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The Elephant Man Essay
Crafting an essay on "The Elephant Man" presents a unique set of challenges, as the topic delves
into sensitive aspects of human existence. One must navigate the intricate balance between
empathy and objectivity when discussing the life of Joseph Merrick, the individual famously
known as "The Elephant Man." The subject matter revolves around Merrick's physical
deformities and the societal reactions he faced during the Victorian era, raising ethical
considerations and emotional complexities.
To delve into Merrick's life, a writer must conduct thorough research to comprehend the
historical and medical contexts surrounding his condition. This involves immersing oneself in the
cultural nuances of the 19th century and understanding the prevailing attitudes towards
disability. Addressing the psychological impact of Merrick's experiences requires a delicate touch
to avoid sensationalism and ensure a respectful portrayal of his humanity.
Moreover, constructing a coherent narrative demands a keen awareness of the intricacies of
Merrick's personal journey. This includes exploring his relationships, aspirations, and the
challenges he encountered as he navigated a world that often marginalized him. The essay should
strive to evoke empathy while avoiding pity, encouraging readers to reflect on broader themes of
acceptance, compassion, and the human capacity for resilience.
In addition, discussing "The Elephant Man" involves analyzing various artistic representations,
whether in literature, film, or other mediums. Evaluating the impact of these interpretations on
shaping public perceptions requires a critical lens, requiring the writer to explore the nuances of
how Merrick's story has been portrayed over time.
In conclusion, writing an essay on "The Elephant Man" demands a delicate balance between
historical accuracy, empathy, and critical analysis. Navigating the intricacies of this topic requires
a thoughtful and nuanced approach to do justice to Joseph Merrick's complex life and the
profound issues it raises.
For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, you may explore resources like, where professionals can provide support and guidance tailored to your
The Elephant Man Essay The Elephant Man Essay
Essay about Competitive Strategies and Government
Competitive Strategies and Government Policies
Team A
Competitive Strategies and Government Policies Alternative fuel is a big issue
becoming more of a common discussion topic among many firms around the world,
along with politicians all over the world. There are many regulations and
government policies that will come into play in the years to come for the fuel
market and those involved. There will be negative and positive externalities
involved, issues that will need to be adjusted to, for example new companies
entering the market, globalization that will affect price and price sustainability of
profit and different types of mergers that will be described in this ... Show more
content on ...
Tax exemptions are available to those who use alternative fuel in such a way as to be
deemed nontaxable by the IRS. Common nontaxable uses in a motor vehicle are:
on a farm for farming purposes; in certain intercity and local buses; in a school bus;
exclusive use by a nonprofit educational organization; and exclusive use by a state,
political subdivision of a state, or the District of Columbia. (DOE, 2011) The positive
externality associated with this tax exemption is lower air pollution in large urban
A negative externality associated with alternative fuels as an energy source is the loss
of jobs for those who work in the fossil fuel industry. If alternative fuel sources
become more popular and are mandated as the primary energy source for motor
vehicles, there are thousands of Americans whose livelihoods could be adversely
affected due to the shut down of rigs both on and off shore. Entire companies could
be forced to close, as they are not financially equipped to handle a retrofit to produce
or refine alternative type fuels.
Global Competition on Decisions Made by Management
The world market for biofuels has expanded leading to global competition. Many
countries are passing laws supporting biofuel industries due to the rise in oil prices,
global warming, and economic opportunity. As oil prices rise, the demand for biofuel
increases. The problem with the
Essay on Western Music vs. Indigenous Music
Defining reconciliation alone can be a cumbersome task. It has been defined as
many things such as a collection of lived practices a culture, a cultural project, a
sea change in the psyche of a nation and a product of the imagination of the lunar
left (Rigney Hemming, 2011). The main idea one should keep in mind when
reading this paper, is the discrepancies between Indigenous and Western worlds and
the way in which they conceptualise music. When understanding music as a tool for
reconciliation, it can be defined under any of the headings stated above. The way in
which traditional and popular music is discussed in this paper can be identified as a
collection of lived practices a culture (Rigney Hemming, 2011) . ... Show more
content on ...
When thinking about the music industry from this point of view, the lack of credit
and exposure given to traditional music is appalling. Traditional communities assign
an array of powers to their music such as: the power to heal sickness, create bountiful
game, cause lightning to strike [and] kill (Mills, 1996).
As Allan Marett (2005) states in his text Songs, Dreamings and Ghosts: there is a
great deal of ambivalence within Australian society about the contribution that
Aboriginal knowledge and modes of expression can and should make to the national
consciousness, ranging from those who embrace Aboriginal ways of being in the
world as the key to understanding how to be in Australia, to those who reject them
totally as primitive, inimical to development, or simply irrelevant to civilised values.
This description is a seemingly accurate account from both sides of non Indigenous
Australian s perceptions of Indigenous Australians. John Howard s eleven year reign
as Prime Minister, and his political campaign of Practical Reconciliation , sheds some
understanding on the assimilationist and westernised mindset that some Australian
citizens possess (Gunstone, 2010). However, as Australia becomes more multicultural
unless the nation is content with going into a state of ruin acceptance of diverse
cultures must be recognised and
Garrett Hardin Book Report
Garrett Hardin was those type of people who used to be against something. He
didn t want to support the poor nations. He was ambitious to the poor nations
because he said that sooner or later the poor nations will help them self to become
the best. He was also afraid that the population will grow in the world. He said that
in year 2100 the population will be too big. He also said that the lifeboat theory
was a metaphor because those 50 men in the lifeboat is the population and
basically is saying if the population grows and grows everything will get packed .
He actually predicted that the population grew and grew. He also warned mostly
everyone that the world will be overpopulated. Women s right was planned by
Susan.B , she also did a lot of protest for rights. She gives out too many examples
about why women... Show more content on ...
Also this teacher sa Okay in this book is about this dad who wrote a note to his
father and he asking why is his son failing and everything. He is saying that his son
is curious and all that. He was also saying that wolf has being teached another way.
He was also saying that wolf is mostly with his mom all day watching her dance for
their religion. He was also saying that wolf is a shy indian kid.
Wolf s dad is just asking the teacher everything for he can understand what s
happening with wolf. He was also saying that he wasn t suppose to be treated like
that. He was telling her that just because his has a different way wolf got teached
there s no reason why to judge wolf culture. Wolf s dad is trying to be respectful to
his son.
In this book is just trying to say that the teacher doesn t has any respect to Wolf.
Basically is saying that education does not support indian culture. This teacher is
being respect after what s she done.She also said that wolf is a slow learner. While
the dad is proving her wrong . He is saying that mostly everyone is being racist to
Indian culture. Also they re disrespectful and they have to learn how to
Foils In Hedda Gabler
In the play Hedda Gabler, Henrik Ibsen uses dramatic foils to criticize societal
expectations of women in 19th century Norwegian Society. Ibsen manipulates the
literary devices within the play to portray the contrasting passions, desires and goals
that vary within the female characters. In turn showing their struggle against
Victorian society and seeking intellectual or even emotional empowerment as
individuals. The stage description, introduces Hedda s as an aristocratic lady who
physically embodies breeding and distinction . Through the nouns breeding and
distinction , Ibsen conveys a sense of being moulded by Norwegian society to
conform to societal norms. A depiction that positions her as being forced into proper
societal etiquette... Show more content on ...
Like Hedda, Thea has entered a loveless marriage, a marriage of convenience. Both
are dissatisfied by their husband s inability to fulfil their emotional and intellectual
needs. However, Thea asserts her individuality, renounces a distasteful marriage,
and gains freedom. Unlike Hedda, she has no fear of gossip and scandal: I have
done nothing, but what I had to do, Thea is unrepentant about leaving her husband,
disregarding social norms to seek fulfilment. In doing so she finds intellectual
fulfilment within a metaphorical marriage with Lovborg, creating a child .
Lovborg refers to the book as being a physical representation of Thea s pure soul
showing that the act of destroying the book was similar to child murder as it took
away the absolute joy and fulfilment that Thea had been seeking, which is very
similar to the emotions that women tend to develop when they have their own
children. In contrast, Hedda s impending pregnancy saddens her because a child
will tie her down and therefore she seeks to strip Thea of her fulfilment by burning
Thea and Lovborg s child similar to her desire to burn Thea s hair. The usage of the
verb, burn shows Hedda s destructive and vicious nature towards Thea who has found
Dave Egger s Shortcomings In Zeitoun
In his national bestselling novel Zeitoun, author Dave Eggers draws sympathy from
his audience by applying the three appeals during the documentation of a muslim
family s experience with racial prejudice in post 9/11 Katrina. Eggers purpose calls
upon painting a vivid picture of the discrimination towards the protagonist and his
family before and after Hurricane Katrina. His tone is often sentimental and builds
emotional appeal.
Throughout the novel, Zeitoun experiences a number of shortcomings due to his race.
Eggers often employs pathos during such moments and uses an objective tone to
indirectly voice his opinions to his readers. By utilizing this method, his prose is
subtly convincing in a way that allows readers to form their own similar ... Show
more content on ...
His work during Katrina involved compassionate actions and centralized the
rhetoricals of pathos. However, many of the actions went unrecognized or
completely ignored by the officials who were assisting him. One example would be
his persistent care in feeding the neighborhood dogs that were stranded and
uncared for in deserted houses. Zeitoun sympathy for the dogs allowed their
hunger to be dissolved. Zeitoun s effort towards the dogs immediately went to
waste after being arrested by the police. He pleads to the officials to take care of
them, but later finds them to be deceitful. The stench hit him immediately. He knew
the dogs were dead before he saw them (Pg. 280) Eggers urges his readers visualize
the distrust that the soldiers had toward Zeitoun. Despite his attempts to care for the
dogs at the expense of his time and personal resources, his pleas to save the innocent
dogs are scornfully disregarded due to the arrogance and skepticism of officials. Thus,
the dogs went uncared for and died. From his neighbors to the dogs, Zeitoun s
dedication of his trustworthiness and sympathetic heart exhibits a trustful attitude
towards his community that the government fails to
Compare And Contrast Ancient Greek Culture
Cultures Contrasted Different cultures have their own ideas of how we as humans
came into being. Two of those cultures are the Greeks and the people in the ancient
near east. Their accounts of the creation of humans differ in some aspects, but are
similar in others. The Ancient Greeks had different myths to explain the creation of
mortal humans. However, in most of them, the creation of humans is an afterthought.
It is possible that some Greeks thought Zeuscreated humans, while others thought
Prometheus created them. Then there is the Five Ages of Hesiod which implies that
humans were in existence during the reign of Cronus, before his son Zeus overthrew
him. In the myth of the Sacrifice at Mecone, Prometheus tricked Zeus into choosing
the worst part of the sacrificial animal for the gods. Zeus, in Hesiod s Theogony,
planned in his vengeful spirit a terrible future for mortal men, one they could never
evade. Zeus then has Hephaestus fashion the first mortal woman and gives her,
Pandora, to Prometheus brother Epimetheus as a curse for humankind. The lack of a
central, widely accepted creation myth shows how unimportant the creation of
humans was to the Greeks. In the Enuma Elish, an ancient near eastern creation
myth, there were two gods, Marduk and Tiamat who fought for power. Marduk killed
Tiamat and used half her body to... Show more content on ...
For the Greeks, humans were just an afterthought, but for the Babylonians, humans
were created to serve the gods. The Greeks believed humans were simply made
from the earth by either Prometheus or Zeus, while the Babylonians believed that
humans were made from divine material, the bodies of gods. Though the
Babylonians believed humans were partly divine, they were only created to serve the
gods. The Greeks also gave humans little importance and seem to have been created
for no particular
Clover case study chapter 2
2. Clover Machines Case: Dabbling in International Markets?
1. What are overall benefits of tapping international markets? Does it make sense for
Clover given its success in using domestic capital markets?
Global financial markets are often larger than domestic financial markets. This
means that financing issue size can be larger, costs can be lower and contract
flexibility can be higher. But global markets are typically only available for large
firms. Clover appears to be of sufficient size for tapping global markets. Clover is a
well known issuer of capital in domestic markets and a large number of analysts (16)
follow the firm. It might be the right time to explore global markets and make its
brand known in other countries also: ... Show more content on ...
Clover faces continuing large setup costs and its free cash flows (surplus of operating
cash flows over investments) may not be sufficient to fund these investments.
4. What are the pros and cons of tapping the Eurobond market? Does Clover fit the
profile of firms using this market? What are pre conditions for successful
Clover may face initial hurdles in tapping the Eurobond markets: potential investors
may not be familiar with the firm. But Clover does satisfy a key requirement:
Eurobond issues are large issues; since Clover needs large amounts of capital, this
market is appropriate. Pre conditions for a successful offering are: (a) well known
firm and (b) large offering.
5. Clover does not have any business in Japan. Given this, does it make any sense to
obtain JPY financing? What might be the downside of the attractive rate that is
It is interesting that one of the alternatives is a Samurai issue (JPY issue in Japan).
Such an issue might be quite valuable if Clover has business in Japan and can
offset JPY operating cash flows against JPY debt related cash flows. But even
without this benefit, there are advantages to diversifying funding sources (a topic
discussed in chapters 10 and 11). One problem that Clover needs to consider is the
potential for JPY to strengthen; if this happens, debt service (that is, repayment of
interest and principal) will be at disadvantageous
Gas Station
Filling Station by Elizabeth Bishop heavily relies upon diction and word choice to
create imagery to supports the main theme of the poem, which is that love can be
found everywhere, even in unlikely places. In the second stanza of the poem, the
author starts to discuss some of the inhabitants of the gas station. The describes the
sons of the station owner as quick and saucy , using words with generally positive
connotations. Quick gives a lively, and thus warm, feeling to the station, and saucy
can literally mean lively when used in this context. Saucy can also inspire the same
warm feelings as the word quick does, if not even more so. Saucy recalls home
cooked foods, adding to the overall message of familiar love to the poem. Another...
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Here the poem says, Embroidered in daisy stitch, with marguerites, I think, and
heavy with gray, crochet. The doily is revealed to be crocheted. Crochet is a craft
that can only be done by hand. Popular perception says that usually a maternal
person performs this type of work, and this implies that there is some maternal
presence in the gas station. The idea that there is some maternal presence is at the
station is further supported by the presence of daisies and marguerites found in the
doily itself. These flowers normally have feminine
Nurse Ellen Savage Against The Current National
Nursing over the few centuries has dramatically changed in relation to the higher
growing need for medical attention, this essay will assess the work of nurse Ellen
Savage against the the current National Competency Standards (NCS) for a
registered nurse, and will evaluate her practice in comparison to the current for a
registered nurse. The essay will read, an introduction of nurse Ellen Savage and
her work as a nurse in the 1900 s, the competency standards of the 19th century,
current competency standards and domains and lastly the comparison of Ellen
Savage to the current competency standards The nurse explored in this essay is
registered nurse, midwife and child health care nurse Ellen Savage. Savage joined
the Australian Army Nursing Service in early 1941, here she served in the
Australian General Hospital in Concord, Sydney (Gendek, 2007; Prior, 2013).
March of 1942, Savage was posted to board the Australian Hospital ship the
Centaur where she would collect injured service men from Papua New Guinea
(Daly, Speedy Jackson, n.d.; Gendek, 2007). Early morning of the 14th of May the
Centaur was hit by a torpedo from a Japanese submarine causing the ship to sink in
under three minutes (Gendek, 2007; Prior, 2013). Ellen was the only nurse to
survive the attack, however she did obtain severe injuries of her own including
fractured ribs, fractured nose and palate, perforated eardrums and multiple bruising
including a badly bruised eye (Daly, Speedy Jackson, n.d.; Gendek,
Compensation and Benifits Strategies Recommendations
Compensation and Benefits Strategies Recommendations Angela Garrett, Bessie
Fuller, Catherine Spivey, Chandell Tyghter, Janell Jernigan HRM/531 Human Capital
Management December 8, 2014 Doreen Lawrence Compensation and Benefits
Strategies Recommendations In this scenario, Team A has agreed to work with a
small business, Landslide Limousine. Bradley Stonefield is our client whom we must
develop some compensation and benefit recommendations. Landslide Limousine is a
small business with approximately 25 employees that is located in Austin, Texas.
First, Team A will conduct a market evaluation by researching what companies in the
relevant market are providing to employees from a total compensation perspective....
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These companies are currently operating in the Austin, Texas marketplace and are a
large competitor. In addition, the market can easily offer skilled workers and great
benefits. Landslide must offer a benefits package to keep up with their competitor,
and if they wish to stay in business, keeping their employees satisfied amongst
competition is a must. Team A recommends that Landslide must offer similar or
improved benefits to their employees. Further, Landslide should offer a training
program to entry level employees so that the service is exceptional and customers
will continue to utilize their business. Compensation and Benefits Strategy When
running an organization, managers and other members of leaders needs to take a
look at the compensation and benefit strategy. A strategic plan for employee
compensation determines how much you want to pay employees and what type of
employees you want to attract. Your compensation plan entails a variety of aspects
including pay scales, reward programs, benefits packages and company perks. A
successful strategic compensation plan allows your business to compete in the
market for the best employees in your industry ( Strategic Plan for Employee
Compensation and Benefits , 2014). Here are a few recommendation I would make to
help with the creation of a compensation and benefit strategy plan. Attracting Quality
Employees Your strategic plan for compensation plays a large role in attracting
Suicide Causes, Etiologies, And Prevention Strategies
Suicide causes, etiologies, and prevention strategies were examined in Mesa
county of western Colorado. The highest population at risk for completion of
suicide within Mesa county and that of the national average were found to be
White males between the ages of 36 54 years of age. Risk factors of suicide and
demographics of this population were assessed and compared to the efficacy of
current suicideprograms utilized within Mesa county. Data was then compared from
Mesa county s demographics, suicide rates, and prevention programs to current
literature and the District of Columbia, which hosts the lowest suicide rate in the
country. The juxtaposition of current literature and the District of Columbia s suicide
prevention programs to Mesa county s current suicide prevention program were made
to identify the efficacy and areas of improvement needed to further reduce suicide
Suicide in Mesa County Suicide rates within the United States continue to rise at a
steady rate. Within the past several years, the suicide rate has steadily increased to
12.6 suicide deaths per 100,000 people, which comes to more than 41,000 deaths
per year (Bower, 2016). Fleischmann et al. (2016) found that despite preconceptions,
suicide occurs in approximately 75% of lower to middle class countries. Worldwide,
around 50% of suicides account for violent death in men and 71% in women
(Fleischmann, et al., 2016). In the United States alone, the largest percentage of
A Research Study On Linguistics
Literature Review2
Linguistics can be characterized as the behavioral examples of individuals with a
consideration of society, correspondence, traditions, conventions, convictions, morals
and so on. In less complex terms, it is the fitness controlled by the local speakers of
the vernacular, here alludes to English. Presently, going to the theme of this paper i.e.
Etymological Competence, a knowledge is offered through this into the Universal
Grammar. According to Chomsky, Linguistic capability is the dialectframework that
empowers various individuals to decipher and translate syntactic and ungrammatical
sentences in their dialect. It additionally says that ... Show more content on ...
