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Persuasive Speech Sample Essay
Writing an essay on the topic of a "Persuasive Speech Sample Essay" can be a challenging task
that requires careful consideration of various elements. Crafting a persuasive piece involves not
only expressing personal opinions but also presenting compelling arguments that can sway the
audience's perspective. To begin with, one must thoroughly understand the subject matter and
conduct extensive research to gather relevant information and supporting evidence.
The difficulty intensifies as the writer needs to strike a balance between being assertive and
respectful, aiming to influence without appearing forceful. Crafting a persuasive speech sample
essay involves structuring thoughts logically and coherently, ensuring a smooth flow from
introduction to conclusion. The introduction should grab the reader's attention, present a clear
thesis statement, and outline the main points that will be addressed.
Subsequently, each paragraph must contribute to the overall persuasiveness of the essay,
presenting well-reasoned arguments and supporting evidence. The writer should anticipate
counterarguments and effectively counter them, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding
of the topic. Achieving this requires critical thinking and the ability to analyze information
Furthermore, the conclusion of the essay should summarize key points and reiterate the main
persuasive elements, leaving a lasting impression on the reader. The language used throughout
the essay should be precise, engaging, and tailored to the target audience.
In conclusion, writing a persuasive speech sample essay is a complex undertaking that demands a
combination of research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. Success in this
endeavor relies on the writer's ability to construct a compelling argument while considering the
audience's perspective. While challenging, the process offers an opportunity for personal and
intellectual growth, honing skills that extend beyond the realm of essay writing.
For assistance with similar essays and more, individuals can explore resources like, where a variety of writing services may be available to meet specific needs
and requirements.
Persuasive Speech Sample EssayPersuasive Speech Sample Essay
The Wife of Bath, The Wife of Bath Prologue, and The...
The Wife of Bath, The Wife of Bath Prologue, and The General Prologue
These selections from The Canterbury Tales best exemplify the ideals and traits of
women (as portrayed by Chaucer). In, The Wife of Bath Prologue, the narrator brags
of her sexual exploits as well as her prowess of controlling men. The narrator is quite
forthright in her enjoyment of this manipulation; she comments on her technique of
lying and predomination of men. The General Prologue further serves to display the
daunting traits of women. The narrator makes several stabs at a woman s appearance;
and the overall effect is one of distaste and inadequacy. The tale itself, The Wife of
Bath, embodies the characteristics of the ... Show more content on ...
The author also includes an amusing vignette of her appearance; Her head dresses
were of finest weave and ground; I dare swear that they weighed a pound…Her
stockings were of the finest scarlet red…her face…and red of hue. This
humorous tone exemplifies the promiscuous nature of the woman. The attachment of
the color red especially highlights this; as it conveys a seductive and tantalizing
demeanor. The overall effect of these items allows the reader to form an image of
the woman; that she is a person of low morals and status. Her life is comprised of
appealing and manipulating the hearts of men.
The additional prologue, The Wife of Bath Prologue, is both lengthy and abound
with persuasion. This particular division of the Tale offers a glimpse into the mind
of the Wife. In it, she portrays herself as a proud woman, which has used her
innumerable supply of husbands as vessels of mere social and financial support. The
performance that she displays showcases her uncaring nature as well as her
experience. The selection utilizes exemplum to properly impart this experience. This
form is a short story which is embedded into
Brain-Based Learning
Brain Compatible Learning Environments
Jamilyn Hogan
PSY 370: Learning and the Brain
Lynsey Ulibarri
July 18, 2011
Every student learns at his or her own level. When a teacher puts herself in front of
a classroom she or he should consider all the different learning styles in the
classroom, and should plan lessons to fit needs of different students. With brain
based learning (BBL) considered, a teacher can make lessons around different types
of learners and therefore every student can be touched, and can be successful in the
What is brain based learning? Individual differences observed in the acquisition and
processing of information during the learning process result in style differences in
learning. (Duman et ... Show more content on ...
The first way that a positive learning environment can be put in place is through
practices and procedures. These practices and procedures should be verbally gone
over and also posted in the classroom. The practices and procedures should be put in
place in the first days of school and re visited often. Secondly, the physical
surroundings are important. From the minute the students walk into the classroom for
the first time, they should be able to look around and get an idea of what they are
going to be learning about. Also of importance is to give attention to the classroom on
a regular basis. The neatness and organization of the classroom is important. Students
work and achievements should be posted around the room. (Veverka, 2011)
Organization of the curriculum is also important to the learning environment. The
teacher should not only have a thorough knowledge of the curriculum, the teacher
should also be sure that the curriculum has plans to include all kind of learning styles.
The students should be primed for learning. To prime a student for learning, a good
attention getter should be introduced. Lastly, to enhance a positive learning
experience, a team should be built. The team should include approved volunteers,
other staff, parents and grandparent, and others willing to be a support to the
students. Brain based learning is very dependent of a positive learning environment,
and steps for the learning environment
Film Genre Of Western Films
Over the past years Hollywood has produced a wide array of brilliant movies,
appearing through a variety of genres. However, for every generation there
consistently exists a dominant movie trend that encapsulates that culture, frequently
making appearances on the big screen. Early on in filmmaking history, western
movies were one of the original major trending movie genres. Later, in the 1970 s,
adventure was extraordinarily popular, then horror movies saw a significant rise
toward the 1980 s. Each generation has its genre. As of recently, there is an
observably massive surge in the Sci Fi/Action genres, particularly with teenagers and
young men. More specifically, the rampant growth in superheromovies, which
obviously fits into modern culture s acclamation for action centric science fiction
films. Over the last decade superhero movies have surged in popularity, becoming the
most prominent filmgenre in history, because of its myriad of source material,
painless production, and devout fans. Throughout the last decade, both Marvel
Studios and DC Comics have release a grand total of thirty eight superhero movies,
from those two studios alone. Numerous other lesser known studios have opted to
cash in on modern culture s super hero craze. Recently, Marvel studios released their
newest superhero blockbuster, which marked the ninetieth superhero movie released
in theatres since the year 2000. Amazingly, an astonishing eighteen more are
scheduled to be released within the next
J Coles Be Free Essay
For this critical reflection of a protest song I have chosen J Coles Be Free . Through
his music and lyrics, J Cole is constantly pushing a political agenda, questioning
society and its norms as well as putting a focus on current and past events. There are
multiple reasons why I chose this song and genre. Since the Watts riotsin California
there has not been a large scale African Americanrights protest. Blues started off the
musical African American protest wave and it seemed to end with the death of
Tupac. Since the early 2000 s African American music has strayed away from
protest and evolved into story telling related to events in the life of the artist and
the current trend in rap seems to be about fashion. It is safe to say protest music
from the African American perspective had died. So it is amazing to see artist like
J Cole still giving voice to the average person and questioning those who control us.
The new wave of protest music has resulted from the recent police African American
interactions that have resulted in many black teenagers dead. These events have
caused riots in Missouri, Baltimore and Florida. J Coles be Free is a protest song
about the mistreatment of black peopleand the recent tragedy involving Michael
The Watts Riot in 1965 was a six day massive riot, which was both the largest and
costliest urban rebellion of the Civil Rights era (BBC). Over the course of the six day
riot, over 14,000 California National Guard troops were
The Story Of Amanda Waller
It all started whenever Amanda Waller wanted to get the top five best villains to
go on a search for a witch named Enchantress. She takes over people s bodies.We
are going with a soldier named Flag to find her. Our squad consisted of Harley
Quinn (me), Deadshot, El Diablo, Captain Boomerang, and Killer Croc. We are
Amanda s Suicide Squad, some may say. I am Harley Quinn. Joker and I are the
king and queen of Gotham City. Everybody thinks I am more daring and wild than
him. Deadshot and I were both caught by Batman. Batman caught me when Joker
and I drove off the road and into the water. I guess you could say he saved me from
drowning, but then he also turned me in. He caught Deadshot when Deadshot was
walking with his daughter. When Deadshot
College At Florida Atlantic University
May had come around at long last, and my first two semesters of college at Florida
Atlantic University were over. Not only had I survived my freshman year, I also
thrived, passing eight of my nine combined courses with A s and getting an A
minus in the other one. If casinos all over the country made it achievable for
people to place bets on the odds of any given student in any given college emerging
successful at the end of any given semester, chances are I would ve been a far
greater underdog to come out smelling like roses than Neon Leon was to beat the
recently departed Muhammad Ali in February 1978. But the same way Leon
shocked Ali I defied my own hopes and those of some among the closest friends and
family I know. Did I soon find... Show more content on ...
So we stayed in Nice for two weeks, joined a beach club on the Mediterranean for
eleven dollars each, and had a ball, Grandpa said, afterwards taking a deep breath
with his mouth open and his eyes closed. We were just about ready to run out of
money when we decided to go to a casino in Monaco, which was right next to Nice
you could walk there. We took whatever cash we had and put it on the roulettewheel
on the black. I m nowhere near an expert when it comes to casino games, I replied
while scratching my right elbow with my left hand. But, I used to play simulated
roulette years ago on my old PC, and if my facts aren t off it s fifty fifty if you bet
red or black on a roulette wheel. It doesn t appear to me as though it d make one
lick of difference what color someone chose as far as the odds. Any reason you
chose black? No particular reason, Grandpa said while pushing his hair backwards
with his right hand and scratching the top of it with the left. You re right the color
makes no difference. There are eighteen red and eighteen black numbers in a game
of roulette, which means an eighteen in thirty seven chance for a wheel with no
double zero and a nine in nineteen chance for one with two greens. You get paid
one to one for your nine to ten in Las Vegas casinos and those in other states, so
you lose the difference on average. Grandpa went on to explain how, if you bet red
or black on a roulette wheel,
Mayans Misunderstood Essay
Mayans: Bloodthirsty Savages or Misunderstood?
Were the Mayans really the savages everyone has made them out to be, or were
they just normal, misunderstood citizens, just trying to make it through another
day. The Mayans are not only one of the most mysterious cultures in history, but
one of the most intelligent early civilizations, discovering things such as the
concept of zero, and how to make accurate 365 day calendars. It is agreed upon that
the people of Maya were way ahead of their time, but how much did they really
know? They settled in Yucatan (now Mexico) between 2600 BC and 1800 BC and
were the indigenous people of Mexico and Central America.
Maya kings were the centers of power for the Maya civilization, and each Maya city
state was controlled by a dynasty of kings. A Maya king was expected to be a
military leader have a great mind to solve city problems like wars or food crises.
Kings also sacrificed their own blood to the gods, the higher kings. When a king
died and left no heir to the throne, there was usually a war to determine the next
ruler. Pakal, also known as Pacal the Great, was one of the main figures responsible
for rebuilding Palenque, and was known ... Show more content on ...
Most of their gods represented a form in nature, for example the Sun God (Kinih
Ahous). They worshiped these gods everyday and religion was at the center of
everything they did. They believed their ancestors lived in a small piece of
heaven, and kept a watchful eye on their relatives on earth. The Maya also believed
in an underworld, which to them was a horrible place filled with demons. If the
Mayans did not worship the right way, these demons would be released onto earth
and attack them, or so they believed. No Mayan woman would ever look in a
mirror, for it was believed that the demons from the underworld could reach through
the mirror and yank you into the underworld. Men, however, would look into mirrors
as an act of
Application Of An Enterprise Architecture
Introduction Most organizations have different types of systems that have been
implemented and being used for different purposes over the year of their operations.
In this day and age, technologies seem to change rapidly with executives and
managers finding it difficult to get a pictorial view of the existing systems whenever
a new system is being implemented. The primary purpose of an enterprise architecture
is to integrate the Information Technology (IT) assets across different departments of
an organization and in order to create blueprints that will define the current
organizational structure and the targeted structure. There are a couple of system
development models among which is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
SDLC is a... Show more content on ...
Anaya and Ortiz (2005), defined enterprise architecture as a blueprint that provides a
common view of the primary resources of any enterprise (people, processes and
technology) and how they integrate to provide the primary drivers of the enterprise.
Anaya and Ortiz further went on to explain that enterprise architectures are used
mainly as two types of tools, which are: engineering tool and management tool. As a
tool for engineering, the enterprise architecture defines specific roles and
responsibilities which are assigned to various personnel of the organization that must
be followed in order to accomplish the objective of the organization. As a
management tool, a manager will be able to visualize the connections or relationships
between operating process, resources, information systems across different functions
of the enterprise.
Importance of an Enterprise System Architecture Enterprise System architecture
plays an important role in every organization as it creates a road map that is to be
followed to better articulate the business operating process of an organization. ERP
system architecture provides a foundation for both the functional and the technical
needs of the organization and
Relationship Between Father And Fate In The Odyssey
Father and Son Relationships Determine Fate and Destiny The Odyssey, by Homer,
is one of the most influential texts of Western literature and it is paralleled to The
Aeneid, by Virgil. Father and son relationships are very important to Greek culture, as
evident in the relationship between Odysseus and TelГ©makhos in The Odyssey.
Hundreds of years after The Odyssey was transcribed, Virgil continued to recognize
the importance of the father and son relationship and he incorporated it into The
Aeneidby focusing on Anchises and Aeneas. Both epics revolve around and delve
into the valued father and son relationship. This relationship is so important to Greek
and Roman culture that it has an effect on the idea of fate and destiny. Throughout
The Odyssey and The Aeneid, the relationship between the father and son is
responsible for determining their fate and destiny.
The fate of Odysseus and Anchises is thoroughly influenced by their respective sons.
Throughout Odysseus s journey, Odysseus wants to give up because of all the
hardships he has to face. His son, TelГ©makhos, serves as his motivation for
coming home and drives his will to live and fight his hardships at sea. At one point,
Odysseus considers giving up so he will not need to face the sea raging/ under such
winds anymore (Homer 5.314 315). In spite of his moment of weakness, he continues
to fight for his destiny of homecoming to reunite with his son. TelГ©makhos
encourages Odysseus to achieve his destiny. Likewise,
This Historical Study Will Define The Dual Hostility Of
This historical study will define the dual hostility of the Soviet Union and the
United States in the instigation and resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis of
1962. The nuclear arms race of the early 1960s defined a period of history in which
a stalemate occurred between superpowers. The United States and the Soviet Union
were continually seeking to build larger nuclear arsenals and to also expand their
territorial influence over lesser nations. The Cuban Missile Crisis defines also
defines the minor role of Cuba that served to facilitate the expansion of communist
influence on the eastern seaboard to the United States. In this manner, Cuba could
not be blamed for being a pawn in the Soviet plan to move missiles 90 miles off the
coast of... Show more content on ...
It assumed the use of multiple and powerful nuclear weapons by both sides in the
Cold War, resulting in reciprocal total annihilation.
