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Short Term And Long Term Goals Essay
Embarking on the task of writing an essay on the theme of "Short Term and Long Term Goals"
can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. This topic requires a careful examination of one's
aspirations, strategic planning, and the ability to articulate a clear and cohesive narrative. The
difficulty lies not only in defining and distinguishing short-term and long-term goals but also in
presenting them in a compelling and logical manner.
To begin with, articulating personal goals demands self-reflection and a deep understanding of
one's ambitions. Expressing these aspirations in writing requires a delicate balance between
sincerity and professionalism. Clearly outlining the short-term objectives, which often serve as
stepping stones toward larger, long-term aspirations, necessitates careful consideration of one's
present circumstances and the immediate future.
Furthermore, addressing the long-term goals introduces an additional layer of complexity.
Communicating a vision that spans an extended period requires foresight and the ability to
connect the dots between the short-term milestones and the ultimate objective. Striking the right
tone and maintaining coherence throughout the essay is essential to engage the reader and
convey a sense of purpose.
Moreover, the challenge lies in avoiding clichГ©s and generic statements that might dilute the
impact of the essay. A successful essay on short-term and long-term goals should not only
present a clear roadmap but also offer insights into the motivation behind these aspirations. This
demands a level of introspection that can be both time-consuming and emotionally taxing.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on short-term and long-term goals is a demanding task that
necessitates a careful blend of introspection, planning, and effective communication. However,
overcoming these challenges can result in a powerful piece that not only communicates personal
ambitions but also showcases the writer's ability to articulate and pursue a purposeful path. If
you find yourself needing assistance in navigating this intricate process, various resources,
including professional writing services, are available to provide guidance and support.
[Note: The mention of at the end is not an endorsement. It's essential to
approach such services cautiously and ensure they adhere to ethical standards.]
Short Term And Long Term Goals EssayShort Term And Long Term Goals Essay
Pros And Cons Of The Legal Drinking Age
Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) laws are defined as the legal age when an
individual can purchase and publicly consume alcoholic beverages. The MLDA in
the United States is currently 21 years and this has sparked quite a bit of controversy
about lowering or even raising the MLDA. However, prior to the law being passed
,the National Minimum Drinking Age Actof 1984, the legal age when alcohol could
be purchased varied from state to state.
Approximately 1 in 4 students report academic problems from drinking, including
skipping class, falling behind in class, doing bad on exams or papers, and receiving
poor grades overall. In 2008, public health researchers conducted a poll in over 100
college campuses to determine if university presidents approved of the current
Minimum Legal Drinking Age or MLDA law. They were appalled when majority of
them announced their opposition to the legal drinking age of 21 and wanted it
lowered to 18, Some felt that the law is counterproductive and drives students to
binge drinking. However, most evidence shows the exact opposite. Based on research
by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, more than 900 lives
are saved in a year because of fewer alcohol related accidents involving underage
drunk drivers. Unsurprisingly, the current law actually does deter underage people
from drinking until their 21st birthday. More important, many youth who choose to
drink do so less frequently, and with less intensity, than they would
Black Blood Research Paper
The black blood or as others may call it the black gold, scientifically known as
crude 1 oil is the world s power leader fuel. The world now devours 85 million
barrels of oil for each day, or 40,000 gallons for each second, the request is becoming
exponentially. Oil creation in 33 out of 48 out nations has now topped, including
Kuwait, Russia and Mexico. Worldwide oil creation is currently additionally drawing
closer an untouched crest and can conceivably end our Industrial Civilization. The
most recognized and noticeable geologists, oil industry specialists, vitality
investigators and associations all concur that enormous inconvenience is fermenting.
The world is not coming up short on oil itself, yet rather its capacity to deliver top ...
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These nations have the least creation costs for oil as the majority of despite
everything them have the modest, simple oil promptly accessible. They are
however ready to utilize calculates, for example, fracas some petro states as reasons
to trek oil costs. This gives them immense net revenues. Subordinate countries
obviously can t protest this as they have no other decision yet to buy from this
cartel. It in this manner takes after that these countries would offer anything to
keep the world economy reliant on oil. A touch of terrible news for the cartel
however was the advancement of fracturing or Hydro breaking. This is a term used
to portray the procedure of blending water with some sand and chemicals and after
that compelling it into a well at high weight. This prompts the cracking of the stone
that stores oil in it, making it simpler for the gas to stream out. Nations like the US
and Canada who are coming up short on modest oil yet at the same time have stores
of the costly sort, have swung to
Essay on Modern and Post-Modernism Architecture
There is often some confusion when people start talking about the post modernism
and modernism in architecture in terms of their philosophical terminology
differences. Modern architecture is known for its minimalism (Linder, 2004);
buildings were functional and economical rather than comfortable and beautifully
decorated. The post modernismarchitecture, however, is called a neo eclectic,
significantly assuming the role of a regeneration of period styles for designing
houses, and a never ending variety of forms and characteristics, asymmetrical designs
for commercial buildings (Fullerton Heritage, 2008). An example of these two polar
opposites, Less is more made by Mies van der Rohe in 1928 (Blake, 1976) and Less
is a bore made by... Show more content on ...
Although, most post modernist architects had been associated with modern architects
in terms of training during the twentieth century, they refused most their teachers
ideas. In addition, today s architects cannot deny the modern architecture ways of
designing any building. Their design, for instance, has many philosophical meaning
such as constructional, environmental, sociological, commercial and metaphorical
meaning. The main difference between these two schools is that the architects point
of view to any design as a means of communication (Chan, 1997). Modern
architecture, for example, focus on the aesthetics of architectural language, while post
modernity adjust in constant effort to achieve what is more than unity and focus on
the traditional concepts, therefore both schools are in competition with each other.
Second basic principle of modern school is the production beauty by basic technology
(Chan, 1997), and this led to a contradiction on the post modernism architects being
attempted to use primitive technology. Their particular case is to access and change
the impact of the traditional architecture through all people. Therefore, to achieve this
goal they have addressed the issues of beauty and technology within the general
concept of the design. Despite different thoughts on the features of post modernism
definition, it is clearly seen that people ,who are interested in beauties, are
False Memory And False Memory
A. Introduction
This study was in the cognitive approach to psychology, which focuses on the way
people process information. It looks at how people process the information they
receive and how the treatment of this information leads to their responses. The main
area of cognitive psychology being studied is memory, which refers to processes and
structures involved with storing and retrieving information. The theory of
reconstructive memory and false memory is the focus of the experiment. False
memory is a mental experience that is mistakenly taken to be a veridical
representation of an event from one s personal past (Johnson, 2001). Factors which
prompt the formations of false memory are misattribution of the original source of
One experiment which explained the theory of False Memory was conducted by
Roediger McDermott in 1995. The aim of the study was to replicate James Deese s
observations of false memory and find the it s existence in a free recall task. The
participants were 36 undergraduate students at Rice University. The independent
variable was the addition of critical lures and random words and the dependent
variable was the participant s ability to recall the correct studied words. The results
were calculated by finding the mean probability of recall of studied words (65), and
of excluded words (.40). They concluded that categorically similar words, were
recalled at the same rate as those presented. The participant s actions agreed with
Theories Of Law And Justice
Essay #1
Theories of law and justice answers the questions on how/ why in society a person
behavior could be seen or handle as a criminal (Akers Sellers, 2009). Also the
theory helps explain why a certain behavior is consider illegal and what punishment
needs to be taken for that behavior/conduct. To answer these questions, the theory
looks at the variables which are social, economic, and economic which has it affects
on law and justice (Akers Sellers, 2009). For theories of crime and criminal behavior
it tries to answer the question of why there is a difference of group rating on crime
and deviance. Also, why are some people able to commit criminal verses others
(Akers Sellers, 2009)? The first question is Macro level, so it looks at if social,
economics, cultural factors, structures, and factors affects it. Then the second
question that was mention is micro level because instead of looking at a group it is
looking at a individual and its interactions/intrapersonal factors (Howell Chapter 1
slides, 2015).
For social structure theories it is crime that looks at the group difference which is
Macro level. The predictors are societal forces and cultural factors (Howell Chapter
1 slides, 2015). In this theory people are in different groups and so is the crime rate
that is different in these groups. The differences is due to the predictors that affects
it. Process theory is the micro level that focus on the individual behavior. Even
through; people are place into different
The Character of Mrs. Mallard in The Story of an Hour by...
The Character of Mrs. Mallard in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin In The
story of an Hour, Kate Chopin reveals the complex character, Mrs. Mallard, In a
most unusual manner. THe reader is led to believe that her husband has been
killed in a railway accident. The other characters in the story are worried about
how to break the news to her; they know whe suffers from a heart condition, and
they fear for her health. On the surface, the story appears to be about how Mrs.
Mallard deals with the news of the death of her husband. On a deeper level, however,
the story is about the feeling of intense joy that Mrs. Mallard experiences when she
realizes that she is free from the influences of her husband and the consequences of...
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She noticed the there were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the
clouds . The other characters in the story have one impression of Mrs. Mallard; she
seems to have reacted to the terrible news as one would expect, but the reader is
aware that a distinct change has come over her.
The story unviels its theme at this point: Mrs. Mallard, for the first time in her life,
experiences a new found freedom. Instead of dreading the future without her
husband, she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come
that would belong to her absolutely . She could now live her life and be absolutely
free of the imposing will of her husband: There would be no one to live for her
during the coming years; she would live for herself. There would be now powerful
will bending hers in the blind persistence with which men and women believe they
have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow creature.(15)
Mrs. Mallard had, in that brief moment of illumination (15), stumbled upon a truth:
she was now her own person, free from the confines of her husband. She had loved
her husband, sometimes (15), but that didn t matter: What could love ....count for in
the face of theis possession of self assertion which she suddenly recognized as the
strongest impulse of her being! THE theme of the story unfolds at this point: Mrs.
Mallard, through the death of her husband, is able to experience the joy of the
Micro Economics Essay
Here is a company s cost data:
|Output |FC |VC |TC |MC |ATC |AVC |
|1 |100 |30 |130 |0 |130 |30 |
|2 |100 |70 |170 |40 |85 |35 |
|3 |100 |120 |220 |50 |73,3 |40 |
|4 |100 |170 |270 |50 |67,5 |42,5 |
|5 |100 ... Show more content on ...
At this price, the company would make a total of 400 units.
How much profit would it make?
In this case, the company would make a profit of:
Profit: TR TC
TR: P * Q = 60 * 400 = 24 000
TC: ATC * Q = 67,5 * 400 = 27 000
Profit: 24 000 27 000 = 3 000
Compare the market structures of perfect competition and monopolistic competition.
What are the main differences?
Monopolistic competition differs from perfect competition in the fact that
production does not take place at the lowest possible cost. Because of this, firms are
left with excess production capacity. Monopolistic competition is a type of
competition within an industry where all firms produce similar substitutable
products, all firms are able to enter the industry, all firms are profit maximizers and
finally where all firms have some market power, which means none of them are
price takers. Whereas perfect competition is a market structure where all the firms
have to follow those five criteria: sell identical products, be price takers, have small
market share, buyers have full knowledge, freedom of entry and exit.
Choose an industry with various producers. Draw a positioning map for these
companies and explain how they differentiate their products.
I choose the chocolate industry because it is an industry where they a lot of different
brands and different producers too. The
When Harry Met Sally
The reviewers understand that the dialogue enhances the advancement of plot and
character depth. For example, before this movie, dozens of years had passed since
the adult romantic comedy was in vogue, but When Harry Met Sally changed the
trend. The film achieves this best by maintaining the focus on the relationship
between the two title characters, never wandering off on unwelcome tangents. This
is mainly because of the dynamics of the two character and how they their
relationship with one another grows. Harry and Sally do, for a good portion of the
film, have a strong platonic bond. They are the only friends in the film who talk about
subjects other than romance. They joke about dead people s apartments, talk in silly
accents, and do
Master Of Business Administration At New York Institute
Introduction: I am Nilesh Patil, studying Master of Business Administration at
New York Institute of Technology, Vancouver. My bachelor is Electronics
Engineering at India. I was born and raised in Maharashtra in the central part of
India. I have one sister. May family is well settled and educated. I came to Canada
for my masters. Currently I am in Vancouver. I love traveling, hiking and specially
visiting new places with friends. I have seen lot of places in India. I came to
Canada in may 2015, from that time I have visited different places in Canada i.e.
Banff, Victoria, Lake Louise etc. Mission: To find happiness, fulfillment and values
in living. I will try to experience all the enjoyment and pleasure that life will offer to
me. My core values are not limitations restraining me on this hedonistic quest for fun.
Rather they give framework for identifying; pursuing and achieving those pleasure
that last for the longest time. To achieve success in long term business and to sustain
in competitive business world effectively and efficiently in global environment and
creation of reputation in the world. Goals: Restructuring priorities Volunteer your
time Identifying values and stick to them which are helpful for me Live up to date
More organized with daily activities and developing strong managerial skills Pick up
and learn new skills as well as techniques Good leadership, teamwork and
communication skills Objectives: To understand
The First World War I
Nadia Jahnecke
Mrs. Schartner
U.S. History 2 AP/IB
19 October 2015
Unit 3 Notebook Essay
The First World War fought from 1914 to 1918 was one of the largest and most brutal
catastrophes fought in the 20th century. With nearly the entire European continent
fighting a barbaric and everlasting war, the U.S. had eventually to get involved in
order to reinitiate stability to Europe. Ultimately, the U.S. taking involvement in
World War Ihad a profound political, economic, and social impact on the country. It
increased government powers and solidified the nation s leadership role in foreign
politics. The U.S. emerged as the world s greatest industrial power with increasing
financial opportunities for minorities. At the same time anti immigrant and anti
communist sentiments arose among many American citizens. And finally the war
contributed to the massive migration of African Americans from the Southern to
Northern states looking for employment and freedom and, first time allowed women
to participate in jobs that were traditionally reserved for men.
Initially, U.S. politicians and citizens had differing opinions of whether or not they
should take action in the war. Although many in society and congress disapproved
war, Wilson eventually managed to get the approval and set forth the first drafting
law, the Selective Service Act. Indeed, there were still many anti war protests
reoccurring and therefore, the government set up the nation s first propaganda
agency, the Committee on
Apollo 8 Facts
10 Facts about Apollo 8
1. The Second Human Spaceflight:
Apollo 8 was the second human spaceflight. The first human spaceflight was
launched by the Soviet Union on April 12, 1961. Apollo 8 was launched on
December 21, 1968. It was the first human mission, in which the spacecraft left the
Earth s orbit. It was the first manned mission to orbit the moon.
2. The Astronauts:
There were three astronauts aboard Apollo 8: Commander Frank Borman, Command
Module Pilot James Lovell, and Lunar Module Pilot William Anders. They were the
first humans to see Earth as a whole planet, first humans to see Earthrise, and the first
to see the far side of the moon. The crew orbited the moon, but did not actually land
on the moon.
