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Speech Essays
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Speech Essays" poses a unique set of challenges that
requires a delicate balance of linguistic prowess and thoughtful analysis. To start, one must
navigate the intricate nuances of speech as a form of communication, exploring its multifaceted
nature, ranging from the spoken word to non-verbal cues. The essay demands a keen
understanding of rhetoric, the art of persuasion, and the dynamics of conveying ideas effectively
through spoken language.
Delving into the historical context of significant speeches, dissecting their impact on society, and
understanding the evolution of speechwriting over time is another layer of complexity. This
involves an in-depth exploration of iconic speeches, studying the techniques employed by
renowned orators, and discerning the cultural and political influences shaping the narrative of
Additionally, the writer must grapple with the challenge of synthesizing various perspectives on
speechwriting, incorporating scholarly research, and weaving a cohesive narrative that not only
analyzes the intricacies of the craft but also offers a fresh perspective or insight. This requires
honing analytical skills and critical thinking, as well as the ability to articulate complex ideas in a
clear and engaging manner.
Furthermore, addressing the contemporary relevance of speechwriting in the age of digital
communication and social media adds another layer of difficulty. The writer needs to explore
how speeches have adapted to these changing mediums, examining the impact of technology on
the delivery and reception of messages.
In conclusion, crafting an essay on "Speech Essays" necessitates a meticulous blend of linguistic
finesse, historical insight, rhetorical analysis, and an awareness of the contemporary landscape of
communication. It is a task that challenges one's ability to delve into the intricacies of language
and persuasion while presenting a cohesive and insightful narrative.
For those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of such essays, it's worth exploring
external resources. Similar essays and a plethora of other writing services can be conveniently
accessed through This platform offers support for various topics, ensuring
that individuals can find the assistance they need to navigate the challenges of academic writing.
Speech Essays Speech Essays
Cults And Its Effect On Society
Cults have played major roles in how society has developed. They surround us
everywhere. We have been in contact with them and we don t even realize it.
According to
Merriam Webster, a cult is a religious group that is not part of an accepted religion
because their beliefs are seen as extreme and/or dangerous. Cults have carried out
many attacks and have caused many deaths due to their beliefs.
Cult leaders are the controllers that have the reins to their followers minds. They
can brainwash them into believing and doing whatever they desire in order to feel
power. Many people have gone to great extents to harm others and even
themselves. Many have killed for their devotion to their leader. How can leaders
achieve such control over others? Everything that cult leaders use to manipulate all
comes down to psychology. Some use fear and guilt to persuade while others
brainwash them into believing that what they are doing is for the greater good and
that it is all part of God s plan. Shoko Asahara gained power over his followers in the
Aum Shinrikyo cult, which led various chemical attacks against the citizens of
Japan, by exalting himself as the Messiah whose mission was to save humanity, a
mission that many cult leaders have in common. Shoko Asahara was born Chizuo
Matsumoto on March 2, 1955 in Yashushiro, Japan to a poor working class family.
At a young age he developed glaucoma which led to his blindness in his left eye and
partial in the other. After
Essay On Aromatize Coffee
How to aromatize your coffee. Ideas to vary the flavors in your cup
As I said a few months ago, I am passionate about coffee , both when it comes to
tasting it and knowing different varieties and experimenting with recipes and uses in
the kitchen. So when a reader asked how I could make her own cinnamon coffee, I
dedicated myself to investigate a little on the subject of giving a special flavor to this
drink. And the truth is that there are many ways we can aromatize our coffee .
My favorite way to enjoy coffee is a good cup of espresso made properly, with good
freshly ground natural grains, quality water and respecting the right temperatures,
without too much sweetening. But from time to time I like to try other options, and
add special aromas depending on the day. My favorites are those that provide spices
like cinnamon or nutmeg, and there are several ways we can integrate them into the
coffee. ... Show more content on ...
They can be added to the freshly made, very hot drink, letting them infuse and then
removing them, or simply sprinkling some ground spice on top, although many people
do not like to stain the coffee surface.
Then another option is to aromatize the moment to sweeten the drink . Different
sweeteners provide different shades, for example using cane syrup or maple syrup,
which give a very interesting roasted touch. We can also use vanilla sugar, either
homemade or commercial, which is usually used in confectionery.
Instead of adding sugar to the cup, we can prepare a syrup to the taste with which
to soften the bitterness of the coffee. The easiest way to make homemade syrup is
to heat the same volume of water as sugar until it dissolves, so if we add a vanilla
pod, cinnamon stick or another ingredient, once it has cooled down and we stick it A
flavored sweetener. It can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for
several days.
Something more than a single
A List Of Main Competitors Essay
A List of Main Competitors
Plastic Revolutions, Inc.(PRI) is headquartered in Reidsville, North Carolina and
operates primarily on the east coast. The company recycles various grades and
forms of plastic scrap and post consumer plastic, but their focus is on High Density
Polyethylene(HPDE). After a basic Google search, we found a few local
competitors including Reily Recovery Systems, Inc., located in Haw River, North
Carolina and New Life Plastic Recycling, Inc., located in Burlington, North Carolina
and various other companies along the east coast. To confirm which companies were
main competitors, we contacted Ed Handy, General Manager at Plastic Revolutions,
Inc. He confirmed that KW Plastics, headquartered in Troy, Alabama and Envision
Plastics, also located in Reidsville, North Carolina, were their main competitors (E.
Handy, personal communication, October 14, 2016).
PRI s Strengths Compared to the Competition
Plastic Revolutions, Inc is one of only two companies in the region that can process
high molecular weight HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) and produces extremely
clean HDPE flakes and pellets (PRI, Challenge Instructions).
Plastic Revolutions is also one of the only domestic recycling firms to hold the ISO
9001 Registration. The ISO 9001 is a standard based on quality management
principles including strong customer focus, attention of top management, and a
process of continual improvement ( ISO 9000 Quality Management, 2016). These
principles ensure
Outback Steakhouse Case Essay
Outback Steakhouse Case
Synopsis of Case
In 1995, Outback Steakhouse was proclaimed as one of the most successful restaurant
chains in the United States. The chain was started by Chris Sullivan, Bob Basham,
and Tim Gannon during the 1980s. Prior to starting the Outback Steakhouse chain,
Sullivan and Basham were successful franchisees of the Chili s Restaurant chain.
About the same time Gannon played a significant role in several New Orleans
restaurant chains. Outback Steakhouse, formerly known as Multi VenturePartners,
was founded in 1987 after Sullivan and Basham sold their Chili s franchise to fund
their venture and they invited Gannon to join. In 1988 the trio opened their first two
restaurants in Tampa, Florida.
Together,... Show more content on ...
However, these suppliers currently do not operate internationally thus posing a supply
chain problem for possible expansion into international areas.
Other issues regarding international expansion into other countries also need to be
considered including, access to supportive infrastructure, adapting to local culture
and trade laws. Competitors within each of these regions will also pose a threat; a
deeper analysis of competition within the food service industry utilizing Porter s Five
Forces model is located on the next page.
Industry Analysis
Analysis of Competition Utilizing Porter s Five Forces:
Risk of new entry by potential competitors: the risk is very high in the restaurant
industry because of the low capital investments required to enter. Outback Steakhouse
competes not only with the casual diners but as well as with fast food chains, and
even supper markets. Many of the high end grocery stores offer variety of complete
meals. It costs the customer absolutely nothing to switch to a different restaurant;
therefore companies in this industry cannot depend on locking in the customers.
However, by establishing a brand loyalty customers will return. Established
restaurants such as Outback Steakhouse have an advantage with the economies of
scale in advertising and purchasing.
Rivalry among established firms: the restaurant industry is fragmented. There are
many companies
Pellet Stoves Essay
When you are looking for an alternate way of heating your home, a pellet stove is
just the thing for you. Once you have one of these great heating sources in your
home, you will never want to go without it. For just a few dollars a day, you can use
your stove and benefit from the convenient heat source.
Pellet stoves are ran on little wood pellets that heat the home efficiently. A pellet
stove does require to be plugged into an electrical socket to provide electricity for
the blower to circulate the hot air around the home. You will find that one of these
stoves will hardly affect your electric bill at all.
Pellet stoves can be placed just about anywhere throughout the home. Wherever you
need an extra heat source or an extra accent piece ... Show more content on ...
You can find them to be in all different kinds of styles and shapes as well. You will
not need any additional vents or air ducts installed for your stove. All you have to do
is buy the pellets and you are ready to start heating your home.
For the most part pellet stoves are safe. They are an efficient and secure way of
heating your home without breaking your bank account. You will have to read up on
the information that is sent along with the stove to make sure that you are following
all of the recommended instructions that are given for installation and use.
This new pellet stove will be a cheap alternative to heating your home throughout
those bitter cold winter nights as well as the brisk fall evenings. You will be able to
control the amount of heat that is provided which makes this a great item to use all
year round. They are easy to work and anyone can do it.
Another nice thing about a pellet stove is that you do not need to shovel coal or
chop up wood for the heating source. Most pellets can be bought in the same place
that you buy your stove or you can have them delivered to your home. These stoves
are efficient, convenient, and safe. There is not better way to heat your home for
less and bring style and appeal to your
Analyze The Ways In Which Television Has Effected
In chapter 10 Postman discusses the ways in which television has effected education.
He uses the example of Sesame Street quite a lot throughout the chapter. He begins by
stating Sesame Street was almost guaranteed to be successful with children due to the
fact that having children learn through essentially commercials is nothing new. While
the show is educational it is still pure entertainment. He continues of to say that
Sesame Street actually goes against traditional book learningbut puts of a front that it
teaches children to love school. It does not teach children to love school, but rather to
love television. Going to a classroom is a place where the children can interact
socially and the television show isolates them, in a classroom
Strengths And Weaknesses Of My Writing
For any common writer, understanding your strengths and weaknesses plays a huge
role in the outcome of your papers. Presenting your strengths in writing can help
your readers smoothly go over what you wrote and actually enjoy it. Exploiting your
weaknesses can create a hard time for your readers to follow your writing. To stay in a
common ground you must first figure out your strengths and weaknesses. Most
writers usually do this by writing on a regular basis to determine what they strive in
and what they struggle with. In this paper, I will go over my strengths and
weaknesses that come with writing and how I plan to create a common ground
between them to thusly better my writing. Being able to understand the prompt
/topic given has always been a strength of mine. I tend to embrace this specific
strength because without focus on a given topic or prompt: diction and minute
details that can be added will be irrelevant. In high school we were constantly given
common assessments that required us to write about a single broad topic, I think
those common assessments have allowed me to dig into the prompt and find ways
to keep the paper inline and focused. I will always feel the need to continue
developing this trait because it is a major part to persuasive and stronger writing....
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I ve always had issues with understanding grammatical structure; high school English
was no help either. My high school English classes only consisted of readings and
short reflections; we never really touched base on the common writing errors that we
may face. Although my errors may be subtle, these GUM issues still occur. My
writing would be much smoother if I totally understood/followed correct punctuation
and sentence structure. My need for this weakness to develop into a strength is at a
high importance because I want my readers to clearly read my writing without
wasting time critiquing my
Evaluating the Consultation and Education Department...
Evaluating the Consultation and Education Department Research Paper
Heather Sanchez
University of Phoenix
June 17, 2011
The Greenby Mental Health Center funding has been cut back. The cut back in
funding has caused the organization to look at possibly doing away with their
consultation and education department. This paper will describe at least one process
evaluation measure and at least one outcome evaluation measure that could be
suggested for the Consultation and Education Department at Greenby Community
Mental Health Center to display the program effectiveness and efficiency. The paper
will also explain the scope and purpose of the chosen process evaluation and outcome
evaluation measures and how they influence the design. ... Show more content on ...
(Reh, 2011) Cost/benefit analysis is a possible suggestion because the Consultation
and Education Department director can argue that the benefit of the program far
outweighs the cost of the program. The Consultation and Education department draw
clients in and a large majority of these clients go on to participate in the larger, more
funding drawing, programs. So if the department is done away with, client numbers
may decrease and other programs may suffer. Outcomes evaluation is often described
first by looking at its basic components. Outcomes evaluation looks at programs as
systems that have inputs, activities/processes, outputs and outcomes this system s
view is useful in examining any program! * Inputs
These are materials and resources that the program uses in its activities, or processes,
to serve clients, equipment, staff, volunteers, facilities, money, etc. These are often
easy to identify and many of the inputs seem common to many organizations and
programs. * Activities
These are the activities, or processes, that the program undertakes with/to the client in
order to meet the clients needs, for example, teaching, counseling, sheltering, feeding,
clothing, etc. Note that when identifying the activities in a program, the focus is still
pretty much on the organization or program itself, and still is not so much on actual
Negative Effects Of Being Out
If people are out about their polyamorous interests, relationships, or lifestyles they
may experience repercussions based on that. People often label them as cheaters and
do not view their relationship choices as valid. Their families, churches, and
communities may shun them and not speak to them for a period of time. They may
be excommunicated from their churches or looked down upon by their communities.
Their familymembers may not think that they are making the right decision and not
approve of the direction the individuals are taking their lives in. For some people the
negative reaction that they receive may cause them to feel worse about themselves
and wantto leave their communities to pursue one that is more open and accepting of
Gothic Elements In Flannery O Connor s Northanger Abbey
Regina Maria Roche born in 1764 and died in 1845 is considered to be a gothic
novelist. She wrote her novels on the shade of Ann Radcliffe. Though she is not so
popular in today s time but she was considered to be a well renowned writer of her
period. Though she was born and brought up in Dublin after her marriage she moved
to England. At the beginning she used to write using her maiden name Dalton. But
after the success of her novelClermont she started writing using her own name.
Clermont is considered to be her only true gothic novel and it is full of darkness in
nature. Even in Jane Austens book Northanger Abbey out of many novels mentioned,
this was one of them and she satirized this novel there. This book became so well
known that it was even translated in French and English.
Clermont is a gothic novel. The story revolves around Madeline who lives with her
father, Clermont in Dauphiny. Clermont s past is full of mysteries. The story is set
up in pre ... Show more content on ...
The story is about Emily who at the beginning lives with her father and develops a
close relationship with her father. After his death Emily she moves to stay with her
aunt Madame Cheron. In the meantime, Emily falls in love with Valancourt while
staying with her aunt. Her uncle Montoni forces her to marry Morano for wealth. But
after Morano lost everything he refuses to marry off Emily with him and captures her
in his remote castle Udolpho. After many mysterious frightening events took place in
the castles, Emily manages to flee from there. While escaping she got arrested on
French coast and is rescued by the Court de Villerois. She starts staying with his
family. Even there she experiences many frightening events like ghosts. But later the
mystery opens. In the meantime, rumor about Valancourt spreads that in Paris he was
involved in gambling and drinking as a result, Emily rejected him. But knowing the
truth Emily got reunited with Valancourt
Analysis Of John Lewis Struggle Against Segregation
Throughout the history of the civil rights, there has been many ways that African
Americans have protested against segregation. In the graphic novels March by John
Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and illustrated by Nate Powell they depict the way some civil
right activists like John Lewis and SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating
Committee) used peaceful and nonviolent protests like sit ins, stand ins, the freedom
rides, and marching to gain freedom and equality for the African Americancommunity.
When John Lewis started with the civil rights movement he joined a group called
F.O.R. (the fellowship of Reconciliation). In this group is where he started with the
sit ins. He had attended mass at the First Baptist Church in downtown Nashville and
learned ... Show more content on ...
On that day, nearly a thousand African American children were arrested. Lewis
implies It was an embarrassment to the city [Lewis and Aydin 2: 135]. The next
day the children marched again. This time Bull Connor was determined NOT to
let the protests continue. He swore that he would not make any arrests this time.
He sprayed them with water hoses and even turned the police dogs on them.
Connor yells Do NOT cross if you come any further, we WILL turn the hoses on
you! Bring the dogs [Lewis and Aydin 2: 136]. After this happened on June 11th,
1963 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. announced plans for a massive march to take place
later that summer. On June 14th, 1963, Lewis received a noticed that the chairman
of SNCC was resigning and he was elected the new chairman. On June 22nd, 1963,
John Lewis, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., A. Philip Randolph, Roy Wilkins (of the
NAACP), Jim Farmer (of C.O.R.E.), and Whitney Young (of the urban League) all
met at the white house to speak with President John F Kennedy. They will forever
be known as the big six in the history of the civil rights. During their visit to the
white house they spoke about the upcoming march on Washington. After the
meeting Robert Kennedy pulled Lewis aside and spoke words he will never forget.
You, the young people of SNCC, have educated me. You have CHANGED me. Now
I understand. [Lewis and Aydin 2: 152]. On August 28th, 1963, one of the biggest
Qcf Level 3 Unit 1 Assignment
Southern Institute of Technology
Assignment Title:Assessment 1
Standard Number and Title:TEA1031
Introduction to Teacher Aiding and Inclusion
Version of StandardN/A
Assessed Elements:1.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 5.2
Conditions:Completed job description
Evidence of research outside of the study guide for all/any of the tasks.
Research appropriately referenced
Proofread and spellchecked
Task/Activity Instructions:
This is a written assessment in three parts:
Assessment One requires you to use the template provided to create a complete job
description for a Teacher Aide position in a school
Complete the template below to create a job description for a Teacher Aide role....
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Identify the knowledge required in terms of the key concepts of special education)
(Define the knowledge required in terms the context of Education and the provision
of special needs education.
Special Education in New Zealand follows principles and guidelines.
Special Education 2000 policy uses these guidelines to achieve a world class inclusive
education system that provides learning opportunities to all children.
The key concepts of special education are Inclusion, Diversity, Human Rights,
Support, Equity and Respect.
3 inclusive techniques
A child with special needs can be supported in sports activities. The support person
helps to catch and throw the ball. (Diversity, Support, Inclusion)
A special needs child needs assistance with eating and food handling. Specially
designed cutlery and cups can be provided. (Respect, Support, Human Rights)
Especially designed mobility equipment like 3 wheeler bikes or sports wheel chairs
can give the opportunity of independency and self worth. A young person can be
taken for outings or they can be flexible and mobile in their own
Eass vs Ifrs Essay
For Private Sector
For Public Sector
In 1985
IASs were informally introduced to the Egyptian market by the representatives of the
big 8 at that time.
Unified Accounting System (UAS)
In 1992
Issuance of law 95 for 1992 (Capital Market Law) imposing the use of
Unified Accounting System (UAS)
In 1997
The 20 standards drafted by ESAA were issued by Minister of Economy in
compliance with IASs with 4 deviations
The preface of EASs stated that any subject not dealt with in the EASs, IASs should
be applied.
Later, 3 more standards were drafted by ESAA and issued by the minister with the
withdrawal of 3 standards withdrawn by IASB.
In ... Show more content on ...
EAS is silent regarding the accounting treatment for acquisitions between entities
under common control.
Capital lease
Under IFRS, lease classification depends on whether substantially all of the risks
and rewards incidental to ownership of a leased asset have been transferred from
the lessor to the lessee. Under EAS, the leased asset is recognized in the lessor
books and depreciated, and the lessee recognizes lease payments in the income
statement in the period in which it is paid.
