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The Difference The Difference
The Bhagavad Gita Sparknotes
The Bhagavad Gita opens on a literal and intellectual battlefield. Arjuna, a warrior by caste, faces the
prospect of riding into battle against his own family. Unable to bear the thought of slaying his own
family, he offers his objections to the Hindu god Krishna. Krishna, in turn, introduces the concepts of
detachment and selflessness to Arjuna, arguing that while man must sometimes take action, he should
not relish the fruits of his action. According to Krishna, every man has his own dharma, or duty, which
he must seek to fulfill via selfless devotion. However, the Gita s conception of selflessness does not
preclude war, and the Gita also argues that mortal human lives, including those lost in battle, are
ultimately insignificant. As a warrior, Arjuna s duty is to fight, even when it means prioritizing his
dharma over deep familial concerns (Flood x). On the whole, the Bhagavad Gita supports just war in
the context of Hindu thought. The Gita depends on the Hindu idea of reincarnation. In Hindu thought,
nobody is mortal every earthly death continues a greater cycle of life. Krishna, with his eternal
perspective, encourages Arjuna to focus on this larger idea:
Death is assured to all those born, and birth assured to all the dead; you should not mourn what is
merely inevitable consequence. (12 13)
Krishna expands these ideas further, implying that death in war is not only acceptable but honorable:
If slain, you will attain heaven; if conquering, the earth is yours!
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How Organisms Evolved From a Common Ancestors
One of the most important principles of biology is the main idea of evolution. This theory states, that
all living organisms have evolved from a common ancestor through natural selection acting on
hereditary variation (Reece, 2011). Many people today, know humans have evolved from a common
ancestor; but they do not recognize the importance of it. Everyone should be educated about how
organisms evolved because humans have evolved throughout many centuries. Charles Darwin had
many theories that incorporated the main principle of biology, natural selection and evolution. Darwin
explained natural selection as an evolutionary change where organisms that become more adapted to
their environment will survive better than those who do not ... Show more content on
While Darwin was on his voyage, the Beagle, he noticed that different organisms and things vary in
characteristics and their adaptations to different environments.
While Darwin was studying natural selection, he noticed that different species would have to compete
for survival allowing some species to have different characteristics that help them survive and produce
more offspring. These offspring traits are passed down from their parents, and it will help them
become more successful in their need for survival (College, 2009). Darwin had to prove natural
selection existed and how traits are passed down to offspring. He did this by the process of Pangenesis
(College, 2009). Pangenesis is when each organ in the body has certain particles called gemmules. The
gemmules, contain information of how each organ works; they are eventually released to the
reproductive organs (College, 2009). They are passed down to the offspring from the reproductive
organs. Today, Darwin s theory is well supported because of DNA and fossil records. Charles Darwin
spend most of his life focused on the theory of natural selection and evolution. This theory states that
all living organisms evolved from a common ancestor (Reece, 2011). Many people know
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The Okefenokee Swamp
In the first passage, the Okefenokee Swamp is described with a wide variety of diction. Its features are
mentioned with a neutral tone and simply describe what the place looks like. In the second passage,
Okefenokee Swamp is portrayed as an unpleasant setting with many disturbing features. Each passage
describes the area with a different purpose and a different view. The first passage from the
Encyclopedia Britannica has an objective tone, while the second passage has a detestable tone and is
subjective. The first passage is unbiased, as the author presents Okefenokee Swamp with
straightforward information. The passage is from an encyclopedia, which implies that this passage is
purely informative and does not include ... Show more content on ...
Any humane reader would see this as unwanted and repulsive. Boyle also focuses on the blood
sucking creatures of the swamp, parasites: . . . ticks, mites, hookworms, and paramecia that exist only
to compound the misery of life (251). The idea of being surrounded by parasites causes the reader to
have a sense of revulsion towards the swamp. Near the end of the passage Boyle adds some humor to
portray how revolting the swamp animals truly are: they scratch and stink and sniff at themselves
(251). To finally sum up his passage Boyle describes Okefenokee Swamp in two words a hellish zoo .
This ultimately reveals the author s feelings of the swamp and the subjective aspect of the second
passage, as well as the abominable tone. Both passages contain information of the swamp but each
conveys a different tone with the use of its descriptive words and imagery. Boyle leans towards using
words that create a sense of disgust in the reader, which simultaneously reveals his own opinion.
Meanwhile the first passage from the Encyclopedia Britannica focuses on the use of descriptive words
with neutral connotations in order to inform the reader of the swamp and allow him/her to view it as it
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The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Traditional And...
Since 1949, mainland China has promoted the use of simplified characters instead of the original
traditional characterscite{wangjun}. This issue has been circulated through the ages. In recent years,
however, there is an increasingly fierce debate whether we should return to the traditional characters.
In fact, both the traditional and simplified characters have merits and drawbacks. However, using
simplified characters is more practical, efficient and effective and contributes to the social stability
and development. As a result, the government should widen the use of simplified characters. Firstly,
simplified characters make it more convenient for the majority of people to get educated.This is
because the number of the strokes of simplified
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I Stand Here Ironing By Tillie Olsen Olsen
According to the overview from the Alabama virtual Library they claim that Tillie Olsten I Stand Here
Ironing to be one of her best known autobiographies. (2010. LitFinder) Olsen wrote about many things
through her life but the subjects she was rather fond of include: sex, age, and class. We see how sex
and class affects women within I Stand Here Ironing . Sex, class, and age are the key factors that
limited people, mainly women that Olsen wrote about. We can see within this story that Olsen related
back to her life as a mother during this time of depression with having multiple jobs to help keep them
afloat. Olsen gave birth to four kids and at the time she worked, tried to maintain the role of wife,
caretaker, and cleaner. The crowd
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My Mother s First Job Essay
I was told to ask my mother ,Yaqueline Roman about her life, bring her down to memory lane and put
the spotlight on her. As an immigrant ,she told me, she crossed the border in 1995,she had to big
careful for the helicopter, since they had to pass a big hill to arrive to San Diego and thats how far The
Coyote would leave them .She arrived to Santa Ana,California at the age of 20 with nothing but her ex
husband and a 3 month old son. Yaqueline Roman, had a variety of jobs from factories,dollar stores
and restaurants. My mother s first job was being a cashier at a dollar store and would win about $3.30
an hour. Her Second Job was in a factory that was located in Chicago,Il. Her task there was too sharp
irons, that would be use to cut all types of things.She worked there from 1994 to 1997 and would win
about $4.00 per hour . My mother s third job was in a factory located in Chicago, Il and was working
there from 1997 to 1998. My mom task was to pack cookies, she would earn about $4.75 per hour. In
2000 to 2003 , she would go to the offices to ask for jobs and the agency was in Chicago ,Il. She
would earn about $5.15 an hour ,but she had to pay the agency about 20 dollars a week since they took
her and brought her back from the factories. In 2003 2004 she worked in Mundelein,Il and she had to
assemble screw drivers and would earn about $5.20 an hour. My mom current job is being a waitress
at Taco El Norte. She started in 2004 until now, she get about $ 3.50 an hour but
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Cinematic Techniques Used In The Film The Lives Of Others
The Lives of Others was a film that chose to display the notion of lies through the other side. The
filmmaker chose to use a committed worker instead of using a citizen trying to get away from the East
German regime. Wiesler the focal character is a very serious and committed officer of the East Berlin
government. He fought with himself the entire film about what type of person he would be. The
filmmaker chose to compare and contrast the feelings of Wielser. He showed he did not have control
of his own life, but had to live the lives of others by force. This was an example of how the communist
regime controlled the lives of its people. Wiesler was not able to become his true self until the end of
the film. The East German Communist mantra had a tight grip on the people in East Germany. The
wiring of ... Show more content on ...
The most tumultuous act of the Communist party in the film was the hiding of the suicide statistics.
Jerska a blacklisted director committed suicide and it was not going to be documented. They did not
want to overshadow their great regime with the true number of suicides that were being committed.
The Lives of Others portrayed the subtle change of a man who had been controlled most of his adult
life. He was controlled by a regime who truly only saw him as an asset for despair in other s lives.
Good bye Lenin brought more of a subtle and comedic approach to the life of the average citizen
under Communism in East Germany. Many lies were told in this film, but they were told to save the
life of a mother who committed her life to East Berlin. The catch was Christiane, who
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Neighborhood Gentrification
Extended Essay
To What Extent is Gentrification Present in the Liberty Village Neighborhood of Toronto?
Gabrielle Lachman: Candidate Number
Supervisor: Ms. Hebdon
Word Count: 3,707
Citation Style: MLA
This investigation explores gentrification within the Trinity Spadina Ward of Toronto. The research
question of To what extent is gentrification present in the Liberty Village neighborhood of Toronto?
largely focuses on redevelopment, land use and population demographics. Based on the comparison of
four indicators between Ward 20 and the City of Toronto, it was hypothesised that gentrification is a
prominent agent of change in the Liberty Village neighborhood.
Property value, overall wealth, education ... Show more content on ...
Gentrification has a positive effect on a community in the sense that it ameliorates the local economy.
In lower income neighborhoods, the expansion of businesses and creation of jobs is limited by the
deficiency of monetary flow. However, as wealthier residents relocate to the area and invest money in
the community, businesses develop. Overtime, this trend continues and results in economic
development as well as more jobs, which benefits the community. Secondly, the process of
gentrification typically results in a lower crime rate. This is because gentrification involves the
attainment of vacant properties in order to build new developments. Therefore there will be a decrease
in vacant properties which typically attract crime. Additionally, an increase in population results in an
increase in local government revenue from taxes which can be spent on law
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Homeless Volunteer
Homeless Volunteer
Tera Penrod
Purpose: To share my experience of being homeless and how it has affected me.
Audience: Readers interested in being enlightened about the homeless at a personal level.
Better is a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse. PROVERBS
28:6. I learned the truth in this verse while living with relatives in Colorado Springs, Colorado and the
time I became homeless. What comes to mind when thinking about homeless people? I remember the
first time I saw a homeless person begging at an intersection. He looked scruffy, unkempt, and dirty,
which really scared me because I did not know what he would do to me. He just stood there, holding a
sign that read, Out of work, ... Show more content on ...
I was now out of job, with nowhere to live, and no means of an income. I finally had to swallow any
pride I had left and make the call to my father, who lived in Michigan. After talking and explaining
everything (most everything, because what girl wants to tell their father they were raped) to my father,
he was displeased. He didn t have any money to send me, wouldn t send me money if he did have any,
and told me that I chose to move to Colorado, so I needed to work it out for myself. I was more than
dumbfounded, and wondered if he even believed me or if he thought I was trying to scheme him for
money. Whatever his reasons, I was on my own with no one and nowhere to go. I was officially
homeless and horrified. I refused to make signs for begging and didn t want to be judged as I had
judged others. I did have a little bit of money, but not enough for a place to live and decided that I
would use some of it for the city transit in search of a new job. Looking for a job was much harder
than I anticipated because I didn t have an address, references or a phone number to be reached at
(because it was shut off for lack of payment). These were the reasons I was unable to completely fill
out an application or to be hired. I didn t know of anything else to do except to just be homeless and
live like them (or at least how I thought). I knew I had some money left over that I could use for food,
and had even thought about staying in a motel for a few nights.
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Marketing in the Travel and Tourism Industry
For this task the author will be discussing the factors which influence the travel and tourism industry
and defining the marketing mix.
The term marketing is a complex management tool and can be defined many ways.
Marketing can be defined as being all about getting the right products to the right customer at the right
time; in general the term marketing is the action or business of promoting and selling products and
services. Marketing is based on thinking about the business in terms of customer needs and
The Chartered Institute of Marketing s (CIM) definition of marketing goes as follows Marketing is the
management process for identifying and satisfying customer needs profitably . ... Show more content
on ...
And then there is service related, when on holiday the staffs working at the business or company in
which you are a customer in, provide a service and they are crucial to make sure that the customers get
the service they deserve and give them a pleasant holiday experience.
Place or the location of the business is very important for success. As if a company is in a rural
country area that is hard to locate then you re not going to get as many customers as if you were to set
the business in the high street or city. The business needs to be accessible in order for customer to
come to you.
Promotion, A successful product or service means nothing unless the benefit of such a service can be
communicated clearly to the target market. Promotion is any activity to raise awareness of a product
or to encourage customers to purchase a product. Advertising is a form of promotion but not all
promotions are advertisements. The Marketing mix of Apple Product
Portable Computers e.g. iMac
Servers e.g. MobleMe
Accessories e.g. Keyboard, Led Cinema Display
Wi Fi Based Stations e.g. Airport Express, Time Capsule iPod, iPhone iTunes e.g. movies, audio
Periphal Products e.g. printers, storage devices. Apple Stores are located in Asia/Pacific, Africa, the
Middle East, Europe and Latin America.
Apple has over 200
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Bank Medici Ag Essay
Founded by Sonja Khon in 1994, Bank Medici AG was a bank located in Vienna, Austria. It became
incorporated as a bank in 2003. The bank s president and majority stakeholder is the founder, Sonja
Khon. Its major institutional shareholder is Austria s biggest banking group, Bank Austria
Creditansalt. Khon owned three quarters of the stakes (75%) and Bank Austria owned the remainder.
Prosecutors from the United States, United Kingdom and Austria investigate Ms. Sonja Khon on her
involvement business with Bernad L. Madoff. He is a former NASDAQ chairman and founder of the
Wall Street firm Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC (BLMIS). For about 23 years, it is
alleged that Khon, operating mostly from overseas, was the go to link for bankers, hedge fund
managers and wealthy people outside the United States who wanted to invest indirectly, through
feeder funds, in Madoff s financial services.
Khon s relationship with the financier commenced in 1985 to help grow the Vienna based bank,
channeling investor money worth more than $ 9.1 billion into his company. Mardof operated a one of
a kind Ponzi ... Show more content on ...
This is according to affidavits collected by Austrian prosecutors that The Wall Street Journal reviewed.
