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Story Handwriting Paper
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Story Handwriting Paper Story Handwriting Paper
King Tutankhamun In Ancient Egypt
The beginning of Egypt is a civilization full of wonders and victories, Especially the people that lived
during that time. During 1550 BC to 1292 BC Many pharaohs rose up to lead the kingdom to riches
and prosperity throughout their ruling. Even through hard times the egyptian people and their leaders
figured solutions that solved their problems. One example of these many great pharaohs, is a young
one that was not known to the modern time till 1922. That king was king Tutankhamun, also known as
king Tut. This king was known as the youngest king to ever rule egypt, he was the son of Akhenaton.
Which however was a very powerful ruler that opposed the idea of many gods but instead worship
only one god that was the sun god. However king Akhenaton indeed had impregnated a younger lady,
to soon give a heir to the family. That heir was prince Tutankhamun. ... Show more content on ...
After he passed, prince Tutankhamun was only 9 years old before coming to rule. This often meant
that most of his choices were controlled by his vizier, during this time he had as well married
Ankhesenamun. Time went by he grew as a person to make his own choices. The choices he made
would eventually helped his kingdom for the best. One of the choices he decided to do during his
ruling was to secure the relationships with Egypt s neighborhoods, for the reason for this was due to
the region of his father. His father decided to abandon his duties leading forward was to secure the
temples of god that were ruin during the period of chaos, this however helped the belief of the army
knowing the gods were on their side. The encouragement lead his people to great victory, prince
Tutankhamun then had the reputation of slaying foes but sadly it was possible that he didn t involved
himself in the war due to an injury. The injury however was a knee
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Cats Persuasive Speech
Leon Wan
ENG 2D 03
Ms. Gordon
February 6th, 2017
Can cats survive all falls?
Topic: Animals, Science
Ratings: Fascinating, Informative
Description: William Shakespeare referred to the myth A cat has nine lives in his play Romeo and
Juliet, which arguably came from cats ability to always land on their feet. The biped of ancient Egypt
was fascinated by the feline arts of swiftness and tenacity for their remarkable survivals from high
falls. In this short, interesting talk, Leon shares the science behind these amazing skills of cats.
5 years ago, a cat in the US city of Boston survived a fall from a 19 storey window and only bruised
her chest. How do cats survive falls from such great heights? Can they survive all falls?
The answer is obviously ... Show more content on ...
Dead cats don t talk, and they don t go into hospital records.
In recent decades, all of the cat fall statistics come from pet hospitals. Crazy experiments of throwing
cats out of tall buildings don t exist. As a result, these statistics contain inevitable margins of errors all
of the cats sent to pet hospitals were the ones which their owners believed that could be saved, so the
cats that died straight away were not accounted for. Can you imagine an owner asking a vet for
treatment holding a pile of bloody flesh?
In contrary, unless there were life risks, owners tend not to send cats who fell from lower floors to the
hospitals. This explains why cats that fell from lower floors have a higher odds of injury than cats that
fell from higher floors. The 90% survival rate from the studies was not the survival rate of cats that
fell, but of those that were sent to hospitals for treatment.
High survival rates can t explain why cats are good at falling. Cats that die on their way to the
hospital, ones that weren t discovered in time after the fall, and those that could not be saved or died
instantly couldn t affect the 90% survival rate because the statistics didn t include these unlucky
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Kaa s Hunting Bander Log Examples
Have you ever heard of people who make fun of others and let people down those are bullies. Anyone
can be a bully from kids to even businessmen and the Bander log from The Jungle Book, Kaa s
Hunting by Rudyard Kipling are examples of bullies. From what the monkeys do, say, and anything
the Bander log it shows just how in every society there is always a bully, even if the society is just
animals in the forest. One example the bandar log talks like bullies in Kaa s hunting the author
mentions the bander log are chanting There is no one in the jungle so wise and good and clever and
strong and gentle as the Bander log. (Kipling, 42) Of course you know bullies think that are on top of
the world and that they re superb at everything just like the Bander log are saying. One other example
is that the Bander log say that they will learn how to weave sticks, however then instead start playing
around just how bullies say that they will leave you alone the next day continue to treat you the same
way. (Kipling, 43) ... Show more content on ...
Just like bullies the Bander log do anything they want just for the fun of it or for whatever agenda the
monkeys have. For example, in Kaa s Hunting the author writes Whenever they found a sick wolf, or a
wounded tiger, or bear they would torment him. (Kipling, 32) As well as you know bullies pick on
anyone who is weaker than him/herself same as the bander log are doing. Another example is that
Kipling says, That the bander log would throw sticks and nuts at any beast to get attention or just for
the fun of it . (Kipling, 32) Another example is that in when the Bander log are trying to learn how to
weave sticks together the Bander log get bored and start pulling each other s tail or jumping up and
down on all fours coughing. (Kipling,
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Chlamydia, And, Etiology And Management Of Chlamydia
Abstract: Chlamydia is a very common sexually transmitted disease in the United States. It can infect
both men and women. Chlamydia is treatable but if left untreated it can cause permanent damage in
female reproductive system and in males the damage is rare. Sexually active females and males should
be tested every year. This article will review the epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis, etiology
and management of Chlamydia.
Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common bacteria that cause sexual transmitted genital infections.
C. trachomatis is a small gram negative bacterium. It is the most common cause of urethritis in men
and cervicitis in females. Many patients are asymptomatic and thus provide an ongoing reservoir for
infection. It allows ongoing transmission and allows silent disease. C.trachomatis infection can cause
the scarring of the Fallopian tubes, ovaries, and endometrial lining. It results in an increase risk of
future ectopic pregnancy and tubal infertility. Thus this bacterium is estimated to be the most costly
sexually transmitted infection.
More than 2 4 million cases of Chlamydia are reported every year. The infection mostly occurs in
females, age 15 24 years. Women are most likely to get a Chlamydial genitourinary infection and are
most likely to be asymptomatic than men. Women develop long term complications such as pelvic
inflammatory disease and infertility. The prevalence of Chlamydia has been reported to be as
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Examples Of Reverse Discrimination
The Elimination of Affirmative Action
Throughout American history, there have been many examples of discrimination against minorities
and women. Most of which that range from admissions to hiring policies. With the establishment of
affirmative action, most do not perceive the reality of how it continues to demonstrate the idea of
discrimination. Rather than being discriminated against the minorities, affirmative action is a
perception of reverse discrimination against the majority dominant group; therefor affirmative action
should be abolished from the United States. When there are those minority individuals who become
aware of affirmative action, a stigmatization is potentially created. According to Eric Dontigney, most
often these individuals ... Show more content on ...
Most individuals are lowering their standards for accountability needed to push them to perform and
accomplish better. The standards for education and employees are greatly lowered and influenced by
affirmative action. People should be able to act underneath the same standards as everyone else. Most
non minorities get angry because they feel as if minorities are getting a special treatment. Affirmative
action does actually give special treatment and protection the minorities that live in the United States.
This typically makes most individuals feel like they are not able to succeed on their own and need
special assistance to achieve their successes in life. In other words, affirmative action devalues the
accomplishments achieved by minorities. These devaluations later end up hurting those minority
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Examples Of Romanticism In Grendel Chapter 4
One movement I observed throughout chapter 4 of Grendel is romanticism. Romanticism is an
intellectual movement that where the artist s emotions toward his audience is the true. In addition,
Gardener described how people showed the positive aspects of the world through creative ideas such
as music, poetry, and images. On page 49, Gardener s use of romanticism is when Grendel noticed
how the Shaper reshaped the world. In addition, He stared strange eyed at the mindless world and
turns dry sticks to gold (Gardener). This quote clearly exemplifies romanticism to show that the
Shaper had influenced the Danes about the positive world he envisioned after the war in Chapter 3. In
order to show his vision that he said through his songs, he brought the idea of a new meadhall that
would ... Show more content on ...
He knew the Shaper was tricking the people to believe in him. Another example of Gardner s use of
romanticism is the Shaper told the story about the ancient feud between two brothers which split the
entire world between darkness and light (Gardener, pg. 50). This quote exemplifies romanticism as the
allegory of Cain and Abel. The Shaper represented Cain as darkness and Abel as the light. Grendel
honestly admitted he was the dark side because he was a descendant of Cain. Because the Shaper s
words were powerful, it made Grendel depressed. He knew that he was cursed by God, due to the
curse he inherited from Cain. However, he looked at the corpse where the man was slaughtered by a
group of men in order to conclude that both him and men were sinful and imperfect. As proof, Grendel
had seen humans kill each other throughout chapter 1 4. As the darkness is increased through Grendel
s heart, Grendel now feels the Shaper s foolishness towards tricking the humans, foreseeing a plan to
destroy humanity. John Gardner implemented romanticism in order to show that romanticism can lead
people to
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Thug Life
Mendelian Genetics in Drosophila Melanogaster: Fruit Fly Inheritance
Total count for section amp; course data: Cross | Phenotype | Section 6 Total | Course Total | ap/ap x
+/+ | wt | 211 | 2604 | | Apterous | 58 | 824 | | | | |
| | | | X(w)X(w) x X(+)Y | wt females | 15 | 707 | | white females | 9 | 597 | | wt males | 13 | 633 | | White
males | 13 | 614 | Totals | 760 | 11,754 |
Table 1: Total counts for section and course data. Four crosses were experimented to determine F2
generation pooled data: a monohybrid cross, two dihybrid crosses, and a sex linked cross.
X2 calculations for section data:
ap/ap x +/+ | Phenotype | Observed | Expected | (O E) | (O E)2 | (O E)2/E | wt | ... Show more content
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X(w)X(w) x X(+)Y | Phenotype | Observed | Expected | (O E) | (O E)2 | (O E)2/E | wt females | 707 |
638 | 69 | 4,761 | 7.46 | White females | 597 | 638 | 41 | 1,681 | 2.63 | wt males | 633 | 638 | 5 | 25 | 0.04 |
White males | 614 | 637 | 23 | 529 | 0.83 | Totals: | 2,551 | 2,551 | | 10.96 |
Table 9: Course total results and X2 calculations for the sex linked F2 X(w)X(w) x X(+)Y cross. The
expected phenotypic frequency was 1:1:1:1 and the observed phenotypic frequency was also
approximately 1:1:1:1. The calculated X2 value was 10.96.
The total counts of all four crosses for both the section totals and course totals were recorded in Table
1. The phenotypic ratios and X2 vales, and 614 white males (Table 9). Expected values were
calculated by multiplying the totals by 1/4 (0.25) for each phenotype. The X2 values for the section
and course results were 1.50 and 10.96, respectively.
Discussion The X2 value for each cross was calculated to determine that the observed and expected
ratios according to Mendelian inheritance were close in agreement (Garey et. al 2013). In order to
determine if the observed deviations for each cross were within the limits expected by chance,10%
and 25% of similar trials. The monohybrid autosomal ap/ap x +/+ cross results were the most similar
in comparison of results and probability of all the crosses. The chi square results were extremely
similar as expected and both accept the hypothesis that deviations
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Essay on Surrogate Motherhood
Surrogate Motherhood is something that not many people actually support, even though it is one of the
many reproductive techniques that have enabled infertile couples to have children (qtd. in Freedman).
There are two types of surrogacy, traditional and gestational. The traditional type of surrogacy
involves the surrogate mother being (AI) artificially inseminated with the sperm of the intended father
or sperm from a donor when the sperm count is low. In either case the surrogate s own egg will be
used. Genetically the surrogate becomes the mother of the resulting child (Storey). Although there are
two different types of surrogacy, a traditional surrogacy is rarely seen or done anymore. In gestational
surrogacy, the surrogate mother has ... Show more content on ...
Before the fertilization process, the surrogate mother should know her legal rights; And prior to
signing a contract, a legal advisor and/or lawyer is necessary to make sure that the rights of the
surrogate mother will not be neglected by the couple involved (Pitts 1). In order to avoid disputes,
most infertility clinics require a contract. Legal counsel is recommended in order that all involved, to
ensure that local laws are kept in compliance (Storey). There are already a significant amount of states
that already demand contracts amongst both parties. Signing that contract gives the biological parents
legal rights and custody to that child from the moment that it is born:
Some states require a contract among all parties to the surrogacy birthing arrangement, and there are
often requirements that the contract address certain issues. However, good practice requires that a host
of additional issues be addressed in a contract in order to forge a true meeting of the minds on what is
undoubtedly one of the most personal and complicated of concerted human actions... (Johnson 5.)
The carrier, and the biological parents have to come to an understanding that the carrier must be aware
that once the child is born they no longer have any type of custody of that child. The carrier must
understand and agree that after giving birth to the child, the have absolutely no relationship/contact
with the child. The
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Core Values In Public Administration
Core values are a wide expression to describe the principles by which we describe individual,
occupation, or business. Through the development of brainstorming and studying my professional
experience, I have established in a set of values that are very essential in public administration. In
order to succeed successfully at an organizational and personal level in the public administration,
these values must be trained on a daily basis.
To exercise transparency in public administration is to certify peoples the accessibility of data which is
thought public. This has to be a business objective, and is to be taken into explanation when showing
all public industries irrespective of one s job title. If the objective of a business is to help the citizens
to the greatest of their capability, then failing or avoiding achieving transparency would affect major
harm to the connection between them and the citizen they are aiming to help.
Accountability is to obey to a regular of professionalism in the workroom. Also, it means to recognize
that the professional events are being supported by the peoples of this nation. As such, public workers
are held accountable by peoples for keeping the operation of their business. Accountability is an
essential feature of the functionality of any business private or public. Basically, it reminds people that
while they are working by a professional business they will be held accountable for their actions.
Each public administrator is requested to follow
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A Comparison of Two Paintings from the Renaissance Period...
A Comparison of Two Paintings from the Renaissance Period
Introduction This paper will compare the themes found in the paintings Madonna and Child with St.
John the Baptist and an Angel by Domenico di Bartolomeo Ubaldini (Puligo) and Madonna Enthroned
by Giotto. Both paintings deal with fables from the Christian faith but were executed during different
periods in art. The Giotto painting was created around 1310 and the Puglio painting was executed
between 1518 – 1520. Here, these two paintings have similar themes both at the extreme beginnings
and endings of the Italian Renaissance, and as such they serve to present an exceptional example of
the developments in art that occurred within that time. This paper shall compare ... Show more content
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While both reflect a Biblical theme with a central focal point of the Madonna and Child, Madonna
Enthroned has a key image that is best viewed from a central position and Madonna and Child has a
greater degree of importance over the majority of the surface of the canvas. In Madonna and Child
the viewer does not perceive that an image is being forced upon them as is found in the work by
Giotto. A use of light and space is also key to preventing the Puligo piece from being forced , where
the organization of distance visibly removes the viewer from Madonna Enthroned while drawing the
viewer into the painting in Madonna and Child . Color also serves a similar purpose, where Giotto s
work is monochromatic but ocher while Puligo s work carries a greater expression through the detail
involved. The mood of these two pieces is remarkable in that color does not play as great an
importance as the figures surrounding the focal point of the Madonna and Child. These figures are
both essential to the composition of the piece, but in Madonna Enthroned the viewer is left thinking
that the Madonna and Child are truly untouchable. The mood of this piece, while certainly not dark ,
does not inspire any. Even the angels by either side are careful not to come near the holy woman and
child. In Madonna and Child however, the entire composition is subject to
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The Hypocrisy Of The Upper Class By Edith Wharton
Edith Wharton s novel, House of Mirth, develops a critical view of the immorality of the upper class
through Lily Bart and her failure to fully attain social mobility. Wharton comments on the corruption
of the upper class, and implies that the acquisition of wealth and social status comes at the cost of a
compromised moral sense. While some wealthy individuals may not necessarily be corrupt, it is clear
that the upper class as a whole is primarily concerned with self preservation and personal gain. This
narcissism in the higher classes often leads to a blatant disregard of others, accompanied by a lack of
understanding of the consequences of their actions. Thus, the social elite are often plagued with
corruption and immorality, as evidenced throughout the novel. Wealth brings power and status to the
social elite, and ultimately becomes the source of their corruption. Perhaps the best example of this is
Bertha Dorset. In the beginning of the novel, as Lily is contemplating her gambling debts at
Bellomont, she considers how envious she is of Dorset, who she describes as a woman who could take
a man up and toss him aside as she willed, without having to regard him as a possible factor in her
plans (Wharton). Unlike Lily, Bertha s wealth gives her financial security, and thus has no real
necessity to win over the affections of men. As such, she has significantly less social grace than Lily.
