book, Maybe, by Brent Runyon, is an unusual book about a boy who lost his brother when he drove off a road and into a tree at night. After his brother s suicide, Brian is forced to go to a new school after they move. Most of the kids Brian decides to befriend end their relationship with him because of Brian s unexpected actions. Brian takes himself on an adventure of being really perverted, losing a best friend, and discovering that forcing a relationship with someone isn t needed if you really love them. The companion book that you are about to read explains in further detail why Brian does certain things, what his thoughts and his intents were, and why every action is significantly important to the story. This companion book will also uncover how Brian changes throughout the story because of the people he meets, and also how he changes the friends he makes. Chapter One... Show more content on ... He makes friends, but he quickly realizes these friends do drugs, something Brian doesn t approve of. This can be proven true because I promised my brother I never would (Runyon 21). Uncomfortably, Brian states that I have to. I have to go. Get up. You need to drive me (Runyon 27). This information is essential to the fact that Brian is struggling with making friends. It is important to the story because it shows that the path Brian has took is not easy, and facing it will definitely be struggling with what he will face now and
  • 27. Who Is A Saved Believer In The Army Some people are soldiers, but most people are civilians. Some people are saved, while most people are lost. A civilian becomes a soldier when he is enlisted in the army. A person becomes enlisted in God s army when he is saved by receiving Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. When we receive our salvation, we also receive the burden to seek and save the lost, by leading others to Jesus Christ and helping them to walk the paths of righteousness. A person that is genuinely saved will no longer live for his own cause, but for the cause of Jesus Christ. He will not live according to his own will, but according to the will of his Heavenly Father, therefore a saved believer in Jesus Christ is also a soldier of Jesus Christ. There are only a few that are saved, while there are many that are perishing. They perish for the reason that those that are enlisted as soldiers in God s army are cowards and instead of fighting the battle, they have turned cold and have lost their way. Sadly, Christians are not aware of their battle, they have no clue on which side they are fighting, they have become allies with the enemy, they have deserted their true calling, and are shooting at their own comrades in arms. ... Show more content on ... Our posting may be different, our duties and gifts are not the same, but our job is to do His will and walk according to our calling. The role of a soldier is primarily to complete the mission that is assigned to him or her. Our mission is to do the will of our Heavenly Father. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28: 19 20
  • 28. Psalms 23 Psalms 23 is a verse that is indicated that God loves us and we should only pass one love. This verse stood out to me because even though some people don t always get along with me I will always have God to stand right by my side through all the problems I endure. It s not telling you that you re not always going to like someone and they re not always going to like you but you have to think, if you hold a grudge forever are you going down than right path? Everyone somehow has different theories one the verse which is good to have thoughts on this verse.It is the type of verse that is meant for you to think it s meant for you to wonder about how you are handling your disagreements now and it makes you want to change how you are already dealing with them.Psalms 23 is meant to makes us understand if Godloves us what good is it to hate someone that wronged us at some point his loveis meant to be passed one no matter if than person did wrong towards us we must forgive and move on. This verse stood out to me because I know I haven t always done the right thing with those people who I don t call friends anymore or those who I never called my friend.This verse also stands out to me when it says Surely your ... Show more content on ... This verse connects with police brutality because I feel that some people with the career of law enforcement take advantage of their jobs. They may have hatred in their hearts for a certain race that may have wronged them or they just hate them but when their hatred begins to show people begin to lose their lives. I feel like this verse also works for bullying because a bully finds a target/enemy and harrasses them even if they have done no wrong and they most definitely aren t treating the person with any respect or love.Maybe if more people read they would think more about how God gives us nothing but love and somehow we have than nerve to disrespect and hate his other
  • 29. The Importance Of Immigrants Many people believe immigrants should have more rights because we re all human and we all deserve human rights. They believe immigrants founded this country for immigrants. They believe they should have the same rights because they work and pay taxes like everyone else. Most of the field workers are immigrants. If it weren t for immigrants we wouldn t have as many crops as we have now because many americans wouldn t want to work in the fields. Should immigrants be able to vote? People believe immigrants should be able to vote because no matter the amount of paperwork can define a resident of a country. They believe this country was built by immigrants and because of that they should be able to vote. They believe if the immigrant has been living here for more than 5 years they should be able to vote, Many immigrants fear being deported because they are in the US illegally. (They don t have the official paperwork that allows them to live in a new country.) They fear being deported because they don t want to leave there kids behind. For examples when immigrants bring a new born baby from a different country, and raise them in the US. If those kids ever get deported they won t know what to do, or where to go because they were raised in the US, and they don t know anything about the country where they were born. Immigrants have the right to defend themselves while being deported. They could hire a lawyer to help them fight their case. It is a big risk in doing this because you are not guaranteed to win even if you pay. The judge will decide if you should stay or not. There is a possibility you might win the case. Many people believe immigrants don t pay taxes. They believe they don t pay taxes because they don t have a social security number. (Contributions varied by state. In Montana they contributed $2 million. In California, more than $2.2 billion. On average they pay about 6.4% of their income in state and local taxes.) Many immigrants without the official paperwork can t have good credit. They can t have good credit because they don t have a social security number. For example when you don t have a good credit and you want to buy a car the interest will be double or triple the price. Without a social