Madoff in return was supplied with an estimated $3.5 billion from European investors after Khon
turned three Medici funds into feeder funds. The net worth of Madoff s Ponzi scheme was $65 billion,
and the investigations show how Madoff may have convinced fund managers oversees to root for
investors for Madoff. In his lawsuit against Bank Medici AG and its founder, Sonja Khon, Irving
Picard referred to Khon as Madoff s criminal soul mate. According to Picard, the scheme made Khon
and her family rich, including Bank Austria and UniCredit
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Essay Review of the Band Periphery and Their Album Clear
Periphery Clear Review Periphery is a band well known in the metal community as one of the
pioneers of the djent/progressive metal movement. They have gained a loyal and sizeable fanbase
through their previous two releases, Periphery and Periphery II: This Time It s Personal, as both
albums were very innovative and successful. Clear is Periphery s latest EP, released on 1/28/2014, via
Sumerian Records. This EP is a unique release, and deviates from the standard Periphery releases in
that instead of every Periphery member working on this record together, each member individually
works on one song and the album is basically a collection of these tracks. Periphery has stated that this
release is meant to be experimental, and not a ... Show more content on ...
Pale Aura is my favorite track off Clear and one of my favorite Periphery songs of all time, as
everything from the vocals, the instrumentals, to the mood of the track are pieced together so well that
it gives me chills. As a whole, there s really not much to complain about the E.P, as each member did a
tremendous job in their respective tracks, and the production work is unbelievably well done. Lyrical
work on Clear is similar to the musicianship on each track: different yet coherent. Although only four
of the tracks have vocals, and the lyrics are all written by different people, each member of Periphery
is so talented that none of the songs portray a drop in lyrical quality. My favorite song lyrically would
have to be Feed the Ground , as the lyrics are so unique yet interesting. Shots fired and I ve got a
fucking reason, To suffocate when the breath leads to treason, cut the ties, collect what s mine, burn
everything to the fucking ground. However, the lyrics on Pale Aura , The Parade of Ashes , and The
Summer Jam are awesome as well, each fitting the mood and atmosphere of the tracks. Overall, Clear
by Periphery is a very impressive album, as we are able to hear each individual member s music style
and understand the band a lot better. Although this is just an experiment for the band, it produced
some of my favorite Periphery tracks of all time such as The Summer Jam , Feed the
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Projects contribute to innovation and development process...
Projects contribute to innovation and development process of organizations. They indeed are different
and they vary in size, types and challenges. In other words, projects are unique and specific with
unambiguous deliverable targeted on meeting certain need or purpose (Mantel et al, 2005 p.1). It can
be construction projects, or launching a new product or service, or the conduct of marketing event
such as sales, promotions. In particular, a project personnel team, who are experts in specific function
that regarding to project and then be grouped, plays an important role in planning, running and
controlling the project. Therefore, this essay will discuss about why project personnel team is a critical
resource of the project management. ... Show more content on ...
Klastorin (2004, p.72 73) mention that many studies conducted to find out relationship between
organizational structure and the impact on project outcome. One of them is project matrix, where
project managers have fully and directly authority on managing project. Here, project manager s role
now involves 50% tactic and understanding situation, 40% administration and only 10% technical
application. As soon as project is defined, project manager would be appointed to conduct some first
tasks, such as meeting client, preparing budget, schedule, and ensuring proper facilities are available
(Meredith et al, 2003, p.118). Meredith et al also mentioned that the most attributes, skills, quality
when selecting project manager are strong technical knowledge, able to manage risk, resolve conflict,
keep project moving and especially the one who can get the job done (2003, p. 140). Then a support
team will be created. They are usually staff in this organization and are experts in this specific project.
If not, the project would beyond their ability. As results, team could not accomplish goals inevitably.
Taking a failure project as an example, Boeing s Virtual Fence, because of an inadequate
understanding of the technical requirements for developing and maintaining a virtual fence across a
long border. It was finally cancelled as early as it was due to over budget and could not meet their
deadlines (Mullins, 2008).
Nevertheless, projects
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A Research Study On T Test
Good Morning LV Team Members!
We made it! This is our last session and as per your request we will go over the t test for the last time.
T test can be used to analyze two data sets that are independent or dependent of each other. There are
3 types of t test:
The t test dependent, when the same group of subjects is tested at different time interval, different
conditions or more than once. It is also known as the t test for paired samples or t test for correlated
sample (Salkind, 2004, p.184).
The t test independent: A two sample equal variance test is performed
The t test independent: A two sample unequal variance test is performed
I will be using the data from the UC Davis Olive Center reports of 2011 to compute the t test value. ...
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If one has more than two groups to compare then use the ANOVA. There are two way of doing it: the
simple or one way analysis of variance due to the presence of one grouping dimension and the other
one is called factorial design. The factorial design is complex, it is similar to the simple ANOVA with
the addition of more level to the group. For example: number of girls in group1, group2, group 3
would be simple, now when we add to each group another level like number of boys that would make
it to factorial because each group would have girls and boys.
4 Once you have selected the right statistical test, in our case the t test then we will calculate the effect
size to find out whether the result is meaningful or not. The t test helps us to understand whether there
is statistics significance difference or not.
In our example, we want to find the t test of independency mean. To calculate the t test we need to
calculate the mean, variance (used to calculate the effect size), SD of each lab results.
The t test could be easily calculated using the excel program using four ranges.
The first and the second range would be each group data, then select the number of tail (one tail has a t
test of rejection on one side and two tail would have on each side bell curve) and finally select the
type of t test. One for paired, two for independent with equal variance and three for
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What Is The Major José Manuel Pizarro Matos Chapter Summary
Major José Manuel Pizarro Matos Bio Summary
Major José Manuel Pizarro Matos is the Chief, Client Services Division of the U.S. Army Institute of
Public Health (AIPH). He also occupied the Chief of the Molecular Biology Section and Chief of the
Method Development Section at AIPH before becoming the Division Chief. He came to the US Army
Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMRICD) from, where he served from 2009
2012 as deputy chief of the Research Division, chief of the Pharmacology Branch and chief of the
Cellular and Molecular Branch. Before USAMRICD, he was assigned the Dwight David Eisenhower
Army Medical Center (DDEAMC) from 2004 2009 as the assistant chief of the Department of
Clinical Investigation and to the Division of Neurosciences at the Walter Reed Army Institute of
Research (WRAIR) as principal investigator from 2001 to 2004. Major Pizarro received his bachelor
of science degree in marine biology from the University of Puerto Rico in Humacao and a master s in
biology, with an emphasis in molecular biology. He earned his doctorate in biology, with an emphasis
in neurobiology, from the University of Texas at San Antonio. ... Show more content on ...
He attended in residence Intermediate Level Education from January to April 2011 at Fort Lee,
Virginia and is a member of the Army Acquisition Corps. His military awards include the Meritorious
Service Medal (2 OLC), Army Commendation Medal (4 OLC), Army Achievement Medal, National
Defense Service Medal w/Bronze Star, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Armed Forces
Reserve Medal and Army Service
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Night Vale Monologue
The gravel crunches under my feet as I wander down the length of our driveway towards the empty
county road. I fiddle with my headphones and my blue, rubbery armband holding my iPod; my
podcast isn t coming through clearly. I fix my right earphone in time to hear Cecil drawl out Welcome
to Night Vale, and I smile honestly for the first time all day. I have an unorthodox relationship with
running. As a child, I swore I would never run, that I loathed even the mere idea of running for fun.
But now, I find it an escape, a paradise where I can truly be who I am, with no exceptions.. I have a
different relationship with Welcome to Night Vale, the fictional podcast about a small desert
community with dragons running for mayor and Community Calendar ... Show more content on ...
The run over pedestrian sign makes much more sense, I articulate out loud, although I know perfectly
well there is no one to hear me; I also know that I would receive peculiar looks for that quirky
statement. I don t care. I am alone and I am myself. I turn back towards home, the rapidly
disappearing sun to my right hand side now. I run a bit faster, my giggles and thoughts of hypnotic
city equipment spurring me on. My stride bounces a bit as I run on the lopsided county road.
Lopsided. I think. My sense of humor is lopsided like the road, my sense of happiness, a bit bizarre,
but I feel completely at home no matter what the out side view of me is. I turn my thoughts back to the
podcast; Dana the Intern is speaking now:
I remember diagonals of sunlight in the late afternoon, drawn across its flat expanse, transversed by
my grandfather s hand as he swept it through whatever story he was telling, to highlight the words
with motion, to motion us closer to the words. I visualize he grandfather, a wrinkled, elderly man with
tanned skin, telling stories to his grandchildren. I reminisce on my grandfather; long gone for some
time now, whom was kind and encouraged my spunk.
I slow to a walk. I am a stone s throw from my home; I can feel the responsibilities calling me
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Heather Mae Erickson
Heather Mae Erickson is a designer and artist who s known for her ceramics. She received her
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Crafts with a concentration in Art Education from the University of the Arts
in Philadelphia and her Master of Fine Arts in ceramic art from Cranbrook Academy of Art in
Bloomfield Hills, MI. Heather was also awarded a Fulbright fellowship to handle independent study at
Aalto University in Finland. Through her work, Heather is interested with reaching past the art world
and interacting with a variety of people all over the world by designing purposeful tableware. I am not
interested in making ceramic teapots that look and work exactly like the ones the world already
knows. A prime example that puts her ideas into practice is applying the concept of the waiters serving
tray and transforming it together with an enlarged spoon to create a truly unique appetizer platter. I am
not sure how far objects can be manipulated using new concepts before the average person needs
education and direction to utilize them. I am especially interested in making new objects that comment
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She seeks clean and precise visuals in her pieces, which at one time contained a range of pastel colors
and forms with walls as thin as she could style them on the wheel. She begins her process from the
viewpoint of a sculptor, carving a solid chunk of plaster with rasps, refining the details increasingly to
create as perfect of a model as possible. Despite the energy of her forms, the vibrant, defined vertical,
horizontal and diagonal lines and the sharp distinctions of the planes that these define, any visual
conflict characteristic to separate pieces is set into coordination at the level of the group. Erickson s
pieces are influenced by objects that surround her and she finds motivation in architecture, nature,
shapes, and non ceramic
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Body Shapers Can Create The Illusion Of Weight Loss Without
Body shapers help create the illusion of weight loss without actually dieting and exercising. Body
shapers are helpful to women who do not look neat and slim even though their actual weight is
healthy. Some people argue that body shapers may be harmful or a health risk, yet they do work and
do not hurt you if they are worn properly and at the correct size. Women should wear body shapers
because in society people should look nice, neat, and presentable. People should at least try body
shapers for themselves before ruling them out. Women have been wearing body shaping
undergarments for centuries. Modern day body shapers which are sometimes called spanx, were not
introduced until the year 2000. Before there were spanx, there were girdles and corsets. The first
girdles were woven garments that looked like belts. Girdles were used to shape, reinforce and
strengthen the body. The corsets came about around the sixteenth century which were created with
animal bones and then later steel rods. The corsets were tightened by pulling the laces in the back until
the desired hour glass shape was created to the women s waist. Wearing a corset can also change the
bust line, by raising the breasts upwards and shaping them, flattening the stomach, and improving
posture. Indeed, excessive corset wearing has been claimed to weaken certain muscles, making it more
difficult to maintain posture without a corset. The tightening caused restriction to the organs,
especially the lungs causing
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Diary Of Anne Frank
Anne frank begins her diary with excitement. She tells how she acquired the diary on Friday, June 12.
On the day of her 13th birthday, she wakes up at six in the morning. But of course I was not allowed
to get up at that hour, so I had to control my curiosity until a quarter to seven. Anne then talk about her
birthday party on Sunday. She and her school friends watched a film named The Lighthouse Keeper
with Rin Tin Tin. She believes that paper is more patient than man and named her diary Kitty.
Anne gives a brief background information about her childhood. Her father was 36 when he married
her mother, who was 25. Anne s sister Margot was born in 1926 in Frankfort on main. Anne was born
on June 12, 1929. They are a Jewish family living in Holland. The rest of her family felt the full
impact of Hitler s ... Show more content on ...
While living in the annex Anne faced many conflicts, dealing with emotions and personal beliefs.
Anne was able to write for 2 years in her diary before she was captured by the German Nazis.
The author, Anne Frank, writes about her personal life in her diary. She shows her feelings and
emotions that she was going through her teenage year living in the annex. Anne grows from an
innocent and petty teenage girl to a sensitive thinker. One of the themes in this book is identity .
People s identity can affect them, such as being a Jew during the Holocaust. Anne still a child from the
outside, wants to become an adult The motif in this book is fear. It helps the reader connect with the
author and makes it more realistic.
Overall, the book is written by a teenager, making it enjoyable and easy for readers to understand. She
did an excellent job writing her diary. Anne s diary differs from other books because it is written in a
diary format. This book is recommended for people who are learning about the holocaust or who just
simply like reading Girls diary
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Stephen King s Life And Accomplishments
Stephen Edwin King was born in Portland, Maine on September 21, 1947. When King was two years
old, his father left home and never returned. , leaving him to be raised by his mother. The family
moved around to Wisconsin, Indiana, and Connecticut before returning to Maine so his mother could
care for her parents.
Stephen King attended Durham Elementary School and graduated from Lisbon Falls High School in
1966. He then went on to the University of Maine where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in
English in 1970. King wrote or a column in his college newspaper called The Main Campus1. King
received a teaching certificate but could not find work so made many selling short stories. He
eventually was hired as a teacher at Hampton Academy
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Life of Idi Amin Essay
Idi Amin was a soldier first and foremost. He imposed a scheduled and militaristic way of life on his
followers. His own military record paints the picture of his rise to power. During British colonization
of Uganda Idi Amin began his endeavor into the military. It was in 1946 that Amin enlisted in the
King s African Rifle s, KAR, the British army in colonized Africa. (Boddy Evans)
Upon his entry he was placed as assistant cook, a far from glorious position. However he managed to
rise through the ranks. He became a Corporal in 1948 and was stationed in Burma, Somalia, and
Kenya. This was during the British situation in Kenya that was referred to as the Mau Mau revolt. The
Mau Mau gunmen were a secret society of rebels which aimed to over ... Show more content on ...