Judy Trenor even characterizes Bertha as the type of woman who delights in making
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American Sniper Report
Change is difficult and after being in the Navy for ten years, leaving is a huge adjustment to make.
Chris Kyle finishes his fourth and last tour in Sadr City before leaving the Navy to be with his wife
and two young children. After returning from war, Chris founded a company called Craft International
where they train military and police units. Evaluating how Chris is affected by four tours in Iraq,
visualizing Sadr City, where Chris is stationed on his last tour, and questioning why Chris left the
Navy is simple since Chris Kyle wrote a very entertaining novel called American Sniper.
Reading American Sniper, I evaluate how Chris deals with killing the insurgents and how Chris is
affected by four tours in Iraq. Chris has 160 confirmed kills ... Show more content on
Sadr City is the last city where Chris is stationed in Iraq. The book talks about the local army building
a large wall to keep the insurgents out. I picture a large fifteen foot wall made out of thick, heavy
cement blocks that are insuperable. I also visualize a large crane that puts those large blocks in place.
There are about thirty tall buildings that are empty from civilians fleeing the city from the insurgents.
A sewage river on the edge of town made the city smell awful: It stunk worse than Iraq usually stunk
(Kyle 345). I also visualize what it looks like when Chris is shot by the insurgents in Iraq. Chris is
shot once in the head and once in the back, but both shots were stopped by the armor he wore. I
picture the first shot hitting his helmet and pushing it back and nearly off his head. The force of the
gunshot is so great that he is knocked off his feet and lying on the ground. I see Chris get up and start
walking on the dirt road back to the Humvee. While walking to the Humvee Chris gets shot in the
back and I picture the dent in his body armor that stopped the bullet from penetrating his back. I
visualize how Sadr City appears and what Chris looks like after being shot in
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Life Well-Lived Experience
Life Well Lived Experience
Andini Effendi
A dear friend couldn t help to gasp when I uttered my plan on taking two years off from career to
pursue master degree abroad. I remember her words vividly, So you will leave your spot to someone
younger, brighter and most probably hotter just like that? I also remember what was my answer; it was
simply yes. Don t get me wrong I absolutely love my job. So much love as if I am married to my
work. I am the living example of someone whose her passion becomes a profession. For me working it
s like playing. There were never a dull moment. But then I came to a point where I desired something
more that would make me feel whole. It was education. I craved so much to broaden my knowledge,
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Along with my dear belittle friend who disapproved my bold move to leave career. Hopefully by then
I will be wiser, brainier, and
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Childhood Trauma
ACEs and the Brain: Decreased Brain Volumes With Higher ACES and the Role of Sex
Previous research has found that a negative correlation self reported adverse childhood events and the
volume of select brain regions and thus for my first hypothesis I hypothesize that healthy individuals
with the high amounts of childhood trauma will have the smaller brain volume for each region of
interest compared to those with a low prevalence of childhood trauma. Therefore, intuitively those
with the least amount of childhood trauma should have maximal brain structure volume and
increasingly more childhood trauma should have a negative relationship with volume. Furthermore,
we expect that individuals will who experience more and more childhood trauma will ... Show more
content on ...
Individuals with higher reports of social desirability indicate that they may want to answer researchers
more based off of social norms or how someone would want them to respond rather than how they
actually feel or what they experienced. Those with increased reports could potentially affect the
validity of the subjects responses to psychological test used to evaluate a subject s experiences and
opinions. For the purposes of this study, an increased amount of reports social desirability may falsely
skew our results of how prevalent an individual was exposed to negative childhood experiences such
as traumatic events like emotion, physical and sexual occurrences. This is why I chose to take a look
at the potential association between Marlowe scores and the score each subject received within the
underreporting/denial section of the
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Illegal Firearm Possession And Illegal Firearms Possession
On February 28, 1997, Larry Phillips, Jr. and Emil Mătăsăreanu armed with AK 47s entered Bank of
America in North Hollywood in an attempt to rob it. Phillips had been in trouble with the police since
his youth and had already spent 3 months in jail for illegal firearm possession. Mătăsăreanu acted as
his loyal co conspirator. Not only were they wanted for armed robbery but also for murder, after
killing a security guard in a heist in 1995. Armed with five machine gun, three handguns, as well as
illegal 100 round drums. Parked in the north bank parking lot in a white 1987 Chevrolet Celebrity, the
two set alarms for 8 minutes, the estimated time it would take police to arrive on scene, the pair also
takes phenobarbital to help calm their ... Show more content on ...
Mătăsăreanu exits using the south door, Phillips exits the north. Having not expected officers to
already be on scene, Phillips and Mătăsăreanu were trapped in by blocking intersection north and
south of the bank with patrol cars, as well as a 2 meter high wall to the back of the bank. On Laurel
Canyon and Archwood Street, an intersection north of the bank, Officers Martin Whitfield and
Sergeant Dean Haines take a position. Seeing two civilians, Tracy Fisher and a friend,walking in the
direction of the bank Sergeant Daines orders them behind the his patrol car. Phillips opens fire on
police, bullets go through the patrol car police and the civilians were using as cover. Fisher s friend is
shot and Fisher was then shot in the leg. The bullets Phillips and Mătăsăreanu were using were steel
plates, which were able to penetrate car metal. Mătăsăreanu gets into the chevy and called for Phillips,
but Phillips stayed and Mătăsăreanu followed. Sergeant Haines is shot and radios for assistance.
Receiving the officer down call was 911 trainee Guadalupe De La Cruz, to which she then relays.
Parked in the parking lot across the street from the bank Officers James Zboravan and his partner
Steward Guy take cover behind a kiosk 40 meters away from the bank. Unlike the majority of the
Officers, Zboravan was armed with a Ithaca 12 ball pump action shotgun, which has double the range
of the standard 9mm. Zboravan and Guy are later joined by two plain clothes detectives as the
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The European Union and a Divided Cyprus Essay
The Implications for the European Union of Cyprus being divided between Turkey and Greece
The island of Cyprus is the third largest in the Mediterranean with the 2002 population around
705,5000. Its main economic activities include banking, craft exports, merchant shipping, and tourism,
which accounts for twenty percent of business ( For almost thirty years it has been split
between Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots. The ongoing feud between the two groups and the split
of the island in 1974 has lead to much political tension in Europe, especially with the European Union
expanding its membership and adding, as of now, only half of the island of Cyprus in May 2004.
Cyprus has always been a ... Show more content on ...
The north side is referred to as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, but is only recognized as a
country by Turkey ( While the Greek side has much prosperity and low unemployment
rates, the Turkish side has much poverty and is underdeveloped (The Economist March 15 21 2003).
There have been numerous efforts at peace since the 1970s, but none have worked (
11/4/2003). The summer of 1996 is an example of this, when there were many incidents of hostility
among the line between the two sides, leaving several dead ( In July of 1990 the
Republic of Cyprus applied for membership to the European Union in the name of the entire island
( The European Union agreed to admit Cyprus, along with nine other candidates into
the union in 2004 (The Economist Jan 18 24 2003). This accession to the Union was unanimously
approved by Cypriot parliament ( 11/4/2003). Cyprus has always been considered ?
European.? It has been a full member of the Council of Europe since 1961 and has concluded an
Association Agreement with Eruopean Economic Community in 1972 ( However, now
leaders of the north side of Cyprus are not cooperating, so when time comes for Cyprus to join the
Union, the Greek Cypriot side may be the only part of the island joining.?
A Settlement?
Currently, a settlement is trying to be reached between the two halves of Cyprus. The United Nations
proposed that part of Turkey?s land
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Naval Special Warfare Teamwork
Optimal operating organizations are those who embrace teamwork to accomplish shared goals.
Although some organizations are effective, there is always room to improve their efficiency. One main
adaptive challenge is to change the cultural relationship between Navy Sea Air and Land Operators
(SEALs) and the support staff that work within the Naval Special Warfare organization. The personal
beliefs and attitudes of individuals within the community are that the SEALs are held to a separate
standard and get special treatment when it comes to deviating from those standards. There are some
adaptive changes that can be implemented to enhance the overall culture, especially the teamwork
within the Naval Special Warfare organization. ... Show more content on ...
Failure to change the current issues will result in keeping the elephants in the room and continued
friction by not sharing responsibility for the organization, which directly contribute to the two
identified adaptive challenges. Heifetz et al. (2009) suggest that every immediate encountered
problem is an opportunity to not only fix them, but to institutionalize new norms. Therefore the top
leadership needs to acknowledge the challenges and take action by creating urgency. Kotter and
Cohen (2002) states that without enough urgency, large scale change can become an exercise in
pushing a gigantic boulder up a very tall mountain (p. 15). Indeed, change cannot happen without
identifying the issues or creating
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The Odyssey Siren Song
Emphasized in all three texts were sundry details. In Homer s text he stressed the song, the spell that
the song acquired, and the challenge to resist the temptations of the song the Sirens display. In the
video clip of O Brother Where Art Thou they suffer similar struggles; however, they also are tweaked
to their own setting of their story. They face the beauty of the Sirens, the spell , and the disappearance
of Pete. While in the Poem Siren Song Margaret Atwood wrote about how the women struggled, and
that they face the song that they need to sing for their own well being. In the text The Odyssey Homer
focuses on how the song and spell are combined into one state. He explains that the there is a spell in
the song the Sirens sing.
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Should Animals Be Used In A Circus
Animals should not be used in a circus. First,Animals in zoos are hurt and abused just to do a little old
trick.They are locked and cages and beaten and starved.Next, They are all cramped in a cage together
and chained up.Also,they are whipped ad smacked around to do something they do not want to do.
Animals are locked up and abused. RaeLeann Smith stats in the article that In the United States, no
government agency monitors animal training sessions.First,Animals get beaten while chained up to
bleed and get really injured.And are forced to perform whether their hurt or sick.Former Ringling
animal crew employees Archele Hundley and Bob Tom contacted PETA independently after
witnessing what they described as routine animal abuse in the circus, including a 30 minute beating of
an elephant in Tulsa, Okla., that left the animal screaming and bleeding profusely from her wounds.
According to RaeLeann Smith Hundley and Tom reported that elephants are chained whenever they
are out of public view and are forced to perform while sick or injured. And,Animals are also stabbed
and punched and thrown around until they are feeling anger,hurt or scared.They are beaten with
painful tools until they cry out screaming in pain. The article mentions They also reported that horses
are grabbed by the throat, stabbed with pitchforks, punched in the face, given painful lip twists, and
whipped. Additionally,Animals should not be treated like a slave.They are painfully beaten for no
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The Pathophisiology of Acute Renal Failure
Acute renal failure, recently being called Acute Kidney injury (AKI), according to Susan Dirkes
(2011), the classification criteria for AKI include three grades of severity: risk of acute renal failure,
injury to the kidney and failure of renal function. (p.37). Explain the pathophysiology of acute renal
failure. Include prerenal, intrarenal, and postrenal causes. Pre renal failure has to do with inadequate
fluid in the body, which leads to inadequate perfusion, or blood circulation in the body. This disables
the kidney from properly filtering out the blood. Patients have low blood pressure, feel very ill and can
go into shock. This may lead to multiple organ failure. Intrarenal failure, sometimes called intristic
failure, is different than pre renal or post renal in the sense that intrarenal is an actual damage to the
nephrons, kidney tissue necrosis or renal injury due to nephrotoxic medications like (aminoglycosides,
NSAIDS, chemotherapy medications like methotrexate, some metals like mercury, lithium, drug abuse
such as, heroin, cocaine, and also the use of radiological contrast agents). Intrarenal failure can be
irreversible but it can take several months of treatment. Post renal failure has to do with an acute
obstruction to urine outflow from either one or both kidneys, which is usually a cause of ureter
obstruction kidney stones, etc. The patient will feel back pressure or pain. What diagnostic exams
would be used to
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The World s Leading Supplier Of Fast Moving Consumer Goods
INTRODUCTION : Introduction to Media: Back in time media wasn t preferred important part in any
strategy. The importance of media may be calculated by when in 18th century four pillar theory was
introduced for a stable state, that are executives, elected legislation, independent judiciary and free
media. After introducing this FREE MEDIA as important pillar for a stable state, the fresh and new
face of Media come into existence and from that the acceptability of media increases in every field. It
started spreading its branches in every walk of life with the passage of time which also vastly hit the
economic sector of the world. Gradually, media becomes one of the most important pillar in
organization. Purely multi national organizations have exploited this strength of media by using its
potential in a better way. Like Unilever is world s leading supplier of fast moving consumer goods.
They focus on providing people of the world over with products that are good for them and make
them feel special. UNILEVER: Brief history of organization Unilever one of the biggest corporate
company of the world, so it also possess a history that now crosses three centuries, Unilever s
accomplishment has been influenced by the major events of the day like world wars, economic boom,
depression, varying consumer lifestyles and technology advancement. And throughout they have
created products that help people to get more out of life cutting the time spent on household
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How To Build Suspense In Minority Report
John Anderton, played by Tom Cruise, is a cop in 2054 that works for Pre Crime located in
Washington D.C.. This future organization relies on precogs which are people with psychic abilities,
to predict future murders. While Anderton is working at Pre Crime, he is predicted to kill someone and
his all of his friends turn on him. Danny Witwer, who is a member of the United States Department of
Justice investigating Pre Crime, decides to take control of Pre Crime while John is on the run. John
has to uncover the truth behind his murder prediction and learn other truths along the way. This 2002
drama, mystery movie Minority Report, was directed by Steven Spielberg and stars Tom Cruise, Colin
Farrell, Samantha Morton, and many more. According to, Spielberg supposedly said
that he wanted Minority ... Show more content on ...
All throughout the film John keeps seeing the same echo , a flashback from the precogs about a
terrible murder, from the precog Agatha which shows a woman named Anne Lively being drowned by
a masked man. This scene foreshadows why John was targeted in the first place. The echo was not an
echo at all. It was Agatha trying to show John that Anne had actually been murdered. The Minority
Report obviously has a lot of blended words in Pre Crime and precogs . The prefix pre is a
abbreviation for predict. Pre Crime is a organization that predicts crime, and precogs are people that
predict crime as well. Minority Report also has a paradox because Agatha claims that John has a
choice to change his future. Pre Crime says that everything the precogs predict is accurate, although
John killed Crow a few minutes after he was predicted to. Also, Agatha s visions showed Lamar
killing John, but Lamar actually ended up killing himself. Does this mean the precogs only predict one
of many different outcomes for the future, or did the people always have the power to change their
decisions like Lamar
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Wgu Natural Science
| | | | | Ice Melting Experiment and Analysis | INT1 Natural Science Task 3 |
Ice Melting Experiment and Analysis
The objective of this experiment is to test the melting point of ice against different variables. I will use
a control of ice against air and test this next to ice in water, sugar on ice, salt on ice and Baking Soda
on ice. By measuring the melting time of each element on an ice cube I will be able to tell which
element affects ice s melting properties at what rate.
Everyday we use chemical mixtures to melt ice that affects our roadways. A lot of these chemical
mixtures are harmful to our waterways, and can pollute the environment. I ... Show more content on ...
* Record your results * Measure the remaining mass of the ice cubes, and record your results. *
Repeat this test three times for each substance used.
The purpose of this experiment is to measure the reaction of the ice melting when exposed to another
solid element. The environment is a kitchen with a stable temperature and testing space. Repeating the
tests three times will provide different data which will then be averaged for each element. For each
test, calculate the percentage of the ice cube melted by [mass of melt water/initial mass of ice cube] x
Sequence of Events
I started with controlling my experiment environment. It was in a still kitchen, with no appliances
running to minimize humidity and control the room temperature. I then broke my ice cube tray and
finding cubes that weight .10grams. I set up my timer for each station. I put three .10gram ice cubes in
a identical contained on top of the pre measured ½ teaspoon of sugar, salt and baking soda, then I hit
start on the timer. When the timer hit 15 minutes I picked up each ice cube and put it on another dry
identical dish. I then measured the melted liquid, followed by measuring the melted ice cube alone. I
repeated this three times to get an average.