This strategic perspective defined the logical outcome of a nuclear war between
two major powers, which would result in the destruction of both sides of the
conflict. Therefore, the U.S. and the Soviets would lose in the case of a nuclear
war, which laid the foundation for the Cold War and the political conflicts that
followed. This aspect of a cold war defines the ideological expansion of communism
and capitalist ideology, which would now compete for world domination. By not
being able to actually initiate a hot war between the two superpowers, it became
apparent that clandestine spy networks and the movement of nuclear arsenals would
set the stage for the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962.
The Soviet Union played an important role in bringing nuclear missiles to Castro s
Cuba in 1962, but it should also be mentioned in the context of the overreaching
Cold War with the United States. In a broader context of the Cold War, the United
States has presaged the Cuban Missile Crisis by President Kennedy s placement of
nuclear missiles on the border of Turkey and Italy, which was perceived as a threat
by Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev,. These events took place in 1961, which could
be perceived as a cause for the movement of nuclear missiles by the Soviets to Cuba
in 1962. Overall, it was also evident that the Soviets and the U.S.
Explain How Phenotypes Are Driven By Dna Inheritance
This paper will discuss how phenotypes are driven by DNA inheritance in offspring
by the genes known as alleles. Each parent provides an allele although on allele is
hidden in one parent and can be passed on to his or her offspring. The information
presented in the monohybrid cross that shows where one parent has the hidden allele
of a genethat carries the trait of orange eyes that disappears and reemerges later in
the genetic make up of an offspring. The inheritance in the offspring is driven by the
DNAof that individuals parents and the genetic traits one is born with are decided by
the dominant and recessive genes of his or her parents (, 2014).
Because the hidden genes of one parent may be recessive and may not be present ...
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When we were kids he would bind it back and chase me around the house. The
hypothesis that predicts an individual s genotype chosen trait is hair color my other
has sandy brown hair and my hair is a darkish brown but in it changes colors with
the season changes. Consequently, my father s hair is black but my hair color based
on my hypothesis is that the dominant genes of my mother s traits is why my hair is
darkish brown.
The scientific method used to explain how I would test my hypothesis is to ask the
question of how many people of my family have black hair, brown hir and other
colors. Researching the different topics on genetics of hair color, what genes make up
hair color and then analyze the data by compiling all the information and data from
research and create a display to present the results to family.
In conclusion, there are several factors in DNA inheritance that makes each person
who they are from their hair color, eye color, height, and other genetic traits that are
inherited from our parents. Some are dominant and other are recessive that are passed
down from generation to
Cookie Experiment
When you bake cookies, a thought that might come to mind is When a recipe has
2 eggs the cookie rises more, but when a recipe has 1 egg the cookie might stay the
same height. Eggs are important in a cookie recipe, they provide protein and fat.
There have been many experiments done about the height of cookies when the
number of eggs are changed. Most commonly, a cookie recipe will have only 1 egg
and let other substances do the heavy lifting. This experiment will test whether the
amount of eggs in a cookie recipe affect how high the cookie rises. There has been
another similar experiment done by Stella Parks, she was named America s Best
New Pastry Chefs. Stella decided to test how altering the ratio of whites and yolks
impacted the dough.... Show more content on ...
First, if people in my community do not know the correct amount of eggs for their
cookie recipe to make the cookies the perfect height, then it could result in more
money being spent on supplies if the cookies do not turn out right. Second, if the
cookies were meant to be sold or were for an event then the cookies would have to
be re made to perfection before being sold or brought to the event. Which in turn
would take more time away from family, friends, etc. Lastly, if my community
wanted to bake cookies to be eaten at home they would need to know how many
eggs to put in there. If too many or too little eggs are put in the cookies then they
could not be edible by their standards and could cause stress because they cannot
figure out how to perfect them. This experiment will benefit the community in many
Descriptive Essay On Buried Alive
Buried Alive The morning dawned bright and clear, if a little cold. The mountains
overhead loomed with patches of snow on their peaks. An ever present reminder
that winter was just around the corner. I woke up that day with as light a heart as I
had ever had in the years since my dear wife s death. Pulling on my boots and
running a finger through my hair, I went to prepare for another brisk Midwestern
day. I paused at my darling little girls room, and gently knocked on the door to wake
her. Hope? Are you awake honey? Daddy? came the sleepy reply. I entered her room
and scooped up Hope into my arms. The adorable 6 year nuzzled her curls into my
chest. Now you be a good girl for you nanny. I will daddy. came the muffled reply.
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Ann was the sweetest little Momma to her girl, and they were nearly twins in
looks and temperament. Then, when Hope was four, outta the blue, Ann died. She
became ill about two weeks before her passing and never recovered. A week later a
letter came for her, but I never had the heart to open it. Now I figured maybe I
should have. A restless curiosity built upside of me and I grabbed the side of the
car. What do you know of Ann? The gentlemen removed my fingers one at a time I
will explain all that I know, But only if you agree to accompany me to town. I eyed
the automobile suspiciously while the lavish man covertly eyed my work garb.
How s bout I follow your machine with my team. Please, said he, lead the way. It d
be my pleasure Sir. Not ten minutes later, we were on the road and my mind was
awash with questions. Who was this here costly clothed man? What did he want?
And most importantly, what did he know of my lovely Ann? It seemed to take an
eternity and a half, but at length we finally arrived at the backwater town. While I
hooked up my team of horses to the post the fancy man positioned himself at a
secluded outdoor table. I strided up to him and took my seat. I stared pointedly at
the man, waiting for him to speak, but he paused, thinking. I was ready to pummel
him by the time he finally spoke. Do you remember the day Annettia died. I was
surprised at his bluntness. It d be pretty hard for me to forget when my wife was
taken from me. Just
Flowers For Algernon
1. The book that I have read is Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. This book
was published in 1966 and 1959. 2. In the book Flowers for Algernon a man named
Charlie, who s intellectually disabled, wants to become smart. Since that s the
only thing he wants, and he ll do anything to do it, two men choose Charlie to have
the operation done on, which will open up the gates to him learning. Before they
did it on a human, they did it on a mouse named Algernon, who became very smart.
After Charlie had his operation, he was frustrated because he wasn t smart. The two
men, Dr. Strauss and Professor Nemur, had Charlie do many things such as read and
write down progress reports. Charlie was learning at a very fast rate. He read... Show
more content on ...
People believed that Charlie was artificial, man made, a lab rat. Professor Nemur
thought that he had created Charlie, and that he was nothing before the operation
It might be said that Charlie Gordon did not really exist before this experiment... .
Charlie was a human before and after the operation I m a human being, a person
with parents and memories and a history and I was before you ever wheeled me
into that operating room! . (p.161) As Charlie began to grow mentally and become
intelligent, his understanding of the world became clearer than before. Although
he could understand reality, he couldn t understand his feelings. Charlie thought he
could understand his feelings but he really didn t, especially love Something
inside is burning me up, and all I know is it makes me think of you. . Later, as he
continues to grow, he decides that he could let his feelings rule him only during
his relationship with Alice but not during anything else. He realized that he really
loves Alice because his feelings and emotions go wild when he s with her. Also
because he sees the old Charlie when he s with her helping him realize he loves her.
Charlie loved her enough to let her go because he didn t want her to see him
deteriorate. Charlie decided to go to the Warren Home because he
Innovation and Change of the Ipod Essay
Innovation and Change of the Ipod
This report on innovation and change examines how Apple s iPod is the first entry
into the marketplace that addresses the needs of the portable digital music market
segment. It explains how it is small enough to fit comfortably in a shirt pocket. It
shows how the device addresses the shortcomings of other portable MP3 music
devices. It also looks at how market segmentation has been one of the most vital
factors fueling the demand for technological products, as companies recognize that
segmentation equips them to generate more sales than the mass marketing approach
of the late 20th century. The report examines how Apple understood the needs of the
digital music community, together with ... Show more content on ...
Therefore, rather than learning more about new artists, the consumer learns more
about his or her own tastes by creating his or her own mix. Not only is this but it a
new technological way to enter the world of Music. Just in a box smaller then the
size of your hand you can have all the latest, music, videos, internet, pictures and etc.
You can choose the color you want the Ipodor any other accessories that come with
it, you can personalize your Ipod so it represents your personal style.
2. There are various ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES that are leading to today s
development of new products or improvement of current products. Consumer s needs
and wants are changing from a day to day basis and businesses must keep up with
these demands. The following are the needs for a new innovative product:
Changing Nature of Markets Consumer demands change; Ipod must monitor the
market and adjust production. On the other hand a product can also be in high
demand by the consumer and the production would have to increase on short notice
to meet the demand.
Economic Factors The general level of economic activity in Australia and the rest of
the global economy tends to fluctuate through periods of upturn and downturn. The
level of activity in Ipod also moves through similar cycles.
Financial Factors The availability and cost of finance is a key input which can
determine whether Ipod can introduce a new innovation or weather it should just re
improve the product.
Genre Films Predictability and Formulaicity Essay
Genre Films Predictability and Formulaicity
This essay shall discuss whether Genre films are predictable and formulaic , looking
at the Western genre, and using the example films of, The Searchers and Unforgiven .
Genre is a fundamental means by which we communicate especially in storytelling. If
looking at genre in terms of Thomas Shatz, he puts forward the theory of similarity
and overlap. He adopts a thematic and ideological approach, which identifies only
two genres; the genre of order and the genre of integration. In this case the Western
would be categorised into the genre of order. This essay shall also look at how genre
films change over time, due to changes in society, as characters ... Show more content
on ...
Within each of the films, the revenge narratives are both set around the female, as
in The searchers , Ethan and Martin aim to save the young girl Debbie, and in
Unforgiven , Will, Ned and the Schofield Kid aim to get revenge for the female
prostitutes, this therefore shows how genre could be seen to predictable and
formulaic as these two western films show how they both follow similar structures
and narratives.
The theorists Propp and Todorov have focused on the similarity in narrative across
different genres. They suggest that genres that are different from one another in
terms of visual, verbal and musical signifiers operate according to the same
narrative structures. Propp puts forward the story functions of hero, villain and
donor etc, and Todorov puts forward the equilibrium narrative theory. These two
theorists therefore show, how genre could be seen to be predictable and formulaic,
as both of their theories can be applies to The Searchers and Unforgiven , and they
also believe they can be applied to many other genres and films.
The characters within The Searchers fit into Propps story function as it is shown that,
Ethan is the main hero within the film, Martin is the main helper throughout the film
and Debbie is seen as the princess who needs to be saved. The same story function can
Annotated Bibliography On The Internet And Multimedia...
COM414: The Internet and Multimedia Authoring
Assignment 2
Web site
Student Name: Michael McElhatton (B00685386)
URL: for site
%20Assignment%202/Main.html URL: for work files
/~bis15mem/XcelEnts%20 %20Assignment%202/ Creation of logo (Video) : https:/
1.The Site3
1.1.Executive Summary3
1.2.How the Site was Created4
1.3.Corporate Look5
1.4.Navigation 6
1.6.Flle Types and Compression9
1.7.Evaluation of the site10
2.2.Site map12
2.3.Research on Other sites13
2.4 Print screens of Site 15
1.The Site
1.1.Executive Summary
In This report I will discuss the development of the website I created for the event
organisation business Xcelents. I will include descriptions of the many different
applications I used to help with my development which includes photo editing
softwares and also an application which allowed me to design the site. I will be
including the steps I have taken as to ensure my website has a professional look and
feel. Within the contents of my report I will discuss why i chose a certain navigation
layout for my site and also provide a map as to direct the reader around the site.
Towards the end of my report I will include a list of the file types i used and also
their size, I will discuss why I used each file format and the
The Economic Situation Of A County
To determine the overall economic situation of a county one must consider all of its
current risks. The country s political situation is one area to consider. Any analysis
must consider the stability of the county s current government. Other economic
indicators that must be assessed are the country s gross domestic product,
unemployment rate, inflationor deflation, the strength of country s currency, it s trade
balances and the value of its government issued bond (credit).
Political Risk
Political risk is anything that has a direct correlation with the government or
political setup of a country. For example political risk can be expressed through
political stability, currency inconvertibility, changes in taxation, corruption, and a
weak legal system for investor protection. In recent years the political stability of
Chile has not been favorable. Only 24% of Chileans support their politicians (EIU,
1). Chile was always considered one of the least corrupt of Latin American
countries, however, recently there as been some allegations of corruption. In
February 2015, Sebastian Davalos, the president s son, had been accused of using
his authority to make profitable land deals. He had acquired $10million loan from
the second largest Chilean bank for a small property company, Caval, which is half
owned by his wife. The company later bought rural land and re zoned it to create
urban development. This made the company $5 million in profit (Roberts, 1). In spite
of these issues,
Andrew Carnegie s Wealth During The Gilded Age
Andrew Carnegie s wealth came from Vertical Integration as well as John Pierpont
Morgan s wealth. On the other side John D. Rockefeller used Horizontal Integration
to build his oil refining industry. However, while many tried to use Vertical and
Horizontal Integration, not all had complete success in doing so. Therefore making
all three of these men extremely successful. After the Civil War came Reconstruction
and the Progressive Era, which resulted in the rising of new businesses. In order to
pay for the costs after the war, the government had to come up with new ideas to
boost the economy. When the Gilded Age arrived there were thousands of industries
and new jobs and business occupations. At this time many entrepreneurs arose and
created... Show more content on ...
Another wealthy man was John Pierpont Morgan. Like Carnegie, John Pierpont
Morgan used the Vertical Integration method. John Pierpont started United States
Steel from Carnegie s businesses, this is an example of Vertical Integration. He
used many businesses such as Andrew Carnegie s Steel Company to combine with
his own and create the immense amount of money he had. J.P. Morgan was known
for his consolidation techniques, he was also a well known banker, One of the
most powerful bankers of his era, J.P. (John Pierpont) Morgan (1837 1913)
financed railroads and helped organize U.S. Steel, General Electric and other major
corporations. In many occasions John Pierpont Morgan s wealth helped the United
States economy out of financial situations. In one instance the United States went
through an economic depression in 1893. The Panic of 1893 was the effect of
excessive railroad building and railroad funding, which then caused the banks to go
through failures. John Pierpont Morgan helped get rid of the two year economic
depression that the United States had by giving out bonds, Twelve days later, J.P.
