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The Age Of Enlightenment, And Social Revolutions
The Age of Enlightenment attacked the churches on issues which have been continuously going on
in the past. Which sparked the revolutions, and created a drastic change in the way the people were
governed. The colonists demanded a change in their social structures because they were tired of
absolute monarchies, which were selfish and believed in the divine right to rule. Meaning that their
power was specifically given to them by God. Most rulers did little to nothing to actually make a
beneficial change for the people and instead invested most of their time to themselves, rather than
using the time to create new ways to get rid of economic crises. This lead for their people to become
extremely needy and used any chance of help that came to them. The Enlightenment was a period of
both hardships and social growth, which made the people's perspectives towards the world different,
and spreaded Ideas which created Revolutions and made philosophers come up with different ways
of reasoning and influenced the Enlightenment in almost everything they did the outcome reshaped
the world and them a voice. Many philosophers who heavily influenced the Enlightenment ideas
which sparked the revolution, caused people to think for themselves. A philosopher named John
Locke studied human reasoning and agreed that people were indeed reasonable and moral. Locke's
ideas on people having natural rights, which were rights that he thought were to be given to all
people and shouldn't be taken away
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Social Causes Of The American Revolution
Through an examination of the social, cultural, economic and political causes of the American
Revolution, an exploration of key arguments both for and against the American Revolution, and an
analysis of the social, cultural, economic and political changes brought about by the American
Revolution it can be demonstrated unequivocally that the American Revolution was indeed truly
By the time of the late 18th century, the colonies had grown socially, culturally, economically, and
politically setting the mood for a majority of the colonists to want to break ties with the mother
country. The colonies were well established, growing rapidly with new settlers arriving, and had
begun to interact and socialize with not only each other, but also the Indians and the French, with
whom they shared the new lands. These newfound social and cultural interactions allowed the
colonies to grow economically giving the colonists a sense of importance. The lack of recognition
by parliament started to plant the seeds for the revolution.
In the years leading up to the American Revolution, important economic changes took place within
the colonies as their economies transitioned from the previous subsistence farming and subsistence
living type of economies into true consumer economies. This shift toward a true consumerism
society in the colonies, also known as Anglicizing the colonies, began to make the colonies more
uniform and began to bring the colonies together into more of a
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Gender And Social Aspects Of The Sexual Revolution In The...
Industrial revolution was the change to new manufacturing process that took place in the 18th to the
19th century. The process involved the change from the use of hands in production to the use of
machines. The examples included the engineering of chemicals and iron productions, use of steam
power and the plant machine method. Due to the developments in the way of production in the
industries, employment especially the textile industry featured both male and female genders
improving the overall living standards of people. Sexual revolution can also be described as sexual
liberation because it was seen as freedom from the traditional codes of behavior to interpersonal
relationships and sexuality (Gill 103). As a result of this there was witnessed several changes in the
general perceptions and traditions held, especially on gender and social stereotypes, which resulted
to sexual liberation. This paper is going to look into industrial revolution and find out the extent to
which it constituted to sexual revolution and the everyday social and family life for both men,
women and the children.
Industrialization took place earlier in the western countries than the other parts of the world.
Through the introduction of machines that made work easier in the industries, employment was no
longer a man's thing and women found an opportunity to work (Carlin 318). The revolution created
a shortage in labor and textile factories absorbed young single ladies from the rural areas. The
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Social Factors And Social Causes Of The French Revolution
The French Revolution was mainly the result of social causes. In the 18th century, the social classes
were categorized as the First Estate, consisting of the clergy; the Second Estate, consisting of the
aristocracy; and finally the Third Estate, including every remaining citizen; from the bourgeoisie
(merchants, lawyers, businessmen) all the way to the poor peasants of the land. All the members of
the first two estates were privileged in law and taxation. Moreover, there was virtually no way to
move up the social ladder unless you were born into it, consequently, raising anger among the
bourgeoisie since, despite their equivalence in wealth as certain nobles, they still had lower living
conditions than the first two estates and were considered the minority.
The bourgeoisie's (middle class) ambition was a major contributor of the French Revolution. "This
close contact of the bourgeoisie with less educated members of the Third Estate enabled them to
provide the real leadership of the Revolution when it came..." (Truman et al, 131) The middle class
made up the larger half of the Third Estate. Since the peasants weren't organized enough to form
their own assembly, or begin a revolution, the bourgeoisie guided the Third Estate, eventually
forming the National Assembly, and pushed them to act against the higher levels of society. " was
through them, by mouth, that the radical views of the philosophes spread down through the
population." (Truman et al, 131) The bourgeoisie
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Social Impacts Of The American Revolution
The American Revolution played a huge role in the development of American society. The
revolution helped shape an economically stable and independent country. The revolution came about
in 1775 and ended in 1783. The American Revolution was the first revolution in which people
fought for their independence. The changes to American society after the American Revolution can
be put into three different categories, economic changes, political changes, and social changes.
Socially, the revolution affected homeland with the Indians, African Americans, and big changes
were made on the home front. Economically, multiple countries began to slow down trade with
America. And politically, the American Revolution represented a drastic change in spreading the
idea of liberty to other people.
On the home front, American society was faced with multiple changes socially. One of those
changes came about from the Quartering Act, which took place in 1765. The Quartering Act forced
local colonial governments to provide provisions and housing to British soldiers stationed in the 13
colonies. The colonists disputed the legality of this act because it seemed to violate the Bill of
Rights and British officers who had fought in the French and Indian War found it hard to persuade
colonial assemblies to pay for this. The wives and children of the soldiers already had enough to
deal with between the uprising of the Indians, burning villages and houses, and the slave revolts.
The families would have to
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Industrial Revolution and Social Changes
Between 1760 and 1860, technological progress, education, and an increasing capital stock
transformed England into the workshop of the world. The industrial revolution, as the
transformation came to be called, caused a sustained rise in real income per person in England and,
as its effects spread, the rest of the Western world. Historians agree that the industrial revolution was
one of the most important events in history, marking the rapid transition to the modern age, but they
disagree about various aspects of the event. Of all the disagreements, the oldest one is over how the
industrial revolution affected ordinary people, usually called the working classes. One group, the
pessimists, argues that the living standards of ... Show more content on ...
Britain emerged from the Napoleonic Wars as the only European nation not ravaged by financial
plunder and economic collapse, and possessing the only merchant fleet of any useful size (European
merchant fleets having been destroyed during the war by the Royal navy Britain's extensive
exporting cottage industries also ensured markets were already available for many early forms of
manufactured goods. The conflict resulted in most British warfare being conducted overseas,
reducing the devastating effects of territorial conquest that affected much of Europe. This was
further aided by Britain's geographical position–an island separated from the rest of mainland
Another theory is that Britain was able to succeed in the Industrial Revolution due to the availability
of key resources it possessed. It had a dense population for its small geographical size. Enclosure of
common land and the related agricultural revolution made a supply of this labour readily available.
There was also a local coincidence of natural resources in the North of England, the English
Midlands, South Wales and the Scottish Lowlands. Local supplies of coal, iron, lead, copper, tin,
limestone and water power, resulted in excellent conditions for the development and expansion of
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Social Impacts Of The Industrial Revolution
1.a The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the 1700's and took place in Europe and the
USA in the 18th and 19th century. In the years before the Industrial Revolution, manufacturing was
often done in people's homes, using handtools or basic machines.
Industrialization marked a shift to powered, special–purpose machinery, factories and mass
production. The iron and textile industries, along with the development of the steam engine, played
central roles in the Industrial Revolution, which also saw improved systems of transportation,
communication and banking. Along with this increased production of goods and material the
Revolution also changed the world socially, economically and politically. The free market of the
nations undergoing this revolution, with no restraints set by the government, meant there were no
laws against who could work and who couldn't meaning many children were put into the work force
at a young age and were physically and mentally traumatised by this hard labour, older workers also
suffered poor working conditions but they were also worked hard so that they had little time for
recreation and thus becoming sombre people, poor living conditions were accentuated by the poor
health of people as urban overcrowding lead to poor diets and poor sanitation, these are examples of
the impacts of the Industrial Revolution socially. The revolution brought about a great deal of
change economically. This change is evident in the emergence of the middle class
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Industrial Revolution Social Class
The Industrial Revolution What did the article the industrial revolution class & common interest
explain? The article gave a clear understanding on how important it was to have class. The ability to
have class was very important because it led to power. Class was about power of the people, the
government, the state ideas, and played a huge part in dealing with the produce plus distribution of
goods. When referring to the years 1780–1850 the people thoughts were changed in regards to the
social class relationships. The people experience two types of changes one with speeches plus
theories and the other one was the commission of the parliament. The industrial revolution had an
major impact on how people led their lives. How did the Industrial Revolution impact how people
led their lives? During the time the industrial revolution took place the social class changed
perilously. Before the revolution took over most of the people ... Show more content on ...
The family members would work up to 12 hours a day as it was mentioned in the book. For example
a woman named "Harris strapped on her belt and chain at 6:00 a.m. removing her binding only at
the end of the shift twelve hours later" (Traditions and Encounter 667)". The long work day made it
hard for the families to have a lot of family time. As mentioned in the article, the coal factory was a
job that required a lot of muscle with excess sweat (The Industrial Revolution Class & Common
Interest). In this type of work environment can be very draining and cause the people to be very
tired. The ability to have a family life became invisible because it was hard to come by. Nonetheless,
it had to be some type of organization to help with this laboring society. This caused the government
to fight with the people concerning taking full power over the industrial revolution and a union was
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The American Revolution: A Social Revolution
The American Revolution was not a social revolution comparable to the French Revolution of 1789
or the Russian Revolution of 1917. These social revolutions were characterized by a total
destruction of the institutional foundations of the old order and transfer of power from the ruling
elite to the new social groups. Most of the Founding Fathers feared that democracy and freedom and
dangerous in the hands of ordinary citizens (p.288). As stated by Foner: " To Washington, Hamilton,
and their supporters [...] the Revolution raised the spectre of anarchy. America, they believed, had
no choice but to draw closer to Britain" (p.287).
The American Revolution was a conservative revolution in terms of social changes that occurred as
a result. Founding
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Social Changes During The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution caused many changes. The three main changes that are quite noticeable
are technological, social, and economic changes. Great examples of theses changes can be found
within a variety of sources, but mainly coming from my history textbook. Massive technological
changes in machines, energy use, and transportation (technological). It resulted in rapid
urbanization, and it created different social classes (social). This led to the development of Laissez–
Faire capitalism, socialism, utilitarianism, socialism, and communism (economic). To start,
technological changes were one of the main changes during the Industrial Revolution. It all started
with the substitution of mechanical devices for human skills, then everything changed. Machinery
was applied first in coal mining and textiles. The new machines, methods, and techniques quickly
spread into other industrial areas. For example, the use of steam engines in transportation led to the
railroad system, vastly increasing the speed, reliability, and amount of goods moved over long
distances, converting the nation into one unified market. This led to a plethora of other technical
changes, with iron, steel, bridge building, organization, and communication. ... Show more content
on ...
During the Industrial Revolution, the social structure of society definitely changed. Before the
Revolution, many people lived in small villages, either doing work with agriculture, or crafting.