Tools amp; Materials * Ice Cubes * Salt * Sugar * Baking Soda * Kitchen scale * Digital
Thermometer *
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William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying and in Virginia Woolf’s...
William Faulkner s As I Lay Dying and in Virginia Woolf s A Mark on the Wall Subjective Narratives
in Modernist Texts
Like many other modernist texts, William Faulkner s As I Lay Dying employs many unreliable
narrators to reveal the progression of the novel. One of the most interesting of these narrators is the
youngest Bundren child, Vardaman. Like the rest of his family, Vardaman is mentally unstable, but his
condition is magnified due to this lack of understanding of life and death. Because he doesn t grasp
this basic concept, Vardaman s attempts to understand his mother s death are some of the most
compelling aspect of the novel. Over the course of the book, Vardaman attempts to rationalize his
mother s death through ... Show more content on ...
He then reasons that he, or Peabody, is the one who has done this to Addie and retaliates: He kilt her.
He kilt her (Faulkner, 54). Like the other Bundren narrators of this novel, Vardaman often uses the
word it in his narratives instead of fully enumerating his intent. This passage is no exception;
especially when Vardaman is describing Peabody leaving Addie s room.
This confusion with presence and being is continued in Vardaman s second narrative where he tries to
associate Addie s death with other deaths he has experienced in the past of rabbits and possums:
I thought it was her, but it was not. It was not my mother. She went away when the other one laid
down in her bed and drew the quilt up. She went away. Did she go as far as town? She went further
than town. Did all those rabbits and possums go further than town? God made the rabbits and
possums...Why must He make a different place for them to go if she is just like the rabbit. (Faulkner,
This passage shows that Vardaman has never learned about death, and simply lied to when things died
they went to town. These lies only perpetuate his irrational logic regarding Addie s death. As this
particular narrative progresses, Vardaman determines that Addie is not a rabbit or a possum because
she is in the coffin (box) and Cash nails the box up, signaling that she is not going to town,
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Hatchet Quotes
Have you ever been stranded in the wilderness? I know someone who has. He is cunning, resourceful,
and also brave. His name is Brian, and he is the main character of Hatchet. The author, Gary Paulson,
has written a very good one this time. In this story Brain is a cunning individual. He brought some
dried grass in , tapped sparks onto it , and watched them die. ( pg 82 ). He is cunning in this sentence
for how smart he was with his materials. Another example is he would need a large woodpile to get
through the night ( pg 90 ). He is cunning in the sentence above because of how he is thinking. He had
sat a whole night and shaped the limbs carefully until the bow looked beautiful ( pg 117 ). This
sentence shows cunning by how he made a bow out of his bear hands. He had spent two days making
arrows ; the shafts were willow , straight and with the bark pealed, and he fire hardened the points and
split a couple of them to make forked points, as he had done with the spear ( pg 117 ). In this cunning
experience he has showed how smart he is by making a bow. Not only is Brian cunning he is also
resourceful. ... Show more content on ...
Brian made certain the fire was bunked with new wood , then went out of the shelter and searched for
a good fuel supply ( pg 90 ). He is using one of the resources around him for his needs. Another one is
He worked all through the morning at the wood, breaking down dead limbs and breaking or chopping
them in smaller pieces and storing them neatly in the overhang ( pg 99 ). He is using the overhang as
resourcefulness. Finally , With his bow with an arrow fashioned by his own hands he had done food ,
had found a way to live ( pg 119 ). He is using the bow ( as resourceful ) to find a way to live ( food ).
Not only is he cunning and resourceful but he is
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Essay on Windshield Survey
Windshield Survey Patricia L. Flores NUR/405 Health Communities: Theory and Practice University
of Phoenix January 11, 2010 Sue Judlin Windshield Survey The community I have chosen is the city
of Rowland Heights California, where I reside. This city is located in Los Angeles Country but
borders Orange and San Bernardino Counties. Rowland Heights is in the Pacific Time Zone and sits at
525 feet above sea level. The city is 9.02 square miles with 5,380.70 residents per square mile. At the
time the 2000 census data was collected, the total population was 48, 553 residents. According to City
Data (2010) the median household income in 2009 was $67,042, the median detached home value was
$527,392, and the cost of living index ... Show more content on ...
According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2008) society is composed of many types of communities such
as neighborhood and face to face communities in which interactions occur within a specific
geographical area. Communities not limited to geographical areas are known as special interest or
resource communities. These types of communities share general interest, for example, environmental
concerns, or political views. Community Health Community health identifies common needs in the
community and provides solutions for modifying behaviors for community members. According to
Stanhope and Lancaster (2008, p. 347) the term community health is the meeting of collective needs
by identifying problems and managing behaviors within the community itself and between the
community and the larger society. According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2008) community health
involves biological, emotional, and social aspects. The biological aspects are measured in terms of
morbidity and mortality rates, life expectancy indexes, and risk factor profiles (Stanhope Lancaster,
3008, p. 345). Emotional aspects are measured in terms of mental health, while crime rates and levels
of function define the social aspects (Stanhope Lancaster, 2008). Community structure is defined in
terms of services and resources available to the members,
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The Main Features Of Autism Spectrum Disorder
Describe the main features of autism spectrum disorder. Evaluate the evidence supporting a biological
basis for autism. Autism is a developmental disorder which usually occurs during infancy (Hyman,
2002:217). Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is an umbrella term used to refer to many disorders
which display symptoms of an autistic style. The spectrum covers all types of symptoms ranging from
mild to severe (Hollander, 2003:102). Individuals in the spectrum can range from having severe
learning disabilities to being mildly impaired (, 2014). The linguistic skills can also vary
from being mute to having the ability to communicate complex sentences (ibid). The different profiles
of the sufferers are diverse (Hyman, 2002:217). However, there are three main areas of which they
may have difficulties. These are social reciprocity, an inability to communicate effectively and unusual
repetitive or restricted behaviour (Davey, 2014:586) this is known as the triad of impairments (Dodd,
2005:2). This essay will explain the triad of impairments related to ASD to describe the main features
of the disorder. In addition, it will evaluate the biological evidence by investigating the research for
genetic factors and brain abnormalities, both of which support a biological basis for ASD (Davey,
2014:588). The first main area that describes the features of ASD is impairments of reciprocal social
interaction (Davey, 2014:585). This is one of the most dominant features of ASD.
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The Addams Family Movie Analysis
Theatre Critique The Addams Family is a new musical comedy written by Marshall Brickman and
Rick Elice, with music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa. The musical is based off of the loveable
characters from the 1960 s television show as well as the more recent movies. Performance Riverside
s Production of The Addams Family was _____ based on the actor s execution of the stage directions,
the specific makeup and costume choices for each character, and the seemingly endless possibilities
the lighting and set offered.
of the The director, Larry Raben excellently executed the performance.The actors put their full heart
and soul into the characters, the play moves smoothly, and the costumes were more than I expected.
Because of the acting, design, and lighting this performance must be seen. The acting was generally
composed and well remembered.The main characters Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, Pugsley, Uncle
Fester, Lurch, and Grandma Addams respectfully felt like a real family and communicated very well
for the whole play. For example Erica Weisz as Morticia Addams whose performance stood out the
most. She was the most exhilarating actor and I couldn t wait to see more of here while each scene
passed. My favorite scene with her was The Game a dinner scene where they take turns sipping out of
a cup that makes them say what they truly want in life. On the other hand Pugsley played by Brendan
Knox forgot his lines and was acting quite over confident and obnoxious as if he was more
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Dode Pierson Case Summary
Tad Pierson has been handed quite a task within the company with which he works. Tad has been
tasked with taking over the survey group, as well as maintaining his current position as Project
Engineer. Tad is employed by Agrigreen, Inc., a company that manufactures agricultural fertilizers.
The company has also branched out over the last few years, staking mining claims in Nevada, and
building pipelines. Tad has accepted the responsibility and assessed his teams, determining that there
are valid foundations for the problems and conflicts within the groups, and has reported to Burt
Jacobs, the new manager of engineering, that he has met with the group members individually to
gather facts and will make his determination as to the direction the department needs to take to grow
and prosper. Tad has three employees within the surveyor team that he must decide how to best
manage to continue with the company growth, and alleviate the discord and conflicts between the
teams. Howard Lineberry has been employed ... Show more content on ...
Howard feels that he has more experience and as lead surveyor, he should have been afforded the
opportunity for the overtime that came with the pipeline and the stake mining claims in Nevada. The
discord between Howard and the engineers is quite evident and when the expansion forced more space
to be needed, Howard was extremely happy to be moved off site. While Lee Miller was his supervisor,
leaving him to his own accord in an off site facility, Howard has developed habits of tardiness, leaving
early, and napping on company time. Howard has developed a dislike for his job and now dreads
coming to work. The temporary position filled by Vince, with whom he bonded, is completed now that
Mel Cutler is returning to the department, and is now apprehensive about his future under the
supervision of Tad
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The Civil Rights Movement Of The United States Of America
Until the 19th century, no abortion laws existed in the United States of America. By the 1880s, most
states had banned abortion except in cases where it was necessary to save the mother s life. The cause
of this shift in attitude can largely be attributed to the American Medical Association, founded in
1847. The organization wanted to stop unlicensed abortions by forcing the people giving them out of
business. Religious leaders supported the American Medical Association s move and worked with
them to lead campaigns that would make abortions illegal. It was only in the 1960 s that these strict
laws were reconsidered. The civil rights movement seeking equal treatment for black Americans led to
women s rights organizations seeing ... Show more content on ...
Nowadays, the drug is only used for advanced cancers and severe complications of leprosy. Also, due
to the German measles (Rubella) epidemic in the United States in 1962, thousands of children were
born with birth defects. Sometimes, the pregnant women were also affected by these high risk
pregnancies. However, these women could not seek abortions due to the strict bans. (Supreme Court
Drama,, While women and women s rights activists supported this
movement, it also raised the question of whether or not abortions were merely a convenience. Also,
people against abortion believed that abortions were a cause of unprotected sex and women should
live with the consequences of their actions. However, it has been proven that all contraceptive
methods are not as effective as they claim to be Also, multiple abortion cases deal with pregnancy due
to rape or incest. Some people who are against normally against abortion allow it in these types of
cases, because they recognize that the woman was not responsible for the child. (Supreme Court
Drama) If a woman did not want a baby in the first place, it is highly unlikely that she (and her
partner, if she has one) would be able to provide for onethe baby and be able to give the baby a good
life. People who oppose abortion suggest adoption as an alternative. Another fear that goes along with
the previous idea of legalizing abortions was that women would rely on abortionuse them
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The Texas Panhandles Top Rodeo Retail Store
JHTL is a unique clothing and accessories store aimed at the cowboy/cowgirl population in the Texas
Panhandle. We are here to provide rodeo style products to our clientele. It is the goal of JHTL to
become the Texas Panhandles top rodeo retail store. We hope to obtain both high profits and a
reputation for great customer satisfaction by offering a large variety of high quality and rare products
to our customers.
Located in downtown Canyon, we provide a central location for the growing cowboy/cowgirl
community. We believe it is important to create an atmosphere of acceptance and community care, as
well as a place where individuals can identify and bond with aspects of their culture. Our company
takes pride in giving back to the community.
JHTL encourages a creative work environment for its employees, as well as a deep respect for
diversity. In addition to this, we offer employee goals such as profit sharing with company growth.
1.1 Objectives
1.To make JHTL the number one cowboy/cowgirl retail store in the Texas Panhandle.
2.To receive a modest profit margin within the first year.
3.To have a customer base of 5,000 by the end of year one.
4.To achieve a positive net profit by year two.
1.2 Keys to Success
In order for JHTL to succeed we must:
Offer high quality and unique products
Provide excellent customer service
Be a helpful and respected member of the community
Create continued customer loyalty, resulting in repeat purchases
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To The Black American Troops Analysis
The end of World War II and the start of the Algerian War of Independence defined France during the
mid 1900s. Many black intellectuals, including poet Léopold Sédar Senghor and writer William
Gardner Smith grappled with the war, colonialism and racism that permeated French culture, whether
overtly or subtly. Despite the similar imagery within their prose, the authors showcase two distinct
points of view. Both authors describe ugly, inhuman visages, but in Senghor s work, these twisted
faces are merely masks, as removable as the humanly constructed horror of the era, whereas Smith
sees the twistedness as fully ingrained in the human countenance.
Senghor s poem To the Black American Troops, recalls the bitterness of World War II for black ...
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The speaker says, Oh, Lord, take from my memory France that is not France, / This mask of meanness
and hate on the face of France / This mask of meanness and hate that I can only hate (Senghor 71).
Like in Senghor s other poem, the speaker describes the negative impressions and actions taken by
France as a mask. Masks can be removed, much like the uniforms in the first poem, revealing a face
underneath. Additionally, the speaker believes the face underneath to be the real France. A chance at
redemption is proposed by the speaker when the speaker says, O bless this nation, Lord, who seeks her
own face / Under the mask, yet barely recognizes it / Who seeks You in the cold and the hunger
(Senghor 72). The passage offers hope for redemption because France seeks its own face hidden
beneath the mask. However, unlike Senghor s first poem, the speaker here suggests that the figure
beneath the mask is mutable. France s face has changed while the mask has been obscuring its view.
Despite this difference, the mere fact that France seeks a god like figure within a frozen wasteland
hints at the possibility of redemption for its misdeeds in Algeria. Redemption in this poem requires
more work on the behalf of the country.
William Gardner Smith, in his novel The Stone Face, continues to employ the use of faces as a literary
device that explores the possibility for redemption. The Stone Face differs slightly from Senghor s
works by using the image of a face rather than a mask. A face first appears near the beginning of novel
in one of Simeon Brown s paintings. Simeon describes the face he paints as
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Oopp Lab Work
CSE219 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LAB Cycle Sheet I 1. Create a class that registers
your details by taking, name, age and mail id. Create a function that prevents duplicate entries
of objects based on (b) 2. Create a class account that maintains acc_no, name, and balance.
Perform deposit, withdrawal and statement print operations. (statement print must print all the
transactions that has taken place so for use structures inside the class to maintain the details about
transactions)(b) 3. Create a class that holds the details of the mobile phone like brand, imei, no of sim
cards, phone numbers etc.,. Allow user to login ... Show more content on ...
List out the products available to the user and allow the user to select the products and the quantity.
Overload * operator for multiplying quantity with objects and overload + operator to add all the
objects to find the total cost. Finally display the total amount, quantity of each product with their
brands, price etc.,. (e) 12. Write a c++ program that maintains the date in (day/mon/year) format and
overload the ++ operator to view previous or next date from today s date. Ensure that the day won t
exceed 30/31 for certain months. (e) 13. Create a class that stores the details about a room in a hotel
(private: room no, type, cost). Create subclasses like Lounge(no.of people it can accommodate, A/C
type(centralized/window), food preference, recreational facilities (as a string array)) and deluxe
room(A/C or non A/C, single/double bedded). Create a class that maintains the customer details
(name, age, address, phoneno). Allow booking of the room by the customer after checking the status
of its availability. Overload the booking function such that it can book a either a lounge or deluxe
room for a customer.(l) 14. Create a c++ program that
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John s Journey In Search For Truth By C. S. Lewis
Throughout history, many people have dedicated their lives to search for the truth. Consequently, this
has resulted in many different philosophies and religions. Likewise, C.S Lewis writes a book dealing
with his conversation and spiritual journey in search for the truth. He uses a character named John and
this boy s journey to represent his own journey through life. The first way John searches for the truth
is in his search for happiness. He searches for happiness in many forms, but eventually finds the true
source. Another way that John searches for the truth is through the different philosophies that various
people present to him along his journey. Though at the time the different philosophies may have
seemed correct, after closer examination ... Show more content on ...
