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.: PT3 Descriptive Essay-How I
Spent My Holidays
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.: PT3 Descriptive Essay-How I Spent My Holidays .: PT3 Descriptive Essay-How I Spent My Holidays
Spread Of Buddhism In China Dbq Analysis
The responses to the spread of Buddhism in China were positive, negative, and acknowledged the
differences between Buddhism and other religions. Buddhism reached China around the first century
C.E., but Buddhist influence did not largely spread until the fall of the Han Dynasty. China was deeply
Confucian in the first century, and resisted the presence of Buddhism due to the many differences
between the basic beliefs of each religion. The Chinese population reacted differently to Buddhism
depending on personal beliefs, which led to disagreement and conflict.
Buddhism caused many positive responses throughout China, especially during times of political
instability. Buddhism increased in popularity as the enforcement of laws in China decreased ... Show
more content on ...
China was greatly influenced by Confucian beliefs, especially during the Han Dynasty. Confucianists
believe the key to harmony is good morals throughout society and the acceptance and respect of
unequal relationships. Chinese Confucianists thought that society would run smoothly, as long as each
person completed their respective tasks. Tang Emperor Wu stated that Buddhism allowed monks and
nuns to not do their part in society, and therefore Buddhism needed to be eradicated from Chinese
society (Document 6). Emperor Wu s point of view does not reflect the viewpoint of the lower classes,
especially Buddhist supporters, because he is an emperor who lives a lavish life. Emperor Wu fully
supports Confucianism and has been educated using Confucian beliefs throughout his life, which
further influences his negative opinion on Buddhism expressed in the proclamation. The unequal
relationships between ruler and subject, or father and son, were present throughout Chinese society
and were important to the success of the empire. Han Yu, a Confucian scholar, explained that the
Buddha did not conform to Chinese laws or understand the unequal relationships present in Chinese
culture, in order to convince the population that Buddhism does not belong in China (Document 4).
The intended audience of the statement by Han Yu is the Chinese upper class in order to prevent
further conversion and acceptance of Buddhism. Confucianism was most popular among the upper
classes, due to the extensive education the wealthy received based on Confucianism. Negative
responses were common among the Chinese population due to the many differences between Buddhist
and Confucian
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What Is The Moral Of The Play Julius Caesar
As the United States of America races towards the election of their forty fifth president it is not
unusual to hear rumors of government conspiracy. In a literary classic play written by William
Shakespeare, Julius Caesar reveals some insights to political strategies used still today like labeling
frenemies, promises, and persuading. The main character Julius Caesar said, If you must break the
law, do it to seize power: In all other cases observe it. This poses the question, what political truths can
be learned from the play? Keeping your friends close, and your enemies closer is nowhere more
evident than in Julius Caesar. Brutus was considered a friend to Caesar. President Obama picked
Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State to keep ... Show more content on ...
Every president before has promised something to the citizens. Only this time Mrs. Clinton has
promised to make the economy work for the common Americans and not just the higher class. While
Mr. Trump has promised to make America great again. Shakespeare s second political lesson is that
promises gain popularity. When speaking at Caesar s funeral Marc Antony uses money to get the
audience to beg him to read them Caesar s will. He points to the fact that Caesar s will gives his
money to the people of Rome as proof that Caesar was not ambitious. Here is the will, and under
Caesar s seal. To every Roman citizen he gives, To every several man, seventy five drachmas. By the
time Anthony reads them the will money is almost no longer necessary. Just like after a runner
receives your vote they re bond to forget all the promises made. When trying to make a political point
start from common ground with those whom you are trying to influence. This is the third and final
lesson. Know your audience and speak to them in a way they can understand. People think that unlike
all other politicians Donald Trump is speaking straightforwardly instead of sugar coating. Anthony
knew that Caesar was ambitious and even though it was a fault he was still a honorable man. So Marc
Antony s speech starts directed to the crowd that is against him. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend
me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise
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Henry Turner Superego
Freud believes there is three parts of a person s personality, the Id, Ego and Superego. The Id is the
portion of the brain that is based on a pleasure principle , meaning that this is the part that controls a
person s craving and wants. There is also the Ego which is based on the reality principle , meaning this
is the section of your brain telling you how it really is and saying you can t have something based on
the present situation. Lastly, there is the Superego which is based on moral principle , meaning that
you can t have something your Id wants because it is morally wrong. Henry Turner was living a fairly
normal life, till one day his Id took over and he wanted some cigarettes and when he went to purchase
them something unexpected happened. A man was trying to rob him, but Henry wouldn t give up his
money and tried running away and got shot twice. He was able to live through, but when he came
back, he wasn t able to be himself, he couldn t walk, talk or remember anything about him or his life.
He went through extensive training and rehab to be able to retain the walking and talking part that he
had forgotten. While in rehab, ... Show more content on ...
He was forced to start all over and relearn how walk and talk, meaning he didn t know right from
wrong. Since he didn t know what was right and what was wrong, he just did all the things his brain
wants him to do. He didn t have any more morals to live by, because he had to start all over and learn
right from wrong. An example of this is when he learns his wife cheated on him, he doesn t know that
it was wrong until he starts to remember more and more about what he learned in previous years. I
also believe the most prominent scene to prove his Id is his natural state is when he buys the dog and
leaves to go walk around with nothing else to do. The traumatic accident he goes through changed him
as a person and made him become more of someone who is controlled by their
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1980 s Music Analysis
This essay will examine the main trends and ideologies associated with the 1980 s era and explore
how these trends are reflected in one piece of music from the chosen time period. To accomplish this
task, this essay will firstly analyse the prominent trends, ideologies and beliefs associated with the
1980 s era in America as this is the time period in which N.W.A rose to fame as a rap group. This
essay will then introduce the rap group N.W.A and analyse their popular recording Straight Outta
Compton , identifying and explaining the music style of the chosen song, paramusical elements and
how these style elements are related to the ideologies of the particular style. This essay will then
conclude by demonstrating how the chosen recording is ... Show more content on ...
In response to his morally wrong actions he became a target for mockery in the uninhibited lyrics of
the city s rappers and hip hop artists especially N.W.A. Daryl Gates was also unpopular with the Los
Angeles political establishments for his forceful approach. In response to a drive by shooting that
involved the murder of eight people in South Los Angeles in 1987, Gates initiated Operation Hammer,
a military style plan to catch suspected criminals and shut down crack houses through the use of
motorized battering rams to unlawfully enter homes. Houses belonging to women and children were
wrongfully destroyed, Gates showed little to no remorse. 25,000 arrests were made after the massive
sweep of South LA had ended. The operation turned many innocent people against the police. Gates
believed that segregation should be achieved by drawing distinct lines and making sure the African
Americans knew their place. Through more severe consequences when they disobeyed the law. (The
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Personal Strengths And Weaknesses
My second strength is to seek first to understand, then be understood. There was a time in my life that
this section would have been a low scoring section for me. I was once a person that would never put
myself into the position of another to fully establish a connection of understanding from the other
persons point of view, I was too busy. Now I have individualized consideration and I think age and
career choices are the reasons why. In an article by B. Wilson, (2003 2005), he writes that Stephen
Covey, as others, believes that the only way to establish communication in some professional and
personal situations is by becoming, in small part, the person you are listening to . I make every attempt
to do that exact procedure when employees come to me with problems or concerns. I m no longer
impatiently waiting on them to finish their story but now I put myself in their shoes. It s important for
the staff to feel as though they can come to me with issues and this is where the idealized influence
and individual consideration come into play. Listening to the staff and genuinely caring about them
makes for a more pleasant work environment, happier employees, and appreciative people. My third
strength is Synergy. This actually caught me by surprise, a little. Synergy is achieved my maximizing
the driving forces, minimizing the restraining forces, and combining strengths of people through
positive teamwork, so as to achieve goals that no one else could have done alone,
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Movie Essays
Romanticism in the Film Version of The Big Sleep
In Raymond Chandler s novel The Big Sleep, he presents two sisters, Vivian and Carmen. These
women become the central characters, aside from Philip Marlowe, and they control much of the action
in the novel. The 1946 film version of The Big Sleep, however, manipulates Chandler s characters
considerably. Aside from playing with the dialogue of the novel, the screen writers change the very
essences of Vivian and Carmen. Perhaps it is the casting of the film which forces changes from the
novel, or perhaps the Production Code keeps the writers from developing the women in the way that
Chandler does; either way, the film version of The Big Sleep makes the story romantic and ... Show
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(Chandler 19)
In the novel, Marlowe doesn t care for Vivian anymore than she does for him. A fact that is hammered
home throughout the novel in the dialogue between these two characters.
In the movie, however, there is a distinct attraction between the characters, purposely created to
capitalize on the real life affair between Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. Director Howard
Hawks was charged with creating a movie vehicle for these stars as a result of their incredible
chemistry from the earlier movie To Have and Have Not. Bogart and Bacall were phenomenally well
matched on screen and off, and Hawks decided that The Big Sleep was the best film to display their
chemistry. In order to do so, the script needed to be revised from the novel. The novel calls for
Marlowe and Vivian to go their separate ways, with Marlowe discretely threatening to reveal Vivian s
secrets and Vivian shattered and responsible for Carmen s deranged life. Hawks asked William
Faulkner to create a screenplay that would maximize the drama while maintaining an air of romance
between Bogart and Bacall. The script that resulted concluded with Marlowe and Vivian together,
presumably heading off into the sunset towards an implied marriage; the traditional happy ending.
The character of Vivian that comes out of Faulkner s script is softer and more dynamic than Chandler
s Vivian. Faulkner s sings in a gambling
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David Mallett Case Study
David Mallett is a highly sought after hairstylist from Paris. His salon demands 250€ alone, for a
simple cut. He previously worked on models for Elle, Dior, L Oreal, along with an abundance of
others. I believe that hair should look good long after the client has left the salon, states Mallett, as
should every hairdresser. With his particular look shown above, I enjoy it due to the cleanliness and
precise work shown. Every sliver of hair is placed in such a manner that the entire model is perceived
in a fancy way. She could be wearing rags and all I, or possibly anyone, would focus on is the delicacy
Mallett so obviously contributed. Her dye color is the correct shade for her skin pigmentation and the
braid wrapped around her head does
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Arthritis Relief during Winter Weather
Arthritis Relief During Winter Weather Winter is here once again and along with it is the frequent flare
ups experienced by some weather sensitive arthritic sufferers. Though there is limited scientific
evidences proving that weather causes arthritis to act up, numerous patients are complaining that it
indeed causes them severe pain and inflammation that normal. It has been recorded that 70% of those
suffering from arthritis are weather sensitive, which makes them prone to pain and inflammation
during winter. Here are several tips that can help in relieving symptoms of arthritis especially during
winter: Dress warmly For some people suffering with arthritis, winter weather can bring unnecessary
inconveniences. Dressing warmly is one way to alleviate the pain caused by the change of weather.
When going outdoors, make sure you are wearing loose layers. Wear mittens or gloves to protect your
hands as well. Warm socks and waterproof boots are also a must since this will protect your feet from
getting wet or damp. If you opt to wear dresses or skirts, try to wear it over leggings or tights to keep
your knees and legs from getting too cold. Eat Healthy Food plays a stupendous role in helping you to
overcome arthritis flare ups during the winter. By choosing to eat healthy, you ll be able to manage the
symptoms allowing you more time to enjoy the cold weather. Load up with foods high in omega 3
fatty acids, vitamin K, D and C. These essential nutrients are proven to be
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Lloyds Bank Group Case Study
In this section, there are two different case studies which is Lloyds Bank Group and the Deloitte.
These two cases indicated that how the companies have been confronting the gender issues, while
carrying the employee selection function and to what extent the female has been successful in
ensuring the desired objectivity.
Lloyds bank is a 250 years bank which was established in 3 June 1765. (Lloyds Bank, 2017) Even
though Lloyds is a historical bank, gender issue is still existing in this company. In 2013, Lloyds Bank
Group only has less than 27% of female employee as their senior management level positions. Due to
this issue, company takes some actions to deal with this gender representation.
Previously, Lloyds Bank Group create several programs to increase women promotion space. In 2014,
Lloyds Bank Group as the first organisation globally to launch their 2020 Program . This program is
mainly talking about increasing the female of senior management level s percentage from 27% to
40%. After this program has been launched, the Executive Committee (Exco) has monthly meeting
with different department managing Directors. Besides these scheme, company also doing the special
request with the external recruitment channel which is finding more matched experience and
conforming female candidates. Meanwhile, for the recruitment advertising, company has revising the
wording of all job advertisement to make the female candidates more satisfied. In the 2020 Program ,
Lloyds Bank
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Maths Test Papers Ix(9) Std.
Solved Paper−1 Class 9th, Mathematics, SA−2
Time: 3hours Max. Marks 90 General Instructions 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Draw neat
labeled diagram wherever necessary to explain your answer. 3. Q.No. 1 to 8 are of objective type
questions, carrying 1 mark each. 4. Q.No.9 to 14 are of short answer type questions, carrying 2 marks
each. 5. Q. No. 15 to 24 carry 3 marks each. Q. No. 25 to 34 carry 4 marks each.
Point ( 3, 5) lies in the (A) first quadrant (C) third quadrant
(B) second quadrant (D) fourth quadrant
If ∆ ABC ≅ ∆ PQR and ∆ ABC is not congruent to ∆ RPQ, then which of the following is not true:
(A) BC = PQ (B) AC = PR (C) QR = BC (D) AB = PQ ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral such that AB is
a diameter of the circle ... Show more content on ...
(ii) In the classroom discuss what conclusions can be arrived at from the graph. 20. The taxi fare in a
city is as follows: For the first kilometre, the fares is Rs 8 and for the subsequent distance it is Rs 5 per
km. Taking the distance covered as x km and total fare as Rs y, write a linear equation for this
information, and draw its graph. Find the volume of a sphere whose radius is (i) 7 cm (ii) 0.63 m 22.
In parallelogram ABCD, two points P and Q are taken on diagonal BD such that DP = BQ (see the
given figure). Show that:
(i) ∆APD ≅ ∆CQB (ii) AP = CQ (iii) ∆AQB ≅ ∆CPD (iv) AQ = CP (v) APCQ is a parallelogram 23.
ABCD is a parallelogram and AP and CQ are perpendiculars from vertices A and C on diagonal BD
(See the given figure). Show that
(i) ∆APB ≅ ∆CQD
Material downloaded from and Portal for CBSE
Notes, Test Papers, Sample Papers, Tips and Tricks
(ii) AP = CQ 24. The following table gives the distribution of students of two sections according to
the mark obtained by them: Section A Marks 0 − 10 10 − 20 20 − 30 30 − 40 40 − 50 Frequency 3 9
17 12 9 Section B Marks 0 − 10 10 − 20 20 − 30 30 − 40 40 − 50 Frequency 5 19 15 10 1
Represent the marks of the students of both
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Atlanta Braves Case Study
On November 11th 2013, the Atlanta Braves announced that the team will be moving out of Turner
Field. The Atlanta Braves new stadium, also known as the SunTrust Park, is a baseball park in edifice
that will function as the impending home of the Atlanta Braves. It is positioned in the Cumberland
area of Cobb County, Georgia, northwest of Atlanta.
SunTrust Bank in Atlanta signed a 25 years deal for the naming right to the new Atlanta Braves
stadium....The agreement will put the SunTrust logo at the top of the Braves new home in the
northwest, as well as on an adjoining commercial development that will include restaurants and
offices (Broughton, 2014, p. 1)
The Cobb County issuer sold an estimated amount of $397 million of revenue ... Show more content
on ...
In 2010, Delta airline signed a five year contract as Braves charter carrier that involved development
of the 755 club in Turner Field (Kelpal, 2015).
Key parties to the Braves stadium and mixed use complex
Pope Land Enterprise is the development partner in charge of office space. A 35 year old firm based in
Atlanta developed most of the office buildings consisting of Atlanta Center Plaza, 3630 Peachtree, and
a Buckhead office tower topped by Ritz Carbon branded condos. The company is also a crucial player
in suburban office leaving and management services and ownership.
Pollack Shores Real Estate Group is among the prominent multi family developers in the region.
Founded in 2006 with investment portfolio worth $1 billion, they Pollack shores specialize in building
magnificent apartment communities with retail and restaurants close by facilities comprising
vocational style pools, fitness centers, and high end club rooms. The company dominates communities
in Georgia, Florida, and Tennessee that comprises the Jane, Citizen at Perimeter, Steelworks Buckhead
neighborhood next to Beltline, Bobby Jones Golf course (Trubey
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Halloween Wine Research Paper
If you are planning a party or get together this Halloween, a sinister wine is essential for setting the
mood and starting the party! There is an impressive array of wines available for this holiday just
lurking to help you create hair raising memories for you and your loved ones. We have chosen six of
the best Halloween wines, red and white, that are sure to please even the grumpiest of your party
ghouls.White Cat is a light, introductory Halloween wine courtesy of Hazlitt Vineyards in Finger
Lakes. If October has been chilling your bones a bit too much this year, this sweet party pack will
bring you right back to the tropics. Not quite as daring as its brother, Red Cat, this wine offers sweet
yet tart, crisp white grape flavor. It is not ... Show more content on ...
