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The Importance Of Ramadan
Ramadan is an important ritual for Muslims to practise because Allah commanded to follow it and
develop faith in him (get his consciousness). From these responses, the data indicates that Ramadan
is significantly important for Muslims because fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, which is
obligatory for Muslims to observe for a month. The responses of surveyors seem to explain that 4
Muslims believed that Ramadan is important because "the Qur'an was first revealed to Prophet
Muhammad". Nevertheless, the old Muslims believed Ramadan is about "forgiving sins and purify
souls", which makes them feel more purified spiritually. This demonstrates that these 4 Muslims
know the revelation of the holy book as its importance, but they do more content...
However, others believe fasting is to clean sins and ask for forgiveness to Allah. In contrast,
interviewee believes fasting teach them self–control and discipline.
According to the secondary research, fasting gives Muslims an opportunity to practice self–control
and cleanse sins, the body and mind. Many cultures and religions use fasting for this purpose.
During Ramadan, fasting helps Muslims with their spiritual devotion as well as in developing a
feeling of kinship with other Muslims.
Therefore, Ramadan is important for Muslims to practise self–control, cleanse sins, discipline,
getting rid of bad habits, purify souls and the holy book was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad.
By fasting in Ramadan, Muslims increase spiritual devotion towards Allah as it is the purpose of
Focus Question 3
3.'How is Ramadan significant to Muslims in Australia today?'
Ramadan is significant to Muslims in Australia today, but Eid–ul–Fitr is incredibly important
because it is celebrated at the end of the month by gathering together in the mosque for prayer and
celebrating it with family and friends. This is because Ramadan is about fasting for a month and
following the rules of fasting. However, the last three days of the month are very important because
Eid is a special occasion for Muslims, it is about social gathering, spending
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My First Ramadan Experience
My First Ramadan Experience "Greetings! We inform you that the Ramadan moon sighting wait
has ended and the first fast for the following countries will take place in a couple of hours...",
exclaimed the newscaster. The news report was continuing to inform listeners of the differing dates
for the start of the holy month. I questioned eagerly, "Mom, can I please fast?" I'm nine years old
now. "Honey, fasting is a day–long commitment. Also, it is more than not eating or drinking
anything." It took a long time for me to satisfy my mom; however, I was allowed to start my first
fast. Furthermore, my first Ramadan experience taught me more than not eating or drinking for a
religious value; in fact, it disclosed me to a book of principles to live by, making family unity,
patience and consistency, and respect and contribution a part of my individuality.
It was overwhelming for me to see the whole family together, crowded around the television,
possessing the same amount of excitement. "The US will be starting their fast at the start of
sunrise", stated the man. I had fallen asleep, listening to the news. Next thing I knew, I awoke to
the sounds of my mom making our special breakfast specials, consisting of 'Halwa', 'Parathas', eggs,
and tea; it was time for 'Sehri', the
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Narrative Experience In Ramadan
The tutorial class was filled with anticipation. Something was going to happen. Every Muslim friend
of mine lamented at how slow the clock was ticking–or–so it seemed. As the time drew nearer, many
just halted their tasks and began to countdown. Suddenly, the clock struck five. The quiet and dull
atmosphere was transformed to a noisy and exciting one. This marked the class ended and they
were ready to break their fast soon. I was invited by my course mates to experience Bazaar
Ramadan. A thought of Jalan Masjid India and Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman Bazaar Ramadan came
to my mind. Thus, I suggested to bring along my friends from Penang to witness the exciting and
fun–filled circumstances from the bazaar of Kuala Lumpur.
I can hardly remember when I was still a kid, my father was mine of information about the history
of Ramadan. This is because he lived in a Malay village during his childhood time. My father made
friends and communicated with other ethnics of children not only Chinese ethnic. His friends of
Malay ethnic shared all the knowledge about Ramadan with my father. Ramadan is the month of
fasting practiced by the most observant Muslims. Everyday during the month of Ramadan, Muslims
around the world get up before dawn (6:00 a.m.) to eat the Suhoor meal and perform their Fajr
prayer. They break their fast when more content...
A five years old kid questioned his father " what is murtabak? " His father explained patiently to his
daughter that murtabak is one of the most popular street food and it is a type of Indian stuffed
pancake that layers of dough with minced meat curry filling, eggs and onions to create a savoury
parcel. There is variety of murtabak depending on the area or country. Its appearance is just like
Indian roti canai. I was so anxious to have a try with it. It just costs RM2.50 per piece. Murtabak is
usually cut into portions and served with curry
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Prepare For Ramadan Essay
Prepare for Ramadan by Sohelee Tahmina
The regular days of our lives are keeping us too busy to have some time for ourselves. We are
always on the run and never caring about what we are actually gaining from running at such a speed
and restlessness. And then, there's Ramadan. The one month we have to alter all our routine of
everyday life. But again, we forget about our most important asset in life– our body. Allah has sent
us with a perfectly functioning body and we ruin it without even thinking twice that maybe just by
being caring towards it for a few minutes every day, we could actually make it run for a longer
period of time.
Ramadan is the month to practice patience and sacrifice, to practice a completely different system of
life and understand the pain of the deprived of people around more content...
Well, definitely, drinking plenty of liquid– especially plain water is a must. Avoid artificial juice and
carbonated drinks. Plain drinking water infused with lemon juice and a little bit of sugar is the
best thing to drink in this season. For food, opt for as many fruits as you can. They are rich in
almost all kinds of nutrients and water portion. They also help to keep the body fluid balance
maintained. They are much easier to digest as well. Plus, have light food like cucumber, boiled
veggies, pasta without too much cheese, oats, Greek yogurt and food like these. Also, try to
consume a glass of milk every night. It helps in numerous ways. But put all your emphasis on liquid
intake. Moreover, do not eat too much. Your mind feels likeeating up the whole world, but trust me,
your body doesn't. It only waits to regain the energy level and fluidity. Therefore, eat in carefully
measured amount. Last but not the least, Ramadan in summer is usually short in terms of nightly
hours, which means there's not much difference between iftaar and dinner and sehri. So, ask
yourself whether you really need to have these three meals or
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The Magnitude of Ramadan Essay
The Five Pillars of Islam are the framework of Islamic life. First off, a Muslim must have faith in
Allah and believe that there is only one Allah and Muhammad is His messenger. Next, a Muslim
has the duty to pray five times each day, which is considered to be a direct link between him and
Allah. Third, a Muslim must distribute alms and help the needy. Fourth, a Muslim is responsible to
keep the Fast of Ramadan. Lastly, a Muslim is obligated to make a pilgrimage to Mecca in his
lifetime. Most non– Islamic people do not know why these pillars are so important to the Islamic
religion. One of the most questioned, is the fourth pillar, since fasting symbolizes such different
things in all religions. In Judaism and Christianity fasting more content...
It is very significant that a Muslim spends a lot time with his family and friends, throughout this
month, and realizes what is truly important in his life. Many more Muslims attend Mosques during
Ramadan because they believe that Allah will help them understand the essentials of life.
