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Physical Journey Essay
Embarking on the task of writing an essay on the theme of a "Physical Journey" is undeniably a
challenging endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in crafting a coherent and engaging narrative
but also in capturing the essence of the journey itself. One must navigate the complexities of
recounting personal experiences, weaving them into a compelling story that resonates with
The initial challenge surfaces as you attempt to select and structure the myriad of experiences
that constitute your physical journey. Balancing the chronological order with thematic coherence
demands careful consideration and thoughtful planning. Moreover, delving into the intricacies of
the journey requires introspection and a willingness to revisit both triumphs and tribulations.
As you grapple with the task of conveying the sensory aspects of the journey, the written word
becomes both an ally and a foe. Describing the sights, sounds, and sensations encountered
during the physical journey demands a mastery of language that can be elusive. Striking the right
balance between vivid detail and concise expression is a constant tightrope walk, requiring a
nuanced approach to language.
Furthermore, connecting the personal journey to broader themes or universal experiences adds an
additional layer of complexity. The essay should not merely be a chronicle of events but a
reflection on personal growth, societal influences, or philosophical insights gained along the way.
Navigating this intersection of the personal and the universal requires a keen awareness of the
essay's overarching purpose.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of a "Physical Journey" demands a combination of
narrative skill, self-reflection, and a command of language. It is an intricate dance between
recounting personal experiences and distilling broader insights from them. While the process
may be challenging, the opportunity to share a compelling narrative of personal transformation
makes the journey of crafting such an essay both enriching and rewarding.
For those seeking assistance in tackling such challenges, it's worth exploring platforms like, where a wealth of resources, writing services, and expert guidance can be
found to support the creation of essays and more.
Physical Journey EssayPhysical Journey Essay
How Did Beethoven Influence The World
Beethoven is one of the best composers we have ever had. Many say that he
composed his best works after going deaf. He was born to Johann and Maria
Magdalena van Beethoven on December 16,1770 in Bonn, Germany. His father
was the one who taught him piano and violin and mistreated him in the process.
Beethoven was a average student and left school at the age of eleven. Beethoven
studied with many tutors and then eventually left Bonn to make something of
himself. Beethoven left Bonn only to come and care for his sickening mother.
Soon after his mother died and a later later his father died as well. After leaving
Bonn to pursue a career he started selling his works to publishers. By 1794
Beethoven made a name a name for himself in society. He... Show more content on ...
Not only was he influenced by other composers but also by many musical styles.
One such influence was french music. The french revolution was not only famous in
Bonn but also in Beethoven compositions as marches. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach
was not only known to Beethoven but also to Mozart and Hadyn who Beethoven
was influenced by. Just as emotion was a strong characteristic in Carl Philipp
Emanuel Bach s work it was even stronger in Beethoven s. Here is a quote by Julian
Medforth Budden expressing the influences of Beethoven, Rooted in the Classical
traditions of Joseph Haydn and Mozart, his art reaches out to encompass the new
spirit of humanism and incipient nationalism expressed in the works of Goethe and
Friedrich von Schiller, his elder contemporaries in the world of literature; the
stringently redefined moral imperatives of Kant; and the ideals of the French
Revolution, with its passionate concern for the freedom and dignity of the individual .
Beethoven s Symphony No. 5 is considered one of his masterpieces. It took
Beethoven about four years to create the piece. He started it at the most productive
part of his life and pieces likes the opera delayed the progress.The first movement is
the shortest he s composed ever.
Tokophobia Definition
What is tokophobia, and why is it a fear that I overcame? Tokophobia is known as
the fear of childbirth, and it was a fear that I overcame. Throughout pregnancy, many
women decided to research anything, and everything that could happen to you, or the
baby. Further along. into my pregnancy, I realized that I was starting to fear childbirth
. While I was pregnant fear overcame my body because, I was scared of the risk of
dying, the fear of something going wrong with me or the baby, and then how bad the
recovery would be. I had several fears throughout my pregnancy, but a tremendous
fear was the risk of losing my life. From the beginning until the end, this thought
was always in the back of my head. Another thing is you always see something
happen in movies, or on a show, you really do not know what to expect of
childbirth until it actually happens to you. However, my nerves started to calm
down, and I did realize that many women survive childbirth; and that I could top.
Once I did start to think positive thoughts it helped a lot. For me, it was after
having my son that I think I overcame the fear of dying, and if I ever had a second
child, I do not think I would worry so much about that.... Show more content on ...
For instance, you always have that fear in the back of your mind that there could
be something wrong with the baby. Of course, you never want that to happen, but
it was a huge fear of mine. Again, you do the research, and you hear the stories of
something being wrong with a baby. But for me, something before birth happened,
I was pregnant with twins, and I did lose a baby early in my pregnancy. After that,
the doctors reassured me because of that the other baby was perfectly healthy.
Another thing, I did was to stop looking on the internet, and to talk to my doctors if
I felt as if I had other questions. One last thing that helped me is when I saw my baby
and he was perfect in every
Psychoanalysis In Oscar Wilde s The Picture Of Dorian
Oscar Wilde s The Picture of Dorian Gray through a Freudian psychoanalytic lens.
The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde, is a novel about greed and ruin.
Dorian Gray, received infinite youth from a portrait of him, which portrays all his
sins and wrongdoings on itself, rather than his body. This freedom from morality
leads Dorian Gray down a road of destruction until his sins are returned to him and he
meets his end. Through a psychoanalytic Freudian lens, it is clear that Dorian Gray
exhibits many of Sigmund Freuds theories, including his theory of personality, the
Oedipus complex, and the defense mechanisms. Sigmund Freud was a well known
psychologist whose theories have founded the understanding of the human psyche.
Freud s theory of personality is one of his most known theories. It details that there
are three segments of consciousness. The id is desire, immorality and is what drives
us to do wrong. The superego exists to counteract and overpower the id, as it is
morality, commonly known as our conscious. The ego exists to balance out both
extremes and devises a solution to sate each segment. Then there are the defense
mechanisms, repression, denial, projection, displacement, regression and
sublimation. These are employed by the ego to keep the balance between the id and
the superego and to protect the psyche, especially in traumatic times. Last, the
Oedipus complex which Freud believed, only exists in children from the ages of 3 5,
when they become attracted to
MYOB (Mind Your Own Business)
DEFINITION OF MYOB (Mind Your Own Business)
MYOB was founded in the late 1980s by Christopher Lee and a team of developers
at Teleware, Inc., who developed accounting software. Teleware was purchased by
Best Software, Inc. (now part of Sage) in 1993. Data Tech Software was the Australia
republished of the MYOB products and, in 1997 entered into an agreement with Best
Software to buy the company (renamed MYOB, Inc.) and bought the intellectual
property rights to the software. In 1999, Data Tech changed their name to MYOB
Limited and listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) on 9 July 1999. In
subsequent corporate development, MYOB Limited merged with Solution 6
Holdings in 2004. Though the company was originally founded in the US, it ... Show
more content on ...
Asset Manager Pro helps businesses keep track of their assets. MYOB s Live
Accounts is a web based accounting software program for small business. Businesses
pay a monthly fee to use Live Accounts.
* Helps small businesses and accounting firms to generate more profit and lessen the
cost of running their businesses. * Helps to make the record keeping easier. Since
things like that are usually cheaper than hiring actual persons, then this would be a
good thing to have * Helps keep accounting records accurately and efficiently and
provide useful information so that management, accountants, investors and creditors
can make economic decisions * To manage and document financial accounts. This
includes creating and managing financial records, performing and documenting
financial transactions, and submitting official documents.
The other purpose:
Routine savings
* Information is only entered once. This software automatically uses it wherever it
is needed, including both the debit and credit side of the entry. * Routine book
keeping is done by the software. * This software also provides immediate updates on
cash position. The impact of payments and receipts on the cash position will be
calculated and recorded automatically. The program provides details of bank balance,
together with information on unclear payments.
Completing statutory returns * Automatic book keeping
Informative Essay On Steven Spielberg
Steven Spielberg is a world renowned and one of the most successful movie
directors of all time. He has won 2 best director awards. Also, he was 4 Oscars and
another 14 nominations. Which if you ask me, that is a very impressive
achievement. I have a question What made Steven Spielberg into the amazing
director, and storyteller he is today? Steven Allan Spielberg was born in
Cincinnati, Ohio on December 14, 1946. To an Arnold Spielberg an electrical
engineer working on computers, and Leah Adler a restaurateur and a pianist. He
was the oldest of his three sisters. When he was a child Steven was very Because of
Steven s father s job in the newly growing field of computers, he moved several
times. He lived in Cincinnati until he was four. His father then received a job in New
Jersey with RCA.... Show more content on ...
In Phoenix, Steven attended a Hebrew school. Steven always had a hard time
revealing his religion, because he was bullied when he was younger because of it.
In high school, he revealed he was a Jew and was bullied because of it. The
Spielbergs were Jews in a non Jewish neighborhood and Stevens, mother said in an
interview Often boys would drive by our house yelling the Spielberg s are filthy
Jews! Steven also struggled with dyslexia his entire life, and because of this he
only had mediocre grades at best when he tried his hardest. He always felt like he
didn t belong. Steven found a way out, filmmaking. Steven later revealed in an
interview I had found a way to accept myself in my own life by making movies, I
found that I could finally do something well, and be accepted because of
Why We Should Have Sports In College
Sports play a huge role in our lives. Everyone enjoys a sport in their own different
ways: some do sports and others are just happy to watch it. Giving students
opportunity to be part of sports in college will definitely have positive sides on
college as well as on students. As an example, we can see how top colleges like
Harvard or Stanford recruit young athletes. At the end, those athletes are making
names for the schools. However, in our collegesituation is totally different. Even if
we have established sports, they are not aimed to improve our college. However, we
can reconstruct athletics of our school, and it will positively affect students, college,
and it s budget. It is not rare that people become very successful thanks to sports.
Advantages Of Oligopoly
Running head:
Oligopoly Market
Greg LaPointe
Patten University
An oligopoly is defined as a small number of companies in a particular market who
are competing for the same customer base.
Oligopoly market is between perfect competition and monopolies. Perfect competition
means no seller has the market power and monopoly means there is only one seller
with complete market power.
In an oligopoly market
t he decisions each company makes im pacts the decisions of the other companies in
the same industry or market. These companies can either be related or dependent of
each other.
Sellers in an oligopoly market must understand production, capacity and pricing.
For example if a particular ... Show more content on ...
A network that will expand its
market share in the telecommunications industry by moving before its competitors.
to the Verizon annual report and current chairman McAdam
strong cash flows have enabled us to invest more than $80 billion in infrastructure
over the past five years
(p. 3) has enable the company to expand into an additional 500 markets. This
investment enables Verizon
Communications to lead the market in telecommunications service s and lead the
way with new innovations. Verizon is building their infrastructure for the future and
has made acquisitions that position them as the leader of the industry. Differentiating
themselves from the competition and investing into their networks enable Verizon to
support greater customer demand and capacity.
Market costs remain constant and profitability will remain high. Overall revenues for
within their strategic services increased 2,3% in 2014 from 2013 levels. The i
nvestment in differentiating themselves from the market enables this growth n ow
and in the future . This is why I consider
Oligopoly as the best type of investment
Scandinavian Mythologies Essay
From three different sources The Faerie Queene, The Mabinogion and Beowulf two
concept, one from each Celtic and Scandinavian Mythologies can be seen. The first
concept is from Scandinavian mythology and is that of the idea of redemption or
dying well. The second is from Celtic mythology and is the use of the Other or
Otherworld .
From the two stories, The Faerie Queene and The Mabinogion, what would give the
reader the greatest feeling of hope throughout them both would be the idea of
comeuppance. To have the hope that in the end the good people will triumph and the
bad will receive their penalty, as they should but rarely do. The word redeem mainly
has two meanings to either win back or restore something and the second to make ...
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So avenged I their fiendish deeds
death fall of Danes, as was due and
And this is my hest, that in Heorot now
safe thou canst sleep with thy
soldier band, 
and every thane of all thy folk
both old and young; no evil fear,
The tales of Macha Mong rГєad, are another part of Celtic mythology that holds
redemption and kingship deep within it s stories. As we begin the story the reader
almost immediately sympathizes with the character Macha, as she is the true heir
of the King and it is her right to rule. As the follow along her story, we pull for her
in her battles and clever schemes to beat the usurpers to her crown. The readers
hope in justice , that the destined and worthy Queen holds the throne,is fulfilled in
the end as she captures her competition and seizes control. In all of the stories the
virtuous characters are the protagonist, who consistently fight against either one or
many of the less virtuous. The Idea of justice is rendered several times throughout
The Faerie Queene, through each battle won by either the Red Cross Knight,
Arthur or The Lady Una. In the beginning, the reader learns of the evil deed done
by the dragon, the capturing of the Lady Una s parents. The reader understands that
the dragon is the bad guy in the story and hopes that in the end Una and her guide
Redcrosse overcome the dragon. In the end, the readers hopes that the Lady Una s
parents will be restored to her and to
Color as Metaphor in Film What Dreams May Come
Looking at landscape art, especially when painted by one of the masters, many have
undoubtedly pondered: what would it be like to live there? Shapes and attention to
detail are, of course, important in a painting. However, it is color that draws the eye
and inspires the heart. Oscar Wilde, an Irish poet and dramatist, spoke well of this
when he noted that, Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite
form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways. (qtd in color ) . Vincent
Ward had a similar understanding of this impact when, in 1998, he directed the
movie What Dreams May Come. Looking at this film, one can easily imagine being
inside a living painting. The use of color to emphasize the emotional state of a... Show
more content on ...
Using this deeper shade highlights the intensity of her loss and confusion without
over powering the scene. As the days and weeks pass by, Annie tries to return to a
normal life. However, with the other half of her soul gone, she finds this to
daunting of a task. Sitting at her vanity, wearing a very pale lavender gown, she
chooses to end her life. She places several crushed pills into a bowl of pudding, and
after eating it, she waits to die. The lightness of purple used here shows that it is not
her will that is weak; it is the weakness of her connection with Chris that drives her
to make this fatal choice. After learning of Annie s suicide and the self induced
hell she will face, Chris makes the decision to enter hell, find Annie, and return
with her to heaven. By using their connection as a sort of homing device, Chris
descends ever deeper in to the pit of despair. He finds himself falling through an
actual sea of faces where, after landing on the floor of hell s basement, locates what
looks like a dilapidated version of his and Annie s house. Everything that can be
seen in this purgatory looks as if the color has been drained by a leech. Black, gray,
dirty yellows and sepia like tones abound in all directions, except for a single tree,
which stands in front of the door to the house. This one tree, standing in defiance of
the dreary world around it,
Essay On Eugenics In North Carolina
Eugenics in North Carolina: A dark past
Forced sterilization and Eugenics are terms you would associate with Hitler s
heinous World War II crimes. Those terms were not isolated to war time Europe.
From 1929 until 1977 Eugenics was a terrible part of North Carolina History that
used selective breeding to extinguish lower class mentality and guarantee future
generations. The State is trying to make amends to the victims of the past. For
almost 50 years over 7,600 victims were evaluated harshly and then coerced or
sterilized against their will. Eugenics scientists have used this method to target what
they consider as the undesirables, mainly unwed, black females, and also the mentally
disabled in North Carolina. This was done under the pretense to make future
American generations stronger and smarter. Eugenics still negatively affects the
people of North Carolina today. Scientists believed that through selective breeding
future generations would be able to reach its full potential. Charles Darwin s brother
was one of the scientists who firmly believed in the Eugenics process at the time.
They truly believed that they were doing America a ... Show more content on ...
Once the Eugenics Board of North Carolina was eliminated, the sterilizations
stopped. For many though, the damage had already been done. One victim said I
think my rights have been revoked in a way, it s just like if you go to prison for
something that you ain t done (Gannon para. 3). This theme of regret and injustice
carries on for most victims still alive today. In recent efforts to right the wrongs of the
past the state has started the process to compensate the victims of sterilization. Once a
legitimate case has been established and approved, victims could potentially receive
up to $50,000 from the State of North Carolina. This in no way reverses the tragedy
that they dealt with but it is a start to apologize and attempt to make
Things They Carried Compare Contrast Essay
How can two stories be so different yet so similar at the same time? In The Things
They Carried by Tim O Brien, the author depicts the life of the soldiers as they are
in Vietnam. He writes about what the soldiers carry in their bags, but he gives it a
deeper meaning. He writes about the soldier s life, all the emotional baggage they
carry with leaving their loved ones and the pain of losing a fellow soldier. In The
Lone Rangerand Tontofistfight in Heaven by Sherman Alexie, Victor goes through
different encounters where he experiences racism. He ends up going back to his
reservation and getting a job. These two stories are similar through the freight, any
load or burden (, the characters carry and how the characters are
seen as the enemy. Although they have these similarities, they also have their
differences. Their differences are the main character s conflict with their... Show more
content on ...
In The Things They Carried, the soldiers were seen as the enemy because they
were in Vietnam to fight a war between the US and Vietnam. So naturally the were
viewed as the enemy from a Vietnamese point of view. In The Lone Ranger and
Tonto Fistfight in Heaven , Victor was viewed as the enemy because he was an
Indian, which Indians were viewed as bad people at this time in the US. The men
in The Things They Carried were viewed as the enemy because they were simply
soldiers fighting a war in Vietnam. From an American s point of view, we would not
consider them the enemy, but from a Vietnamese s point of view they were
malicious. O Brien gives an example of this in his text, After the chopper took
Lavender away, Lieutenant Jimmy Cross led his men into the villages of Than Khe.
They burned everything. They shot chickens and dogs, they trashed the village well,
they called in artillery and watched the wreckage, then they marched for several hours
through the hot afternoon... (O Brien
Compare And Contrast The Us And Rwanda
In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting the data provided on the United
States and Rwanda.
The GDP per capita is the gross domestic product per person. This is the income of
the country divided by the population. THE US has a higher GDP of 56,207,04$ as
shown in table 1.This means that the United States economy is rising at that there is
an increase in productivity .Rwanda has a low GDP per capita as shown in table 2
.this means that the economy of Rwanda isn t efficient and this tells us that country
is suffering from poverty and corrupted and inefficient government. The GDP per
capita comparisons shows us that the US performance is higher
This is a way in which a country can measure its economy. THE United States has a
higher GDP of 18.04trilion$ as shown in table 1.This means that the US is increasing
the amount of production that is taking place in the economy and the people have a
higher income and hence are ... Show more content on ...
