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VER. 2013-03
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania
Prezentare jeunesse global romania

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Prezentare jeunesse global romania

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. Cati dintre voi sunteti aici pentru a invata despre produse? How many of you are here to learn about the products? Cati dintre voi sunteti aici pentru a invata despre oportunitatea financiara? How many of you are here to learn about a financial opportunity? Cati dintre voi sunteti aici pentru ca trebuie sa fiti? How many of you are here because you have to be? (Smile.) In urmatoarele 30 de minute, veti descoperi de ce Jeusesse este cel mai bine pastrat secret al industriei (MLM). Over the next 30 minutes, you are going to find out why Jeunesse® is the industry’s best kept secret.   Generam oameni tineri si imputerniciti pentru a-si atinge potentialul lor complet. We are generation young–empowering people to reach their full potential.
  2. Imagineaza-ti speranta economica si siguranta in aceste vremuri nesigure. Ceea ce esti pe cale sa descoperi iti poate schimba viata in mai bine. Imagine economic hope and security in these uncertain times. What you are about to see could change your life for the better. • Cum ar fi daca nu ai putea sa fii dat afara niciodata? What if you could never get fired? • Cum ar fi daca nu ai putea fii niciodata disponibilizat? What if you could never get laid off? • Cum ar fi daca ai fi in controlul la cat de multi bani poti castiga azi sau saptamana aceasta? What if you were in control of how much money you could make today or this week? • Ce zici de a castiga bani de unde doresti, cand doresti, si lucrand cu cine doresti? How about earning money where you want, when you want, and working with who you want? • Cum ar fi daca nu ar fi necesar sa ai de-aface cu politicile de la birou sau telefoane de la seful tau? What if you didn’t have to deal with any office politics or phone calls from your boss? • Si cel mai bine dintre toate, cum ar fi daca ai putea sa-ti pastrezi tineretea mai mult timp si sa arati mai bine? Best of all, what if you could stay younger longer and look great?   Cine nu si-ar dori sa afle mai mult? Suntem aici pentru a da putere oamenilor si decizia depinde de tine. Who wouldn't want to know more? We are here to empower people and the decision is up to you.
  3. Avem ceva ce nicio companie din lume nu are. Gandeste-te la asta. Ceva ce nicio companie din lume nu are. De fatp avem tot ce este necesar! We have something no other company in the world has. Think about that. Something no other company in the world has. In fact, we have it all!
  4. Este o tehnologie exclusiva bazata pe celule stem. Nu celulele stem vii controversate despre care auzi la stiri. Ce avem se numeste “tehnologie celule stem adipoase”. Acestea sunt celulele stem vindecatoare despre care oamenii au auzit atat de mult. It’s exclusive stem cell technology. Not the controversial live stem cells you hear about in the news. This is called ‘adipose stem cell technology.’ These are the healing stem cells that people have heard so much about. Va vom da toate detaliile in cateva secunde, dar ceea ce inseamna este in felul urmator: avem un ser care practic permite corpului sa se vindece singur si are grija de semnele si liniile imbatranirii premature fara chirurgie. We’ll give you the details in a second, but what it means is this: we have a serum that allows the body to literally heal itself and take care of the signs and lines of premature aging without surgery. Gandeste-o in felul urmator, tehnologie de ultima generatie fara sa fie nevoie de cutit. Vorbim de tehnologie celule stem (fara celule stem vii) care permit organismului de sfideze procesul de imbatranire prin reinoirea pielii, reintinerirea pielii si in final, restaurarea pielii. Think of it like this–exclusive, cutting-edge technology without the cutting. We’re talking about stem cell technology (with no live stem cells) that allows the body to defy the aging process through skin renewal, skin rejuvenation, and finally, skin restoration. Stie cineva dintre voi pe cineva care imbatraneste? Bineintele, cu totii stim – cu totii imbatranim. Does anyone know someone who is getting older? Of course you do–we all are. Asadar haide sa-ti spunem mai multe despre intalnirea dintre un doctor incredibil si sansa. So let’s tell you more of that story of the incredible doctor and a chance encounter.
  5. Inapoi in martie 2009, Randy Ray, CEO-ul nostru, a fost unul dintre primii pacienti care au folosit terapia prin celulele stem pentru genunchiul lui. In timp ce il trata pe el, Dr. Newman a avut o sansa de a impartasi cu Randy si cu Wendy cum functioneaza celulele stem adipoase, si cum interactioneaza cu corpul. Chiar s-a laudat cu serul facial pe care l-a dezvoltat pentru ca oamenii sa poata face ceva in legatura cu imbatranirea prematura fara sa fie necesar sa apeleze la chirurgie. Plus, ei aveau resursele de a pune asta pe piata. Back in March of 2009, Randy Ray, our CEO, was one of his first patients to use the stem cell therapy on his knee. While he was treating him, Dr. Newman had a chance to share with Randy and Wendy how the adipose stem cells work and how they interact with the body. He even bragged about a facial serum he had developed so people could do something about premature aging without resorting to surgery. They knew immediately that this could be a billion dollar product. Plus, they had the resources to take it to market. Discutia a curs ceva de genul acesta: Dr. Newman, “Vand aproximativ 40 de astfel de seruri lunar.” Wendy si Randy s-au uitat unu l la altul, si apoi au replicat la unison, “Cum ti-ar placea sa vinzi 40,000 lunar?” Si in felul acesta a pornit parteneriatul. The conversation went something like this: Dr. Newman said, “I sell about 40 of these a month.” Wendy and Randy looked at each other, smiled, and then replied in unison, “How would you like to sell 40,000 a month?” And that is how the partnership started. Dr. Nathan Newman a muncit ani de zile studiind proprietatile grasimii umane. A dezvoltat solutii pentru a ajuta victimele ce au suferit arsuri, si a dezvoltat formule pentru a incetinii semenele imbatranirii premature. Fiind un expert al “grasimii” Dr. Nathan Newman has worked for years studying the properties of human fat. A ajuns sa inteleaga importanta comunicarii vindecatoare dintre celulele noastre stem, de asemenea numit “factori de crestere”. He has developed solutions to help burn victims and formulas to help slow the signs of premature aging skin. Being an expert on ‘fat,’ he came to understand the importance of the healing communication between our stem cells, also called ‘growth factors.’ Dr. Newman este specializat in Dermatologie Avansata si Chirurgie Laser, folosind Managementul Integrativ al Imbatranirii si Terapie Celule Stem in Beverly Hills, CA. Dr. Newman specializes in Advanced Dermatologic and Laser Surgery using Integrative Age Management and Stem Cell Therapy in Beverly Hills, CA.