Mr. Enlightenment is the first person that John meets on his travels. Accordingly, he introduces John
to the philosophy of modern science and rationalism. According to Mr. Enlightenment, modern
science and rational thinking can explain anything. Moreover, he tells John that, the Landlord is an
invention of those Stewards (Lewis 1 2), and many people believe them because they lack scientific
training. This leaves John with the notion that the landlord is a fake. Soon after, the Spirit of the Age
captures John and holds him prisoner in a cell for many days. While he is imprisoned the Spirit of the
Agee attempts to convince John and the rest of the prisoners, that they are nothing more than their
internals. Nevertheless, a woman named Reason comes and rescues John. She tries to reach John that
to find the truth, reason must be used. Reason explains to John that he is more knowledgeable than he
perceives. It is just a matter of bringing, dark part of your mind into the light part of it (Lewis 2 4).
Likewise, she talks about the importance of not making a decision without proof and how it is not bad
to stay in wonderment. John meets History sometime after his encounters with Reason. He explains to
John the nature of man in a relationship with the Landlord and the Island. He proposes that the Island
is a means to attract us to the true source of happiness which is the landlord. Additionally, he proposes
that the only way to truly reach the Landlord is through mother Kirk. This helps John come to realize
the truth about what he was searching for and how to attain it through the
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The Effect of Spanish Colonization on California Indians
This paper will discuss the impact Spanish colonization and Mexican control had on the indigenous
Indian population in California between 1769 and 1848. As well as discussing the historical origins,
social organizations, material conditions, and world view of the California Indians prior to 1769, this
paper will explain the impact of New Spain s Mission System on the Alta California Indian population
between 1769 to 1821 and the response of its system by the Indians.
Before the Americans and the Spanish there were many indigenous Indian tribes living and thriving
with structure and culture in California. The Paleo Indians were the first people who entered and
inhabited the American continent from Asia during the late Pleistocene period (2 ... Show more
content on ...
Anthropologist Lowell J. Bean has described the California Indians as non political, ethnic
nationalities. Tribes consisted of triblets , with each triblet including a group of neighboring villages
ranging from hundreds to several thousands individuals. Social classes almost were non existent,
except in the northwest where personal wealth was a common practice.
The history of the California Indians differ from any other ethnic group who came to the Americas in
the last few centuries as immigrants. Indians who came to North America and eventually traveled
south to California lived in a land plenty of natural resources and their material technology reflected
what was necessary to meet their basic needs. They did what was necessary to survive, nothing more,
nothing less. They lived in harmony with their environment with a cultural lifestyle that was more a
reflection of numbers and using the most out of everything. After 1769, things began to change.
Starting in 1500, a new world capitalist system was emerging in Europe. It was a start of a new age, an
age of discovery. Spain was looking for the Northwest Passage, a route linking Europe to Asia through
North America by sea. Every country was profit and trade driven and along with this new age
discovery was a new capitalist system called Mercantilism, which is a system based upon a state to
advance national business interests abroad and is increased
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Process Essay On Firearms Evidence
Do you know what the steps are when it comes to processing firearms evidence? Do you know what
you should not do when picking up a firearm at a crime scene? Do you know what the steps are to safe
handling of firearms found at crime scenes? Have you ever heard what information can be obtained
from the analysis of firearms evidence? Do you know what data bases and technology can be used in
processing a firearm? Have you heard what you can use to test bullets to see if they are a match to
what has been used in a crime?
Do you know what the steps are when it comes to processing firearms evidence? The first step to
processing a firearm as evidence is to put gloves on your hands. Then you should take pictures of the
gun when you find it at the crime scene. Make sure the picture is as clear as possible because it will be
used in the court room. Make sure you included some form of measuring the gun that is in the picture.
Next, take the bullets out of the gun and put the bullets in a line. Take a picture of it so the court can
see the amount of bullets that was found at the crime scene in each gun. You also need to take pictures
of all of the empty bullet shells that you may ... Show more content on ...
You would know what type of gun that was used in the crime that was committed. You would be able
to get the history of the gun owners, if it has been registered to a person. You can get a finger print off
of a gun to see who has handled it. If the gun is registered, then you can find out who owns the gun.
This would help lead them to know who to arrest or who may have been a partner in a crime. You can
do tests that will match the firearm. Depending on how the weapon is used, you might be able to get
DNA evidence of the victim of the gun. You would also be able to find out how many bullets may
have been used in the crime depending how many bullets that are missing from the clip or from the
inside of the
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Achieving Six National Education Goals
According to President Bush, he made an announcement on April 18, 1991 that he wanted to achieve
six national education goals by the year 2000. There are six objectives: 1. Make sure every student is
ready to learn on the first day of school. 2. 90% graduation rate 3. Making sure that each has the skill
for all core subjects. 4. Make sure that a student have achieved in the math and science 5. To ensure
that every adult is well trained and possess the abilities to contend with an environmental economy
and will able to live upwards to his or her responsibilities of citizenship 6. Two free all schools from
drugs and violence so that learning can take place. Admitting that the White House tact sheet had
accompanied and take action for the change for American education was considered for a number of
reasons. The reason being was that 8 years pursuing the publication of A Nation at Risk (1983),
educational results was not significantly improved. Second, our global participants and partners were
really taking education extremely well because American students were about the lynchpin of the large
numbers in worldwide assessments. Understandably, that a principal role for legislative initiative was
to accomplish competitive educational excellence, which would help to improve global economic
competitiveness. Reforms in Special education are facing significant reform. , because of the great
deal of motivation of this reform has emerged from disappointment with the departure of
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Monologue in Prison Meeting Room Essay
Monologue in Prison Meeting Room
Young woman is sitting on a plastic chair behind a table.
Its one of those I hate to say I told you so situations. I know, you warned me about him. You warned
me about him till you were blue in the face. But, you know, in some ways that made it all the more
exciting, gave him some mystery. You were the one who introduced him to me, the night we went to
The Fleece and Furkin, to watch King Adora. You remember? He bought me a vodka and orange, and
he called it a screwdriver. I d never heard it called a screwdriver before. And he was so charming. You
thought it too, you thought he was charming. ... Show more content on ...
I didn t, and you knew it. Everyone else seemed insignificant compared to him. And I guess it was
about October that you and Paul started seeing each other. That was great. You were so happy and you
were staying at Paul s every Wednesday and sometimes at the weekend as well. And when you were
away, he would stay at ours. I adored him, I really did. It got so intense. And I just wanted to tell you,
all the things we did together. You d tell me about Paul, and about Derby. I just wanted to spill. God,
so much. Did you know I was hiding something? Every now and then I think you did.
It was at least 5 months, we were together whenever when you were away. I knew I should have told
you. And then he suggested we go away, just the two of us. Leave the stack of essays and warm beers.
Amsterdam. Not go far, stay in Europe, and I felt so comfortable with him. I didn t really see anything
but him. It was infatuation by the February.
(Laughs) And don t you must remember. We went into the centre of town, we went
shopping. I didn t go out that week, not even on Friday, just so I had a bit of money saved up. I ate
cuppa soups and egg noodles just so I had some money to get something special. We went into town,
to the little shop, the one run by the beautiful old woman. If only we
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Minorities In Special Education
When a minority group s numbers in special education are statistically higher than they should be,
they are considered disproportionate. It can also be an over representation or under representation of
minority students identified with a learning disability or other type of disability under the IDEA
(2004). Disproportionality is defined as the representation in special education involves comparisons
made between groups of students by race or ethnicity who are identified as eligible for special
education services. According to IDEA (2004), Disproportionality maintains to exist in some of the
categories listed, especially in the areas of the specific Learning Disability (SLD), Emotional
Disturbance (ED), and Intellectual Disability (ID).
Among the contribution to the misidentification of minority students for special education, students
are classified with disabilities. Students with disabilities often have poor classroom instruction
previous to the transfer to special education, are exposed to inconsistent or subjective placement
policies and procedures, and are put into special education based on income and social class due to the
lack of schooling opportunities ... Show more content on ...
Researchers founded approaches to assessment, cross cultural curriculum, program implementation
and intervention and structural changes that develop proportionality, when applied in a culturally
receptive manner. (Briggs, et al., 2008; Joseph Ford, 2006). Schools need to identify children in need
of additional support prior and improve general education services, in order to prevent the need for
special education placement. In addition, the measures improve a teacher s preparation and direct the
variety of biological and factors contributing to disproportionality (Donovan Cross,
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Irish Ireland Research Paper
Despite the Catholic Irish people making up over 80 percent of the population, they were subjugated
to the lower classes to live in squalor. Despite the inherent divide between the Protestant British and
Catholic Irish, Ireland was relatively peaceful for the next century, other than a rebellion led by
Theobald Wolfe Tone and the United Irishmen in 1798. 30,000 people were killed in this rebellion,
which laid the groundwork for the separatist republicanism to come and caused the Act of Union of
1800 to be passed, closing the Irish Parliament in Dublin and giving Protestant London full control
over Catholic Ireland.
The population quadrupled during the peaceful century from 1740 1840, the economy flourished,
Catholics fought for, and gained, ... Show more content on ...
An Irish nationalist paramilitary organization called the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB) was
established in 1858 and worked for the armed expulsion of the British, where the Home Rule Party
worked for the political expulsion. In 1912, the British passed a Home Rule Bill, which gave the Irish
political autonomy, but the bill was never enacted due to the breakout of World War I in 1914. In
1913, two organizations, the nationalist Irish Volunteers (IV) and unionist (pro British) Ulster
Volunteers (UV) were founded in Dublin and Belfast, respectively, and the IV absorbed the IRB. The
two groups were set for a full on conflict before the outbreak of the war, but both sides believed the
national question could be answered after WWI and sent men to the trenches. A small, revolutionary
minority of the IV stayed behind, as they did not want to fight for the British, these men constituted
the IRB, and saw WWI as their time to strike the weakened British. They struck on Easter Sunday in
1916, but were defeated after six days. This became known as the Easter Rising. After the IRB was
defeated, 16 of the leaders were taken to Kilmainham Gaol and executed. Executing the leaders of the
Rising was England s big mistake as it made them martyrs and gave the Irish the momentum they
needed to fight a war of Independence, which began in 1919, and that s where the movie, The Wind
that Shakes the Barley, takes
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A Psychology Of Rumor Summary
Nicholas DiFonzo explains, rumors are unverified bits of information . Rumors are imprinted on
everyday life and are something all individual deal with. However, one must wonder, why do they
start and what causes them to spread so violently? Various articles and experiments may have the
answers to these common questions. In fact, research has shown that rumors disperse out of response
to fear and are mostly spread by word of mouth.
A psychologist during World War II, wrote an article to explain the categorization and identification of
these speculations. In the article A Psychology of Rumor author Robert H. Knapp explains that rumor
is but a special case of informal social communications, including myth, legend, and current humor
(496). He speaks of three different types of assumptions. The pipe dream rumor expresses optimism,
the bogie rumor is derived from fear, and the wedge driving aggression rumor s motivation is ... Show
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Clark agrees with both Goleman and Knapp in the terms of rumors satisfying our emotional needs. He
furthers this idea by explaining that anxiety creates unstable thinking that results in the creation of
rumors. Clark says the more collective anxiety a group has, the more inclined it will be to start up the
rumor mill . However, he believes that all assumptions that stick are simple and easy to understand.
This statement is flawed due to the fact that most public rumors are complex and only understandable
when broken down to simplest form. The author supposes that public speculations are a direct result of
individual s envy towards another person. On the contrary, the point of rumor s are to understand in
the middle of confusion, therefore, if the rumor has to do with a popular individual or not is
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Reflection Of A Funeral Of My Friend s Aunt
Death Funeral customs vary according to the religion, culture, and ethnicity. Religion is the foremost
thing that plays an important role in a funeral event. From a cultural perspective when a person dies
they must be buried with two weeks in the Nigerian culture. This is because it allows the family to
heal faster and get over their loved one and also move into the next chapter. Well, here I am going to
describe my experience and observation of attending a funeral of my friend s aunt. Well, here I am
going to describe my experience and observation of attending a funeral of my friend s aunt. I saw the
obituaries in the newspaper. In addition, I heard about the death from another friend that is the mutual
friend of me and my friend whose aunt had died. I did not receive a proper invitation letter for that
funeral, and the cemetery was far away from my house. I live in Renton and the funeral was in
Bremerton but attended the funeral anyway. I really wanted to console my friend and let her know that
she was not alone in this critical time. Funeral in my Nigerian culture is highly valued to the point that
everyone would be there whether invited or not. It is perceived as a way to pay their last respect to the
The funeral ceremony was on a Saturday morning at 10am. I saw a graveyard by the side of the road,
and other families were also present paying a visit to their deceased loved ones with flowers and some
other families were cleaning the
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The War Of The French Revolution
It is critically important to gain all benefits of the military history lessons to abstract the aspects of
war, which enhance our leadership and capabilities to take the right decision. Therefore, I am going to
start with war definition. War is an act of force to compel our enemy to do our Will . During the
eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth centuries, a series of conflicts dominated Europe. These
conflicts had its influence on the Europe at that time, but the Napoleonic wars had the most lasting
impact on western warfare. The explosion of the French revolution in 1789 is regarded today as an
important event in modern history. Different aspects of the French revolution influenced the world
affairs today. Therefore, war is an action has a principle to guide the force supported by sustainment,
and to compel your enemy you should have the superiority, which comes from the innovation of
organization, technology and tactics. Then, from my point of view, the desire of the people
nationalism , which remain the only significant factor, drives the societies to war. Thus, Most of
military aspects of western ways warfare have been remain constant since the 17th and 18th century,
but the most important aspects that characterize ware fare in the age of Napoleon are innovation,
principles of war, and from my point of view, I will add nationalism.
First, innovation played a crucial role in determining the outcome of the war, Innovations in
organization, technology, and
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Character Analysis Of Shouto Todoroki My Hero
The character I ve chosen is Shouto Todoroki My Hero Academia, which is written by Horikoshi
Kouhei. He s also one of the main protagonists of the story. Todoroki is generally calm, blunt, and
cold. I find it funny how unintelligent he is when it comes to other people s emotions, and even though
he means well sometimes, his words sometimes come off as harsh. He s mainly portrayed as a calm
and collected individual, but Todoroki can get riled up sometimes. Additionally, he s not one to easily
let go of his anger or hatred towards others. Todoroki is 176 cm, or approximately 5 9 , as officially
stated in his character profile. He has heterochromia, as his right eye is gray while his left eye is blue.
Furthermore, his hair is also split evenly into different colors, the left half being red and the right half
being white. Todoroki also has a burn scar over his left eye, from when he was younger and his
mother threw boiling water over his face. His heterochromia and hair is a not so subtle hint at his
power, which is to burn with his left half, and freeze with his right. However, Todoroki only uses his
ability to freeze ice for the majority of the story, due to his grudge towards his father. He believes that
his father is at fault for his mother being sent to the hospital, and Todoroki s cold personality stems
from his harsh upbringing. In My Hero Academia, a week before final exams, their teacher reminds
them to study for the exams, and some of his classmates admit that
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Jfk Assassination Conclusion
The assassination of John F Kennedy
Dear readers,
This week I would write about one of the greatest conspiracies that the world has seen, and this is the
assassination of John F Kennedy. The 35th President of the United States was shot the November 22,
1963, in Dallas, Texas at 12.30pm . He was fatally shot in his wife s car. The ten month investigation
concluded that the President had been assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald that was founded dead
while he was in police custody by Jack Ruby.
The official explanation and the conclusion that Oswald was the lone gunman firing from the Texas
Book Depository overlooking Dealey Plaza where Kennedy was hit surfaced soon after the
commission report. The moments of impact recorded on the film also
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Does An Image Really Mean Something By Fred R. Barnard
Analytical Essay: Does an Image Really Mean Something
Fred R. Barnard once said, One picture is worth a thousand words. Fred R. Barnard had memories,
which were captured through images that explained how he felt about certain experiences in life. An
image can be very helpful for individuals to capture the life experiences to reminisce later on.
Manipulation of the images leads to many different interpretations of it. Each individual will analyze
the same image in different ways based on their past experiences. The manipulation of the image
allows each individual to come up with their own unique meaning of an image and relate it to their
own experiences in life. Images can be manipulated and photoshopped in a way where it can mean
what an individual wants it to mean. We are in an era where manipulation of the images ... Show more
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Advertisers manipulate and Photoshop images to relate it to the customers to promote their products.
