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Reality Tv Good Or Bad Essay
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Reality Tv Good Or Bad Essay Reality Tv Good Or Bad Essay
Mammography And Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is a disease in which malignant cells form in the breast tissue. There are many
different kinds of breast cancer, which is determined by which cells in the breast that are cancerous.
The lobules, ducts, and connective tissue are the three main parts that make up the breast. Most
cancer starts in the ducts and lobules with the most common being invasive ductal carcinoma and
invasive lobular carcinoma. In invasive ductal the cancer cells grow outside the ducts of the breast
into other parts of the breast tissue and may metastasize to other parts of the body. Invasive lobular
cancer starts in the lobules of the breast and spreads to the nearby breast tissue or other parts of the
Breast cancer is the most common ... Show more content on ...
Another limitation is that many of the articles did not report outcomes separately for the average
women and those who are high risk leaving room for estimates to be biased. Quantitative estimates
of outcomes were based from a relatively simple approach which could cause over or
underestimation of mortality reduction. In conclusion, this study found that breast cancer
screenings are associated with a 20% reduction in mortality rates among women of any age at
average risk.
Each one of these articles provides information to support breast cancer screening but it also
provides evidence that many false positives have been brought on by over use of screening.
Women need a health professional who will not only provide information about breast cancer
screening but also provide evidence of why screenings have been changed to after the age of 50
years old and biennially. It is a woman s right to be properly informed so they can make the best
decision for themselves. Health care workers need to honor this right and accept the decision they
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The Contrast of the Heian-Era Courtier and the Kamakura...
The Contrast of the Heian Era Courtier and the Kamakura Samurai April 29, 2011 The Contrast
of the Heian Era Courtier and the Kamakura Samurai The major periods that shaped Japan s
history and future were the Heian era of Aristocracy and the Kamakura period of Samurai. The
Heian era and the Kamakura period are interesting because of their differences in social structure,
tradition, and culture. In the Heian era, the aristocrat s social class was sought by many because
of their social and cultural status. When the warrior rise in the Kamakura age the social classes
change dramatically between aristocrat and warrior. The Heian era (794 1191) was an age of self
development in Japan s culture and tradition. Before the Heian era, Japan... Show more content on ...
In 1159, Kiyomori of the Taira clan was victorious over the Minamoto clan. Kiyomori murdered
all the adults of the Monamoto clan and forced the children into exile. The emperor rewarded
Kiyomori victory by giving him an advisor position in the government. This event was significant
because Kiyomori was the first warrior in Japan s government. Like the Fujiwara family, Kiyomori
desired a royal bloodline within the Taira clan. So the Taira clan consorted with the imperial family
in efforts to secure an imperial bloodline. Later, Kiyomori obtain a higher government position and
more importantly a grandson was born and is heir to the throne. Feeling cheated an imperial prince
sought the exiled Minamoto to overthrow the Taria clan. In 1180, Yoritomo of the Minamoto clan
formed an army and battled with Taira clan that is known as the Genpei War. Eventually, Kiyomori
died and the Taria clan shortly declined after him. During these battles warriors ran amok pillaging
the Japan s cuntryside. To end the chaos and violence the imperial turned to Yoritomo. Yoritomo in
return raise an army of samurais and took complete control of the government and transformed it
into a military government. The Kamakura government consisted of the emperor, shogun, and the
house men. The emperor served merely as a figurehead, he little to no control of his government.
The shogun had
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The Murders In The Rue Morgue By Aydelotte
Detective stories that have been published over the years all contain dramatic elements that the
reader has come to expect. These conventions that Aydelotte discussed in The Dectective Story as
a Historical Source are especially ever present in Edgar Allen Poe s The Murders in the Rue
Morgue and they shed light on the concerns of the people of the time.
Primarily, readers read detective stories because they expect a dramatic event to happen whether
that be criminal activity or more prominently, a murder. The audience of The Murders in the Rue
Morgue didn t have extremely eventful lives; it wasn t every day that a horrid murder would
take place in the real streets of Paris. They desperately craved excitement for their boring days
and for that, they turned to books: detective stories in particular. The horror of the actual act
offered a form of excitement and entertainment to the reader. The story allowed them to escape
from their already routine life. Other than that, the society in detective stories like The Murders in
the Rue Morgue was outwardly perfect in which the characters have very simple problems
(Aydelotte, pg. 4). Everything in the society went right, up until the point of the murder. The fact
that a seemingly ideal world was interrupted by such a gruesome event, offered the reader a reality
check and made them aware of their anxiety of the evil that exists in the world. For the audience of
detective stories, The mess, confusion, and frustration of life have
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How Did The Us Achieve Latin America s Goals
The United States had many ways to try and achieve it s goals in Latin America.
The United States Congress passed the Foraker Act, which established a civil government in Puerto
Rico. This act authorized the President of the U.S. to appoint a governor and part of the Puerto
Rican island legislature.
The U.S. established Cuban as a protectorate. The Treaty of Paris granted Cuba its independence,
but the U.S. Army didn t want to withdraw from the island until the year 1902. The Platt
Amendment restricted the rights of newly independent Cubans and effectively brought the island
with the U.S. sphere. This amendment prevented Cuba from signing a treaty with another nation
without American approval. It also allowed the U.S. the right to intervene to preserve order in
Cuba. Cuba eventually agreed with the Platt Amendment and added it to it s constitution. This
treaty made Cuba a protectorate of the U.S. and governed their relationship for many years.
Theodore Roosevelt developed a policy for the U.S. action in Latin America. It is called big stick
diplomacy because it depended on a strong military to help achieve America s goals. ... Show more
content on ...
During the late 1800s, a French company had tried to link the Atlantic to the Pacific across the
Isthmus of Panama but failed. The French had abandoned the attempt to build and convinced the
U.S. to buy the company s claim. In 1903, the U.S. government purchases the Panama route for $40
million. Roosevelt stepped in and dispatched warships to the waters off Panama to support a
Panamanian rebellion against Colombia. Soon after that, Panama declared its independence from
Colombia. Panama immediately granted America control over the canal zone. America payed
Panama $10 million and an annual rent of $250,000 to secure the
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Disadvantages Of Quantum Computer
The application and development of quantum computing is still in progress and there aren t any
fully developed quantum computers out there right now. In spite of that, there are many advantages
of quantum computing based on the theory and calculations provided by the scientists will benefit
us in the future. First of all, there is a difference between quantum computerand traditional computer
need to be explained. For example, traditional computer uses long strings of bits , which is either
zero or one. While for the quantum computer, it uses quantum bits, or qubits (University of
Waterloo n.d.).
Sounds confusing? Here is the advantage I want to explain now. In traditional devices, information
is stored and handled in binary form which was ... Show more content on ...
This is because he proved that due to a classic computers cannot slow down without exponentially,
thus, a classical computers cannot simulate the quantum effects. But a quantum computer can
simulate the physical processes of quantum effects in a real time. They named it as molecular
simulations (Talele etal 2012). This definitely will allow us to study, in remarkable detail, the
interactions between atoms and molecules. This could help medical and engineering field to design
new drugs and new materials (University of Waterloo n.d.). Those pharmacists can know more
about how was the interactions with each other of their products. They also can see the biological
processes after they used a drug on a person to view the interaction of a drug with a person s
metabolism or disease. Meanwhile in the engineering field, they can create new materials such as
superconductors that work at room temperature, nanotechnology, and semiconductor. This has been
theoretically demonstrated to have this incredible potential, but hopefully those benefits would
bring to us in the
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Decisions in Robert Frost s The Road Not Taken Essay
Decisions in Robert Frost s The Road Not Taken
Throughout our lives we are faced with a number of important decisions, decisions that determine
an unseen future. The choices, though often virtually identical, lead to different destinies and often
leave us asking what if? There are not always signs telling us the way to go or the choice to make;
we must find out what lies ahead for ourselves. In his The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost relates
to the reader such a choice, symbolic, perhaps of any major decision in life. The traveler in Frost s
poem must blindly decide between two similar paths, and this decision greatly affects his life
In the opening stanza, Frost takes the reader into a yellow wood, setting the ... Show more content
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The traveler, unable to see what lies ahead, turns his attention to what he can see, only to find it just
as mysterious.
To begin the second stanza, the traveler turns back to what lies immediately before him, trying to
evaluate the second road. In reading this stanza it is important to remember the poem is being
narrated after the fact. The narrator is giving feelings he had at the time along with the knowledge
he has now. Because neither path has an obvious advantage, the traveler makes himself believe the
second road was grassy and wanted wear even though the passing there had worn them about the
same. As we often do, the traveler conjures up a reason to do something, even though there is no
logical explanation for doing it. The path appears as if it wanted wear, drawing the narrator in. The
narrator realizes now his past compulsion and sees that neither path had any better claim.
Even though the narrator has decided on the second path, he kept the first for another day. The
traveler wants to take the first road some day to find out how his life could have been. Even with
this compelling sense of wonder, the narrator knows how way leads on to way and that he hasn t
enough time to change every past decision in order to lead a different life. In this third stanza, the
traveler finally goes on his way, but, like most would, he takes along a nagging wonder.
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Desolation In Cask Of Amontillado And The Guest
He Was Alone : A Discussion of to What Extent Do Text Writers Utilize Light and Dark Imagery to
Epitomize the Concept of Desolation In The Cask of Amontillado And The Guest
The Cask of Amontillado and The Guest are both works that encompass a variance of imagery to
further enhance a specific theme, which is found to be prominent in these stories. Although
imbuing a notable contrast in regards to the embedment of literary devices, The Cask of Amontillado
by Edgar Allen Poe and The Guest by Albert Camusare two works that use light and/or dark
imagery to emphasize the state of desolation; whether it be mental, physical or societal woe, it
strives to play an effective role in the plot evolvement in both works. The contrast in the stories is ...
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In contrast, one can sense the subtle progression that occurs in The Cask of Amontillado.
Regardless of the dominance of dark imagery in this piece, the story is set initially in the supreme
madness of the carnival season a rather exciting, uplifting setting where Montresor first lures a
drunk Fortunato to the catacombs for his fateful demise. Thereafter, as they go to search for this
supposed cask of Amontillado, the surrounding imagery begins to notably develop into long walls
of piled skeletons with casks and puncheons. In summary, this imagery can be interpreted in the
sense that in The Guest, there had always been this omniscient aura of desolation; the constant
repetition of cold, distant imagery reinforces the very little development of Daru s circumstances.
In the beginning, Daru is introduced as the exiled school teacher of an empty, frigid classroom,
and as the story encloses with him being still alone. His mentality is static; he still feels as much
seclusion from vast landscape. Whereas, in The Cask of Amontillado, the transition of imagery
from an elated atmosphere of Fortunato drinking with his tight fitting parti striped dress..conical
cap and bells to now a dreary ambience, as the characters trudge down vaults that are insufferably
damp can ultimately signify Montresor s mental descent. As he brings Fortunato closer to his death,
his mind is reaching closer and closer to this inevitable anguish that overtakes him, proven by the
ever so contemptuous words, for the love of
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Baking Soda Disadvantages
We all know what s baking soda. This, extremely useful ingredient has a long list of health
benefits and uses. Well, we can easily say that baking soda is one of the most useful ingredients
in every house. Well, one of the best baking soda features is that it efficiently absorbs unpleasant
smell. So, this is why many people keep an open box with baking soda in their refrigerator, in
order to eliminate the bad odors from the food.
she showers with baking soda and something amazing happens im trying this
This, extremely useful ingredient is also known as sodium bicarbonate. So, baking soda is a type of
salt which becomes activated once it gets in contact with an acid. In this article we are going to
show you some baking soda uses, which you ve ... Show more content on ...
of baking soda and add it to your shampoo. Then, you need to massage it on your hair and rinse it
off. baking soda will remove all the gum and it will clean your hair. You will be amazed by the
Deodorize your carpet
Our floor coverings are much the same as wipes they assimilate earth , dust , dead skin cell , and
other messy stuff . In this way , in the event that you see any strange or awful stench when you
stroll in your room , then you most likely need to wash your rug . On the other hand for this
situation freshen up it . This is what you have to do get a container with preparing pop and
sprinkle everywhere with the floor covering .Abandon it on for 30 minutes and afterward vacuum
it with a vacuum more clean . Your floor covering and your room will be revived .
Laundry booster
Baking soda is also extremely useful in whitening and deodorizing your clothes as well. So, the
next time you are doing your laundry, just add 1 cup of baking soda and see the difference for
You should start using this amazing ingredient. As you can see, there are many benefits that can
make your life much easier. We really hope you enjoyed this post, and don t forget to share it with
your friends and family. Thank
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Why Is Casablanca An Historical Evidence
Response Paper #3 Casablanca As Historical Evidence
Looking at the socially or culturally history of the United States, many historians use
Hollywood films as a primary source. I also used many films such as Easy Rider (1969) or
Dance, Girl, Dance (1941) to support my historical thesis paper and to make the topic more vivid
by using the images of the film. Even though, some people think that films are accurate and
authentic in its depiction, it is important to mention that films are still fictional. Directors and
actors are responsible to make us believe their story, but this story does not have to be necessarily
true. In that way, fictional films cannot be used as historical evidence in terms of how things
looked like during that specific ... Show more content on ...
Nevertheless, it seems that they represent American society in the 1940 s. The character of Rick
portrays an unconventional hero who tries to stay outside of everyone s business, but in the end it
is him who saves Laszlo s and Ilsa s life. This reminds me of the role of America during WWII. At
first, the United States tried to stay out of the war, but when they were forced to react after Pearl
Harbor, they got involved. The film also refers to this when Rick asks his friend Sam if he knows
what time it is in New York. Before Sam can reply, Rick says that it must be December 1941,
which was the time when the attack against Pearl Harbor occurred. Ilsa, on the other hand,
represents the role of American women. She is described as the most beautiful woman that has
been seen in Casablanca. Her appearance reminds me of the typical image of an ideal American
girl blonde, pretty and conservative. She tries to act in a moral way when she finds out that her
presumed dead husband is still alive and she leaves Rick at the station in Paris. This reminds me
of how women were treated during the 1940 s. It was their responsibility to take care of the
family business, but in the end men would have the final decision. Ilsa tries to get the transit visa
from Rick, but she tells him to decide what she should do next. Rick sends her away with Laszlo
and restores the perfect family union between Ilsa and Laszlo. Another
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A Consequentialist Action Is The Moral Worth Of An Act
A consequentialist action is a utilitarian theory. The utilitarian theory is a choice between two acts
that can maximize utility for the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people.
Utilitarianism is the moral worth of an act. Utilitarian takes the right proportion of utilities to
promote happiness and prevent pain. Utilities is the expressed quality of happiness or satisfaction
one gets from something (Mossier, 2013). Happiness comes in many levels of preference. However,
the downside to utilitarianismis identifying different levels of pleasure. Identifying different levels
of pleasure can be counteracted by an irrespective feelings to a moral obligation making the
pleasure more desirable (Mills, 2008). Utilitarian is not the agent s own greatest happiness, but the
greatest amount of happiness altogether. One of the most important social roles is conscious
gratification in convey what is gendered equality on jobs, in health care, and with education
utilizing the utilitarian theory. Acts like changing policies to promote genderequality that utilize
skills and knowledge of women for the greatest number of people from the greatest amount of
happiness is utilitarianism. Gender equality ought to be about equal justice. Held (n.d) contrasts the
history of male and female ethicsin an article titled Feminist Transformations of Moral Theory. Held
(n.d.) writes, but, we can hope to agree on the minimal conditions for justice, for coexistence
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Network Bandwidth And Data Upload Time
Though client side deduplication brings in advantages such as reduction of network bandwidth
and data upload time, several security threats are associated with it. These threats have to be
addressed in order to reap the full potential of client side deduplication. Halevi et al. [3] identified
various threats that affect a remote storage system that implements client side deduplication.
First, in traditional storage systems, privacy and confidentiality are compromised when an
attacker learns the hash value of a file and gains access to the entire file from the server. For
example, Dropbox uses Secure Hash Algorithm 256 (SHA256) in a straightforward manner;
thus, it is possible for an attacker to obtain hashes for confidential files of others. Using the hash,
a hacker can easily download an unauthorized file from the server. A practical way for
performing this hack is demonstrated by the use of Dropship application programming interface
(API) utilities for Dropbox which allows a hacker to download confidential files of others from
Dropbox servers by obtaining the file hashes. This is comparatively easy to obtain, and exploiting
the weak client side deduplication technique that is applied [4]. Second, if an attacker can access
the server cache then all confidential hashes will be disclosed. Hence the attacker can make the
cloud storage service behave as a content distribution network (CDN) by publishing the hacked
hash values. In a case where the files hashes are published
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Comparison of Hrothgar and Beowulf as Kings.
