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Chin-Kee In The Monkey King
Which leads us to the character of Chin Kee. At first he seems like a way for the author to call out the
racist sitcom culture. With Chin Kee s extremely yellow complexion, his heavy Chinese accent and his
high intelligence, he fits all the racist stereotypes people have of Asians. However, we later learn that
Chin Kee was a disguise for the Monkey King and when we realize that Danny was formerly known
as Jin Wang, Chin Kee s character gains another layer. Chin Kee s character does not just call out the
racist sitcom culture, he is also there as a manifestation of Jin Wang s internalized racism. First of all,
by writing this story as an American sitcom with a laugh track, every action of Chin Kee is underlined
and mocked. Every mispronunciation ... Show more content on ...
Chin Kee represents everything Danny hates about himself and his Chinese identity. He s therefore a
manifestation of his internalized racism. Every time Chin Kee visits, he is reminded of the Chinese
identity that he rejected. Danny tries to run away, change schools, but that won t change the fact that
he is Chinese. His struggles with his identity will always follow him around, until he deals with them.
When the Monkey King shows his true form, he asks Danny to do the same thing, to reveal himself as
Jin Wang. The Monkey King tells Danny that he s not here to punish him, but to serve as your
conscience as a signpost to your soul (221). The Monkey King is here to try and help Jin find his true
identity, instead of running away from it. When Jin Wang asks him what he is supposed to do next, the
Monkey King answers him: You know, Jin, I would have saved myself from five hundred years
imprisonment beneath a mountain of rock had I only realized how good it is to be a monkey (223).
The book does not give a clear answer what exactly his identity will be now. However, he has started
to try and make things right with Wei Chen Sun, so he has made a first step into overcoming his
internalized racism and accepting his Chinese identity .He seems at peace with himself, which is all a
reader can hope
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Certified Ethical Hacking
Lab #9 Assessment Worksheet
Investigating and Responding to Security Incidents
Course Name and Number: CSS280 1501A 01 Ethical Hacking
Student Name: ***** ******
Instructor Name: ***** ******
Lab Due Date: 2/9/2015
In this lab, you acted as a member of the incident response team who had been assigned an incident
response in the form of a help desk trouble ticket. You followed the phases of a security incident
response to investigate the event, contain the malware, eradicate the suspicious files, re test the system
in readiness for returning it to service, and complete a detailed security incident response report in the
provided template. You used AVG ... Show more content on ...
You also used the OpenVAS scanning tool to scan the TargetSnort virtual machine to test the Snort
configuration and see exactly what circumstances trigger an IDS alert.
Lab Assessment Questions amp; Answers 1. What is the difference between an IDS and an IPS?
The main difference between one system and the other is the action they take when an attack is
detected in its initial phases (network scanning and port scanning). * The Intrusion Detection System
(IDS) provides the network with a level of preventive security against any suspicious activity. The IDS
achieves this objective through early warnings aimed at systems administrators. However, unlike IPS,
it is not designed to block attacks. * An Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) is a device that controls
access to IT networks in order to protect systems from attack and abuse. It is designed to inspect
attack data and take the corresponding action, blocking it as it is developing and before it succeeds,
creating a series of rules in the corporate firewall, for example. 2. Why is it important to perform a
network traffic baseline definition analysis?
So the administrator can ensure that the presence, absence, amount, direction,
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Light in August Essay
In the novel Light in August, Joe Christmas and Joanna Burden are extremely damaged individuals.
Both characters were raised in turbulent environments with an emphasis on religion. The sins they
committed had a profound impact on them. They knew that their behavior was wrong but they were
compelled to continue. Religion became a mental prison for them. A prison that they created but that
they would never escape alive. Although Joe and Joanna viewed religion in completely different ways,
they both lacked the capacity to forgive themselves because of their upbringing. For Joanna, religion
was a source of comfort that was pushed on her by her father. Joanna was raised by puritans and she
lives her life with a constant subconscious fear of ... Show more content on ...
(Lackey 66) McEachern was a tyrant who perverted the true meaning of religion for Joe Christmas.
He saw it as his duty to convert Christmas to Christianity and to force him away from a sinful life.