Profit sharing to employees and board of directors
Under IFRS, profit sharing to employees and board of directors is recognized when
incurred in the income statement (using the accrual basis of accounting). Under
EAS, profit sharing to employees and board of directors is recognized as a dividend
distribution through equity and as a liability when approved by the relevant company
s shareholders meeting.
ESAA s standards committee started a project to update EASs to comply with
changes and additions to IFRSs. It is expected to completed this project by end of
2010 KPMG Hazem Hassan, the Egyptian member firm of KPMG International
Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG
network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG
International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to
obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm visГ vis third parties,
nr does
Organizational Pl Management Team
Organizational Plan
Management team:
There is a hierarchy pertaining to our management team, which consists of the top
management, middle level managers, and first line managers. This will ensure that
duties are delegated accordingly and expectations are known to all managers and
employees. Sole Assassin is comprised of employees who are goal oriented and
motivated by success and job satisfaction. We are focused on finding employees who
are highly invested in shoes and are very knowledgeable with the latest fashion.
The top management will be skilled in leadership and have experience in
management. We want our top management to be confident in the decisions they
make. They will ultimately be responsible for leading through setting goals and
expectations. Our middle management team will be comprised of people who are
servant leaders. Essentially our management team will always want to put the
employees before themselves, always being there for them and serving them in
anyway possible.
We want our employees to be comfortable with coming to their managers for
whatever they need, whether that be personal or work related issues. We want the
employees to look at their manager as a leader and not a boss. The management
team we want to inquire will need to be genuinely personable who can provide
constructive feedback. This goal goes for all levels of management.
Our leadership team consists of knowledgeable individuals who are passionate about
their goals within the
Key Facts And Issues Of Glenn Rozycki
Key Facts and Issues Glenn Rozycki is a 25 year old resident of Scarborough,
Ontario who left school at York University after one year because he felt that he
would be happier running his own car detailing business. Glenn wants to start up a
new company, Custom Car Care, cleaning and detailing cars. Glenn began this
venture as a part time job but he wants to turn it into his full time job. To ensure that
his businesswill be successful, especially in comparison to other similar businesses
in his area, Glenn must make sure his business idea is realistic, sustainable, and
profitable. To ensure that Glenn can build a respectable reputation as a car
detailing business, Glenn must be able to grab a segment of the market in his area
where a few competitors already exist. Glenn can penetrate the market by
employing different marketing and promotional strategies to ensure that he ll see
success and profits with his limited resources. Glenn s main objective for his
business strategy is to provide cleaning and maintenance to both the interior and
exterior of vehicles to preserve their condition by using quality name brand
products and precise, hand done work. Glenn has already identified the different
segments of car owners: owners of older cars that are in poor condition, but served
the purpose of transportation; owners of newer, mid priced cars; and owners of
expensive cars costing more than $35,000. Glenn faced some competition in his area.
There are
Importance Of Beauty
The Importance of Beauty to One s Self
WHAT SHAPES OUR IDEA OF BEAUTY How we interpret beauty is because of
many different things. Social media, celebrities, the internet, and models are some of
the biggest ones. We see all these fit and beautiful people posting on social media or
internet, or posing in a magazine. Advertising beauty is everywhere. On our phones,
billboards, television, and on commercials. There are also personal things that
contribute to our idea of beauty. Our family members, our culture, and us, individuals.
Tobias HГјrter, a Philosopher said, Beauty is at the core of our utmost desires. We
strive for 0fulfillment through beauty. Obviously, that beauty can look different in
various cultures and eras. But the very longing for beauty is a constant.
Eric Jarosinski, a Philologist said, what shapes our idea of beauty is Probably the
same things that shape our idea of everything else. Ideologies, experiences, biology,
media, money, etc. Beauty has a big impact on our lives. Tobias HГјrter, a
Philosopher said, Its impact is bigger than we would assume. I believe that we base
a lot of decisions on beauty. It is the very thing that moves us.
Something universal to the concept of beauty
Larissa Vingilis Jaremko, a Psychologist said, Symmetry is one influence on
perceptions of attractiveness. Faces that are more symmetrical have more redundant
information than faces that are less symmetrical. We tend to like anything the brain
can process quickly and easily,
Ethnographic Forum
On November 7, Team 22 visited the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center in
College Station, Texas and attended the What a Palace! Berlin Palace Humboldt
Forum: The creation of an international cultural center exhibit. This event was being
held in the building to further educate attendees about German architecture and
culture, specifically with a focus on the Berlin Palace Humboldt Forum. It featured
sections about architects, designs, buildings, and history all relating to the event. The
team chose this event because German culture is something no member of the group
has previously experienced. Each team member was entering this event with minimal
prior knowledge to the topic of focus in the event. Therefore, there were no prior
expectations before entering the event. However after leaving the event, each
member of the team had gained valuable insight to these topics. They each learned of
the von Humboldt brothers, and their significance. Also, German architecture was
another topic of which each member of the team gained insight. The Berlin Palace,
the Humboldtforum, and the Ethnological Museum were discussed alongside the
other topics. Each member of the team had gotten... Show more content on ...
One of the focuses was the Berlin Palace. In it came the Ethnological Museum. The
museum was created in 1873 and came from the Royal Prussian Art Cabinet.
Although due to the destruction on the Berlin Palace from World War II it was
moved to a different location. The new museum was later built in the outer district of
Dahlem and was then opened in 1972. Inside this well known museum there are
many historical artifacts from many different countries, which many scholars come to
this museum looking for information that they use for research projects due to its
vastness and important
Sylvia Plath s `` Fever 103, `` The Title Exactly Means...
In Sylvia Plath s poem Fever 103, the title exactly means what the narrator goes
through. Sylvia Plath writes about the narrator, who is a woman acquires an
elevated fever keeping her away from her toxic lover. Plath touches base with purity
and uses a great deal of imagery to illustrate hell . She is extremely fearful that love
will kill her which she compares to death. Sylvia Plath speaks about how adulterers
are being prepared to burn like Hiroshima. Plath explains to her significant other
how she has become ill due to his love. Therefore, she has rested for three days and
three nights growing into a self loving empowered women. While realizing her self
worth and purity, she will no longer let such a toxic and impure person hurt... Show
more content on ...
In these lines the poet conveys how love will kill you, especially when dealing
with a toxic relationship. As well as stating that she is scared of catching the scarf
herself and getting killed by love. By using a simile she compares the tragic car
accident that caused the death of dancer Isadora to tainted love. Continuing to
clarify we see in stanza five, Plath writes, One scarf will catch and anchor in the
wheel// such yellow sullen smokes// Make their own element. They will not rise
(13 15). You can detect how the love is making her physically sick. The yellow
sullen smokes are code for something being unwell. They transfer as a negative
sensation. This affects her tremendously, she is so afraid of catching this love scarf,
because she knows that the death from it is a slow and painful one.
The toxicity in tainted love can be the result of infidelity. In stanza nine, Plath
states, Greasing the bodies of adulterers// Like Hiroshima ash and eating in.// The
sin. The sin (25 27). Plath explains how love or marriage is becoming extremely
sinful now. Love can be dangerous especially during the heat of the moment. All this
leads to the her getting cheated on, leading to the adulterer to burn like Hiroshima.
This is only the beginning of her facing the true hatred towards a cheater, before she
realizes who she really is. You can tell by the writing that the greasing stage is one
It is an ongoing problem that people are narrow minded and have preconceptions.
It does no one good and is an obstacle in your everyday life. By closing your eyes,
the other senses, like feeling, hearing and smelling, tune in and take over. A lot can
be learned from these senses and new truths can be unrevealed. In the short story
Cathedral, the main character stops his prejudices and sees a new truth.
The short story Cathedral takes place in the 1990s in a married couple s house in
New York, America. The narrator of the story is the husband. The short story is told
as from a first persons point of view. The narrator introduces both his wife and their
guest, the blind man. The only information we get about the husband comes ... Show
more content on ...
While the narrator draws, Robert puts his hands on the narrator s and asks him to
close his eyes and keep on drawing. The narrator sees this experience as an
epiphany. It is described as an almost religious out of body experience. Robert
makes the narrator see by making him close his eyes. When the husband closes his
eyes his other senses take over and he is able to see everything clear.
The title Cathedral can be looked at in two ways. The most obvious one is referring
to the television show about medieval churches and cathedrals and the drawing the
narrator draws to and with Robert. There is a more figurative way of looking at it. A
cathedral is a religious building and in the story you can say that the narrator gets an
almost spiritual out of body experience.
What Raymond Carver tries to tell us with this short story is that we should not be
like the narrator. Nothing good comes from prejudice and preconceptions. You
should rather keep an open mind and conclude from things you experience or see
rather than conclude from things you expect or think. At the end of the story the
narrator learns this and a whole new world opens to him. The blind man helped him
learn to see.
Through the story the relationship between Robert and the narrator evolves. The
relationship goes from being shallow and almost non existing to understanding and
friendly. Robert teaches the narrator a very valuable lesson that
Subsistence Patterns Of Anthropology
Horticulture is defined as the production of plants using a simple nonmechanized
technology (Nanda and Warms 2006:148), while Webster s Dictionary defines
horticulture as the art or science of growing fruits, vegetables, plants, flowers, or
trees. When most people think of horticulture, they simply think of gardening or
farming. Most people do not associate horticulture with culture itself or how
horticulture relates to anthropology, or the study human culture. In all actuality,
horticulture is a major part of cultural anthropology. The groups that hunt and grow
food, and the associated eating rituals or ceremonies associated with food differs by
culture or environment. This paper will discuss the subsistence pattern of horticulture
as... Show more content on ...
(Carvalho et al. 1989:239) The Yanomamo Indians of the Amazon rain forest are
organized by patrilineal kinship relationships, patrilineal descent from ancestors,
and marriage exchanges between kinship/descent groups. In the Yanomamo tribes,
the men are the leaders. The male leaders positions are mostly because of marriage
patterns and kinship. Yanomamo people often participate in arranged marriages and
the tribesmen often take multiple wives. In addition to polygamy, cross cousin
marriages are also a part of the Yanomamo culture. Woman are more or less
possessions in the Yanomami culture and the males position of power or importance
is often rated or scaled based on the number of wives he has. The woman spend most
of their time fetching water, caring for their children, and visiting with one another.
The woman of the tribe often spend a good deal of time weaving baskets and other
small crafts and also engage to some degree in fishing. The other main responsibilities
include cooking, gathering firewood and berries and fruits. The men of the tribe are
responsible for the distribution of food for the Yanomamo people. Males do the
majority of the fishing and hunting and while they do not eat the animals they hunt,
rather they share their meat with others within the tribe. The favor is returned by
other male hunters within the tribe. Male Yanomamis also spend time
Teenage Pregnancy Issues
Teenage pregnancy is an emerging global issue that affects sustainable development.
Not only do the developing countries face this challenge but also the developed
counties at large. Adolescent pregnancies challenge the moral and ethical sensibilities
in most states and as researchers try to define the cause of teenage pregnancies.
Sustainable development is necessary for the successful development of any nation.
Therefore adolescent pregnancies become a societal` challenge that needs to be
addressed efficiently. Teenage pregnancyis defined as the pregnancy that occurs in
females below the age of twenty years (Leishman and Moir ). Depending on the
situation, adolescent pregnancies can either be planned for or unplanned, but
according to research most of the pregnancies are usually unwanted. According to
statistics, although the number of teenage pregnancies is gradually decreasing, it is
still calculated that for every five girls, two will get pregnant before the age of
nineteen. The US is the most extensively developed country with high cases of
teenage pregnancy; it was identified that more than 850,000 girls get pregnant every
year and around 500,000 carry the pregnancy to term (Coleman). Notably, most of the
societal issues are usually blamed on teenage pregnancy; for instance, single
parenting, poverty, drug abuse, crime among other social problems. Over the recent
years, there has been an overemphasis on preventing teenage pregnancy itself rather
than addressing the
American Realist Movement
MARK ON JURISPRUDENTIAL THOUGHT? We must approach this question in
consideration of the fact that the American Realist movement never purported to
formulate a complete theory of law which could stand alone to tell us what law is.
Instead, the basis was that official conduct in dispute settlement in all kinds of
dispute was the focal point for the analysis of the law s impact, facilitating the ability
to make legal predictions based on expected official action. I think that to measure
the impact of this type of thinking on jurisprudential thought, we need to keep in
mind how it seeks to differ from other theory. There are quotations that encompass
Realism s ideals very well.... Show more content on ...
Even Hart himself admits that, В‘at the fringe ofВ…. (law), we should welcome
the rule sceptic. However he masks this with the В‘unquestionably rule governed
operations over the vast, central areas of the law. Most positivists will admit that
judicial discretion is inevitable in hard cases, and that decisions of the common
law are posited in the courts, but the important thing for the realist is that law in it
s entirety is a shoreless world of uncertainty. For me, the realist ideal is a tool
whereby we can consider decisions throughout the vast central areas of law that
Hart suggests, more than we could from a positivist or natural law stance. The
reason is that if what the realists say is credible, we must accept that in some or all
central cases, a judge can pick from a number of precedents as discussed, in order to
find the one that best fits his predetermined and subjective answer. However, view
this from the positivist outlook, and the whole process fits together nicely. The judge
has simply applied a posited rule and achieved the right outcome subject to a rule of
recognition. For both the realist and the positivist, the decision is law. The difference
though, is that realism allows us to think about the moral dilemmas within the
adjudication, whilst positivism does not need to consider any moral accordance to
rationalize its theory. Just considering the argument in this way, it becomes clear that
the realist approach could certainly be said to have more practical
How To Improve Fico Score
I went to and viewed my FICO scores. Transunion score was
497, Equifax score was 502, and no score was reported by Experian. The FICO scores
were not as high as I had hoped. A few years ago I had a thin file showing for my
credit scores. Now that I have established credit line, it is within the very poor
range of the FICO Score ratings. Due to collection files for various services such as
mobile phone accounts and hospital visits my scores have lowered due to bad credit
choices. My student loan has raised my ratings somewhat due to the fact that I have
made payments towards lowering the financial debtof the student loan.
Three ways I can help improve my FICO score is to check my credit periodically,
set up payment reminders for payments, and reduce the amount of debt I owe.
According to many credit bureaus and experts, checking your credit periodically is
always the right approach to turning your credit around. By checking your scores
you can determine if there are any errors on your reports and take the right course of
action to dispute those errors. You may... Show more content on ...
One way to improve your score is to set up payment reminders. Pay your bills on
time whether or not you feel you have a grace period, because delinquent payments
no matter how late has huge negative impact have on scores. Missed payments
need to be made current and remain current, paying off a collection does not
remove it from your report since they remain on said report for seven years, and if
you have trouble managing your money to make ends meet seek help from a credit
professional, and contact your creditors to make arrangements. These steps won t
miraculously rebuild your credit score but will increase it in good standing over a
period of time. Amounts you owe go hand and hand with payment history so let s
move forward to tips to help you on your
An American Tragedy and the Futility of the American
An American Tragedy is an intriguing, frighteningly realistic journey into the mind
of a murderer. It is a biography of its era. And, it is also historical fiction. But what
makes this novel a classic? While society has changed dramatically since 1925,
Dreiser s novel, which shows the futility of The American Dream and the tragedies
that trying to live it can cause, accurately summarizes social mores of this and any
time period.
br Before Theodore Dreiser was born, his father, a devout German immigrant, lost
everything when his large wool mill burned down ( 1). After a beam hit
his head, Dreiser s father was subject to dramatic mood swings; this brain damage
caused him to became an evangelist (Survey of American ... Show more content on ...
br An American Tragedy was based on the infamous Chester Gillette case. Chester
abandoned his missionary parents and wandered, working anywhere he could, until
he met Grace Brown. They had an affair. When she became pregnant, she moved into
her parents house. After she begged him to marry her, he took her on a honeymoon to
the Adirondacks, where he planned to murder her. He caught before he began; he left
her trunk and hat valuable evidence in public places. After registering under an
obvious alias, they went boating, and he drowned her. He fled and stayed at the
Arrowhead Hotel until his arrest three days later. During his trial, Chester said his
girlfriend had committed suicide to escape public humiliation. The DA proved that
he hit her with a tennis racket (which numerous people saw him carry). Chester
was found guilty of first degree murder and electrocuted ( 1).
Gillette s trial and An American Tragedy have surprising similarities. Chester s
attorneys, girls, rich uncle, and settings were identical to Clyde s, albeit with minor
name changes ( 1). Both Clyde and Chester had poor parents, fell
in love with a garment factory employees and a good looking upper class girls,
botched their girlfriends drownings, and were electrocuted. So, while Dreiser s
theme was not original, his flair for
God Versus The Idea Of God
Do you believe in God? How?
Nobody likes to be proven wrong and theologians are certainly no exception.
What is your idea when you hear the word God or gods? Is God real? Is God not real
or merely a product of human weaknesses? In a January 1954 letter to the
philosopher Eric Gutkind, Albert Einstein (who called himself a deeply religious
nonbeliever ) described the idea of God as a product of human weakness.
Will you agree with this idea or not? Why? God Vs. The Idea of God elaborates the
concept of is God real or not? The church original focus was on less worldly concerns
and claims to speak for all aspects of life in preparation for the kingdom of God. Why
does the church is losing its followers? Are all the theologians right in their own
opinion of God or gods? Why? ... Show more content on ...
Writing is not his vocation but his avocation because he is concern of the Christian s
present status and their role within the society.
Harry s prologue captures my interest especially the title God and Me, a shaky
relationship at best. His experience is a thought provoking as well as the title in
each chapter. I appreciate his elaboration of the Judeo Christian portrayal and
depiction of God. His explanation gives a vivid idea of the Christians in the church
Harry s church history will also make the reader understand the background of the
church and the way the people of long ago worship gods. They worship gods of the
trees, the streams, the storms, the wind, the sun and all other terrestrial events. I
understand now that even the ancient people of long ago attributed to the spirits and
gods beyond their comprehension. There is a part in the human heart that will longed
for a
The Conflict Between The Muslims And The North
In 1914, the unification that the British did by colonizing territories from Sahel to the
Atlantic coast, started the main cause of conflict between the Muslims and the
Christians. It led to political disagreement between the two major religions in two
separate regions of the country. In the years 1947 to 1959, the Nigerian leaders came
together to try to come to an agreement to resolve the political and religious conflicts
between the north (Muslims) and the south (Christians). Christians believe that if
Nigeriais governed by Muslims, they will try to islamize the country to establish
Sharia law into the government. The Muslims are opposed to westernization and find
asylum through religion. While the Muslims tried to extend the Sharia... Show more
content on ...
That became a problem to Christian groups in the north of Nigeria identified
themselves against the Muslim Hausa Fulani majority.
