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Essay Competition
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Think New Think New Zealand Essay Competition Think New Think New Zealand Essay Competition
The Pros And Cons Of The DREAM Act
About 400,000 illegal immigrants come to the United States each year, each one with their own
story and reasons. These illegal immigrants often have sorrowful stories that make you want to
sympathize with them, but these immigrants never think about how their presence affects the
United States. On September 5th, President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced
the end of the DACA program; they contended that undocumented immigrants took economic
opportunities away from citizens and lawful permanent residents (DREAM). The DACA program
was created in 2012 by President Obama and allowed illegal immigrants to stay in the United
States. Recently, President Trump ended the program, but gave Congress a window to formulate a
better plan... Show more content on ...
Many proponents of the DREAM Act argue that these kids were brought to the United States before
they had a say in their life circumstances. Denying them hope and opportunity is punishment for an
act beyond their control (Fitz). Supporters of the DREAM Act continually advertise this argument;
They claim that the children are innocent, and the United States is treating these children unjustly,
but not rewarding them with legal residence and expensive college tuition subsidies is simply
withholding benefits to which they never had any entitlement in the first place (Mehlman). These
children are innocent, and deserve to be given an opportunity to come to the United States and have
a good education, but it should not be through the DREAM Act or illegal immigration. It is not un
American to prioritize United States citizens, and other immigrants waiting to enter the country
legally. A gross misconception is that DACA is only opposed by a radical few who want to hurt
innocent children and families, but a recent Quinnipiac University poll shows that Americans
across the political spectrum favor tougher enforcement of existing immigration laws over rolling
out the amnesty welcome wagon. (Malkin). Despite this poll, many patrons of the DREAM Act
think that continued amnesty is a right the United States is taking away, when in truth, the general
public supports tougher immigration law. The DREAM literally goes against popular opinion, as it
sponsors amnesty, and not harsher immigration
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Damages For Lost Profits May Not Be Based On...
Damages for Lost Profits May Not Be Based On Extraterritorial Services Performed by an Infringer
s Customers Under В§ 271(f).
WesternGeco L.L.C. v. ION Geophysical Corp., No. 2013 1527,2014 1121, 1526, 1528, 2015 U.S.
App. LEXIS 11411 (Fed. Cir. Jul. 2, 2015) (Dyk, J.) (Wallach, J., dissenting). Click Here for a copy
of the opinion.
WesternGeco LLC sued ION Geophysical for infringement of several U.S. patents covering an oil
deposit surveying device. A jury found infringement and no invalidity on all asserted claims and
awarded $93.4 million in lost profits and $12.5 million in reasonable royalties. The lost profits
were, in part, based on the loss of surveying contracts outside of the US. WesternGeco
manufactures the patented device, but does not sell it. Instead, WesternGeco uses it to perform
surveys for oil and gas companies. ION Geophysical, in contrast, sold the patented device to
competitors of WesternGeco. WesternGeco successfully argued that its damages included $90
million of lost profits it would have earned if it had won surveying contracts that were ultimately
awarded to ION s customers for surveying in international waters.
ION appealed the jury verdict, arguing that WesternGeco was not the owner of the asserted patents,
that the trial court made several errors related to its grant of summary judgment of infringement of
one patent claim, and that lost profits were incorrectly awarded for activities outside the U.S.
WesternGeco appealed the
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Synthetic Meat In Karl Grossman s Locavore Movement Overlooks
The world is slowly dying. The idea that the world would end is inevitable, and thus posing the
question of what must be done in order to prevent the end of the world. The elucidation of this
problem is synthetic meat. Synthetic meat is a serious topic up for discussion. This discussion is
divided because of the moral aspect involved. Research and studies on synthetic meatreveal that is
proper and necessary in order to maintain the supply and demand required for the expanding
population. While some might say that it is morally incorrect it is what will save the world from
becoming extinct.
As of today, in vitro meat is only an idea for the future. Scientists are beginning to research synthetic
meat more because of the rising amount of controversy ... Show more content on ...
Farmworkers will not be able to keep up with the supply and demand of food that will be needed in
the future. In Karl Grossman s article, Locavore Movement Overlooks Farmworkers, he
describes the way that the locavore movement works. It is a great system, but it will never work
out because of the supply and demand that would be needed in order to provide for the
population. Within the article he states, small farms like their factory farms counterparts, are
largely staffed by noncitizens, immigrant workers. Through this statement he shows that even
now there is not enough staff to produce food for the seven billion people now, and if there is an
extra two billion people on Earth there is no way that the farmworkers could keep up with the
supply and demand. With the farmers not going to be able to provide the food that is needed
locally, they should start using the stem cells from their animals and create locally grown
synthetic meat, and thus they will not only be able to keep up with the supply and demand but
save animals in the process. Not only will they save lives they will know what is being put into
the meat since they would be the ones making it. It is better to have synthetic meat created from
stem cells in machines because machines are better than humans. Farmworkers can get tired and
make mistakes, but machines do not get tired or even make mistakes because they are programmed
to do exactly as
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Walt Disney Essay
Walt Disney Walt Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago Illinois, to his father Elias
Disney, and mother Flora Call Disney. Walt was one of five children, four boys and a girl. After
Walt s birth, the Disney family moved to Marceline Missouri, Walt lived most of his childhood
here. Walt had very early interests in art, he would often sell drawings to neighbours to make
extra money. He pursued his art career, by studying art and photography by going to McKinley
High School in Chicago. During the fall of 1918, Disney attempted to enlist for military service.
Rejected because he was only 16 years of age, Walt joined the Red Cross and was... Show more
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Thus Mickey made his screen debut in Steamboat Willie, the world s first fully synchronized sound
cartoon, which premiered at the Colony Theatre in New York on November 18, 1928. On
December 21 of that same year, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first full length animated
musical feature, premiered at the Carthay Circle Theatre in Los Angeles. Produced at the unheard
cost of $1,499,000 during the depths of the Depression, the film is still accounted as one of the
great feats and imperishable monuments of the motion picture industry. During the next five years,
Walt completed such other full length animated classics as Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, and
Bambi. Walt s inquisitive mind and keen sense for education through entertainment resulted in the
award winning True Life Adventure series. Through such films as The Living Desert, The
Vanishing Prairie, The African Lion, and White Wilderness, Disney brought fascinating insights
into the world of wild animals and taught the importance of conserving our nation s outdoor
heritage. Disneyland, launched in 1955 as a fabulous $17 million Magic Kingdom, soon increased
its investment tenfold. By its third decade,
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Homework Is Too Much Homework
Starting in Preschool, students experience the responsibility of completing homework. Whether a
student is memorizing the alphabet, completing multiplication worksheets, writing poems and
essays, or completing pre calculus problems, homework consumes much of their time. As time
progress homework is becoming more of a burden to students. As children become older and life
becomes more hectic, they cannot find enough hours in a day to correctly and fully complete their
homework. Because of this, students can possibly fall behind in school and homework quickly
becomes useless. Students of all ages are assigned too much homework. Homework consumes too
much of a student s like and leaves no time for the more important aspects of life. In the article
Too Much Homework written by Professor Carol Huntsinger, which gives insights from a book
called The End of Homework: How Homework Disrupts Families, Overburdens Children and Limits
Learning , written by Etta Kralovec and John Buell, explains that a student s busy schedule along
with immense amounts of homework takes away from the most important parts of life. In this
article, Huntsinger explains how a student named Josh Preston has a full high schoolcourse load,
attends meetings, participates in school activities, and also attends three hour swim practices in the
evening. Huntsinger then goes on to explain that after coming home from practice at 7:30 p.m.,
Preston has to do almost four hours of homework which leads to him only
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Themes In The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini
The Kite Runner
This is an analysis of the book The Kite Runner by the Afghan American author Khaled Hosseini. It
was published in 2003, by Riverhead Books. The novel is claimed to be the first Afghan novel
written in English and has become an international bestseller, that has been published in 40
countries. This amazing story has one of the familiar themes such as race, religion, forgiveness,
love, betrayal, and friendship. In this essay, my main concentration will be on one of the themes,
which is a betrayal. I will mention examples of betrayal between the characters throughout the
The book is the story of two boys in Afghanistan and Afghan immigrants in America. The story`s
narrator and the protagonist is Amir. He starts to recall... Show more content on ...
But he had always accepted his lower class Hazara position. He is one of the characters that
remain loyal and honest person throughout the entire novel. Amir and Hassan spent all their
formative childhood moments together, where they taught each other to ride a bicycle with no
hands, build a homemade camera out of a cardboard box and had spent entire winters flying
kites, running kites. Despite all, Amir never saw Hassan as his real friend which mainly comes
back to the fact that, history isn t easy to overcome. He was Pashtun and Hassan was a Hazara.
This is one of the main reasons why Amir betrays Hassan. He watched him get raped by Assef
and two other boys, and he did nothing than grabbing the blue kite from the corner which was
Hassan s birthday gift from Baba and after he chooses to hide instead of helping Hassan. Amir
had a duty to Hassan, but instead, he betrayed him. He let Hassan get raped, in order to make him
appear weak to Baba, which was Amir s father and also Hassan s biological father. Amir was always
jealous of Hassan s relationship to Baba, so he felt like finally, he would get all the love and
affection from his
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Essay on Severe Air Pollution in China
After many years of ignoring the air pollution, smog ridden China has finally begun to
take this issue more seriously. They are the worst country in the world when it comes to air
pollution due to their huge population and large demand of manufactured goods (AFOP). This
however is no excuse for what they do to the environment.This is a very important issue because
of how much environmental damage can be prevented as well as setting an example of pollution
reduction across the world. They must take this issue very seriously because air quality has
gotten to the point where people are getting sick and dying there (The News Tribune, 2014). I
believe for this to be a reality China must: reduce air pollution, change their energy ... Show more
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As of now China is promoting green energy to help cut back the use of
fossil fuels, but this is a slow change and they are also reducing iron production (Barbara
Finamore).The implementation of these changes may be gradual but they must be in order to
keep up with China s energy needs. These changes will be very helpful towards this crucial issue
and though it may take time will eventually have a significant impact on reduction of air
pollution in China.
Another crucial step to reducing air pollution is changing energy habits. This goes hand in
hand with reducing air pollution. If China is to permanently change their horrible air pollution
they must not only reduce air pollution, but also switch to more effective energy sources. There
are many types of clean energy sources such as: solar, wind, and hydroelectric. These energy
sources are infinite, unlike coal and oil, which will eventually run out. As well as being more
plentiful they also leave no pollution behind (NRDC). Though not all of China s needs can be
filled by green or renewable energy but any little bit helps. Since China is so large the more
clean energy we use, the less air pollution being put out. This not only effects China, but the
whole world because they re pollution is contributing to global warming as other global issues.
With continued improvements China plans to have 13% clean energy by 2017 (Barbara
Finamore). This is a huge step towards reducing air pollution
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The Goal Setting Theory By Edwin Locke
The Goal Setting Theory
Name of Student
Institution affiliation
The goal setting theory was developed in 19sos by Edwin Locke. According to it, task
performance is essentially linked to goal setting. That means that higher and better task
performance may be achieved when goal setting is rationally applied, as clear goals inspire workers
on optimal performance.
Few words should be said about specifity of the goals which are expexted to be applied. They
should be clear to make it possible for any person to analyze one s own task process. That is
particularly important, as far as in the absence of explicit and challenging goals the crewmembers
may not even consider their personal goals. Furthermore, goals may significantly enhance the
performance of an employee through the learning plans and problem solving approach. As the
employee strives to achieve the goal, his motivation and drive inspires him to learn and maximize
his efforts to overcome challenging tasks.
That is why when CEOs apply the goal setting program in their company it is necessary to clearly
specify the standard of the average number of potholes that can be filled in a day. In addition, one
should raise the bar by setting a more challenging task by establishing a standard 20% higher than
the average.
The implementation of the goal setting theory constitutes of moderators that would enhance or
deteriorate an employee s performance. Feedback, which is the two way communication between
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Historical Trauma Or Intergenerational Trauma
Historical trauma (HT), also referred to as Intergenerational trauma, is the theory that large
historical traumas can be experienced by descendants generations later. (Walkerdine, Olsvold,
Rudberg, 2013). The position that clinicians take is that traumatic historical events associated with
events such as war, slavery, colonization, and poverty are experienced and transmitted between
family members and crosses generations. Some ethnical groups that have historical trauma response
in the United States are: Jewish Holocaust survivors, African Americans, Japanese Americans, and
Native Americans. I want to focus on the historical trauma of American Indians and the work of
Maria Yellow Horse Brave Heart, Ph.D. in examining the historical trauma
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The Effects Of Climate Change On Soil Moisture
Climate change is expected to have significant impacts on the interactions between the land surface
and atmosphere through alterations and feedbacks in various coupled processes. Soil moisture is
one aspect of the climate system that may be significantly impacted by increased temperatures,
especially in areas where snowpack contributes largely to soil moisture and streamflow. In addition
to rising temperatures and changes in the timing and amount of precipitation, local factors such as
soil properties, vegetation, and topography influence soil moisture distribution and streamflow. This
paper reviews various studies attempting to identify how the mentioned climatic and local factors
may impact soil moisture, and demonstrates some of the complexities associated with adequately
modeling the impacts of climate changeon various spatial scales.
Soil moisture plays a significant role in the climate system. Evaporation from the soil surface and
transpiration through plant leaves connect land and atmospheric processes through the water and
energy cycles, and feedbacks associated with soil moisture atmospheric processes affect regional
climate (Hagemann and Stacke, 2014). Soil moisture distribution impacts hydrologic processes
including runoff generation and groundwater recharge in a catchment, in addition to biological
processes and nutrient cycling (Williams et al., 2008). In regions where snowmelt runoff
contributes to soil moisture and streamflow, understanding the factors
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Designing A New Computer System
Case Study 1
Three friends have asked me to configure a new computer for each one of them. The first one is a
gamer, and she needs a competitive gaming system. Another wants to purchase a computer for her
home office where she has a small travel agency company, and the third would like a notebook or
laptop computer that he can use for schoolwork. Each one of my friends has a $2000.00 budget
to create the perfect computer system for each of their needs. First, we will create the perfect
gaming system for my friend in need. With the gaming system we will be starting from scratch.
First things first, obtain an AMD FX6350 6 core processor. It is able to run games at high settings,
and there is not much difference between AMD s and Intel s in ... Show more content on ...