  6. Pentru a intelege cu adevarat cum functioneaza celulele stem adulte, gandeste-te la ele ca la celule care comunica actiunile vindecatoare catre organismul nostru. Gasesti aceste celule in grasimea care acopera corpul nostru. Grasimea noastra este prima linie in fata taieturilor, vanatailor, zgarieturilor, si arsurilor. To really understand how adult adipose stem cells work, think of them as the cells that communicate the healing actions to our bodies. You find these cells in the fat that covers your body. Our fat is the front line to cuts, bruises, scrapes and burns. Mesajul pe care aceste celule il trimit unele celorlalte sunt semnalele care ne ajuta sa reconstruim noi vase sanguine, sa producem mai multa elasticitate si colagen, si asa mai departe. The messages these cells send to each other are the signals that help us to rebuild new blood vessels, produce more elasticity or collagen, and so on. Imagineaza-ti ca ti-ai lovit capul foarte rau. Se umfla si sangereaza. Dupa cateva ore mai tarziu este mai bine. Apoi, in ziua urmatoare, umflatura scade. Dupa si mai mutle zile, aproape ca nu mai poti spune unde ai fost lovit. Toate aceste actiuni vin de la semnalele pe care celulele le transmit intre ele. Imagine you bang your head badly. It becomes swollen and bleeds. A few hours later, it’s better. Then, the next day, the swelling goes down. After a few days, you can hardly tell you were hurt. All of those actions came from the signals that your cells sent to each other. Produsul nostru are peste 200 de factori de crestere, ceea ce face din el sa fie un super ser care stabileste un nou trend. Our product has over 200 growth factors, making it a trend-setting, super-serum.
  7. De fapt, Jeunesse, combina tehnologie de utima ora pentru a promova imbatranirea in mod tanar de la nivel celular. Noi o numim Y.E.S - Youth Enhancement System (Sistem De Prelungire al Tineretii) As a matter of fact, Jeunesse® combines breakthrough sciences to promote youthful aging at the cellular level.–We call this “Y.E.S.”– Youth Enhancement System . Corpurile nostre sunt desemnate pentru forma si functionarea optima. Problema este ca le tratam atat de neglijent, astfel incat in loc sa lucreze la eficienta maxima, ne chinuim si petrecem majoritatea timpului la o treime din capacitatea noastra. Asemanator cu un motor de masina, incercand sa mearga cu trei cilindrii in loc de sase sau opt. Daca totul lucreaza cum trebuie, obtinem mai multa putere, viteza, si rezistenta pentru a merge mai departe, mai rapid si cu mai putin efort. Our bodies are designed for optimal form and function. The problem is that we treat them so poorly that rather than working on peak efficiency, we struggle and spend most of our time running at a third or less of what we’re capable of. Kind of like a car engine trying to go on three cylinders instead of six or eight. If everything is firing well, we’ve got more power, speed, and stamina to go farther, faster with less effort. Jeunesse nu este o colectie aleatoare de produse. Oferim o familie selecta de produse pentru ingrijirea personala si suplimente nutritionale scotand in fata tehnologie de ultima ora pe care nu o vei mai gasi pe nicaieri in alta parte. Sistemul nostru de Prelungire a Tineretii (Y.E.S.) a fost dezvoltat cu grija pentru a combina beneficiile puternice intr-un sistem complementar si coeziv. Un sistem revolutionar de ingrijire a pielii si suplimente nutrivite. Y.E.S. prelungeste tineretea lucrand la nivel celular. Cand sunt folosite impreuna, produsele Y.E.S. tintesc insasi sanatatea celulelor nostre pentru a le tine tinere si vitalizate. Y.E.S. face asta in urmatoarele patru feluri: Jeunesse® is not a random collection of products. We offer a select family of personal care and nutritional items featuring breakthrough sciences you won’t find elsewhere. Our Youth Enhancement System (Y.E.S.) was carefully developed to combine powerful benefits into a mutually complementary and cohesive system. A system of breakthrough skin care and nutritional supplements, Y.E.S. enhances youth by working at the cellular level. When used together, Y.E.S. products target the very health of your cells to keep them young and vital. Y.E.S. does this in four ways: Tehnologie celule stem – celulele stem adulte sprijina abilitatea noastra naturala de a ne innoi, repara si restaura pielea si corpul nostru. LUMINESCE a fost dezvoltata de un dermatolog cosmetic de renume mondial si foloseste tehnologia pe baza de celule stem care acum este in asteptarea primirii patentului pentru a obtine rezultate incredibile.  Stem cell technology –Adult stem cells support our natural ability to renew, restore and rejuvenate our skin & body. LUMINESCE™ was developed by a world-renowned cosmetic dermatologist and uses this breakthrough patent-pending stem cell technology to obtain incredible results. Marirea Telomerelor – Cercetari castigatoare de Premiul Nobel arata ca telomerele scurtate (segmentele protective de la finalul ADN-ului nostru) sunt unele dintre motivele fundamentale pentru care imbatranim. FINITI contine ingrediente patentate care sunt demonstrate ca mentin si prelungesc telomerele scurtate. Telomere lengthening –Nobel Prize winning research reveals that shortened telomeres (which are the protective end caps to our DNA) are one of the fundamental reasons we age. FINITI™ contains patented nutrients shown to maintain and lengthen short telomeres. Detoxifiere – ProPectin – este pectina naturala de mere, sprijinand eliminarea din organism de contaminanti nedoriti.  Detoxification –ProPectin™ is a natural apple pectin, supporting the elimination of unwanted contaminants from the body. Aparare si Imbunatatire – gelurile nutritionale RESERVE include un antioxidant unic, Reservatrol care este cunoscut sa sprijine activarea unei gene relationate cu longevitate sanatoasa. Infuzat cu antioxidanti de la alte super-fructe, RESERVE apara membranele celulare de la distrugerea produsa de mediu si fortifica sanatatea celulei pentru viitor. Esentialele AM si PM contin vitamine potente, minerale si peste 70 de nutrienti care sprijina functionarea sanatoasa celulara si intarzie imbatranirea prematura. Defend & enhance –RESERVE™ nutritional gel includes a unique antioxidant, Resveratrol that is known to support the activation of a gene related to healthy longevity. Infused with antioxidants of other super-fruits, RESERVE™ defends cell membranes from environmental damage and fortifies cell health for the future. AM & PM Essentials™ contain potent vitamins, minerals and over 70 nutrients that support healthy cellular function and delay premature aging.
