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Social Media

1                  Social Media Services Group
The        2000                                   Source: PEW Internet Reports

    internet   46% of adults use internet
               5% with broadband at home
    ―then‖…    0% connect to internet wirelessly
               <10% use “cloud” = slow, stationary
               connections built around my computer

      The rapid pace of change is
         changing the game.                           2012
                                                      80% of adults use internet
                                                      65% with broadband at home
                                                      88% own a cell phone
                                                      63% connect to internet wirelessly
                              … and the               >two-thirds use “cloud”=
                                                      fast, mobile connections built
                              internet ―now‖.         around outside servers and storage

2                                                          Social Media Services Group
How social media is changing our world - 2012
If Facebook were a country, it                        “We don‖t have a choice on whether we DO social media, the
would be the world‖s 3rd largest.                     question is how well we DO it.” – Erik Qualman,

             1B                                                  140M+                                     187M+
             Users on Facebook                                   active Twitter users                      Professionals on LinkedIn

             34,722 every minute of the day                     100K       every minute of the day         2 new members
                                                                tweets sent by users
             “likes” for brands on Facebook                                                                per second on LinkedIn
             600M                                               3,600     every minute of the day           3.7B
             Facebook users accessing via mobile                New photos shared via Instagram             Worldwide IM accounts

             465M+                                             48 hrs every minute of the day               2M every minute of the day
             Twitter accounts                                  new video uploaded to YouTube                Google search inquiries

    Sources: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,,

3                                                                                                    Social Media Services Group
Bringing with it challenges of culture vs. adoption
• Should I have a                                                          • I don‖t know where to start.
  dedicated social
                               Skilled                    Customer         • Who are my influencers?
  media team?
• Which social media           resources                  feedback         • What do customers say
                                                                             about us?
  channels would be
  most relevant for my
                                           The areas of

• How do I manage the                                                      • How do I build a
  inflow of information?                                                     training program?
                               Too much                   Tools and
• I can‖t determine the ROI.                                               • What tools do I use?
                               information                processes
• I don‖t know how to                                                      • Are there any standard
  scale a social media                                                       processes that I can
  solution.                                                                  follow?

 4                                                                    Social Media Services Group
Social is
    here to stay.

    Engage or be    ”These conversations are
                    going to occur whether you
    left behind.    like it or not. Do you want to
                    be part of that or not? My
                    argument is you absolutely do.”

                    – Michael Dell

5                             Social Media Services Group
Dell’s Social
    Media Journey

6                     Social Media Services Group
“Engaging in honest, direct conversations
with customers and stakeholders is a part
of who we are, who we‖ve always been. The
social web amplifies our opportunity to listen
and learn and invest ourselves in two-way
dialogue, enabling us to become a better
company with more to offer the people
who depend on us.”

–Michael Dell

7                                                Social Media Services Group
Over six years of social media experience
                                                                                         March 2008                                                           June 2009                                       Dell
                                     February 2007                                                                                                                             recognized Dell
                                                                                         Accepted Solutions                                                   Global Twitter       with “Open                 named
February 2006                        IdeaStorm launched                                  launched on Community                                                revenues of      Leadership Award               the No.
                                   A voting based site allowing                                                                                                                for Innovation and
Michael Dell asked                                                                       Dell France begins Online May 2008                                   $6.5 M                                          1 most
                                   customers and others to                               Community Outreach                                                                         Execution”
Why don‖t we reach out and help    submit ideas for Dell.                                                          Dell Outlet achieved                                                                       social
bloggers with tech support issues?                          October 2007                                           $0.5M in sales via Twitter                                                                 brand
                                                            Michael Dell quoted in Business                                                                           March
                  December 2006                             Week                                                                                                      2010
                  Ratings and                               In response to Jeff Jarvis question around                                                                Dell
                                                            whether companies want to be part of the                       January 2009                               joins
                  reviews launched                          online conversation: ”My argument is you                                                                              December 2010
                                                                                                                           Dell Organizes       June 2009             Sina
                  on                               absolutely do. You can learn from them. You                                                                            Social Media
                                                            can improve your reaction time. And you can                    into four            $2M+ Sales            Weibo          Listening
                                                            be a better company by listening and being                     customer             via Twitter           in            Command
                                                            involved in that conversation.”                                focused                                    China       Center launched
                                                                                                                           business units
  2006                                        2007                                              2008                                     2009                         2010                          2011
                                                                                                                                                                       Social Media &
               July 2006                                                                                                                                               Community
                                                                 June 2007                                                                          2009               University (SMaC U)
               Direct2Dell launched
               Today Direct2Dell exists in                       Dell joined Twitter                                  June 2008                     Dell TechCenter    launched
               English, Spanish, Norwegian,                                                                           Channel                                          5,000 team
                                                                 EmployeeStorm                  January                            Spring 2009                         members trained by   6 Awards for the
               Japanese and Chinese.                                                                                  blog                               December
                                                                 launched                       2008                               Members of                          end of year          Social Media Listening
                                                                                                                      launched                           2009
                                                                 Internal Blogs Launched        Dell aligns                        Community                                                Command Center
                                  January 2007
                                                                 for Employees.
                                                                                                organization                       and
                                                                                                                                                         Post Blog
                                  StudioDell launched                     November 2007         for success                        Conversations                         B2B pages on
                                  Dell‖s video and podcast site, with     DellShares                                               deployed                              Facebook
August 2006                       helpful tips and tricks. Eventually
                                                                          launched                                                 within each of
                                  expanding this into the YouTube                                    April 2008
Blog outreach                                                             The first investor                                       the new Dell
                                  channel making sharing easier.                                     Inside IT launched                                                              June 2010
expanded beyond                                                           relations blog by a        Blog focused on business      Business units
                                                                          public company.                                                                                            CAP Days launched
tech Support                                                                                         customers, and Cloud                                                            In-person events for vocal
                                                                                                     Computing.                                                                      online customers