He did so out of fear of being taken out by Obote because he was seen as a threat to the ex presidents
authority. Secondly he performed a coup because he acknowledged that he was capable of gaining a
higher status of power. Though there were some attempts on Amin s administration he remained in
office from 1971 1979. (Boddy Evans) Idi Amin s time in office was seen as the bloodiest times in his
countries history. Like most dictators he ruled with fear. His crimes against humanity are well
documented and anything that isn t is still spread through word of mouth. It was these erratic actions
that lead to the downfall of the Ugandan economy. (Idi Amin Killer File)
Obote, the man Amin helped into power prior to his own coup, had a positive effect on the economy.
Obote declared a strong national economy with little foreign dependence. Unlike Amin s
administration, these types of statements were not propaganda. In the years of Obote s financial
independence there was an 11% GDP growth in the economy. However Amin s administration left the
country at a negative 0.6% GDP. (Luganda)
Amin was welcomed by most western states such as the United Kingdom and Israel. He was seen as a
gentle giant and worthy of going into business with. This was in part due to the fact
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The Problem Of Pancreas Adenocarcinoma With Complete...
Pancreas adenocarcinoma with complete encasement of the superior mesenteric artery and vein. AJCC
stage III, T4 Nx M0.
Fourth most common cancer mortality cause in USA.1
Contributes to 3% estimated new cancer each year in USA, contributing to 44, 030 new diagnosis and
37, 660 expected deaths in 2013.1
Most aggressive cancer with less than 2% 5 years survival.1
Clinical staging o Stage I or II surgically resectable.2 o Stage III localy advanced, unresectable.2 o
Stage IV metastatic.2
Sign and symptoms
Abdominal pain.2
Weight loss.2
Best initial diagnostic test using tri phasic pancreatic protocol CT.3
Endoscopic ultrasound.2, 3
Monitor tumour markers carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and carbohydrate antigen 19 9 (CA19 9).
Both has no specificity or sensitivity to be used in screening but can be useful for monitoring patient
with known pancreatic cancer.2
Risk factors
Genetic/family history.2, 3
Smoking.2, 3
Long standing diabetes mellitus.2, 3
Nonhereditary or hereditary chronic pancreatitis.2
Obesity.2, 3
Non O blood group.2
Occupational exposures.3
High fat diet.3
Poor survival rate upon diagnosis. 90% patient pass away within 1 year being diagnosed.4
Physiological impact, may cause depression,4 anxiety5.
Affect quality of life (QOL).4
Metastasis and invasion to another parts of the body.2
Pharmaceutical regimen
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Beaumont Independent School County Case Report
We are the attorneys for the Beaumont Independent School District ( BISD or the District ) and will
represent the District in any matter related to the above referenced case. Please add the below names,
addresses, emails, and fax numbers to TEA s proof of service regarding this case. BISD hereby files
its Notice of Insufficiency and Plea to the Jurisdiction/Motion to Dismiss the Complaint in the instant
matter. PETITIONER S COMPLAINT IS INSUFFICIENT The IDEA regulations require a due
process complaint to contain a description of the nature of the problem resulting in the complaint,
including facts relating to the problem. A party may not have a hearing until the party files a due
process complaint that meets these requirements at 34 ... Show more content on ...
A due process complaint must contain, inter alia, a description of the nature of the problem of the
child relating to such proposed initiation or change, including facts relating to such problem, 20
U.S.C. Section 1415 (b)(7)(A)(ii)(III) and 34 C.F.R. Part 300.508 and a proposed resolution of the
problem to the extent known and available to the party at the time. (20 U.S.C. Section 1415 (b) (7) (A)
(ii) (IV).) [A] party may not have a due process hearing until the party, or the attorney representing the
party, files a notice that meets the requirements of [20 U.S.C. Section 1415 (b)(7)(A)(ii)]. (20 U.S.C.
Section 1415(b) (7) (B).) The recipient of a due process complaint must notify the Hearing Officer and
all other parties if it believes the complaint has not met the requirements of §1415 (b) (7) (A) (ii)
within fifteen (15) days of receiving the complaint. (20 U.S.C. Sections 1415(c) (2) (A) and 1415(c)
(2) (C).) In accordance with (20 U.S.C. Section 1415(c) (2) (D) and 34 C.F.R. Part 300.508 the
Hearing Officer must notify the parties in writing of its determination as to the sufficiency of the
complaint within five (5) days of receiving the notice of insufficiency. Whether a complaint is
sufficient is a matter within the sound discretion of the Administrative Law Judge. (Assistance to
States for the Education of Children with Disabilities Preschool Grants for Children with Disabilities
(Aug. 14, 2006) 71 FR 46,540 46541,
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Attending Catholic School Essay
Attending Catholic school is very important to me especially because I have a lot of very good friends
at Sacred Heart School. For example, my best friend Lucianna is attending Sacred Heart again next
year and I look forward to her company. My teachers and the staff at Sacred Heart are kind, dedicated,
and very nice and I really like our principal Mr. Coyle. Mr. Coyle teaches us that school can be holy,
educational, and fun all at the same time. Everyone at my school teaches us about our Catholic faith,
like the importance of following the ten commandments, our church history such as Peter becoming a
martyr for his faith, and learning a lot prayers such as the Apostles Creed and the Prayer of Saint
Francis. At my Catholic school we go to church every month and we have religion class every day. I
like learning about my faith and that by having religion class on a daily basis, practice makes
permanent. We have special faith activities like our entire school says rosaries together and we have
stations of the cross. We get to wear a uniform, which I think is really pretty, and I do not have to ...
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I want to produce excellent work in my math class and to receive a superior grade. I hope to continue
to doing well in math, becoming further skilled with multiplication and division and to someday to
learn Algebra. I wish to put forth an exceptional effort in Social Studies class and to learn a lot more
about the United States and US history. I plan to do great in Language Arts, in grammar, spelling,
writing, and to receive an exceptional grade. I want to do great in Religion class, to continue to learn
about my Catholic faith, and to receive an A+. I plan to do great in Science, as I feel learning in our
science lab is really neat, we can perform experiments, use microscopes, and explore inventors and
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The Horizon Oil Rig Explosion
The 2010 Horizon Oil Rig Explosion
On April 20th, 2010 an explosion occurred that would be considered one of the worst oil spills in U.S.
history. The explosion was cause by a surge of natural gas that made it way to the Horizon rig s
platform that ignited. This caused the rig to capsize and sink, thus breaking risers that were being use
to counter act the large amount of pressure from oil and natural gasses (Pallardy, 2015). The explosion
killed 11 workers and injured 17 others. The explosion caused a massibe leak in the oil wellhead. It
took 87 days for the wellhead to be closed and it is estimated that over that time around 210 million
gallons of oil leaked into the gulf (Gulf Oil Spill, 2011). BP workers tried to activate a blowout
prevent that was part of the Horizon rig s design. This mechanism was supposed to close off any way
to draw out oil bu the mechanism malfunctioned due to the pressure form the gas and oil that cause the
explosion (Pallardy, 2015). The explosion happened a few miles from the Loop Current which is a
large current of warm water in the Gulf that covers a massive amount of distance making it easy from
the oil to spread (Treudaburg Gramling, 2010). Over the next couple of months they tried a variety of
different caps to try to stem the flow of oil but they were generally unsuccessful and oil still leaked
through. It wasn t until July that the flow was finally stopped by a functional blowout preventer cap
(Pallardy, 2015).
Impacts on Coral
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Literature Review On Concussions
The first peer reviewed article source that I used was, Concussions in football: addressing uncertainty
and establishing institutional regulations to protect athletes this source is by Dotson, Football
Concussion. This article is about how concussions have become a serious issue in high contacts sports.
Concussions have gained attention form the neuroscience and neuro law community. The main goal of
this article is to lower the rate of concussions that are happening in contact sports, and the protect the
overall health of an athlete. In this article, they also talk about how different states around the country
have already confronted this issue. I found this topic doing a google search. I searched up football
concussions scholarly articles. ... Show more content on ...
For this interview, I will write down five questions that I want the person to answer. I collected my
field research data on Friday, February 17,2017. On that day, the field research was conducted at the
field house on Seton Hill`s campus. The person that I interviewed was Katherine Shipe. She is a
Licensed Athletic trainer and certified in Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. The method
of doing a Q A field research will benefit my topic the most I will get a better understanding of the
answers that I need for my questions, then looking them up online. Most of the information that is
being put out online is not reliable or it is hard to tell if it is creditable information. sometimes I may
not be able to find exactly what I am are looking for on the internet. Having a face to face
conversation about the topic from the certified professional athletic trainer Katherine Shipe will help
me know what she things on the subject, what I already know on the subject, and the information that
I find on the internet. This field research activity helped me gain a better understanding on
concussions. On the other hand, there were some obstacles that I ran into. Some of the terminology
that Katherine Shipe used about the brain concussions were new to me. I had to do some research on
my own to find out what the words mean and how they that apply to a
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Liliana Valenci A Case Study
Liliana Valencia is no stranger to the Real Estate Business with 10 plus years of experience in multi
family property management. A former HUD certified counselor with the UF Osceola County
Extension Services. She conducted workshops and counseling on financial literacy, budget counseling,
first time homebuyer s workshops, and Foreclosure Prevention. She devoted her time and effort into
educating the community about Housing and Money management programs, including state and
Federal programs available. Liliana advocated so many families in her community, Liliana realized
that she could use her passion to help others with one of the most important decisions in their lives;
buying or selling a home. Liliana is proud to use her experience
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Essay about Natural Descriptions in Coleridge s and Lord...
Natural Descriptions in Coleridge s and Lord Byron s Texts Works Cited Missing Two closely related
texts, one that we ve studied in this class and one that we haven t, that handle natural description
differently are Coleridge s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Lord Byron s Manfred. Both of these
texts central characters have experienced trauma, and their portrayal of their environments reveal the
effects that the events have left on them. While Coleridge s mariner is unable to consolidate his past
and is relegated to constantly relive it, Byron s Manfred has protected himself from his unnamed vice
by distancing himself from his feelings and environment. Obvious parallels exist between the poems,
but what I found most striking ... Show more content on ...
This image accomplishes two things: 1) It tells the reader how he views himself, comparing himself to
a thousand thousand slimy things (l 237). 2) And it shows how he views the outside world, as a
corrupted, threatening environment. These descriptions reflect the events well enough to determine
that the mariner is attempting to accurately relive/retell the events. While making it sound as if it s for
the benefit of those that he s telling, the arbitrariness of selecting the audience and the ambiguity of
the story s message discredit the mariner s suggestion and imply that the stories retelling is for the
mariner s benefit. Again, Coleridge s mariner and Byron s Manfred share in their experiences of
trauma but differ in their attempts to overcome it. The psychological analogy that working through
trauma mirrors the habituation of an event can explain this difference. By repeatedly attempting to
experience the trauma, the mariner tries to get use to his past to reconcile with his emotions. Manfred
has successfully completed this process. The downfall with habituation is that you eventually become
desensitized to that stimuli and therefore lose a connection with the environment, which is exactly
Manfred s situation. The descriptions in Byron s text seem, largely, distant emotionally and physically.
He doesn t attempt to revisit his
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Seagate Case
Seagate Buyout Case
Group 5
Heng Qiao
Eduardo Pereira
Wei Wang
Yanan Pei
Introduction of the companies
Seagate Technology, Inc. is one of the world s largest manufacturers of computer disk drives and
related data storage devices with approximately $6.5 billion in annual revenues. In early November
1999, Luczo, president and CEO of Seagate considered a restructuring proposal with Silver Lake, a
successful private equity firm that is specified in technology business investing.
In May 1999, Seagate sold its Network Storage Management Group to VERITAS Software
Corporation, an independent manufacturer of storage management systems, for approximately 155
million shares of VERITAS stock. With an ownership ... Show more content on ...
This results in the cash portion of the purchase price available for payment to Seagate s stockholders
in connection with the merger to be approximately $1.285 billion (less the amount of rolled equity) .
While many of the implied equity values for Seagate s operating businesses summarized in the table
above exceeded the $2 billion purchase price in the leveraged buyout, Morgan Stanley arrived at its
opinion that the consideration to be received by holders of Seagate common stock in connection with
the merger was fair, from a financial point of view, to those holders, by considering all of its analyses
of the merger and the leveraged buyout, taken as a whole.
The passages show that Morgan Stanley fear value was $2 billion for the business operation. This
value is 43% lower than our valuation of $3.48 billion for the deal. The passages and the published
document are not clear why the fear value should be so low. This vague suggestion is more eccentric
when we look the valuation made by Morgan Stanley. It had made a valuation using different methods
such as comparable analysis, discount equity analysis, discount cash flow analysis, and sum of the
parts analysis, and different scenarios (Figure XXX). Based on the values that Morgan Stanley
calculated, we calculated a weighted average value for it. Using the same weighted for each of the
cases scenarios, and methods showed in the
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The Challenge Of Maintaining And Improving Brand...
Consulting Paper #1: The challenge of maintaining and improving brand management for Procter
This consulting paper aims to focus on the challenges of Procter Gamble in the area of brand
management. The topic of brand management is an important aspect of multi national companies like
Procter Gamble especially in the area of consumer goods. The tasks being encountered by consumer
goods companies like Procter Gamble present the highly complicated business environment
characterized by increased global competition, the need to diversify products, and the pressure to
reduce cost while maintaining brand quality (Haas, McGurk, and Mihas, A new world for brand
managers ). These business elements are important indicators that must be addressed by Procter
Gamble in order to maintain their market edge and competitiveness especially in an immensely
globalized economy and great competition in the area of consumer goods. The paper s objective is to
identify the various possible issues and challenges that can impact Procter Gamble s marketing
efficiency specifically in the area of brand management.
Procter Gamble Company and Brand Overview Procter Gamble or P G is a multinational company
based in Cincinnati, Ohio that develops and sells consumers goods. It is known for various brands in
the area of consumer goods such as Crest, Head Shoulders, Gillette, Tide, Oral B, and Pampers to
name a few of its top brands (Procter Gamble, Our Brands ).
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The Role Of Political Correctness In My Writing
Aiming to achieve political correctness within my own writing presents challenges, especially in
online classrooms without the benefit of relational capital. In other words, writing papers for a faceless
audience demands appropriate vocabulary to satisfy the rhetorical context of a written assignment
without sacrificing my authentic ideas, expression, and intentions. Considering how a reader may
perceive and interact with my content remains as top priority during the all three rounds of editing.