The two have been tested against one another, and honestly there is really not much different
between the two in game playing performances. However, the SSD has proven to be drastically
faster than the HD. I am going to go with the SSD with this gaming system because it loads
faster, transitioning maps throughout the game is significantly faster, and overall it means that
your computer will boot at a significantly faster. Overall one would have a better experience
because it makes the overall functionality of the computer better as a whole. The Samsung 840
EVO 240 GB would be a great one to choose. It can be found for $129.99. It is a little on the
pricey side, but it will be well worth it. Next we need to configure a reliable computer system for
my friend that has a small, at home travel agency. With this system I would also recommend
buying an already made system, and perhaps doing a few upgrades. Dell has the OptiPlex 3020
Micro which is a descent system for an at home business. It comes with an Intel Pentium
G3240T Processor which is dual core with HD Graphics. This dual core processor has plenty of
horsepower to work with for a small business, so there is really no need in upgrading this to a quad
core processor. It will allow you to answer e mails while running Word, Excel, and PowerPoint,
along with the Web browser. It also comes with 4 gigabytes of RAM, and there is
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Piracy Of The Uk And Us
Piracy in the UK US
6. Write about on line piracy in the UK and the US; what type of property is stolen through on
line piracy and how do courts in the UK and US deal with offences involving on line piracy?
The relevant definition of piracy: The unauthorized use of another s production, invention, or
conception especially in infringement of a copyright. (Merriam Webster, 2015).
But not all infringement of copyright is a criminal offense, the Copyright act states a few specific
offences, most of them to do with if the culprit is making a profit or not, but it is a misconception
that all copying without consent is illegal, 16(3) (a) in the act states to infringe copyright, copying
must be of the whole or a substantial part of the work ... Show more content on ...
This led to the UK decriminalizing on line piracy and instead they implemented an alert system
where letters will be sent to anyone suspected of piracy, the letters are non threatening with no
presence of repercussions should they continue. The letters sent to suspected infringers must be
educational in tone, promoting an increase in awareness of legal downloading services. A
maximum of four alerts by either email or physical letter can be sent to an individual customer
account. Language will escalate in severity but will not contain threats or talk of consequences for
the accused users. (Lee, 2014), after these 4 alert nothing else will be done.
This statement from the government makes it seem like they have given up on on line piracy, or
they lack the sufficient resources to do anything substantial, their main target is the providers of this
illegal service, the distributors and website owners of this easily obtainable free media software.
The makers and distributors of this on line pirated material if found guilty can be charged as
Upon conviction the guilty party will receive a 6 months and/or a ВЈ50,000 fine.
If their case is gross and multiple offensives have been made repeatedly then the indictment is 10
years and/or a fine (Intellectual property offences, 2014).
The US have opted to go for a 6 strike
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Nissan GT-R Research Paper
Nissan GT R R35 is the one of the cheaper supercars anyone can buy. The 2015 GT R is listed as
low as $101,770 which is a lot less than your average Lamborghini or Ferrari. Brand new
Lamborghini s usually start at around $191,900 $259,100 this making a huge difference. As also,
the Ferrari 458I coming in at a priceof $233,509. The GT R defeating both of these cars in the a
quarter mile race. There are many more cars than just these two such as the Audi R8. The GT R
is a regular street legal coupe with a V6 engine twin turbo car, yet it can accelerate from 0 to 60
mph in 2.8 seconds. Helping it able to do this is its 6 speed dual clutch automated manual
transaxle clutch. The GT R is an all around better car for its speed and price. The Nissan GTR
R35 is one of the best super cars to buy, beating better rival cars and the cost being a huge deficit.
What makes this an incredibly fast car is its all wheel drive transmission. This allowing the car to
get all four wheels to the road with horse power behind it. Then with almost equal weight to on the
front and back side of the car which making the car very well made with weight distribution. Next
is Nissan s engine they... Show more content on ...
The benefit from it is that it s so cheap and also, beating bigger competitors that are worth more.
As an example used above the Lamborghini Gallardo and the Ferrari 458i. Another great feature
on why it beats these cars is that the engine is hand built. Every single part is put on by a man to
perfect precision so there are no mistakes. Also there are two twin tubro s to help go along which
makes this car faster than the bigger competitors. The GTR might not beat cars that are worth in
the millions but it still beats a decent amount of cars that are priced in the 200,000 400,000
dollars group. The Nissan GTR R35 is one of the best super cars to buy, beating better rival cars and
the cost being a huge deficit in
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Becoming A Real Estate Agent
Become a Licensed Real Estate Agent
You are considering a career in real estate. Fantastic, this is a great industry to become a part of.
Now that you know you want to sell real estate, you have to get licensed before you can go any
further. So, how do you obtain your real estate license?
Getting licensed is relatively easy, but does require some time and effort. Below we have shared
the steps you need to take in order to obtain your license so that you can started in your new career.
Know Your States Licensing Requirements
Before you start putting money down for real estate courses, take some time to find out what your
state s licensing requirements are.
Every state has different requirements when it comes to attaining a real estate license.
Eligibility Age, education, and residency requirements differ by state.
Education Course type, passing scores, and the number of course hours required differ by state.
Fees and application These also differ by state.
License renewal The licensing renewal requirements are not something you have to worry about
right away, but it is good to be aware of them for the future.
Take your time becoming familiar with all of the eligibility requirements, number of course hours
required, and the application process. By knowing what your state requires, you can save yourself
a great deal of time and be well on your way to starting your new career in real estate.
Start Taking the Pre Licensing Courses
Once you know what your state
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Racc 3 Fire Protection
2) Fire protection. Two each fire extinguisher location signs were missing. (29 CFR 1910.157(c)
RAC 3 = Moderate Recommendation: Submit a service order to have the missing signs installed.
3) Impedes egress. Rear fire exit route door was not fire resistance rated with no panic lock
hardware installed, IAW 29 CFR 1910.36 employees must be able to open an exit route door from
the inside at all times without keys, tools or special knowledge. (NFPA 101) RAC 3 = Moderate
Recommendation: Submit a service order to have a fire resistance rated door installed with a panic
bar or lock assembly.
e. Staff lounge area.
1) Electrical hazard. The lounge area does not have sufficient number of electrical outlets as noted
by the use of a power strip to power the refrigeration. All major appliances must be plugged
directly into a wall outlet. (29 CFR 1910.305(j)(3)) RAC 3 = Moderate Recommendation: Submit a
service order to have an additional electrical outlet installed to eliminate the hazard. ... Show more
content on ...
Employee wall lockers were unstable. (PL91 596) RAC 3 = Moderate Recommendation: Submit
a service order to have the wall lockers anchored to the wall or floor to eliminate the tipping over
f. Housekeeper office.
1) Fire protection. Office door was not fire resistance rated and was not designed with an
automatic door shut assembly. (29 CFR 1910.36(a)(3)) RAC 3 = Moderate Recommendation:
Submit a service order to have the door replaced with a fire resistance rated door with an automatic
door shut assembly.
2) Tipping over hazard. Employee wall lockers were unstable. (PL91 596) RAC 3 = Moderate
Recommendation: Submit a service order to have the wall lockers anchored to the wall or floor to
eliminate the tipping over hazard.
g. Breakfast
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Why Is a Solution to the Israel-Palestine Conflict so Hard...
Israeli Palestinian conflict could be described as a clash that between Israelis and Palestinian
Arabs as they attempted to compete the same piece of land briefly (Dowty 2008:1, 4). The reasons
that prevent a solution to the Israeli Palestinian problem will be discussed and will be divided into
three parts, Israeli reasons, Palestinian reasons and the common problem between two countries.
In terms of Palestinian reasons, there are three reasons, the United Nation General Assembly
(UNGA) Resolution 181, consequence that Israel was established in 1948 and settlement policy is
enforced in Palestinian territory by Israel.
For the UNGA Resolution 181, Israeli occupied more territory than Palestinians. In 1947, two state
solution was passed in UNGA, Palestine was divided into two states, one for Jewish and one for
Arab (El Hasan 2010: 55). However, Arabs occupied 43 45.5% of land in Palestine even the
population of Arabs in Palestine was 2/3 (Soderblom 2003). This was unfair to them. Besides,
Jews claim that they have sovereignty on Palestine as their ancestor have moved to Palestine and
they maintain there is a tie between Jews and Palestine for more than 3,700 years, so it is their
historic homeland (Gans 2008: 101; Brown 2011: 139). In contrast, Palestinians argue that there
were only 1/4 of Jews lived in Palestine before 70 AD, this does not mean that Jews lived there can
compete the land (Lorimer and Malloy 2002: 7). Besides, Palestinian thought the UNGA Resolution
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Amtrak Police Officer Research Paper
Ever since a little kid I had the dreams of becoming a Police Officer. My police career began with
the Amtrak Police Department on August 30, 2001. During my years with APD I held many
positions, I was an explosive patrol K 9 handler, a criminal Investigator, and I am currently
Sergeant in the Training Unit. I have completed training for and am a Field Training officer, Peer
Support officer and Community Relations officer. I have received many Officer of the month
awards and in 2012 was awarded Officer of the Year. I have assisted in the creation and am a
Chairman of the Mid Atlantic North Safety Committee and the National Safety Committee. During
my career with the Amtrak PoliceDepartment I have been awarded two lifesaving awards for...
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Get to know those who work under you remember anniversaries and birthdays, have realistic
concepts, engage conversation know what s going on, allow time to walking around and patrol.
Don t be afraid to admit you do not know something and ask if they do and can help. Create an
environment where its ok to ask questions and not be ridiculed for it. Treat them with respect, as a
person and not a piece of equipment make it
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Faulty Car Batteries
Faulty car batteries can lead to false starts, or contribute to other electrical problems in your
vehicle. Modern cars featuring electrically governed power steering systems can also be affected,
making proper battery maintenance even more crucial. Problems starting your car, or seemingly
unrelated problems with power steering can, therefore, be indicative of a battery which is not
functioning optimally: but you will be glad to learn that this can be easily remedied with some
simple, at home maintenance, saving costly garage trips and services. You will need: A voltmeter
A socket wrench Degreaser Safety goggles De ionised water 6 amp battery charger Maintaining
your battery Step 1: First remove your battery from its housing in the engine bay. Begin by
removing the earth lead connected to your battery, before touching anything... Show more content
on ...
Step 2: Next, degrease the battery and check the voltage across the terminals with your
voltmeter. The reading on your meter should be approximately 12 volts. Lower readings are a
telltale sign of poor maintenance but not to worry that s what this guide is for! Having cleaned
the battery casing, remove the cap on the top of the battery to expose the six chambers within.
Standard battery caps are simply pried off, and then pressed back on to secure. Wearing goggles
here is advisable to protect against acid being flicked into your eyes. Remember: safety first!
Step 3: Each of the newly exposed chambers contains one battery cell, filled with a solution of
sulphuric acid which evaporates over time. Top up this solution with the de ionised water,
covering the lead plates visible within the cells. Leave the covering cap off the battery and connect
your 6 amp charger, leaving the battery to charge for several hours. Replace the cap, test again with
the voltmeter, and a more healthy reading is your
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Things You Need To Know Before Buying A New Computer
Buying a new computer is a difficult task, filled with jargon and lots of competitors trying to get
you to part with your hard earned money. It can be extremely tricky to know what kind of
computer to get, and which computer will best serve your needs, especially with new tablets and
netbooks hitting the market every day.
The most important question you will need to ask yourself is: what do I need or want a computer
for? What tasks do I want to be able to accomplish? It can be very easy to get seduced by offers
of higher performance and state of the art graphics, but if you never use the computer to its full
potential, then that is simply money wasted. Conversely, if you wanted to use a computer for
gaming or creative ... Show more content on ...
Designed to be a static unit, desktops are usually much heavier and larger than laptops or
netbooks. However, this allows for them to be comparatively faster and more powerful than a
similarly priced laptop. If you need or want power on a budget and do not need to work on the
move regularly, a desktop is a great choice. The extra power possible also makes desktops a good
choice for gamers and media creators, too. The design of most desktops also makes it possible to
upgrade units with more memory, higher powered graphics and sound, and more processing
power, if you know what you are doing. This also means that many hardware malfunctions if you
are unlucky enough to experience any can be fixed simply for the price of the part and labour.
The largest disadvantage of desktops is the lack of portability. Many people need the ability to
take their work with them, and this can be a severe limitation. Unlike a laptop, you may have to
buy a monitor for a desktop separately, and they can be more difficult to set up. In smaller homes
or if you need to travel frequently, dedicating a space to a large computer might also be an issue,
as is moving
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Why Is Maurice Richard Important To Canada
Maurice Richard s historical significance in Canada was due to his importance as a hockey
player in Montreal from 1942 to 1960. This was because hockey is closer to a religion than a
simple sporting pastime in Canada. It was a unifying force in a nation where one state wanted to
separate from the rest of Canada. Nevertheless hockey has had a major impact on the social,
economic, cultural and political realms of Canada.For example: in the 2014 winter Olympics, bars
across the country remained open past their legal closing times for the gold medal game. Maurice
was credited with raising the National Hockey Leagueto major sport status , he simply sold the
game to French Canadians post great depression. He stopped the National Hockey league... Show
more content on ...
He was compelled to quit school at the age of 16 and become a machinist just to be able to help
his parents put a roof over the heads and food on the table for his 8 siblings. This taught him that
you need to work hard and makes sacrifice if you are going to succeed in life. During his rookie
season, Maurice only played in 16 games as he broke his ankle for the second time into his
hockey career. There were already doubts about his hockey career in the media, the General
Manager of the Montreal Canadiens stated that Maurice wouldn t be able to survive the grind of
the National Hockey League due to his prior medical history with broken bones. He was called a
Lemon and a waste of money . Money was a commodity that you did not waste in the 1940 as
people were just starting to recover from one of the worst economic disasters of the great
depression. He thought his hockey career was over and that Montreal would just bench him and
release him until his contract was over. In the following season, he was a healthy scratch for the
first 4 games and his career was clearly in jeopardy. With a newborn daughter, he feared that he
would not be able to put food on the table so he decided to show his determination and will. He
stayed after practice for hours and worked until the coach decided that Maurice deserves to be
on the ice due to his work ethic. Over his career, he showed management and surely the hockey
world that he was not a lemon ; as he would go on to play over 1100 games in the National
Hockey league. All of these intangibles that are shown by the rocket off the ice, made him a perfect
teammate and captain of the Montreal Canadiens. Former Teammate, Jean Beliveau once stated, He
embodies something which would rub off on many of his teammates. ... Quite simply, Maurice
Richard hated to lose with every fibre of his being. Due to his determination and being Montreal
Canadiens best
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Persuasive Tones
Tone is a very important part in writing essays, letters, articles, and even ads. There are many
different tones you can use in your writing. If you are writing an argumentative writing then tone
can either strengthen or weaken your argument. For example these two sixth graders named Dave
Kessler and Janet Chen, wrote argumentative letters to their schools editor about ads in their
schools. Dave Kessler chose to use a persuasive tone in his letter, saying that he thinks ads in
schools should be banned. This strengthened his argument a lot because he needed to get his point
across. For example, Advertising may allow a school to get a brand new scoreboard, books or
band uniforms, but the price students pay is too great (Kessler 1). With
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Why Is Creon Wrong
In the play Antigone written by Sophocles, many issues come to light regarding morality and
virtue. While there may be many interpretations regarding whether Antigone is correct in her
views or Creon is, the German philosopher Hegel argues that both are right to some extent. When
the argument is analyzed from both point of views it is evident that they both have some moral
reasoning leading to both cases being correct; however, since neither side is willing to put
themselves in the other persons shoes to have a clearer view of the situation, it causes Creonand
Antigoneto be wrong at the same time. Both Antigone s and Creon s judgement is clouded because
of their inability to understand the argument from the other person s point of view,... Show more
content on ...
