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Sample Graduate School Essay
Crafting an essay on the topic "Sample Graduate School Essay" presents a unique set of
challenges. Firstly, there's the pressure to showcase one's academic prowess, professional
aspirations, and personal qualities within a limited word count. Balancing these elements while
maintaining coherence and flow requires meticulous planning and execution.
Moreover, the competition is fierce in graduate school admissions. With countless applicants
vying for limited spots, the essay must stand out as exceptional. This entails weaving a narrative
that not only highlights academic achievements but also demonstrates a clear passion for the
chosen field and a unique perspective that sets the applicant apart.
Researching and understanding the specific requirements of different graduate programs adds
another layer of complexity. Each institution may have its own set of criteria and expectations,
demanding tailored essays for each application.
Additionally, self-promotion can be uncomfortable for many individuals. Writing about one's
accomplishments and aspirations without sounding arrogant requires a delicate balance of
confidence and humility.
Furthermore, the pressure to conform to established norms and conventions of academic writing
while still injecting personality and originality can be daunting. Striking this balance is crucial to
leaving a lasting impression on the admissions committee.
In summary, composing a compelling essay on the topic of "Sample Graduate School Essay"
demands strategic planning, meticulous execution, self-promotion with humility, adherence to
academic standards, and a touch of creativity. It's a challenging task that requires careful
navigation of various complexities to effectively convey one's suitability for graduate study.
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Sample Graduate School Essay Sample Graduate School Essay
Comparing Holden And Conrad Essay
Holden and Conrad both have dealt with a major tragedy, sending them both into
depression. They deal with depression in different ways, but are going through
very similar situations, and have some very similar qualities about them and their
lives. They both lost their brothers, whom they were both very close to. Holden
and Conrad are both suffering with depression, but in different ways. Holden lost
Allie to cancer. Conrad lost his brother to a boating accident. Holden idolized Allie.
Allie was special; he had red hair, he was left handed, he wrote poems on his
baseball mitt. Allie was sensitive and caring, and to us Holden made Allie sound
like a saint. Allie s death played a major role in Holden s life. The day Holden
found out, anger took over, causing him to break the windows in the garage,
hospitalizing him with a broken hand. Holden s depression was caused by the death
of his brother, and because of that, he is... Show more content on ...
Holden becomes confused by Allie s death, so he lies to create a fantasy world of
his own. Conrad only lies to stay out of trouble. Conrad just wants to hide from
everyone and everything, so the only time he lies is so he can be unseen. While
Holden keeps everything in, Conrad knows he needs help and gets it. Holden
doesn t get the help he needs, and instead holds everything in. Everything he sees
depresses him, and he just wanders around New York looking for answers he will
never find. Conrad goes to a therapist. Dr. Berger makes a huge impact on Conrad
and his improvement. He makes Conrad relive what happened, and helps him deal
with the pain. Dr. Berger gets Conrad to forgive himself and move on. What
happens in the end is also different. Holden finally releases everything and goes to a
institution to help him. Conrad finally comes to peace with himself. His mom leaves
and I think that actually helped in the end. His father helps Conrad a lot as well, and
he finally forgives himself for Buck s
Hank Aaron Biography
Henry Louis Aaron
(Hank) Aaron
#65532; #65532;
Date of Birth: February 5, 1934(the day before Babe Ruth turned 39).
Birthplace: Mobile, Alabama, United States
Date. Circumstances of Death: Living
Early Life: The second of nine of Herbert and Estella Aaron s , he weighed just 2
and 1/4 pounds at birth. Hank was a quiet boy who just had one or two friends in
the neighborhood. When Hank was eight he saw his first major league game. After
the game he knew he wanted to be a major league baseball player which is a good
dream because it makes you work hard to make it come true. Hank would sometimes
skip school and go down to the baseball bleachers and liked watch players like Joe
Dimagio, and Micky ... Show more content on ...
However, Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn ordered the team to use Aaron in
Cincinnati, and he tied the record in his first trip to the plate. When he retired, he
held all time major league records for extra base hits, 1,477; total bases, 6,856; and
runs batted in, 2,297. Aaron then returned to Atlanta to work in the
Conrad s Heart of Darkness and the Dehumanization of...
Heart of Darkness and the Dehumanization of Africans
The Western world, generally speaking, is not kind to Africa and its native
inhabitants. We acknowledge Africa s existence, but we do not want to see or
understand anything about it beyond the obvious: overt things that are open to
criticism like Apartheid (a European invention). The occasional praiseworthy entity is
given momentary applause, but felicitations are short lived and quickly forgotten.
These statements refer just to politics, so one can imagine the rightful indignation by
twentieth century African writers when their work is largely ignored in favor of such
enlightening fare as Heart of Darkness. One writer, Chinua Achebe, seeks to change
this view by illustrating ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately for Achebe, many people still think of Africaas a shadowy place
containing secret knowledge about the beginnings of mankind and how man would
exist if he were not civilized. However, he does not let that stop him from doing his
best in his novels to counter that supposition. Okonkwo is far from being a thing
monstrous or an inhabitant of prehistoric earth . . . that wore the aspect of an
unknown planet (Conrad 108). He is a complicated man living in a complicated
society. He has faults, strengths, and desires, and he would hardly worship a Kurtz if
one happened to show up in Umuofia one day. Yes, Okonkwo and his fellow Igbo
have some strange customs, but as Achebe points out in his essay, Yonkers, New
York, has its own share of strange customs and rituals that a stranger might find
primitive on the surface (2). This information would come as no shock to many
anthropologists, nor would it seem strange to others (except, perhaps, the residents of
Yonkers), but it is the attitude of Westerners that really bothers Achebe, not the lack
of information.
The African is corrupt through and through . . . equality won t alter facts, (Achebe,
NE 3). This is a prevalent sentiment among the white British in Nigeria in the 1950s.
They bring formal education, equal status among whites and blacks, improved
employment opportunities, Christianity,
A Study On Set Up Dns And Package, Follow The
To set up DNS sever package, follow the procedure set forth.
1.Select control panel from the start menu, then Administrative Tools, then Server
2.Expand and click on Roles.
3.Choose Add Roles and then follow the wizard by selecting the DNS role
4.Click install to install DNS in the Operating System
After installing the DNS, you can find the DNS Console from Start, then All
Programs, then Administrative Tools, then DNS. The Operating System provides a
wizard that helps configure the DNS.
Among the concepts you need to familiarize yourself when configuring the DNS are
the Forward Lookup Zone (Resolving the host name to IP Address), Reverse Lookup
Zone(Resolve the DNS Name of the host), and Zone Types. Under Zone Types, the
available options are Active Directory (AD) Integrated Standard Primary, and
Standard Secondary.
To open the configuration tool for the DNS server,
1.Select DNS from the Administrative Tools folder to open the DNS console.
2.Highlight the name of your computer and choose action, then configure a DNS
Server to launch the Configure DNS Server Wizard.
3.Click Next and choose to configure the forward Lookup Zone, Forward and
Reverse Lookup Zone, root hints only.
4.Click next and then yes to create a forward lookup zone
5.Select the appropriate radio button to install the desired zone type
6.Click Next and type the name of the zone you create.
7.Click Next and then Yes to create a reverse Lookup zone
8.Select the appropriate radio button to
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Oppressed Women In Othello
Desdemona and Emilia are loyal characters who want to please their husbands. In the
play Othello , by William Shakespeare, there are two major feminine roles that attract
the reader s attention. The way the women behave is linked to the expectations of
Shakespeare s Elizabethan society. I would like to demonstrate some of the ways in
which Desdemonaand Emilia are presented and treated in the play. Desdemona and
Emilia can be compared and contrasted in a number of ways.
Desdemona is portrayed as a hideous oppressed woman. There is a large body of
evidence to support this critical stance. Newly wedded Desdemona is inexperienced
and innocent in the real world and is in an unstable relationship with Othello. She has
slept with another ... Show more content on ...
She is unable to realize that it is her behavior towards Cassio which is contributing
to Othello s anger so she then feels conflicted. She is the cause of most of the
complexities in the play but it is her simple mindedness and inability to think
critically which leads her to trouble. Throughout the play Desdemona symbolizes
innocence and helplessness in women. She plays a very big role in how the play
ends. What the two women share in common is their sense of loyalty to their
husbands. I never did Offend you in my life ;never loved Cassio But with such
general warranty of heaven As I might love. I never gave him token. (5.2.58 61)
She is proving her love to her dear Othello whom she has cheated on. As a wife she
reassured him of her so called love and loyalty . Over a period of time, women have
fought for the respect and equality; even though these stereotypes still exist today,
women are stronger in defending themselves and more respected. I believe that
Shakespeare brings the theme of women roles because we learned how women felt
during that
Examples Of Being Powerless Over Alcohol
The idea of the first step of We admitted we were powerless over alcohol that our
lives had become unmanageable, is to help a person to break through the denial of
their disease. No recovery is possible if you cannot admit that there is a problem.
The disease of addiction is fueled by the user s denial, convincing them that they can
control their use. Once a person can admit they are unable to manage their own
drinking/drug/addictive behaviour, they can begin to look at the problem. Powerless
is not helplessness, it is knowing and having an understanding that you are powerless
if you use alcohol. Choosing not to drink allows then to learn control their thoughts
and behaviors to learn to abstain from drinking alcohol. It is acceptance. There is
nothing wrong with including the twelve steps in a treatment program. It has been
proven very successful for many in the past. If it works, why not include it. I think it
could have a positive impact for individuals in a treatment program and there is no
reason that someone who is participating in treatment with another mental health...
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The idea that members must accept that a power greater than themselves is as simple
as stated above, accepting direction in overcoming their drinking problem. Having a
spiritual component in treatment is essential and it is about having a connection.
Most people who end up in treatment have had serious consequences from their
behaviours and many have isolated themselves. These types of support groups can
be an invaluable to a person trying to stop addictive behaviours. Building a
connection to others offers a source of guidance, assistance, and encouragement. The
group can become a higher power in a sense, and give the person
Identity And Identity In Persepolis, By Marjane Satrapi
The graphic novel Persepolis is a coming of age memoir written by Marjane Satrapi.
It is an autobiographical depiction of the life of an Iranian girl living in Iran during
and after the period of the 1979 Iranian revolution and the Iran Iraq war,
demonstrating how Marjane s persona becomes increasingly aware of the various
cultural influences and religious influences that surround her and the constant
conflict between the promotion Iranian and Muslim beliefs and the repression of
Western ideals in an increasingly war torn Iran, which has affected the formation of
her personal identity. Later on, it portrays her struggle with a young Iranian woman s
identity, where her ten year old self is often seen talking to God about her numerous
troubles, and she see... Show more content on ...
In The Vegetable , Satrapi describes the physical metamorphosis of her body as a
direct result of the mental transformation she undergoes, where she describes
several identity altering experiences within the first few months of her residence in
Vienna, such as the isolation she felt due to language barriers and stereotyping of
her cultural background. Satrapi uses a full page to detail a variety of bodily
changes Marjane experiences at puberty, featuring panels of before and after images
of facial features and other body parts. As the persona s physical body is represented
repeatedly and multiple times across the page, she thus asserts a physical, bodily
presence that links directly to changes she experiences in her internal identity. The
proliferation of selves with slight variations in each panel indicates an uncertain,
altering physical identity that correspond with Marjane s changing personal identity.
Although this corporal reconstruction was involuntarily brought on by puberty,
Satrapi clearly shows her individuality was intimately tied to her body s
Ethnic Laws And Ethnic Penalty
It is a well established fact that ethnic penalty in labor markets exists in many
countries across the world. This ethnic discrimination in employment typically
operates furtively, with the victims often not recognizing it. The existence of ethnic
penalty is commonly demonstrated in statistical patterns and trends over time before
being proven by specific research studies and targeted investigations. Ethnic penalty
basically describe poorer results for ethnic or racial minoritygroups in far as the rates
of employment, rates of pay, and the job levels attained by individual employees are
concerned (Platt, 2002, p. 118). Thus, they are a reflection of labor market
inequalities between various ethnic groups as well as between various areas,... Show
more content on ...
The basic meaning of an ethnic penalty is the myriad disadvantages experienced by
ethnic minority groups in the labor market in comparison to non ethnic minorities of
equal human capital. As already noted, this is expressed in terms of poorer results for
the minority groups in far as the rates of employment, rates of pay, and the job levels
attained by individual employees (Platt, 2002, p. 118). Hopkins offers a similar
definition, noting that ethnic penalty represent the differences observed between the
employment outcomes for ethnic minorities and their non minority counterparts
based on the human capital of each group. In a well functioning or fair labor market,
variations in individuals employment success are generally considered to arise from
the human capital differences of the individuals, that is, their skills as well as
knowledge pertinent to the specific labor market. Contrastingly, unfair labor markets
may be characterized by ethnic penalty, which depict such factors as groups cultural
attributes that impact their labor market performance, systematic variances in the
economic prospects in the areas in which various ethnic groups reside, or racial
discrimination (Hopkins Gale, 2009, p. 38). However, Triandafyllidou cautions that
the ethnic penalties that statistical studies identify are not always indicators of the
existence of ethnic discrimination. There is a constant possibility that the observed
The Life of Galileo Galilei
Galileo Galilei is considered one of the greatest scientists of all time. He was an
Italian mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who very strongly supported
Copernicanism, which is the idea that the earth orbits the sun. It was hard to
advocate Copernicanism because it was a very controversial idea during that time.
Galileo was a leader in the Scientific Revolution. He made discoveries in the
sciences of motion, astronomy, and strength of materials. In motion, his famous
scientific discoveries were circular inertia, law of falling bodies and parabolic path
of projectiles. In mathematics, he changed philosophy from a verbal explanation
to a mathematical one in which experimentation was a method for discovering
facts of nature. In astronomy, he revolutionized telescope and made way for the
recognition of the Copernican heliocentric system. Galileo changed the world
forever. Galileo s childhood was full of schooling and studying. Galileo was born
in Pisa, Italy, on February 15, 1564. Galileo, the oldest child in the family, was
born to Guilia Ammannati, and Vincenzo Galilei, who was a great musician. When
Galileo was eight, he moved to Florence. He went to the monastery school at
Vallombrosa in his teens. Galileo later studied at University of Pisa, where he was
supposed to study being a doctor, but instead he was captivated with math and
decided to make math and philosophy his job, against his father s will. Even though
he was very young, Galileo
Motzart s Home-Personal Narrative
The golden sun set over the unlit Coke bottle in left field. Slowly falling under the
bay, painting the water with yellow and orange stripes. The stadium smelled of hot
dogs and cracker jacks. Two people walked the empty stadium, stopping to talk
because the sounds of the rush hour traffic had stopped. They walked down to the
first row and stopped to admire the scenery. Then the man jumped over the barrier,
forgetting the woman on the other side. I heard the woman exclaim, Honey, what
are you doing? He carefully jumped back over and carried her onto the field. We
waited in the hallway leading to the clubhouse. He walked to the middle of the field
and stepped onto the mound, and the woman followed slowly behind him. He
stepped into a windup... Show more content on ...
What s the question? He asked. He started to look annoyed. For the payment, is
there any way you could pay us now instead of later? I asked, stuttering on almost
every word. He gave me this confused look. I immediately regret asking. He turned
around and sighed, scratching his hair. He turned back around and just stared at me. I
wondered what he was thinking. After about 5 seconds he turned and walked away
with no answer. He caught up with his fiancГ© and walked out of the stadium,
leaving me there
Negative Influence On Road Cycling
Driver behavior is also cited as having a negative influence on participants cycling
experience, as it is reported that some motorists are particularly violent towards
cyclists and others are unaware of them and so did not leave the necessary space.
For some participants, these experiences presented a barrier to on road cycling. Due
to the volume of traffic and the driver habits, cyclists are rushing, pushing on crowed
roads. One interviewee told that I don t think it is just specific to this Jaffna area, it
is nationwide. It is the totally different way of mind set that they have in Jaffna.
If we consider the cycling in Jaffna City as a collection of acquisitioned practices and
mental phenomena of each society which grants ... Show more content on ...
Share of the total travel time has been considered under this share of transport. (See
figure 4.1) Cycling makes up nearly 67% of total travel time whilst 21% of travel
time is spent by public transport.
Figure: 4.1, Share of Total Travel Time
Based on this result, most of the times of total travel time are spending for cycling.
This is a physical and mentally healthful and effective for the Jaffna people and their
bodies and minds are better equipped.