The United States has a high death rate of 8.41deaths/thousand as shown in table 1
.This happens because the United States have a much higher proportion of older
people ,due to low birth rates and mortality rates .Rwanda has a high death rate of
6.43 deaths/thousand .They have a low proportion of older people due to a high birth
rate and mortality rate .
Life expectancy
The average number of years a person can live .Rwanda has a low life expectancy
of 65.788 years as shown in table 2 due to its poor health care and nutrition .They
are also effected by the socioeconomic factors .Rwanda also doesn t have a proper
educational system therefore the people do not get jobs so they are not able to pay
for the medicines they might need .The United STATES has a high life expectancy
of 79.501 years as shown in table one .This tells us that the quality of health care and
quality of life is very good in the United states.
What Home Mean To Me Research Paper
What does home mean to you? Is it a place? Is it a feeling? To me, home is neither
a place, nor a feeling, it is the people that surround you and care for you. These
people can be your family or the people that you trust and have grown close to.
Since the day I was born, my family and I were always moving from state to state.
This is because both of my parents served in the United States Navy. To give you
an idea on how often I moved, before I had turned 12 years old, my family had
moved seven times throughout the Eastern half of the United States, close to the
average amount of times that a person moves in his lifetime which is recorded at
11.7 times (Chalabi). This being said, moving made me become a social person by
learning skills for adapting... Show more content on ...
Make Your Dorm Room More Comfortable Your dorm room is the place you will
most likely be spending the majority of time during college. So, make it feel like
home. In most colleges, the dorms are bland and boring white walls. Because of
this, you will like your new found home better if you decorate it or add features to
make it more appealing and more comfortable. In my dorm, my roommate and I
have put up pictures and a flag of the United States and a Don t Tread On Me Flag.
Also in my common room (A living room between my dorm room and two other
dorm rooms) my suite mates have gotten a fish tank and Christmas lights to add
life to the room. However, the most essential way to make your dorm room more
comfortable and feel like home is to get along with your roommate. In my case,
my roommate and I went to the same high school and have known each other for
years and what the other does and does not care for. Here is a video showing ways
to avoid problems with your roommate. At summer orientation, administration gave
the incoming students a tip for when we were moving into our dorms. This tip was to
make your bed first before you unpack. Their reason for saying behind making your
bed first is so that your dorm room will immediately feel like home. (Click Here For
More Possible Dorm Room Ideas) Below is a picture of my dorm
How Did Geography Affect Where Colonists Settled Essay
Beginning in 1607, when ambitious English colonists settled in Jamestown, and
continuing until the last of the thirteen colonies was established; geography was a
substantial factor in the development of colonial America. The crops that essentially
saved the colonists lives, such as tobacco, rice, and indigo, wouldn t have grown
without a certain type and amount of soil to grow properly. Also, the Appalachian
Mountains and the dense forests provided a barrier for the colonists, preventing
them from going too far west right away, and causing the colonies to form in the
arrangement they did. Finally, the population was the most dense in middle colonies,
such as New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania partly because of the
mild... Show more content on ...
This, in turn, made it so that the population were more dense, and there was a
higher concentration of people. The dense forests of the eastern seaboard
disallowed for large cities to be created right away. This geological factor forced
colonists to spread out within the perimeters of the Appalachian Mountains and
the Atlantic Ocean, without being too close together. Both of these factors could
be overlooked easily enough, but did have a reasonable impact of the development
of colonial America. Finally, the geography of the middle colonies, such as New
York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania played a big role on the
development and population of this area. In the sixteen and seventeen hundreds, the
above colonies were the most populated of the thirteen establishments. There was
plentiful and fertile soil, in which tobacco was heavily grown. The Susquehanna
River also flowed through this region, opening the possibility of fur trade. Other
minor rivers that were found in the middle colonies were gentle, which provided
for easy transportation and fishing. The land in the middle colonies was broad and
expansive, making it easy for even the middle class residents to create an enjoyable
and profitable lifestyle. In conclusion, there were many factors that contributed to the
development of the colonial America, but geography was clearly a sizable influence.
If the geography of America wasn t the way it was, the colonists who settled here
may have not survived as
Wildlife Biologist Application Essay
Wiping sweat off my forehead, I stand up excitedly. The paw prints on the ground
are fresh I have almost located them. Jumping back into the beat up pick up truck, I
follow the increasingly loud beeping of the radio telemetry set until I spot the pack
just fifty yards in front of me. Quietly, I climb out of the vehicle, and momentarily
stare in awe at the small packof gray wolves I have been tracking for hours in the
wilderness of Montana. My field pants are speckled with briars and a few stray
leaves cling to my backpack and one even dangles at the end of my braided hair. I
observe the wolves, noticing the behavior of each member, record various data of the
current area, and save the point in my GPS. Having successfully completed the...
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I hope to have completed or still be in graduate school, and researching and
working as a wildlife biologist in the field. I desire to study mammals and the
effects of climate change on populations and biodiversity. The issues of climate
change are growing increasingly prominent, and I want to dedicate my career to
mitigating these negative effects and promoting conservation. As a wildlife
biologist, I plan on spending a myriad of days in the field, observing animals close
hand in their natural habitat. I am most intrigued by medium or large mammals in
the northwestern United States, and hope to study species like gray wolves,
grizzly and black bears, foxes, Canada lynxes, cougars, and porcupines, among
others. In addition to field work, this occupation involves some time analyzing
data, working in a lab, and writing research reports and papers. Also, much of the
work accomplished includes cooperation with others, and I look forward to
working with those that share similar passions as me. It is far from a luxurious life,
with many nights spent in cabins or camping in the wilderness, waving pesky flies
away from one s head, and trekking miles through heavily wooded forests, but these
elements of the career only inspire my passion further, as I love spending time
outdoors and cherishing
El Chupacabras Research Paper
GOAT SUCKER The legend of El Chupacabras was first reported in March 19,1995
in Puerto Rico.It was also cited in Southern United States,Mexico,Philippines and
Russia.During March and Augustof 1955,attacks and more than 150 farms
occured.Farm animals left officials dumbfounded.The creature peopl described was
a creature featured in a film called species .The reports in the uited states of
mammals,mostly dogs and coyotes with mange(dog disease)killing sheeps,chickens
etc.There are reports of stray Mexican hairless dogs being mistaken for
chupacabra.The situation in Puerto Rico reached such a fever pitch the Mayor Jose
Soto recruited volunteers to hunt the creature weekly for hearly a year,with no
success.Descriptions of chpacabra range anywhere
Roger Avenger Essay
There are thousands of movies that can be watched today, so choosing the right
one towatch can be difficult at times. Therefore, movie critics write movie reviews
about them, to giveviewers an overview and as to how good the movie is in their
opinion. One of the most famousmovie critics is Roger Ebert. He evaluated many
movies during his time and one of his lastreviews was over the movie The Avengers.
Roger Ebertis an adequate movie criticbecause hesummarizes the plot exceptionally
well, distinguishably describes the main characters, and givesan adequate final
evaluation.The movie The Avengers was released on May 4, 2012 and is a movie
about sixsuperheroes joining together to save the world (Ebert). The six superheroes
are Iron Man,Captain... Show more content on ...
In addition, to giving just the overall plot and order, Ebert also summarizes the
keyevents that happen in the five different events that he outlines. For example, he
explains how theAvengers are brought together and how the villain is dramatized
when he states, The reasonthey re brought together in The Avengers is that the Earth
is under threat by the smirking Loki(Tom Hiddleston), Thor s adopted brother, who
controls the Tesseract, a pulsing cube of energythat opens a gateway to the universe;
through it, he plans to attack Earth with his fleet of reptile looking monster
machines. ( Ebert, Roger) In this quote he dramatized the villain, Loki, bystating he
controls the tesseract and how he will attack earth with his fleet of reptile
monsters.Not only does Ebert effectively summarize the plot of the movie, but he
also gives a greatdescription of the main characters of the movie.Another reason that
Ebert s review of The Avengers is a quality review is the fact that hedistinguishably
describes the main characters, mentions the actor s names, and mentions thedirector
of the movie at the end of the review. Ebert does a great job of mentioning the
maincharacters and describing what the character s super powers are. As well as
mentioning, thename of the actor that plays that character. For example, this is how
Ebert describes andmentions Hulk, The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) is a mild mannered guy
until he gets angry, and thenhe expands into a leaping, bounding green muscle man
who can rip apart pretty much anything. (Ebert, Roger) He does a description similar
too this quote for each main character in the moviereview, while also mention the
actor. This makes Ebert s
Essay about Dangerous Work of Doctors Worldwide
Dr Mehmet GГјllГјoДџlu has been appointed as the new Director General by the
TRCS Board of Directors on 8 December 2013. Dr GГјllГјoДџlu was born in 1982 in
Konya. He graduated from Marmara University Medical Faculty. In 2008 Mehmet
GГјllГјoДџlu started to work as project coordinator for Doctors Worldwide. He also
worked for Turkish Health Ministry and Health Directorate of Д°stanbul. He is
continuing to study at the doctoral program in public health at the Medical Faculty
of Istanbul University. He is married and has two kids. It is known that during his
work in Doctors Worldwide he has met PM ErdoДџan. GГјllГјoДџlu has
accompanied and briefed ErdoДџan during a visit to Somalia 3. Overview of the
National Society oFounded in 1868, it is one of the... Show more content on ...
3. TRCS national activities Regional and local Disaster Response and Logistics
Centers (emergency shelter and feeding capacity for 250 000 persons; psychosocial
support, etc). Tent Manufacturing Center; Blood Centers and Blood Stations ;
Medical Centers; Community Centers ; First Aid Centers ; Soup Kitchen ; Youth
Camps ; Student Dormitories ; Nursing Homes ; Afyonkarahisar Mineral Water Inns.
4. TRCS Strategic Plan 2010 2015 main aspects 1) to improve and disseminate the
Red Crescent culture (sic), 2) to make perfect the organisational function and
interaction at local, national and international level, 3) to focus on services to provide
qualified and efficient service, 4) to support the sustainability of Turkish Red
Crescent humanitarian activities by carrying out and making efficient income
generated and supportive activities compatible with the mission.Based on the TRCS
indicators of these objectives, dissemination of IHL, training of TRCS staff for
international operations, to comply the TRCS international operations with the
international strategies, policies and standards, publishing articles, books, researches
on disaster mitigation, preparedness, response at national and international level
could be the areas where ICRC can cooperate in the future. 5. International Activities
selection In recent years, TRCS has delivered humanitarian aid to the following
contexts : o Pakistan (2005) o
Robert Kennedy Profiles In Courage Analysis
On November 20, 1925 in Brookline, Massachusetts, Robert was born to the
Kennedy family, a family prominent in American politics, public services and
business. He was elected the 64th U.S. Attorney General from January 1961 to
September 1964 under his older brother president John F. Kennedy and his successor
Lyndon B. Johnson. In John F. Kennedys Profiles In Courage , he describes political
courage as facing adverse factions, pressures amongst different opinions in the
country and how to deal with threats to the nation with the interest of the people as
their main focus. Robert Kennedy demonstrated political courage during the Cuban
missile crisisin October, 1962 by supporting diplomatic resolution of the issue rather
than attack Cubaand start a nuclear war between the U.S. and U.S.S.R.
On October 16, 1962 the United States began a blockade of Cuba after spy planes
had confirmed the establishment of Soviet nuclear missile sites in the country. These
missiles posed an unprecedented danger on the United states being only miles from
the American coast line. During this ordeal, the country was divided on how to
proceed, the military command or Hawks , favored the invasion of Cuba to
dismantle the missiles. Others favored a more peaceful approach and ... Show more
content on ...
Kennedy and Soviet ambassador Dobrynin. It describes how Robert searched to
appease the embassador by ensuring the United States did not wish for a conflict,
their decision to blockade was forced by the aggression. But that the U.S. would
eventually retrieve missiles close to the Soviet Union and intended to do so even
before the crisis began. The courage Robert Kennedy had, to represent the American
people in a time of increasing hostilities is a perfect demonstration of political
courage. He spoke efficiently, made quick decisions and managed to bring the
tensions down into civilized relations between
Federal Taxation Article Brief Essay
Arayawna Moore
ACCT 613 Federal Income Taxation
February 22, 2014
University of Maryland University College
Susan K. Duke
Issue: The Dynamic Effects of Personal and Corporate Income Tax Changes in the
United States within the Labor Market
Rule: * Most corporate income is subject to a 35% statutory tax rate * Taxpayers with
an ordinary income tax rate of 15% or less pay the 0% rate on dividends. Taxpayers in
the 25%, 28%, 33%, and 35% tax brackets are subject to a 15% tax rate on dividends.
* 26 U.S. Code В§ 861 Income from sources within the United States * 26 U.S.
Code В§ 3510 Coordination of collection of domestic service employment taxes with
collection of income taxes * 26 ... Show more content on ...
It has also argued that growth can also be enhanced, by improving the design of
individual taxes. In some cases, such as the reduction of corporate taxes and the top
rate of personal income tax, it is unlikely that these growth enhancing changes will
help the recovery from the current crisis. At the same time, there are tax changes
that appear to be bad for growth, such as reductions in sales taxes (particularly if
they take the form of exemptions and reductions) and property taxes that would do
little to speed recovery. The tax change that shows the most promise in terms of both
increased growth and economic recovery is the reduction of income taxes of those
on low incomes. This would stimulate demand, increase work incentives and reduce
income inequality. The authors display that the dependence of both growth and tax
policy on initial income help explain why it is difficult to isolate the effects of tax
policy on growth.
The author s analysis shows that changes in taxes have important consequences for
the economy. This is important given the debate at that time on the efficacy of fiscal
policy and on the possible consequences of the fiscal consolidation that is bound to
subsequently take place. The evidence they contributed in this article is supportive
for (i) relatively large and immediate output effects following changes in tax rates (ii)
tax multipliers that are larger than most estimates of government spending
The World War I Warfare Techniques
In the 1910 s, there were many influential factors that made this era very significant.
During this decade, World War I was being fought and because of it, America made
great strides in science and technology. Technological advancements in science
completely changed the manner of how war was fought by creating weapons and
techniques such as trench warfaresubmarines and biological warfare.
One major aspect of the technological advancements in the 1910s was World War I
warfare techniques. Trenches, machine guns, air reconnaissance (military
surveillance), barbed wire, and modern artillery helped battle lines of World War I
to a stalemate. A stalemate is situation in which neither side can win a clear
victory. When two sides are in a stalemate, the war in progress becomes very long
and slow. The armies had to start to be creative with war tactics since neither side
would leave their trenches. Trench warfare is a type of combat where opposing
troops fight from trenches or long, narrow ditches facing each other. They started to
use biological and chemical warfare in the trenches. One of the most used techniques
in that war was gas poisoning. The British began the use of tanks, while trying to
break the stalemate. This caused other countries to follow in their footsteps with this
weapon or vehicle. Hundreds were used to overpower the country s enemies. The use
of those tanks was a major success. The people using the tanks made great
advancements in attempting to gain
Difference Between Classical And Classical Management
Management is defined as the pursuit of organizational goals efficiently and
effectively. (Kinicki). Depending on who you ask or where you read, the history of
business began anywhere from a couple hundred years ago to well before the
Common Era. Most may claim that the written most common history of management
began in 1890 with the Scientific Management Theory (McNamara). As we move
toward present time, more theories have been formed that helped create
management structures and one that has made lots of heads turn and we d like to
discuss is Holacracy. Classical Management causes jobs with limited number of
tasks involved to be assigned to people, whereas Holacracy people choose up to
seven different roles which perform different types of tasks. The main difference
between classical management and holacracy is that holacracy focuses to organize a
company around the work that is trying to be accomplished rather than the people
who are doing the work. In traditional management employees of an organization
have a profound job title that employees do not possess in a holacracy. In most
organizations that have a traditional management approach each employee has a
specific objective that they are trying to accomplish. In a holacratic structure,
employees are assigned to multiple different roles at the same time. There are no
managers, or hierarchy, in a holacratic structure. Everyone in a holacratic
organization is self managed. Self management creates a peer to peer
JetBlue Airways Corporation (NASDAQ: JBLU) is an American low cost airline
with its main base John F. Kennedy International Airport, also in Queens.
In 2001, JetBlue began a focus city operation at Long Beach Airport in Long Beach,
California, and another at Boston s Logan International Airport, in 2004. It also has
focus city operations at Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport and Orlando
International Airport. The airline mainly serves destinations in the United States,
along with flights to the Caribbean, The Bahamas, Bermuda, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Mexico. As of November 8, 2010 JetBlue serves
62 destinations in 21 states (including Puerto Rico), and eleven countries in the
Caribbean and ... Show more content on ...
On April 19, 2010, JetBlue announced new service from Bradley International
Airport in Hartford, Connecticut starting on November 17, 2010. They will offer
twice daily non stops (four daily departures) to Fort Lauderdale and Orlando.
The case evaluation aims to achieve the following:
1.To determine the best stock valuation model applicable to JetBlue s IPO shares
2.To distinguish the difference of using different stock valuation models
3.To calculate the offering price of the new IPO shares
4.To confirm if the share price suggested by management is reasonable or not
5.To identify the risks involved in oversubscribed shares
Based from the stated objectives above, the following were defined for the case:
MAIN PROBLEM TO BE RESOLVED: What would be the appropriate offering
price for the new IPO shares of JetBlue Airways Corporation listed in NASDAQ
which would not only help the firm raise short term capital requirements but would
also provide positive returns to its shareholders in the future?
1.What should be the best stock valuation model applicable to JetBlue s IPO shares?
2.What would be the impact of these valuation models on the calculated offering
price for its IPO shares?
