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Synthesis Essay Outline Ap
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Synthesis Essay Outline Ap Synthesis Essay Outline Ap
William Shakespeare s The Taming Of The Shrew Essay
Shakespeare wrote his plays without a thought that they would ever not be performed on stage.
Many of Shakespeare s plays have been performed since his death 400 years ago. And with time
comes advances, as many of Shakespeare s play have been adapted from text to film. Some films
take Shakespeare s original plot and twist it to be more modern, while others stick with the classic.
In Franco Zeffirelli s 1968 film version of The Taming of the Shrew, he recreates Shakespeare s
loved play. Although Zeffirelli stays close to Shakespeare s original text, he does omit and add
lines and scenes that weren t originally in the play. Zeffirelli also adds body language and stage
directions where they aren t in the play. These directorial decisions change the way the romance
looks between Katherina and Petruccio in the text. The relationship between the two characters
in Zeffirelli s film is attempted to be seen as more consensual than in the text. Shakespeare s play
The Taming of the Shrew begins with an Induction that isn t in Zeffirelli s film. The Induction in
the film starts with a beggar named Christopher Sly who is very drunk and hasn t paid his bill. He
gets kicked out of the tavern and picked up by a Lord who decides to play a trick on Sly. The trick
that the Lord plays on Sly is to have him believe he has been sick for so long that he has become a
Lord himself. The Lord decides to treat Sly to a play, which is The Taming of the Shrew.
Shakespeare decides to use this as a form
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Worst Time In My Life
A time in my life were an incident occurred that had had a major impact on me was this summer.
This summer was probably one the worst times in my life because my dad left my mom. He left
us with nothing because my mom was the reason why they were no longer together. I couldn t
see my dad anymore or even talk to him. I was left feeling depressed and not wanted. At this
point in my life I hated and I did wish I wasn t alive at that time, It was such miserable time in my
life were nothing got better it just kept getting worse and worse. I cried myself to sleep every
night because I thought everyone hated me and that nobody wanted me. I was stuck babysitting
all the time because my mom was out trying to make money. All my grandma did was talk about
how horrible my dad was and how she wanted him to die. It just made me mad because it was my
mom s fault every part of it was but I couldn t say that because I loved my mom more than
anything in this world. I also knew she would flip out on me if i said it was her fault because she
knew it was. The thingthat made it ten times worse was that she found someone new and he was
the biggest piece of trash ever. My mom is my queen, she is the best thing that has ever
happened to me, and I couldn t imagine life without her . She just tries so hard to make everyone
else happy that sometimes it brings her spirit down. I know she didn t leave my dad to make
everyone upset, she just needed a break because five kids and a husband who is always
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Society In The 1970 s
In many dictionaries society is described as a community of people living together in a group or
nation. Even though it may simply mean that; society is one of the sociological terms derived
from a Latin word socious meaning friendship or companionship. It is a large grouping sharing the
same cultural, social and geographical location. Society consists of people and their mutual
awareness and interactions with each other, it is a network of social relationships. Society can be
shown as a group of unique individuals who share the same culture and social structure, the
members of the society may have different ethnic groups but they share the same society. Society is
not a constant it can never stay the same it always changes with the people.... Show more content on ...
It was also one of Australia s first soap operas to be made. It used comedy and melodrama to
captivate the audience. It struck the taboo subjects of the 1970s such as homosexuality which was
illegal at the time, it also changed the perspective of many Australians on those subjects. It became
a success and has been regarded as an iconic Australian television show of the 1970s and paved the
path for other shows to follow. The show had many controversies but it was rated Australia s
number one show in
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Self Esteem And Eating Disorders
Throughout history, women have transformed their appearances to match the current beauty
ideal. Today, the idea of being a size zero has transformed itself from a trend into being an
obsession. The fascination to be thin and perfect has invaded the minds of women and girls all
over the world, it feels as if the pressure to have the perfect body everywhere. The ideals of beauty
have been constantly focussed on women s bodies. It s gone from the boyish figure during the
roaring twenties to an hourglass figure that swept the 1930s and 1950s. Every year beauty standards
change and continue to impact women s lives.
Many sources talked about self esteem and eating disorders relating to the pressure for the perfect
body throughout young girls and women. Other sources focused on the misleading influence of
media on women and girls. In one article, Body Image Dissatisfaction: Gender Differences in
Eating Attitudes, Self Esteem, and Reasons for Exercise (Furnham, Badmin, Sneade), it talked
about women and how they are more likely to judge themselves about their weight or size than
men would. It also talked about the different struggles that men and women go through with their
bodies. The article, Perfect Body Image , talked about what people are seeing in the news as being
perfect. It also brings up the dangers of people thinking and being pressured into these standards.
Dangers such as Anorexia, Bulimia, and other eating disorders, are becoming more and more
common in society
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Seven Rules For Observational Research
Seven rules for observational research: how to watch people do stuff
Observational research, ethnography, or, in plain English, watching people do stuff, seems to be
hot these days. Newsweek touts it ( quot;Enough Talk, quot; August 18, 1997), which means it s
getting to be mainstream, but I find that a lot of clients aren t very comfortable with it.
Certainly, compared to traditional focus groups, mini groups, or one on one interviews,
observational research accounts for a pitiably small portion of most research budgets. Yogi Berra s
famous line that quot;You can observe a lot just by watching quot; is widely acknowledged, but
observation remains the most under utilized qualitative technique in marketing research.
One of the reasons ... Show more content on ...
They re making lunch for their kids, the same way I would if I were in their shoes. They re
waiting for their cars to be serviced, the same way I do. If my clients are along, they begin to get
very antsy at this point, because they re seeing the same thing I am: nothing out of the ordinary.
Rule 1 for observational researchers: quot;Ordinary quot; is what you re there to observe. If you
don t go looking for something extraordinary, you won t be so anxious when it doesn t appear.
What you re really looking for are the insights hidden in quot;ordinary. quot;
Observation gives you the chance to answer those questions such as quot;What do you do when
that happens? quot; that come up all the time in focus groups. Suddenly you re not restricted by
respondents memories, or their reluctance to discuss the issue in a group, or their desire to conceal
what they really do in order to present a more admirable face to the rest of the group.
Nothing people do is quot;natural quot;
The first time you try observational research, I guarantee that you ll find yourself wondering
what there is about the things you re seeing that requires an explanation. You may watch people
walking into a retail environment. They ll walk in, look around to get their bearings, walk over
to a display or proceed down an aisle, maybe pick up an item or two or compare prices. quot;Of
course, quot; you ll say to yourself, quot;that s just what I d do in their shoes. It s just common
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Residential Lease Contract Case Study
Residential tenants should be familiar with specific clauses that seek to eliminate protections
afforded to tenants by California law. Under California s Civil Code, certain provisions in a
residential lease are unenforceable and a tenant may not waive these enumerated rights. Some of
the common clauses to be aware of when reviewing a residential lease contract include:
Right to repair and deduct. Tenants have the right to occupy a habitable premises. If the landlord
fails to make basic repairs to maintain the habitability of the property, the tenant may repair
damages and deduct the amount from the rent owed to the landlord. Any lease agreement that
prohibits this right is unenforceable.
Eviction procedures. A clause that retains a landlord s
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International Business Environment
Question 4:
Compare and contrast the activities of two companies of your choice in the same industrial sector
in developing new technology to try to maintain competitive advantage.
ROLE OF R amp;D5
This paper seeks to compare core and enabling ... Show more content on ...
Machines designed to replace human labor played a crucial part in the developing social production
to perform production and transportation functions. Inventions such as the SPINNING JENNY
amp; the STEAM ENGINE commenced the Industrial Revolution. This marked the evolution of
machine production.
Basic indexes of technology: The most important indexes in technology are productivity, reliability,
and economy of operation. The productivity denotes the quantity of goods produced, processed, or
shipped per unit time. The reliability of technology is characterized by the capacity to produce
itemized quantity of goods without interruption. As the name suggest economy of the operation is
determined by the consumption of materials, power and by the cost of supporting facilities
necessary for the operation to take place. The indexes of any operation can be improved by
perfecting the design of the working elements and by automating operational processes which is
nothing but modernization. The life of any technology can be improved by well timed
modernization which ensures that the technology meets the demand of technical and scientific
ROLE OF R amp;D:
Consumer demands continuously changes to indicate the different needs as the society develops. A
fresh range of high quality products is what the consumer wants. In order to meet up to the needs
in a sustainable way a balance of research and development is needed. Research and development
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Dfw Fertility Testing
Page TitleFemale Fertility Testing
Meta DescriptionStruggling with fertility issues? Fertility testing at our DFW fertility center can
provide the answers you need.
Meta TitleFemale Fertility Testing DFW Fertility Center
Live Date (AMY)
Female Fertility Testing
Female fertility testing as a starting point
When you visit our DFW fertility center for help overcoming infertility, our physicians will begin
with female fertility testing. Although you may be eager to begin treatment as soon as possible, it
is important for your fertility specialist to understand what is causing your fertility issues. When
your physician can provide an accurate diagnosis, he or she is able to develop the right treatment
plan to help you start or grow your family.
Uncovering the causes of infertility with female fertility testing ... Show more content on ...
Depending on your situation, your physician may perform one or more of the following tests.
Blood tests evaluate hormone levels and ovarian function by measuring Day 3 FSH and AMH
levels. Your fertility specialist may also perform other blood tests tailored to your unique situation.
A transvaginal ultrasound allows your physician to see the size and shape of your uterus. It also
allows him or her to examine your uterine lining and check for abnormalities in your uterus and
A hysterosalpingogram, or HSG, can provide information about your fallopian tubes that cannot be
seen on an ultrasound. This test involves injecting dye into your uterus through a thin catheter. The
dye will appear on x ray to highlight any blockages in your fallopian tubes.
Genetic testing is available for you and your partner. Even if you and your partner have no history
of genetic disorders, either of you can still be a carrier. Our fertility specialists can recommend
specific tests based on your ethnic background and family history.
Tailoring treatment based on the test
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Online Journalism and the New Media; Implications for...
INTRODUCTION The new media announces a new period of media development in the world
over, it is the one that preaches the significance of new communications technologies. The new
media is not just a kind of information technology but also part and parcel of the social being of
man in this modern society. At the threshold of this fairly new millennium (2000 A.D.), there was a
sporadic turn around in the existing branches of the global media. This catapulted the world into a
new information order that forcefully attempted to erode the conventional media. This turn around
made the traditional mediaВЎВ¦s dictators and gatekeepers to loose their hold. The sub ВЎV
editors, and editors who control what comes into the news, and by implication, what... Show more
content on ...
Dominick 2005: 312
THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE To best understand the thematic preoccupation of this work, the
concept of critical mass theory as it applies to the adoption of a new communication technology is
desirable and would be used. The term comes from physics, where critical mass refers to the
minimum amount of material needed to trigger and sustain a radioactive chain reaction. The term
has been loosely applied to communication and refers to the minimum number of people needed as
adopters before a new communication technology can have a permanent place in the society Kaye
and Medoff, 2001. Williams, Strover and Grant (1994) corroborate
An interesting aspect of the critical mass perspective is that widespread use appears to have a
snowball effect. Once a perceived critical mass is using the technology, those without it are strongly
motivated to adopt it. The reasoning here is that despite the drawbacks, such as cost or difficulty in
using the technology, people (and institutions) are pressured to adopt the technology because
failure to do so may exclude them from existing communication networks. Markus (1987), while
making a case for the adoption of interactive communication technologies, suggested three
propositions in the adoption process as cited in Kaye and Medoff (2001). First, the adoption and
use of technology is an
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Technology In Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Birthmark
Are we the monsters of our own making? Does our development of technology outway our ability
to maintain it or deal with its consequences?
In the 2st century humanity relies on technology and medicine too much. Our lives can t be
imagined without it, it has become a part of our everyday lives. But what is enough or too
much? Taking a pill of vitamin C every day or taking 10 vitamins and supplements of every kind
every morning? Checking your emails once a day or waking up and reaching for your smartphone
immediately? Do we still have the control or does it control us?
Technology is part of our lives; or is our life, and it has too much of an effect on everything. The
internet started out as an amazing experiment, now it became this enormous ... Show more content
on ...
Kurt Vonnegut s novel, the Fortitude is almost a grotesque parody of modern medicine, where
an old lady s head is attached to machines, her organs are controlled by machines, her limbs are
controlled by machines, even her mood is controlled by Dr. Frankenstein, her doctor. The doctor
s name itself can be viewed as a foreshadowing of his character, there is a comparison between
him and his namesake, referring either to that he is a modern monster, controlling an old lady,
not giving her the option to make decisions about her own life the arm are designed so she can t
possibly point a gun at herself or get poison to her lips, no matter how she tries , or to that he
created a monster, this lady who is not living in the real meaning of the word, she has no control
over her body. This novel gives a real image of the power of modern medicine, the idea that the
patient is not in
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Fixed Protection 2014 Operates The Same Way
Fixed Protection 2014 Fixed protection 2014 operates the same way as FP12 and was introduced
when the lifetime allowance in 2014 was once again reduced to ВЈ1.25m, protecting funds at a
level of ВЈ1.5 million. Criteria to apply for Fixed Protection 2014: An individual with Primary,
Enhanced or Fixed Protection 2012 were not able to apply for fixed protection 2014. An individual
s fund must have been valued at least ВЈ1.25 million at 5 April 2014. Restrictions: The individual
must be careful to ensure they do not lose their protection, instances where they should be
particularly cautious is that: An employer auto enrolling you into a work pension scheme, thus it
is best to ensure you are opted out as soon as possible. There is usually a one month period after
to achieve this and ensure you are refunded. When remaining as an active member of a defined
benefits scheme by choosing to opt out the individual will then be classed as a deferred member
which will greatly reduce the risk of losing protection. Losing Fixed Protection 2014: By adding
any further contributions (money purchase). By having further benefit accrual (defined benefit).
Starting a new pension arrangement Breaking transfer restrictions You can lose enhanced, fixed or
fixed protection 2014 if you: don t opt out within a month of being automatically enrolled in a
workplace pension make new savings in a pension scheme transfer money between pension
schemes The last day to apply for Fixed
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Shrek, An Animated Fanstasy Comedy Film Directed By Andrew...
The film I have chosen to analyze is the film Shrek, an animated fanstasy comedy film, directed
by Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson. Major actors include, Mike Myers as Shrek, Eddie
Murphy as Donkey, and Cameron Diaz as Princess Fiona. The film was officially released in May
18th, 2001. The blockbuster movie Shrekwas nominated Favorite Motion Picture, also winning
more than thirty one awards. Shrek is a green ogre who realizes that his swamp has been overruned
by the devious Lord Farquaad. In his journey to persuade Farquaad to give his swamp back, Shrek
encounters a talking donkey. Donkey is described as a euphoric and talkative character, who
quickly becomes one of the main characters. As Shrek and Donkey arrive at Farquaad s palace,
Farquaad agrees to Shrek s conditions as long as he rescues Princess Fiona, who is waiting for
true love in a tower guarded by a fiery dragon. However, as they head back with Fiona, it becomes
evident that not only Shrek becomes in love, but also Princess Fiona is yet to reveal a bigger secret.
Many great elements are represented in this film, which work together to make this film
educational, adventurous and humorous.
The beam of light that leads down to a book at the beginning of the film, gives the audience a
sense of magic and urge to want to know more. This is followed by a green hand ripping out a
page in the book and slamming it shut, exhibiting that this isn t going to be a regular fairytale. The
cast introduces the characters by
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Comparing the Huxtables with My Family Essay examples
Compating the Huxtables with My Family
Watching a comedy sitcom like The Cosby Show is a great way to unwind from a stressful day at
school. The show s characters are likeable and the storyline is humorous, but halfway through the
program I usually turn the television off and return to the kitchen to wash the dinner dishes.
Watching The Cosby Show makes me feel guilty. The Huxtables are too perfect. Their house is too
perfect. In comparison to the Huxtables I feel like an unfit mother in a slovenly, dysfunctional
family. The characters on The Cosby Show should be portrayed in a more realistic manner; in fact,
the program could be far more entertaining, not to mention relaxing, if certain aspects of the
program such ... Show more content on ...
If I do happen to be in the kitchen with my kids, I am in a ratty bathrobe, hair half set, and
mascara on only one eye. I am making last minute lunches, slurping coffee and ignoring my
husband s bellowing for someone to bring another roll of toilet paper to him in the upstairs
bathroom. My kids and my husband never discuss their daily plans with me; they enjoy adding a
little suspense to my day.
Another farfetched scene from The Cosby Show is Mr. and Mrs. Huxtable s mediation of sibling
quarrels. When a quarrel begins Mr. and Mrs. Huxtable are usually sitting on the couch with
nothing better to do than anticipate a problem. The children come down and rationally explain the
problem and their side of the story. If there is any name calling, the children use harmless words
like stupid and meanie. Meanwhile Mr. and Mrs. Huxtable serenely listen to each child s point of
view. With infinite patience they wisely mediate a truce with a brilliant compromise acceptable to
both sides. Everyone is happy; the problem is solved.
On the contrary, in my family we do not have quarrels; we have combat situations which erupt at
the most inopportune times such as when I m plunging a toilet and my husband is under his car.
The cause of the problem and the kids points of view are irrelevant to us because my husband and
I are dodging
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Corruption In Elizabethan England
Why do you think people during the Elizabethan era were so intrigued by the simple, almost boring
life of a shepherd? At the time, England teemed with crime and disease, and people were enamored
with the idea of the lovesick shepherds in rural settings. By tradition, the pastoral poem renounced
corruption found in urban areas and returned the reader to the simplicity of nature. In 16th century
London, the courtiers and many city dwellers were enjoying foreign luxuries and merchandise. The
pastoralpoem created a realm different than the courtly pleasures with which they were familiar and
experienced.he shepherd creates an argument and tries to woo a loveinterest to experience the joys
of nature. The shepherd desires to return to an Eden like
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The Battle of Dunkirk Essay examples
The Battle of Dunkirk
In my opinion the battle of Dunkirk can be seen as both a deliverance and disaster. It can be seen
as a deliverance by the fact that the British and French survived which is a great feat on it s own,
because seeing what predicament the British and French were in, it was likely they were going
to lose. They turned the tables and 338,000 men were saved. On the other hand, it can be seen as
a disaster because out of the 338,000 men saved 139,997 were French, so for British morale that
wasn t very good. Also even Churchill said, Wars are not won by evacuation . Some would say
that Britain still lived to fight another day that is also an important point. I will try to come to a ...