  • 30. Manifestation of Communism Marx, K. F. Engels Bourgeois and proletarians Tom Considine Marx, K. F. Engels (1972 [1848], p.1) said The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles. (Marx, K. F. Engels 1972 [1848], p.1) This is the opening text from Marx and it is the theme of the rest of the chapter. Marx writes of the oppression of the proletarians and how the capitalist bourgeoisie have commodified them. He describes his disapproval for the capitalists stating that there is revolt from the proletariats due to the exploitation that was taking place, this would be the same for any capitalist society. Throughout the text there is the overriding idea that society would benefit with equality and public ownership (socialism). ... Show more content on ... Marx is trying to convey that capitalism is a poor way for a society to operate however i can see that this method would be more efficient and competitive, thus increasing the productivity of the economy. Marx s idea is that property should be publicly owned, individuals should cooperate, production is social and everything is shared equally. Marx, K. F. Engels (1972 [1848], p.42) said Of all the classes that stand face to face with the Bourgeois today, the proletariat alone is a really revolutionary class (Marx, K. F. Engels 1972 [1848], p.42). Marx believes this is because the laborers where the individuals who created socialism because they wanted to fight for their rights and become equal. They succeeded because they were the majority and therefore had a power over the Bourgeois because with the labour there would be no capitalism. The first reason I disagree with socialism is because price signals become distorted or absent, the market price for goods and services cannot be rationally allocated if the individuals aren t earning income in a free market. If all individuals receive an equal income and everything is shared then what is the incentive to work harder? If there is no incentive to earn a higher wage then individuals may be less motivated. Decreased motivation means that there will be a decrease in efficiency and thus a decrease in production, therefore the economy will suffer. The last argument against socialism is that it the advancement of
  • 31. Doolittle s Identities Change Through Language Language has been around for thousands of years and is one of the greatest factors in human beings holding the spot for most powerful organism on this planet. It has helped bring together masses of people and has helped define many cultures today. Through language, we are able to identify a person s level of education, social class, and upbringing. In Malcolm X s autobiography and in the movie My Fair Lady directed by George Cuker, Malcolm X and Eliza Doolittle s identities change immensely as they progress through a common goal of becoming greater than what they were. Malcolm X s autobiography serves as a great example for the importance in language and how it greatly it defines our roles in society. After dropping out of school and taking
  • 32. Discrimination And The International Covenant On Economic,... Discrimination is addressed in various treaties of international law, especially the main three, Universal declaration of human rights, the international covenant on civil and political rights, and the international covenant on economic, social and cultural rights. E.g. under article two of the UDHR, Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status . Similar restrictions are also evident in the other international conventions and treaties. However, discrimination based on age is rarely addressed within these laws and is often considered to... Show more content on ... In order to address this increasing form of discrimination, it is essential that the international law develops and includes the rights of older people within their main bodies. Whether this is through a new convention or by developing existing laws to address the rights of older men and women around the world. 1.1 Older Women When discovering the various altitudes of discrimination towards elderly people, what shines out the most is the discrimination towards elderly women. Women are often viewed as the caregiver for their families and friends. However, as they grow older they are considered fragile and as a burden by the people around them, often leading to older women being disowned by their families. It can be said without any doubt, that elderly women suffer and go through much more harsh living conditions than elderly men around the globe, as not only is their age targeted but also their gender. Speaking of demographics, what stands out the most is how there have always been more older women than men, but men still have more rigorous rights than women. Statistically, women have a longer life span, and thus many older women are left alone during their 60s . However, societal structures make it difficult for these women to live without relying on the men in their lives. Older women are not only facing discrimination at a societal level but also through every aspect. Older women in prison, older sex workers
