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Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay
Crafting an essay on the theme of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" can be both a challenging
and rewarding endeavor. The narrative, rooted in Arthurian legend, presents a complex tapestry
of themes, characters, and literary devices, requiring a thorough understanding of medieval
literature and a keen analytical eye. Delving into the text involves unraveling the intricacies of
chivalry, honor, and the supernatural, all while navigating the nuances of Sir Gawain's character
Constructing a compelling essay demands a careful balance between summarizing the plot,
exploring character motivations, and delving into the broader cultural and historical context. The
Green Knight's enigmatic presence, Gawain's moral dilemmas, and the symbolic significance of
the magical elements add layers of complexity that require thoughtful interpretation and analysis.
Moreover, the selection of an essay topic plays a pivotal role. Choosing a unique and thought-
provoking angle that hasn't been extensively explored requires creativity and a deep engagement
with the text. This process demands a significant investment of time in research, critical thinking,
and honing one's writing skills to effectively convey insights and interpretations.
Despite the challenges, the exploration of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" offers a rich
canvas for literary exploration, allowing writers to delve into the profound themes that have
resonated through the centuries. The process of crafting an essay on such a topic not only hones
academic skills but also provides an opportunity for personal growth and intellectual enrichment.
For those seeking assistance or looking to explore similar essays, a resource
can be valuable. Services like these can offer support in navigating the complexities of literary
analysis and help in the creation of well-crafted essays on diverse topics.
Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay TopicsSir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay Topics
the changes in carpentry industry
The Changes in the Carpentry Industry The carpentry industry has changed
drastically through time, and this is because of all the developments that have
happened. The main change is technology. The carpentry industry is very thankful for
all the new technology. Technology has increased the time spent and even the cost of
the project. Technology is not the only factor changing the carpentry industry.
Different methods of completing projects have played a big role in changes.
Carpentershave developed new and better techniques that help this industry advance.
Carpentry is changing every day and the market is rising thanks to technology and
newer practices.
Carpentry is everywhere. Anything that has to do with wood involves carpenters. ...
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The workers then have to redo the project. This takes up a lot of time. Now the
workers are behind and might not finish in time. New workers also slow down the
process. The contractors have to take the time to train the new workers. They also
have a tendency to make more mistakes. Since the new workers have little
experience, they are slower and usually are the ones to make most of the mistakes.
This is why contractors prefer people with experience over new workers. The only
problem is that people with experience want to get paid more. Good communication
is always important to have for better productivity. It is very important so that the
workers know what they are doing and how they are going to do it. Planning
everything out before will create fewer problems, and the work will be more
Tools have changed the face of carpentry forever. Newer tools have shortened the
time of work, the quality of the finished products, and the depth of this project.
Power tools have made a big contribution to these tools such as levels, plans, and
crosscut saws. They do the work in less time and are now more accurate
(Britannica). Specific tools that have helped are lasers and GPS. Their main use is
for setting up the building corners and building perimeters. Before lasers and GPS
was available, workers used to do all of this work using string and tape measures
(Craig). Now the work is done far more accurately the first time. It has reduced the
amount of time spent at
The s Head Worldwide Quadrennial Soccer Competition
By 1996, Payne gladly states, American Express had at long last acknowledged it
had lost the fight and has following ceased from any further trap movement
encompassing the Olympics. In 1996 release of the European Championships, Uefa s
head worldwide quadrennial soccer competition, gave a case of snare promoting that
changed the substance of games sponsorship. English sportswear organization Umbro
had paid for the rights to be the official sportswear supplier of the titles, just to find
that Nike had bought all the blurb space and promoting locales in and around
Wembley Park underground station, the fundamental travel center point for England
s national stadium, Wembley. Nike s turn totally invalidated the force of Umbro s
official... Show more content on ...
Uefa has made sponsorship certification a step further, obtaining and controlling all
publicizing time in the midst of matches, and apportioning time to underpins. Thusly,
patrons are protected from potential snare campaigns, and additionally forced to
better impact their hypothesis. To be sure, Uefa s proactive arrangement gives off an
impression of being paying gigantic profits. Enthusiasm for the vigorously ensured
three year, US$220 million sponsorship bundles for the Champions League is
currently so high that Uefa works a to some degree disputable delicate approach; and
as indicated by numerous, the holding up rundown is colossal. Nike s ambushing of
Euro 96 and World Cup 98 was not the first time the American giant had courted
controversy through such ambush campaigns (Emmett, 2010). For sure, all through
the eighties and nineties, the organization s showcasing men courted the picture of
Nike as the awful kid of sportswear. The 1996 Atlanta Olympics gave a tremendous
stage to the sportswear organization to demonstrate its showcasing muscle, and it
didn t speak the truth to let the way that Reebok held the authority Olympic
sportswear sponsorship hinder that. Nike went on the assault promptly, developing a
Nike outlet
The Evolution of the Motet Essay
The Evolution of the Motet
The Evolution of the Motet
Throughout the history of music, there have been few styles that not only have
opened doors to masterwork compositions in their own genres, but have also led the
way to other musical techniques over the musical eras and one of these magical
music styles is the motet. The motet can easily be confused with other musical
structures but what separates the motet from other types of group performance
based styles of music is a piece of music in several parts with words. 1 This is the
closest definition of motet as can be said without overgeneralization and will operate
from the beginning of the 13th century well into the late 16th century and beyond.
Some scholars ... Show more content on ...
Medieval motets tended to be isorhythmic; that is, they employed repeated rhythmic
patterns in all voices not only the cantus firmus which did not necessarily coincide
with repeating melodic patterns. 2 This new isorhythmic principle, brought on mostly
by the composer Machaut, was used not only in the tenor voice but also rather with
much more freedom in the upper voice parts. The application of discant over a cantus
firmus marked the beginnings of this new revolutionary style, the motet, in Western
music. The key motet composers in the medieval period were few in number; Phillip
de Vitry and Machaut were one of the earliest composers to institute the isorhythmic
technique, which set the style for other medieval composers like Willelmus de
Winchecumbe. Guillaume de Machaut was a more famous named late medieval
composer to institute the discant which caught on in other music styles and only
helped to evolve the motet into its later stylings. These composers helped carry the
motet to the new Flemish motet style.
The Flemish style of motets marked the peak of the motet, in my opinion. The
Flemish motet was more polished and refined while in contrast, the medieval motet
was a diamond in the rough.
Hearing Loss And Cognitive Deterioration
(A) Research led by Isabelle Mosnier, Jean Pierre Bebear, and Mathieu Marx at Pitie
Salpetriere Hospital in Paris was conducted over the timeline of about three years in
order to expand on existing evidence that demonstrates an association between
hearing loss and cognitive deterioration. The 2015 study Improvement of Cognitive
Function After Cochlear Implantation in Elderly Patients begins with an assessment
of cited research that reveals whole brain atrophy in elderly people with sensory
impairments, specifically in auditory processing. The goal of study was to analyze
the outcome of cognitive function and mental health in elderly subjects who have
their hearing restored using cochlear implants. In order to qualify to become a... Show
more content on ...
According to the study, 81% of a subgroup (30 of 37) of the sample group showed
improved global cognitive function after one year using the implant, while the rest of
the seven subjects in that subgroup simply remained stable. Figure 3 is a column
graph that shows the subjects mean scores from the NCIQ test measuring quality of
life. In all of the six subdomains, scores improved in the span of six months after
implantation and remained stable in the interval between six months and one year
later. The results of Table 1 specify an association between cochlear implantation and
increased cognitive test scores in the immediate future, but cannot be proven to
prevent further degeneration in the long term. In Table 2 researchers found a
correlation between the improvement of NCIQ scores and the increase in speech
perception scores one year after subjects received implantation and aural
rehabilitation. (B) Overall, found that the journalistic article presented the research in
an accurate, nonbiased manner. The study wasn t too complex for the average person
to understand, due to the fact that it was mainly just a controlled evaluation of a
pretty common and low risk surgery (depending on the experience of the surgeon).
Therefore, the journalists simply presented the results of the French study and
incorporated an American otolaryngologist s opinion about cochlear implantation.
The only thing that I
Vladimir Putin Chapter 1 Summary
Summary: Chapters 3 4 Vladimir Putin s move from St. Petersburg to Moscow
signaled the beginning of the Putin era. Throughout his time in the KGB and as
first deputy mayor of St. Petersburg, he was rarely ever seen as a man of high
honor and prestige. His positions included advancing the agendas of those around
him, but he rarely ever aimed to advance his own career. Despite this lack of
ambition, Putin s admirable personality traits and various political connections led
to his accelerated rise to power. Upon being officially inaugurated on May 7, 2000,
Putin s boldness and authority acted as a saving grace for Russiaand its people.
Throughout the 1990s, the state of Russia s economy, politics, and society as a whole
was in constant turmoil and disarray. President Yeltsin campaigned on the basis of
drastic economic change that would transform Russia from a bleak totalitarian past to
a bright and promising democratic future. In order to fight the stagflation caused by
the Soviet s command economy, Yeltsin enacted measures of shock therapy to slowly
reconstruct the failing economy. These measures included removing government
price controls on numerous products, lifting wage controls on various jobs, cutting
military spending to spare the budget deficit, and handing out vouchers to citizens in
an effort to... Show more content on ...
His intentions were true, but his execution resulted in extreme poverty, inflation
soaring 20 30 percent per month, incredibly high unemployment, plummeting GDP,
and an overall tumultuous period of suffering for Russia and its people. Putin
remained out of the political scene for much of this chaotic time; that is until he got
summoned to Moscow in 1996 and involved himself in Kremlin politics. Yeltsin,
immediately impressed with his professional mannerism, vast knowledge of facts,
and unbreakable loyalty, appointed Putin to deal with Russia s most pressing issue at
Essay On Manifest Destiny
American culture has changed over time as the country has grown. It is important to
know our history so we can avoid the same mistakes that our ancestors made before
us. With knowledge of our history and our prior mistakes, we can learn from them
and make better decisions in the future.
Louisiana purchase was one of many seminal events in the history of the United States
. However, it began the debt we are still in today; the Louisiana Purchase gave us the
land that began the Manifest Destiny. The term Manifest Destiny originated in the
1840 s when John L. O Sullivan said in an article that it was the American colonist s
Manifest Destiny to spread over the continent and that God had given them the land
for the sole purpose of multiplying ... Show more content on ...
The United States spent $598.5 billion dollars alone on the military in 2015. That
is 54% of all spending in 2015. The US only spent $70 billion (6%) on education
and $13.1 billion (1%) on food and agriculture. ( Military Spending ). This shows
what Americans really value.
Likewise militarism is along the same lines of racism. In America, men are known
to be the stronger sex. Most of the time men are known to run things such as the
house, military, and to have the higher paying job. In 2016, women working full
time in the United States typically were paid just 80 percent of what men were
paid. In 2016 the pay gap was smaller in New York, where women working full
time, year round were paid 89 percent of what men were paid. The largest gap was
in Louisiana, where women were paid 70 percent of what men were paid. (Miller).
Pay gaps doesn t only differ between men and women, but with race. Asian women
s salaries show the smallest gender pay gap, at 87 percent of white men s earnings.
The gap was largest for Hispanic women, who were paid only 54 percent of what
white men were paid in 2016 (Miller). Unfortunately this isn t the only type of
racism in the US. On October 10, 2017, School Officials say a Christian youth group
called Young Life was hosting a country themed event for kids when a few students
went outside and posed and took pictures with the Confederate flag. (Brown). In most
cases, you see things such as this in most southern states.
Views of Entitlement in the Great Gatsby
The Great Gatsby as Fitzgerald s explanation of an American Reality which
contradicts the American Dream
That was always my experience a poor boy in a rich town; a poor boy in a rich boy s
school; a poor boy in a rich man s club at Princeton.... However, I have never been
able to forgive the rich for being rich, and it has colored my entire life and works.
F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Life in Letters, ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli. New York: Scribners,
1994. pg. 352.
The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, has been celebrated as one of the greatest
if not the greatest American works of fiction. Of course, one could convincingly
argue that Gatsby barely qualified as fiction, as it is the culmination of a trio of
Fitzgerald s work that ... Show more content on ...
The culture of the wealthy Americans represented in The Great Gatsby was defined
mainly by consumerism and excessive material wealth. Wherever given the
opportunity, Jay Gatsby went over the top, as shown in his flamboyant style of dress
and his huge mansion where he throws lavish parties. This is actually not all that
different from Fitzgerald s life. After his first work was published to great fanfare,
Fitzgerald was the talk of the town. As was the case with Gatzby, many of those
around him did not and never would actually know Fitzgerald. They wished merely
to be close to someone famous. Fitzgerald shunned all the attention, eventually
moving to France. It was there that he looked at the supposed American Dream from
a different perspective. To Fitzgerald, it was clear that the sudden wealth that many
Americans began to acquire caused leisure and idleness to replace traditional ethics
like hard work as qualities that were admired. (Decker, 28) Certainly the Buchanans
and Gatsby cared little about hard work once they had achieved their material goals.
Gatsby believed that in order to fulfill his own concept of the American Dream he
needed to win Daisy s love, and to do that he would need to establish himself as
Somebody. Although he loves Daisy, he also sees her as more of a goal a step toward
the perfect life promised by the American Dream. In a way, Gatsby views Daisy
much the way
King David s Dance Analysis
On Tuesday, April 11, I attended the University of Evansville s Springs Classic Wind
Ensemble production, which was performed in their Neu Chapel Sanctuary. The wind
ensemble was composed of approximately forty five performers. The various
instruments included piccolo, bassoon, euphonium, as well as the typical wind and
brass instruments such as clarinets, flutes, trumpets, and trombones. The University
of Evansville s wind ensemble was conducted by Kenneth Steinsultz. The wind
ensemble opened the performance with their own variation of Stephen Shewan s
King Davids Dance. The song comes from his album Parables of God and Man,
which was released in 1997 (Albany Records). Before performing the second song,
Kenneth Steinsultz warned the audience about the... Show more content on ...
Shewan has composed music for various medias including orchestras, ensembles, and
choirs. In Biography of Stephen Shewan , Jubal Press claims he has the unique
ability to join atonal technique with romanticism, resulting in music that is much
more than mere mental manipulation of pitches. It is highly evocative and
expressive. Numerous critics believe Shewan shows a well developed
understanding of choral voice and properly uses a comfortable command of both
lyrical expression and varied romantic to modern harmonization. Stephen Shewan is
a considerable composer who deserves a wide audience, and that is why his music
doesn t fall under one category (Jubal Press). Lastly, Juraj Filas Concerto for Horn
and Wind Orchestra was composed during the early twenty first century. Like the
twentieth century, modern composers search for exciting and different modes of
expression. Unusual harmonies, tonal schemes, and the manipulation of rhythms
create unique styles of music. However, some of the greatest composers stick to the
traditional forms of music that way an average listener can still easily appreciate and
What Intimate Relationship Between Transparent Logic,...
Japanese autodidact modernist architect Tadao Ando, explores the intimate
relationship between transparent logic, abstraction, nature and place through the
study of material and form and the interaction between the everyday human life and it
s surrounding in his architecture. The interplay of these elements are evident through
his body of work especially his residential Koshino House and Extension project. His
broad depth in understanding the inherent fundamental human needs and his close
study of famous modernist architects such as Le Corbusierand Frank Lloyd Wright
has resulted in his prevailing success.
I create architectural order on the basis of geometry... and in this way to develop a
theory of parts that is founded on the sensibility of the Japanese people . As a child
growing up in front of a wood workshop, being fascinated by what he saw, at the
age of 10 17 Ando became an apprentice, learning to create wooden models and the
skills of a carpenter. There he discovered the beauty of the balance between a form
and the material it is made of. However it was not until he was 18, when he
discovered a book about Le Corbusier and began to travel and analyse traditional and
contemporary architecture in Japan, Europe and the United States, he came to
understand these relationships in actual architecture as an entire physical being.