3.Is the
Chicano Gangs And The Los Angeles
Chicano gangs have been a prominent part of the Los Angeles community since the
early 1900s. These Chicano gangs consisted of young Mexican Americans, another
name used for Chicanos, which were formed as a way for some youth to identify
with something. The behavior of gang members was a way of adapting to the social
and economic living situation that was upon them. There was a large migration of
Chicano immigrants to the Los Angelesarea that resulted in several changes directly
related to the larger and present Chicano presence. The most notable being the
prominent presence of Chicano specific gangs. This is likely due to the fact that
many people of Chicano descent are immigrants who came to America with little to
nothing. This resulted in large groups of Chicanos being located in some of the
poorest areas. Such areas became known as barrios , a Spanish term for neighborhood
that became specifically in reference to the poor neighborhoods with a high Latino
population. The people living in them were often working the lowest paid and hardest
jobs needed by those of a higher class in society. It is commonly found that when
poverty is heavy throughout a community, many youth will feel the need to act out in
some way, and band together in their mutual discontent with their surrounding
environment and society. In addition, many youth were also dealing with trying to
identify themselves as something and weren t sure if to identify themselves as latino,
chicano, or something
Us Dollar Euro Exchange Rate Essay
Introduction An analysis involving the U.S. dollar euro (USD EUR) exchange rate
involves an in depth study on the exchange rate between the two currencies. The U.S.
dollar euro exchange rate in the past was the most analyzed subject studied in global
economics. However, any results attempted in studying the dollar euroexchange rate
has not been that successful in the past. This is due to researchers not being able to
make a connection between the fundamentals of macroeconomics and exchange
rates (Molodtsova, Nikolsko Rzhevskyy, Papell, 2011). For this purpose, this paper
will discuss where the U.S. dollar euro exchange rate has been in the past, where it is
in the present, and where it is expected to be at in the future?
The Past of the U.S. Dollar Euro Exchange Rate Where the U.S. dollar euro
exchange rate has been in the past several decades from 1999 2014 is as follows.
Ever since the euro was created in January of 1999, the value of it has equaled to
$1.17. In October of 2000, the dollar was gaining strength when the euro was just
$0.88. Afterwards the dollar continued to decline against the euro by 39% from
2001 to 2004 (Islam, 2005). However, in 2005 the dollar rose, but negative outlooks
began to occur during the Great Recession in 2006. As the dollar started to decline
in 2006 before the subprime mortgage crisis, capital flows caused more volatility in
dollar euro exchange rate market forcing individuals to deal with this economic
situation (Harvey,
Muslim Women Essay
In today s society women are given ample opportunity just as much as men. In some
countries, such as middle eastern nations that is not the case. Muslim women are
often perceived to be submissive to Muslim men and unequal. Mohammed never
taught for women to be treated as lower class citizens. Nonetheless, the blame is
pointed towards the religion of Islam. The Islamic religion began as all monotheist
religions representing a belief in one God and moral standards. In the following
essay I will discuss and elaborate what Mohammed taught, how women lived in early
Islamic society, and what it has become. Mohammed (ca. 570 632) was the founder
of Islam which means submission to God . Prophet Mohammed gave his thoughts of
women s roles... Show more content on ...
Either way you interpret Mohammad s theory made it was clear he believed
women played an important role in mothering the believers and advertising Islam. In
early Islamic society the laws were followed and obeyed when it came to respecting
women. In many cases it was found that women earned property and had an influence
on the husband s decision. Veils or hijab as the Muslims call it, would be worn
proudly by women before and today as a way of reducing lust and preventing
temptation. Women were permitted to be warriors, politics, and lead religious
sanctions. They also traveled freely and played active roles in trade and economic
roles. Unfortunately, the era of men and women being equal was hasty. Briefly
after Mohammed s death Islamic society changed, so did the interpretations of the
Quran to meet different circumstances. Almost simultaneously women became
inferior almost being viewed as possessions and property. Having choices was no
longer an option for women, whatever the man said became the law. Girls at birth
could be killed by their father s because boys carried the name of the family while
girls usually were concubines, workers, or sold. Most significantly women s roles
depended largely on what the husband s economic status was. If the husband was a
farmer the wife had to help in the fields or if the husband worked in the city she had
to help run the business. In conclusion, this
Colin Powell Speech
In Colin Powell s speech at the Colgate University, he states that the role of a leader
is to put people, real human beings in the best possible environment to achieve the
purpose of the organization that you are a part of. (2009). Essentially, what this
means is, that the role and responsibility of a leader is to take care of the people
that they are in charge of. Furthermore, the role of a leader is creating a positive
work environment that employees want to go to work to. The way a person that is
serving as a leader can see to it that the needs of the organization are met by having a
since of purpose (2009), and that everyone in the organization know and understands
the purpose. Colin Powell furthermore goes on to state that taking
Flare Fragrances
Flare Fragrances Company, Inc
Final Authentic Assessment
Analyzing Growth Opportunities
MRKT 495
Flare Fragrances Company, Inc
Final Authentic Assessment
Analyzing Growth Opportunities
MRKT 495
History1 2
Executive Summary2 3
Statement of challenge3
Evidence Supporting the Challenge3 4
Analysis of Current Situation 5 6
SWOT Conclusion6
Competitive Analysis Conclusion6 7
Current Marketing Mix7 8
Conclusion from Analysis of Current Situation8
Alternative Strategic Solutions (1 4)8 10
Recommendation of Alternative Strategic Solution11
Putting it All Together11 12
Bibliography ... Show more content on ...
Flare s sales come from its six fragrance lines equating for 93% of all sales with 7%
coming from line extension products such as soaps, shower gels and gift sets. Since
1996 Flare has launched a new scent every two to three years, as we near 2009 it is
time to make a decision if we are ready for a new launch. In 2006 we positioned
ourselves in the young and chic category with the launch of Natural. Savvy is our
fragrance ready for launch, its scent has been seen as stylish, upbeat and classy and
has been geared towards the 18 34 age group. The projected sales price is $40.00 with
a launch in the mid tier brand category. The questions are do we position it in the
young and chic category or do we enter into a new position such as young and
classic. In addition, if we do launch this product do we umbrella it under Loveliest
or do an independent launch and create a new brand. In addition, is a Mother s Day
launch obtainable? Our Second issue is whether to enter into the Drug Store channel.
Our current channels are department stores both premium and mid tier, we have
stake in privately owned pharmacies and have positioned ourselves in the mass
market to include stores like J.C. Penny s, Target, Kohl s and Wal Mart. Chain Drug
Stores are the one channel we have yet to hit with full force, perhaps it is time. In
most circumstances, Drug Store channels prefer to sell only Flare s highest turnover
items, which could ideally damage relationships with
Jack The Ripper Research Papers
In 1888, Mary Ann Nichols was found dead on August 31, Annie Chapman on
September eighth, and Elizabeth Stride September 30. As the body count rises, it
becomes clear to authorities that the east end of London are the hunting grounds of a
serial killer.
It firsts started out with the Whitechapel killings. A string of gruesome murders with
the victims reproductive organs ripped out. The killer was fearfully famous in his
time and still lives in the dark parts of history today the notorious name given to the
killer was Jack the Ripper. The victims of these grisly attacks were Mary Ann
Nicholes, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, Mary Jane Kelly. It
is unclear just how many women the Ripper killed, but generally accepted
Palatable Food
The creation of palatable foods can sometimes prove difficult, due to migration.
Therefore, many Americans brought bulk foods with them, during their Western
expansion. Some staple items during this period could have consisted of salted
meats, beans, flour, and any other items that have the ability to keep long term
without spoiling. We can only imagine how such meals would have tasted,
especially after eating the same thing for days at a time. However, one way to make
appealing and appetizing food, is through the use of condiments along with the fact
that canning jars help people store foods for lengthier periods.
Producing enjoyable edible meals would have been an ongoing issue in many
Western American mining towns such as Ouray, Colorado.... Show more content on ...
By the 19th century, Americans were able to enjoy a wide range of condiments,
which included pepper sauces, Worcestershire Sauce, mustard, mayonnaise, and
ketchup (Gerth and Lindsey, 2011:21). The Spanish and Africans brought hot
pepper sauces during their colonization and forced slavery, particularly to the
Mississippi Delta region (Snodgrass, 2004:157). Worcestershire Sauce was created
by Lea and Perrins, two British gentlemen, were tasked with trying to make an
Indian sauce with local English ingredients (Snodgrass, 2004:158). On the other
hand, mustard has several variations; however, these adaptations were only able to
come about after the successful grinding of mustard seeds into powder by a Mrs.
Clements of Tewkesbury, England in 1720. Maurice Grey and Auguste Poupon
blended wine, grape must, black, and brown mustard seeds from Dijon France in
1886. Americans learned to enjoy this fiery condiment after Francis French
created a milder flavored mustard (Jones, 1983:70; Smith, 2013:600; Snodgrass,
2004:158). It was either the Duc de Richelieu or his cook in 1756, who emulsified
egg yolks, oil, vinegar, and seasonings to create a mayonnaise (Smith, 2013:549;
Snodgrass, 2004:158). Ketchup is believed to have gotten its name from either
China, Java, or Indonesia in 1690. This oriental style of sauce came from both
preserved fish and fermented salt pickles. However, cooks in the United States
preferred to use tomatoes as the base for this sauce. The condiment gained popularity
after the Civil War, which also coincides with America s expansion into the West
(Gerth and Lindsey, 2011:21; Smith, 2013:502; Snodgrass,
Hurricanes By Erik Larson Analysis
Erik Larson, a sponsor to Time magazine, is the poet of the Naked Consume and
Lethal Passage. His work has appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, Harper s The New
York, and other nationwide magazines. He lives in Seattle. On September 9, 1900,
started openly in the seaside town of Galveston, Texas. Even Isaac Cline, an occupant
of meteorologist for the U.S. Weather Department, failed to hold the true meaning of
the dangerous deep sea waves and winds that was extremely dangerous that greeted
the city that morning. A few hours later, Galvestonfound itself underwater by a
gigantic hurricane that totally wiped out the city and killed over 6,000 people, this is
one of the greatest natural disasters in American history and Isaac Cline found
himself the... Show more content on ...
Weather Bureau easily didn t care about the Cuban s forecasts. Through Dunwoody,
Moore influenced the War Division to restriction from Cubas legislature possessed
transmit lines all links about the climate, regardless of how blameless, aside from
those from authorities of the U.S. Climate Agency, this at the pinnacle of the tropical
storm season. It was very much for Moore. Too Clear. Moore organized the
restriction on Cuban climate messages and ended all immediate transmission for
West Non mainstream players storms reports from the agency s Havana office to its
New Orleans station. The Assembled States Climate Agency in Cuba has been
incredibly irritated by autonomous observatories securing a couple scattered reports
and afterward endeavoring to make climate forecasts and issue tropical storm notices
to the disadvantage of trade and the shame of the Taxpayer driven organization. The
unusual signs from the Bay before the tempest were evident and Cuba Climate
Department officially sent notices, Isaac and the U.S. Climate Department still
rejected effortlessly the Cuban s figures in light of the fact that the connection
between the U.S. Climate Agency and Cuba had a great deal of strains and clashes
taking after the American and Spanish War. Willis Moore, the head of the Climate
Department in Washington, DC around then run a battle against the Cuba by denying
any joint effort and help from Cubans. He prohibited all climate correspondence from
Cuba. He
Military Drinking Age
Drinking Age of the Military: Should it be Lowered
Jason M. Stoudt
DeVry University
The drinking age in the military is currently set at 21 years old as it is set for the
rest of the country. There has been an age old statement widely used by those in
the military, If I am old enough to fight and die for my country, I should be old
enough to drink . The debate is out there that the drinking age should be lowered
for all young adults from 18 years old to 21 years old. The idea behind the fact that
younger people tend to have less responsibility and are not good candidates for
being allowed to drink is a valid point. Those serving in the military are different in
that respect for the fact that they have more responsibilities than that ... Show more
content on ...
One of the examples that is used to show that lowering the drinking age to 18 years
of age is a bad thing is a panel that was done in 1975 to 1993. In this panel they
surveyed 39 states that had lowered the drinking age to 18 yrs old between the
1970 s and the 1980 s. The mortality rate for those states included in the study
showed that once the drinking age was lowered the fatality rate from motor
vehicle accidents had risen substantially; most of the fatal accidents were at night.
When the drinking age was raised back to 21 years old the fatality rate had
dropped back to a lower level as it had before the age was lowered. The
documentation shows that when those that are 18 to 21 years old are allowed to
drink the death rate from alcohol consumption in motor vehicle accidents are
raised. Now the death rate for those that are over the age of 21 years old has
increased slightly only due to the fact that the younger population now allowed to
drink has been introduced into the equation (Carpenter Dobkin, 2011). Simply
stating that because they are allowed to drink at 18 years old and that some of them
get into accidents with motor vehicles while intoxicated on alcohol is irrelevant in
the case that there is evidence in the report that those that are over 21 years old are
still getting into the same type of accidents. Also considering the level of technology
that is current in the world today
Increasing The Minimum Wage
The minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour and has not increased since 2009.
This is one of the most controversial questions in America today, should the federal
minimum wage be raised, lowered or eliminated? The minimum wage, which covers
90% of American workers, should be raised. Changes to the minimum wagewould
benefit the economy, society and possibly lift Americans out of poverty. Since 1938
the economy has recovered considerably from the Great Depression which began in
1929 and ended in 1939.
The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 set a minimum wage for employees in the
United States. Before this Act was passed there was a high unemployment rate, and
employers could take advantage of desperate workers by paying extremely low
wages and working them a maximum number of hours. The Fair Labor Standards
Act was started in an effort to improve working conditions and raise standards of
living by limiting the number of hours worked and setting a base wage that
employers must pay.
Increasing the minimum wage will progress the economy in many ways such as,
increased buying power, faster rates of job growth, and decreasing the need for
taxpayer funded assistance. When consumers have more on hand cash to spend,
they are able to spend money on retail goods and services. Greater demand and
sales for these businesses is likely to cause the need for more workers over time.
Studies done by Paul Sonn and Yannet Lathrop show that in a majority of instances
an increase in the federal
Cypop Assessmsnt Task 3 Essay example
Define Data Protection Act 1998
It is a law that protects personal privacy and upholds individuals rights.
It applies to anyone who handles or has access to information about individuals. The
Act also gives rights to the people the information is about. By law, everyone in the
workplace must follow the rules set out in the Act and help protect individuals rights.
It is important to maintain confidentiality on a childcare setting in order to respect
individuals in your care and their families.
Records that I will need to keep are
Parents contact details and emergency contact; like their names, address contact
phone number, fees, and hours of care.
GP s contact ... Show more content on ...
Data protection is a very important piece of legislation that was brought into power
in 1998, because it has been designed to prevent confidential and personal
information being passed on to other people and any relevant companies without a
person s consent. This also means that any information that is stored of children
should be kept in either a password protected or lockable location.
As a childminder, if I stored any personal details about other people on my computer
or any digital format (including smartphones and photos on digital cameras), I would
probably need to notify the Information Commissioner s Office (ICO) that I was a
data controller for data protection purposes.
The ICO is the UK s independent public body set up to promote access to official
information and protect personal information. The ICO enforces and oversees the
Data Protection Act 1998.
Since 2008, as part of the Early Years Foundation Stage, childminders in England
have been expected to keep more detailed records about individual children s
development and it is likely that if you keep these on a computer, you will need to
register as a Data Controller with the ICO. If you are in any doubt about whether you
will need to register,
The Importance Of Confidentiality amp; Data Protection For a Home Based
Childcare Service
In order to run a childcare service there is a need to retain a large amount of
information on each child.
The Data Protection
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Throughout history, people have been motivated to spur into action. Years of
recorded record tell how Moses, a shepherd of his father in law s sheep, led
millions of Israelites to freedom through the midst of the Red Sea on dry land and
away from centuries of the slavery they had known in Egypt. Scores of books explain
how Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a young Atlanta preacher, mobilized citizens across
the country to come together in peaceful protest to attempt to undo the iniquities of
the Jim Crow South. Though these two scenarios are separated by distance and time,
the one thing that intertwines the two tales is that they both answered the call to
leadership and ebbed indelible places in history, respectively, through the ways in
which they managed. Regardless to whether a manager walks with kings or works
beside peasants, there are some commonalities that he or she will face. Management
Styles... Show more content on ...
Without an objective geared toward increasing the bottom line as would be the
case in a private organization, the goal in each situation was to increase the quality
of life with common people serving as stakeholders. For this reason, managers in
the public sector can learn from this example. As Tucci (2008) explains, rather than
imposing beliefs on followers, effective managers share a vision and convey how
those being led factor into the equation. Appreciative leaders are self aware and
incorporate new learning and they are willing to change the way they look and define
things (Lewis, Malone, Medland, Murphy, 2006,
Enlightened Absolutism In The 18th Century
In late eighteenth century Germany, the concept of enlightened absolutism was
predominately absent. Although it may have appeared that monarchs of the time
were using personal power to improve the lives of their subjects, monarchs were
doing quite the opposite.
Robert S. Taylor, a professor of political science at the University of California Davis,
believes such rulers only used enlightened ways to get what they desired. Using
German philosopher of the enlightenment era Immanuel Kant as a supporter, Taylor
declares: While [Kant s] support for enlightened absolutism was sincere, he believed
that such rule was enlightened only insofar as it was ultimately self extinguishing, a
process made possible by the myopic self interest of the monarch ... Show more
content on ...
Acquiring land by the division of Poland would benefit Frederick immensely in ways
of adding to personal wealth and land acquisition. He does not state that this gain
would be the best for Prussia or the German people as a whole. Instead he concerns
himself with personal profit. Additionally, the separation of Poland is not considered
an enlightened action. Ultimately, this situation reinforces the idea that monarchs of
the time were in favor of ruling to benefit themselves and not for their
Alan Bennett s Talking Heads Essay
Alan Bennett s Talking Heads Talking heads by Alan Bennett is a collection of
monologues in which the audience are showed into the life of a character and given
an insight into the character s personality and situation.peoples lives are portrayed
in comic ways leaving the audience feeling sympathy and guilt for the character in
laughing at their misfortune. Monologues are a long speech made by one person.
This style of script is really effective and has a powerful effect on the audience.
These monologues were written for television broadcasting, programmes presented in
this way are put under the genre of tragi comedy. This style of script has a dramatic
effect upon the audience because from one statement , several... Show more content
on ...