The casualties and suffering that have been caused by the Islamist militant group
Boko Haram over the past five years are mind boggling. According to estimates,
12,000 people have been killed, 8,000 thousand more have been injured or maimed,
and thousands of innocent people have been displaced by the conflict. Even more
worryingly, around half of those deaths have come in just the past year. Boko
Haram rebels aim to make northern Nigeria an Islamic state. Borno, Yobe, and
Adamawa states are the most affected by the Boko Haram insurgency. The entire
resident population of these states of sixteen million people are all affected by the
Boko Haram. Half have been killed in Boko Haram attacks on government
institutions, churches, and secular schools. An equal number, many with no ties to
terrorists, have died in government counterattacks. Women and children are
particularly the most vulnerable. Main concerns include targeting of civilians,
abductions, sexual violence, forced recruitment, arbitrary arrests, and extrajudicial
killings. At least 3.5 million people are considered insecure. Households in much of
Borno state and parts of Adamawa and Yobe are facing Crisis and Emergency food
security outcomes. About 250,000 people were living in camps or with relatives and
friends after being forced out of their homes. With all of
Study Groups In The Paper Chase (1973)
It s a device. A tool. Groups of first year students that get together a couple times a
week. Review the class work, the casebooks. They make outlines and then share
them. It helps at exam time. You interested? (Paul Thompson Bridges, 1973, scene 2).
On the surface study groups may seem to be an effective strategy for enhancing
learning, but they can actually lead students to encounter more problems than solved
in the long run. These problems can vary from fairly small to very serious, which is
seen throughout the film, The Paper Chase (1973). This film provided the gold
standard of awful study groups with bickering, backstabbing, and withholding study
aids. From the very first meeting, it was bound for failure as the members of the group
... Show more content on ...
Since the members of the study group came from universities to Harvard law school,
most of them have never before been pushed intellectually, nor faced any real
adversity in terms of competition. Therefore, combining smart intellectuals in a
group may seem like a great tool, but there is bound to be competition eventually.
In one of the group meetings, Bell states, You want to know about my outline? It s
800 pages long, and it s fantastic. I m going to publish that outline. My outline is
better than the casebook, (Bell). Bell believes his outline is the best, and later on
threatens not to share his outline with anyone else unless theirs begins to stack up.
Competition is also shown in Brooks s case where he struggles to keep up with his
group members. His wife Asheley tells group member Hart, He s just so tired. He
works so hard. Every night till 3:00 or 4:00. The competition is killing him,
(Asheley). Other types of competition that takes place throughout the film is the
desire to be recognized as the top student in Kingsfield s eyes. This takes place in
Kingsfield s lectures in the classroom scenes where it is shown that the same students
answers Kingsfield s questions, which just so happen to be members of the study
Pilgrim s Progress Research Paper
Is John Bunyan s Pilgrim s Progress autobiographical? Before Bunyan wrote
Pilgrim s Progress, he wrote his spiritual autobiography, Grace Abounding to the
Chief of Sinners. In this book, he tells of his conversion and many of his struggles
before and after. There are many similarities between Bunyan s experiences in Grace
Abounding and in what he wrote about in Pilgrim s Progress: Bunyan s and
Christian s (the main character in Pilgrim s Progress) journey to salvation was very
similar, Bunyan and Christian had similar experiences concerning Gods promises, and
the man in the iron cage (in Pilgrim s Progress) represents a situation Bunyan went
through when he thought he could not be saved.
John Bunyan s and Christian s journey to salvation was very similar. In Pilgrim s ...
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After Bunyan became a Christian, he experienced a time of hardship and
temptation. He found himself in great despair and questioning God. God revealed
Himself to Bunyan and reassured him of the scriptures and His promises. Bunyan
says in Grace Abounding, The scriptures were now wonderful to me. I saw their
truth and reliability as the keys to heaven. ... This temptation made me understand
more about the nature of God s promises than ever before. In Pilgrim s Progress, he
writes of Christian and Hopeful straying from the right path. They were captured
by the giant, Despair, and thrown into his dungeon where they were deprived of
food, water, and light. The giant threatened to kill them and tempted them to take
their own lives. Nearly overcome with despair, they were tempted to do this when
Christian remembered he had a key called Promise. Since it could be used to unlock
any door, they unlocked the dungeon door and escaped. Bunyan, Christian, and
Hopeful had all learned a valuable lesson about how God s promises can overcome
despair and
Fear As The Dominant Theme In The Chrysalids By John
Fear as the Dominant Theme.
Every single person in this world fears something, and there is magnificent amount
of different types of fear that people know of. Each type of fear has a different name.
For example, fear of change is called metathesiophobia, and fear of darkness is called
Achluophobia. Fear can be not only a phobia but in a novel it can be represented as
theme. One of the examples of a novel that has a lot of fear in it is The Chrysalids by
John Wyndham which took place in the future, years after a nuclear holocaust has
devastated large areas of the world. In that novel Wyndham explores many themes
throughout the text, the main one being fear. The existence of fear in this novel is
a critical factor in the unfolding of the plot. Most of the problems that occurred in
John Wyndham s tale happen because of fear. Overall, this is shown through
everyone s fear of being different, fear helped to develop Petra s character, and by
everyone thinking that if a baby was born as a blasphemy, the women is always
the one who is responsible for that, but never the man. In places like Waknuk
people are terrified of being different in anyway in the Image of God. To begin,
David, who is the son of Joseph Strorm, is praying in the church for dead Aunt
Harriet and he is overwhelmed by what will happen to him if someone figures out
that he is different. Please, please, God, let me be like other people. I don t want to
be different. Won t you make it so that when I wake up in the morning I ll be just
like everyone else, please, God, please! (Wyndham 76). This quote tells the reader
that even David is scared of being different. His fear was caused by Aunt Harriet s
death because of her child s small deviation. He finally comes to the understanding
of how much trouble he can get into because of his own deviation. Another
example of people fearing the difference is shown in the beginning of this novel
when David explains that children who do not behave well are frightened by their
parents with the Fringes people. In my father s childhood mothers used to quieten
and awe troublesome infants by threatening: Be good now, or I ll fetch Old Maggie
from the Fringes to you. She s got four eyes to watch you with, and four
The Docks-Personal Narrative Analysis
The Docks Herman Melville proclaimed, It is not down in any map; true places
never are (Brainyquote). The places that matter are never on a map. This place will
never have the red pin in Maps on an iPhone. It will not have signs marking the
significance along the roads. This is a place not known to many, thus granting
significance for few people. In the summer, lounging at the end of my dock is the
only place that I desire to be. The lackadaisicalness of watching the sunset over the
lake paints a picture in my mind that cannot be replaced. It is the summer before my
senior year in high school. Eagerness of graduating is beginning to settle within my
body; however, I still have the rest of my summer to go. It is the middle of July,
when Minnesota is hitting record temperatures. I can smell the fish in the lake....
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While sitting at the end of the, a memory engraves in my brain that I cannot forget.
The end of my dock is significant because of the peaceful periods of time that it
provides. In this world, there seems to be no time to rest. Everything and
everybody is firing on all four cylinders. Those people who are constantly firing are
only blowing smoke. They never take time to realize the importance of life and
how short it can be. They do not gaze upon the minute details that life provides.
These people need to slow down and bask in the glory. That glory can be as simple
as sitting at the end of a dock. Resting on the dock bestows a sense of peacefulness
that cannot be found within this world much anymore. The dock may be the
significant place, but what makes the dock important is the events that occur while
there. Significance cannot simply be shown in a picture on the mantel of the
fireplace. The significance draws upon the experiences obtained at the place. I do not
solely remember the end of the dock because it reminds me of summer. The dock
helps me reminisce about the adventures that I have while I am
Essay about A Postmodern Bore
A Postmodern Bore
Imagine, if you will, a world where everyone was the same, where your neighbors
had the same clothes as you did, the same kind of dog, and the same color house as
you did. A world where everyone looked like everyone else, behaved the same, and
thought the same. A world characterized by total and complete conformity through
assimilation, incorporation, and deindividualization. A world where an elite cadre of
individuals determined the very shape of reality itself. This world is held by many
scholars to be typifying of one of the major aspects of Postmodernism. Although
Postmodernism refuses to define itself , (Kozinets see later,) it according to many of
these scholars threatens the very existence of civilization as we ... Show more content
on ...
A society should not be based on the view of the world from one perspective to the
exclusion of all other perspectives. Rather, it should be able to see all points of view
and incorporate them into its worldview.
But after awhile this philosophy began to be replaced by a new system, a know all,
see everything Orwellian big brother that attempted to maintain a rigid order among
individuals, and among their thoughts, because in order for this diseased system,
Postmodernism, to survive, it was necessary for all men to be exactly equal, in their
behavior, in their actions, and in their thoughts. It began with architecture and art,
and then proceeded to infect our individual beliefs and opinions. Whereas once men
were free to hold their own opinions, now all men were required to believe the same
beliefs. (As the Counting Crows have observed, round here, we all look the same. )
According to Habermas, this new system was created by a flaw in the old one. This
flaw lay in the fact that Modernism had no set of rules for interpersonal contact.
Therefore, whenever two peoples individual spheres did come in contact with one
another, each ones sphere was influenced
This Way for the Gas, Ladies Gentlemen
The sole factor that separated Tadeusz Borowski from the gas chambers when he
was at Auschwitz beyond the fact that he wasn t Jewish was his cooperation with the
S.S. soldiers. He assisted the Nazis in eliminating thousands of Jewish men, women,
and children. This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen ultimately uses the
narrator to convey Borowski s message of what really happened during the Holocaust
. This also explains why the story is in first person: it reflects the author s own
experiences. Borowski s writing is quite crude: harsh yet realistic. Readers cannot
judge Borowski negatively; he was as much of a victim as the people coming off the
Throughout This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen, Borowski portrays the...
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soldiers while ultimately they are equals to those being sent to the gas chambers.
Borowski mentioned a key reason as to why he did not commit suicide. His own
question What will the world know of us if the Germans win? allowed him to fight
through the struggle in the hopes of getting out alive one day and sharing the truth
with the world; it would be the only way the truth emerged (Charters 150). What
may seem immoral to people outside the camps is ordinary to those inside as
proven by Henri s actions in the story. Ultimately, though, the two worlds are
incomparable. Due to his need to collaborate with the S.S. soldiers in order to keep
himself alive, many may consider that Borowski indeed played a huge part in the
deaths of thousands of people when he could have taken a more noble route self
immolation as the girl did in the story. This is hindsight bias, however, and does not
take into account the terror that filled the prisoners. In a hope to see life beyond
imprisonment, anyone would take part in this process. The survival of the fittest
theory created by Charles Darwin analyzes organisms behavior towards one another
and their environment to see who will thrive. In concentration camps such as
Auschwitz, the only method of survival was assisting the S.S. soldiers if one was
not already sentenced to death by default. To be able to collaborate day in and day
out and stomach the
Disadvantages Of Organisational Culture
What is organizational culture? Organizational culture can be referred as culture and
behavior of an organization that affect how people make interaction with other. Every
organization had culture that is unique and therefore difficult to be change. Thus, it
can be used as a management tool for an organization to operate efficiency. The need
of this title is to find out which organizational culturethat I preferred to fit in. In view
of Mats Alvesson (2012), he believed that symbols and meaning are key concept of
organizational culture. Meaning can be view as how an object to be analytic while
symbols can be defined as a word or statement. Symbols usually carry at least two or
more meaning in it. For example, symbol in economic term.
Moreover, ... Show more content on ...
The advantage of this culture is the competition that present among co worker will
ignite the sprits that boost productivity. Instead of being productivity, competition
also encourages innovation. They will always under constant pressure to perform
their job in unique way because they must done their job better than average
standard to compete with other. Cameron Ettington (1988) review that co worker
will not feel bored in their work since there is no chance for them to feel laziness in
this competitive environment. But this culture also had some disadvantage. First of
all, the highly competitive environment forced co worker constantly compares
themselves with other, and as result they will fell not satisfied and unhappy. The
fierce competition among co worker will produce a stressful working environment,
hence negative feelings will form. For example, team sprit will be destroyed,
individual preferred to work alone to achieve their goal instead working as a team.
In overall, market culture will mostly be preferred by big organization because
everyone in organization will compete with each other to done their work, as result
organization will yield a higher profit. There is certain co worker that likes work
hard in order to accomplish their goal also preferred to enroll in this culture since
they just need to work hard to receive the reward. But for people that like to work in
a peaceful and relax environment, this culture definitely is not their
Literature In Modern British Literature
Literature can embody time, start a revolution, or be used as a coaster under the
flattest fizzless cup of Pepsi. It can tell historical triumphs or new wave gyres, yet
in each of these examples, literature has a single and simple purpose. It is easy to
tell time through a book because a reader can simply glance back out their window
to check. It is easy to grab a group of friends read a guidebook on revolution and
paint some signs. A hipster might think it s chic to take an old copy of Peter
Rabbit, cut it into a circle, and proudly place his Pepsi atop. These examples are
easy, but again, these forms of Literature are old. A myth with new literature is that
it cannot tell time, rebel, or be cut up as quickly. Modern literature is confusing,
bewildering, wild, and beyond the page. Difficulty is the hand that puts the books,
short stories, or poems down after one may pick them up. Yet, modern British
literature can be especially trying and monstrously influential because the authors
did not only challenge their peers or their government, but the universe. A strategy
to challenge the universe must first challenge the reader. If someone needed a
clock, they would be able to find it within May Wedderburn Cannan s Rouen . If
someone wanted to rebel against the world, a reader would be able to discern a
reasonable direction in William Butler YeatsEaster 1916 . If someone needed a
coaster, they would be able to find the one piece of Literature accepting of its new
The Detection Of Crime Has Improved Upon Throughout...
The detection of crime has been improved upon throughout history along with the
criminal justice systems. In the 1900s, the amount of crimes detected was extremely
small when compared to the crimes being committed. An example of an undetected
crime, at the time, would be fraud. The action of fraud was just as easy to commit as
the action of lying.
In New York, after the civil war, there was an immense amount of wealth within the
unclaimed acres of land. It would only take one intelligent man, who knew the laws
of the state, to create a profit out of this opportunity. According to Arther Train, H.
Huffman Browne was that intelligent man. A real estate lawyer, Browne would
forge countless documents for personal gain. Browne s quest for personal gain
began when he had discovered a plot of land leftover by a Swedish immigrant s
death. Browne built his business by being known to sell property at low costs. He
knew he could use this unclaimed land for his advantage. Browne s plan was to sell
the land to the unintelligent civilians, thus insuring no one would check the title for
its background. However, this was not the case for the architect Benjamin Leviton.
Leviton was a very clever man. Leviton knew something was suspicious when
Browne offered him the real estate for such a low cost. The next logically step for
Leviton was to seek legal advise from the District attorney. Leviton wanted to make
sure he was not being scammed. The Distract attorney told Leviton to make the
The Great Pyramids Of Giza
The Great Pyramids of Giza
By: Brittany Wright
ART 101
December 3, 2015
This research is on the Ancient Egyptian Culture. Ancient Egypt was located in
Northeastern Africa along the Nile River. Egypt was divided into Upper and Lower
Egypt from 5000 to 2950 BC; the unification of Egypt was around 3000 BC. Ancient
Egypt was around until about 50 BC. The Egyptians are known for many
accomplishments; they include: their complex irrigation system, hieroglyphics, and
the practice of medicine, the calendar, their art, and the construction of the pyramids.
The pyramids were built as monuments to honor the dead. There are many mysteries
concerning the construction of the pyramids. This research will be directed towards
the Great Pyramids at Giza. The pyramids are a very interesting subject matter
because they are gigantic structures that were constructed by only the minds of early
architects and the hands of many workers. This research will cover the ideas of how
these Great Pyramids were constructed.
The Age of the Pyramids:
The ancient Egyptian people were very religious. Their religion was very important
to them; they worshiped their gods, and they glorified them. Their kings or
pharaohs were also believed to be gods. The burial of their kings was a very
important aspect for Egyptian life, and their belief in afterlife. This belief led to the
construction of elaborate funerary architecture. These royal tomb structures were first
known as mastabas,
Acute Parkinson s Disease
Maha Alshahat
Induction methods:
Toxin induced PD:
Parkinson s disease is known as a multifactorial disease as its incidence is associated
with the environmental exposures especially pesticides.
1)1 Methyl 4 Phenyl 1,2,3,6 Tetrahydropyridine (MPTP):
It is a strong neurotoxin that was identified in 1979 and 1983 when it was
administered by accident to heroin addicts and it developed Parkinsonism. By
detailed study of the neuropathology by MPTP induced PD in humans, it showed
severe neurodegeneration in the substantia nigra and Lewy bodies absence. Lewy
bodies absence may reflect the patient s age and the duration of MPTP exposure. L
DOPA shows good effects on MPTP induced PD cases in primates.
Rats and mice are less sensitive to MPTP compared ... Show more content on ...
It is a complex ketone pesticide that is naturally occurring derived from
Lonchocarpus species roots. It passes the blood brain barriers (BBB) as it is highly
Rotenone is considered one of the most recent approaches used in PD induction. PD
induced in animals by rotenone reproduces all behavioral, anatomical, neurochemical
and pathological features as in human PD such as rigidity and akinesia as it causes
nigrostriatal dopaminergic degeneration.
By chronic infusion of Rot to Lewis rats, it causes systemic inhibition of Complex I
and reproduces many PD s features. The dose of Rotenone was (3 mg/kg/day) by
subcutaneous infusion to male Lewis rat using Alzet minipump for about 6 days. The
control group received the vehicle only.
In rats that received Rotenone, about 30 40% inhibitions in the Mitochondrial
Complex I substrates and succinate in State 3 and 3U of rat brain mitochondria (Rot
RBM) respiration. So it causes highly selective degeneration in the nigrostriatal
Biofeedback Research Papers
Biofeedback is a technique were people are taught to become aware of there body,
and learn to control involuntary processes. It is not known why biofeedback works,
but studies have shown that it functions best with patients who have illnesses that are
stress related. This practice came to be in laboratory studies in the 1940 s. It is
considered one of the earliest behavioral medicine treatments , but did not gain much
popularity until the 1950 s. It was found to be a mixture of many scientific
experiments such as altered states of consciousness and operant conditioning. These
findings were combined to form the now popular treatment. Although scientists do
not necessarily know how exactly biofeedback works, it is thought that because of the
non focused, non goal oriented state of consciousness, subjects are able to release
physiological tensions, soften interpersonal relating, and optimize physiological
functioning and ... Show more content on ...
These may include migraine headaches, incontinence, high blood pressure, ADHD,
epilepsy, and anxiety. In order for these to be treated, therapists may use
EMG(electromyography), thermal biofeedback, or neurofeedback
/electroencephalography(EEG) or a combination of the three. Electromyography
gauges muscle electrical activity, thermal biofeedback measures skin temperature,
and electroencephalography assesses brain wave activity. Each one of these
technologies are used to treat different conditions. EMG is used to treat headaches,
anxiety, incontinence and high blood pressure since these disorders can be related to
muscle tension. Thermal biofeedback is utilized mainly to help with headaches
because when the body is under stress, the fight or flight response is activated, which
lowers the body s temperature on the appendages. EEG is used to treat attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder and epilepsy. The brainwaves are measured and then
can be controlled by the
Rhetorical Analysis Of Death Be Not Proud
Rhetorical Analysis: Death Be Not Proud The memoir Death Be Not Proud by John
Gunther , written in 1940, is the most popular American death memoir. This tells a
heartbreaking, yet inspiring story about a young fifteen year old boy struggling with
a brain tumor. The story begins when the boy, Johnny was first diagnosed with the
deadly illness and ends with the unfortunate result. The story is narrated by the
father of Johnny who describes the struggle for himself and Johnny s mother, whom
he is divorced from. Although Johnny had this terrible illness which has impacted
his whole life as well as the lives of his family, he still stayed positive. He focused
on the good in life rather than the negatives of dying. Gunther has inspired others by
sharing his son s journey, he has shown that not all... Show more content on ...