  8. Introducem linia de ingrijire a pielii castigatoare de premii, in proces de primire a patentului LUMINESCE ce are capacitate avansata de reintinerire si restaurare a pielii. Intreaga linie a produselor LUMINESCE este hipoalergenica, facuta cu ingrediente total naturale, fara coloranti artificiali, si care sunt aprobate dermatologic. In sfarsit, o cale sigura si naturala de a incetini efectele imbatranirii. Introducing the award-winning, patent–pending LUMINESCE™ skincare line with advanced skin rejuvenation and restoration capability. The entire line of LUMINESCE™ products is hypoallergenic, made with all-natural ingredients, contains no artificial color, and is dermatologist approved. Finally–a safe and natural way to slow the signs of aging. LUMINESCE – serul pentru reintinerire celulara, formula care asteapta patentul, este derivata din celule stem adulte ce contine peste 200 factori de crestere cheie despre care tocmai am vorbit. Acest produs este unic pe care nimeni altcineva nu-l are. LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum contains an exclusive, patent-pending formula derived from adult stem cells with over 200 key human growth factors that we just talked about. This is one-of-a-kind–no one else has this product. LUMINESCE – gelul de curatare si restaurare a tineretii ajuta la protejarea naturala a hidratarii in timp ce detoxifica adanc in porii tai. Acest produs este primul pas in sistemul LUMINESCE de ingrijire zilnica a pielii. LUMINESCE™ youth restoring cleanser helps protect your skin’s natural hydration while detoxifying deep within your pores. This product is the first step in the daily LUMINESCE™ skincare system. LUMINESCE complexul de hidratare zilnica este unul dintre putinele geluri hidratante de inalt nivel cu SPF 30 destinat protectiei naturale a pielii tale impotriva razelor UVA si UVB. Aceasta formula fara grasime ajuta la intarzierea procesului de imbatranire pentru femei si barbati, protejand, ingrijind si restaurand celulele pielii tale. LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex is one of the few high-end moisturizers with SPF 30 designed to naturally protect your skin against harmful UVA and UVB rays. This non-greasy formula helps delay the aging process for men and women by protecting, nourishing, and restoring your skin cells. LUMINESCE – Lotiune esential pentru inoirea corpului hidrateaza finut, restaureaza si produce finete la toate tipurile de piele, in special in zonele dure si uscate ale corpului tau. Aceasta lotiune de lux livreaza cea mai buna hidratare si atentie celulara peste tot. LUMINESCE™ essential body renewal gently hydrates, restores, and softens all skin types, particularly rough and dry areas of your body. This luxurious lotion delivers ultimate hydration and cellular attention all over. LUMINESCE – pentru reparare avansata de noapte contine o combinatie puternica de ingrediente, inclusiv vitamina A si E. Aplicand aceasta formula specializata si permitand tenului tau sa absoarba si sa asimileze crema de noapte in timp ce tu dormi, oferi celulelor tale suprotul extra de care are nevoie pentru a le ajuta sa se refaca de la stresul zilnic care vine de la soare, machiaz, mancare, bautura si alte toxine din mediu LUMINESCE™ advanced night repair contains a powerful blend of ingredients, include vitamins A and E. By applying this specialized formula and allowing your face time to absorb and assimilate the night cream while you sleep, you are giving your cells the extra boost they need to help them recover from daily stresses such as sun, make-up, food, drink, and other environmental toxins.
  9. Un prieten i-a spus sa faca o poza de dinainte cu iPhone-ul ei pentru a putea vedea progresul. Dupa doar 5 zile, a mai facut inca o poza si a fost surprinsa de cat de repede a putut sa vada rezultatele. A friend told her to take a ‘before’ picture with her iPhone so she could see the progress. After just five days, she took another picture and was surprised at how fast she could see the results.
  10. Winny este un inginer civil care s-a pensionat si se mandreste cu faptul ca are 65 de ani. Cand s-a alaturat pentru prima data Jeunesse, a decis sa incerce serul doar pe o jumatate din fata sa vada cum va fi. Winny is a retired civil engineer and proudly likes to share that she is 65 years young. When she first joined Jeunesse®, she decided to try the serum on only half of her face to see how it would work. Pentru zece saptamani, a aplicat serul dimineata si seara doar pe jumtate de fata. Rezultatele au fost atat de vizibile, incat a lasat un dermatolog sa le arate la o sala plina de oameni. Dupa cum vezi rezultatele au fost uimitoare – pe partea in care nu a aplicat serul, pielea ei era rosie cu puncte negre. In contrast, poti vedea diferenta cu stratul subtire de colagen, pe partea in care a aplicat serul. For ten weeks, she applied the serum in the morning and at night to just one half of her face. The results were so dramatic that she agreed to let a dermatologist show them by using a dermascope in a room full of people. As you can see, the results were amazing–on the side where she did not apply the serum, her skin was red with blackheads. By contrast, you can see the difference with the thin layer of collagen on the side she did apply the serum.
  11. Aceste imagini ne-au fost trimise de o domnisioara de 24 de ani. A incercat mai multe produse pentru a o ajuta cu acneea ei si a fost incantata cu rezultatele pe care le-a obtinut cu Jeunesse dupa doar 2 saptamani. This was sent in by a young lady who is 24 years old. She had tried many products to help with her acne and was delighted with the results she experienced with Jeunesse® after just two weeks.