3. The Good Book:
On Christmas ... Show more content on ...
One of the tasks performed by the Apollo 8 crew was to photograph the moon s
surface, make visual observations about the moon. Many photographs were taken
during the orbit around the moon. These photographs were used to update existing
maps and charts. Many of the photographs are in black and white. The reason for this
is that the resolution and clarity of the black and white photos was better than that of
color photographs.
7. The Spacecraft:
Apollo 8 was very similar to Apollo 7. The main difference was that the forward
pressure and ablative hatches were replaced by a combined forward hatch. Also,
there were couches added for the comfort of the crew. There was no lunar module on
Apollo 8; however, there was a test module was mounted that was similar in mass to
the lunar module. This was done to verify that the lunar module could be stabilized
for travel on future explorations.
8. Testing. Testing.
What Is The Thesis For The Laramie Project
Laramie s Wake Up Call
Thesis Statement
In San Francisco State University s Theatre and Dance company production of The
Laramie Project, a cast of eighteen people who collectively encompass the
community of Laramie, Wyoming, effectively portraying how an act motivated by
hate and intolerance will shake up a small city s innocence and order.
The name of the play I saw is called The Laramie Project.
The authors of the play The Laramie Project is written by the members of The
Tectonic Theatre Project and Moises Kaufman.
The SFSU School of Theatre and Dance is the company presenting The Laramie
I saw the play at the Little Theater on the San Francisco State University campus.
I saw The Laramie Project on October 19, 2017, at 7:30 ... Show more content on ...
A moment that struck a chord for me was towards when he said that he would grant
Aaron life in memory of Matthew. This moment was memorable because it did
create a sense of pleasure that choosing to deny Aaron the death penalty, was one of
the first steps of the healing process.
The Event as Theater
The Laramie Project is, in fact, a theater according to our formal class definition.
The play was in fact scripted, not made up on the spot. I witnessed the play live
because there was an exchange between the actors and the audience. Also, the
actors impersonated characters or people from Laramie and the Laramie Project.
An example of impersonation in The Laramie Project would be Doc O Connor,
who was the limo driver who drive Matt to gay bars. Doc introduced who he was to
the audience and shared the first interaction between Matt and him, describing his
small stature and first impression. The audience was fully aware who each person
was during the play. In addition, theatre is an art form. The play is also work
because it already has a determined outcome. All in all, The Laramie Project requires
performance which is executed because the actors performing take on the activity of
performing, allowing the audience to observe their
Themes Of The Snows Of Kilimanjaro And The Short
Themes Over Come from Hemingway s experiences or Thoughts
How can Hemingway make the themes in the books based on his experiences and
thoughts? Hemingway writes the books based on his experiences and thoughts like
men and masculinity from a character to showing his self confidence or beliefs,
death from meaningless of life, fatalistic heroism like the character, Schatz from the
book, A Day s Wait and nature from the leopard s skeleton in mountain and hunting
the buffalo in safari (Africa) in The Snows of Kilimanjaro and The Short Happy Life
of Francis Macomber or other books. Hemingway puts the meaningful themes and
symbols through his experience and thoughts.
There are major important themes in Hemingway s books. First, men and ... Show
more content on ...
Another character in The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber , which is Robert
Wilson. He doesn t have better body shape than Francis Macomber, but he shows his
confidence of hunting from his clothes and skill. In addition, Hemingway is referring
himself to Robert Wilson which is handsome, and a real man. Robert Wilson wore
with the four big cartridges held in loops where the left breast pocket should have
been, at his brown hands, his old slacks, his very dirty boots and back to his red
face again (Hemingway 122), but Francis Macomber was dressed in the same sort
of safari clothes that Wilson wore except that his were new (Hemingway 122). The
two different way of clothes describe to showing their confidence of hunting skills,
so Wilson is wearing safari clothes even it is not brand new, but it shows the
confidence of his hunting skill while Francis is wearing the brand new safari
clothes, it shows that he is not that confident of his hunting skill. Another book, A
Day s Wait shows the theme of men and masculinity from looking a very sick and
miserable boy of nine years (Hemingway 34). He gets flu with 102 degrees Fahrenheit
. He is seemed very detached from what was going on (Hemingway 34), because he
comes from France, so he doesn t know that United States uses the
Alexander The Great Royal Tapestry
For my museum experience I went to the Getty in Los Angeles. I ended up going
around noon this past Sunday on April 10th because of my awesome time
management skills (I m a huge procrastinator). I was supposed to go with Katie,
Sachy, and Victoria as a group, but they re fake so we all ended up going at
different times.Victoria and Sachy had already gone to a museum over spring
break so Katie and I were going to go to the Getty together but that ended up not
happening because her mom is also fake so I went by myself; she ended up going
to the LACMA that day. Oh and I saw on snapchat that Luis, the class overachiever,
was at the Getty but I was too busy being a huge nerd and looking at all the touristy
sites, so we didn t get to meet up. I... Show more content on ...
The heavy usage of gold around the frame is used to make Alexander the Great
seem even more noble than he already is. The usage of gold on the frame like
device also gives this painting a more sophisticated look. Equally important, like I
touched on earlier, the position of the human figures in this painting also play an
important role in making this historical event biased. The human bodies are
clustered and below Alexander the Great s eye level to show dominance and
authority. The Getty also mentions that the text near the bottom of the painting in the
cartouche translates to It is for a king to vanquish himself which includes King
Louis XIV. Other hidden symbols that reference King Louis XIV are the Latin
motto of King Louis XIV in the side and top borders which translate to Not Unequal
to many [tasks] (The Getty) and the crossed L s at the top to represent King Louis
XIV symbol. This demonstrates the artist s bias towards representing this historical
Individuals with Mental Disorders
Many groups of people have experienced disenfranchisement over the years. Some
groups included people suffering in political prisons to the of abusement towards
the elderly people all over the world. The mentally ill are a part of this vast group
of people. Mental illness is any disease of the mind and also the psychological state
of someone who has emotional or behavioral problems that are serious enough to
require psychiatric intervention. People with different mental disorders are given
different kinds of medical care, given different treatment by everyday people, and
are put into hospitals which is like living in hell. (NY Daily News). Today, people
with different mental disorders are given various kinds of medical care. It requires...
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Jails, at the time, are the only place that the mental can go right now because they
can not say no to anyone; therefor, the mentally ill are being dropped on the front
step without any kinds of treatments and now have to deal with a criminal record.
Some states allow police officers to come into a person home and escort them to a
jail if they have been reported as mentally ill. These patients are treated badly
because they are running out of places to be put. The living conditions in mental
hospitals are not very clean. New York Daily News reported that psychiatric
hospitals are like living in hell (NY Daily News). The group interviewed Arthur
Swafford after his visit to Kings County Hospital last year when he was looking
for help. He described how he slept, telling about the rodent infested floors in the
very overcrowded ward. The bathrooms were covered with smears of feces and
guards kept order by abusing any patient that dared go out of line. President of
Health and Hospitals Corp., Alan Aviles, admitted that he knew about the
overcrowdedness but said that the lawsuit as greatly inaccurate along with
irresponsible. Swafford also explained about the lack of beds. I ended up sleeping on
the floor with a sheet by a water fountain that was leaking. I m seeing mice run
across and around the room, he explained. I saw officers take a billy
Broadcasting and Society
What Impact is the DVR Having on the Advertisers? Steven Joseph Spayer
November 12, 2014 BC 323 Section IC2 Broadcasting and Society Professor: Dr.
Roger Sadler Western Illinois University
Introduction As technology changes in the communication environment, the impact
is felt in the advertising field. In case advertisers fail to adapt as well as monitor the
changes being witnessed field of technological communication, they face the threat of
losing millions of funds, which they direct to ineffective advertising spending. The
DVR (digital video recorder) is one of the major revolutions in technology that
advertisers should familiarize themselves with to ... Show more content on ...
With the tremendous advancements being realized in DVR technology therefore, it
is appropriate for the advertisers to device strategies that will help them identify both
the threats and opportunities that this device presents. Review of Literature Any
form of advertising situation offers both opportunities and threats in order for the
advertisers to attain their goals. Communication goals through advertising aim at
boosting recall of the brand, sales increase, and attaining the target audience. In order
for the advertisers to develop effective advertising strategies, they should put into
consideration two vital factors. These include considering communication strategies
that can help them reach their target audience and understand the how the audience
behaves while using the mass media. All other strategic decisions that the advertisers
make are dependent on a thorough understanding of these two major forces
(Hendricks, 2010). By embarking on theoretical frameworks, it is possible for
advertisers to understand these two major factors and help to analyze as the
opportunities and threats presented by DVR use. With the emergence of new
technology, the behavior of the audience with respect to ways in which they use the
mass media changes on a constant basis. In this case, experts stipulate that the DVR
have the potential of altering the manner in which
Faloo s Illegal
The book Illegal, may be a fiction story, but contains many real life examples of
true and famous conflicts taken place in the world. While one of the many
conflicts in the country of Zantoroland where Keita runs from, the biggest issues is
the race divide between the Faloo and Kano people. The minority, the Faloo are
given more powerful jobs, and higher education. While the Kano, are very poor
and live in bad conditions unlike the Faloo, yet are the majority. The kano believe
they deserve more power and that Faloo s are an abomination in their country and
don t deserve what they have. This ethnic conflict very much resembles the 1994
Rwandan genocide in which the Faloo s represent the Tutsi and the Hutus the Kano.
Due to Hutu s resembling more strong African features such as big noses and
normal height, British rulers in charge of Rwanda, favored the Tutsi s more as they
are tall, skinny and look more European in comparison. Tutsis were given better jobs
and standard of life while they were the minority, enraging the Hutu population, who
was less educated in broader terms and wanted their country to be theirs s. The long
ethic divide lead to Hutus murdering their... Show more content on ...
She speaks of the countries conflicts after the character talks about his happy,
normal family which reflects what we learnt about a one side story that often is
expected in African literature. Kieta s life growing up and home life are shown as
the best times of his life, even thought he was neither rich or poor, he was happy.
This is a very different angle used by authors to describe a potential genocide, and
war. He shows a relatively mundane family, everyone can relate the novel, not just
Kieta s in. She also speaks about the world more than I ve ever seen in a fiction book.
Every main conflict and incident is heavily detailed reflecting real world
Office Assistant Assignment
For the last eight months I have been a student employee at the Finch Henry Job
Corps Center in Batesville, Mississippi. Job Corps is a residential training facility
funded by the United States Department of Labor and operated by MINACT, Inc. I
enrolled in the program to achieve my high school diploma and skills that would
help me get a good paying job. There are eight vocational trades offered at Finch
Henry. I choose the Office Assistant program because I thought it was best fit for
long term goals.
One of the projects for the Office Assistant Program is research using LMI (Labor
Market Information) and Internet Resources. Using these resources I was able to find
information about educational requirements, duties and certifications, salary and
benefits, employment predictions, and chances for advancement in the business field.
An Office Assistant should have at least an Associate s Degree but in reality needs
very little formal education. I plan to ... Show more content on ...
The Job Outlook or LMI shows that the predicted increase in the job market for an
Office Assistant is 12% for the next ten years. The salary is between $19,284.00
and as much as $37, 845 a year. More can be earned with education and training.
Office Assistants can work in most all businesses. I plan to seek employment in
one or more of the specialized fields. I may enter the military which has many jobs
in the office field. Businesses like medical offices have assistants, law offices need
typist, office managers are needed, and clerks are needed in many businesses. The
chance for advancement in the office is good. You have to keep up with technology,
new software, and types of communications. Most office workers use smart phone
and tablets to communicate. You, as an office assistant, must be aware of the latest
advancements in technology and software. By doing my research, getting the right
education, and working hard, I can be a successful business
A Brief Note On Legislation And When The National
Its important to understand that Reports are linked to Legislation and then are
linked to relevant Policies. Before the National Health Service (NHS) came into
force in 1948, there was the Poor Law which was introduced in 1601 and was paid
for by imposing property taxes. In 1834 the Poor Law Amendment Act was
brought in and was designed to reduce the cost of looking after the poor, and to
encourage poor people to work. In 1942 Sir William Beveridge unveiled the
Welfare Foundations, the plan offered care to all from birth through to death. The
NHS was established as a result of the 1944 White Paper. The 1946 NHS Act came
into effect on the 5th July 1948, and was founded by Health Secretary Aneurin
Bevan. 1962 saw the publication of the Porritt Report, which raised concerns about
the NHS being separated into three parts hospitals, general practices and local health
authorities. Enoch Powell s 1962 Hospital Plan approves the development of district
The Objective Of Loss Mitigation
The objective of loss mitigation is to return the loan to a performing status with
minimum economic loss. If it is determined that the loan cannot return to a
performing status, then it is the objective to liquidate the loan for maximum value
and minimal loss.
The Default Operations Department is part of the RCS Loss Mitigation Department,
and work together with the other Loss Mitigation Departments to prevent a loan from
going into a foreclosure status whenever possible. They play a key role in this
process by providing the following services:
Provide manual Pre Foreclosure and Post Foreclosure reviews of loans, before
foreclosure a sale can occur.
U.S. Treasury reporting for the Loss Mitigation Department.
Review and identify all ... Show more content on ...
Please refer to the Default Operations Policies for additional information.
Department Oversight
The Default Operations department falls under servicing operations. The Default
Operations Manager oversees the day to day operations.
Inter departmental Interactions
Call Center / Collections Department
Handles inbound and outbound customer service and collection calls with borrowers.
Loss Mitigation
Works with borrowers to determine if there is a modification option instead of
Works with borrowers to set up in flight modifications per the transfer analyst
Completes all final review of modifications.
Reviews all modification appeals by borrowers. Inter departmental Interactions
Loan Administration Departments
Payoff Department responds to payoff requests from borrowers.
Customer Relations is responsible for reviewing incoming written Qualified Written
Requests correspondence within appropriate timelines.
Payment Processing Department
Posts all borrower s funds correctly to the account per instructions.
Foreclosure Department
Reviews all paperwork, notes and loan status before moving forward on a foreclosure
Manages interactions with attorneys to move the foreclosure forward.
Raskolnikov Allegory
In multiple locations within the novel, Raskolnikov alluded to the concept that he
felt as if he had very little control of the direction in which his life was proceeding.
