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Persuasive Essay Examples For College
Crafting a persuasive essay on the topic of "Persuasive Essay Examples for College Students"
poses a unique set of challenges. Firstly, the task involves a certain level of irony, as the essay
itself must be persuasive while discussing examples of persuasive essays. This demands a
delicate balance to ensure that the arguments presented are not only compelling but also
reflective of the subject matter.
Moreover, the challenge lies in avoiding clichГ©s and ensuring originality in the content. Given
the abundance of information available on the internet, it is crucial to provide a fresh perspective
and offer insights that resonate with the target audience – college students. This requires
extensive research to identify relevant examples that are both engaging and thought-provoking.
Additionally, structuring the essay poses a difficulty, as it needs to seamlessly integrate
examples and persuasive techniques without appearing forced. Creating a logical flow while
maintaining coherence is essential to effectively convey the message to the readers.
Furthermore, understanding the diverse audience of college students and tailoring the persuasive
strategies to resonate with their interests and concerns is another layer of complexity. The tone,
language, and choice of examples should be attuned to the mindset and preferences of this
specific demographic.
In conclusion, crafting a persuasive essay on "Persuasive Essay Examples for College Students"
requires a skillful blend of creativity, research, and a nuanced understanding of the target
audience. Striking the right balance between persuasion and informative content is crucial to
make the essay compelling and impactful.
For those seeking assistance in tackling such challenging essay topics or any other writing tasks,
a valuable resource is They offer a range of services to provide support with
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Persuasive Essay Examples For College StudentsPersuasive Essay Examples For College
Mark Twain And Maxine Hong Kingston
In the mid 19th century, America was viewed as a hotspot for freedom and wealth.
When the noise of the gold rush flooded the world, immigrants started to see
America more appetizing than ever. The Chinese saw America as a place to have a
fresh start and as a place of refuge because of it s generosity, so they immigrated to
the west in great numbers. There was a large Chinese population in Virginia and all
along the Pacific coast. Writers Mark Twain and Maxine Hong Kingston both wrote
in great detail about the Chinese Immigrants. They went into detail about the
immigrants and how they came over and why. Although Twain and Kingston both
wrote about the immigrants in a positive light, Twain was sympathetic of the
immigrants and Kingston focused more on their image and her ancestors. Mark
Twain and Maxine Hong Kingston are both influential writers when it comes to the
history of the Chinese Immigrants. Bother of them showed a great amount of detail
on their journey to America. Mark Twain actually pities the friendless Mongol, there
were many superficial stereotypes of the Chinese immigrants (Ou 33). Twain
ridicules the American s racist attitudes against the Chinese. For example, in
Roughing It, he wrote, In every little cooped up, dingy cavern of a hut, faint with
the odor of burning Josh lights and with nothing to see the gloom by save the sickly,
guttering tallow candle, were two or three yellow, long tailed vagabonds, coiled up
on a sort of short truckle bed, smoking
Assessing Standardized Tests in the United States
Imagine a test capable of making or breaking a student s chances of getting into his
or her dream college. Imagine a test score that can be easily influenced, but only
through thousands of dollars worth of coaching. Now imagine that same test but
biased towards certain crowds of students while also being incapable of accurately
predicting their futures. Is this the test you want for colleges to use in order to
distinguish students? This is the SATfamous for the unnecessary pressure it presents
to students as well as the unfair disadvantages it presents to many others. Since these
SAT scores are extremely artificial, SAT tests are not an accurate predictor for future
SAT scores are inconsistent since they are directly correlated with average family
income. Studies show that the average SAT score for students (out of 2400) in
families earning up to $20,000 is 1326, whereas students in families earning over
$200,000 receive an average score of 1714. This discrepancy is likely caused by
unequal test preparation. Those with an average income of less than $20,000 tend to
be families that cannot afford proper coaching, but those earning over $200,000 can
afford as much coaching as they want. In other words, wealthier students are able to
surpass the poorer students through gaming the system bringing their score up
hundreds of points through hundreds of dollars worth of private college counseling
as well as through hefty amounts of practice tests. This also means that if
Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Duality
Gothic literature is didactic as it exposes the inner mechanisms of man s mind and
the resulting repression within society. Robert Louis Stevenson s novella, The
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde explores the duality of man, the nature of
mankind and the inner psychology of man s mind through the protagonist, Dr Jekyll,
a man who is hiding a darker side of him, Mr Hyde. Gothic literature, especially
Stevenson s novellaalso examines the dichotomy of society and the social construct
within it, through the context of Victorian London.
In his novella, Stevenson uses his protagonist, Dr Jekyll to explore and delve into
the duality of man. He presents Dr Jekyll as a doctor, a respected man of science
who is the embodiment of a Victorian ... Show more content on ...
While there are often figuratively two sides to man, Stevenson has created a
literal good and evil side to Jekyll to emphasise man s duality. Mr Hyde, while
essentially is another version of Dr Jekyll, he is the complete opposite of him, in
appearance and behaviour. While Dr Jekyll is the embodiment of a Victorian
gentleman from the higher classes of society, Mr Hyde behaves very violently and
primitively, which underlines the fact that he is from the lowest classes in society.
His behaviour can be seen through the juxtaposition of when he ...trampled calmly,
over the child s body... It emphasises Mr Hyde s behaviour, and who he is as a
person. Mr Hyde also differs significantly in appearance from Dr Jekyll,
emphasised through repetition of how the doctor s clothes were too big for him He
was dressed in clothes far too large for him, clothes of the doctor s bigness... This
repetition draws attention to the appearance of Mr Hyde compared to Dr Jekyll. By
comparing the two characters, who are actually one but differ significantly from each
other, we can see how Stevenson has emphasised the duality within man, that there is
often two sides, one good and one evil
Bayonne Case Essay
Management Operations
Case Study 1
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
Main problems and
In a company like Bayonne Packaging, Inc., a printer and paper converter, it is very
important that performance measures such as cost, quality and delivery are in
agreement with the forecasted values since this firm used to compete based on low
cost, good ... Show more content on ...
In January 2012 as he investigated the challenges in the current production process,
he met most of key departments and work centres by touring the factory.
Industry Overview
Bayonne Packaging, Inc is in the paper packaging industry. In the 1980s and early
1990s companies in the consumer goods industry start to look for a greater impact
with their promotional materials and star to implement their promotional budget to
the package itself instead of print media and broadcast forms. This led to a rapidly
growth on the paper packaging industry. Also, additional customer market segments
made a quick impact in a crowded marketplace due to the explosive growth of
software packaging. These factors give good reason for the growth in sales from 10
million in 1982 to 32 million in 2001.
New challenges were faced with the bursting of the dot com bubble and when
software sales and distribution moved from CDs to the Internet, but Bayonne dealt
well this challenges by adopting a strategy of diversification into new markets.
Process Analysis
To make some recommendations concerning the production process of Bayonne Inc.,
we need to do the process analysis, in order to be able to closer understand how the
production flows through the different work centres work and what kind of problems
and inefficiencies arise from this process.
Assumptions: because it
Career Development and Gender, Race, and Class Essay
Career Development and Gender, Race, and Class
Many theories of career development are derived from theories of personality (Sharf
1997). They attempt to illuminate the interrelationship of individual personality and
behavior with work and careers. However, some prevailing career development
theories were based solely on research on white males from middle and upper middle
class backgrounds, so their applicability to women, people of color, and other
socioeconomic groups has been called into question. In addition, the focus on
individual psychological or personality characteristics does not take into account the
wider environmental context in which people make career decisions, thus failing to
recognize the constraints faced by some ... Show more content on ...
Are the requirements for success in an occupation the same for people of color as
for whites? For women as for men? (Leong 1995). Research has demonstrated real
differences in the abilities of different gender, racial, and socioeconomic groups, but
what factors brought about these differences? According to Helms and Piper (in
Special Issue 1994), there is no valid reason for explaining or anticipating consistent
between group differences on the basis of race per se (p. 125); such diferences may
result from shared cultural socialization experiences. Likewise, differences in
abilities, achievements, personality, interests, and values between men and women
do exist, [but] they are often rather small (ibid., p. 54).
Life Span Theories. Trait and factor theories tend to deal with career issues at one
point in time, whereas life span theories take a long term, developmental perspective
(ibid.). The most widely known life span theory is Super s Theory of Vocational
Choice, which suggests that individuals pass through stages of vocational
development involving developmental tasks at each stage; it also considers the
performance of multiple roles and their interaction across the life span (Stitt Gohdes
1997). However, some studies have shown that the life stages Super outlined are not
exactly applicable to women, especially as their roles have changed in the last few
decades (Sharf 1997). Super considered self concept and vocational maturity to be
Executive Summary For The Vanguard Group
Executive Summary for the Vanguard Group Being able to read and understand a
business s financial statements along with the ratios that can be determined via the
financial statements is a very important and valuable tool that any investor or anyone
interested in business must know and understand how to utilize. Before investing in a
company, it is a great idea to review that company s financial statements, as well as to
determine important financial ratiosto have a complete understanding of how well
financially the company is doing before making any investment into it. As a
stockholder in a company, you are part owner of that company, so understanding the
bottom line, and how to get to it, as well as what each of the numbers means along
the way, is a very smart thing to know and understand before making any investment
into a company. This paper will look at financial ratios for the Vanguard Group by
analyzing the financial statements dated December 31, 2007 and understanding why
these ratios are important to know and understand.
The Ratios The figure below shows the ratios for the Vanguard Group for 2007 based
on the financial statements. Each of these ratios has an important meaning in better
understanding the financial standings of the Vanguard Group. current ratio1.8 quick
ratio1.4 inventory turnover4.5 average collection period64.3 days total asset
turnover1.3 debt ratio53% times interest earned4.5 gross profit margin18.90%
operating profit margin5.13%
Red Coloringing Essay
Decades ago, when hummingbird feeders were made from plain glass vials or
bottles, a little red coloring was often added to the sugar water to attract the birds
attention. A tradition was born, and though modern commercial feeders are proven
attractive without additional color in the contents, to many people a hummingbird
feeder just doesn t look right unless it s filled with red liquid.
Hummingbird experts have long discouraged the used of colored feeder solutions as
unnatural and unnecessary, but there was little more than anecdotal evidence to
suggest how synthetic dyes might affect the birds health. Now studies on humans, lab
animals, and even cell cultures are providing that evidence without turning the
hummingbirds themselves into ... Show more content on ...
In a 1983 study, American researchers found that high doses of Red No. 40
administered to adult rats and their offspring resulted in significantly reduced
reproductive success, parental and offspring weight, brain weight, [and] survival as
well as behavioral abnormalities. Though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
approved its use over twenty years ago, there is enough uncertainty about the safety
of Red No. 40 that it is banned in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany,
Sweden, and Switzerland.
Another food dye under scrutiny is FD C Red No. 3 (erythrosine), also found in
liquid food coloring and often added to feeder solutions. In 1990, the FDA banned
certain uses of Red No. 3 in response to a study that found that large doses of this
dye cause thyroid tumors in male rats. Subsequent research has identified estrogen
mimicking effects of the dye on human breast cancer cells and linked high doses to
reduced sperm production and behavioral changes in lab animals. (Neither Red No.
3 nor Red No. 40 should be confused with the infamous Red No.2, which was banned
in the U.S. in 1976.)
What are the implications of this research for hummingbirds and the people who
love and feed them? The most alarming aspect of these studies is that many of the
harmful effects were dose dependent: The larger the dosage of dye, the greater the
effect. A hummingbird the size of a Black chinned needs to drink about two and a
half times its body weight in 4:1 sugar water
Spongebob Popularity
SpongeBob is a TV series movie that premiered in November 2004. It is an
animated movie produced mostly for the kids. The movie was broadcasted on
Nickelodeon, which is a Television channel for kids and adolescents youth. Stephen
Hillerburg developed the movie from one of the books he wrote in the 1980 titled
The Intertidal Zone . The work of developing the SpongeBob movie started about
eight years before it was released to the market. Tom Kennyhelped in putting
together the other pieces of the series. He was responsible for music in the
background together with other professionals such as Clancy Brown. Other
versions of the SpongeBob movie were released in 2012 and February, 2015. The
comic nature of the movie was readily received by the younger generation. Stephen
chose the fictional Bikini underwater city probably because of his profession as a
marine biologist.... Show more content on ...
First, its unparalleled appeal to both the children and the adult majority thrusted it
to the spotlight (Hillenburg 40). About 20 million of those who watched
SpongeBob were the adult generation. Second, the movie received a widespread
marketing across many television channels. It is estimated that it was aired for
more than 100 000 minutes across the television channels. Third, the setting of
SpongeBob was also appealing to a wide audience not because of the marine
setting, but the ability to match the events with real life situations. These reasons
were the critical success factors for the $8 billion franchise. This is a record that
any other animation movie is yet to break. SpongeBob was watched by both adults
and the children. Most of the adult population ranged between 18 to 34 years of
age. However, the majority of the viewers were in the age bracket of 2 to 11 years.
About 30 million viewers were the young children between 2 and 18
Phillis Wheatley
Phillis Wheatley was the first African American female slave to be published and to
have a book of poems published.
Abolitionists would us Phillis and a living example that giving the chance and
opportunity other African Americans could be artistic and intellectual, her name
would become a catalyst for a young antislavery movement since her name would
become a house hold name. Since slaves were seen as property, less than human,
many hardly, or didn t at all, receive a chance at education of any kind unlike Phillis,
who had received at her young age.
Some sources such as Phillis Wheatley. Poetry Foundation. Poetry Foundation. Web.
18 May 2016. States that Phillis was brought/seized from West Africa at the age of 7
years or so to the Boston ... Show more content on ...
It is said that Phillis Wheatley had delicate health many sources I found did not
specifically say what she had except for one that stated she had chronic asthma.
Phillis Wheatley. Poetry Foundation. Poetry Foundation. Web. 18 May 2016.
Doctors had advised her to go on a trip as it might help her condition and receive
treatment along with promoting her book and poems. Upon arriving in London it is
said she was welcomed by several dignitaries: abolitionists patron the Earl of
Dartmouth, poet and activist Baron George Lyttleton, Sir Brook Watson,
philanthropist John Thorton, and Benjamin Franklin. While out at London Phillis
and Nathaniel received word that Mrs. Wheatley had fallen very ill and very soon
after Phillis and the Wheatley s were heading back.
In my study of Phillis Wheatley I noticed there are many unknowns and different
opinions and contradicting information and one of them is about Phillis Wheatley
s freedom. Mrs. Wheatley died in 1774, Mr. Wheatley and the daughter Mary
Wheatley died on the year 1778 and their son Nathaniel Wheatley died in 1783. I
notice a lot of different opinions as to when she was free around the time of deaths
of the family. Some sources say that Phillis was freed three month before the death
of Mrs. Wheatley some say it was the year Mr. Wheatley died in 1778 it is unknown
whether the family freed her when the family was still alive or freed after the
Essay on What Is Feudal Warfare
War amp; Society in Europe Midterm There were a number of conditions that
would lead to the emergence of feudal warfare in the early Middle Ages and there
would be an equal number that would lead to its decline in the later middle ages as
well yet to find the meaning of feudal warfare one has to look first at where this
notion came from, and that was Feudalism. Feudalism was a contrasting system
dealing with political and military relationships existing among members of the
higher social class, Kings, Lords and other owners of large lands in Western Europe
during the Middle Ages. The Feudal system started by the granting of fiefs, chiefly in
the form of land and labor, in return the lordwould receive political and... Show more
content on ...
While the Magyars would avoid pitch battles as much as they could they would
still win one major battle on the River Brenta (Keegan). Yet even though they
would make it as far as France in the end they stood no chance against the
organized Armies raised by the Feudal lords. One of the more difficult threats that
faced early feudal warfare and would later on lead to the decline of it was the
threat from across the ocean. This threat turned out to be the Vikings from
Scandinavia starting in the early 800s they too were like the Huns employing hit
and run tactics but they were able to move further and with more mobility striking
from what is now Denmark and Norway they were able to sail far inland to the
heart of Europe. They posed a major threat to every other group the feudal style
armies of Europe had not seen tactics like this before. While these invades played a
role in the prevalence of Feudal war they are also connected to the decline of it,
even at the height of its power feudal warfare would not have the resources or
proper bureaucracy, or the ability to raise funds. This would lead to a bad economic
situation and after multiple invasions it would be impossible to field armies based on
the feudal system. As mentioned by Keegan Military means alone could not have
sufficed to contain the devastations wrought by the various raiders of the night and
tenth centuries. It was evident
It s Time To Reform The Electoral College
The Electoral College was established in 1788 by Article II of the US Constitution
revised by the Twelfth Amendment (ratified June 15, 1804), the Fourteenth
Amendment (ratified July 1868), and the Twenty Third Amendment (ratified Mar.
29, 1961) ( Electoral college made up of 538 electors each state is
allowed one elector for each Representative and Senator (Washington DC) is
allowed 3 Electors a group of electors is chosen by each political party each
presidential candidate has their own unique slate of potential Electors. Political
parties chose the electors for the slate these people are chosen to recognize their
service and dedication to that political party. When voters cast their vote on election
day they are votingto select their state s Electors.... Show more content on ...
I believe the electoral college should be reformed because it favors the states with
the most electoral which means that the individual votes don t really count in this
day and age we are very well informed and educated voters unlike the ones in the
founding Father s Day. The type of reform I support is the Direct Election with
Instant Runoff Voting, my reason for this chose is because it would save time and
money while also ending the spoiler dynamic of the third party and independent
candidates and consistently produce a majority nationwide
Mrs. Mallard Deceiving
The first few lines of Kate Chopin s, The Story of An Hour are deceiving because
of the natural assumptions the reader makes based on societal ideals. As the story
goes on, it becomes more apparent that Mrs. Mallard is not so heart broken about
the death of her husband. Why would a woman in 1894 be happy about news of her
husbandpassing away? He was her source of income and the community would pity
her for losing her husband. However, Mrs. Mallard saw her husband s deathas a away
out from a marriageshe didn t really like, so she took the opportunity. Mrs. Mallard
tried to act normal when she first heard the news of her husbands death. She
eventually went into her room alone where she realized that she was free of the
burden she felt... Show more content on ...
Mallard says how seeing her husbands dead body will be upsetting, but describes
him as the face that had never looked save with love upon her (429). Her saying
this depicts how she truly feels about her marriage and thinks that her husband
didn t really love her. She begins to realize the freedom she will be able to
experience now that he is gone. Mrs. Mallard says But she saw beyond that bitter
moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely.
(429). She is dreaming of the independence she can now experience and does not
want to look back. This challenges society because most women would feel
threatened, alone, and vulnerable at the thought of having no income or man, but
she views it as the beginning of her life. She would live for herself. (Chopin 429).
This goes against everything her society believes. Mrs. Mallard craves the
independence she has never been able to experience because of society s limited
scope on life and marriage. Mrs. Mallard is ahead of her time which is what has made
her life so hard up until this point where she finally feels relief. She keeps saying
Free! Body and soul free! (429) which makes her seem almost delusional as if she had
been dreaming of this for some time. She dreams of Spring days, and summer days,
and all sorts of days that would be her own.
