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Iran University of Science and Technology
Fall 2020
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System Dynamics
And the Nexus Modeling
Herbert A. Simon (Nobel Laureate)
“The capacity of the human mind for formulating and solving complex
problems is very small compared with the size of the problem whose
solution is required for objectively rational behavior in the real world or
even for a reasonable approximation to such objective rationality.”
2 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Systems Thinking
• The tools we have been using have not only failed to solve the persistent problems we face, but
may in fact be causing them.
• Systems Thinking:
• The ability to see the world as a complex system
• Characteristics of Systems Thinking:
• Inherent inter- and trans-disciplinary
• From silo to holistic
• From objects to relationships
• From linear to nonlinear
• From complicated to complex
• From quantitative to qualitative
• From structures to processes
• From normal science to post-normal science
• From Cartesian certainty to approximate knowledge
3 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Systems Thinking Continuum [6]
4 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
• Mental:
• ambiguous, inaccessible, limited, momentary, unreliable, fast, cheap, foundation of decisions
• Descriptive:
• ambiguous, hard interpretation, unreliable, inconsistent, available, lasting
• Physical:
• experimental, unambiguous
• Mathematical:
• computationally difficult, oversimplifying assumptions, available, lasting, reliable, unlimited,
• Dynamical:
• simple but not easy, available, unlimited, unambiguous, lasting, reliable
5 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
System Dynamics [7]:
• is created at MIT in the 1950s by Jay Forrester
• help us learn about the structure and dynamics of the complex systems
• can be used for mid-term and long-term simulation and prediction of the system and its
future development trends
• is fundamentally interdisciplinary
• is grounded in the theory of nonlinear dynamics and feedback control
Dynamic complexity arises because systems are [7]:
• Constantly changing
• tightly coupled
• governed by feedback
• nonlinear
• history-dependent
• self-organizing
• adaptive
• characterized by trade-offs
• counterintuitive
• policy resistant
6 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
The Event-oriented, Open-loop View [7]
• We assess the state of affairs and compare it to our goals.
• The gap between the situation we desire and the situation we perceive defines
our problem.
7 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
The Feedback View [7]
8 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
• Our decisions alter our environment, leading to new decisions, but also
triggering side effects, delayed reactions, changes in goals and interventions
by others. These feedbacks may lead to unanticipated results and ineffective
Key Concepts [7]
• Stocks (Integrals, State/Level Variables): Stocks are accumulations. They characterize the state of the
system and generate the information upon which decisions and actions are based. Stocks change only through
their rates.
• Flows (Derivatives, Rate Variables): Illustrate the rates at which level variables change
• Delays: A delay is a process whose output lags behind its input in some fashion. There are two types of delay:
Information Delays and Material Delays.
• Auxiliary Variable: Auxiliaries consist of functions of stocks (and constants or exogenous inputs).
• Path Dependence: Path dependence is a pattern of behavior in which the ultimate equilibrium depends on
the initial conditions and random shocks as the system evolves.
• Dynamic System: A system which has a state vector that changes over time
• System Dynamics: A top-down modeling approach developed by Forrester (1961) that models complex
systems over time.
9 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Inflow Rate
Outflow RateStock
The stock of water in the tub is filled by the
inflow and drained by the outflow there are no
feedbacks, time delays, nonlinearities, or other
Source: [7]
Correlation vs Causation [7]
10 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Reinforcing Loop & Balancing Loop [1]
11 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
• Reinforcing loop means a self-reinforcing activity while a balancing loop means a self-
correcting activity.
Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) Example:
The Invisible Hand [7]
12 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) Example:
GPA [7]
13 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
System Dynamics Modelling Process [8]
14 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Formulating a
Verification and
Scenario and
Policy Testing,
CLD: Casual Loop diagram
SFD: Stock-Flow Diagram
System Dynamics Software
15 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Software License Monte Carlo
Optimization Website Last Update
Analytica Subscription based ✓ ✗ 2018
Gold Sim commercial ✓ ✓ 2020
LOOPY free ✗ ✗ 2019
Ture free ✓ ✓ 2019
Simulink (MATLAB) commercial ✓ ✓ 2020
Simcad Pro commercial ✓ ✓ 2019
Vensim commercial ✓ ✓ 2020
Stella/iThink commercial ✓ ✓ 2020
Insight Maker free ✗ ✓ 2020
AnyLogic commercial ✓ ✓ 2020
Powersim commercial ✓ ✓ 2018
Comparison of SD simulation software
(Source: [3] and , last visit: October 2020)
Vensim Modelling
16 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Stock and Flow Diagrams (SFD) Example:
COVID-19 cases
17 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
• Initial Population:
• 100000 (person)
• Population Birth Rate and Death Rate:
• 40000 and 15000 (person/year)
• 5% of the population gets COVID-19
• 10% of COVID cases die
• Initial Available Masks:
• 10000
• Masks Production and Consumption Rate Before
• 5000 and 2000
• Public Participation:
• Full Cooperation after the 2nd month (wearing all
available masks)
• Mask Import:
• 5000 in the 6th month
• Fist Vaccine:
• 75% efficiency, released after the 12th month
• Second Vaccine:
• 95% efficiency, released after the 16th month
Stock and Flow Diagrams (SFD) Example:
COVID-19 cases
18 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Successful SD Modelling [7]:
• Develop a model to solve a particular problem, not to model the system
• Modeling should be integrated into a project from the beginning
• Be skeptical about the value of modeling and force the “why do we need it” discussion at the start
of the project
• System dynamics does not stand alone. Use other tools and methods as appropriate
• Focus on implementation from the start of the project
• Modeling works best as an iterative process of joint inquiry between client and consultant
• Avoid black box modeling (garbage in garbage out)
• Get a preliminary model working as soon as possible. Add detail only as necessary
• A broad model boundary is more important than a great deal of detail
• Use expert modelers, not novices
• Implementation does not end with a single project
19 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Validation and Verification Are Impossible
• Webster’s defines “verify” as “to establish the truth, accuracy, or reality of.”