At one point, prior to entering his victim s apartment, Raskolnikov thought that he
suddenly felt with his whole being that he no longer had any freedom either of
mind or of will, and that everything had been suddenly and finally decided
(Dostoevsky 62). This fate that Raskolnikov continuously recognized and
experienced was revealed to readers by Dostoevsky through the strategic utilization
of light and dark imagery as well as a significant, religious allegory. In relation to the
specific imagery, Raskolnikov appeared to be lead by light towards performing
altruistic deeds,
The Fall Of Okonkwo In Chinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart
The Fall of Okonkwo As Charles Darwin, famous naturalist, once stated, It is not
the strongest of the species that survives nor the most intelligent. It is the one that
is most adaptable to change. In the novel, Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe,
Okonkwo, the main character, is a very wealthy man best known for his talent is a
wrestler, however, Okonkwo is unable to adapt to the new religion and cultural
change that the British bring to his tribe in Africa. Despite being thought of as a
strong, powerful man, Okonkwo s various weaknesses and inability to adapt to
change ends up being his demise. Okonkwo is so focused on being the most
successful man he can that he ignores all of the advice he is given about his
weaknesses. Because Okonkwo s... Show more content on ...
Okonkwo s main goal in his life is to earn as many titles as he can throughout his
lifetime. As a young adult, Okonkwo was clearly cut out for great things ... He was
a wealthy farmer and he had two barn full of yams, and had just married his third
wife. To crown it all he had taken two titles and had shown incredible prowess in
two inter tribal wars (8). Okonkwo believes that his great success at a young age
will make him happy, but when another religion and culture is introduced to his
tribe his hard work means nothing. When Okonkwo returns from being banished
from his clan for seven years he is disgusted with the fact that, He had lost the
chance to lead his warlike clan against the new 3religion, which, he was told, had
gained ground. He had lost the years in which he might have taken the highest titles
in the clan (171). Okonkwo is heartbroken after his return to his tribe because he
knew that his religion is dying and there is nothing he can do about it. Okonkwo
also knows that the death of his religion and culture means all of his hard work as a
child meant nothing, and these thoughts lead Okonkwo to kill himself due to his
immense fear of
Tall Is Tall
The place I am thinking of is tall, but not too tall. Tall enough to make you look up
at the ceiling and question whether or not you could jump high enough to touch
that glimmer hanging from above. Tall enough to let you gaze over the brick
covered stones on the walls and the paint covered ceilings. Tall enough that you
begin to examine how each brick is put into place and if someone would survive
the drop from the highest point. This place is open and allows you to think freely.
The air captured inside has room to move and to sway past each individual. The tall
building allows for the air to reach each person and guide them into the next
compelling room. Though it is quite tall it is not tall enough to make things
complicated and by... Show more content on ...
They show you the person you want to be and that is a person that is triumphant and
full of ecstasy. Pictures begin to encompass around you and show you a different
visual than you saw before. You now see pictures of an ocean with a never ending
legacy. You see a family in one unity that is very happy to be in the presence of one
another. There is another picture of a sunset and it has all of the colors mentioned
before. It brings out a new horizon in you. You capture a different side of yourself
than you knew before. This place is enthralling yet questioning.
The voices all around you are different. There are sounds from young children crying
out in desperate need of someone to actually hear them and notice their presence.
There are sounds of laughter from individuals who feel the presence of something
unreal that encloses upon their body while the slowly drop to the ground. There
are the ones who are crying and they are doing so because they feel so vulnerable
and free. They feel free to breathe and escape the tormenting past they are trying to
leave behind. Then there are those who sit quietly and hum as the peace gusts over
their body like a never ending wind that continues to chill your heart and soul. Each
person holds a different story of their own and you hear it through their voices. You
know what one has been a part of through the anger cast from their mouth into the
open room. You can also hear the freedom from that pain as they go from a
Life Span Of The Apple, Banana, And Blueberries And...
The life span of the apple,banana,and blueberries and comparison The lifespan of an
apple is estimated from 2 to 4 weeks.There is no estimation for an apple that has
been cut in half. Apple are usually long lasting but there have been many cases
where they have little lifespan.Apples are not the most predictable in their life span
due to it s length from 2 to 4 weeks.
The lifespan of the banana is 2 to 9 days. The banana is a little more predictable in
the lifespan department because it is now lowered from weeks to days.This is due to
the banana being a fruit that is eaten in a short time after being bought. The lifespan
of the blueberry is 5 to 9 days. The blueberry has a lifespan that is better than the
banana but not by much.The blueberry has a short lifespan because of it bring so
Out of all the the foods the one that will last the longest is the apple having a 2 to 4
week lifespan,than the blueberry having a 5 to 9 day lifespan,and finally the
banana with a 2 to 9 day lifespan. There can be a chance that this could be
wrong.But there is more of a chance of this being the case. As seeing the dramatic
change from weeks to days.
The way that the numbers add up the order would be as followed apples the
longest,then the blueberries,and finally the bananas.The only change there could be
is that the banana last longer than the blueberries. But I don t think that apple s won t
last the longest due to them having a two times end date.
Rotting of food
Biological Weapons And Its Uses
Dating back to the 1100 s there have been records of the use of biological weapons
in warfare. This involved the usage of human and animal corpses to pollute water
sources and to spread diseases. Post World War One increased interest in biological
weapons lead to them becoming more advanced. With this improvement it is
evident that warfare has evolved. This progression in warfare can be seen when
looking at the manner in which wars were fought prior to the introduction of
biological weapons in the 1100 s, and comparing it to the manner in which they
were fought succeeding the advancement of these weapons in the 1900 s. Although
biological weapons have rarely been used, their effects on warfare are apparent.
When studying biological weapons one must deliberate on the factors that have
driven its use and creation as well as the responses and threats thereof. This essay
will therefore focus on depicting biological weapons and their uses throughout
history; beginning with its most medieval applications in siege warfare and
comparing it to its various uses in World War One, Japan in the 1920 s , the Cold War
and the Persian Gulf War. The reasons as to why biological weapons have been used
and created differ in each circumstance, ranging from its advantageousness in
imperialism to its role in instilling fear. Furthermore, to properly determine the
impact of biological weapons on warfare this essay will examine the outcomes of its
use. With the main response being the
Three Ways That Surplus Wealth Distribution
Carnegie believed there are three ways that surplus wealth distribution takes place.
He believed that money could either be left to the families of the decedents,
..bequeathed for public purposes, ..or it can be administered during their lives by
its possessors. (Carnegie, 24) In leaving it to the families, Carnegie compares it to
monarchial countries where money is given to the first son and by this are failed to
be taught ambition and hopes and dreams. Money given to public purposes when
passing away is ok but it does not allow the philanthropist to see the good being
accomplished by that person. Therefore, the best distribution of wealthto Carnegie is
the administration of it throughout their lives because they get to see the positive
Why Is Henry Ford Important
Have you ever wondered why we are able to produce so many products in such a
short period of time? Without Henry Ford our technology might be a few years
behind. Henry Ford s love for cars at a young age, his invention of assembly lines, and
his famous auto manufacturing company are what make him so important. Henry Ford
loved cars since he was young. He was born on July 30, 1863, in Michigan. Henry
first worked on his family s farm, however he didn t enjoy it. When he was sixteen
years old Henry went down a different path and got an apprenticeship as a
machinist. In those years he found his passion and learned how to work on steam
engines ( Henry Ford ). In 1913, Henry Ford installed the first ever assembly line. His
invention decreased
Was Cabeza De Vaca A Success Or A Failure
According to ( galisteo), in 1527 a
Spanish soldier Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca was appionted treasurer to
expedition of Panfilo de Narvaez to Florida. Cabeza de Vaca had many duties to
fulfill but particularly he was given the task to write an official report to inform
Emperor Charles V of the goals, achievements, and circumstances of the journey.
During the expedition there was a fault that consisted of the travelers getting lost
and losing contact with their ships, and only Cabeza de Vaca and three other
members returned to Spanish territory a decade later. One of his reports back to
Charles V was Cabeza de Vaca s experiences living amid the Native Americans for six
years and a half. Apparently, in
Social Anxiety And Emotional Intelligence Among Adults
Social Anxiety in Relation to Emotional Intelligence among adults
Several decades ago, researchers revealed new academic terms that is useful in
studying human behavior. Emotional intelligence and social anxiety concepts were
developed from social contexts in relation to psychology. The two concepts can be
studied consecutively with a correlation created between them. Emotional intelligence
can be defined as the capability to manage and identify individual emotions and those
of other people (Bhochhibhoya Branscum, 2015). On the other hand, Social anxiety is
defined as the fear of interacting with people that creates a feeling of self
consciousness or being negatively judged (Blackhart, Williamson, Nelson, 2015). In
other words, it can ... Show more content on ...
High social anxiety among adults is linked to poor self control or emotional
intelligence especially during interactions. Although the relationship between social
anxiety and emotional intelligence has been so far tested by few researchers, all of
them have agreed on the correlation. Therefore, the current study seeks clarify the
correlation between social anxiety and emotional intelligence among adults. Self
control is very important among adults in the society but not everyone has its
possession. It can be termed as poor or good depending on the degree of self control.
Social anxiety and emotional intelligence can be tested in a conversation where the
individuals engage each other in a natural environment (Blackhart, Williamson,
Nelson, 2015). It is important for adults to have self control while engaging in social
Emotions are considered one of the most important sources of information as well as
facilitate the processing of information among adults. Many psychologies researchers
have agreed on most roles of emotions in their interpretations guided by intelligence
in a social conversation. Furthermore, they agree that emotions influence the thought
system of an individual and that of other people as well as guide their actions. In
addition to that, social anxiety is a basic element of human behavior since it involves
the failures and successes related to emotional intelligence. The use of emotions
cannot be avoided especially in
The Tunnel By William Gass
Some people believe that lies will always be bitter in the end, no matter how sweet
you make them in the beginning. In William Gass The Tunnel, he expounds the
validity of this belief by taking the reader on an emotionally evolving journey, as he
recounts the self realization of a young boy, who s frightening lie unravels in front of
not only his own eyes, but also the readers. Gass successfully enriches this story with
striking imagery, symbolism, and comparisons; exposing how no matter how sweet
you make a lie in the beginning, it will always turn bitter in the end.
The first paragraph plays an imperative role in the excerpt, for it introduces the reader
to the emotional despondency of the boy. William Gass successfully strikes the
reader from the beginning, for his two word opening, lime slush (line 1), prompts
the reader to not only envisage a lime slush, but also taste its sugary sweetness.
However, the sweetness this imagery provides is short lasting, for they are soon
bombarded with countless caesuras, as he describes how slush is supposed to be
water. That s what slush is. It certainly isn t sherbet! It wasn t a nice green. And there
didn t seem to be that much of it. (lines 2 3). The disappointment that entrenches the
boy in these short but concrete statements, successfully introduces the reader to his
emotional bitterness, for not even the lime slush s sweetness can sweeten it. The
colour imagery does not stop there, for he describes how strawberry always
Danbury Connecticut Research Paper
The phrase mad as a hatter derives from a few places, one of them being the hat
shaping business of Danbury, Connecticut. The worker s jobs were to shape hats, and
they were being exposed to many toxic elements while doing so. After years spent
shaping hats, these workers began exhibiting signs of neurological damage stumbling,
slurred speech, and shaking that became known in the city of Danbury, Connecticut,
once the hat making capital of the world, as the Danbury Shakes (Belli 1). After many
years being around toxic materials, hat shapers in Danbury, Connecticut, started to
have epileptic seizures, diarrhea, nervous system damage and more. This was because
of all the mercury the hat shapers were unknowingly ingesting or coming into contact
Military Spending Definition
The neoclassical theorists have different opinions about the military spending and
economic wellbeing, and they perceive defense expenditure as a civic good that is
provided by the state. Therefore, the regime seems like a rational player, who tries to
capitalize on the interests of the state by balancing the security benefits and
opportunity costs of the military spending (Nincic, Miroslav, and Thomas 1979). The
supply side models of the monetary growth and military defence association within a
neoclassical theory normally derive from functions of whole production (Griffin,
Larry, Joel, Devine and Michael1982). Marxism believes that defense spending and
militarism is a social phenomenon that has historical characteristic, and they dwell
much... Show more content on ...
The results from the empirical studies demonstrated that there exists a positive link
between income military spending and income disparity. Vadlamannati (2008) also
examined income disparity and defense disbursements in the South Asian nations
using a panel data that was extracted from 1975 2005. The experimental results
demonstrated that the higher military spending causes increased income disparity
after adjusting the major institutional and macroeconomic variables. It is apparent
from the discoveries of the experiential literature are inconsistent whereby some get
the backing of the constructive connection between economic well being and military
spending while the rest do not. The explanations that bring about such varying results
may be attributed to the method applied, sample size, functional form used in
analysis, among other control variables (Nincic, Miroslav, and Thomas 1979). As
such, the empirical studies should be treated with the tested underpinning hypotheses
and other used conditioning
Dracula And Modern Perversions In Bram Stoker s Dracula
In comparison to modern perversions of the vampire genre, Bram Stoker s Dracula
was slower in progression, yet deeper in meaning. In modern interpretations of the
genre, such as Twilight, Vampire Diaries, and The Originals, which are all stories I
enjoyed, the plot progresses quickly and vampires are portrayed as redeemable.
Contrasting these stories, Draculaprogresses sluggishly with Stoker giving too much
information throughout the entire novel. Moreover, Count Dracula is seen as an
irredeemable, soulless monster. Since I was accustomed to modern perversions of the
genre, Dracula was extremely dull. At various points in the story, I expected stronger
plot development or suspense but the story lacked both. The climax of the plot is
reached when the story is nearly over, when the main characters decide to hunt down
Count Dracula. Due to the late climax, I was constantly expecting the story to climax
throughout my reading, yet it seemed like it would never come. Holistically, the story
lacked cohesion as the vast imagery and explanations of the character s internal
thoughts contributed nothing to the plot.
Despite the novel s plot s complete failure in interesting me, I was intrigued by
Stoker s style and story telling. I was constantly curious as to why Stoker was
revealing a vast amount of information about the scenery and internal feelings of each
character, while developing the plot so dully. Eventually, I came to the conclusion
that Stoker is attempting to use rich
Memory Vs Human Memory
1. The purpose of memory, whether it be in humans or machine, is to store
information for a period of time. Both human memory and the memory used in
artificial devices are capable of doing so but they differ in many ways; two
differences being discussed will be on how memory is encoded, and how memory is
There are endless stimuli in the world meaning we humans are constantly feeling,
hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching; at any given point in time, our brain is
working and processing this into our sensory memory. Information encoded in our
sensory memory will only last a very short amount of time (A few seconds sometimes
even shorter) before it is either forgotten or transferred to the next memory store,
short term (Also known as working memory). The main factor in whether information
is further retained to short term memory, is attention. The three main ways
information can be encoded is through visual, auditory, and semantic coding. Visual
coding enables information to be stored as pictures, auditory stored as sounds, and
semantic stored as meaning.
Memory encoding in machines can be stored as pictures and sounds but meaning is
exclusive to humans. Computer memory does not depend on attention; whatever is
captured/experienced by the machine will be encoded in the artificial device. Unlike
human memory, the information will not be forgotten if there is not enough attention
and will be stored; bringing us to our next difference.