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He says that the soldiers have become a body of seasoned veterans .This source really tells us a
lot about the use of propaganda spread out. The question is, isn t a veteran someone who has
experienced war. He speaks of how their spirits are strong and that s their vital weapon so they
will refuse defeat, and that s their guarantee to victory . You can see he is complementing his side
too much, it seems too shallow. This is insufficient on telling us on what the battle was like,
because it is a piece of propaganda.
We get a mixed picture from sources D, E and F. This is because analyzing these sources it seems
that the battle was a deliverance and disaster. Source D s a painting showing the soldiers being
rescued, it shows their stairing for survival. The artist who painted this was sent to give the
British some hope. However this painting is contemporary, meaning that it is at that time. Now,
source E shows the soldiers on the beach waiting to be evacuated. The problem with this source
is that it is a still life picture meaning, it s just one second of someone s life.From all we know a
German heinikel could have dropped a bomb any time killing the soldiers just after this photo was
taken. Source F shows the soldiers warding off German fighter planes. This to is a very good
photo on propaganda to boost British
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Sam s Role In Transitional Object
Sam, the tattoo artist, in Transitional Object is extremely important for both the development of
the body image theme and motherhood/womanhood because helps to give Mia confidence
through her tattoo and serves as a mother figure to her. To begin, Sam is very important for the
developing body image theme because despite losing her job, gaining a great amount of weight,
losing her husband, and making many sacrifices for her kids, she moved past all of those
challenges, took online tattoo classes, and made a new life for herself. She is also important to
this theme because she gave Mia confidence in herself through her tattoo, as she points out when
she says, That scar was too standard. Sam has embellished it. Now I have one breast and one
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Second And Third Wave Feminism
Throughout the twentieth century feminist movements changed the first world dramatically, but
during the second half the twentieth century the views and goals of what women wanted in life
changed from simply asking for fair pay and equal rights to jobs to wanting their lifestyle changed.
The impact of the second and third wave of feminists held a positive sphere around the fact that
women had a bigger voice in politics and economics, but socially feminismwas almost purely
negative. Feminist groups, mostly in the late second wave and the entirety of the third wave,
consisted almost entirely of misandrists.
The feminist movements of the second half of the twentieth century made great leaps for women in
politics as well as the level of education women were receiving. ... Show more content on ...
Male suicide rate, bias towards men in family courts, domestic violence against men, men who are
victims of rape and depression in men are all rising percentages because of second and third wave
feminism. Second wave feminism and the radical groups surrounding it such as the Women s
Liberation Group have given women a voice, but the late second and the entirety of the third wave
have created a social imbalance between the genders resulting in a cataclysmic rise in negative male
Overall the feminist movements of the second and third wave have made a good positive
difference for both women and the global society as whole, however the radical groups of the
second wave and the third wave overall have created a negative sphere around the mistreatment of
the genders, and as a result men have become the more discriminated gender. The changes in
politics and the new wave of political feminism which tackles the idea of equality between men and
women is where the feminist movement stride towards and stops the silence of male
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Causes Of The Sino-Japanese War
The start of the Russo Japanese was made in January 1904. Previously, Japan had broken off
diplomatic relations with Russia on February 6, 1904, following with the attack on Port Arthur
February 8 and declaring war on Russia February 10. Over the span of a month, Korea was
occupied by soldiers, advancing into the Manchurian territory and the Liaodong Peninsulaoccupied
by naval forces. An August siege of Port Arthur followed the attack and fell in January 1905.
Gradually, both powers found difficulty to continue fighting. The war ended with Theodore
Roosevelt mediation; Japan had won which ensued the Portsmouth Treaty to grant Japan back it s
sovereignty in China and Manchuria, along with special access to the Liaodong Peninsula. What
were the underlying causes of the Russo Japanese War? To what extent did nationalism/imperialism
contribute to the war? What did the government do to contribute to the war? Japan s motives for the
war stemmed from tension made between Russia; the Triple Intervention and the construction of
the Trans Siberian railroad. Imperialist and nationalistic motives drove Japan to change its leader of
power and created a blanket of astigmatism throughout Japan s people, using authoritative and
irrational actions, taking away human rights and installing many ideas.
Before the war, events like the Sino Japanese War, Triple Intervention, Anglo Japanese Treaty, and
the Trans Siberian railroad contributed to the tension. In 1894, the Sino Japanese War broke out
between Japan and China, competing for their rights and interests in Korea; the result of the war
lead to Japan s victory. Following the war, in 1895, the Triple Intervention (Russia, France, and
Germany) entailed that Japan to retrocede all territorial victories from the war. This included to
give back the Liaodong Peninsula to China and to resign control over China. Japan was in no state
to risk military confrontation therefore couldn t fight back (Emergence of Modern Japan).
Subsequently, Russia proceeded to build a railroad through Manchurian territory into the Liaodong
Peninsula, continuing its expansionist policies in northeast Asia. Japan, in an effort to make a
truce, Ito offered a trade off arrangement with Russia: Japan
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Khe Sanh Australian Poem Analysis
Hello ladies and gentlemen, I am here to bring forth some poems that represent our beautiful
country for the Australian day anthology. Australians identity is a wonderful thing with our mate
ship and way of life respected throughout the world. Our acknowledgement of our past makes us the
country we are and creates the country we have, with the pride shared between all who happily call
Australia there home. These poems explore our country s pride through times of hardship, this
being the Vietnamwar. And how our strong mate ship and pride helped us prevail through this time.
These are very clear throughout the poems becoming clear staple pieces for this era.
The first poem is the song, Khe Sanh by Cold Chisel written in 1978 and based upon the post
stress of the Vietnam war, created on everyone involved. It expresses how life was for the war
veterans after this dreadful war they just endured, showing the struggle fitting back into a normal
society. It explores the journey of a VET combating this stress. They try to suppress it but no
matter how hard they try to this doesn t work. So, they go looking to discover the real meaning
behind it all.
And I ve travelled round the world from year to year And each one found me aimless, one more
year the more for wear
(stanza 5, line 1 2)
It represents the Aussie pride and ... Show more content on ...
Like many others soldiers the song writer Lachlan Irvine suffered PTSD being a major reason for
writing these poems so people understand what he went through. The meaning of this poem is set
upon how bad Vietnam war was like and more focusing on the lesser known parts that happened.
The rhetorical questions throughout this poem created great emotional affect upon the audience
making them think hard about all these different events. The language used with these questioned
is very strong to create lasting effects being extremely upfront one used to
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United States And Territorial States
Although archaeologists debate the definition of city states, territorial states, and when they
become an empire, there are some basic outlines that can be followed. City states are densely
populated area with a socially stratified society made of people spanning from elite and nobles
down through to crafts people and farmers; complex, administrative, political, and governmental
bodies that guide everyday activities (Scarre Fagan, 2003). City states are predominantly made
up of the same ethnicities, who share a similar culture, while Territorial states are political
centers with other portions of society living outside a main administrative area (Scarre Fagan,
2003). Territorial states are normally made up of varying ethnicities, languages and incorporate
larger expanses of land (Scarre Fagan, 2003). An Empire is a city state or state that conquers
neighboring states to create a larger territory (Smiley, 2015: Unit 9). In addition, and empire has a
governing body that implements a tax to help support the population and governing powers and
has a standing military that helps conquer, helps enforce the rule of the state on the new territory,
and minimize uprisings. In this essay I will describe three key empires: the Romans, the Aztecs,
and the Incas. The Roman were a culturally underdeveloped group, one of several city states
aligned with the city state of Etrua, and was under Etruscan rule for around 200 years before they
rebelled. Subsequently they took the
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Summary Of Anna In The Tropics
For this week s post, pick a character from Anna in the Tropics and tell me what you think is their
most interesting scene in the second act of the play. It could be the most emotional, revealing,
tragic, comic, etc. First, set it up by describing the events that led up to this scene and the other
characters involved. Then describe why you find it so interesting.
In the play, Anna in the Tropics by Nilo Cruz, I chose ChechГ© since he drove most of the action
in the plot and he had a different opinion on how to advance the factory. ChechГ© was unique from
all the characters because his past was somewhat unclear; all the audience knows was that he came
from up north and that one day he showed up as Santiago s half brother.
In the second act
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Fluoride Effects
Fluoride is the ionic form of the element fluorine, different in chemical and physical properties. It is
most usually used in compounds for industry, however, it can be added to water sources. Few areas
in the UK have fluoridated tap water, providing them with key nutrients needed by the body and an
efficient method of preventing tooth decay. On the other hand, there has been speculation linking
fluorideto certain disorders and diseases which has caused concern within the country.
Although Fluoridated water carries many health benefits there have been numerous theories linked
to negative conditions. This causes people to fear what is being put into their water, raising
concerns such as how will this affect our children and other safety ... Show more content on ...
When fluoridation plans came about in 1964 it was estimated that only 10% of children would
be affected by fluorosis, however cases have since exceeded such estimations. There are three
forms of fluorosis; mild, moderate and severe. Although nearly all cases are considered amongst
the mild category there is still evidence of negative effects, enough to make people sceptical.
Along with fluoride being harmful to teeth it was found to damage soft tissues and bones.
Recently there have been 24 studies performed which found links to reduced IQ in children
exposed to amounts of fluoride. However, these tests were not tested with fluoridated water.
When added to water it is in compound form, for example as sodium fluoride, therefore reducing
its toxicity. It is also well known that susceptibility to the fluoride toxins varies greatly between
individuals. Fluorosis is the most common disorder which fluoride creates. It is almost always
having a cosmetic effect leaving white streaks on teeth as well as altering the appearance of
growing teeth in children. The fact that it leaves permanent damage to the tooth s enamel means
that parents are highly reluctant to having such a harmful chemical in their water. This is not only
a common theme in the UK, only 11 countries in the world have more than 50% of their population
drinking fluoridated water. With only about 6 million people supplied with fluoridated water, it
means only 10% of the UK has agreed to the legislations. This shows that very few people agree
with its benefits. Anti fluoride campaigns are most prominent in Manchester and London, two major
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The Eyes Were Watching God Character Analysis
Model Amber Valletta wrote, We are what we see. We are products of our surroundings. A major
element of someone s personality is due to their environment or past events of their lives. Janie
Crawford is certainly not an exception. This is the story of Janie s Pursuit for love where she, a
widowed woman, unfolds her story to her friend Pheoby at dinner. She talks about her childhood
with Nanny and The Washburns, her relationships with Logan Killicks and Joe Starks or Jody, her
experiences with them along with events that took place while being with them or in relation to
them, how they affected her mentality, and how she grows up and matures throughout her life to
the self reliant woman telling the story. In The Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston
the struggles in Janie s problematic relationships with Logan and Joe impacted her, which gave her
more and more experiences to gradually building up to the independent woman she is in the
beginning of the story.
The beginning phase of Janie s development was her marriage to Logan, where she thought that
the marriage which Nanny forced upon her might end up fulfilling her aspiration for love.
Logan was very nice to Janie at the beginning, but later, as time went by, he wasn t as nice to her
anymore. One morning Logan called for Janie for her to come out and help him with his work in
the fields. Janie! Logan called harshly. Come help me move dis manure pile befo de sun gits hot.
You don t take a bit of interest in
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Bill of Rights Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen...
The Bill of Rights and Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen are based on the same
principles of natural rights; therefore each document is similar in protecting the people s natural
rights. However, despite their similarities, their differences are apparent due to the social situations
in which they were adopted. The Bill of Rights stood to protect the freedoms of each individual by
establishing a democratic government. The French Revolution eliminated the hierarchy of class
and established equality among men with the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. Several
influences from past philosophers and documents assisted the frame work of the Bill of Rights and
Declaration of Rights and Citizen. Declarations of the Rights... Show more content on ...
Property being an inviolable and sacred right, no one may be deprived of it except when public
necessity... The Declarations of Rights of Man and Citizen differ to the Bill of Rights because of
the different social and economic institutions. The Bills Of Rights protect citizens through the
security of the government. The ten amendments don t directly address the rights of individuals,
instead allow the government to enforce them, such as; congress will make no law inflicting
rights of speech, press, and religion. These are objectives of the government to keep in tact, not
necessary a right upon an individual. However, in the Rights of Man and Citizen it addresses the
individual and their equality before the law. In article four it announces that liberty is based on the
individual not to harm another. Thus, has no limits but the law will determine the limits. In article
one it states, Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. 4 The diction in the Declaration
gives the impression of the equality among individuals first, than law will follow. It contrasts to the
Bill of Rights; which established a government for law, to protect the rights of individuals. In The
Declaration addressed the responsibility of individuals and general will to mold the law. The Bill of
Rights was ratified together with the Constitution in 1791. The Bill Rights was incorporated with
the Constitution to diminish the fear by the Anti Federalists of a government
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Single Sex Classrooms Helps Increase Self Esteem
Single Sex Education is considered to be a teaching system that has been implemented in schools
all over world, from long ago and little still today. That means that girls and boys are instructed in
separate schools or classrooms. How does single sex education benefits students? That is the
question that some parents make themselves when their sons enter school. Researches demonstrate
that single sex classrooms helps increase self esteem; offer an environment that students feel more
confortable in which will lead to better classroom discussions; Increases in subjects that certain
genders are usually not interested can also be beneficial. Nowadays very few schools apply this
system, for it is well known the benefits that Co educationoffers. Co Education is another teaching
system that gained popularity some years ago and it is about that male and female are in mixed
classrooms. What is the importance of co education in our society? That has become a vital part of
every institution, helping students from both genders to construct a mutual understanding between
them. Some benefits of co education are: it helps and teaches how to be successful by working
together; removes thoughts of superiority and inferiority between students from single sex
education; students in co educational schools grow to be confident expressing their view in the
presence of the opposite sex; for both genders co education provides more realistic way for
students to face their places in the wider
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The Battle With Grendel s Mother In Beowulf
Grendel s mother is the most dangerous antagonist for Beowulf during the whole story. The story
starts with Beowulf battling with Grendel. Then is switches to the battle with Grendel s mother
who is getting revenge. These two battles define which is more dangerous than the other. First, the
fight with Grendelis a brutal one. The battle took place in the town of Heorotwhere Grendel kept
attacking the town at night injuring and killing people. For this battle there wasn t much
preparation other than making himself as dangerous any day as Grendel. (Beowulfline 687). He
does so by taking off all his armor and just wearing regular clothing. Beowulf fights this battle with
No weapons. (Beowulf line 683). He does so because he thinks Grendel... Show more content on ...
At first Grendel seems to be more dangerous because he is so strong by Beowulf defeats hum in
one battle. Then Grendel s mother attacks and kills most of the men in the town while Beowulf is
sleeping somewhere else. Which results in Beowulf going to her house and defeating her. So
Grendel s mother is the most dangerous antagonist in this story. You can see that by Beowulf
having to battle her twice unlike his one battle with Grendel. Also it is shown because the town
doesn t know that she is coming to attack
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Comments of the German Delegation to the Paris Peace...
Case Study Week Two: Comments of the German Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference 1919
1. According to the authors of Germany s complaint. The various provisions of the treaty hurt
Germany s economy by forcing Germany to accept full responsibility for the damages caused not
only by the Germans but also by everyone associated with them and the damage that was caused.
As stated in the article, Comments of the German Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference, 1919
President Wilson recognized in his speech of 1916 no single fact caused the war, but that in the
last analysis the whole European system is in a deeper sense responsible for the war, with its
combination of alliances and understandings, a complicated texture of intrigues... Show more
content on ...
Instead they were pretty much treated as if everything was their fault and they had sole
responsibility for the war and they were going to pay the price. 3. The fundamental Laws the
document appeal to in order to strengthen German assertions was the right to self determination.
They felt that by being deprived of that right, the feelings and wishes of all the people were
being taken away and not being considered. They were forced to abide by other nations wishes
without any input as to what they wished for themselves. 4. Personally I do agree that Germany
was being mistreated. In my opinion, they were being unfairly treated because what applied to
one nation did not apply to them. They were pretty much treated like they were the sole reason
why the war started and they were being punished for the actions and choices of many nations. It
was as if in order to live in peace they had to give up the very land and rights everyone was fighting
for, especially the basic rights of the nations of self determination. It is unreasonable and not right
to force Germany to give up all power of their land, by having another nation determine everything
for them, for Germany to have to rebuild their country and not benefit from it, rather the only
benefit to rebuilding would be to other nations. I think defenders of the treaty would respond to
Germany s complaints by
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Comparing The Lottery In Babylon And The Library Of Babel
Jorge Luis Borges was a Spanish speaking Argentinian writer who wrote many influential short
stories over the course of his long life time. Much of Borge s writings are works of fictions that
deal with philosophies, religion, libraries, and even the concept of infinity. Borges would often
publish multiple stories at a time in collections. One of Borges s collections was titled The Garden
of Forking Paths, which features eight short stories, published in 1941 in the Argentinian journal
Sur. Two of the stories featured in The Garden of Forking Paths, The Lottery in Babylon and
The Library in Babel very interesting to me. The Lottery in Babylon tells of a country where
your life is dependent on the lottery. The Library in Babel is the story of a library that contains
infinite rooms and all possible books. Both of Borges s stories The Lottery in Babylon and The
Library of Babel deal with a metaphorical world view that is different from the one we are used to,
however The Library of Babel is... Show more content on ...