• “Valid” is defined as “having a conclusion correctly derived from premises . . .
Valid implies being supported by objective truth.”
• By these definitions, no model can ever be verified or validated. Why?
• Because all models are wrong.
• All models, mental or formal, are limited, simplified representations of the real world.
20 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Tests for Assessment of Dynamic Models [7]
• Boundary Adequacy:
• Are the important concepts for addressing the problem endogenous to the model?
• Does the behavior of the model change significantly when boundary assumptions are relaxed?
• Do the policy recommendations change when the model boundary is extended?
• Structure Assessment:
• Is the model structure consistent with relevant descriptive knowledge of the system?
• Is the level of aggregation appropriate?
• Does the model conform to basic physical laws such as conservation laws?
• Do the decision rules capture the behavior of the actors in the system?
• Dimensional Consistency:
• Is each equation dimensionally consistent without the use of parameters having no real world meaning?
• Parameter Assessment:
• Are the parameter values consistent with relevant descriptive and numerical knowledge of the system?
• Do all parameters have real world counterparts?
• Extreme Conditions:
• Does each equation make sense even when its inputs take on extreme values?
• Does the model respond plausibly when subjected to extreme policies, shocks, and parameters?
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Tests for Assessment of Dynamic Models [7]
• Integration Error:
• Are the results sensitive to the choice of time step or numerical integration method?
• Behavior Reproduction:
• Does the model reproduce the Reproduction behavior of interest in the system (qualitatively and quantitatively)?
• Does it endogenously generate the symptoms of difficulty motivating the study?
• Does the model generate the various modes of behavior observed in the real system?
• Do the frequencies and phase relationships among the variables match the data?
• Behavior Anomaly:
• Do anomalous behaviors result when assumptions of the model are changed or deleted?
• Family Member:
• Can the model generate the behavior observed in other instances of the same system?
• Supervise Behavior:
• Does the ,model generate previously unobserved or unrecognized behavior?
• Does the model successfully anticipate the response of the system to novel conditions?
• Sensitivity Analysis:
• Numerical Sensitivity: Do the numerical values change significantly. . .
• Behavioral sensitivity: Do the modes of behavior generated by the model change significantly . . .
• Policy sensitivity: Do the policy implications change significantly. . .
• . . . when assumptions about parameters, boundary, and aggregation are varied over the plausible range of uncertainty?
• System Improvement:
• Did the modeling process help change the system for the better?
22 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Fundamental Modes of Dynamic Behavior [7]
23 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
+ Stasis, or Equilibrium
+ Randomness
+ Chaos
Dynamic Behavior:
Exponential Growth [7]
• Arises from positive (self-reinforcing) feedback.
• In pure exponential growth the state of the system
doubles in a fixed period of time.
• Common example: compound interest, population
24 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Dynamic Behavior:
Goal Seeking [7]
• Negative loops seek balance, and equilibrium, and
try to bring the system to a desired state (goal).
• Negative loops counteract change or disturbances.
• Negative loops have a process to compare desired
state to current state and take corrective action.
• Pure exponential decay is characterized by its half
life – the time it takes for half the remaining gap to
be eliminated.
25 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Dynamic Behavior:
Oscillation [7]
• It is caused by goal-seeking behavior, but results
from constant ‘overshoots’ and ‘under-shoots’
• The over-shoots and under-shoots result due to
time delays- the corrective action continues to
execute even when system reaches desired state
giving rise to the oscillations
26 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Dynamic Behavior:
S-shaped growth [7]
• Growth is exponential at first, but then gradually slows until the
state of the system reaches an equilibrium level.
• Resembles ecological concept of carrying capacity: the carrying
capacity of any habitat is the number of organisms of a particular
type it can support and is determined by the resources available
in the environment and the resource requirements of the
population. As a population approaches its carrying capacity,
resources per capita diminish thereby reducing the fractional net
increase rate until there are just enough resources per capita to
balance births and deaths, at which point the net increase rate is
zero and the population reaches equilibrium.