Throughout Ramadan all Muslims are strictly obligated to pray five times each day and, in addition,
attend Mosque and have a nightly prayer, called Taraween, which is two to three times as long as the
usual daily prayers. Along with praying, Muslims celebrate significant days in the month. "On the
evening of the 27th day of the month, Muslims celebrate the Laylat–al–Qadr (the Night of Power)"
(Zahid). This night is
Jafari 3 celebrated because it is believed by all Muslims that it was the night that Muhammad first
received the revelation of the Quran and the night when Allah determines the future of the world for
the next year. By celebrating nights like this along with praying at home and in a Mosque, a Muslim
becomes much closer to Allah and in return gets to know their own identity much better. Reading out
of the Quran and worshipping Allah is one of the most important things to do during the Fast of
Along with gaining self discipline,
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Muslims Essay
I first became interested in learning about Muslims when I met a young man in a
Speech class of mine. He was dark skinned, dark haired, and extremely handsome, so I decided to
get acquainted with him. I asked him his name and he asked me if I wanted his real name or his
made up name. I was a little confused and I asked him what he meant by that. He told me he was a
Muslim and his "real" Muslim name is Sadat and his made up name is Danny. I was quite intrigued
by, but a little confused by all of this, so I thought I would look further into the subject. Luckily, I
was asked to write a paper on a subject of my choice so hopefully I can teach you some of what I
learned about Muslims.
The Muslims are people who more content...
Almsgiving may be required or free will. Required almsgiving is called Zakat and the free will type
is called Sadaqah. A Muslim must give 2 1/2 per cent of his wealth each year as a trust fund for the
needy. Islam does not limit free will charity, except that a person cannot deprive his own family of
its fixed legal inheritance by giving all his wealth to charity. Ramadan, the ninth month in the
Muslim year, is the holy month of fasting.
Muslims may not eat or drink from dawn to sunset. The only people that are excluded from this
tradition are travelers, the sick, nursing mothers, and soldiers, but they must make up for the days
missed. Muslims joyfully celebrate the end of the long fast in the three day Festival of the Breaking
of the Fast.
Pilgrimage to Mecca is commanded by the Koran. Every able Muslim is required to make the
pilgrimage at least once in his or her lifetime. Many ceremonies are required during the pilgrimage.
The most important include walking around the Kaaba seven times and kissing the sacred Black
Stone in its wall. The pilgrimage is concluded with the Festival of Sacrifice, when the Muslims
sacrifice a sheep, goat, or camel, and usually give the meat to the poor.
The first Muslims, the Arabs, began in the 600's to establish an empire that eventually stretched from
the Atlantic Ocean to the borders of China. This empire absorbed many people
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Blessings Of Ramadan
Blessings of Ramadan Ramadan is the spring of good deeds. In this holy month the rate of every
virtue is increased. The reward of nawafil is increased to the reward of fard worships, and those
of fard is increased to seventy times. This month is the month of spring air of imaan and good
deeds. This month not only respects and rewards to those who come to attain its blessings but it
also calls those who runaway by calling them repeatedly that O the runner towards evil, stop! See
what kind of arrangements are there for you in the month of Ramadan. The fast of this month is
obligatory due to the order of Allah Ш№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„ and Allah Ш№Ш
ІЩ€Ш¬Щ„ said that the
reward of fasting of Ramadan would be given by himself. How enjoyable is this matter for
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312, vol. 3, HМЈadiМ„sМЊ 3633) Ramadan is a great and full of blessings month. In this hmonth
there is night having prime importance and this night is better than one thousand months. The month
of Ramadan is a treasure of the mercies of Allah Ш№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„. We can understand the
importance of this month by the fact that the Holy prophet ШµЩ„ЫЊ Ш§Щ„Щ„ЫЃ
іЩ„Щ… used to do duplication to meet this month . The worships done by
Muslims at night in this month are a source of plasure of Allah Ш№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„. This is the
month of sympathy. After the fast of whole day we understand the value of blessings of Allah
Ш№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„. We can realize the feelings of those people who remain hungry throughout the
year due to lack of food availability and This feeling enables us to sympathize with others . The
month of Ramadan is in fact a great opportunity to get a chance to enter jannah. In this month the
value of good deeds is increased by Allah Ш№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„. On the first night of Ramadan, Allah
Ш№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„ showers special mercy upon Muslims and the one upon whom
AllahШ№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„ showers special mercy will never be punished. In the evening, Allah
Ш№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„ likes the smell manating from their mouths (due to hunger) more than even
musk.Angels supplicate for their forgiveness every night and day.AllahШ№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„ orders
Heaven to be adorned for His (righteous) people and says, 'Soon they will get rid of the grief of the
world and find solace in My house and My bounties and On the last night
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Ramadan Is The Sixth Month Of The Lunar Calendar
Ramadan is the ninth month of the lunar calendar and is consider one of the 5 pillars of Islam–five
activities that shape a Muslim's life. This holy month unite all Muslims in fasting, worship and
celebration. Ramadan is the ninth month of the lunar calendar and this year it felt on June 5th and
ended July 5th. Ramadan begins with a new moon sighting marking the start of the ninth month in
Islamic calendar. Each month start when the lunar crescent is first seen by human observer's eye.
Although, some Muslim depend of a local sighting of the moon, whereas others depend on sighting
by authorities somewhere in the Muslim world. Once it is confirm that the moon is been seen, we
start preparing for the fasting. Before you start fasting, you should have the intention that your
action is undertaken in obedience to God in response to his command and out of love for him. We
start the nightly prayers and make lots of different foods to eat early in the morning before sunrise.
After this time no food or drink is allowed.
Ramadan is another unique moral and spiritual characteristic of Islam. Ramadan is defined as fasting
which means to stay away completely from foods, drinks, sex, smoking and anything that can go
through your month. Ramadan is a very special month and it was in this month the holy Quran was
reveal to the prophet Muhammad (SAW). It believed that whatever good thing you do in this month,
the reward doubles. In Islam all Muslims are required to perform the five
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'Ramadan' comes from Arabic word 'ramad', is named such in light to the fact that it burns the sins
and wrongdoings of the adherents. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, lasting
29 – 30 days in the view of the visual sighting of the crescent moon. Ramadan is observed by
Muslims all–around the world as a month of fasting from dawn to sunset, abstaining from food,
drinking, smoking or any other sensual pleasures. Ramadan is a time for reflection, prayer, renewal
of faith and to commemorate the first revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad.
Additionally, at the end of the month, Muslims celebrate Eid–ul–Fitr (breaking the fast), a day for
Thanksgiving by gathering together with friends and family, more content...
The main question of this investigation is separated into three key areas that will be included in this
report. Three guiding questions are created to answer the main question. The following guiding
questions are;
1.What are the teachings and rules of Ramadan?
2.Why is Ramadan an important celebration/ritual for Muslims to practise?
3.How is Ramadan significant to Muslims in Australia today?
To be able to investigate this question; primary sources, such as in–depth interviews and surveys are
examined to determine Muslims attitudes towards Ramadan today in Australia and collect
qualitative and quantitative data. 26 Muslims surveyors from different areas are being surveyed
to get different responses because Muslims only celebrate Ramadan as it is one of the main
Islamic celebrations. These surveyors were selected because almost, all Muslims practise
Ramadan closely and know its importance in their lives. Surveys were distributed to collect
primary data (qualitative data) and analyse the responses to get accurate and precise information,
which makes it easier to draw conclusions. Secondary sources, such as the internet (online sources
and articles) are used to collect accurate and reliable information about the topic. One Interviewee
was examined because the surveyors had a lack of females, so the interviewee is a female, 20 years
old and observes Ramadan every
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Ramadan Race And Religion
So the first step was to identify the problem. For me, it was that many people don't fast because
their company, friends or family don't fast and others think of fasting as a burden and just an act
for religion so they don't fast either. To find the solution the problem required lots of research and
reflection. I had to think if I didn't fast, what would I do. So I conducted a survey and asked my
family, friends and others to take it. The problem is that kids are taught to fast and later on in their
life, they either leave it or they just blindly follow. That's where Ramadan Race comes along!