Everything was mainly done by hand, but with industrialization, came a jurassic change. The new
enclosure laws left farmers jobless, and machines made small hand weavers redundant. As a result,
many people were forced to work in factories. This caused many families to move closer to their
jobs, but more importantly, many become poor. Due to the increase in urbanization, many families
priorities changed. As a result, social classes were slowly
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The Social Effects Of The Industrial Revolution
Evaluation of Sources About The Social Effects of The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution mainly refers to the transition from manual production to machinery
production in the period from about 1760 to 1840. It first appeared in the Great British and marks an
important turning point in history as nearly every aspect of the human society was influenced by it
in some way. This essay focuses on the social effects of the Industrial Revolution. As for the sources
used to analyze the question, they are all searched from the Internet including Wikipedia and
professional databases that are credible enough and revised and checked by many people. To
guarantee the credibility of the sources, professional websites and articles that are accepted by
people are chose. First of all, to get a general understanding about the topic, credible websites such
as Wikipedia can be used to search for information about it. Then databases of papers that are much
more credible can be used to find professional research papers about the topic. I mainly focused on
the key words, the Industrial Revolution and social effects, when searching for sources and
identified the following three sources as my materials for the essay. On Wikipedia, there is an article
that presents a general description of the Industrial Revolution and its effects. After a simple
definition ... Show more content on ...
It is from The Journal of Economic History published by Cambridge University Press. This paper is
developed based on the description and discussion of the society and human live during the
Industrial Revolution (Nef, J., 1943). It can be used to analyzed the social effects of the Industrial
Revolution and provides many practical evidences. The materials the paper used to analyze the
effects and conditions of the Industrial Revolution were various and comprehensive. So it is
objective. Based on the origin and content the paper is also
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Social Consequences Of The American Revolution
Over the past century, many scholars and historians debate what the American Revolution changed
for the political and military climate of the British colonies of America. The colonies turned into the
United States of America not just in name, but also in social policy and social practices. Social
consequences of the American Revolution started to fall under the control of people that joined in
the later stages of the war, rather than those who started it. For example, a vast number of merchants
in the colonies supported the revolutionary cause and became part of the Whigs instead of remaining
loyal to the British Empire as loyalists or "Tories". The main reason merchants wanted to move
against the British came from the constant trade ... Show more content on ...
Since colonists saw oppression for themselves as a means for change, so too did those who
questioned the validity of slavery as an institution in America. The odd contrast between freedom
from King George of England and freedom from white men as a black slave developed serious
discussion amongst the colonists. During the revolution, about half a million slaves inhabited the
colonies and could not be ignored by the colonists in regards to whether their rights hold equal value
to the rights of any man. Some decided to help alleviate the problem of slavery by forming groups to
address the problem directly. A week before the battle of Lexington, The Society for the Relief of
Free Negroes unlawfully held in Bondage formed in a tavern in Philadelphia in 1775. Their entire
motivation as Christians to free men based on their religious ideals came to fruition because of
liberty and justice being hotly debated topics during that time period. Because of the revolution,
many men gained privileges and statuses thanks to the rise of colonies as independent states. The
social structure of everything in the colonies changed due to the brave men and women who fought
for their rights as independent
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Revolution And Social Movements
Revolutions and social movements can be a huge deal and cause major effects in history. Some
examples of them are the Ku Klux Klan and the French Revolution. These are just some of the
hundreds out there that have happened in the past or are happening now. One thing that I want to
point out is that they are not the same. Revolutions and social movements are very different in
several ways and similar in some.
Revolutions, they are a necessary change in the political power when people rise up against it.
Revolutions tend to be exceedingly more violent than social movements. For example, the American
Revolution was when the 13 colonies rejected the British monarchy and overthrew the authority and
founded the United States of America. There were various wars fought in this revolution. Most were
very bloody and violent. Over 10,000 soldiers were injured or killed in this war. It may not seem
like tons, but when the 13 colonies were first beginning there weren't very many people living there
Social movements, they are large group actions that are usually focused on changing a political or
social problem. Social movements aren't as violent as revolutions, although they can tend to get
fairly violent. One example of a social movement would be the Ku Klux Klan. The Ku Klux Klan is
one ... Show more content on ...
My group decided to help out at our local animal shelter. We helped take their dogs out for walks.
We also helped play with them and keep them company. Another thing we did was prepare some
kennels for new dogs that they were getting shipped the next day. We also helped in their cat room
by cleaning out their kennels and giving them food and water. In doing this we helped the animal
shelter because we were volunteering. They were not paying us to do anything, which saves them
money, it also gives them more money to buy things they need at the shelter rather than paying
employees to
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Social Problems Of The French Revolution
During the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the French Revolution began. This became
known as a major turning point in world history. French society experienced drastic changes due to
the Revolution. France also encountered multiple political, social, and economic problems that
society was expected to face throughout this time period. However, these problems not only affected
France as a whole, but they shaped other nations as well. Multiple political, social, and economic
problems led to the start of the French Revolution. France experienced social inequality during this
time. Document 2 was a diagram showing the percentage of population, nobility, and taxation of
each of the Estates. The Third Estate made up about 97% of French society. However, the First and
Second Estates were privileged, so they took advantage of the Third Estate. Each Estate had
different roles, but they were deciphered poorly. The commoners were treated poorly, forced to do
all of the dirty work, and paid 100% of the taxes within French society. Whereas the First and
Second Estates relied on the Third Estate to do all the work. Economically, French society was
undergoing high taxes. The French were present in the American Revolution, and this revolution
was an extremely costly war. As the American Revolution was taking place France was also fighting
in the 7 Years War. Therefore, it had put France in debt because they bought artillery, which was
exceedingly expensive back in the
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American Revolution Social Changes
The American Revolution was the point of change in the world. It was the first time that a
democratic government was developed and tested in a time where monarchies ruled Europe and it
was the time when the world saw that the concept of democracy could lead to the fundamental
change in society, specifically politically, socially, and economically. However, even though it was
the point in change for the world, to what extent did it change American society politically, socially,
and economically in the period between 1775–1800? The answer is that political, social, and
economic effects of the American Revolution impacted society to different extents and established
ideas that would later influence future movements and changes in America.
First, ... Show more content on ...
Primarily, the Declaration was the main source of inspiration for social change towards women. The
very structure of the Declaration and the very language of it saying that "all men are created equal"
led to future movements for women's rights. For example, although 50 years out of the given time
period, the Seneca Falls Convention was the first major event in US history where women's rights
were presented and stood up for by using the Declaration for a basis of argument (those at the
convention rewrote the Declaration but wherever the word "men" was they replaced it with "men
and women"). Arguments for the basis of women's rights also came from within the given time
period as shown by the drawing of a Patriot Woman holding a musket standing outside of a fort that
has the English flag waving on it signifying the belief that women can fight for their country just as
well as men can [Doc. A]. In addition, women of the time period expressed their displeasure at their
lack of rights as Molly Wallace says "what then must my situation be, when my sex, my youth and
inexperience all conspire to make tremble at the task at which I have undertaken?" in reference to
women's inability to gain an education. Therefore by the arguments presented, one can see that the
American Revolution era was the starting point in which ideas for social change, especially towards
women's equality, was the inspiration for future events and changes in American
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Social Reasons And Social Causes Of The French Revolution
Social Causes of the French Revolution
The French Revolution was mainly the result of social causes. In the 18th century, the social classes
were categorized as the First Estate, consisting of the clergy; the Second Estate, consisting of the
aristocracy; and finally the Third Estate, including every remaining citizen; from the bourgeoisie
(merchants, lawyers, businessmen) all the way to the poor peasants of the land. All the members of
the first two estates were privileged in law and taxation. Moreover, there was virtually no way to
move up the social ladder unless you were born into it, consequently, raising anger among the
bourgeoisie since, despite their equivalence in wealth as certain nobles, they still had lower living
conditions than the first two estates and were considered the minority.
The bourgeoisie's (middle class) ambition was a major contributor of the French Revolution. "This
close contact of the bourgeoisie with less educated members of the Third Estate enabled them to
provide the real leadership of the Revolution when it came..." (Truman et al, 131) The middle class
made up the larger half of the Third Estate. Since the peasants were not organized enough to form
their own assembly, or begin a revolution, the bourgeoisie guided the Third Estate, eventually
forming the National Assembly, and pushed them to act against the higher levels of society. " was
through them, by mouth, that the radical views of the philosophes spread down through the
population." (Truman et al, 131) The bourgeoisie began holding salons where they would discuss
and patronize philosophers' views. Over time, every member of the Third Estate, even the illiterate
peasants of the land, had begun forming political opinions. However, as gracious as the middle class'
intentions may appear, one of the largest motives they had was their envy for Second Estate
The Second Estate (nobles) consisted of members who had outlived their social usefulness, as the
ancestors of warriors from the Middle Ages. However, they still retained the privileges that they had
enjoyed for hundreds of years. "Privilege, by which small numbers of Frenchmen enjoyed special
rights, favors, and advantages at the expense of great
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Social Changes In The American Revolution
The American Revolution raised to fight the "lower classes", small artisans having no property and
the poor farmers, who formed the significant colonial population group. The "lower classes" in
particular were the main driving force of the revolution being hostile towards the gentlemen, who
held administrative positions. The primary issue that was changed by the Revolution was the overall
freedom. The concepts are the most valuable for the society and its sustainable development.
Nevertheless, despite the fact that independence was the primary aim, the liberation struggle was
combined with the movement for social reforms, economic reforms and elimination of the old order
in all spheres of life. An alteration took place due to the
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The Revolution of Social Media
Society has over time, developed many means of communication starting with the word of mouth to
writing letters, the telephone, and now the internet. The internet has developed its own form of
communication, which is a social network. Social networks have created a way for people across the
world to communicate with each other at the same time, all in one place, thus making it the internet
the reason behind the revolution known as Social Network. Just as anything else, social networks
were not born in a day, it slowly developed into what is known in today's society. In the 70's,
Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs) and Usernets were prime communication. BBS is considered the
first site that allowed internet users to interact with each other. ... Show more content on ...
Social media's have also been used by the government for public support, a prime example being
President Barack Obama's 2008 Campaign. In 2007, when the campaigning began, social networks
were still fresh and the government had not yet used it to their advantage. President Obama was able
to connect social networking applications to raise money, organize locally, fight smear campaigns
and get out the vote to help them topple the other candidates. It all was pretty simple, posting
updates on Facebook and tweeting reminders to vote. Through that strategy he was able to create an
enormous database of supporters and followers that Presidents before had never experienced or had
even thought to develop. With sites such as Change.Org, MyBO and being active on Twitter
President Obama has been able to utilize the social media work to his advantage, to create a more
personal association with his supports and creating more of a connection with the people. Social
networks have become the prime source of connectivity across the world. If Facebook were a
country, it would be the 3rd largest. Social networks have brought together one in eight married
couples in the United States. Facebook on its own was able to reach 200 million users in under a
year trumping, television users, radio users and internet users by years. Yet still social media
develops every day. On social media, you are able to keep up with friends and family, find old high
school friends and meet
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Economic And Economic Effects Of The Social Revolution...
During the Industrial Revolution, the working class were working for about 16 hours a day
including children. This lead children and adults in bad terms. In other words, they were living in
urban areas and many diseases were spreading due to the fact that they wouldn't take good care of
themselves.The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the 18th Century because
Agricultural Revolution had more resources, Britain had resources, and Britain had wealth to
invest.The Industrial Revolution was rapid changes in how products were made and sold by using
machines in the late 1700s through the early 1900s. There were many economic and social effects in
the Industrial Revolution. The working class struggled a lot with money issues and they would get
sick often due to the poor working conditions. During the Industrial Revolution, the effects were
economic negative because the workers were getting treated unfairly. It was also negative social
because the working class were living in bad conditions.