Morgan Co. led a syndicate of bankers to sell U.S. bonds to buy back gold from
foreign investors. The
Ronald Reagan s 50th Anniversary Speech
Ronald Reagan s 40th Anniversary Speech of D Day Ronald Wilson Reagan,
February 6, 1911 June 5, 2004 was an American politician and actor who served as
the 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. Prior to his presidency,
he was the 33rd Governor of California from 1967 to 1975, following a career as a
Hollywood actor and union leader. (
Reagan also served in the U.S. Army during World War Two achieving the rank of
Lieutenant But due to his eyesight he was stationed stateside, creating training
films. I chose this speech because of the topics he touches on. Not only the past but
also the future. We re here to mark that day in history when the Allied armies joined
in battle to reclaim this continent to liberty. For 4 long years, much of Europe had
been under a terrible shadow. Free nations had fallen, Jews cried out in the camps,
millions cried out for liberation. Europe was enslaved, and the world prayed for its
rescue. Here in Normandy the rescue began. Here the Allies stood and fought against
tyranny in a giant undertaking unparalleled in human history. ( https:/
/ Even though the speech is political in the
delivery it is more about the whole and not one countries contribution to the war. He
incorporates the Allies as the whole in the first passages and then gave reverence to
the 225 young men from the Rangers and that after two days of fighting that only 90
Sandwich Panels Advantages And Disadvantages
In this chapter, a background study on the concept of insulated concrete sandwich
panels is introduced. The specialities of its various parts and practical applications
are cited.
Precast/prestressed concrete sandwich wall panels are composed of two concrete
wythes or layers separated by a layer of rigid foam plastic insulation. Sandwich
panels are created in North America for quite 50 years. Early sandwich panels were
of the non composite kind and consisted of a thick, structural wythe (or hollow core
slabs, double tees, or single tees), a layer of rigid insulation, and a non structural
wythe. Composite sandwich panels were factorymade later.
Materials employed in the manufacture of sandwich panels are the ... Show more
content on ...
Sandwich panels are usually designed as one way structural elements; shear forces
are generated due to longitudinal bending in the panels. In addition, the shear
connectors may be used to transfer the weight of a non structural wythe to the
structural wythe. Shear connectors that are designed to be stiff in one direction and
flexible in another are called one way shear connectors [4]. Examples of these are
longitudinal steel wire trusses, solid ribs of concrete, flat sleeve anchors, fiber
composite rectangles, and small diameter bent bars (Fig.1.1). Care should be taken in
the manufacturing process to maintain the preferred orientation of one way
connectors. Some shear connectors are stiff in at least two perpendicular directions
and will consequently transfer in both longitudinal and transverse horizontal shear.
Examples of these are solid zones of concrete (often located at each end of the panel
and at lifting points), connection plates, cylindrical sleeve anchors, and crown
anchors. Connection plates and crown anchors are normally installed in solid zones
of concrete and therefore it can be considered as rigid shear connections
Comedic Relief in the Bleek Novel, Hard Times by Charles...
In every bleak novel there is one character who is always there for comedic relief;
in Hard Times, that character is Mrs. Sparsit. Mrs. Sparsit is the housekeeper for
Mr. Bounderby. Essentially she does all the work that a wife would do except she
has a lower status than a wife, but higher than a servant. Here in lies the problem
that she cannot deal with. Mrs. Sparsit came from a well to do family, but slipped
in the social rankings. To regain her pride, she attempts to sabotage Mr. Bounderby
s marriage, but in doing so only makes her a fool. In this passage, a robbery has just
occurred and the townspeople are trying to figure out who the perpetrator is. As of
right now, they believe it is Stephen Blackpool. Shaken by the events, Mrs. Sparsit
stays at Mr. Bounderby s house. The purpose of this passage is to show that it is not
Mr. Bounderby who is the fool, but rather Mrs. Sparsit, who does not seem to
understand that her actions against Bounderby do not have an impact on him at all.
What does Mr. Bounderby care about? Certainly not Mrs. Sparsit. Mr. Bounderby is
an egotistical man who only cares about his social status and money. He married
Louisa with the goal in mind to make her his trophy wife and to have connections
with Mr. Gradgrind it has nothing to do with his emotional connection with Louisa.
Thus, Mrs. Sparsit s determination to pity Mr. Bounderby is completely futile. Mrs.
Sparsit continues to attempt to please Mr. Bounderby
The White Tiger
In the novel The White Tiger , the writer utilizes the Murder Weekly magazine to
draw the line between perception and reality in this Indian society. The narrator
depicts that all drivers and cooks in Delhi read this magazine and as much as they
would love to, they are unable to slit their masters necks. Aravind Adiga utilizes this
magazine as a source of outlet to showcase the harsh reality these workers live in.
They are used and abused to the point that rather than having perceived dreams of
taking the weekend off, they mesmorate over the thought of killing their masters to
be free; a harsh perception contrasted to a harsh reality. Furthermore, this dreamland
perception is emphasised when it is expressed that this weekly magazine usually ends
with the murderer hanging himself. This again provides exposure to the harsh reality,
... Show more content on ...
A prime example is when a young boy approaches Balram while driving and asks if
he wants to purchase an statue from him. The writer purposefully does this to
denote that this character would fill the role of a scavenger. This boy is going car
to car looking for scraps of money to collect for his buddha figure. This mirrors
scavenger type animals as they take what they can, where they can to survive.
Additionally, this biome hierarchy is further emphasised when later in the novel,
Balram, his master, and Pinky run over a kid and just speed away. Adiga
purposefully makes them to this to show the connections they have to predators.
These rich people are the kings of the jungle and no animal dare to trample in their
path. Just as this child quite literally trampled in their path, he was quickly ran over
and killed without any sympathy from the predators. Ultimately, Aravind s proficient
use of actions conveys to the reader the horrific biological hierarchy that is their
Relationship Between Stress And Stress
Experiment Paper Introduction During Adolescence, teenagers and young adults
begin to learn to cope and emotionally self regulate. Now distanced between parents
and home, adolescents are forced to adapt to their new surroundings and
psychologically adjust to the new environment. College, provides a unique
opportunity for adolescents to attain an education, and experience new social
settings on their own terms. However, in the process of adapting to a new and
unusual environment, their enters a new variable, and that is stress. According to
the studies and research by Andrew Baum stress is : an emotional reaction or
experience accompanied by physical and behavior changes. ( Baum, A,Singer, J. E.
and Baum, C. S. (1981).Stress has a tremendous effect on one s mental, state,
ability to self regulate , and perform in given situation( Baum,et al. (1981). Stress
also, affects the way one treats others. High levels of stress can lead to tension
amongst others, and tension with one s owns emotions which in turn could be
projected on other people. The following paper examines the relationship between
the stress and emotional self regulation on Bard college students, defining self
regulation in terms of politeness. Students were observed over the course of two
sessions:The first session on November 22nd ( approximately) three weeks before
final exams, and the second session on December 9th, presumably just before the
start of final exams. Students were monitored based on
Hallmark Aficionados In The Film, When Calls The Heart
If you are a fan of Hallmark s When Calls the Heart, or if you have seen a couple
recent Hallmark films in which a snobby, rich guy never seems to win the heart of
his presumed intended, you may be quite familiar with the masterful, young actor,
Marcus Rosner. Though he seems to be typecast as the bad guy, or the guy who never
gets the girl, there is no denying that this dashing and delightfully gifted actoris rising
quickly in the hearts and minds of loyal Hallmark aficionados. Recently, I had the
opportunity to chat with Marcus about most things Hallmark as well as his upcoming
film, Appetite For Love.
What inspired you to become an actor?
In high school, I was the typical jock I never took a drama class (though I now wish I
... Show more content on ...
Even when I was auditioning, I was very impressed with the script. While the story
might be typical, the approach is anything but typical. I would call it a story with
many layers.
An underlying theme in the film is that of being environmentally friendly. The hip
approach today is that of restaurants serving better foods and using environmentally
sound methods. Fast food places are consistently in competition with the places that
serve better quality, fresher foods. And all too often, those fast food places lose the
Working with Andrew was great. We bonded over football I am a Dallas Cowboys
fan (even though they are not very good). What I liked about him was that he was
never competitive with me in any way. He was a warm and endearing person.
How did your experience in A Christmas Detour compare with An Appetite for Love?
In A Christmas Detour, I got to work with Barbara Niven, and I could go on and on
about her. She kept saying I was a young Christopher Reeve, and I should star in a
film about his life. In her sweet and professional way, she continued to say that the
sky s the limit, and was always so
Analysis Of Hillbilly Elegy
The authors brings a new perspective on the ability of surviving poverty and
overcoming the odds. He illustrates society s views on people who are from the
Appalachia mountain area throughout the book. By reviling his accounts and
struggles, he opens the eyes of the readers who view these individuals as lazy,
inbreed, rednecks, buy giving them a glimpse of his life struggles. The book,
Hillbilly Elegy was a simple story of a povertystricken boy who grew up surrounded
by negativity. The author took notice of all the people, events, failures, and his
surroundings and use these to help mold him into who he is today. He would use the
mentorship and observation of his grandmother and later his grandfather, who would,
started as a salvage... Show more content on ...
This tendency might make for psychological resilience, but it also makes it hard
for Appalachians to look at themselves honestly (Vance, 2016). This reference can
be true with many of today s youth who are stuck in poverty. These particular
youth tend to look at issues from a different perspective. They do not want to stress
on factors, which they little or no control of the situation. In their mind, they tend
to block out and ignore problematic issue, which come their way. They hope the
issues of drugs, alcohol, domestic violence, and poverty will eventually handle
themselves and go away. The fact is they never go away, and the only way out of
this cycle is education, a strong mind, and ultimately removal from the
environment, which they grew up in. I know this cycle, and I have lived it. I know
what it is to grow up like the author, because I can relate with him almost 100%. I
know if it was not for the Army, I could have ended up just like everyone I know
back in my hometown. It is hard to stay away from all the negative influences
around an individual, but it is even harder not to repeat what was seen as a healthy
relationship between a man a and a woman. This is where a strong mind is needed.
An individual needs to take in all negative accounts and pledge to themselves not to
let those same traits manifest in them, or they might also find themselves in an
Benefits Of Companion Animals
Anatole France once said, Until one has loved an animal, a part of one s soul
remains unawakened. Everyone who has ever become fond of an animal knows
how much one small aspect of your life can impact so many things. I have a cat
and I can honestly say I would not be the person I am today without her. Unlike
human connections, communication is more difficult due to the fact that animals
don t speak English; A simple glare or rub from an animal means a million times
more to most than a well constructed conversation between peers. Bonding with
companion animals will benefit your overall wellness. According to ASPCA, a
companion animal is a domestic animal that can safely interact with humans
physically and emotionally (Definition of Companion). This means they have been
known to work with humans without being a threat. Wild animals and hybrid
mixes are not considered companion animals due to the fact that they could be
dangerous (Species Specific). Common household pets like guinea pigs, fish,
some reptiles, cats, dogs, and other mammals of a smaller size are examples of
valid companion animals; Horses and other farm animals bred specifically to be a
companion animal are also valid (Species Specific). Loneliness is an aspect of life
everyone dreads feeling but cannot suppress. Lacking love or even just a friend can
cause unimaginable ache and heaviness. Humans are social creatures so when they
do not get the necessary interactions they feel empty in a sense. Companion
What Is Adolf Hitler s Role In The Third Reich
Alex Dutton
Reading/Language Arts
12 January, 2014
Adolf Hitler and his role in the Third Reich
The topic that I chose was Identify Adolf Hitler and his role in the Third Reich.
Adolf Hitler was an Austrian born German politician that was also the leader of the
Nazi Party. He was a decorated veteran of World War 1. Hitler joined the German
Worker s Party in 1919. Hitler had a side of him that was good and during his
imprisonment in the mid 1920 s he wrote his memoir, Mein Kampf which means (my
struggle). Hitler had gained his popularity from the support on attacking the Treaty of
Versailles and promoting the Pan Germanium for the Nazi Propaganda.
The Third Reich was Hitler s Government. After Hitler was appointed Chancellor of
Germany he had begun to eliminate all political oppositions and their powers.
Hitler s role is the Third Reich was leader. He is the one who brought the
government to Germany and made it possible. Adolf s rise in power wasn t of the
quick side. He ran for control three times and out of those three two times he lost to
his opponent who was president at that time Paul von Hindenburg. Hitler took office
in the year 1934 until the year 1945 when he died because of suicide. ... Show more
content on ...
With Hitler having all of the control over the government he set up a systematic
suppression. While Hitler was a not so nice man some if not all the people in the
world were shocked when Hitler had one of the best anti smoking advertisements. He
was opposed to smoking and didn t like it at all. On top of all of that he was spared a
life when he fell into a lake and a priest of all people saw him fall in and saved him.
Now if this was after all of the horrible things that he has done then it may have been
a different
Opposing Death Sentence
Essay opposing death sentence Student details Institutional affiliations Introduction
There has been an argument that lifting amnesty on miscreants and vagabonds is
barbaric and retrogressive. The same argument is seen on the death penalty, and it
has been a controversial issue not only in the USA but also in the rest part of the
world. The death sentence has been a verdict to individuals who have committed a
capital offence. However, this is not considerably the best way to punish the guilty.
It is necessary some sympathy be expressed to the guilty party since they could at
one point in life decide to change for the better. The death sentence is not the noblest
way to counter violence. In this case, it would appear as if it is tat... Show more
content on ...
The death sentence is obviously an act of murder by the government, and hence, it
should not have a place in our society. When life is at stake, it is not good to take
things lightly and pass sentences that could affect an innocent life. The
government should ensure that justice and truth prevails, but not through the
death penalty. By any means, if a government supports the death sentence, it surely
supports a death of one of its citizens who also have a right to live. There is surely
no need to cut off thieves hands to protect property from being stolen. On the
contrary, adulterers are not stoned to stop adultery, yet we take the lives of those
who end others lives. Indeed, it s not worthy of a human being who is prone to
make such an error to take the life of another citizen. All life is worthy living and
this should not be deprived to anyone no matter the offence he or she has committed.
There is a possibility that the death penalty punishes the poor. If an individual cannot
have agog legal representation in a court of law, there is a likelihood hat the person
may end up losing the case. Alternatively, if e complainant has a right legal
presentation, they may influence the court, and the victim receives a straight death
penalty. Most of the victims use the civil attorney who is overworked and underpaid.
On the other hand, these trials last for less than a week, and the victims are not
Cultural Assessment of the U.S. Navy Essay
Mission Statement
The US Navy has founded its self with being an organization that will train and
activate skilled combat naval personnel. The official mission statement taken off
their web site states, The mission of the Navy is to maintain, train and equip combat
ready naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining
freedom of the seas. ( The Navy also prides itself on the
adventurous spirit it takes to embark on a career in the navy. The slogan used in
getting new recruits is Accelerate your life . These statements suggest that the Navy
is not only clear in its purpose and design, but also dedicated to its end. The clarity
of its mission is seen in the ... Show more content on ...
The ads also focus on the benefits of training, education at sea and ashore,
preparation for the future, travel and adventure, teamwork, and quality of life leisure
activities such as e mail at sea and family support (Borlik, 2003).
The Blue Angels are an essential part of Navy and Marine Corps recruiting and
retention programs. The mission of the Blue Angels is to improve Navy and Marine
Corps recruiting and to represent the naval service to the civilian community, its
elected leadership and foreign nations. The Blue Angels serve as positive role models
and goodwill ambassadors for the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps (Official Blue Angels
Site, 2004).