  12. Phyllis este o tanara de 82 de ani. Si-a ars fata si mainile foarte rau in timp ce gatea. Dupa doar sapte zile de folosire a serului de reintinerire celulara Jeunesse de doua ori pe zi, a fost uimita de viteza de recuperare. Acum vecinii ei o numesc doamna cu “serul magic”. Phyllis is 82 years young. She burned her face and hands badly while cooking. After just seven days of using the Jeunesse® cellular rejuvenation serum twice a day, she was amazed at the speed of her recovery. Now her neighbors call her the lady with the “magic serum.”
  13. Una dintre cele mai fundamentale cauze ale imbatranirii este ceva multi poate ca nu au auzit niciodata. Se numesc telomere. Cercetarile au dezvaluit ca telomerele sunt secvente repetitive de ADN care au rol de capacele protective, sau capete, ale cromosomilor nostri. Functia lor este sa ne protejeze ADN – ul. One of the most fundamental causes of aging is something that many have never even heard of before. It’s called a telomere. Research reveals that telomeres are made of repetitive DNA sequences that are the protective caps, or ends, of our chromosomes. Their duty is to protect our DNA. Lungimea telomerelor este acum bine cunoscuta ca un marker biologic important al imbatranirii. Cand suntem nascuti, acestea sunt lungi, dar pe masure ce ne traim viata, acestea se subtiaza pana cand se destrama – similar cu capetele sireturilor de la pantofi, atunci incepem sa imbatranim. Telomere length is now well-known as an important biological marker of aging. When we’re born, they’re long, but as we live our life, they shorten until our telomeres fray–similar to the ends of a shoelace; that’s when we age.
  14. FINITI contine un nutrient patentat care s-a aratat in mod clinic ca imputerniceste in mod natural si sigur enzimele din corpul nostru pentru a prelungi telomerele scurtate, adaugand viata sanatoasa celulelor noastre. Combinatia puternica a ingredientelor din FINITI, abordeaza trei cauze principale ale imbatranirii accelerate: deterioararea ADN-ului, insuficienta celulelor stem, si scurtarea telomerelor, despre care acum stim ca pot avea un efect profund in sanatatea individului. FINITI™ contains a patented nutrient that has been clinically shown to naturally and safely enhance the enzyme our bodies use to lengthen shortened telomeres, adding healthy life to our cells. FINITI’s powerful combination of ingredients tackles the three main causes of accelerated aging: DNA damage, stem cell insufficiency, and telomere shortening, which we now know can have a profound effect on an individual’s health. Ce face FINITI sa fie diferit de orice alt produse de pe piata ce promoveaza tineretea? Jeunesse are drept exclusiv in intreaga lume prin multi level marketing (MLM) de distribuire al ingredientului cheie TA-65® MD What makes FINITI™ different from other youth-enhancing products on the market? Jeunesse® has exclusive world-wide, multi-level marketing (MLM) distribution rights to one of its key ingredients–TA-65® MD. FINITI este o aditie noua a liniei de produse Jeunesse. Multi barbati si femei au raportat deja rezultate in urmatoarele: energie si rezistenta, somn, incheieturi, vitalitate sexuala, stare, oase sanatoase, functionalitatea sistemului imunitar, si vedere. FINITI™ is an amazing new addition to the Jeunesse® product line. Many men and women have already reported results in the following: energy and endurance, sleep, joints, sexual vitality, mood, healthy bones, immune system functionality, and vision.
  15. RESERVE este un gel delicios bogat in antioxidanti precum resveratrol, anthocyanina, si acizi grasi esentiali. RESERVE™ is a delicious tasting gel rich in antioxidants like resveratrol, anthocyanins, and essential fatty acids. RESERVE este creat pentru a oferi sprijin pentru un sistem imunitar sanatos, protejand celulele de distrugerea oxidativa si imbatranirea prematura, si sprijina inflamatia sanatoasa. Avand ingrediente combinate care ajuta la sprijinirea functiilor cardiovasculare si asista in mentinerea nivelului de colesterol la nivele sanatoase, acest produs este un “castig-castig” pentru fiecare. RESERVE™ is designed to provide healthy immune system support, protect cells from oxidative damage and premature aging, and support healthy inflammation. With combined ingredients that also help support improved cardiovascular function and assist in maintaining healthy cholesterol levels, this product is a ‘win-win’ for everyone.
  16. Cati dintre voi luati vitamine? Oricine din lume stie ca in mancarea noastra nu prea mai gasesti nutrienti. Aproape totul este imbunatatit cu vitamine si minerale – chiar si painea! How many of you take a vitamin? Everyone in the world knows that there is hardly any nutrition left in our food. Just about everything is now enriched or enhanced with vitamins and minerals–even bread! AM Essentials contine vitamine puternice, nutrienti, extracte, si antioxidanti pentru a ajuta sporirea energiei in timpul zilei, pentru protectia celulelor tale de radicalii liberi, sprijinirea repararii naturale a ADN-ului celular, si pentru a mentine o functie sanatoasa a celulei. AM Essentials™ contains powerful vitamins, nutrients, extracts, and antioxidants to help boost your energy during the day, protect your cells from free radicals, support natural cellular DNA repair, and help you maintain healthy cell function. Cati dintre voi cunoasteti pe cineva care are probleme cu somnul? Stiati ca Institutul National al Inimii, Plamanilor si Sangelui, aproximativ 40 de milioane de adulti in SUA sufera de tulburari cronice de somn? Si ca inca 20 pana la 30 de milioane au probleme intermitente de somn. How many of you know someone who has trouble sleeping? Did you know that according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, about 40 million adults in the USA suffer from a chronic sleep disorder? An additional 20 to 30 million have intermittent sleep-related problems. PM Essential de asemenea contine vitamine puternice, nutrienti, extracte si antioxidanti care ajuta in mod natural celulele tale si imbunatateste calitatea somnului tau. PM Essentials™ also contains powerful vitamins, nutrients, extracts, and antioxidants that naturally help protect your cells and improve the quality of your sleep.