  • 33. Analysis of Themes in Rear Window Essay Fear of Marriage and Voyeurism in Rear Window In Alfred Hitchcock s 1954 classic thriller Rear Window, Jimmy Stewart stars as L.B. Jeffries, a world traveling magazine photographer accustomed to living a fast pace active lifestyle. When Jefferies injures himself taking a risky picture he is immobilized, confined to a wheelchair inside his apartment for two months. Bored with his uneventful life he becomes completely obsessed with the lives of his neighbors spending the majority of his waking hours watching them from his window. To obtain a better view he begins using a telescopic lens from one of his cameras. By watching his neighbors through the camera he assumes the role of both a spectator and a voyeur. This contributes to ... Show more content on ... Jefferies claims that Lisa is just not the right girl for [him] because she is too committed to high society and materialistic for him. Jefferies barely acknowledges her and focuses most of his attention on watching the neighbors apartments specifically the Thorwalds. She is unable to divert his attention from the window even with the most forward flirtations. It is not until she puts herself on the other side and into the movie that he becomes interested in her. Lisa finally becomes the subject of his gaze and only then does Jeffries show any sexual attraction towards her. Near the end of the movie when Lisa breaks into Thorwald s apartment, Jeffries does not see the same Lisa he saw when she stood by him and sat in his lap. This dangerous act of bravery and courage proves to Jefferies that she is capable of more than he previously thought. By exposing her willingness to take risks he sees that there is more to her than high society and fashion. He now looks upon a guilty intruder exposed by a dangerous man threatening her with punishment Mulvey 207 . He is aroused by this new spontaneous side of her. From this scene we see that Lisa Freemont cannot become a part of the movie until she becomes a character in the movie within the movie. This creates a new perception of Lisa
  • 34. Riordan Manufacturing Integrated Human Resource... Riordan Manufacturing is looking to integrate their existing human resource tools in use today into a single integrated application. This new system is long overdue and in order to implement a successful system certain criteria must be obtained. The first step in the process includes gathering information on the current and proposed system, setting the scope and goals for the project, and considering the projects feasibility. Information Gathering TechniquesA. InterviewsTo begin my research, I would take the interview approach. In order to conduct a successful interview I have create some interview criteria. 1.Determine who to interview2.Create interview questions3.Conduct the interview4.Document the interview5.Evaluate the... Show more content on ... Training and development records are kept in Excel by the training and development specialist. Recruiters maintain applicant information for open positions with resumes being filed in a central store area using Excel to track applicant s status. Riordan outsources workers compensation and the third party provider keeps its own records. Another example displaying the lack of unity between the manufacturing plants is the employee files. They are kept by individual managers who are responsible for tracking FMLA absences and any requests for accommodation under ADA. All this information is provided by Riordan Manufacturing s intranet site and is examples of the need for an integrated system. A new state of the art integrated information system would undoubtedly make operations much more efficient, effective, and money saving. Goals associated with the achievement of the scope includeHaving a database that contains human resource data from each of Riordan s Manufacturing plantsCreate a unified HRIS located at Riordan s headquarters in San Jose, California in which all plants have access. Implement all Riordan s current and future information into the new systemFeasibility of the ProjectThe feasibility of the project will be determined by many factors. These factors include1.Does Riordan have enough experience to use newer technology2.Will the new system allow for efficient, effective, and cost
  • 35. My Third Year Of Study Statement In my third year of study, I have decided to undertake a study placement abroad. I have chosen Bilkent University in Ankara/Turkey as my study abroad location. What I am aiming to achieve during my study placement is to get an idea of what studying abroad is like. To be honest, I believe it will be easier to get high grades and I believe I am going to do very well. I got this insight as I looked at the modules I am provided to take and generally, I have covered most of these modules or at least topics included in the modules at Aston. Tomorrow we will get registered for the modules we have decided to choose. I am planning to take Managerial Accounting as I have taken this course last year at Aston and believe I will not have much difficulty
  • 36. The Vaccination It begins as minor flu symptoms. But then things seem to never get any better. As symptoms become more severe, a person is advised to go see a doctor. It turns out the individual did not have the flu. It was something far worse, something more treacherous, something more contagious, something chilling, something life threatening. This disease is known as bacterial meningitis. It is possibly a college students worst nightmare, and a disease that students should be well informed about. But while the bacterial infection is rather rare, it s also terminal, killing 10 to 12 percent of those it infects, sometimes within hours. The disease attacks and closes up major organs and prevents blood from circulating to limbs, causing tissue to die.... Show more content on ... Why not also ensure they are paying for a safe environment by imposing this proposal. No university would want their public safety to be questionable when students are making the tough decision on whether or not to attend. Though the disease has no general region to be transmitted, next year a school such as A M may be passed up by students due to the incident with Williams. An opposer to this view may complain that the Meningococcal vaccination does not protect students from all strains of meningitis, but this is the case with every vaccination. The vaccination is created to protect society from the most common strain of the disease, and the overall rarity of these diseases only calls for the single vaccination of this strain. Another importance of this proposal is personal safety. As nature proves, only the strong survive. Meaning, one must put themselves first as far as safety when matters such as this arise. When the subject of meningitis is brought up to most college students, by the end of the conversation the person fears the disease as though it were serial killer on the loose. This is not necessary, as it is made so easy now a days to go and receive vaccination. Another possible complaint made by opposers, is that a person may be allergic to chemicals within the vaccination, so why put themselves at risk? On average it is quite uncommon for someone to have an allergic reaction to the vaccination. If someone did have a reaction the symptoms