(pritzker prize). His visit to the Pantheon in Rome and Le Corbusier s Гљnite d
Habitation flourished his own understanding of spatial
The Articles of Confederation Essay
The Articles of Confederation Independence from Britain made necessary the
establishment of a new government. Eleven states drew up new constitutions;
Connecticut and Rhode
Island revised colonial charters. The Articles of Confederation created a loose union
of near sovereign states. The Confederation was inadequate and was failing in the
structure of government. They also were in deep trouble, financially and
economically. The Articles of Confederationprobably achieved its most important
success in the handling of west diplomatic and financial concerns. In evaluting post
American Revolutionary War, overall the Articles of
Confederation did not provide the United States with an effective government due to
the lack of ... Show more content on ...
Because all 13 states had to agree, the proposal was thrown out and was not inforced.
Morris and Alexander Hamilton devised a dangerous plot called the
Newburgh Conspiracy in order to relieve the panic. In 1783, (Doc C) the two men
secretly persuaded some army officers to threaten a coupd etat unless the treasury
obtained the taxation authority needed to raise their pay. A letter from
Delegate Joseph Jones to George Washingtonsuggests the immediate pay to the
soilder by enforcing tariffs and taxation. George Washington blocked this threatened
military coup aimed at strengthening the central government and guaranteeing back
pay and pensions to officers as the war came close. These events proved the
Confederation was weak and unable to control financial problems. Diplomatic
problems multiplied after the war. Congress was unable to comply states to repay
prewar debts to British citizens and allow Loyalists to recover confiscated property.
European governments closed off nearly all
American trade with the colonies. According to statistics of exports and
population(Doc. B), after the Declaration of Independence, the profit of exports to
Britain steadily declined. This shows that the export trade to Britain was declining.
Britain took away the rights of the United States to trade with the
British colonies, yet Britain goods were still flooding in the United States.This, in
Theseus And The Minotaur Literary Analysis
Fighting to the death in a near hopeless situation. This is a common theme between
the Hunger Games and the greek myth about Theseus and the Minotaur. In the
Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her sisters place to fight to the
death in an Arena with only one victor. With help from Peeta Mellark, they survive
the Hunger Games and go back home to their families. In Theseus and the Minotaur,
King Minosdeclares that 14 people must be sent to him every 9 years, from the city
of Athens. They would be released into a labyrinthto fight the Minotaur, half man half
bull monster. With the help of the king s daughter, Theseus defeats the Minotaur and
sails home. Though both stories may seem different, there are similar in many ways.
Unnecessary cruelty, fake love, and volunteering to fight are all elements that are
connect the stories... Show more content on ...
In Theseus and the Minotaur, Theseus could have been fed to the minotaur and the
story ends there. Instead they put him in the labyrinth with the minotaur. The same
thing happens in the Hunger Games. They could have killed the tributes. Instead,
they put them in the Arena to fight each other to the death. The Arena is supposed to
be another version of the unbeatable labyrinth in Theseus and the Minotaur. The
unnecessary cruelty is supposed to represent how evil the human nature is. It gives
the victims false hope because it makes them think that they have a chance to survive.
In the Hunger Games, it is that there is one victor who survives. In Theseus and the
Minotaur, the victims have the hope that they can escape the Labyrinth and survive.
In reality, none of them have a chance to
Analysis Of Florence Nightingale s Unnecessary Noise ...
More than 50 percent of residences in aged care homes have different forms of
cognitive impairment and dementia, and the number is increasing day by day. It is
predicted that most of them are with dementia live their end stages of life in
Residential homes or other assisted living facilities. There are different studies are
conducting to increase the quality of life in nursing homes. There are different sets of
recommendations that can make significant changing in the quality of life both the
therapeutic and environmental factors are important. The optimal environment (light,
sound and sign) can encourage and support independence while promoting safety
(Joosse 2012). People who live in nursing homes have great exposure to large amounts
of stimuli such as sound, signage, and light. Studies show that of all stimuli, noise
has the most significant and damaging effect on people with dementia. Florence
Nightingalewrote in her 1859 Book Notes on Nursing unnecessary noise is the most
cruel abuse of care which can be inflicted on either the sick or well (Florence
Nightingale 1859) Noise has a large impact on the health status of an individual. It is
a major contributing factor of stress, confusion and agitation among them. A recent
study states that noise levels in a nursing home were found in the range of 60 75 dB,
which is equivalent to a busy road traffic .Minimizing noise level, is a great
intervention to reduce some of the behavioral changes in people with dementia.
Sonnet 29
Sonnet 29 1. In the introductory clause of the sonnet, the speaker makes it clear
that he envies those with hope. By this, the speaker means that he resents those
who have a clear, bright future ahead of them, a future made possible by the
qualities he goes on to describe. These qualities are friendships, skill in art, and
power (lines 6 7), and the speaker makes it clear that he envies these people by
explicitly stating that he desires what they have. 2. The turn of the sonnet occurs
in line 9. The argument that this line is where the turn occurs is supported by the
content of the sonnet both before and after the line. For example, the subject of
lines 1 8 is how the speaker is feeling self pity and jealousy towards those who have
what he does not. After line 9, the subject of the sonnet shifts to how the speaker
finds the thought of his lover to be uplifting and how it makes him feel like he has
everything. This drastic shift in both tone and in subject indicate that line 9 is
where the turn of the sonnet occurs. 3. After the turn, the speaker s diction and
imagery indicates that the speaker s tone shifts to an uplifted and content one. This
is evidenced by the image of birdsong rising from sullen earth , which makes the
rising nature of the speaker s tone clear. In addition, the usage of the word arising
also suggests that the speaker s tone is uplifted. Finally, when the speaker says that he
would scorn to change my state with kings , he
The Dynamic, Broad And Complex Nature Of Cloud
The dynamic, broad and complex nature of cloud infrastructure makes it difficult to
provide resilience against design issues. In order to make user effectively utilize the
existing computational power a new kind of operating systems are needed. Therefore
cloud based operating systems promise vision to meet user s needs at any time. At the
same time designing of cloud based operating systems present many challenges to the
designer. The common issues include heterogeneity, elasticity of demand, scalability
and faults. 2.1 HETEROGENEITY Current operating systems requires same ISA for
all the cores. All the cores in the traditional operating systems execute the same
instruction set. But these cores differ in performance and capability levels.... Show
more content on ...
Inducing heterogeneity into system means using more than one kind of processor.
Not only same kind of processors but different processors can be added to a system
to increase the performance. In order to handle particular tasks heterogeneity
incorporates specialized processing capabilities. Heterogeneous systems use different
Instruction Set Architectures (ISA s). The main processor in a system will have one
ISA and the remaining have another. Heterogeneous systems are capable of using
different processor types. They can have CPU s and GPU s embedded on a single
integrated circuit to give best of both. In a heterogeneous system with CPU s and
GPU s CPU generally will be equipped in performing serial tasks and GPU is well
known for its graphic capabilities and intensive computations. GPU s are capable of
dealing with large datasets. On the other hand designing heterogeneous operating
systems can impose many challenges one of which may be binary incompatibility due
to different instruction set architectures. Different elements may interpret memory in
different ways. The non uniformity in the system depends on the level of
heterogeneity introduced into the system. Library and other services may not be
uniformly available to all the elements present in the heterogeneous system.
Heterogeneous environments support low level implementation of functions and
threads. The architectural differences between the CPU s
The Reasons I Chose Music
I chose to use the medium music to explore how the music I listen to, sing, and play
help me deal with stress. The reasons I chose music as my chosen medium are
because I feel like it represents me the best. I find it very easy to relate to music, there
is something about the lyrics, music, the instrument used to play the songs, and the
emotions you can put into and hear in musicthat draws me in. Music makes me feel
free, it allows me to escape from my troubles, my mind, and the world. Everything
disappears and I become lost in the sounds and emotions it produces.
Another reason for choosing music as my medium is the fact that I grew up with it.
My siblings had all started piano and singing lessons by the time I was born, so as a
baby I ... Show more content on ...
On days I have class this time is usually when I am on the bus travelling to and
from the college, so I get lots of time for my music on those days. Simply put I love
music, and it has become an essential part of me, that invokes not only happy and
some sad memories of my childhood but thoughts of how I have my whole life
ahead of me to create new memories as well.
The 11 songs I chose are the ones that have helped me deal with past stress the best
and they are: parts of Fur Elise , I Won t Back Down , Go Way From My Window ,
Poor Wayfaring Stranger , Amazing Grace, Danny Boy , You Are My Sunshine ,
Clementine , Pan s Labyrinth Lullaby , Headphones , parts of Circles by Hollywood
Undead. Each song has a special meaning that I associate with it, although some of
the meanings overlap.
Fur Elise is special because it is a song that is so much fun to play on piano and to
listen to. I grew up listening Stuart and Jocelyn, my older sibling, playing it all the
time. Stuart would play it as fast as he possibly could, watching his fingers fly
across the keys was exhilarating as a child. Then Jocelyn would come and play next,
all tame and smooth compared to Stuart s wildness. Both variations were beautiful,
especially when they put expression in, hearing the music flow from loud to quiet
from soft to powerful was amazing. The best part though was when they would play
Fur Elise together, it was magical,
Toms Shoes
Theme Chart Analysis
Using the Grounds Theory approach our group determined and analyzed the
common themes on social media surrounding the Toms Shoes brand. We created a
Theme chart and a sub theme chart from the largest theme. These charts can be seen
below. The top three themes were 1) Social Justice, which was mainly comprised of
soundbites focused on the Toms One For One motto and their positive impact on
those less fortunate 2) Style, which was largely focused on the look of the shoes and
3) what we named Purchase/ want, this category was comprised of soundbites in
which people were talking about a purchase they had just made or stating that they
really wanted to purchase a certain pair, more pairs or every pair of Toms. We have...
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Then we set the custom date range from April 10th, 2012 to June 15th, 2012.
There were 621 mentions. People mentioned One Day Without Shoes mostly on
the event date and then it began to decrease and stopped within a week. There
were 88% positive and 12% negative comments. Some people thought it was nasty
and gross to go without shoes in crowded or public areas, but the majority thought
that it supported a good cause and were willing as well as excited to join the
campaign. Many people shared their good experience of being barefoot on that day,
which is what we expected. However, similar to the analysis of the pre event date, the
number of mentions quite still pretty small. Most of the stream came from twitter.
We recommend Toms improve their campaign. Not entirely change the campaign
but make a minor change in order to make it more exciting and so that it is not
exactly the same every year. We think that this will help boost participation and
therefore awareness of the brands mission. One way Toms could accomplish this
is by arranging a video competition, which would ask people to make their own
video doing their daily activities barefoot. They would then be asked to post the
videos on Toms Facebook. Whomevers video got the most likes would win a
reward or prize. Perhaps even a trip to one of the countries where Toms gives there
shoes away so that the dedicated customer could help deliver the shoes and
experience first hand how impactful
Essay on John D. Rockefeller
Jessica M. Hintermeister
American History
Louisa Garry
Due: Thursday, March 15, 2001 The Rockefellers feared the temptations of wealth,
yet a visitor once described their estate as the kind of place God would have built if
only he d had the money. They amassed a fortune that outraged a Democratic nation,
then gave it all away reshaping America. They were the closest thing the country had
to a royal family, but the Rockefellers shunned the public eye. For decades, the
Rockefeller name was despised in America, associated with John D. Rockefeller Sr. s
feared monopoly, Standard Oil. By the end of his life, Rockefeller had given away
half of his fortune. But even his vast philanthropy could not erase the memory of his
predatory ... Show more content on ...
Oil was being used to grease the wheels of America s infant industries, to fuel the
expansion of growth. Rockefeller lamented that so many wells were flowing that the
price of oil kept falling yet everyone went right on drilling. He saw an industry
plagued from overproduction and his own success was being threatened by ruinness
cut throat competition. John D. was shrewd enough and he was analytical enough
that he realized that in order to figure out a way to save his own firm and his own
newly won fortune, that he had to figure out a solution for the entire industry. It was
at that point that John D. began to conceive of the oil industry as one big interrelated
mechanism. And you couldn t just change one component, you had to control the
entire machine.
In a move that would transform the American economy, Rockefeller set out to
replace a world of independent oilmen with a giant company controlled by him. In
l870, begging bankers for more loans, he formed Standard Oil of Ohio. The next
year, he quietly put what he called our plan his campaign to dominate the volatile oil
industry into devastating effect. Rockefeller knew that the refiner with the lowest
transportation cost could bring rivals to their knees. He entered into a secret alliance
with the railroads called the South Improvement Company. In exchange for large,
regular shipments, Rockefeller and his allies secured transport rates far
Jackie Robinson Impact On Society
Baseball has always been more than just a sport to the American people. For many,
it is a way of life, teaching not just brute skills but life lessons and morals. In the
wake of World War I, racism and bigotry abounded in the United States. Even
though the integration of schools had recently been instated, Jim Crow laws
severely limited the activity of African Americans in society, resulting in baseball
teams being limited to whites. Jackie Robinson made an important step in gaining
rights for African Americans when he broke the color barrier of baseball in 1947.
He did this by making civil rights his ambition even before the protests began
(Coombs 117). Jackie Robinson s fame as a baseball player and determination to
defeat adversity... Show more content on ...
However, even with such undeniable talent, the racism of the times kept Robinson
from achieving his full potential, a problem that would motivate him throughout
his life. Even before the integration of baseball, Robinson displayed his intolerance
for racism. While in the army, Robinson was stationed at Fort Hood in Texas. On a
public bus, Robinson refused to move to the back when ordered to do so by a
commanding officer. He was then court marshaled, but later acquitted (African
American Biographies 106). Even though the dispute resulted in Robinson s
honorable discharge, it made clear Robinson s stance on bigotry. This event would
become a major factor in his selection to integrate baseball. In order to understand
why the integration of baseball was so important, one must understand the
importance of baseball during this period. For the past 100 years, baseball could be
considered more than the National Pastime and looked at as akin to a national
religion. Had Jackie Robinson integrated a different sport such as football or
basketball, he would not be remembered today (Gimbel). However, though Robinson
possessed incredible talent, there were few people that were willing to draft him, or
any African American onto their team. Luckily, sixty three year old Branch Ricky
recognized that the introduction of African American
Zara Is A Non Domestic Retailer Company Essay
Analysis of Zara
Zara is a non domestic retailer company that offers a wide array of clothing for
young adults, children men, and women. The first company store was opened in
1975 in the nation of Spain. However, it has been able to expand its operation in
other countries such as United Kingdom, India, Japan, Mexico, and Canada. Zara has
been able to maintain its position in the fashion market which is highly competitive
as a result of its constant and latest change in trend. The apparel market is usually
driven by the consumer (Zara Website). Based on the fact that new technologies and
globalization have availed to the customer enhanced and improved access to fashion,
the core objective of any organization that is competing in the industries depends on
the meeting the needs of the consumers. As such, Zara has focused its attempts on the
evolving and developing consumer oriented product lines as it strives in meeting the
needs of customers of different income and age. The middle aged parents purchase
clothes at the retail stores because they are cheap while the children purchase
merchandise from the stores for it is trendy and fashionable. The company has a
wide array of clothing and product lines as per the market needs. The company has a
distinct fashion approach and constant response to the ever evolving trends. The
objective of Zara is relation to combining low prices and fashion, adapting and
interpreting the
Case Study Of Matt Lauer
NEWPORT BEACH Viewers missing Matt Lauer on the Today Show. With 4.7
million people waking up to Matt Lauer s face on the sunny Today Show there has
been breadcrumbs about his previous sexual encounters. For some time, America s
love affair with the young, handsome news reporter seemed as if he could do no
wrong because we loved who he was. High profile men like Matt Lauer must be
shocked with women coming out and having any strength. Starting at the beginning
of his journey at NBC newsin 2001 he already had a sexual relation with an office
employee. Already at the very beginning of the career Lauer was starting his sexual
harassment reputation. That wasn t the only sexual encounter he has had with
employees. In 2014 at the Sochi Olympics he had inappropriate conduct with
another employee, yet another one. Many years later and he still proceeds to
participate in inappropriate sexual behavior with his colleagues. How many
instances does it take before it becomes serious? Lauer proved it wasn t a serious
issue in his opinion when in 2016 Meredith Viera found sex toys in his dressing
room that he gave to a woman working in his office. Having Viera find the sex toy
and later having a colleague report about Lauer giving her a sex toy was proof that
it wasn t just for his wife who he has been married to the whole time working at
NBC News. But then again woman have no power so it s okay for men to treat them
this way. For all the attention Matt
Text Messaging
Text messaging is a very controversial subject in our society, possibly even in other
cultures. Some complain that texting is overused and abused while others praise
the most recent developments and upgrades of texting. The pervasive use of text
messaging in today s society has many facets; however, the bad is said to outweigh
the good. Any individual s perspective on the issue will most likely depend on their
age group or social class. For example, a fifteen year old would appreciate the
convenience and speed of text messagingbut a fifty year old would most likely not
need the texting function on their cell phone; therefore, the speed and convenience of
text messaging would become irrelevant. Mobile based coordination, as Ling calls...
