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SMiLE London
The best bits
We’ve been at the SMiLE
Social Media ‘inside the
Large Enterprise’ conference
this month... keeping up with
the latest digital trends in
employee engagement.
It was a great conference,
but if you couldn’t make it,
fear not, here’s our roundup
of the best bits.
Trend watch / hot topics from the floor
/ Let’s be specific
Social media tools for employee
engagement are becoming more
sophisticated and specific, as people
seek specialised apps for particular
groups of employees.
/ On the move
Mobile workforces are driving the need
for social media apps. And as they
continue to expand, so too does the
growth in social networks.
/ Digital re-thinking
Intranets are old school. Now it’s all
about the ‘digital workspace’ where
you get your job done.
/ Listen up
The biggest challenges in getting
your employees to adopt social
media are mindset, engagement
and, in turn, change.
/ Big brother
ESNs are being used for more specific
purposes now, including employee
monitoring. While working may be
becoming more flexible, you might
start clocking in again!
/ Business first
Intranets/digital work spaces need to
be led by the needs of your business
and employees, not by IT, as things
move into the cloud.
/ Future focus
More companies are going online to
get employees to think up great new
ideas that can drive / support R&D
and innovations. (See our Novozymes
case study on page 14)
Trend watch / hot topics from the floor
/ Stats and facts
	80% of companies now use social
media tools
(source: SMiLE survey)
	Yammer, SharePoint, Zimbra and
Jive are the most popular internal
comms platforms.
	Optimally engaged employees
are 120% more likely to generate
innovation and 150% more likely to
demonstrate customer advocacy
(Source: IBM presentation)
	Employees are being treated as
consumers (segmentation, UX
etc). It pays to know your internal
audiences just like external ones
New technology now allows
businesses to try things
out faster than ever before.
You create a small team to push
the idea forward, then move on
if it doesn’t work – failing in two
weeks rather than two years.
Fresh thinking:
The fail fast
/ Step 1: Development
When you’re developing your tool, think about
how you’re going to encourage people to use it.
1	Try tempting them in with something of
interest or using the tool for something they
can’t get anywhere else. At Coca Cola, they
use their HR (payslips etc) as the ‘chocolate
bar’ to push people to visit their platform.
(See pg 20 for the case study)
2	Try using external feeds so that your
employees can find everything in one place.
3	Short, engaging videos can help distill your
complex messages into fun, engaging clips.
/ Step 2: Getting feedback
1	Want to run a pilot? Instead of using a wide
spread of employees, choose a small, specific
group like a project team to get a better
sense of what works and how much people
will use it.
2	Make sure your newsletters work for users.
Get feedback, review analytics and respond.
/ Step 3: Launch
1	Want to make your ESN visible, effective and
influential? Then you need your Exec team on
board. Get them to commit to being social.
2	Spend time at launch phase, don’t just
switch on and expect people to land!
/ Step 4: Training
While some employees might hate the
digital world, others will be technical wizards.
These differences are worth remembering.
Quick user guides, webinars and are all
important for roll-out.
/ Step 5: Keep developing
It’s tempting to cascade information and
training to managers, but think about using
a ‘water wheel’ instead: cascade out,
get feedback and respond.
Social media tools won’t do you much good if your people won’t use them.
But culture change can be hard work, so the experts at SMiLE had plenty of
advice for engaging your employees.
Focus on /
Getting employees online
(and coming back for more!)
Great quotes
On getting up close and personal with employees…
“Let people tell you what they need,
and then make it happen”
Katherine Lunn, Community Manager, XChanging
On identifying natural social media champions and not forcing it…
“Some people are allergic to social media,
some adopt naturally”
Toby Johns, Internal Communications Manager, Rugby Football Union (RFU)
“FUN is the best way to engage people
on enterprise platforms”
Frank Hatzack, Head of Innovation Development, Novozymes
Use Community Managers to moderate different
parts of the global community. If you’re looking
to build a case for these Community Managers,
remember that managing a global community is
more than a skill; it’s a valuable role that helps
drive trust and engagement.
