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Queen'S Commerce Essay
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Queen'S Commerce Essay Queen'S Commerce Essay
What Was The Immediate Effects Of The 1848 Revolution In...
Throughout history there has always been revolutions, change, and reforms. In 1832, England
experienced the death of George IV and accession of William IV in 1830 ,that resulted in a general
parliamentary election in which the opposition political party, the Whigs, scored major gains with
their platform calling for parliamentary reform. With the Tory party divided, the king asked the
leader of the Whigs, Earl Grey, to form a government. Immediately, the Whigs introduced a major
reform bill designed to increase the number of voters by 50 percent and to eliminate underpopulated
electoral districts ( rotten boroughs ) and replace them with representatives for previously
unrepresented manufacturing districts and cities, especially in the industrial... Show more content on ...
The Austrian Empire was vulnerable to revolutionary challenge. The new Austrian Empire was a
collection of subject nationalities (more non Germans than Germans) stirred by acute
nationalism, its government was reactionary, meaning liberal institutions were nonexistent, and
its reliance on serfdom doomed the mass of people to misery. As soon as the news of of the
February days in France reached the borders of the empire, rebellions began. In document 6, it
shows a Presentation of a Bill by a Hungarian Diet to Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria. This
document describes the revolt against freedom and independence that was granted to them. It also
shares how the military risked their lives to suppress a rebellion. Most of the citizens are revolting
and not compromising to their rules, and that then caused violence such as, villages that are burned
down and massacres occurring. The main purpose of this document is to show how the people can
become violent if pushed enough. People in this time turned to violence, because they wanted a
change and still wasn t granted their freedoms. In document 7, Louis Kossuth discusses his Address
to the People of United States, March 1850 . It shows how abominable the government can be
towards the people. He informs people that the government is plotting against them, and that they
are going to have to defend themselves. The complete purpose of this document is inform and
protect each
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Lifetime Plums
Once In a Lifetime Plums The poem This Is Just to Say by William Carlos Williams differs from
the standard meaning of confession. The easy going tone of the poem questions the reader s
thoughts about the rhetor s credibility of being truthfully sorry for eating the audience s plums as
he almost seems to brag about how tasty the plums were. In spite of the fact that the tone changes
the credibility of the rhetor, the author still remains credible because he was able to fathom his
mistake of eating the plums when he confessed to the audience after he consumed them. Confession
is a formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime. In the poem This Is Just to Say by
William Carlos Williams, the narrator concedes to consuming the audience s... Show more content
on ...
The author writes a note in an informal tone that suggests intimacy with the audience that makes
the reader question the author s sincerity if he is truly sorry for eating the plums. The narrator
claims to have eaten the plums: Forgive me/they were delicious/so sweet/and so cold (Williams 9
12). This signifies that the narrator hopes the audience will not be mad at him for devouring the
plums since he confessed to eating them. Yet the narrator seems to brag about how good the plums
were. He is not bragging about the fruit because he wants the audience to understand how great
their breakfast could have been if they had woken up earlier before the narrator could have eaten
the plums. Indeed the plums seemed to have been enchanted the author and he admits the plums
were too good to pass up as the plums are described with enough detail to have the audience s
mouth water. Hence, the narrator seems comfortable enough that he believes the audience will
accept his
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The Internet And Its Impact On The World
The internet is a vast place with information on every topic known to man, even the unnecessary
ones but only 0.03 percent (Jones 2014) of the internet is surfed by the majority of the population.
The other ninety nine point ninety seven percent is left untouched. That other large percentage is
possible to get to but companies like google, bing, and yahoo haven t cracked the code on how to
do it but at the same time choose not to incorporate that large percentage because they think it s
too risky to do so. This unchartered area for most is known by many names such as the darknet,
invisible web, and hidden web but most call it the deep webbecause of the ocean metaphor many
tech savvy people use to represent the internet and The Deep... Show more content on ...
Now how sites become deep web material is anything from: requiring a password to getting in
,or encrypted ,or the website is trying not to be found. Thats where programs like Tor come
along or otherwise known as the onion router because the process Tor uses is known as onion
routing. Onion routing is the idea that if someone wants to access a website they go from point
A to B like on the regular internet but since onion routing/Tor is built on anonymity they get
from point A to B by adding more points so on onion routing the user would go from point A to
B to C to D to E to F or however many it takes. How they do this is when a user sends a signal that
they want to go to a website then that signal will be encrypted and sent to a node or just another
computer. When the signal gets to that node a layer of the encryption will be solved and then
sent to another node and the same thing will happen till the signal reaches it s final destination.
This process means that search times are a little longer then normal but it is to insure that the user
stays as undetectable as possible. Now Tor s system is designed in a way that anyone can be a
node if they wanted too, all that means is that traffic will go through the users pc (Tor 2005).
The Deep Web gets a lot of bad reputation due to what resides in the depths. Because the Deep
Web is so difficult to navigate, it leads to many illegal things being stored
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The Importance Of Reputation In Shakespeare s Othello
Reputation tends to play a key role in today s society. An example of the importance of reputation
would be how the former Today show s speaker, Matt Lauer, has been accused for multiple cases
of sexual misconduct amongst co workers. He was a widely known and trusted host amongst the
viewers of the show, but after the accusations, his reputation and job came crumbling down. The
ironyin this situation is that he called out Fox News Bill O Reilly, who was also a trusted news
host, for his own allegations of sexual harassment, and then two months later, he was removed from
the Today show for sexual misconduct. That not only shows how important reputation is within the
media, but also shows how much a person will lie to convince others and themselves that they are
of good reputation, since it is important for being successful in society. This is nothing new from
how things were during the Renaissance, which goes to show that human nature has not really
changed that much. In William Shakespeares tragedy, Othello, Shakespeare uses Iago s verbal irony
to imply that reputation derives from self image issues and a yearning for success, but no one in
society ever lives up to the reputation they create for themselves; concurrently, showing that human
nature tends to be double sided.
Shakespeare uses Iago s character to not only reveal his dual sided personality throughout the play,
but also the dual sided personalities of every other character. Iago is not the only character
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The Effect of Sleep on Face Recognition Memory
The Effect Of Sleep On Face Recognition Memory Sleep serves multiple purposes, ranging from
restoring energy to maintaining homeostasis. Recent research has also shown that sleep plays a
crucial role in memory consolidation (Scullin, 2013). There are two main types of long term
memory: explicit (declarative) memoryand implicit (procedural) memory. Declarative memoryis
responsible for learning facts, events, and memories that can be consciously recalled, whereas
procedural memoryis the unconscious memory of motor skills and how to perform tasks. Several
studies primarily in adults demonstrated that sleep improves procedural memory as well as
declarative memory (Ellenbogen, et al., 2006). Declarative memory is important in school,
work, and social settings. Early sleep and memory studies showed evidence that NonREM sleep
improves performance on declarative memory tasks, such as recall and recognition. Decline in
declarative memory consolidation is correlated with a decline in slow wave sleep. However, the
effect of sleep on face recognition memory, a type of declarative memory, is relatively unstudied.
Little do people know about how sleep affects memory for faces. The ability to recognize face is
critically dependent on the medial temporal lobe of the brain (Squire, 2004). Learning and
remembering new faces is a common, efficient, and socially important ability. Face recognition is
almost indispensable in nearly all social interactions. Memory for faces is
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Las Vegas City Life Las Vegas
Las Vegas, seat of Clark County in southeast Nevada, is the largest city in the state and one of the
fastest growing cities in the United State. 
Las Vegas has a favorable business climate: taxes are
relatively low, and there are neither city nor state income taxes. This is because gamblingand sales
taxes, paid by tourists, have allowed the city and state government to avoid personal and corporate
income taxes.
Las Vegas offers more than 310 days of sunshine per year as well as mild,
sunny winters and low humidity year round. The Las Vegas inland desert area is virtually free of
tornados and ice storms.
New York, London, Paris, they have got nothing on us. Las Vegas is home to some
of the most specular shopping in the world. Shopping in Las Vegas beats shopping anywhere else
in the world. 
Look at some of the various shopping centers in town to see what stores they
offer, and even what incredible restaurants they have to keep you fueled. Decide what stores you
love, or just wander and explore stores you have never visited before. And shopping in Las Vegas
might just be the most fun you have ever had. ... Show more content on ...
The Las Vegas nightlife truly is unrivaled. Just open a magazine next time you are at the grocery
store. All the celebrities are here. They are dancing, enjoying the music and celebrating life at the
very same clubs and bars as you. That is, if you are a night owl, part animal or lover of the good
Pack yours party dress and your dancing shoes. The dancefloors are spacious, the beats
are pounding and the drinks are delicious. Las Vegas nightlife clubs have reached the legendary
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Hamlet Fortinbras Revenge
A recurring theme throughout Shakespeare s Hamlet is a son s quest for revenge. Shakespeare
portrays three instances where the father of a prince or nobleman is killed, and the son puts it upon
himself to avenge his father s unjust and unwanted death. The play opens soon after the death of the
late King Hamletof Denmark. The details are cloudy, and the truth of his death has yet to be
discovered by the characters. Hamlet s grief is turned to determined revenge when he sees an
apparition which seems to be his father. Upon discussing the murder with the ghost, Hamlet agrees
to kill the new king, Claudius: And thy commandment alone shall live within the book and volume
of my brain, unmixed with baser matter. Yes, by heaven! O most pernicious woman! O villain,
villain, smiling, damned villain! (Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 5, 102 106). Young Hamlet is further
disgusted by the new incestuous marriage that holds the throne. This antipathy only goes to
increase his motivation to go through with his revenge.... Show more content on ...
At the open of the play, the king of Norway has been slain by the king of Denmark, and because
of so the King Hamlet has claimed much of Norway. Dared to the combat; in which our valiant
Hamlet... Did slay this Fortinbras; who... Did forfeit, with his life, all those his lands which he
stood seized of, to the conqueror... Now, sir, for young Fortinbras, of unimproved mettle hot and
full, hath in the skirts of Norway, here and there, sharked up a list of lawless resolutes (Hamlet,
Act 1, Scene 1, 84 98). Then, before he brings his marauders into the Danish mainland, he is
bribed by his uncle to divert his assault to Poland. This alludes to Fortinbras true character, as a
powerful yet weak willed prince, who can be diverted from revenge in the shadow of his father s
death by a few
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Landfills and their Effects on the Enviroment Essay
Landfills And Their Effects On Humans And The Enviroment
Every year Americans collectively create approximately 208 million tons of municipal solid
waste, which breaks down to 4.3 pounds of waste generated per American per day. In addition to
this normal waste, the United States produces roughly 279 million tons of hazardous waste per
year.1 All of this waste has to go somewhere. Two good methods of waste disposal, infrequently
used, are incineration and recycling. However, any waste that is not recycled or incinerated ends
up in America s landfills. Landfills that are not in proper working order can pose a serious threat to
humans and the environment, but ones that safely store all of their waste may possibly be helpful
for the ... Show more content on ...
The rock should be as nonporous as possible to stop waste from seeping into the groundwater, but
one must be able to predict where the waste will go if it escapes through the liner of the landfill.5
The next layer is the bottom liner of the landfill, which can be made of one or more layers of
natural or synthetic materials. The liner is the landfill s defense to keep the waste out of the
environment. This liner can be made of clay, plastic, or a composite of plastic and clay soil.
Natural liners, made of clays and shales, often crack and allow the waste to enter the environment.
In addition, some chemicals can soak into the clay, thus causing additional harm to the
environment.6 The Geomembranes, liners made of plastic, may seem like they are the best
available today, but many household chemicals can break down the plastic, and it can be easily
punctured.7 Thus, like natural liners, Geomembranes may also allow waste to enter the
environment. Combinations of the different kinds of liners can be more effective than the use of a
single material.8
The leachate collection system is what collects any water that has been contaminated by seeping
through the waste in a landfill. Leachate refers to the water that has been contaminated. If the
system happens to fail for any reason, the leachate can contaminate groundwater, the source of
many communities drinking water.9
Finally, the cover is to
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Jonbenet Ramsey Murder Case
Jonbenet Ramsey was bashed or hit in the head with a flashlight, asphyxiated with a garrote, and
sexually assaulted. It was almost impossible for someone to go through the window without
destructing or disturbing the spider s web in the bottom left corner of the window. There was no
sign of intrusion or an outside break into the Ramseys house. If it was an outside intrusion, there
would ve been access to the house and Jonbenet would have had to know the person doing so. The
murderscene looked to be staged or looked to be deceiving.
The murder is known to be at night, not long after Burke Ramsey had a late night snack of
pineapple and milk and a glass of tea. The murder might have been placed anywhere in the house
of the Ramsey s. Jonbenet was found in the basement or the wine cellar eight hours after the 911
call was placed by Patsy Ramsey. After the body was found by John Ramsey and Fleet White, they
disturbed the crime scene and moved Jonbenet out of the basement. ... Show more content on ...
Burke had pineapple and milk and a glass of tea and Jonbenet was thought to have stolen one
which could ve sparked the motive to kill out of anger. The bowl of pineapple and glass of tea was
clearly unfinished which seemed to look like there was something that interrupted the
consumption of the pineapple. John Mark Karr was a pedophile, fantasized over Jonbenet, and
was charged with possession of child pornography. Gary Olivia had a picture of Jonbenet in his
backpack and Michael Helgoth told his co worker that he wanted to crack someone s skull and said
he got a killer deal for 60,000 to 80,000 dollars. Michael was also in property disputes with the
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Electronegativity Lab
Problem: How does the electronegativity of 1.25 mol/L of hydrochloric acid, 1.25 mol/L of
sulphuric acid, and 1.25 mol/L of nitric acid, affect the rate at which magnesium will react at room
A chemical reaction is the rate at which a substance goes through a change and it is transformed
into another substance that has different compositions as well as properties.1 The rate at which a
chemical reaction occurs depends on many factors, some of which include the concentration of a
reactant2, temperature2, collision theory and electronegativity3.
Concentration of a reactant effects the rate of reactivity. An increase in concentration means that
there are more particles present in a substance and they become more ... Show more content on ...
1.25 mol/L of hydrochloric acid, 1.25 mol/L of sulphuric acid, and 1.25 mol/L of nitric acid are
being used because they are obtainable acids that range in electronegativity, which will help
satisfy the purpose of the lab. Magnesium metal is being used because it has an electronegativity
that is different from all acids and it reacts fairly well with all acids in a reasonable amount of
time, therefore the experiment can be better executed. The experiment will be done at room
temperature of 21В°C to ensure that the temperature is not speeding up or slowing down the
reaction, as well as saving time and providing more accuracy.