During the entire editing process, I use consult resources such as a reference books and other
educational text to identify jargon and determine if such terms either benefit or hinder a reader s
experience with my paper while attempting to adhere to political correctness (P.C.).
Once, I had to write a paper that compares a female, house slave s experience with a male, slave that
performed manual labor outside of the home. My writing challenges revolved around my audience
demographics. Because the audience comprised of ... Show more content on ...
For instance, I defined terms and avoided offensive language but my paper contained large sections
that diminished the horrors associated with slavery. After carefully considering my audience, sources,
and original intentions for making the comparisons, I deleted sentences with unclear and generic terms
to clarify and add meaning to my statements. Unfortunately, talking and reading about slavery
provokes negative emotions at times; however, editing empowers me to present inconvenient truths in
a respectful manner using language easily understood by a multicultural audience.
In summary, writing a politically correct paper, free from jargon, presents challenges for me while
developing my ability to make appropriate revisions without hiding an authentic message from readers
or confusing them in the process of reading my
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Was The Peloponnesian War Inevitable
The Peloponnesian War Is war ultimately inevitable? Many may say the answer seems to be a definite
yes, but to answer this question, one must evaluate the causes, the history, and the aftermath of war.
The Peloponnesian War is an excellent war that can be examined. It was a great war fought by two
very powerful Greek city states, Athens and Sparta. It started on April 25th, 431 B.C. and lasted until
404 B.C., a whole generation. The war caused major destruction and many lives from both sides were
lost making Greece never be the same again. Athens and Sparta started off as allies standing side by
side when they took on the Greco Persian Wars lasting between 499 B.C. and 449 B.C.. They
remained superior among the city states for over a half ... Show more content on ...
Their leaders refused Sparta s offerings of peace and the war continued. Both the Spartans and the
Athenians gained some victories, but the end came in 405 B.C. during the battle of Aegospotami.
Sparta had gained aid from the Persians and were able to defeat the Athenian navy once again. The
following year the Athenians finally surrendered and Sparta dismantled its empire.
The Peloponnesian War brought disease, destruction, famine, widespread civil wars, and a huge loss
of life. The war was a complete catastrophe for Athens, who never fully regained their empire back.
Sparta won the war, but they didn t become a great city and a new empire was never built. Sparta
attempted to lead the Greeks, but soon fell short and new leaders were called forth.
The aftermath of the war for Athens was brutal, but they worked hard to get everything back together.
Most Athenian households lost fathers, sons, and brothers to the battles of the Peloponnesian War, but
they found ways to compensate. Many made a living by selling clothing they made or other goods.
Many of the manufactured Athenian goods came from such
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4 Ethical Issues with Enron Essay
There was a vast number of ethical issues raised in the movie Enron the Smartest Guys in the Room
but the four I am going to focus on are listed below. Art Anderson, Ken Lay and all of the other
executives did a number of unethical things which ultimately brought down Enron and affected
thousands of employees and their futures. The bottom line was that each and every one of them acted
out of greed for the almighty dollar.
1 Encouraging employees to invest and buy stock in Enron when they knew the truth about the lack of
value in the stock.
As an employee you trust in your management to make the best choices both for you and for the
business to succeed. Ken Lay and other executives strongly encouraged Enron employees to invest in
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One Merrill Lynch analyst began to question the numbers and profits that were being produced by
Enron and eventually he was fired. Enron invested a lot of money with Merrill Lynch and they didn t
want Enron to stop investing so Merrill Lynch got rid of the employee who question Enron, when in
reality they should have listened to him. Merrill Lynch s decision not to listen to him showed other
employees that they better keep quiet with their opinions or their jobs would be on the line. If they
listened to him they might have lost the deal with Enron, but in the end they lost it anyway and lost
millions along with it. Merrill Lynch s main focus should have been their employees and their
investors, not solely Enron. They should have stuck to their code of conduct and followed their values.
3 Manipulated earnings.
Enron executives and accountants cooked the books and lied about the financial state of the company.
They manipulated the earnings and booked revenue that never came in. This was encouraged by Ken
Lay as long as the company was making money. Once word got out that they were disclosing this
information, their stock plummeted from $90 to $0.26 causing the corporation to file for bankruptcy.
This deception on behalf of the executives and others in the organization who hid this vastly affected
anyone who had stock in Enron as well as stock in other energy corporations. The
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Chiquita Banana Case Study
From the case, we saw that the executives of Chiquita Banana in Columbia chose to pay the AUC for
protection from the FARC. The US government put AUC on its list of terrorist organization on
September 2001. Chiquita brand international is a pioneer in the globalization of the banana industry,
where bananas are not only a serious business, but it is a representation of economic, social, political,
and legal difficulties. From the perspective of Chiquita s Columbian subsidiary, Banadex S.A., they
first began funding AUC in 1997 after receiving threats directed at its property and its employees.
Chiquita was sending money to the AUC roughly every month in order to save their employees and
property. Being in charge of the business, it was the responsibility of the company to put their
employees safety first, and thus I feel they were in the right when they started making the payments at
first. This was not a safe time because during the period of mid 1960s, Columbian civil war and armed
conflict were very prevalent in those areas. There was the emergence of powerful drug cartels, which
also increased the intensity of the conflict. Moreover, there was the presence of FARC, which is a
revolutionary guerrilla organization and were involved in illicit and violent activities like extortions,
bombings, kidnapping, as well as attacks on political and military goals. AUC promised Chiquita
Banana the protection from the political and war world around them. It made sense at that time
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Allegory In Fahrenheit 451
Research Paper Rough Draft
Fahrenheit 451 is one of the most celebrated and adored books of the 21st century. Ray Bradbury
creates a futuristic world that is meant to make the reader examine their own world more closely. This
book is an allegory about the dangers of societal censorship and technology. The author uses
symbolism and imagery to enhance the allegory s hidden meaning. This allegory touches on issues so
poignant that they are still as relevant today as they were in their own time. An allegory is a story that
can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning. This narrative strategy is used commonly by authors
today but has been around for centuries. It is a useful technique to persuade the reader to think outside
the box. The reader must see the story itself and also it s hidden intent. In other words, the story is
both figurative and literal silmultaneously. Fahrenheit 451 is a perfect example of this technique.
Literally, montag is a book burning fireman who faces a crisis of faith that will change his life.
Figuratively, montage represents each of us in a society where technology and government have taken
over large aspects of our lives. Ray Bradbury was an American author and screenwriter who has
worked with many genres. He is most well known for Fahrenheit 451. He developed concerns about
the vulnerability of books from a young age. He did not appreciate that some books were not deemed
literary enough for his public library. He was also greatly angered by
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Pros And Cons Of Alibaba Goes Business
Alibaba Goes Public
1. Pros and Cons of Stock Pyramid, Dual class equity and cross ownership with empirical evidence
Stock Pyramid: The control of a firm through a chain of ownership relations. Firms with high
investment requirements and/or low profitability are more likely to be set up in pyramids.
1. Family/Owners have access the entire stock of retained earnings of the original firm
2. To share the new firm s non diverted payoff with minority shareholders of the original firm
1. Benefits are mainly captured by the main owners
2. Poor investor protection, enabling the family to extract benefits from the firms it controls at the
expense of minority shareholders
3. Poor investor protection leads to high diversion of cash flows ... Show more content on ...
Founders are able to maintain control of the startup. As theyput their blood sweat into their startup; the
thought of losing control is frightening and this structure gives them comfort
2. Other smaller stockholders are not be able to collectively overrule the founder on company
3. Allows strong leadership to put long term interests first while seeing beyond the near term financial
4. Ownership stakes in managers hands tend to improve corporate performance
1. Might scare off potential investors or even future hires
2. Allows a small group of privileged shareholders to maintain control while others (with less voting
power) provide the majority of the capital.
3. Heavy voting control by insiders weakens the corporate structure
4. These stocks tend to under perform
E.g.: If a founder has a 10 to 1 multiple then he or she only needs a smaller percentage to maintain
control, much smaller than 50% anyways.This is why the structure is so appealing.
Cross Ownership:
Cross Ownership is a method in which a company owns stocks of the companies with which it does
business. It is used to reinforce business relationships. Heavy cross ownership is also called as circular
ownership Company A holds stock of Company B and vice versa.
Creates closer business
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The Importance Of Maintaining The Correct Acid Base Balance
The importance of maintain the correct acid base balance in the body is crucial for a healthy lifestyle.
Human bodies are very sensitive to pH levels and must be maintained to prevent any health issues.
The term pH means potentials oh hydrogen. To function properly our blood pH is regulated at 7.4. The
degree of acidity or alkalinity is referred to as the acid base balance. The acidity levels increase when
the acidic compounds in the blood increase of the alkaline compounds in the blood fall. Alkalinity
increases when the reverse occurs. The levels of alkaline and acidic compounds depend on the body s
intake, production or decreased elimination or vice versa. If the pH rises or falls increasingly the body
s proteins and enzymes can denature and stop functioning. This can cause serious diseases such as
cancers or even death. Therefore, our body has essential mechanisms in place to regulate the pH of our
Regulating acid base balance:
The main functions of the body that deal with maintaining acid base balance are the buffer, renal and
respiratory systems.
Buffer System:
Normal metabolism produces hydrogen in the form of acids; to maintain the pH of the blood the acids
are buffered or removed from the body. A buffer works in a pair, a weak acid is activated when the pH
is at risk from a strong base/ a weak base is activated when the pH is at risk from a strong acid.
Whenever the buffer reaction is carried out the concentration of one of the pairs increases while the
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Charlemagne Pros And Cons
Known as The King of the Franks, Charlemagne inherited half of his father s kingdom at his death in
AD 768 and took over the other half at his brother s death in AD 771. In keeping with the tradition of
his predecessors, Charlemagne s reign was characterized by three decades of military campaigns.
During his reign, Charlemagne led campaigns against the Saxons, the Lombards, Spain and Bavaria.
His empire extended from Saxony in the North to the Spanish March in the South and Italy in the
West. Charlemagne was officially named as the first Roman Emperor by the Pope in late AD 800. He
remained emperor until AD 814.
Charlemagne ruled as king but relied on an inner circle of trusted advisors. He also relied on counts to
govern the various territories,
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The Practice Of Applying Paint Or Other Media At A...
What is painting?
The practice of applying paint or other media to a surface, usually with a brush. resources/glossary/p (Tate, 2014)
At first, for some reason I was surprised by the simplicity and vagueness of the Tate s glossary
definition for painting, as it simply states in Lehmann s terms painting with a brush. Which almost
feels too simple for what is such a treasured creative act, with thousands of years history. However
when it is boiled down, for me, that s what makes painting so great as it gives you such a broad license
to create whatever you like. Perhaps I was naively expecting more of a pretentious blurb that
sometimes follows such prestigious organisations such as the Tate. ... Show more content on ...
Tress works into Nature, clawing into his surfaces in a mixture of media, creating a thicket of line or
impasto, removing it, retreating, beneath mobile, airy skies. Tress is arguably the most recent
consistent contributor to expressionist landscape painting from Wales. (Julian Freeman, 2006, p.126)
Tress is an established contemporary English painter, known for his intensely vigorous interpretations
of Pembrokeshire s vast landscapes. Creating both obvious and subtle layers within his painting, by
combining and manipulating watercolours, with thick impasto oils and acrylic paints. Whilst also
layering the surface in which he works on, both for effect but also aiding the support system of his
works, as his intense working methods and heavy layers of paint, make light work of the various
layers of thick watercolour paper. This vigour has labelled him as also using the form of abstract
Tress process starts with quick instinctive sketches in the field to get a rough feel for the composition,
shape and form of the landscape, but the final paintings are done in his studio, relying as much on
memory and emotional response to the subject as on the original drawing. He also produces incredibly
expressive and rough charcoal drawings, which carry the same if not more tension than his paintings.
I have also been lucky enough to sit
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Wgu Egt 1 Task 4 Cultural Issues
Cross Cultural Issues with Japan
Cross Cultural Issues with Japan
Having a brother in law who married a Japanese girl, Japan seemed a fitting choice for this
assignment. The Japanese culture is a world apart from the United States literally and figuratively.
Barriers to Operating In Japan
The first barrier that comes to mind is Language. Either the Company employs someone who is well
versed in Japanese and from that Country or it forces the Japanese to speak English. As English is a
more common language in the business world, it would seem as if that forces the Japanese to speak
Certainly, there is a language barrier, namely because most Americans don t speak Japanese and the
Japanese aren t fluent ... Show more content on ...
When said manager is dealing with business people in Japan they must also remember to show proper
respect for those older than them, even if they are only slightly older. It would not be a good idea to
send a young manager to deal with issues. It would also be a better idea to send a man than a woman
as the Japanese still don t have the view of women in the workplace that we do. While the young
manager may have a wealth of business experience, even more than the older person, that doesn t
matter in Japan, the younger would not be respected or listened to in the workplace.
The Japanese also believe that their culture is superior to others, called ethnocentrism. They believe
they are much stronger than their surrounding Asian countries. They see things as fair or not fair only
in terms of how it is fair to Japan and would not be concerned about whether it is fair to Company A s
home Country, the U.S. This could be something that Company A could have with trade issues. The
Japanese will negotiate only on what is good for their Country, not the greater good of mankind.
Americans telling the Japanese to act more like them would not go over well. In the past, America has
tended to bash the Japanese so Company A will need to be almost apologetic from the start and cater
more to Japan from the very
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Comparison Of Pipe Dreams And In Love Again
The melodies in the music ranged from low to high and high to low. For instance, Dirty Fork is an
upbeat funk song with a high pitch. In Pipe Dreams, the pitch changed from high to low. Only a few
songs such as Be Bop, Brushes Anyone? Pot Luck, and In Love Again had a hummable melody. For
example, Be Bop, the saxophone melody returned in another part of the song without any changes to
the piece. While in Brushes Anyone, the drum melody changed to a saxophone melody. In Pot Luck,
there were two melodies with the trumpets and saxophone section and the trombones and drums. The
two melodies were similar, and the pitches changed from low to high. In Love Again, began with a
drum melody and the guitar and piano were slowly added to the melody. As
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Restorative Justice Examples
The video clips expressed countless examples of Restorative Justice in various situations and its
The first video clip talks about the acknowledgement of victims. It asked the question of whether the
justice system was interested in rehabilitation or punishment. In addition, there was acknowledgement
of the social connection. Restorative justice makes the criminal face the victim , to possibly allow the
families of the victims get peace.