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The scarcity of understanding among the groups can cause tension, fighting, and
even resentment. The majority of text message conversations are built on forming
a response as soon as you can. No one really notices that the hidden idea behind this
general statement can actually lead to a need for instant gratification. Not only
does this necessity cause severe impatience, it also causes an absence of attention
to many things such as school or one s communal life. When I text during a math
or science class where something has to be explained in steps, I lose all of my
focus and do not understand what the teacher is explaining. This most likely occurs
in other types of situations such as business meetings or even dinner dates. Texting
while driving has become the most prevalent cause of traffic accidents in America
today. The general finding here is that the mobile telephone increases reaction time
and that it demands that better could be afforded driving (Ling 49). Those who take
the risk of texting and driving have a subconscious belief that they can avoid a car
accident even though they are more focused on the cell phone rather than driving.
This belief has killed approximately 2,600 people a year and caused six percent of all
traffic accidents ( Lawmakers saw the consequences of these
actions and banned texting while driving in Washington D.C. and 34 states.
University of Utah conducted a
My Philosophy Of Teaching Language
My philosophy of teaching language is that in order for a child to achieve language
they have to have the desire to learn it. In my short time, I have overseen teachers
implement a student centered learning environment. Learning in my future classroom
will always occur within cooperative and collaborative group work. Having observed
this strategy, this strategy is completely effective and positive to reaffirm and develop
strong student to student and instructor to students relationships. This only reassures
and establishes an honest and sincere communication in classrooms. I would also do
my best to create a positive and enjoyable environment for my future students, which
motivates them to participate actively in the activities. In today s classrooms, I find,
they are becoming extremely diverse in socioeconomic, academic, disability and
ethnic backgrounds. To be able to provide a connection and identity with the English
languageonly becomes a more challenging task to achieve due to the diversity of
the group of students. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language
functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and
to comprehend more fully when reading or listening (Arizona College and Career
Readiness Standards). However, as my duty and responsibility as an instructor, I am
obligated to design activities that address the diverse abilities and needs of each and
every student. One of my primary goals of teaching is to help
Explain Why Cardinal Richelieu Was The Regent Of Louis
Cardinal Richelieu was the regent for Louis XII. A regent is someone who acts for
the king until they are ready to rule. Although, he was a Catholic priest, Richelieu s
first loyalty was towards the crown of France. As the regent of Louis, he had many
goals to secularize the country. His goals were to rid the king of domestic enemies
and make France the dominant player in European power politics.
Cardinal Richelieu s first goal was to secure the king from his domestic enemies
which were the Huguenots and the Nobility. He achieved his goal by decreasing
their power. To start off, he took actions towards the Huguenots. Richelieu s belief
was that Protestantism often served as an excuse for political conspiracies against the
Catholic king. This
Black Cultures And Subcultures Within The United States
The Unites States is a true melting pot of ethnicities and cultures. For many members
of minority groups a certain hybridity is readily adopted, but for others, cultural
assimilation can be quite difficult. Chicana author, Sandra Cisneros described this
phenomenon as always straddling two countries... but not belonging to either culture
(Doyle. 54). African American author, Alice Walker shared Cisneros sentiment, but
focused her attention on the assimilation of black cultures and subcultures within the
United States. Cisneros and Walker make the same poignant statement about the
strains of cultural assimilation, with reconciliation of split identities as the goal, in
their respective works, 1991 s Woman Hollering Creek, and 1973 s Everyday Use,
yet their unique ethnic perspectives allow them to make it in surprisingly different
Cisneros family bounced back and forth between Mexico and the United States for
most of her youth, which led to firsthand experience in the difficulties of growing
up as a multicultural person (Doyle. 54 55). As an adult, she settled in San Antonio,
Texas, but that feeling of not belonging to either culture never left her. She drew on
this feeling as inspiration for many works, including Woman Hollering Creek, a
short story about a Mexican woman, named Cleofilas, brought to live in the United
States by her new husband. She is excited to leave her lazy brothers and old
fashioned father behind, and dreams of the endless possibilities that
Albert Einstein Accomplishments
As one of the considerable researcher of the season of the nineteenth century he
was fantastic. He won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1921 for his work in Physics. In due
process he needed to escape from Germany, after Adolf Hitler took rule over
Germany. Albert Einstein is viewed as one of the best researchers and virtuosos ever.
Albert Einsteinwas a noteworthy player really taking shape of the Atomic Bomb that
put a conclusion to World War II. The greater part of that accomplishments he had
achieved in his lifetime were stupendous as he Albert Einstein was a German
conceived physicist who built up the general hypothesis of relativity. He is viewed as
a standout amongst the most powerful physicists of the twentieth century.
Albert Einstein was conceived
Is Technology A Distraction Research Paper
Is Technology a Distraction? In today s world, electronic devices are becoming
increasingly conventional and accessible. With the advancement of technology, the
people advance along with it by cultivating and using technology. It is not surprising
that laptops, phones, tablets, and televisions are common in this era. Consequently,
people may engross themselves in these appliances, distracting themselves from
other tasks such as school or work. Technology takes residence in schools, offices,
and homes, making it hard to escape the grasps of it. It is convenient, therefore, it
will have use. Thus, it can lead to problems such as losing quality time on studying,
losing focus, and texting while driving. Technology is essential in today s... Show
more content on ...
Distractions are extremely dangerous to drivers. Accidents and crashes may occur.
It s even worse when gadgets are right at people s fingertips while driving.
According to The National Safety Council, cell phone use while driving leads to
1.6 million crashes each year. ( A driver shifts focus from
driving to the screen of an electronic device. For the whole duration a driver s
attention is on a phone, the car is still moving. Replying to a text takes away about
5 seconds of a driver s attention, which at 55 mph, that s enough time to travel the
length of a football field. ( For a whole length of a football field,
the driver is not as aware of his or her surroundings. No wonder why texting while
driving is such a common cause of car accidents. The accessibility of electronic
devices makes it more convenient and easy to obtain one and thus, the device can be a
One Who Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest Analysis
Novel Analysis of Ken Kesey s One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest Hospitals
are meant to help some people heal physically and others mentally. In the novel
One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest by Ken Kesey published in 1962, readers
are introduced to a mental hospital that has goals that do not align with helping
people. Within the hospital, characters with varied personalities and opinions are
intermixed with three main characters playing specific roles with supporting
characters close by. With the characters motivations, themes develop such as the
emasculation of the men in the hospital by an oppressive nurse. Symbols, such as
laughter and the combine , are also pertinent to themes as the readers watch the
men transitioning from being oppressed to being able to stand up for themselves
causing change in hospital policy. The oppressor, or antagonist, of the story is
Nurse Ratched, or the Big Nurse. Her methods of oppression, including attempts to
emasculating the men in the medical ward, is the foundation of the work. The
nurse uses her power to manipulate the patients as well as members of the staff in
the hospital. Since she is in charge of the entire ward, she runs it with an iron fist
while concealing her feminism and humanity behind a patronizing façade. As the
story progresses, Nurse Ratched loses some power over the patients with the
introduction of a new patient on the ward, Randle McMurphy. As McMurphy
continues to fight her oppression, her façade breaks down and falls apart as she
loses control. Randle McMurphy, the protagonist, is introduced to break down the
nurse s oppressive ways. McMurphy, a con man who was sentenced to a work
farm, was diagnosed as a psychopath and sent to the mental hospital, which he much
preferred. Serving as a savior figure to the patients of the ward who have already
been battered by the Big Nurse, McMurphy causes interference to the nurse s control.
He supports the men as they are ridiculed in meetings and supports their attempts to
change policy. Although he does help other patients, he first looks out for himself. He
cons the patients out of their money and then follows the nurse s rules for awhile
because of the threat of being kept on the
Comparison Of The Egyptian, Mayaan And Egyptian
Jose Sabalier
Mathematics 105M.01DE
Professor: Morgan
December 7, 2017
Comparison between the Egyptian, Mayan Aztecs Pyramids Some of the best things
about the Pyramids is that they don t have so many similarities they have their own
special uniqueness in their own way. I would like to give the example of the
Mayan and the Egyptian Pyramid. While they are not similar they are both pyramidal.
Egyptian pyramids are funerary monuments and they are not considered temples.
They did have temples that were close by that were on the ground, but they did not
have any on the top. One of the most intriguing things about the Aztec and the
Egyptian pyramids is that they created the pyramids in alignment with the stars and
in alignment with each other and if we think about it they are very distanced from
each other as far away through the Atlantic Ocean. One of the most fascinating things
that I researched was that the Teotihuacan and the
Giza (the three major temples) are in the same layout as the ones that the stars in the
Orion s belt.
Can you just imagine being able to see that similarity directly? Even the researchers
and any archeologist who is studying this are left in awe at this amazing resemblance.
I want to share that the Great Pyramid of Cholula is the largest pyramid by volume in
the world, and the largest monument ever constructed . This pyramid is an Aztec
pyramid which contains temples within.
There are still today many Aztec temples that are
My Life Experience
It was a dark and warm night as the wind was breezing on my face. My parents and
I went to the entrance of the airport in Ethiopia. The date was September 15, 2017
and that day was the day that we were leaving Ethiopia. We had stayed there for
one month for a vacation and to meet our other family members. We went at 7:30
pm and the flight was at 10:30. We went a bit early because it is better than being
late. Also, if a problem insists, we would have time to fix it but that wouldn t
happen,...right? Honestly, I didn t think we would ve gotten on the airplane that
night because of that horrible incident. It was the most meaningful experience of my
life because it made me surprised when I heard that our visa was expired. All this
time we did not check that the visastamp said that September 14 is the day were
leaving in the month that we stayed there. We told the people who worked at the
Immigration that we were leaving on September 15 but their mistake caused us to
be a problem when we were about to leave Ethiopia. We had to be in a rush so we
didn t miss the airplane flight. For that reason, the life lesson that I learned is that
managing your time is crucial when it comes for many reasons. We came a little
early so would get the process before the flight done and if something happens, then
we would have plenty of time to do something about it. If we didn t manage our
time and we came later, we would probably miss our flight or we would ve gotten
We’ve come a long way from Alexander Graham Bell
We ve come a long way from Alexander Graham Bell first invention of the
telephone to today s technological gadgets. Advances in technology have helped
our fast pace, moving society. For the past two decades, the advances in
technology have enable us to communicate by fax, cell phone, e mail, text
message, and other social networks like never before, and the generations before
us has a lot to say about it. Few people are sending letters to each other and most are
using emails to communicate. It also has changed so much while I was growing up.
No longer are we able to make an excuses of not being able communicate because we
don t understand each other, google translator has come to the rescue.
When I spoke to my grandpa about how technology ... Show more content on ...
Now we re able to have face time, and have other apps to help us communicate.
Well, to me technology seems to be getting better, and better every day. From my
mom s viewpoint, she thinks it made people closer to one another. The use of
mobile technologies like the cellphone and the Internet enabled us to now text, talk,
or send images/videos anywhere in the world at blazing fast speeds across landlines,
optics, and satellite frequencies). Before the only way to communicate besides, the
telegraph was by horse/train Even, the use of telegraph was a great invention, and our
messages were limited and disoriented at times. The coming of the telephone and the
intercontinental telephone lines, enable us to speak with people thousands of miles
away in an instant. It also helped with writing papers. For example, the type writers,
they were a lot more complex to use than the accessible computers we have now. We
also have no problem with understand other peoples language when talking to them
because of the handy dandy google translator. Technology has a come a long way to
help us.
Whether technology has brought the world together, or at the same time made us
lazier which were made evident by the drop of the beautiful written letters to one
another and the escalation of the text messages. People will always have opposing
viewpoints on it, and some will keep it to a neutral. But, technology has definitely
Essay on Tell-tale Heart Literary Analysis
The Tell Tale Heart A Literary Analysis Like many of Poe s other works, the Tell
Tale Heart is a dark story. This particular one focuses on the events leading the
death of an old man, and the events afterwards. That s the basics of it, but there are
many deep meanings hidden in the three page short story. Poe uses techniques such
as first person narrative, irony and style to pull off a believable sense of paranoia.
In this particular story, Poe decided to write it in the first person narrative. This
technique is used to get inside the main character s head and view his thoughts and
are often exciting. The narrator in the Tell Tale Heart is telling the story on how he
killed the old man while pleading his sanity. To quote a phrase... Show more content
on ...
Poe s economic style of writing is a key instrument in making this story amazing.
In this story, he uses his style to truly bring out what he intended for the story a
study of paranoia. In example, I loved the old man. He had never wronged me. He
had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! Yes,
it was this! One of his eyes resembled that of a vulture a pale blue eye with a film
over it. Whenever it fell upon me my blood ran cold, and so by degrees, very
gradually, I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of
the eye for ever. it is easy to see that Poe used short sentences, to capture the rapid
thoughts of a twisted mind. Perhaps the biggest element in this story is the use of
irony, both verbally and dramatically. For verbal irony, we can see clearly at the
end that what the narrator tells the officers and how he acts on the outside, (in a
cool manner , as he puts it) is much different than the chaos on the inside, as in what
he wants to say. He sees the police as villains and wishes them to leave, but due to
the situation, he had to keep them there. The more that he assures himself of his
sanity near the end of the story and the more that he thinks that he is acting coolly,
eventually leads him to reveal that he is the one that killed the old man after all. As
for dramatic irony, since we know that the narrator is the one that killed the old man,
The Reprimand Essay
Sympathy in The Reprimand Sympathy is an extension of empathic concern, or the
perception, understanding, and reaction to the distress or need of another human
being. Sympathy must be given and received in order for the world to operate
because all humans make mistakes that impact other people s lives. The Reprimand is
a short phone play written by Jane Anderson in 2000. The two characters, Rhona and
Mim, have a confrontation about what Rhona believes to be an inappropriate remark
during a meeting. In The Reprimand, Mim deserves the most sympathyfrom the
audiencebecause Rhona intentionally manipulates her into believing she is not
respected by her male co workers. Mim deserves the most sympathy because Rhona
tells her that she... Show more content on ...
This single comment by Mim lets everyone know that she really is hurt by the
situation. In any situation, the audience will give sympathy to the character who
is degraded by the other characters just like Mim is degraded by Rhona. Rhona does
not deserve the sympathy of the audience because she did not handle the situation
in a professional manner. She is too forceful and degrading to Mim when she
confronts her about Mim s comment. Rhona says, but you didn t say better, you
said bigger (Anderson 1783). She corrects what Mim meant by her comment to
make her sound like she was trying to be mean, when she actually was trying to do
something nice for her because it was Rhona s project. She was implying that
Rhona deserved the big chair because it was her project and she would most likely
be leading the meeting with the other employees. This act of kindness and respect
is turned around to be mean and disrespectful by Rhona. Rhona says, Honey, there
was a reason why Dick and Danny asked you all the follow up questions (Anderson
1784). Rhona is implying to Mim that she took the attention away from her even
though she is the one who is in charge of the project. Sympathy should not be given
to Rhona because she comes across as a selfish woman who just wants to be the
center of attention. Most people do not appreciate this type of personality. One last
meaningful thing that Rhona
Brutus s Hamartia
What was Brutus s Hamartia?