Someone who can relate to this story, someone in Johnny s shoes with a deadly
illness or someone in Gunther or Frances s (Johnny s mother) shoes, can find
inspiration and hope in this story because of the way Johnny s attitude is
described.Throughout the story, Gunther uses process analysis and narration which
highly contributes to the reader s understanding of the story. By using process
analysis, the reader has a deeper understanding of Johnny s struggle because by it
starting from the very beginning,showing shows how his illness progressively gets
worse through a sequence of events. Narration is also an important aspect to the way
the story was written because Johnny s father who narrated the story was a witness of
Johnny s illness as he was experiencing it himself.The author uses characterization,
anecdotes, and dialogue throughout the story to get his main
Utopia Vs. Dystopian Society
Have you ever wondered if you lived in a perfect society? A young boy named
Jonas lived in the perfect world. After becoming the next receiver he starts to
realize that his perfect world isn t so perfect after all. The Giver by Lois Lowry,
explains how a Utopian world would really be. The most important differences
between Utopian Society in The Giver and dystopian society are Rituals,
Assignments, and Families.
Jonas s society has many rituals some of them are the telling of feelings and dream
telling. Telling of feeling is when your familyunit sits down at dinner and shares
there feelings about the day and say if anything is bothering them. Dream telling is
when your family unit sits down in the morning and shares if they had any dreams
that night before. In the beginning of the book, Jonas explains It was one of the ...
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In Jonas s society you can t pick a kid, and you can t say I love you to your family.
After being married for a certain amount of time, you are allowed to apply for a
child. In The Giver, it says Two children one male, one female to each family unit.
It was written very clearly in the rules (Lowry 48) This quote explains how you get
a child and how many you are allowed to have. Another difference is how families
show affection to one another you can t say I love you . After dinner, Jonas asks
Father? Mother? Jonas asked tentatively after the evening meal. I have a question I
want to ask you. What is it, Jonas? his father asked... Do you love me? There was
an awkward silence for a moment. Then Father gave a little chuckle. Jonas. You, of
all people. Precision of language, please! ... You could ask, Do you enjoy me? The
answer is Yes, his Or, his father suggested Do you take pride in my
accomplishments? (Lowry 126 127). This quote shows that families in his
community aren t allowed to show affection to one another because it might make
someone else feel less
Annabel Beam s Life In The Movie Miracles From Heaven
Miracles still exist in today s world and Annabel Beam s story is a very touching
and exceptional example of one as portrayed in the movie, Miracles from Heaven .
Annabel had an incurable condition that was likely to lead to death but Jesus
changed her life. What should have been a deadly accident cured Annabel and when
she awoke she had been to Heaven and back. Jesushad spoken to her and told her that
he was going to heal her, and that he did. Annabel experienced a true miraclein which
her incurable condition was cured. She met with Jesus in Heaven and her whole life
was changed in one accident where the result contradicted natural law, making it a
miracle. Annabels life was turned upside down at age four when her stomach and
intestines began not working correctly. Annabel s mom, Christy, told MOnique
Crawford about her daughter s condition, ...pseudo obstruction motility disorder,
which is an incurable condition that had plagued Annabel her entire life. This led to
many emergency surgeries and lots of time spent at the doctors office. Due to
Annabel s condition, prior to the fall, she was unable to live a normal life as Kathy
Schiffer explains, Despite taking ten prescription medications, she still couldn t eat
or drink normally and she required a feeding tube. Annabels life was moving closer
to death when at age eight she went outside to climb a tree for fun. Suddenly the
branch she was sitting on snapped and Annabel took a harsh fall into the hollowed
out core
Burnout And Resilience
The prevalence of burnout occurring in universities are increasing owing to the
evolving nature of an academician s job scope becoming more challenging and
strenuous, as recent research on academicians stress indicates (Akgemci et al. 2013;
Eker Anbar, 2008; Salami, 2011; Toker, 2011; Winefield, 2003). Nevertheless, there
remains a lack of exploration when it comes to testing the association between
burnoutand resilience involving academicians of universities, which have resulted in
a lack of literature in the aforementioned context. Despite the growing literature on
resilience at present, it has had little impact so far in the field of educational
psychology, although different authors have suggested that over the years with such
valuable... Show more content on ...
Factors included that of emotional intelligence, empathy, self compassion, and
mindfulness. Instruments used in the study were the Emotional Social Competency
Inventory, the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy, Five Facet Mindfulness
Questionnaire, Neff s Self Compassion Scale (short form), Smith s Brief Resilience
Scale and the Maslach Burnout Inventory Human Services Survey. Results showed a
minority (40%) of residents fulfilling one or more of the standards for burnout.
Physician empathy and emotional intelligence were not significantly correlated with
burnout or resilience whereas self compassion and mindfulness were positively
related with resilience and negatively linked with burnout. It was found that many
residents endorsed burnout and mindfulness and self compassion were associated
with resilience and may promote resilience as well as protect these trainees against
burnout. Furthermore, results indicated that both mindfulness and self compassion
were positively associated with higher resilience and less emotional exhaustion (a
dimension of burnout); thus indicating mindfulness and self compassion may be
attractive factors for training these residents. This investigation suggests that both
mindfulness and self compassion may be the shields in protecting professionals
personal health and well being against such predicaments as
Team Building and Improving Team Performances
Team Building and Improving Team Performances
Karli, James and Scout, in their article (2013), Economic Validation for Performance
Improvement Initiative Based on a Strategic Team Development Campaign pose the
question, Can team development increase revenue? Such was their study conducted
at a selected major casino, and they endeavored to sample the impacts on creating
teams in an organization to boost revenue. The Casino s executive management
considered the values of implementing team building aspects, in their endeavor to
improve customer services and overcome low customer turnout, owing to the low
spending trends of the customers (Karli, James Scout, 2013). Besides, owing to the
numerous emerging and current casinos offering ... Show more content on ...
These individuals teamed up in writing the article, Team Cognition: Development and
Evolution in Software Project Teams. The authors cite that team buildingis critical in
overcoming time challenges and resource coordination. Additionally, owing to the
characteristics of diverse software development projects being unstructured and
sophisticated, it is significant to implement teamwork within such endeavors (He,
Brian and William, 2010). Various software developments require the implementation
of dissimilar amounts of knowledge. This deems the implementation of an individual
s knowledge appears to be insufficient in the accomplishment of such objectives.
The authors of the article consider a team to be an association of two or more
individuals working together towards the achievement of a set objective. The authors
highlight the power of team cognition in envisaging the likelihood of team
effectiveness. However, studying team cognition has been marred significantly by
conceptualizing and determining its constructs (He, Brian and William, 2010). Team
cognition study is complex, owing to the diversity of the tasks and the involved
environmental factors. As such, two aspects of team cognition include awareness of
expertise location and shared task understandings are critical. Individuals within a
team ought to be conscious of the members capabilities and clearly comprehend their
various tasks in accomplishing set objectives.
Both articles
The Correlation Between Pair Bonding And Mother Infant...
Oxytocin (OT) has been studied extensively over the past 60 years, and in the past 10
years, there has been a dramatic rise in research due to interest in the many functions
of oxytocin. Through biological mechanisms involving oxytocin, pair bonding, as
well as mother infant relationships are better understood. The intent of this paper is to
establish the correlation between pair bonding and mother infant relationships and
oxytocin. Primate oxytocin research provides groundwork for human research, and
provides greater understanding of human social behavior.
Oxytocin (OT) is a neuropeptide that consists of 9 amino acids. Oxytocin is
synthesized in the hypothalamus, and stored in the posterior pituitary where, under
specific circumstances it is delivered to various regions of the brain including the
hypothalamus, hippocampus amygdala, and nucleus accombens. Functions of
oxytocin vary depending upon the location of delivery within the brain, as well as
quantity and circumstance (Ishak, Kahloon, Fakhry, 2011). Oxytocin has been
gaining the attention of many researchers over the past 60 years due to its
behavioral implications. The body of previous research establishes that the peptide is
vital to many aspects of social behavior from maternal care to social behavior.
Oxytocin was first identified in its effect in child birth. Oxytocin promotes uterine
contractions during labor and has been used extensively to induce labor (Nathanielsz,
The University Of Texas At Arlington
The University of Texas at Arlington
Fall 2015
CSE 5194 Assignment
Critique on
Non cooperative, Semi cooperative, and Cooperative Games based Grid Resource
(Samee Ullah Khan and Ishfaq Ahmad Department of Computer Science and
Engineering University of Texas at Arlington, TX 76019, U.S.A. {sakhan,
Simranjeet Kaur
UTA ID: 1001237306
Non cooperative, Semi cooperative, and Cooperative Games based Grid Resource
Straightforward access to large scale distributed computational assets is provided by
computational Grids. With the help of their size and geographic dissemination they
help to create large computing centers. Several simulation studies are performed for
evaluating the mechanisms to allocate resources in a Grid. There are three
mechanisms to allocate resources in a Grid. The first method is the non cooperative
sealed bid method where the tasks are auctioned off to the highest bidder. Second,
the semi cooperative n round bid method in which each site delegates the task its
work to others if it cannot perform the work itself. Last, the cooperative method in
which all the sites cooperatively perform all the tasks as efficiently as possible. The
simulation model has various leveled Grid structure in which machines are built
around larger computing centers called federations [1].
In a computational framework, a large computational task is divided up among
individual machines, which run calculations in parallel and then
Cracking The Code Of Racial Inequity Summary
The documentary Cracking the Codes the System of Racial Inequity talk about the
struggle against racism and racial inequities in the world and how it being fought on
multiple levels. The film asks different people, who faces the discrimination to talk
about the causes and consequences of systemic inequity. The people in the movies
tells stories about racismthat you could not believe are still existed. For instance, one
powerful story told by an African American, Joy Degruy about an experience she and
her family had. She was at the check out line in a grocery store with her daughter
and her sister in low. Joy gave the casher check for her purchases, but the casher kept
check her paper and asked for two identifications to prove the payment.
The Legalization Of Same Sex Marriage
Anthony J. Cavataio
PHL 118: Intro to Philosophy
Gary Fuller
One of the most heated and debated topics today is the legalization of same sex
marriage. No matter where you look, people are always expressing their opinion on
this issue. Politicians, athletes, and celebrities are some of the many people who
continually come out with either support or opposition of same sex marriage. History
has shown that issues regarding equality and rights take time to move forward. The
women s suffrage movement and the civil rights movement are both prime examples
of the effort and time it takes for movements to become accepted by everyone in the
general public. These movements involve many of the same dynamics that make up
the push for the legalization of same sex marriage. People come together and have
parades or demonstrations, public figures make their opinions known, and slowly
but surely the government enforces change. Today, there are many factors that go
into the debate of legalizing same sex marriage. The debate expands much farther
beyond the idea of whether or not same sex marriage is morally right or wrong.
This decision includes reevaluating previous ideas of what traditional marriage is,
involves instituting new laws, and changing part of the public s opinion on the
idea of same sex marriage itself. As with all issues that are faced by people, there
many are pros and cons that need to be considered before making the big decisions of
legalizing same sex marriage.
Math Essay
Learning outcome:
Upon completion student will be able to: * Given linear and exponential data,
interpret the rate of change within the given context. * Represent linear and
exponential models as equations, tables, graphs and verbal descriptions.
Scoring/Grading rubric:
Each question is worth 10 points.
Everyone has had some experience with gossip. In this lab, you will explore how
well rumors (or secrets) spread when this information is passed on to other people.
Scenario A: At noon, you get some great news but you need to keep it a secret. It s
just too good to keep to yourself; so 5 minutes after you get the news you call 2
friends and tell them, but swear them to secrecy. ... Show more content on ...
How many people know your secret at 12:40 in Scenario A?
In Scenario B?
2. Describe the pattern of growth in the Number of people told column for both
Scenario A and Scenario B.
3. Describe the pattern of growth in the Number of people who know column for
both Scenario A and Scenario B.
4. Write an equation to find the Number of people told for any 5 minute interval(n) in
Scenario A.
5. Write an equation to find the Number of people told for any 5 minute interval in
Scenario B.
6. Write an equation to find the Number of people who know for any 5 minute
interval in Scenario A.
7. Write an equation to find the Number of people who know for any 5 minute
interval in Scenario B.
Using the equations you wrote in problems 4 7, create an Excel spreadsheet with the
columns 5 minute interval, Number of people told, and Number of people who
know . Make sure your spreadsheet matches your tables above before answering the
following questions. 8. After how many minutes would at least 100 people know in
Scenario A?
In Scenario B?
9. According to the 2012 US Census, the population of NC is 9,752,073. Using
Scenario B,
The Rabbit-Proof Fence By Phillip Noyce
The Rabbit Proof Fence directed by Phillip Noyce, is a story of Aboriginal life in
1931 Western Australia, at the time of the stock market crash in America, and
specifically the time of Australia gaining independence from Great Britain and
implementing the Aboriginal Act, an act allowing the Protector of the Aborigines
to relocate random family members to white camps. The story follows three girls,
Molly (14), Gracie (10), and Daisy (8) being relocated by the Protector of the
Aborigines, Mr. Neville, aka Mr. Devil. In the camp, Molly notices a rain cloud,
inferring she and her family members must escape, as the rain will cover their tracks,
something they are familiar with through years of hunting animals by their tracks.
The girls escape, and after a long journey of chasing, aid from helpful strangers, and
memorable family moments, the girls successfully follow the 990 mile fence to their
home, but loose their cousin Gracie on the journey.... Show more content on ...
Out of these, the theme of family, unity. and faith are essential to the story.
Portrayed by the girls; family, unity, and faith are present because of the strong
bond and love between the stolen girls. During their long journey, they are
portrayed as a unit, caring after one another, and fighting for one another. A visual
example of this can be found on the movie s poster/cover, showing two of the girls,
Molly carrying Gracie, with the rabbit fence and aspiritual eagle in the scenic sky.
This shows their love for each other, and the fear of what lies
Abolition of Slave Trade
The main reasons for the abolition of the slave trade
The trading and exportation of slaves has been a large part if Britain s history
since the early 15th century and the British Empire had been partly founded on the
basis of exchanging slaves for goods and foreign products. 400 years after the slave
trade began and people were finally realising how morally wrong the exchanging of
humans actually was and on March 3, 1807, President Thomas Jefferson signed
into act a bill approved by Congress the day before to prohibit the importation of
slaves into any port or place within the jurisdiction of the United States. Three weeks
later, on the 25th, the British House of Lords passed an Act for the Abolition of The
Slave Trade. But why was ... Show more content on ...
Wilberforce, over a period of years and amidst much opposition, fought to have
slavery abolished by presenting a number of bills to the British Parliament. He was
a Member of the House of Commons and Wilberforce was, as an MP, in a position
to bring the matter before the House. Sir Charles Middleton, Thomas Clarkson,
William Pitt and William Grenville all gave Wilberforce impetus to bring the
Quakers and Anglicans together to campaign against the trade in slaves, focusing on
the trade rather than against slavery was felt an achievable step toward total abolition
and, due to Britain s naval pre eminence would affect all slaving nations.
Print of the slave ship Brookes printed by the Quaker printer James Phillips. Showing
sections of the ship and the inhumane way in which slaves were stowed
Print of the slave ship Brookes printed by the Quaker printer James Phillips. Showing
sections of the ship and the inhumane way in which slaves were stowed
Religious factors also played a pivotal role in the abolition of the slave trade.
Christian groups such as the Quakers and Anglicans had been campaigning against
slavery for a number of years. Before the eighteenth century, very few white men
questioned the morality of slavery. The Quakers and Anglicans were among these
few. The doctrines of their religion declared an issue such as slavery to be unjust. By
1775, the Quakers founded the first American anti slavery group. Through the 1700s,
A Stroke’s Effect on Memory Essay
Stroke is a medical condition most people are familiar with, but most people are
unaware of its effect on memory functions. There have been several studies
conducted that study of effects of stroke on different memory systems, how to
properly assess memory damage in stroke patients as well as how to improve memory
after stroke. A major theme from the course that relates to stroke and memory is the
theme of metamemory and its components such as prospective memory. Personally, I
believe that these studies offer hope to stroke victims and their families because
memory damage can evaluated and therefore a method of treatment can be developed.
Stroke is a serious medical condition that affects people of all ages specifically older
adults. ... Show more content on ...
612). Researchers Gillen and Burkhardt (1998) note that, disabilities include paralysis
of the body limbs; spasticity; difficulty speaking and understanding speech (aphasia);
impaired cognition, feeding, and swallowing; and the loss of emotional control (as
cited in Warren, 2008, p.612). Other disabilities experienced are dementia or memory
loss and damage to visual cognitive processing, especially visual attention (Warren,
2008, p.613).
Traditional research has focused on the physical side effects of stroke such as
paralysis, difficulty with speech (aphasia) and difficulty eating and doing other
everyday tasks. There has been some research in the past on stroke and memory but
most of it focuses on dementia and aphasia. Survivors of stroke can not only be
affected by dementia and speech memory issues but they can have memory deficits in
a wide range of memory systems.
A number of studies have been conducted to study the effects of stroke on different
memory systems and what can be done to improve or reverse memory damage. A
study conducted in 2004 by Brooks, Rose, Potter, Jayawarden and Morling
established that one area of memory impacted by stroke is prospective memory.
Prospective memory is the ability to remember to do certain tasks in the future such
as turning off a kitchen appliance or keeping an appointment (Brooks et al., 2004,
p.391). Brooks
Chem Review
Unit 9: Stoichiometry
1.Differentiate between the significance of the coefficients in a balanced chemical
equation and the significance of the subscripts in a chemical formula.
В·Coefficients show the correct proportions of atoms and molecules in a chemical
reaction. They are normal sized numbers placed at the beginning of the chemical
formulas in a chemical reaction during the process of balancing. They tell how many
of an entire chemical formula is in a reaction.
В·Subscripts show the correct proportions of atoms/ions in a chemical formula. They
are the small numbers within the chemical formula. They tell how many individual
atoms/ions are present.
2.State the Law ... Show more content on ...
7.What is plasma?
В·Plasma has neither a definite volume nor a definite shape.
В·Plasma is often seen within ionized gases.
В·Plasma is distinct from a gas because it possesses unique properties: oIt contains
free electrical charges (not bound to atoms or ions) oIt can be produced by heating
and ionizing a gas. В·Plasma is often found in areas of the planet/universe where
extremely high heats are possible and gases exist to help create the plasma.
8.Put hydrogen bonds, dispersion forces and dipole dipole forces in order of how
strong they are and give an example of each type of attraction.
В·Strongest = Hydrogen bonds which have hydrogen attached to a fluorine, oxygen,
or nitrogen (Example: Oxygen s attraction to other hydrogens in a bunch of H2O s)
В·Medium Strength = Dipole Dipole bonds which occur between the slight positive
end of one polar molecule and the slight negative end of another polar molecule
(Example: Nitrogen s attraction to other hydrogens in a bunch of NH3 s)
В·Weakest = Dispersion forces which occur in any covalently bonded molecule
(Example: Hydrogen s attraction to other hydrogens in a bunch of CH4 s) Г Note 1:
These are intermolecular forces of attraction so they occur OUTSIDE of the
molecules! Г Notes 2: One covalent bond can be all three types at once.