Chemical reactivity and its rate of reactivity is important as is can be applied in life. For example
in medicine, different elements are mixed in a controlled environment to form medicines that are
useful for the treatment of diseases. Also in the production of weapons such as guns and bombs, it
is required for chemicals to react extremely vigorously to make the explosion go off and have the
desired effect.6
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Torres Strait Islander Children
have had more sophisticated and developed culture, society, and technology. Similarly, the white
Australians had ideas that the white are superior, and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
should be assimilated to the white culture. Because of such circumstances, the legislative removal
of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their family and community has happened,
and it has been significant in Australian history. This essay will argue that Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander children s human rights have been protected by several human rights mechanisms,
but still not enough. Firstly, this essay will introduce several legislations, which slowed removal of
the children. Secondly, it will summarise impacts of the removal... Show more content on ...
Such legislations which have been mentioned above ostensibly aimed to provide better
protection and cares for the Aboriginal children. In fact, children who were subjects of the
removal were regarded as neglected by their parents (Beresford Omaji 1998, p. 15), so
Aboriginal families thought as an acceptable living standards from white standards were often
removed their children (Beresford Omaji 1998, p. 62). Thus, in one sense, those Acts seemingly
protected the Aboriginal children by removing them from their parents. However, applying
removed children s evidences cited above to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
(UNDRIP) document, the legislations seem having caused the human rights violations of the
Aboriginal children. For example, the discrimination from white adoption mother because of skin
colour (CS 82) can be violation on the article 2, the right to free from any kind of discrimination
(UNDRIP p. 4). Also, sexual abuse in the orphanage and foster homes (CE 528) can be violation
on the article 7, the right the rights to life, physical and mental integrity, liberty and security of
person (UNDRIP p. 5). Additionally, the removal, the placement, and the limitation of their
behaviour are originally violation on the collective right to live in freedom, peace and security and
shall not be
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Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome Research Paper
Abstract Thiamine is an essential vitamin needed by all cells in the body. When the body lacks
thiamine for an extended period of time, many problems arise, mainly in the brain and heart.
Alcoholism and malnourishment are two of the leading causes of thiamine deficiency. Although
fairly rare, Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome (WKS) can be a severe consequence of thiamineshortage.
WKS is a neurodegenerative disease that affects the brain and disrupts the neuronal signaling. Not
only does it make daily life very difficult, it can become life threatening and cause permanent
damage. The lack of thiamine interrupts many biochemical pathways in the body, including the
pentose phosphate pathway, glycolysis, and the Citric Acid cycle. Disrupting these pathways causes
WKS to present along with multiple other complications.
WKS is actually a combination of two different diseases. Wernicke s Encephalopathy is the first to
appear. It is a short lived, but life threatening mental condition. It causes ocular disturbances, mental
state variation, and unsteady movements and stance (Thomson, 2009). Wernicke s Encephalopathy
is mainly seen in alcoholics, but has been observed in non alcoholics as well. Korsakoff s
syndrome is the second illness to present. ... Show more content on ...
Also, if caught early enough, the less likely there will be residual brain damage and memory
impairment. Treatment for WKS is immediate administration of thiamine. Thiamine doses differ
from patient to patient depending on severity of the WKS. Oral thiamine supplements are not
effective in severe cases because of the liver damage and disrupted thiamine metabolism. It usually
is administered intramuscularly. Taking the thiamine may not completely reverse all damage, but
can prevent the progression of the disease. Also, a few lifestyle changes should be made, including
a complete diet and refraining from heavy
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The Influence Of The Greek And Roman Civilization
Civilization? When one thinks of the great societies that stand out above all of those who have
come and gone throughout history, the Greeks and Romans are always at the forefront. The Greeks
and Romans are empires that held such power that their influence has shaped not only much of the
ancient world but continues to shape the modern world in the present, and will continue to do so
well into the future. The ancient societies of the Greeks and Romans continue to be heavily
influential in modern society due to their immense success in maintaining global power for
centuries through not only military prowess but through rich culture, strong government ideals and
policies, intellectually challenging philosophy, humanistic values, and simple but grand
architecture. These characteristics make Ancient Greece and Rome highly sought after models for
success. Many individuals and large groups believe the principle of imitating success leads to
success, which would explain why many countries in the 21st century continue to emulate these
ancient super powers. An area in which both the Greeks and Romans excelled and dominated
throughout their extensive mark on history was that of a well established military. The Greeks
evolved from unorganized rural armies that were scarcely supplied and untrained, into professional
armies that exhibited a knowledge of strategy and modern warfare. A group of soldiers called
Hoplites were a stable within the Greek army and provided much of the common
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Designing A Building Or Interior Design For Lure Customers
Many restaurants and shops use the look of their building or interior design to lure customers in.
Some businesses try to appeal to everyone by using common things that everyone likes, while
some businesses try to aim at a certain group of individuals that are into a specific type of theme.
In general, we can all agree that a boring place isn t very appealing to go into to eat or shop so
business owners try to appeal to their customers so that they can attract more business. One tactic
for bringing in more customers can be seen through the use of coloramong the business s interior
or exterior. Use of wall space also has an important role in catching people s eye; what is on the
walls and how they are used is a common way to lure in people. Another common and great tactic
includes the use of music or media like T.V, what the T.V is showing or the music being played
can help bring more people into a place. Buffalo Wild Wings use all three of these strategies to
attract its customers, mainly targeting those who have a love of sports.
The way a store or restaurant looks and is set up can often affect people s opinion of the business
and can even determine who shops or eats at the location. When looking for restaurants the first
thing one sees is either the sign or the exterior of the building. The colors of Buffalo Wild Wings
are yellow and black which creates a pop effect due to the contrasting colors of the bright yellow
and the dark black. This contrast serves to make
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The Icarus Deception
Writing to me, is an art form, and I consider myself reasonably successful at it, with several
thousand items published around the world, both in print and on line. I decided that, in light of
the demise of the Squidoo website, which has been sold to Hubpages, I would review one of
the books written by the site founder, Seth Godin. He has for years been a leading light in the
field of motivational education, and you have to say that he has a kind of in your face style that
demands your attention, which is perhaps one of the reasons why his work, and this volume The
Icarus Deception are so interesting. He uses the title character whose determination to succeed led
to his demise, as we all know in a fascinating illustration of his belief that, where Icarus is
concerned, first appearances are very deceptive. The iconic fable tells that Icarus died because the
wax in those melted when flying too close to the sun, but Seth Godin maintains that this could be
interpreted as the unlucky lad being blinded by initial success, and failing to think things through
properly.... Show more content on ...
Godin says that it is human nature to want to reach the stars, but that lessons need to be taken from
history to prevent our descending again too
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The Effect of Caesar and Cleopatra s Affair on Calpurnia
Isra Mahmood
BA English Hons
Paper IV Project
The Effects of the Affair of Caesar and Cleopatra on Calpurnia
After Hatshepsut, Cleopatra was the only Queen of Egypt who was seriously referred to as
Pharaoh . The torrid love affair between one of the highest regarded Queens in history and that of
the phenomenal Julius Caesar is considered to be one of the most romantic and grand ones in the
world. Cecil B. Demille seems to agree in the trailer to his 1934 film Cleopatra . Maybe this
notion is true after all, but when falling head over heels with the idea of this romance, one tends to
overlook many disreputable components of the affair. One of those elements if ... Show more
content on ...
An 1898 performance of Julius Caesar at Her Majesty s Theatre was reviewed by Percy Simpson
who described Calpurnia as a tragic character in her own right, a Cassandra like figure who
clearly foresees approaching disaster, but is powerless to prevent it. (2) Simpson further
described her performance; To her horror, Caesar demands his robe, Calpurnia kneels protesting,
but to no avail. For the remainder of the scene she sits in the chair at LC, a terrified witness to her
husband s folly. (3) Once again, Calpurnia is portrayed as a woman who experiences an inner
languish caused by being a witness to the torment her husband is made to go through.
Adrien Bonjour in his book The Structure of Julius Caesar, gives credit to Calpurnia for her
skill in not only trying to save Caesar, but in stopping him from losing his respect in from of his
fellow senators. Bonjour writes, Caesar has declared himself immovable. But Calpurnia, knowing
her lord, offers him a way out: call it my fear that keeps you in this house , suggests the tactful
wife, and Caesar complies immediately. (4) This is evidence of Calpurnia s willing submission of
insult being caused to her own reputation in order to preserve that of her husband.
It is sometimes disputed that the way Cleopatra s attraction towards Caesar was fueled by self
beneficiary and
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Ikea Supply Chain
Introduction: IKEA is a privately held, international home products company that designs and
sells ready to assemble furniture such as beds and desks, appliances and home accessories. The
company is the world s largest furniture retailer. It was founded in 1943 by 17 year old Ingvar
Kamprad in Sweden. As of October 2010, the chain has 313 stores in 38 countries, most of them in
Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. The word IKEA was an acronym of his name and
address: Ingvar Kamprad and Elmtaryd, Agunnaryd the name of his farm and the name of the
village it was located within. IKEA s Business Model: IKEA s competitive advantage is its business
model which strives on continuous improvement, best prices, quality products,... Show more content
on ...
normally country level) and on the distribution services region level (several countries). 3)Need
Planning: The need planning process follows traditional distribution requirements planning
(DRP) principles. The stores provide a forecast for each article for the coming three weeks (after
the product lead time). The forecasts are netted against current stock levels and safety stock
requirements at the stores, and also netted against goods in transit. Thereafter the stores net
requirements are aggregated into distribution centres (DCs) and also here netted against DC
stock levels and goods in transit to replenish the DCs. Each DC Group is thereafter aggregated
and the calculated forecasted demand for the coming 84 weeks is established. Volumes are
divided between suppliers based on a so called Supplier Matrix that determines the split of
volumes between different suppliers. One DC SKU could for example be sourced from two or
three predetermined suppliers. 4)Supplier capacity planning: The need calculation is used to plan
capacity requirements at the suppliers. In the general agreements between IKEA and its suppliers,
IKEA often commits to provide a certain volume to a supplier. This is to make the supplier willing
to invest in plants and equipment to produce the desired products. Furthermore, the supplier
communicates a capacity limit to IKEA up to
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Vital Capacity Test
Vital capacity test is the greatest volume of air that can be expelled during a complete, slow, and
unforced expiration following a complete inspiration. The instrument used to perform the vital
capacity test is called the spirometer, which is an instrument that test the capacity of the lungs. A
hand held spirometers is what providers prefer to use, it comes with a vital capacity chart. Most
spirometers are computerized and printout the test results in minutes. A disposable mouth piece is
can be used for this procedure to prevent disease transmission. In preparing to preform the
procedure the patient should be instructed on the necessary steps and demonstrate how the
spirometer is used. the routine procedure, such as height, weight, and vital
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The Clergy in the Middle Ages
The Clergy in the Middle Ages
In the Middle Ages, there was a force of almost unlimited power and influence. This was an
organization that could define morality. It is greatly influential even today. This was the Clergy, it
is more commonly known as the Catholic Church. The Clergy was already powerful before the fall
of Rome, but in the Middle ages, it s importance multiplied exponentially. This massive growth
was caused mainly by feudalism. The Clergy of today is very strong, but in the Middle Ages it
was massively important and influential. Most importantly, the Clergy of the Middle Ages was
very different. It was so different, in fact, that being in the church in the Middle Ages was
actually a job. Members of the Church were not paid, but the lowest ranking members of the
Clergy were in the class below nights, and this was a very good deal, as anyone could join the
church, or at least its lower ranks. Most people in the Clergy were either monks or nuns. Monks
were male religious people, they copied books, and most commonly bibles before the invention
of the printing press. They lived in abbeys. Nuns were religious women who all lived in
nunneries. Both had to take oaths never to marry. The reason monks and nuns were doing fairly
well was because their living expenses were paid in full by the church, although they didn t lead a
lavish lifestyle. They were, however, educated and fairly well fed, although they were required to
lead simple lives.
When climbing the ranks
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Suspense in Steven Spielberg s Movie Jaws Essay
Suspense in Steven Spielberg s Movie Jaws
Steven Spielberg, the creator of Jaws, uses many different techniques to draw in the suspense of
viewers and to capture their imagination. These techniques include special effects to create tension,
different camera angles to show facial expressions and group shots. The classic Jaws music, known
by millions of people, also helps build up tension, to let us know when the shark is approaching. He
uses colours, so that we can associate signs and symbols to forthcoming events, e.g. the colour red
is associated with danger. We will be using all of the above devices to help analyse different parts
of the film.
As soon as the film starts, from the title sequence, these techniques are ... Show more content on ...
The waves give off a really eerie effect, the whole scene just seems to bee too calm.
The next scene is off the girl swimming, but there is no music playing at all, and makes the
atmosphere feel eerie. You wonder what is going to happen next. Also the girl is totally naked at
this time, which makes her seem very vulnerable, as there is nothing between her and the shark,
except water. She is also away from the party, which makes her seem unsafe.
The camera then starts to switch from the girls point of view, to the sharks point of view. The girl
is totally defenceless to the shark s capabilities, but using this effect allows you to relate to both
Next, you see a shot of the girl kicking her legs, and the camera slowly zooms in. This shows the
view from the shark s point of view, and shows the audience that the danger is getting closer, which
is certainly building the tension up.
The fact that we do not see the shark makes the audience feel quite uneasy, as in a way we are
uncertain of what the danger is. It also builds up a lot of fear, from our point of view.
There are a lot pauses in the attack, which allows you to see the unconscious boy, slumped on the
beach. To me this shows us that the girl s only chance of survival is totally oblivious to the current
events, and is unaware of her screams. Also when the camera switches onto the boy, it gives a
chance to
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Comparison Of Phytoplankton And Giant Kelp
Phytoplankton and Giant Kelp are two protists found in Seasonal Seas . Phytoplankton are the main
primary producers found in the ocean. Spring is usually when phytoplankton bloom, which is
known as the spring bloom . When too many nutrients are available, phytoplankton may grow out of
control and form harmful algal blooms. Phytoplankton provide food for copepods, and they in turn
are prey to jellyfish. This all contributes to the giant food web in the ocean. Phytoplankton utilize
light and nutrients from the surface of the water which helps them get nutrients and live longer.
