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Reasons Why Gay Marriage Should Be Legal
Crafting an essay on the topic of why gay marriage should be legal involves navigating through
a complex landscape of societal norms, legal frameworks, and deeply ingrained beliefs. The
difficulty arises not just from presenting a compelling argument but also from addressing the
diverse perspectives surrounding the issue. The topic inherently involves discussions about
equality, human rights, and the intersection of personal beliefs with public policy.
One challenge lies in researching and presenting well-founded reasons that appeal to a broad
audience, irrespective of their stance on the matter. Striking a balance between emotional appeal
and logical reasoning becomes crucial to foster understanding and empathy. Additionally, the
essay should acknowledge historical context, legal developments, and evolving societal attitudes
towards LGBTQ+ rights.
Treading the fine line between expressing one's opinions and maintaining objectivity poses
another challenge. It is essential to present a well-reasoned, evidence-based argument while
being sensitive to the diversity of opinions. Navigating through potential biases, stereotypes, and
misconceptions surrounding the topic requires careful consideration and thorough research.
Furthermore, framing the essay in a way that fosters constructive dialogue rather than
perpetuating divisive rhetoric is vital. The goal is not just to argue for the legalization of gay
marriage but also to encourage open-mindedness and inclusivity in the reader.
In conclusion, composing an essay on why gay marriage should be legal demands a nuanced
approach, involving extensive research, thoughtful consideration of opposing viewpoints, and
skillful navigation of emotional and logical elements. It's a task that goes beyond presenting facts
and figures; it requires weaving a narrative that engages the reader and promotes understanding.
If you find yourself struggling with such essays or need assistance with various writing tasks, a
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Reasons Why Gay Marriage Should Be Legal EssayReasons Why Gay Marriage Should Be
Legal Essay
Metropolitan Museum Of Art Exhibition Report
Exhibition Critique
Essay II
Larah Davenport
ART 200 (Corbin)
October 29, 2015
For this project I visited multiple online museums, but decided on The Metropolitan
Museum of Art, National Gallery of Art, and the Art Institute of Chicago. Three
pieces of artwork that I found to be interesting to me and that caught my eye are The
Harvesters by Pieter Bruegel the Elder found at, Open
Window, Collioure by Henri Matisse found at, and Christ
Washing the Feet of His Disciples by Nicolas Bertin found at
There are a lot of pieces of art to choose from in each museum, so I had to figure out
a way to narrow it down to three. While browsing through ... Show more content on ...
Bertin tended to paint pictures of subject who are religious, mythological, and
allegorical. This painting in particular portrays Christ washing Saint Peter s feet
right after the Last Supper. There is a strong focal point in this painting and it is
the man standing in the red robe with his hand on his chest. There is also a lot of
activity in this painting as well because there is Christ to the left washing the feet
surrounded by his disciples, the women in the background at the table, and the man
to the right fixing his shoe. Bertin used a lot of facial expressions for each of the
people in this painting from puzzled to humiliation. The size of this oil on panel
painting is 1 ft 7.5 inches by 2 ft 4.75
Comparison Of Short And Long Term Memory
Inside out Paper
After a memory is created it is important to know how our brain stores these
memories (Mohs, 2007). In this paper, the importantance of comparing short term
memory to long term memory will be analyzed. Throughout life we have millions of
memories, but the different steps of short and long term memory help us filter those
memories (Mohs, 2007). As our brain sorts through the memories to preserve, it
begins the process of filtering them from short to long term. Short term memory is
held for short periods of time before being discarded or moved to long term memory.
Short term memory is also referred to as working memory. When additional
information is added to the basic thought or short term memory it is then transferred
into long term memory. Long term memory is the final step in retaining information
for longer periods of time (Rahtus, 2010).
Short term memory is gathered and used for brief amounts of time. As a result, it
will decline rapidly from our brain within a few moments. Items can be retained in
short term memory when strategies such as rehearsal are implemented (Ruthus,
2010). Daily routines including: school, work and, play involve short term memory.
Southtree states, that people have an average of 70,000 thoughts during our wake
and sleep cycles (Macco s, 2017). Our brain immediately begins to filter these
thoughts to forget or to use in short term. As Riley initially began looking at her
room, she started to place her furniture in the space
Baseball Is One Of America s Greatest Pastimes And The...
Baseball is one of America s greatest pastimes and an iconic game that captures the
imaginations of all age groups. Today, baseball is one of the most popular sports in
the world and the aura of the game brings people together from many diverse
backgrounds across the globe. There are many different elements that bring fans to
the ballpark to watch their favorite teams and many of these elements are not directly
correlated with the on field action of the game. The atmosphere at a baseballgame is
fun, relaxing, and enjoyable because of the numerous attractions especially in the
new modern ballparks across America. There is the food attraction which has
become a staple across American dining cuisine simply know as ballpark food....
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Major League Baseball continues to adapt to the ever changing technological
landscape as the fan s attention span gets shorter the more and more options teams
have to present in terms of connect ability and entertainment. One common
explanation is that in an age of ever increasing speed and shrinking attention spans,
the pace of baseball games is just too slow (Taylor). The attempt to link technology to
a Major League fan to the live action is what top baseball executives are determined
to achieve while gaining critical customer relationship management data. CRM
generates an organization s sales leads, marketing targets, and many other important
tools utilized throughout the business processes.
Nowadays, fans can buy their tickets on an MLB team s website, follow the tweets
of players, like behind the scenes photos a team posts on Facebook, comment on a
manager s moves on team supervised blogs and get updates on open seats, new
merchandise and weather for the first pitch. In turn, teams hope that by
communicating through social media outlets, they can better know their fans and
build a loyal customer base, win or lose (McKeon).
John Bowlby s Influence On Children s Development
John Bowlby s work in attachment has been the foundation when determining the
attcahments and bonds that a child and parent may experience (Webb, 2011).
According to Bowlby, attachment is referring to a lasting, mutual bond of affection
that is dependent on an individual or more than one person (Webb, 2011).
Establishing a secure attachment during infancy and early childhood is an important
task of a parent or a caregiver. Not all parents or caregivers can provide their child
with a secure attachment at this important in life due to various reasons. Since
parents are the main providers in their child s development of attachment, their lives
and history has a great influence on their children s lives. One psychosocial factor is
the family s socioeconomic status. Socioeconomic statuses has been researched to be
on of the most influential factors in rather or not a family will succeed or face
challenges, it can be a determinant in the development of mental health, physical
health, and emotional health. A parent s educational level, their occupation, and
income could place the family in either a beneficial or hindering situation, in return,
affecting the way a parent could establish attachment with their child. For example, a
single parent raising their child and having to manage two jobs, could result in
limited attachment to their parent or primary caregiver. Parental stress and their
adverse childhood experiences is another psychosocial factor which can determine a
child s
Where Sweatshops Are a Dream
Rhetorical Analysis
Where Sweatshops Are A Dream In his New York Times opinion column, Where
Sweatshops Are a Dream , writer Nicholas D. Kristof uses his experience living in
East Asia to argue his positive outlook on sweatshops. Kristof wants to persuade his
audience, Obama and his team, along with others who are for labor standards , that
the best way to help people in poor countries is to promote manufacturing there, not
campaign against them. He uses Phnom Penh as an example to show why working in
the sweatshops is a dream for the families there. They would rather work at a
sweatshop than stay in the dangerous garbage dump, searching for something to
recycle for change. The writer establishes credibility through his experience ... Show
more content on ...
This affirms his solution, which is to promote manufacturing in poor countries. In the
third paragraph of his argument he used figurative language to really describe the
horrible conditions these families in Phnom Penh lived in. Kristof used both
metaphors and alliteration to really give the audience clear visuals of the garbage
dump. One of the metaphors is, It s a mountain of festering refuse , which translates
to piles of rotting wastes. By writing metaphorically it creates a much more vivid
and exaggerated image in our mind. Another metaphor he used was, The miasma of
toxic stink... (Paragraph 3, pg. 109) which vividly describes the harmful vapors from
the decomposing garbage. Continuing that last sentence ... toxic stink leaves you
gasping, breezes batter you with filth, and even the rats look forlorn (paragraph 3, pg.
109 in), is an example of alliteration. These visual statements (metaphors and
alliteration) help Kristof convince his audience that sweatshops are a better option, a
way out of poverty. Throughout Kristof s argument he appeals to both logic and
emotions. One example of logos is when he talks about how he was asked if he
would want to work in a sweatshop. Of course his answer was no, but he then says
he would rather do that then pull a rickshaw. This displays logic because even
though a job at a sweatshop is not
Ethics Of The Chicago Heat Wave
An Ethical Analysis of the Chicago Heat Wave MPH 603 Ethical Political Issues in
public Health Benedictine University Salma Ali Abstract The 1995 Chicago Heat
Wave was the worst weather related disaster in the United States. Temperatures rose
to dangerous high records which cost the lives of over 700 people. The conditions
that contributed to such a high death toll were not just from the natural disaster, but
lack of proper planning. Unfortunately the city of Chicago had no official weather
disaster plan in place to handle the crisis. The failures of that day illustrate that
officials, the media, and the community did not fulfill their ethical responsibility to
save the lives that were lost. In his book Heat Wave Eric... Show more content on ...
Any ethical evaluation must describe, specify, evaluate, synthesize, provide
recommendations and monitor any intervention. Unfortunately, during the
Chicago heat wave of 1995 many minority communities were neglected and there
was a collective failure of key members due to lack of communication, loss of
electricity and lack of awareness. The case study by Klinenberg will use ethical
principles and the systematic framework to highlight what went wrong and what
could have been done differently. Description Specification Heat waves are often
overlooked as an important natural disaster because they do not have the
immediate effects of other disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes. However, over
the last fifteen years, more people have died from heat waves compared to all other
weather related disasters combined (Institute of Medicine and National Research
Council, 2005). Heat waves are more dangerous in cities like Chicago because the
buildings and paved roads stores heat and it dissipate very slowly (Institute of
Medicine and National Research Council, 2005). The Chicago heat wave resulted in
temperatures of 106 degrees and the actual heat index was almost 126 degrees. As a
result of these high temperatures and humidity, over 700 people were left dead in
The Distillation Dream Team Co
The Distillation Dream Team Co.в„ў BREAKING NEWS: METEOROLOGIST
STATES! CALIFORNIA ALREADY HARD HIT! Currently in the Western United
States, the country is going through a major drought crisis. California reaches
worst level; as it spreads to the Western states. More than 58 percent of the state
was in an exceptional drought stage, according to the latest U.S. Drought Monitor
map. The drought that began almost three years ago has also nearly depleted the
state s topsoil moisture reserves. Now it s having a major impact on crops that are
grown in the area. The US Department of Agriculture meanwhile predicted there
would be less corn coming into global markets over the next year, because of the
increase in drought in the Western US area. What s difficult is that we see a
drought happen today but people are really going to be feeling that six months
from now, possibly a year from now, said Mary Brill, a policy analyst at ActionAid.
This could form another round of high prices and global hunger. Water is a precious
resource. In a drought prone state, we need to find the absolutely best way to use
what water we have. The pieces are in place to fix California s water problem, they
just need to put them together. As shown in this map, the conditions in the Western
United States and especially in California are worsening day by day. The drought is
hurting many families crops and wallets. Equipment: The
The United Relations Between India And Indian Immigrants
Abstract: History of independence has involuntarily caused a change noticeable in the
rise of immigration and immigrants in a country where development, prosperity,
independence echoed and still echoes in the hearts of millions. This paper calls for an
approach to determine and understand the plight of documented and undocumented
immigrant labour force or working sector. 1973 to 1974 had an exodus oil boom in
the reign of gulf countries highlighting Saudi Arabia, the formation and impact on
India and Indian immigrants is formidable. An exigency of cure highlight in the
aspects of misery faced by such immigrants and the asylum rules, the bilateral
agreements to the treaties in regard to international standards, who are and will be
putting up with such twin difficulties. A study in the light of migrant misery and
laws, with solutions drawn, would suffuse such disparity.
Key words: Indian migrants; gulf corporation council; Indo Saudi bilateral
agreement; migrant challenges; asylum laws. Biographical notes: Maitreyi Kannur is
a student at M.S Ramaiah College of law, pursuing a five year undergraduate
integrated law degree. She aspires to work in the field of international immigration in
the near future and is keen on analysing and enforcing better Indian asylum
immigration laws.
1 Introduction:
It was once a dream, a dream that prevailed in the hearts of millions and moved
nations but sought ignition through a speech in the year 1963. This dream sees no
Transformations in Ovid s Metamorphosis Essay
Transformations in Ovid s Metamorphosis
Transformations from one shape or form into another are the central theme in Ovid s
Metamorphoses. The popularity and timelessness of this work stems from the manner
of story telling. Ovid takes stories relevant to his culture and time period, and weaves
them together into one work with a connecting theme of transformation throughout.
The thread of humor that runs through Metamorphoses is consistent with the satire
and commentary of the work. The theme is presented in the opening lines of
Metamorphoses, where the poet invokes the gods, who are responsible for the
changes, to look favorably on his efforts to compose. The changes are of many kinds:
from human to animal, animal to human, thing to ... Show more content on ...
Upon encountering Daphne, Apollo falls madly in love with her. Overcome by Cupid
s arrow, Apollo sets aside reason and becomes engulfed by his hope of attaining his
love. Before being transformed, Apollo would most likely have paid little or no
attention to Daphne, but now, Apollo is overcome by his lust for beauty. Ovid
compares Apollo s love for Daphne to a flame in a brush. This metaphor used by
Ovid is very effective. The change that goes through Apollo is very sudden and
fast. The imagery of a flame rapidly spreading through brush conveys the idea of an
almost violent change. The god is consumed with a desire for the girl. His chase is
fueled by a hope to overcome the ultimate futility of his actions. He sees every part
of her as beautiful, her eyes, hair, face and even speculates as to the beauty of her
hidden regions. Unsatisfied by the sight of Daphne and wanting more than just a
glimpse of her beauty, Apollo follows Daphne as a hound chases a rabbit. The hope
for his fruitless love keeps Apollo close on Daphne s trail, and fear motivates
Daphne to stay just out of reach. When Ovid tries to convey the intensity of the
flight, he says, He gave the fleeing maiden no respite, but followed close on her
heels, and his breath touched the locks that lay scattered on her neck, ;(p. 43) Finally,
burdened by mortal exhaustion, Daphne prays to her father to deliver her from her
torment. As the words leave her mouth, Daphne is transformed for the second
Houston Concrete Repair Research Paper
A Houston concrete repair is your one stop destination for all concrete repair
requirements. Homes made from concrete are known for their low cost and high
durability. And, concrete is being used as an essential building material for more
than a century. Concrete has a long life and is not likely to erode or decay like any
other building material. However, it is susceptible to cracking and finding a reliable
concreterepair in Houston is a mountainous task as you need to hire the best
available service. Additionally, before hiring the service you need to thoroughly
know about concrete being used. It is extremely essential that the damage is repaired
appropriately to avoid the recurrence of the same problem.