Status and Reward System
The U.S. Navy uses an award system to publicly recognize outstanding
performance for specific accomplishments or for sustained performance over a
period of service. Although award presentations have become more frequent such
that the effect of being recognized has been diluted, the awards are warmly
received with the main impetus being the benefit the award will have on
advancement opportunities. Members with few or no awards will seldom be
advanced to higher paying, more responsible positions. When these members do
advance, it is with less expediency as compared to the fast track war heroes with
rows of medals on their chests.
In reality, sailors are more motivated by quot;training, security, or a feeling of doing
Why Is Scientology Unethical
Scientology is a form of religious beliefs and practices created in 1954 by Ron
Hubbard. It was designed as a program called Dianetics. The organization quickly
entered bankruptcy and Hubbard lost the rights to Dianetics. He then recharacterized
the subject as a religion and renamed it Scientology, retaining almost everything.
Within some time, he managed to regain the rights to Dianetics and kept both issues
under the Church of Scientology. Scientology is a religious based on the seeking of
self knowledge and spiritual fulfillment through graded courses for which you need
to study and train. They believe that people are immortal spiritual beings that are in a
physical body. Scientology believes that Man is good, that he is seeking to survive,
(and) that his survival depends on himself and his attainment of brotherhood with the
universe, as stated in the Church of Scientology. But the... Show more content on ...
But, they are notorious for keeping themselves and the public in the dark about any
bad news by their belief of how important Scientology is. Tarnishing Scientology s
image and hurting it the worst crime a member could be accused of in the religion.
Real problems and issues caused by the church are over looked by members because
of their firm belief in the leader. Scientology slanders its critics to the point that it
misleads its members. Any complaints, no matter how accurate, are seen as attacks in
the eyes of their members. Scientology as a religion purports to be centered around
the fundamental principles of science. However, it has historically resisted any actual
scientific study. Their scientific beliefs devolved into if the leader says it, it must be
true and that is well documented throughout the churches history. As such,
Scientology is stagnant and fundamentally flawed, because it has no room for
Environmentalism And Religion
The problem with some environmentalist is putting nature before God. Rich Deem
stated that, Many Christians have reacted against the environmental movement,
probably because of the tendency by many environmentalists not only to protect the
earth and its creatures, but to actually worship the creation instead of the creator
(2009). In the Bible, Exodus 20:3 4 say, You must not have any other god but me.
You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the
heavens or on the earthor in the sea (NLT). Anything or anybody that is worship or
placed before God is considered an idol. True believing Christians has a problem with
environmentalists that believe the environment is the reason why we have life. The
Symptoms And Treatment Of Medical Records
This is a 56 year old female with a 1 11 2015 date of injury, when he tripped over
some cables and fell.
01/08/16 DWC Form RFA for Acupuncture; X Rays C/S, T/S, Bilateral shoulders;
Referrals FCE, Ortho surgeon, pain management; medical records are requested; and
re evaluate.
01/08/16 Progress Report noted that the patient sustained an initial injury in June
2014, due to a cumulative trauma. She sustained a new injury in January 2015 as
well. She sustained an injury to her neck, right shoulder, right arm, and right knee.
She had X rays and MRI post injury. Her right knee swelled, but improved right after
she received treatment for her right shoulder and right knee. She received PT and
chiropractic treatment twice a week, medications and surgery to her right shoulder in
May 2015. She has received no treatment for her neck or left shoulder. She has not
received acupuncture. The patient presented today with complaints of occasional,
mild to moderate, throbbing neck pain, stiffness and cramping. The physical exam
of the cervical spine revealed positive tenderness to palpation of the cervical
paravertebral muscles and bilateral trapezii. There is also a muscle spasm of the
cervical paravertebral muscles. The cervical ROM is decreased and painful.
Shoulder depression causes pain. The exam of the thoracic spine showed tenderness
to palpation of the thoracic paravertebral muscles, right trapezius, T1 T2 spinous
process, T2 T3 spinous process, right Rhomboid and right lateral
The Odyssey By Homer And The Old Testaments
The Odyssey by Homer and the Old Testaments: King James Version are two of the
most read and most sophisticated pieces of literature that have transcended through
generations. While they share similar qualities; both greatly differ as well, especially
when it comes to the women characters. Classical historian and professor of classical
studies at Wellesley College, Mary Lefkowitz, makes a significant contrast between
these two famous writings. She believes that a major difference between the women
of each story differ dramatically when it comes to their personality and actions.
[Although] the notion... that a man should be active and aggressive, a women
passive and subjected to the control of the men in her family, are expressed in
virtually every Greek myth, even the ones in which the women seek to gain control
over their own live....[so] that it is possible to show that the Greeks at least attributed
to women a capacity for understanding that we do not alway find in the other great
mythological tradition that has influenced Western thought, namely, the Old and New
Testaments. (Women in Greek Myth, Mary Lefkowitz). I completely agree with
Lefkowitz statement on these characters, it s very clear that most of the women in
the Old Testamentare very flat while the Odysseyis full of well rounded characters
especially when it comes to Jacob s wife Rachel and Odysseus s wife Penelope.
The Old Testament fails to give it s female characters motivation or an understanding
Symbols In The Maze Runner
In the book The Maze Runner, the theme is bravery. Throughout the book, Thomas
the main character makes courageous acts as the new kid. There are different
symbolism quotes throughout the book to support the theme. Thomas has to save
his friend Alby who went through the maze but is assumed dead. He goes into the
maze to find out for himself, and different forms of symbolization if found within
the maze. For example, the setting is an isolated maze As big as a football field. In
the text is stated The air felt perfect, and it made him wonder again about the
weather of the place. Never rained, never snowed, never got too hot or too cold. If it
weren t for the little fact that they were torn apart from friends and families and
trapped in
The Horace Mann Era
School in the early days
Prior to the first and second Industrial Revolutions, education opportunities in the 13
colonies during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries varied considerably
depending on one s location, race, gender, and social class. Basic education in
literacy and numeracy was widely available, especially to white males residing in the
northern and middle colonies, and the literacy rate was relatively high among these
people. Educational opportunities were much sparser in the rural South. Education in
the United States had long been a local affair, with schools governed by locally
elected school boards. Public education was common in New England, although it
was often class based with the working class receiving few benefits. Instruction and
curriculum were all locally determined, and teachers were expected to meet rigorous
demands of strict moral behavior. Schools taught religious values and applied
Calvinist philosophies of discipline, which included corporal punishment and public
The public education system was less organized in the South. Public schools were
rare, and ... Show more content on ...
Mann served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives from 1827 1833 and the
Massachusetts Senate from 1834 1837. He was elected to the U.S. House of
Representatives in 1848 after serving as secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of
Education. He is often called the father of American public education . Horace Mann,
American educational reformer: Horace Mann was an influential reformer of
education, responsible for the introduction of common schools non sectarian public
schools open to children of all backgrounds in America. Mann advocated a statewide
curriculum and instituted school financing through local property taxes. Mann also
fought protracted battles against the Calvinist influence on discipline, preferring
positive reinforcement to physical
Analysis Of Strictly Ballroom
Strictly Ballroom employs the dance medium to effectively create characterisation,
the plot and a clash of cultures. Dance is used to explore character s feelings and
struggles at a point in time to further enhance the plot. It is used to show attributes
and emotions of characters and provides examples of clashing cultures though dance.
Dance is the focus of Strictly Ballroom as the film follows young ballroom dancer
Scott Hastings who is going through a personal struggle to stick to regulation steps,
and therefore dance is integral to the plot. Dance is the focus of the film it
explores the characters, for instance Scott uses dance to advance as a character. In
the beginning, he tries to break free through dance, then as he dances on the rooftop
with Fran he breaks free to an extent. Dance is used to as a device for characters to
use to help set them free form their troubles as this is used the plot is advanced.
Dance is the characters lives the different styles in the movie represent different
emotional states they are in and this further continues the plot as they face their
personal struggles.
The film strictly ballroom encourages the viewer to relate to the journey experienced
by Scott and Fran in the film. The viewer relates to the non conformity, self
expression and individuality that dance creates which enhances characterisation.
Scott is short tempered and stubborn and this shown in his dancing at the beginning
of the film. His dance sticks to regulation steps
Cessei Lannister Essay
Cersei Lannister is depicted as a horrible person, one who is ambitious, ruthless, petty
and cruel, and is willing to sacrifice anything other than her children to bolster her
own power.
She is also the only villain in the series whose point of view is shown in the novels,
whereas the other villains are explored in a way that makes them seem more
sympathetic and compelling, Cersei s chapters only confirm the idea that she is an
unhinged, vindictive, selfish, and spiteful woman.
Yet Cersei is also one of the most intricate, interesting and detestable characters in the
series. One simply needs to dig deeper into her motivations to find the compelling
details underneath.
Cersei as a character is far from a feminist. However, she is fascinating ... Show more
content on ...
She clings to her power. She is spiteful and malicious to ensure that no one defies
her, even on petty matters like the death of an animal. And because of the prophecy
she received as a child from the witch, and the shocking death of her eldest son
Joffrey, she is incredibly paranoid and refuses to trust anyone. The more power she
gains, the more vulnerable she feels; she sees enemies in every shadowy corner. She
is unable to stop fighting and accept that she has won, that her son is on the throne,
that she is Queen Regent, that others are trying to help her, because she has been
playing the game of thrones and sabotage her entire life, and she expects that
everyone is waiting for the chance to take her
J R Hobbit Research Paper
J.R.R. Tolkien had an extremely interesting life filled with real adventures and
fictional adventures in his many books and poems. Tolkien had rough patches in
his life, but this made him a more enriched person. His work is influenced by his
many travels and the people he met during them. Tolkien s many books and poems
show his love of adventure and his wild imagination. The life, career, and poetry of
J.R.R. Tolkien was remarkable for its time period and is still influential to this day.
J.R.R. Tolkien s early life was a little rough but he made the best out of it. Tolkien
was born on January 3, 1892 in Bloemfontein, South Africa (Birzer 1). It may seem
odd as to how he was born in South Africa, but there s a story behind it. Bradley
Birzer explained in his article Tolkien: Man Behind the Myth on EBSCOhost that,
Attempting to control the fraud that seemed ... Show more content on
Tolkien s early career was the start of his hugely influential work. Tolkien s early
career started when he began writing The Silmarillion in 1917, which was a history
of Middle Earth (Stewart 322). This was the beginning of something wonderful.
Paula K. Byers said in Encyclopedia of World Biography that, The Inklings, which
was formed during the late 1930s and lasted until the late 1940s, was a weekly
meeting held in Lewis s sitting room at Magdalen at which works in progress were
read aloud and discussed and critiqued by attendees (260). This group would later
help produce many great works. While at a Inklings meeting, Tolkien read his first
hobbit story to the group and they urged him to publish it (Byers 260). This meeting
was what started his legacy. In 1937, Tolkien published The Hobbitafter the Inklings
told him to (Byers 260). It was majorly successful and people are still reading it
today. This book that he published was about these imaginary people called hobbits
in a place called Middle Earth (Stewart 322). His early career was interesting, but his
later career was even more
Raising Successful Children
In the article, Raising Successful Children, (New York Times, Aug 4, 2012) the
author, Madeline Levine states that to raise successful children in numerous areas,
parent should not help them to do something that they can or about be able to make,
should support them with long term eyes, and control parents own ideal image to not
push it against children. The author begins the article by saying that stepping in
children s works tends to provoke fewer motivations and rebellions; on the other hand,
parentingwhich supports children to create eagerness and confidences is one of the
ways to raise children who are successful in many areas. For example, Carol Dweck,
who is a psychologist, did an experiment with children and found that children who
Compare And Contrast Medieval And Renaissance Music
H. Wildanuer
Music 101 Mr. Gesin
Mid term Short Essay Responses
3. Medieval and Renaissance culture varied in many ways, aside from the differing
music. In the Medieval age (the time between the 5th and 15th century), the church
controlled many things, not only music. The church was in charge of education, the
church also dominated politics. People very much feared God. Whereas in the
Renaissance (15th and 17th century) the state ruled over the church. People in the
Renaissance believed that God wasn t some fearsome being, instead they believed
more in logical and practical thinking.
In the Medieval time, art was also very controlled by religion. Most art was based
off of religious figures and were colored mostly dull dark colors. In the Renaissance,
while art still contained some religious themes, more and more artists explored things
like nature and the human body, they also began to use brighter colors.
Things like clothing varied from each period. While during the Medieval times, it
seemed as if the fashionable look was narrow and ease of the garment, whereas in the
Renaissance, they used extravagant cloths and furs, along with padding for a broad
silhouette. During the Renaissance, clothing molded you into the fashionable shapes
and sizes.
4. While an aria is one of the main components to an opera, there are several other
components that that contribute to the story line. An aria is a song for a single voice
along with orchestral accompaniment. For the most
Speech About Chef
A chef is a highly trained and skilled professional cook who is proficient in all
aspects of food preparation of a particular cuisine. The word chef is derived (from
shortened) from the term chef de cuisine (French pronunciation: [КѓЙ›f.dЙ™
.kЙҐi.zin]), the director or head of a kitchen. Chefs can receive both formal training
from an institution, as well as through apprenticeship with an experienced chef.
There are different terms that use the word chef in their titles, and deal with
specific areas of food preparation, such as the Sous chef, who acts as the second in
command in a kitchen, or the Chef de partie, who handles A of the specific area of
production. The Brigade system is a system of hierarchy found in restaurants and
groups visiting extensive staff, many of which which use the word chef in their titles.
A toque, necktie, double breasted jacket, apron and shoes with steel or plastic toe caps
... Show more content on ...
Executive chef, chef manager, head chef, and master chef, they have a lot of
names but they all have the same responsibilities:To create nice food. Why did I
choose this job? Because I like to cook, the chef job really interests me. I like
working with people, and I honestly think I can be a good leader to control the
I plan to go to Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts San Francisco, because this
is a good school for chefs. I want to go for four years and eventually get my bachelor
s degree. The cost to get into this college will be $14,774 per year weather its in state
or out of state. I have gone for a tour and I loved the atmosphere and the people were
friendly. I want to go to this school to learn and develop new skills to be the best
chef out
Dbq Italian Unification
Italy, for the most part of its contemporary history, has been leveraged by external and
internal influences. The vastness of these influences predominated Italy in the early
19th century, which at the time was already a disconnected region in Europe. Foreign
influence was among the influences in Italy that pushed it apart, such in the way of
France and Austria, but what fragmented Italyfurther were its principalities and
religious catholic base with Rome at the center. Rome was in the middle of much of
these opposing sides; it had many foreign occupants during its time and was the last
city to be unified into the Italian state. Therefore, this makes Rome a great example
when looking into this time period when trying to understand these fragmentations.
When traveling in Italy, one would hardly guess the fragmentation that Italy had been
previously associated with not 150 years prior. What were specific events that could
have shifted Italian Identity that led to the unification of Italy in 1870?