Because of their dependency on the sun, they are found floating near the surface of the water. They
are extremely dependent on minerals found in the ocean. The main two types of phytoplankton
include the diatoms and dinoflagellates. Some of them can thrive in different conditions which
means that primary consumers can get plenty of phytoplankton throughout the year. Phytoplankton
also play an essential role in the... Show more content on ...
They can grow roughly two feet each day and can grow to a possible height of 175 feet. They are
held upright by gas filled bladders at the base of leaf like blades. They grow straight up to the
ocean surface and they look like a dense canopy on top of the water. Giant Kelp usually grows in
turbulent water where they can absorb nutrients allowing them to grow stronger. They look very
tough, but they are also flexible allowing them to move with the ocean currents. Just like the
phytoplankton, a lot of organisms thrive off of giant kelp. Pieces of decomposed kelp fall to the
ocean floor and provide food for the sea creatures. Giant kelp has a multitude of inhabitants.
Invertebrates graze on the blades, fish seek shelter in the fronds and thousands of invertebrates live
in the holdfast. Sea otters like to hang out in the kelp forest, where they find their favorite food and
can wrap themselves in the kelp to keep from drifting
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Factors Of Online Shopping
Online shopping is defined as the act of purchasing products or services over the Internet,
according to the Business Dictionary. Online shopping actually began in the 1979s as Michael
Aldrich came up with the concept of teleshopping. In 1982, Minitel was created, by using this
you were able to use the telephone to buying things, but this was only successful in France. In
1987, Swerg was created by software developers and shareware authors. In 1989 1990, Tim
Berners Lee had created the worldwide web as a was created in order to for scientists and
universities to share information. (CERN). In 1994, the Secure Socket Layer encryption was put
into place in order to make any transactions secure for people. By 2008, the Ecommerce market in
the United States had grown seventeen percent from 2007, the total amount of revenue was two
hundred and four billion dollars. When shopping online, difference factors influence how you shop.
According to the Pew Research Center, eighty two percent of Americans shop online. According to
their survey, seventy nine percent of American shop online using a computer, fifty one percent shop
online using their cell phone, and fifteen percent shop using social media links. (Smith and
Anderson) They did another survey on the percentage of how many adults in the United States shop
online, twenty percent said never, fifteen percent said weekly, twenty eight percent said few times a
month, and thirty seven percent said less often. They also did a
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Individual Heroism In Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom
Comparing these two films, both of them have a common point that is individual heroism, which
refers to individuals who reflect American values, act alone to the extent that dedicated to
sacrifice their lives in order to help others even protect the country on their own (Qiong, 2011). In
the film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, the doctor save all the children and destroy the
cult by himself eventually. He tried his best to help the villagers in difficulties who are strangers
for him free from the ruling of the cult, even at the cost of his life. These alone actions and self
sacrifice for others are the embodiment of individual heroism. For another film, in the case of being
chased, Captain America called Rogers is willing to risk his
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Essay on Online Communication, the Fame of Its Technology
How do people fall in love, finish degrees and manage businesses, all because of the technology
on the Internet? This is strongly answered by internet technology such as: the use of webcams and
video conferencing that has affected interpersonal communication today. Over the past few years,
video conferencing technology has been growing as a result of the desktop and internet
technology. These personal cameras allow the user to share a moving image of themselves with
others. These cameras are then used in any kind of video conferencing, or conversation there may
be. Video as well as audio makes the experience seem very human. It has allowed interpersonal
communication exist when your not actually in person. The fact that people can now have... Show
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Unfortunately, mostly women were not excited to use them at the end of the semester. Though at
the beginning they were more pleasurable of using video conferencing classes. This study also
found that computer anxiety might exist for most prior experiences of computers.
The potential for webcam users has helped them have security and private relationships. At times
webcam users may explore other ways of using them for their own individual satisfaction. In
these articles it explained the use of surveillance in the working atmosphere or at home. Kim
Kamando, author of I See You , describes the amount experiences of people using the webcam for
surveillance. By doing this one can set the webcam to go into stealth monitoring mode and
secretly save the video images on your computer s hard drive for later viewing (Kimando). Such
users would put them out for baby sitters, in their home offices, and in the workplace. Webcam
security is also small and hard to see, which makes security unnoticeable. Others have spoke of
using webcams to allow people to inspect schools campuses. The author suggest that this idea of
webcams on their website has been used for about five to ten years, but just has not been a priority.
Though now they re trying to change that for students and students for the future.
Schools often use them to provide beauty shots of the campus. Many are pointed at construction
projects, so viewers can see the status of
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Investigating Crime and Relevant Issues Essay
Investigating Crime and Relevant Issues
Crime is defined as an act which is prohibited by criminal law. These criminal activities are
prohibited for the protection of society as a whole, or a section of society. Each country has its own
series of prohibited criminal acts. In England, if a criminal act is committed, the persons responsible
are issued punishment of a fine, community service or imprisonment. Although criminal activity is
seen by society to be morally wrong, and is punishable, people still continue to commit crime.
Forensic psychology attempts to apply psychological principles to the criminal justice system. For
many years psychologists have tried to explain why some ... Show more content on
Individuals that had these features were considered to be a more primitive type of human being.
Among the features which Lombroso identified were the following: an over sized brain; squinting
eyes; prominent eye brows and a projecting jaw.
Lombroso believed that these primitive humans could not adjust socially or morally to civilised
society, could not distinguish right from wrong, had no remorse or guilt and therefore could not
form meaningful relationships. Lombroso determined, Some people are born with a strong, innate
predisposition to behave antisocially, (L Uomo Delinquente, Lombroso, 1876).
Evaluation of Lombroso s Theory
Lombroso made a major contribution to establishing the study of criminal behaviour and was
responsible for moving the study of criminology towards scientific research, indicating that
biological influences could affect criminality.
However Lombroso s experiments cannot be considered to be valid because he never compared
his criminal sample to a non criminal control group or took account of racial and ethical
differences. He recorded inaccurate measurements, which were not based on proper statistical
techniques or an accurate understanding of human physique. Also a large proportion of Lombroso s
sample had psychological disorders. This would mean that there was no
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Speech On Safety Of Students And Teachers
The Safety of Students and Teachers All around the world thousands of people are dying from
selfless acts of terrorists along with misunderstood children taking their lives along with the
people around them in their school. In one school police took 20 minutes to show up to the
scene, why not have this be stopped sooner? What can we do about this situation to make it
better? Armed guards should be placed in all schools around the world. First off, school shootings
and threats are becoming more and more common in schools around the world. Many children and
teachers are being shot, many dying and others with very serious injuries when they have done
nothing wrong. Wayne LaPierre from U.S. News states The only thing that stops a bad guy with a
gun is a good guy with a gun. I find this statement true because most people that have a gun and see
a policeofficer with a gun will get rid of theirs because they fear the outcome. Secondly, the armed
guards are only told to use their weapons in situations like school shootings. Some parents and
other citizens are fearing that the armed guards are using their weapons to threaten the students
and scare them. Mo Canady, Executive director of the National Association of school resource
officers stated We re not talking about officers walking around with this strapped on all day long,
but certainly to have reasonable access to defend against a really bad situation This quote proves
that officers aren t using the weapons
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Inferences In The Songs Of Distant Earth
In the novel, The Songs of Distant Earth by Arthur C. Clarke, there are many details that
predictions and inferences can be derived from. One inferences that can be made is that the
character Moses Kaldor greatly misses his wife after he left her to depart from Earth. This can
be shown through his emotions and words when talking to the character Mirissa. Clarke writes,
Yet we never really believed that End would be in our time who could! And if anyone had ever
told me that I should leave Earth and everything I ve loved... A spasm of emotion crossed his face,
and Mirissa waited in sympathetic silences until he had regained his composure. (Clarke 149 150).
When he is recalling when he left Earth to Mirissa, he begins to get emotional and
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Why Is Darh Vader Not Always Evil
Darth Vader was not always evil but his way of life and tendencies and characteristics drove him to
the dark side.
as kid he was a slave and feared alot of things in his life as he got older and started learning the Jedi
way he became less fearful for himself but more fearful of his moms safety. He was told he would
be more poweful then any jedi who ever lived he liked the idea of that but what he did know is
that these characteristics he was gaining was the key ways of the dark side the chosen ones had
the higher risk of turning to the dark side him wanting more and more power was leading to shy
away from the light side and move to the dark. When he finally knew what he was doing there
was no going back he thought what he was doing was helping everything he cared about but he
was lost in all this commotion so he turned to the dark side not knowing he broke his wifes heart
and killing her he fought his Jedi master and after that dual he was now known as darth vader later
down his life they fought one last time he ends up killing his old jedi master obi wan kinobi
Unaware that he had two children, his son Luke was also unaware that he was is his father when
Darth Vader is informed that his son Luke is now a Jedi and is looking to defeat his power during
Lukes ... Show more content on ...
He wants to know more of his fathers story his intentions now is to make his father apart of his
life with doing so he knows he will have to change his fathers ways of the dark side to the light
side.He knows this will be a great challenge but is confident in his skills that he can achieve this
goal.Darth Vader now is rethinking what he has done he more cautious of his actions at this time
not knowing if he is going to continue on the dark side path.once this starts happening he learns
that the powers he was promised were not there. Luke is eager to reconnect with his father he goes
back to seem him after all of
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Five Years To Freedom Summary
Five Years to Freedom While reading the book Five Years to Freedom by James N. Rowe.
Throughout the book Nick Rowe goes through many obstacles and problems when being
captured and becoming a prisoner by the Vietcong. The main idea of the book is while Nick
Rowe was captured in the life span of five years he went through many stages of fear, sickness,
and hopelessness. To begin, James N. Rowe states that in the beginning of the book the Vietcong
ambushed the Americans resulting as war. During the ambush Rowe, Rocky, and Dan are
confronted by the Vietcong and Rowe sustained 3 wounds, and rocky was shot in the knee; they
had the fear of dying. As a prisoner Rowe thinks of his family and the reasons of why he joined the
Army. James N. Rowe then... Show more content on ...
After Rowe physically assaulted one of the guards he was punished to lay bare skinned getting
stung by mosquitos that lead to infection and wasn t released to go to the bathroom. James N.
Rowe writes I had practically ceased to urinate, and when this was brought to a guards
attentions, he examined the swelling, poking at the flesh, watching his fingermark remain
indented for several seconds before the surface rounded out again (138). Rowe had woken up
one morning to looking like a water filled balloon, with his eyes swelled shut and he was given
herb medicine. The herb medicine turned Rowe intestines inside out, which led to him getting
strychnine sulfate and vitamin B. In conclusion Dan is released but since Nick does not
understand the truth of the situation in Vietnam he is not aloud to be released. After a couple
days of Dan s release day an L 19 came in bombing and shooting the village. Rowe and the
Vietcong were moving to the east for new village, while being there he had permission to do
stakeouts and catch fish alone, one day he wanted to escape but got a gut feeling he shouldn t and
turned around and went back. A couple days later at the village, another bombing happens, as
Rowe and the Vietcong are travelling through the reeds and the canal, James N. Rowe writes I m
afraid to follow Ong Sau any further because the helicopters will spot him and the others very
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Positive Impact Of Social Media On The Movie Industry
Ever since the successful marketing campaign of The Blair Witch Project , studios have
progressively marketed their films in social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and
other forms of websites. This has become more apparent in recent years where films even have
their own social media accounts to share and update fans with anything related to the filmitself
whether it be interviews with the cast, trailers, movie posters, or just to simply interact with
their fans. Some movie critics claim that social media is ruining the movie industry because
films tend to get too much coverage which leads to spoilers getting revealed before the film
releases. However, I believe that social media is not only a positive for the movie industry it s
an innovation because it s a cheap and effective way to generate buzz for a film, it allows the
fans to feel more connected with the movie they re planning to see, and individuals can easily
voice their opinion about a flick whether it be positive or negative. Have you ever noticed that
people nowadays instinctively go to any social media outlet, most notably YouTube to check out
all the new movie trailers released for upcoming films, if so then you have already detected that
movie studios tend to do this in a regular basis because it s a cheap and effective way to produce
talk for their future films. The most recent example of this would have to go to Marvel Studios and
the release of the first trailer for Avengers: Infinity
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Experimental Investigation of a Direct Injection Dual Fuel...
A Seminar Report On
Presented by JAGADEESH PUTTA ME04B118 S8 ME 27
KERALA 673 601 Winter 2007 08
This is to certify that this seminar report entitled EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION
record of the seminar presented by JAGADEESH PUTTA, Roll no:ME04B118, during winter
semester 2007 08 in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of B.Tech degree in
Mechanical Engineering by the National Institute of Technology, Calicut.
Faculty In Charge of Seminar Department of ... Show more content on ...
The seminar focuses on the study of the effect of compressed natural gas (CNG) and diesel fuel
injection pressures, together with the amount of fuel injected during the pilot injection for different
operating conditions, on combustion development, engine emission levels and fuel consumption.
Nowadays the internal combustion engines are spread to the extent that they represent the main
cause of pollutant production. Nevertheless, it is well known that the stocks of fuels traditionally
used in this kind of engines will be able to satisfy the world s needs for few more decades. This
explains the massive research activity, drawn all over the world, addressed to the utilization of
innovative fuels and injection concepts in order to either replace the traditional ones or obtain a
more efficient and clean combustion. Compared to diesel engines, characterized by a high
efficiency but at the same time high levels of articulate, and to premixed charge gasoline engines,
characterized by a low efficiency because of knock limitations and pumping losses, lean burn
engines can reach a higher efficiency thanks to lower pumping losses and heat transfer. On the
contrary, lean mixtures generally imply higher levels of both total unburned hydrocarbons (THC)
and carbon monoxide. Nevertheless, mixing the fuel with an increasing quantity of air, flame
instability, sometimes leading to misfiring, is observed.
1.1 Methane as an Alternative Fuel Among the
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Descriptive Essay About Waves
The waves are starting to rise, gaining it strength to do some damage. People on the shore, their
eyes had gotten wider as the waves are getting closer. They had started to panic, quickly
gathering their things and holding their love ones hand, tightly, so they won t get captured by
the waves. Scouting like little fire ants, looking for homes, shelter, or anything that protects us
from this massive waves; however, they realized they re unable to control the speed. Everything
that has been touch by the waves had been diminish, wiping away inch by inch was once our
home. The waves needed prisoners, so they fuel their speed. People had tried to rescue others on
the beach, but it was too late, they re now the wave s prisoners. Capturing dozens of people all at
once and dragging them in the sea. They re forever drowning, carrying their sorrow and fear with
them. River flowing down from their eyes to their cheeks as they seeing their love ones is getting
sweep away. It s hard to imagine, never thoughtthis day would come, never thought it would be
the last day of seeing their face. But are they really gone or are they trapped? Having my curiosity
had me wander; I didn t realize I was standing in the water for so long. I feel the water rising up to
my waist,
There s a time and a place that everyone wish that their life would be easy and not facing any
obstacles. However, I wish it was that easy and have a genie that would popped out of the bottle,
granted me three wishes so I
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Twitter Essay
Twitter API
Application program interface (API) consists of some protocols and tools for building software
applications that identify how software components should interact with each other (Beal, 2017).