Be that as it may, in the event that we have a tendency to utilize I would talk ideally
Chinese, it would not be under a general use by the Universal English speakers. Such
an illustration gives a mind boggling delineation of the individualistic methodology
of semantic capability (Philips and Tan, n.d.)
Chomsky really accepted on the thought that every individual can get semantic
segments. This has by a long shot helped them to investigate data that is thought to be
a shared conviction of correspondence in this universe.
Aside from him, various lexicalists have put their inputs in Linguistic Competence.
One of them, Ray Jackendoff inferred the grammatical structure from the
conventional arrangement of generative syntax. According to him, generative syntax
is an amalgamation of five controls noted as the vocabulary, base, transformational
part, phonology and semantics. To produce his perspectives on the same, he treats
phonology, language structure, and semantics as proportional parts in characterizing
phonetic ability.
Literature Review
In the current era, every element of the society and the economy has been
globalizing. This globalization initiates an expansion in interdependence, integration,
and connectivity of ecological, political, cultural, technological, social and economic
spheres across the activities at local level. The international interactions force an
extreme sensitivity towards the audiences with positions of interpretation, and
A Research Study On Ethics
Ethics, deriving from the Greek ethos meaning character (Jennings, 2010), are the
moral principles that govern a person s behaviour or the conducting of an activity
(Oxford Dictionary, 2015b) and establish the foundation of present day research
(Cropley, 2008; Flick, 2006). They are the norms of conduct that distinguish
between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour (Resnik, 2011) and establish the
values essential for the collaborative work between the researcher and the research
subject (Jennings, 2010; Veal, 2006). The research at hand is therefore in
accordance with the ethical principles as specified by Jennings (2010) and Veal
(2006). This includes the free choice of participation in the research, the confidential
usage of sensitive data received from respondents and the avoidance of harm to
participants (Jennings, 2010). Besides, before the completion of the questionnaire all
potential participants were informed about the purpose of the research and how the
data will be used. All research subjects participated in the questionnaire survey on a
voluntary basis and gave their consent for the usage of their data provided.
4.6Analytical Methods
Data was analysed with SPSS Statistics 20 and Mplus Software Version 7.11 by
performing descriptive and inferential statistics. In order to get an impression of the
characteristics of the sample mean, standard deviation, Skewness and Kurtosis were
determined. Descriptive analysis was conducted for all demographic information
The Novel The Spirit Level I Came Into Inequality
While reading The Spirit Level I came into conclusion that the inequality in
developed countries is great threat to society as a whole. The major issues that are
brought up in the book are the inequality between the rich and the poor in
developed countries but also the comparison between developing countries. The
book dives into several factors that are the effects of the inequality ranging from
obesity, teenage birth, life expectancy etc.... I would discuss in depth on each of
these factors and how they all are key components in society and how they add to
the inequality in developed countries. One of the first factors the book brings up is
the issue of trust and how it is a main factor in society, trust is what keeps us from
not turning on each other and seeing others as cooperative rather than competitive.
According to the book trust has fallen from a high 60 percent from 1960 to a low
of less than 40 percent in 2004 , this facts gives insight into the society we are
living in now. When I read this, I could only think of the mindset many people have
now, job security is tight and that everyone is seen as competition. I for one living
in America I always have a sense that everyone wants to be on top, and they are
willing to do everything to get the job or position, instead of trying to change the way
of selfishness, we are adding to it, especially with social media. Social media has it
pros but it has very damaging cons, ideas of self worth and values are being shoved
Inequality In Brave New World
In the dystopian novel, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. There was an
experiment where Alphas, or the smartest people in that society were all put on the
same island. What occurred was a civil war broke out because the Alphas were not
satisfied with what position they were assigned to. Likewise, the world that is
produced today has a social class similar to alphas, betas, gammas, deltas, and
epsilons . Modern society has created layers of class where one status quo is
considered more successful than others by occupation, fame, and wealth. The world
does not offer everyone the same opportunity to achieve the level of success, this is
known as social inequality. Social inequality is defined by the existence of unequal
opportunities and rewards... Show more content on ...
Equality is defined as any given circumstances, where people who are the same in
those respects relevant to how they are treated in those circumstances should
receive the same treatment. Equity on the other hand is defined as dealing with
differences and takes into consideration the fact that this society has many groups
in it who have not always been given equal treatment and/or have not had a level
field on which to play . A case in 2004 from Ethical Leadership in Higher Education
Admission: Equality vs. Equity serves to differentiate equality and equity. Juan and
Courtney had applied for a merit based scholarship and had come from a
competitive high school, were in the top 10% of their graduating class, initiated
organizations and held officer positions in clubs. Academically, there was only one
key difference, Juan s ACT composite score was four points lower than Courtney s
ACT composite score. Just from this information alone, Courtney should narrowly
win. However, Juan was Hispanic and was coming from a single parent home, and
Courtney had both parents working. This now became a case of equality versus
equity. On the equality side, Juan and Courtney were both individuals who applied to
the scholarship in hopes of obtaining it. Because both individuals have are the same
relevantly, they should be scored the same and therefore Courtney should win. On the
equity side, Juan was born into a more difficulty socioeconomic status and differences
should be taken into account and therefore Juan should win. However, from this
example before this specific instance, due to increasingly higher ACT scores from
incoming freshman, students with color had a greater denied admission. This
example provides the difference between equality and equity. Equality essentially
means sameness and promotes fairness but is only
Positive Influence On Football
Positive and Negative Influences that Media has on Sport in the UK (Football)
Positive There are several reasons why football has a positive effect around the
world. Reason one, football is broadcasted all over the world on television.
Football is one of the main sports in the world; furthermore football is watched by
billions of people around the world e.g. England, China, and Brazil etc. Another
positive aspect that most football leagues are broadcasted on television e.g.
Premiership (English League), Seria A (Italian League) and Liga (Spanish
League). Youth club matches e.g. Under 18s and Under 21s can be viewed either
on Sky Sports or even BT Sports. BT sports airs matches from Seria A, Ligue 1 and
the Premiership, Sky Sports broadcasts matches from the Premiership, Liga and
MLS. The reason why Sky Sports and BT Sports air theses football matches as a
result they will increase their revenues. Furthermore they will receive more and
money from loads of sponsorships that the television company are associated with.
Negative One of the negatives of television is that many football games or major
football tournaments like the FA Cup, UEFA Champions Leagueor Europa League
are either broadcasted on Sky Sports or BT Sports. Football supports who buy the
sky sports bundle to watch their team play pay ВЈ47.50 a month for only the on their
Sky Sports package. However not all football matches are shown on Sky sports, e.g.
Champions League matches are shown on BT
Effects of Crude Oil Prices
Executive Summary What affect does the price of oil and gas have on the
economy? How does this affect the daily lives of the entire population? The
preceding questions are the basis for the enclosed report. The primary objective of
this report is to give a few reasons as to what causes prices of oil and prices of gas
to rise. Among these reasons, speculation of things that may or may not happen, like
a terrorist strike, is one of the leading factors. Another reason for the continued rise in
prices of oil and gas is the constant growth that China is experiencing in population
and energy consumption. While each of these natural resources is often spoken of in
conjunction with one another, they are very different commodities with... Show more
content on ...
It seemed on plausible to research the knowledge questions within the survey itself to
verify what the actual answers to the questions asked were. The answers for these
questions were found from the Department of Energy, American PetroleumInstitute,
and presentations from technical experts within the industry, such as the University
of Houston s Michael Economides.
The survey was taken from several University Center students and co workers.
While this in no way is representative of the entire population, it did provide a slice
of information necessary for comparison. The survey was intended to provide an
insight into common knowledge of the oil and gas industry and opinions of those
surveyed. The survey included three questions for a demographic baseline, four
questions related to knowledge of the oil and gas industry, and eleven questions of
opinion related to the oil and gas industry. The opinion questions dealt particularly
with prices of by products such as gasoline. A total of forty surveys were conducted.
Secondary Research
Oil and natural gas effects consumer s daily lives in aspects of not only
petrochemical costs but also items such as electricity, clothing, and medication.
Today the saying has been, as goes oil, so does the economy but the price of oil has
not always been known in this way. Two reasons said to be responsible for the rising
prices in oil have to do with wealthy countries and the fact that predominant oil
Bed Room Gap Analysis
In 2010, the medical critical care unit at the York Street campus of Yale New Haven
expanded into two 28 bed units housed on two floors, each encompassing 33,000
square feet. The increase in geography posed new challenges for clinical staff with
regard to alarm management. Crisis monitor alarms were programmed to populate
the bedside physiologic monitoring screens in zoned clinical areas. This allowed
clinicians to view the alarmcondition and respond appropriately to area alarms.
The units established an alarm management team in 2013 with the goal to meet the
requirements of NPSG.06.01.01. The team consisted of representatives from clinical
engineering, the Yale School of Nursing, information technology, nursing
management, performance improvement, physician leadership, and bedside clinical
staff. The team began by using the gap analysis assessment tool provided by AACN.3
Clinical staff members responded to an open invitation for alarm management
committee participation. ... Show more content on ...
Ten staff nurses shared their ideas about improving alarm management. Pulmonary
critical care physicians verbalized that alarm noise detracted from the team s ability
to interact with the patient and family at the bedside during rounds. Clinical staff
members were engaged in the project using shift change huddles, patient safety and
quality briefings, pulmonary critical care provider and alarm management meetings.
The performance improvement team addressed staff feedback regarding noise
levels. Decibel meters were placed in a central location in the intensive care unit to
obtain measurements of noise from all sources. The team identified audible alarms
from bedside physiologic monitors as the largest contributor to the noise levels in the
units. Overall, noise levels in the units averaged 68.4 dB. [AU: Reorganized
paragraph for clarity. edited paragraph
The Security Exchange Commission Filed Charges Against...
Background The security exchange commission filed charges against Rite Aid s
senior executives on June 21, 2002. ( SEC Announces Fraud Charges Against
Former Rite Aid Senior Management ) These charges were on the basis of
accounting fraud and were filed against senior leadership ranging from the former
CEO to a former Vice Chairman, specifically Martin Grass the chief executive
officer, Frank Bergonzi the chief financial officer, and Franklin Brown a former vice
chairman. Security and exchange commission alleged that Rite Aid overstated its
income and every quarter from May 1997 to May 1999. ( SEC Announces Fraud
Charges Against Former Rite Aid Senior Management ) they also alleged that there
were related party transactions that were never reported as well as finance committee
meetings had had the minutes fabricated by Grass. The Securities and Exchange
Commission is looking to have several punishments placed on the executives. The
commission is seeking this disgorgement of annual bonuses and imposition of civil
penalties against Grass, Bergonzi, and Brown. ( SEC Announces Fraud Charges
Against Former Rite Aid Senior Management ). Disgorgement of annual bonuses as
required by section 304 of Sarbanes Oxley act of 2002. This essentially requires that
the executives forfeit any bonuses or income that they had earned during the 12
month period following the start of the fraud. Any bonuses or other incentives or
equity based compensation that they received during the 12
Diesel Emission Regulations
Are EPA Diesel Emission regulations regulating Truck owners?
As a result of EPA regulations, today s diesel engines are more efficient than ever
before seen in large and midsized trucks. Certain regulations restrict truck owners
from using certain truck models, because of excess diesel emission. Increasing
drastically as technology improves, cars and trucks produce less and less diesel
exhausts and emissions. But because diesel engines can operate for 30 years or more,
millions of older, dirtier engines are still in use, (Epa.Gov). Reducing exposure to
diesel exhaust from these engines is especially important for the preservation of
human health and the environment. According to the EPA, the United States
Environmental Protection Agency, ... Show more content on ...
Volkswagen company put sensors in the emission component, so when tested, the
examiner sees that the car meets emission standards. But because the sensors are
to meet U.S emission standards, the car itself can be modified to ignore the sensor
s override and make the car believe it was in use. TFL motors was curious about the
scam, so they decided to put a Jetta TDI turbo diesel on an AWD Dyno, to confuse
the car into thinking it s on the street, not being checked for emissions. Being in
emissions mode, the AWD dyno lost horsepower and torque, but without the
sensors active the car produced excess diesel exhaust, going over the EPA
regulated limit. The car itself was able to perform at a higher level without the
sensors active, proving reason to hide the fact that excess exhaust is produced.
Certain companies realize the regulations hold their products back, so to promote
the fuel efficiency and or horsepower of the car, they would gladly hide the fact
that their cars are emitting excess diesel exhaust. Some ways to prevent excess
exhaust would be to install EGR coolers, or to buy tuners for your engine s valves.
But many professional truckers tend to stick with rolling coal. Rolling coal can
happen by making a smoke switch, or removing emission controls on truck models,
and adding a tuner to produce fine smoke build ups. Diesel exhaust is actually less
harmful then a
Essay on Henry David Thoreau
Henry David Thoreau is a man of many facets; a man who refuses to conform to
what the masses believe is acceptable. He calls for the rejection of complexity and
for a change in mankind s view of life. Thoreau, in his many writings, demands
change in a stagnant society. He emphasizes respect for nature, even to the point of
blatant disrespect for humanity.
Thoreau s connection to nature was a key ingredient in his lifestyle. He studied ants
closely; hoping to understand them like one understands the human race. He came to
the conclusion that either ants are as dignified as men, or that men have lowered
themselves to the ant s position. He stressed the futility of war, showing in vivid detail
that war does irreparable damage to both armies. ... Show more content on ...
He claimed that humanity dwelled too much on the ideals and thoughts of men who
had died long ago. The foregoing generations beheld God face to face, he said, Why
should not we have a poetry and philosophy of insight and not of tradition? Thoreau
obsessed with stirring the conscience of his peers, which eventually drove him to jail
in protest of an oppressive government. He accentuated the importance of thinking for
ourselves and acting on those thoughts. He understood that a blindness had fallen
over his culture, and he struggled to rouse those who couldn t rouse themselves.
For all of Thoreau s brilliance, he was also a man plagued by his own mind. His
ideas of a Universal Mind and Being instead of Living seem foolish to me. I would
have to say that, if I had met Thoreau in his own time, I would have agreed to his
insanity. His teachings on Transcendentalism seem somewhat bizarre to me. How can
a stream be too deep for the length of your arm... not for the length of your mind?
Perhaps Thoreau was a truly intelligent man who simply blew a fuse pondering life
too hard. Perhaps he was a great intellectual man who understood what was most
important in life, and I am but a detached person with no understanding. Either way,
Thoreau and I would never get along.
Thoreau s most obvious underlying message is resistance. He didn t learn the
alphabet like everyone else, but he learned it sdrawkcab! After his aunt
The Battle Between Grendel And Beowulf
Carl Van Clausewitz once said, Courage, above all things, is the first quality of a
warrior. In a culture where being a warrior is a very integral part of everyday lives,
having courage is a key component of social survival. To have courage means to be
able to defend a kingdom by every means possible. It means protecting and
ascertaining the wellbeing of the people within one s own kingdom. And above all,
courage means remaining loyal to one s king, regardless of the circumstance. This is
the warriorculture that Beowulfin Beowulf was a part of successfully as a thane, and
the same warrior culture that leads the narrator in The Wanderer to lament past
memories. In Beowulf, the fight between Grendeland Beowulf was certainly a nail
biter. In this fight, however, Beowulf shows his courage by doing his absolute best
at defending the kingdom by taking on this gruesome monster. Grendel was
wreaking havoc on the kingdom to no end. He was killing many and terrorizing the
citizens greatly. When Beowulf heard of this, as a courageous thane, he stepped in
to try to stop this and protect the people. Hygelac s kinsman kept [Grendel]
helplessly locked in a handgrip. As long as either lived, he was hateful to the other.
The monster s whole body was in pain; a tremendous wound appeared on his
shoulder. Sinews split and the bone lappings burst. Beowulf was granted the glory of
winning; Grendel was driven under the fen banks, fatally hurt, to his desolate lair
Social Class And Its Impact On Society
Reda Kobeissi
November 11, 2015
Composition II
Social class identity is the expression used when referring to what the variations
social classes hold, such as different cultures, norms, and values. There is much
debate on the subject of social class in the United States. There are disputes about
whether social classes are clearly separate or fluid, conditioned upon one s
community or society as a whole, and if people are subjective or objective (Hughes
and Jenkins). The government uses the objective view, based on the economic status
of the person, to be able to distinguish them into a specific social class. Though,
despite the debate circling social classes, it is still essential to try to define them and
interpret their ... Show more content on ...
Education has become crucial in the placement of one into social class, or the
ability to move upward in class, even though the education one receives is largely
based on the social class one is in to begin with (APA). Family structure is also
affected by social class. With the increase in dual earner couples, defining social
class among husbands and wives is more difficult than ever (Scott and Leonhardt).
Parental values also differ among the classes, as parents often bring their
occupational values and attitudes home with them (Hughes and Jenkins). In a society
that puts such a stress on individualism and self identification, social class and its
effects are as powerful as ever.
Despite the debates about social class, the United States is usually described as
having four major social classes, the elite or upper class, the middle class, the
working class, and the lower class (Goldschmidt). Classes are differentiated by
income, education, and occupation although other factors do have an effect. The
upper class consists of about 1% of the population making 750,000 dollars or more
a year as investors, top executives, or heirs to large fortunes (Hughes and Jenkins).
There tends to be no question about who is in the upper class as they are pretty
clearly isolated in their power and wealth. The middle class makes up about 40% of
the population making
The Pros And Cons Of Vegetarianism
Every time we sit at a table to enjoy the fruits and grain and vegetables from our
good earth, remember that they come from the work of men and women and children
who have been exploited for generations. These words of Cesar Chavez, co founder
of the United Farm Workers, perfectly describe the injustice farm workers face in
producing our food and including humans when talking about cruelty free.
Conversations surrounding notions of vegetarianismas inherently cruelty free
seldom incorporate the advocacy of more rights for farm workers. As a conflicted
meat eater, I can concede that the fight for vegetarianism is honorable and
consuming fewer animal products would be beneficial for our society, however,
promoting meat free meals and products as cruelty free mistakenly limits the cruelty
of the food production system to animals. Comparatively, our food production system
also exploits factory farm workers, a point also overlooked in conversations regarding
ethical eating. Ultimately, the fundamental problem with vegetarianism is the cruelty
free platform, that too often ignores the inhumane working conditions of farm
workers. That being so, not eating meat does not place you above everyone else on
the moral scale or mean you practice cruelty free when exploited laborers in our food
production system, most of whom are undocumented, do not have their liberation.
The unfortunate reality is that the majority of things we consume have harmful
effects whether you are vegetarian
No Witch For Sale Analysis
(Three Messages From No Witchcraft For Sale)
Witchcraft, oh the thing that everyone hates and accused so many people of, and
killed them because they accused them of it. Witchcraft is the practice of magic,
especially black magic; the use of spells and the invocation of spirits (https:/
/ authuser=0 ei=aRlrVpux
KsiCjgT_q4gI ved=0EKkuCAQoAQ#authuser=0 q=witchcraft+definition). In the
short story No Witchcraft for Sale goes into Africa where they believe in Witch
Doctors, Witch Doctors are magicians credited with powers of healing, divination,
and protection against the magic of others (https://www.googl authuser=0 ei=aRlrVpuxKsiCjgT_q4gI
ved=0EKkuCAQoAQ#authuser=0 q=witch+doctor+definition.