Concrete is an amalgamation of ... Show more content on ...
Therefore the repair of the cracks requires the intelligence and skills of an expert
professional in this field. Filling the cracks should always be based on the climate
because many a times it is witnessed that concrete reacts differently to climatic
changes. The month of August is considered as the warmest in Houston and
concrete develops cracks in high temperature area. The climate is classified as
humid subtropical, which increase the chances of needing a concrete repair in
Houston as the deterioration rate will increase at a faster rate. The carbon dioxide
present in the atmosphere spoils the cracks developed.
Concrete used for constructing commercial and industrial buildings needs immediate
supervision, therefore, finding the right Houston concrete repair service is essential
to repair the damaged area. The problem of repairing is extensive as commercial
buildings have to bear more load than the normal buildings.
While searching for concrete repair in Houston, ensure that you carry out a thorough
research. You need to look for a concrete repair in Houston which can give effective
results without hampering the
Intelligence, Terrorism, And Terrorism
Homeland security is all about ensuring the safety and security of the United States
(U.S.) and its citizens. It was apparent that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were
lack of intelligence. Since then, the U.S. has given great emphasis of intelligence to
prevent terrorist events such as 9/11 from happening again. Homeland security has
emplaced variety of efforts in order for the U.S. to address safety and security issues
as well as in addressing the ever growing threats of terrorism both physical and cyber.
Gathering intelligence is vital in preventing and responding to acts of terrorism and
other activities that may cause harm to the U.S. and its citizens. There are numerous
intelligence agencies that were brought together to form the Intelligence Community
(IC). These agencies gather and analyze information turning it to intelligence that is
useful with the prevention and deterrence to all forms of acts of terrorism.
Intelligence are proven to prevent crimes and many experts believe that intelligence
has the potential to prevent terrorism. This paper will address the intelligence
capabilities as well as the limitations, issues and challenges of intelligence in
supporting homeland security efforts.
The U.S. put greater emphasis on intelligence since September 11, 2001 events. The
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was established and soon after the IC. The
IC consists of multiple federal agencies such as the Office of the
Post Secondary Education Essay
President Obama once said, Every single one of you has something that you re good
at. Every single one of you has something to offer. And you have a responsibility to
yourself to discover what that is. That s the opportunity an education can provide. For
about two decades, people have been quarreling about whether post secondary
educationis necessary. Opposers against collegeargue that one can still have a good
job without a college degree. However, post secondary education is essential
because there is a lesser chance of being unemployed, the greater chance of a better
salary, and it can help inspire someone to change the world.
Some people claim that one can have a successful job without the laborious journey
of college. They say that ... Show more content on ...
In addition to a better job, college graduates will receive higher pay, in contrast to
those with only high school diplomas. BLS presented that Workers with a
professional degree, such as lawyers and physicians earned about $612 more a
week than did workers with a bachelor s degree, and over $1000 more per week
than workers who have a high school diploma as their highest level of education
(BLS). A well paying job is attainable with college. Having a successful and
luxurious life is not as achievable with only a high school education because the
possibility of having a high paying profession is low. The higher the education one
receives will determine their salary. Another benefit of graduating college is the
opportunity to make the world a better place. President Obama stated that You ll
need the knowledge and problem solving skills you learn in science and math to
cure diseases like cancer and AIDS, and to develop new energy technologies and
protect our environment (Obama). Most high school graduates do not have the
knowledge to create a resounding difference in the world. Landing a job, higher
salary, and changing the world stems from one s college
Attributes of Typical Heisman Trophy Winners Essay
The Heisman Trophy: symbol of unquestionable superiority among fellow NCAA
division 1 A athletes . . . or is it? This unique honor is awarded to the player who the
Heisman panel believes is the best player in 1 A. The award can be given to a
player of any position, or so the Heisman committee says. There has never been a
Heisman candidate who hasn t been a quarterback, running back, or multi purpose
skill player (for example: someone who plays wide receiver, defensive back, and is a
situational running back). Does the Heisman Trophy really determine who the best
player (and therefore best NFL prospect) is? I can prove who will win the Heisman
this year, but should that person be the Heisman winner? Kirk ... Show more content
on ...
6. The winner cannot be an obvious product of his team s system.
7. If you are a quarterback, running back, or multipurpose athlete at a traditional
power, have a very good statistical season, are an upperclassman, and your team
wins at least nine games, you have a very good chance to win. Traditional powers
qualify as:
Notre Dame, USC, Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Ohio State,
Michigan, Miami, or Florida State.
8. Statistical Benchmarks for each position in order to just be considered for the
Running Back: Must score at least 17 touchdowns and gain
1,700 all purpose yards;
Quarterback: 20 touchdown passes, 3,000 yards, 2 1 touchdown interception ratio,
and at least a 135 passer rating; if you are a running quarterback, you need 1000 yards
rushing and need to be a decent passer.
Multi threat athlete: Must make big plays on both sides of the ball, and consistently
make big special team plays, specifically punt and kick returns.
9. There will never be another 2 time Heisman winner.
10. The winner must be likeable. (Herbstreit)
Let s just take a look at the Heisman winners of the past 5 years. Matt
Leinart (2004 Heisman winner), Jason White (2003 winner), Carson
Palmer (2002 winner), Eric Crouch (2001 winner), and Chris Weinke
(2000 winner) met all ten Heismandments. Fifteen out of the last twenty winners have
belonged to a traditional power (the traditional powers are listed above.
Sebastian Hastings Research Paper
After Sebastian Hastings has spent a couple weeks in Illyria playing soccer with his
new chum, Duke Orsino, we have finally put the puzzle pieces together.
If this findings don t shock and bewilder you, I don t know what will. Before
Sebastian came to Illyria, we saw the hot and popular hunk leaving multiple plastic
surgeons, transgender support groups and hairdressers. The crazy part is, Sebastian
wasn t Sebastian when he entered those buildings. You heard me right, Sebastian
Hastings started off as a WOMAN! Viola Hastings entered the surgeons as Viola, and
left as Sebastian. Where did Viola get the name
Sebastian, you ask? Turns out, Sebastian is Viola s nearly identical twinbrother, um,
awkward. The pair look so alike that with a bit of facial reconstruction, added facial
hair, and a fresh haircut, Viola became Sebastian Hastings.We had a chat to the
REAL Sebastian Hastings who stated, I didn t know Viola... Show more content on ...
We do however see Viola s reasoning for this gender change. Women are
dehumanized and misrepresented in 21st Century societies. Sexism runs rampant
as individuals, like Viola, aren t able to engage in things that everyone should be
able to partake in things like sport, for instance. By faking her gender, Viola
attempted to break these harsh gender barriers, and to simply be treated
equally.After Viola, uh, Sebastian revealed his, or her, real gender at a soccer
game, Duke and her were smitten and all over eachother. This may come to an end
as we recently spoke to Viola. I may go back to being a man. I was seen as tough and
was allowed to play the sports I like without being judged. Soon after the interview,
Duke Orsino, Viola s new love tweeted He or she, I love this person! . Quickly after
the media acted with sexuality rumours, Duke quickly deleted the tweet. Now the
questions remain, is Viola meant to be Sebastian and has Duke s sexuality changed?
Tweet your opinions to us
Analysis Of Tinker Vs. Des Moines, And Bethel V. Fraser
The first amendment, which is considered the right to freedom of speech, is a
misconception to many. Not all citizens, but some, think that because of the first
amendment; they can say whatever they want. Although citizens of the United
States have the right to freedom of speech, this freedom of speech is viewed
differently by others. Which leads to confusion as to what can be said and what
cannot be said. Both court cases: Tinker v. Des Moines, and Bethel v. Fraser
involved the confusion and misunderstanding of this first amendment. In December,
1969, a group of students in Des Moines held a meeting in the home of Christopher
Eckhardt to plan a public showing of their support for a truce in the Vietnam War. 1
These students decided to wear black armbands to show their support. These students
included: John F. Tinker, Hope Tinker, Mary Beth Tinker, Paul Tinker, and
Christopher Eckhardt. Whenever the Principal found out about their plan, he stated
that any student found wearing these black armbands would be suspended.2 Despite
the Principal s warning, the students still wore the black armbands.3 On December
16, Christopher Eckhardt and Mary Beth Tinker wore their black armbands to school
and were sent home. The next day, John Tinker wore his armband and was also sent
home. Because of the protest, the students did not return to school until after New
Year s Day. This was the date they planned to end the protest.4 Parents, of the children
who were sent home, were furious.
The Impact Of Immigration On The United States And
Chapter One: Introduction to Investigation
Immigration to North American nations has been a staple process for countries like
the United States and Canada. Without immigrants, these two nations would not have
become as large and successful as they are today. However, easy and encouraged
immigration has not always been a constant for these two countries. Throughout the
centuries, there have been issues and disputes over immigration for particular
ethnicities and groups of people which continue even to this day. One example being
the current dispute on Mexican immigrants residing or entering the United States and
whether it requires heavier government intervention. A similar problem beginning
almost two centuries ago has already occurred in both the US and Canada, and was
resolved in extreme manners similar to some of those proposed American
politicians. As following a popular quote by George Santayana, Those who do not
learn history are doomed to repeat it, by examining past events similar to those seen
today, those involved in the issue can make better judgements based on what has and
has not worked in the past.
The aforementioned problem was one of the largest past uproars concerning
American and Canadian immigration, which was with the sudden flow of Chinese
immigrants to North America in the 1800s to the 1920s. Most of whom hailed from
Southern China, poor Chinese immigrants that journeyed to the United States to
secure their share in the American Dream, often
Presidential Debate Over Presidential Debates
With the 2016 election in full throttle, Kennedy and Nixon s presidential debates of
1960 are still very much a part of American democracy. Televised presidential
debates have become a backbone in an American election. Although these debates
are now considered a norm in American politics, this has not always the case. Even
after the first time a presidential debate was held between presidential candidates
from across the aisle, it took another 16 years for another debate to occur. It is
highly doubtful that either Nixon or Kennedy, much less anyone else of that time
period, would have been able to foresee the effects of their debate. The presidential
debates between Kennedy and Nixon have shape American politics for what seemed
like the better but as more and more research is published, this claim is starting to
fall apart. While presidential debates offer the public a chance to compare and
contrast the Republican and Democratic presidential candidate, they have an impact
on viewers that is not always positive. Rather, televised presidential debates impact
voters across the aisle and throughout levels of political awareness. An in depth look
at the history of televised presidential debates and their impact on viewers could
answer the question of whether televised presidential debates should remain a central
part of the modern American democracy.
The Great Debates
John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon met in Chicago on September 26th, 1960 to
make history as the first
Reaction Paper On Courtroom Work Group
The Courtroom Work Group
Courtroom is essential in the administration of criminal justice through court
proceedings. The purpose thereof is to settle conflicts or controversies involving
violation of rights between two parties. However, a courtroom work group
deviates from its ordinary sense. The latter develops deviant process especially
adapted for a criminal proceedings and is performed collectively. It is a system of
collective participation of people with specialized functions. It is best described as
an organization of judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys. As such, informal
collaboration of between those aforementioned people may exist in order for a
speedy decision of the case. For the purposes of this paper, interaction of courtroom
work group on a daily basis and its recommended changes will be discussed. As well
as the role of a prosecutor, determination of cases to pursue, criteria of taking cases,
determination of sentences, forms of punishment, effects of the criminal justice
funnel and the backlog of cases on the court system and the courtroom work group
and lastly, possible solutions to help eliminate funnel and backlog of cases will be
further discussed.
Interaction of Courtroom Work Group on a Daily Basis
Courtroom ... Show more content on ...
It is the nature of the case and the crime committed which surface the selection of
applicable sentence. However, when the court finds a particular case unusual, the
court may depart from the guidelines and resort to a pertinent sentence appropriate
for the nature of the case. Thereafter, the appellate court may choose to review and
determine its appropriateness and reasonableness (United States Sentencing
Commission, 2008). Sentencing is evaluated by the U.S Sentencing
Commission.They determine its effects to the criminal justice system and
recommends necessary modifications thereof (American International College,
Essay On Women In Antigone
The play Antigone by Sophocles perfectly demonstrates the values of a society can
alienate an individual for such thing as gender. Antigone, the protagonist,
demonstrates her strong personality throughout the play as she believes that women
have the right to express their opinions, rather than to listen to the society or to the
man with more power. However, with Antigonebeing a woman, everyone treated her
Antigone s character proves that women are not born as a second class, and they
have the right to express their beliefs. For example from the play, in the beginning,
Antigone asked her sister, Ismene, to bury her brother together with Antigone.
However, Ismene disagrees with her sister s opinion because Ismene is scared of
Creon since she was portrayed to be the type of girl that will follow the men s lead
in this play. Antigone said, To wreck itself; the worst that can befall/ Is but to die an
honorable death (Sophocles 95 96) and I would not welcome such a fellowship./ Go
thine own way; myself will bury him (Sophocles 69 70). From this, Antigone shows
that she is not afraid of danger or death and she will do whatever she feels is right for
her late brother. ... Show more content on ...
With that being said, because Antigone was born as a woman in that time period,
her actions were not approved by others. Everyone, including her sister Ismene,
believes that Antigone needs to listen and follow Creon s order if she doesn t want
to die. When Antigone asked her sister to bury their dead brother in secret, Ismene
said, Weak women, think of that,/ Not framed by nature to content with men
(Sophocles 60 61). In other words, Ismene believes that women are supposed to be
weak and need protection, rather than to fight against
Hey India||
Collecting data on social entrepreneurs is problematic for a number of reasons. For
instance, the nascency of the field means that there are relatively few (as compared
with fields like commercial entrepreneurship or family firms) potential subjects for
those wanting to study founders of social ventures. Moreover, due to the global
nature of the field, social entrepreneurs tend to be a disbursed group. Add to this the
fact that there is little government mandated public information on most social
enterprises (as is the case with publically traded firms, for example), and one can
understand why few empirical studies on social entrepreneurship have gone beyond
case studies. This is ... Show more content on ...
