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Persuasive Essay Topics
Writing an essay on the topic of "Persuasive Essay Topics" can be a challenging task that requires
careful consideration and thoughtful analysis. The difficulty arises from the need to select a
compelling and relevant topic, conduct thorough research to gather persuasive arguments, and
present them coherently to convince the reader. Additionally, crafting a persuasive essay
demands a strong understanding of rhetoric and persuasive techniques to effectively sway the
audience's opinions.
Choosing the right persuasive essay topic is crucial, as it sets the tone for the entire essay. It
involves identifying issues that are not only interesting but also have enough depth to be
explored and argued persuasively. This initial step can be time-consuming and requires critical
thinking to pinpoint a topic that aligns with personal interests while addressing broader societal
Once a suitable topic is selected, extensive research becomes imperative. A well-supported
persuasive essay relies on credible sources and evidence to strengthen the arguments presented.
This phase can be labor-intensive, involving library visits, online research, and the careful
evaluation of sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.
The process of organizing ideas and structuring the essay also poses a challenge. Developing a
clear thesis statement and organizing supporting arguments in a logical and coherent manner is
crucial for the essay's effectiveness. Transitioning smoothly between paragraphs and maintaining
a persuasive tone throughout the essay requires a skillful use of language and rhetorical devices.
Moreover, addressing counterarguments is an essential aspect of persuasive writing.
Acknowledging opposing views and effectively refuting them requires a nuanced understanding
of the topic and the ability to anticipate and counter potential objections.
In conclusion, writing a persuasive essay on the topic of "Persuasive Essay Topics" is a
demanding task that involves selecting a compelling subject, conducting thorough research,
organizing ideas coherently, and employing persuasive techniques effectively. It is a process that
requires time, effort, and a strong grasp of both the topic and persuasive writing strategies.
For those seeking assistance with essays or similar writing tasks, services
provide support. Professional writers can help craft well-researched and persuasive essays on a
variety of topics, offering a valuable resource for those facing challenges in the essay-writing
Persuasive Essay TopicsPersuasive Essay Topics
Extreme Bradycardia Case
Introduction: We present a case of extreme bradycardia in a patient with Batten
Disease Background: Batten Disease is a rare and fatal autosomal recessive
neurodegenerative disorder, regarded as the juvenile form of neuronal ceroid
lipofuscinoses (NCL). It is most commonly associated with mutations in the CLN3
gene and involves lipofuscins accumulation in the neuronal tissues. We present a
case of first degree arterioventricluar block in a patient with batten disease, treated
with permanent pacemaker implantation Case: Our case is a 29 year old man with
Batten disease, severe cognitive impairment and epileptic disorder sent from his
primary doctor s office for extreme bradycardia. Electrocardiogram (EKG) in the
emergency room showed episodes
Automatic Room Light Controller with Didirectional
Project Overview
1. Introduction Of Project
1.1 Project Definition:
The objective of this project is to make a controller based model to count number of
persons visiting particular room and accordingly light up the room. Here we can use
sensor and can know present number of persons.
In today s world, there is a continuous need for automatic appliances with the
increase in standard of living, there is a sense of urgency for developing circuits that
would ease the complexity of life.
Also if at all one wants to know the number of people present in room so as not to
have congestion. This circuit proves to be helpful.
1.2 ... Show more content on ...
Transmission Circuit:
Fig. 3.1 Transmitter circuit
Receiver Circuit:
Fig. 3.2 Receiver circuit
There are two main parts of the circuits. 1. Transmission Circuits (Infrared LEDs) 2.
Receiver Circuit (Sensors)
1. Transmission Circuit:
Fig. 3.3 Transmitter circuit
This circuit diagram shows how a 555 timer IC is configured to function as a basic
monostable multivibrator. A monostable multivibrator is a timing circuit that changes
state once triggered, but returns to its original state after a certain time delay. It got
its name from the fact that only one of its output states is stable. It is also known as
a one shot .
In this circuit, a negative pulse applied at pin 2 triggers an internal flip flop that turns
off pin 7 s discharge transistor, allowing C1 to charge up through
R1. At the same time, the flip flop brings the output (pin 3) level to high . When
capacitor C1 as charged up to about 2/3 Vcc, the flip flop is triggered once again,
this time making the pin 3 output low and turning on pin 7 s discharge transistor,
which discharges C1 to ground. This circuit, in effect, produces a pulse at pin 3
whose width t is just the product of R1 and C1, i.e., t=R1C1.
IR Transmission circuit is used to generate the modulated 36 kHz IR signal. The
IC555 in the transmitter side is to generate 36 kHz square wave. Adjust the preset in
the transmitter to get a 38 kHz
Correlation between Cost Reduction and Manufacturing...
(Manoj Dora, 2014)[1] Encountered The key barriers by Food SMEs in the
implementation of lean manufacturing practices result from the special
characteristics of food sector, such as highly perishable products, complicated
processing, extremely variable raw material, recipes and unpredictable demand. In
addition, lack of knowledge and resources makes it difficult for food processing
SMEs to embark on the lean journey One of the research studies in 2010 has found
that the editorial board of Trends in Food Science Technology barbed out The food
manufacturing industry needs improvement on various methods when it comes to
production such as lean manufacturing for operational effectiveness (Mahalik, 2010).
In academia, the majority of the operations management literature focuses on the
application of lean manufacturing in large discrete organizations (Moreno Luzon,
1993). [3] Few academic articles even started to raise interests over the
straightforward application of lean manufacturing in processing industries
(Abdulmalek and Rajgopal, 2007 ; Melton, 2005) [4]. The specific characteristic of
goods and/or processes in processing industries offers a great demand to the
application of lean manufacturing (Abdulmalek et al., 2006; Van Donk and Van
Dam, 1996) [5]. (Cox and Chicksand, 2005)[6] Believed Some works show that a
straightforward acceptance of lean manufacturing in the food manufacturing
industries might not bring the desirable
Analysis Of The Abolition Of Man
In the Abolition of man one of the main arguments that Lewis makes was that the
result of education in the spirit of the green book is the destruction of the society
that accepts it. In the green book the authors named G T place their own opinion
within the book which is that people should only use their reason when making
decisions and not their emotions or spirited element. The authors state this
because in society peoples views are often reflected in their work intentionally or
unintentionally and in the green book the authors fall in this trap. In the book
Lewis states that G T have not taught students english. Instead they have expressed
their opinions on philosophy and morality which can corrupt the minds of the
youth and those who read it. Another argument made by Lewis in the Abolition of
Man is the view of the waterfall and wether it is sublime in itself or if it is sublime
because of how the speaker is feeling. Lewis states that things in nature can be in
itself beautiful or pretty without the view of a human because there is a standard
for everything and it can either meet that criteria or not. G T state that the speaker
says the waterfall is sublime because the speaker feels pretty and therefor is
projecting the way he or she feels onto the waterfall. Lewis says that G T are wrong
because things can hold an attribute within themselves such as national park being a
national park. The national park is a national park because there is a beauty to it that is
Network Security And Situational Awareness Data Pre...
Network Security and Situational Awareness Data Pre processing Method Based on
Conditional Random Fields Rajesh.P #1, Krishnamoorthy.P #2 Gopi.S#3
,Sivasankari.S #4 Assistant Professor CSE*1,2, Assistant Professor IT #3 #4,
Kingston Engineering College*1,2,3 4 Vellore, India*1,2,3 4 2 Abstract The examination of Network security
situational Awareness (NSSA) is imperative since it can progress the system checking
capacities, Emergency reaction limit and anticipate the advancement pattern of
system security. In light of the substantial measure of Intrusion Detection System
(IDS), We propose another strategy for information preprocessing for NSSA in light
of Conditional Random fields (CRFs). It takes points of interest of the CRFs models
which can line to arrangement information stamping and add irregular ascribes to
manage the measure of information from IDS, and give the information to NSSA. It
utilizes KDD Cup 1999 information sets as exploratory information and arrives at a
conclusion that our proposed strategy is practicable, solid and productive. , This
paper explains the situational familiarity with the three fundamental explore content:
This paper expounds on the situational awareness of the three main research content:
extraction the factors of NSSA, situation understanding and situation
Nurse Informatic Importance
The Importance of Nurse Informaticists in Healthcare The world expects healthcare
professionals especially nurses to be knowledgeable, critical thinkers and artistic.
Nursing is a self fulfilling, and lucrative profession that requires certification through
education. With the essential core values determined through the Essentials of
Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice by the American
Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), nursing became a more recognized
profession. These core values are valid and essential to being a professional nurse, but
incomplete without nursing informatics. Nurse informaticist professionals that
incorporate informatics in their practice positively impact healthcare and the society.
To understand the importance of nurse informaticists, one must first understand what
nursing informatic is. Nursing Informatics is a new, fast growing specialty in
nursing, and by far the backbone of the modernized nursing. McGonigle and Mastrian
(2018) defines nursing informatics as: the synthesis of nursing science, information
science, computer science and cognitive science for the purpose of managing,
disseminating, and enhancing healthcare data, information, knowledge and wisdom
to improve collaboration and decision making, provide high quality patient care, and
advance the profession of nursing. (McGonigle Mastrian, 2018, p.141) Nursing
informatics encompass science, data and knowledge effective in today s nursing
practices. The
What Is The Theme Of Crafting Girl At Ana
Girl at War, written by Sara Nović, is a fictional story about Ana Jurić and her
experiences before, during, and after the Croatian Civil War. After losing her parents
in a massacre and becoming a child soldier, Ana eventually escapes the civil war and
lives in America. She encounters stark differences between her childhood in Croatia
and adulthood in America. Ana learns that although she physically left the civil war,
mentally the trauma of war will continue to haunt her for the rest of her life. Nović
s Girl at War utilizes Ana s experiences in both Croatia and America to address the
sudden loss of innocence and everlasting trauma that results from wartime, as well as
the benightedness Americans have on the idea of war. Crafting Girl at... Show more
content on ...
In section II, Somnambulist, although Ana is now a college student in America, she
still gets flashbacks of the traumatic events that occurred to her during the Croatian
Civil War. No matter how much she puts these thoughts aside, they still reappear
unconsciously in her dreams. She lays awake through the uneasy hours [of the
night] for as long as [she] could before the dreams set in (141). The subject of
recurring nightmares demonstrates the idea that the trauma of war never is
forgotten, but reappears when you least expect it. Reguardless of Ana s distance
from Croatia, she will never dismiss from her memory the night her parents were
massacred and her other horrific wartime experiences. By demonstrating the
everlasting trauma of war, readers can be educated on a usually overlooked
repercussion of war which only increases the reader s knowledge of the perpetual
damage of
Risk Taking Outline
Risk taking essay Bold text = Important information Thesis / Intro I think people
should remain cautious and risk nothing. That way, you don t risk anything and
you re not worried. This also benefits to your health and brain due to levels of
stress that you can have from being worried all the time. Reason 1 : Safer (in some
cases) If you take risks, the mistakes you could have can make or break you. If you
are more aware of what will happen, you can decide based off of the outcomes. If
the results or outcomes are bad, then you have to make that choice to do it or not.
Reason 2 : Don t have to worry as much When people take risks, they can be scared
because they have no idea how the outcomes will turn out to be. Remaining cautious
Pele In Hawaiian Mythology
According to Hawaiian mythology, Pele is the fire goddess. Connected to
volcanoes, lightning, fire and wind, she is considered the creator of the Hawaiian
Islands. Due to this, Pele is one of the best known gods of the islands. Even today,
visitors to the Ainopio Trail and the summit of Mauna Loa bring offerings to Pele.
Long ago, native Hawaiians began this tradition by climbing Mauna Loa with
offerings to appease Pele and win her favor. This same gorgeous trail can be used by
visitors to reach the summit and commune with the goddess. Arriving at the Islands
Long ago, Pele was born into a family of six daughters and seven sons. According to
mythology, her mother was the earth goddess, Haumea, and her father was the dream
god, Moemoe. Growing... Show more content on ...
She fell for the mortal chief of Kauai, Lohiau. Hearing the sound of a hula festival,
she used astral travel to arrive at the festival where she immediately fell in love
with Lohiau. Pele joined in the dance and quickly won Lohiau s heart. They lived
together happily until one day Pele returned home. She promised to send for him,
and her sister, Hiiaka, was sent to fetch him. Hiiaka s only requirement was to go
to Kauai, retrieve Lohiau and avoid kissing him. Arriving after many days, Hiiaka
was distraught to discover that Lohiau had died. Lucky for her, she saw his spirit
darting above the mountain tops. Capturing the spirit, she managed to return it to
his body. Returning to Pele, Hiiaka was so excited that she hugged and kissed
Lohiau without thinking about it. Assuming that Hiaaka was trying to mock her,
Pele destroyed Lohiau by covering him in lava. At the same time, Pele s brothers
had just returned from traveling. Seeing the body of Lohiau, they brought him back
to life and Lohiau fell in love with Hiiaka. Together, Hiiaka and Lohiau settled
down in a house on Ke e Beach in Haena. Today, a stone wall from their house can
still be seen. The Wrath of Pele Lives
The Cost Of Investing In Space Exploration
Space exploration is a subject of much debate in regards to its funding. There has
always been a divide in opinions on space exploration. Many people, usually
engineers or those in the field of science, have been in favor of space exploration and
the innovations it could bring. Other people, such as politicians and businessmen, see
space explorationas a waste of funding that does not result in profit or benefits.
However, aerospace engineers are currently planning several space programs that
could bring many benefits to the United States. Investing in space exploration will
benefit the U.S. in the future by contributing knowledge, providing resources, and
possibly finding another habitable planet.
Contrary to what many businessmen believe, space exploration contributes very
important knowledge that outweighs the costs ... Show more content on ...
As stated by the ISECG, a space exploration forum for international space agencies,
solar panels... heart monitors... cancer therapy... water purification systems...
improved computing systems and... global search and rescue [systems] (Benefits 1),
and many other innovations were invented as a result of space exploration,
contributing immensely to society. Satellites were originally invented for the purpose
of exploring space. As a result of this invention, new knowledge was gained, enabling
scientists to [develop] satellite telecommunications, global positioning, and advances
in weather forecasting (Benefits 1). This knowledge created new inventions that were
able to positively impact the United States. People use these helpful inventions every
day to check the weather forecast and direct people to locations without having to
consult a map. Another innovation stemming from space exploration is a portable
cooling system. NASA, a U.S. government agency which specializes in space
exploration, stated that Astronauts working on the lunar surface wore liquid cooled
The Battle Of San Juan Hill
The Battle of San Juan Hill took place in the hills surrounding Santiago, Cuba on
July 1, 1898. It was a battle between the Spanish forces commanded by General
Arsenio Linares and the United States Army V Corps commanded by MG William
Schafter. Although the United States won the battle, MG Shafter did not properly
exercise all of the principles of mission command prior to and during the battle. MG
Shafter failed to provide a clear commander s intent and exercise prudent risk, but
several of his subordinate leaders developed cohesive teams through mutual trust and
exercised disciplined initiative to win the Battle of San Juan Hill.
The Spanish American War began when President McKinley... Show more content
on ...
MG Shafter and MG Lawton believed that El Caney could be taken quickly, thus
planned for the 2nd Division to take El Caney and then line up to the right of the
Cavalry Division during the San Juan Hill assault. The assault on El Caney took
longer than expected, and the 2nd Division lost about 960 of its total 6,600 men to
injury or death. Therefore, MG Lawton s 2nd Division was not able to support the
assault on San Juan Hill. , ,
On the morning of July 1st, the Cavalry and 2nd Divisions marched to San Juan
Hill along the Camino Real Rd in two columns. MG Sumner commanded the
Cavalry Division, due to MG Wheeler being sick. MG Shafter was also
incapacitated during the battle; therefore, his aides traveled back and forth from
El Pozo to the line of forces to give orders, creating confusion and stalling the onset
of the battle. Together, the force consisted of about 8,400 troops, which split when
the road met the San Juan River. The Cavalry Division moved to the east side of
the river and the 1st Division to the west of the river. The juncture point, known as
the bloody ford, was a target for Spanish mauser fire that caused many American
casualties. All units were in position to attack by 1200, but were waiting for MG
Lawton to finish the attack on El Caney and for orders from MG Shafter to attack.
The howitzer battery began firing from the bloody ford area around 0800, but had to
discontinue firing because mounting
Living Like Weasels, Shooting An Elephant, And Virginia
The human is the most complex living being on the face of this earth, yet human
roots are sometimes forgotten. Through Charles Darwin s theory of evolution, it is
clear that animals are the brothers and sisters of the human race. In turn, human
habits resemble those of all the living beings which creates unity between all walks
of life, determining the same fate for all. A similar concept relates the three works:
Living Like Weasels, Shooting an Elephant, and The Death of a Moth by Annie
Dillard, George Orwell, and Virginia Woolf respectively. The authors explore the
nature of such creatures in order to achieve a better understanding of their motives,
all the while gaining insight on the cycle of life. Both Living Like Weasels by... Show
more content on ...
Woolf paints a similar picture as the moth s legs agitated themselves once
more...the enemy against which he struggled...was [somehow] opposed to
the...moth...It was useless to do anything...One could only watch the
extraordinary efforts made by those tiny legs against an oncoming doom, being
death (Woolf 195). This story parallels that of Orwell s and explores the moments
before the unavoidable force of death sweeps one away. The essays show that it is
useless for anyone to do anything in this powerless state because the time has
come. All one is left to do is to endure the pain as the senses are slowly removed
and as he/she transitions onwards, displaying that change is also a part of the
cycle of life, and one must develop patience and endurance to handle change.
Moreover, Dillard s and Woolf s pieces investigates the process of death, the end of
the cycle. Dillard believes that by grasp[ing] your one necessity and not let[ting] it
go, to dangle from it limp wherever it takes you. Then even death...cannot you part
(Dillard 66). In other words, one should seize their destiny till their body decomposes
in the ground,
Similarities Between Romanticism And Yeats
By the 1780s, the British Industrial Revolution, which had been developing for
several decades, began to accelerate further; technology changed. The economic
transformation brought about the British industrial revolution along with social
reformation (, n.d.)
But not everyone was thrilled by this brave new world. The poets of the Romantic
Movement also found a great deal to criticize about the Industrial Revolution. The
new technologies and their use grew out of eighteenth century rationalism, which
held that man could employ science to control the earth the way he pleased. The
Romantic Movement was a reaction to this philosophy, and held that man was a part
of nature and needed to respect and care for the earth. This view extended to
humanity as well as the ... Show more content on ...
His later works, though, focused mostly on politics (due to his love with Maud
Gonne) and ultimately grew to darker poetry due to the continuous rejection by
Isabelle Maud Gonne s daughter. This is evident in the poems; Adam s Curse,
September 1913, To a Young Girl, Politics and Death.
The only similarity between these two poets is the romanticism in Wordsworth s
poems and Yeats early work. Wordsworth was in love with nature and his
environment. He admired simplicity and believed, throughout his poems that nature
gave out major messages when looked at closely. Yeats early work was based on his
love for Ireland and its countryside. Yeats always tried to revive the lost importance
of Ireland in its people. This can mainly be seen in the poem September 1913.