Panera Bread Strategy Essay
Title: Panera Bread Strategy
Ron Johnson
March 1, 2009
Southwestern College Professional Studies Abstract
This case study is about Panera Bread Company and its strategy it wishes to employ
to become the best brand name of fresh bread in the United States. Panera Bread s use
of a broad differentiation strategy has helped their profitability and growth and rivals
have found it hard to compete with the competitiveness of Panera Bread. A SWOT
analysis will reveal the competitive advantage Panera Bread has and why this
company is in an attractive situation and what Panera Bread must do to strengthen its
competitive advantage against rival chains.
Panera Bread Strategy
Neighborhoods and cities ... Show more content on ...
In this case Panera Bread has set itself apart from its rivals by offering specialty
type foods that are outside the norm. The bakery menu offers pastries and sweets,
granola parfait, baked egg soufflГ©s, breakfast sandwiches and of course, freshly
baked breads to include bagels. They also have a cafГ© menu that offers hand
tossed salads, sandwiches, drinks, and soups. To top things off, they even offer a
kids menu, so Panera Bread caters to the entire family. Panera Bread Company
went as far as starting a catering program to extend its market reach (Thompson,
Strickland, Gamble, 2008, pC 92). Everyone enjoys choices, especially when they
re fresh, fun and spontaneous. Right now at Panera Bread, there are plenty of
tempting selections to captivate, tantalize and energize your bread lover s soul as
we celebrate the delicious rewards of the baker s craft (Panera Bread, 2009). What
competitive edge does Panera Bread have if any? Panera is attempting to achieve a
longer lasting, more profitable competitive advantage by their capability to offer
unique or specialty type items. Also, their commitment to put there all into
everything they offer their customers. For example, Panera offers 4 different flavors
of coffee, dark and light roast, hazelnut, and decaf. What is important is the work
they put into making the coffee. We believe that coffee is sacred. And that making it
requires the utmost attention from the bean to the cup. So we roast our coffee beans in
A View From The Bridge Alfieri Essay
The Role of Alfieri in Miller s A View from the Bridge
Arthur Miller is now regarded as one of the world s greatest dramatists. In his plays
he explores the struggles of the ordinary man against authority and insurmountable
odds. It is his ability to dramatize the attempts to find the balance between the
different conflicts of life that is Miller s feature as a writer. Many of his plays look
at the position of the individual in relation to their responsibilities and position in
society and may be seen, as a result, to be political. (Tim Bezant.) While exploring
human faults he also talks about the hidden emotions within people. This is
significantly highlighted throughout his world renowned theatrical production of A
View from the ... Show more content on ...
Many of the immigrants were of illegal legacy and were being exploited by the
people who helped bring them to America and so consequently he further advanced
his knowledge of the community spirit in the slum areas of New York and the beliefs
and values of the Sicilian individuals.
During this time period, Miller had close associations with the families of the
dockworkers and to him, this was a dangerous and mysterious world at the water s
edge that drama and literature had never touched. In his autobiography Time bends he
narrates that a friend told him about a dream he had about an attraction he felt for his
cousin. When he interpreted the dream as an indication that the man might have
wanted an incestuous relationship with the girl the man was horrified and refused to
accept that there might be any truth in what Miller was saying.
In juxtaposition, the middle 20th century aphorised the exploration of Italian
immigrants, having come to America, as Miller s parents had done, in the hope of
work, wealth and security that their home countries could not guarantee. This was
due to the Second World War where countries in Europe were in financial trouble.
The war completely crippled the economics of the European Powers and it had also
shown that America was the most powerful country in the world a land of opportunity
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay
Attention deficit hyperactive disorder is a neuro behavioral disorder typically seen
in children. Over the past several years attention deficit hyperactive disorder seems
to be on the rise. Since 2011, eleven percent of children ranging from ages four to
seventeen were diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (Children with
ADHD et. Al. 2016). Attention deficit hyperactive disorder is a difficult disorder to
diagnosis, but once the disorder is diagnosed there are ways to manage it. There are
many different types of treatments that one can do to improve their disorder. A few
of which include, short acting medicine, extended release medicine, and essential
oils. Diagnosing One with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder The process for
diagnosing one with attention deficit hyperactive disorder is quite complicated. To
diagnosis someone, the process requires different factors and groups of people. When
one suspects that a child has this disorder, it is recommended that a system of
contacts be put together with school and other personnel to observe the child
(Wolraich et. Al. 2011). There are a few characteristics that someone with attention
deficit hyperactive disorder typically have. Those qualities include, a persistent
pattern of impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity as well as difficulty staying on
task, and difficultly staying organized that affects development and functioning
(American Psychiatric Association 90). Not only are these
The Benefits Of School Lunches In High Schools
Have you ever been in the middle of eating lunch at school and then all of a sudden
the bell just rings on you? Here at Wellington Napoleon High School there is only a
20 minute lunch period, this includes the passing periods getting to and from lunch,
getting and eating your food, and whatever other things you have to do such as
homework or taking care of something on your phone. I personally, as well as my
entire class of students here at WNHS agree that having a lunch period as long as 5
minutes longer would drastically improve our schooldays. Student here should have
25 or more minutes to eat because studies show that having lunch periods of that time
allows students to waste less food, get all of the proper nutrients they need, and to get
a mealthat is more constructed and balanced.
The first reason that longer lunches would benefit students is that it would greatly
reduce the amount of food wasted from school lunches. According to a study
conducted by Ethan A. Bergman, PhD, RD, CD, FADA, two schools lunches were
studied over a period of time. School one had 20 minute punch periods and school
two had 30 minute lunch periods. Student one s students wasted an accumulative
43.5 percent of the food they were given whereas school two s students only wasted
27.2 percent of their food. The students in my class and in my lunch waste quite a bit
of their food because the bell rings before they get to it, even the students who get
their lunch first waste some of it. Another
Primo Levi s Survival In Auschwitz
Primo Levi writes Survival in Auschwitz not to tell the reader about the atrocities
inside the concentration camp called Auschwitz. He acknowledges that the world
knows too much about these places to learn anything from him, so his goal is not
to educate the reader about the things that went on while he was a prisoner at the
camp. Rather, he writes this book to ... furnish documentation from a quiet study of
certain aspects of the human mind (Levi 9). In this book, Levi orders his stories not
in chronological order, but rather in order of urgency that they must come across to
the reader. In the various chapters of Survival in Auschwitz, he recounts various
aspects of life at the camps from a very personal viewpoint. The ideas are... Show
more content on ...
As Levi notes, Alfred s goal was to distinguish himself from the rest of the Haftling.
He did so by managing to keep himself clean, working with stubborn duty, and
always treating everyone with the utmost courtesy, no matter what. The
combination of these things set him apart in the eyes of the Nazis, who eventually
made Alfred L. the technical head of the Chemical Kommando. Levi also notes on
page 94 that ... L. was able to earn all this show of prosperity with incredible
tenacity, paying for his individual acquisitions and services with bread from his
own ration, so imposing upon himself a regime of supplementary privations. This
section signifies to the reader that this was a person who was willing to suffer
through the hunger so he would be professional enough to be realized and
rewarded for it. Given the circumstances and lack of necessary amenities, many
people would simply not be able to adhere to the rules that Alfred supposedly set
out for himself. Elias Lindzin, Number 141565, is detailed in the same chapter as
Alfred. Elias employs a drastically different method to survive. As described by
Primo Levi, Elias is not a particularly intelligent person by today s standards. ... it is
impossible to keep him to a coherent conversation (Levi 96). Elias Lindzin was,
however, brilliant in the eyes of the Germans running Auschwitz. He was extremely
strong, he did not tire, and he was a good organizer. He utilized his
Ozzy Osbourne Research Paper
Dramatic sound, emphatic beats, head banging, long hair, tight clothing, and black
eye liner were just the surface of the first s that Ozzy Osbourne presented to the
world in his 1969 performance in Workington, England. The life journey of John
Michael Ozzy Osbourne and his vision spread across the 60 s like a virus, infecting
the such a uniform and controlled society. Ozzy Osbournehad a mission to influence
people through his music by voicing his beliefs against patriarchy and conformity.
Osbourne s birth of a new sound landed him the name, Prince of Darkness. (Schafer)
His dark thoughts and bold actions broke cultural norms and left a legacy in the
music world that would live on and carry out his mission of channeling his listener s
internal... Show more content on ...
From there, he went on to release his first single Blizzard Of Ozz, which went 4x
Platinum within just a week. His career continued on thriving through the 80 s and
90 s releasing three albums with records landing him four Grammy Awards, three
MTV Music Awards, for areas such as, Best Rock Song, Classic Album, and Album
of the Year (Waddell 4). Osbourne s diverse collection of themes and images from his
music projected him into a newly invented genre of music that we labeled heavy
metal (Waddell 9). Osbourne was tapping uncharted territory in the music world. By
combining dark colors, frightening lighting, dramatic rhythms, and intense beats, he
created his image of frightening performances and a disturbing atmosphere that
became almost addicting to its fans (Holiday 2). Although the surface of Osbourne s
music appeared dark and almost satanic, his image and reason is that the themes of
alienation, frustration, and even pain, match the experience of a smart young person
struggling to fit in and make sense of the world (Holiday 3). Osbourne s songs
encrypted dark and gloomy perspectives and themes evolving around death and war
and destruction. These haunted topics contributed to his persona of this crazed and
demented artist. As Osbourne worked in these themes into his music, he began
channeling a younger audience and providing them with an opportunity to identify
with him on a mental
Giotto Vs Byzantine Art Essay
In this essay, I m going to compare two artworks from different periods, talking about
their functions, characteristics and contexts in details. One is the Lamentation over
the dead Christ of Byzantine Art painted in 1164 by an unknown artist temporarily
called Master of Nerezi, and the other is the Lamentation that Giotto di Bondonedid
in 1305 during the Late Gothic. The purpose is to show the genius of Giotto, who is
a key figure in Western art, because he paved the way for the birth of Renaissance.
Simply put, the Lamentation of Giotto is a much improved version of the Byzantine
There are a few obvious similarities between the two. First is the medium; both are
frescos aka mural paintings. Secondly, they are in a church. The Byzantine is located
in Saint Pantaleimon chapel built by the royalty, and ... Show more content on ...
Both served as a devotional and decoration piece. The last identical thing is the
subject matter; they narrate the Lamentation from the passion of Christ in which a
group of Christ s followers mourns for him after the Crucifixion. The scene depicts
an anguished Mary embracing her son, and Christians with some flying angels are
crying over his death.
In terms of style and context, there is a large amount of differences between the two,
although small similarities are also spotted. The Byzantine work is more abstract than
the other. Their clothing is patterned; the figures are stylized. Although they are not
as frontal as other Byzantine works, their heads still turn slightly towards the
viewers. This is probably because the artist was used to the staring figures, a
Byzantine trademark. The Gothic fresco, on the other hand, shows naturalistic
renderings of objects. The figures in particular are more volumetric and sculptural.
The clothing hanging naturally suggests the bodies underneath, albeit an inaccurate
proportion. In 476, the fall of Rome divided the Roman Empire into eastern and
western halves, creating two different societies.
Compare And Contrast Anita Desai And Kamala
Anita Desai is more interested in the interior landscape of the mind than in political
and social realities. Writing, for her is an effort to discover, and then to underline,
and finally to convey the true significance of things . Her novels according to her,
deal with the terror of facing, single handed, the ferocious assaults of existence. Anita
Desai s protagonists are mostly women who, though they have reached different
stages in life from school girl to grandmother are all fragile introvert trapped in their
own skins. Their emotional trauma sometimes leads to violent death, in the end. As
an artist Kamala Markandayas fiction is concerned with change in feminine
sensibility brought about by the social, economic and cultural forces, whereas Anita
Desai s major concern is about exploration of the psychological condition of the
oppressed hyper sensitive women. The synoptic views of Anita Desai and Kamala
Markandaya s portray the women protagonists in terms of the shifting sensibilities
and changing attitudes of married Indian women. It also tries to analyze the portrayal
of women characters that belong to rural and urban upper classes of Indian society.
As an artist Kamala Markandaya s fiction is concerned with... Show more content on ...
Bim is successful in attaining positive detachment when she learns to involve
herself in action without caring for its fruit. Earlier her vision was clouded by
vagueness in the fact that she expected fruit for her labour, for her sacrifice for the
family in the form of gratitude. When she is not awarded this, she develops hatred
for her loved ones and suffers from frustration as a result. But in the end she
forgives everyone for their betrayal and as a consequence attains her own serenity
and poise. She develops a healthy attitude towards her life and accepts the world as it
Egyptian Culture Vs American Culture Essay
Culture Differential Today s society plays a big role in today s culture. It ranges
from social life, History, and religion. Both authority and control play a huge role
on participating with traditions of a specific society. This paper represents the
relationship between American and Egyptian society and how it affected
American Arabs in the United states and also the views towards the types,
experiences, and the differences of nationality in cultural dimensions. Egyptian
society is built off of today s technology, internet and television and those factors
play a big role. Needless to say that Arab politics has also affected everyone s daily
life. It made it easier to the people for contact their family and friends and come
together and be more socially active. It reveals previous history and how that factor
still is imbedded into the people s mind and shows their religious differences. If
looked at closely, the people are divided between their classes, there are the rich and
poor, smart and uneducated, and christian and non christian. Both radio and
television gave the people and political leaders power to spread the news, especially
with the famous Egyptian news channel called el gazzeria , also First channel which
is a... Show more content on ...
Some people think it s like paradise, because of what they see on T.V. about how
good this country is, how everyone is rich there. But when people arrive to
America, everything looks different, and they are shocked by the results of how it
s the complete opposite of what we see on T.V. The people looked weird, the
schools were a lot different, everyone dresses differently, and the looks on the people
that they were giving us seemed like we were
What Is Four Of A Kind Essay
In Trimble s Writing with Style: Conversations on the Art of Writing, there are two
requirements when he reads an article or story, specifically in his second
requirement he states, He not waste my time getting out what he has to say (Trimble
Pg. 58) When writing a short story, adding unnecessary words and phrases can have
the reader lose interest and stop reading. Short storiesare stories told minimally
without a lot of add on. If you are inconsistent with your pace, and drag on, you
tend to lose your audience on what you are writing. Coming from this, a writer s
way of pacing are essential for creating a well written and compelling short story. In
the first two paragraphs of Rick Reilly s Four of a Kind, he opens his story in... Show
more content on ...
Reilly creates a connection between the reader and the people who are on the
plane, by remarking on who these people are and what they have done. For
example, Reilly puts, One was publicist Mark Bingham, 31, who helped Cal win the
1991 and 93 national collegiate rugby championship. (Reilly). This tells us about
Mark Bingham, and events that he took place in, while not going into detail on the
rugby championship, or how he won the championships. Reilly does this with a few
people giving background information, so that we can relate, and understand them.
After this, Reilly transitions to a sentimental way of writing, by explaining the calls
the passengers on the plane had to make. Calling parents, and a 12 week old
daughter to say goodbye to them, makes you feel for the passengers and the position
they are in, making you care for them even more. The pacing takes a steep turn as the
subject is brought back inside the plane, and people figuring out other planes have
been hijacked and that this plane was heading towards Washington. This shows that
the events inside the plane happened quickly, and Reilly gets straight to the point on
determining what happened. Coming from this, the next two paragraphs which also
have 4 sentences, determine the outcome of the people and the plane, which show the
pace of the author. Reilly put in the short story,
Hypertension And Its Effects On Hypertension
Hypertension, sometimes known as Silent Killer is America s freighting combative
illness we struggle to regulate. Due too many health risk factors, many people are
sometimes unaware of hypertension until suffering from severe damaging effects.
High blood pressure is a growing problem in today s life Controlling it is the key
Approximately 50 million people in the United States are affected by hypertension
and approximately 1 billion worldwide. In this paper, it will outline different topics
that will help better understand, What is hypertension, Causes and Affects to
Hypertension, Medication treatments that help regulate, and Hypertension Programs
that are available in helping regulate this illness.
Hypertension, as we all know the term High Blood Pressure, is defined as a systolic
pressure greater than 140 mm Hg and the diastolic pressure greater than 90 mm Hg.
Hypertension is a Chronic medical condition that occurs when blood flow in the
arteries are high causing artery walls to narrow and thin, blood pressure is the result
of two forces the amount of blood measured being pumped out of the heart and into
the arteries and the amount of time heart rest between each heartbeat . Systolic
pressure occurs when the left ventricle is mostly contracted, the diastolic preforms
when the left
Executive Branch Of Immigration
A topic of concern in today s world is immigration. Its effects have led to actions by
the three branches of our federal government: the legislative branch, the executive
branch and the judicial branch. This topic of immigration has been around since the
beginning of our great nation and shows no signs of slowing down. I m going to
explain the factual basis of immigration and how it affects the three branches of
government. I will also explain how it affects our society as well. Immigration is a
major issue, and it is the job of our government to find ways to keep it under control
and have an organized society. First, immigration is a major issue and it affects the
legislative branch since the constitution gives power to this ... Show more content on ...
One interesting fact or concern is that immigration court is totally different from
regular court and how it is structured through the judicial body of the government.
Also if any case is taken to court relating to immigration the president and the
executive branch is informed about these cases. In comparison immigration court is a
different world compare to tradition court in terms no judges are voted in but are
instead appointed, and the department of justice makes the decision on what judge
takes what case. Another key element in immigration court is that no jury hears these
cases which are a lot different from tradition court and some even feel it s
unconstitutional in some
Austin s Sustainability Pl Austin
Austin is the capital city of Texas, and is known by many as the live music capital
of the world. It has both national and state historical roots; its culture is centered on
the arts and entertainment. It spans 297.9 square miles, as of April 1st 2014 its
population was 811,458 people. There are 344,289 households with a density of
2,653 people per square mile. As illustrated in figures 1 and 2 it is both ethnically
and economically diverse.
Austin has several major industries including technology, healthcare, business, and
entertainment. It is a popular location for businesses and individuals because there is
no income tax, it has a modern and efficient transportation network, the workforce is
considered highly skilled, and ... Show more content on ...