In many of William Shakespeare s plays, there is an identified tragic hero. A tragic
hero, according to Aristotle, is a man whose adversity comes to him, not through
vice or depravity but by some error of judgement. The tragic hero s story should
arouse pity and fear to the audience. Most tragic heroes appear in Greek literature
like in Julius Caesar. A well known tragic herois Brutus, who was manipulated into
going against the great ruler Caesar. If this is what a tragic hero is, is Brutus an
example of a tragic hero?
According to Aristotle a tragic hero should have certain characterics. One of them is
that a hero must be noble but still have a tragic flaw. Brutus was in the senatorial
class and his father ... Show more content on ...
He easily was manipulated by Cassius and Marc Antony into his plans into killing
Caesar and never suspects both will go against him. In Act 2, Scene 1, the fake
letters sent to him are from the conspirators. He believes the people of Rome want
him to be king. In Act 3, Scene 2, Brutus allows Marc Antony to speak at Caesar s
funeral. Marc Antony convinces the crowd that the conspirators are evil and should
go against them. All these characteristics represent Brutus being a tragic hero.
Tragic heroes often make an error in their judgement. Brutus s error was trusting
Cassius and Marc Antony believing they would not be opposed to him. However,
Cassius manipulates Brutus into trusting him and then turns against Brutus after
killing Caesar. Marc Antony goes behind his back speaking negatively of Brutus at
Caesar s funeral. By accomplishing this mistake, it leads to a series of calamity
leading to his death.
Another example of being a tragic hero is having an epiphany about their flaw.
This example represents Brutus as well. Brutus and Cassius have a fight and
Brutus realizes he can t trust Cassius anymore. He has an another epiphany of how
killing Caesar was wrong. He recognized that killing Caesar didn t help Rome s
Republic and how he was double crossed by the other conspirators. This information
leads to his downfall and
The Classroom Observation
Classroom observation is a main approach of teaching research. Scholars or
researchers use video to record the real whole class and observe the teachers and
students actions, words and the efficiency in the class. Though the observation, they
analyze what approach is more suitable. This paper will select video 5 and video 3
as the material to do the classroom observation. Different aspects such as teachers
responds, questions, instructions notes and students behavior will be addressed to
analyze the efficacy of this class.
2. Brief introduction of video 3
The theme of english lesson in Video 3 is job interview with a large number of
students, nearly as many as fifty, who are native Chinese teenagers while teacher
may be a native English speakers( at least good at English). Because of the education
system in China, most of the Chinese students study English from Grade 3 in primary
school, who already have some basic English vocabulary and grammar storage like
simple greeting, food, verbs about movement and so on though not mastery in them.
Meanwhile, They are capable of making simple sentence. Therefore, teacher began to
teach students some English skills, like listening, in middle school. The lesson is
divided into three parts: pre listening, while listening, post listening. In the pre
listening part, this teacher lead students review some details about the listening
transcript. While listening, students answer the question sheet and afterwards, check
the answers during
Cuckoo s Nest Psychiatry
A more negative portrayal of the institution system is shown in One Flew Over the
Cuckoo s Nest (1975) directed by Milos Forman. It is considered to demonstrate the
changing face of psychiatry. The film which was based on Ken Kesey s book of the
same title, was made during the period which is known as the Anti Psychiatry
Movement during the 60 s and 70 s. The public s consciousness around the reality of
psychiatric institutions and psychiatry itself was developing in a different way. A
number of theorists worked together in order to outline the issues which were still a
major part in psychiatry. (Fleming and Manvell, 1985) In his book Madness and
Civilisation: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason (1964), Michael Foucault
discussed the nature of asylums as a way of institutional control (Donaldson, 2005).
He argued that the running of these institutes were not effective at all and infact
harmful to the patients (Donaldson, 2005). It was pointed out that all the patients
were forced to accept a role given to them set by the institute (Fleming and... Show
more content on ...
Then, physicians and especially psychiatrists began to call illness (that is, of
course mental illness) anything and everything in which they could detect a sign
of malfunctioning, based on no matter what norm (Fleming and Manvell, 1985).
R.D Laing talked about the labeling of illness as a way of social control in The
Politics of Experience and The Birds of Paradise (1967) (Donaldson, 2005). Laing
saw psychiatry as a political profession that is used to repress individuality. (Fleming
and Manvell, 1985). During this time, psychiatry s authority was questioned as it is
shown in the 1975 production of One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest. In the film we
see the free spirited R.P. McMurphy, played by Jack Nicholson, banished to a
psychiatric unit rather than prison for committing statutory
All Men Are Created Equal
It s not surprising that a nation, built under the principal of all men are created
equal , would discriminate against women. In today s society, the traditional roles,
values, and thoughts placed upon women from prehistoric times still play a central
part in the inequality women face every day. The day I no longer have to worry
about what I m wearing will label me as a slut, is the day that women will be
thought of as more than just sexual objects. The day I can be praised for my brains
instead of my beauty, it the day men and women will be considered equal. This is the
future I hope to foster. This is the future where the line all men are created equal
means all humans and not just men.
Since the start of the agricultural revolution, social structure has moved from
egalitarian to patriarchal. Men were stronger, and thus more valuable to handle the
labor of farming, while women were left to take care of the house and children.
Even though in the past fifteen years society has made great leaps towards equality,
society is still far from egalitarian. The oppressive traditional roles from the
Neolithic era are still shoved down a woman s throat from an early age. A woman is
expected to stay at home and raise the kids, instead of going off to work and leave
the kids with a nanny. The essay, Turkey s in the Kitchen , highlights how women are
trained to work in the kitchen, whereas, most men are inept when it comes to
anything cooking related. School systems
Ford Ghl-40 Compare And Contrast
Have you ever wanted to know which car was better. The ford GT 40 mkIII or the
ford gt. The GT and the GT 40 mkIII are both made by ford. In the paper I am
writing I will compare the Ford GT 40 mkIII to the Ford Gt. Each as their
differences. Those differences I will be tell you about. The GT 40 mkIII was one
of the first GT 40. The GT 40 got its name from the body height which is 40.5
inches. The engine in the car was a V 8 which means that there are two rows of
four cylinders on each side of engine block. The engine drove the back wheels with
a five speed transmission. The engine was carbrated which mixes the gas and air to
run the engine.Which means that there was five different gear ratio to make the car
go faster. The car 0 60 is
Gullivers Travels Essay
Gulliver amp;#8217;s Travels, by Jonathan Swift, is regarded as one of the greatest
satires in modern history. The purpose of the book, although some of his
contemporaries didn amp;#8217;t realize it, is to ridicule his government, his rulers,
and human nature as a whole. His generalization of the human condition doesn
amp;#8217;t manifest itself completely until Part IV of the book, where the main
character, Lemuel Gulliver, finds himself on an island inhabited by two main species
amp;#8211; the Houyhnhnms, horse like animals, and the Yahoos, human like
animals. The difference between this island and reality as we know it is the fact that
the Houyhnhnms are intelligent, noble creaturesgoverned wholly by reason, and the
Yahoos are... Show more content on ...
This seems too inhuman, and it appears that it would be impossible to be that
intelligent and noble, yet still disregard the importance of death. Overall, however,
Gulliver amp;#8217;s view of the Houyhnhnm is a perfectionistic vision of how
human nature, for the most part, should be amp;#8211; ruled by reason.
The amp;#8220;negative ; extreme of human nature that Gulliver encounters is the
Yahoos. The Yahoos are naked, dirty creatures that physically resemble humans:
amp;#8220;My horror and astonishment are not to be described, when I observed,
in this abominable animal, a perfect human figure amp;#8230; ; (Swift 186).
Immediately, Gulliver does not want to be considered one of the Yahoos. He never
takes off his clothes to reveal his likeness to the Yahoo body. The Houyhnhnms
still regard Gulliver, however, as either a amp;#8220;noble Yahoo ; or something in
between a Yahoo and a Houyhnhnm it seems they are unable to decide. At one
point, one of the Houyhnhnms describes Gulliver amp;#8217;s body to be
extremely inefficient: amp;#8220;That I could not walk with any security, for if
either of my hinder feet slipped, I must inevitably fall. He then began to find fault
with other parts of my body, the flatness of my face, the prominence of my nose, my
eyes placed directly in front, so
Miller Vs. California Obscenity Case Study
Miller v. CaliforniaRichardson, 1
Miller v. California: Obscenity
Leanna Richardson
Liberty High School
AP Government 4A
In the case, Miller v. California, obscenity was redefined and it was determined that
it did not have protection under the First Amendment. The case began in 1972, when
a man by the name of Marvin Miller mass mailed ?adult material? in brochures as an
advertisement strategy (Chicago Kent College of Law, 2015). Five of these
brochures were sent to a restaurant in Newport Beach, California. The manager and
his mother opened the letter containing the crude material. After having unwillingly
received these materials, they complained to the police (Miller v. California, 1973).
He was first convicted ... Show more content on ...
Chief Justice Burger wrote and delivered the opinion of the court. The argument the
Supreme Court presented was that obscene materials have been ?thrust? on people,
who did not want to receive those things. They stated that states had rights concerning
this issue. They have the right to prohibit these materials when it ?carries significant
danger of offending the sensibilities of unwilling recipients or of exposure to
juveniles? (Miller v. California, 1973). Burger also wrote on behalf of the majority
that ?We hold that obscenity is not within the area of constitutionally protected
speech or press.? There were no concurring opinions but there were two dissenting.
Justice Douglas argued that because the court changes their mind frequently
concerning the standard to which obscene materials are held to, that Miller should
not be punished for the negligence of the Court (Miller v. California, 1973). Justice
Brennan argued that Court, Congress, or States could not decide whether obscene
materials are protected or not under the First amendment (Miller v. California,
Computer Based Information System
Home gt; Management Information Systems gt; Computer Based Information
Systems and it s Types
Computer Based Information Systems and it s Types
Computer Based Information System:
Computer Based Information System (CBIS) is an information system in which the
computer plays a major role. Such a system consists of the following elements: *
Hardware: The term hardware refers to machinery. This category includes the
computer itself, which is often referred to as the central processing unit (CPU), and
all of its support equipments. Among the support equipments are input and output
devices, storage devices and communications devices. * Software: The term software
refers to computer programs and the manuals (if any) that support them. ... Show
more content on ...
Decision support systems assist managers who must make decisions that are not
highly structured, often called unstructured or semi structured decisions. A decision
is considered unstructured if there are no clear procedures for making the decision
and if not all the factors to be considered in the decision can be readily identified in
advance. Judgement of the manager plays a vital role in decision making where the
problem is not structured. The decision support system supports, but does not replace,
judgement of manager.
4. Office Automation Systems
Office automation systems are among the newest and most rapidly expanding
computer based information systems. They are being developed with the hopes and
expectations that they will increase the efficiency and productivity of office workers
typists, secretaries, administrative assistants, staff professionals, managers and the
like. Many organisations have taken the First step toward automating their offices.
Often this step involves the use of word processing equipment to facilitate the typing,
storing, revising and printing of textual materials. Another development is a computer
based communications system such as electronic mail which allows people to
communicate in an electronic mode through computer terminals. An office
automation system can be described as a multi function, integrated computer based
system that allows many office activities to be performed in an electronic mode.
Categories of different
Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglas An American
The book Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglas an American slave, is showing
a highway map, displaying the road to how the slavery went to freedom. Douglas
at the opening of the book was a slave in both his body and mind. Then at the end
good things happened to him, he gets legal freedom and frees his mind. The events
in the book are good points in Frederick s life, in the book it explains how he get
there, and what he had to do and learn along the road. Where it first starts is
Douglas realizes what slavery is all about. Frederick Douglas was born a slave on
Colonel Lloyd s plantation, but as a kid he was suffering. Frederick Douglas was
born in Tuckahoe, Maryland. He saw his aunt Hester gets beaten. Frederick was to
of a kid to get beaten. He saw brutal whippings of various slaves. Men and female
old and young. He didn t describe his childhood as a bad childhood he described it
as unique or individual narrative. Instead, he suffered without even knowing it.
He never knew his father and he only meets his mother a few times before she dies.
After his mother died, they didn t let him go to his funeral. At that time he didn t
know the reason why he could got to his mom s funeral. He later found out why
the reason it was. Frederick he later realized he wasn t normal and that he is a
slave. At the age of seven Douglas was sent to his new master the stage of Douglas
in Baltimore. a city slave is almost a freeman compared with a slave on the
plantation, he remarks , and
The Black Death Of Europe
This paper compromises research found regarding the history of the Black Death in
Europe. It incorporates the beginning of the plague, the way that it spread, and the
toll it took on Europe s population. It answers questions concerning the context of my
topic, the importance of subject at hand, as well as the affects it had on the society
during and after this tragedy. Concluding this paper answers the final question of why
people should know about this subject in the first place.
The Black Death was single handedly one of the worst epidemics to hit the world.
Although its reign of death hit many other continents it s seemingly most devastating
effects hit Europe the hardest. While arriving to the continent around 1347; the
disease would kill roughly 30 50 percent of its population (DeWittle, 2014) in only
five years. The Black Plague would last 1347 1351 and in those five short years
would bring Europe to what would seem to be a halt.
To understand about the Black Death and why it killed so much of the population is
to understand the origin of the disease. Researchers have often began by
acknowledging that this disease comes from Yersinia pestis a bacteria found among
rats, in particular rats that live closely to the human population (Benedictow, 2004). It
begins as an infection in the rats which would kill of their population and the fleas
from those dead rats would find a new host on humans, infecting them from a bite.
The deadly disease then infects a lymph node
Christian Community
What is a Christian community? This is a question I didn t know the answer to
until last summer. I was living a life of disobeying one of God s commands and
had no idea. Even though I am a sinful person and I sin everyday and have
struggles just like everyone else. I was very confused, but I am glad my eyes were
open to what the community is and how important it is in daily life as a follower of
Christ. My eyes were open when I went to a teen leadership conference at Summit
University in Pennsylvania. My faith plays a big role in my life, but one thing
specifically, I have been challenged in my faith is community. Learning about
community opened my eye to something I haven t been doing, but know it has
formed me into a stronger believer in... Show more content on ...
Community is a command that God tells us we have to do. As Christians, we are
called to hold others accountable in faith. The trip to Summit University has
changed my life and help me group deeper in my faith and friendships. My faith
plays a big role in my life, but one thing specifically, I have been challenged in my
faith is community. Learning about community opened my eye to something I haven
t been doing, but know it has formed into a stronger believer in Christ. It has also
helped me grow better friendship that are Christ based. I am thankful for Lauren,
Katie, Grace, Abby, Claire, Paige, and
The Cask Of Amontillado Essay
The decision I made about the choice of confinement as the theme to analyze is the
right decision because I want to delve into the different types of irony that comes
with confinement, and the many ways in which people could be confined.
Throwing the kinks about his waist, it was but the work of a few seconds to secure
it. (Beers 291) is illustrated in the story The Cask of Amontillado . This quote
supports my claim because it shows an instance, although fictional, in which a person
would be physically confined. The decision I made about the choice of confinement
as the theme to analyze was the right decision because I am very curious about the
irony involved with confinement. The three types of irony are verbal, dramatic
Legt2751 Notes for Midsem
ITAA97 = Income Tax Assessment Act 1997
ITAA36 = Income Tax Assessment Act 1936
TAA = Taxation Administration Act 1953
GST Act = A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999
FBTAA = Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986
Taxes compulsory, unrequited payments to general government. Collected for the
provision of social merit goods.
1. Social goods Joint consumption (use by 1 doesn t reduce others) Non excludable
(can t effectively exclude anyone from access to good). E.g. fresh air, street lighting,
knowledge, open source software.
2. Merit goods provided on the basis of need and not ability to pay positive
externalities to society as a whole. ... Show more content on ...
* Fixed vs. circulating capital Memorex Pty Ltd v FCT Non current computer
assets sold at the end of lease = income not capital. * Sale of exclusive rights (patent
/copyright) will be capital (but not always!) Evans Medical Supplies (capital) vs.