Wordsworth quite intentionally turned his back on the Enlightenment traditions of
poetry. He instead looked more to the Renaissance and the Classics of Greek and
Latin epic poetry for motivation. His work was noted for its
The Influence Of Keri Interviews
I have known Keri for 3 years now as we came to Northwest Christian University
from Blue Mountain Community College to attend school and play volleyball.
Keri is one of my closest friends and volunteered when she overheard me talking
about our mock interviews to our coach. Keri is an Exercise Science major here at
NCU, with plans to become an athletic director or athletic trainer. One of her goals is
to also coach volleyball at the high schoollevel, so the interviewwas based on a
coaching position for her former high school.
Before the interview, I mentioned the nonverbal cues that she should keep in mind.
She started off great as she spoke very fluently. However, when I asked her what her
personal mission statement was I noticed she kept
Labelling Theory Of Police Brutality
America has come a long way from its racist historical past, however the truth
remains that police brutality continues to have its effects on marginalized
communities (Embrick 2015, p. 837). It has become a social norm to see fatality
from police brutality, and long gone is the image of police officers being the peace
keepers for all (Onyemaobim 2016, p. 182). Different sociological perspectives can
be applied to understand policebrutality and the consequences it can have on
marginalized communities. The question this paper looks to answer is how does
sociological theory, specifically the labelling theory, help to explain police violence
and the consequences it can hold on these communities. The Labelling Theory itself
is based on symbolic... Show more content on ...
Labelling theory suggests that police brutality stems from the existing stigma that
poor minority communities are deviant characters (Anderson 2017, p. 31). Thus,
due to the constant violent behaviour pressed on by police officers, many people of
colour are less likely to report a crime, and take it upon violence to seek for help
(Desmond Andrew 2016). Which could mean that, if police brutality increases so will
the lack of reporting on crimes within marginalized communities, and thus an influx
of crimes within that community (Brunson Miller 2005). Which brings it back to
labelling theory, as the stereotype that minorities are deviant characters will continue
due to the rising crime rates, as well as the stigma that all officers are biased
depending on race and social status (Desmond Andrew 2016). To finish, this adds to
the understanding of what is crime and deviance, as it indicates to how police
brutality is a deviant action brought on by the typecast or master status on lower class
minorities (Desmond Andrew
The Cremation Of Sam Mcgee Analysis
In the poem, ВЁThe Cremation of Sam McGeeВЁ, the Speaker promises to
cremate his friend s body when he dies in the North. In my second story, Michael
Phelps had a dream to become a champion swimmer. In the book, ВЁThe Call of
the WildВЁ, Buck is desperate to survive in the Klondike times with tough weather
and bad people and dogs. However, all three were pursuing to succeed in their goal
they made because they saw something or said something that meant a lot to them.
In The Cremation of Sam McGee , the speaker promises to his friend that he would
cremate his body when he dies. For example, So I want you to swear that, foul or fair,
you ll cremate my last remains (Service line 24). What drove him to pursue his
goal is that he made a promise to his friend that he would not fail. I swore I would
not fail , I burrowed a hole in the glowing coal, and I stuffed in Sam McGee (Service
line 25 and 45). The Speaker pursued to cremate his friend, Sam McGee, to keep his
word, which he did, but at the cost of losing his mind.... Show more content on ...
Michael Phelps wanted to face his fear and put his head under water and learn to
swim. The narrator states, Phelps undertook a mission since his childhood to
become a champion swimmer (Narrator para. 3), Back then, he was a little nervous
about putting his head underwater (Narrator para. 2). By pursuing his goal and
wanting to succeed, Michael Phelps is now known as a champion swimmer and the
record holder for the most Olympic Medals won.The Narrator states, Phelps set a
world record in July 2012 for earning more medals than any other Olympic athlete
(Narrator para.
The Death of Julius Caesar, a Great Leader
Julius Caesar was a great leader of Rome. Not only did he lead a very strong army,
but his people also loved him. The debate is always should he have been killed or
should he have lived and lead us to more victories.
The first document that was used in the debate is a primary source. It s called De
Vita Caesarum, Divus Iulius. The document is a biography of Julius Caesar and his
life. Suetonius wrote the biography. Suetonius was a roman historian who wrote
about the Roman Empire. It was written in 110 CE. It was written to show the side
of the senators, and how they felt about having emperors. It is trustworthy because
Suetonius used eyewitnesses and other evidence from books to provide a lot of
information about Caesar. The only thing that I think is missing is the side of
Caesar because he wrote it from the perspective of the senators view. Which puts
Caesar in a bad light because the senators did not like Caesar. Considering that the
article was written based off of the senators, it put Caesar in a bad light. Meaning
that this author did not want Caesar to live. Another document that was used was a
secondary source. It was an article written in the Britannica Student Encyclopedia.
It was written for the public to read and understand Julius Caesar. It was used to
give a brief overview of Julius Caesar s life. It talked about him as a person, the civil
war that he was involved with, the march he lead, as well as his reputation. The
article is moderately trustworthy
Removal of Hardness of Water Using Precipitation and...
Aims and Objectives: 1. To describe water hardness. 2. To soften hard waterin terms
of the species involved and the reactions they undergo. 3. To test the effectiveness of
the methods.
The experiment seeks to test the effectiveness of the two methods (precipitation and
... Show more content on ...
Report the result as ppm of CaCO3 in the solid unknown sample that was supplied to
FunnelNa2CO3 solution
Graduated cylinderSoap solution
Test tube Distilled water
A wash bottleEthylenediamminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution
Hard water
|Procedure |Observation |
|25ml permanent hard water was heated. |Boiled within a very short time with no
change in colour ad no |
| |formation of precipitate. |
|5ml of soap solution to heated permanent hard water and shaken. |Formation of curd. |
| |No formation of lather upon stirring or shaking. |
Analysis Of Ode To Kirihito
In Ode to Kirihito (1970 71), Osamu Tezuka makes it clear that he is not engaging
in children s literature. The manga opens tensely in a hospital with a huge staff of
doctors mulling over a perplexing medical case and a barrage of obtuse medical
terminology. Visually, aside from the dour doctors, there is a heavily rendered
panel of tightly packed tombstones in the overgrown cemetery of the afflicted
village of Doggodale. This was an early salvo from Tezuka, that after two decades of
massive commercial success with largely all ages manga, that he was not content
merely being the Walt Disney of Japan. Tezuka wanted to unlock the full power of a
new art form. Therefore, in this essay I will argue that with Ode to Kirihito, Tezuka...
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The opening pages show a panorama of a beautiful Chinese port city (most likely
an idealized Shanghai) with its tightly packed houses and sailboats dotting the
harbor. Then Tezuka brings us into to bustling, but still benign city streets, and a
richly appointed garden walling off the palace of Master Mahn. Only after does
Tezuka begin to peel back the benign exterior to show the twisted underbelly. As
the caged Osanai is brought inside by two drivers, Tezuka shows a half page
Roman orgy scene encircling a pair of nude performers. The rich, corrupt men,
bored by their excesses, demand greater and more perverse pleasures and the
ringleader has an infant brought out and placed in the company of a massive
snake. Everything we know from Western films and even other manga suggests
that the expected horror will not unfold, and that some heroic figure (perhaps the
caged Osanai himself) will intervene and save the baby, but that does not happen.
Mahn states Don t worry, we bought the baby fair and square in Pakistan. Watch
closely (p. 195). In the next page, we see that the snake has eaten the baby with a
swollen belly, a woman is seen sobbing and the men are still bored because it is
apparently too easy: Boring! All you need is money to buy a snake and a baby (p.
196). The
The Old Testament And The New Testament
80. Why Is OWNERSHIP An Illusion?
The two gospels, The Old Testament and The New Testament provide mirror images
of Terrestrial Humans mentality Evolution and the comprehensive overview of the
mental developmental trends over a span covering last five millennia. The Old
Testament moral norms served in establishing a legal system with base in an
absolute, irrevocable right of private ownership. Incontestable proof of continuous
process of Evolution in this micro segment of Spiral is an emergence of The New
Testament , as a herald of a new mental era on the Earth, which naturally succeeds
The Old Testament. Needless to remind, that The Old Testament also inspired
adherents to vehemently follow the principle an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a
tooth , a total defence of ownership ...based on the superstition or the illusion that
one was God s chosen people and was superior to all heathens . (Quote from Livets
Bog , Vol IV #1310)
Further, the Old World Testament advocates the ownership right over marriage and
the emerged laws allowed a capital punishment in the instance of the discovery of
infidelity . Even today, the same anti civilization legal heritage package and
outrageously severe unwritten rules represent daily routine in the most conservative
and primitive corners of the Globe. Marital fidelity defended by force and violence is
definitively unsustainable practice and turns ...marriage into an enforced
consolidation of an imaginary right of ownership ,
Poverty in Africa Essay example
African nations regularly fall to the bottom of any list measuring economic
activity, such as per capita income or per capita GDP, despite a wealth of natural
resources. The bottom 25 spots of the United Nations (UN) quality of life index are
regularly filled by African nations. In 2006, 34 of the 50 nations on the UN list of
least developed countries are in Africa. In many nations, the per capita income is
often less than $200 U.S. per year, with the vast majority of the population living on
much less. In addition, Africa s share of income has been consistently dropping over
the past century by any measure. In 1820, the average European worker earned about
three times what the average African did. Now, the average European earns twenty...
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On each of these occasions, my only thoughts have been that God did not destine
poverty, wars and suffering for Africans, else Africa would not have been richly
blessed with abundant natural and human resources.
As much as there are very genuine disadvantages hampering our progress
economically like:
?Overpopulation, this is so with any society that largely depends on agriculture,
African families are often very large. Most of the elderly rely on their children for
support, and as much agriculture in Africa is labor intensive, large numbers of
children provide much needed labor for plowing, planting and harvesting. However,
overpopulation is a serious problem in urban areas, which have grown enormously
since the beginnings of African independence in the in the late 1950s and later. For
example, in 1960, 14.5% of Nigeria s population lived in urban areas, that number
had grown to 43% by 2000, and is growing at an estimated 5.5% per year, compared
to a 2.9% national population growth rate. This is a trend that can be seen throughout
the continent.
?Misused Money, Over $500 billion (U.S.) has been sent to African nations in the
form of direct aid. The consensus is that the money has had little long term effect. In
addition, most African nations have borrowed substantial sums of money. However, a
large percentage of the money was either been invested in weapons (money that was
spent back in developed nations and
Capitalism Is An Economic And Political System
Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country s trade and
industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. This
leads to the constant competition within companies to make more profit. There are
three characteristics of capitalism: Goods and services are privately held, limited
government intervention, and prices are determined by supply and demand [Farrell
2015]. Due to capitalismcompanies are forced to make questionable decisions in
order to stay ahead of their competition. The goal of these choices are to make more
money and spend less of it. This often involves laying off workers because they often
change their form of manufacturing, or relocating to another country for cheaper
labor costs. These decisions can go on to affect their employees and the community
in ways that they would never imagine. In the film Roger and Me, Director Michael
Moorewitnessed how the effects of capitalism ran a booming city into the ground.
Flint, Michigan was the home of eleven successful General Motors factories that
employed a lot of the city and made the city a lot of money. While the factory was
thriving Roger Smith, the CEO of GM at the time decided to close all eleven of the
Flint factories in order to open up new factories south of the border in Mexico.
When the factories went on to close it resulted in a loss of eleven thousand jobs, and
the morale of the city. Considering General Motors employed the majority of Flint
Shot Clocks In Schools Essay
Basketball today is one of the leading sports when is it comes to entertainment.
This sport is known to have an incredibly high amount of supporters. There is
something about the sport that thrills and excites its viewers. This sport is very
entertaining because it of its fast scoring and its high pace of things. However, I
am sure we have all witnessed a game of stalling were teams refuse to pass the ball
in order to prevent the opposing team from scoring. In the United States today only
eight states allow unlimited use of 30 or 35 second shot clock in high school
basketballgames. Shot clocks are designed to increase the pace of the placers and
prevent any type of stalling. It is clear that many basketball teams take advantage
of not having a shot clock. This is an issue because teams appear to purposely take
up time to prevent opposing teams from scoring. Not only does it take away from
the actual purpose and meaning of the game but it hurts the players when it comes to
transitioning to the next level of basketball. The use of shot clocks at high school
basketball games is a change that must occur. Every school in the united states should
be encouraged to use shot clocks at high school games.
The only way to prevent teams from taking advantage of the regulation time would
be to encourage all lower level basketball games to require the use of shot clocks at
each game. The use of shot clocks would encourage all teams to use their actual
abilities and talents to win
Lower East Side Sociology
The Lower East Side formerly once joined with the East Village is home to many
working class families, many of whom are foreign born. Over the past 50 years, this
neighborhood has gone through many changes, both negative and positive. Located
in Manhattan, the Lower East Side is surrounded by 14th street, the East River,
Bowery, and the Brooklyn Bridge. This area today has faced gentrification and has
also faced many housing developments that threaten the character of the community.
The LES has gone from once considered a slum to be one of the trendiest
neighborhoods today in New York City. One of the first groups that settled in the
Lower East Side in the 19th century were Germans. Due to the German immigration,
the Lower East Side became... Show more content on ...
The rise of juvenile delinquencies was at its highest between 1951 and 1960 in the
Lower East Side compared to all of the New York City neighborhoods (Mele, 2000,
p.138). Heroin contributed to the surge of crime in the LES and its use was very
popular among the poor. Crime was rampant in the LES and it was mostly evident
around avenues east of Avenue B where most Puerto Ricans lived. When the
Puerto Ricans first entered the Lower East Side, they became scapegoats to the
LES s crime problem. They were labeled as criminals of the neighborhood. Gang
violence was very prominent and active which was due to common turf wars
between minority youth gangs (Mele, 2000). They were also blamed for the
reappearance and spread of the slum present already in the Lower East Side. By
1953, as Puerto Ricans in migration peaked, slum committees were pressed to deal
with the growing Puerto Rican problem . To deal with the Puerto Rican problem ,
there was an urban renewal project put into place called the Puerto Rican Removal
Plans , where they relocated many Hispanic families from poor neighborhoods into
other poor areas when they couldn t discourage Hispanic migration to the Lower East
Side (Mele, 2000,
Greco Roman Wrestling And Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
There are multiple fighting techniques that are very different. But two that are very
different, then very much alike. They are Greco Roman Wrestling (wrestling) and
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ). They have multiple differences, yet they are very much
alike. Wrestling and BJJ have different origins. For instance, wrestlingoriginated in
the Roman times. It was one of the sports to be played in the modern Olympics.
This sport has been played in the Olympics ever since. Then there is BJJ it started
off as Japanese Jiu Jitsu. A teacher moved from Japan to Brazil and would watch all
the matches very closely. He then modified Jiu Jitsu so it was less relied on
strength, rather more on leverage. That was later called BJJ. Both of the fighting
styles have a scoring system that are very similar. In wrestling and in BJJ a person
can score point in many ways. For instance an athlete can score with a takedown, or
by mounting his or her opponent for some points. Also a sweep or passing an
opponent s guard will get the athlete points. They both hold their matches on mats.
The mat has different meaning for BJJ and wrestling. For BJJ the two opponents
start in the middle and go from there, but if they go out of rang the referee does one
of two things. He will stop the match and make them go back to the middle, or if he
cannot recreate the same situation in the middle the will just continue. Then there is
wrestling mat. That mat has more detail than a BJJ mat. It has two circles an outer one
The Salvation Is By Grace Alone, Through Faith Alone
Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. The Scriptures are
clear that there is no other name by which man can be saved but by Christ alone
(Acts 4:12). One can only be delivered by the power of sin through the Lord Jesus
Christ. In John 14:6 Jesus said, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes
to the Father, but through Me. The same exclusive statement is made in John 10:7 8
when Jesussaid, Truly, Truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came
before me are thieves and robbers. The exclusivity of the gospelis to be preached in
this age of plurality. Because of the exclusivity of the gospel, Christians are seen as
narrow minded or intolerant. People say there are many ways to God, and if you
believe what you think is true that will be marked by going to heaven. How can
Christians say, then, that Jesus Christ is the only way by which one can go to
heaven? Jesus made it clear when He said there are only two religious paths: The
broad way of works salvation that leads to eternal damnation, and the narrow way
which is by faith alone in Christ alone that leads to eternal life (Matt. 7:13 14). Each
person is one road or the other. Jesus said He is the only way to God (John 10:7 9;
14:6; Acts 4:12) because He is the truth that reveals who God is (John 1:14, 17;
18:37; Rev. 3:7; 19:11), and He alone possesses the life of God (John 1:4; 5:26;
11:25; 1 John 1; 5:20). This is the exclusivity of the gospel that Jesus
Alphabet Swoth and Pestel Analysis
Pestel forces
SWOT Analysis of Alphabet Games
SWOT Analysis Guidelines
Alphabet Games
Obsah A.PESTEL1 B. SWOT Analysis2 1.Strenghts2 2.Weaknesses3 4.Threats4
C.SWOT Analysis Guidelines6 Index8 References9 Books9 Internet9 Notes9
Mullins stated that, organisational effectivness and performance depends upon thes
sucesfull management of the opportunities, challanges and risk presented changes in
the external enviroment.
PESTEL is an acronym for political, enviromental, socio cultural, economical and
legal external factors.
There are several PESTEL forces which could affect our company.
Socio cultural pestel includes distribution of population according different age
group, sex, religion, ... Show more content on ...
All these factors are considered as a strenght as it makes company stronger and
united. Everybody knows what to do, staff is motivated and willing to work.
All these factors are reflected on quality of our products and services.
Competitvness, Reputation Alphabet Games can easy compete with other compnies ,
which regard us as an equal competitor.
Company is flexible and very well reacts to changes on market.
All these factors help to company s reputation, what attracts customers.
Alphabet Games has also its weaknesses.
When new staff is recruited, skills and quality of work is not the priority for getting
the job, but motivation and passion. This could afect the quality of products, harm
copmany s reputation and loosing of customer and financial looses. This issues has
to be solved as soon as possible, as the production and results are the most importatn
factors for our company.
Organisational structure
Company has no organisation divison. There is 25 members of staff and 3 leaders,
but no Office manager or at least supervisor. It would be highly usefull if authority
would be present in the Office all the time, to supervise team making sure everything
i sup to date, paperwork is filled out properly, procedures followed and that no
employee is behind with the work.
Also HR department could be created , which would support staff providing
Analysis Of Dalton Trumbo
I ve recently watched a film in my English class you starred in called Trumbo. For
this type of historical film, even as a teenager, it was truly enjoyable. At first, I
didn t think that it would appeal to me as much as it did. You re a remarkable actor
and I have always admired your work! The political aspect of the filmdefinitely drew
me in and made it more pleasant to watch. Not knowing anything about McCarthyism
at the time made the film a bit confusing at first, but I gradually began to fully
understand it. I liked the film because it shows the characters tone as well as essence
throughout the film. A feature in the movie that grabbed my attention were the
characteristics Dalton Trumbo had. His character emits grit and was genuinely
Health and Social Class Essay
The aim of this essay is to examine the influence that socio economic status has on
an individual s health. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social
well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1948.) Social
Stratification is a term used by sociologists to describe inequalities that exist
between society and us as individuals and can also be described as a hierarchy with
the less privileged people at the bottom and the more favoured people at the top.