Christmas was essentially raised to hate what he became. His sin becomes a way for him to resist
McEachern s oppression but it also traps him. Joe Christmas was conditioned to believe that sin is
wrong and by committing sins he was fighting everything that he had ever been taught. Joe was also
subconsciously taught to distrust women. From his first experience with the dietician, all he knew was
betrayal by the women in his life. His foster mother betrayed his foster father by attempting to help
him. In his eyes, women were not to be trusted. The breaking point for Joe was Joanna s pregnancy
scare. To him it was the ultimate betrayal. You haven t got any baby, you never had one. There is not
anything wrong with you except being old. You just got old and it happened to you and now you are
not any good anymore . (Faulkner 277) Joanna did not know what was happening to her body because
she had never been taught. Joe however saw her mistake as an attempt at control. Her age made her
useless to him and this realization destroyed her will to live. Maybe it would be better if we were both
dead . (Faulkner 278) If she could not have Joe then she would kill him and then herself. Joe resolved
to kill Joanna in order to escape her. He believed with calm paradox that he was the
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Essay On Enron Fraud
A once massive communications company was brought to ruin by the mishandling of DIRECTORS,
OFFICERS, and the CEO. Between 1999 and 2002 the CEO Bernie Ebbers orchestrated over $9
billion worth of fraudulent accounting transactions. Surely all of this was not accomplished by just
one man, this took teams of people who were unwilling to question authority or stand up during times
of corporate wrong doing. Therefore, the information to follow will contain explanation of how this
fraud was committed and by whom, the reasoning behind the fraud, the consequences of their actions
for them and the corporation, and the final outcome for the corporation and those directors and
officers held accountable. According to the Report of Investigation by the special board of directors
for WorldCom the accounting fraud was a number of unsupported and false accounting entries. During
the investigation key witnesses were unavailable for questioning and accounting documentation was
either nonexistent or piled on the floor of the storage area. This type of disorganization made it merely
impossible to conduct any formal audit. Interestingly, the auditor in charge over the course of this
fraud was Arthur Andersen who also conducted audits for Enron another company corrupted by fraud.
Mr. Ebbers was indicated to be the main person in charge of the fraudulent accounting transactions.
Through the course of this artifice, there were several other employees and officers involved;
however, the focus
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High Levels Of Competitiveness And Hyper Competitiveness
Thornton, Ryckman, and Gold (2011) theorize that high levels of competitiveness or hyper
competitiveness would have a significant influence over achievement striving and impatience and
irritability. It was further hypothesized that personal development competitiveness would be correlated
with achievement striving but not with impatience or irritability. Hyper competitiveness was defined
as competitiveness with others while personal development competitiveness was correlated with
competing with oneself for self improvement. Three hundred and four participants were administered
the Hyper competitive Attitude Scale, the Personal Development Competitive Attitude Scale, and the
Type A Behavior Pattern Inventory. The results of the study indicated that Type A individuals who
were hyper competitive were more likely to demonstrate the irritable and impatient aspects of Type A
personality. They were also less likely to demonstrate positive correlations with achievement strings
including academic achievement. In contrast, people with high levels of Personal Development
Competitiveness were more likely to show high level achievement strings including academic
achievements and were less likely to demonstrate impatience or irritability. Thornton, Ryckman, and
Gold (2011) argue that this demonstrates that while some aspects of Type A personality and
competitiveness have a positive effect on academic achievement and other types of achievement
strings some can be highly detrimental to
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The Abuse Of Delia In Sweat By Zora Hurston
Due to the abuse that Delia suffers in the short story Sweat by Zora Hurston, she becomes stronger
and gains independence. Sykes is a overcontrolling husband and frequently abuses Delia throughout
their marriage. He does this in several different ways. First is verbal, he is always yelling and at Delia
and never has anything nice to say. Along with a general rudeness toward her he makes threats to her,
saying things such as, Ah oughter mash you in yo mouf fuh drawing dat skillet on me (Hurston 3).
This threatening manner eventually stops working as she grew numb to his threats after fifteen years
of marriage. So, in response to her numbness he escalates his abuse by physically assaulting her. The
third way he torments his wife is psychologically ... Show more content on ...