An example of this is slavery, while once it was seen as a way to help build a life and steady
income in America, now it is recognized as reprehensible and immoral. In contrast, if Antigone is in
the right it would mean that any person can simply question which laws they choose to follow in
the system according to the religious beliefs they have.
Overall, this tragedy could have easily been avoided if both Antigone and Creon chose to
compromise their situation. Although it would have been difficult because they are at opposites
sides of the spectrum, they could have easily came to an agreement in the situation which would
have led all the members to be happy and to prevent the citizens from thinking that Creon isn t a
man of his word or does give special treatment to others in his
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Physical Geography Power Of Place
Physical geography has a significant impact on the development of countries; hence the title, The
Power of Place. Countries on the coast tend to do better than landlocked countries because they
have more trade opportunities. Landlocked countries usually trade with their neighbors, but if their
neighbors are also struggling economically, then both countries suffer from seclusion. However,
sometimes the landlocked countries have well off neighbors which makes them more likely to do
well. For example, Switzerland s neighbors, France and Italy, happen to be near water, so
Switzerland isn t as negatively affected from being landlocked. Diversity is more commonly found
in larger countries. Small countries usually have fewer cultures and a common... Show more content
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Each of these groups impacts the world in their own way. Globals are wealthy people who are
generally found in the core countries. Although globals are only a small percentage of the
population, they tend to be the most successful and often spread their ideas throughout the
world. Globals flatten the world and control the fates of the locals and mobals (de Blij 7). In the
1950s, de Blij witnessed how the global Europeans interfered in South Africa, resulting in many
locals becoming mobals or globals. Locals live in the same place their whole life and carry on
traditions from hundreds of years ago. An example of a local community are the farmers in
China who still produce rice like their ancestors did a long time ago. Locals are typically found
in the global periphery, and they usually have a rougher life than the globals do. Somewhere in
between the two distinct groups are the mobals. Mobals tend to be locals that migrate to the core
countries in hopes of a better life. For example, the US has a very high immigration rate because of
its many freedoms and education and job
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Lincoln s Failure
Realizing that you ve failed something is hard to do. No one wants to accept defeat, and that s a
flaw that most people have. Failure isn t always negative. However, it isn t always easy to apply
this concept to your own situation either. When we think of failing, we think of not being good
enough or not having the qualities needed to improve. We look down upon failure and defeat
instead of seeing the raw potential it holds. If you feel hopeless when your goal isn t
accomplished the way you wanted it to be, there is no need to worry: it s extremely natural to lose
motivation when you re standing face to face with disappointment or negativity. What you do have
to keep in mind is that recovery can t be reached without considering three major points: conviction,
value, and motivation. Each failure is filled with more... Show more content on ...
The best way is to take a glance someone else s failure. You can compare your own to theirs, and
while doing so you should keep an eye out for their recovery. We all know that Abraham Lincoln
was one of the greatest president s the United States has ever seen, but have you ever considered
his backstory? From 1816 to 1860, he held a long lasting losing streak: our great leader was in a
slump that he couldn t find a way to escape from. Burdened with the deaths of various loved
ones, nervous breakdowns, rejection and losses, Lincoln would be expected to give up. It would
be very hard for any normal person to go through as much as he did and still make it out alive. He
lost eight different times before he would even become the president of our country. Finding the
strength within himself, he continuously used it to get up, brush the dirt off his shoulder, and learn
from his mistakes. Without conviction and purpose, he would have never been able to find the
potential within each obstacle he faced. But he had exactly what he needed to persist and benefit
from his
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The Myth Of Aeschylus The Eumenides
From the classical period until present day, artists have attempted to portray Aeschylus The
Eumenides in various forms of art. However, in order to appreciate the work of these artist one
must first become familiar with the subject of the myth they depict. According to Greek and
Roman mythology, the Furies were female spirits of justice and vengeance. Known especially for
pursuing people who had murdered family members, the Furies punished their victims by driving
them mad. There are various stories on the origin of the Furies. According to Hesiod s Theogony,
the Titan Cronus castrated and threw his father, Uranus, genitalia into the sea. When Cronus blood
fell onto the earth, the Furies were born. Other stories circulated in Greek and... Show more content
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Currently housed in the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia is one of his most famous
painting The Remorse of Orestes (1862). At the center of the painting, we have Orestes naked
except for a discreet white drapery. With and look of pure anguish he attempts to cover his ears
as the Furies appear to be screaming behind him. Behind him to the left of the painting, we see
Clytemnestra in a white dress, draped in a disarranged red cloak, with a dagger in her heart. As
Clytemnestra is falling, one of the Furies holds her up. It is as if the murder has just taken place
and Orestes is immediately regretting his actions, and one of the Furies is refusing to let
Orestes burry the sense of guilt he feels. Another of the Furies is holding a torch, which similarly
to the last painting discussed, could be symbolic of the Furies enacting justice for the crime of
matricide. All of the Furies are partially clothed and have their characteristic snake like hair. The
positioning of the Orestes body and face looking away from the Furies also adds to the
overarching theme of the painting. It is as if he cannot face what he has done, he cannot even
look at the Furies, let alone try to justify his actions. No matter how he tries to run from the crime,
he will never be able to get away from it. This all encompassing dread is not something that Orestes
can escape even after being pardoned for his crime; it is something that he will have to live with for
the rest of his life. The canvas is 7.5 feet by 9 feet and reflects how important the message of the
painting that the guilty feel an unceasing torment that they cannot escape is to the artist. When
submitting the painting Bouguereau wrote about his painting
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`` Barbie Doll `` By Marge Percy
Marge Percy Barbie Doll is a social commentary about the demanding pressures that the mass
media produces about how women should look like and what type of body they should have.
Women in the 1970s faced high standards and these standards still go on to this day. These high
demands lead women to go above and beyond to meet standards that society has placed upon them.
Some of these drastic measures can lead to consequences. In Barbie Doll the main character
decided to undergo plastic surgery to fix her big nose and fat legs . Unfortunately she ended up
dying in her struggle to meet the standard that the media has placed on her at an exceptionally
young age. Her untimely death is a symbol and the theme of the poem that these women will
work themselves to death to meet societies demands and most of the time it is all for nothing. All
this women wanted was people to accept the way she looked and not critique her looks and it was
not until her funeral day, when it no longer mattered, that she finally got that acceptance. The
poem starts off just saying how the main character was born as usual . There is nothing wrong
with the main character and she is just a normal girl that played with Barbie dolls. It is not until
the fifth line that the magic of puberty finally hits the author. Sadly, it is during this time when the
human mind is so fragile, that the high standards of the mass media on how a women should look
start to bear down, crash, and take over a lot
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Essay on The American Revolution and the Formation of Bolivia
пѓ Introduction
The American Revolution did much more than any of our founding fathers had ever imagined, it
started a movement that would threaten the very roots of colonialism across the globe. Setting an
example of how a David could overcome a Goliath, the United States inspired regions such as
Latin America to fight for their rights and liberties as well. One such region that embraced the
message was Upper Peru, which would later be known as Bolivia. With some key tipping points
that caused the war, the leaders of the soon to be formed nation rallied its troops and won several
major battles, but even they couldn t prevent the tough times that lay in the early years of the
nation. From the year 1809, Upper Peru was engaged in a ... Show more content on
Simon Bolivar, who had a reputation of being a liberator, took center stage. The common folk
began to trust his words, as he talked about fighting for the resources that were theirs, ideals taken
directly from the American Revolution itself. Also with the power struggle created by the
Napoleonic wars, uprisings began. The most prominent of this movement was the uprising in
Chuquisaca in 1809, which led to the formation of the Government Juntas. This group focused on
taking the power from the Spanish and giving it to the people. Seeing the movement in Bolivia
take shape, Latin Nations such as Peru began to provide military support to Bolivian liberators.
Surprisingly, America didn t live up to its reputation, having no negative impact on this revolution.
Normally, America had been notorious for backing up the dictators or colonial powers and
suppressing the Latin liberators. All in all, the combination of a power struggle brought upon by
foreign wars, introduction of revolutionary independence ideals, proper leadership, and foreign aid,
the Bolivian revolution was successful in liberating the nation from Spanish Colonial power after
16 years of conflict.
пѓ Leaders o Simon Bolivar ( July 24th, 1783 Dec 17th, 1830)
SimГіn JosГ© Antonio de la SantГsima Trinidad BolГvar, or more commonly known as Simon
Bolivar The Liberator, was born in Caracas, Venezuela (Lynch, 2007, p.25). Early in his life
military had played a big role in his life, which set up his
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Faith In Life Of Pi
Throughout the novel, Life of Pi, written by Yann Martel it introduces the characters Pi a human
boy who is stranded at sea and Richard Parker the tiger, who accompanies him on his journey.
The story is centered upon Pi and how he was able to heroically survive 227 days at sea and the
struggles he had to overcome. In the story, faith plays a significant role in Pi s personality and
demonstrates how he was able to overcome his hardships through faith. From this, reader s can
evaluate their own faith based on the significance of Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. The point i
m trying to prove is how throughout the story you can see how faith plays a significant role in
shaping Pi s personality.
Pi was struggling with religion in the very beginning.
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Nathaniel Mackey s Bedouin Hornbook Essay
Nathaniel Mackey s Bedouin Hornbook
A Bedouin is a nomad and a nomad a wanderer. Nathaniel Mackey seems to wander far and away
in his Bedouin Hornbook, a series of fictional letters addressed to an Angel of Dust and signed by
the ambiguous N. N. interprets passages of improvisation, analyzing others musical expression in
surprising detail to the point that his unquestioning sincerity and self assurance are almost
laughable. That N. can glean meaning from music in such a direct and certain manner is problematic
because his tone implies that there is only one correct interpretation of music. In addressing the
issue of how music conveys meaning, Mackey seems to wander in two disparate directions. After
asserting each seemingly ... Show more content on ...
By employing deceptively similar language in these instances, Mackey sets up a parallel between
music and speech that he uses to make his point about how meaning is conveyed through art.
Aunt Nancy not only challenges Lambert s interpretation of the music, but by extension, every
unchallenged musical interpretation N. offers throughout the novel. But Aunt Nancy faces the
same problem as N. when articulating her complaint. While asserting an alternate interpretation, she
assumes a tone that claims hers as singularly true, which seems hypocritical. Since Aunt Nancy
commits the same contradiction as N., Mackey foreshadows a reconciliation of our understanding
of that contradiction.
Mackey first uses the argument between Aunt Nancy and Lambert to assert that improvisation itself
is the goal of music, rather than a device used to carry a separate meaning. The dispute arises when
the group begins to dissect Lambert s solo. While Djamilaa, Penguin and N. are enthusiastic about
the piece, Aunt Nancy sits sulking. When prompted, she divulges a resentment of the implied
attack on her regarding her increased involvement with the violin at the congas expense (132).
Lambert disagrees and defends his playing, saying that he was genuinely sorry that she d chosen to
take the questions his piece had raised in that way, though he welcomes the opportunity to make
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Theme Of Identity In The Tale Of Sinuhe
In the Tale of Sinuhe , the path of Sinuhe s flight or more aptly put, his journey of self, is one
that is indubitably complex it resonates with the concept of uprooting oneself from a semblance of
normality ( order ) into a state of unfamiliarity ( chaos ). This paradigm shift, due to an irrational
response to fear on Sinhue s part, leads to an existential crisis whereby the course of his trajectory
and social identity is questioned extensively. Subsequently, throughout the tale the themes of
rational and irrational thought, self vs. other and order vs. chaos are explored and as a result
contribute to Sinhue s journey of self and restoration of his true identity as an Egyptian.
In the beginning of the tale, the virtues of Sinuhe s character and loyalty are called into question.
As a royal courtier belonging to the ... Show more content on ...
He still perceived himself to be a fugitive in a foreign land and wished to return home to his
rightful place in Egyptian society and thus complete the restoration process of self. In order to
finalize the restoration process, He sends a letter to the benevolent king Senwosret who
welcomes him back despite his cowardly flight years before as he takes Sinuhe s word when he
says that he has restored himself. In truth, the tale shows the progression of Sinuhe s character and
he recognizes and addresses the changes himself in the poem he recites after his victory. (B 145
165) In the poem, Sinuhe faces his past, a poignant reminder of his cowardly escape from Egypt.
However, the poem also indicates how he has changed for the better as his past is contrasted with
his current situation as a conqueror. With this transformation, from cowardly nobleman to
victorious hero now complete, Sinuhe believes that he is ready to return to his homeland where he
can be laid to rest with honour and
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Module 1 ACC501 Case
In this case study, I will analyze and compare the financial statements of General Mills and the
Meiji Holdings Company Limited, which are amongst the largest firms in the food industry. I will
also talk about the accounting standards, the differences between both company s annual statements
and the differences between Annual Reports, a 10 K and the Corporate Social Responsibility Report.
General Mills and Meiji Holdings Company Limited utilizes different accounting standards. General
Mills uses the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) which administers standards known
as the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(GAAP) United States (General Mills, 2013).
Meiji Holdings Company Limited utilizes the Japanese version of the GAAP.... Show more content
on ...
Companies with more than $10 million in assets and a class of equity securities that is held by
more than 500 owners must file annual and other periodic reports, regardless of whether the
securities are publicly or privately traded. If a shareholder requests a company s Form 10 K, the
company must provide a copy. In addition, most large companies must disclose on Form 10 K
whether the company makes it periodic and current reports available, free of charge, on its website.