To improve upon these figures, Resolution 20140410 024 was supported in 2015 with
Austin s community climate plan Net Zero. Spearheaded by the Community Climate
Steering Committee, Net Zero lays the framework for both the local government and
community to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to near zero. Up to this point all
city owned buildings and facilities are 100% reliant on renewable energies such as
solar and wind energy. Pending projects will increase solar energy by 149 MW and
wind energy by 400 MW. Figure shows Austin s energy generation goals achieved by
Figure 4: Austin s path to Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions.
iv.A Sustainable Food System
Reducing CO2 emissions is an important part of a sustainable community, but
changes in human behaviors are necessary to ensure these goals are met. An
estimated 9.3 acres of farmland are lost every day in and around Austin. As of
2014 less than 1% of the food consumed in the region is produced locally, and of
the food imported an estimated 97 thousand tons enters the landfill. This has a value
of nearly $200 million. A great method for reducing food waste is composting, in
the region approximately 1,837 tons, or 1.9% of the total waste, is being turned back
into the soil. This is a part of Austin s field to fork food system that addresses the
growth, distribution, consumption, and recovery of food. Locally growing all food
consumed in the region not only reduces transportation
Paleolithic Vs Neolithic Art
Chapter 1 focuses on the prehistoric art of two different cultures, which include
Paleolithic Art and Neolithic Art. Paleolithic Art began during the time period of the
Ice Age that dates back to about 10,00 to 40, 000 years. Moreover, as the Ice Age
began to decline, new vegetation appeared and an increase of other animal
populations allowed the growth of NeolithicArt referred to as the New Stone Age.
Even though these cultures were divided by different time periods they both have
some similar techniques. For example, both regions had figurines, but they had a
different aspect pertaining to their culture of art. Also they both painted animals, but
the style and type of animals differed because of the region. However, most of the
Summary Of The Short Happy Life Of Francis Macomber
From Child to Man: The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber
Ernest Hemingway was a great American writer and journalist. Hemingway used a
number of different foils to give insight into his characters and foreshadow events
to come in his writings. In Hemingway s short story The Happy Life of Francis
Macomber , a number of critics argue about what exactly he used to tell the story of
Francis Macomber growing from a cowardly boy to a courageous man. One thing
we can t argue about is the fact he did such a wonderful job.
Theodore L. Gaillard, Jr. argues in his journal article, The Critical Menagerie of The
Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber , that he believes that Hemingway used an
animal menagerie as a standard against which to measure and evaluate his human
actors (Gaillard 31 32). In Gaillard s journal article. He says the foil Hemingway
used in The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber , are the different animals that
are mentioned in his short story. Before getting to Africa, Francis Macomber only
had experience in spending money, fishing and hunting small animals (Gaillard
32). Francis is described as a rabbit hare towards the beginning of the story by
himself, his wife and Wilson, the hunter. I bolted like a rabbit Francis says in The
Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber (Hemingway 4). Francis uses the rabbit to
describe his cowardice when running from the lion he supposed to be hunting. More
specific than this implicitly negative criticism of Macomber is
The Effects Of Dementia On Alzheimer s Disease And...
The Effects of Dementia Alex Guthrie University of Tennessee Chattanooga
Introduction Dementia is a chronic illness that effects millions of Americans
annually with increasing numbers. The general understanding of dementia is that it
affects the mind, and while it does affect the mind, entangles much more than just
that. Dementia engulfs a patient s mind, family, a level of caregiving, and an
involvement in research of the disease. The Mind Adults age 65 years and older
make up around 13 percent of the population (39 million people). This number is
likely to increase significantly over the next 30+ years to encompass about 20
percent of the population (88.5 million). It is gathered that about 1 in 10 adults age 65
... Show more content on ...
Behavioral changes can include increased aggression and disruptiveness. This
behavior can almost be perceived as a deterioration or demotion in a person s
maturity. While it most certainly is not, it happens in a way that an individual
seemingly regresses in their decision making and maturity. It is theorized that some
of the behavioral research done on other populations of similar behavioral
competency (child like behavior) could be done on an elderly population suffering
from the behavioral regression of dementia. There has been little research such as this
done, however. Currently, there is no cure for dementia. There are some drug
therapies that are currently in use to help increase the chemical acetylcholine in the
brain in an attempt to aid in memory retention and judgement. A few drugs in the
class are: Donepezil, Rivastigmine, and Galantamine. These have been attempted
treatments for the disease, but have had mixed results. In some cases such treatments
have come up short, and in drastic cases, these treatments have made matters worse
for some patients. Some of these treatments have been known to cause confusion,
delirium, and even increased risk of mortality. An alternative to these medicinal
treatments have been almost strictly environmental. This has been through the
application of behavior analytic principles that help see future problems before they
arise. This application also allows for an more individualized care plan for
An Examination of the Music of Garth Brooks Essay
For generations, singers and songwriters of country music have been working to
evoke emotions in listeners by performing and writing songs that the listeners will
be able to relate to. Country music traditionally reveals stories of life, love, death,
and values, all of which can be seen in the works of great singers and songwriters
like George Strait, Alabama, Brooks Dunn, and Alan Jackson. One artist in particular,
Garth Brooks, forever left his stamp on country musicand on the hearts of his
millions of listeners with his hit songs, The Beaches of Cheyenne , Callin Baton
Rouge , and The River . The Beaches of Cheyenne has a storyline containing themes
of life, death, love, and regret. The themes of this song branch out much... Show more
content on ...
2011 p. 1141). The Beaches of Cheyenne displays a wide range of attributes that
appeals to individual preferences that Rentfrow, Goldberg, and Levitin discuss. There
is a strong presence of the fiddle and steel guitar in the song which helps direct
emotions, that is to say it helps guide how listeners should feel. The tempo of the
song varies throughout, starting high, turning lower, and then returning high. The
vocals of the song also vary, as Garth Brooks utilizes his ability to hit a wide range of
musical notes. Lyrically, the song tells a story that conveys many strong emotions and
The Beaches of Cheyenne Garth Brooks
They packed up all his buckles
And shipped his saddle to his dad
And by the way the house looked
She must have took it bad
The workers come on Monday
To fix the door and patch the wall
They say she just went crazy
The night she got the call
He was up in Wyoming
And drew a bull no man could ride
He promised her he d turn out
Well it turned out that he lied
And their dreams that they d been livin
In the California sand
Died right there beside him in Cheyenne
They she just went crazy
Screamin out his name
She ran out into the ocean
And to this day they claim
That if you go down by the water
You ll see her footprints in the sand
Cause every night she walks the beaches of Cheyenne
They never found her body
Just her diary by her bed
It told about the fight they had
And the words
Examples Of Pedigree Dog Food
Alexander Breshers
English Comp 1
23 April 2017
Pedigree Dog Food Do you know or have a dog that is not getting the right
nutritions from their dog food and they do not look too happy, then switch too
Pedigree dog food it will give your dog the right nutrition and a better healthy living
life. When you start the Bad Dog, Good Dog Pedigree advertisement there is so
many little things that they want you to notice. They start it off with a dog in the
corner barking for dog food in the pouring rain and you hear sad piano music in the
background. You can see the owner knocking on the window to tell the dog to pretty
much shut up and stop barking. This dog is feeling hopeless because if you look at
him, he is just shaking, the food in ... Show more content on ...
Well if you haven t just know they truly do care about dogs. They have a wide
variety of different foods to choose from, there is wet food, dry food, treats, they
ask how old your dog is, and they even have food for oral problems or even hip and
joint problems too. You know there is a lot of different types dog food in the
world, but how many really just wanna know your dog like that? PEDIGREEВ®
believes that the lovable innocence found in every dog helps us reconnect with our
true selves and teaches us valuable life lessons. Simply put, dogs make us better
people. And that has a profound impact on the world in which we live (Pedigree) .
Pedigree cares about animals so much and they know that there food can give the
dog the happiness it needs so they even have a foundation that helps rescue dogs
and animal shelter dogs to try and find a good home. So every time you buy pedigree
dog food they give healthy dog food to shelters in need of food. The WALTHAMВ®
Centre for Pet Nutrition has led the world in advanced pet care research and
companion animal nutrition(Pedigree) . Pedigree uses there help to think of all the
ways to get the best and the right nutrients in all of these dog
Conflict Theory In Social Work Practice
While there are multiple theoretical perspectives that help individuals understand
society and inform social work practice, a crucial perspective that has formed is the
conflict perspective. According to Hutchinson, the conflict perspective takes an
approach to human behavior that draws attention to conflict, dominance and
oppression in social life as a result of the inequalities in the distribution of resources
(Hutchinson 2015) . Something to note within the conflict perspective is the fact that
conflict allows for growth and progress within work, but that doesn t necessarily
mean that conflict is always beneficial. Conflict theorypoints out the situations in
which conflict is beneficial and in which situations conflict is not acceptable.
According to the New World Encyclopedia, there are four assumptions on which
modern conflict theory is... Show more content on ...
(Turner 2013) Conflict will have integrative effects on a society if the conflict is low
in violence but also occurs frequently. As well has having effects to the whole of
conflict, Simmel also believes that conflict can have integrative consequences,
including an increase in group boundaries, centralization of authority , and an
increase in group unity as a result of a decreased tolerance (Turner 2013).
Lewis Coser
Lewis Coser proposed a pluralistic theory of social conflict, which recognizes that
more than one social conflict is going on at all times and that individuals hold cross
cutting and overlapping memberships in status groups (Hutchinson 2015). Pulling
his ideas from Simmel, Coser saw that conflict was caused by the withdrawal of
legitimacy by subordinates in a system of inequality (Turner 2013). Unlike Simmel,
Coser saw the increases in conflict, especially when conflict is over nonrealistic
issues over an extended period of time. (Turner 2013)
Disadvantages Of Aphasia
This essay will serve to debunk the myth that humans only use 10% of their brain,
by making reference to different cases of aphasia. The areas of the brain that are
involved in language will be discussed as well as the cognitive processes which are
involved in language and speech. One will see the language deficits which arise due
to lesions in different parts of the brain. The skills that may be retained when
localised lesions result in specific deficits.
The brain is an remarkable organ of the human body. Different segments of the brain
control different functions and is also known as localization of function. The brain is
comprised of the thalamus as well as the cerebellum which is responsible for the
controlling and regulating of motor ... Show more content on ...
There are several disorders that occur with regards to aphasia and will be explained in
Broca s aphasia is the first type of aphasia that will be looked at. This type of
aphasia affects Broca s area, the left arcuate fasciculus and the left insula. When one
is subjected to Broca s aphasia they will have problems repeating complex sentences,
they will not be fluent and will not be able to express themselves. They will also have
difficulty understanding complex sentences.
Wernicke s aphasia refers to the damage of Wernicke s area. People who are
affected in this area will not be able to repeat sounds and speech from others, they
will not be able to have an intelligent conversation because the sentences they
produce will have word choice errors as well as phoneme choice errors. They will
also have problems when writing.
Transcortical motor aphasia is similar to Broca s aphasia in the sense that the
damage is in the region anterior to Broca s area. People who suffer transcortical
motor aphasias have good a good sense of understanding and are able to repeat
complex sentences, but their speech is not
The On Brown Coal Gasification
In Australia, Victorian brown coals represent a significant, low cost energy resource
with reserves of 430 billion tonnes. However, its utilization is limited to mine mouth
power generation using conventional pulverized coal fired combustion units at
relatively low efficiencies [1]. Therefore, it is necessary to assess and develop
alternative utilization techniques for this vast resource, such as gasification. Among
different gasifiers, the entrained flow gasifier is attractive for commercial plants
because of its feedstock flexibility and clean gas product. However, the technological
information on brown coal gasification is limited. There has been one study
reporting on pressurized fluidized bed gasification of Victorian brown coals at a
pilot scale, but the carbon conversion of Victorian brown coals is quite low[12].
In this study, information on the gasification behaviour of two Victorian brown
coals, Yallourn (YL) and Morwell (MW) coal, is reported, including the release of
alkali, sulphur, and chlorine spieces, carbon conversion, and gas quality during CO2
gasification. The relation between 100% carbon conversion and residence time was
investigated by regasifying the chars after every run of 5 6s residence time. This
study generates fundamental information that will be useful for the design of
commercial entrained flow gasifiers using Victorian brown coals.
The coal samples used in this study are Yallourn (YL) and Morwell (MW) coal, two
The Midwife s Apprentice By Karen Cushman
The book I read was The Midwife s Apprentice by Karen Cushman. The book is
about a shy and timid girl names Brat who is homeless and has no family or
friends. Brat believes she does not belong anywhere, nor is she important. A woman
named Jane finds Brat sleeping in a farmer s dung heap and decides to take her under
her wing. Jane is a Midwife (a womanwho helps other woman during childbirth),
and told Brat that she can be her apprentice in exchange for food. As Brat starts
working with Jane she learns more about herself and begins to stand up for herself.
Brat gives herself a real name, Alyce and now knows she does belong somewhere
and she has a purpose in life. I think that this book doesn t fall under the category of
the what children
The Pc Industry Essay
In this paper I will discuss the industry structure and the behavior of firms in the
Personal Computer Industry. The personal computer industry has five leaders:
Compaq Computer Corporation (CCC), Dell Computer Corporation, International
Business Machines (IBM), Hewlett Packard, and Gateway, (Industry Survey, Apr.
2000). The PC industry, as discussed in the paper, is comprised only of home
/business use machines, not mainframes, databases, or any kind of servers or super
computers. The PC industry is a fast growing, consumer based oligopoly. I will
prove the latter through the use of industry characteristics and firm behaviors by
giving an overview of each leading firm and their behaviors , then ... Show more
content on ...
The future for CCC is quite hazy. Despite the sales numbers and the heavy bottom
line, CCC s stock price has sat down in the low $30 s,(Hamblen 1). Competition is
increasing daily and Compaq needs to distinguish itself in the marketplace. They ve
already experienced a decline in markets share, only they can change their fate.
Dell Computer Corporation, the second leading computer manufacturer, began by
selling PC s directly to consumers. Their first customers ordered over the phone and
Wold Wide Web. To this day Dell still has no brick and mortar retailers and does
not distribute its product to resellers. In the business to business market Dell has
excelled, but until recently, the profitable company was not so profitable in the
home user segment,(Industry Survey, Apr. 2000). The company s new strategy, to
gain market share, has proven very effective. Dell now posts a 62% gain in world
wide PC shipments and a 2.6 share point gain from 8.2% in `98 to 10.8% in
`99,(Industry Survey, Apr. 2000). Recently Dell s presence has been felt in the
growing PC market. This has forced competitors to be very careful about pricing in
this highly elastic industry. Dell s profitability is also notable, since it has minimal
distribution costs and does very little advertising Dell is extremely profitable.
However, rough times may be on the horizon for Dell. Analysts are worried because
profit growth
Google strategy
Google is one of leaders in innovation management. What are some of its best
Google s Executive Chairman and former CEO Eric Schmidt provides us with some
(reported in Manyika 2008):
EES OR483 Strategy and Marketing Primer (version 3.0)
This set of crib notes is a review of marketing and strategy tools and concepts that
you may find useful for your project in EES OR 483. The intention is not to give
you more work or reading material, but rather to provide you with an aid and
reference in formulating and analyzing your problem.
All of the concepts covered in lecture and the assigned readings are reviewed here.
You might find the summaries a helpful reminder of what the concepts are and how...
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With the idea of activity mapping, Porter (1996) builds on his ideas of generic
strategy and the value chain to describe strategy implementation in more detail.
Competitive advantage requires that the firm s value chain be managed as a system
rather than a collection of separate parts. Positioning choices determine not only
which activities a company will perform and how it will configure individual
activities, but also how they relate to one another. This is crucial, since the essence of
implementing strategy is in the activities choosing to perform activities differently or
to perform different activities than rivals. A firm is more than the sum of its
activities. A firm s value chain is an interdependent system or network of activities,
connected by linkages. Linkages occur when the way in which one activity is
performed affects the cost or effectiveness of other activities. Linkages create
tradeoffs requiring optimization and coordination.
Porter describes three choices of strategic position that influence the configuration of
a firm s activities:
variety based positioning based on producing a subset of an industry s products or
services; involves choice of product or service varieties rather than customer
segments. Makes economic sense when a company can produce particular products
or services using distinctive sets of activities. (i.e. Jiffy Lube for auto lubricants only)
Laughter Is the Best Medicine
Henry Badillo
Topic: Is Laughter Truly the Best Medicine?
General Purpose: To Inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience three main reasons on п»їhow can laughter
be the best medicine for human п»ї being physical Health Benefits
Thesis statement: Laughter help trigger the release of endorphins, protect us against
heart attack, and relaxes our muscles.
Introduction: Laughter is a great thing, that s why we ve all heard the saying,
Laughter is the best medicine. There is strong evidence that laughter can actually
improve health and help fight disease. Let s take a look on how can laughter be the
best medicine.
Central Idea: What do laughter do? Laughter help trigger the release of ... Show more
content on ...
sources: Laughter good for heart
Laughter is the Best Medicine
Laughter relaxes our muscles
1. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles
relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.
Dog Days Of Summer For Small Business Analysis
According to Sarah Whitten the writer of These Are Not the Dog Days of Summer
for Small Businesses an article from, Many Small businesses use the
summer months not as a break, but a chance to stock up on their inventory for the
holiday seasons.
Some people might believe that summer moths give small business owners a break
from the chaos from the moths that have big holidays, however these summer months
are used wisely and are very important to any business. During the summer months
small business work extra hard in order to be prepared for those hectic later months.
They order extra inventory so they will have enough supplies for those holiday
seasons. Some businesses even start preparing as early as August because some
people like to shop earlier then the month of a holiday.
According to the National Retail Federation, in 2013 more than twenty percent of
shoppers began shopping for Christmas in ... Show more content on ...
This system gives capital to previous PayPal business and offers loans which have
no interest, no late fees, and no pre payment fees. The Working Capital program
takes a percentage of daily sales from each business with the loan to pay for it
instead of having to pay the exact same amount every week.
Denise s most recent loan was for around 31,000 dollars and is paying thirty
percent of daily sales to pay for the loan. Cline says I ve looked at traditional bank
loans, but this has been so quick, so easy, it s based on our sales history, our five to
six year history with PayPal and I don t have to go through all the credit checks.
Witch the credit s good, it s just time consuming... So we don t have to go through
any of that.
However, PayPal s Working Capital program is not the only alternative way to get a
loan. Owner of Pittsburgh s Olive and Marlowe, an oil and vinegar company, Heather
Cramer used a crowd lending site Kiva Zip to pay for her holiday prep
PMGY Scheme Case Study
Although, the centrally sponsored PMGYSY Scheme is aimed at providing all
weather road connectivity to every rural habitation of population of 500 or more
located in plains and 250 plus in hill states, tribal districts and desert area. Such rural
roads in Himalayan states in North and North East India with low to medium
snowfall does have design provisions for all weatherconnectivity and sufficient
considerations make to winter climate resilient for roads. The provisions include (a)
On roads subjected to heavy snowfall and landslides, roadway width is being
increased by 1.5 m; (b) States are being permitted to provide 50 mm thick Bitumen
Bound Macadam in place of 75 mm thick Water Bound Macadam (WBM) Gr III.
These projects have a defect... Show more content on ...
Given there can be large number of such landslides, which can occur in the IHR the
quantum of losses and inconvenience to the people residing in the region can be
Indian economy has matured in two decades and the Government has realised that
keeping roads in IHR Open to traffic for longer periods during the year is a matter
vital importance. It has implications not only strategic reasons and defence
connectivity with mainland, but also largely determine the socio economic
welfare of the people living in these areas. A large number of places in IHR are
prominent tourist and religious destinations which remain closed during winters.