Martin Luther Letter Of Reflection
A Letter of Reflection of the Improper Practices of the Church by Martin Luther
Martin Luther was a German monk, theologian, university professor, Father of
Protestantism and church reformer whose ideas influenced the Protestant Reform,
and changed the course of Western Civilization. Luther did not like the immoral
conduct that was exhibited in the Church, so he composed the Ninety Five Thesis
which sparked a theological dispute that would result in the Reformation and the birth
of the Lutheran.
Since Martin Luther could not express his feelings about the immoral conduct and
hierarchies of the Church in public, he decided to write a letter. The Ninety Five
Thesis on the power of indulgences were widely considered as the primary example
of the Protestant Reform. Martin Luther used the Thesis to talk about how he was
unhappy with the way the church used self indulgences for the churches own good.
Martin Luther s Thesis went against the teachings of the Church on the reality of
penance, the pope s authority and power and the power of self indulgences(http:/
Martin Luther invited local teachers to a dispute on the self indulges of the Church.
Here were the main issues that Martin Luther wanted to address: The focus was no
longer God but was on man, some of which should have not be in the
Descriptive Essay About My Cousin
You know everyone has that special someone in their life that shapes them and for
me it is my cousin. Since that one day back when I lived in a small apartment made
with brown bricks referred to as the jungle . Everyone lived in the jungle because it
was affordable and there was lots of stores that were walking distance. My entire
familylived there which made it special because we were always together, but it
was more special l having Janet by my side. All I ever saw was her crawling up the
stairs to get to my apartment, saliva drooping down from those chubby cheeks and
her bright hazel eyes. As a child I didn t know she was my cousin but she was
always with me. Whenever we played,we always fought with each other over little
things like dolls or who would get to hugmy grandma first when she came over. I
would always laugh at her when I heard her crying because it made me feel like I
had done something better than her. We still managed to have our good moments
though. It felt as we d been attached since birth because of how close we were. As
months passed and I gained more knowledge, you d think we would get along
more but we didn t. I thought of her as a spoiled brat, every week I would go down
to visit her. She would appear all ecstatic trying to greet me at her door with a
bunch of Bratz dolls because she would get new ones every week. She d basically
get everything that she wanted and it would make me so mad because my parents
never bought me toys. I would only get the
Essay On Multiple Myeloma
A 67 year old male presents to the emergency department with a 2 day history of
fever and productive cough. He feels very unwell. The patient is known to have
multiple myeloma, a diagnosis established 1 year ago. He was induced with high
dose chemotherapy and maintained on bortezomib. Vital signs: Temperature 38.8ВєC
(101.8В°F), bloodpressure 125/88 mmHg, heartrate 98 beats/min, respiratory rate 20
breaths/min. Crepitations are heard in the right middle chest. Chest x ray shows
areas of consolidation in the right middle and lower lobes. They most recent serum
protein electrophoresis is seen in the image. The M spike has increased from 4.5 to
6.3 gm/dL over the past 4 months. The most likely predisposing cause of the patent s
findings is: A.Chemotherapy effect
B.Decreased macrophage/monocyte function
Answer ... Show more content on ...
The plasma cell is the end differentiated maturation of the B lymphocyte and the
producer of immunoglobulins. Multiple myeloma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia
/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL), another B cell neoplasm, both commonly
develop hypogammaglobulinemia. This antibody deficiency leads to infections by
encapsulated organisms such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, as in this case, rather
than viruses and fungi. The respiratory system is the major site of infection. While
the 23 valent pneumococcal vaccine is given to these patients, there is no evidence
that it prolongs survival. Intravenous immunoglobulin infusion has been helpful in
septic patients, but antibiotics are the mainstay of
Finance Department Of Ashok Iron Works Plant II Essay
department 6 persons are working with Mr. Sheetal, Neelgoudar Sr.Manager
(Finance Accounts) 1.Brahmanad V Gurav (Excise MIS work ) 2.C S Shinde (Cash
, Bank,Vat return MIS Related Work) 3.Mahesh Batagurki (Sales Billing Dispatch)
4.Parshuram Narvekar (Purchase Bill Passing) 5.Kishore Parabat (TDS other Sales
Bills related works 6.Rakesh Mattikatti (Trainee) Working hour in accounts
department is from 9.00am to 5.30 pm cash payment are made during two sessions
i.e In morning 9.30 am to 12.00am Afternoon session from 1.30 to 3.30. Accounts
Department is well equipped with considering all facilities they are also maintaining
systematic record of accounts, the department also has facilities of computers and
internet. SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS пѓ AIW plant has good infrastructure,
physical assets, innovations in manufacturing process in the terms of components
produced. пѓ The company is capable of relative faster development of new
components in comparison with its competitors. пѓ It has sophisticated production
facilities which can produce range of items. пѓ It has highly rated customer profile
of Cummins India ltd. Mahindra and Mahindra tractor ltd., Simpson Ashok
Leyland ltd. пѓ It has two foundries which are ISO 9000 ( Plant I ) ,QS ( Plant II )
one of its kind in India. WEAKNESS пѓ Plant 2semi
Background Information On The Sykes Picot Agreement
Background Information on the Sykes Picot Agreement After the war broke out in
the summer of 1914, the Allies Britain, France and Russia held many discussions
regarding the future of the Ottoman Empire, now fighting on the side of Germany
and the Central Powers, and its vast expanse of territory in the Middle East, Arabia
and southern central Europe. In March 1915, Britain signed a secret agreement with
Russia, whose designs on the empire s territory had led the Turks to join forces with
Germany and Austria Hungary in 1914. By its terms, Russia would annex the
Ottoman capital of Constantinople and retain control of the Dardanelles (the
crucially important strait connecting the Black Sea with the Mediterranean) and the
Gallipoli peninsula,... Show more content on ...
On May 19, 1916 representatives of Great Britain and France secretly reach an accord,
known as the Sykes Picot agreement. The Sykes Picot Agreement , officially known
as the Asia Minor Agreement was a secret agreement between the governments of the
United Kingdom(Britain) and France, with the assent aid of Russia, defining their
biased proposed spheres of influence that provide them with an advantage of gaining
control in the Middle East should the Triple Entente succeeded in dethroning the
mighty Ottoman Empire during the first World War back in early 1919. The
negotiation of this treaty/agreement occurred between November of 1915 and
March of the year 1916. The agreement finally came to a close on the 19th of May
The agreement effectively used, implied and put into action the famous imperialistic
tactic of the Europeans: Divide and Rule . This agreement divided the Arab provinces
of the Ottoman Empire outside the Arabian peninsula into areas of future British and
French colonization using their advantage in control and/or influence. Under Sykes
Picot, the Syrian coast and much of modern day Lebanon went to France; Britain
would take direct control over central and southern Mesopotamia, around the
Baghdad and Basra provinces. Palestine would have an international administration,
as other Christian powers, namely Russia, held an interest in this region. The rest of
the territory in question a huge area
Napoleon s Letters From An Italian Nobleman s Family
Acquiring insight into the personalities and feelings of any historical figure is a
tricky thing. Often we are left with secondary, and sometimes very biased, accounts
of how individuals conducted themselves in various situations in their lives. But
luckily, we are sometimes left with vivid sources penned by figures themselves, and
that is what we have with Napoleon s letters. Through them we can hope to gain a
better and more well rounded look into the life one of the most loved, and reviled,
men in recent history.
To begin, let us take a look at Napoleon s letters to his immediate family. Letter 71 is
addressed to his sister Pauline, who in 1803 had married into an Italian nobleman s
family. In this letter, Napoleon expresses his love for his sister, and wishes her
nothing but happiness, showing a tender and brotherly side not often associated with
the conquering emperor. But this letter is also no simple social call, but a request
that his sister make herself known and appreciated as a socialite in the city of Rome,
seat of the Papal States. This is a shrewd and clever move on his part, displaying an
understanding of the delicacies of statesmanship and foreign opinion.
In letter 109, a brief note penned in 1806 to his sister Elisa, Napoleon urges her to
only allow dresses of silk and batiste to be worn at the court of her husband in Italy.
He insists that preference may be given to the products of French industry , and is
fully confident that such fashion will become
Dietary Supplement Research
After all, there are some facts and myths that come into play while talking about
dietary supplements. Dietary supplements have been captured by the minds and
imaginations of many Americans. More than half of all Americans take at least one
dietary supplement a day. These are mostly multivitamins. $28 billion a year are
spent on vitamins and other supplements by American citizens A year. There are
hundreds of different supplements on the market and there are no simple answers
about the benefits are most of them because of how little science there is to support
the manufacturer s claims. Much of what we think we know is a myth and it is not
supported by research.(Swartzberg) The first myth is that supplements are regulated
like drugs, and
The Responsibility of the External Auditor and the...
Assignment number :01 Course code: HONOUDK Student number: 36894206 The
responsibility of the external auditor and the management of the entity being audited
with relation fraud and error. 1.Introduction Fraud is defined as something that is
intended to deceive people and error is defined as something unintentionally done
wrong, e.g. as a result of poor judgment or lack of care by Encarta English
Dictionary. After the collapse of great companies like Enron, and World com to
mention a few, it has raised eyebrows the involvement of auditors in these failed
companies and have put the importance of effective corporate governance in the
spotlight. It was well documented fact that Arthur Anderson the auditors were
involved in the Enron... Show more content on ...
Fraud deterrence and detection are one of the major concerns in our country today,
and companies are increasingly becoming more serious in taking this responsibility in
a practical way. According The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants ISA
240.(2008:4 5) continue to say that management must place a strong emphasis on
fraud prevention and fraud deterrence so it may discourage employees and any
stakeholder in the company to commit fraud . It states that detection and punishment
measures must be put in place. Management must be at forefront in encouraging that
employees be honest in their work through different mediums of communication like
workshops, policies, code of ethics, hiring policies, and being exemplary in what they
communicate to employees. They must practice what they preach. According to
Woolfell and Woolfell (1987:40) recommended that the tone set by top management
is very influential in preventing fraudulent financial reporting within the corporate
environment which financial reporting occurs. The management must identify and
assess factors that could lead to fraudulent financial reporting. This means that
sufficient internal controls should be maintained that provide reasonable assurance
that fraudulent activities and financial reporting would be prevented or detected.
According to Arens, Elder, Beasly amp; Splettstoesser Hogeterp (2007:287) states
Omnivore s Dilemma By Michael Pollan
Benecia Felix
Book Review
Omnivore s Dilemma By Michael Pollan
Michael Pollan is the author of several New York Times bestseller books including
the Omnivore s Dilemma. He is a professor of journalism at UC Berkeley Graduate
School of Journalism. Michael Pollan s perspective on food is that we should know
what is in it and where it comes from, who grows it and how. The theme of this
book is the industrial revolution for food. Its purpose is to make awareness that our
food is getting its energy from our resources. Michael Pollan s goal with the omnivore
s dilemma was to shed light on the way we eat now by telling stories about how we
ate then and explaining the pros and cons of our change. He introduces his book
about food ... Show more content on ...
Michael refers to the supermarket as a landscape where all species derived from the
single crop of corn. Michael tells a story about a corn field in Iowa where the farm
had been passed down to the family and was quiet successful back in the day.
George s crop in inedible they are fed to livestock so shipped to factories to be
processed. His family survives from the income of his wife who works for a social
services agency. The supply of corn has greatly surpassed the demand and
therefore alternative decisions must be made as to where the corn will go which is
why it is fed to cattle and other livestock. This is Pollan s way of tracing the steps of
the industrial food chain. Since corn is produced so cheaply using synthetic nitrogen
which creates a dependency on our fossil fuel resources rather than our solar resource.
The Feedlot method has produced more issues than solutions. Yes, it does result in
fattening cattle quicker which in term then produces faster meat but it results in
manure that is extremely high in concentration of phosphorous and nitrogen that
cannot be used as fertilizer to regenerate nutrients in the soil. If the soil cannot be
regenerated cattle must be moved which leads to medical problems, which were
attempted to be solved using antibiotics but only increased antibiotic resistant
bacteria. These new practices benefit corporations that run them and produce easy
and quick cheap meat but Pollan warns that they come with repercussions. Some of
The Pros And Cons Of Natural Evils
Good can come from evil
Evil is the extreme moral wickedness that results in the suffering of others. This can
come in two forms, physical evils and moral evils. Good is moral right that
strengthens and brings joy to people. One of the greatest evils of humanity was
killing Jesus Christ the Son of God. However, this resulted in one of the greatest
goods in our world. Good Friday occurring meant that the world could be saved from
death. No matter the degree, I believe that all evil can result in some good.
Natural evils can result in solidarity amongst communities and love and support to
those affected. A natural evilis a tremendous suffering that wasn t inflicted by
humans and was due to the nature of our world. These include events such as natural
disasters like Typhoon Haiyan and Ash Wednesday Bushfires. This type of evil brings
traumatic effects and devastate communities through loss of lives and destruction.
Typhoon Haiyan occurred in 2013 and caused a devastating 6,340 fatalities. The Ash
Wednesday Bushfires took place in 1983 causing 75 deaths and injuring thousands
After the terror of Typhoon Haiyan and Ash Wednesday, countless people around the
globe shared their love, aid and support to the affected. This is evident through
volunteers helping relief activities through programs like Caritas. People around the
globe also donated resources. I personally experienced the compassion given to the
Philippines from Typhoon Haiyan. My parish and school community
Anthrop Middle School Research Paper
Did you know that almost 28% of Americans don t know how to cook as Adults.
Studies have shown that many kids that learn to cook before adulthood are more
likely to live a happier life. Kids that know how to cook before they go off on their
own, are less likely to eat the fatty restaurant foods that are unhealthy for your body.
Most people that know how to cook, prefer to stay at home and eat home cooked
meals, rather than drive out to a restaurant and eat there. Lathrop Middle School
needs a cooking club because, it can make kids smarter in the culinary area, it can
save money for kids in the future, and it can prevent future illnesses.
In our club we will cook foods chosen by students. We will make a plan on how we
will cook it and then the next day we will cook the foods in our groups. To find out
how many kids would join the club, I sent out a survey to ten sixth graders and 15
seventh graders. Responses showed that 75% of people thought a cooking club was a
good idea and 75% of people said they would be willing to work in a group.
Cooking can effect some of your educational skills. It involves a lot of math such as
measuring out all of the ingredients, calculating how long to cook something, or
finding out how much ingredients you ... Show more content on ...
If a kid knows how to cook before adulthood, then they can make home cooked
meals more often as an adult. If they go to restaurants a lot, then they risk getting a
disease from food that isn t fully cooked or from someone that hasn t washed their
hands. Furthermore, If they cook their own food, then they know exactly how they
like it and exactly where they should stop cooking it. If people make home cooked
foods then they can carefully pick out the ingredients and avoid things they are
allergic to. There are many ways to benefit from a cooking club, but boosting your
intelligence on culinary arts, helping save money, and preventing disease are just a
few of
Thomas Kuhn s Theory Of Scientific Discovery
The reason someone writes is in order to try and get a message or an idea across.
For some topics its easier than others, but when you re trying and prove the whole
idea of discovery wrong it may be more difficult. Thomas Kuhn writes Historical
Structure of Scientific Discovery in an attempt to try and convey his message that the
timeline role of discoveryis wrong. He denies the idea about how some discoveries
are misleading and make it seem they were found in a single moment. When you
write you must assume that anyone can read it, so you have to keep your audience
in mind. Different articles of science will bring in all kinds of readers. Not only was
he writing to historians and scientists, but to the general public, so he needed to
structurehis writing to appeal his audience. Kuhn starts his project by letting readers
know his purpose, he denies the idea of how an individual made a discovery at any
moment. He opens up the reading to show what he finds wrong, so the readercan
begin to paint a picture in their head. He gives his opinion on discovery and writes
what he believes to be true. He makes an attempt to put the reader in his place and
see things from his input. When a writer is able to put a reader in their shoes it
becomes easier to perused them. What s different about Kuhn s writing is the way
he structures it. He breaks up topics into different subcategories each having a
subtitle. He lists off examples of discoveries that help to prove his point such as:
The Role Of Women In Jacob s Life
Discuss the role and status of women in the life described in the first 71 pages of the
Each women has a status of head wife, second wife and etc. Leah and Rachel both
took turns as head wife when it comes to cleaning cooking, and attending to Jacob s
needs. Rachel became a midwife apprentice because she could not give birth for a
very long time, unlike her sister wives. Women also had the role of giving life and
raising sons and take responsibilities of a male until a son is born into a family. They
also worshiped fertility gods to maintain good health for the babies they give birth to.
Overall in this time, women are just servants to men and give life to continue the
ancient tradition of families
Discuss positive, negative, and interesting aspects of polygamist family structure
which Diamant depicts.
Positive: Jacob s wives act like sisters towards one another and spend time doing
chores that they have to to please there husband and children. With more people in
the family, the house work is lighter for all because they wives help ... Show more
content on ...
They prayed to multiple gods and goddesses. Jacob worships only One God like
his father and grandfather, it has animal sacrifices and practices, such as the
circumcision of baby boys. The wives fulfill Jacob s religious duties to his god to
his face, but in the red tent they consider only their teraphim and secret rites as
their true religion. They didn t want to offend Jacob with their secret practice of the
teraphim and prayers to the fertility goddesses. They keep it out of sight, because
he cannot tolerate such foreign practices by his wives. On page 44 they used special
herbs and ashes to honor the death of Adah. Pg:48 Ziplah poured out salt and wine
before her, in reconignition of her new status as a servant of women in the name of
Anath, the healer. I found nothing of Anath in A History of
The Greatest Asset When Conducting The Operations
Commanders are the greatest asset when conducting the operations process.
Commanders drive the operations process through understanding, visualizing,
describing, directing, leading, and assessing operations. During the operations
process, the staff conducts essential functions that support the effectiveness of
operations and contribute to the overall successfulness of mission accomplishment.
Accurate and timely running estimates are vital knowledge management tools that
assist commanders in driving the operations process. Lieutenant General (LTG)
Richard F. Natonski, United States Marine Corps, commanded the 1st Marine
Division during the Second Battle of Fallujah, also referred to as Operation
Phantom Fury. As a Major General (MG), Richard Natonski led the 1st Marine
Division, ground combat forces of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF), and
several United States Army forces during a joint forces attack on Fallujah, Iraq with
American, Iraqi, and British armed forces. During the course of this 4 day attack on
Fallujah, MG Natonski incorporated many of the commander roles when conducting
the operations process for this mission. MG Natonski became the commander of the
1sst Marine Division in August 2004, shortly after the 82nd Airborne Division
completed their mission in Fallujah. After assessing the current situation and
strategically studying the lessons learned from the previous attack in Fallujah, Iraq,
MG Natonski requested combat power from 2nd
An Evolving Diagnostic Decision Support System
1.SmolinskiG., MilanovaM. G. and HassanienA. E.: Studies in Computational
Intelligence :Computational Intelligence in Biomedicine and Bioinformatics. ISBN
10: 354070776X | ISBN 13: 978 3540707769,Springer Verlag(2011).
2.Devlin G.: Decision Support Systems: Advances In. ISBN: 9789533070698, In
Tech Publishing (2010).‏
3.Barnett, G. O., Cimino, J. J., Hupp, J. A., Hoffer, E. P. (1987). DXplain: an
evolving diagnostic decision support system. Jama, 258(1), 67 74.‏
4.Jackson P. C.: Introduction to artificial intelligence. ISBN 048624864X,Courier
Corporation (1985).‏
5.SuzukiK.: Artificial neural networks: methodological advances and biomedical
applications. InTech, ISBN 13: 9789533072432( 2011).‏
6.Lingras P. J.: Rough neural network. In: Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Information
Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge based Systems (IPMU96).
pp.1445 1450, Granada, Spain (1996).