(Giddens, 2006) Anthony Giddens (2006) defines class as a large scale group of
people who share common economic resources, which strongly influence the type of
lifestyle they are able to lead. (pg 300). Karl Marx, a sociologist in the 19th... Show
more content on ...
The report gives a clear analysis of how inequality runs from the richest to the
poorest. Using the RGSC s scales one of the reports most famous findings was that
a child of an unskilled manual worker would die 7 years earlier than a child born to
professional parents. (Macionis amp; Plummer, 2005). Other findings were that
people in class V were more likely to die of conditions like heart disease, cancer or
stroke than those in class IV. It was evident that people in class I had a longer life
expectancy, better health with lower death rates. (O Donnell, 2005). The Black
Report look at four main reasons which may explain the inequalities in health: The
Artefact Explanation Artefact being something made by people so there may have
been some flaws in the findings. The official mortality and morbidity statistics could
have been invalid or unreliable and it s argued that observed social gradients in
health maybe the product of poor quality data. Although this work confirmed that
there were health inequalities it was suggested that it was underestimated by
conventional analysis. (Asthana amp; Halliday, 2006). A study showed The authors
of the black report didn t find this explanation very convincing based on the fact
that working class groups have not contracted as much as is often supposed, while
poor health affects all manual workers, not just those classified as unskilled. (Kirby
et al, 2000) The Health/Social Explanation The social selection is based on a
Propaganda Vs Persuasion
If you were to walk down the street and survey people on the difference between
propaganda and persuasion, most people would probably ask themselves, Is there
really a difference between the two? Aren t they synonymous? This response wouldn
t be unheard of because the two terms are similar in nature at first glance. Both terms
describe a tactic in which people try to manipulate their audience into choosing their
side of an issue. However, upon closer inspection, it is clear that the definitions of
propagandaand persuasion have slight differences that set the two apart from one
another. It is important to note these distinctions because they help decipher more
accurately the kind of information sent, leading to better decision making.... Show
more content on ...
However, these two terms differ slightly when it comes to taking into account how
people perceive their intended purposes. Persuasion relies on emotional, moral,
and logical appeals to convey a message, without relying too heavily on any one of
these. It likes to strike a nice balance between the three so that the message seems
well rounded and cohesive. Persuasion is also more concerned with the mutual
benefit of both the persuader and those being persuaded (Difference, n.d.).
Propaganda relies heavily on emotional appeal alone because propaganda is
typically used to convey a message in a short amount of time, and the quickest and
easiest way to get somebody to remember something is by leaving an emotional
impact. Propaganda doesn t take into account the consequences of its message. This
is why it can be said, the aim of propaganda is only to cater to the needs of the
propagandist (Difference,
Persuasive Essay On Animal Abuse Animals
Being able to aid abused, injured, or ill animals, see the background of different
animals, and witness shy,timid animals warm up to humans is one the the many
amazing experiences that one gets to witness volunteering at an animal shelter.
During the time I spend volunteering at the Youngwood Animals Friends Shelter I
get the privilege to aid abused, injured, or ill animals. My first abused animal that I
had helped was a black collie lab mix ame Tessa. Tessa was a dogwho despised
humans and dogs alike. She would growl, snap, bark aggressively and do all of the
signs of basic signs of defense or threats.I didn t walk her because she was on the
category of red . Red meant that a volunteer needed special training to walk the red
dogs. I am not trained to walk said red dogs but i was able to give her treats and
clean her kennel. ANother dog, who s name was Cody, he was a mix of shelties
and collies. Cody was surrendered by his owners due to the fact he was roaming
the neighborhood underweight and has a old leg injury. The vet determined that
the leg had to be amputated due to the fact that it was no use to Cody any more and
was just getting in his way of a better quality of life. The day after Cody s surgery
Cody walked up the two flights of steps to get into the cat wing. He was a new dog,
with his injured leg amputated he was acting like the puppy he should be acting.
Sadly, Cody passed was recently due to an unknown reason. He died in his sleep on
his bed in his new home
Stephen Greenblatt s The Renaissance Beard
Scholar Stephen Greenblatt, in Shakespearean Negotiations looks into the
relationship between medical and theatrical practice, raising the questions: How does
a play come to possess sexual energy? Quoting early modern physician Jacques Duval,
Greenblatt gives an account that early modern anatomists believe that erotic heat is
crucial in determining sexuality and gender. In fact, gender in the early modern
period, as Greenblatt argues, is teleologically male. Through heat, according to
Greenblatt, the struggle between male and femaleseed is determined and the male
genital organ emerges from its hidden place. Linking the perspective of the medical
discourse to theatrical practice, Greenblatt argues that the concept of individuation of
... Show more content on ...
Cross dressing comedies, according to Cressy, does not signal a sex gender system
in crisis but a system robust enough to be played with. Contrary to the anti
theatricalists views, Cressy argues that cross dressed men appeared energized and
proactive in the Elizabethan and Jacobean stage. In other words, Cressy suggests
that cross dressing was played for laugh in the early modern period, without
suggestion of a gender system in trouble. In fact, Cressy makes a case that theaters
treated costume playfully without the moral or religious weight. Drawing from
historical cases of crossdressing, Cressy argues that the evidence points not to
homoerotic ambivalence or subversive androgyny but to problems of social
discipline. In other words, Cressy argues that the offense in cross dressing lays not in
the gender confusion or the violation of the Deuteronomy as some anti theatricalists
claimed it to be but rather, in the intrusion of inappropriate behavior in areas like the
church, suggesting that the critical matter in crossdressing may have been genre and
Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Civil War
Abraham Lincoln once told Harriet Beecher Stowe, So you re the little lady who
wrote the book that made this great war (Hillstrom and Baker 431). Harriet
Beecher Stowe, in a way, did start the Civil War, one of the bloodiest battles in
American history. She tried her hardest to abolish slavery and never gave up on
the slaves no matter what obstacles there were along the road. Stowe wrote Uncle
Tom s Cabin, helped release slaves during the Civil War, and also worked to
abolish slavery in her life. Harriet Beecher was always a good writer, even when
she was young. When she was young, she won an essay contest. Besides winning
essay contests, she also wrote an essay for her high school graduation. In the future,
writing would be her life.... Show more content on ...
Uncle Tom s Cabin was so popular that it was translated into more than 60
languages(Harriet Beecher Stowe). Because of the book, it caused Northerners to
accuse the Southerners of treating slaves badly. In turn, the Southerners accused
Stowe of exaggerating how they treated their slaves and said that Stowe didn t
know that much about slaves and just made up some of the things in the book.
Stowe responded to this by writing a book called Key to Uncle Tom s Cabin. This
book lists all resources she used to help write her book Uncle Tom s
Cabin(Randolph 67). However, the book caused the Northerners to not cooperate
with the Fugitive Slave Act, therefore picking up an argument with the South. The
argument caused the Civil War(Hillstrom 431). Harriet Beecher Stowe not only tried
to abolish slavery before the Civil War by writing Uncle Tom s Cabin, but also
helped during the Civil War by help convincing President Abraham Lincolnto sign
the Emancipation Proclamation(Haugen 82).When the Civil War started from the
attack on Fort Sumter, Abraham Lincoln wanted to defeat the South as quickly as he
could. Stowe had criticized Lincoln for not freeing the slaves since Lincoln didn t
include as part of his plan in defeating the rebels. She had a meeting with Lincoln in
the White House. Stowe wanted to convince Lincoln to sign the Emancipation
Proclamation, which released slaves in the South from the seceded states. Lincoln
had signed the
Essay On Making Things Better On Campus At Florida...
At least once in a person s life they will go through hard times. These hard times
could be financial, personal, tragic, or something that happened to them early in life
that will haunt them forever. Some of these hard times could have been self
inflicted, or something someone can t help at all. Whenever anything bad happens
to us, we have the mentality that somehow it will get better. Whether a cut on our
knee we got on the playground in kindergarten, to losing a loved one who was close
to you, it gets better. We use this phrase to get us through the bad times and reminds
us that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. This positive outlook is also used
when trying to make change whether on campus at Florida Atlantic University (FAU)
or social change. Making things better on campus needs actions that present itself
beneficial to many people, like parking, and by learning from mistakes from the past
we can take on more difficult things like social change.... Show more content on ...
For example, at Florida Atlantic University students flock a very large outdoor
walkway called the Breezeway between classes. Getting to your class in time is
hard enough without the distraction of the several tables lined up on either side of
the Breezeway trying to get your attention. These tables are set up for clubs,
activities, school events, frat and sorority life, and even raising awareness for
causes. While these tables are set up, walking down the Breezeway you are
constantly being stopped, asked questions, and being handed papers and cards to
advertise for whatever the table is about. This is not a good way to make things
better on campus because it annoys people more than actually promoting. What
would work instead would be making promoting fun, social, and
The Effects Of Greenhouse Gases On Earth s Normal
A dangerous atmospheric deviation by the increase in Earth s normal surface
temperature is experienced by the impact of greenhouse gasses. This effect is named
as Global Warming. There are four main components which help atmosphere to warm
and they are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor. Some examples
explaining this effects are carbon dioxideoutflows from blazing fossil powers or from
deforestation, which trap warm.
Various elements have been adding to this ascent in the normal worldwide
temperature either specifically or by implication, right from the time the planet
appeared. It alludes to the procedure wherein the radiations originating from the Sun
are caught by the greenhouse gasses inside of the air of the Earth, which thus causes
the temperature close to the Earth s surface to rise. It is believed that the
greenhouse effect has increased the Earth s temperature by some place around 24
percent, with carbon dioxide adding to around 12 percent of the greenhouse effect,
water vapor contributing around 36 percent, methane 5 to 10 percent, and Ozone
making around 3 to 7 percent of the same. People had begun adding to a worldwide
temperature alteration around 8000 years prior with the begin of agribusiness,
wherein deforestation to clear land for cultivating brought about a critical ascent in
the measure of carbon dioxide in the air. Researchers claim that awful practices in
industries results in the arrival of different greenhouse gasses which
The Locality Guide System Website Essay
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 OVERVIEW The Locality Guide System is
Online Website. Show Local area shops, Local area Shop Search, Items does can
be managed through the system. In the Website, Shops Location records can be
stored and Customer retrieved any time when ever required using person s
username and password. Customer can easy to shop items and search local area
shops. This System use to easy Order Items and Search location of his/her area
Shops. 1.2 OBJECTIVES пѓ Our main object is to make Shop Online and Search
available Shops Local area. пѓ So, They can more selling and marketing. Any user
can Buy a Product on Click and Search his/her area Shops on Click. 1.3 SCOPE The
Website is useful for Local Area Guide. This Website provides facility for to store
the shops record so that available Items can see that any time. The Website will be
very easy to use even for the Customer who is novice user to computer. 1.4
FRAMEWORK Hibernate framework simplifies the development of java application
to interact with the database. Hibernate is an open source, lightweight, ORM (Object
Relational Mapping) tool. An ORM tool simplifies the data creation, data
manipulation and data access. It is a programming technique that maps the object to
the data stored in the database. [Fig.1.1 The ORM tool internally uses the JDBC API
to interact with the database] пѓ HIBERNATE ARCHITECHTURE The Hibernate
architecture includes many objects
Ancient China Essay
One of the most important inventions of all time was the invention of gunpowder.
Imagine their enemy s surprise when the Chinese first demonstrated their newest
invention in the eighth century AD. Chinese scientists discovered that an explosive
mixture could be produced by combining sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter (potassium
nitrate). The military applications were clear. New weapons were rapidly developed,
including rocketsand others that were launched from a bambootube (Franklin
Institute). The Chinese are known for their inventions that still are used in the
modern day. Those inventions are paper, gunpowder, books, and much more.
Gunpowder was discovered in the tenth century by Chinese medicine men ... Show
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I believe Paper was the greatest invention of all Chinese inventions, even greater
than gunpowder. Chinese legend tells that the new invention of paper was
presented to the Emperor in the year 105 AD by Cai Lun (Franklin Institute). In
105 AD, Han Emperor Ho Ti s chief eunuch T sai Lun tried with a wide variety of
materials and worked with the fiber of plants until each filament was completely
separate. The individual fibers were mixed with water in a large vat. Next, a
screen was submerged in the vat and lifted up through the water, catching the fibers
on its surface. When dried, this thin layer of intertwined fiber became what today
we call paper. T sai Lun s thin, yet flexible and strong paper with its fine, smooth
surface was known as T sai Ko Shi, meaning: quot;Distinguished T sai s Paper quot;
and he became revered as the saint of papermaking.
It wasn t until the third century when the secret art of papermaking began to get out
of China, first to Vietnam and then Tibet. Taught by Chinese papermakers, Tibetans
began to make their own paper as a replacement for their traditional writing materials
(Georgia Tech). It was introduced in Korea in the forth century and spread to Japan in
sixth century. There, during the eighth century, the Empress Shotuka undertook a
massive project consisting of printing a million prayers Dharani on individual sheets
The Moral Dilemma Of Adolf Hitler
The moral dilemma that I was presented was killing 3 year old Adolf Hitler to
prevent the Holocaust. I can try to change Hitler s mind, but he will still make the
same decision, no matter what. If I decide to kill him or not, I would not be
charged for the murder, which is the plus side of this moral dilemma. After a long
week of thinking about this question, I thought to myself that I could not have the
courage to kill an infant. I have a guilty conscience and if I were to do something
like that, I would not be able to forgive myself. I understand that Hitler s choices
during World War II was inhumane, but it is a part of world history that needs to be
studied and to not be reiterated. On the contrary, if I don t kill him, six million... Show
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Since I said that I will not kill Hitler, the Holocaust will still occur. Mentally, I would
have a hard time suffering about me being responsible of other people s lives.
Society uses this tactic to hide their real emotions and build an exterior to block the
bad realities.
And thirdly, I might use the displacement approach, because I would not know how
to relieve my wrath. To clarify, using displacement is when someone pins his/her
troubled feelings towards another object or person; it can also cause more fuel to
the fire in any situation. Since Hitler would be in the wrong as a dictator, it would
make sense to confront him with my feelings about his involvement. Instead, I
might just take my anger out on someone that is around me and probably hurt their
feelings. I know that it is not the best way to vent my rage, but I am being honest if
I were put in that situation. Even if I decided to kill Hitler, I would be very
remorseful, and I would not know how to clear my conscience. Killing someone s
child is a bad deed, but killing to save millions will make someone have a fickle
To conclude, I made the decision to not kill three year old Hitler, because I would
not have the nerve to kill someone else s child. Since I won t kill him, the
Holocaust will still take place and I will have a hard time controlling my emotions.
To disguise my real feelings, I would use defense
Perseus Flaws
Perseus, the Greek character is culturally significant. He is known to have character
flaws as well as heroic traits. He has many forms of help such us, supernatural, help
from the gods, and help from friends. He goes through many trials and obstacles
through his journey. He get s help from supernatural beings.
Perseus had a special birth. He was born a demi god. His father was Zeus, son of
Cronus, and his mother was DanaГ«, the daughter of Acrisius of Argos. As an
infant he was put to sea in a chest with his mother by Acrisius. Acrisius did so to
prevent the prophecy (he would be killed by his grandson.) from happening.
Perseus was known to take pride as a huge thing. For example, in the story, Perseus
King Polydectes of Seriphus tricked Perseus into thinking he can obtain the head
of medusa because he desired DanaГ«. So he felt he needed to do it for his pride.
Perseus was known for being, Brave, truthful, gentle and courteous . Aided by
Hermes and Athena, Perseus forced the Graiae sisters of the Gorgons, into helping
him by seizing the one eye and one tooth that the sisters shared and not returning
them until they provided him with winged sandals (which enabled him to fly), the
cap of Hades (which conferred invisibility), a curved sword, or sickle, to decapitate
Medusa, and a bag in which to conceal the head. ... Show more content on ...
He has been an idol for the Greeks since the story was made. He was known for
being Brave, truthful, gentle, strong and courteous. This is what the ideal person
was like to the Greeks. The Greeks had created a statue of Perseus. It was him
holding Medusa s head. The statue was a symbol of praise. The Greeks valued
multiple traits. Such as the ones mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph along
with perseverance and
Pros And Cons Of Ebonics
Due to increase in Globalization and search of a better lifestyle, people migrate to
different places in the world. Now due to migration, problems like language
acceptance and language understanding arises. In 1996 97, incident of Oakland
(California) resolution for African American students is very popular. I am against
the Oakland resolution because of dialect, expressing thoughts, and essential of
language. People of different countries have their different dialect culture and the way
of expressing thoughts. People who are African American have around 53% of the
student s ratio in the district of Oakland, California. The language of African
American considered Ebonics or African Language System. Ebonics is the word
coined the term ebony and phonics. This language is also known as Black English.
People of every country have their national language and accent with which the
patriotism of individual connections. So during that time the African American
students were not able to... Show more content on ...
Because of confusion and acceptance of Ebonics, the Government officials, as well as
the people, will face many issues. Because of that, it will take place in many fights
and opposition throughout the country, which will destabilize the whole nation and
just as a group of community, such a significant destruction, and resistance. Also
when Oakland School Board introduced the idea of primary language as Ebonics, the
Government stopped providing the funds to the Oakland Education System, which
was a significant reaction. Also, a bill was passed in the Georgia State Senate, stating
that any course teaching Ebonics will receive no state funds. South Carolina s House
passes a statement saying that the teaching of Ebonics is
The Museum Of Contemporary Art Cleveland
From Euclid Avenue to the east, visitors will enjoy the various buildings in
Cleveland. From the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to the Tower City, to the
University Circle, where there are many of amazing museums. No matter the
famous Cleveland museum of art or Natural History Museum. The Museum of
Contemporary Art Cleveland, is undoubtedly a unique one. During the day,
pedestrians and passersby see themselves reflected in the surface. As dusk sets in
the building s interior reveals itself and guests get clear views into the building.
Glass windows cut diagonally across several facets of the building following the
building s geometry and creating banner like views into all four floors.
The Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland ... Show more content on ...