Form 10 K, as well as other SEC filings may be searched at the EDGAR database on the SEC s
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a form of corporate self regulation integrated into a
business model. CSR policy functions as a built in, self regulating mechanism that has business
monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards, and
international norms. CSR is a process with the aim to embrace responsibility for the company s
actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on the environment, consumers,
employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public sphere who may also
be considered stakeholders. CSR is titled to aid an organization s mission as well as a guide to
what the company stands for and will uphold to its consumers. Development business ethics is one
of the forms of applied ethics that examines
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Inner Turmoil in The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar...
Inner Turmoil in The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allen Poe Art can reflect the internal
psychological processes of the human mind. Specifically, Edgar Allen Poe uses the atmosphere
of The Fall of the House of Usher to portray Roderick s inner turmoil. The tumultuous gloom
besetting the house is equal to the doom of the Usher family. The narrator s description of the
house sets the tone of the story. The house is downtrodden and borders a stagnant tarn. Similarly,
Roderick becomes quiet aged and deals with emotional problems. The house is described as
breathing of sorrow and and air of ster, deep, and irredeemable gloom hung over and pervaded all.
The house lacks any proper upkeep and is showing signs of decay... Show more content on ...
The Usher family has not had a child outside the immediate family. other words, that the
entire family lay in the direct line of descent, and had always, with very temporary variation, so
lain. The lack of movement and life in the pond is analogous to Roderick and his sister,
Madeline, rotting in the house. Not only does the house resemble Roderick, but Roderick also
takes after the house. The house is uncomfortable and not personal. The general furniture was
profuse, comfortless, and tattered. It left the narrator feeling sorrowful and gloomy. This
emotion also is reflected onto Roderick s physical appearance. Surely, man had never before so
terribly altered, in so brief a period as has Roderick Usher. The narrator finds it difficult to
connect Roderick s expressions ...with any idea of simple humanity. He seemingly became vacant
and empty of capturing basic emotional jesters. He slowly is losing his physical and emotional
characteristics and becoming a shell of a man. Roderick sings the history of The Haunted Palace.
The first verse describes the house equated to the monarch s thoughts. Radiant palace reared its
head. In the monarch Thoughts dominion . This is similar to Roderick s relationship with his
house. The song continues to tell of prosperous times by describing how wanderers in the happy
valley Through two luminous windows saw Spirits moving musically To a lute s well tuned law.
This also
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Bloodstain Analysis Lab Report
Can the angle of a fatal blow be determined by the locations of the victim s bloodstains? I will be
comparing multiple bloodstains to one another and measuring them, trying to determine the
angle at which I struck the victim (a kitchen sponge). This practice, called bloodstain analysis, is
used by forensic investigators to determine the cause, position, and even time of death. I believe
that by using trigonometry, I will be able to establish the angles at which I hit each sponge. I
will repeat the experiment multiple times, and each blow will be delivered from a different
angle. Each spatter of blood will be measured in centimeters and millimeters; the angles will be
written in degrees. To begin my experiment, I will need to purchase a few items. A tarp is
necessary to cover the floors of my house so as to not stain the carpet. I will also have to
purchase latex gloves and goggles to prevent my hands from staining and from getting fake blood
in my eyes. Adhesive circles, sponges, and string will also need to be purchased, as well as the
following components for producing my fake blood: food coloring (red and green), cornstarch, corn
syrup, and something with which to measure out all ingredients. Finally, I must gather the
subsequent items from around my home: white letter sized copy paper, a hammer,... Show more
content on ...
I must be careful not to use too much or too little; the sponge must be damp with blood, but a
different amount could mess up the desired effect. Once I am satisfied with the moistness of the
sponge, I will put it on the edge of the X and whack it with my hammer. The blood should spatter
all over the papers taped to the wall, producing a splotchy pattern. I will then remove the sponge,
and as I wait for the blood to dry, I will use my camera to take pictures of the spatter, and I will note
any observances I make in my
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The Reason For Popularity Of Online Shopping
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This research project was carried out to identify the reason for
popularity of online shopping, to describe why eBay and Amazon became successful without
having a High Street store, to compare eBay and Amazon in terms of revenues and customer s
opinions and to develop ideas on how they could improve their performance in future. This
research draws the attention to facts that despite both companies have many bad reviews, potential
consumers are still attracted to shop using their websites, while present customers are consciously
complaining about eBay s and Amazon s unprofessional customer service and after sale service,
yet they still shop using both websites, resulting in eBay overcoming analysts predictions about
their profits every quarter and Amazon investing big amounts of money in its growth. Primary
research that was conducted, showed that lower prices and wider range of products are the two
main factors that attract consumers to shop online (despite the awareness of bad customer service
and after sale service). This project also finds that prospects of eBay financial position are positive,
however Amazon is not doing well. Amazon is not able to prove that it can generate steady profits
and Jeff Bezos is constantly re investing its revenues for future growth which results in shareholders
losing their patience. Recommendations discussed include: пѓ Improving the quality of customer
service and after sale service for eBay and Amazon пѓ Decreasing
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American Social Equality
Social Equality has always been a concern of persons living in the United States. One of the main
points was the issue of same sex marriage. Same sex marriage isn t a new concept in the
American social way of life. States used to have the legal power to dictate what the definition of
marriage is and who has the right to marry. In the Supreme Case of Obergefell v. Hodges,
homosexuals now have the constitutional right for them to be able to marry. In America there are
two definitions of marriage, the traditional and same sex. Traditional marriage is defined as a
marriage between man and woman. Same sex marriagehas often been a taboo subject in the
American culture and since the Supreme Court decision had ruled in favor of same sex marriage...
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They have that right to believe that the homosexuals should not be allowed to be married and
should not be granted that right. This is defined through the free exercise of religion, people
have the right to believe what we want regarding our religious views, but we can t always act on
them if it interferes with someone else s rights. So in the instance of granting marriage licenses
clerks can have opposing views on homosexuals getting married. They can believe that they
should not be able to have the right to get married and should only be reserved for traditional
marriages, and with their view deny any licenses that would go against their personal views, but
they could not physically reject the marriage. If they where to find to deny the marriage licenses
of a same sex marriage it would go against the rights of the gay
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Priestly Sources In The Pentateuch
Priestly Source is one of the variant sources that make up the Bible today. The Priestly source was
its own entity before being combined with the Lay source in the Pentateuch. The Priestly sources
are dated back to the exilic period. The P source can be extracted to show differences in accounts
compared to the other sources identified in the Pentateuch. The P source is a major component in
the Pentateuch, but it has been combined with the Lay source. The Priestly sourceis one that is
divided into three parts that involves the creation account, Noah and the flood, and Abraham s
covenant. The P source has a range in times where it can be dated back to: the pre exile period and
the exilic period. The P source is found to be culturally correct... Show more content on ...
Josiah was smitten by the Torah found in the temple and even at a young age he got the Torah
looked over for legitimacy. The legitimacy was said to be correct so Josiah started spreading the
news of the Torah to everyone and made them promise to abide by every word in the book. Josiah
followed the rules of the Torah and abolished false gods in order to prevent God s wrath. Josiah led
Jerusalem to a period of monotheism rather than polytheistic. The monotheism in place was for
Yahweh. Scholars have found evidence the part of the Torah Josiah has been reading and basing
his reforms from were in Deuteronomy which was the self proclaimed Torah. (Carr, pg.
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Emilio Segre Biography
Emilio Gino SegrГЁ is the Italian/American scientist and physicist and he get the nobel laureate
and nobel prize in physics. he worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratory as a group leader for
the Manhattan Project. He found in April 1944 that Thin Man, the proposed plutonium gun type
nuclear weapon, would not work because of the presence of plutonium240 impurities.
Early life
Emilio Gino Segre born in a Sephardic Jewish family in Tivoli, near Rome. He born on February
1 1095. His father name Giuseppe SegrГЁ, a businessman who owned a paper mill, and his
mother Amelia Susanna Treves. He had two older brothers, Angelo and Marco, his uncle name
GIno, his was a law professor. He learn in in the University of Rome La Sapienza as an
engineering student In 1927. He met Franco Rasetti who introduced him to Enrico Fermi. The
two young physics professors were looking for talented students. They attended the Volta
Conference at Como in September 1927. He was win nobel prize. SegrГЁ then joined Fermi and
Rasetti at their laboratory in Rome with help of Orso Mario Corbino, and he studying under
Fermi, earned his laurea degree in July 1928. In August 1945 a few days before the surrender of
Japan and the end of World War II, SegrГЁ received an offer from Washington University in...
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SegrГЁ served on the University s powerful Budget Committee from 1961 to 1965 and was
chairman of the Physics Department from 1965 to 1966. He supported Teller s successful bid to
separate the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory from the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in 1970. He
later published a biography of Fermi, Enrico Fermi: Physicist in 1970. He published his own
lecture notes as From X rays to Quarks: Modern Physicists and Their Discoveries in 1980.
Classical Physicists and Their Discoveries in 1984. He edited the Annual Review of Nuclear and
Particle Science from 1958 to 1977. A Mind Always in Motion in
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Different Kinds Of Polymers And Polymers
A polymer is a large molecule that is made from many small repeating chemicals called
monomers. In the Greek language, polymer literally means many parts. Polymers are being used
more and more in medical devices, such as drug delivery, screws, plates, fixation pins, suture
anchors and many other applications. Some of the most useful polymers for medical uses are
poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(glycolic acid) (PGA). They are useful in medicine because of the
fact that they can degrade within the body to lesser components that will cause very minimal
negative effects. Scientists have found many different ways to control the degradation of these two
polymers. Combining two or more different kinds of monomers during polymerformation is called
copolymerization. Changing the amount of different kinds of monomers during
copolymerization of either poly(lactic co glycolic) (PLGA) or PLA can change degradation
characteristics. [2] For example, combining lactic acid and glycolic acid to make PLGA will
degrade quicker. There are also stereo copolymers, such as L lactic acid, and D lactic acid which
are the same chemical, but are mirror images of each other (figure 1). These can be combined to
also lower the degradation times of PLA or PGLA. Figure 1. Difference between L and D lactic
acids (Gupta et al, 2007)
Synthesis of PLA and PLGA Synthesis of PLA is started through the fermentation of bacteria.
There are several types of bacteria that produce L , D lactic acid or a
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Elements Of Mise-En Scene In Boogie Nights
In the film, Boogie Nights, the director, Paul Thomas Anderson utilizes elements of mise en scene
such as the natural acting and impressive use of space, with engrossing shot choice and complex
camera movement in his cinematography as he brings the audience into the atmospheric, realistic,
and vibrant world of the 1970s. This is displayed effectively in the films fantastic opening tracking
The opening scene of Boogie Nights is very ambitious as its goal is to introduce us to the time
period and the many characters that inhabit the world of the film. The scene opens in 1977 at the
Hot Traxx Disco in the San Fernando Valley. Right from the opening, the film just captures the
zeitgeist of the time. The culture is underlined by the costumes. In the 1970s, clothing considered
fashionable was such things as bell bottoms, flares, platform shoes, disco suits, and ete. They are
specifically seen in the background when Jack is driving to the nightclub. This is further shown in
the nightclub where everyone is dressed very fashionably. Moreover, there is a significance and
meaning to the costume design. The costumes dictate what roles these people had. A prime
example of this is in the background, which shows how men and women were portrayed in society.
The waiters are ... Show more content on ...
He takes all these things like the mise en scene of the accurate costumes, with the naturalistic
acting that the ensemble cast carries. His use of movement and space is just amazing in terms
of how he was able to handle all these characters and the sleekness of Elswit s camerawork. The
lighting helps further that style. His framing is out of this world because he manages to do all
these tasks in just one shot without a single edit. His sounds and more specifically, his use of Best
of My Love then wrap it by being realistic and never really taking us out of the film. Overall,
Anderson has created an ambitious and impressive moment in
... Get more on ...
Theme Of Love In The Great Gatsby
In the Great Gatsby, the author first introduces ideas of infidelity through Tom Buchanan, an
upper class man from old money, and Myrtle Wilson, a woman from the valley of ashes with a
poor, working class background. Both tired of their respective significant others, they find
themselves together in their love nest apartment in New York City, both enjoying what the other
has to offer. Specifically, Myrtle, takes joy from using the money that Tom has to get
materialistic things that she wants and Tom, getting some action and thrill using her. This in
itself shows obvious power differences all due to their background. However, Nick Carraway,
the narrator for the book observes this first hand when he first goes out with Tom and Myrtle.
On their way to their love nest, Myrtle notices someone selling dogs, exclaiming I think it s cute,
and furthermore how much is it? That dog? [said the seller who] looked at it admiringly That
dog will cost you ten dollars. In reply, Is it a boy or girl? she [asks] delicately. Tom, participating
in the conversation at last, It s a bitch said Tom decisively. Here s your money. Go and buy ten
more dogs with it? (Fitzgerald 28). Though at first this can be assumed as Tom giving in to
Myrtle s whims in hopes to keep her happy, when looked further, there is a clear sign that Tom
disregards this encounter. With the way he assumes dominance in the way he decides whether the
dog is boy or a girl, and how be pays it off without so much
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Compare And Contrast John Meany And Owen Meany
Owen Meany and John Wheelwright; Effect of Spirituality
A Prayer for Owen Meany analyzes the relationship between various depths of spirituality in
comparison to mundane life. The novel by John Irving uses characters such as Owen Meany and
John Wheelwright, to juxtapose the contrasting nature of faith and doubt, and fate and free will.
John Wheelwright s and Owen Meany s differing attributes highlight the use of contrast within A
Prayer for Owen Meany. While Owen Meany tends to be a leader, John is a follower where his
primary experiences tend to be due to Owen. Furthermore, their different appearances further
illustrate their differences while John is a typical male, Owen appears childlike in stature with a
rodent quality to his appearance. Consequently, these comparisons between the two characters
highlight the underlying theme of spirituality within the novel. Owen Meany has a continuing
belief in God, even taking it as far as saying that God has a specific plan for him. GOD HAS
HANDS. I AM GOD S INSTRUMENT (page 90) This quote illustrates the absolute belief that
Owen has in God; despite the fact that Owen has taken the life from Tabitha Wheelwright, mother
of Johnny, he chalks it up to fate and God s will. However, John Wheelwright doubts the ideologies
of Christianity as he changes his denomination within the Christian community regularly. This
contrast is displayed when the two boys are young
... Get more on ...
The Battle House Renaissance Hotel
These are some of the most haunted locations in Alabama. Guests and staff at many of the hotels
have reported sightings of ghostly apparitions or other peculiar happenings.
Battle House Renaissance Hotel
There are many old stories about deaths in the Battle House. In one story, a man who was having
an affair with a married woman was beaten to death in one of the rooms on the fifth floor. Another
spooky story is that a bride couldn t wait for her groom anymore and hung herself in the Crystal
Ballroom. Guests have reported plenty of ghostly experiences in the hotel. One guest reported
flashes of bright lights in her room. Another guest reported feeling and seeing the bed dip as if
someone sat on it. Those both happened on the fourth floor. Faucets have turned on and off during
the night as well.