While the GEM is, like the PSED, primarily concerned with tradition commercial
entrepreneurship, the study allows for some SocEnt research. Recent versions of the
GEM individual level datasets include the following question: Are you, alone or with
others, currently trying to start or currently owning and managing any kind of
activity, organisation or initiative that has a particular social, environmental or
community objective? This might include providing services or training to socially
deprived or disabled persons, using profits for socially oriented purposes, organising
self help groups for community action, etc. Those respondents that answer in the
affirmative may be classified as social entrepreneurs and analysis may be conducted
both within this sub sample, or comparisons may be made with those that answered
in the negative.3) Depending on your definition of social enterprise (See our
definitions page), IRS 990 forms may be an excellent source of secondary. For
instance, many consider social enterprise to be nonprofits using earned income
strategies. 990s are the tax forms that nonprofit organizations must file each year.
Among the things they must report are the sources of their income; i.e., how much
did they get from donations, government grants, membership dues, sales of goods
/services, etc. With this, one may argue, for example, that nonprofits with more
earned income from sales of goods and services are more
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson Essay
Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson, is a story
written in the first person about a young girl named Melinda Sordino. The title of
the book, Speak, is ironically based on the fact that Melinda chooses not to speak.
The book is written in the form of a monologue in the mind of Melinda, a teenage
introvert. This story depicts the story of a very miserable freshman year of high
school. Although there are several people in her high school, Melinda secludes
herself from them all. There are several people in her school that used to be her
friend in middle school, but not anymore. Not after what she did over the summer.
What she did was call the cops on an end of summer party on of her friends was
throwing. Although... Show more content on ...
However, Melinda feels it to the extreme. Melinda went through a traumatizing
experience, and everyone and everything around her contribute to the
uncontrollable pain she is feeling. This pain has lead her to depression. Throughout
this story Melinda has missed several opportunities to reach out for help. Teenage
depression isn t just bad moods and occasional sadness. Depression is a serious
problem that impacts every single aspect of a teen s life. If left untreated, teen
depression can lead to problems at home, school, and in other aspects of ones life.
Depression is often caused by past traumatic events. Although some teens aren t able
to really process what is going on, they remember and are haunted be the event every
day. It is extremely important to be informed about adolescent depression, and what
can be done to help. Throughout the story, Melinda shows many signs of depression.
Teens will often display changes in their thinking and behavior, lose their motivation,
or become withdrawn. Psych Info Online presented some signs of depression that
Melinda experienced in the novel. The signs Melinda indicated include: sadness,
anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, withdrawal from friends, decreased interest of
activities, social isolation, poor communication, low self esteem, guilt, and
Literary Devices In Nuns Fret Not At Their Convent s...
Constraints often have negative connotations, however in many situations they can
be comforting and provide people with a direction. Both physical and conceptual
limitations provide comfort especially when they provide a sense of familiarity.
Literary devices such as imagery and irony help to convey this theme throughout the
poem. In Nuns Fret Not at Their Convent s Narrow Room William Wordsworth uses
literary devices, as well as examples of comforting confined spaces, to prove that
having conceptual limitations can be beneficial as well. Wordsworth uses imagery to
convey positive images of confined spaces. The first instance of this is in the
introduction of the poem, Nuns fret not at their convent s narrow room (Wordsworth
78). A nunis not unhappy with her small room because she is able to find peace
there. This is where nuns are able to connect with god. The connections that they
feel there helps to provide them with comfort. Even though it may be a small
room, it is what they are familiar with and have grown accustomed to. Over time
they probably haven t noticed the small space of the convent because it has been
over shadowed by the positive memories formed within the building. Imagery is
used throughout the poem to continually convey the theme. All of the images that
Wordsworth portrays lead to the same conclusion. Each image that Wordsworth
creates in the poem is of a confined space. However, the subject of the image is
never trying to flee from this place. In many instances they are drawn towards
these compact spaces. All because of the same general reasons, it is comfortable,
safe, and familiar. Wordsworth uses bees in the Peak of Furness fells to strengthen
his point. The imagery used by Wordsworth depicts how vast the mountains are,
High as the highest Peak of Furness fells, Will murmur by the hour of the foxglove
bells (79). The Peak of Furness fells is a very large, open, mountain range in
England. There is plenty of open space, so the bee can go anywhere it would like.
However, it chooses the small foxglove bell. This is where the bee is happiest
because it gives the bee the pollen that it needs. The bee will continue to return here
because it has become comfortable with the foxglove bell.
Elementary Education Career Analysis
This paper will explore the statistics of a career in elementary education. It covers
job requirements (such as degree and teaching license), annual salary, job availability,
and future trends in the field. It also discuss the top and bottom ten percentile for
annual wages, as well as what further education may be required according to state
preferences and laws and what technology may present itself in the future.
The Career Specifics Of An Elementary Educator
An Overview of a Career in Elementary Education
Elementary Education, just like other fields, has specific trends, requirements, and
technology. Like most teaching positions, elementary education requires only a
bachelor s degree in most states. This paper will explore four different topics:
1. ... Show more content on ...
Becoming A Elementary Educator To become a elementary educator, one must
first earn a bachelor s degree in early childhood education (Bureau of Labor
Statistics, 2014). A license to teach is also required by all states, as well as student
teaching and a teacher preparation program. Teachers are also required to complete
professional development classes on a yearly basis, which keep their licenses valid.
Like most states, North Dakota requires teachers to pass a test before they are
certified (Mara, V.E.,2012). Some states also require a minimum college grade point
average (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014).
Availability of Jobs Jobs in North Dakota are increasing (Mara,V.E., 2012). There is
currently a teacher shortage in North Dakota even despite growth in North Dakota,
there is a more rapid job growth in the South and West rather than in the Midwest
and eastern part of the country. More jobs are available in urban and rural school
districts rather than the suburban school districts (Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Analysis Of In The Time Of The Butterflies
In 1994, a woman shows up at DedГ© Mirabal s house in the Dominican Republic
to interview her about the lives of her and her famous dead sisters: Patria, Minerva,
and MarГa Teresa. In the story, In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez,
DedГ© recounts the story of how her sisters became national heroes and significant
figures in the Dominican Republicduring the rule of dictator Rafael Trujillo.
In the beginning of the novel, Minerva Mirabal talks her parents into sending her
to boarding school along with her older sister Patria. During this time, she makes a
friend named Sinita, whose brother, along with all the other men in her family,
were murdered by Trujillo. Minerva then performs in a school play at the capital,
in front of Trujillo himself. During this, her friend Sinita aims her fake bow and
arrow at Trujillo s heart, and almost gets the group in trouble. Minerva becomes
more aware of the state her country is in, and is more politically active. She later
shares the truth and her hatred of Rafael Trujillo with her sister MarГa Teresa (Mate).
Meanwhile, Patria, the eldest of the sisters, originally intended to be nun, but falls in
love with a boy and marries him at age sixteen. She has two children, but
unfortunately loses her third child. It is hinted later that stress over her Minerva s
political risks affected her pregnancy.
In the middle of the story, the Mirabal sisters become deeply involved in the resistance
movement attempting to overthrow Trujillo.
Nucor s Trends On The Income Statement, Balance Sheet,...
Recommendations Nucor s trends on the income statement, balance sheet, and ratio
measurement show some concern. There are positive and negative issues within the
company. The data from the financial analysis with Nucor addresses this issues
where precise financial goals can counteract concerns in order to enhance the quality
of investment. The LIFO with Nucor controls planning and investments. This limits
Nucor abilities to make the adjustment without investors aiding the decision process.
In addition, Steel products and resources for the steel mill can be bought at a lower
price from competitors with even a lower risk on investment. The low risk does not
guarantee to pay off any more than a high risk investment. However, Nucor is high
risk with high buy in because cash flow is not effective and effectively being
managed. Therefore, I would not recommend buying stocks. Because a drop in sales
and market trends impact Nucor more than their competitors related to huge
operation expense and product cost for manufacturing. Therefore, I would
recommendation wait until market trends drop in sales and cost of production,
transportation, and labor before buying stocks with Nucor. This would maximize
investment by capitalizing on the risk of investment. The leverage risk is maximized
investment by bottlenecking investments until more gains are acquired on the market
from changes in trends. It does appear Nucor is headed in this direction with their
purpose and
Two Kinds
Two Kinds is a wonderful little short story about a immigrant Chinese woman in
the mid 1950 s to early 1960 s that moved to Chinatown in California to give herself
a better opportunity to make it in America. In the story we see the Amy s mother as
a woman who already has dealt with her fair share of pain and disappointment. Jeng
mei mothers entire family seemed to have been wiped out before she came to
America from China Jeng mei explains she had come to San Francisco in 1949 after
losing everything in China: her mother and father, her home, her first husband, and
two daughter, twin baby girls. But she never looked back with regret.
This was the type of woman Amy s mother was diligent, unwavering, focus that there
could be a ... Show more content on ...
I won t let her change me . This is where struggle rears its ugly head in her and her
mother s relationship Jeng mei not being from China lacked an obedience that her
counterpart may have had because she was an American child. You see Jeng mei s
mother did not take into consideration her child being an American was probably
not going to be as obedient as other Chinese girls were. Jeng mei s mother reason
for coming to America was to take advantage of all America had to offer but I don t
think Amy s mother realized that America gave her daughter her own mind. In
conclusion we see through the rest of the story that there was more conflict with
the two. Jeng mei s mother buys a piano for her daughter to learn how to play and
become a prodigy at the piano. Mrs. Tan traded cleaning house with Mr. Chong
their deaf neighbor who used to teach music. Amy starts to slack because her music
teacher was deaf and not able to truly hear what Amy was playing. This was
reflected in the recital and utterly bombed in front her parent, family, and friends.
Amy s mother was disappointed but when Jeng mei felt that this would be her
escape and her mother would not bother her about this prodigy thing she was sadly
mistaken Jeng mei s mother did not waver from this way of thinking. Jeng mei then
has a fit and becomes like a typical American child and becomes very disrespectful
toward her mother and Amy s mother and her
Funeral Director Essay
Funeral Directors Sydney
Choosing a funeral director has never been more convenient in Sydney. With your
comfort in their mind, many are flexible enough to offer funeral services in
neighboring areas aside from their respective locations. There are plenty of funeral
directors that provide a wide range of services to cater to your needs and
preferences; many specializing in a particular religious or cultural ceremony. Budget
isn t much of an issue as funeral directors would be happy to provide you with
funeral quotes to help you make a decision what services to avail.
Losing a loved one is one of life s most challenging moments and this guide has been
made to help you find the most suitable funeral director that will cater to your needs.
Finding a funeral director
A good funeral director helps ... Show more content on ...
Their cemetery and crematorium are both located at Crown Land being administered
by the Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust. Their memorial park is a member of
the Cemeteries and Crematoria Association of New South Wales.
Overlooking Botany Bay, their memorial park offers a serene ambience that helps
families paying their respects to the departed reflect and remember the joyful
moments and memories they shared.
Liverpool cemetery
Liverpool cemetery is an independent, non profit organization located in Liverpool,
New South Wales. Their cemetery offers a wide range of selection of burial and
cremation services including affordable packages as low as 1,850 aud which already
includes basic services such as chapel service, single garden niche, cremation, and
memorial plaque. Liverpool cemetery also support a culturally diverse community
and thus serve all cultural and religious groups that would like to conduct their
funeral activities
Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Non Violence Methods
All religions called for nonviolent principles that are based on peaceful strategies to
reach goals. Nonviolence seeks understanding and justice instead of riot or tumult.
In fact, the first time for someone to use this method was in India by Mohandas
Karamchand Gandhi (1869 1948), he believed that he can stand against the British
and bring independence to India using civil disobedience. Also, Anwar El Sadat
used the non violence method with Israel when he signed the peace agreement in
order to avoid a war. Therefor, the non violence technique is very effective which
lead Luther king Jr. to call upon Gandhi s method and make use of it to attain
equality between black and white people. In my opinion, applying the non violence
method is truly
Research Paper On Siberian Tiger
The Siberian Tiger
What are the seven characteristics of a Tiger? Does the tiger have single cell
organisms or do they have multicellular organisms? How much sunlight do they
need? What does a tiger do when the season change? How does a tiger grow from
baby to an adult? How does a tiger reproduce and how well do they adapt to their
environment? A tigerhas multiple cells, so it means that it is a multicellular
organism. A tiger has cells called eukaryotic cells. A tiger has a different skull
structure than a lion has. A tiger s skull is specially designed. The way it is made it
don t just protect the eyes and the brain it also allows the jaw to have powerful
strength. The skull is short and rounded, which means all of the power comes from
Garlic Research Paper
The best ways to Grow Garlic From Seed While expanding garlic is simple, there s no
certain means to do so utilizing garlic seed. Garlic Seed Propagation Garlic does not
normally established real seed, and also on those unusual events when it does,
garlic seed appears like the tiny, black seeds of onions. Of program, plants created
making use of garlic seed breeding are not most likely to expand anyhow as well as
those couple of that do will certainly take years to create any kind of garlic. For the
a lot of component, garlic is replicated and also expanded from cloves, which are
located inside the bulbils. Garlic seed proliferation depends mostly on the selection
made use of as well as the environment where it is expanded. Hardneck garlic... Show
more content on ...
Use a charitable quantity of compost to assist shield their superficial origins over
wintertime. Once the brand new development is all set to surface as well as the
hazard of cold has actually stopped, this could be gotten rid of in very early
springtime. Throughout its expanding period, garlic calls for regular watering as
well as periodic feeding. Dig up the garlic plants as well as pack them with each other
(regarding 6 to 8 plants) for drying out. While expanding garlic is very easy, there s
no certain means to do so utilizing garlic seed. Garlic Seed Propagation Garlic does
not typically established real seed, and also on those uncommon celebrations when
it does, garlic seed appears like the little, black seeds of onions. Of training course,
plants created making use of garlic seed breeding are not most likely to expand
anyhow as well as those couple of that do will certainly take years to create any kind
of garlic. Garlic seed proliferation depends primarily on the selection utilized as well
as the environment where it is expanded. Exactly how to Grow Garlic could be
expanded effortlessly, as well as once more, it is commonly expanded from cloves,
not garlic
Abnormal Psychology Terms
Abnormal Psychology Terms 1. even our negative emotions help us survive. for
example, aren t our suspicious often justified? most likely someone with a ______
theoretical perspective made this statement I knew right after we got home from
the hospital that our kid had a problem, the parents said. unless the parent is using
20 20 hindsight, the child s diagnosis most likely is i m concerned about Ritalin
use; its possible effects on children s growth, and its increasing heart attack risk in
hypertensive adults an acquaintance worries. your best reply, based on the most
recent research is it is obvious that this case of obsessive compulsive personality
disorder arises from an early childhood fixation. which type of psychologist... Show
more content on ...
