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Romeo And Juliet Introduction Essay
Romeo and Juliet By: William Shakespeare Introduction The story of Romeo and Juliet was
written by William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare he was baptised on April 23, 1564 and he
was dead on April 23, 1616 at the age of 52 years old, he has three children Susanna Hall, Hamnet
Shakespeare, Judith Quiney and his wife is Anne Hathaway. Romeo and Juliet story is the one of the
famous story in the world. The characters is Romeo the boyfriend of Juliet Montague his father Mrs.
Montague his mother, Benvolio their kinsman, Balthasar romeo's seving man, Juliet the girlfriend of
Romeo, Capulet her father Mrs. Capulet her mother, Paris the Prince's kinsman and the Juliet suitor,
and others. William Shakespeare he become a famous writer in Romeo more content...
Romeo decides to go to the Juliet house. Paris see Romeo's coming, Paris challenge Romeo to a
duel but Romeo kills him quickly. Romeo come close to Juliet to give a last kiss and dies then
Romeo drink a poison. Friar Lawrence explain the whole story into lord Capulet anf lord
Montague after that the two families will now friends. Analysis Romeo and Juliet is beautiful
artwork of William Shakespeare. In that story it portray the unmeasurable love between Romeo
and Juliet. In that stoer the memorable is Romeo climbed to come close to Juliet and to say his
feeling for her and they kissed each other. But the most I dislike part is when they both die in the
ending, However, it's okay beacause it makes Montague and Capulet be Friends again. Romoe's
strength is to makes Juliet happy and he do anything just for Juliet. He can give anything just for
her. But his weakness is also his too much love for Juliet, because it is the maine cause of his
death because he willing to give up everything for Juliet. Juliet strength is Romeo, because like
Romeo, Juliet also giving anything to him. No matter how hard the situation is she's always find a
time to see Romeo. But her weakness, to sees Romeo hurting when she saw the death of Romeo she
get suicide to show to Romeo how there is
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Romeo And Juliet Ending Essay
Romeo and Juliet both played a part in their ending but they were not the only people who helped
turn the romance into tragedy. The two characters, although being enemies, decided to be
together. Although they did not know their story would end up at the level of tragedy that it did,
they knew the story would not have a happy ending. "An glooming peace this morning with it
brings. The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head. Go hence, to have more talk of these sad
things. Some shall be pardoned and some punished. For never was an story of more woe. Than this
of Juliet and her Romeo." (Act 5 Scene 3, Page 256) This quote shows the lasting effects and the
level of tragedy these two caused with their love. The town that had been separated more
Friar Laurence played a huge part in the ending of this story. Friar is introduced in the story by
romeo when he goes to the wise man for help with Juliet. Friar tells Romeo "Go wisely and
slowly. Those who rush stumble and fall." Friar says this to romeo after he comes to Friar, asking
him to marry him and his love, juliet, whom he met the night before at a party. Friar knows
Romeo is acting foolishly but he has an inkling that the marriage may help the two families heal.
He does in fact marry them, knowing it is wrong. He then proceeds to give Juliet an sedative and
an plan to get out of marrying Paris. Juliet is to take the sedative and Friar is to send a message to
Romeo that he must come save her. The message gets stuck and it sends the story into an
spiraling downfall. After Juliet and Romeo's bodies are found, dead by suicide, Friar was left
with a lot of explaining to do. Friar played a tremendous role in the conclusion of the young kids
lives. The notorious question: Was the ending of Romeo and Juliet decided by fate, with the stars
perfectly aligned against the two, coming to an unexpected end? Or was it decided by the
characters and their choices? There are many examples of how all of the characters choices came
together in the end to form a butterfly effect. The main characters in this story sadly caused their
own romance to turn
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Romeo And Juliet Fate Analysis
Even from the beginning of William Shakespeare's, Romeo and Juliet, the audience is informed of
what becomes, the two lover's tragic yet inevitable end: "A pair of star–cross'd lovers take their
life...the fearful passage of the death–mark'd love," (Chorus 6, 9). Whilst the popular love story
explores many themes such as love, power of society, passion vs. reason and tragedy, the most
important and dominant, is the concept of Fate; perceived as the uncontrollable force of power
pushing against Romeo and Juliet, ultimately deciding their fate. The influential force is explored
through the secondary yet still significant tragedies and misfortunes, the celestial imagery used to
describe the character's emotions and through a symbol of hope, more content...
As the characters talk of their emotions out loud, they use celestial imagery, representing the role
of fate, who is continually working against them. Although the audience already knows of Romeo's
fate, Romeo does not. However right before leaving for the Capulet Ball, Romeo feels uncertain of
his decision to attend: "I fear too early, for my mind misgives / some consequence yet hanging in
the stars," (I, iv, 106–107). Here, fate has carefully embedded Romeo, both towards his destiny but
also towards his deathbed, placing the already confused character in an impossible situation: "Ask
for me tomorrow, / and you shall find me a grave man." (III. i. 93–94). Even though Romeo's fate is
already set in stone, Shakespeare wrote the play with such mastery, making the audience believe that
even the slightest change of choice made by Romeo could change his fate, when imaginably, Romeo
and Juliet's fate was not written for them, but for the future of fair
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Character Analysis of Romeo Essay
Character Analysis of Romeo Romeo and Juliet is a tale of two star–crossed lovers who in their love
for each other were willing to sacrifice their lives. Romeo is a very temperamental person; his
character develops considerably throughout the play in various ways. In this essay I shall be
looking closely at Romeo's character, his intentions & abilities and his relationship with other
characters in the play. In the conversation between Benvolio and Montague in act 1 scene 1, we
learn that Romeo is behaving strangely and avoiding his friends, "Towards him I made, but he was
ware of me and stole into the covert of the woods." In this sentence Benvolio is explaining to Lady
Montague that more content...
Meaning that she does not love him and she has Dian's wit. Dian is the goddess of hunting and
chasity, she avoids Cupid's arrows ; from this we learn that Rosaline has no intention of loving
him or any other man. This is further proven when Romeo confirms Benvolio's question that she
has sworn to remain a virgin. Romeo goes on to say that his love is misplaced because Rosaline
has rejected him. Romeo compares his love to Rosaline as a devote religion. His words seem
mature which belies his actions, which is often irresponsible and immature. Even when his love
has been rejected, Romeo still feels heavy with the burden of love. His friends didn't take his love
seriously, they thought it was humorous, silly and later on exasperating. Romeo is hurt by
Rosaline 's rejections and perhaps by his friends' indifference towards his love. We learn this
when he quotes "... love pricks like thorn...". But Mecrutio does not feel melancholy about love.
He views love in a physical sense more than emotional, he advises rather crudely " If love be
rough with you, be rough with love". Romeo's actions and words in act 1 scene 5 make us doubt
if he has been in love at all, or just thinking pretending to be in love. He himself doubts it "did my
heart love till now? Foreswear it, sight for I ne, er saw true beauty till this night." By his words we
gather that He
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The Relevance of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Today I strongly agree with this
statement the reason being, the story of Romeo and Juliet shows arange of emotions and issues
that people from any age, gender or background are able to relate to. This is one of many reasons
why the story is such a big success in today's culture. Shakespeare's story is focused on the two
young lovers that can't be together and all the anguish that surrounds them, this is true as it follows
on in to day's society. At the beginning of the play Shakespeare lets the audience have an insight to
what the play may be about, he does that in such a way through the prologue which is featured in the
beginning of more content...
Audience will feel they are able to relate to the two lovers as them there selves have falling in love
at first sight or maybe the audience might feel Romeo just taking advantage of her so he can
sleep with her and think of her as a quick thing, or it could be a crush and not love. In Shakespeare
time their were arrange marriage's in well establish families, this has lead me to believe that
Shakespeare has taken that situation and related to his play, this issue was raised, where Lady
Capulet says to Juliet "how stands your dispositions to be married" this quote is saying how do
you feel about having an arranged marriage and the response that Juliet gives "It is an honour that
I dream not of" in other words it is not her desire to be married. This can still happen to families or
societies that are in conflict. This can also be said to some parents in certain cultures for example
Muslim or Asian, they decide on who would be suited for their son or daughter. Today's audience
may feel strongly with Juliet's decision because people feel it's wrong of the parents to do that
against her and that no one can choose who they fall in love with. On the other hand people may
agree with the parent's choice and they will see that their decision is to protect their daughter
security and future happiness. I've noticed that there are more
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Dialogue Between Romeo And Juliet
Act 2: Scene 2
Juliet: Romeo, Romeo, why do you have to be a Montague? Romeo, change your name, but if it's too
much trouble, I'll change mine.
Romeo: Do I tell her I am here? Or do I just keep hiding in the bushes?
Juliet: Do you have to be a Montague? Your name isn't who you are. Without Montague, you'll still
be mine, my love.
Romeo: I believe you. Just tell me you love me and I'll get rid of it.