7.ellaHassanien, A., Ељlzak, D. (2006). Rough neural intelligent approach for image
classification: A case of patients with suspected breast cancer.International Journal of
Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 3(4), 205 218.‏
8.Pal, S. K., Polkowski, L. (Eds.). (2012). Rough Neural Computing: Techniques for
Computing with Words. Springer Science Business Media.‏
9.Peters, J. F., Han, L., Ramanna, S. (2001). Rough neural computing in signal
analysis. Computational Intelligence, 17(3), 493 513.‏
10.Peters, J. F., Skowron, A., Han, L., Ramanna, S. (2000, October).
Analysis Of Madea Goes To Jail
The humorous yet intriguing play, Madea Goes To jail , by Tyler Perry, is about a
silly yet serious woman named Madea who finds herself in jail after refusing to
pay for gas in her car. Regardless of the circumstances, she gave her brand advice
and wisdom to her friends and family as they learn the importance of letting go,
moving on, and forgiveness. The play opens on Vanessa, who is Madea s deceased
sister s son s wife(Sonny). Sonny entered the room looking for his work shirt, so
he could pay for Vanessa s child and school. Vanessa refused to help him, claiming
on completing her studying and learning. Ella then entered searching for Madea.
And tells Vanessa about herself and tells her she not a real woman. Nate then
entered the scene to pick up Sonny and take him to work. When Sonny gets to
work he sees Madea in a cell. She tells Sonny about the incident and asks him to
bring bail money from home. Madea then meets Chico, a woman with three boys,
Katie who has been in jail for nine years for stabbing her ex husband, a pimp that
tried to kill his and Katie s daughter Toni, but now that she s in jail, her daughter
has been continuously jumping from foster home to foster home. Katie s daughter,
comes to visit and is shown to have a nasty attitude and when she gets one with
Madea, she stabs her with her cigarette. Later Katie s ex husband Pete visits her to
insult her and her daughter. Once Madea s bail was posted Katie asked her to take
care of her daughter
Structure, Theme and Convention in Sir Philip Sidney s...
Structure, Theme and Convention in Sir Philip Sidney s Sonnet Sequence
The sixteenth century was a time of scientific, historical, archaeological, religious and
artistic exploration. More attention was being allotted to probing into the depths of
the human psyche and it was up to the artists and poets rather than the priests and
scholars to examine and mirror these internal landscapes. The little world of man [1]
was reflected through various artistic forms, one of which was the sonnet, which was
conventionally used for dedications, moral epigrams and the like. Traditionally most
sonnets dealt with the theme of romantic love and in general the sonneteer dealt with
the over riding concern of the self and the other, the latter of ... Show more content on ...
Incidentally, although not a realistic autobiography, Stella is modelled on Penelope
Devereux, who was supposed to marry Sidney but was then forced to marry Lord
Rich, and phil in Astrophil is indeed an abbreviation of Sidney s first name, Philip .
After finding out about Penelope s marriage, fate had it that Sidney started to truly
have feelings for her although by this time it was too late.
Astrophil s actions seem to be forgiven by some critics because he is after all
driven by love. In fact Sidney s depiction of the male protagonist is one which makes
some critics and readers empathize with him during his lamentations and praise of
Stella. This may be because it is thought that Sidney s aim was to show readers how a
man can let his emotions get the better of him, thereby leading him into eventual
despair. It is through Astrophil s mistakes and negative example that Sidney is able to
inculcate morality. This is also another typical quality of sonneteers, who aim to
morally instruct through their art.
Beneath the witty surface of Astrophil s lamentations, Thomas P. Roche seems to
feel that Sidney is using Astrophil s journey from hope to despair as a fictional
device for the analysis of human desire in Christian terms. [2] Consequently Roche
points out that in witnessing Astrophil s despair the readers reaction is supposed to
make them conscious of his limitations from a
Reversing Sail Summary
The story that surrounds the transatlantic slave trade is notoriously known, by both
young and old, across the nation. This story has not only survived, but thrived as
truth through generations for several centuries; Although, it is much closer to a
mystical tale than reality. In Reversing Sail, Michael Gomez lays the myths affiliated
with African Diaspora to rest. Gomez shows the path of the amalgamation of the
African people along with their resources into Europe. A path that leads to the New
World, that would potentially become the Americas, would ultimately result in more
than just the exploitation of Africans as slaves. Compacted into an eight chapter
undergrad textbook, Gomez uses Reversing Sail to unground the history, complexity,
and instrumentality of the African Diaspora. He does such in a... Show more content
on ...
Within this review of Gomez s work is a comparison of the truth I knew and the truth
I now know. Upon completing Reversing Sail, I argued with my own thoughts
regarding Africans and their status prior, and post, enslavement.
Gomez magnifies the untold history of the African people throughout the book. The
initial three chapters of this work are referred to as Old World Dimensions bring
Africa s independence, strength, and significance to the forefront. The remaining five
chapters examines what he refers to as the New World Realities . In the beginning of
the book he explains the grounds and power Africans possessed in the early Eastern
(Mediterranean) world. Gomez stressed two key matters throughout the book. He
makes prominent that the arrival of the Europeans in the fifteenth century and the
transatlantic slave trade that followed, unfortunately resulting in African Diaspora,
was but the tip of the iceberg of who the people and their story. Africa and its
citizens did, in fact, have a strong history prior the European s arrival. Gomez turns to
acknowledge Africa(ns)
Hidden Characters In Hidden Figures
Of all passages throughout the book Hidden Figures, Margot Lee Shetterly s
depiction of Dorothy Vaughn s intimidating journey to the city of Hampton
resonates with me the most. The Colored waiting room at the Greyhound bus
station served as the checkpoint for an in between world. Dorothy boarded the bus,
and with each passing mile, life in Farmville faded into the distance. (Shetterly, 22)
This passage from Shetterly s novel seems to foreshadow my own journey that I will
soon undertake. Just like Dorothy I will be starting the next phase of my life. I will
leave my hometown alone for the first time and depart my comfort zone in the pursuit
of opportunity and a greater future.
As it so happens, NASA Langley Research Center is less than an hour from my
home. Many of the areas and neighborhoods which the author describes I have either
heard about or personally visited. Growing up as a military dependent, I can also
identify with many of the descriptions and issues that Ms. Shetterly describes in the
book. When I was young, I travelled throughout Hampton Roads often, as my mother
owned a store in a mall nearby. Having grown up in the same area and experienced
similar things as the women of West area computer pool, I can identify with the
book, as well as the events and people described within it.
Previously when I watched rockets fly into space, I never before thought of the
people working at the research center in order to make it happen. As a child, I would
Rev Smiley
The uniqueness of Rev. Smiley Have you read the short story The Celebrated
Jumping Frog of Calaveras County? It is an outrageous story written by Mark
Twain. I believe that this story is about an exceptional man named Rev. Leonidas
W. Smiley or, also known as Jim Smiley. In my opinion, in this short story, Smiley
is the main character because he is talked about the most. Moreover, the narrator
of the story travels west and along the way, he does a friend a favor by going to
Angel s mining camp to ask about the Rev. Leonidas W. Smiley. Instead of finding
the information he is looking for, he is forced to endure Wheeler s long winded tall
tale about Jim Smiley, a man who loved gambling and who always won, at least until
the day he was cheated... Show more content on ...
Leonidas W. Smiley is an extraordinary character. He is up for any challenge. In the
story, he even bet on his friend s wife. Parson Walker s wife laid very sick once, for
a good while, and it seemed as if they warn t going to save her; but one morning he
come in, and Smiley asked how she was, and he said she was considerable better
thank the Lord for his inf nit mercy and coming on so smart that, with the blessing
of Providence, she d get well yet; and Smiley, before he thought, says, Well, I ll
risk two and a half that she don t, anyway. To sum it up, Rev. Smiley was addicted
to gambling. He had a knack for finding things that seemed ordinary until you saw
them in action. Still, despite his tendencies towards fooling others, Smiley is a
really trusting person. This is because, though he fools others, he doesn t cheat them
(Shmoop, 2015). He is usually the one to get cheated. You will almost find your self
feeling sorry for him when he is cheated out of his money because he wasn t a sore
loser. But, when he finds out he is ben cheated, his anger is completely
understandable. Even at the end of the story when Simon Wheeler starts to tell
another story, you know that there must have been lots
Dwayne Johnson Biography
Dwayne Douglas Johnson was born in May 2, 1972, in Hayward California. Also
known by his ring name, The Rock, is an American actor, producer, and
professional wrestler. He has featured in several movies in the past decade. Three
movies of interest in which he played a leading role are The Scorpion King, Tooth
Fairy and Hercules. The Scorpion King is a 2002 fantasy adventure movie in
which Dwayne Johnson played the role of an Akkadian warrior named Mathayus.
Mathayus was a hired assassin who was commissioned to kill King Memnon. In
this quest, he captured a powerful sorceress named Cassandra. The sorceress
correctly predicted all of King Memnon s war victories and warned him of possible
danger. Mathayus posited that was the King s Achilles heel. Once Cassandra is
dead, the King would be vulnerable in battle. With the help of Cassandra, a tribal
leader named Balthazar and Arphid, Mathayus eventually killed King Memnon and
took over as the new king. The movie made a worldwide gross of $90.3 million
( Tooth Fairy is a 2010 Canadian American fantasy comedy family film.
Dwayne played the role of a star hockey... Show more content on ...
Dwayne featured as Hercules, a half man, half god whose father was Zeus, the king
of the gods. Hercules had a band of skilled and dedicated fighters who worked with
him as mercenaries. At a point, Ergenia urged Hercules to help her train her Father
s army. Hercules successfully trained Cotys s (Ergenia s father) soldiers and led to
successfully capture Rhesus, a supposedly evil leader who had killed and ravaged
villages and towns nearby. After this victory, He realized he had been tricked the
whole time and was fighting on the wrong side. He eventually defeated Cotys in
battle who turned out to be the real threat and chief protagonist. Per, the
movie production had a budget of 100 million but grossed 73 million at the box
Miley Cyrus Cultural Appropriation
Miley Cyrus, is an inspiration to many young women all over the world. Due to the
flip flopping of her music, she has helped show a long term cultural problem. Miley
Cyrus, 24 year old, singer songwriter and actress. In 2006, she was recognized as a
teen idol when she starred on the Disney channel television series Hannah Montana.
After that, she had a huge downfall, she started using drugs and behaving lecherously.
In 2013, while promoting her fourth album Bangerz her sexually explicit behavior
began, many looked at her in disgust from this point on. Miley Cyrusthen struggled
with her gender identity. In an interview she states, It s weird that I m a girl
because I just don t feel like a girl, and I don t feel like a boy. Cyrus as well as
many others identify themselves as gender neutral. Once cyrus decided to
discontinue smoking marijuana, people began to notice. A December 2016 study
indicated the drug use has gone down. I wouldn t necessarily say she s back to the
old Miley just yet, but she s doing better; however, there is still room for
improvement. Miley Cyrus was recently accused of cultural appropriation for hip
hop comments in an interview. In definition, cultural appropriation is the adoption or
use of elements of one culture by members of another culture (Farah). This a
horrifying concept because it s often seen as controversial and strips the group of its
identity. Miley Cyrus was accused of cultural appropriation because she stereotypes
hip hop
The Sales Leader Of Airframe Industry And One Of
The sales leader in airframe industry and one of America s leading exporters, Boeing
earned $5.1 billion from Boeing Commercial Airplane and $4.1 billion from other
divisions missiles, rockets, helicopters, space equipment, computers and electronics.
пѓ Strategy:
пѓјVariations: Boeing manufactured families of planes, creating several variations on
the same base airframe concept. It required
flexible designs,
inherent growth potential
modifications capability ( without need for wholesale revisions)
пѓјManufacturing Benefits: Producing a common family of planes on a common
assembly line accumulated experience and ensured that learning does not get lost. It
led to far earlier break even points.
пѓјFacilities: Large centralized facilities were provided with sophisticated
manufacturing systems and project management tools.
пѓјExpertise in global marketing
пѓјTechnological leadership
пѓјCustomer support
пѓјProduction skills
As a consequence of such strategies, Boeing emerged as the industry s low cost
In 1973, Boeing initiated a new airplane study, naming it the 7X7 ( X stood for
development model) to define and, if approved, to develop, Boeing s next generation
пѓ Program Definition (From May, 1973 to December, 1977):
During this period, Boeing worked the puzzle of market, technology, and cost.
пѓјMarket Assessment: Market segments were defined by range of travel short(less
than 1500 nautical miles), medium (1500 3000 nautical miles), and long (greater
The Black Boys Du Bois
All their dazzling opportunities, were theirs, not mine.... With other black boys the
strife was not so fiercely sunny.... Why did God make me an outcast and a stranger
in my own house? The shades of the prison house closed round about us all: walls
strait and stubborn to the whitest, but relentlessly narrow, tall, and unscalable to sons
of night who must plod darkly on in resignation, or beat unavailing palms against the
stone, or steadily, half hopelessly, watch the streak of blue above.
Du Bois, Of Our Spiritual Strivings, 1903
Growing up Du Bois often played with the white kids in school, and he strived to
be recognized for being more knowledgeable in all aspects than they were, however,
he came to realize that it would never be possible. Through interactions with other
black boys Du Bois was made aware of his limitations, nevertheless, he, like many
black people fought to be optimistic in finding ways to take these opportunities that
were so rightfully theirs. However, the question emerged of how could a person
strive to be prosperous and have everything that the race he so greatly detest has,
without being considered dishonorable by his own people? Many African
Americans are brainwashed and fall under the misconception that having an
education, a career, or even speaking proper, falls into the category of acting white.
This ideology places a lot of stress on many successful black people, who growing up
faced bullying and were described as a disgrace to their own race.
Essay On Easter Island
Polynesian Expansion Easter Island, previously named Rapa Nui, is mostly
famous for its 10 metre tall Moai statues dotting the Island. Easter Island is located
on the eastern point of the Polynesian Triangle. Easter Island has four extinct
volcanoes, but its largest is Rano Kau, located on the southwestern headland. Rapa
Nui was first settled by Hotu Matu a in 400 CE. He came from the Marquesas in
two large canoes with his wife and extended family. The Polynesians navigated
Rapa Nui, using only the stars and stick charts. They used double hulled canoes as a
source of transportation, to get to Rapa Nui. Some people believe that a tribe of
Polynesian island hoppers discovered Easter Island, but Hotu Matu a, was, the
original discoverer.... Show more content on ...
They used canoes as a source of transportation. Their first canoes were not sturdy
enough for open waters and would capsize if a large wave came. Over time they
built their canoes stronger and used a double hull method to give the vessel more
stability. These canoes were called outriggers and could withstand deep waters
(Textbook, 2013). This is what Hotu Matu a used to get to Rapa Nui with his wife
and extended family. Hotu Matu a started the population off at Rapa Nui and
spread the word about it. Soon there were many people on Rapa Nui, as many as
2000 to 3000 inhabitants. There are over 800 Moai statues on Rapa Nui, one for
almost every family (Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, 2017).
The Maoi statues were carved around 1200 C.E to 1500 C.E and weighed close to
12700 kilograms, they were 10 metres tall and were believed to protect their
creators. Once the word got around that these Moai statues protected their owners,
every person on the island wanted one. This used all the resources and soon they
couldn t even hunt, because there was no wood to make weapons. Some people
believe that the Moai statues were placed by gods, and they walked into place,
however the only evidence that points towards this theory, is that these statues were
far too heavy to be moved by man. There are scientific investigations taking place
right now, trying to prove that
Big Data Management Analytics And Management Essay
Big data Management Analytics and Management
Summer 2015
Homework 1
In this homework you will learn how to solve problems using Map Reduce. Please
Hadoop map reduce to derive some statistics from Yelp Dataset. You can find the
dataset in elearning. Copy the data into your hadoop cluster and use it as input data.
You can use the put or copyFromLocal HDFS shell command to copy those files into
your HDFS directory.
In class there will be brief demo/ discussion about that.
Dataset Description.
The dataset comprises of a single csv file data.csv that contains 3 types of entities
namely users, businesses and reviews. Records for each entity are distinguished by
the type column.
The type column determines the type of entity a row represents. For example if type
is business, then that row contains business data,
if type is user , then the row contains user data
likewise if type is review, then that row contains review data.
The csv file has 24 columns namely
Column id : Name of Column
Column 0 :review_id
Column 1: text
Column 2: business_id
Column 3: full_address
Column 4: schools
Column 5: longitude
Column 6: average_stars:: //this is for the business entity type only
Column 7: date
Column 8: user_id
Column 9: open
Column10: categories
Column11: photo_url
Column12: city
Column13: review_count
Column14: name
Column15: neighborhoods
Column 16: url
Column 17:
Column 18: votes.funny
Column 19: state
Column 20: stars:: //this is
First Session Solution Focused Brief Therapy
Lloyd, H. and Dallos, R. (2008), First session solution focused brief therapy with
families who have a child with severe intellectual disabilities: Mothers experiences
and views. Journal of Family Therapy, 30: 5 28. doi:10.1111/j.1467
The purpose of this article was to explore the experiences of first sessions of families
who have children with intellectual disabilities using solution focused brief therapy
(SFBT). The participants consisted of mothers who were interviewed two weeks after
the initial session. The SFBT session was a stand alone session that was designed to
assess the usefulness of the initial session. The mothers were asked to complete the
Helpful Aspects of Therapy Questionnaire after the end of the session. Participants
listened to excerpts from their therapeutic sessions that they identified as helpful or
unhelpful while completing the questionnaire. The families that participated had used
psychological services before hand in the form of special education, social, and
health services.
Through the interventions there were three major themes that were identified; SFBT
introduced making the best of it , exploration of wishful thinking, and the efficacy of
the therapeutic relationship. What the authors mean by making the best it is the idea
that there is no point in dwelling on the disability and to keep moving forward.
Mothers expressed that they had no choice about their role of carer which lead to a
sensation of
Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality
On December 14th, the United States Congress will vote on the fate of America s net
neutrality. If net neutrality were to be repealed it would harm gobs of people, start up
businesses, and would cause a two tier internet. Net neutrality is extremely important
to hordes of people and it is important that petition against the F.C.C. (Federal
Communications Commission). As stated, the F.C.C. wants to repeal net neutrality,
but in turn this would harm many minority groups. Already marginalized groups such
as people of color, the LGBT community, low income, and religious minorities rely on
the internetfor education opportunities and if there was not an open internet these
opportunities would be slim to none. Consequently for low income Americans and
other minorities such as people of color, who are typically seen to be underserved by
the American healthcare system, the dissolving of net neutrality could dissipate the
access to lifesaving services. As well, net neutrality allows for activists to educate
and fight back against systematic discrimination. If net neutrality were abolished, it
could hike up internet prices. Especially in areas where one internet company
dominates the area, it could make it extremely hard for low income families to be
able to have internet accessin their own homes which would in turn affect their
internet freedoms. In turn, many small businesses are owned by minorities and we
must support them but if there is no net neutrality then it could cause it
Nursing Home Care Case Studies
Mr. Johnny Boggs (69 year old Caucasian divorced male) reported living in Louisa
at the current residence (381 Greenbriar Rd, Louisa, KY, 41230) for the last 50
years. The number on the mailbox outside the house has a different number. Mr.