Fort Conde Inn
Ghost hunters have investigated much of the surrounding area near the inn. They ve heard eerie
whisperings on voice recorders as well as light touches. On the second floor of the inn itself,
there have been reports of voices when there is no one else around. Many people have reported a
sense that someone is near them on the second floor. The housekeeper at the inn saw her mop
bucket roll slowly down the stairs. It stopped and after a few seconds rolled the rest of the way
down the stairs.
The Hotel Highland Pickwick Hotel
In the early years of this hotel, it was actually a medical building. The basement was used as a
morgue. It could be where most of the
... Get more on ...

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  • 1. Think New Think New Zealand Essay Competition 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Think New Think New Zealand Essay Competition Think New Think New Zealand Essay Competition
  • 2. The Pros And Cons Of The DREAM Act About 400,000 illegal immigrants come to the United States each year, each one with their own story and reasons. These illegal immigrants often have sorrowful stories that make you want to sympathize with them, but these immigrants never think about how their presence affects the United States. On September 5th, President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the end of the DACA program; they contended that undocumented immigrants took economic opportunities away from citizens and lawful permanent residents (DREAM). The DACA program was created in 2012 by President Obama and allowed illegal immigrants to stay in the United States. Recently, President Trump ended the program, but gave Congress a window to formulate a better plan... Show more content on ... Many proponents of the DREAM Act argue that these kids were brought to the United States before they had a say in their life circumstances. Denying them hope and opportunity is punishment for an act beyond their control (Fitz). Supporters of the DREAM Act continually advertise this argument; They claim that the children are innocent, and the United States is treating these children unjustly, but not rewarding them with legal residence and expensive college tuition subsidies is simply withholding benefits to which they never had any entitlement in the first place (Mehlman). These children are innocent, and deserve to be given an opportunity to come to the United States and have a good education, but it should not be through the DREAM Act or illegal immigration. It is not un American to prioritize United States citizens, and other immigrants waiting to enter the country legally. A gross misconception is that DACA is only opposed by a radical few who want to hurt innocent children and families, but a recent Quinnipiac University poll shows that Americans across the political spectrum favor tougher enforcement of existing immigration laws over rolling out the amnesty welcome wagon. (Malkin). Despite this poll, many patrons of the DREAM Act think that continued amnesty is a right the United States is taking away, when in truth, the general public supports tougher immigration law. The DREAM literally goes against popular opinion, as it sponsors amnesty, and not harsher immigration ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Damages For Lost Profits May Not Be Based On... Damages for Lost Profits May Not Be Based On Extraterritorial Services Performed by an Infringer s Customers Under В§ 271(f). WesternGeco L.L.C. v. ION Geophysical Corp., No. 2013 1527,2014 1121, 1526, 1528, 2015 U.S. App. LEXIS 11411 (Fed. Cir. Jul. 2, 2015) (Dyk, J.) (Wallach, J., dissenting). Click Here for a copy of the opinion. WesternGeco LLC sued ION Geophysical for infringement of several U.S. patents covering an oil deposit surveying device. A jury found infringement and no invalidity on all asserted claims and awarded $93.4 million in lost profits and $12.5 million in reasonable royalties. The lost profits were, in part, based on the loss of surveying contracts outside of the US. WesternGeco manufactures the patented device, but does not sell it. Instead, WesternGeco uses it to perform surveys for oil and gas companies. ION Geophysical, in contrast, sold the patented device to competitors of WesternGeco. WesternGeco successfully argued that its damages included $90 million of lost profits it would have earned if it had won surveying contracts that were ultimately awarded to ION s customers for surveying in international waters. ION appealed the jury verdict, arguing that WesternGeco was not the owner of the asserted patents, that the trial court made several errors related to its grant of summary judgment of infringement of one patent claim, and that lost profits were incorrectly awarded for activities outside the U.S. WesternGeco appealed the ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Synthetic Meat In Karl Grossman s Locavore Movement Overlooks The world is slowly dying. The idea that the world would end is inevitable, and thus posing the question of what must be done in order to prevent the end of the world. The elucidation of this problem is synthetic meat. Synthetic meat is a serious topic up for discussion. This discussion is divided because of the moral aspect involved. Research and studies on synthetic meatreveal that is proper and necessary in order to maintain the supply and demand required for the expanding population. While some might say that it is morally incorrect it is what will save the world from becoming extinct. As of today, in vitro meat is only an idea for the future. Scientists are beginning to research synthetic meat more because of the rising amount of controversy ... Show more content on ... Farmworkers will not be able to keep up with the supply and demand of food that will be needed in the future. In Karl Grossman s article, Locavore Movement Overlooks Farmworkers, he describes the way that the locavore movement works. It is a great system, but it will never work out because of the supply and demand that would be needed in order to provide for the population. Within the article he states, small farms like their factory farms counterparts, are largely staffed by noncitizens, immigrant workers. Through this statement he shows that even now there is not enough staff to produce food for the seven billion people now, and if there is an extra two billion people on Earth there is no way that the farmworkers could keep up with the supply and demand. With the farmers not going to be able to provide the food that is needed locally, they should start using the stem cells from their animals and create locally grown synthetic meat, and thus they will not only be able to keep up with the supply and demand but save animals in the process. Not only will they save lives they will know what is being put into the meat since they would be the ones making it. It is better to have synthetic meat created from stem cells in machines because machines are better than humans. Farmworkers can get tired and make mistakes, but machines do not get tired or even make mistakes because they are programmed to do exactly as ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Walt Disney Essay Walt Disney Walt Disney was born on December 5, 1901 in Chicago Illinois, to his father Elias Disney, and mother Flora Call Disney. Walt was one of five children, four boys and a girl. After Walt s birth, the Disney family moved to Marceline Missouri, Walt lived most of his childhood here. Walt had very early interests in art, he would often sell drawings to neighbours to make extra money. He pursued his art career, by studying art and photography by going to McKinley High School in Chicago. During the fall of 1918, Disney attempted to enlist for military service. Rejected because he was only 16 years of age, Walt joined the Red Cross and was... Show more content on ... Thus Mickey made his screen debut in Steamboat Willie, the world s first fully synchronized sound cartoon, which premiered at the Colony Theatre in New York on November 18, 1928. On December 21 of that same year, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, the first full length animated musical feature, premiered at the Carthay Circle Theatre in Los Angeles. Produced at the unheard cost of $1,499,000 during the depths of the Depression, the film is still accounted as one of the great feats and imperishable monuments of the motion picture industry. During the next five years, Walt completed such other full length animated classics as Pinocchio, Fantasia, Dumbo, and Bambi. Walt s inquisitive mind and keen sense for education through entertainment resulted in the award winning True Life Adventure series. Through such films as The Living Desert, The Vanishing Prairie, The African Lion, and White Wilderness, Disney brought fascinating insights into the world of wild animals and taught the importance of conserving our nation s outdoor heritage. Disneyland, launched in 1955 as a fabulous $17 million Magic Kingdom, soon increased its investment tenfold. By its third decade, ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Homework Is Too Much Homework Starting in Preschool, students experience the responsibility of completing homework. Whether a student is memorizing the alphabet, completing multiplication worksheets, writing poems and essays, or completing pre calculus problems, homework consumes much of their time. As time progress homework is becoming more of a burden to students. As children become older and life becomes more hectic, they cannot find enough hours in a day to correctly and fully complete their homework. Because of this, students can possibly fall behind in school and homework quickly becomes useless. Students of all ages are assigned too much homework. Homework consumes too much of a student s like and leaves no time for the more important aspects of life. In the article Too Much Homework written by Professor Carol Huntsinger, which gives insights from a book called The End of Homework: How Homework Disrupts Families, Overburdens Children and Limits Learning , written by Etta Kralovec and John Buell, explains that a student s busy schedule along with immense amounts of homework takes away from the most important parts of life. In this article, Huntsinger explains how a student named Josh Preston has a full high schoolcourse load, attends meetings, participates in school activities, and also attends three hour swim practices in the evening. Huntsinger then goes on to explain that after coming home from practice at 7:30 p.m., Preston has to do almost four hours of homework which leads to him only ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Themes In The Kite Runner By Khaled Hosseini The Kite Runner This is an analysis of the book The Kite Runner by the Afghan American author Khaled Hosseini. It was published in 2003, by Riverhead Books. The novel is claimed to be the first Afghan novel written in English and has become an international bestseller, that has been published in 40 countries. This amazing story has one of the familiar themes such as race, religion, forgiveness, love, betrayal, and friendship. In this essay, my main concentration will be on one of the themes, which is a betrayal. I will mention examples of betrayal between the characters throughout the novel. The book is the story of two boys in Afghanistan and Afghan immigrants in America. The story`s narrator and the protagonist is Amir. He starts to recall... Show more content on ... But he had always accepted his lower class Hazara position. He is one of the characters that remain loyal and honest person throughout the entire novel. Amir and Hassan spent all their formative childhood moments together, where they taught each other to ride a bicycle with no hands, build a homemade camera out of a cardboard box and had spent entire winters flying kites, running kites. Despite all, Amir never saw Hassan as his real friend which mainly comes back to the fact that, history isn t easy to overcome. He was Pashtun and Hassan was a Hazara. This is one of the main reasons why Amir betrays Hassan. He watched him get raped by Assef and two other boys, and he did nothing than grabbing the blue kite from the corner which was Hassan s birthday gift from Baba and after he chooses to hide instead of helping Hassan. Amir had a duty to Hassan, but instead, he betrayed him. He let Hassan get raped, in order to make him appear weak to Baba, which was Amir s father and also Hassan s biological father. Amir was always jealous of Hassan s relationship to Baba, so he felt like finally, he would get all the love and affection from his ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Essay on Severe Air Pollution in China After many years of ignoring the air pollution, smog ridden China has finally begun to take this issue more seriously. They are the worst country in the world when it comes to air pollution due to their huge population and large demand of manufactured goods (AFOP). This however is no excuse for what they do to the environment.This is a very important issue because of how much environmental damage can be prevented as well as setting an example of pollution reduction across the world. They must take this issue very seriously because air quality has gotten to the point where people are getting sick and dying there (The News Tribune, 2014). I believe for this to be a reality China must: reduce air pollution, change their energy ... Show more content on ... As of now China is promoting green energy to help cut back the use of fossil fuels, but this is a slow change and they are also reducing iron production (Barbara Finamore).The implementation of these changes may be gradual but they must be in order to keep up with China s energy needs. These changes will be very helpful towards this crucial issue and though it may take time will eventually have a significant impact on reduction of air pollution in China. Another crucial step to reducing air pollution is changing energy habits. This goes hand in hand with reducing air pollution. If China is to permanently change their horrible air pollution they must not only reduce air pollution, but also switch to more effective energy sources. There are many types of clean energy sources such as: solar, wind, and hydroelectric. These energy sources are infinite, unlike coal and oil, which will eventually run out. As well as being more plentiful they also leave no pollution behind (NRDC). Though not all of China s needs can be filled by green or renewable energy but any little bit helps. Since China is so large the more
  • 9. clean energy we use, the less air pollution being put out. This not only effects China, but the whole world because they re pollution is contributing to global warming as other global issues. With continued improvements China plans to have 13% clean energy by 2017 (Barbara Finamore). This is a huge step towards reducing air pollution ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Goal Setting Theory By Edwin Locke The Goal Setting Theory Name of Student Institution affiliation The goal setting theory was developed in 19sos by Edwin Locke. According to it, task performance is essentially linked to goal setting. That means that higher and better task performance may be achieved when goal setting is rationally applied, as clear goals inspire workers on optimal performance. Few words should be said about specifity of the goals which are expexted to be applied. They should be clear to make it possible for any person to analyze one s own task process. That is particularly important, as far as in the absence of explicit and challenging goals the crewmembers may not even consider their personal goals. Furthermore, goals may significantly enhance the performance of an employee through the learning plans and problem solving approach. As the employee strives to achieve the goal, his motivation and drive inspires him to learn and maximize his efforts to overcome challenging tasks. That is why when CEOs apply the goal setting program in their company it is necessary to clearly specify the standard of the average number of potholes that can be filled in a day. In addition, one should raise the bar by setting a more challenging task by establishing a standard 20% higher than the average. The implementation of the goal setting theory constitutes of moderators that would enhance or deteriorate an employee s performance. Feedback, which is the two way communication between the ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Historical Trauma Or Intergenerational Trauma Historical trauma (HT), also referred to as Intergenerational trauma, is the theory that large historical traumas can be experienced by descendants generations later. (Walkerdine, Olsvold, Rudberg, 2013). The position that clinicians take is that traumatic historical events associated with events such as war, slavery, colonization, and poverty are experienced and transmitted between family members and crosses generations. Some ethnical groups that have historical trauma response in the United States are: Jewish Holocaust survivors, African Americans, Japanese Americans, and Native Americans. I want to focus on the historical trauma of American Indians and the work of Maria Yellow Horse Brave Heart, Ph.D. in examining the historical trauma ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Effects Of Climate Change On Soil Moisture Climate change is expected to have significant impacts on the interactions between the land surface and atmosphere through alterations and feedbacks in various coupled processes. Soil moisture is one aspect of the climate system that may be significantly impacted by increased temperatures, especially in areas where snowpack contributes largely to soil moisture and streamflow. In addition to rising temperatures and changes in the timing and amount of precipitation, local factors such as soil properties, vegetation, and topography influence soil moisture distribution and streamflow. This paper reviews various studies attempting to identify how the mentioned climatic and local factors may impact soil moisture, and demonstrates some of the complexities associated with adequately modeling the impacts of climate changeon various spatial scales. Soil moisture plays a significant role in the climate system. Evaporation from the soil surface and transpiration through plant leaves connect land and atmospheric processes through the water and energy cycles, and feedbacks associated with soil moisture atmospheric processes affect regional climate (Hagemann and Stacke, 2014). Soil moisture distribution impacts hydrologic processes including runoff generation and groundwater recharge in a catchment, in addition to biological processes and nutrient cycling (Williams et al., 2008). In regions where snowmelt runoff contributes to soil moisture and streamflow, understanding the factors ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Designing A New Computer System Case Study 1 Three friends have asked me to configure a new computer for each one of them. The first one is a gamer, and she needs a competitive gaming system. Another wants to purchase a computer for her home office where she has a small travel agency company, and the third would like a notebook or laptop computer that he can use for schoolwork. Each one of my friends has a $2000.00 budget to create the perfect computer system for each of their needs. First, we will create the perfect gaming system for my friend in need. With the gaming system we will be starting from scratch. First things first, obtain an AMD FX6350 6 core processor. It is able to run games at high settings, and there is not much difference between AMD s and Intel s in ... Show more content on ... The two have been tested against one another, and honestly there is really not much different between the two in game playing performances. However, the SSD has proven to be drastically faster than the HD. I am going to go with the SSD with this gaming system because it loads faster, transitioning maps throughout the game is significantly faster, and overall it means that your computer will boot at a significantly faster. Overall one would have a better experience because it makes the overall functionality of the computer better as a whole. The Samsung 840 EVO 240 GB would be a great one to choose. It can be found for $129.99. It is a little on the pricey side, but it will be well worth it. Next we need to configure a reliable computer system for my friend that has a small, at home travel agency. With this system I would also recommend buying an already made system, and perhaps doing a few upgrades. Dell has the OptiPlex 3020 Micro which is a descent system for an at home business. It comes with an Intel Pentium G3240T Processor which is dual core with HD