Looking inside the building, color plays a crucial role in Museum of
Contemporary Art Cleveland building while the buildings dark reflective exterior
offers little evidence of the interior structure. The experience inside is more open
and translucent. After entering the building, guests will identify that individual
floors through pale grey striping and full glass windows that reveal different
interior. Back of house, spaces like exhibition workshops and conference rooms
contrasting these light gray bands of color the building envelope hovers above the
interior space like an abstracted shell. One of the most striking aspects of this
envelope is its color. The interior is treated with an intense white and blue fireproof
paint that immerses guests in the experience of color a hue that has been the topic
of intense artistic scrutiny in modern and contemporary art(New Museum of
Contemporary Art, 2015). Blue is a highly elusive color as FNMA design architect
Elliott Hodge s notes quote Farshid Mousavi was inspired by Yves Klein in the
selection of blue from interior (Grabowski, J. J., Van Tassel, David D, 2006). In
particular, a blue that would read Dark first and blue second. visible in almost every
public space (Glasner, Barbara, and Petra Schmidt, 2011). This blue
Management Of Working Capital Balance Sheet
Humbro PLC have been successful with their Olympic themed board game, they
have decided to take on a business venture of an expansion where they would be
able to create a new product which can capitalise on the next football world cup.
The finance director has been absent on a long term leave which has led to a lack
of clarity and understanding of the various financial options among the other board
members within the company. The managing director has asked for some financial
advice and if this expansion will go ahead. In this report I will analyse Humbro
PLCs financial information give my conclusion followed by my own
recommendations for the company and if the expansion is to go ahead.
Users of financial information
Users ... Show more content on ...
Identified sources of finance in the statement of financial position
A debenture is the most common form of long term loan that can be taken by
Humbro. Debentures are usually loans that are repayable on a fixed date this is in
the statement of financial position under the heading Non current liabilities (8,000)
in both 2011 and 2012. Most debentures pay a fixed rate of interest which you can
also see in the statement of financial position under current liabilities titled debenture
interest (800) for year 2011 and 2012. The main advantage of a debenture to
companies is the fact that they have a lower interest rate than overdrafts. They are
usually repayable at a date far off in the future.
Retained earnings
Retained earnings are profits generated by a company that are not distributed to
shareholders as dividends but are either reinvested into the business or kept as a
reserve for specific objectives these being to pay off debt or purchase a capital
asset. As you can see in Humbros statement of financial position under capital and
reserves they have retained earnings at 9,100 in 2011 and 10,500 in year 2012 this
has shown an increase which means there is more capital available for growth and
higher returns on investments and shareholder equity.
Ordinary shares
Ordinary share are any shares
A Framework for Diagnosing Competitive Superiority
George S. Day Robin Wensley Assessing Advantage: A Framework for Diagnosing
Competitive Superiority Strategy is about seeking new edges in a market while
slowing the erosion of present advantages. Effective strategy nnoves are grounded in
valid and insightful monitoring of the current competitive position coupled with
evidence that reveals the skiHs and resources affording the most leverage on future
cost and differentiation advantages. Too often the available measures and methods do
not satisfy these requirements. Only a limited set of measures may be used,
depending on whether the business starts with the market and uses a customer
focused approach or alternatively adopts a competitor centered perspective. To
overcome possible... Show more content on ...
They are given meaning in the minds of managers through processes of selective
attention and simplification (Pfeffer and Salancik 1978). Otherwise managers
could not possibly cope with the myriad of trends and events that must be
organized, analyzed for patterns, and acted upon. Managers therefore adopt a
customer focused or competitor centered perspective to help simplify their
environment and decide what information is to be gathered and how it is to be
screened and interpreted. Simplification comes at a cost, which is the risk that
only a partial and biased picture of reality is created. A competitor centered
perspective leads to a preoccupation with costs and controllable activities that can
be compared directly with corresponding activities of close rivals. Customer
focused approaches have the advantage of examining the full range of competitive
choices in light of the customers needs and perceptions of superiority, but lack an
obvious connection to activities and variables that are controlled by management.
Clearly a balance of the two characteristic perspectives is needed. In practice most
businesses tilt in some cases very sharply toward one or the other. A significant
complication in the search for a balanced p erspective is the confusing welter of
overlapping meanings of competitive advantage. Because there is no agreement on
what elements to include or how they are related, information gaps cannot be
identified. We address this
Under Armour Is Gaining Market Share And Challenging
Under Armour is gaining market share and challenging Nike in the sports apparel
However, Under Armour is having major issues with inventory management and
managing cost.
Inventory cost has increased steadily over the past three years and is now at the
point where it is
out weighing revenue.
Under Armour, Inc., was founded in1996, by Kevin Plank, by a former University of
Maryland football player. The company was born out of an idea to make a T shirt
that provided
compression and wicked or unbelievable perspiration from the individual s skin and
regulating body temperature and eliminating the discomfort of ... Show more content
on ...
The company has built an incredible authentic brand in relatively a short period. The
company has been in existence for a little over 15 years and has made huge strides in
the textile,
apparel, and luxury goods industry. With success come challenges, and therefore a
need for
strategic adjustments. The company s strategy lines up well with the sports apparel
industry key
success factors. However, the company has a few weaknesses and threats they need
to address in
order for the company to continue on the path of steady growth and stability.
The case study revealed there is a huge issue with inventory management. Under
Armour, inventory strategy is to have enough inventories to fill orders quickly. The
company s
year end 2011 financial statement revealed inventory cost had exceeded revenue
companywide. The increase has caused the days of inventory to increase from 121.4
days in
2009 to 155.8 in 2011 (Thompson et al., 2014, p. c 52). Under Amour s product days
inventory is much higher than the sports apparel industry and that of its competitors.
revelation has caused management to consider reducing the products offered by 20
The other issue revealed is that Under Armour does not own any patents for its
This issue poses a huge threat to the company. Under Armour has a group
National WWII Museum Reflective Essay
I don t knit. I m just learning to crochet actually, but this makes me really wish I
could knit at all or crochet better. I think this is an excellent idea! The National
WWII Museum is proud to launch its own Knit Your Bit campaign. You can help the
Museum honor WWII veterans by Knitting Your Bit in this case a simple, but cozy,
scarf to be donated to a veteran in a Veterans Center somewhere in the United States.
People are no longer behind the cause like they were during WWII. You no longer
see large scale projects where people give of themselves and their time to support
troops or veterans. This looks back to a time where people cared and showed it.
A little background from the website:
On the Home Front during World War II, knitting
The Josh Powell Case
The Josh Powell case is a tragic one that tells the story of a clearly emotionally
unstable man that reached the end of his rope and made a horrible decision. In
2009 the police were looking into Josh as a possible suspect in the missing of his
wife Susan. Josh was never charged for the disappearance of Susan and was
allowed to have full custody of his two sons following the investigation. Josh s
father Steven resided with him and his two boys and when he was arrested for
possession of child pornography the boys were taken away from Josh to protect
them. Josh was sent through a series of obstacles to regain custody of the boys
including a polygraph test and a psychological exam, after which he was then only
granted supervised visits. During one of their routine visits the case worker arrived
to bring the children to Josh. At that time Josh took the boys and locked the case
worker out of the home. After she smelled gasoline she called the policebut they did
not arrive in time and Josh set the home on fire killing himself and Braden and
Charlie whom were 5 and 7 at the time of their... Show more content on ...
In the incipient stage heat and oxygen are combined and ignite creating the fire
and initial point of fire. The growth stage there are several factors that can
determine who large a fire becomes such as if there are any highly flammable
items or combustibles in the area and the height of the ceiling creating thermal
layering. Once a fire has reached its maximum potential it is now in the fully
developed stage and is extremely hot and dangerous at that point. Decay occurs in a
fire while it is being tamed or extinguished. The decay stage can be dangerous
because if there are items that can cause a combustion that have not been ignited yet
it can make a firefighter think they are out of the woods and safe and then a
backdraft occurs because of the oxygen being reintroduced to the
How Did Robert Bunsen Split The Light Of Flames Into Its...
J.J. Thompson conducted an experiment with cathode rays. This resulted in the
discovery of electrons; a sub atomic particle in the atom. He developed the plum
pudding model that showed negatively charged electrons scattered throughout a
positively charged sphere. Robert Bunsen was the first person to the study emission
spectra . He split the light of flames into its own wavelengths, by using a prism and
discovered that every element emits a different mix of wavelengths that can be used
as a identifier, just like fingerprints. He showed that every element is unique. William
Ramsay helped create Noble Gases on the periodic table by discovering argon,
helium, neon, krypton, and xenon by isolating them from air. The inactivity of these
Apprenticeship Of Duddy Kravitz And The Wolf Of Wall
Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may
perform very good or very bad acts. All depends on the principals which direct them.
This is a quote by Napoleon Bonaparte; which relates to the action of Duddy Kravitz
and Jordan Belfort. Duddy Kravitz is the main character of the novel The
Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitzand Jordan Belfort is the main character of the
movie The Wolf of Wall Street which was a directed by Martin Scorsese, based off
of the self written memoir by Jordan Belfort. Both of these men are excessively
ambitious and would do anything to accomplish their goals and to become a
successful individual. Ambition is like a two sided street, success can be earned in a
legal and truthful manner... Show more content on ...
Duddy began on the right path, after graduating from Fletcher s Field High School,
he worked as a waiter at a hotel called Rubin s, in St. Agathe during the summer. He
was the only high school graduate who had obtained a job at the hotel among
university students. Duddy did everything he could to earn money. Because he
was an efficient and swift waiter, the hotel owner, Rubin, gave him more tabled to
attend to. [...] Duddy had no trouble getting his orders. In fact he was so quick in
the dining room that after two weeks Mr. Rubin gave him three extra tables.
(Richler,67 68) During his break he would attend to guest to earn extra tips, while
the other waiters relaxed by the pool. Duddy was truthfully and legally making
money just by working harder than the other waiters. Duddy knew that in the near
future he would buy land to achieve his goal and make his grandfather proud.
When he returned to Montreal, he would drive his father s taxi for extra cash. He
also sold liquid soap and paper towels to individuals. These actions show that
Duddy is a very determined young man and will do anything to achieve his goals,
one of them being to own his own land. Equally, Jordan was also a very determined
man, and his main goal was to become wealthy. He began his career working at a
brokerage that sold blue chip stocks, but he lost his job because a stock
Acadia Research Paper
The Acadia, launched in 1913 out of Newcastle, England was the first vessel that
was designed to handle the cold, ice filled waters to specifically survey Canada s
northern waters, such as the Hudson Bay or the south shore of Novia Scotia. This
ship helped pioneer hydrographic research by taking measurements around Canadas
Arctic waters at the beginning of her career. The last operation this ship was used
for was to chart the coast of Newfoundland, and these up to date charts replaced
those that were a hundred years old. The Acadia may have started as just a research
vessel, but once war came around it was adapted. From 1916 to 1919, she was a
patrol and escort vessel; then in 1917 she was damaged in the Halifax Explosion
while being
Essay on Tobacco
Tobacco is the common name of the plant Nicotiana tabacum and to a limited extent
Nicotiana rustica and the cured leaf that is used, usually after aging and processing
in various ways for smoking, chewing, snuffing and the extraction of nicotine, the
principal alkaloid of tobacco.(4) The species N. tabacum has never been found to
grow in the wild.(1) The use of the word tobacco is generally accepted as referring to
the products of the tabacum species and so it will be in what follows. Tobacco holds
an unparalleled position among crop plants in the world such as:
1) It is one of the very few crops entering world trade entirely on a leaf basis.
2) It is the most widely grown commercial non food plant in the world.
3) It ... Show more content on ...
N. tabacum has a uniquely high proportion of alkaloids occurring as nicotine and is
considered to have survived as a species by man s protection. Creation of new
species through hybridization is a natural botanical occurrence. It is an accepted
assumption that N. tabacum arose as a natural hybrid. N. sylvestris contributes one
genome, but agreement on the other contributor is not agreed upon. Artificial
creation of hybrids which results in synthetic tobacco bear very close genetic
similarity to N. tabacum. Cultivated tobaccos have changed immensely over time
and it is unlikely that the forms of other species now available bear to close a
resemblance to what existed in the distant past.(1)
Tobacco is normally grown as an annual and is potentially a woody, shrub like
perennial. The tobacco plant has a very shallow root system which provides poor
anchorage for the more extensive above ground development. The N. tabacum types
are one of the smaller species of tobacco varieties. The leaves supply the most
important economic value of the plant and are given the most attention by botanists.
Although there is variation in leaf size and shape there is general uniformity of
distribution, size and shape within cultivated types. Between types, size and shape
may vary considerably but not in distribution. The characters which may include leaf
Fastcat Benchmarking Job
Benchmarking jobs was a critical step in developing grades and ranges. Some of the
job descriptions in the survey data did not clearly relate to the jobs in FastCat, which
caused us to avoid those particular survey jobs. Due to these discrepancies among the
job descriptions, we decided to evaluate the descriptions that most clearly matched the
FastCat jobs. For example, in the Business and Marketing pay structure, the
Administrative Aide requires very basic qualifications, such as a high school diploma
and competencies in basic skills, such as word processing and simple administrative
tasks. We felt that this most closely identified with the Office Support 1 position
because its description involved simple word processing tasks as well... Show more
content on ...
We looked at organizations that were similar to ours. Factors that we included are
the size of the organization, the type of work done in the company, their
profitability, and their percentage of base pay to total compensation. We chose
organizations that were either small or medium sized that ideally were software
companies. Large companies were also selected, as practically we are still
competing with large companies for similar positions, and the market continues to
expand in such a way that many smaller companies are merging to large size. We
also looked at the profitability of the organization. FastCat s ROA value is 0.24. We
chose to look at organizations that were either of the same level or higher, up to a
value of around 5. Choosing all of these particular factors allowed us to benchmark
against organizations that are likely in a similar financial situation as FastCat,
making them appropriate organizations with which to
The Dow Jones Industrial Average
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is indeed the most publicized and
extensively known stock market on the globe. Being a major contributor of the N Y
S E (New York Stock Exchange) trading stocks (Ullivan, Steven, 2003), the index
shares the United States economy by a notably significant margin. Also, the index
has been operational for long since its inception in the nineteenth century, making it
the first to be quoted by other publications. Its reputation has mushroomed all over
because of its understandability and reliability in the market. This paper explains the
DJIA index as well as its history in the simplest terms. Also, the paper critically
evaluates the index taking into consideration that it is a price weighted index, unlike
other substantial value, weighted measures like the S P 500 index.
The average has a rich history and development since it came into effect during the
nineteenth century. It was first unveiled in 1896 by Charles H. Dow with a major
goal of disseminating valuable information and opinions about the stock market and
also contributing to the nourishment of United States economy. The average named
after Dow and his business colleague, Edward Jones. This index mainly shows the
trading patterns and performance among the 30 big corporations in the United States.
It also shows their trend in the stock market. Most investors at the beginning used to
trade on bonds mainly, followed by other few real assets such as machinery and
factory (Barr,
Surfing Research Paper
The History and Culture of Surfing
Surfing is an ancient art and was first known as he e nalu , which translates to wave
sliding. However, surfing wasn t simply a fun sport or a task that these ancient people
completed. Instead, it was something that attached them to the sea and they used it to
reflect their emotions.
During ancient times, surfers would often rely on priests, who were known as
Kahunas, for prayers for good waves. Since proper waves are important when looking
for a good day of surf, this was a crucial part of the process. Kahunas would dance
and cite ritual chants, all in the hopes of pleasing the sea. It was the belief that this
process would cause the sea to provide proper waves for the people to surf.
Training Exercise
While ... Show more content on ...
It is surprising to see how far the sport has come from its humble beginnings in
Hawaii. Advertising for the sport made it even more popular and was first
completed by Dale Velzy. Being the very first sponsor of surfing, he worked to make
the sport more visible to everyone.
It wasn t long after Velzy s endorsement that movies began to be made. The first surf
movie was Gidget and The Endless Summer quickly followed. These movies created
a surf culture that quickly swept the United States and the entire world. With this
culture fashion, music and even a special language was created.
Eventually boards were shortened from 10 feet to 6 feet, which created a new form of
surfing culture, referred to as the short board revolution . With this change in the
culture, surfing went from somewhat of an underground interest to a mainstream,
commercialized sensation.
Surfing is still a beautiful and highly respected art. One of the best things about all
these advancements is that people everywhere can now enjoy it and develop skills
with practice. If you are looking to introduce surfing culture into your life, be sure
to contact us. We are able to help you select the best board and offer advice as to
how to get started the right
The Respective Roles and Hr and Line Managers in
[pic] Courtesy Fotosearch
In today s world there is great focus on human resource management (HRM) and its
contribution to the business environment. Humans are the greatest asset to any
organization; the basis on which they exist and are able to perform their daily
operations. HRM is said to be one of the most resourceful benefits of an
organization but at the same time, it s the easiest to get rid of. With this in mind,
this paper will focus on the key points that will be used in making a presentation to
a meeting of lime managers to clarify their respective roles in HR and managing
people. The paper also articulates the key purposes of Human ... Show more content
on ...
The HR professional contributes to the organization by continuously evaluating the
effectiveness of the HR function. He and/or she also support change in other
departments and in job practices. To promote the overall success of the organization,
one champions the recognition of the organizational mission, vision, values, goals
and objectives. Finally, the HR professional also assists with determining the
measures that will inform the organization about how well it is succeeding in all of
this. Values of an organization assist in shaping the culture which can be referred to
as that s the way we do things round here as defined by Charles Handy (1987); letting
the employees know what the organization expects from them. One may wonder
where this statement came from, but not only do the HR professionals help in the
implementation of these things. As line managers, they also have a great role to play
as they help contribute to the organization overall mission, vision, values etcetera by
ensuring that the culture within their departments help motivates the employees to
give their best and keep in line with the objectives.
Thus far we have looked at human resource, human resource management and some
of its roles in the organization. It has been said that Human Resource Management
can also be performed by line managers, but who are they. As mentioned above, line
managers have a huge part to play within the organization, ensuring that their
department conforms to
Traditional And Modern Family
The modern family is a controversial topic that many disagree on. Some think that
today s modern family is bad and should be more traditional, with family values of
the past, while, on the other hand, some believe that the modern family, full of
technology and evolving family values, is a good thing and should be celebrated.
These opinions about the modern vs traditional familystyle are not as important as
the four main components of a family. These components are the ability to take the
idea of marriage/a relationship serious when considering starting a family, a
supportive and beneficial parent child relationship, a financially stable standing,
and the ability to allow children to make their own decisions about things like
political issues. I feel that if these four parts of a family are not met, then the
family will fall apart, which is what we see a lot of in today s age. Whether it be
financial situations that drive a couple apart, a hurtful parent child relationship, over
sheltering of a child so that they follow their parents beliefs and values without
question, or the couple does not take their marriage seriously when considering
starting a family, meaning they do not openly discuss all of the above situations,
financial or how to raise a child.
When considering starting a family, the most important component is being able to
take the idea of marriage/a relationship seriously. You are able to openly discuss the
other components like financial based topics or how
Theme Of Racism And Fear In To Kill A Mockingbird
Living in 2017, many people believe America is free of racism and prejudice. That
it is past the years of wrongfully convicting African American men and past an unfair
judicial system. People believe equality for all is really happening. Yet, studies show
that innocent black men are seven times more likely to be convicted of murder than
innocent white people. Another study shows that even though black peoplerepresent
only 13% of the US population they represent 47% of 1,900 exonerations from 1989
to mid October of 2016. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, author Harper Lee shows
us that racism and fear are often more powerful than justice and morality. Three
characters who understand this injustice include Atticus Finch, Bob Ewell, and Tom...