Start from a position of trust - let people post
whatever they want, then moderate if there’s
a report of abuse. At XChanging, if there is a
report of abuse, the Community Manager will
have a conversation with the reporter
and abuser.
There’s nothing like the launch of a global online community to make your
senior leaders nervous. Suppose employees misuse it? Suppose there’s
abuse? In fact chattering and abuse are two of the biggest concerns when
it comes to introducing social technology. Here’s how the experts are
tackling it…
Focus on /
Managing a global community
IBM gives each employee a private,
personalised social dashboard
based on their online behaviour –
a useful way to flag issues quickly.
Fresh thinking:
The behaviour
Great quotes
On abuse…
“Better to be punched in the face on your
ESN than stabbed in the back on Glassdoor”
Melanie Wheeler, XChanging
On the usefulness of social media…
“Research shows people with strong and diverse
networks are better at getting things done”
Marie Wallace, IBM
On working out loud…
“People don’t want to get fired” but social media
does actually help “surface the idiots”.
Melanie Wheeler, XChanging
Case studies
There were some fantastic
presenters at SMiLE.
Here are five of our
favourite case studies.
/ The challenge
XChanging had eight intranets across the
world and lots of comms happening locally.
That made it hard to operate as a global
local company, so there was a real need to
improve comms, collaboration and knowledge
sharing. Their solution was to introduce a digital
workspace they called Leapfrog using Jive ESN.
/ Results
Adoption was simply phenomenal:
	92% user adoption
	72% active and participating (the average
‘active’ % is 16% if you don’t launch properly)
	8-10% content creators
/ How they achieved it
1	Created a base of trust with plenty of
support from the exec board and the
big personalities of those heading up
digital platforms.
2	A ‘world tour’ to speak to as many
people as possible, get buy-in and find
natural champions.
Melanie Wheeler (Global Head of Internal Communication  CSR)
and Katherine Lunn (Community Manager)
3	A big, fun launch with a frog theme.
Now, if people don’t update their profile
photo they get a default frog image!
/ The big business benefits
	Measurement: Now the team use Leapfrog
to see stats, give feedback to the exec team
and help them tune in to what employees
are saying.
	Transparency: The online chatter has helped
cut down the volume of emails, while ‘working
out loud’ increases transparency.
	Collaboration: Improved version control as
files don’t get ‘lost’ on email.
	Teamwork: Thanks to their ‘water wheel’
approach, they can use feedback to keep
improving (rather than cascade)
	Corporate moments: It’s now easier to run
company-wide initiatives such as diversity
week. Leapfrog provides a place to make
it happen.
	Strategy: Managers can have strategy
discussions with staff and post the feedback
– really powerful.
“Business has been
social for so long, it just
hasn’t been visible.”
By getting “up close and
personal, let people tell
you what they need, and
then make it happen”
/ The challenge
RFU had 600 staff, 2000 member clubs, 500
unis and colleges, 10,000 schools and 60k
volunteers. Around 2.5m people enjoy rugby
and 250k play, so social media was the obvious
route to get stories out from the field.
/ The solution
The comms team launched ‘RFU Connected’,
a SharePoint platform with Yammer that included
a feed on their homepage. Rather than a
standalone social media tool, this was a portal
that included:
	 News and info
	 A new phone book
	 Employee hub and Yammer feed (integrated)
	Home page aggregator of external and
internal feeds
	 Exec diary and QA with leaders
Toby Jones (Internal comms manager) @tobyjones00
Rugby Football Union (RFU)
media was
the obvious
route to
get stories
out from
the field
/ Engaging people
	Giving people plenty of materials has
been important: webinars, user guides.
The team got people early, kept things
short and kept repeating.