Now a day manipulation of the image makes it very difficult to point out what is real and what is
made up therefore individuals have to really analyze an image to make it relate to their own life.
Christine Rosen on the Image Culture gave a very modest overview of how much images can mean to
the individual. She also talks about the positive as well as the negative aspects of images. The image
that I have chosen resembles determination and hard work. The image can explain how I had never
given up on hope to get a better life.
Christine Rosen on the Image Culture mentions, Americans love images. We love the democratizing
power of technologies such as digital cameras, video cameras, Photoshop, and Power Point that us the
capability to make and manipulate images (355). Making an image according to our own
... Get more on ...

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Story Handwriting Paper. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Story Handwriting Paper 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Story Handwriting Paper Story Handwriting Paper
  • 2. King Tutankhamun In Ancient Egypt The beginning of Egypt is a civilization full of wonders and victories, Especially the people that lived during that time. During 1550 BC to 1292 BC Many pharaohs rose up to lead the kingdom to riches and prosperity throughout their ruling. Even through hard times the egyptian people and their leaders figured solutions that solved their problems. One example of these many great pharaohs, is a young one that was not known to the modern time till 1922. That king was king Tutankhamun, also known as king Tut. This king was known as the youngest king to ever rule egypt, he was the son of Akhenaton. Which however was a very powerful ruler that opposed the idea of many gods but instead worship only one god that was the sun god. However king Akhenaton indeed had impregnated a younger lady, to soon give a heir to the family. That heir was prince Tutankhamun. ... Show more content on ... After he passed, prince Tutankhamun was only 9 years old before coming to rule. This often meant that most of his choices were controlled by his vizier, during this time he had as well married Ankhesenamun. Time went by he grew as a person to make his own choices. The choices he made would eventually helped his kingdom for the best. One of the choices he decided to do during his ruling was to secure the relationships with Egypt s neighborhoods, for the reason for this was due to the region of his father. His father decided to abandon his duties leading forward was to secure the temples of god that were ruin during the period of chaos, this however helped the belief of the army knowing the gods were on their side. The encouragement lead his people to great victory, prince Tutankhamun then had the reputation of slaying foes but sadly it was possible that he didn t involved himself in the war due to an injury. The injury however was a knee ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Cats Persuasive Speech Leon Wan ENG 2D 03 Ms. Gordon February 6th, 2017 Can cats survive all falls? Topic: Animals, Science Ratings: Fascinating, Informative Description: William Shakespeare referred to the myth A cat has nine lives in his play Romeo and Juliet, which arguably came from cats ability to always land on their feet. The biped of ancient Egypt was fascinated by the feline arts of swiftness and tenacity for their remarkable survivals from high falls. In this short, interesting talk, Leon shares the science behind these amazing skills of cats. 5 years ago, a cat in the US city of Boston survived a fall from a 19 storey window and only bruised her chest. How do cats survive falls from such great heights? Can they survive all falls? The answer is obviously ... Show more content on ... Dead cats don t talk, and they don t go into hospital records. In recent decades, all of the cat fall statistics come from pet hospitals. Crazy experiments of throwing cats out of tall buildings don t exist. As a result, these statistics contain inevitable margins of errors all of the cats sent to pet hospitals were the ones which their owners believed that could be saved, so the cats that died straight away were not accounted for. Can you imagine an owner asking a vet for treatment holding a pile of bloody flesh? In contrary, unless there were life risks, owners tend not to send cats who fell from lower floors to the hospitals. This explains why cats that fell from lower floors have a higher odds of injury than cats that fell from higher floors. The 90% survival rate from the studies was not the survival rate of cats that fell, but of those that were sent to hospitals for treatment. High survival rates can t explain why cats are good at falling. Cats that die on their way to the hospital, ones that weren t discovered in time after the fall, and those that could not be saved or died instantly couldn t affect the 90% survival rate because the statistics didn t include these unlucky ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Kaa s Hunting Bander Log Examples Have you ever heard of people who make fun of others and let people down those are bullies. Anyone can be a bully from kids to even businessmen and the Bander log from The Jungle Book, Kaa s Hunting by Rudyard Kipling are examples of bullies. From what the monkeys do, say, and anything the Bander log it shows just how in every society there is always a bully, even if the society is just animals in the forest. One example the bandar log talks like bullies in Kaa s hunting the author mentions the bander log are chanting There is no one in the jungle so wise and good and clever and strong and gentle as the Bander log. (Kipling, 42) Of course you know bullies think that are on top of the world and that they re superb at everything just like the Bander log are saying. One other example is that the Bander log say that they will learn how to weave sticks, however then instead start playing around just how bullies say that they will leave you alone the next day continue to treat you the same way. (Kipling, 43) ... Show more content on ... Just like bullies the Bander log do anything they want just for the fun of it or for whatever agenda the monkeys have. For example, in Kaa s Hunting the author writes Whenever they found a sick wolf, or a wounded tiger, or bear they would torment him. (Kipling, 32) As well as you know bullies pick on anyone who is weaker than him/herself same as the bander log are doing. Another example is that Kipling says, That the bander log would throw sticks and nuts at any beast to get attention or just for the fun of it . (Kipling, 32) Another example is that in when the Bander log are trying to learn how to weave sticks together the Bander log get bored and start pulling each other s tail or jumping up and down on all fours coughing. (Kipling, ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Chlamydia, And, Etiology And Management Of Chlamydia Abstract: Chlamydia is a very common sexually transmitted disease in the United States. It can infect both men and women. Chlamydia is treatable but if left untreated it can cause permanent damage in female reproductive system and in males the damage is rare. Sexually active females and males should be tested every year. This article will review the epidemiology, clinical features, diagnosis, etiology and management of Chlamydia. Introduction: Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common bacteria that cause sexual transmitted genital infections. C. trachomatis is a small gram negative bacterium. It is the most common cause of urethritis in men and cervicitis in females. Many patients are asymptomatic and thus provide an ongoing reservoir for infection. It allows ongoing transmission and allows silent disease. C.trachomatis infection can cause the scarring of the Fallopian tubes, ovaries, and endometrial lining. It results in an increase risk of future ectopic pregnancy and tubal infertility. Thus this bacterium is estimated to be the most costly sexually transmitted infection. Epidemiology: More than 2 4 million cases of Chlamydia are reported every year. The infection mostly occurs in females, age 15 24 years. Women are most likely to get a Chlamydial genitourinary infection and are most likely to be asymptomatic than men. Women develop long term complications such as pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility. The prevalence of Chlamydia has been reported to be as ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Examples Of Reverse Discrimination The Elimination of Affirmative Action Throughout American history, there have been many examples of discrimination against minorities and women. Most of which that range from admissions to hiring policies. With the establishment of affirmative action, most do not perceive the reality of how it continues to demonstrate the idea of discrimination. Rather than being discriminated against the minorities, affirmative action is a perception of reverse discrimination against the majority dominant group; therefor affirmative action should be abolished from the United States. When there are those minority individuals who become aware of affirmative action, a stigmatization is potentially created. According to Eric Dontigney, most often these individuals ... Show more content on ... Most individuals are lowering their standards for accountability needed to push them to perform and accomplish better. The standards for education and employees are greatly lowered and influenced by affirmative action. People should be able to act underneath the same standards as everyone else. Most non minorities get angry because they feel as if minorities are getting a special treatment. Affirmative action does actually give special treatment and protection the minorities that live in the United States. This typically makes most individuals feel like they are not able to succeed on their own and need special assistance to achieve their successes in life. In other words, affirmative action devalues the accomplishments achieved by minorities. These devaluations later end up hurting those minority ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Examples Of Romanticism In Grendel Chapter 4 One movement I observed throughout chapter 4 of Grendel is romanticism. Romanticism is an intellectual movement that where the artist s emotions toward his audience is the true. In addition, Gardener described how people showed the positive aspects of the world through creative ideas such as music, poetry, and images. On page 49, Gardener s use of romanticism is when Grendel noticed how the Shaper reshaped the world. In addition, He stared strange eyed at the mindless world and turns dry sticks to gold (Gardener). This quote clearly exemplifies romanticism to show that the Shaper had influenced the Danes about the positive world he envisioned after the war in Chapter 3. In order to show his vision that he said through his songs, he brought the idea of a new meadhall that would ... Show more content on ... He knew the Shaper was tricking the people to believe in him. Another example of Gardner s use of romanticism is the Shaper told the story about the ancient feud between two brothers which split the entire world between darkness and light (Gardener, pg. 50). This quote exemplifies romanticism as the allegory of Cain and Abel. The Shaper represented Cain as darkness and Abel as the light. Grendel honestly admitted he was the dark side because he was a descendant of Cain. Because the Shaper s words were powerful, it made Grendel depressed. He knew that he was cursed by God, due to the curse he inherited from Cain. However, he looked at the corpse where the man was slaughtered by a group of men in order to conclude that both him and men were sinful and imperfect. As proof, Grendel had seen humans kill each other throughout chapter 1 4. As the darkness is increased through Grendel s heart, Grendel now feels the Shaper s foolishness towards tricking the humans, foreseeing a plan to destroy humanity. John Gardner implemented romanticism in order to show that romanticism can lead people to ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Thug Life Mendelian Genetics in Drosophila Melanogaster: Fruit Fly Inheritance Results Total count for section amp; course data: Cross | Phenotype | Section 6 Total | Course Total | ap/ap x +/+ | wt | 211 | 2604 | | Apterous | 58 | 824 | | | | | | | | | X(w)X(w) x X(+)Y | wt females | 15 | 707 | | white females | 9 | 597 | | wt males | 13 | 633 | | White males | 13 | 614 | Totals | 760 | 11,754 | Table 1: Total counts for section and course data. Four crosses were experimented to determine F2 generation pooled data: a monohybrid cross, two dihybrid crosses, and a sex linked cross. X2 calculations for section data: ap/ap x +/+ | Phenotype | Observed | Expected | (O E) | (O E)2 | (O E)2/E | wt | ... Show more content on ... X(w)X(w) x X(+)Y | Phenotype | Observed | Expected | (O E) | (O E)2 | (O E)2/E | wt females | 707 | 638 | 69 | 4,761 | 7.46 | White females | 597 | 638 | 41 | 1,681 | 2.63 | wt males | 633 | 638 | 5 | 25 | 0.04 | White males | 614 | 637 | 23 | 529 | 0.83 | Totals: | 2,551 | 2,551 | | 10.96 | Table 9: Course total results and X2 calculations for the sex linked F2 X(w)X(w) x X(+)Y cross. The expected phenotypic frequency was 1:1:1:1 and the observed phenotypic frequency was also approximately 1:1:1:1. The calculated X2 value was 10.96. The total counts of all four crosses for both the section totals and course totals were recorded in Table 1. The phenotypic ratios and X2 vales, and 614 white males (Table 9). Expected values were calculated by multiplying the totals by 1/4 (0.25) for each phenotype. The X2 values for the section and course results were 1.50 and 10.96, respectively. Discussion The X2 value for each cross was calculated to determine that the observed and expected ratios according to Mendelian inheritance were close in agreement (Garey et. al 2013). In order to determine if the observed deviations for each cross were within the limits expected by chance,10% and 25% of similar trials. The monohybrid autosomal ap/ap x +/+ cross results were the most similar in comparison of results and probability of all the crosses. The chi square results were extremely similar as expected and both accept the hypothesis that deviations ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Essay on Surrogate Motherhood Surrogate Motherhood is something that not many people actually support, even though it is one of the many reproductive techniques that have enabled infertile couples to have children (qtd. in Freedman). There are two types of surrogacy, traditional and gestational. The traditional type of surrogacy involves the surrogate mother being (AI) artificially inseminated with the sperm of the intended father or sperm from a donor when the sperm count is low. In either case the surrogate s own egg will be used. Genetically the surrogate becomes the mother of the resulting child (Storey). Although there are two different types of surrogacy, a traditional surrogacy is rarely seen or done anymore. In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate mother has ... Show more content on ... Before the fertilization process, the surrogate mother should know her legal rights; And prior to signing a contract, a legal advisor and/or lawyer is necessary to make sure that the rights of the surrogate mother will not be neglected by the couple involved (Pitts 1). In order to avoid disputes, most infertility clinics require a contract. Legal counsel is recommended in order that all involved, to ensure that local laws are kept in compliance (Storey). There are already a significant amount of states that already demand contracts amongst both parties. Signing that contract gives the biological parents legal rights and custody to that child from the moment that it is born: Some states require a contract among all parties to the surrogacy birthing arrangement, and there are often requirements that the contract address certain issues. However, good practice requires that a host of additional issues be addressed in a contract in order to forge a true meeting of the minds on what is undoubtedly one of the most personal and complicated of concerted human actions... (Johnson 5.) The carrier, and the biological parents have to come to an understanding that the carrier must be aware that once the child is born they no longer have any type of custody of that child. The carrier must understand and agree that after giving birth to the child, the have absolutely no relationship/contact with the child. The ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Core Values In Public Administration Core values are a wide expression to describe the principles by which we describe individual, occupation, or business. Through the development of brainstorming and studying my professional experience, I have established in a set of values that are very essential in public administration. In order to succeed successfully at an organizational and personal level in the public administration, these values must be trained on a daily basis. To exercise transparency in public administration is to certify peoples the accessibility of data which is thought public. This has to be a business objective, and is to be taken into explanation when showing all public industries irrespective of one s job title. If the objective of a business is to help the citizens to the greatest of their capability, then failing or avoiding achieving transparency would affect major harm to the connection between them and the citizen they are aiming to help. Accountability is to obey to a regular of professionalism in the workroom. Also, it means to recognize that the professional events are being supported by the peoples of this nation. As such, public workers are held accountable by peoples for keeping the operation of their business. Accountability is an essential feature of the functionality of any business private or public. Basically, it reminds people that while they are working by a professional business they will be held accountable for their actions. Each public administrator is requested to follow ... Get more on ...
  • 11. A Comparison of Two Paintings from the Renaissance Period... A Comparison of Two Paintings from the Renaissance Period Introduction This paper will compare the themes found in the paintings Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist and an Angel by Domenico di Bartolomeo Ubaldini (Puligo) and Madonna Enthroned by Giotto. Both paintings deal with fables from the Christian faith but were executed during different periods in art. The Giotto painting was created around 1310 and the Puglio painting was executed between 1518 – 1520. Here, these two paintings have similar themes both at the extreme beginnings and endings of the Italian Renaissance, and as such they serve to present an exceptional example of the developments in art that occurred within that time. This paper shall compare ... Show more content on ... While both reflect a Biblical theme with a central focal point of the Madonna and Child, Madonna Enthroned has a key image that is best viewed from a central position and Madonna and Child has a greater degree of importance over the majority of the surface of the canvas. In Madonna and Child the viewer does not perceive that an image is being forced upon them as is found in the work by Giotto. A use of light and space is also key to preventing the Puligo piece from being forced , where the organization of distance visibly removes the viewer from Madonna Enthroned while drawing the viewer into the painting in Madonna and Child . Color also serves a similar purpose, where Giotto s work is monochromatic but ocher while Puligo s work carries a greater expression through the detail involved. The mood of these two pieces is remarkable in that color does not play as great an importance as the figures surrounding the focal point of the Madonna and Child. These figures are both essential to the composition of the piece, but in Madonna Enthroned the viewer is left thinking that the Madonna and Child are truly untouchable. The mood of this piece, while certainly not dark , does not inspire any. Even the angels by either side are careful not to come near the holy woman and child. In Madonna and Child however, the entire composition is subject to ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Hypocrisy Of The Upper Class By Edith Wharton Edith Wharton s novel, House of Mirth, develops a critical view of the immorality of the upper class through Lily Bart and her failure to fully attain social mobility. Wharton comments on the corruption of the upper class, and implies that the acquisition of wealth and social status comes at the cost of a compromised moral sense. While some wealthy individuals may not necessarily be corrupt, it is clear that the upper class as a whole is primarily concerned with self preservation and personal gain. This narcissism in the higher classes often leads to a blatant disregard of others, accompanied by a lack of understanding of the consequences of their actions. Thus, the social elite are often plagued with corruption and immorality, as evidenced throughout the novel. Wealth brings power and status to the social elite, and ultimately becomes the source of their corruption. Perhaps the best example of this is Bertha Dorset. In the beginning of the novel, as Lily is contemplating her gambling debts at Bellomont, she considers how envious she is of Dorset, who she describes as a woman who could take a man up and toss him aside as she willed, without having to regard him as a possible factor in her plans (Wharton). Unlike Lily, Bertha s wealth gives her financial security, and thus has no real necessity to win over the affections of men. As such, she has significantly less social grace than Lily. Judy Trenor even characterizes Bertha as the type of woman who delights in making ... Get more on ...