Twitter has an Application Programming Interface (API) that allows access to all of its users data
through a programmable query method (Go, Bhayani and Huang, 2009). Twitter platform allows
access to the data on the servers through the APIs that belong to this data. Software specialists can
develop different applications through these APIs.
Twitter has three different API, Rest, Search and Streaming. Representational State Transfer(REST)
API uses a structure that includes some network design rules which serve the purpose of reaching ...
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A keyword (hashtag) used tweets
The best way to separate a tweet s topic into categories and to search for other tweets about these
topics is to use a hashtag. It is necessary to put the pound sign (#) before the word or phrase
without using any spaces or punctuation to create a hashtag. When a hashtag is tweeted, it
automatically becomes a clickable link that if somebody clicks on that, he is directed to a page
which includes all the most recent tweets that contain that specific hashtag. For example, if
#newcastleUniversity or #NewcastleUniversity is typed in the search box at the top of the Twitter
page, all tweets under the newcastleuniversity title are displayed because there is no case sensitivity.
A tweet about using keyword (hashtag) is shown in Figure 17.
Figure 17 An example tweet about Newcastle University
Geo tagged tweets
Users can add a general location information, such as Istanbul, Newcastle Upon Tyne, to their
tweets thanks to Twitter s Tweet with Your Location feature. In addition to this, users tweet at the
exact geographic location coordinates of their tweeted location by using some applications. A tweet
tweeted at the Sultanahmet Square in Istanbul, Turkey is shown in Figure 17. Also the information
about location of some cities are as follows (Latlong, 2017):
Latitude and longitude coordinates for Turkey: 38.963745, 35.243322.
Latitude and longitude
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Human Trafficking And The United States Essay
Human trafficking doesn t happen in third world countries only. It doesn t just happen to poor
people and it certainly doesn t solely happen to women. It is present here in the USA but it is
hidden, and even worse, so are their victims. They are everywhere yet invisible. They are silently
crying for our help through their eyes and smiles. According to Polaris, ...the prevalence of sex
trafficking in the United States is still unknown, we do know that women, children, and men are
being sold for sex against their will in cities and towns in all 50 states . Human traffickingcan
happen to anyone even to Theresa Flores, the author of The slave across the street ( Sex
trafficking 2015). An average 15 year old American girl, coming from a privileged background and
a respected family became a victim of sex trafficking and through her book, she convinces us that
human trafficking doesn t have a specific demographic.
Theresa was a good catholic girl. Her faith was important to her. She went to mass on Sundays,
her mom was very involved in the community and her dad had a very important job. Her family
was the normal American family. Her dad s job required them to move around a lot and because of
that she never had true friendships. One day her family moved to Birmingham and her life changed
In her new school, Theresa had a crush on an older Chaldean boy named Daniel, little did she know
that that this innocent crush will turn her life into nightmare. Chaldeans had a
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The International Monetary Fund And World Bank Group
The International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
and the World Bank have had enormous impact upon the world s economies since their inception,
after World War II. Although each of these organizations has a similar history, their role,
objectives and funding are unique. These Washington DC based organizations have drawn more
than their share fair share of criticism as well as praise. Modern nations require thoroughly
understand of these organizations. The IMF s beginnings derived from two tragedies. In the latter
days of World War II at the Bretton Woods conference took place in New Hampshire in 1944.
Between the great depression and the economic devastation of World War II the confidence in
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They achieve this through their three core competencies, surveillance, subject matter expert
support, and lending. The IMF s objectives certainly benefit their member nations. The IMF has
five unique objectives. The objectives are to promote international monetary cooperation, to
facilitate the expansion and balanced growth of international trade, promote exchange stability,
assist in the establishment of a multilateral system of payments, and make resources available to
members experiencing balance of payment difficulties. Adequate safeguards for principal must
always exist to maintain the health and feasibility of the IMF. The IMF primarily focuses on short
term financial problems. Of course, the IMF has an obligation to their member nations whose
funding makes their work possible. When a nation chooses to join the International Monetary Fund,
the organization assigns a quota to the nation. The International Monetary Fund uses a calculation
between the global economy and the nation s economy. The quota is determined by that
computation. This quota is also used to determine how much IMF funding can be return to the
nation in its time of need. When the nation enters the IMF 25% of the quota must be paid in US
dollars, euros, yen, pound sterling. The other three quarters can be paid in the nation s own
currency. This was not always the case, originally nations had to pay the 25% in gold. This made
the IMF one of the world s
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Dehydration Of Cyclohexanol Lab Report
Clay catalyzed dehydration of cyclohexanol
The product collected from the first experiment was a colorless low viscosity liquid. The
theoretical yield of this experiment (Figure 1.) was calculated to be 100.2 mmol (8.221 g). The
actual yield of product collected was 11.28 mmol (0.9273 g) which gave an 11.31% yield. The
В№H NMR spectrum of the cyclohexene product (see Appendix A) displayed two resonance
signals at (in ppm): Оґ = 7.04 (s, 4H), 3.75 (s, 4H), 3.02 (s, 2H).
Table 1. Data collected from 1H NMR of dehydrated cyclohexene
Theoretical Yield (mmol)100
Actual Yield (mmol)11.28
Percent Yield (%)11.28 %
1H NMR Spectroscopy
Proton(s)Оґ (ppm)
A brief analysis of the 1H NMR spectrum indicated ... Show more content on ...
Water typically appears at 1.56 (Оґ, ppm) meaning that the odd appearance of the peaks were due
to the overlay of water s solvent peak. This conclusion was further confirmed by analyzing the
integration ratio of the peaks. The ratio was found to be 2:10 rather than 2:8 this means that two
extra protons were accounted for within the two up field peaks, these protons most likely belonged
to water. The expected product, cyclohexene, had in fact been formed however; the product was
contaminated with trace amounts of water. This outcome most likely resulted because the
cyclohexene was not dried after it was distilled. The reaction mixture may have been distilled for
too long, thus allowing water vapors to distill into the receiving flask. For future experiments, it
would be imperative to dry collected products thoroughly to ensure their purity.
Bromination of cyclohexene
The theoretical yield of the bromination of cyclohexene (Figure. 2) was calculated to produce
12.2 mmol (2.93 g) of trans 1,2 dibromocyclohexane. The actual yield of product collected was
0.308 mmol (0.0739 g) which resulted in a 2.50% yield of a colorless product. The В№H NMR
spectrum of the trans 1, 2 dibromocyclohexane product (see Appendix B) indicated six resonance
signals at (in ppm) Оґ = 5.82 (t, 2H), 5.75 (t, 2H), 3.94 (m, 8H), 3.76 (s, 6H), 3.63 (d, 2H), 3.32 (m,
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The City Of Dallas Housing Development Program Evaluation
In looking at the City of Dallas Affordable Housing Programs, the focus of this report will be in
the form of a two part series. The first part will be a program evaluation that examines the
quantitative numbers or measurable objectives, goals, achievements as established by the City of
Dallas Community Development Housing Department over a five year consolidated plan period;
and the second part will be a program analysis that seeks to take this quantified data of the program
evaluation and really measure how effective these Dallas housing programs have been in not only
achieving pre determined objectives and goals but in changing low income area housing buying
trends; through creating more housing choices for low to moderate income families; in bringing
about more mixed income neighborhoods; improving infillaffordable housingdevelopment
opportunities; thru providing financial and training opportunities of minority businesses; etc.
City of Dallas Housing Development Program and Infill Evaluation
(Current Snapshot 2008/9 2013/14)
The program evaluation of the City of Dallas Housing Development programs will consist of a
five year review (2008/9 2013/14) of quantitative data available through public records of Dallas
General Funds, HUD Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Reports (CAPER), HUD
Annual Action Plans, etc. The program evaluation for the purpose of this snapshot, will factor those
programs or activities that will effect
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Addiction Responding Task Of The Theatrical Style
Addiction Responding Task
Belgium is accredited for the creation of the theatrical style, unrealistic theatre; although unrealistic
theatre is a blanket term incorporating Absurdist Theatre, Expressionism, Theatre of Cruelty and
more. Non realistic Theatre isn t restricted to traditionally recreating life on stage, but it investigates
evasive ideologies, intangible emotions and human existence; simply transforming reality.
Addiction was an unrealistic piece of drama exploring the drug world, side effects and
consequences of drug intake. Through the effective manipulation of masks, abstract props,
generalised characters, social Existentialist morals, rhythmic movement, silhouettes, puppetry , a
combination of realistic, unrealistic ... Show more content on ...
This piece of drama conveyed the dramatic meaning (moral), The effect is of a background of
magnificence cheapened by commercialism. (O Neil, 1922). Generalised, masked wealthy
characters contributed to the dramatic meaning and symbolically emphasised their unawareness
and carelessness for the disadvantaged. Techniques which were present in this activity were
manipulated, personalised and incorporated into Addiction. In Addiction, Scene 8, masks were
utilised to strip Darcy s family of their identities and transform them into his memories. By masking
his family members it allowed for most of the focus to be on Darcy and during the final stages of
the scene all three memories were frozen creating a frozen tableau conveying the strong emotion of
disappointment, thus establishing the disappointing mood of the scene and engaging the audience.
Tension drives a situation which is directed by the focus; tension can be created through including
roles, characters surprise and mystery. Tension can be enhanced through the incorporation of
unrealistic conventions, thus engaging the audience. In Addiction tension was created during and
after conflict. These conflicts are caused by various characters which then is incentive for the plot.
The tension of relationships between the Angel and Devil was evident when Angel and Devil s
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Swastika Research Paper
There are countless misunderstood symbols throughout history, but none s meaning has been as
twisted as the swastika. The term swastika comes from the Sanskrit svastika , which contains the
prefix sv meaning good or well , the root word asti meaning being , and the suffix ka which is
meant to amplify the meaning of the word. With all these meanings together, it become clear
rather fast that term swastika means simply that which is associated with well being , which can
be used to refer to a lucky charm or any symbol meant to increase well being. Today, it commonly
refers to an equal armed cross with its four legs turned at a ninety degree angle about halfway
down. Sadly, the swastika is largely shied away from today, despite... Show more content on ...
It appears as a decorative symbol in many Neolithic cultures, though we do not know if they used
it in a religious sense of not. The swastika is seen most commonly, however, in India and the land
surrounding it, where it is seen as a sacred religious symbol. When thought of in terms of ancient
cultures, the swastika is largely grouped into the large category of solar crosses , which were
used in worshipping the sun throughout much of the ancient world, and this can give us some
clues into its ancient meaning. However, some experts have suggested that instead of representing
the sun, or that the symbol s four arms are meant to represent the four aspects of nature the sun,
wind, water, and soil. Still, others say that the four arms represent the four seasons, where the
division of ninety degrees represent the solstices and equinoxes. The Hindus use it to represent
their God (Braham) in is universal aspect, the four directions of the world, and the four goals of
life. In Buddhism, it is a visual representation of eternity. Still, it is most heavily used today in
Jainism, where it represents the four places that the soul could be reborn after death, namely
heaven, hell, as a human, or as flora and fauna. The followers of Jainism commonly fashion their
offerings, which are commonly made of rice, into this
... Get more on ...
Dick Van Rouge Show Research Paper
Working Title The Dick Van Dyke Show is a family classic that any generation can enjoy. The show
is full of adventures and humor. The show also has a good story plot to keep anybody wanting
more. The Dick Van Dyke Show was an influential show because of the origins of the show, the
exposition of trends and fads in the show, and the effects the show made on the world. The creator
of The Dick Van Dyke Show, Carl Reiner, made the show very similar to his own life (David Krell).
Carl Reiner added the number 1 to his former address: 48 Bonnie Meadow in New Rochelle, to be
Rob Petrie s (Dick Van Dyke) address in the show (Krell). Like Carl Reiner, Rob Petrie drove to
Manhattan everyday for his job. (Krell). The show was like an everyday person s life, so it
made it more relatable. Another inspirations for The Dick Van Dyke Show were some shows
from the nineteen fifties, Your Show of Shows, and Caesar s Hour (Krell). The Dick Van Dyke
Show was on the air for five years, from 1961 to 1966 (Krell). Even though some of the
inspiration was from the fifties, it was still a great show in the sixties. The Dick Van Dyke Show
came from aspects of Carl Reiner s life, but it easily connected to many others. The exposition of...
Show more content on ...
In the show, Rob and Laura Petrie s relationship is portrayed realistically (
Laura Petrie is also portrayed realistically when she wore Capri pants around the house,
destroying the stereotype that women wore dresses while working around the house
( By doing this, women grew more confident and comfortable with
themselves. Mary Tyler Moore would not have been a star and hosted The Mary Tyler Moore
Show if she was not casted in The Dick Van Dyke Show ( The Dick Van Dyke
Show was the first adult comedy television show, and it led to many others (mmc This
show changed television history forever. The Dick Van Dyke Show is truly
... Get more on ...
How Sport Is An Equal Opportunity For All Teams
In professional sports, where competition is at the highest possible level, one of the most
important things that a sport must have to succeed, is an equal opportunity for all teams to win.
This is called parity, and every sport tries to create this to have their sport stay competitive and
entertaining. Without parity, a small group of teams will dominate their sport, and in the NBA,
where first place receives the only prize, the sport will become less competitive and lose its fan
base, which represents the revenue the league gains. One big factor in giving all teams a chance to
win, is through the market of the league and the system in which contracts are structured for
players. All sports have different team salaries, systems for how... Show more content on ...