Her strength is a mental strength and she is stronger than most. Although Sykes is able to physically
abuse her and stoops to lows such as abuse she still fights back. This is surprising as women during
this time were expected to be completely submissive and obey their husband s command. Instead she
ignores him since she knows that she is the dominant one. Even the men at the shop recognize that she
is the provider in the family and that Sykes is an abuser. They also recognize the effect the abuse had
on her and her appearance. They say the women Never wuz de same in de mind (Hurston 4). They
also say Delia wuz ez pretty ez a speckled pup (Hurston 4). Now though she does not look the same as
she did when she first married Sykes. Despite her abuse from her husband she grows stronger because
of it. She does this by simply getting used to it. This is why he keeps changing his ways of abuse,
because she has over come them and has become numb to them. Eventually everything will reach a
boiling point where there is no
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Essay Courtroom Observsation
You be the Judge
Week 5 Courtroom Observation Paper Research
BUSI 301 Liberty University
Indiana Northern District Court
Judges: Chief Justice Raymond, Brown, Uphold, Batten, Grambo, Wray, Bryant, Cross and Allen
Case Number: 80a14 5352 vc804
Plaintiff: Debora White
Plaintiff Representatives: Ashley Gavin and Jackson Riley
Defendant: O Malley s Tavern and Patrick Gibbs
Defendant Representatives: Xander Barden and Katelyn Lippa
Defendant Council Overview:
Xander Barden and Katelyn Lippa are the defendant s (O Malley s Tavern and Patrick Gibbs)
representatives they are recommending the Court present an outline verdict to the bartender, John
Daniels and O Malley s Tavern. There is definite ... Show more content on ...
Norris case which was brought up in the courtroom; Mr. Hard was not as drunk. (Ashlock v. Norris,
475 N.E.2d 1167, 1170 (Ind. Ct. App. 1985). The bartender, Mr. John Daniels did not have any
definite awareness of Mr. Hard s intoxication. Mr. Daniels is not able to recall any unusual behavior
that was displayed by Mr. Hard. He does not have any reclamation of observing Mr. Edward Hard
tripping over the pool stick because he had stepped away from the room. He did witness an argument
start at the entrance doorway between Mr. Bruno White and Mr. Edward Hard in which Mr. Hard
provoked. There were no additional drinks served after the altercation took place, the final alcoholic
beverage had been ordered and served prior to the incident and therefore is not said to be actual
knowledge. The last drink is the cutoff point for the statue and where the definite ruling intervenes.
The process is in order to try and obtain an abstract opinion from Mr. John Daniels stating that he had
no familiarity of Mr. Hard being drunk. When Mr. Edward Hard left the O Malley s Tavern he
followed Mr. Bruno White in a careless manner, damaging numerous vehicles and consequently
hitting Mr. White s automobile and killing him. The direct aim of Mr. Hard is being safeguarded with
the implication of a motor vehicle accident while being intoxicated. The understanding and cause of
the intoxication is not what is relevant, however the altercation that occurred at
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Personal Values Beliefs And Values
Personal values, beliefs, and principles are necessary for individuals to know about themselves.
However, when asked the question, what are your personal values, beliefs, and principles the first
responses are often a laundry list of characteristics with the assumption that the three words are
synonymous. From my experience, when asked this question the list grew longer and I started to
wonder what the differences existed between each of these terms. Recognizing these differences is a
major component of discovering how I make decisions when facing ethical dilemmas involving
directives that may be morally unsound. Hence, I began the search of how the terms relate, their
meaning and what my answer is to this question. Since I invested time to find the differences in
principles, beliefs and values my long list became more defined. So, the essay will encompass the
definitions of the terms, explain two elements for each category, how they relate to one another and
how the knowledge influences tough decisions. Values
What are values and what makes these different from principles and beliefs? Various references agree
that values are the motivations and behaviors used to determine priorities of what one sees as
important in life and work (, 2017; Atkins, 2017; Value, n.d.). The definition applied
my list of characteristics illustrated how I desire to represent myself and what I value most. First, I
value commitment to my principles, which my faith as a Christian
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Analysis Of The Story The Yellow Wallpaper By...