The memory used in artificial devices uses complex systems such as primary
/secondary memory, RAM, caches, etc. However, machine memory can explained
described as black or white ; they either know something or they don t, and when
they do learn something they generally don t forget (Unless they re programmed to
do so).
This is where memory storage differs in the human system. As previously mentioned
information is stored in the short term/working memory with attention heavily
factoring it s retention. Now for information to stay in the active working memory, it
must rehearsed over and over. Once mental activity stops it is either forgotten or goes
further into the long term memory. The long term memory store is similar to memory
storage system in computers in the sense
Medea Alternate Ending
A laughter sounded behind her. So low that she took it for a fancy. But when
someone giggled by her feet Medea opened her eyes and stared down. A flower
had bloomed on the mound, the one she had never seen before, with a long green
stem and silver petals. And in the heart of the bloom a tiny creature lay, its eyes as
big as human teardrops, its body fragile and golden, its wings clear like ice.
Medea leaned over the flower. Who are you? she asked the creature, but received only
laughter. Fluttering effortlessly, the wings carried the tiny body into the air. She
settled on the lowest branch of the whitethorn tree and gave Medea another smile.
The witch smiled back.
Aos Si? she asked, and received a happy nod. Oh, but I have nothing to offer ... Show
more content on ...
But why? she moaned. Why won t they give it to you?
Because, Medea put her hand on Cassandra s shoulder, I don t need it.
The way her sisters looked at Medea made her chuckle. Yes, I don t need it, she
repeated. They gave me what I needed and it wasn t something that would cure my
leg. It was a reminder of how lucky I am for having seen this night and their dance.
Do you know how few people have had such a chance?
Ohh, Medea... Cassandra whimpered. I so whished this would work.
It worked. She hugged her sister, then pulled Electra closer and pressed them to her
chest. I am already perfect, because I am a part of them. We are fairies, born from the
Earth and blooming like the flowers of Beltane, carrying a piece of magic inside.
She became silent when the May wind blew from the north, and laughed when she
heard what it had to tell them.
Such a naughty wind, Electra giggled. Carrying gossips, as always.
Cassandra picked a drop of morning dew with her finger and placed it upon her lips.
And the summer will be warm, she said. It s a promise from above.
Laughing, the three witches stretched across the humid grass and looked into the new
Female Incarceration In Pride And Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, was written in perspective of the time era Jane
Austen grew up in. At a young age, Austen was subjected to this very conformed
society, where a suited woman was married into a family for money/estates. In an
article written about Austen s life, Jane Austen and the Province of Womanhood, by
Alison Sulloway, a precise background of why Jane Austenwrote pride and prejudice
is conveyed, and how it pertains to her life. In this article, she explains how Austen
was fully knowledgeable by her teen years on the value of women and their role in
society. She stated that women referred to their feelings as female incarceration , as
if they felt imprisoned. Jane Austen also discussed her family life, and how her...
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Jane Austen, the author of Pride and Prejudice, wrote this piece in satire of her
own life in which she grew up in. A society where you were told who to marry, and
you knew you were doing it for the money. This type of conformity is based on
marxism, or the analysis of social and class relations using a materialistic
interpretation. Elizabeth Bennet is a main character, a daughter, and a sister in
the book whom is trying to find a husband and a future estate. She breaks the
societal norm when she abruptly turns down a proposal from a man of much
fortune, Mr. Darcy, by saying, From the very beginning, from the first moment I
may almost say, of my acquaintance with you, your manners, impressing me with
the fullest belief of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain of the
feelings of others, were such as to form that ground work of disapprobation, on
which succeeding events have built so immovable a dislike; and I had not known
you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could
ever be prevailed on to marry (Ch. 34). In the article about Jane s life, the author
states, Feminine action is contracted by numberless difficulties, that there are no
impediments of masculine exertion (pg.2), in other words stating that a woman
almost never has a right to disapprove someone in the way Austen wrote of
Elizabeth to Darcy in his proposal. This proves that Austen was mocking the
normality, and trying to focus the reader on feminism (advocacy of women s rights),
and the resistance against conformity ( marxism ). Jane Austen also portrays
feminism through the character Lydia Bennet, another daughter/sister in the Bennet
family who needs to marry in order to find money and a place to live. During this era,
class was a big affair, in which it was highly scorned upon. In Sulloway s
It 240 Week 8 Disaster Plan Essay
XYZ Computers
When it comes to the company XYZ Computers the disaster recovery plan needs to
incorporate a lot of different questions that have to be answered before you can
implement whatever they want achieved. The main questions that are brought up
when assessing any question is, How do we fix this? What are the costs associated
with the plan presented? Another question that should be asked but often isn t, is
Can we anticipate this problem to help block it before it happens? From there
different categories should be implemented as manmade although not as common as
a natural disaster that will affect your system, it still needs to be considered. There
should also be a ranking system in the plan using two categories, these ... Show more
content on ...
The disaster scheme of the organization can be established on the RAID scheme of
information protection. For this it is significant to apprehend the RAID system in
detail then only we would be capable of comprehending how RAID level can be
used. RAID isn t a particular program it is actually the general categorizing of all
the different storage units that are used for the support of a lot of systems to
prevent loss of data that might occur during any kind of disaster. This can actually
blend the physical hard drives that a lot of people are very familiar with into one
logical sector by making use of specific software and hardware. . Hardware solutions
are mostly formulated to reveal themselves to the combined system as one hard drive,
and the operating system is incognizant of the technical operations. Software answers
are distinctively enforced in the operating system, and again would reveal the RAID
drive as one to applications.
There are three general types of RAID, these are as follows: reverberating,
replicating data to more than just a single disk, marking, which is the disserving of
data over more than a single disk. Finally there is error rectification, which is where
extra data is stored to permit issues to be observed and determined which the more
common term for this is error tolerance. Variant RAID levels make use of some of
these methods, relying on the system requisitions. The basic intentions of making use
of RAID are to enhance
Easter Jeep Safari Project Observation Report
If I was given the opportunity to have $10,000,000 to work on any project that I
would like I would start an organization that deals with multi use public lands. I
will start by giving some background on why this issue is so important to me, the
benefits it has for these towns that are closely located to the area in question, and
finally what this would do for generations to come. Since being a young kid till now
I ve spent many of our vacations in Moab, Utah. Moab is notoriously known for its
red rocks, hiking, mountain biking, and avid off road communities. My family and
friends fall into the last one; we have been building and modifying Jeeps to be able
to explore the extensive trail systems that sprawl a crossed the land surrounding
Moab.... Show more content on ...
I believe many of these areas need to be preserved for many generations to come. It
would be a terrible thing when something as iconic as the Delicate Arch was
destroyed. These are the things that we need to preserve for everyone to enjoy and
establishing National Parks have been useful. On the other side, much of this land
is enjoyed by people who are active in motor sports, mountain biking, and others
recreational activities that may have some impact on the environment. These
places are where I grew to truly understand the beauty of our world, met many
people with the same interest as I have, become closer as family and friends. All
these things have created such a strong bond with me and the outdoors that it has
actually led me to be more responsible for our world, things like cleaning up others
trash just so that we don t get a bad reputation so that we can preserve what we love
to do. I think letting people of future generations to go through the same bond and
understanding that we need to make an effort to preserve our lands while still being
able to use them for our personal recreation, whatever that might
The Potential Disasters of Colony Collapse Disorder
Honeybees are considered a keystone species because of the extremely important
role they play in supporting and pollinating a large variety of ecosystems. Human
beings are also reliant on the services that honeybees provide, and often use them
in commercial greenhouses and orchards to ensure proper pollination. Although
much research has been done to try and discover the cause of the dying bees, no
single factor has been determined. However, if the problem remains unsolved, it
could lead to disastrous economic an ecological changes. Colony Collapse
Disorder (CCD) is a strange phenomenon in which worker bees randomly disappear
from the hive. Few or no dead workers are found within the hives that worker bees
disappear from, and they are left with only a small cluster of bees with a live
queen. There have been many theories published about possible reasons behind the
loss of the worker bees, ranging from viruses, mites, pathogens, and insecticides all
the way to increased cellphone usage interfering with the bees immune system and
ability to navigate. Anatomy And Background Of Bees Honeybees (Apis mellifera)
have two sets of eyes, the ocelli and compound eyes. The ocelli consist of three
small eyes with dense lenses on the top of the bees head. These eyes are used to
detect light intensity, which helps them determine which way is up and down. The
second set, the compound eyes, consist of two eyes both with 6900 hexagonal cells,
called ommatidia, which allows the honeybee to
Symbolism In Melinda s Speak
Speak has a bunch of themes and symbols. A tree is what represents the main
character, Melinda. Melinda goes through a lot throughout her freshman year and
learns a lot with it. A tree grows and has its moments and that is what Melinda story
is life. The tree is a perfect way to represent her in the book and show how she deals
with school, her family, and her own daily problems she encounters. Why I think the
treerepresents her is because like every person we face battles and we need to
outgrow them sooner or later in our lives. In the beginning Melinda is in her abyss
and feels completely torn down by everything that has happened to her. On page 30
and 31 she can t seem to stop drawing dull and dark trees as if she s drawing exactly
Hyksos And Egyptian Civilizations
Topic B In the Nile Valley, Egyptian civilization flourished. Around 1800 B.C.E., the
Hyksos migrated to the Nile Delta in search of land and entrance to the delta. The
name, Hyksos, means rulers of the uplands and was given to them by the Egyptians.
With them, they brought methods of making bronze and modeling it into weapons
(Lecture Notes). They introduced the Egyptiansto the composite bow and horse
drawn chariots. Essentially, the Hyksos revolutionized Egyptian warfare. Once
they settled, they began to adapt the ways of the Egyptians. They worshipped
Egyptian deities and modeled their political structures after the Egyptians (McKay,
A History of World Societies, p.43). Though their migration was most likely
peaceful and gradual, they were later portrayed as dominating invaders (McKay, A
History of World Societies, p. 43). Similar to the Hyksos, the Aryans came to the
Indus Valley in search of fertile land. The Indus Valley was a large span of well
watered, heavily forested land, about ten to twenty times larger than Mesopotamia or
Egypt(Indus Valley Civilization, slide 3). The Aryans also compare to the Hyksos in
that they were advanced in military technology, such as bronze swords and spears,
two wheeled chariots, and horses (McKay, A History of World Societies, p. 65). The
Aryans differ, though, because they did not share these advances with the Harappan
people and instead used it against them. Still, their domination did not occur quickly.
The Aryans only came
Comparing Nietzsche s Vision Of Geothe
Many philosophers, throughout centuries of human existence, have deciphered, or at
least attempted tried to cast some light on to, our purpose. Consulting their findings
could give several answers on whether we should live to maximize our pleasure,
minimize our pain, avoid frustration or achieve greatness. In my own considerations,
though, sorting through the tumultuous noise and clutter of the world around me for
the some obscured or hidden meaning was not necessary. To me, the noise and
clutter is the meaning. I do not live for what is hidden; I live for what is all around
me. My experiences are not tools that assist me in find some truth. Rather, they are
the truth. In other words the Good in my life is, in fact, life in its entirety.... Show
more content on ...
1). Robert Kennedy warned against the pursuit of more in a 1968 campaign
speech, stating, we will find neither national purpose or personal satisfaction in the
mere continuation of economic progress, in endless amassing of worldly
goods...The gross national product includes the destruction of the redwoods and
the death of Lake Superior (as cited in De Graaf, Wann, Naylor, 2014, p. 128). The
gross national product is a flawed way of measuring the success of the economy
because it does not consider the harms and benefits of production; it measures
growth for growth s sake. In the same vein, the success of my personal life could
not be measured by quantity alone. Endlessly seeking more stuff would actively
impede me in many ways. It could put me in debt and hold me back from doing the
things I truly want to do. It would also be detrimental to society. Overconsumption is
not just an ill advise way to seek fulfillment, it actively hurts others and the world we
share. The authors of Affluenza advocate mindfulness in consumption,
recommending we pay full attention to the real benefits and costs of our purchases,
remembering the best things in life aren t things (Graaf, Wann, Naylor, 2014, p. 10).
They a simpler life, devoid of too many unnecessary material products, has more
benefits and less restraints than an elaborate and lavish lifestyle. Material
Itunes Marketing Analysis
Marketing Management
Midterm Paper
It was clearly specified not to include an introduction in this document, however, I
feel that adding the following words would strengthen the arguments in this
document. I have an IT background, I am not a programmer, but I have been working
in IT for the last 10+ years. All my life I have been a PC person and not a MAC
person, I have used MAC in some occasions but I always felt that PCs were more
user friendly. It is needless to describe how electronics have progressed and
invaded every aspect of our life now a days, we are all about gadgets, MP3 players,
GPS, Palm, email, web cam, web conferencing etc etc... Every day there is a new
invention that seduces us, and I am not immune ... Show more content on ...
7 Promotion
7 3.2 Competition Barriers
............................................................................................................. 8 4. strategic
perspective ............................................................................................................... 8
............................................................................................................. 9
1. 4C Stakeholders Analysis
Music lovers, media savvy computer savvy design conscious
Owners of the famous iPod who selected the APPLE product for its stylish design
who are already accustomed to building their play lists and enjoying them
anywhere and everywhere; this segment is considerably well off financially
speaking as the price of iPod is relatively higher than other MP3 players available on
the market back in 2003; However, to be noted: not all iPod owners are very
computer friendly or broadband owners, but, they have a high brand loyalty to
APPLE and they are quite keen on showing off their prized new toy (iPod) this
segment is probably the most valuable to APPLE as they create a lot of PR
Running Record Observation for a Preschooler Essay
Assignment method: Running record
Date of observation : October 18, 2012
Time of observation : 9:05 9:35
Setting : Observation took place in a classroom of Richmond Preschool . There
were 18 children who are 4 years old, 3 ECE teachers and 1 volunteer during this
Child s name : TomChild s age : 4 years old
Tom spins his jacket into the air and drops it on the floor. He picks up and hangs
on the hook under his name tag. He asks his mom to take out his indoor shoes from
the shoes rack. When his mom answers him to do himself, he walks to the rack and
take out his indoor shoes from the basket that has his name on. After he sits down on
the floor and changes the shoes, he put his outdoor shoes under ... Show more content
on ...
He lies down on his tummy and tries to look under to see where it goes. He
stretches his arm under the shelf and moves from left to right. He sits down and puts
it down on the floor as soon as he gets it out.
He sits down next to a teacher at the art table when she invites him for an art
activities by calling his name. He watches teacher s demonstration of the art work
without any moving. When she shouts, Go ahead , he says, What is this? as
picking one leaf up with fingers on the tray. He moves it on the green paper. He
picks up a stick, dip into a glue jar with a right hand while holding the jar with a left
hand. He taps the stick couple of times on the jar and scribbles on the paper up and
down. When the paper tumbles a little bit, he holds the tip of the paper with the other
hand firmly not to move. He puts down the stick next to the glue jar, picks up dry
leaves and places them on the glue part of his paper. He taps his pointy finger on
the table couple of times and grabs some more leaves and pastes them on the paper.