  • 13. American Sniper Report Change is difficult and after being in the Navy for ten years, leaving is a huge adjustment to make. Chris Kyle finishes his fourth and last tour in Sadr City before leaving the Navy to be with his wife and two young children. After returning from war, Chris founded a company called Craft International where they train military and police units. Evaluating how Chris is affected by four tours in Iraq, visualizing Sadr City, where Chris is stationed on his last tour, and questioning why Chris left the Navy is simple since Chris Kyle wrote a very entertaining novel called American Sniper. Reading American Sniper, I evaluate how Chris deals with killing the insurgents and how Chris is affected by four tours in Iraq. Chris has 160 confirmed kills ... Show more content on ... Sadr City is the last city where Chris is stationed in Iraq. The book talks about the local army building a large wall to keep the insurgents out. I picture a large fifteen foot wall made out of thick, heavy cement blocks that are insuperable. I also visualize a large crane that puts those large blocks in place. There are about thirty tall buildings that are empty from civilians fleeing the city from the insurgents. A sewage river on the edge of town made the city smell awful: It stunk worse than Iraq usually stunk (Kyle 345). I also visualize what it looks like when Chris is shot by the insurgents in Iraq. Chris is shot once in the head and once in the back, but both shots were stopped by the armor he wore. I picture the first shot hitting his helmet and pushing it back and nearly off his head. The force of the gunshot is so great that he is knocked off his feet and lying on the ground. I see Chris get up and start walking on the dirt road back to the Humvee. While walking to the Humvee Chris gets shot in the back and I picture the dent in his body armor that stopped the bullet from penetrating his back. I visualize how Sadr City appears and what Chris looks like after being shot in ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Life Well-Lived Experience Life Well Lived Experience Andini Effendi A dear friend couldn t help to gasp when I uttered my plan on taking two years off from career to pursue master degree abroad. I remember her words vividly, So you will leave your spot to someone younger, brighter and most probably hotter just like that? I also remember what was my answer; it was simply yes. Don t get me wrong I absolutely love my job. So much love as if I am married to my work. I am the living example of someone whose her passion becomes a profession. For me working it s like playing. There were never a dull moment. But then I came to a point where I desired something more that would make me feel whole. It was education. I craved so much to broaden my knowledge, ... Show more content on ... Along with my dear belittle friend who disapproved my bold move to leave career. Hopefully by then I will be wiser, brainier, and ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Childhood Trauma ACEs and the Brain: Decreased Brain Volumes With Higher ACES and the Role of Sex Previous research has found that a negative correlation self reported adverse childhood events and the volume of select brain regions and thus for my first hypothesis I hypothesize that healthy individuals with the high amounts of childhood trauma will have the smaller brain volume for each region of interest compared to those with a low prevalence of childhood trauma. Therefore, intuitively those with the least amount of childhood trauma should have maximal brain structure volume and increasingly more childhood trauma should have a negative relationship with volume. Furthermore, we expect that individuals will who experience more and more childhood trauma will ... Show more content on ... Individuals with higher reports of social desirability indicate that they may want to answer researchers more based off of social norms or how someone would want them to respond rather than how they actually feel or what they experienced. Those with increased reports could potentially affect the validity of the subjects responses to psychological test used to evaluate a subject s experiences and opinions. For the purposes of this study, an increased amount of reports social desirability may falsely skew our results of how prevalent an individual was exposed to negative childhood experiences such as traumatic events like emotion, physical and sexual occurrences. This is why I chose to take a look at the potential association between Marlowe scores and the score each subject received within the underreporting/denial section of the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Illegal Firearm Possession And Illegal Firearms Possession On February 28, 1997, Larry Phillips, Jr. and Emil Mătăsăreanu armed with AK 47s entered Bank of America in North Hollywood in an attempt to rob it. Phillips had been in trouble with the police since his youth and had already spent 3 months in jail for illegal firearm possession. Mătăsăreanu acted as his loyal co conspirator. Not only were they wanted for armed robbery but also for murder, after killing a security guard in a heist in 1995. Armed with five machine gun, three handguns, as well as illegal 100 round drums. Parked in the north bank parking lot in a white 1987 Chevrolet Celebrity, the two set alarms for 8 minutes, the estimated time it would take police to arrive on scene, the pair also takes phenobarbital to help calm their ... Show more content on ... Mătăsăreanu exits using the south door, Phillips exits the north. Having not expected officers to already be on scene, Phillips and Mătăsăreanu were trapped in by blocking intersection north and south of the bank with patrol cars, as well as a 2 meter high wall to the back of the bank. On Laurel Canyon and Archwood Street, an intersection north of the bank, Officers Martin Whitfield and Sergeant Dean Haines take a position. Seeing two civilians, Tracy Fisher and a friend,walking in the direction of the bank Sergeant Daines orders them behind the his patrol car. Phillips opens fire on police, bullets go through the patrol car police and the civilians were using as cover. Fisher s friend is shot and Fisher was then shot in the leg. The bullets Phillips and Mătăsăreanu were using were steel plates, which were able to penetrate car metal. Mătăsăreanu gets into the chevy and called for Phillips, but Phillips stayed and Mătăsăreanu followed. Sergeant Haines is shot and radios for assistance. Receiving the officer down call was 911 trainee Guadalupe De La Cruz, to which she then relays. Parked in the parking lot across the street from the bank Officers James Zboravan and his partner Steward Guy take cover behind a kiosk 40 meters away from the bank. Unlike the majority of the Officers, Zboravan was armed with a Ithaca 12 ball pump action shotgun, which has double the range of the standard 9mm. Zboravan and Guy are later joined by two plain clothes detectives as the shootout ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The European Union and a Divided Cyprus Essay The Implications for the European Union of Cyprus being divided between Turkey and Greece The island of Cyprus is the third largest in the Mediterranean with the 2002 population around 705,5000. Its main economic activities include banking, craft exports, merchant shipping, and tourism, which accounts for twenty percent of business ( For almost thirty years it has been split between Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots. The ongoing feud between the two groups and the split of the island in 1974 has lead to much political tension in Europe, especially with the European Union expanding its membership and adding, as of now, only half of the island of Cyprus in May 2004. History Cyprus has always been a ... Show more content on ... The north side is referred to as the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, but is only recognized as a country by Turkey ( While the Greek side has much prosperity and low unemployment rates, the Turkish side has much poverty and is underdeveloped (The Economist March 15 21 2003). There have been numerous efforts at peace since the 1970s, but none have worked ( 11/4/2003). The summer of 1996 is an example of this, when there were many incidents of hostility among the line between the two sides, leaving several dead ( In July of 1990 the Republic of Cyprus applied for membership to the European Union in the name of the entire island ( The European Union agreed to admit Cyprus, along with nine other candidates into the union in 2004 (The Economist Jan 18 24 2003). This accession to the Union was unanimously approved by Cypriot parliament ( 11/4/2003). Cyprus has always been considered ? European.? It has been a full member of the Council of Europe since 1961 and has concluded an Association Agreement with Eruopean Economic Community in 1972 ( However, now leaders of the north side of Cyprus are not cooperating, so when time comes for Cyprus to join the Union, the Greek Cypriot side may be the only part of the island joining.? A Settlement? Currently, a settlement is trying to be reached between the two halves of Cyprus. The United Nations proposed that part of Turkey?s land ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Naval Special Warfare Teamwork Introduction Optimal operating organizations are those who embrace teamwork to accomplish shared goals. Although some organizations are effective, there is always room to improve their efficiency. One main adaptive challenge is to change the cultural relationship between Navy Sea Air and Land Operators (SEALs) and the support staff that work within the Naval Special Warfare organization. The personal beliefs and attitudes of individuals within the community are that the SEALs are held to a separate standard and get special treatment when it comes to deviating from those standards. There are some adaptive changes that can be implemented to enhance the overall culture, especially the teamwork within the Naval Special Warfare organization. ... Show more content on ... Failure to change the current issues will result in keeping the elephants in the room and continued friction by not sharing responsibility for the organization, which directly contribute to the two identified adaptive challenges. Heifetz et al. (2009) suggest that every immediate encountered problem is an opportunity to not only fix them, but to institutionalize new norms. Therefore the top leadership needs to acknowledge the challenges and take action by creating urgency. Kotter and Cohen (2002) states that without enough urgency, large scale change can become an exercise in pushing a gigantic boulder up a very tall mountain (p. 15). Indeed, change cannot happen without identifying the issues or creating ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Odyssey Siren Song Emphasized in all three texts were sundry details. In Homer s text he stressed the song, the spell that the song acquired, and the challenge to resist the temptations of the song the Sirens display. In the video clip of O Brother Where Art Thou they suffer similar struggles; however, they also are tweaked to their own setting of their story. They face the beauty of the Sirens, the spell , and the disappearance of Pete. While in the Poem Siren Song Margaret Atwood wrote about how the women struggled, and that they face the song that they need to sing for their own well being. In the text The Odyssey Homer focuses on how the song and spell are combined into one state. He explains that the there is a spell in the song the Sirens sing. ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Should Animals Be Used In A Circus Animals should not be used in a circus. First,Animals in zoos are hurt and abused just to do a little old trick.They are locked and cages and beaten and starved.Next, They are all cramped in a cage together and chained up.Also,they are whipped ad smacked around to do something they do not want to do. Animals are locked up and abused. RaeLeann Smith stats in the article that In the United States, no government agency monitors animal training sessions.First,Animals get beaten while chained up to bleed and get really injured.And are forced to perform whether their hurt or sick.Former Ringling animal crew employees Archele Hundley and Bob Tom contacted PETA independently after witnessing what they described as routine animal abuse in the circus, including a 30 minute beating of an elephant in Tulsa, Okla., that left the animal screaming and bleeding profusely from her wounds. According to RaeLeann Smith Hundley and Tom reported that elephants are chained whenever they are out of public view and are forced to perform while sick or injured. And,Animals are also stabbed and punched and thrown around until they are feeling anger,hurt or scared.They are beaten with painful tools until they cry out screaming in pain. The article mentions They also reported that horses are grabbed by the throat, stabbed with pitchforks, punched in the face, given painful lip twists, and whipped. Additionally,Animals should not be treated like a slave.They are painfully beaten for no reason ... Get more on ...
  • 21. The Pathophisiology of Acute Renal Failure Acute renal failure, recently being called Acute Kidney injury (AKI), according to Susan Dirkes (2011), the classification criteria for AKI include three grades of severity: risk of acute renal failure, injury to the kidney and failure of renal function. (p.37). Explain the pathophysiology of acute renal failure. Include prerenal, intrarenal, and postrenal causes. Pre renal failure has to do with inadequate fluid in the body, which leads to inadequate perfusion, or blood circulation in the body. This disables the kidney from properly filtering out the blood. Patients have low blood pressure, feel very ill and can go into shock. This may lead to multiple organ failure. Intrarenal failure, sometimes called intristic failure, is different than pre renal or post renal in the sense that intrarenal is an actual damage to the nephrons, kidney tissue necrosis or renal injury due to nephrotoxic medications like (aminoglycosides, NSAIDS, chemotherapy medications like methotrexate, some metals like mercury, lithium, drug abuse such as, heroin, cocaine, and also the use of radiological contrast agents). Intrarenal failure can be irreversible but it can take several months of treatment. Post renal failure has to do with an acute obstruction to urine outflow from either one or both kidneys, which is usually a cause of ureter obstruction kidney stones, etc. The patient will feel back pressure or pain. What diagnostic exams would be used to ... Get more on ...
  • 22. The World s Leading Supplier Of Fast Moving Consumer Goods INTRODUCTION : Introduction to Media: Back in time media wasn t preferred important part in any strategy. The importance of media may be calculated by when in 18th century four pillar theory was introduced for a stable state, that are executives, elected legislation, independent judiciary and free media. After introducing this FREE MEDIA as important pillar for a stable state, the fresh and new face of Media come into existence and from that the acceptability of media increases in every field. It started spreading its branches in every walk of life with the passage of time which also vastly hit the economic sector of the world. Gradually, media becomes one of the most important pillar in organization. Purely multi national organizations have exploited this strength of media by using its potential in a better way. Like Unilever is world s leading supplier of fast moving consumer goods. They focus on providing people of the world over with products that are good for them and make them feel special. UNILEVER: Brief history of organization Unilever one of the biggest corporate company of the world, so it also possess a history that now crosses three centuries, Unilever s accomplishment has been influenced by the major events of the day like world wars, economic boom, depression, varying consumer lifestyles and technology advancement. And throughout they have created products that help people to get more out of life cutting the time spent on household ... Get more on ...
  • 23. How To Build Suspense In Minority Report John Anderton, played by Tom Cruise, is a cop in 2054 that works for Pre Crime located in Washington D.C.. This future organization relies on precogs which are people with psychic abilities, to predict future murders. While Anderton is working at Pre Crime, he is predicted to kill someone and his all of his friends turn on him. Danny Witwer, who is a member of the United States Department of Justice investigating Pre Crime, decides to take control of Pre Crime while John is on the run. John has to uncover the truth behind his murder prediction and learn other truths along the way. This 2002 drama, mystery movie Minority Report, was directed by Steven Spielberg and stars Tom Cruise, Colin Farrell, Samantha Morton, and many more. According to, Spielberg supposedly said that he wanted Minority ... Show more content on ... All throughout the film John keeps seeing the same echo , a flashback from the precogs about a terrible murder, from the precog Agatha which shows a woman named Anne Lively being drowned by a masked man. This scene foreshadows why John was targeted in the first place. The echo was not an echo at all. It was Agatha trying to show John that Anne had actually been murdered. The Minority Report obviously has a lot of blended words in Pre Crime and precogs . The prefix pre is a abbreviation for predict. Pre Crime is a organization that predicts crime, and precogs are people that predict crime as well. Minority Report also has a paradox because Agatha claims that John has a choice to change his future. Pre Crime says that everything the precogs predict is accurate, although John killed Crow a few minutes after he was predicted to. Also, Agatha s visions showed Lamar killing John, but Lamar actually ended up killing himself. Does this mean the precogs only predict one of many different outcomes for the future, or did the people always have the power to change their decisions like Lamar ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Wgu Natural Science | | | | | Ice Melting Experiment and Analysis | INT1 Natural Science Task 3 | Ice Melting Experiment and Analysis Objective The objective of this experiment is to test the melting point of ice against different variables. I will use a control of ice against air and test this next to ice in water, sugar on ice, salt on ice and Baking Soda on ice. By measuring the melting time of each element on an ice cube I will be able to tell which element affects ice s melting properties at what rate. Everyday we use chemical mixtures to melt ice that affects our roadways. A lot of these chemical mixtures are harmful to our waterways, and can pollute the environment. I ... Show more content on ... * Record your results * Measure the remaining mass of the ice cubes, and record your results. * Repeat this test three times for each substance used. Reasoning The purpose of this experiment is to measure the reaction of the ice melting when exposed to another solid element. The environment is a kitchen with a stable temperature and testing space. Repeating the tests three times will provide different data which will then be averaged for each element. For each test, calculate the percentage of the ice cube melted by [mass of melt water/initial mass of ice cube] x 100. Sequence of Events I started with controlling my experiment environment. It was in a still kitchen, with no appliances running to minimize humidity and control the room temperature. I then broke my ice cube tray and finding cubes that weight .10grams. I set up my timer for each station. I put three .10gram ice cubes in a identical contained on top of the pre measured ½ teaspoon of sugar, salt and baking soda, then I hit start on the timer. When the timer hit 15 minutes I picked up each ice cube and put it on another dry identical dish. I then measured the melted liquid, followed by measuring the melted ice cube alone. I repeated this three times to get an average. Tools amp; Materials * Ice Cubes * Salt * Sugar * Baking Soda * Kitchen scale * Digital Thermometer * ... Get more on ...