22. 23. a child s distracting behaviors occur only in a school setting, and include
failure to follow instructions and finish work, answering questions before they
have been completed, and a lot of seat squirming and fidgeting. could ADHD be a
diagnosis of this child a client being treated for avoidant personality disorder must
increase the number of social contacts per day defined as people greeted with at
least the phrase, Hello. How are you? in order to later engage in some desired
activity. most likely, the therapist has which theoretical background a client being
treated for schizotypal personality disorder must show up for therapy appointments
on time, dress appropriately, and complete some social skills training. most likely
the theoretical orientation of the therapist is a client suffers from severe problems
in remembering recent information, and has increasing difficulty using ordinary
language and other cognitive skills. the resulting diagnosis probably will be a
clouding of consciousness that develops over a short period of time and can often
be reversed if its underlying cause can be found is called a friend asks your advice
about the best therapy to use for treating borderline personality
Ship Breaker Dystopian
Dystopian literature is a genre of fictional writing that portrays the world in a
worst case scenario using three elements. These three elements are dystopian
society, dystopian controls and the dystopian protagonist. Paolo Bacigalupi uses
these three elements to create a very realistic dystopian novel that is not too far
away from becoming a reality. With all of this said, It is obvious that Ship Breaker
is a completely dystopian novel. Not only is it a dystopian novel, but it also gives
a view into what the real world might look like in the near future. The bureaucratic
control in Ship Breaker is very evident when Bacigalupi begins to talk about the
swanks. The swanks own people that are half man and half dog to use at their will
for whatever... Show more content on ...
In the world of Ship Breaker the people that aren t very well off and do exactly
what they are told without question because they know that there is always
somebody else that wants the same job that they have and if they question why
they are doing the task at hand, they will lose their job. This is shown when Nailer
is talking to Bapi on the deck of the ship after emerging from the vents and Bapi
says, You think I can t get a hundred other licebiters to take your place? There s kids
down there that would let me cut out an eye if it would get them up on a wreck.
(14) Also the citizens live in a very dehumanized state where the people that don t
have much money aren t seen as humans and day to day life is a struggle. There isn
t much food for these people and they live on beaches where pollution and trash,
wash up on shore every day. The people live in huts and go to work every day
knowing that they could die from anything that is in the ship. They work in tight
quarters in frail service ducts that could break at any moment if they are too heavy,
and they work in these conditions for less than $5 every
Learning From The Unit On Division Essay
VI: Learning from Practice The Reflection
Conclusions and Instructional Decision Making
When reviewing the data collected from the unit on division, it is clear that there was
positive student growth. Through the various forms of assessment during this unit,
each was able to assess students on their level of achievement toward reaching each
of the three SLOs. Students were given a pre assessment, as well as at least one
formative assessment for each SLO, as well as a summative post assessment. Based
on the data collected from the pre assessment, the class average was a score of 43%.
By the end of the unit, after about a three week period, the class average on the final
summative assessment was 78%. This shows a growth in the scores for the class as a
whole, as a positive 35%. This type of growth is phenomenal for this unit, as the
concept of the division can be extremely abstract. When assessing students
throughout this unit, their performance and level of understanding of each SLO
had a major effect on the scheduling and rigor of each lesson and skill. Students
were each place into one of four tiered groups based on their behaviors as well as
their performance. Each group of students is typically on the same level, therefore,
progressing at a similar pace. As an inclusion classroom with ten students having
IEPs, there is a large range of ability levels. Therefore, the delivery of instruction and
forms of assessment for each tiered group was modified to meet the needs of
Black Robes By Moki Summary
In the story, Moki had two visions. The visions had shown him two ways to live.
The first with seeds for tomorrow was a way of sharing. The second was not a way
of sharing at all (Burnes). The vision of sharing had actually happened in real life
and in the story itself. The second vision was present, but did not happen in the end.
The Hopi realized that they are able to share the land and the valley, so they relocate
on the top of the mesa. Throughout the short story, Moki s visions represented
something that happened in real life.
In the beginning, the Spanish missionaries, also known as the Black Robes, were
resented by the Hopi, or the People. The People strongly disliked the idea that
Spanish settlers and governor took over their ... Show more content on ...
In the text, it mentions about the religious dances and ways of the People. Then,
the Spanish and Black Robes came and everything changed. The Spanish were
very brutal to the People, but the had also introduced new plants for cultivation,
such as watermelon. The People eventually outlawed the garden seeds in order to
reject their new ways. Like the story itself, this was true. The People had rejected
new influences in order to continue their regular cultural lives. The peace was not
settled, so Pope drove out the Spanish settlers in the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. Many
lives were lost on both sides; fields were destroyed; churches and homes were
razed. This was like Moki s second vision; not sharing the seeds. After peace was
restored between the two sides, the People tried to return to their old religious
customs, but their old way of life could not be attained. The People eventually
moved atop the mesa where they live today. Like in the story and in real life, the
People finally decided to move out of the Spanishs way. Archaeological findings say
that they have uncovered native garden seeds of squash, melons, and corn that are
still able to to grown after
Improving Inclusion And Expanding Coverage For
University of North Texas Health Science Centre School of Public Health, Fort
Worth, Texas, EOHS 5313 The Editor, Fort Worth Star Telegram, 400 West Seventh
Street, Fort Worth, Texas Sir/Madam, STRENGTHENING RETENTION,
provide a detailed exposition of a multi faceted aspect of the challenge of food
insecurity in Texas and a proposal of clear cut practical solutions. The hope is that
through the publication of this piece, the issue will assume centre stage and attract
the needed response. Over the years, notable healthy feeding intervention programs
across different government and community levels have been channelled to Texas
in response to the much documented challenge of widespread food insecurity
across the state. These programs have contributed in varying degrees to mitigating
the crisis of food insecurity in the state (Children at Risk, 2016). However, progress
in retention of beneficiaries and expansion of coverage has remained a real
challenge. For there to be a sustained substantial reversal of food insecurity in Texas,
a clear determination backed by concrete plans to remove obstacles to continued
coverage and expansion for further inclusion must be prioritized. It is important to
renew critical focus on the devastating impact of food insecurity and its vast spread in
the United States in
The Cause of Multiple Myeloma
The cause of multiple myeloma is cellular resulting in diverse symptoms and
affecting various groups of people. Multiple myeloma affects 1 in 149 people in the
United States making it a .67% threat of people. According to the American Cancer
Society in 2014, there will be 24,050 new cases... (13,500 in men and 10,550 in
women)... 11,090 deaths are expected to occur (6,110 in men and 4,980 in women). Although not a common cancer being aware of what multiple myelomais
and how to detect it can prevent mortalities. Imaging has been found promising in
assessing patients with multiple myeloma. CT, MRI, and PET/CT are all used to
diagnose multiple myeloma patients however; they each have advantages and
disadvantages in analysis. First, we need to look at what multiple myeloma is in
order to determine the best diagnostic modality.
Multiple Myeloma is a neoplastic disease that involves the plasma cells within bone
marrow. Plasma cells are a type of white blood cell that helps make up our immune
system. They work within our immune system by generating antibodies that guard us
from microorganisms and other unsafe materials. Although multiple myeloma forms
in the immune system, the abnormal antibodies decrease the effectiveness of the
body ability to fight infection. Since multiple myeloma is an uncommon cancer, the
etiology is idiopathic, unknown. When plasma cells start to divide rapidly they
become abnormal, and this is when myeloma starts. Healthy patients have a 5%
Affirmative Action Debate Summary
Analysis of the Affirmative Action Debate
Review of Main Points of Side A This group believes that the United States does not
need affirmative action as the same has been used to enhance fairness across different
sectors of the economy. By speaking about affirmative action, the minority develop a
negative ideology that they need to be recognized for certain posts. The affirmative
action has been used in the past to create a fair ground for everybody to realize his
or her dreams. For instance, President Obama was voted into statehouse despite being
black because the people believed in his abilities to lead them accordingly.
Discrimination has not been erased but affirmative action may not necessary end
Review of Main Points ... Show more content on ...
There were claims made on the education sector, military and other areas of the
economy. In the debate, both sides acknowledged the existence of discrimination
across various sectors in the United States. The debate was aimed at finding the right
solutions to such unfairness. Side A posited that there was no need for affirmative
action considering that the fore fathers have been instrumental in enhancing such
aspects of fairness and at present, such efforts are paying back. This is because
there are many women professors while more women have taken up leadership
positions compared to few decades ago. The existence of discrimination cannot be
erased by the use of affirmative action because that is not the right way to address
the issue of discrimination. Irrespective of there being affirmative action in place,
such policies are rarely followed in different sectors like the military. Side B believes
that through affirmative action, it would be easier to look at the statistics of a given
region and find minorities in different spheres of representation. Without such actions,
the minorities will continue to lack confidence, believe they are sidelined by the
government of the day and cause intolerance among such minority
Livestrong As A Genre On Commercial
Livestrong as a Genre
Student Name
University Affiliation
Course Code
Livestrong as a Genre
Am choosing a genre on commercial known as Livestrong for my analysis. Am
concentrating on a commercial video of Livestrong and taking into consideration all
its unparalleled features. Livestrong has a video page on YouTube for the sole
reason to unite and link with other members of the society who make use of social
media platforms. Form bases for promoting charity work and at the same time
demonstrate how strong and powerful coming together for one united course in
helping cancer patients can be. In these regards, I have a great interest in analysing
Livestrong as a genre because I have been exposed to pain and agony cancer victims
go through ... Show more content on ...
In fact, the voices in the video are of cancer survivors using the using Livestrong
foundation commercial to motivate cancer patients by telling them they will emerge
from the killer disease (Rechis, Ellen and Stephanie, 76). Livestrong has a link where
a user interested in viewing the image can use to access the video.
Livestrong video is created with the most appealing visuals to attract more viewers.
The visual and artistic of the Livestrong video page is the secret that draws viewers
in a platform where there is combination of bright and images of high quality since
an individuals have a higher chance of being attracted. Further, carry out an in depth
analysis pertaining the vision and start following as compared to situation when the
color is less enticing. Livestrong idea behind creating good interesting images in the
video is to get followers in aesthetically pleasing page to promote the campaign for
fighting cancer together. By joining hands and bravery speaking about the killer
All genres have rhetorical strategies put in place and therefore the commercial on
Livestrong foundation is one of them. Pathos pull emotions by using both images
and alluring color scheme. When a video looks bright and people in it appear
pleased, it automatically makes whoever is viewing it happy. In addition, many
slogans relate to how people in the page are determined to achieve the cause of what
they started, the
Mark Twain Influences
The Father of American Literature
Samuel Langhorne Clemens, more commonly known as Mark Twain, is not just a
name most people know. It is a man of history who is said to be the Father of
American Literature. Although there are other great authors of this time, Mark Twain
used many different styles of writing within his work that helped to create the
mastermind of a writer he once was and so that it would live on to be talked about
today. Twain used a very relaxed style of writing that hadn t been used by any other
author during this point in time. With his writing of amazing stories about Tom
Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, the mighty Mississippi River, and many more Mark Twain
created adventure for the average American with his humor, attention to details, and
the realism he used. These stories along with many others help prove he is the
greatest influence to American Literature.
Mark Twain is known for his creation of a new style of ... Show more content on ...
He moved to the nearby town Hannibal at the age of four which is nestled on the
banks of the Mississippi River, and a known location of some of his stories. His
father died when he was at the young age of twelve, so life became tough which
drove him to take multiple jobs in order to help his struggling family. Mark twain
was a writer from the very beginning. He was a printer s devil for the Missouri
Courier, and then in 1851 he became a typesetter and editorial assistant at the
Western Union, a local paper owned by his older brother (Trout). This is where
Mark published his first known sketch. In 1857, he boarded a steam boat and
headed to New Orleans at the age of twenty two. Several years later in 1864, Twain
left the city to move to San Francisco to work for various newspapers. When his
short story, Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog was published and circulated in 1865
he became a nationally known humorist
Descriptive Essay About A New Home
A New Home
It was 5 on a chilly October morning, the sky was still dark, and the silence was
peaceful. There was a few people on the road crossing into Juarez was what took
the longest. After waiting in line for what felt like an eternity I weighed my bags
and passed through security, I was handed a ticket with a destination to Mexico
City. After 3 hours of being on an airplane, I could see the ground, tiny streets filled
with people and cars everywhere I looked, huge buildings of every color, and a
golden angel that stood in the sky in the middle of the city. I had finally arrived to
Mexico City, without knowing how long I would live there or if I would ever leave.
You re going to love Mexico City I can t wait to show you the place where I grew
up, said my father on the drive to the airport. He was enthusiastic his eyes looked
like bright stars from the excitement he had. I wasn t very excited about the move,
but hid my emotions behind a smile. Months prior my parents had a business idea
in mind, since my father was born in Mexico City, he wanted to go back to his
hometown and work there. He wanted to experience life as it was for him before
he came to the United States, and fulfill a lifelong dream that he had to open his
own business. He was convinced that opening an English school in the heart of
Mexico was a great idea, and that having Americans teach the classes would be a
great opportunity for the people of the city. My mother and I weren t as excited as he
was, my
Chrysler s New Culture And Its Impact On The Mangers
2.To me the new culture change in Chrysler made a major impact on the mangers.
They had to step up and make sure the rest of the employees were up to par. One way
mangers understood Chryslers new culture was the competing values framework
better known as CVF. Competing values framework is a way for mangers to
understand, measure, and change organizational culture. (Citation).Within the CVF
there are four types of cultures. They are Clan, Adhocracy, hierarchy, and market.
Within the Chrysler organization all could be possessed but there is always going to
be one that overpowers the others. When Marchionne started the new culture change
he broke it down into dimensions. In dimension 1 it focused on Marchionne primary
goal of profitability.
Strength Training Vs Circuit Resistance Training
Purpose: to compare strength gains in traditional strength training versus circuit
resistance training in the untrained population
24 randomly selected, untrained men and women ages 17 40 were used to determine
the effectiveness in strength gains when comparing traditional resistance train to
circuit resistance training over a 12 week period. Participants were divided into
circuit resistance group (CRT), traditional resistance training group (TRT), and no
strength group (NST). Participants exercised 3 non consecutive days a week and
were evaluated over 3 blocks using bioimpedence and 6 repetition maximums for
chest, press, leg press, and weight crunches.
There was no statistical significance between CRT, TRT, or NRT... Show more
content on ...
Both have been proven to improve 1 repetition maximums. In circuit resistance
training specifically, according to Waller, Miller and Hannon, loads as low as 40
60% of 1 repetition max has been proven to be effective in strength gains for
untrained individuals; however, in trained professional in the trained population at
least 70% of 1repititiom max is needed for maximum strength gains. Wilmore et al.