Rolls Royce (income). * Restrictive Covenant: Agreement to not divulge
information / not to work for competitor / not to operate in set radius etc. * Can be
capital or income, depends on length of restriction * Evans Medical Supplies v
Moriarty medicine manufacturer taxpayer (who sold confidential information to
government and got 100,000 pounds ) was receiving the amount as capital structure
because it was out of ordinary business transactions. * Rolls Royce Pty v Jeffrey
Technical knowledge and training was sold to different countries to make engines.
Regarded as income.
Gifts / Prizes Mere gifts are not income * Hayes v FCT (1956) Voluntary payment
made by one party to another was mere gift. Presumption will be that gift is not
income (unless it relates to income making activity). * Scott (1966) Gift made to
solicitor by longstanding client. Unexpected. Friendship. Scott adequately
renumerated for services. Several other gifts also made. Not ordinary income. *
Stone v FCT 2003 Stone was a police woman but also competed as a javelin thrower
for which she had

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Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay Topics

  • 1. Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay Topics Crafting an essay on the theme of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" can be both a challenging and rewarding endeavor. The narrative, rooted in Arthurian legend, presents a complex tapestry of themes, characters, and literary devices, requiring a thorough understanding of medieval literature and a keen analytical eye. Delving into the text involves unraveling the intricacies of chivalry, honor, and the supernatural, all while navigating the nuances of Sir Gawain's character development. Constructing a compelling essay demands a careful balance between summarizing the plot, exploring character motivations, and delving into the broader cultural and historical context. The Green Knight's enigmatic presence, Gawain's moral dilemmas, and the symbolic significance of the magical elements add layers of complexity that require thoughtful interpretation and analysis. Moreover, the selection of an essay topic plays a pivotal role. Choosing a unique and thought- provoking angle that hasn't been extensively explored requires creativity and a deep engagement with the text. This process demands a significant investment of time in research, critical thinking, and honing one's writing skills to effectively convey insights and interpretations. Despite the challenges, the exploration of "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" offers a rich canvas for literary exploration, allowing writers to delve into the profound themes that have resonated through the centuries. The process of crafting an essay on such a topic not only hones academic skills but also provides an opportunity for personal growth and intellectual enrichment. For those seeking assistance or looking to explore similar essays, a resource can be valuable. Services like these can offer support in navigating the complexities of literary analysis and help in the creation of well-crafted essays on diverse topics. Sir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay TopicsSir Gawain And The Green Knight Essay Topics
  • 2. the changes in carpentry industry The Changes in the Carpentry Industry The carpentry industry has changed drastically through time, and this is because of all the developments that have happened. The main change is technology. The carpentry industry is very thankful for all the new technology. Technology has increased the time spent and even the cost of the project. Technology is not the only factor changing the carpentry industry. Different methods of completing projects have played a big role in changes. Carpentershave developed new and better techniques that help this industry advance. Carpentry is changing every day and the market is rising thanks to technology and newer practices. Carpentry is everywhere. Anything that has to do with wood involves carpenters. ... Show more content on ... The workers then have to redo the project. This takes up a lot of time. Now the workers are behind and might not finish in time. New workers also slow down the process. The contractors have to take the time to train the new workers. They also have a tendency to make more mistakes. Since the new workers have little experience, they are slower and usually are the ones to make most of the mistakes. This is why contractors prefer people with experience over new workers. The only problem is that people with experience want to get paid more. Good communication is always important to have for better productivity. It is very important so that the workers know what they are doing and how they are going to do it. Planning everything out before will create fewer problems, and the work will be more productive. Tools have changed the face of carpentry forever. Newer tools have shortened the time of work, the quality of the finished products, and the depth of this project. Power tools have made a big contribution to these tools such as levels, plans, and crosscut saws. They do the work in less time and are now more accurate (Britannica). Specific tools that have helped are lasers and GPS. Their main use is for setting up the building corners and building perimeters. Before lasers and GPS was available, workers used to do all of this work using string and tape measures (Craig). Now the work is done far more accurately the first time. It has reduced the amount of time spent at
  • 3. The s Head Worldwide Quadrennial Soccer Competition By 1996, Payne gladly states, American Express had at long last acknowledged it had lost the fight and has following ceased from any further trap movement encompassing the Olympics. In 1996 release of the European Championships, Uefa s head worldwide quadrennial soccer competition, gave a case of snare promoting that changed the substance of games sponsorship. English sportswear organization Umbro had paid for the rights to be the official sportswear supplier of the titles, just to find that Nike had bought all the blurb space and promoting locales in and around Wembley Park underground station, the fundamental travel center point for England s national stadium, Wembley. Nike s turn totally invalidated the force of Umbro s official... Show more content on ... Uefa has made sponsorship certification a step further, obtaining and controlling all publicizing time in the midst of matches, and apportioning time to underpins. Thusly, patrons are protected from potential snare campaigns, and additionally forced to better impact their hypothesis. To be sure, Uefa s proactive arrangement gives off an impression of being paying gigantic profits. Enthusiasm for the vigorously ensured three year, US$220 million sponsorship bundles for the Champions League is currently so high that Uefa works a to some degree disputable delicate approach; and as indicated by numerous, the holding up rundown is colossal. Nike s ambushing of Euro 96 and World Cup 98 was not the first time the American giant had courted controversy through such ambush campaigns (Emmett, 2010). For sure, all through the eighties and nineties, the organization s showcasing men courted the picture of Nike as the awful kid of sportswear. The 1996 Atlanta Olympics gave a tremendous stage to the sportswear organization to demonstrate its showcasing muscle, and it didn t speak the truth to let the way that Reebok held the authority Olympic sportswear sponsorship hinder that. Nike went on the assault promptly, developing a Nike outlet
  • 4. The Evolution of the Motet Essay The Evolution of the Motet The Evolution of the Motet Throughout the history of music, there have been few styles that not only have opened doors to masterwork compositions in their own genres, but have also led the way to other musical techniques over the musical eras and one of these magical music styles is the motet. The motet can easily be confused with other musical structures but what separates the motet from other types of group performance based styles of music is a piece of music in several parts with words. 1 This is the closest definition of motet as can be said without overgeneralization and will operate from the beginning of the 13th century well into the late 16th century and beyond. Some scholars ... Show more content on ... Medieval motets tended to be isorhythmic; that is, they employed repeated rhythmic patterns in all voices not only the cantus firmus which did not necessarily coincide with repeating melodic patterns. 2 This new isorhythmic principle, brought on mostly by the composer Machaut, was used not only in the tenor voice but also rather with much more freedom in the upper voice parts. The application of discant over a cantus firmus marked the beginnings of this new revolutionary style, the motet, in Western music. The key motet composers in the medieval period were few in number; Phillip de Vitry and Machaut were one of the earliest composers to institute the isorhythmic technique, which set the style for other medieval composers like Willelmus de Winchecumbe. Guillaume de Machaut was a more famous named late medieval composer to institute the discant which caught on in other music styles and only helped to evolve the motet into its later stylings. These composers helped carry the motet to the new Flemish motet style. The Flemish style of motets marked the peak of the motet, in my opinion. The Flemish motet was more polished and refined while in contrast, the medieval motet was a diamond in the rough.
  • 5. Hearing Loss And Cognitive Deterioration (A) Research led by Isabelle Mosnier, Jean Pierre Bebear, and Mathieu Marx at Pitie Salpetriere Hospital in Paris was conducted over the timeline of about three years in order to expand on existing evidence that demonstrates an association between hearing loss and cognitive deterioration. The 2015 study Improvement of Cognitive Function After Cochlear Implantation in Elderly Patients begins with an assessment of cited research that reveals whole brain atrophy in elderly people with sensory impairments, specifically in auditory processing. The goal of study was to analyze the outcome of cognitive function and mental health in elderly subjects who have their hearing restored using cochlear implants. In order to qualify to become a... Show more content on ... According to the study, 81% of a subgroup (30 of 37) of the sample group showed improved global cognitive function after one year using the implant, while the rest of the seven subjects in that subgroup simply remained stable. Figure 3 is a column graph that shows the subjects mean scores from the NCIQ test measuring quality of life. In all of the six subdomains, scores improved in the span of six months after implantation and remained stable in the interval between six months and one year later. The results of Table 1 specify an association between cochlear implantation and increased cognitive test scores in the immediate future, but cannot be proven to prevent further degeneration in the long term. In Table 2 researchers found a correlation between the improvement of NCIQ scores and the increase in speech perception scores one year after subjects received implantation and aural rehabilitation. (B) Overall, found that the journalistic article presented the research in an accurate, nonbiased manner. The study wasn t too complex for the average person to understand, due to the fact that it was mainly just a controlled evaluation of a pretty common and low risk surgery (depending on the experience of the surgeon). Therefore, the journalists simply presented the results of the French study and incorporated an American otolaryngologist s opinion about cochlear implantation. The only thing that I
  • 6. Vladimir Putin Chapter 1 Summary Summary: Chapters 3 4 Vladimir Putin s move from St. Petersburg to Moscow signaled the beginning of the Putin era. Throughout his time in the KGB and as first deputy mayor of St. Petersburg, he was rarely ever seen as a man of high honor and prestige. His positions included advancing the agendas of those around him, but he rarely ever aimed to advance his own career. Despite this lack of ambition, Putin s admirable personality traits and various political connections led to his accelerated rise to power. Upon being officially inaugurated on May 7, 2000, Putin s boldness and authority acted as a saving grace for Russiaand its people. Throughout the 1990s, the state of Russia s economy, politics, and society as a whole was in constant turmoil and disarray. President Yeltsin campaigned on the basis of drastic economic change that would transform Russia from a bleak totalitarian past to a bright and promising democratic future. In order to fight the stagflation caused by the Soviet s command economy, Yeltsin enacted measures of shock therapy to slowly reconstruct the failing economy. These measures included removing government price controls on numerous products, lifting wage controls on various jobs, cutting military spending to spare the budget deficit, and handing out vouchers to citizens in an effort to... Show more content on ... His intentions were true, but his execution resulted in extreme poverty, inflation soaring 20 30 percent per month, incredibly high unemployment, plummeting GDP, and an overall tumultuous period of suffering for Russia and its people. Putin remained out of the political scene for much of this chaotic time; that is until he got summoned to Moscow in 1996 and involved himself in Kremlin politics. Yeltsin, immediately impressed with his professional mannerism, vast knowledge of facts, and unbreakable loyalty, appointed Putin to deal with Russia s most pressing issue at the
  • 7. Essay On Manifest Destiny American culture has changed over time as the country has grown. It is important to know our history so we can avoid the same mistakes that our ancestors made before us. With knowledge of our history and our prior mistakes, we can learn from them and make better decisions in the future. Louisiana purchase was one of many seminal events in the history of the United States . However, it began the debt we are still in today; the Louisiana Purchase gave us the land that began the Manifest Destiny. The term Manifest Destiny originated in the 1840 s when John L. O Sullivan said in an article that it was the American colonist s Manifest Destiny to spread over the continent and that God had given them the land for the sole purpose of multiplying ... Show more content on ... The United States spent $598.5 billion dollars alone on the military in 2015. That is 54% of all spending in 2015. The US only spent $70 billion (6%) on education and $13.1 billion (1%) on food and agriculture. ( Military Spending ). This shows what Americans really value. Likewise militarism is along the same lines of racism. In America, men are known to be the stronger sex. Most of the time men are known to run things such as the house, military, and to have the higher paying job. In 2016, women working full time in the United States typically were paid just 80 percent of what men were paid. In 2016 the pay gap was smaller in New York, where women working full time, year round were paid 89 percent of what men were paid. The largest gap was in Louisiana, where women were paid 70 percent of what men were paid. (Miller). Pay gaps doesn t only differ between men and women, but with race. Asian women s salaries show the smallest gender pay gap, at 87 percent of white men s earnings. The gap was largest for Hispanic women, who were paid only 54 percent of what white men were paid in 2016 (Miller). Unfortunately this isn t the only type of racism in the US. On October 10, 2017, School Officials say a Christian youth group called Young Life was hosting a country themed event for kids when a few students went outside and posed and took pictures with the Confederate flag. (Brown). In most cases, you see things such as this in most southern states.