  17. ProPectin este cel mai bun filtru al organismului tau care iti ofera o alternativa la modul toxic de viata actual. ProPectin™ is the ultimate body filter that gives you a safe alternative for today’s toxic living. Stiai ca sunt toxine invizibile peste tot in jurul nostru? Aceste toxine se gasesc in aer, apa si mancare. Sunt gasite chiar si in “siguranta casei noastre”. Incredibil, sunt peste 10,000 de aditivi chimic permisi in alimentatia noastra*. Daca sunt consumati in excess, pot deveni toxici. Chiar si parfumul nostru, spuma de ras, spray-ul de par, machiajul si deodorantele au chimicale. Did you know there are invisible toxins all around us? These toxins are found in our air, water, and food. They are even found in the safety of our homes. Unbelievably, there are over 10,000 chemical additives allowed in our food supply. * If consumed in excess, they can become toxic. Even our perfume, after-shave, hair spray, make-up, and deodorant have chemicals. ProPectin este facut din pectina de mar pur de calitate farmaceutica. Este 100% solubil, un supliment alimentar foarte gustos, detoxifiant intens, pentru a elimina in mod SIGUR contaminantii din corpul tau precum metalele grele si alte toxine din mediu. Nu mai astepta inca o zi pentru a combate aceasta contaminare. ProPectin™ is made from pure, pharmaceutical-grade apple pectin. This 100% soluble, great-tasting dietary supplement is an intensive detoxifier designed to SAFELY remove contaminants such as heavy metals and other environmental toxins from your body. Don’t wait another day to combat contamination. *Natural News . “Exposed: Food manufacturers, not the FDA, have self-approved thousands of food chemicals in widespread use today.” Dr. Michael Nobel este un membru al familiei Nobel, faimos bineinteles pentru crearea premiilor Nobel. El este co-fondatorul si fost presedinte al Trustului Caritabil Nobel si om de stiinta premiat. Dr. Michael Nobel is a member of the Nobel family, famous of course for creating the Nobel Prizes. He is the co-founder and former chairman of the Nobel Charitable Trust and an award-winning scientist. ProPectin este singurul produs sustinut de Dr. Nobel pentru ca el crede ca are abilitatea de a salva vieti pe o scala masiva. ProPectin™ is the only product endorsed by Dr. Nobel because he believes is has the ability to save lives on a massive scale.
  18. Cel mai nou program, Jeunesse Kids, ofera o cale prin care poti sa dai inapoi. Misiunea acestei organizatii caritabile este simpla: sa hraneasca copii infometati din jurul lumii, sa ofere asistenta medicala de urgenta, sa ofere imbracaminte, materiale educationale si jucarii. Scopul nostru este sa hranim zece milioane de copii in urmatoarele 6 luni. Alatura-te noua! Our newest program, Jeunesse Kids™, provides you with a way to give back. The mission of this charitable organization is simple: to feed the hungry children across the globe, deliver urgently needed medical supplies, and provide clothing, educational materials and toys. Our goal is to feed ten million kids within the next six months. Join us! 
  19. Asadar, acum ai vazut produsele noastre creatoare de trenduri, si fie ca doar doresti sa le testezi pentru folosinta personala sau sa le impartasesti cu familia ta, Nu-i asa ca are sens, ca daca pe tine te intereseaza produsele, sa-i intereseze si pe ceilalti? So, now you have seen our trend setting products, and whether you just want to try them for personal use or share them with your family, doesn’t it make sense that if you are interested in these products then others would be too? Este o piata incredibila pentru aceste produse si sincronizarea in timp nu poate fi mai buna. There is an incredible market for these products and the timing couldn’t be better. Stiai ca ingrijirea pielii are 23% din volumul de vanzari din piata frumusetii in 2009? Femeile din generatia baby boomers reprezinta cel mai mare segment care cumpara, stiindu-le puterea de cumparare, obiceiurile proactive de sanatate si dedicarea pentru cercetarea produselor*. Si peste 87% din consumatorii din America iau felurite suplimente alimentare ** Did you know that skin care accounted for a 23% value share of total sales in 2009’s global beauty market? Female baby boomers are the largest personal care buying segment, known for their spending power, proactive health habits and dedication to product research. * And over 87% of U.S. consumers take some form of dietary supplements. ** Cred ca sunteti de acord ca acum este momentul sa fi in afaceri cu produsele de frumusete si wellness/bunastare. I think you would all agree that now is the time to be in business with beauty and wellness products. Fiecare companie promite recompense financiare. Noi oferim recompense care sunt cu mult mai mult decat doar bani – acestea schimba infatisarea, remodeleaza scopuri si vise, si transforma modul in care oamenii experientiaza viata. Every company promises rewards that are financial. We promise rewards that are so much more than just money—they change outlooks, reshape goals and dreams, and transform the way people experience life. Dar companiei Jeunesse, ii pasa mai mult decat oferirea de produse uimitoare si oferirea de oportunitate financiara de neintrecut. Jeunesse doreste de asemenea sa faca o diferenta in viata copiilor neprivilegiati. De aceea am creat Jeunesse Kids. Mai multe despre aceasta organizatie caritabila superba mai tarziu. But Jeunesse® cares about a lot more than providing amazing products and an unbeatable financial opportunity. Jeunesse® also wants to make a difference in the lives of underprivileged children. That’s why we’ve created Jeunesse Kids™. More about this wonderful charitable organization later. * Euromonitor International , Inc. ** Partnership Capital Growth. “Focus: Market Statistics.”
  20. At Jeunesse ®, our economy is booming . In fact, we have been waiting years for this economy. When was the last time you heard that? We are a part of the $500 billion dollar beauty and wellness market and there are only 7 billion people in the world! * So, who is buying all those products? It is becoming more noticeable that the world population is growing older. In fact, experts predict that in just than ten years, there will be 1 billion people who are over the age of 60. ** What if we could show you a way to look and stay younger longer, age gracefully, and have access to the world’s most exclusive products? * CNN “U.N.: World can ‘thrive’ as population reaches 7 billion .” ** United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). “Population of Over-60-Year-Olds to Reach One Billion within the Decade.”
  21. Jeunesse® opened its doors on September 9, 2009 at 9:00 p.m. The company is debt-free, a member of the Direct Selling Association, and was listed as #82 on the Direct Selling News’ 2011 Global 100 . Jeunesse® has shown leadership in: Product Innovation– LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum is a true game-changer product and Jeunesse® is the only company in the world that offers an innovative, patent-pending formula utilizing adult stem cell technology. Logistics– Jeunesse’s global enrollment system includes multi-lingual websites, 16 fully-staffed, international customer support offices, and over 12 distribution centers. Jeunesse® ships to over 80 countries–that means you can do business around the world from your home! Marketing– Jeunesse® provides Distributors with state-of-the-art-videos, promotions, events, and other incredible marketing tools. Financial rewards –Our compensation plan is a high-paying, duplicable, customized, and seamless one that benefits both the part and full-time Distributor. Reliability– Jeunesse® has experienced owners and management with an in-depth understanding of cultural diversity and the fast-changing industry.