This has been a problem for smaller cities for years, which usually means that their best strategy to
get their star, is to hope they can get him in the draft. Another thing that needs to be addressed
with the contracts and player s values as a whole, is that the difference between a star in the
league and an average starter is greater in the NBA than other sports like football, baseball, or
soccer. With the nature of how basketball is played versus other sports, a superstar like LeBron
can potentially lead any team to the playoffs if he is on it, where that can t happen in just about
any other sport. This is proven with some of basketball s advanced stats like VORP(Value over
Replacement Player), which says that a good player in the league like Damian Lillard(3.8
VORP) or John Wall(3.7 VORP), still pale in comparison to someone like LeBron with his
massive (7.6 VORP)(Basketball Reference). This means that a team with John Wall would win
10 less games than one lead by Lebron James. This shows that the best NBA stars have a much
larger worth than the average or good players and in a world without a max contract, would be
paid even higher, seeing the commodity they are to the league. There are other factors that make
the NBA s problems with the max contract unique like, the salary cap for each team and luxury
taxes. Things like the NFL hard cap on their team s salaries or the MLB s luxury taxes incentivize
smart spending and
... Get more on ...

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Liberal Approach to the Study of Indian Politics.pdf

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  • 1. Queen'S Commerce Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Queen'S Commerce Essay Queen'S Commerce Essay
  • 2. What Was The Immediate Effects Of The 1848 Revolution In... Throughout history there has always been revolutions, change, and reforms. In 1832, England experienced the death of George IV and accession of William IV in 1830 ,that resulted in a general parliamentary election in which the opposition political party, the Whigs, scored major gains with their platform calling for parliamentary reform. With the Tory party divided, the king asked the leader of the Whigs, Earl Grey, to form a government. Immediately, the Whigs introduced a major reform bill designed to increase the number of voters by 50 percent and to eliminate underpopulated electoral districts ( rotten boroughs ) and replace them with representatives for previously unrepresented manufacturing districts and cities, especially in the industrial... Show more content on ... The Austrian Empire was vulnerable to revolutionary challenge. The new Austrian Empire was a collection of subject nationalities (more non Germans than Germans) stirred by acute nationalism, its government was reactionary, meaning liberal institutions were nonexistent, and its reliance on serfdom doomed the mass of people to misery. As soon as the news of of the February days in France reached the borders of the empire, rebellions began. In document 6, it shows a Presentation of a Bill by a Hungarian Diet to Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria. This document describes the revolt against freedom and independence that was granted to them. It also shares how the military risked their lives to suppress a rebellion. Most of the citizens are revolting and not compromising to their rules, and that then caused violence such as, villages that are burned down and massacres occurring. The main purpose of this document is to show how the people can become violent if pushed enough. People in this time turned to violence, because they wanted a change and still wasn t granted their freedoms. In document 7, Louis Kossuth discusses his Address to the People of United States, March 1850 . It shows how abominable the government can be towards the people. He informs people that the government is plotting against them, and that they are going to have to defend themselves. The complete purpose of this document is inform and protect each ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Lifetime Plums Once In a Lifetime Plums The poem This Is Just to Say by William Carlos Williams differs from the standard meaning of confession. The easy going tone of the poem questions the reader s thoughts about the rhetor s credibility of being truthfully sorry for eating the audience s plums as he almost seems to brag about how tasty the plums were. In spite of the fact that the tone changes the credibility of the rhetor, the author still remains credible because he was able to fathom his mistake of eating the plums when he confessed to the audience after he consumed them. Confession is a formal statement admitting that one is guilty of a crime. In the poem This Is Just to Say by William Carlos Williams, the narrator concedes to consuming the audience s... Show more content on ... The author writes a note in an informal tone that suggests intimacy with the audience that makes the reader question the author s sincerity if he is truly sorry for eating the plums. The narrator claims to have eaten the plums: Forgive me/they were delicious/so sweet/and so cold (Williams 9 12). This signifies that the narrator hopes the audience will not be mad at him for devouring the plums since he confessed to eating them. Yet the narrator seems to brag about how good the plums were. He is not bragging about the fruit because he wants the audience to understand how great their breakfast could have been if they had woken up earlier before the narrator could have eaten the plums. Indeed the plums seemed to have been enchanted the author and he admits the plums were too good to pass up as the plums are described with enough detail to have the audience s mouth water. Hence, the narrator seems comfortable enough that he believes the audience will accept his ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Internet And Its Impact On The World The internet is a vast place with information on every topic known to man, even the unnecessary ones but only 0.03 percent (Jones 2014) of the internet is surfed by the majority of the population. The other ninety nine point ninety seven percent is left untouched. That other large percentage is possible to get to but companies like google, bing, and yahoo haven t cracked the code on how to do it but at the same time choose not to incorporate that large percentage because they think it s too risky to do so. This unchartered area for most is known by many names such as the darknet, invisible web, and hidden web but most call it the deep webbecause of the ocean metaphor many tech savvy people use to represent the internet and The Deep... Show more content on ... Now how sites become deep web material is anything from: requiring a password to getting in ,or encrypted ,or the website is trying not to be found. Thats where programs like Tor come along or otherwise known as the onion router because the process Tor uses is known as onion routing. Onion routing is the idea that if someone wants to access a website they go from point A to B like on the regular internet but since onion routing/Tor is built on anonymity they get from point A to B by adding more points so on onion routing the user would go from point A to B to C to D to E to F or however many it takes. How they do this is when a user sends a signal that they want to go to a website then that signal will be encrypted and sent to a node or just another computer. When the signal gets to that node a layer of the encryption will be solved and then sent to another node and the same thing will happen till the signal reaches it s final destination. This process means that search times are a little longer then normal but it is to insure that the user stays as undetectable as possible. Now Tor s system is designed in a way that anyone can be a node if they wanted too, all that means is that traffic will go through the users pc (Tor 2005). The Deep Web gets a lot of bad reputation due to what resides in the depths. Because the Deep Web is so difficult to navigate, it leads to many illegal things being stored ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Importance Of Reputation In Shakespeare s Othello Reputation tends to play a key role in today s society. An example of the importance of reputation would be how the former Today show s speaker, Matt Lauer, has been accused for multiple cases of sexual misconduct amongst co workers. He was a widely known and trusted host amongst the viewers of the show, but after the accusations, his reputation and job came crumbling down. The ironyin this situation is that he called out Fox News Bill O Reilly, who was also a trusted news host, for his own allegations of sexual harassment, and then two months later, he was removed from the Today show for sexual misconduct. That not only shows how important reputation is within the media, but also shows how much a person will lie to convince others and themselves that they are of good reputation, since it is important for being successful in society. This is nothing new from how things were during the Renaissance, which goes to show that human nature has not really changed that much. In William Shakespeares tragedy, Othello, Shakespeare uses Iago s verbal irony to imply that reputation derives from self image issues and a yearning for success, but no one in society ever lives up to the reputation they create for themselves; concurrently, showing that human nature tends to be double sided. Shakespeare uses Iago s character to not only reveal his dual sided personality throughout the play, but also the dual sided personalities of every other character. Iago is not the only character ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Effect of Sleep on Face Recognition Memory The Effect Of Sleep On Face Recognition Memory Sleep serves multiple purposes, ranging from restoring energy to maintaining homeostasis. Recent research has also shown that sleep plays a crucial role in memory consolidation (Scullin, 2013). There are two main types of long term memory: explicit (declarative) memoryand implicit (procedural) memory. Declarative memoryis responsible for learning facts, events, and memories that can be consciously recalled, whereas procedural memoryis the unconscious memory of motor skills and how to perform tasks. Several studies primarily in adults demonstrated that sleep improves procedural memory as well as declarative memory (Ellenbogen, et al., 2006). Declarative memory is important in school, work, and social settings. Early sleep and memory studies showed evidence that NonREM sleep improves performance on declarative memory tasks, such as recall and recognition. Decline in declarative memory consolidation is correlated with a decline in slow wave sleep. However, the effect of sleep on face recognition memory, a type of declarative memory, is relatively unstudied. Little do people know about how sleep affects memory for faces. The ability to recognize face is critically dependent on the medial temporal lobe of the brain (Squire, 2004). Learning and remembering new faces is a common, efficient, and socially important ability. Face recognition is almost indispensable in nearly all social interactions. Memory for faces is ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Las Vegas City Life Las Vegas Las Vegas, seat of Clark County in southeast Nevada, is the largest city in the state and one of the fastest growing cities in the United State. 
Las Vegas has a favorable business climate: taxes are relatively low, and there are neither city nor state income taxes. This is because gamblingand sales taxes, paid by tourists, have allowed the city and state government to avoid personal and corporate income taxes.
Las Vegas offers more than 310 days of sunshine per year as well as mild, sunny winters and low humidity year round. The Las Vegas inland desert area is virtually free of tornados and ice storms. Shopping
New York, London, Paris, they have got nothing on us. Las Vegas is home to some of the most specular shopping in the world. Shopping in Las Vegas beats shopping anywhere else in the world. 
Look at some of the various shopping centers in town to see what stores they offer, and even what incredible restaurants they have to keep you fueled. Decide what stores you love, or just wander and explore stores you have never visited before. And shopping in Las Vegas might just be the most fun you have ever had. ... Show more content on ... The Las Vegas nightlife truly is unrivaled. Just open a magazine next time you are at the grocery store. All the celebrities are here. They are dancing, enjoying the music and celebrating life at the very same clubs and bars as you. That is, if you are a night owl, part animal or lover of the good life. 
Pack yours party dress and your dancing shoes. The dancefloors are spacious, the beats are pounding and the drinks are delicious. Las Vegas nightlife clubs have reached the legendary ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Hamlet Fortinbras Revenge A recurring theme throughout Shakespeare s Hamlet is a son s quest for revenge. Shakespeare portrays three instances where the father of a prince or nobleman is killed, and the son puts it upon himself to avenge his father s unjust and unwanted death. The play opens soon after the death of the late King Hamletof Denmark. The details are cloudy, and the truth of his death has yet to be discovered by the characters. Hamlet s grief is turned to determined revenge when he sees an apparition which seems to be his father. Upon discussing the murder with the ghost, Hamlet agrees to kill the new king, Claudius: And thy commandment alone shall live within the book and volume of my brain, unmixed with baser matter. Yes, by heaven! O most pernicious woman! O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain! (Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 5, 102 106). Young Hamlet is further disgusted by the new incestuous marriage that holds the throne. This antipathy only goes to increase his motivation to go through with his revenge.... Show more content on ... At the open of the play, the king of Norway has been slain by the king of Denmark, and because of so the King Hamlet has claimed much of Norway. Dared to the combat; in which our valiant Hamlet... Did slay this Fortinbras; who... Did forfeit, with his life, all those his lands which he stood seized of, to the conqueror... Now, sir, for young Fortinbras, of unimproved mettle hot and full, hath in the skirts of Norway, here and there, sharked up a list of lawless resolutes (Hamlet, Act 1, Scene 1, 84 98). Then, before he brings his marauders into the Danish mainland, he is bribed by his uncle to divert his assault to Poland. This alludes to Fortinbras true character, as a powerful yet weak willed prince, who can be diverted from revenge in the shadow of his father s death by a few ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Landfills and their Effects on the Enviroment Essay Landfills And Their Effects On Humans And The Enviroment Every year Americans collectively create approximately 208 million tons of municipal solid waste, which breaks down to 4.3 pounds of waste generated per American per day. In addition to this normal waste, the United States produces roughly 279 million tons of hazardous waste per year.1 All of this waste has to go somewhere. Two good methods of waste disposal, infrequently used, are incineration and recycling. However, any waste that is not recycled or incinerated ends up in America s landfills. Landfills that are not in proper working order can pose a serious threat to humans and the environment, but ones that safely store all of their waste may possibly be helpful for the ... Show more content on ... The rock should be as nonporous as possible to stop waste from seeping into the groundwater, but one must be able to predict where the waste will go if it escapes through the liner of the landfill.5 The next layer is the bottom liner of the landfill, which can be made of one or more layers of natural or synthetic materials. The liner is the landfill s defense to keep the waste out of the environment. This liner can be made of clay, plastic, or a composite of plastic and clay soil. Natural liners, made of clays and shales, often crack and allow the waste to enter the environment. In addition, some chemicals can soak into the clay, thus causing additional harm to the environment.6 The Geomembranes, liners made of plastic, may seem like they are the best available today, but many household chemicals can break down the plastic, and it can be easily punctured.7 Thus, like natural liners, Geomembranes may also allow waste to enter the environment. Combinations of the different kinds of liners can be more effective than the use of a single material.8 The leachate collection system is what collects any water that has been contaminated by seeping through the waste in a landfill. Leachate refers to the water that has been contaminated. If the system happens to fail for any reason, the leachate can contaminate groundwater, the source of many communities drinking water.9 Finally, the cover is to ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Jonbenet Ramsey Murder Case Jonbenet Ramsey was bashed or hit in the head with a flashlight, asphyxiated with a garrote, and sexually assaulted. It was almost impossible for someone to go through the window without destructing or disturbing the spider s web in the bottom left corner of the window. There was no sign of intrusion or an outside break into the Ramseys house. If it was an outside intrusion, there would ve been access to the house and Jonbenet would have had to know the person doing so. The murderscene looked to be staged or looked to be deceiving. The murder is known to be at night, not long after Burke Ramsey had a late night snack of pineapple and milk and a glass of tea. The murder might have been placed anywhere in the house of the Ramsey s. Jonbenet was found in the basement or the wine cellar eight hours after the 911 call was placed by Patsy Ramsey. After the body was found by John Ramsey and Fleet White, they disturbed the crime scene and moved Jonbenet out of the basement. ... Show more content on ... Burke had pineapple and milk and a glass of tea and Jonbenet was thought to have stolen one which could ve sparked the motive to kill out of anger. The bowl of pineapple and glass of tea was clearly unfinished which seemed to look like there was something that interrupted the consumption of the pineapple. John Mark Karr was a pedophile, fantasized over Jonbenet, and was charged with possession of child pornography. Gary Olivia had a picture of Jonbenet in his backpack and Michael Helgoth told his co worker that he wanted to crack someone s skull and said he got a killer deal for 60,000 to 80,000 dollars. Michael was also in property disputes with the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Electronegativity Lab Problem: How does the electronegativity of 1.25 mol/L of hydrochloric acid, 1.25 mol/L of sulphuric acid, and 1.25 mol/L of nitric acid, affect the rate at which magnesium will react at room temperature(21В°C)? Background: A chemical reaction is the rate at which a substance goes through a change and it is transformed into another substance that has different compositions as well as properties.1 The rate at which a chemical reaction occurs depends on many factors, some of which include the concentration of a reactant2, temperature2, collision theory and electronegativity3. Concentration of a reactant effects the rate of reactivity. An increase in concentration means that there are more particles present in a substance and they become more ... Show more content on ... 