Boggs s daughter, Wanda Boggs Ferguson (20 year old Caucasian female) is
married to Charles Ferguson (21 year old Caucasian male) and they both live in the
same house along with their two sons Charles Ferguson Jr (3 years 10 months old)
and Liam Ferguson (13 months old). Randel is the youngest child, 17 year old
Caucasian male, who was placed out of home for drug use, aggression (hitting,
pushing, and cursing) towards his father, non compliance, defiance, running away
from the home with whereabouts unknown,... Show more content on
The children have access to seasonal appropriate clothing. Mr. and Ms. Ferguson
along with their children presented clean and free of body odor during sessions;
however, Mr. Boggs has incontinence problem. Ms. Ferguson reported that Mr.
Boggs is numb below his back and does not feel anything and the family is in the
process of getting Home Health nursing service. Mr. Ferguson reported that he has
provided VA administration the correct number so that they can reach Mr. Boggs;
however, the reason of delay in getting the services was not made clear. The family
owns a car and a truck and reportedly has a reliable transportation. Randel has
intermediate driving license and also own a car. He reportedly received a ticket by
the police for driving without any emergency situation and it appears that he drives
against the state law provisions of his license. The family (especially Mr. Boggs)
involvement with Randle s school and academic activities appears insufficient.
Although Randle appears to be motivated for the reunification and family being
receptive of Randel s needs there is a disconnect between some of the family
Gambling And Evidence-Based Gambling
Gambling can be entertainment or a professional pursuit. There is government
sponsored gambling and unlicensed gambling. It can be a group event at a casino,
betting on your favorite horse, playing your lucky numbers in a lottery, or a chance
to win on a scratch off. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
(5th ed.; DSM 5; American Psychiatric Association, [APA], 2013) defines gamblingas
risking something of value in the hopes of obtaining something of greater value . For
most people gambling will not result in negative consequences. For others, gambling
can risk livelihood, relationships and personal well being.
In the United States, the prevalence rate of gambling disorder is 3% (Grant Odlaug,
2014). The prevalence ... Show more content on ...
Often gambles when feeling distressed (e.g., helpless, guilty, anxious, depressed).
6.After losing money gambling, often returns another day to get even ( chasing one s
7.Lies to conceal the extent of involvement with gambling.
8.Has jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, job, or educational or career
opportunity because of gambling.
9.Relies on others to provide money to relieve desperate financial situations caused by
B.The gambling behavior is not better explained by a manic episode. (APA, 2013)
Gambling disorder is considered a public health concern and prevalence rates are
rising as gambling becomes more accessible at casinos and on the internet
(Tolchard, 2015). Despite this trend, only one in ten people with gambling disorder
seek treatment (Hodgins Yakovenko, 2014, p. 228). Reasons for low rates of
treatment seeking include lack of information about where to get help, feeling
ashamed about gambling behavior as well as wanting to resolve issues independent
of professional care (Grant Odlaug, 2014, p. 41). In rural areas, access to treatment is
an issue since services are usually urban based and outreach to rural communities is
limited (Tolchard,
Radiology Technician Essay
Radiology technicians work in the field of diagnostic medicine. X ray
Technologists have been trained to do diagnostic tests by using different medical
imaging devices such as: x rays, CT scans and MRI S. They are trained to use
doctor s orders to get the information to do the correct diagnostic imaging best for
the patient. Using the proper notes from the doctor you can get the correct angle of
the bone or place of origin to get a clear imaging for the proper diagnosis. With
increasing population comes a higher demand in the medical world. In the field of
radiologist technologist you have number of imagines to perform. One type of
imaging is x rays, in order to get a clear picture you must position the bone in a
correct position. You need to get the correct angle the physicianordered so you can
develop and come up with the correct diagnoses. A computer tomography better
known as a CT scans you used by injecting a radioactive solution into a... Show more
content on ...
They make median wage according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Salaries
range from $37,570 to $78,440 hospitals and diagnostic laboratories tend to pay
higher wages than physicians offices because in a hospital setting you have a
higher set of demands then being in a doctor s office. On a normal day as a
radiographic technician or technologist you might be asked to perform many
different things such as explaining the procedure to your patient, make sure your
patients has removed jewelry and other accessories that might interfere with the X
rays or other equipment. Position patients so that the relevant parts of their body can
be radiographic, provided protest patients by surrounding the body parts under the X
ray with radiation protection devices, like a lead shields. Develop the X ray film,
Adjust and maintain the X ray equipment, update the patient records before and after
E. E Cummings Research Paper
E.E. Cummings body of works encompases approximately 2,900 poems, two
autobiographical novels, four plays, and numerous essays, drawings, and paintings. In
his accumulation of writings he uses imagery, brevity, nature, love, and abstract
thinking to stand out from conventional writing styles in the late 19th and early 20th
centuries. Cummings was a major poet in the modernism time period. His unique
style of writing has influenced much of past and present literature. Edward Estlin
Cummings was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts on october 14, 1894. Through his
childhood Cummings always knew he wanted to be a poet. Between the ages of
eight and 22 he wrote a poem every day. He explored lots of traditional poetic forms
and artists. After Cummings
Essay Functional Areas of M S and KFH
I will talk about functional areas of M S and KFH. through Comparison and contrast
of how they contribute and operate their functions, as will as the structures, also my
task is, to evaluate the benefit and disadvantages of their functions, finally, try to
explain my opinion about how well the two companies run there business.
In 1884 1907 Michael Marks formed a partnership with Tom Spencer,in 1908 1931
The St Michael trademark was registered, in 1956 1979 The first stores in
Continental Europe opened in Paris and Brussels, in 1980 2001 launched the first
M S are one of the UK s leading retailers of clothes, food, home products and
financial services. Some 10 million people shop with us each week in over 375 ...
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This is the standard pyramid with top management at the top of the chart and middle
and lower management spreading out down the pyramid. The organization is usually
broken down into different functional units, such as HRM, accounting, and Marketing
. M S Structure takes account of the two factors the management hierarchy and the
span of control. The organizational structure of Marks and Spencer is very
important. M S Structure have a clear and effective structure which enable them to
meet their objectives for example increasing sales. The organizational structure for
Marks and Spencer is tall; this business has 303 branches in the U.K. The company
also has 125 franchise stores in 26 countries. Marks and Spencer also has a tall
hierarchy, the hierarchy of this business is the levels of management, and this can be
done from the lowest to highest rank. As of the chart above, its obvious that The M S
structure is divided into six divisions, each of them contain subdivided to sectors.
The Marketing department contain two
The Light Bulb And The Phonograph
Jonathan Deleon
Per. 5
December 17, 2015
Thomas Edison
As we all know that the light bulb was very important. It was a really part of the
United States that we needed. Everybody uses a light bulb or wherever you go theirs
lights. Everything would be different if their wasn t light it would be more dark. Have
you wonder how long it took Edison to create the light bulb? It took him a lot of
time because he was going around the world. Thomas Edison had lots of inventions
like the light bulb and the phonograph. He was born in Milan, Ohio on February
11, 1847 he was the inventor of major technology. The labs he had were developed
like the telegraph, light bulb, phonograph, kinetograph and alkaline storage
batteries. Thomas Edison died in west orange, New Jersey on October 18, 1931.
Thomas mother was a teacher in Canada. He was getting sick like when he was 15
years old he got ear infections. And then he injured his ears because he was next to
a train that was passing by.but that happened because of the ear infection that he
had. The things he learned in school he wanted to sell newspapers. Thomas started
publishing his own stories on a small newspapers. Then he wanted to get access to
the railroad so he could do chemical experiments on a small laboratory that he had.
Thomas was forced to get kicked out of the train so he needed to sell the
newspapers in the stations. Edison he saved a child from getting ran over from the
train and his reward for saving the kid the dad
Aristotle Citizen
According to the words of Aristotle, a city state is viewed as a natural organization
that is comprised of a large sum of individuals who share a common goal but hold
unique identities. He mentioned the following, For a city is by nature a mass of
people; as it becomes more and more unified, first the citywill turn into a household,
and then the household will turn into just one person for we would say that a
household is more unified than a city, and one person more unified than a household.
And so, even if someone were capable of completely unifying a city, he should not
do it, since he would destroy the city. (Aristotle, page 292) The common goal here, is
to allow for the city to function and at the same time grow with its respective... Show
more content on ...
Aristotle addresses the question about who should be fit to rule. He answers this
by stating that good ruling is done by those who are intelligent have learned the
necessarily skills to rule a city state. Aristotle states the following, First, we must
understand the received formulae of oligarchy and democracy, and the oligarchic
and democratic justice; for everyone touches on some sort of justice, but the make
only limited progress and do not describe the whole of what is fully just. Justice
seems to be equality, for instance, and indeed it is but for equals, not for everyone.
Again, inequality seems to be just; and so it is but for unequals, not for everyone.
But these omit this part equality or inequality for whom and so make the wrong
judgment. The reason is that they are giving judgment in their own case, and most
people are practically always bad judges in their own cases. (Aristotle, page 302) The
passage illustrates the inequality which gives rise to the disproportionate
representation of the majority. Given the circumstances, only citizens (those born
from the elite) are the sole commanders when it comes to creating and implementing
policies and
Analysis of the Relationship of the Blind Man and the
Raymond Carver s quot;Cathedral quot; depicted the interaction between a narrow
minded husband, with a limited understanding of the world around him, and a blind
visitor, named Robert, that proved to be the catalyst that dramatically changed the
husband s view on the world, while they went from being strangers to becoming
friends. In the beginning of the story, the husband disliked the concept of his wife
bringing her blind friend over to stay since he never had met a blind person before
and did not understand it. However, as the story progresses, the husband, through
interaction and observation, begins to dispel his fears and misconceptions of Robert
and his blindness. With the help of Robert, the husband gains a revelation that... Show
more content on ...
A view that has disabled him with a far worse form of blindness than a physical one,
the husband was blind to the world outside his own. This blindness is what may have
been preventing him from having friends besides his own wife, whom in which,
pointed out the fact that he had no friends. Eventually after Robert s arrival, the initial
apprehension and preconceptions were replaced with actual experiences that
broadened the husband s understanding as he learns from his first ever meeting with a
blind person.
When Robert arrived, the husband realized that some of his expectations of Robert
turned out to be false. Robert has shown himself to be a very outgoing and cheerful
person and not the silent brooding ones that were displayed in the husband s moving
going experience. The fact that he was surprised Robert smoked, based on his having
read quot;somewhere that the blind didn t smoke because, as speculation had it, they
couldn t see the smoke they exhaled, quot; and the fact that the husband showed
admiration towards how quickly Robert devoured his food shows the audience that
the husband may have held the belief that physical blindness is akin to being inept
and resulted in a limited capacity to interact with the world around him. Robert not
only dispels misconceptions about his blindness, he also demonstrated himself
Essay on Walt Whitman s Song of Myself
Walt Whitman s Song of Myself
This paper deals with Walt Whitman s Song of Myself in relation to Julia Kristeva s
theories of abjection my paper does not point to abjection in the text, but rather the
significance of the abscence of abjection. This abscence, looming and revolting, arises
from Whitman s attemt to refigure a conception of sublimity which delimits the
material which can trigger the sublime moment. Whitman s democracy of the
sublime is inclusive of those figures on the American landscape, their lives and
voices, which are functionalized into his world. This paper employs the theories of
George Lukacs and Julia Kristeva allow the unearthing of the archeological layers of
Whitman s text.
The most literal adjective ... Show more content on ...
It lies there, quite close, but it cannot be assimilated. It beseeches, worries, and
fascinates desire, which, nevertheless, does not let itself be seduced. [1]
The strange elegance of this specter looms in the relief, in the archaic layers of Song
of Myself. It is beyond the foregrounded inversive space at times utopic and sublime,
the space is permeated with universal brotherhood, happiness, the compelled
sentimental that I attempt to delve into, that source from which generates the
repulsive, hidden quivering of a text which, though cast out and forced into absence,
looms in the shadowed relief. The edification of his text and of his readership is
attempted through the construction of an inversive space which refigures the
sublime: the apex of the cultured. I have chosen those moments in the text in which
the poet nears the threshold of bordering abject in order to construct his sublime
utopian vision. It is here, this marked refigurement where ecstasy occurs, where
material which triggers the sublime is the signal of another text; a repulsive reading
looms from the absence of abjection
An invocation of the self begins Song of Myself, positioning the text as an
edification of the American readership: I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And
what assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as god belongs to
you (lines 1 3). Thus Whitman s work joins with the
Analysis Of Winston Churchill s Their Finest Hour Speech
Following the collapse of France during World War II, the conditions the Allied
powers faced became bleaker by the day. The United Kingdom was standing alone in
the face of Germany, and under Hitler s reign, the German blitzkrieg or lightning war,
a tactic involving bombardment, tanks, and ground troops in quick offense proved
too much for many countries. Winston Churchillwould be the one to place hope in
the hearts of the British people, delivering his Their Finest Hour speech on the 18th
of June, 1940. Churchill utilized persuasive rhetoric whilst appealing to the people s
logic and emotions, to raise morale and spirit in the United Kingdomto fight. Winston
Churchill had an incredible background, which had earned him the respect of the
people and the influence as the second most powerful individual in the United
Kingdom. Churchill enrolled into a Military college when he was of age, and
participated in many conflicts surrounding the areas of Cuba, India and Sudan. In
1908, Churchill became a politician. During his time as a member of parliament, he
began the movement to support the labor class of the British, introducing the ideas of
minimum wage, insurance for the unemployed and most importantly the People s
Budget, which taxed the rich to support the social departments. These achievements
within the military and in the parliament supported his ethos when regarding the
people. During his speech Winston Churchill utilized a logical standpoint to develop
Be Kind Reville Analysis
In Passaic, New Jersey a poor neighborhood made up of a minorities community,
there is a VHS store called Be Kind Rewind Video Store in a condemned building,
it is owned by an elderly man named Mr. Fletcher, Mike his stepson works in the
store. Mr. Fletcher is proud of his building and claims that Thomas Wright Waller
was born there. However, the City Hall wants to relocate the store and demolish the
building. Mr. Fletcher needs to travel and advises Mike to keep his dysfunctional
friend Jerry out of the store. But Jerry a very peculiar individual develops a
conspiracy theory against the machines and decides to sabotage the power plant.
Jerry inadvertently has an accident and gets magnetized. When he visits Mike in the
video store, he accidentally
Swot Analysis Of Swot And Swot Analysis
Today s businesses end up working in a situation that is changing quicker than before.
The process of analysing the issues and changing the techniques within the business
is known as SWOT analysis.
The SWOT analysis is business analysis method that business can use for each of its
department when deciding on the most perfect way to increase their business and
future growth. This procedure identifies the internal and external strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats that are in the markets.
SWOT analysis helps you decide your position against your competitors, identifies
best future opportunities, and highlight current and future threats. SWOT analysis is
an acronym for Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat. Strengths and
weaknesses are internal factors that you have within your business on which you have
full control whereas opportunities and threats are external factors on which you have
no control.
The strength of the SWOT analysis comes derives from the way that it can be used
for a wide range of business situation and in industries. And SWOT analysis weakness
is that it needs clear thinking and good decision making ability to get any real
qualities from using it. The best ways to achieve this is to concentrate on internal and
external strengths and weaknesses. The strength is something that has positive effect
on your business and it gives your organisation a competitive advantage. It includes
your unique selling point, products, resources and what you
Police Interrogations And False Confessions
Police Interrogations and False Confessions
Police interrogation is a technique that police have used to gather information from
anyone involved with a crime for hundreds of years. Police interrogations can last a
few minutes to several hours. The police have a right to continue questioning the
suspect until they ask for a lawyer (Kassin, 2013). The suspects call for a lawyer is a
right under the Miranda Rights. In the process of interrogation, the police are not
allowed to use cruel or any unusual methods to collect information, the law agents
are trained with techniques to get the suspects to answer all the questions. However,
this is not usually the case because sometimes the police go overboard in getting the
suspects to answer their questions. This interrogation in some cases has led to false
confessions leading to the wrong charging of the suspects. An approximate of one out
of four confessions includes false confessions (Redlich, 2009). The false confessions
made by suspects beg the question on how the police influence false confessions. This
research will discuss the various techniques used by the police in interrogating
suspects and how they misuse the systems to influence false confessions.
Police Tactics and False Confessions
From the recent times, there have been various high profile cases of people being
exonerated, often by DNA evidence, after falsely giving false confessions to a crime
or offence that they did not commit. People who often fall
Disadvantages Of Battle Fantasia
Battle Fantasia first hit Japanese arcades in 2007 before heading to the Xbox 360
and eventually Playstation 3, so it is not exactly a new title. However, this is the
first time that it appears on PC and in revised format no less. For those not familiar
with the game, it is a 2D beat em up with a distinctive fantasy theme for its characters
and setting. The game comes courtesy of Arc System Works, better known for their
Guilty Gear and BlazBlue titles, but it is a little more newcomer friendly than their
other titles.
Battle Fantasia has a fairly typical backstory about fearless champions defeating a
great evil which makes a comeback many years later to take on a new generation of
heroes. However, the cast of characters are anything but ... Show more content on ...
Fights are still restricted to a 2D plane though, but thanks to some improved visual
effects the game is still looking good for its age. The visuals not only look sharper,
but the backgrounds effects for the super moves have also been spruced up. It
obviously still looks a bit dusty compared to some of the newer titles, but then
again the price is also very reasonable. There are ten stages that serves as the
backdrop for your battles and while they are not exactly packed with detail there are
a couple of memorable ones.
In addition to the straightforward Arcade mode, Battle Fantasia also features quite a
lengthy Story mode. This mode actually turned out to be a lot more entertaining
than I thought as each character has two story paths to complete. The stories are
pure fluff for the most part, but infused with so much enthusiasm and humor that it
is hard not to be entertained. For example, catgirl Coyori spends one of her story
paths chasing down a goblin that ate and ran from the cafГ© where she works,
while in the other she travels the world compiling a new menu to drum up business
for the cafГ©. You need to fulfill specific criteria to unlock the alternate paths
though, but it is worth the effort. There are plenty of conversations between
characters in story mode and it is all represented by some nice 2D character
The Bolsheviks and the Tragedy of the October Revolution...
The Bolsheviks and the Tragedy of the October Revolution
The majority of the people are with us. The majority of the working and oppressed
people all over the world are with us. Ours is the cause of justice. Our victory is
assured. 1
October was a classic coup d Г©tat, the capture of governmental power by a small
minority, carried out without mass engagement. 2
The October Revolution was perhaps the most momentous event of the twentieth
century. It led to the creation of the Soviet Union, the first avowedly Communist
nation in history, which was to become a global superpower, an inspiration to many,
an object of the hatred of many more. Possibly more important was the role the
memory of the October Revolution played in the ... Show more content on ...