9.Why do polar compounds tend to have higher melting boiling points than nonpolar
compounds? Polar compounds have electrostatic
Speaker Of The House
The Speaker of the House is mandated by the Constitution. The Speaker is chosen
by the majority party, which has both formal and informal powers, and is second
in line to triumph to the presidency should that office become available. The
Speaker is in charge of his party and the entire House. He or she also serves as the
presiding officer of the House of Representatives. The Speaker of the House fulfills
quite a few roles, including representing constituents as a member of Congress,
acting as executive head of the House, making committee assignments, appointing
the party s legislative leaders and party leadership a staff, and serving as leader of
the majority political party in the House. The current Speaker of the House is John
Boehner from
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Speech Essays

  • 1. Speech Essays Crafting an essay on the subject of "Speech Essays" poses a unique set of challenges that requires a delicate balance of linguistic prowess and thoughtful analysis. To start, one must navigate the intricate nuances of speech as a form of communication, exploring its multifaceted nature, ranging from the spoken word to non-verbal cues. The essay demands a keen understanding of rhetoric, the art of persuasion, and the dynamics of conveying ideas effectively through spoken language. Delving into the historical context of significant speeches, dissecting their impact on society, and understanding the evolution of speechwriting over time is another layer of complexity. This involves an in-depth exploration of iconic speeches, studying the techniques employed by renowned orators, and discerning the cultural and political influences shaping the narrative of speeches. Additionally, the writer must grapple with the challenge of synthesizing various perspectives on speechwriting, incorporating scholarly research, and weaving a cohesive narrative that not only analyzes the intricacies of the craft but also offers a fresh perspective or insight. This requires honing analytical skills and critical thinking, as well as the ability to articulate complex ideas in a clear and engaging manner. Furthermore, addressing the contemporary relevance of speechwriting in the age of digital communication and social media adds another layer of difficulty. The writer needs to explore how speeches have adapted to these changing mediums, examining the impact of technology on the delivery and reception of messages. In conclusion, crafting an essay on "Speech Essays" necessitates a meticulous blend of linguistic finesse, historical insight, rhetorical analysis, and an awareness of the contemporary landscape of communication. It is a task that challenges one's ability to delve into the intricacies of language and persuasion while presenting a cohesive and insightful narrative. For those seeking assistance in navigating the complexities of such essays, it's worth exploring external resources. Similar essays and a plethora of other writing services can be conveniently accessed through This platform offers support for various topics, ensuring that individuals can find the assistance they need to navigate the challenges of academic writing. Speech Essays Speech Essays
  • 2. Cults And Its Effect On Society Cults have played major roles in how society has developed. They surround us everywhere. We have been in contact with them and we don t even realize it. According to Merriam Webster, a cult is a religious group that is not part of an accepted religion because their beliefs are seen as extreme and/or dangerous. Cults have carried out many attacks and have caused many deaths due to their beliefs. Cult leaders are the controllers that have the reins to their followers minds. They can brainwash them into believing and doing whatever they desire in order to feel power. Many people have gone to great extents to harm others and even themselves. Many have killed for their devotion to their leader. How can leaders achieve such control over others? Everything that cult leaders use to manipulate all comes down to psychology. Some use fear and guilt to persuade while others brainwash them into believing that what they are doing is for the greater good and that it is all part of God s plan. Shoko Asahara gained power over his followers in the Aum Shinrikyo cult, which led various chemical attacks against the citizens of Japan, by exalting himself as the Messiah whose mission was to save humanity, a mission that many cult leaders have in common. Shoko Asahara was born Chizuo Matsumoto on March 2, 1955 in Yashushiro, Japan to a poor working class family. At a young age he developed glaucoma which led to his blindness in his left eye and partial in the other. After
  • 3. Essay On Aromatize Coffee How to aromatize your coffee. Ideas to vary the flavors in your cup As I said a few months ago, I am passionate about coffee , both when it comes to tasting it and knowing different varieties and experimenting with recipes and uses in the kitchen. So when a reader asked how I could make her own cinnamon coffee, I dedicated myself to investigate a little on the subject of giving a special flavor to this drink. And the truth is that there are many ways we can aromatize our coffee . My favorite way to enjoy coffee is a good cup of espresso made properly, with good freshly ground natural grains, quality water and respecting the right temperatures, without too much sweetening. But from time to time I like to try other options, and add special aromas depending on the day. My favorites are those that provide spices like cinnamon or nutmeg, and there are several ways we can integrate them into the coffee. ... Show more content on ... They can be added to the freshly made, very hot drink, letting them infuse and then removing them, or simply sprinkling some ground spice on top, although many people do not like to stain the coffee surface. Then another option is to aromatize the moment to sweeten the drink . Different sweeteners provide different shades, for example using cane syrup or maple syrup, which give a very interesting roasted touch. We can also use vanilla sugar, either homemade or commercial, which is usually used in confectionery. Instead of adding sugar to the cup, we can prepare a syrup to the taste with which to soften the bitterness of the coffee. The easiest way to make homemade syrup is to heat the same volume of water as sugar until it dissolves, so if we add a vanilla pod, cinnamon stick or another ingredient, once it has cooled down and we stick it A flavored sweetener. It can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for several days. Something more than a single
  • 4. A List Of Main Competitors Essay A List of Main Competitors Plastic Revolutions, Inc.(PRI) is headquartered in Reidsville, North Carolina and operates primarily on the east coast. The company recycles various grades and forms of plastic scrap and post consumer plastic, but their focus is on High Density Polyethylene(HPDE). After a basic Google search, we found a few local competitors including Reily Recovery Systems, Inc., located in Haw River, North Carolina and New Life Plastic Recycling, Inc., located in Burlington, North Carolina and various other companies along the east coast. To confirm which companies were main competitors, we contacted Ed Handy, General Manager at Plastic Revolutions, Inc. He confirmed that KW Plastics, headquartered in Troy, Alabama and Envision Plastics, also located in Reidsville, North Carolina, were their main competitors (E. Handy, personal communication, October 14, 2016). PRI s Strengths Compared to the Competition Plastic Revolutions, Inc is one of only two companies in the region that can process high molecular weight HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) and produces extremely clean HDPE flakes and pellets (PRI, Challenge Instructions). Plastic Revolutions is also one of the only domestic recycling firms to hold the ISO 9001 Registration. The ISO 9001 is a standard based on quality management principles including strong customer focus, attention of top management, and a process of continual improvement ( ISO 9000 Quality Management, 2016). These principles ensure
  • 5. Outback Steakhouse Case Essay Outback Steakhouse Case Synopsis of Case In 1995, Outback Steakhouse was proclaimed as one of the most successful restaurant chains in the United States. The chain was started by Chris Sullivan, Bob Basham, and Tim Gannon during the 1980s. Prior to starting the Outback Steakhouse chain, Sullivan and Basham were successful franchisees of the Chili s Restaurant chain. About the same time Gannon played a significant role in several New Orleans restaurant chains. Outback Steakhouse, formerly known as Multi VenturePartners, was founded in 1987 after Sullivan and Basham sold their Chili s franchise to fund their venture and they invited Gannon to join. In 1988 the trio opened their first two restaurants in Tampa, Florida. Together,... Show more content on ... However, these suppliers currently do not operate internationally thus posing a supply chain problem for possible expansion into international areas. Other issues regarding international expansion into other countries also need to be considered including, access to supportive infrastructure, adapting to local culture and trade laws. Competitors within each of these regions will also pose a threat; a deeper analysis of competition within the food service industry utilizing Porter s Five Forces model is located on the next page. Industry Analysis Analysis of Competition Utilizing Porter s Five Forces: Risk of new entry by potential competitors: the risk is very high in the restaurant industry because of the low capital investments required to enter. Outback Steakhouse competes not only with the casual diners but as well as with fast food chains, and even supper markets. Many of the high end grocery stores offer variety of complete meals. It costs the customer absolutely nothing to switch to a different restaurant; therefore companies in this industry cannot depend on locking in the customers. However, by establishing a brand loyalty customers will return. Established restaurants such as Outback Steakhouse have an advantage with the economies of scale in advertising and purchasing. Rivalry among established firms: the restaurant industry is fragmented. There are many companies
  • 6. Pellet Stoves Essay When you are looking for an alternate way of heating your home, a pellet stove is just the thing for you. Once you have one of these great heating sources in your home, you will never want to go without it. For just a few dollars a day, you can use your stove and benefit from the convenient heat source. Pellet stoves are ran on little wood pellets that heat the home efficiently. A pellet stove does require to be plugged into an electrical socket to provide electricity for the blower to circulate the hot air around the home. You will find that one of these stoves will hardly affect your electric bill at all. Pellet stoves can be placed just about anywhere throughout the home. Wherever you need an extra heat source or an extra accent piece ... Show more content on ... You can find them to be in all different kinds of styles and shapes as well. You will not need any additional vents or air ducts installed for your stove. All you have to do is buy the pellets and you are ready to start heating your home. For the most part pellet stoves are safe. They are an efficient and secure way of heating your home without breaking your bank account. You will have to read up on the information that is sent along with the stove to make sure that you are following all of the recommended instructions that are given for installation and use. This new pellet stove will be a cheap alternative to heating your home throughout those bitter cold winter nights as well as the brisk fall evenings. You will be able to control the amount of heat that is provided which makes this a great item to use all year round. They are easy to work and anyone can do it. Another nice thing about a pellet stove is that you do not need to shovel coal or chop up wood for the heating source. Most pellets can be bought in the same place that you buy your stove or you can have them delivered to your home. These stoves are efficient, convenient, and safe. There is not better way to heat your home for less and bring style and appeal to your
  • 7. Analyze The Ways In Which Television Has Effected Education In chapter 10 Postman discusses the ways in which television has effected education. He uses the example of Sesame Street quite a lot throughout the chapter. He begins by stating Sesame Street was almost guaranteed to be successful with children due to the fact that having children learn through essentially commercials is nothing new. While the show is educational it is still pure entertainment. He continues of to say that Sesame Street actually goes against traditional book learningbut puts of a front that it teaches children to love school. It does not teach children to love school, but rather to love television. Going to a classroom is a place where the children can interact socially and the television show isolates them, in a classroom
  • 8. Strengths And Weaknesses Of My Writing For any common writer, understanding your strengths and weaknesses plays a huge role in the outcome of your papers. Presenting your strengths in writing can help your readers smoothly go over what you wrote and actually enjoy it. Exploiting your weaknesses can create a hard time for your readers to follow your writing. To stay in a common ground you must first figure out your strengths and weaknesses. Most writers usually do this by writing on a regular basis to determine what they strive in and what they struggle with. In this paper, I will go over my strengths and weaknesses that come with writing and how I plan to create a common ground between them to thusly better my writing. Being able to understand the prompt /topic given has always been a strength of mine. I tend to embrace this specific strength because without focus on a given topic or prompt: diction and minute details that can be added will be irrelevant. In high school we were constantly given common assessments that required us to write about a single broad topic, I think those common assessments have allowed me to dig into the prompt and find ways to keep the paper inline and focused. I will always feel the need to continue developing this trait because it is a major part to persuasive and stronger writing.... Show more content on ... I ve always had issues with understanding grammatical structure; high school English was no help either. My high school English classes only consisted of readings and short reflections; we never really touched base on the common writing errors that we may face. Although my errors may be subtle, these GUM issues still occur. My writing would be much smoother if I totally understood/followed correct punctuation and sentence structure. My need for this weakness to develop into a strength is at a high importance because I want my readers to clearly read my writing without wasting time critiquing my
  • 9. Evaluating the Consultation and Education Department... Evaluating the Consultation and Education Department Research Paper Heather Sanchez University of Phoenix June 17, 2011 The Greenby Mental Health Center funding has been cut back. The cut back in funding has caused the organization to look at possibly doing away with their consultation and education department. This paper will describe at least one process evaluation measure and at least one outcome evaluation measure that could be suggested for the Consultation and Education Department at Greenby Community Mental Health Center to display the program effectiveness and efficiency. The paper will also explain the scope and purpose of the chosen process evaluation and outcome evaluation measures and how they influence the design. ... Show more content on ... (Reh, 2011) Cost/benefit analysis is a possible suggestion because the Consultation and Education Department director can argue that the benefit of the program far outweighs the cost of the program. The Consultation and Education department draw clients in and a large majority of these clients go on to participate in the larger, more funding drawing, programs. So if the department is done away with, client numbers may decrease and other programs may suffer. Outcomes evaluation is often described first by looking at its basic components. Outcomes evaluation looks at programs as systems that have inputs, activities/processes, outputs and outcomes this system s view is useful in examining any program! * Inputs These are materials and resources that the program uses in its activities, or processes, to serve clients, equipment, staff, volunteers, facilities, money, etc. These are often easy to identify and many of the inputs seem common to many organizations and programs. * Activities These are the activities, or processes, that the program undertakes with/to the client in order to meet the clients needs, for example, teaching, counseling, sheltering, feeding, clothing, etc. Note that when identifying the activities in a program, the focus is still pretty much on the organization or program itself, and still is not so much on actual changes
  • 10. Negative Effects Of Being Out If people are out about their polyamorous interests, relationships, or lifestyles they may experience repercussions based on that. People often label them as cheaters and do not view their relationship choices as valid. Their families, churches, and communities may shun them and not speak to them for a period of time. They may be excommunicated from their churches or looked down upon by their communities. Their familymembers may not think that they are making the right decision and not approve of the direction the individuals are taking their lives in. For some people the negative reaction that they receive may cause them to feel worse about themselves and wantto leave their communities to pursue one that is more open and accepting of their
  • 11. Gothic Elements In Flannery O Connor s Northanger Abbey Regina Maria Roche born in 1764 and died in 1845 is considered to be a gothic novelist. She wrote her novels on the shade of Ann Radcliffe. Though she is not so popular in today s time but she was considered to be a well renowned writer of her period. Though she was born and brought up in Dublin after her marriage she moved to England. At the beginning she used to write using her maiden name Dalton. But after the success of her novelClermont she started writing using her own name. Clermont is considered to be her only true gothic novel and it is full of darkness in nature. Even in Jane Austens book Northanger Abbey out of many novels mentioned, this was one of them and she satirized this novel there. This book became so well known that it was even translated in French and English. Clermont is a gothic novel. The story revolves around Madeline who lives with her father, Clermont in Dauphiny. Clermont s past is full of mysteries. The story is set up in pre ... Show more content on ... The story is about Emily who at the beginning lives with her father and develops a close relationship with her father. After his death Emily she moves to stay with her aunt Madame Cheron. In the meantime, Emily falls in love with Valancourt while staying with her aunt. Her uncle Montoni forces her to marry Morano for wealth. But after Morano lost everything he refuses to marry off Emily with him and captures her in his remote castle Udolpho. After many mysterious frightening events took place in the castles, Emily manages to flee from there. While escaping she got arrested on French coast and is rescued by the Court de Villerois. She starts staying with his family. Even there she experiences many frightening events like ghosts. But later the mystery opens. In the meantime, rumor about Valancourt spreads that in Paris he was involved in gambling and drinking as a result, Emily rejected him. But knowing the truth Emily got reunited with Valancourt
  • 12. Analysis Of John Lewis Struggle Against Segregation Throughout the history of the civil rights, there has been many ways that African Americans have protested against segregation. In the graphic novels March by John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and illustrated by Nate Powell they depict the way some civil right activists like John Lewis and SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) used peaceful and nonviolent protests like sit ins, stand ins, the freedom rides, and marching to gain freedom and equality for the African Americancommunity. When John Lewis started with the civil rights movement he joined a group called F.O.R. (the fellowship of Reconciliation). In this group is where he started with the sit ins. He had attended mass at the First Baptist Church in downtown Nashville and learned ... Show more content on ... On that day, nearly a thousand African American children were arrested. Lewis implies It was an embarrassment to the city [Lewis and Aydin 2: 135]. The next day the children marched again. This time Bull Connor was determined NOT to let the protests continue. He swore that he would not make any arrests this time. He sprayed them with water hoses and even turned the police dogs on them. Connor yells Do NOT cross if you come any further, we WILL turn the hoses on you! Bring the dogs [Lewis and Aydin 2: 136]. After this happened on June 11th, 1963 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. announced plans for a massive march to take place later that summer. On June 14th, 1963, Lewis received a noticed that the chairman of SNCC was resigning and he was elected the new chairman. On June 22nd, 1963, John Lewis, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., A. Philip Randolph, Roy Wilkins (of the NAACP), Jim Farmer (of C.O.R.E.), and Whitney Young (of the urban League) all met at the white house to speak with President John F Kennedy. They will forever be known as the big six in the history of the civil rights. During their visit to the white house they spoke about the upcoming march on Washington. After the meeting Robert Kennedy pulled Lewis aside and spoke words he will never forget. You, the young people of SNCC, have educated me. You have CHANGED me. Now I understand. [Lewis and Aydin 2: 152]. On August 28th, 1963, one of the biggest peaceful
  • 13. Qcf Level 3 Unit 1 Assignment Southern Institute of Technology CERTIFICATE IN INTRODUCTION TO TEACHER AIDING Assignment Title:Assessment 1 Standard Number and Title:TEA1031 Introduction to Teacher Aiding and Inclusion Version of StandardN/A Assessed Elements:1.3, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 5.2 Conditions:Completed job description Evidence of research outside of the study guide for all/any of the tasks. Research appropriately referenced Proofread and spellchecked Task/Activity Instructions: This is a written assessment in three parts: Assessment One requires you to use the template provided to create a complete job description for a Teacher Aide position in a school Assessment Complete the template below to create a job description for a Teacher Aide role.... Show more content on ... Identify the knowledge required in terms of the key concepts of special education) (Define the knowledge required in terms the context of Education and the provision of special needs education. Special Education in New Zealand follows principles and guidelines. Special Education 2000 policy uses these guidelines to achieve a world class inclusive education system that provides learning opportunities to all children. The key concepts of special education are Inclusion, Diversity, Human Rights, Support, Equity and Respect. 3 inclusive techniques A child with special needs can be supported in sports activities. The support person helps to catch and throw the ball. (Diversity, Support, Inclusion) A special needs child needs assistance with eating and food handling. Specially designed cutlery and cups can be provided. (Respect, Support, Human Rights) Especially designed mobility equipment like 3 wheeler bikes or sports wheel chairs can give the opportunity of independency and self worth. A young person can be taken for outings or they can be flexible and mobile in their own