Economically, the effects were negative in the Industrial Revolution because in factories many
workers such as adults and children were getting treated in a negative way.One example of a
negative economic effect of the Industrial Revolution can be found in Document # 3. The document
was created by William Cooper and Joseph Sadler who was a former factory worker the British
Parliament in London 1832. Since they were former factory workers they already had an idea of the
working conditions in factories.The document explains how workers were getting mistreated in
factories.This example shows the economic effects of the Industrial Revolution were negative
because child labors started at a young age and worked for about 16 hours a day. They were only
allowed to get a 40 minute break in all the 16 hours. This means that they wouldn't eat very well and
were getting paid very little since they were children. Working long hours was making children very
tired. This impact their lives in a negative way because they were so young and were already
suffering from working long hours. Another example can be found in the article Inventions and new
products. People that were working in factories were forced to work hard and accept
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Industrial, French, and American Revolutions: Common...
Throughout history there have been many important revolutions that have help to shape society as it
is today. There are different causes, from political to religious, economic to social. Any revolution
affects those in society, and creates changes for the people in the society. There are three important
revolutions that took place in the late 18th century that changed the world for the better. The French
Revolution, the American Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution all took place in the late 1700s.
Although each had a different purpose, they all lead to a better way of life for many. The French and
American Revolutions are examples of some which are brought about and enforced solely by the
people. Although they had different reasons ... Show more content on ...
The society saw there was a need for change, and took the opportunity to create it. They ran the
revolution. Much like the French Revolution, the American Revolution was brought upon by the
people who wanted a change. Growing numbers of immigrants added to the population in the lower
and middle classes in the country, making overcrowding and poor conditions. As cities started to
grow, the government– located across the ocean– decided to try and make changes, including larger
taxes. The people in America did not like the idea of being ruled over by people so far away, so they
began their search for new forms of authority. The people looked for independence, and their search
led them to a war and the Revolution. As the country became free and independent, more and more
changes were made. The Declaration of Independence was signed, and the Bill of Rights was issued.
While it was largely political that change came from the American Revolution, it was America's
people created, fought, and won the American Revolution, leading to a better life for them all.
Unlike France and America's revolutions, the Industrial Revolution did not come from the people's
wants or active needs. Rather, it was only aided by their intervention. The Industrial Revolution
transformed English, European, and American society. The outcomes from the Industrial
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What Are The Four Social Revolutions
The culture and society has been changing over time due to the invention and emergence of new
ideas and technology. Social change is an important aspect of life which every individual and
society undergoes. Up to date, there are four social revolutions that are believed to have occurred in
history. According o Henslin (2009), the social change experienced today is as a result of forces that
started thousands years ago which begun with domestication of animals and plants.
The first social revolution was characterized by horticultural and pastoral farming. Humans left
hunting and gathering and established settlements to do horticultural farming and keeping of
livestock. Horticultural societies led a settled life while the pastoral society kept ... Show more
content on ...
The use of ploughs to cultivate land made people to concentrate more on farming. During this
period, more food was produced compared to the horticultural farming. A relatively large piece of
land could be cultivated. This replaced the use of daggers in farming. The third social revolution
was characterized by the invention of steam engine which led to industrial revolution. Industrial
revolution was accompanied the production of surplus food. Machines replaced human labor in the
industries. More could be produced within short time. This means that people could also do many
other things such as learning instead of spending more time in doing one thing.
The fourth social revolution which is the era we are living today. It is characterized by more
complex technology. It is mainly telecommunication and hence sometimes called the information
age. People are focused on using the shortest time possible to convey information. The most recent
invention is the microchip. People have even been able to alter the human and other organisms'
genetic orientation. Genetically modified crops are common in the U.S. market today. It is a society
characterized by biotechnology in order to improve
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Social Impact Of The American Revolution And The Haitian...
The Atlantic revolution, while not nearly as impactful as the industrial revolution, was still a major
event that effected the world. The Atlantic revolution greatest impact was felt culturally, socially,
and politically. The American revolution and the Haitian revolution had the biggest impact out of all
the Atlantic revolutions according to Laurent Dubois. His claim is further supported by In the article, it claims that the American revolution started a "trans–Atlantic Age of
Revolution." Laurent Dubois speaks more about the American revolution and the second most
impactful revolution, the Haitian revolution, in his article. Both of these revolutions make up the
Atlantic revolution. However, the Haitian revolution specifically ... Show more content on ...
Now, they had to be seen as equal to the people who were never slaves. Finally, the abolishment of
slavery had a political impact because there was a new shift in power. Politically, slavery was legal
at first and people supported it. However, now that it's not legal, it called for a new leader who no
longer supports it. Haiti's independent is also proof of the political impact as it created a new
country with its political system separate from the French. According to DuBois's article, the
American revolution did not have a social impact because "While the American Revolution
represented a profound challenge to imperial structures, it did not cause a true social revolution in
North America, where colonial elites became the new national elite. And despite the offers of
freedom put forth by the British to enslaved people who would fight for them, which many slaves
took up, and the initiation of emancipation in many northern states, slavery ultimately survived that
revolution and even expanded and thrived in its wake." He also said that the American revolution
influenced the French revolution by "...putting forth powerful new political ideologies and through
the debts contracted by the French king in his support of the North American
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Social Causes Of The French Revolution
The French Revolution was an event that would rattle France's Bourbon monarchy and their
neighboring royal families of Europe. Stemming from multiple causes such as the lack of food and
other necessities, a growing social inequality in the face of the Enlightenment, and economic
decline, the French Revolution bred dissent, notably among the masses in Paris. At the height on the
Revolution, it became as much of a crusade against their fellow countrymen as it was against their
outside enemies. After seizing power, political factions consistently accused each other of working
against the Revolution, and royalist insurrections fueled the disarray.
Leading up to Revolution itself was the growing social inequality. With the centralization of the
French state due to the efforts of French kings such as Louis XIV, French common citizens found
themselves subjected to the will of a nobility that became increasingly hostile to any sort of
concessions. Many families were struggling to make ends meet while seeing those at the top of
society turn a blind eye. Warfare contributed to this as well, notably the Seven Years War in which
France lost much of it's New World territory and the American War of Independence after which the
French came away with little spoils, not nearly enough to make up for the money spent on the war.
With their country on the verge of economic collapse, French prices soared, forcing French
commoners into an increasingly small box. Faced with an increasing
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Social Consequences Of The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was a period in Great Britain that took place around the 18th and 19th
century. It was a time where Britain was evolving, the people of Britain were beginning to work in
the cities, the county was becoming more urbanized with factories, and the manufacturing of new
inventions were coming about so mass production of work was done in an efficient time. This
resulted in more money, causing the rich became wealthier because business was booming. The
living conditions were getting better for some, cities were beginning to grow, and social class
changes like the emergence of the "working class" started coming about in the period of the
Industrial Revolution. Some may say this was a great time for Britain the country is making lots of
progress the economy is doing well big advancements are being made. But undoubtedly, others will
say there were many consequences of the Industrial Revolution. Many difficulties were faced by
"the specter of working class poverty and misery during the Industrial Revolution has been and still
remains an important justification for government intervention into social economic affairs."
(Majewski). Consequences of the industrial revolution were harsh? Working conditions for both
children and adults, living conditions people had to suffer through, and the loss of cotton industries.
Working and making money to withstand a living in the period of the Industrial Revolution was very
crucial and to many adults and children it was
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The Social And Social Consequences Of The Second...
The Social and Political Consequences of The Second Industrial Revolution When the first
industrial revolution occurred, transportaiton and production were mainly the forms of change
within Europe. This paved the way for further advancement in transportation and production. In the
later half of the nineteenth century and into the beginning of the long twentieth century, a second
industrial revolution brought new technology and medical advances to Europe. Socialism emerged
to attempt to solve political and social inequalities, leading to socialist policies being put into place.
Medical advances and discoveries in hygiene and public health lead to a decrease in mortality and
and increase in fertility, as well as improve the quality of life. ... Show more content on ...
When Germany was unified in 1871, it soon had an industrial revolution that rivaled other world
super powers, such as Great Britain and France. This threw off the power balance in Europe . In
order to gain more money and resources that may have been depleted over time, countries looked
elsewhere for raw materials (such as coal and rubber) and new markets. The countries associated
with new imperialism were the United States, Great Britain, France, Japan, and Germany . The
United States, Great Britain, Germany and France divided up Africa, which was previously avoided
due to its barren climate. Japan went to Manchuria and Korea, and Russia went to central Asia .
Each went to the areas with goals to establish colonies and take raw materials. This would give the
countries an advantage in trading. For example, countries sought oil in the middle east, Russia
sought fur in Siberia, and timber was sought in
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The Social Revolution : The Ideas Of The Industrial...
The capitalist The Industrial Revolution was an innovative period between mid 18th century through
the 19th century, making people go from a predominantly agricultural existence into a more urban
lifestyle. Starting after year 1750, all the factors that combined, made Great Britain the best place
for industrialization. The primary assessment that made it possible was the invention of machines
that could do work that was previously done by hand. This allowed production to shift from inside
homes into factories. During the industrial revolution, new inventions were plentiful and helped to
'revolutionize' the way in which people lived. Steam power, capitalism, representative government,
transportation, and the scientific methodology made the Industrial Revolution possible.
The steam machine was one of the most important technologies of the Industrial Revolution. It was
created by Scottish inventor James Watt. It was simply an engine inside of a boat which was
powered by steam and was quicker than any other boat of its time. Most mills have run successfully
with water power engines, but by using a new steam engine any factory could be located anywhere.
The steam machine started appearing and been used in all industrial settings. The steam machine
was adapted when workers started making the engines with a quickness and selling them
everywhere, because many people wanted to have a piece of the new equipment and have a faster
work ethic. Watt later teamed up with a manufacturer
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Social Contract : The American Revolution, And The Irish...
Throughout history, man and government have had a social contract that has been agreed upon.
Philosophers throughout history have debated what the social contract is defined as and whether it
was right for a citizen or government to break this contract. Multifarious revolutions in history
related to the American Revolution, Bolshevik revolution, and the Irish revolution these groups of
people fought for what they believed their natural rights were. Either party can break a social
contract between a government and it is sovereign when they believe their rights are infringed upon.
A government 's role in the social contract subsists to protect the rights of their people and the
citizen's responsibility is to allow the government to protect their rights without oppressing them.
The government and its citizens should break the social contract that is agreed upon if the majority
society feels that their government is oppressing them.
The American revolutionary's were a minority who wanted to become liberated from a government
they felt their divine right were being infringed upon. So they believed that they had a right to revolt
over their government breaking the social contract with their philosophical beliefs lean towards
Locke they decided to revolt against their government. The government was not protecting the rights
of their colonist's for example taxing them without their representation in the government. This
event is considered a tipping point for he revolutionaries,
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Social Changes In The Industrial Revolution
Society had many social and economic changes throughout the time of the Industrial Revolution in
Great Britain during, 1750 to 1850. The Industrial Revolution is the time at which farming work
changed into factory work and new methods were made. This switch really benefited Britain. There
were many of each change in society, one of the economic changes could be selling stock, and all
the new types of businesses formed . Also new transportation and the assembly line all are
considered economic changes. A social change could be all the new advanced technology and
urbanization. In this time period a big social change would involve all the new technology. Society
could use these new advanced tools to communicate with others. One invention by Samuel Morse
was telegraphs. These telegraphs improved communication by making it easier to send people
messages, they were even in a secret code. Morse code was eventually named after Samuel Morse.
Another change that happened in the beginning of the change from agriculture to industry is
urbanization. This is when the people move from the rural areas to urban areas. The rural areas are
on the countryside like farms, while urban areas are cities with factories. People left the rural places
because there was no longer jobs for them since the agricultural revolution caused less farmers
being needed, also the factories are taking over. The factories were located in the cities; many
people moved here because the factory owners would need
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The Industrial Revolution : A Social Change
There is no doubt that a technological change brings about a social change. The Industrial revolution
saw many people displaced from their land, finding work in crowded city factories. Serfdom was
abolished and the population shifted from villages to the cities. Strong family ties, self–sufficiency
and the right to occupy land were replaced with uncertain tenancy of land, dependency on trade and
a weakening of the family unit. Economically, goods and money abounded, and trade flourished.