The universe (which others call the Library) is composed of an indefinite, perhaps infinite
number of hexagonal galleries. In the center of each gallery is a ventilation shaft, bounded by a
low railing (Borges, 112). The fact that frightens me the most is that people seem to use the term
universe and library interchangeably. People in this universe have become so determined to have
a record of all of man s knowledge, that civilization has dwindled down to almost nothing. The
narrator of this story only talks about men, and as there are no women, there is no way to
reproduce, or continue the livelihood of anyone. Borges talked about two axioms for the library.
Axioms are statements or propositions that are regarded as true, even though they cannot be proven
or disproven. First: The Library has existed ab Г¦ternitate. [...] Second: There are twenty five
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Can the Subaltern Speak
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Can the Subaltern Speak? An understanding of contemporary relations
of power, and of the Western intellectual s role within them, requires an examination of the
intersection of a theory of representation and the political economy of global capitalism. A theory
of representation points, on the one hand, to the domain of ideology, meaning, and subjectivity,
and, on the other hand, to the domain of politics, the state, and the law. The original title of this
paper was Power, Desire, Interest. 1 Indeed, whatever power these meditations command may have
been earned by a politically interested refusal to push to the limit the founding presuppositions of
my desires, as far as they are within my grasp. This... Show more content on ...
Why should such occlusions be sanctioned in precisely those intellectuals who are our best
prophets of heterogeneity and the Other? The link to the workers struggle is located in the desire
to blow up power at any point of its application. This site is apparently based on a simple
valorization of any desire destructive of any power. Walter Benjamin comments on Baudelaire s
comparable politics by way of quotations from Marx: 272 Marx continues in his description of the
conspirateurs de profession as follows: ... They have no other aim but the immediate one of
overthrowing the existing government, and they profoundly despise the more theoretical
enlightenment of the workers as to their class interests. Thus their anger not proletarian but plebian
at the habits noirs (black coats), the more or less educated people who represent [vertretenjthat side
of the movement and of whom they can never become entirely independent, as they cannot of the
official representatives [Reprasentantenj of the party. Baudelaire s political insights do not go
fundamentally beyond the insights of these professional conspirators.... He could perhaps have
made Flaubert s statement, Of all of politics I understand only one thing: the revolt, his own. 6 The
link to the workers struggle is located, simply, in desire. Elsewhere, Deleuze and Guattari have
attempted an alternative definition of desire, revising
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Insanity Defense Pros And Cons
Insane Insanity Plea The option to utilize the insanity defense in court should be supported because
it is needed to acquit those individuals who had no control over their actions due to a physical
ailment, to put a mentally ill patient in with the general prison population would be
unconstitutional, and those who are mentally insane need special services for rehabilitation. The
insanity defenseshould be available to those who had no control of their actions due to a physical
illness. D wounded a female neighbor friend whilst sleepwalking. They had been watching videos
and she fell asleep on the sofa, he hit her with a bottle and a video recorder and grabbed her round
the throat. He was sleepwalking at the time (Harrison). This man... Show more content on ...
The criminally insane need a special form of rehabilitation and should be granted to right to fight
for this sentence. The insanity defense serves a definitive purpose in our legal system dismissing
those who should truly be found innocent. The option to utilize the insanity defense in court should
not be supported because it is not always effective for those who truly need it, it is a Catch 22 and
a mental illness does not dismiss the fact that a crime has taken place. The insanity plea should be
abolished because it does not help those who need it, the bar at which you qualify for insanity is
near unreachable, which renders the plea useless. Psychiatrists who examined Andrea Yates
testified repeatedly she was mentally ill and suffered from severe postpartum depression but
that was not enough to brand her legally insane (Seligman). This woman was later retried and
did succeed in using the insanity defense. The fact that she was not allowed to use it the first
time shows how hard it is to succeed using this defense. The first time she tried to use the
defense, she clearly qualified but was dismissed due to other factors; if the plea is not for the
insane then who is it for? The insanity plea should be reexamined because it is a Catch 22. Owen
Atlee Walker Jr. of Newport News, who on Feb. 2 took a hunting knife and stabbed his girlfriend
26 times, with their two young kids in the next room. Then he cleaned off the murder weapon with
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Breitbart New Right
There is a growing sentiment that nationalist and conservative political parties are increasing in
popularity and influence around the world. While this may be true to some extent, it is arguably the
rise of the New Right that is gaining significant momentum in surging popularity and influence at
this current time. While it is easy to suggest that nationalist, populist, conservative and even fascism
is becoming more mainstream and acceptable in modern society, it is important that the New Right
is differentiated from the current group of right leaning politics. This paper will identify and
discuss what is the new right and what makes it different from other forms of the political right, as
well as examining the cause and as contributing... Show more content on ...
The use of social media from the left and right are noticeably different. Brooker and Barnett
(2017) observed that those who were drawn to social justice politics tended to use insults as
opposed to engaging in a serious debate. This itself has created a stigma for socialists who don t
support and even oppose identity politics, but are associated with those using identity politics,
similar to how the new and alt right are often stated to be one of the same. And it is identity
politics that s arguably drawing the forgotten people to these alternative sources of information and
humour. The ideology of political correctness is identified by young people as censorship and
suppression, comparable to totalitarianism. It is for this reason why the new and alt right have
made significant inroads in the social media space. Traditional media repressed what those on the
right call freedom of speech, thus forcing individuals to search other places, predominantly online
where their voices, concerns and opinions can be
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External Affairs Power In Australia
Section 51 (xxix) of the Constitution of Australia grants exclusive power to the Commonwealth to
legislate with regard to external affairs. Since its inception, through the development of case law,
the external affairs power has been found to consist of three limbs:
1.Relations with other countries
2.Matters geographically external to Australia
3.Implementing treaties within Australia
In this essay, it will be seen that the expansion of the external affairs power since Federation
reflects Australia s growing independence from a Dominion of the United Kingdom and its
transition into nationhood.
In order to be recognised as an independent state, a country or nation must satisfy five vital
elements. Statehood is recognised when a country or ... Show more content on ...
Relations with Other Countries
The first limb of the External Affairs Power allows the Commonwealth to institute legislation
designed to preserve relations with other countries and international organisations like that of the
United Nations. This deals with a legal topics ranging from sedition or treason , extradition and
A major part of this limb is to develop and enforce laws that aim to criminalise acts like that of
sedition or treason against countries other than Australia . By doing so it is hoped that relations
with external countries are preserved.
Another major aspect this limb deals with is that of Australia s relationship with the United Nations
and other major international organisations .
The external affairs power is also designed to apply to individuals plotting terrorist acts against
other countries, as was the case in Thomas v
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Corporal Punishment And How It Affects A Child s Life
For over decades now there has been many controversial debate about corporal punishment and
how it effects a child s life.Before we even begin this whole debate, we should distinguish the
difference between child abuse and corporal punishment.Child abuse is when a parent or a
caregiver fails to act upon action like injury, death, and emotional abuse with child abusethere are
many forms of maltreatment, which includes neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, exploitation
and emotional abuse. Corporal punishmentis when a parent or other legal guardian causes physical
pain or discomfort to a child due to misbehaving examples include spankingor slapping a child with
a hand or using a belt,slippers,and a paddle.Sometimes corporal punishment can also include
shaking, pinching, or a child being in a uncomfortable position. In fact, often times parents take it
too far when it comes to punishing their child which soon leads to a big issue.
In the Middle Age corporal punishment was used in schools, at home, and for when a person
convict a crime. Today, some schools has banned corporal punishment like in Alaska, California,
Connecticut, Delaware and many more, but should it be illegal at home also? Parents have
different opinions about corporal punishment and the way it should be used. One parent said that
they d been spanked as a child, and they turned out pretty good. (Polhemus, Betsy and Lindo, Asher,
To hit or not to hit: Is spanking an effective punishment?), but what if you
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Theme Of Nature In Thoreau
discards the language of obedience and redemption used by the church. To Thoreau, Nature and
God are at once synonymous and interconnected: Next to us the grandest laws are continually
being executed. Next to us is not the workman we have hired, with whom we love so well to
talk, but the workman whose work we are. (175) Thoreau believes in a creator god, a living god
that makes of Nature his home. Thoreau feels Nature is a divine space: a space where man is
able to feel close to his god, a space where man is able to appreciate his god s favors and Nature is
the space where man can embrace the god within himself. Influenced by Emerson, Coleridge and
Wordsworth, among others, Thoreau thinks that nature is the source of strength, spirituality... Show
more content on ...
One would approach at first warily through the shrub oaks, running over the snow crust by fits
and starts like a leaf blown by the wind, now a few paces this way, with wonderful speed and
waste of energy, making inconceivable haste with his trotters, as if it were for a wager, and now
as many paces that way, but never getting on more than half a rod at a time; and then suddenly
pausing with a ludicrous expression and a gratuitous somerset, as if all the eyes in the universe
were eyed on him for all the motions of a squirrel, even in the most solitary recesses of the forest,
imply spectators as much as those of a dancing girl wasting more time in delay and
circumspection than would have sufficed to walk the whole distance I never saw one walk and
then suddenly, before you could say Jack Robinson,he would be in the top of a young pitch pine,
winding up his clock and chiding all imaginary spectators, soliloquizing and talking to all the
universe at the same time for no reason that I could ever detect, or he himself was aware of, I
suspect (357). Concurrently, Thoreau projects an image of nature as a whole, as a distinct, living
and essential presence rather than as an accumulation of items to which man assigns significance.
The interconnectedness of the various components of nature is illustrated in this passage of
Walden: Standing at the smooth sandy beach at
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Satellite Imagery Based Analysis Of Archaeological Looting
Many horrible and despicable acts have been committed during wartime. However, some of the
worst acts committed are not readily known, such as the destruction and looting of historical areas
and heritage sites. Published in Near Eastern Archaeology, an article named Satellite Imagery Based
Analysis of Archaeological Lootingin Syriatackles this issue. In it Jesse Casana, the author,
explains how his team is using satellite imagery (along with ground reports) to track the
widespread looting across Syria. Casana is currently an Associate Professor at Dartmouth
College, in the Department of Anthropology. He is also directing a survey project in the Diyala
River Valley in Iraq. His previous engagement was as director of an excavation at Tell Qarqur in
Syria. His specialization is in the development and implementation of geospatial technology and its
use in archaeology. The combination of his boots on the ground experience in Syria, along with his
specialization makes him a perfect candidate to lead the analysis on these looting sites. There are
many reasons that I chose to review this article, the foremost being that it simply sounded
fascinating. In addition to that, I wanted to gather more information as to where, why, and to what
extent, looting was occurring. /!/
Since the start of the Syrian War in 2011, archaeologists have run into roadblocks with tracking
specific damages and scope of the damage done to historical sites and artifacts. This destruction
takes many forms
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Case Study Mira Loma Dc
Medtronic Distribution Operations has undertaken a review of the Mira Loma DC as a part of
our ongoing effort to maintain and drive continuous improvement on our key distribution
objectives. Based on this review, a decision has been made to close the Mira Loma DC The
decision to move was difficult and one that was made only after complete study and analysis. This
move will ensure improvements in efficiency and scale and thus allow the Medtronic Distribution
Network to leverage existing resources so we can better serve our customers and patients Based
on this review, a decision has been made to close the Mira Loma DC. We will transition inventory
and all related DC activities to the Memphis Distribution Center. Our Mira Loma site currently...
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Our objective will be to complete the transfer by June 30, 2016. However, as the volume
diminishes, we may need to adjust this date accordingly. In the weeks ahead, we will keep you
informed by providing regular updates of all activities that will affect you directly Frequently
Asked Questions Q1. Why was the decision made to close the West Coast DC and transition to
Memphis? A.This closure will simplify our distribution network to a 2 DC model. This change
will allow for improved efficiency by leveraging the operational capabilities of our Memphis and
Swedesboro DC s. This decision is no reflection upon Mira Loma DC performance. Q2. When
will the West Coast DC close? Will we process FY16 Year End shipments from the West Coast?
A.The DC will not be closing until end of June of 2016. The Mira Loma DC will remain open and
fully operational through FY16 year end. Q3. Will this change be noticeable or impact service to
our customers? A.No, we are committed to transitioning all distribution operations from the West
Coast with no service interruption. We will be partnering with customer service and planning
departments to ensure a seamless transition. Q4. How will the closure of the West Coast DC impact
Quarter End
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7 Wastes
Elimination of muda
Muda is a traditional general Japanese term for activity that is wasteful and doesn t add value or
is unproductive or not useful in practice or others. It is also a key concept in the Toyota
Production System (TPS) and is one of the three types of waste (Muda, Mura, Muri) that it
identifies. Mura signifies wastes due to unevenness and muri signifies wastes due to overburden.
Waste as defined by Toyota s president, Fujio Cho, is anything other than the minimum amount of
equipment, materials, parts and workers which are absolutely essential to production . The seven
types of wastes identified are
1.Overproduction Waste due to producing before customer requires or more than needed which
often hides production ... Show more content on ...
Over refining adds no value to the customer. Good designs should reduce analyzing, testing,
inspecting and validating. Designs should be kept as simple as possible.
Excess inventory leads to additional costs. Designs should favor just in time production. There
should be no stockpiling of raw materials and parts.
Designs have bearing on the number of defects in production. If designs can be assembled
incorrectly, chances of defects increase. Missing, unclear or incorrect designs lead to defects. High
precision designs lead to lower yields and higher defects. Design should also meet the customer
requirements. Review
People often start using lean production tools without understanding their impacts on the waste
reduction. Value stream mapping can be used to recognize the wastes in the system. Value stream
is a network of steps from beginning to end that provides the result for the customer. Some
activities add value while others do not. All non value adding activities are wastes. Tools like value
stream mapping and 5S need to be linked with waste reduction.
There is a growing trend to increase the number of wastes. The original muda concept had 7 wastes
overproduction, waiting time, transportation, inventory, over processing, motion, product defect
wastes. Because of its inherent simplicity people feed the need to improve it and add various other
wastes like complexity and unused people skills.
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Vicious Leadership in Lord of The Flies
For centuries, many vicious leaders had ruled the world. A prime example of such leadership
would be Hitler; People like him had caused corruptions to the society when, they had let their
evil nature get to them. While millions of innocent people were tortured and killed, those that
were responsible of this gruesome act, watched from the side. The break down or the survival of
a society depends on the people that builds it. If one was to lose his composure and let his true
nature, that is to let the darkness in him take over, it would be the end of the hard built nation.
The Lord Of The Flies, is a good example of what will happen to a society when one let it s true
nature take over. It shows how a group of English boys tries to survive... Show more content on ...
A good example of this would be the cruel act of the boys in chapter nine, during the feast, There
were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws (Golding 141). This shows
how the boys had completely lost rational thoughts to the point of actually killing one of their
friend, Simon. There were no more innocence to these boys. From the time they had first arrived to
the island and to the end of the novel, the characters had developped immensely. The cheerful and
excited little boys had turned into hideous, barbaric creatures. They were no longer recongnizable.
The realization had hit Ralph hard; When he grasp, by the end of the novel, that the dark nature of a
human will eventually take over no matter how orderly they had grew up and that would be the
end of them, ...Ralph wept for for the end of innocence, the darkness of man s heart, and the fall
through the air of a true, wise friend called Piggy... (Golding 186). Honestly, it was inevitable for
the boys to have turn out this way. Being stranded in an unkown island with no proper laws, it was
bound to make the boys lose their composure and the little defect in their nature has led them to
completely destroy themselves and the island.
The author of this tragic tale, had emphasize his theme of inherent darkness in human, through
many symbolic elements and characters. According to the novel, moral and ethics are aspects that
are thaught forcefully upon a person. Hence, the real
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The Benefits Of Video Conferresance And Management In...
In this article, it finds that due to the rapid technological development in the past years, the cost of
the technology has reduced considerably. As a result, the increasing more enterprises and
individuals can apply the advanced technology, video conferencing in particular. It promoted not
only timely information sharing but also strengthened the collaborative relationship. Overall, it has
significantly improved their efficiency in their collaboration and cooperation. Therefore, it is
possible for them to make the close supervision and managementin routine operation. Currently,
companies still want to maximize video quality. With the continuous improvement of processing
technology, as well as the emergence of new standard display... Show more content on ...
With its strong financial strength and worldwide market, it can play an important in the global
popularization of Cisco s IX5000. In the application process, Cisco s IX5000 does account for
the significant position in Produban s high efficiency operation. Especially, it makes more
efficient decision with broad participation of its employees. In other words, Produban minimizes
its cost of ownership. In Produban, Cisco s IX5000 reduces its TCO by 30% just in three years.
For Produban, Cisco s IX5000 systems can immediately grasp the market and win a competitive
advantage. All participants from different regions can be connected to share content and learn
from each other. It is possible to provide immediate information, increase the safety factor, and
provide critical communication tools for various emergencies. It creates the more cohesive
corporate culture and more stable organizational structure. It is the main reason for the full
application of Cisco s IX5000 within Produban. So, it creates the virtuous cycle. It allows
Produban to invest more on Cisco s IX5000 in all of this branches and offices. 1. It is mainly
manifest in high performance and low threshold in installation. Its high performance such as three
4K Ultra HD cameras, theater quality sound emanates.
So, it can eliminate the time and space differences, which will achieve remote communication and
get rid of the cumbersome traditional
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Satire On Homelessness
omelessness does not discriminate; it can affect people from all walks of life no matter sex, race, or
religion. Last year alone, more than 3.5 million people experienced homelessness. Thirty five %
affecting families with children and mental illness contribute to the lowest at twenty% (Students
against Hunger). There are many different homeless population in between, such as military
veterans, children under the age of 18, and those that have experienced domestic violence just to
name a few. Homelessnessis a social problem because it depletes federal funding, increases taxes,
and can lead to criminal activity. The reaction to homelessness regarding the homeless is a social
problem in itself. It seems that Americans view homelessness as a threat to society, an
embarrassment, and sometimes one may even try to act as though the problem does not even exist.