Graphics. This dual core processor has plenty of horsepower to work with for a small business, so there is really no need in upgrading this to a quad core processor. It will allow you to answer e mails while running Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, along with the Web browser. It also comes with 4 gigabytes of RAM, and there is ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Piracy Of The Uk And Us Piracy in the UK US 6. Write about on line piracy in the UK and the US; what type of property is stolen through on line piracy and how do courts in the UK and US deal with offences involving on line piracy? The relevant definition of piracy: The unauthorized use of another s production, invention, or conception especially in infringement of a copyright. (Merriam Webster, 2015). But not all infringement of copyright is a criminal offense, the Copyright act states a few specific offences, most of them to do with if the culprit is making a profit or not, but it is a misconception that all copying without consent is illegal, 16(3) (a) in the act states to infringe copyright, copying must be of the whole or a substantial part of the work ... Show more content on ... This led to the UK decriminalizing on line piracy and instead they implemented an alert system where letters will be sent to anyone suspected of piracy, the letters are non threatening with no presence of repercussions should they continue. The letters sent to suspected infringers must be educational in tone, promoting an increase in awareness of legal downloading services. A maximum of four alerts by either email or physical letter can be sent to an individual customer account. Language will escalate in severity but will not contain threats or talk of consequences for the accused users. (Lee, 2014), after these 4 alert nothing else will be done. This statement from the government makes it seem like they have given up on on line piracy, or they lack the sufficient resources to do anything substantial, their main target is the providers of this illegal service, the distributors and website owners of this easily obtainable free media software. The makers and distributors of this on line pirated material if found guilty can be charged as follows: Upon conviction the guilty party will receive a 6 months and/or a ВЈ50,000 fine. If their case is gross and multiple offensives have been made repeatedly then the indictment is 10 years and/or a fine (Intellectual property offences, 2014). The US have opted to go for a 6 strike ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Nissan GT-R Research Paper Nissan GT R R35 is the one of the cheaper supercars anyone can buy. The 2015 GT R is listed as low as $101,770 which is a lot less than your average Lamborghini or Ferrari. Brand new Lamborghini s usually start at around $191,900 $259,100 this making a huge difference. As also, the Ferrari 458I coming in at a priceof $233,509. The GT R defeating both of these cars in the a quarter mile race. There are many more cars than just these two such as the Audi R8. The GT R is a regular street legal coupe with a V6 engine twin turbo car, yet it can accelerate from 0 to 60 mph in 2.8 seconds. Helping it able to do this is its 6 speed dual clutch automated manual transaxle clutch. The GT R is an all around better car for its speed and price. The Nissan GTR R35 is one of the best super cars to buy, beating better rival cars and the cost being a huge deficit. What makes this an incredibly fast car is its all wheel drive transmission. This allowing the car to get all four wheels to the road with horse power behind it. Then with almost equal weight to on the front and back side of the car which making the car very well made with weight distribution. Next is Nissan s engine they... Show more content on ... The benefit from it is that it s so cheap and also, beating bigger competitors that are worth more. As an example used above the Lamborghini Gallardo and the Ferrari 458i. Another great feature on why it beats these cars is that the engine is hand built. Every single part is put on by a man to perfect precision so there are no mistakes. Also there are two twin tubro s to help go along which makes this car faster than the bigger competitors. The GTR might not beat cars that are worth in the millions but it still beats a decent amount of cars that are priced in the 200,000 400,000 dollars group. The Nissan GTR R35 is one of the best super cars to buy, beating better rival cars and the cost being a huge deficit in ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Becoming A Real Estate Agent Become a Licensed Real Estate Agent You are considering a career in real estate. Fantastic, this is a great industry to become a part of. Now that you know you want to sell real estate, you have to get licensed before you can go any further. So, how do you obtain your real estate license? Getting licensed is relatively easy, but does require some time and effort. Below we have shared the steps you need to take in order to obtain your license so that you can started in your new career. Know Your States Licensing Requirements Before you start putting money down for real estate courses, take some time to find out what your state s licensing requirements are. Every state has different requirements when it comes to attaining a real estate license. Eligibility Age, education, and residency requirements differ by state. Education Course type, passing scores, and the number of course hours required differ by state. Fees and application These also differ by state. License renewal The licensing renewal requirements are not something you have to worry about right away, but it is good to be aware of them for the future. Take your time becoming familiar with all of the eligibility requirements, number of course hours required, and the application process. By knowing what your state requires, you can save yourself a great deal of time and be well on your way to starting your new career in real estate. Start Taking the Pre Licensing Courses Once you know what your state ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Racc 3 Fire Protection 2) Fire protection. Two each fire extinguisher location signs were missing. (29 CFR 1910.157(c) RAC 3 = Moderate Recommendation: Submit a service order to have the missing signs installed. 3) Impedes egress. Rear fire exit route door was not fire resistance rated with no panic lock hardware installed, IAW 29 CFR 1910.36 employees must be able to open an exit route door from the inside at all times without keys, tools or special knowledge. (NFPA 101) RAC 3 = Moderate Recommendation: Submit a service order to have a fire resistance rated door installed with a panic bar or lock assembly. e. Staff lounge area. 1) Electrical hazard. The lounge area does not have sufficient number of electrical outlets as noted by the use of a power strip to power the refrigeration. All major appliances must be plugged directly into a wall outlet. (29 CFR 1910.305(j)(3)) RAC 3 = Moderate Recommendation: Submit a service order to have an additional electrical outlet installed to eliminate the hazard. ... Show more content on ... Employee wall lockers were unstable. (PL91 596) RAC 3 = Moderate Recommendation: Submit a service order to have the wall lockers anchored to the wall or floor to eliminate the tipping over hazard. f. Housekeeper office. 1) Fire protection. Office door was not fire resistance rated and was not designed with an automatic door shut assembly. (29 CFR 1910.36(a)(3)) RAC 3 = Moderate Recommendation: Submit a service order to have the door replaced with a fire resistance rated door with an automatic door shut assembly. 2) Tipping over hazard. Employee wall lockers were unstable. (PL91 596) RAC 3 = Moderate Recommendation: Submit a service order to have the wall lockers anchored to the wall or floor to eliminate the tipping over hazard. g. Breakfast ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Why Is a Solution to the Israel-Palestine Conflict so Hard... Israeli Palestinian conflict could be described as a clash that between Israelis and Palestinian Arabs as they attempted to compete the same piece of land briefly (Dowty 2008:1, 4). The reasons that prevent a solution to the Israeli Palestinian problem will be discussed and will be divided into three parts, Israeli reasons, Palestinian reasons and the common problem between two countries. In terms of Palestinian reasons, there are three reasons, the United Nation General Assembly (UNGA) Resolution 181, consequence that Israel was established in 1948 and settlement policy is enforced in Palestinian territory by Israel. For the UNGA Resolution 181, Israeli occupied more territory than Palestinians. In 1947, two state solution was passed in UNGA, Palestine was divided into two states, one for Jewish and one for Arab (El Hasan 2010: 55). However, Arabs occupied 43 45.5% of land in Palestine even the population of Arabs in Palestine was 2/3 (Soderblom 2003). This was unfair to them. Besides, Jews claim that they have sovereignty on Palestine as their ancestor have moved to Palestine and they maintain there is a tie between Jews and Palestine for more than 3,700 years, so it is their historic homeland (Gans 2008: 101; Brown 2011: 139). In contrast, Palestinians argue that there were only 1/4 of Jews lived in Palestine before 70 AD, this does not mean that Jews lived there can compete the land (Lorimer and Malloy 2002: 7). Besides, Palestinian thought the UNGA Resolution 181 ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Amtrak Police Officer Research Paper Ever since a little kid I had the dreams of becoming a Police Officer. My police career began with the Amtrak Police Department on August 30, 2001. During my years with APD I held many positions, I was an explosive patrol K 9 handler, a criminal Investigator, and I am currently Sergeant in the Training Unit. I have completed training for and am a Field Training officer, Peer Support officer and Community Relations officer. I have received many Officer of the month awards and in 2012 was awarded Officer of the Year. I have assisted in the creation and am a Chairman of the Mid Atlantic North Safety Committee and the National Safety Committee. During my career with the Amtrak PoliceDepartment I have been awarded two lifesaving awards for... Show more content on ... Get to know those who work under you remember anniversaries and birthdays, have realistic concepts, engage conversation know what s going on, allow time to walking around and patrol. Don t be afraid to admit you do not know something and ask if they do and can help. Create an environment where its ok to ask questions and not be ridiculed for it. Treat them with respect, as a person and not a piece of equipment make it ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Faulty Car Batteries Faulty car batteries can lead to false starts, or contribute to other electrical problems in your vehicle. Modern cars featuring electrically governed power steering systems can also be affected, making proper battery maintenance even more crucial. Problems starting your car, or seemingly unrelated problems with power steering can, therefore, be indicative of a battery which is not functioning optimally: but you will be glad to learn that this can be easily remedied with some simple, at home maintenance, saving costly garage trips and services. You will need: A voltmeter A socket wrench Degreaser Safety goggles De ionised water 6 amp battery charger Maintaining your battery Step 1: First remove your battery from its housing in the engine bay. Begin by removing the earth lead connected to your battery, before touching anything... Show more content on ... Step 2: Next, degrease the battery and check the voltage across the terminals with your voltmeter. The reading on your meter should be approximately 12 volts. Lower readings are a telltale sign of poor maintenance but not to worry that s what this guide is for! Having cleaned the battery casing, remove the cap on the top of the battery to expose the six chambers within. Standard battery caps are simply pried off, and then pressed back on to secure. Wearing goggles here is advisable to protect against acid being flicked into your eyes. Remember: safety first! Step 3: Each of the newly exposed chambers contains one battery cell, filled with a solution of sulphuric acid which evaporates over time. Top up this solution with the de ionised water, covering the lead plates visible within the cells. Leave the covering cap off the battery and connect your 6 amp charger, leaving the battery to charge for several hours. Replace the cap, test again with the voltmeter, and a more healthy reading is your ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Desktop Things You Need To Know Before Buying A New Computer Buying a new computer is a difficult task, filled with jargon and lots of competitors trying to get you to part with your hard earned money. It can be extremely tricky to know what kind of computer to get, and which computer will best serve your needs, especially with new tablets and netbooks hitting the market every day. The most important question you will need to ask yourself is: what do I need or want a computer for? What tasks do I want to be able to accomplish? It can be very easy to get seduced by offers of higher performance and state of the art graphics, but if you never use the computer to its full potential, then that is simply money wasted. Conversely, if you wanted to use a computer for gaming or creative ... Show more content on ... Designed to be a static unit, desktops are usually much heavier and larger than laptops or netbooks. However, this allows for them to be comparatively faster and more powerful than a similarly priced laptop. If you need or want power on a budget and do not need to work on the move regularly, a desktop is a great choice. The extra power possible also makes desktops a good choice for gamers and media creators, too. The design of most desktops also makes it possible to upgrade units with more memory, higher powered graphics and sound, and more processing power, if you know what you are doing. This also means that many hardware malfunctions if you are unlucky enough to experience any can be fixed simply for the price of the part and labour. The largest disadvantage of desktops is the lack of portability. Many people need the ability to take their work with them, and this can be a severe limitation. Unlike a laptop, you may have to buy a monitor for a desktop separately, and they can be more difficult to set up. In smaller homes or if you need to travel frequently, dedicating a space to a large computer might also be an issue, as is moving ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Why Is Maurice Richard Important To Canada Maurice Richard s historical significance in Canada was due to his importance as a hockey player in Montreal from 1942 to 1960. This was because hockey is closer to a religion than a simple sporting pastime in Canada. It was a unifying force in a nation where one state wanted to separate from the rest of Canada. Nevertheless hockey has had a major impact on the social, economic, cultural and political realms of Canada.For example: in the 2014 winter Olympics, bars across the country remained open past their legal closing times for the gold medal game. Maurice was credited with raising the National Hockey Leagueto major sport status , he simply sold the game to French Canadians post great depression. He stopped the National Hockey league... Show more content on ... He was compelled to quit school at the age of 16 and become a machinist just to be able to help his parents put a roof over the heads and food on the table for his 8 siblings. This taught him that you need to work hard and makes sacrifice if you are going to succeed in life. During his rookie season, Maurice only played in 16 games as he broke his ankle for the second time into his hockey career. There were already doubts about his hockey career in the media, the General Manager of the Montreal Canadiens stated that Maurice wouldn t be able to survive the grind of the National Hockey League due to his prior medical history with broken bones. He was called a Lemon and a waste of money . Money was a commodity that you did not waste in the 1940 as people were just starting to recover from one of the worst economic disasters of the great depression. He thought his hockey career was over and that Montreal would just bench him and release him until his contract was over. In the following season, he was a healthy scratch for the first 4 games and his career was clearly in jeopardy. With a newborn daughter, he feared that he would not be able to put food on the table so he decided to show his determination and will. He stayed after practice for hours and worked until the coach decided that Maurice deserves to be on the ice due to his work ethic. Over his career, he showed management and surely the hockey world that he was not a lemon ; as he would go on to play over 1100 games in the National Hockey league. All of these intangibles that are shown by the rocket off the ice, made him a perfect teammate and captain of the Montreal Canadiens. Former Teammate, Jean Beliveau once stated, He embodies something which would rub off on many of his teammates. ... Quite simply, Maurice Richard hated to lose with every fibre of his being. Due to his determination and being Montreal Canadiens best ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Persuasive Tones Tone is a very important part in writing essays, letters, articles, and even ads. There are many different tones you can use in your writing. If you are writing an argumentative writing then tone can either strengthen or weaken your argument. For example these two sixth graders named Dave Kessler and Janet Chen, wrote argumentative letters to their schools editor about ads in their schools. Dave Kessler chose to use a persuasive tone in his letter, saying that he thinks ads in schools should be banned. This strengthened his argument a lot because he needed to get his point across. For example, Advertising may allow a school to get a brand new scoreboard, books or band uniforms, but the price students pay is too great (Kessler 1). With ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Why Is Creon Wrong In the play Antigone written by Sophocles, many issues come to light regarding morality and virtue. While there may be many interpretations regarding whether Antigone is correct in her views or Creon is, the German philosopher Hegel argues that both are right to some extent. When the argument is analyzed from both point of views it is evident that they both have some moral reasoning leading to both cases being correct; however, since neither side is willing to put themselves in the other persons shoes to have a clearer view of the situation, it causes Creonand Antigoneto be wrong at the same time. Both Antigone s and Creon s judgement is clouded because of their inability to understand the argument from the other person s point of view,... Show more content on ... An example of this is slavery, while once it was seen as a way to help build a life and steady income in America, now it is recognized as reprehensible and immoral. In contrast, if Antigone is in the right it would mean that any person can simply question which laws they choose to follow in the system according to the religious beliefs they have. Overall, this tragedy could have easily been avoided if both Antigone and Creon chose to compromise their situation. Although it would have been difficult because they are at opposites sides of the spectrum, they could have easily came to an agreement in the situation which would have led all the members to be happy and to prevent the citizens from thinking that Creon isn t a man of his word or does give special treatment to others in his ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Physical Geography Power Of Place Physical geography has a significant impact on the development of countries; hence the title, The Power of Place. Countries on the coast tend to do better than landlocked countries because they have more trade opportunities. Landlocked countries usually trade with their neighbors, but if their neighbors are also struggling economically, then both countries suffer from seclusion. However, sometimes the landlocked countries have well off neighbors which makes them more likely to do well. For example, Switzerland s neighbors, France and Italy, happen to be near water, so Switzerland isn t as negatively affected from being landlocked. Diversity is more commonly found in larger countries. Small countries usually have fewer cultures and a common... Show more content on ... Each of these groups impacts the world in their own