General Population: For or Against Unification of ... Show more content on ...
When looking at sources during this time in Italy, it is hard to find perspectives from
the peasantry class, and attempting to identify the feelings of the common folk is
strenuous. If there are documents, they are generally not translated into English, but
in 1871 a census was taken for Victor Emmanuel s newly conquered Italy that gives
researches context to why there is a lack of peasantry opinion. This document shows
the education of the majority of the new Italian populous. The census showed that
one third of the population of southern Italy was under the age of 15 and much of the
country was urbanized. Many of these Italians were uneducated, and in Rome and
many places in Italy, even if they were educated, this means they were not educated
by Emmanuel s new Italian

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Persuasive Speech Sample Essay

  • 1. Persuasive Speech Sample Essay Writing an essay on the topic of a "Persuasive Speech Sample Essay" can be a challenging task that requires careful consideration of various elements. Crafting a persuasive piece involves not only expressing personal opinions but also presenting compelling arguments that can sway the audience's perspective. To begin with, one must thoroughly understand the subject matter and conduct extensive research to gather relevant information and supporting evidence. The difficulty intensifies as the writer needs to strike a balance between being assertive and respectful, aiming to influence without appearing forceful. Crafting a persuasive speech sample essay involves structuring thoughts logically and coherently, ensuring a smooth flow from introduction to conclusion. The introduction should grab the reader's attention, present a clear thesis statement, and outline the main points that will be addressed. Subsequently, each paragraph must contribute to the overall persuasiveness of the essay, presenting well-reasoned arguments and supporting evidence. The writer should anticipate counterarguments and effectively counter them, demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Achieving this requires critical thinking and the ability to analyze information objectively. Furthermore, the conclusion of the essay should summarize key points and reiterate the main persuasive elements, leaving a lasting impression on the reader. The language used throughout the essay should be precise, engaging, and tailored to the target audience. In conclusion, writing a persuasive speech sample essay is a complex undertaking that demands a combination of research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. Success in this endeavor relies on the writer's ability to construct a compelling argument while considering the audience's perspective. While challenging, the process offers an opportunity for personal and intellectual growth, honing skills that extend beyond the realm of essay writing. For assistance with similar essays and more, individuals can explore resources like, where a variety of writing services may be available to meet specific needs and requirements. Persuasive Speech Sample EssayPersuasive Speech Sample Essay
  • 2. The Wife of Bath, The Wife of Bath Prologue, and The... The Wife of Bath, The Wife of Bath Prologue, and The General Prologue These selections from The Canterbury Tales best exemplify the ideals and traits of women (as portrayed by Chaucer). In, The Wife of Bath Prologue, the narrator brags of her sexual exploits as well as her prowess of controlling men. The narrator is quite forthright in her enjoyment of this manipulation; she comments on her technique of lying and predomination of men. The General Prologue further serves to display the daunting traits of women. The narrator makes several stabs at a woman s appearance; and the overall effect is one of distaste and inadequacy. The tale itself, The Wife of Bath, embodies the characteristics of the ... Show more content on ... The author also includes an amusing vignette of her appearance; Her head dresses were of finest weave and ground; I dare swear that they weighed a pound…Her stockings were of the finest scarlet red…her face…and red of hue. This humorous tone exemplifies the promiscuous nature of the woman. The attachment of the color red especially highlights this; as it conveys a seductive and tantalizing demeanor. The overall effect of these items allows the reader to form an image of the woman; that she is a person of low morals and status. Her life is comprised of appealing and manipulating the hearts of men. The additional prologue, The Wife of Bath Prologue, is both lengthy and abound with persuasion. This particular division of the Tale offers a glimpse into the mind of the Wife. In it, she portrays herself as a proud woman, which has used her innumerable supply of husbands as vessels of mere social and financial support. The performance that she displays showcases her uncaring nature as well as her experience. The selection utilizes exemplum to properly impart this experience. This form is a short story which is embedded into
  • 3. Brain-Based Learning Brain Compatible Learning Environments Jamilyn Hogan PSY 370: Learning and the Brain Lynsey Ulibarri July 18, 2011 Every student learns at his or her own level. When a teacher puts herself in front of a classroom she or he should consider all the different learning styles in the classroom, and should plan lessons to fit needs of different students. With brain based learning (BBL) considered, a teacher can make lessons around different types of learners and therefore every student can be touched, and can be successful in the classroom. What is brain based learning? Individual differences observed in the acquisition and processing of information during the learning process result in style differences in learning. (Duman et ... Show more content on ... The first way that a positive learning environment can be put in place is through practices and procedures. These practices and procedures should be verbally gone over and also posted in the classroom. The practices and procedures should be put in place in the first days of school and re visited often. Secondly, the physical surroundings are important. From the minute the students walk into the classroom for the first time, they should be able to look around and get an idea of what they are going to be learning about. Also of importance is to give attention to the classroom on a regular basis. The neatness and organization of the classroom is important. Students work and achievements should be posted around the room. (Veverka, 2011) Organization of the curriculum is also important to the learning environment. The teacher should not only have a thorough knowledge of the curriculum, the teacher should also be sure that the curriculum has plans to include all kind of learning styles. The students should be primed for learning. To prime a student for learning, a good attention getter should be introduced. Lastly, to enhance a positive learning experience, a team should be built. The team should include approved volunteers, other staff, parents and grandparent, and others willing to be a support to the students. Brain based learning is very dependent of a positive learning environment, and steps for the learning environment
  • 4. Film Genre Of Western Films Over the past years Hollywood has produced a wide array of brilliant movies, appearing through a variety of genres. However, for every generation there consistently exists a dominant movie trend that encapsulates that culture, frequently making appearances on the big screen. Early on in filmmaking history, western movies were one of the original major trending movie genres. Later, in the 1970 s, adventure was extraordinarily popular, then horror movies saw a significant rise toward the 1980 s. Each generation has its genre. As of recently, there is an observably massive surge in the Sci Fi/Action genres, particularly with teenagers and young men. More specifically, the rampant growth in superheromovies, which obviously fits into modern culture s acclamation for action centric science fiction films. Over the last decade superhero movies have surged in popularity, becoming the most prominent filmgenre in history, because of its myriad of source material, painless production, and devout fans. Throughout the last decade, both Marvel Studios and DC Comics have release a grand total of thirty eight superhero movies, from those two studios alone. Numerous other lesser known studios have opted to cash in on modern culture s super hero craze. Recently, Marvel studios released their newest superhero blockbuster, which marked the ninetieth superhero movie released in theatres since the year 2000. Amazingly, an astonishing eighteen more are scheduled to be released within the next
  • 5. J Coles Be Free Essay For this critical reflection of a protest song I have chosen J Coles Be Free . Through his music and lyrics, J Cole is constantly pushing a political agenda, questioning society and its norms as well as putting a focus on current and past events. There are multiple reasons why I chose this song and genre. Since the Watts riotsin California there has not been a large scale African Americanrights protest. Blues started off the musical African American protest wave and it seemed to end with the death of Tupac. Since the early 2000 s African American music has strayed away from protest and evolved into story telling related to events in the life of the artist and the current trend in rap seems to be about fashion. It is safe to say protest music from the African American perspective had died. So it is amazing to see artist like J Cole still giving voice to the average person and questioning those who control us. The new wave of protest music has resulted from the recent police African American interactions that have resulted in many black teenagers dead. These events have caused riots in Missouri, Baltimore and Florida. J Coles be Free is a protest song about the mistreatment of black peopleand the recent tragedy involving Michael Brown. The Watts Riot in 1965 was a six day massive riot, which was both the largest and costliest urban rebellion of the Civil Rights era (BBC). Over the course of the six day riot, over 14,000 California National Guard troops were
  • 6. The Story Of Amanda Waller It all started whenever Amanda Waller wanted to get the top five best villains to go on a search for a witch named Enchantress. She takes over people s bodies.We are going with a soldier named Flag to find her. Our squad consisted of Harley Quinn (me), Deadshot, El Diablo, Captain Boomerang, and Killer Croc. We are Amanda s Suicide Squad, some may say. I am Harley Quinn. Joker and I are the king and queen of Gotham City. Everybody thinks I am more daring and wild than him. Deadshot and I were both caught by Batman. Batman caught me when Joker and I drove off the road and into the water. I guess you could say he saved me from drowning, but then he also turned me in. He caught Deadshot when Deadshot was walking with his daughter. When Deadshot
  • 7. College At Florida Atlantic University May had come around at long last, and my first two semesters of college at Florida Atlantic University were over. Not only had I survived my freshman year, I also thrived, passing eight of my nine combined courses with A s and getting an A minus in the other one. If casinos all over the country made it achievable for people to place bets on the odds of any given student in any given college emerging successful at the end of any given semester, chances are I would ve been a far greater underdog to come out smelling like roses than Neon Leon was to beat the recently departed Muhammad Ali in February 1978. But the same way Leon shocked Ali I defied my own hopes and those of some among the closest friends and family I know. Did I soon find... Show more content on ... So we stayed in Nice for two weeks, joined a beach club on the Mediterranean for eleven dollars each, and had a ball, Grandpa said, afterwards taking a deep breath with his mouth open and his eyes closed. We were just about ready to run out of money when we decided to go to a casino in Monaco, which was right next to Nice you could walk there. We took whatever cash we had and put it on the roulettewheel on the black. I m nowhere near an expert when it comes to casino games, I replied while scratching my right elbow with my left hand. But, I used to play simulated roulette years ago on my old PC, and if my facts aren t off it s fifty fifty if you bet red or black on a roulette wheel. It doesn t appear to me as though it d make one lick of difference what color someone chose as far as the odds. Any reason you chose black? No particular reason, Grandpa said while pushing his hair backwards with his right hand and scratching the top of it with the left. You re right the color makes no difference. There are eighteen red and eighteen black numbers in a game of roulette, which means an eighteen in thirty seven chance for a wheel with no double zero and a nine in nineteen chance for one with two greens. You get paid one to one for your nine to ten in Las Vegas casinos and those in other states, so you lose the difference on average. Grandpa went on to explain how, if you bet red or black on a roulette wheel,
  • 8. Mayans Misunderstood Essay Mayans: Bloodthirsty Savages or Misunderstood? Were the Mayans really the savages everyone has made them out to be, or were they just normal, misunderstood citizens, just trying to make it through another day. The Mayans are not only one of the most mysterious cultures in history, but one of the most intelligent early civilizations, discovering things such as the concept of zero, and how to make accurate 365 day calendars. It is agreed upon that the people of Maya were way ahead of their time, but how much did they really know? They settled in Yucatan (now Mexico) between 2600 BC and 1800 BC and were the indigenous people of Mexico and Central America. Maya kings were the centers of power for the Maya civilization, and each Maya city state was controlled by a dynasty of kings. A Maya king was expected to be a military leader have a great mind to solve city problems like wars or food crises. Kings also sacrificed their own blood to the gods, the higher kings. When a king died and left no heir to the throne, there was usually a war to determine the next ruler. Pakal, also known as Pacal the Great, was one of the main figures responsible for rebuilding Palenque, and was known ... Show more content on ... Most of their gods represented a form in nature, for example the Sun God (Kinih Ahous). They worshiped these gods everyday and religion was at the center of everything they did. They believed their ancestors lived in a small piece of heaven, and kept a watchful eye on their relatives on earth. The Maya also believed in an underworld, which to them was a horrible place filled with demons. If the Mayans did not worship the right way, these demons would be released onto earth and attack them, or so they believed. No Mayan woman would ever look in a mirror, for it was believed that the demons from the underworld could reach through the mirror and yank you into the underworld. Men, however, would look into mirrors as an act of
  • 9. Application Of An Enterprise Architecture Introduction Most organizations have different types of systems that have been implemented and being used for different purposes over the year of their operations. In this day and age, technologies seem to change rapidly with executives and managers finding it difficult to get a pictorial view of the existing systems whenever a new system is being implemented. The primary purpose of an enterprise architecture is to integrate the Information Technology (IT) assets across different departments of an organization and in order to create blueprints that will define the current organizational structure and the targeted structure. There are a couple of system development models among which is the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). SDLC is a... Show more content on ... Anaya and Ortiz (2005), defined enterprise architecture as a blueprint that provides a common view of the primary resources of any enterprise (people, processes and technology) and how they integrate to provide the primary drivers of the enterprise. Anaya and Ortiz further went on to explain that enterprise architectures are used mainly as two types of tools, which are: engineering tool and management tool. As a tool for engineering, the enterprise architecture defines specific roles and responsibilities which are assigned to various personnel of the organization that must be followed in order to accomplish the objective of the organization. As a management tool, a manager will be able to visualize the connections or relationships between operating process, resources, information systems across different functions of the enterprise. Importance of an Enterprise System Architecture Enterprise System architecture plays an important role in every organization as it creates a road map that is to be followed to better articulate the business operating process of an organization. ERP system architecture provides a foundation for both the functional and the technical needs of the organization and
  • 10. Relationship Between Father And Fate In The Odyssey Father and Son Relationships Determine Fate and Destiny The Odyssey, by Homer, is one of the most influential texts of Western literature and it is paralleled to The Aeneid, by Virgil. Father and son relationships are very important to Greek culture, as evident in the relationship between Odysseus and TelГ©makhos in The Odyssey. Hundreds of years after The Odyssey was transcribed, Virgil continued to recognize the importance of the father and son relationship and he incorporated it into The Aeneidby focusing on Anchises and Aeneas. Both epics revolve around and delve into the valued father and son relationship. This relationship is so important to Greek and Roman culture that it has an effect on the idea of fate and destiny. Throughout The Odyssey and The Aeneid, the relationship between the father and son is responsible for determining their fate and destiny. The fate of Odysseus and Anchises is thoroughly influenced by their respective sons. Throughout Odysseus s journey, Odysseus wants to give up because of all the hardships he has to face. His son, TelГ©makhos, serves as his motivation for coming home and drives his will to live and fight his hardships at sea. At one point, Odysseus considers giving up so he will not need to face the sea raging/ under such winds anymore (Homer 5.314 315). In spite of his moment of weakness, he continues to fight for his destiny of homecoming to reunite with his son. TelГ©makhos encourages Odysseus to achieve his destiny. Likewise,
  • 11. This Historical Study Will Define The Dual Hostility Of This historical study will define the dual hostility of the Soviet Union and the United States in the instigation and resolution of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. The nuclear arms race of the early 1960s defined a period of history in which a stalemate occurred between superpowers. The United States and the Soviet Union were continually seeking to build larger nuclear arsenals and to also expand their territorial influence over lesser nations. The Cuban Missile Crisis defines also defines the minor role of Cuba that served to facilitate the expansion of communist influence on the eastern seaboard to the United States. In this manner, Cuba could not be blamed for being a pawn in the Soviet plan to move missiles 90 miles off the coast of... Show more content on ... It assumed the use of multiple and powerful nuclear weapons by both sides in the Cold War, resulting in reciprocal total annihilation. This strategic perspective defined the logical outcome of a nuclear war between two major powers, which would result in the destruction of both sides of the conflict. Therefore, the U.S. and the Soviets would lose in the case of a nuclear war, which laid the foundation for the Cold War and the political conflicts that followed. This aspect of a cold war defines the ideological expansion of communism and capitalist ideology, which would now compete for world domination. By not being able to actually initiate a hot war between the two superpowers, it became apparent that clandestine spy networks and the movement of nuclear arsenals would set the stage for the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. The Soviet Union played an important role in bringing nuclear missiles to Castro s Cuba in 1962, but it should also be mentioned in the context of the overreaching Cold War with the United States. In a broader context of the Cold War, the United States has presaged the Cuban Missile Crisis by President Kennedy s placement of nuclear missiles on the border of Turkey and Italy, which was perceived as a threat by Soviet leader, Nikita Khrushchev,. These events took place in 1961, which could be perceived as a cause for the movement of nuclear missiles by the Soviets to Cuba in 1962. Overall, it was also evident that the Soviets and the U.S.