• A system generates S-shaped growth only if two critical
conditions are met:
• First, the negative loops must not include any significant time
• Second, the carrying capacity must be fixed
27 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Dynamic Behavior:
S-Shaped Growth with Overshoot [7]
• S-shaped growth requires the negative feedbacks
that constrain growth to act swiftly as the carrying
capacity is approached. Often, however, there are
significant time delays in these negative loops.
Time delays in the negative loops lead to the
possibility that the state of the system will
overshoot and oscillate around the carrying
28 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Dynamic Behavior:
Overshoot and Collapse [7]
• The second critical assumption underlying S-
shaped growth is that the carrying capacity is
fixed. Often, however, the ability of the
environment to support a growing population is
eroded or consumed by the population itself.
• Consumption or erosion of the carrying capacity
by the population creates a second negative
feedback limiting growth.
29 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Systems Archetypes [5]:
• These "systems archetypes“ or "generic structures" embody the key to learning to see structures
in our personal and organizational Jives. The systems archetypes— of which there are only a
relatively small number'—suggest that not all management problems are unique, something that
experienced managers know intuitively.
• The systems archetypes reveal an elegant simplicity underlying the complexity of management
• The purpose of the systems archetypes is to recondition our perceptions, so as to be more able to
see structures at play, and to see the leverage in those structures.
30 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Systems Archetypes:
Limits to Growth [5]
• A process feeds on itself to produce a period of accelerating growth or expansion. Then the
growth begins to slow (often inexplicably to the participants in the system) and eventually comes
to a halt, and may even reverse itself and begin an accelerating collapse.
• The growth phase is caused by a reinforcing feedback process (or by several reinforcing feedback
processes). The slowing arises due to a balancing process brought into play as a "limit" is
approached. The limit can be a resource constraint, or an external or internal response to growth.
The accelerating collapse (when it occurs) arises from the reinforcing process operating in
reverse, to generate more and more contraction.
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Systems Archetypes:
Success to Successful [5]
• Two activities compete for limited support or resources. The more successful one becomes, the
more support it gains, thereby starving the other.
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Systems Archetypes:
Tragedy of the Commons [5]
• Individuals use a commonly available but limited resource solely on the basis of individual need.
At first they are rewarded for using it; eventually, they get diminishing returns, which causes
them to intensify their efforts. Eventually, the resource is either significantly depleted, eroded, or
entirely used up.
33 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Systems Archetypes:
Fixes that Backfire [5]
• A fix, effective in the short term, has unforeseen long-term consequences which may require even
more use of the same fix.
34 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Systems Archetypes:
Shifting the Burden [5]
• A short-term "solution" is used to correct a problem, with seemingly positive immediate results.
As this correction is used more and more, more fundamental long-term corrective measures are
used less and less. Over time, the capabilities for the fundamental solution may atrophy or
become disabled, leading to even greater reliance on the symptomatic solution.
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Systems Archetypes:
Eroding Goals [5]
• A shifting the burden type of structure in which the short-term solution involves letting a long-
term, fundamental goal decline.
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Systems Archetypes:
Escalation [5]
• Two people or organizations each see their welfare as depending on a relative advantage over the
other. Whenever one side gets ahead, the other is more threatened, leading it to act more
aggressively to reestablish its advantage, which threatens the first, increasing its aggressiveness,
and so on. Often each side sees its own aggressive behavior as a defensive response to the other's
aggression; but each side acting "in defense" results in a buildup that goes far beyond either side's
37 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Systems Archetypes:
Growth and Underinvestment [5]
• Growth approaches a limit which can be eliminated or pushed into the future if the firm, or
individual, invests in additional "capacity." But the investment must be aggressive and
sufficiently rapid to forestall reduced growth, or else it will never get made. Oftentimes, key goals
or performance standards are lowered to justify underinvestment. When this happens, there is a
self-fulfilling prophecy where lower goals lead to lower expectations, which are then borne out
by poor performance caused by underinvestment.
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2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling39
Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Linkage
Synergy and Trade-off
40 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Traditional view
business-as-usual approach
single-silo thinking
Integrated view
holistic approach
nexus thinking
41 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
• WFE nexus approach was proposed by the World
Economic Forum for the first time in 2011 (Hoff,
2011) with the intention of confronting problems
such as scarcity of resources. It identifies the
interrelation between WFE resources temporally and
spatially and aims at enhancement of the WFE
resources security and determination of the
interrelations between WFE systems in order to
facilitate inter-sector and holistic decision making,
which can eventually lead nations toward
sustainability [4].
42 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
• The WEF Nexus is a novel concept in resources
management that integrates and considers feedback
connections of water, energy, and food production
and consumption in a single framework [9].
• The discussion of WEF Nexus commonly involves
several parties with different backgrounds and
expertise to decide sustainable management plan [9].