4.1.3 Mode share by age group
Figure 4.2 shows travel patterns of cycling for various age groups. School aged
children, young adults, secondary education students (University students, Technical
College students and University College students) businessmen and elderly people
were the most likely to choose the bicycle as an active travel mode. Those 11 20 and
21 30 years old spend the greatest percentage of their travel time for cycling at
respectively 51.1 percent and 31.7 percent of their total travel time. Those 55 64
also spend over 10 percent of their travel time for cycling. Figure 4.2, Bicycle Travel
time by Age group (Percentage of total time spent for travelling by bicycle/ day)
Cycling makes up 40 60 percent of overall mode for travelling and trips (see figure
4.3). Those 11 20 and 21 30 years old uses the cycling as greatest percentage of their
travel mode at respectively 60.3 percent and 41.3 percent of their
How To Write An Essay About Atlantic City
Atlantic City isn t always just the sandy beaches, the many gaming options, the fine
food, nightlife and world class entertainment. Sometimes the biggest thrill is the size
of your posh luxury suite inside one of Atlantic City s most luxurious resorts like the
Royal Suites at The Atlantic Palace. Half of your vacation pictures may be taken
from the inside your Atlantic City hotels marble bath or from the hotel s private
lounge, reserved for guests only . Set on the beautiful Jersey shore, Atlantic City
hotelsoffer views that expand for miles across the vast sea. Whether you want to
hop off the elevator and right into the poker room or are more interested in
perfecting your golf game at one of the nearby courses, you ll find several hotels...
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With four towers featuring kings, two queens or two double beds, there s definitely a
comfortable room to meet your standards.
Trump Taj Mahal the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, for instance, offers theme
suites with one or two bedrooms, two full baths and a living room with dining area.
The penthouse suites are fittingly styled after famous historic figures such as
Alexander the Great, King Tut, Napoleon, Kublai Khan, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da
Vinci and Cleopatra and are designed with these notables in mind. The Trump Taj
Mahal also offers twenty four hour in room dining service and information
assistance, as well as three lounges: The Taj Princess Lounge, The Oasis Lobby Bar
and The Rainforest.
The Ascot Motel one of the best Atlantic city motels is located in Atlantic City, N.J.
The motel is one block from the casinos of Atlantic City, the Atlantic City Boardwalk
and the shopping and dining of The Quarter. Atlantic City International Airport is 14
miles away.
The motel serves complimentary continental breakfasts. Complimentary coffee and a
microwave are available in the lobby. An outdoor pool is open seasonally. Garage
parking is
Why Is Alexander The Great Successful
Alexander the Great Alexander the Great was a very successful commander, and was
especially successful against Darius of Persia. There are many reason we see in this
battle of Gaugamela that causes Alexander to be victorious, but the main reason is
the communication level between the army. Alexander does a phenomenal job of
communicating the game plan with his army. The army was broken up into highly
trained and well disciplined units. These smaller units made it easier to communicate
with, and allowed everyone to know what was going on at all times. Alexander would
communicate and instruct his commanders of these units, and then they would train
and communicate to the men. This great leadership and communication is what made
Alexander great
Audit Report On The Accounting Position Of An Area That
Provide a summary of the topic and why it is considered an area that is complex and
requires auditor judgment.
On an ongoing basis Auditors perform methodical and independent reviews of
paperwork, financial records, documents and receipts. Due to the complexity and
difficulty nature of assessing judgment on audit reports, the necessity to determine if
misstatements are material enough to be mentioned in the audit report and if the
existing accounting position of the business or industry can be warranted is essential
(Sun, 2016). With this information auditors are able to document and determine if the
information presented can be verified and if it represents a true and fair standing of
the company s financial statement at that given point in time. Internal control
deficiencies occurs in situations where the manner in which financial information that
is reported is hindered by restrictions placed upon management and employees.
Additionally, these boundaries hinders them from efficiently and accurately
identifying misstatements while performing their daily tasks (Graham Bedard, 2015).
Based on established internal controls auditors are able to perform different
procedures that are required to follow while performing an audit and also at the
conclusion of an audit to detect Internal control deficiencies.
Internal control deficiencies are considered a complex area that entails auditors
decision due to the likelihood that if deficiencies are not discovered in a timely
Discuss Marxist Theory of Alienation
When considering the concept of sociology and its definition, one immediately
thinks of trying to understand the world in which we live. However, for Karl Marx
we should not only understand the world, but also seek to actively change it
(Macintosh, 1997). The concept of alienation differs in terms of its sociological
meaning in relation to that of the psychological definition and has been used to
describe many other phenomena s over the last four centuries. The aim of this essay
is to assess the concept of alienation according to Karl Marx and explore his theory
relating to four differing perspectives assigned to this, whilst also researching its
historical roots and any relevance in ... Show more content on ...
Economic and surplus values are at the heart of Marxist theory. For Marx, alienation
is an objective condition associated with the social and economic attributes of
capitalism and results in alienated labour.
The main use of Marx s theory relating to this concept is in relation to the form of
labour in any given capitalist society. However, he also talks of alienation in the
sphere of social and economic relations (Turner, 1999) Marx argues that humans are
denied their basic natural essence, and as such was only realised in their labour. This
allowed for a creative activity which was carried out in unison with others. Marx was
of the opinion that people transformed a world outside themselves. Now the processes
relating to production were one of objectification . By this he means that man now
produces material objects that embody human creativity, yet leaves them feeling
detached and separated from the creator. Once the product is objectified, man no
longer recognises himself in the product and autonomous manufacturing techniques
leave him feeling alienated.
Within capitalist societies Marx identified four levels of separation resulting in the
concept of alienation. (1) Within a capitalist society the worker has no control over
the fate of their production, therefore alienating them from the results of their labour.
Although having been involved actively in the production of such commodities
Risk And Financial Impact Of Under Armour
Risk Financial Impact Under Armour is exposed to numerous risks entering the golf
equipment industry. Despite, the organization already having a footprint in the sport
as they are in the apparel market, they are still susceptible to the risks that plagued
Nike. Under Armour can be exposed to manufacturing, assembling, distribution, and
marketing deficiencies that without proper planning could become detrimental to
their product launch. The biggest problem we ve encountered is lack of preparation:
Companies are so focused on designing and manufacturing new products that they
postpone the hard work of getting ready to market them until too late in the game
(Schneider Hall, 2011). It is critical that when Under Armour is read to launch into
the golf equipment industry that the equipment is top notch, there is a plan for
marketing, and Under Armour is ready to follow through on their claims and delivery
of golf equipment. Potential Risks: The first exposure is presented to Under Armour
is their relationship with the overseas manufacturing partner. Shortages of raw
materials, delays, and inefficiencies in the manufacturing process can disrupt the
product launch. If Under Armour is going to make claims to deliver top notch
equipment in a period of time, they have to rely on overseas communication,
manufacturing and delivery to do so. There is a concern that the increases in the
manufacturing costs can start reducing profit margins. As seen over the past election
Cost and Overhead
fsdfsdsdfSuppose sales in 2001 equal 26,000 units, as budgeted in January, and that
actual manufacturing expenses turn out to equal budgeted expenses. Prepare an
income statement for the year (just include the manufacturing expenses) that will
help senior management and the board understand the economics of cartridge
production in 2001.
5. Work through the Youngstown Products numerical example (below).
Youngstown Products, a supplier to the automotive industry, had seen its operating
margins shrink below 20% as its OEM customers put continued pressure on pricing.
Youngstown produced four products in its plant and decided to eliminate products
that no longer contributed positive margins. Details on the four products are provided
... Show more content on ...
It calc ulates a p lant wide overhead rate by dividing total overhead costs by total
direct labor hours. Assume, for the calculations below, that plant overhead is a
committed (fixed) cost during the year, but that direct labor is a variable cost.
Calculate the plant wide overhead rate. Use this rate to assign overhead costs to
products and calculate the profitability of the four products. The assignment
spreadsheet provides a starting point for your calculations, with some data and
formulas already supplied.
Suppose sales in 2001 equal 26,000 units, as budgeted in January, and that actual
manufacturing expenses turn out to equal budgeted expenses. Prepare an income
statement for the year (just include the manufacturing expenses) that will help senior
management and the board understand the economics of cartridge production in 2001.
5. Work through the Youngstown Products numerical example (below).
Youngstown Products, a supplier to the automotive industry, had seen its operating
margins shrink below 20% as its OEM customers put continued pressure on pricing.
Youngstown produced four products in its plant and decided to eliminate products
that no longer contributed positive margins. Details on the four products are
provided below: A B C D Total
Production Volume
(units) 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000
Selling Price $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 $22.00
Economic Benefits Of Hostinging The Olympic Games
There is also question as to how much benefit is actually derived from hosting the
Olympics. According to a study conducted by Chengli Tien of National Taiwan
Normal University, Huai Chun Lo of Yuan Ze University, and Hsiou Wei Lin of
National Taiwan University, the economic impact of hosting the Olympic Games is
only on a short term basis. The study concludes that GDP only rises by an average
around 2% in the years leading up to the Olympics, with very minimal effect during
or after the Olympics. The unemployment of host cities decreases by a meager 0.3%
annually. David Forrest, an economist and professor at the University of Liverpool,
has spoken against hosting the Olympics, saying There is an absolute consensus
among sports economists that it is economically damaging to host the Games, unless
one puts a very high value on the local population enjoying the party. The only
publications attributing benefits to hosting are by consultancies paid by politicians to
validate their vanity projects.
I had the chance to talk with a close family friend who lived in Lake Placid growing
up and was a resident of the town when they hosted the 1980 Winter Olympics.
According to Tom Irvin, he and the rest of Lake Placid were ecstatic about hosting
the games. Not only did it bring attention to the small upstate New York town
(population of 2,500 in 1980), but many venues were built with the help of financing
by the state of New York and the International Olympic Committee. These
American Exceptionalism Is A Real Concept That Makes...
Some people seem to question the concept of American exceptionalism, while others
know and interpret it differently. American exceptionalism has various definitions
and has been used by many politicians. The most accurate way to define American
exceptionalism, though, would be to think of it as a concept that refers to the United
Statesof America as a uniquely free country that is different from other nations
based on its principles, history, and political system. Over the years, American
exceptionalism has been an important topic of debate with people asking whether it
is real and whether it is good. The purpose of this paper is to argue whether
American exceptionalism is a real concept that makes America unique from other
nations. I seek to show how the idea of American exceptionalism, which has been
discussed by many people since the 19th century, could be real and flawed at the
same time. Ultimately, this research will shed light on the different myths of
American exceptionalism as well as whether it makes America a unique democracy
and how diverse groups of people interpret it.
Although the United States of America is thought of as an exceptional nation, the
term, American exceptionalism itself, is believed to be extraordinary in one way or
another. American exceptionalism refers to America as a unique land of great
opportunity that is extremely different from other nations. According to Stephen M.
Walt, author of the well written article, The Myth of American
The Revolution Of The Haitian Revolution
Many times throughout history, we can see the effects of independent thought.
There was the revolt of the slaves in Rome led by Spartacus, The Zanj Rebellion in
the Middle East, and The Civil War in the United States. However, The Haitian
Revolution is one of the most effective and swift Slave revolts of all time. The
causes of the Haitian Revolution were quite simple and was similar to any other
kind of slave revolt. Many ideas carried around by slave traders at the time such as
treating slaves as property, using social/racial classes, and oppressive control
ultimately tipped the slaves over the edge. Ideas of independence also sparked the
revolution, and one key inspiration to the cause was The French Revolution. This is
not very... Show more content on ...
Because these people were being treated like property, they were accommodated
with the barest necessities and were given little to no food. These slaves looked for
a way to vent their frustrations. Through the Christian Religion, these slaves were
able to unify under one belief. They grew confident and more unified knowing they
outnumbered the whites of the island ten to one. Some slaves escaped their owners,
and became what were known as Maroons. These escaped slaves lived in the
mountains of Jamaica. These rebels laid down the foundations of a black resistance
towards the slave owners and whites. They carried out plantation raids, the killing of
white militiamen, and the freeing of slaves. These Maroons alone threatened the
British prospect of the sugar and slave industry. Slavery is one of the most frowned
upon act humans have ever done. Condemning humans to back breaking labor with
no pay at all with constant abuse is surely going to meet some kind of resistance
The slaves were not the only black inhabitants of Saint Domingue. The free black
inhabitants were called Mulattoes. Like the slaves, they too were oppressed in some
way. While they had some sense of freedom, they were oppressed by the structure of
the white government of Saint Domingue. Upon reaching manhood, they were
required to serve in a mandatory three year term in the military. Upon release, they
were then forced to serve in their
Robert Greenleaf And James Hunter
Robert Greenleaf and James Hunter are both experts when it comes to leadership.
Greenleaf coined the term servant leadership and published his first essay regarding
this topic in 1970. Hunter is a world renowned author and speaker because of his
leadership forte, and has worked with thousands of business executives on developing
leadershipskills that create successful businesses (Hunter 1998). Both of these men
are distinguished professionals because of their philosophies and approaches to
efficacious leadership, but they each have a different approach of how they present
and represent these ideas.
Greenleaf takes a very direct approach in presenting his beliefs about leadership. He
speaks in absolutes. Using headings in his writings, he addresses a specific
component of leadership and explicitly states what he means in the succeeding
paragraphs. Leaving little room for subjection or argumentation, Greenleaf does not
pose open ended questions towards his readers, but rather, speaks with an assertive
tone that makes his ideas sound factual. Congruently, many facts are presented
throughout Greenleaf s writing, giving readers a reliable platform on which to found
their beliefs. Greenleaf writes:
People who go for leadership (whether they are servants or non servants) may be
viewed as one of two extreme types. There are those who are so constituted
physically and emotionally that they like pressure seek it out and they perform best
when they are totally intense.
International Finance And Globalisation ( Mn7574 )
Assignment in the elective module: International Finance and Globalisation
Conducted by: ...............
Word Count: ....
Describe the three key institutional bodies established in the Bretton Woods
agreement. What was their purpose, and how did they operate? Give an account of
the collapse of the agreement and discuss the consequences of this collapse for
international finance.
This coursework is submitted as part of the requirements for the award of the MSc in
University of Leicester School of Management
July 2014
Table of Contents
Section 2: Bretton Woods Institutions: purpose of establishment and cooperation4
Section 3: Bretton Woods: The chronology of events6... Show more content on ...
Opponents of the EU argue that since the formation of the Euro area we have
observed an increasing divergence between the northern and southern European
countries; with the former enjoying the majority of the benefits of the common
currency and the latter facing significant issues with their macroeconomics and
struggling to keep up with their northern counterparts.
The formation of the EEA, however, was not the first attempt by societies to converge
their interests under a common economic policy. Its predecessor, the Bretton Woods
system that was formatted in 1944, endeavoured to set up a set of rules that would
define the monetary relationships between a number of countries. Its primary feature
was the commitment by the member nations to maintain a relatively fixed exchange
rate against the dollar, which was tied to gold at a fixed rate.
Alongside with the set up of the system, the members agreed to establish two
institutional bodies that would oversee the members activities, provide assistance
when needed and maintain the cooperation between the members. Those were the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank of Trade and Development
(World Bank). Subsequently, the members aimed to establish the International Trade
Organization (ITO) that was replaced by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT). All three
Hypertension And Its Effects On Hypertension
Hypertension, sometimes known as Silent Killer is America s freighting combative
illness we struggle to regulate. Due too many health risk factors, many people are
sometimes unaware of hypertension until suffering from severe damaging effects.
High blood pressure is a growing problem in today s life Controlling it is the key
Approximately 50 million people in the United States are affected by hypertension
and approximately 1 billion worldwide. In this paper, it will outline different topics
that will help better understand, What is hypertension, Causes and Affects to
Hypertension, Medication treatments that help regulate, and Hypertension Programs
that are available in helping regulate this illness.
Hypertension, as we all know the term High Blood Pressure, is defined as a systolic
pressure greater than 140 mm Hg and the diastolic pressure greater than 90 mm Hg.
Hypertension is a Chronic medical condition that occurs when blood flow in the
arteries are high causing artery walls to narrow and thin, blood pressure is the result
of two forces the amount of blood measured being pumped out of the heart and into
the arteries and the amount of time heart rest between each heartbeat . Systolic
pressure occurs when the left ventricle is mostly contracted, the diastolic preforms
when the left
I Am Post A Review Today Of A Board Game
I thought I d post a review today of a board game that I bought for my kids this last
Christmas. Yes, I m aware that was 5 months ago, but it s honestly taken me this
long to decide whether I love or hate it. My family, including my 8yo and my 7yo,
really enjoys playing Settlers of Catan, so when I found out there was a version based
on the building of the transcontinental railroad in the United States, my little
homeschooling heart just about burst. The game, Catan Histories: Trails to Rails, is
around the $50 mark, so I hesitated... a lot. I finally caved over the holidays
because... learning and Catan and awesomeness awaited us if I could just fork over
the cash. SPECS:
The box says this game is for ages 12+, 3 4 players, and that the game takes about 2
hours. In comparison, the original Settlers of Catan game says it s for players ages
10+, 3 4 players (but you can buy expansions for more players), and that the game
takes about an hour. REALITY:
We ve played the original game with my younger kids without issue. The concepts
are not too hard for them to understand, but I ve never met a Catan game that only
lasted an hour. Ever. It usually takes us 2 3 hours, even when it s all adults playing
and no kids. Basically, I don t believe a word on the box. Trails to Rails is actually
more accurate on the box, but I still don t think a game could be completed in 2
hours. The 12+ age range is probably a good suggestion, but you know your own
kids. It could be fun for a child
Driving Cars Should Be Allowed On Our Roads
I support that self driving cars should be allowed on our roads. Think about riding
in your car without being paying attention to all the details on the roads. Think
about leaving work exhausted and get into your car, push a button, type your
home address and the next thing you know you are in your parking at your house.