The October Revolution was interpreted quite differently by those hostile to the
Communist leaders of the Soviet Union. In their top down histories of the Russian
Revolution the common people appeared as the passive objects of the evil
machinations of the Bolsheviks. 4 The Bolsheviks cynically adopted populist and
anarchist slogans in order to recruit the masses as foot soldiers in their own quest
for power. If any apparent support for the October Revolution was seen among the
masses, it was the product of ignorance, skilled propaganda and a supple
improvisation by the Bolsheviks themselves, who transformed their elite operation
into a temporary mass organization 5 to seduce the Russian masses. The socialist
reality of October was imaginary, and the Revolution itself was an amateur police
operation masked with expert propaganda to give an appearance of proletarian
legitimacy 6
Both of these interpretations are heavily politicized. The former s purpose was to
establish the legitimacy of the Soviet Union as the genuine embodiment of the will of
the Russian Proletariat, the authentic People s State. The latter was meant to strip the
USSR of that legitimacy and expose the oppressive and unpopular dictatorship that
ruled the country with an iron fist. As is not uncommon in such situations, both of
these interpretations
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Persuasive Essay Examples For College Students

  • 1. Persuasive Essay Examples For College Students Crafting a persuasive essay on the topic of "Persuasive Essay Examples for College Students" poses a unique set of challenges. Firstly, the task involves a certain level of irony, as the essay itself must be persuasive while discussing examples of persuasive essays. This demands a delicate balance to ensure that the arguments presented are not only compelling but also reflective of the subject matter. Moreover, the challenge lies in avoiding clichГ©s and ensuring originality in the content. Given the abundance of information available on the internet, it is crucial to provide a fresh perspective and offer insights that resonate with the target audience – college students. This requires extensive research to identify relevant examples that are both engaging and thought-provoking. Additionally, structuring the essay poses a difficulty, as it needs to seamlessly integrate examples and persuasive techniques without appearing forced. Creating a logical flow while maintaining coherence is essential to effectively convey the message to the readers. Furthermore, understanding the diverse audience of college students and tailoring the persuasive strategies to resonate with their interests and concerns is another layer of complexity. The tone, language, and choice of examples should be attuned to the mindset and preferences of this specific demographic. In conclusion, crafting a persuasive essay on "Persuasive Essay Examples for College Students" requires a skillful blend of creativity, research, and a nuanced understanding of the target audience. Striking the right balance between persuasion and informative content is crucial to make the essay compelling and impactful. For those seeking assistance in tackling such challenging essay topics or any other writing tasks, a valuable resource is They offer a range of services to provide support with various types of essays, ensuring high-quality, well-researched, and original content. Whether it's persuasive essays, research papers, or any other academic writing needs, can be a valuable ally in achieving success in your academic endeavors. Persuasive Essay Examples For College StudentsPersuasive Essay Examples For College Students
  • 2. Mark Twain And Maxine Hong Kingston In the mid 19th century, America was viewed as a hotspot for freedom and wealth. When the noise of the gold rush flooded the world, immigrants started to see America more appetizing than ever. The Chinese saw America as a place to have a fresh start and as a place of refuge because of it s generosity, so they immigrated to the west in great numbers. There was a large Chinese population in Virginia and all along the Pacific coast. Writers Mark Twain and Maxine Hong Kingston both wrote in great detail about the Chinese Immigrants. They went into detail about the immigrants and how they came over and why. Although Twain and Kingston both wrote about the immigrants in a positive light, Twain was sympathetic of the immigrants and Kingston focused more on their image and her ancestors. Mark Twain and Maxine Hong Kingston are both influential writers when it comes to the history of the Chinese Immigrants. Bother of them showed a great amount of detail on their journey to America. Mark Twain actually pities the friendless Mongol, there were many superficial stereotypes of the Chinese immigrants (Ou 33). Twain ridicules the American s racist attitudes against the Chinese. For example, in Roughing It, he wrote, In every little cooped up, dingy cavern of a hut, faint with the odor of burning Josh lights and with nothing to see the gloom by save the sickly, guttering tallow candle, were two or three yellow, long tailed vagabonds, coiled up on a sort of short truckle bed, smoking
  • 3. Assessing Standardized Tests in the United States Imagine a test capable of making or breaking a student s chances of getting into his or her dream college. Imagine a test score that can be easily influenced, but only through thousands of dollars worth of coaching. Now imagine that same test but biased towards certain crowds of students while also being incapable of accurately predicting their futures. Is this the test you want for colleges to use in order to distinguish students? This is the SATfamous for the unnecessary pressure it presents to students as well as the unfair disadvantages it presents to many others. Since these SAT scores are extremely artificial, SAT tests are not an accurate predictor for future success. SAT scores are inconsistent since they are directly correlated with average family income. Studies show that the average SAT score for students (out of 2400) in families earning up to $20,000 is 1326, whereas students in families earning over $200,000 receive an average score of 1714. This discrepancy is likely caused by unequal test preparation. Those with an average income of less than $20,000 tend to be families that cannot afford proper coaching, but those earning over $200,000 can afford as much coaching as they want. In other words, wealthier students are able to surpass the poorer students through gaming the system bringing their score up hundreds of points through hundreds of dollars worth of private college counseling as well as through hefty amounts of practice tests. This also means that if
  • 4. Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Duality Gothic literature is didactic as it exposes the inner mechanisms of man s mind and the resulting repression within society. Robert Louis Stevenson s novella, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde explores the duality of man, the nature of mankind and the inner psychology of man s mind through the protagonist, Dr Jekyll, a man who is hiding a darker side of him, Mr Hyde. Gothic literature, especially Stevenson s novellaalso examines the dichotomy of society and the social construct within it, through the context of Victorian London. In his novella, Stevenson uses his protagonist, Dr Jekyll to explore and delve into the duality of man. He presents Dr Jekyll as a doctor, a respected man of science who is the embodiment of a Victorian ... Show more content on ... While there are often figuratively two sides to man, Stevenson has created a literal good and evil side to Jekyll to emphasise man s duality. Mr Hyde, while essentially is another version of Dr Jekyll, he is the complete opposite of him, in appearance and behaviour. While Dr Jekyll is the embodiment of a Victorian gentleman from the higher classes of society, Mr Hyde behaves very violently and primitively, which underlines the fact that he is from the lowest classes in society. His behaviour can be seen through the juxtaposition of when he ...trampled calmly, over the child s body... It emphasises Mr Hyde s behaviour, and who he is as a person. Mr Hyde also differs significantly in appearance from Dr Jekyll, emphasised through repetition of how the doctor s clothes were too big for him He was dressed in clothes far too large for him, clothes of the doctor s bigness... This repetition draws attention to the appearance of Mr Hyde compared to Dr Jekyll. By comparing the two characters, who are actually one but differ significantly from each other, we can see how Stevenson has emphasised the duality within man, that there is often two sides, one good and one evil
  • 5. Bayonne Case Essay Management Operations Case Study 1 BAYONNE PACKAGING, INC. Table of Contents Executive Summary ......................................................................................................................2 Introduction...................................................................................................................................2 Company Overview.......................................................................................................................3 Industry overview..........................................................................................................................3 Process Analysis.............................................................................................................................4 Main problems and recommendations..........................................................................................10Executive Summary In a company like Bayonne Packaging, Inc., a printer and paper converter, it is very important that performance measures such as cost, quality and delivery are in agreement with the forecasted values since this firm used to compete based on low cost, good ... Show more content on ... In January 2012 as he investigated the challenges in the current production process, he met most of key departments and work centres by touring the factory. Industry Overview Bayonne Packaging, Inc is in the paper packaging industry. In the 1980s and early 1990s companies in the consumer goods industry start to look for a greater impact with their promotional materials and star to implement their promotional budget to the package itself instead of print media and broadcast forms. This led to a rapidly growth on the paper packaging industry. Also, additional customer market segments made a quick impact in a crowded marketplace due to the explosive growth of software packaging. These factors give good reason for the growth in sales from 10 million in 1982 to 32 million in 2001. New challenges were faced with the bursting of the dot com bubble and when software sales and distribution moved from CDs to the Internet, but Bayonne dealt well this challenges by adopting a strategy of diversification into new markets. Process Analysis To make some recommendations concerning the production process of Bayonne Inc., we need to do the process analysis, in order to be able to closer understand how the production flows through the different work centres work and what kind of problems
  • 6. and inefficiencies arise from this process. Assumptions: because it
  • 7. Career Development and Gender, Race, and Class Essay example Career Development and Gender, Race, and Class Many theories of career development are derived from theories of personality (Sharf 1997). They attempt to illuminate the interrelationship of individual personality and behavior with work and careers. However, some prevailing career development theories were based solely on research on white males from middle and upper middle class backgrounds, so their applicability to women, people of color, and other socioeconomic groups has been called into question. In addition, the focus on individual psychological or personality characteristics does not take into account the wider environmental context in which people make career decisions, thus failing to recognize the constraints faced by some ... Show more content on ... Are the requirements for success in an occupation the same for people of color as for whites? For women as for men? (Leong 1995). Research has demonstrated real differences in the abilities of different gender, racial, and socioeconomic groups, but what factors brought about these differences? According to Helms and Piper (in Special Issue 1994), there is no valid reason for explaining or anticipating consistent between group differences on the basis of race per se (p. 125); such diferences may result from shared cultural socialization experiences. Likewise, differences in abilities, achievements, personality, interests, and values between men and women do exist, [but] they are often rather small (ibid., p. 54). Life Span Theories. Trait and factor theories tend to deal with career issues at one point in time, whereas life span theories take a long term, developmental perspective (ibid.). The most widely known life span theory is Super s Theory of Vocational Choice, which suggests that individuals pass through stages of vocational development involving developmental tasks at each stage; it also considers the performance of multiple roles and their interaction across the life span (Stitt Gohdes 1997). However, some studies have shown that the life stages Super outlined are not exactly applicable to women, especially as their roles have changed in the last few decades (Sharf 1997). Super considered self concept and vocational maturity to be important
  • 8. Executive Summary For The Vanguard Group Executive Summary for the Vanguard Group Being able to read and understand a business s financial statements along with the ratios that can be determined via the financial statements is a very important and valuable tool that any investor or anyone interested in business must know and understand how to utilize. Before investing in a company, it is a great idea to review that company s financial statements, as well as to determine important financial ratiosto have a complete understanding of how well financially the company is doing before making any investment into it. As a stockholder in a company, you are part owner of that company, so understanding the bottom line, and how to get to it, as well as what each of the numbers means along the way, is a very smart thing to know and understand before making any investment into a company. This paper will look at financial ratios for the Vanguard Group by analyzing the financial statements dated December 31, 2007 and understanding why these ratios are important to know and understand. The Ratios The figure below shows the ratios for the Vanguard Group for 2007 based on the financial statements. Each of these ratios has an important meaning in better understanding the financial standings of the Vanguard Group. current ratio1.8 quick ratio1.4 inventory turnover4.5 average collection period64.3 days total asset turnover1.3 debt ratio53% times interest earned4.5 gross profit margin18.90% operating profit margin5.13%
  • 9. Red Coloringing Essay Decades ago, when hummingbird feeders were made from plain glass vials or bottles, a little red coloring was often added to the sugar water to attract the birds attention. A tradition was born, and though modern commercial feeders are proven attractive without additional color in the contents, to many people a hummingbird feeder just doesn t look right unless it s filled with red liquid. Hummingbird experts have long discouraged the used of colored feeder solutions as unnatural and unnecessary, but there was little more than anecdotal evidence to suggest how synthetic dyes might affect the birds health. Now studies on humans, lab animals, and even cell cultures are providing that evidence without turning the hummingbirds themselves into ... Show more content on ... In a 1983 study, American researchers found that high doses of Red No. 40 administered to adult rats and their offspring resulted in significantly reduced reproductive success, parental and offspring weight, brain weight, [and] survival as well as behavioral abnormalities. Though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved its use over twenty years ago, there is enough uncertainty about the safety of Red No. 40 that it is banned in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Sweden, and Switzerland. Another food dye under scrutiny is FD C Red No. 3 (erythrosine), also found in liquid food coloring and often added to feeder solutions. In 1990, the FDA banned certain uses of Red No. 3 in response to a study that found that large doses of this dye cause thyroid tumors in male rats. Subsequent research has identified estrogen mimicking effects of the dye on human breast cancer cells and linked high doses to reduced sperm production and behavioral changes in lab animals. (Neither Red No. 3 nor Red No. 40 should be confused with the infamous Red No.2, which was banned in the U.S. in 1976.) What are the implications of this research for hummingbirds and the people who love and feed them? The most alarming aspect of these studies is that many of the harmful effects were dose dependent: The larger the dosage of dye, the greater the effect. A hummingbird the size of a Black chinned needs to drink about two and a half times its body weight in 4:1 sugar water
  • 10. Spongebob Popularity SpongeBob is a TV series movie that premiered in November 2004. It is an animated movie produced mostly for the kids. The movie was broadcasted on Nickelodeon, which is a Television channel for kids and adolescents youth. Stephen Hillerburg developed the movie from one of the books he wrote in the 1980 titled The Intertidal Zone . The work of developing the SpongeBob movie started about eight years before it was released to the market. Tom Kennyhelped in putting together the other pieces of the series. He was responsible for music in the background together with other professionals such as Clancy Brown. Other versions of the SpongeBob movie were released in 2012 and February, 2015. The comic nature of the movie was readily received by the younger generation. Stephen chose the fictional Bikini underwater city probably because of his profession as a marine biologist.... Show more content on ... First, its unparalleled appeal to both the children and the adult majority thrusted it to the spotlight (Hillenburg 40). About 20 million of those who watched SpongeBob were the adult generation. Second, the movie received a widespread marketing across many television channels. It is estimated that it was aired for more than 100 000 minutes across the television channels. Third, the setting of SpongeBob was also appealing to a wide audience not because of the marine setting, but the ability to match the events with real life situations. These reasons were the critical success factors for the $8 billion franchise. This is a record that any other animation movie is yet to break. SpongeBob was watched by both adults and the children. Most of the adult population ranged between 18 to 34 years of age. However, the majority of the viewers were in the age bracket of 2 to 11 years. About 30 million viewers were the young children between 2 and 18
  • 11. Phillis Wheatley Phillis Wheatley was the first African American female slave to be published and to have a book of poems published. Abolitionists would us Phillis and a living example that giving the chance and opportunity other African Americans could be artistic and intellectual, her name would become a catalyst for a young antislavery movement since her name would become a house hold name. Since slaves were seen as property, less than human, many hardly, or didn t at all, receive a chance at education of any kind unlike Phillis, who had received at her young age. Some sources such as Phillis Wheatley. Poetry Foundation. Poetry Foundation. Web. 18 May 2016. States that Phillis was brought/seized from West Africa at the age of 7 years or so to the Boston ... Show more content on ... It is said that Phillis Wheatley had delicate health many sources I found did not specifically say what she had except for one that stated she had chronic asthma. Phillis Wheatley. Poetry Foundation. Poetry Foundation. Web. 18 May 2016. Doctors had advised her to go on a trip as it might help her condition and receive treatment along with promoting her book and poems. Upon arriving in London it is said she was welcomed by several dignitaries: abolitionists patron the Earl of Dartmouth, poet and activist Baron George Lyttleton, Sir Brook Watson, philanthropist John Thorton, and Benjamin Franklin. While out at London Phillis and Nathaniel received word that Mrs. Wheatley had fallen very ill and very soon after Phillis and the Wheatley s were heading back. In my study of Phillis Wheatley I noticed there are many unknowns and different opinions and contradicting information and one of them is about Phillis Wheatley s freedom. Mrs. Wheatley died in 1774, Mr. Wheatley and the daughter Mary Wheatley died on the year 1778 and their son Nathaniel Wheatley died in 1783. I notice a lot of different opinions as to when she was free around the time of deaths of the family. Some sources say that Phillis was freed three month before the death of Mrs. Wheatley some say it was the year Mr. Wheatley died in 1778 it is unknown whether the family freed her when the family was still alive or freed after the
  • 12. Essay on What Is Feudal Warfare War amp; Society in Europe Midterm There were a number of conditions that would lead to the emergence of feudal warfare in the early Middle Ages and there would be an equal number that would lead to its decline in the later middle ages as well yet to find the meaning of feudal warfare one has to look first at where this notion came from, and that was Feudalism. Feudalism was a contrasting system dealing with political and military relationships existing among members of the higher social class, Kings, Lords and other owners of large lands in Western Europe during the Middle Ages. The Feudal system started by the granting of fiefs, chiefly in the form of land and labor, in return the lordwould receive political and... Show more content on ... While the Magyars would avoid pitch battles as much as they could they would still win one major battle on the River Brenta (Keegan). Yet even though they would make it as far as France in the end they stood no chance against the organized Armies raised by the Feudal lords. One of the more difficult threats that faced early feudal warfare and would later on lead to the decline of it was the threat from across the ocean. This threat turned out to be the Vikings from Scandinavia starting in the early 800s they too were like the Huns employing hit and run tactics but they were able to move further and with more mobility striking from what is now Denmark and Norway they were able to sail far inland to the heart of Europe. They posed a major threat to every other group the feudal style armies of Europe had not seen tactics like this before. While these invades played a role in the prevalence of Feudal war they are also connected to the decline of it, even at the height of its power feudal warfare would not have the resources or proper bureaucracy, or the ability to raise funds. This would lead to a bad economic situation and after multiple invasions it would be impossible to field armies based on the feudal system. As mentioned by Keegan Military means alone could not have sufficed to contain the devastations wrought by the various raiders of the night and tenth centuries. It was evident
  • 13. It s Time To Reform The Electoral College The Electoral College was established in 1788 by Article II of the US Constitution revised by the Twelfth Amendment (ratified June 15, 1804), the Fourteenth Amendment (ratified July 1868), and the Twenty Third Amendment (ratified Mar. 29, 1961) ( Electoral college made up of 538 electors each state is allowed one elector for each Representative and Senator (Washington DC) is allowed 3 Electors a group of electors is chosen by each political party each presidential candidate has their own unique slate of potential Electors. Political parties chose the electors for the slate these people are chosen to recognize their service and dedication to that political party. When voters cast their vote on election day they are votingto select their state s Electors.... Show more content on ... I believe the electoral college should be reformed because it favors the states with the most electoral which means that the individual votes don t really count in this day and age we are very well informed and educated voters unlike the ones in the founding Father s Day. The type of reform I support is the Direct Election with Instant Runoff Voting, my reason for this chose is because it would save time and money while also ending the spoiler dynamic of the third party and independent candidates and consistently produce a majority nationwide
  • 14. Mrs. Mallard Deceiving The first few lines of Kate Chopin s, The Story of An Hour are deceiving because of the natural assumptions the reader makes based on societal ideals. As the story goes on, it becomes more apparent that Mrs. Mallard is not so heart broken about the death of her husband. Why would a woman in 1894 be happy about news of her husbandpassing away? He was her source of income and the community would pity her for losing her husband. However, Mrs. Mallard saw her husband s deathas a away out from a marriageshe didn t really like, so she took the opportunity. Mrs. Mallard tried to act normal when she first heard the news of her husbands death. She eventually went into her room alone where she realized that she was free of the burden she felt... Show more content on ... Mallard says how seeing her husbands dead body will be upsetting, but describes him as the face that had never looked save with love upon her (429). Her saying this depicts how she truly feels about her marriage and thinks that her husband didn t really love her. She begins to realize the freedom she will be able to experience now that he is gone. Mrs. Mallard says But she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely. (429). She is dreaming of the independence she can now experience and does not want to look back. This challenges society because most women would feel threatened, alone, and vulnerable at the thought of having no income or man, but she views it as the beginning of her life. She would live for herself. (Chopin 429). This goes against everything her society believes. Mrs. Mallard craves the independence she has never been able to experience because of society s limited scope on life and marriage. Mrs. Mallard is ahead of her time which is what has made her life so hard up until this point where she finally feels relief. She keeps saying Free! Body and soul free! (429) which makes her seem almost delusional as if she had been dreaming of this for some time. She dreams of Spring days, and summer days, and all sorts of days that would be her own.