	The tool is supported by regular employee
email briefings called Rugby Shorts, with lots
of links to the intranet.
	Over time the people using the tools
changed so it’s been important to keep
encouraging and responding to users to
keep them coming back.
	RFU now shares information with its internal
audience before releasing it to the outside
world (e.g. the squad list ahead of a game).
	 They repurposed their Yammer content.
/ Results
	500 people engaged each month, a figure
that was helped by the tool’s integration
with SharePoint.
/ The big business benefits
	Engagement: It’s a great opportunity to
communicate new values and engage
employees in new objectives / 5 year plan.
	Culture: This tool underpins and supports
culture because the technology reflects
their values.
There was a divide
between HQ and those
in field. Now, using ESN
“has helped us join up
the stories”.
“Champions are key
to adoption”
When asked if he
was starting over again
– “I’d spend more time
on the launch phase.
I just switched it on!”
/ The challenge
Four years ago Novozymes, the biotech
company, wanted a way of involving their people
more in innovation and RD. Their answer was
COLIN, a tool for collaborative online ideation
that would appeal to the company’s values and
improve lives.
/ Engaging people
	The team focused on collaborative ideation
rather than ‘crowd sourcing’.
	The leadership team was fully involved
in all campaigns, with videos addressing
the audience.
	They used small groups with a 2-week focus.
/ The results
	Since it’s launch, 35 of the COLIN
ideation campaigns have directly led
to RD/new products.
	Following its success, COLIN is now
being rolled out across the entire business
(1800 employees) to get everyone’s input
into Novozymes’ strategy.
Frank Hatzack (Head of Innovation Development) @nzbioinno
...a tool for
online ideation...
/ The big business benefits
	Innovation: COLIN led to higher quality
innovation and more RD projects.
	Talent: This is a good platform for the
company’s ‘young lions’ to get their ideas
heard and shared
	Strategy: Appeals to the leaders’ need
for innovation as we work towards the
vision (this makes it an easy sell-in!)
/ Top tips
	A good COLIN is intellectually compelling
and emotionally engaging
	Use fun to drive engagement
	People need to see a face, so make sure
you include the human side with video etc.
“Who wants to be
crowd sourced? People
want to be engaged!
Collaborative ideation is
a better phrase”
“Complex questions
create complex solutions”.
“Working with a small,
diverse crowd means
you get simpler, more
manageable ideas.”
/ The challenge
With over 4,000 employees, internal channels
at the Financial Ombudsman were getting busy
and news pieces becoming too long to digest.
They needed a change of approach for their
in-house magazine so, with 50% of employees
under the age of 35, social media seemed like
the natural choice.
/ The solution
The team already used a Newsweaver platform
to keep in touch with external stakeholders,
so they used this to launch On the go, a short,
snappy online publication that combines
business with fun. They made the newsletter
social, with a marketing-led approach and used
Twitter to cut through the noise: people had
to tell the story in 140 characters! On the go
also includes:
	Videos: Employees use Vine to create mini
videos that can be embedded, a great way to
make boring subjects engaging.
	Corporate responsibility: Including voting for
charities, and ways to get involved.
	Multi-format approach: With user-generated
content, a weekly CEO video etc.
Sally Young (Head of Publication) at the Financial Ombudsman,
and Denise Cox from Newsweaver
Financial Ombudsman  Newsweaver
has an impressive
80% open rate
On the go
/ Results
On the go has an impressive 80% open rate
/ The big business benefits
	Measurement: Provides real-time metrics
that can be used to boost engagement
and understand audiences.
	Accessibility: Employees can view
On the go anywhere, through any device.
	Events: They can use On the go’s
functionality for events
	Speed: In disaster recovery planning,
On the go can be used to send instant
messages to all employees.