Juliet: Who's there? Tell me!
Romeo: You asked for a name, but I don't know what to give; you don't like my name.
Juliet: I haven't heard many words fall from your lips, but already I know your voice. Is it you
Romeo: No longer Romeo, if the name displeases you.
Juliet: How'd you get here? If my family finds you here, they'll more content...
Juliet: And I would readily sooth it, but –
Nurse [from within]: Juliet!
Juliet: Just a minute! As I was saying –
Nurse [from within]: Juliet, what did I tell about spying on that nice man across the street?
Juliet: Um, just a minute, Romeo.
[Exit Juliet]
Romeo: Could it be true? Could she love me? It must be a dream!
[Enter Juliet]
Juliet: Sorry about that. What was I saying?
Romeo: You were saying nothing while I was proclaiming my love for you. Juliet, I love you!
Juliet: I love you too, my dearest Romeo, but this is all a bit sudden, so good bye.
[Juliet turns to leave]
Romeo: It is so easy to come to my love, but so hard to leave her.
[Enter Juliet]
Juliet: I keep trying to leave you out here, but time and time again I find myself drawn back to you.
Are you still there Romeo?
Romeo: Yes Juliet, I am here, and I will remain so, my love, until the light in your window has gone
Juliet: Then we may be here forever. It is past time that you leave. I will see you soon my love.
Romeo: I wish that I could be warmed by your heated body while you sleep.
Juliet: I wish the same, my Romeo. For the last time, good night.
Romeo: Sleep well, my love.
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Romeo's Change Throughout the Play Essay
Romeo's Change Throughout the Play I feel that Romeo does not change very much in this play.
He has many sides to his personality; he can be happy, sad and depressed but what really causes
him to die is his impulsiveness; he does not think of the consequences of his actions and thinks that
everything is down to fate/destiny. For example, at the beginning of the play, Romeo feels
miserable because the woman he admires does not return her love. Romeo knows that the woman
he desires, Rosaline, will not fall in love with him, yet he is certain that he will not love anybody
else. In the beginning of the play, Romeo states to Benvolio; "…Why then, O brawling love! O
loving hate!" more content...
The all–seeing sun Ne'er saw her match since first the world begun." He is certain that no one can
compare to Rosaline. Shakespeare emphasises Romeo's young age here because he is emotionally
impulsive, maybe because of his great admiration for love. However, Romeo does not believe it is
possible to fall in love with another woman and yet – when he goes to the Capulet's ball and sees
Juliet, it is love at first sight. He says; "Did my heart love till now? Forswear it sight! For I ne'er
saw true beauty till this night." Shakespeare is showing us that Romeo falls in love too easily.
However the Friar says; "Young men's love then lies Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes/
/ Wisely and slow: they stumble that run fast// These violent delights have violent ends."
Shakespeare gives us a hint there that this love affair is bound to end in tragedy because the Friar
shows that it may not be real love and that Romeo is rushing into the affair without realising the
consequences of him being a Montague and Juliet being a Capulet. This emphasises to the
audience that he is being impulsive. He is impulsive when he falls 'in love' with Rosaline and then
he is impulsive in his feelings for Juliet. Even when Romeo finds out Juliet is a Capulet, we see
how Romeo does not think rationally, because he used to be a good
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Romeo and Juliet Essay examples
Romeo and Juliet Four hundred years ago, the literary genius William Shakespeare wrote The
Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, a world–renowned play that continues that capture the imagination
and emotions of people around the globe. The drama portrays the passionate, violent and often
desperate lives of the youth of Verona, Italy. Even today, the tragedy resembles a blue
–print of the
problems that the adolescents of the twentieth century must face each day. Parental influence, young
love and the revenge code all have a direct and evident effect on the lives of young people today.
These issues continue to cause physical, mental and emotional strain for many teenagers. The
ever–present influence of parents played a major more content...
In today's society, youth are constantly advocating the change from total dependence on family, to
their own independence. Young people often think they know better than their parents, often
believing that instead of helping them, they are only punishing them. Young love is the often
notorious, ever–changing emotion that enthralls adolescents. When a boy sees a beautiful girl,
with nice, blonde hair, and long, shapely legs, he often thinks that he is in love. That is similar to
the emotion Romeo experienced: "To call hers, exquisite, in question more. These happy masks
that kiss fair ladies' brow, Being black, puts us in mind they hide the fair. He that is stricken blind
cannot forget The precious treasure of his eyesight lost. Show me a mistress that is passing fair;
What doth her beauty serve but as a note Where I may read who passed the passing fair? Farewell.
Thou canst not teach me to forget." (I,i,238–246) Here, Romeo is saying how much he loves
Rosaline, and that he cannot forget about her. However, a couple of scenes later, his love quickly
changes: "O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night
As a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear – Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear. So shows a snowy
dove trooping with crows As yonder lady o'er her follow shows. The measure done, I'll watch her
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Relationships in Romeo and Juliet Essay
In this essay, I will be examining Shakespeare's treatment of relationships in Romeo and Juliet. As
a poet and playwright, he wrote 154 sonnets, 2 long narrative poems and 38 plays, one of his most
famous plays being Romeo and Juliet. There are many different types of relationships between
characters, and these are essential to the play. The prologue tells us that the play is about two
star–crossed lovers from two feuding families, the Montagues and Capulets. There is hatred between
these two families, this explains this, 'Thou villain Capulet'. This quote suggests because of the hate
between their families, the lovers are doomed from the start.
Romeo's relationship with Rosaline shows he is deeply infatuated and passionate. In act 1,
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He uses rhyming couplets, 'as a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear, Beauty too rich for use, for earth too
dear'. This suggests his love for her is so powerful, it changes the way he speaks. Romeo also uses
religious imagery to describe Juliet, such as 'This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this.' He compares
her to a shrine which shows how their love is pure and how he worships her. This shows he has
confused his love with religion. In act 1, scene 4 Romeo says, 'I fear, too early, my mind misgives
some consequences yet hanging in the stars.' This suggests that he feels something is going to go
wrong, which shows that their relationship is doomed from the start. In Elizabethan times people
were superstitious and thought that their lives were mapped out in the stars. If you tried to change
your destiny it was considered a sin. They also believed that their lives were planned by the wheel
of fortune. Philosopher, Boethius proposed a theory of that people can rise in power of luck, but; it
has to come down. In act 3, scene 5 Juliet refers to this. 'O fortune, fortune! All men call thee fickle.'
Juliet and Lord Capulet at first have a caring relationship but soon after Tybalt's death this changes.
It was planned that she would marry Paris when she was fifteen but after her cousin's death, the
marriage is brought forward. In Shakespearean times, it is not unusual for girls to have marriages
arranged by their parents and also to
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Romeo as a Tragic Hero Essay
"A pair of star–cross'd lovers take their life;" (Prologue, 6)
Tragedy, events of great misfortune, has engulfed the world for centuries. Tragedy often giving rise
to feelings of depression, anger, sorrow, and guilt. Romeo, in the tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, is a
wealthy adolescent of the Montague family. He falls in love with young Juliet, of his rival
family–the Capulets. Romeo's infatuation with Juliet leads to a hasty desire for marriage. This
creates a rash and careless mindset, making Romeo susceptible to errors in judgement. This same
poor judgment causes Romeo to thoughtlessly slay Tybalt, as revenge for the death of his friend,
Mercutio. Through fate, Romeo coincidentally falls in love with a Capulet, his family' more
He failed to realize the repercussions of his family's abandonment, especially since he has abandoned
his family for an enemy. This infatuation and haste gives birth to an altered mindset–one "too rash,
too unadvis'd, too sudden," (II, ii, 118). This mindset causes a loss of self–control. Romeo becomes
driven by passions, and ignores reason. It should be noted that passions are found the bottom of the
hierarchy of the human soul. This hierarchy states the importance of each guiding sense, and
following passion leads to dire consequences–usually death. Romeo's reckless actions echo
throughout the remainder of the play. During a brawl in Verona, Mercutio is slain by Tybalt. Romeo
impulsively steps in and challenges Tybalt–claiming that "either [Tybalt] or [he], or both, must go
with [Mercutio]." (III, i, 125). Romeo thoughtlessly engages in combat, hoping either Tybalt or he
(Romeo) will die to honour Mercutio. This conflict results in Romeo killing Tybalt. Consequently,
Romeo is banished from Verona by Prince Escales. Romeo is similarly hasty in deciding to end his
life after discovering Juliet's supposed death. Moments after poisoning himself and dying, Juliet
wakes from her slumber and discovers her dead husband. Romeo's hamartia proved fatal. However, a
great deal of conflict was in–part, the result of chance's influence. Chance is an unknown and
unpredictable series of events that causes a certain end result, and it is sometimes
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Romeo And Juliet Character Analysis Essay
The play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare shows how Romeo and Juliet meet. The play
takes place in Verona, Italy. The Montagues and Capulets have ongoing feuds with each other.