  22. Faceti cunostinta cu fondatorii companiei Randy Ray si Wendy Lewis. Au petrecut mai mult de 10 ani gazduind si manageriind Birourile altor companii de vanzari directe. Meet the company founders Randy Ray and Wendy Lewis. They have spent over 19 years hosting and managing Back Offices for other direct sales companies. Randy Ray a facut vanzarea si a supervizat instalarea originala a aparaturii fizice si softurilor din pachetul de 3 miliarde de dolari pentru NASA, care este inca in folosinta si azi. Randy Ray made the sale and oversaw the original installation of a $3 billion dollar computer hardware and software package for NASA, which is still in use today. In octombrie 2012, Wendy Lewis a fost recunoscuta ca fiind una dintre cele mai Influente Femei din Vanzarile Directe. In October of 2012, Wendy Lewis was recognized as being one of “The Most Influential Women in Direct Selling.”   Impreuna, au creat Alpha Computer Services Inc, ce are rangul 184 din top 500 companii cu cea mai mare crestere din America, care a fost mai tarziu vanduta cu 25 milioane dolari. Together, they created Alpha Computer Services, Inc., ranked 184 th out of the top 500 fastest growing companies in America, which they later sold for $25 million. Cred cu tarie in onestitate, integritate, si corectitudine in lucrul cu Distribuitorii. They strongly believe in honesty, integrity, and fairness in all dealings with Distributors.
  23. Echipa executiva Jeunesse are nenumarati ani de experienta in industrie atat local cat si global. Vorbesc in Engleza, Spaniola, Italiana, Japoneza, si Franceza. The Jeunesse® executive team has countless years of industry experience both locally and globally. Between them, they speak English, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, and French. Aceasta echipa a ajutat la crearea unora dintre companiile cu cresterea cea mai rapida din industrie. This team has helped create some of the fastest growing companies in the industry. In al doilea an, Jeunesse a generat peste 65 de milioane de dolari in vanzari. In its second year, Jeunesse® generated over $65 million in sales. De la stanga la dreapta Left to right: Rob Dawson–Chief Legal Officer, Scott Lewis–Chief Visionary Officer, Ryan Ogden–Chief Financial Officer, Darren Jensen–Chief Sales Officer , Brandon Scott–Chief Marketing Officer, Debbie Kurley–Director of Customer and VIP Relations, Lucy West–Director of Sales, David Matichak–Director of International Logistics, and Geri Dorman–Director of Research and Network Administration.
  24. Trageti o privire la harta. Aveti potentialul de a castiga venit din tote aceste tari pe masura ce echipa noastra creste. Aici intervine cea mai buna parte dintre toate – luati un PM Essentials inainte de a va baga la somn, treziti-va dimineata, luati un AM Essentials, intrati in site-ul dumneavoastra, si descoperiti cati bani ati castigat cat timp ati dormit. Cati dintre voi ati dori sa castigati bani cand dormiti si sa va treziti mai bogati? Fac pariu ca nu ati mai luat niciodata o vitamina care sa faca asta pana acum. Take a look at this map. You have the potential to earn an income from all of these countries as your team grows. Here is the best thing of all–take a PM Essentials™ before you go to bed at night, wake up in the morning, take an AM Essentials™, go into your website, and discover how much money you have made while you were sleeping. How many of you would like to make money while you sleep and wake up richer? I bet you have never taken a vitamin that has done that before. Jeunesse ofera o oportunitate globala de a inscrie Clienti din intreaga lume. Sunt 3 tipuri de venit pe care le poti primi in aceasta afacere: Venit linear pe care il strangi de la clientii adusi de tine, venit multiplicativ, prin recomandarea altora in afacere, si venit rezidual de la comenzile repetate ale Distribuitorilor si Clientilor. Jeunesse® offers a global opportunity for you to enroll Customers all over the world. There are three types of income you can receive in this business: linear income from Customers you gather, leveraged income, which refers others to the business, and residual income from repeat Distributor and Customer orders. Stiati ca firmele de vanzari directe pot oferi un flux de venit perpetuu, rezidual si multiplicativ? Did you know that direct sales companies can provide a perpetual, residual, leveraged income stream?
  25. Poti participa in Planul de Recompensare Financiara Globala al Jeunesse, la orice nivel doresti. Tu decizi daca doresti sa-ti creezi un venit part time prin vanzari cu amanuntul sau daca vrei sa-ti construiesti o afacere full time. TU iti controlezi destinul. You can participate in the Jeunesse® Global Financial Rewards Plan at whichever level you wish. You decide whether you want to create a part-time income through retail sales or build a full-time business–YOU control your destiny. Uite cateva intrebari pe care sa le consideri. Unde ti-ar placea sa te vezi? Ce doresti cu adevarat de la viata ta? Ce te va duce acolo? Gandeste-te la ultimii cinci ani din viata ta. Ce va fi diferit in cinci ani de acum in colo? Impreuna cu Jeunesse, posibiliatile sunt nelimitate pentru ca tu ai controlul. Here are a few more questions to consider. Where would you like to see yourself? What do you really want out of life? What’s going to get your there? Think of the last five years of your life. What’s going to be different five years from today? With Jeunesse® the possibilities are unlimited because you are in charge.
  26. Sunt multe detalii in acest plan si poti gasi toate informatiile de care ai nevoie pe site. Acum iti aratam doar fundamentele, calea rapida despre cum poti porni si cum poti castiga. Pentru a cunoaste cu adevarat mai mult, te poti intoarce la sponsorul tau. (Optional: de asemenea va fi un training de start rapid imediat dupa pauza) There is a lot of detail in this plan and you can find all of the information you need on our website. Let’s just show you the basics, the quick way of how you get started and get paid. To really know more, you can get with your Sponsor. (Optional: Also, there will be a ‘fast-start’ training right after the break following this presentation.)   Acestea sunt cele zece nivele de lidership. Cu cat ajungi mai sus cu atat castigi mai mult. Si cel mai bine, este ca vei fi recunoscut la fiecare pas pe acest drum. These are the ten levels of leadership. The higher you go, the more you can earn. Best of all, you will be recognized every step along the way.   (Invita-ti asociatii tai de afacere sa impartaseasca marturiile lor) (Invite your business associates to share their testimonials.)