It is a complex, deep red from Vampire Vineyards, where they claim that this wine is sought out by
vampire covens seeking to relive the tastes of their mortal lives . As for the living that are daring
enough to try it, it is sure to make them feel more alive than ever. There is a harmonious balance of
rich, dark flavors in every glass (or goblet) of this sinister cabernet sauvignon. It holds the essence of
dark, sweet cherries as well as decadent chocolate and a spice of anise. Definitely not for the faint of
heart!This mellow, white wine is sure to bring out the monsters at your party. This sweet vintage is
created by R. López de Heredia Viña Tondonia and originates from where else, but, Romania. It is
definitely a party pleaser, with strong notes of apple, pear, and fig and a crisp finish. If you re looking
to start the party before dusk, this a wonderful wine for early or late afternoon, and pairs beautifully
with light appetizers and tapas. With this wine as an opening beverage, you re sure to have a howling
good time!When it comes to wine, it is important to pick your poison wisely. If you have chosen
POIZIN, a zinfandel provided by Armida Winery in Sonoma County, you have made a great decision.
The label displays a sinister, deep red skull and
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David Foster Wallace Speech Analysis
It will actually be within your power to experience a crowded, hot, slow, consumer hell type situation
as not only meaningful, but sacred, on fire with the same force that made the stars: love, fellowship,
the mystical oneness of all things deep down. Spoken by David Foster Wallace at the 2005 Kenyon
graduation ceremony. The purpose of his speech was to validate how important a liberal arts education
is and how it will affect the rest of their lives.
David Foster Wallace talks about how the commencement speakers should speak about why they were
chosen to give the speech. And why they are where they are basically how the college has made them
accomplish. Every graduation anyone has ever been too everyone always belittles the commencement
speeches ... Show more content on ...
The atheist tells him a story about one time he was dying and he decided to call out for god but god
never showed up a couple of eskimos dis, and that s one of the reasons why he doesn t believe in god.
David Foster wallace did not give this story to talk about religion or to put his religious beliefs into it
at all. David Foster Wallace was trying to explain how people establish interpretations from the core
by interpreting reality differently. Basically that we are so close minded to so many ideas and forget to
free our minds. The story showed how the Christian and the Atheist were both equally closed minded
because they both would not try to understand each other s beliefs. And that a Liberal Arts Education
is unique because it will teach you how to be open minded, and open to all ideas. Or that A liberal arts
education will make you be a at least a little less close minded then the rest of the world because it
will open your eyes to everything around us even the smallest most obvious things that we did not
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What Is The Endocrine System
The Nervous system is composed of trillions of neurons/nerve cells that forms a network to serve as
communication system for the body. The neurons are able to send electrical impulses from the brain to
the body and vice versa, which leads to a response from a person via a coordinated action.
The Endocrine system is a system which is composed of several glands found throughout the body,
where its role is vital for the communication in the body. The function of this system is for the
production and release of chemical messengers (hormones) from these gland into the bloodstream.
This direct release of the hormones into the blood will allow the hormones to be carried towards the
target organ that they are intended to go to. The following are examples of glands that are part of the
endocrine system: Hypothalamus, Pituitary gland, Thyroid gland, Pancreas, Adrenal glands.
However the two systems mentioned above are not directly connected with one another, but instead
they interact in various ways in order to achieve the same goal. ... Show more content on ...
The two systems are able to interact, as a result of the gland capable of affecting both systems. When a
person is experiencing numerous feelings/sensations that include pain, hunger, fear, thirst, anger and
the need for sleep, then the hypothalamus acknowledges this. Once this has happened, the gland
communicates with the autonomic nervous system which is a sub system of the peripheral nervous
system (PNS). The autonomic system is involuntary, therefore the changes that need to be made are
done so without the need for the person to do much since it occurs unconsciously within the
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Construction Of A Local Public School
Last year, the city of Colchester, England decided to expand the building of a local public school due
to a growing population. The land on which the school is built holds an abundant amount of
archaeological information relevant to the history of Colchester. This data was only briefly reached in
1911 when amateur archaeologist, Henry Jones, was given permission to quickly excavate the site.
This came about after century old human remains were discovered during the construction of the
original school. From his excavations, Jones concluded that the remains of the three bodies discovered
were killed during the Boudiccan Rebellion in 60 61 CE. Due to the circumstances under which Jones
performed his excavations, he was not able to produce a stratigraphic section of the site. Jones also
failed to keep any written record of his excavations and the remaining artifacts and remains have since
been lost. With the expansion of the school in Colchester, it is my job to perform a thorough
excavation of the site before construction begins. Using the law of superposition, with a start and end
date of approximately 200 BCE 1 CE or 100 BCE ± 100, stratum 800 is the oldest stratum
represented. This date was formulated from the average of seven radiocarbon samples. Due to the lack
of cultural material present in the stratum, it can be surmised that this stratum was uninhabited.
The next oldest stratum using the law of superposition, is stratum 700, dates to 200 BCE 1 CE to 43
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Using Web 2.0, Facebook, And Diy Cultural Citizenship Essay
Writing and Inquiry Assignment 2 Dylan Hannah. Power to the people? web 2.0, Facebook ,and DIY
cultural citizenship in Aotearoa New Zealand. By Ian Goodwin. The aim of Ian Goodwin s article
Power to the people? web 2.0, Facebook ,and DIY cultural citizenship in Aotearoa New Zealand is to
fuel a more informed and critically diverse debate on the values of web 2.0 as so far most of the
conversation on this topic has been children s safety on the internet .The target audience is fairly wide
however given that the article is from MediaNZ it is safe to assume that the principle demographic this
is aimed toward Media Studies students ,and teachers. Goodwin uses a range of strategies to fuel the
broader discussion on the values of web 2.0: Repeated words with the purpose of accustoming the
audience to the words, Target audience as a strategy with the purpose to gain a more informed and
critical discussion and structural placement with the purpose of highlighting the global and local
importance of web 2.0. The title is significant in revealing the authors intentions to make the article a
debate rather than something with a correct ,or incorrect answer. The question mark is interesting
because it is the first thing that the reader sees ,and it begins make them question what they already
know and don t know about this topic. It is already making them analyse where they stand on this
issue ,and why. I tend to think that making the given audience already think before they
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The Importance Of Cultural Identity
We all have unique identities that we develop within our cultures, but these identities are not fixed or
static (Trumbull and Pacheco 8). People should examine their culture to have a better understanding of
how it affects their identity and perceptions. In order to understand one s cultural identity, he or she
need to understand what the term means. According to one source, cultural identity can be defined as,
These different experiences and the new values, beliefs, and ideas they produce contribute to the
dynamic nature of cultures (Trumbull and Pacheco 10). Considering this definition, I realize that my
cultural identity can be best represented by ethnicity because it expresses my individuality as a person.
Various aspects of a person s life that may determine his or her cultural identity includes ethnicity,
language, art, location, food, traditions, and history. After analyzing several texts, the reader
recognizes that three important elements of a person s cultural identity include ethnicity, location, and
food. An important element of a person s cultural identity is ethnicity. A person s ethnicity has an
impact on how they live in the world. Drafting memos in smooth English, able to order in fluent
Spanish. (Mora 40). Being an American Mexican she s able to use her ethnicity for fitting
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Description Of Automatic Text Summarization
Automatic Text Summarization Bhavika S. Joshi Pooja N. Mane Atharva College of Engineering
Atharva College of Engineering Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science
University of Mumbai University of Mumbai Mumbai, India Mumbai, India Email: Email: Kaveri S. Metkari Atharva
College of Engineering Department of Computer Science University of Mumbai Mumbai, India
Email: Abstract Nowadays people want a quick, rapid and concise review
of any given text rather than going through the entire length of the content. In this growing age of
information technology witty huge amount of data being churned every second users for reliable
context that is short and concise over lengthy paragraphs of text. Realizing this need this project is
based on summarizing content in to a more concise yet informative context without losing the moral
premise or the objective for which the text was originally developed. We employ various data mining
algorithms to condense the entire text into a content rich summary document by extracting the
prominent and relevant information outlining the purpose of the entire text. I.
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Poetry Analysis of Emily Dickinson Essay
Analysis of Emily Dickinson s The snake , In the Garden , and It bloomed and dropt, a Single Noon .
Emily Dickinson uses nature in almost all of her poetry. She uses many literary techniques in her
poems to show her interpretations of nature and the world around her. In the poem The snake she uses
imagery in the forms sight and touch. The poem describes the snake as transient or passing swiftly and
deceptive or misleading. His appearance is sudden. As the snake moves it divides the grass in one
place, and as he moves, in another. The speaker has been deluded by the snake s appearance. It
mistakes the snake for a whip or lash. This is a use of situational irony.
Emily also uses personification to give the snake human ... Show more content on ...
When saying, zero at the bone she is saying how the feeling penetrates to the bone and suggests how
deeply felt, and how intense the emotion is. By using these connotation at the end of her poem she
could be referring to death or dying, maybe from fear of the snake. This poem uses many symbols,
and specific word choice to show how danger may reveal itself in nature. After reading the poem the
tone can be seen as frightening or depressing because Emily takes the beauty of nature and shows that
there are sides to it that can be threatening and dangerous as well.
In another poem by Emily Dickinson entitled In the Garden she also uses lots of imagery about nature.
She uses sight and sound imagery to give the reader an idea of what the speaker is seeing and hearing.
Also, again she uses personification to give the bird human characteristics. Talking about the bird as it
came down the walk is an example of this. Emily uses symbols to give the bird human qualities. She
says that the bird bit an angle worm in halves/And ate the fellow, raw. Ironically the word raw shows
an implication of human values and practices. Why would you expect the bird to cook its food? Emily
then goes on to talk about the bird drinking dew From a convenient grass which can be symbolic of a
glass a human would drink from. The bird is then polite to a beetle by hopping sidewise to the wall.
This statement gives the bird a personality,
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Pathogenesis of Menstural Migraines Essay
A migraine is a common, chronic, and debilitating neurovascular disorder. It is characterized by
attacks of serve headache along with autonomic nervous system dysfunction and some patients an
aura neurological symptom (Goadsby, Lipton, Ferrari, 2002). Migraine attacks start at any age but
they peak in the early to mid adolescence age. Migraines rates were observed for a year and the results
showed the prevalence of migraines being 11% overall, 6% among men and 15 18% in
women(Stewart WF, Lipton RB, Celentano DD, Reed ML, 1992). Although prevalence of migraine is
similar in preadolescent boys and girls, when the onset of the menstrual cycle occurs, it changes. After
onset, migraine attacks are two to three times higher in girls ... Show more content on
If there is menstrual association with migraines they are subdivided by a more menstrual cycle related
Characteristics of menstrual migraines are usually that they are more resistant to treatment, not
associated with aura, of longer duration than other migraine types and have more functional disability
compared to migraine attacks other times of the month (Headache Classification Subcommittee of the
International Headache Society, 2004). The International Headache Society characterizes menstrual
migraines as ones that occur without aura but they may also occur with aura.
Migraine without Aura
These migraines last as long 4 72 hours. They are characterized by one sided location, moderate to
severe pain strength, pulsating or provoked by routine physical activity. They are associated with at
least 2 of the following: nausea, vomiting, photophobia (sensitivity to light), phonophobia(fear of loud
sounds) or osmophobia(fear of odors) (Headache Classification Subcommittee of the International
Headache Society, 2004)
Catamenial Migraine
Migraines that have a temporal associate with menses are referred to as catamenial migraines and can
be either pure menstrual or menstrual related migraine. Precise diagnosis of catamenial migraine can
be known by using headache diary recoding of at least 3 months to determine if there is any temporal
associated between headache and menstruation cycle
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Essay on The Visual Artist
The Visual Artist: Naturally Skilled or Skillfully Learned?
A Form of Expression Throughout time, people have developed different ways to express themselves.
Visual art has been around since the dawn of man, dating back to cave paintings in ancient times. This
form of expression has evolved from primitive etchings to beautiful, visually stunning pieces of work
open to interpretation by the general public. As time has passed, the skill has become much more
refined, and styles of art have constantly been changing. Because the skill has become more refined,
people can opt to major in visual art in college. This provides promising artists a way to enhance their
skill and do what they are passionate about. Although the classes ... Show more content on ...
The students lifted large easels, wooden supports for their sketchpads, from the corner of the room and
set them up around the studio. David Titterington, the teacher that allowed me to observe his drawing
class, told me that his students would be drawing a nude model. According to him, the reason why the
students typically drew nude models was to draw form and shape in an organic, natural state.
When everyone finished setting up their assortment of drawing pencils, erasers, and other apparatuses
quite foreign to me, David turned on relaxing music to set the mood. To get them in the mindset of
drawing, he required his students to stretch and partake in breathing exercises. In his words, he wanted
them to break through their neural blocks and align the hemispheres. This allowed the artists to clear
their minds and focus on the artwork at hand.
The artists then practiced various strokes on their gigantic sketchpads as a bit of a warm up to drawing
the model. I would equate this to any craft, like singing or even sports, where the person has to warm
up before actually doing his or her task. After about five minutes passed, the artists were ready to
sketch the nude model.
Artistry in Motion The model stepped up onto an elevated part of the studio, almost as if he were
standing on a stage. He took off his robe, and waited for further instructions from the teacher. The man
was in his late 40 s to early 50 s, and
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Flash Drive Advantages And Disadvantages
What is a USB Flash Drive? The term USB stands for Universal Serial Bus and is used to define a
special kind of connection between a computer and other electronic devices. The connections can
serve different purposes ranging from power supply to communication. A USB flash drive is a storage
device that acts as a portable hard drive, but generally has a much more limited capability in
comparison. As mentioned, their purpose is to store digital information and to transfer information
between systems. Other popular names used for these devices include; USB drive, USB stick, thumb
drive and memory stick. Advantages of using USBs (at least 4) USBs have an assortment of
advantages associated with them. They are extremely portable, allowing for information to be easily
carried around and relocated. This can go a long way for jobs and school projects, as it allows work to
be taken home for further use. Another great advantage is their ease of use, as they are extremely
simple to use and are extremely fast at storing information. This could come in handy in emergencies
where information needs to be saved urgently. An example of this, although extreme, would be in the
case of an evacuation, whether that is a fire or some other emergency. This work could quickly be
stored onto a USB so it is saved. USBs are also extremely compatible, as most modern computers are
designed to include USB access. This allows an almost universal transferability of information
between computers, excellent
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Essay Symbols in Susan Glaspell s Trifles
Symbols in Susan Glaspell s Trifles
In the play titled Trifles, by Susan Glaspell, Minnie Foster Wright is being accused of murdering her
husband, John. In this production, Mrs. Wright is consistently referenced, and although she is not
witnessed, she is very recognizable. There are important symbols in this play that signifies Mrs.
Wright and her existence as it once was and as it currently exists to be. Particularly the canary, this
symbolizes Mrs. Wright s long forgotten past. Additionally, the birdcage, this symbolizes her life as it
currently exists. Certainly the quilt is a symbol, which is an important clue on how Mr. Wright was
killed. In addition, the rocking chair, this symbolizes her life as it has diminished throughout ... Show
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While the canary was incredibly lively and sang beautifully, so did Mrs. Foster. John Wright was
awfully abusive towards Mrs. Wright, in the means that he required her to live her life comparable to a
caged bird. He obtained her freedom from the outside world, in return, explains why she recognized
herself in the bird. This explains for the reasoning of their house being far set back into the woods and
having no telephone service. She ventured out, only when she was allowed, and assuming that John
also did not allow her to have friends, this led to the killing of the canary.
The quilt is one major clue as to how Minnie killed her husband. The women were trying to figure out
if she was going to sew or not the quilt. Well, Mr. Wright was strangled in a strange manner, just how
the knot was messed up in red string. The men laughed it off butt Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters knew
what had happened.
Mrs. Wright is referred to when Mrs. Hale speaks of her by using her maiden name, when saying ?I
wish you?d seen Minnie Foster when she wore a white dress with blue ribbons and stood up there in
the choir and sang.? The old rocking chair symbolizes Mrs. Wright as she has allowed herself to
depreciate, just as the rocking chair has depreciated. ?The chair sagged to one side,? Mrs. Hale stated
that the chair was not anything like she remembered, referring to the fact that Mrs. Wright has also
changed since she
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North Texas Associates Fitness Center Essay
North Texas Associates Fitness Center Our team business idea is to develop a top notch fitness venue.