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Mr. Ewell knew he could get away with this lie because he was a white man and
Mr. Robinson was a black man: I seen that black n**ger yonder ruttin on my
Mayella! (231). Mr. Ewell can insult Tom Robinson and make up blatant lies yet
people still believe him. He can take advantage of a fellow human being and get away
with it just because of race. Atticus recognizes that Mr. Ewell only won the case
because of his white privilege and lets his children know this. There s nothing more
sickening to me than a low grade white man who ll take advantage of a Negro s
ignorance (296). Atticus knows Mr. Ewell is not of great intelligence but he s smart
enough to know that because of institutionalized racism he can get away with perjury.
Mr. Ewell s character communicates the message that racial bias can be more
powerful than justice.
The last character who emphasizes the theme that racism and fear are often more
powerful than justice and morality is Tom Robinson. While helping Mayella
Ewell with chores, he is forced into a romantic moment with her and realizes this
could land him in trouble so he ran away. Mr. Finch, if you was a n**ger like me,
you d be scared too (261). Tom realizes that being a black male would cause him to
be blamed for some part of the incident if he had happened to be identified. So, he
tried to get away to avoid the least as much trouble as possible. Later in the trial, Tom
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  • 2. Extreme Bradycardia Case Introduction: We present a case of extreme bradycardia in a patient with Batten Disease Background: Batten Disease is a rare and fatal autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder, regarded as the juvenile form of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses (NCL). It is most commonly associated with mutations in the CLN3 gene and involves lipofuscins accumulation in the neuronal tissues. We present a case of first degree arterioventricluar block in a patient with batten disease, treated with permanent pacemaker implantation Case: Our case is a 29 year old man with Batten disease, severe cognitive impairment and epileptic disorder sent from his primary doctor s office for extreme bradycardia. Electrocardiogram (EKG) in the emergency room showed episodes
  • 3. Automatic Room Light Controller with Didirectional Visitor... CHAPTER : 1 Project Overview 1. Introduction Of Project 1.1 Project Definition: Project title is AUTOMATIC ROOM LIGHT CONTROLLER WITH BIDIRECTIONAL VISITOR COUNTER . The objective of this project is to make a controller based model to count number of persons visiting particular room and accordingly light up the room. Here we can use sensor and can know present number of persons. In today s world, there is a continuous need for automatic appliances with the increase in standard of living, there is a sense of urgency for developing circuits that would ease the complexity of life. Also if at all one wants to know the number of people present in room so as not to have congestion. This circuit proves to be helpful. 1.2 ... Show more content on ... CHAPTER : 3 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM Transmission Circuit: Fig. 3.1 Transmitter circuit Receiver Circuit: Fig. 3.2 Receiver circuit * CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION: There are two main parts of the circuits. 1. Transmission Circuits (Infrared LEDs) 2. Receiver Circuit (Sensors) 1. Transmission Circuit: Fig. 3.3 Transmitter circuit This circuit diagram shows how a 555 timer IC is configured to function as a basic
  • 4. monostable multivibrator. A monostable multivibrator is a timing circuit that changes state once triggered, but returns to its original state after a certain time delay. It got its name from the fact that only one of its output states is stable. It is also known as a one shot . In this circuit, a negative pulse applied at pin 2 triggers an internal flip flop that turns off pin 7 s discharge transistor, allowing C1 to charge up through R1. At the same time, the flip flop brings the output (pin 3) level to high . When capacitor C1 as charged up to about 2/3 Vcc, the flip flop is triggered once again, this time making the pin 3 output low and turning on pin 7 s discharge transistor, which discharges C1 to ground. This circuit, in effect, produces a pulse at pin 3 whose width t is just the product of R1 and C1, i.e., t=R1C1. IR Transmission circuit is used to generate the modulated 36 kHz IR signal. The IC555 in the transmitter side is to generate 36 kHz square wave. Adjust the preset in the transmitter to get a 38 kHz
  • 5. Correlation between Cost Reduction and Manufacturing... 2. LITERATURE REVIEW (Manoj Dora, 2014)[1] Encountered The key barriers by Food SMEs in the implementation of lean manufacturing practices result from the special characteristics of food sector, such as highly perishable products, complicated processing, extremely variable raw material, recipes and unpredictable demand. In addition, lack of knowledge and resources makes it difficult for food processing SMEs to embark on the lean journey One of the research studies in 2010 has found that the editorial board of Trends in Food Science Technology barbed out The food manufacturing industry needs improvement on various methods when it comes to production such as lean manufacturing for operational effectiveness (Mahalik, 2010). [2] In academia, the majority of the operations management literature focuses on the application of lean manufacturing in large discrete organizations (Moreno Luzon, 1993). [3] Few academic articles even started to raise interests over the straightforward application of lean manufacturing in processing industries (Abdulmalek and Rajgopal, 2007 ; Melton, 2005) [4]. The specific characteristic of goods and/or processes in processing industries offers a great demand to the application of lean manufacturing (Abdulmalek et al., 2006; Van Donk and Van Dam, 1996) [5]. (Cox and Chicksand, 2005)[6] Believed Some works show that a straightforward acceptance of lean manufacturing in the food manufacturing industries might not bring the desirable
  • 6. Analysis Of The Abolition Of Man In the Abolition of man one of the main arguments that Lewis makes was that the result of education in the spirit of the green book is the destruction of the society that accepts it. In the green book the authors named G T place their own opinion within the book which is that people should only use their reason when making decisions and not their emotions or spirited element. The authors state this because in society peoples views are often reflected in their work intentionally or unintentionally and in the green book the authors fall in this trap. In the book Lewis states that G T have not taught students english. Instead they have expressed their opinions on philosophy and morality which can corrupt the minds of the youth and those who read it. Another argument made by Lewis in the Abolition of Man is the view of the waterfall and wether it is sublime in itself or if it is sublime because of how the speaker is feeling. Lewis states that things in nature can be in itself beautiful or pretty without the view of a human because there is a standard for everything and it can either meet that criteria or not. G T state that the speaker says the waterfall is sublime because the speaker feels pretty and therefor is projecting the way he or she feels onto the waterfall. Lewis says that G T are wrong because things can hold an attribute within themselves such as national park being a national park. The national park is a national park because there is a beauty to it that is
  • 7. Network Security And Situational Awareness Data Pre... Network Security and Situational Awareness Data Pre processing Method Based on Conditional Random Fields Rajesh.P #1, Krishnamoorthy.P #2 Gopi.S#3 ,Sivasankari.S #4 Assistant Professor CSE*1,2, Assistant Professor IT #3 #4, Kingston Engineering College*1,2,3 4 Vellore, India*1,2,3 4 2 Abstract The examination of Network security situational Awareness (NSSA) is imperative since it can progress the system checking capacities, Emergency reaction limit and anticipate the advancement pattern of system security. In light of the substantial measure of Intrusion Detection System (IDS), We propose another strategy for information preprocessing for NSSA in light of Conditional Random fields (CRFs). It takes points of interest of the CRFs models which can line to arrangement information stamping and add irregular ascribes to manage the measure of information from IDS, and give the information to NSSA. It utilizes KDD Cup 1999 information sets as exploratory information and arrives at a conclusion that our proposed strategy is practicable, solid and productive. , This paper explains the situational familiarity with the three fundamental explore content: This paper expounds on the situational awareness of the three main research content: extraction the factors of NSSA, situation understanding and situation
  • 8. Nurse Informatic Importance The Importance of Nurse Informaticists in Healthcare The world expects healthcare professionals especially nurses to be knowledgeable, critical thinkers and artistic. Nursing is a self fulfilling, and lucrative profession that requires certification through education. With the essential core values determined through the Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), nursing became a more recognized profession. These core values are valid and essential to being a professional nurse, but incomplete without nursing informatics. Nurse informaticist professionals that incorporate informatics in their practice positively impact healthcare and the society. To understand the importance of nurse informaticists, one must first understand what nursing informatic is. Nursing Informatics is a new, fast growing specialty in nursing, and by far the backbone of the modernized nursing. McGonigle and Mastrian (2018) defines nursing informatics as: the synthesis of nursing science, information science, computer science and cognitive science for the purpose of managing, disseminating, and enhancing healthcare data, information, knowledge and wisdom to improve collaboration and decision making, provide high quality patient care, and advance the profession of nursing. (McGonigle Mastrian, 2018, p.141) Nursing informatics encompass science, data and knowledge effective in today s nursing practices. The
  • 9. What Is The Theme Of Crafting Girl At Ana Girl at War, written by Sara NoviД‡, is a fictional story about Ana JuriД‡ and her experiences before, during, and after the Croatian Civil War. After losing her parents in a massacre and becoming a child soldier, Ana eventually escapes the civil war and lives in America. She encounters stark differences between her childhood in Croatia and adulthood in America. Ana learns that although she physically left the civil war, mentally the trauma of war will continue to haunt her for the rest of her life. NoviД‡ s Girl at War utilizes Ana s experiences in both Croatia and America to address the sudden loss of innocence and everlasting trauma that results from wartime, as well as the benightedness Americans have on the idea of war. Crafting Girl at... Show more content on ... In section II, Somnambulist, although Ana is now a college student in America, she still gets flashbacks of the traumatic events that occurred to her during the Croatian Civil War. No matter how much she puts these thoughts aside, they still reappear unconsciously in her dreams. She lays awake through the uneasy hours [of the night] for as long as [she] could before the dreams set in (141). The subject of recurring nightmares demonstrates the idea that the trauma of war never is forgotten, but reappears when you least expect it. Reguardless of Ana s distance from Croatia, she will never dismiss from her memory the night her parents were massacred and her other horrific wartime experiences. By demonstrating the everlasting trauma of war, readers can be educated on a usually overlooked repercussion of war which only increases the reader s knowledge of the perpetual damage of
  • 10. Risk Taking Outline Risk taking essay Bold text = Important information Thesis / Intro I think people should remain cautious and risk nothing. That way, you don t risk anything and you re not worried. This also benefits to your health and brain due to levels of stress that you can have from being worried all the time. Reason 1 : Safer (in some cases) If you take risks, the mistakes you could have can make or break you. If you are more aware of what will happen, you can decide based off of the outcomes. If the results or outcomes are bad, then you have to make that choice to do it or not. Reason 2 : Don t have to worry as much When people take risks, they can be scared because they have no idea how the outcomes will turn out to be. Remaining cautious lets
  • 11. Pele In Hawaiian Mythology According to Hawaiian mythology, Pele is the fire goddess. Connected to volcanoes, lightning, fire and wind, she is considered the creator of the Hawaiian Islands. Due to this, Pele is one of the best known gods of the islands. Even today, visitors to the Ainopio Trail and the summit of Mauna Loa bring offerings to Pele. Long ago, native Hawaiians began this tradition by climbing Mauna Loa with offerings to appease Pele and win her favor. This same gorgeous trail can be used by visitors to reach the summit and commune with the goddess. Arriving at the Islands Long ago, Pele was born into a family of six daughters and seven sons. According to mythology, her mother was the earth goddess, Haumea, and her father was the dream god, Moemoe. Growing... Show more content on ... She fell for the mortal chief of Kauai, Lohiau. Hearing the sound of a hula festival, she used astral travel to arrive at the festival where she immediately fell in love with Lohiau. Pele joined in the dance and quickly won Lohiau s heart. They lived together happily until one day Pele returned home. She promised to send for him, and her sister, Hiiaka, was sent to fetch him. Hiiaka s only requirement was to go to Kauai, retrieve Lohiau and avoid kissing him. Arriving after many days, Hiiaka was distraught to discover that Lohiau had died. Lucky for her, she saw his spirit darting above the mountain tops. Capturing the spirit, she managed to return it to his body. Returning to Pele, Hiiaka was so excited that she hugged and kissed Lohiau without thinking about it. Assuming that Hiaaka was trying to mock her, Pele destroyed Lohiau by covering him in lava. At the same time, Pele s brothers had just returned from traveling. Seeing the body of Lohiau, they brought him back to life and Lohiau fell in love with Hiiaka. Together, Hiiaka and Lohiau settled down in a house on Ke e Beach in Haena. Today, a stone wall from their house can still be seen. The Wrath of Pele Lives
  • 12. The Cost Of Investing In Space Exploration Space exploration is a subject of much debate in regards to its funding. There has always been a divide in opinions on space exploration. Many people, usually engineers or those in the field of science, have been in favor of space exploration and the innovations it could bring. Other people, such as politicians and businessmen, see space explorationas a waste of funding that does not result in profit or benefits. However, aerospace engineers are currently planning several space programs that could bring many benefits to the United States. Investing in space exploration will benefit the U.S. in the future by contributing knowledge, providing resources, and possibly finding another habitable planet. Contrary to what many businessmen believe, space exploration contributes very important knowledge that outweighs the costs ... Show more content on ... As stated by the ISECG, a space exploration forum for international space agencies, solar panels... heart monitors... cancer therapy... water purification systems... improved computing systems and... global search and rescue [systems] (Benefits 1), and many other innovations were invented as a result of space exploration, contributing immensely to society. Satellites were originally invented for the purpose of exploring space. As a result of this invention, new knowledge was gained, enabling scientists to [develop] satellite telecommunications, global positioning, and advances in weather forecasting (Benefits 1). This knowledge created new inventions that were able to positively impact the United States. People use these helpful inventions every day to check the weather forecast and direct people to locations without having to consult a map. Another innovation stemming from space exploration is a portable cooling system. NASA, a U.S. government agency which specializes in space exploration, stated that Astronauts working on the lunar surface wore liquid cooled
  • 13. The Battle Of San Juan Hill MISSION COMMAND PAPER: THE BATTLE OF SAN JUAN HILL The Battle of San Juan Hill took place in the hills surrounding Santiago, Cuba on July 1, 1898. It was a battle between the Spanish forces commanded by General Arsenio Linares and the United States Army V Corps commanded by MG William Schafter. Although the United States won the battle, MG Shafter did not properly exercise all of the principles of mission command prior to and during the battle. MG Shafter failed to provide a clear commander s intent and exercise prudent risk, but several of his subordinate leaders developed cohesive teams through mutual trust and exercised disciplined initiative to win the Battle of San Juan Hill. The Spanish American War began when President McKinley... Show more content on ... MG Shafter and MG Lawton believed that El Caney could be taken quickly, thus planned for the 2nd Division to take El Caney and then line up to the right of the Cavalry Division during the San Juan Hill assault. The assault on El Caney took longer than expected, and the 2nd Division lost about 960 of its total 6,600 men to injury or death. Therefore, MG Lawton s 2nd Division was not able to support the assault on San Juan Hill. , , On the morning of July 1st, the Cavalry and 2nd Divisions marched to San Juan Hill along the Camino Real Rd in two columns. MG Sumner commanded the Cavalry Division, due to MG Wheeler being sick. MG Shafter was also incapacitated during the battle; therefore, his aides traveled back and forth from El Pozo to the line of forces to give orders, creating confusion and stalling the onset of the battle. Together, the force consisted of about 8,400 troops, which split when the road met the San Juan River. The Cavalry Division moved to the east side of the river and the 1st Division to the west of the river. The juncture point, known as the bloody ford, was a target for Spanish mauser fire that caused many American casualties. All units were in position to attack by 1200, but were waiting for MG Lawton to finish the attack on El Caney and for orders from MG Shafter to attack. The howitzer battery began firing from the bloody ford area around 0800, but had to discontinue firing because mounting
  • 14. Living Like Weasels, Shooting An Elephant, And Virginia Woolf The human is the most complex living being on the face of this earth, yet human roots are sometimes forgotten. Through Charles Darwin s theory of evolution, it is clear that animals are the brothers and sisters of the human race. In turn, human habits resemble those of all the living beings which creates unity between all walks of life, determining the same fate for all. A similar concept relates the three works: Living Like Weasels, Shooting an Elephant, and The Death of a Moth by Annie Dillard, George Orwell, and Virginia Woolf respectively. The authors explore the nature of such creatures in order to achieve a better understanding of their motives, all the while gaining insight on the cycle of life. Both Living Like Weasels by... Show more content on ... Woolf paints a similar picture as the moth s legs agitated themselves once more...the enemy against which he struggled...was [somehow] opposed to the...moth...It was useless to do anything...One could only watch the extraordinary efforts made by those tiny legs against an oncoming doom, being death (Woolf 195). This story parallels that of Orwell s and explores the moments before the unavoidable force of death sweeps one away. The essays show that it is useless for anyone to do anything in this powerless state because the time has come. All one is left to do is to endure the pain as the senses are slowly removed and as he/she transitions onwards, displaying that change is also a part of the cycle of life, and one must develop patience and endurance to handle change. Moreover, Dillard s and Woolf s pieces investigates the process of death, the end of the cycle. Dillard believes that by grasp[ing] your one necessity and not let[ting] it go, to dangle from it limp wherever it takes you. Then even death...cannot you part (Dillard 66). In other words, one should seize their destiny till their body decomposes in the ground,
  • 15. Similarities Between Romanticism And Yeats By the 1780s, the British Industrial Revolution, which had been developing for several decades, began to accelerate further; technology changed. The economic transformation brought about the British industrial revolution along with social reformation (, n.d.) But not everyone was thrilled by this brave new world. The poets of the Romantic Movement also found a great deal to criticize about the Industrial Revolution. The new technologies and their use grew out of eighteenth century rationalism, which held that man could employ science to control the earth the way he pleased. The Romantic Movement was a reaction to this philosophy, and held that man was a part of nature and needed to respect and care for the earth. This view extended to humanity as well as the ... Show more content on ... His later works, though, focused mostly on politics (due to his love with Maud Gonne) and ultimately grew to darker poetry due to the continuous rejection by Isabelle Maud Gonne s daughter. This is evident in the poems; Adam s Curse, September 1913, To a Young Girl, Politics and Death. The only similarity between these two poets is the romanticism in Wordsworth s poems and Yeats early work. Wordsworth was in love with nature and his environment. He admired simplicity and believed, throughout his poems that nature gave out major messages when looked at closely. Yeats early work was based on his love for Ireland and its countryside. Yeats always tried to revive the lost importance of Ireland in its people. This can mainly be seen in the poem September 1913. Wordsworth quite intentionally turned his back on the Enlightenment traditions of poetry. He instead looked more to the Renaissance and the Classics of Greek and Latin epic poetry for motivation. His work was noted for its
  • 16. The Influence Of Keri Interviews I have known Keri for 3 years now as we came to Northwest Christian University from Blue Mountain Community College to attend school and play volleyball. Keri is one of my closest friends and volunteered when she overheard me talking about our mock interviews to our coach. Keri is an Exercise Science major here at NCU, with plans to become an athletic director or athletic trainer. One of her goals is to also coach volleyball at the high schoollevel, so the interviewwas based on a coaching position for her former high school. Before the interview, I mentioned the nonverbal cues that she should keep in mind. She started off great as she spoke very fluently. However, when I asked her what her personal mission statement was I noticed she kept
  • 17. Labelling Theory Of Police Brutality America has come a long way from its racist historical past, however the truth remains that police brutality continues to have its effects on marginalized communities (Embrick 2015, p. 837). It has become a social norm to see fatality from police brutality, and long gone is the image of police officers being the peace keepers for all (Onyemaobim 2016, p. 182). Different sociological perspectives can be applied to understand policebrutality and the consequences it can have on marginalized communities. The question this paper looks to answer is how does sociological theory, specifically the labelling theory, help to explain police violence and the consequences it can hold on these communities. The Labelling Theory itself is based on symbolic... Show more content on ... Labelling theory suggests that police brutality stems from the existing stigma that poor minority communities are deviant characters (Anderson 2017, p. 31). Thus, due to the constant violent behaviour pressed on by police officers, many people of colour are less likely to report a crime, and take it upon violence to seek for help (Desmond Andrew 2016). Which could mean that, if police brutality increases so will the lack of reporting on crimes within marginalized communities, and thus an influx of crimes within that community (Brunson Miller 2005). Which brings it back to labelling theory, as the stereotype that minorities are deviant characters will continue due to the rising crime rates, as well as the stigma that all officers are biased depending on race and social status (Desmond Andrew 2016). To finish, this adds to the understanding of what is crime and deviance, as it indicates to how police brutality is a deviant action brought on by the typecast or master status on lower class minorities (Desmond Andrew
  • 18. The Cremation Of Sam Mcgee Analysis In the poem, ВЁThe Cremation of Sam McGeeВЁ, the Speaker promises to cremate his friend s body when he dies in the North. In my second story, Michael Phelps had a dream to become a champion swimmer. In the book, ВЁThe Call of the WildВЁ, Buck is desperate to survive in the Klondike times with tough weather and bad people and dogs. However, all three were pursuing to succeed in their goal they made because they saw something or said something that meant a lot to them. In The Cremation of Sam McGee , the speaker promises to his friend that he would cremate his body when he dies. For example, So I want you to swear that, foul or fair, you ll cremate my last remains (Service line 24). What drove him to pursue his goal is that he made a promise to his friend that he would not fail. I swore I would not fail , I burrowed a hole in the glowing coal, and I stuffed in Sam McGee (Service line 25 and 45). The Speaker pursued to cremate his friend, Sam McGee, to keep his word, which he did, but at the cost of losing his mind.... Show more content on ... Michael Phelps wanted to face his fear and put his head under water and learn to swim. The narrator states, Phelps undertook a mission since his childhood to become a champion swimmer (Narrator para. 3), Back then, he was a little nervous about putting his head underwater (Narrator para. 2). By pursuing his goal and wanting to succeed, Michael Phelps is now known as a champion swimmer and the record holder for the most Olympic Medals won.The Narrator states, Phelps set a world record in July 2012 for earning more medals than any other Olympic athlete (Narrator para.