The first female priminister Margaret Thatcher came to power which brought
about a greater female morale and a breakthrough in women s
independencesomething which is clearly evident in Doris script. Margaret
Thatcher is perhaps an inspiring figure influencing the character to bring about
change within their own lives alike to the many changes Margaret brought about to
England. Irene is a character who in many ways tried bringing about changes I.e.
through many letters she writes in order to resolve problems that are not involving
her. At the beginning of the monologue Lady Of Letters Irene is portrayed as a
character that is a rather concerned, law abiding and sensitive middle aged citizen,
qualities which are frequently associated with a woman of her age. In telling us of
her visit to the crematorium no unusual deductions would be made as a lady of this
age would undoubtedly encounter a few deaths of friends of a similar age. It also
seems justified that she should be annoyed at these irreverent smokers at such a
sombre occasion. However as we learn of her little acquaintance with the deceased,
her character unfolds as rather remote and lonely as well as someone who leads a
rather uneventful life. I thought I d get out my little maroon coat and put in an
appearance. At least its an outing In saying this Irene emphasises her alienation from
any social activities also. This
Changes In Europe In The 1500s
When considering if the pen (ideas) is mightier than the sword (actions) through the
1500s in Europe, there is much to consider. The ideas and actions that caused the
many changes in Europe are all about power. The transformation of Europe goes hand
in hand with ideas and actions. One can either spread their ideas throughout Europe
and promote a change or elicit change through action. In Europe throughout the 1500s
till the 1900s, the action themselves are mightier than the ideas that spread.
Beginning in the 1500s, Martin Luther sparked a reformation and eventually
developed a new religions due to his actions. He posted the 95 Theses on the doors
of a church in Wittenberg, Germany. The 95 Theses were used to point out the
corruption in the Catholic church. An example of the corruption that took place was
the selling of indulgences, which was buying a free pass from sins to reduce time in
purgatory. Martin Luther used these theses to attack the use of... Show more content
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This assembly was a form of rebellion against the estates general. They formed this
because they were waiting for Louis XIV s reforms on their representation of
government. The members of this assembly took a Tennis Court Oath that they would
not disband until the reforms are met, but they never were. Due to the national
assembly s anger and frustration, a mob broke out leading to the attack on Bastille.
The result of the attack led to Louis XIV conforming to the demands of the Parisians.
Because of the formation of the national assembly and the storming of the Bastille,
the third estate got what they deserved. They tried to settle their issues with King
Louis XIV with just words, but it resulted in disappointment. The act of the national
assembly forming, taking the Tennis Court Oath, and the attack on Bastille is what
forced a change because they actually fought for what they believed was
Brain Symbolism
The symbolism of the heart being related to the brain I feel is very unlikely. Although
studies have shown that in recent research of the heart they have found little details
on how they have discovered little neutrons and protons and nerve cells that can relate
to the brain making it more believable that the heart is much more than just another
organ. The heart does not only just pump blood but they also think the heart can
transplant memories from the donor s past experiences. The symbolism of the heart
is a tricky thing to describe and relate to the brainas the human body is more complex
than we could have ever thought. When it comes down to the emotions, feelings, and
memories people say they have experienced is where the controversy
Queen Latifah Cultural Analysis Paper
Sarah Waring
Topics in Hip Hop
Thomas Taylor
Cultural Analysis: Queen Latifah Queen Latifah is an African American female
MC turned TV and movie actress. Her raps and or songs served different social
purposes and her focus has remained unbreakable. Latifah s values could and can be
heard in her music. Latifah was skilled at her craft and was able to reach out and
connect with her intended audience. It is a known fact that Queen Latifah s music is
deeply connected to the women s empowerment movement. Latifah s music served a
plethora of social purposes. The term feminist refers to and individual that advocates
for women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. I
am someone with or without ... Show more content on ...
Queen Latifah s music placed on display specific interests and values that she
possessed. Many of Latifah s values were closely linked to her being a feminist and
an advocate of women s equality. In addition to the previously stated, Queen
Latifah s music shows her Afrocentric beliefs as she often refers back to African
roots, culture, and or beliefs within her music. Latifah does so in an assortment of
ways. (Latifah) even stated To me Afrocentricity is a way of s about
being into yourself and into your people, and being proud of your origins. Queen
Latifah was able to display such messages filled with passion and laced with values
in part by being a part of a very cultured family. Her Afrocentric beliefs were also
displayed through her performances. During her performances, Queen Latifah, often
times than not incorporated traditional African dances that went along with the
rhythm and beat of her music. Her immense appreciation for African American and
or African traditions and culture is visible in her video for her song ladies first
when she shows footage of South Africa during the Apartheid. Ladies First is a
song that is performed by Queen Latifah and Monie Love. Was produced by Tommy
Boy Records in 1989. It focuses on the value of women and demands equal treatment
of women. The article Ladies First Queen Latifah s Afrocentric Feminist Music Video
brings up how this music video doesn t just focus on feminism but also
Sir Thomas More And Michel De Montaigne
Human Nature and society are two very controversial subjects. People can never
seem to agree on what is human nature or how society should work. Why you may
ask? It is because no one truly knows because everyone has different ideas. Sir
Thomas More and Michel de Montaigne are prime examples of how they may seem
to have totally different ideas, but they do indeed have some similarities. Although
Sir Thomas Moreand Michel de Montaigne both believe human nature is best in a
simpler form; More argues in order to have a simpler life they must be governed
through a utopian society, where Montaigne argues the barbaric lifestyle is
superior. According to Thomas More, he feels through a utopian society and
having the lifestyle it entails, makes things much easier. He lays out a perfect plan
in his eyes, that leaves humans satisfied. What more could they ask for? On the
contrary, Michel de Montaigne believes the barbaric lifestyle is the way to go. He
feels it is best when someone is so close to their original simplicity (Montaigne). He
feels this way because there is no corruption. The similarity that is most apparent in
both of their texts, is that both More and Montaigne advocate a society where both
the citizens are not corrupt. Even though Montaigne advocates a society that seems
more pure and innocent; what More implies is similar. For example, in Utopia, More
exploits that the citizens had no material obsession. They used gold for the slaves
rather than citizens. They all
My Great Grandfather
In 1897, my great great grandfather was born in North Carolina. His name was Roy
Hudson. He served in the army in World War One and he died in 1960 from a
lengthy issue with his heart. His heart issues started when he developed pleurisy,
most likely from sleeping on the cold, wet ground while in the Army during World
War One. He was only sixty three years old when he died. Just before he died, he
gave his wife, my great great grandmother, his glasses, a book, and a billfold. My
great great grandmother s name was Roland Goddard. She was born in 1898 in North
Carolina, and her parents died when she was only eight years old. She was very
active in her community, and acted in community plays. She was very kind, and she
sang beautifully. In 1979, she died when she was eighty one years old. One of
RolandВґs children, Doris Hudson, was born in North Carolina in 1927. She is my
great grandmother, and she is still living. She is ninety years old and I call her
Gaga. She fell a few months ago and could not walk for a while, but she recovered
and is now able to walk slowly. When I was too young to go to daycare, she would
babysit me all day. She thought that is was alright for me to eat cookies when I
could barely eat solid food. She also thought that I was hungry every time that I
cried, therefore I was a very chubby baby. She had three children; Bobby Rose,
Jacquelyn Jackie Rose, and Jerry Rose. Jackie is my grandmother. She was born in
Virginia, but moved to Buras, Louisiana, then later moved to Shreveport,
Louisiana. She played outfield on a semi professional softball team, and she was a
teacher, although she retired after the 2016 2017 school year. She had two children;
Michael Marino, and Jamie Marino. Jamie is my mother. She was born in Virginia,
but moved to Buras, Louisiana, then to Shreveport, Louisiana. She currently teaches
music at Sunset Acres Elementary, but she has held other teaching jobs as an
English or history teacher. She received her Bachelor s degree in teaching at LSUS,
and received her Master s degree in teaching through online classes at Northwestern
University. She served in the secret service under President Bush, and met Dick
Chaney, Bush s Vice President from 2001 2009. She has three
Paradise Lost Allusions
Paradise Lost is an expanded story based on the first page of Genesis in the Bible.
Milton explains how Adam and Eve are created and how they lose their place in the
Garden of Eden, also known as paradise. Milton s version is a narrative poem written
in great detail using Biblical references, mythological references and literary
references, often known as allusions.
Milton uses many biblical references throughout the poem because everyone is
familiar with the bible. The narrator states, Of Man s first disobedience, and the fruit
Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal taste Brought death into the world (Milton 1).
He is briefly stating how Adam and Eve disobeys god, and how their fall from grace
starts with a fruit. This is a direct reference from the Bible stating And the LORD
god said, The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must
not be allowed to reach out and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live
forever (Genesis 3:22). The ... Show more content on ...
God is almighty and Satan or Lucifer is the antagonist which are the two main
characters in each poem. The three headed breast also known as satan also rules the
underworld. The narrator states whom the Arch Enemy, And thence in Heaven called
Satan, with bold words Breaking the horrid silence, thus began (Milton 3) labeling
satan gods arch enemy and letting the reader know that satan is despised. The
narrator also states he whom mutual league, United thoughts and counsels, equal
hope And hazard in the glorious enterprise, Joined with me once, now misery hath
joined In equal ruin! Into what pit thou seest, (Milton 4) he is calling hell the
horrible place in which you would hate to go just as it is called in Dante s
Waylon Jennings Accomplishments
Waylon Jennings left a big impact on the country music industry. His journey to fame
and meeting Buddy Holly started everything. Buddy Holly gave Waylon Jennings his
first hit, resulting in Jennings become an unforgettable country music artist. The
Highwaymen was a country supergroup consisting of 4 of the biggest country music
artist of that decade. The Highwaymen produced many hits that Waylon was a part
of, making his fame rise even more. Waylon Jennings ending of career happened too
soon. Waylon played until he didn t have the health to play anymore.
According to Waylon Jennings published by, which states Jennings
was born on June, 15th 1937. Waylon Jennings grew up in a small town Texas,
where he quickly grew an interest in outlaws, and playing guitar. Jennings started
playing guitar at a young age, and by the age of 12 was exploring his interest in
music in many different ways, such as starting a new band and becoming a radio
disk jockey. Jennings liked music enough to drop out of school to explore the ... Show
more content on ...
Tragedy soon hit Buddy Holly, and he unfortunately died in a plane crash and
Waylon just barely escaped death. Buddy Holly, Waylon and a few other men had
a show to go to in Iowa, Jennings gave up his plane seat to JP Richardson and
Waylon decided he wouldn t go. The plane crashed right after it took off, and
everyone on it was killed. Waylon then moved back and went on to be a radio disk
jockey again, but soon began his music career again in 1960. He created a new
band, and named them the Waylors . The band never really got successful. However,
it did cause Waylon Jennings to score a contract with A M Records, but not the rest
of his band. He had issues with his record label, because they wanted him to change
his sound. Waylon Jennings swore to stay Country, while the record label wanted him
to sound
The Kidney Stone Research Paper
The Blarney Stone, according to legend, grants one with elegance and
persuasiveness when he or she kisses it. The Blarney Castle is the structure that
contains the Blarney Stone and is 20 feet tall. The castle s original wooden
structure was built by the McCarthy s of Muskerry around 1010 and they replaced
that structure with a stone one two centuries later in 1210. Cormac McCarthy, the
King of Munster, supplied 4,000 men to increase Robert the Bruce s forces for the
battle of Bannockburn in 1314. The legend says that Robert the Bruce, King of
Scots, was so grateful for McCarthy s help that he gave him half of the Stone of
Scone, now know as the Blarney Stone. Queen Elizabeth soon found out about the
castle and commanded the Earl of Leicester to take possession of it, but whenever he
attempted to consult McCarthy about the matter, Cormac always suggested a banquet
or some other form of delay, This meant that when the Earl was to send the queen
progress reports, a long memorandum was sent stating that the castle had still
remained untaken. The queen called the Earl s reports Blarney , meaning hogwash or
malarkey, out of anger and disappointment because she still did not have possession of
... Show more content on ...
This was then destroyed in 1446, but was rebuilt by Cormac Laidir MacCarthy,
Lord of Muskerry. The McCarthys left the castle forever in 1690 AD because
Donagh was captured in battle and escaped to France. The Blarney House was built
in 1874 AD and in 1942, the United States Federal Trade Commission started making
greeting cards. The manufacturers of the greeting cards, however, were not allowed
to use any misleading artwork that can make customers believe that the rock
fragments were actually taken from the Blarney Stone. The message that there is only
one Blarney Stone had to be spread to save the unknowing customers
The Impact Of Steve Jobs On The World Of Technology
Our world of technology today is what the world is run by. Technology is much
different than what it was thirty years ago. We would not have the technology we
have today if it weren t for Steve Jobs. We wouldn t have any of the Apple products
that half of America uses if it weren t for Steve Jobs work. Steve Jobs was a very
intelligent person. He created many of ideas and objects. Some people would
consider him a god to the technology world because of everything he created. Steve
Jobs was born in San Francisco, California on February 24, 1955 Steve Jobs was
an orphan until Paul and Clara Jobs adopted Steve when he was a kid. When Steve
was growing up he was surrounded by engineers. In his neighborhood everyone
around him were engineers. When he was thirteen years old he met one of the
most important people in his life. That person s name was Stephen Wozniak a wiz
kid from the area. Steve attended Homestead High School. When Steve was in
high school he and Stephen Wozniak pulled many pranks. One incident was they
put a middle finger statue on one of the buildings in the high school. Chris Ann
Brennan was his high school sweetheart. When Jobs was eighteen years old he was
getting near his college days and he told his parents he wanted to go to Reed
College. It was a very expensive college located in Oregon. Steve Jobs parents
promised him a college education no matter what. While Steve was in Reed College
he began to get interested in Eastern mysticism. Steve Jobs only spent
Research Methodology
S. Rajasekar
School of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli 620 024, Tamilnadu,
P. Philominathan
Department of Physics, Sri AVVM Pushpam College, Poondi, Thanjavur 613 503,
Tamilnadu, India
V. Chinnathambi
Department of Physics, AKGS Arts College, Srivaikundam 628 619, Tamilnadu,
India In this manuscript various components of research are listed and briefly
discussed. The topics considered in this write up cover a part of the research
methodology paper of Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) course and Doctor of
Philosophy (Ph.D.) course. The manuscript is intended for students and research
scholars of science subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, statistics,
biology and computer ... Show more content on ...
(9) Social research helps п¬Ѓnd answers to social problems. They explain social
phenomena and seek solution to social problems. (10) Research leads to a new
style of life and makes it delightful and glorious . Emphasizing the importance of
research Louis Pasteur said I beseech you to take interest in these sacred domains
called laboratories. Ask that there be more and that they be adorned for these are
the temples of the future, wealth and well being. It is here that humanity will learn
to read progress and individual harmony in the works of nature, while humanity s
own works are all too often those of babarism, fanaticism and destruction. (Louis
Paster article by S.Mahanti, Dream 2047, p.29 34 (May 2003)). In order to know
what it means to do research one may read scientific autobiographies like Richard
Feynmann s Surely you are joking, Mr.Feynmann! , Jim Watson s The double helix ,
Science as a way of life A biography of C.N.R. Rao by Mohan Sundararajan, etc.
Importance of Research
Research is important both in scientific and nonscientific fields. In our life
new problems, events, phenomena and processes occur every day. Practically
implementable solutions and suggestions are required for tackling new problems that
arise. Scientists have to undertake research on them and п¬Ѓnd their causes,
solutions, explanations and applications. Precisely, research assists us to understand
The Natural Disasters
Tsunami is not just a single giant wave, it may even consist of ten or more waves
which is then termed as: Tsunami Wave Train . Tsunami possesses kinetic energy and
a mass of water which can cause devastation through kineticism and flooding. There
is an international tsunami warning system and certain regional tsunamiwarning
systems are also in placed.
Pakistan is shielded to a greater extent from the Tsunami of the Pacific Ocean and
Bay of Bengal due to the Indian land mass, however, Tsunamis accruing in the Indian
Ocean do effect us. In 1935 a Tsunami struck the Pakistan coast killing nearly 4000
Cyclone is basically a low atmospheric pressure region surrounded by high
atmospheric pressure due to which there are powerful winds accompanied by rain.
These are normally found in the tropical and temperate regions of the world.
Cyclones are also known as Typhoons, Hurricanes and Tornadoes. Cyclones are
normally found in the sea and finish off in the sea, however, certain cyclones intrude
inland and cause death and destruction.
Pakistan has been lucky that Cyclones in this part of the world are not very
frequent. This may have in part to do with the makeup of the Arabian Sea. However,
Cyclones which have occurred in the past did cause considerable damage to the
coastal areas affecting the livelihood of the people living on the coast.
Flood is a state in which water level rises above normal along river banks and the
coastal areas. They cause land
Why Is Henry Ford Important
Have you ever wondered why we are able to produce so many products in such a
short period of time? Without Henry Ford our technology might be a few years
behind. Henry Ford s love for cars at a young age, his invention of assembly lines, and
his famous auto manufacturing company are what make him so important. Henry Ford
loved cars since he was young. He was born on July 30, 1863, in Michigan. Henry
first worked on his family s farm, however he didn t enjoy it. When he was sixteen
years old Henry went down a different path and got an apprenticeship as a
machinist. In those years he found his passion and learned how to work on steam
engines ( Henry Ford ). In 1913, Henry Ford installed the first ever assembly line. His
invention decreased
Bystander Effect
The Bystander Effect
Everybody wants to be a hero and to change the world. To make it a better place
and make a difference. So why then in the face of danger do we back down? Why
do we just stand by as cruel things happen to good people. Science has coined this
term as the bystander effect. The bystander effect is defined as, a social
psychological phenomenon that refers to cases in which individuals do not offer
any means of help to a victim when other people are present. You can see this effect
in full in the movie, The Hunger Games, as people just stand by and let the killing of
innocent children happen year after year.
Now this might seem like a crazy idea because in you mind if someone really
needed help you would always help. This is not always the case though. In the book,
No One Helped : Kitty Genovese, New York City, and the Myth of Urban Apathy, the
author, Marcia Gallo, highlights the events that happened that lead to the
understanding of the event known as the Bystander Effect. It was because of this
event, that the term bystander effect was first used and brought to light not only to
the scientific community but also to the public. March 27, 1964 Kitty Genovese ...