For the last few years, Government of India has embarked on a mission of all
weather road connectivity to these regions. There has also been certain institutional
changes to achieve these mandate in a more structured manner. BRO was earlier
the mainstay for road development and management in the IHR. However, in 2015
with formation of NHIDCL the road development works have been split between
BRO and NHIDCL. BRO has now been accorded the responsibility of managing
defence related road infrastructure whereas all the other projects in civilian areas are
being managed by NHIDCL. Some of the prominent projects in the IHR aimed at
providing all weather connectivity are discussed below. Although, most of these
The Elephant Man Essay
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The Elephant Man Essay

  • 1. The Elephant Man Essay Crafting an essay on "The Elephant Man" presents a unique set of challenges, as the topic delves into sensitive aspects of human existence. One must navigate the intricate balance between empathy and objectivity when discussing the life of Joseph Merrick, the individual famously known as "The Elephant Man." The subject matter revolves around Merrick's physical deformities and the societal reactions he faced during the Victorian era, raising ethical considerations and emotional complexities. To delve into Merrick's life, a writer must conduct thorough research to comprehend the historical and medical contexts surrounding his condition. This involves immersing oneself in the cultural nuances of the 19th century and understanding the prevailing attitudes towards disability. Addressing the psychological impact of Merrick's experiences requires a delicate touch to avoid sensationalism and ensure a respectful portrayal of his humanity. Moreover, constructing a coherent narrative demands a keen awareness of the intricacies of Merrick's personal journey. This includes exploring his relationships, aspirations, and the challenges he encountered as he navigated a world that often marginalized him. The essay should strive to evoke empathy while avoiding pity, encouraging readers to reflect on broader themes of acceptance, compassion, and the human capacity for resilience. In addition, discussing "The Elephant Man" involves analyzing various artistic representations, whether in literature, film, or other mediums. Evaluating the impact of these interpretations on shaping public perceptions requires a critical lens, requiring the writer to explore the nuances of how Merrick's story has been portrayed over time. In conclusion, writing an essay on "The Elephant Man" demands a delicate balance between historical accuracy, empathy, and critical analysis. Navigating the intricacies of this topic requires a thoughtful and nuanced approach to do justice to Joseph Merrick's complex life and the profound issues it raises. For assistance with similar essays or any other writing needs, you may explore resources like, where professionals can provide support and guidance tailored to your requirements. The Elephant Man Essay The Elephant Man Essay
  • 2. Essay about Competitive Strategies and Government Policies Competitive Strategies and Government Policies Team A ECO/365 date Instructor Competitive Strategies and Government Policies Alternative fuel is a big issue becoming more of a common discussion topic among many firms around the world, along with politicians all over the world. There are many regulations and government policies that will come into play in the years to come for the fuel market and those involved. There will be negative and positive externalities involved, issues that will need to be adjusted to, for example new companies entering the market, globalization that will affect price and price sustainability of profit and different types of mergers that will be described in this ... Show more content on ... Tax exemptions are available to those who use alternative fuel in such a way as to be deemed nontaxable by the IRS. Common nontaxable uses in a motor vehicle are: on a farm for farming purposes; in certain intercity and local buses; in a school bus; exclusive use by a nonprofit educational organization; and exclusive use by a state, political subdivision of a state, or the District of Columbia. (DOE, 2011) The positive externality associated with this tax exemption is lower air pollution in large urban areas. A negative externality associated with alternative fuels as an energy source is the loss of jobs for those who work in the fossil fuel industry. If alternative fuel sources become more popular and are mandated as the primary energy source for motor vehicles, there are thousands of Americans whose livelihoods could be adversely affected due to the shut down of rigs both on and off shore. Entire companies could be forced to close, as they are not financially equipped to handle a retrofit to produce or refine alternative type fuels. Global Competition on Decisions Made by Management The world market for biofuels has expanded leading to global competition. Many countries are passing laws supporting biofuel industries due to the rise in oil prices, global warming, and economic opportunity. As oil prices rise, the demand for biofuel increases. The problem with the
  • 3. Essay on Western Music vs. Indigenous Music Introduction: Defining reconciliation alone can be a cumbersome task. It has been defined as many things such as a collection of lived practices a culture, a cultural project, a sea change in the psyche of a nation and a product of the imagination of the lunar left (Rigney Hemming, 2011). The main idea one should keep in mind when reading this paper, is the discrepancies between Indigenous and Western worlds and the way in which they conceptualise music. When understanding music as a tool for reconciliation, it can be defined under any of the headings stated above. The way in which traditional and popular music is discussed in this paper can be identified as a collection of lived practices a culture (Rigney Hemming, 2011) . ... Show more content on ... When thinking about the music industry from this point of view, the lack of credit and exposure given to traditional music is appalling. Traditional communities assign an array of powers to their music such as: the power to heal sickness, create bountiful game, cause lightning to strike [and] kill (Mills, 1996). As Allan Marett (2005) states in his text Songs, Dreamings and Ghosts: there is a great deal of ambivalence within Australian society about the contribution that Aboriginal knowledge and modes of expression can and should make to the national consciousness, ranging from those who embrace Aboriginal ways of being in the world as the key to understanding how to be in Australia, to those who reject them totally as primitive, inimical to development, or simply irrelevant to civilised values. This description is a seemingly accurate account from both sides of non Indigenous Australian s perceptions of Indigenous Australians. John Howard s eleven year reign as Prime Minister, and his political campaign of Practical Reconciliation , sheds some understanding on the assimilationist and westernised mindset that some Australian citizens possess (Gunstone, 2010). However, as Australia becomes more multicultural unless the nation is content with going into a state of ruin acceptance of diverse cultures must be recognised and
  • 4. Garrett Hardin Book Report Garrett Hardin was those type of people who used to be against something. He didn t want to support the poor nations. He was ambitious to the poor nations because he said that sooner or later the poor nations will help them self to become the best. He was also afraid that the population will grow in the world. He said that in year 2100 the population will be too big. He also said that the lifeboat theory was a metaphor because those 50 men in the lifeboat is the population and basically is saying if the population grows and grows everything will get packed . He actually predicted that the population grew and grew. He also warned mostly everyone that the world will be overpopulated. Women s right was planned by Susan.B , she also did a lot of protest for rights. She gives out too many examples about why women... Show more content on ... Also this teacher sa Okay in this book is about this dad who wrote a note to his father and he asking why is his son failing and everything. He is saying that his son is curious and all that. He was also saying that wolf has being teached another way. He was also saying that wolf is mostly with his mom all day watching her dance for their religion. He was also saying that wolf is a shy indian kid. Wolf s dad is just asking the teacher everything for he can understand what s happening with wolf. He was also saying that he wasn t suppose to be treated like that. He was telling her that just because his has a different way wolf got teached there s no reason why to judge wolf culture. Wolf s dad is trying to be respectful to his son. In this book is just trying to say that the teacher doesn t has any respect to Wolf. Basically is saying that education does not support indian culture. This teacher is being respect after what s she done.She also said that wolf is a slow learner. While the dad is proving her wrong . He is saying that mostly everyone is being racist to Indian culture. Also they re disrespectful and they have to learn how to
  • 5. Foils In Hedda Gabler In the play Hedda Gabler, Henrik Ibsen uses dramatic foils to criticize societal expectations of women in 19th century Norwegian Society. Ibsen manipulates the literary devices within the play to portray the contrasting passions, desires and goals that vary within the female characters. In turn showing their struggle against Victorian society and seeking intellectual or even emotional empowerment as individuals. The stage description, introduces Hedda s as an aristocratic lady who physically embodies breeding and distinction . Through the nouns breeding and distinction , Ibsen conveys a sense of being moulded by Norwegian society to conform to societal norms. A depiction that positions her as being forced into proper societal etiquette... Show more content on ... Like Hedda, Thea has entered a loveless marriage, a marriage of convenience. Both are dissatisfied by their husband s inability to fulfil their emotional and intellectual needs. However, Thea asserts her individuality, renounces a distasteful marriage, and gains freedom. Unlike Hedda, she has no fear of gossip and scandal: I have done nothing, but what I had to do, Thea is unrepentant about leaving her husband, disregarding social norms to seek fulfilment. In doing so she finds intellectual fulfilment within a metaphorical marriage with Lovborg, creating a child . Lovborg refers to the book as being a physical representation of Thea s pure soul showing that the act of destroying the book was similar to child murder as it took away the absolute joy and fulfilment that Thea had been seeking, which is very similar to the emotions that women tend to develop when they have their own children. In contrast, Hedda s impending pregnancy saddens her because a child will tie her down and therefore she seeks to strip Thea of her fulfilment by burning Thea and Lovborg s child similar to her desire to burn Thea s hair. The usage of the verb, burn shows Hedda s destructive and vicious nature towards Thea who has found
  • 6. Dave Egger s Shortcomings In Zeitoun In his national bestselling novel Zeitoun, author Dave Eggers draws sympathy from his audience by applying the three appeals during the documentation of a muslim family s experience with racial prejudice in post 9/11 Katrina. Eggers purpose calls upon painting a vivid picture of the discrimination towards the protagonist and his family before and after Hurricane Katrina. His tone is often sentimental and builds emotional appeal. Throughout the novel, Zeitoun experiences a number of shortcomings due to his race. Eggers often employs pathos during such moments and uses an objective tone to indirectly voice his opinions to his readers. By utilizing this method, his prose is subtly convincing in a way that allows readers to form their own similar ... Show more content on ... His work during Katrina involved compassionate actions and centralized the rhetoricals of pathos. However, many of the actions went unrecognized or completely ignored by the officials who were assisting him. One example would be his persistent care in feeding the neighborhood dogs that were stranded and uncared for in deserted houses. Zeitoun sympathy for the dogs allowed their hunger to be dissolved. Zeitoun s effort towards the dogs immediately went to waste after being arrested by the police. He pleads to the officials to take care of them, but later finds them to be deceitful. The stench hit him immediately. He knew the dogs were dead before he saw them (Pg. 280) Eggers urges his readers visualize the distrust that the soldiers had toward Zeitoun. Despite his attempts to care for the dogs at the expense of his time and personal resources, his pleas to save the innocent dogs are scornfully disregarded due to the arrogance and skepticism of officials. Thus, the dogs went uncared for and died. From his neighbors to the dogs, Zeitoun s dedication of his trustworthiness and sympathetic heart exhibits a trustful attitude towards his community that the government fails to
  • 7. Compare And Contrast Ancient Greek Culture Cultures Contrasted Different cultures have their own ideas of how we as humans came into being. Two of those cultures are the Greeks and the people in the ancient near east. Their accounts of the creation of humans differ in some aspects, but are similar in others. The Ancient Greeks had different myths to explain the creation of mortal humans. However, in most of them, the creation of humans is an afterthought. It is possible that some Greeks thought Zeuscreated humans, while others thought Prometheus created them. Then there is the Five Ages of Hesiod which implies that humans were in existence during the reign of Cronus, before his son Zeus overthrew him. In the myth of the Sacrifice at Mecone, Prometheus tricked Zeus into choosing the worst part of the sacrificial animal for the gods. Zeus, in Hesiod s Theogony, planned in his vengeful spirit a terrible future for mortal men, one they could never evade. Zeus then has Hephaestus fashion the first mortal woman and gives her, Pandora, to Prometheus brother Epimetheus as a curse for humankind. The lack of a central, widely accepted creation myth shows how unimportant the creation of humans was to the Greeks. In the Enuma Elish, an ancient near eastern creation myth, there were two gods, Marduk and Tiamat who fought for power. Marduk killed Tiamat and used half her body to... Show more content on ... For the Greeks, humans were just an afterthought, but for the Babylonians, humans were created to serve the gods. The Greeks believed humans were simply made from the earth by either Prometheus or Zeus, while the Babylonians believed that humans were made from divine material, the bodies of gods. Though the Babylonians believed humans were partly divine, they were only created to serve the gods. The Greeks also gave humans little importance and seem to have been created for no particular
  • 8. Clover case study chapter 2 2. Clover Machines Case: Dabbling in International Markets? 1. What are overall benefits of tapping international markets? Does it make sense for Clover given its success in using domestic capital markets? Global financial markets are often larger than domestic financial markets. This means that financing issue size can be larger, costs can be lower and contract flexibility can be higher. But global markets are typically only available for large firms. Clover appears to be of sufficient size for tapping global markets. Clover is a well known issuer of capital in domestic markets and a large number of analysts (16) follow the firm. It might be the right time to explore global markets and make its brand known in other countries also: ... Show more content on ... Clover faces continuing large setup costs and its free cash flows (surplus of operating cash flows over investments) may not be sufficient to fund these investments. 4. What are the pros and cons of tapping the Eurobond market? Does Clover fit the profile of firms using this market? What are pre conditions for successful participation? Clover may face initial hurdles in tapping the Eurobond markets: potential investors may not be familiar with the firm. But Clover does satisfy a key requirement: Eurobond issues are large issues; since Clover needs large amounts of capital, this market is appropriate. Pre conditions for a successful offering are: (a) well known firm and (b) large offering. 5. Clover does not have any business in Japan. Given this, does it make any sense to obtain JPY financing? What might be the downside of the attractive rate that is offered? It is interesting that one of the alternatives is a Samurai issue (JPY issue in Japan). Such an issue might be quite valuable if Clover has business in Japan and can offset JPY operating cash flows against JPY debt related cash flows. But even without this benefit, there are advantages to diversifying funding sources (a topic discussed in chapters 10 and 11). One problem that Clover needs to consider is the potential for JPY to strengthen; if this happens, debt service (that is, repayment of interest and principal) will be at disadvantageous
  • 9. Gas Station Filling Station by Elizabeth Bishop heavily relies upon diction and word choice to create imagery to supports the main theme of the poem, which is that love can be found everywhere, even in unlikely places. In the second stanza of the poem, the author starts to discuss some of the inhabitants of the gas station. The describes the sons of the station owner as quick and saucy , using words with generally positive connotations. Quick gives a lively, and thus warm, feeling to the station, and saucy can literally mean lively when used in this context. Saucy can also inspire the same warm feelings as the word quick does, if not even more so. Saucy recalls home cooked foods, adding to the overall message of familiar love to the poem. Another... Show more content on ... Here the poem says, Embroidered in daisy stitch, with marguerites, I think, and heavy with gray, crochet. The doily is revealed to be crocheted. Crochet is a craft that can only be done by hand. Popular perception says that usually a maternal person performs this type of work, and this implies that there is some maternal presence in the gas station. The idea that there is some maternal presence is at the station is further supported by the presence of daisies and marguerites found in the doily itself. These flowers normally have feminine
  • 10. Nurse Ellen Savage Against The Current National Competency... Nursing over the few centuries has dramatically changed in relation to the higher growing need for medical attention, this essay will assess the work of nurse Ellen Savage against the the current National Competency Standards (NCS) for a registered nurse, and will evaluate her practice in comparison to the current for a registered nurse. The essay will read, an introduction of nurse Ellen Savage and her work as a nurse in the 1900 s, the competency standards of the 19th century, current competency standards and domains and lastly the comparison of Ellen Savage to the current competency standards The nurse explored in this essay is registered nurse, midwife and child health care nurse Ellen Savage. Savage joined the Australian Army Nursing Service in early 1941, here she served in the Australian General Hospital in Concord, Sydney (Gendek, 2007; Prior, 2013). March of 1942, Savage was posted to board the Australian Hospital ship the Centaur where she would collect injured service men from Papua New Guinea (Daly, Speedy Jackson, n.d.; Gendek, 2007). Early morning of the 14th of May the Centaur was hit by a torpedo from a Japanese submarine causing the ship to sink in under three minutes (Gendek, 2007; Prior, 2013). Ellen was the only nurse to survive the attack, however she did obtain severe injuries of her own including fractured ribs, fractured nose and palate, perforated eardrums and multiple bruising including a badly bruised eye (Daly, Speedy Jackson, n.d.; Gendek,
  • 11. Compensation and Benifits Strategies Recommendations Wk3... Compensation and Benefits Strategies Recommendations Angela Garrett, Bessie Fuller, Catherine Spivey, Chandell Tyghter, Janell Jernigan HRM/531 Human Capital Management December 8, 2014 Doreen Lawrence Compensation and Benefits Strategies Recommendations In this scenario, Team A has agreed to work with a small business, Landslide Limousine. Bradley Stonefield is our client whom we must develop some compensation and benefit recommendations. Landslide Limousine is a small business with approximately 25 employees that is located in Austin, Texas. First, Team A will conduct a market evaluation by researching what companies in the relevant market are providing to employees from a total compensation perspective.... Show more content on ... These companies are currently operating in the Austin, Texas marketplace and are a large competitor. In addition, the market can easily offer skilled workers and great benefits. Landslide must offer a benefits package to keep up with their competitor, and if they wish to stay in business, keeping their employees satisfied amongst competition is a must. Team A recommends that Landslide must offer similar or improved benefits to their employees. Further, Landslide should offer a training program to entry level employees so that the service is exceptional and customers will continue to utilize their business. Compensation and Benefits Strategy When running an organization, managers and other members of leaders needs to take a look at the compensation and benefit strategy. A strategic plan for employee compensation determines how much you want to pay employees and what type of employees you want to attract. Your compensation plan entails a variety of aspects including pay scales, reward programs, benefits packages and company perks. A successful strategic compensation plan allows your business to compete in the market for the best employees in your industry ( Strategic Plan for Employee Compensation and Benefits , 2014). Here are a few recommendation I would make to help with the creation of a compensation and benefit strategy plan. Attracting Quality Employees Your strategic plan for compensation plays a large role in attracting
  • 12. Suicide Causes, Etiologies, And Prevention Strategies Suicide causes, etiologies, and prevention strategies were examined in Mesa county of western Colorado. The highest population at risk for completion of suicide within Mesa county and that of the national average were found to be White males between the ages of 36 54 years of age. Risk factors of suicide and demographics of this population were assessed and compared to the efficacy of current suicideprograms utilized within Mesa county. Data was then compared from Mesa county s demographics, suicide rates, and prevention programs to current literature and the District of Columbia, which hosts the lowest suicide rate in the country. The juxtaposition of current literature and the District of Columbia s suicide prevention programs to Mesa county s current suicide prevention program were made to identify the efficacy and areas of improvement needed to further reduce suicide rates. Suicide in Mesa County Suicide rates within the United States continue to rise at a steady rate. Within the past several years, the suicide rate has steadily increased to 12.6 suicide deaths per 100,000 people, which comes to more than 41,000 deaths per year (Bower, 2016). Fleischmann et al. (2016) found that despite preconceptions, suicide occurs in approximately 75% of lower to middle class countries. Worldwide, around 50% of suicides account for violent death in men and 71% in women (Fleischmann, et al., 2016). In the United States alone, the largest percentage of