way. Globals are wealthy people who are generally found in the core countries. Although globals are only a small percentage of the population, they tend to be the most successful and often spread their ideas throughout the world. Globals flatten the world and control the fates of the locals and mobals (de Blij 7). In the 1950s, de Blij witnessed how the global Europeans interfered in South Africa, resulting in many locals becoming mobals or globals. Locals live in the same place their whole life and carry on traditions from hundreds of years ago. An example of a local community are the farmers in China who still produce rice like their ancestors did a long time ago. Locals are typically found in the global periphery, and they usually have a rougher life than the globals do. Somewhere in between the two distinct groups are the mobals. Mobals tend to be locals that migrate to the core countries in hopes of a better life. For example, the US has a very high immigration rate because of its many freedoms and education and job ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Lincoln s Failure Realizing that you ve failed something is hard to do. No one wants to accept defeat, and that s a flaw that most people have. Failure isn t always negative. However, it isn t always easy to apply this concept to your own situation either. When we think of failing, we think of not being good enough or not having the qualities needed to improve. We look down upon failure and defeat instead of seeing the raw potential it holds. If you feel hopeless when your goal isn t accomplished the way you wanted it to be, there is no need to worry: it s extremely natural to lose motivation when you re standing face to face with disappointment or negativity. What you do have to keep in mind is that recovery can t be reached without considering three major points: conviction, value, and motivation. Each failure is filled with more... Show more content on ... The best way is to take a glance someone else s failure. You can compare your own to theirs, and while doing so you should keep an eye out for their recovery. We all know that Abraham Lincoln was one of the greatest president s the United States has ever seen, but have you ever considered his backstory? From 1816 to 1860, he held a long lasting losing streak: our great leader was in a slump that he couldn t find a way to escape from. Burdened with the deaths of various loved ones, nervous breakdowns, rejection and losses, Lincoln would be expected to give up. It would be very hard for any normal person to go through as much as he did and still make it out alive. He lost eight different times before he would even become the president of our country. Finding the strength within himself, he continuously used it to get up, brush the dirt off his shoulder, and learn from his mistakes. Without conviction and purpose, he would have never been able to find the potential within each obstacle he faced. But he had exactly what he needed to persist and benefit from his ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Myth Of Aeschylus The Eumenides From the classical period until present day, artists have attempted to portray Aeschylus The Eumenides in various forms of art. However, in order to appreciate the work of these artist one must first become familiar with the subject of the myth they depict. According to Greek and Roman mythology, the Furies were female spirits of justice and vengeance. Known especially for pursuing people who had murdered family members, the Furies punished their victims by driving them mad. There are various stories on the origin of the Furies. According to Hesiod s Theogony, the Titan Cronus castrated and threw his father, Uranus, genitalia into the sea. When Cronus blood fell onto the earth, the Furies were born. Other stories circulated in Greek and... Show more content on ... Currently housed in the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia is one of his most famous painting The Remorse of Orestes (1862). At the center of the painting, we have Orestes naked except for a discreet white drapery. With and look of pure anguish he attempts to cover his ears as the Furies appear to be screaming behind him. Behind him to the left of the painting, we see Clytemnestra in a white dress, draped in a disarranged red cloak, with a dagger in her heart. As Clytemnestra is falling, one of the Furies holds her up. It is as if the murder has just taken place and Orestes is immediately regretting his actions, and one of the Furies is refusing to let Orestes burry the sense of guilt he feels. Another of the Furies is holding a torch, which similarly to the last painting discussed, could be symbolic of the Furies enacting justice for the crime of matricide. All of the Furies are partially clothed and have their characteristic snake like hair. The positioning of the Orestes body and face looking away from the Furies also adds to the overarching theme of the painting. It is as if he cannot face what he has done, he cannot even look at the Furies, let alone try to justify his actions. No matter how he tries to run from the crime, he will never be able to get away from it. This all encompassing dread is not something that Orestes can escape even after being pardoned for his crime; it is something that he will have to live with for the rest of his life. The canvas is 7.5 feet by 9 feet and reflects how important the message of the painting that the guilty feel an unceasing torment that they cannot escape is to the artist. When submitting the painting Bouguereau wrote about his painting ... Get more on ...
  • 28. `` Barbie Doll `` By Marge Percy Marge Percy Barbie Doll is a social commentary about the demanding pressures that the mass media produces about how women should look like and what type of body they should have. Women in the 1970s faced high standards and these standards still go on to this day. These high demands lead women to go above and beyond to meet standards that society has placed upon them. Some of these drastic measures can lead to consequences. In Barbie Doll the main character decided to undergo plastic surgery to fix her big nose and fat legs . Unfortunately she ended up dying in her struggle to meet the standard that the media has placed on her at an exceptionally young age. Her untimely death is a symbol and the theme of the poem that these women will work themselves to death to meet societies demands and most of the time it is all for nothing. All this women wanted was people to accept the way she looked and not critique her looks and it was not until her funeral day, when it no longer mattered, that she finally got that acceptance. The poem starts off just saying how the main character was born as usual . There is nothing wrong with the main character and she is just a normal girl that played with Barbie dolls. It is not until the fifth line that the magic of puberty finally hits the author. Sadly, it is during this time when the human mind is so fragile, that the high standards of the mass media on how a women should look start to bear down, crash, and take over a lot ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Essay on The American Revolution and the Formation of Bolivia пѓ Introduction The American Revolution did much more than any of our founding fathers had ever imagined, it started a movement that would threaten the very roots of colonialism across the globe. Setting an example of how a David could overcome a Goliath, the United States inspired regions such as Latin America to fight for their rights and liberties as well. One such region that embraced the message was Upper Peru, which would later be known as Bolivia. With some key tipping points that caused the war, the leaders of the soon to be formed nation rallied its troops and won several major battles, but even they couldn t prevent the tough times that lay in the early years of the nation. From the year 1809, Upper Peru was engaged in a ... Show more content on ... Simon Bolivar, who had a reputation of being a liberator, took center stage. The common folk began to trust his words, as he talked about fighting for the resources that were theirs, ideals taken directly from the American Revolution itself. Also with the power struggle created by the Napoleonic wars, uprisings began. The most prominent of this movement was the uprising in Chuquisaca in 1809, which led to the formation of the Government Juntas. This group focused on taking the power from the Spanish and giving it to the people. Seeing the movement in Bolivia take shape, Latin Nations such as Peru began to provide military support to Bolivian liberators. Surprisingly, America didn t live up to its reputation, having no negative impact on this revolution. Normally, America had been notorious for backing up the dictators or colonial powers and suppressing the Latin liberators. All in all, the combination of a power struggle brought upon by foreign wars, introduction of revolutionary independence ideals, proper leadership, and foreign aid, the Bolivian revolution was successful in liberating the nation from Spanish Colonial power after 16 years of conflict. пѓ Leaders o Simon Bolivar ( July 24th, 1783 Dec 17th, 1830) SimГіn JosГ© Antonio de la SantГsima Trinidad BolГvar, or more commonly known as Simon Bolivar The Liberator, was born in Caracas, Venezuela (Lynch, 2007, p.25). Early in his life military had played a big role in his life, which set up his ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Faith In Life Of Pi Throughout the novel, Life of Pi, written by Yann Martel it introduces the characters Pi a human boy who is stranded at sea and Richard Parker the tiger, who accompanies him on his journey. The story is centered upon Pi and how he was able to heroically survive 227 days at sea and the struggles he had to overcome. In the story, faith plays a significant role in Pi s personality and demonstrates how he was able to overcome his hardships through faith. From this, reader s can evaluate their own faith based on the significance of Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam. The point i m trying to prove is how throughout the story you can see how faith plays a significant role in shaping Pi s personality. Pi was struggling with religion in the very beginning. ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Nathaniel Mackey s Bedouin Hornbook Essay Nathaniel Mackey s Bedouin Hornbook A Bedouin is a nomad and a nomad a wanderer. Nathaniel Mackey seems to wander far and away in his Bedouin Hornbook, a series of fictional letters addressed to an Angel of Dust and signed by the ambiguous N. N. interprets passages of improvisation, analyzing others musical expression in surprising detail to the point that his unquestioning sincerity and self assurance are almost laughable. That N. can glean meaning from music in such a direct and certain manner is problematic because his tone implies that there is only one correct interpretation of music. In addressing the issue of how music conveys meaning, Mackey seems to wander in two disparate directions. After asserting each seemingly ... Show more content on ... By employing deceptively similar language in these instances, Mackey sets up a parallel between music and speech that he uses to make his point about how meaning is conveyed through art. Aunt Nancy not only challenges Lambert s interpretation of the music, but by extension, every unchallenged musical interpretation N. offers throughout the novel. But Aunt Nancy faces the same problem as N. when articulating her complaint. While asserting an alternate interpretation, she assumes a tone that claims hers as singularly true, which seems hypocritical. Since Aunt Nancy commits the same contradiction as N., Mackey foreshadows a reconciliation of our understanding of that contradiction. Mackey first uses the argument between Aunt Nancy and Lambert to assert that improvisation itself is the goal of music, rather than a device used to carry a separate meaning. The dispute arises when the group begins to dissect Lambert s solo. While Djamilaa, Penguin and N. are enthusiastic about the piece, Aunt Nancy sits sulking. When prompted, she divulges a resentment of the implied attack on her regarding her increased involvement with the violin at the congas expense (132). Lambert disagrees and defends his playing, saying that he was genuinely sorry that she d chosen to take the questions his piece had raised in that way, though he welcomes the opportunity to make ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Theme Of Identity In The Tale Of Sinuhe In the Tale of Sinuhe , the path of Sinuhe s flight or more aptly put, his journey of self, is one that is indubitably complex it resonates with the concept of uprooting oneself from a semblance of normality ( order ) into a state of unfamiliarity ( chaos ). This paradigm shift, due to an irrational response to fear on Sinhue s part, leads to an existential crisis whereby the course of his trajectory and social identity is questioned extensively. Subsequently, throughout the tale the themes of rational and irrational thought, self vs. other and order vs. chaos are explored and as a result contribute to Sinhue s journey of self and restoration of his true identity as an Egyptian. In the beginning of the tale, the virtues of Sinuhe s character and loyalty are called into question. As a royal courtier belonging to the ... Show more content on ... He still perceived himself to be a fugitive in a foreign land and wished to return home to his rightful place in Egyptian society and thus complete the restoration process of self. In order to finalize the restoration process, He sends a letter to the benevolent king Senwosret who welcomes him back despite his cowardly flight years before as he takes Sinuhe s word when he says that he has restored himself. In truth, the tale shows the progression of Sinuhe s character and he recognizes and addresses the changes himself in the poem he recites after his victory. (B 145 165) In the poem, Sinuhe faces his past, a poignant reminder of his cowardly escape from Egypt. However, the poem also indicates how he has changed for the better as his past is contrasted with his current situation as a conqueror. With this transformation, from cowardly nobleman to victorious hero now complete, Sinuhe believes that he is ready to return to his homeland where he can be laid to rest with honour and ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Module 1 ACC501 Case In this case study, I will analyze and compare the financial statements of General Mills and the Meiji Holdings Company Limited, which are amongst the largest firms in the food industry. I will also talk about the accounting standards, the differences between both company s annual statements and the differences between Annual Reports, a 10 K and the Corporate Social Responsibility Report. General Mills and Meiji Holdings Company Limited utilizes different accounting standards. General Mills uses the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) which administers standards known as the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles(GAAP) United States (General Mills, 2013). Meiji Holdings Company Limited utilizes the Japanese version of the GAAP.... Show more content on ... Companies with more than $10 million in assets and a class of equity securities that is held by more than 500 owners must file annual and other periodic reports, regardless of whether the securities are publicly or privately traded. If a shareholder requests a company s Form 10 K, the company must provide a copy. In addition, most large companies must disclose on Form 10 K whether the company makes it periodic and current reports available, free of charge, on its website. Form 10 K, as well as other SEC filings may be searched at the EDGAR database on the SEC s website. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a form of corporate self regulation integrated into a business model. CSR policy functions as a built in, self regulating mechanism that has business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards, and international norms. CSR is a process with the aim to embrace responsibility for the company s actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public sphere who may also be considered stakeholders. CSR is titled to aid an organization s mission as well as a guide to what the company stands for and will uphold to its consumers. Development business ethics is one of the forms of applied ethics that examines ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Inner Turmoil in The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar... Inner Turmoil in The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allen Poe Art can reflect the internal psychological processes of the human mind. Specifically, Edgar Allen Poe uses the atmosphere of The Fall of the House of Usher to portray Roderick s inner turmoil. The tumultuous gloom besetting the house is equal to the doom of the Usher family. The narrator s description of the house sets the tone of the story. The house is downtrodden and borders a stagnant tarn. Similarly, Roderick becomes quiet aged and deals with emotional problems. The house is described as breathing of sorrow and and air of ster, deep, and irredeemable gloom hung over and pervaded all. The house lacks any proper upkeep and is showing signs of decay... Show more content on ... The Usher family has not had a child outside the immediate family. other words, that the entire family lay in the direct line of descent, and had always, with very temporary variation, so lain. The lack of movement and life in the pond is analogous to Roderick and his sister, Madeline, rotting in the house. Not only does the house resemble Roderick, but Roderick also takes after the house. The house is uncomfortable and not personal. The general furniture was profuse, comfortless, and tattered. It left the narrator feeling sorrowful and gloomy. This emotion also is reflected onto Roderick s physical appearance. Surely, man had never before so terribly altered, in so brief a period as has Roderick Usher. The narrator finds it difficult to connect Roderick s expressions ...with any idea of simple humanity. He seemingly became vacant and empty of capturing basic emotional jesters. He slowly is losing his physical and emotional characteristics and becoming a shell of a man. Roderick sings the history of The Haunted Palace. The first verse describes the house equated to the monarch s thoughts. Radiant palace reared its head. In the monarch Thoughts dominion . This is similar to Roderick s relationship with his house. The song continues to tell of prosperous times by describing how wanderers in the happy valley Through two luminous windows saw Spirits moving musically To a lute s well tuned law. This also ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Bloodstain Analysis Lab Report Can the angle of a fatal blow be determined by the locations of the victim s bloodstains? I will be comparing multiple bloodstains to one another and measuring them, trying to determine the angle at which I struck the victim (a kitchen sponge). This practice, called bloodstain analysis, is used by forensic investigators to determine the cause, position, and even time of death. I believe that by using trigonometry, I will be able to establish the angles at which I hit each sponge. I will repeat the experiment multiple times, and each blow will be delivered from a different angle. Each spatter of blood will be measured in centimeters and millimeters; the angles will be written in degrees. To begin my experiment, I will need to purchase a few items. A tarp is necessary to cover the floors of my house so as to not stain the carpet. I will also have to purchase latex gloves and goggles to prevent my hands from staining and from getting fake blood in my eyes. Adhesive circles, sponges, and string will also need to be purchased, as well as the following components for producing my fake blood: food coloring (red and green), cornstarch, corn syrup, and something with which to measure out all ingredients. Finally, I must gather the subsequent items from around my home: white letter sized copy paper, a hammer,... Show more content on ... I must be careful not to use too much or too little; the sponge must be damp with blood, but a different amount could mess up the desired effect. Once I am satisfied with the moistness of the sponge, I will put it on the edge of the X and whack it with my hammer. The blood should spatter all over the papers taped to the wall, producing a splotchy pattern. I will then remove the sponge, and as I wait for the blood to dry, I will use my camera to take pictures of the spatter, and I will note any observances I make in my ... Get more on ...