Ramadan Race was created to build motivation and understanding of fasting. Like the quote in the
beginning, those who you have around you, affect you.
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Narrative Essay On Ramadan
Ramadan is the special time of year when Muslims all around the world starts fasting; it is all about
patience, self–control, forgiveness, etc. Ramadan is on the ninth month of the Islamic Lunar
Calendar. Ramadan started on the Monday 6th of June 2016, so when I got home after Duke of
Edinburgh on Sunday I had to rapidly eat my dinner and when I devoured my dinner I felt really
full; I felt like I was going to EXPLODE. I got to go to bed earlier than the rest of my family
because I came back from my Duke of Edinburgh Expedition and I needed to wake up very early
to have my morning meal. When I finished having my meal I couldn't go to sleep because I've
never had so much food in my life. After a while of contemplating my life, I more
In Nigeria they finish their fast at 7:00pm and in Aberdeen we finish our fast at 10:00. I
personally like fasting in Nigeria even though it is hot you get to finish your fast earlier than
when you are doing it in Aberdeen where the hours are long and you dread the feeling that others
get to finish theirs first. I really don't like waking up super early in the morning because I get really
tired and feel a bit ill, but I get over it as soon as I can considering that I will be doing it for a whole
I have had many experiences throughout my life and one of the best experiences is during the
month of Ramadan where I can gain more knowledge about why people do it and why it is a
special time of year. Ramadan is that time of month which brings me closer to Allah and even
closer to family, Ramadan also helps me to understand what people who are less fortunate really
feel and to walk in their shoes is just amazing. There comes a time in day and in life where
everyone is in need of help from the day that they are brought into the world, to the day that they
draw their last breath on this earth. The only guidance that I can get and will follow apart from
friends and family is from Allah and I follow and will always follow till the day that I die.
I really enjoy fasting because it gives me the
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The Meaning Of Ramadan
The meaning of Ramadan is a holy month of fasting in the Islamic religion. The importance of this
month is one of the five most fundamentals principles of Islam. Throughout this month, each day,
Muslims do not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset, instead they have clear minds and thoughts.
They try and cleanse themselves in spirit and then at the end of the month celebrate their fasting
with family and friends. They have a three day festival called Eid al–Fitr. Ramadan occurs in the
ninth month of the twelve month Islamic calendar, which is a lunar calendar.
Ben– History/Origin– Ramadan is the ninth month of the islamic lunar calendar. The reason the
month is celebrated is because the Quran says that Muhammad received the Quran on the
twenty–fourth day of the month of Ramadan. The Quran also states that the torah, gospel, and other
abrahamic texts were given during the month. The instruction to fast during the month was given
during the month Sha'ban in 624 C.E.
As mentioned previously, Ramadan is a span of time equal to a month during which Muslims
abstain from eating and drinking everything. This principle of fasting during this time is called
Sawm in Arabic, and it plays a very significant role in Islam and is one of the five major Pillars of
Islam. However, Ramadan is not just about fasting; there is actually a much deeper meaning behind
the important Islamic holiday and its rituals. The Islamic concept called Niyyah is extremely
relevant during the month of Ramadan. Niyyah literally translated means "intention." This concept
applies specifically to the thought and intention behind fasting during Ramadan. It requires that
Muslims not simply fast by accident or do it for non–spiritual reasons, such as for personal dietary
reasons. In order to satisfy the requirements of Niyyah, a Muslim must reconcile within their own
mind and heart that the purpose behind he or she fasting during Ramadan is for Allah and solely
Allah. The Qu'ran reinforces this but stating that the act of fasting that occurs during Ramadan is
deemed invalid if one does not reconcile Niyyah within themselves before starting fasting. The
purpose of fasting during Ramadan is to disregard mortal needs and redirect one's attention on Allah.
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Comparison Of Fasting At Ramadan
Bustling streets filled with the shouts of 'Eid Mubarak', the bright, colourful lights hanging from
the window frames of every house, and the sweet taste of honey from the kahk cookies; I had always
loved Eid al–Fitr. Yet this year, the arrival of the annual celebration came stubbornly slow. Night
after night I would gaze out the window, convinced that the moon was selfishly refusing to change
its face. Although a way of expressing gratitude towards God, I found my first attempt of fasting
at Ramadan unbearable. Just last night, convinced that Shawwal had finally arrived, I had rushed
to find Baba in the hope that soon we would be able to break the fast. *** "Baba! Look! It's
finally the new moon", I shouted, rushing through the house to find my father. Pulling him out from
his chair I directed him to the window and pointed to the dark sky. He studied the moon with great
interest, turning his head about and squinting his eyes, as though Muhammad himself had just split
it. Finally, he looked down at me and chuckled. "Not yet Raamiz", he said patting my shoulder, "It
is still Ramadan." "Still?" I groaned, turning to leave. "Now hang on Raamiz," Baba replied
frowning, "You can't rush these things. When the time is right Shawwal will come, and we'll
celebrate Eid al–Fitr like we do every year... However, maybe your mother was right; maybe you
are too immature for this..." I quickly spun back around. "What?" "Well, boys only need to begin
fasting at Ramadan when they are old enough,
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Ramadan Is A Peaceful Ramadan
Let us Celebrate a Peaceful Ramadan with our Community Ramadan – Muslims all over the world
observe the annual fast during the daylight hours of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar
calendar, in keeping with the divine commandment. The month when the faithful fast between
sunrise and sunset is also a time to attain taqwa, a time for reflection, spiritual renewal and peace.
It is a time to seek forgiveness and share your blessings with family, friends and those less fortunate,
a time for social consciousness. The word "Ramadan" comes from the Arabic root word for
"parched thirst" and "sun–baked ground." It is expressive of the hunger and thirst felt by those who
spend the month in fasting. As opposed to other holidays, when people often indulge, Ramadan
is by nature a time of sacrifice. Ramadan is about going back to basics, being humble and having
respect and appreciation for all God's creation. The physical effects of the fast help to remind us
of those who suffer throughout the year; our fellow humans who are poor, homeless and those
who cannot meet their own basic needs on a daily basis. It reminds us all not to be wasteful and
to feel empathy for those who face hunger as part other normal day to day life. We should take this
chance to appreciate our blessings, to feel gratitude for things we normally take for granted such as
clean water, sufficient healthy food, comfort of a home and family as well as our health – basic
needs that so many people in the world
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Ramadan Facts
10 Points about Ramadan
There are many important things to understand when fasting during the holy month of Ramadan to
be able to take the maximum benefit from the wisdom and teachings we may gain during this blessed
month. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stated that – Don't the day of fasting be the same as the day
you don't fast. He was talking about our behaviour and our attitude differences when fasting and
when not fasting. I will now expand on 10 points on why we fast during the month of Ramadan: 1.
Gaining Taqwa– Allah decreed fasting during Ramadan for gaining taqwa – "O you who believe,
fasting has been prescribed for you as it has been prescribed for those before you, so that you may
attain taqwa." [Noble Quran 2:183]. Taqwa more content...
We must pay attention to the purification of our manners especially during this month. 6.