The video clip that entitled the Continuum draws much of its attention to the concept of respect and
disrespect. The speaker stated that he believed respect or lack of respect was at the heart of victim
trauma. He stated that victims want vindication by revenge. Furthermore, this video clip
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The History of Stoke Newington Street Names
The History of Stoke Newington Street NamesThe History of Stoke Newington Street Names
The History of Stoke Newington Street Names

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  • 2. The Bhagavad Gita Sparknotes The Bhagavad Gita opens on a literal and intellectual battlefield. Arjuna, a warrior by caste, faces the prospect of riding into battle against his own family. Unable to bear the thought of slaying his own family, he offers his objections to the Hindu god Krishna. Krishna, in turn, introduces the concepts of detachment and selflessness to Arjuna, arguing that while man must sometimes take action, he should not relish the fruits of his action. According to Krishna, every man has his own dharma, or duty, which he must seek to fulfill via selfless devotion. However, the Gita s conception of selflessness does not preclude war, and the Gita also argues that mortal human lives, including those lost in battle, are ultimately insignificant. As a warrior, Arjuna s duty is to fight, even when it means prioritizing his dharma over deep familial concerns (Flood x). On the whole, the Bhagavad Gita supports just war in the context of Hindu thought. The Gita depends on the Hindu idea of reincarnation. In Hindu thought, nobody is mortal every earthly death continues a greater cycle of life. Krishna, with his eternal perspective, encourages Arjuna to focus on this larger idea: Death is assured to all those born, and birth assured to all the dead; you should not mourn what is merely inevitable consequence. (12 13) Krishna expands these ideas further, implying that death in war is not only acceptable but honorable: If slain, you will attain heaven; if conquering, the earth is yours! ... Get more on ...
  • 3. How Organisms Evolved From a Common Ancestors One of the most important principles of biology is the main idea of evolution. This theory states, that all living organisms have evolved from a common ancestor through natural selection acting on hereditary variation (Reece, 2011). Many people today, know humans have evolved from a common ancestor; but they do not recognize the importance of it. Everyone should be educated about how organisms evolved because humans have evolved throughout many centuries. Charles Darwin had many theories that incorporated the main principle of biology, natural selection and evolution. Darwin explained natural selection as an evolutionary change where organisms that become more adapted to their environment will survive better than those who do not ... Show more content on ... While Darwin was on his voyage, the Beagle, he noticed that different organisms and things vary in characteristics and their adaptations to different environments. While Darwin was studying natural selection, he noticed that different species would have to compete for survival allowing some species to have different characteristics that help them survive and produce more offspring. These offspring traits are passed down from their parents, and it will help them become more successful in their need for survival (College, 2009). Darwin had to prove natural selection existed and how traits are passed down to offspring. He did this by the process of Pangenesis (College, 2009). Pangenesis is when each organ in the body has certain particles called gemmules. The gemmules, contain information of how each organ works; they are eventually released to the reproductive organs (College, 2009). They are passed down to the offspring from the reproductive organs. Today, Darwin s theory is well supported because of DNA and fossil records. Charles Darwin spend most of his life focused on the theory of natural selection and evolution. This theory states that all living organisms evolved from a common ancestor (Reece, 2011). Many people know ... Get more on ...
  • 4. The Okefenokee Swamp In the first passage, the Okefenokee Swamp is described with a wide variety of diction. Its features are mentioned with a neutral tone and simply describe what the place looks like. In the second passage, Okefenokee Swamp is portrayed as an unpleasant setting with many disturbing features. Each passage describes the area with a different purpose and a different view. The first passage from the Encyclopedia Britannica has an objective tone, while the second passage has a detestable tone and is subjective. The first passage is unbiased, as the author presents Okefenokee Swamp with straightforward information. The passage is from an encyclopedia, which implies that this passage is purely informative and does not include ... Show more content on ... Any humane reader would see this as unwanted and repulsive. Boyle also focuses on the blood sucking creatures of the swamp, parasites: . . . ticks, mites, hookworms, and paramecia that exist only to compound the misery of life (251). The idea of being surrounded by parasites causes the reader to have a sense of revulsion towards the swamp. Near the end of the passage Boyle adds some humor to portray how revolting the swamp animals truly are: they scratch and stink and sniff at themselves (251). To finally sum up his passage Boyle describes Okefenokee Swamp in two words a hellish zoo . This ultimately reveals the author s feelings of the swamp and the subjective aspect of the second passage, as well as the abominable tone. Both passages contain information of the swamp but each conveys a different tone with the use of its descriptive words and imagery. Boyle leans towards using words that create a sense of disgust in the reader, which simultaneously reveals his own opinion. Meanwhile the first passage from the Encyclopedia Britannica focuses on the use of descriptive words with neutral connotations in order to inform the reader of the swamp and allow him/her to view it as it truly ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Traditional And... Since 1949, mainland China has promoted the use of simplified characters instead of the original traditional characterscite{wangjun}. This issue has been circulated through the ages. In recent years, however, there is an increasingly fierce debate whether we should return to the traditional characters. In fact, both the traditional and simplified characters have merits and drawbacks. However, using simplified characters is more practical, efficient and effective and contributes to the social stability and development. As a result, the government should widen the use of simplified characters. Firstly, simplified characters make it more convenient for the majority of people to get educated.This is because the number of the strokes of simplified ... Get more on ...
  • 6. I Stand Here Ironing By Tillie Olsen Olsen According to the overview from the Alabama virtual Library they claim that Tillie Olsten I Stand Here Ironing to be one of her best known autobiographies. (2010. LitFinder) Olsen wrote about many things through her life but the subjects she was rather fond of include: sex, age, and class. We see how sex and class affects women within I Stand Here Ironing . Sex, class, and age are the key factors that limited people, mainly women that Olsen wrote about. We can see within this story that Olsen related back to her life as a mother during this time of depression with having multiple jobs to help keep them afloat. Olsen gave birth to four kids and at the time she worked, tried to maintain the role of wife, caretaker, and cleaner. The crowd ... Get more on ...
  • 7. My Mother s First Job Essay I was told to ask my mother ,Yaqueline Roman about her life, bring her down to memory lane and put the spotlight on her. As an immigrant ,she told me, she crossed the border in 1995,she had to big careful for the helicopter, since they had to pass a big hill to arrive to San Diego and thats how far The Coyote would leave them .She arrived to Santa Ana,California at the age of 20 with nothing but her ex husband and a 3 month old son. Yaqueline Roman, had a variety of jobs from factories,dollar stores and restaurants. My mother s first job was being a cashier at a dollar store and would win about $3.30 an hour. Her Second Job was in a factory that was located in Chicago,Il. Her task there was too sharp irons, that would be use to cut all types of things.She worked there from 1994 to 1997 and would win about $4.00 per hour . My mother s third job was in a factory located in Chicago, Il and was working there from 1997 to 1998. My mom task was to pack cookies, she would earn about $4.75 per hour. In 2000 to 2003 , she would go to the offices to ask for jobs and the agency was in Chicago ,Il. She would earn about $5.15 an hour ,but she had to pay the agency about 20 dollars a week since they took her and brought her back from the factories. In 2003 2004 she worked in Mundelein,Il and she had to assemble screw drivers and would earn about $5.20 an hour. My mom current job is being a waitress at Taco El Norte. She started in 2004 until now, she get about $ 3.50 an hour but ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Cinematic Techniques Used In The Film The Lives Of Others The Lives of Others was a film that chose to display the notion of lies through the other side. The filmmaker chose to use a committed worker instead of using a citizen trying to get away from the East German regime. Wiesler the focal character is a very serious and committed officer of the East Berlin government. He fought with himself the entire film about what type of person he would be. The filmmaker chose to compare and contrast the feelings of Wielser. He showed he did not have control of his own life, but had to live the lives of others by force. This was an example of how the communist regime controlled the lives of its people. Wiesler was not able to become his true self until the end of the film. The East German Communist mantra had a tight grip on the people in East Germany. The wiring of ... Show more content on ... The most tumultuous act of the Communist party in the film was the hiding of the suicide statistics. Jerska a blacklisted director committed suicide and it was not going to be documented. They did not want to overshadow their great regime with the true number of suicides that were being committed. The Lives of Others portrayed the subtle change of a man who had been controlled most of his adult life. He was controlled by a regime who truly only saw him as an asset for despair in other s lives. Good bye Lenin brought more of a subtle and comedic approach to the life of the average citizen under Communism in East Germany. Many lies were told in this film, but they were told to save the life of a mother who committed her life to East Berlin. The catch was Christiane, who ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Neighborhood Gentrification Extended Essay Geography To What Extent is Gentrification Present in the Liberty Village Neighborhood of Toronto? Gabrielle Lachman: Candidate Number Supervisor: Ms. Hebdon Session: Word Count: 3,707 Citation Style: MLA Abstract This investigation explores gentrification within the Trinity Spadina Ward of Toronto. The research question of To what extent is gentrification present in the Liberty Village neighborhood of Toronto? largely focuses on redevelopment, land use and population demographics. Based on the comparison of four indicators between Ward 20 and the City of Toronto, it was hypothesised that gentrification is a prominent agent of change in the Liberty Village neighborhood. Property value, overall wealth, education ... Show more content on ... Gentrification has a positive effect on a community in the sense that it ameliorates the local economy. In lower income neighborhoods, the expansion of businesses and creation of jobs is limited by the deficiency of monetary flow. However, as wealthier residents relocate to the area and invest money in the community, businesses develop. Overtime, this trend continues and results in economic development as well as more jobs, which benefits the community. Secondly, the process of gentrification typically results in a lower crime rate. This is because gentrification involves the attainment of vacant properties in order to build new developments. Therefore there will be a decrease in vacant properties which typically attract crime. Additionally, an increase in population results in an increase in local government revenue from taxes which can be spent on law ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Homeless Volunteer Homeless Volunteer Tera Penrod Purpose: To share my experience of being homeless and how it has affected me. Audience: Readers interested in being enlightened about the homeless at a personal level. Better is a poor man whose walk is blameless than a rich man whose ways are perverse. PROVERBS 28:6. I learned the truth in this verse while living with relatives in Colorado Springs, Colorado and the time I became homeless. What comes to mind when thinking about homeless people? I remember the first time I saw a homeless person begging at an intersection. He looked scruffy, unkempt, and dirty, which really scared me because I did not know what he would do to me. He just stood there, holding a sign that read, Out of work, ... Show more content on ... I was now out of job, with nowhere to live, and no means of an income. I finally had to swallow any pride I had left and make the call to my father, who lived in Michigan. After talking and explaining everything (most everything, because what girl wants to tell their father they were raped) to my father, he was displeased. He didn t have any money to send me, wouldn t send me money if he did have any, and told me that I chose to move to Colorado, so I needed to work it out for myself. I was more than dumbfounded, and wondered if he even believed me or if he thought I was trying to scheme him for money. Whatever his reasons, I was on my own with no one and nowhere to go. I was officially homeless and horrified. I refused to make signs for begging and didn t want to be judged as I had judged others. I did have a little bit of money, but not enough for a place to live and decided that I would use some of it for the city transit in search of a new job. Looking for a job was much harder than I anticipated because I didn t have an address, references or a phone number to be reached at (because it was shut off for lack of payment). These were the reasons I was unable to completely fill out an application or to be hired. I didn t know of anything else to do except to just be homeless and live like them (or at least how I thought). I knew I had some money left over that I could use for food, and had even thought about staying in a motel for a few nights. ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Marketing in the Travel and Tourism Industry Introduction For this task the author will be discussing the factors which influence the travel and tourism industry and defining the marketing mix. Marketing; The term marketing is a complex management tool and can be defined many ways. Marketing can be defined as being all about getting the right products to the right customer at the right time; in general the term marketing is the action or business of promoting and selling products and services. Marketing is based on thinking about the business in terms of customer needs and satisfaction. The Chartered Institute of Marketing s (CIM) definition of marketing goes as follows Marketing is the management process for identifying and satisfying customer needs profitably . ... Show more content on ... And then there is service related, when on holiday the staffs working at the business or company in which you are a customer in, provide a service and they are crucial to make sure that the customers get the service they deserve and give them a pleasant holiday experience. Place or the location of the business is very important for success. As if a company is in a rural country area that is hard to locate then you re not going to get as many customers as if you were to set the business in the high street or city. The business needs to be accessible in order for customer to come to you. Promotion, A successful product or service means nothing unless the benefit of such a service can be communicated clearly to the target market. Promotion is any activity to raise awareness of a product or to encourage customers to purchase a product. Advertising is a form of promotion but not all promotions are advertisements. The Marketing mix of Apple Product Place Price Promotion Portable Computers e.g. iMac Servers e.g. MobleMe Accessories e.g. Keyboard, Led Cinema Display Wi Fi Based Stations e.g. Airport Express, Time Capsule iPod, iPhone iTunes e.g. movies, audio books Periphal Products e.g. printers, storage devices. Apple Stores are located in Asia/Pacific, Africa, the
  • 12. Middle East, Europe and Latin America. Apple has over 200 ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Bank Medici Ag Essay Founded by Sonja Khon in 1994, Bank Medici AG was a bank located in Vienna, Austria. It became incorporated as a bank in 2003. The bank s president and majority stakeholder is the founder, Sonja Khon. Its major institutional shareholder is Austria s biggest banking group, Bank Austria Creditansalt. Khon owned three quarters of the stakes (75%) and Bank Austria owned the remainder. Prosecutors from the United States, United Kingdom and Austria investigate Ms. Sonja Khon on her involvement business with Bernad L. Madoff. He is a former NASDAQ chairman and founder of the Wall Street firm Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC (BLMIS). For about 23 years, it is alleged that Khon, operating mostly from overseas, was the go to link for bankers, hedge fund managers and wealthy people outside the United States who wanted to invest indirectly, through feeder funds, in Madoff s financial services. Khon s relationship with the financier commenced in 1985 to help grow the Vienna based bank, channeling investor money worth more than $ 9.1 billion into his company. Mardof operated a one of a kind Ponzi ... Show more content on ... This is according to affidavits collected by Austrian prosecutors that The Wall Street Journal reviewed. Madoff in return was supplied with an estimated $3.5 billion from European investors after Khon turned three Medici funds into feeder funds. The net worth of Madoff s Ponzi scheme was $65 billion, and the investigations show how Madoff may have convinced fund managers oversees to root for investors for Madoff. In his lawsuit against Bank Medici AG and its founder, Sonja Khon, Irving Picard referred to Khon as Madoff s criminal soul mate. According to Picard, the scheme made Khon and her family rich, including Bank Austria and UniCredit ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Essay Review of the Band Periphery and Their Album Clear Periphery Clear Review Periphery is a band well known in the metal community as one of the pioneers of the djent/progressive metal movement. They have gained a loyal and sizeable fanbase through their previous two releases, Periphery and Periphery II: This Time It s Personal, as both albums were very innovative and successful. Clear is Periphery s latest EP, released on 1/28/2014, via Sumerian Records. This EP is a unique release, and deviates from the standard Periphery releases in that instead of every Periphery member working on this record together, each member individually works on one song and the album is basically a collection of these tracks. Periphery has stated that this release is meant to be experimental, and not a ... Show more content on ... Pale Aura is my favorite track off Clear and one of my favorite Periphery songs of all time, as everything from the vocals, the instrumentals, to the mood of the track are pieced together so well that it gives me chills. As a whole, there s really not much to complain about the E.P, as each member did a tremendous job in their respective tracks, and the production work is unbelievably well done. Lyrical work on Clear is similar to the musicianship on each track: different yet coherent. Although only four of the tracks have vocals, and the lyrics are all written by different people, each member of Periphery is so talented that none of the songs portray a drop in lyrical quality. My favorite song lyrically would have to be Feed the Ground , as the lyrics are so unique yet interesting. Shots fired and I ve got a fucking reason, To suffocate when the breath leads to treason, cut the ties, collect what s mine, burn everything to the fucking ground. However, the lyrics on Pale Aura , The Parade of Ashes , and The Summer Jam are awesome as well, each fitting the mood and atmosphere of the tracks. Overall, Clear by Periphery is a very impressive album, as we are able to hear each individual member s music style and understand the band a lot better. Although this is just an experiment for the band, it produced some of my favorite Periphery tracks of all time such as The Summer Jam , Feed the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Projects contribute to innovation and development process... Projects contribute to innovation and development process of organizations. They indeed are different and they vary in size, types and challenges. In other words, projects are unique and specific with unambiguous deliverable targeted on meeting certain need or purpose (Mantel et al, 2005 p.1). It can be construction projects, or launching a new product or service, or the conduct of marketing event such as sales, promotions. In particular, a project personnel team, who are experts in specific function that regarding to project and then be grouped, plays an important role in planning, running and controlling the project. Therefore, this essay will discuss about why project personnel team is a critical resource of the project management. ... Show more content on ... Klastorin (2004, p.72 73) mention that many studies conducted to find out relationship between organizational structure and the impact on project outcome. One of them is project matrix, where project managers have fully and directly authority on managing project. Here, project manager s role now involves 50% tactic and understanding situation, 40% administration and only 10% technical application. As soon as project is defined, project manager would be appointed to conduct some first tasks, such as meeting client, preparing budget, schedule, and ensuring proper facilities are available (Meredith et al, 2003, p.118). Meredith et al also mentioned that the most attributes, skills, quality when selecting project manager are strong technical knowledge, able to manage risk, resolve conflict, keep project moving and especially the one who can get the job done (2003, p. 140). Then a support team will be created. They are usually staff in this organization and are experts in this specific project. If not, the project would beyond their ability. As results, team could not accomplish goals inevitably. Taking a failure project as an example, Boeing s Virtual Fence, because of an inadequate understanding of the technical requirements for developing and maintaining a virtual fence across a long border. It was finally cancelled as early as it was due to over budget and could not meet their deadlines (Mullins, 2008). Nevertheless, projects ... Get more on ...