  • 37. Everybody s Luck Begins To Run Out Summary Yes, the climax of the story is as significant as this sounds because Sammy is able to describe and explain why everybody s luck begins to run out. For example, he mentions Queenie s blushes when Leagel confronts her and her friends are not dressing decently. After they leave the store, Sammy tells Leagel that he is quitting the job because he does not like the way in which Leagel treats the girls. From these two examples, it proves that everybody s luck begins to run out because the girls leaves the store unpleasantly and Sammy loses his job. However, the tone of Sammy s telling the story is informal and it does not match the events due to his usage of colloquialism. Therefore, his decision to quit the job will let audiences think he is immature... Show more content on ... Sammy describes Leagel as a dreary person who is the store manager and teaches in a Sunday school. Therefore, being a teacher explains why Leagel is strict on policy and readers can infer that he lives with conformity, which he never breaks rules. Stokesie is Sammy s friend who is married, has two children, and wants to become a manager one day in A P. Therefore, when he sees Sammy resigns his job, he is not likely to follow Sammy s action because he needs to support his family. This shows Stokesie is more mature than Sammy because he understands what responsibilities he has. Apart from describing the male employees, Sammy thinks the young female customers who wear bathing suits know what they want and they enjoy greater freedom than other customers, which Sammy describes them as a few houseslaves in pin curlers . From Sammy s point of view, he suggests the houseslaves customers are most likely housewives because they go to A P with curlers and that means they are busy taking care of their families and do not have time to focus on their appearances. Therefore, Sammy s depiction of the house slaves in pin curlers suggests they do not have control of their
  • 38. Ruthless Or Progressive Animal Testing Veronica Peiffer Ms. Sharon Graham ENG 102 VF 08 October 2015 Ruthless or Progressive Animal Testing Curious minds since the beginning of time have used animals to explore deeper into the realms of science, whether behavioral or biomedical. Despite many medical advances since, people have developed a division between what they feel is beneficial or not to the modernizing world as to whether animal cruelty is acceptable and humane or not. Animal testing is research science, typically regarding chemical exposures, drug overdoses, genetic manipulation, and surgical procedures that result in prolonged suffering and eventual death. According to Bernard E. Rollin s journal entry from the Hastings Center Report, The Moral Status of Invasive Animal Research, Science is value free in general and ethics free in particular which indicates scientists are not concerned with the ethical matters but more so the results. Throughout the world, there are over 115 million animals tested in laboratories per year, ranging from farm animals to non human primates (such as chimpanzees, monkeys, etc.) Many people are aware that animal testing exists, but not to the extent of what it is, such as how an eyeliner from L Oreal has been tested on an animal. However, it s not the finished product that is tested on an animal but rather so the breakdown of the chemical composition within the product. There are ongoing experiments to this day where hazardous chemicals are rubbed into the shaved
  • 39. Miners Essay The Young Change Agents Introduction: Every organizational structures and practice has the role of the change agent and it plays a significant part in organization. A case like The Young Change Agents focuses on the change leader and the bottom of the ladder. Following by that in this case study James Shaw who joined AIESEC world largest student run international student exchange and development organization and his main responsibilities were recruiting, training, motivating, utilizing and retaining the organization s members. Therefore as a self directed and self motivated person, Shaw kept himself engaged with the organization, and spent time on networking within the firm and making suggestions where he felt... Show more content on ... Personal characteristics, attitudes, and qualities most needed to be successful: To be successful in these situation personal characteristics, attitudes and qualities are most needed. Therefore, they recruit Fabio Sgaragli, he had been the national president of AIESEC Italy and also had also worked with Shaw at AIESEC international in Brussels, deeply talented and real visionary. However, implement a whole new strategy adopted by the company, hard work and determination was a very important role to be exercised by the members of the group. In addition, the members were also required to be enthusiastic, creative and ambitious to achieve their goals. Considering different parties involved to the new strategy networking was another important issue that could be considered to make everyone understand the efficiency. According to Jick T.D and Peiperl M.A (2003), each member of the group had good experience with strategic management for being involved for long period in management in other organization, which helps the members to figure out the necessity of a strategy to be considered based on the vision, objectives and goals of the company. PwC is a very big company and it was beyond their thoughts before they actually got selected to the company and it was very hard for the members to communicate with each others to get help and authorization to implement the new strategy. Therefore, it is very important to have good communication skill and