  27. Prima ta decizie este daca vrei sa fi un Client, sau un Asociat, sau si mai bine un Distribuitor. Ca si Consumator, poti cumpara produsele la retail si te poti bucura de rezultatele excelente. Your first decision is if you want to be a Customer, or an Associate, or better yet–a Distributor. As a Customer, you can buy products at retail and enjoy the great results.   Ca Asociat, poti cumpara produsele la pret de engross si esti gata de afacere. (este ca si cum ai detine o franciza). Cine stie-de cele mai multe ori cand chiar iti place ceva, nu te poti abtine sa nu recomanzi si altora, asa ca de ce sa nu fii platit pentru asta? Cine nu si-ar dori un venit extra in fiecare luna? Ce zici de fiecare saptamana? As an Associate, you can buy products at wholesale and get ready for the business. (It’s kind of like owning a franchise.) Who knows–often when you really like something, you can’t help but recommend it to others, so why not get paid for doing so? Who wouldn’t want some extra income every month? How about every week?   Cand iti cumperi Kitul Virtual de Start de $29.95 primesti: When you purchase the $29.95 USD Virtual Starter Kit you get:   Un site personalizat cu cos de cumparaturi Un birou de afaceri – in timp real Abilitatea de a cumpara la engross si a vinde la retail Un sistem global de raportare pentru a verifica afacerea ta Instrumente, rapoarte, si informatii despre produse A personalized website with a shopping cart A real–time, Back Office business The ability to buy wholesale and sell retail A global reporting system to track your business Tools, reports, and product information
  28. Cui ii place sa primeasca lucruri gratuite? Who likes getting stuff for free?   Nu ar fi excelent daca ar fi o cale usoara prin care sa primesti produse gratuit si sa castigi si bani? Te intrebi cum este asta posibil? Ei bine, este! Stim ca timpul tau este valoros, asa ca o pastram simplu si la obiect. Wouldn’t it be great if there was an easy way for you to get free product and make money? Wondering how this is even possible? Well, it is! We know your time is valuable, so we’re keeping it plain and simple. Asociati si Distribuitori – inregistrati-va primii vostri Consumatori Preferati(PCs). Unul va fi automat plasat pe stanga ta si al doilea pe partea dreapta. Atunci tu: primesti $50,00, automat devii calificat pentru luna in curs, trimiti 60 de CV la linia superioara, si primesti doua sticle de ser reintinerire celulara LUMINESCE! Associates and Distributors–sign-up your first two Preferred Customers (PCs). One will automatically be placed on your left and the second on your right. Then you: get $50.00 USD, automatically become qualified for the month, send 60 CV points upline, and get two FREE bottles of LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum!
  29. Doar un scurt disclaimer aici, aceste exemple sunt unele dintre cele mai populare pachete ale noastre. Vei vrea sa intri in Back Office-ul tau pentru a vedea care dintre ele sunt disponibile in tara ta. Just a quick disclaimer here, these are examples of some of our most popular packages. You'll want to check your Back Office to see which specific ones are available in your country. Un bun mod de a porni afacerea este sa devii Distribuitor. A good way to start is by becoming a Distributor. De indata ce esti Distribuitor, poti face tot ceea ce Asociatii pot face, dar mai participi si in promotiile companiei, acumulezi puncte de la fiecare cumparare in echipa ta, si pornesti sa te califici la nivelele de leadership. Once you are a Distributor, you can do everything an Associate can do, plus participate in company promotions, accumulate points from any purchases in your team, and start qualifying for leadership levels. Te rog noteaza ca pachetul afisat este doar un exemplu. Preturile si CV-ul variaza in functie de tara. Please note that the package shown is just an example of a combo pack. Pricing and CV will vary depending on country of sale. Aceasta este o buna alternativa pentru oamenii care se alatura sa porneasca cu cateva produse. This is good alternative for people joining who want to start with several of the products. De indata ce esti un distribuitor poti: Once you are a Distributor you can: Cumpara produse la pret de engross | Buy products at wholesale Vinde produse la retail | Sell products at retail Primii Bonus de Achizitie Clienti | Receive the Customer Acquisition Bonus (CABs) Participa in promotiile companiei | Participate in company promotions Primesti emailuri de la companie | Receive company emails Folosi backoffice-ul site-ului tau | Use your website’s Back Office Acumula Puncte de la orice cumparare in echipa ta | Accumulate points from any purchases in your team Cand esti calificat, castigi Comisioane din Cicluri | When qualified, earn Team Commission Cycles Devii calificat pentru a atinge nivelele de leadership | Become qualified to reach leadership levels   Asta poate suna confuz, dar inseamna de fapt ca sunt multe beneficii. This may sound confusing, but it really just means there are lots of benefits.
  30. Uite o cale si mai buna de a porni, special daca iti doresti sa faci afacerea part-time sau full-time. Here is a better way to get started, especially if you are looking to do this part-time or full-time. Primesti toate beneficiile unui Distribuitor, plus vei sari la nivelul de leadership Perla. Ce inseamna acest lucru? Imediat, vei avea acces la bonusuri extra. Si pentru 60 de zile afacerea ta se ridica! You get all the benefits of a Distributor, plus you will jump to a Pearl leadership level. So what does that mean? Right away, you’ll have access to extra bonuses. And for a full 60 days while your business lifts off!
  31. Uite o cale si mai buna de a porni – alege pachetul Jumbo. Vei primi toate beneficiile pachetului Supreme, plus esti platit pe si mai multe bonusuri pentru 90 de zile. Asta iti da un potential de castig chiar si mai mare. Here is a better way to get started–choose the Jumbo package. You will get all the benefits of the Supreme package plus, paid on even more bonuses for a full 90 days. This allows you an even greater earning potential.