  • 12. Explain How Phenotypes Are Driven By Dna Inheritance In... This paper will discuss how phenotypes are driven by DNA inheritance in offspring by the genes known as alleles. Each parent provides an allele although on allele is hidden in one parent and can be passed on to his or her offspring. The information presented in the monohybrid cross that shows where one parent has the hidden allele of a genethat carries the trait of orange eyes that disappears and reemerges later in the genetic make up of an offspring. The inheritance in the offspring is driven by the DNAof that individuals parents and the genetic traits one is born with are decided by the dominant and recessive genes of his or her parents (, 2014). Because the hidden genes of one parent may be recessive and may not be present ... Show more content on ... When we were kids he would bind it back and chase me around the house. The hypothesis that predicts an individual s genotype chosen trait is hair color my other has sandy brown hair and my hair is a darkish brown but in it changes colors with the season changes. Consequently, my father s hair is black but my hair color based on my hypothesis is that the dominant genes of my mother s traits is why my hair is darkish brown. The scientific method used to explain how I would test my hypothesis is to ask the question of how many people of my family have black hair, brown hir and other colors. Researching the different topics on genetics of hair color, what genes make up hair color and then analyze the data by compiling all the information and data from research and create a display to present the results to family. In conclusion, there are several factors in DNA inheritance that makes each person who they are from their hair color, eye color, height, and other genetic traits that are inherited from our parents. Some are dominant and other are recessive that are passed down from generation to
  • 13. Cookie Experiment When you bake cookies, a thought that might come to mind is When a recipe has 2 eggs the cookie rises more, but when a recipe has 1 egg the cookie might stay the same height. Eggs are important in a cookie recipe, they provide protein and fat. There have been many experiments done about the height of cookies when the number of eggs are changed. Most commonly, a cookie recipe will have only 1 egg and let other substances do the heavy lifting. This experiment will test whether the amount of eggs in a cookie recipe affect how high the cookie rises. There has been another similar experiment done by Stella Parks, she was named America s Best New Pastry Chefs. Stella decided to test how altering the ratio of whites and yolks impacted the dough.... Show more content on ... First, if people in my community do not know the correct amount of eggs for their cookie recipe to make the cookies the perfect height, then it could result in more money being spent on supplies if the cookies do not turn out right. Second, if the cookies were meant to be sold or were for an event then the cookies would have to be re made to perfection before being sold or brought to the event. Which in turn would take more time away from family, friends, etc. Lastly, if my community wanted to bake cookies to be eaten at home they would need to know how many eggs to put in there. If too many or too little eggs are put in the cookies then they could not be edible by their standards and could cause stress because they cannot figure out how to perfect them. This experiment will benefit the community in many
  • 14. Descriptive Essay On Buried Alive Buried Alive The morning dawned bright and clear, if a little cold. The mountains overhead loomed with patches of snow on their peaks. An ever present reminder that winter was just around the corner. I woke up that day with as light a heart as I had ever had in the years since my dear wife s death. Pulling on my boots and running a finger through my hair, I went to prepare for another brisk Midwestern day. I paused at my darling little girls room, and gently knocked on the door to wake her. Hope? Are you awake honey? Daddy? came the sleepy reply. I entered her room and scooped up Hope into my arms. The adorable 6 year nuzzled her curls into my chest. Now you be a good girl for you nanny. I will daddy. came the muffled reply. ... Show more content on ... Ann was the sweetest little Momma to her girl, and they were nearly twins in looks and temperament. Then, when Hope was four, outta the blue, Ann died. She became ill about two weeks before her passing and never recovered. A week later a letter came for her, but I never had the heart to open it. Now I figured maybe I should have. A restless curiosity built upside of me and I grabbed the side of the car. What do you know of Ann? The gentlemen removed my fingers one at a time I will explain all that I know, But only if you agree to accompany me to town. I eyed the automobile suspiciously while the lavish man covertly eyed my work garb. How s bout I follow your machine with my team. Please, said he, lead the way. It d be my pleasure Sir. Not ten minutes later, we were on the road and my mind was awash with questions. Who was this here costly clothed man? What did he want? And most importantly, what did he know of my lovely Ann? It seemed to take an eternity and a half, but at length we finally arrived at the backwater town. While I hooked up my team of horses to the post the fancy man positioned himself at a secluded outdoor table. I strided up to him and took my seat. I stared pointedly at the man, waiting for him to speak, but he paused, thinking. I was ready to pummel him by the time he finally spoke. Do you remember the day Annettia died. I was surprised at his bluntness. It d be pretty hard for me to forget when my wife was taken from me. Just
  • 15. Flowers For Algernon 1. The book that I have read is Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes. This book was published in 1966 and 1959. 2. In the book Flowers for Algernon a man named Charlie, who s intellectually disabled, wants to become smart. Since that s the only thing he wants, and he ll do anything to do it, two men choose Charlie to have the operation done on, which will open up the gates to him learning. Before they did it on a human, they did it on a mouse named Algernon, who became very smart. After Charlie had his operation, he was frustrated because he wasn t smart. The two men, Dr. Strauss and Professor Nemur, had Charlie do many things such as read and write down progress reports. Charlie was learning at a very fast rate. He read... Show more content on ... People believed that Charlie was artificial, man made, a lab rat. Professor Nemur thought that he had created Charlie, and that he was nothing before the operation It might be said that Charlie Gordon did not really exist before this experiment... . Charlie was a human before and after the operation I m a human being, a person with parents and memories and a history and I was before you ever wheeled me into that operating room! . (p.161) As Charlie began to grow mentally and become intelligent, his understanding of the world became clearer than before. Although he could understand reality, he couldn t understand his feelings. Charlie thought he could understand his feelings but he really didn t, especially love Something inside is burning me up, and all I know is it makes me think of you. . Later, as he continues to grow, he decides that he could let his feelings rule him only during his relationship with Alice but not during anything else. He realized that he really loves Alice because his feelings and emotions go wild when he s with her. Also because he sees the old Charlie when he s with her helping him realize he loves her. Charlie loved her enough to let her go because he didn t want her to see him deteriorate. Charlie decided to go to the Warren Home because he
  • 16. Innovation and Change of the Ipod Essay Innovation and Change of the Ipod INTRODUCTION This report on innovation and change examines how Apple s iPod is the first entry into the marketplace that addresses the needs of the portable digital music market segment. It explains how it is small enough to fit comfortably in a shirt pocket. It shows how the device addresses the shortcomings of other portable MP3 music devices. It also looks at how market segmentation has been one of the most vital factors fueling the demand for technological products, as companies recognize that segmentation equips them to generate more sales than the mass marketing approach of the late 20th century. The report examines how Apple understood the needs of the digital music community, together with ... Show more content on ... Therefore, rather than learning more about new artists, the consumer learns more about his or her own tastes by creating his or her own mix. Not only is this but it a new technological way to enter the world of Music. Just in a box smaller then the size of your hand you can have all the latest, music, videos, internet, pictures and etc. You can choose the color you want the Ipodor any other accessories that come with it, you can personalize your Ipod so it represents your personal style. 2. There are various ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES that are leading to today s development of new products or improvement of current products. Consumer s needs and wants are changing from a day to day basis and businesses must keep up with these demands. The following are the needs for a new innovative product: Changing Nature of Markets Consumer demands change; Ipod must monitor the market and adjust production. On the other hand a product can also be in high demand by the consumer and the production would have to increase on short notice to meet the demand. Economic Factors The general level of economic activity in Australia and the rest of the global economy tends to fluctuate through periods of upturn and downturn. The level of activity in Ipod also moves through similar cycles. Financial Factors The availability and cost of finance is a key input which can determine whether Ipod can introduce a new innovation or weather it should just re improve the product.
  • 17. Genre Films Predictability and Formulaicity Essay Genre Films Predictability and Formulaicity This essay shall discuss whether Genre films are predictable and formulaic , looking at the Western genre, and using the example films of, The Searchers and Unforgiven . Genre is a fundamental means by which we communicate especially in storytelling. If looking at genre in terms of Thomas Shatz, he puts forward the theory of similarity and overlap. He adopts a thematic and ideological approach, which identifies only two genres; the genre of order and the genre of integration. In this case the Western would be categorised into the genre of order. This essay shall also look at how genre films change over time, due to changes in society, as characters ... Show more content on ... Within each of the films, the revenge narratives are both set around the female, as in The searchers , Ethan and Martin aim to save the young girl Debbie, and in Unforgiven , Will, Ned and the Schofield Kid aim to get revenge for the female prostitutes, this therefore shows how genre could be seen to predictable and formulaic as these two western films show how they both follow similar structures and narratives. The theorists Propp and Todorov have focused on the similarity in narrative across different genres. They suggest that genres that are different from one another in terms of visual, verbal and musical signifiers operate according to the same narrative structures. Propp puts forward the story functions of hero, villain and donor etc, and Todorov puts forward the equilibrium narrative theory. These two theorists therefore show, how genre could be seen to be predictable and formulaic, as both of their theories can be applies to The Searchers and Unforgiven , and they also believe they can be applied to many other genres and films. The characters within The Searchers fit into Propps story function as it is shown that, Ethan is the main hero within the film, Martin is the main helper throughout the film and Debbie is seen as the princess who needs to be saved. The same story function can
  • 18. Annotated Bibliography On The Internet And Multimedia... COM414: The Internet and Multimedia Authoring Assignment 2 Web site Student Name: Michael McElhatton (B00685386) URL: for site %20Assignment%202/Main.html URL: for work files /~bis15mem/XcelEnts%20 %20Assignment%202/ Creation of logo (Video) : https:/ / CONTENTS 1.The Site3 1.1.Executive Summary3 1.2.How the Site was Created4 1.3.Corporate Look5 1.4.Navigation 6 1.5.Content7 1.6.Flle Types and Compression9 1.7.Evaluation of the site10 2.Appendices11 2.1.References11 2.2.Site map12 2.3.Research on Other sites13 2.4 Print screens of Site 15 1.The Site 1.1.Executive Summary In This report I will discuss the development of the website I created for the event organisation business Xcelents. I will include descriptions of the many different applications I used to help with my development which includes photo editing softwares and also an application which allowed me to design the site. I will be including the steps I have taken as to ensure my website has a professional look and feel. Within the contents of my report I will discuss why i chose a certain navigation layout for my site and also provide a map as to direct the reader around the site. Towards the end of my report I will include a list of the file types i used and also their size, I will discuss why I used each file format and the
  • 19. The Economic Situation Of A County To determine the overall economic situation of a county one must consider all of its current risks. The country s political situation is one area to consider. Any analysis must consider the stability of the county s current government. Other economic indicators that must be assessed are the country s gross domestic product, unemployment rate, inflationor deflation, the strength of country s currency, it s trade balances and the value of its government issued bond (credit). Political Risk Political risk is anything that has a direct correlation with the government or political setup of a country. For example political risk can be expressed through political stability, currency inconvertibility, changes in taxation, corruption, and a weak legal system for investor protection. In recent years the political stability of Chile has not been favorable. Only 24% of Chileans support their politicians (EIU, 1). Chile was always considered one of the least corrupt of Latin American countries, however, recently there as been some allegations of corruption. In February 2015, Sebastian Davalos, the president s son, had been accused of using his authority to make profitable land deals. He had acquired $10million loan from the second largest Chilean bank for a small property company, Caval, which is half owned by his wife. The company later bought rural land and re zoned it to create urban development. This made the company $5 million in profit (Roberts, 1). In spite of these issues,
  • 20. Andrew Carnegie s Wealth During The Gilded Age Andrew Carnegie s wealth came from Vertical Integration as well as John Pierpont Morgan s wealth. On the other side John D. Rockefeller used Horizontal Integration to build his oil refining industry. However, while many tried to use Vertical and Horizontal Integration, not all had complete success in doing so. Therefore making all three of these men extremely successful. After the Civil War came Reconstruction and the Progressive Era, which resulted in the rising of new businesses. In order to pay for the costs after the war, the government had to come up with new ideas to boost the economy. When the Gilded Age arrived there were thousands of industries and new jobs and business occupations. At this time many entrepreneurs arose and created... Show more content on ... Another wealthy man was John Pierpont Morgan. Like Carnegie, John Pierpont Morgan used the Vertical Integration method. John Pierpont started United States Steel from Carnegie s businesses, this is an example of Vertical Integration. He used many businesses such as Andrew Carnegie s Steel Company to combine with his own and create the immense amount of money he had. J.P. Morgan was known for his consolidation techniques, he was also a well known banker, One of the most powerful bankers of his era, J.P. (John Pierpont) Morgan (1837 1913) financed railroads and helped organize U.S. Steel, General Electric and other major corporations. In many occasions John Pierpont Morgan s wealth helped the United States economy out of financial situations. In one instance the United States went through an economic depression in 1893. The Panic of 1893 was the effect of excessive railroad building and railroad funding, which then caused the banks to go through failures. John Pierpont Morgan helped get rid of the two year economic depression that the United States had by giving out bonds, Twelve days later, J.P. Morgan Co. led a syndicate of bankers to sell U.S. bonds to buy back gold from foreign investors. The
  • 21. Ronald Reagan s 50th Anniversary Speech Ronald Reagan s 40th Anniversary Speech of D Day Ronald Wilson Reagan, February 6, 1911 June 5, 2004 was an American politician and actor who served as the 40th President of the United States from 1981 to 1989. Prior to his presidency, he was the 33rd Governor of California from 1967 to 1975, following a career as a Hollywood actor and union leader. ( Reagan also served in the U.S. Army during World War Two achieving the rank of Lieutenant But due to his eyesight he was stationed stateside, creating training films. I chose this speech because of the topics he touches on. Not only the past but also the future. We re here to mark that day in history when the Allied armies joined in battle to reclaim this continent to liberty. For 4 long years, much of Europe had been under a terrible shadow. Free nations had fallen, Jews cried out in the camps, millions cried out for liberation. Europe was enslaved, and the world prayed for its rescue. Here in Normandy the rescue began. Here the Allies stood and fought against tyranny in a giant undertaking unparalleled in human history. ( https:/ / Even though the speech is political in the delivery it is more about the whole and not one countries contribution to the war. He incorporates the Allies as the whole in the first passages and then gave reverence to the 225 young men from the Rangers and that after two days of fighting that only 90