• There is a close and intricate relationship among
water, energy, and food; they coordinate with each
other to form a multi-variable coupling, reciprocal,
dynamic system, and the coordinated development of
them will play a positive role in human survival and
development [9].
Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus
43 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Water Energy Food
Water for -
Cooling Systems
Biofuel Production
Fuel Extraction and Refinery
Thermal Pollution
Energy Generation from WW (digesters)
Cattle and Livestock Farming
Fish Farming
Fish Hunting
Energy for
Transport Infrastructures
W/WW Treatment and Reuse
Agricultural Activities
Fertilizer Production
Food Industries
(Transport, Packaging and Cooling Systems)
Food for
Food Export (Virtual Water)
Agricultural Impacts on Groundwater and Flooding
Agricultural WW impacts on Water Quality
Application of Certain Types of Plants in W Treatment
Energy generation from Organic Waste
(Anaerobic Digestion)
Recent Trends in Literature:
44 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Common Nexus Tools [4]:
Tools/Frameworks Main Components Modeling Approach
WEFSiM-opt Water, Food, Energy, Economy SD
ANEMI 2 Water, Food, Land, Energy, Economy, Climate Change, Carbon Cycle Vensim DSS
Water, Energy, Food Nexus Tool 2.0 Water, Energy, Land, Economy, Carbon Emission -
MuSIASEM 2.0 Water, Food, Energy, Socioeconoic -
CLEW Water, Energy, Land, Econoomy, Carbon Emission AEZ/WEAP-LEAP
WPE Model Water, Energy, Ecosystem MATLAB
ABM Model Water, Food, Energy, Ecosystem Servieces Spatially scalable agent-based model + SWAT
45 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Other Tools:
FAO Nexus Approach, Forseer, GLEW, GLOBIOM, IRENA’s Tool, MARKAL/TIMES, MAXUS ,NEST v1.1, NexSym,
Q-nexus, SPATNEX-WE, WBCSD, WEF Nexus Rapid Appraisal Tool, WEFNI, WESTWeb, WREI
Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) Example:
Water-Energy-Food [8]
46 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) Example:
Water-Energy-Food-Land [1]
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Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) Example:
Water [2]
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Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) Example:
Food and Energy [2]
49 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) Example:
Water-Energy-Food [4]
50 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Stock and Flow Diagrams (SFD) Example:
WEF and Population
51 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Stock and Flow Diagrams (SFD) Example:
Water-Energy-Food [9]
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Stock and Flow Diagrams (SFD) Example:
Water-Energy-Food [2]
53 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Systems Archetypes:
Limits to Growth [1]
• Occurs when the growth is bounded by a limited resource.
• Solutions: Remove the barriers, new supply rescore
54 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
agricultural production is limited by water availability
industrial development is bounded by water availability
residential growth is bounded by water availability
Systems Archetypes:
Success to Successful [1]
• Occurs when two growing activities compete for the same resources.
• Solutions: proper allocation, apply new and efficient technologies
55 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Potential Scenarios
• Changing crop pattern
• Enhancing crop productivity
• Controlling groundwater withdrawal
• Demographical changes
• ?
56 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
57 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
1. Bahri, Muhamad. "Analysis of the water, energy, food and land nexus using the system archetypes: A case study in
the Jatiluhur reservoir, West Java, Indonesia." Science of The Total Environment 716 (2020): 137025.
2. Chen, Yan, and Weizhong Chen. "Simulation Study on the Different Policies of Jiangsu Province for a Dynamic
Balance of Water Resources under the Water–Energy–Food Nexus." Water 12, no. 6 (2020): 1666..
3. Honti, Gergely, Gyula Dörgő, and János Abonyi. "Review and structural analysis of system dynamics models in
sustainability science." Journal of Cleaner Production 240 (2019): 118015.
4. Ravar, Zeinab, Banafsheh Zahraie, Ali Sharifinejad, Hamid Gozini, and Samannaz Jafari. "System dynamics
modeling for assessment of water–food–energy resources security and nexus in Gavkhuni basin in Iran." Ecological
Indicators 108 (2020): 105682.
5. Senge, Peter M. The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization. Currency, 2006.
6. Stave, Krystyna, and Megan Hopper. "What constitutes systems thinking? A proposed taxonomy." In 25th
International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. 2007.
7. Bayer, Steffen. "Business dynamics: Systems thinking and modeling for a complex world." (2004): 324-326.
8. Tan, Andrew Huey Ping, and Eng Hwa Yap. "Energy Security within Malaysia’s Water-Energy-Food Nexus—A
Systems Approach." Systems 7, no. 1 (2019): 14.
9. Wicaksono, Albert, and Doosun Kang. "Nationwide simulation of water, energy, and food nexus: Case study in
South Korea and Indonesia." Journal of Hydro-environment Research 22 (2019): 70-87.
Recommended Resources:
58 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
Any Questions?