  • 8. Views of Entitlement in the Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby as Fitzgerald s explanation of an American Reality which contradicts the American Dream That was always my experience a poor boy in a rich town; a poor boy in a rich boy s school; a poor boy in a rich man s club at Princeton.... However, I have never been able to forgive the rich for being rich, and it has colored my entire life and works. F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Life in Letters, ed. Matthew J. Bruccoli. New York: Scribners, 1994. pg. 352. The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, has been celebrated as one of the greatest if not the greatest American works of fiction. Of course, one could convincingly argue that Gatsby barely qualified as fiction, as it is the culmination of a trio of Fitzgerald s work that ... Show more content on ... The culture of the wealthy Americans represented in The Great Gatsby was defined mainly by consumerism and excessive material wealth. Wherever given the opportunity, Jay Gatsby went over the top, as shown in his flamboyant style of dress and his huge mansion where he throws lavish parties. This is actually not all that different from Fitzgerald s life. After his first work was published to great fanfare, Fitzgerald was the talk of the town. As was the case with Gatzby, many of those around him did not and never would actually know Fitzgerald. They wished merely to be close to someone famous. Fitzgerald shunned all the attention, eventually moving to France. It was there that he looked at the supposed American Dream from a different perspective. To Fitzgerald, it was clear that the sudden wealth that many Americans began to acquire caused leisure and idleness to replace traditional ethics like hard work as qualities that were admired. (Decker, 28) Certainly the Buchanans and Gatsby cared little about hard work once they had achieved their material goals. Gatsby believed that in order to fulfill his own concept of the American Dream he needed to win Daisy s love, and to do that he would need to establish himself as Somebody. Although he loves Daisy, he also sees her as more of a goal a step toward the perfect life promised by the American Dream. In a way, Gatsby views Daisy much the way
  • 9. King David s Dance Analysis On Tuesday, April 11, I attended the University of Evansville s Springs Classic Wind Ensemble production, which was performed in their Neu Chapel Sanctuary. The wind ensemble was composed of approximately forty five performers. The various instruments included piccolo, bassoon, euphonium, as well as the typical wind and brass instruments such as clarinets, flutes, trumpets, and trombones. The University of Evansville s wind ensemble was conducted by Kenneth Steinsultz. The wind ensemble opened the performance with their own variation of Stephen Shewan s King Davids Dance. The song comes from his album Parables of God and Man, which was released in 1997 (Albany Records). Before performing the second song, Kenneth Steinsultz warned the audience about the... Show more content on ... Shewan has composed music for various medias including orchestras, ensembles, and choirs. In Biography of Stephen Shewan , Jubal Press claims he has the unique ability to join atonal technique with romanticism, resulting in music that is much more than mere mental manipulation of pitches. It is highly evocative and expressive. Numerous critics believe Shewan shows a well developed understanding of choral voice and properly uses a comfortable command of both lyrical expression and varied romantic to modern harmonization. Stephen Shewan is a considerable composer who deserves a wide audience, and that is why his music doesn t fall under one category (Jubal Press). Lastly, Juraj Filas Concerto for Horn and Wind Orchestra was composed during the early twenty first century. Like the twentieth century, modern composers search for exciting and different modes of expression. Unusual harmonies, tonal schemes, and the manipulation of rhythms create unique styles of music. However, some of the greatest composers stick to the traditional forms of music that way an average listener can still easily appreciate and enjoy
  • 10. What Intimate Relationship Between Transparent Logic,... Japanese autodidact modernist architect Tadao Ando, explores the intimate relationship between transparent logic, abstraction, nature and place through the study of material and form and the interaction between the everyday human life and it s surrounding in his architecture. The interplay of these elements are evident through his body of work especially his residential Koshino House and Extension project. His broad depth in understanding the inherent fundamental human needs and his close study of famous modernist architects such as Le Corbusierand Frank Lloyd Wright has resulted in his prevailing success. I create architectural order on the basis of geometry... and in this way to develop a theory of parts that is founded on the sensibility of the Japanese people . As a child growing up in front of a wood workshop, being fascinated by what he saw, at the age of 10 17 Ando became an apprentice, learning to create wooden models and the skills of a carpenter. There he discovered the beauty of the balance between a form and the material it is made of. However it was not until he was 18, when he discovered a book about Le Corbusier and began to travel and analyse traditional and contemporary architecture in Japan, Europe and the United States, he came to understand these relationships in actual architecture as an entire physical being. (pritzker prize). His visit to the Pantheon in Rome and Le Corbusier s Гљnite d Habitation flourished his own understanding of spatial
  • 11. The Articles of Confederation Essay The Articles of Confederation Independence from Britain made necessary the establishment of a new government. Eleven states drew up new constitutions; Connecticut and Rhode Island revised colonial charters. The Articles of Confederation created a loose union of near sovereign states. The Confederation was inadequate and was failing in the structure of government. They also were in deep trouble, financially and economically. The Articles of Confederationprobably achieved its most important success in the handling of west diplomatic and financial concerns. In evaluting post American Revolutionary War, overall the Articles of Confederation did not provide the United States with an effective government due to the lack of ... Show more content on ... Because all 13 states had to agree, the proposal was thrown out and was not inforced. Morris and Alexander Hamilton devised a dangerous plot called the Newburgh Conspiracy in order to relieve the panic. In 1783, (Doc C) the two men secretly persuaded some army officers to threaten a coupd etat unless the treasury obtained the taxation authority needed to raise their pay. A letter from Delegate Joseph Jones to George Washingtonsuggests the immediate pay to the soilder by enforcing tariffs and taxation. George Washington blocked this threatened military coup aimed at strengthening the central government and guaranteeing back pay and pensions to officers as the war came close. These events proved the Confederation was weak and unable to control financial problems. Diplomatic problems multiplied after the war. Congress was unable to comply states to repay prewar debts to British citizens and allow Loyalists to recover confiscated property. European governments closed off nearly all American trade with the colonies. According to statistics of exports and population(Doc. B), after the Declaration of Independence, the profit of exports to Britain steadily declined. This shows that the export trade to Britain was declining. Britain took away the rights of the United States to trade with the British colonies, yet Britain goods were still flooding in the United States.This, in return
  • 12. Theseus And The Minotaur Literary Analysis Fighting to the death in a near hopeless situation. This is a common theme between the Hunger Games and the greek myth about Theseus and the Minotaur. In the Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen volunteers to take her sisters place to fight to the death in an Arena with only one victor. With help from Peeta Mellark, they survive the Hunger Games and go back home to their families. In Theseus and the Minotaur, King Minosdeclares that 14 people must be sent to him every 9 years, from the city of Athens. They would be released into a labyrinthto fight the Minotaur, half man half bull monster. With the help of the king s daughter, Theseus defeats the Minotaur and sails home. Though both stories may seem different, there are similar in many ways. Unnecessary cruelty, fake love, and volunteering to fight are all elements that are connect the stories... Show more content on ... In Theseus and the Minotaur, Theseus could have been fed to the minotaur and the story ends there. Instead they put him in the labyrinth with the minotaur. The same thing happens in the Hunger Games. They could have killed the tributes. Instead, they put them in the Arena to fight each other to the death. The Arena is supposed to be another version of the unbeatable labyrinth in Theseus and the Minotaur. The unnecessary cruelty is supposed to represent how evil the human nature is. It gives the victims false hope because it makes them think that they have a chance to survive. In the Hunger Games, it is that there is one victor who survives. In Theseus and the Minotaur, the victims have the hope that they can escape the Labyrinth and survive. In reality, none of them have a chance to
  • 13. Analysis Of Florence Nightingale s Unnecessary Noise ... More than 50 percent of residences in aged care homes have different forms of cognitive impairment and dementia, and the number is increasing day by day. It is predicted that most of them are with dementia live their end stages of life in Residential homes or other assisted living facilities. There are different studies are conducting to increase the quality of life in nursing homes. There are different sets of recommendations that can make significant changing in the quality of life both the therapeutic and environmental factors are important. The optimal environment (light, sound and sign) can encourage and support independence while promoting safety (Joosse 2012). People who live in nursing homes have great exposure to large amounts of stimuli such as sound, signage, and light. Studies show that of all stimuli, noise has the most significant and damaging effect on people with dementia. Florence Nightingalewrote in her 1859 Book Notes on Nursing unnecessary noise is the most cruel abuse of care which can be inflicted on either the sick or well (Florence Nightingale 1859) Noise has a large impact on the health status of an individual. It is a major contributing factor of stress, confusion and agitation among them. A recent study states that noise levels in a nursing home were found in the range of 60 75 dB, which is equivalent to a busy road traffic .Minimizing noise level, is a great intervention to reduce some of the behavioral changes in people with dementia.
  • 14. Sonnet 29 Sonnet 29 1. In the introductory clause of the sonnet, the speaker makes it clear that he envies those with hope. By this, the speaker means that he resents those who have a clear, bright future ahead of them, a future made possible by the qualities he goes on to describe. These qualities are friendships, skill in art, and power (lines 6 7), and the speaker makes it clear that he envies these people by explicitly stating that he desires what they have. 2. The turn of the sonnet occurs in line 9. The argument that this line is where the turn occurs is supported by the content of the sonnet both before and after the line. For example, the subject of lines 1 8 is how the speaker is feeling self pity and jealousy towards those who have what he does not. After line 9, the subject of the sonnet shifts to how the speaker finds the thought of his lover to be uplifting and how it makes him feel like he has everything. This drastic shift in both tone and in subject indicate that line 9 is where the turn of the sonnet occurs. 3. After the turn, the speaker s diction and imagery indicates that the speaker s tone shifts to an uplifted and content one. This is evidenced by the image of birdsong rising from sullen earth , which makes the rising nature of the speaker s tone clear. In addition, the usage of the word arising also suggests that the speaker s tone is uplifted. Finally, when the speaker says that he would scorn to change my state with kings , he
  • 15. The Dynamic, Broad And Complex Nature Of Cloud Infrastructure The dynamic, broad and complex nature of cloud infrastructure makes it difficult to provide resilience against design issues. In order to make user effectively utilize the existing computational power a new kind of operating systems are needed. Therefore cloud based operating systems promise vision to meet user s needs at any time. At the same time designing of cloud based operating systems present many challenges to the designer. The common issues include heterogeneity, elasticity of demand, scalability and faults. 2.1 HETEROGENEITY Current operating systems requires same ISA for all the cores. All the cores in the traditional operating systems execute the same instruction set. But these cores differ in performance and capability levels.... Show more content on ... Inducing heterogeneity into system means using more than one kind of processor. Not only same kind of processors but different processors can be added to a system to increase the performance. In order to handle particular tasks heterogeneity incorporates specialized processing capabilities. Heterogeneous systems use different Instruction Set Architectures (ISA s). The main processor in a system will have one ISA and the remaining have another. Heterogeneous systems are capable of using different processor types. They can have CPU s and GPU s embedded on a single integrated circuit to give best of both. In a heterogeneous system with CPU s and GPU s CPU generally will be equipped in performing serial tasks and GPU is well known for its graphic capabilities and intensive computations. GPU s are capable of dealing with large datasets. On the other hand designing heterogeneous operating systems can impose many challenges one of which may be binary incompatibility due to different instruction set architectures. Different elements may interpret memory in different ways. The non uniformity in the system depends on the level of heterogeneity introduced into the system. Library and other services may not be uniformly available to all the elements present in the heterogeneous system. Heterogeneous environments support low level implementation of functions and threads. The architectural differences between the CPU s
  • 16. The Reasons I Chose Music I chose to use the medium music to explore how the music I listen to, sing, and play help me deal with stress. The reasons I chose music as my chosen medium are because I feel like it represents me the best. I find it very easy to relate to music, there is something about the lyrics, music, the instrument used to play the songs, and the emotions you can put into and hear in musicthat draws me in. Music makes me feel free, it allows me to escape from my troubles, my mind, and the world. Everything disappears and I become lost in the sounds and emotions it produces. Another reason for choosing music as my medium is the fact that I grew up with it. My siblings had all started piano and singing lessons by the time I was born, so as a baby I ... Show more content on ... On days I have class this time is usually when I am on the bus travelling to and from the college, so I get lots of time for my music on those days. Simply put I love music, and it has become an essential part of me, that invokes not only happy and some sad memories of my childhood but thoughts of how I have my whole life ahead of me to create new memories as well. The 11 songs I chose are the ones that have helped me deal with past stress the best and they are: parts of Fur Elise , I Won t Back Down , Go Way From My Window , Poor Wayfaring Stranger , Amazing Grace, Danny Boy , You Are My Sunshine , Clementine , Pan s Labyrinth Lullaby , Headphones , parts of Circles by Hollywood Undead. Each song has a special meaning that I associate with it, although some of the meanings overlap. Fur Elise is special because it is a song that is so much fun to play on piano and to listen to. I grew up listening Stuart and Jocelyn, my older sibling, playing it all the time. Stuart would play it as fast as he possibly could, watching his fingers fly across the keys was exhilarating as a child. Then Jocelyn would come and play next, all tame and smooth compared to Stuart s wildness. Both variations were beautiful, especially when they put expression in, hearing the music flow from loud to quiet from soft to powerful was amazing. The best part though was when they would play Fur Elise together, it was magical,
  • 17. Toms Shoes Theme Chart Analysis Using the Grounds Theory approach our group determined and analyzed the common themes on social media surrounding the Toms Shoes brand. We created a Theme chart and a sub theme chart from the largest theme. These charts can be seen below. The top three themes were 1) Social Justice, which was mainly comprised of soundbites focused on the Toms One For One motto and their positive impact on those less fortunate 2) Style, which was largely focused on the look of the shoes and 3) what we named Purchase/ want, this category was comprised of soundbites in which people were talking about a purchase they had just made or stating that they really wanted to purchase a certain pair, more pairs or every pair of Toms. We have... Show more content on ... Then we set the custom date range from April 10th, 2012 to June 15th, 2012. There were 621 mentions. People mentioned One Day Without Shoes mostly on the event date and then it began to decrease and stopped within a week. There were 88% positive and 12% negative comments. Some people thought it was nasty and gross to go without shoes in crowded or public areas, but the majority thought that it supported a good cause and were willing as well as excited to join the campaign. Many people shared their good experience of being barefoot on that day, which is what we expected. However, similar to the analysis of the pre event date, the number of mentions quite still pretty small. Most of the stream came from twitter. We recommend Toms improve their campaign. Not entirely change the campaign but make a minor change in order to make it more exciting and so that it is not exactly the same every year. We think that this will help boost participation and therefore awareness of the brands mission. One way Toms could accomplish this is by arranging a video competition, which would ask people to make their own video doing their daily activities barefoot. They would then be asked to post the videos on Toms Facebook. Whomevers video got the most likes would win a reward or prize. Perhaps even a trip to one of the countries where Toms gives there shoes away so that the dedicated customer could help deliver the shoes and experience first hand how impactful
  • 18. Essay on John D. Rockefeller Jessica M. Hintermeister American History Louisa Garry Due: Thursday, March 15, 2001 The Rockefellers feared the temptations of wealth, yet a visitor once described their estate as the kind of place God would have built if only he d had the money. They amassed a fortune that outraged a Democratic nation, then gave it all away reshaping America. They were the closest thing the country had to a royal family, but the Rockefellers shunned the public eye. For decades, the Rockefeller name was despised in America, associated with John D. Rockefeller Sr. s feared monopoly, Standard Oil. By the end of his life, Rockefeller had given away half of his fortune. But even his vast philanthropy could not erase the memory of his predatory ... Show more content on ... Oil was being used to grease the wheels of America s infant industries, to fuel the expansion of growth. Rockefeller lamented that so many wells were flowing that the price of oil kept falling yet everyone went right on drilling. He saw an industry plagued from overproduction and his own success was being threatened by ruinness cut throat competition. John D. was shrewd enough and he was analytical enough that he realized that in order to figure out a way to save his own firm and his own newly won fortune, that he had to figure out a solution for the entire industry. It was at that point that John D. began to conceive of the oil industry as one big interrelated mechanism. And you couldn t just change one component, you had to control the entire machine. In a move that would transform the American economy, Rockefeller set out to replace a world of independent oilmen with a giant company controlled by him. In l870, begging bankers for more loans, he formed Standard Oil of Ohio. The next year, he quietly put what he called our plan his campaign to dominate the volatile oil industry into devastating effect. Rockefeller knew that the refiner with the lowest transportation cost could bring rivals to their knees. He entered into a secret alliance with the railroads called the South Improvement Company. In exchange for large, regular shipments, Rockefeller and his allies secured transport rates far
  • 19. Jackie Robinson Impact On Society Baseball has always been more than just a sport to the American people. For many, it is a way of life, teaching not just brute skills but life lessons and morals. In the wake of World War I, racism and bigotry abounded in the United States. Even though the integration of schools had recently been instated, Jim Crow laws severely limited the activity of African Americans in society, resulting in baseball teams being limited to whites. Jackie Robinson made an important step in gaining rights for African Americans when he broke the color barrier of baseball in 1947. He did this by making civil rights his ambition even before the protests began (Coombs 117). Jackie Robinson s fame as a baseball player and determination to defeat adversity... Show more content on ... However, even with such undeniable talent, the racism of the times kept Robinson from achieving his full potential, a problem that would motivate him throughout his life. Even before the integration of baseball, Robinson displayed his intolerance for racism. While in the army, Robinson was stationed at Fort Hood in Texas. On a public bus, Robinson refused to move to the back when ordered to do so by a commanding officer. He was then court marshaled, but later acquitted (African American Biographies 106). Even though the dispute resulted in Robinson s honorable discharge, it made clear Robinson s stance on bigotry. This event would become a major factor in his selection to integrate baseball. In order to understand why the integration of baseball was so important, one must understand the importance of baseball during this period. For the past 100 years, baseball could be considered more than the National Pastime and looked at as akin to a national religion. Had Jackie Robinson integrated a different sport such as football or basketball, he would not be remembered today (Gimbel). However, though Robinson possessed incredible talent, there were few people that were willing to draft him, or any African American onto their team. Luckily, sixty three year old Branch Ricky recognized that the introduction of African American