What makes a well loved lord (20), an honored prince (88) or a leader beloved (1827)? Cultures
as well as individuals have differed in their definitions of a successful king for generations. The
epic poem Beowulf introduces two kings: Beowulf, the protagonist of the story, the famed hero
who slays monsters with his bare hands and then becomes king of the Geats, and Hrothgar, the king
of the Danish court, who is grateful for Beowulfs help in overcoming Grendeland his mother. A
king received respect for wealth, fame, and warriors, during the time in which the poem Beowulf
takes place. However, a king should go beyond these basic needs and become one with his people.
This is achievable by depending on one s people instead of... Show more content on
Beowulf boasts, With Grendel, the fearful fiend, single handed I ll settle the strife!...with hand
grip only I ll grapple with Grendel (329 330, 342). Although Beowulf found that never before
had he felt in any man other in all the earth a mightier hand grip; his mood was humbled, his
courage fled (568 570), which means he lost his courage for a moment, he proceeds to overcome
his fears and not only kill Grendel, but just as he has promised, kill him unarmed. Later on in
Beowulf, the hero becomes king, but still behaves like a hero by going out himself to kill a
dragon, burning the homes of his people. Wiglaf, one of his comrades says,
Beloved Beowulff, summon your strength, remember the vow you made of old in the years of
youth not to allow your glory to lessen as long as you lived. With resolute heart, and dauntless
daring, defend your life with all your force. (1589 1595)
Beowulf does not keep to these words, which state that he should not let himself be overtaken by
the need for glory, and therefore risk his life. Beowulf is not convinced, and is killed by the dragon.
After he dies, Wiglaf speaks again,
We could not persuade the king by our counsel, our well loved leader, to shun assualt on the
dreadful dragon guarding the gold; to let him lie where he long had lurked in his secret lair till the
world shall end. But Beowulf, dauntless pressed to his doom. (1815 1820)
Although both Hrothgar and Beowulf are men of their words, Beowulf can not resist
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Transition To Adulthood In The 1970 s
Despite lowering the age to vote and drink in the 1970 s, Australia continued the practice of giving
a key too 21 year olds on their birthday, symbolising their coming of age , and with it, the
underlying expectation of respect and the adherence of social norms, just as how to act
appropriately in public. Between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries, the transition to adulthood
was defined by, and adult identity rooted in, the attainment of spousal status with the formation of a
family to follow (Kenyon Heath 2001b). Adulthood was steeped in the achievement of material
symbols; marriage, houses and children (McNamara Connell 2007). While it was evident in my
interviews that the attainment of such material symbols are no longer defined... Show more content
on ...
75% of my respondents that despite their desire to travel, even if they wanted to, they wouldn t
be able to afford to buy a home before they reached 30. After the second World War, Australia
was overwhelmed by policies that encouraged home ownership and families as individual units
(Sharman 1984). Since such a time when housing was booming, home ownership, particularly
in Sydney, has become gradually unattainable (McNamara Connell 2007). Since the 1980 s the
percentage of young people aged 20 24 in Australia living in shared arrangements doubled
(Burke, Pinkey Ewing 2002), making apparent that other forms of household were inaccessible.
This, I believe, reflects escalated housing prices, interest rates and land value. Furthermore, in
1980 26% of young people aged 20 24 in Australia lived alone, and by 2000, only 9.3% were
living alone (Burke, Pinkey Ewing 2002). Thus, despite Australia s economic geography, shared
living has since become an attractive and viable option for not only economically constrained
students but also young single professionals with the promise of friendship and mutual support
(economic or otherwise) (Clark Tuffin 2015). Half of the participants had moved into a shared
household with a person or people they had met before, though 60% of the group hoped that they
would make new
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Real Identity Research Paper
Social media has become a huge part in any person s life. In today s society, knowing how to use
the internet or social media is almost as important as knowing how to read. Bid companies know
how to use these sites to their advantage. Everyday these companies are spending millions of
dollars to have sponsored ads that people will just scroll past without giving it a second thought.
This is how big companies spread the word about their products. They use these sites to advertise
what they have to offer. These companies choose ads that they think will most likely attract you as
a buyer. Sometimes these companies really know their viewer and sometimes they are way off. My
advertisingidentity and real identity have many similarities and differences.
One of the many difference I mentioned before between my advertising identity and my real
identity is my age. These people creating ads do not know who I am or how old I am. In real life I
am a seventeen year old senior in high school, the ad people do not know this at all. When I am
online and in social media the ads very from adult things to children things. For example, just last
week there was an add for a toy for ages 5 10. Then, the very next day there was an ad for a tax
agency and a real estate ... Show more content on ...
I enjoy a variety of things in life. I enjoy small rural areas with mountains and scenery. On the
other hand, I also enjoy large cities with all the hustle and bustle. A variety of the ads I see
pertain to things I enjoy. They target the places I want to see and the things I want to do. For
example, if I wanted to go snorkeling they would show me a vacation with an ocean. Another
example would be if I wanted to go mountain climbing they would show me a picture of a
mountain. These ad people target specific things to catch your attention. In the end they don t know
who I am only what I
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Beowulf Influence
As an Old English professor for 35 years, it is clear that Tolkien had a passion for Anglo Saxon
history (Collier). His writings on Beowulf is critically acclaimed and shows Tolkien s enriched
knowledge of the time period and the Old English style of poetry. Even further, his love for the
English culture and literature can clearly be seen in his own fictional work, mainly The Lord of
The Rings. Throughout this book, Tolkien uses various Old Englishwords for places and people in
Middle earth. Furthermore, he honors a rich Anglo Saxon history through the Rohirrim and their
similar culture of war. Lastly, Tolkien mirrors the epic poem Beowulf
as he draws from the characters
and lines of the historical piece. While connecting the style and history... Show more content on ...
Beowulf was the most important work of scholarship that Tolkien read and is what inspired
many scenes and themes in The Lord of the Rings. When analyzing the influence of the Old
English poem, it is important to understand Tolkien s perspective on the poem which explains
why it had such a major impact on his life and his writing. In his piece Beowulf: The Monsters
and the Critics Tolkien explains that his love for the poem is based upon the style and beauty of
the poem. He states that Beowulf should be known world wide due to how the monster s and
dragons are depicted, or its everlasting quality. In his final paragraph Tolkien tosses aside the
historical value that the poem has, or the fact that it was written at such an early time in history.
He instead explains that it would still have power had it been written in some time or place
unknown and without posterity, if it contained no name that could now be recognized (Tolkien
20). This passage summarize his thesis that Beowulf s importance is often misrepresented.
Tolkien s inspiration and passion for the poem comes from how it s preserved from a day
already changing and passing, a time that has now for ever vanished, swallowed in oblivion
(Tolkien 20). Tolkien s use of Anglo Saxon history in The Lord of the Rings was a way to revive
the culture so it would not be lost. In this essay, Tolkien is highlighting this point, explaining that
Beowulf continues to preserve the rich culture of Old England due to it s aesthetic qualities and
profound appeal (Tolkien
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Web Development Agreement Sample Web Development Agreement
We love what we do, which is delivering the best services for our client. To ensure the same level
of understanding between Creativity Cap and our clients, we have a simple and yet clear agreement
for both parties.
Purpose: the client hired Creativity Cap for the purpose of developing, design and/ or improve
Website content: the clients agrees to provide ALL content for the website such as text, images,
video and sound in electronic format. Clients understand that Creativity Cap may choose to not
begin to customize the website until all content is received. If client does not supply all contents ...
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Copyright to the website: upon final payment of this contract, the client is assigned the rights to
use as a website the design, graphics and text contained in the finishing product. Right to photos,
videos, images, source files, source code and computer programs remain the property of their
respective owners. Creativity Cap retain the right to display web design elements as examples for
their portfolios.
Services and fees:
Package 600$
website templates from our gallery
up to 6 pages with client s provided content
Responsive web design, website that fit on every screen size (tablets, smartphone, desktop and
website that respond to user behaviors
Customizable layouts and styles to match the contents
Publishing of the final and complete website to the client s web hosting space.
Website submission to google, Yahoo and Bing.
Any additional services 30$ per hour.
Fully customizable website: website build from
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Lady Brett Essay examples
The Characterization of Lady Brett
In the novel by Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises, the character named Lady Brett Ashley is
assimilated in the words of another character, Mike, with the Greek Goddess Circe. This Goddess
is known in Homer s Odyssey for luring men with her irresistible charms and transforming them into
animals. If this myth was to partake in reality, it would be without doubt represented in this novel.
The majority of men in the story are tormented and subject to Brett s physical and sexual assets.
The first characterization we get from her is one of a selfish, alcoholic, manipulative, sexual and
evil woman who emasculates her male partners. However, this superficial characterization would
ignore the principle ... Show more content on ...
His coward actions in Spain are motivated by the desire to possess Brett, but all men in this
novel, except for Cohn himself, seem to have understood that she is cannot be possessed. This
leads to a complete self destructive and uncontrolled anger which forces Cohn to leave Pamplona
and be excluded from the group. It is also pride and control over himself that Cohn has lost to
Brett, a display of his loss of masculinity. Finally, this perception of an emasculating woman can
be pushed further to one that is seen as a goddess. While in the fiesta in Pamplona, a group of
dancers, astonished by her beauty stop and dance around Brett, a scene that resembles many
dances of devotions to different gods : Brett want to dance but they did not want want her to.
They wanted her as an image to dance around. When the song ended with the sharp riau riau!
They rushed us into a wine shop (159). Lady Brett ,also, is the representation of a post war
woman. By the strength she brings in this novel, breaking the pre war code of value and role of
women, Brett holds a position in this novel which traditional ,at the time, only men held. While
Jake is the narrator, it is clear that the main subject of interest is Brett. Her role as the catalyst of
the actions defines this central role and mirrors the renew of women after the war. The
participation of women in the war, having experienced the same atrocities, gave many of them the
claims that led to the first wave of feminism. Lady
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Analysis Of Susan Sontag s Article On Photography
Bicky Lenh Vabiana Santos Option 2
In the essay On Photography written in the 1970 s, author Susan Sontag states that photographs
really are experience captured and the camera helps us put ourselves into the relation of the
photographs. The practice of photography gives us assurance by its accurate relation to reality than
any other devices. Sontag sets many insights that still exist in today s photographic society, but it
has been modernized into our generation of photographic technology. As Sontag asserts that
photographs are a tool that we rely on when we are in doubt of something. During 1871, the camera
became a useful tool for controlling surveillance. (167) Today store owners set up video cameras to
prevent robberies, shoplifting, etc. We have included this practice to serious matters, such as using
photographs in courts to prove innocence, and taking photos at crime scenes to record clues for
investigation. Furthermore, it has worked in favor of the public. One recent news that demonstrates
this is the UC Davis pepperspray incident. Students were seated, protesting on the pavement on
campus. Police then pepper sprayed the students after asking them to leave. The video of the police
officer pepperspraying the students went viral on the internet. As soon as the incident was
happening, many students quickly pulled out their camera phones and started recording. It allowed
the students to capture the abuse of police authority and resulted them
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hip hop Essay
Have you ever heard someone say, quot;I hate all music. quot;? Lately though music has been
criticized for corrupting teen s minds. Hip Hop is being blamed for all the crimes and murders in
cities all over America and heavy metal is being blamed for giving teens only dark images and
thoughts in their minds.
First we must ask what Hip Hop is to us or to others, who simply don t know or may never feel
our movement in society. This form of poetry and story telling has took growth from within a
deprived New York neighborhood during 1970s is spread worldwide, even non english speaking
countries strive on our message to help their culture the light. Hip Hop has taken my generation in
open arms and speaks ... Show more content on ...
Whether it is to force a change or to create something new deviance is at a strong high. At the dawn
of a new millennium some of society feel the need to express themselves better then the regular
norms and leave our mark on the world. As they say the young ones has more to teach then there
is to learn. If this is so then why is that no one listens to us, but instead they condemn us saying
we are nothing but trouble. The challenges that we are given to don t meet our satisfaction, and
this is why we are stubborn because no one listens to words instead society tries to fix our vision
by drowning our thoughts. Society is often perceived as a rich and fashionable social class
depending on how you want to see it, but to us its just normal people with enough to buy
themselves a mask to hide away from conformity, why hide yourselves, when the hip hop culture
teachers you to be out spoken and strong within yourselves.
The phenomenon of hip hop has spawned a new way of dressing, acting and speaking adopted by
young people, especially males. Hip hop and its music and speech patterns known as hip hop or
rap or gangsta rap has moved out of the ghettos and into suburban middle class neighborhoods,
especially among the young adult of all races in those neighborhoods. Finally, how hip hop/rap
/gangsta came to be and what it owes to previous what is real life.
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Alma Monologue
Currently I find myself on the planet Almas. It is here that Akial was last spotted. He was
teacher at the Jedi academy. Where he most likely lived a leisurely lifestyle. However, after the
Republic was brought down, my dear father was pushed to live a life on the run. I first found out
about his status as a teacher here on Almas from a couple of wandering tradesmen while I was still
enslaved by the Hutts. From the moment the moment the two supposed tradesmen stepped into
Oyell the Hutts hall, I knew that both were not accustomed to the roles they were now playing.
The one that talked the most was the Chiss, kinda of an arrogant species if you ask me. The other
was considerably younger and he was of the human race. They certainly did not carry... Show more
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The items Oyell was interested in was the Aquata Breathers, the couple wobble balls and an
Imagecaster. All items that are often utilized by the forbidden Jedi. Oyell listened to their limp
nagotions before acting on his suspicion that they were actually Jedi trying their hand at a new
trade. The fight that ensued was quick, but devastating. We lost seven hired guns, while the
arrogant Chiss man was shot through the back of the head by a blaster pistol, he was still
swinging his lightsaber when blast hit. He fell otop his lightsaber that was still aglow, chopping
his body in half from hip to shoulder. Shortly after the falling of the Chiss man the human
dropped his weapon and surrendered. The human was imprisoned with us for over three months
according to the Galactic Standard Calendar. I was put in charge of watching over the human, and
to report anything he told me. In this time I learned much of the Jedi and their ways. At one point
he remarked how he sensed the force was strong in me, but there was also much conflict. I told
him he was stupid as an old Gran and if he kept talking such
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Technology And The Field Of Criminal Justice Essay
Do you remember when our policemen had to ride around on horses to get from place to place?
Most probably have heard about it, but think to themselves all I have ever known as police cars
and motorcycles . For over a century the world has been making advances with technology in all
areas of life, and the field of criminal justice has not been an exception to this technological
advances. These advances in technology has taken the criminal justice field a long way from
riding a horse bareback to driving armored cars. These advances along with many others have
almost completely changed how things are handled in all aspects of the law. Technology is the
persistent application of information in the design, production and use of goods and services, and
in the organization of human activities. Criminal Justice is the system of law enforcement,
involving police, lawyers, courts, and corrections, used for all phases of criminal procedures and
penalty. As technology is used in the organization of human activities and criminal justice deals
with the criminal aspects of humans it constantly unites these two things. As technology advances,
so will it is use in the field of criminal justice. These advancements are necessary to help keep up
with the growing and evolving world, but it is also necessary to make sure that this type of
technology does not begin to infringe on a person s individual civil liberties. The 1900s brought on
many technology advances regarding the criminal justice
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The Mende Man Pieces Together The Story Of Jesus Christ
Faith plays an important role in the Mende s road to freedom. When the word faith comes to
mind, it is one that concerns a belief in some power and requires perseverance in that belief. The
Mende people certainly showed faith in more ways than one, but an example that is true to the
definition mentioned before is one where Cinque and one of his fellow Mende look over the
Bible. After examining the pictures, the Mende man pieces together the story of Jesus Christ
despite knowing very little English. He shows the story to Cinque, and both men see how Jesus
had unrightfully died, yet in death he had arrived in a place more beautiful than the world on which
he lived. As a response, Cinque and his friend mustered up the faith to propel them... Show more
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With faith and hope, they entrusted all communications to Cinque and had faith that he would
speak for the best of all the Mende. This faith in Cinque as well as a faith in a better life after the
trials brought unity amongst the Mende people. From then on, they become more than just a tribe.
Through faith, they had grown close enough to consider one another family.