  • 15. Martin Luther Letter Of Reflection A Letter of Reflection of the Improper Practices of the Church by Martin Luther Martin Luther was a German monk, theologian, university professor, Father of Protestantism and church reformer whose ideas influenced the Protestant Reform, and changed the course of Western Civilization. Luther did not like the immoral conduct that was exhibited in the Church, so he composed the Ninety Five Thesis which sparked a theological dispute that would result in the Reformation and the birth of the Lutheran. /Summary_of_95_Thesis_Topic.htm Since Martin Luther could not express his feelings about the immoral conduct and hierarchies of the Church in public, he decided to write a letter. The Ninety Five Thesis on the power of indulgences were widely considered as the primary example of the Protestant Reform. Martin Luther used the Thesis to talk about how he was unhappy with the way the church used self indulgences for the churches own good. Martin Luther s Thesis went against the teachings of the Church on the reality of penance, the pope s authority and power and the power of self indulgences(http:/ / /Summary_of_95_Thesis_Topic.htm). Martin Luther invited local teachers to a dispute on the self indulges of the Church. Here were the main issues that Martin Luther wanted to address: The focus was no longer God but was on man, some of which should have not be in the
  • 16. Descriptive Essay About My Cousin You know everyone has that special someone in their life that shapes them and for me it is my cousin. Since that one day back when I lived in a small apartment made with brown bricks referred to as the jungle . Everyone lived in the jungle because it was affordable and there was lots of stores that were walking distance. My entire familylived there which made it special because we were always together, but it was more special l having Janet by my side. All I ever saw was her crawling up the stairs to get to my apartment, saliva drooping down from those chubby cheeks and her bright hazel eyes. As a child I didn t know she was my cousin but she was always with me. Whenever we played,we always fought with each other over little things like dolls or who would get to hugmy grandma first when she came over. I would always laugh at her when I heard her crying because it made me feel like I had done something better than her. We still managed to have our good moments though. It felt as we d been attached since birth because of how close we were. As months passed and I gained more knowledge, you d think we would get along more but we didn t. I thought of her as a spoiled brat, every week I would go down to visit her. She would appear all ecstatic trying to greet me at her door with a bunch of Bratz dolls because she would get new ones every week. She d basically get everything that she wanted and it would make me so mad because my parents never bought me toys. I would only get the
  • 17. Essay On Multiple Myeloma A 67 year old male presents to the emergency department with a 2 day history of fever and productive cough. He feels very unwell. The patient is known to have multiple myeloma, a diagnosis established 1 year ago. He was induced with high dose chemotherapy and maintained on bortezomib. Vital signs: Temperature 38.8ВєC (101.8В°F), bloodpressure 125/88 mmHg, heartrate 98 beats/min, respiratory rate 20 breaths/min. Crepitations are heard in the right middle chest. Chest x ray shows areas of consolidation in the right middle and lower lobes. They most recent serum protein electrophoresis is seen in the image. The M spike has increased from 4.5 to 6.3 gm/dL over the past 4 months. The most likely predisposing cause of the patent s findings is: A.Chemotherapy effect B.Decreased macrophage/monocyte function C.Hypogammaglobulinemia D.Lymphopenia E.Neutropenia Answer ... Show more content on ... The plasma cell is the end differentiated maturation of the B lymphocyte and the producer of immunoglobulins. Multiple myeloma and chronic lymphocytic leukemia /small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL), another B cell neoplasm, both commonly develop hypogammaglobulinemia. This antibody deficiency leads to infections by encapsulated organisms such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, as in this case, rather than viruses and fungi. The respiratory system is the major site of infection. While the 23 valent pneumococcal vaccine is given to these patients, there is no evidence that it prolongs survival. Intravenous immunoglobulin infusion has been helpful in septic patients, but antibiotics are the mainstay of
  • 18. Finance Department Of Ashok Iron Works Plant II Essay FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF ASHOK IRON WORKS PLANT II In Accounts department 6 persons are working with Mr. Sheetal, Neelgoudar Sr.Manager (Finance Accounts) 1.Brahmanad V Gurav (Excise MIS work ) 2.C S Shinde (Cash , Bank,Vat return MIS Related Work) 3.Mahesh Batagurki (Sales Billing Dispatch) 4.Parshuram Narvekar (Purchase Bill Passing) 5.Kishore Parabat (TDS other Sales Bills related works 6.Rakesh Mattikatti (Trainee) Working hour in accounts department is from 9.00am to 5.30 pm cash payment are made during two sessions i.e In morning 9.30 am to 12.00am Afternoon session from 1.30 to 3.30. Accounts Department is well equipped with considering all facilities they are also maintaining systematic record of accounts, the department also has facilities of computers and internet. SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS пѓ AIW plant has good infrastructure, physical assets, innovations in manufacturing process in the terms of components produced. пѓ The company is capable of relative faster development of new components in comparison with its competitors. пѓ It has sophisticated production facilities which can produce range of items. пѓ It has highly rated customer profile of Cummins India ltd. Mahindra and Mahindra tractor ltd., Simpson Ashok Leyland ltd. пѓ It has two foundries which are ISO 9000 ( Plant I ) ,QS ( Plant II ) one of its kind in India. WEAKNESS пѓ Plant 2semi
  • 19. Background Information On The Sykes Picot Agreement Background Information on the Sykes Picot Agreement After the war broke out in the summer of 1914, the Allies Britain, France and Russia held many discussions regarding the future of the Ottoman Empire, now fighting on the side of Germany and the Central Powers, and its vast expanse of territory in the Middle East, Arabia and southern central Europe. In March 1915, Britain signed a secret agreement with Russia, whose designs on the empire s territory had led the Turks to join forces with Germany and Austria Hungary in 1914. By its terms, Russia would annex the Ottoman capital of Constantinople and retain control of the Dardanelles (the crucially important strait connecting the Black Sea with the Mediterranean) and the Gallipoli peninsula,... Show more content on ... On May 19, 1916 representatives of Great Britain and France secretly reach an accord, known as the Sykes Picot agreement. The Sykes Picot Agreement , officially known as the Asia Minor Agreement was a secret agreement between the governments of the United Kingdom(Britain) and France, with the assent aid of Russia, defining their biased proposed spheres of influence that provide them with an advantage of gaining control in the Middle East should the Triple Entente succeeded in dethroning the mighty Ottoman Empire during the first World War back in early 1919. The negotiation of this treaty/agreement occurred between November of 1915 and March of the year 1916. The agreement finally came to a close on the 19th of May 1916. The agreement effectively used, implied and put into action the famous imperialistic tactic of the Europeans: Divide and Rule . This agreement divided the Arab provinces of the Ottoman Empire outside the Arabian peninsula into areas of future British and French colonization using their advantage in control and/or influence. Under Sykes Picot, the Syrian coast and much of modern day Lebanon went to France; Britain would take direct control over central and southern Mesopotamia, around the Baghdad and Basra provinces. Palestine would have an international administration, as other Christian powers, namely Russia, held an interest in this region. The rest of the territory in question a huge area
  • 20. Napoleon s Letters From An Italian Nobleman s Family Acquiring insight into the personalities and feelings of any historical figure is a tricky thing. Often we are left with secondary, and sometimes very biased, accounts of how individuals conducted themselves in various situations in their lives. But luckily, we are sometimes left with vivid sources penned by figures themselves, and that is what we have with Napoleon s letters. Through them we can hope to gain a better and more well rounded look into the life one of the most loved, and reviled, men in recent history. To begin, let us take a look at Napoleon s letters to his immediate family. Letter 71 is addressed to his sister Pauline, who in 1803 had married into an Italian nobleman s family. In this letter, Napoleon expresses his love for his sister, and wishes her nothing but happiness, showing a tender and brotherly side not often associated with the conquering emperor. But this letter is also no simple social call, but a request that his sister make herself known and appreciated as a socialite in the city of Rome, seat of the Papal States. This is a shrewd and clever move on his part, displaying an understanding of the delicacies of statesmanship and foreign opinion. In letter 109, a brief note penned in 1806 to his sister Elisa, Napoleon urges her to only allow dresses of silk and batiste to be worn at the court of her husband in Italy. He insists that preference may be given to the products of French industry , and is fully confident that such fashion will become
  • 21. Dietary Supplement Research After all, there are some facts and myths that come into play while talking about dietary supplements. Dietary supplements have been captured by the minds and imaginations of many Americans. More than half of all Americans take at least one dietary supplement a day. These are mostly multivitamins. $28 billion a year are spent on vitamins and other supplements by American citizens A year. There are hundreds of different supplements on the market and there are no simple answers about the benefits are most of them because of how little science there is to support the manufacturer s claims. Much of what we think we know is a myth and it is not supported by research.(Swartzberg) The first myth is that supplements are regulated like drugs, and
  • 22. The Responsibility of the External Auditor and the... Assignment number :01 Course code: HONOUDK Student number: 36894206 The responsibility of the external auditor and the management of the entity being audited with relation fraud and error. 1.Introduction Fraud is defined as something that is intended to deceive people and error is defined as something unintentionally done wrong, e.g. as a result of poor judgment or lack of care by Encarta English Dictionary. After the collapse of great companies like Enron, and World com to mention a few, it has raised eyebrows the involvement of auditors in these failed companies and have put the importance of effective corporate governance in the spotlight. It was well documented fact that Arthur Anderson the auditors were involved in the Enron... Show more content on ... Fraud deterrence and detection are one of the major concerns in our country today, and companies are increasingly becoming more serious in taking this responsibility in a practical way. According The South African Institute of Chartered Accountants ISA 240.(2008:4 5) continue to say that management must place a strong emphasis on fraud prevention and fraud deterrence so it may discourage employees and any stakeholder in the company to commit fraud . It states that detection and punishment measures must be put in place. Management must be at forefront in encouraging that employees be honest in their work through different mediums of communication like workshops, policies, code of ethics, hiring policies, and being exemplary in what they communicate to employees. They must practice what they preach. According to Woolfell and Woolfell (1987:40) recommended that the tone set by top management is very influential in preventing fraudulent financial reporting within the corporate environment which financial reporting occurs. The management must identify and assess factors that could lead to fraudulent financial reporting. This means that sufficient internal controls should be maintained that provide reasonable assurance that fraudulent activities and financial reporting would be prevented or detected. According to Arens, Elder, Beasly amp; Splettstoesser Hogeterp (2007:287) states
  • 23. Omnivore s Dilemma By Michael Pollan Benecia Felix COL:Earth Book Review Omnivore s Dilemma By Michael Pollan Michael Pollan is the author of several New York Times bestseller books including the Omnivore s Dilemma. He is a professor of journalism at UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism. Michael Pollan s perspective on food is that we should know what is in it and where it comes from, who grows it and how. The theme of this book is the industrial revolution for food. Its purpose is to make awareness that our food is getting its energy from our resources. Michael Pollan s goal with the omnivore s dilemma was to shed light on the way we eat now by telling stories about how we ate then and explaining the pros and cons of our change. He introduces his book about food ... Show more content on ... Michael refers to the supermarket as a landscape where all species derived from the single crop of corn. Michael tells a story about a corn field in Iowa where the farm had been passed down to the family and was quiet successful back in the day. George s crop in inedible they are fed to livestock so shipped to factories to be processed. His family survives from the income of his wife who works for a social services agency. The supply of corn has greatly surpassed the demand and therefore alternative decisions must be made as to where the corn will go which is why it is fed to cattle and other livestock. This is Pollan s way of tracing the steps of the industrial food chain. Since corn is produced so cheaply using synthetic nitrogen which creates a dependency on our fossil fuel resources rather than our solar resource. The Feedlot method has produced more issues than solutions. Yes, it does result in fattening cattle quicker which in term then produces faster meat but it results in manure that is extremely high in concentration of phosphorous and nitrogen that cannot be used as fertilizer to regenerate nutrients in the soil. If the soil cannot be regenerated cattle must be moved which leads to medical problems, which were attempted to be solved using antibiotics but only increased antibiotic resistant bacteria. These new practices benefit corporations that run them and produce easy and quick cheap meat but Pollan warns that they come with repercussions. Some of those
  • 24. The Pros And Cons Of Natural Evils Good can come from evil Evil is the extreme moral wickedness that results in the suffering of others. This can come in two forms, physical evils and moral evils. Good is moral right that strengthens and brings joy to people. One of the greatest evils of humanity was killing Jesus Christ the Son of God. However, this resulted in one of the greatest goods in our world. Good Friday occurring meant that the world could be saved from death. No matter the degree, I believe that all evil can result in some good. Natural evils can result in solidarity amongst communities and love and support to those affected. A natural evilis a tremendous suffering that wasn t inflicted by humans and was due to the nature of our world. These include events such as natural disasters like Typhoon Haiyan and Ash Wednesday Bushfires. This type of evil brings traumatic effects and devastate communities through loss of lives and destruction. Typhoon Haiyan occurred in 2013 and caused a devastating 6,340 fatalities. The Ash Wednesday Bushfires took place in 1983 causing 75 deaths and injuring thousands more. After the terror of Typhoon Haiyan and Ash Wednesday, countless people around the globe shared their love, aid and support to the affected. This is evident through volunteers helping relief activities through programs like Caritas. People around the globe also donated resources. I personally experienced the compassion given to the Philippines from Typhoon Haiyan. My parish and school community
  • 25. Anthrop Middle School Research Paper Did you know that almost 28% of Americans don t know how to cook as Adults. Studies have shown that many kids that learn to cook before adulthood are more likely to live a happier life. Kids that know how to cook before they go off on their own, are less likely to eat the fatty restaurant foods that are unhealthy for your body. Most people that know how to cook, prefer to stay at home and eat home cooked meals, rather than drive out to a restaurant and eat there. Lathrop Middle School needs a cooking club because, it can make kids smarter in the culinary area, it can save money for kids in the future, and it can prevent future illnesses. In our club we will cook foods chosen by students. We will make a plan on how we will cook it and then the next day we will cook the foods in our groups. To find out how many kids would join the club, I sent out a survey to ten sixth graders and 15 seventh graders. Responses showed that 75% of people thought a cooking club was a good idea and 75% of people said they would be willing to work in a group. Cooking can effect some of your educational skills. It involves a lot of math such as measuring out all of the ingredients, calculating how long to cook something, or finding out how much ingredients you ... Show more content on ... If a kid knows how to cook before adulthood, then they can make home cooked meals more often as an adult. If they go to restaurants a lot, then they risk getting a disease from food that isn t fully cooked or from someone that hasn t washed their hands. Furthermore, If they cook their own food, then they know exactly how they like it and exactly where they should stop cooking it. If people make home cooked foods then they can carefully pick out the ingredients and avoid things they are allergic to. There are many ways to benefit from a cooking club, but boosting your intelligence on culinary arts, helping save money, and preventing disease are just a few of
  • 26. Thomas Kuhn s Theory Of Scientific Discovery The reason someone writes is in order to try and get a message or an idea across. For some topics its easier than others, but when you re trying and prove the whole idea of discovery wrong it may be more difficult. Thomas Kuhn writes Historical Structure of Scientific Discovery in an attempt to try and convey his message that the timeline role of discoveryis wrong. He denies the idea about how some discoveries are misleading and make it seem they were found in a single moment. When you write you must assume that anyone can read it, so you have to keep your audience in mind. Different articles of science will bring in all kinds of readers. Not only was he writing to historians and scientists, but to the general public, so he needed to structurehis writing to appeal his audience. Kuhn starts his project by letting readers know his purpose, he denies the idea of how an individual made a discovery at any moment. He opens up the reading to show what he finds wrong, so the readercan begin to paint a picture in their head. He gives his opinion on discovery and writes what he believes to be true. He makes an attempt to put the reader in his place and see things from his input. When a writer is able to put a reader in their shoes it becomes easier to perused them. What s different about Kuhn s writing is the way he structures it. He breaks up topics into different subcategories each having a subtitle. He lists off examples of discoveries that help to prove his point such as:
  • 27. The Role Of Women In Jacob s Life Discuss the role and status of women in the life described in the first 71 pages of the novel. Each women has a status of head wife, second wife and etc. Leah and Rachel both took turns as head wife when it comes to cleaning cooking, and attending to Jacob s needs. Rachel became a midwife apprentice because she could not give birth for a very long time, unlike her sister wives. Women also had the role of giving life and raising sons and take responsibilities of a male until a son is born into a family. They also worshiped fertility gods to maintain good health for the babies they give birth to. Overall in this time, women are just servants to men and give life to continue the ancient tradition of families Discuss positive, negative, and interesting aspects of polygamist family structure which Diamant depicts. Positive: Jacob s wives act like sisters towards one another and spend time doing chores that they have to to please there husband and children. With more people in the family, the house work is lighter for all because they wives help ... Show more content on ... They prayed to multiple gods and goddesses. Jacob worships only One God like his father and grandfather, it has animal sacrifices and practices, such as the circumcision of baby boys. The wives fulfill Jacob s religious duties to his god to his face, but in the red tent they consider only their teraphim and secret rites as their true religion. They didn t want to offend Jacob with their secret practice of the teraphim and prayers to the fertility goddesses. They keep it out of sight, because he cannot tolerate such foreign practices by his wives. On page 44 they used special herbs and ashes to honor the death of Adah. Pg:48 Ziplah poured out salt and wine before her, in reconignition of her new status as a servant of women in the name of Anath, the healer. I found nothing of Anath in A History of
  • 28. The Greatest Asset When Conducting The Operations Process Commanders are the greatest asset when conducting the operations process. Commanders drive the operations process through understanding, visualizing, describing, directing, leading, and assessing operations. During the operations process, the staff conducts essential functions that support the effectiveness of operations and contribute to the overall successfulness of mission accomplishment. Accurate and timely running estimates are vital knowledge management tools that assist commanders in driving the operations process. Lieutenant General (LTG) Richard F. Natonski, United States Marine Corps, commanded the 1st Marine Division during the Second Battle of Fallujah, also referred to as Operation Phantom Fury. As a Major General (MG), Richard Natonski led the 1st Marine Division, ground combat forces of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF), and several United States Army forces during a joint forces attack on Fallujah, Iraq with American, Iraqi, and British armed forces. During the course of this 4 day attack on Fallujah, MG Natonski incorporated many of the commander roles when conducting the operations process for this mission. MG Natonski became the commander of the 1sst Marine Division in August 2004, shortly after the 82nd Airborne Division completed their mission in Fallujah. After assessing the current situation and strategically studying the lessons learned from the previous attack in Fallujah, Iraq, MG Natonski requested combat power from 2nd
  • 29. An Evolving Diagnostic Decision Support System REFERENCES 1.SmolinskiG., MilanovaM. G. and HassanienA. E.: Studies in Computational Intelligence :Computational Intelligence in Biomedicine and Bioinformatics. ISBN 10: 354070776X | ISBN 13: 978 3540707769,Springer Verlag(2011). 2.Devlin G.: Decision Support Systems: Advances In. ISBN: 9789533070698, In Tech Publishing (2010).‏ 3.Barnett, G. O., Cimino, J. J., Hupp, J. A., Hoffer, E. P. (1987). DXplain: an evolving diagnostic decision support system. Jama, 258(1), 67 74.‏ 4.Jackson P. C.: Introduction to artificial intelligence. ISBN 048624864X,Courier Corporation (1985).‏ 5.SuzukiK.: Artificial neural networks: methodological advances and biomedical applications. InTech, ISBN 13: 9789533072432( 2011).‏ 6.Lingras P. J.: Rough neural network. In: Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge based Systems (IPMU96). pp.1445 1450, Granada, Spain (1996). 7.ellaHassanien, A., Ељlzak, D. (2006). Rough neural intelligent approach for image classification: A case of patients with suspected breast cancer.International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 3(4), 205 218.‏ 8.Pal, S. K., Polkowski, L. (Eds.). (2012). Rough Neural Computing: Techniques for Computing with Words. Springer Science Business Media.‏ 9.Peters, J. F., Han, L., Ramanna, S. (2001). Rough neural computing in signal analysis. Computational Intelligence, 17(3), 493 513.‏ 10.Peters, J. F., Skowron, A., Han, L., Ramanna, S. (2000, October).