59 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling

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System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling

  • 1. Iran University of Science and Technology Fall 2020 Image Sources: System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 2. Herbert A. Simon (Nobel Laureate) “The capacity of the human mind for formulating and solving complex problems is very small compared with the size of the problem whose solution is required for objectively rational behavior in the real world or even for a reasonable approximation to such objective rationality.” 2 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 3. Systems Thinking • The tools we have been using have not only failed to solve the persistent problems we face, but may in fact be causing them. • Systems Thinking: • The ability to see the world as a complex system • Characteristics of Systems Thinking: • Inherent inter- and trans-disciplinary • From silo to holistic • From objects to relationships • From linear to nonlinear • From complicated to complex • From quantitative to qualitative • From structures to processes • From normal science to post-normal science • From Cartesian certainty to approximate knowledge 3 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling Source:
  • 4. Systems Thinking Continuum [6] 4 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 5. Models • Mental: • ambiguous, inaccessible, limited, momentary, unreliable, fast, cheap, foundation of decisions • Descriptive: • ambiguous, hard interpretation, unreliable, inconsistent, available, lasting • Physical: • experimental, unambiguous • Mathematical: • computationally difficult, oversimplifying assumptions, available, lasting, reliable, unlimited, unambiguous • Dynamical: • simple but not easy, available, unlimited, unambiguous, lasting, reliable 5 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 6. System Dynamics [7]: • is created at MIT in the 1950s by Jay Forrester • help us learn about the structure and dynamics of the complex systems • can be used for mid-term and long-term simulation and prediction of the system and its future development trends • is fundamentally interdisciplinary • is grounded in the theory of nonlinear dynamics and feedback control Dynamic complexity arises because systems are [7]: • Constantly changing • tightly coupled • governed by feedback • nonlinear • history-dependent • self-organizing • adaptive • characterized by trade-offs • counterintuitive • policy resistant 6 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 7. The Event-oriented, Open-loop View [7] • We assess the state of affairs and compare it to our goals. • The gap between the situation we desire and the situation we perceive defines our problem. 7 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 8. The Feedback View [7] 8 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling • Our decisions alter our environment, leading to new decisions, but also triggering side effects, delayed reactions, changes in goals and interventions by others. These feedbacks may lead to unanticipated results and ineffective policies.
  • 9. Key Concepts [7] • Stocks (Integrals, State/Level Variables): Stocks are accumulations. They characterize the state of the system and generate the information upon which decisions and actions are based. Stocks change only through their rates. • Flows (Derivatives, Rate Variables): Illustrate the rates at which level variables change • Delays: A delay is a process whose output lags behind its input in some fashion. There are two types of delay: Information Delays and Material Delays. • Auxiliary Variable: Auxiliaries consist of functions of stocks (and constants or exogenous inputs). • Path Dependence: Path dependence is a pattern of behavior in which the ultimate equilibrium depends on the initial conditions and random shocks as the system evolves. • Dynamic System: A system which has a state vector that changes over time • System Dynamics: A top-down modeling approach developed by Forrester (1961) that models complex systems over time. 9 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling Inflow Rate Outflow RateStock The stock of water in the tub is filled by the inflow and drained by the outflow there are no feedbacks, time delays, nonlinearities, or other complexities Source: [7]
  • 10. Correlation vs Causation [7] 10 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 11. Reinforcing Loop & Balancing Loop [1] 11 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling • Reinforcing loop means a self-reinforcing activity while a balancing loop means a self- correcting activity.
  • 12. Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) Example: The Invisible Hand [7] 12 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 13. Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) Example: GPA [7] 13 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 14. System Dynamics Modelling Process [8] 14 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling Boundary Definition Formulating a Dynamic Hypothesis CLD Construction SFD Construction Testing, Verification and Validation Simulation Scenario and Policy Testing, Sensitivity Analysis CLD: Casual Loop diagram SFD: Stock-Flow Diagram Iterative and reciprocal process
  • 15. System Dynamics Software 15 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling Software License Monte Carlo Simulation Optimization Website Last Update Analytica Subscription based ✓ ✗ 2018 Gold Sim commercial ✓ ✓ 2020 LOOPY free ✗ ✗ 2019 Ture free ✓ ✓ 2019 Simulink (MATLAB) commercial ✓ ✓ 2020 Simcad Pro commercial ✓ ✓ 2019 Vensim commercial ✓ ✓ 2020 Stella/iThink commercial ✓ ✓ 2020 Insight Maker free ✗ ✓ 2020 AnyLogic commercial ✓ ✓ 2020 Powersim commercial ✓ ✓ 2018 Comparison of SD simulation software (Source: [3] and , last visit: October 2020)
  • 16. Vensim Modelling 16 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 17. Stock and Flow Diagrams (SFD) Example: COVID-19 cases 17 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling • Initial Population: • 100000 (person) • Population Birth Rate and Death Rate: • 40000 and 15000 (person/year) • 5% of the population gets COVID-19 • 10% of COVID cases die • Initial Available Masks: • 10000 • Masks Production and Consumption Rate Before COVID: • 5000 and 2000 • Public Participation: • Full Cooperation after the 2nd month (wearing all available masks) • Mask Import: • 5000 in the 6th month • Fist Vaccine: • 75% efficiency, released after the 12th month • Second Vaccine: • 95% efficiency, released after the 16th month