/ Top tips
	Before you start, set benchmarks and
build from that
	Speak to people, get feedback and
look at analytics to find out how to
make things better
“50% of staff were under
35 so social seemed the
way to go”
“Access to quality data
is a big challenge for
internal communicators”
/ The challenge
Sharing ideas, voicing opinions, talking to lots of
people at the same time, Vodafone wanted its
employees to start using all the behaviours they
used in their personal social media use, at work.
/ The solution
The Comms team set up Circle, an internal social
media platform using Sharepoint that is separate
to their intranet. Circle enables people to share
ideas on what’s working and allows directors
to interact with people across the globe. At the
beginning it was hard to get employees to shift
from email and instant messaging, but over time
they started to see and enjoy the benefits. Now,
employees can use Circle to:
	Give opinions and get instant feedback
	Request and set up their communities
(according to guidelines)
	Give suggestions on new projects
(recently this was used to encourage
employees to name Vodafone’s new app)
/ The results
	Over 75k registered users (there are 90k
employees around the world)
	 12-20k uses per month
	 2000 communities
Stanley Awuku (Internal Digital Experience Manager) @stanos22
Over 75k
(there are 90k employees
around the world)
/ Business benefits
	Communication: Circle has helped
remove barriers.
	Engagement: Circle has a Townhall
function that allows Vodafone’s leaders
to engage with employees and enables
groups to collaborate easily.
	Feedback: Leaders can ask questions
and get ideas from workforce
	Leadership visibility: One CEO in Qatar
even uses Circle to wish colleagues a
happy birthday!
	Retaining knowledge: Circle is great for
project teams because all the information
is there, rather than being hidden in Outlook
and potentially lost if somebody leaves.
/ Top tips
	Get your senior leaders to act as ambassadors.
	If you think there’s a danger of tool overload,
then give employees guidance on what to
use, how.
“There’s never too
much interaction.”
“I love feedback,
I ask questions and
let them talk, then take
lots of notes.”
/ The challenge
CCE wanted an employee and manager
self-service portal, a digital workplace that
would work on any device any time any location
– a one hit solution. So last month they launched
iConnect, the intranet in your pocket, that has
integrated their Sharepoint and SAP systems
into a single mobile platform.
/ Engaging people
The team used a ‘Force, Compel, Invite’ model
to encourage people to use iConnect:
	Force – iConnect is the default home page.
If people change it, it’s simply defaults back
	Compel – Using a sweetshop analogy, CCE
uses HR as the chocolate bar for iConnect:
it’s the only place employees can access their
payslips and holiday bookings so people are
drawn in.
	Invite – there’s now plenty of interesting, useful
information to keep people coming back.
The content is also unique to the individual
employee (training courses/manager etc).
/ Choosing what to include
The team don’t put everything on iConnect.
For example, people can see their objectives,
but can’t complete their appraisals on iConnect;
and they continue to use Chatter to collaborate –
it already works brilliantly so has been linked
from iConnect, but not integrated.
/ Access
Access has been an important part of the
iConnect development so that now:
	In the office, the VPN connection knows
who the employee is, but they can also log
in to access it externally
	iConnect is available in several European
	They’ve created iConnect Express, giving
employees quick and easy access to tools
and stripped-down content
Jonathan Philips (Senior Manager Digital Comms) @digitaljohnathan
Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE)
/ Results and benefits
Although iConnect was only launched last
month, 65% of employees have already
connected. The target is for 100% to say
iConnect is a useful place to be.
/ Business benefits
	Employee advocacy: Employees can share
stories from iConnect to the outside world.
	Communication: iConnect has campaign
spaces using Twitter.
/ Top tips
	Governance is important, start there with
clear strategy
	 Start small, build from that
	On average people use mobile 150 times a
day – content has to be bite size in order to
be engaging. Short, sharp, no longer than
1 min.
“We don’t only
encourage BYOD [Bring
Your Own Device], we
rely on it!” 6% of their
ESN traffic comes from
personal mobile devices.