1.25 mol/L of hydrochloric acid, 1.25 mol/L of sulphuric acid, and 1.25 mol/L of nitric acid are being used because they are obtainable acids that range in electronegativity, which will help satisfy the purpose of the lab. Magnesium metal is being used because it has an electronegativity that is different from all acids and it reacts fairly well with all acids in a reasonable amount of time, therefore the experiment can be better executed. The experiment will be done at room temperature of 21В°C to ensure that the temperature is not speeding up or slowing down the reaction, as well as saving time and providing more accuracy. Chemical reactivity and its rate of reactivity is important as is can be applied in life. For example in medicine, different elements are mixed in a controlled environment to form medicines that are useful for the treatment of diseases. Also in the production of weapons such as guns and bombs, it is required for chemicals to react extremely vigorously to make the explosion go off and have the desired effect.6 ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Torres Strait Islander Children have had more sophisticated and developed culture, society, and technology. Similarly, the white Australians had ideas that the white are superior, and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander should be assimilated to the white culture. Because of such circumstances, the legislative removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their family and community has happened, and it has been significant in Australian history. This essay will argue that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children s human rights have been protected by several human rights mechanisms, but still not enough. Firstly, this essay will introduce several legislations, which slowed removal of the children. Secondly, it will summarise impacts of the removal... Show more content on ... Such legislations which have been mentioned above ostensibly aimed to provide better protection and cares for the Aboriginal children. In fact, children who were subjects of the removal were regarded as neglected by their parents (Beresford Omaji 1998, p. 15), so Aboriginal families thought as an acceptable living standards from white standards were often removed their children (Beresford Omaji 1998, p. 62). Thus, in one sense, those Acts seemingly protected the Aboriginal children by removing them from their parents. However, applying removed children s evidences cited above to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNDRIP) document, the legislations seem having caused the human rights violations of the Aboriginal children. For example, the discrimination from white adoption mother because of skin colour (CS 82) can be violation on the article 2, the right to free from any kind of discrimination (UNDRIP p. 4). Also, sexual abuse in the orphanage and foster homes (CE 528) can be violation on the article 7, the right the rights to life, physical and mental integrity, liberty and security of person (UNDRIP p. 5). Additionally, the removal, the placement, and the limitation of their behaviour are originally violation on the collective right to live in freedom, peace and security and shall not be ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome Research Paper Abstract Thiamine is an essential vitamin needed by all cells in the body. When the body lacks thiamine for an extended period of time, many problems arise, mainly in the brain and heart. Alcoholism and malnourishment are two of the leading causes of thiamine deficiency. Although fairly rare, Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome (WKS) can be a severe consequence of thiamineshortage. WKS is a neurodegenerative disease that affects the brain and disrupts the neuronal signaling. Not only does it make daily life very difficult, it can become life threatening and cause permanent damage. The lack of thiamine interrupts many biochemical pathways in the body, including the pentose phosphate pathway, glycolysis, and the Citric Acid cycle. Disrupting these pathways causes WKS to present along with multiple other complications. Introduction WKS is actually a combination of two different diseases. Wernicke s Encephalopathy is the first to appear. It is a short lived, but life threatening mental condition. It causes ocular disturbances, mental state variation, and unsteady movements and stance (Thomson, 2009). Wernicke s Encephalopathy is mainly seen in alcoholics, but has been observed in non alcoholics as well. Korsakoff s syndrome is the second illness to present. ... Show more content on ... Also, if caught early enough, the less likely there will be residual brain damage and memory impairment. Treatment for WKS is immediate administration of thiamine. Thiamine doses differ from patient to patient depending on severity of the WKS. Oral thiamine supplements are not effective in severe cases because of the liver damage and disrupted thiamine metabolism. It usually is administered intramuscularly. Taking the thiamine may not completely reverse all damage, but can prevent the progression of the disease. Also, a few lifestyle changes should be made, including a complete diet and refraining from heavy ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Influence Of The Greek And Roman Civilization Civilization? When one thinks of the great societies that stand out above all of those who have come and gone throughout history, the Greeks and Romans are always at the forefront. The Greeks and Romans are empires that held such power that their influence has shaped not only much of the ancient world but continues to shape the modern world in the present, and will continue to do so well into the future. The ancient societies of the Greeks and Romans continue to be heavily influential in modern society due to their immense success in maintaining global power for centuries through not only military prowess but through rich culture, strong government ideals and policies, intellectually challenging philosophy, humanistic values, and simple but grand architecture. These characteristics make Ancient Greece and Rome highly sought after models for success. Many individuals and large groups believe the principle of imitating success leads to success, which would explain why many countries in the 21st century continue to emulate these ancient super powers. An area in which both the Greeks and Romans excelled and dominated throughout their extensive mark on history was that of a well established military. The Greeks evolved from unorganized rural armies that were scarcely supplied and untrained, into professional armies that exhibited a knowledge of strategy and modern warfare. A group of soldiers called Hoplites were a stable within the Greek army and provided much of the common ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Designing A Building Or Interior Design For Lure Customers Many restaurants and shops use the look of their building or interior design to lure customers in. Some businesses try to appeal to everyone by using common things that everyone likes, while some businesses try to aim at a certain group of individuals that are into a specific type of theme. In general, we can all agree that a boring place isn t very appealing to go into to eat or shop so business owners try to appeal to their customers so that they can attract more business. One tactic for bringing in more customers can be seen through the use of coloramong the business s interior or exterior. Use of wall space also has an important role in catching people s eye; what is on the walls and how they are used is a common way to lure in people. Another common and great tactic includes the use of music or media like T.V, what the T.V is showing or the music being played can help bring more people into a place. Buffalo Wild Wings use all three of these strategies to attract its customers, mainly targeting those who have a love of sports. The way a store or restaurant looks and is set up can often affect people s opinion of the business and can even determine who shops or eats at the location. When looking for restaurants the first thing one sees is either the sign or the exterior of the building. The colors of Buffalo Wild Wings are yellow and black which creates a pop effect due to the contrasting colors of the bright yellow and the dark black. This contrast serves to make ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Icarus Deception Writing to me, is an art form, and I consider myself reasonably successful at it, with several thousand items published around the world, both in print and on line. I decided that, in light of the demise of the Squidoo website, which has been sold to Hubpages, I would review one of the books written by the site founder, Seth Godin. He has for years been a leading light in the field of motivational education, and you have to say that he has a kind of in your face style that demands your attention, which is perhaps one of the reasons why his work, and this volume The Icarus Deception are so interesting. He uses the title character whose determination to succeed led to his demise, as we all know in a fascinating illustration of his belief that, where Icarus is concerned, first appearances are very deceptive. The iconic fable tells that Icarus died because the wax in those melted when flying too close to the sun, but Seth Godin maintains that this could be interpreted as the unlucky lad being blinded by initial success, and failing to think things through properly.... Show more content on ... Godin says that it is human nature to want to reach the stars, but that lessons need to be taken from history to prevent our descending again too ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Effect of Caesar and Cleopatra s Affair on Calpurnia Isra Mahmood BA English Hons II B 599 Paper IV Project The Effects of the Affair of Caesar and Cleopatra on Calpurnia Introduction After Hatshepsut, Cleopatra was the only Queen of Egypt who was seriously referred to as Pharaoh . The torrid love affair between one of the highest regarded Queens in history and that of the phenomenal Julius Caesar is considered to be one of the most romantic and grand ones in the world. Cecil B. Demille seems to agree in the trailer to his 1934 film Cleopatra . Maybe this notion is true after all, but when falling head over heels with the idea of this romance, one tends to overlook many disreputable components of the affair. One of those elements if ... Show more content on ... An 1898 performance of Julius Caesar at Her Majesty s Theatre was reviewed by Percy Simpson who described Calpurnia as a tragic character in her own right, a Cassandra like figure who clearly foresees approaching disaster, but is powerless to prevent it. (2) Simpson further described her performance; To her horror, Caesar demands his robe, Calpurnia kneels protesting, but to no avail. For the remainder of the scene she sits in the chair at LC, a terrified witness to her husband s folly. (3) Once again, Calpurnia is portrayed as a woman who experiences an inner languish caused by being a witness to the torment her husband is made to go through. Adrien Bonjour in his book The Structure of Julius Caesar, gives credit to Calpurnia for her skill in not only trying to save Caesar, but in stopping him from losing his respect in from of his fellow senators. Bonjour writes, Caesar has declared himself immovable. But Calpurnia, knowing her lord, offers him a way out: call it my fear that keeps you in this house , suggests the tactful wife, and Caesar complies immediately. (4) This is evidence of Calpurnia s willing submission of insult being caused to her own reputation in order to preserve that of her husband. It is sometimes disputed that the way Cleopatra s attraction towards Caesar was fueled by self beneficiary and ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Ikea Supply Chain Introduction: IKEA is a privately held, international home products company that designs and sells ready to assemble furniture such as beds and desks, appliances and home accessories. The company is the world s largest furniture retailer. It was founded in 1943 by 17 year old Ingvar Kamprad in Sweden. As of October 2010, the chain has 313 stores in 38 countries, most of them in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. The word IKEA was an acronym of his name and address: Ingvar Kamprad and Elmtaryd, Agunnaryd the name of his farm and the name of the village it was located within. IKEA s Business Model: IKEA s competitive advantage is its business model which strives on continuous improvement, best prices, quality products,... Show more content on ... normally country level) and on the distribution services region level (several countries). 3)Need Planning: The need planning process follows traditional distribution requirements planning (DRP) principles. The stores provide a forecast for each article for the coming three weeks (after the product lead time). The forecasts are netted against current stock levels and safety stock requirements at the stores, and also netted against goods in transit. Thereafter the stores net requirements are aggregated into distribution centres (DCs) and also here netted against DC stock levels and goods in transit to replenish the DCs. Each DC Group is thereafter aggregated and the calculated forecasted demand for the coming 84 weeks is established. Volumes are divided between suppliers based on a so called Supplier Matrix that determines the split of volumes between different suppliers. One DC SKU could for example be sourced from two or three predetermined suppliers. 4)Supplier capacity planning: The need calculation is used to plan capacity requirements at the suppliers. In the general agreements between IKEA and its suppliers, IKEA often commits to provide a certain volume to a supplier. This is to make the supplier willing to invest in plants and equipment to produce the desired products. Furthermore, the supplier communicates a capacity limit to IKEA up to ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Vital Capacity Test Vital capacity test is the greatest volume of air that can be expelled during a complete, slow, and unforced expiration following a complete inspiration. The instrument used to perform the vital capacity test is called the spirometer, which is an instrument that test the capacity of the lungs. A hand held spirometers is what providers prefer to use, it comes with a vital capacity chart. Most spirometers are computerized and printout the test results in minutes. A disposable mouth piece is can be used for this procedure to prevent disease transmission. In preparing to preform the procedure the patient should be instructed on the necessary steps and demonstrate how the spirometer is used. the routine procedure, such as height, weight, and vital ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Clergy in the Middle Ages The Clergy in the Middle Ages In the Middle Ages, there was a force of almost unlimited power and influence. This was an organization that could define morality. It is greatly influential even today. This was the Clergy, it is more commonly known as the Catholic Church. The Clergy was already powerful before the fall of Rome, but in the Middle ages, it s importance multiplied exponentially. This massive growth was caused mainly by feudalism. The Clergy of today is very strong, but in the Middle Ages it was massively important and influential. Most importantly, the Clergy of the Middle Ages was very different. It was so different, in fact, that being in the church in the Middle Ages was actually a job. Members of the Church were not paid, but the lowest ranking members of the Clergy were in the class below nights, and this was a very good deal, as anyone could join the church, or at least its lower ranks. Most people in the Clergy were either monks or nuns. Monks were male religious people, they copied books, and most commonly bibles before the invention of the printing press. They lived in abbeys. Nuns were religious women who all lived in nunneries. Both had to take oaths never to marry. The reason monks and nuns were doing fairly well was because their living expenses were paid in full by the church, although they didn t lead a lavish lifestyle. They were, however, educated and fairly well fed, although they were required to lead simple lives. When climbing the ranks ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Suspense in Steven Spielberg s Movie Jaws Essay Suspense in Steven Spielberg s Movie Jaws Steven Spielberg, the creator of Jaws, uses many different techniques to draw in the suspense of viewers and to capture their imagination. These techniques include special effects to create tension, different camera angles to show facial expressions and group shots. The classic Jaws music, known by millions of people, also helps build up tension, to let us know when the shark is approaching. He uses colours, so that we can associate signs and symbols to forthcoming events, e.g. the colour red is associated with danger. We will be using all of the above devices to help analyse different parts of the film. As soon as the film starts, from the title sequence, these techniques are ... Show more content on ... The waves give off a really eerie effect, the whole scene just seems to bee too calm. The next scene is off the girl swimming, but there is no music playing at all, and makes the atmosphere feel eerie. You wonder what is going to happen next. Also the girl is totally naked at this time, which makes her seem very vulnerable, as there is nothing between her and the shark, except water. She is also away from the party, which makes her seem unsafe. The camera then starts to switch from the girls point of view, to the sharks point of view. The girl is totally defenceless to the shark s capabilities, but using this effect allows you to relate to both characters. Next, you see a shot of the girl kicking her legs, and the camera slowly zooms in. This shows the view from the shark s point of view, and shows the audience that the danger is getting closer, which is certainly building the tension up. The fact that we do not see the shark makes the audience feel quite uneasy, as in a way we are uncertain of what the danger is. It also builds up a lot of fear, from our point of view. There are a lot pauses in the attack, which allows you to see the unconscious boy, slumped on the beach. To me this shows us that the girl s only chance of survival is totally oblivious to the current events, and is unaware of her screams. Also when the camera switches onto the boy, it gives a chance to ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Comparison Of Phytoplankton And Giant Kelp Phytoplankton and Giant Kelp are two protists found in Seasonal Seas . Phytoplankton are the main primary producers found in the ocean. Spring is usually when phytoplankton bloom, which is known as the spring bloom . When too many nutrients are available, phytoplankton may grow out of control and form harmful algal blooms. Phytoplankton provide food for copepods, and they in turn are prey to jellyfish. This all contributes to the giant food web in the ocean. Phytoplankton utilize light and nutrients from