  • 25. William Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying and in Virginia Woolf’s... William Faulkner s As I Lay Dying and in Virginia Woolf s A Mark on the Wall Subjective Narratives in Modernist Texts Like many other modernist texts, William Faulkner s As I Lay Dying employs many unreliable narrators to reveal the progression of the novel. One of the most interesting of these narrators is the youngest Bundren child, Vardaman. Like the rest of his family, Vardaman is mentally unstable, but his condition is magnified due to this lack of understanding of life and death. Because he doesn t grasp this basic concept, Vardaman s attempts to understand his mother s death are some of the most compelling aspect of the novel. Over the course of the book, Vardaman attempts to rationalize his mother s death through ... Show more content on ... He then reasons that he, or Peabody, is the one who has done this to Addie and retaliates: He kilt her. He kilt her (Faulkner, 54). Like the other Bundren narrators of this novel, Vardaman often uses the word it in his narratives instead of fully enumerating his intent. This passage is no exception; especially when Vardaman is describing Peabody leaving Addie s room. This confusion with presence and being is continued in Vardaman s second narrative where he tries to associate Addie s death with other deaths he has experienced in the past of rabbits and possums: I thought it was her, but it was not. It was not my mother. She went away when the other one laid down in her bed and drew the quilt up. She went away. Did she go as far as town? She went further than town. Did all those rabbits and possums go further than town? God made the rabbits and possums...Why must He make a different place for them to go if she is just like the rabbit. (Faulkner, 66) This passage shows that Vardaman has never learned about death, and simply lied to when things died they went to town. These lies only perpetuate his irrational logic regarding Addie s death. As this particular narrative progresses, Vardaman determines that Addie is not a rabbit or a possum because she is in the coffin (box) and Cash nails the box up, signaling that she is not going to town, ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Hatchet Quotes Have you ever been stranded in the wilderness? I know someone who has. He is cunning, resourceful, and also brave. His name is Brian, and he is the main character of Hatchet. The author, Gary Paulson, has written a very good one this time. In this story Brain is a cunning individual. He brought some dried grass in , tapped sparks onto it , and watched them die. ( pg 82 ). He is cunning in this sentence for how smart he was with his materials. Another example is he would need a large woodpile to get through the night ( pg 90 ). He is cunning in the sentence above because of how he is thinking. He had sat a whole night and shaped the limbs carefully until the bow looked beautiful ( pg 117 ). This sentence shows cunning by how he made a bow out of his bear hands. He had spent two days making arrows ; the shafts were willow , straight and with the bark pealed, and he fire hardened the points and split a couple of them to make forked points, as he had done with the spear ( pg 117 ). In this cunning experience he has showed how smart he is by making a bow. Not only is Brian cunning he is also resourceful. ... Show more content on ... Brian made certain the fire was bunked with new wood , then went out of the shelter and searched for a good fuel supply ( pg 90 ). He is using one of the resources around him for his needs. Another one is He worked all through the morning at the wood, breaking down dead limbs and breaking or chopping them in smaller pieces and storing them neatly in the overhang ( pg 99 ). He is using the overhang as resourcefulness. Finally , With his bow with an arrow fashioned by his own hands he had done food , had found a way to live ( pg 119 ). He is using the bow ( as resourceful ) to find a way to live ( food ). Not only is he cunning and resourceful but he is ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Essay on Windshield Survey Windshield Survey Patricia L. Flores NUR/405 Health Communities: Theory and Practice University of Phoenix January 11, 2010 Sue Judlin Windshield Survey The community I have chosen is the city of Rowland Heights California, where I reside. This city is located in Los Angeles Country but borders Orange and San Bernardino Counties. Rowland Heights is in the Pacific Time Zone and sits at 525 feet above sea level. The city is 9.02 square miles with 5,380.70 residents per square mile. At the time the 2000 census data was collected, the total population was 48, 553 residents. According to City Data (2010) the median household income in 2009 was $67,042, the median detached home value was $527,392, and the cost of living index ... Show more content on ... According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2008) society is composed of many types of communities such as neighborhood and face to face communities in which interactions occur within a specific geographical area. Communities not limited to geographical areas are known as special interest or resource communities. These types of communities share general interest, for example, environmental concerns, or political views. Community Health Community health identifies common needs in the community and provides solutions for modifying behaviors for community members. According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2008, p. 347) the term community health is the meeting of collective needs by identifying problems and managing behaviors within the community itself and between the community and the larger society. According to Stanhope and Lancaster (2008) community health involves biological, emotional, and social aspects. The biological aspects are measured in terms of morbidity and mortality rates, life expectancy indexes, and risk factor profiles (Stanhope Lancaster, 3008, p. 345). Emotional aspects are measured in terms of mental health, while crime rates and levels of function define the social aspects (Stanhope Lancaster, 2008). Community structure is defined in terms of services and resources available to the members, ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Main Features Of Autism Spectrum Disorder Describe the main features of autism spectrum disorder. Evaluate the evidence supporting a biological basis for autism. Autism is a developmental disorder which usually occurs during infancy (Hyman, 2002:217). Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is an umbrella term used to refer to many disorders which display symptoms of an autistic style. The spectrum covers all types of symptoms ranging from mild to severe (Hollander, 2003:102). Individuals in the spectrum can range from having severe learning disabilities to being mildly impaired (, 2014). The linguistic skills can also vary from being mute to having the ability to communicate complex sentences (ibid). The different profiles of the sufferers are diverse (Hyman, 2002:217). However, there are three main areas of which they may have difficulties. These are social reciprocity, an inability to communicate effectively and unusual repetitive or restricted behaviour (Davey, 2014:586) this is known as the triad of impairments (Dodd, 2005:2). This essay will explain the triad of impairments related to ASD to describe the main features of the disorder. In addition, it will evaluate the biological evidence by investigating the research for genetic factors and brain abnormalities, both of which support a biological basis for ASD (Davey, 2014:588). The first main area that describes the features of ASD is impairments of reciprocal social interaction (Davey, 2014:585). This is one of the most dominant features of ASD. ... Get more on ...
  • 29. The Addams Family Movie Analysis Theatre Critique The Addams Family is a new musical comedy written by Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice, with music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa. The musical is based off of the loveable characters from the 1960 s television show as well as the more recent movies. Performance Riverside s Production of The Addams Family was _____ based on the actor s execution of the stage directions, the specific makeup and costume choices for each character, and the seemingly endless possibilities the lighting and set offered. of the The director, Larry Raben excellently executed the performance.The actors put their full heart and soul into the characters, the play moves smoothly, and the costumes were more than I expected. Because of the acting, design, and lighting this performance must be seen. The acting was generally composed and well remembered.The main characters Gomez, Morticia, Wednesday, Pugsley, Uncle Fester, Lurch, and Grandma Addams respectfully felt like a real family and communicated very well for the whole play. For example Erica Weisz as Morticia Addams whose performance stood out the most. She was the most exhilarating actor and I couldn t wait to see more of here while each scene passed. My favorite scene with her was The Game a dinner scene where they take turns sipping out of a cup that makes them say what they truly want in life. On the other hand Pugsley played by Brendan Knox forgot his lines and was acting quite over confident and obnoxious as if he was more ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Dode Pierson Case Summary Tad Pierson has been handed quite a task within the company with which he works. Tad has been tasked with taking over the survey group, as well as maintaining his current position as Project Engineer. Tad is employed by Agrigreen, Inc., a company that manufactures agricultural fertilizers. The company has also branched out over the last few years, staking mining claims in Nevada, and building pipelines. Tad has accepted the responsibility and assessed his teams, determining that there are valid foundations for the problems and conflicts within the groups, and has reported to Burt Jacobs, the new manager of engineering, that he has met with the group members individually to gather facts and will make his determination as to the direction the department needs to take to grow and prosper. Tad has three employees within the surveyor team that he must decide how to best manage to continue with the company growth, and alleviate the discord and conflicts between the teams. Howard Lineberry has been employed ... Show more content on ... Howard feels that he has more experience and as lead surveyor, he should have been afforded the opportunity for the overtime that came with the pipeline and the stake mining claims in Nevada. The discord between Howard and the engineers is quite evident and when the expansion forced more space to be needed, Howard was extremely happy to be moved off site. While Lee Miller was his supervisor, leaving him to his own accord in an off site facility, Howard has developed habits of tardiness, leaving early, and napping on company time. Howard has developed a dislike for his job and now dreads coming to work. The temporary position filled by Vince, with whom he bonded, is completed now that Mel Cutler is returning to the department, and is now apprehensive about his future under the supervision of Tad ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Civil Rights Movement Of The United States Of America Until the 19th century, no abortion laws existed in the United States of America. By the 1880s, most states had banned abortion except in cases where it was necessary to save the mother s life. The cause of this shift in attitude can largely be attributed to the American Medical Association, founded in 1847. The organization wanted to stop unlicensed abortions by forcing the people giving them out of business. Religious leaders supported the American Medical Association s move and worked with them to lead campaigns that would make abortions illegal. It was only in the 1960 s that these strict laws were reconsidered. The civil rights movement seeking equal treatment for black Americans led to women s rights organizations seeing ... Show more content on ... Nowadays, the drug is only used for advanced cancers and severe complications of leprosy. Also, due to the German measles (Rubella) epidemic in the United States in 1962, thousands of children were born with birth defects. Sometimes, the pregnant women were also affected by these high risk pregnancies. However, these women could not seek abortions due to the strict bans. (Supreme Court Drama,, While women and women s rights activists supported this movement, it also raised the question of whether or not abortions were merely a convenience. Also, people against abortion believed that abortions were a cause of unprotected sex and women should live with the consequences of their actions. However, it has been proven that all contraceptive methods are not as effective as they claim to be Also, multiple abortion cases deal with pregnancy due to rape or incest. Some people who are against normally against abortion allow it in these types of cases, because they recognize that the woman was not responsible for the child. (Supreme Court Drama) If a woman did not want a baby in the first place, it is highly unlikely that she (and her partner, if she has one) would be able to provide for onethe baby and be able to give the baby a good life. People who oppose abortion suggest adoption as an alternative. Another fear that goes along with the previous idea of legalizing abortions was that women would rely on abortionuse them ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Texas Panhandles Top Rodeo Retail Store EXECUTIVE SUMMARY JHTL is a unique clothing and accessories store aimed at the cowboy/cowgirl population in the Texas Panhandle. We are here to provide rodeo style products to our clientele. It is the goal of JHTL to become the Texas Panhandles top rodeo retail store. We hope to obtain both high profits and a reputation for great customer satisfaction by offering a large variety of high quality and rare products to our customers. Located in downtown Canyon, we provide a central location for the growing cowboy/cowgirl community. We believe it is important to create an atmosphere of acceptance and community care, as well as a place where individuals can identify and bond with aspects of their culture. Our company takes pride in giving back to the community. JHTL encourages a creative work environment for its employees, as well as a deep respect for diversity. In addition to this, we offer employee goals such as profit sharing with company growth. 1.1 Objectives 1.To make JHTL the number one cowboy/cowgirl retail store in the Texas Panhandle. 2.To receive a modest profit margin within the first year. 3.To have a customer base of 5,000 by the end of year one. 4.To achieve a positive net profit by year two. 1.2 Keys to Success In order for JHTL to succeed we must: Offer high quality and unique products Provide excellent customer service Be a helpful and respected member of the community Create continued customer loyalty, resulting in repeat purchases
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  • 34. To The Black American Troops Analysis The end of World War II and the start of the Algerian War of Independence defined France during the mid 1900s. Many black intellectuals, including poet Léopold Sédar Senghor and writer William Gardner Smith grappled with the war, colonialism and racism that permeated French culture, whether overtly or subtly. Despite the similar imagery within their prose, the authors showcase two distinct points of view. Both authors describe ugly, inhuman visages, but in Senghor s work, these twisted faces are merely masks, as removable as the humanly constructed horror of the era, whereas Smith sees the twistedness as fully ingrained in the human countenance. Senghor s poem To the Black American Troops, recalls the bitterness of World War II for black ... Show more content on ... The speaker says, Oh, Lord, take from my memory France that is not France, / This mask of meanness and hate on the face of France / This mask of meanness and hate that I can only hate (Senghor 71). Like in Senghor s other poem, the speaker describes the negative impressions and actions taken by France as a mask. Masks can be removed, much like the uniforms in the first poem, revealing a face underneath. Additionally, the speaker believes the face underneath to be the real France. A chance at redemption is proposed by the speaker when the speaker says, O bless this nation, Lord, who seeks her own face / Under the mask, yet barely recognizes it / Who seeks You in the cold and the hunger (Senghor 72). The passage offers hope for redemption because France seeks its own face hidden beneath the mask. However, unlike Senghor s first poem, the speaker here suggests that the figure beneath the mask is mutable. France s face has changed while the mask has been obscuring its view. Despite this difference, the mere fact that France seeks a god like figure within a frozen wasteland hints at the possibility of redemption for its misdeeds in Algeria. Redemption in this poem requires more work on the behalf of the country. William Gardner Smith, in his novel The Stone Face, continues to employ the use of faces as a literary device that explores the possibility for redemption. The Stone Face differs slightly from Senghor s works by using the image of a face rather than a mask. A face first appears near the beginning of novel in one of Simeon Brown s paintings. Simeon describes the face he paints as ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Oopp Lab Work CSE219 OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING LAB Cycle Sheet I 1. Create a class that registers your details by taking, name, age and mail id. Create a function that prevents duplicate entries of objects based on (b) 2. Create a class account that maintains acc_no, name, and balance. Perform deposit, withdrawal and statement print operations. (statement print must print all the transactions that has taken place so for use structures inside the class to maintain the details about transactions)(b) 3. Create a class that holds the details of the mobile phone like brand, imei, no of sim cards, phone numbers etc.,. Allow user to login ... Show more content on ... List out the products available to the user and allow the user to select the products and the quantity. Overload * operator for multiplying quantity with objects and overload + operator to add all the objects to find the total cost. Finally display the total amount, quantity of each product with their brands, price etc.,. (e) 12. Write a c++ program that maintains the date in (day/mon/year) format and overload the ++ operator to view previous or next date from today s date. Ensure that the day won t exceed 30/31 for certain months. (e) 13. Create a class that stores the details about a room in a hotel (private: room no, type, cost). Create subclasses like Lounge(no.of people it can accommodate, A/C type(centralized/window), food preference, recreational facilities (as a string array)) and deluxe room(A/C or non A/C, single/double bedded). Create a class that maintains the customer details (name, age, address, phoneno). Allow booking of the room by the customer after checking the status of its availability. Overload the booking function such that it can book a either a lounge or deluxe room for a customer.(l) 14. Create a c++ program that ... Get more on ...
  • 36. John s Journey In Search For Truth By C. S. Lewis Throughout history, many people have dedicated their lives to search for the truth. Consequently, this has resulted in many different philosophies and religions. Likewise, C.S Lewis writes a book dealing with his conversation and spiritual journey in search for the truth. He uses a character named John and this boy s journey to represent his own journey through life. The first way John searches for the truth is in his search for happiness. He searches for happiness in many forms, but eventually finds the true source. Another way that John searches for the truth is through the different philosophies that various people present to him along his journey. Though at the time the different philosophies may have seemed correct, after closer examination ... Show more content on ... Mr. Enlightenment is the first person that John meets on his travels. Accordingly, he introduces John to the philosophy of modern science and rationalism. According to Mr. Enlightenment, modern science and rational thinking can explain anything. Moreover, he tells John that, the Landlord is an invention of those Stewards (Lewis 1 2), and many people believe them because they lack scientific training. This leaves John with the notion that the landlord is a fake. Soon after, the Spirit of the Age captures John and holds him prisoner in a cell for many days. While he is imprisoned the Spirit of the Agee attempts to convince John and the rest of the prisoners, that they are nothing more than their internals. Nevertheless, a woman named Reason comes and rescues John. She tries to reach John that to find the truth, reason must be used. Reason explains to John that he is more knowledgeable than he perceives. It is just a matter of bringing, dark part of your mind into the light part of it (Lewis 2 4). Likewise, she talks about the importance of not making a decision without proof and how it is not bad to stay in wonderment. John meets History sometime after his encounters with Reason. He explains to John the nature of man in a relationship with the Landlord and the Island. He proposes that the Island is a means to attract us to the true source of happiness which is the landlord. Additionally, he proposes that the only way to truly reach the Landlord is through mother Kirk. This helps John come to realize the truth about what he was searching for and how to attain it through the ... Get more on ...