The merchant class profited from the wealth that was generated on the backs of the displaced
population of urban workers. Children were sent to work in factories, in order for families to make
enough money to live. The peasant class worked long hard hours ... Show more content on ...
The insidious part of GM is that there is no recall once it is released into the environment. Salmon
that will grow ten times faster than normal salmon will destroy river systems, as their unfair
genetically modified advantage will see all smaller life forms extinguished and genetically modified
crops that are dependent on pesticides will contaminate organic, heritage seeds that have sustained
people for thousands of years. Seeds will no longer be able to be harvested and replanted but the
farmer will have to buy new seed every year from GM seed makers. This fight is more important
than the fight over open source because it involves the right of people everywhere to have clean,
safe food that has not been genetically altered. Essentially GM is a tax on everyone because a patent
will be on every seed and seeds are made to be sterile the following year. This is something to
become angry about. The greedy corporations and individuals that want control over our food, water
and land, do not care about the irreversible damage to the environment, people and animals that they
cause. We have the right to eat tomatoes that are free of fish DNA, meat and milk that is free of
human DNA, pigs that haven 't been grown to harvest anthrax antibodies. They will never be able to
prove the safety of GM food and no long term studies have been done. Nor will GM solve the
problem of soil erosion, and pollution of rivers from artificial fertilizers and pesticides. Only
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Social Inequality: The French Revolution
Social Inequality was a major contribution to the nature of the French Revolution. Social unrest was
rampant between the three estates due to the major gap between the classes. While the clergy made
up half of a percent of the population, they owned ten percent of the land. The nobles held thirty
percent of the land, while only making up one percent of the population. Meanwhile, the peasants
were the majority, oppressed by the government and forced to pay all of the taxes, despite the
income inequality. They made the least money, but had to give up the most. This is the reason why
when the price of bread fluctuated, namely went up in price, there were riots because of the
dependency of bread by the peasants. This is not only a economic problem,
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Social Causes Of The French Revolution
French Revolution DBQ Grace Bergeron
In the late seventeenth century through the early eighteenth century France was unstable and needed
a huge change. A revolution was needed. The French Revolution was a major turning point in world
history. It caused huge changes in society, politically, socially, and economically. There were things
like social inequality, absolutism and changes in the way the government was run. Although the
French Revolution impacted French society it also had a huge impact on the world outside of
France. This change had an overall good impact on the world. There were many different political,
economical, and social causes of the French Revolution. Society as a whole was very unstable and
out of style. Politically absolutism and divine right were a big reason for the start of this great
revolution. Rulers had complete power over what went on in society. They were able to make the
big decisions in government. An example of a ruler who had absolute power was King Louis XVI.
"He levied taxes and spent the people's money as he saw fit" (DOC 1). Louis was able to use his
citizens money how he pleased. People worked hard for their money and were struggling to make it
as it is. Taxes were taking that money away. Even though society did not like this the king could still
do it because he had total control. The citizens were obviously angry because they had no say in
what went on and could not make any changes to make their daily lives better. Anyone who
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The French Revolution As A Social Revolution
While the French Revolution surely marked a time known for a great deal of bloodshed alongside an
substantial shift in political and social attitudes, behavior, and policy, the origins of this pivotal event
are highly contested even in modern historical contexts. This time period ranging from the years
1789 to 1799 had a number of social, political, and economic causes, but many historians of this era
seek to answer whether the French revolution was primarily a social revolution with political
consequences or that of a political revolution with social consequences. According to Harvard
educated political scientist, Dr. Theda Skocpol, "Social revolutions are rapid, basic transformations
of a society's state and class structures, and they are accompanied and in part carried through by
class–based revolts from below." In consequence, the following thesis is one such answer to this
long–held debate using this definition as a base reference. The social unrest created by remnants still
remaining from the feudal system, compounded with economic pressures caused by a political
system unable to properly respond to crisis, resulted in a fervent spirit of revolt that pervaded
through the whole of the third state only to turn to more political issues upon the realizations of class
diversity within the Third Estate itself.
To begin, the economic situation prior to the onset of the revolution needs
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Revolution Without Social Change
A Revolution Without Social Media In "Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted,"
Malcolm Gladwell argues that social change like the change that was brought about by the Civil
Rights Movement from the 1960's cannot be achieved through social media. Gladwell reasoning
about social change not being achieved through social media is because the way on how there is not
a centralized leadership structure, the fact that everyone has an equal say and how activist was once
defined by their causes, now they are defined by their tools, has a meaning on why social change
cannot be achieved because of social media. Neither strong nor weak ties, would bring a social
change, the more ties there, increased the number of high risk activism, the only component of an
established centralized leadership can fluctuate to create a social change. Gladwell argues that real–
life activism is the result of strong ties among the persons involved, enabling them to come together
and be high risk activism towards social change. But depending on critical friends the more friends
there was, the better to join the protest against the cause to spread sit–ins through the South without
the use of social media. Gladwell states "these events in the early sixties became a civil–rights war
that engulfed the south ... Show more content on ...
He states " The world, we are told , is in the midst of a revolution. The new tools of social media
have reinvented social activism. Where activist were once defined by their causes, they are now
defined by their tool." (Gladwell 170–171), Gladwell compares the new tool social media as a
reinvented social activism. Another way Gladwell see it, is that because of social media the industry
of activist that were recognized through their tools, which is social media playing a big role into a
big social
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Social, Social And Economic Impacts Of The American...
There was no "Reign of Terror" as in the French Revolution, there was no replacement of the ruling
class by workers' groups as in revolutionary Russia, so how then could the American Revolution be
described as revolutionary? The word revolution means "an overthrown of a government or social
order in favor of a new system; a radical change of an entire system, usually by war, resulting in a
change of the way of life of the people involved." In 1775 the American colonies had chosen to
separate themselves from Great Britain, which resulted in a war for independence with Great Britain
from 1775 to 1783. The American Revolution resulted in a fundamental change in American
politics, society, and economics and brought about concepts of the Enlightenment and changes in the
lives of the colonists and in the years to come, including rule of law, liberty, equality, and a
government of the people. The American Revolution gave rise to democracy, it gave birth to ideas
about voting rights for more people, and it raised debates about the roles of women and slaves.
True, only some fundamental changes were felt immediately while other changes, such as slavery
and women's rights, were not be abolished or recognized for several decades later. Nonetheless, the
Revolution brought about political, social, and economical changes. While they may not have been
all at once in a given day, over time (months, years, decades, and even centuries), these changes
took place.
The events that had the
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American Revolution Social Factors
There are many different social, political and economic factors which brought about the American
Revolution, but it was largely the economic factors namely the taxes imposed by the British upon
the colonists, and it was these taxes which caused the colonists to revolt and wage war after years of
oppression and economic injustices. The American Revolution grew out of increasing economic,
authoritarian restrictions placed upon the colonies by the British. The colonists lost their land, their
businesses and trade with other countries. The first major economic factor was the French–Indian
war, which lasted 9 years. The British victory came at a high price with the British deeply in debt
and demanding more revenue from the colonies. With ... Show more content on ...
The duties posed an immediate threat to established traditions of colonial self–government,
especially the practice of taxation through representative provincial assemblies. These taxes were
resisted everywhere with verbal and physical protests, deliberate evasion of duties, renewed
nonimportation agreements among merchants, and overt acts of hostility toward British enforcement
agents, especially in Boston. The uproar coupled with the instability of the British ministries,
resulted in the taxes being repealed on March 5 1770, the same day as the Boston Massacre. A small
tax was left on tea and was known as the Tea Act. It was introduced to save the East India Company
from bankruptcy by removing all duties on tea shipped, therefore making the price of British tea
much lower than the colonial tea. Colonists did not like the fact that this act was taking business
away from the local merchants and of course the tea merchants could not compete and were put out
of business. The colonists viewed the act as yet another example of taxation tyranny and resulted in
tensions increasing to an all–time high. In December 1773 in protest of the Tea Act, The Sons of
Liberty planned the 'tea party' and boarded a British East India ship and dumped 400 crates of Tea,
worth between £10,000 and
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Social Impact Of The Agricultural Revolution And The...
The Industrial Revolution began in the late 18th and 19th centuries and was a period of significant
economic development marked by the introduction of power–driven machinery. Much like the
Agricultural Revolution, the Industrial Revolution began to take shape in Britain and then spread to
other countries. During the Industrial Revolution, many power–driven machines were invented,
which replaced hand tools.
Social impacts
The Industrial Revolution increased the material wealth of the Western world. It also ended the
dominance of agriculture and initiated significant social change. During the 17 and 18 hundreds the
Agricultural revolution took place, which was a period of significant agricultural development. New
inventions and techniques, ... Show more content on ...
The working class made up 80% of society. Since population was increasing in Great Britain at the
same time that landowners were enclosing common village lands. This resulted in a very high
unemployment rate for workers in the first phases of the Industrial Revolution. Desperate for work,
the working class had no bargaining power to demand higher wages, fairer work hours, or better
working conditions. Worse still, since only wealthy people in Great Britain were eligible to vote,
workers could not use the democratic political system to fight for rights and reforms.
Economic Effects
In pre–industrial times skilled craftsmen would work from traditional locations in the home and
small workshops, this was known as the cottage industry. When the Industrial Revolution begun,
machines, such as the steam engines were invented, to power large scale factories, the cottage
industry system could not keep up with the demand of goods. Therefore more people were forced to
seek employment in cities. With the majority of the population on unstable jobs or on the verge of
unemployment, the working class became completely dependent on the employer. Virtually slaves to
the employer or factory owner.
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Social Injustice In The American Revolution
Throughout our cake, we had two major themes that were evident, social injustice and political
grievances. To demonstrate social injustice, we used medals for the Latin American Revolution,
Chains for the American Revolution, and a tennis ball for the French Revolution. To represent
economic inequality, we used tea bags for the American revolution, bread for the French revolution
and money for the Latin American Revolution.
For the American Revolution, The chains represented the role African American slaves played in the
revolution. The revolution motivated African American resistance against slavery. The tea bags were
symbolic to the Boston Tea Party when Massachusetts colonist protested against the Tea Act of 1773
or more specifically "Taxation without Representation" by dumping chests of tea into the Boston
Harbor. ... Show more content on ...