the surface of the water which helps them get nutrients and live longer. Because of their dependency on the sun, they are found floating near the surface of the water. They are extremely dependent on minerals found in the ocean. The main two types of phytoplankton include the diatoms and dinoflagellates. Some of them can thrive in different conditions which means that primary consumers can get plenty of phytoplankton throughout the year. Phytoplankton also play an essential role in the... Show more content on ... They can grow roughly two feet each day and can grow to a possible height of 175 feet. They are held upright by gas filled bladders at the base of leaf like blades. They grow straight up to the ocean surface and they look like a dense canopy on top of the water. Giant Kelp usually grows in turbulent water where they can absorb nutrients allowing them to grow stronger. They look very tough, but they are also flexible allowing them to move with the ocean currents. Just like the phytoplankton, a lot of organisms thrive off of giant kelp. Pieces of decomposed kelp fall to the ocean floor and provide food for the sea creatures. Giant kelp has a multitude of inhabitants. Invertebrates graze on the blades, fish seek shelter in the fronds and thousands of invertebrates live in the holdfast. Sea otters like to hang out in the kelp forest, where they find their favorite food and can wrap themselves in the kelp to keep from drifting ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Factors Of Online Shopping Online shopping is defined as the act of purchasing products or services over the Internet, according to the Business Dictionary. Online shopping actually began in the 1979s as Michael Aldrich came up with the concept of teleshopping. In 1982, Minitel was created, by using this you were able to use the telephone to buying things, but this was only successful in France. In 1987, Swerg was created by software developers and shareware authors. In 1989 1990, Tim Berners Lee had created the worldwide web as a was created in order to for scientists and universities to share information. (CERN). In 1994, the Secure Socket Layer encryption was put into place in order to make any transactions secure for people. By 2008, the Ecommerce market in the United States had grown seventeen percent from 2007, the total amount of revenue was two hundred and four billion dollars. When shopping online, difference factors influence how you shop. According to the Pew Research Center, eighty two percent of Americans shop online. According to their survey, seventy nine percent of American shop online using a computer, fifty one percent shop online using their cell phone, and fifteen percent shop using social media links. (Smith and Anderson) They did another survey on the percentage of how many adults in the United States shop online, twenty percent said never, fifteen percent said weekly, twenty eight percent said few times a month, and thirty seven percent said less often. They also did a ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Individual Heroism In Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom Comparing these two films, both of them have a common point that is individual heroism, which refers to individuals who reflect American values, act alone to the extent that dedicated to sacrifice their lives in order to help others even protect the country on their own (Qiong, 2011). In the film Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, the doctor save all the children and destroy the cult by himself eventually. He tried his best to help the villagers in difficulties who are strangers for him free from the ruling of the cult, even at the cost of his life. These alone actions and self sacrifice for others are the embodiment of individual heroism. For another film, in the case of being chased, Captain America called Rogers is willing to risk his ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Essay on Online Communication, the Fame of Its Technology How do people fall in love, finish degrees and manage businesses, all because of the technology on the Internet? This is strongly answered by internet technology such as: the use of webcams and video conferencing that has affected interpersonal communication today. Over the past few years, video conferencing technology has been growing as a result of the desktop and internet technology. These personal cameras allow the user to share a moving image of themselves with others. These cameras are then used in any kind of video conferencing, or conversation there may be. Video as well as audio makes the experience seem very human. It has allowed interpersonal communication exist when your not actually in person. The fact that people can now have... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, mostly women were not excited to use them at the end of the semester. Though at the beginning they were more pleasurable of using video conferencing classes. This study also found that computer anxiety might exist for most prior experiences of computers. The potential for webcam users has helped them have security and private relationships. At times webcam users may explore other ways of using them for their own individual satisfaction. In these articles it explained the use of surveillance in the working atmosphere or at home. Kim Kamando, author of I See You , describes the amount experiences of people using the webcam for surveillance. By doing this one can set the webcam to go into stealth monitoring mode and secretly save the video images on your computer s hard drive for later viewing (Kimando). Such users would put them out for baby sitters, in their home offices, and in the workplace. Webcam security is also small and hard to see, which makes security unnoticeable. Others have spoke of using webcams to allow people to inspect schools campuses. The author suggest that this idea of webcams on their website has been used for about five to ten years, but just has not been a priority. Though now they re trying to change that for students and students for the future. Schools often use them to provide beauty shots of the campus. Many are pointed at construction projects, so viewers can see the status of ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Investigating Crime and Relevant Issues Essay Investigating Crime and Relevant Issues Crime is defined as an act which is prohibited by criminal law. These criminal activities are prohibited for the protection of society as a whole, or a section of society. Each country has its own series of prohibited criminal acts. In England, if a criminal act is committed, the persons responsible are issued punishment of a fine, community service or imprisonment. Although criminal activity is seen by society to be morally wrong, and is punishable, people still continue to commit crime. Forensic psychology attempts to apply psychological principles to the criminal justice system. For many years psychologists have tried to explain why some ... Show more content on ... Individuals that had these features were considered to be a more primitive type of human being. Among the features which Lombroso identified were the following: an over sized brain; squinting eyes; prominent eye brows and a projecting jaw. Lombroso believed that these primitive humans could not adjust socially or morally to civilised society, could not distinguish right from wrong, had no remorse or guilt and therefore could not form meaningful relationships. Lombroso determined, Some people are born with a strong, innate predisposition to behave antisocially, (L Uomo Delinquente, Lombroso, 1876). Evaluation of Lombroso s Theory Lombroso made a major contribution to establishing the study of criminal behaviour and was responsible for moving the study of criminology towards scientific research, indicating that biological influences could affect criminality. However Lombroso s experiments cannot be considered to be valid because he never compared his criminal sample to a non criminal control group or took account of racial and ethical differences. He recorded inaccurate measurements, which were not based on proper statistical techniques or an accurate understanding of human physique. Also a large proportion of Lombroso s sample had psychological disorders. This would mean that there was no ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Speech On Safety Of Students And Teachers The Safety of Students and Teachers All around the world thousands of people are dying from selfless acts of terrorists along with misunderstood children taking their lives along with the people around them in their school. In one school police took 20 minutes to show up to the scene, why not have this be stopped sooner? What can we do about this situation to make it better? Armed guards should be placed in all schools around the world. First off, school shootings and threats are becoming more and more common in schools around the world. Many children and teachers are being shot, many dying and others with very serious injuries when they have done nothing wrong. Wayne LaPierre from U.S. News states The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. I find this statement true because most people that have a gun and see a policeofficer with a gun will get rid of theirs because they fear the outcome. Secondly, the armed guards are only told to use their weapons in situations like school shootings. Some parents and other citizens are fearing that the armed guards are using their weapons to threaten the students and scare them. Mo Canady, Executive director of the National Association of school resource officers stated We re not talking about officers walking around with this strapped on all day long, but certainly to have reasonable access to defend against a really bad situation This quote proves that officers aren t using the weapons ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Inferences In The Songs Of Distant Earth In the novel, The Songs of Distant Earth by Arthur C. Clarke, there are many details that predictions and inferences can be derived from. One inferences that can be made is that the character Moses Kaldor greatly misses his wife after he left her to depart from Earth. This can be shown through his emotions and words when talking to the character Mirissa. Clarke writes, Yet we never really believed that End would be in our time who could! And if anyone had ever told me that I should leave Earth and everything I ve loved... A spasm of emotion crossed his face, and Mirissa waited in sympathetic silences until he had regained his composure. (Clarke 149 150). When he is recalling when he left Earth to Mirissa, he begins to get emotional and ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Why Is Darh Vader Not Always Evil Darth Vader was not always evil but his way of life and tendencies and characteristics drove him to the dark side. as kid he was a slave and feared alot of things in his life as he got older and started learning the Jedi way he became less fearful for himself but more fearful of his moms safety. He was told he would be more poweful then any jedi who ever lived he liked the idea of that but what he did know is that these characteristics he was gaining was the key ways of the dark side the chosen ones had the higher risk of turning to the dark side him wanting more and more power was leading to shy away from the light side and move to the dark. When he finally knew what he was doing there was no going back he thought what he was doing was helping everything he cared about but he was lost in all this commotion so he turned to the dark side not knowing he broke his wifes heart and killing her he fought his Jedi master and after that dual he was now known as darth vader later down his life they fought one last time he ends up killing his old jedi master obi wan kinobi Unaware that he had two children, his son Luke was also unaware that he was is his father when Darth Vader is informed that his son Luke is now a Jedi and is looking to defeat his power during Lukes ... Show more content on ... He wants to know more of his fathers story his intentions now is to make his father apart of his life with doing so he knows he will have to change his fathers ways of the dark side to the light side.He knows this will be a great challenge but is confident in his skills that he can achieve this goal.Darth Vader now is rethinking what he has done he more cautious of his actions at this time not knowing if he is going to continue on the dark side path.once this starts happening he learns that the powers he was promised were not there. Luke is eager to reconnect with his father he goes back to seem him after all of ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Five Years To Freedom Summary Five Years to Freedom While reading the book Five Years to Freedom by James N. Rowe. Throughout the book Nick Rowe goes through many obstacles and problems when being captured and becoming a prisoner by the Vietcong. The main idea of the book is while Nick Rowe was captured in the life span of five years he went through many stages of fear, sickness, and hopelessness. To begin, James N. Rowe states that in the beginning of the book the Vietcong ambushed the Americans resulting as war. During the ambush Rowe, Rocky, and Dan are confronted by the Vietcong and Rowe sustained 3 wounds, and rocky was shot in the knee; they had the fear of dying. As a prisoner Rowe thinks of his family and the reasons of why he joined the Army. James N. Rowe then... Show more content on ... After Rowe physically assaulted one of the guards he was punished to lay bare skinned getting stung by mosquitos that lead to infection and wasn t released to go to the bathroom. James N. Rowe writes I had practically ceased to urinate, and when this was brought to a guards attentions, he examined the swelling, poking at the flesh, watching his fingermark remain indented for several seconds before the surface rounded out again (138). Rowe had woken up one morning to looking like a water filled balloon, with his eyes swelled shut and he was given herb medicine. The herb medicine turned Rowe intestines inside out, which led to him getting strychnine sulfate and vitamin B. In conclusion Dan is released but since Nick does not understand the truth of the situation in Vietnam he is not aloud to be released. After a couple days of Dan s release day an L 19 came in bombing and shooting the village. Rowe and the Vietcong were moving to the east for new village, while being there he had permission to do stakeouts and catch fish alone, one day he wanted to escape but got a gut feeling he shouldn t and turned around and went back. A couple days later at the village, another bombing happens, as Rowe and the Vietcong are travelling through the reeds and the canal, James N. Rowe writes I m afraid to follow Ong Sau any further because the helicopters will spot him and the others very ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Positive Impact Of Social Media On The Movie Industry Ever since the successful marketing campaign of The Blair Witch Project , studios have progressively marketed their films in social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other forms of websites. This has become more apparent in recent years where films even have their own social media accounts to share and update fans with anything related to the filmitself whether it be interviews with the cast, trailers, movie posters, or just to simply interact with their fans. Some movie critics claim that social media is ruining the movie industry because films tend to get too much coverage which leads to spoilers getting revealed before the film releases. However, I believe that social media is not only a positive for the movie industry it s an innovation because it s a cheap and effective way to generate buzz for a film, it allows the fans to feel more connected with the movie they re planning to see, and individuals can easily voice their opinion about a flick whether it be positive or negative. Have you ever noticed that people nowadays instinctively go to any social media outlet, most notably YouTube to check out all the new movie trailers released for upcoming films, if so then you have already detected that movie studios tend to do this in a regular basis because it s a cheap and effective way to produce talk for their future films. The most recent example of this would have to go to Marvel Studios and the release of the first trailer for Avengers: Infinity ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Experimental Investigation of a Direct Injection Dual Fuel... A Seminar Report On EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF A DIRECT INJECTION DUAL FUEL DIESEL NATURAL GAS ENGINE Presented by JAGADEESH PUTTA ME04B118 S8 ME 27 Department of Mechanical Engineering NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CALICUT KERALA 673 601 Winter 2007 08 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this seminar report entitled EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF A DIRECT INJECTION DUAL FUEL DIESEL NATURAL GAS ENGINE is a bonafide record of the seminar presented by JAGADEESH PUTTA, Roll no:ME04B118, during winter semester 2007 08 in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of B.Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering by the National Institute of Technology, Calicut. Faculty In Charge of Seminar Department of ... Show more content on ... The seminar focuses on the study of the effect of compressed natural gas (CNG) and diesel fuel injection pressures, together with the amount of fuel injected during the pilot injection for different operating conditions, on combustion development, engine emission levels and fuel consumption. 1 1. INTRODUCTION Nowadays the internal combustion engines are spread to the extent that they represent the main cause of pollutant production. Nevertheless, it is well known that the stocks of fuels traditionally used in this kind of engines will be able to satisfy the world s needs for few more decades. This explains the massive research activity, drawn all over the world, addressed to the utilization of innovative fuels and injection concepts in order to either replace the traditional ones or obtain a more efficient and clean combustion. Compared to diesel engines, characterized by a high efficiency but at the same time high levels of articulate, and to premixed charge gasoline engines, characterized by a low efficiency because of knock limitations and pumping losses, lean burn engines can reach a higher efficiency thanks to lower pumping losses and heat transfer. On the contrary, lean mixtures generally imply higher levels of both total unburned hydrocarbons (THC) and carbon monoxide. Nevertheless, mixing the fuel with an increasing quantity of air, flame instability, sometimes leading to misfiring, is observed. 1.1 Methane as an Alternative Fuel Among the