We will name it, North Texas Associates Fitness Center (NTAFC). The purpose of The North Texas
Associates Fitness Center is to provide the community with an established health and fitness center
that will be used for leisure time, promoting health, wellness, and exercise. While providing
memberships to the community. This facility will provide a variety of fitness machines that are self
applicable to meet the requirements to experience a total body workout and provide services that
maintain customer interest and spark customer loyalty. The North Texas Associates Fitness Center is
the answer to the growing health awareness trends. The center will provide a facility committed to
reaching the individual health and fitness goals of its community members. We will provide our
members, upon joining the program, with options to attend private meetings with a health specialist,
this will allow them to personalize their wellness needs and track their fitness progress. Additional,
service options will include: aerobic classes, cardio sessions varying in intensity, personal training
services, child care services, nutritional awareness programs, family exercise programs, etc. These
attractive programs will keep members active and interested while providing innovative fitness. Our
establishment will include a juice service, which will attract a variety of new customers. This service
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Julius Caesar Bust Essay
Since the ancient mesopotamian civilizations sculptures have played a crucial role in society and
history. Sculptures and busts have served varying purposes as far back as prehistory. They served as
guides for young women to understand their role as child bearer. Ancient civilizations began the
practice of sculpting gods and deities in order worship and comprehend their divine nature. Others use
busts and sculptures represent kings. Often times propagandic in nature, these depictions of rulers
often time presented the elite in a powerful and regal manner. Once the reign of the leaders end, often
due to death, busts and sculptures are created in their image to preserve their legacy. Funerary busts
were not just made for the aristocratic elite ... Show more content on ...
Ultimately, the Greeks achieved mastery of human anatomy and proportion. After the Greek
civilization came the Roman Empire. The Romans captured the essence of the Greek style and added
their own personal flair to the sculpture. Though, their sculptures mostly mimicked the Greeks it also
provided a unique historical record and a deeper perspective of the ancient rulers of the time and
Roman dictator Julius Caesar is no exception. Many busts were sculpted of Julius Caesar throughout
his lifetime and after his reign. These busts ranged from materials such as bronze, marble, terracotta,
and most distinctly green schist. The green schist bust of Julius Caesar is a 16 inch sculpture sculpted
after his death. The bust was created with the many ideals of proportion and realism established by the
Greeks, that were later adopted by the Romans. This sculpture chooses to throw away the classical
style of idealism and takes on a defining sense of precise realism. Gloria states that these busts are,
unflattering as for they are honest .... In their lack of idealization and their affection for literal detail
they reveal Roman sculpture as a record of commonplace reality. The bust of Julius Caesar is
significant in Roman history because it gives insight into Roman ideals for art and architecture, it
provides a historical reference of Julius Caesar, and it demonstrates the importance of the ancestral
legacy of the Ancient
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Hardships of Living Two Lives
Mines 2002
Susan Straight
Sometimes it is very difficult to adjust to different environments especially when living in a socially
unstable community. Susan Straight knows what this is like growing up in Riverside and having a
black husband. Many of her stories are about black family life. In Susan Straight s short story Mines
(2002), the protagonist, Clarette, works at a stressful job dealing with delinquent juveniles while
trying to balance time for her own children at home; with this, Straight shows the hardships of living
two different lives and how they connect.
First, Clarette works at a youth prison and sees juvenile delinquents wasting their lives away. She is
disgusted by the way the ... Show more content on ...
In both situations she has to look out for the kids, making sure they do not get into trouble. At home
she notices that her son resembles the wards, after she sees him with his head shaved. My son. His
head naked (Straight 157). Clarette s husband, Ray, had Ray Jr. get his head shaved like the juveniles
at the Youth Prison. Ray says, The look, baby. Everybody wants the look. He said some punks was
messin with him at school (157). Clarette is very upset after this happens. She does not want her son to
get into trouble and end up in a terrible place like the Youth Prison. Clarette also sees the similarities
in how the kids in her community dress with the way the wards do. Clarette says, I gotta watch all
these wards dressed in dark blue work outfits, baggy ass pants, big old shirts, and then get home and
all the kids in the neighborhood are wearing dark blue Dickies; Ray is wearing dark blue Dickies and
a Big Dog shirt (157). The kids think that it is cool to have this look but they do not realize that they
could very easily end up in the Youth Prison as well if they continue to act like the wards.
In conclusion, Clarette has trouble adjusting from her life at prison to her life at home. Clarette s job at
the Youth Prison is stressful and sometimes very physical when the wards start fights. At home,
Clarette is always busy as a single parent doing laundry, paying
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Location, Location, Location
Location, Location, Location
ACC 543
Location, Location, Location White water rafting has exploded onto the adventure sports scene in the
last 10 years. This explosion has broadened the business market for rafting companies in Oregon,
Idaho and Colorado. In order to open a new rafting business research must be conducted into the legal
ramifications pertinent to the area. Of direct concern are the legal aspects of real property, personal
property, business insurance, and environmental issues and regulations.
Evaluate the legal aspects of acquiring, holding, and disposing of real property
Sole proprietors, corporations, limited liability companies, and partnerships can receive, hold and
transfer title to real property in the same ... Show more content on ...
If the owner finds that the property is no longer providing benefits to him, then also, the property can
be sold out. Additionally, if the property s term with the owner is complete, then also he can go for its
disposal. If the owner had not made the full payment for the property, then, he is required to get the
consent of the original owner and thereafter, sale the property; otherwise, his behavior would not
considered to be legal.
Analyze the business use of insurance for various risks
Various forms of insurance will need to be acquired in order to minimize the risk of performing
business as a river rafting company. The main sources of risk the company will face are injuries to our
clients while on the river, injuries to our employees while performing their occupational duties,
damage to the rafts or other equipment while being used on the river and damages to our mobile home
office on the riverbank most likely due to a flood. The types of insurance that will minimize the
monetary loss and liability the company will face from these events are two forms of professional
liability insurance, worker s compensation insurance, property insurance and business interruption
insurance. Property insurance will compensate the business for the damages to our office in the event
of a flood or other disaster while business interruption insurance will provide the business with the
lost revenue that occurred due to the inability to continue operations after
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The Influence Of Anti-Zionism In Public Schools
Literature Review Zionism... in a way, it s just an umbrella term for schools of thought that refer to
Jewish self determination (Vidani, 1). Almost The of Zionism is against the Torah, followers of the
Torah believe that they should wait for the Messiah to be emancipated to the Holy Land. Jews that
practice Zionism wish rise up and emancipate themselves from exile without waiting for the Messiah
and establish a Jewish Government in the Holy Land (True Torah, 1). All of the greatest sages, leaders
and rabbis from all generations have opposed this idea. (True Torah, 1) Anti Zionism however, is the
belief that the Jews should not have their own state and this is mostly practiced by Jews and
Palestinians. Thus earning it the name ANTI Zionism . ... Show more content on ...
Not only that, but about sixty six percent of people apparently don t think that the hazing of the Jewish
populace is a big deal.
Attempted Solutions In the real world, wars have been fought over the existence of Israel dating back
to the 167 BCE (Vidani, 1). Peace treaties have been signed and the wars have ended for the time
being. Though about every couple of years they start fighting each other and kill a couple thousand of
Original Solution I can t really think of a way to fix the problem of a country entirely based off of
religion. Religion has a way of tearing us apart and makes us all blind to the real problems of life. The
best idea I have is to find a way to somehow create a government in your own state without
completely going against your religion and making everyone want to kill one another. I would start
with that and try to settle the angry neighbors as well, if I were the King of
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The Theory Of The International System
Few forces in the world can change, create, and destroy history and nations. However, war continues
to be one of the strongest proponents of these changes. The study of the international system is
comprised of many differing theories. These theories hypothesize the origin of international structure,
events, and how states interact. Specifically, the varying theories present in international relations
disagree on the causes of war. Political Realism has been the most dominant paradigm in the past 70
years of International Relations (Class Notes, August 31). This paradigm stresses the anarchic
structure of world politics, how this structure affects interaction and how it can cause war. Kenneth
Waltz, an American political scientist on the forefront of structural realism, highlights the international
system s decentralized and anarchic tendencies. He states, international politics due to anarchy has
been called politics in the absence of government (PAGE NUMBER?). Additionally, Waltz stresses
the component of the self help mindset of anarchy. As anarchy endures, states will continue to act as
selfish units. This mentality often leads to war as anarchy is taken to mean not just the absence of
government, but also the presence of disorder and chaos (Waltz, The Anarchic Structure of World
Politics). In general, realist theories present that states are the principal actors, every state partakes in
rational egoism which is essential to survival, and anarchy is the dominant
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To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell
Andrew Marvell s poem, To His Coy Mistress is an equally beautiful and provocative piece of writing.
Written in iambic form as a three part proposition addressed to the coy mistress, the poem is
permeated with literary devices such as tone, alliteration, imagery, hyperbole, as well as similes and
metaphors. Marvell s speaker acknowledges the idea that mortality is of little to no value after death.
Through the speaker, Marvell is suggesting that one can avoid the regrets of not participating in the
adventurous aspects of life by seizing the day, thus supporting the Carpe Diem philosophy. The three
part proposition can be identified through the change of the poem s tone as well as the change of pace.
The first argument has a sly and devious tone. Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, lady,
were no crime. (lines 1 2). The use of the punctuations, the commas and the period, hinders the pace
of the poem. In doing so, it shows the insignificance of time at that moment. The insignificance of
time at the moment is further emphasized when the speaker tells his mistress that they would sit down,
and think which way, To walk, and pass [their] long love s day (lines 3 4). The use of alliteration
creates a carefree tone, as if the speaker was daydreaming and sighing as he was trying to woo his
mistress. Marvell uses delicate and sublime imagery to flatter the mistress with a seemingly
disingenuous exaggeration of her physical beauty. Because of the unrealistic use
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Essay Manual vs Automatic Transmission
Manual vs. Automatic Transmission
You want to get a new car, but you are not sure whether to get one with an automatic transmission or
one with a manual transmission. Well read on and perhaps this essay will help you out with your
decision. Cars have played a big role in my life. When I was a little kid my dad and I used to work on
his 197? Ford Granada. Every time something would go wrong with the car he would ask me to help
him fix it. Not because I knew much about cars, because I didn t know anything about the subject, but
because he wanted me to learn about cars and spend some time with me. Or maybe he just didn t want
me to get ripped off at a garage when something went wrong with my car. Either way, we spent a lot
of time ... Show more content on ...
Automatic transmissions, however, do not have this problem; they do not roll back on hills. A benefit
of manual transmissions is acceleration. Cars with manual transmissions accelerate more rapidly and
evenly than automatic transmissions, if you know exactly when to shift. Automatic transmissions
accelerate a little slower. One very important con on automatic transmissions is that it gives much
lesser mileage. Manual transmissions do not use any power from the engine to change gears, because
you do that your self, thus saving you money. Another advantage on a car with a manual transmission
is that, if your battery dies, you do not need jumper cables and an additional car. All you have to do to
start up a car, with a manual transmission and a battery failure, is to push it to a reasonable speed
(walking speed) and then jump in and start the vehicle.
The manual gearbox just gives you a lot more control over your car. Like says, on
one of their reports, Many veteran drivers who have experience of both types of transmission systems
insist that a vehicle with a manual gearbox is safer because it gives them more control. I mean I don t
know about you, but for me the more control I have over my car the better. Another con on automatic
transmissions is that they are just boring to drive. I may be a little bias, because of the simple fact that
I like manual transmissions a lot better than automatics, but statistics never lie.
As you can
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Major Changes In Law Enforcement
Introduction There have been numerous changes in law enforcement throughout the years. Law
enforcement has had to meet the environment and the social demands of the public with the crime
becoming more organized and showing new challenges ahead. This paper will go over the three
common functions police perform such as crime control, order maintenance and social work.
Crime Control Crime control is one of the major things police are responsible for in my option. In
textbooks, college courses, and police training programs, it became common to find police work
described as primarily involving order maintenance, services, or social work. Probably because police
officers had always realized that their popular image as crime fighters ... Show more content on ...
The social media has become a way for criminals to contact each other and coordinate their criminal
acts. By this happening it creates another place that police departments around the country have to
find ways of policing it. While this becomes harder for law enforcement, luckily they have technology
out there that will help in doing this. When criminals use the internet they leave a trail that law
enforcement can follow in the apprehension or conviction by using their trail as evidence against
them. The police can also identify threats and patterns of the criminals using the internet. Even though
technology has its benefits within policing by helping with programs, the field officers, investigations,
community relations and their safety and the wide spread of sharing information between different law
enforcement. Law enforcement has to be able to come up with new technology to keep up with the
advance technology the criminals come out with to use against society. This can become costly to
police departments that now days have a very tight budget to work with and have to find new ways of
coming up with the money to keep up to protect their
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Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. is a specialty retailer of doughnuts. The company s business owns and
franchises Krispy Kreme doughnut stores, where it makes and sells over 20 varieties of doughnuts,
including its signature Hot Original Glazed and nine other varieties. Each of its stores is a doughnut
factory with the capacity to produce from 4,000 dozen to over 10,000 dozen doughnuts daily. The
Company also sells in its stores drip coffee, other beverages, other bakery items and collectible
memorabilia such as tee shirts, sweatshirts and hats. As of February 2, 2003, there were 276 Krispy
Kreme stores, of which 270 were located in 37 states in the continental U.S., five were located in
eastern Canada and one was ... Show more content on ...
An example would be bagel or muffin chains offering a healthier alternative to donuts. Krispy Kreme
must be aware of these alternatives and be prepared to adjust their product line to accommodate or
lure potential customers.
Rivalry There has been and may always be a large amount of rivalry between competing donut
producers. The range of producers is vast, from small private bakeries to larger chains such as
Dunkin¡¦ Donuts. Donuts are easily produced from relatively inexpensive ingredients. This creates
competition and rivalry and Krispy Kreme should be look at expanding its product lines into new
Core Competencies
Krispy Kreme has an excellent Marketing Department. They have kept a good reputation and
established good rapport in the domestic market. Having excellent and swift customer service is a
good business strategy that led to the development of their doughnut making machine. The original
glazed is the doughnut that most people are familiar with and is the most popular. At Krispy Kreme
the glazed doughnuts are served hot off the doughnut making machine. A main attraction for Krispy
Kreme is the ability to create your doughnuts fresh to order. If you happen to be passing by the store
and wondering whether or not the doughnuts are being served hot and fresh, just watch the sign on the
outside of the store. If the HOT light is on, that means that the
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United States Government Vs. United Kingdom Government
United States Government vs. United Kingdom Government
People often vision the royal family, when thinking about the United Kingdom and think about how
the King holds the power as the Head of State. United States government seems completely due the
President being in charge instead of a King, no one stops to think about the similarities the both
governments share. The United States and United Kingdom Government share similar aspects of their
structure of government, power the heads of government and contain the same political parties.
Representative Democracy, known as the established form of government in the United State in which
citizens can elect representatives through voting. The Representative s duties include to develop and
create laws for the citizens to obey. The government s power divides into the following branches
Judicial branch, Executive branch and Legislative. The Judicial branch holds the power to argue the
meaning of laws and how they are applied (The White House). To prove, the branch completes the
process known as the judicial review to determine if the laws violate the constitution. The President
holds the power in the Executive branch to carry out and enforce laws. The Legislative branch
possesses the power to create laws. Unlike, the United States government the established form of
government in the United Kingdom is a Constitutional Monarchy, in which the Monarch shares power
with a constitutionally organized government (The Editors of
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U3 Advisors Expanded The Chula Vista Team
In 2015, U3 Advisors expanded the Chula Vista team by retaining the following four individuals to act
in an advisory capacity on the project; Denise Ducheny, retired California State Senator, and Clarissa
Reyes Falcon of Falcon Consulting, to act as the local representatives for the institutional recruitment
process, and Eduardo Glandt, Dean of Engineering, Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania as an
academic and institutional sounding board. We also consulted with Mexican American Architect
Enrique Norten who has close ties to Chula Vista as well as high level Mexican governmental and
higher education officials.
The City of Chula Vista, California has engaged U3 Advisors to help establish a University and
Innovation District campus on a 375 acre site in the southeast corner of the City. Chula Vista, a
growing city located approximately four miles north of the US/Mexico border and midpoint between
the downtowns of San Diego and Tijuana, envisions this campus as an educational destination and
regional economic engine. U3 is guiding the effort to identify potential partner institutions for this
project and is exploring opportunities with higher education partners globally and domestically.
A new university campus could have a tremendous impact for not only the City of Chula Vista, but
also the larger CaliBaja Megaregion, comprised of San Diego and Imperial Counties to the north of
the border and the five municipalities that make up Baja California, MX
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Support Group Approach
3 The type of group approach that I would propose The type of group approach I would propose for
this population is a support group. Support groups are an important part of the approach used in
helping the bereaved suffering from grief and loss. An important goal of the support group is to use
mutual aid to help participants understand and accept themselves as they are (Raby,R 2010). . Mutual
aid is sometimes used in a support group to help participants share resources for mutual benefit.