The gold medal represented the criollos and peninsulares which were the highest classes in the
social system. There, men who were born in either Spain or portugal held the highest offices and
military/political position. The silver medal represented the Mestizos/Mulattos. This position
consisted of mixed Europeans and Indians who served the peninsulares/criollos. Lastly the gold
medal portrayed the lowest class, the Africans/natives. This class was not only the lowest but also
the largest. The people in this class were not identified as citizens but did do most of the labor. To
demonstrate economic inequality, money was put on the cake to show mercantilism. Spain used
mercantilism when they took goods from Latin America and sold those goods to make their own
profits. Latin America, on the other hand did not gain any money except goods that Spain decided to
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Social Consequences During The Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was the transmission process of manufacturing, this took place in the
1700s and the 1800s. Before this time, manufacturing was done in a small level, usually done in
people's homes, using the truest and basic forms of machinery. But in the Industrialization age, there
was a shift to powerful, multi–purpose machines, and big factories. This Industrial age brought
forward thousands of jobs for the men, women, and children. The Industrial Revolution did bring a
surplus and diversity of manufactured goods and improved the living in some of the middle class
and the wealth, but it also resulted in the atrocious living and working conditions for the poor and
working class. During the Industrial Revolution, the population in England doubled, between 1800s
to the 1850s. this increase of population shocked people in during that time. This increase of
population was one of the main reasons for social consequences during the industrial revolution. For
the first time in human history most people lived in urban centers. This change altered the social
relations that maintained in villages and small towns. In the growing cities during the industrial
revolution, the people had a greater sense of freedom, but also grew a sense of alienation. Many of
the people growing in these cities were poor former peasants, they lived in horrible conditions;
unsanitary, crime–infested, overpopulated, and alcohol soaked urban slums. These social
consequences conditions were
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The Age Of Enlightenment, And Social Revolutions

  • 1. The Age Of Enlightenment, And Social Revolutions The Age of Enlightenment attacked the churches on issues which have been continuously going on in the past. Which sparked the revolutions, and created a drastic change in the way the people were governed. The colonists demanded a change in their social structures because they were tired of absolute monarchies, which were selfish and believed in the divine right to rule. Meaning that their power was specifically given to them by God. Most rulers did little to nothing to actually make a beneficial change for the people and instead invested most of their time to themselves, rather than using the time to create new ways to get rid of economic crises. This lead for their people to become extremely needy and used any chance of help that came to them. The Enlightenment was a period of both hardships and social growth, which made the people's perspectives towards the world different, and spreaded Ideas which created Revolutions and made philosophers come up with different ways of reasoning and influenced the Enlightenment in almost everything they did the outcome reshaped the world and them a voice. Many philosophers who heavily influenced the Enlightenment ideas which sparked the revolution, caused people to think for themselves. A philosopher named John Locke studied human reasoning and agreed that people were indeed reasonable and moral. Locke's ideas on people having natural rights, which were rights that he thought were to be given to all people and shouldn't be taken away ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Social Causes Of The American Revolution Through an examination of the social, cultural, economic and political causes of the American Revolution, an exploration of key arguments both for and against the American Revolution, and an analysis of the social, cultural, economic and political changes brought about by the American Revolution it can be demonstrated unequivocally that the American Revolution was indeed truly revolutionary. By the time of the late 18th century, the colonies had grown socially, culturally, economically, and politically setting the mood for a majority of the colonists to want to break ties with the mother country. The colonies were well established, growing rapidly with new settlers arriving, and had begun to interact and socialize with not only each other, but also the Indians and the French, with whom they shared the new lands. These newfound social and cultural interactions allowed the colonies to grow economically giving the colonists a sense of importance. The lack of recognition by parliament started to plant the seeds for the revolution. In the years leading up to the American Revolution, important economic changes took place within the colonies as their economies transitioned from the previous subsistence farming and subsistence living type of economies into true consumer economies. This shift toward a true consumerism society in the colonies, also known as Anglicizing the colonies, began to make the colonies more uniform and began to bring the colonies together into more of a ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Gender And Social Aspects Of The Sexual Revolution In The... Industrial revolution was the change to new manufacturing process that took place in the 18th to the 19th century. The process involved the change from the use of hands in production to the use of machines. The examples included the engineering of chemicals and iron productions, use of steam power and the plant machine method. Due to the developments in the way of production in the industries, employment especially the textile industry featured both male and female genders improving the overall living standards of people. Sexual revolution can also be described as sexual liberation because it was seen as freedom from the traditional codes of behavior to interpersonal relationships and sexuality (Gill 103). As a result of this there was witnessed several changes in the general perceptions and traditions held, especially on gender and social stereotypes, which resulted to sexual liberation. This paper is going to look into industrial revolution and find out the extent to which it constituted to sexual revolution and the everyday social and family life for both men, women and the children. Industrialization took place earlier in the western countries than the other parts of the world. Through the introduction of machines that made work easier in the industries, employment was no longer a man's thing and women found an opportunity to work (Carlin 318). The revolution created a shortage in labor and textile factories absorbed young single ladies from the rural areas. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Social Factors And Social Causes Of The French Revolution The French Revolution was mainly the result of social causes. In the 18th century, the social classes were categorized as the First Estate, consisting of the clergy; the Second Estate, consisting of the aristocracy; and finally the Third Estate, including every remaining citizen; from the bourgeoisie (merchants, lawyers, businessmen) all the way to the poor peasants of the land. All the members of the first two estates were privileged in law and taxation. Moreover, there was virtually no way to move up the social ladder unless you were born into it, consequently, raising anger among the bourgeoisie since, despite their equivalence in wealth as certain nobles, they still had lower living conditions than the first two estates and were considered the minority. The bourgeoisie's (middle class) ambition was a major contributor of the French Revolution. "This close contact of the bourgeoisie with less educated members of the Third Estate enabled them to provide the real leadership of the Revolution when it came..." (Truman et al, 131) The middle class made up the larger half of the Third Estate. Since the peasants weren't organized enough to form their own assembly, or begin a revolution, the bourgeoisie guided the Third Estate, eventually forming the National Assembly, and pushed them to act against the higher levels of society. " was through them, by mouth, that the radical views of the philosophes spread down through the population." (Truman et al, 131) The bourgeoisie ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Social Impacts Of The American Revolution The American Revolution played a huge role in the development of American society. The revolution helped shape an economically stable and independent country. The revolution came about in 1775 and ended in 1783. The American Revolution was the first revolution in which people fought for their independence. The changes to American society after the American Revolution can be put into three different categories, economic changes, political changes, and social changes. Socially, the revolution affected homeland with the Indians, African Americans, and big changes were made on the home front. Economically, multiple countries began to slow down trade with America. And politically, the American Revolution represented a drastic change in spreading the idea of liberty to other people. On the home front, American society was faced with multiple changes socially. One of those changes came about from the Quartering Act, which took place in 1765. The Quartering Act forced local colonial governments to provide provisions and housing to British soldiers stationed in the 13 colonies. The colonists disputed the legality of this act because it seemed to violate the Bill of Rights and British officers who had fought in the French and Indian War found it hard to persuade colonial assemblies to pay for this. The wives and children of the soldiers already had enough to deal with between the uprising of the Indians, burning villages and houses, and the slave revolts. The families would have to ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Industrial Revolution and Social Changes Introduction: Between 1760 and 1860, technological progress, education, and an increasing capital stock transformed England into the workshop of the world. The industrial revolution, as the transformation came to be called, caused a sustained rise in real income per person in England and, as its effects spread, the rest of the Western world. Historians agree that the industrial revolution was one of the most important events in history, marking the rapid transition to the modern age, but they disagree about various aspects of the event. Of all the disagreements, the oldest one is over how the industrial revolution affected ordinary people, usually called the working classes. One group, the pessimists, argues that the living standards of ... Show more content on ... Britain emerged from the Napoleonic Wars as the only European nation not ravaged by financial plunder and economic collapse, and possessing the only merchant fleet of any useful size (European merchant fleets having been destroyed during the war by the Royal navy Britain's extensive exporting cottage industries also ensured markets were already available for many early forms of manufactured goods. The conflict resulted in most British warfare being conducted overseas, reducing the devastating effects of territorial conquest that affected much of Europe. This was further aided by Britain's geographical position–an island separated from the rest of mainland Europe. Another theory is that Britain was able to succeed in the Industrial Revolution due to the availability of key resources it possessed. It had a dense population for its small geographical size. Enclosure of common land and the related agricultural revolution made a supply of this labour readily available. There was also a local coincidence of natural resources in the North of England, the English Midlands, South Wales and the Scottish Lowlands. Local supplies of coal, iron, lead, copper, tin, limestone and water power, resulted in excellent conditions for the development and expansion of ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Social Impacts Of The Industrial Revolution 1.a The Industrial Revolution began in Britain in the 1700's and took place in Europe and the USA in the 18th and 19th century. In the years before the Industrial Revolution, manufacturing was often done in people's homes, using handtools or basic machines. Industrialization marked a shift to powered, special–purpose machinery, factories and mass production. The iron and textile industries, along with the development of the steam engine, played central roles in the Industrial Revolution, which also saw improved systems of transportation, communication and banking. Along with this increased production of goods and material the Revolution also changed the world socially, economically and politically. The free market of the nations undergoing this revolution, with no restraints set by the government, meant there were no laws against who could work and who couldn't meaning many children were put into the work force at a young age and were physically and mentally traumatised by this hard labour, older workers also suffered poor working conditions but they were also worked hard so that they had little time for recreation and thus becoming sombre people, poor living conditions were accentuated by the poor health of people as urban overcrowding lead to poor diets and poor sanitation, these are examples of the impacts of the Industrial Revolution socially. The revolution brought about a great deal of change economically. This change is evident in the emergence of the middle class and ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Industrial Revolution Social Class The Industrial Revolution What did the article the industrial revolution class & common interest explain? The article gave a clear understanding on how important it was to have class. The ability to have class was very important because it led to power. Class was about power of the people, the government, the state ideas, and played a huge part in dealing with the produce plus distribution of goods. When referring to the years 1780–1850 the people thoughts were changed in regards to the social class relationships. The people experience two types of changes one with speeches plus theories and the other one was the commission of the parliament. The industrial revolution had an major impact on how people led their lives. How did the Industrial Revolution impact how people led their lives? During the time the industrial revolution took place the social class changed perilously. Before the revolution took over most of the people ... Show more content on ... The family members would work up to 12 hours a day as it was mentioned in the book. For example a woman named "Harris strapped on her belt and chain at 6:00 a.m. removing her binding only at the end of the shift twelve hours later" (Traditions and Encounter 667)". The long work day made it hard for the families to have a lot of family time. As mentioned in the article, the coal factory was a job that required a lot of muscle with excess sweat (The Industrial Revolution Class & Common Interest). In this type of work environment can be very draining and cause the people to be very tired. The ability to have a family life became invisible because it was hard to come by. Nonetheless, it had to be some type of organization to help with this laboring society. This caused the government to fight with the people concerning taking full power over the industrial revolution and a union was ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The American Revolution: A Social Revolution The American Revolution was not a social revolution comparable to the French Revolution of 1789 or the Russian Revolution of 1917. These social revolutions were characterized by a total destruction of the institutional foundations of the old order and transfer of power from the ruling elite to the new social groups. Most of the Founding Fathers feared that democracy and freedom and dangerous in the hands of ordinary citizens (p.288). As stated by Foner: " To Washington, Hamilton, and their supporters [...] the Revolution raised the spectre of anarchy. America, they believed, had no choice but to draw closer to Britain" (p.287). The American Revolution was a conservative revolution in terms of social changes that occurred as a result. Founding ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Social Changes During The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution caused many changes. The three main changes that are quite noticeable are technological, social, and economic changes. Great examples of theses changes can be found within a variety of sources, but mainly coming from my history textbook. Massive technological changes in machines, energy use, and transportation (technological). It resulted in rapid urbanization, and it created different social classes (social). This led to the development of Laissez– Faire capitalism, socialism, utilitarianism, socialism, and