  • 13. A Research Study On Linguistics Overview1 Literature Review2 Methodology14 Results16 Conclusion18 Reference19 Overview Linguistics can be characterized as the behavioral examples of individuals with a consideration of society, correspondence, traditions, conventions, convictions, morals and so on. In less complex terms, it is the fitness controlled by the local speakers of the vernacular, here alludes to English. Presently, going to the theme of this paper i.e. Etymological Competence, a knowledge is offered through this into the Universal Grammar. According to Chomsky, Linguistic capability is the dialectframework that empowers various individuals to decipher and translate syntactic and ungrammatical sentences in their dialect. It additionally says that ... Show more content on ... Be that as it may, in the event that we have a tendency to utilize I would talk ideally Chinese, it would not be under a general use by the Universal English speakers. Such an illustration gives a mind boggling delineation of the individualistic methodology of semantic capability (Philips and Tan, n.d.) Chomsky really accepted on the thought that every individual can get semantic segments. This has by a long shot helped them to investigate data that is thought to be a shared conviction of correspondence in this universe. Aside from him, various lexicalists have put their inputs in Linguistic Competence. One of them, Ray Jackendoff inferred the grammatical structure from the conventional arrangement of generative syntax. According to him, generative syntax is an amalgamation of five controls noted as the vocabulary, base, transformational part, phonology and semantics. To produce his perspectives on the same, he treats phonology, language structure, and semantics as proportional parts in characterizing phonetic ability. Literature Review In the current era, every element of the society and the economy has been globalizing. This globalization initiates an expansion in interdependence, integration, and connectivity of ecological, political, cultural, technological, social and economic spheres across the activities at local level. The international interactions force an extreme sensitivity towards the audiences with positions of interpretation, and
  • 14. A Research Study On Ethics Ethics, deriving from the Greek ethos meaning character (Jennings, 2010), are the moral principles that govern a person s behaviour or the conducting of an activity (Oxford Dictionary, 2015b) and establish the foundation of present day research (Cropley, 2008; Flick, 2006). They are the norms of conduct that distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour (Resnik, 2011) and establish the values essential for the collaborative work between the researcher and the research subject (Jennings, 2010; Veal, 2006). The research at hand is therefore in accordance with the ethical principles as specified by Jennings (2010) and Veal (2006). This includes the free choice of participation in the research, the confidential usage of sensitive data received from respondents and the avoidance of harm to participants (Jennings, 2010). Besides, before the completion of the questionnaire all potential participants were informed about the purpose of the research and how the data will be used. All research subjects participated in the questionnaire survey on a voluntary basis and gave their consent for the usage of their data provided. 4.6Analytical Methods Data was analysed with SPSS Statistics 20 and Mplus Software Version 7.11 by performing descriptive and inferential statistics. In order to get an impression of the characteristics of the sample mean, standard deviation, Skewness and Kurtosis were determined. Descriptive analysis was conducted for all demographic information
  • 15. The Novel The Spirit Level I Came Into Inequality While reading The Spirit Level I came into conclusion that the inequality in developed countries is great threat to society as a whole. The major issues that are brought up in the book are the inequality between the rich and the poor in developed countries but also the comparison between developing countries. The book dives into several factors that are the effects of the inequality ranging from obesity, teenage birth, life expectancy etc.... I would discuss in depth on each of these factors and how they all are key components in society and how they add to the inequality in developed countries. One of the first factors the book brings up is the issue of trust and how it is a main factor in society, trust is what keeps us from not turning on each other and seeing others as cooperative rather than competitive. According to the book trust has fallen from a high 60 percent from 1960 to a low of less than 40 percent in 2004 , this facts gives insight into the society we are living in now. When I read this, I could only think of the mindset many people have now, job security is tight and that everyone is seen as competition. I for one living in America I always have a sense that everyone wants to be on top, and they are willing to do everything to get the job or position, instead of trying to change the way of selfishness, we are adding to it, especially with social media. Social media has it pros but it has very damaging cons, ideas of self worth and values are being shoved
  • 16. Inequality In Brave New World In the dystopian novel, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. There was an experiment where Alphas, or the smartest people in that society were all put on the same island. What occurred was a civil war broke out because the Alphas were not satisfied with what position they were assigned to. Likewise, the world that is produced today has a social class similar to alphas, betas, gammas, deltas, and epsilons . Modern society has created layers of class where one status quo is considered more successful than others by occupation, fame, and wealth. The world does not offer everyone the same opportunity to achieve the level of success, this is known as social inequality. Social inequality is defined by the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards... Show more content on ... Equality is defined as any given circumstances, where people who are the same in those respects relevant to how they are treated in those circumstances should receive the same treatment. Equity on the other hand is defined as dealing with differences and takes into consideration the fact that this society has many groups in it who have not always been given equal treatment and/or have not had a level field on which to play . A case in 2004 from Ethical Leadership in Higher Education Admission: Equality vs. Equity serves to differentiate equality and equity. Juan and Courtney had applied for a merit based scholarship and had come from a competitive high school, were in the top 10% of their graduating class, initiated organizations and held officer positions in clubs. Academically, there was only one key difference, Juan s ACT composite score was four points lower than Courtney s ACT composite score. Just from this information alone, Courtney should narrowly win. However, Juan was Hispanic and was coming from a single parent home, and Courtney had both parents working. This now became a case of equality versus equity. On the equality side, Juan and Courtney were both individuals who applied to the scholarship in hopes of obtaining it. Because both individuals have are the same relevantly, they should be scored the same and therefore Courtney should win. On the equity side, Juan was born into a more difficulty socioeconomic status and differences should be taken into account and therefore Juan should win. However, from this example before this specific instance, due to increasingly higher ACT scores from incoming freshman, students with color had a greater denied admission. This example provides the difference between equality and equity. Equality essentially means sameness and promotes fairness but is only
  • 17. Positive Influence On Football Positive and Negative Influences that Media has on Sport in the UK (Football) Television Positive There are several reasons why football has a positive effect around the world. Reason one, football is broadcasted all over the world on television. Football is one of the main sports in the world; furthermore football is watched by billions of people around the world e.g. England, China, and Brazil etc. Another positive aspect that most football leagues are broadcasted on television e.g. Premiership (English League), Seria A (Italian League) and Liga (Spanish League). Youth club matches e.g. Under 18s and Under 21s can be viewed either on Sky Sports or even BT Sports. BT sports airs matches from Seria A, Ligue 1 and the Premiership, Sky Sports broadcasts matches from the Premiership, Liga and MLS. The reason why Sky Sports and BT Sports air theses football matches as a result they will increase their revenues. Furthermore they will receive more and money from loads of sponsorships that the television company are associated with. Negative One of the negatives of television is that many football games or major football tournaments like the FA Cup, UEFA Champions Leagueor Europa League are either broadcasted on Sky Sports or BT Sports. Football supports who buy the sky sports bundle to watch their team play pay ВЈ47.50 a month for only the on their Sky Sports package. However not all football matches are shown on Sky sports, e.g. Champions League matches are shown on BT
  • 18. Effects of Crude Oil Prices Executive Summary What affect does the price of oil and gas have on the economy? How does this affect the daily lives of the entire population? The preceding questions are the basis for the enclosed report. The primary objective of this report is to give a few reasons as to what causes prices of oil and prices of gas to rise. Among these reasons, speculation of things that may or may not happen, like a terrorist strike, is one of the leading factors. Another reason for the continued rise in prices of oil and gas is the constant growth that China is experiencing in population and energy consumption. While each of these natural resources is often spoken of in conjunction with one another, they are very different commodities with... Show more content on ... It seemed on plausible to research the knowledge questions within the survey itself to verify what the actual answers to the questions asked were. The answers for these questions were found from the Department of Energy, American PetroleumInstitute, and presentations from technical experts within the industry, such as the University of Houston s Michael Economides. The survey was taken from several University Center students and co workers. While this in no way is representative of the entire population, it did provide a slice of information necessary for comparison. The survey was intended to provide an insight into common knowledge of the oil and gas industry and opinions of those surveyed. The survey included three questions for a demographic baseline, four questions related to knowledge of the oil and gas industry, and eleven questions of opinion related to the oil and gas industry. The opinion questions dealt particularly with prices of by products such as gasoline. A total of forty surveys were conducted. Findings Secondary Research Oil and natural gas effects consumer s daily lives in aspects of not only petrochemical costs but also items such as electricity, clothing, and medication. Today the saying has been, as goes oil, so does the economy but the price of oil has not always been known in this way. Two reasons said to be responsible for the rising prices in oil have to do with wealthy countries and the fact that predominant oil
  • 19. Bed Room Gap Analysis In 2010, the medical critical care unit at the York Street campus of Yale New Haven expanded into two 28 bed units housed on two floors, each encompassing 33,000 square feet. The increase in geography posed new challenges for clinical staff with regard to alarm management. Crisis monitor alarms were programmed to populate the bedside physiologic monitoring screens in zoned clinical areas. This allowed clinicians to view the alarmcondition and respond appropriately to area alarms. The units established an alarm management team in 2013 with the goal to meet the requirements of NPSG.06.01.01. The team consisted of representatives from clinical engineering, the Yale School of Nursing, information technology, nursing management, performance improvement, physician leadership, and bedside clinical staff. The team began by using the gap analysis assessment tool provided by AACN.3 Clinical staff members responded to an open invitation for alarm management committee participation. ... Show more content on ... Ten staff nurses shared their ideas about improving alarm management. Pulmonary critical care physicians verbalized that alarm noise detracted from the team s ability to interact with the patient and family at the bedside during rounds. Clinical staff members were engaged in the project using shift change huddles, patient safety and quality briefings, pulmonary critical care provider and alarm management meetings. The performance improvement team addressed staff feedback regarding noise levels. Decibel meters were placed in a central location in the intensive care unit to obtain measurements of noise from all sources. The team identified audible alarms from bedside physiologic monitors as the largest contributor to the noise levels in the units. Overall, noise levels in the units averaged 68.4 dB. [AU: Reorganized paragraph for clarity. edited paragraph
  • 20. The Security Exchange Commission Filed Charges Against... Background The security exchange commission filed charges against Rite Aid s senior executives on June 21, 2002. ( SEC Announces Fraud Charges Against Former Rite Aid Senior Management ) These charges were on the basis of accounting fraud and were filed against senior leadership ranging from the former CEO to a former Vice Chairman, specifically Martin Grass the chief executive officer, Frank Bergonzi the chief financial officer, and Franklin Brown a former vice chairman. Security and exchange commission alleged that Rite Aid overstated its income and every quarter from May 1997 to May 1999. ( SEC Announces Fraud Charges Against Former Rite Aid Senior Management ) they also alleged that there were related party transactions that were never reported as well as finance committee meetings had had the minutes fabricated by Grass. The Securities and Exchange Commission is looking to have several punishments placed on the executives. The commission is seeking this disgorgement of annual bonuses and imposition of civil penalties against Grass, Bergonzi, and Brown. ( SEC Announces Fraud Charges Against Former Rite Aid Senior Management ). Disgorgement of annual bonuses as required by section 304 of Sarbanes Oxley act of 2002. This essentially requires that the executives forfeit any bonuses or income that they had earned during the 12 month period following the start of the fraud. Any bonuses or other incentives or equity based compensation that they received during the 12
  • 21. Diesel Emission Regulations Are EPA Diesel Emission regulations regulating Truck owners? As a result of EPA regulations, today s diesel engines are more efficient than ever before seen in large and midsized trucks. Certain regulations restrict truck owners from using certain truck models, because of excess diesel emission. Increasing drastically as technology improves, cars and trucks produce less and less diesel exhausts and emissions. But because diesel engines can operate for 30 years or more, millions of older, dirtier engines are still in use, (Epa.Gov). Reducing exposure to diesel exhaust from these engines is especially important for the preservation of human health and the environment. According to the EPA, the United States Environmental Protection Agency, ... Show more content on ... Volkswagen company put sensors in the emission component, so when tested, the examiner sees that the car meets emission standards. But because the sensors are to meet U.S emission standards, the car itself can be modified to ignore the sensor s override and make the car believe it was in use. TFL motors was curious about the scam, so they decided to put a Jetta TDI turbo diesel on an AWD Dyno, to confuse the car into thinking it s on the street, not being checked for emissions. Being in emissions mode, the AWD dyno lost horsepower and torque, but without the sensors active the car produced excess diesel exhaust, going over the EPA regulated limit. The car itself was able to perform at a higher level without the sensors active, proving reason to hide the fact that excess exhaust is produced. Certain companies realize the regulations hold their products back, so to promote the fuel efficiency and or horsepower of the car, they would gladly hide the fact that their cars are emitting excess diesel exhaust. Some ways to prevent excess exhaust would be to install EGR coolers, or to buy tuners for your engine s valves. But many professional truckers tend to stick with rolling coal. Rolling coal can happen by making a smoke switch, or removing emission controls on truck models, and adding a tuner to produce fine smoke build ups. Diesel exhaust is actually less harmful then a
  • 22. Essay on Henry David Thoreau Henry David Thoreau is a man of many facets; a man who refuses to conform to what the masses believe is acceptable. He calls for the rejection of complexity and for a change in mankind s view of life. Thoreau, in his many writings, demands change in a stagnant society. He emphasizes respect for nature, even to the point of blatant disrespect for humanity. Thoreau s connection to nature was a key ingredient in his lifestyle. He studied ants closely; hoping to understand them like one understands the human race. He came to the conclusion that either ants are as dignified as men, or that men have lowered themselves to the ant s position. He stressed the futility of war, showing in vivid detail that war does irreparable damage to both armies. ... Show more content on ... He claimed that humanity dwelled too much on the ideals and thoughts of men who had died long ago. The foregoing generations beheld God face to face, he said, Why should not we have a poetry and philosophy of insight and not of tradition? Thoreau obsessed with stirring the conscience of his peers, which eventually drove him to jail in protest of an oppressive government. He accentuated the importance of thinking for ourselves and acting on those thoughts. He understood that a blindness had fallen over his culture, and he struggled to rouse those who couldn t rouse themselves. For all of Thoreau s brilliance, he was also a man plagued by his own mind. His ideas of a Universal Mind and Being instead of Living seem foolish to me. I would have to say that, if I had met Thoreau in his own time, I would have agreed to his insanity. His teachings on Transcendentalism seem somewhat bizarre to me. How can a stream be too deep for the length of your arm... not for the length of your mind? Perhaps Thoreau was a truly intelligent man who simply blew a fuse pondering life too hard. Perhaps he was a great intellectual man who understood what was most important in life, and I am but a detached person with no understanding. Either way, Thoreau and I would never get along. Thoreau s most obvious underlying message is resistance. He didn t learn the alphabet like everyone else, but he learned it sdrawkcab! After his aunt
  • 23. The Battle Between Grendel And Beowulf Carl Van Clausewitz once said, Courage, above all things, is the first quality of a warrior. In a culture where being a warrior is a very integral part of everyday lives, having courage is a key component of social survival. To have courage means to be able to defend a kingdom by every means possible. It means protecting and ascertaining the wellbeing of the people within one s own kingdom. And above all, courage means remaining loyal to one s king, regardless of the circumstance. This is the warriorculture that Beowulfin Beowulf was a part of successfully as a thane, and the same warrior culture that leads the narrator in The Wanderer to lament past memories. In Beowulf, the fight between Grendeland Beowulf was certainly a nail biter. In this fight, however, Beowulf shows his courage by doing his absolute best at defending the kingdom by taking on this gruesome monster. Grendel was wreaking havoc on the kingdom to no end. He was killing many and terrorizing the citizens greatly. When Beowulf heard of this, as a courageous thane, he stepped in to try to stop this and protect the people. Hygelac s kinsman kept [Grendel] helplessly locked in a handgrip. As long as either lived, he was hateful to the other. The monster s whole body was in pain; a tremendous wound appeared on his shoulder. Sinews split and the bone lappings burst. Beowulf was granted the glory of winning; Grendel was driven under the fen banks, fatally hurt, to his desolate lair (Lines
  • 24. Social Class And Its Impact On Society Reda Kobeissi November 11, 2015 Professor Composition II Social class identity is the expression used when referring to what the variations social classes hold, such as different cultures, norms, and values. There is much debate on the subject of social class in the United States. There are disputes about whether social classes are clearly separate or fluid, conditioned upon one s community or society as a whole, and if people are subjective or objective (Hughes and Jenkins). The government uses the objective view, based on the economic status of the person, to be able to distinguish them into a specific social class. Though, despite the debate circling social classes, it is still essential to try to define them and interpret their ... Show more content on ... Education has become crucial in the placement of one into social class, or the ability to move upward in class, even though the education one receives is largely based on the social class one is in to begin with (APA). Family structure is also affected by social class. With the increase in dual earner couples, defining social class among husbands and wives is more difficult than ever (Scott and Leonhardt). Parental values also differ among the classes, as parents often bring their occupational values and attitudes home with them (Hughes and Jenkins). In a society that puts such a stress on individualism and self identification, social class and its effects are as powerful as ever. Despite the debates about social class, the United States is usually described as having four major social classes, the elite or upper class, the middle class, the working class, and the lower class (Goldschmidt). Classes are differentiated by income, education, and occupation although other factors do have an effect. The upper class consists of about 1% of the population making 750,000 dollars or more a year as investors, top executives, or heirs to large fortunes (Hughes and Jenkins). There tends to be no question about who is in the upper class as they are pretty clearly isolated in their power and wealth. The middle class makes up about 40% of the population making
  • 25. The Pros And Cons Of Vegetarianism Every time we sit at a table to enjoy the fruits and grain and vegetables from our good earth, remember that they come from the work of men and women and children who have been exploited for generations. These words of Cesar Chavez, co founder of the United Farm Workers, perfectly describe the injustice farm workers face in producing our food and including humans when talking about cruelty free. Conversations surrounding notions of vegetarianismas inherently cruelty free seldom incorporate the advocacy of more rights for farm workers. As a conflicted meat eater, I can concede that the fight for vegetarianism is honorable and consuming fewer animal products would be beneficial for our society, however, promoting meat free meals and products as cruelty free mistakenly limits the cruelty of the food production system to animals. Comparatively, our food production system also exploits factory farm workers, a point also overlooked in conversations regarding ethical eating. Ultimately, the fundamental problem with vegetarianism is the cruelty free platform, that too often ignores the inhumane working conditions of farm workers. That being so, not eating meat does not place you above everyone else on the moral scale or mean you practice cruelty free when exploited laborers in our food production system, most of whom are undocumented, do not have their liberation. The unfortunate reality is that the majority of things we consume have harmful effects whether you are vegetarian
  • 26. No Witch For Sale Analysis !ANTI WITCHCRAFT! (Three Messages From No Witchcraft For Sale) Witchcraft, oh the thing that everyone hates and accused so many people of, and killed them because they accused them of it. Witchcraft is the practice of magic, especially black magic; the use of spells and the invocation of spirits (https:/ / authuser=0 ei=aRlrVpux KsiCjgT_q4gI ved=0EKkuCAQoAQ#authuser=0 q=witchcraft+definition). In the short story No Witchcraft for Sale goes into Africa where they believe in Witch Doctors, Witch Doctors are magicians credited with powers of healing, divination, and protection against the magic of others (https://www.googl authuser=0 ei=aRlrVpuxKsiCjgT_q4gI ved=0EKkuCAQoAQ#authuser=0 q=witch+doctor+definition.