They turn their heads in shame, disgust, pity, distaste and fear. When thinking about the
Conservative views on homelessness in my community, I immediately think about the old Symbolic
Interaction Theory, where it is believes that homelessness is a personal deficiency. According to
our text, society s individualistic culture persuades them that homelessness is a direct result of the
victims doing by lack of motivation and intelligence, as well as being responsible for their own
social standing that puts individuals in the situation of being homeless in the first place (pg.48)
Conservatives, time and time again sees
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Rural Officers Vs Urban Officers Essay
One stress factor that many small town officers face is that everyone knows that are an officer
even when they are off duty, while larger town officers can blend in. This allows the urban
officers to get away from the duties of an officer. This effect causes higher levels of stress with
rural officers since they don t find the down time they need to relax. Relaxing and time away is
something that all working individuals need from time to time. There is also the problem of
being called out for service, the officer in a rural area is likely to know the individuals involved,
which may include victims or suspects. There s a chance that the officer could be related to or be
friends with one of the involved parties. This could create problems in undermining authority and
credibility. Due to being in the small town, it could be more difficult for officers to find an outlet
where they can talk about their feelings on particular calls. The idea behind the article was to
identify small town officers and differentiate their characteristics from larger town officers. A small
town policeare identified as... Show more content on ...
Despite the amount of pay per year, rural officers are just as effective with solving crimes as urban
officers. Professionalism does not necessarily define who is better at crime solving. In fact, urban
officers tend to have less crimes solved per officer or arrested individuals cleared (Falcone, Wells,
Weisheit, 2000). This is probably due to the fact that small town officers work together with the
community to improve the chances of individuals being cleared or arrested. The closeness that is
exhibited in a small town gives officers the opportunity to know the citizens they serve, they gain
trust and respect between both sides, which results in individuals coming forward with information
that could aid in an
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Essay On Endocrine Disruptors
These glands are accountable for the production and regulation of hormones that are released into
the blood circulation and dispersed to target sites. Hormones behave as chemical carriers regulating
essential body functions such as blood pressure, sexual reproduction, blood glucose levels, fluid
stability and development (GreenFacts Scientific Board). However recent studies suggest that a
variety of substances such as natural and man made are interacting with the endocrine system
resulting in adverse health effects, such as a decrease of male fertility, deformities in male
reproductive organs, female reproductive disorders, and potiental effects of the development of the
nervous system and immune system. With a decline in quantities of males reproducing throughout
living organisms... Show more content on ...
Endocrine disruptors include pharmaceuticals such as dioxin and dioxin like compounds,
polychlorinated biphenyls, DDT, and plasticizers such as bisphenol A. In addition to being present
in pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptors can also be located in manufacturing products such as
plastic bottles, metal food cans, cosmetics, pesticides, dietary supplements, and children s toys
(National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences). Recent studies involving animals have
linked the impact of endocrine disruptors and their mechanism to the endocrine system. The
endocrine disruptors have the ability to imitate natural occurring hormones produce in the body
such as estrogen, androgens and thyroid hormones. Endocrine disruptors also have the capability to
bind and inhibit endogenous receptors thus resulting in improper signally throughout the body.
Furthermore, Endocrine disruptors can coordinate simultaneously to produce additive/synergistic
effects that are unnoticeable with discrete
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The Aryan Brotherhood, The Guerilla Family, And The...
Prison gang/security threat groups are growing and impacting penitentiary s around the world in a
negative way. The Aryan Brotherhood, The Guerilla Family, and the Mexican Mafia are three of
many powerful and efficient gangs that flourished in a California prison. Each of these gangs has
its own differences and have a long term history that explains to the reader how these gangs started
their record of criminal acts such as murder, drug trafficking, etc. Correctional staff main goal is to
minimize the violence that come with the prison gangs. It is concluded that the best way to control
gang violence is through separation of members and enemies. Whether if it s through transporting
members to other prisons or through segregation. Studies have shown these findings may not
always be effective because of the growth of prison gangs and the unique ways of communicating
with other inmates in prison and on the outside world.
Prison Gangs and Security Threat Groups
Prison gangs are flourishing in modern prisons throughout the U.S. every day. Every gang has its
own way to distinguish themselves from other gangs. Colors, symbols, hand signs, race, and tattoos
are some of the characteristics gangs use to identify which gang each member belongs to. The
increase in gang activity has been a growing concern to correctional facilities because prison gangs
ultimately put staff and non members safety at risk. Gangs, such as the Aryan Brotherhood, Mexican
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Strike at San Fransisco State College Essay
Strike at San Fransisco State College
In the meantime at San Francisco State College, students in the Third World Liberation Front
(TWLF), a coalition of African American, Latino, and Asian American student groups, began
demanding reforms that addressed the concerns of students of color and the surrounding
community. After more than a year of negotiating with the school and organizing students, they
called a strike on November 6, 1968, that became the longest student strikein United States history.
When it was finally settled in March 1969, many of the students demands were met, including the
establishment of a School of Ethnic Studies.
San Francisco State College
The 1960s were turbulent years. The United States was unpopularly ... Show more content on ...
Hayakawa, one of the few faculty members willing to go back to work, felt it was his duty to cross
the picket line and continue the education of the students who desired it. He believed the faculty
had forgotten their primary mission teaching, conducting research, and pursuing academic
On November 28, 1968, Hayakawa was named acting president of San Francisco State College by
California Governor Ronald Reagan and the trustees of the California state college system. With
no previous administrative or political experience, his selection was an unpopular choice among
faculty members and students. Prior to his appointment, Hayakawa had served on a five person
presidential selection committee whose members had reportedly agreed not to seek the office.
Hayakawa denied any agreement had been made and accepted the job under extreme opprobrium
from committee members. Hayakawa was viewed as eccentric in appearance and style. Wearing
Hawaiian carnation leis and an Irish tam o shanter, his personal appearance was indicative of his
His first priority as acting president was to reopen the campus following Thanksgiving break
ending the strike. To achieve this objective, he yielded on some student demands and rejected
others. This, however, was unsatisfactory to student leaders, who employed 1,000 protesters to
close the campus on the first day following from Thanksgiving break. Taking a firm stance,
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Application Of The Ideas From E Learning Activity
The following blogs are divided into two sections. The first section elaborates the list of ideas
extracted from e learning activity. The second section represents the application of the ideas in an
Section One:
Modification in production: In early 20th century, Henry Ford formed a business partnership with
Alexander Malcomson, and launched an organization with the end goal of assembling cars under
the name The Ford Motor Company . Every car was assembled by groups of skillful workers, and,
cooperating, these groups aggregately spent more than 12 hours assembling every car
(EyeWitness to History, 2005). This procedure was exceptionally costly and tedious, subsequently
making it unimaginable for Ford to mass deliver his cars at moderate costs. To streamline this
procedure and produce a bigger volume of vehicles in a shorter measure of time. Removal of
excessive physical work: Taylor s scientific management theory was established on the rule that
individual specialists would be more profitable on the off chance that they were doled out
assignments that were appropriately suited to their own abilities and qualities. Taylor further
contended that the end of pointless physical development by laborers would bring about expanded
profitability. Ford contracted Taylor to watch his workers and decide the most proficient and
efficient techniques for expanding the organization s profitability. Ford concentrated on Taylor s
perceptions and, as 1908 advanced,
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Tennessee Williams s Tragic Comedy
Once Williams made a name for himself, during his time at school, he rose in popularity rather
fast. While he was at the start of his career, he would become so full of energy [h]e probably
needed some of those boosters to help maintain that fast paced, energetic level of performance
(Herbert 65). Even though he was energetic enough and look as if to have unlimited jokes, he
was said to have stolen other comedian jokes. Many other comedians would not perform in front
of Williams in case he decided to steal their work. Ultimately, he began staying outside whichever
club he was performing at that night so one could blame him for stealing jokes but, there
[appeared to be] some professional jealousy going on (Herbert 67). Once this rivalry
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What Heart World Is Going Through A Strategic Planning
Heart World is going through a strategic planning because of new management and owners. The
process will set priorities, focus resources, make operations stronger, ensure that employees and
other key players are working toward common goals, and establish agreement around envisioned
outcomes/results. It is a disciplined effort that produces essential choices and actions that shape and
guide what Heart World is, who Heart World serves, what Heart World does, and why Heart World
does it, with a focus on the future. Nonetheless, as information was gathered to create an
organization strategic plan, Laura Hansard, office liaison answered my questions in efforts to
gather information on Heart World history, vision, mission, values, and other... Show more content
on ...
Values are enormously as per their vision, purpose, and mission important to the organization. Heart
World understands that it s vital they try to learn and appreciate differences in order to work
effectively with patients, employees, and others.
Organization Purpose Advance the profession of medical group practice management and
cooperate with other health organizations to improve health delivery to the public.
Heart World Overview Since Heart World began in 1975, it has grown to be the largest provider of
cardiology care in Volusia County. The practice provides a full range of cardiovascular services
and testing in multiple offices. The office is now located on North Clyde Morris Blvd, Daytona
Beach in 1980. The office was greatly expanded in 90 s. In 1995, the practice added nuclear
stress testing and transthoracic echocardiography. In 1998, the practice expanded to offices in
DeLand and Orange City. The practice now includes an office in Port Orange and Edgewater. Dr. K
joined Dr. L in 1981 and the practice was known as Cardiology World, PA.
Dr. W joined in 1992 bringing specialty training in coronary angioplasty. Dr. F joined in 1995
bringing specialty training in nuclear cardiology. Dr. G joined as an invasive cardiologist in 1996,
as well as, Dr. A in 1998, and Dr. B in 2005. In 1998, Dr. O started cardiology practice in West
Volusia and Dr. L retired. Dr. C started in West Volusia in 2002 and Dr. M in 2007. Dr. HS
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Princeton University Research Paper
Princeton University is a private institution that was founded in 1746. It has a total undergraduate
enrollment of 5,402, its setting is suburban, and the campus size is 600 acres. It utilizes a
semester based academic calendar. Princeton University s ranking in the 2017 edition of Best
Colleges is National Universities, 1. Its tuition and fees are $45,320 (2016 17).
Princeton, among the oldest colleges in the U.S., is located in the quiet town of Princeton, New
Jersey. Within the walls of its historic ivy covered campus, Princeton offers a number of events,
activities and organizations. The Princeton Tigers, members of the Ivy League, are well known for
their consistently strong men s and women s lacrosse teams. Students live in one of six residential
colleges that provide a residential community as well as dining services but have the option to join
one of more than 10 eating ... Show more content on ...
Princeton includes highly ranked graduate programs through the Woodrow Wilson School of Public
and International Affairs and School of Engineering and Applied Science. One unique aspect of
Princeton s academic program is that undergraduate students are required to write a senior thesis, or
for students in some engineering departments, take on an independent project. Notable alumni
include U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, model/actress Brooke Shields and former first lady
Michelle Obama. According to Princeton legend, if a student exits campus through FitzRandolph
Gate prior to graduation, he or she may be cursed never to graduate.
Princeton University is unique in combining the strengths of a major research university with the
qualities of an outstanding liberal arts college. Whether through independent study, student initiated
seminars, or lectures in emerging fields such as neuroscience, Princeton students have the flexibility
to shape dynamic academic programs that prepare them for leadership and lives of service.
Through its
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Polygyny in Africa Essay
Polygyny in Africa
Whereas numerous African creation myths are supportive of cultural practices such as
circumcision, there are very few, if any, creation myths that justify polygyny. There are many
proverbs about polygamy. However, proverbs do not have the same weight as myths in explaining
why certain things should be the way they are. African creation myths suggest that monogyny was
the original practice not only among creator gods, but also among the original humans. The pursuit
of immortality through procreation is noble. Nevertheless, its achievement through polygyny
discriminate against women. So, polygyny is a sexist cultural practice that has no genuine
religious basis. It is a post original sin as well as a culturally and ... Show more content on ...
Of course, there are many proverbs about polygamy and co wives. But proverbs do not have the
same weight as myths. Indeed, the former are humans sayings, whereas the latter are sacred
literatures, so to speak. Numerous African creation myths develop the idea that monogyny was the
original practice among creator gods and among the first human couples. After reading numerous
creation myths, I have identified five of them which substantiate this claim. These myths are
representative of five geographic areas of sub Saharan Africa, that is, the northern, southern, eastern,
western, and central Africa.
With the exception for The Plant of life, a Nyamwezi story, Tanzania, in which Shida Matunda
created all things as well as two women whom he took as wives, virtually all married divinities
were monogamists. Furthermore, in my research I came across only one instance in which a God
gave the original man, Moon, more than a wife, Morningstar and Eveningstar; but Moon was given
the second wife only after God had called the first one to go and live in the sky. Consequently, I
contend that African religions are not the authentic foundation of polygyny, or the practice of
having more than one wife or female mate at one time. What is more, the pursuit of personal
immortality through procreation could possibly be a
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Summary Of Flesh And Blood So Cheap
Both fire extinguishers and smoke detectors were invented in the early 1900s, yet 146 lives
were taken in the Triangle Fire. Could you imagine the lack of safety standards during this time
period? The non fictional story, Flesh and Blood So Cheap, by Albert Marrin, uses explicit and
implicit evidence throughout the text to convey his theme about the unsafe conditions that
resulted into the tragedy of the Triangle Fire. First of all, Marrin uses explicit ideas to inform
readers about some of the events in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. For example, he states in the
text that a worker in the building had probably thrown away a cigar in the trash, which started the
fire. In the first paragraph, the text states, Most likely, a cutter flicked a hot ash or tossed a live
cigarette butt into the scrap bin. From this phrase, readers can obviously tell that if the cutter had
not used the cigarette in the first place, the fire might have never occurred. When people from the
ninth floor prepared to jump to their deaths, the firefighters came to rescue them, but failed to save
anyone. In paragraph twelve, it states, The men s hands were bleeding, the nets were torn and some
caught fire from burning clothing. The same paragraph also states,... Show more content on ...
According to paragraph two, it states, A foreman ran for the hose on the stairway wall. Nothing!
No water came. This quote shows that it was the building was not safe because the hose was not
connected to the water. Another implicit quote is stated in paragraph seven, where it states, Those
who reached the ninth floor stairway door found it locked. This was not unusual, as employers
often locked doors to discourage latecomers... This quote supports the fact that readers can infer
that the owner did not care for the workers because they locked doors in the building, which is also
another unsafe condition in the
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Red Azalea Essay
The book Red Azalea written by Anchee Min is a true tale about her life and her upbringings.
The author was raised in Shanghai and was brought up being taught under the influence of Mao
and on the operas of Comrade Jiang Ching. She is a very intelligent girl in school, and she
becomes the leader of the Little Red Guards because of her good grades and hard work in school,
a communist party, but a school version. Anchee Min excels in school with her amazing speaking
and writing skills, therefore her other party members decide that she is the right one to speak on
their behalf. When she is told by a secretary of the party that she must speak against her teacher
Autumn Leaves at first she doesn t believe but she is then told that the teacher has written a journal
about the students and how Min is educable she is very angry about this so accuses the teacher...
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It does effect the story because it was a time of great struggle for many families and Anchee. In the
story she said, We often ran out of food by the end of the month. We would turn into starving
animals. This book gave me a better understanding of this time period in Shanghai because Anchee
Min is telling us about her struggles and giving the information first hand and showing me how
hard it was to live during the time of the revolution. I learned more about the Great Proletarian
Cultural Revolution and the struggle that many had gone through in that time.
I could connect this story to A Long Way Gone, another memoir, because in the beginning of the
book Ishmael Beah struggles to find food and he has no money to pay for the food. His life was
really an overall struggle. Anchee s parents struggled to put food on the table for her and her
family because of the little pay that they received and how the economy was. In hunger, Coral
once dug out a drug bottle from the closet and chewed down pink colored pills for
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Dry Mouth Research Paper
Do You Struggle With A Constant Dry Mouth? These Treatments Might Help Dry mouth may
not seem like it s a serious problem, but it can impact your life in a negative way. Saliva is
important for several reasons and when your glands don t produce enough of it, you can suffer
from side effects such as gum disease, cavities, and even difficulty swallowing food. Dry mouth
has a variety of causes. Some of them are temporary, such as a side effect of a medication, and
others are permanent, such as damaged salivary glands from radiation therapy. The first step in
reversing your dry mouth is to uncover the cause. For instance, your doctor might change your
prescription medication to give you relief. If it s discovered your dry mouth condition is... Show
more content on ...
Keep a cup of ice chips handy so you can nibble at them throughout the day to keep your mouth
moist. Taking small sips of water frequently will help with dry mouth too, especially when you
re speaking or eating. Also, try sleeping with a humidifier next to your bed at night. Breathing
moist air helps keep your mouth moist too, and it may prevent a dry or sore throat that is
common with dry mouth. Mouth Protection The big concern with having dry mouth is the
effect it has on your teeth. Your risk of cavities is greatly increased because your teeth need
saliva to wash away food bits and neutralize bacteria. Your dentist may provide fluoride trays that
you wear when you sleep at night so your teeth are protected. In addition, your dentist can help
you choose the best oral care products for your condition. For instance, you ll want to avoid
products with alcohol that can further dry your mouth. Try using lip balm or gel on your lips to
keep the corners of your mouth from cracking. Also, there are substances you can avoid so you
won t compound your problem. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol since both of these make dry
mouth symptoms worse. You may also want to avoid spicy foods because they can irritate your
mouth when it isn t protected with enough
... Get more on ...
The World Of Reading And The English Language
If there s anything harder than learning how to read for the very first time, it s learning how to
read with a parent whose first language is not English. Learning how to read can get pretty
interesting when you re trying to wander into the world of reading and the English language.
However, this small obstacle never stopped me from learning how to read or even from readingat
all. Now that I am eighteen years old, I have a big love for reading. Reading is a virtual escape
that allows me to jump into many alternate universes. My journey to the world of reading and the
English language was not a smooth one, but it turned out to be a rewarding experience.