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And more importantly, why does this happen. Well there are a number of different
reasons that this the book, Bystander Apathy and the Territorial
Imperative, A.R Gillis and John Hagan highlight the science behind the Bystander
Effect. They highlight the finding that one of the reasons that people fail to get
involved is the idea of disorganization; the idea that in high stimuli situations, such
as city life, one s stress is increased and the need to blend in and not cause attention
increases. Another reason that people fail to get involved is because they do not
know the other people involved. It has been studied that if a friend was in trouble a
person would feel socially accountable to help rather than with a

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Physical Journey Essay

  • 1. Physical Journey Essay Embarking on the task of writing an essay on the theme of a "Physical Journey" is undeniably a challenging endeavor. The difficulty lies not only in crafting a coherent and engaging narrative but also in capturing the essence of the journey itself. One must navigate the complexities of recounting personal experiences, weaving them into a compelling story that resonates with readers. The initial challenge surfaces as you attempt to select and structure the myriad of experiences that constitute your physical journey. Balancing the chronological order with thematic coherence demands careful consideration and thoughtful planning. Moreover, delving into the intricacies of the journey requires introspection and a willingness to revisit both triumphs and tribulations. As you grapple with the task of conveying the sensory aspects of the journey, the written word becomes both an ally and a foe. Describing the sights, sounds, and sensations encountered during the physical journey demands a mastery of language that can be elusive. Striking the right balance between vivid detail and concise expression is a constant tightrope walk, requiring a nuanced approach to language. Furthermore, connecting the personal journey to broader themes or universal experiences adds an additional layer of complexity. The essay should not merely be a chronicle of events but a reflection on personal growth, societal influences, or philosophical insights gained along the way. Navigating this intersection of the personal and the universal requires a keen awareness of the essay's overarching purpose. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of a "Physical Journey" demands a combination of narrative skill, self-reflection, and a command of language. It is an intricate dance between recounting personal experiences and distilling broader insights from them. While the process may be challenging, the opportunity to share a compelling narrative of personal transformation makes the journey of crafting such an essay both enriching and rewarding. For those seeking assistance in tackling such challenges, it's worth exploring platforms like, where a wealth of resources, writing services, and expert guidance can be found to support the creation of essays and more. Physical Journey EssayPhysical Journey Essay
  • 2. How Did Beethoven Influence The World Beethoven is one of the best composers we have ever had. Many say that he composed his best works after going deaf. He was born to Johann and Maria Magdalena van Beethoven on December 16,1770 in Bonn, Germany. His father was the one who taught him piano and violin and mistreated him in the process. Beethoven was a average student and left school at the age of eleven. Beethoven studied with many tutors and then eventually left Bonn to make something of himself. Beethoven left Bonn only to come and care for his sickening mother. Soon after his mother died and a later later his father died as well. After leaving Bonn to pursue a career he started selling his works to publishers. By 1794 Beethoven made a name a name for himself in society. He... Show more content on ... Not only was he influenced by other composers but also by many musical styles. One such influence was french music. The french revolution was not only famous in Bonn but also in Beethoven compositions as marches. Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach was not only known to Beethoven but also to Mozart and Hadyn who Beethoven was influenced by. Just as emotion was a strong characteristic in Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach s work it was even stronger in Beethoven s. Here is a quote by Julian Medforth Budden expressing the influences of Beethoven, Rooted in the Classical traditions of Joseph Haydn and Mozart, his art reaches out to encompass the new spirit of humanism and incipient nationalism expressed in the works of Goethe and Friedrich von Schiller, his elder contemporaries in the world of literature; the stringently redefined moral imperatives of Kant; and the ideals of the French Revolution, with its passionate concern for the freedom and dignity of the individual . Beethoven s Symphony No. 5 is considered one of his masterpieces. It took Beethoven about four years to create the piece. He started it at the most productive part of his life and pieces likes the opera delayed the progress.The first movement is the shortest he s composed ever.
  • 3. Tokophobia Definition What is tokophobia, and why is it a fear that I overcame? Tokophobia is known as the fear of childbirth, and it was a fear that I overcame. Throughout pregnancy, many women decided to research anything, and everything that could happen to you, or the baby. Further along. into my pregnancy, I realized that I was starting to fear childbirth . While I was pregnant fear overcame my body because, I was scared of the risk of dying, the fear of something going wrong with me or the baby, and then how bad the recovery would be. I had several fears throughout my pregnancy, but a tremendous fear was the risk of losing my life. From the beginning until the end, this thought was always in the back of my head. Another thing is you always see something happen in movies, or on a show, you really do not know what to expect of childbirth until it actually happens to you. However, my nerves started to calm down, and I did realize that many women survive childbirth; and that I could top. Once I did start to think positive thoughts it helped a lot. For me, it was after having my son that I think I overcame the fear of dying, and if I ever had a second child, I do not think I would worry so much about that.... Show more content on ... For instance, you always have that fear in the back of your mind that there could be something wrong with the baby. Of course, you never want that to happen, but it was a huge fear of mine. Again, you do the research, and you hear the stories of something being wrong with a baby. But for me, something before birth happened, I was pregnant with twins, and I did lose a baby early in my pregnancy. After that, the doctors reassured me because of that the other baby was perfectly healthy. Another thing, I did was to stop looking on the internet, and to talk to my doctors if I felt as if I had other questions. One last thing that helped me is when I saw my baby and he was perfect in every
  • 4. Psychoanalysis In Oscar Wilde s The Picture Of Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde s The Picture of Dorian Gray through a Freudian psychoanalytic lens. The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde, is a novel about greed and ruin. Dorian Gray, received infinite youth from a portrait of him, which portrays all his sins and wrongdoings on itself, rather than his body. This freedom from morality leads Dorian Gray down a road of destruction until his sins are returned to him and he meets his end. Through a psychoanalytic Freudian lens, it is clear that Dorian Gray exhibits many of Sigmund Freuds theories, including his theory of personality, the Oedipus complex, and the defense mechanisms. Sigmund Freud was a well known psychologist whose theories have founded the understanding of the human psyche. Freud s theory of personality is one of his most known theories. It details that there are three segments of consciousness. The id is desire, immorality and is what drives us to do wrong. The superego exists to counteract and overpower the id, as it is morality, commonly known as our conscious. The ego exists to balance out both extremes and devises a solution to sate each segment. Then there are the defense mechanisms, repression, denial, projection, displacement, regression and sublimation. These are employed by the ego to keep the balance between the id and the superego and to protect the psyche, especially in traumatic times. Last, the Oedipus complex which Freud believed, only exists in children from the ages of 3 5, when they become attracted to
  • 5. MYOB (Mind Your Own Business) DEFINITION OF MYOB (Mind Your Own Business) MYOB was founded in the late 1980s by Christopher Lee and a team of developers at Teleware, Inc., who developed accounting software. Teleware was purchased by Best Software, Inc. (now part of Sage) in 1993. Data Tech Software was the Australia republished of the MYOB products and, in 1997 entered into an agreement with Best Software to buy the company (renamed MYOB, Inc.) and bought the intellectual property rights to the software. In 1999, Data Tech changed their name to MYOB Limited and listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) on 9 July 1999. In subsequent corporate development, MYOB Limited merged with Solution 6 Holdings in 2004. Though the company was originally founded in the US, it ... Show more content on ... Asset Manager Pro helps businesses keep track of their assets. MYOB s Live Accounts is a web based accounting software program for small business. Businesses pay a monthly fee to use Live Accounts. PURPOSE OF MYOB (Nur Alia) * Helps small businesses and accounting firms to generate more profit and lessen the cost of running their businesses. * Helps to make the record keeping easier. Since things like that are usually cheaper than hiring actual persons, then this would be a good thing to have * Helps keep accounting records accurately and efficiently and provide useful information so that management, accountants, investors and creditors can make economic decisions * To manage and document financial accounts. This includes creating and managing financial records, performing and documenting financial transactions, and submitting official documents. The other purpose: Routine savings * Information is only entered once. This software automatically uses it wherever it is needed, including both the debit and credit side of the entry. * Routine book keeping is done by the software. * This software also provides immediate updates on cash position. The impact of payments and receipts on the cash position will be calculated and recorded automatically. The program provides details of bank balance, together with information on unclear payments. Completing statutory returns * Automatic book keeping
  • 6. Informative Essay On Steven Spielberg Steven Spielberg is a world renowned and one of the most successful movie directors of all time. He has won 2 best director awards. Also, he was 4 Oscars and another 14 nominations. Which if you ask me, that is a very impressive achievement. I have a question What made Steven Spielberg into the amazing director, and storyteller he is today? Steven Allan Spielberg was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on December 14, 1946. To an Arnold Spielberg an electrical engineer working on computers, and Leah Adler a restaurateur and a pianist. He was the oldest of his three sisters. When he was a child Steven was very Because of Steven s father s job in the newly growing field of computers, he moved several times. He lived in Cincinnati until he was four. His father then received a job in New Jersey with RCA.... Show more content on ... In Phoenix, Steven attended a Hebrew school. Steven always had a hard time revealing his religion, because he was bullied when he was younger because of it. In high school, he revealed he was a Jew and was bullied because of it. The Spielbergs were Jews in a non Jewish neighborhood and Stevens, mother said in an interview Often boys would drive by our house yelling the Spielberg s are filthy Jews! Steven also struggled with dyslexia his entire life, and because of this he only had mediocre grades at best when he tried his hardest. He always felt like he didn t belong. Steven found a way out, filmmaking. Steven later revealed in an interview I had found a way to accept myself in my own life by making movies, I found that I could finally do something well, and be accepted because of
  • 7. Why We Should Have Sports In College Sports play a huge role in our lives. Everyone enjoys a sport in their own different ways: some do sports and others are just happy to watch it. Giving students opportunity to be part of sports in college will definitely have positive sides on college as well as on students. As an example, we can see how top colleges like Harvard or Stanford recruit young athletes. At the end, those athletes are making names for the schools. However, in our collegesituation is totally different. Even if we have established sports, they are not aimed to improve our college. However, we can reconstruct athletics of our school, and it will positively affect students, college, and it s budget. It is not rare that people become very successful thanks to sports.
  • 8. Advantages Of Oligopoly Running head: OLIGOPOLY MARKET 1 Oligopoly Market Greg LaPointe Patten University OLIGOPOLY MARKET 2 An oligopoly is defined as a small number of companies in a particular market who are competing for the same customer base. Oligopoly market is between perfect competition and monopolies. Perfect competition means no seller has the market power and monopoly means there is only one seller with complete market power. In an oligopoly market , t he decisions each company makes im pacts the decisions of the other companies in the same industry or market. These companies can either be related or dependent of each other. Sellers in an oligopoly market must understand production, capacity and pricing. For example if a particular ... Show more content on ... A network that will expand its OLIGOPOLY MARKET 4 market share in the telecommunications industry by moving before its competitors. According to the Verizon annual report and current chairman McAdam (2014 strong cash flows have enabled us to invest more than $80 billion in infrastructure over the past five years (p. 3) has enable the company to expand into an additional 500 markets. This investment enables Verizon Communications to lead the market in telecommunications service s and lead the way with new innovations. Verizon is building their infrastructure for the future and has made acquisitions that position them as the leader of the industry. Differentiating themselves from the competition and investing into their networks enable Verizon to support greater customer demand and capacity. Market costs remain constant and profitability will remain high. Overall revenues for Verizon Communications within their strategic services increased 2,3% in 2014 from 2013 levels. The i nvestment in differentiating themselves from the market enables this growth n ow and in the future . This is why I consider Bertrand
  • 9. Oligopoly as the best type of investment
  • 10. Scandinavian Mythologies Essay From three different sources The Faerie Queene, The Mabinogion and Beowulf two concept, one from each Celtic and Scandinavian Mythologies can be seen. The first concept is from Scandinavian mythology and is that of the idea of redemption or dying well. The second is from Celtic mythology and is the use of the Other or Otherworld . From the two stories, The Faerie Queene and The Mabinogion, what would give the reader the greatest feeling of hope throughout them both would be the idea of comeuppance. To have the hope that in the end the good people will triumph and the bad will receive their penalty, as they should but rarely do. The word redeem mainly has two meanings to either win back or restore something and the second to make ... Show more content on ... So avenged I their fiendish deeds
death fall of Danes, as was due and right.
And this is my hest, that in Heorot now
safe thou canst sleep with thy soldier band, 
and every thane of all thy folk
both old and young; no evil fear, The tales of Macha Mong rГєad, are another part of Celtic mythology that holds redemption and kingship deep within it s stories. As we begin the story the reader almost immediately sympathizes with the character Macha, as she is the true heir of the King and it is her right to rule. As the follow along her story, we pull for her in her battles and clever schemes to beat the usurpers to her crown. The readers hope in justice , that the destined and worthy Queen holds the throne,is fulfilled in the end as she captures her competition and seizes control. In all of the stories the virtuous characters are the protagonist, who consistently fight against either one or many of the less virtuous. The Idea of justice is rendered several times throughout The Faerie Queene, through each battle won by either the Red Cross Knight, Arthur or The Lady Una. In the beginning, the reader learns of the evil deed done by the dragon, the capturing of the Lady Una s parents. The reader understands that the dragon is the bad guy in the story and hopes that in the end Una and her guide Redcrosse overcome the dragon. In the end, the readers hopes that the Lady Una s parents will be restored to her and to
  • 11. Color as Metaphor in Film What Dreams May Come Looking at landscape art, especially when painted by one of the masters, many have undoubtedly pondered: what would it be like to live there? Shapes and attention to detail are, of course, important in a painting. However, it is color that draws the eye and inspires the heart. Oscar Wilde, an Irish poet and dramatist, spoke well of this when he noted that, Mere color, unspoiled by meaning, and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways. (qtd in color ) . Vincent Ward had a similar understanding of this impact when, in 1998, he directed the movie What Dreams May Come. Looking at this film, one can easily imagine being inside a living painting. The use of color to emphasize the emotional state of a... Show more content on ... Using this deeper shade highlights the intensity of her loss and confusion without over powering the scene. As the days and weeks pass by, Annie tries to return to a normal life. However, with the other half of her soul gone, she finds this to daunting of a task. Sitting at her vanity, wearing a very pale lavender gown, she chooses to end her life. She places several crushed pills into a bowl of pudding, and after eating it, she waits to die. The lightness of purple used here shows that it is not her will that is weak; it is the weakness of her connection with Chris that drives her to make this fatal choice. After learning of Annie s suicide and the self induced hell she will face, Chris makes the decision to enter hell, find Annie, and return with her to heaven. By using their connection as a sort of homing device, Chris descends ever deeper in to the pit of despair. He finds himself falling through an actual sea of faces where, after landing on the floor of hell s basement, locates what looks like a dilapidated version of his and Annie s house. Everything that can be seen in this purgatory looks as if the color has been drained by a leech. Black, gray, dirty yellows and sepia like tones abound in all directions, except for a single tree, which stands in front of the door to the house. This one tree, standing in defiance of the dreary world around it,
  • 12. Essay On Eugenics In North Carolina Eugenics in North Carolina: A dark past Forced sterilization and Eugenics are terms you would associate with Hitler s heinous World War II crimes. Those terms were not isolated to war time Europe. From 1929 until 1977 Eugenics was a terrible part of North Carolina History that used selective breeding to extinguish lower class mentality and guarantee future generations. The State is trying to make amends to the victims of the past. For almost 50 years over 7,600 victims were evaluated harshly and then coerced or sterilized against their will. Eugenics scientists have used this method to target what they consider as the undesirables, mainly unwed, black females, and also the mentally disabled in North Carolina. This was done under the pretense to make future American generations stronger and smarter. Eugenics still negatively affects the people of North Carolina today. Scientists believed that through selective breeding future generations would be able to reach its full potential. Charles Darwin s brother was one of the scientists who firmly believed in the Eugenics process at the time. They truly believed that they were doing America a ... Show more content on ... Once the Eugenics Board of North Carolina was eliminated, the sterilizations stopped. For many though, the damage had already been done. One victim said I think my rights have been revoked in a way, it s just like if you go to prison for something that you ain t done (Gannon para. 3). This theme of regret and injustice carries on for most victims still alive today. In recent efforts to right the wrongs of the past the state has started the process to compensate the victims of sterilization. Once a legitimate case has been established and approved, victims could potentially receive up to $50,000 from the State of North Carolina. This in no way reverses the tragedy that they dealt with but it is a start to apologize and attempt to make
  • 13. Things They Carried Compare Contrast Essay How can two stories be so different yet so similar at the same time? In The Things They Carried by Tim O Brien, the author depicts the life of the soldiers as they are in Vietnam. He writes about what the soldiers carry in their bags, but he gives it a deeper meaning. He writes about the soldier s life, all the emotional baggage they carry with leaving their loved ones and the pain of losing a fellow soldier. In The Lone Rangerand Tontofistfight in Heaven by Sherman Alexie, Victor goes through different encounters where he experiences racism. He ends up going back to his reservation and getting a job. These two stories are similar through the freight, any load or burden (, the characters carry and how the characters are seen as the enemy. Although they have these similarities, they also have their differences. Their differences are the main character s conflict with their... Show more content on ... In The Things They Carried, the soldiers were seen as the enemy because they were in Vietnam to fight a war between the US and Vietnam. So naturally the were viewed as the enemy from a Vietnamese point of view. In The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven , Victor was viewed as the enemy because he was an Indian, which Indians were viewed as bad people at this time in the US. The men in The Things They Carried were viewed as the enemy because they were simply soldiers fighting a war in Vietnam. From an American s point of view, we would not consider them the enemy, but from a Vietnamese s point of view they were malicious. O Brien gives an example of this in his text, After the chopper took Lavender away, Lieutenant Jimmy Cross led his men into the villages of Than Khe. They burned everything. They shot chickens and dogs, they trashed the village well, they called in artillery and watched the wreckage, then they marched for several hours through the hot afternoon... (O Brien