Romeo Montague meets Juliet Capulet at one of her family's parties, instantly fall in love, and
decide to secretly get married the the day after the party. Throughout the play, both Romeo and
Juliet show character traits they have which leads to a tragic ending. Romeo is shown to be
poetic and romantic. He and his friends are on their way to the Capulet party when his friends
encourage him to dance, but he refuses. He is still sad about Rosaline, the woman he loves. She
doesn't love him back as she has plans to become a nun. Romeo says, "Is love more
This is a sign that Juliet is impatient and desperate, because she wants to get married as soon as
possible to Romeo. Also, Juliet starts the conversation about getting married, which implies that
she is desperate to do so. Another time Juliet displays her impatience and desperation is when
she's waiting for the Nurse to come back to hear the information on the wedding with Romeo.
Juliet says, "I sent the nurse at nine o'clock. Maybe she couldn't find him. Oh, she's slow! ... Now
it's noon! That's three hours since 9 o'clock!" (Shakespeare 125). This quote proves how impatient
Juliet is, and it also shows how desperate she is to find out what the Nurse has to say. She's only
thinking about herself and not about what's taking the Nurse so long to get home. Juliet's
impatience and desperation takes away from her personality of kindness. Romeo and Juliet have
similar traits. They not only express their personality, but their relationship is taken to a higher
level when they speak to each other, which reveals other traits. Romeo is also desperate just like
Juliet. An example is when Romeo finds Juliet in her grave, and thinks she is actually dead, when
really she is only unconscious from the potion she took from the friar. Because Romeo didn't know
that, he assumed that she was dead and bought poison to commit suicide to be with his wife. He
says, "Come,
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Romeo And Juliet Essay Conflict
Essay Thalie Rundback
'Conflict – Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet'
Essay: 'In the World of Romeo and Juliet, conflict is everywhere.'
Conflict occurs in our everyday lives through the major decisions we make. For example choosing
whether to have a child or through the minor decisions like whether to have a mocha or a chai latte.
"A conflict is a struggle between people. The struggle may be physical, or between conflicting
ideas." Physical conflict is when two or more people and can even escalate into rival gangs are
visually and can also be emotional for a person. Emotional conflict is the presence of unfamiliar and
opposite emotions relating to a situation that has not long ago taken place or is in the
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Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, is very upset with Romeo from very early on in the play as he gatecrashed
the Capulets ball. Tybalt believes Romeo causes him to look like a fool in front of a large
audience. At this point Tybalt wanted Romeo to be thrown out but Capulet disagreed as he did
not want to cause a scene. Thats why, in act 3 scene 1, Tybalt goes looking to fight with Romeo.
Instead, he finds Mercuito, who is in an extremely aggressive mood. Mercuito would not be
stopped, and his uncontrollable attitude increases when Romeo appears, and will not fight Tybalt.
Mercutio believes Romeo is acting cowardly, since he tells the king of Cats 'good Capulet, which
name I tender as dearly as mine own, be satisfied.' This causes both Tybalt and Mercutio to get
angry, as Tybalt thinks Romeo is mocking him not realising that only a couple of hours before hand
Romeo married Juliet Capulet which then makes Tybalt family. Since romeo doesn't want to fight,
Mercuito draws his own sword. Tybalt has a very angry nature, and the two men fight. Romeo tried
stopping them before it got out of hand but then Mercuito started mocking him. Romeo could see
that the battle was getting pretty dangerous so he signals Benvolio to help him to stop it. Benvolio
doesn't seem to be moving, Romeo showing his impulsive nature steps in–between But when Romeo
did that Mercuito got caught by Tybalts sword. Tybalt then realises this and leaves the situation. All
the men thought Mercutio was still being jovial, They don't realise the gravity of his wounds.
Right up until he died, Mercutio is joking, not even Romeo realised what just happened to his
friend. They finally took it seriously when he yelled 'A plague a' both your houses!' This curse, they
understood later in this play, had occurred, since the events up to the lovers deaths work on this
basis. Now that Mercuito has been murdered, Romeo was
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Essay On The Conflict Between Romeo And Juliet
William Shakespeare's play, "Romeo and Juliet," takes place in Verona
– a city in Italy which is
governed by a prince. There is also a Friar named Laurence, who is a religious figure that citizens
go to for advice and to be married. In the City lives the Capulets and the Montagues who have been
disputing for generations. Both families have children and one child from each family are the
protagonists– Romeo is a member of the Montagues and Juliet is a member of the Capulets. Romeo
and Juliet will end up falling for each other. However, they end up dying young because Friar
Laurence married them in private, he gave Juliet a potion which knocked her out which lead to her
and Romeo's suicides, and he trusted Friar John to deliver the letter more content...
You can see the "Two households, both alike in dignity" (Act I PROLOGUE) fight even when
they are so similar. The conflict of the two households quarreling arises when Romeo meets Juliet
at the Capulet's party and they both fall for each other at first sight hence the phrase "love at first
sight". At the time, religion was very important so when Romeo would talk about Juliet, he
would say "Oh, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to
despair" (ACT I SCENE V). In this time, Romeo is asking for Juliet to kiss her because when you
pray, your hands touch; and Romeo wants to do with lips what hands do. This comparison shows
the connection from everyday life to religion, which is part of the reason Romeo went to Friar
Laurence. Romeo and Juliet are also Roman Catholic which means that once they marry, they
cannot divorce or be remarried. Friar Laurence knew this going into the marriage and the fact that
Juliet was to be soon married off to Paris in a political wedding. Friar approved and said, "For this
alliance may so happy prove to turn your households' rancor to pure love" (ACT II SCENE III). He
later marries them in secret without telling anyone which will lead to two other mistakes made by
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Romeo And Juliet Opinion Essay
Supported opinion – Romeo and Juliet
In the play Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, the main factors that caused the deaths of Romeo and
Juliet are the feud between the Capulet's and Montague's, Friar and also Romeo and Juliet
themselves who are the most responsible for the deaths of the two loves demonstrating that love kills
to be true.
The feud that was going on between the Montagues and the Capulets led to the deaths of Romeo
and Juliet because the differences of these two families impacted the relationship of these two
lovers. With no feud things would've been better, Friar Lawrence wouldn't have had to come up
with a plan for Romeo and Juliet to escape Verona. In the end the hatred of the two families in the
end was a big more content...
Friar interfered too much with Romeo and Juliet's love life and family problems. He had gotten
them married without the consent of their parents, he didn't think before making a decision. He
didn't think the Romeo and Juliet are still kids who don't know anything about love. Friar just
thought it will resolve the feud between the Montagues and Capulets. But it was actually making
the situations between the families worse. Friar was also giving bad advice, as he did when he
made a plan to stop the marriage of Juliet and Paris when Juliet was being forced to marry Paris,
without informing Romeo properly about the fake death therefore his plan had failed. In the play
Friar had said "Hold, daughter. I do spy a kind of hope, which craves as desperate an execution as
that is desperate which we would prevent. If, rather than to marry County Paris" (Act 4. Scene 1.
Lines 70–73). In this quotation Friar was responsible for telling Romeo about the plan which he
had failed to accomplish; this one mistake had made matters worse leading towards Romeo and
Juliet's deaths. Friar always thinks he has a solution to every plan just to stop the riot between the
Montague's and Capulet's when he actually does not have a solution for every problem. As Friar
interfered within the families of Romeo and Juliet, he had cause many issues and problems.
Therefore, Friar was responsible for the deaths of the two lovers Romeo and
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Romeo And Juliet Argumentative Essay
Romeo and Juliet Argumentative Paper
Have you ever heard of a story about two lovers who commit suicide because of a secret that was
kept to keep them together? In the book Romeo and Juliet , by William Shakespeare, is about two
lovers who come from two families who are enemies. The two fell in love and their parents refuse to
let them marry each other. At the end both the lovers die. This connects to my topic because of one
secret that was kept to save them killed six people. Even though some may believe otherwise, there
are times when secrets must be told so it doesn't lead to more problems. There are times when
secrets must be told because it causes deaths. Romeo, son of Montague, and Juliet, daughter of
capulet more content...
First, because of Friar Lawrence kept the plan as a secret. Romeo thought Juliet was dead and
kills himself. After that Juliet saw Romeo dead she kisses him then she stabs herself then She
dies. This one secret cost Romeo's and Juliet's lives. Second, this secret caused problems by
taking Romeo's and Juliet's lives. Others may say, secrets must be kept because they can hurt
people. In an article by Irene Van, says that you can keep secrets about family and friends. Irene
Van says, " Gossip about family or friends unless this is about something that worries you, in
/ which case you should tell a adult you trust" (Van.II). This proves that, Irene Van believes that
secrets about family and friends should be kept because it can really hurt your friends feelings.
Second, this could be true because if I tell my friend one of my secrets, I trust this person. If he or
she is going to go and tell my secret to someone, I am not going to tell he/she any secrets.