(1978) evaluated efficiency of circuit weight training in muscular strength, endurance,
power, and cardiovascular over a ten week period in a control group and a circuit
training group, training three times a week at 40 55%of 1rm. Significant changes
were seen in body composition, strength, and flexibility in the circuit training subjects
Previous studies that evaluate the variables together compared a 70% load for
traditional resistance to a circuit resistance load at 40 55%. The lower load or the
circuit was not capable of generating enough stimulation for greater muscle fiber
recruitment. Bone mass has also been seen to be minimal in these low loads. Using
low loads go against the requirement for improved muscle hypertrophy and strength.
In Traditional strength training they see a greater increase in bone mass, strength and
muscle mass. The use of similar exercise prescriptions is warranted. Marx et al,
(2001), measured muscular performance variations of low volume circuit compared
to high volume periodized resistance in untrained women over

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Reasons Why Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay

  • 1. Reasons Why Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay Crafting an essay on the topic of why gay marriage should be legal involves navigating through a complex landscape of societal norms, legal frameworks, and deeply ingrained beliefs. The difficulty arises not just from presenting a compelling argument but also from addressing the diverse perspectives surrounding the issue. The topic inherently involves discussions about equality, human rights, and the intersection of personal beliefs with public policy. One challenge lies in researching and presenting well-founded reasons that appeal to a broad audience, irrespective of their stance on the matter. Striking a balance between emotional appeal and logical reasoning becomes crucial to foster understanding and empathy. Additionally, the essay should acknowledge historical context, legal developments, and evolving societal attitudes towards LGBTQ+ rights. Treading the fine line between expressing one's opinions and maintaining objectivity poses another challenge. It is essential to present a well-reasoned, evidence-based argument while being sensitive to the diversity of opinions. Navigating through potential biases, stereotypes, and misconceptions surrounding the topic requires careful consideration and thorough research. Furthermore, framing the essay in a way that fosters constructive dialogue rather than perpetuating divisive rhetoric is vital. The goal is not just to argue for the legalization of gay marriage but also to encourage open-mindedness and inclusivity in the reader. In conclusion, composing an essay on why gay marriage should be legal demands a nuanced approach, involving extensive research, thoughtful consideration of opposing viewpoints, and skillful navigation of emotional and logical elements. It's a task that goes beyond presenting facts and figures; it requires weaving a narrative that engages the reader and promotes understanding. If you find yourself struggling with such essays or need assistance with various writing tasks, a service like can be a valuable resource. Professional writers can provide guidance and support, ensuring that your essays are well-crafted and meet the necessary standards. Reasons Why Gay Marriage Should Be Legal EssayReasons Why Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay
  • 2. Metropolitan Museum Of Art Exhibition Report Exhibition Critique Essay II Larah Davenport ART 200 (Corbin) October 29, 2015 For this project I visited multiple online museums, but decided on The Metropolitan Museum of Art, National Gallery of Art, and the Art Institute of Chicago. Three pieces of artwork that I found to be interesting to me and that caught my eye are The Harvesters by Pieter Bruegel the Elder found at, Open Window, Collioure by Henri Matisse found at, and Christ Washing the Feet of His Disciples by Nicolas Bertin found at There are a lot of pieces of art to choose from in each museum, so I had to figure out a way to narrow it down to three. While browsing through ... Show more content on ... Bertin tended to paint pictures of subject who are religious, mythological, and allegorical. This painting in particular portrays Christ washing Saint Peter s feet right after the Last Supper. There is a strong focal point in this painting and it is the man standing in the red robe with his hand on his chest. There is also a lot of activity in this painting as well because there is Christ to the left washing the feet surrounded by his disciples, the women in the background at the table, and the man to the right fixing his shoe. Bertin used a lot of facial expressions for each of the people in this painting from puzzled to humiliation. The size of this oil on panel painting is 1 ft 7.5 inches by 2 ft 4.75
  • 3. Comparison Of Short And Long Term Memory Inside out Paper After a memory is created it is important to know how our brain stores these memories (Mohs, 2007). In this paper, the importantance of comparing short term memory to long term memory will be analyzed. Throughout life we have millions of memories, but the different steps of short and long term memory help us filter those memories (Mohs, 2007). As our brain sorts through the memories to preserve, it begins the process of filtering them from short to long term. Short term memory is held for short periods of time before being discarded or moved to long term memory. Short term memory is also referred to as working memory. When additional information is added to the basic thought or short term memory it is then transferred into long term memory. Long term memory is the final step in retaining information for longer periods of time (Rahtus, 2010). Short term memory is gathered and used for brief amounts of time. As a result, it will decline rapidly from our brain within a few moments. Items can be retained in short term memory when strategies such as rehearsal are implemented (Ruthus, 2010). Daily routines including: school, work and, play involve short term memory. Southtree states, that people have an average of 70,000 thoughts during our wake and sleep cycles (Macco s, 2017). Our brain immediately begins to filter these thoughts to forget or to use in short term. As Riley initially began looking at her room, she started to place her furniture in the space
  • 4. Baseball Is One Of America s Greatest Pastimes And The... Baseball is one of America s greatest pastimes and an iconic game that captures the imaginations of all age groups. Today, baseball is one of the most popular sports in the world and the aura of the game brings people together from many diverse backgrounds across the globe. There are many different elements that bring fans to the ballpark to watch their favorite teams and many of these elements are not directly correlated with the on field action of the game. The atmosphere at a baseballgame is fun, relaxing, and enjoyable because of the numerous attractions especially in the new modern ballparks across America. There is the food attraction which has become a staple across American dining cuisine simply know as ballpark food.... Show more content on ... Major League Baseball continues to adapt to the ever changing technological landscape as the fan s attention span gets shorter the more and more options teams have to present in terms of connect ability and entertainment. One common explanation is that in an age of ever increasing speed and shrinking attention spans, the pace of baseball games is just too slow (Taylor). The attempt to link technology to a Major League fan to the live action is what top baseball executives are determined to achieve while gaining critical customer relationship management data. CRM generates an organization s sales leads, marketing targets, and many other important tools utilized throughout the business processes. Nowadays, fans can buy their tickets on an MLB team s website, follow the tweets of players, like behind the scenes photos a team posts on Facebook, comment on a manager s moves on team supervised blogs and get updates on open seats, new merchandise and weather for the first pitch. In turn, teams hope that by communicating through social media outlets, they can better know their fans and build a loyal customer base, win or lose (McKeon).
  • 5. John Bowlby s Influence On Children s Development John Bowlby s work in attachment has been the foundation when determining the attcahments and bonds that a child and parent may experience (Webb, 2011). According to Bowlby, attachment is referring to a lasting, mutual bond of affection that is dependent on an individual or more than one person (Webb, 2011). Establishing a secure attachment during infancy and early childhood is an important task of a parent or a caregiver. Not all parents or caregivers can provide their child with a secure attachment at this important in life due to various reasons. Since parents are the main providers in their child s development of attachment, their lives and history has a great influence on their children s lives. One psychosocial factor is the family s socioeconomic status. Socioeconomic statuses has been researched to be on of the most influential factors in rather or not a family will succeed or face challenges, it can be a determinant in the development of mental health, physical health, and emotional health. A parent s educational level, their occupation, and income could place the family in either a beneficial or hindering situation, in return, affecting the way a parent could establish attachment with their child. For example, a single parent raising their child and having to manage two jobs, could result in limited attachment to their parent or primary caregiver. Parental stress and their adverse childhood experiences is another psychosocial factor which can determine a child s
  • 6. Where Sweatshops Are a Dream Rhetorical Analysis Where Sweatshops Are A Dream In his New York Times opinion column, Where Sweatshops Are a Dream , writer Nicholas D. Kristof uses his experience living in East Asia to argue his positive outlook on sweatshops. Kristof wants to persuade his audience, Obama and his team, along with others who are for labor standards , that the best way to help people in poor countries is to promote manufacturing there, not campaign against them. He uses Phnom Penh as an example to show why working in the sweatshops is a dream for the families there. They would rather work at a sweatshop than stay in the dangerous garbage dump, searching for something to recycle for change. The writer establishes credibility through his experience ... Show more content on ... This affirms his solution, which is to promote manufacturing in poor countries. In the third paragraph of his argument he used figurative language to really describe the horrible conditions these families in Phnom Penh lived in. Kristof used both metaphors and alliteration to really give the audience clear visuals of the garbage dump. One of the metaphors is, It s a mountain of festering refuse , which translates to piles of rotting wastes. By writing metaphorically it creates a much more vivid and exaggerated image in our mind. Another metaphor he used was, The miasma of toxic stink... (Paragraph 3, pg. 109) which vividly describes the harmful vapors from the decomposing garbage. Continuing that last sentence ... toxic stink leaves you gasping, breezes batter you with filth, and even the rats look forlorn (paragraph 3, pg. 109 in), is an example of alliteration. These visual statements (metaphors and alliteration) help Kristof convince his audience that sweatshops are a better option, a way out of poverty. Throughout Kristof s argument he appeals to both logic and emotions. One example of logos is when he talks about how he was asked if he would want to work in a sweatshop. Of course his answer was no, but he then says he would rather do that then pull a rickshaw. This displays logic because even though a job at a sweatshop is not
  • 7. Ethics Of The Chicago Heat Wave An Ethical Analysis of the Chicago Heat Wave MPH 603 Ethical Political Issues in public Health Benedictine University Salma Ali Abstract The 1995 Chicago Heat Wave was the worst weather related disaster in the United States. Temperatures rose to dangerous high records which cost the lives of over 700 people. The conditions that contributed to such a high death toll were not just from the natural disaster, but lack of proper planning. Unfortunately the city of Chicago had no official weather disaster plan in place to handle the crisis. The failures of that day illustrate that officials, the media, and the community did not fulfill their ethical responsibility to save the lives that were lost. In his book Heat Wave Eric... Show more content on ... Any ethical evaluation must describe, specify, evaluate, synthesize, provide recommendations and monitor any intervention. Unfortunately, during the Chicago heat wave of 1995 many minority communities were neglected and there was a collective failure of key members due to lack of communication, loss of electricity and lack of awareness. The case study by Klinenberg will use ethical principles and the systematic framework to highlight what went wrong and what could have been done differently. Description Specification Heat waves are often overlooked as an important natural disaster because they do not have the immediate effects of other disasters like hurricanes and tornadoes. However, over the last fifteen years, more people have died from heat waves compared to all other weather related disasters combined (Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, 2005). Heat waves are more dangerous in cities like Chicago because the buildings and paved roads stores heat and it dissipate very slowly (Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, 2005). The Chicago heat wave resulted in temperatures of 106 degrees and the actual heat index was almost 126 degrees. As a result of these high temperatures and humidity, over 700 people were left dead in
  • 8. The Distillation Dream Team Co The Distillation Dream Team Co.в„ў BREAKING NEWS: METEOROLOGIST FEAR DEVASTATING DROUGHT TO SPREAD WEST IN THE UNITED STATES! CALIFORNIA ALREADY HARD HIT! Currently in the Western United States, the country is going through a major drought crisis. California reaches worst level; as it spreads to the Western states. More than 58 percent of the state was in an exceptional drought stage, according to the latest U.S. Drought Monitor map. The drought that began almost three years ago has also nearly depleted the state s topsoil moisture reserves. Now it s having a major impact on crops that are grown in the area. The US Department of Agriculture meanwhile predicted there would be less corn coming into global markets over the next year, because of the increase in drought in the Western US area. What s difficult is that we see a drought happen today but people are really going to be feeling that six months from now, possibly a year from now, said Mary Brill, a policy analyst at ActionAid. This could form another round of high prices and global hunger. Water is a precious resource. In a drought prone state, we need to find the absolutely best way to use what water we have. The pieces are in place to fix California s water problem, they just need to put them together. As shown in this map, the conditions in the Western United States and especially in California are worsening day by day. The drought is hurting many families crops and wallets. Equipment: The
  • 9. The United Relations Between India And Indian Immigrants Abstract: History of independence has involuntarily caused a change noticeable in the rise of immigration and immigrants in a country where development, prosperity, independence echoed and still echoes in the hearts of millions. This paper calls for an approach to determine and understand the plight of documented and undocumented immigrant labour force or working sector. 1973 to 1974 had an exodus oil boom in the reign of gulf countries highlighting Saudi Arabia, the formation and impact on India and Indian immigrants is formidable. An exigency of cure highlight in the aspects of misery faced by such immigrants and the asylum rules, the bilateral agreements to the treaties in regard to international standards, who are and will be putting up with such twin difficulties. A study in the light of migrant misery and laws, with solutions drawn, would suffuse such disparity. Key words: Indian migrants; gulf corporation council; Indo Saudi bilateral agreement; migrant challenges; asylum laws. Biographical notes: Maitreyi Kannur is a student at M.S Ramaiah College of law, pursuing a five year undergraduate integrated law degree. She aspires to work in the field of international immigration in the near future and is keen on analysing and enforcing better Indian asylum immigration laws. 1 Introduction: It was once a dream, a dream that prevailed in the hearts of millions and moved nations but sought ignition through a speech in the year 1963. This dream sees no territory;
  • 10. Transformations in Ovid s Metamorphosis Essay Transformations in Ovid s Metamorphosis Transformations from one shape or form into another are the central theme in Ovid s Metamorphoses. The popularity and timelessness of this work stems from the manner of story telling. Ovid takes stories relevant to his culture and time period, and weaves them together into one work with a connecting theme of transformation throughout. The thread of humor that runs through Metamorphoses is consistent with the satire and commentary of the work. The theme is presented in the opening lines of Metamorphoses, where the poet invokes the gods, who are responsible for the changes, to look favorably on his efforts to compose. The changes are of many kinds: from human to animal, animal to human, thing to ... Show more content on ... Upon encountering Daphne, Apollo falls madly in love with her. Overcome by Cupid s arrow, Apollo sets aside reason and becomes engulfed by his hope of attaining his love. Before being transformed, Apollo would most likely have paid little or no attention to Daphne, but now, Apollo is overcome by his lust for beauty. Ovid compares Apollo s love for Daphne to a flame in a brush. This metaphor used by Ovid is very effective. The change that goes through Apollo is very sudden and fast. The imagery of a flame rapidly spreading through brush conveys the idea of an almost violent change. The god is consumed with a desire for the girl. His chase is fueled by a hope to overcome the ultimate futility of his actions. He sees every part of her as beautiful, her eyes, hair, face and even speculates as to the beauty of her hidden regions. Unsatisfied by the sight of Daphne and wanting more than just a glimpse of her beauty, Apollo follows Daphne as a hound chases a rabbit. The hope for his fruitless love keeps Apollo close on Daphne s trail, and fear motivates Daphne to stay just out of reach. When Ovid tries to convey the intensity of the flight, he says, He gave the fleeing maiden no respite, but followed close on her heels, and his breath touched the locks that lay scattered on her neck, ;(p. 43) Finally, burdened by mortal exhaustion, Daphne prays to her father to deliver her from her torment. As the words leave her mouth, Daphne is transformed for the second
  • 11. Houston Concrete Repair Research Paper A Houston concrete repair is your one stop destination for all concrete repair requirements. Homes made from concrete are known for their low cost and high durability. And, concrete is being used as an essential building material for more than a century. Concrete has a long life and is not likely to erode or decay like any other building material. However, it is susceptible to cracking and finding a reliable concreterepair in Houston is a mountainous task as you need to hire the best available service. Additionally, before hiring the service you need to thoroughly know about concrete being used. It is extremely essential that the damage is repaired appropriately to avoid the recurrence of the same problem. Concrete is an amalgamation of ... Show more content on ... Therefore the repair of the cracks requires the intelligence and skills of an expert professional in this field. Filling the cracks should always be based on the climate because many a times it is witnessed that concrete reacts differently to climatic changes. The month of August is considered as the warmest in Houston and concrete develops cracks in high temperature area. The climate is classified as humid subtropical, which increase the chances of needing a concrete repair in Houston as the deterioration rate will increase at a faster rate. The carbon dioxide present in the atmosphere spoils the cracks developed. Concrete used for constructing commercial and industrial buildings needs immediate supervision, therefore, finding the right Houston concrete repair service is essential to repair the damaged area. The problem of repairing is extensive as commercial buildings have to bear more load than the normal buildings. While searching for concrete repair in Houston, ensure that you carry out a thorough research. You need to look for a concrete repair in Houston which can give effective results without hampering the