  • 14. Eass vs Ifrs Essay EGYPTIAN ACCOUNTING STANDARDS (EASs) vs IFRSs History For Private Sector For Public Sector In 1985 IASs were informally introduced to the Egyptian market by the representatives of the big 8 at that time. Unified Accounting System (UAS) In 1992 Issuance of law 95 for 1992 (Capital Market Law) imposing the use of IAS. Unified Accounting System (UAS) In 1997 The 20 standards drafted by ESAA were issued by Minister of Economy in compliance with IASs with 4 deviations * The preface of EASs stated that any subject not dealt with in the EASs, IASs should be applied. Later, 3 more standards were drafted by ESAA and issued by the minister with the withdrawal of 3 standards withdrawn by IASB. In ... Show more content on ... EAS is silent regarding the accounting treatment for acquisitions between entities under common control. Capital lease Under IFRS, lease classification depends on whether substantially all of the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of a leased asset have been transferred from the lessor to the lessee. Under EAS, the leased asset is recognized in the lessor books and depreciated, and the lessee recognizes lease payments in the income statement in the period in which it is paid. Profit sharing to employees and board of directors Under IFRS, profit sharing to employees and board of directors is recognized when incurred in the income statement (using the accrual basis of accounting). Under
  • 15. EAS, profit sharing to employees and board of directors is recognized as a dividend distribution through equity and as a liability when approved by the relevant company s shareholders meeting. ESAA s standards committee started a project to update EASs to comply with changes and additions to IFRSs. It is expected to completed this project by end of 2010. 2010 KPMG Hazem Hassan, the Egyptian member firm of KPMG International Cooperative ( KPMG International ), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International. KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm visГ vis third parties, nr does
  • 16. Organizational Pl Management Team Organizational Plan Management team: There is a hierarchy pertaining to our management team, which consists of the top management, middle level managers, and first line managers. This will ensure that duties are delegated accordingly and expectations are known to all managers and employees. Sole Assassin is comprised of employees who are goal oriented and motivated by success and job satisfaction. We are focused on finding employees who are highly invested in shoes and are very knowledgeable with the latest fashion. The top management will be skilled in leadership and have experience in management. We want our top management to be confident in the decisions they make. They will ultimately be responsible for leading through setting goals and expectations. Our middle management team will be comprised of people who are servant leaders. Essentially our management team will always want to put the employees before themselves, always being there for them and serving them in anyway possible. We want our employees to be comfortable with coming to their managers for whatever they need, whether that be personal or work related issues. We want the employees to look at their manager as a leader and not a boss. The management team we want to inquire will need to be genuinely personable who can provide constructive feedback. This goal goes for all levels of management. Our leadership team consists of knowledgeable individuals who are passionate about their goals within the
  • 17. Key Facts And Issues Of Glenn Rozycki Key Facts and Issues Glenn Rozycki is a 25 year old resident of Scarborough, Ontario who left school at York University after one year because he felt that he would be happier running his own car detailing business. Glenn wants to start up a new company, Custom Car Care, cleaning and detailing cars. Glenn began this venture as a part time job but he wants to turn it into his full time job. To ensure that his businesswill be successful, especially in comparison to other similar businesses in his area, Glenn must make sure his business idea is realistic, sustainable, and profitable. To ensure that Glenn can build a respectable reputation as a car detailing business, Glenn must be able to grab a segment of the market in his area where a few competitors already exist. Glenn can penetrate the market by employing different marketing and promotional strategies to ensure that he ll see success and profits with his limited resources. Glenn s main objective for his business strategy is to provide cleaning and maintenance to both the interior and exterior of vehicles to preserve their condition by using quality name brand products and precise, hand done work. Glenn has already identified the different segments of car owners: owners of older cars that are in poor condition, but served the purpose of transportation; owners of newer, mid priced cars; and owners of expensive cars costing more than $35,000. Glenn faced some competition in his area. There are
  • 18. Importance Of Beauty The Importance of Beauty to One s Self WHAT SHAPES OUR IDEA OF BEAUTY How we interpret beauty is because of many different things. Social media, celebrities, the internet, and models are some of the biggest ones. We see all these fit and beautiful people posting on social media or internet, or posing in a magazine. Advertising beauty is everywhere. On our phones, billboards, television, and on commercials. There are also personal things that contribute to our idea of beauty. Our family members, our culture, and us, individuals. Tobias HГјrter, a Philosopher said, Beauty is at the core of our utmost desires. We strive for 0fulfillment through beauty. Obviously, that beauty can look different in various cultures and eras. But the very longing for beauty is a constant. Eric Jarosinski, a Philologist said, what shapes our idea of beauty is Probably the same things that shape our idea of everything else. Ideologies, experiences, biology, media, money, etc. Beauty has a big impact on our lives. Tobias HГјrter, a Philosopher said, Its impact is bigger than we would assume. I believe that we base a lot of decisions on beauty. It is the very thing that moves us. Something universal to the concept of beauty Larissa Vingilis Jaremko, a Psychologist said, Symmetry is one influence on perceptions of attractiveness. Faces that are more symmetrical have more redundant information than faces that are less symmetrical. We tend to like anything the brain can process quickly and easily,
  • 19. Ethnographic Forum On November 7, Team 22 visited the Annenberg Presidential Conference Center in College Station, Texas and attended the What a Palace! Berlin Palace Humboldt Forum: The creation of an international cultural center exhibit. This event was being held in the building to further educate attendees about German architecture and culture, specifically with a focus on the Berlin Palace Humboldt Forum. It featured sections about architects, designs, buildings, and history all relating to the event. The team chose this event because German culture is something no member of the group has previously experienced. Each team member was entering this event with minimal prior knowledge to the topic of focus in the event. Therefore, there were no prior expectations before entering the event. However after leaving the event, each member of the team had gained valuable insight to these topics. They each learned of the von Humboldt brothers, and their significance. Also, German architecture was another topic of which each member of the team gained insight. The Berlin Palace, the Humboldtforum, and the Ethnological Museum were discussed alongside the other topics. Each member of the team had gotten... Show more content on ... One of the focuses was the Berlin Palace. In it came the Ethnological Museum. The museum was created in 1873 and came from the Royal Prussian Art Cabinet. Although due to the destruction on the Berlin Palace from World War II it was moved to a different location. The new museum was later built in the outer district of Dahlem and was then opened in 1972. Inside this well known museum there are many historical artifacts from many different countries, which many scholars come to this museum looking for information that they use for research projects due to its vastness and important
  • 20. Sylvia Plath s `` Fever 103, `` The Title Exactly Means... In Sylvia Plath s poem Fever 103, the title exactly means what the narrator goes through. Sylvia Plath writes about the narrator, who is a woman acquires an elevated fever keeping her away from her toxic lover. Plath touches base with purity and uses a great deal of imagery to illustrate hell . She is extremely fearful that love will kill her which she compares to death. Sylvia Plath speaks about how adulterers are being prepared to burn like Hiroshima. Plath explains to her significant other how she has become ill due to his love. Therefore, she has rested for three days and three nights growing into a self loving empowered women. While realizing her self worth and purity, she will no longer let such a toxic and impure person hurt... Show more content on ... In these lines the poet conveys how love will kill you, especially when dealing with a toxic relationship. As well as stating that she is scared of catching the scarf herself and getting killed by love. By using a simile she compares the tragic car accident that caused the death of dancer Isadora to tainted love. Continuing to clarify we see in stanza five, Plath writes, One scarf will catch and anchor in the wheel// such yellow sullen smokes// Make their own element. They will not rise (13 15). You can detect how the love is making her physically sick. The yellow sullen smokes are code for something being unwell. They transfer as a negative sensation. This affects her tremendously, she is so afraid of catching this love scarf, because she knows that the death from it is a slow and painful one. The toxicity in tainted love can be the result of infidelity. In stanza nine, Plath states, Greasing the bodies of adulterers// Like Hiroshima ash and eating in.// The sin. The sin (25 27). Plath explains how love or marriage is becoming extremely sinful now. Love can be dangerous especially during the heat of the moment. All this leads to the her getting cheated on, leading to the adulterer to burn like Hiroshima. This is only the beginning of her facing the true hatred towards a cheater, before she realizes who she really is. You can tell by the writing that the greasing stage is one where
  • 21. Cathedral Cathedral It is an ongoing problem that people are narrow minded and have preconceptions. It does no one good and is an obstacle in your everyday life. By closing your eyes, the other senses, like feeling, hearing and smelling, tune in and take over. A lot can be learned from these senses and new truths can be unrevealed. In the short story Cathedral, the main character stops his prejudices and sees a new truth. The short story Cathedral takes place in the 1990s in a married couple s house in New York, America. The narrator of the story is the husband. The short story is told as from a first persons point of view. The narrator introduces both his wife and their guest, the blind man. The only information we get about the husband comes ... Show more content on ... While the narrator draws, Robert puts his hands on the narrator s and asks him to close his eyes and keep on drawing. The narrator sees this experience as an epiphany. It is described as an almost religious out of body experience. Robert makes the narrator see by making him close his eyes. When the husband closes his eyes his other senses take over and he is able to see everything clear. The title Cathedral can be looked at in two ways. The most obvious one is referring to the television show about medieval churches and cathedrals and the drawing the narrator draws to and with Robert. There is a more figurative way of looking at it. A cathedral is a religious building and in the story you can say that the narrator gets an almost spiritual out of body experience. What Raymond Carver tries to tell us with this short story is that we should not be like the narrator. Nothing good comes from prejudice and preconceptions. You should rather keep an open mind and conclude from things you experience or see rather than conclude from things you expect or think. At the end of the story the narrator learns this and a whole new world opens to him. The blind man helped him learn to see. Through the story the relationship between Robert and the narrator evolves. The relationship goes from being shallow and almost non existing to understanding and friendly. Robert teaches the narrator a very valuable lesson that
  • 22. Subsistence Patterns Of Anthropology Horticulture is defined as the production of plants using a simple nonmechanized technology (Nanda and Warms 2006:148), while Webster s Dictionary defines horticulture as the art or science of growing fruits, vegetables, plants, flowers, or trees. When most people think of horticulture, they simply think of gardening or farming. Most people do not associate horticulture with culture itself or how horticulture relates to anthropology, or the study human culture. In all actuality, horticulture is a major part of cultural anthropology. The groups that hunt and grow food, and the associated eating rituals or ceremonies associated with food differs by culture or environment. This paper will discuss the subsistence pattern of horticulture as... Show more content on ... (Carvalho et al. 1989:239) The Yanomamo Indians of the Amazon rain forest are organized by patrilineal kinship relationships, patrilineal descent from ancestors, and marriage exchanges between kinship/descent groups. In the Yanomamo tribes, the men are the leaders. The male leaders positions are mostly because of marriage patterns and kinship. Yanomamo people often participate in arranged marriages and the tribesmen often take multiple wives. In addition to polygamy, cross cousin marriages are also a part of the Yanomamo culture. Woman are more or less possessions in the Yanomami culture and the males position of power or importance is often rated or scaled based on the number of wives he has. The woman spend most of their time fetching water, caring for their children, and visiting with one another. The woman of the tribe often spend a good deal of time weaving baskets and other small crafts and also engage to some degree in fishing. The other main responsibilities include cooking, gathering firewood and berries and fruits. The men of the tribe are responsible for the distribution of food for the Yanomamo people. Males do the majority of the fishing and hunting and while they do not eat the animals they hunt, rather they share their meat with others within the tribe. The favor is returned by other male hunters within the tribe. Male Yanomamis also spend time
  • 23. Teenage Pregnancy Issues Teenage pregnancy is an emerging global issue that affects sustainable development. Not only do the developing countries face this challenge but also the developed counties at large. Adolescent pregnancies challenge the moral and ethical sensibilities in most states and as researchers try to define the cause of teenage pregnancies. Sustainable development is necessary for the successful development of any nation. Therefore adolescent pregnancies become a societal` challenge that needs to be addressed efficiently. Teenage pregnancyis defined as the pregnancy that occurs in females below the age of twenty years (Leishman and Moir ). Depending on the situation, adolescent pregnancies can either be planned for or unplanned, but according to research most of the pregnancies are usually unwanted. According to statistics, although the number of teenage pregnancies is gradually decreasing, it is still calculated that for every five girls, two will get pregnant before the age of nineteen. The US is the most extensively developed country with high cases of teenage pregnancy; it was identified that more than 850,000 girls get pregnant every year and around 500,000 carry the pregnancy to term (Coleman). Notably, most of the societal issues are usually blamed on teenage pregnancy; for instance, single parenting, poverty, drug abuse, crime among other social problems. Over the recent years, there has been an overemphasis on preventing teenage pregnancy itself rather than addressing the
  • 24. American Realist Movement HAS THE AMERICAN REALIST MOVEMENT LEFT ANY SUBSTANTIAL MARK ON JURISPRUDENTIAL THOUGHT? We must approach this question in consideration of the fact that the American Realist movement never purported to formulate a complete theory of law which could stand alone to tell us what law is. Instead, the basis was that official conduct in dispute settlement in all kinds of dispute was the focal point for the analysis of the law s impact, facilitating the ability to make legal predictions based on expected official action. I think that to measure the impact of this type of thinking on jurisprudential thought, we need to keep in mind how it seeks to differ from other theory. There are quotations that encompass Realism s ideals very well.... Show more content on ... Even Hart himself admits that, В‘at the fringe ofВ…. (law), we should welcome the rule sceptic. However he masks this with the В‘unquestionably rule governed operations over the vast, central areas of the law. Most positivists will admit that judicial discretion is inevitable in hard cases, and that decisions of the common law are posited in the courts, but the important thing for the realist is that law in it s entirety is a shoreless world of uncertainty. For me, the realist ideal is a tool whereby we can consider decisions throughout the vast central areas of law that Hart suggests, more than we could from a positivist or natural law stance. The reason is that if what the realists say is credible, we must accept that in some or all central cases, a judge can pick from a number of precedents as discussed, in order to find the one that best fits his predetermined and subjective answer. However, view this from the positivist outlook, and the whole process fits together nicely. The judge has simply applied a posited rule and achieved the right outcome subject to a rule of recognition. For both the realist and the positivist, the decision is law. The difference though, is that realism allows us to think about the moral dilemmas within the adjudication, whilst positivism does not need to consider any moral accordance to rationalize its theory. Just considering the argument in this way, it becomes clear that the realist approach could certainly be said to have more practical
  • 25. How To Improve Fico Score I went to and viewed my FICO scores. Transunion score was 497, Equifax score was 502, and no score was reported by Experian. The FICO scores were not as high as I had hoped. A few years ago I had a thin file showing for my credit scores. Now that I have established credit line, it is within the very poor range of the FICO Score ratings. Due to collection files for various services such as mobile phone accounts and hospital visits my scores have lowered due to bad credit choices. My student loan has raised my ratings somewhat due to the fact that I have made payments towards lowering the financial debtof the student loan. Three ways I can help improve my FICO score is to check my credit periodically, set up payment reminders for payments, and reduce the amount of debt I owe. According to many credit bureaus and experts, checking your credit periodically is always the right approach to turning your credit around. By checking your scores you can determine if there are any errors on your reports and take the right course of action to dispute those errors. You may... Show more content on ... One way to improve your score is to set up payment reminders. Pay your bills on time whether or not you feel you have a grace period, because delinquent payments no matter how late has huge negative impact have on scores. Missed payments need to be made current and remain current, paying off a collection does not remove it from your report since they remain on said report for seven years, and if you have trouble managing your money to make ends meet seek help from a credit professional, and contact your creditors to make arrangements. These steps won t miraculously rebuild your credit score but will increase it in good standing over a period of time. Amounts you owe go hand and hand with payment history so let s move forward to tips to help you on your
  • 26. An American Tragedy and the Futility of the American Dream An American Tragedy is an intriguing, frighteningly realistic journey into the mind of a murderer. It is a biography of its era. And, it is also historical fiction. But what makes this novel a classic? While society has changed dramatically since 1925, Dreiser s novel, which shows the futility of The American Dream and the tragedies that trying to live it can cause, accurately summarizes social mores of this and any time period. br br Before Theodore Dreiser was born, his father, a devout German immigrant, lost everything when his large wool mill burned down ( 1). After a beam hit his head, Dreiser s father was subject to dramatic mood swings; this brain damage caused him to became an evangelist (Survey of American ... Show more content on ... br br An American Tragedy was based on the infamous Chester Gillette case. Chester abandoned his missionary parents and wandered, working anywhere he could, until he met Grace Brown. They had an affair. When she became pregnant, she moved into her parents house. After she begged him to marry her, he took her on a honeymoon to the Adirondacks, where he planned to murder her. He caught before he began; he left her trunk and hat valuable evidence in public places. After registering under an obvious alias, they went boating, and he drowned her. He fled and stayed at the Arrowhead Hotel until his arrest three days later. During his trial, Chester said his girlfriend had committed suicide to escape public humiliation. The DA proved that he hit her with a tennis racket (which numerous people saw him carry). Chester was found guilty of first degree murder and electrocuted ( 1). Gillette s trial and An American Tragedy have surprising similarities. Chester s attorneys, girls, rich uncle, and settings were identical to Clyde s, albeit with minor name changes ( 1). Both Clyde and Chester had poor parents, fell in love with a garment factory employees and a good looking upper class girls, botched their girlfriends drownings, and were electrocuted. So, while Dreiser s theme was not original, his flair for
  • 27. God Versus The Idea Of God Do you believe in God? How? Nobody likes to be proven wrong and theologians are certainly no exception. What is your idea when you hear the word God or gods? Is God real? Is God not real or merely a product of human weaknesses? In a January 1954 letter to the philosopher Eric Gutkind, Albert Einstein (who called himself a deeply religious nonbeliever ) described the idea of God as a product of human weakness. Will you agree with this idea or not? Why? God Vs. The Idea of God elaborates the concept of is God real or not? The church original focus was on less worldly concerns and claims to speak for all aspects of life in preparation for the kingdom of God. Why does the church is losing its followers? Are all the theologians right in their own opinion of God or gods? Why? ... Show more content on ... Writing is not his vocation but his avocation because he is concern of the Christian s present status and their role within the society. Harry s prologue captures my interest especially the title God and Me, a shaky relationship at best. His experience is a thought provoking as well as the title in each chapter. I appreciate his elaboration of the Judeo Christian portrayal and depiction of God. His explanation gives a vivid idea of the Christians in the church today. Harry s church history will also make the reader understand the background of the church and the way the people of long ago worship gods. They worship gods of the trees, the streams, the storms, the wind, the sun and all other terrestrial events. I understand now that even the ancient people of long ago attributed to the spirits and gods beyond their comprehension. There is a part in the human heart that will longed for a