Clinical psychologist and writer, Kay Redfield Jamison once said, I think one thing is that anybody
who s had to contend with mental illness whether it s depression, bipolar illness or severe anxiety,
whatever actually has a fair amount of resilience in the sense that they ve had to deal with suffering
already, personal suffering. In the story, The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the
narrator has severe depression, at the very least, and knows that she can get better if she is given the
right treatment. While trying to get better, she can t help but be fixated on the yellow wallpaper in her
room. The yellow wallpaper in this story is a representation of the narrator s relationship with her
disease. The exterior portion of the wallpaper is a portrayal of the narrator s disease. At night, it
becomes bars (Gilman 15). The fact that the exterior portion of the wallpaper becomes bars at night is
symbolizing the fact that her disease is keeping her at bay and keeping her locked in, or unable to get
better, whereas during the daytime, the exterior part is normal. This relates to how at times her disease
is calm and controlled and other times, it flares up and completely controls her. The pattern is also
described as torturing. Once you think that you have the pattern mastered, it comes back to overtake
you. Whenever the narrator describes the frustrating the outside of the wallpaper is, she is illustrating
how each time she starts to get the upper
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Woolworths Report
Woolworths Transformation in Supply and Logistics Chains
Hlaing Win Thawdar
Li yi
Mo yun
Muhammad Fauzi Yuzar
The Report has detail explanations about the current position Woolworths is standing in Australia s
retail industry as well as against its competitors, the operation process before and after the change, the
contributions Woolworths has made not only to the economy but also for the community, how
Woolworths is shaping it CSR and the organized future plans that Woolworths has thought ahead. |
Table of Contents
The History of Woolworths3 1. About Australia s Retail Industry3 2. The Description of Woolworths3
3. Woolworths and its Competitors4
Supply Chain5
1. The Woolworth s roles in the Retail grocery ... Show more content on ...
There are over 700 branches of supermarkets throughout Australia.
Woolworth s started out as a single variety store similar to Wal mart and opened its first supermarket
in 1955. It then opened the Big W discount department store chains for general merchandise and then
Dick Smith Electronics in the consumer electronics division. Its operations are mainly in the
supermarket category launching under nearly ten different names. The most recent one would be
Macro Wholefoods Market which sells organic food and produce. Woolworth s stalls also include
Thomas Dux Grocer, the upmarket deli chain, which has branched out from Woolworth s concept of
inexpensive and whole sale method. Expanding from the brick and mortar method, it has e tailing
channel as well. Woolworth s is also famous for Everyday Services which have loyalty program
offering reward cards, Credit Card system and pre paid mobile service. In June 2010, new product
known as Everyday Money Prepaid MasterCard was introduced.
For facts about sustainability, Woolworth s is considered as a major investor in the communities of
Australia and New Zealand. It makes contributions back to the economy by creating jobs, injecting
more innovative products into economic flow and encouraging productivity. From a social point of
view, the training and educational development programs are provided by Woolworth s to thousands
of its employees, bringing up the food quality standards for the community, and direct
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The Characteristic Of Decisions In Steinbeck s Of Mice And...
The ability to make decisions and choices is a defining characteristic of humanity. Decisions define us,
and they reveal to the world our values, motivations, and desires. As renowned author J.K Rowling
once wrote, It is our choices... that show what we truly are (Rowling 333). This concept is one that can
be readily observed in history, literature, and society and it is especially prevalent in Steinbeck s
novella, Of Mice and Men. The decisions that individuals make in both fiction and the real world, can
reveal characteristics of themselves that even they do not know. In Of Mice and Men, the first defining
decision that reveals a character s personality is Candy s decision to forego shooting his dog. In the
story, Candy is forced to make a difficult choice: to either kill his old, seemingly useless dog himself,
or to let someone else do it. Ultimately, Candy succumbs to pressure from his fellow ranchers and he
reluctantly lets someone else kill his beloved companion. When this impetuous decision is dissected,
Candy s demeanor, values, and varying characteristics are revealed. Initially, when the idea of killing
Candy s dog is brought up by Carlson, Candy immediately dismisses it saying, You ain t got no gun...