However, on the other hand, in the same article Irene Van says that any kind of touch should not
be kept as a secret. Irene Van says, " Secrets that are not safe to keep:/ Any kind of touch" (Van.II).
First, I would tell my parents if this happens to me because if I tell this secret to my friends, and
they spread it, it would hurt me. Second, this can lead to more problems if I kept this as a secret
from my parents because, the same thing will continue if I don't take
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Romeo and Juliet as a Tragedy Essay
Romeo and Juliet as a Tragedy Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, which was written by William
Shakespeare in 1599. The Elizabethans totally believed in fate, they believed that your destiny was
fated. They also believed that fate was fickle, it could change, one day everything would be good
and the next day things could be really bad. If you challenged fate, it would take up the challenge. If
it wasn't fate there are many more things which could have caused the tragedy; the feud, this means
that everything that happens in Verona ends in violence, Friar Lawrence, shouldn't have married
them and shouldn't have suggested such a dangerous plan, which was playing with their lives, the
Nurse should more content...
Also the nurse agrees to be the go between, she thinks she has no choice because she is the servant
and Juliet is the boss 'I am the drudge and toil in your delight'. Romeo and Juliet meet at the
balcony and Juliet proposes to Romeo, so he goes to the friar to arrange the marriage. The friar
marries them, when he wouldn't normally marry to people from different families because of the
feud but this time he does. He doesn't want to at first, but he changes his mind as he thinks it may
end the quarrel between the two families. But after they have got married; fate seems to turn
against them. During the marriage ceremony Romeo says that now he has married Juliet nothing
can go wrong. This challenges fate. When the fight starts Mercutio and Tybalt are only messing
around but Romeo reminds them about the prince's decree. It is in this fight scene when fate starts
to work against Romeo because when he steps in to stop the fight there is an accident and Mercutio
gets killed. 'A plague a' both your houses! They have made worms' meat of me'. Mercutio curses
both houses because he also blames Romeo for getting in the way. Romeo should report this to the
prince but instead he starts fighting with Tybalt and this is serious because he reacts with his
emotions and wants revenge. 'O I am fortunes fool' Romeo thinks that fate just wants to
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Passion In Romeo And Juliet
Romeo's Passion
Passion is a strong and a barely controllable emotion. In "Romeo and Juliet" there was a lots of
time there was emotionally stuff during the play. William Shakespeare wrote the play and put the
passion inside the plays. There was this one part of the play when Romeo visits Juliet and so they
were talking and talking and then the nurse comes in one point calling juliet, and she said, Romeo
you have to go and Romeo and no I will stay and love you until i die and that point Romeo was
emotional and everything because he was in love and everything. So in Act Three Scene 1, Romeo
and was fighting Tybalt as an enemy because Tybalt killed Romeo's friend Mercutio and he really got
mad at that and then Romeo started to fight more content...
So the problem was Douglas Dupler emotion was that love was just stupid and just reckless i
guess. Romeo slayed 2 people in rage, cause was the love affair between him and Juliet. Mercutio,
Romeo's friend ended up being killed by Romeo for having something against his affair. The two
want to be together and be accepted so much that they go to the extremes of poisoning themselves
for a while and dying hoping to come back to life, only their plan fails when both of them end up
not waking up, two deaths that could have been avoided. And this guy whoever poisoned them,
his passion was scared because he didn't know those drinks were poisoned. So he probably got
caught and got guilty for this crime he didn't. So in Act 1, Scene 1, Romeo was talking to
Benvolio and talking his passion. So Romeo was sad, and he really loved someone. So Benvolio
was telling Romeo who it was, and romeo was said "you mean i should groan about this and tell
you i actually love". So Benvolio was like, Groan? What do you mean just tell me who you love.
So i guess Romeo didn't tell his cousin who he loved, but Romeo was saying she beautiful, and she
was really pretty and everything. So Benvolio was saying just don't think about her at all, and
Romeo was saying "teach me to forget to think".
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Compare And Contrast Romeo And Paris
The two characters of Romeo and Paris are extremely different individuals with their own values
and opinions. Both of these men are in love with Juliet but at the end of the play neither of them
are able to be with her because they have died. But, the two characters do die for, in a way, similar
reasons which is that they both love Juliet. This is one of the characters similarities even though
they do not posses much in common with each other. Paris dies on account of because he loves
Juliet he confronts Romeo at her tomb thinking that he is there to disrespect Juliet's body because
of his banishment and his "hate" for the Capulets. In doing so Paris falls at the hand of Romeo and
dies. Romeo does die in a different way but also because more content...
Romeo at the beginning of the play doesn't have the most level–headed understand of what real love
is and as an example at the beginning of the play he has "fallen in love" with Rosaline and
proclaimed that she is the perfect example of a women. Then later on completely forgets about
her after seeing Juliet. This gives the reader the sense that Romeo is not very deep in his feelings
for women and has a more superficial idea of what love is. Throughout the play though
Shakespeare was able to convey how Romeo has matured in his attitude toward love from a
shallow desire to a profound and intense passion. His fidelity toward Juliet is quite abstract in the
sense that he loves her enough to commit suicide because he feels that he is not able to continue
his lie without her which is a demonstration of his faithfulness and loyalty to her. In Romeo and
Juliet Romeo is driven by his emotions a lot of the time when making decisions. Examples of him
doing this are that because of anger compels him to kill Tybalt in a duel to avenge to death of his
friend and despair causes him to take his own life upon hearing of Juliet's death. He also is driven
many times by his love for Juliet. Love forces him to make the reckless decision to sneak into the
garden of his enemy's daughter and risk death only to catch a glimpse of her. These intense depths
of feeing are what drive the character in this story
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Love in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Essay
What is love? Is it an object? Is it a feeling? Is it even attainable? Love is everything, it is an object,
it is an emotion, and it cannot be bought, stolen, given. Love can only be found. Love is discovered
in the most unthinkable places during the most unimaginable times. It can never be predicted who
you fall in love with or when you do but all you do know is that you are in love and you would
give anything for that person, and for your love to always stay resilient through all other obstacles
and distractions. In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Montague's and Capulet's are know and
expected to hate each other until the miracle of love presented its self. Romeo is a Montague and
Juliet is a Capulet. They both fell in love more content...
Once love is found, any obstacle presented will neither diminish nor terminate that love, even
when tragedy strikes with the loss of a loved one. Tybalt, the cousin of Juliet is one of the
Capulet's that despises the Montague's and he will do anything in his power to kill them all, and
once he confronted Romeo, he met his fate and died by Romeo's sword. The Prince arrived to the
scene and said "Romeo slew him, he slew Mercutio" (III.i.181), him referring to Tybalt, and once
realized, he banished Romeo out of the city. Once Juliet discovered the truth about Tybalt's death and
Romeo's banishment she said in grief "Romeo is banished– to speak that word is father, mother,
Tybalt, Romeo, Juliet, all slain, all dead– Romeo is banished" (III.ii.122–124). Her heartache for
Romeo's banishment more than her cousin Tybalt's death shows that he is her life, her world, and
her breath, and without him she would be nothing and life as she knows is would end, even through
tragedy and anguish.
Love is being willing to sacrifice everything for your everything, and giving your family, friends,
and life for one person. Romeo gave everything for Juliet. He risked his family, his friends, his way
of living, and his life in the pursuit of his true love. Juliet risked all that was central in influencing
her to be the person she is, even
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Romeo and Juliet Research Paper
The True Hero:
The Superior Character in Romeo and Juliet The play of Romeo and Juliet is different from
William Shakespeare's other tragedies in that there is not a clear distinction of individual heroes. The
two protagonists are more passive than active; both are naГЇve and lacking understanding. The hero
is often thought to be the romantic, yet often hysterical, Romeo. But Romeo's immoral background,
emotional outbursts, mishap murders, and foolish actions make him a poor candidate for a hero.
Juliet proves to be more innocent than Romeo because she possesses more rigorous moral ethics.
Juliet is also more successful in overcoming the obstacles that she is faced with throughout the play.
While both more content...