He says, I am done. and moves toward a drying shelf with his art work on his two
hands. He places it between shelves carefully. He dips his hands into the bucket
filled with water next to the art table couple of times and dries with a towel.
He goes back to the carpet area where he played before. He watches a toy hamster on
the floor and his friend s face one each time and grabs the dog he played with before.
He drops it

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Short Term And Long Term Goals Essay

  • 1. Short Term And Long Term Goals Essay Embarking on the task of writing an essay on the theme of "Short Term and Long Term Goals" can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. This topic requires a careful examination of one's aspirations, strategic planning, and the ability to articulate a clear and cohesive narrative. The difficulty lies not only in defining and distinguishing short-term and long-term goals but also in presenting them in a compelling and logical manner. To begin with, articulating personal goals demands self-reflection and a deep understanding of one's ambitions. Expressing these aspirations in writing requires a delicate balance between sincerity and professionalism. Clearly outlining the short-term objectives, which often serve as stepping stones toward larger, long-term aspirations, necessitates careful consideration of one's present circumstances and the immediate future. Furthermore, addressing the long-term goals introduces an additional layer of complexity. Communicating a vision that spans an extended period requires foresight and the ability to connect the dots between the short-term milestones and the ultimate objective. Striking the right tone and maintaining coherence throughout the essay is essential to engage the reader and convey a sense of purpose. Moreover, the challenge lies in avoiding clichГ©s and generic statements that might dilute the impact of the essay. A successful essay on short-term and long-term goals should not only present a clear roadmap but also offer insights into the motivation behind these aspirations. This demands a level of introspection that can be both time-consuming and emotionally taxing. In conclusion, crafting an essay on short-term and long-term goals is a demanding task that necessitates a careful blend of introspection, planning, and effective communication. However, overcoming these challenges can result in a powerful piece that not only communicates personal ambitions but also showcases the writer's ability to articulate and pursue a purposeful path. If you find yourself needing assistance in navigating this intricate process, various resources, including professional writing services, are available to provide guidance and support. [Note: The mention of at the end is not an endorsement. It's essential to approach such services cautiously and ensure they adhere to ethical standards.] Short Term And Long Term Goals EssayShort Term And Long Term Goals Essay
  • 2. Pros And Cons Of The Legal Drinking Age Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) laws are defined as the legal age when an individual can purchase and publicly consume alcoholic beverages. The MLDA in the United States is currently 21 years and this has sparked quite a bit of controversy about lowering or even raising the MLDA. However, prior to the law being passed ,the National Minimum Drinking Age Actof 1984, the legal age when alcohol could be purchased varied from state to state. Approximately 1 in 4 students report academic problems from drinking, including skipping class, falling behind in class, doing bad on exams or papers, and receiving poor grades overall. In 2008, public health researchers conducted a poll in over 100 college campuses to determine if university presidents approved of the current Minimum Legal Drinking Age or MLDA law. They were appalled when majority of them announced their opposition to the legal drinking age of 21 and wanted it lowered to 18, Some felt that the law is counterproductive and drives students to binge drinking. However, most evidence shows the exact opposite. Based on research by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, more than 900 lives are saved in a year because of fewer alcohol related accidents involving underage drunk drivers. Unsurprisingly, the current law actually does deter underage people from drinking until their 21st birthday. More important, many youth who choose to drink do so less frequently, and with less intensity, than they would
  • 3. Black Blood Research Paper The black blood or as others may call it the black gold, scientifically known as crude 1 oil is the world s power leader fuel. The world now devours 85 million barrels of oil for each day, or 40,000 gallons for each second, the request is becoming exponentially. Oil creation in 33 out of 48 out nations has now topped, including Kuwait, Russia and Mexico. Worldwide oil creation is currently additionally drawing closer an untouched crest and can conceivably end our Industrial Civilization. The most recognized and noticeable geologists, oil industry specialists, vitality investigators and associations all concur that enormous inconvenience is fermenting. The world is not coming up short on oil itself, yet rather its capacity to deliver top ... Show more content on ... These nations have the least creation costs for oil as the majority of despite everything them have the modest, simple oil promptly accessible. They are however ready to utilize calculates, for example, fracas some petro states as reasons to trek oil costs. This gives them immense net revenues. Subordinate countries obviously can t protest this as they have no other decision yet to buy from this cartel. It in this manner takes after that these countries would offer anything to keep the world economy reliant on oil. A touch of terrible news for the cartel however was the advancement of fracturing or Hydro breaking. This is a term used to portray the procedure of blending water with some sand and chemicals and after that compelling it into a well at high weight. This prompts the cracking of the stone that stores oil in it, making it simpler for the gas to stream out. Nations like the US and Canada who are coming up short on modest oil yet at the same time have stores of the costly sort, have swung to
  • 4. Essay on Modern and Post-Modernism Architecture There is often some confusion when people start talking about the post modernism and modernism in architecture in terms of their philosophical terminology differences. Modern architecture is known for its minimalism (Linder, 2004); buildings were functional and economical rather than comfortable and beautifully decorated. The post modernismarchitecture, however, is called a neo eclectic, significantly assuming the role of a regeneration of period styles for designing houses, and a never ending variety of forms and characteristics, asymmetrical designs for commercial buildings (Fullerton Heritage, 2008). An example of these two polar opposites, Less is more made by Mies van der Rohe in 1928 (Blake, 1976) and Less is a bore made by... Show more content on ... Although, most post modernist architects had been associated with modern architects in terms of training during the twentieth century, they refused most their teachers ideas. In addition, today s architects cannot deny the modern architecture ways of designing any building. Their design, for instance, has many philosophical meaning such as constructional, environmental, sociological, commercial and metaphorical meaning. The main difference between these two schools is that the architects point of view to any design as a means of communication (Chan, 1997). Modern architecture, for example, focus on the aesthetics of architectural language, while post modernity adjust in constant effort to achieve what is more than unity and focus on the traditional concepts, therefore both schools are in competition with each other. Second basic principle of modern school is the production beauty by basic technology (Chan, 1997), and this led to a contradiction on the post modernism architects being attempted to use primitive technology. Their particular case is to access and change the impact of the traditional architecture through all people. Therefore, to achieve this goal they have addressed the issues of beauty and technology within the general concept of the design. Despite different thoughts on the features of post modernism definition, it is clearly seen that people ,who are interested in beauties, are
  • 5. False Memory And False Memory A. Introduction This study was in the cognitive approach to psychology, which focuses on the way people process information. It looks at how people process the information they receive and how the treatment of this information leads to their responses. The main area of cognitive psychology being studied is memory, which refers to processes and structures involved with storing and retrieving information. The theory of reconstructive memory and false memory is the focus of the experiment. False memory is a mental experience that is mistakenly taken to be a veridical representation of an event from one s personal past (Johnson, 2001). Factors which prompt the formations of false memory are misattribution of the original source of information. One experiment which explained the theory of False Memory was conducted by Roediger McDermott in 1995. The aim of the study was to replicate James Deese s observations of false memory and find the it s existence in a free recall task. The participants were 36 undergraduate students at Rice University. The independent variable was the addition of critical lures and random words and the dependent variable was the participant s ability to recall the correct studied words. The results were calculated by finding the mean probability of recall of studied words (65), and of excluded words (.40). They concluded that categorically similar words, were recalled at the same rate as those presented. The participant s actions agreed with these
  • 6. Theories Of Law And Justice Essay #1 Theories of law and justice answers the questions on how/ why in society a person behavior could be seen or handle as a criminal (Akers Sellers, 2009). Also the theory helps explain why a certain behavior is consider illegal and what punishment needs to be taken for that behavior/conduct. To answer these questions, the theory looks at the variables which are social, economic, and economic which has it affects on law and justice (Akers Sellers, 2009). For theories of crime and criminal behavior it tries to answer the question of why there is a difference of group rating on crime and deviance. Also, why are some people able to commit criminal verses others (Akers Sellers, 2009)? The first question is Macro level, so it looks at if social, economics, cultural factors, structures, and factors affects it. Then the second question that was mention is micro level because instead of looking at a group it is looking at a individual and its interactions/intrapersonal factors (Howell Chapter 1 slides, 2015). For social structure theories it is crime that looks at the group difference which is Macro level. The predictors are societal forces and cultural factors (Howell Chapter 1 slides, 2015). In this theory people are in different groups and so is the crime rate that is different in these groups. The differences is due to the predictors that affects it. Process theory is the micro level that focus on the individual behavior. Even through; people are place into different
  • 7. The Character of Mrs. Mallard in The Story of an Hour by... The Character of Mrs. Mallard in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin In The story of an Hour, Kate Chopin reveals the complex character, Mrs. Mallard, In a most unusual manner. THe reader is led to believe that her husband has been killed in a railway accident. The other characters in the story are worried about how to break the news to her; they know whe suffers from a heart condition, and they fear for her health. On the surface, the story appears to be about how Mrs. Mallard deals with the news of the death of her husband. On a deeper level, however, the story is about the feeling of intense joy that Mrs. Mallard experiences when she realizes that she is free from the influences of her husband and the consequences of... Show more content on ... She noticed the there were patches of blue sky showing here and there through the clouds . The other characters in the story have one impression of Mrs. Mallard; she seems to have reacted to the terrible news as one would expect, but the reader is aware that a distinct change has come over her. The story unviels its theme at this point: Mrs. Mallard, for the first time in her life, experiences a new found freedom. Instead of dreading the future without her husband, she saw beyond that bitter moment a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely . She could now live her life and be absolutely free of the imposing will of her husband: There would be no one to live for her during the coming years; she would live for herself. There would be now powerful will bending hers in the blind persistence with which men and women believe they have a right to impose a private will upon a fellow creature.(15) Mrs. Mallard had, in that brief moment of illumination (15), stumbled upon a truth: she was now her own person, free from the confines of her husband. She had loved her husband, sometimes (15), but that didn t matter: What could love ....count for in the face of theis possession of self assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being! THE theme of the story unfolds at this point: Mrs. Mallard, through the death of her husband, is able to experience the joy of the realization
  • 8. Micro Economics Essay QUESTION 1 Here is a company s cost data: |Output |FC |VC |TC |MC |ATC |AVC | |1 |100 |30 |130 |0 |130 |30 | |2 |100 |70 |170 |40 |85 |35 | |3 |100 |120 |220 |50 |73,3 |40 | |4 |100 |170 |270 |50 |67,5 |42,5 | |5 |100 ... Show more content on ... At this price, the company would make a total of 400 units. How much profit would it make? In this case, the company would make a profit of: Profit: TR TC TR: P * Q = 60 * 400 = 24 000 TC: ATC * Q = 67,5 * 400 = 27 000 Profit: 24 000 27 000 = 3 000 QUESTION 2 Compare the market structures of perfect competition and monopolistic competition. What are the main differences? Monopolistic competition differs from perfect competition in the fact that production does not take place at the lowest possible cost. Because of this, firms are left with excess production capacity. Monopolistic competition is a type of competition within an industry where all firms produce similar substitutable products, all firms are able to enter the industry, all firms are profit maximizers and finally where all firms have some market power, which means none of them are price takers. Whereas perfect competition is a market structure where all the firms have to follow those five criteria: sell identical products, be price takers, have small market share, buyers have full knowledge, freedom of entry and exit. Choose an industry with various producers. Draw a positioning map for these companies and explain how they differentiate their products. I choose the chocolate industry because it is an industry where they a lot of different
  • 9. brands and different producers too. The
  • 10. When Harry Met Sally The reviewers understand that the dialogue enhances the advancement of plot and character depth. For example, before this movie, dozens of years had passed since the adult romantic comedy was in vogue, but When Harry Met Sally changed the trend. The film achieves this best by maintaining the focus on the relationship between the two title characters, never wandering off on unwelcome tangents. This is mainly because of the dynamics of the two character and how they their relationship with one another grows. Harry and Sally do, for a good portion of the film, have a strong platonic bond. They are the only friends in the film who talk about subjects other than romance. They joke about dead people s apartments, talk in silly accents, and do
  • 11. Master Of Business Administration At New York Institute Of... Introduction: I am Nilesh Patil, studying Master of Business Administration at New York Institute of Technology, Vancouver. My bachelor is Electronics Engineering at India. I was born and raised in Maharashtra in the central part of India. I have one sister. May family is well settled and educated. I came to Canada for my masters. Currently I am in Vancouver. I love traveling, hiking and specially visiting new places with friends. I have seen lot of places in India. I came to Canada in may 2015, from that time I have visited different places in Canada i.e. Banff, Victoria, Lake Louise etc. Mission: To find happiness, fulfillment and values in living. I will try to experience all the enjoyment and pleasure that life will offer to me. My core values are not limitations restraining me on this hedonistic quest for fun. Rather they give framework for identifying; pursuing and achieving those pleasure that last for the longest time. To achieve success in long term business and to sustain in competitive business world effectively and efficiently in global environment and creation of reputation in the world. Goals: Restructuring priorities Volunteer your time Identifying values and stick to them which are helpful for me Live up to date More organized with daily activities and developing strong managerial skills Pick up and learn new skills as well as techniques Good leadership, teamwork and communication skills Objectives: To understand
  • 12. The First World War I Nadia Jahnecke Mrs. Schartner U.S. History 2 AP/IB 19 October 2015 Unit 3 Notebook Essay The First World War fought from 1914 to 1918 was one of the largest and most brutal catastrophes fought in the 20th century. With nearly the entire European continent fighting a barbaric and everlasting war, the U.S. had eventually to get involved in order to reinitiate stability to Europe. Ultimately, the U.S. taking involvement in World War Ihad a profound political, economic, and social impact on the country. It increased government powers and solidified the nation s leadership role in foreign politics. The U.S. emerged as the world s greatest industrial power with increasing financial opportunities for minorities. At the same time anti immigrant and anti communist sentiments arose among many American citizens. And finally the war contributed to the massive migration of African Americans from the Southern to Northern states looking for employment and freedom and, first time allowed women to participate in jobs that were traditionally reserved for men. Initially, U.S. politicians and citizens had differing opinions of whether or not they should take action in the war. Although many in society and congress disapproved war, Wilson eventually managed to get the approval and set forth the first drafting law, the Selective Service Act. Indeed, there were still many anti war protests reoccurring and therefore, the government set up the nation s first propaganda agency, the Committee on
  • 13. Apollo 8 Facts 10 Facts about Apollo 8 1. The Second Human Spaceflight: Apollo 8 was the second human spaceflight. The first human spaceflight was launched by the Soviet Union on April 12, 1961. Apollo 8 was launched on December 21, 1968. It was the first human mission, in which the spacecraft left the Earth s orbit. It was the first manned mission to orbit the moon. 2. The Astronauts: There were three astronauts aboard Apollo 8: Commander Frank Borman, Command Module Pilot James Lovell, and Lunar Module Pilot William Anders. They were the first humans to see Earth as a whole planet, first humans to see Earthrise, and the first to see the far side of the moon. The crew orbited the moon, but did not actually land on the moon. 3. The Good Book: On Christmas ... Show more content on ... One of the tasks performed by the Apollo 8 crew was to photograph the moon s surface, make visual observations about the moon. Many photographs were taken during the orbit around the moon. These photographs were used to update existing maps and charts. Many of the photographs are in black and white. The reason for this is that the resolution and clarity of the black and white photos was better than that of color photographs. 7. The Spacecraft: Apollo 8 was very similar to Apollo 7. The main difference was that the forward pressure and ablative hatches were replaced by a combined forward hatch. Also, there were couches added for the comfort of the crew. There was no lunar module on Apollo 8; however, there was a test module was mounted that was similar in mass to the lunar module. This was done to verify that the lunar module could be stabilized for travel on future explorations. 8. Testing. Testing.