communism (economic). To start, technological changes were one of the main changes during the Industrial Revolution. It all started with the substitution of mechanical devices for human skills, then everything changed. Machinery was applied first in coal mining and textiles. The new machines, methods, and techniques quickly spread into other industrial areas. For example, the use of steam engines in transportation led to the railroad system, vastly increasing the speed, reliability, and amount of goods moved over long distances, converting the nation into one unified market. This led to a plethora of other technical changes, with iron, steel, bridge building, organization, and communication. ... Show more content on ... During the Industrial Revolution, the social structure of society definitely changed. Before the Revolution, many people lived in small villages, either doing work with agriculture, or crafting. Everything was mainly done by hand, but with industrialization, came a jurassic change. The new enclosure laws left farmers jobless, and machines made small hand weavers redundant. As a result, many people were forced to work in factories. This caused many families to move closer to their jobs, but more importantly, many become poor. Due to the increase in urbanization, many families priorities changed. As a result, social classes were slowly ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. The Social Effects Of The Industrial Revolution Evaluation of Sources About The Social Effects of The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution mainly refers to the transition from manual production to machinery production in the period from about 1760 to 1840. It first appeared in the Great British and marks an important turning point in history as nearly every aspect of the human society was influenced by it in some way. This essay focuses on the social effects of the Industrial Revolution. As for the sources used to analyze the question, they are all searched from the Internet including Wikipedia and professional databases that are credible enough and revised and checked by many people. To guarantee the credibility of the sources, professional websites and articles that are accepted by people are chose. First of all, to get a general understanding about the topic, credible websites such as Wikipedia can be used to search for information about it. Then databases of papers that are much more credible can be used to find professional research papers about the topic. I mainly focused on the key words, the Industrial Revolution and social effects, when searching for sources and identified the following three sources as my materials for the essay. On Wikipedia, there is an article that presents a general description of the Industrial Revolution and its effects. After a simple definition ... Show more content on ... It is from The Journal of Economic History published by Cambridge University Press. This paper is developed based on the description and discussion of the society and human live during the Industrial Revolution (Nef, J., 1943). It can be used to analyzed the social effects of the Industrial Revolution and provides many practical evidences. The materials the paper used to analyze the effects and conditions of the Industrial Revolution were various and comprehensive. So it is objective. Based on the origin and content the paper is also ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Social Consequences Of The American Revolution Over the past century, many scholars and historians debate what the American Revolution changed for the political and military climate of the British colonies of America. The colonies turned into the United States of America not just in name, but also in social policy and social practices. Social consequences of the American Revolution started to fall under the control of people that joined in the later stages of the war, rather than those who started it. For example, a vast number of merchants in the colonies supported the revolutionary cause and became part of the Whigs instead of remaining loyal to the British Empire as loyalists or "Tories". The main reason merchants wanted to move against the British came from the constant trade ... Show more content on ... Since colonists saw oppression for themselves as a means for change, so too did those who questioned the validity of slavery as an institution in America. The odd contrast between freedom from King George of England and freedom from white men as a black slave developed serious discussion amongst the colonists. During the revolution, about half a million slaves inhabited the colonies and could not be ignored by the colonists in regards to whether their rights hold equal value to the rights of any man. Some decided to help alleviate the problem of slavery by forming groups to address the problem directly. A week before the battle of Lexington, The Society for the Relief of Free Negroes unlawfully held in Bondage formed in a tavern in Philadelphia in 1775. Their entire motivation as Christians to free men based on their religious ideals came to fruition because of liberty and justice being hotly debated topics during that time period. Because of the revolution, many men gained privileges and statuses thanks to the rise of colonies as independent states. The social structure of everything in the colonies changed due to the brave men and women who fought for their rights as independent ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Revolution And Social Movements Revolutions and social movements can be a huge deal and cause major effects in history. Some examples of them are the Ku Klux Klan and the French Revolution. These are just some of the hundreds out there that have happened in the past or are happening now. One thing that I want to point out is that they are not the same. Revolutions and social movements are very different in several ways and similar in some. Revolutions, they are a necessary change in the political power when people rise up against it. Revolutions tend to be exceedingly more violent than social movements. For example, the American Revolution was when the 13 colonies rejected the British monarchy and overthrew the authority and founded the United States of America. There were various wars fought in this revolution. Most were very bloody and violent. Over 10,000 soldiers were injured or killed in this war. It may not seem like tons, but when the 13 colonies were first beginning there weren't very many people living there anyways. Social movements, they are large group actions that are usually focused on changing a political or social problem. Social movements aren't as violent as revolutions, although they can tend to get fairly violent. One example of a social movement would be the Ku Klux Klan. The Ku Klux Klan is one ... Show more content on ... My group decided to help out at our local animal shelter. We helped take their dogs out for walks. We also helped play with them and keep them company. Another thing we did was prepare some kennels for new dogs that they were getting shipped the next day. We also helped in their cat room by cleaning out their kennels and giving them food and water. In doing this we helped the animal shelter because we were volunteering. They were not paying us to do anything, which saves them money, it also gives them more money to buy things they need at the shelter rather than paying employees to ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Social Problems Of The French Revolution During the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the French Revolution began. This became known as a major turning point in world history. French society experienced drastic changes due to the Revolution. France also encountered multiple political, social, and economic problems that society was expected to face throughout this time period. However, these problems not only affected France as a whole, but they shaped other nations as well. Multiple political, social, and economic problems led to the start of the French Revolution. France experienced social inequality during this time. Document 2 was a diagram showing the percentage of population, nobility, and taxation of each of the Estates. The Third Estate made up about 97% of French society. However, the First and Second Estates were privileged, so they took advantage of the Third Estate. Each Estate had different roles, but they were deciphered poorly. The commoners were treated poorly, forced to do all of the dirty work, and paid 100% of the taxes within French society. Whereas the First and Second Estates relied on the Third Estate to do all the work. Economically, French society was undergoing high taxes. The French were present in the American Revolution, and this revolution was an extremely costly war. As the American Revolution was taking place France was also fighting in the 7 Years War. Therefore, it had put France in debt because they bought artillery, which was exceedingly expensive back in the ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. American Revolution Social Changes The American Revolution was the point of change in the world. It was the first time that a democratic government was developed and tested in a time where monarchies ruled Europe and it was the time when the world saw that the concept of democracy could lead to the fundamental change in society, specifically politically, socially, and economically. However, even though it was the point in change for the world, to what extent did it change American society politically, socially, and economically in the period between 1775–1800? The answer is that political, social, and economic effects of the American Revolution impacted society to different extents and established ideas that would later influence future movements and changes in America. First, ... Show more content on ... Primarily, the Declaration was the main source of inspiration for social change towards women. The very structure of the Declaration and the very language of it saying that "all men are created equal" led to future movements for women's rights. For example, although 50 years out of the given time period, the Seneca Falls Convention was the first major event in US history where women's rights were presented and stood up for by using the Declaration for a basis of argument (those at the convention rewrote the Declaration but wherever the word "men" was they replaced it with "men and women"). Arguments for the basis of women's rights also came from within the given time period as shown by the drawing of a Patriot Woman holding a musket standing outside of a fort that has the English flag waving on it signifying the belief that women can fight for their country just as well as men can [Doc. A]. In addition, women of the time period expressed their displeasure at their lack of rights as Molly Wallace says "what then must my situation be, when my sex, my youth and inexperience all conspire to make tremble at the task at which I have undertaken?" in reference to women's inability to gain an education. Therefore by the arguments presented, one can see that the American Revolution era was the starting point in which ideas for social change, especially towards women's equality, was the inspiration for future events and changes in American ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Social Reasons And Social Causes Of The French Revolution Social Causes of the French Revolution The French Revolution was mainly the result of social causes. In the 18th century, the social classes were categorized as the First Estate, consisting of the clergy; the Second Estate, consisting of the aristocracy; and finally the Third Estate, including every remaining citizen; from the bourgeoisie (merchants, lawyers, businessmen) all the way to the poor peasants of the land. All the members of the first two estates were privileged in law and taxation. Moreover, there was virtually no way to move up the social ladder unless you were born into it, consequently, raising anger among the bourgeoisie since, despite their equivalence in wealth as certain nobles, they still had lower living conditions than the first two estates and were considered the minority. The bourgeoisie's (middle class) ambition was a major contributor of the French Revolution. "This close contact of the bourgeoisie with less educated members of the Third Estate enabled them to provide the real leadership of the Revolution when it came..." (Truman et al, 131) The middle class made up the larger half of the Third Estate. Since the peasants were not organized enough to form their own assembly, or begin a revolution, the bourgeoisie guided the Third Estate, eventually forming the National Assembly, and pushed them to act against the higher levels of society. " was through them, by mouth, that the radical views of the philosophes spread down through the population." (Truman et al, 131) The bourgeoisie began holding salons where they would discuss and patronize philosophers' views. Over time, every member of the Third Estate, even the illiterate peasants of the land, had begun forming political opinions. However, as gracious as the middle class' intentions may appear, one of the largest motives they had was their envy for Second Estate privileges. The Second Estate (nobles) consisted of members who had outlived their social usefulness, as the ancestors of warriors from the Middle Ages. However, they still retained the privileges that they had enjoyed for hundreds of years. "Privilege, by which small numbers of Frenchmen enjoyed special rights, favors, and advantages at the expense of great ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Social Changes In The American Revolution The American Revolution raised to fight the "lower classes", small artisans having no property and the poor farmers, who formed the significant colonial population group. The "lower classes" in particular were the main driving force of the revolution being hostile towards the gentlemen, who held administrative positions. The primary issue that was changed by the Revolution was the overall freedom. The concepts are the most valuable for the society and its sustainable development. Nevertheless, despite the fact that independence was the primary aim, the liberation struggle was combined with the movement for social reforms, economic reforms and elimination of the old order in all spheres of life. An alteration took place due to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. The Revolution of Social Media Society has over time, developed many means of communication starting with the word of mouth to writing letters, the telephone, and now the internet. The internet has developed its own form of communication, which is a social network. Social networks have created a way for people across the world to communicate with each other at the same time, all in one place, thus making it the internet the reason behind the revolution known as Social Network. Just as anything else, social networks were not born in a day, it slowly developed into what is known in today's society. In the 70's, Bulletin Board Systems (BBSs) and Usernets were prime communication. BBS is considered the first site that allowed internet users to interact with each other. ... Show more content on ... Social media's have also been used by the government for public support, a prime example being President Barack Obama's 2008 Campaign. In 2007, when the campaigning began, social networks were still fresh and the government had not yet used it to their advantage. President Obama was able to connect social networking applications to raise money, organize locally, fight smear campaigns and get out the vote to help them topple the other candidates. It all was pretty simple, posting updates on Facebook and tweeting reminders to vote. Through that strategy he was able to create an enormous database of supporters and followers that Presidents before had never experienced or had even thought to develop. With sites such as Change.Org, MyBO and being active on Twitter President Obama has been able to utilize the social media work to his advantage, to create a more personal association with his supports and creating more of a connection with the people. Social networks have become the prime source of connectivity across the world. If Facebook were a country, it would be the 3rd largest. Social networks have brought together one in eight married couples in the United States. Facebook on its own was able to reach 200 million users in under a year trumping, television users, radio users and internet users by years. Yet still social media develops every day. On social media, you are able to keep up with friends and family, find old high school friends and meet ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Economic And Economic Effects Of The Social Revolution... During the Industrial Revolution, the working class were working for about 16 hours a day including children. This lead children and adults in bad terms. In other words, they were living in urban areas and many diseases were spreading due to the fact that they wouldn't take good care of themselves.The Industrial Revolution began in Great Britain in the 18th Century because Agricultural Revolution had more resources, Britain had resources, and Britain had wealth to invest.The Industrial Revolution was rapid changes in how products were made and sold by using machines in the late 1700s through the early 1900s. There were many economic and social effects in