Throughout my years in elementary school, I resided in Miami which obviously has a big
Hispanic population. There are people who speak Spanish or are bilingual like me. Yes, English
is not my first language, it s Spanish. Despite the fact that I am bilingual, English is the language
that I am more comfortable with. However, before I entered elementary school my mom had
placed me in a day care that would teach me English. That turned out to be a failure as we never
received any lessons in English and the English that I did learn was not quite appropriate for a four
year old. That never stopped my mom though. She had already been living in the United Statesfor
almost 20 years so she knew enough English to communicate with others. My mother values
education and learning a lot, so she would buy me books to improve my
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Synthesis Essay Outline Ap. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Synthesis Essay Outline Ap 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Synthesis Essay Outline Ap Synthesis Essay Outline Ap
  • 2. William Shakespeare s The Taming Of The Shrew Essay Shakespeare wrote his plays without a thought that they would ever not be performed on stage. Many of Shakespeare s plays have been performed since his death 400 years ago. And with time comes advances, as many of Shakespeare s play have been adapted from text to film. Some films take Shakespeare s original plot and twist it to be more modern, while others stick with the classic. In Franco Zeffirelli s 1968 film version of The Taming of the Shrew, he recreates Shakespeare s loved play. Although Zeffirelli stays close to Shakespeare s original text, he does omit and add lines and scenes that weren t originally in the play. Zeffirelli also adds body language and stage directions where they aren t in the play. These directorial decisions change the way the romance looks between Katherina and Petruccio in the text. The relationship between the two characters in Zeffirelli s film is attempted to be seen as more consensual than in the text. Shakespeare s play The Taming of the Shrew begins with an Induction that isn t in Zeffirelli s film. The Induction in the film starts with a beggar named Christopher Sly who is very drunk and hasn t paid his bill. He gets kicked out of the tavern and picked up by a Lord who decides to play a trick on Sly. The trick that the Lord plays on Sly is to have him believe he has been sick for so long that he has become a Lord himself. The Lord decides to treat Sly to a play, which is The Taming of the Shrew. Shakespeare decides to use this as a form ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Worst Time In My Life A time in my life were an incident occurred that had had a major impact on me was this summer. This summer was probably one the worst times in my life because my dad left my mom. He left us with nothing because my mom was the reason why they were no longer together. I couldn t see my dad anymore or even talk to him. I was left feeling depressed and not wanted. At this point in my life I hated and I did wish I wasn t alive at that time, It was such miserable time in my life were nothing got better it just kept getting worse and worse. I cried myself to sleep every night because I thought everyone hated me and that nobody wanted me. I was stuck babysitting all the time because my mom was out trying to make money. All my grandma did was talk about how horrible my dad was and how she wanted him to die. It just made me mad because it was my mom s fault every part of it was but I couldn t say that because I loved my mom more than anything in this world. I also knew she would flip out on me if i said it was her fault because she knew it was. The thingthat made it ten times worse was that she found someone new and he was the biggest piece of trash ever. My mom is my queen, she is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I couldn t imagine life without her . She just tries so hard to make everyone else happy that sometimes it brings her spirit down. I know she didn t leave my dad to make everyone upset, she just needed a break because five kids and a husband who is always ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Society In The 1970 s In many dictionaries society is described as a community of people living together in a group or nation. Even though it may simply mean that; society is one of the sociological terms derived from a Latin word socious meaning friendship or companionship. It is a large grouping sharing the same cultural, social and geographical location. Society consists of people and their mutual awareness and interactions with each other, it is a network of social relationships. Society can be shown as a group of unique individuals who share the same culture and social structure, the members of the society may have different ethnic groups but they share the same society. Society is not a constant it can never stay the same it always changes with the people.... Show more content on ... It was also one of Australia s first soap operas to be made. It used comedy and melodrama to captivate the audience. It struck the taboo subjects of the 1970s such as homosexuality which was illegal at the time, it also changed the perspective of many Australians on those subjects. It became a success and has been regarded as an iconic Australian television show of the 1970s and paved the path for other shows to follow. The show had many controversies but it was rated Australia s number one show in ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Self Esteem And Eating Disorders Throughout history, women have transformed their appearances to match the current beauty ideal. Today, the idea of being a size zero has transformed itself from a trend into being an obsession. The fascination to be thin and perfect has invaded the minds of women and girls all over the world, it feels as if the pressure to have the perfect body everywhere. The ideals of beauty have been constantly focussed on women s bodies. It s gone from the boyish figure during the roaring twenties to an hourglass figure that swept the 1930s and 1950s. Every year beauty standards change and continue to impact women s lives. Many sources talked about self esteem and eating disorders relating to the pressure for the perfect body throughout young girls and women. Other sources focused on the misleading influence of media on women and girls. In one article, Body Image Dissatisfaction: Gender Differences in Eating Attitudes, Self Esteem, and Reasons for Exercise (Furnham, Badmin, Sneade), it talked about women and how they are more likely to judge themselves about their weight or size than men would. It also talked about the different struggles that men and women go through with their bodies. The article, Perfect Body Image , talked about what people are seeing in the news as being perfect. It also brings up the dangers of people thinking and being pressured into these standards. Dangers such as Anorexia, Bulimia, and other eating disorders, are becoming more and more common in society ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Seven Rules For Observational Research Seven rules for observational research: how to watch people do stuff Observational research, ethnography, or, in plain English, watching people do stuff, seems to be hot these days. Newsweek touts it ( quot;Enough Talk, quot; August 18, 1997), which means it s getting to be mainstream, but I find that a lot of clients aren t very comfortable with it. Certainly, compared to traditional focus groups, mini groups, or one on one interviews, observational research accounts for a pitiably small portion of most research budgets. Yogi Berra s famous line that quot;You can observe a lot just by watching quot; is widely acknowledged, but observation remains the most under utilized qualitative technique in marketing research. One of the reasons ... Show more content on ... They re making lunch for their kids, the same way I would if I were in their shoes. They re waiting for their cars to be serviced, the same way I do. If my clients are along, they begin to get very antsy at this point, because they re seeing the same thing I am: nothing out of the ordinary. Rule 1 for observational researchers: quot;Ordinary quot; is what you re there to observe. If you don t go looking for something extraordinary, you won t be so anxious when it doesn t appear. What you re really looking for are the insights hidden in quot;ordinary. quot; Observation gives you the chance to answer those questions such as quot;What do you do when that happens? quot; that come up all the time in focus groups. Suddenly you re not restricted by respondents memories, or their reluctance to discuss the issue in a group, or their desire to conceal what they really do in order to present a more admirable face to the rest of the group. Nothing people do is quot;natural quot; The first time you try observational research, I guarantee that you ll find yourself wondering what there is about the things you re seeing that requires an explanation. You may watch people walking into a retail environment. They ll walk in, look around to get their bearings, walk over to a display or proceed down an aisle, maybe pick up an item or two or compare prices. quot;Of course, quot; you ll say to yourself, quot;that s just what I d do in their shoes. It s just common ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Residential Lease Contract Case Study Residential tenants should be familiar with specific clauses that seek to eliminate protections afforded to tenants by California law. Under California s Civil Code, certain provisions in a residential lease are unenforceable and a tenant may not waive these enumerated rights. Some of the common clauses to be aware of when reviewing a residential lease contract include: Right to repair and deduct. Tenants have the right to occupy a habitable premises. If the landlord fails to make basic repairs to maintain the habitability of the property, the tenant may repair damages and deduct the amount from the rent owed to the landlord. Any lease agreement that prohibits this right is unenforceable. Eviction procedures. A clause that retains a landlord s ... Get more on ...
  • 8. International Business Environment INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Question 4: Compare and contrast the activities of two companies of your choice in the same industrial sector in developing new technology to try to maintain competitive advantage. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION3 TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT4 (i)PRINCIPAL STAGES OF TECH DEVELOPMENT 4 (ii)BASIC INDEXES OF TECHNOLOGY4 ROLE OF R amp;D5 TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION 7 ANALYSIS10 (i)SAMSUNG10 (ii)APPLE12 PORTER S 5 FORCE MODEL COMPARISON15 SWOT ANALYSIS17 CONCLUSION amp; RECOMMENDATION19 REFERENCES21 INTRODUCTION This paper seeks to compare core and enabling ... Show more content on ... Machines designed to replace human labor played a crucial part in the developing social production to perform production and transportation functions. Inventions such as the SPINNING JENNY amp; the STEAM ENGINE commenced the Industrial Revolution. This marked the evolution of machine production. Basic indexes of technology: The most important indexes in technology are productivity, reliability, and economy of operation. The productivity denotes the quantity of goods produced, processed, or shipped per unit time. The reliability of technology is characterized by the capacity to produce itemized quantity of goods without interruption. As the name suggest economy of the operation is determined by the consumption of materials, power and by the cost of supporting facilities necessary for the operation to take place. The indexes of any operation can be improved by perfecting the design of the working elements and by automating operational processes which is nothing but modernization. The life of any technology can be improved by well timed modernization which ensures that the technology meets the demand of technical and scientific progress. ROLE OF R amp;D:
  • 9. Consumer demands continuously changes to indicate the different needs as the society develops. A fresh range of high quality products is what the consumer wants. In order to meet up to the needs in a sustainable way a balance of research and development is needed. Research and development are ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Dfw Fertility Testing Page TitleFemale Fertility Testing Meta DescriptionStruggling with fertility issues? Fertility testing at our DFW fertility center can provide the answers you need. Meta TitleFemale Fertility Testing DFW Fertility Center Comments Live Date (AMY) URL (AMY) Female Fertility Testing Female fertility testing as a starting point When you visit our DFW fertility center for help overcoming infertility, our physicians will begin with female fertility testing. Although you may be eager to begin treatment as soon as possible, it is important for your fertility specialist to understand what is causing your fertility issues. When your physician can provide an accurate diagnosis, he or she is able to develop the right treatment plan to help you start or grow your family. Uncovering the causes of infertility with female fertility testing ... Show more content on ... Depending on your situation, your physician may perform one or more of the following tests. Blood tests evaluate hormone levels and ovarian function by measuring Day 3 FSH and AMH levels. Your fertility specialist may also perform other blood tests tailored to your unique situation. A transvaginal ultrasound allows your physician to see the size and shape of your uterus. It also allows him or her to examine your uterine lining and check for abnormalities in your uterus and ovaries. A hysterosalpingogram, or HSG, can provide information about your fallopian tubes that cannot be seen on an ultrasound. This test involves injecting dye into your uterus through a thin catheter. The dye will appear on x ray to highlight any blockages in your fallopian tubes. Genetic testing is available for you and your partner. Even if you and your partner have no history of genetic disorders, either of you can still be a carrier. Our fertility specialists can recommend specific tests based on your ethnic background and family history. Tailoring treatment based on the test ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Online Journalism and the New Media; Implications for... INTRODUCTION The new media announces a new period of media development in the world over, it is the one that preaches the significance of new communications technologies. The new media is not just a kind of information technology but also part and parcel of the social being of man in this modern society. At the threshold of this fairly new millennium (2000 A.D.), there was a sporadic turn around in the existing branches of the global media. This catapulted the world into a new information order that forcefully attempted to erode the conventional media. This turn around made the traditional mediaВЎВ¦s dictators and gatekeepers to loose their hold. The sub ВЎV editors, and editors who control what comes into the news, and by implication, what... Show more content on ... Dominick 2005: 312 THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVE To best understand the thematic preoccupation of this work, the concept of critical mass theory as it applies to the adoption of a new communication technology is desirable and would be used. The term comes from physics, where critical mass refers to the minimum amount of material needed to trigger and sustain a radioactive chain reaction. The term has been loosely applied to communication and refers to the minimum number of people needed as adopters before a new communication technology can have a permanent place in the society Kaye and Medoff, 2001. Williams, Strover and Grant (1994) corroborate An interesting aspect of the critical mass perspective is that widespread use appears to have a snowball effect. Once a perceived critical mass is using the technology, those without it are strongly motivated to adopt it. The reasoning here is that despite the drawbacks, such as cost or difficulty in using the technology, people (and institutions) are pressured to adopt the technology because failure to do so may exclude them from existing communication networks. Markus (1987), while making a case for the adoption of interactive communication technologies, suggested three propositions in the adoption process as cited in Kaye and Medoff (2001). First, the adoption and use of technology is an ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Technology In Nathaniel Hawthorne s The Birthmark Are we the monsters of our own making? Does our development of technology outway our ability to maintain it or deal with its consequences? In the 2st century humanity relies on technology and medicine too much. Our lives can t be imagined without it, it has become a part of our everyday lives. But what is enough or too much? Taking a pill of vitamin C every day or taking 10 vitamins and supplements of every kind every morning? Checking your emails once a day or waking up and reaching for your smartphone immediately? Do we still have the control or does it control us? Technology is part of our lives; or is our life, and it has too much of an effect on everything. The internet started out as an amazing experiment, now it became this enormous ... Show more content on ... Kurt Vonnegut s novel, the Fortitude is almost a grotesque parody of modern medicine, where an old lady s head is attached to machines, her organs are controlled by machines, her limbs are controlled by machines, even her mood is controlled by Dr. Frankenstein, her doctor. The doctor s name itself can be viewed as a foreshadowing of his character, there is a comparison between him and his namesake, referring either to that he is a modern monster, controlling an old lady, not giving her the option to make decisions about her own life the arm are designed so she can t possibly point a gun at herself or get poison to her lips, no matter how she tries , or to that he created a monster, this lady who is not living in the real meaning of the word, she has no control over her body. This novel gives a real image of the power of modern medicine, the idea that the patient is not in ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Fixed Protection 2014 Operates The Same Way Fixed Protection 2014 Fixed protection 2014 operates the same way as FP12 and was introduced when the lifetime allowance in 2014 was once again reduced to ВЈ1.25m, protecting funds at a level of ВЈ1.5 million. Criteria to apply for Fixed Protection 2014: An individual with Primary, Enhanced or Fixed Protection 2012 were not able to apply for fixed protection 2014. An individual s fund must have been valued at least ВЈ1.25 million at 5 April 2014. Restrictions: The individual must be careful to ensure they do not lose their protection, instances where they should be particularly cautious is that: An employer auto enrolling you into a work pension scheme, thus it is best to ensure you are opted out as soon as possible. There is usually a one month period after to achieve this and ensure you are refunded. When remaining as an active member of a defined benefits scheme by choosing to opt out the individual will then be classed as a deferred member which will greatly reduce the risk of losing protection. Losing Fixed Protection 2014: By adding any further contributions (money purchase). By having further benefit accrual (defined benefit). Starting a new pension arrangement Breaking transfer restrictions You can lose enhanced, fixed or fixed protection 2014 if you: don t opt out within a month of being automatically enrolled in a workplace pension make new savings in a pension scheme transfer money between pension schemes The last day to apply for Fixed ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Shrek, An Animated Fanstasy Comedy Film Directed By Andrew... The film I have chosen to analyze is the film Shrek, an animated fanstasy comedy film, directed by Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson. Major actors include, Mike Myers as Shrek, Eddie Murphy as Donkey, and Cameron Diaz as Princess Fiona. The film was officially released in May 18th, 2001. The blockbuster movie Shrekwas nominated Favorite Motion Picture, also winning more than thirty one awards. Shrek is a green ogre who realizes that his swamp has been overruned by the devious Lord Farquaad. In his journey to persuade Farquaad to give his swamp back, Shrek encounters a talking donkey. Donkey is described as a euphoric and talkative character, who quickly becomes one of the main characters. As Shrek and Donkey arrive at Farquaad s palace, Farquaad agrees to Shrek s conditions as long as he rescues Princess Fiona, who is waiting for true love in a tower guarded by a fiery dragon. However, as they head back with Fiona, it becomes evident that not only Shrek becomes in love, but also Princess Fiona is yet to reveal a bigger secret. Many great elements are represented in this film, which work together to make this film educational, adventurous and humorous. The beam of light that leads down to a book at the beginning of the film, gives the audience a sense of magic and urge to want to know more. This is followed by a green hand ripping out a page in the book and slamming it shut, exhibiting that this isn t going to be a regular fairytale. The cast introduces the characters by ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Comparing the Huxtables with My Family Essay examples Compating the Huxtables with My Family Watching a comedy sitcom like The Cosby Show is a great way to unwind from a stressful day at school. The show s characters are likeable and the storyline is humorous, but halfway through the program I usually turn the television off and return to the kitchen to wash the dinner dishes. Watching The Cosby Show makes me feel guilty. The Huxtables are too perfect. Their house is too perfect. In comparison to the Huxtables I feel like an unfit mother in a slovenly, dysfunctional family. The characters on The Cosby Show should be portrayed in a more realistic manner; in fact, the program could be far more entertaining, not to mention relaxing, if certain aspects of the program such ... Show more content on ... If I do happen to be in the kitchen with my kids, I am in a ratty bathrobe, hair half set, and mascara on only one eye. I am making last minute lunches, slurping coffee and ignoring my husband s bellowing for someone to bring another roll of toilet paper to him in the upstairs bathroom. My kids and my husband never discuss their daily plans with me; they enjoy adding a little suspense to my day. Another farfetched scene from The Cosby Show is Mr. and Mrs. Huxtable s mediation of sibling quarrels. When a quarrel begins Mr. and Mrs. Huxtable are usually sitting on the couch with nothing better to do than anticipate a problem. The children come down and rationally explain the problem and their side of the story. If there is any name calling, the children use harmless words like stupid and meanie. Meanwhile Mr. and Mrs. Huxtable serenely listen to each child s point of view. With infinite patience they wisely mediate a truce with a brilliant compromise acceptable to both sides. Everyone is happy; the problem is solved. On the contrary, in my family we do not have quarrels; we have combat situations which erupt at the most inopportune times such as when I m plunging a toilet and my husband is under his car. The cause of the problem and the kids points of view are irrelevant to us because my husband and I are dodging ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Corruption In Elizabethan England Why do you think people during the Elizabethan era were so intrigued by the simple, almost boring life of a shepherd? At the time, England teemed with crime and disease, and people were enamored with the idea of the lovesick shepherds in rural settings. By tradition, the pastoral poem renounced corruption found in urban areas and returned the reader to the simplicity of nature. In 16th century London, the courtiers and many city dwellers were enjoying foreign luxuries and merchandise. The pastoralpoem created a realm different than the courtly pleasures with which they were familiar and experienced.he shepherd creates an argument and tries to woo a loveinterest to experience the joys of nature. The shepherd desires to return to an Eden like ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Battle of Dunkirk Essay examples The Battle of Dunkirk In my opinion the battle of Dunkirk can be seen as both a deliverance and disaster. It can be seen as a deliverance by the fact that the British and French survived which is a great feat on it s own, because seeing what predicament the British and French were in, it was likely they were going to lose. They turned the tables and 338,000 men were saved. On the other hand, it can be seen as a disaster because out of the 338,000 men saved 139,997 were French, so for British morale that wasn t very good. Also even Churchill said, Wars are not won by evacuation . Some would say that Britain still lived to fight another day that is also an important point. I will try to come to a ... Show more content on ... He says that the soldiers have become a body of seasoned veterans .This source really tells us a lot about the use of propaganda spread out. The question is, isn t a veteran someone who has experienced war. He speaks of how their spirits are strong and that s their vital weapon so they will refuse defeat, and that s their guarantee to victory . You can see he is complementing his side too much, it seems too shallow. This is insufficient on telling us on what the battle was like, because it is a piece of propaganda. We get a mixed picture from sources D, E and F. This is because analyzing these sources it seems that the battle was a deliverance and disaster. Source D s a painting showing the soldiers being rescued, it shows their stairing for survival. The artist who painted this was sent to give the British some hope. However this painting is contemporary, meaning that it is at that time. Now, source E shows the soldiers on the beach waiting to be evacuated. The problem with this source is that it is a still life picture meaning, it s just one second of someone s life.From all we know a German heinikel could have dropped a bomb any time killing the soldiers just after this photo was taken. Source F shows the soldiers warding off German fighter planes. This to is a very good photo on propaganda to boost British ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Sam s Role In Transitional Object Sam, the tattoo artist, in Transitional Object is extremely important for both the development of the body image theme and motherhood/womanhood because helps to give Mia confidence through her tattoo and serves as a mother figure to her. To begin, Sam is very important for the developing body image theme because despite losing her job, gaining a great amount of weight, losing her husband, and making many sacrifices for her kids, she moved past all of those challenges, took online tattoo classes, and made a new life for herself. She is also important to this theme because she gave Mia confidence in herself through her tattoo, as she points out when she says, That scar was too standard. Sam has embellished it. Now I have one breast and one Dignity. ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Second And Third Wave Feminism Throughout the twentieth century feminist movements changed the first world dramatically, but during the second half the twentieth century the views and goals of what women wanted in life changed from simply asking for fair pay and equal rights to jobs to wanting their lifestyle changed. The impact of the second and third wave of feminists held a positive sphere around the fact that women had a bigger voice in politics and economics, but socially feminismwas almost purely negative. Feminist groups, mostly in the late second wave and the entirety of the third wave, consisted almost entirely of misandrists. The feminist movements of the second half of the twentieth century made great leaps for women in politics as well as the level of education women were receiving. ... Show more content on ... Male suicide rate, bias towards men in family courts, domestic violence against men, men who are victims of rape and depression in men are all rising percentages because of second and third wave feminism. Second wave feminism and the radical groups surrounding it such as the Women s Liberation Group have given women a voice, but the late second and the entirety of the third wave have created a social imbalance between the genders resulting in a cataclysmic rise in negative male statistics. Overall the feminist movements of the second and third wave have made a good positive difference for both women and the global society as whole, however the radical groups of the second wave and the third wave overall have created a negative sphere around the mistreatment of the genders, and as a result men have become the more discriminated gender. The changes in politics and the new wave of political feminism which tackles the idea of equality between men and women is where the feminist movement stride towards and stops the silence of male ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Causes Of The Sino-Japanese War The start of the Russo Japanese was made in January 1904. Previously, Japan had broken off diplomatic relations with Russia on February 6, 1904, following with the attack on Port Arthur February 8 and declaring war on Russia February 10. Over the span of a month, Korea was occupied by soldiers, advancing into the Manchurian territory and the Liaodong Peninsulaoccupied by naval forces. An August siege of Port Arthur followed the attack and fell in January 1905. Gradually, both powers found difficulty to continue fighting. The war ended with Theodore Roosevelt mediation; Japan had won which ensued the Portsmouth Treaty to grant Japan back it s sovereignty in China and Manchuria, along with special access to the Liaodong Peninsula. What were the underlying causes of the Russo Japanese War? To what extent did nationalism/imperialism contribute to the war? What did the government do to contribute to the war? Japan s motives for the war stemmed from tension made between Russia; the Triple Intervention and the construction of the Trans Siberian railroad. Imperialist and nationalistic motives drove Japan to change its leader of power and created a blanket of astigmatism throughout Japan s people, using authoritative and irrational actions, taking away human rights and installing many ideas. Before the war, events like the Sino Japanese War, Triple Intervention, Anglo Japanese Treaty, and the Trans Siberian railroad contributed to the tension. In 1894, the Sino Japanese War broke out between Japan and China, competing for their rights and interests in Korea; the result of the war lead to Japan s victory. Following the war, in 1895, the Triple Intervention (Russia, France, and Germany) entailed that Japan to retrocede all territorial victories from the war. This included to give back the Liaodong Peninsula to China and to resign control over China. Japan was in no state to risk military confrontation therefore couldn t fight back (Emergence of Modern Japan). Subsequently, Russia proceeded to build a railroad through Manchurian territory into the Liaodong Peninsula, continuing its expansionist policies in northeast Asia. Japan, in an effort to make a truce, Ito offered a trade off arrangement with Russia: Japan ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Khe Sanh Australian Poem Analysis Hello ladies and gentlemen, I am here to bring forth some poems that represent our beautiful country for the Australian day anthology. Australians identity is a wonderful thing with our mate ship and way of life respected throughout the world. Our acknowledgement of our past makes us the country we are and creates the country we have, with the pride shared between all who happily call Australia there home. These poems explore our country s pride through times of hardship, this being the Vietnamwar. And how our strong mate ship and pride helped us prevail through this time. These are very clear throughout the poems becoming clear staple pieces for this era. The first poem is the song, Khe Sanh by Cold Chisel written in 1978 and based upon the post stress of the Vietnam war, created on everyone involved. It expresses how life was for the war veterans after this dreadful war they just endured, showing the struggle fitting back into a normal society. It explores the journey of a VET combating this stress. They try to suppress it but no matter how hard they try to this doesn t work. So, they go looking to discover the real meaning behind it all. And I ve travelled round the world from year to year And each one found me aimless, one more year the more for wear (stanza 5, line 1 2) It represents the Aussie pride and ... Show more content on ... Like many others soldiers the song writer Lachlan Irvine suffered PTSD being a major reason for writing these poems so people understand what he went through. The meaning of this poem is set upon how bad Vietnam war was like and more focusing on the lesser known parts that happened. The rhetorical questions throughout this poem created great emotional affect upon the audience making them think hard about all these different events. The language used with these questioned is very strong to create lasting effects being extremely upfront one used to ... Get more on ...
  • 22. United States And Territorial States Although archaeologists debate the definition of city states, territorial states, and when they become an empire, there are some basic outlines that can be followed. City states are densely populated area with a socially stratified society made of people spanning from elite and nobles down through to crafts people and farmers; complex, administrative, political, and governmental bodies that guide everyday activities (Scarre Fagan, 2003). City states are predominantly made up of the same ethnicities, who share a similar culture, while Territorial states are political centers with other portions of society living outside a main administrative area (Scarre Fagan, 2003). Territorial states are normally made up of varying ethnicities, languages and incorporate larger expanses of land (Scarre Fagan, 2003). An Empire is a city state or state that conquers neighboring states to create a larger territory (Smiley, 2015: Unit 9). In addition, and empire has a governing body that implements a tax to help support the population and governing powers and has a standing military that helps conquer, helps enforce the rule of the state on the new territory, and minimize uprisings. In this essay I will describe three key empires: the Romans, the Aztecs, and the Incas. The Roman were a culturally underdeveloped group, one of several city states aligned with the city state of Etrua, and was under Etruscan rule for around 200 years before they rebelled. Subsequently they took the ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Summary Of Anna In The Tropics For this week s post, pick a character from Anna in the Tropics and tell me what you think is their most interesting scene in the second act of the play. It could be the most emotional, revealing, tragic, comic, etc. First, set it up by describing the events that led up to this scene and the other characters involved. Then describe why you find it so interesting. In the play, Anna in the Tropics by Nilo Cruz, I chose ChechГ© since he drove most of the action in the plot and he had a different opinion on how to advance the factory. ChechГ© was unique from all the characters because his past was somewhat unclear; all the audience knows was that he came from up north and that one day he showed up as Santiago s half brother. In the second act ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Fluoride Effects Fluoride is the ionic form of the element fluorine, different in chemical and physical properties. It is most usually used in compounds for industry, however, it can be added to water sources. Few areas in the UK have fluoridated tap water, providing them with key nutrients needed by the body and an efficient method of preventing tooth decay. On the other hand, there has been speculation linking fluorideto certain disorders and diseases which has caused concern within the country. Although Fluoridated water carries many health benefits there have been numerous theories linked to negative conditions. This causes people to fear what is being put into their water, raising concerns such as how will this affect our children and other safety ... Show more content on ... When fluoridation plans came about in 1964 it was estimated that only 10% of children would be affected by fluorosis, however cases have since exceeded such estimations. There are three forms of fluorosis; mild, moderate and severe. Although nearly all cases are considered amongst the mild category there is still evidence of negative effects, enough to make people sceptical. Along with fluoride being harmful to teeth it was found to damage soft tissues and bones. Recently there have been 24 studies performed which found links to reduced IQ in children exposed to amounts of fluoride. However, these tests were not tested with fluoridated water. When added to water it is in compound form, for example as sodium fluoride, therefore reducing its toxicity. It is also well known that susceptibility to the fluoride toxins varies greatly between individuals. Fluorosis is the most common disorder which fluoride creates. It is almost always having a cosmetic effect leaving white streaks on teeth as well as altering the appearance of growing teeth in children. The fact that it leaves permanent damage to the tooth s enamel means that parents are highly reluctant to having such a harmful chemical in their water. This is not only a common theme in the UK, only 11 countries in the world have more than 50% of their population drinking fluoridated water. With only about 6 million people supplied with fluoridated water, it means only 10% of the UK has agreed to the legislations. This shows that very few people agree with its benefits. Anti fluoride campaigns are most prominent in Manchester and London, two major ... Get more on ...
  • 25. The Eyes Were Watching God Character Analysis Model Amber Valletta wrote, We are what we see. We are products of our surroundings. A major element of someone s personality is due to their environment or past events of their lives. Janie Crawford is certainly not an exception. This is the story of Janie s Pursuit for love where she, a widowed woman, unfolds her story to her friend Pheoby at dinner. She talks about her childhood with Nanny and The Washburns, her relationships with Logan Killicks and Joe Starks or Jody, her experiences with them along with events that took place while being with them or in relation to them, how they affected her mentality, and how she grows up and matures throughout her life to the self reliant woman telling the story. In The Eyes Were Watching God, by Zora Neale Hurston , the struggles in Janie s problematic relationships with Logan and Joe impacted her, which gave her more and more experiences to gradually building up to the independent woman she is in the beginning of the story. The beginning phase of Janie s development was her marriage to Logan, where she thought that the marriage which Nanny forced upon her might end up fulfilling her aspiration for love. Logan was very nice to Janie at the beginning, but later, as time went by, he wasn t as nice to her anymore. One morning Logan called for Janie for her to come out and help him with his work in the fields. Janie! Logan called harshly. Come help me move dis manure pile befo de sun gits hot. You don t take a bit of interest in ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Bill of Rights Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen... The Bill of Rights and Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen are based on the same principles of natural rights; therefore each document is similar in protecting the people s natural rights. However, despite their similarities, their differences are apparent due to the social situations in which they were adopted. The Bill of Rights stood to protect the freedoms of each individual by establishing a democratic government. The French Revolution eliminated the hierarchy of class and established equality among men with the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. Several influences from past philosophers and documents assisted the frame work of the Bill of Rights and Declaration of Rights and Citizen. Declarations of the Rights... Show more content on ... Property being an inviolable and sacred right, no one may be deprived of it except when public necessity... The Declarations of Rights of Man and Citizen differ to the Bill of Rights because of the different social and economic institutions. The Bills Of Rights protect citizens through the security of the government. The ten amendments don t directly address the rights of individuals, instead allow the government to enforce them, such as; congress will make no law inflicting rights of speech, press, and religion. These are objectives of the government to keep in tact, not necessary a right upon an individual. However, in the Rights of Man and Citizen it addresses the individual and their equality before the law. In article four it announces that liberty is based on the individual not to harm another. Thus, has no limits but the law will determine the limits. In article one it states, Men are born and remain free and equal in rights. 4 The diction in the Declaration gives the impression of the equality among individuals first, than law will follow. It contrasts to the Bill of Rights; which established a government for law, to protect the rights of individuals. In The Declaration addressed the responsibility of individuals and general will to mold the law. The Bill of Rights was ratified together with the Constitution in 1791. The Bill Rights was incorporated with the Constitution to diminish the fear by the Anti Federalists of a government ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Single Sex Classrooms Helps Increase Self Esteem Single Sex Education is considered to be a teaching system that has been implemented in schools all over world, from long ago and little still today. That means that girls and boys are instructed in separate schools or classrooms. How does single sex education benefits students? That is the question that some parents make themselves when their sons enter school. Researches demonstrate that single sex classrooms helps increase self esteem; offer an environment that students feel more confortable in which will lead to better classroom discussions; Increases in subjects that certain genders are usually not interested can also be beneficial. Nowadays very few schools apply this system, for it is well known the benefits that Co educationoffers. Co Education is another teaching system that gained popularity some years ago and it is about that male and female are in mixed classrooms. What is the importance of co education in our society? That has become a vital part of every institution, helping students from both genders to construct a mutual understanding between them. Some benefits of co education are: it helps and teaches how to be successful by working together; removes thoughts of superiority and inferiority between students from single sex education; students in co educational schools grow to be confident expressing their view in the presence of the opposite sex; for both genders co education provides more realistic way for students to face their places in the wider ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Battle With Grendel s Mother In Beowulf Grendel s mother is the most dangerous antagonist for Beowulf during the whole story. The story starts with Beowulf battling with Grendel. Then is switches to the battle with Grendel s mother who is getting revenge. These two battles define which is more dangerous than the other. First, the fight with Grendelis a brutal one. The battle took place in the town of Heorotwhere Grendel kept attacking the town at night injuring and killing people. For this battle there wasn t much preparation other than making himself as dangerous any day as Grendel. (Beowulfline 687). He does so by taking off all his armor and just wearing regular clothing. Beowulf fights this battle with No weapons. (Beowulf line 683). He does so because he thinks Grendel... Show more content on ... At first Grendel seems to be more dangerous because he is so strong by Beowulf defeats hum in one battle. Then Grendel s mother attacks and kills most of the men in the town while Beowulf is sleeping somewhere else. Which results in Beowulf going to her house and defeating her. So Grendel s mother is the most dangerous antagonist in this story. You can see that by Beowulf having to battle her twice unlike his one battle with Grendel. Also it is shown because the town doesn t know that she is coming to attack ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Comments of the German Delegation to the Paris Peace... Case Study Week Two: Comments of the German Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference 1919 1. According to the authors of Germany s complaint. The various provisions of the treaty hurt Germany s economy by forcing Germany to accept full responsibility for the damages caused not only by the Germans but also by everyone associated with them and the damage that was caused. As stated in the article, Comments of the German Delegation to the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 President Wilson recognized in his speech of 1916 no single fact caused the war, but that in the last analysis the whole European system is in a deeper sense responsible for the war, with its combination of alliances and understandings, a complicated texture of intrigues... Show more content on ... Instead they were pretty much treated as if everything was their fault and they had sole responsibility for the war and they were going to pay the price. 3. The fundamental Laws the document appeal to in order to strengthen German assertions was the right to self determination. They felt that by being deprived of that right, the feelings and wishes of all the people were being taken away and not being considered. They were forced to abide by other nations wishes without any input as to what they wished for themselves. 4. Personally I do agree that Germany was being mistreated. In my opinion, they were being unfairly treated because what applied to one nation did not apply to them. They were pretty much treated like they were the sole reason why the war started and they were being punished for the actions and choices of many nations. It was as if in order to live in peace they had to give up the very land and rights everyone was fighting for, especially the basic rights of the nations of self determination. It is unreasonable and not right to force Germany to give up all power of their land, by having another nation determine everything for them, for Germany to have to rebuild their country and not benefit from it, rather the only benefit to rebuilding would be to other nations. I think defenders of the treaty would respond to Germany s complaints by ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Comparing The Lottery In Babylon And The Library Of Babel Jorge Luis Borges was a Spanish speaking Argentinian writer who wrote many influential short stories over the course of his long life time. Much of Borge s writings are works of fictions that deal with philosophies, religion, libraries, and even the concept of infinity. Borges would often publish multiple stories at a time in collections. One of Borges s collections was titled The Garden of Forking Paths, which features eight short stories, published in 1941 in the Argentinian journal Sur. Two of the stories featured in The Garden of Forking Paths, The Lottery in Babylon and The Library in Babel very interesting to me. The Lottery in Babylon tells of a country where your life is dependent on the lottery. The Library in Babel is the story of a library that contains infinite rooms and all possible books. Both of Borges s stories The Lottery in Babylon and The Library of Babel deal with a metaphorical world view that is different from the one we are used to, however The Library of Babel is... Show more content on ... The universe (which others call the Library) is composed of an indefinite, perhaps infinite number of hexagonal galleries. In the center of each gallery is a ventilation shaft, bounded by a low railing (Borges, 112). The fact that frightens me the most is that people seem to use the term universe and library interchangeably. People in this universe have become so determined to have a record of all of man s knowledge, that civilization has dwindled down to almost nothing. The narrator of this story only talks about men, and as there are no women, there is no way to reproduce, or continue the livelihood of anyone. Borges talked about two axioms for the library. Axioms are statements or propositions that are regarded as true, even though they cannot be proven or disproven. First: The Library has existed ab Г¦ternitate. [...] Second: There are twenty five orthographic ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Can the Subaltern Speak Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Can the Subaltern Speak? An understanding of contemporary relations of power, and of the Western intellectual s role within them, requires an examination of the intersection of a theory of representation and the political economy of global capitalism. A theory of representation points, on the one hand, to the domain of ideology, meaning, and subjectivity, and, on the other hand, to the domain of politics, the state, and the law. The original title of this paper was Power, Desire, Interest. 