  • 16. A Research Study On T Test Good Morning LV Team Members! We made it! This is our last session and as per your request we will go over the t test for the last time. T test can be used to analyze two data sets that are independent or dependent of each other. There are 3 types of t test: The t test dependent, when the same group of subjects is tested at different time interval, different conditions or more than once. It is also known as the t test for paired samples or t test for correlated sample (Salkind, 2004, p.184). The t test independent: A two sample equal variance test is performed The t test independent: A two sample unequal variance test is performed I will be using the data from the UC Davis Olive Center reports of 2011 to compute the t test value. ... Show more content on ... If one has more than two groups to compare then use the ANOVA. There are two way of doing it: the simple or one way analysis of variance due to the presence of one grouping dimension and the other one is called factorial design. The factorial design is complex, it is similar to the simple ANOVA with the addition of more level to the group. For example: number of girls in group1, group2, group 3 would be simple, now when we add to each group another level like number of boys that would make it to factorial because each group would have girls and boys. 4 Once you have selected the right statistical test, in our case the t test then we will calculate the effect size to find out whether the result is meaningful or not. The t test helps us to understand whether there is statistics significance difference or not. In our example, we want to find the t test of independency mean. To calculate the t test we need to calculate the mean, variance (used to calculate the effect size), SD of each lab results. The t test could be easily calculated using the excel program using four ranges. The first and the second range would be each group data, then select the number of tail (one tail has a t test of rejection on one side and two tail would have on each side bell curve) and finally select the type of t test. One for paired, two for independent with equal variance and three for ... Get more on ...
  • 17. What Is The Major José Manuel Pizarro Matos Chapter Summary Major José Manuel Pizarro Matos Bio Summary Major José Manuel Pizarro Matos is the Chief, Client Services Division of the U.S. Army Institute of Public Health (AIPH). He also occupied the Chief of the Molecular Biology Section and Chief of the Method Development Section at AIPH before becoming the Division Chief. He came to the US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense (USAMRICD) from, where he served from 2009 2012 as deputy chief of the Research Division, chief of the Pharmacology Branch and chief of the Cellular and Molecular Branch. Before USAMRICD, he was assigned the Dwight David Eisenhower Army Medical Center (DDEAMC) from 2004 2009 as the assistant chief of the Department of Clinical Investigation and to the Division of Neurosciences at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (WRAIR) as principal investigator from 2001 to 2004. Major Pizarro received his bachelor of science degree in marine biology from the University of Puerto Rico in Humacao and a master s in biology, with an emphasis in molecular biology. He earned his doctorate in biology, with an emphasis in neurobiology, from the University of Texas at San Antonio. ... Show more content on ... He attended in residence Intermediate Level Education from January to April 2011 at Fort Lee, Virginia and is a member of the Army Acquisition Corps. His military awards include the Meritorious Service Medal (2 OLC), Army Commendation Medal (4 OLC), Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal w/Bronze Star, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Armed Forces Reserve Medal and Army Service ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Night Vale Monologue The gravel crunches under my feet as I wander down the length of our driveway towards the empty county road. I fiddle with my headphones and my blue, rubbery armband holding my iPod; my podcast isn t coming through clearly. I fix my right earphone in time to hear Cecil drawl out Welcome to Night Vale, and I smile honestly for the first time all day. I have an unorthodox relationship with running. As a child, I swore I would never run, that I loathed even the mere idea of running for fun. But now, I find it an escape, a paradise where I can truly be who I am, with no exceptions.. I have a different relationship with Welcome to Night Vale, the fictional podcast about a small desert community with dragons running for mayor and Community Calendar ... Show more content on ... The run over pedestrian sign makes much more sense, I articulate out loud, although I know perfectly well there is no one to hear me; I also know that I would receive peculiar looks for that quirky statement. I don t care. I am alone and I am myself. I turn back towards home, the rapidly disappearing sun to my right hand side now. I run a bit faster, my giggles and thoughts of hypnotic city equipment spurring me on. My stride bounces a bit as I run on the lopsided county road. Lopsided. I think. My sense of humor is lopsided like the road, my sense of happiness, a bit bizarre, but I feel completely at home no matter what the out side view of me is. I turn my thoughts back to the podcast; Dana the Intern is speaking now: I remember diagonals of sunlight in the late afternoon, drawn across its flat expanse, transversed by my grandfather s hand as he swept it through whatever story he was telling, to highlight the words with motion, to motion us closer to the words. I visualize he grandfather, a wrinkled, elderly man with tanned skin, telling stories to his grandchildren. I reminisce on my grandfather; long gone for some time now, whom was kind and encouraged my spunk. I slow to a walk. I am a stone s throw from my home; I can feel the responsibilities calling me ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Heather Mae Erickson Heather Mae Erickson is a designer and artist who s known for her ceramics. She received her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Crafts with a concentration in Art Education from the University of the Arts in Philadelphia and her Master of Fine Arts in ceramic art from Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, MI. Heather was also awarded a Fulbright fellowship to handle independent study at Aalto University in Finland. Through her work, Heather is interested with reaching past the art world and interacting with a variety of people all over the world by designing purposeful tableware. I am not interested in making ceramic teapots that look and work exactly like the ones the world already knows. A prime example that puts her ideas into practice is applying the concept of the waiters serving tray and transforming it together with an enlarged spoon to create a truly unique appetizer platter. I am not sure how far objects can be manipulated using new concepts before the average person needs education and direction to utilize them. I am especially interested in making new objects that comment ... Show more content on ... She seeks clean and precise visuals in her pieces, which at one time contained a range of pastel colors and forms with walls as thin as she could style them on the wheel. She begins her process from the viewpoint of a sculptor, carving a solid chunk of plaster with rasps, refining the details increasingly to create as perfect of a model as possible. Despite the energy of her forms, the vibrant, defined vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines and the sharp distinctions of the planes that these define, any visual conflict characteristic to separate pieces is set into coordination at the level of the group. Erickson s pieces are influenced by objects that surround her and she finds motivation in architecture, nature, shapes, and non ceramic ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Body Shapers Can Create The Illusion Of Weight Loss Without Body shapers help create the illusion of weight loss without actually dieting and exercising. Body shapers are helpful to women who do not look neat and slim even though their actual weight is healthy. Some people argue that body shapers may be harmful or a health risk, yet they do work and do not hurt you if they are worn properly and at the correct size. Women should wear body shapers because in society people should look nice, neat, and presentable. People should at least try body shapers for themselves before ruling them out. Women have been wearing body shaping undergarments for centuries. Modern day body shapers which are sometimes called spanx, were not introduced until the year 2000. Before there were spanx, there were girdles and corsets. The first girdles were woven garments that looked like belts. Girdles were used to shape, reinforce and strengthen the body. The corsets came about around the sixteenth century which were created with animal bones and then later steel rods. The corsets were tightened by pulling the laces in the back until the desired hour glass shape was created to the women s waist. Wearing a corset can also change the bust line, by raising the breasts upwards and shaping them, flattening the stomach, and improving posture. Indeed, excessive corset wearing has been claimed to weaken certain muscles, making it more difficult to maintain posture without a corset. The tightening caused restriction to the organs, especially the lungs causing ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Diary Of Anne Frank Anne frank begins her diary with excitement. She tells how she acquired the diary on Friday, June 12. On the day of her 13th birthday, she wakes up at six in the morning. But of course I was not allowed to get up at that hour, so I had to control my curiosity until a quarter to seven. Anne then talk about her birthday party on Sunday. She and her school friends watched a film named The Lighthouse Keeper with Rin Tin Tin. She believes that paper is more patient than man and named her diary Kitty. Anne gives a brief background information about her childhood. Her father was 36 when he married her mother, who was 25. Anne s sister Margot was born in 1926 in Frankfort on main. Anne was born on June 12, 1929. They are a Jewish family living in Holland. The rest of her family felt the full impact of Hitler s ... Show more content on ... While living in the annex Anne faced many conflicts, dealing with emotions and personal beliefs. Anne was able to write for 2 years in her diary before she was captured by the German Nazis. The author, Anne Frank, writes about her personal life in her diary. She shows her feelings and emotions that she was going through her teenage year living in the annex. Anne grows from an innocent and petty teenage girl to a sensitive thinker. One of the themes in this book is identity . People s identity can affect them, such as being a Jew during the Holocaust. Anne still a child from the outside, wants to become an adult The motif in this book is fear. It helps the reader connect with the author and makes it more realistic. Overall, the book is written by a teenager, making it enjoyable and easy for readers to understand. She did an excellent job writing her diary. Anne s diary differs from other books because it is written in a diary format. This book is recommended for people who are learning about the holocaust or who just simply like reading Girls diary ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Stephen King s Life And Accomplishments Stephen Edwin King was born in Portland, Maine on September 21, 1947. When King was two years old, his father left home and never returned. , leaving him to be raised by his mother. The family moved around to Wisconsin, Indiana, and Connecticut before returning to Maine so his mother could care for her parents. Stephen King attended Durham Elementary School and graduated from Lisbon Falls High School in 1966. He then went on to the University of Maine where he graduated with a Bachelor of Science in English in 1970. King wrote or a column in his college newspaper called The Main Campus1. King received a teaching certificate but could not find work so made many selling short stories. He eventually was hired as a teacher at Hampton Academy ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Life of Idi Amin Essay Idi Amin was a soldier first and foremost. He imposed a scheduled and militaristic way of life on his followers. His own military record paints the picture of his rise to power. During British colonization of Uganda Idi Amin began his endeavor into the military. It was in 1946 that Amin enlisted in the King s African Rifle s, KAR, the British army in colonized Africa. (Boddy Evans) Upon his entry he was placed as assistant cook, a far from glorious position. However he managed to rise through the ranks. He became a Corporal in 1948 and was stationed in Burma, Somalia, and Kenya. This was during the British situation in Kenya that was referred to as the Mau Mau revolt. The Mau Mau gunmen were a secret society of rebels which aimed to over ... Show more content on ... He did so out of fear of being taken out by Obote because he was seen as a threat to the ex presidents authority. Secondly he performed a coup because he acknowledged that he was capable of gaining a higher status of power. Though there were some attempts on Amin s administration he remained in office from 1971 1979. (Boddy Evans) Idi Amin s time in office was seen as the bloodiest times in his countries history. Like most dictators he ruled with fear. His crimes against humanity are well documented and anything that isn t is still spread through word of mouth. It was these erratic actions that lead to the downfall of the Ugandan economy. (Idi Amin Killer File) Obote, the man Amin helped into power prior to his own coup, had a positive effect on the economy. Obote declared a strong national economy with little foreign dependence. Unlike Amin s administration, these types of statements were not propaganda. In the years of Obote s financial independence there was an 11% GDP growth in the economy. However Amin s administration left the country at a negative 0.6% GDP. (Luganda) Amin was welcomed by most western states such as the United Kingdom and Israel. He was seen as a gentle giant and worthy of going into business with. This was in part due to the fact ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Problem Of Pancreas Adenocarcinoma With Complete... Problem Pancreas adenocarcinoma with complete encasement of the superior mesenteric artery and vein. AJCC stage III, T4 Nx M0. Definition Fourth most common cancer mortality cause in USA.1 Contributes to 3% estimated new cancer each year in USA, contributing to 44, 030 new diagnosis and 37, 660 expected deaths in 2013.1 Most aggressive cancer with less than 2% 5 years survival.1 Clinical staging o Stage I or II surgically resectable.2 o Stage III localy advanced, unresectable.2 o Stage IV metastatic.2 Sign and symptoms Abdominal pain.2 Weight loss.2 Asthenia.2 Anorexia.2 Jaundice.2 Diagnostics Best initial diagnostic test using tri phasic pancreatic protocol CT.3 Endoscopic ultrasound.2, 3 MRI.3 Monitor tumour markers carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) and carbohydrate antigen 19 9 (CA19 9). Both has no specificity or sensitivity to be used in screening but can be useful for monitoring patient with known pancreatic cancer.2 Risk factors Genetic/family history.2, 3 Smoking.2, 3 Long standing diabetes mellitus.2, 3 Nonhereditary or hereditary chronic pancreatitis.2 Obesity.2, 3 Non O blood group.2 Occupational exposures.3 High fat diet.3 Complication Poor survival rate upon diagnosis. 90% patient pass away within 1 year being diagnosed.4 Physiological impact, may cause depression,4 anxiety5. Affect quality of life (QOL).4 Metastasis and invasion to another parts of the body.2 Options