“We’re all aware that
different channels
serve different purposes
for us in our personal
lives.” That’s why we
must think the same
for the workforce.
“It’s not an intranet,
it’s a digital workplace”.
Watch the video
+44 (0)117 962 1534
Gemma McGrattan
Get in touch
We engage people with award winning
creative communications.
Our inside out approach inspires your employees
to be brand ambassadors and turns your customers
into brand advocates.
The result is a seamless customer experience at
every contact with your brand.
More from SMiLE
For details of the full line up and contributors,
including a ‘storify’ go to:

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Top tips to engage employees using social media (SMiLE London 2015 highlights)

  • 2. We’ve been at the SMiLE Social Media ‘inside the Large Enterprise’ conference this month... keeping up with the latest digital trends in employee engagement. It was a great conference, but if you couldn’t make it, fear not, here’s our roundup of the best bits.
  • 3. Trend watch / hot topics from the floor / Let’s be specific Social media tools for employee engagement are becoming more sophisticated and specific, as people seek specialised apps for particular groups of employees. / On the move Mobile workforces are driving the need for social media apps. And as they continue to expand, so too does the growth in social networks. / Digital re-thinking Intranets are old school. Now it’s all about the ‘digital workspace’ where you get your job done. / Listen up The biggest challenges in getting your employees to adopt social media are mindset, engagement and, in turn, change. / Big brother ESNs are being used for more specific purposes now, including employee monitoring. While working may be becoming more flexible, you might start clocking in again! / Business first Intranets/digital work spaces need to be led by the needs of your business and employees, not by IT, as things move into the cloud. / Future focus More companies are going online to get employees to think up great new ideas that can drive / support R&D and innovations. (See our Novozymes case study on page 14)
  • 4. Trend watch / hot topics from the floor / Stats and facts 80% of companies now use social media tools (source: SMiLE survey) Yammer, SharePoint, Zimbra and Jive are the most popular internal comms platforms. (Source: Optimally engaged employees are 120% more likely to generate innovation and 150% more likely to demonstrate customer advocacy (Source: IBM presentation) Employees are being treated as consumers (segmentation, UX etc). It pays to know your internal audiences just like external ones New technology now allows businesses to try things out faster than ever before. You create a small team to push the idea forward, then move on if it doesn’t work – failing in two weeks rather than two years. Fresh thinking: The fail fast forward
  • 5. / Step 1: Development When you’re developing your tool, think about how you’re going to encourage people to use it. 1 Try tempting them in with something of interest or using the tool for something they can’t get anywhere else. At Coca Cola, they use their HR (payslips etc) as the ‘chocolate bar’ to push people to visit their platform. (See pg 20 for the case study) 2 Try using external feeds so that your employees can find everything in one place. 3 Short, engaging videos can help distill your complex messages into fun, engaging clips. / Step 2: Getting feedback 1 Want to run a pilot? Instead of using a wide spread of employees, choose a small, specific group like a project team to get a better sense of what works and how much people will use it. 2 Make sure your newsletters work for users. Get feedback, review analytics and respond. / Step 3: Launch 1 Want to make your ESN visible, effective and influential? Then you need your Exec team on board. Get them to commit to being social. 2 Spend time at launch phase, don’t just switch on and expect people to land! / Step 4: Training While some employees might hate the digital world, others will be technical wizards. These differences are worth remembering. Quick user guides, webinars and are all important for roll-out. / Step 5: Keep developing It’s tempting to cascade information and training to managers, but think about using a ‘water wheel’ instead: cascade out, get feedback and respond. Social media tools won’t do you much good if your people won’t use them. But culture change can be hard work, so the experts at SMiLE had plenty of advice for engaging your employees. Focus on / Getting employees online (and coming back for more!)