Consequently, family is another prevalent theme in La Amistad. Since the opening scene, the Mende
people considered themselves as one tribe, one people, and one family. This was shown when
Cinque bloodily unlocks his hand and ankle bindings in the bottom of the Amistad, but he does not
stop there. With bloody hands and fatigue overcoming him, he draws out extra strength to free his
family around him. In doing so, the Mende stay as one unit and work together to complete a
successful insurrection against the ship s crew, so that they can reunite with their beloved family
members back in Africa. However, rather than standing still and keeping quiet, they bring their
home in Africa to America. They bring the traditions that run in the Mende family and stay faithful
in performing those traditions. For example, when one Mende died in the prison, they attempted to
hold a customary ritual to show due respect and allow eternal peace for the soul of their recently
passed family member. Although the whites opposed them from doing so, the Mende people were
fervent about their African duties and respects towards
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Richard Cory Poem Explication
I chose this poem because the meaning of it can relate to so many people. Everyone has
insecurities, but some of them do very well at hiding them and acting as if they don t care about
what people think about those insecurities. But what lots of people don t know is that when others
point out those insecurities, they go home and do things that makes the people who said something
want to regret saying it. What I like about the poem is that the ending is so unexpected and deep.
That is because he would say good morning and talk to the people. Richard Corywalks around his
town, trying to strike up conversations with its townspeople, since he s lonely and wants to make a
conversation to connect with other people. It could relate to me because... Show more content on ...
He did, however, cause a stir of excitement. Robinson also uses a simile when he says
And he was rich yes, richer than a king
And admirably schooled in every grace which is comparing Richard Cory to royalty serves to
create more of a divide between the town people and Richard Cory, and the attitude of the town
people isolates Richard in loneliness. This isolation is revealed in the last line of the poem
Went home and put a bullet through his head. the figurative language reveals some sensory details
the envy of the town people, and makes the isolation that Cory feels even more deadly to make him
kill himself. The poetic devices used in Richard Cory includes sound devices, repetition devices,
rhyme, and rhythm. The sound devices that stand out are alliteration and consonance. The
predominant initial consonant throughout the poem is. Phrases with words in close proximity that
start with are
whenever Richard Cory went downtown and still we worked and waited for the light. the repetition
of the sounds are repetitive. Another use of alliteration would be we people on the pavement, which
repeats the letter p for the
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Stephen Hacker Zombies In The Workplace Summary
While reading the article, Zombies in the Workplace by Stephen Hacker, it has come to my
attention that I may be an infected zombie. I think it developed in the workplace after some of the
employees left with zombie like features. The previous employees did not give much positive
feedback to the new employees and that they have told me that there isn t much advancement in the
workplace. All the employees were friends, but once they started to slowly go for a different job,
the others started to become lifeless.
They didn t care about what they were doing anymore. They started to cause friction in the kitchen.
Soon, the employees that started the zombie like featured were gone, but the virus was still
lingering in the air. Not all the employees are like this though. It s a part time job, so of course
there will be some zombies forming here and there until they move on to get a better job that fits
their ... Show more content on ...
Everyone seems to be immune to the virus because they try to make it fun in the kitchen when
the going gets tough. During the holidays for example, my boss creates this thanksgiving pizza
for everyone in the kitchen. Another example is the gift exchange party they have. Everyone
pulls a card out of the hat and gets them the gift. When it s a really good day, there s a lot of
goofing off in the kitchen. Hacker s story and Nelson Quick s theories are related due to an
emotional and behavioral affect in the workplace. With Hacker s key steps to awakening the
zombie infected coworkers, it s like the moods and emotions from chapter 4 in Organizational
Behavior. The theory of emotional contagion is similar to the disease that can spread throughout an
organization. Since someone in the workplace can spread their negative emotions to others, it can
cause the organization to feel down. As long as a positive emotion, mood, or spirit is around, there
should be some sort of pulse in the zombie
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Dean Corll and His Accomplice David Brooks
Also a very clever thing, Corll forced his victims to call or write to their parents explaining why
they just up so parents won t look for them bringing any attention to him. During the years of him
murdering young men he often changed addresses. Until he moved to Pasadena in 1973 he had
always lived around Houston Heights. a 18 year old college freshman name Jeffrey Komen was corll
s victimback on September 25, 1970. Konen disappeared while hitchhiking with another student
from the University of Texas to his parents home in Houston he was dropped off alone at the
corner of Wertheimer Road and South Voss Road near the Uptown area of Houston. He offered
to drive Konen to his parents home. David Brooks told the police to the body of Jeffrey Konen
on August 10, 1973. His body was buried at High Island Beach. Forensic scientists concluded that
the had died of suffocation caused by physical strangulation and a cloth that was placed in his
mouth. His body was found buried beneath a layer of lime, wrapped in plastic ( The Party ).
On December 15, 1970, Brooks s lured two 14 year old bo)ys named James Glass and Danny Yates
away from a religious rally held near Houston Heights to Corll s apartment. They both were tied
to opposite sides of Corll s torture board and then raped strangled and was buried in a boat shed.
On August 17, 1971, Corll and Brooks captured a 17 year old boy that was a friend of brooks. His
name was Ruben Watson he was walking home from a movie theater in
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Research Paper About Quebec
Have you ever visited the city Quebec? It s a old city located in Canada, just barely north of the
Quebec is an old, city built a long time ago. It has many features, both geographical, and for
recreational purposes. Some of the geographical features include big hills, lots of greenery, and a
castle that doubles as a hotel too!
In the pictures above, you can see that many of the buildings in Quebec are old timey like. This is
likely because Quebec was founded long ago, and no one wanted to get rid of the beautiful
structures built long ago. Many other building are like this too.
As you can see in the picture above, there is a lot of cool attractions, including this building, which
doubles as a historical attraction and ... Show more content on ...
My family and I go there every year! It is similar to ACL in Austin, except fancier with more
hands on activities. Most of the locals go here, along with some people who travel to Quebec
exclusively for this purpose. There are a bunch of bands, and usually couches and carpets that
the audience can sit on while watching the bands. Some of the performances are outside, while
some of them are in tents to protect the audience from the wind and cold. There are also other
booths, like shops and such. My dad and I went in one where they use a green screen to make it
look like you re at a concert!
There are many things that students can enjoy there. There s many kinds of foods, like escargot,
chocolate croissants, and french onion soup. As mentioned earlier, there is also a fancy castle hotel
which people can stay in. You can visit stores there which sell all different kinds of products.
In Quebec, there are many family attractions, which include fancy family friendly restaurants.
There are lots of historical spots and museums, which the family can drop by to receive a quick
history lesson. There s also hotels all over, so you won t have a hard time finding a place to stay.
I say that Quebec is a great place to visit, both historically and recreationally. See you there
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John Stuart Mill Tyranny Of Majority
1.Introduction There are different and various groups who have their own interest and agenda.
One of the values that a democratic system tries to achieve is equal representation to all of the
groups that it embraces. However, people often fear whether a particular group will project more
influence than others. Due to the nature of democratic system where the decision is made
according to the majority rule, many critics argue the possibility of tyranny by majority where
the group with the most number of members rules in favor of its preference over the interests of
other groups who are considered to be minority with less members. Furthermore, people fear
whether such majority favored interest will be forced up on minority groups who do not agree
with such view of the majority. Such takeover of majority in politics is what we call tyranny of
majority However, others believe that minority group can also become a tyrant in a society,
triumphing over the majority of a society. Contrary to the widespread fear of... Show more content
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This again poses another need to set the boundary for enforcing majority opinion over other
individuals whose independence should also get respectable recognition. While this is a topic that
is neglected by many democratic systems, Mill laid out the central argument to his essay that
interfering individual liberty by others or society as a whole can only be allowed under self
protection when the individual in concern poses a threat to others. Other than such circumstance,
he strongly believed in the minimum level of enforcement of majority opinion on the minority,
saying that Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign. Which
highlights the importance of one s sovereignty over his or her body and
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Making Of Eco Friendly Flowers Through Recycling Of...
J Nae Wong
Professor Finck
English 1102 A12
March 10, 2017
Project: Making of Eco friendly Flowers through Recycling of Disposable Plastic Cups
In line with the current trends of climate change, there is great need to protect the environment we
live in. Some of the actions we take towards environmental protection may have a plan to safeguard
the environment whereas others might do so automatically even if our intentions were to achieve
something else. What does this mean? The answer is simple; some of the projects we embark on
follow the concept of Collins and Scott, where nature participates in its evolution without our direct
intervention. In my project, I intend to make decorative flowers from disposable plastic cups, which
I ... Show more content on ...
In my project, I intend to make several flowers of different shapes and sizes from the plastic
cups with the aim of taking them to the market for sale. The task will be very easy considering
that the labor will be cheap and the equipments needed for successful execution will just be
ordinary tools found around our houses. The jobless, younger generation will form part of my
working team and together, I believe we will be able to collect huge piles of plastic cups from
household solid wastes and make a considerable number of decorative flowers for sale. While
carrying out the project, I look forward to liaise with other concerned individuals, groups, or
organizations that will facilitate its growth and ensure that any good objective, planned or
unplanned for the project, is attainable at the end of the day. For example, I will expect to work
with environmental movements and groups that will ensure segregation of the plastics takes place
from other wastes and availed accordingly at my working station. According to Rich (120), waste
segregation is an important element of waste management and the management of plastic wastes is
a very difficult process considering the fact that plastics do not decompose like the biodegradable
wastes. In addition, I will anticipate working with persons from other fields such as entrepreneurs,
marketers, and so forth. Collaborating with
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Relation Between Stock Returns And Economic Growth
Many investors when making a decision regarding investing in a other country take into account
certain factors which may play a very important role or may affect their future returns. Standard
economics theory suggests that over the long run, profits or returns should rise in line with the
economy/ economic growth, which is also the view point of many investors when making a
Although the long run research and studies conducted by different economists gives a very
different picture of the relationship between stock returns and economic growth, but very little
empirical evidences to support the view with. Many economists and researchers supported the view
that, stock returns and economic growth does not have a positive ... Show more content on ...
Jay.R Ritter in his research said that the main reason for a negative correlation between the two
factors, according to him during high growth rate periods markets usually assign a high price
/Earning and price to dividend multiples and which then lowers the realized returns because now
more capital is required from the investors to in order to receive the same level of earning s and
dividends from stocks.
From all these studies and empirical evidence it can be concluded that stock returns and economic
growth are not related but have a negative correlation.
Ho= no correlation between economic growth and stock return.
H1= there is a relation between economic growth and stock returns
On the other hand the results for interest rates give the same type of results. The basic classical
economics model suggests that there is a relationship between interest rates and economic growth.
Usually reduction in the interest rates cause the level of growth to increase, this is because a
reduction in interest rates makes borrowing more cheaper and encourages in investment in the
economy, which eventually increases the growth rate. However, an increase in interest rates has an
opposite effect on economic growth. According to (Suntum, 2008) high interest rated discourage
investment as it s more tempting to rather save the money and earn a decent interest rate, thus
making the aggregate demand to fall which then badly affects the economic growth of
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The Impact Of Cultural Dimensions On The Emerging...
Every organization has a culture that focuses on social integration, motivation and commitment to
help accomplish goals and innovation while increasing productivity and competitive advantage. The
complex nature of organizations forces one to analyze the internal behaviors that are perceived as
the norms in the environment, thus creating a culture that is embraced whether intentionally or
unintentionally by the people of the organization. To add, interacting across cultures and within
international organizations can be challenging due to the complexities of multicultural situations.
Hence, this dissertation will discuss the impact of cultural dimensions on the emerging leadership
development and operation of an international joint venture with Russia.
Russia is a country that is culture and historically filled with dramatic turning points. The country
has made significant strides both economically and politically to attract business opportunities such
as a joint venture; however, the country s policies could potential affect growth. Furthermore,
initiating a joint venture with another oil company within the country may prove to challenging if
there is no clear understanding of culture. This essay will discuss the research results from the
consultant s perspective on Russia, as well as the impact of cultural dimensions on the emerging
leadership development and operation of the joint venture in Russia.
Case background Alpha Oil and Gas (AOG) is an 18 month old
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The Revolt And The Sepoy Rebellion
Throughout the year s many historians have compilated and examined why Indian people were so
desperate to gain back their independence from the British Empire during their rule over India,
from 1612 to 1947. The reasoning can most definitely be found as the British discriminated against
Indian people as they believe that they were inferior; it is no surprise that Indian people fought so
hard for their independence. Throughout the British Raj, they placed and put forward unbelievably
racist acts and laws which discriminated against Indian people. Which of course led to Indian s
rebelling against the British rule and thus many massacres and rebellions occurred during their
ruling. Thus, answering why Indian people fought so desperately for... Show more content on ...
Herbert Asquith, the Liberal Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, clearly believed that the
massacre was catastrophic and sinful, there has never been such an incident in the whole annals
of Anglo Indian history nor, I believe, in the history of our Empire from its very inception down
to the present day ... It is one of the worst outrages in the whole of our history (AP reference).
Though all Dyer could say in his defence was my duty... my horrible, dirty duty. (AP
REFERENCE). Some say, with fair reasoning, that this massacre was the turning point for modern
India, some even saying that this was the prelude to Gandhi s commitment to his cause (Pletcher,
The cause of the Sepoy Rebellion, the first serious rebellion the British faced, can be traced back
to the unfair mistreatment of Indian soldiers in the British India Army, as the British greased the
Lee Enfield rifle with animal fat which was highly offensive to their religious beliefs. As well as
this, the wealth annexation in 1856 of Oudh (Heitzman Worden, n.d.). The rebel soldiers marched
to the Delhi and offered their service to the Mughal Emperor was another spark leading to the
rebellion. Both the British and the Indians suffered enormous loss. A drawing made by Captain
George Franklin Atkinson, a British Officer, also in the background of the lithograph what appears
to look like Delhi can be seen (AP REFERENCE). The Rebellion ended on May 21, 1859, with the
British winning (Heitzman
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Tupua Persuasive Essay
Tuvalu, a small island with a population of less than 11,000, is on it s way to sinking. The island
has been struggling to keep it s inhabitants safe from it s rising waters for many years now, but it
had gotten to the point where their plight can no longer be ignored. With the climate1 continuously
on the rise due to high CO2 2 emission rates, from countries such as China and the United States,
there has also been an increase in ocean acidification3 and ocean water levels4. These
consequences both have had an adverse effect on the islandof Tuvalu. As the water levels rise the
island, which at it s highest point is roughly 15 feet above water, more and more of the island is
flooded and deemed inhabitable. This negatively affects the inhabitant s ability to grow crops and
have property. The island s main form of protection from storms were the coral atolls off the coast,
but ocean acidification... Show more content on ...
The issue is that most countries think of this as an economic venture. Considering the fact that
Tuvalu is a small island, which only exports fish and coconuts (and mainly to just islands around
them), with little business connections there aren t really any economic benefits to its existence. So
consequently to countries like the US, China, Saudi Arabia, and India there is no real economic
harm to Tuvalu sinking. However, there are real economic damages to trying to save Tuvalu. For
the aforementioned countries they mainly thrive on the emission of greenhouse gases5, specifically
carbon dioxide. From coal burning power plants to vehicle exhaust the countries are completely
reliant on process and machines that release unhealthy gases. Attempting to remove theses process
would require a large amount of money on cleaner energy sources that all have their own downfalls
that make them less attractive. And ultimately this has led to the countries lack of desire to lower
their emission
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The Human Brain Is Amazing
The human brain is amazing. It detects and processes things when people don t even realize it.
One of these things is sound. People hear sounds all the time, whether they are conscious of it or
not. They hear meaning they detect sound and understand what they detect. Sound is
everywhere in the human life: the beep of an alarm clock, the whirr of a fan, the rumble of
thunder, the chirp of the birds, the whine of an ambulance, the sizzle of a frying bacon, the
clicking of a keyboard, the buzz of a cellphone, the patter of rain, or the flap of a flag in the wind.
People cannot even hide from it in their sleep. The only place a person would not hear sound
would be in outer space, but that would be only if they were without a spacesuit, and,... Show more
content on ...
The particles of the medium do not move permanently from their position (SantoPietro, 2013);
however, the particles adjacent to the object begin to move back and forth too, almost like a guard
on duty pacing back and forth, who, although he moves back and forth, does not move far from the
initial position. As these particles move back and forth, they bump into more particles, and the
process continues for a certain distance, depending on how hard they are vibrating.
This process of transferring the energy is called a sound wave. According to David SantoPietro
(2013), Wavescan transport energy through a medium without transporting the medium itself . In
other words, a wave does not transport particles, it transports energy through the particles.
Although many people think of an ocean wave when they think of a wave, which is composed of
water particles and primarily transports energy from wind, waves carry many more types of energy
than people realize sound and light, for examples. In addition, there are two types of waves:
electromagnetic and mechanical. Electromagnetic waves can transport energy through a vacuum
(an empty space with no matter), while mechanical waves cannot transport energy through a
vacuum. Light is an example of an electromagnetic wave, while sound is a mechanical wave. Then
there are three subtypes of waves: transverse, surface, and longitudinal. In a transverse wave,
particles oscillate perpendicular to the direction they are
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Economic Decisions Paper
How People Make Economic Decisions Paper
September 28, 2010
Making Economic Decisions Economic decisions made by individuals can affect the economy. The
principles of individual decision making include people being rational, economic incentives, and
optimal decisions made at the margin. Trading the three economic systems are market economy,
centrally planned economy, and mixed economy. Each contains their own attributes on how they
contribute to an economy. The current economic systemin the United States is a mixed economy.