  • 22. Sandwich Panels Advantages And Disadvantages INTRODUCTION 1.1GENERAL In this chapter, a background study on the concept of insulated concrete sandwich panels is introduced. The specialities of its various parts and practical applications are cited. 1.2HISTORY Precast/prestressed concrete sandwich wall panels are composed of two concrete wythes or layers separated by a layer of rigid foam plastic insulation. Sandwich panels are created in North America for quite 50 years. Early sandwich panels were of the non composite kind and consisted of a thick, structural wythe (or hollow core slabs, double tees, or single tees), a layer of rigid insulation, and a non structural wythe. Composite sandwich panels were factorymade later. Materials employed in the manufacture of sandwich panels are the ... Show more content on ... Sandwich panels are usually designed as one way structural elements; shear forces are generated due to longitudinal bending in the panels. In addition, the shear connectors may be used to transfer the weight of a non structural wythe to the structural wythe. Shear connectors that are designed to be stiff in one direction and flexible in another are called one way shear connectors [4]. Examples of these are longitudinal steel wire trusses, solid ribs of concrete, flat sleeve anchors, fiber composite rectangles, and small diameter bent bars (Fig.1.1). Care should be taken in the manufacturing process to maintain the preferred orientation of one way connectors. Some shear connectors are stiff in at least two perpendicular directions and will consequently transfer in both longitudinal and transverse horizontal shear. Examples of these are solid zones of concrete (often located at each end of the panel and at lifting points), connection plates, cylindrical sleeve anchors, and crown anchors. Connection plates and crown anchors are normally installed in solid zones of concrete and therefore it can be considered as rigid shear connections
  • 23. Comedic Relief in the Bleek Novel, Hard Times by Charles... In every bleak novel there is one character who is always there for comedic relief; in Hard Times, that character is Mrs. Sparsit. Mrs. Sparsit is the housekeeper for Mr. Bounderby. Essentially she does all the work that a wife would do except she has a lower status than a wife, but higher than a servant. Here in lies the problem that she cannot deal with. Mrs. Sparsit came from a well to do family, but slipped in the social rankings. To regain her pride, she attempts to sabotage Mr. Bounderby s marriage, but in doing so only makes her a fool. In this passage, a robbery has just occurred and the townspeople are trying to figure out who the perpetrator is. As of right now, they believe it is Stephen Blackpool. Shaken by the events, Mrs. Sparsit stays at Mr. Bounderby s house. The purpose of this passage is to show that it is not Mr. Bounderby who is the fool, but rather Mrs. Sparsit, who does not seem to understand that her actions against Bounderby do not have an impact on him at all. What does Mr. Bounderby care about? Certainly not Mrs. Sparsit. Mr. Bounderby is an egotistical man who only cares about his social status and money. He married Louisa with the goal in mind to make her his trophy wife and to have connections with Mr. Gradgrind it has nothing to do with his emotional connection with Louisa. Thus, Mrs. Sparsit s determination to pity Mr. Bounderby is completely futile. Mrs. Sparsit continues to attempt to please Mr. Bounderby
  • 24. The White Tiger In the novel The White Tiger , the writer utilizes the Murder Weekly magazine to draw the line between perception and reality in this Indian society. The narrator depicts that all drivers and cooks in Delhi read this magazine and as much as they would love to, they are unable to slit their masters necks. Aravind Adiga utilizes this magazine as a source of outlet to showcase the harsh reality these workers live in. They are used and abused to the point that rather than having perceived dreams of taking the weekend off, they mesmorate over the thought of killing their masters to be free; a harsh perception contrasted to a harsh reality. Furthermore, this dreamland perception is emphasised when it is expressed that this weekly magazine usually ends with the murderer hanging himself. This again provides exposure to the harsh reality, ... Show more content on ... A prime example is when a young boy approaches Balram while driving and asks if he wants to purchase an statue from him. The writer purposefully does this to denote that this character would fill the role of a scavenger. This boy is going car to car looking for scraps of money to collect for his buddha figure. This mirrors scavenger type animals as they take what they can, where they can to survive. Additionally, this biome hierarchy is further emphasised when later in the novel, Balram, his master, and Pinky run over a kid and just speed away. Adiga purposefully makes them to this to show the connections they have to predators. These rich people are the kings of the jungle and no animal dare to trample in their path. Just as this child quite literally trampled in their path, he was quickly ran over and killed without any sympathy from the predators. Ultimately, Aravind s proficient use of actions conveys to the reader the horrific biological hierarchy that is their
  • 25. Relationship Between Stress And Stress Experiment Paper Introduction During Adolescence, teenagers and young adults begin to learn to cope and emotionally self regulate. Now distanced between parents and home, adolescents are forced to adapt to their new surroundings and psychologically adjust to the new environment. College, provides a unique opportunity for adolescents to attain an education, and experience new social settings on their own terms. However, in the process of adapting to a new and unusual environment, their enters a new variable, and that is stress. According to the studies and research by Andrew Baum stress is : an emotional reaction or experience accompanied by physical and behavior changes. ( Baum, A,Singer, J. E. and Baum, C. S. (1981).Stress has a tremendous effect on one s mental, state, ability to self regulate , and perform in given situation( Baum,et al. (1981). Stress also, affects the way one treats others. High levels of stress can lead to tension amongst others, and tension with one s owns emotions which in turn could be projected on other people. The following paper examines the relationship between the stress and emotional self regulation on Bard college students, defining self regulation in terms of politeness. Students were observed over the course of two sessions:The first session on November 22nd ( approximately) three weeks before final exams, and the second session on December 9th, presumably just before the start of final exams. Students were monitored based on
  • 26. Hallmark Aficionados In The Film, When Calls The Heart If you are a fan of Hallmark s When Calls the Heart, or if you have seen a couple recent Hallmark films in which a snobby, rich guy never seems to win the heart of his presumed intended, you may be quite familiar with the masterful, young actor, Marcus Rosner. Though he seems to be typecast as the bad guy, or the guy who never gets the girl, there is no denying that this dashing and delightfully gifted actoris rising quickly in the hearts and minds of loyal Hallmark aficionados. Recently, I had the opportunity to chat with Marcus about most things Hallmark as well as his upcoming film, Appetite For Love. THIRSTY FOR ADVENTURE What inspired you to become an actor? In high school, I was the typical jock I never took a drama class (though I now wish I ... Show more content on ... Even when I was auditioning, I was very impressed with the script. While the story might be typical, the approach is anything but typical. I would call it a story with many layers. An underlying theme in the film is that of being environmentally friendly. The hip approach today is that of restaurants serving better foods and using environmentally sound methods. Fast food places are consistently in competition with the places that serve better quality, fresher foods. And all too often, those fast food places lose the battle. Working with Andrew was great. We bonded over football I am a Dallas Cowboys fan (even though they are not very good). What I liked about him was that he was never competitive with me in any way. He was a warm and endearing person. How did your experience in A Christmas Detour compare with An Appetite for Love? In A Christmas Detour, I got to work with Barbara Niven, and I could go on and on about her. She kept saying I was a young Christopher Reeve, and I should star in a film about his life. In her sweet and professional way, she continued to say that the sky s the limit, and was always so
  • 27. Analysis Of Hillbilly Elegy The authors brings a new perspective on the ability of surviving poverty and overcoming the odds. He illustrates society s views on people who are from the Appalachia mountain area throughout the book. By reviling his accounts and struggles, he opens the eyes of the readers who view these individuals as lazy, inbreed, rednecks, buy giving them a glimpse of his life struggles. The book, Hillbilly Elegy was a simple story of a povertystricken boy who grew up surrounded by negativity. The author took notice of all the people, events, failures, and his surroundings and use these to help mold him into who he is today. He would use the mentorship and observation of his grandmother and later his grandfather, who would, started as a salvage... Show more content on ... This tendency might make for psychological resilience, but it also makes it hard for Appalachians to look at themselves honestly (Vance, 2016). This reference can be true with many of today s youth who are stuck in poverty. These particular youth tend to look at issues from a different perspective. They do not want to stress on factors, which they little or no control of the situation. In their mind, they tend to block out and ignore problematic issue, which come their way. They hope the issues of drugs, alcohol, domestic violence, and poverty will eventually handle themselves and go away. The fact is they never go away, and the only way out of this cycle is education, a strong mind, and ultimately removal from the environment, which they grew up in. I know this cycle, and I have lived it. I know what it is to grow up like the author, because I can relate with him almost 100%. I know if it was not for the Army, I could have ended up just like everyone I know back in my hometown. It is hard to stay away from all the negative influences around an individual, but it is even harder not to repeat what was seen as a healthy relationship between a man a and a woman. This is where a strong mind is needed. An individual needs to take in all negative accounts and pledge to themselves not to let those same traits manifest in them, or they might also find themselves in an
  • 28. Benefits Of Companion Animals Anatole France once said, Until one has loved an animal, a part of one s soul remains unawakened. Everyone who has ever become fond of an animal knows how much one small aspect of your life can impact so many things. I have a cat and I can honestly say I would not be the person I am today without her. Unlike human connections, communication is more difficult due to the fact that animals don t speak English; A simple glare or rub from an animal means a million times more to most than a well constructed conversation between peers. Bonding with companion animals will benefit your overall wellness. According to ASPCA, a companion animal is a domestic animal that can safely interact with humans physically and emotionally (Definition of Companion). This means they have been known to work with humans without being a threat. Wild animals and hybrid mixes are not considered companion animals due to the fact that they could be dangerous (Species Specific). Common household pets like guinea pigs, fish, some reptiles, cats, dogs, and other mammals of a smaller size are examples of valid companion animals; Horses and other farm animals bred specifically to be a companion animal are also valid (Species Specific). Loneliness is an aspect of life everyone dreads feeling but cannot suppress. Lacking love or even just a friend can cause unimaginable ache and heaviness. Humans are social creatures so when they do not get the necessary interactions they feel empty in a sense. Companion
  • 29. What Is Adolf Hitler s Role In The Third Reich Alex Dutton Reading/Language Arts Ms.Stewart 12 January, 2014 Adolf Hitler and his role in the Third Reich The topic that I chose was Identify Adolf Hitler and his role in the Third Reich. Adolf Hitler was an Austrian born German politician that was also the leader of the Nazi Party. He was a decorated veteran of World War 1. Hitler joined the German Worker s Party in 1919. Hitler had a side of him that was good and during his imprisonment in the mid 1920 s he wrote his memoir, Mein Kampf which means (my struggle). Hitler had gained his popularity from the support on attacking the Treaty of Versailles and promoting the Pan Germanium for the Nazi Propaganda. The Third Reich was Hitler s Government. After Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany he had begun to eliminate all political oppositions and their powers. Hitler s role is the Third Reich was leader. He is the one who brought the government to Germany and made it possible. Adolf s rise in power wasn t of the quick side. He ran for control three times and out of those three two times he lost to his opponent who was president at that time Paul von Hindenburg. Hitler took office in the year 1934 until the year 1945 when he died because of suicide. ... Show more content on ... With Hitler having all of the control over the government he set up a systematic suppression. While Hitler was a not so nice man some if not all the people in the world were shocked when Hitler had one of the best anti smoking advertisements. He was opposed to smoking and didn t like it at all. On top of all of that he was spared a life when he fell into a lake and a priest of all people saw him fall in and saved him. Now if this was after all of the horrible things that he has done then it may have been a different
  • 30. Opposing Death Sentence Essay opposing death sentence Student details Institutional affiliations Introduction There has been an argument that lifting amnesty on miscreants and vagabonds is barbaric and retrogressive. The same argument is seen on the death penalty, and it has been a controversial issue not only in the USA but also in the rest part of the world. The death sentence has been a verdict to individuals who have committed a capital offence. However, this is not considerably the best way to punish the guilty. It is necessary some sympathy be expressed to the guilty party since they could at one point in life decide to change for the better. The death sentence is not the noblest way to counter violence. In this case, it would appear as if it is tat... Show more content on ... The death sentence is obviously an act of murder by the government, and hence, it should not have a place in our society. When life is at stake, it is not good to take things lightly and pass sentences that could affect an innocent life. The government should ensure that justice and truth prevails, but not through the death penalty. By any means, if a government supports the death sentence, it surely supports a death of one of its citizens who also have a right to live. There is surely no need to cut off thieves hands to protect property from being stolen. On the contrary, adulterers are not stoned to stop adultery, yet we take the lives of those who end others lives. Indeed, it s not worthy of a human being who is prone to make such an error to take the life of another citizen. All life is worthy living and this should not be deprived to anyone no matter the offence he or she has committed. There is a possibility that the death penalty punishes the poor. If an individual cannot have agog legal representation in a court of law, there is a likelihood hat the person may end up losing the case. Alternatively, if e complainant has a right legal presentation, they may influence the court, and the victim receives a straight death penalty. Most of the victims use the civil attorney who is overworked and underpaid. On the other hand, these trials last for less than a week, and the victims are not
  • 31. Cultural Assessment of the U.S. Navy Essay Mission Statement The US Navy has founded its self with being an organization that will train and activate skilled combat naval personnel. The official mission statement taken off their web site states, The mission of the Navy is to maintain, train and equip combat ready naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas. ( The Navy also prides itself on the adventurous spirit it takes to embark on a career in the navy. The slogan used in getting new recruits is Accelerate your life . These statements suggest that the Navy is not only clear in its purpose and design, but also dedicated to its end. The clarity of its mission is seen in the ... Show more content on ... The ads also focus on the benefits of training, education at sea and ashore, preparation for the future, travel and adventure, teamwork, and quality of life leisure activities such as e mail at sea and family support (Borlik, 2003). The Blue Angels are an essential part of Navy and Marine Corps recruiting and retention programs. The mission of the Blue Angels is to improve Navy and Marine Corps recruiting and to represent the naval service to the civilian community, its elected leadership and foreign nations. The Blue Angels serve as positive role models and goodwill ambassadors for the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps (Official Blue Angels Site, 2004). Status and Reward System The U.S. Navy uses an award system to publicly recognize outstanding performance for specific accomplishments or for sustained performance over a period of service. Although award presentations have become more frequent such that the effect of being recognized has been diluted, the awards are warmly received with the main impetus being the benefit the award will have on advancement opportunities. Members with few or no awards will seldom be advanced to higher paying, more responsible positions. When these members do advance, it is with less expediency as compared to the fast track war heroes with rows of medals on their chests. In reality, sailors are more motivated by quot;training, security, or a feeling of doing something