Understanding and acceptance are the first steps towards self help in a group. Support groups have an
overlapping element that includes a therapeutic effect (Wayne Cohen 2001). For example, participants
may help each other understand why an event
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Effects Of Sports On Sports Performance
The importance of vision in sports is a subject that triggers everyone s awareness for the past couple
years .In fact, with the increasing of people playing sports as a recreational activity or at a professional
level, it is becoming more relevant than ever to stress the type of eye injuries that can happen while
practicing a sport and the best way to protect ourselves. Whether it s basketball, football, baseball or
any type of sports human in general, is more exposed than ever to eye injuries. According to the book
sport vision care for the enhancement of sports performance sports related ocular injuries account for
33000 to 100000 of the estimated 2.4 million eye injuries that occur in the US annually (Brumitt
Erickson, p. 139). Furthermore, eye injuries are the number cause of blindness and ocular morbidity in
children (Brumitt Erickson, p. 139). Traumatic eye injury, according to the sports medical organization
sports eye injuries remain the second most common cause of visual impairment, behind only cataracts.
Moreover, every year, nearly 15 percent of the 2.5 million eye injuries in the United States occur
during sporting activities. Of these injuries, 42,000 are severe enough to warrant an emergency
department visit, and approximately 13,500 result in legal blindness (R.A., D., TS, 2012). All those
facts reunite prove that sports related ocular injuries should be a concern for everybody. This paper
will focus on the diverse type of injuries that can
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Impact Of Technological Advancements On The Battle Of The...
A) Plan of Investigation:
To what extent did technological advancements contribute to the victory of the Allied powers in the
Battle of the Atlantic through 1939 1946?
The Battle of the Atlantic lasted from September 1939 until the defeat of Germany in 1945; it was
recalled to be the longest continuous military campaign. In the duration of six years; a glorified battle
consisting of naval warfare, German U boats, warships and Italian submarines were pitted against
Allied convoys which aimed to transport military equipment and supplies across the Atlantic to Great
Britain and the Soviet Union. This battle was executed to essentially gain control of Atlantic shipping
routes, involved thousands of ships stretched and situated across the ... Show more content on ...
 Aircrafts were very effective in protecting merchant ships; however, the problem was that Allied
planes use earlier in the war did not have enough range to offer air cover or the convoys all the way
across the Atlantic. The Mid Atlantic Gap is recognized as a geographical term associated with an
undefended area beyond the reach of land based Costal Command antisubmarine aircrafts during the
Battle of the Atlantic. Indeed this central area was known as the Black Pit as that was where many of
the heaviest and largest convoy losses occurred.
 The introduction of the new long range planes helped reduce the hazards of this dangerous portion
of battle. Avro Lancaster was a British four engined bomber which was implemented in warfare during
the Battle of the Atlantic of the Second World War used by the Royal Air Force. It was first active as a
strategic bombing offensive, and then became the main heavy bomber used by the RAF and RCAF.
The Lancaster took upon the role of a long range anti submarine patrol aircraft and air sea rescue. It
was also used as an aerial mapping resource to figure out where German U boats most commonly
attacked, hence figuring out where they usually place, with this information the Allies were able to
strategically place counterattacks. The Avro Lancaster also carried passengers and delivered weapons
to Britain and the Soviet Union.
II. Allied scientists created many devices
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History of Criminal Law from the Roman Justice Essay
With the name of dogma of the completude , a phenomenon appears of the medieval roman tradition
from the times where the Roman law goes being, to the few, considered as the Right for excellence, of
a time for all statement in the iuris Corpus , that it compelled the jurist and the Judge to trust the
sufficiency of the legal system without necessity of if helping in the fairness , workmanship of an
infallible State in the construction of the system, capable of foreseeing a rule for each existing case
and that porventura came existing. according to principle, the order did not have gaps. The Judge was
obliged to judge all the controversies the one that was called to nullify and rank in the codes only
made it on the basis of a ... Show more content on ...
With the new State positivado in the jusnaturalismo of the enciclopedistas, from the French revolution
of 1789, the certainty took account of the legal scene of the time. With the sprouting of the school of
exegese (narrowly connected with the dogma of the completude), it was transferred to understand that
the Code did not have gaps, therefore the judge fit the function to base its decisions on the analogy
and the orienting general principles of the code. The law started to be the only unalterable e source of
the Right, fitting to the judge, the sight of the problem, to find the norm in the Code , renegando it
tradition of the Common law of the Ancien Regimen that placed as formal sources of the Right, to the
side of the law, the customs, the sentences and, with has detached, the doctrine, the side of the
tradition and the principles of the Natural law. This school of the Exegese all dominated legal the
thought French of century XIX, truily idolatrando the law. However, in the elaboration of the Code C
#237;vil , Cambac #233;r #232;s (author of the first project) said that the code could not foresee all the
cases. This task would fit to the legislator who, observing the case concrete, would elaborate the
pertinent law. Refer #233; was the call legislatif. The article 4 #186; of the French Civil Code,
... Get more on ...
How Did The Middle Class Affect Latin America
The rise of the middle class had a potent impact on Latin America. The middle class consisted of a
high percentage of the intellectuals, authors, teachers, and journalists and also they had the most
influential voice in the late 19th century (Charlip Burns, 177). One of the most important points about
the middle class was that they were not only the true nationalists in Latin America but also they
regarded the United States as their model, thus they tried to learn something beneficial from the
United Sates for their nation s prosperity and citizens. For example, the middle class was impressed by
the high North American literacy rate and also considered the high literacy rate seemed to provide the
proper preparation for an industrial society
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Tracy Latimer Utilitarianism
The case of Tracy Latimer was in fact a tragic story, about a 12 year old girl who was killed by her
father. Tracy Latimer lived in Saskatchewan, on a farm with her family. Tracy had cerebral palsy
which is an incurable disease; she was confined to a wheelchair for her entire life. Tracy was not able
to live the life of an ordinary person. What Tracy could do, was she enjoyed listening to music and
spending time with her family. Tracy was also taking other medication like pain relievers and the
treatment which resulted in toxic levels that disrupted her system; she would throw up her food and
was dehydrated (Bauslaugh, 2010) . Robert Latimer who was the father killed Tracy Latimer on the
month of October 24th, 1993. Robert Latimer was tried ... Show more content on ...
Therefore I don t believe it was selfish for Robert Latimer to take the life of his daughter. When
someone is suffering in pain, and cannot enjoy life even though it may look like they are, it is not
ruthless to say that the person was happy with how things were. In this defense, I do not agree with the
verdict the Supreme Court gave. I say this because I know that in the eyes of certain people, killing an
innocent child is wrong. However, Tracy Latimer on a daily basis was continuingly getting worse and
nothing was helping her. The pain, the drugs, the grief, the treatment; everything was going downhill
for Tracy and Robert Latimer just wanted to make it all better. I believe the sentence that should have
been given was one to two years in jail, because Robert Latimer did understand what he did was
wrong and he never did say that he didn t feel
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Dress Code And Dress Codes
When it comes to dress code, every individual has a different viewpoint for its implementation. There
are clothes that could be fashionable to one person but seen as offensive to another. A dress code can
be justifiable when put into a situation that really does require certain attire to be worn. It gives a
sense of formality and distinguishes an individual apart from a group. This report seeks to compare
and contrast the characteristics of school dress codes with that of dress codes in the workplace.
We form first impressions and overall judgments about people by the way one dresses. In the
workplace, depending on what industry or company it is, employee dress code can differ based on the
situation. Those who work at a banking institution are generally required to dress in suit and tie or at
least business casual. In such workplaces, it is often required to abide by strict policies such as having
to cover up tattoos and piercings whilst at the workplace. The dress code is set because the appearance
of an employee reflects the company and its values. Thus when dealing with the public, other
employees and in all other business relationships, it is important to conduct oneself in a courteous and
respectful manner, which also entails dressing appropriately.
At TD Canada Trust, a banking institution, on days with client meetings or when clients are expected
in the office, business attire is required of its employees. Professional business attire for women
generally comprises
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Executive Order On Immigration
The U.S. has always being considered the land of opportunities. Back in my home country
opportunities were very scarce, which led to my family immigrating to the U.S. for a better future.
Having had firsthand experience in the immigration transition system, it has been captivating to hear
in the news about the Executive Order Obama issued on November 20, 2014. Seeing families getting
separated, violence raising in the Mexican border, and the increasing Latin population in the U.S.
signaled the need for this Executive Order in immigrant communities. Even though the Constitution
states that Congress has the duty of writing our Nation s laws, President Obama declared an Executive
Order on Immigration. It is believed to be a political boom for ... Show more content on ...
Caroline Chambers, deputy director of the Open Society Policy Center comments that We have
enormous faith in the groups with which we have had longstanding relationships, and we wanted to
give them resources to pursue the best possible legislative fix for the problems in our immigration
system . This gives us clarification on the importance of resources given to groups, by supporting and
believing that the immigration system needs a change. In 2013, Ford gave $2.3 million to United We
Stand for a national effort to help young immigrants sign up for the reprieves. Major donations from
nation s wealthiest liberal foundations, including the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Open
Society Foundations of the financier George Soros, and the Atlantic Philanthropies have added up to
an investment of more than $300 million dollars in immigration organizations. With the donations
from organizations that seek immigrant rights, the funds going to the dreamers programs are not
coming from the federal funds and won t cost tax payers a single
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How Culture And Practices From The Country Of Origin...
During the 1990s, trends of globalisation emerged a radical pattern of international commercial
activities, which enhanced both economic and political interrelationship worldwide. Today, more than
ever, corporations instead of acquiring resources and exporting goods overseas, invest directly in
foreign countries and either establish integrated enterprises or acquire subsidiaries, which
encompasses the range of their goods and services. Multi National corporations (MNCs) grid
dominates inevitably not only the financial market, but also controls a massive proportion of world s
marketing and technology channels.
This essay anticipates to define how culture and practices from the country of origin affect MNCs
behaviours, ... Show more content on ...
The first is the country of origin to transfer its practices to the host country activities; that is what
often called cross national isomorphism (Ferner, 1997). Accordingly, this strategy may entail the
installation of dominant systems of training, work organisation and recruitment in host countries . For
example, where the parent company attempt to impose its policies about the training and development
of its workforce, training schemes and the need for skilled employees in an MNC are aligned with
those of the parent company. Furthermore, it is widely accepted, that in a MNC which adopt and
embrace an ethnocentric approach, cultural values and corporation s strategy of the country of origin
are predominant, whereas the company assumes that such an approach would be advantageously for
the firm and that their subsidiaries ought to discipline and follow the same patterns (Francesco and
Gold 1998). A representative example of such an approach are the Japanese corporations, since studies
have shown that they seek to impose their policies and practices in their MNCs and enforce their rules
(Kopp, 1994). However, ethnocentricity merely underestimates what Ferner (1997) suggests, that the
transfer as long as the embodiment of home country practices, such as organisational structures,
processes and procedures could be either adopted from the host country s systems and regulations or
neglected. The second alternative implies a radically divergent strategy where
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Greater Racine Area Case Study
Find Your Next Home In The Greater Racine Area
Those in search of their dream home in the greater Racine area need look no further. Faye Becker is
among the top real estate professionals in the greater Racine area. Countless home buyers have
recieved the expert assistance of Faye and her professional team. whether you are moving a couple of
houses down the street or relocating to the greater Racine area, Faye has was you need to help you
make the most of your next move. Faye works closely with her buyers to help them get the most from
the home buying process. Faye is known for transforming home buyer s needs and goals into their
perfect home in the greater Racine area.
Featured Listings Home buyers in the area are able to start their home search immediatly with our
Featured Listings. The listings offerd on this site are the most up to date real ... Show more content on ...
The website s informative articles answer questions and illuminate the buyers path on subjects, such
as finanacing, making an offer, negfotiong, inspection, and much more.
Buyers and sellers in the greater Racine area need a Realtor that they can trust. Luckily, Faye Becker
and her team are able to offer home buyers in the area the intgreity, experience, and dedication that
will help them meet all of their real estate needs and goals. Fay s commitimet to her clients, and
professional expertise have earner her the loyalty and friendship of countless home buyers throughout
teh greater Racine area. A native of Racine, Faye is intimatly familar with the greater Racine area. Her
experience in Racine real estate has earned her the respect of former clients, as well as her
professional collegues. Faye specilizes in home buying in the Racine, Caledonia, Franksville, Mount
Pleasant, North Bay, and Wind Point communities. Contact Faye Becker today and discuss finding
your next home in the greater Racine
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Elaine Macardle s The Lost Boys
Not Enough Boys Elaine MacArdle is a correspondent for the Boston Globe and wrote The Lost Boys.
Michelle Conlin is a writer for Business Week and she wrote The New Gender Gap. Both of these
writer talk about the decline of young men attending college and women becoming the majority in
getting a higher education. The message that these two writers want to get across is that there is a
gender reversal in American education and how this may affect society and our nation. Historically
males have been the primary beneficiaries of education. It s a man s world, men are the creators of
civilizations, laws and education in America. Men have created a system where they can be cater too
in every way possible. Men usually have first pick of what they want to do with their life, they tend to
have a choice whether to attend college. Woman before did not have much of a choice to attend
college to seek a career, woman have usually gotten marry and raised kids. Conlin says The gender
gap also has roots in the expectation gap, in the 1970 s boys ... Show more content on
McArdle says We should start teaching them according to how they learn, not according to some idea
that boys and girls have to learn the same way (167). This could be a new possible system of teaching
the two sexes differently without holding anyone back in the process. Male and female have different
brain activity and also very different ways of learning. When it comes to teaching there needs to be a
more specific study, to come with a more evolved teaching criteria. Lastly Conlin says A new world
has opened up for girls, but unless a symmetrical effort is made to help boys find their footing, it may
turn out that it s a lonely place to be. After all, it takes more than one gender to have a gender
revolution (179). Schools need to start taking responsibility for what goes on in schools and their
teaching methods that are failing everyone especially
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Domestic Preparedness Cycle Essay
The Homeland Security Bill directly impacts the domestic preparedness cycle because emergency
management became a primary duty of the Department of Homeland Security (Cordner, 2016). In
addition, the newly formed federal agency created a six point agenda that identified specific goals,
which directly contribute to domestic preparedness cycle (Cordner, 2016). Let us examine these goals
and identify how they relate to the domestic preparedness cycle starting with prevention. Some of the
initial six goals created by the Department of Homeland Security directly contribute to the prevention
phase of domestic preparedness cycle. The goals of increasing overall preparedness for catastrophic
events, strengthening border security and border enforcement and reforming immigration processes,
and enhancing information sharing with our partners exhibit a direct ... Show more content on ...
The goal of creating better transportation security systems to move people and cargo more securely
and efficiently attribute to the protection phase of the domestic preparedness cycle. The ability to
move cargo safely and efficiently through our national ports makes them an economically critical
infrastructure, which coincides with the Department of Homeland Security s initial goals and the
domestic preparedness cycle (Cordner, 2016). The response phase of the domestic preparedness cycle
parallels the goals of information sharing and increasing overall preparedness, which lead to the
creation of the National Incident Management System. The National Incident Management System
established a common set of terms and procedures used during multiagency coordination, unified
command, and the identification of equipment, resources, and common protocols for processing
events and disseminating information regarding an incident (Cordner, 2016, p. 433). The
standardization of communication and procedures display how the Department of Homeland Security
goals and the
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Perception of the African American Males
Perception of the African American males
African Americans males are considered dangerous based on a false identity, misconceptions, and
misinformation that are available in the media; this includes but is not limited to rap music, news, and
TV shows. This misconception can be traced as far back as slavery. The perception of blacks males as
being dangerous began when the slave came to America on 1619. Due to the situation of being treated
as property, to be freely bought and sold, and that the owner was free to split up a couple or family at
any time simply by selling some of his/her slaves. African slaves started to behave in a hostile manner.
Because of their behavior the Caucasians immediately started to classify the ... Show more content on ...
A common stereotype about African American men is that they are engage in drug abuse a
disproportionate way which it s not true because according to statistics from the US department of
Health and Human services that although eight percent of African American males cocaine, eleven
percent of whites have use the same drug. This is, however, not the impression that we get from
watching the evening local news or even an episode of television program COPS.
Blacks Stereotyped of Being Intellectually Inferior and Criminals.
Another common negative stereotype, establishes the African American male as intellectually inferior.
Studies directed by psychologist Claude Stale, indicate that African American teenagers are aware that
they are stigmatized as being intellectually inferior and the go to school bearing what psychologist
Claude has called a burden of suspicion Such burden can affect their attitudes and achievements.
These shadows hang over stigmatized people no matter their status or accomplishments. These
stigmas have the potential to roll them of their individually and debilitate their attempts to break out of
the stereotypical roles. Blacks are the repository for the American fear of crime. Ask anyone, of any
race, to picture a criminal and the image will have a black face. The linked between blackness and
criminality it s routinized by terms such a black on black crimes or black crimes . I also have to
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Ergotism in The Salem Witch Trials
Ergotism in Salem
The Salem Witch Trials were a horrendous event in the history of America and was the first of its
kind. A question that has risen up numerous times is what was the actual cause of the trials. We know
that a few girls made the first accusations, but why. I will now explain how Salem became one of the
most notorious towns in Massachusetts. Ergot poisoning was the cause for the witch trials as it caused
the girls to become crazed and delirious.