  32. Pentru cei dintre voi care doresc sa porneasca din top, Pachetul Ambasador este o alegere excelenta. For those of you who like to start at the top, the Ambassador Pack is an excellent choice. De ce? Pentru ca vei fi platit cu bonusurile extra pentru 180 de zile? Oferindu-ti mai mult timp sa te concentrezi si sa construiesti. Why? Because you will get all of the extra bonuses for a full 180 days, allowing you more time to focus and build. Am descoperit ca indiferent ce pachet alegi, este cel mai probabil ca si echipa ta va face la fel. Construind cu un pachet Ambasador este cea mai rapida cale de a-ti creste afacerea azi. We’ve discovered that whatever pack you choose, it is highly likely that your team will follow your lead. Building with an Ambassador pack is the quickest, fastest way to grow your business today.
  33. This is the ultimate pack. It’s perfect for people who want to have a large stock of products on hand. Jeunesse® Distributors are required to have at least 60 CV (points) each month. With this package, your Autoship is included for an entire year! That’s right–a worry-free, great way to build a dynamic team.
  34. Castigarea de recompense financiare cu Jeunesse este rapida, simpla si usoara: Earning financial rewards with Jeunesse® is quick, simple, and easy: Alegi care este pachetul potrivit pentru tine | You choose the pack that is right for you. Impartasesti cu ceilalti | You share with others. Si ei fac la fel | And they do the same. Uite cum Here is how…
  35. Este simplu. Gaseste doi prieteni si invita-I sa se alature cu pachetul care este potrivit pentru ei. It’s simple. Find two friends and invite them to join with the package that is right for them. Plasezi unul pe partea ta stanga si pe celelalt pe partea dreapta. Felicitari! Esti Executiv si esti gata sa castigi comisioane de echipa. You place one on your left and one on your right. Congratulations! You are an Executive and ready to earn team commissions. De fiecare data cand acumulezi 300 de puncte pe o parte si 600 pe cealalta, castigi $ 35.00. Asta se poate intampla de multe ori pe zi sau chiar pe ora! Ai potentialul de a castiga pana la $28,250.00 saptamanal. Cati dintre voi pot trai cu acesti bani? Every time you accumulate 300 points on one side and 600 on the other, you earn $35.00 USD. This can happen many times a day or even an hour! You have the potential to earn up to $28,250.00 USD a week. How many of you could live on that? Asadar, acum ai gasit cei doi prieteni ai tai, si tot ceea ce trebuie sa faci este sa-i ajuti si pe ei sa-si gaseasca 2 si asa mai departe. So, now you have found your two friends and all you have to do is help them find two new friends and so on.
  36. Iti aduci aminte acele extra bonusuri de care iti spuneam cu pachetele Supreme, Jumbo si Ambasador? Ei bine, de fiecare data cand prietenul tau castiga un comision de $35.00, tu poti castiga 20%. De fiecare data cand prietenii lor castiga un comision de echipa de $35.00 tu poti castiga un extra 15%. Si de fiecare data cand un prieten de-al prietenului castiga $35.00 in comisionul de echipa, poti castiga inca 10%. Remember those extra bonuses I was telling you about with the Supreme, Jumbo, and Ambassador Packs? Well, every time your friends earn a $35.00 USD Team Commission, you could earn 20%. Every time their friends earn a $35.00 USD Team Commission, you could earn an extra 15%. And every time your friend’s friends earn a $35.00 USD Team Commission, you could earn another 10%. Nivelele de Bonusuri de Multiplicare sunt direct relationate cu nivelul de lidership pe care il atingi. Pe masura ce urci in ranguri, poti castiga pana la 7 nivele Bonusuri de Multiplicare si nu este limita la aceste bonusuri. The levels of Matching Bonuses are directly related to the leadership level you achieve. As you move up through the ranks, you can earn up to seven levels of Matching Bonuses and there is no limit on those bonuses. Adauga Bonusurile de Achizitie Clienti (CAB) si Bonusurile de Echipa pana la Bonusurile de Multiplicare – si nu uita de profiturile din retail – si-ti poti schimba contul bancar si codul postal. Add the Customer Acquisition Bonuses (CAB) and the Team Commissions to the Matching Bonuses–and don’t forget your retail profits–and you can change your bank account and zip code!
  37. Jeunesse iti ofera o gama intreaga de stimulente si bonusuri aditionale. Jeunesse® offers a whole range of incentives and additional bonuses. Stimulente pentru Clienti, Impartirea Profitului Cu Diamantii, si abilitatea ta de a castiga calatorii, si sa participi in seminarii de training… sunt doar cateva dintre ele. De asemenea avem conventii nationale si internationale, care ofera sansa de a vedea tara si lumea. Customer incentives, the Diamond Pool, and your ability to win trips and participate in personal training seminars are just a few ways. We also have national and international conventions that offer a chance to see the country and the world. Ieftin de a porni, nu este nevoie da-ti parasesti afacerea actuala, nu ai nevoie sa faci investitii mari, si nu este nevoie de experienta anterioara. Inexpensive to join, no need to leave current your job or business, no need to make large investments, and no previous experience required. Castiguri transformatoare de vieti pot fi castigate. Life-changing income can be achieved.
  38. Motivul numarul unu este sa-ti imbunatatesti propria viata si motivul numarul doi este sa-i ajuti pe ceilalti. Reason number one is to improve your own life and reason number two is to help others. Imagineaza-ti o afacere fara griji – compania se ocupa de produse, comenzi, procesare, livrare, contabilitate, serviciul clienti, si chiar optiunile de limba. Mai important, esti platit saptamanal. Imagine a worry-free business–the company will take care of the products, ordering, processing, delivery, accounting, customer service, and even language options. Most importantly, you will get paid weekly . Iti mai aduci aminte de acele intrebari de la inceput? Acum ai toate raspunsurile pentru a lua decizia ta. Uite ce iti voi sugera: Viziteaza site-ul sponsorului tau sau intoarce-te la sponsorul tau pentru a decide ce pachet de produse este potrivit pentru tine. Apoi inregistreaza-te si fa-ti comanda ta. Remember those questions we posed right at the beginning? You now have all of the answers to make your decision. Here is what we are going to suggest: visit your Sponsor’s website or get with your Sponsor to decide which product package is right for you. Then sign-up and place your order.
  39. Iti multumesc pentru timpul tau. Thank you for your time.