Let s think about that last party when you had that extra glass of wine, and you are
alone staring at your car wondering how you will get home. The self driving car is
the solution to those struggles that we all face at any time in our lives. The future
of moving people and goods will bring as new transportation technologies, an these
technologies will make it possible to move faster and safer than ever before, but
law and regulations and rigorous planning need to take place at the same paste as
these technologies. The self driving cars are coming on our roads and I can t wait
to that day when they will not be fiction but a fact. Self driving cars if allowed will
make life easier to commuters and will reduce the mortality rate due to road
accidents. Most of the roads accidents are due to reckless driving and drunk
driving. According to the International Organization for Road Accident Prevention
(IORAP), 1.3 million road deaths occur worldwide every year and more than 50
million people are seriously injured. There are 3,500 deaths a day or 150 every
hour, and nearly three people get killed on the road every minute (IORAP).
Shockingly, more than 90
American Association of Nurse Executives
Running Head: AONE 1 American Association of Nurse Executives Cindy Murphy
St. Petersburg College AONE 2... Show more content on ...
Politicians and opinion leaders are acknowledging this organization as one who s on
the forefront of generating creative, effective ways to address the critical issues
facing nursing and health care today. These initiatives are designed to promote and
enhance quality. Some of the nursing issues in health care reform are; access to care,
faculty shortages, patient safety, the patient care environment and pay for
performance. AONE supports coalition efforts to work collaboratively with their
greater nursing community and other partners to address issues that are critical to
healthcare, health reform, advancement of the nursing profession and to support
research to quantify the economic value of nursing. (
/home.html) AONE 4 Through its public policy and advocacy efforts, AONE is
working with other major nursing and health care organizations as a member of and
/or advisor for coalitions to address the nursing shortage and are pursuing a broad
legislative agenda to address all aspects of the nursing shortage. Vigilant contributions
by the AONE regarding federal issues, policies and communications have contributed
to positive change in nursing leadership and patient care in the past. The AONE is
working with various states and their
The Dark Knight And The Departed Film Analysis
Significant Connections
A significant connection between the four films The Dark Knight directed by
Christopher Nolan, The Departed directed by Martin Scorsese, The Prestige directed
by Christopher Nolan and Gone Girl directed by David Fincher is the way in which
the directors have manipulated the narrative structure to engage the audience in
contrasting ways. Christopher Nolan and Martin Scorsese used equally weighted
protagonists and antagonists in the films The Dark Knight and The Departed to create
the narrative structure in a sense so that the audience feels equally engaged by both
characters. Christopher Nolan and David Fincher have manipulated the narrative
structure in the films The Prestige and Gone Girl to expose a hidden ... Show more
content on ...
For example, when The Joker captured Rachel and Harvey Dent, Batman is given
the option to save only one of the two most important people in his life. This
reinforces the idea of Batman s strength becoming his greatest weakness by The
Joker applying pressure to Batman, forcing him to question his own morality. The
Joker makes it clear that the protagonist and the antagonist in The Dark Knight are
equally weighted, they rely on each other to either cause chaos or to stop chaos.
Kill you? I don t want to kill you! What would I do without you? Go back to ripping
off mob dealers? No, no, you... You complete me.
In addition to the way Christopher Nolan has directed The Dark Knight, Martin
Scorsese has directed The Departed by using equally weighted protagonists and
antagonists much like Christopher Nolan has. Leonardo DiCaprio has been cast as the
fundamental protagonist, Billy Costigan and Matt Damon has been cast as the
central antagonist, Colin Sullivan in the film The Departed. In this film the
portrayal of psychology has been explored through both the protagonist and the
antagonist. The mental toll that Billy Costigan takes on whilst pretending to be a
criminal but is truthfully an undercover cop, traps him between two worlds and
creates emotional vulnerability in his life. I m going f*cking nuts, man. I can t be
someone else every f*cking day. It s been a year of this. I ve had enough of
Women And The Supreme Court
A few years ago, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, People ask me
sometimes, when when do you think it will it be enough? When will there be
enough women on the court? And my answer is when there are nine. Justice
Ginsburg aims for a future where women can achieve the same monopoly on the
Supreme Court that men held for nearly two hundred years; she is optimistic that
someday, nine women will be able to reach the height of the American judicial
system. The path to an all female Supreme Court is quite an unlikely one, but a
strong and diverse court with women and people of color could be created and
would greatly benefit many marginalized groups in the United States. In this paper, I
will discuss a number of topics regarding woman and the Supreme Court from
historical precedents to objective research to the importance of female judges and
Justices and finally to the possibilities of the future. Each of these steps is vital to
fully understanding how we got to our country s current place in female jurisprudence
and creating future opportunities for women both on the Supreme Court and in all
other levels of the judicial system across the United States. In nearly the first two
hundred years of the United States existence, not a single woman served on the
Supreme Court of the United States. In that time, the court made hundreds if not
thousands of decisions that changed the lives of women around the country, but the
women had no say in how the cases were
Acclimation Analysis
This commodity is mainly accounting for the able alleviative all overs agitation
beforehand via hypnosis, biofeedback, psychotherapy, psychiatry... However, the
dead may use the admonition to adviser his/her therapist. Based on a accent
administration model, the address is altered than about associated with capital beck
accent administration training. Let me clarify. It is about affected that a accent
administration archetypal is alike with physique acquaintance techniques that
beforehand entering focus. The added address is apparent focus initially
acclimated by Lacy, a psychologist. It is the one a lot of able for all anxiety/panic
attacks. It additionally is able for all added maladies, but because it is beneath
defined, it is about alone acclimated in added avant garde training... Show more
content on ...
Most are in the aboriginal class and it s contributed to a top amoroso or aesthetic
aliment diet. They about alcohol caffeinated beverages and eat lots of bite foods. If
they were to actual their bistro habits in advance, they would never beforehand of all
overs agitation beforehand for all overs is artlessly a hormonal acknowledgment to
ample claret amoroso changes. However, already the arrangement of all overs has
ambiguous or developed into agitation and agoraphobia, again artlessly alteration
bistro habits usually isn t abundant because the apperception has amorphous a
conditioning process more later. And additionally the aforementioned conditioning
action affects the additional accumulation for even already the meds causing all overs
are stopped, the affection continue. But the capital catechism is, Why do all overs
agitation beforehand sufferers beforehand All overs and others who additionally are
hypoglycemic beforehand beef pains and aches, or hypertension, ulcers,
Andrew Carnegie Hero Essay
To Start off, what is a hero? Well a hero to me is someone who is admired or
idealized for courage and outstanding achievements. To be a hero you have to have
concern for others. intelligence is the most important reason of being a hero.
In Document A is a picture of the properties that Carnegie purchased. This gives me
background knowledge of how much how much properties he has owned and
description of them. Andrew Carnegie owned more than 2 properties. He owned a
oliver iron mining company that controlled nearly all of the Mesabi Iron Ore
Fields, he owned the largest in the world. He also owned Several Steel Companies,
he owned Coke Fields ( Coke is a fuel to melt iron ore into molten iron). He also
owned the Conneaut Dock Company. This shows that andrew Carnegie was a hero
because all the companies he owned was to help use with the main sources we use
today end everyday, we need oil to pave the roads, to make things and to heat our
homes. This is the most important to me because he gave people jobs by owning all
these companies. ... Show more content on ...
This chart shows me that Andrew gave alt of his money for good deeds in total he
gave $350,695,653 to different things and schools for an example, he gave money
to teachers Pensions fund he also gave money to free public libraries and many
more. The Carnegie Corporation s met assets in 2005 were listed at $2,167,000,000.
The foundation is currently giving out about $100,000,000 a year, most of it to
education. This shows that Andrew Carnegie was a hero because he cared about
people and he gave money to help with a lot of things and he called them
My Personal Experience In College
After I graduated High School, I moved to Logan, Utah to pursue my Bachelors at
Utah State University. This move was actually quite easy. My mom drove down
with me to help me move into my apartment and all of my belongings easily fit
between our two cars. About halfway through the semester, everything kind of fell
apart. I hated my program, I didn t like the atmosphere of the university and I
wanted out. It was not anything like I was hoping, and I decided I was definitely
not going to stay. However, I wanted to finish out the semester and tie up all my
loose ends before I transferred. After a couple weeks of heavy research, hours on the
phone, and lots and lots of emails, I was set to transfer to BoiseState University
located in Boise, Idaho. The first of my problems was fitting all of my things in my
one car. I was by myself this time and there was nobody to help me. Therefore, I
spent hours packing, unpacking and repositioning things until my car looked like
the king of Tetris had payed me a visited. I could only see out of the driver s side
window and the windshield. I didn t care though, I just wanted everything to fit and
miraculously it did. I moved in December. Idahoand Utah freeways are treacherous
during that time of year. I set out on my drive knowing the roads were going to be
slick but I would just take my time. After I was about an hour into my drive, it started
to snow, which wasn t uncommon. Another twenty minutes passed and it was
snowing pretty heavily.
Exile And Pain In Three Elegiac Poems Essay
There is a great similarity between the three elegiac poems, The Wanderer, The Wife
of Lament, and The Seafarer. This similarity is the theme of exile. Exile means
separation, or banishment from ones native country, region, or home. During the
Anglo Saxon period, exile caused a great amount of pain and grief. The theme is
shown to have put great sadness into literature of this time period. The majority of the
world s literature from the past contains the theme of exile. The Wife of Lamentis
another perfect example of literature with exile, and was written by an unknown
The most striking example of exile in this poem can be seen in the passage when she
says, quot;A song I sing of sorrow unceasing, ... Show more content on ...
The author continually describes how incredibly miserable he is living his life in
exile, how awful it is to have to live without the guidance from a higher rank being
a lord and king in this case, how there is no one to talk to and to share ones feelings
with, and how there is no money or riches of any kind‚ for a man who is living in
For the most part, the poem is sad and depressing and the reader easily sees what
this man is going through and how terrible it must be for him to live without all
the things many others take for granted everyday of their lives. The author of this
poem, who has obviously been exiled, does an exquisite job of showing, maybe
even teaching, to the reader how important the things are that you lose in life when
exiled, no matter how rich or poor you are. You take the greatest loss of all when
you are exiled, you take the loss of losing everything that makes it seem purposeful
for you to live out the day you just began. This is obviously the idea the author is
trying to get across in this poem. Throughout the poem The Seafarer, also
composed by an unknown author, it is obvious that the man is not exiled directly in
the ways people have been exiled in the other poems, however being stuck on a ship
is in many ways quite similar to being exiled from your homeland. Numerous
passages in this poem show this mans painful life at sea. The one that stands out most
greatly to me is this passage;
Southern Cassowary In Australia
The most common habitat that the Southern Cassowary is located in, is tropical
rainforests. This is because it requires an abundance of fleshy fruit for nutrition and
ease of access to these fruits. More necessities for habitation include steady water
supply and shelter, and locations available for nesting. These three contributors as
well as other minorities are the reason that the Southern Cassowary lives in this sort
of environment. Further studies show that Cassowaries are more abundant in arears
of flat terrain and a permanent supply of water. This also accounts for the fact that
they live in areas that contain dense vegetation like woodlands and shrubbery.
In Australia, the Southern Cassowary is found in the tropical rainforests ... Show more
content on ...
The main process that was used to ensure the validity of the information in this
assessment and the reliability was to firstly check the basis for all sites. For
example, if the site was a .ORG or .GOV etc. This infers that the information came
from an educational or government source, which most have to be approved to be
put up as a webpage.
Another process was going to different sites and Fact Checking . That is , going to
different websites and ensuring that at least 3 had the same fact or basis for a fact as
was required.
Another way that was used in this assessment was getting the information needed
from more than one source. This follows on from the previous statement and
strengthens the validity of the information provided. This means that instead of just
using a singular website or book, multiple were used to ensure that the facts and
information were widespread and accurate
Essay on Ethics and the Advancement of Military
I. Introduction:
Technology in the light of military weaponry has been one of the growingly
controversial issues that the world faces today. Among the top weapon types that
have advanced greatly over the past recent years are nuclear, chemical and biological
weaponry. Though the United States government and militaryhas been
enthusiastically involved in the evolution of these weapons, their enthusiasm
dwindles when responsibility must be taken for the consequences that result.
Consequences that are left unresolved or postponed only bring about more doubts
and questions that all branch off of one basic issue: Is it ethical to continue the
advancement of nuclear, chemical and biological warfare when the results cannot be
... Show more content on ...
Nuclear powered weapons have been tested in nearly any surroundings possible:
underground, underwater, on top of towers and barges, and even fired by rockets
200 miles into the atmosphere.7 These tests have also been carried out in multiple
sites in the United States, such as Nevada, New Mexico, Mississippi, Colorado and
Alaska.7 But though the last weapon test was held over a decade ago by China, an
estimate of 3,830 kilograms of plutonium has been left in the ground, and 4,200
kilograms has been released into the atmosphere due to the great number of nuclear
testing around the world.7
In comparison to nuclear weaponry, using chemicals as a weapon can be dated
back to 400 BC. when the Spartan Greeks used sulfur fumes against the soldiers of
their enemies. Of course, what is today known as modern chemical warfare did not
begin until 1915 during World War I.1 The first chemical used in warfare was 160
tons of chlorine gas, which the Germans released into the wind against their allies
using 6,000 pressurized cylinders.1 This chemical killed over 10,000 troops within
its first and second attack by forming a yellowish liquid in the lungs of the victims
and causing burning in the
The Role Of Homosexuality In East Palace, West Palace
East Palace, West Palace (1996) is a film made by Zhang Yuan, a renowned Chinese
independent filmmaker widely known as one of the Sixth Generation pioneers of
illegal cinema (Bordwell and Thompson, 2010, p.640). Despite international critical
acclaim, the film was banned in China due to its controversial portrayal of
homosexualityand being part of an underground movement existing outside the state
studio system (Lim, 2006, p.30). This essay will examine how East Palace, West
Palace s depiction of a homosexual persecuted persecutor relationship between A Lan
and Shi Xiaohua allegorizes the relationship between the artist intellectual and the
state , while the use of masochism serves to undermine state authority by granting the
masochistic subject agency despite being in a position of weakness. (Lim, 2006, p.70).
... Show more content on ...
Although homosexuality was never directly criminalized in China, an anti
hooliganism law...was often used to persecute or intimidate gay men (UNDP, 2014).
This persecution is shown in the opening of the film, which depicts homosexual men
routinely harassed for hooliganism , stigmatized as disgusting and physically abused
by the police physical manifestations of state authority. The effeminate depiction of A
Lan in contrast to the masculine Shi Xiaohua further reinforces the unequal power
relationship between the persecuted and the persecutor by ascribing the marginalized
homosexual subject a structurally submissive discursive position vis Г vis the state s
control (Lim, 2006,
Mature Minded Children
There are many children in this world who act with a mature mind, involving
themselves in any adult situations they come across. They act like they are mature
enough to handle situations that do not require their opinions or thoughts just
because they are too young and inexperienced to comprehend the situation that
they are forcing themselves into. In doing so, they create pain to the adults that
are involved. Timothy Findley s novel, The Wars, Juliet, a character, involves
herself in every situation that only involves adults; consequently, she harms,
threatens and disrespects her friends. Juliet is the character in, The Wars, that has
this kind of disorder . She eavesdrops and uses her observation skills to hear all the
secrets that go on around their house. She feels no remorse with her continuous
use of eavesdropping towards the patients of the D Orsay house. At that young of
an age, she should be looked after more by her parents to ensure she will not harm
anyone else in the future and cause those around her to feel threatened resulting in
others not supporting her. Juliet s natural thoughts is to threaten her friends when
she feels it is necessary. Major Terry, Barbara s ex boyfriend, is a soldier who was
injured and arranged to recover in the D Orsay house. He was a sexual partner for
Barbara until Robert came to the house. Barbara becomes more interested in Robert
and emotionlessly ignores Major Terry. Juliet witnesses the actions Barbara has
committed and decides
Call Of The Wild Quotes
From far away drifted a faint, sharp yelp, followed by a chorus of a similar sharp
yelps (London 105). In the book, Call of the Wild by Jack London the main
character Buck faces a retrogression. Buck goes from being king like to a wild
rebellious dog. Buck goes through this change because men found gold. The men
needed dogs like Buck. Buck was half saint Bernard and half scotch shephard, so he
was a gigantic dogand had a thick coat to survive in harsh weather like in the
Klondike. So Buck is sold and beat he learns to obey the law of club and fang to be
formed into a sled dog, but ends up forming a bond with a man his name was John
Thornton . Thornton died and Buck answers the call and runs in the wild becoming
alpha of the wolf pack. As Buck was... Show more content on ...