  • 19. The Death of Julius Caesar, a Great Leader Julius Caesar was a great leader of Rome. Not only did he lead a very strong army, but his people also loved him. The debate is always should he have been killed or should he have lived and lead us to more victories. The first document that was used in the debate is a primary source. It s called De Vita Caesarum, Divus Iulius. The document is a biography of Julius Caesar and his life. Suetonius wrote the biography. Suetonius was a roman historian who wrote about the Roman Empire. It was written in 110 CE. It was written to show the side of the senators, and how they felt about having emperors. It is trustworthy because Suetonius used eyewitnesses and other evidence from books to provide a lot of information about Caesar. The only thing that I think is missing is the side of Caesar because he wrote it from the perspective of the senators view. Which puts Caesar in a bad light because the senators did not like Caesar. Considering that the article was written based off of the senators, it put Caesar in a bad light. Meaning that this author did not want Caesar to live. Another document that was used was a secondary source. It was an article written in the Britannica Student Encyclopedia. It was written for the public to read and understand Julius Caesar. It was used to give a brief overview of Julius Caesar s life. It talked about him as a person, the civil war that he was involved with, the march he lead, as well as his reputation. The article is moderately trustworthy
  • 20. Removal of Hardness of Water Using Precipitation and... KWAME NKRUMAH UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE OF TITLE: REMOVAL OF HARDNESS OF WATER USING PRECIPITATION AND COMPLEXATION METHODS. NAME: KWARTENG YAW PRINCE COURSE: BSC. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE YEAR: FIRST YEAR EXPERIMENT NO. : A.1.1.3. T.A.: BRIGHT KOFI LEONARD DATE: 7TH NOVEMBER, 2007. Aims and Objectives: 1. To describe water hardness. 2. To soften hard waterin terms of the species involved and the reactions they undergo. 3. To test the effectiveness of the methods. INTRODUCTION The experiment seeks to test the effectiveness of the two methods (precipitation and ... Show more content on ... Report the result as ppm of CaCO3 in the solid unknown sample that was supplied to you. CHEMICALS AND EQUIPMENT FunnelNa2CO3 solution Graduated cylinderSoap solution Test tube Distilled water A wash bottleEthylenediamminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) solution Hard water PROCEDURE |Procedure |Observation | |A. HEATING | | |25ml permanent hard water was heated. |Boiled within a very short time with no change in colour ad no | | |formation of precipitate. | |5ml of soap solution to heated permanent hard water and shaken. |Formation of curd. | | |No formation of lather upon stirring or shaking. | |B.
  • 21. Analysis Of Ode To Kirihito In Ode to Kirihito (1970 71), Osamu Tezuka makes it clear that he is not engaging in children s literature. The manga opens tensely in a hospital with a huge staff of doctors mulling over a perplexing medical case and a barrage of obtuse medical terminology. Visually, aside from the dour doctors, there is a heavily rendered panel of tightly packed tombstones in the overgrown cemetery of the afflicted village of Doggodale. This was an early salvo from Tezuka, that after two decades of massive commercial success with largely all ages manga, that he was not content merely being the Walt Disney of Japan. Tezuka wanted to unlock the full power of a new art form. Therefore, in this essay I will argue that with Ode to Kirihito, Tezuka... Show more content on ... The opening pages show a panorama of a beautiful Chinese port city (most likely an idealized Shanghai) with its tightly packed houses and sailboats dotting the harbor. Then Tezuka brings us into to bustling, but still benign city streets, and a richly appointed garden walling off the palace of Master Mahn. Only after does Tezuka begin to peel back the benign exterior to show the twisted underbelly. As the caged Osanai is brought inside by two drivers, Tezuka shows a half page Roman orgy scene encircling a pair of nude performers. The rich, corrupt men, bored by their excesses, demand greater and more perverse pleasures and the ringleader has an infant brought out and placed in the company of a massive snake. Everything we know from Western films and even other manga suggests that the expected horror will not unfold, and that some heroic figure (perhaps the caged Osanai himself) will intervene and save the baby, but that does not happen. Mahn states Don t worry, we bought the baby fair and square in Pakistan. Watch closely (p. 195). In the next page, we see that the snake has eaten the baby with a swollen belly, a woman is seen sobbing and the men are still bored because it is apparently too easy: Boring! All you need is money to buy a snake and a baby (p. 196). The
  • 22. The Old Testament And The New Testament 80. Why Is OWNERSHIP An Illusion? The two gospels, The Old Testament and The New Testament provide mirror images of Terrestrial Humans mentality Evolution and the comprehensive overview of the mental developmental trends over a span covering last five millennia. The Old Testament moral norms served in establishing a legal system with base in an absolute, irrevocable right of private ownership. Incontestable proof of continuous process of Evolution in this micro segment of Spiral is an emergence of The New Testament , as a herald of a new mental era on the Earth, which naturally succeeds The Old Testament. Needless to remind, that The Old Testament also inspired adherents to vehemently follow the principle an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth , a total defence of ownership ...based on the superstition or the illusion that one was God s chosen people and was superior to all heathens . (Quote from Livets Bog , Vol IV #1310) Further, the Old World Testament advocates the ownership right over marriage and the emerged laws allowed a capital punishment in the instance of the discovery of infidelity . Even today, the same anti civilization legal heritage package and outrageously severe unwritten rules represent daily routine in the most conservative and primitive corners of the Globe. Marital fidelity defended by force and violence is definitively unsustainable practice and turns ...marriage into an enforced consolidation of an imaginary right of ownership ,
  • 23. Poverty in Africa Essay example African nations regularly fall to the bottom of any list measuring economic activity, such as per capita income or per capita GDP, despite a wealth of natural resources. The bottom 25 spots of the United Nations (UN) quality of life index are regularly filled by African nations. In 2006, 34 of the 50 nations on the UN list of least developed countries are in Africa. In many nations, the per capita income is often less than $200 U.S. per year, with the vast majority of the population living on much less. In addition, Africa s share of income has been consistently dropping over the past century by any measure. In 1820, the average European worker earned about three times what the average African did. Now, the average European earns twenty... Show more content on ... On each of these occasions, my only thoughts have been that God did not destine poverty, wars and suffering for Africans, else Africa would not have been richly blessed with abundant natural and human resources. As much as there are very genuine disadvantages hampering our progress economically like: ?Overpopulation, this is so with any society that largely depends on agriculture, African families are often very large. Most of the elderly rely on their children for support, and as much agriculture in Africa is labor intensive, large numbers of children provide much needed labor for plowing, planting and harvesting. However, overpopulation is a serious problem in urban areas, which have grown enormously since the beginnings of African independence in the in the late 1950s and later. For example, in 1960, 14.5% of Nigeria s population lived in urban areas, that number had grown to 43% by 2000, and is growing at an estimated 5.5% per year, compared to a 2.9% national population growth rate. This is a trend that can be seen throughout the continent. ?Misused Money, Over $500 billion (U.S.) has been sent to African nations in the form of direct aid. The consensus is that the money has had little long term effect. In addition, most African nations have borrowed substantial sums of money. However, a large percentage of the money was either been invested in weapons (money that was spent back in developed nations and
  • 24. Capitalism Is An Economic And Political System Capitalism is an economic and political system in which a country s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state. This leads to the constant competition within companies to make more profit. There are three characteristics of capitalism: Goods and services are privately held, limited government intervention, and prices are determined by supply and demand [Farrell 2015]. Due to capitalismcompanies are forced to make questionable decisions in order to stay ahead of their competition. The goal of these choices are to make more money and spend less of it. This often involves laying off workers because they often change their form of manufacturing, or relocating to another country for cheaper labor costs. These decisions can go on to affect their employees and the community in ways that they would never imagine. In the film Roger and Me, Director Michael Moorewitnessed how the effects of capitalism ran a booming city into the ground. Flint, Michigan was the home of eleven successful General Motors factories that employed a lot of the city and made the city a lot of money. While the factory was thriving Roger Smith, the CEO of GM at the time decided to close all eleven of the Flint factories in order to open up new factories south of the border in Mexico. When the factories went on to close it resulted in a loss of eleven thousand jobs, and the morale of the city. Considering General Motors employed the majority of Flint with
  • 25. Shot Clocks In Schools Essay Basketball today is one of the leading sports when is it comes to entertainment. This sport is known to have an incredibly high amount of supporters. There is something about the sport that thrills and excites its viewers. This sport is very entertaining because it of its fast scoring and its high pace of things. However, I am sure we have all witnessed a game of stalling were teams refuse to pass the ball in order to prevent the opposing team from scoring. In the United States today only eight states allow unlimited use of 30 or 35 second shot clock in high school basketballgames. Shot clocks are designed to increase the pace of the placers and prevent any type of stalling. It is clear that many basketball teams take advantage of not having a shot clock. This is an issue because teams appear to purposely take up time to prevent opposing teams from scoring. Not only does it take away from the actual purpose and meaning of the game but it hurts the players when it comes to transitioning to the next level of basketball. The use of shot clocks at high school basketball games is a change that must occur. Every school in the united states should be encouraged to use shot clocks at high school games. The only way to prevent teams from taking advantage of the regulation time would be to encourage all lower level basketball games to require the use of shot clocks at each game. The use of shot clocks would encourage all teams to use their actual abilities and talents to win
  • 26. Lower East Side Sociology The Lower East Side formerly once joined with the East Village is home to many working class families, many of whom are foreign born. Over the past 50 years, this neighborhood has gone through many changes, both negative and positive. Located in Manhattan, the Lower East Side is surrounded by 14th street, the East River, Bowery, and the Brooklyn Bridge. This area today has faced gentrification and has also faced many housing developments that threaten the character of the community. The LES has gone from once considered a slum to be one of the trendiest neighborhoods today in New York City. One of the first groups that settled in the Lower East Side in the 19th century were Germans. Due to the German immigration, the Lower East Side became... Show more content on ... The rise of juvenile delinquencies was at its highest between 1951 and 1960 in the Lower East Side compared to all of the New York City neighborhoods (Mele, 2000, p.138). Heroin contributed to the surge of crime in the LES and its use was very popular among the poor. Crime was rampant in the LES and it was mostly evident around avenues east of Avenue B where most Puerto Ricans lived. When the Puerto Ricans first entered the Lower East Side, they became scapegoats to the LES s crime problem. They were labeled as criminals of the neighborhood. Gang violence was very prominent and active which was due to common turf wars between minority youth gangs (Mele, 2000). They were also blamed for the reappearance and spread of the slum present already in the Lower East Side. By 1953, as Puerto Ricans in migration peaked, slum committees were pressed to deal with the growing Puerto Rican problem . To deal with the Puerto Rican problem , there was an urban renewal project put into place called the Puerto Rican Removal Plans , where they relocated many Hispanic families from poor neighborhoods into other poor areas when they couldn t discourage Hispanic migration to the Lower East Side (Mele, 2000,
  • 27. Greco Roman Wrestling And Brazilian Jiu Jitsu There are multiple fighting techniques that are very different. But two that are very different, then very much alike. They are Greco Roman Wrestling (wrestling) and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ). They have multiple differences, yet they are very much alike. Wrestling and BJJ have different origins. For instance, wrestlingoriginated in the Roman times. It was one of the sports to be played in the modern Olympics. This sport has been played in the Olympics ever since. Then there is BJJ it started off as Japanese Jiu Jitsu. A teacher moved from Japan to Brazil and would watch all the matches very closely. He then modified Jiu Jitsu so it was less relied on strength, rather more on leverage. That was later called BJJ. Both of the fighting styles have a scoring system that are very similar. In wrestling and in BJJ a person can score point in many ways. For instance an athlete can score with a takedown, or by mounting his or her opponent for some points. Also a sweep or passing an opponent s guard will get the athlete points. They both hold their matches on mats. The mat has different meaning for BJJ and wrestling. For BJJ the two opponents start in the middle and go from there, but if they go out of rang the referee does one of two things. He will stop the match and make them go back to the middle, or if he cannot recreate the same situation in the middle the will just continue. Then there is wrestling mat. That mat has more detail than a BJJ mat. It has two circles an outer one
  • 28. The Salvation Is By Grace Alone, Through Faith Alone Essay Salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. The Scriptures are clear that there is no other name by which man can be saved but by Christ alone (Acts 4:12). One can only be delivered by the power of sin through the Lord Jesus Christ. In John 14:6 Jesus said, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me. The same exclusive statement is made in John 10:7 8 when Jesussaid, Truly, Truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who came before me are thieves and robbers. The exclusivity of the gospelis to be preached in this age of plurality. Because of the exclusivity of the gospel, Christians are seen as narrow minded or intolerant. People say there are many ways to God, and if you believe what you think is true that will be marked by going to heaven. How can Christians say, then, that Jesus Christ is the only way by which one can go to heaven? Jesus made it clear when He said there are only two religious paths: The broad way of works salvation that leads to eternal damnation, and the narrow way which is by faith alone in Christ alone that leads to eternal life (Matt. 7:13 14). Each person is one road or the other. Jesus said He is the only way to God (John 10:7 9; 14:6; Acts 4:12) because He is the truth that reveals who God is (John 1:14, 17; 18:37; Rev. 3:7; 19:11), and He alone possesses the life of God (John 1:4; 5:26; 11:25; 1 John 1; 5:20). This is the exclusivity of the gospel that Jesus
  • 29. Alphabet Swoth and Pestel Analysis KatarГnka Pestel forces SWOT Analysis of Alphabet Games SWOT Analysis Guidelines Report Alphabet Games Obsah A.PESTEL1 B. SWOT Analysis2 1.Strenghts2 2.Weaknesses3 4.Threats4 C.SWOT Analysis Guidelines6 Index8 References9 Books9 Internet9 Notes9 A.PESTEL Mullins stated that, organisational effectivness and performance depends upon thes sucesfull management of the opportunities, challanges and risk presented changes in the external enviroment. PESTEL is an acronym for political, enviromental, socio cultural, economical and legal external factors. There are several PESTEL forces which could affect our company. Socio cultural pestel includes distribution of population according different age group, sex, religion, ... Show more content on ... All these factors are considered as a strenght as it makes company stronger and united. Everybody knows what to do, staff is motivated and willing to work. Quality All these factors are reflected on quality of our products and services. Competitvness, Reputation Alphabet Games can easy compete with other compnies , which regard us as an equal competitor. Flexibility Company is flexible and very well reacts to changes on market. All these factors help to company s reputation, what attracts customers. 2.Weaknesses Alphabet Games has also its weaknesses. Recruting When new staff is recruited, skills and quality of work is not the priority for getting the job, but motivation and passion. This could afect the quality of products, harm copmany s reputation and loosing of customer and financial looses. This issues has to be solved as soon as possible, as the production and results are the most importatn factors for our company. Organisational structure Company has no organisation divison. There is 25 members of staff and 3 leaders,
  • 30. but no Office manager or at least supervisor. It would be highly usefull if authority would be present in the Office all the time, to supervise team making sure everything i sup to date, paperwork is filled out properly, procedures followed and that no employee is behind with the work. Also HR department could be created , which would support staff providing
  • 31. Analysis Of Dalton Trumbo I ve recently watched a film in my English class you starred in called Trumbo. For this type of historical film, even as a teenager, it was truly enjoyable. At first, I didn t think that it would appeal to me as much as it did. You re a remarkable actor and I have always admired your work! The political aspect of the filmdefinitely drew me in and made it more pleasant to watch. Not knowing anything about McCarthyism at the time made the film a bit confusing at first, but I gradually began to fully understand it. I liked the film because it shows the characters tone as well as essence throughout the film. A feature in the movie that grabbed my attention were the characteristics Dalton Trumbo had. His character emits grit and was genuinely
  • 32. Health and Social Class Essay The aim of this essay is to examine the influence that socio economic status has on an individual s health. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO, 1948.) Social Stratification is a term used by sociologists to describe inequalities that exist between society and us as individuals and can also be described as a hierarchy with the less privileged people at the bottom and the more favoured people at the top. (Giddens, 2006) Anthony Giddens (2006) defines class as a large scale group of people who share common economic resources, which strongly influence the type of lifestyle they are able to lead. (pg 300). Karl Marx, a sociologist in the 19th... Show more content on ... The report gives a clear analysis of how inequality runs from the richest to the poorest. Using the RGSC s scales one of the reports most famous findings was that a child of an unskilled manual worker would die 7 years earlier than a child born to professional parents. (Macionis amp; Plummer, 2005). Other findings were that people in class V were more likely to die of conditions like heart disease, cancer or stroke than those in class IV. It was evident that people in class I had a longer life expectancy, better health with lower death rates. (O Donnell, 2005). The Black Report look at four main reasons which may explain the inequalities in health: The Artefact Explanation Artefact being something made by people so there may have been some flaws in the findings. The official mortality and morbidity statistics could have been invalid or unreliable and it s argued that observed social gradients in health maybe the product of poor quality data. Although this work confirmed that there were health inequalities it was suggested that it was underestimated by conventional analysis. (Asthana amp; Halliday, 2006). A study showed The authors of the black report didn t find this explanation very convincing based on the fact that working class groups have not contracted as much as is often supposed, while poor health affects all manual workers, not just those classified as unskilled. (Kirby et al, 2000) The Health/Social Explanation The social selection is based on a
  • 33. Propaganda Vs Persuasion If you were to walk down the street and survey people on the difference between propaganda and persuasion, most people would probably ask themselves, Is there really a difference between the two? Aren t they synonymous? This response wouldn t be unheard of because the two terms are similar in nature at first glance. Both terms describe a tactic in which people try to manipulate their audience into choosing their side of an issue. However, upon closer inspection, it is clear that the definitions of propagandaand persuasion have slight differences that set the two apart from one another. It is important to note these distinctions because they help decipher more accurately the kind of information sent, leading to better decision making.... Show more content on ... However, these two terms differ slightly when it comes to taking into account how people perceive their intended purposes. Persuasion relies on emotional, moral, and logical appeals to convey a message, without relying too heavily on any one of these. It likes to strike a nice balance between the three so that the message seems well rounded and cohesive. Persuasion is also more concerned with the mutual benefit of both the persuader and those being persuaded (Difference, n.d.). Propaganda relies heavily on emotional appeal alone because propaganda is typically used to convey a message in a short amount of time, and the quickest and easiest way to get somebody to remember something is by leaving an emotional impact. Propaganda doesn t take into account the consequences of its message. This is why it can be said, the aim of propaganda is only to cater to the needs of the propagandist (Difference,