1 Indeed, whatever power these meditations command may have been earned by a politically interested refusal to push to the limit the founding presuppositions of my desires, as far as they are within my grasp. This... Show more content on ... Why should such occlusions be sanctioned in precisely those intellectuals who are our best prophets of heterogeneity and the Other? The link to the workers struggle is located in the desire to blow up power at any point of its application. This site is apparently based on a simple valorization of any desire destructive of any power. Walter Benjamin comments on Baudelaire s comparable politics by way of quotations from Marx: 272 Marx continues in his description of the conspirateurs de profession as follows: ... They have no other aim but the immediate one of overthrowing the existing government, and they profoundly despise the more theoretical enlightenment of the workers as to their class interests. Thus their anger not proletarian but plebian at the habits noirs (black coats), the more or less educated people who represent [vertretenjthat side of the movement and of whom they can never become entirely independent, as they cannot of the official representatives [Reprasentantenj of the party. Baudelaire s political insights do not go fundamentally beyond the insights of these professional conspirators.... He could perhaps have made Flaubert s statement, Of all of politics I understand only one thing: the revolt, his own. 6 The link to the workers struggle is located, simply, in desire. Elsewhere, Deleuze and Guattari have attempted an alternative definition of desire, revising ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Insanity Defense Pros And Cons Insane Insanity Plea The option to utilize the insanity defense in court should be supported because it is needed to acquit those individuals who had no control over their actions due to a physical ailment, to put a mentally ill patient in with the general prison population would be unconstitutional, and those who are mentally insane need special services for rehabilitation. The insanity defenseshould be available to those who had no control of their actions due to a physical illness. D wounded a female neighbor friend whilst sleepwalking. They had been watching videos and she fell asleep on the sofa, he hit her with a bottle and a video recorder and grabbed her round the throat. He was sleepwalking at the time (Harrison). This man... Show more content on ... The criminally insane need a special form of rehabilitation and should be granted to right to fight for this sentence. The insanity defense serves a definitive purpose in our legal system dismissing those who should truly be found innocent. The option to utilize the insanity defense in court should not be supported because it is not always effective for those who truly need it, it is a Catch 22 and a mental illness does not dismiss the fact that a crime has taken place. The insanity plea should be abolished because it does not help those who need it, the bar at which you qualify for insanity is near unreachable, which renders the plea useless. Psychiatrists who examined Andrea Yates testified repeatedly she was mentally ill and suffered from severe postpartum depression but that was not enough to brand her legally insane (Seligman). This woman was later retried and did succeed in using the insanity defense. The fact that she was not allowed to use it the first time shows how hard it is to succeed using this defense. The first time she tried to use the defense, she clearly qualified but was dismissed due to other factors; if the plea is not for the insane then who is it for? The insanity plea should be reexamined because it is a Catch 22. Owen Atlee Walker Jr. of Newport News, who on Feb. 2 took a hunting knife and stabbed his girlfriend 26 times, with their two young kids in the next room. Then he cleaned off the murder weapon with bleach, ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Breitbart New Right There is a growing sentiment that nationalist and conservative political parties are increasing in popularity and influence around the world. While this may be true to some extent, it is arguably the rise of the New Right that is gaining significant momentum in surging popularity and influence at this current time. While it is easy to suggest that nationalist, populist, conservative and even fascism is becoming more mainstream and acceptable in modern society, it is important that the New Right is differentiated from the current group of right leaning politics. This paper will identify and discuss what is the new right and what makes it different from other forms of the political right, as well as examining the cause and as contributing... Show more content on ... The use of social media from the left and right are noticeably different. Brooker and Barnett (2017) observed that those who were drawn to social justice politics tended to use insults as opposed to engaging in a serious debate. This itself has created a stigma for socialists who don t support and even oppose identity politics, but are associated with those using identity politics, similar to how the new and alt right are often stated to be one of the same. And it is identity politics that s arguably drawing the forgotten people to these alternative sources of information and humour. The ideology of political correctness is identified by young people as censorship and suppression, comparable to totalitarianism. It is for this reason why the new and alt right have made significant inroads in the social media space. Traditional media repressed what those on the right call freedom of speech, thus forcing individuals to search other places, predominantly online where their voices, concerns and opinions can be ... Get more on ...
  • 34. External Affairs Power In Australia Introduction Section 51 (xxix) of the Constitution of Australia grants exclusive power to the Commonwealth to legislate with regard to external affairs. Since its inception, through the development of case law, the external affairs power has been found to consist of three limbs: 1.Relations with other countries 2.Matters geographically external to Australia 3.Implementing treaties within Australia In this essay, it will be seen that the expansion of the external affairs power since Federation reflects Australia s growing independence from a Dominion of the United Kingdom and its transition into nationhood. In order to be recognised as an independent state, a country or nation must satisfy five vital elements. Statehood is recognised when a country or ... Show more content on ... Relations with Other Countries The first limb of the External Affairs Power allows the Commonwealth to institute legislation designed to preserve relations with other countries and international organisations like that of the United Nations. This deals with a legal topics ranging from sedition or treason , extradition and terrorism. A major part of this limb is to develop and enforce laws that aim to criminalise acts like that of sedition or treason against countries other than Australia . By doing so it is hoped that relations with external countries are preserved. Another major aspect this limb deals with is that of Australia s relationship with the United Nations and other major international organisations . The external affairs power is also designed to apply to individuals plotting terrorist acts against other countries, as was the case in Thomas v ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Corporal Punishment And How It Affects A Child s Life For over decades now there has been many controversial debate about corporal punishment and how it effects a child s life.Before we even begin this whole debate, we should distinguish the difference between child abuse and corporal punishment.Child abuse is when a parent or a caregiver fails to act upon action like injury, death, and emotional abuse with child abusethere are many forms of maltreatment, which includes neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, exploitation and emotional abuse. Corporal punishmentis when a parent or other legal guardian causes physical pain or discomfort to a child due to misbehaving examples include spankingor slapping a child with a hand or using a belt,slippers,and a paddle.Sometimes corporal punishment can also include shaking, pinching, or a child being in a uncomfortable position. In fact, often times parents take it too far when it comes to punishing their child which soon leads to a big issue. In the Middle Age corporal punishment was used in schools, at home, and for when a person convict a crime. Today, some schools has banned corporal punishment like in Alaska, California, Connecticut, Delaware and many more, but should it be illegal at home also? Parents have different opinions about corporal punishment and the way it should be used. One parent said that they d been spanked as a child, and they turned out pretty good. (Polhemus, Betsy and Lindo, Asher, To hit or not to hit: Is spanking an effective punishment?), but what if you ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Theme Of Nature In Thoreau discards the language of obedience and redemption used by the church. To Thoreau, Nature and God are at once synonymous and interconnected: Next to us the grandest laws are continually being executed. Next to us is not the workman we have hired, with whom we love so well to talk, but the workman whose work we are. (175) Thoreau believes in a creator god, a living god that makes of Nature his home. Thoreau feels Nature is a divine space: a space where man is able to feel close to his god, a space where man is able to appreciate his god s favors and Nature is the space where man can embrace the god within himself. Influenced by Emerson, Coleridge and Wordsworth, among others, Thoreau thinks that nature is the source of strength, spirituality... Show more content on ... One would approach at first warily through the shrub oaks, running over the snow crust by fits and starts like a leaf blown by the wind, now a few paces this way, with wonderful speed and waste of energy, making inconceivable haste with his trotters, as if it were for a wager, and now as many paces that way, but never getting on more than half a rod at a time; and then suddenly pausing with a ludicrous expression and a gratuitous somerset, as if all the eyes in the universe were eyed on him for all the motions of a squirrel, even in the most solitary recesses of the forest, imply spectators as much as those of a dancing girl wasting more time in delay and circumspection than would have sufficed to walk the whole distance I never saw one walk and then suddenly, before you could say Jack Robinson,he would be in the top of a young pitch pine, winding up his clock and chiding all imaginary spectators, soliloquizing and talking to all the universe at the same time for no reason that I could ever detect, or he himself was aware of, I suspect (357). Concurrently, Thoreau projects an image of nature as a whole, as a distinct, living and essential presence rather than as an accumulation of items to which man assigns significance. The interconnectedness of the various components of nature is illustrated in this passage of Walden: Standing at the smooth sandy beach at ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Satellite Imagery Based Analysis Of Archaeological Looting Many horrible and despicable acts have been committed during wartime. However, some of the worst acts committed are not readily known, such as the destruction and looting of historical areas and heritage sites. Published in Near Eastern Archaeology, an article named Satellite Imagery Based Analysis of Archaeological Lootingin Syriatackles this issue. In it Jesse Casana, the author, explains how his team is using satellite imagery (along with ground reports) to track the widespread looting across Syria. Casana is currently an Associate Professor at Dartmouth College, in the Department of Anthropology. He is also directing a survey project in the Diyala River Valley in Iraq. His previous engagement was as director of an excavation at Tell Qarqur in Syria. His specialization is in the development and implementation of geospatial technology and its use in archaeology. The combination of his boots on the ground experience in Syria, along with his specialization makes him a perfect candidate to lead the analysis on these looting sites. There are many reasons that I chose to review this article, the foremost being that it simply sounded fascinating. In addition to that, I wanted to gather more information as to where, why, and to what extent, looting was occurring. /!/ Since the start of the Syrian War in 2011, archaeologists have run into roadblocks with tracking specific damages and scope of the damage done to historical sites and artifacts. This destruction takes many forms ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Case Study Mira Loma Dc Medtronic Distribution Operations has undertaken a review of the Mira Loma DC as a part of our ongoing effort to maintain and drive continuous improvement on our key distribution objectives. Based on this review, a decision has been made to close the Mira Loma DC The decision to move was difficult and one that was made only after complete study and analysis. This move will ensure improvements in efficiency and scale and thus allow the Medtronic Distribution Network to leverage existing resources so we can better serve our customers and patients Based on this review, a decision has been made to close the Mira Loma DC. We will transition inventory and all related DC activities to the Memphis Distribution Center. Our Mira Loma site currently... Show more content on ... Our objective will be to complete the transfer by June 30, 2016. However, as the volume diminishes, we may need to adjust this date accordingly. In the weeks ahead, we will keep you informed by providing regular updates of all activities that will affect you directly Frequently Asked Questions Q1. Why was the decision made to close the West Coast DC and transition to Memphis? A.This closure will simplify our distribution network to a 2 DC model. This change will allow for improved efficiency by leveraging the operational capabilities of our Memphis and Swedesboro DC s. This decision is no reflection upon Mira Loma DC performance. Q2. When will the West Coast DC close? Will we process FY16 Year End shipments from the West Coast? A.The DC will not be closing until end of June of 2016. The Mira Loma DC will remain open and fully operational through FY16 year end. Q3. Will this change be noticeable or impact service to our customers? A.No, we are committed to transitioning all distribution operations from the West Coast with no service interruption. We will be partnering with customer service and planning departments to ensure a seamless transition. Q4. How will the closure of the West Coast DC impact Quarter End ... Get more on ...
  • 39. 7 Wastes Elimination of muda Muda is a traditional general Japanese term for activity that is wasteful and doesn t add value or is unproductive or not useful in practice or others. It is also a key concept in the Toyota Production System (TPS) and is one of the three types of waste (Muda, Mura, Muri) that it identifies. Mura signifies wastes due to unevenness and muri signifies wastes due to overburden. Waste as defined by Toyota s president, Fujio Cho, is anything other than the minimum amount of equipment, materials, parts and workers which are absolutely essential to production . The seven types of wastes identified are 1.Overproduction Waste due to producing before customer requires or more than needed which often hides production ... Show more content on ... Over refining adds no value to the customer. Good designs should reduce analyzing, testing, inspecting and validating. Designs should be kept as simple as possible. Excess inventory leads to additional costs. Designs should favor just in time production. There should be no stockpiling of raw materials and parts. Designs have bearing on the number of defects in production. If designs can be assembled incorrectly, chances of defects increase. Missing, unclear or incorrect designs lead to defects. High precision designs lead to lower yields and higher defects. Design should also meet the customer requirements. Review People often start using lean production tools without understanding their impacts on the waste reduction. Value stream mapping can be used to recognize the wastes in the system. Value stream is a network of steps from beginning to end that provides the result for the customer. Some activities add value while others do not. All non value adding activities are wastes. Tools like value stream mapping and 5S need to be linked with waste reduction. There is a growing trend to increase the number of wastes. The original muda concept had 7 wastes overproduction, waiting time, transportation, inventory, over processing, motion, product defect wastes. Because of its inherent simplicity people feed the need to improve it and add various other wastes like complexity and unused people skills. However ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Vicious Leadership in Lord of The Flies For centuries, many vicious leaders had ruled the world. A prime example of such leadership would be Hitler; People like him had caused corruptions to the society when, they had let their evil nature get to them. While millions of innocent people were tortured and killed, those that were responsible of this gruesome act, watched from the side. The break down or the survival of a society depends on the people that builds it. If one was to lose his composure and let his true nature, that is to let the darkness in him take over, it would be the end of the hard built nation. The Lord Of The Flies, is a good example of what will happen to a society when one let it s true nature take over. It shows how a group of English boys tries to survive... Show more content on ... A good example of this would be the cruel act of the boys in chapter nine, during the feast, There were no words, and no movements but the tearing of teeth and claws (Golding 141). This shows how the boys had completely lost rational thoughts to the point of actually killing one of their friend, Simon. There were no more innocence to these boys. From the time they had first arrived to the island and to the end of the novel, the characters had developped immensely. The cheerful and excited little boys had turned into hideous, barbaric creatures. They were no longer recongnizable. The realization had hit Ralph hard; When he grasp, by the end of the novel, that the dark nature of a human will eventually take over no matter how orderly they had grew up and that would be the end of them, ...Ralph wept for for the end of innocence, the darkness of man s heart, and the fall through the air of a true, wise friend called Piggy... (Golding 186). Honestly, it was inevitable for the boys to have turn out this way. Being stranded in an unkown island with no proper laws, it was bound to make the boys lose their composure and the little defect in their nature has led them to completely destroy themselves and the island. The author of this tragic tale, had emphasize his theme of inherent darkness in human, through many symbolic elements and characters. According to the novel, moral and ethics are aspects that are thaught forcefully upon a person. Hence, the real ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Benefits Of Video Conferresance And Management In... In this article, it finds that due to the rapid technological development in the past years, the cost of the technology has reduced considerably. As a result, the increasing more enterprises and individuals can apply the advanced technology, video conferencing in particular. It promoted not only timely information sharing but also strengthened the collaborative relationship. Overall, it has significantly improved their efficiency in their collaboration and cooperation. Therefore, it is possible for them to make the close supervision and managementin routine operation. Currently, companies still want to maximize video quality. With the continuous improvement of processing technology, as well as the emergence of new standard display... Show more content on ... With its strong financial strength and worldwide market, it can play an important in the global popularization of Cisco s IX5000. In the application process, Cisco s IX5000 does account for the significant position in Produban s high efficiency operation. Especially, it makes more efficient decision with broad participation of its employees. In other words, Produban minimizes its cost of ownership. In Produban, Cisco s IX5000 reduces its TCO by 30% just in three years. For Produban, Cisco s IX5000 systems can immediately grasp the market and win a competitive advantage. All participants from different regions can be connected to share content and learn from each other. It is possible to provide immediate information, increase the safety factor, and provide critical communication tools for various emergencies. It creates the more cohesive corporate culture and more stable organizational structure. It is the main reason for the full application of Cisco s IX5000 within Produban. So, it creates the virtuous cycle. It allows Produban to invest more on Cisco s IX5000 in all of this branches and offices. 1. It is mainly manifest in high performance and low threshold in installation. Its high performance such as three 4K Ultra HD cameras, theater quality sound emanates. So, it can eliminate the time and space differences, which will achieve remote communication and get rid of the cumbersome traditional ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Satire On Homelessness omelessness does not discriminate; it can affect people from all walks of life no matter sex, race, or religion. Last year alone, more than 3.5 million people experienced homelessness. Thirty five % affecting families with children and mental illness contribute to the lowest at twenty% (Students against Hunger). There are many different homeless population in between, such as military veterans, children under the age of 18, and those that have experienced domestic violence just to name a few. Homelessnessis a social problem because it depletes federal funding, increases taxes, and can lead to criminal activity. The reaction to homelessness regarding the homeless is a social problem in itself. It seems that Americans view homelessness as a threat to society, an embarrassment, and sometimes one may even try to act as though the problem does not even exist. They turn their heads in shame, disgust, pity, distaste and fear. When thinking about the Conservative views on homelessness in my community, I immediately think about the old Symbolic Interaction Theory, where it is believes that homelessness is a personal deficiency. According to our text, society s individualistic culture persuades them that homelessness is a direct result of the victims doing by lack of motivation and intelligence, as well as being responsible for their own social standing that puts individuals in the situation of being homeless in the first place (pg.48) Conservatives, time and time again sees ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Rural Officers Vs Urban Officers Essay One stress factor that many small town officers face is that everyone knows that are an officer even when they are off duty, while larger town officers can blend in. This allows the urban officers to get away from the duties of an officer. This effect causes higher levels of stress with rural officers since they don t find the down time they need to relax. Relaxing and time away is something that all working individuals need from time to time. There is also the problem of being called out for service, the officer in a rural area is likely to know the individuals involved, which may include victims or suspects. There s a chance that the officer could be related to or be friends with one of the involved parties. This could create problems in undermining authority and credibility. Due to being in the small town, it could be more difficult for officers to find an outlet where they can talk about their feelings on particular calls. The idea behind the article was to identify small town officers and differentiate their characteristics from larger town officers. A small town policeare identified as... Show more content on ... Despite the amount of pay per year, rural officers are just as effective with solving crimes as urban officers. Professionalism does not necessarily define who is better at crime solving. In fact, urban officers tend to have less crimes solved per officer or arrested individuals cleared (Falcone, Wells, Weisheit, 2000). This is probably due to the fact that small town officers work together with the community to improve the chances of individuals being cleared or arrested. The closeness that is exhibited in a small town gives officers the opportunity to know the citizens they serve, they gain trust and respect between both sides, which results in individuals coming forward with information that could aid in an ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Essay On Endocrine Disruptors These glands are accountable for the production and regulation of hormones that are released into the blood circulation and dispersed to target sites. Hormones behave as chemical carriers regulating essential body functions such as blood pressure, sexual reproduction, blood glucose levels, fluid stability and development (GreenFacts Scientific Board). However recent studies suggest that a variety of substances such as natural and man made are interacting with the endocrine system resulting in adverse health effects, such as a decrease of male fertility, deformities in male reproductive organs, female reproductive disorders, and potiental effects of the development of the nervous system and immune system. With a decline in quantities of males reproducing throughout living organisms... Show more content on ... Endocrine disruptors include pharmaceuticals such as dioxin and dioxin like compounds, polychlorinated biphenyls, DDT, and plasticizers such as bisphenol A. In addition to being present in pharmaceuticals, endocrine disruptors can also be located in manufacturing products such as plastic bottles, metal food cans, cosmetics, pesticides, dietary supplements, and children s toys (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences). Recent studies involving animals have linked the impact of endocrine disruptors and their mechanism to the endocrine system. The endocrine disruptors have the ability to imitate natural occurring hormones produce in the body such as estrogen, androgens and thyroid hormones. Endocrine disruptors also have the capability to bind and inhibit endogenous receptors thus resulting in improper signally throughout the body. Furthermore, Endocrine disruptors can coordinate simultaneously to produce additive/synergistic effects that are unnoticeable with discrete ... Get more on ...