  • 6. Great quotes On getting up close and personal with employees… “Let people tell you what they need, and then make it happen” Katherine Lunn, Community Manager, XChanging On identifying natural social media champions and not forcing it… “Some people are allergic to social media, some adopt naturally” Toby Johns, Internal Communications Manager, Rugby Football Union (RFU) “FUN is the best way to engage people on enterprise platforms” Frank Hatzack, Head of Innovation Development, Novozymes
  • 7. Use Community Managers to moderate different parts of the global community. If you’re looking to build a case for these Community Managers, remember that managing a global community is more than a skill; it’s a valuable role that helps drive trust and engagement. Start from a position of trust - let people post whatever they want, then moderate if there’s a report of abuse. At XChanging, if there is a report of abuse, the Community Manager will have a conversation with the reporter and abuser. There’s nothing like the launch of a global online community to make your senior leaders nervous. Suppose employees misuse it? Suppose there’s abuse? In fact chattering and abuse are two of the biggest concerns when it comes to introducing social technology. Here’s how the experts are tackling it… Focus on / Managing a global community IBM gives each employee a private, personalised social dashboard based on their online behaviour – a useful way to flag issues quickly. Fresh thinking: The behaviour dashboard
  • 8. Great quotes On abuse… “Better to be punched in the face on your ESN than stabbed in the back on Glassdoor” Melanie Wheeler, XChanging On the usefulness of social media… “Research shows people with strong and diverse networks are better at getting things done” Marie Wallace, IBM On working out loud… “People don’t want to get fired” but social media does actually help “surface the idiots”. Melanie Wheeler, XChanging
  • 9. Case studies There were some fantastic presenters at SMiLE. Here are five of our favourite case studies.
  • 10. / The challenge XChanging had eight intranets across the world and lots of comms happening locally. That made it hard to operate as a global local company, so there was a real need to improve comms, collaboration and knowledge sharing. Their solution was to introduce a digital workspace they called Leapfrog using Jive ESN. / Results Adoption was simply phenomenal: 92% user adoption 72% active and participating (the average ‘active’ % is 16% if you don’t launch properly) 8-10% content creators / How they achieved it 1 Created a base of trust with plenty of support from the exec board and the big personalities of those heading up digital platforms. 2 A ‘world tour’ to speak to as many people as possible, get buy-in and find natural champions. Melanie Wheeler (Global Head of Internal Communication CSR) and Katherine Lunn (Community Manager) XChanging
  • 11. 3 A big, fun launch with a frog theme. Now, if people don’t update their profile photo they get a default frog image! / The big business benefits Measurement: Now the team use Leapfrog to see stats, give feedback to the exec team and help them tune in to what employees are saying. Transparency: The online chatter has helped cut down the volume of emails, while ‘working out loud’ increases transparency. Collaboration: Improved version control as files don’t get ‘lost’ on email. Teamwork: Thanks to their ‘water wheel’ approach, they can use feedback to keep improving (rather than cascade) Corporate moments: It’s now easier to run company-wide initiatives such as diversity week. Leapfrog provides a place to make it happen. Strategy: Managers can have strategy discussions with staff and post the feedback – really powerful. “Business has been social for so long, it just hasn’t been visible.” By getting “up close and personal, let people tell you what they need, and then make it happen”
  • 12. / The challenge RFU had 600 staff, 2000 member clubs, 500 unis and colleges, 10,000 schools and 60k volunteers. Around 2.5m people enjoy rugby and 250k play, so social media was the obvious route to get stories out from the field. / The solution The comms team launched ‘RFU Connected’, a SharePoint platform with Yammer that included a feed on their homepage. Rather than a standalone social media tool, this was a portal that included: News and info A new phone book Employee hub and Yammer feed (integrated) Home page aggregator of external and internal feeds Exec diary and QA with leaders Toby Jones (Internal comms manager) @tobyjones00 Rugby Football Union (RFU) media was the obvious route to get stories out from the field
  • 13. / Engaging people Giving people plenty of materials has been important: webinars, user guides. The team got people early, kept things short and kept repeating. The tool is supported by regular employee email briefings called Rugby Shorts, with lots of links to the intranet. Over time the people using the tools changed so it’s been important to keep encouraging and responding to users to keep them coming back. RFU now shares information with its internal audience before releasing it to the outside world (e.g. the squad list ahead of a game). They repurposed their Yammer content. / Results 500 people engaged each month, a figure that was helped by the tool’s integration with SharePoint. / The big business benefits Engagement: It’s a great opportunity to communicate new values and engage employees in new objectives / 5 year plan. Culture: This tool underpins and supports culture because the technology reflects their values. There was a divide between HQ and those in field. Now, using ESN “has helped us join up the stories”. “Champions are key to adoption” When asked if he was starting over again – “I’d spend more time on the launch phase. I just switched it on!”