the Industrial Revolution. The working class struggled a lot with money issues and they would get sick often due to the poor working conditions. During the Industrial Revolution, the effects were economic negative because the workers were getting treated unfairly. It was also negative social because the working class were living in bad conditions. Economically, the effects were negative in the Industrial Revolution because in factories many workers such as adults and children were getting treated in a negative way.One example of a negative economic effect of the Industrial Revolution can be found in Document # 3. The document was created by William Cooper and Joseph Sadler who was a former factory worker the British Parliament in London 1832. Since they were former factory workers they already had an idea of the working conditions in factories.The document explains how workers were getting mistreated in factories.This example shows the economic effects of the Industrial Revolution were negative because child labors started at a young age and worked for about 16 hours a day. They were only allowed to get a 40 minute break in all the 16 hours. This means that they wouldn't eat very well and were getting paid very little since they were children. Working long hours was making children very tired. This impact their lives in a negative way because they were so young and were already suffering from working long hours. Another example can be found in the article Inventions and new products. People that were working in factories were forced to work hard and accept ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Industrial, French, and American Revolutions: Common... Throughout history there have been many important revolutions that have help to shape society as it is today. There are different causes, from political to religious, economic to social. Any revolution affects those in society, and creates changes for the people in the society. There are three important revolutions that took place in the late 18th century that changed the world for the better. The French Revolution, the American Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution all took place in the late 1700s. Although each had a different purpose, they all lead to a better way of life for many. The French and American Revolutions are examples of some which are brought about and enforced solely by the people. Although they had different reasons ... Show more content on ... The society saw there was a need for change, and took the opportunity to create it. They ran the revolution. Much like the French Revolution, the American Revolution was brought upon by the people who wanted a change. Growing numbers of immigrants added to the population in the lower and middle classes in the country, making overcrowding and poor conditions. As cities started to grow, the government– located across the ocean– decided to try and make changes, including larger taxes. The people in America did not like the idea of being ruled over by people so far away, so they began their search for new forms of authority. The people looked for independence, and their search led them to a war and the Revolution. As the country became free and independent, more and more changes were made. The Declaration of Independence was signed, and the Bill of Rights was issued. While it was largely political that change came from the American Revolution, it was America's people created, fought, and won the American Revolution, leading to a better life for them all. Unlike France and America's revolutions, the Industrial Revolution did not come from the people's wants or active needs. Rather, it was only aided by their intervention. The Industrial Revolution transformed English, European, and American society. The outcomes from the Industrial Revolution, ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. What Are The Four Social Revolutions The culture and society has been changing over time due to the invention and emergence of new ideas and technology. Social change is an important aspect of life which every individual and society undergoes. Up to date, there are four social revolutions that are believed to have occurred in history. According o Henslin (2009), the social change experienced today is as a result of forces that started thousands years ago which begun with domestication of animals and plants. The first social revolution was characterized by horticultural and pastoral farming. Humans left hunting and gathering and established settlements to do horticultural farming and keeping of livestock. Horticultural societies led a settled life while the pastoral society kept ... Show more content on ... The use of ploughs to cultivate land made people to concentrate more on farming. During this period, more food was produced compared to the horticultural farming. A relatively large piece of land could be cultivated. This replaced the use of daggers in farming. The third social revolution was characterized by the invention of steam engine which led to industrial revolution. Industrial revolution was accompanied the production of surplus food. Machines replaced human labor in the industries. More could be produced within short time. This means that people could also do many other things such as learning instead of spending more time in doing one thing. The fourth social revolution which is the era we are living today. It is characterized by more complex technology. It is mainly telecommunication and hence sometimes called the information age. People are focused on using the shortest time possible to convey information. The most recent invention is the microchip. People have even been able to alter the human and other organisms' genetic orientation. Genetically modified crops are common in the U.S. market today. It is a society characterized by biotechnology in order to improve ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Social Impact Of The American Revolution And The Haitian... The Atlantic revolution, while not nearly as impactful as the industrial revolution, was still a major event that effected the world. The Atlantic revolution greatest impact was felt culturally, socially, and politically. The American revolution and the Haitian revolution had the biggest impact out of all the Atlantic revolutions according to Laurent Dubois. His claim is further supported by In the article, it claims that the American revolution started a "trans–Atlantic Age of Revolution." Laurent Dubois speaks more about the American revolution and the second most impactful revolution, the Haitian revolution, in his article. Both of these revolutions make up the Atlantic revolution. However, the Haitian revolution specifically ... Show more content on ... Now, they had to be seen as equal to the people who were never slaves. Finally, the abolishment of slavery had a political impact because there was a new shift in power. Politically, slavery was legal at first and people supported it. However, now that it's not legal, it called for a new leader who no longer supports it. Haiti's independent is also proof of the political impact as it created a new country with its political system separate from the French. According to DuBois's article, the American revolution did not have a social impact because "While the American Revolution represented a profound challenge to imperial structures, it did not cause a true social revolution in North America, where colonial elites became the new national elite. And despite the offers of freedom put forth by the British to enslaved people who would fight for them, which many slaves took up, and the initiation of emancipation in many northern states, slavery ultimately survived that revolution and even expanded and thrived in its wake." He also said that the American revolution influenced the French revolution by "...putting forth powerful new political ideologies and through the debts contracted by the French king in his support of the North American ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Social Causes Of The French Revolution The French Revolution was an event that would rattle France's Bourbon monarchy and their neighboring royal families of Europe. Stemming from multiple causes such as the lack of food and other necessities, a growing social inequality in the face of the Enlightenment, and economic decline, the French Revolution bred dissent, notably among the masses in Paris. At the height on the Revolution, it became as much of a crusade against their fellow countrymen as it was against their outside enemies. After seizing power, political factions consistently accused each other of working against the Revolution, and royalist insurrections fueled the disarray. Leading up to Revolution itself was the growing social inequality. With the centralization of the French state due to the efforts of French kings such as Louis XIV, French common citizens found themselves subjected to the will of a nobility that became increasingly hostile to any sort of concessions. Many families were struggling to make ends meet while seeing those at the top of society turn a blind eye. Warfare contributed to this as well, notably the Seven Years War in which France lost much of it's New World territory and the American War of Independence after which the French came away with little spoils, not nearly enough to make up for the money spent on the war. With their country on the verge of economic collapse, French prices soared, forcing French commoners into an increasingly small box. Faced with an increasing ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Social Consequences Of The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was a period in Great Britain that took place around the 18th and 19th century. It was a time where Britain was evolving, the people of Britain were beginning to work in the cities, the county was becoming more urbanized with factories, and the manufacturing of new inventions were coming about so mass production of work was done in an efficient time. This resulted in more money, causing the rich became wealthier because business was booming. The living conditions were getting better for some, cities were beginning to grow, and social class changes like the emergence of the "working class" started coming about in the period of the Industrial Revolution. Some may say this was a great time for Britain the country is making lots of progress the economy is doing well big advancements are being made. But undoubtedly, others will say there were many consequences of the Industrial Revolution. Many difficulties were faced by "the specter of working class poverty and misery during the Industrial Revolution has been and still remains an important justification for government intervention into social economic affairs." (Majewski). Consequences of the industrial revolution were harsh? Working conditions for both children and adults, living conditions people had to suffer through, and the loss of cotton industries. Working and making money to withstand a living in the period of the Industrial Revolution was very crucial and to many adults and children it was ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. The Social And Social Consequences Of The Second... The Social and Political Consequences of The Second Industrial Revolution When the first industrial revolution occurred, transportaiton and production were mainly the forms of change within Europe. This paved the way for further advancement in transportation and production. In the later half of the nineteenth century and into the beginning of the long twentieth century, a second industrial revolution brought new technology and medical advances to Europe. Socialism emerged to attempt to solve political and social inequalities, leading to socialist policies being put into place. Medical advances and discoveries in hygiene and public health lead to a decrease in mortality and and increase in fertility, as well as improve the quality of life. ... Show more content on ... When Germany was unified in 1871, it soon had an industrial revolution that rivaled other world super powers, such as Great Britain and France. This threw off the power balance in Europe . In order to gain more money and resources that may have been depleted over time, countries looked elsewhere for raw materials (such as coal and rubber) and new markets. The countries associated with new imperialism were the United States, Great Britain, France, Japan, and Germany . The United States, Great Britain, Germany and France divided up Africa, which was previously avoided due to its barren climate. Japan went to Manchuria and Korea, and Russia went to central Asia . Each went to the areas with goals to establish colonies and take raw materials. This would give the countries an advantage in trading. For example, countries sought oil in the middle east, Russia sought fur in Siberia, and timber was sought in ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Social Revolution : The Ideas Of The Industrial... The capitalist The Industrial Revolution was an innovative period between mid 18th century through the 19th century, making people go from a predominantly agricultural existence into a more urban lifestyle. Starting after year 1750, all the factors that combined, made Great Britain the best place for industrialization. The primary assessment that made it possible was the invention of machines that could do work that was previously done by hand. This allowed production to shift from inside homes into factories. During the industrial revolution, new inventions were plentiful and helped to 'revolutionize' the way in which people lived. Steam power, capitalism, representative government, transportation, and the scientific methodology made the Industrial Revolution possible. The steam machine was one of the most important technologies of the Industrial Revolution. It was created by Scottish inventor James Watt. It was simply an engine inside of a boat which was powered by steam and was quicker than any other boat of its time. Most mills have run successfully with water power engines, but by using a new steam engine any factory could be located anywhere. The steam machine started appearing and been used in all industrial settings. The steam machine was adapted when workers started making the engines with a quickness and selling them everywhere, because many people wanted to have a piece of the new equipment and have a faster work ethic. Watt later teamed up with a manufacturer ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Social Contract : The American Revolution, And The Irish... Throughout history, man and government have had a social contract that has been agreed upon. Philosophers throughout history have debated what the social contract is defined as and whether it was right for a citizen or government to break this contract. Multifarious revolutions in history related to the American Revolution, Bolshevik revolution, and the Irish revolution these groups of people fought for what they believed their natural rights were. Either party can break a social contract between a government and it is sovereign when they believe their rights are infringed upon. A government 's role in the social contract subsists to protect the rights of their people and the citizen's responsibility is to allow the government to protect their rights without oppressing them. The government and its citizens should break the social contract that is agreed upon if the majority society feels that their government is oppressing them. The American revolutionary's were a minority who wanted to become liberated from a government they felt their divine right were being infringed upon. So they believed that they had a right to revolt over their government breaking the social contract with their philosophical beliefs lean towards Locke they decided to revolt against their government. The government was not protecting the rights of their colonist's for example taxing them without their representation in the government. This event is considered a tipping point for he revolutionaries, ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Social Changes In The Industrial Revolution Society had many social and economic changes throughout the time of the Industrial Revolution in Great Britain during, 1750 to 1850. The Industrial Revolution is the time at which farming work changed into factory work and new methods were made. This switch really benefited Britain. There were many of each change in society, one of the economic changes could be selling stock, and all the new types of businesses formed . Also new transportation and the assembly line all are considered economic changes. A social change could be all the new advanced technology and urbanization. In this time period a big social change would involve all the new technology. Society could use these new advanced tools to communicate with others. One invention by Samuel Morse was telegraphs. These telegraphs improved communication by making it easier to send people messages, they were even in a secret code. Morse code was eventually named after Samuel Morse. Another change that happened in the beginning of the change from agriculture to industry is urbanization. This is when the people move from the rural areas to urban areas. The rural areas are on the countryside like farms, while urban areas are cities with factories. People left the rural places because there was no longer jobs for them since the agricultural revolution caused less farmers being needed, also