  • 12. Intelligence, Terrorism, And Terrorism Introduction Homeland security is all about ensuring the safety and security of the United States (U.S.) and its citizens. It was apparent that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were lack of intelligence. Since then, the U.S. has given great emphasis of intelligence to prevent terrorist events such as 9/11 from happening again. Homeland security has emplaced variety of efforts in order for the U.S. to address safety and security issues as well as in addressing the ever growing threats of terrorism both physical and cyber. Gathering intelligence is vital in preventing and responding to acts of terrorism and other activities that may cause harm to the U.S. and its citizens. There are numerous intelligence agencies that were brought together to form the Intelligence Community (IC). These agencies gather and analyze information turning it to intelligence that is useful with the prevention and deterrence to all forms of acts of terrorism. Intelligence are proven to prevent crimes and many experts believe that intelligence has the potential to prevent terrorism. This paper will address the intelligence capabilities as well as the limitations, issues and challenges of intelligence in supporting homeland security efforts. Capabilities The U.S. put greater emphasis on intelligence since September 11, 2001 events. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was established and soon after the IC. The IC consists of multiple federal agencies such as the Office of the
  • 13. Post Secondary Education Essay President Obama once said, Every single one of you has something that you re good at. Every single one of you has something to offer. And you have a responsibility to yourself to discover what that is. That s the opportunity an education can provide. For about two decades, people have been quarreling about whether post secondary educationis necessary. Opposers against collegeargue that one can still have a good job without a college degree. However, post secondary education is essential because there is a lesser chance of being unemployed, the greater chance of a better salary, and it can help inspire someone to change the world. Some people claim that one can have a successful job without the laborious journey of college. They say that ... Show more content on ... In addition to a better job, college graduates will receive higher pay, in contrast to those with only high school diplomas. BLS presented that Workers with a professional degree, such as lawyers and physicians earned about $612 more a week than did workers with a bachelor s degree, and over $1000 more per week than workers who have a high school diploma as their highest level of education (BLS). A well paying job is attainable with college. Having a successful and luxurious life is not as achievable with only a high school education because the possibility of having a high paying profession is low. The higher the education one receives will determine their salary. Another benefit of graduating college is the opportunity to make the world a better place. President Obama stated that You ll need the knowledge and problem solving skills you learn in science and math to cure diseases like cancer and AIDS, and to develop new energy technologies and protect our environment (Obama). Most high school graduates do not have the knowledge to create a resounding difference in the world. Landing a job, higher salary, and changing the world stems from one s college
  • 14. Attributes of Typical Heisman Trophy Winners Essay HEISMAN DILEMMA The Heisman Trophy: symbol of unquestionable superiority among fellow NCAA division 1 A athletes . . . or is it? This unique honor is awarded to the player who the Heisman panel believes is the best player in 1 A. The award can be given to a player of any position, or so the Heisman committee says. There has never been a Heisman candidate who hasn t been a quarterback, running back, or multi purpose skill player (for example: someone who plays wide receiver, defensive back, and is a situational running back). Does the Heisman Trophy really determine who the best player (and therefore best NFL prospect) is? I can prove who will win the Heisman this year, but should that person be the Heisman winner? Kirk ... Show more content on ... 6. The winner cannot be an obvious product of his team s system. 7. If you are a quarterback, running back, or multipurpose athlete at a traditional power, have a very good statistical season, are an upperclassman, and your team wins at least nine games, you have a very good chance to win. Traditional powers qualify as: Notre Dame, USC, Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Ohio State, Michigan, Miami, or Florida State. 8. Statistical Benchmarks for each position in order to just be considered for the Heisman: Running Back: Must score at least 17 touchdowns and gain 1,700 all purpose yards; Quarterback: 20 touchdown passes, 3,000 yards, 2 1 touchdown interception ratio, and at least a 135 passer rating; if you are a running quarterback, you need 1000 yards rushing and need to be a decent passer. Multi threat athlete: Must make big plays on both sides of the ball, and consistently make big special team plays, specifically punt and kick returns. 9. There will never be another 2 time Heisman winner. 10. The winner must be likeable. (Herbstreit) Let s just take a look at the Heisman winners of the past 5 years. Matt Leinart (2004 Heisman winner), Jason White (2003 winner), Carson Palmer (2002 winner), Eric Crouch (2001 winner), and Chris Weinke (2000 winner) met all ten Heismandments. Fifteen out of the last twenty winners have belonged to a traditional power (the traditional powers are listed above.
  • 15. Sebastian Hastings Research Paper After Sebastian Hastings has spent a couple weeks in Illyria playing soccer with his new chum, Duke Orsino, we have finally put the puzzle pieces together. If this findings don t shock and bewilder you, I don t know what will. Before Sebastian came to Illyria, we saw the hot and popular hunk leaving multiple plastic surgeons, transgender support groups and hairdressers. The crazy part is, Sebastian wasn t Sebastian when he entered those buildings. You heard me right, Sebastian Hastings started off as a WOMAN! Viola Hastings entered the surgeons as Viola, and left as Sebastian. Where did Viola get the name Sebastian, you ask? Turns out, Sebastian is Viola s nearly identical twinbrother, um, awkward. The pair look so alike that with a bit of facial reconstruction, added facial hair, and a fresh haircut, Viola became Sebastian Hastings.We had a chat to the REAL Sebastian Hastings who stated, I didn t know Viola... Show more content on ... We do however see Viola s reasoning for this gender change. Women are dehumanized and misrepresented in 21st Century societies. Sexism runs rampant as individuals, like Viola, aren t able to engage in things that everyone should be able to partake in things like sport, for instance. By faking her gender, Viola attempted to break these harsh gender barriers, and to simply be treated equally.After Viola, uh, Sebastian revealed his, or her, real gender at a soccer game, Duke and her were smitten and all over eachother. This may come to an end as we recently spoke to Viola. I may go back to being a man. I was seen as tough and was allowed to play the sports I like without being judged. Soon after the interview, Duke Orsino, Viola s new love tweeted He or she, I love this person! . Quickly after the media acted with sexuality rumours, Duke quickly deleted the tweet. Now the questions remain, is Viola meant to be Sebastian and has Duke s sexuality changed? Tweet your opinions to us
  • 16. Analysis Of Tinker Vs. Des Moines, And Bethel V. Fraser The first amendment, which is considered the right to freedom of speech, is a misconception to many. Not all citizens, but some, think that because of the first amendment; they can say whatever they want. Although citizens of the United States have the right to freedom of speech, this freedom of speech is viewed differently by others. Which leads to confusion as to what can be said and what cannot be said. Both court cases: Tinker v. Des Moines, and Bethel v. Fraser involved the confusion and misunderstanding of this first amendment. In December, 1969, a group of students in Des Moines held a meeting in the home of Christopher Eckhardt to plan a public showing of their support for a truce in the Vietnam War. 1 These students decided to wear black armbands to show their support. These students included: John F. Tinker, Hope Tinker, Mary Beth Tinker, Paul Tinker, and Christopher Eckhardt. Whenever the Principal found out about their plan, he stated that any student found wearing these black armbands would be suspended.2 Despite the Principal s warning, the students still wore the black armbands.3 On December 16, Christopher Eckhardt and Mary Beth Tinker wore their black armbands to school and were sent home. The next day, John Tinker wore his armband and was also sent home. Because of the protest, the students did not return to school until after New Year s Day. This was the date they planned to end the protest.4 Parents, of the children who were sent home, were furious.
  • 17. The Impact Of Immigration On The United States And Canada... Chapter One: Introduction to Investigation Immigration to North American nations has been a staple process for countries like the United States and Canada. Without immigrants, these two nations would not have become as large and successful as they are today. However, easy and encouraged immigration has not always been a constant for these two countries. Throughout the centuries, there have been issues and disputes over immigration for particular ethnicities and groups of people which continue even to this day. One example being the current dispute on Mexican immigrants residing or entering the United States and whether it requires heavier government intervention. A similar problem beginning almost two centuries ago has already occurred in both the US and Canada, and was resolved in extreme manners similar to some of those proposed American politicians. As following a popular quote by George Santayana, Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it, by examining past events similar to those seen today, those involved in the issue can make better judgements based on what has and has not worked in the past. The aforementioned problem was one of the largest past uproars concerning American and Canadian immigration, which was with the sudden flow of Chinese immigrants to North America in the 1800s to the 1920s. Most of whom hailed from Southern China, poor Chinese immigrants that journeyed to the United States to secure their share in the American Dream, often
  • 18. Presidential Debate Over Presidential Debates With the 2016 election in full throttle, Kennedy and Nixon s presidential debates of 1960 are still very much a part of American democracy. Televised presidential debates have become a backbone in an American election. Although these debates are now considered a norm in American politics, this has not always the case. Even after the first time a presidential debate was held between presidential candidates from across the aisle, it took another 16 years for another debate to occur. It is highly doubtful that either Nixon or Kennedy, much less anyone else of that time period, would have been able to foresee the effects of their debate. The presidential debates between Kennedy and Nixon have shape American politics for what seemed like the better but as more and more research is published, this claim is starting to fall apart. While presidential debates offer the public a chance to compare and contrast the Republican and Democratic presidential candidate, they have an impact on viewers that is not always positive. Rather, televised presidential debates impact voters across the aisle and throughout levels of political awareness. An in depth look at the history of televised presidential debates and their impact on viewers could answer the question of whether televised presidential debates should remain a central part of the modern American democracy. Background The Great Debates John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon met in Chicago on September 26th, 1960 to make history as the first
  • 19. Reaction Paper On Courtroom Work Group The Courtroom Work Group Courtroom is essential in the administration of criminal justice through court proceedings. The purpose thereof is to settle conflicts or controversies involving violation of rights between two parties. However, a courtroom work group deviates from its ordinary sense. The latter develops deviant process especially adapted for a criminal proceedings and is performed collectively. It is a system of collective participation of people with specialized functions. It is best described as an organization of judges, prosecutors and defense attorneys. As such, informal collaboration of between those aforementioned people may exist in order for a speedy decision of the case. For the purposes of this paper, interaction of courtroom work group on a daily basis and its recommended changes will be discussed. As well as the role of a prosecutor, determination of cases to pursue, criteria of taking cases, determination of sentences, forms of punishment, effects of the criminal justice funnel and the backlog of cases on the court system and the courtroom work group and lastly, possible solutions to help eliminate funnel and backlog of cases will be further discussed. Interaction of Courtroom Work Group on a Daily Basis Courtroom ... Show more content on ... It is the nature of the case and the crime committed which surface the selection of applicable sentence. However, when the court finds a particular case unusual, the court may depart from the guidelines and resort to a pertinent sentence appropriate for the nature of the case. Thereafter, the appellate court may choose to review and determine its appropriateness and reasonableness (United States Sentencing Commission, 2008). Sentencing is evaluated by the U.S Sentencing Commission.They determine its effects to the criminal justice system and recommends necessary modifications thereof (American International College,
  • 20. Essay On Women In Antigone The play Antigone by Sophocles perfectly demonstrates the values of a society can alienate an individual for such thing as gender. Antigone, the protagonist, demonstrates her strong personality throughout the play as she believes that women have the right to express their opinions, rather than to listen to the society or to the man with more power. However, with Antigonebeing a woman, everyone treated her differently. Antigone s character proves that women are not born as a second class, and they have the right to express their beliefs. For example from the play, in the beginning, Antigone asked her sister, Ismene, to bury her brother together with Antigone. However, Ismene disagrees with her sister s opinion because Ismene is scared of Creon since she was portrayed to be the type of girl that will follow the men s lead in this play. Antigone said, To wreck itself; the worst that can befall/ Is but to die an honorable death (Sophocles 95 96) and I would not welcome such a fellowship./ Go thine own way; myself will bury him (Sophocles 69 70). From this, Antigone shows that she is not afraid of danger or death and she will do whatever she feels is right for her late brother. ... Show more content on ... With that being said, because Antigone was born as a woman in that time period, her actions were not approved by others. Everyone, including her sister Ismene, believes that Antigone needs to listen and follow Creon s order if she doesn t want to die. When Antigone asked her sister to bury their dead brother in secret, Ismene said, Weak women, think of that,/ Not framed by nature to content with men (Sophocles 60 61). In other words, Ismene believes that women are supposed to be weak and need protection, rather than to fight against
  • 21. Hey India|| Collecting data on social entrepreneurs is problematic for a number of reasons. For instance, the nascency of the field means that there are relatively few (as compared with fields like commercial entrepreneurship or family firms) potential subjects for those wanting to study founders of social ventures. Moreover, due to the global nature of the field, social entrepreneurs tend to be a disbursed group. Add to this the fact that there is little government mandated public information on most social enterprises (as is the case with publically traded firms, for example), and one can understand why few empirical studies on social entrepreneurship have gone beyond case studies. This is ... Show more content on ... While the GEM is, like the PSED, primarily concerned with tradition commercial entrepreneurship, the study allows for some SocEnt research. Recent versions of the GEM individual level datasets include the following question: Are you, alone or with others, currently trying to start or currently owning and managing any kind of activity, organisation or initiative that has a particular social, environmental or community objective? This might include providing services or training to socially deprived or disabled persons, using profits for socially oriented purposes, organising self help groups for community action, etc. Those respondents that answer in the affirmative may be classified as social entrepreneurs and analysis may be conducted both within this sub sample, or comparisons may be made with those that answered in the negative.3) Depending on your definition of social enterprise (See our definitions page), IRS 990 forms may be an excellent source of secondary. For instance, many consider social enterprise to be nonprofits using earned income strategies. 990s are the tax forms that nonprofit organizations must file each year. Among the things they must report are the sources of their income; i.e., how much did they get from donations, government grants, membership dues, sales of goods /services, etc. With this, one may argue, for example, that nonprofits with more earned income from sales of goods and services are more
  • 22. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson Essay Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson Speak, by Laurie Halse Anderson, is a story written in the first person about a young girl named Melinda Sordino. The title of the book, Speak, is ironically based on the fact that Melinda chooses not to speak. The book is written in the form of a monologue in the mind of Melinda, a teenage introvert. This story depicts the story of a very miserable freshman year of high school. Although there are several people in her high school, Melinda secludes herself from them all. There are several people in her school that used to be her friend in middle school, but not anymore. Not after what she did over the summer. What she did was call the cops on an end of summer party on of her friends was throwing. Although... Show more content on ... However, Melinda feels it to the extreme. Melinda went through a traumatizing experience, and everyone and everything around her contribute to the uncontrollable pain she is feeling. This pain has lead her to depression. Throughout this story Melinda has missed several opportunities to reach out for help. Teenage depression isn t just bad moods and occasional sadness. Depression is a serious problem that impacts every single aspect of a teen s life. If left untreated, teen depression can lead to problems at home, school, and in other aspects of ones life. Depression is often caused by past traumatic events. Although some teens aren t able to really process what is going on, they remember and are haunted be the event every day. It is extremely important to be informed about adolescent depression, and what can be done to help. Throughout the story, Melinda shows many signs of depression. Teens will often display changes in their thinking and behavior, lose their motivation, or become withdrawn. Psych Info Online presented some signs of depression that Melinda experienced in the novel. The signs Melinda indicated include: sadness, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, withdrawal from friends, decreased interest of activities, social isolation, poor communication, low self esteem, guilt, and
  • 23. Literary Devices In Nuns Fret Not At Their Convent s... Constraints often have negative connotations, however in many situations they can be comforting and provide people with a direction. Both physical and conceptual limitations provide comfort especially when they provide a sense of familiarity. Literary devices such as imagery and irony help to convey this theme throughout the poem. In Nuns Fret Not at Their Convent s Narrow Room William Wordsworth uses literary devices, as well as examples of comforting confined spaces, to prove that having conceptual limitations can be beneficial as well. Wordsworth uses imagery to convey positive images of confined spaces. The first instance of this is in the introduction of the poem, Nuns fret not at their convent s narrow room (Wordsworth 78). A nunis not unhappy with her small room because she is able to find peace there. This is where nuns are able to connect with god. The connections that they feel there helps to provide them with comfort. Even though it may be a small room, it is what they are familiar with and have grown accustomed to. Over time they probably haven t noticed the small space of the convent because it has been over shadowed by the positive memories formed within the building. Imagery is used throughout the poem to continually convey the theme. All of the images that Wordsworth portrays lead to the same conclusion. Each image that Wordsworth creates in the poem is of a confined space. However, the subject of the image is never trying to flee from this place. In many instances they are drawn towards these compact spaces. All because of the same general reasons, it is comfortable, safe, and familiar. Wordsworth uses bees in the Peak of Furness fells to strengthen his point. The imagery used by Wordsworth depicts how vast the mountains are, High as the highest Peak of Furness fells, Will murmur by the hour of the foxglove bells (79). The Peak of Furness fells is a very large, open, mountain range in England. There is plenty of open space, so the bee can go anywhere it would like. However, it chooses the small foxglove bell. This is where the bee is happiest because it gives the bee the pollen that it needs. The bee will continue to return here because it has become comfortable with the foxglove bell.