  • 14. Compare And Contrast The Us And Rwanda In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting the data provided on the United States and Rwanda. GDP PER CAPITA The GDP per capita is the gross domestic product per person. This is the income of the country divided by the population. THE US has a higher GDP of 56,207,04$ as shown in table 1.This means that the United States economy is rising at that there is an increase in productivity .Rwanda has a low GDP per capita as shown in table 2 .this means that the economy of Rwanda isn t efficient and this tells us that country is suffering from poverty and corrupted and inefficient government. The GDP per capita comparisons shows us that the US performance is higher GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT This is a way in which a country can measure its economy. THE United States has a higher GDP of 18.04trilion$ as shown in table 1.This means that the US is increasing the amount of production that is taking place in the economy and the people have a higher income and hence are ... Show more content on ... The United States has a high death rate of 8.41deaths/thousand as shown in table 1 .This happens because the United States have a much higher proportion of older people ,due to low birth rates and mortality rates .Rwanda has a high death rate of 6.43 deaths/thousand .They have a low proportion of older people due to a high birth rate and mortality rate . Life expectancy The average number of years a person can live .Rwanda has a low life expectancy of 65.788 years as shown in table 2 due to its poor health care and nutrition .They are also effected by the socioeconomic factors .Rwanda also doesn t have a proper educational system therefore the people do not get jobs so they are not able to pay for the medicines they might need .The United STATES has a high life expectancy of 79.501 years as shown in table one .This tells us that the quality of health care and quality of life is very good in the United states. TOTAL FERTILITY
  • 15. What Home Mean To Me Research Paper What does home mean to you? Is it a place? Is it a feeling? To me, home is neither a place, nor a feeling, it is the people that surround you and care for you. These people can be your family or the people that you trust and have grown close to. Since the day I was born, my family and I were always moving from state to state. This is because both of my parents served in the United States Navy. To give you an idea on how often I moved, before I had turned 12 years old, my family had moved seven times throughout the Eastern half of the United States, close to the average amount of times that a person moves in his lifetime which is recorded at 11.7 times (Chalabi). This being said, moving made me become a social person by learning skills for adapting... Show more content on ... Make Your Dorm Room More Comfortable Your dorm room is the place you will most likely be spending the majority of time during college. So, make it feel like home. In most colleges, the dorms are bland and boring white walls. Because of this, you will like your new found home better if you decorate it or add features to make it more appealing and more comfortable. In my dorm, my roommate and I have put up pictures and a flag of the United States and a Don t Tread On Me Flag. Also in my common room (A living room between my dorm room and two other dorm rooms) my suite mates have gotten a fish tank and Christmas lights to add life to the room. However, the most essential way to make your dorm room more comfortable and feel like home is to get along with your roommate. In my case, my roommate and I went to the same high school and have known each other for years and what the other does and does not care for. Here is a video showing ways to avoid problems with your roommate. At summer orientation, administration gave the incoming students a tip for when we were moving into our dorms. This tip was to make your bed first before you unpack. Their reason for saying behind making your bed first is so that your dorm room will immediately feel like home. (Click Here For More Possible Dorm Room Ideas) Below is a picture of my dorm
  • 16. How Did Geography Affect Where Colonists Settled Essay Beginning in 1607, when ambitious English colonists settled in Jamestown, and continuing until the last of the thirteen colonies was established; geography was a substantial factor in the development of colonial America. The crops that essentially saved the colonists lives, such as tobacco, rice, and indigo, wouldn t have grown without a certain type and amount of soil to grow properly. Also, the Appalachian Mountains and the dense forests provided a barrier for the colonists, preventing them from going too far west right away, and causing the colonies to form in the arrangement they did. Finally, the population was the most dense in middle colonies, such as New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania partly because of the mild... Show more content on ... This, in turn, made it so that the population were more dense, and there was a higher concentration of people. The dense forests of the eastern seaboard disallowed for large cities to be created right away. This geological factor forced colonists to spread out within the perimeters of the Appalachian Mountains and the Atlantic Ocean, without being too close together. Both of these factors could be overlooked easily enough, but did have a reasonable impact of the development of colonial America. Finally, the geography of the middle colonies, such as New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania played a big role on the development and population of this area. In the sixteen and seventeen hundreds, the above colonies were the most populated of the thirteen establishments. There was plentiful and fertile soil, in which tobacco was heavily grown. The Susquehanna River also flowed through this region, opening the possibility of fur trade. Other minor rivers that were found in the middle colonies were gentle, which provided for easy transportation and fishing. The land in the middle colonies was broad and expansive, making it easy for even the middle class residents to create an enjoyable and profitable lifestyle. In conclusion, there were many factors that contributed to the development of the colonial America, but geography was clearly a sizable influence. If the geography of America wasn t the way it was, the colonists who settled here may have not survived as
  • 17. Wildlife Biologist Application Essay Wiping sweat off my forehead, I stand up excitedly. The paw prints on the ground are fresh I have almost located them. Jumping back into the beat up pick up truck, I follow the increasingly loud beeping of the radio telemetry set until I spot the pack just fifty yards in front of me. Quietly, I climb out of the vehicle, and momentarily stare in awe at the small packof gray wolves I have been tracking for hours in the wilderness of Montana. My field pants are speckled with briars and a few stray leaves cling to my backpack and one even dangles at the end of my braided hair. I observe the wolves, noticing the behavior of each member, record various data of the current area, and save the point in my GPS. Having successfully completed the... Show more content on ... I hope to have completed or still be in graduate school, and researching and working as a wildlife biologist in the field. I desire to study mammals and the effects of climate change on populations and biodiversity. The issues of climate change are growing increasingly prominent, and I want to dedicate my career to mitigating these negative effects and promoting conservation. As a wildlife biologist, I plan on spending a myriad of days in the field, observing animals close hand in their natural habitat. I am most intrigued by medium or large mammals in the northwestern United States, and hope to study species like gray wolves, grizzly and black bears, foxes, Canada lynxes, cougars, and porcupines, among others. In addition to field work, this occupation involves some time analyzing data, working in a lab, and writing research reports and papers. Also, much of the work accomplished includes cooperation with others, and I look forward to working with those that share similar passions as me. It is far from a luxurious life, with many nights spent in cabins or camping in the wilderness, waving pesky flies away from one s head, and trekking miles through heavily wooded forests, but these elements of the career only inspire my passion further, as I love spending time outdoors and cherishing
  • 18. El Chupacabras Research Paper GOAT SUCKER The legend of El Chupacabras was first reported in March 19,1995 in Puerto Rico.It was also cited in Southern United States,Mexico,Philippines and Russia.During March and Augustof 1955,attacks and more than 150 farms occured.Farm animals left officials dumbfounded.The creature peopl described was a creature featured in a film called species .The reports in the uited states of mammals,mostly dogs and coyotes with mange(dog disease)killing sheeps,chickens etc.There are reports of stray Mexican hairless dogs being mistaken for chupacabra.The situation in Puerto Rico reached such a fever pitch the Mayor Jose Soto recruited volunteers to hunt the creature weekly for hearly a year,with no success.Descriptions of chpacabra range anywhere
  • 19. Roger Avenger Essay There are thousands of movies that can be watched today, so choosing the right one towatch can be difficult at times. Therefore, movie critics write movie reviews about them, to giveviewers an overview and as to how good the movie is in their opinion. One of the most famousmovie critics is Roger Ebert. He evaluated many movies during his time and one of his lastreviews was over the movie The Avengers. Roger Ebertis an adequate movie criticbecause hesummarizes the plot exceptionally well, distinguishably describes the main characters, and givesan adequate final evaluation.The movie The Avengers was released on May 4, 2012 and is a movie about sixsuperheroes joining together to save the world (Ebert). The six superheroes are Iron Man,Captain... Show more content on ... In addition, to giving just the overall plot and order, Ebert also summarizes the keyevents that happen in the five different events that he outlines. For example, he explains how theAvengers are brought together and how the villain is dramatized when he states, The reasonthey re brought together in The Avengers is that the Earth is under threat by the smirking Loki(Tom Hiddleston), Thor s adopted brother, who controls the Tesseract, a pulsing cube of energythat opens a gateway to the universe; through it, he plans to attack Earth with his fleet of reptile looking monster machines. ( Ebert, Roger) In this quote he dramatized the villain, Loki, bystating he controls the tesseract and how he will attack earth with his fleet of reptile monsters.Not only does Ebert effectively summarize the plot of the movie, but he also gives a greatdescription of the main characters of the movie.Another reason that Ebert s review of The Avengers is a quality review is the fact that hedistinguishably describes the main characters, mentions the actor s names, and mentions thedirector of the movie at the end of the review. Ebert does a great job of mentioning the maincharacters and describing what the character s super powers are. As well as mentioning, thename of the actor that plays that character. For example, this is how Ebert describes andmentions Hulk, The Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) is a mild mannered guy until he gets angry, and thenhe expands into a leaping, bounding green muscle man who can rip apart pretty much anything. (Ebert, Roger) He does a description similar too this quote for each main character in the moviereview, while also mention the actor. This makes Ebert s
  • 20. Essay about Dangerous Work of Doctors Worldwide Dr Mehmet GГјllГјoДџlu has been appointed as the new Director General by the TRCS Board of Directors on 8 December 2013. Dr GГјllГјoДџlu was born in 1982 in Konya. He graduated from Marmara University Medical Faculty. In 2008 Mehmet GГјllГјoДџlu started to work as project coordinator for Doctors Worldwide. He also worked for Turkish Health Ministry and Health Directorate of Д°stanbul. He is continuing to study at the doctoral program in public health at the Medical Faculty of Istanbul University. He is married and has two kids. It is known that during his work in Doctors Worldwide he has met PM ErdoДџan. GГјllГјoДџlu has accompanied and briefed ErdoДџan during a visit to Somalia 3. Overview of the National Society oFounded in 1868, it is one of the... Show more content on ... 3. TRCS national activities Regional and local Disaster Response and Logistics Centers (emergency shelter and feeding capacity for 250 000 persons; psychosocial support, etc). Tent Manufacturing Center; Blood Centers and Blood Stations ; Medical Centers; Community Centers ; First Aid Centers ; Soup Kitchen ; Youth Camps ; Student Dormitories ; Nursing Homes ; Afyonkarahisar Mineral Water Inns. 4. TRCS Strategic Plan 2010 2015 main aspects 1) to improve and disseminate the Red Crescent culture (sic), 2) to make perfect the organisational function and interaction at local, national and international level, 3) to focus on services to provide qualified and efficient service, 4) to support the sustainability of Turkish Red Crescent humanitarian activities by carrying out and making efficient income generated and supportive activities compatible with the mission.Based on the TRCS indicators of these objectives, dissemination of IHL, training of TRCS staff for international operations, to comply the TRCS international operations with the international strategies, policies and standards, publishing articles, books, researches on disaster mitigation, preparedness, response at national and international level could be the areas where ICRC can cooperate in the future. 5. International Activities selection In recent years, TRCS has delivered humanitarian aid to the following contexts : o Pakistan (2005) o
  • 21. Robert Kennedy Profiles In Courage Analysis On November 20, 1925 in Brookline, Massachusetts, Robert was born to the Kennedy family, a family prominent in American politics, public services and business. He was elected the 64th U.S. Attorney General from January 1961 to September 1964 under his older brother president John F. Kennedy and his successor Lyndon B. Johnson. In John F. Kennedys Profiles In Courage , he describes political courage as facing adverse factions, pressures amongst different opinions in the country and how to deal with threats to the nation with the interest of the people as their main focus. Robert Kennedy demonstrated political courage during the Cuban missile crisisin October, 1962 by supporting diplomatic resolution of the issue rather than attack Cubaand start a nuclear war between the U.S. and U.S.S.R. On October 16, 1962 the United States began a blockade of Cuba after spy planes had confirmed the establishment of Soviet nuclear missile sites in the country. These missiles posed an unprecedented danger on the United states being only miles from the American coast line. During this ordeal, the country was divided on how to proceed, the military command or Hawks , favored the invasion of Cuba to dismantle the missiles. Others favored a more peaceful approach and ... Show more content on ... Kennedy and Soviet ambassador Dobrynin. It describes how Robert searched to appease the embassador by ensuring the United States did not wish for a conflict, their decision to blockade was forced by the aggression. But that the U.S. would eventually retrieve missiles close to the Soviet Union and intended to do so even before the crisis began. The courage Robert Kennedy had, to represent the American people in a time of increasing hostilities is a perfect demonstration of political courage. He spoke efficiently, made quick decisions and managed to bring the tensions down into civilized relations between
  • 22. Federal Taxation Article Brief Essay Arayawna Moore ACCT 613 Federal Income Taxation February 22, 2014 University of Maryland University College Susan K. Duke Issue: The Dynamic Effects of Personal and Corporate Income Tax Changes in the United States within the Labor Market Rule: * Most corporate income is subject to a 35% statutory tax rate * Taxpayers with an ordinary income tax rate of 15% or less pay the 0% rate on dividends. Taxpayers in the 25%, 28%, 33%, and 35% tax brackets are subject to a 15% tax rate on dividends. * 26 U.S. Code В§ 861 Income from sources within the United States * 26 U.S. Code В§ 3510 Coordination of collection of domestic service employment taxes with collection of income taxes * 26 ... Show more content on ... It has also argued that growth can also be enhanced, by improving the design of individual taxes. In some cases, such as the reduction of corporate taxes and the top rate of personal income tax, it is unlikely that these growth enhancing changes will help the recovery from the current crisis. At the same time, there are tax changes that appear to be bad for growth, such as reductions in sales taxes (particularly if they take the form of exemptions and reductions) and property taxes that would do little to speed recovery. The tax change that shows the most promise in terms of both increased growth and economic recovery is the reduction of income taxes of those on low incomes. This would stimulate demand, increase work incentives and reduce income inequality. The authors display that the dependence of both growth and tax policy on initial income help explain why it is difficult to isolate the effects of tax policy on growth. Conclusion: The author s analysis shows that changes in taxes have important consequences for the economy. This is important given the debate at that time on the efficacy of fiscal policy and on the possible consequences of the fiscal consolidation that is bound to subsequently take place. The evidence they contributed in this article is supportive for (i) relatively large and immediate output effects following changes in tax rates (ii) tax multipliers that are larger than most estimates of government spending
  • 23. The World War I Warfare Techniques In the 1910 s, there were many influential factors that made this era very significant. During this decade, World War I was being fought and because of it, America made great strides in science and technology. Technological advancements in science completely changed the manner of how war was fought by creating weapons and techniques such as trench warfaresubmarines and biological warfare. One major aspect of the technological advancements in the 1910s was World War I warfare techniques. Trenches, machine guns, air reconnaissance (military surveillance), barbed wire, and modern artillery helped battle lines of World War I to a stalemate. A stalemate is situation in which neither side can win a clear victory. When two sides are in a stalemate, the war in progress becomes very long and slow. The armies had to start to be creative with war tactics since neither side would leave their trenches. Trench warfare is a type of combat where opposing troops fight from trenches or long, narrow ditches facing each other. They started to use biological and chemical warfare in the trenches. One of the most used techniques in that war was gas poisoning. The British began the use of tanks, while trying to break the stalemate. This caused other countries to follow in their footsteps with this weapon or vehicle. Hundreds were used to overpower the country s enemies. The use of those tanks was a major success. The people using the tanks made great advancements in attempting to gain
  • 24. Difference Between Classical And Classical Management Essay Management is defined as the pursuit of organizational goals efficiently and effectively. (Kinicki). Depending on who you ask or where you read, the history of business began anywhere from a couple hundred years ago to well before the Common Era. Most may claim that the written most common history of management began in 1890 with the Scientific Management Theory (McNamara). As we move toward present time, more theories have been formed that helped create management structures and one that has made lots of heads turn and we d like to discuss is Holacracy. Classical Management causes jobs with limited number of tasks involved to be assigned to people, whereas Holacracy people choose up to seven different roles which perform different types of tasks. The main difference between classical management and holacracy is that holacracy focuses to organize a company around the work that is trying to be accomplished rather than the people who are doing the work. In traditional management employees of an organization have a profound job title that employees do not possess in a holacracy. In most organizations that have a traditional management approach each employee has a specific objective that they are trying to accomplish. In a holacratic structure, employees are assigned to multiple different roles at the same time. There are no managers, or hierarchy, in a holacratic structure. Everyone in a holacratic organization is self managed. Self management creates a peer to peer
  • 25. Jetblue JetBlue Airways Corporation (NASDAQ: JBLU) is an American low cost airline with its main base John F. Kennedy International Airport, also in Queens. In 2001, JetBlue began a focus city operation at Long Beach Airport in Long Beach, California, and another at Boston s Logan International Airport, in 2004. It also has focus city operations at Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport and Orlando International Airport. The airline mainly serves destinations in the United States, along with flights to the Caribbean, The Bahamas, Bermuda, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Mexico. As of November 8, 2010 JetBlue serves 62 destinations in 21 states (including Puerto Rico), and eleven countries in the Caribbean and ... Show more content on ... On April 19, 2010, JetBlue announced new service from Bradley International Airport in Hartford, Connecticut starting on November 17, 2010. They will offer twice daily non stops (four daily departures) to Fort Lauderdale and Orlando. C. OBJECTIVES AND DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM STATEMENT The case evaluation aims to achieve the following: 1.To determine the best stock valuation model applicable to JetBlue s IPO shares 2.To distinguish the difference of using different stock valuation models 3.To calculate the offering price of the new IPO shares 4.To confirm if the share price suggested by management is reasonable or not 5.To identify the risks involved in oversubscribed shares Based from the stated objectives above, the following were defined for the case: MAIN PROBLEM TO BE RESOLVED: What would be the appropriate offering price for the new IPO shares of JetBlue Airways Corporation listed in NASDAQ which would not only help the firm raise short term capital requirements but would also provide positive returns to its shareholders in the future? UNDERLYING PROBLEM(S)/ISSUE(S) TO BE RESOLVED: 1.What should be the best stock valuation model applicable to JetBlue s IPO shares? 2.What would be the impact of these valuation models on the calculated offering price for its IPO shares? 3.Is the