        8                                                                                                                                                 Social Media Services Group
Recognition for Dell social leadership
    We’ve received industry recognition for engagement and listening
          Dell‖s Listening
                                                                                                                                               Dell‖s Social
          Command Center
                                                                                                                                               Media and
          won the CeBIT
          Australia Innovation   The Bees Awards for Social Media          The American Business Award for Customer                            team won
          Award for 2011.        Marketing. Dell won for Best Use of       Service Team of the Year presented to Dell for
          Presented in May                                                                                                      award for best Social CRM
                                 Analytic Tools for our Listening          the Listening Command Center in June 2011.
          2011.                                                                                                                 Strategy.
                                 Command Center.
                   Dell Listening Command                              Dell‖s Listening Command                       Dell Ranked as #1 Social Brand
                   Center wins @PRNews 2011                            Center receives Forrester                      followed by NIKE, Starbucks, Best Buy
                   Digital PR Award for “Best                          Groundswell Award Presented                    UK, BBC, Nokia, Amazon, Sony
                   Listening Campaign” and “Best                       in October 2011.                               PlayStation, Adidas, Coca-Cola and
                   Website Marketing”.                                                                                others.

    Our leadership is regularly cited by authors and is helping customers win awards

                                                                                           Red Cross co-won the 2012           Clemson University won
                                                                                           Digital PR Team of the Year         the 2012 Innovation in
                                                                                           from the PR News Digital PR         Education Award from the
                                                                                           Awards for their social media       InnoVision Technology
                                                                                           humanitarian and digital            Awards for their Social
                                                                                           fundraising efforts.                Media Listening Center.

9                                                                                                             Social Media Services Group
Dell’s direct and online heritage
     First to sell complex               First company to hit $1M a day   Leader in online frictionless
     configurable items                  in online revenue                commerce from order to delivery

     One of the first to launch online   One of the first companies to    Early adopter of
     discussion forums                   launch online support            social media

10                                                                            Social Media Services Group
Our point of view on social business value
To embed social media in
the fabric of the company                                                        Listen              Engage         Act

Over 25,000 daily          Closing the loop with   Thousands of   Powerful communities          Customer ideation
global conversations       our customers and       employees
                           influencers             trained and
                                                   growing                                              Services
                                                                         Products         Marketing                   Online

                                                                                          Customer      Comms
                                                                         Sales                                        HR
                                                                                          Service       and PR
                       Broad social networks                                     Embedding across all business functions

11                                                                                          Social Media Services Group
How social media is embedded throughout Dell
Listening impacts NPS, OpInc and Brand

Product development      Marketing           Online presence
• Feedback loop          • Demand forecast   • Ratings and reviews
• Early warning          • Lead generation   • Communities
• New product ideation   • Message reach     • Customer stories

Sales                    Customer service    Communication
• Collaboration          • Listening         • Rich media
• Thought leadership     • Support widgets   • Brand reputation
• Blogs                  • Outreach          • Influence
                                             • Reputation

 12                                             Social Media Services Group
Listening   From 4,000 to 25,000 mentions per day

13                                         Social Media Services Group
Social Media & Community University (SMaC U)

           Training, Certification and Tools

14                                             Social Media Services Group
Social Media
     Services Group

15                    Social Media Services Group
Dell’s Social Media Services Group (SMSG)
• The Social Media Services Group (SMSG) is a trusted advisor to those interested in:
     – Understanding what is being said about their brand, industry, competitors, products, etc.
     – Improving customer relationships via social media.
     – Building their social media strategy.

• This is a unique collaborative approach between Marketing and Services, which allows customers
  to leverage Dell‖s thought leadership, intellectual capital and innovative ideas.

• The group can extend Dell‖s social media experience and expertise to customers across various
  industry segments and sizes.

• The offers are designed to support nascent to mature customers along their social media journey.