Individual Decision making People try to be rational. It means that economists assume that
consumers and firms use all available information as they act to achieve their goals. Rational ...
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Opportunity cost is the highest valued alternative that must be given up to engage in an activity
(Hubbard, amp; O Brien, 2010). In some respect, it is an individual s marginal cost versus
marginal benefit. Questions such as what is to be produced, how will it be produced, who is
receiving the goods need to be answered.
Types of Economies These questions are answered by different kind of economies. The general
population drives market economies. Goods and services are in supply as much as they are in
demand unless there is some sort of constraint. Government drives centrally planned economies as
they dictate how much of a product and service are produced. These economies are usually run by
dictatorships or communism. Last, there is mixed economy. The United States is a mixed
economy as the general population runs the market demand and supply. However, the government
regulates some products and goods. Government intervention has occurred recently after the
British Petroleum oilrig exploded off the shore of Louisiana. President Obama placed a ban on
any further offshore drilling sites close to the coast. We ve placed a six month moratorium on
drilling new deepwater oil and gas wells in the Outer Continental Shelf (Obama, 2010). This may
raise costs in oil products in the future because of a shorter supply.
Economic decisions come with an opportunity cost. Individuals need
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Elizabeth Bennet Dynamic
In the novel, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen writes a story that depicts a society during the
Regency Period. The Regency Period is the time when people started to expand the colonial system
through the use of their profits from the Industrial Revolution. The Regency Period is displayed
through Austen s use of a middle class family, the Bennet family. In the book, the author writes
about various characters with contrasting personalities. No one character can resemble another
since they are all different in their own ways. One character that stood out the most was Elizabeth
Bennet because of our similar personalities and her dynamic role in the story.
As the novel progressed, it was obvious to me that I closely identified with Elizabeth s ... Show
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During the beginning of the book, Elizabeth s confidence in her own judgments resulted in a
poorly made, preconceived idea of Mr. Darcy. Upon their initial meeting, Mr. Darcy came off as
a high handed, arrogant man. Because of this, Elizabeth based her judgment of him on their first
encounter. In Chapter 3, after the two were acquainted, Darcy said to Mr. Bingley, She is
tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me (13). This comment made Elizabeth feel that she
had been disrespected by Darcy, causing her to establish a poor judgment of him based on this
rude remark he had made. As the story continued Elizabeth s judgment remained unyielding. She
was quick to believe anything that would maintain the idea that Mr. Darcy was a cold man. In
Chapter 16, Elizabeth meets a man named Mr. Wickham and quickly sees that the two have
something in common: their hatred toward Darcy. As Wickham and Elizabeth talked, Mr. Darcy
became the topic of conversation. Wickham told Elizabeth a story establishing why he hates
Darcy; he claimed that Darcy s father promised him the next presentation of the best living in his
gift (120). Wickham then states that Darcy did not allow for Wickham to obtain his inheritance due
to his hatred toward him. Elizabeth s ignorance and hatred toward Darcy caused her to easily
believe the stories that Wickham shared
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Theme Of Betrayal In Jane Eyre
In the novel, Jane Eyre, by Charlotte BrontГ« there were many incidents that had affected the
overall plot of the book. Sometimes an author adds certain events or ideas to help accentuate the
plot. In this novel there is a recurring theme of betrayal. The one that seems to be affected by the
curse of betrayal the most is the main character, Jane Eyre, herself. Her first encounter with
betrayal came about when she was still just a child. And as she grew older and experienced the
world new ways unlike before, she could never escape the curse of betrayal. Jane s first
encounter with betrayal was when she was still a child and her Uncle Reed brought her along to
live with him and his family in Gateshead, after Jane s parents had passed away. Jane s Uncle
Reed had promised to raise her as if she were one of his own children. However, this only lasted
until Uncle Reed passed away. After Jane s uncle had passed, Jane s aunt and her three children
had mistreated her and in some cases physically abused. On one particular day she was minding
her own business whilst reading Bewick s History of British Birds, her obnoxious cousin John
Reed was looking for Jane. Once he finds her, he treats her as if she was inferior to him, he
wants his cousin to refer to him as Master Reed. This already not being indicative of raising Jane
as one of their own, her cousin John continues to undermine her even more and takes the book
from her and ends up throwing it at her causing her to get a cut by
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Beloved Essay, Toni Morrison
Freeman McLean
April 22, 2014
ENGL 112.003
African American Communities in Beloved
Thesis: Toni Morrison focuses on negative impact of slavery on the well being of African American
communities throughout her novel Beloved by depicting the damage done, its effects on individual
characters, and the renewal of community.
1. The enforcement of slavery has destroyed black communities and families 1. Families
throughout Beloved were split due to slavery 2. The community of 124 abandons its members 1.
Characters are negatively impacted by the lack of community 1. The deeds and traits of Six o
compared to the rest of the men living at Sweet Home 2. Denver and Sethe s lack of identity due to
a lacking ... Show more content on ...
Stamp Paid confronted the wickedness of having a fellow black live in a empty lonesome cellar,
another example of the pain the community inflicts upon itself. They not only alienate Sethe and
her family, but Paul D for having relations with them. The community was longing for Sethe to
come on difficult times (155 Hinson), and Paul D was only another target for the community s
anger. Hajer Ayadi theorizes here that instead of taking care of a fellow ex slave Paul D, the
community once again fails to perform its role (Ayadi, 265).
Slavery destroyed African American communities, specifically Bluestone, and the damage is
evident when Sethe takes Beloved s life. The circumstances leading to the event is most
important however. When Sethe arrived at Bluestone all mashed up and split open carrying
newborn Beloved, Stamp Paid sets out to collect to bucket fulls of blackberries (Morrison, 159).
Sethe matches the buckets of fruit with chickens, fish, turkeys, and a list of other items. The
community quickly grows malice towards Baby Suggs grand display of wealth. Too much, they
thought. Where does she get it all...It made them furious (Morrison, 161). The community was
envious of how well Baby Suggs was doing. For Baby Suggs to have so much were His [God s]
powers they did not belong to an ex slave who had probably never carried one hundred pounds to
the scale...lashed by a ten year old whiteboy as God knows they
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The Sniper Essay
The Sniper
The Sniper places a strong emphasis on the evils of war, and yet paints a vivid image of mankind
s qualities and their society. Employing the technique of describing one particular sniper to
symbolise a general subject, readers are able to gain a deep insight into the evils of war. In this story,
the assembly of setting, contrasting characters and themes of fanaticism and division of loyalties
are vital to conveying the horror of war. On the other hand, The Sniper also discusses the power of
war, depicting it as the decider of life and death for men. Its force is further emphasised when
neighbours are turned into enemies under war s influence.
The setting of the story, Dublin, has been written in such a way that only ... Show more content on ...
Characters in ВЎВ§The SniperВЎВЁ are limited in terms of type and variety to show that war
brings out only people who possesses a passion to kill and have the courage to be killed. The
story focuses on only one sniper and we, the readers use the incident from his point of view. The
only characters that are mentioned are the sniper, another sniper, his enemy and an old woman.
Apart from the old woman, all other characters are men who represent figures of war and are
present to do nothing but kill. They are seekers of death and bring about a web of deaths. The
manner in which these men ВЎВ§reignВЎВЁ over the city by killing, and that ordinary dwellers
are imprisoned within their homes for fear of death shows the evil impacts of war.
The theme of death and violence is another important segment in indicating the evils of war. Each
individual is engaged in killing their enemies and struggling for their own lives. As seen through
the view of the sniper, the peopleВЎВ¦s lives are centred around killing and death. Lifestyle, even
to the extent of lighting a cigarette becomes risky and could lead to death. Citizens are forced to
be locked in their homes for fear of being shot. The incident, where an old woman is hot by the
sniper, who is then injured by his enemy is an example of warВЎВ¦s destructive nature. The loss of
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The Death Penalty Is Wrong
Sean Shen
Mr. Todd
Languages and Literature, E 8, Research Paper
April 20th 2018
The Death Penalty is Wrong The death penalty has been considered one of the most severe
punishments by governments. However, recently, many people have rebelled against the death
penalty. The death penaltyis an act that is similar to being ruled under fascism instead of
democracy. Under the rule of democracy, citizens are responsible for the acts of other fellow
citizens, which can be inferred that crime is caused by the lack of responsibility in society. The
victim s loved ones suffer due to the victim s death. It is understandable that they would want the
murderer dead, but society often does not work that way. People need to think on behalf of the
society. ... Show more content on ...
First of all, the opposing view states that if the death penalty did not exist, then it could have a
tremendous effect on society. However, that is not true. If there were no death penalty, we would
still have other punishments that were used like life imprisonment. There are other forms of
physical punishment such as whipping. This type of punishment would be able to take the place
of the death penalty because the death penalty is just too extreme. In truth, criminals need a
second chance in their life for them to succeed. Here is a quote: Hoang Vu (attempted murderer)
and Terrell Carswell (cocaine trafficking and robbery) were next, pulling Burden off the deputy
while David Schofield (aggravated assault and battery) grabbed Moon s radio and called for help.
( This shows how a prisoner who has committed a crime helps the officers in prison.
If they had a second chance to integrate into society, they would live better lives without
damaging society. If we look at the problem on behalf of society, isn t it one of our responsibilities
to forgive rather than taking everything from them? A democratic society is when you are
responsible for other people s
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A History of Submissive Women in Literature
The feminine gender has long been one that has been repressed throughout history and forced to
acclimate itself to a world dominated by men. Although major improvements have been made in the
strife for equality, this continues to be a man s world. In the short stories The Chrysanthemums and
A Rose for Emily, as well as in the drama A Doll s House, the protagonists are all frustrated women
who are unfulfilled with their subservient lives. Partly imposed upon them by their setting s
historical and societal norms, they choose to either do something about it or continue to internalize
their dissatisfaction. When analyzing these pieces of literature, it becomes quite obvious which of
the protagonists fall under the category of those... Show more content on ...
According to Elizabeth Hardwick, Nora is intrinsically independent and free spirited from the very
beginning of the play (294). Unni LangГҐs also wrote an essay on Ibsen s drama and about Nora s
specific motives. He wrote, When she performs acts that are generally reserved for men, or
withdraws from practices associated with women, she shows the gender attribution of these acts to
be social constructions and thereby contests their reified status (157). So, LangГҐs claims that Nora
s rebellion and discontent began long before she literally walked out on Trovald, her husband.
The events that eventually unfolded at the end of the play and that lead her to finally leave her
husband were just those last straws that broke the camel s back. Before her final stage exit, Ibsen
has Nora say, For eight years I have been patiently waiting, enforcing this idea of long lived
frustration (3.1107). Again, this idea of the rebellious woman at the end of the nineteenth century
was not only reserved to post Civil War America as was the case with Emily Grierson. Nora
Helmer and her insurgence, against all ethical and moral norms of society at the time, did not go
unnoticed in Northern Europe. According to Marilyn Yalom, The idea that a respectable woman
should renounce her role as wife and mother, leave her husband and children, and strike out on her
own was seen
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F Scott Fitzgerald Use Figurative Language In The Great...
F. Scott Fitzgerald was one of the best writers of his time from, This side of Paradise , to, The
Great Gatsby . F. Scott Fitzgerald also used figurative language to catch readers attention with
words that better understand. In chapter 3 of The Great Gatsby, F. scott Fitzgerald utilizes
Polysyndeton and Imagery to illustrate better understand the concept of the book. F. Scott Fitzgerald
utilized polysyndeton to connect sentences,and give the reader better understanding of the
story.In chapter 3 page 39 it says, An extra gardener tailed all day with mops and scrubbing
brushes and hammer and garden shears, and repairing the ravages of the night before. This
shows that Fitzgerald used this sentence to put it all together and explain how they clean
Gatsby s and how rich he was to prepare cleaners every single night of the party. Also it was the
best way to utilized many sentences into one.In chapter 3 page 40 it says In the main hall a bar
with a real brass rail was set up, and stocked with gins and liquors and with cordials so long
forgotten that most of his female guests... Show more content on ...
Scott Fitzgerald used Imagery to illustrate better vision for The Great Gatsby and show the book in
the way it was supposed to be shown. In chapter 3 page 39, His raft or taking the sun on the hot
sand of his beach while his two motorboats slit the waters of the sound, drawing aquaplanes over
cataracts of foam. This is explaining to us how rich Gatsby is, and showing us that the Gatsby
house is really big and the backyard is beach with motorboats.Fitzgerald used this Imagery to
explain Gatsby big house. In chapter 3 page 39 it says, On the weekends his rolls royce became an
omnibus, bearing parties to and from the city, between nine in the morning and long past midnight,
while his station wagon scampered like a brisk yellow bug to meet all trains. Fitzgerald used this
Imagery to show us and explain the setting of the morning and the location of the
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Analysis Of Genre And Context Of The Gospel Of Matthew
Genre Context The Gospel According to Matthew is the first book of the New Testament in the
Bible, and is a Gospel narrative. The narratives provided by the Gospels in the New Testament are
here to provide us with descriptions of the life, death, and resurrection of our savior Jesus Christ, as
well as to share His teachings. Like any other narrative, it is important to understand the historical
and literary contexts surrounding the Gospelof Matthew, as well as the importance and significance
of Matthew itself. As a Gospel, Matthew is here to present us with the narrative of JesusChrist as
our Messiah, as promised in the Old Testament Prophesy. While it is important to evaluate the
extensive context surrounding the narrative of Matthew, the meaning behind the narrative can be
found through relating it to the various events that are described in the other Gospels. By
comparing the Gospels, it is easy to evaluate the underlying meaning and significance, within the
context of the Gospels. Because the Gospels were written as narratives to provide us with
information on the life and death of Jesus Christ, and all that happened in between, it is important
to compare the different accounts described in the Gospels whenever possible. In doing so, it is
possible to examine the Gospels within the appropriate context. With 4 Gospels (Matthew, Mark,
Luke, John), it is important to compare them with one another in order to further evaluate the
importance of Jesus Christ, as he is the
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Poverty And Inequality In Ethiopia
Statement of the Problem
Poverty and inequality are a concern to both developing and developed nations across the world
(Melamed, 2014; Shepherd et al., 2014). These problems are more serious in developing countries
like Ethiopia (UNDP, 2013). Poverty is so widespread and prevalent in Ethiopia that the country is
amongst the poorest nations in the world (UNDP, 2013).
Recently, Ethiopian government claimed that poverty and inequality are declining in all regions
(MoFED, 2013). However, empirical literature shows that poverty, in general, and chronic and
transitory poverty, in particular, have long history in rural areas and show growing trends (Adugna,
For sustained fight against rural poverty and inequality; and for realization of poverty and
inequality free Ethiopia, there is a need to design pro poor and location specific poverty and
inequality reduction ... Show more content on ...
In large part, this has reflected the emerging understanding that, in order to reduce poverty,
policymakers need information on both the current incidence of poverty and also the magnitude
of the threat of poverty, measured ex ante (Calvo and Dercon, 2005). Such a perspective
implicitly recognises that poverty is a stochastic phenomenon. To that end, while the current
incidence of poverty is a critical indicator of wellbeing it provides limited foresight into future
poverty. Rather, whether a household is likely to fall into poverty in the future is also determined
by its exposure to a variety of different shocks as well as its ability to effectively cope in the face of
Yet little empirical work has been done that examines the vulnerability of households in Melanesian
countries, such as Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands to experiencing povetry. This is despite the
fact that both countries are renowned for being acutely vulnerable to economic and environmental
shocks at a national
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Were You Fired Due To Your Pregnancy Essay
Were You Fired Due To Your Pregnancy?
Federal and state laws protect the rights of pregnant workers and ensure that employers treat them
the same as all other workers and that their work affairs remain free of prejudice in all areas of
employment. Although highly publicized, pregnancy discrimination cases keep occurring by the
thousands each year. At the forefront of pregnancyprotection is the Pregnancy Discrimination Act (
PDA ) which amended Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ( Title VII ).
PDA prohibits discrimination against a job applicant or employee based on pregnancy, childbirth or
related medical conditions. This means that you may not be treated unfavorably due to your
pregnancy, childbirth or a medical condition ... Show more content on ...