  • 27. Panera Bread Strategy Essay Running head: PANERA BREAD CASE Title: Panera Bread Strategy Ron Johnson March 1, 2009 Southwestern College Professional Studies Abstract This case study is about Panera Bread Company and its strategy it wishes to employ to become the best brand name of fresh bread in the United States. Panera Bread s use of a broad differentiation strategy has helped their profitability and growth and rivals have found it hard to compete with the competitiveness of Panera Bread. A SWOT analysis will reveal the competitive advantage Panera Bread has and why this company is in an attractive situation and what Panera Bread must do to strengthen its competitive advantage against rival chains. Panera Bread Strategy Neighborhoods and cities ... Show more content on ... In this case Panera Bread has set itself apart from its rivals by offering specialty type foods that are outside the norm. The bakery menu offers pastries and sweets, granola parfait, baked egg soufflГ©s, breakfast sandwiches and of course, freshly baked breads to include bagels. They also have a cafГ© menu that offers hand tossed salads, sandwiches, drinks, and soups. To top things off, they even offer a kids menu, so Panera Bread caters to the entire family. Panera Bread Company went as far as starting a catering program to extend its market reach (Thompson, Strickland, Gamble, 2008, pC 92). Everyone enjoys choices, especially when they re fresh, fun and spontaneous. Right now at Panera Bread, there are plenty of tempting selections to captivate, tantalize and energize your bread lover s soul as we celebrate the delicious rewards of the baker s craft (Panera Bread, 2009). What competitive edge does Panera Bread have if any? Panera is attempting to achieve a longer lasting, more profitable competitive advantage by their capability to offer unique or specialty type items. Also, their commitment to put there all into everything they offer their customers. For example, Panera offers 4 different flavors of coffee, dark and light roast, hazelnut, and decaf. What is important is the work they put into making the coffee. We believe that coffee is sacred. And that making it requires the utmost attention from the bean to the cup. So we roast our coffee beans in
  • 28. A View From The Bridge Alfieri Essay The Role of Alfieri in Miller s A View from the Bridge Arthur Miller is now regarded as one of the world s greatest dramatists. In his plays he explores the struggles of the ordinary man against authority and insurmountable odds. It is his ability to dramatize the attempts to find the balance between the different conflicts of life that is Miller s feature as a writer. Many of his plays look at the position of the individual in relation to their responsibilities and position in society and may be seen, as a result, to be political. (Tim Bezant.) While exploring human faults he also talks about the hidden emotions within people. This is significantly highlighted throughout his world renowned theatrical production of A View from the ... Show more content on ... Many of the immigrants were of illegal legacy and were being exploited by the people who helped bring them to America and so consequently he further advanced his knowledge of the community spirit in the slum areas of New York and the beliefs and values of the Sicilian individuals. During this time period, Miller had close associations with the families of the dockworkers and to him, this was a dangerous and mysterious world at the water s edge that drama and literature had never touched. In his autobiography Time bends he narrates that a friend told him about a dream he had about an attraction he felt for his cousin. When he interpreted the dream as an indication that the man might have wanted an incestuous relationship with the girl the man was horrified and refused to accept that there might be any truth in what Miller was saying. In juxtaposition, the middle 20th century aphorised the exploration of Italian immigrants, having come to America, as Miller s parents had done, in the hope of work, wealth and security that their home countries could not guarantee. This was due to the Second World War where countries in Europe were in financial trouble. The war completely crippled the economics of the European Powers and it had also shown that America was the most powerful country in the world a land of opportunity
  • 29. Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder ( Adhd ) Essay Attention deficit hyperactive disorder is a neuro behavioral disorder typically seen in children. Over the past several years attention deficit hyperactive disorder seems to be on the rise. Since 2011, eleven percent of children ranging from ages four to seventeen were diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (Children with ADHD et. Al. 2016). Attention deficit hyperactive disorder is a difficult disorder to diagnosis, but once the disorder is diagnosed there are ways to manage it. There are many different types of treatments that one can do to improve their disorder. A few of which include, short acting medicine, extended release medicine, and essential oils. Diagnosing One with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder The process for diagnosing one with attention deficit hyperactive disorder is quite complicated. To diagnosis someone, the process requires different factors and groups of people. When one suspects that a child has this disorder, it is recommended that a system of contacts be put together with school and other personnel to observe the child (Wolraich et. Al. 2011). There are a few characteristics that someone with attention deficit hyperactive disorder typically have. Those qualities include, a persistent pattern of impulsivity, inattention, and hyperactivity as well as difficulty staying on task, and difficultly staying organized that affects development and functioning (American Psychiatric Association 90). Not only are these
  • 30. The Benefits Of School Lunches In High Schools Have you ever been in the middle of eating lunch at school and then all of a sudden the bell just rings on you? Here at Wellington Napoleon High School there is only a 20 minute lunch period, this includes the passing periods getting to and from lunch, getting and eating your food, and whatever other things you have to do such as homework or taking care of something on your phone. I personally, as well as my entire class of students here at WNHS agree that having a lunch period as long as 5 minutes longer would drastically improve our schooldays. Student here should have 25 or more minutes to eat because studies show that having lunch periods of that time allows students to waste less food, get all of the proper nutrients they need, and to get a mealthat is more constructed and balanced. The first reason that longer lunches would benefit students is that it would greatly reduce the amount of food wasted from school lunches. According to a study conducted by Ethan A. Bergman, PhD, RD, CD, FADA, two schools lunches were studied over a period of time. School one had 20 minute punch periods and school two had 30 minute lunch periods. Student one s students wasted an accumulative 43.5 percent of the food they were given whereas school two s students only wasted 27.2 percent of their food. The students in my class and in my lunch waste quite a bit of their food because the bell rings before they get to it, even the students who get their lunch first waste some of it. Another
  • 31. Primo Levi s Survival In Auschwitz Primo Levi writes Survival in Auschwitz not to tell the reader about the atrocities inside the concentration camp called Auschwitz. He acknowledges that the world knows too much about these places to learn anything from him, so his goal is not to educate the reader about the things that went on while he was a prisoner at the camp. Rather, he writes this book to ... furnish documentation from a quiet study of certain aspects of the human mind (Levi 9). In this book, Levi orders his stories not in chronological order, but rather in order of urgency that they must come across to the reader. In the various chapters of Survival in Auschwitz, he recounts various aspects of life at the camps from a very personal viewpoint. The ideas are... Show more content on ... As Levi notes, Alfred s goal was to distinguish himself from the rest of the Haftling. He did so by managing to keep himself clean, working with stubborn duty, and always treating everyone with the utmost courtesy, no matter what. The combination of these things set him apart in the eyes of the Nazis, who eventually made Alfred L. the technical head of the Chemical Kommando. Levi also notes on page 94 that ... L. was able to earn all this show of prosperity with incredible tenacity, paying for his individual acquisitions and services with bread from his own ration, so imposing upon himself a regime of supplementary privations. This section signifies to the reader that this was a person who was willing to suffer through the hunger so he would be professional enough to be realized and rewarded for it. Given the circumstances and lack of necessary amenities, many people would simply not be able to adhere to the rules that Alfred supposedly set out for himself. Elias Lindzin, Number 141565, is detailed in the same chapter as Alfred. Elias employs a drastically different method to survive. As described by Primo Levi, Elias is not a particularly intelligent person by today s standards. ... it is impossible to keep him to a coherent conversation (Levi 96). Elias Lindzin was, however, brilliant in the eyes of the Germans running Auschwitz. He was extremely strong, he did not tire, and he was a good organizer. He utilized his
  • 32. Ozzy Osbourne Research Paper Dramatic sound, emphatic beats, head banging, long hair, tight clothing, and black eye liner were just the surface of the first s that Ozzy Osbourne presented to the world in his 1969 performance in Workington, England. The life journey of John Michael Ozzy Osbourne and his vision spread across the 60 s like a virus, infecting the such a uniform and controlled society. Ozzy Osbournehad a mission to influence people through his music by voicing his beliefs against patriarchy and conformity. Osbourne s birth of a new sound landed him the name, Prince of Darkness. (Schafer) His dark thoughts and bold actions broke cultural norms and left a legacy in the music world that would live on and carry out his mission of channeling his listener s internal... Show more content on ... From there, he went on to release his first single Blizzard Of Ozz, which went 4x Platinum within just a week. His career continued on thriving through the 80 s and 90 s releasing three albums with records landing him four Grammy Awards, three MTV Music Awards, for areas such as, Best Rock Song, Classic Album, and Album of the Year (Waddell 4). Osbourne s diverse collection of themes and images from his music projected him into a newly invented genre of music that we labeled heavy metal (Waddell 9). Osbourne was tapping uncharted territory in the music world. By combining dark colors, frightening lighting, dramatic rhythms, and intense beats, he created his image of frightening performances and a disturbing atmosphere that became almost addicting to its fans (Holiday 2). Although the surface of Osbourne s music appeared dark and almost satanic, his image and reason is that the themes of alienation, frustration, and even pain, match the experience of a smart young person struggling to fit in and make sense of the world (Holiday 3). Osbourne s songs encrypted dark and gloomy perspectives and themes evolving around death and war and destruction. These haunted topics contributed to his persona of this crazed and demented artist. As Osbourne worked in these themes into his music, he began channeling a younger audience and providing them with an opportunity to identify with him on a mental
  • 33. Giotto Vs Byzantine Art Essay In this essay, I m going to compare two artworks from different periods, talking about their functions, characteristics and contexts in details. One is the Lamentation over the dead Christ of Byzantine Art painted in 1164 by an unknown artist temporarily called Master of Nerezi, and the other is the Lamentation that Giotto di Bondonedid in 1305 during the Late Gothic. The purpose is to show the genius of Giotto, who is a key figure in Western art, because he paved the way for the birth of Renaissance. Simply put, the Lamentation of Giotto is a much improved version of the Byzantine Lamentation. There are a few obvious similarities between the two. First is the medium; both are frescos aka mural paintings. Secondly, they are in a church. The Byzantine is located in Saint Pantaleimon chapel built by the royalty, and ... Show more content on ... Both served as a devotional and decoration piece. The last identical thing is the subject matter; they narrate the Lamentation from the passion of Christ in which a group of Christ s followers mourns for him after the Crucifixion. The scene depicts an anguished Mary embracing her son, and Christians with some flying angels are crying over his death. In terms of style and context, there is a large amount of differences between the two, although small similarities are also spotted. The Byzantine work is more abstract than the other. Their clothing is patterned; the figures are stylized. Although they are not as frontal as other Byzantine works, their heads still turn slightly towards the viewers. This is probably because the artist was used to the staring figures, a Byzantine trademark. The Gothic fresco, on the other hand, shows naturalistic renderings of objects. The figures in particular are more volumetric and sculptural. The clothing hanging naturally suggests the bodies underneath, albeit an inaccurate proportion. In 476, the fall of Rome divided the Roman Empire into eastern and western halves, creating two different societies.
  • 34. Compare And Contrast Anita Desai And Kamala Markandaya Anita Desai is more interested in the interior landscape of the mind than in political and social realities. Writing, for her is an effort to discover, and then to underline, and finally to convey the true significance of things . Her novels according to her, deal with the terror of facing, single handed, the ferocious assaults of existence. Anita Desai s protagonists are mostly women who, though they have reached different stages in life from school girl to grandmother are all fragile introvert trapped in their own skins. Their emotional trauma sometimes leads to violent death, in the end. As an artist Kamala Markandayas fiction is concerned with change in feminine sensibility brought about by the social, economic and cultural forces, whereas Anita Desai s major concern is about exploration of the psychological condition of the oppressed hyper sensitive women. The synoptic views of Anita Desai and Kamala Markandaya s portray the women protagonists in terms of the shifting sensibilities and changing attitudes of married Indian women. It also tries to analyze the portrayal of women characters that belong to rural and urban upper classes of Indian society. As an artist Kamala Markandaya s fiction is concerned with... Show more content on ... Bim is successful in attaining positive detachment when she learns to involve herself in action without caring for its fruit. Earlier her vision was clouded by vagueness in the fact that she expected fruit for her labour, for her sacrifice for the family in the form of gratitude. When she is not awarded this, she develops hatred for her loved ones and suffers from frustration as a result. But in the end she forgives everyone for their betrayal and as a consequence attains her own serenity and poise. She develops a healthy attitude towards her life and accepts the world as it
  • 35. Egyptian Culture Vs American Culture Essay Culture Differential Today s society plays a big role in today s culture. It ranges from social life, History, and religion. Both authority and control play a huge role on participating with traditions of a specific society. This paper represents the relationship between American and Egyptian society and how it affected American Arabs in the United states and also the views towards the types, experiences, and the differences of nationality in cultural dimensions. Egyptian society is built off of today s technology, internet and television and those factors play a big role. Needless to say that Arab politics has also affected everyone s daily life. It made it easier to the people for contact their family and friends and come together and be more socially active. It reveals previous history and how that factor still is imbedded into the people s mind and shows their religious differences. If looked at closely, the people are divided between their classes, there are the rich and poor, smart and uneducated, and christian and non christian. Both radio and television gave the people and political leaders power to spread the news, especially with the famous Egyptian news channel called el gazzeria , also First channel which is a... Show more content on ... Some people think it s like paradise, because of what they see on T.V. about how good this country is, how everyone is rich there. But when people arrive to America, everything looks different, and they are shocked by the results of how it s the complete opposite of what we see on T.V. The people looked weird, the schools were a lot different, everyone dresses differently, and the looks on the people that they were giving us seemed like we were
  • 36. What Is Four Of A Kind Essay In Trimble s Writing with Style: Conversations on the Art of Writing, there are two requirements when he reads an article or story, specifically in his second requirement he states, He not waste my time getting out what he has to say (Trimble Pg. 58) When writing a short story, adding unnecessary words and phrases can have the reader lose interest and stop reading. Short storiesare stories told minimally without a lot of add on. If you are inconsistent with your pace, and drag on, you tend to lose your audience on what you are writing. Coming from this, a writer s way of pacing are essential for creating a well written and compelling short story. In the first two paragraphs of Rick Reilly s Four of a Kind, he opens his story in... Show more content on ... Reilly creates a connection between the reader and the people who are on the plane, by remarking on who these people are and what they have done. For example, Reilly puts, One was publicist Mark Bingham, 31, who helped Cal win the 1991 and 93 national collegiate rugby championship. (Reilly). This tells us about Mark Bingham, and events that he took place in, while not going into detail on the rugby championship, or how he won the championships. Reilly does this with a few people giving background information, so that we can relate, and understand them. After this, Reilly transitions to a sentimental way of writing, by explaining the calls the passengers on the plane had to make. Calling parents, and a 12 week old daughter to say goodbye to them, makes you feel for the passengers and the position they are in, making you care for them even more. The pacing takes a steep turn as the subject is brought back inside the plane, and people figuring out other planes have been hijacked and that this plane was heading towards Washington. This shows that the events inside the plane happened quickly, and Reilly gets straight to the point on determining what happened. Coming from this, the next two paragraphs which also have 4 sentences, determine the outcome of the people and the plane, which show the pace of the author. Reilly put in the short story,
  • 37. Hypertension And Its Effects On Hypertension WHAT IS HYPERTENSION ERICA SAAVEDRA PALM BEACH VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE WHAT IS HYPERTENSION Hypertension, sometimes known as Silent Killer is America s freighting combative illness we struggle to regulate. Due too many health risk factors, many people are sometimes unaware of hypertension until suffering from severe damaging effects. High blood pressure is a growing problem in today s life Controlling it is the key priority. Approximately 50 million people in the United States are affected by hypertension and approximately 1 billion worldwide. In this paper, it will outline different topics that will help better understand, What is hypertension, Causes and Affects to Hypertension, Medication treatments that help regulate, and Hypertension Programs that are available in helping regulate this illness. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, AND PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF HYPERTENTION Hypertension, as we all know the term High Blood Pressure, is defined as a systolic pressure greater than 140 mm Hg and the diastolic pressure greater than 90 mm Hg. Hypertension is a Chronic medical condition that occurs when blood flow in the arteries are high causing artery walls to narrow and thin, blood pressure is the result of two forces the amount of blood measured being pumped out of the heart and into the arteries and the amount of time heart rest between each heartbeat . Systolic pressure occurs when the left ventricle is mostly contracted, the diastolic preforms when the left
  • 38. Executive Branch Of Immigration IMMIGRATION A topic of concern in today s world is immigration. Its effects have led to actions by the three branches of our federal government: the legislative branch, the executive branch and the judicial branch. This topic of immigration has been around since the beginning of our great nation and shows no signs of slowing down. I m going to explain the factual basis of immigration and how it affects the three branches of government. I will also explain how it affects our society as well. Immigration is a major issue, and it is the job of our government to find ways to keep it under control and have an organized society. First, immigration is a major issue and it affects the legislative branch since the constitution gives power to this ... Show more content on ... One interesting fact or concern is that immigration court is totally different from regular court and how it is structured through the judicial body of the government. Also if any case is taken to court relating to immigration the president and the executive branch is informed about these cases. In comparison immigration court is a different world compare to tradition court in terms no judges are voted in but are instead appointed, and the department of justice makes the decision on what judge takes what case. Another key element in immigration court is that no jury hears these cases which are a lot different from tradition court and some even feel it s unconstitutional in some
  • 39. Austin s Sustainability Pl Austin Austin is the capital city of Texas, and is known by many as the live music capital of the world. It has both national and state historical roots; its culture is centered on the arts and entertainment. It spans 297.9 square miles, as of April 1st 2014 its population was 811,458 people. There are 344,289 households with a density of 2,653 people per square mile. As illustrated in figures 1 and 2 it is both ethnically and economically diverse. Austin has several major industries including technology, healthcare, business, and entertainment. It is a popular location for businesses and individuals because there is no income tax, it has a modern and efficient transportation network, the workforce is considered highly skilled, and ... Show more content on ... To improve upon these figures, Resolution 20140410 024 was supported in 2015 with Austin s community climate plan Net Zero. Spearheaded by the Community Climate Steering Committee, Net Zero lays the framework for both the local government and community to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to near zero. Up to this point all city owned buildings and facilities are 100% reliant on renewable energies such as solar and wind energy. Pending projects will increase solar energy by 149 MW and wind energy by 400 MW. Figure shows Austin s energy generation goals achieved by 2020. Figure 4: Austin s path to Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions. iv.A Sustainable Food System Reducing CO2 emissions is an important part of a sustainable community, but changes in human behaviors are necessary to ensure these goals are met. An estimated 9.3 acres of farmland are lost every day in and around Austin. As of 2014 less than 1% of the food consumed in the region is produced locally, and of the food imported an estimated 97 thousand tons enters the landfill. This has a value of nearly $200 million. A great method for reducing food waste is composting, in the region approximately 1,837 tons, or 1.9% of the total waste, is being turned back into the soil. This is a part of Austin s field to fork food system that addresses the growth, distribution, consumption, and recovery of food. Locally growing all food consumed in the region not only reduces transportation