16                                                                        Social Media Services Group
Social Media

17                  Social Media Services Group
Social media services–what do you need?
I want to …

              •   build a training program.
                                                                                         Best Practices
              •   know what tools to use.
              •   find standard processes that I can follow.                             Seminars

              • strategize and efficiently drive awareness, demand, leads and
                message reach.                                                           Advisory Service
              • know when and how to scale a social media solution.

              • effectively track business and market intelligence to understand my
                customers‖ wants and needs.                                              Listening and Insights
              • utilize analytics to improve customer support, enhance product           Service
                offerings or inform investor relations for strategy development.

              • manage the inflow of information.                                        Listening Command
              • understand what is being said about my brand and be a part of those
                conversations.                                                           Center Build-outs

18                                                                              Social Media Services Group
Social media services
Experience to transform and lead
     Best Practices Seminars          Advisory Service        Listening and Insights            Listening Command
                                                              Service                           Center Build-outs

                                          … enable customers to:
• Learn best practices from    • Optimize the tactical        • Get daily, weekly,              • Benefit from Dell‖s
  Dell case studies and          elements of their social       monthly reports that              experience building their
  scenario role-playing.         media strategy.                capture social media              own listening command
• Get social media             • Understand the                 conversations and                 center.
  strategies for their           effectiveness of their         provide insights.               • Discuss best practices for
  specific corporate and         current strategy and         • Gain a deeper                     staffing, running and
  industry needs.                initiatives.                   understanding of their            integrating the command
• Find out how they can        • Establish a strategic plan     customers, competitors            center into their business.
  use social media               in alignment with              and industry market
  effectively.                   business goals, culture        needs.
                                 and ROI.

19                                                                                     Social Media Services Group
Comments from our customers
                                            Clemson                                                                                     The American Red
 Kraft Foods                                                                           Aetna                                            Cross

 Kraft participated in a one-day           A listening command center built with       Aetna participated in a two-day                The American Red Cross and Dell
 seminar on listening and                  Dell and Radian 6 is incorporated into      seminar on building a training                 launched a new Digital Operations
 experiencing a day in a command           their Creative Inquiry program.             program.                                       Center, the first social media-based
 center.                                   “In academia, what are we all competing     “This course (building training) really        operation devoted to humanitarian
 “Dell is a social media leader … a peek   for? The best and the brightest. This       helped me wrap my mind around                  relief, demonstrating the growing
 inside showed why!”                       center can give us a leg up. It‖s           the architecture of a social media             importance of social media in
                                           unexplored space.”                          education program and how to                   emergency situations.
 Kraft told Dell:                          –Jim Bottum, chief information officer      think through the course design for            The American Red Cross at the
 “Access to Executives and SMEs is very    and vice provost                            different audiences.”                          command center launch said,
 valuable.”                                                                            The most valuable element of the               “The use of social media during disasters
 “Personalization is highly valued and     This “forces students to recognize a) you   Building Training seminar was the              has grown exponentially in recent years,
 differentiates the seminar in the         can‖t catch everything, b) you can catch    ability to see and discuss a tangible          and this partnership with Dell will enable
 marketplace.”                             too much, and c) you have to prioritize     framework. The certification packet            us to better understand and anticipate
 “Seeing” where everything happens is      what you‖re listening for.” –Jason          alone added a ton of value.“–Dan               disaster needs and help connect people
 part of the value of the seminar.         Thatcher, assoc. professor, department      Brostek, head of member and                    with the resources they need during
                                           of management                               consumer engagement                            emergencies.”

20                                                                                                                               Social Media Services Group
Best practices seminars at a glance
These rich, interactive sessions are customized for your needs and go beyond traditional, slide-based
lectures. You‖ll experience best practices for application in your own corporate culture. Leadership
fundamentals are shared and key take-aways will provide starting points for operationalizing your strategy.

 Social Media for the   • Impact and Urgency of Social Media        • Social Customers and Employees
 Executive              • Models of Social Maturity                 • Listening/Engagement Importance

 The Roles of Social    • Intimacy of Social Media                  • Governance
 Media Listening and
 Use of Its Data        • Listening Efficiencies                    • Set Up and Processes for Scaling

 Experience a Day in
                        • Highly Personalized and Interactive       • Understanding Critical Decision Making
 the Listening
                          Experience on Command Center Functions      During Viral Situations
 Command Center
 Developing a Social
 Media Training         • Where to Start/Training Journey           • Logistics and Deployment
 Roadmap                • Curriculum Design Options                 • Certification and Governance

 Create a Social        • Continuation of the Developing Social    • Leverage Dell’s Curriculum and Class
 Media Training
 Course                   Media Training Roadmap Seminar             Development Methodology

21                                                                            Social Media Services Group
Advisory Service framework and approach
                                               This can assist with:
                        Social Operations      - Influencer/Advocacy
                          (Building and        - Competitors
                        optimizing a social    - Governance
                         media practice)       - Tools/Reporting
     Determine Your                            - Content Strategy
      Intended Social
     Media Focus Area                          This can assist with:
                         Social Business       - Culture/Adoption
                         (Integrating social   - Organizational Alignment
                          media across the
                                               - Funding
                                               - Social Data Integration

22                                             Social Media Services Group
Listening and insights service
Actionable Insights                        Amplify Your Message
Insights from social                       Identify key influencers
conversations lead to                      and channels with
actionable decisions.                      whom to engage.
Understand Customer        intellectual     Gauge Sentiment
Use direct, unbiased       capital and      Identify actions to
feedback to improve        capabilities     improve customer
products and services.   from the No. 1     perceptions and your Net
                          social brand      Promoter Score.