It is also unlawful to harass an employee due to her pregnancy, childbirth or medical condition
related to her pregnancy or childbirth. Such harassment includes verbal abuse or insults and is
illegal when it reaches a level that is frequent or severe which creates a hostile or offensive work
environment. It also becomes harassment if it results in adverse employment decision either
voluntarily or involuntarily. In many cases the harasser is not only the victim s supervisor but also
may be a supervisor in another area, a co worker, or a client/customer.
PDA also allows disabled pregnant employees to take disability leave or leaves without pay if such
allowance is made to other temporarily disabled employees. Under the federal Family and
Medical Leave Act ( FMLA ), new parents (including foster and adoptive parents) are eligible for
12 weeks of leave to care for the new child. To be eligible, the employee must have worked for the
employer for 12 months prior to taking the leave and the employer must have a specified number of
employees. Additional rights under FMLA include the right to express milk in the workplace.
PDA s state counterpart is California s Fair Employment and Housing Act ( FEHA ) in the form of
the Pregnancy Disability Leave Law ( PDLL ) while FMLA s state
... Get more on ...

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Reality Tv Good Or Bad Essay

  • 1. Reality Tv Good Or Bad Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Reality Tv Good Or Bad Essay Reality Tv Good Or Bad Essay
  • 2. Mammography And Breast Cancer Introduction Breast cancer is a disease in which malignant cells form in the breast tissue. There are many different kinds of breast cancer, which is determined by which cells in the breast that are cancerous. The lobules, ducts, and connective tissue are the three main parts that make up the breast. Most cancer starts in the ducts and lobules with the most common being invasive ductal carcinoma and invasive lobular carcinoma. In invasive ductal the cancer cells grow outside the ducts of the breast into other parts of the breast tissue and may metastasize to other parts of the body. Invasive lobular cancer starts in the lobules of the breast and spreads to the nearby breast tissue or other parts of the body. Breast cancer is the most common ... Show more content on ... Another limitation is that many of the articles did not report outcomes separately for the average women and those who are high risk leaving room for estimates to be biased. Quantitative estimates of outcomes were based from a relatively simple approach which could cause over or underestimation of mortality reduction. In conclusion, this study found that breast cancer screenings are associated with a 20% reduction in mortality rates among women of any age at average risk. Each one of these articles provides information to support breast cancer screening but it also provides evidence that many false positives have been brought on by over use of screening. Women need a health professional who will not only provide information about breast cancer screening but also provide evidence of why screenings have been changed to after the age of 50 years old and biennially. It is a woman s right to be properly informed so they can make the best decision for themselves. Health care workers need to honor this right and accept the decision they ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Contrast of the Heian-Era Courtier and the Kamakura... The Contrast of the Heian Era Courtier and the Kamakura Samurai April 29, 2011 The Contrast of the Heian Era Courtier and the Kamakura Samurai The major periods that shaped Japan s history and future were the Heian era of Aristocracy and the Kamakura period of Samurai. The Heian era and the Kamakura period are interesting because of their differences in social structure, tradition, and culture. In the Heian era, the aristocrat s social class was sought by many because of their social and cultural status. When the warrior rise in the Kamakura age the social classes change dramatically between aristocrat and warrior. The Heian era (794 1191) was an age of self development in Japan s culture and tradition. Before the Heian era, Japan... Show more content on ... In 1159, Kiyomori of the Taira clan was victorious over the Minamoto clan. Kiyomori murdered all the adults of the Monamoto clan and forced the children into exile. The emperor rewarded Kiyomori victory by giving him an advisor position in the government. This event was significant because Kiyomori was the first warrior in Japan s government. Like the Fujiwara family, Kiyomori desired a royal bloodline within the Taira clan. So the Taira clan consorted with the imperial family in efforts to secure an imperial bloodline. Later, Kiyomori obtain a higher government position and more importantly a grandson was born and is heir to the throne. Feeling cheated an imperial prince sought the exiled Minamoto to overthrow the Taria clan. In 1180, Yoritomo of the Minamoto clan formed an army and battled with Taira clan that is known as the Genpei War. Eventually, Kiyomori died and the Taria clan shortly declined after him. During these battles warriors ran amok pillaging the Japan s cuntryside. To end the chaos and violence the imperial turned to Yoritomo. Yoritomo in return raise an army of samurais and took complete control of the government and transformed it into a military government. The Kamakura government consisted of the emperor, shogun, and the house men. The emperor served merely as a figurehead, he little to no control of his government. The shogun had ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Murders In The Rue Morgue By Aydelotte Detective stories that have been published over the years all contain dramatic elements that the reader has come to expect. These conventions that Aydelotte discussed in The Dectective Story as a Historical Source are especially ever present in Edgar Allen Poe s The Murders in the Rue Morgue and they shed light on the concerns of the people of the time. Primarily, readers read detective stories because they expect a dramatic event to happen whether that be criminal activity or more prominently, a murder. The audience of The Murders in the Rue Morgue didn t have extremely eventful lives; it wasn t every day that a horrid murder would take place in the real streets of Paris. They desperately craved excitement for their boring days and for that, they turned to books: detective stories in particular. The horror of the actual act offered a form of excitement and entertainment to the reader. The story allowed them to escape from their already routine life. Other than that, the society in detective stories like The Murders in the Rue Morgue was outwardly perfect in which the characters have very simple problems (Aydelotte, pg. 4). Everything in the society went right, up until the point of the murder. The fact that a seemingly ideal world was interrupted by such a gruesome event, offered the reader a reality check and made them aware of their anxiety of the evil that exists in the world. For the audience of detective stories, The mess, confusion, and frustration of life have ... Get more on ...
  • 5. How Did The Us Achieve Latin America s Goals The United States had many ways to try and achieve it s goals in Latin America. The United States Congress passed the Foraker Act, which established a civil government in Puerto Rico. This act authorized the President of the U.S. to appoint a governor and part of the Puerto Rican island legislature. The U.S. established Cuban as a protectorate. The Treaty of Paris granted Cuba its independence, but the U.S. Army didn t want to withdraw from the island until the year 1902. The Platt Amendment restricted the rights of newly independent Cubans and effectively brought the island with the U.S. sphere. This amendment prevented Cuba from signing a treaty with another nation without American approval. It also allowed the U.S. the right to intervene to preserve order in Cuba. Cuba eventually agreed with the Platt Amendment and added it to it s constitution. This treaty made Cuba a protectorate of the U.S. and governed their relationship for many years. Theodore Roosevelt developed a policy for the U.S. action in Latin America. It is called big stick diplomacy because it depended on a strong military to help achieve America s goals. ... Show more content on ... During the late 1800s, a French company had tried to link the Atlantic to the Pacific across the Isthmus of Panama but failed. The French had abandoned the attempt to build and convinced the U.S. to buy the company s claim. In 1903, the U.S. government purchases the Panama route for $40 million. Roosevelt stepped in and dispatched warships to the waters off Panama to support a Panamanian rebellion against Colombia. Soon after that, Panama declared its independence from Colombia. Panama immediately granted America control over the canal zone. America payed Panama $10 million and an annual rent of $250,000 to secure the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Disadvantages Of Quantum Computer The application and development of quantum computing is still in progress and there aren t any fully developed quantum computers out there right now. In spite of that, there are many advantages of quantum computing based on the theory and calculations provided by the scientists will benefit us in the future. First of all, there is a difference between quantum computerand traditional computer need to be explained. For example, traditional computer uses long strings of bits , which is either zero or one. While for the quantum computer, it uses quantum bits, or qubits (University of Waterloo n.d.). Sounds confusing? Here is the advantage I want to explain now. In traditional devices, information is stored and handled in binary form which was ... Show more content on ... This is because he proved that due to a classic computers cannot slow down without exponentially, thus, a classical computers cannot simulate the quantum effects. But a quantum computer can simulate the physical processes of quantum effects in a real time. They named it as molecular simulations (Talele etal 2012). This definitely will allow us to study, in remarkable detail, the interactions between atoms and molecules. This could help medical and engineering field to design new drugs and new materials (University of Waterloo n.d.). Those pharmacists can know more about how was the interactions with each other of their products. They also can see the biological processes after they used a drug on a person to view the interaction of a drug with a person s metabolism or disease. Meanwhile in the engineering field, they can create new materials such as superconductors that work at room temperature, nanotechnology, and semiconductor. This has been theoretically demonstrated to have this incredible potential, but hopefully those benefits would bring to us in the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Decisions in Robert Frost s The Road Not Taken Essay Decisions in Robert Frost s The Road Not Taken Throughout our lives we are faced with a number of important decisions, decisions that determine an unseen future. The choices, though often virtually identical, lead to different destinies and often leave us asking what if? There are not always signs telling us the way to go or the choice to make; we must find out what lies ahead for ourselves. In his The Road Not Taken, Robert Frost relates to the reader such a choice, symbolic, perhaps of any major decision in life. The traveler in Frost s poem must blindly decide between two similar paths, and this decision greatly affects his life thereafter. In the opening stanza, Frost takes the reader into a yellow wood, setting the ... Show more content on ... The traveler, unable to see what lies ahead, turns his attention to what he can see, only to find it just as mysterious. To begin the second stanza, the traveler turns back to what lies immediately before him, trying to evaluate the second road. In reading this stanza it is important to remember the poem is being narrated after the fact. The narrator is giving feelings he had at the time along with the knowledge he has now. Because neither path has an obvious advantage, the traveler makes himself believe the second road was grassy and wanted wear even though the passing there had worn them about the same. As we often do, the traveler conjures up a reason to do something, even though there is no logical explanation for doing it. The path appears as if it wanted wear, drawing the narrator in. The narrator realizes now his past compulsion and sees that neither path had any better claim. Even though the narrator has decided on the second path, he kept the first for another day. The traveler wants to take the first road some day to find out how his life could have been. Even with this compelling sense of wonder, the narrator knows how way leads on to way and that he hasn t enough time to change every past decision in order to lead a different life. In this third stanza, the traveler finally goes on his way, but, like most would, he takes along a nagging wonder. ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Desolation In Cask Of Amontillado And The Guest He Was Alone : A Discussion of to What Extent Do Text Writers Utilize Light and Dark Imagery to Epitomize the Concept of Desolation In The Cask of Amontillado And The Guest The Cask of Amontillado and The Guest are both works that encompass a variance of imagery to further enhance a specific theme, which is found to be prominent in these stories. Although imbuing a notable contrast in regards to the embedment of literary devices, The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe and The Guest by Albert Camusare two works that use light and/or dark imagery to emphasize the state of desolation; whether it be mental, physical or societal woe, it strives to play an effective role in the plot evolvement in both works. The contrast in the stories is ... Show more content on ... In contrast, one can sense the subtle progression that occurs in The Cask of Amontillado. Regardless of the dominance of dark imagery in this piece, the story is set initially in the supreme madness of the carnival season a rather exciting, uplifting setting where Montresor first lures a drunk Fortunato to the catacombs for his fateful demise. Thereafter, as they go to search for this supposed cask of Amontillado, the surrounding imagery begins to notably develop into long walls of piled skeletons with casks and puncheons. In summary, this imagery can be interpreted in the sense that in The Guest, there had always been this omniscient aura of desolation; the constant repetition of cold, distant imagery reinforces the very little development of Daru s circumstances. In the beginning, Daru is introduced as the exiled school teacher of an empty, frigid classroom, and as the story encloses with him being still alone. His mentality is static; he still feels as much seclusion from vast landscape. Whereas, in The Cask of Amontillado, the transition of imagery from an elated atmosphere of Fortunato drinking with his tight fitting parti striped dress..conical cap and bells to now a dreary ambience, as the characters trudge down vaults that are insufferably damp can ultimately signify Montresor s mental descent. As he brings Fortunato closer to his death, his mind is reaching closer and closer to this inevitable anguish that overtakes him, proven by the ever so contemptuous words, for the love of ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Baking Soda Disadvantages We all know what s baking soda. This, extremely useful ingredient has a long list of health benefits and uses. Well, we can easily say that baking soda is one of the most useful ingredients in every house. Well, one of the best baking soda features is that it efficiently absorbs unpleasant smell. So, this is why many people keep an open box with baking soda in their refrigerator, in order to eliminate the bad odors from the food. she showers with baking soda and something amazing happens im trying this This, extremely useful ingredient is also known as sodium bicarbonate. So, baking soda is a type of salt which becomes activated once it gets in contact with an acid. In this article we are going to show you some baking soda uses, which you ve ... Show more content on ... of baking soda and add it to your shampoo. Then, you need to massage it on your hair and rinse it off. baking soda will remove all the gum and it will clean your hair. You will be amazed by the results. Deodorize your carpet Our floor coverings are much the same as wipes they assimilate earth , dust , dead skin cell , and other messy stuff . In this way , in the event that you see any strange or awful stench when you stroll in your room , then you most likely need to wash your rug . On the other hand for this situation freshen up it . This is what you have to do get a container with preparing pop and sprinkle everywhere with the floor covering .Abandon it on for 30 minutes and afterward vacuum it with a vacuum more clean . Your floor covering and your room will be revived . Laundry booster Baking soda is also extremely useful in whitening and deodorizing your clothes as well. So, the next time you are doing your laundry, just add 1 cup of baking soda and see the difference for yourself. You should start using this amazing ingredient. As you can see, there are many benefits that can make your life much easier. We really hope you enjoyed this post, and don t forget to share it with your friends and family. Thank ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Why Is Casablanca An Historical Evidence Response Paper #3 Casablanca As Historical Evidence Looking at the socially or culturally history of the United States, many historians use Hollywood films as a primary source. I also used many films such as Easy Rider (1969) or Dance, Girl, Dance (1941) to support my historical thesis paper and to make the topic more vivid by using the images of the film. Even though, some people think that films are accurate and authentic in its depiction, it is important to mention that films are still fictional. Directors and actors are responsible to make us believe their story, but this story does not have to be necessarily true. In that way, fictional films cannot be used as historical evidence in terms of how things looked like during that specific ... Show more content on ... Nevertheless, it seems that they represent American society in the 1940 s. The character of Rick portrays an unconventional hero who tries to stay outside of everyone s business, but in the end it is him who saves Laszlo s and Ilsa s life. This reminds me of the role of America during WWII. At first, the United States tried to stay out of the war, but when they were forced to react after Pearl Harbor, they got involved. The film also refers to this when Rick asks his friend Sam if he knows what time it is in New York. Before Sam can reply, Rick says that it must be December 1941, which was the time when the attack against Pearl Harbor occurred. Ilsa, on the other hand, represents the role of American women. She is described as the most beautiful woman that has been seen in Casablanca. Her appearance reminds me of the typical image of an ideal American girl blonde, pretty and conservative. She tries to act in a moral way when she finds out that her presumed dead husband is still alive and she leaves Rick at the station in Paris. This reminds me of how women were treated during the 1940 s. It was their responsibility to take care of the family business, but in the end men would have the final decision. Ilsa tries to get the transit visa from Rick, but she tells him to decide what she should do next. Rick sends her away with Laszlo and restores the perfect family union between Ilsa and Laszlo. Another ... Get more on ...