First you may ask yourself what exactly is Ergot poisoning. Ergot is a fungal disease of rye that grows
in the ear of the Cereal. Early colonists reported that they were dissatisfied with the common grass as
it made their cattle ill.Ergot was first medically reported only a few years before the trials. This means
that ergotism was a relevant disease at the time of the trials.You can acquire ergot poisoning simply by
eating contaminated bread therefore the girls would not know that they were being poisoned. Ergotism
Symptoms include crawling sensation in the skin and tingling in the fingers, vertigo, headaches,
disturbances in sensation, painful muscular contractions leading to convulsions and vomiting. A few of
the mental disturbances include mania, melancholia, psychosis, and delirium.(Caporeal 23)The
accusers may have lost their minds to this awful disease. The biting, pinching, and pricking with pins
may allude to the crawling sensations under the skin experienced by ergotism victims.(caporeal 25)
The location of
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. PT3 Descriptive Essay-How I Spent My Holidays

  • 1. .: PT3 Descriptive Essay-How I Spent My Holidays 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. .: PT3 Descriptive Essay-How I Spent My Holidays .: PT3 Descriptive Essay-How I Spent My Holidays
  • 2. Spread Of Buddhism In China Dbq Analysis The responses to the spread of Buddhism in China were positive, negative, and acknowledged the differences between Buddhism and other religions. Buddhism reached China around the first century C.E., but Buddhist influence did not largely spread until the fall of the Han Dynasty. China was deeply Confucian in the first century, and resisted the presence of Buddhism due to the many differences between the basic beliefs of each religion. The Chinese population reacted differently to Buddhism depending on personal beliefs, which led to disagreement and conflict. Buddhism caused many positive responses throughout China, especially during times of political instability. Buddhism increased in popularity as the enforcement of laws in China decreased ... Show more content on ... China was greatly influenced by Confucian beliefs, especially during the Han Dynasty. Confucianists believe the key to harmony is good morals throughout society and the acceptance and respect of unequal relationships. Chinese Confucianists thought that society would run smoothly, as long as each person completed their respective tasks. Tang Emperor Wu stated that Buddhism allowed monks and nuns to not do their part in society, and therefore Buddhism needed to be eradicated from Chinese society (Document 6). Emperor Wu s point of view does not reflect the viewpoint of the lower classes, especially Buddhist supporters, because he is an emperor who lives a lavish life. Emperor Wu fully supports Confucianism and has been educated using Confucian beliefs throughout his life, which further influences his negative opinion on Buddhism expressed in the proclamation. The unequal relationships between ruler and subject, or father and son, were present throughout Chinese society and were important to the success of the empire. Han Yu, a Confucian scholar, explained that the Buddha did not conform to Chinese laws or understand the unequal relationships present in Chinese culture, in order to convince the population that Buddhism does not belong in China (Document 4). The intended audience of the statement by Han Yu is the Chinese upper class in order to prevent further conversion and acceptance of Buddhism. Confucianism was most popular among the upper classes, due to the extensive education the wealthy received based on Confucianism. Negative responses were common among the Chinese population due to the many differences between Buddhist and Confucian ... Get more on ...
  • 3. What Is The Moral Of The Play Julius Caesar As the United States of America races towards the election of their forty fifth president it is not unusual to hear rumors of government conspiracy. In a literary classic play written by William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar reveals some insights to political strategies used still today like labeling frenemies, promises, and persuading. The main character Julius Caesar said, If you must break the law, do it to seize power: In all other cases observe it. This poses the question, what political truths can be learned from the play? Keeping your friends close, and your enemies closer is nowhere more evident than in Julius Caesar. Brutus was considered a friend to Caesar. President Obama picked Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State to keep ... Show more content on ... Every president before has promised something to the citizens. Only this time Mrs. Clinton has promised to make the economy work for the common Americans and not just the higher class. While Mr. Trump has promised to make America great again. Shakespeare s second political lesson is that promises gain popularity. When speaking at Caesar s funeral Marc Antony uses money to get the audience to beg him to read them Caesar s will. He points to the fact that Caesar s will gives his money to the people of Rome as proof that Caesar was not ambitious. Here is the will, and under Caesar s seal. To every Roman citizen he gives, To every several man, seventy five drachmas. By the time Anthony reads them the will money is almost no longer necessary. Just like after a runner receives your vote they re bond to forget all the promises made. When trying to make a political point start from common ground with those whom you are trying to influence. This is the third and final lesson. Know your audience and speak to them in a way they can understand. People think that unlike all other politicians Donald Trump is speaking straightforwardly instead of sugar coating. Anthony knew that Caesar was ambitious and even though it was a fault he was still a honorable man. So Marc Antony s speech starts directed to the crowd that is against him. Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; I come to bury Caesar, not to praise ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Henry Turner Superego Freud believes there is three parts of a person s personality, the Id, Ego and Superego. The Id is the portion of the brain that is based on a pleasure principle , meaning that this is the part that controls a person s craving and wants. There is also the Ego which is based on the reality principle , meaning this is the section of your brain telling you how it really is and saying you can t have something based on the present situation. Lastly, there is the Superego which is based on moral principle , meaning that you can t have something your Id wants because it is morally wrong. Henry Turner was living a fairly normal life, till one day his Id took over and he wanted some cigarettes and when he went to purchase them something unexpected happened. A man was trying to rob him, but Henry wouldn t give up his money and tried running away and got shot twice. He was able to live through, but when he came back, he wasn t able to be himself, he couldn t walk, talk or remember anything about him or his life. He went through extensive training and rehab to be able to retain the walking and talking part that he had forgotten. While in rehab, ... Show more content on ... He was forced to start all over and relearn how walk and talk, meaning he didn t know right from wrong. Since he didn t know what was right and what was wrong, he just did all the things his brain wants him to do. He didn t have any more morals to live by, because he had to start all over and learn right from wrong. An example of this is when he learns his wife cheated on him, he doesn t know that it was wrong until he starts to remember more and more about what he learned in previous years. I also believe the most prominent scene to prove his Id is his natural state is when he buys the dog and leaves to go walk around with nothing else to do. The traumatic accident he goes through changed him as a person and made him become more of someone who is controlled by their ... Get more on ...
  • 5. 1980 s Music Analysis This essay will examine the main trends and ideologies associated with the 1980 s era and explore how these trends are reflected in one piece of music from the chosen time period. To accomplish this task, this essay will firstly analyse the prominent trends, ideologies and beliefs associated with the 1980 s era in America as this is the time period in which N.W.A rose to fame as a rap group. This essay will then introduce the rap group N.W.A and analyse their popular recording Straight Outta Compton , identifying and explaining the music style of the chosen song, paramusical elements and how these style elements are related to the ideologies of the particular style. This essay will then conclude by demonstrating how the chosen recording is ... Show more content on ... In response to his morally wrong actions he became a target for mockery in the uninhibited lyrics of the city s rappers and hip hop artists especially N.W.A. Daryl Gates was also unpopular with the Los Angeles political establishments for his forceful approach. In response to a drive by shooting that involved the murder of eight people in South Los Angeles in 1987, Gates initiated Operation Hammer, a military style plan to catch suspected criminals and shut down crack houses through the use of motorized battering rams to unlawfully enter homes. Houses belonging to women and children were wrongfully destroyed, Gates showed little to no remorse. 25,000 arrests were made after the massive sweep of South LA had ended. The operation turned many innocent people against the police. Gates believed that segregation should be achieved by drawing distinct lines and making sure the African Americans knew their place. Through more severe consequences when they disobeyed the law. (The Times ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Personal Strengths And Weaknesses My second strength is to seek first to understand, then be understood. There was a time in my life that this section would have been a low scoring section for me. I was once a person that would never put myself into the position of another to fully establish a connection of understanding from the other persons point of view, I was too busy. Now I have individualized consideration and I think age and career choices are the reasons why. In an article by B. Wilson, (2003 2005), he writes that Stephen Covey, as others, believes that the only way to establish communication in some professional and personal situations is by becoming, in small part, the person you are listening to . I make every attempt to do that exact procedure when employees come to me with problems or concerns. I m no longer impatiently waiting on them to finish their story but now I put myself in their shoes. It s important for the staff to feel as though they can come to me with issues and this is where the idealized influence and individual consideration come into play. Listening to the staff and genuinely caring about them makes for a more pleasant work environment, happier employees, and appreciative people. My third strength is Synergy. This actually caught me by surprise, a little. Synergy is achieved my maximizing the driving forces, minimizing the restraining forces, and combining strengths of people through positive teamwork, so as to achieve goals that no one else could have done alone, ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Movie Essays Romanticism in the Film Version of The Big Sleep In Raymond Chandler s novel The Big Sleep, he presents two sisters, Vivian and Carmen. These women become the central characters, aside from Philip Marlowe, and they control much of the action in the novel. The 1946 film version of The Big Sleep, however, manipulates Chandler s characters considerably. Aside from playing with the dialogue of the novel, the screen writers change the very essences of Vivian and Carmen. Perhaps it is the casting of the film which forces changes from the novel, or perhaps the Production Code keeps the writers from developing the women in the way that Chandler does; either way, the film version of The Big Sleep makes the story romantic and ... Show more content on ... (Chandler 19) In the novel, Marlowe doesn t care for Vivian anymore than she does for him. A fact that is hammered home throughout the novel in the dialogue between these two characters. In the movie, however, there is a distinct attraction between the characters, purposely created to capitalize on the real life affair between Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall. Director Howard Hawks was charged with creating a movie vehicle for these stars as a result of their incredible chemistry from the earlier movie To Have and Have Not. Bogart and Bacall were phenomenally well matched on screen and off, and Hawks decided that The Big Sleep was the best film to display their chemistry. In order to do so, the script needed to be revised from the novel. The novel calls for Marlowe and Vivian to go their separate ways, with Marlowe discretely threatening to reveal Vivian s secrets and Vivian shattered and responsible for Carmen s deranged life. Hawks asked William Faulkner to create a screenplay that would maximize the drama while maintaining an air of romance between Bogart and Bacall. The script that resulted concluded with Marlowe and Vivian together, presumably heading off into the sunset towards an implied marriage; the traditional happy ending. The character of Vivian that comes out of Faulkner s script is softer and more dynamic than Chandler s Vivian. Faulkner s sings in a gambling ... Get more on ...
  • 8. David Mallett Case Study David Mallett is a highly sought after hairstylist from Paris. His salon demands 250€ alone, for a simple cut. He previously worked on models for Elle, Dior, L Oreal, along with an abundance of others. I believe that hair should look good long after the client has left the salon, states Mallett, as should every hairdresser. With his particular look shown above, I enjoy it due to the cleanliness and precise work shown. Every sliver of hair is placed in such a manner that the entire model is perceived in a fancy way. She could be wearing rags and all I, or possibly anyone, would focus on is the delicacy Mallett so obviously contributed. Her dye color is the correct shade for her skin pigmentation and the braid wrapped around her head does ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Arthritis Relief during Winter Weather Arthritis Relief During Winter Weather Winter is here once again and along with it is the frequent flare ups experienced by some weather sensitive arthritic sufferers. Though there is limited scientific evidences proving that weather causes arthritis to act up, numerous patients are complaining that it indeed causes them severe pain and inflammation that normal. It has been recorded that 70% of those suffering from arthritis are weather sensitive, which makes them prone to pain and inflammation during winter. Here are several tips that can help in relieving symptoms of arthritis especially during winter: Dress warmly For some people suffering with arthritis, winter weather can bring unnecessary inconveniences. Dressing warmly is one way to alleviate the pain caused by the change of weather. When going outdoors, make sure you are wearing loose layers. Wear mittens or gloves to protect your hands as well. Warm socks and waterproof boots are also a must since this will protect your feet from getting wet or damp. If you opt to wear dresses or skirts, try to wear it over leggings or tights to keep your knees and legs from getting too cold. Eat Healthy Food plays a stupendous role in helping you to overcome arthritis flare ups during the winter. By choosing to eat healthy, you ll be able to manage the symptoms allowing you more time to enjoy the cold weather. Load up with foods high in omega 3 fatty acids, vitamin K, D and C. These essential nutrients are proven to be ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Lloyds Bank Group Case Study In this section, there are two different case studies which is Lloyds Bank Group and the Deloitte. These two cases indicated that how the companies have been confronting the gender issues, while carrying the employee selection function and to what extent the female has been successful in ensuring the desired objectivity. Lloyds bank is a 250 years bank which was established in 3 June 1765. (Lloyds Bank, 2017) Even though Lloyds is a historical bank, gender issue is still existing in this company. In 2013, Lloyds Bank Group only has less than 27% of female employee as their senior management level positions. Due to this issue, company takes some actions to deal with this gender representation. Previously, Lloyds Bank Group create several programs to increase women promotion space. In 2014, Lloyds Bank Group as the first organisation globally to launch their 2020 Program . This program is mainly talking about increasing the female of senior management level s percentage from 27% to 40%. After this program has been launched, the Executive Committee (Exco) has monthly meeting with different department managing Directors. Besides these scheme, company also doing the special request with the external recruitment channel which is finding more matched experience and conforming female candidates. Meanwhile, for the recruitment advertising, company has revising the wording of all job advertisement to make the female candidates more satisfied. In the 2020 Program , Lloyds Bank ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Maths Test Papers Ix(9) Std. Solved Paper−1 Class 9th, Mathematics, SA−2 Time: 3hours Max. Marks 90 General Instructions 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. Draw neat labeled diagram wherever necessary to explain your answer. 3. Q.No. 1 to 8 are of objective type questions, carrying 1 mark each. 4. Q.No.9 to 14 are of short answer type questions, carrying 2 marks each. 5. Q. No. 15 to 24 carry 3 marks each. Q. No. 25 to 34 carry 4 marks each. 1. Point ( 3, 5) lies in the (A) first quadrant (C) third quadrant (B) second quadrant (D) fourth quadrant 2. If ∆ ABC ≅ ∆ PQR and ∆ ABC is not congruent to ∆ RPQ, then which of the following is not true: (A) BC = PQ (B) AC = PR (C) QR = BC (D) AB = PQ ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral such that AB is a diameter of the circle ... Show more content on ... (ii) In the classroom discuss what conclusions can be arrived at from the graph. 20. The taxi fare in a city is as follows: For the first kilometre, the fares is Rs 8 and for the subsequent distance it is Rs 5 per km. Taking the distance covered as x km and total fare as Rs y, write a linear equation for this information, and draw its graph. Find the volume of a sphere whose radius is (i) 7 cm (ii) 0.63 m 22. In parallelogram ABCD, two points P and Q are taken on diagonal BD such that DP = BQ (see the given figure). Show that: 21. (i) ∆APD ≅ ∆CQB (ii) AP = CQ (iii) ∆AQB ≅ ∆CPD (iv) AQ = CP (v) APCQ is a parallelogram 23. ABCD is a parallelogram and AP and CQ are perpendiculars from vertices A and C on diagonal BD (See the given figure). Show that (i) ∆APB ≅ ∆CQD Material downloaded from and Portal for CBSE Notes, Test Papers, Sample Papers, Tips and Tricks (ii) AP = CQ 24. The following table gives the distribution of students of two sections according to the mark obtained by them: Section A Marks 0 − 10 10 − 20 20 − 30 30 − 40 40 − 50 Frequency 3 9 17 12 9 Section B Marks 0 − 10 10 − 20 20 − 30 30 − 40 40 − 50 Frequency 5 19 15 10 1
  • 12. Represent the marks of the students of both ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Atlanta Braves Case Study Description On November 11th 2013, the Atlanta Braves announced that the team will be moving out of Turner Field. The Atlanta Braves new stadium, also known as the SunTrust Park, is a baseball park in edifice that will function as the impending home of the Atlanta Braves. It is positioned in the Cumberland area of Cobb County, Georgia, northwest of Atlanta. SunTrust Bank in Atlanta signed a 25 years deal for the naming right to the new Atlanta Braves stadium....The agreement will put the SunTrust logo at the top of the Braves new home in the northwest, as well as on an adjoining commercial development that will include restaurants and offices (Broughton, 2014, p. 1) The Cobb County issuer sold an estimated amount of $397 million of revenue ... Show more content on ... In 2010, Delta airline signed a five year contract as Braves charter carrier that involved development of the 755 club in Turner Field (Kelpal, 2015). Key parties to the Braves stadium and mixed use complex Pope Land Enterprise is the development partner in charge of office space. A 35 year old firm based in Atlanta developed most of the office buildings consisting of Atlanta Center Plaza, 3630 Peachtree, and a Buckhead office tower topped by Ritz Carbon branded condos. The company is also a crucial player in suburban office leaving and management services and ownership. Pollack Shores Real Estate Group is among the prominent multi family developers in the region. Founded in 2006 with investment portfolio worth $1 billion, they Pollack shores specialize in building magnificent apartment communities with retail and restaurants close by facilities comprising vocational style pools, fitness centers, and high end club rooms. The company dominates communities in Georgia, Florida, and Tennessee that comprises the Jane, Citizen at Perimeter, Steelworks Buckhead neighborhood next to Beltline, Bobby Jones Golf course (Trubey ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Halloween Wine Research Paper If you are planning a party or get together this Halloween, a sinister wine is essential for setting the mood and starting the party! There is an impressive array of wines available for this holiday just lurking to help you create hair raising memories for you and your loved ones. We have chosen six of the best Halloween wines, red and white, that are sure to please even the grumpiest of your party ghouls.White Cat is a light, introductory Halloween wine courtesy of Hazlitt Vineyards in Finger Lakes. If October has been chilling your bones a bit too much this year, this sweet party pack will bring you right back to the tropics. Not quite as daring as its brother, Red Cat, this wine offers sweet yet tart, crisp white grape flavor. It is not ... Show more content on ... It is a complex, deep red from Vampire Vineyards, where they claim that this wine is sought out by vampire covens seeking to relive the tastes of their mortal lives . As for the living that are daring enough to try it, it is sure to make them feel more alive than ever. There is a harmonious balance of rich, dark flavors in every glass (or goblet) of this sinister cabernet sauvignon. It holds the essence of dark, sweet cherries as well as decadent chocolate and a spice of anise. Definitely not for the faint of heart!This mellow, white wine is sure to bring out the monsters at your party. This sweet vintage is created by R. López de Heredia Viña Tondonia and originates from where else, but, Romania. It is definitely a party pleaser, with strong notes of apple, pear, and fig and a crisp finish. If you re looking to start the party before dusk, this a wonderful wine for early or late afternoon, and pairs beautifully with light appetizers and tapas. With this wine as an opening beverage, you re sure to have a howling good time!When it comes to wine, it is important to pick your poison wisely. If you have chosen POIZIN, a zinfandel provided by Armida Winery in Sonoma County, you have made a great decision. The label displays a sinister, deep red skull and ... Get more on ...