  • 37. The Effect of Spanish Colonization on California Indians This paper will discuss the impact Spanish colonization and Mexican control had on the indigenous Indian population in California between 1769 and 1848. As well as discussing the historical origins, social organizations, material conditions, and world view of the California Indians prior to 1769, this paper will explain the impact of New Spain s Mission System on the Alta California Indian population between 1769 to 1821 and the response of its system by the Indians. Before the Americans and the Spanish there were many indigenous Indian tribes living and thriving with structure and culture in California. The Paleo Indians were the first people who entered and inhabited the American continent from Asia during the late Pleistocene period (2 ... Show more content on ... Anthropologist Lowell J. Bean has described the California Indians as non political, ethnic nationalities. Tribes consisted of triblets , with each triblet including a group of neighboring villages ranging from hundreds to several thousands individuals. Social classes almost were non existent, except in the northwest where personal wealth was a common practice. The history of the California Indians differ from any other ethnic group who came to the Americas in the last few centuries as immigrants. Indians who came to North America and eventually traveled south to California lived in a land plenty of natural resources and their material technology reflected what was necessary to meet their basic needs. They did what was necessary to survive, nothing more, nothing less. They lived in harmony with their environment with a cultural lifestyle that was more a reflection of numbers and using the most out of everything. After 1769, things began to change. Starting in 1500, a new world capitalist system was emerging in Europe. It was a start of a new age, an age of discovery. Spain was looking for the Northwest Passage, a route linking Europe to Asia through North America by sea. Every country was profit and trade driven and along with this new age discovery was a new capitalist system called Mercantilism, which is a system based upon a state to advance national business interests abroad and is increased ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Process Essay On Firearms Evidence Do you know what the steps are when it comes to processing firearms evidence? Do you know what you should not do when picking up a firearm at a crime scene? Do you know what the steps are to safe handling of firearms found at crime scenes? Have you ever heard what information can be obtained from the analysis of firearms evidence? Do you know what data bases and technology can be used in processing a firearm? Have you heard what you can use to test bullets to see if they are a match to what has been used in a crime? Do you know what the steps are when it comes to processing firearms evidence? The first step to processing a firearm as evidence is to put gloves on your hands. Then you should take pictures of the gun when you find it at the crime scene. Make sure the picture is as clear as possible because it will be used in the court room. Make sure you included some form of measuring the gun that is in the picture. Next, take the bullets out of the gun and put the bullets in a line. Take a picture of it so the court can see the amount of bullets that was found at the crime scene in each gun. You also need to take pictures of all of the empty bullet shells that you may ... Show more content on ... You would know what type of gun that was used in the crime that was committed. You would be able to get the history of the gun owners, if it has been registered to a person. You can get a finger print off of a gun to see who has handled it. If the gun is registered, then you can find out who owns the gun. This would help lead them to know who to arrest or who may have been a partner in a crime. You can do tests that will match the firearm. Depending on how the weapon is used, you might be able to get DNA evidence of the victim of the gun. You would also be able to find out how many bullets may have been used in the crime depending how many bullets that are missing from the clip or from the inside of the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Achieving Six National Education Goals According to President Bush, he made an announcement on April 18, 1991 that he wanted to achieve six national education goals by the year 2000. There are six objectives: 1. Make sure every student is ready to learn on the first day of school. 2. 90% graduation rate 3. Making sure that each has the skill for all core subjects. 4. Make sure that a student have achieved in the math and science 5. To ensure that every adult is well trained and possess the abilities to contend with an environmental economy and will able to live upwards to his or her responsibilities of citizenship 6. Two free all schools from drugs and violence so that learning can take place. Admitting that the White House tact sheet had accompanied and take action for the change for American education was considered for a number of reasons. The reason being was that 8 years pursuing the publication of A Nation at Risk (1983), educational results was not significantly improved. Second, our global participants and partners were really taking education extremely well because American students were about the lynchpin of the large numbers in worldwide assessments. Understandably, that a principal role for legislative initiative was to accomplish competitive educational excellence, which would help to improve global economic competitiveness. Reforms in Special education are facing significant reform. , because of the great deal of motivation of this reform has emerged from disappointment with the departure of ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Monologue in Prison Meeting Room Essay Monologue in Prison Meeting Room Young woman is sitting on a plastic chair behind a table. Its one of those I hate to say I told you so situations. I know, you warned me about him. You warned me about him till you were blue in the face. But, you know, in some ways that made it all the more exciting, gave him some mystery. You were the one who introduced him to me, the night we went to The Fleece and Furkin, to watch King Adora. You remember? He bought me a vodka and orange, and he called it a screwdriver. I d never heard it called a screwdriver before. And he was so charming. You thought it too, you thought he was charming. ... Show more content on ... I didn t, and you knew it. Everyone else seemed insignificant compared to him. And I guess it was about October that you and Paul started seeing each other. That was great. You were so happy and you were staying at Paul s every Wednesday and sometimes at the weekend as well. And when you were away, he would stay at ours. I adored him, I really did. It got so intense. And I just wanted to tell you, all the things we did together. You d tell me about Paul, and about Derby. I just wanted to spill. God, so much. Did you know I was hiding something? Every now and then I think you did. Pause It was at least 5 months, we were together whenever when you were away. I knew I should have told you. And then he suggested we go away, just the two of us. Leave the stack of essays and warm beers. Amsterdam. Not go far, stay in Europe, and I felt so comfortable with him. I didn t really see anything but him. It was infatuation by the February. Pause (Laughs) And don t you must remember. We went into the centre of town, we went shopping. I didn t go out that week, not even on Friday, just so I had a bit of money saved up. I ate cuppa soups and egg noodles just so I had some money to get something special. We went into town, to the little shop, the one run by the beautiful old woman. If only we ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Minorities In Special Education When a minority group s numbers in special education are statistically higher than they should be, they are considered disproportionate. It can also be an over representation or under representation of minority students identified with a learning disability or other type of disability under the IDEA (2004). Disproportionality is defined as the representation in special education involves comparisons made between groups of students by race or ethnicity who are identified as eligible for special education services. According to IDEA (2004), Disproportionality maintains to exist in some of the categories listed, especially in the areas of the specific Learning Disability (SLD), Emotional Disturbance (ED), and Intellectual Disability (ID). Among the contribution to the misidentification of minority students for special education, students are classified with disabilities. Students with disabilities often have poor classroom instruction previous to the transfer to special education, are exposed to inconsistent or subjective placement policies and procedures, and are put into special education based on income and social class due to the lack of schooling opportunities ... Show more content on ... Researchers founded approaches to assessment, cross cultural curriculum, program implementation and intervention and structural changes that develop proportionality, when applied in a culturally receptive manner. (Briggs, et al., 2008; Joseph Ford, 2006). Schools need to identify children in need of additional support prior and improve general education services, in order to prevent the need for special education placement. In addition, the measures improve a teacher s preparation and direct the variety of biological and factors contributing to disproportionality (Donovan Cross, ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Irish Ireland Research Paper Despite the Catholic Irish people making up over 80 percent of the population, they were subjugated to the lower classes to live in squalor. Despite the inherent divide between the Protestant British and Catholic Irish, Ireland was relatively peaceful for the next century, other than a rebellion led by Theobald Wolfe Tone and the United Irishmen in 1798. 30,000 people were killed in this rebellion, which laid the groundwork for the separatist republicanism to come and caused the Act of Union of 1800 to be passed, closing the Irish Parliament in Dublin and giving Protestant London full control over Catholic Ireland. The population quadrupled during the peaceful century from 1740 1840, the economy flourished, Catholics fought for, and gained, ... Show more content on ... An Irish nationalist paramilitary organization called the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB) was established in 1858 and worked for the armed expulsion of the British, where the Home Rule Party worked for the political expulsion. In 1912, the British passed a Home Rule Bill, which gave the Irish political autonomy, but the bill was never enacted due to the breakout of World War I in 1914. In 1913, two organizations, the nationalist Irish Volunteers (IV) and unionist (pro British) Ulster Volunteers (UV) were founded in Dublin and Belfast, respectively, and the IV absorbed the IRB. The two groups were set for a full on conflict before the outbreak of the war, but both sides believed the national question could be answered after WWI and sent men to the trenches. A small, revolutionary minority of the IV stayed behind, as they did not want to fight for the British, these men constituted the IRB, and saw WWI as their time to strike the weakened British. They struck on Easter Sunday in 1916, but were defeated after six days. This became known as the Easter Rising. After the IRB was defeated, 16 of the leaders were taken to Kilmainham Gaol and executed. Executing the leaders of the Rising was England s big mistake as it made them martyrs and gave the Irish the momentum they needed to fight a war of Independence, which began in 1919, and that s where the movie, The Wind that Shakes the Barley, takes ... Get more on ...
  • 43. A Psychology Of Rumor Summary Nicholas DiFonzo explains, rumors are unverified bits of information . Rumors are imprinted on everyday life and are something all individual deal with. However, one must wonder, why do they start and what causes them to spread so violently? Various articles and experiments may have the answers to these common questions. In fact, research has shown that rumors disperse out of response to fear and are mostly spread by word of mouth. A psychologist during World War II, wrote an article to explain the categorization and identification of these speculations. In the article A Psychology of Rumor author Robert H. Knapp explains that rumor is but a special case of informal social communications, including myth, legend, and current humor (496). He speaks of three different types of assumptions. The pipe dream rumor expresses optimism, the bogie rumor is derived from fear, and the wedge driving aggression rumor s motivation is ... Show more content on ... Clark agrees with both Goleman and Knapp in the terms of rumors satisfying our emotional needs. He furthers this idea by explaining that anxiety creates unstable thinking that results in the creation of rumors. Clark says the more collective anxiety a group has, the more inclined it will be to start up the rumor mill . However, he believes that all assumptions that stick are simple and easy to understand. This statement is flawed due to the fact that most public rumors are complex and only understandable when broken down to simplest form. The author supposes that public speculations are a direct result of individual s envy towards another person. On the contrary, the point of rumor s are to understand in the middle of confusion, therefore, if the rumor has to do with a popular individual or not is ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Reflection Of A Funeral Of My Friend s Aunt Death Funeral customs vary according to the religion, culture, and ethnicity. Religion is the foremost thing that plays an important role in a funeral event. From a cultural perspective when a person dies they must be buried with two weeks in the Nigerian culture. This is because it allows the family to heal faster and get over their loved one and also move into the next chapter. Well, here I am going to describe my experience and observation of attending a funeral of my friend s aunt. Well, here I am going to describe my experience and observation of attending a funeral of my friend s aunt. I saw the obituaries in the newspaper. In addition, I heard about the death from another friend that is the mutual friend of me and my friend whose aunt had died. I did not receive a proper invitation letter for that funeral, and the cemetery was far away from my house. I live in Renton and the funeral was in Bremerton but attended the funeral anyway. I really wanted to console my friend and let her know that she was not alone in this critical time. Funeral in my Nigerian culture is highly valued to the point that everyone would be there whether invited or not. It is perceived as a way to pay their last respect to the dead. The funeral ceremony was on a Saturday morning at 10am. I saw a graveyard by the side of the road, and other families were also present paying a visit to their deceased loved ones with flowers and some other families were cleaning the ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The War Of The French Revolution It is critically important to gain all benefits of the military history lessons to abstract the aspects of war, which enhance our leadership and capabilities to take the right decision. Therefore, I am going to start with war definition. War is an act of force to compel our enemy to do our Will . During the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth centuries, a series of conflicts dominated Europe. These conflicts had its influence on the Europe at that time, but the Napoleonic wars had the most lasting impact on western warfare. The explosion of the French revolution in 1789 is regarded today as an important event in modern history. Different aspects of the French revolution influenced the world affairs today. Therefore, war is an action has a principle to guide the force supported by sustainment, and to compel your enemy you should have the superiority, which comes from the innovation of organization, technology and tactics. Then, from my point of view, the desire of the people nationalism , which remain the only significant factor, drives the societies to war. Thus, Most of military aspects of western ways warfare have been remain constant since the 17th and 18th century, but the most important aspects that characterize ware fare in the age of Napoleon are innovation, principles of war, and from my point of view, I will add nationalism. First, innovation played a crucial role in determining the outcome of the war, Innovations in organization, technology, and ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Character Analysis Of Shouto Todoroki My Hero The character I ve chosen is Shouto Todoroki My Hero Academia, which is written by Horikoshi Kouhei. He s also one of the main protagonists of the story. Todoroki is generally calm, blunt, and cold. I find it funny how unintelligent he is when it comes to other people s emotions, and even though he means well sometimes, his words sometimes come off as harsh. He s mainly portrayed as a calm and collected individual, but Todoroki can get riled up sometimes. Additionally, he s not one to easily let go of his anger or hatred towards others. Todoroki is 176 cm, or approximately 5 9 , as officially stated in his character profile. He has heterochromia, as his right eye is gray while his left eye is blue. Furthermore, his hair is also split evenly into different colors, the left half being red and the right half being white. Todoroki also has a burn scar over his left eye, from when he was younger and his mother threw boiling water over his face. His heterochromia and hair is a not so subtle hint at his power, which is to burn with his left half, and freeze with his right. However, Todoroki only uses his ability to freeze ice for the majority of the story, due to his grudge towards his father. He believes that his father is at fault for his mother being sent to the hospital, and Todoroki s cold personality stems from his harsh upbringing. In My Hero Academia, a week before final exams, their teacher reminds them to study for the exams, and some of his classmates admit that ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Jfk Assassination Conclusion The assassination of John F Kennedy Dear readers, This week I would write about one of the greatest conspiracies that the world has seen, and this is the assassination of John F Kennedy. The 35th President of the United States was shot the November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas at 12.30pm . He was fatally shot in his wife s car. The ten month investigation concluded that the President had been assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald that was founded dead while he was in police custody by Jack Ruby. The official explanation and the conclusion that Oswald was the lone gunman firing from the Texas Book Depository overlooking Dealey Plaza where Kennedy was hit surfaced soon after the commission report. The moments of impact recorded on the film also ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Does An Image Really Mean Something By Fred R. Barnard Analytical Essay: Does an Image Really Mean Something Fred R. Barnard once said, One picture is worth a thousand words. Fred R. Barnard had memories, which were captured through images that explained how he felt about certain experiences in life. An image can be very helpful for individuals to capture the life experiences to reminisce later on. Manipulation of the images leads to many different interpretations of it. Each individual will analyze the same image in different ways based on their past experiences. The manipulation of the image allows each individual to come up with their own unique meaning of an image and relate it to their own experiences in life. Images can be manipulated and photoshopped in a way where it can mean what an individual wants it to mean. We are in an era where manipulation of the images ... Show more content on ... Advertisers manipulate and Photoshop images to relate it to the customers to promote their products. Now a day manipulation of the image makes it very difficult to point out what is real and what is made up therefore individuals have to really analyze an image to make it relate to their own life. Christine Rosen on the Image Culture gave a very modest overview of how much images can mean to the individual. She also talks about the positive as well as the negative aspects of images. The image that I have chosen resembles determination and hard work. The image can explain how I had never given up on hope to get a better life. Christine Rosen on the Image Culture mentions, Americans love images. We love the democratizing power of technologies such as digital cameras, video cameras, Photoshop, and Power Point that us the capability to make and manipulate images (355). Making an image according to our own understanding ... Get more on ...