  • 26. Chicano Gangs And The Los Angeles Chicano gangs have been a prominent part of the Los Angeles community since the early 1900s. These Chicano gangs consisted of young Mexican Americans, another name used for Chicanos, which were formed as a way for some youth to identify with something. The behavior of gang members was a way of adapting to the social and economic living situation that was upon them. There was a large migration of Chicano immigrants to the Los Angelesarea that resulted in several changes directly related to the larger and present Chicano presence. The most notable being the prominent presence of Chicano specific gangs. This is likely due to the fact that many people of Chicano descent are immigrants who came to America with little to nothing. This resulted in large groups of Chicanos being located in some of the poorest areas. Such areas became known as barrios , a Spanish term for neighborhood that became specifically in reference to the poor neighborhoods with a high Latino population. The people living in them were often working the lowest paid and hardest jobs needed by those of a higher class in society. It is commonly found that when poverty is heavy throughout a community, many youth will feel the need to act out in some way, and band together in their mutual discontent with their surrounding environment and society. In addition, many youth were also dealing with trying to identify themselves as something and weren t sure if to identify themselves as latino, chicano, or something
  • 27. Us Dollar Euro Exchange Rate Essay Introduction An analysis involving the U.S. dollar euro (USD EUR) exchange rate involves an in depth study on the exchange rate between the two currencies. The U.S. dollar euro exchange rate in the past was the most analyzed subject studied in global economics. However, any results attempted in studying the dollar euroexchange rate has not been that successful in the past. This is due to researchers not being able to make a connection between the fundamentals of macroeconomics and exchange rates (Molodtsova, Nikolsko Rzhevskyy, Papell, 2011). For this purpose, this paper will discuss where the U.S. dollar euro exchange rate has been in the past, where it is in the present, and where it is expected to be at in the future? The Past of the U.S. Dollar Euro Exchange Rate Where the U.S. dollar euro exchange rate has been in the past several decades from 1999 2014 is as follows. Ever since the euro was created in January of 1999, the value of it has equaled to $1.17. In October of 2000, the dollar was gaining strength when the euro was just $0.88. Afterwards the dollar continued to decline against the euro by 39% from 2001 to 2004 (Islam, 2005). However, in 2005 the dollar rose, but negative outlooks began to occur during the Great Recession in 2006. As the dollar started to decline in 2006 before the subprime mortgage crisis, capital flows caused more volatility in dollar euro exchange rate market forcing individuals to deal with this economic situation (Harvey,
  • 28. Muslim Women Essay In today s society women are given ample opportunity just as much as men. In some countries, such as middle eastern nations that is not the case. Muslim women are often perceived to be submissive to Muslim men and unequal. Mohammed never taught for women to be treated as lower class citizens. Nonetheless, the blame is pointed towards the religion of Islam. The Islamic religion began as all monotheist religions representing a belief in one God and moral standards. In the following essay I will discuss and elaborate what Mohammed taught, how women lived in early Islamic society, and what it has become. Mohammed (ca. 570 632) was the founder of Islam which means submission to God . Prophet Mohammed gave his thoughts of women s roles... Show more content on ... Either way you interpret Mohammad s theory made it was clear he believed women played an important role in mothering the believers and advertising Islam. In early Islamic society the laws were followed and obeyed when it came to respecting women. In many cases it was found that women earned property and had an influence on the husband s decision. Veils or hijab as the Muslims call it, would be worn proudly by women before and today as a way of reducing lust and preventing temptation. Women were permitted to be warriors, politics, and lead religious sanctions. They also traveled freely and played active roles in trade and economic roles. Unfortunately, the era of men and women being equal was hasty. Briefly after Mohammed s death Islamic society changed, so did the interpretations of the Quran to meet different circumstances. Almost simultaneously women became inferior almost being viewed as possessions and property. Having choices was no longer an option for women, whatever the man said became the law. Girls at birth could be killed by their father s because boys carried the name of the family while girls usually were concubines, workers, or sold. Most significantly women s roles depended largely on what the husband s economic status was. If the husband was a farmer the wife had to help in the fields or if the husband worked in the city she had to help run the business. In conclusion, this
  • 29. Colin Powell Speech In Colin Powell s speech at the Colgate University, he states that the role of a leader is to put people, real human beings in the best possible environment to achieve the purpose of the organization that you are a part of. (2009). Essentially, what this means is, that the role and responsibility of a leader is to take care of the people that they are in charge of. Furthermore, the role of a leader is creating a positive work environment that employees want to go to work to. The way a person that is serving as a leader can see to it that the needs of the organization are met by having a since of purpose (2009), and that everyone in the organization know and understands the purpose. Colin Powell furthermore goes on to state that taking
  • 30. Flare Fragrances Flare Fragrances Company, Inc . Final Authentic Assessment Analyzing Growth Opportunities MRKT 495 Flare Fragrances Company, Inc . Final Authentic Assessment Analyzing Growth Opportunities MRKT 495 TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECTPAGE(S) History1 2 Executive Summary2 3 Statement of challenge3 Evidence Supporting the Challenge3 4 Analysis of Current Situation 5 6 SWOT Conclusion6 Competitive Analysis Conclusion6 7 Current Marketing Mix7 8 Conclusion from Analysis of Current Situation8 Alternative Strategic Solutions (1 4)8 10 Recommendation of Alternative Strategic Solution11 Putting it All Together11 12 Bibliography ... Show more content on ... Flare s sales come from its six fragrance lines equating for 93% of all sales with 7% coming from line extension products such as soaps, shower gels and gift sets. Since 1996 Flare has launched a new scent every two to three years, as we near 2009 it is time to make a decision if we are ready for a new launch. In 2006 we positioned ourselves in the young and chic category with the launch of Natural. Savvy is our fragrance ready for launch, its scent has been seen as stylish, upbeat and classy and has been geared towards the 18 34 age group. The projected sales price is $40.00 with a launch in the mid tier brand category. The questions are do we position it in the young and chic category or do we enter into a new position such as young and classic. In addition, if we do launch this product do we umbrella it under Loveliest or do an independent launch and create a new brand. In addition, is a Mother s Day launch obtainable? Our Second issue is whether to enter into the Drug Store channel. Our current channels are department stores both premium and mid tier, we have
  • 31. stake in privately owned pharmacies and have positioned ourselves in the mass market to include stores like J.C. Penny s, Target, Kohl s and Wal Mart. Chain Drug Stores are the one channel we have yet to hit with full force, perhaps it is time. In most circumstances, Drug Store channels prefer to sell only Flare s highest turnover items, which could ideally damage relationships with
  • 32. Jack The Ripper Research Papers In 1888, Mary Ann Nichols was found dead on August 31, Annie Chapman on September eighth, and Elizabeth Stride September 30. As the body count rises, it becomes clear to authorities that the east end of London are the hunting grounds of a serial killer. BACKGROUND It firsts started out with the Whitechapel killings. A string of gruesome murders with the victims reproductive organs ripped out. The killer was fearfully famous in his time and still lives in the dark parts of history today the notorious name given to the killer was Jack the Ripper. The victims of these grisly attacks were Mary Ann Nicholes, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes, Mary Jane Kelly. It is unclear just how many women the Ripper killed, but generally accepted
  • 33. Palatable Food The creation of palatable foods can sometimes prove difficult, due to migration. Therefore, many Americans brought bulk foods with them, during their Western expansion. Some staple items during this period could have consisted of salted meats, beans, flour, and any other items that have the ability to keep long term without spoiling. We can only imagine how such meals would have tasted, especially after eating the same thing for days at a time. However, one way to make appealing and appetizing food, is through the use of condiments along with the fact that canning jars help people store foods for lengthier periods. Producing enjoyable edible meals would have been an ongoing issue in many Western American mining towns such as Ouray, Colorado.... Show more content on ... By the 19th century, Americans were able to enjoy a wide range of condiments, which included pepper sauces, Worcestershire Sauce, mustard, mayonnaise, and ketchup (Gerth and Lindsey, 2011:21). The Spanish and Africans brought hot pepper sauces during their colonization and forced slavery, particularly to the Mississippi Delta region (Snodgrass, 2004:157). Worcestershire Sauce was created by Lea and Perrins, two British gentlemen, were tasked with trying to make an Indian sauce with local English ingredients (Snodgrass, 2004:158). On the other hand, mustard has several variations; however, these adaptations were only able to come about after the successful grinding of mustard seeds into powder by a Mrs. Clements of Tewkesbury, England in 1720. Maurice Grey and Auguste Poupon blended wine, grape must, black, and brown mustard seeds from Dijon France in 1886. Americans learned to enjoy this fiery condiment after Francis French created a milder flavored mustard (Jones, 1983:70; Smith, 2013:600; Snodgrass, 2004:158). It was either the Duc de Richelieu or his cook in 1756, who emulsified egg yolks, oil, vinegar, and seasonings to create a mayonnaise (Smith, 2013:549; Snodgrass, 2004:158). Ketchup is believed to have gotten its name from either China, Java, or Indonesia in 1690. This oriental style of sauce came from both preserved fish and fermented salt pickles. However, cooks in the United States preferred to use tomatoes as the base for this sauce. The condiment gained popularity after the Civil War, which also coincides with America s expansion into the West (Gerth and Lindsey, 2011:21; Smith, 2013:502; Snodgrass,
  • 34. Hurricanes By Erik Larson Analysis Erik Larson, a sponsor to Time magazine, is the poet of the Naked Consume and Lethal Passage. His work has appeared in the Atlantic Monthly, Harper s The New York, and other nationwide magazines. He lives in Seattle. On September 9, 1900, started openly in the seaside town of Galveston, Texas. Even Isaac Cline, an occupant of meteorologist for the U.S. Weather Department, failed to hold the true meaning of the dangerous deep sea waves and winds that was extremely dangerous that greeted the city that morning. A few hours later, Galvestonfound itself underwater by a gigantic hurricane that totally wiped out the city and killed over 6,000 people, this is one of the greatest natural disasters in American history and Isaac Cline found himself the... Show more content on ... Weather Bureau easily didn t care about the Cuban s forecasts. Through Dunwoody, Moore influenced the War Division to restriction from Cubas legislature possessed transmit lines all links about the climate, regardless of how blameless, aside from those from authorities of the U.S. Climate Agency, this at the pinnacle of the tropical storm season. It was very much for Moore. Too Clear. Moore organized the restriction on Cuban climate messages and ended all immediate transmission for West Non mainstream players storms reports from the agency s Havana office to its New Orleans station. The Assembled States Climate Agency in Cuba has been incredibly irritated by autonomous observatories securing a couple scattered reports and afterward endeavoring to make climate forecasts and issue tropical storm notices to the disadvantage of trade and the shame of the Taxpayer driven organization. The unusual signs from the Bay before the tempest were evident and Cuba Climate Department officially sent notices, Isaac and the U.S. Climate Department still rejected effortlessly the Cuban s figures in light of the fact that the connection between the U.S. Climate Agency and Cuba had a great deal of strains and clashes taking after the American and Spanish War. Willis Moore, the head of the Climate Department in Washington, DC around then run a battle against the Cuba by denying any joint effort and help from Cubans. He prohibited all climate correspondence from Cuba. He
  • 35. Military Drinking Age Drinking Age of the Military: Should it be Lowered Jason M. Stoudt DeVry University The drinking age in the military is currently set at 21 years old as it is set for the rest of the country. There has been an age old statement widely used by those in the military, If I am old enough to fight and die for my country, I should be old enough to drink . The debate is out there that the drinking age should be lowered for all young adults from 18 years old to 21 years old. The idea behind the fact that younger people tend to have less responsibility and are not good candidates for being allowed to drink is a valid point. Those serving in the military are different in that respect for the fact that they have more responsibilities than that ... Show more content on ... One of the examples that is used to show that lowering the drinking age to 18 years of age is a bad thing is a panel that was done in 1975 to 1993. In this panel they surveyed 39 states that had lowered the drinking age to 18 yrs old between the 1970 s and the 1980 s. The mortality rate for those states included in the study showed that once the drinking age was lowered the fatality rate from motor vehicle accidents had risen substantially; most of the fatal accidents were at night. When the drinking age was raised back to 21 years old the fatality rate had dropped back to a lower level as it had before the age was lowered. The documentation shows that when those that are 18 to 21 years old are allowed to drink the death rate from alcohol consumption in motor vehicle accidents are raised. Now the death rate for those that are over the age of 21 years old has increased slightly only due to the fact that the younger population now allowed to drink has been introduced into the equation (Carpenter Dobkin, 2011). Simply stating that because they are allowed to drink at 18 years old and that some of them get into accidents with motor vehicles while intoxicated on alcohol is irrelevant in the case that there is evidence in the report that those that are over 21 years old are still getting into the same type of accidents. Also considering the level of technology that is current in the world today
  • 36. Increasing The Minimum Wage The minimum wage is currently $7.25 per hour and has not increased since 2009. This is one of the most controversial questions in America today, should the federal minimum wage be raised, lowered or eliminated? The minimum wage, which covers 90% of American workers, should be raised. Changes to the minimum wagewould benefit the economy, society and possibly lift Americans out of poverty. Since 1938 the economy has recovered considerably from the Great Depression which began in 1929 and ended in 1939. The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 set a minimum wage for employees in the United States. Before this Act was passed there was a high unemployment rate, and employers could take advantage of desperate workers by paying extremely low wages and working them a maximum number of hours. The Fair Labor Standards Act was started in an effort to improve working conditions and raise standards of living by limiting the number of hours worked and setting a base wage that employers must pay. Increasing the minimum wage will progress the economy in many ways such as, increased buying power, faster rates of job growth, and decreasing the need for taxpayer funded assistance. When consumers have more on hand cash to spend, they are able to spend money on retail goods and services. Greater demand and sales for these businesses is likely to cause the need for more workers over time. Studies done by Paul Sonn and Yannet Lathrop show that in a majority of instances an increase in the federal
  • 37. Cypop Assessmsnt Task 3 Essay example Explain the Importance of CONFIDENTIALITY AND DATA PROTECTION Define Data Protection Act 1998 It is a law that protects personal privacy and upholds individuals rights. It applies to anyone who handles or has access to information about individuals. The Act also gives rights to the people the information is about. By law, everyone in the workplace must follow the rules set out in the Act and help protect individuals rights. It is important to maintain confidentiality on a childcare setting in order to respect individuals in your care and their families. Records that I will need to keep are Parents contact details and emergency contact; like their names, address contact phone number, fees, and hours of care. GP s contact ... Show more content on ... Data protection is a very important piece of legislation that was brought into power in 1998, because it has been designed to prevent confidential and personal information being passed on to other people and any relevant companies without a person s consent. This also means that any information that is stored of children should be kept in either a password protected or lockable location. As a childminder, if I stored any personal details about other people on my computer or any digital format (including smartphones and photos on digital cameras), I would probably need to notify the Information Commissioner s Office (ICO) that I was a data controller for data protection purposes. The ICO is the UK s independent public body set up to promote access to official information and protect personal information. The ICO enforces and oversees the Data Protection Act 1998. Since 2008, as part of the Early Years Foundation Stage, childminders in England have been expected to keep more detailed records about individual children s development and it is likely that if you keep these on a computer, you will need to register as a Data Controller with the ICO. If you are in any doubt about whether you will need to register, The Importance Of Confidentiality amp; Data Protection For a Home Based Childcare Service In order to run a childcare service there is a need to retain a large amount of information on each child. The Data Protection
  • 38. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Throughout history, people have been motivated to spur into action. Years of recorded record tell how Moses, a shepherd of his father in law s sheep, led millions of Israelites to freedom through the midst of the Red Sea on dry land and away from centuries of the slavery they had known in Egypt. Scores of books explain how Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a young Atlanta preacher, mobilized citizens across the country to come together in peaceful protest to attempt to undo the iniquities of the Jim Crow South. Though these two scenarios are separated by distance and time, the one thing that intertwines the two tales is that they both answered the call to leadership and ebbed indelible places in history, respectively, through the ways in which they managed. Regardless to whether a manager walks with kings or works beside peasants, there are some commonalities that he or she will face. Management Styles... Show more content on ... Without an objective geared toward increasing the bottom line as would be the case in a private organization, the goal in each situation was to increase the quality of life with common people serving as stakeholders. For this reason, managers in the public sector can learn from this example. As Tucci (2008) explains, rather than imposing beliefs on followers, effective managers share a vision and convey how those being led factor into the equation. Appreciative leaders are self aware and incorporate new learning and they are willing to change the way they look and define things (Lewis, Malone, Medland, Murphy, 2006,
  • 39. Enlightened Absolutism In The 18th Century In late eighteenth century Germany, the concept of enlightened absolutism was predominately absent. Although it may have appeared that monarchs of the time were using personal power to improve the lives of their subjects, monarchs were doing quite the opposite. Robert S. Taylor, a professor of political science at the University of California Davis, believes such rulers only used enlightened ways to get what they desired. Using German philosopher of the enlightenment era Immanuel Kant as a supporter, Taylor declares: While [Kant s] support for enlightened absolutism was sincere, he believed that such rule was enlightened only insofar as it was ultimately self extinguishing, a process made possible by the myopic self interest of the monarch ... Show more content on ... Acquiring land by the division of Poland would benefit Frederick immensely in ways of adding to personal wealth and land acquisition. He does not state that this gain would be the best for Prussia or the German people as a whole. Instead he concerns himself with personal profit. Additionally, the separation of Poland is not considered an enlightened action. Ultimately, this situation reinforces the idea that monarchs of the time were in favor of ruling to benefit themselves and not for their