  • 25. Pharmaceutical regimen FOLFIRINOX o ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Beaumont Independent School County Case Report We are the attorneys for the Beaumont Independent School District ( BISD or the District ) and will represent the District in any matter related to the above referenced case. Please add the below names, addresses, emails, and fax numbers to TEA s proof of service regarding this case. BISD hereby files its Notice of Insufficiency and Plea to the Jurisdiction/Motion to Dismiss the Complaint in the instant matter. PETITIONER S COMPLAINT IS INSUFFICIENT The IDEA regulations require a due process complaint to contain a description of the nature of the problem resulting in the complaint, including facts relating to the problem. A party may not have a hearing until the party files a due process complaint that meets these requirements at 34 ... Show more content on ... A due process complaint must contain, inter alia, a description of the nature of the problem of the child relating to such proposed initiation or change, including facts relating to such problem, 20 U.S.C. Section 1415 (b)(7)(A)(ii)(III) and 34 C.F.R. Part 300.508 and a proposed resolution of the problem to the extent known and available to the party at the time. (20 U.S.C. Section 1415 (b) (7) (A) (ii) (IV).) [A] party may not have a due process hearing until the party, or the attorney representing the party, files a notice that meets the requirements of [20 U.S.C. Section 1415 (b)(7)(A)(ii)]. (20 U.S.C. Section 1415(b) (7) (B).) The recipient of a due process complaint must notify the Hearing Officer and all other parties if it believes the complaint has not met the requirements of §1415 (b) (7) (A) (ii) within fifteen (15) days of receiving the complaint. (20 U.S.C. Sections 1415(c) (2) (A) and 1415(c) (2) (C).) In accordance with (20 U.S.C. Section 1415(c) (2) (D) and 34 C.F.R. Part 300.508 the Hearing Officer must notify the parties in writing of its determination as to the sufficiency of the complaint within five (5) days of receiving the notice of insufficiency. Whether a complaint is sufficient is a matter within the sound discretion of the Administrative Law Judge. (Assistance to States for the Education of Children with Disabilities Preschool Grants for Children with Disabilities (Aug. 14, 2006) 71 FR 46,540 46541, ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Attending Catholic School Essay Attending Catholic school is very important to me especially because I have a lot of very good friends at Sacred Heart School. For example, my best friend Lucianna is attending Sacred Heart again next year and I look forward to her company. My teachers and the staff at Sacred Heart are kind, dedicated, and very nice and I really like our principal Mr. Coyle. Mr. Coyle teaches us that school can be holy, educational, and fun all at the same time. Everyone at my school teaches us about our Catholic faith, like the importance of following the ten commandments, our church history such as Peter becoming a martyr for his faith, and learning a lot prayers such as the Apostles Creed and the Prayer of Saint Francis. At my Catholic school we go to church every month and we have religion class every day. I like learning about my faith and that by having religion class on a daily basis, practice makes permanent. We have special faith activities like our entire school says rosaries together and we have stations of the cross. We get to wear a uniform, which I think is really pretty, and I do not have to ... Show more content on ... I want to produce excellent work in my math class and to receive a superior grade. I hope to continue to doing well in math, becoming further skilled with multiplication and division and to someday to learn Algebra. I wish to put forth an exceptional effort in Social Studies class and to learn a lot more about the United States and US history. I plan to do great in Language Arts, in grammar, spelling, writing, and to receive an exceptional grade. I want to do great in Religion class, to continue to learn about my Catholic faith, and to receive an A+. I plan to do great in Science, as I feel learning in our science lab is really neat, we can perform experiments, use microscopes, and explore inventors and ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Horizon Oil Rig Explosion The 2010 Horizon Oil Rig Explosion On April 20th, 2010 an explosion occurred that would be considered one of the worst oil spills in U.S. history. The explosion was cause by a surge of natural gas that made it way to the Horizon rig s platform that ignited. This caused the rig to capsize and sink, thus breaking risers that were being use to counter act the large amount of pressure from oil and natural gasses (Pallardy, 2015). The explosion killed 11 workers and injured 17 others. The explosion caused a massibe leak in the oil wellhead. It took 87 days for the wellhead to be closed and it is estimated that over that time around 210 million gallons of oil leaked into the gulf (Gulf Oil Spill, 2011). BP workers tried to activate a blowout prevent that was part of the Horizon rig s design. This mechanism was supposed to close off any way to draw out oil bu the mechanism malfunctioned due to the pressure form the gas and oil that cause the explosion (Pallardy, 2015). The explosion happened a few miles from the Loop Current which is a large current of warm water in the Gulf that covers a massive amount of distance making it easy from the oil to spread (Treudaburg Gramling, 2010). Over the next couple of months they tried a variety of different caps to try to stem the flow of oil but they were generally unsuccessful and oil still leaked through. It wasn t until July that the flow was finally stopped by a functional blowout preventer cap (Pallardy, 2015). Impacts on Coral ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Literature Review On Concussions The first peer reviewed article source that I used was, Concussions in football: addressing uncertainty and establishing institutional regulations to protect athletes this source is by Dotson, Football Concussion. This article is about how concussions have become a serious issue in high contacts sports. Concussions have gained attention form the neuroscience and neuro law community. The main goal of this article is to lower the rate of concussions that are happening in contact sports, and the protect the overall health of an athlete. In this article, they also talk about how different states around the country have already confronted this issue. I found this topic doing a google search. I searched up football concussions scholarly articles. ... Show more content on ... For this interview, I will write down five questions that I want the person to answer. I collected my field research data on Friday, February 17,2017. On that day, the field research was conducted at the field house on Seton Hill`s campus. The person that I interviewed was Katherine Shipe. She is a Licensed Athletic trainer and certified in Association for Contextual Behavioral Science. The method of doing a Q A field research will benefit my topic the most I will get a better understanding of the answers that I need for my questions, then looking them up online. Most of the information that is being put out online is not reliable or it is hard to tell if it is creditable information. sometimes I may not be able to find exactly what I am are looking for on the internet. Having a face to face conversation about the topic from the certified professional athletic trainer Katherine Shipe will help me know what she things on the subject, what I already know on the subject, and the information that I find on the internet. This field research activity helped me gain a better understanding on concussions. On the other hand, there were some obstacles that I ran into. Some of the terminology that Katherine Shipe used about the brain concussions were new to me. I had to do some research on my own to find out what the words mean and how they that apply to a ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Liliana Valenci A Case Study Liliana Valencia is no stranger to the Real Estate Business with 10 plus years of experience in multi family property management. A former HUD certified counselor with the UF Osceola County Extension Services. She conducted workshops and counseling on financial literacy, budget counseling, first time homebuyer s workshops, and Foreclosure Prevention. She devoted her time and effort into educating the community about Housing and Money management programs, including state and Federal programs available. Liliana advocated so many families in her community, Liliana realized that she could use her passion to help others with one of the most important decisions in their lives; buying or selling a home. Liliana is proud to use her experience ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Essay about Natural Descriptions in Coleridge s and Lord... Natural Descriptions in Coleridge s and Lord Byron s Texts Works Cited Missing Two closely related texts, one that we ve studied in this class and one that we haven t, that handle natural description differently are Coleridge s The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and Lord Byron s Manfred. Both of these texts central characters have experienced trauma, and their portrayal of their environments reveal the effects that the events have left on them. While Coleridge s mariner is unable to consolidate his past and is relegated to constantly relive it, Byron s Manfred has protected himself from his unnamed vice by distancing himself from his feelings and environment. Obvious parallels exist between the poems, but what I found most striking ... Show more content on ... This image accomplishes two things: 1) It tells the reader how he views himself, comparing himself to a thousand thousand slimy things (l 237). 2) And it shows how he views the outside world, as a corrupted, threatening environment. These descriptions reflect the events well enough to determine that the mariner is attempting to accurately relive/retell the events. While making it sound as if it s for the benefit of those that he s telling, the arbitrariness of selecting the audience and the ambiguity of the story s message discredit the mariner s suggestion and imply that the stories retelling is for the mariner s benefit. Again, Coleridge s mariner and Byron s Manfred share in their experiences of trauma but differ in their attempts to overcome it. The psychological analogy that working through trauma mirrors the habituation of an event can explain this difference. By repeatedly attempting to experience the trauma, the mariner tries to get use to his past to reconcile with his emotions. Manfred has successfully completed this process. The downfall with habituation is that you eventually become desensitized to that stimuli and therefore lose a connection with the environment, which is exactly Manfred s situation. The descriptions in Byron s text seem, largely, distant emotionally and physically. He doesn t attempt to revisit his ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Seagate Case Seagate Buyout Case Group 5 Heng Qiao Eduardo Pereira Wei Wang Yanan Pei Introduction of the companies Seagate Technology, Inc. is one of the world s largest manufacturers of computer disk drives and related data storage devices with approximately $6.5 billion in annual revenues. In early November 1999, Luczo, president and CEO of Seagate considered a restructuring proposal with Silver Lake, a successful private equity firm that is specified in technology business investing. In May 1999, Seagate sold its Network Storage Management Group to VERITAS Software Corporation, an independent manufacturer of storage management systems, for approximately 155 million shares of VERITAS stock. With an ownership ... Show more content on ... This results in the cash portion of the purchase price available for payment to Seagate s stockholders in connection with the merger to be approximately $1.285 billion (less the amount of rolled equity) . While many of the implied equity values for Seagate s operating businesses summarized in the table above exceeded the $2 billion purchase price in the leveraged buyout, Morgan Stanley arrived at its opinion that the consideration to be received by holders of Seagate common stock in connection with the merger was fair, from a financial point of view, to those holders, by considering all of its analyses of the merger and the leveraged buyout, taken as a whole. The passages show that Morgan Stanley fear value was $2 billion for the business operation. This value is 43% lower than our valuation of $3.48 billion for the deal. The passages and the published document are not clear why the fear value should be so low. This vague suggestion is more eccentric when we look the valuation made by Morgan Stanley. It had made a valuation using different methods such as comparable analysis, discount equity analysis, discount cash flow analysis, and sum of the parts analysis, and different scenarios (Figure XXX). Based on the values that Morgan Stanley calculated, we calculated a weighted average value for it. Using the same weighted for each of the cases scenarios, and methods showed in the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Challenge Of Maintaining And Improving Brand... Consulting Paper #1: The challenge of maintaining and improving brand management for Procter Gamble Introduction This consulting paper aims to focus on the challenges of Procter Gamble in the area of brand management. The topic of brand management is an important aspect of multi national companies like Procter Gamble especially in the area of consumer goods. The tasks being encountered by consumer goods companies like Procter Gamble present the highly complicated business environment characterized by increased global competition, the need to diversify products, and the pressure to reduce cost while maintaining brand quality (Haas, McGurk, and Mihas, A new world for brand managers ). These business elements are important indicators that must be addressed by Procter Gamble in order to maintain their market edge and competitiveness especially in an immensely globalized economy and great competition in the area of consumer goods. The paper s objective is to identify the various possible issues and challenges that can impact Procter Gamble s marketing efficiency specifically in the area of brand management. Procter Gamble Company and Brand Overview Procter Gamble or P G is a multinational company based in Cincinnati, Ohio that develops and sells consumers goods. It is known for various brands in the area of consumer goods such as Crest, Head Shoulders, Gillette, Tide, Oral B, and Pampers to name a few of its top brands (Procter Gamble, Our Brands ). The ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Role Of Political Correctness In My Writing Aiming to achieve political correctness within my own writing presents challenges, especially in online classrooms without the benefit of relational capital. In other words, writing papers for a faceless audience demands appropriate vocabulary to satisfy the rhetorical context of a written assignment without sacrificing my authentic ideas, expression, and intentions. Considering how a reader may perceive and interact with my content remains as top priority during the all three rounds of editing. During the entire editing process, I use consult resources such as a reference books and other educational text to identify jargon and determine if such terms either benefit or hinder a reader s experience with my paper while attempting to adhere to political correctness (P.C.). Once, I had to write a paper that compares a female, house slave s experience with a male, slave that performed manual labor outside of the home. My writing challenges revolved around my audience demographics. Because the audience comprised of ... Show more content on ... For instance, I defined terms and avoided offensive language but my paper contained large sections that diminished the horrors associated with slavery. After carefully considering my audience, sources, and original intentions for making the comparisons, I deleted sentences with unclear and generic terms to clarify and add meaning to my statements. Unfortunately, talking and reading about slavery provokes negative emotions at times; however, editing empowers me to present inconvenient truths in a respectful manner using language easily understood by a multicultural audience. In summary, writing a politically correct paper, free from jargon, presents challenges for me while developing my ability to make appropriate revisions without hiding an authentic message from readers or confusing them in the process of reading my ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Was The Peloponnesian War Inevitable The Peloponnesian War Is war ultimately inevitable? Many may say the answer seems to be a definite yes, but to answer this question, one must evaluate the causes, the history, and the aftermath of war. The Peloponnesian War is an excellent war that can be examined. It was a great war fought by two very powerful Greek city states, Athens and Sparta. It started on April 25th, 431 B.C. and lasted until 404 B.C., a whole generation. The war caused major destruction and many lives from both sides were lost making Greece never be the same again. Athens and Sparta started off as allies standing side by side when they took on the Greco Persian Wars lasting between 499 B.C. and 449 B.C.. They remained superior among the city states for over a half ... Show more content on ... Their leaders refused Sparta s offerings of peace and the war continued. Both the Spartans and the Athenians gained some victories, but the end came in 405 B.C. during the battle of Aegospotami. Sparta had gained aid from the Persians and were able to defeat the Athenian navy once again. The following year the Athenians finally surrendered and Sparta dismantled its empire. The Peloponnesian War brought disease, destruction, famine, widespread civil wars, and a huge loss of life. The war was a complete catastrophe for Athens, who never fully regained their empire back. Sparta won the war, but they didn t become a great city and a new empire was never built. Sparta attempted to lead the Greeks, but soon fell short and new leaders were called forth. The aftermath of the war for Athens was brutal, but they worked hard to get everything back together. Most Athenian households lost fathers, sons, and brothers to the battles of the Peloponnesian War, but they found ways to compensate. Many made a living by selling clothing they made or other goods. Many of the manufactured Athenian goods came from such ... Get more on ...