  • 40. Why Is Jeffrey Dahmer Wrong Jeffrey Dahmer did a horrible man who did horrible things. Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested and sentenced 15 consecutive life sentences and was forced to live in a mental institution for a year. From there he went to jail, and two years later was killed by his cellmate. Died on November 28, 1994, Jeffrey Dahmer killed 17 men and boys. Jeffrey Dahmer was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1960 where he lived with mother Joyce, and father Lionel. Dahmer had, what seemed to be, a normal childhood. He was a happy and energetic child until the age of four when he had a surgery for a double hernia. After the surgery something happened and Dahmer was no longer the same boy he was before. Dahmer s mother gave birth to another boy, the family moved quite... Show more content on ... The person may have a mental disorder, or something neurologically wrong with them. For example, they could think that people are talking to them in their head and telling them to kill someone. A person could also have had a rough childhood which causes them to kill as a release of anger or sadness. A person could kill for revenge, money, alcohol, or drugs. Someone who kills has to have something wrong with them. Who can kill just someone for no reason? Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested on July, 22 1991 when other residents of the apartment building he was living in complained about a horrid smell coming from his apartment. When the police arrived, they immediately arrested Dahmer and searched his apartment. When they went through his apartment they found the genitals of 9 men and boys stuffed in containers in his fridge. There were also the skeletons of men and boys in his deep freeze. Dahmer pleaded guilty and was sentenced to fifteen consecutive life sentences. Dahmer also pleaded insanity for the murders of 17 men and boys. He was required to be admitted to a mental institution for two years. Two years after being in jail, Dahmer s cellmate, Christopher Scarver, fatally beat Dahmer. Scarver was Dahmer s cellmate and also a murderer. Scarver also killed another inmate named Jesse Anderson. Dahmer was 34 years old when he was murdered. He lived from May 21, 1960 to November 28,
  • 41. Nash Street Historic District Starkville Essay The Nash Street Historic District a significant part of Starkville due to it being one of the cities earliest twentieth century suburb. It signifies the change of Starkville from a minor, agricultural town to a contemporary, university oriented city in response to the development of Mississippi A M College (later Mississippi State University) in the 1930s. The district is also the largest and most complete concentration of significant 1930s suburban architecture in the county. The significant period starts in 1932 and ends in 1940 when the last pre war housewas constructed. Nash Street is Starkville s first subdivision, 61 subdivisions have been listed at the Courthouse from 1934 1974. The Nash Street Historic District started the shift to suburban living and development in Starkville, because the first housing was formerly gathered around the businesses in the central business district. The District is also noteworthy for its architecture with Tudor Revival, Colonial Revival, and Craftsman styles contributing to its recognizable atmosphere. The building styles reflect the architectural desires of the university administrators, professors, and ... Show more content on ... Joyner, who was a pharmaceutical salesman and member of the College Board of Trustees from 1940 1944, this two story, brick and frame house has a blend of esthetic influences. Its asymmetrical facade is fixated on the two and a half story chimney, with twin stacks and case concrete shoulder and necking details. Its windows, previously diamond paned, are now multi light casements on the facade and 6/6 double hung elsewhere. The carport and cast iron porch supports were added in the late 1950 s. Interior features include a wood molding framed, basket handle arched fireplace opening in a stuccoed wall with a deep, wooden shelf at the base of a demi lune recessed over mantle. Archways in the living room and hallway and main interior door openings have curvilinear corner
  • 42. Negative Effects Of Mental Health On College Students Although mental health has become a big issue across the U.S., it is especially becoming a problem in college. Suicide has become the normal, even though it s unheard of primarily because of the stigma. Don t believe me? Are you willing to tell me that stress is normal and to have thoughts of taking your own life while trying to juggle the responsibilities of being an adult is normal? Before you jump to any conclusions, let s take a look at my argument. Mental health has a negative effect on college students. What is mental health? Mental health is a person s condition with regard to their psychological and emotional well being. It affects how we act and feel, while all the more dictating how we control our stress, relate to others, and how we make choices (ASPA). Mental health illnesses can range from depression, anxiety, eating disorders, college addiction abuse, bipolar disorder, ADHD, and sleep issues, just to name a few. To explain why mental health is important, I will provide an example of poor mental health. A quote from NBC News writes, But then I would have extreme downs and want to do nothing, she told NBC News. All I wanted to do was sleep. I screwed up in school and at work, I was crying and feeling suicidal (James). As you can see, someone who has bad mental health or an illness has a very hectic life. I will now go on and talk about and how they can affect students. The most common mental health illnesses that students can suffer from are suicide and
  • 43. Cisco Systems Inc. And The Leadership Of John T. Chambers Cisco Systems Inc. and the Leadership of John T. Chambers As Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Cisco Systems Incorporated, the leadership of John Thomas Chambers solidified Cisco as the world s premiere data networking company. Cisco Systems Incorporated is an international technology corporation founded in 1984 and headquartered in San Jose, California. Cisco designs, manufactures and sells networking equipment worldwide and is the largest networking company in the world. The name Cisco was derived from the city name, San Francisco, and the Cisco logo is intended to represent the two towers of the Golden Gate Bridge. John Thomas Chambers was born August 23, 1949 and is the Chairman of the Board and former Chief Executive Officer of Cisco Systems. Chambers holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in business and a law degree from West Virginia University and a master of business administration degree in finance and management from Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. After obtaining his master of business administration degree, Chambers began his career in technology at IBM in 1976. In 1983, he moved to Wang Laboratories. There, he became the vice president of US operations in 1987. In 1991, Chambers left Wang and joined Cisco. John Chamberswas appointed Chief Executive Officer of Cisco Systems in 1995. In 2006, Chambers was named Chairman of the Board, in addition to his Chief Executive Officer role. It is a safe bet that anyone who uses