  • 24. Elementary Education Career Analysis This paper will explore the statistics of a career in elementary education. It covers job requirements (such as degree and teaching license), annual salary, job availability, and future trends in the field. It also discuss the top and bottom ten percentile for annual wages, as well as what further education may be required according to state preferences and laws and what technology may present itself in the future. The Career Specifics Of An Elementary Educator An Overview of a Career in Elementary Education Elementary Education, just like other fields, has specific trends, requirements, and technology. Like most teaching positions, elementary education requires only a bachelor s degree in most states. This paper will explore four different topics: 1. ... Show more content on ... Becoming A Elementary Educator To become a elementary educator, one must first earn a bachelor s degree in early childhood education (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014). A license to teach is also required by all states, as well as student teaching and a teacher preparation program. Teachers are also required to complete professional development classes on a yearly basis, which keep their licenses valid. Like most states, North Dakota requires teachers to pass a test before they are certified (Mara, V.E.,2012). Some states also require a minimum college grade point average (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2014). Availability of Jobs Jobs in North Dakota are increasing (Mara,V.E., 2012). There is currently a teacher shortage in North Dakota even despite growth in North Dakota, there is a more rapid job growth in the South and West rather than in the Midwest and eastern part of the country. More jobs are available in urban and rural school districts rather than the suburban school districts (Bureau of Labor Statistics,
  • 25. Analysis Of In The Time Of The Butterflies In 1994, a woman shows up at DedГ© Mirabal s house in the Dominican Republic to interview her about the lives of her and her famous dead sisters: Patria, Minerva, and MarГa Teresa. In the story, In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez, DedГ© recounts the story of how her sisters became national heroes and significant figures in the Dominican Republicduring the rule of dictator Rafael Trujillo. In the beginning of the novel, Minerva Mirabal talks her parents into sending her to boarding school along with her older sister Patria. During this time, she makes a friend named Sinita, whose brother, along with all the other men in her family, were murdered by Trujillo. Minerva then performs in a school play at the capital, in front of Trujillo himself. During this, her friend Sinita aims her fake bow and arrow at Trujillo s heart, and almost gets the group in trouble. Minerva becomes more aware of the state her country is in, and is more politically active. She later shares the truth and her hatred of Rafael Trujillo with her sister MarГa Teresa (Mate). Meanwhile, Patria, the eldest of the sisters, originally intended to be nun, but falls in love with a boy and marries him at age sixteen. She has two children, but unfortunately loses her third child. It is hinted later that stress over her Minerva s political risks affected her pregnancy. In the middle of the story, the Mirabal sisters become deeply involved in the resistance movement attempting to overthrow Trujillo.
  • 26. Nucor s Trends On The Income Statement, Balance Sheet,... Recommendations Nucor s trends on the income statement, balance sheet, and ratio measurement show some concern. There are positive and negative issues within the company. The data from the financial analysis with Nucor addresses this issues where precise financial goals can counteract concerns in order to enhance the quality of investment. The LIFO with Nucor controls planning and investments. This limits Nucor abilities to make the adjustment without investors aiding the decision process. In addition, Steel products and resources for the steel mill can be bought at a lower price from competitors with even a lower risk on investment. The low risk does not guarantee to pay off any more than a high risk investment. However, Nucor is high risk with high buy in because cash flow is not effective and effectively being managed. Therefore, I would not recommend buying stocks. Because a drop in sales and market trends impact Nucor more than their competitors related to huge operation expense and product cost for manufacturing. Therefore, I would recommendation wait until market trends drop in sales and cost of production, transportation, and labor before buying stocks with Nucor. This would maximize investment by capitalizing on the risk of investment. The leverage risk is maximized investment by bottlenecking investments until more gains are acquired on the market from changes in trends. It does appear Nucor is headed in this direction with their purpose and
  • 27. Two Kinds Two Kinds is a wonderful little short story about a immigrant Chinese woman in the mid 1950 s to early 1960 s that moved to Chinatown in California to give herself a better opportunity to make it in America. In the story we see the Amy s mother as a woman who already has dealt with her fair share of pain and disappointment. Jeng mei mothers entire family seemed to have been wiped out before she came to America from China Jeng mei explains she had come to San Francisco in 1949 after losing everything in China: her mother and father, her home, her first husband, and two daughter, twin baby girls. But she never looked back with regret. This was the type of woman Amy s mother was diligent, unwavering, focus that there could be a ... Show more content on ... I won t let her change me . This is where struggle rears its ugly head in her and her mother s relationship Jeng mei not being from China lacked an obedience that her counterpart may have had because she was an American child. You see Jeng mei s mother did not take into consideration her child being an American was probably not going to be as obedient as other Chinese girls were. Jeng mei s mother reason for coming to America was to take advantage of all America had to offer but I don t think Amy s mother realized that America gave her daughter her own mind. In conclusion we see through the rest of the story that there was more conflict with the two. Jeng mei s mother buys a piano for her daughter to learn how to play and become a prodigy at the piano. Mrs. Tan traded cleaning house with Mr. Chong their deaf neighbor who used to teach music. Amy starts to slack because her music teacher was deaf and not able to truly hear what Amy was playing. This was reflected in the recital and utterly bombed in front her parent, family, and friends. Amy s mother was disappointed but when Jeng mei felt that this would be her escape and her mother would not bother her about this prodigy thing she was sadly mistaken Jeng mei s mother did not waver from this way of thinking. Jeng mei then has a fit and becomes like a typical American child and becomes very disrespectful toward her mother and Amy s mother and her
  • 28. Funeral Director Essay Funeral Directors Sydney Choosing a funeral director has never been more convenient in Sydney. With your comfort in their mind, many are flexible enough to offer funeral services in neighboring areas aside from their respective locations. There are plenty of funeral directors that provide a wide range of services to cater to your needs and preferences; many specializing in a particular religious or cultural ceremony. Budget isn t much of an issue as funeral directors would be happy to provide you with funeral quotes to help you make a decision what services to avail. Introduction Losing a loved one is one of life s most challenging moments and this guide has been made to help you find the most suitable funeral director that will cater to your needs. Finding a funeral director A good funeral director helps ... Show more content on ... Their cemetery and crematorium are both located at Crown Land being administered by the Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust. Their memorial park is a member of the Cemeteries and Crematoria Association of New South Wales. Overlooking Botany Bay, their memorial park offers a serene ambience that helps families paying their respects to the departed reflect and remember the joyful moments and memories they shared. Liverpool cemetery Liverpool cemetery is an independent, non profit organization located in Liverpool, New South Wales. Their cemetery offers a wide range of selection of burial and cremation services including affordable packages as low as 1,850 aud which already includes basic services such as chapel service, single garden niche, cremation, and memorial plaque. Liverpool cemetery also support a culturally diverse community and thus serve all cultural and religious groups that would like to conduct their funeral activities
  • 29. Evaluate The Effectiveness Of Non Violence Methods All religions called for nonviolent principles that are based on peaceful strategies to reach goals. Nonviolence seeks understanding and justice instead of riot or tumult. In fact, the first time for someone to use this method was in India by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (1869 1948), he believed that he can stand against the British and bring independence to India using civil disobedience. Also, Anwar El Sadat used the non violence method with Israel when he signed the peace agreement in order to avoid a war. Therefor, the non violence technique is very effective which lead Luther king Jr. to call upon Gandhi s method and make use of it to attain equality between black and white people. In my opinion, applying the non violence method is truly
  • 30. Research Paper On Siberian Tiger The Siberian Tiger What are the seven characteristics of a Tiger? Does the tiger have single cell organisms or do they have multicellular organisms? How much sunlight do they need? What does a tiger do when the season change? How does a tiger grow from baby to an adult? How does a tiger reproduce and how well do they adapt to their environment? A tigerhas multiple cells, so it means that it is a multicellular organism. A tiger has cells called eukaryotic cells. A tiger has a different skull structure than a lion has. A tiger s skull is specially designed. The way it is made it don t just protect the eyes and the brain it also allows the jaw to have powerful strength. The skull is short and rounded, which means all of the power comes from
  • 31. Garlic Research Paper The best ways to Grow Garlic From Seed While expanding garlic is simple, there s no certain means to do so utilizing garlic seed. Garlic Seed Propagation Garlic does not normally established real seed, and also on those unusual events when it does, garlic seed appears like the tiny, black seeds of onions. Of program, plants created making use of garlic seed breeding are not most likely to expand anyhow as well as those couple of that do will certainly take years to create any kind of garlic. For the a lot of component, garlic is replicated and also expanded from cloves, which are located inside the bulbils. Garlic seed proliferation depends mostly on the selection made use of as well as the environment where it is expanded. Hardneck garlic... Show more content on ... Use a charitable quantity of compost to assist shield their superficial origins over wintertime. Once the brand new development is all set to surface as well as the hazard of cold has actually stopped, this could be gotten rid of in very early springtime. Throughout its expanding period, garlic calls for regular watering as well as periodic feeding. Dig up the garlic plants as well as pack them with each other (regarding 6 to 8 plants) for drying out. While expanding garlic is very easy, there s no certain means to do so utilizing garlic seed. Garlic Seed Propagation Garlic does not typically established real seed, and also on those uncommon celebrations when it does, garlic seed appears like the little, black seeds of onions. Of training course, plants created making use of garlic seed breeding are not most likely to expand anyhow as well as those couple of that do will certainly take years to create any kind of garlic. Garlic seed proliferation depends primarily on the selection utilized as well as the environment where it is expanded. Exactly how to Grow Garlic could be expanded effortlessly, as well as once more, it is commonly expanded from cloves, not garlic
  • 32. Abnormal Psychology Terms Abnormal Psychology Terms 1. even our negative emotions help us survive. for example, aren t our suspicious often justified? most likely someone with a ______ theoretical perspective made this statement I knew right after we got home from the hospital that our kid had a problem, the parents said. unless the parent is using 20 20 hindsight, the child s diagnosis most likely is i m concerned about Ritalin use; its possible effects on children s growth, and its increasing heart attack risk in hypertensive adults an acquaintance worries. your best reply, based on the most recent research is it is obvious that this case of obsessive compulsive personality disorder arises from an early childhood fixation. which type of psychologist... Show more content on ... 22. 23. a child s distracting behaviors occur only in a school setting, and include failure to follow instructions and finish work, answering questions before they have been completed, and a lot of seat squirming and fidgeting. could ADHD be a diagnosis of this child a client being treated for avoidant personality disorder must increase the number of social contacts per day defined as people greeted with at least the phrase, Hello. How are you? in order to later engage in some desired activity. most likely, the therapist has which theoretical background a client being treated for schizotypal personality disorder must show up for therapy appointments on time, dress appropriately, and complete some social skills training. most likely the theoretical orientation of the therapist is a client suffers from severe problems in remembering recent information, and has increasing difficulty using ordinary language and other cognitive skills. the resulting diagnosis probably will be a clouding of consciousness that develops over a short period of time and can often be reversed if its underlying cause can be found is called a friend asks your advice about the best therapy to use for treating borderline personality
  • 33. Ship Breaker Dystopian Dystopian literature is a genre of fictional writing that portrays the world in a worst case scenario using three elements. These three elements are dystopian society, dystopian controls and the dystopian protagonist. Paolo Bacigalupi uses these three elements to create a very realistic dystopian novel that is not too far away from becoming a reality. With all of this said, It is obvious that Ship Breaker is a completely dystopian novel. Not only is it a dystopian novel, but it also gives a view into what the real world might look like in the near future. The bureaucratic control in Ship Breaker is very evident when Bacigalupi begins to talk about the swanks. The swanks own people that are half man and half dog to use at their will for whatever... Show more content on ... In the world of Ship Breaker the people that aren t very well off and do exactly what they are told without question because they know that there is always somebody else that wants the same job that they have and if they question why they are doing the task at hand, they will lose their job. This is shown when Nailer is talking to Bapi on the deck of the ship after emerging from the vents and Bapi says, You think I can t get a hundred other licebiters to take your place? There s kids down there that would let me cut out an eye if it would get them up on a wreck. (14) Also the citizens live in a very dehumanized state where the people that don t have much money aren t seen as humans and day to day life is a struggle. There isn t much food for these people and they live on beaches where pollution and trash, wash up on shore every day. The people live in huts and go to work every day knowing that they could die from anything that is in the ship. They work in tight quarters in frail service ducts that could break at any moment if they are too heavy, and they work in these conditions for less than $5 every