Throughout the story, Juliet proves her ability to overcome obstacles as she begins to take
control of her destiny and no longer lives in the shadows of her parents. Because of her love for
Romeo, she is deserted by her father, mother, and nurse. She is almost completely alone when
Romeo is exiled. But she refuses to turn back; she won't forget about Romeo and embrace Paris
in marriage as her parents' desire. Romeo is faced with similar oppositions as Juliet. His family,
being sworn enemies to the Capulets, are kept in the dark about his romance with Juliet. Also,
when the Capulets begin to perceive of the close relationship between Romeo and Juliet, it makes
him a greater target to Capulet men such as Tybalt. There is no doubt as to Romeo's faithfulness
towards Juliet and his desire to do all that is needed in order to have her love, but because of his
lack of experience in life, Romeo is not at all faultless. Perhaps the most notable act that sabotaged
his relationship with Juliet was his slaying of Tybalt. However honorable and necessary it may have
seemed to him at the time, Romeo's rashness once again rears its ugly head after Mercutio foolishly
brings about his own demise. Of course, Romeo immediately regrets his impetuous actions after the
grave mistake had already been done as he does many times throughout the story. On several
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Romeo Essay

  • 1. Romeo And Juliet Introduction Essay Romeo and Juliet By: William Shakespeare Introduction The story of Romeo and Juliet was written by William Shakespeare. William Shakespeare he was baptised on April 23, 1564 and he was dead on April 23, 1616 at the age of 52 years old, he has three children Susanna Hall, Hamnet Shakespeare, Judith Quiney and his wife is Anne Hathaway. Romeo and Juliet story is the one of the famous story in the world. The characters is Romeo the boyfriend of Juliet Montague his father Mrs. Montague his mother, Benvolio their kinsman, Balthasar romeo's seving man, Juliet the girlfriend of Romeo, Capulet her father Mrs. Capulet her mother, Paris the Prince's kinsman and the Juliet suitor, and others. William Shakespeare he become a famous writer in Romeo more content... Romeo decides to go to the Juliet house. Paris see Romeo's coming, Paris challenge Romeo to a duel but Romeo kills him quickly. Romeo come close to Juliet to give a last kiss and dies then Romeo drink a poison. Friar Lawrence explain the whole story into lord Capulet anf lord Montague after that the two families will now friends. Analysis Romeo and Juliet is beautiful artwork of William Shakespeare. In that story it portray the unmeasurable love between Romeo and Juliet. In that stoer the memorable is Romeo climbed to come close to Juliet and to say his feeling for her and they kissed each other. But the most I dislike part is when they both die in the ending, However, it's okay beacause it makes Montague and Capulet be Friends again. Romoe's strength is to makes Juliet happy and he do anything just for Juliet. He can give anything just for her. But his weakness is also his too much love for Juliet, because it is the maine cause of his death because he willing to give up everything for Juliet. Juliet strength is Romeo, because like Romeo, Juliet also giving anything to him. No matter how hard the situation is she's always find a time to see Romeo. But her weakness, to sees Romeo hurting when she saw the death of Romeo she get suicide to show to Romeo how there is Get more content on
  • 2. Romeo And Juliet Ending Essay Romeo and Juliet both played a part in their ending but they were not the only people who helped turn the romance into tragedy. The two characters, although being enemies, decided to be together. Although they did not know their story would end up at the level of tragedy that it did, they knew the story would not have a happy ending. "An glooming peace this morning with it brings. The sun, for sorrow, will not show his head. Go hence, to have more talk of these sad things. Some shall be pardoned and some punished. For never was an story of more woe. Than this of Juliet and her Romeo." (Act 5 Scene 3, Page 256) This quote shows the lasting effects and the level of tragedy these two caused with their love. The town that had been separated more content... Friar Laurence played a huge part in the ending of this story. Friar is introduced in the story by romeo when he goes to the wise man for help with Juliet. Friar tells Romeo "Go wisely and slowly. Those who rush stumble and fall." Friar says this to romeo after he comes to Friar, asking him to marry him and his love, juliet, whom he met the night before at a party. Friar knows Romeo is acting foolishly but he has an inkling that the marriage may help the two families heal. He does in fact marry them, knowing it is wrong. He then proceeds to give Juliet an sedative and an plan to get out of marrying Paris. Juliet is to take the sedative and Friar is to send a message to Romeo that he must come save her. The message gets stuck and it sends the story into an spiraling downfall. After Juliet and Romeo's bodies are found, dead by suicide, Friar was left with a lot of explaining to do. Friar played a tremendous role in the conclusion of the young kids lives. The notorious question: Was the ending of Romeo and Juliet decided by fate, with the stars perfectly aligned against the two, coming to an unexpected end? Or was it decided by the characters and their choices? There are many examples of how all of the characters choices came together in the end to form a butterfly effect. The main characters in this story sadly caused their own romance to turn Get more content on
  • 3. Romeo And Juliet Fate Analysis Even from the beginning of William Shakespeare's, Romeo and Juliet, the audience is informed of what becomes, the two lover's tragic yet inevitable end: "A pair of star–cross'd lovers take their life...the fearful passage of the death–mark'd love," (Chorus 6, 9). Whilst the popular love story explores many themes such as love, power of society, passion vs. reason and tragedy, the most important and dominant, is the concept of Fate; perceived as the uncontrollable force of power pushing against Romeo and Juliet, ultimately deciding their fate. The influential force is explored through the secondary yet still significant tragedies and misfortunes, the celestial imagery used to describe the character's emotions and through a symbol of hope, more content... As the characters talk of their emotions out loud, they use celestial imagery, representing the role of fate, who is continually working against them. Although the audience already knows of Romeo's fate, Romeo does not. However right before leaving for the Capulet Ball, Romeo feels uncertain of his decision to attend: "I fear too early, for my mind misgives / some consequence yet hanging in the stars," (I, iv, 106–107). Here, fate has carefully embedded Romeo, both towards his destiny but also towards his deathbed, placing the already confused character in an impossible situation: "Ask for me tomorrow, / and you shall find me a grave man." (III. i. 93–94). Even though Romeo's fate is already set in stone, Shakespeare wrote the play with such mastery, making the audience believe that even the slightest change of choice made by Romeo could change his fate, when imaginably, Romeo and Juliet's fate was not written for them, but for the future of fair Get more content on
  • 4. Character Analysis of Romeo Essay Character Analysis of Romeo Romeo and Juliet is a tale of two star–crossed lovers who in their love for each other were willing to sacrifice their lives. Romeo is a very temperamental person; his character develops considerably throughout the play in various ways. In this essay I shall be looking closely at Romeo's character, his intentions & abilities and his relationship with other characters in the play. In the conversation between Benvolio and Montague in act 1 scene 1, we learn that Romeo is behaving strangely and avoiding his friends, "Towards him I made, but he was ware of me and stole into the covert of the woods." In this sentence Benvolio is explaining to Lady Montague that more content... Meaning that she does not love him and she has Dian's wit. Dian is the goddess of hunting and chasity, she avoids Cupid's arrows ; from this we learn that Rosaline has no intention of loving him or any other man. This is further proven when Romeo confirms Benvolio's question that she has sworn to remain a virgin. Romeo goes on to say that his love is misplaced because Rosaline has rejected him. Romeo compares his love to Rosaline as a devote religion. His words seem mature which belies his actions, which is often irresponsible and immature. Even when his love has been rejected, Romeo still feels heavy with the burden of love. His friends didn't take his love seriously, they thought it was humorous, silly and later on exasperating. Romeo is hurt by Rosaline 's rejections and perhaps by his friends' indifference towards his love. We learn this when he quotes "... love pricks like thorn...". But Mecrutio does not feel melancholy about love. He views love in a physical sense more than emotional, he advises rather crudely " If love be rough with you, be rough with love". Romeo's actions and words in act 1 scene 5 make us doubt if he has been in love at all, or just thinking pretending to be in love. He himself doubts it "did my heart love till now? Foreswear it, sight for I ne, er saw true beauty till this night." By his words we gather that He Get more content on
  • 5. The Relevance of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Today I strongly agree with this statement the reason being, the story of Romeo and Juliet shows arange of emotions and issues that people from any age, gender or background are able to relate to. This is one of many reasons why the story is such a big success in today's culture. Shakespeare's story is focused on the two young lovers that can't be together and all the anguish that surrounds them, this is true as it follows on in to day's society. At the beginning of the play Shakespeare lets the audience have an insight to what the play may be about, he does that in such a way through the prologue which is featured in the beginning of more content... Audience will feel they are able to relate to the two lovers as them there selves have falling in love at first sight or maybe the audience might feel Romeo just taking advantage of her so he can sleep with her and think of her as a quick thing, or it could be a crush and not love. In Shakespeare time their were arrange marriage's in well establish families, this has lead me to believe that Shakespeare has taken that situation and related to his play, this issue was raised, where Lady Capulet says to Juliet "how stands your dispositions to be married" this quote is saying how do you feel about having an arranged marriage and the response that Juliet gives "It is an honour that I dream not of" in other words it is not her desire to be married. This can still happen to families or societies that are in conflict. This can also be said to some parents in certain cultures for example Muslim or Asian, they decide on who would be suited for their son or daughter. Today's audience may feel strongly with Juliet's decision because people feel it's wrong of the parents to do that against her and that no one can choose who they fall in love with. On the other hand people may agree with the parent's choice and they will see that their decision is to protect their daughter security and future happiness. I've noticed that there are more Get more content on
  • 6. Dialogue Between Romeo And Juliet Act 2: Scene 2 Juliet: Romeo, Romeo, why do you have to be a Montague? Romeo, change your name, but if it's too much trouble, I'll change mine. Romeo: Do I tell her I am here? Or do I just keep hiding in the bushes? Juliet: Do you have to be a Montague? Your name isn't who you are. Without Montague, you'll still be mine, my love. Romeo: I believe you. Just tell me you love me and I'll get rid of it. Juliet: Who's there? Tell me! Romeo: You asked for a name, but I don't know what to give; you don't like my name. Juliet: I haven't heard many words fall from your lips, but already I know your voice. Is it you Romeo? Romeo: No longer Romeo, if the name displeases you. Juliet: How'd you get here? If my family finds you here, they'll more content... Juliet: And I would readily sooth it, but – Nurse [from within]: Juliet! Juliet: Just a minute! As I was saying – Nurse [from within]: Juliet, what did I tell about spying on that nice man across the street? Juliet: Um, just a minute, Romeo. [Exit Juliet] Romeo: Could it be true? Could she love me? It must be a dream! [Enter Juliet] Juliet: Sorry about that. What was I saying?