Market Intelligence                         Protect Your Brand
Keep a pulse on brand                       Enable viral warning,
versus competitor                           risk mitigation and crisis
conversations.                              management for the
                                            social sphere.

23                                        Social Media Services Group
Build a social media listening command center
Design                   Build                    Integrate                     Run

Consultation on          Project management       Creation of daily              Post-deployment
hardware, software       for vendor               operational and hot            consultation on
vendor selection, as     coordination, as well    issues processes, as           integration with
well as the space‖s      as the launch event      well as the                    business strategy,
look, feel and                                    identification and             culture, ongoing
construction                                      training resources,            support, etc.

                  A suite of offers ranging from the basics to a full solution

24                                                                       Social Media Services Group
For sales inquiries, contact:

Eric Nystrom
Director Social Media & Community
+1 (408) 348-9779

Thank you

                                    Social Media Services Group

26              Social Media Services Group
What Dell did for Kraft Foods
As a company with experience and strong
knowledge in social media, Kraft was interested in
learning from Dell how to push the social
programs they had to the next level, as well as to
understand how to spread listening across the
organization and the value/role that a Listening       Kraft Foods
Command Center can play in that evolution.
                                                       During a full-day session, Kraft participated in the
Approach                                               Roles of Social Media Listening and Use of Its
                                                       Data and Experience a Day in the Command
Dell spent quite a bit of time researching the Kraft   Center seminars.
brands to analyze conversational content found
within social media. That insight was incorporated     Benefits
into two seminars, which involved discussion-          Both Dell and Kraft exchanged ideas during the
based learning, as well as role-playing scenarios.     seminar and obtained valuable learning. Kraft was able
The result was a customized, interactive and           to see first-hand how Dell leverages and is organized
engaging day for the customer.                         around listening and how they act with this data.

27                                                                            Social Media Services Group
What Dell did for Aetna
Aetna was ready to ramp their social media efforts
and knew they had to get their employees on
board, but they weren‖t sure how to set up a
training program, especially on a broad scale.
They needed help focusing their efforts into a
solid and easily approachable roadmap.
                                                        During a full-day session, Aetna participated in
Approach                                                the Building a Training Program and Building a
                                                        Training Program+.
At the beginning of the course, Dell consulted
with Aetna to understand their training vision and
needs, such as the scope of training desired.           Benefits
Prepared with a social media policy, Dell was able      Aetna relied on Dell to ask them pertinent questions for
to not only provide recommendation on                   their desired outcome and keep them on track. They also
approaches, but also curriculum discussions to          walked away with a team understanding next steps and a
aide in the creation of their own training materials.   curriculum to provide to their employees.

28                                                                             Social Media Services Group
What Dell did for the American Red Cross
The American Red Cross has been a leader in the social
media space for some time, but looked to Dell for help
with how to scale their social media operations during
major disasters. They were in need of assistance scaling
to the efforts required of an organization with such
worldwide exposure and direct effect on human life.
                                                                           The American Red Cross
Approach                                                                   This is the first social media command center devoted to
Dell was brought in to construct the project—and they                      humanitarian relief and demonstrates the power social
                                                                           media can lend during emergency and crisis situations.
modeled it on their own Social Media Listening Command
Center, which is used to track brand sentiment and                         Benefits
chatter. They consulted not only on the space                              - Improved sourcing of data and identification of trends in
configuration and build, but they also helped the                          disaster-affected areas
American Red Cross establish processes for the successful                  - Significantly improved ability to anticipate and respond to the
                                                                           public‖s needs
training and operation of their command center.
                                                                           - Ability to more quickly connect people with the resources they
The DigiDoc Command Center enabled the American Red Cross to “listen” to   need during a disaster, such as food, water, shelter or even
more than 542,947 social conversations during Hurricane Sandy.             emotional support