  • 44. Identify the stages of a series of counselling sessions... 1 .1 Identify the stages of a series of counselling sessions The beginning The beginning of the counselling process starts when the client first meets the counsellor, the saying first impressions count is absolutely true for both the client and counsellor, the client will be very nervous and unsure what is about to take place. The way the counsellor approaches the client in this infant stage is vital for the client to gain trust and has the willingness to open up in later sessions. Some clients may just rush into what is troubling them or say nothing, in both cases the counsellor will need to be patient, observe and listen to what is being said as there will be vital information given and without understanding this it could damage... Show more content on ... 1.2 Evaluate the importance of an appropriate opening of a series of sessions In my opinion the beginning of the counselling session is one of the most important stage of the process, the client will be very nervous and will not fully trust the process they are about to embark on, their unknown journey they will be nervous. The Client may hold back what they are feeling until they have gained the trust of the counsellor, and know they are safe and in a confidential environment. Another important factor in the opening stage is to draw up a contract and discuss the content with the client, this will demonstrate it s a working relationship and both the client and counsellor will know their barriers, it also gives structure and prevents any misunderstanding in the relationship. By having a contract it demonstrates to the client they are safe and able to speak freely also it shows the client that each session if totally confidential, there are exceptions to the rule and these will be included in the contract and what the process will be if they disclose anything that is unlawful. Having unconditional positive regard from the beginning will display to the client there is no hidden agenda and that the counsellor is non judgmental, this will support the client to develop the working relationship and show the client they are valued and wanted, they will start to relax to open up freely and loosen up their attitude towards the session. 1.3
  • 45. The Influence of Star Wars in TodayВґs Culture Essay Motion Pictures have always had a strong influence in today s culture, but maybe none as prevalent as Star Wars. Originating with Episode 4 A New Hope, the series boomed from 1977 to 2005 with yet another addition coming in 2015. The strongest of the series was the original trilogy episodes 4, 5, and 6, all generally released in the 1980s. As one of the strongest film francaises still today, it s impact within the 1980s was only the tip of the iceberg. Children and adults alike still anticipate the new edition of this seemingly endless journey. If any singular film series still holds prevalence in its future decades it is Star Wars: Original Trilogy. Far off in a distant galaxy an infamous story would begin, A New Hope. This episode is... Show more content on ... He races home to find his family dead and nothing left but becoming a jedi (A New Hope Scene by scene. Web. 2010). In an effort to get to the Princesses planet they go to the Cantina, a bar filled with scam artist, where the find Han Solo and his co pilot Chewbacca. Once they ve settled on a payment their journey begins. What Obi Wan and Luke don t know is that in an effort to get Leia to talk Darth threatens and then follow through with blowing up her home planet.(Web. Star Wars Episodes iv vi. 2014) Eventually Han s ship is pulled up by Darth s and then they are forced to fight their way out. Obi Wan encounters and allows Darth to defeat him, meanwhile Leia is rescued by Han, Luke, and the others. Without Obi Wan but the rescue of the Princess the only thing left to do is defeat Darth s ship, the Death Star. Against all odds and the discovery of the force Luke blows it up and is later awarded for heroic nature, as is Han and Chewbacca, ending the first of the epic series. This dramatic space voyage caught the minds of not only children, but adults as well causing a flourishing need for more. After this 2 more episodes were released to complete the trilogy The Empire Strikes Back and Return of The Jedi. These two had just as great reviews and story plots only causing more and more of an influence on generations to come. Within the 1980s the fandom that arose would only be a portion of the fandom still
  • 46. The National Aeronautics And Space Administration (NASA) Introduction The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has been a driving force in both research and industry through advancing technologies and defining the future through innovation. This government agency specifically has four mission directorates to organize various fields of study and to further propel the spread of knowledge: Aeronautics Research, Human Exploration and Operations, Science, and Space Technology. Specifically under the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate (ARMD) is the Advanced Air Vehicle Program (AAVP), whose goal is to enable the United States continual success as a leader in aeronautics, economic competitiveness, and job creation in the aerospace industry. Additionally, the AAVP is a host to five... Show more content on ... A noteworthy concern is ice accretion and shedding, which has negatively affected both aircraft and rotorcraft for many decades. The goal of the de icing project is to advance the safe operation of helicopters and other rotary wing vehicles while flying in such conditions. This is in accordance with NASA s goal to further develop rotorcraft technology to create a safer form of transportation. Research is being conducted at the NASA Glenn Icing Research Tunnel to help achieve this goal. While a majority of the published research and theory about rotorcraft icing was performed between the late 1980s and today, more research still needs to be conducted to fully understand the effects of icing on rotorcraft. Currently, there are only a few indoor facilities capable of performing icing tests such as the NASA Glenn Icing Research Tunnel and the AERTS facility at Penn State. Attempts at analytically modeling ice accretion and shedding events have been performed successfully for fixed wing aircraft, but there is still a need for development and validation of prediction tools for ice shedding off of rotorcraft blades. There is currently no reliable methods to accurately determine the size and shape of shed ice from photos or videos of experiments, along with the ability to accurately predict trajectories of the ice particles. By developing tools to predict how and under what conditions ice