Recognizing change for the better – The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Every son
of Adam sins and the best of the sinners are those who repent." Allah provides many opportunities
to repent to Him and seek His forgiveness. If one was disobedient they can become obedient 7.
Being more Charitable – The Propet PBUH was the most charitable amongst the people and was
even more during Ramadan when Angel Jibril met him every night of the month. The prophet said
that he who give for a fasting person to break his fast will receive the same reward as the person
receiving the food. 8. Sensing the Unity of Muslims – In this month we sense that there is a
possibility for unity, because we all fast together, we break the fast together, we all worship Allah
together, and we pray Eid Salat together.. Therefore we must all be united as a single body, but this
can only be achieved when there is obedience only for Allah and his messenger. 9. Learning
Discipline – The prophet mad us obey to disciplineOne cannot knowingly break the fast before
sunset as it will be not accepted by Allah. Muslims should learn to be strict in our lives as we are
the people of an important message. 10. Special Facts about Ramadan:
Special Characteristics of Ramadan
1. Observing the fourth pillar of Islam has been prescribed during this month, and it is one of the best
means by
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Why Do Muslims Establish The Ramadan?
Many Muslims accomplish the Ramadan because of the prophet Mohammed; they follow his actions
during this sacred month because he gave even more during Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month
of the Islamic lunar calendar, the month in which the first verse of the Quran was revealed to
A.In Islam, when looking to celebrate a holiday, the set of calendar here people use to tell day are
different from Islamic calendar.
1.Islamic calendar has twelve months meaning that the start of each month is determined by the
timing of the new moon. According to, the Islam calendar is constantly shorter than
a tropical year, and so it moves with respect to the Christian calendar (1).
2.Start of Ramadan could differ from location to
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The Blessed Month Of Ramadan
The blessed month of Ramadan, the time when almost 2 billion muslims around the world are
fasting and attempting to do extra good. Fasting was obligated two years after the muslims
migrated to Medina from Mecca. In Mecca, the economic conditions for the muslims were bad,
they were being persecuted, and often would go days without food or water. It was already
difficult enough for them to find food, it wouldn 't be possible for them to abstain from
something they were in extreme need off. After they migrated to Medina, it was like a sanctuary,
they were greeted open heartedly, and many were actually waiting for them to arrive. After they
settled down, the verses of ramadan were revealed. Many people may wonder why are muslims
so excited about a month in which they abstain from food? Who would look forward to
something like that? In essence there is much more to ramadan than just abstaining from food
though out the day, it is also about learning self discipline, controlling your temper, and building
your character. It teaches a great amount of patience. Our prophet once said, "Whoever does not
give up lying and evil action, God is not in need of his hunger." Not only is it about purifying your
body, also your mind and soul. It is also a chance to increase your good deeds such as giving
charity to the poor, and mending family relationships. As we go through the day in hunger and thirst,
we experience the feeling of the poor who cannot afford a meal, which would result
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Is Fasting A Ramadan? Essay
Sawm: is fasting during Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the year and during it, all
healthy adults are required to fast (not eat) from sunrise to sunset. Verse 2.185 of the Quran says
"The month of Ramadan is that in which was revealed the Quran; a guidance for mankind, and
clear proofs of the guidance, and the criterion (of right and wrong). And whosoever of you is
present, let him fast the month, and whosoever of you is sick or on a journey, a number of other
days. Allah desires for you ease; He desires not hardship for you; and that you should complete the
period, and that you should magnify Allah for having guided you, and that perhaps you may be
Hajj: is completing a pilgrimage to the holy city, Mecca. It is only obligatory to do this if you are
physically and financially able to. The purpose of this is to visit the Ka'bah, a square building
believed to have been built by the prophet Abraham. Hajj lasts for five or six days and begins of
the 8th of December every year. During Hajj Muslims walk around the Ka'bah, walk to the
mountains Safa and Marwah and offer prayers to Allah.
There are two different sects of Islam, Sunni and Shia. The split occurred soon after the death of
Muhammad and was caused over a disagreement about who should lead the faith as a replacement
for Muhammad. Shia are the minority and split from the rest of the faith because they believed that
Ali, Muhammad 's cousin, had the right to lead the Islamic religion. Abu Baker was
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Essay on Explaining Ramadan
Explaining Ramadan
'O believers, you must fast so that you may learn self–restraint. Fasting is prescribed for you during
a fixed number of days.
(Surah 2:183–4)
Sawm, or fasting, one of the five pillars of Islam. Sawm is the deliberate control of the body by an
act of will. During the 29 or 30 days of the Muslim month of Ramadan healthy adult Muslims will
go without all the pleasures of the body during all the hours of daylight. The fast begins as the first
light of dawn touches the horizon and ends with sunset. Hunger, comfort and sex are the three
things, which have to be brought under control.
Nothing must pass the lips (not even chewing–gum, a cigarette, or the smoke of
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The various other benefits of fasting are that man gets to exercise sacrificing physical comfort and
to endure hunger and thirst. Fasting creates a sense of equality between the rich and the poor. By
developing an appreciation of hunger and thirst, it makes the well–off think of the needs of the poor
and impresses a feeling of compassion in their hearts. It makes them appreciate, through the
practicality of it, the state a human being endures when hungry and thirsty. Ramadan is a most
effective and excellent means of spiritual development for mankind.
'If you do not give up telling lies God will have no need of your giving up food and drink'
'There are many who fast during the day and pray all night, but they gain nothing but hunger and
AIMS OF SAWM ============
В· To develop self–control and overcome selfishness, greed and laziness
В· To restrain passion and appetite
В· To prepare for any real sufferings that may be faced later
В· To experience hunger, and thus develop sympathy for the poor
В· To gain spiritual strength
В· To experience companionship through shared 'ordeals'.
After a couple of hours the body is sure to feel uncomfortable, and starts complaining like a spoilt
child for its usual supplies of food and drink. But Muslims allow the mind to take control. The body
will not get its way. The path of
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Narrative Experience Of Ramadan
The tutorial class was filled with anticipation. Something was going to happen. Every Muslim friend
of mine lamented at how slow the clock was ticking–or–so it seemed. As the time drew nearer, many
just halted their tasks and began to countdown. Suddenly, the clock struck five. The quiet and dull
atmosphere was transformed into a noisy and exciting one. This marked the class ended and they
were ready to break their fast soon. I was invited by my course mates to experience Bazaar
Ramadan. A thought of Jalan Masjid India and Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman Bazaar Ramadan came
to my mind. Thus, I suggested bringing along my friends from Penang to witness the exciting and
fun–filled circumstances from the bazaar of Kuala Lumpur.
I could hardly remember when I was still a kid, my father was mine of information about the
history of Ramadan. This is because he lived in a Malay village during his childhood time. My
father made friends and communicated with other ethnics of children not only Chinese ethnic. His
friends of Malay ethnic shared all the knowledge about Ramadan with more content...
The green pouches piqued my curiosity about it. Thus, I started to question one of the vendors.