  • 45. The Aryan Brotherhood, The Guerilla Family, And The... Abstract Prison gang/security threat groups are growing and impacting penitentiary s around the world in a negative way. The Aryan Brotherhood, The Guerilla Family, and the Mexican Mafia are three of many powerful and efficient gangs that flourished in a California prison. Each of these gangs has its own differences and have a long term history that explains to the reader how these gangs started their record of criminal acts such as murder, drug trafficking, etc. Correctional staff main goal is to minimize the violence that come with the prison gangs. It is concluded that the best way to control gang violence is through separation of members and enemies. Whether if it s through transporting members to other prisons or through segregation. Studies have shown these findings may not always be effective because of the growth of prison gangs and the unique ways of communicating with other inmates in prison and on the outside world. Prison Gangs and Security Threat Groups Prison gangs are flourishing in modern prisons throughout the U.S. every day. Every gang has its own way to distinguish themselves from other gangs. Colors, symbols, hand signs, race, and tattoos are some of the characteristics gangs use to identify which gang each member belongs to. The increase in gang activity has been a growing concern to correctional facilities because prison gangs ultimately put staff and non members safety at risk. Gangs, such as the Aryan Brotherhood, Mexican ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Strike at San Fransisco State College Essay Strike at San Fransisco State College In the meantime at San Francisco State College, students in the Third World Liberation Front (TWLF), a coalition of African American, Latino, and Asian American student groups, began demanding reforms that addressed the concerns of students of color and the surrounding community. After more than a year of negotiating with the school and organizing students, they called a strike on November 6, 1968, that became the longest student strikein United States history. When it was finally settled in March 1969, many of the students demands were met, including the establishment of a School of Ethnic Studies. San Francisco State College The 1960s were turbulent years. The United States was unpopularly ... Show more content on ... Hayakawa, one of the few faculty members willing to go back to work, felt it was his duty to cross the picket line and continue the education of the students who desired it. He believed the faculty had forgotten their primary mission teaching, conducting research, and pursuing academic excellence. On November 28, 1968, Hayakawa was named acting president of San Francisco State College by California Governor Ronald Reagan and the trustees of the California state college system. With no previous administrative or political experience, his selection was an unpopular choice among faculty members and students. Prior to his appointment, Hayakawa had served on a five person presidential selection committee whose members had reportedly agreed not to seek the office. Hayakawa denied any agreement had been made and accepted the job under extreme opprobrium from committee members. Hayakawa was viewed as eccentric in appearance and style. Wearing Hawaiian carnation leis and an Irish tam o shanter, his personal appearance was indicative of his personality. His first priority as acting president was to reopen the campus following Thanksgiving break ending the strike. To achieve this objective, he yielded on some student demands and rejected others. This, however, was unsatisfactory to student leaders, who employed 1,000 protesters to close the campus on the first day following from Thanksgiving break. Taking a firm stance, ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Application Of The Ideas From E Learning Activity The following blogs are divided into two sections. The first section elaborates the list of ideas extracted from e learning activity. The second section represents the application of the ideas in an organisation. Section One: Modification in production: In early 20th century, Henry Ford formed a business partnership with Alexander Malcomson, and launched an organization with the end goal of assembling cars under the name The Ford Motor Company . Every car was assembled by groups of skillful workers, and, cooperating, these groups aggregately spent more than 12 hours assembling every car (EyeWitness to History, 2005). This procedure was exceptionally costly and tedious, subsequently making it unimaginable for Ford to mass deliver his cars at moderate costs. To streamline this procedure and produce a bigger volume of vehicles in a shorter measure of time. Removal of excessive physical work: Taylor s scientific management theory was established on the rule that individual specialists would be more profitable on the off chance that they were doled out assignments that were appropriately suited to their own abilities and qualities. Taylor further contended that the end of pointless physical development by laborers would bring about expanded profitability. Ford contracted Taylor to watch his workers and decide the most proficient and efficient techniques for expanding the organization s profitability. Ford concentrated on Taylor s perceptions and, as 1908 advanced, ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Tennessee Williams s Tragic Comedy Once Williams made a name for himself, during his time at school, he rose in popularity rather fast. While he was at the start of his career, he would become so full of energy [h]e probably needed some of those boosters to help maintain that fast paced, energetic level of performance (Herbert 65). Even though he was energetic enough and look as if to have unlimited jokes, he was said to have stolen other comedian jokes. Many other comedians would not perform in front of Williams in case he decided to steal their work. Ultimately, he began staying outside whichever club he was performing at that night so one could blame him for stealing jokes but, there [appeared to be] some professional jealousy going on (Herbert 67). Once this rivalry ... Get more on ...
  • 49. What Heart World Is Going Through A Strategic Planning Heart World is going through a strategic planning because of new management and owners. The process will set priorities, focus resources, make operations stronger, ensure that employees and other key players are working toward common goals, and establish agreement around envisioned outcomes/results. It is a disciplined effort that produces essential choices and actions that shape and guide what Heart World is, who Heart World serves, what Heart World does, and why Heart World does it, with a focus on the future. Nonetheless, as information was gathered to create an organization strategic plan, Laura Hansard, office liaison answered my questions in efforts to gather information on Heart World history, vision, mission, values, and other... Show more content on ... Values are enormously as per their vision, purpose, and mission important to the organization. Heart World understands that it s vital they try to learn and appreciate differences in order to work effectively with patients, employees, and others. Organization Purpose Advance the profession of medical group practice management and cooperate with other health organizations to improve health delivery to the public. Heart World Overview Since Heart World began in 1975, it has grown to be the largest provider of cardiology care in Volusia County. The practice provides a full range of cardiovascular services and testing in multiple offices. The office is now located on North Clyde Morris Blvd, Daytona Beach in 1980. The office was greatly expanded in 90 s. In 1995, the practice added nuclear stress testing and transthoracic echocardiography. In 1998, the practice expanded to offices in DeLand and Orange City. The practice now includes an office in Port Orange and Edgewater. Dr. K joined Dr. L in 1981 and the practice was known as Cardiology World, PA. Dr. W joined in 1992 bringing specialty training in coronary angioplasty. Dr. F joined in 1995 bringing specialty training in nuclear cardiology. Dr. G joined as an invasive cardiologist in 1996, as well as, Dr. A in 1998, and Dr. B in 2005. In 1998, Dr. O started cardiology practice in West Volusia and Dr. L retired. Dr. C started in West Volusia in 2002 and Dr. M in 2007. Dr. HS ... Get more on ...
  • 50. Princeton University Research Paper Princeton University is a private institution that was founded in 1746. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 5,402, its setting is suburban, and the campus size is 600 acres. It utilizes a semester based academic calendar. Princeton University s ranking in the 2017 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities, 1. Its tuition and fees are $45,320 (2016 17). Princeton, among the oldest colleges in the U.S., is located in the quiet town of Princeton, New Jersey. Within the walls of its historic ivy covered campus, Princeton offers a number of events, activities and organizations. The Princeton Tigers, members of the Ivy League, are well known for their consistently strong men s and women s lacrosse teams. Students live in one of six residential colleges that provide a residential community as well as dining services but have the option to join one of more than 10 eating ... Show more content on ... Princeton includes highly ranked graduate programs through the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and School of Engineering and Applied Science. One unique aspect of Princeton s academic program is that undergraduate students are required to write a senior thesis, or for students in some engineering departments, take on an independent project. Notable alumni include U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, model/actress Brooke Shields and former first lady Michelle Obama. According to Princeton legend, if a student exits campus through FitzRandolph Gate prior to graduation, he or she may be cursed never to graduate. Princeton University is unique in combining the strengths of a major research university with the qualities of an outstanding liberal arts college. Whether through independent study, student initiated seminars, or lectures in emerging fields such as neuroscience, Princeton students have the flexibility to shape dynamic academic programs that prepare them for leadership and lives of service. Through its ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Polygyny in Africa Essay Polygyny in Africa Whereas numerous African creation myths are supportive of cultural practices such as circumcision, there are very few, if any, creation myths that justify polygyny. There are many proverbs about polygamy. However, proverbs do not have the same weight as myths in explaining why certain things should be the way they are. African creation myths suggest that monogyny was the original practice not only among creator gods, but also among the original humans. The pursuit of immortality through procreation is noble. Nevertheless, its achievement through polygyny discriminate against women. So, polygyny is a sexist cultural practice that has no genuine religious basis. It is a post original sin as well as a culturally and ... Show more content on ... Of course, there are many proverbs about polygamy and co wives. But proverbs do not have the same weight as myths. Indeed, the former are humans sayings, whereas the latter are sacred literatures, so to speak. Numerous African creation myths develop the idea that monogyny was the original practice among creator gods and among the first human couples. After reading numerous creation myths, I have identified five of them which substantiate this claim. These myths are representative of five geographic areas of sub Saharan Africa, that is, the northern, southern, eastern, western, and central Africa. With the exception for The Plant of life, a Nyamwezi story, Tanzania, in which Shida Matunda created all things as well as two women whom he took as wives, virtually all married divinities were monogamists. Furthermore, in my research I came across only one instance in which a God gave the original man, Moon, more than a wife, Morningstar and Eveningstar; but Moon was given the second wife only after God had called the first one to go and live in the sky. Consequently, I contend that African religions are not the authentic foundation of polygyny, or the practice of having more than one wife or female mate at one time. What is more, the pursuit of personal immortality through procreation could possibly be a ... Get more on ...
  • 52. Summary Of Flesh And Blood So Cheap Both fire extinguishers and smoke detectors were invented in the early 1900s, yet 146 lives were taken in the Triangle Fire. Could you imagine the lack of safety standards during this time period? The non fictional story, Flesh and Blood So Cheap, by Albert Marrin, uses explicit and implicit evidence throughout the text to convey his theme about the unsafe conditions that resulted into the tragedy of the Triangle Fire. First of all, Marrin uses explicit ideas to inform readers about some of the events in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory. For example, he states in the text that a worker in the building had probably thrown away a cigar in the trash, which started the fire. In the first paragraph, the text states, Most likely, a cutter flicked a hot ash or tossed a live cigarette butt into the scrap bin. From this phrase, readers can obviously tell that if the cutter had not used the cigarette in the first place, the fire might have never occurred. When people from the ninth floor prepared to jump to their deaths, the firefighters came to rescue them, but failed to save anyone. In paragraph twelve, it states, The men s hands were bleeding, the nets were torn and some caught fire from burning clothing. The same paragraph also states,... Show more content on ... According to paragraph two, it states, A foreman ran for the hose on the stairway wall. Nothing! No water came. This quote shows that it was the building was not safe because the hose was not connected to the water. Another implicit quote is stated in paragraph seven, where it states, Those who reached the ninth floor stairway door found it locked. This was not unusual, as employers often locked doors to discourage latecomers... This quote supports the fact that readers can infer that the owner did not care for the workers because they locked doors in the building, which is also another unsafe condition in the ... Get more on ...
  • 53. Red Azalea Essay The book Red Azalea written by Anchee Min is a true tale about her life and her upbringings. The author was raised in Shanghai and was brought up being taught under the influence of Mao and on the operas of Comrade Jiang Ching. She is a very intelligent girl in school, and she becomes the leader of the Little Red Guards because of her good grades and hard work in school, a communist party, but a school version. Anchee Min excels in school with her amazing speaking and writing skills, therefore her other party members decide that she is the right one to speak on their behalf. When she is told by a secretary of the party that she must speak against her teacher Autumn Leaves at first she doesn t believe but she is then told that the teacher has written a journal about the students and how Min is educable she is very angry about this so accuses the teacher... Show more content on ... It does effect the story because it was a time of great struggle for many families and Anchee. In the story she said, We often ran out of food by the end of the month. We would turn into starving animals. This book gave me a better understanding of this time period in Shanghai because Anchee Min is telling us about her struggles and giving the information first hand and showing me how hard it was to live during the time of the revolution. I learned more about the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and the struggle that many had gone through in that time. I could connect this story to A Long Way Gone, another memoir, because in the beginning of the book Ishmael Beah struggles to find food and he has no money to pay for the food. His life was really an overall struggle. Anchee s parents struggled to put food on the table for her and her family because of the little pay that they received and how the economy was. In hunger, Coral once dug out a drug bottle from the closet and chewed down pink colored pills for ... Get more on ...
  • 54. Dry Mouth Research Paper Do You Struggle With A Constant Dry Mouth? These Treatments Might Help Dry mouth may not seem like it s a serious problem, but it can impact your life in a negative way. Saliva is important for several reasons and when your glands don t produce enough of it, you can suffer from side effects such as gum disease, cavities, and even difficulty swallowing food. Dry mouth has a variety of causes. Some of them are temporary, such as a side effect of a medication, and others are permanent, such as damaged salivary glands from radiation therapy. The first step in reversing your dry mouth is to uncover the cause. For instance, your doctor might change your prescription medication to give you relief. If it s discovered your dry mouth condition is... Show more content on ... Keep a cup of ice chips handy so you can nibble at them throughout the day to keep your mouth moist. Taking small sips of water frequently will help with dry mouth too, especially when you re speaking or eating. Also, try sleeping with a humidifier next to your bed at night. Breathing moist air helps keep your mouth moist too, and it may prevent a dry or sore throat that is common with dry mouth. Mouth Protection The big concern with having dry mouth is the effect it has on your teeth. Your risk of cavities is greatly increased because your teeth need saliva to wash away food bits and neutralize bacteria. Your dentist may provide fluoride trays that you wear when you sleep at night so your teeth are protected. In addition, your dentist can help you choose the best oral care products for your condition. For instance, you ll want to avoid products with alcohol that can further dry your mouth. Try using lip balm or gel on your lips to keep the corners of your mouth from cracking. Also, there are substances you can avoid so you won t compound your problem. Stop smoking and drinking alcohol since both of these make dry mouth symptoms worse. You may also want to avoid spicy foods because they can irritate your mouth when it isn t protected with enough ... Get more on ...
  • 55. The World Of Reading And The English Language If there s anything harder than learning how to read for the very first time, it s learning how to read with a parent whose first language is not English. Learning how to read can get pretty interesting when you re trying to wander into the world of reading and the English language. However, this small obstacle never stopped me from learning how to read or even from readingat all. Now that I am eighteen years old, I have a big love for reading. Reading is a virtual escape that allows me to jump into many alternate universes. My journey to the world of reading and the English language was not a smooth one, but it turned out to be a rewarding experience. Throughout my years in elementary school, I resided in Miami which obviously has a big Hispanic population. There are people who speak Spanish or are bilingual like me. Yes, English is not my first language, it s Spanish. Despite the fact that I am bilingual, English is the language that I am more comfortable with. However, before I entered elementary school my mom had placed me in a day care that would teach me English. That turned out to be a failure as we never received any lessons in English and the English that I did learn was not quite appropriate for a four year old. That never stopped my mom though. She had already been living in the United Statesfor almost 20 years so she knew enough English to communicate with others. My mother values education and learning a lot, so she would buy me books to improve my ... Get more on ...