  • 30. Analysis Of Madea Goes To Jail The humorous yet intriguing play, Madea Goes To jail , by Tyler Perry, is about a silly yet serious woman named Madea who finds herself in jail after refusing to pay for gas in her car. Regardless of the circumstances, she gave her brand advice and wisdom to her friends and family as they learn the importance of letting go, moving on, and forgiveness. The play opens on Vanessa, who is Madea s deceased sister s son s wife(Sonny). Sonny entered the room looking for his work shirt, so he could pay for Vanessa s child and school. Vanessa refused to help him, claiming on completing her studying and learning. Ella then entered searching for Madea. And tells Vanessa about herself and tells her she not a real woman. Nate then entered the scene to pick up Sonny and take him to work. When Sonny gets to work he sees Madea in a cell. She tells Sonny about the incident and asks him to bring bail money from home. Madea then meets Chico, a woman with three boys, Katie who has been in jail for nine years for stabbing her ex husband, a pimp that tried to kill his and Katie s daughter Toni, but now that she s in jail, her daughter has been continuously jumping from foster home to foster home. Katie s daughter, comes to visit and is shown to have a nasty attitude and when she gets one with Madea, she stabs her with her cigarette. Later Katie s ex husband Pete visits her to insult her and her daughter. Once Madea s bail was posted Katie asked her to take care of her daughter
  • 31. Structure, Theme and Convention in Sir Philip Sidney s... Structure, Theme and Convention in Sir Philip Sidney s Sonnet Sequence The sixteenth century was a time of scientific, historical, archaeological, religious and artistic exploration. More attention was being allotted to probing into the depths of the human psyche and it was up to the artists and poets rather than the priests and scholars to examine and mirror these internal landscapes. The little world of man [1] was reflected through various artistic forms, one of which was the sonnet, which was conventionally used for dedications, moral epigrams and the like. Traditionally most sonnets dealt with the theme of romantic love and in general the sonneteer dealt with the over riding concern of the self and the other, the latter of ... Show more content on ... Incidentally, although not a realistic autobiography, Stella is modelled on Penelope Devereux, who was supposed to marry Sidney but was then forced to marry Lord Rich, and phil in Astrophil is indeed an abbreviation of Sidney s first name, Philip . After finding out about Penelope s marriage, fate had it that Sidney started to truly have feelings for her although by this time it was too late. Astrophil s actions seem to be forgiven by some critics because he is after all driven by love. In fact Sidney s depiction of the male protagonist is one which makes some critics and readers empathize with him during his lamentations and praise of Stella. This may be because it is thought that Sidney s aim was to show readers how a man can let his emotions get the better of him, thereby leading him into eventual despair. It is through Astrophil s mistakes and negative example that Sidney is able to inculcate morality. This is also another typical quality of sonneteers, who aim to morally instruct through their art. Beneath the witty surface of Astrophil s lamentations, Thomas P. Roche seems to feel that Sidney is using Astrophil s journey from hope to despair as a fictional device for the analysis of human desire in Christian terms. [2] Consequently Roche points out that in witnessing Astrophil s despair the readers reaction is supposed to make them conscious of his limitations from a
  • 32. Reversing Sail Summary The story that surrounds the transatlantic slave trade is notoriously known, by both young and old, across the nation. This story has not only survived, but thrived as truth through generations for several centuries; Although, it is much closer to a mystical tale than reality. In Reversing Sail, Michael Gomez lays the myths affiliated with African Diaspora to rest. Gomez shows the path of the amalgamation of the African people along with their resources into Europe. A path that leads to the New World, that would potentially become the Americas, would ultimately result in more than just the exploitation of Africans as slaves. Compacted into an eight chapter undergrad textbook, Gomez uses Reversing Sail to unground the history, complexity, and instrumentality of the African Diaspora. He does such in a... Show more content on ... Within this review of Gomez s work is a comparison of the truth I knew and the truth I now know. Upon completing Reversing Sail, I argued with my own thoughts regarding Africans and their status prior, and post, enslavement. Gomez magnifies the untold history of the African people throughout the book. The initial three chapters of this work are referred to as Old World Dimensions bring Africa s independence, strength, and significance to the forefront. The remaining five chapters examines what he refers to as the New World Realities . In the beginning of the book he explains the grounds and power Africans possessed in the early Eastern (Mediterranean) world. Gomez stressed two key matters throughout the book. He makes prominent that the arrival of the Europeans in the fifteenth century and the transatlantic slave trade that followed, unfortunately resulting in African Diaspora, was but the tip of the iceberg of who the people and their story. Africa and its citizens did, in fact, have a strong history prior the European s arrival. Gomez turns to acknowledge Africa(ns)
  • 33. Hidden Characters In Hidden Figures Of all passages throughout the book Hidden Figures, Margot Lee Shetterly s depiction of Dorothy Vaughn s intimidating journey to the city of Hampton resonates with me the most. The Colored waiting room at the Greyhound bus station served as the checkpoint for an in between world. Dorothy boarded the bus, and with each passing mile, life in Farmville faded into the distance. (Shetterly, 22) This passage from Shetterly s novel seems to foreshadow my own journey that I will soon undertake. Just like Dorothy I will be starting the next phase of my life. I will leave my hometown alone for the first time and depart my comfort zone in the pursuit of opportunity and a greater future. As it so happens, NASA Langley Research Center is less than an hour from my home. Many of the areas and neighborhoods which the author describes I have either heard about or personally visited. Growing up as a military dependent, I can also identify with many of the descriptions and issues that Ms. Shetterly describes in the book. When I was young, I travelled throughout Hampton Roads often, as my mother owned a store in a mall nearby. Having grown up in the same area and experienced similar things as the women of West area computer pool, I can identify with the book, as well as the events and people described within it. Previously when I watched rockets fly into space, I never before thought of the people working at the research center in order to make it happen. As a child, I would always
  • 34. Rev Smiley The uniqueness of Rev. Smiley Have you read the short story The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County? It is an outrageous story written by Mark Twain. I believe that this story is about an exceptional man named Rev. Leonidas W. Smiley or, also known as Jim Smiley. In my opinion, in this short story, Smiley is the main character because he is talked about the most. Moreover, the narrator of the story travels west and along the way, he does a friend a favor by going to Angel s mining camp to ask about the Rev. Leonidas W. Smiley. Instead of finding the information he is looking for, he is forced to endure Wheeler s long winded tall tale about Jim Smiley, a man who loved gambling and who always won, at least until the day he was cheated... Show more content on ... Leonidas W. Smiley is an extraordinary character. He is up for any challenge. In the story, he even bet on his friend s wife. Parson Walker s wife laid very sick once, for a good while, and it seemed as if they warn t going to save her; but one morning he come in, and Smiley asked how she was, and he said she was considerable better thank the Lord for his inf nit mercy and coming on so smart that, with the blessing of Providence, she d get well yet; and Smiley, before he thought, says, Well, I ll risk two and a half that she don t, anyway. To sum it up, Rev. Smiley was addicted to gambling. He had a knack for finding things that seemed ordinary until you saw them in action. Still, despite his tendencies towards fooling others, Smiley is a really trusting person. This is because, though he fools others, he doesn t cheat them (Shmoop, 2015). He is usually the one to get cheated. You will almost find your self feeling sorry for him when he is cheated out of his money because he wasn t a sore loser. But, when he finds out he is ben cheated, his anger is completely understandable. Even at the end of the story when Simon Wheeler starts to tell another story, you know that there must have been lots
  • 35. Dwayne Johnson Biography Dwayne Douglas Johnson was born in May 2, 1972, in Hayward California. Also known by his ring name, The Rock, is an American actor, producer, and professional wrestler. He has featured in several movies in the past decade. Three movies of interest in which he played a leading role are The Scorpion King, Tooth Fairy and Hercules. The Scorpion King is a 2002 fantasy adventure movie in which Dwayne Johnson played the role of an Akkadian warrior named Mathayus. Mathayus was a hired assassin who was commissioned to kill King Memnon. In this quest, he captured a powerful sorceress named Cassandra. The sorceress correctly predicted all of King Memnon s war victories and warned him of possible danger. Mathayus posited that was the King s Achilles heel. Once Cassandra is dead, the King would be vulnerable in battle. With the help of Cassandra, a tribal leader named Balthazar and Arphid, Mathayus eventually killed King Memnon and took over as the new king. The movie made a worldwide gross of $90.3 million ( Tooth Fairy is a 2010 Canadian American fantasy comedy family film. Dwayne played the role of a star hockey... Show more content on ... Dwayne featured as Hercules, a half man, half god whose father was Zeus, the king of the gods. Hercules had a band of skilled and dedicated fighters who worked with him as mercenaries. At a point, Ergenia urged Hercules to help her train her Father s army. Hercules successfully trained Cotys s (Ergenia s father) soldiers and led to successfully capture Rhesus, a supposedly evil leader who had killed and ravaged villages and towns nearby. After this victory, He realized he had been tricked the whole time and was fighting on the wrong side. He eventually defeated Cotys in battle who turned out to be the real threat and chief protagonist. Per, the movie production had a budget of 100 million but grossed 73 million at the box
  • 36. Miley Cyrus Cultural Appropriation Miley Cyrus, is an inspiration to many young women all over the world. Due to the flip flopping of her music, she has helped show a long term cultural problem. Miley Cyrus, 24 year old, singer songwriter and actress. In 2006, she was recognized as a teen idol when she starred on the Disney channel television series Hannah Montana. After that, she had a huge downfall, she started using drugs and behaving lecherously. In 2013, while promoting her fourth album Bangerz her sexually explicit behavior began, many looked at her in disgust from this point on. Miley Cyrusthen struggled with her gender identity. In an interview she states, It s weird that I m a girl because I just don t feel like a girl, and I don t feel like a boy. Cyrus as well as many others identify themselves as gender neutral. Once cyrus decided to discontinue smoking marijuana, people began to notice. A December 2016 study indicated the drug use has gone down. I wouldn t necessarily say she s back to the old Miley just yet, but she s doing better; however, there is still room for improvement. Miley Cyrus was recently accused of cultural appropriation for hip hop comments in an interview. In definition, cultural appropriation is the adoption or use of elements of one culture by members of another culture (Farah). This a horrifying concept because it s often seen as controversial and strips the group of its identity. Miley Cyrus was accused of cultural appropriation because she stereotypes hip hop
  • 37. The Sales Leader Of Airframe Industry And One Of America... The sales leader in airframe industry and one of America s leading exporters, Boeing earned $5.1 billion from Boeing Commercial Airplane and $4.1 billion from other divisions missiles, rockets, helicopters, space equipment, computers and electronics. пѓ Strategy: пѓјVariations: Boeing manufactured families of planes, creating several variations on the same base airframe concept. It required flexible designs, inherent growth potential modifications capability ( without need for wholesale revisions) пѓјManufacturing Benefits: Producing a common family of planes on a common assembly line accumulated experience and ensured that learning does not get lost. It led to far earlier break even points. пѓјFacilities: Large centralized facilities were provided with sophisticated manufacturing systems and project management tools. пѓјExpertise in global marketing пѓјTechnological leadership пѓјCustomer support пѓјProduction skills As a consequence of such strategies, Boeing emerged as the industry s low cost producer. In 1973, Boeing initiated a new airplane study, naming it the 7X7 ( X stood for development model) to define and, if approved, to develop, Boeing s next generation airplane. пѓ Program Definition (From May, 1973 to December, 1977): During this period, Boeing worked the puzzle of market, technology, and cost. пѓјMarket Assessment: Market segments were defined by range of travel short(less than 1500 nautical miles), medium (1500 3000 nautical miles), and long (greater
  • 38. The Black Boys Du Bois All their dazzling opportunities, were theirs, not mine.... With other black boys the strife was not so fiercely sunny.... Why did God make me an outcast and a stranger in my own house? The shades of the prison house closed round about us all: walls strait and stubborn to the whitest, but relentlessly narrow, tall, and unscalable to sons of night who must plod darkly on in resignation, or beat unavailing palms against the stone, or steadily, half hopelessly, watch the streak of blue above. Du Bois, Of Our Spiritual Strivings, 1903 Growing up Du Bois often played with the white kids in school, and he strived to be recognized for being more knowledgeable in all aspects than they were, however, he came to realize that it would never be possible. Through interactions with other black boys Du Bois was made aware of his limitations, nevertheless, he, like many black people fought to be optimistic in finding ways to take these opportunities that were so rightfully theirs. However, the question emerged of how could a person strive to be prosperous and have everything that the race he so greatly detest has, without being considered dishonorable by his own people? Many African Americans are brainwashed and fall under the misconception that having an education, a career, or even speaking proper, falls into the category of acting white. This ideology places a lot of stress on many successful black people, who growing up faced bullying and were described as a disgrace to their own race.