Here is one piece of evidence to support this claim. And when, on the still, cold
nights, he pointed his nose at a star and howled long and wolf like, it was his
ancestors, dead and dust, pointing nose at star and howling down through the
centuries and through him (London 26). This quote explains the call that Buck is
answering and showing how strong his instincts are. It also shows how wolf like
Buck really is and how he is being called by his ancestors to come and be with them
and run with them. In the book Buck does meet a wolf and Buck does run with him,
but shortly realizes he needs to return to Thornton. As Buck continues to be torn
between the love for John and the call of the wild showing the theme of the power of
the primitive. Here is another supporting quote of this claim that states how Bucks
instincts are retrogressing even more than ever. He saw another and different man
from the half breed cook before him this other man was shorter of leg and longer of
arm, with muscles that were stringy and knotty rather than rounded and swelling
Virtualization Across the Board CIS512 Enterprise Architecture Technology is one
aspect of business that can universally enhance any company s capabilities and add
resources to offer a positive impact on the bottom line. However, information
technology comes with its own implementation barriers that can complicate matters
when making IT investments with an expectation to generate a return on that
investment. The biggest impact of virtualization in cost structures is the radical
change in how technology is implemented and paid for. Previously, any new
technology could require a capital investment, lead times for setup and training, and
continuing overhead in the form of support and... Show more content on ...
Right now, Microsoft isn t a strong alternative in virtualization. Someone looking at
Microsoft s technology has to ask themselves whether today s implementation is
indeed good enough to use or if it s better to wait and virtualize when Microsoft
does deliver, or if the immediate need is so great that an alternative, like VMware,
should be used right now. In all its spheres, from the desktop to the server, tight
integration is the focus and primary value of a Microsoft ecosystem. In virtualization,
Microsoft promises depth of management, achieved with its System Center s
integrated view of all the virtualization technologies used in a given data center
( 2012). In virtualization, consider an application running inside of a
SoftGrid application streaming virtual environment inside of a virtual server in the
data center and piping its display using Terminal Services to a Virtual PC inside of
someone s desktop has so many layers of encapsulation that traditional management
tools simply don t have an accurate view of what s happening. Microsoft s focus with
their System Center management suite is to provide that visibility down to the iron
itself. What s good about this? The concept does address a challenge that happens
with too many layers of encapsulation. Networking people have repeatedly
experienced this phenomenon,
The Role Of Gun Ownership In America
As long as gun ownership is legal in America, gun will makes both positive and
negative influence. On the one hand, it changes the home defense way and builds the
hunting culture. On the other hand, there are lots of gunshot incidents happened.
Government, especially the Republicans, are in favor of gunownership legally.
Although there are lots of gunshot incidents happened here in America, law still
does not changed much. For example, the latest one, on the night of October 1,
2017, the mass shooting Sunday evening on the Las Vegas Strip, leaves 58 people
dead and 546 injured, but there s an article published by the New York Time, titled
Nothing Will Change After the Las Vegas Shooting (STEVE ISRAEL), says even
Las Vegas incident is a horrible case, congress will not make much change about the
gun law.... Show more content on ...
According to the survey conducted by Pew Research Center in 2017, 52% of
American said that the gun laws should be more strict and only 18% of them said
the gun laws should be less strict. There is even an American nonprofit organization,
The National Rifle Association of America (NRA), advocates for gun rights. Another
survey also conducted by Pew Research Center in 2017 shows that, 74% of gun
owners agree with that owning a firearm is tied to their sense of personal freedom.
Americans value their gun culture very much, consider as a symbol of American
culture, the soul of
How The 21st Century Defines Corporate Social...
The objective of this research paper is to describe how the 21St Century defines
corporate social responsibility in relation with the triple bottom line concept, guiding
the airline industry into becoming a forward thinking industry embedding
sustainability into their core of business operations to create shared value for
business and society. I will define corporate social responsibility and areas of social
responsibility in the airline industry at the beginning of the paper and proceed with
how it ties into the bottom line concept. Next, I will give brief examples of airlines
such as JetBlue Airways, and British Airways how they apply these concepts into
their mission. In conclusion, I will express my own thoughts about how customers
and employees have more choices from the industries than they had in the past. They
are more aware of the ethical and environmental stance of todays industries.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CRM)
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to business practices involving initiatives
that benefit society (Businessnewsdailycom, 2016). CSR may also be referred to as
corporate citizenship and can involve incurring short term cost that do not provide an
immediate financial benefit to the company, but instead promote positive social and
environmental change (Root, 2007).
The airline industries faces many responsibilities. The airline industry rely heavily on
it s decision making process due to its major concern, which is
The Effects of Technology in Education
Cheng Chang
Burgess Olivia
ENG 60
26 July 2012
The Effects of Technology in Education
Modern technology has penetrated every aspect of our lives and made great impacts
on our daily activities, especially in the area of education. The continuous infusion of
technology in education has become an unchangeable tendency. Given the increased
use of technology in education, much research has been done on the value of
technology in education. However, none of the studies have answered all of the
questions that are essential to determining whether continuous infusion of new
technologies in education can improve the quality of education. Since a clear answer
to this question is vital to help educational organizations to make decisions on how
much ... Show more content on ...
One of the drawbacks mentioned in the article Technology: A Catalyst for Teaching
and Learning in the Classroom, is that technology is very expensive, requires
ongoing support and constant upgrades, and is not as cost effective as other
investments in education (Valdez 21). Some critics think technology is a waste of
scarce resources in education (Valdez 22), because overspending in technology can
leave inadequate funds for other pressing needs in education. The funds invested in
new technologies can instead be invested in other ways such as arts, science
laboratories and shops that allow for more hands on learning (Valdez 21). Well
balanced funding for all essential elements in education is an important strategy to
follow in the reality of scarce resources in education.
As stated by the author Sue Ferguson in the article How Computers Make Our Kids
Stupid, computers and the internet distract students from real learning, which is
evident by the poor academic achievement associated with excessive and improper
use of computers and internet (Ferguson 2). This view is supported by a massive
study conducted by University of Munich economists Thomas Fuchs and Ludger
Woessmann in November, 2004, with a subject pool of 174,000 15 year olds in
reading, 97,000 each in math and
Influence Of The Modern City
Movements such as Futurism, Cubism and Impressionism saw Artists such as
Umberto Boccioni, Claude Monet, and Pablo Picasso use the speed, and
compression to reference the leisure filled Modern City, while trying to keep pace
with the advances(Technological and Theoretical), which were breaking the
Traditional way of life. Examples of this include; Umberto Boccioni s, The CityRises
(1910); Claude Monets, Boulevard des Capucines (1873); and Pablo Picassos,
Absinthe Drinker (1901).
By embracing the technological and theoretical changes of the Modern City, artists
transitioned away from what was known as the conventional creation of Art. Meaning
the way of depicting and portraying figures, and scenes within an image. Things were
no longer idealised, and artists strived to paint images the way they were rather than
the way people wanted them to be. It is in this way that Artists transitioned away
from that which they had been taught, and as such, were able to effectively,
experiment with different ways of representing the meaning of the Modern City. The
adaptation from the traditional city, to the modern city, therefore contains a history of
rejection of the traditional limitations and definitions of art. In the following analysis,
it becomes apparent the Artists reference to the Modern City was based heavily on
their contemporary urban environment. As such they were often influenced by the
way the city had effect them. For example, Picasso s Blue Period, in which he
Lonewolf Research Paper
There are many people that are experts at hunting and shooting a recurve bow.
They all have their own technics and ways. But their is a god that is so good at
hunting and shooting he can kill up the 2 elks at a time and do crazy trick shots. His
name is Lonewolf. Lonewolf was introduced to shooting a recurve bow when he was
a little boy and learned about huntingwhen he was the age of 11. Every birthday
lonewolf had he got a bigger recurve bow from his dad. Lonewolf is 6 3 tall, he is
ripped, he wears a black chest amor and black shorts that made out of black wolf
skin, has a quiver made out of bear skin, his arrows, his arrows are wooden and has
orange and red stripes around it, the tip of the arrow is a red arrow head. His
recurve bow is blue and has bright green and orange stripes around it and also has
wolf fur for the the bows silencers. His realm is strength and protecters of animals.
His special job is is hunting. Lonewolf lives in a treehouse that is in the clouds. His
family members are Eros, Athena, possiden. His father is Hades, his mother is
Athena and his brother is possiden. Lonewolf has no sisters and he is not married.
Lonewolf has many horrible memories while he was growing up. Like when he got
hit in the head with a golf ball while he was riding is bike.... Show more content on ...
Lonewolf hurried to try to flip over the creature, but the the Bulker was to heavy
for him. The Bukers tail burned Lonewolf s arm, after that Lonewolf had a flash
back when he got burned on his back. Lonewolf got so angry and terrified he
flipped the Bulker like a feather. Lonewolf grabbed his last arrow and lit the tip on
fire, then aimed at the Bulkers stomach, and then shot the arrow. The Bulker was just
laying there, but growling as loud as a grizzly bear. Lonewolf rushed to go get the
mountain tobacco and hurried out of the forest before he ran into another
Theme Of Symbols In Sons And Lovers
In Sons and lovers, D.H Lawrence has made a very clever use of symbols. The
novel abounds in symbolic objects and events. Yet they are so well integrated with
the narrative that they hardly ever appear obtrusive. When understood, these
symbols adds to the richness of the novel and enhances our appreciation of the
novel. Mark Spikla says The symbolic scenes are extremely literal and the symbols
seem to function as integral strands in the webs of emotional tensions. In Sons and
Lovers, we have a host of such symbolic scenes which have a catalytic effect upon
the intensity of the plot and action in the novel. The description of coal pits is
symbolic. The coal pits standing at the horizon are a concrete reality. The entire life
of the community depends on them. Their symbolic significance become clearer as
the novel progresses that these coal pits are a particular way of and a particular
attitude towards life. They are closely associated with Walter Morel who stands for
an irrational life principle. Paul associated them... Show more content on ...
The most important of these scene takes place when Paul, Miriam and Clara are
together in a open field in the country. Paul meets Clara for the first time and is
attracted to her. The three if them come to an open field and they begin to pick
flowers. Paul picks the flowers scientifically yet there is a natural beauty in is
bunches. His contact with the flowers is direct and spontaneous. He is alive and
organic flowers are his to take. Miriam picks the flowers lovingly and reverentially.
As she picks them she seems to be killing the life out of them. The bunches she
makes do not have much elegance. Her way of picking flowers suggest that she has
no right to life. When it comes to Clara, she states quite militantly tat flowers should
not be picked as it kills them. What she means to says she doesn t want to be picked
by ay man. Comparing all, Mark Spilka
Reciprocity In Community Art
This term our class was commissioned by Evergreen Hamilton to conduct research
around various neighbourhoods around Hamilton. The objectives of this research was
to determine how the city s use of public art builds its communities and culture, while
also proposing new ideas that would help empower and reinforce a sense of
communitythrough art. The neighbourhood our group was assigned was the North
End (west) neighbourhood, which is a very family oriented neighbourhood. In
addition, through the use of anthropological research methods such as participant
observation, structured interviews and written field notes we conducted research in
the North End (west) neighbourhood. We proposed the idea of chain link fence
installations in order to help... Show more content on ...
Maiter et al., (2008:307) finds that reciprocity is an important component of
practicing CBPAR ethically and defined it as, exchange between social equals .
The authors aim to discuss the interactions between researchers and communities
and the practice of reciprocity in anthropological research (Maiter et al., 2008).
Maiter et al., (2008) mentions that reciprocity can be as simple as being honest
about research relationships and goals. I found this to be true in my experience, it
was easier to talk to people and have them provide valuable information by being
honest with our research goals. In addition, our group talked to the receptionist at
the Bennetto Community center in order to find out if there were any art programs
offered. Instead of just asking her if the community center offered any art programs,
we started our conversation with who we are, what we are doing there and what we
are expecting to gain. From this the receptionist understood our goals and directed us
to the Bennetto Elementary School as they have a community garden. This
conversation reflects reciprocal dialogue , as discussed by Maiter et al., (2008).
Reciprocal dialogue is when a researcher and study participant communicate as equals
(Maiter et al., 2008:307). In this sense, our conversation with the receptionist did not
create the notion that we as researchers were more important than her. Rather, we
engaged in creating a relationship with her where she left she could exchange
information regarding the community garden with us and redirect us to the school so
we could gain more
My Worldview And The Holy Trinity
In this day and age there are so many different types of worldviews. People all over
the world celebrate life in a different way. They all worship different gods, weather,
people, things, or nothing at all. Yes, some people refuse to believe in any kind of
hope. Though, I believe in one God with the holy trinity. It is a Godthat is all one, but
has three equal parts. That is the son, the Holy Spirit, and the father. There is so
much in this worldview, which has touched all nations and cultures in some form. I
will explain more of my worldview, help describe Wesleyan Quadrilateral, my
spiritual formation, and how I use it in the world around me. I believe in God,
Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. His word is very much active and alive. For... Show more
content on ...
As Sire puts it but it is I who will act and not just react like a bell ringing when a
button is pushed. I believe when people are sinful, God stays the same. When we
begin to become more like God, we find our home. Our personality is grounded in
the personality of God. That is, we find our true home in God and in being in close
relationship with him. (Sire, pg. 34)
With that because of the fall and of mankind s sin, we need to be reborn. Jesus said
in John 3:7, Do not marvel that I said to you, You must be born again. This is
because we all have been born in sin, Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in
sin my mother conceived me. (Psalms 51:5) How to be born again is to accept Jesus
and surrender to him. Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone desires to come after
Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever
desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find
it. (Matt. 16:24 27) I believe life after death. We all will be judged when we leave
tis world. But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart you are
treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous
judgment of God, who will render to each one according to his deeds : eternal life to
those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and
The Standards Of Professional Nursing Practice
The American Nurses Association (ANA) established The Standards of
Professional Nursing Practice (2010). The Standards of Professional Nursing
Practice consists of Standards of Practice and Standards of Professional
Performance. The standards serve as guidelines to define the profession of nursing
and define the scope of practice for professional nurses. All standards presented in
the The Standards of Professional Nursing Practice (2010) are essential for the
nursing professional to function, legally, ethically and professionally in the
healthcare organization. The Professional Performance Standard of leadership by the
American Nurses Association s Standards of Professional Nursing Practice (2010)
states, the nurse professional demonstrates leadership in the professional practice
setting and the profession (ANA, 2010). The definition of leadership in relation to the
nursing profession is defined as; Leadership refers to the ability to guide, motivate,
and inspire, and to instill vision and purpose (Ellis Hartley, 2012). The application of
leadership in the profession of nursing involves the ability for the nurse leader to
influence the beliefs, opinions, or behaviors of others and to persuade others to
follow your direction (Ellis Hartley, 2012). Leadership includes, teamwork, healthy
work environments, defining and displaying a clear vision, commitment to
continuous lifelong learning, teaching and mentoring, creativity and flexibility,
energy, excitement and
The Wise Words Of Reo Speedwagon Essay
Richardson 1 MacKenzie Richardson English Composition 1101 Amy Towne
December 5, 2016 In the wise words of REO Speedwagon I m gonna keep on
loving you the 1980s 2000s was ridiculous and fun time between inspiring bands
and Rubik s cubes. Head over heels married couples made adorable, chubby faced
babies but thinking back to those days, wondering how many of those married
couples would still have had those cute as a button babies if they knew millennials
would become the laughing stock of older generations. Some millennials are
described as cry baby, narcissistic, technology obsessed generation with no concern
for others. A cry baby is defined as someone who gets upset when they are wrong,
whines a lot, complains, and very immature. Children are compared to a block of
clay that is molded throughout the years to become a successful adult. Some
millennials are seen as crybabies due to their lack of ability to take criticism while
others believe that millennials ability to stand up for their beliefs and get the work
done reflects back to how millennials were molded as children. Millennials are
considered anyone who was born between the years of 1980 2000. Most other
generations such as the Baby Boomers and Generation X look down upon
millennials because of how the world reacts to millennials qualities. Baby Boomers
was anyone born between the years 1946 1964, after World War II. They grew up in
a time of radical changes within the world that destroyed the people s trust in
Belonging Essay
What do you think the most powerful influences that impact on an individual s
sense of belonging? * Strictly Ballroom by Baz Lurhmann * The Red Tree by Shaun
Tan * Who you are by Jessie J You will almost always find where you belong if you
search for it. So ultimately a sense of belonging comes down to perception. This starts
from places and/ or relationships, which potentially alter your understanding or you
and the world around you, so you can accept the person you are and your individual
identity by creating this sense of belonging. In strictly ballroomby Baz Lurhmann,
The Red Tree by Shaun Tan and who you are by Jessie J the composers use a wide
range of techniques to convey the ideas belonging through forcible... Show more
content on ...
Here the most powerful influences that influence the little girl is her on mind set on
other people and how she see s everyone trying to conform and belong to a place she
hasn t been nor understands.