  • 14. / The challenge Four years ago Novozymes, the biotech company, wanted a way of involving their people more in innovation and RD. Their answer was COLIN, a tool for collaborative online ideation that would appeal to the company’s values and improve lives. / Engaging people The team focused on collaborative ideation rather than ‘crowd sourcing’. The leadership team was fully involved in all campaigns, with videos addressing the audience. They used small groups with a 2-week focus. / The results Since it’s launch, 35 of the COLIN ideation campaigns have directly led to RD/new products. Following its success, COLIN is now being rolled out across the entire business (1800 employees) to get everyone’s input into Novozymes’ strategy. Frank Hatzack (Head of Innovation Development) @nzbioinno Novozymes ...a tool for collaborative online ideation...
  • 15. / The big business benefits Innovation: COLIN led to higher quality innovation and more RD projects. Talent: This is a good platform for the company’s ‘young lions’ to get their ideas heard and shared Strategy: Appeals to the leaders’ need for innovation as we work towards the vision (this makes it an easy sell-in!) / Top tips A good COLIN is intellectually compelling and emotionally engaging Use fun to drive engagement People need to see a face, so make sure you include the human side with video etc. “Who wants to be crowd sourced? People want to be engaged! Collaborative ideation is a better phrase” “Complex questions create complex solutions”. “Working with a small, diverse crowd means you get simpler, more manageable ideas.”
  • 16. / The challenge With over 4,000 employees, internal channels at the Financial Ombudsman were getting busy and news pieces becoming too long to digest. They needed a change of approach for their in-house magazine so, with 50% of employees under the age of 35, social media seemed like the natural choice. / The solution The team already used a Newsweaver platform to keep in touch with external stakeholders, so they used this to launch On the go, a short, snappy online publication that combines business with fun. They made the newsletter social, with a marketing-led approach and used Twitter to cut through the noise: people had to tell the story in 140 characters! On the go also includes: Videos: Employees use Vine to create mini videos that can be embedded, a great way to make boring subjects engaging. Corporate responsibility: Including voting for charities, and ways to get involved. Multi-format approach: With user-generated content, a weekly CEO video etc. Sally Young (Head of Publication) at the Financial Ombudsman, and Denise Cox from Newsweaver Financial Ombudsman Newsweaver has an impressive 80% open rate On the go
  • 17. / Results On the go has an impressive 80% open rate / The big business benefits Measurement: Provides real-time metrics that can be used to boost engagement and understand audiences. Accessibility: Employees can view On the go anywhere, through any device. Events: They can use On the go’s functionality for events Speed: In disaster recovery planning, On the go can be used to send instant messages to all employees. / Top tips Before you start, set benchmarks and build from that Speak to people, get feedback and look at analytics to find out how to make things better “50% of staff were under 35 so social seemed the way to go” Sally “Access to quality data is a big challenge for internal communicators” Denise
  • 18. / The challenge Sharing ideas, voicing opinions, talking to lots of people at the same time, Vodafone wanted its employees to start using all the behaviours they used in their personal social media use, at work. / The solution The Comms team set up Circle, an internal social media platform using Sharepoint that is separate to their intranet. Circle enables people to share ideas on what’s working and allows directors to interact with people across the globe. At the beginning it was hard to get employees to shift from email and instant messaging, but over time they started to see and enjoy the benefits. Now, employees can use Circle to: Give opinions and get instant feedback Request and set up their communities (according to guidelines) Give suggestions on new projects (recently this was used to encourage employees to name Vodafone’s new app) / The results Over 75k registered users (there are 90k employees around the world) 12-20k uses per month 2000 communities Stanley Awuku (Internal Digital Experience Manager) @stanos22 Vodafone Over 75k registered users (there are 90k employees around the world)