  • 18. Stock and Flow Diagrams (SFD) Example: COVID-19 cases 18 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 19. Successful SD Modelling [7]: • Develop a model to solve a particular problem, not to model the system • Modeling should be integrated into a project from the beginning • Be skeptical about the value of modeling and force the “why do we need it” discussion at the start of the project • System dynamics does not stand alone. Use other tools and methods as appropriate • Focus on implementation from the start of the project • Modeling works best as an iterative process of joint inquiry between client and consultant • Avoid black box modeling (garbage in garbage out) • Get a preliminary model working as soon as possible. Add detail only as necessary • A broad model boundary is more important than a great deal of detail • Use expert modelers, not novices • Implementation does not end with a single project 19 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 20. Validation and Verification Are Impossible • Webster’s defines “verify” as “to establish the truth, accuracy, or reality of.” • “Valid” is defined as “having a conclusion correctly derived from premises . . . Valid implies being supported by objective truth.” • By these definitions, no model can ever be verified or validated. Why? • Because all models are wrong. • All models, mental or formal, are limited, simplified representations of the real world. 20 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 21. Tests for Assessment of Dynamic Models [7] • Boundary Adequacy: • Are the important concepts for addressing the problem endogenous to the model? • Does the behavior of the model change significantly when boundary assumptions are relaxed? • Do the policy recommendations change when the model boundary is extended? • Structure Assessment: • Is the model structure consistent with relevant descriptive knowledge of the system? • Is the level of aggregation appropriate? • Does the model conform to basic physical laws such as conservation laws? • Do the decision rules capture the behavior of the actors in the system? • Dimensional Consistency: • Is each equation dimensionally consistent without the use of parameters having no real world meaning? • Parameter Assessment: • Are the parameter values consistent with relevant descriptive and numerical knowledge of the system? • Do all parameters have real world counterparts? • Extreme Conditions: • Does each equation make sense even when its inputs take on extreme values? • Does the model respond plausibly when subjected to extreme policies, shocks, and parameters? 21 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 22. Tests for Assessment of Dynamic Models [7] • Integration Error: • Are the results sensitive to the choice of time step or numerical integration method? • Behavior Reproduction: • Does the model reproduce the Reproduction behavior of interest in the system (qualitatively and quantitatively)? • Does it endogenously generate the symptoms of difficulty motivating the study? • Does the model generate the various modes of behavior observed in the real system? • Do the frequencies and phase relationships among the variables match the data? • Behavior Anomaly: • Do anomalous behaviors result when assumptions of the model are changed or deleted? • Family Member: • Can the model generate the behavior observed in other instances of the same system? • Supervise Behavior: • Does the ,model generate previously unobserved or unrecognized behavior? • Does the model successfully anticipate the response of the system to novel conditions? • Sensitivity Analysis: • Numerical Sensitivity: Do the numerical values change significantly. . . • Behavioral sensitivity: Do the modes of behavior generated by the model change significantly . . . • Policy sensitivity: Do the policy implications change significantly. . . • . . . when assumptions about parameters, boundary, and aggregation are varied over the plausible range of uncertainty? • System Improvement: • Did the modeling process help change the system for the better? 22 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 23. Fundamental Modes of Dynamic Behavior [7] 23 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling + Stasis, or Equilibrium + Randomness + Chaos
  • 24. Dynamic Behavior: Exponential Growth [7] • Arises from positive (self-reinforcing) feedback. • In pure exponential growth the state of the system doubles in a fixed period of time. • Common example: compound interest, population growth 24 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 25. Dynamic Behavior: Goal Seeking [7] • Negative loops seek balance, and equilibrium, and try to bring the system to a desired state (goal). • Negative loops counteract change or disturbances. • Negative loops have a process to compare desired state to current state and take corrective action. • Pure exponential decay is characterized by its half life – the time it takes for half the remaining gap to be eliminated. 25 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 26. Dynamic Behavior: Oscillation [7] • It is caused by goal-seeking behavior, but results from constant ‘overshoots’ and ‘under-shoots’ • The over-shoots and under-shoots result due to time delays- the corrective action continues to execute even when system reaches desired state giving rise to the oscillations 26 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 27. Dynamic Behavior: S-shaped growth [7] • Growth is exponential at first, but then gradually slows until the state of the system reaches an equilibrium level. • Resembles ecological concept of carrying capacity: the carrying capacity of any habitat is the number of organisms of a particular type it can support and is determined by the resources available in the environment and the resource requirements of the population. As a population approaches its carrying capacity, resources per capita diminish thereby reducing the fractional net increase