  • 11. A Consequentialist Action Is The Moral Worth Of An Act A consequentialist action is a utilitarian theory. The utilitarian theory is a choice between two acts that can maximize utility for the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. Utilitarianism is the moral worth of an act. Utilitarian takes the right proportion of utilities to promote happiness and prevent pain. Utilities is the expressed quality of happiness or satisfaction one gets from something (Mossier, 2013). Happiness comes in many levels of preference. However, the downside to utilitarianismis identifying different levels of pleasure. Identifying different levels of pleasure can be counteracted by an irrespective feelings to a moral obligation making the pleasure more desirable (Mills, 2008). Utilitarian is not the agent s own greatest happiness, but the greatest amount of happiness altogether. One of the most important social roles is conscious gratification in convey what is gendered equality on jobs, in health care, and with education utilizing the utilitarian theory. Acts like changing policies to promote genderequality that utilize skills and knowledge of women for the greatest number of people from the greatest amount of happiness is utilitarianism. Gender equality ought to be about equal justice. Held (n.d) contrasts the history of male and female ethicsin an article titled Feminist Transformations of Moral Theory. Held (n.d.) writes, but, we can hope to agree on the minimal conditions for justice, for coexistence ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Network Bandwidth And Data Upload Time Though client side deduplication brings in advantages such as reduction of network bandwidth and data upload time, several security threats are associated with it. These threats have to be addressed in order to reap the full potential of client side deduplication. Halevi et al. [3] identified various threats that affect a remote storage system that implements client side deduplication. First, in traditional storage systems, privacy and confidentiality are compromised when an attacker learns the hash value of a file and gains access to the entire file from the server. For example, Dropbox uses Secure Hash Algorithm 256 (SHA256) in a straightforward manner; thus, it is possible for an attacker to obtain hashes for confidential files of others. Using the hash, a hacker can easily download an unauthorized file from the server. A practical way for performing this hack is demonstrated by the use of Dropship application programming interface (API) utilities for Dropbox which allows a hacker to download confidential files of others from Dropbox servers by obtaining the file hashes. This is comparatively easy to obtain, and exploiting the weak client side deduplication technique that is applied [4]. Second, if an attacker can access the server cache then all confidential hashes will be disclosed. Hence the attacker can make the cloud storage service behave as a content distribution network (CDN) by publishing the hacked hash values. In a case where the files hashes are published ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Comparison of Hrothgar and Beowulf as Kings. What makes a well loved lord (20), an honored prince (88) or a leader beloved (1827)? Cultures as well as individuals have differed in their definitions of a successful king for generations. The epic poem Beowulf introduces two kings: Beowulf, the protagonist of the story, the famed hero who slays monsters with his bare hands and then becomes king of the Geats, and Hrothgar, the king of the Danish court, who is grateful for Beowulfs help in overcoming Grendeland his mother. A king received respect for wealth, fame, and warriors, during the time in which the poem Beowulf takes place. However, a king should go beyond these basic needs and become one with his people. This is achievable by depending on one s people instead of... Show more content on ... Beowulf boasts, With Grendel, the fearful fiend, single handed I ll settle the strife!...with hand grip only I ll grapple with Grendel (329 330, 342). Although Beowulf found that never before had he felt in any man other in all the earth a mightier hand grip; his mood was humbled, his courage fled (568 570), which means he lost his courage for a moment, he proceeds to overcome his fears and not only kill Grendel, but just as he has promised, kill him unarmed. Later on in Beowulf, the hero becomes king, but still behaves like a hero by going out himself to kill a dragon, burning the homes of his people. Wiglaf, one of his comrades says, Beloved Beowulff, summon your strength, remember the vow you made of old in the years of youth not to allow your glory to lessen as long as you lived. With resolute heart, and dauntless daring, defend your life with all your force. (1589 1595) Beowulf does not keep to these words, which state that he should not let himself be overtaken by the need for glory, and therefore risk his life. Beowulf is not convinced, and is killed by the dragon. After he dies, Wiglaf speaks again, We could not persuade the king by our counsel, our well loved leader, to shun assualt on the dreadful dragon guarding the gold; to let him lie where he long had lurked in his secret lair till the world shall end. But Beowulf, dauntless pressed to his doom. (1815 1820) Although both Hrothgar and Beowulf are men of their words, Beowulf can not resist ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Transition To Adulthood In The 1970 s Despite lowering the age to vote and drink in the 1970 s, Australia continued the practice of giving a key too 21 year olds on their birthday, symbolising their coming of age , and with it, the underlying expectation of respect and the adherence of social norms, just as how to act appropriately in public. Between the eighteenth and twentieth centuries, the transition to adulthood was defined by, and adult identity rooted in, the attainment of spousal status with the formation of a family to follow (Kenyon Heath 2001b). Adulthood was steeped in the achievement of material symbols; marriage, houses and children (McNamara Connell 2007). While it was evident in my interviews that the attainment of such material symbols are no longer defined... Show more content on ... 75% of my respondents that despite their desire to travel, even if they wanted to, they wouldn t be able to afford to buy a home before they reached 30. After the second World War, Australia was overwhelmed by policies that encouraged home ownership and families as individual units (Sharman 1984). Since such a time when housing was booming, home ownership, particularly in Sydney, has become gradually unattainable (McNamara Connell 2007). Since the 1980 s the percentage of young people aged 20 24 in Australia living in shared arrangements doubled (Burke, Pinkey Ewing 2002), making apparent that other forms of household were inaccessible. This, I believe, reflects escalated housing prices, interest rates and land value. Furthermore, in 1980 26% of young people aged 20 24 in Australia lived alone, and by 2000, only 9.3% were living alone (Burke, Pinkey Ewing 2002). Thus, despite Australia s economic geography, shared living has since become an attractive and viable option for not only economically constrained students but also young single professionals with the promise of friendship and mutual support (economic or otherwise) (Clark Tuffin 2015). Half of the participants had moved into a shared household with a person or people they had met before, though 60% of the group hoped that they would make new ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Real Identity Research Paper Social media has become a huge part in any person s life. In today s society, knowing how to use the internet or social media is almost as important as knowing how to read. Bid companies know how to use these sites to their advantage. Everyday these companies are spending millions of dollars to have sponsored ads that people will just scroll past without giving it a second thought. This is how big companies spread the word about their products. They use these sites to advertise what they have to offer. These companies choose ads that they think will most likely attract you as a buyer. Sometimes these companies really know their viewer and sometimes they are way off. My advertisingidentity and real identity have many similarities and differences. One of the many difference I mentioned before between my advertising identity and my real identity is my age. These people creating ads do not know who I am or how old I am. In real life I am a seventeen year old senior in high school, the ad people do not know this at all. When I am online and in social media the ads very from adult things to children things. For example, just last week there was an add for a toy for ages 5 10. Then, the very next day there was an ad for a tax agency and a real estate ... Show more content on ... I enjoy a variety of things in life. I enjoy small rural areas with mountains and scenery. On the other hand, I also enjoy large cities with all the hustle and bustle. A variety of the ads I see pertain to things I enjoy. They target the places I want to see and the things I want to do. For example, if I wanted to go snorkeling they would show me a vacation with an ocean. Another example would be if I wanted to go mountain climbing they would show me a picture of a mountain. These ad people target specific things to catch your attention. In the end they don t know who I am only what I ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Beowulf Influence As an Old English professor for 35 years, it is clear that Tolkien had a passion for Anglo Saxon history (Collier). His writings on Beowulf is critically acclaimed and shows Tolkien s enriched knowledge of the time period and the Old English style of poetry. Even further, his love for the English culture and literature can clearly be seen in his own fictional work, mainly The Lord of The Rings. Throughout this book, Tolkien uses various Old Englishwords for places and people in Middle earth. Furthermore, he honors a rich Anglo Saxon history through the Rohirrim and their similar culture of war. Lastly, Tolkien mirrors the epic poem Beowulf as he draws from the characters and lines of the historical piece. While connecting the style and history... Show more content on ... Beowulf was the most important work of scholarship that Tolkien read and is what inspired many scenes and themes in The Lord of the Rings. When analyzing the influence of the Old English poem, it is important to understand Tolkien s perspective on the poem which explains why it had such a major impact on his life and his writing. In his piece Beowulf: The Monsters and the Critics Tolkien explains that his love for the poem is based upon the style and beauty of the poem. He states that Beowulf should be known world wide due to how the monster s and dragons are depicted, or its everlasting quality. In his final paragraph Tolkien tosses aside the historical value that the poem has, or the fact that it was written at such an early time in history. He instead explains that it would still have power had it been written in some time or place unknown and without posterity, if it contained no name that could now be recognized (Tolkien 20). This passage summarize his thesis that Beowulf s importance is often misrepresented. Tolkien s inspiration and passion for the poem comes from how it s preserved from a day already changing and passing, a time that has now for ever vanished, swallowed in oblivion (Tolkien 20). Tolkien s use of Anglo Saxon history in The Lord of the Rings was a way to revive the culture so it would not be lost. In this essay, Tolkien is highlighting this point, explaining that Beowulf continues to preserve the rich culture of Old England due to it s aesthetic qualities and profound appeal (Tolkien ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Web Development Agreement Sample Web Development Agreement Summary We love what we do, which is delivering the best services for our client. To ensure the same level of understanding between Creativity Cap and our clients, we have a simple and yet clear agreement for both parties. Purpose: the client hired Creativity Cap for the purpose of developing, design and/ or improve website. Website content: the clients agrees to provide ALL content for the website such as text, images, video and sound in electronic format. Clients understand that Creativity Cap may choose to not begin to customize the website until all content is received. If client does not supply all contents ... Show more content on ... Copyright to the website: upon final payment of this contract, the client is assigned the rights to use as a website the design, graphics and text contained in the finishing product. Right to photos, videos, images, source files, source code and computer programs remain the property of their respective owners. Creativity Cap retain the right to display web design elements as examples for their portfolios. Services and fees: Package 600$ website templates from our gallery up to 6 pages with client s provided content Responsive web design, website that fit on every screen size (tablets, smartphone, desktop and laptop) website that respond to user behaviors Customizable layouts and styles to match the contents Publishing of the final and complete website to the client s web hosting space. Website submission to google, Yahoo and Bing. Any additional services 30$ per hour. EXEMPLES Fully customizable website: website build from ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Lady Brett Essay examples The Characterization of Lady Brett In the novel by Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises, the character named Lady Brett Ashley is assimilated in the words of another character, Mike, with the Greek Goddess Circe. This Goddess is known in Homer s Odyssey for luring men with her irresistible charms and transforming them into animals. If this myth was to partake in reality, it would be without doubt represented in this novel. The majority of men in the story are tormented and subject to Brett s physical and sexual assets. The first characterization we get from her is one of a selfish, alcoholic, manipulative, sexual and evil woman who emasculates her male partners. However, this superficial characterization would ignore the principle ... Show more content on ... His coward actions in Spain are motivated by the desire to possess Brett, but all men in this novel, except for Cohn himself, seem to have understood that she is cannot be possessed. This leads to a complete self destructive and uncontrolled anger which forces Cohn to leave Pamplona and be excluded from the group. It is also pride and control over himself that Cohn has lost to Brett, a display of his loss of masculinity. Finally, this perception of an emasculating woman can be pushed further to one that is seen as a goddess. While in the fiesta in Pamplona, a group of dancers, astonished by her beauty stop and dance around Brett, a scene that resembles many dances of devotions to different gods : Brett want to dance but they did not want want her to. They wanted her as an image to dance around. When the song ended with the sharp riau riau! They rushed us into a wine shop (159). Lady Brett ,also, is the representation of a post war woman. By the strength she brings in this novel, breaking the pre war code of value and role of women, Brett holds a position in this novel which traditional ,at the time, only men held. While Jake is the narrator, it is clear that the main subject of interest is Brett. Her role as the catalyst of the actions defines this central role and mirrors the renew of women after the war. The participation of women in the war, having experienced the same atrocities, gave many of them the claims that led to the first wave of feminism. Lady ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Analysis Of Susan Sontag s Article On Photography Bicky Lenh Vabiana Santos Option 2 In the essay On Photography written in the 1970 s, author Susan Sontag states that photographs really are experience captured and the camera helps us put ourselves into the relation of the photographs. The practice of photography gives us assurance by its accurate relation to reality than any other devices. Sontag sets many insights that still exist in today s photographic society, but it has been modernized into our generation of photographic technology. As Sontag asserts that photographs are a tool that we rely on when we are in doubt of something. During 1871, the camera became a useful tool for controlling surveillance. (167) Today store owners set up video cameras to prevent robberies, shoplifting, etc. We have included this practice to serious matters, such as using photographs in courts to prove innocence, and taking photos at crime scenes to record clues for investigation. Furthermore, it has worked in favor of the public. One recent news that demonstrates this is the UC Davis pepperspray incident. Students were seated, protesting on the pavement on campus. Police then pepper sprayed the students after asking them to leave. The video of the police officer pepperspraying the students went viral on the internet. As soon as the incident was happening, many students quickly pulled out their camera phones and started recording. It allowed the students to capture the abuse of police authority and resulted them ... Get more on ...
  • 20. hip hop Essay Have you ever heard someone say, quot;I hate all music. quot;? Lately though music has been criticized for corrupting teen s minds. Hip Hop is being blamed for all the crimes and murders in cities all over America and heavy metal is being blamed for giving teens only dark images and thoughts in their minds. First we must ask what Hip Hop is to us or to others, who simply don t know or may never feel our movement in society. This form of poetry and story telling has took growth from within a deprived New York neighborhood during 1970s is spread worldwide, even non english speaking countries strive on our message to help their culture the light. Hip Hop has taken my generation in open arms and speaks ... Show more content on ... Whether it is to force a change or to create something new deviance is at a strong high. At the dawn of a new millennium some of society feel the need to express themselves better then the regular norms and leave our mark on the world. As they say the young ones has more to teach then there is to learn. If this is so then why is that no one listens to us, but instead they condemn us saying we are nothing but trouble. The challenges that we are given to don t meet our satisfaction, and this is why we are stubborn because no one listens to words instead society tries to fix our vision by drowning our thoughts. Society is often perceived as a rich and fashionable social class depending on how you want to see it, but to us its just normal people with enough to buy themselves a mask to hide away from conformity, why hide yourselves, when the hip hop culture teachers you to be out spoken and strong within yourselves. The phenomenon of hip hop has spawned a new way of dressing, acting and speaking adopted by young people, especially males. Hip hop and its music and speech patterns known as hip hop or rap or gangsta rap has moved out of the ghettos and into suburban middle class neighborhoods, especially among the young adult of all races in those neighborhoods. Finally, how hip hop/rap /gangsta came to be and what it owes to previous what is real life. ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Alma Monologue Currently I find myself on the planet Almas. It is here that Akial was last spotted. He was teacher at the Jedi academy. Where he most likely lived a leisurely lifestyle. However, after the Republic was brought down, my dear father was pushed to live a life on the run. I first found out about his status as a teacher here on Almas from a couple of wandering tradesmen while I was still enslaved by the Hutts. From the moment the moment the two supposed tradesmen stepped into Oyell the Hutts hall, I knew that both were not accustomed to the roles they were now playing. The one that talked the most was the Chiss, kinda of an arrogant species if you ask me. The other was considerably younger and he was of the human race. They certainly did not carry... Show more content on ... The items Oyell was interested in was the Aquata Breathers, the couple wobble balls and an Imagecaster. All items that are often utilized by the forbidden Jedi. Oyell listened to their limp nagotions before acting on his suspicion that they were actually Jedi trying their hand at a new trade. The fight that ensued was quick, but devastating. We lost seven hired guns, while the arrogant Chiss man was shot through the back of the head by a blaster pistol, he was still swinging his lightsaber when blast hit. He fell otop his lightsaber that was still aglow, chopping his body in half from hip to shoulder. Shortly after the falling of the Chiss man the human dropped his weapon and surrendered. The human was imprisoned with us for over three months according to the Galactic Standard Calendar. I was put in charge of watching over the human, and to report anything he told me. In this time I learned much of the Jedi and their ways. At one point he remarked how he sensed the force was strong in me, but there was also much conflict. I told him he was stupid as an old Gran and if he kept talking such ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Technology And The Field Of Criminal Justice Essay Do you remember when our policemen had to ride around on horses to get from place to place? Most probably have heard about it, but think to themselves all I have ever known as police cars and motorcycles . For over a century the world has been making advances with technology in all areas of life, and the field of criminal justice has not been an exception to this technological advances. These advances in technology has taken the criminal justice field a long way from riding a horse bareback to driving armored cars. These advances along with many others have almost completely changed how things are handled in all aspects of the law. Technology is the persistent application of information in the design, production and use of goods and services, and in the organization of human activities. Criminal Justice is the system of law enforcement, involving police, lawyers, courts, and corrections, used for all phases of criminal procedures and penalty. As technology is used in the organization of human activities and criminal justice deals with the criminal aspects of humans it constantly unites these two things. As technology advances, so will it is use in the field of criminal justice. These advancements are necessary to help keep up with the growing and evolving world, but it is also necessary to make sure that this type of technology does not begin to infringe on a person s individual civil liberties. The 1900s brought on many technology advances regarding the criminal justice ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Mende Man Pieces Together The Story Of Jesus Christ Faith plays an important role in the Mende s road to freedom. When the word faith comes to mind, it is one that concerns a belief in some power and requires