  • 15. David Foster Wallace Speech Analysis It will actually be within your power to experience a crowded, hot, slow, consumer hell type situation as not only meaningful, but sacred, on fire with the same force that made the stars: love, fellowship, the mystical oneness of all things deep down. Spoken by David Foster Wallace at the 2005 Kenyon graduation ceremony. The purpose of his speech was to validate how important a liberal arts education is and how it will affect the rest of their lives. David Foster Wallace talks about how the commencement speakers should speak about why they were chosen to give the speech. And why they are where they are basically how the college has made them accomplish. Every graduation anyone has ever been too everyone always belittles the commencement speeches ... Show more content on ... The atheist tells him a story about one time he was dying and he decided to call out for god but god never showed up a couple of eskimos dis, and that s one of the reasons why he doesn t believe in god. David Foster wallace did not give this story to talk about religion or to put his religious beliefs into it at all. David Foster Wallace was trying to explain how people establish interpretations from the core by interpreting reality differently. Basically that we are so close minded to so many ideas and forget to free our minds. The story showed how the Christian and the Atheist were both equally closed minded because they both would not try to understand each other s beliefs. And that a Liberal Arts Education is unique because it will teach you how to be open minded, and open to all ideas. Or that A liberal arts education will make you be a at least a little less close minded then the rest of the world because it will open your eyes to everything around us even the smallest most obvious things that we did not notice ... Get more on ...
  • 16. What Is The Endocrine System The Nervous system is composed of trillions of neurons/nerve cells that forms a network to serve as communication system for the body. The neurons are able to send electrical impulses from the brain to the body and vice versa, which leads to a response from a person via a coordinated action. The Endocrine system is a system which is composed of several glands found throughout the body, where its role is vital for the communication in the body. The function of this system is for the production and release of chemical messengers (hormones) from these gland into the bloodstream. This direct release of the hormones into the blood will allow the hormones to be carried towards the target organ that they are intended to go to. The following are examples of glands that are part of the endocrine system: Hypothalamus, Pituitary gland, Thyroid gland, Pancreas, Adrenal glands. However the two systems mentioned above are not directly connected with one another, but instead they interact in various ways in order to achieve the same goal. ... Show more content on ... The two systems are able to interact, as a result of the gland capable of affecting both systems. When a person is experiencing numerous feelings/sensations that include pain, hunger, fear, thirst, anger and the need for sleep, then the hypothalamus acknowledges this. Once this has happened, the gland communicates with the autonomic nervous system which is a sub system of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The autonomic system is involuntary, therefore the changes that need to be made are done so without the need for the person to do much since it occurs unconsciously within the ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Construction Of A Local Public School Last year, the city of Colchester, England decided to expand the building of a local public school due to a growing population. The land on which the school is built holds an abundant amount of archaeological information relevant to the history of Colchester. This data was only briefly reached in 1911 when amateur archaeologist, Henry Jones, was given permission to quickly excavate the site. This came about after century old human remains were discovered during the construction of the original school. From his excavations, Jones concluded that the remains of the three bodies discovered were killed during the Boudiccan Rebellion in 60 61 CE. Due to the circumstances under which Jones performed his excavations, he was not able to produce a stratigraphic section of the site. Jones also failed to keep any written record of his excavations and the remaining artifacts and remains have since been lost. With the expansion of the school in Colchester, it is my job to perform a thorough excavation of the site before construction begins. Using the law of superposition, with a start and end date of approximately 200 BCE 1 CE or 100 BCE ± 100, stratum 800 is the oldest stratum represented. This date was formulated from the average of seven radiocarbon samples. Due to the lack of cultural material present in the stratum, it can be surmised that this stratum was uninhabited. The next oldest stratum using the law of superposition, is stratum 700, dates to 200 BCE 1 CE to 43 CE. I ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Using Web 2.0, Facebook, And Diy Cultural Citizenship Essay Writing and Inquiry Assignment 2 Dylan Hannah. Power to the people? web 2.0, Facebook ,and DIY cultural citizenship in Aotearoa New Zealand. By Ian Goodwin. The aim of Ian Goodwin s article Power to the people? web 2.0, Facebook ,and DIY cultural citizenship in Aotearoa New Zealand is to fuel a more informed and critically diverse debate on the values of web 2.0 as so far most of the conversation on this topic has been children s safety on the internet .The target audience is fairly wide however given that the article is from MediaNZ it is safe to assume that the principle demographic this is aimed toward Media Studies students ,and teachers. Goodwin uses a range of strategies to fuel the broader discussion on the values of web 2.0: Repeated words with the purpose of accustoming the audience to the words, Target audience as a strategy with the purpose to gain a more informed and critical discussion and structural placement with the purpose of highlighting the global and local importance of web 2.0. The title is significant in revealing the authors intentions to make the article a debate rather than something with a correct ,or incorrect answer. The question mark is interesting because it is the first thing that the reader sees ,and it begins make them question what they already know and don t know about this topic. It is already making them analyse where they stand on this issue ,and why. I tend to think that making the given audience already think before they ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Importance Of Cultural Identity We all have unique identities that we develop within our cultures, but these identities are not fixed or static (Trumbull and Pacheco 8). People should examine their culture to have a better understanding of how it affects their identity and perceptions. In order to understand one s cultural identity, he or she need to understand what the term means. According to one source, cultural identity can be defined as, These different experiences and the new values, beliefs, and ideas they produce contribute to the dynamic nature of cultures (Trumbull and Pacheco 10). Considering this definition, I realize that my cultural identity can be best represented by ethnicity because it expresses my individuality as a person. Various aspects of a person s life that may determine his or her cultural identity includes ethnicity, language, art, location, food, traditions, and history. After analyzing several texts, the reader recognizes that three important elements of a person s cultural identity include ethnicity, location, and food. An important element of a person s cultural identity is ethnicity. A person s ethnicity has an impact on how they live in the world. Drafting memos in smooth English, able to order in fluent Spanish. (Mora 40). Being an American Mexican she s able to use her ethnicity for fitting ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Description Of Automatic Text Summarization Automatic Text Summarization Bhavika S. Joshi Pooja N. Mane Atharva College of Engineering Atharva College of Engineering Department of Computer Science Department of Computer Science University of Mumbai University of Mumbai Mumbai, India Mumbai, India Email: Email: Kaveri S. Metkari Atharva College of Engineering Department of Computer Science University of Mumbai Mumbai, India Email: Abstract Nowadays people want a quick, rapid and concise review of any given text rather than going through the entire length of the content. In this growing age of information technology witty huge amount of data being churned every second users for reliable context that is short and concise over lengthy paragraphs of text. Realizing this need this project is based on summarizing content in to a more concise yet informative context without losing the moral premise or the objective for which the text was originally developed. We employ various data mining algorithms to condense the entire text into a content rich summary document by extracting the prominent and relevant information outlining the purpose of the entire text. I. ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Poetry Analysis of Emily Dickinson Essay Analysis of Emily Dickinson s The snake , In the Garden , and It bloomed and dropt, a Single Noon . Emily Dickinson uses nature in almost all of her poetry. She uses many literary techniques in her poems to show her interpretations of nature and the world around her. In the poem The snake she uses imagery in the forms sight and touch. The poem describes the snake as transient or passing swiftly and deceptive or misleading. His appearance is sudden. As the snake moves it divides the grass in one place, and as he moves, in another. The speaker has been deluded by the snake s appearance. It mistakes the snake for a whip or lash. This is a use of situational irony. Emily also uses personification to give the snake human ... Show more content on ... When saying, zero at the bone she is saying how the feeling penetrates to the bone and suggests how deeply felt, and how intense the emotion is. By using these connotation at the end of her poem she could be referring to death or dying, maybe from fear of the snake. This poem uses many symbols, and specific word choice to show how danger may reveal itself in nature. After reading the poem the tone can be seen as frightening or depressing because Emily takes the beauty of nature and shows that there are sides to it that can be threatening and dangerous as well. In another poem by Emily Dickinson entitled In the Garden she also uses lots of imagery about nature. She uses sight and sound imagery to give the reader an idea of what the speaker is seeing and hearing. Also, again she uses personification to give the bird human characteristics. Talking about the bird as it came down the walk is an example of this. Emily uses symbols to give the bird human qualities. She says that the bird bit an angle worm in halves/And ate the fellow, raw. Ironically the word raw shows an implication of human values and practices. Why would you expect the bird to cook its food? Emily then goes on to talk about the bird drinking dew From a convenient grass which can be symbolic of a glass a human would drink from. The bird is then polite to a beetle by hopping sidewise to the wall. This statement gives the bird a personality, ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Pathogenesis of Menstural Migraines Essay A migraine is a common, chronic, and debilitating neurovascular disorder. It is characterized by attacks of serve headache along with autonomic nervous system dysfunction and some patients an aura neurological symptom (Goadsby, Lipton, Ferrari, 2002). Migraine attacks start at any age but they peak in the early to mid adolescence age. Migraines rates were observed for a year and the results showed the prevalence of migraines being 11% overall, 6% among men and 15 18% in women(Stewart WF, Lipton RB, Celentano DD, Reed ML, 1992). Although prevalence of migraine is similar in preadolescent boys and girls, when the onset of the menstrual cycle occurs, it changes. After onset, migraine attacks are two to three times higher in girls ... Show more content on ... If there is menstrual association with migraines they are subdivided by a more menstrual cycle related frequency. Characteristics of menstrual migraines are usually that they are more resistant to treatment, not associated with aura, of longer duration than other migraine types and have more functional disability compared to migraine attacks other times of the month (Headache Classification Subcommittee of the International Headache Society, 2004). The International Headache Society characterizes menstrual migraines as ones that occur without aura but they may also occur with aura. Migraine without Aura These migraines last as long 4 72 hours. They are characterized by one sided location, moderate to severe pain strength, pulsating or provoked by routine physical activity. They are associated with at least 2 of the following: nausea, vomiting, photophobia (sensitivity to light), phonophobia(fear of loud sounds) or osmophobia(fear of odors) (Headache Classification Subcommittee of the International Headache Society, 2004) Catamenial Migraine Migraines that have a temporal associate with menses are referred to as catamenial migraines and can be either pure menstrual or menstrual related migraine. Precise diagnosis of catamenial migraine can be known by using headache diary recoding of at least 3 months to determine if there is any temporal associated between headache and menstruation cycle ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Essay on The Visual Artist The Visual Artist: Naturally Skilled or Skillfully Learned? A Form of Expression Throughout time, people have developed different ways to express themselves. Visual art has been around since the dawn of man, dating back to cave paintings in ancient times. This form of expression has evolved from primitive etchings to beautiful, visually stunning pieces of work open to interpretation by the general public. As time has passed, the skill has become much more refined, and styles of art have constantly been changing. Because the skill has become more refined, people can opt to major in visual art in college. This provides promising artists a way to enhance their skill and do what they are passionate about. Although the classes ... Show more content on ... The students lifted large easels, wooden supports for their sketchpads, from the corner of the room and set them up around the studio. David Titterington, the teacher that allowed me to observe his drawing class, told me that his students would be drawing a nude model. According to him, the reason why the students typically drew nude models was to draw form and shape in an organic, natural state. When everyone finished setting up their assortment of drawing pencils, erasers, and other apparatuses quite foreign to me, David turned on relaxing music to set the mood. To get them in the mindset of drawing, he required his students to stretch and partake in breathing exercises. In his words, he wanted them to break through their neural blocks and align the hemispheres. This allowed the artists to clear their minds and focus on the artwork at hand. The artists then practiced various strokes on their gigantic sketchpads as a bit of a warm up to drawing the model. I would equate this to any craft, like singing or even sports, where the person has to warm up before actually doing his or her task. After about five minutes passed, the artists were ready to sketch the nude model. Artistry in Motion The model stepped up onto an elevated part of the studio, almost as if he were standing on a stage. He took off his robe, and waited for further instructions from the teacher. The man was in his late 40 s to early 50 s, and ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Flash Drive Advantages And Disadvantages What is a USB Flash Drive? The term USB stands for Universal Serial Bus and is used to define a special kind of connection between a computer and other electronic devices. The connections can serve different purposes ranging from power supply to communication. A USB flash drive is a storage device that acts as a portable hard drive, but generally has a much more limited capability in comparison. As mentioned, their purpose is to store digital information and to transfer information between systems. Other popular names used for these devices include; USB drive, USB stick, thumb drive and memory stick. Advantages of using USBs (at least 4) USBs have an assortment of advantages associated with them. They are extremely portable, allowing for information to be easily carried around and relocated. This can go a long way for jobs and school projects, as it allows work to be taken home for further use. Another great advantage is their ease of use, as they are extremely simple to use and are extremely fast at storing information. This could come in handy in emergencies where information needs to be saved urgently. An example of this, although extreme, would be in the case of an evacuation, whether that is a fire or some other emergency. This work could quickly be stored onto a USB so it is saved. USBs are also extremely compatible, as most modern computers are designed to include USB access. This allows an almost universal transferability of information between computers, excellent ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Essay Symbols in Susan Glaspell s Trifles Symbols in Susan Glaspell s Trifles In the play titled Trifles, by Susan Glaspell, Minnie Foster Wright is being accused of murdering her husband, John. In this production, Mrs. Wright is consistently referenced, and although she is not witnessed, she is very recognizable. There are important symbols in this play that signifies Mrs. Wright and her existence as it once was and as it currently exists to be. Particularly the canary, this symbolizes Mrs. Wright s long forgotten past. Additionally, the birdcage, this symbolizes her life as it currently exists. Certainly the quilt is a symbol, which is an important clue on how Mr. Wright was killed. In addition, the rocking chair, this symbolizes her life as it has diminished throughout ... Show more content on ... While the canary was incredibly lively and sang beautifully, so did Mrs. Foster. John Wright was awfully abusive towards Mrs. Wright, in the means that he required her to live her life comparable to a caged bird. He obtained her freedom from the outside world, in return, explains why she recognized herself in the bird. This explains for the reasoning of their house being far set back into the woods and having no telephone service. She ventured out, only when she was allowed, and assuming that John also did not allow her to have friends, this led to the killing of the canary. The quilt is one major clue as to how Minnie killed her husband. The women were trying to figure out if she was going to sew or not the quilt. Well, Mr. Wright was strangled in a strange manner, just how the knot was messed up in red string. The men laughed it off butt Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters knew what had happened. Mrs. Wright is referred to when Mrs. Hale speaks of her by using her maiden name, when saying ?I wish you?d seen Minnie Foster when she wore a white dress with blue ribbons and stood up there in the choir and sang.? The old rocking chair symbolizes Mrs. Wright as she has allowed herself to depreciate, just as the rocking chair has depreciated. ?The chair sagged to one side,? Mrs. Hale stated that the chair was not anything like she remembered, referring to the fact that Mrs. Wright has also changed since she ... Get more on ...