Forcible authority is again conveyed in the song who you are by Jessie J through
the singers lyrics. Jessie illustrates a strong opinion on society s sense of belonging
when she states forget how to fit the mold, yeah! this informs the audience that
society s conception of belonging is based on a mould and she feels out casted
because she doesn t know how to find her place in society anymore. Jessie feels as
though society has clung to a certain way of thinking and living, this is because of
the forcible authority, which is the society as a powerful influence on Jessie s sense
of belonging.
Challenging Authority is another idea shown in strictly Ballroom this can be when
you choose to do something about following other rules from a higher authority. This
is illustrated when Scott is introduced to Fran s grandmother Ya Ya. She explains that
dancing comes from the heart. The close ups of Ya Ya s hands beating the traditional
rhythm of the Paso Doble on Scott s chest gives both Scott and Fran the inspiration to
dance their own moves which demonstrates to the Audience how they are challenging
authority and now have somewhere to belong to.
Challenging authority is

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Sample Graduate School Essay

  • 1. Sample Graduate School Essay Crafting an essay on the topic "Sample Graduate School Essay" presents a unique set of challenges. Firstly, there's the pressure to showcase one's academic prowess, professional aspirations, and personal qualities within a limited word count. Balancing these elements while maintaining coherence and flow requires meticulous planning and execution. Moreover, the competition is fierce in graduate school admissions. With countless applicants vying for limited spots, the essay must stand out as exceptional. This entails weaving a narrative that not only highlights academic achievements but also demonstrates a clear passion for the chosen field and a unique perspective that sets the applicant apart. Researching and understanding the specific requirements of different graduate programs adds another layer of complexity. Each institution may have its own set of criteria and expectations, demanding tailored essays for each application. Additionally, self-promotion can be uncomfortable for many individuals. Writing about one's accomplishments and aspirations without sounding arrogant requires a delicate balance of confidence and humility. Furthermore, the pressure to conform to established norms and conventions of academic writing while still injecting personality and originality can be daunting. Striking this balance is crucial to leaving a lasting impression on the admissions committee. In summary, composing a compelling essay on the topic of "Sample Graduate School Essay" demands strategic planning, meticulous execution, self-promotion with humility, adherence to academic standards, and a touch of creativity. It's a challenging task that requires careful navigation of various complexities to effectively convey one's suitability for graduate study. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Sample Graduate School Essay Sample Graduate School Essay
  • 2. Comparing Holden And Conrad Essay Holden and Conrad both have dealt with a major tragedy, sending them both into depression. They deal with depression in different ways, but are going through very similar situations, and have some very similar qualities about them and their lives. They both lost their brothers, whom they were both very close to. Holden and Conrad are both suffering with depression, but in different ways. Holden lost Allie to cancer. Conrad lost his brother to a boating accident. Holden idolized Allie. Allie was special; he had red hair, he was left handed, he wrote poems on his baseball mitt. Allie was sensitive and caring, and to us Holden made Allie sound like a saint. Allie s death played a major role in Holden s life. The day Holden found out, anger took over, causing him to break the windows in the garage, hospitalizing him with a broken hand. Holden s depression was caused by the death of his brother, and because of that, he is... Show more content on ... Holden becomes confused by Allie s death, so he lies to create a fantasy world of his own. Conrad only lies to stay out of trouble. Conrad just wants to hide from everyone and everything, so the only time he lies is so he can be unseen. While Holden keeps everything in, Conrad knows he needs help and gets it. Holden doesn t get the help he needs, and instead holds everything in. Everything he sees depresses him, and he just wanders around New York looking for answers he will never find. Conrad goes to a therapist. Dr. Berger makes a huge impact on Conrad and his improvement. He makes Conrad relive what happened, and helps him deal with the pain. Dr. Berger gets Conrad to forgive himself and move on. What happens in the end is also different. Holden finally releases everything and goes to a institution to help him. Conrad finally comes to peace with himself. His mom leaves and I think that actually helped in the end. His father helps Conrad a lot as well, and he finally forgives himself for Buck s
  • 3. Hank Aaron Biography Henry Louis Aaron (Hank) Aaron #65532; #65532; #65532; Date of Birth: February 5, 1934(the day before Babe Ruth turned 39). Birthplace: Mobile, Alabama, United States Date. Circumstances of Death: Living Early Life: The second of nine of Herbert and Estella Aaron s , he weighed just 2 and 1/4 pounds at birth. Hank was a quiet boy who just had one or two friends in the neighborhood. When Hank was eight he saw his first major league game. After the game he knew he wanted to be a major league baseball player which is a good dream because it makes you work hard to make it come true. Hank would sometimes skip school and go down to the baseball bleachers and liked watch players like Joe Dimagio, and Micky ... Show more content on ... However, Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn ordered the team to use Aaron in Cincinnati, and he tied the record in his first trip to the plate. When he retired, he held all time major league records for extra base hits, 1,477; total bases, 6,856; and runs batted in, 2,297. Aaron then returned to Atlanta to work in the
  • 4. Conrad s Heart of Darkness and the Dehumanization of... Heart of Darkness and the Dehumanization of Africans The Western world, generally speaking, is not kind to Africa and its native inhabitants. We acknowledge Africa s existence, but we do not want to see or understand anything about it beyond the obvious: overt things that are open to criticism like Apartheid (a European invention). The occasional praiseworthy entity is given momentary applause, but felicitations are short lived and quickly forgotten. These statements refer just to politics, so one can imagine the rightful indignation by twentieth century African writers when their work is largely ignored in favor of such enlightening fare as Heart of Darkness. One writer, Chinua Achebe, seeks to change this view by illustrating ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately for Achebe, many people still think of Africaas a shadowy place containing secret knowledge about the beginnings of mankind and how man would exist if he were not civilized. However, he does not let that stop him from doing his best in his novels to counter that supposition. Okonkwo is far from being a thing monstrous or an inhabitant of prehistoric earth . . . that wore the aspect of an unknown planet (Conrad 108). He is a complicated man living in a complicated society. He has faults, strengths, and desires, and he would hardly worship a Kurtz if one happened to show up in Umuofia one day. Yes, Okonkwo and his fellow Igbo have some strange customs, but as Achebe points out in his essay, Yonkers, New York, has its own share of strange customs and rituals that a stranger might find primitive on the surface (2). This information would come as no shock to many anthropologists, nor would it seem strange to others (except, perhaps, the residents of Yonkers), but it is the attitude of Westerners that really bothers Achebe, not the lack of information. The African is corrupt through and through . . . equality won t alter facts, (Achebe, NE 3). This is a prevalent sentiment among the white British in Nigeria in the 1950s. They bring formal education, equal status among whites and blacks, improved employment opportunities, Christianity,
  • 5. A Study On Set Up Dns And Package, Follow The Procedure... To set up DNS sever package, follow the procedure set forth. 1.Select control panel from the start menu, then Administrative Tools, then Server Manager. 2.Expand and click on Roles. 3.Choose Add Roles and then follow the wizard by selecting the DNS role 4.Click install to install DNS in the Operating System After installing the DNS, you can find the DNS Console from Start, then All Programs, then Administrative Tools, then DNS. The Operating System provides a wizard that helps configure the DNS. Among the concepts you need to familiarize yourself when configuring the DNS are the Forward Lookup Zone (Resolving the host name to IP Address), Reverse Lookup Zone(Resolve the DNS Name of the host), and Zone Types. Under Zone Types, the available options are Active Directory (AD) Integrated Standard Primary, and Standard Secondary. To open the configuration tool for the DNS server, 1.Select DNS from the Administrative Tools folder to open the DNS console. 2.Highlight the name of your computer and choose action, then configure a DNS Server to launch the Configure DNS Server Wizard. 3.Click Next and choose to configure the forward Lookup Zone, Forward and Reverse Lookup Zone, root hints only. 4.Click next and then yes to create a forward lookup zone 5.Select the appropriate radio button to install the desired zone type 6.Click Next and type the name of the zone you create. 7.Click Next and then Yes to create a reverse Lookup zone 8.Select the appropriate radio button to ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Oppressed Women In Othello Desdemona and Emilia are loyal characters who want to please their husbands. In the play Othello , by William Shakespeare, there are two major feminine roles that attract the reader s attention. The way the women behave is linked to the expectations of Shakespeare s Elizabethan society. I would like to demonstrate some of the ways in which Desdemonaand Emilia are presented and treated in the play. Desdemona and Emilia can be compared and contrasted in a number of ways. Desdemona is portrayed as a hideous oppressed woman. There is a large body of evidence to support this critical stance. Newly wedded Desdemona is inexperienced and innocent in the real world and is in an unstable relationship with Othello. She has slept with another ... Show more content on ... She is unable to realize that it is her behavior towards Cassio which is contributing to Othello s anger so she then feels conflicted. She is the cause of most of the complexities in the play but it is her simple mindedness and inability to think critically which leads her to trouble. Throughout the play Desdemona symbolizes innocence and helplessness in women. She plays a very big role in how the play ends. What the two women share in common is their sense of loyalty to their husbands. I never did Offend you in my life ;never loved Cassio But with such general warranty of heaven As I might love. I never gave him token. (5.2.58 61) She is proving her love to her dear Othello whom she has cheated on. As a wife she reassured him of her so called love and loyalty . Over a period of time, women have fought for the respect and equality; even though these stereotypes still exist today, women are stronger in defending themselves and more respected. I believe that Shakespeare brings the theme of women roles because we learned how women felt during that
  • 7. Examples Of Being Powerless Over Alcohol The idea of the first step of We admitted we were powerless over alcohol that our lives had become unmanageable, is to help a person to break through the denial of their disease. No recovery is possible if you cannot admit that there is a problem. The disease of addiction is fueled by the user s denial, convincing them that they can control their use. Once a person can admit they are unable to manage their own drinking/drug/addictive behaviour, they can begin to look at the problem. Powerless is not helplessness, it is knowing and having an understanding that you are powerless if you use alcohol. Choosing not to drink allows then to learn control their thoughts and behaviors to learn to abstain from drinking alcohol. It is acceptance. There is nothing wrong with including the twelve steps in a treatment program. It has been proven very successful for many in the past. If it works, why not include it. I think it could have a positive impact for individuals in a treatment program and there is no reason that someone who is participating in treatment with another mental health... Show more content on ... The idea that members must accept that a power greater than themselves is as simple as stated above, accepting direction in overcoming their drinking problem. Having a spiritual component in treatment is essential and it is about having a connection. Most people who end up in treatment have had serious consequences from their behaviours and many have isolated themselves. These types of support groups can be an invaluable to a person trying to stop addictive behaviours. Building a connection to others offers a source of guidance, assistance, and encouragement. The group can become a higher power in a sense, and give the person
  • 8. Identity And Identity In Persepolis, By Marjane Satrapi The graphic novel Persepolis is a coming of age memoir written by Marjane Satrapi. It is an autobiographical depiction of the life of an Iranian girl living in Iran during and after the period of the 1979 Iranian revolution and the Iran Iraq war, demonstrating how Marjane s persona becomes increasingly aware of the various cultural influences and religious influences that surround her and the constant conflict between the promotion Iranian and Muslim beliefs and the repression of Western ideals in an increasingly war torn Iran, which has affected the formation of her personal identity. Later on, it portrays her struggle with a young Iranian woman s identity, where her ten year old self is often seen talking to God about her numerous troubles, and she see... Show more content on ... In The Vegetable , Satrapi describes the physical metamorphosis of her body as a direct result of the mental transformation she undergoes, where she describes several identity altering experiences within the first few months of her residence in Vienna, such as the isolation she felt due to language barriers and stereotyping of her cultural background. Satrapi uses a full page to detail a variety of bodily changes Marjane experiences at puberty, featuring panels of before and after images of facial features and other body parts. As the persona s physical body is represented repeatedly and multiple times across the page, she thus asserts a physical, bodily presence that links directly to changes she experiences in her internal identity. The proliferation of selves with slight variations in each panel indicates an uncertain, altering physical identity that correspond with Marjane s changing personal identity. Although this corporal reconstruction was involuntarily brought on by puberty, Satrapi clearly shows her individuality was intimately tied to her body s
  • 9. Ethnic Laws And Ethnic Penalty It is a well established fact that ethnic penalty in labor markets exists in many countries across the world. This ethnic discrimination in employment typically operates furtively, with the victims often not recognizing it. The existence of ethnic penalty is commonly demonstrated in statistical patterns and trends over time before being proven by specific research studies and targeted investigations. Ethnic penalty basically describe poorer results for ethnic or racial minoritygroups in far as the rates of employment, rates of pay, and the job levels attained by individual employees are concerned (Platt, 2002, p. 118). Thus, they are a reflection of labor market inequalities between various ethnic groups as well as between various areas,... Show more content on ... The basic meaning of an ethnic penalty is the myriad disadvantages experienced by ethnic minority groups in the labor market in comparison to non ethnic minorities of equal human capital. As already noted, this is expressed in terms of poorer results for the minority groups in far as the rates of employment, rates of pay, and the job levels attained by individual employees (Platt, 2002, p. 118). Hopkins offers a similar definition, noting that ethnic penalty represent the differences observed between the employment outcomes for ethnic minorities and their non minority counterparts based on the human capital of each group. In a well functioning or fair labor market, variations in individuals employment success are generally considered to arise from the human capital differences of the individuals, that is, their skills as well as knowledge pertinent to the specific labor market. Contrastingly, unfair labor markets may be characterized by ethnic penalty, which depict such factors as groups cultural attributes that impact their labor market performance, systematic variances in the economic prospects in the areas in which various ethnic groups reside, or racial discrimination (Hopkins Gale, 2009, p. 38). However, Triandafyllidou cautions that the ethnic penalties that statistical studies identify are not always indicators of the existence of ethnic discrimination. There is a constant possibility that the observed
  • 10. The Life of Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei is considered one of the greatest scientists of all time. He was an Italian mathematician, astronomer, and philosopher who very strongly supported Copernicanism, which is the idea that the earth orbits the sun. It was hard to advocate Copernicanism because it was a very controversial idea during that time. Galileo was a leader in the Scientific Revolution. He made discoveries in the sciences of motion, astronomy, and strength of materials. In motion, his famous scientific discoveries were circular inertia, law of falling bodies and parabolic path of projectiles. In mathematics, he changed philosophy from a verbal explanation to a mathematical one in which experimentation was a method for discovering facts of nature. In astronomy, he revolutionized telescope and made way for the recognition of the Copernican heliocentric system. Galileo changed the world forever. Galileo s childhood was full of schooling and studying. Galileo was born in Pisa, Italy, on February 15, 1564. Galileo, the oldest child in the family, was born to Guilia Ammannati, and Vincenzo Galilei, who was a great musician. When Galileo was eight, he moved to Florence. He went to the monastery school at Vallombrosa in his teens. Galileo later studied at University of Pisa, where he was supposed to study being a doctor, but instead he was captivated with math and decided to make math and philosophy his job, against his father s will. Even though he was very young, Galileo