  • 34. Persuasive Essay On Animal Abuse Animals Being able to aid abused, injured, or ill animals, see the background of different animals, and witness shy,timid animals warm up to humans is one the the many amazing experiences that one gets to witness volunteering at an animal shelter. During the time I spend volunteering at the Youngwood Animals Friends Shelter I get the privilege to aid abused, injured, or ill animals. My first abused animal that I had helped was a black collie lab mix ame Tessa. Tessa was a dogwho despised humans and dogs alike. She would growl, snap, bark aggressively and do all of the signs of basic signs of defense or threats.I didn t walk her because she was on the category of red . Red meant that a volunteer needed special training to walk the red dogs. I am not trained to walk said red dogs but i was able to give her treats and clean her kennel. ANother dog, who s name was Cody, he was a mix of shelties and collies. Cody was surrendered by his owners due to the fact he was roaming the neighborhood underweight and has a old leg injury. The vet determined that the leg had to be amputated due to the fact that it was no use to Cody any more and was just getting in his way of a better quality of life. The day after Cody s surgery Cody walked up the two flights of steps to get into the cat wing. He was a new dog, with his injured leg amputated he was acting like the puppy he should be acting. Sadly, Cody passed was recently due to an unknown reason. He died in his sleep on his bed in his new home
  • 35. Stephen Greenblatt s The Renaissance Beard Scholar Stephen Greenblatt, in Shakespearean Negotiations looks into the relationship between medical and theatrical practice, raising the questions: How does a play come to possess sexual energy? Quoting early modern physician Jacques Duval, Greenblatt gives an account that early modern anatomists believe that erotic heat is crucial in determining sexuality and gender. In fact, gender in the early modern period, as Greenblatt argues, is teleologically male. Through heat, according to Greenblatt, the struggle between male and femaleseed is determined and the male genital organ emerges from its hidden place. Linking the perspective of the medical discourse to theatrical practice, Greenblatt argues that the concept of individuation of ... Show more content on ... Cross dressing comedies, according to Cressy, does not signal a sex gender system in crisis but a system robust enough to be played with. Contrary to the anti theatricalists views, Cressy argues that cross dressed men appeared energized and proactive in the Elizabethan and Jacobean stage. In other words, Cressy suggests that cross dressing was played for laugh in the early modern period, without suggestion of a gender system in trouble. In fact, Cressy makes a case that theaters treated costume playfully without the moral or religious weight. Drawing from historical cases of crossdressing, Cressy argues that the evidence points not to homoerotic ambivalence or subversive androgyny but to problems of social discipline. In other words, Cressy argues that the offense in cross dressing lays not in the gender confusion or the violation of the Deuteronomy as some anti theatricalists claimed it to be but rather, in the intrusion of inappropriate behavior in areas like the church, suggesting that the critical matter in crossdressing may have been genre and not
  • 36. Harriet Beecher Stowe and the Civil War Abraham Lincoln once told Harriet Beecher Stowe, So you re the little lady who wrote the book that made this great war (Hillstrom and Baker 431). Harriet Beecher Stowe, in a way, did start the Civil War, one of the bloodiest battles in American history. She tried her hardest to abolish slavery and never gave up on the slaves no matter what obstacles there were along the road. Stowe wrote Uncle Tom s Cabin, helped release slaves during the Civil War, and also worked to abolish slavery in her life. Harriet Beecher was always a good writer, even when she was young. When she was young, she won an essay contest. Besides winning essay contests, she also wrote an essay for her high school graduation. In the future, writing would be her life.... Show more content on ... Uncle Tom s Cabin was so popular that it was translated into more than 60 languages(Harriet Beecher Stowe). Because of the book, it caused Northerners to accuse the Southerners of treating slaves badly. In turn, the Southerners accused Stowe of exaggerating how they treated their slaves and said that Stowe didn t know that much about slaves and just made up some of the things in the book. Stowe responded to this by writing a book called Key to Uncle Tom s Cabin. This book lists all resources she used to help write her book Uncle Tom s Cabin(Randolph 67). However, the book caused the Northerners to not cooperate with the Fugitive Slave Act, therefore picking up an argument with the South. The argument caused the Civil War(Hillstrom 431). Harriet Beecher Stowe not only tried to abolish slavery before the Civil War by writing Uncle Tom s Cabin, but also helped during the Civil War by help convincing President Abraham Lincolnto sign the Emancipation Proclamation(Haugen 82).When the Civil War started from the attack on Fort Sumter, Abraham Lincoln wanted to defeat the South as quickly as he could. Stowe had criticized Lincoln for not freeing the slaves since Lincoln didn t include as part of his plan in defeating the rebels. She had a meeting with Lincoln in the White House. Stowe wanted to convince Lincoln to sign the Emancipation Proclamation, which released slaves in the South from the seceded states. Lincoln had signed the
  • 37. Essay On Making Things Better On Campus At Florida... At least once in a person s life they will go through hard times. These hard times could be financial, personal, tragic, or something that happened to them early in life that will haunt them forever. Some of these hard times could have been self inflicted, or something someone can t help at all. Whenever anything bad happens to us, we have the mentality that somehow it will get better. Whether a cut on our knee we got on the playground in kindergarten, to losing a loved one who was close to you, it gets better. We use this phrase to get us through the bad times and reminds us that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. This positive outlook is also used when trying to make change whether on campus at Florida Atlantic University (FAU) or social change. Making things better on campus needs actions that present itself beneficial to many people, like parking, and by learning from mistakes from the past we can take on more difficult things like social change.... Show more content on ... For example, at Florida Atlantic University students flock a very large outdoor walkway called the Breezeway between classes. Getting to your class in time is hard enough without the distraction of the several tables lined up on either side of the Breezeway trying to get your attention. These tables are set up for clubs, activities, school events, frat and sorority life, and even raising awareness for causes. While these tables are set up, walking down the Breezeway you are constantly being stopped, asked questions, and being handed papers and cards to advertise for whatever the table is about. This is not a good way to make things better on campus because it annoys people more than actually promoting. What would work instead would be making promoting fun, social, and
  • 38. The Effects Of Greenhouse Gases On Earth s Normal Surface... A dangerous atmospheric deviation by the increase in Earth s normal surface temperature is experienced by the impact of greenhouse gasses. This effect is named as Global Warming. There are four main components which help atmosphere to warm and they are carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor. Some examples explaining this effects are carbon dioxideoutflows from blazing fossil powers or from deforestation, which trap warm. Various elements have been adding to this ascent in the normal worldwide temperature either specifically or by implication, right from the time the planet appeared. It alludes to the procedure wherein the radiations originating from the Sun are caught by the greenhouse gasses inside of the air of the Earth, which thus causes the temperature close to the Earth s surface to rise. It is believed that the greenhouse effect has increased the Earth s temperature by some place around 24 percent, with carbon dioxide adding to around 12 percent of the greenhouse effect, water vapor contributing around 36 percent, methane 5 to 10 percent, and Ozone making around 3 to 7 percent of the same. People had begun adding to a worldwide temperature alteration around 8000 years prior with the begin of agribusiness, wherein deforestation to clear land for cultivating brought about a critical ascent in the measure of carbon dioxide in the air. Researchers claim that awful practices in industries results in the arrival of different greenhouse gasses which
  • 39. The Locality Guide System Website Essay CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 OVERVIEW The Locality Guide System is Online Website. Show Local area shops, Local area Shop Search, Items does can be managed through the system. In the Website, Shops Location records can be stored and Customer retrieved any time when ever required using person s username and password. Customer can easy to shop items and search local area shops. This System use to easy Order Items and Search location of his/her area Shops. 1.2 OBJECTIVES пѓ Our main object is to make Shop Online and Search available Shops Local area. пѓ So, They can more selling and marketing. Any user can Buy a Product on Click and Search his/her area Shops on Click. 1.3 SCOPE The Website is useful for Local Area Guide. This Website provides facility for to store the shops record so that available Items can see that any time. The Website will be very easy to use even for the Customer who is novice user to computer. 1.4 TECHNOLOGY AND LITERATURE REVIEW пѓ JAVA п ѓ HIBERNATE FRAMEWORK Hibernate framework simplifies the development of java application to interact with the database. Hibernate is an open source, lightweight, ORM (Object Relational Mapping) tool. An ORM tool simplifies the data creation, data manipulation and data access. It is a programming technique that maps the object to the data stored in the database. [Fig.1.1 The ORM tool internally uses the JDBC API to interact with the database] пѓ HIBERNATE ARCHITECHTURE The Hibernate architecture includes many objects
  • 40. Ancient China Essay One of the most important inventions of all time was the invention of gunpowder. Imagine their enemy s surprise when the Chinese first demonstrated their newest invention in the eighth century AD. Chinese scientists discovered that an explosive mixture could be produced by combining sulfur, charcoal, and saltpeter (potassium nitrate). The military applications were clear. New weapons were rapidly developed, including rocketsand others that were launched from a bambootube (Franklin Institute). The Chinese are known for their inventions that still are used in the modern day. Those inventions are paper, gunpowder, books, and much more. Gunpowder was discovered in the tenth century by Chinese medicine men ... Show more content on ... I believe Paper was the greatest invention of all Chinese inventions, even greater than gunpowder. Chinese legend tells that the new invention of paper was presented to the Emperor in the year 105 AD by Cai Lun (Franklin Institute). In 105 AD, Han Emperor Ho Ti s chief eunuch T sai Lun tried with a wide variety of materials and worked with the fiber of plants until each filament was completely separate. The individual fibers were mixed with water in a large vat. Next, a screen was submerged in the vat and lifted up through the water, catching the fibers on its surface. When dried, this thin layer of intertwined fiber became what today we call paper. T sai Lun s thin, yet flexible and strong paper with its fine, smooth surface was known as T sai Ko Shi, meaning: quot;Distinguished T sai s Paper quot; and he became revered as the saint of papermaking. It wasn t until the third century when the secret art of papermaking began to get out of China, first to Vietnam and then Tibet. Taught by Chinese papermakers, Tibetans began to make their own paper as a replacement for their traditional writing materials (Georgia Tech). It was introduced in Korea in the forth century and spread to Japan in sixth century. There, during the eighth century, the Empress Shotuka undertook a massive project consisting of printing a million prayers Dharani on individual sheets of
  • 41. The Moral Dilemma Of Adolf Hitler The moral dilemma that I was presented was killing 3 year old Adolf Hitler to prevent the Holocaust. I can try to change Hitler s mind, but he will still make the same decision, no matter what. If I decide to kill him or not, I would not be charged for the murder, which is the plus side of this moral dilemma. After a long week of thinking about this question, I thought to myself that I could not have the courage to kill an infant. I have a guilty conscience and if I were to do something like that, I would not be able to forgive myself. I understand that Hitler s choices during World War II was inhumane, but it is a part of world history that needs to be studied and to not be reiterated. On the contrary, if I don t kill him, six million... Show more content on ... Since I said that I will not kill Hitler, the Holocaust will still occur. Mentally, I would have a hard time suffering about me being responsible of other people s lives. Society uses this tactic to hide their real emotions and build an exterior to block the bad realities. And thirdly, I might use the displacement approach, because I would not know how to relieve my wrath. To clarify, using displacement is when someone pins his/her troubled feelings towards another object or person; it can also cause more fuel to the fire in any situation. Since Hitler would be in the wrong as a dictator, it would make sense to confront him with my feelings about his involvement. Instead, I might just take my anger out on someone that is around me and probably hurt their feelings. I know that it is not the best way to vent my rage, but I am being honest if I were put in that situation. Even if I decided to kill Hitler, I would be very remorseful, and I would not know how to clear my conscience. Killing someone s child is a bad deed, but killing to save millions will make someone have a fickle mindset. To conclude, I made the decision to not kill three year old Hitler, because I would not have the nerve to kill someone else s child. Since I won t kill him, the Holocaust will still take place and I will have a hard time controlling my emotions. To disguise my real feelings, I would use defense
  • 42. Perseus Flaws Perseus, the Greek character is culturally significant. He is known to have character flaws as well as heroic traits. He has many forms of help such us, supernatural, help from the gods, and help from friends. He goes through many trials and obstacles through his journey. He get s help from supernatural beings. Perseus had a special birth. He was born a demi god. His father was Zeus, son of Cronus, and his mother was DanaГ«, the daughter of Acrisius of Argos. As an infant he was put to sea in a chest with his mother by Acrisius. Acrisius did so to prevent the prophecy (he would be killed by his grandson.) from happening. Perseus was known to take pride as a huge thing. For example, in the story, Perseus King Polydectes of Seriphus tricked Perseus into thinking he can obtain the head of medusa because he desired DanaГ«. So he felt he needed to do it for his pride. Perseus was known for being, Brave, truthful, gentle and courteous . Aided by Hermes and Athena, Perseus forced the Graiae sisters of the Gorgons, into helping him by seizing the one eye and one tooth that the sisters shared and not returning them until they provided him with winged sandals (which enabled him to fly), the cap of Hades (which conferred invisibility), a curved sword, or sickle, to decapitate Medusa, and a bag in which to conceal the head. ... Show more content on ... He has been an idol for the Greeks since the story was made. He was known for being Brave, truthful, gentle, strong and courteous. This is what the ideal person was like to the Greeks. The Greeks had created a statue of Perseus. It was him holding Medusa s head. The statue was a symbol of praise. The Greeks valued multiple traits. Such as the ones mentioned at the beginning of this paragraph along with perseverance and
  • 43. Pros And Cons Of Ebonics Due to increase in Globalization and search of a better lifestyle, people migrate to different places in the world. Now due to migration, problems like language acceptance and language understanding arises. In 1996 97, incident of Oakland (California) resolution for African American students is very popular. I am against the Oakland resolution because of dialect, expressing thoughts, and essential of language. People of different countries have their different dialect culture and the way of expressing thoughts. People who are African American have around 53% of the student s ratio in the district of Oakland, California. The language of African American considered Ebonics or African Language System. Ebonics is the word coined the term ebony and phonics. This language is also known as Black English. People of every country have their national language and accent with which the patriotism of individual connections. So during that time the African American students were not able to... Show more content on ... Because of confusion and acceptance of Ebonics, the Government officials, as well as the people, will face many issues. Because of that, it will take place in many fights and opposition throughout the country, which will destabilize the whole nation and just as a group of community, such a significant destruction, and resistance. Also when Oakland School Board introduced the idea of primary language as Ebonics, the Government stopped providing the funds to the Oakland Education System, which was a significant reaction. Also, a bill was passed in the Georgia State Senate, stating that any course teaching Ebonics will receive no state funds. South Carolina s House passes a statement saying that the teaching of Ebonics is
  • 44. The Museum Of Contemporary Art Cleveland From Euclid Avenue to the east, visitors will enjoy the various buildings in Cleveland. From the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame to the Tower City, to the University Circle, where there are many of amazing museums. No matter the famous Cleveland museum of art or Natural History Museum. The Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland, is undoubtedly a unique one. During the day, pedestrians and passersby see themselves reflected in the surface. As dusk sets in the building s interior reveals itself and guests get clear views into the building. Glass windows cut diagonally across several facets of the building following the building s geometry and creating banner like views into all four floors. The Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland ... Show more content on ... Looking inside the building, color plays a crucial role in Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland building while the buildings dark reflective exterior offers little evidence of the interior structure. The experience inside is more open and translucent. After entering the building, guests will identify that individual floors through pale grey striping and full glass windows that reveal different interior. Back of house, spaces like exhibition workshops and conference rooms contrasting these light gray bands of color the building envelope hovers above the interior space like an abstracted shell. One of the most striking aspects of this envelope is its color. The interior is treated with an intense white and blue fireproof paint that immerses guests in the experience of color a hue that has been the topic of intense artistic scrutiny in modern and contemporary art(New Museum of Contemporary Art, 2015). Blue is a highly elusive color as FNMA design architect Elliott Hodge s notes quote Farshid Mousavi was inspired by Yves Klein in the selection of blue from interior (Grabowski, J. J., Van Tassel, David D, 2006). In particular, a blue that would read Dark first and blue second. visible in almost every public space (Glasner, Barbara, and Petra Schmidt, 2011). This blue
  • 45. Management Of Working Capital Balance Sheet Introduction Humbro PLC have been successful with their Olympic themed board game, they have decided to take on a business venture of an expansion where they would be able to create a new product which can capitalise on the next football world cup. The finance director has been absent on a long term leave which has led to a lack of clarity and understanding of the various financial options among the other board members within the company. The managing director has asked for some financial advice and if this expansion will go ahead. In this report I will analyse Humbro PLCs financial information give my conclusion followed by my own recommendations for the company and if the expansion is to go ahead. Users of financial information Users ... Show more content on ... Identified sources of finance in the statement of financial position Debenture A debenture is the most common form of long term loan that can be taken by Humbro. Debentures are usually loans that are repayable on a fixed date this is in the statement of financial position under the heading Non current liabilities (8,000) in both 2011 and 2012. Most debentures pay a fixed rate of interest which you can also see in the statement of financial position under current liabilities titled debenture interest (800) for year 2011 and 2012. The main advantage of a debenture to companies is the fact that they have a lower interest rate than overdrafts. They are usually repayable at a date far off in the future. Retained earnings Retained earnings are profits generated by a company that are not distributed to shareholders as dividends but are either reinvested into the business or kept as a reserve for specific objectives these being to pay off debt or purchase a capital asset. As you can see in Humbros statement of financial position under capital and reserves they have retained earnings at 9,100 in 2011 and 10,500 in year 2012 this has shown an increase which means there is more capital available for growth and higher returns on investments and shareholder equity. Ordinary shares Ordinary share are any shares