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  • 34. Descriptive Essay About Waves The waves are starting to rise, gaining it strength to do some damage. People on the shore, their eyes had gotten wider as the waves are getting closer. They had started to panic, quickly gathering their things and holding their love ones hand, tightly, so they won t get captured by the waves. Scouting like little fire ants, looking for homes, shelter, or anything that protects us from this massive waves; however, they realized they re unable to control the speed. Everything that has been touch by the waves had been diminish, wiping away inch by inch was once our home. The waves needed prisoners, so they fuel their speed. People had tried to rescue others on the beach, but it was too late, they re now the wave s prisoners. Capturing dozens of people all at once and dragging them in the sea. They re forever drowning, carrying their sorrow and fear with them. River flowing down from their eyes to their cheeks as they seeing their love ones is getting sweep away. It s hard to imagine, never thoughtthis day would come, never thought it would be the last day of seeing their face. But are they really gone or are they trapped? Having my curiosity had me wander; I didn t realize I was standing in the water for so long. I feel the water rising up to my waist, There s a time and a place that everyone wish that their life would be easy and not facing any obstacles. However, I wish it was that easy and have a genie that would popped out of the bottle, granted me three wishes so I ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Twitter Essay Twitter API Application program interface (API) consists of some protocols and tools for building software applications that identify how software components should interact with each other (Beal, 2017). Twitter has an Application Programming Interface (API) that allows access to all of its users data through a programmable query method (Go, Bhayani and Huang, 2009). Twitter platform allows access to the data on the servers through the APIs that belong to this data. Software specialists can develop different applications through these APIs. Twitter has three different API, Rest, Search and Streaming. Representational State Transfer(REST) API uses a structure that includes some network design rules which serve the purpose of reaching ... Show more content on ... A keyword (hashtag) used tweets The best way to separate a tweet s topic into categories and to search for other tweets about these topics is to use a hashtag. It is necessary to put the pound sign (#) before the word or phrase without using any spaces or punctuation to create a hashtag. When a hashtag is tweeted, it automatically becomes a clickable link that if somebody clicks on that, he is directed to a page which includes all the most recent tweets that contain that specific hashtag. For example, if #newcastleUniversity or #NewcastleUniversity is typed in the search box at the top of the Twitter page, all tweets under the newcastleuniversity title are displayed because there is no case sensitivity. A tweet about using keyword (hashtag) is shown in Figure 17. Figure 17 An example tweet about Newcastle University Geo tagged tweets Users can add a general location information, such as Istanbul, Newcastle Upon Tyne, to their tweets thanks to Twitter s Tweet with Your Location feature. In addition to this, users tweet at the exact geographic location coordinates of their tweeted location by using some applications. A tweet tweeted at the Sultanahmet Square in Istanbul, Turkey is shown in Figure 17. Also the information about location of some cities are as follows (Latlong, 2017): Latitude and longitude coordinates for Turkey: 38.963745, 35.243322. Latitude and longitude ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Human Trafficking And The United States Essay Human trafficking doesn t happen in third world countries only. It doesn t just happen to poor people and it certainly doesn t solely happen to women. It is present here in the USA but it is hidden, and even worse, so are their victims. They are everywhere yet invisible. They are silently crying for our help through their eyes and smiles. According to Polaris, ...the prevalence of sex trafficking in the United States is still unknown, we do know that women, children, and men are being sold for sex against their will in cities and towns in all 50 states . Human traffickingcan happen to anyone even to Theresa Flores, the author of The slave across the street ( Sex trafficking 2015). An average 15 year old American girl, coming from a privileged background and a respected family became a victim of sex trafficking and through her book, she convinces us that human trafficking doesn t have a specific demographic. Theresa was a good catholic girl. Her faith was important to her. She went to mass on Sundays, her mom was very involved in the community and her dad had a very important job. Her family was the normal American family. Her dad s job required them to move around a lot and because of that she never had true friendships. One day her family moved to Birmingham and her life changed dramatically. In her new school, Theresa had a crush on an older Chaldean boy named Daniel, little did she know that that this innocent crush will turn her life into nightmare. Chaldeans had a ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The International Monetary Fund And World Bank Group The International Monetary Fund and World Bank Group The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank have had enormous impact upon the world s economies since their inception, after World War II. Although each of these organizations has a similar history, their role, objectives and funding are unique. These Washington DC based organizations have drawn more than their share fair share of criticism as well as praise. Modern nations require thoroughly understand of these organizations. The IMF s beginnings derived from two tragedies. In the latter days of World War II at the Bretton Woods conference took place in New Hampshire in 1944. Between the great depression and the economic devastation of World War II the confidence in ... Show more content on ... They achieve this through their three core competencies, surveillance, subject matter expert support, and lending. The IMF s objectives certainly benefit their member nations. The IMF has five unique objectives. The objectives are to promote international monetary cooperation, to facilitate the expansion and balanced growth of international trade, promote exchange stability, assist in the establishment of a multilateral system of payments, and make resources available to members experiencing balance of payment difficulties. Adequate safeguards for principal must always exist to maintain the health and feasibility of the IMF. The IMF primarily focuses on short term financial problems. Of course, the IMF has an obligation to their member nations whose funding makes their work possible. When a nation chooses to join the International Monetary Fund, the organization assigns a quota to the nation. The International Monetary Fund uses a calculation between the global economy and the nation s economy. The quota is determined by that computation. This quota is also used to determine how much IMF funding can be return to the nation in its time of need. When the nation enters the IMF 25% of the quota must be paid in US dollars, euros, yen, pound sterling. The other three quarters can be paid in the nation s own currency. This was not always the case, originally nations had to pay the 25% in gold. This made the IMF one of the world s ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Dehydration Of Cyclohexanol Lab Report Clay catalyzed dehydration of cyclohexanol The product collected from the first experiment was a colorless low viscosity liquid. The theoretical yield of this experiment (Figure 1.) was calculated to be 100.2 mmol (8.221 g). The actual yield of product collected was 11.28 mmol (0.9273 g) which gave an 11.31% yield. The В№H NMR spectrum of the cyclohexene product (see Appendix A) displayed two resonance signals at (in ppm): Оґ = 7.04 (s, 4H), 3.75 (s, 4H), 3.02 (s, 2H). Table 1. Data collected from 1H NMR of dehydrated cyclohexene Product:Cyclohexene Theoretical Yield (mmol)100 Actual Yield (mmol)11.28 Percent Yield (%)11.28 % 1H NMR Spectroscopy Proton(s)Оґ (ppm) A5.67 B1.96 C1.67 A brief analysis of the 1H NMR spectrum indicated ... Show more content on ... Water typically appears at 1.56 (Оґ, ppm) meaning that the odd appearance of the peaks were due to the overlay of water s solvent peak. This conclusion was further confirmed by analyzing the integration ratio of the peaks. The ratio was found to be 2:10 rather than 2:8 this means that two extra protons were accounted for within the two up field peaks, these protons most likely belonged to water. The expected product, cyclohexene, had in fact been formed however; the product was contaminated with trace amounts of water. This outcome most likely resulted because the cyclohexene was not dried after it was distilled. The reaction mixture may have been distilled for too long, thus allowing water vapors to distill into the receiving flask. For future experiments, it would be imperative to dry collected products thoroughly to ensure their purity. Bromination of cyclohexene The theoretical yield of the bromination of cyclohexene (Figure. 2) was calculated to produce 12.2 mmol (2.93 g) of trans 1,2 dibromocyclohexane. The actual yield of product collected was 0.308 mmol (0.0739 g) which resulted in a 2.50% yield of a colorless product. The В№H NMR spectrum of the trans 1, 2 dibromocyclohexane product (see Appendix B) indicated six resonance signals at (in ppm) Оґ = 5.82 (t, 2H), 5.75 (t, 2H), 3.94 (m, 8H), 3.76 (s, 6H), 3.63 (d, 2H), 3.32 (m, ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The City Of Dallas Housing Development Program Evaluation In looking at the City of Dallas Affordable Housing Programs, the focus of this report will be in the form of a two part series. The first part will be a program evaluation that examines the quantitative numbers or measurable objectives, goals, achievements as established by the City of Dallas Community Development Housing Department over a five year consolidated plan period; and the second part will be a program analysis that seeks to take this quantified data of the program evaluation and really measure how effective these Dallas housing programs have been in not only achieving pre determined objectives and goals but in changing low income area housing buying trends; through creating more housing choices for low to moderate income families; in bringing about more mixed income neighborhoods; improving infillaffordable housingdevelopment opportunities; thru providing financial and training opportunities of minority businesses; etc. Introduction City of Dallas Housing Development Program and Infill Evaluation (Current Snapshot 2008/9 2013/14) The program evaluation of the City of Dallas Housing Development programs will consist of a five year review (2008/9 2013/14) of quantitative data available through public records of Dallas General Funds, HUD Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Reports (CAPER), HUD Annual Action Plans, etc. The program evaluation for the purpose of this snapshot, will factor those programs or activities that will effect ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Addiction Responding Task Of The Theatrical Style Addiction Responding Task Belgium is accredited for the creation of the theatrical style, unrealistic theatre; although unrealistic theatre is a blanket term incorporating Absurdist Theatre, Expressionism, Theatre of Cruelty and more. Non realistic Theatre isn t restricted to traditionally recreating life on stage, but it investigates evasive ideologies, intangible emotions and human existence; simply transforming reality. Addiction was an unrealistic piece of drama exploring the drug world, side effects and consequences of drug intake. Through the effective manipulation of masks, abstract props, generalised characters, social Existentialist morals, rhythmic movement, silhouettes, puppetry , a combination of realistic, unrealistic ... Show more content on ... This piece of drama conveyed the dramatic meaning (moral), The effect is of a background of magnificence cheapened by commercialism. (O Neil, 1922). Generalised, masked wealthy characters contributed to the dramatic meaning and symbolically emphasised their unawareness and carelessness for the disadvantaged. Techniques which were present in this activity were manipulated, personalised and incorporated into Addiction. In Addiction, Scene 8, masks were utilised to strip Darcy s family of their identities and transform them into his memories. By masking his family members it allowed for most of the focus to be on Darcy and during the final stages of the scene all three memories were frozen creating a frozen tableau conveying the strong emotion of disappointment, thus establishing the disappointing mood of the scene and engaging the audience. Tension drives a situation which is directed by the focus; tension can be created through including roles, characters surprise and mystery. Tension can be enhanced through the incorporation of unrealistic conventions, thus engaging the audience. In Addiction tension was created during and after conflict. These conflicts are caused by various characters which then is incentive for the plot. The tension of relationships between the Angel and Devil was evident when Angel and Devil s ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Swastika Research Paper There are countless misunderstood symbols throughout history, but none s meaning has been as twisted as the swastika. The term swastika comes from the Sanskrit svastika , which contains the prefix sv meaning good or well , the root word asti meaning being , and the suffix ka which is meant to amplify the meaning of the word. With all these meanings together, it become clear rather fast that term swastika means simply that which is associated with well being , which can be used to refer to a lucky charm or any symbol meant to increase well being. Today, it commonly refers to an equal armed cross with its four legs turned at a ninety degree angle about halfway down. Sadly, the swastika is largely shied away from today, despite... Show more content on ... It appears as a decorative symbol in many Neolithic cultures, though we do not know if they used it in a religious sense of not. The swastika is seen most commonly, however, in India and the land surrounding it, where it is seen as a sacred religious symbol. When thought of in terms of ancient cultures, the swastika is largely grouped into the large category of solar crosses , which were used in worshipping the sun throughout much of the ancient world, and this can give us some clues into its ancient meaning. However, some experts have suggested that instead of representing the sun, or that the symbol s four arms are meant to represent the four aspects of nature the sun, wind, water, and soil. Still, others say that the four arms represent the four seasons, where the division of ninety degrees represent the solstices and equinoxes. The Hindus use it to represent their God (Braham) in is universal aspect, the four directions of the world, and the four goals of life. In Buddhism, it is a visual representation of eternity. Still, it is most heavily used today in Jainism, where it represents the four places that the soul could be reborn after death, namely heaven, hell, as a human, or as flora and fauna. The followers of Jainism commonly fashion their offerings, which are commonly made of rice, into this ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Dick Van Rouge Show Research Paper Working Title The Dick Van Dyke Show is a family classic that any generation can enjoy. The show is full of adventures and humor. The show also has a good story plot to keep anybody wanting more. The Dick Van Dyke Show was an influential show because of the origins of the show, the exposition of trends and fads in the show, and the effects the show made on the world. The creator of The Dick Van Dyke Show, Carl Reiner, made the show very similar to his own life (David Krell). Carl Reiner added the number 1 to his former address: 48 Bonnie Meadow in New Rochelle, to be Rob Petrie s (Dick Van Dyke) address in the show (Krell). Like Carl Reiner, Rob Petrie drove to Manhattan everyday for his job. (Krell). The show was like an everyday person s life, so it made it more relatable. Another inspirations for The Dick Van Dyke Show were some shows from the nineteen fifties, Your Show of Shows, and Caesar s Hour (Krell). The Dick Van Dyke Show was on the air for five years, from 1961 to 1966 (Krell). Even though some of the inspiration was from the fifties, it was still a great show in the sixties. The Dick Van Dyke Show came from aspects of Carl Reiner s life, but it easily connected to many others. The exposition of... Show more content on ... In the show, Rob and Laura Petrie s relationship is portrayed realistically ( Laura Petrie is also portrayed realistically when she wore Capri pants around the house, destroying the stereotype that women wore dresses while working around the house ( By doing this, women grew more confident and comfortable with themselves. Mary Tyler Moore would not have been a star and hosted The Mary Tyler Moore Show if she was not casted in The Dick Van Dyke Show ( The Dick Van Dyke Show was the first adult comedy television show, and it led to many others (mmc This show changed television history forever. The Dick Van Dyke Show is truly ... Get more on ...
  • 43. How Sport Is An Equal Opportunity For All Teams In professional sports, where competition is at the highest possible level, one of the most important things that a sport must have to succeed, is an equal opportunity for all teams to win. This is called parity, and every sport tries to create this to have their sport stay competitive and entertaining. Without parity, a small group of teams will dominate their sport, and in the NBA, where first place receives the only prize, the sport will become less competitive and lose its fan base, which represents the revenue the league gains. One big factor in giving all teams a chance to win, is through the market of the league and the system in which contracts are structured for players. All sports have different team salaries, systems for how... Show more content on ... This has been a problem for smaller cities for years, which usually means that their best strategy to get their star, is to hope they can get him in the draft. Another thing that needs to be addressed with the contracts and player s values as a whole, is that the difference between a star in the league and an average starter is greater in the NBA than other sports like football, baseball, or soccer. With the nature of how basketball is played versus other sports, a superstar like LeBron can potentially lead any team to the playoffs if he is on it, where that can t happen in just about any other sport. This is proven with some of basketball s advanced stats like VORP(Value over Replacement Player), which says that a good player in the league like Damian Lillard(3.8 VORP) or John Wall(3.7 VORP), still pale in comparison to someone like LeBron with his massive (7.6 VORP)(Basketball Reference). This means that a team with John Wall would win 10 less games than one lead by Lebron James. This shows that the best NBA stars have a much larger worth than the average or good players and in a world without a max contract, would be paid even higher, seeing the commodity they are to the league. There are other factors that make the NBA s problems with the max contract unique like, the salary cap for each team and luxury taxes. Things like the NFL hard cap on their team s salaries or the MLB s luxury taxes incentivize smart spending and ... Get more on ...