  • 7. Romeo: You were saying nothing while I was proclaiming my love for you. Juliet, I love you! Juliet: I love you too, my dearest Romeo, but this is all a bit sudden, so good bye. [Juliet turns to leave] Romeo: It is so easy to come to my love, but so hard to leave her. [Enter Juliet] Juliet: I keep trying to leave you out here, but time and time again I find myself drawn back to you. Are you still there Romeo? Romeo: Yes Juliet, I am here, and I will remain so, my love, until the light in your window has gone dark. Juliet: Then we may be here forever. It is past time that you leave. I will see you soon my love. Romeo: I wish that I could be warmed by your heated body while you sleep. Juliet: I wish the same, my Romeo. For the last time, good night. Romeo: Sleep well, my love. Get more content on
  • 8. Romeo's Change Throughout the Play Essay Romeo's Change Throughout the Play I feel that Romeo does not change very much in this play. He has many sides to his personality; he can be happy, sad and depressed but what really causes him to die is his impulsiveness; he does not think of the consequences of his actions and thinks that everything is down to fate/destiny. For example, at the beginning of the play, Romeo feels miserable because the woman he admires does not return her love. Romeo knows that the woman he desires, Rosaline, will not fall in love with him, yet he is certain that he will not love anybody else. In the beginning of the play, Romeo states to Benvolio; "…Why then, O brawling love! O loving hate!" more content... The all–seeing sun Ne'er saw her match since first the world begun." He is certain that no one can compare to Rosaline. Shakespeare emphasises Romeo's young age here because he is emotionally impulsive, maybe because of his great admiration for love. However, Romeo does not believe it is possible to fall in love with another woman and yet – when he goes to the Capulet's ball and sees Juliet, it is love at first sight. He says; "Did my heart love till now? Forswear it sight! For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night." Shakespeare is showing us that Romeo falls in love too easily. However the Friar says; "Young men's love then lies Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes/ / Wisely and slow: they stumble that run fast// These violent delights have violent ends." Shakespeare gives us a hint there that this love affair is bound to end in tragedy because the Friar shows that it may not be real love and that Romeo is rushing into the affair without realising the consequences of him being a Montague and Juliet being a Capulet. This emphasises to the audience that he is being impulsive. He is impulsive when he falls 'in love' with Rosaline and then he is impulsive in his feelings for Juliet. Even when Romeo finds out Juliet is a Capulet, we see how Romeo does not think rationally, because he used to be a good Get more content on
  • 9. Romeo and Juliet Essay examples Romeo and Juliet Four hundred years ago, the literary genius William Shakespeare wrote The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, a world–renowned play that continues that capture the imagination and emotions of people around the globe. The drama portrays the passionate, violent and often desperate lives of the youth of Verona, Italy. Even today, the tragedy resembles a blue –print of the problems that the adolescents of the twentieth century must face each day. Parental influence, young love and the revenge code all have a direct and evident effect on the lives of young people today. These issues continue to cause physical, mental and emotional strain for many teenagers. The ever–present influence of parents played a major more content... In today's society, youth are constantly advocating the change from total dependence on family, to their own independence. Young people often think they know better than their parents, often believing that instead of helping them, they are only punishing them. Young love is the often notorious, ever–changing emotion that enthralls adolescents. When a boy sees a beautiful girl, with nice, blonde hair, and long, shapely legs, he often thinks that he is in love. That is similar to the emotion Romeo experienced: "To call hers, exquisite, in question more. These happy masks that kiss fair ladies' brow, Being black, puts us in mind they hide the fair. He that is stricken blind cannot forget The precious treasure of his eyesight lost. Show me a mistress that is passing fair; What doth her beauty serve but as a note Where I may read who passed the passing fair? Farewell. Thou canst not teach me to forget." (I,i,238–246) Here, Romeo is saying how much he loves Rosaline, and that he cannot forget about her. However, a couple of scenes later, his love quickly changes: "O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright! It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night As a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear – Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear. So shows a snowy dove trooping with crows As yonder lady o'er her follow shows. The measure done, I'll watch her Get more content on
  • 10. Relationships in Romeo and Juliet Essay In this essay, I will be examining Shakespeare's treatment of relationships in Romeo and Juliet. As a poet and playwright, he wrote 154 sonnets, 2 long narrative poems and 38 plays, one of his most famous plays being Romeo and Juliet. There are many different types of relationships between characters, and these are essential to the play. The prologue tells us that the play is about two star–crossed lovers from two feuding families, the Montagues and Capulets. There is hatred between these two families, this explains this, 'Thou villain Capulet'. This quote suggests because of the hate between their families, the lovers are doomed from the start. Romeo's relationship with Rosaline shows he is deeply infatuated and passionate. In act 1, more content... He uses rhyming couplets, 'as a rich jewel in an Ethiop's ear, Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear'. This suggests his love for her is so powerful, it changes the way he speaks. Romeo also uses religious imagery to describe Juliet, such as 'This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this.' He compares her to a shrine which shows how their love is pure and how he worships her. This shows he has confused his love with religion. In act 1, scene 4 Romeo says, 'I fear, too early, my mind misgives some consequences yet hanging in the stars.' This suggests that he feels something is going to go wrong, which shows that their relationship is doomed from the start. In Elizabethan times people were superstitious and thought that their lives were mapped out in the stars. If you tried to change your destiny it was considered a sin. They also believed that their lives were planned by the wheel of fortune. Philosopher, Boethius proposed a theory of that people can rise in power of luck, but; it has to come down. In act 3, scene 5 Juliet refers to this. 'O fortune, fortune! All men call thee fickle.' Juliet and Lord Capulet at first have a caring relationship but soon after Tybalt's death this changes. It was planned that she would marry Paris when she was fifteen but after her cousin's death, the marriage is brought forward. In Shakespearean times, it is not unusual for girls to have marriages arranged by their parents and also to Get more content on
  • 11. Romeo as a Tragic Hero Essay "A pair of star–cross'd lovers take their life;" (Prologue, 6) Tragedy, events of great misfortune, has engulfed the world for centuries. Tragedy often giving rise to feelings of depression, anger, sorrow, and guilt. Romeo, in the tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, is a wealthy adolescent of the Montague family. He falls in love with young Juliet, of his rival family–the Capulets. Romeo's infatuation with Juliet leads to a hasty desire for marriage. This creates a rash and careless mindset, making Romeo susceptible to errors in judgement. This same poor judgment causes Romeo to thoughtlessly slay Tybalt, as revenge for the death of his friend, Mercutio. Through fate, Romeo coincidentally falls in love with a Capulet, his family' more content... He failed to realize the repercussions of his family's abandonment, especially since he has abandoned his family for an enemy. This infatuation and haste gives birth to an altered mindset–one "too rash, too unadvis'd, too sudden," (II, ii, 118). This mindset causes a loss of self–control. Romeo becomes driven by passions, and ignores reason. It should be noted that passions are found the bottom of the hierarchy of the human soul. This hierarchy states the importance of each guiding sense, and following passion leads to dire consequences–usually death. Romeo's reckless actions echo throughout the remainder of the play. During a brawl in Verona, Mercutio is slain by Tybalt. Romeo impulsively steps in and challenges Tybalt–claiming that "either [Tybalt] or [he], or both, must go with [Mercutio]." (III, i, 125). Romeo thoughtlessly engages in combat, hoping either Tybalt or he (Romeo) will die to honour Mercutio. This conflict results in Romeo killing Tybalt. Consequently, Romeo is banished from Verona by Prince Escales. Romeo is similarly hasty in deciding to end his life after discovering Juliet's supposed death. Moments after poisoning himself and dying, Juliet wakes from her slumber and discovers her dead husband. Romeo's hamartia proved fatal. However, a great deal of conflict was in–part, the result of chance's influence. Chance is an unknown and unpredictable series of events that causes a certain end result, and it is sometimes Get more content on