  • 46. A Framework for Diagnosing Competitive Superiority George S. Day Robin Wensley Assessing Advantage: A Framework for Diagnosing Competitive Superiority Strategy is about seeking new edges in a market while slowing the erosion of present advantages. Effective strategy nnoves are grounded in valid and insightful monitoring of the current competitive position coupled with evidence that reveals the skiHs and resources affording the most leverage on future cost and differentiation advantages. Too often the available measures and methods do not satisfy these requirements. Only a limited set of measures may be used, depending on whether the business starts with the market and uses a customer focused approach or alternatively adopts a competitor centered perspective. To overcome possible... Show more content on ... They are given meaning in the minds of managers through processes of selective attention and simplification (Pfeffer and Salancik 1978). Otherwise managers could not possibly cope with the myriad of trends and events that must be organized, analyzed for patterns, and acted upon. Managers therefore adopt a customer focused or competitor centered perspective to help simplify their environment and decide what information is to be gathered and how it is to be screened and interpreted. Simplification comes at a cost, which is the risk that only a partial and biased picture of reality is created. A competitor centered perspective leads to a preoccupation with costs and controllable activities that can be compared directly with corresponding activities of close rivals. Customer focused approaches have the advantage of examining the full range of competitive choices in light of the customers needs and perceptions of superiority, but lack an obvious connection to activities and variables that are controlled by management. Clearly a balance of the two characteristic perspectives is needed. In practice most businesses tilt in some cases very sharply toward one or the other. A significant complication in the search for a balanced p erspective is the confusing welter of overlapping meanings of competitive advantage. Because there is no agreement on what elements to include or how they are related, information gaps cannot be identified. We address this
  • 47. Under Armour Is Gaining Market Share And Challenging Nike Abstract Under Armour is gaining market share and challenging Nike in the sports apparel industry. However, Under Armour is having major issues with inventory management and managing cost. Inventory cost has increased steadily over the past three years and is now at the point where it is out weighing revenue. UNDER ARMOUR: CHALLENGING NIKE IN SPORTS APPAREL 3 CASE DESCRIPTION Under Armour, Inc., was founded in1996, by Kevin Plank, by a former University of Maryland football player. The company was born out of an idea to make a T shirt that provided compression and wicked or unbelievable perspiration from the individual s skin and thereby regulating body temperature and eliminating the discomfort of ... Show more content on ... The company has built an incredible authentic brand in relatively a short period. The company has been in existence for a little over 15 years and has made huge strides in the textile, apparel, and luxury goods industry. With success come challenges, and therefore a need for strategic adjustments. The company s strategy lines up well with the sports apparel industry key success factors. However, the company has a few weaknesses and threats they need to address in
  • 48. order for the company to continue on the path of steady growth and stability. The case study revealed there is a huge issue with inventory management. Under Armour, inventory strategy is to have enough inventories to fill orders quickly. The company s year end 2011 financial statement revealed inventory cost had exceeded revenue gained UNDER ARMOUR: CHALLENGING NIKE IN SPORTS APPAREL 4 companywide. The increase has caused the days of inventory to increase from 121.4 days in 2009 to 155.8 in 2011 (Thompson et al., 2014, p. c 52). Under Amour s product days of inventory is much higher than the sports apparel industry and that of its competitors. This revelation has caused management to consider reducing the products offered by 20 percent. The other issue revealed is that Under Armour does not own any patents for its products. This issue poses a huge threat to the company. Under Armour has a group
  • 49. National WWII Museum Reflective Essay I don t knit. I m just learning to crochet actually, but this makes me really wish I could knit at all or crochet better. I think this is an excellent idea! The National WWII Museum is proud to launch its own Knit Your Bit campaign. You can help the Museum honor WWII veterans by Knitting Your Bit in this case a simple, but cozy, scarf to be donated to a veteran in a Veterans Center somewhere in the United States. People are no longer behind the cause like they were during WWII. You no longer see large scale projects where people give of themselves and their time to support troops or veterans. This looks back to a time where people cared and showed it. A little background from the website: On the Home Front during World War II, knitting
  • 50. The Josh Powell Case The Josh Powell case is a tragic one that tells the story of a clearly emotionally unstable man that reached the end of his rope and made a horrible decision. In 2009 the police were looking into Josh as a possible suspect in the missing of his wife Susan. Josh was never charged for the disappearance of Susan and was allowed to have full custody of his two sons following the investigation. Josh s father Steven resided with him and his two boys and when he was arrested for possession of child pornography the boys were taken away from Josh to protect them. Josh was sent through a series of obstacles to regain custody of the boys including a polygraph test and a psychological exam, after which he was then only granted supervised visits. During one of their routine visits the case worker arrived to bring the children to Josh. At that time Josh took the boys and locked the case worker out of the home. After she smelled gasoline she called the policebut they did not arrive in time and Josh set the home on fire killing himself and Braden and Charlie whom were 5 and 7 at the time of their... Show more content on ... In the incipient stage heat and oxygen are combined and ignite creating the fire and initial point of fire. The growth stage there are several factors that can determine who large a fire becomes such as if there are any highly flammable items or combustibles in the area and the height of the ceiling creating thermal layering. Once a fire has reached its maximum potential it is now in the fully developed stage and is extremely hot and dangerous at that point. Decay occurs in a fire while it is being tamed or extinguished. The decay stage can be dangerous because if there are items that can cause a combustion that have not been ignited yet it can make a firefighter think they are out of the woods and safe and then a backdraft occurs because of the oxygen being reintroduced to the
  • 51. How Did Robert Bunsen Split The Light Of Flames Into Its... J.J. Thompson conducted an experiment with cathode rays. This resulted in the discovery of electrons; a sub atomic particle in the atom. He developed the plum pudding model that showed negatively charged electrons scattered throughout a positively charged sphere. Robert Bunsen was the first person to the study emission spectra . He split the light of flames into its own wavelengths, by using a prism and discovered that every element emits a different mix of wavelengths that can be used as a identifier, just like fingerprints. He showed that every element is unique. William Ramsay helped create Noble Gases on the periodic table by discovering argon, helium, neon, krypton, and xenon by isolating them from air. The inactivity of these gases
  • 52. Apprenticeship Of Duddy Kravitz And The Wolf Of Wall Street Great ambition is the passion of a great character. Those endowed with it may perform very good or very bad acts. All depends on the principals which direct them. This is a quote by Napoleon Bonaparte; which relates to the action of Duddy Kravitz and Jordan Belfort. Duddy Kravitz is the main character of the novel The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitzand Jordan Belfort is the main character of the movie The Wolf of Wall Street which was a directed by Martin Scorsese, based off of the self written memoir by Jordan Belfort. Both of these men are excessively ambitious and would do anything to accomplish their goals and to become a successful individual. Ambition is like a two sided street, success can be earned in a legal and truthful manner... Show more content on ... Duddy began on the right path, after graduating from Fletcher s Field High School, he worked as a waiter at a hotel called Rubin s, in St. Agathe during the summer. He was the only high school graduate who had obtained a job at the hotel among university students. Duddy did everything he could to earn money. Because he was an efficient and swift waiter, the hotel owner, Rubin, gave him more tabled to attend to. [...] Duddy had no trouble getting his orders. In fact he was so quick in the dining room that after two weeks Mr. Rubin gave him three extra tables. (Richler,67 68) During his break he would attend to guest to earn extra tips, while the other waiters relaxed by the pool. Duddy was truthfully and legally making money just by working harder than the other waiters. Duddy knew that in the near future he would buy land to achieve his goal and make his grandfather proud. When he returned to Montreal, he would drive his father s taxi for extra cash. He also sold liquid soap and paper towels to individuals. These actions show that Duddy is a very determined young man and will do anything to achieve his goals, one of them being to own his own land. Equally, Jordan was also a very determined man, and his main goal was to become wealthy. He began his career working at a brokerage that sold blue chip stocks, but he lost his job because a stock
  • 53. Acadia Research Paper The Acadia, launched in 1913 out of Newcastle, England was the first vessel that was designed to handle the cold, ice filled waters to specifically survey Canada s northern waters, such as the Hudson Bay or the south shore of Novia Scotia. This ship helped pioneer hydrographic research by taking measurements around Canadas Arctic waters at the beginning of her career. The last operation this ship was used for was to chart the coast of Newfoundland, and these up to date charts replaced those that were a hundred years old. The Acadia may have started as just a research vessel, but once war came around it was adapted. From 1916 to 1919, she was a patrol and escort vessel; then in 1917 she was damaged in the Halifax Explosion while being
  • 54. Essay on Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco is the common name of the plant Nicotiana tabacum and to a limited extent Nicotiana rustica and the cured leaf that is used, usually after aging and processing in various ways for smoking, chewing, snuffing and the extraction of nicotine, the principal alkaloid of tobacco.(4) The species N. tabacum has never been found to grow in the wild.(1) The use of the word tobacco is generally accepted as referring to the products of the tabacum species and so it will be in what follows. Tobacco holds an unparalleled position among crop plants in the world such as: 1) It is one of the very few crops entering world trade entirely on a leaf basis. 2) It is the most widely grown commercial non food plant in the world. 3) It ... Show more content on ... N. tabacum has a uniquely high proportion of alkaloids occurring as nicotine and is considered to have survived as a species by man s protection. Creation of new species through hybridization is a natural botanical occurrence. It is an accepted assumption that N. tabacum arose as a natural hybrid. N. sylvestris contributes one genome, but agreement on the other contributor is not agreed upon. Artificial creation of hybrids which results in synthetic tobacco bear very close genetic similarity to N. tabacum. Cultivated tobaccos have changed immensely over time and it is unlikely that the forms of other species now available bear to close a resemblance to what existed in the distant past.(1) Botany Tobacco is normally grown as an annual and is potentially a woody, shrub like perennial. The tobacco plant has a very shallow root system which provides poor anchorage for the more extensive above ground development. The N. tabacum types are one of the smaller species of tobacco varieties. The leaves supply the most important economic value of the plant and are given the most attention by botanists. Although there is variation in leaf size and shape there is general uniformity of distribution, size and shape within cultivated types. Between types, size and shape may vary considerably but not in distribution. The characters which may include leaf shape
  • 55. Fastcat Benchmarking Job Benchmarking jobs was a critical step in developing grades and ranges. Some of the job descriptions in the survey data did not clearly relate to the jobs in FastCat, which caused us to avoid those particular survey jobs. Due to these discrepancies among the job descriptions, we decided to evaluate the descriptions that most clearly matched the FastCat jobs. For example, in the Business and Marketing pay structure, the Administrative Aide requires very basic qualifications, such as a high school diploma and competencies in basic skills, such as word processing and simple administrative tasks. We felt that this most closely identified with the Office Support 1 position because its description involved simple word processing tasks as well... Show more content on ... We looked at organizations that were similar to ours. Factors that we included are the size of the organization, the type of work done in the company, their profitability, and their percentage of base pay to total compensation. We chose organizations that were either small or medium sized that ideally were software companies. Large companies were also selected, as practically we are still competing with large companies for similar positions, and the market continues to expand in such a way that many smaller companies are merging to large size. We also looked at the profitability of the organization. FastCat s ROA value is 0.24. We chose to look at organizations that were either of the same level or higher, up to a value of around 5. Choosing all of these particular factors allowed us to benchmark against organizations that are likely in a similar financial situation as FastCat, making them appropriate organizations with which to
  • 56. The Dow Jones Industrial Average The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) is indeed the most publicized and extensively known stock market on the globe. Being a major contributor of the N Y S E (New York Stock Exchange) trading stocks (Ullivan, Steven, 2003), the index shares the United States economy by a notably significant margin. Also, the index has been operational for long since its inception in the nineteenth century, making it the first to be quoted by other publications. Its reputation has mushroomed all over because of its understandability and reliability in the market. This paper explains the DJIA index as well as its history in the simplest terms. Also, the paper critically evaluates the index taking into consideration that it is a price weighted index, unlike other substantial value, weighted measures like the S P 500 index. The average has a rich history and development since it came into effect during the nineteenth century. It was first unveiled in 1896 by Charles H. Dow with a major goal of disseminating valuable information and opinions about the stock market and also contributing to the nourishment of United States economy. The average named after Dow and his business colleague, Edward Jones. This index mainly shows the trading patterns and performance among the 30 big corporations in the United States. It also shows their trend in the stock market. Most investors at the beginning used to trade on bonds mainly, followed by other few real assets such as machinery and factory (Barr,
  • 57. Surfing Research Paper The History and Culture of Surfing Surfing is an ancient art and was first known as he e nalu , which translates to wave sliding. However, surfing wasn t simply a fun sport or a task that these ancient people completed. Instead, it was something that attached them to the sea and they used it to reflect their emotions. During ancient times, surfers would often rely on priests, who were known as Kahunas, for prayers for good waves. Since proper waves are important when looking for a good day of surf, this was a crucial part of the process. Kahunas would dance and cite ritual chants, all in the hopes of pleasing the sea. It was the belief that this process would cause the sea to provide proper waves for the people to surf. Training Exercise While ... Show more content on ... It is surprising to see how far the sport has come from its humble beginnings in Hawaii. Advertising for the sport made it even more popular and was first completed by Dale Velzy. Being the very first sponsor of surfing, he worked to make the sport more visible to everyone. It wasn t long after Velzy s endorsement that movies began to be made. The first surf movie was Gidget and The Endless Summer quickly followed. These movies created a surf culture that quickly swept the United States and the entire world. With this culture fashion, music and even a special language was created. Eventually boards were shortened from 10 feet to 6 feet, which created a new form of surfing culture, referred to as the short board revolution . With this change in the culture, surfing went from somewhat of an underground interest to a mainstream, commercialized sensation. Surfing is still a beautiful and highly respected art. One of the best things about all these advancements is that people everywhere can now enjoy it and develop skills with practice. If you are looking to introduce surfing culture into your life, be sure to contact us. We are able to help you select the best board and offer advice as to how to get started the right
  • 58. The Respective Roles and Hr and Line Managers in Managing... [pic] Courtesy Fotosearch In today s world there is great focus on human resource management (HRM) and its contribution to the business environment. Humans are the greatest asset to any organization; the basis on which they exist and are able to perform their daily operations. HRM is said to be one of the most resourceful benefits of an organization but at the same time, it s the easiest to get rid of. With this in mind, this paper will focus on the key points that will be used in making a presentation to a meeting of lime managers to clarify their respective roles in HR and managing people. The paper also articulates the key purposes of Human ... Show more content on ... The HR professional contributes to the organization by continuously evaluating the effectiveness of the HR function. He and/or she also support change in other departments and in job practices. To promote the overall success of the organization, one champions the recognition of the organizational mission, vision, values, goals and objectives. Finally, the HR professional also assists with determining the measures that will inform the organization about how well it is succeeding in all of this. Values of an organization assist in shaping the culture which can be referred to as that s the way we do things round here as defined by Charles Handy (1987); letting the employees know what the organization expects from them. One may wonder where this statement came from, but not only do the HR professionals help in the implementation of these things. As line managers, they also have a great role to play as they help contribute to the organization overall mission, vision, values etcetera by ensuring that the culture within their departments help motivates the employees to give their best and keep in line with the objectives. Thus far we have looked at human resource, human resource management and some of its roles in the organization. It has been said that Human Resource Management can also be performed by line managers, but who are they. As mentioned above, line managers have a huge part to play within the organization, ensuring that their department conforms to
  • 59. Traditional And Modern Family The modern family is a controversial topic that many disagree on. Some think that today s modern family is bad and should be more traditional, with family values of the past, while, on the other hand, some believe that the modern family, full of technology and evolving family values, is a good thing and should be celebrated. These opinions about the modern vs traditional familystyle are not as important as the four main components of a family. These components are the ability to take the idea of marriage/a relationship serious when considering starting a family, a supportive and beneficial parent child relationship, a financially stable standing, and the ability to allow children to make their own decisions about things like political issues. I feel that if these four parts of a family are not met, then the family will fall apart, which is what we see a lot of in today s age. Whether it be financial situations that drive a couple apart, a hurtful parent child relationship, over sheltering of a child so that they follow their parents beliefs and values without question, or the couple does not take their marriage seriously when considering starting a family, meaning they do not openly discuss all of the above situations, financial or how to raise a child. When considering starting a family, the most important component is being able to take the idea of marriage/a relationship seriously. You are able to openly discuss the other components like financial based topics or how
  • 60. Theme Of Racism And Fear In To Kill A Mockingbird Living in 2017, many people believe America is free of racism and prejudice. That it is past the years of wrongfully convicting African American men and past an unfair judicial system. People believe equality for all is really happening. Yet, studies show that innocent black men are seven times more likely to be convicted of murder than innocent white people. Another study shows that even though black peoplerepresent only 13% of the US population they represent 47% of 1,900 exonerations from 1989 to mid October of 2016. In the book To Kill a Mockingbird, author Harper Lee shows us that racism and fear are often more powerful than justice and morality. Three characters who understand this injustice include Atticus Finch, Bob Ewell, and Tom... Show more content on ... Mr. Ewell knew he could get away with this lie because he was a white man and Mr. Robinson was a black man: I seen that black n**ger yonder ruttin on my Mayella! (231). Mr. Ewell can insult Tom Robinson and make up blatant lies yet people still believe him. He can take advantage of a fellow human being and get away with it just because of race. Atticus recognizes that Mr. Ewell only won the case because of his white privilege and lets his children know this. There s nothing more sickening to me than a low grade white man who ll take advantage of a Negro s ignorance (296). Atticus knows Mr. Ewell is not of great intelligence but he s smart enough to know that because of institutionalized racism he can get away with perjury. Mr. Ewell s character communicates the message that racial bias can be more powerful than justice. The last character who emphasizes the theme that racism and fear are often more powerful than justice and morality is Tom Robinson. While helping Mayella Ewell with chores, he is forced into a romantic moment with her and realizes this could land him in trouble so he ran away. Mr. Finch, if you was a n**ger like me, you d be scared too (261). Tom realizes that being a black male would cause him to be blamed for some part of the incident if he had happened to be identified. So, he tried to get away to avoid the least as much trouble as possible. Later in the trial, Tom