29                                                                                                   Social Media Services Group
What Dell did for Clemson University
Dell uses social media listening to enhance customer relationships
and for marketing and business development, but Clemson wanted
to explore how it could be used in academia. Clemson saw how
corporations have adapted to new business and economic realities
and they wanted to ensure their faculty and students had access to
this same technology. Both Dell and Clemson had to figure out how
to work together to advance each other without taking their eyes off
their own respective missions.                                           Clemson University
                                                                         This space will be used for alternate academic research
Approach                                                                 methods, as well as innovative learning environments, putting
                                                                         Clemson at the forefront of a new education technology
The build of this command center required collaboration: Dell            frontier.
brought first-hand experience for it‖s successful set-up and operation
and Clemson shared insight for the development of an effective           Clemson University decided to incorporate social media listening
learning environment, which now includes a teaching area where            into the university‖s successful Creative Inquiry program
                                                                         By building a command center and understanding key
faculty can hold classes and provide training on the tools. It was
                                                                         processes, an organization is well prepared to successfully
through this collaboration that Dell and Clemson discovered several       The University envisions rich partnerships between the university
                                                                         handle day-to-day conversations, as well as quickly
parallels how social media listening can favorably impact business,       and other industries to study the power and application of social
                                                                         address and manage crisis events.
academia, and various other industries.                                  media listening in business, academia, non-profit and all types of

   30                                                                                             Social Media Services Group
What Dell did for AMD
AMD sought help from the Dell Social Media Services Group to
assess and refine their overall social media strategy.

                                                                   AMD (Advanced Micro Devices)
Approach                                                           To help assess and improve their current social media
                                                                   activities and prepare for their future efforts, Dell
Dell leveraged its social media capability maturity framework      provided Advisory Services to AMD.
and results of stakeholder interviews to assess AMD‖s existing
social media strategy and current capability maturity. The
scope of analysis included assessment of existing social eco-      Benefits
systems, including tool and technology deployment, social          AMD received a framework to drive and mature its social
media governance, engagement methodologies, advocate               capabilities. The analysis helped to provide a view across
strategies, social platform consolidation, branding initiatives,   multiple stakeholder groups of the current state and identify
organizational models to drive adoption and the timing and         future improvements in the areas of governance, people,
priority of ongoing and planned investments.                       processes and technology.

                                                                                            Social Media Services Group

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Social Media Services from Dell