  • 14. What Is The Thesis For The Laramie Project Laramie s Wake Up Call Thesis Statement In San Francisco State University s Theatre and Dance company production of The Laramie Project, a cast of eighteen people who collectively encompass the community of Laramie, Wyoming, effectively portraying how an act motivated by hate and intolerance will shake up a small city s innocence and order. Overview The name of the play I saw is called The Laramie Project. The authors of the play The Laramie Project is written by the members of The Tectonic Theatre Project and Moises Kaufman. The SFSU School of Theatre and Dance is the company presenting The Laramie Project. I saw the play at the Little Theater on the San Francisco State University campus. I saw The Laramie Project on October 19, 2017, at 7:30 ... Show more content on ... A moment that struck a chord for me was towards when he said that he would grant Aaron life in memory of Matthew. This moment was memorable because it did create a sense of pleasure that choosing to deny Aaron the death penalty, was one of the first steps of the healing process. The Event as Theater The Laramie Project is, in fact, a theater according to our formal class definition. The play was in fact scripted, not made up on the spot. I witnessed the play live because there was an exchange between the actors and the audience. Also, the actors impersonated characters or people from Laramie and the Laramie Project. An example of impersonation in The Laramie Project would be Doc O Connor, who was the limo driver who drive Matt to gay bars. Doc introduced who he was to the audience and shared the first interaction between Matt and him, describing his small stature and first impression. The audience was fully aware who each person was during the play. In addition, theatre is an art form. The play is also work because it already has a determined outcome. All in all, The Laramie Project requires performance which is executed because the actors performing take on the activity of performing, allowing the audience to observe their
  • 15. Themes Of The Snows Of Kilimanjaro And The Short Happy... Themes Over Come from Hemingway s experiences or Thoughts How can Hemingway make the themes in the books based on his experiences and thoughts? Hemingway writes the books based on his experiences and thoughts like men and masculinity from a character to showing his self confidence or beliefs, death from meaningless of life, fatalistic heroism like the character, Schatz from the book, A Day s Wait and nature from the leopard s skeleton in mountain and hunting the buffalo in safari (Africa) in The Snows of Kilimanjaro and The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber or other books. Hemingway puts the meaningful themes and symbols through his experience and thoughts. There are major important themes in Hemingway s books. First, men and ... Show more content on ... Another character in The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber , which is Robert Wilson. He doesn t have better body shape than Francis Macomber, but he shows his confidence of hunting from his clothes and skill. In addition, Hemingway is referring himself to Robert Wilson which is handsome, and a real man. Robert Wilson wore with the four big cartridges held in loops where the left breast pocket should have been, at his brown hands, his old slacks, his very dirty boots and back to his red face again (Hemingway 122), but Francis Macomber was dressed in the same sort of safari clothes that Wilson wore except that his were new (Hemingway 122). The two different way of clothes describe to showing their confidence of hunting skills, so Wilson is wearing safari clothes even it is not brand new, but it shows the confidence of his hunting skill while Francis is wearing the brand new safari clothes, it shows that he is not that confident of his hunting skill. Another book, A Day s Wait shows the theme of men and masculinity from looking a very sick and miserable boy of nine years (Hemingway 34). He gets flu with 102 degrees Fahrenheit . He is seemed very detached from what was going on (Hemingway 34), because he comes from France, so he doesn t know that United States uses the
  • 16. Alexander The Great Royal Tapestry For my museum experience I went to the Getty in Los Angeles. I ended up going around noon this past Sunday on April 10th because of my awesome time management skills (I m a huge procrastinator). I was supposed to go with Katie, Sachy, and Victoria as a group, but they re fake so we all ended up going at different times.Victoria and Sachy had already gone to a museum over spring break so Katie and I were going to go to the Getty together but that ended up not happening because her mom is also fake so I went by myself; she ended up going to the LACMA that day. Oh and I saw on snapchat that Luis, the class overachiever, was at the Getty but I was too busy being a huge nerd and looking at all the touristy sites, so we didn t get to meet up. I... Show more content on ... The heavy usage of gold around the frame is used to make Alexander the Great seem even more noble than he already is. The usage of gold on the frame like device also gives this painting a more sophisticated look. Equally important, like I touched on earlier, the position of the human figures in this painting also play an important role in making this historical event biased. The human bodies are clustered and below Alexander the Great s eye level to show dominance and authority. The Getty also mentions that the text near the bottom of the painting in the cartouche translates to It is for a king to vanquish himself which includes King Louis XIV. Other hidden symbols that reference King Louis XIV are the Latin motto of King Louis XIV in the side and top borders which translate to Not Unequal to many [tasks] (The Getty) and the crossed L s at the top to represent King Louis XIV symbol. This demonstrates the artist s bias towards representing this historical
  • 17. Individuals with Mental Disorders Many groups of people have experienced disenfranchisement over the years. Some groups included people suffering in political prisons to the of abusement towards the elderly people all over the world. The mentally ill are a part of this vast group of people. Mental illness is any disease of the mind and also the psychological state of someone who has emotional or behavioral problems that are serious enough to require psychiatric intervention. People with different mental disorders are given different kinds of medical care, given different treatment by everyday people, and are put into hospitals which is like living in hell. (NY Daily News). Today, people with different mental disorders are given various kinds of medical care. It requires... Show more content on ... Jails, at the time, are the only place that the mental can go right now because they can not say no to anyone; therefor, the mentally ill are being dropped on the front step without any kinds of treatments and now have to deal with a criminal record. Some states allow police officers to come into a person home and escort them to a jail if they have been reported as mentally ill. These patients are treated badly because they are running out of places to be put. The living conditions in mental hospitals are not very clean. New York Daily News reported that psychiatric hospitals are like living in hell (NY Daily News). The group interviewed Arthur Swafford after his visit to Kings County Hospital last year when he was looking for help. He described how he slept, telling about the rodent infested floors in the very overcrowded ward. The bathrooms were covered with smears of feces and guards kept order by abusing any patient that dared go out of line. President of Health and Hospitals Corp., Alan Aviles, admitted that he knew about the overcrowdedness but said that the lawsuit as greatly inaccurate along with irresponsible. Swafford also explained about the lack of beds. I ended up sleeping on the floor with a sheet by a water fountain that was leaking. I m seeing mice run across and around the room, he explained. I saw officers take a billy
  • 18. Broadcasting and Society Running head: BROADCASTING AND SOCIETY 1 What Impact is the DVR Having on the Advertisers? Steven Joseph Spayer November 12, 2014 BC 323 Section IC2 Broadcasting and Society Professor: Dr. Roger Sadler Western Illinois University BROADCASTING AND SOCIETY 2 Introduction As technology changes in the communication environment, the impact is felt in the advertising field. In case advertisers fail to adapt as well as monitor the changes being witnessed field of technological communication, they face the threat of losing millions of funds, which they direct to ineffective advertising spending. The DVR (digital video recorder) is one of the major revolutions in technology that advertisers should familiarize themselves with to ... Show more content on ... With the tremendous advancements being realized in DVR technology therefore, it is appropriate for the advertisers to device strategies that will help them identify both the threats and opportunities that this device presents. Review of Literature Any form of advertising situation offers both opportunities and threats in order for the advertisers to attain their goals. Communication goals through advertising aim at boosting recall of the brand, sales increase, and attaining the target audience. In order for the advertisers to develop effective advertising strategies, they should put into consideration two vital factors. These include considering communication strategies that can help them reach their target audience and understand the how the audience behaves while using the mass media. All other strategic decisions that the advertisers make are dependent on a thorough understanding of these two major forces (Hendricks, 2010). By embarking on theoretical frameworks, it is possible for advertisers to understand these two major factors and help to analyze as the opportunities and threats presented by DVR use. With the emergence of new technology, the behavior of the audience with respect to ways in which they use the mass media changes on a constant basis. In this case, experts stipulate that the DVR have the potential of altering the manner in which
  • 19. Faloo s Illegal The book Illegal, may be a fiction story, but contains many real life examples of true and famous conflicts taken place in the world. While one of the many conflicts in the country of Zantoroland where Keita runs from, the biggest issues is the race divide between the Faloo and Kano people. The minority, the Faloo are given more powerful jobs, and higher education. While the Kano, are very poor and live in bad conditions unlike the Faloo, yet are the majority. The kano believe they deserve more power and that Faloo s are an abomination in their country and don t deserve what they have. This ethnic conflict very much resembles the 1994 Rwandan genocide in which the Faloo s represent the Tutsi and the Hutus the Kano. Due to Hutu s resembling more strong African features such as big noses and normal height, British rulers in charge of Rwanda, favored the Tutsi s more as they are tall, skinny and look more European in comparison. Tutsis were given better jobs and standard of life while they were the minority, enraging the Hutu population, who was less educated in broader terms and wanted their country to be theirs s. The long ethic divide lead to Hutus murdering their... Show more content on ... She speaks of the countries conflicts after the character talks about his happy, normal family which reflects what we learnt about a one side story that often is expected in African literature. Kieta s life growing up and home life are shown as the best times of his life, even thought he was neither rich or poor, he was happy. This is a very different angle used by authors to describe a potential genocide, and war. He shows a relatively mundane family, everyone can relate the novel, not just Kieta s in. She also speaks about the world more than I ve ever seen in a fiction book. Every main conflict and incident is heavily detailed reflecting real world
  • 20. Office Assistant Assignment For the last eight months I have been a student employee at the Finch Henry Job Corps Center in Batesville, Mississippi. Job Corps is a residential training facility funded by the United States Department of Labor and operated by MINACT, Inc. I enrolled in the program to achieve my high school diploma and skills that would help me get a good paying job. There are eight vocational trades offered at Finch Henry. I choose the Office Assistant program because I thought it was best fit for long term goals. One of the projects for the Office Assistant Program is research using LMI (Labor Market Information) and Internet Resources. Using these resources I was able to find information about educational requirements, duties and certifications, salary and benefits, employment predictions, and chances for advancement in the business field. An Office Assistant should have at least an Associate s Degree but in reality needs very little formal education. I plan to ... Show more content on ... The Job Outlook or LMI shows that the predicted increase in the job market for an Office Assistant is 12% for the next ten years. The salary is between $19,284.00 and as much as $37, 845 a year. More can be earned with education and training. Office Assistants can work in most all businesses. I plan to seek employment in one or more of the specialized fields. I may enter the military which has many jobs in the office field. Businesses like medical offices have assistants, law offices need typist, office managers are needed, and clerks are needed in many businesses. The chance for advancement in the office is good. You have to keep up with technology, new software, and types of communications. Most office workers use smart phone and tablets to communicate. You, as an office assistant, must be aware of the latest advancements in technology and software. By doing my research, getting the right education, and working hard, I can be a successful business
  • 21. A Brief Note On Legislation And When The National Health... Its important to understand that Reports are linked to Legislation and then are linked to relevant Policies. Before the National Health Service (NHS) came into force in 1948, there was the Poor Law which was introduced in 1601 and was paid for by imposing property taxes. In 1834 the Poor Law Amendment Act was brought in and was designed to reduce the cost of looking after the poor, and to encourage poor people to work. In 1942 Sir William Beveridge unveiled the Welfare Foundations, the plan offered care to all from birth through to death. The NHS was established as a result of the 1944 White Paper. The 1946 NHS Act came into effect on the 5th July 1948, and was founded by Health Secretary Aneurin Bevan. 1962 saw the publication of the Porritt Report, which raised concerns about the NHS being separated into three parts hospitals, general practices and local health authorities. Enoch Powell s 1962 Hospital Plan approves the development of district general
  • 22. The Objective Of Loss Mitigation The objective of loss mitigation is to return the loan to a performing status with minimum economic loss. If it is determined that the loan cannot return to a performing status, then it is the objective to liquidate the loan for maximum value and minimal loss. The Default Operations Department is part of the RCS Loss Mitigation Department, and work together with the other Loss Mitigation Departments to prevent a loan from going into a foreclosure status whenever possible. They play a key role in this process by providing the following services: Provide manual Pre Foreclosure and Post Foreclosure reviews of loans, before foreclosure a sale can occur. U.S. Treasury reporting for the Loss Mitigation Department. Review and identify all ... Show more content on ... Please refer to the Default Operations Policies for additional information. Department Oversight The Default Operations department falls under servicing operations. The Default Operations Manager oversees the day to day operations. Inter departmental Interactions Call Center / Collections Department Handles inbound and outbound customer service and collection calls with borrowers. Loss Mitigation Works with borrowers to determine if there is a modification option instead of foreclosure. Works with borrowers to set up in flight modifications per the transfer analyst directions. Underwriting Completes all final review of modifications. Reviews all modification appeals by borrowers. Inter departmental Interactions (continued) Loan Administration Departments Payoff Department responds to payoff requests from borrowers. Customer Relations is responsible for reviewing incoming written Qualified Written Requests correspondence within appropriate timelines. Payment Processing Department Posts all borrower s funds correctly to the account per instructions. Foreclosure Department Reviews all paperwork, notes and loan status before moving forward on a foreclosure sale. Manages interactions with attorneys to move the foreclosure forward.