perseverance in that belief. The Mende people certainly showed faith in more ways than one, but an example that is true to the definition mentioned before is one where Cinque and one of his fellow Mende look over the Bible. After examining the pictures, the Mende man pieces together the story of Jesus Christ despite knowing very little English. He shows the story to Cinque, and both men see how Jesus had unrightfully died, yet in death he had arrived in a place more beautiful than the world on which he lived. As a response, Cinque and his friend mustered up the faith to propel them... Show more content on ... With faith and hope, they entrusted all communications to Cinque and had faith that he would speak for the best of all the Mende. This faith in Cinque as well as a faith in a better life after the trials brought unity amongst the Mende people. From then on, they become more than just a tribe. Through faith, they had grown close enough to consider one another family. Consequently, family is another prevalent theme in La Amistad. Since the opening scene, the Mende people considered themselves as one tribe, one people, and one family. This was shown when Cinque bloodily unlocks his hand and ankle bindings in the bottom of the Amistad, but he does not stop there. With bloody hands and fatigue overcoming him, he draws out extra strength to free his family around him. In doing so, the Mende stay as one unit and work together to complete a successful insurrection against the ship s crew, so that they can reunite with their beloved family members back in Africa. However, rather than standing still and keeping quiet, they bring their home in Africa to America. They bring the traditions that run in the Mende family and stay faithful in performing those traditions. For example, when one Mende died in the prison, they attempted to hold a customary ritual to show due respect and allow eternal peace for the soul of their recently passed family member. Although the whites opposed them from doing so, the Mende people were fervent about their African duties and respects towards ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Richard Cory Poem Explication I chose this poem because the meaning of it can relate to so many people. Everyone has insecurities, but some of them do very well at hiding them and acting as if they don t care about what people think about those insecurities. But what lots of people don t know is that when others point out those insecurities, they go home and do things that makes the people who said something want to regret saying it. What I like about the poem is that the ending is so unexpected and deep. That is because he would say good morning and talk to the people. Richard Corywalks around his town, trying to strike up conversations with its townspeople, since he s lonely and wants to make a conversation to connect with other people. It could relate to me because... Show more content on ... He did, however, cause a stir of excitement. Robinson also uses a simile when he says And he was rich yes, richer than a king And admirably schooled in every grace which is comparing Richard Cory to royalty serves to create more of a divide between the town people and Richard Cory, and the attitude of the town people isolates Richard in loneliness. This isolation is revealed in the last line of the poem Went home and put a bullet through his head. the figurative language reveals some sensory details the envy of the town people, and makes the isolation that Cory feels even more deadly to make him kill himself. The poetic devices used in Richard Cory includes sound devices, repetition devices, rhyme, and rhythm. The sound devices that stand out are alliteration and consonance. The predominant initial consonant throughout the poem is. Phrases with words in close proximity that start with are whenever Richard Cory went downtown and still we worked and waited for the light. the repetition of the sounds are repetitive. Another use of alliteration would be we people on the pavement, which repeats the letter p for the ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Stephen Hacker Zombies In The Workplace Summary While reading the article, Zombies in the Workplace by Stephen Hacker, it has come to my attention that I may be an infected zombie. I think it developed in the workplace after some of the employees left with zombie like features. The previous employees did not give much positive feedback to the new employees and that they have told me that there isn t much advancement in the workplace. All the employees were friends, but once they started to slowly go for a different job, the others started to become lifeless. They didn t care about what they were doing anymore. They started to cause friction in the kitchen. Soon, the employees that started the zombie like featured were gone, but the virus was still lingering in the air. Not all the employees are like this though. It s a part time job, so of course there will be some zombies forming here and there until they move on to get a better job that fits their ... Show more content on ... Everyone seems to be immune to the virus because they try to make it fun in the kitchen when the going gets tough. During the holidays for example, my boss creates this thanksgiving pizza for everyone in the kitchen. Another example is the gift exchange party they have. Everyone pulls a card out of the hat and gets them the gift. When it s a really good day, there s a lot of goofing off in the kitchen. Hacker s story and Nelson Quick s theories are related due to an emotional and behavioral affect in the workplace. With Hacker s key steps to awakening the zombie infected coworkers, it s like the moods and emotions from chapter 4 in Organizational Behavior. The theory of emotional contagion is similar to the disease that can spread throughout an organization. Since someone in the workplace can spread their negative emotions to others, it can cause the organization to feel down. As long as a positive emotion, mood, or spirit is around, there should be some sort of pulse in the zombie ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Dean Corll and His Accomplice David Brooks Also a very clever thing, Corll forced his victims to call or write to their parents explaining why they just up so parents won t look for them bringing any attention to him. During the years of him murdering young men he often changed addresses. Until he moved to Pasadena in 1973 he had always lived around Houston Heights. a 18 year old college freshman name Jeffrey Komen was corll s victimback on September 25, 1970. Konen disappeared while hitchhiking with another student from the University of Texas to his parents home in Houston he was dropped off alone at the corner of Wertheimer Road and South Voss Road near the Uptown area of Houston. He offered to drive Konen to his parents home. David Brooks told the police to the body of Jeffrey Konen on August 10, 1973. His body was buried at High Island Beach. Forensic scientists concluded that the had died of suffocation caused by physical strangulation and a cloth that was placed in his mouth. His body was found buried beneath a layer of lime, wrapped in plastic ( The Party ). On December 15, 1970, Brooks s lured two 14 year old bo)ys named James Glass and Danny Yates away from a religious rally held near Houston Heights to Corll s apartment. They both were tied to opposite sides of Corll s torture board and then raped strangled and was buried in a boat shed. On August 17, 1971, Corll and Brooks captured a 17 year old boy that was a friend of brooks. His name was Ruben Watson he was walking home from a movie theater in ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Research Paper About Quebec Have you ever visited the city Quebec? It s a old city located in Canada, just barely north of the border. Quebec is an old, city built a long time ago. It has many features, both geographical, and for recreational purposes. Some of the geographical features include big hills, lots of greenery, and a castle that doubles as a hotel too! imageimage In the pictures above, you can see that many of the buildings in Quebec are old timey like. This is likely because Quebec was founded long ago, and no one wanted to get rid of the beautiful structures built long ago. Many other building are like this too. As you can see in the picture above, there is a lot of cool attractions, including this building, which doubles as a historical attraction and ... Show more content on ... My family and I go there every year! It is similar to ACL in Austin, except fancier with more hands on activities. Most of the locals go here, along with some people who travel to Quebec exclusively for this purpose. There are a bunch of bands, and usually couches and carpets that the audience can sit on while watching the bands. Some of the performances are outside, while some of them are in tents to protect the audience from the wind and cold. There are also other booths, like shops and such. My dad and I went in one where they use a green screen to make it look like you re at a concert! There are many things that students can enjoy there. There s many kinds of foods, like escargot, chocolate croissants, and french onion soup. As mentioned earlier, there is also a fancy castle hotel which people can stay in. You can visit stores there which sell all different kinds of products. In Quebec, there are many family attractions, which include fancy family friendly restaurants. There are lots of historical spots and museums, which the family can drop by to receive a quick history lesson. There s also hotels all over, so you won t have a hard time finding a place to stay. I say that Quebec is a great place to visit, both historically and recreationally. See you there ... Get more on ...
  • 28. John Stuart Mill Tyranny Of Majority 1.Introduction There are different and various groups who have their own interest and agenda. One of the values that a democratic system tries to achieve is equal representation to all of the groups that it embraces. However, people often fear whether a particular group will project more influence than others. Due to the nature of democratic system where the decision is made according to the majority rule, many critics argue the possibility of tyranny by majority where the group with the most number of members rules in favor of its preference over the interests of other groups who are considered to be minority with less members. Furthermore, people fear whether such majority favored interest will be forced up on minority groups who do not agree with such view of the majority. Such takeover of majority in politics is what we call tyranny of majority However, others believe that minority group can also become a tyrant in a society, triumphing over the majority of a society. Contrary to the widespread fear of... Show more content on ... This again poses another need to set the boundary for enforcing majority opinion over other individuals whose independence should also get respectable recognition. While this is a topic that is neglected by many democratic systems, Mill laid out the central argument to his essay that interfering individual liberty by others or society as a whole can only be allowed under self protection when the individual in concern poses a threat to others. Other than such circumstance, he strongly believed in the minimum level of enforcement of majority opinion on the minority, saying that Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign. Which highlights the importance of one s sovereignty over his or her body and ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Making Of Eco Friendly Flowers Through Recycling Of... J Nae Wong Professor Finck English 1102 A12 March 10, 2017 Project: Making of Eco friendly Flowers through Recycling of Disposable Plastic Cups Essay In line with the current trends of climate change, there is great need to protect the environment we live in. Some of the actions we take towards environmental protection may have a plan to safeguard the environment whereas others might do so automatically even if our intentions were to achieve something else. What does this mean? The answer is simple; some of the projects we embark on follow the concept of Collins and Scott, where nature participates in its evolution without our direct intervention. In my project, I intend to make decorative flowers from disposable plastic cups, which I ... Show more content on ... In my project, I intend to make several flowers of different shapes and sizes from the plastic cups with the aim of taking them to the market for sale. The task will be very easy considering that the labor will be cheap and the equipments needed for successful execution will just be ordinary tools found around our houses. The jobless, younger generation will form part of my working team and together, I believe we will be able to collect huge piles of plastic cups from household solid wastes and make a considerable number of decorative flowers for sale. While carrying out the project, I look forward to liaise with other concerned individuals, groups, or organizations that will facilitate its growth and ensure that any good objective, planned or unplanned for the project, is attainable at the end of the day. For example, I will expect to work with environmental movements and groups that will ensure segregation of the plastics takes place from other wastes and availed accordingly at my working station. According to Rich (120), waste segregation is an important element of waste management and the management of plastic wastes is a very difficult process considering the fact that plastics do not decompose like the biodegradable wastes. In addition, I will anticipate working with persons from other fields such as entrepreneurs, marketers, and so forth. Collaborating with ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Relation Between Stock Returns And Economic Growth Many investors when making a decision regarding investing in a other country take into account certain factors which may play a very important role or may affect their future returns. Standard economics theory suggests that over the long run, profits or returns should rise in line with the economy/ economic growth, which is also the view point of many investors when making a decision. Although the long run research and studies conducted by different economists gives a very different picture of the relationship between stock returns and economic growth, but very little empirical evidences to support the view with. Many economists and researchers supported the view that, stock returns and economic growth does not have a positive ... Show more content on ... Jay.R Ritter in his research said that the main reason for a negative correlation between the two factors, according to him during high growth rate periods markets usually assign a high price /Earning and price to dividend multiples and which then lowers the realized returns because now more capital is required from the investors to in order to receive the same level of earning s and dividends from stocks. From all these studies and empirical evidence it can be concluded that stock returns and economic growth are not related but have a negative correlation. Ho= no correlation between economic growth and stock return. H1= there is a relation between economic growth and stock returns On the other hand the results for interest rates give the same type of results. The basic classical economics model suggests that there is a relationship between interest rates and economic growth. Usually reduction in the interest rates cause the level of growth to increase, this is because a reduction in interest rates makes borrowing more cheaper and encourages in investment in the economy, which eventually increases the growth rate. However, an increase in interest rates has an opposite effect on economic growth. According to (Suntum, 2008) high interest rated discourage investment as it s more tempting to rather save the money and earn a decent interest rate, thus making the aggregate demand to fall which then badly affects the economic growth of ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Impact Of Cultural Dimensions On The Emerging... Every organization has a culture that focuses on social integration, motivation and commitment to help accomplish goals and innovation while increasing productivity and competitive advantage. The complex nature of organizations forces one to analyze the internal behaviors that are perceived as the norms in the environment, thus creating a culture that is embraced whether intentionally or unintentionally by the people of the organization. To add, interacting across cultures and within international organizations can be challenging due to the complexities of multicultural situations. Hence, this dissertation will discuss the impact of cultural dimensions on the emerging leadership development and operation of an international joint venture with Russia. Russia is a country that is culture and historically filled with dramatic turning points. The country has made significant strides both economically and politically to attract business opportunities such as a joint venture; however, the country s policies could potential affect growth. Furthermore, initiating a joint venture with another oil company within the country may prove to challenging if there is no clear understanding of culture. This essay will discuss the research results from the consultant s perspective on Russia, as well as the impact of cultural dimensions on the emerging leadership development and operation of the joint venture in Russia. Case background Alpha Oil and Gas (AOG) is an 18 month old ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Revolt And The Sepoy Rebellion Throughout the year s many historians have compilated and examined why Indian people were so desperate to gain back their independence from the British Empire during their rule over India, from 1612 to 1947. The reasoning can most definitely be found as the British discriminated against Indian people as they believe that they were inferior; it is no surprise that Indian people fought so hard for their independence. Throughout the British Raj, they placed and put forward unbelievably racist acts and laws which discriminated against Indian people. Which of course led to Indian s rebelling against the British rule and thus many massacres and rebellions occurred during their ruling. Thus, answering why Indian people fought so desperately for... Show more content on ... Herbert Asquith, the Liberal Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, clearly believed that the massacre was catastrophic and sinful, there has never been such an incident in the whole annals of Anglo Indian history nor, I believe, in the history of our Empire from its very inception down to the present day ... It is one of the worst outrages in the whole of our history (AP reference). Though all Dyer could say in his defence was my duty... my horrible, dirty duty. (AP REFERENCE). Some say, with fair reasoning, that this massacre was the turning point for modern India, some even saying that this was the prelude to Gandhi s commitment to his cause (Pletcher, n.d.). The cause of the Sepoy Rebellion, the first serious rebellion the British faced, can be traced back to the unfair mistreatment of Indian soldiers in the British India Army, as the British greased the Lee Enfield rifle with animal fat which was highly offensive to their religious beliefs. As well as this, the wealth annexation in 1856 of Oudh (Heitzman Worden, n.d.). The rebel soldiers marched to the Delhi and offered their service to the Mughal Emperor was another spark leading to the rebellion. Both the British and the Indians suffered enormous loss. A drawing made by Captain George Franklin Atkinson, a British Officer, also in the background of the lithograph what appears to look like Delhi can be seen (AP REFERENCE). The Rebellion ended on May 21, 1859, with the British winning (Heitzman ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Tupua Persuasive Essay Tuvalu, a small island with a population of less than 11,000, is on it s way to sinking. The island has been struggling to keep it s inhabitants safe from it s rising waters for many years now, but it had gotten to the point where their plight can no longer be ignored. With the climate1 continuously on the rise due to high CO2 2 emission rates, from countries such as China and the United States, there has also been an increase in ocean acidification3 and ocean water levels4. These consequences both have had an adverse effect on the islandof Tuvalu. As the water levels rise the island, which at it s highest point is roughly 15 feet above water, more and more of the island is flooded and deemed inhabitable. This negatively affects the inhabitant s ability to grow crops and have property. The island s main form of protection from storms were the coral atolls off the coast, but ocean acidification... Show more content on ... The issue is that most countries think of this as an economic venture. Considering the fact that Tuvalu is a small island, which only exports fish and coconuts (and mainly to just islands around them), with little business connections there aren t really any economic benefits to its existence. So consequently to countries like the US, China, Saudi Arabia, and India there is no real economic harm to Tuvalu sinking. However, there are real economic damages to trying to save Tuvalu. For the aforementioned countries they mainly thrive on the emission of greenhouse gases5, specifically carbon dioxide. From coal burning power plants to vehicle exhaust the countries are completely reliant on process and machines that release unhealthy gases. Attempting to remove theses process would require a large amount of money on cleaner energy sources that all have their own downfalls that make them less attractive. And ultimately this has led to the countries lack of desire to lower their emission ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Human Brain Is Amazing The human brain is amazing. It detects and processes things when people don t even realize it. One of these things is sound. People hear sounds all the time, whether they are conscious of it or not. They hear meaning they detect sound and understand what they detect. Sound is everywhere in the human life: the beep of an alarm clock, the whirr of a fan, the rumble of thunder, the chirp of the birds, the whine of an ambulance, the sizzle of a frying bacon, the clicking of a keyboard, the buzz of a cellphone, the patter of rain, or the flap of a flag in the wind. People cannot even hide from it in their sleep. The only place a person would not hear sound would be in outer space, but that would be only if they were without a spacesuit, and,... Show more content on ... The particles of the medium do not move permanently from their position (SantoPietro, 2013); however, the particles adjacent to the object begin to move back and forth too, almost like a guard on duty pacing back and forth, who, although he moves back and forth, does not move far from the initial position. As these particles move back and forth, they bump into more particles, and the process continues for a certain distance, depending on how hard they are vibrating. This process of transferring