The vendor was very friendly and he told me that, for Malays, it is an icon of Aidilfitri, much the
same way that mistletoe was an icon of Christmas in the West. Therefore, ketupat is a must during
the Hari Raya festival. Ketupat is known as rice dumpling, which is made up from glutinous rice
and wrapped in woven palm leaves pouch. It usually serves with chicken, lamb or beef satay as an
accompaniment. I decided to buy four ketupat at RM7 to share with my friends. There was a satay
stall just opposite to the vendor stall. Satay is a type of Malay snack food. I bought five strings of
chicken satay served with peanut
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Ramadan Essay

  • 1. The Importance Of Ramadan Ramadan is an important ritual for Muslims to practise because Allah commanded to follow it and develop faith in him (get his consciousness). From these responses, the data indicates that Ramadan is significantly important for Muslims because fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, which is obligatory for Muslims to observe for a month. The responses of surveyors seem to explain that 4 Muslims believed that Ramadan is important because "the Qur'an was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad". Nevertheless, the old Muslims believed Ramadan is about "forgiving sins and purify souls", which makes them feel more purified spiritually. This demonstrates that these 4 Muslims know the revelation of the holy book as its importance, but they do more content... However, others believe fasting is to clean sins and ask for forgiveness to Allah. In contrast, interviewee believes fasting teach them self–control and discipline. According to the secondary research, fasting gives Muslims an opportunity to practice self–control and cleanse sins, the body and mind. Many cultures and religions use fasting for this purpose. During Ramadan, fasting helps Muslims with their spiritual devotion as well as in developing a feeling of kinship with other Muslims. Therefore, Ramadan is important for Muslims to practise self–control, cleanse sins, discipline, getting rid of bad habits, purify souls and the holy book was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad. By fasting in Ramadan, Muslims increase spiritual devotion towards Allah as it is the purpose of Ramadan. Focus Question 3 3.'How is Ramadan significant to Muslims in Australia today?' Ramadan is significant to Muslims in Australia today, but Eid–ul–Fitr is incredibly important because it is celebrated at the end of the month by gathering together in the mosque for prayer and celebrating it with family and friends. This is because Ramadan is about fasting for a month and following the rules of fasting. However, the last three days of the month are very important because Eid is a special occasion for Muslims, it is about social gathering, spending Get more content on
  • 2. My First Ramadan Experience My First Ramadan Experience "Greetings! We inform you that the Ramadan moon sighting wait has ended and the first fast for the following countries will take place in a couple of hours...", exclaimed the newscaster. The news report was continuing to inform listeners of the differing dates for the start of the holy month. I questioned eagerly, "Mom, can I please fast?" I'm nine years old now. "Honey, fasting is a day–long commitment. Also, it is more than not eating or drinking anything." It took a long time for me to satisfy my mom; however, I was allowed to start my first fast. Furthermore, my first Ramadan experience taught me more than not eating or drinking for a religious value; in fact, it disclosed me to a book of principles to live by, making family unity, patience and consistency, and respect and contribution a part of my individuality. It was overwhelming for me to see the whole family together, crowded around the television, possessing the same amount of excitement. "The US will be starting their fast at the start of sunrise", stated the man. I had fallen asleep, listening to the news. Next thing I knew, I awoke to the sounds of my mom making our special breakfast specials, consisting of 'Halwa', 'Parathas', eggs, and tea; it was time for 'Sehri', the Get more content on
  • 3. Narrative Experience In Ramadan The tutorial class was filled with anticipation. Something was going to happen. Every Muslim friend of mine lamented at how slow the clock was ticking–or–so it seemed. As the time drew nearer, many just halted their tasks and began to countdown. Suddenly, the clock struck five. The quiet and dull atmosphere was transformed to a noisy and exciting one. This marked the class ended and they were ready to break their fast soon. I was invited by my course mates to experience Bazaar Ramadan. A thought of Jalan Masjid India and Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman Bazaar Ramadan came to my mind. Thus, I suggested to bring along my friends from Penang to witness the exciting and fun–filled circumstances from the bazaar of Kuala Lumpur. I can hardly remember when I was still a kid, my father was mine of information about the history of Ramadan. This is because he lived in a Malay village during his childhood time. My father made friends and communicated with other ethnics of children not only Chinese ethnic. His friends of Malay ethnic shared all the knowledge about Ramadan with my father. Ramadan is the month of fasting practiced by the most observant Muslims. Everyday during the month of Ramadan, Muslims around the world get up before dawn (6:00 a.m.) to eat the Suhoor meal and perform their Fajr prayer. They break their fast when more content... A five years old kid questioned his father " what is murtabak? " His father explained patiently to his daughter that murtabak is one of the most popular street food and it is a type of Indian stuffed pancake that layers of dough with minced meat curry filling, eggs and onions to create a savoury parcel. There is variety of murtabak depending on the area or country. Its appearance is just like Indian roti canai. I was so anxious to have a try with it. It just costs RM2.50 per piece. Murtabak is usually cut into portions and served with curry Get more content on
  • 4. Prepare For Ramadan Essay Prepare for Ramadan by Sohelee Tahmina The regular days of our lives are keeping us too busy to have some time for ourselves. We are always on the run and never caring about what we are actually gaining from running at such a speed and restlessness. And then, there's Ramadan. The one month we have to alter all our routine of everyday life. But again, we forget about our most important asset in life– our body. Allah has sent us with a perfectly functioning body and we ruin it without even thinking twice that maybe just by being caring towards it for a few minutes every day, we could actually make it run for a longer period of time. Ramadan is the month to practice patience and sacrifice, to practice a completely different system of life and understand the pain of the deprived of people around more content... Well, definitely, drinking plenty of liquid– especially plain water is a must. Avoid artificial juice and carbonated drinks. Plain drinking water infused with lemon juice and a little bit of sugar is the best thing to drink in this season. For food, opt for as many fruits as you can. They are rich in almost all kinds of nutrients and water portion. They also help to keep the body fluid balance maintained. They are much easier to digest as well. Plus, have light food like cucumber, boiled veggies, pasta without too much cheese, oats, Greek yogurt and food like these. Also, try to consume a glass of milk every night. It helps in numerous ways. But put all your emphasis on liquid intake. Moreover, do not eat too much. Your mind feels likeeating up the whole world, but trust me, your body doesn't. It only waits to regain the energy level and fluidity. Therefore, eat in carefully measured amount. Last but not the least, Ramadan in summer is usually short in terms of nightly hours, which means there's not much difference between iftaar and dinner and sehri. So, ask yourself whether you really need to have these three meals or Get more content on
  • 5. The Magnitude of Ramadan Essay The Five Pillars of Islam are the framework of Islamic life. First off, a Muslim must have faith in Allah and believe that there is only one Allah and Muhammad is His messenger. Next, a Muslim has the duty to pray five times each day, which is considered to be a direct link between him and Allah. Third, a Muslim must distribute alms and help the needy. Fourth, a Muslim is responsible to keep the Fast of Ramadan. Lastly, a Muslim is obligated to make a pilgrimage to Mecca in his lifetime. Most non– Islamic people do not know why these pillars are so important to the Islamic religion. One of the most questioned, is the fourth pillar, since fasting symbolizes such different things in all religions. In Judaism and Christianity fasting more content... It is very significant that a Muslim spends a lot time with his family and friends, throughout this month, and realizes what is truly important in his life. Many more Muslims attend Mosques during Ramadan because they believe that Allah will help them understand the essentials of life. Throughout Ramadan all Muslims are strictly obligated to pray five times each day and, in addition, attend Mosque and have a nightly prayer, called Taraween, which is two to three times as long as the usual daily prayers. Along with praying, Muslims celebrate significant days in the month. "On the evening of the 27th day of the month, Muslims celebrate the Laylat–al–Qadr (the Night of Power)" (Zahid). This night is Jafari 3 celebrated because it is believed by all Muslims that it was the night that Muhammad first received the revelation of the Quran and the night when Allah determines the future of the world for the next year. By celebrating nights like this along with praying at home and in a Mosque, a Muslim becomes much closer to Allah and in return gets to know their own identity much better. Reading out of the Quran and worshipping Allah is one of the most important things to do during the Fast of Ramadan. Along with gaining self discipline, Get more content on