[m]aybe tomorra (Steinbeck 47). However, when this idea is suggested just one more time, Candy
agrees. This entire interaction shows that Candy is extremely compliant and acquiescent in his
demeanor. He shies away from conflict and he will quickly change his own
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Blindness In King Lear
Blindness Analysis Blindness is a motif that is seen throughout the play, whether it be literal or
figurative blindness. The play revolves around the idea of blindness and almost all the characters at
one point suffer from a point of being blind and oblivious to their surroundings. The first time we see
blindness is with King Lear, in the very first scene of the play. King Lear is attempting to divide the
kingdom between his three daughters. However Lear is blind to the fact that his two eldest daughters
are deceiving, while his youngest daughter, whom he has banished, actually loved him the most. Lear
is blind to their deception, and makes the mistake of splitting his kingdom between Goneril and
Regan, this will eventually cause Lear to lose
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The Wonders Of The Invisible World Chapter Summary
Throughout time, historians have relied on first person encounters to accurately depict the world and
the people at a certain time. Cotton Mather s, The Wonders of the Invisible World, does exactly that by
giving the reader a perspective into the Salem witch trials as well as a first person view from Mather
himself. Through this work, Mather shares his opinions on the actions taken in the trials and the works
of the Devil and God inside of New England. During this time period, religion played a significant
part in society such that it was a driving force behind the hysteria created. This hysteria doesn t seem
to reach Mather, but rather he seems to be compelled to write due to his pre existing concern for
society against the Devil and witchcraft. ... Show more content on ...
It seems to be that Mather makes this deduction with guidance from his observations and is his driving
force behind writing Wonders. He feels as though the Devil is running rampant through the colony
that he has poured his heart into and also that it is a personal attack against him. Even though he
understands everything that is taking place, he doesn t have the power as a single person to destroy it.
All of this comes as though Mather knew this would happen to the colony at a certain point. This
preface can be seen when Mather begins to discuss how the Ephesians were rejoicing in God s gospel
and the Devil began to try and dismantle all of their joy (151). The whole situation seems to be a
prophetic experience for Mather which leads to him realizing how rooted the Devil is in his colony
and the destruction that he is causing. He later goes on to state that, the devil has made a dreadful knot
of witches in the county implying, once again, the rooted aspect of the Devil (152). This expresses one
of the true characteristics of why Mather brought Wonders to life; he wants people to understand the
true magnitude of what is happening and the reason behind
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Mohammed Reza Pahlavi And The Iranian Revolution
The Iranian Revolution was the first of many popular civil insurrections that resulted in the overthrow
of an autocratic monarchy which lasted from 1977 to 1979. It consisted of non violent demonstrations
by the revolutionaries until late 1978, due to the shah s decision to violently silence demonstrators.
The shah, during the time period, was Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. He was viewed by many to be a
western puppet who implemented a variety of systems and programs that suggested westernization.
Iran was being transformed under his rule, and there were efforts to separate from Islamic culture and
religious values. However, because of Pahlavi s anti traditional changes, he saw a broad coalition of
forces formed against him. These revolutionaries ... Show more content on ...
The urban poor and trade union members desired a populist economy that supported their well being
and gave the more financial opportunities. They also wanted democratic rights but were more
concerned with their well being. The students generally just wanted transparency. Students were very
anxious about their future and the condition of Iran. They wanted to rid Iran of corruption and
westernization. Intellectuals wanted the Khomeini to return, to change the governmental structure,
economic programs, and restore nationalism in Iran. Leftists strongly opposed the shah and were open
to the clerics guidance. Islamists, of course, listened to the clerics and wanted Islamic culture to be
reestablished in Iran. Lastly, the Shi a clerics wanted to establish an Islamic State, to cease
westernization, and to rebuild Islamic culture. All these groups supported Khomeini and wanted the
shah to be overthrown. They were not going to be satisfied with reformation alone to the shah.