  • 32. Why Is Scientology Unethical Scientology is a form of religious beliefs and practices created in 1954 by Ron Hubbard. It was designed as a program called Dianetics. The organization quickly entered bankruptcy and Hubbard lost the rights to Dianetics. He then recharacterized the subject as a religion and renamed it Scientology, retaining almost everything. Within some time, he managed to regain the rights to Dianetics and kept both issues under the Church of Scientology. Scientology is a religious based on the seeking of self knowledge and spiritual fulfillment through graded courses for which you need to study and train. They believe that people are immortal spiritual beings that are in a physical body. Scientology believes that Man is good, that he is seeking to survive, (and) that his survival depends on himself and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe, as stated in the Church of Scientology. But the... Show more content on ... But, they are notorious for keeping themselves and the public in the dark about any bad news by their belief of how important Scientology is. Tarnishing Scientology s image and hurting it the worst crime a member could be accused of in the religion. Real problems and issues caused by the church are over looked by members because of their firm belief in the leader. Scientology slanders its critics to the point that it misleads its members. Any complaints, no matter how accurate, are seen as attacks in the eyes of their members. Scientology as a religion purports to be centered around the fundamental principles of science. However, it has historically resisted any actual scientific study. Their scientific beliefs devolved into if the leader says it, it must be true and that is well documented throughout the churches history. As such, Scientology is stagnant and fundamentally flawed, because it has no room for
  • 33. Environmentalism And Religion The problem with some environmentalist is putting nature before God. Rich Deem stated that, Many Christians have reacted against the environmental movement, probably because of the tendency by many environmentalists not only to protect the earth and its creatures, but to actually worship the creation instead of the creator (2009). In the Bible, Exodus 20:3 4 say, You must not have any other god but me. You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earthor in the sea (NLT). Anything or anybody that is worship or placed before God is considered an idol. True believing Christians has a problem with environmentalists that believe the environment is the reason why we have life. The world
  • 34. Symptoms And Treatment Of Medical Records This is a 56 year old female with a 1 11 2015 date of injury, when he tripped over some cables and fell. 01/08/16 DWC Form RFA for Acupuncture; X Rays C/S, T/S, Bilateral shoulders; Referrals FCE, Ortho surgeon, pain management; medical records are requested; and re evaluate. 01/08/16 Progress Report noted that the patient sustained an initial injury in June 2014, due to a cumulative trauma. She sustained a new injury in January 2015 as well. She sustained an injury to her neck, right shoulder, right arm, and right knee. She had X rays and MRI post injury. Her right knee swelled, but improved right after she received treatment for her right shoulder and right knee. She received PT and chiropractic treatment twice a week, medications and surgery to her right shoulder in May 2015. She has received no treatment for her neck or left shoulder. She has not received acupuncture. The patient presented today with complaints of occasional, mild to moderate, throbbing neck pain, stiffness and cramping. The physical exam of the cervical spine revealed positive tenderness to palpation of the cervical paravertebral muscles and bilateral trapezii. There is also a muscle spasm of the cervical paravertebral muscles. The cervical ROM is decreased and painful. Shoulder depression causes pain. The exam of the thoracic spine showed tenderness to palpation of the thoracic paravertebral muscles, right trapezius, T1 T2 spinous process, T2 T3 spinous process, right Rhomboid and right lateral
  • 35. The Odyssey By Homer And The Old Testaments The Odyssey by Homer and the Old Testaments: King James Version are two of the most read and most sophisticated pieces of literature that have transcended through generations. While they share similar qualities; both greatly differ as well, especially when it comes to the women characters. Classical historian and professor of classical studies at Wellesley College, Mary Lefkowitz, makes a significant contrast between these two famous writings. She believes that a major difference between the women of each story differ dramatically when it comes to their personality and actions. [Although] the notion... that a man should be active and aggressive, a women passive and subjected to the control of the men in her family, are expressed in virtually every Greek myth, even the ones in which the women seek to gain control over their own live....[so] that it is possible to show that the Greeks at least attributed to women a capacity for understanding that we do not alway find in the other great mythological tradition that has influenced Western thought, namely, the Old and New Testaments. (Women in Greek Myth, Mary Lefkowitz). I completely agree with Lefkowitz statement on these characters, it s very clear that most of the women in the Old Testamentare very flat while the Odysseyis full of well rounded characters especially when it comes to Jacob s wife Rachel and Odysseus s wife Penelope. The Old Testament fails to give it s female characters motivation or an understanding of
  • 36. Symbols In The Maze Runner In the book The Maze Runner, the theme is bravery. Throughout the book, Thomas the main character makes courageous acts as the new kid. There are different symbolism quotes throughout the book to support the theme. Thomas has to save his friend Alby who went through the maze but is assumed dead. He goes into the maze to find out for himself, and different forms of symbolization if found within the maze. For example, the setting is an isolated maze As big as a football field. In the text is stated The air felt perfect, and it made him wonder again about the weather of the place. Never rained, never snowed, never got too hot or too cold. If it weren t for the little fact that they were torn apart from friends and families and trapped in
  • 37. The Horace Mann Era School in the early days Prior to the first and second Industrial Revolutions, education opportunities in the 13 colonies during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries varied considerably depending on one s location, race, gender, and social class. Basic education in literacy and numeracy was widely available, especially to white males residing in the northern and middle colonies, and the literacy rate was relatively high among these people. Educational opportunities were much sparser in the rural South. Education in the United States had long been a local affair, with schools governed by locally elected school boards. Public education was common in New England, although it was often class based with the working class receiving few benefits. Instruction and curriculum were all locally determined, and teachers were expected to meet rigorous demands of strict moral behavior. Schools taught religious values and applied Calvinist philosophies of discipline, which included corporal punishment and public humiliation. The public education system was less organized in the South. Public schools were rare, and ... Show more content on ... Mann served in the Massachusetts House of Representatives from 1827 1833 and the Massachusetts Senate from 1834 1837. He was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1848 after serving as secretary of the Massachusetts State Board of Education. He is often called the father of American public education . Horace Mann, American educational reformer: Horace Mann was an influential reformer of education, responsible for the introduction of common schools non sectarian public schools open to children of all backgrounds in America. Mann advocated a statewide curriculum and instituted school financing through local property taxes. Mann also fought protracted battles against the Calvinist influence on discipline, preferring positive reinforcement to physical
  • 38. Analysis Of Strictly Ballroom Strictly Ballroom employs the dance medium to effectively create characterisation, the plot and a clash of cultures. Dance is used to explore character s feelings and struggles at a point in time to further enhance the plot. It is used to show attributes and emotions of characters and provides examples of clashing cultures though dance. Dance is the focus of Strictly Ballroom as the film follows young ballroom dancer Scott Hastings who is going through a personal struggle to stick to regulation steps, and therefore dance is integral to the plot. Dance is the focus of the film it explores the characters, for instance Scott uses dance to advance as a character. In the beginning, he tries to break free through dance, then as he dances on the rooftop with Fran he breaks free to an extent. Dance is used to as a device for characters to use to help set them free form their troubles as this is used the plot is advanced. Dance is the characters lives the different styles in the movie represent different emotional states they are in and this further continues the plot as they face their personal struggles. The film strictly ballroom encourages the viewer to relate to the journey experienced by Scott and Fran in the film. The viewer relates to the non conformity, self expression and individuality that dance creates which enhances characterisation. Scott is short tempered and stubborn and this shown in his dancing at the beginning of the film. His dance sticks to regulation steps
  • 39. Cessei Lannister Essay Cersei Lannister is depicted as a horrible person, one who is ambitious, ruthless, petty and cruel, and is willing to sacrifice anything other than her children to bolster her own power. She is also the only villain in the series whose point of view is shown in the novels, whereas the other villains are explored in a way that makes them seem more sympathetic and compelling, Cersei s chapters only confirm the idea that she is an unhinged, vindictive, selfish, and spiteful woman. Yet Cersei is also one of the most intricate, interesting and detestable characters in the series. One simply needs to dig deeper into her motivations to find the compelling details underneath. Cersei as a character is far from a feminist. However, she is fascinating ... Show more content on ... She clings to her power. She is spiteful and malicious to ensure that no one defies her, even on petty matters like the death of an animal. And because of the prophecy she received as a child from the witch, and the shocking death of her eldest son Joffrey, she is incredibly paranoid and refuses to trust anyone. The more power she gains, the more vulnerable she feels; she sees enemies in every shadowy corner. She is unable to stop fighting and accept that she has won, that her son is on the throne, that she is Queen Regent, that others are trying to help her, because she has been playing the game of thrones and sabotage her entire life, and she expects that everyone is waiting for the chance to take her
  • 40. J R Hobbit Research Paper J.R.R. Tolkien had an extremely interesting life filled with real adventures and fictional adventures in his many books and poems. Tolkien had rough patches in his life, but this made him a more enriched person. His work is influenced by his many travels and the people he met during them. Tolkien s many books and poems show his love of adventure and his wild imagination. The life, career, and poetry of J.R.R. Tolkien was remarkable for its time period and is still influential to this day. J.R.R. Tolkien s early life was a little rough but he made the best out of it. Tolkien was born on January 3, 1892 in Bloemfontein, South Africa (Birzer 1). It may seem odd as to how he was born in South Africa, but there s a story behind it. Bradley Birzer explained in his article Tolkien: Man Behind the Myth on EBSCOhost that, Attempting to control the fraud that seemed ... Show more content on ... Tolkien s early career was the start of his hugely influential work. Tolkien s early career started when he began writing The Silmarillion in 1917, which was a history of Middle Earth (Stewart 322). This was the beginning of something wonderful. Paula K. Byers said in Encyclopedia of World Biography that, The Inklings, which was formed during the late 1930s and lasted until the late 1940s, was a weekly meeting held in Lewis s sitting room at Magdalen at which works in progress were read aloud and discussed and critiqued by attendees (260). This group would later help produce many great works. While at a Inklings meeting, Tolkien read his first hobbit story to the group and they urged him to publish it (Byers 260). This meeting was what started his legacy. In 1937, Tolkien published The Hobbitafter the Inklings told him to (Byers 260). It was majorly successful and people are still reading it today. This book that he published was about these imaginary people called hobbits in a place called Middle Earth (Stewart 322). His early career was interesting, but his later career was even more
  • 41. Raising Successful Children In the article, Raising Successful Children, (New York Times, Aug 4, 2012) the author, Madeline Levine states that to raise successful children in numerous areas, parent should not help them to do something that they can or about be able to make, should support them with long term eyes, and control parents own ideal image to not push it against children. The author begins the article by saying that stepping in children s works tends to provoke fewer motivations and rebellions; on the other hand, parentingwhich supports children to create eagerness and confidences is one of the ways to raise children who are successful in many areas. For example, Carol Dweck, who is a psychologist, did an experiment with children and found that children who
  • 42. Compare And Contrast Medieval And Renaissance Music H. Wildanuer Music 101 Mr. Gesin Mid term Short Essay Responses 3. Medieval and Renaissance culture varied in many ways, aside from the differing music. In the Medieval age (the time between the 5th and 15th century), the church controlled many things, not only music. The church was in charge of education, the church also dominated politics. People very much feared God. Whereas in the Renaissance (15th and 17th century) the state ruled over the church. People in the Renaissance believed that God wasn t some fearsome being, instead they believed more in logical and practical thinking. In the Medieval time, art was also very controlled by religion. Most art was based off of religious figures and were colored mostly dull dark colors. In the Renaissance, while art still contained some religious themes, more and more artists explored things like nature and the human body, they also began to use brighter colors. Things like clothing varied from each period. While during the Medieval times, it seemed as if the fashionable look was narrow and ease of the garment, whereas in the Renaissance, they used extravagant cloths and furs, along with padding for a broad silhouette. During the Renaissance, clothing molded you into the fashionable shapes and sizes. 4. While an aria is one of the main components to an opera, there are several other components that that contribute to the story line. An aria is a song for a single voice along with orchestral accompaniment. For the most
  • 43. Speech About Chef A chef is a highly trained and skilled professional cook who is proficient in all aspects of food preparation of a particular cuisine. The word chef is derived (from shortened) from the term chef de cuisine (French pronunciation: [КѓЙ›f.dЙ™ .kЙҐi.zin]), the director or head of a kitchen. Chefs can receive both formal training from an institution, as well as through apprenticeship with an experienced chef. There are different terms that use the word chef in their titles, and deal with specific areas of food preparation, such as the Sous chef, who acts as the second in command in a kitchen, or the Chef de partie, who handles A of the specific area of production. The Brigade system is a system of hierarchy found in restaurants and groups visiting extensive staff, many of which which use the word chef in their titles. A toque, necktie, double breasted jacket, apron and shoes with steel or plastic toe caps ... Show more content on ... Executive chef, chef manager, head chef, and master chef, they have a lot of names but they all have the same responsibilities:To create nice food. Why did I choose this job? Because I like to cook, the chef job really interests me. I like working with people, and I honestly think I can be a good leader to control the kitchen. I plan to go to Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts San Francisco, because this is a good school for chefs. I want to go for four years and eventually get my bachelor s degree. The cost to get into this college will be $14,774 per year weather its in state or out of state. I have gone for a tour and I loved the atmosphere and the people were friendly. I want to go to this school to learn and develop new skills to be the best chef out
  • 44. Dbq Italian Unification Italy, for the most part of its contemporary history, has been leveraged by external and internal influences. The vastness of these influences predominated Italy in the early 19th century, which at the time was already a disconnected region in Europe. Foreign influence was among the influences in Italy that pushed it apart, such in the way of France and Austria, but what fragmented Italyfurther were its principalities and religious catholic base with Rome at the center. Rome was in the middle of much of these opposing sides; it had many foreign occupants during its time and was the last city to be unified into the Italian state. Therefore, this makes Rome a great example when looking into this time period when trying to understand these fragmentations. When traveling in Italy, one would hardly guess the fragmentation that Italy had been previously associated with not 150 years prior. What were specific events that could have shifted Italian Identity that led to the unification of Italy in 1870? General Population: For or Against Unification of ... Show more content on ... When looking at sources during this time in Italy, it is hard to find perspectives from the peasantry class, and attempting to identify the feelings of the common folk is strenuous. If there are documents, they are generally not translated into English, but in 1871 a census was taken for Victor Emmanuel s newly conquered Italy that gives researches context to why there is a lack of peasantry opinion. This document shows the education of the majority of the new Italian populous. The census showed that one third of the population of southern Italy was under the age of 15 and much of the country was urbanized. Many of these Italians were uneducated, and in Rome and many places in Italy, even if they were educated, this means they were not educated by Emmanuel s new Italian