  • 11. Motzart s Home-Personal Narrative The golden sun set over the unlit Coke bottle in left field. Slowly falling under the bay, painting the water with yellow and orange stripes. The stadium smelled of hot dogs and cracker jacks. Two people walked the empty stadium, stopping to talk because the sounds of the rush hour traffic had stopped. They walked down to the first row and stopped to admire the scenery. Then the man jumped over the barrier, forgetting the woman on the other side. I heard the woman exclaim, Honey, what are you doing? He carefully jumped back over and carried her onto the field. We waited in the hallway leading to the clubhouse. He walked to the middle of the field and stepped onto the mound, and the woman followed slowly behind him. He stepped into a windup... Show more content on ... What s the question? He asked. He started to look annoyed. For the payment, is there any way you could pay us now instead of later? I asked, stuttering on almost every word. He gave me this confused look. I immediately regret asking. He turned around and sighed, scratching his hair. He turned back around and just stared at me. I wondered what he was thinking. After about 5 seconds he turned and walked away with no answer. He caught up with his fiancГ© and walked out of the stadium, leaving me there
  • 12. Negative Influence On Road Cycling Driver behavior is also cited as having a negative influence on participants cycling experience, as it is reported that some motorists are particularly violent towards cyclists and others are unaware of them and so did not leave the necessary space. For some participants, these experiences presented a barrier to on road cycling. Due to the volume of traffic and the driver habits, cyclists are rushing, pushing on crowed roads. One interviewee told that I don t think it is just specific to this Jaffna area, it is nationwide. It is the totally different way of mind set that they have in Jaffna. If we consider the cycling in Jaffna City as a collection of acquisitioned practices and mental phenomena of each society which grants ... Show more content on ... Share of the total travel time has been considered under this share of transport. (See figure 4.1) Cycling makes up nearly 67% of total travel time whilst 21% of travel time is spent by public transport. Figure: 4.1, Share of Total Travel Time Based on this result, most of the times of total travel time are spending for cycling. This is a physical and mentally healthful and effective for the Jaffna people and their bodies and minds are better equipped. 4.1.3 Mode share by age group Figure 4.2 shows travel patterns of cycling for various age groups. School aged children, young adults, secondary education students (University students, Technical College students and University College students) businessmen and elderly people were the most likely to choose the bicycle as an active travel mode. Those 11 20 and 21 30 years old spend the greatest percentage of their travel time for cycling at respectively 51.1 percent and 31.7 percent of their total travel time. Those 55 64 also spend over 10 percent of their travel time for cycling. Figure 4.2, Bicycle Travel time by Age group (Percentage of total time spent for travelling by bicycle/ day) Cycling makes up 40 60 percent of overall mode for travelling and trips (see figure 4.3). Those 11 20 and 21 30 years old uses the cycling as greatest percentage of their travel mode at respectively 60.3 percent and 41.3 percent of their
  • 13. How To Write An Essay About Atlantic City Atlantic City isn t always just the sandy beaches, the many gaming options, the fine food, nightlife and world class entertainment. Sometimes the biggest thrill is the size of your posh luxury suite inside one of Atlantic City s most luxurious resorts like the Royal Suites at The Atlantic Palace. Half of your vacation pictures may be taken from the inside your Atlantic City hotels marble bath or from the hotel s private lounge, reserved for guests only . Set on the beautiful Jersey shore, Atlantic City hotelsoffer views that expand for miles across the vast sea. Whether you want to hop off the elevator and right into the poker room or are more interested in perfecting your golf game at one of the nearby courses, you ll find several hotels... Show more content on ... With four towers featuring kings, two queens or two double beds, there s definitely a comfortable room to meet your standards. Trump Taj Mahal the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City, for instance, offers theme suites with one or two bedrooms, two full baths and a living room with dining area. The penthouse suites are fittingly styled after famous historic figures such as Alexander the Great, King Tut, Napoleon, Kublai Khan, Michelangelo, Leonardo Da Vinci and Cleopatra and are designed with these notables in mind. The Trump Taj Mahal also offers twenty four hour in room dining service and information assistance, as well as three lounges: The Taj Princess Lounge, The Oasis Lobby Bar and The Rainforest. The Ascot Motel one of the best Atlantic city motels is located in Atlantic City, N.J. The motel is one block from the casinos of Atlantic City, the Atlantic City Boardwalk and the shopping and dining of The Quarter. Atlantic City International Airport is 14 miles away. The motel serves complimentary continental breakfasts. Complimentary coffee and a microwave are available in the lobby. An outdoor pool is open seasonally. Garage parking is
  • 14. Why Is Alexander The Great Successful Alexander the Great Alexander the Great was a very successful commander, and was especially successful against Darius of Persia. There are many reason we see in this battle of Gaugamela that causes Alexander to be victorious, but the main reason is the communication level between the army. Alexander does a phenomenal job of communicating the game plan with his army. The army was broken up into highly trained and well disciplined units. These smaller units made it easier to communicate with, and allowed everyone to know what was going on at all times. Alexander would communicate and instruct his commanders of these units, and then they would train and communicate to the men. This great leadership and communication is what made Alexander great
  • 15. Audit Report On The Accounting Position Of An Area That Is... Provide a summary of the topic and why it is considered an area that is complex and requires auditor judgment. On an ongoing basis Auditors perform methodical and independent reviews of paperwork, financial records, documents and receipts. Due to the complexity and difficulty nature of assessing judgment on audit reports, the necessity to determine if misstatements are material enough to be mentioned in the audit report and if the existing accounting position of the business or industry can be warranted is essential (Sun, 2016). With this information auditors are able to document and determine if the information presented can be verified and if it represents a true and fair standing of the company s financial statement at that given point in time. Internal control deficiencies occurs in situations where the manner in which financial information that is reported is hindered by restrictions placed upon management and employees. Additionally, these boundaries hinders them from efficiently and accurately identifying misstatements while performing their daily tasks (Graham Bedard, 2015). Based on established internal controls auditors are able to perform different procedures that are required to follow while performing an audit and also at the conclusion of an audit to detect Internal control deficiencies. Internal control deficiencies are considered a complex area that entails auditors decision due to the likelihood that if deficiencies are not discovered in a timely
  • 16. Discuss Marxist Theory of Alienation OUTLINE AND ASSESS MARX S CONCEPT OF ALIENATION When considering the concept of sociology and its definition, one immediately thinks of trying to understand the world in which we live. However, for Karl Marx we should not only understand the world, but also seek to actively change it (Macintosh, 1997). The concept of alienation differs in terms of its sociological meaning in relation to that of the psychological definition and has been used to describe many other phenomena s over the last four centuries. The aim of this essay is to assess the concept of alienation according to Karl Marx and explore his theory relating to four differing perspectives assigned to this, whilst also researching its historical roots and any relevance in ... Show more content on ... Economic and surplus values are at the heart of Marxist theory. For Marx, alienation is an objective condition associated with the social and economic attributes of capitalism and results in alienated labour. The main use of Marx s theory relating to this concept is in relation to the form of labour in any given capitalist society. However, he also talks of alienation in the sphere of social and economic relations (Turner, 1999) Marx argues that humans are denied their basic natural essence, and as such was only realised in their labour. This allowed for a creative activity which was carried out in unison with others. Marx was of the opinion that people transformed a world outside themselves. Now the processes relating to production were one of objectification . By this he means that man now produces material objects that embody human creativity, yet leaves them feeling detached and separated from the creator. Once the product is objectified, man no longer recognises himself in the product and autonomous manufacturing techniques leave him feeling alienated. Within capitalist societies Marx identified four levels of separation resulting in the concept of alienation. (1) Within a capitalist society the worker has no control over the fate of their production, therefore alienating them from the results of their labour. Although having been involved actively in the production of such commodities
  • 17. Risk And Financial Impact Of Under Armour Risk Financial Impact Under Armour is exposed to numerous risks entering the golf equipment industry. Despite, the organization already having a footprint in the sport as they are in the apparel market, they are still susceptible to the risks that plagued Nike. Under Armour can be exposed to manufacturing, assembling, distribution, and marketing deficiencies that without proper planning could become detrimental to their product launch. The biggest problem we ve encountered is lack of preparation: Companies are so focused on designing and manufacturing new products that they postpone the hard work of getting ready to market them until too late in the game (Schneider Hall, 2011). It is critical that when Under Armour is read to launch into the golf equipment industry that the equipment is top notch, there is a plan for marketing, and Under Armour is ready to follow through on their claims and delivery of golf equipment. Potential Risks: The first exposure is presented to Under Armour is their relationship with the overseas manufacturing partner. Shortages of raw materials, delays, and inefficiencies in the manufacturing process can disrupt the product launch. If Under Armour is going to make claims to deliver top notch equipment in a period of time, they have to rely on overseas communication, manufacturing and delivery to do so. There is a concern that the increases in the manufacturing costs can start reducing profit margins. As seen over the past election debates,
  • 18. Cost and Overhead fsdfsdsdfSuppose sales in 2001 equal 26,000 units, as budgeted in January, and that actual manufacturing expenses turn out to equal budgeted expenses. Prepare an income statement for the year (just include the manufacturing expenses) that will help senior management and the board understand the economics of cartridge production in 2001. 5. Work through the Youngstown Products numerical example (below). Youngstown Products, a supplier to the automotive industry, had seen its operating margins shrink below 20% as its OEM customers put continued pressure on pricing. Youngstown produced four products in its plant and decided to eliminate products that no longer contributed positive margins. Details on the four products are provided ... Show more content on ... It calc ulates a p lant wide overhead rate by dividing total overhead costs by total direct labor hours. Assume, for the calculations below, that plant overhead is a committed (fixed) cost during the year, but that direct labor is a variable cost. Calculate the plant wide overhead rate. Use this rate to assign overhead costs to products and calculate the profitability of the four products. The assignment spreadsheet provides a starting point for your calculations, with some data and formulas already supplied. Suppose sales in 2001 equal 26,000 units, as budgeted in January, and that actual manufacturing expenses turn out to equal budgeted expenses. Prepare an income statement for the year (just include the manufacturing expenses) that will help senior management and the board understand the economics of cartridge production in 2001. 5. Work through the Youngstown Products numerical example (below). Youngstown Products, a supplier to the automotive industry, had seen its operating margins shrink below 20% as its OEM customers put continued pressure on pricing. Youngstown produced four products in its plant and decided to eliminate products that no longer contributed positive margins. Details on the four products are provided below: A B C D Total Production Volume (units) 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 Selling Price $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 $22.00
  • 19. Economic Benefits Of Hostinging The Olympic Games There is also question as to how much benefit is actually derived from hosting the Olympics. According to a study conducted by Chengli Tien of National Taiwan Normal University, Huai Chun Lo of Yuan Ze University, and Hsiou Wei Lin of National Taiwan University, the economic impact of hosting the Olympic Games is only on a short term basis. The study concludes that GDP only rises by an average around 2% in the years leading up to the Olympics, with very minimal effect during or after the Olympics. The unemployment of host cities decreases by a meager 0.3% annually. David Forrest, an economist and professor at the University of Liverpool, has spoken against hosting the Olympics, saying There is an absolute consensus among sports economists that it is economically damaging to host the Games, unless one puts a very high value on the local population enjoying the party. The only publications attributing benefits to hosting are by consultancies paid by politicians to validate their vanity projects. I had the chance to talk with a close family friend who lived in Lake Placid growing up and was a resident of the town when they hosted the 1980 Winter Olympics. According to Tom Irvin, he and the rest of Lake Placid were ecstatic about hosting the games. Not only did it bring attention to the small upstate New York town (population of 2,500 in 1980), but many venues were built with the help of financing by the state of New York and the International Olympic Committee. These
  • 20. American Exceptionalism Is A Real Concept That Makes... Some people seem to question the concept of American exceptionalism, while others know and interpret it differently. American exceptionalism has various definitions and has been used by many politicians. The most accurate way to define American exceptionalism, though, would be to think of it as a concept that refers to the United Statesof America as a uniquely free country that is different from other nations based on its principles, history, and political system. Over the years, American exceptionalism has been an important topic of debate with people asking whether it is real and whether it is good. The purpose of this paper is to argue whether American exceptionalism is a real concept that makes America unique from other nations. I seek to show how the idea of American exceptionalism, which has been discussed by many people since the 19th century, could be real and flawed at the same time. Ultimately, this research will shed light on the different myths of American exceptionalism as well as whether it makes America a unique democracy and how diverse groups of people interpret it. Although the United States of America is thought of as an exceptional nation, the term, American exceptionalism itself, is believed to be extraordinary in one way or another. American exceptionalism refers to America as a unique land of great opportunity that is extremely different from other nations. According to Stephen M. Walt, author of the well written article, The Myth of American
  • 21. The Revolution Of The Haitian Revolution Many times throughout history, we can see the effects of independent thought. There was the revolt of the slaves in Rome led by Spartacus, The Zanj Rebellion in the Middle East, and The Civil War in the United States. However, The Haitian Revolution is one of the most effective and swift Slave revolts of all time. The causes of the Haitian Revolution were quite simple and was similar to any other kind of slave revolt. Many ideas carried around by slave traders at the time such as treating slaves as property, using social/racial classes, and oppressive control ultimately tipped the slaves over the edge. Ideas of independence also sparked the revolution, and one key inspiration to the cause was The French Revolution. This is not very... Show more content on ... Because these people were being treated like property, they were accommodated with the barest necessities and were given little to no food. These slaves looked for a way to vent their frustrations. Through the Christian Religion, these slaves were able to unify under one belief. They grew confident and more unified knowing they outnumbered the whites of the island ten to one. Some slaves escaped their owners, and became what were known as Maroons. These escaped slaves lived in the mountains of Jamaica. These rebels laid down the foundations of a black resistance towards the slave owners and whites. They carried out plantation raids, the killing of white militiamen, and the freeing of slaves. These Maroons alone threatened the British prospect of the sugar and slave industry. Slavery is one of the most frowned upon act humans have ever done. Condemning humans to back breaking labor with no pay at all with constant abuse is surely going to meet some kind of resistance The slaves were not the only black inhabitants of Saint Domingue. The free black inhabitants were called Mulattoes. Like the slaves, they too were oppressed in some way. While they had some sense of freedom, they were oppressed by the structure of the white government of Saint Domingue. Upon reaching manhood, they were required to serve in a mandatory three year term in the military. Upon release, they were then forced to serve in their
  • 22. Robert Greenleaf And James Hunter Robert Greenleaf and James Hunter are both experts when it comes to leadership. Greenleaf coined the term servant leadership and published his first essay regarding this topic in 1970. Hunter is a world renowned author and speaker because of his leadership forte, and has worked with thousands of business executives on developing leadershipskills that create successful businesses (Hunter 1998). Both of these men are distinguished professionals because of their philosophies and approaches to efficacious leadership, but they each have a different approach of how they present and represent these ideas. Greenleaf takes a very direct approach in presenting his beliefs about leadership. He speaks in absolutes. Using headings in his writings, he addresses a specific component of leadership and explicitly states what he means in the succeeding paragraphs. Leaving little room for subjection or argumentation, Greenleaf does not pose open ended questions towards his readers, but rather, speaks with an assertive tone that makes his ideas sound factual. Congruently, many facts are presented throughout Greenleaf s writing, giving readers a reliable platform on which to found their beliefs. Greenleaf writes: People who go for leadership (whether they are servants or non servants) may be viewed as one of two extreme types. There are those who are so constituted physically and emotionally that they like pressure seek it out and they perform best when they are totally intense.