  • 6. Muslims Essay Muslims I first became interested in learning about Muslims when I met a young man in a Speech class of mine. He was dark skinned, dark haired, and extremely handsome, so I decided to get acquainted with him. I asked him his name and he asked me if I wanted his real name or his made up name. I was a little confused and I asked him what he meant by that. He told me he was a Muslim and his "real" Muslim name is Sadat and his made up name is Danny. I was quite intrigued by, but a little confused by all of this, so I thought I would look further into the subject. Luckily, I was asked to write a paper on a subject of my choice so hopefully I can teach you some of what I learned about Muslims. The Muslims are people who more content... Almsgiving may be required or free will. Required almsgiving is called Zakat and the free will type is called Sadaqah. A Muslim must give 2 1/2 per cent of his wealth each year as a trust fund for the needy. Islam does not limit free will charity, except that a person cannot deprive his own family of its fixed legal inheritance by giving all his wealth to charity. Ramadan, the ninth month in the Muslim year, is the holy month of fasting. Muslims may not eat or drink from dawn to sunset. The only people that are excluded from this tradition are travelers, the sick, nursing mothers, and soldiers, but they must make up for the days missed. Muslims joyfully celebrate the end of the long fast in the three day Festival of the Breaking of the Fast. Pilgrimage to Mecca is commanded by the Koran. Every able Muslim is required to make the pilgrimage at least once in his or her lifetime. Many ceremonies are required during the pilgrimage. The most important include walking around the Kaaba seven times and kissing the sacred Black Stone in its wall. The pilgrimage is concluded with the Festival of Sacrifice, when the Muslims sacrifice a sheep, goat, or camel, and usually give the meat to the poor. The first Muslims, the Arabs, began in the 600's to establish an empire that eventually stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the borders of China. This empire absorbed many people Get more content on
  • 7. Blessings Of Ramadan Blessings of Ramadan Ramadan is the spring of good deeds. In this holy month the rate of every virtue is increased. The reward of nawafil is increased to the reward of fard worships, and those of fard is increased to seventy times. This month is the month of spring air of imaan and good deeds. This month not only respects and rewards to those who come to attain its blessings but it also calls those who runaway by calling them repeatedly that O the runner towards evil, stop! See what kind of arrangements are there for you in the month of Ramadan. The fast of this month is obligatory due to the order of Allah Ш№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„ and Allah Ш№Ш ІЩ€Ш¬Щ„ said that the reward of fasting of Ramadan would be given by himself. How enjoyable is this matter for more content... 312, vol. 3, HМЈadiМ„sМЊ 3633) Ramadan is a great and full of blessings month. In this hmonth there is night having prime importance and this night is better than one thousand months. The month of Ramadan is a treasure of the mercies of Allah Ш№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„. We can understand the importance of this month by the fact that the Holy prophet ШµЩ„ЫЊ Ш§Щ„Щ„ЫЃ Ш№Щ„ЫЊЫЃ Щ€Ш іЩ„Щ… used to do duplication to meet this month . The worships done by Muslims at night in this month are a source of plasure of Allah Ш№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„. This is the month of sympathy. After the fast of whole day we understand the value of blessings of Allah Ш№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„. We can realize the feelings of those people who remain hungry throughout the year due to lack of food availability and This feeling enables us to sympathize with others . The month of Ramadan is in fact a great opportunity to get a chance to enter jannah. In this month the value of good deeds is increased by Allah Ш№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„. On the first night of Ramadan, Allah Ш№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„ showers special mercy upon Muslims and the one upon whom AllahШ№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„ showers special mercy will never be punished. In the evening, Allah Ш№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„ likes the smell manating from their mouths (due to hunger) more than even musk.Angels supplicate for their forgiveness every night and day.AllahШ№ШІЩ€Ш¬Щ„ orders Heaven to be adorned for His (righteous) people and says, 'Soon they will get rid of the grief of the world and find solace in My house and My bounties and On the last night Get more content on
  • 8. Ramadan Is The Sixth Month Of The Lunar Calendar RAMADAN Ramadan is the ninth month of the lunar calendar and is consider one of the 5 pillars of Islam–five activities that shape a Muslim's life. This holy month unite all Muslims in fasting, worship and celebration. Ramadan is the ninth month of the lunar calendar and this year it felt on June 5th and ended July 5th. Ramadan begins with a new moon sighting marking the start of the ninth month in Islamic calendar. Each month start when the lunar crescent is first seen by human observer's eye. Although, some Muslim depend of a local sighting of the moon, whereas others depend on sighting by authorities somewhere in the Muslim world. Once it is confirm that the moon is been seen, we start preparing for the fasting. Before you start fasting, you should have the intention that your action is undertaken in obedience to God in response to his command and out of love for him. We start the nightly prayers and make lots of different foods to eat early in the morning before sunrise. After this time no food or drink is allowed. Ramadan is another unique moral and spiritual characteristic of Islam. Ramadan is defined as fasting which means to stay away completely from foods, drinks, sex, smoking and anything that can go through your month. Ramadan is a very special month and it was in this month the holy Quran was reveal to the prophet Muhammad (SAW). It believed that whatever good thing you do in this month, the reward doubles. In Islam all Muslims are required to perform the five Get more content on
  • 9. Introduction 'Ramadan' comes from Arabic word 'ramad', is named such in light to the fact that it burns the sins and wrongdoings of the adherents. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, lasting 29 – 30 days in the view of the visual sighting of the crescent moon. Ramadan is observed by Muslims all–around the world as a month of fasting from dawn to sunset, abstaining from food, drinking, smoking or any other sensual pleasures. Ramadan is a time for reflection, prayer, renewal of faith and to commemorate the first revelation of the Quran to the Prophet Muhammad. Additionally, at the end of the month, Muslims celebrate Eid–ul–Fitr (breaking the fast), a day for Thanksgiving by gathering together with friends and family, more content... The main question of this investigation is separated into three key areas that will be included in this report. Three guiding questions are created to answer the main question. The following guiding questions are; 1.What are the teachings and rules of Ramadan? 2.Why is Ramadan an important celebration/ritual for Muslims to practise? 3.How is Ramadan significant to Muslims in Australia today? Process To be able to investigate this question; primary sources, such as in–depth interviews and surveys are examined to determine Muslims attitudes towards Ramadan today in Australia and collect qualitative and quantitative data. 26 Muslims surveyors from different areas are being surveyed to get different responses because Muslims only celebrate Ramadan as it is one of the main Islamic celebrations. These surveyors were selected because almost, all Muslims practise Ramadan closely and know its importance in their lives. Surveys were distributed to collect primary data (qualitative data) and analyse the responses to get accurate and precise information, which makes it easier to draw conclusions. Secondary sources, such as the internet (online sources and articles) are used to collect accurate and reliable information about the topic. One Interviewee was examined because the surveyors had a lack of females, so the interviewee is a female, 20 years old and observes Ramadan every Get more content on