Although they all evidently had personal wishes, they came together in order to depose the shah and
rebuild Iran
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Analysis Of Judith Slaying Holofernes
Judith Slaying Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi ultimately painted one of the most violent
representations of Judith in the history of art (Straussman Pflanzer, 12). Gentileschi was the only
woman painter of the Baroque period in her time. She was born in Rome in 1593 to Orazio
Gentileschi and Prudenzia Montoni. Artemisia was a follower of Caravaggio, whom art is frequently
considered primarily in terms of its naturalism (Straussman Pflanzer, 13). She also learned the
principles of art from her father and the basic perspective from Tassi.
In Judith Slaying Holofernes the woman represented in a yellow costly garment is no other than Judith
a Jewish widow. Despite her beauty for deceiving men, she is very brutal in revenge. By easily
gaining her way through the Assyrians she gracefully grabs the attention of the General Holofernes,
and then kills him by slicing through his neck with his own sword. She is then the heroine figure for
Bethulia, Jerusalem, the Temple, and the people (Judith 8:11 12).
The story of Judith is told to be a young religious widow from the Jewish city of Bethulia, chops off
the head of Holofernes, general of the Assyrian army that had attacked her city. Robin Gallaher
Branch states that Judith told the Bethulia leaders to meet her at her home where she could discuss to
them her plan on how to save the city from thirst by the enemy (Branch, 1). After getting the approval
from her city leaders they acclaim her for her wisdom and released her and
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The Accounting Of Territorial Formation
The accountant of the conquest, and the making of what is today Latin America is a debatable subject
in the field of humanities, especially in the field history. The most widespread approaches of this
history are that of violence, war, oppression, possession of territories, and foundation of new colonies.
In Frontier of Possessions, Tamar Herzog, a historian, professor of Latin American presents an
account of the conquest from a different perspective, one that proposes that the acquisition of the
territory of the New World by Spain and Portugal was a result of interactions of many actors that
caused territorial division in both Iberia and the Americas (Herzog, 6). Hence, I conquer that one of
the reasons of the conquest was the desire ... Show more content on ...
Under those premises, Herzog steps away from comparative history. And focus at history that look at
the information, in a thematically agreement with specific actors, and arguments, rather that in
sequence, and progression in particular place. From the above mentioned, when analyzing the
territorial division in the Americas is necessary to ponder why the treaties failed? Was not the
Tordecillas treaty, which gave the right to conquest and posses the New World, enough? This question
is very important, and Herzog explores it: the treaty of Tordecillas did not specify a geographical
division; European couldn t agree, and trust their science or modernization. This contradictory
approach is important in the narrative of Frontiers of Possessions; Herzog presents an opposed view to
narrative about the modernity of the Europeans conquerors. It is ironic to think about modernization,
conquest, and possessions of lands when European couldn t trust their own modernity, and yet used it
as a justifiable reason to posses. This comes to show that these groups of people were common people
that possibly did not understood or even care about modernity, but rather possession through different
means. As an illustration, Herzog points out that Spaniard and Portuguese did not bother about linear
or zonal classification of the land.
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Advice To Youth Satire
Twain s Terrible Tips: Analytical Essay of Advice to Youth In Mark Twain s Advice to Youth he is
giving advice to the parents of children through satire. Though it may seem he is speaking directly to
the children, he uses horatian satire to address the parents and express what he believes to be the
problems of how they are raising their children. Children are being raised to always do the right thing,
though their parents know they will eventually make mistakes. Twain was trying to change this
approach in parenting. Instead of teaching children to be superior, the children should be taught how
to be a successful adult. All children are going to disobey, lie, and make mistakes. Mark Twain s
satirical approach is meant to show parents that children should be prepared to be an adult, instead of
having to learn everything the hard way. In Advice to Youth Twain uses techniques like irony, reversal,
and understatement to subtly hint that parenting needs to change. Irony is a great tool to use, because
it lightens the mood and brings humor into the story. By using irony, Twain can say the opposite of
what he means, and still get his ... Show more content on ...