  • 23. Raskolnikov Allegory In multiple locations within the novel, Raskolnikov alluded to the concept that he felt as if he had very little control of the direction in which his life was proceeding. At one point, prior to entering his victim s apartment, Raskolnikov thought that he suddenly felt with his whole being that he no longer had any freedom either of mind or of will, and that everything had been suddenly and finally decided (Dostoevsky 62). This fate that Raskolnikov continuously recognized and experienced was revealed to readers by Dostoevsky through the strategic utilization of light and dark imagery as well as a significant, religious allegory. In relation to the specific imagery, Raskolnikov appeared to be lead by light towards performing altruistic deeds,
  • 24. The Fall Of Okonkwo In Chinua Achebe s Things Fall Apart The Fall of Okonkwo As Charles Darwin, famous naturalist, once stated, It is not the strongest of the species that survives nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change. In the novel, Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe, Okonkwo, the main character, is a very wealthy man best known for his talent is a wrestler, however, Okonkwo is unable to adapt to the new religion and cultural change that the British bring to his tribe in Africa. Despite being thought of as a strong, powerful man, Okonkwo s various weaknesses and inability to adapt to change ends up being his demise. Okonkwo is so focused on being the most successful man he can that he ignores all of the advice he is given about his weaknesses. Because Okonkwo s... Show more content on ... Okonkwo s main goal in his life is to earn as many titles as he can throughout his lifetime. As a young adult, Okonkwo was clearly cut out for great things ... He was a wealthy farmer and he had two barn full of yams, and had just married his third wife. To crown it all he had taken two titles and had shown incredible prowess in two inter tribal wars (8). Okonkwo believes that his great success at a young age will make him happy, but when another religion and culture is introduced to his tribe his hard work means nothing. When Okonkwo returns from being banished from his clan for seven years he is disgusted with the fact that, He had lost the chance to lead his warlike clan against the new 3religion, which, he was told, had gained ground. He had lost the years in which he might have taken the highest titles in the clan (171). Okonkwo is heartbroken after his return to his tribe because he knew that his religion is dying and there is nothing he can do about it. Okonkwo also knows that the death of his religion and culture means all of his hard work as a child meant nothing, and these thoughts lead Okonkwo to kill himself due to his immense fear of
  • 25. Tall Is Tall The place I am thinking of is tall, but not too tall. Tall enough to make you look up at the ceiling and question whether or not you could jump high enough to touch that glimmer hanging from above. Tall enough to let you gaze over the brick covered stones on the walls and the paint covered ceilings. Tall enough that you begin to examine how each brick is put into place and if someone would survive the drop from the highest point. This place is open and allows you to think freely. The air captured inside has room to move and to sway past each individual. The tall building allows for the air to reach each person and guide them into the next compelling room. Though it is quite tall it is not tall enough to make things complicated and by... Show more content on ... They show you the person you want to be and that is a person that is triumphant and full of ecstasy. Pictures begin to encompass around you and show you a different visual than you saw before. You now see pictures of an ocean with a never ending legacy. You see a family in one unity that is very happy to be in the presence of one another. There is another picture of a sunset and it has all of the colors mentioned before. It brings out a new horizon in you. You capture a different side of yourself than you knew before. This place is enthralling yet questioning. The voices all around you are different. There are sounds from young children crying out in desperate need of someone to actually hear them and notice their presence. There are sounds of laughter from individuals who feel the presence of something unreal that encloses upon their body while the slowly drop to the ground. There are the ones who are crying and they are doing so because they feel so vulnerable and free. They feel free to breathe and escape the tormenting past they are trying to leave behind. Then there are those who sit quietly and hum as the peace gusts over their body like a never ending wind that continues to chill your heart and soul. Each person holds a different story of their own and you hear it through their voices. You know what one has been a part of through the anger cast from their mouth into the open room. You can also hear the freedom from that pain as they go from a
  • 26. Life Span Of The Apple, Banana, And Blueberries And... The life span of the apple,banana,and blueberries and comparison The lifespan of an apple is estimated from 2 to 4 weeks.There is no estimation for an apple that has been cut in half. Apple are usually long lasting but there have been many cases where they have little lifespan.Apples are not the most predictable in their life span due to it s length from 2 to 4 weeks. The lifespan of the banana is 2 to 9 days. The banana is a little more predictable in the lifespan department because it is now lowered from weeks to days.This is due to the banana being a fruit that is eaten in a short time after being bought. The lifespan of the blueberry is 5 to 9 days. The blueberry has a lifespan that is better than the banana but not by much.The blueberry has a short lifespan because of it bring so small. Out of all the the foods the one that will last the longest is the apple having a 2 to 4 week lifespan,than the blueberry having a 5 to 9 day lifespan,and finally the banana with a 2 to 9 day lifespan. There can be a chance that this could be wrong.But there is more of a chance of this being the case. As seeing the dramatic change from weeks to days. The way that the numbers add up the order would be as followed apples the longest,then the blueberries,and finally the bananas.The only change there could be is that the banana last longer than the blueberries. But I don t think that apple s won t last the longest due to them having a two times end date. Rotting of food
  • 27. Biological Weapons And Its Uses Introduction Dating back to the 1100 s there have been records of the use of biological weapons in warfare. This involved the usage of human and animal corpses to pollute water sources and to spread diseases. Post World War One increased interest in biological weapons lead to them becoming more advanced. With this improvement it is evident that warfare has evolved. This progression in warfare can be seen when looking at the manner in which wars were fought prior to the introduction of biological weapons in the 1100 s, and comparing it to the manner in which they were fought succeeding the advancement of these weapons in the 1900 s. Although biological weapons have rarely been used, their effects on warfare are apparent. When studying biological weapons one must deliberate on the factors that have driven its use and creation as well as the responses and threats thereof. This essay will therefore focus on depicting biological weapons and their uses throughout history; beginning with its most medieval applications in siege warfare and comparing it to its various uses in World War One, Japan in the 1920 s , the Cold War and the Persian Gulf War. The reasons as to why biological weapons have been used and created differ in each circumstance, ranging from its advantageousness in imperialism to its role in instilling fear. Furthermore, to properly determine the impact of biological weapons on warfare this essay will examine the outcomes of its use. With the main response being the
  • 28. Three Ways That Surplus Wealth Distribution Carnegie believed there are three ways that surplus wealth distribution takes place. He believed that money could either be left to the families of the decedents, ..bequeathed for public purposes, ..or it can be administered during their lives by its possessors. (Carnegie, 24) In leaving it to the families, Carnegie compares it to monarchial countries where money is given to the first son and by this are failed to be taught ambition and hopes and dreams. Money given to public purposes when passing away is ok but it does not allow the philanthropist to see the good being accomplished by that person. Therefore, the best distribution of wealthto Carnegie is the administration of it throughout their lives because they get to see the positive
  • 29. Why Is Henry Ford Important Have you ever wondered why we are able to produce so many products in such a short period of time? Without Henry Ford our technology might be a few years behind. Henry Ford s love for cars at a young age, his invention of assembly lines, and his famous auto manufacturing company are what make him so important. Henry Ford loved cars since he was young. He was born on July 30, 1863, in Michigan. Henry first worked on his family s farm, however he didn t enjoy it. When he was sixteen years old Henry went down a different path and got an apprenticeship as a machinist. In those years he found his passion and learned how to work on steam engines ( Henry Ford ). In 1913, Henry Ford installed the first ever assembly line. His invention decreased
  • 30. Was Cabeza De Vaca A Success Or A Failure According to ( galisteo), in 1527 a Spanish soldier Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca was appionted treasurer to expedition of Panfilo de Narvaez to Florida. Cabeza de Vaca had many duties to fulfill but particularly he was given the task to write an official report to inform Emperor Charles V of the goals, achievements, and circumstances of the journey. During the expedition there was a fault that consisted of the travelers getting lost and losing contact with their ships, and only Cabeza de Vaca and three other members returned to Spanish territory a decade later. One of his reports back to Charles V was Cabeza de Vaca s experiences living amid the Native Americans for six years and a half. Apparently, in
  • 31. Social Anxiety And Emotional Intelligence Among Adults Social Anxiety in Relation to Emotional Intelligence among adults Several decades ago, researchers revealed new academic terms that is useful in studying human behavior. Emotional intelligence and social anxiety concepts were developed from social contexts in relation to psychology. The two concepts can be studied consecutively with a correlation created between them. Emotional intelligence can be defined as the capability to manage and identify individual emotions and those of other people (Bhochhibhoya Branscum, 2015). On the other hand, Social anxiety is defined as the fear of interacting with people that creates a feeling of self consciousness or being negatively judged (Blackhart, Williamson, Nelson, 2015). In other words, it can ... Show more content on ... High social anxiety among adults is linked to poor self control or emotional intelligence especially during interactions. Although the relationship between social anxiety and emotional intelligence has been so far tested by few researchers, all of them have agreed on the correlation. Therefore, the current study seeks clarify the correlation between social anxiety and emotional intelligence among adults. Self control is very important among adults in the society but not everyone has its possession. It can be termed as poor or good depending on the degree of self control. Social anxiety and emotional intelligence can be tested in a conversation where the individuals engage each other in a natural environment (Blackhart, Williamson, Nelson, 2015). It is important for adults to have self control while engaging in social interactions. Emotions are considered one of the most important sources of information as well as facilitate the processing of information among adults. Many psychologies researchers have agreed on most roles of emotions in their interpretations guided by intelligence in a social conversation. Furthermore, they agree that emotions influence the thought system of an individual and that of other people as well as guide their actions. In addition to that, social anxiety is a basic element of human behavior since it involves the failures and successes related to emotional intelligence. The use of emotions cannot be avoided especially in
  • 32. The Tunnel By William Gass Some people believe that lies will always be bitter in the end, no matter how sweet you make them in the beginning. In William Gass The Tunnel, he expounds the validity of this belief by taking the reader on an emotionally evolving journey, as he recounts the self realization of a young boy, who s frightening lie unravels in front of not only his own eyes, but also the readers. Gass successfully enriches this story with striking imagery, symbolism, and comparisons; exposing how no matter how sweet you make a lie in the beginning, it will always turn bitter in the end. The first paragraph plays an imperative role in the excerpt, for it introduces the reader to the emotional despondency of the boy. William Gass successfully strikes the reader from the beginning, for his two word opening, lime slush (line 1), prompts the reader to not only envisage a lime slush, but also taste its sugary sweetness. However, the sweetness this imagery provides is short lasting, for they are soon bombarded with countless caesuras, as he describes how slush is supposed to be water. That s what slush is. It certainly isn t sherbet! It wasn t a nice green. And there didn t seem to be that much of it. (lines 2 3). The disappointment that entrenches the boy in these short but concrete statements, successfully introduces the reader to his emotional bitterness, for not even the lime slush s sweetness can sweeten it. The colour imagery does not stop there, for he describes how strawberry always
  • 33. Danbury Connecticut Research Paper The phrase mad as a hatter derives from a few places, one of them being the hat shaping business of Danbury, Connecticut. The worker s jobs were to shape hats, and they were being exposed to many toxic elements while doing so. After years spent shaping hats, these workers began exhibiting signs of neurological damage stumbling, slurred speech, and shaking that became known in the city of Danbury, Connecticut, once the hat making capital of the world, as the Danbury Shakes (Belli 1). After many years being around toxic materials, hat shapers in Danbury, Connecticut, started to have epileptic seizures, diarrhea, nervous system damage and more. This was because of all the mercury the hat shapers were unknowingly ingesting or coming into contact
  • 34. Military Spending Definition The neoclassical theorists have different opinions about the military spending and economic wellbeing, and they perceive defense expenditure as a civic good that is provided by the state. Therefore, the regime seems like a rational player, who tries to capitalize on the interests of the state by balancing the security benefits and opportunity costs of the military spending (Nincic, Miroslav, and Thomas 1979). The supply side models of the monetary growth and military defence association within a neoclassical theory normally derive from functions of whole production (Griffin, Larry, Joel, Devine and Michael1982). Marxism believes that defense spending and militarism is a social phenomenon that has historical characteristic, and they dwell much... Show more content on ... The results from the empirical studies demonstrated that there exists a positive link between income military spending and income disparity. Vadlamannati (2008) also examined income disparity and defense disbursements in the South Asian nations using a panel data that was extracted from 1975 2005. The experimental results demonstrated that the higher military spending causes increased income disparity after adjusting the major institutional and macroeconomic variables. It is apparent from the discoveries of the experiential literature are inconsistent whereby some get the backing of the constructive connection between economic well being and military spending while the rest do not. The explanations that bring about such varying results may be attributed to the method applied, sample size, functional form used in analysis, among other control variables (Nincic, Miroslav, and Thomas 1979). As such, the empirical studies should be treated with the tested underpinning hypotheses and other used conditioning
  • 35. Dracula And Modern Perversions In Bram Stoker s Dracula In comparison to modern perversions of the vampire genre, Bram Stoker s Dracula was slower in progression, yet deeper in meaning. In modern interpretations of the genre, such as Twilight, Vampire Diaries, and The Originals, which are all stories I enjoyed, the plot progresses quickly and vampires are portrayed as redeemable. Contrasting these stories, Draculaprogresses sluggishly with Stoker giving too much information throughout the entire novel. Moreover, Count Dracula is seen as an irredeemable, soulless monster. Since I was accustomed to modern perversions of the genre, Dracula was extremely dull. At various points in the story, I expected stronger plot development or suspense but the story lacked both. The climax of the plot is reached when the story is nearly over, when the main characters decide to hunt down Count Dracula. Due to the late climax, I was constantly expecting the story to climax throughout my reading, yet it seemed like it would never come. Holistically, the story lacked cohesion as the vast imagery and explanations of the character s internal thoughts contributed nothing to the plot. Despite the novel s plot s complete failure in interesting me, I was intrigued by Stoker s style and story telling. I was constantly curious as to why Stoker was revealing a vast amount of information about the scenery and internal feelings of each character, while developing the plot so dully. Eventually, I came to the conclusion that Stoker is attempting to use rich
  • 36. Memory Vs Human Memory 1. The purpose of memory, whether it be in humans or machine, is to store information for a period of time. Both human memory and the memory used in artificial devices are capable of doing so but they differ in many ways; two differences being discussed will be on how memory is encoded, and how memory is stored. There are endless stimuli in the world meaning we humans are constantly feeling, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching; at any given point in time, our brain is working and processing this into our sensory memory. Information encoded in our sensory memory will only last a very short amount of time (A few seconds sometimes even shorter) before it is either forgotten or transferred to the next memory store, short term (Also known as working memory). The main factor in whether information is further retained to short term memory, is attention. The three main ways information can be encoded is through visual, auditory, and semantic coding. Visual coding enables information to be stored as pictures, auditory stored as sounds, and semantic stored as meaning. Memory encoding in machines can be stored as pictures and sounds but meaning is exclusive to humans. Computer memory does not depend on attention; whatever is captured/experienced by the machine will be encoded in the artificial device. Unlike human memory, the information will not be forgotten if there is not enough attention and will be stored; bringing us to our next difference. The memory used in artificial devices uses complex systems such as primary /secondary memory, RAM, caches, etc. However, machine memory can explained described as black or white ; they either know something or they don t, and when they do learn something they generally don t forget (Unless they re programmed to do so). This is where memory storage differs in the human system. As previously mentioned information is stored in the short term/working memory with attention heavily factoring it s retention. Now for information to stay in the active working memory, it must rehearsed over and over. Once mental activity stops it is either forgotten or goes further into the long term memory. The long term memory store is similar to memory storage system in computers in the sense