  • 23. International Finance And Globalisation ( Mn7574 ) Assignment in the elective module: International Finance and Globalisation (MN7574) Conducted by: ............... Word Count: .... Describe the three key institutional bodies established in the Bretton Woods agreement. What was their purpose, and how did they operate? Give an account of the collapse of the agreement and discuss the consequences of this collapse for international finance. This coursework is submitted as part of the requirements for the award of the MSc in Finance University of Leicester School of Management Leicester July 2014 Table of Contents Introduction3 Section 2: Bretton Woods Institutions: purpose of establishment and cooperation4 Section 3: Bretton Woods: The chronology of events6... Show more content on ... Opponents of the EU argue that since the formation of the Euro area we have observed an increasing divergence between the northern and southern European countries; with the former enjoying the majority of the benefits of the common currency and the latter facing significant issues with their macroeconomics and struggling to keep up with their northern counterparts. The formation of the EEA, however, was not the first attempt by societies to converge their interests under a common economic policy. Its predecessor, the Bretton Woods system that was formatted in 1944, endeavoured to set up a set of rules that would define the monetary relationships between a number of countries. Its primary feature was the commitment by the member nations to maintain a relatively fixed exchange rate against the dollar, which was tied to gold at a fixed rate. Alongside with the set up of the system, the members agreed to establish two institutional bodies that would oversee the members activities, provide assistance when needed and maintain the cooperation between the members. Those were the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank of Trade and Development (World Bank). Subsequently, the members aimed to establish the International Trade Organization (ITO) that was replaced by the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). All three
  • 24. Hypertension And Its Effects On Hypertension WHAT IS HYPERTENSION ERICA SAAVEDRA PALM BEACH VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE WHAT IS HYPERTENSION Hypertension, sometimes known as Silent Killer is America s freighting combative illness we struggle to regulate. Due too many health risk factors, many people are sometimes unaware of hypertension until suffering from severe damaging effects. High blood pressure is a growing problem in today s life Controlling it is the key priority. Approximately 50 million people in the United States are affected by hypertension and approximately 1 billion worldwide. In this paper, it will outline different topics that will help better understand, What is hypertension, Causes and Affects to Hypertension, Medication treatments that help regulate, and Hypertension Programs that are available in helping regulate this illness. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF HYPERTENTION Hypertension, as we all know the term High Blood Pressure, is defined as a systolic pressure greater than 140 mm Hg and the diastolic pressure greater than 90 mm Hg. Hypertension is a Chronic medical condition that occurs when blood flow in the arteries are high causing artery walls to narrow and thin, blood pressure is the result of two forces the amount of blood measured being pumped out of the heart and into the arteries and the amount of time heart rest between each heartbeat . Systolic pressure occurs when the left ventricle is mostly contracted, the diastolic preforms when the left
  • 25. I Am Post A Review Today Of A Board Game I thought I d post a review today of a board game that I bought for my kids this last Christmas. Yes, I m aware that was 5 months ago, but it s honestly taken me this long to decide whether I love or hate it. My family, including my 8yo and my 7yo, really enjoys playing Settlers of Catan, so when I found out there was a version based on the building of the transcontinental railroad in the United States, my little homeschooling heart just about burst. The game, Catan Histories: Trails to Rails, is around the $50 mark, so I hesitated... a lot. I finally caved over the holidays because... learning and Catan and awesomeness awaited us if I could just fork over the cash. SPECS: The box says this game is for ages 12+, 3 4 players, and that the game takes about 2 hours. In comparison, the original Settlers of Catan game says it s for players ages 10+, 3 4 players (but you can buy expansions for more players), and that the game takes about an hour. REALITY: We ve played the original game with my younger kids without issue. The concepts are not too hard for them to understand, but I ve never met a Catan game that only lasted an hour. Ever. It usually takes us 2 3 hours, even when it s all adults playing and no kids. Basically, I don t believe a word on the box. Trails to Rails is actually more accurate on the box, but I still don t think a game could be completed in 2 hours. The 12+ age range is probably a good suggestion, but you know your own kids. It could be fun for a child
  • 26. Driving Cars Should Be Allowed On Our Roads I support that self driving cars should be allowed on our roads. Think about riding in your car without being paying attention to all the details on the roads. Think about leaving work exhausted and get into your car, push a button, type your home address and the next thing you know you are in your parking at your house. Let s think about that last party when you had that extra glass of wine, and you are alone staring at your car wondering how you will get home. The self driving car is the solution to those struggles that we all face at any time in our lives. The future of moving people and goods will bring as new transportation technologies, an these technologies will make it possible to move faster and safer than ever before, but law and regulations and rigorous planning need to take place at the same paste as these technologies. The self driving cars are coming on our roads and I can t wait to that day when they will not be fiction but a fact. Self driving cars if allowed will make life easier to commuters and will reduce the mortality rate due to road accidents. Most of the roads accidents are due to reckless driving and drunk driving. According to the International Organization for Road Accident Prevention (IORAP), 1.3 million road deaths occur worldwide every year and more than 50 million people are seriously injured. There are 3,500 deaths a day or 150 every hour, and nearly three people get killed on the road every minute (IORAP). Shockingly, more than 90
  • 27. American Association of Nurse Executives Running Head: AONE 1 American Association of Nurse Executives Cindy Murphy St. Petersburg College AONE 2... Show more content on ... Politicians and opinion leaders are acknowledging this organization as one who s on the forefront of generating creative, effective ways to address the critical issues facing nursing and health care today. These initiatives are designed to promote and enhance quality. Some of the nursing issues in health care reform are; access to care, faculty shortages, patient safety, the patient care environment and pay for performance. AONE supports coalition efforts to work collaboratively with their greater nursing community and other partners to address issues that are critical to healthcare, health reform, advancement of the nursing profession and to support research to quantify the economic value of nursing. ( /home.html) AONE 4 Through its public policy and advocacy efforts, AONE is working with other major nursing and health care organizations as a member of and /or advisor for coalitions to address the nursing shortage and are pursuing a broad legislative agenda to address all aspects of the nursing shortage. Vigilant contributions by the AONE regarding federal issues, policies and communications have contributed to positive change in nursing leadership and patient care in the past. The AONE is working with various states and their
  • 28. The Dark Knight And The Departed Film Analysis Significant Connections A significant connection between the four films The Dark Knight directed by Christopher Nolan, The Departed directed by Martin Scorsese, The Prestige directed by Christopher Nolan and Gone Girl directed by David Fincher is the way in which the directors have manipulated the narrative structure to engage the audience in contrasting ways. Christopher Nolan and Martin Scorsese used equally weighted protagonists and antagonists in the films The Dark Knight and The Departed to create the narrative structure in a sense so that the audience feels equally engaged by both characters. Christopher Nolan and David Fincher have manipulated the narrative structure in the films The Prestige and Gone Girl to expose a hidden ... Show more content on ... For example, when The Joker captured Rachel and Harvey Dent, Batman is given the option to save only one of the two most important people in his life. This reinforces the idea of Batman s strength becoming his greatest weakness by The Joker applying pressure to Batman, forcing him to question his own morality. The Joker makes it clear that the protagonist and the antagonist in The Dark Knight are equally weighted, they rely on each other to either cause chaos or to stop chaos. Kill you? I don t want to kill you! What would I do without you? Go back to ripping off mob dealers? No, no, you... You complete me. In addition to the way Christopher Nolan has directed The Dark Knight, Martin Scorsese has directed The Departed by using equally weighted protagonists and antagonists much like Christopher Nolan has. Leonardo DiCaprio has been cast as the fundamental protagonist, Billy Costigan and Matt Damon has been cast as the central antagonist, Colin Sullivan in the film The Departed. In this film the portrayal of psychology has been explored through both the protagonist and the antagonist. The mental toll that Billy Costigan takes on whilst pretending to be a criminal but is truthfully an undercover cop, traps him between two worlds and creates emotional vulnerability in his life. I m going f*cking nuts, man. I can t be someone else every f*cking day. It s been a year of this. I ve had enough of
  • 29. Women And The Supreme Court A few years ago, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said, People ask me sometimes, when when do you think it will it be enough? When will there be enough women on the court? And my answer is when there are nine. Justice Ginsburg aims for a future where women can achieve the same monopoly on the Supreme Court that men held for nearly two hundred years; she is optimistic that someday, nine women will be able to reach the height of the American judicial system. The path to an all female Supreme Court is quite an unlikely one, but a strong and diverse court with women and people of color could be created and would greatly benefit many marginalized groups in the United States. In this paper, I will discuss a number of topics regarding woman and the Supreme Court from historical precedents to objective research to the importance of female judges and Justices and finally to the possibilities of the future. Each of these steps is vital to fully understanding how we got to our country s current place in female jurisprudence and creating future opportunities for women both on the Supreme Court and in all other levels of the judicial system across the United States. In nearly the first two hundred years of the United States existence, not a single woman served on the Supreme Court of the United States. In that time, the court made hundreds if not thousands of decisions that changed the lives of women around the country, but the women had no say in how the cases were
  • 30. Acclimation Analysis This commodity is mainly accounting for the able alleviative all overs agitation beforehand via hypnosis, biofeedback, psychotherapy, psychiatry... However, the dead may use the admonition to adviser his/her therapist. Based on a accent administration model, the address is altered than about associated with capital beck accent administration training. Let me clarify. It is about affected that a accent administration archetypal is alike with physique acquaintance techniques that beforehand entering focus. The added address is apparent focus initially acclimated by Lacy, a psychologist. It is the one a lot of able for all anxiety/panic attacks. It additionally is able for all added maladies, but because it is beneath defined, it is about alone acclimated in added avant garde training... Show more content on ... Most are in the aboriginal class and it s contributed to a top amoroso or aesthetic aliment diet. They about alcohol caffeinated beverages and eat lots of bite foods. If they were to actual their bistro habits in advance, they would never beforehand of all overs agitation beforehand for all overs is artlessly a hormonal acknowledgment to ample claret amoroso changes. However, already the arrangement of all overs has ambiguous or developed into agitation and agoraphobia, again artlessly alteration bistro habits usually isn t abundant because the apperception has amorphous a conditioning process more later. And additionally the aforementioned conditioning action affects the additional accumulation for even already the meds causing all overs are stopped, the affection continue. But the capital catechism is, Why do all overs agitation beforehand sufferers beforehand All overs and others who additionally are hypoglycemic beforehand beef pains and aches, or hypertension, ulcers,
  • 31. Andrew Carnegie Hero Essay To Start off, what is a hero? Well a hero to me is someone who is admired or idealized for courage and outstanding achievements. To be a hero you have to have concern for others. intelligence is the most important reason of being a hero. In Document A is a picture of the properties that Carnegie purchased. This gives me background knowledge of how much how much properties he has owned and description of them. Andrew Carnegie owned more than 2 properties. He owned a oliver iron mining company that controlled nearly all of the Mesabi Iron Ore Fields, he owned the largest in the world. He also owned Several Steel Companies, he owned Coke Fields ( Coke is a fuel to melt iron ore into molten iron). He also owned the Conneaut Dock Company. This shows that andrew Carnegie was a hero because all the companies he owned was to help use with the main sources we use today end everyday, we need oil to pave the roads, to make things and to heat our homes. This is the most important to me because he gave people jobs by owning all these companies. ... Show more content on ... This chart shows me that Andrew gave alt of his money for good deeds in total he gave $350,695,653 to different things and schools for an example, he gave money to teachers Pensions fund he also gave money to free public libraries and many more. The Carnegie Corporation s met assets in 2005 were listed at $2,167,000,000. The foundation is currently giving out about $100,000,000 a year, most of it to education. This shows that Andrew Carnegie was a hero because he cared about people and he gave money to help with a lot of things and he called them
  • 32. My Personal Experience In College After I graduated High School, I moved to Logan, Utah to pursue my Bachelors at Utah State University. This move was actually quite easy. My mom drove down with me to help me move into my apartment and all of my belongings easily fit between our two cars. About halfway through the semester, everything kind of fell apart. I hated my program, I didn t like the atmosphere of the university and I wanted out. It was not anything like I was hoping, and I decided I was definitely not going to stay. However, I wanted to finish out the semester and tie up all my loose ends before I transferred. After a couple weeks of heavy research, hours on the phone, and lots and lots of emails, I was set to transfer to BoiseState University located in Boise, Idaho. The first of my problems was fitting all of my things in my one car. I was by myself this time and there was nobody to help me. Therefore, I spent hours packing, unpacking and repositioning things until my car looked like the king of Tetris had payed me a visited. I could only see out of the driver s side window and the windshield. I didn t care though, I just wanted everything to fit and miraculously it did. I moved in December. Idahoand Utah freeways are treacherous during that time of year. I set out on my drive knowing the roads were going to be slick but I would just take my time. After I was about an hour into my drive, it started to snow, which wasn t uncommon. Another twenty minutes passed and it was snowing pretty heavily.
  • 33. Exile And Pain In Three Elegiac Poems Essay There is a great similarity between the three elegiac poems, The Wanderer, The Wife of Lament, and The Seafarer. This similarity is the theme of exile. Exile means separation, or banishment from ones native country, region, or home. During the Anglo Saxon period, exile caused a great amount of pain and grief. The theme is shown to have put great sadness into literature of this time period. The majority of the world s literature from the past contains the theme of exile. The Wife of Lamentis another perfect example of literature with exile, and was written by an unknown author. The most striking example of exile in this poem can be seen in the passage when she says, quot;A song I sing of sorrow unceasing, ... Show more content on ... The author continually describes how incredibly miserable he is living his life in exile, how awful it is to have to live without the guidance from a higher rank being a lord and king in this case, how there is no one to talk to and to share ones feelings with, and how there is no money or riches of any kind‚ for a man who is living in exile. For the most part, the poem is sad and depressing and the reader easily sees what this man is going through and how terrible it must be for him to live without all the things many others take for granted everyday of their lives. The author of this poem, who has obviously been exiled, does an exquisite job of showing, maybe even teaching, to the reader how important the things are that you lose in life when exiled, no matter how rich or poor you are. You take the greatest loss of all when you are exiled, you take the loss of losing everything that makes it seem purposeful for you to live out the day you just began. This is obviously the idea the author is trying to get across in this poem. Throughout the poem The Seafarer, also composed by an unknown author, it is obvious that the man is not exiled directly in the ways people have been exiled in the other poems, however being stuck on a ship is in many ways quite similar to being exiled from your homeland. Numerous passages in this poem show this mans painful life at sea. The one that stands out most greatly to me is this passage;
  • 34. Southern Cassowary In Australia Habitat: The most common habitat that the Southern Cassowary is located in, is tropical rainforests. This is because it requires an abundance of fleshy fruit for nutrition and ease of access to these fruits. More necessities for habitation include steady water supply and shelter, and locations available for nesting. These three contributors as well as other minorities are the reason that the Southern Cassowary lives in this sort of environment. Further studies show that Cassowaries are more abundant in arears of flat terrain and a permanent supply of water. This also accounts for the fact that they live in areas that contain dense vegetation like woodlands and shrubbery. In Australia, the Southern Cassowary is found in the tropical rainforests ... Show more content on ... VALIDITY AND RELIABILITY The main process that was used to ensure the validity of the information in this assessment and the reliability was to firstly check the basis for all sites. For example, if the site was a .ORG or .GOV etc. This infers that the information came from an educational or government source, which most have to be approved to be put up as a webpage. Another process was going to different sites and Fact Checking . That is , going to different websites and ensuring that at least 3 had the same fact or basis for a fact as was required. Another way that was used in this assessment was getting the information needed from more than one source. This follows on from the previous statement and strengthens the validity of the information provided. This means that instead of just using a singular website or book, multiple were used to ensure that the facts and information were widespread and accurate
  • 35. Essay on Ethics and the Advancement of Military Technology I. Introduction: Technology in the light of military weaponry has been one of the growingly controversial issues that the world faces today. Among the top weapon types that have advanced greatly over the past recent years are nuclear, chemical and biological weaponry. Though the United States government and militaryhas been enthusiastically involved in the evolution of these weapons, their enthusiasm dwindles when responsibility must be taken for the consequences that result. Consequences that are left unresolved or postponed only bring about more doubts and questions that all branch off of one basic issue: Is it ethical to continue the advancement of nuclear, chemical and biological warfare when the results cannot be ... Show more content on ... Nuclear powered weapons have been tested in nearly any surroundings possible: underground, underwater, on top of towers and barges, and even fired by rockets 200 miles into the atmosphere.7 These tests have also been carried out in multiple sites in the United States, such as Nevada, New Mexico, Mississippi, Colorado and Alaska.7 But though the last weapon test was held over a decade ago by China, an estimate of 3,830 kilograms of plutonium has been left in the ground, and 4,200 kilograms has been released into the atmosphere due to the great number of nuclear testing around the world.7 In comparison to nuclear weaponry, using chemicals as a weapon can be dated back to 400 BC. when the Spartan Greeks used sulfur fumes against the soldiers of their enemies. Of course, what is today known as modern chemical warfare did not begin until 1915 during World War I.1 The first chemical used in warfare was 160 tons of chlorine gas, which the Germans released into the wind against their allies using 6,000 pressurized cylinders.1 This chemical killed over 10,000 troops within its first and second attack by forming a yellowish liquid in the lungs of the victims and causing burning in the
  • 36. The Role Of Homosexuality In East Palace, West Palace East Palace, West Palace (1996) is a film made by Zhang Yuan, a renowned Chinese independent filmmaker widely known as one of the Sixth Generation pioneers of illegal cinema (Bordwell and Thompson, 2010, p.640). Despite international critical acclaim, the film was banned in China due to its controversial portrayal of homosexualityand being part of an underground movement existing outside the state studio system (Lim, 2006, p.30). This essay will examine how East Palace, West Palace s depiction of a homosexual persecuted persecutor relationship between A Lan and Shi Xiaohua allegorizes the relationship between the artist intellectual and the state , while the use of masochism serves to undermine state authority by granting the masochistic subject agency despite being in a position of weakness. (Lim, 2006, p.70). ... Show more content on ... Although homosexuality was never directly criminalized in China, an anti hooliganism law...was often used to persecute or intimidate gay men (UNDP, 2014). This persecution is shown in the opening of the film, which depicts homosexual men routinely harassed for hooliganism , stigmatized as disgusting and physically abused by the police physical manifestations of state authority. The effeminate depiction of A Lan in contrast to the masculine Shi Xiaohua further reinforces the unequal power relationship between the persecuted and the persecutor by ascribing the marginalized homosexual subject a structurally submissive discursive position vis Г vis the state s control (Lim, 2006,