  • 26. North Texas Associates Fitness Center Essay North Texas Associates Fitness Center Our team business idea is to develop a top notch fitness venue. We will name it, North Texas Associates Fitness Center (NTAFC). The purpose of The North Texas Associates Fitness Center is to provide the community with an established health and fitness center that will be used for leisure time, promoting health, wellness, and exercise. While providing memberships to the community. This facility will provide a variety of fitness machines that are self applicable to meet the requirements to experience a total body workout and provide services that maintain customer interest and spark customer loyalty. The North Texas Associates Fitness Center is the answer to the growing health awareness trends. The center will provide a facility committed to reaching the individual health and fitness goals of its community members. We will provide our members, upon joining the program, with options to attend private meetings with a health specialist, this will allow them to personalize their wellness needs and track their fitness progress. Additional, service options will include: aerobic classes, cardio sessions varying in intensity, personal training services, child care services, nutritional awareness programs, family exercise programs, etc. These attractive programs will keep members active and interested while providing innovative fitness. Our establishment will include a juice service, which will attract a variety of new customers. This service ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Julius Caesar Bust Essay Since the ancient mesopotamian civilizations sculptures have played a crucial role in society and history. Sculptures and busts have served varying purposes as far back as prehistory. They served as guides for young women to understand their role as child bearer. Ancient civilizations began the practice of sculpting gods and deities in order worship and comprehend their divine nature. Others use busts and sculptures represent kings. Often times propagandic in nature, these depictions of rulers often time presented the elite in a powerful and regal manner. Once the reign of the leaders end, often due to death, busts and sculptures are created in their image to preserve their legacy. Funerary busts were not just made for the aristocratic elite ... Show more content on ... Ultimately, the Greeks achieved mastery of human anatomy and proportion. After the Greek civilization came the Roman Empire. The Romans captured the essence of the Greek style and added their own personal flair to the sculpture. Though, their sculptures mostly mimicked the Greeks it also provided a unique historical record and a deeper perspective of the ancient rulers of the time and Roman dictator Julius Caesar is no exception. Many busts were sculpted of Julius Caesar throughout his lifetime and after his reign. These busts ranged from materials such as bronze, marble, terracotta, and most distinctly green schist. The green schist bust of Julius Caesar is a 16 inch sculpture sculpted after his death. The bust was created with the many ideals of proportion and realism established by the Greeks, that were later adopted by the Romans. This sculpture chooses to throw away the classical style of idealism and takes on a defining sense of precise realism. Gloria states that these busts are, unflattering as for they are honest .... In their lack of idealization and their affection for literal detail they reveal Roman sculpture as a record of commonplace reality. The bust of Julius Caesar is significant in Roman history because it gives insight into Roman ideals for art and architecture, it provides a historical reference of Julius Caesar, and it demonstrates the importance of the ancestral legacy of the Ancient ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Mines Hardships of Living Two Lives Mines 2002 Susan Straight Sometimes it is very difficult to adjust to different environments especially when living in a socially unstable community. Susan Straight knows what this is like growing up in Riverside and having a black husband. Many of her stories are about black family life. In Susan Straight s short story Mines (2002), the protagonist, Clarette, works at a stressful job dealing with delinquent juveniles while trying to balance time for her own children at home; with this, Straight shows the hardships of living two different lives and how they connect. First, Clarette works at a youth prison and sees juvenile delinquents wasting their lives away. She is disgusted by the way the ... Show more content on ... In both situations she has to look out for the kids, making sure they do not get into trouble. At home she notices that her son resembles the wards, after she sees him with his head shaved. My son. His head naked (Straight 157). Clarette s husband, Ray, had Ray Jr. get his head shaved like the juveniles at the Youth Prison. Ray says, The look, baby. Everybody wants the look. He said some punks was messin with him at school (157). Clarette is very upset after this happens. She does not want her son to get into trouble and end up in a terrible place like the Youth Prison. Clarette also sees the similarities in how the kids in her community dress with the way the wards do. Clarette says, I gotta watch all these wards dressed in dark blue work outfits, baggy ass pants, big old shirts, and then get home and all the kids in the neighborhood are wearing dark blue Dickies; Ray is wearing dark blue Dickies and a Big Dog shirt (157). The kids think that it is cool to have this look but they do not realize that they could very easily end up in the Youth Prison as well if they continue to act like the wards. In conclusion, Clarette has trouble adjusting from her life at prison to her life at home. Clarette s job at the Youth Prison is stressful and sometimes very physical when the wards start fights. At home, Clarette is always busy as a single parent doing laundry, paying ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Location, Location, Location Location, Location, Location ACC 543 Location, Location, Location White water rafting has exploded onto the adventure sports scene in the last 10 years. This explosion has broadened the business market for rafting companies in Oregon, Idaho and Colorado. In order to open a new rafting business research must be conducted into the legal ramifications pertinent to the area. Of direct concern are the legal aspects of real property, personal property, business insurance, and environmental issues and regulations. Evaluate the legal aspects of acquiring, holding, and disposing of real property Sole proprietors, corporations, limited liability companies, and partnerships can receive, hold and transfer title to real property in the same ... Show more content on ... If the owner finds that the property is no longer providing benefits to him, then also, the property can be sold out. Additionally, if the property s term with the owner is complete, then also he can go for its disposal. If the owner had not made the full payment for the property, then, he is required to get the consent of the original owner and thereafter, sale the property; otherwise, his behavior would not considered to be legal. Analyze the business use of insurance for various risks Various forms of insurance will need to be acquired in order to minimize the risk of performing business as a river rafting company. The main sources of risk the company will face are injuries to our clients while on the river, injuries to our employees while performing their occupational duties, damage to the rafts or other equipment while being used on the river and damages to our mobile home office on the riverbank most likely due to a flood. The types of insurance that will minimize the monetary loss and liability the company will face from these events are two forms of professional liability insurance, worker s compensation insurance, property insurance and business interruption insurance. Property insurance will compensate the business for the damages to our office in the event of a flood or other disaster while business interruption insurance will provide the business with the lost revenue that occurred due to the inability to continue operations after ... Get more on ...
  • 30. The Influence Of Anti-Zionism In Public Schools Literature Review Zionism... in a way, it s just an umbrella term for schools of thought that refer to Jewish self determination (Vidani, 1). Almost The of Zionism is against the Torah, followers of the Torah believe that they should wait for the Messiah to be emancipated to the Holy Land. Jews that practice Zionism wish rise up and emancipate themselves from exile without waiting for the Messiah and establish a Jewish Government in the Holy Land (True Torah, 1). All of the greatest sages, leaders and rabbis from all generations have opposed this idea. (True Torah, 1) Anti Zionism however, is the belief that the Jews should not have their own state and this is mostly practiced by Jews and Palestinians. Thus earning it the name ANTI Zionism . ... Show more content on ... Not only that, but about sixty six percent of people apparently don t think that the hazing of the Jewish populace is a big deal. Attempted Solutions In the real world, wars have been fought over the existence of Israel dating back to the 167 BCE (Vidani, 1). Peace treaties have been signed and the wars have ended for the time being. Though about every couple of years they start fighting each other and kill a couple thousand of themselves. Original Solution I can t really think of a way to fix the problem of a country entirely based off of religion. Religion has a way of tearing us apart and makes us all blind to the real problems of life. The best idea I have is to find a way to somehow create a government in your own state without completely going against your religion and making everyone want to kill one another. I would start with that and try to settle the angry neighbors as well, if I were the King of ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Theory Of The International System Few forces in the world can change, create, and destroy history and nations. However, war continues to be one of the strongest proponents of these changes. The study of the international system is comprised of many differing theories. These theories hypothesize the origin of international structure, events, and how states interact. Specifically, the varying theories present in international relations disagree on the causes of war. Political Realism has been the most dominant paradigm in the past 70 years of International Relations (Class Notes, August 31). This paradigm stresses the anarchic structure of world politics, how this structure affects interaction and how it can cause war. Kenneth Waltz, an American political scientist on the forefront of structural realism, highlights the international system s decentralized and anarchic tendencies. He states, international politics due to anarchy has been called politics in the absence of government (PAGE NUMBER?). Additionally, Waltz stresses the component of the self help mindset of anarchy. As anarchy endures, states will continue to act as selfish units. This mentality often leads to war as anarchy is taken to mean not just the absence of government, but also the presence of disorder and chaos (Waltz, The Anarchic Structure of World Politics). In general, realist theories present that states are the principal actors, every state partakes in rational egoism which is essential to survival, and anarchy is the dominant ... Get more on ...
  • 32. To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell Andrew Marvell s poem, To His Coy Mistress is an equally beautiful and provocative piece of writing. Written in iambic form as a three part proposition addressed to the coy mistress, the poem is permeated with literary devices such as tone, alliteration, imagery, hyperbole, as well as similes and metaphors. Marvell s speaker acknowledges the idea that mortality is of little to no value after death. Through the speaker, Marvell is suggesting that one can avoid the regrets of not participating in the adventurous aspects of life by seizing the day, thus supporting the Carpe Diem philosophy. The three part proposition can be identified through the change of the poem s tone as well as the change of pace. The first argument has a sly and devious tone. Had we but world enough, and time, This coyness, lady, were no crime. (lines 1 2). The use of the punctuations, the commas and the period, hinders the pace of the poem. In doing so, it shows the insignificance of time at that moment. The insignificance of time at the moment is further emphasized when the speaker tells his mistress that they would sit down, and think which way, To walk, and pass [their] long love s day (lines 3 4). The use of alliteration creates a carefree tone, as if the speaker was daydreaming and sighing as he was trying to woo his mistress. Marvell uses delicate and sublime imagery to flatter the mistress with a seemingly disingenuous exaggeration of her physical beauty. Because of the unrealistic use ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Essay Manual vs Automatic Transmission Manual vs. Automatic Transmission You want to get a new car, but you are not sure whether to get one with an automatic transmission or one with a manual transmission. Well read on and perhaps this essay will help you out with your decision. Cars have played a big role in my life. When I was a little kid my dad and I used to work on his 197? Ford Granada. Every time something would go wrong with the car he would ask me to help him fix it. Not because I knew much about cars, because I didn t know anything about the subject, but because he wanted me to learn about cars and spend some time with me. Or maybe he just didn t want me to get ripped off at a garage when something went wrong with my car. Either way, we spent a lot of time ... Show more content on ... Automatic transmissions, however, do not have this problem; they do not roll back on hills. A benefit of manual transmissions is acceleration. Cars with manual transmissions accelerate more rapidly and evenly than automatic transmissions, if you know exactly when to shift. Automatic transmissions accelerate a little slower. One very important con on automatic transmissions is that it gives much lesser mileage. Manual transmissions do not use any power from the engine to change gears, because you do that your self, thus saving you money. Another advantage on a car with a manual transmission is that, if your battery dies, you do not need jumper cables and an additional car. All you have to do to start up a car, with a manual transmission and a battery failure, is to push it to a reasonable speed (walking speed) and then jump in and start the vehicle. The manual gearbox just gives you a lot more control over your car. Like says, on one of their reports, Many veteran drivers who have experience of both types of transmission systems insist that a vehicle with a manual gearbox is safer because it gives them more control. I mean I don t know about you, but for me the more control I have over my car the better. Another con on automatic transmissions is that they are just boring to drive. I may be a little bias, because of the simple fact that I like manual transmissions a lot better than automatics, but statistics never lie. As you can ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Major Changes In Law Enforcement Introduction There have been numerous changes in law enforcement throughout the years. Law enforcement has had to meet the environment and the social demands of the public with the crime becoming more organized and showing new challenges ahead. This paper will go over the three common functions police perform such as crime control, order maintenance and social work. Crime Control Crime control is one of the major things police are responsible for in my option. In textbooks, college courses, and police training programs, it became common to find police work described as primarily involving order maintenance, services, or social work. Probably because police officers had always realized that their popular image as crime fighters ... Show more content on ... The social media has become a way for criminals to contact each other and coordinate their criminal acts. By this happening it creates another place that police departments around the country have to find ways of policing it. While this becomes harder for law enforcement, luckily they have technology out there that will help in doing this. When criminals use the internet they leave a trail that law enforcement can follow in the apprehension or conviction by using their trail as evidence against them. The police can also identify threats and patterns of the criminals using the internet. Even though technology has its benefits within policing by helping with programs, the field officers, investigations, community relations and their safety and the wide spread of sharing information between different law enforcement. Law enforcement has to be able to come up with new technology to keep up with the advance technology the criminals come out with to use against society. This can become costly to police departments that now days have a very tight budget to work with and have to find new ways of coming up with the money to keep up to protect their ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Krispy Kreme Doughnuts KRISPY KREME DOUGHNUTS Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. is a specialty retailer of doughnuts. The company s business owns and franchises Krispy Kreme doughnut stores, where it makes and sells over 20 varieties of doughnuts, including its signature Hot Original Glazed and nine other varieties. Each of its stores is a doughnut factory with the capacity to produce from 4,000 dozen to over 10,000 dozen doughnuts daily. The Company also sells in its stores drip coffee, other beverages, other bakery items and collectible memorabilia such as tee shirts, sweatshirts and hats. As of February 2, 2003, there were 276 Krispy Kreme stores, of which 270 were located in 37 states in the continental U.S., five were located in eastern Canada and one was ... Show more content on ... An example would be bagel or muffin chains offering a healthier alternative to donuts. Krispy Kreme must be aware of these alternatives and be prepared to adjust their product line to accommodate or lure potential customers. Rivalry There has been and may always be a large amount of rivalry between competing donut producers. The range of producers is vast, from small private bakeries to larger chains such as Dunkin¡¦ Donuts. Donuts are easily produced from relatively inexpensive ingredients. This creates competition and rivalry and Krispy Kreme should be look at expanding its product lines into new markets. Core Competencies Krispy Kreme has an excellent Marketing Department. They have kept a good reputation and established good rapport in the domestic market. Having excellent and swift customer service is a good business strategy that led to the development of their doughnut making machine. The original glazed is the doughnut that most people are familiar with and is the most popular. At Krispy Kreme the glazed doughnuts are served hot off the doughnut making machine. A main attraction for Krispy Kreme is the ability to create your doughnuts fresh to order. If you happen to be passing by the store and wondering whether or not the doughnuts are being served hot and fresh, just watch the sign on the outside of the store. If the HOT light is on, that means that the ... Get more on ...
  • 36. United States Government Vs. United Kingdom Government United States Government vs. United Kingdom Government People often vision the royal family, when thinking about the United Kingdom and think about how the King holds the power as the Head of State. United States government seems completely due the President being in charge instead of a King, no one stops to think about the similarities the both governments share. The United States and United Kingdom Government share similar aspects of their structure of government, power the heads of government and contain the same political parties. Representative Democracy, known as the established form of government in the United State in which citizens can elect representatives through voting. The Representative s duties include to develop and create laws for the citizens to obey. The government s power divides into the following branches Judicial branch, Executive branch and Legislative. The Judicial branch holds the power to argue the meaning of laws and how they are applied (The White House). To prove, the branch completes the process known as the judicial review to determine if the laws violate the constitution. The President holds the power in the Executive branch to carry out and enforce laws. The Legislative branch possesses the power to create laws. Unlike, the United States government the established form of government in the United Kingdom is a Constitutional Monarchy, in which the Monarch shares power with a constitutionally organized government (The Editors of ... Get more on ...