  • 36. The Reason For Popularity Of Online Shopping EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: This research project was carried out to identify the reason for popularity of online shopping, to describe why eBay and Amazon became successful without having a High Street store, to compare eBay and Amazon in terms of revenues and customer s opinions and to develop ideas on how they could improve their performance in future. This research draws the attention to facts that despite both companies have many bad reviews, potential consumers are still attracted to shop using their websites, while present customers are consciously complaining about eBay s and Amazon s unprofessional customer service and after sale service, yet they still shop using both websites, resulting in eBay overcoming analysts predictions about their profits every quarter and Amazon investing big amounts of money in its growth. Primary research that was conducted, showed that lower prices and wider range of products are the two main factors that attract consumers to shop online (despite the awareness of bad customer service and after sale service). This project also finds that prospects of eBay financial position are positive, however Amazon is not doing well. Amazon is not able to prove that it can generate steady profits and Jeff Bezos is constantly re investing its revenues for future growth which results in shareholders losing their patience. Recommendations discussed include: пѓ Improving the quality of customer service and after sale service for eBay and Amazon пѓ Decreasing ... Get more on ...
  • 37. American Social Equality Social Equality has always been a concern of persons living in the United States. One of the main points was the issue of same sex marriage. Same sex marriage isn t a new concept in the American social way of life. States used to have the legal power to dictate what the definition of marriage is and who has the right to marry. In the Supreme Case of Obergefell v. Hodges, homosexuals now have the constitutional right for them to be able to marry. In America there are two definitions of marriage, the traditional and same sex. Traditional marriage is defined as a marriage between man and woman. Same sex marriagehas often been a taboo subject in the American culture and since the Supreme Court decision had ruled in favor of same sex marriage... Show more content on ... They have that right to believe that the homosexuals should not be allowed to be married and should not be granted that right. This is defined through the free exercise of religion, people have the right to believe what we want regarding our religious views, but we can t always act on them if it interferes with someone else s rights. So in the instance of granting marriage licenses clerks can have opposing views on homosexuals getting married. They can believe that they should not be able to have the right to get married and should only be reserved for traditional marriages, and with their view deny any licenses that would go against their personal views, but they could not physically reject the marriage. If they where to find to deny the marriage licenses of a same sex marriage it would go against the rights of the gay ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Priestly Sources In The Pentateuch Priestly Source is one of the variant sources that make up the Bible today. The Priestly source was its own entity before being combined with the Lay source in the Pentateuch. The Priestly sources are dated back to the exilic period. The P source can be extracted to show differences in accounts compared to the other sources identified in the Pentateuch. The P source is a major component in the Pentateuch, but it has been combined with the Lay source. The Priestly sourceis one that is divided into three parts that involves the creation account, Noah and the flood, and Abraham s covenant. The P source has a range in times where it can be dated back to: the pre exile period and the exilic period. The P source is found to be culturally correct... Show more content on ... Josiah was smitten by the Torah found in the temple and even at a young age he got the Torah looked over for legitimacy. The legitimacy was said to be correct so Josiah started spreading the news of the Torah to everyone and made them promise to abide by every word in the book. Josiah followed the rules of the Torah and abolished false gods in order to prevent God s wrath. Josiah led Jerusalem to a period of monotheism rather than polytheistic. The monotheism in place was for Yahweh. Scholars have found evidence the part of the Torah Josiah has been reading and basing his reforms from were in Deuteronomy which was the self proclaimed Torah. (Carr, pg. ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Emilio Segre Biography Emilio Gino SegrГЁ is the Italian/American scientist and physicist and he get the nobel laureate and nobel prize in physics. he worked at the Los Alamos National Laboratory as a group leader for the Manhattan Project. He found in April 1944 that Thin Man, the proposed plutonium gun type nuclear weapon, would not work because of the presence of plutonium240 impurities. Early life Emilio Gino Segre born in a Sephardic Jewish family in Tivoli, near Rome. He born on February 1 1095. His father name Giuseppe SegrГЁ, a businessman who owned a paper mill, and his mother Amelia Susanna Treves. He had two older brothers, Angelo and Marco, his uncle name GIno, his was a law professor. He learn in in the University of Rome La Sapienza as an engineering student In 1927. He met Franco Rasetti who introduced him to Enrico Fermi. The two young physics professors were looking for talented students. They attended the Volta Conference at Como in September 1927. He was win nobel prize. SegrГЁ then joined Fermi and Rasetti at their laboratory in Rome with help of Orso Mario Corbino, and he studying under Fermi, earned his laurea degree in July 1928. In August 1945 a few days before the surrender of Japan and the end of World War II, SegrГЁ received an offer from Washington University in... Show more content on ... SegrГЁ served on the University s powerful Budget Committee from 1961 to 1965 and was chairman of the Physics Department from 1965 to 1966. He supported Teller s successful bid to separate the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory from the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in 1970. He later published a biography of Fermi, Enrico Fermi: Physicist in 1970. He published his own lecture notes as From X rays to Quarks: Modern Physicists and Their Discoveries in 1980. Classical Physicists and Their Discoveries in 1984. He edited the Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science from 1958 to 1977. A Mind Always in Motion in ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Different Kinds Of Polymers And Polymers A polymer is a large molecule that is made from many small repeating chemicals called monomers. In the Greek language, polymer literally means many parts. Polymers are being used more and more in medical devices, such as drug delivery, screws, plates, fixation pins, suture anchors and many other applications. Some of the most useful polymers for medical uses are poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(glycolic acid) (PGA). They are useful in medicine because of the fact that they can degrade within the body to lesser components that will cause very minimal negative effects. Scientists have found many different ways to control the degradation of these two polymers. Combining two or more different kinds of monomers during polymerformation is called copolymerization. Changing the amount of different kinds of monomers during copolymerization of either poly(lactic co glycolic) (PLGA) or PLA can change degradation characteristics. [2] For example, combining lactic acid and glycolic acid to make PLGA will degrade quicker. There are also stereo copolymers, such as L lactic acid, and D lactic acid which are the same chemical, but are mirror images of each other (figure 1). These can be combined to also lower the degradation times of PLA or PGLA. Figure 1. Difference between L and D lactic acids (Gupta et al, 2007) Synthesis of PLA and PLGA Synthesis of PLA is started through the fermentation of bacteria. There are several types of bacteria that produce L , D lactic acid or a ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Elements Of Mise-En Scene In Boogie Nights In the film, Boogie Nights, the director, Paul Thomas Anderson utilizes elements of mise en scene such as the natural acting and impressive use of space, with engrossing shot choice and complex camera movement in his cinematography as he brings the audience into the atmospheric, realistic, and vibrant world of the 1970s. This is displayed effectively in the films fantastic opening tracking shot. The opening scene of Boogie Nights is very ambitious as its goal is to introduce us to the time period and the many characters that inhabit the world of the film. The scene opens in 1977 at the Hot Traxx Disco in the San Fernando Valley. Right from the opening, the film just captures the zeitgeist of the time. The culture is underlined by the costumes. In the 1970s, clothing considered fashionable was such things as bell bottoms, flares, platform shoes, disco suits, and ete. They are specifically seen in the background when Jack is driving to the nightclub. This is further shown in the nightclub where everyone is dressed very fashionably. Moreover, there is a significance and meaning to the costume design. The costumes dictate what roles these people had. A prime example of this is in the background, which shows how men and women were portrayed in society. The waiters are ... Show more content on ... He takes all these things like the mise en scene of the accurate costumes, with the naturalistic acting that the ensemble cast carries. His use of movement and space is just amazing in terms of how he was able to handle all these characters and the sleekness of Elswit s camerawork. The lighting helps further that style. His framing is out of this world because he manages to do all these tasks in just one shot without a single edit. His sounds and more specifically, his use of Best of My Love then wrap it by being realistic and never really taking us out of the film. Overall, Anderson has created an ambitious and impressive moment in ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Theme Of Love In The Great Gatsby In the Great Gatsby, the author first introduces ideas of infidelity through Tom Buchanan, an upper class man from old money, and Myrtle Wilson, a woman from the valley of ashes with a poor, working class background. Both tired of their respective significant others, they find themselves together in their love nest apartment in New York City, both enjoying what the other has to offer. Specifically, Myrtle, takes joy from using the money that Tom has to get materialistic things that she wants and Tom, getting some action and thrill using her. This in itself shows obvious power differences all due to their background. However, Nick Carraway, the narrator for the book observes this first hand when he first goes out with Tom and Myrtle. On their way to their love nest, Myrtle notices someone selling dogs, exclaiming I think it s cute, and furthermore how much is it? That dog? [said the seller who] looked at it admiringly That dog will cost you ten dollars. In reply, Is it a boy or girl? she [asks] delicately. Tom, participating in the conversation at last, It s a bitch said Tom decisively. Here s your money. Go and buy ten more dogs with it? (Fitzgerald 28). Though at first this can be assumed as Tom giving in to Myrtle s whims in hopes to keep her happy, when looked further, there is a clear sign that Tom disregards this encounter. With the way he assumes dominance in the way he decides whether the dog is boy or a girl, and how be pays it off without so much ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Compare And Contrast John Meany And Owen Meany Owen Meany and John Wheelwright; Effect of Spirituality A Prayer for Owen Meany analyzes the relationship between various depths of spirituality in comparison to mundane life. The novel by John Irving uses characters such as Owen Meany and John Wheelwright, to juxtapose the contrasting nature of faith and doubt, and fate and free will. John Wheelwright s and Owen Meany s differing attributes highlight the use of contrast within A Prayer for Owen Meany. While Owen Meany tends to be a leader, John is a follower where his primary experiences tend to be due to Owen. Furthermore, their different appearances further illustrate their differences while John is a typical male, Owen appears childlike in stature with a rodent quality to his appearance. Consequently, these comparisons between the two characters highlight the underlying theme of spirituality within the novel. Owen Meany has a continuing belief in God, even taking it as far as saying that God has a specific plan for him. GOD HAS TAKEN YOUR MOTHER. MY HANDS WERE THE INSTRUMENT. GOD HAS TAKEN MY HANDS. I AM GOD S INSTRUMENT (page 90) This quote illustrates the absolute belief that Owen has in God; despite the fact that Owen has taken the life from Tabitha Wheelwright, mother of Johnny, he chalks it up to fate and God s will. However, John Wheelwright doubts the ideologies of Christianity as he changes his denomination within the Christian community regularly. This contrast is displayed when the two boys are young ... Get more on ...
  • 44. The Battle House Renaissance Hotel These are some of the most haunted locations in Alabama. Guests and staff at many of the hotels have reported sightings of ghostly apparitions or other peculiar happenings. Battle House Renaissance Hotel There are many old stories about deaths in the Battle House. In one story, a man who was having an affair with a married woman was beaten to death in one of the rooms on the fifth floor. Another spooky story is that a bride couldn t wait for her groom anymore and hung herself in the Crystal Ballroom. Guests have reported plenty of ghostly experiences in the hotel. One guest reported flashes of bright lights in her room. Another guest reported feeling and seeing the bed dip as if someone sat on it. Those both happened on the fourth floor. Faucets have turned on and off during the night as well. Fort Conde Inn Ghost hunters have investigated much of the surrounding area near the inn. They ve heard eerie whisperings on voice recorders as well as light touches. On the second floor of the inn itself, there have been reports of voices when there is no one else around. Many people have reported a sense that someone is near them on the second floor. The housekeeper at the inn saw her mop bucket roll slowly down the stairs. It stopped and after a few seconds rolled the rest of the way down the stairs. The Hotel Highland Pickwick Hotel In the early years of this hotel, it was actually a medical building. The basement was used as a morgue. It could be where most of the ... Get more on ...