  • 10. Ramadan Race And Religion So the first step was to identify the problem. For me, it was that many people don't fast because their company, friends or family don't fast and others think of fasting as a burden and just an act for religion so they don't fast either. To find the solution the problem required lots of research and reflection. I had to think if I didn't fast, what would I do. So I conducted a survey and asked my family, friends and others to take it. The problem is that kids are taught to fast and later on in their life, they either leave it or they just blindly follow. That's where Ramadan Race comes along! Ramadan Race was created to build motivation and understanding of fasting. Like the quote in the beginning, those who you have around you, affect you. Get more content on
  • 11. Narrative Essay On Ramadan Ramadan is the special time of year when Muslims all around the world starts fasting; it is all about patience, self–control, forgiveness, etc. Ramadan is on the ninth month of the Islamic Lunar Calendar. Ramadan started on the Monday 6th of June 2016, so when I got home after Duke of Edinburgh on Sunday I had to rapidly eat my dinner and when I devoured my dinner I felt really full; I felt like I was going to EXPLODE. I got to go to bed earlier than the rest of my family because I came back from my Duke of Edinburgh Expedition and I needed to wake up very early to have my morning meal. When I finished having my meal I couldn't go to sleep because I've never had so much food in my life. After a while of contemplating my life, I more content... In Nigeria they finish their fast at 7:00pm and in Aberdeen we finish our fast at 10:00. I personally like fasting in Nigeria even though it is hot you get to finish your fast earlier than when you are doing it in Aberdeen where the hours are long and you dread the feeling that others get to finish theirs first. I really don't like waking up super early in the morning because I get really tired and feel a bit ill, but I get over it as soon as I can considering that I will be doing it for a whole month. I have had many experiences throughout my life and one of the best experiences is during the month of Ramadan where I can gain more knowledge about why people do it and why it is a special time of year. Ramadan is that time of month which brings me closer to Allah and even closer to family, Ramadan also helps me to understand what people who are less fortunate really feel and to walk in their shoes is just amazing. There comes a time in day and in life where everyone is in need of help from the day that they are brought into the world, to the day that they draw their last breath on this earth. The only guidance that I can get and will follow apart from friends and family is from Allah and I follow and will always follow till the day that I die. I really enjoy fasting because it gives me the Get more content on
  • 12. The Meaning Of Ramadan The meaning of Ramadan is a holy month of fasting in the Islamic religion. The importance of this month is one of the five most fundamentals principles of Islam. Throughout this month, each day, Muslims do not eat or drink from sunrise to sunset, instead they have clear minds and thoughts. They try and cleanse themselves in spirit and then at the end of the month celebrate their fasting with family and friends. They have a three day festival called Eid al–Fitr. Ramadan occurs in the ninth month of the twelve month Islamic calendar, which is a lunar calendar. Ben– History/Origin– Ramadan is the ninth month of the islamic lunar calendar. The reason the month is celebrated is because the Quran says that Muhammad received the Quran on the twenty–fourth day of the month of Ramadan. The Quran also states that the torah, gospel, and other abrahamic texts were given during the month. The instruction to fast during the month was given during the month Sha'ban in 624 C.E. As mentioned previously, Ramadan is a span of time equal to a month during which Muslims abstain from eating and drinking everything. This principle of fasting during this time is called Sawm in Arabic, and it plays a very significant role in Islam and is one of the five major Pillars of Islam. However, Ramadan is not just about fasting; there is actually a much deeper meaning behind the important Islamic holiday and its rituals. The Islamic concept called Niyyah is extremely relevant during the month of Ramadan. Niyyah literally translated means "intention." This concept applies specifically to the thought and intention behind fasting during Ramadan. It requires that Muslims not simply fast by accident or do it for non–spiritual reasons, such as for personal dietary reasons. In order to satisfy the requirements of Niyyah, a Muslim must reconcile within their own mind and heart that the purpose behind he or she fasting during Ramadan is for Allah and solely Allah. The Qu'ran reinforces this but stating that the act of fasting that occurs during Ramadan is deemed invalid if one does not reconcile Niyyah within themselves before starting fasting. The purpose of fasting during Ramadan is to disregard mortal needs and redirect one's attention on Allah. Get more content on
  • 13. Comparison Of Fasting At Ramadan Bustling streets filled with the shouts of 'Eid Mubarak', the bright, colourful lights hanging from the window frames of every house, and the sweet taste of honey from the kahk cookies; I had always loved Eid al–Fitr. Yet this year, the arrival of the annual celebration came stubbornly slow. Night after night I would gaze out the window, convinced that the moon was selfishly refusing to change its face. Although a way of expressing gratitude towards God, I found my first attempt of fasting at Ramadan unbearable. Just last night, convinced that Shawwal had finally arrived, I had rushed to find Baba in the hope that soon we would be able to break the fast. *** "Baba! Look! It's finally the new moon", I shouted, rushing through the house to find my father. Pulling him out from his chair I directed him to the window and pointed to the dark sky. He studied the moon with great interest, turning his head about and squinting his eyes, as though Muhammad himself had just split it. Finally, he looked down at me and chuckled. "Not yet Raamiz", he said patting my shoulder, "It is still Ramadan." "Still?" I groaned, turning to leave. "Now hang on Raamiz," Baba replied frowning, "You can't rush these things. When the time is right Shawwal will come, and we'll celebrate Eid al–Fitr like we do every year... However, maybe your mother was right; maybe you are too immature for this..." I quickly spun back around. "What?" "Well, boys only need to begin fasting at Ramadan when they are old enough, Get more content on
  • 14. Ramadan Is A Peaceful Ramadan Let us Celebrate a Peaceful Ramadan with our Community Ramadan – Muslims all over the world observe the annual fast during the daylight hours of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, in keeping with the divine commandment. The month when the faithful fast between sunrise and sunset is also a time to attain taqwa, a time for reflection, spiritual renewal and peace. It is a time to seek forgiveness and share your blessings with family, friends and those less fortunate, a time for social consciousness. The word "Ramadan" comes from the Arabic root word for "parched thirst" and "sun–baked ground." It is expressive of the hunger and thirst felt by those who spend the month in fasting. As opposed to other holidays, when people often indulge, Ramadan is by nature a time of sacrifice. Ramadan is about going back to basics, being humble and having respect and appreciation for all God's creation. The physical effects of the fast help to remind us of those who suffer throughout the year; our fellow humans who are poor, homeless and those who cannot meet their own basic needs on a daily basis. It reminds us all not to be wasteful and to feel empathy for those who face hunger as part other normal day to day life. We should take this chance to appreciate our blessings, to feel gratitude for things we normally take for granted such as clean water, sufficient healthy food, comfort of a home and family as well as our health – basic needs that so many people in the world Get more content on