the energy is called a sound wave. According to David SantoPietro (2013), Wavescan transport energy through a medium without transporting the medium itself . In other words, a wave does not transport particles, it transports energy through the particles. Although many people think of an ocean wave when they think of a wave, which is composed of water particles and primarily transports energy from wind, waves carry many more types of energy than people realize sound and light, for examples. In addition, there are two types of waves: electromagnetic and mechanical. Electromagnetic waves can transport energy through a vacuum (an empty space with no matter), while mechanical waves cannot transport energy through a vacuum. Light is an example of an electromagnetic wave, while sound is a mechanical wave. Then there are three subtypes of waves: transverse, surface, and longitudinal. In a transverse wave, particles oscillate perpendicular to the direction they are ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Economic Decisions Paper How People Make Economic Decisions Paper Eco/212 September 28, 2010 Making Economic Decisions Economic decisions made by individuals can affect the economy. The principles of individual decision making include people being rational, economic incentives, and optimal decisions made at the margin. Trading the three economic systems are market economy, centrally planned economy, and mixed economy. Each contains their own attributes on how they contribute to an economy. The current economic systemin the United States is a mixed economy. Individual Decision making People try to be rational. It means that economists assume that consumers and firms use all available information as they act to achieve their goals. Rational ... Show more content on ... Opportunity cost is the highest valued alternative that must be given up to engage in an activity (Hubbard, amp; O Brien, 2010). In some respect, it is an individual s marginal cost versus marginal benefit. Questions such as what is to be produced, how will it be produced, who is receiving the goods need to be answered. Types of Economies These questions are answered by different kind of economies. The general population drives market economies. Goods and services are in supply as much as they are in demand unless there is some sort of constraint. Government drives centrally planned economies as they dictate how much of a product and service are produced. These economies are usually run by dictatorships or communism. Last, there is mixed economy. The United States is a mixed economy as the general population runs the market demand and supply. However, the government regulates some products and goods. Government intervention has occurred recently after the British Petroleum oilrig exploded off the shore of Louisiana. President Obama placed a ban on any further offshore drilling sites close to the coast. We ve placed a six month moratorium on drilling new deepwater oil and gas wells in the Outer Continental Shelf (Obama, 2010). This may raise costs in oil products in the future because of a shorter supply. Summary Economic decisions come with an opportunity cost. Individuals need ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Elizabeth Bennet Dynamic In the novel, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen writes a story that depicts a society during the Regency Period. The Regency Period is the time when people started to expand the colonial system through the use of their profits from the Industrial Revolution. The Regency Period is displayed through Austen s use of a middle class family, the Bennet family. In the book, the author writes about various characters with contrasting personalities. No one character can resemble another since they are all different in their own ways. One character that stood out the most was Elizabeth Bennet because of our similar personalities and her dynamic role in the story. As the novel progressed, it was obvious to me that I closely identified with Elizabeth s ... Show more content on ... During the beginning of the book, Elizabeth s confidence in her own judgments resulted in a poorly made, preconceived idea of Mr. Darcy. Upon their initial meeting, Mr. Darcy came off as a high handed, arrogant man. Because of this, Elizabeth based her judgment of him on their first encounter. In Chapter 3, after the two were acquainted, Darcy said to Mr. Bingley, She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me (13). This comment made Elizabeth feel that she had been disrespected by Darcy, causing her to establish a poor judgment of him based on this rude remark he had made. As the story continued Elizabeth s judgment remained unyielding. She was quick to believe anything that would maintain the idea that Mr. Darcy was a cold man. In Chapter 16, Elizabeth meets a man named Mr. Wickham and quickly sees that the two have something in common: their hatred toward Darcy. As Wickham and Elizabeth talked, Mr. Darcy became the topic of conversation. Wickham told Elizabeth a story establishing why he hates Darcy; he claimed that Darcy s father promised him the next presentation of the best living in his gift (120). Wickham then states that Darcy did not allow for Wickham to obtain his inheritance due to his hatred toward him. Elizabeth s ignorance and hatred toward Darcy caused her to easily believe the stories that Wickham shared ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Theme Of Betrayal In Jane Eyre In the novel, Jane Eyre, by Charlotte BrontГ« there were many incidents that had affected the overall plot of the book. Sometimes an author adds certain events or ideas to help accentuate the plot. In this novel there is a recurring theme of betrayal. The one that seems to be affected by the curse of betrayal the most is the main character, Jane Eyre, herself. Her first encounter with betrayal came about when she was still just a child. And as she grew older and experienced the world new ways unlike before, she could never escape the curse of betrayal. Jane s first encounter with betrayal was when she was still a child and her Uncle Reed brought her along to live with him and his family in Gateshead, after Jane s parents had passed away. Jane s Uncle Reed had promised to raise her as if she were one of his own children. However, this only lasted until Uncle Reed passed away. After Jane s uncle had passed, Jane s aunt and her three children had mistreated her and in some cases physically abused. On one particular day she was minding her own business whilst reading Bewick s History of British Birds, her obnoxious cousin John Reed was looking for Jane. Once he finds her, he treats her as if she was inferior to him, he wants his cousin to refer to him as Master Reed. This already not being indicative of raising Jane as one of their own, her cousin John continues to undermine her even more and takes the book from her and ends up throwing it at her causing her to get a cut by ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Beloved Essay, Toni Morrison Freeman McLean April 22, 2014 ENGL 112.003 African American Communities in Beloved Thesis: Toni Morrison focuses on negative impact of slavery on the well being of African American communities throughout her novel Beloved by depicting the damage done, its effects on individual characters, and the renewal of community. 1. The enforcement of slavery has destroyed black communities and families 1. Families throughout Beloved were split due to slavery 2. The community of 124 abandons its members 1. Characters are negatively impacted by the lack of community 1. The deeds and traits of Six o compared to the rest of the men living at Sweet Home 2. Denver and Sethe s lack of identity due to a lacking ... Show more content on ... Stamp Paid confronted the wickedness of having a fellow black live in a empty lonesome cellar, another example of the pain the community inflicts upon itself. They not only alienate Sethe and her family, but Paul D for having relations with them. The community was longing for Sethe to come on difficult times (155 Hinson), and Paul D was only another target for the community s anger. Hajer Ayadi theorizes here that instead of taking care of a fellow ex slave Paul D, the community once again fails to perform its role (Ayadi, 265). Slavery destroyed African American communities, specifically Bluestone, and the damage is evident when Sethe takes Beloved s life. The circumstances leading to the event is most important however. When Sethe arrived at Bluestone all mashed up and split open carrying newborn Beloved, Stamp Paid sets out to collect to bucket fulls of blackberries (Morrison, 159). Sethe matches the buckets of fruit with chickens, fish, turkeys, and a list of other items. The community quickly grows malice towards Baby Suggs grand display of wealth. Too much, they thought. Where does she get it all...It made them furious (Morrison, 161). The community was envious of how well Baby Suggs was doing. For Baby Suggs to have so much were His [God s] powers they did not belong to an ex slave who had probably never carried one hundred pounds to the scale...lashed by a ten year old whiteboy as God knows they ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Sniper Essay The Sniper The Sniper places a strong emphasis on the evils of war, and yet paints a vivid image of mankind s qualities and their society. Employing the technique of describing one particular sniper to symbolise a general subject, readers are able to gain a deep insight into the evils of war. In this story, the assembly of setting, contrasting characters and themes of fanaticism and division of loyalties are vital to conveying the horror of war. On the other hand, The Sniper also discusses the power of war, depicting it as the decider of life and death for men. Its force is further emphasised when neighbours are turned into enemies under war s influence. The setting of the story, Dublin, has been written in such a way that only ... Show more content on ... Characters in ВЎВ§The SniperВЎВЁ are limited in terms of type and variety to show that war brings out only people who possesses a passion to kill and have the courage to be killed. The story focuses on only one sniper and we, the readers use the incident from his point of view. The only characters that are mentioned are the sniper, another sniper, his enemy and an old woman. Apart from the old woman, all other characters are men who represent figures of war and are present to do nothing but kill. They are seekers of death and bring about a web of deaths. The manner in which these men ВЎВ§reignВЎВЁ over the city by killing, and that ordinary dwellers are imprisoned within their homes for fear of death shows the evil impacts of war. The theme of death and violence is another important segment in indicating the evils of war. Each individual is engaged in killing their enemies and struggling for their own lives. As seen through the view of the sniper, the peopleВЎВ¦s lives are centred around killing and death. Lifestyle, even to the extent of lighting a cigarette becomes risky and could lead to death. Citizens are forced to be locked in their homes for fear of being shot. The incident, where an old woman is hot by the sniper, who is then injured by his enemy is an example of warВЎВ¦s destructive nature. The loss of innocent ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Death Penalty Is Wrong Sean Shen Mr. Todd Languages and Literature, E 8, Research Paper April 20th 2018 The Death Penalty is Wrong The death penalty has been considered one of the most severe punishments by governments. However, recently, many people have rebelled against the death penalty. The death penaltyis an act that is similar to being ruled under fascism instead of democracy. Under the rule of democracy, citizens are responsible for the acts of other fellow citizens, which can be inferred that crime is caused by the lack of responsibility in society. The victim s loved ones suffer due to the victim s death. It is understandable that they would want the murderer dead, but society often does not work that way. People need to think on behalf of the society. ... Show more content on ... First of all, the opposing view states that if the death penalty did not exist, then it could have a tremendous effect on society. However, that is not true. If there were no death penalty, we would still have other punishments that were used like life imprisonment. There are other forms of physical punishment such as whipping. This type of punishment would be able to take the place of the death penalty because the death penalty is just too extreme. In truth, criminals need a second chance in their life for them to succeed. Here is a quote: Hoang Vu (attempted murderer) and Terrell Carswell (cocaine trafficking and robbery) were next, pulling Burden off the deputy while David Schofield (aggravated assault and battery) grabbed Moon s radio and called for help. ( This shows how a prisoner who has committed a crime helps the officers in prison. If they had a second chance to integrate into society, they would live better lives without damaging society. If we look at the problem on behalf of society, isn t it one of our responsibilities to forgive rather than taking everything from them? A democratic society is when you are responsible for other people s ... Get more on ...
  • 41. A History of Submissive Women in Literature The feminine gender has long been one that has been repressed throughout history and forced to acclimate itself to a world dominated by men. Although major improvements have been made in the strife for equality, this continues to be a man s world. In the short stories The Chrysanthemums and A Rose for Emily, as well as in the drama A Doll s House, the protagonists are all frustrated women who are unfulfilled with their subservient lives. Partly imposed upon them by their setting s historical and societal norms, they choose to either do something about it or continue to internalize their dissatisfaction. When analyzing these pieces of literature, it becomes quite obvious which of the protagonists fall under the category of those... Show more content on ... According to Elizabeth Hardwick, Nora is intrinsically independent and free spirited from the very beginning of the play (294). Unni LangГҐs also wrote an essay on Ibsen s drama and about Nora s specific motives. He wrote, When she performs acts that are generally reserved for men, or withdraws from practices associated with women, she shows the gender attribution of these acts to be social constructions and thereby contests their reified status (157). So, LangГҐs claims that Nora s rebellion and discontent began long before she literally walked out on Trovald, her husband. The events that eventually unfolded at the end of the play and that lead her to finally leave her husband were just those last straws that broke the camel s back. Before her final stage exit, Ibsen has Nora say, For eight years I have been patiently waiting, enforcing this idea of long lived frustration (3.1107). Again, this idea of the rebellious woman at the end of the nineteenth century was not only reserved to post Civil War America as was the case with Emily Grierson. Nora Helmer and her insurgence, against all ethical and moral norms of society at the time, did not go unnoticed in Northern Europe. According to Marilyn Yalom, The idea that a respectable woman should renounce her role as wife and mother, leave her husband and children, and strike out on her own was seen ... Get more on ...
  • 42. F Scott Fitzgerald Use Figurative Language In The Great... F. Scott Fitzgerald was one of the best writers of his time from, This side of Paradise , to, The Great Gatsby . F. Scott Fitzgerald also used figurative language to catch readers attention with words that better understand. In chapter 3 of The Great Gatsby, F. scott Fitzgerald utilizes Polysyndeton and Imagery to illustrate better understand the concept of the book. F. Scott Fitzgerald utilized polysyndeton to connect sentences,and give the reader better understanding of the story.In chapter 3 page 39 it says, An extra gardener tailed all day with mops and scrubbing brushes and hammer and garden shears, and repairing the ravages of the night before. This shows that Fitzgerald used this sentence to put it all together and explain how they clean Gatsby s and how rich he was to prepare cleaners every single night of the party. Also it was the best way to utilized many sentences into one.In chapter 3 page 40 it says In the main hall a bar with a real brass rail was set up, and stocked with gins and liquors and with cordials so long forgotten that most of his female guests... Show more content on ... Scott Fitzgerald used Imagery to illustrate better vision for The Great Gatsby and show the book in the way it was supposed to be shown. In chapter 3 page 39, His raft or taking the sun on the hot sand of his beach while his two motorboats slit the waters of the sound, drawing aquaplanes over cataracts of foam. This is explaining to us how rich Gatsby is, and showing us that the Gatsby house is really big and the backyard is beach with motorboats.Fitzgerald used this Imagery to explain Gatsby big house. In chapter 3 page 39 it says, On the weekends his rolls royce became an omnibus, bearing parties to and from the city, between nine in the morning and long past midnight, while his station wagon scampered like a brisk yellow bug to meet all trains. Fitzgerald used this Imagery to show us and explain the setting of the morning and the location of the ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Analysis Of Genre And Context Of The Gospel Of Matthew Genre Context The Gospel According to Matthew is the first book of the New Testament in the Bible, and is a Gospel narrative. The narratives provided by the Gospels in the New Testament are here to provide us with descriptions of the life, death, and resurrection of our savior Jesus Christ, as well as to share His teachings. Like any other narrative, it is important to understand the historical and literary contexts surrounding the Gospelof Matthew, as well as the importance and significance of Matthew itself. As a Gospel, Matthew is here to present us with the narrative of JesusChrist as our Messiah, as promised in the Old Testament Prophesy. While it is important to evaluate the extensive context surrounding the narrative of Matthew, the meaning behind the narrative can be found through relating it to the various events that are described in the other Gospels. By comparing the Gospels, it is easy to evaluate the underlying meaning and significance, within the context of the Gospels. Because the Gospels were written as narratives to provide us with information on the life and death of Jesus Christ, and all that happened in between, it is important to compare the different accounts described in the Gospels whenever possible. In doing so, it is possible to examine the Gospels within the appropriate context. With 4 Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John), it is important to compare them with one another in order to further evaluate the importance of Jesus Christ, as he is the ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Poverty And Inequality In Ethiopia Statement of the Problem Poverty and inequality are a concern to both developing and developed nations across the world (Melamed, 2014; Shepherd et al., 2014). These problems are more serious in developing countries like Ethiopia (UNDP, 2013). Poverty is so widespread and prevalent in Ethiopia that the country is amongst the poorest nations in the world (UNDP, 2013). Recently, Ethiopian government claimed that poverty and inequality are declining in all regions (MoFED, 2013). However, empirical literature shows that poverty, in general, and chronic and transitory poverty, in particular, have long history in rural areas and show growing trends (Adugna, 2012). For sustained fight against rural poverty and inequality; and for realization of poverty and inequality free Ethiopia, there is a need to design pro poor and location specific poverty and inequality reduction ... Show more content on ... In large part, this has reflected the emerging understanding that, in order to reduce poverty, policymakers need information on both the current incidence of poverty and also the magnitude of the threat of poverty, measured ex ante (Calvo and Dercon, 2005). Such a perspective implicitly recognises that poverty is a stochastic phenomenon. To that end, while the current incidence of poverty is a critical indicator of wellbeing it provides limited foresight into future poverty. Rather, whether a household is likely to fall into poverty in the future is also determined by its exposure to a variety of different shocks as well as its ability to effectively cope in the face of shocks. Yet little empirical work has been done that examines the vulnerability of households in Melanesian countries, such as Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands to experiencing povetry. This is despite the fact that both countries are renowned for being acutely vulnerable to economic and environmental shocks at a national ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Were You Fired Due To Your Pregnancy Essay Were You Fired Due To Your Pregnancy? Federal and state laws protect the rights of pregnant workers and ensure that employers treat them the same as all other workers and that their work affairs remain free of prejudice in all areas of employment. Although highly publicized, pregnancy discrimination cases keep occurring by the thousands each year. At the forefront of pregnancyprotection is the Pregnancy Discrimination Act ( PDA ) which amended Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 ( Title VII ). PDA prohibits discrimination against a job applicant or employee based on pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions. This means that you may not be treated unfavorably due to your pregnancy, childbirth or a medical condition ... Show more content on ... It is also unlawful to harass an employee due to her pregnancy, childbirth or medical condition related to her pregnancy or childbirth. Such harassment includes verbal abuse or insults and is illegal when it reaches a level that is frequent or severe which creates a hostile or offensive work environment. It also becomes harassment if it results in adverse employment decision either voluntarily or involuntarily. In many cases the harasser is not only the victim s supervisor but also may be a supervisor in another area, a co worker, or a client/customer. PDA also allows disabled pregnant employees to take disability leave or leaves without pay if such allowance is made to other temporarily disabled employees. Under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act ( FMLA ), new parents (including foster and adoptive parents) are eligible for 12 weeks of leave to care for the new child. To be eligible, the employee must have worked for the employer for 12 months prior to taking the leave and the employer must have a specified number of employees. Additional rights under FMLA include the right to express milk in the workplace. PDA s state counterpart is California s Fair Employment and Housing Act ( FEHA ) in the form of the Pregnancy Disability Leave Law ( PDLL ) while FMLA s state ... Get more on ...