  • 28. The Conflict Between The Muslims And The North In 1914, the unification that the British did by colonizing territories from Sahel to the Atlantic coast, started the main cause of conflict between the Muslims and the Christians. It led to political disagreement between the two major religions in two separate regions of the country. In the years 1947 to 1959, the Nigerian leaders came together to try to come to an agreement to resolve the political and religious conflicts between the north (Muslims) and the south (Christians). Christians believe that if Nigeriais governed by Muslims, they will try to islamize the country to establish Sharia law into the government. The Muslims are opposed to westernization and find asylum through religion. While the Muslims tried to extend the Sharia... Show more content on ... That became a problem to Christian groups in the north of Nigeria identified themselves against the Muslim Hausa Fulani majority. The casualties and suffering that have been caused by the Islamist militant group Boko Haram over the past five years are mind boggling. According to estimates, 12,000 people have been killed, 8,000 thousand more have been injured or maimed, and thousands of innocent people have been displaced by the conflict. Even more worryingly, around half of those deaths have come in just the past year. Boko Haram rebels aim to make northern Nigeria an Islamic state. Borno, Yobe, and Adamawa states are the most affected by the Boko Haram insurgency. The entire resident population of these states of sixteen million people are all affected by the Boko Haram. Half have been killed in Boko Haram attacks on government institutions, churches, and secular schools. An equal number, many with no ties to terrorists, have died in government counterattacks. Women and children are particularly the most vulnerable. Main concerns include targeting of civilians, abductions, sexual violence, forced recruitment, arbitrary arrests, and extrajudicial killings. At least 3.5 million people are considered insecure. Households in much of Borno state and parts of Adamawa and Yobe are facing Crisis and Emergency food security outcomes. About 250,000 people were living in camps or with relatives and friends after being forced out of their homes. With all of
  • 29. Study Groups In The Paper Chase (1973) It s a device. A tool. Groups of first year students that get together a couple times a week. Review the class work, the casebooks. They make outlines and then share them. It helps at exam time. You interested? (Paul Thompson Bridges, 1973, scene 2). On the surface study groups may seem to be an effective strategy for enhancing learning, but they can actually lead students to encounter more problems than solved in the long run. These problems can vary from fairly small to very serious, which is seen throughout the film, The Paper Chase (1973). This film provided the gold standard of awful study groups with bickering, backstabbing, and withholding study aids. From the very first meeting, it was bound for failure as the members of the group ... Show more content on ... Since the members of the study group came from universities to Harvard law school, most of them have never before been pushed intellectually, nor faced any real adversity in terms of competition. Therefore, combining smart intellectuals in a group may seem like a great tool, but there is bound to be competition eventually. In one of the group meetings, Bell states, You want to know about my outline? It s 800 pages long, and it s fantastic. I m going to publish that outline. My outline is better than the casebook, (Bell). Bell believes his outline is the best, and later on threatens not to share his outline with anyone else unless theirs begins to stack up. Competition is also shown in Brooks s case where he struggles to keep up with his group members. His wife Asheley tells group member Hart, He s just so tired. He works so hard. Every night till 3:00 or 4:00. The competition is killing him, (Asheley). Other types of competition that takes place throughout the film is the desire to be recognized as the top student in Kingsfield s eyes. This takes place in Kingsfield s lectures in the classroom scenes where it is shown that the same students answers Kingsfield s questions, which just so happen to be members of the study
  • 30. Pilgrim s Progress Research Paper Is John Bunyan s Pilgrim s Progress autobiographical? Before Bunyan wrote Pilgrim s Progress, he wrote his spiritual autobiography, Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners. In this book, he tells of his conversion and many of his struggles before and after. There are many similarities between Bunyan s experiences in Grace Abounding and in what he wrote about in Pilgrim s Progress: Bunyan s and Christian s (the main character in Pilgrim s Progress) journey to salvation was very similar, Bunyan and Christian had similar experiences concerning Gods promises, and the man in the iron cage (in Pilgrim s Progress) represents a situation Bunyan went through when he thought he could not be saved. John Bunyan s and Christian s journey to salvation was very similar. In Pilgrim s ... Show more content on ... After Bunyan became a Christian, he experienced a time of hardship and temptation. He found himself in great despair and questioning God. God revealed Himself to Bunyan and reassured him of the scriptures and His promises. Bunyan says in Grace Abounding, The scriptures were now wonderful to me. I saw their truth and reliability as the keys to heaven. ... This temptation made me understand more about the nature of God s promises than ever before. In Pilgrim s Progress, he writes of Christian and Hopeful straying from the right path. They were captured by the giant, Despair, and thrown into his dungeon where they were deprived of food, water, and light. The giant threatened to kill them and tempted them to take their own lives. Nearly overcome with despair, they were tempted to do this when Christian remembered he had a key called Promise. Since it could be used to unlock any door, they unlocked the dungeon door and escaped. Bunyan, Christian, and Hopeful had all learned a valuable lesson about how God s promises can overcome despair and
  • 31. Fear As The Dominant Theme In The Chrysalids By John Wyndham Fear as the Dominant Theme. Every single person in this world fears something, and there is magnificent amount of different types of fear that people know of. Each type of fear has a different name. For example, fear of change is called metathesiophobia, and fear of darkness is called Achluophobia. Fear can be not only a phobia but in a novel it can be represented as theme. One of the examples of a novel that has a lot of fear in it is The Chrysalids by John Wyndham which took place in the future, years after a nuclear holocaust has devastated large areas of the world. In that novel Wyndham explores many themes throughout the text, the main one being fear. The existence of fear in this novel is a critical factor in the unfolding of the plot. Most of the problems that occurred in John Wyndham s tale happen because of fear. Overall, this is shown through everyone s fear of being different, fear helped to develop Petra s character, and by everyone thinking that if a baby was born as a blasphemy, the women is always the one who is responsible for that, but never the man. In places like Waknuk people are terrified of being different in anyway in the Image of God. To begin, David, who is the son of Joseph Strorm, is praying in the church for dead Aunt Harriet and he is overwhelmed by what will happen to him if someone figures out that he is different. Please, please, God, let me be like other people. I don t want to be different. Won t you make it so that when I wake up in the morning I ll be just like everyone else, please, God, please! (Wyndham 76). This quote tells the reader that even David is scared of being different. His fear was caused by Aunt Harriet s death because of her child s small deviation. He finally comes to the understanding of how much trouble he can get into because of his own deviation. Another example of people fearing the difference is shown in the beginning of this novel when David explains that children who do not behave well are frightened by their parents with the Fringes people. In my father s childhood mothers used to quieten and awe troublesome infants by threatening: Be good now, or I ll fetch Old Maggie from the Fringes to you. She s got four eyes to watch you with, and four
  • 32. The Docks-Personal Narrative Analysis The Docks Herman Melville proclaimed, It is not down in any map; true places never are (Brainyquote). The places that matter are never on a map. This place will never have the red pin in Maps on an iPhone. It will not have signs marking the significance along the roads. This is a place not known to many, thus granting significance for few people. In the summer, lounging at the end of my dock is the only place that I desire to be. The lackadaisicalness of watching the sunset over the lake paints a picture in my mind that cannot be replaced. It is the summer before my senior year in high school. Eagerness of graduating is beginning to settle within my body; however, I still have the rest of my summer to go. It is the middle of July, when Minnesota is hitting record temperatures. I can smell the fish in the lake.... Show more content on ... While sitting at the end of the, a memory engraves in my brain that I cannot forget. The end of my dock is significant because of the peaceful periods of time that it provides. In this world, there seems to be no time to rest. Everything and everybody is firing on all four cylinders. Those people who are constantly firing are only blowing smoke. They never take time to realize the importance of life and how short it can be. They do not gaze upon the minute details that life provides. These people need to slow down and bask in the glory. That glory can be as simple as sitting at the end of a dock. Resting on the dock bestows a sense of peacefulness that cannot be found within this world much anymore. The dock may be the significant place, but what makes the dock important is the events that occur while there. Significance cannot simply be shown in a picture on the mantel of the fireplace. The significance draws upon the experiences obtained at the place. I do not solely remember the end of the dock because it reminds me of summer. The dock helps me reminisce about the adventures that I have while I am
  • 33. Essay about A Postmodern Bore A Postmodern Bore Imagine, if you will, a world where everyone was the same, where your neighbors had the same clothes as you did, the same kind of dog, and the same color house as you did. A world where everyone looked like everyone else, behaved the same, and thought the same. A world characterized by total and complete conformity through assimilation, incorporation, and deindividualization. A world where an elite cadre of individuals determined the very shape of reality itself. This world is held by many scholars to be typifying of one of the major aspects of Postmodernism. Although Postmodernism refuses to define itself , (Kozinets see later,) it according to many of these scholars threatens the very existence of civilization as we ... Show more content on ... A society should not be based on the view of the world from one perspective to the exclusion of all other perspectives. Rather, it should be able to see all points of view and incorporate them into its worldview. But after awhile this philosophy began to be replaced by a new system, a know all, see everything Orwellian big brother that attempted to maintain a rigid order among individuals, and among their thoughts, because in order for this diseased system, Postmodernism, to survive, it was necessary for all men to be exactly equal, in their behavior, in their actions, and in their thoughts. It began with architecture and art, and then proceeded to infect our individual beliefs and opinions. Whereas once men were free to hold their own opinions, now all men were required to believe the same beliefs. (As the Counting Crows have observed, round here, we all look the same. ) According to Habermas, this new system was created by a flaw in the old one. This flaw lay in the fact that Modernism had no set of rules for interpersonal contact. Therefore, whenever two peoples individual spheres did come in contact with one another, each ones sphere was influenced
  • 34. This Way for the Gas, Ladies Gentlemen The sole factor that separated Tadeusz Borowski from the gas chambers when he was at Auschwitz beyond the fact that he wasn t Jewish was his cooperation with the S.S. soldiers. He assisted the Nazis in eliminating thousands of Jewish men, women, and children. This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen ultimately uses the narrator to convey Borowski s message of what really happened during the Holocaust . This also explains why the story is in first person: it reflects the author s own experiences. Borowski s writing is quite crude: harsh yet realistic. Readers cannot judge Borowski negatively; he was as much of a victim as the people coming off the transports. Throughout This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen, Borowski portrays the... Show more content on ... soldiers while ultimately they are equals to those being sent to the gas chambers. Borowski mentioned a key reason as to why he did not commit suicide. His own question What will the world know of us if the Germans win? allowed him to fight through the struggle in the hopes of getting out alive one day and sharing the truth with the world; it would be the only way the truth emerged (Charters 150). What may seem immoral to people outside the camps is ordinary to those inside as proven by Henri s actions in the story. Ultimately, though, the two worlds are incomparable. Due to his need to collaborate with the S.S. soldiers in order to keep himself alive, many may consider that Borowski indeed played a huge part in the deaths of thousands of people when he could have taken a more noble route self immolation as the girl did in the story. This is hindsight bias, however, and does not take into account the terror that filled the prisoners. In a hope to see life beyond imprisonment, anyone would take part in this process. The survival of the fittest theory created by Charles Darwin analyzes organisms behavior towards one another and their environment to see who will thrive. In concentration camps such as Auschwitz, the only method of survival was assisting the S.S. soldiers if one was not already sentenced to death by default. To be able to collaborate day in and day out and stomach the
  • 35. Disadvantages Of Organisational Culture What is organizational culture? Organizational culture can be referred as culture and behavior of an organization that affect how people make interaction with other. Every organization had culture that is unique and therefore difficult to be change. Thus, it can be used as a management tool for an organization to operate efficiency. The need of this title is to find out which organizational culturethat I preferred to fit in. In view of Mats Alvesson (2012), he believed that symbols and meaning are key concept of organizational culture. Meaning can be view as how an object to be analytic while symbols can be defined as a word or statement. Symbols usually carry at least two or more meaning in it. For example, symbol in economic term. Moreover, ... Show more content on ... The advantage of this culture is the competition that present among co worker will ignite the sprits that boost productivity. Instead of being productivity, competition also encourages innovation. They will always under constant pressure to perform their job in unique way because they must done their job better than average standard to compete with other. Cameron Ettington (1988) review that co worker will not feel bored in their work since there is no chance for them to feel laziness in this competitive environment. But this culture also had some disadvantage. First of all, the highly competitive environment forced co worker constantly compares themselves with other, and as result they will fell not satisfied and unhappy. The fierce competition among co worker will produce a stressful working environment, hence negative feelings will form. For example, team sprit will be destroyed, individual preferred to work alone to achieve their goal instead working as a team. In overall, market culture will mostly be preferred by big organization because everyone in organization will compete with each other to done their work, as result organization will yield a higher profit. There is certain co worker that likes work hard in order to accomplish their goal also preferred to enroll in this culture since they just need to work hard to receive the reward. But for people that like to work in a peaceful and relax environment, this culture definitely is not their
  • 36. Literature In Modern British Literature Literature can embody time, start a revolution, or be used as a coaster under the flattest fizzless cup of Pepsi. It can tell historical triumphs or new wave gyres, yet in each of these examples, literature has a single and simple purpose. It is easy to tell time through a book because a reader can simply glance back out their window to check. It is easy to grab a group of friends read a guidebook on revolution and paint some signs. A hipster might think it s chic to take an old copy of Peter Rabbit, cut it into a circle, and proudly place his Pepsi atop. These examples are easy, but again, these forms of Literature are old. A myth with new literature is that it cannot tell time, rebel, or be cut up as quickly. Modern literature is confusing, bewildering, wild, and beyond the page. Difficulty is the hand that puts the books, short stories, or poems down after one may pick them up. Yet, modern British literature can be especially trying and monstrously influential because the authors did not only challenge their peers or their government, but the universe. A strategy to challenge the universe must first challenge the reader. If someone needed a clock, they would be able to find it within May Wedderburn Cannan s Rouen . If someone wanted to rebel against the world, a reader would be able to discern a reasonable direction in William Butler YeatsEaster 1916 . If someone needed a coaster, they would be able to find the one piece of Literature accepting of its new purpose
  • 37. The Detection Of Crime Has Improved Upon Throughout... The detection of crime has been improved upon throughout history along with the criminal justice systems. In the 1900s, the amount of crimes detected was extremely small when compared to the crimes being committed. An example of an undetected crime, at the time, would be fraud. The action of fraud was just as easy to commit as the action of lying. In New York, after the civil war, there was an immense amount of wealth within the unclaimed acres of land. It would only take one intelligent man, who knew the laws of the state, to create a profit out of this opportunity. According to Arther Train, H. Huffman Browne was that intelligent man. A real estate lawyer, Browne would forge countless documents for personal gain. Browne s quest for personal gain began when he had discovered a plot of land leftover by a Swedish immigrant s death. Browne built his business by being known to sell property at low costs. He knew he could use this unclaimed land for his advantage. Browne s plan was to sell the land to the unintelligent civilians, thus insuring no one would check the title for its background. However, this was not the case for the architect Benjamin Leviton. Leviton was a very clever man. Leviton knew something was suspicious when Browne offered him the real estate for such a low cost. The next logically step for Leviton was to seek legal advise from the District attorney. Leviton wanted to make sure he was not being scammed. The Distract attorney told Leviton to make the
  • 38. The Great Pyramids Of Giza The Great Pyramids of Giza By: Brittany Wright ART 101 December 3, 2015 Egypt: This research is on the Ancient Egyptian Culture. Ancient Egypt was located in Northeastern Africa along the Nile River. Egypt was divided into Upper and Lower Egypt from 5000 to 2950 BC; the unification of Egypt was around 3000 BC. Ancient Egypt was around until about 50 BC. The Egyptians are known for many accomplishments; they include: their complex irrigation system, hieroglyphics, and the practice of medicine, the calendar, their art, and the construction of the pyramids. The pyramids were built as monuments to honor the dead. There are many mysteries concerning the construction of the pyramids. This research will be directed towards the Great Pyramids at Giza. The pyramids are a very interesting subject matter because they are gigantic structures that were constructed by only the minds of early architects and the hands of many workers. This research will cover the ideas of how these Great Pyramids were constructed. The Age of the Pyramids: The ancient Egyptian people were very religious. Their religion was very important to them; they worshiped their gods, and they glorified them. Their kings or pharaohs were also believed to be gods. The burial of their kings was a very important aspect for Egyptian life, and their belief in afterlife. This belief led to the construction of elaborate funerary architecture. These royal tomb structures were first known as mastabas,
  • 39. Acute Parkinson s Disease Maha Alshahat Induction methods: Toxin induced PD: Parkinson s disease is known as a multifactorial disease as its incidence is associated with the environmental exposures especially pesticides. 1)1 Methyl 4 Phenyl 1,2,3,6 Tetrahydropyridine (MPTP): It is a strong neurotoxin that was identified in 1979 and 1983 when it was administered by accident to heroin addicts and it developed Parkinsonism. By detailed study of the neuropathology by MPTP induced PD in humans, it showed severe neurodegeneration in the substantia nigra and Lewy bodies absence. Lewy bodies absence may reflect the patient s age and the duration of MPTP exposure. L DOPA shows good effects on MPTP induced PD cases in primates. Rats and mice are less sensitive to MPTP compared ... Show more content on ... It is a complex ketone pesticide that is naturally occurring derived from Lonchocarpus species roots. It passes the blood brain barriers (BBB) as it is highly lipophilic. Rotenone is considered one of the most recent approaches used in PD induction. PD induced in animals by rotenone reproduces all behavioral, anatomical, neurochemical and pathological features as in human PD such as rigidity and akinesia as it causes nigrostriatal dopaminergic degeneration. By chronic infusion of Rot to Lewis rats, it causes systemic inhibition of Complex I and reproduces many PD s features. The dose of Rotenone was (3 mg/kg/day) by subcutaneous infusion to male Lewis rat using Alzet minipump for about 6 days. The control group received the vehicle only. In rats that received Rotenone, about 30 40% inhibitions in the Mitochondrial Complex I substrates and succinate in State 3 and 3U of rat brain mitochondria (Rot RBM) respiration. So it causes highly selective degeneration in the nigrostriatal
  • 40. Biofeedback Research Papers Biofeedback Biofeedback is a technique were people are taught to become aware of there body, and learn to control involuntary processes. It is not known why biofeedback works, but studies have shown that it functions best with patients who have illnesses that are stress related. This practice came to be in laboratory studies in the 1940 s. It is considered one of the earliest behavioral medicine treatments , but did not gain much popularity until the 1950 s. It was found to be a mixture of many scientific experiments such as altered states of consciousness and operant conditioning. These findings were combined to form the now popular treatment. Although scientists do not necessarily know how exactly biofeedback works, it is thought that because of the non focused, non goal oriented state of consciousness, subjects are able to release physiological tensions, soften interpersonal relating, and optimize physiological functioning and ... Show more content on ... These may include migraine headaches, incontinence, high blood pressure, ADHD, epilepsy, and anxiety. In order for these to be treated, therapists may use EMG(electromyography), thermal biofeedback, or neurofeedback /electroencephalography(EEG) or a combination of the three. Electromyography gauges muscle electrical activity, thermal biofeedback measures skin temperature, and electroencephalography assesses brain wave activity. Each one of these technologies are used to treat different conditions. EMG is used to treat headaches, anxiety, incontinence and high blood pressure since these disorders can be related to muscle tension. Thermal biofeedback is utilized mainly to help with headaches because when the body is under stress, the fight or flight response is activated, which lowers the body s temperature on the appendages. EEG is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and epilepsy. The brainwaves are measured and then can be controlled by the