  • 37. Mature Minded Children There are many children in this world who act with a mature mind, involving themselves in any adult situations they come across. They act like they are mature enough to handle situations that do not require their opinions or thoughts just because they are too young and inexperienced to comprehend the situation that they are forcing themselves into. In doing so, they create pain to the adults that are involved. Timothy Findley s novel, The Wars, Juliet, a character, involves herself in every situation that only involves adults; consequently, she harms, threatens and disrespects her friends. Juliet is the character in, The Wars, that has this kind of disorder . She eavesdrops and uses her observation skills to hear all the secrets that go on around their house. She feels no remorse with her continuous use of eavesdropping towards the patients of the D Orsay house. At that young of an age, she should be looked after more by her parents to ensure she will not harm anyone else in the future and cause those around her to feel threatened resulting in others not supporting her. Juliet s natural thoughts is to threaten her friends when she feels it is necessary. Major Terry, Barbara s ex boyfriend, is a soldier who was injured and arranged to recover in the D Orsay house. He was a sexual partner for Barbara until Robert came to the house. Barbara becomes more interested in Robert and emotionlessly ignores Major Terry. Juliet witnesses the actions Barbara has committed and decides
  • 38. Call Of The Wild Quotes From far away drifted a faint, sharp yelp, followed by a chorus of a similar sharp yelps (London 105). In the book, Call of the Wild by Jack London the main character Buck faces a retrogression. Buck goes from being king like to a wild rebellious dog. Buck goes through this change because men found gold. The men needed dogs like Buck. Buck was half saint Bernard and half scotch shephard, so he was a gigantic dogand had a thick coat to survive in harsh weather like in the Klondike. So Buck is sold and beat he learns to obey the law of club and fang to be formed into a sled dog, but ends up forming a bond with a man his name was John Thornton . Thornton died and Buck answers the call and runs in the wild becoming alpha of the wolf pack. As Buck was... Show more content on ... Here is one piece of evidence to support this claim. And when, on the still, cold nights, he pointed his nose at a star and howled long and wolf like, it was his ancestors, dead and dust, pointing nose at star and howling down through the centuries and through him (London 26). This quote explains the call that Buck is answering and showing how strong his instincts are. It also shows how wolf like Buck really is and how he is being called by his ancestors to come and be with them and run with them. In the book Buck does meet a wolf and Buck does run with him, but shortly realizes he needs to return to Thornton. As Buck continues to be torn between the love for John and the call of the wild showing the theme of the power of the primitive. Here is another supporting quote of this claim that states how Bucks instincts are retrogressing even more than ever. He saw another and different man from the half breed cook before him this other man was shorter of leg and longer of arm, with muscles that were stringy and knotty rather than rounded and swelling (London
  • 39. Virtualization Virtualization Across the Board CIS512 Enterprise Architecture Technology is one aspect of business that can universally enhance any company s capabilities and add resources to offer a positive impact on the bottom line. However, information technology comes with its own implementation barriers that can complicate matters when making IT investments with an expectation to generate a return on that investment. The biggest impact of virtualization in cost structures is the radical change in how technology is implemented and paid for. Previously, any new technology could require a capital investment, lead times for setup and training, and continuing overhead in the form of support and... Show more content on ... Right now, Microsoft isn t a strong alternative in virtualization. Someone looking at Microsoft s technology has to ask themselves whether today s implementation is indeed good enough to use or if it s better to wait and virtualize when Microsoft does deliver, or if the immediate need is so great that an alternative, like VMware, should be used right now. In all its spheres, from the desktop to the server, tight integration is the focus and primary value of a Microsoft ecosystem. In virtualization, Microsoft promises depth of management, achieved with its System Center s integrated view of all the virtualization technologies used in a given data center ( 2012). In virtualization, consider an application running inside of a SoftGrid application streaming virtual environment inside of a virtual server in the data center and piping its display using Terminal Services to a Virtual PC inside of someone s desktop has so many layers of encapsulation that traditional management tools simply don t have an accurate view of what s happening. Microsoft s focus with their System Center management suite is to provide that visibility down to the iron itself. What s good about this? The concept does address a challenge that happens with too many layers of encapsulation. Networking people have repeatedly experienced this phenomenon,
  • 40. The Role Of Gun Ownership In America As long as gun ownership is legal in America, gun will makes both positive and negative influence. On the one hand, it changes the home defense way and builds the hunting culture. On the other hand, there are lots of gunshot incidents happened. Government, especially the Republicans, are in favor of gunownership legally. Although there are lots of gunshot incidents happened here in America, law still does not changed much. For example, the latest one, on the night of October 1, 2017, the mass shooting Sunday evening on the Las Vegas Strip, leaves 58 people dead and 546 injured, but there s an article published by the New York Time, titled Nothing Will Change After the Las Vegas Shooting (STEVE ISRAEL), says even Las Vegas incident is a horrible case, congress will not make much change about the gun law.... Show more content on ... According to the survey conducted by Pew Research Center in 2017, 52% of American said that the gun laws should be more strict and only 18% of them said the gun laws should be less strict. There is even an American nonprofit organization, The National Rifle Association of America (NRA), advocates for gun rights. Another survey also conducted by Pew Research Center in 2017 shows that, 74% of gun owners agree with that owning a firearm is tied to their sense of personal freedom. Americans value their gun culture very much, consider as a symbol of American culture, the soul of
  • 41. How The 21st Century Defines Corporate Social... Introduction The objective of this research paper is to describe how the 21St Century defines corporate social responsibility in relation with the triple bottom line concept, guiding the airline industry into becoming a forward thinking industry embedding sustainability into their core of business operations to create shared value for business and society. I will define corporate social responsibility and areas of social responsibility in the airline industry at the beginning of the paper and proceed with how it ties into the bottom line concept. Next, I will give brief examples of airlines such as JetBlue Airways, and British Airways how they apply these concepts into their mission. In conclusion, I will express my own thoughts about how customers and employees have more choices from the industries than they had in the past. They are more aware of the ethical and environmental stance of todays industries. Corporate Social Responsibility (CRM) Corporate social responsibility (CSR) refers to business practices involving initiatives that benefit society (Businessnewsdailycom, 2016). CSR may also be referred to as corporate citizenship and can involve incurring short term cost that do not provide an immediate financial benefit to the company, but instead promote positive social and environmental change (Root, 2007). The airline industries faces many responsibilities. The airline industry rely heavily on it s decision making process due to its major concern, which is
  • 42. The Effects of Technology in Education Cheng Chang Burgess Olivia ENG 60 26 July 2012 The Effects of Technology in Education Modern technology has penetrated every aspect of our lives and made great impacts on our daily activities, especially in the area of education. The continuous infusion of technology in education has become an unchangeable tendency. Given the increased use of technology in education, much research has been done on the value of technology in education. However, none of the studies have answered all of the questions that are essential to determining whether continuous infusion of new technologies in education can improve the quality of education. Since a clear answer to this question is vital to help educational organizations to make decisions on how much ... Show more content on ... One of the drawbacks mentioned in the article Technology: A Catalyst for Teaching and Learning in the Classroom, is that technology is very expensive, requires ongoing support and constant upgrades, and is not as cost effective as other investments in education (Valdez 21). Some critics think technology is a waste of scarce resources in education (Valdez 22), because overspending in technology can leave inadequate funds for other pressing needs in education. The funds invested in new technologies can instead be invested in other ways such as arts, science laboratories and shops that allow for more hands on learning (Valdez 21). Well balanced funding for all essential elements in education is an important strategy to follow in the reality of scarce resources in education. As stated by the author Sue Ferguson in the article How Computers Make Our Kids Stupid, computers and the internet distract students from real learning, which is evident by the poor academic achievement associated with excessive and improper use of computers and internet (Ferguson 2). This view is supported by a massive study conducted by University of Munich economists Thomas Fuchs and Ludger Woessmann in November, 2004, with a subject pool of 174,000 15 year olds in reading, 97,000 each in math and
  • 43. Influence Of The Modern City Movements such as Futurism, Cubism and Impressionism saw Artists such as Umberto Boccioni, Claude Monet, and Pablo Picasso use the speed, and compression to reference the leisure filled Modern City, while trying to keep pace with the advances(Technological and Theoretical), which were breaking the Traditional way of life. Examples of this include; Umberto Boccioni s, The CityRises (1910); Claude Monets, Boulevard des Capucines (1873); and Pablo Picassos, Absinthe Drinker (1901). By embracing the technological and theoretical changes of the Modern City, artists transitioned away from what was known as the conventional creation of Art. Meaning the way of depicting and portraying figures, and scenes within an image. Things were no longer idealised, and artists strived to paint images the way they were rather than the way people wanted them to be. It is in this way that Artists transitioned away from that which they had been taught, and as such, were able to effectively, experiment with different ways of representing the meaning of the Modern City. The adaptation from the traditional city, to the modern city, therefore contains a history of rejection of the traditional limitations and definitions of art. In the following analysis, it becomes apparent the Artists reference to the Modern City was based heavily on their contemporary urban environment. As such they were often influenced by the way the city had effect them. For example, Picasso s Blue Period, in which he
  • 44. Lonewolf Research Paper There are many people that are experts at hunting and shooting a recurve bow. They all have their own technics and ways. But their is a god that is so good at hunting and shooting he can kill up the 2 elks at a time and do crazy trick shots. His name is Lonewolf. Lonewolf was introduced to shooting a recurve bow when he was a little boy and learned about huntingwhen he was the age of 11. Every birthday lonewolf had he got a bigger recurve bow from his dad. Lonewolf is 6 3 tall, he is ripped, he wears a black chest amor and black shorts that made out of black wolf skin, has a quiver made out of bear skin, his arrows, his arrows are wooden and has orange and red stripes around it, the tip of the arrow is a red arrow head. His recurve bow is blue and has bright green and orange stripes around it and also has wolf fur for the the bows silencers. His realm is strength and protecters of animals. His special job is is hunting. Lonewolf lives in a treehouse that is in the clouds. His family members are Eros, Athena, possiden. His father is Hades, his mother is Athena and his brother is possiden. Lonewolf has no sisters and he is not married. Lonewolf has many horrible memories while he was growing up. Like when he got hit in the head with a golf ball while he was riding is bike.... Show more content on ... Lonewolf hurried to try to flip over the creature, but the the Bulker was to heavy for him. The Bukers tail burned Lonewolf s arm, after that Lonewolf had a flash back when he got burned on his back. Lonewolf got so angry and terrified he flipped the Bulker like a feather. Lonewolf grabbed his last arrow and lit the tip on fire, then aimed at the Bulkers stomach, and then shot the arrow. The Bulker was just laying there, but growling as loud as a grizzly bear. Lonewolf rushed to go get the mountain tobacco and hurried out of the forest before he ran into another
  • 45. Theme Of Symbols In Sons And Lovers In Sons and lovers, D.H Lawrence has made a very clever use of symbols. The novel abounds in symbolic objects and events. Yet they are so well integrated with the narrative that they hardly ever appear obtrusive. When understood, these symbols adds to the richness of the novel and enhances our appreciation of the novel. Mark Spikla says The symbolic scenes are extremely literal and the symbols seem to function as integral strands in the webs of emotional tensions. In Sons and Lovers, we have a host of such symbolic scenes which have a catalytic effect upon the intensity of the plot and action in the novel. The description of coal pits is symbolic. The coal pits standing at the horizon are a concrete reality. The entire life of the community depends on them. Their symbolic significance become clearer as the novel progresses that these coal pits are a particular way of and a particular attitude towards life. They are closely associated with Walter Morel who stands for an irrational life principle. Paul associated them... Show more content on ... The most important of these scene takes place when Paul, Miriam and Clara are together in a open field in the country. Paul meets Clara for the first time and is attracted to her. The three if them come to an open field and they begin to pick flowers. Paul picks the flowers scientifically yet there is a natural beauty in is bunches. His contact with the flowers is direct and spontaneous. He is alive and organic flowers are his to take. Miriam picks the flowers lovingly and reverentially. As she picks them she seems to be killing the life out of them. The bunches she makes do not have much elegance. Her way of picking flowers suggest that she has no right to life. When it comes to Clara, she states quite militantly tat flowers should not be picked as it kills them. What she means to says she doesn t want to be picked by ay man. Comparing all, Mark Spilka
  • 46. Reciprocity In Community Art This term our class was commissioned by Evergreen Hamilton to conduct research around various neighbourhoods around Hamilton. The objectives of this research was to determine how the city s use of public art builds its communities and culture, while also proposing new ideas that would help empower and reinforce a sense of communitythrough art. The neighbourhood our group was assigned was the North End (west) neighbourhood, which is a very family oriented neighbourhood. In addition, through the use of anthropological research methods such as participant observation, structured interviews and written field notes we conducted research in the North End (west) neighbourhood. We proposed the idea of chain link fence installations in order to help... Show more content on ... Maiter et al., (2008:307) finds that reciprocity is an important component of practicing CBPAR ethically and defined it as, exchange between social equals . The authors aim to discuss the interactions between researchers and communities and the practice of reciprocity in anthropological research (Maiter et al., 2008). Maiter et al., (2008) mentions that reciprocity can be as simple as being honest about research relationships and goals. I found this to be true in my experience, it was easier to talk to people and have them provide valuable information by being honest with our research goals. In addition, our group talked to the receptionist at the Bennetto Community center in order to find out if there were any art programs offered. Instead of just asking her if the community center offered any art programs, we started our conversation with who we are, what we are doing there and what we are expecting to gain. From this the receptionist understood our goals and directed us to the Bennetto Elementary School as they have a community garden. This conversation reflects reciprocal dialogue , as discussed by Maiter et al., (2008). Reciprocal dialogue is when a researcher and study participant communicate as equals (Maiter et al., 2008:307). In this sense, our conversation with the receptionist did not create the notion that we as researchers were more important than her. Rather, we engaged in creating a relationship with her where she left she could exchange information regarding the community garden with us and redirect us to the school so we could gain more
  • 47. My Worldview And The Holy Trinity In this day and age there are so many different types of worldviews. People all over the world celebrate life in a different way. They all worship different gods, weather, people, things, or nothing at all. Yes, some people refuse to believe in any kind of hope. Though, I believe in one God with the holy trinity. It is a Godthat is all one, but has three equal parts. That is the son, the Holy Spirit, and the father. There is so much in this worldview, which has touched all nations and cultures in some form. I will explain more of my worldview, help describe Wesleyan Quadrilateral, my spiritual formation, and how I use it in the world around me. I believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. His word is very much active and alive. For... Show more content on ... As Sire puts it but it is I who will act and not just react like a bell ringing when a button is pushed. I believe when people are sinful, God stays the same. When we begin to become more like God, we find our home. Our personality is grounded in the personality of God. That is, we find our true home in God and in being in close relationship with him. (Sire, pg. 34) With that because of the fall and of mankind s sin, we need to be reborn. Jesus said in John 3:7, Do not marvel that I said to you, You must be born again. This is because we all have been born in sin, Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me. (Psalms 51:5) How to be born again is to accept Jesus and surrender to him. Jesus said to His disciples, If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. (Matt. 16:24 27) I believe life after death. We all will be judged when we leave tis world. But in accordance with your hardness and your impenitent heart you are treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who will render to each one according to his deeds : eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and
  • 48. The Standards Of Professional Nursing Practice The American Nurses Association (ANA) established The Standards of Professional Nursing Practice (2010). The Standards of Professional Nursing Practice consists of Standards of Practice and Standards of Professional Performance. The standards serve as guidelines to define the profession of nursing and define the scope of practice for professional nurses. All standards presented in the The Standards of Professional Nursing Practice (2010) are essential for the nursing professional to function, legally, ethically and professionally in the healthcare organization. The Professional Performance Standard of leadership by the American Nurses Association s Standards of Professional Nursing Practice (2010) states, the nurse professional demonstrates leadership in the professional practice setting and the profession (ANA, 2010). The definition of leadership in relation to the nursing profession is defined as; Leadership refers to the ability to guide, motivate, and inspire, and to instill vision and purpose (Ellis Hartley, 2012). The application of leadership in the profession of nursing involves the ability for the nurse leader to influence the beliefs, opinions, or behaviors of others and to persuade others to follow your direction (Ellis Hartley, 2012). Leadership includes, teamwork, healthy work environments, defining and displaying a clear vision, commitment to continuous lifelong learning, teaching and mentoring, creativity and flexibility, energy, excitement and
  • 49. The Wise Words Of Reo Speedwagon Essay Richardson 1 MacKenzie Richardson English Composition 1101 Amy Towne December 5, 2016 In the wise words of REO Speedwagon I m gonna keep on loving you the 1980s 2000s was ridiculous and fun time between inspiring bands and Rubik s cubes. Head over heels married couples made adorable, chubby faced babies but thinking back to those days, wondering how many of those married couples would still have had those cute as a button babies if they knew millennials would become the laughing stock of older generations. Some millennials are described as cry baby, narcissistic, technology obsessed generation with no concern for others. A cry baby is defined as someone who gets upset when they are wrong, whines a lot, complains, and very immature. Children are compared to a block of clay that is molded throughout the years to become a successful adult. Some millennials are seen as crybabies due to their lack of ability to take criticism while others believe that millennials ability to stand up for their beliefs and get the work done reflects back to how millennials were molded as children. Millennials are considered anyone who was born between the years of 1980 2000. Most other generations such as the Baby Boomers and Generation X look down upon millennials because of how the world reacts to millennials qualities. Baby Boomers was anyone born between the years 1946 1964, after World War II. They grew up in a time of radical changes within the world that destroyed the people s trust in
  • 50. Belonging Essay What do you think the most powerful influences that impact on an individual s sense of belonging? * Strictly Ballroom by Baz Lurhmann * The Red Tree by Shaun Tan * Who you are by Jessie J You will almost always find where you belong if you search for it. So ultimately a sense of belonging comes down to perception. This starts from places and/ or relationships, which potentially alter your understanding or you and the world around you, so you can accept the person you are and your individual identity by creating this sense of belonging. In strictly ballroomby Baz Lurhmann, The Red Tree by Shaun Tan and who you are by Jessie J the composers use a wide range of techniques to convey the ideas belonging through forcible... Show more content on ... Here the most powerful influences that influence the little girl is her on mind set on other people and how she see s everyone trying to conform and belong to a place she hasn t been nor understands. Forcible authority is again conveyed in the song who you are by Jessie J through the singers lyrics. Jessie illustrates a strong opinion on society s sense of belonging when she states forget how to fit the mold, yeah! this informs the audience that society s conception of belonging is based on a mould and she feels out casted because she doesn t know how to find her place in society anymore. Jessie feels as though society has clung to a certain way of thinking and living, this is because of the forcible authority, which is the society as a powerful influence on Jessie s sense of belonging. Challenging Authority is another idea shown in strictly Ballroom this can be when you choose to do something about following other rules from a higher authority. This is illustrated when Scott is introduced to Fran s grandmother Ya Ya. She explains that dancing comes from the heart. The close ups of Ya Ya s hands beating the traditional rhythm of the Paso Doble on Scott s chest gives both Scott and Fran the inspiration to dance their own moves which demonstrates to the Audience how they are challenging authority and now have somewhere to belong to. Challenging authority is