  • 39. Essay On Easter Island Polynesian Expansion Easter Island, previously named Rapa Nui, is mostly famous for its 10 metre tall Moai statues dotting the Island. Easter Island is located on the eastern point of the Polynesian Triangle. Easter Island has four extinct volcanoes, but its largest is Rano Kau, located on the southwestern headland. Rapa Nui was first settled by Hotu Matu a in 400 CE. He came from the Marquesas in two large canoes with his wife and extended family. The Polynesians navigated Rapa Nui, using only the stars and stick charts. They used double hulled canoes as a source of transportation, to get to Rapa Nui. Some people believe that a tribe of Polynesian island hoppers discovered Easter Island, but Hotu Matu a, was, the original discoverer.... Show more content on ... They used canoes as a source of transportation. Their first canoes were not sturdy enough for open waters and would capsize if a large wave came. Over time they built their canoes stronger and used a double hull method to give the vessel more stability. These canoes were called outriggers and could withstand deep waters (Textbook, 2013). This is what Hotu Matu a used to get to Rapa Nui with his wife and extended family. Hotu Matu a started the population off at Rapa Nui and spread the word about it. Soon there were many people on Rapa Nui, as many as 2000 to 3000 inhabitants. There are over 800 Moai statues on Rapa Nui, one for almost every family (Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, 2017). The Maoi statues were carved around 1200 C.E to 1500 C.E and weighed close to 12700 kilograms, they were 10 metres tall and were believed to protect their creators. Once the word got around that these Moai statues protected their owners, every person on the island wanted one. This used all the resources and soon they couldn t even hunt, because there was no wood to make weapons. Some people believe that the Moai statues were placed by gods, and they walked into place, however the only evidence that points towards this theory, is that these statues were far too heavy to be moved by man. There are scientific investigations taking place right now, trying to prove that
  • 40. Big Data Management Analytics And Management Essay CS6350 Big data Management Analytics and Management Summer 2015 Homework 1 In this homework you will learn how to solve problems using Map Reduce. Please apply Hadoop map reduce to derive some statistics from Yelp Dataset. You can find the dataset in elearning. Copy the data into your hadoop cluster and use it as input data. You can use the put or copyFromLocal HDFS shell command to copy those files into your HDFS directory. In class there will be brief demo/ discussion about that. Dataset Description. The dataset comprises of a single csv file data.csv that contains 3 types of entities namely users, businesses and reviews. Records for each entity are distinguished by the type column. The type column determines the type of entity a row represents. For example if type is business, then that row contains business data, if type is user , then the row contains user data likewise if type is review, then that row contains review data. The csv file has 24 columns namely Column id : Name of Column Column 0 :review_id Column 1: text Column 2: business_id Column 3: full_address Column 4: schools Column 5: longitude Column 6: average_stars:: //this is for the business entity type only Column 7: date Column 8: user_id Column 9: open Column10: categories Column11: photo_url Column12: city
  • 41. Column13: review_count Column14: name Column15: neighborhoods Column 16: url Column 17: Column 18: votes.funny Column 19: state Column 20: stars:: //this is
  • 42. First Session Solution Focused Brief Therapy Lloyd, H. and Dallos, R. (2008), First session solution focused brief therapy with families who have a child with severe intellectual disabilities: Mothers experiences and views. Journal of Family Therapy, 30: 5 28. doi:10.1111/j.1467 6427.2008.00413.x The purpose of this article was to explore the experiences of first sessions of families who have children with intellectual disabilities using solution focused brief therapy (SFBT). The participants consisted of mothers who were interviewed two weeks after the initial session. The SFBT session was a stand alone session that was designed to assess the usefulness of the initial session. The mothers were asked to complete the Helpful Aspects of Therapy Questionnaire after the end of the session. Participants listened to excerpts from their therapeutic sessions that they identified as helpful or unhelpful while completing the questionnaire. The families that participated had used psychological services before hand in the form of special education, social, and health services. Through the interventions there were three major themes that were identified; SFBT introduced making the best of it , exploration of wishful thinking, and the efficacy of the therapeutic relationship. What the authors mean by making the best it is the idea that there is no point in dwelling on the disability and to keep moving forward. Mothers expressed that they had no choice about their role of carer which lead to a sensation of
  • 43. Pros And Cons Of Net Neutrality On December 14th, the United States Congress will vote on the fate of America s net neutrality. If net neutrality were to be repealed it would harm gobs of people, start up businesses, and would cause a two tier internet. Net neutrality is extremely important to hordes of people and it is important that petition against the F.C.C. (Federal Communications Commission). As stated, the F.C.C. wants to repeal net neutrality, but in turn this would harm many minority groups. Already marginalized groups such as people of color, the LGBT community, low income, and religious minorities rely on the internetfor education opportunities and if there was not an open internet these opportunities would be slim to none. Consequently for low income Americans and other minorities such as people of color, who are typically seen to be underserved by the American healthcare system, the dissolving of net neutrality could dissipate the access to lifesaving services. As well, net neutrality allows for activists to educate and fight back against systematic discrimination. If net neutrality were abolished, it could hike up internet prices. Especially in areas where one internet company dominates the area, it could make it extremely hard for low income families to be able to have internet accessin their own homes which would in turn affect their internet freedoms. In turn, many small businesses are owned by minorities and we must support them but if there is no net neutrality then it could cause it
  • 44. Nursing Home Care Case Studies Mr. Johnny Boggs (69 year old Caucasian divorced male) reported living in Louisa at the current residence (381 Greenbriar Rd, Louisa, KY, 41230) for the last 50 years. The number on the mailbox outside the house has a different number. Mr. Boggs s daughter, Wanda Boggs Ferguson (20 year old Caucasian female) is married to Charles Ferguson (21 year old Caucasian male) and they both live in the same house along with their two sons Charles Ferguson Jr (3 years 10 months old) and Liam Ferguson (13 months old). Randel is the youngest child, 17 year old Caucasian male, who was placed out of home for drug use, aggression (hitting, pushing, and cursing) towards his father, non compliance, defiance, running away from the home with whereabouts unknown,... Show more content on ... The children have access to seasonal appropriate clothing. Mr. and Ms. Ferguson along with their children presented clean and free of body odor during sessions; however, Mr. Boggs has incontinence problem. Ms. Ferguson reported that Mr. Boggs is numb below his back and does not feel anything and the family is in the process of getting Home Health nursing service. Mr. Ferguson reported that he has provided VA administration the correct number so that they can reach Mr. Boggs; however, the reason of delay in getting the services was not made clear. The family owns a car and a truck and reportedly has a reliable transportation. Randel has intermediate driving license and also own a car. He reportedly received a ticket by the police for driving without any emergency situation and it appears that he drives against the state law provisions of his license. The family (especially Mr. Boggs) involvement with Randle s school and academic activities appears insufficient. Although Randle appears to be motivated for the reunification and family being receptive of Randel s needs there is a disconnect between some of the family
  • 45. Gambling And Evidence-Based Gambling Gambling can be entertainment or a professional pursuit. There is government sponsored gambling and unlicensed gambling. It can be a group event at a casino, betting on your favorite horse, playing your lucky numbers in a lottery, or a chance to win on a scratch off. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM 5; American Psychiatric Association, [APA], 2013) defines gamblingas risking something of value in the hopes of obtaining something of greater value . For most people gambling will not result in negative consequences. For others, gambling can risk livelihood, relationships and personal well being. In the United States, the prevalence rate of gambling disorder is 3% (Grant Odlaug, 2014). The prevalence ... Show more content on ... Often gambles when feeling distressed (e.g., helpless, guilty, anxious, depressed). 6.After losing money gambling, often returns another day to get even ( chasing one s losses). 7.Lies to conceal the extent of involvement with gambling. 8.Has jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, job, or educational or career opportunity because of gambling. 9.Relies on others to provide money to relieve desperate financial situations caused by gambling. B.The gambling behavior is not better explained by a manic episode. (APA, 2013) Gambling disorder is considered a public health concern and prevalence rates are rising as gambling becomes more accessible at casinos and on the internet (Tolchard, 2015). Despite this trend, only one in ten people with gambling disorder seek treatment (Hodgins Yakovenko, 2014, p. 228). Reasons for low rates of treatment seeking include lack of information about where to get help, feeling ashamed about gambling behavior as well as wanting to resolve issues independent of professional care (Grant Odlaug, 2014, p. 41). In rural areas, access to treatment is an issue since services are usually urban based and outreach to rural communities is limited (Tolchard,
  • 46. Radiology Technician Essay Radiology technicians work in the field of diagnostic medicine. X ray Technologists have been trained to do diagnostic tests by using different medical imaging devices such as: x rays, CT scans and MRI S. They are trained to use doctor s orders to get the information to do the correct diagnostic imaging best for the patient. Using the proper notes from the doctor you can get the correct angle of the bone or place of origin to get a clear imaging for the proper diagnosis. With increasing population comes a higher demand in the medical world. In the field of radiologist technologist you have number of imagines to perform. One type of imaging is x rays, in order to get a clear picture you must position the bone in a correct position. You need to get the correct angle the physicianordered so you can develop and come up with the correct diagnoses. A computer tomography better known as a CT scans you used by injecting a radioactive solution into a... Show more content on ... They make median wage according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Salaries range from $37,570 to $78,440 hospitals and diagnostic laboratories tend to pay higher wages than physicians offices because in a hospital setting you have a higher set of demands then being in a doctor s office. On a normal day as a radiographic technician or technologist you might be asked to perform many different things such as explaining the procedure to your patient, make sure your patients has removed jewelry and other accessories that might interfere with the X rays or other equipment. Position patients so that the relevant parts of their body can be radiographic, provided protest patients by surrounding the body parts under the X ray with radiation protection devices, like a lead shields. Develop the X ray film, Adjust and maintain the X ray equipment, update the patient records before and after the
  • 47. E. E Cummings Research Paper E.E. Cummings body of works encompases approximately 2,900 poems, two autobiographical novels, four plays, and numerous essays, drawings, and paintings. In his accumulation of writings he uses imagery, brevity, nature, love, and abstract thinking to stand out from conventional writing styles in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Cummings was a major poet in the modernism time period. His unique style of writing has influenced much of past and present literature. Edward Estlin Cummings was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts on october 14, 1894. Through his childhood Cummings always knew he wanted to be a poet. Between the ages of eight and 22 he wrote a poem every day. He explored lots of traditional poetic forms and artists. After Cummings
  • 48. Essay Functional Areas of M S and KFH I will talk about functional areas of M S and KFH. through Comparison and contrast of how they contribute and operate their functions, as will as the structures, also my task is, to evaluate the benefit and disadvantages of their functions, finally, try to explain my opinion about how well the two companies run there business. In 1884 1907 Michael Marks formed a partnership with Tom Spencer,in 1908 1931 The St Michael trademark was registered, in 1956 1979 The first stores in Continental Europe opened in Paris and Brussels, in 1980 2001 launched the first website M S are one of the UK s leading retailers of clothes, food, home products and financial services. Some 10 million people shop with us each week in over 375 ... Show more content on ... This is the standard pyramid with top management at the top of the chart and middle and lower management spreading out down the pyramid. The organization is usually broken down into different functional units, such as HRM, accounting, and Marketing . M S Structure takes account of the two factors the management hierarchy and the span of control. The organizational structure of Marks and Spencer is very important. M S Structure have a clear and effective structure which enable them to meet their objectives for example increasing sales. The organizational structure for Marks and Spencer is tall; this business has 303 branches in the U.K. The company also has 125 franchise stores in 26 countries. Marks and Spencer also has a tall hierarchy, the hierarchy of this business is the levels of management, and this can be done from the lowest to highest rank. As of the chart above, its obvious that The M S structure is divided into six divisions, each of them contain subdivided to sectors. The Marketing department contain two
  • 49. The Light Bulb And The Phonograph Jonathan Deleon Per. 5 December 17, 2015 Thomas Edison As we all know that the light bulb was very important. It was a really part of the United States that we needed. Everybody uses a light bulb or wherever you go theirs lights. Everything would be different if their wasn t light it would be more dark. Have you wonder how long it took Edison to create the light bulb? It took him a lot of time because he was going around the world. Thomas Edison had lots of inventions like the light bulb and the phonograph. He was born in Milan, Ohio on February 11, 1847 he was the inventor of major technology. The labs he had were developed like the telegraph, light bulb, phonograph, kinetograph and alkaline storage batteries. Thomas Edison died in west orange, New Jersey on October 18, 1931. Thomas mother was a teacher in Canada. He was getting sick like when he was 15 years old he got ear infections. And then he injured his ears because he was next to a train that was passing by.but that happened because of the ear infection that he had. The things he learned in school he wanted to sell newspapers. Thomas started publishing his own stories on a small newspapers. Then he wanted to get access to the railroad so he could do chemical experiments on a small laboratory that he had. Thomas was forced to get kicked out of the train so he needed to sell the newspapers in the stations. Edison he saved a child from getting ran over from the train and his reward for saving the kid the dad
  • 50. Aristotle Citizen According to the words of Aristotle, a city state is viewed as a natural organization that is comprised of a large sum of individuals who share a common goal but hold unique identities. He mentioned the following, For a city is by nature a mass of people; as it becomes more and more unified, first the citywill turn into a household, and then the household will turn into just one person for we would say that a household is more unified than a city, and one person more unified than a household. And so, even if someone were capable of completely unifying a city, he should not do it, since he would destroy the city. (Aristotle, page 292) The common goal here, is to allow for the city to function and at the same time grow with its respective... Show more content on ... Aristotle addresses the question about who should be fit to rule. He answers this by stating that good ruling is done by those who are intelligent have learned the necessarily skills to rule a city state. Aristotle states the following, First, we must understand the received formulae of oligarchy and democracy, and the oligarchic and democratic justice; for everyone touches on some sort of justice, but the make only limited progress and do not describe the whole of what is fully just. Justice seems to be equality, for instance, and indeed it is but for equals, not for everyone. Again, inequality seems to be just; and so it is but for unequals, not for everyone. But these omit this part equality or inequality for whom and so make the wrong judgment. The reason is that they are giving judgment in their own case, and most people are practically always bad judges in their own cases. (Aristotle, page 302) The passage illustrates the inequality which gives rise to the disproportionate representation of the majority. Given the circumstances, only citizens (those born from the elite) are the sole commanders when it comes to creating and implementing policies and
  • 51. Analysis of the Relationship of the Blind Man and the Husband Raymond Carver s quot;Cathedral quot; depicted the interaction between a narrow minded husband, with a limited understanding of the world around him, and a blind visitor, named Robert, that proved to be the catalyst that dramatically changed the husband s view on the world, while they went from being strangers to becoming friends. In the beginning of the story, the husband disliked the concept of his wife bringing her blind friend over to stay since he never had met a blind person before and did not understand it. However, as the story progresses, the husband, through interaction and observation, begins to dispel his fears and misconceptions of Robert and his blindness. With the help of Robert, the husband gains a revelation that... Show more content on ... A view that has disabled him with a far worse form of blindness than a physical one, the husband was blind to the world outside his own. This blindness is what may have been preventing him from having friends besides his own wife, whom in which, pointed out the fact that he had no friends. Eventually after Robert s arrival, the initial apprehension and preconceptions were replaced with actual experiences that broadened the husband s understanding as he learns from his first ever meeting with a blind person. When Robert arrived, the husband realized that some of his expectations of Robert turned out to be false. Robert has shown himself to be a very outgoing and cheerful person and not the silent brooding ones that were displayed in the husband s moving going experience. The fact that he was surprised Robert smoked, based on his having read quot;somewhere that the blind didn t smoke because, as speculation had it, they couldn t see the smoke they exhaled, quot; and the fact that the husband showed admiration towards how quickly Robert devoured his food shows the audience that the husband may have held the belief that physical blindness is akin to being inept and resulted in a limited capacity to interact with the world around him. Robert not only dispels misconceptions about his blindness, he also demonstrated himself
  • 52. Essay on Walt Whitman s Song of Myself Walt Whitman s Song of Myself This paper deals with Walt Whitman s Song of Myself in relation to Julia Kristeva s theories of abjection my paper does not point to abjection in the text, but rather the significance of the abscence of abjection. This abscence, looming and revolting, arises from Whitman s attemt to refigure a conception of sublimity which delimits the material which can trigger the sublime moment. Whitman s democracy of the sublime is inclusive of those figures on the American landscape, their lives and voices, which are functionalized into his world. This paper employs the theories of George Lukacs and Julia Kristeva allow the unearthing of the archeological layers of Whitman s text. The most literal adjective ... Show more content on ... It lies there, quite close, but it cannot be assimilated. It beseeches, worries, and fascinates desire, which, nevertheless, does not let itself be seduced. [1] The strange elegance of this specter looms in the relief, in the archaic layers of Song of Myself. It is beyond the foregrounded inversive space at times utopic and sublime, the space is permeated with universal brotherhood, happiness, the compelled sentimental that I attempt to delve into, that source from which generates the repulsive, hidden quivering of a text which, though cast out and forced into absence, looms in the shadowed relief. The edification of his text and of his readership is attempted through the construction of an inversive space which refigures the sublime: the apex of the cultured. I have chosen those moments in the text in which the poet nears the threshold of bordering abject in order to construct his sublime utopian vision. It is here, this marked refigurement where ecstasy occurs, where material which triggers the sublime is the signal of another text; a repulsive reading looms from the absence of abjection An invocation of the self begins Song of Myself, positioning the text as an edification of the American readership: I celebrate myself, and sing myself, And what assume you shall assume, For every atom belonging to me as god belongs to you (lines 1 3). Thus Whitman s work joins with the
  • 53. Analysis Of Winston Churchill s Their Finest Hour Speech Following the collapse of France during World War II, the conditions the Allied powers faced became bleaker by the day. The United Kingdom was standing alone in the face of Germany, and under Hitler s reign, the German blitzkrieg or lightning war, a tactic involving bombardment, tanks, and ground troops in quick offense proved too much for many countries. Winston Churchillwould be the one to place hope in the hearts of the British people, delivering his Their Finest Hour speech on the 18th of June, 1940. Churchill utilized persuasive rhetoric whilst appealing to the people s logic and emotions, to raise morale and spirit in the United Kingdomto fight. Winston Churchill had an incredible background, which had earned him the respect of the people and the influence as the second most powerful individual in the United Kingdom. Churchill enrolled into a Military college when he was of age, and participated in many conflicts surrounding the areas of Cuba, India and Sudan. In 1908, Churchill became a politician. During his time as a member of parliament, he began the movement to support the labor class of the British, introducing the ideas of minimum wage, insurance for the unemployed and most importantly the People s Budget, which taxed the rich to support the social departments. These achievements within the military and in the parliament supported his ethos when regarding the people. During his speech Winston Churchill utilized a logical standpoint to develop his
  • 54. Be Kind Reville Analysis In Passaic, New Jersey a poor neighborhood made up of a minorities community, there is a VHS store called Be Kind Rewind Video Store in a condemned building, it is owned by an elderly man named Mr. Fletcher, Mike his stepson works in the store. Mr. Fletcher is proud of his building and claims that Thomas Wright Waller was born there. However, the City Hall wants to relocate the store and demolish the building. Mr. Fletcher needs to travel and advises Mike to keep his dysfunctional friend Jerry out of the store. But Jerry a very peculiar individual develops a conspiracy theory against the machines and decides to sabotage the power plant. Jerry inadvertently has an accident and gets magnetized. When he visits Mike in the video store, he accidentally
  • 55. Swot Analysis Of Swot And Swot Analysis Today s businesses end up working in a situation that is changing quicker than before. The process of analysing the issues and changing the techniques within the business is known as SWOT analysis. The SWOT analysis is business analysis method that business can use for each of its department when deciding on the most perfect way to increase their business and future growth. This procedure identifies the internal and external strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that are in the markets. SWOT analysis helps you decide your position against your competitors, identifies best future opportunities, and highlight current and future threats. SWOT analysis is an acronym for Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors that you have within your business on which you have full control whereas opportunities and threats are external factors on which you have no control. The strength of the SWOT analysis comes derives from the way that it can be used for a wide range of business situation and in industries. And SWOT analysis weakness is that it needs clear thinking and good decision making ability to get any real qualities from using it. The best ways to achieve this is to concentrate on internal and external strengths and weaknesses. The strength is something that has positive effect on your business and it gives your organisation a competitive advantage. It includes your unique selling point, products, resources and what you
  • 56. Police Interrogations And False Confessions Police Interrogations and False Confessions Introduction Police interrogation is a technique that police have used to gather information from anyone involved with a crime for hundreds of years. Police interrogations can last a few minutes to several hours. The police have a right to continue questioning the suspect until they ask for a lawyer (Kassin, 2013). The suspects call for a lawyer is a right under the Miranda Rights. In the process of interrogation, the police are not allowed to use cruel or any unusual methods to collect information, the law agents are trained with techniques to get the suspects to answer all the questions. However, this is not usually the case because sometimes the police go overboard in getting the suspects to answer their questions. This interrogation in some cases has led to false confessions leading to the wrong charging of the suspects. An approximate of one out of four confessions includes false confessions (Redlich, 2009). The false confessions made by suspects beg the question on how the police influence false confessions. This research will discuss the various techniques used by the police in interrogating suspects and how they misuse the systems to influence false confessions. Police Tactics and False Confessions From the recent times, there have been various high profile cases of people being exonerated, often by DNA evidence, after falsely giving false confessions to a crime or offence that they did not commit. People who often fall
  • 57. Disadvantages Of Battle Fantasia Battle Fantasia first hit Japanese arcades in 2007 before heading to the Xbox 360 and eventually Playstation 3, so it is not exactly a new title. However, this is the first time that it appears on PC and in revised format no less. For those not familiar with the game, it is a 2D beat em up with a distinctive fantasy theme for its characters and setting. The game comes courtesy of Arc System Works, better known for their Guilty Gear and BlazBlue titles, but it is a little more newcomer friendly than their other titles. Battle Fantasia has a fairly typical backstory about fearless champions defeating a great evil which makes a comeback many years later to take on a new generation of heroes. However, the cast of characters are anything but ... Show more content on ... Fights are still restricted to a 2D plane though, but thanks to some improved visual effects the game is still looking good for its age. The visuals not only look sharper, but the backgrounds effects for the super moves have also been spruced up. It obviously still looks a bit dusty compared to some of the newer titles, but then again the price is also very reasonable. There are ten stages that serves as the backdrop for your battles and while they are not exactly packed with detail there are a couple of memorable ones. In addition to the straightforward Arcade mode, Battle Fantasia also features quite a lengthy Story mode. This mode actually turned out to be a lot more entertaining than I thought as each character has two story paths to complete. The stories are pure fluff for the most part, but infused with so much enthusiasm and humor that it is hard not to be entertained. For example, catgirl Coyori spends one of her story paths chasing down a goblin that ate and ran from the cafГ© where she works, while in the other she travels the world compiling a new menu to drum up business for the cafГ©. You need to fulfill specific criteria to unlock the alternate paths though, but it is worth the effort. There are plenty of conversations between characters in story mode and it is all represented by some nice 2D character
  • 58. The Bolsheviks and the Tragedy of the October Revolution... The Bolsheviks and the Tragedy of the October Revolution The majority of the people are with us. The majority of the working and oppressed people all over the world are with us. Ours is the cause of justice. Our victory is assured. 1 October was a classic coup d Г©tat, the capture of governmental power by a small minority, carried out without mass engagement. 2 The October Revolution was perhaps the most momentous event of the twentieth century. It led to the creation of the Soviet Union, the first avowedly Communist nation in history, which was to become a global superpower, an inspiration to many, an object of the hatred of many more. Possibly more important was the role the memory of the October Revolution played in the ... Show more content on ... The October Revolution was interpreted quite differently by those hostile to the Communist leaders of the Soviet Union. In their top down histories of the Russian Revolution the common people appeared as the passive objects of the evil machinations of the Bolsheviks. 4 The Bolsheviks cynically adopted populist and anarchist slogans in order to recruit the masses as foot soldiers in their own quest for power. If any apparent support for the October Revolution was seen among the masses, it was the product of ignorance, skilled propaganda and a supple improvisation by the Bolsheviks themselves, who transformed their elite operation into a temporary mass organization 5 to seduce the Russian masses. The socialist reality of October was imaginary, and the Revolution itself was an amateur police operation masked with expert propaganda to give an appearance of proletarian legitimacy 6 Both of these interpretations are heavily politicized. The former s purpose was to establish the legitimacy of the Soviet Union as the genuine embodiment of the will of the Russian Proletariat, the authentic People s State. The latter was meant to strip the USSR of that legitimacy and expose the oppressive and unpopular dictatorship that ruled the country with an iron fist. As is not uncommon in such situations, both of these interpretations