  • 37. U3 Advisors Expanded The Chula Vista Team In 2015, U3 Advisors expanded the Chula Vista team by retaining the following four individuals to act in an advisory capacity on the project; Denise Ducheny, retired California State Senator, and Clarissa Reyes Falcon of Falcon Consulting, to act as the local representatives for the institutional recruitment process, and Eduardo Glandt, Dean of Engineering, Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania as an academic and institutional sounding board. We also consulted with Mexican American Architect Enrique Norten who has close ties to Chula Vista as well as high level Mexican governmental and higher education officials. PROJECT OVERVIEW The City of Chula Vista, California has engaged U3 Advisors to help establish a University and Innovation District campus on a 375 acre site in the southeast corner of the City. Chula Vista, a growing city located approximately four miles north of the US/Mexico border and midpoint between the downtowns of San Diego and Tijuana, envisions this campus as an educational destination and regional economic engine. U3 is guiding the effort to identify potential partner institutions for this project and is exploring opportunities with higher education partners globally and domestically. A new university campus could have a tremendous impact for not only the City of Chula Vista, but also the larger CaliBaja Megaregion, comprised of San Diego and Imperial Counties to the north of the border and the five municipalities that make up Baja California, MX ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Support Group Approach 3 The type of group approach that I would propose The type of group approach I would propose for this population is a support group. Support groups are an important part of the approach used in helping the bereaved suffering from grief and loss. An important goal of the support group is to use mutual aid to help participants understand and accept themselves as they are (Raby,R 2010). . Mutual aid is sometimes used in a support group to help participants share resources for mutual benefit. Understanding and acceptance are the first steps towards self help in a group. Support groups have an overlapping element that includes a therapeutic effect (Wayne Cohen 2001). For example, participants may help each other understand why an event ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Effects Of Sports On Sports Performance The importance of vision in sports is a subject that triggers everyone s awareness for the past couple years .In fact, with the increasing of people playing sports as a recreational activity or at a professional level, it is becoming more relevant than ever to stress the type of eye injuries that can happen while practicing a sport and the best way to protect ourselves. Whether it s basketball, football, baseball or any type of sports human in general, is more exposed than ever to eye injuries. According to the book sport vision care for the enhancement of sports performance sports related ocular injuries account for 33000 to 100000 of the estimated 2.4 million eye injuries that occur in the US annually (Brumitt Erickson, p. 139). Furthermore, eye injuries are the number cause of blindness and ocular morbidity in children (Brumitt Erickson, p. 139). Traumatic eye injury, according to the sports medical organization sports eye injuries remain the second most common cause of visual impairment, behind only cataracts. Moreover, every year, nearly 15 percent of the 2.5 million eye injuries in the United States occur during sporting activities. Of these injuries, 42,000 are severe enough to warrant an emergency department visit, and approximately 13,500 result in legal blindness (R.A., D., TS, 2012). All those facts reunite prove that sports related ocular injuries should be a concern for everybody. This paper will focus on the diverse type of injuries that can ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Impact Of Technological Advancements On The Battle Of The... A) Plan of Investigation: To what extent did technological advancements contribute to the victory of the Allied powers in the Battle of the Atlantic through 1939 1946? The Battle of the Atlantic lasted from September 1939 until the defeat of Germany in 1945; it was recalled to be the longest continuous military campaign. In the duration of six years; a glorified battle consisting of naval warfare, German U boats, warships and Italian submarines were pitted against Allied convoys which aimed to transport military equipment and supplies across the Atlantic to Great Britain and the Soviet Union. This battle was executed to essentially gain control of Atlantic shipping routes, involved thousands of ships stretched and situated across the ... Show more content on ...  Aircrafts were very effective in protecting merchant ships; however, the problem was that Allied planes use earlier in the war did not have enough range to offer air cover or the convoys all the way across the Atlantic. The Mid Atlantic Gap is recognized as a geographical term associated with an undefended area beyond the reach of land based Costal Command antisubmarine aircrafts during the Battle of the Atlantic. Indeed this central area was known as the Black Pit as that was where many of the heaviest and largest convoy losses occurred.  The introduction of the new long range planes helped reduce the hazards of this dangerous portion of battle. Avro Lancaster was a British four engined bomber which was implemented in warfare during the Battle of the Atlantic of the Second World War used by the Royal Air Force. It was first active as a strategic bombing offensive, and then became the main heavy bomber used by the RAF and RCAF. The Lancaster took upon the role of a long range anti submarine patrol aircraft and air sea rescue. It was also used as an aerial mapping resource to figure out where German U boats most commonly attacked, hence figuring out where they usually place, with this information the Allies were able to strategically place counterattacks. The Avro Lancaster also carried passengers and delivered weapons to Britain and the Soviet Union. II. Allied scientists created many devices ... Get more on ...
  • 41. History of Criminal Law from the Roman Justice Essay With the name of dogma of the completude , a phenomenon appears of the medieval roman tradition from the times where the Roman law goes being, to the few, considered as the Right for excellence, of a time for all statement in the iuris Corpus , that it compelled the jurist and the Judge to trust the sufficiency of the legal system without necessity of if helping in the fairness , workmanship of an infallible State in the construction of the system, capable of foreseeing a rule for each existing case and that porventura came existing. according to principle, the order did not have gaps. The Judge was obliged to judge all the controversies the one that was called to nullify and rank in the codes only made it on the basis of a ... Show more content on ... With the new State positivado in the jusnaturalismo of the enciclopedistas, from the French revolution of 1789, the certainty took account of the legal scene of the time. With the sprouting of the school of exegese (narrowly connected with the dogma of the completude), it was transferred to understand that the Code did not have gaps, therefore the judge fit the function to base its decisions on the analogy and the orienting general principles of the code. The law started to be the only unalterable e source of the Right, fitting to the judge, the sight of the problem, to find the norm in the Code , renegando it tradition of the Common law of the Ancien Regimen that placed as formal sources of the Right, to the side of the law, the customs, the sentences and, with has detached, the doctrine, the side of the tradition and the principles of the Natural law. This school of the Exegese all dominated legal the thought French of century XIX, truily idolatrando the law. However, in the elaboration of the Code C #237;vil , Cambac #233;r #232;s (author of the first project) said that the code could not foresee all the cases. This task would fit to the legislator who, observing the case concrete, would elaborate the pertinent law. Refer #233; was the call legislatif. The article 4 #186; of the French Civil Code, Napoleonic ... Get more on ...
  • 42. How Did The Middle Class Affect Latin America The rise of the middle class had a potent impact on Latin America. The middle class consisted of a high percentage of the intellectuals, authors, teachers, and journalists and also they had the most influential voice in the late 19th century (Charlip Burns, 177). One of the most important points about the middle class was that they were not only the true nationalists in Latin America but also they regarded the United States as their model, thus they tried to learn something beneficial from the United Sates for their nation s prosperity and citizens. For example, the middle class was impressed by the high North American literacy rate and also considered the high literacy rate seemed to provide the proper preparation for an industrial society ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Tracy Latimer Utilitarianism The case of Tracy Latimer was in fact a tragic story, about a 12 year old girl who was killed by her father. Tracy Latimer lived in Saskatchewan, on a farm with her family. Tracy had cerebral palsy which is an incurable disease; she was confined to a wheelchair for her entire life. Tracy was not able to live the life of an ordinary person. What Tracy could do, was she enjoyed listening to music and spending time with her family. Tracy was also taking other medication like pain relievers and the treatment which resulted in toxic levels that disrupted her system; she would throw up her food and was dehydrated (Bauslaugh, 2010) . Robert Latimer who was the father killed Tracy Latimer on the month of October 24th, 1993. Robert Latimer was tried ... Show more content on ... Therefore I don t believe it was selfish for Robert Latimer to take the life of his daughter. When someone is suffering in pain, and cannot enjoy life even though it may look like they are, it is not ruthless to say that the person was happy with how things were. In this defense, I do not agree with the verdict the Supreme Court gave. I say this because I know that in the eyes of certain people, killing an innocent child is wrong. However, Tracy Latimer on a daily basis was continuingly getting worse and nothing was helping her. The pain, the drugs, the grief, the treatment; everything was going downhill for Tracy and Robert Latimer just wanted to make it all better. I believe the sentence that should have been given was one to two years in jail, because Robert Latimer did understand what he did was wrong and he never did say that he didn t feel ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Dress Code And Dress Codes When it comes to dress code, every individual has a different viewpoint for its implementation. There are clothes that could be fashionable to one person but seen as offensive to another. A dress code can be justifiable when put into a situation that really does require certain attire to be worn. It gives a sense of formality and distinguishes an individual apart from a group. This report seeks to compare and contrast the characteristics of school dress codes with that of dress codes in the workplace. We form first impressions and overall judgments about people by the way one dresses. In the workplace, depending on what industry or company it is, employee dress code can differ based on the situation. Those who work at a banking institution are generally required to dress in suit and tie or at least business casual. In such workplaces, it is often required to abide by strict policies such as having to cover up tattoos and piercings whilst at the workplace. The dress code is set because the appearance of an employee reflects the company and its values. Thus when dealing with the public, other employees and in all other business relationships, it is important to conduct oneself in a courteous and respectful manner, which also entails dressing appropriately. At TD Canada Trust, a banking institution, on days with client meetings or when clients are expected in the office, business attire is required of its employees. Professional business attire for women generally comprises ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Executive Order On Immigration The U.S. has always being considered the land of opportunities. Back in my home country opportunities were very scarce, which led to my family immigrating to the U.S. for a better future. Having had firsthand experience in the immigration transition system, it has been captivating to hear in the news about the Executive Order Obama issued on November 20, 2014. Seeing families getting separated, violence raising in the Mexican border, and the increasing Latin population in the U.S. signaled the need for this Executive Order in immigrant communities. Even though the Constitution states that Congress has the duty of writing our Nation s laws, President Obama declared an Executive Order on Immigration. It is believed to be a political boom for ... Show more content on ... Caroline Chambers, deputy director of the Open Society Policy Center comments that We have enormous faith in the groups with which we have had longstanding relationships, and we wanted to give them resources to pursue the best possible legislative fix for the problems in our immigration system . This gives us clarification on the importance of resources given to groups, by supporting and believing that the immigration system needs a change. In 2013, Ford gave $2.3 million to United We Stand for a national effort to help young immigrants sign up for the reprieves. Major donations from nation s wealthiest liberal foundations, including the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the Open Society Foundations of the financier George Soros, and the Atlantic Philanthropies have added up to an investment of more than $300 million dollars in immigration organizations. With the donations from organizations that seek immigrant rights, the funds going to the dreamers programs are not coming from the federal funds and won t cost tax payers a single ... Get more on ...
  • 46. How Culture And Practices From The Country Of Origin... Introduction During the 1990s, trends of globalisation emerged a radical pattern of international commercial activities, which enhanced both economic and political interrelationship worldwide. Today, more than ever, corporations instead of acquiring resources and exporting goods overseas, invest directly in foreign countries and either establish integrated enterprises or acquire subsidiaries, which encompasses the range of their goods and services. Multi National corporations (MNCs) grid dominates inevitably not only the financial market, but also controls a massive proportion of world s marketing and technology channels. This essay anticipates to define how culture and practices from the country of origin affect MNCs behaviours, ... Show more content on ... The first is the country of origin to transfer its practices to the host country activities; that is what often called cross national isomorphism (Ferner, 1997). Accordingly, this strategy may entail the installation of dominant systems of training, work organisation and recruitment in host countries . For example, where the parent company attempt to impose its policies about the training and development of its workforce, training schemes and the need for skilled employees in an MNC are aligned with those of the parent company. Furthermore, it is widely accepted, that in a MNC which adopt and embrace an ethnocentric approach, cultural values and corporation s strategy of the country of origin are predominant, whereas the company assumes that such an approach would be advantageously for the firm and that their subsidiaries ought to discipline and follow the same patterns (Francesco and Gold 1998). A representative example of such an approach are the Japanese corporations, since studies have shown that they seek to impose their policies and practices in their MNCs and enforce their rules (Kopp, 1994). However, ethnocentricity merely underestimates what Ferner (1997) suggests, that the transfer as long as the embodiment of home country practices, such as organisational structures, processes and procedures could be either adopted from the host country s systems and regulations or neglected. The second alternative implies a radically divergent strategy where ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Greater Racine Area Case Study Find Your Next Home In The Greater Racine Area Those in search of their dream home in the greater Racine area need look no further. Faye Becker is among the top real estate professionals in the greater Racine area. Countless home buyers have recieved the expert assistance of Faye and her professional team. whether you are moving a couple of houses down the street or relocating to the greater Racine area, Faye has was you need to help you make the most of your next move. Faye works closely with her buyers to help them get the most from the home buying process. Faye is known for transforming home buyer s needs and goals into their perfect home in the greater Racine area. Featured Listings Home buyers in the area are able to start their home search immediatly with our Featured Listings. The listings offerd on this site are the most up to date real ... Show more content on ... The website s informative articles answer questions and illuminate the buyers path on subjects, such as finanacing, making an offer, negfotiong, inspection, and much more. Buyers and sellers in the greater Racine area need a Realtor that they can trust. Luckily, Faye Becker and her team are able to offer home buyers in the area the intgreity, experience, and dedication that will help them meet all of their real estate needs and goals. Fay s commitimet to her clients, and professional expertise have earner her the loyalty and friendship of countless home buyers throughout teh greater Racine area. A native of Racine, Faye is intimatly familar with the greater Racine area. Her experience in Racine real estate has earned her the respect of former clients, as well as her professional collegues. Faye specilizes in home buying in the Racine, Caledonia, Franksville, Mount Pleasant, North Bay, and Wind Point communities. Contact Faye Becker today and discuss finding your next home in the greater Racine ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Elaine Macardle s The Lost Boys Not Enough Boys Elaine MacArdle is a correspondent for the Boston Globe and wrote The Lost Boys. Michelle Conlin is a writer for Business Week and she wrote The New Gender Gap. Both of these writer talk about the decline of young men attending college and women becoming the majority in getting a higher education. The message that these two writers want to get across is that there is a gender reversal in American education and how this may affect society and our nation. Historically males have been the primary beneficiaries of education. It s a man s world, men are the creators of civilizations, laws and education in America. Men have created a system where they can be cater too in every way possible. Men usually have first pick of what they want to do with their life, they tend to have a choice whether to attend college. Woman before did not have much of a choice to attend college to seek a career, woman have usually gotten marry and raised kids. Conlin says The gender gap also has roots in the expectation gap, in the 1970 s boys ... Show more content on ... McArdle says We should start teaching them according to how they learn, not according to some idea that boys and girls have to learn the same way (167). This could be a new possible system of teaching the two sexes differently without holding anyone back in the process. Male and female have different brain activity and also very different ways of learning. When it comes to teaching there needs to be a more specific study, to come with a more evolved teaching criteria. Lastly Conlin says A new world has opened up for girls, but unless a symmetrical effort is made to help boys find their footing, it may turn out that it s a lonely place to be. After all, it takes more than one gender to have a gender revolution (179). Schools need to start taking responsibility for what goes on in schools and their teaching methods that are failing everyone especially ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Domestic Preparedness Cycle Essay The Homeland Security Bill directly impacts the domestic preparedness cycle because emergency management became a primary duty of the Department of Homeland Security (Cordner, 2016). In addition, the newly formed federal agency created a six point agenda that identified specific goals, which directly contribute to domestic preparedness cycle (Cordner, 2016). Let us examine these goals and identify how they relate to the domestic preparedness cycle starting with prevention. Some of the initial six goals created by the Department of Homeland Security directly contribute to the prevention phase of domestic preparedness cycle. The goals of increasing overall preparedness for catastrophic events, strengthening border security and border enforcement and reforming immigration processes, and enhancing information sharing with our partners exhibit a direct ... Show more content on ... The goal of creating better transportation security systems to move people and cargo more securely and efficiently attribute to the protection phase of the domestic preparedness cycle. The ability to move cargo safely and efficiently through our national ports makes them an economically critical infrastructure, which coincides with the Department of Homeland Security s initial goals and the domestic preparedness cycle (Cordner, 2016). The response phase of the domestic preparedness cycle parallels the goals of information sharing and increasing overall preparedness, which lead to the creation of the National Incident Management System. The National Incident Management System established a common set of terms and procedures used during multiagency coordination, unified command, and the identification of equipment, resources, and common protocols for processing events and disseminating information regarding an incident (Cordner, 2016, p. 433). The standardization of communication and procedures display how the Department of Homeland Security goals and the ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Perception of the African American Males Perception of the African American males African Americans males are considered dangerous based on a false identity, misconceptions, and misinformation that are available in the media; this includes but is not limited to rap music, news, and TV shows. This misconception can be traced as far back as slavery. The perception of blacks males as being dangerous began when the slave came to America on 1619. Due to the situation of being treated as property, to be freely bought and sold, and that the owner was free to split up a couple or family at any time simply by selling some of his/her slaves. African slaves started to behave in a hostile manner. Because of their behavior the Caucasians immediately started to classify the ... Show more content on ... A common stereotype about African American men is that they are engage in drug abuse a disproportionate way which it s not true because according to statistics from the US department of Health and Human services that although eight percent of African American males cocaine, eleven percent of whites have use the same drug. This is, however, not the impression that we get from watching the evening local news or even an episode of television program COPS. Blacks Stereotyped of Being Intellectually Inferior and Criminals. Another common negative stereotype, establishes the African American male as intellectually inferior. Studies directed by psychologist Claude Stale, indicate that African American teenagers are aware that they are stigmatized as being intellectually inferior and the go to school bearing what psychologist Claude has called a burden of suspicion Such burden can affect their attitudes and achievements. These shadows hang over stigmatized people no matter their status or accomplishments. These stigmas have the potential to roll them of their individually and debilitate their attempts to break out of the stereotypical roles. Blacks are the repository for the American fear of crime. Ask anyone, of any race, to picture a criminal and the image will have a black face. The linked between blackness and criminality it s routinized by terms such a black on black crimes or black crimes . I also have to ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Ergotism in The Salem Witch Trials Ergotism in Salem The Salem Witch Trials were a horrendous event in the history of America and was the first of its kind. A question that has risen up numerous times is what was the actual cause of the trials. We know that a few girls made the first accusations, but why. I will now explain how Salem became one of the most notorious towns in Massachusetts. Ergot poisoning was the cause for the witch trials as it caused the girls to become crazed and delirious. First you may ask yourself what exactly is Ergot poisoning. Ergot is a fungal disease of rye that grows in the ear of the Cereal. Early colonists reported that they were dissatisfied with the common grass as it made their cattle ill.Ergot was first medically reported only a few years before the trials. This means that ergotism was a relevant disease at the time of the trials.You can acquire ergot poisoning simply by eating contaminated bread therefore the girls would not know that they were being poisoned. Ergotism Symptoms include crawling sensation in the skin and tingling in the fingers, vertigo, headaches, disturbances in sensation, painful muscular contractions leading to convulsions and vomiting. A few of the mental disturbances include mania, melancholia, psychosis, and delirium.(Caporeal 23)The accusers may have lost their minds to this awful disease. The biting, pinching, and pricking with pins may allude to the crawling sensations under the skin experienced by ergotism victims.(caporeal 25) The location of ... Get more on ...