  • 1. Social Media Overview 1 Social Media Services Group
  • 2. The 2000 Source: PEW Internet Reports internet 46% of adults use internet 5% with broadband at home ―then‖… 0% connect to internet wirelessly <10% use “cloud” = slow, stationary connections built around my computer The rapid pace of change is changing the game. 2012 80% of adults use internet 65% with broadband at home 88% own a cell phone 63% connect to internet wirelessly … and the >two-thirds use “cloud”= fast, mobile connections built internet ―now‖. around outside servers and storage 2 Social Media Services Group
  • 3. How social media is changing our world - 2012 If Facebook were a country, it “We don‖t have a choice on whether we DO social media, the would be the world‖s 3rd largest. question is how well we DO it.” – Erik Qualman, 1B 140M+ 187M+ Users on Facebook active Twitter users Professionals on LinkedIn 34,722 every minute of the day 100K every minute of the day 2 new members tweets sent by users “likes” for brands on Facebook per second on LinkedIn 600M 3,600 every minute of the day 3.7B Facebook users accessing via mobile New photos shared via Instagram Worldwide IM accounts 465M+ 48 hrs every minute of the day 2M every minute of the day Twitter accounts new video uploaded to YouTube Google search inquiries Sources: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,, 3 Social Media Services Group
  • 4. Bringing with it challenges of culture vs. adoption • Should I have a • I don‖t know where to start. dedicated social Skilled Customer • Who are my influencers? media team? • Which social media resources feedback • What do customers say about us? channels would be most relevant for my business? The areas of challenge • How do I manage the • How do I build a inflow of information? training program? Too much Tools and • I can‖t determine the ROI. • What tools do I use? information processes • I don‖t know how to • Are there any standard scale a social media processes that I can solution. follow? 4 Social Media Services Group
  • 5. Social is here to stay. Engage or be ”These conversations are going to occur whether you left behind. like it or not. Do you want to be part of that or not? My argument is you absolutely do.” – Michael Dell 5 Social Media Services Group
  • 6. Dell’s Social Media Journey 6 Social Media Services Group
  • 7. “Engaging in honest, direct conversations with customers and stakeholders is a part of who we are, who we‖ve always been. The social web amplifies our opportunity to listen and learn and invest ourselves in two-way dialogue, enabling us to become a better company with more to offer the people who depend on us.” –Michael Dell 7 Social Media Services Group
  • 8. Over six years of social media experience Altimeter March 2008 June 2009 Dell February 2007 recognized Dell Accepted Solutions Global Twitter with “Open named February 2006 IdeaStorm launched launched on Community revenues of Leadership Award the No. A voting based site allowing for Innovation and Michael Dell asked Dell France begins Online May 2008 $6.5 M 1 most customers and others to Community Outreach Execution” Why don‖t we reach out and help submit ideas for Dell. Dell Outlet achieved social bloggers with tech support issues? October 2007 $0.5M in sales via Twitter brand Michael Dell quoted in Business March December 2006 Week 2010 Ratings and In response to Jeff Jarvis question around Dell whether companies want to be part of the January 2009 joins reviews launched online conversation: ”My argument is you December 2010 Dell Organizes June 2009 Sina on absolutely do. You can learn from them. You Social Media can improve your reaction time. And you can into four $2M+ Sales Weibo Listening be a better company by listening and being customer via Twitter in Command involved in that conversation.” focused China Center launched business units 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Social Media & July 2006 Community June 2007 2009 University (SMaC U) Direct2Dell launched Today Direct2Dell exists in Dell joined Twitter June 2008 Dell TechCenter launched English, Spanish, Norwegian, Channel 5,000 team EmployeeStorm January Spring 2009 members trained by 6 Awards for the Japanese and Chinese. blog December launched 2008 Members of end of year Social Media Listening launched 2009 Internal Blogs Launched Dell aligns Community Command Center Huffington January 2007 for Employees. organization and Post Blog StudioDell launched November 2007 for success Conversations B2B pages on Dell‖s video and podcast site, with DellShares deployed Facebook August 2006 helpful tips and tricks. Eventually launched within each of expanding this into the YouTube April 2008 Blog outreach The first investor the new Dell channel making sharing easier. Inside IT launched June 2010 expanded beyond relations blog by a Blog focused on business Business units public company. CAP Days launched tech Support customers, and Cloud In-person events for vocal Computing. online customers 8 Social Media Services Group
  • 9. Recognition for Dell social leadership We’ve received industry recognition for engagement and listening Dell‖s Listening Dell‖s Social Command Center Media and won the CeBIT Community Australia Innovation The Bees Awards for Social Media The American Business Award for Customer team won Award for 2011. Marketing. Dell won for Best Use of Service Team of the Year presented to Dell for Presented in May award for best Social CRM Analytic Tools for our Listening the Listening Command Center in June 2011. 2011. Strategy. Command Center. Dell Listening Command Dell‖s Listening Command Dell Ranked as #1 Social Brand Center wins @PRNews 2011 Center receives Forrester followed by NIKE, Starbucks, Best Buy Digital PR Award for “Best Groundswell Award Presented UK, BBC, Nokia, Amazon, Sony Listening Campaign” and “Best in October 2011. PlayStation, Adidas, Coca-Cola and Website Marketing”. others. Our leadership is regularly cited by authors and is helping customers win awards Red Cross co-won the 2012 Clemson University won Digital PR Team of the Year the 2012 Innovation in from the PR News Digital PR Education Award from the Awards for their social media InnoVision Technology humanitarian and digital Awards for their Social fundraising efforts. Media Listening Center. 9 Social Media Services Group
  • 10. Dell’s direct and online heritage First to sell complex First company to hit $1M a day Leader in online frictionless configurable items in online revenue commerce from order to delivery One of the first to launch online One of the first companies to Early adopter of discussion forums launch online support social media 10 Social Media Services Group
  • 11. Our point of view on social business value To embed social media in the fabric of the company Listen Engage Act Over 25,000 daily Closing the loop with Thousands of Powerful communities Customer ideation global conversations our customers and employees influencers trained and growing Services Products Marketing Online Solutions Customer Comms Sales HR Service and PR Broad social networks Embedding across all business functions 11 Social Media Services Group
  • 12. How social media is embedded throughout Dell Listening impacts NPS, OpInc and Brand Product development Marketing Online presence • Feedback loop • Demand forecast • Ratings and reviews • Early warning • Lead generation • Communities • New product ideation • Message reach • Customer stories Sales Customer service Communication • Collaboration • Listening • Rich media • Thought leadership • Support widgets • Brand reputation • Blogs • Outreach • Influence • Reputation 12 Social Media Services Group