the factories are taking over. The factories were located in the cities; many people moved here because the factory owners would need ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Industrial Revolution : A Social Change There is no doubt that a technological change brings about a social change. The Industrial revolution saw many people displaced from their land, finding work in crowded city factories. Serfdom was abolished and the population shifted from villages to the cities. Strong family ties, self–sufficiency and the right to occupy land were replaced with uncertain tenancy of land, dependency on trade and a weakening of the family unit. Economically, goods and money abounded, and trade flourished. The merchant class profited from the wealth that was generated on the backs of the displaced population of urban workers. Children were sent to work in factories, in order for families to make enough money to live. The peasant class worked long hard hours ... Show more content on ... The insidious part of GM is that there is no recall once it is released into the environment. Salmon that will grow ten times faster than normal salmon will destroy river systems, as their unfair genetically modified advantage will see all smaller life forms extinguished and genetically modified crops that are dependent on pesticides will contaminate organic, heritage seeds that have sustained people for thousands of years. Seeds will no longer be able to be harvested and replanted but the farmer will have to buy new seed every year from GM seed makers. This fight is more important than the fight over open source because it involves the right of people everywhere to have clean, safe food that has not been genetically altered. Essentially GM is a tax on everyone because a patent will be on every seed and seeds are made to be sterile the following year. This is something to become angry about. The greedy corporations and individuals that want control over our food, water and land, do not care about the irreversible damage to the environment, people and animals that they cause. We have the right to eat tomatoes that are free of fish DNA, meat and milk that is free of human DNA, pigs that haven 't been grown to harvest anthrax antibodies. They will never be able to prove the safety of GM food and no long term studies have been done. Nor will GM solve the problem of soil erosion, and pollution of rivers from artificial fertilizers and pesticides. Only ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Social Inequality: The French Revolution Social Inequality was a major contribution to the nature of the French Revolution. Social unrest was rampant between the three estates due to the major gap between the classes. While the clergy made up half of a percent of the population, they owned ten percent of the land. The nobles held thirty percent of the land, while only making up one percent of the population. Meanwhile, the peasants were the majority, oppressed by the government and forced to pay all of the taxes, despite the income inequality. They made the least money, but had to give up the most. This is the reason why when the price of bread fluctuated, namely went up in price, there were riots because of the dependency of bread by the peasants. This is not only a economic problem, ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Social Causes Of The French Revolution French Revolution DBQ Grace Bergeron In the late seventeenth century through the early eighteenth century France was unstable and needed a huge change. A revolution was needed. The French Revolution was a major turning point in world history. It caused huge changes in society, politically, socially, and economically. There were things like social inequality, absolutism and changes in the way the government was run. Although the French Revolution impacted French society it also had a huge impact on the world outside of France. This change had an overall good impact on the world. There were many different political, economical, and social causes of the French Revolution. Society as a whole was very unstable and out of style. Politically absolutism and divine right were a big reason for the start of this great revolution. Rulers had complete power over what went on in society. They were able to make the big decisions in government. An example of a ruler who had absolute power was King Louis XVI. "He levied taxes and spent the people's money as he saw fit" (DOC 1). Louis was able to use his citizens money how he pleased. People worked hard for their money and were struggling to make it as it is. Taxes were taking that money away. Even though society did not like this the king could still do it because he had total control. The citizens were obviously angry because they had no say in what went on and could not make any changes to make their daily lives better. Anyone who ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. The French Revolution As A Social Revolution While the French Revolution surely marked a time known for a great deal of bloodshed alongside an substantial shift in political and social attitudes, behavior, and policy, the origins of this pivotal event are highly contested even in modern historical contexts. This time period ranging from the years 1789 to 1799 had a number of social, political, and economic causes, but many historians of this era seek to answer whether the French revolution was primarily a social revolution with political consequences or that of a political revolution with social consequences. According to Harvard educated political scientist, Dr. Theda Skocpol, "Social revolutions are rapid, basic transformations of a society's state and class structures, and they are accompanied and in part carried through by class–based revolts from below." In consequence, the following thesis is one such answer to this long–held debate using this definition as a base reference. The social unrest created by remnants still remaining from the feudal system, compounded with economic pressures caused by a political system unable to properly respond to crisis, resulted in a fervent spirit of revolt that pervaded through the whole of the third state only to turn to more political issues upon the realizations of class diversity within the Third Estate itself. SOCIO–ECONOMIC STRESSORS To begin, the economic situation prior to the onset of the revolution needs ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Revolution Without Social Change A Revolution Without Social Media In "Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted," Malcolm Gladwell argues that social change like the change that was brought about by the Civil Rights Movement from the 1960's cannot be achieved through social media. Gladwell reasoning about social change not being achieved through social media is because the way on how there is not a centralized leadership structure, the fact that everyone has an equal say and how activist was once defined by their causes, now they are defined by their tools, has a meaning on why social change cannot be achieved because of social media. Neither strong nor weak ties, would bring a social change, the more ties there, increased the number of high risk activism, the only component of an established centralized leadership can fluctuate to create a social change. Gladwell argues that real– life activism is the result of strong ties among the persons involved, enabling them to come together and be high risk activism towards social change. But depending on critical friends the more friends there was, the better to join the protest against the cause to spread sit–ins through the South without the use of social media. Gladwell states "these events in the early sixties became a civil–rights war that engulfed the south ... Show more content on ... He states " The world, we are told , is in the midst of a revolution. The new tools of social media have reinvented social activism. Where activist were once defined by their causes, they are now defined by their tool." (Gladwell 170–171), Gladwell compares the new tool social media as a reinvented social activism. Another way Gladwell see it, is that because of social media the industry of activist that were recognized through their tools, which is social media playing a big role into a big social ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Social, Social And Economic Impacts Of The American... There was no "Reign of Terror" as in the French Revolution, there was no replacement of the ruling class by workers' groups as in revolutionary Russia, so how then could the American Revolution be described as revolutionary? The word revolution means "an overthrown of a government or social order in favor of a new system; a radical change of an entire system, usually by war, resulting in a change of the way of life of the people involved." In 1775 the American colonies had chosen to separate themselves from Great Britain, which resulted in a war for independence with Great Britain from 1775 to 1783. The American Revolution resulted in a fundamental change in American politics, society, and economics and brought about concepts of the Enlightenment and changes in the lives of the colonists and in the years to come, including rule of law, liberty, equality, and a government of the people. The American Revolution gave rise to democracy, it gave birth to ideas about voting rights for more people, and it raised debates about the roles of women and slaves. True, only some fundamental changes were felt immediately while other changes, such as slavery and women's rights, were not be abolished or recognized for several decades later. Nonetheless, the Revolution brought about political, social, and economical changes. While they may not have been all at once in a given day, over time (months, years, decades, and even centuries), these changes took place. The events that had the ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. American Revolution Social Factors There are many different social, political and economic factors which brought about the American Revolution, but it was largely the economic factors namely the taxes imposed by the British upon the colonists, and it was these taxes which caused the colonists to revolt and wage war after years of oppression and economic injustices. The American Revolution grew out of increasing economic, authoritarian restrictions placed upon the colonies by the British. The colonists lost their land, their businesses and trade with other countries. The first major economic factor was the French–Indian war, which lasted 9 years. The British victory came at a high price with the British deeply in debt and demanding more revenue from the colonies. With ... Show more content on ... The duties posed an immediate threat to established traditions of colonial self–government, especially the practice of taxation through representative provincial assemblies. These taxes were resisted everywhere with verbal and physical protests, deliberate evasion of duties, renewed nonimportation agreements among merchants, and overt acts of hostility toward British enforcement agents, especially in Boston. The uproar coupled with the instability of the British ministries, resulted in the taxes being repealed on March 5 1770, the same day as the Boston Massacre. A small tax was left on tea and was known as the Tea Act. It was introduced to save the East India Company from bankruptcy by removing all duties on tea shipped, therefore making the price of British tea much lower than the colonial tea. Colonists did not like the fact that this act was taking business away from the local merchants and of course the tea merchants could not compete and were put out of business. The colonists viewed the act as yet another example of taxation tyranny and resulted in tensions increasing to an all–time high. In December 1773 in protest of the Tea Act, The Sons of Liberty planned the 'tea party' and boarded a British East India ship and dumped 400 crates of Tea, worth between £10,000 and ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Social Impact Of The Agricultural Revolution And The... Introduction The Industrial Revolution began in the late 18th and 19th centuries and was a period of significant economic development marked by the introduction of power–driven machinery. Much like the Agricultural Revolution, the Industrial Revolution began to take shape in Britain and then spread to other countries. During the Industrial Revolution, many power–driven machines were invented, which replaced hand tools. Social impacts The Industrial Revolution increased the material wealth of the Western world. It also ended the dominance of agriculture and initiated significant social change. During the 17 and 18 hundreds the Agricultural revolution took place, which was a period of significant agricultural development. New inventions and techniques, ... Show more content on ... The working class made up 80% of society. Since population was increasing in Great Britain at the same time that landowners were enclosing common village lands. This resulted in a very high unemployment rate for workers in the first phases of the Industrial Revolution. Desperate for work, the working class had no bargaining power to demand higher wages, fairer work hours, or better working conditions. Worse still, since only wealthy people in Great Britain were eligible to vote, workers could not use the democratic political system to fight for rights and reforms. Economic Effects In pre–industrial times skilled craftsmen would work from traditional locations in the home and small workshops, this was known as the cottage industry. When the Industrial Revolution begun, machines, such as the steam engines were invented, to power large scale factories, the cottage industry system could not keep up with the demand of goods. Therefore more people were forced to seek employment in cities. With the majority of the population on unstable jobs or on the verge of unemployment, the working class became completely dependent on the employer. Virtually slaves to the employer or factory owner. Historical ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Social Injustice In The American Revolution Throughout our cake, we had two major themes that were evident, social injustice and political grievances. To demonstrate social injustice, we used medals for the Latin American Revolution, Chains for the American Revolution, and a tennis ball for the French Revolution. To represent economic inequality, we used tea bags for the American revolution, bread for the French revolution and money for the Latin American Revolution. For the American Revolution, The chains represented the role African American slaves played in the revolution. The revolution motivated African American resistance against slavery. The tea bags were symbolic to the Boston Tea Party when Massachusetts colonist protested against the Tea Act of 1773 or more specifically "Taxation without Representation" by dumping chests of tea into the Boston Harbor. ... Show more content on ... The gold medal represented the criollos and peninsulares which were the highest classes in the social system. There, men who were born in either Spain or portugal held the highest offices and military/political position. The silver medal represented the Mestizos/Mulattos. This position consisted of mixed Europeans and Indians who served the peninsulares/criollos. Lastly the gold medal portrayed the lowest class, the Africans/natives. This class was not only the lowest but also the largest. The people in this class were not identified as citizens but did do most of the labor. To demonstrate economic inequality, money was put on the cake to show mercantilism. Spain used mercantilism when they took goods from Latin America and sold those goods to make their own profits. Latin America, on the other hand did not gain any money except goods that Spain decided to give ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Social Consequences During The Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution was the transmission process of manufacturing, this took place in the 1700s and the 1800s. Before this time, manufacturing was done in a small level, usually done in people's homes, using the truest and basic forms of machinery. But in the Industrialization age, there was a shift to powerful, multi–purpose machines, and big factories. This Industrial age brought forward thousands of jobs for the men, women, and children. The Industrial Revolution did bring a surplus and diversity of manufactured goods and improved the living in some of the middle class and the wealth, but it also resulted in the atrocious living and working conditions for the poor and working class. During the Industrial Revolution, the population in England doubled, between 1800s to the 1850s. this increase of population shocked people in during that time. This increase of population was one of the main reasons for social consequences during the industrial revolution. For the first time in human history most people lived in urban centers. This change altered the social relations that maintained in villages and small towns. In the growing cities during the industrial revolution, the people had a greater sense of freedom, but also grew a sense of alienation. Many of the people growing in these cities were poor former peasants, they lived in horrible conditions; unsanitary, crime–infested, overpopulated, and alcohol soaked urban slums. These social consequences conditions were ... Get more on ...