  • 37. Medea Alternate Ending A laughter sounded behind her. So low that she took it for a fancy. But when someone giggled by her feet Medea opened her eyes and stared down. A flower had bloomed on the mound, the one she had never seen before, with a long green stem and silver petals. And in the heart of the bloom a tiny creature lay, its eyes as big as human teardrops, its body fragile and golden, its wings clear like ice. Medea leaned over the flower. Who are you? she asked the creature, but received only laughter. Fluttering effortlessly, the wings carried the tiny body into the air. She settled on the lowest branch of the whitethorn tree and gave Medea another smile. The witch smiled back. Aos Si? she asked, and received a happy nod. Oh, but I have nothing to offer ... Show more content on ... But why? she moaned. Why won t they give it to you? Because, Medea put her hand on Cassandra s shoulder, I don t need it. The way her sisters looked at Medea made her chuckle. Yes, I don t need it, she repeated. They gave me what I needed and it wasn t something that would cure my leg. It was a reminder of how lucky I am for having seen this night and their dance. Do you know how few people have had such a chance? Ohh, Medea... Cassandra whimpered. I so whished this would work. It worked. She hugged her sister, then pulled Electra closer and pressed them to her chest. I am already perfect, because I am a part of them. We are fairies, born from the Earth and blooming like the flowers of Beltane, carrying a piece of magic inside. She became silent when the May wind blew from the north, and laughed when she heard what it had to tell them. Such a naughty wind, Electra giggled. Carrying gossips, as always. Cassandra picked a drop of morning dew with her finger and placed it upon her lips. And the summer will be warm, she said. It s a promise from above. Laughing, the three witches stretched across the humid grass and looked into the new
  • 38. Female Incarceration In Pride And Prejudice Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, was written in perspective of the time era Jane Austen grew up in. At a young age, Austen was subjected to this very conformed society, where a suited woman was married into a family for money/estates. In an article written about Austen s life, Jane Austen and the Province of Womanhood, by Alison Sulloway, a precise background of why Jane Austenwrote pride and prejudice is conveyed, and how it pertains to her life. In this article, she explains how Austen was fully knowledgeable by her teen years on the value of women and their role in society. She stated that women referred to their feelings as female incarceration , as if they felt imprisoned. Jane Austen also discussed her family life, and how her... Show more content on ... Jane Austen, the author of Pride and Prejudice, wrote this piece in satire of her own life in which she grew up in. A society where you were told who to marry, and you knew you were doing it for the money. This type of conformity is based on marxism, or the analysis of social and class relations using a materialistic interpretation. Elizabeth Bennet is a main character, a daughter, and a sister in the book whom is trying to find a husband and a future estate. She breaks the societal norm when she abruptly turns down a proposal from a man of much fortune, Mr. Darcy, by saying, From the very beginning, from the first moment I may almost say, of my acquaintance with you, your manners, impressing me with the fullest belief of your arrogance, your conceit, and your selfish disdain of the feelings of others, were such as to form that ground work of disapprobation, on which succeeding events have built so immovable a dislike; and I had not known you a month before I felt that you were the last man in the world whom I could ever be prevailed on to marry (Ch. 34). In the article about Jane s life, the author states, Feminine action is contracted by numberless difficulties, that there are no impediments of masculine exertion (pg.2), in other words stating that a woman almost never has a right to disapprove someone in the way Austen wrote of Elizabeth to Darcy in his proposal. This proves that Austen was mocking the normality, and trying to focus the reader on feminism (advocacy of women s rights), and the resistance against conformity ( marxism ). Jane Austen also portrays feminism through the character Lydia Bennet, another daughter/sister in the Bennet family who needs to marry in order to find money and a place to live. During this era, class was a big affair, in which it was highly scorned upon. In Sulloway s
  • 39. It 240 Week 8 Disaster Plan Essay IT/240 XYZ Computers When it comes to the company XYZ Computers the disaster recovery plan needs to incorporate a lot of different questions that have to be answered before you can implement whatever they want achieved. The main questions that are brought up when assessing any question is, How do we fix this? What are the costs associated with the plan presented? Another question that should be asked but often isn t, is Can we anticipate this problem to help block it before it happens? From there different categories should be implemented as manmade although not as common as a natural disaster that will affect your system, it still needs to be considered. There should also be a ranking system in the plan using two categories, these ... Show more content on ... The disaster scheme of the organization can be established on the RAID scheme of information protection. For this it is significant to apprehend the RAID system in detail then only we would be capable of comprehending how RAID level can be used. RAID isn t a particular program it is actually the general categorizing of all the different storage units that are used for the support of a lot of systems to prevent loss of data that might occur during any kind of disaster. This can actually blend the physical hard drives that a lot of people are very familiar with into one logical sector by making use of specific software and hardware. . Hardware solutions are mostly formulated to reveal themselves to the combined system as one hard drive, and the operating system is incognizant of the technical operations. Software answers are distinctively enforced in the operating system, and again would reveal the RAID drive as one to applications. There are three general types of RAID, these are as follows: reverberating, replicating data to more than just a single disk, marking, which is the disserving of data over more than a single disk. Finally there is error rectification, which is where extra data is stored to permit issues to be observed and determined which the more common term for this is error tolerance. Variant RAID levels make use of some of these methods, relying on the system requisitions. The basic intentions of making use of RAID are to enhance
  • 40. Easter Jeep Safari Project Observation Report If I was given the opportunity to have $10,000,000 to work on any project that I would like I would start an organization that deals with multi use public lands. I will start by giving some background on why this issue is so important to me, the benefits it has for these towns that are closely located to the area in question, and finally what this would do for generations to come. Since being a young kid till now I ve spent many of our vacations in Moab, Utah. Moab is notoriously known for its red rocks, hiking, mountain biking, and avid off road communities. My family and friends fall into the last one; we have been building and modifying Jeeps to be able to explore the extensive trail systems that sprawl a crossed the land surrounding Moab.... Show more content on ... I believe many of these areas need to be preserved for many generations to come. It would be a terrible thing when something as iconic as the Delicate Arch was destroyed. These are the things that we need to preserve for everyone to enjoy and establishing National Parks have been useful. On the other side, much of this land is enjoyed by people who are active in motor sports, mountain biking, and others recreational activities that may have some impact on the environment. These places are where I grew to truly understand the beauty of our world, met many people with the same interest as I have, become closer as family and friends. All these things have created such a strong bond with me and the outdoors that it has actually led me to be more responsible for our world, things like cleaning up others trash just so that we don t get a bad reputation so that we can preserve what we love to do. I think letting people of future generations to go through the same bond and understanding that we need to make an effort to preserve our lands while still being able to use them for our personal recreation, whatever that might
  • 41. The Potential Disasters of Colony Collapse Disorder Honeybees are considered a keystone species because of the extremely important role they play in supporting and pollinating a large variety of ecosystems. Human beings are also reliant on the services that honeybees provide, and often use them in commercial greenhouses and orchards to ensure proper pollination. Although much research has been done to try and discover the cause of the dying bees, no single factor has been determined. However, if the problem remains unsolved, it could lead to disastrous economic an ecological changes. Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is a strange phenomenon in which worker bees randomly disappear from the hive. Few or no dead workers are found within the hives that worker bees disappear from, and they are left with only a small cluster of bees with a live queen. There have been many theories published about possible reasons behind the loss of the worker bees, ranging from viruses, mites, pathogens, and insecticides all the way to increased cellphone usage interfering with the bees immune system and ability to navigate. Anatomy And Background Of Bees Honeybees (Apis mellifera) have two sets of eyes, the ocelli and compound eyes. The ocelli consist of three small eyes with dense lenses on the top of the bees head. These eyes are used to detect light intensity, which helps them determine which way is up and down. The second set, the compound eyes, consist of two eyes both with 6900 hexagonal cells, called ommatidia, which allows the honeybee to
  • 42. Symbolism In Melinda s Speak Speak has a bunch of themes and symbols. A tree is what represents the main character, Melinda. Melinda goes through a lot throughout her freshman year and learns a lot with it. A tree grows and has its moments and that is what Melinda story is life. The tree is a perfect way to represent her in the book and show how she deals with school, her family, and her own daily problems she encounters. Why I think the treerepresents her is because like every person we face battles and we need to outgrow them sooner or later in our lives. In the beginning Melinda is in her abyss and feels completely torn down by everything that has happened to her. On page 30 and 31 she can t seem to stop drawing dull and dark trees as if she s drawing exactly what
  • 43. Hyksos And Egyptian Civilizations Topic B In the Nile Valley, Egyptian civilization flourished. Around 1800 B.C.E., the Hyksos migrated to the Nile Delta in search of land and entrance to the delta. The name, Hyksos, means rulers of the uplands and was given to them by the Egyptians. With them, they brought methods of making bronze and modeling it into weapons (Lecture Notes). They introduced the Egyptiansto the composite bow and horse drawn chariots. Essentially, the Hyksos revolutionized Egyptian warfare. Once they settled, they began to adapt the ways of the Egyptians. They worshipped Egyptian deities and modeled their political structures after the Egyptians (McKay, A History of World Societies, p.43). Though their migration was most likely peaceful and gradual, they were later portrayed as dominating invaders (McKay, A History of World Societies, p. 43). Similar to the Hyksos, the Aryans came to the Indus Valley in search of fertile land. The Indus Valley was a large span of well watered, heavily forested land, about ten to twenty times larger than Mesopotamia or Egypt(Indus Valley Civilization, slide 3). The Aryans also compare to the Hyksos in that they were advanced in military technology, such as bronze swords and spears, two wheeled chariots, and horses (McKay, A History of World Societies, p. 65). The Aryans differ, though, because they did not share these advances with the Harappan people and instead used it against them. Still, their domination did not occur quickly. The Aryans only came
  • 44. Comparing Nietzsche s Vision Of Geothe Many philosophers, throughout centuries of human existence, have deciphered, or at least attempted tried to cast some light on to, our purpose. Consulting their findings could give several answers on whether we should live to maximize our pleasure, minimize our pain, avoid frustration or achieve greatness. In my own considerations, though, sorting through the tumultuous noise and clutter of the world around me for the some obscured or hidden meaning was not necessary. To me, the noise and clutter is the meaning. I do not live for what is hidden; I live for what is all around me. My experiences are not tools that assist me in find some truth. Rather, they are the truth. In other words the Good in my life is, in fact, life in its entirety.... Show more content on ... 1). Robert Kennedy warned against the pursuit of more in a 1968 campaign speech, stating, we will find neither national purpose or personal satisfaction in the mere continuation of economic progress, in endless amassing of worldly goods...The gross national product includes the destruction of the redwoods and the death of Lake Superior (as cited in De Graaf, Wann, Naylor, 2014, p. 128). The gross national product is a flawed way of measuring the success of the economy because it does not consider the harms and benefits of production; it measures growth for growth s sake. In the same vein, the success of my personal life could not be measured by quantity alone. Endlessly seeking more stuff would actively impede me in many ways. It could put me in debt and hold me back from doing the things I truly want to do. It would also be detrimental to society. Overconsumption is not just an ill advise way to seek fulfillment, it actively hurts others and the world we share. The authors of Affluenza advocate mindfulness in consumption, recommending we pay full attention to the real benefits and costs of our purchases, remembering the best things in life aren t things (Graaf, Wann, Naylor, 2014, p. 10). They a simpler life, devoid of too many unnecessary material products, has more benefits and less restraints than an elaborate and lavish lifestyle. Material
  • 45. Itunes Marketing Analysis Marketing Management Midterm Paper 1 Introduction It was clearly specified not to include an introduction in this document, however, I feel that adding the following words would strengthen the arguments in this document. I have an IT background, I am not a programmer, but I have been working in IT for the last 10+ years. All my life I have been a PC person and not a MAC person, I have used MAC in some occasions but I always felt that PCs were more user friendly. It is needless to describe how electronics have progressed and invaded every aspect of our life now a days, we are all about gadgets, MP3 players, GPS, Palm, email, web cam, web conferencing etc etc... Every day there is a new invention that seduces us, and I am not immune ... Show more content on ... 7 Place........................................................................................................................................ 7 Promotion ............................................................................................................................... 7 3.2 Competition Barriers ............................................................................................................. 8 4. strategic perspective ............................................................................................................... 8 References/Bibliography ............................................................................................................. 9 3 1. 4C Stakeholders Analysis Customers: Music lovers, media savvy computer savvy design conscious Owners of the famous iPod who selected the APPLE product for its stylish design who are already accustomed to building their play lists and enjoying them anywhere and everywhere; this segment is considerably well off financially speaking as the price of iPod is relatively higher than other MP3 players available on the market back in 2003; However, to be noted: not all iPod owners are very computer friendly or broadband owners, but, they have a high brand loyalty to APPLE and they are quite keen on showing off their prized new toy (iPod) this segment is probably the most valuable to APPLE as they create a lot of PR
  • 46. Running Record Observation for a Preschooler Essay Assignment method: Running record Date of observation : October 18, 2012 Time of observation : 9:05 9:35 Setting : Observation took place in a classroom of Richmond Preschool . There were 18 children who are 4 years old, 3 ECE teachers and 1 volunteer during this observation. Child s name : TomChild s age : 4 years old Tom spins his jacket into the air and drops it on the floor. He picks up and hangs on the hook under his name tag. He asks his mom to take out his indoor shoes from the shoes rack. When his mom answers him to do himself, he walks to the rack and take out his indoor shoes from the basket that has his name on. After he sits down on the floor and changes the shoes, he put his outdoor shoes under ... Show more content on ... He lies down on his tummy and tries to look under to see where it goes. He stretches his arm under the shelf and moves from left to right. He sits down and puts it down on the floor as soon as he gets it out. He sits down next to a teacher at the art table when she invites him for an art activities by calling his name. He watches teacher s demonstration of the art work without any moving. When she shouts, Go ahead , he says, What is this? as picking one leaf up with fingers on the tray. He moves it on the green paper. He picks up a stick, dip into a glue jar with a right hand while holding the jar with a left hand. He taps the stick couple of times on the jar and scribbles on the paper up and down. When the paper tumbles a little bit, he holds the tip of the paper with the other hand firmly not to move. He puts down the stick next to the glue jar, picks up dry leaves and places them on the glue part of his paper. He taps his pointy finger on the table couple of times and grabs some more leaves and pastes them on the paper. He says, I am done. and moves toward a drying shelf with his art work on his two hands. He places it between shelves carefully. He dips his hands into the bucket filled with water next to the art table couple of times and dries with a towel. He goes back to the carpet area where he played before. He watches a toy hamster on the floor and his friend s face one each time and grabs the dog he played with before. He drops it