  • 47. Rodney King Violence 170 On The 91 April 29th, 1992. A jury in Ventura County acquitted four white Los Angeles Police Department officers of brutally beating Rodney G. King, an unarmed African American motorist. The riots that followed over the next five days left more than 50 people dead, more than 2,000 injured, and nearly 12,000 arrested (Los Angeles Riots Fast Facts). My father, James Webster, was a witness to these riots. On March 3, 1991, paroled felon Rodney King led police on a high speed chase through the streets of Los Angeles County before eventually surrendering. Intoxicated and uncooperative, King resisted arrest and was brutally beaten by police officers Laurence Powell, Theodore Briseno, and Timothy Wind ( Riots Erupt in Los Angeles ). The incident was caught on video, and is still viewable on YouTube. The 81 second video featured the LAPS officers repeatedly delivering baton blows, kicking King until he fell to the ground. To say that they just beat him is a severe understatement. The video also captured King cowering on the concrete, and attempting to crawl away, but to no avail, as the police officers swarmed around him. Rodney King was beaten inches from death. Its images have been seared into the minds of viewers the world over who have watched the tape broadcast repeatedly ( The L.A. Riots, 25 Years Later ). Rodney King was released without charges, and the four LAPD officers were acquitted of any wrongdoing, since jurors were not convinced the video evidence
  • 48. A Short History Of Disease Chapter Summary As the second part of this reflection paper, I selected a book A Short History of Disease by Sean Martin. He is a writer and filmmaker also known for his other famous books like The Knights Templar, Alchemy and alchemists, the Gnostics. His films include Lanterna Magicka: Bill Douglas the secret history of cinema. The most alluring thing which conceives me to cull this book is a history of the disease, as a medical professional, it s always tantalizing to know from where all these begins and this book reaches up to my expectations as it started from the first ever recorded disease in the history of mankind. He isn t lying when he say this a history of the disease. He starts from the earliest bacteria to evolve on the earth, long before there was anything around to infect. This book is divided into seven chapters, each chapter describes the history of diseases in a particular era. Chapter One: Prehistory, Chapter Two: Antiquity, Chapter Three: The Dark and Middle Ages, Chapter Four: The New World, Chapter... Show more content on ... Smallpox believed to be brought by a Portuguese explorer in 1506 who also bring tuberculosis. This disease brings to America by African slaves which kill more than half of the population of Indians, from there this disease spread to Mexico, Colombia, Cuba, Peru, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, and Yucatan. In the 17th century, this disease spread to North America killing large numbers of people. Great pox which is known as syphilis nowadays is another disease after smallpox which dominates this era. This disease is supposed to be traveled with a crew of Columbus who introduce this disease in Europe. This disease traveled to India with Vasco de Gama who also introduce the world with a new type of skin disease which is known as scurvy. Another disease which shows its glimpse is epilepsy. Arabs consider it as divine disease and Babylonian consider it was caused by touch of
  • 49. Immigration Issues Over the years the United States has been called a nation of immigrants. The fact that America is a melting pot for so many different cultures, races, and religions makes it unique in the world. The newcomers, both legal and illegal, fill labor shortages and provide new business opportunities. History shows they also bring ideas, vigor, and ambition. However, rising immigrant numbers and messy immigrationpolicies have become a serious problem to gain control of. Although immigrants have contributed to America, the government should reform current immigration policies and limit immigrants flow today because of the economics and the large populationproblem. Kofi Annan in her lecture on International Flows of Humanity states that we... Show more content on ... As Kofi Annan in her lecture on International Flows of Humanity states, migrant workers in developed countries send at least $88 billion back to their countries of origin more than those same developing countries received in official development aid (Annan). If American government won t do anything about it, the numbers will grow faster with each year. I suggest that to compensate the loss of national wealth, American government should stop sending financial aid to developing countries. Unlimited immigration will cause a large population problem. The large population in India has caused increasing unemployment, unsafe environments, and a lack of resources. Following their experience, America should be on the alert that continued rising immigrant numbers will lead to a large population one day. It is estimated that if immigration continues at a current levels, the nation s population will increase from 301 million today to 468 million in 2060 a 167 million (56 percent) increase (Camarota). Immigrants plus their descendents will account for 105 million (63 percent) of the increase (Camarota). Kofi Annan mentions in her article: The more we try to deal with migration simply by clamping down on it with tighter border controls, the more we find that human rights are sacrificed on the journey, at the border, and inside host countries.