  • 13. Listening From 4,000 to 25,000 mentions per day 13 Social Media Services Group
  • 14. Social Media & Community University (SMaC U) Principles Policy Governance Training, Certification and Tools 14 Social Media Services Group
  • 15. Social Media Services Group 15 Social Media Services Group
  • 16. Dell’s Social Media Services Group (SMSG) • The Social Media Services Group (SMSG) is a trusted advisor to those interested in: – Understanding what is being said about their brand, industry, competitors, products, etc. – Improving customer relationships via social media. – Building their social media strategy. • This is a unique collaborative approach between Marketing and Services, which allows customers to leverage Dell‖s thought leadership, intellectual capital and innovative ideas. • The group can extend Dell‖s social media experience and expertise to customers across various industry segments and sizes. • The offers are designed to support nascent to mature customers along their social media journey. 16 Social Media Services Group
  • 17. Social Media Services 17 Social Media Services Group
  • 18. Social media services–what do you need? I want to … • build a training program. Best Practices • know what tools to use. • find standard processes that I can follow. Seminars • strategize and efficiently drive awareness, demand, leads and message reach. Advisory Service • know when and how to scale a social media solution. • effectively track business and market intelligence to understand my customers‖ wants and needs. Listening and Insights • utilize analytics to improve customer support, enhance product Service offerings or inform investor relations for strategy development. • manage the inflow of information. Listening Command • understand what is being said about my brand and be a part of those conversations. Center Build-outs 18 Social Media Services Group
  • 19. Social media services Experience to transform and lead Best Practices Seminars Advisory Service Listening and Insights Listening Command Service Center Build-outs … enable customers to: • Learn best practices from • Optimize the tactical • Get daily, weekly, • Benefit from Dell‖s Dell case studies and elements of their social monthly reports that experience building their scenario role-playing. media strategy. capture social media own listening command • Get social media • Understand the conversations and center. strategies for their effectiveness of their provide insights. • Discuss best practices for specific corporate and current strategy and • Gain a deeper staffing, running and industry needs. initiatives. understanding of their integrating the command • Find out how they can • Establish a strategic plan customers, competitors center into their business. use social media in alignment with and industry market effectively. business goals, culture needs. and ROI. 19 Social Media Services Group
  • 20. Comments from our customers Clemson The American Red Kraft Foods Aetna Cross University Kraft participated in a one-day A listening command center built with Aetna participated in a two-day The American Red Cross and Dell seminar on listening and Dell and Radian 6 is incorporated into seminar on building a training launched a new Digital Operations experiencing a day in a command their Creative Inquiry program. program. Center, the first social media-based center. “In academia, what are we all competing “This course (building training) really operation devoted to humanitarian “Dell is a social media leader … a peek for? The best and the brightest. This helped me wrap my mind around relief, demonstrating the growing inside showed why!” center can give us a leg up. It‖s the architecture of a social media importance of social media in unexplored space.” education program and how to emergency situations. Kraft told Dell: –Jim Bottum, chief information officer think through the course design for The American Red Cross at the “Access to Executives and SMEs is very and vice provost different audiences.” command center launch said, valuable.” The most valuable element of the “The use of social media during disasters “Personalization is highly valued and This “forces students to recognize a) you Building Training seminar was the has grown exponentially in recent years, differentiates the seminar in the can‖t catch everything, b) you can catch ability to see and discuss a tangible and this partnership with Dell will enable marketplace.” too much, and c) you have to prioritize framework. The certification packet us to better understand and anticipate “Seeing” where everything happens is what you‖re listening for.” –Jason alone added a ton of value.“–Dan disaster needs and help connect people part of the value of the seminar. Thatcher, assoc. professor, department Brostek, head of member and with the resources they need during of management consumer engagement emergencies.” 20 Social Media Services Group
  • 21. Best practices seminars at a glance These rich, interactive sessions are customized for your needs and go beyond traditional, slide-based lectures. You‖ll experience best practices for application in your own corporate culture. Leadership fundamentals are shared and key take-aways will provide starting points for operationalizing your strategy. Social Media for the • Impact and Urgency of Social Media • Social Customers and Employees Executive • Models of Social Maturity • Listening/Engagement Importance The Roles of Social • Intimacy of Social Media • Governance Media Listening and Use of Its Data • Listening Efficiencies • Set Up and Processes for Scaling Experience a Day in • Highly Personalized and Interactive • Understanding Critical Decision Making the Listening Experience on Command Center Functions During Viral Situations Command Center Developing a Social Media Training • Where to Start/Training Journey • Logistics and Deployment Roadmap • Curriculum Design Options • Certification and Governance Create a Social • Continuation of the Developing Social • Leverage Dell’s Curriculum and Class Media Training Course Media Training Roadmap Seminar Development Methodology 21 Social Media Services Group
  • 22. Advisory Service framework and approach This can assist with: Social Operations - Influencer/Advocacy (Building and - Competitors optimizing a social - Governance media practice) - Tools/Reporting Determine Your - Content Strategy Intended Social Media Focus Area This can assist with: Social Business - Culture/Adoption (Integrating social - Organizational Alignment media across the - Funding enterprise) - Social Data Integration 22 Social Media Services Group
  • 23. Listening and insights service Actionable Insights Amplify Your Message Insights from social Identify key influencers conversations lead to and channels with actionable decisions. whom to engage. Leverage Understand Customer intellectual Gauge Sentiment Use direct, unbiased capital and Identify actions to feedback to improve capabilities improve customer products and services. from the No. 1 perceptions and your Net social brand Promoter Score. Market Intelligence Protect Your Brand Keep a pulse on brand Enable viral warning, versus competitor risk mitigation and crisis conversations. management for the social sphere. 23 Social Media Services Group