  • 40. Paleolithic Vs Neolithic Art Chapter 1 focuses on the prehistoric art of two different cultures, which include Paleolithic Art and Neolithic Art. Paleolithic Art began during the time period of the Ice Age that dates back to about 10,00 to 40, 000 years. Moreover, as the Ice Age began to decline, new vegetation appeared and an increase of other animal populations allowed the growth of NeolithicArt referred to as the New Stone Age. Even though these cultures were divided by different time periods they both have some similar techniques. For example, both regions had figurines, but they had a different aspect pertaining to their culture of art. Also they both painted animals, but the style and type of animals differed because of the region. However, most of the painting,
  • 41. Summary Of The Short Happy Life Of Francis Macomber From Child to Man: The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber Ernest Hemingway was a great American writer and journalist. Hemingway used a number of different foils to give insight into his characters and foreshadow events to come in his writings. In Hemingway s short story The Happy Life of Francis Macomber , a number of critics argue about what exactly he used to tell the story of Francis Macomber growing from a cowardly boy to a courageous man. One thing we can t argue about is the fact he did such a wonderful job. Theodore L. Gaillard, Jr. argues in his journal article, The Critical Menagerie of The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber , that he believes that Hemingway used an animal menagerie as a standard against which to measure and evaluate his human actors (Gaillard 31 32). In Gaillard s journal article. He says the foil Hemingway used in The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber , are the different animals that are mentioned in his short story. Before getting to Africa, Francis Macomber only had experience in spending money, fishing and hunting small animals (Gaillard 32). Francis is described as a rabbit hare towards the beginning of the story by himself, his wife and Wilson, the hunter. I bolted like a rabbit Francis says in The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber (Hemingway 4). Francis uses the rabbit to describe his cowardice when running from the lion he supposed to be hunting. More specific than this implicitly negative criticism of Macomber is
  • 42. The Effects Of Dementia On Alzheimer s Disease And... The Effects of Dementia Alex Guthrie University of Tennessee Chattanooga Introduction Dementia is a chronic illness that effects millions of Americans annually with increasing numbers. The general understanding of dementia is that it affects the mind, and while it does affect the mind, entangles much more than just that. Dementia engulfs a patient s mind, family, a level of caregiving, and an involvement in research of the disease. The Mind Adults age 65 years and older make up around 13 percent of the population (39 million people). This number is likely to increase significantly over the next 30+ years to encompass about 20 percent of the population (88.5 million). It is gathered that about 1 in 10 adults age 65 ... Show more content on ... Behavioral changes can include increased aggression and disruptiveness. This behavior can almost be perceived as a deterioration or demotion in a person s maturity. While it most certainly is not, it happens in a way that an individual seemingly regresses in their decision making and maturity. It is theorized that some of the behavioral research done on other populations of similar behavioral competency (child like behavior) could be done on an elderly population suffering from the behavioral regression of dementia. There has been little research such as this done, however. Currently, there is no cure for dementia. There are some drug therapies that are currently in use to help increase the chemical acetylcholine in the brain in an attempt to aid in memory retention and judgement. A few drugs in the class are: Donepezil, Rivastigmine, and Galantamine. These have been attempted treatments for the disease, but have had mixed results. In some cases such treatments have come up short, and in drastic cases, these treatments have made matters worse for some patients. Some of these treatments have been known to cause confusion, delirium, and even increased risk of mortality. An alternative to these medicinal treatments have been almost strictly environmental. This has been through the application of behavior analytic principles that help see future problems before they arise. This application also allows for an more individualized care plan for
  • 43. An Examination of the Music of Garth Brooks Essay For generations, singers and songwriters of country music have been working to evoke emotions in listeners by performing and writing songs that the listeners will be able to relate to. Country music traditionally reveals stories of life, love, death, and values, all of which can be seen in the works of great singers and songwriters like George Strait, Alabama, Brooks Dunn, and Alan Jackson. One artist in particular, Garth Brooks, forever left his stamp on country musicand on the hearts of his millions of listeners with his hit songs, The Beaches of Cheyenne , Callin Baton Rouge , and The River . The Beaches of Cheyenne has a storyline containing themes of life, death, love, and regret. The themes of this song branch out much... Show more content on ... 2011 p. 1141). The Beaches of Cheyenne displays a wide range of attributes that appeals to individual preferences that Rentfrow, Goldberg, and Levitin discuss. There is a strong presence of the fiddle and steel guitar in the song which helps direct emotions, that is to say it helps guide how listeners should feel. The tempo of the song varies throughout, starting high, turning lower, and then returning high. The vocals of the song also vary, as Garth Brooks utilizes his ability to hit a wide range of musical notes. Lyrically, the song tells a story that conveys many strong emotions and themes. The Beaches of Cheyenne Garth Brooks They packed up all his buckles And shipped his saddle to his dad And by the way the house looked She must have took it bad The workers come on Monday To fix the door and patch the wall They say she just went crazy The night she got the call He was up in Wyoming And drew a bull no man could ride He promised her he d turn out Well it turned out that he lied And their dreams that they d been livin In the California sand Died right there beside him in Cheyenne They she just went crazy Screamin out his name She ran out into the ocean And to this day they claim That if you go down by the water You ll see her footprints in the sand Cause every night she walks the beaches of Cheyenne
  • 44. They never found her body Just her diary by her bed It told about the fight they had And the words
  • 45. Examples Of Pedigree Dog Food Alexander Breshers English Comp 1 Ms.Bland 23 April 2017 Pedigree Dog Food Do you know or have a dog that is not getting the right nutritions from their dog food and they do not look too happy, then switch too Pedigree dog food it will give your dog the right nutrition and a better healthy living life. When you start the Bad Dog, Good Dog Pedigree advertisement there is so many little things that they want you to notice. They start it off with a dog in the corner barking for dog food in the pouring rain and you hear sad piano music in the background. You can see the owner knocking on the window to tell the dog to pretty much shut up and stop barking. This dog is feeling hopeless because if you look at him, he is just shaking, the food in ... Show more content on ... Well if you haven t just know they truly do care about dogs. They have a wide variety of different foods to choose from, there is wet food, dry food, treats, they ask how old your dog is, and they even have food for oral problems or even hip and joint problems too. You know there is a lot of different types dog food in the world, but how many really just wanna know your dog like that? PEDIGREEВ® believes that the lovable innocence found in every dog helps us reconnect with our true selves and teaches us valuable life lessons. Simply put, dogs make us better people. And that has a profound impact on the world in which we live (Pedigree) . Pedigree cares about animals so much and they know that there food can give the dog the happiness it needs so they even have a foundation that helps rescue dogs and animal shelter dogs to try and find a good home. So every time you buy pedigree dog food they give healthy dog food to shelters in need of food. The WALTHAMВ® Centre for Pet Nutrition has led the world in advanced pet care research and companion animal nutrition(Pedigree) . Pedigree uses there help to think of all the ways to get the best and the right nutrients in all of these dog
  • 46. Conflict Theory In Social Work Practice While there are multiple theoretical perspectives that help individuals understand society and inform social work practice, a crucial perspective that has formed is the conflict perspective. According to Hutchinson, the conflict perspective takes an approach to human behavior that draws attention to conflict, dominance and oppression in social life as a result of the inequalities in the distribution of resources (Hutchinson 2015) . Something to note within the conflict perspective is the fact that conflict allows for growth and progress within work, but that doesn t necessarily mean that conflict is always beneficial. Conflict theorypoints out the situations in which conflict is beneficial and in which situations conflict is not acceptable. According to the New World Encyclopedia, there are four assumptions on which modern conflict theory is... Show more content on ... (Turner 2013) Conflict will have integrative effects on a society if the conflict is low in violence but also occurs frequently. As well has having effects to the whole of conflict, Simmel also believes that conflict can have integrative consequences, including an increase in group boundaries, centralization of authority , and an increase in group unity as a result of a decreased tolerance (Turner 2013). Lewis Coser Lewis Coser proposed a pluralistic theory of social conflict, which recognizes that more than one social conflict is going on at all times and that individuals hold cross cutting and overlapping memberships in status groups (Hutchinson 2015). Pulling his ideas from Simmel, Coser saw that conflict was caused by the withdrawal of legitimacy by subordinates in a system of inequality (Turner 2013). Unlike Simmel, Coser saw the increases in conflict, especially when conflict is over nonrealistic issues over an extended period of time. (Turner 2013) Personal
  • 47. Disadvantages Of Aphasia This essay will serve to debunk the myth that humans only use 10% of their brain, by making reference to different cases of aphasia. The areas of the brain that are involved in language will be discussed as well as the cognitive processes which are involved in language and speech. One will see the language deficits which arise due to lesions in different parts of the brain. The skills that may be retained when localised lesions result in specific deficits. The brain is an remarkable organ of the human body. Different segments of the brain control different functions and is also known as localization of function. The brain is comprised of the thalamus as well as the cerebellum which is responsible for the controlling and regulating of motor ... Show more content on ... There are several disorders that occur with regards to aphasia and will be explained in detail. Broca s aphasia is the first type of aphasia that will be looked at. This type of aphasia affects Broca s area, the left arcuate fasciculus and the left insula. When one is subjected to Broca s aphasia they will have problems repeating complex sentences, they will not be fluent and will not be able to express themselves. They will also have difficulty understanding complex sentences. Wernicke s aphasia refers to the damage of Wernicke s area. People who are affected in this area will not be able to repeat sounds and speech from others, they will not be able to have an intelligent conversation because the sentences they produce will have word choice errors as well as phoneme choice errors. They will also have problems when writing. Transcortical motor aphasia is similar to Broca s aphasia in the sense that the damage is in the region anterior to Broca s area. People who suffer transcortical motor aphasias have good a good sense of understanding and are able to repeat complex sentences, but their speech is not
  • 48. The On Brown Coal Gasification Introduction In Australia, Victorian brown coals represent a significant, low cost energy resource with reserves of 430 billion tonnes. However, its utilization is limited to mine mouth power generation using conventional pulverized coal fired combustion units at relatively low efficiencies [1]. Therefore, it is necessary to assess and develop alternative utilization techniques for this vast resource, such as gasification. Among different gasifiers, the entrained flow gasifier is attractive for commercial plants because of its feedstock flexibility and clean gas product. However, the technological information on brown coal gasification is limited. There has been one study reporting on pressurized fluidized bed gasification of Victorian brown coals at a pilot scale, but the carbon conversion of Victorian brown coals is quite low[12]. In this study, information on the gasification behaviour of two Victorian brown coals, Yallourn (YL) and Morwell (MW) coal, is reported, including the release of alkali, sulphur, and chlorine spieces, carbon conversion, and gas quality during CO2 gasification. The relation between 100% carbon conversion and residence time was investigated by regasifying the chars after every run of 5 6s residence time. This study generates fundamental information that will be useful for the design of commercial entrained flow gasifiers using Victorian brown coals. Experimental The coal samples used in this study are Yallourn (YL) and Morwell (MW) coal, two
  • 49. The Midwife s Apprentice By Karen Cushman The book I read was The Midwife s Apprentice by Karen Cushman. The book is about a shy and timid girl names Brat who is homeless and has no family or friends. Brat believes she does not belong anywhere, nor is she important. A woman named Jane finds Brat sleeping in a farmer s dung heap and decides to take her under her wing. Jane is a Midwife (a womanwho helps other woman during childbirth), and told Brat that she can be her apprentice in exchange for food. As Brat starts working with Jane she learns more about herself and begins to stand up for herself. Brat gives herself a real name, Alyce and now knows she does belong somewhere and she has a purpose in life. I think that this book doesn t fall under the category of the what children
  • 50. The Pc Industry Essay Introduction In this paper I will discuss the industry structure and the behavior of firms in the Personal Computer Industry. The personal computer industry has five leaders: Compaq Computer Corporation (CCC), Dell Computer Corporation, International Business Machines (IBM), Hewlett Packard, and Gateway, (Industry Survey, Apr. 2000). The PC industry, as discussed in the paper, is comprised only of home /business use machines, not mainframes, databases, or any kind of servers or super computers. The PC industry is a fast growing, consumer based oligopoly. I will prove the latter through the use of industry characteristics and firm behaviors by giving an overview of each leading firm and their behaviors , then ... Show more content on ... The future for CCC is quite hazy. Despite the sales numbers and the heavy bottom line, CCC s stock price has sat down in the low $30 s,(Hamblen 1). Competition is increasing daily and Compaq needs to distinguish itself in the marketplace. They ve already experienced a decline in markets share, only they can change their fate. Dell Computer Corporation, the second leading computer manufacturer, began by selling PC s directly to consumers. Their first customers ordered over the phone and Wold Wide Web. To this day Dell still has no brick and mortar retailers and does not distribute its product to resellers. In the business to business market Dell has excelled, but until recently, the profitable company was not so profitable in the home user segment,(Industry Survey, Apr. 2000). The company s new strategy, to gain market share, has proven very effective. Dell now posts a 62% gain in world wide PC shipments and a 2.6 share point gain from 8.2% in `98 to 10.8% in `99,(Industry Survey, Apr. 2000). Recently Dell s presence has been felt in the growing PC market. This has forced competitors to be very careful about pricing in this highly elastic industry. Dell s profitability is also notable, since it has minimal distribution costs and does very little advertising Dell is extremely profitable. However, rough times may be on the horizon for Dell. Analysts are worried because profit growth
  • 51. Google strategy Google is one of leaders in innovation management. What are some of its best practices? Google s Executive Chairman and former CEO Eric Schmidt provides us with some insights (reported in Manyika 2008): EES OR483 Strategy and Marketing Primer (version 3.0) This set of crib notes is a review of marketing and strategy tools and concepts that you may find useful for your project in EES OR 483. The intention is not to give you more work or reading material, but rather to provide you with an aid and reference in formulating and analyzing your problem. All of the concepts covered in lecture and the assigned readings are reviewed here. You might find the summaries a helpful reminder of what the concepts are and how... Show more content on ... With the idea of activity mapping, Porter (1996) builds on his ideas of generic strategy and the value chain to describe strategy implementation in more detail. Competitive advantage requires that the firm s value chain be managed as a system rather than a collection of separate parts. Positioning choices determine not only which activities a company will perform and how it will configure individual activities, but also how they relate to one another. This is crucial, since the essence of implementing strategy is in the activities choosing to perform activities differently or to perform different activities than rivals. A firm is more than the sum of its activities. A firm s value chain is an interdependent system or network of activities, connected by linkages. Linkages occur when the way in which one activity is performed affects the cost or effectiveness of other activities. Linkages create tradeoffs requiring optimization and coordination. Porter describes three choices of strategic position that influence the configuration of a firm s activities: variety based positioning based on producing a subset of an industry s products or services; involves choice of product or service varieties rather than customer segments. Makes economic sense when a company can produce particular products or services using distinctive sets of activities. (i.e. Jiffy Lube for auto lubricants only)
  • 52. Laughter Is the Best Medicine Henry Badillo INFORMATIVE SPEECH OUTLINE Topic: Is Laughter Truly the Best Medicine? General Purpose: To Inform Specific Purpose: To inform my audience three main reasons on п»їhow can laughter be the best medicine for human п»ї being physical Health Benefits Thesis statement: Laughter help trigger the release of endorphins, protect us against heart attack, and relaxes our muscles. Introduction: Laughter is a great thing, that s why we ve all heard the saying, Laughter is the best medicine. There is strong evidence that laughter can actually improve health and help fight disease. Let s take a look on how can laughter be the best medicine. Central Idea: What do laughter do? Laughter help trigger the release of ... Show more content on ... sources: Laughter good for heart Laughter is the Best Medicine UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND SCHOOL OF MEDICINE STUDY SHOWS LAUGHTER HELPS BLOOD VESSELS FUNCTION BETTER Laughter relaxes our muscles 1. A good, hearty laugh relieves physical tension and stress, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes after.
  • 53. Dog Days Of Summer For Small Business Analysis According to Sarah Whitten the writer of These Are Not the Dog Days of Summer for Small Businesses an article from, Many Small businesses use the summer months not as a break, but a chance to stock up on their inventory for the holiday seasons. Some people might believe that summer moths give small business owners a break from the chaos from the moths that have big holidays, however these summer months are used wisely and are very important to any business. During the summer months small business work extra hard in order to be prepared for those hectic later months. They order extra inventory so they will have enough supplies for those holiday seasons. Some businesses even start preparing as early as August because some people like to shop earlier then the month of a holiday. According to the National Retail Federation, in 2013 more than twenty percent of shoppers began shopping for Christmas in ... Show more content on ... This system gives capital to previous PayPal business and offers loans which have no interest, no late fees, and no pre payment fees. The Working Capital program takes a percentage of daily sales from each business with the loan to pay for it instead of having to pay the exact same amount every week. Denise s most recent loan was for around 31,000 dollars and is paying thirty percent of daily sales to pay for the loan. Cline says I ve looked at traditional bank loans, but this has been so quick, so easy, it s based on our sales history, our five to six year history with PayPal and I don t have to go through all the credit checks. Witch the credit s good, it s just time consuming... So we don t have to go through any of that. However, PayPal s Working Capital program is not the only alternative way to get a loan. Owner of Pittsburgh s Olive and Marlowe, an oil and vinegar company, Heather Cramer used a crowd lending site Kiva Zip to pay for her holiday prep
  • 54. PMGY Scheme Case Study Although, the centrally sponsored PMGYSY Scheme is aimed at providing all weather road connectivity to every rural habitation of population of 500 or more located in plains and 250 plus in hill states, tribal districts and desert area. Such rural roads in Himalayan states in North and North East India with low to medium snowfall does have design provisions for all weatherconnectivity and sufficient considerations make to winter climate resilient for roads. The provisions include (a) On roads subjected to heavy snowfall and landslides, roadway width is being increased by 1.5 m; (b) States are being permitted to provide 50 mm thick Bitumen Bound Macadam in place of 75 mm thick Water Bound Macadam (WBM) Gr III. These projects have a defect... Show more content on ... Given there can be large number of such landslides, which can occur in the IHR the quantum of losses and inconvenience to the people residing in the region can be assessed. Indian economy has matured in two decades and the Government has realised that keeping roads in IHR Open to traffic for longer periods during the year is a matter vital importance. It has implications not only strategic reasons and defence connectivity with mainland, but also largely determine the socio economic welfare of the people living in these areas. A large number of places in IHR are prominent tourist and religious destinations which remain closed during winters. For the last few years, Government of India has embarked on a mission of all weather road connectivity to these regions. There has also been certain institutional changes to achieve these mandate in a more structured manner. BRO was earlier the mainstay for road development and management in the IHR. However, in 2015 with formation of NHIDCL the road development works have been split between BRO and NHIDCL. BRO has now been accorded the responsibility of managing defence related road infrastructure whereas all the other projects in civilian areas are being managed by NHIDCL. Some of the prominent projects in the IHR aimed at providing all weather connectivity are discussed below. Although, most of these