  • 12. Romeo And Juliet Character Analysis Essay The play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare shows how Romeo and Juliet meet. The play takes place in Verona, Italy. The Montagues and Capulets have ongoing feuds with each other. Romeo Montague meets Juliet Capulet at one of her family's parties, instantly fall in love, and decide to secretly get married the the day after the party. Throughout the play, both Romeo and Juliet show character traits they have which leads to a tragic ending. Romeo is shown to be poetic and romantic. He and his friends are on their way to the Capulet party when his friends encourage him to dance, but he refuses. He is still sad about Rosaline, the woman he loves. She doesn't love him back as she has plans to become a nun. Romeo says, "Is love more content... This is a sign that Juliet is impatient and desperate, because she wants to get married as soon as possible to Romeo. Also, Juliet starts the conversation about getting married, which implies that she is desperate to do so. Another time Juliet displays her impatience and desperation is when she's waiting for the Nurse to come back to hear the information on the wedding with Romeo. Juliet says, "I sent the nurse at nine o'clock. Maybe she couldn't find him. Oh, she's slow! ... Now it's noon! That's three hours since 9 o'clock!" (Shakespeare 125). This quote proves how impatient Juliet is, and it also shows how desperate she is to find out what the Nurse has to say. She's only thinking about herself and not about what's taking the Nurse so long to get home. Juliet's impatience and desperation takes away from her personality of kindness. Romeo and Juliet have similar traits. They not only express their personality, but their relationship is taken to a higher level when they speak to each other, which reveals other traits. Romeo is also desperate just like Juliet. An example is when Romeo finds Juliet in her grave, and thinks she is actually dead, when really she is only unconscious from the potion she took from the friar. Because Romeo didn't know that, he assumed that she was dead and bought poison to commit suicide to be with his wife. He says, "Come, Get more content on
  • 13. Romeo And Juliet Essay Conflict Essay Thalie Rundback 'Conflict – Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet' Essay: 'In the World of Romeo and Juliet, conflict is everywhere.' Conflict occurs in our everyday lives through the major decisions we make. For example choosing whether to have a child or through the minor decisions like whether to have a mocha or a chai latte. "A conflict is a struggle between people. The struggle may be physical, or between conflicting ideas." Physical conflict is when two or more people and can even escalate into rival gangs are visually and can also be emotional for a person. Emotional conflict is the presence of unfamiliar and opposite emotions relating to a situation that has not long ago taken place or is in the more content... Tybalt, Juliet's cousin, is very upset with Romeo from very early on in the play as he gatecrashed the Capulets ball. Tybalt believes Romeo causes him to look like a fool in front of a large audience. At this point Tybalt wanted Romeo to be thrown out but Capulet disagreed as he did not want to cause a scene. Thats why, in act 3 scene 1, Tybalt goes looking to fight with Romeo. Instead, he finds Mercuito, who is in an extremely aggressive mood. Mercuito would not be stopped, and his uncontrollable attitude increases when Romeo appears, and will not fight Tybalt. Mercutio believes Romeo is acting cowardly, since he tells the king of Cats 'good Capulet, which name I tender as dearly as mine own, be satisfied.' This causes both Tybalt and Mercutio to get angry, as Tybalt thinks Romeo is mocking him not realising that only a couple of hours before hand Romeo married Juliet Capulet which then makes Tybalt family. Since romeo doesn't want to fight, Mercuito draws his own sword. Tybalt has a very angry nature, and the two men fight. Romeo tried stopping them before it got out of hand but then Mercuito started mocking him. Romeo could see that the battle was getting pretty dangerous so he signals Benvolio to help him to stop it. Benvolio doesn't seem to be moving, Romeo showing his impulsive nature steps in–between But when Romeo did that Mercuito got caught by Tybalts sword. Tybalt then realises this and leaves the situation. All the men thought Mercutio was still being jovial, They don't realise the gravity of his wounds. Right up until he died, Mercutio is joking, not even Romeo realised what just happened to his friend. They finally took it seriously when he yelled 'A plague a' both your houses!' This curse, they understood later in this play, had occurred, since the events up to the lovers deaths work on this basis. Now that Mercuito has been murdered, Romeo was Get more content on
  • 14. Essay On The Conflict Between Romeo And Juliet William Shakespeare's play, "Romeo and Juliet," takes place in Verona – a city in Italy which is governed by a prince. There is also a Friar named Laurence, who is a religious figure that citizens go to for advice and to be married. In the City lives the Capulets and the Montagues who have been disputing for generations. Both families have children and one child from each family are the protagonists– Romeo is a member of the Montagues and Juliet is a member of the Capulets. Romeo and Juliet will end up falling for each other. However, they end up dying young because Friar Laurence married them in private, he gave Juliet a potion which knocked her out which lead to her and Romeo's suicides, and he trusted Friar John to deliver the letter more content... You can see the "Two households, both alike in dignity" (Act I PROLOGUE) fight even when they are so similar. The conflict of the two households quarreling arises when Romeo meets Juliet at the Capulet's party and they both fall for each other at first sight hence the phrase "love at first sight". At the time, religion was very important so when Romeo would talk about Juliet, he would say "Oh, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray; grant thou, lest faith turn to despair" (ACT I SCENE V). In this time, Romeo is asking for Juliet to kiss her because when you pray, your hands touch; and Romeo wants to do with lips what hands do. This comparison shows the connection from everyday life to religion, which is part of the reason Romeo went to Friar Laurence. Romeo and Juliet are also Roman Catholic which means that once they marry, they cannot divorce or be remarried. Friar Laurence knew this going into the marriage and the fact that Juliet was to be soon married off to Paris in a political wedding. Friar approved and said, "For this alliance may so happy prove to turn your households' rancor to pure love" (ACT II SCENE III). He later marries them in secret without telling anyone which will lead to two other mistakes made by Friar Get more content on
  • 15. Romeo And Juliet Opinion Essay Supported opinion – Romeo and Juliet In the play Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare, the main factors that caused the deaths of Romeo and Juliet are the feud between the Capulet's and Montague's, Friar and also Romeo and Juliet themselves who are the most responsible for the deaths of the two loves demonstrating that love kills to be true. The feud that was going on between the Montagues and the Capulets led to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet because the differences of these two families impacted the relationship of these two lovers. With no feud things would've been better, Friar Lawrence wouldn't have had to come up with a plan for Romeo and Juliet to escape Verona. In the end the hatred of the two families in the end was a big more content... Friar interfered too much with Romeo and Juliet's love life and family problems. He had gotten them married without the consent of their parents, he didn't think before making a decision. He didn't think the Romeo and Juliet are still kids who don't know anything about love. Friar just thought it will resolve the feud between the Montagues and Capulets. But it was actually making the situations between the families worse. Friar was also giving bad advice, as he did when he made a plan to stop the marriage of Juliet and Paris when Juliet was being forced to marry Paris, without informing Romeo properly about the fake death therefore his plan had failed. In the play Friar had said "Hold, daughter. I do spy a kind of hope, which craves as desperate an execution as that is desperate which we would prevent. If, rather than to marry County Paris" (Act 4. Scene 1. Lines 70–73). In this quotation Friar was responsible for telling Romeo about the plan which he had failed to accomplish; this one mistake had made matters worse leading towards Romeo and Juliet's deaths. Friar always thinks he has a solution to every plan just to stop the riot between the Montague's and Capulet's when he actually does not have a solution for every problem. As Friar interfered within the families of Romeo and Juliet, he had cause many issues and problems. Therefore, Friar was responsible for the deaths of the two lovers Romeo and Get more content on
  • 16. Romeo And Juliet Argumentative Essay Romeo and Juliet Argumentative Paper Have you ever heard of a story about two lovers who commit suicide because of a secret that was kept to keep them together? In the book Romeo and Juliet , by William Shakespeare, is about two lovers who come from two families who are enemies. The two fell in love and their parents refuse to let them marry each other. At the end both the lovers die. This connects to my topic because of one secret that was kept to save them killed six people. Even though some may believe otherwise, there are times when secrets must be told so it doesn't lead to more problems. There are times when secrets must be told because it causes deaths. Romeo, son of Montague, and Juliet, daughter of capulet more content... First, because of Friar Lawrence kept the plan as a secret. Romeo thought Juliet was dead and kills himself. After that Juliet saw Romeo dead she kisses him then she stabs herself then She dies. This one secret cost Romeo's and Juliet's lives. Second, this secret caused problems by taking Romeo's and Juliet's lives. Others may say, secrets must be kept because they can hurt people. In an article by Irene Van, says that you can keep secrets about family and friends. Irene Van says, " Gossip about family or friends unless this is about something that worries you, in / which case you should tell a adult you trust" (Van.II). This proves that, Irene Van believes that secrets about family and friends should be kept because it can really hurt your friends feelings. Second, this could be true because if I tell my friend one of my secrets, I trust this person. If he or she is going to go and tell my secret to someone, I am not going to tell he/she any secrets. However, on the other hand, in the same article Irene Van says that any kind of touch should not be kept as a secret. Irene Van says, " Secrets that are not safe to keep:/ Any kind of touch" (Van.II). First, I would tell my parents if this happens to me because if I tell this secret to my friends, and they spread it, it would hurt me. Second, this can lead to more problems if I kept this as a secret from my parents because, the same thing will continue if I don't take Get more content on