  • 24. Build a social media listening command center Design Build Integrate Run Consultation on Project management Creation of daily Post-deployment hardware, software for vendor operational and hot consultation on vendor selection, as coordination, as well issues processes, as integration with well as the space‖s as the launch event well as the business strategy, look, feel and identification and culture, ongoing construction training resources, support, etc. etc. A suite of offers ranging from the basics to a full solution 24 Social Media Services Group
  • 25. For sales inquiries, contact: Eric Nystrom Director Social Media & Community +1 (408) 348-9779 Thank you Social Media Services Group
  • 26. Appendix 26 Social Media Services Group
  • 27. What Dell did for Kraft Foods Challenge As a company with experience and strong knowledge in social media, Kraft was interested in learning from Dell how to push the social programs they had to the next level, as well as to understand how to spread listening across the organization and the value/role that a Listening Kraft Foods Command Center can play in that evolution. During a full-day session, Kraft participated in the Approach Roles of Social Media Listening and Use of Its Data and Experience a Day in the Command Dell spent quite a bit of time researching the Kraft Center seminars. brands to analyze conversational content found within social media. That insight was incorporated Benefits into two seminars, which involved discussion- Both Dell and Kraft exchanged ideas during the based learning, as well as role-playing scenarios. seminar and obtained valuable learning. Kraft was able The result was a customized, interactive and to see first-hand how Dell leverages and is organized engaging day for the customer. around listening and how they act with this data. 27 Social Media Services Group
  • 28. What Dell did for Aetna Challenge Aetna was ready to ramp their social media efforts and knew they had to get their employees on board, but they weren‖t sure how to set up a training program, especially on a broad scale. They needed help focusing their efforts into a solid and easily approachable roadmap. Aetna During a full-day session, Aetna participated in Approach the Building a Training Program and Building a Training Program+. At the beginning of the course, Dell consulted with Aetna to understand their training vision and needs, such as the scope of training desired. Benefits Prepared with a social media policy, Dell was able Aetna relied on Dell to ask them pertinent questions for to not only provide recommendation on their desired outcome and keep them on track. They also approaches, but also curriculum discussions to walked away with a team understanding next steps and a aide in the creation of their own training materials. curriculum to provide to their employees. 28 Social Media Services Group
  • 29. What Dell did for the American Red Cross Challenge The American Red Cross has been a leader in the social media space for some time, but looked to Dell for help with how to scale their social media operations during major disasters. They were in need of assistance scaling to the efforts required of an organization with such worldwide exposure and direct effect on human life. The American Red Cross Approach This is the first social media command center devoted to Dell was brought in to construct the project—and they humanitarian relief and demonstrates the power social media can lend during emergency and crisis situations. modeled it on their own Social Media Listening Command Center, which is used to track brand sentiment and Benefits chatter. They consulted not only on the space - Improved sourcing of data and identification of trends in configuration and build, but they also helped the disaster-affected areas American Red Cross establish processes for the successful - Significantly improved ability to anticipate and respond to the public‖s needs training and operation of their command center. - Ability to more quickly connect people with the resources they The DigiDoc Command Center enabled the American Red Cross to “listen” to need during a disaster, such as food, water, shelter or even more than 542,947 social conversations during Hurricane Sandy. emotional support 29 Social Media Services Group
  • 30. What Dell did for Clemson University Challenge Dell uses social media listening to enhance customer relationships and for marketing and business development, but Clemson wanted to explore how it could be used in academia. Clemson saw how corporations have adapted to new business and economic realities and they wanted to ensure their faculty and students had access to this same technology. Both Dell and Clemson had to figure out how to work together to advance each other without taking their eyes off their own respective missions. Clemson University This space will be used for alternate academic research Approach methods, as well as innovative learning environments, putting Clemson at the forefront of a new education technology The build of this command center required collaboration: Dell frontier. brought first-hand experience for it‖s successful set-up and operation Benefits and Clemson shared insight for the development of an effective Clemson University decided to incorporate social media listening learning environment, which now includes a teaching area where into the university‖s successful Creative Inquiry program By building a command center and understanding key faculty can hold classes and provide training on the tools. It was processes, an organization is well prepared to successfully through this collaboration that Dell and Clemson discovered several The University envisions rich partnerships between the university handle day-to-day conversations, as well as quickly parallels how social media listening can favorably impact business, and other industries to study the power and application of social address and manage crisis events. academia, and various other industries. media listening in business, academia, non-profit and all types of entities. 30 Social Media Services Group
  • 31. What Dell did for AMD Challenge AMD sought help from the Dell Social Media Services Group to assess and refine their overall social media strategy. AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) Approach To help assess and improve their current social media activities and prepare for their future efforts, Dell Dell leveraged its social media capability maturity framework provided Advisory Services to AMD. and results of stakeholder interviews to assess AMD‖s existing social media strategy and current capability maturity. The scope of analysis included assessment of existing social eco- Benefits systems, including tool and technology deployment, social AMD received a framework to drive and mature its social media governance, engagement methodologies, advocate capabilities. The analysis helped to provide a view across strategies, social platform consolidation, branding initiatives, multiple stakeholder groups of the current state and identify organizational models to drive adoption and the timing and future improvements in the areas of governance, people, priority of ongoing and planned investments. processes and technology. 31 Social Media Services Group