It allows the writer to say the opposite of what the reader is expecting, and still getting their point
across. When convincing the reader, getting up in the mornings with a lark is the best, Twain uses
reversal. But a lark is really the best thing to get up with. It gives you a splendid reputation with
everybody to know that you get up with the lark; and if you get the right kind of lark, and work at him
right, you can easily train him to get up at half past nine, every time it s no trick at all. Typically
getting up with the lark means getting up very early in the morning, but Twain reverses this belief by
saying a person can train a lark to wake up much later. Reversal is a great technique to use in this case,
because the reader is not expecting the lark to be waking up so
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A New Kind of Dreaming
Conflicts and challenges cause the characters to change and grow
Anthony Eaton s a new Kind of Dreaming helps the reader to recognise the various challenges and
conflicts that cause the characters to change and grow. Anthony Eaton best expresses Jamie as an
outsider that is trying to find his place in the world, while uncovering the secrets of Port Barren s
shady past. This changes Jamie from an adolescent delinquent to a responsible and admirable person.
Jaime develops friendships that lead him to trusting and sympathetic qualities that are unusual for him
in his past of crime. Jamie faces a challenge to build a stronger relationship with Cameron, but this is
an obstacle for Cameron as he tries to understand Jamie and ... Show more content on
Having Cameron in his life changed Jamie and challenged him to become a more preferable person.
Body Paragraph 2:
A challenge that Jamie has to face and overcome is when he tries to have some sense of belonging to
the community of Port Barren. Archie, his guardian throughout the novel, tells him his version of a
dreamtime story called The wanderers and the lost ones . This story challenges Jamie to think whether
he is lost or a wanderer. This makes him feel responsible for finding out who is disturbing the balance
and it is up to him to try and restore it. This is shown to the reader when Jamie thinks, It was weird, no
beginning, no middle, no end, no plot. And yet he couldn t shake the feeling that there was something
important behind the strange words. He pondered it but couldn t make anything of it [page 126]. The
story makes Jamie wonder who he is and how he belongs in the community. This challenges him to
think more about himself and what he needs to do to change and become a better person. This also
made him change the way he thought about himself, it made him to thrive to do the best he can.
Jamie faces many conflicts and challenges throughout the novel and they all have an effect that makes
him change in character. Jamie s close relationship with Cameron helps him to thrive to be more
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Research Paper On Snoring
Certainly, you want to know how much SnoreRx cost after knowing all its cool features.
Snorerx Pricing:
To be honest, when I first read all the incredible features for this fantastic anti snoring device, I was
expecting a high price. But, when I ordered 2 SnoreRx pieces, I was surprised to find an amazing
discount when you do multiple purchases.
One anti snoring piece price: $99.
Two anti snoring piece price: $154.
Three anti snoring piece price: $199
It was supposed to be $198 when you buy two anti snoring pieces. So, they almost offer us 50% off
the second piece deal.
You can get your pieces shipped through USPS for $6.95. Also, you can ship you anti snoring pieces
with FedEx for $9.95 because they are delivered quicker.
Maybe, you ... Show more content on ...
Since I could not wear any type of mask for a CPAP, I was told about anti snoring mouthpieces that
were on the market to help me with my sleep apnea. So, I checked out the reviews for numerous
different types of anti snoring solutions and I was drawn to SnoreRx because of the advanced
adjustable feature. It honestly took a couple of weeks to get used to it and have it every night in my
mouth but the result is amazing. I am not snoring anymore, I sleep my hours, and I wake up having so
much energy because I am sleeping fine. I have recommended your mouthpiece to all I know. It isn t
the cheapest mouthpiece out there yet I, and my wife definitely think it s the excellent and well worth
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Why I Want To Be An Engineer
Growing up, Math and science were always my favorite subjects. This led me to desire a career that
incorporates these two subjects. As I furthered my education, I discovered I was very interested in
engineering. Being able to learn new things and apply that new knowledge is something I have always
enjoyed doing. The high job market, life flexibility, financial security and social impact are all reasons
I have chosen to pursue a career in software engineering. One reason I want to be an engineer is I
enjoy that kind of work. Problem solving is one major part of engineering, and something I have
always enjoyed doing. If I enjoy the work I do, engineering will fell much less like a job , and make it
much more enjoyable. I always knew I never wanted to have to wake up every morning to go to a job
I hated. With engineering, I am ... Show more content on ...