  • 34. Learning From The Unit On Division Essay VI: Learning from Practice The Reflection Conclusions and Instructional Decision Making When reviewing the data collected from the unit on division, it is clear that there was positive student growth. Through the various forms of assessment during this unit, each was able to assess students on their level of achievement toward reaching each of the three SLOs. Students were given a pre assessment, as well as at least one formative assessment for each SLO, as well as a summative post assessment. Based on the data collected from the pre assessment, the class average was a score of 43%. By the end of the unit, after about a three week period, the class average on the final summative assessment was 78%. This shows a growth in the scores for the class as a whole, as a positive 35%. This type of growth is phenomenal for this unit, as the concept of the division can be extremely abstract. When assessing students throughout this unit, their performance and level of understanding of each SLO had a major effect on the scheduling and rigor of each lesson and skill. Students were each place into one of four tiered groups based on their behaviors as well as their performance. Each group of students is typically on the same level, therefore, progressing at a similar pace. As an inclusion classroom with ten students having IEPs, there is a large range of ability levels. Therefore, the delivery of instruction and forms of assessment for each tiered group was modified to meet the needs of
  • 35. Black Robes By Moki Summary In the story, Moki had two visions. The visions had shown him two ways to live. The first with seeds for tomorrow was a way of sharing. The second was not a way of sharing at all (Burnes). The vision of sharing had actually happened in real life and in the story itself. The second vision was present, but did not happen in the end. The Hopi realized that they are able to share the land and the valley, so they relocate on the top of the mesa. Throughout the short story, Moki s visions represented something that happened in real life. In the beginning, the Spanish missionaries, also known as the Black Robes, were resented by the Hopi, or the People. The People strongly disliked the idea that Spanish settlers and governor took over their ... Show more content on ... In the text, it mentions about the religious dances and ways of the People. Then, the Spanish and Black Robes came and everything changed. The Spanish were very brutal to the People, but the had also introduced new plants for cultivation, such as watermelon. The People eventually outlawed the garden seeds in order to reject their new ways. Like the story itself, this was true. The People had rejected new influences in order to continue their regular cultural lives. The peace was not settled, so Pope drove out the Spanish settlers in the Pueblo Revolt of 1680. Many lives were lost on both sides; fields were destroyed; churches and homes were razed. This was like Moki s second vision; not sharing the seeds. After peace was restored between the two sides, the People tried to return to their old religious customs, but their old way of life could not be attained. The People eventually moved atop the mesa where they live today. Like in the story and in real life, the People finally decided to move out of the Spanishs way. Archaeological findings say that they have uncovered native garden seeds of squash, melons, and corn that are still able to to grown after
  • 36. Improving Inclusion And Expanding Coverage For Healthy... University of North Texas Health Science Centre School of Public Health, Fort Worth, Texas, EOHS 5313 The Editor, Fort Worth Star Telegram, 400 West Seventh Street, Fort Worth, Texas Sir/Madam, STRENGTHENING RETENTION, IMPROVING INCLUSION AND EXPANDING COVERAGE IN HEALTHY FEEDING PROGRAMS ACROSS TEXAS DISTRICTS This letter seeks to provide a detailed exposition of a multi faceted aspect of the challenge of food insecurity in Texas and a proposal of clear cut practical solutions. The hope is that through the publication of this piece, the issue will assume centre stage and attract the needed response. Over the years, notable healthy feeding intervention programs across different government and community levels have been channelled to Texas in response to the much documented challenge of widespread food insecurity across the state. These programs have contributed in varying degrees to mitigating the crisis of food insecurity in the state (Children at Risk, 2016). However, progress in retention of beneficiaries and expansion of coverage has remained a real challenge. For there to be a sustained substantial reversal of food insecurity in Texas, a clear determination backed by concrete plans to remove obstacles to continued coverage and expansion for further inclusion must be prioritized. It is important to renew critical focus on the devastating impact of food insecurity and its vast spread in the United States in
  • 37. The Cause of Multiple Myeloma The cause of multiple myeloma is cellular resulting in diverse symptoms and affecting various groups of people. Multiple myeloma affects 1 in 149 people in the United States making it a .67% threat of people. According to the American Cancer Society in 2014, there will be 24,050 new cases... (13,500 in men and 10,550 in women)... 11,090 deaths are expected to occur (6,110 in men and 4,980 in women). Although not a common cancer being aware of what multiple myelomais and how to detect it can prevent mortalities. Imaging has been found promising in assessing patients with multiple myeloma. CT, MRI, and PET/CT are all used to diagnose multiple myeloma patients however; they each have advantages and disadvantages in analysis. First, we need to look at what multiple myeloma is in order to determine the best diagnostic modality. Multiple Myeloma is a neoplastic disease that involves the plasma cells within bone marrow. Plasma cells are a type of white blood cell that helps make up our immune system. They work within our immune system by generating antibodies that guard us from microorganisms and other unsafe materials. Although multiple myeloma forms in the immune system, the abnormal antibodies decrease the effectiveness of the body ability to fight infection. Since multiple myeloma is an uncommon cancer, the etiology is idiopathic, unknown. When plasma cells start to divide rapidly they become abnormal, and this is when myeloma starts. Healthy patients have a 5%
  • 38. Affirmative Action Debate Summary Analysis of the Affirmative Action Debate Review of Main Points of Side A This group believes that the United States does not need affirmative action as the same has been used to enhance fairness across different sectors of the economy. By speaking about affirmative action, the minority develop a negative ideology that they need to be recognized for certain posts. The affirmative action has been used in the past to create a fair ground for everybody to realize his or her dreams. For instance, President Obama was voted into statehouse despite being black because the people believed in his abilities to lead them accordingly. Discrimination has not been erased but affirmative action may not necessary end discrimination. Review of Main Points ... Show more content on ... There were claims made on the education sector, military and other areas of the economy. In the debate, both sides acknowledged the existence of discrimination across various sectors in the United States. The debate was aimed at finding the right solutions to such unfairness. Side A posited that there was no need for affirmative action considering that the fore fathers have been instrumental in enhancing such aspects of fairness and at present, such efforts are paying back. This is because there are many women professors while more women have taken up leadership positions compared to few decades ago. The existence of discrimination cannot be erased by the use of affirmative action because that is not the right way to address the issue of discrimination. Irrespective of there being affirmative action in place, such policies are rarely followed in different sectors like the military. Side B believes that through affirmative action, it would be easier to look at the statistics of a given region and find minorities in different spheres of representation. Without such actions, the minorities will continue to lack confidence, believe they are sidelined by the government of the day and cause intolerance among such minority
  • 39. Livestrong As A Genre On Commercial Livestrong as a Genre Student Name University Affiliation Course Code Date Livestrong as a Genre Am choosing a genre on commercial known as Livestrong for my analysis. Am concentrating on a commercial video of Livestrong and taking into consideration all its unparalleled features. Livestrong has a video page on YouTube for the sole reason to unite and link with other members of the society who make use of social media platforms. Form bases for promoting charity work and at the same time demonstrate how strong and powerful coming together for one united course in helping cancer patients can be. In these regards, I have a great interest in analysing Livestrong as a genre because I have been exposed to pain and agony cancer victims go through ... Show more content on ... In fact, the voices in the video are of cancer survivors using the using Livestrong foundation commercial to motivate cancer patients by telling them they will emerge from the killer disease (Rechis, Ellen and Stephanie, 76). Livestrong has a link where a user interested in viewing the image can use to access the video. Livestrong video is created with the most appealing visuals to attract more viewers. The visual and artistic of the Livestrong video page is the secret that draws viewers in a platform where there is combination of bright and images of high quality since an individuals have a higher chance of being attracted. Further, carry out an in depth analysis pertaining the vision and start following as compared to situation when the color is less enticing. Livestrong idea behind creating good interesting images in the video is to get followers in aesthetically pleasing page to promote the campaign for fighting cancer together. By joining hands and bravery speaking about the killer menace. All genres have rhetorical strategies put in place and therefore the commercial on Livestrong foundation is one of them. Pathos pull emotions by using both images and alluring color scheme. When a video looks bright and people in it appear pleased, it automatically makes whoever is viewing it happy. In addition, many slogans relate to how people in the page are determined to achieve the cause of what they started, the
  • 40. Mark Twain Influences The Father of American Literature Samuel Langhorne Clemens, more commonly known as Mark Twain, is not just a name most people know. It is a man of history who is said to be the Father of American Literature. Although there are other great authors of this time, Mark Twain used many different styles of writing within his work that helped to create the mastermind of a writer he once was and so that it would live on to be talked about today. Twain used a very relaxed style of writing that hadn t been used by any other author during this point in time. With his writing of amazing stories about Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, the mighty Mississippi River, and many more Mark Twain created adventure for the average American with his humor, attention to details, and the realism he used. These stories along with many others help prove he is the greatest influence to American Literature. Mark Twain is known for his creation of a new style of ... Show more content on ... He moved to the nearby town Hannibal at the age of four which is nestled on the banks of the Mississippi River, and a known location of some of his stories. His father died when he was at the young age of twelve, so life became tough which drove him to take multiple jobs in order to help his struggling family. Mark twain was a writer from the very beginning. He was a printer s devil for the Missouri Courier, and then in 1851 he became a typesetter and editorial assistant at the Western Union, a local paper owned by his older brother (Trout). This is where Mark published his first known sketch. In 1857, he boarded a steam boat and headed to New Orleans at the age of twenty two. Several years later in 1864, Twain left the city to move to San Francisco to work for various newspapers. When his short story, Jim Smiley and His Jumping Frog was published and circulated in 1865 he became a nationally known humorist
  • 41. Descriptive Essay About A New Home A New Home It was 5 on a chilly October morning, the sky was still dark, and the silence was peaceful. There was a few people on the road crossing into Juarez was what took the longest. After waiting in line for what felt like an eternity I weighed my bags and passed through security, I was handed a ticket with a destination to Mexico City. After 3 hours of being on an airplane, I could see the ground, tiny streets filled with people and cars everywhere I looked, huge buildings of every color, and a golden angel that stood in the sky in the middle of the city. I had finally arrived to Mexico City, without knowing how long I would live there or if I would ever leave. You re going to love Mexico City I can t wait to show you the place where I grew up, said my father on the drive to the airport. He was enthusiastic his eyes looked like bright stars from the excitement he had. I wasn t very excited about the move, but hid my emotions behind a smile. Months prior my parents had a business idea in mind, since my father was born in Mexico City, he wanted to go back to his hometown and work there. He wanted to experience life as it was for him before he came to the United States, and fulfill a lifelong dream that he had to open his own business. He was convinced that opening an English school in the heart of Mexico was a great idea, and that having Americans teach the classes would be a great opportunity for the people of the city. My mother and I weren t as excited as he was, my
  • 42. Chrysler s New Culture And Its Impact On The Mangers 2.To me the new culture change in Chrysler made a major impact on the mangers. They had to step up and make sure the rest of the employees were up to par. One way mangers understood Chryslers new culture was the competing values framework better known as CVF. Competing values framework is a way for mangers to understand, measure, and change organizational culture. (Citation).Within the CVF there are four types of cultures. They are Clan, Adhocracy, hierarchy, and market. Within the Chrysler organization all could be possessed but there is always going to be one that overpowers the others. When Marchionne started the new culture change he broke it down into dimensions. In dimension 1 it focused on Marchionne primary goal of profitability.
  • 43. Strength Training Vs Circuit Resistance Training Purpose: to compare strength gains in traditional strength training versus circuit resistance training in the untrained population Methods 24 randomly selected, untrained men and women ages 17 40 were used to determine the effectiveness in strength gains when comparing traditional resistance train to circuit resistance training over a 12 week period. Participants were divided into circuit resistance group (CRT), traditional resistance training group (TRT), and no strength group (NST). Participants exercised 3 non consecutive days a week and were evaluated over 3 blocks using bioimpedence and 6 repetition maximums for chest, press, leg press, and weight crunches. Results There was no statistical significance between CRT, TRT, or NRT... Show more content on ... Both have been proven to improve 1 repetition maximums. In circuit resistance training specifically, according to Waller, Miller and Hannon, loads as low as 40 60% of 1 repetition max has been proven to be effective in strength gains for untrained individuals; however, in trained professional in the trained population at least 70% of 1repititiom max is needed for maximum strength gains. Wilmore et al. (1978) evaluated efficiency of circuit weight training in muscular strength, endurance, power, and cardiovascular over a ten week period in a control group and a circuit training group, training three times a week at 40 55%of 1rm. Significant changes were seen in body composition, strength, and flexibility in the circuit training subjects Previous studies that evaluate the variables together compared a 70% load for traditional resistance to a circuit resistance load at 40 55%. The lower load or the circuit was not capable of generating enough stimulation for greater muscle fiber recruitment. Bone mass has also been seen to be minimal in these low loads. Using low loads go against the requirement for improved muscle hypertrophy and strength. In Traditional strength training they see a greater increase in bone mass, strength and muscle mass. The use of similar exercise prescriptions is warranted. Marx et al, (2001), measured muscular performance variations of low volume circuit compared to high volume periodized resistance in untrained women over