  • 15. Ramadan Facts 10 Points about Ramadan There are many important things to understand when fasting during the holy month of Ramadan to be able to take the maximum benefit from the wisdom and teachings we may gain during this blessed month. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) stated that – Don't the day of fasting be the same as the day you don't fast. He was talking about our behaviour and our attitude differences when fasting and when not fasting. I will now expand on 10 points on why we fast during the month of Ramadan: 1. Gaining Taqwa– Allah decreed fasting during Ramadan for gaining taqwa – "O you who believe, fasting has been prescribed for you as it has been prescribed for those before you, so that you may attain taqwa." [Noble Quran 2:183]. Taqwa more content... We must pay attention to the purification of our manners especially during this month. 6. Recognizing change for the better – The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Every son of Adam sins and the best of the sinners are those who repent." Allah provides many opportunities to repent to Him and seek His forgiveness. If one was disobedient they can become obedient 7. Being more Charitable – The Propet PBUH was the most charitable amongst the people and was even more during Ramadan when Angel Jibril met him every night of the month. The prophet said that he who give for a fasting person to break his fast will receive the same reward as the person receiving the food. 8. Sensing the Unity of Muslims – In this month we sense that there is a possibility for unity, because we all fast together, we break the fast together, we all worship Allah together, and we pray Eid Salat together.. Therefore we must all be united as a single body, but this can only be achieved when there is obedience only for Allah and his messenger. 9. Learning Discipline – The prophet mad us obey to disciplineOne cannot knowingly break the fast before sunset as it will be not accepted by Allah. Muslims should learn to be strict in our lives as we are the people of an important message. 10. Special Facts about Ramadan: Special Characteristics of Ramadan 1. Observing the fourth pillar of Islam has been prescribed during this month, and it is one of the best means by Get more content on
  • 16. Why Do Muslims Establish The Ramadan? Many Muslims accomplish the Ramadan because of the prophet Mohammed; they follow his actions during this sacred month because he gave even more during Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, the month in which the first verse of the Quran was revealed to Muhammad. A.In Islam, when looking to celebrate a holiday, the set of calendar here people use to tell day are different from Islamic calendar. 1.Islamic calendar has twelve months meaning that the start of each month is determined by the timing of the new moon. According to, the Islam calendar is constantly shorter than a tropical year, and so it moves with respect to the Christian calendar (1). 2.Start of Ramadan could differ from location to Get more content on
  • 17. The Blessed Month Of Ramadan The blessed month of Ramadan, the time when almost 2 billion muslims around the world are fasting and attempting to do extra good. Fasting was obligated two years after the muslims migrated to Medina from Mecca. In Mecca, the economic conditions for the muslims were bad, they were being persecuted, and often would go days without food or water. It was already difficult enough for them to find food, it wouldn 't be possible for them to abstain from something they were in extreme need off. After they migrated to Medina, it was like a sanctuary, they were greeted open heartedly, and many were actually waiting for them to arrive. After they settled down, the verses of ramadan were revealed. Many people may wonder why are muslims so excited about a month in which they abstain from food? Who would look forward to something like that? In essence there is much more to ramadan than just abstaining from food though out the day, it is also about learning self discipline, controlling your temper, and building your character. It teaches a great amount of patience. Our prophet once said, "Whoever does not give up lying and evil action, God is not in need of his hunger." Not only is it about purifying your body, also your mind and soul. It is also a chance to increase your good deeds such as giving charity to the poor, and mending family relationships. As we go through the day in hunger and thirst, we experience the feeling of the poor who cannot afford a meal, which would result Get more content on
  • 18. Is Fasting A Ramadan? Essay Sawm: is fasting during Ramadan. Ramadan is the ninth month of the year and during it, all healthy adults are required to fast (not eat) from sunrise to sunset. Verse 2.185 of the Quran says "The month of Ramadan is that in which was revealed the Quran; a guidance for mankind, and clear proofs of the guidance, and the criterion (of right and wrong). And whosoever of you is present, let him fast the month, and whosoever of you is sick or on a journey, a number of other days. Allah desires for you ease; He desires not hardship for you; and that you should complete the period, and that you should magnify Allah for having guided you, and that perhaps you may be thankful." Hajj: is completing a pilgrimage to the holy city, Mecca. It is only obligatory to do this if you are physically and financially able to. The purpose of this is to visit the Ka'bah, a square building believed to have been built by the prophet Abraham. Hajj lasts for five or six days and begins of the 8th of December every year. During Hajj Muslims walk around the Ka'bah, walk to the mountains Safa and Marwah and offer prayers to Allah. There are two different sects of Islam, Sunni and Shia. The split occurred soon after the death of Muhammad and was caused over a disagreement about who should lead the faith as a replacement for Muhammad. Shia are the minority and split from the rest of the faith because they believed that Ali, Muhammad 's cousin, had the right to lead the Islamic religion. Abu Baker was Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on Explaining Ramadan Explaining Ramadan 'O believers, you must fast so that you may learn self–restraint. Fasting is prescribed for you during a fixed number of days. (Surah 2:183–4) Sawm, or fasting, one of the five pillars of Islam. Sawm is the deliberate control of the body by an act of will. During the 29 or 30 days of the Muslim month of Ramadan healthy adult Muslims will go without all the pleasures of the body during all the hours of daylight. The fast begins as the first light of dawn touches the horizon and ends with sunset. Hunger, comfort and sex are the three things, which have to be brought under control. Nothing must pass the lips (not even chewing–gum, a cigarette, or the smoke of more content... The various other benefits of fasting are that man gets to exercise sacrificing physical comfort and to endure hunger and thirst. Fasting creates a sense of equality between the rich and the poor. By developing an appreciation of hunger and thirst, it makes the well–off think of the needs of the poor and impresses a feeling of compassion in their hearts. It makes them appreciate, through the practicality of it, the state a human being endures when hungry and thirsty. Ramadan is a most effective and excellent means of spiritual development for mankind. 'If you do not give up telling lies God will have no need of your giving up food and drink' 'There are many who fast during the day and pray all night, but they gain nothing but hunger and sleeplessness.' (Hadith) AIMS OF SAWM ============ В· To develop self–control and overcome selfishness, greed and laziness В· To restrain passion and appetite В· To prepare for any real sufferings that may be faced later В· To experience hunger, and thus develop sympathy for the poor В· To gain spiritual strength
  • 20. В· To experience companionship through shared 'ordeals'. After a couple of hours the body is sure to feel uncomfortable, and starts complaining like a spoilt child for its usual supplies of food and drink. But Muslims allow the mind to take control. The body will not get its way. The path of Get more content on
  • 21. Narrative Experience Of Ramadan The tutorial class was filled with anticipation. Something was going to happen. Every Muslim friend of mine lamented at how slow the clock was ticking–or–so it seemed. As the time drew nearer, many just halted their tasks and began to countdown. Suddenly, the clock struck five. The quiet and dull atmosphere was transformed into a noisy and exciting one. This marked the class ended and they were ready to break their fast soon. I was invited by my course mates to experience Bazaar Ramadan. A thought of Jalan Masjid India and Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman Bazaar Ramadan came to my mind. Thus, I suggested bringing along my friends from Penang to witness the exciting and fun–filled circumstances from the bazaar of Kuala Lumpur. I could hardly remember when I was still a kid, my father was mine of information about the history of Ramadan. This is because he lived in a Malay village during his childhood time. My father made friends and communicated with other ethnics of children not only Chinese ethnic. His friends of Malay ethnic shared all the knowledge about Ramadan with more content... The green pouches piqued my curiosity about it. Thus, I started to question one of the vendors. The vendor was very friendly and he told me that, for Malays, it is an icon of Aidilfitri, much the same way that mistletoe was an icon of Christmas in the West. Therefore, ketupat is a must during the Hari Raya festival. Ketupat is known as rice dumpling, which is made up from glutinous rice and wrapped in woven palm leaves pouch. It usually serves with chicken, lamb or beef satay as an accompaniment. I decided to buy four ketupat at RM7 to share with my friends. There was a satay stall just opposite to the vendor stall. Satay is a type of Malay snack food. I bought five strings of chicken satay served with peanut Get more content on