  • 19. / Business benefits Communication: Circle has helped remove barriers. Engagement: Circle has a Townhall function that allows Vodafone’s leaders to engage with employees and enables groups to collaborate easily. Feedback: Leaders can ask questions and get ideas from workforce Leadership visibility: One CEO in Qatar even uses Circle to wish colleagues a happy birthday! Retaining knowledge: Circle is great for project teams because all the information is there, rather than being hidden in Outlook and potentially lost if somebody leaves. / Top tips Get your senior leaders to act as ambassadors. If you think there’s a danger of tool overload, then give employees guidance on what to use, how. “There’s never too much interaction.” “I love feedback, I ask questions and let them talk, then take lots of notes.”
  • 20. / The challenge CCE wanted an employee and manager self-service portal, a digital workplace that would work on any device any time any location – a one hit solution. So last month they launched iConnect, the intranet in your pocket, that has integrated their Sharepoint and SAP systems into a single mobile platform. / Engaging people The team used a ‘Force, Compel, Invite’ model to encourage people to use iConnect: Force – iConnect is the default home page. If people change it, it’s simply defaults back overnight. Compel – Using a sweetshop analogy, CCE uses HR as the chocolate bar for iConnect: it’s the only place employees can access their payslips and holiday bookings so people are drawn in. Invite – there’s now plenty of interesting, useful information to keep people coming back. The content is also unique to the individual employee (training courses/manager etc). / Choosing what to include The team don’t put everything on iConnect. For example, people can see their objectives, but can’t complete their appraisals on iConnect; and they continue to use Chatter to collaborate – it already works brilliantly so has been linked from iConnect, but not integrated. / Access Access has been an important part of the iConnect development so that now: In the office, the VPN connection knows who the employee is, but they can also log in to access it externally iConnect is available in several European languages They’ve created iConnect Express, giving employees quick and easy access to tools and stripped-down content Jonathan Philips (Senior Manager Digital Comms) @digitaljohnathan Coca-Cola Enterprises (CCE)
  • 21. / Results and benefits Although iConnect was only launched last month, 65% of employees have already connected. The target is for 100% to say iConnect is a useful place to be. / Business benefits Employee advocacy: Employees can share stories from iConnect to the outside world. Communication: iConnect has campaign spaces using Twitter. / Top tips Governance is important, start there with clear strategy Start small, build from that On average people use mobile 150 times a day – content has to be bite size in order to be engaging. Short, sharp, no longer than 1 min. “We don’t only encourage BYOD [Bring Your Own Device], we rely on it!” 6% of their ESN traffic comes from personal mobile devices. “We’re all aware that different channels serve different purposes for us in our personal lives.” That’s why we must think the same for the workforce. “It’s not an intranet, it’s a digital workplace”. Watch the video CW5HE8noredirect=1
  • 22. +44 (0)117 962 1534 Gemma McGrattan Get in touch We engage people with award winning creative communications. Our inside out approach inspires your employees to be brand ambassadors and turns your customers into brand advocates. The result is a seamless customer experience at every contact with your brand. #SMiLELondon #Synergycreative More from SMiLE For details of the full line up and contributors, including a ‘storify’ go to: event-reviews/smilelondon/storify-smilelon- don-2015-march