  • 20. Zara Is A Non Domestic Retailer Company Essay Analysis of Zara Name: Course: Institution: Abstract Zara is a non domestic retailer company that offers a wide array of clothing for young adults, children men, and women. The first company store was opened in 1975 in the nation of Spain. However, it has been able to expand its operation in other countries such as United Kingdom, India, Japan, Mexico, and Canada. Zara has been able to maintain its position in the fashion market which is highly competitive as a result of its constant and latest change in trend. The apparel market is usually driven by the consumer (Zara Website). Based on the fact that new technologies and globalization have availed to the customer enhanced and improved access to fashion, the core objective of any organization that is competing in the industries depends on the meeting the needs of the consumers. As such, Zara has focused its attempts on the evolving and developing consumer oriented product lines as it strives in meeting the needs of customers of different income and age. The middle aged parents purchase clothes at the retail stores because they are cheap while the children purchase merchandise from the stores for it is trendy and fashionable. The company has a wide array of clothing and product lines as per the market needs. The company has a distinct fashion approach and constant response to the ever evolving trends. The objective of Zara is relation to combining low prices and fashion, adapting and interpreting the
  • 21. Case Study Of Matt Lauer NEWPORT BEACH Viewers missing Matt Lauer on the Today Show. With 4.7 million people waking up to Matt Lauer s face on the sunny Today Show there has been breadcrumbs about his previous sexual encounters. For some time, America s love affair with the young, handsome news reporter seemed as if he could do no wrong because we loved who he was. High profile men like Matt Lauer must be shocked with women coming out and having any strength. Starting at the beginning of his journey at NBC newsin 2001 he already had a sexual relation with an office employee. Already at the very beginning of the career Lauer was starting his sexual harassment reputation. That wasn t the only sexual encounter he has had with employees. In 2014 at the Sochi Olympics he had inappropriate conduct with another employee, yet another one. Many years later and he still proceeds to participate in inappropriate sexual behavior with his colleagues. How many instances does it take before it becomes serious? Lauer proved it wasn t a serious issue in his opinion when in 2016 Meredith Viera found sex toys in his dressing room that he gave to a woman working in his office. Having Viera find the sex toy and later having a colleague report about Lauer giving her a sex toy was proof that it wasn t just for his wife who he has been married to the whole time working at NBC News. But then again woman have no power so it s okay for men to treat them this way. For all the attention Matt
  • 22. Text Messaging Text messaging is a very controversial subject in our society, possibly even in other cultures. Some complain that texting is overused and abused while others praise the most recent developments and upgrades of texting. The pervasive use of text messaging in today s society has many facets; however, the bad is said to outweigh the good. Any individual s perspective on the issue will most likely depend on their age group or social class. For example, a fifteen year old would appreciate the convenience and speed of text messagingbut a fifty year old would most likely not need the texting function on their cell phone; therefore, the speed and convenience of text messaging would become irrelevant. Mobile based coordination, as Ling calls... Show more content on ... The scarcity of understanding among the groups can cause tension, fighting, and even resentment. The majority of text message conversations are built on forming a response as soon as you can. No one really notices that the hidden idea behind this general statement can actually lead to a need for instant gratification. Not only does this necessity cause severe impatience, it also causes an absence of attention to many things such as school or one s communal life. When I text during a math or science class where something has to be explained in steps, I lose all of my focus and do not understand what the teacher is explaining. This most likely occurs in other types of situations such as business meetings or even dinner dates. Texting while driving has become the most prevalent cause of traffic accidents in America today. The general finding here is that the mobile telephone increases reaction time and that it demands that better could be afforded driving (Ling 49). Those who take the risk of texting and driving have a subconscious belief that they can avoid a car accident even though they are more focused on the cell phone rather than driving. This belief has killed approximately 2,600 people a year and caused six percent of all traffic accidents ( Lawmakers saw the consequences of these actions and banned texting while driving in Washington D.C. and 34 states. University of Utah conducted a
  • 23. My Philosophy Of Teaching Language My philosophy of teaching language is that in order for a child to achieve language they have to have the desire to learn it. In my short time, I have overseen teachers implement a student centered learning environment. Learning in my future classroom will always occur within cooperative and collaborative group work. Having observed this strategy, this strategy is completely effective and positive to reaffirm and develop strong student to student and instructor to students relationships. This only reassures and establishes an honest and sincere communication in classrooms. I would also do my best to create a positive and enjoyable environment for my future students, which motivates them to participate actively in the activities. In today s classrooms, I find, they are becoming extremely diverse in socioeconomic, academic, disability and ethnic backgrounds. To be able to provide a connection and identity with the English languageonly becomes a more challenging task to achieve due to the diversity of the group of students. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening (Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards). However, as my duty and responsibility as an instructor, I am obligated to design activities that address the diverse abilities and needs of each and every student. One of my primary goals of teaching is to help
  • 24. Explain Why Cardinal Richelieu Was The Regent Of Louis Xiii Cardinal Richelieu was the regent for Louis XII. A regent is someone who acts for the king until they are ready to rule. Although, he was a Catholic priest, Richelieu s first loyalty was towards the crown of France. As the regent of Louis, he had many goals to secularize the country. His goals were to rid the king of domestic enemies and make France the dominant player in European power politics. Cardinal Richelieu s first goal was to secure the king from his domestic enemies which were the Huguenots and the Nobility. He achieved his goal by decreasing their power. To start off, he took actions towards the Huguenots. Richelieu s belief was that Protestantism often served as an excuse for political conspiracies against the Catholic king. This
  • 25. Black Cultures And Subcultures Within The United States The Unites States is a true melting pot of ethnicities and cultures. For many members of minority groups a certain hybridity is readily adopted, but for others, cultural assimilation can be quite difficult. Chicana author, Sandra Cisneros described this phenomenon as always straddling two countries... but not belonging to either culture (Doyle. 54). African American author, Alice Walker shared Cisneros sentiment, but focused her attention on the assimilation of black cultures and subcultures within the United States. Cisneros and Walker make the same poignant statement about the strains of cultural assimilation, with reconciliation of split identities as the goal, in their respective works, 1991 s Woman Hollering Creek, and 1973 s Everyday Use, yet their unique ethnic perspectives allow them to make it in surprisingly different ways. Cisneros family bounced back and forth between Mexico and the United States for most of her youth, which led to firsthand experience in the difficulties of growing up as a multicultural person (Doyle. 54 55). As an adult, she settled in San Antonio, Texas, but that feeling of not belonging to either culture never left her. She drew on this feeling as inspiration for many works, including Woman Hollering Creek, a short story about a Mexican woman, named Cleofilas, brought to live in the United States by her new husband. She is excited to leave her lazy brothers and old fashioned father behind, and dreams of the endless possibilities that
  • 26. Albert Einstein Accomplishments As one of the considerable researcher of the season of the nineteenth century he was fantastic. He won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1921 for his work in Physics. In due process he needed to escape from Germany, after Adolf Hitler took rule over Germany. Albert Einstein is viewed as one of the best researchers and virtuosos ever. Albert Einsteinwas a noteworthy player really taking shape of the Atomic Bomb that put a conclusion to World War II. The greater part of that accomplishments he had achieved in his lifetime were stupendous as he Albert Einstein was a German conceived physicist who built up the general hypothesis of relativity. He is viewed as a standout amongst the most powerful physicists of the twentieth century. Albert Einstein was conceived
  • 27. Is Technology A Distraction Research Paper Is Technology a Distraction? In today s world, electronic devices are becoming increasingly conventional and accessible. With the advancement of technology, the people advance along with it by cultivating and using technology. It is not surprising that laptops, phones, tablets, and televisions are common in this era. Consequently, people may engross themselves in these appliances, distracting themselves from other tasks such as school or work. Technology takes residence in schools, offices, and homes, making it hard to escape the grasps of it. It is convenient, therefore, it will have use. Thus, it can lead to problems such as losing quality time on studying, losing focus, and texting while driving. Technology is essential in today s... Show more content on ... Distractions are extremely dangerous to drivers. Accidents and crashes may occur. It s even worse when gadgets are right at people s fingertips while driving. According to The National Safety Council, cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. ( A driver shifts focus from driving to the screen of an electronic device. For the whole duration a driver s attention is on a phone, the car is still moving. Replying to a text takes away about 5 seconds of a driver s attention, which at 55 mph, that s enough time to travel the length of a football field. ( For a whole length of a football field, the driver is not as aware of his or her surroundings. No wonder why texting while driving is such a common cause of car accidents. The accessibility of electronic devices makes it more convenient and easy to obtain one and thus, the device can be a
  • 28. One Who Flew Over The Cuckoo s Nest Analysis Novel Analysis of Ken Kesey s One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest Hospitals are meant to help some people heal physically and others mentally. In the novel One Who Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest by Ken Kesey published in 1962, readers are introduced to a mental hospital that has goals that do not align with helping people. Within the hospital, characters with varied personalities and opinions are intermixed with three main characters playing specific roles with supporting characters close by. With the characters motivations, themes develop such as the emasculation of the men in the hospital by an oppressive nurse. Symbols, such as laughter and the combine , are also pertinent to themes as the readers watch the men transitioning from being oppressed to being able to stand up for themselves causing change in hospital policy. The oppressor, or antagonist, of the story is Nurse Ratched, or the Big Nurse. Her methods of oppression, including attempts to emasculating the men in the medical ward, is the foundation of the work. The nurse uses her power to manipulate the patients as well as members of the staff in the hospital. Since she is in charge of the entire ward, she runs it with an iron fist while concealing her feminism and humanity behind a patronizing faГ§ade. As the story progresses, Nurse Ratched loses some power over the patients with the introduction of a new patient on the ward, Randle McMurphy. As McMurphy continues to fight her oppression, her faГ§ade breaks down and falls apart as she loses control. Randle McMurphy, the protagonist, is introduced to break down the nurse s oppressive ways. McMurphy, a con man who was sentenced to a work farm, was diagnosed as a psychopath and sent to the mental hospital, which he much preferred. Serving as a savior figure to the patients of the ward who have already been battered by the Big Nurse, McMurphy causes interference to the nurse s control. He supports the men as they are ridiculed in meetings and supports their attempts to change policy. Although he does help other patients, he first looks out for himself. He cons the patients out of their money and then follows the nurse s rules for awhile because of the threat of being kept on the
  • 29. Comparison Of The Egyptian, Mayaan And Egyptian Pyramids Jose Sabalier Mathematics 105M.01DE Professor: Morgan December 7, 2017 Comparison between the Egyptian, Mayan Aztecs Pyramids Some of the best things about the Pyramids is that they don t have so many similarities they have their own special uniqueness in their own way. I would like to give the example of the Mayan and the Egyptian Pyramid. While they are not similar they are both pyramidal. Egyptian pyramids are funerary monuments and they are not considered temples. They did have temples that were close by that were on the ground, but they did not have any on the top. One of the most intriguing things about the Aztec and the Egyptian pyramids is that they created the pyramids in alignment with the stars and in alignment with each other and if we think about it they are very distanced from each other as far away through the Atlantic Ocean. One of the most fascinating things that I researched was that the Teotihuacan and the Giza (the three major temples) are in the same layout as the ones that the stars in the Orion s belt. Can you just imagine being able to see that similarity directly? Even the researchers and any archeologist who is studying this are left in awe at this amazing resemblance. I want to share that the Great Pyramid of Cholula is the largest pyramid by volume in the world, and the largest monument ever constructed . This pyramid is an Aztec pyramid which contains temples within. There are still today many Aztec temples that are
  • 30. My Life Experience It was a dark and warm night as the wind was breezing on my face. My parents and I went to the entrance of the airport in Ethiopia. The date was September 15, 2017 and that day was the day that we were leaving Ethiopia. We had stayed there for one month for a vacation and to meet our other family members. We went at 7:30 pm and the flight was at 10:30. We went a bit early because it is better than being late. Also, if a problem insists, we would have time to fix it but that wouldn t happen,...right? Honestly, I didn t think we would ve gotten on the airplane that night because of that horrible incident. It was the most meaningful experience of my life because it made me surprised when I heard that our visa was expired. All this time we did not check that the visastamp said that September 14 is the day were leaving in the month that we stayed there. We told the people who worked at the Immigration that we were leaving on September 15 but their mistake caused us to be a problem when we were about to leave Ethiopia. We had to be in a rush so we didn t miss the airplane flight. For that reason, the life lesson that I learned is that managing your time is crucial when it comes for many reasons. We came a little early so would get the process before the flight done and if something happens, then we would have plenty of time to do something about it. If we didn t manage our time and we came later, we would probably miss our flight or we would ve gotten really
  • 31. We’ve come a long way from Alexander Graham Bell first... We ve come a long way from Alexander Graham Bell first invention of the telephone to today s technological gadgets. Advances in technology have helped our fast pace, moving society. For the past two decades, the advances in technology have enable us to communicate by fax, cell phone, e mail, text message, and other social networks like never before, and the generations before us has a lot to say about it. Few people are sending letters to each other and most are using emails to communicate. It also has changed so much while I was growing up. No longer are we able to make an excuses of not being able communicate because we don t understand each other, google translator has come to the rescue. When I spoke to my grandpa about how technology ... Show more content on ... Now we re able to have face time, and have other apps to help us communicate. Well, to me technology seems to be getting better, and better every day. From my mom s viewpoint, she thinks it made people closer to one another. The use of mobile technologies like the cellphone and the Internet enabled us to now text, talk, or send images/videos anywhere in the world at blazing fast speeds across landlines, optics, and satellite frequencies). Before the only way to communicate besides, the telegraph was by horse/train Even, the use of telegraph was a great invention, and our messages were limited and disoriented at times. The coming of the telephone and the intercontinental telephone lines, enable us to speak with people thousands of miles away in an instant. It also helped with writing papers. For example, the type writers, they were a lot more complex to use than the accessible computers we have now. We also have no problem with understand other peoples language when talking to them because of the handy dandy google translator. Technology has a come a long way to help us. Whether technology has brought the world together, or at the same time made us lazier which were made evident by the drop of the beautiful written letters to one another and the escalation of the text messages. People will always have opposing viewpoints on it, and some will keep it to a neutral. But, technology has definitely
  • 32. Essay on Tell-tale Heart Literary Analysis The Tell Tale Heart A Literary Analysis Like many of Poe s other works, the Tell Tale Heart is a dark story. This particular one focuses on the events leading the death of an old man, and the events afterwards. That s the basics of it, but there are many deep meanings hidden in the three page short story. Poe uses techniques such as first person narrative, irony and style to pull off a believable sense of paranoia. In this particular story, Poe decided to write it in the first person narrative. This technique is used to get inside the main character s head and view his thoughts and are often exciting. The narrator in the Tell Tale Heart is telling the story on how he killed the old man while pleading his sanity. To quote a phrase... Show more content on ... Poe s economic style of writing is a key instrument in making this story amazing. In this story, he uses his style to truly bring out what he intended for the story a study of paranoia. In example, I loved the old man. He had never wronged me. He had never given me insult. For his gold I had no desire. I think it was his eye! Yes, it was this! One of his eyes resembled that of a vulture a pale blue eye with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me my blood ran cold, and so by degrees, very gradually, I made up my mind to take the life of the old man, and thus rid myself of the eye for ever. it is easy to see that Poe used short sentences, to capture the rapid thoughts of a twisted mind. Perhaps the biggest element in this story is the use of irony, both verbally and dramatically. For verbal irony, we can see clearly at the end that what the narrator tells the officers and how he acts on the outside, (in a cool manner , as he puts it) is much different than the chaos on the inside, as in what he wants to say. He sees the police as villains and wishes them to leave, but due to the situation, he had to keep them there. The more that he assures himself of his sanity near the end of the story and the more that he thinks that he is acting coolly, eventually leads him to reveal that he is the one that killed the old man after all. As for dramatic irony, since we know that the narrator is the one that killed the old man,