  • 50. Salt Synthesis Essay A pattern that occurred was that the the current flow generally went up by 0.10 and 0.20 as the concentration of salt increased. As each gram of salt was added the current flow increased at a rate of 0.14amps on average. One of the strange results in the experiment was that on test 3 from 9g to 10g of salt it only went up by 0.03amps. This could of happened because the person who was holding the electrodes could have been holding them further away or closer tighter between the tests. This would of effected the results because of 4 reasons, one of the reasons could have been that when the scales were being used there could have been moisture in the salt which would have effected the weight so the salt amount could have varied as the salt was added. Another reason could have been that some of the salt might not have been dissolved throughly so it could of effected the amount increased. This is because.... Poor wire contact on with the ammeter is another reason there could have been strange results as .... The last reason that could have caused strange results is the quality of electrodes. This would have effected each test that was done because after each test was done, the electrodes... Show more content on ... This would of effected the flow of current and caused stranger or odd results because it s not going to give clear reading of what solutions is doing as large pieces could assist in the current flow through the solution by acting as a parcel conductor. The current was causing the aluminium foil to break off, it was weaken the bonds between the aluminium molecules. Wanting to go with the ion flow. Positive to negative.To improve this instead of wrapping it with aluminium foil around a paddle pop stick for an electrode use 2 pieces of wire. It might of worked better if the aluminium foil was wrapped differently or two pieces of foil was used the results may of been more
  • 51. Exploring The Cost Of Hydraulic Fracturing Essay Exploring the Cost of Hydraulic Fracturing in Colorado: What are the potential effects of the Tres Rio 2016 Oil and Gas Lease/Sale on Montezuma County s public health, ecological communities, and economic stability? Introduction Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, is a technique often administered by oil and gas companies in order to create fissures within subsurface shale formations. After a site is established, the initial step entails breaking through the soil and stone via a bit placed at the end of a drill. As the drill moves through the rock layers, it utilizes air pressure to drive fragmented rocks to the surface.The drill ceases immediately after it comes into contact with the first indication of fresh water. Once the drill is removed, cement is incorporated into the drilled hole in an effort to prevent contamination of the water source and as a safety measure. Secondary steps require a perforated gun producing high magnitude electrical currents to be introduced down the wellbore (oil field terminology pertaining to a hole generated from oil/gas exploration), helping drive holes into the cement and ultimately enabling a channel for gas flow. The gun is then removed. Under high pressure, the drill pumps a solution of water, sand, and chemicals into the established site, allowing the gas (methane) to be released and stored. Finally, a pipeline constructed from the storage space to the consumer market supplies the gas as an energy source. Radioactive waste water also
  • 52. Sensitive Item Essay Importance of Keeping Sensitive Items Secure In opening this essay will be covering the importance of keeping accountability of and securing sensitive items and its effect it has and can have on completing the mission. As well as maintaining Operational Security (OPSEC). I will also be covering the Army s views and standards on maintaining sensitive item accountability and the punishments that can be set forth to an individual or group by section leader or chain of command. I will be using references and real life scenarios to illustrate its importance. I am writing this essay due to the fact that on 12 January 2011 around 0700 hours on Forward Operating Base Salerno, Afghanistan. I left my identification card unsecured in a ... Show more content on ... This is all do to the fact that a thumb drive device was used against military regulations banning the use of any portable memory storage devices. Due to the fact that not only have problems like this arose, but the spread of viruses, Trojans, and other spamming and hacking codes have affected military computer networks several times. This is dangerous and has a direct negative affect on the operational missions over seas and security both on the homeland and abroad. It can allow the opposing forces to not only obtain battle Page 2 of 3 Plains and battle focus. But allow them to obtain the number strengths and locations of ours and allied forces. As well as let them obtain information on individuals that supply are government with vital Intel on operations, plans and relations of our opposing forces and their allies. This is extremely detrimental to our operations due to the fact that the vital information source is lost and can cause loss of human lives, allies and allies. Lynn s decision to declassify the incident reflects the Pentagon s desire to raise concern over the threats facing the U.S. governments 15,000 networks and 7 million computing devices that are being probed thousands of times a day, experts said. This all relates to the fact that all it takes is
  • 53. The Changes in Police and Crime Drama Over Time Essay The Changes in Police and Crime Drama Over Time Crime drama has always been featured as one of the most popular genres of our society. However over the year s crime drama has been changed and adapted to fit into different times. Many aspects of crime drama have been changed such as camera shots, seriousness of crimes and police language/jargon in order for crime drama to change with the times, become more realistic and retain its former popularity. Throughout time many crime programmes featured on T.V have changed through Media language (Iconography, editing, camerawork and music). The Bill, first created in 1984 featured a lot of Iconography. At the start of the title sequence the camera focuses ... Show more content on ... Camera shots and editing have also changed. Older title sequences of the Bill used long camera shots, which were not varied and were focused on a particular person. However over the years as technology has improved the title sequences have become faster paced and use shorter and varied camera shots that create feelings of excitement and tension for the viewer. Music has also changed. The original title sequence (1984) featured reggae style music and used off beat instruments. This suggested that the programme was based in a multi cultural area. The music in the late 80 s was more upbeat and faster paced, however it featured the same theme tune. The music in the mid 90 s was jazzy and sophisticated. Music has become more upbeat due to changes of personalities in society. However the theme tune has remained the same in order for people of different times to identify the programme as a long remaining classic. The storylines of each title sequence have also changed over time. In the original title sequence we do not see the police s face. This indicates that the main emphasis of the programme is on the job of the police rather than their characters. The slow moving music and camera shots convey the sense that the programme does not feature dangerous crimes but simple crimes such as theft or burglary. However the late 80 s title sequence shows clips of