  • 40. Alan Bennett s Talking Heads Essay Alan Bennett s Talking Heads Talking heads by Alan Bennett is a collection of monologues in which the audience are showed into the life of a character and given an insight into the character s personality and situation.peoples lives are portrayed in comic ways leaving the audience feeling sympathy and guilt for the character in laughing at their misfortune. Monologues are a long speech made by one person. This style of script is really effective and has a powerful effect on the audience. These monologues were written for television broadcasting, programmes presented in this way are put under the genre of tragi comedy. This style of script has a dramatic effect upon the audience because from one statement , several... Show more content on ... The first female priminister Margaret Thatcher came to power which brought about a greater female morale and a breakthrough in women s independencesomething which is clearly evident in Doris script. Margaret Thatcher is perhaps an inspiring figure influencing the character to bring about change within their own lives alike to the many changes Margaret brought about to England. Irene is a character who in many ways tried bringing about changes I.e. through many letters she writes in order to resolve problems that are not involving her. At the beginning of the monologue Lady Of Letters Irene is portrayed as a character that is a rather concerned, law abiding and sensitive middle aged citizen, qualities which are frequently associated with a woman of her age. In telling us of her visit to the crematorium no unusual deductions would be made as a lady of this age would undoubtedly encounter a few deaths of friends of a similar age. It also seems justified that she should be annoyed at these irreverent smokers at such a sombre occasion. However as we learn of her little acquaintance with the deceased, her character unfolds as rather remote and lonely as well as someone who leads a rather uneventful life. I thought I d get out my little maroon coat and put in an appearance. At least its an outing In saying this Irene emphasises her alienation from any social activities also. This
  • 41. Changes In Europe In The 1500s When considering if the pen (ideas) is mightier than the sword (actions) through the 1500s in Europe, there is much to consider. The ideas and actions that caused the many changes in Europe are all about power. The transformation of Europe goes hand in hand with ideas and actions. One can either spread their ideas throughout Europe and promote a change or elicit change through action. In Europe throughout the 1500s till the 1900s, the action themselves are mightier than the ideas that spread. Beginning in the 1500s, Martin Luther sparked a reformation and eventually developed a new religions due to his actions. He posted the 95 Theses on the doors of a church in Wittenberg, Germany. The 95 Theses were used to point out the corruption in the Catholic church. An example of the corruption that took place was the selling of indulgences, which was buying a free pass from sins to reduce time in purgatory. Martin Luther used these theses to attack the use of... Show more content on ... This assembly was a form of rebellion against the estates general. They formed this because they were waiting for Louis XIV s reforms on their representation of government. The members of this assembly took a Tennis Court Oath that they would not disband until the reforms are met, but they never were. Due to the national assembly s anger and frustration, a mob broke out leading to the attack on Bastille. The result of the attack led to Louis XIV conforming to the demands of the Parisians. Because of the formation of the national assembly and the storming of the Bastille, the third estate got what they deserved. They tried to settle their issues with King Louis XIV with just words, but it resulted in disappointment. The act of the national assembly forming, taking the Tennis Court Oath, and the attack on Bastille is what forced a change because they actually fought for what they believed was
  • 42. Brain Symbolism The symbolism of the heart being related to the brain I feel is very unlikely. Although studies have shown that in recent research of the heart they have found little details on how they have discovered little neutrons and protons and nerve cells that can relate to the brain making it more believable that the heart is much more than just another organ. The heart does not only just pump blood but they also think the heart can transplant memories from the donor s past experiences. The symbolism of the heart is a tricky thing to describe and relate to the brainas the human body is more complex than we could have ever thought. When it comes down to the emotions, feelings, and memories people say they have experienced is where the controversy
  • 43. Queen Latifah Cultural Analysis Paper Sarah Waring Topics in Hip Hop Thomas Taylor Cultural Analysis: Queen Latifah Queen Latifah is an African American female MC turned TV and movie actress. Her raps and or songs served different social purposes and her focus has remained unbreakable. Latifah s values could and can be heard in her music. Latifah was skilled at her craft and was able to reach out and connect with her intended audience. It is a known fact that Queen Latifah s music is deeply connected to the women s empowerment movement. Latifah s music served a plethora of social purposes. The term feminist refers to and individual that advocates for women s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men. I am someone with or without ... Show more content on ... Queen Latifah s music placed on display specific interests and values that she possessed. Many of Latifah s values were closely linked to her being a feminist and an advocate of women s equality. In addition to the previously stated, Queen Latifah s music shows her Afrocentric beliefs as she often refers back to African roots, culture, and or beliefs within her music. Latifah does so in an assortment of ways. (Latifah) even stated To me Afrocentricity is a way of s about being into yourself and into your people, and being proud of your origins. Queen Latifah was able to display such messages filled with passion and laced with values in part by being a part of a very cultured family. Her Afrocentric beliefs were also displayed through her performances. During her performances, Queen Latifah, often times than not incorporated traditional African dances that went along with the rhythm and beat of her music. Her immense appreciation for African American and or African traditions and culture is visible in her video for her song ladies first when she shows footage of South Africa during the Apartheid. Ladies First is a song that is performed by Queen Latifah and Monie Love. Was produced by Tommy Boy Records in 1989. It focuses on the value of women and demands equal treatment of women. The article Ladies First Queen Latifah s Afrocentric Feminist Music Video brings up how this music video doesn t just focus on feminism but also
  • 44. Sir Thomas More And Michel De Montaigne Human Nature and society are two very controversial subjects. People can never seem to agree on what is human nature or how society should work. Why you may ask? It is because no one truly knows because everyone has different ideas. Sir Thomas More and Michel de Montaigne are prime examples of how they may seem to have totally different ideas, but they do indeed have some similarities. Although Sir Thomas Moreand Michel de Montaigne both believe human nature is best in a simpler form; More argues in order to have a simpler life they must be governed through a utopian society, where Montaigne argues the barbaric lifestyle is superior. According to Thomas More, he feels through a utopian society and having the lifestyle it entails, makes things much easier. He lays out a perfect plan in his eyes, that leaves humans satisfied. What more could they ask for? On the contrary, Michel de Montaigne believes the barbaric lifestyle is the way to go. He feels it is best when someone is so close to their original simplicity (Montaigne). He feels this way because there is no corruption. The similarity that is most apparent in both of their texts, is that both More and Montaigne advocate a society where both the citizens are not corrupt. Even though Montaigne advocates a society that seems more pure and innocent; what More implies is similar. For example, in Utopia, More exploits that the citizens had no material obsession. They used gold for the slaves rather than citizens. They all
  • 45. My Great Grandfather In 1897, my great great grandfather was born in North Carolina. His name was Roy Hudson. He served in the army in World War One and he died in 1960 from a lengthy issue with his heart. His heart issues started when he developed pleurisy, most likely from sleeping on the cold, wet ground while in the Army during World War One. He was only sixty three years old when he died. Just before he died, he gave his wife, my great great grandmother, his glasses, a book, and a billfold. My great great grandmother s name was Roland Goddard. She was born in 1898 in North Carolina, and her parents died when she was only eight years old. She was very active in her community, and acted in community plays. She was very kind, and she sang beautifully. In 1979, she died when she was eighty one years old. One of RolandВґs children, Doris Hudson, was born in North Carolina in 1927. She is my great grandmother, and she is still living. She is ninety years old and I call her Gaga. She fell a few months ago and could not walk for a while, but she recovered and is now able to walk slowly. When I was too young to go to daycare, she would babysit me all day. She thought that is was alright for me to eat cookies when I could barely eat solid food. She also thought that I was hungry every time that I cried, therefore I was a very chubby baby. She had three children; Bobby Rose, Jacquelyn Jackie Rose, and Jerry Rose. Jackie is my grandmother. She was born in Virginia, but moved to Buras, Louisiana, then later moved to Shreveport, Louisiana. She played outfield on a semi professional softball team, and she was a teacher, although she retired after the 2016 2017 school year. She had two children; Michael Marino, and Jamie Marino. Jamie is my mother. She was born in Virginia, but moved to Buras, Louisiana, then to Shreveport, Louisiana. She currently teaches music at Sunset Acres Elementary, but she has held other teaching jobs as an English or history teacher. She received her Bachelor s degree in teaching at LSUS, and received her Master s degree in teaching through online classes at Northwestern University. She served in the secret service under President Bush, and met Dick Chaney, Bush s Vice President from 2001 2009. She has three
  • 46. Paradise Lost Allusions Paradise Lost is an expanded story based on the first page of Genesis in the Bible. Milton explains how Adam and Eve are created and how they lose their place in the Garden of Eden, also known as paradise. Milton s version is a narrative poem written in great detail using Biblical references, mythological references and literary references, often known as allusions. Milton uses many biblical references throughout the poem because everyone is familiar with the bible. The narrator states, Of Man s first disobedience, and the fruit Of that forbidden tree, whose mortal taste Brought death into the world (Milton 1). He is briefly stating how Adam and Eve disobeys god, and how their fall from grace starts with a fruit. This is a direct reference from the Bible stating And the LORD god said, The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever (Genesis 3:22). The ... Show more content on ... God is almighty and Satan or Lucifer is the antagonist which are the two main characters in each poem. The three headed breast also known as satan also rules the underworld. The narrator states whom the Arch Enemy, And thence in Heaven called Satan, with bold words Breaking the horrid silence, thus began (Milton 3) labeling satan gods arch enemy and letting the reader know that satan is despised. The narrator also states he whom mutual league, United thoughts and counsels, equal hope And hazard in the glorious enterprise, Joined with me once, now misery hath joined In equal ruin! Into what pit thou seest, (Milton 4) he is calling hell the horrible place in which you would hate to go just as it is called in Dante s
  • 47. Waylon Jennings Accomplishments Waylon Jennings left a big impact on the country music industry. His journey to fame and meeting Buddy Holly started everything. Buddy Holly gave Waylon Jennings his first hit, resulting in Jennings become an unforgettable country music artist. The Highwaymen was a country supergroup consisting of 4 of the biggest country music artist of that decade. The Highwaymen produced many hits that Waylon was a part of, making his fame rise even more. Waylon Jennings ending of career happened too soon. Waylon played until he didn t have the health to play anymore. According to Waylon Jennings published by, which states Jennings was born on June, 15th 1937. Waylon Jennings grew up in a small town Texas, where he quickly grew an interest in outlaws, and playing guitar. Jennings started playing guitar at a young age, and by the age of 12 was exploring his interest in music in many different ways, such as starting a new band and becoming a radio disk jockey. Jennings liked music enough to drop out of school to explore the ... Show more content on ... Tragedy soon hit Buddy Holly, and he unfortunately died in a plane crash and Waylon just barely escaped death. Buddy Holly, Waylon and a few other men had a show to go to in Iowa, Jennings gave up his plane seat to JP Richardson and Waylon decided he wouldn t go. The plane crashed right after it took off, and everyone on it was killed. Waylon then moved back and went on to be a radio disk jockey again, but soon began his music career again in 1960. He created a new band, and named them the Waylors . The band never really got successful. However, it did cause Waylon Jennings to score a contract with A M Records, but not the rest of his band. He had issues with his record label, because they wanted him to change his sound. Waylon Jennings swore to stay Country, while the record label wanted him to sound
  • 48. The Kidney Stone Research Paper The Blarney Stone, according to legend, grants one with elegance and persuasiveness when he or she kisses it. The Blarney Castle is the structure that contains the Blarney Stone and is 20 feet tall. The castle s original wooden structure was built by the McCarthy s of Muskerry around 1010 and they replaced that structure with a stone one two centuries later in 1210. Cormac McCarthy, the King of Munster, supplied 4,000 men to increase Robert the Bruce s forces for the battle of Bannockburn in 1314. The legend says that Robert the Bruce, King of Scots, was so grateful for McCarthy s help that he gave him half of the Stone of Scone, now know as the Blarney Stone. Queen Elizabeth soon found out about the castle and commanded the Earl of Leicester to take possession of it, but whenever he attempted to consult McCarthy about the matter, Cormac always suggested a banquet or some other form of delay, This meant that when the Earl was to send the queen progress reports, a long memorandum was sent stating that the castle had still remained untaken. The queen called the Earl s reports Blarney , meaning hogwash or malarkey, out of anger and disappointment because she still did not have possession of ... Show more content on ... This was then destroyed in 1446, but was rebuilt by Cormac Laidir MacCarthy, Lord of Muskerry. The McCarthys left the castle forever in 1690 AD because Donagh was captured in battle and escaped to France. The Blarney House was built in 1874 AD and in 1942, the United States Federal Trade Commission started making greeting cards. The manufacturers of the greeting cards, however, were not allowed to use any misleading artwork that can make customers believe that the rock fragments were actually taken from the Blarney Stone. The message that there is only one Blarney Stone had to be spread to save the unknowing customers
  • 49. The Impact Of Steve Jobs On The World Of Technology Today Our world of technology today is what the world is run by. Technology is much different than what it was thirty years ago. We would not have the technology we have today if it weren t for Steve Jobs. We wouldn t have any of the Apple products that half of America uses if it weren t for Steve Jobs work. Steve Jobs was a very intelligent person. He created many of ideas and objects. Some people would consider him a god to the technology world because of everything he created. Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco, California on February 24, 1955 Steve Jobs was an orphan until Paul and Clara Jobs adopted Steve when he was a kid. When Steve was growing up he was surrounded by engineers. In his neighborhood everyone around him were engineers. When he was thirteen years old he met one of the most important people in his life. That person s name was Stephen Wozniak a wiz kid from the area. Steve attended Homestead High School. When Steve was in high school he and Stephen Wozniak pulled many pranks. One incident was they put a middle finger statue on one of the buildings in the high school. Chris Ann Brennan was his high school sweetheart. When Jobs was eighteen years old he was getting near his college days and he told his parents he wanted to go to Reed College. It was a very expensive college located in Oregon. Steve Jobs parents promised him a college education no matter what. While Steve was in Reed College he began to get interested in Eastern mysticism. Steve Jobs only spent
  • 50. Research Methodology RESEARCH METHODOLOGY S. Rajasekar School of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli 620 024, Tamilnadu, Indiaв€ — P. Philominathan Department of Physics, Sri AVVM Pushpam College, Poondi, Thanjavur 613 503, Tamilnadu, India V. Chinnathambi Department of Physics, AKGS Arts College, Srivaikundam 628 619, Tamilnadu, India In this manuscript various components of research are listed and briefly discussed. The topics considered in this write up cover a part of the research methodology paper of Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) course and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) course. The manuscript is intended for students and research scholars of science subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, statistics, biology and computer ... Show more content on ... (9) Social research helps п¬Ѓnd answers to social problems. They explain social phenomena and seek solution to social problems. (10) Research leads to a new style of life and makes it delightful and glorious . Emphasizing the importance of research Louis Pasteur said I beseech you to take interest in these sacred domains called laboratories. Ask that there be more and that they be adorned for these are the temples of the future, wealth and well being. It is here that humanity will learn to read progress and individual harmony in the works of nature, while humanity s own works are all too often those of babarism, fanaticism and destruction. (Louis Paster article by S.Mahanti, Dream 2047, p.29 34 (May 2003)). In order to know what it means to do research one may read scientiп¬Ѓc autobiographies like Richard Feynmann s Surely you are joking, Mr.Feynmann! , Jim Watson s The double helix , Science as a way of life A biography of C.N.R. Rao by Mohan Sundararajan, etc. C. Importance of Research Research is important both in scientiп¬Ѓc and nonscientiп¬Ѓc п¬Ѓelds. In our life new problems, events, phenomena and processes occur every day. Practically implementable solutions and suggestions are required for tackling new problems that arise. Scientists have to undertake research on them and п¬Ѓnd their causes, solutions, explanations and applications. Precisely, research assists us to understand nature
  • 51. The Natural Disasters Tsunami is not just a single giant wave, it may even consist of ten or more waves which is then termed as: Tsunami Wave Train . Tsunami possesses kinetic energy and a mass of water which can cause devastation through kineticism and flooding. There is an international tsunami warning system and certain regional tsunamiwarning systems are also in placed. Pakistan is shielded to a greater extent from the Tsunami of the Pacific Ocean and Bay of Bengal due to the Indian land mass, however, Tsunamis accruing in the Indian Ocean do effect us. In 1935 a Tsunami struck the Pakistan coast killing nearly 4000 people. Cyclone Cyclone is basically a low atmospheric pressure region surrounded by high atmospheric pressure due to which there are powerful winds accompanied by rain. These are normally found in the tropical and temperate regions of the world. Cyclones are also known as Typhoons, Hurricanes and Tornadoes. Cyclones are normally found in the sea and finish off in the sea, however, certain cyclones intrude inland and cause death and destruction. Pakistan has been lucky that Cyclones in this part of the world are not very frequent. This may have in part to do with the makeup of the Arabian Sea. However, Cyclones which have occurred in the past did cause considerable damage to the coastal areas affecting the livelihood of the people living on the coast. Flood Flood is a state in which water level rises above normal along river banks and the coastal areas. They cause land
  • 52. Why Is Henry Ford Important Have you ever wondered why we are able to produce so many products in such a short period of time? Without Henry Ford our technology might be a few years behind. Henry Ford s love for cars at a young age, his invention of assembly lines, and his famous auto manufacturing company are what make him so important. Henry Ford loved cars since he was young. He was born on July 30, 1863, in Michigan. Henry first worked on his family s farm, however he didn t enjoy it. When he was sixteen years old Henry went down a different path and got an apprenticeship as a machinist. In those years he found his passion and learned how to work on steam engines ( Henry Ford ). In 1913, Henry Ford installed the first ever assembly line. His invention decreased
  • 53. Bystander Effect The Bystander Effect Everybody wants to be a hero and to change the world. To make it a better place and make a difference. So why then in the face of danger do we back down? Why do we just stand by as cruel things happen to good people. Science has coined this term as the bystander effect. The bystander effect is defined as, a social psychological phenomenon that refers to cases in which individuals do not offer any means of help to a victim when other people are present. You can see this effect in full in the movie, The Hunger Games, as people just stand by and let the killing of innocent children happen year after year. Now this might seem like a crazy idea because in you mind if someone really needed help you would always help. This is not always the case though. In the book, No One Helped : Kitty Genovese, New York City, and the Myth of Urban Apathy, the author, Marcia Gallo, highlights the events that happened that lead to the understanding of the event known as the Bystander Effect. It was because of this event, that the term bystander effect was first used and brought to light not only to the scientific community but also to the public. March 27, 1964 Kitty Genovese ... Show more content on ... And more importantly, why does this happen. Well there are a number of different reasons that this the book, Bystander Apathy and the Territorial Imperative, A.R Gillis and John Hagan highlight the science behind the Bystander Effect. They highlight the finding that one of the reasons that people fail to get involved is the idea of disorganization; the idea that in high stimuli situations, such as city life, one s stress is increased and the need to blend in and not cause attention increases. Another reason that people fail to get involved is because they do not know the other people involved. It has been studied that if a friend was in trouble a person would feel socially accountable to help rather than with a