  • 41. Rhetorical Analysis Of Death Be Not Proud Rhetorical Analysis: Death Be Not Proud The memoir Death Be Not Proud by John Gunther , written in 1940, is the most popular American death memoir. This tells a heartbreaking, yet inspiring story about a young fifteen year old boy struggling with a brain tumor. The story begins when the boy, Johnny was first diagnosed with the deadly illness and ends with the unfortunate result. The story is narrated by the father of Johnny who describes the struggle for himself and Johnny s mother, whom he is divorced from. Although Johnny had this terrible illness which has impacted his whole life as well as the lives of his family, he still stayed positive. He focused on the good in life rather than the negatives of dying. Gunther has inspired others by sharing his son s journey, he has shown that not all... Show more content on ... Someone who can relate to this story, someone in Johnny s shoes with a deadly illness or someone in Gunther or Frances s (Johnny s mother) shoes, can find inspiration and hope in this story because of the way Johnny s attitude is described.Throughout the story, Gunther uses process analysis and narration which highly contributes to the reader s understanding of the story. By using process analysis, the reader has a deeper understanding of Johnny s struggle because by it starting from the very beginning,showing shows how his illness progressively gets worse through a sequence of events. Narration is also an important aspect to the way the story was written because Johnny s father who narrated the story was a witness of Johnny s illness as he was experiencing it himself.The author uses characterization, anecdotes, and dialogue throughout the story to get his main
  • 42. Utopia Vs. Dystopian Society Have you ever wondered if you lived in a perfect society? A young boy named Jonas lived in the perfect world. After becoming the next receiver he starts to realize that his perfect world isn t so perfect after all. The Giver by Lois Lowry, explains how a Utopian world would really be. The most important differences between Utopian Society in The Giver and dystopian society are Rituals, Assignments, and Families. Jonas s society has many rituals some of them are the telling of feelings and dream telling. Telling of feeling is when your familyunit sits down at dinner and shares there feelings about the day and say if anything is bothering them. Dream telling is when your family unit sits down in the morning and shares if they had any dreams that night before. In the beginning of the book, Jonas explains It was one of the ... Show more content on ... In Jonas s society you can t pick a kid, and you can t say I love you to your family. After being married for a certain amount of time, you are allowed to apply for a child. In The Giver, it says Two children one male, one female to each family unit. It was written very clearly in the rules (Lowry 48) This quote explains how you get a child and how many you are allowed to have. Another difference is how families show affection to one another you can t say I love you . After dinner, Jonas asks Father? Mother? Jonas asked tentatively after the evening meal. I have a question I want to ask you. What is it, Jonas? his father asked... Do you love me? There was an awkward silence for a moment. Then Father gave a little chuckle. Jonas. You, of all people. Precision of language, please! ... You could ask, Do you enjoy me? The answer is Yes, his Or, his father suggested Do you take pride in my accomplishments? (Lowry 126 127). This quote shows that families in his community aren t allowed to show affection to one another because it might make someone else feel less
  • 43. Annabel Beam s Life In The Movie Miracles From Heaven Miracles still exist in today s world and Annabel Beam s story is a very touching and exceptional example of one as portrayed in the movie, Miracles from Heaven . Annabel had an incurable condition that was likely to lead to death but Jesus changed her life. What should have been a deadly accident cured Annabel and when she awoke she had been to Heaven and back. Jesushad spoken to her and told her that he was going to heal her, and that he did. Annabel experienced a true miraclein which her incurable condition was cured. She met with Jesus in Heaven and her whole life was changed in one accident where the result contradicted natural law, making it a miracle. Annabels life was turned upside down at age four when her stomach and intestines began not working correctly. Annabel s mom, Christy, told MOnique Crawford about her daughter s condition, ...pseudo obstruction motility disorder, which is an incurable condition that had plagued Annabel her entire life. This led to many emergency surgeries and lots of time spent at the doctors office. Due to Annabel s condition, prior to the fall, she was unable to live a normal life as Kathy Schiffer explains, Despite taking ten prescription medications, she still couldn t eat or drink normally and she required a feeding tube. Annabels life was moving closer to death when at age eight she went outside to climb a tree for fun. Suddenly the branch she was sitting on snapped and Annabel took a harsh fall into the hollowed out core
  • 44. Burnout And Resilience The prevalence of burnout occurring in universities are increasing owing to the evolving nature of an academician s job scope becoming more challenging and strenuous, as recent research on academicians stress indicates (Akgemci et al. 2013; Eker Anbar, 2008; Salami, 2011; Toker, 2011; Winefield, 2003). Nevertheless, there remains a lack of exploration when it comes to testing the association between burnoutand resilience involving academicians of universities, which have resulted in a lack of literature in the aforementioned context. Despite the growing literature on resilience at present, it has had little impact so far in the field of educational psychology, although different authors have suggested that over the years with such valuable... Show more content on ... Factors included that of emotional intelligence, empathy, self compassion, and mindfulness. Instruments used in the study were the Emotional Social Competency Inventory, the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy, Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire, Neff s Self Compassion Scale (short form), Smith s Brief Resilience Scale and the Maslach Burnout Inventory Human Services Survey. Results showed a minority (40%) of residents fulfilling one or more of the standards for burnout. Physician empathy and emotional intelligence were not significantly correlated with burnout or resilience whereas self compassion and mindfulness were positively related with resilience and negatively linked with burnout. It was found that many residents endorsed burnout and mindfulness and self compassion were associated with resilience and may promote resilience as well as protect these trainees against burnout. Furthermore, results indicated that both mindfulness and self compassion were positively associated with higher resilience and less emotional exhaustion (a dimension of burnout); thus indicating mindfulness and self compassion may be attractive factors for training these residents. This investigation suggests that both mindfulness and self compassion may be the shields in protecting professionals personal health and well being against such predicaments as
  • 45. Team Building and Improving Team Performances Team Building and Improving Team Performances Karli, James and Scout, in their article (2013), Economic Validation for Performance Improvement Initiative Based on a Strategic Team Development Campaign pose the question, Can team development increase revenue? Such was their study conducted at a selected major casino, and they endeavored to sample the impacts on creating teams in an organization to boost revenue. The Casino s executive management considered the values of implementing team building aspects, in their endeavor to improve customer services and overcome low customer turnout, owing to the low spending trends of the customers (Karli, James Scout, 2013). Besides, owing to the numerous emerging and current casinos offering ... Show more content on ... These individuals teamed up in writing the article, Team Cognition: Development and Evolution in Software Project Teams. The authors cite that team buildingis critical in overcoming time challenges and resource coordination. Additionally, owing to the characteristics of diverse software development projects being unstructured and sophisticated, it is significant to implement teamwork within such endeavors (He, Brian and William, 2010). Various software developments require the implementation of dissimilar amounts of knowledge. This deems the implementation of an individual s knowledge appears to be insufficient in the accomplishment of such objectives. The authors of the article consider a team to be an association of two or more individuals working together towards the achievement of a set objective. The authors highlight the power of team cognition in envisaging the likelihood of team effectiveness. However, studying team cognition has been marred significantly by conceptualizing and determining its constructs (He, Brian and William, 2010). Team cognition study is complex, owing to the diversity of the tasks and the involved environmental factors. As such, two aspects of team cognition include awareness of expertise location and shared task understandings are critical. Individuals within a team ought to be conscious of the members capabilities and clearly comprehend their various tasks in accomplishing set objectives. Both articles
  • 46. The Correlation Between Pair Bonding And Mother Infant... Abstract Oxytocin (OT) has been studied extensively over the past 60 years, and in the past 10 years, there has been a dramatic rise in research due to interest in the many functions of oxytocin. Through biological mechanisms involving oxytocin, pair bonding, as well as mother infant relationships are better understood. The intent of this paper is to establish the correlation between pair bonding and mother infant relationships and oxytocin. Primate oxytocin research provides groundwork for human research, and provides greater understanding of human social behavior. Oxytocin (OT) is a neuropeptide that consists of 9 amino acids. Oxytocin is synthesized in the hypothalamus, and stored in the posterior pituitary where, under specific circumstances it is delivered to various regions of the brain including the hypothalamus, hippocampus amygdala, and nucleus accombens. Functions of oxytocin vary depending upon the location of delivery within the brain, as well as quantity and circumstance (Ishak, Kahloon, Fakhry, 2011). Oxytocin has been gaining the attention of many researchers over the past 60 years due to its behavioral implications. The body of previous research establishes that the peptide is vital to many aspects of social behavior from maternal care to social behavior. Oxytocin was first identified in its effect in child birth. Oxytocin promotes uterine contractions during labor and has been used extensively to induce labor (Nathanielsz, 1998).
  • 47. The University Of Texas At Arlington The University of Texas at Arlington Fall 2015 CSE 5194 Assignment Critique on Non cooperative, Semi cooperative, and Cooperative Games based Grid Resource Allocation (Samee Ullah Khan and Ishfaq Ahmad Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Texas at Arlington, TX 76019, U.S.A. {sakhan, iahmad} Simranjeet Kaur UTA ID: 1001237306 Non cooperative, Semi cooperative, and Cooperative Games based Grid Resource Allocation Straightforward access to large scale distributed computational assets is provided by computational Grids. With the help of their size and geographic dissemination they help to create large computing centers. Several simulation studies are performed for evaluating the mechanisms to allocate resources in a Grid. There are three mechanisms to allocate resources in a Grid. The first method is the non cooperative sealed bid method where the tasks are auctioned off to the highest bidder. Second, the semi cooperative n round bid method in which each site delegates the task its work to others if it cannot perform the work itself. Last, the cooperative method in which all the sites cooperatively perform all the tasks as efficiently as possible. The simulation model has various leveled Grid structure in which machines are built around larger computing centers called federations [1]. In a computational framework, a large computational task is divided up among individual machines, which run calculations in parallel and then
  • 48. Cracking The Code Of Racial Inequity Summary The documentary Cracking the Codes the System of Racial Inequity talk about the struggle against racism and racial inequities in the world and how it being fought on multiple levels. The film asks different people, who faces the discrimination to talk about the causes and consequences of systemic inequity. The people in the movies tells stories about racismthat you could not believe are still existed. For instance, one powerful story told by an African American, Joy Degruy about an experience she and her family had. She was at the check out line in a grocery store with her daughter and her sister in low. Joy gave the casher check for her purchases, but the casher kept check her paper and asked for two identifications to prove the payment.
  • 49. The Legalization Of Same Sex Marriage Anthony J. Cavataio PHL 118: Intro to Philosophy 8/14/14 Gary Fuller One of the most heated and debated topics today is the legalization of same sex marriage. No matter where you look, people are always expressing their opinion on this issue. Politicians, athletes, and celebrities are some of the many people who continually come out with either support or opposition of same sex marriage. History has shown that issues regarding equality and rights take time to move forward. The women s suffrage movement and the civil rights movement are both prime examples of the effort and time it takes for movements to become accepted by everyone in the general public. These movements involve many of the same dynamics that make up the push for the legalization of same sex marriage. People come together and have parades or demonstrations, public figures make their opinions known, and slowly but surely the government enforces change. Today, there are many factors that go into the debate of legalizing same sex marriage. The debate expands much farther beyond the idea of whether or not same sex marriage is morally right or wrong. This decision includes reevaluating previous ideas of what traditional marriage is, involves instituting new laws, and changing part of the public s opinion on the idea of same sex marriage itself. As with all issues that are faced by people, there many are pros and cons that need to be considered before making the big decisions of legalizing same sex marriage.
  • 50. Math Essay I VE GOT A SECRET! Learning outcome: Upon completion student will be able to: * Given linear and exponential data, interpret the rate of change within the given context. * Represent linear and exponential models as equations, tables, graphs and verbal descriptions. Scoring/Grading rubric: Each question is worth 10 points. Introduction: Everyone has had some experience with gossip. In this lab, you will explore how well rumors (or secrets) spread when this information is passed on to other people. Scenario A: At noon, you get some great news but you need to keep it a secret. It s just too good to keep to yourself; so 5 minutes after you get the news you call 2 friends and tell them, but swear them to secrecy. ... Show more content on ... How many people know your secret at 12:40 in Scenario A? In Scenario B? 2. Describe the pattern of growth in the Number of people told column for both Scenario A and Scenario B. 3. Describe the pattern of growth in the Number of people who know column for both Scenario A and Scenario B. 4. Write an equation to find the Number of people told for any 5 minute interval(n) in Scenario A. 5. Write an equation to find the Number of people told for any 5 minute interval in Scenario B. 6. Write an equation to find the Number of people who know for any 5 minute interval in Scenario A. 7. Write an equation to find the Number of people who know for any 5 minute interval in Scenario B. Using the equations you wrote in problems 4 7, create an Excel spreadsheet with the columns 5 minute interval, Number of people told, and Number of people who know . Make sure your spreadsheet matches your tables above before answering the
  • 51. following questions. 8. After how many minutes would at least 100 people know in Scenario A? In Scenario B? 9. According to the 2012 US Census, the population of NC is 9,752,073. Using Scenario B,
  • 52. The Rabbit-Proof Fence By Phillip Noyce The Rabbit Proof Fence directed by Phillip Noyce, is a story of Aboriginal life in 1931 Western Australia, at the time of the stock market crash in America, and specifically the time of Australia gaining independence from Great Britain and implementing the Aboriginal Act, an act allowing the Protector of the Aborigines to relocate random family members to white camps. The story follows three girls, Molly (14), Gracie (10), and Daisy (8) being relocated by the Protector of the Aborigines, Mr. Neville, aka Mr. Devil. In the camp, Molly notices a rain cloud, inferring she and her family members must escape, as the rain will cover their tracks, something they are familiar with through years of hunting animals by their tracks. The girls escape, and after a long journey of chasing, aid from helpful strangers, and memorable family moments, the girls successfully follow the 990 mile fence to their home, but loose their cousin Gracie on the journey.... Show more content on ... Out of these, the theme of family, unity. and faith are essential to the story. Portrayed by the girls; family, unity, and faith are present because of the strong bond and love between the stolen girls. During their long journey, they are portrayed as a unit, caring after one another, and fighting for one another. A visual example of this can be found on the movie s poster/cover, showing two of the girls, Molly carrying Gracie, with the rabbit fence and aspiritual eagle in the scenic sky. This shows their love for each other, and the fear of what lies
  • 53. Abolition of Slave Trade The main reasons for the abolition of the slave trade The trading and exportation of slaves has been a large part if Britain s history since the early 15th century and the British Empire had been partly founded on the basis of exchanging slaves for goods and foreign products. 400 years after the slave trade began and people were finally realising how morally wrong the exchanging of humans actually was and on March 3, 1807, President Thomas Jefferson signed into act a bill approved by Congress the day before to prohibit the importation of slaves into any port or place within the jurisdiction of the United States. Three weeks later, on the 25th, the British House of Lords passed an Act for the Abolition of The Slave Trade. But why was ... Show more content on ... Wilberforce, over a period of years and amidst much opposition, fought to have slavery abolished by presenting a number of bills to the British Parliament. He was a Member of the House of Commons and Wilberforce was, as an MP, in a position to bring the matter before the House. Sir Charles Middleton, Thomas Clarkson, William Pitt and William Grenville all gave Wilberforce impetus to bring the Quakers and Anglicans together to campaign against the trade in slaves, focusing on the trade rather than against slavery was felt an achievable step toward total abolition and, due to Britain s naval pre eminence would affect all slaving nations. Print of the slave ship Brookes printed by the Quaker printer James Phillips. Showing sections of the ship and the inhumane way in which slaves were stowed Print of the slave ship Brookes printed by the Quaker printer James Phillips. Showing sections of the ship and the inhumane way in which slaves were stowed Religious factors also played a pivotal role in the abolition of the slave trade. Christian groups such as the Quakers and Anglicans had been campaigning against slavery for a number of years. Before the eighteenth century, very few white men questioned the morality of slavery. The Quakers and Anglicans were among these few. The doctrines of their religion declared an issue such as slavery to be unjust. By 1775, the Quakers founded the first American anti slavery group. Through the 1700s,
  • 54. A Stroke’s Effect on Memory Essay Stroke is a medical condition most people are familiar with, but most people are unaware of its effect on memory functions. There have been several studies conducted that study of effects of stroke on different memory systems, how to properly assess memory damage in stroke patients as well as how to improve memory after stroke. A major theme from the course that relates to stroke and memory is the theme of metamemory and its components such as prospective memory. Personally, I believe that these studies offer hope to stroke victims and their families because memory damage can evaluated and therefore a method of treatment can be developed. Stroke is a serious medical condition that affects people of all ages specifically older adults. ... Show more content on ... 612). Researchers Gillen and Burkhardt (1998) note that, disabilities include paralysis of the body limbs; spasticity; difficulty speaking and understanding speech (aphasia); impaired cognition, feeding, and swallowing; and the loss of emotional control (as cited in Warren, 2008, p.612). Other disabilities experienced are dementia or memory loss and damage to visual cognitive processing, especially visual attention (Warren, 2008, p.613). Traditional research has focused on the physical side effects of stroke such as paralysis, difficulty with speech (aphasia) and difficulty eating and doing other everyday tasks. There has been some research in the past on stroke and memory but most of it focuses on dementia and aphasia. Survivors of stroke can not only be affected by dementia and speech memory issues but they can have memory deficits in a wide range of memory systems. A number of studies have been conducted to study the effects of stroke on different memory systems and what can be done to improve or reverse memory damage. A study conducted in 2004 by Brooks, Rose, Potter, Jayawarden and Morling established that one area of memory impacted by stroke is prospective memory. Prospective memory is the ability to remember to do certain tasks in the future such as turning off a kitchen appliance or keeping an appointment (Brooks et al., 2004, p.391). Brooks
  • 55. Chem Review NOT FOR ELECTRONIC STUDENT ACCESS ONLY FOR CLASSROOM USE!! Unit 9: Stoichiometry Practice 1.Differentiate between the significance of the coefficients in a balanced chemical equation and the significance of the subscripts in a chemical formula. В·Coefficients show the correct proportions of atoms and molecules in a chemical reaction. They are normal sized numbers placed at the beginning of the chemical formulas in a chemical reaction during the process of balancing. They tell how many of an entire chemical formula is in a reaction. В·Subscripts show the correct proportions of atoms/ions in a chemical formula. They are the small numbers within the chemical formula. They tell how many individual atoms/ions are present. 2.State the Law ... Show more content on ... 7.What is plasma? В·Plasma has neither a definite volume nor a definite shape. В·Plasma is often seen within ionized gases. В·Plasma is distinct from a gas because it possesses unique properties: oIt contains free electrical charges (not bound to atoms or ions) oIt can be produced by heating and ionizing a gas. В·Plasma is often found in areas of the planet/universe where extremely high heats are possible and gases exist to help create the plasma. 8.Put hydrogen bonds, dispersion forces and dipole dipole forces in order of how strong they are and give an example of each type of attraction. В·Strongest = Hydrogen bonds which have hydrogen attached to a fluorine, oxygen, or nitrogen (Example: Oxygen s attraction to other hydrogens in a bunch of H2O s) В·Medium Strength = Dipole Dipole bonds which occur between the slight positive end of one polar molecule and the slight negative end of another polar molecule (Example: Nitrogen s attraction to other hydrogens in a bunch of NH3 s) В·Weakest = Dispersion forces which occur in any covalently bonded molecule (Example: Hydrogen s attraction to other hydrogens in a bunch of CH4 s) Г Note 1: These are intermolecular forces of attraction so they occur OUTSIDE of the molecules! Г Notes 2: One covalent bond can be all three types at once. 9.Why do polar compounds tend to have higher melting boiling points than nonpolar compounds? Polar compounds have electrostatic
  • 56. Speaker Of The House The Speaker of the House is mandated by the Constitution. The Speaker is chosen by the majority party, which has both formal and informal powers, and is second in line to triumph to the presidency should that office become available. The Speaker is in charge of his party and the entire House. He or she also serves as the presiding officer of the House of Representatives. The Speaker of the House fulfills quite a few roles, including representing constituents as a member of Congress, acting as executive head of the House, making committee assignments, appointing the party s legislative leaders and party leadership a staff, and serving as leader of the majority political party in the House. The current Speaker of the House is John Boehner from