  • 36. 4 Ethical Issues with Enron Essay There was a vast number of ethical issues raised in the movie Enron the Smartest Guys in the Room but the four I am going to focus on are listed below. Art Anderson, Ken Lay and all of the other executives did a number of unethical things which ultimately brought down Enron and affected thousands of employees and their futures. The bottom line was that each and every one of them acted out of greed for the almighty dollar. 1 Encouraging employees to invest and buy stock in Enron when they knew the truth about the lack of value in the stock. As an employee you trust in your management to make the best choices both for you and for the business to succeed. Ken Lay and other executives strongly encouraged Enron employees to invest in ... Show more content on ... One Merrill Lynch analyst began to question the numbers and profits that were being produced by Enron and eventually he was fired. Enron invested a lot of money with Merrill Lynch and they didn t want Enron to stop investing so Merrill Lynch got rid of the employee who question Enron, when in reality they should have listened to him. Merrill Lynch s decision not to listen to him showed other employees that they better keep quiet with their opinions or their jobs would be on the line. If they listened to him they might have lost the deal with Enron, but in the end they lost it anyway and lost millions along with it. Merrill Lynch s main focus should have been their employees and their investors, not solely Enron. They should have stuck to their code of conduct and followed their values. 3 Manipulated earnings. Enron executives and accountants cooked the books and lied about the financial state of the company. They manipulated the earnings and booked revenue that never came in. This was encouraged by Ken Lay as long as the company was making money. Once word got out that they were disclosing this information, their stock plummeted from $90 to $0.26 causing the corporation to file for bankruptcy. This deception on behalf of the executives and others in the organization who hid this vastly affected anyone who had stock in Enron as well as stock in other energy corporations. The ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Chiquita Banana Case Study From the case, we saw that the executives of Chiquita Banana in Columbia chose to pay the AUC for protection from the FARC. The US government put AUC on its list of terrorist organization on September 2001. Chiquita brand international is a pioneer in the globalization of the banana industry, where bananas are not only a serious business, but it is a representation of economic, social, political, and legal difficulties. From the perspective of Chiquita s Columbian subsidiary, Banadex S.A., they first began funding AUC in 1997 after receiving threats directed at its property and its employees. Chiquita was sending money to the AUC roughly every month in order to save their employees and property. Being in charge of the business, it was the responsibility of the company to put their employees safety first, and thus I feel they were in the right when they started making the payments at first. This was not a safe time because during the period of mid 1960s, Columbian civil war and armed conflict were very prevalent in those areas. There was the emergence of powerful drug cartels, which also increased the intensity of the conflict. Moreover, there was the presence of FARC, which is a revolutionary guerrilla organization and were involved in illicit and violent activities like extortions, bombings, kidnapping, as well as attacks on political and military goals. AUC promised Chiquita Banana the protection from the political and war world around them. It made sense at that time ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Allegory In Fahrenheit 451 Research Paper Rough Draft Fahrenheit 451 is one of the most celebrated and adored books of the 21st century. Ray Bradbury creates a futuristic world that is meant to make the reader examine their own world more closely. This book is an allegory about the dangers of societal censorship and technology. The author uses symbolism and imagery to enhance the allegory s hidden meaning. This allegory touches on issues so poignant that they are still as relevant today as they were in their own time. An allegory is a story that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning. This narrative strategy is used commonly by authors today but has been around for centuries. It is a useful technique to persuade the reader to think outside the box. The reader must see the story itself and also it s hidden intent. In other words, the story is both figurative and literal silmultaneously. Fahrenheit 451 is a perfect example of this technique. Literally, montag is a book burning fireman who faces a crisis of faith that will change his life. Figuratively, montage represents each of us in a society where technology and government have taken over large aspects of our lives. Ray Bradbury was an American author and screenwriter who has worked with many genres. He is most well known for Fahrenheit 451. He developed concerns about the vulnerability of books from a young age. He did not appreciate that some books were not deemed literary enough for his public library. He was also greatly angered by ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Pros And Cons Of Alibaba Goes Business Alibaba Goes Public 1. Pros and Cons of Stock Pyramid, Dual class equity and cross ownership with empirical evidence Stock Pyramid: The control of a firm through a chain of ownership relations. Firms with high investment requirements and/or low profitability are more likely to be set up in pyramids. Pros: 1. Family/Owners have access the entire stock of retained earnings of the original firm 2. To share the new firm s non diverted payoff with minority shareholders of the original firm Cons: 1. Benefits are mainly captured by the main owners 2. Poor investor protection, enabling the family to extract benefits from the firms it controls at the expense of minority shareholders 3. Poor investor protection leads to high diversion of cash flows ... Show more content on ... Founders are able to maintain control of the startup. As theyput their blood sweat into their startup; the thought of losing control is frightening and this structure gives them comfort 2. Other smaller stockholders are not be able to collectively overrule the founder on company decisions 3. Allows strong leadership to put long term interests first while seeing beyond the near term financial situation 4. Ownership stakes in managers hands tend to improve corporate performance Cons: 1. Might scare off potential investors or even future hires 2. Allows a small group of privileged shareholders to maintain control while others (with less voting power) provide the majority of the capital. 3. Heavy voting control by insiders weakens the corporate structure 4. These stocks tend to under perform E.g.: If a founder has a 10 to 1 multiple then he or she only needs a smaller percentage to maintain control, much smaller than 50% anyways.This is why the structure is so appealing. Cross Ownership: Cross Ownership is a method in which a company owns stocks of the companies with which it does business. It is used to reinforce business relationships. Heavy cross ownership is also called as circular ownership Company A holds stock of Company B and vice versa. Pros: Creates closer business ... Get more on ...
  • 40. The Importance Of Maintaining The Correct Acid Base Balance The importance of maintain the correct acid base balance in the body is crucial for a healthy lifestyle. Human bodies are very sensitive to pH levels and must be maintained to prevent any health issues. The term pH means potentials oh hydrogen. To function properly our blood pH is regulated at 7.4. The degree of acidity or alkalinity is referred to as the acid base balance. The acidity levels increase when the acidic compounds in the blood increase of the alkaline compounds in the blood fall. Alkalinity increases when the reverse occurs. The levels of alkaline and acidic compounds depend on the body s intake, production or decreased elimination or vice versa. If the pH rises or falls increasingly the body s proteins and enzymes can denature and stop functioning. This can cause serious diseases such as cancers or even death. Therefore, our body has essential mechanisms in place to regulate the pH of our blood. Regulating acid base balance: The main functions of the body that deal with maintaining acid base balance are the buffer, renal and respiratory systems. Buffer System: Normal metabolism produces hydrogen in the form of acids; to maintain the pH of the blood the acids are buffered or removed from the body. A buffer works in a pair, a weak acid is activated when the pH is at risk from a strong base/ a weak base is activated when the pH is at risk from a strong acid. Whenever the buffer reaction is carried out the concentration of one of the pairs increases while the ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Charlemagne Pros And Cons Known as The King of the Franks, Charlemagne inherited half of his father s kingdom at his death in AD 768 and took over the other half at his brother s death in AD 771. In keeping with the tradition of his predecessors, Charlemagne s reign was characterized by three decades of military campaigns. During his reign, Charlemagne led campaigns against the Saxons, the Lombards, Spain and Bavaria. His empire extended from Saxony in the North to the Spanish March in the South and Italy in the West. Charlemagne was officially named as the first Roman Emperor by the Pope in late AD 800. He remained emperor until AD 814. Charlemagne ruled as king but relied on an inner circle of trusted advisors. He also relied on counts to govern the various territories, ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Practice Of Applying Paint Or Other Media At A... What is painting? The practice of applying paint or other media to a surface, usually with a brush. resources/glossary/p (Tate, 2014) At first, for some reason I was surprised by the simplicity and vagueness of the Tate s glossary definition for painting, as it simply states in Lehmann s terms painting with a brush. Which almost feels too simple for what is such a treasured creative act, with thousands of years history. However when it is boiled down, for me, that s what makes painting so great as it gives you such a broad license to create whatever you like. Perhaps I was naively expecting more of a pretentious blurb that sometimes follows such prestigious organisations such as the Tate. ... Show more content on ... Tress works into Nature, clawing into his surfaces in a mixture of media, creating a thicket of line or impasto, removing it, retreating, beneath mobile, airy skies. Tress is arguably the most recent consistent contributor to expressionist landscape painting from Wales. (Julian Freeman, 2006, p.126) Tress is an established contemporary English painter, known for his intensely vigorous interpretations of Pembrokeshire s vast landscapes. Creating both obvious and subtle layers within his painting, by combining and manipulating watercolours, with thick impasto oils and acrylic paints. Whilst also layering the surface in which he works on, both for effect but also aiding the support system of his works, as his intense working methods and heavy layers of paint, make light work of the various layers of thick watercolour paper. This vigour has labelled him as also using the form of abstract expressionism. Tress process starts with quick instinctive sketches in the field to get a rough feel for the composition, shape and form of the landscape, but the final paintings are done in his studio, relying as much on memory and emotional response to the subject as on the original drawing. He also produces incredibly expressive and rough charcoal drawings, which carry the same if not more tension than his paintings. I have also been lucky enough to sit ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Wgu Egt 1 Task 4 Cultural Issues Cross Cultural Issues with Japan Cross Cultural Issues with Japan Having a brother in law who married a Japanese girl, Japan seemed a fitting choice for this assignment. The Japanese culture is a world apart from the United States literally and figuratively. Barriers to Operating In Japan The first barrier that comes to mind is Language. Either the Company employs someone who is well versed in Japanese and from that Country or it forces the Japanese to speak English. As English is a more common language in the business world, it would seem as if that forces the Japanese to speak English. Language Certainly, there is a language barrier, namely because most Americans don t speak Japanese and the Japanese aren t fluent ... Show more content on ... When said manager is dealing with business people in Japan they must also remember to show proper respect for those older than them, even if they are only slightly older. It would not be a good idea to send a young manager to deal with issues. It would also be a better idea to send a man than a woman as the Japanese still don t have the view of women in the workplace that we do. While the young manager may have a wealth of business experience, even more than the older person, that doesn t matter in Japan, the younger would not be respected or listened to in the workplace. The Japanese also believe that their culture is superior to others, called ethnocentrism. They believe they are much stronger than their surrounding Asian countries. They see things as fair or not fair only in terms of how it is fair to Japan and would not be concerned about whether it is fair to Company A s home Country, the U.S. This could be something that Company A could have with trade issues. The Japanese will negotiate only on what is good for their Country, not the greater good of mankind. Americans telling the Japanese to act more like them would not go over well. In the past, America has tended to bash the Japanese so Company A will need to be almost apologetic from the start and cater more to Japan from the very ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Comparison Of Pipe Dreams And In Love Again The melodies in the music ranged from low to high and high to low. For instance, Dirty Fork is an upbeat funk song with a high pitch. In Pipe Dreams, the pitch changed from high to low. Only a few songs such as Be Bop, Brushes Anyone? Pot Luck, and In Love Again had a hummable melody. For example, Be Bop, the saxophone melody returned in another part of the song without any changes to the piece. While in Brushes Anyone, the drum melody changed to a saxophone melody. In Pot Luck, there were two melodies with the trumpets and saxophone section and the trombones and drums. The two melodies were similar, and the pitches changed from low to high. In Love Again, began with a drum melody and the guitar and piano were slowly added to the melody. As ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Restorative Justice Examples The video clips expressed countless examples of Restorative Justice in various situations and its benefits. The first video clip talks about the acknowledgement of victims. It asked the question of whether the justice system was interested in rehabilitation or punishment. In addition, there was acknowledgement of the social connection. Restorative justice makes the criminal face the victim , to possibly allow the families of the victims get peace. The video clip that entitled the Continuum draws much of its attention to the concept of respect and disrespect. The speaker stated that he believed respect or lack of respect was at the heart of victim trauma. He stated that victims want vindication by revenge. Furthermore, this video clip ... Get more on ...