  • 17. Romeo and Juliet as a Tragedy Essay Romeo and Juliet as a Tragedy Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, which was written by William Shakespeare in 1599. The Elizabethans totally believed in fate, they believed that your destiny was fated. They also believed that fate was fickle, it could change, one day everything would be good and the next day things could be really bad. If you challenged fate, it would take up the challenge. If it wasn't fate there are many more things which could have caused the tragedy; the feud, this means that everything that happens in Verona ends in violence, Friar Lawrence, shouldn't have married them and shouldn't have suggested such a dangerous plan, which was playing with their lives, the Nurse should more content... Also the nurse agrees to be the go between, she thinks she has no choice because she is the servant and Juliet is the boss 'I am the drudge and toil in your delight'. Romeo and Juliet meet at the balcony and Juliet proposes to Romeo, so he goes to the friar to arrange the marriage. The friar marries them, when he wouldn't normally marry to people from different families because of the feud but this time he does. He doesn't want to at first, but he changes his mind as he thinks it may end the quarrel between the two families. But after they have got married; fate seems to turn against them. During the marriage ceremony Romeo says that now he has married Juliet nothing can go wrong. This challenges fate. When the fight starts Mercutio and Tybalt are only messing around but Romeo reminds them about the prince's decree. It is in this fight scene when fate starts to work against Romeo because when he steps in to stop the fight there is an accident and Mercutio gets killed. 'A plague a' both your houses! They have made worms' meat of me'. Mercutio curses both houses because he also blames Romeo for getting in the way. Romeo should report this to the prince but instead he starts fighting with Tybalt and this is serious because he reacts with his emotions and wants revenge. 'O I am fortunes fool' Romeo thinks that fate just wants to Get more content on
  • 18. Passion In Romeo And Juliet Romeo's Passion Passion is a strong and a barely controllable emotion. In "Romeo and Juliet" there was a lots of time there was emotionally stuff during the play. William Shakespeare wrote the play and put the passion inside the plays. There was this one part of the play when Romeo visits Juliet and so they were talking and talking and then the nurse comes in one point calling juliet, and she said, Romeo you have to go and Romeo and no I will stay and love you until i die and that point Romeo was emotional and everything because he was in love and everything. So in Act Three Scene 1, Romeo and was fighting Tybalt as an enemy because Tybalt killed Romeo's friend Mercutio and he really got mad at that and then Romeo started to fight more content... So the problem was Douglas Dupler emotion was that love was just stupid and just reckless i guess. Romeo slayed 2 people in rage, cause was the love affair between him and Juliet. Mercutio, Romeo's friend ended up being killed by Romeo for having something against his affair. The two want to be together and be accepted so much that they go to the extremes of poisoning themselves for a while and dying hoping to come back to life, only their plan fails when both of them end up not waking up, two deaths that could have been avoided. And this guy whoever poisoned them, his passion was scared because he didn't know those drinks were poisoned. So he probably got caught and got guilty for this crime he didn't. So in Act 1, Scene 1, Romeo was talking to Benvolio and talking his passion. So Romeo was sad, and he really loved someone. So Benvolio was telling Romeo who it was, and romeo was said "you mean i should groan about this and tell you i actually love". So Benvolio was like, Groan? What do you mean just tell me who you love. So i guess Romeo didn't tell his cousin who he loved, but Romeo was saying she beautiful, and she was really pretty and everything. So Benvolio was saying just don't think about her at all, and Romeo was saying "teach me to forget to think". Get more content on
  • 19. Compare And Contrast Romeo And Paris The two characters of Romeo and Paris are extremely different individuals with their own values and opinions. Both of these men are in love with Juliet but at the end of the play neither of them are able to be with her because they have died. But, the two characters do die for, in a way, similar reasons which is that they both love Juliet. This is one of the characters similarities even though they do not posses much in common with each other. Paris dies on account of because he loves Juliet he confronts Romeo at her tomb thinking that he is there to disrespect Juliet's body because of his banishment and his "hate" for the Capulets. In doing so Paris falls at the hand of Romeo and dies. Romeo does die in a different way but also because more content... Romeo at the beginning of the play doesn't have the most level–headed understand of what real love is and as an example at the beginning of the play he has "fallen in love" with Rosaline and proclaimed that she is the perfect example of a women. Then later on completely forgets about her after seeing Juliet. This gives the reader the sense that Romeo is not very deep in his feelings for women and has a more superficial idea of what love is. Throughout the play though Shakespeare was able to convey how Romeo has matured in his attitude toward love from a shallow desire to a profound and intense passion. His fidelity toward Juliet is quite abstract in the sense that he loves her enough to commit suicide because he feels that he is not able to continue his lie without her which is a demonstration of his faithfulness and loyalty to her. In Romeo and Juliet Romeo is driven by his emotions a lot of the time when making decisions. Examples of him doing this are that because of anger compels him to kill Tybalt in a duel to avenge to death of his friend and despair causes him to take his own life upon hearing of Juliet's death. He also is driven many times by his love for Juliet. Love forces him to make the reckless decision to sneak into the garden of his enemy's daughter and risk death only to catch a glimpse of her. These intense depths of feeing are what drive the character in this story Get more content on
  • 20. Love in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Essay What is love? Is it an object? Is it a feeling? Is it even attainable? Love is everything, it is an object, it is an emotion, and it cannot be bought, stolen, given. Love can only be found. Love is discovered in the most unthinkable places during the most unimaginable times. It can never be predicted who you fall in love with or when you do but all you do know is that you are in love and you would give anything for that person, and for your love to always stay resilient through all other obstacles and distractions. In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, Montague's and Capulet's are know and expected to hate each other until the miracle of love presented its self. Romeo is a Montague and Juliet is a Capulet. They both fell in love more content... Once love is found, any obstacle presented will neither diminish nor terminate that love, even when tragedy strikes with the loss of a loved one. Tybalt, the cousin of Juliet is one of the Capulet's that despises the Montague's and he will do anything in his power to kill them all, and once he confronted Romeo, he met his fate and died by Romeo's sword. The Prince arrived to the scene and said "Romeo slew him, he slew Mercutio" (III.i.181), him referring to Tybalt, and once realized, he banished Romeo out of the city. Once Juliet discovered the truth about Tybalt's death and Romeo's banishment she said in grief "Romeo is banished– to speak that word is father, mother, Tybalt, Romeo, Juliet, all slain, all dead– Romeo is banished" (III.ii.122–124). Her heartache for Romeo's banishment more than her cousin Tybalt's death shows that he is her life, her world, and her breath, and without him she would be nothing and life as she knows is would end, even through tragedy and anguish. Love is being willing to sacrifice everything for your everything, and giving your family, friends, and life for one person. Romeo gave everything for Juliet. He risked his family, his friends, his way of living, and his life in the pursuit of his true love. Juliet risked all that was central in influencing her to be the person she is, even Get more content on
  • 21. Romeo and Juliet Research Paper Prof. English May The True Hero: The Superior Character in Romeo and Juliet The play of Romeo and Juliet is different from William Shakespeare's other tragedies in that there is not a clear distinction of individual heroes. The two protagonists are more passive than active; both are naГЇve and lacking understanding. The hero is often thought to be the romantic, yet often hysterical, Romeo. But Romeo's immoral background, emotional outbursts, mishap murders, and foolish actions make him a poor candidate for a hero. Juliet proves to be more innocent than Romeo because she possesses more rigorous moral ethics. Juliet is also more successful in overcoming the obstacles that she is faced with throughout the play. While both more content... Throughout the story, Juliet proves her ability to overcome obstacles as she begins to take control of her destiny and no longer lives in the shadows of her parents. Because of her love for Romeo, she is deserted by her father, mother, and nurse. She is almost completely alone when Romeo is exiled. But she refuses to turn back; she won't forget about Romeo and embrace Paris in marriage as her parents' desire. Romeo is faced with similar oppositions as Juliet. His family, being sworn enemies to the Capulets, are kept in the dark about his romance with Juliet. Also, when the Capulets begin to perceive of the close relationship between Romeo and Juliet, it makes him a greater target to Capulet men such as Tybalt. There is no doubt as to Romeo's faithfulness towards Juliet and his desire to do all that is needed in order to have her love, but because of his lack of experience in life, Romeo is not at all faultless. Perhaps the most notable act that sabotaged his relationship with Juliet was his slaying of Tybalt. However honorable and necessary it may have seemed to him at the time, Romeo's rashness once again rears its ugly head after Mercutio foolishly brings about his own demise. Of course, Romeo immediately regrets his impetuous actions after the grave mistake had already been done as he does many times throughout the story. On several Get more content on