  • 33. The Reprimand Essay Sympathy in The Reprimand Sympathy is an extension of empathic concern, or the perception, understanding, and reaction to the distress or need of another human being. Sympathy must be given and received in order for the world to operate because all humans make mistakes that impact other people s lives. The Reprimand is a short phone play written by Jane Anderson in 2000. The two characters, Rhona and Mim, have a confrontation about what Rhona believes to be an inappropriate remark during a meeting. In The Reprimand, Mim deserves the most sympathyfrom the audiencebecause Rhona intentionally manipulates her into believing she is not respected by her male co workers. Mim deserves the most sympathy because Rhona tells her that she... Show more content on ... This single comment by Mim lets everyone know that she really is hurt by the situation. In any situation, the audience will give sympathy to the character who is degraded by the other characters just like Mim is degraded by Rhona. Rhona does not deserve the sympathy of the audience because she did not handle the situation in a professional manner. She is too forceful and degrading to Mim when she confronts her about Mim s comment. Rhona says, but you didn t say better, you said bigger (Anderson 1783). She corrects what Mim meant by her comment to make her sound like she was trying to be mean, when she actually was trying to do something nice for her because it was Rhona s project. She was implying that Rhona deserved the big chair because it was her project and she would most likely be leading the meeting with the other employees. This act of kindness and respect is turned around to be mean and disrespectful by Rhona. Rhona says, Honey, there was a reason why Dick and Danny asked you all the follow up questions (Anderson 1784). Rhona is implying to Mim that she took the attention away from her even though she is the one who is in charge of the project. Sympathy should not be given to Rhona because she comes across as a selfish woman who just wants to be the center of attention. Most people do not appreciate this type of personality. One last meaningful thing that Rhona
  • 34. Brutus s Hamartia What was Brutus s Hamartia? In many of William Shakespeare s plays, there is an identified tragic hero. A tragic hero, according to Aristotle, is a man whose adversity comes to him, not through vice or depravity but by some error of judgement. The tragic hero s story should arouse pity and fear to the audience. Most tragic heroes appear in Greek literature like in Julius Caesar. A well known tragic herois Brutus, who was manipulated into going against the great ruler Caesar. If this is what a tragic hero is, is Brutus an example of a tragic hero? According to Aristotle a tragic hero should have certain characterics. One of them is that a hero must be noble but still have a tragic flaw. Brutus was in the senatorial class and his father ... Show more content on ... He easily was manipulated by Cassius and Marc Antony into his plans into killing Caesar and never suspects both will go against him. In Act 2, Scene 1, the fake letters sent to him are from the conspirators. He believes the people of Rome want him to be king. In Act 3, Scene 2, Brutus allows Marc Antony to speak at Caesar s funeral. Marc Antony convinces the crowd that the conspirators are evil and should go against them. All these characteristics represent Brutus being a tragic hero. Tragic heroes often make an error in their judgement. Brutus s error was trusting Cassius and Marc Antony believing they would not be opposed to him. However, Cassius manipulates Brutus into trusting him and then turns against Brutus after killing Caesar. Marc Antony goes behind his back speaking negatively of Brutus at Caesar s funeral. By accomplishing this mistake, it leads to a series of calamity leading to his death. Another example of being a tragic hero is having an epiphany about their flaw. This example represents Brutus as well. Brutus and Cassius have a fight and Brutus realizes he can t trust Cassius anymore. He has an another epiphany of how killing Caesar was wrong. He recognized that killing Caesar didn t help Rome s Republic and how he was double crossed by the other conspirators. This information leads to his downfall and
  • 35. The Classroom Observation Classroom observation is a main approach of teaching research. Scholars or researchers use video to record the real whole class and observe the teachers and students actions, words and the efficiency in the class. Though the observation, they analyze what approach is more suitable. This paper will select video 5 and video 3 as the material to do the classroom observation. Different aspects such as teachers responds, questions, instructions notes and students behavior will be addressed to analyze the efficacy of this class. 2. Brief introduction of video 3 The theme of english lesson in Video 3 is job interview with a large number of students, nearly as many as fifty, who are native Chinese teenagers while teacher may be a native English speakers( at least good at English). Because of the education system in China, most of the Chinese students study English from Grade 3 in primary school, who already have some basic English vocabulary and grammar storage like simple greeting, food, verbs about movement and so on though not mastery in them. Meanwhile, They are capable of making simple sentence. Therefore, teacher began to teach students some English skills, like listening, in middle school. The lesson is divided into three parts: pre listening, while listening, post listening. In the pre listening part, this teacher lead students review some details about the listening transcript. While listening, students answer the question sheet and afterwards, check the answers during
  • 36. Cuckoo s Nest Psychiatry A more negative portrayal of the institution system is shown in One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest (1975) directed by Milos Forman. It is considered to demonstrate the changing face of psychiatry. The film which was based on Ken Kesey s book of the same title, was made during the period which is known as the Anti Psychiatry Movement during the 60 s and 70 s. The public s consciousness around the reality of psychiatric institutions and psychiatry itself was developing in a different way. A number of theorists worked together in order to outline the issues which were still a major part in psychiatry. (Fleming and Manvell, 1985) In his book Madness and Civilisation: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason (1964), Michael Foucault discussed the nature of asylums as a way of institutional control (Donaldson, 2005). He argued that the running of these institutes were not effective at all and infact harmful to the patients (Donaldson, 2005). It was pointed out that all the patients were forced to accept a role given to them set by the institute (Fleming and... Show more content on ... Then, physicians and especially psychiatrists began to call illness (that is, of course mental illness) anything and everything in which they could detect a sign of malfunctioning, based on no matter what norm (Fleming and Manvell, 1985). R.D Laing talked about the labeling of illness as a way of social control in The Politics of Experience and The Birds of Paradise (1967) (Donaldson, 2005). Laing saw psychiatry as a political profession that is used to repress individuality. (Fleming and Manvell, 1985). During this time, psychiatry s authority was questioned as it is shown in the 1975 production of One Flew Over the Cuckoo s Nest. In the film we see the free spirited R.P. McMurphy, played by Jack Nicholson, banished to a psychiatric unit rather than prison for committing statutory
  • 37. All Men Are Created Equal It s not surprising that a nation, built under the principal of all men are created equal , would discriminate against women. In today s society, the traditional roles, values, and thoughts placed upon women from prehistoric times still play a central part in the inequality women face every day. The day I no longer have to worry about what I m wearing will label me as a slut, is the day that women will be thought of as more than just sexual objects. The day I can be praised for my brains instead of my beauty, it the day men and women will be considered equal. This is the future I hope to foster. This is the future where the line all men are created equal means all humans and not just men. Since the start of the agricultural revolution, social structure has moved from egalitarian to patriarchal. Men were stronger, and thus more valuable to handle the labor of farming, while women were left to take care of the house and children. Even though in the past fifteen years society has made great leaps towards equality, society is still far from egalitarian. The oppressive traditional roles from the Neolithic era are still shoved down a woman s throat from an early age. A woman is expected to stay at home and raise the kids, instead of going off to work and leave the kids with a nanny. The essay, Turkey s in the Kitchen , highlights how women are trained to work in the kitchen, whereas, most men are inept when it comes to anything cooking related. School systems
  • 38. Ford Ghl-40 Compare And Contrast Have you ever wanted to know which car was better. The ford GT 40 mkIII or the ford gt. The GT and the GT 40 mkIII are both made by ford. In the paper I am writing I will compare the Ford GT 40 mkIII to the Ford Gt. Each as their differences. Those differences I will be tell you about. The GT 40 mkIII was one of the first GT 40. The GT 40 got its name from the body height which is 40.5 inches. The engine in the car was a V 8 which means that there are two rows of four cylinders on each side of engine block. The engine drove the back wheels with a five speed transmission. The engine was carbrated which mixes the gas and air to run the engine.Which means that there was five different gear ratio to make the car go faster. The car 0 60 is
  • 39. Gullivers Travels Essay Gulliver amp;#8217;s Travels, by Jonathan Swift, is regarded as one of the greatest satires in modern history. The purpose of the book, although some of his contemporaries didn amp;#8217;t realize it, is to ridicule his government, his rulers, and human nature as a whole. His generalization of the human condition doesn amp;#8217;t manifest itself completely until Part IV of the book, where the main character, Lemuel Gulliver, finds himself on an island inhabited by two main species amp;#8211; the Houyhnhnms, horse like animals, and the Yahoos, human like animals. The difference between this island and reality as we know it is the fact that the Houyhnhnms are intelligent, noble creaturesgoverned wholly by reason, and the Yahoos are... Show more content on ... This seems too inhuman, and it appears that it would be impossible to be that intelligent and noble, yet still disregard the importance of death. Overall, however, Gulliver amp;#8217;s view of the Houyhnhnm is a perfectionistic vision of how human nature, for the most part, should be amp;#8211; ruled by reason. The amp;#8220;negative ; extreme of human nature that Gulliver encounters is the Yahoos. The Yahoos are naked, dirty creatures that physically resemble humans: amp;#8220;My horror and astonishment are not to be described, when I observed, in this abominable animal, a perfect human figure amp;#8230; ; (Swift 186). Immediately, Gulliver does not want to be considered one of the Yahoos. He never takes off his clothes to reveal his likeness to the Yahoo body. The Houyhnhnms still regard Gulliver, however, as either a amp;#8220;noble Yahoo ; or something in between a Yahoo and a Houyhnhnm it seems they are unable to decide. At one point, one of the Houyhnhnms describes Gulliver amp;#8217;s body to be extremely inefficient: amp;#8220;That I could not walk with any security, for if either of my hinder feet slipped, I must inevitably fall. He then began to find fault with other parts of my body, the flatness of my face, the prominence of my nose, my eyes placed directly in front, so
  • 40. Miller Vs. California Obscenity Case Study Miller v. CaliforniaRichardson, 1 Miller v. California: Obscenity Leanna Richardson Liberty High School AP Government 4A In the case, Miller v. California, obscenity was redefined and it was determined that it did not have protection under the First Amendment. The case began in 1972, when a man by the name of Marvin Miller mass mailed ?adult material? in brochures as an advertisement strategy (Chicago Kent College of Law, 2015). Five of these brochures were sent to a restaurant in Newport Beach, California. The manager and his mother opened the letter containing the crude material. After having unwillingly received these materials, they complained to the police (Miller v. California, 1973). He was first convicted ... Show more content on ... Chief Justice Burger wrote and delivered the opinion of the court. The argument the Supreme Court presented was that obscene materials have been ?thrust? on people, who did not want to receive those things. They stated that states had rights concerning this issue. They have the right to prohibit these materials when it ?carries significant danger of offending the sensibilities of unwilling recipients or of exposure to juveniles? (Miller v. California, 1973). Burger also wrote on behalf of the majority that ?We hold that obscenity is not within the area of constitutionally protected speech or press.? There were no concurring opinions but there were two dissenting. Justice Douglas argued that because the court changes their mind frequently concerning the standard to which obscene materials are held to, that Miller should not be punished for the negligence of the Court (Miller v. California, 1973). Justice Brennan argued that Court, Congress, or States could not decide whether obscene materials are protected or not under the First amendment (Miller v. California,
  • 41. Computer Based Information System Home gt; Management Information Systems gt; Computer Based Information Systems and it s Types Computer Based Information Systems and it s Types Computer Based Information System: Computer Based Information System (CBIS) is an information system in which the computer plays a major role. Such a system consists of the following elements: * Hardware: The term hardware refers to machinery. This category includes the computer itself, which is often referred to as the central processing unit (CPU), and all of its support equipments. Among the support equipments are input and output devices, storage devices and communications devices. * Software: The term software refers to computer programs and the manuals (if any) that support them. ... Show more content on ... Decision support systems assist managers who must make decisions that are not highly structured, often called unstructured or semi structured decisions. A decision is considered unstructured if there are no clear procedures for making the decision and if not all the factors to be considered in the decision can be readily identified in advance. Judgement of the manager plays a vital role in decision making where the problem is not structured. The decision support system supports, but does not replace, judgement of manager. 4. Office Automation Systems Office automation systems are among the newest and most rapidly expanding computer based information systems. They are being developed with the hopes and expectations that they will increase the efficiency and productivity of office workers typists, secretaries, administrative assistants, staff professionals, managers and the like. Many organisations have taken the First step toward automating their offices. Often this step involves the use of word processing equipment to facilitate the typing, storing, revising and printing of textual materials. Another development is a computer based communications system such as electronic mail which allows people to communicate in an electronic mode through computer terminals. An office automation system can be described as a multi function, integrated computer based system that allows many office activities to be performed in an electronic mode. Categories of different
  • 42. Narrative Of The Life Of Frederick Douglas An American Slave The book Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglas an American slave, is showing a highway map, displaying the road to how the slavery went to freedom. Douglas at the opening of the book was a slave in both his body and mind. Then at the end good things happened to him, he gets legal freedom and frees his mind. The events in the book are good points in Frederick s life, in the book it explains how he get there, and what he had to do and learn along the road. Where it first starts is Douglas realizes what slavery is all about. Frederick Douglas was born a slave on Colonel Lloyd s plantation, but as a kid he was suffering. Frederick Douglas was born in Tuckahoe, Maryland. He saw his aunt Hester gets beaten. Frederick was to of a kid to get beaten. He saw brutal whippings of various slaves. Men and female old and young. He didn t describe his childhood as a bad childhood he described it as unique or individual narrative. Instead, he suffered without even knowing it. He never knew his father and he only meets his mother a few times before she dies. After his mother died, they didn t let him go to his funeral. At that time he didn t know the reason why he could got to his mom s funeral. He later found out why the reason it was. Frederick he later realized he wasn t normal and that he is a slave. At the age of seven Douglas was sent to his new master the stage of Douglas in Baltimore. a city slave is almost a freeman compared with a slave on the plantation, he remarks , and
  • 43. The Black Death Of Europe This paper compromises research found regarding the history of the Black Death in Europe. It incorporates the beginning of the plague, the way that it spread, and the toll it took on Europe s population. It answers questions concerning the context of my topic, the importance of subject at hand, as well as the affects it had on the society during and after this tragedy. Concluding this paper answers the final question of why people should know about this subject in the first place. The Black Death was single handedly one of the worst epidemics to hit the world. Although its reign of death hit many other continents it s seemingly most devastating effects hit Europe the hardest. While arriving to the continent around 1347; the disease would kill roughly 30 50 percent of its population (DeWittle, 2014) in only five years. The Black Plague would last 1347 1351 and in those five short years would bring Europe to what would seem to be a halt. To understand about the Black Death and why it killed so much of the population is to understand the origin of the disease. Researchers have often began by acknowledging that this disease comes from Yersinia pestis a bacteria found among rats, in particular rats that live closely to the human population (Benedictow, 2004). It begins as an infection in the rats which would kill of their population and the fleas from those dead rats would find a new host on humans, infecting them from a bite. The deadly disease then infects a lymph node
  • 44. Christian Community What is a Christian community? This is a question I didn t know the answer to until last summer. I was living a life of disobeying one of God s commands and had no idea. Even though I am a sinful person and I sin everyday and have struggles just like everyone else. I was very confused, but I am glad my eyes were open to what the community is and how important it is in daily life as a follower of Christ. My eyes were open when I went to a teen leadership conference at Summit University in Pennsylvania. My faith plays a big role in my life, but one thing specifically, I have been challenged in my faith is community. Learning about community opened my eye to something I haven t been doing, but know it has formed me into a stronger believer in... Show more content on ... Community is a command that God tells us we have to do. As Christians, we are called to hold others accountable in faith. The trip to Summit University has changed my life and help me group deeper in my faith and friendships. My faith plays a big role in my life, but one thing specifically, I have been challenged in my faith is community. Learning about community opened my eye to something I haven t been doing, but know it has formed into a stronger believer in Christ. It has also helped me grow better friendship that are Christ based. I am thankful for Lauren, Katie, Grace, Abby, Claire, Paige, and
  • 45. The Cask Of Amontillado Essay The decision I made about the choice of confinement as the theme to analyze is the right decision because I want to delve into the different types of irony that comes with confinement, and the many ways in which people could be confined. Throwing the kinks about his waist, it was but the work of a few seconds to secure it. (Beers 291) is illustrated in the story The Cask of Amontillado . This quote supports my claim because it shows an instance, although fictional, in which a person would be physically confined. The decision I made about the choice of confinement as the theme to analyze was the right decision because I am very curious about the irony involved with confinement. The three types of irony are verbal, dramatic
  • 46. Legt2751 Notes for Midsem ITAA97 = Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 ITAA36 = Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 TAA = Taxation Administration Act 1953 GST Act = A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 FBTAA = Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986 Week 1 INTRODUCTION TO TAXATION THE AUSTRALIAN TAXATION SYSTEM Taxes compulsory, unrequited payments to general government. Collected for the provision of social merit goods. 1. Social goods Joint consumption (use by 1 doesn t reduce others) Non excludable (can t effectively exclude anyone from access to good). E.g. fresh air, street lighting, knowledge, open source software. 2. Merit goods provided on the basis of need and not ability to pay positive externalities to society as a whole. ... Show more content on ... * Fixed vs. circulating capital Memorex Pty Ltd v FCT Non current computer assets sold at the end of lease = income not capital. * Sale of exclusive rights (patent /copyright) will be capital (but not always!) Evans Medical Supplies (capital) vs. Rolls Royce (income). * Restrictive Covenant: Agreement to not divulge information / not to work for competitor / not to operate in set radius etc. * Can be capital or income, depends on length of restriction * Evans Medical Supplies v Moriarty medicine manufacturer taxpayer (who sold confidential information to government and got 100,000 pounds ) was receiving the amount as capital structure because it was out of ordinary business transactions. * Rolls Royce Pty v Jeffrey Technical knowledge and training was sold to different countries to make engines. Regarded as income. Gifts / Prizes Mere gifts are not income * Hayes v FCT (1956) Voluntary payment made by one party to another was mere gift. Presumption will be that gift is not income (unless it relates to income making activity). * Scott (1966) Gift made to solicitor by longstanding client. Unexpected. Friendship. Scott adequately renumerated for services. Several other gifts also made. Not ordinary income. * Stone v FCT 2003 Stone was a police woman but also competed as a javelin thrower for which she had