rate until there are just enough resources per capita to balance births and deaths, at which point the net increase rate is zero and the population reaches equilibrium. • A system generates S-shaped growth only if two critical conditions are met: • First, the negative loops must not include any significant time delays • Second, the carrying capacity must be fixed 27 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 28. Dynamic Behavior: S-Shaped Growth with Overshoot [7] • S-shaped growth requires the negative feedbacks that constrain growth to act swiftly as the carrying capacity is approached. Often, however, there are significant time delays in these negative loops. Time delays in the negative loops lead to the possibility that the state of the system will overshoot and oscillate around the carrying capacity 28 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 29. Dynamic Behavior: Overshoot and Collapse [7] • The second critical assumption underlying S- shaped growth is that the carrying capacity is fixed. Often, however, the ability of the environment to support a growing population is eroded or consumed by the population itself. • Consumption or erosion of the carrying capacity by the population creates a second negative feedback limiting growth. 29 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 30. Systems Archetypes [5]: • These "systems archetypes“ or "generic structures" embody the key to learning to see structures in our personal and organizational Jives. The systems archetypes— of which there are only a relatively small number'—suggest that not all management problems are unique, something that experienced managers know intuitively. • The systems archetypes reveal an elegant simplicity underlying the complexity of management issues. • The purpose of the systems archetypes is to recondition our perceptions, so as to be more able to see structures at play, and to see the leverage in those structures. 30 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 31. Systems Archetypes: Limits to Growth [5] • A process feeds on itself to produce a period of accelerating growth or expansion. Then the growth begins to slow (often inexplicably to the participants in the system) and eventually comes to a halt, and may even reverse itself and begin an accelerating collapse. • The growth phase is caused by a reinforcing feedback process (or by several reinforcing feedback processes). The slowing arises due to a balancing process brought into play as a "limit" is approached. The limit can be a resource constraint, or an external or internal response to growth. The accelerating collapse (when it occurs) arises from the reinforcing process operating in reverse, to generate more and more contraction. 31 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 32. Systems Archetypes: Success to Successful [5] • Two activities compete for limited support or resources. The more successful one becomes, the more support it gains, thereby starving the other. 32 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 33. Systems Archetypes: Tragedy of the Commons [5] • Individuals use a commonly available but limited resource solely on the basis of individual need. At first they are rewarded for using it; eventually, they get diminishing returns, which causes them to intensify their efforts. Eventually, the resource is either significantly depleted, eroded, or entirely used up. 33 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 34. Systems Archetypes: Fixes that Backfire [5] • A fix, effective in the short term, has unforeseen long-term consequences which may require even more use of the same fix. 34 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 35. Systems Archetypes: Shifting the Burden [5] • A short-term "solution" is used to correct a problem, with seemingly positive immediate results. As this correction is used more and more, more fundamental long-term corrective measures are used less and less. Over time, the capabilities for the fundamental solution may atrophy or become disabled, leading to even greater reliance on the symptomatic solution. 35 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 36. Systems Archetypes: Eroding Goals [5] • A shifting the burden type of structure in which the short-term solution involves letting a long- term, fundamental goal decline. 36 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 37. Systems Archetypes: Escalation [5] • Two people or organizations each see their welfare as depending on a relative advantage over the other. Whenever one side gets ahead, the other is more threatened, leading it to act more aggressively to reestablish its advantage, which threatens the first, increasing its aggressiveness, and so on. Often each side sees its own aggressive behavior as a defensive response to the other's aggression; but each side acting "in defense" results in a buildup that goes far beyond either side's desires. 37 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 38. Systems Archetypes: Growth and Underinvestment [5] • Growth approaches a limit which can be eliminated or pushed into the future if the firm, or individual, invests in additional "capacity." But the investment must be aggressive and sufficiently rapid to forestall reduced growth, or else it will never get made. Oftentimes, key goals or performance standards are lowered to justify underinvestment. When this happens, there is a self-fulfilling prophecy where lower goals lead to lower expectations, which are then borne out by poor performance caused by underinvestment. 38 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 39. 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling39 Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Linkage Synergy and Trade-off
  • 40. 40 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling Traditional view business-as-usual approach single-silo thinking Vs. Integrated view holistic approach nexus thinking Source:
  • 41. 41 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling • WFE nexus approach was proposed by the World Economic Forum for the first time in 2011 (Hoff, 2011) with the intention of confronting problems such as scarcity of resources. It identifies the interrelation between WFE resources temporally and spatially and aims at enhancement of the WFE resources security and determination of the interrelations between WFE systems in order to facilitate inter-sector and holistic decision making, which can eventually lead nations toward sustainability [4]. Source:
  • 42. 42 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling • The WEF Nexus is a novel concept in resources management that integrates and considers feedback connections of water, energy, and food production and consumption in a single framework [9]. • The discussion of WEF Nexus commonly involves several parties with different backgrounds and expertise to decide sustainable management plan [9]. • There is a close and intricate relationship among water, energy, and food; they coordinate with each other to form a multi-variable coupling, reciprocal, dynamic system, and the coordinated development of them will play a positive role in human survival and development [9]. Source:
  • 43. Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus 43 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling Water Energy Food Water for - Hydropower Cooling Systems Biofuel Production Fuel Extraction and Refinery Mining Thermal Pollution Energy Generation from WW (digesters) Irrigation Cattle and Livestock Farming Fish Farming Fish Hunting Energy for Transport Infrastructures Pumping Desalination W/WW Treatment and Reuse - Agricultural Activities Fertilizer Production Food Industries (Transport, Packaging and Cooling Systems) Catering Food for Food Export (Virtual Water) Agricultural Impacts on Groundwater and Flooding Agricultural WW impacts on Water Quality Application of Certain Types of Plants in W Treatment Biomass Energy generation from Organic Waste (Anaerobic Digestion) -
  • 44. Recent Trends in Literature: 44 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 45. Common Nexus Tools [4]: Tools/Frameworks Main Components Modeling Approach WEFSiM-opt Water, Food, Energy, Economy SD ANEMI 2 Water, Food, Land, Energy, Economy, Climate Change, Carbon Cycle Vensim DSS Water, Energy, Food Nexus Tool 2.0 Water, Energy, Land, Economy, Carbon Emission - MuSIASEM 2.0 Water, Food, Energy, Socioeconoic - CLEW Water, Energy, Land, Econoomy, Carbon Emission AEZ/WEAP-LEAP WPE Model Water, Energy, Ecosystem MATLAB ABM Model Water, Food, Energy, Ecosystem Servieces Spatially scalable agent-based model + SWAT 45 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling Other Tools: FAO Nexus Approach, Forseer, GLEW, GLOBIOM, IRENA’s Tool, MARKAL/TIMES, MAXUS ,NEST v1.1, NexSym, Q-nexus, SPATNEX-WE, WBCSD, WEF Nexus Rapid Appraisal Tool, WEFNI, WESTWeb, WREI
  • 46. Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) Example: Water-Energy-Food [8] 46 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 47. Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) Example: Water-Energy-Food-Land [1] 47 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 48. Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) Example: Water [2] 48 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 49. Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) Example: Food and Energy [2] 49 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 50. Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) Example: Water-Energy-Food [4] 50 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 51. Stock and Flow Diagrams (SFD) Example: WEF and Population 51 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 52. Stock and Flow Diagrams (SFD) Example: Water-Energy-Food [9] 52 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 53. Stock and Flow Diagrams (SFD) Example: Water-Energy-Food [2] 53 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 54. Systems Archetypes: Limits to Growth [1] • Occurs when the growth is bounded by a limited resource. • Solutions: Remove the barriers, new supply rescore 54 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling agricultural production is limited by water availability industrial development is bounded by water availability residential growth is bounded by water availability
  • 55. Systems Archetypes: Success to Successful [1] • Occurs when two growing activities compete for the same resources. • Solutions: proper allocation, apply new and efficient technologies 55 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 56. Potential Scenarios • Changing crop pattern • Enhancing crop productivity • Controlling groundwater withdrawal • Demographical changes • ? 56 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 57. References: 57 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling 1. Bahri, Muhamad. "Analysis of the water, energy, food and land nexus using the system archetypes: A case study in the Jatiluhur reservoir, West Java, Indonesia." Science of The Total Environment 716 (2020): 137025. 2. Chen, Yan, and Weizhong Chen. "Simulation Study on the Different Policies of Jiangsu Province for a Dynamic Balance of Water Resources under the Water–Energy–Food Nexus." Water 12, no. 6 (2020): 1666.. 3. Honti, Gergely, Gyula Dörgő, and János Abonyi. "Review and structural analysis of system dynamics models in sustainability science." Journal of Cleaner Production 240 (2019): 118015. 4. Ravar, Zeinab, Banafsheh Zahraie, Ali Sharifinejad, Hamid Gozini, and Samannaz Jafari. "System dynamics modeling for assessment of water–food–energy resources security and nexus in Gavkhuni basin in Iran." Ecological Indicators 108 (2020): 105682. 5. Senge, Peter M. The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization. Currency, 2006. 6. Stave, Krystyna, and Megan Hopper. "What constitutes systems thinking? A proposed taxonomy." In 25th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. 2007. 7. Bayer, Steffen. "Business dynamics: Systems thinking and modeling for a complex world." (2004): 324-326. 8. Tan, Andrew Huey Ping, and Eng Hwa Yap. "Energy Security within Malaysia’s Water-Energy-Food Nexus—A Systems Approach." Systems 7, no. 1 (2019): 14. 9. Wicaksono, Albert, and Doosun Kang. "Nationwide simulation of water, energy, and food nexus: Case study in South Korea and Indonesia." Journal of Hydro-environment Research 22 (2019): 70-87.
  • 58. Recommended Resources: 58 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling
  • 59. Any Questions? 59 2020-11-15 System Dynamics And the Nexus Modeling