Currently, engineers are needed in all parts of the world. Being able to find a job easier will reduce a
great deal of stress that may come with other careers. On top of that, because engineers are need all
over the world, it is a great way to be able to travel. Although it may not be as relaxing is taking a
vacation and traveling, it would still be a great opportunity to see the world. For these reasons, I am
motivated to pursue a career in the engineering field. For me, the most important attribute for being an
engineer is life flexibility. Seeing the life flexibility my mother has with her engineering job showed
me how critical flexibility is. Anytime there was an emergency, my mother was always able to make
herself available due to the flexibility of her job. My mother is also able to do the majority of her work
from home. Having the flexibility to be able to work from home is another reason life flexibility is on
the top of my list. Overall, having a flexible job is very important to me, and the flexibility of
engineering is one reason I am drawn to that
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Narcissus Myth
This story is a myth, which talks about a man and a beauty woman that is a nymph. Echo had the
nymph beauty and Narcissus is the person Echo loved dearly, so she was like Narcissus stocker and at
same time her crush. She followed him everywhere by his footsteps, but he didn t know. She waited
impatience for him to figure out that she was following him. Until one day he dropped something
walking so he had to go back and he heard something following him, so he shouted loudly who s
there. She replied here , but he looked around and didn t see anyone, so he said come out then Echo
said come and he still didn t see anyone. So Narcissus went about his business and never knew Echo
was stocking him or his crush. How these two characters relate and
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The Story Of An Hour Essay
The story of an hour
Kate Chopin s The story of an hour perceives this seemingly normal middle class family with an
extensive amount of colorful irony. Louise Mallard is a housewife who tries to lead the most standard
life possible with her all powerful husband.The many years of marriage has brought the feeling of
emptiness and vacancy into the soul of Louise
Mallard. Through her tribulations of marriage, releasing herself and setting both her body and mind
free, and the deaths throughout the story irony encompasses and unifies this short story. The
tribulations of Mr. and Mrs. Mallard s marriage escalated through the feeling of love. Love seemed to
be no longer a never ending bond between the most important ... Show more content on ...
Although the news of someone s husband dying would come as a complete shock to most, Mrs.
Mallard looked upon this despairing moment as a time to finally set herself free, and let the feeling of
power run wild all over her body. She said it over and over under her breath: free, free, free!
The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed went from her eyes....She saw beyond that
bitter moment
[that moment she would weep] a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely.
; (13) Louise
Mallard felt that feeling of power finally with in her grasp now that her husband was out of her life.
She felt her life coming back into perspective, like there was at last a real reason to live. Free! Body
and soul free! she kept whispering. ; (13) A women should feel like she is being set free once her
husband embraces her in his arms, but this ironic twist has Louise Mallard being set free once she is
just out of her husband s reach. Perhaps the biggest irony of all comes at the very end of the story.
Once Louise Mallard s marriage had finally ended, she had been set free and the feeling of power was
finally filling her body once again, yet she dies. Not from her heart disease or the shock of her
husband s death, but rather from the shock of her husband being alive. Someone was opening the door
with a latchkey. It was Brently
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The Country Of Moldova And The European Union
Until recently, the country of Moldova did not even exist to my knowledge. I had never heard its
name, did not know where it was located, and I obviously had no idea about the extremely complex
and serious ongoing issue with their government system. Moldova is one of the poorest countries in all
of Europe and has been tossed around between Russian and Romanian control since the 16th century.
It only officially declared its sovereignty from its last owner, Russia, in 1990, its independence in
1991, and became a part of the United Nations in 1992. Even though it finally gained its
independence, Moldova just cannot win for losing. It seems no matter what political decisions they
make, they are wrong and ultimately pissing off someone. The ... Show more content on ...
This gave many people in Moldova the impression that if the country sides with the EU, they will be
lead into corruption which boosted the amount of Pro Russian supporters. Romania is also noticing
this corruption occurring in the Moldovan government and is questioning Moldova s ability to be a
part of the EU. I chose to research this issue because the current corruption of the Moldovan
government and its impact on its people, is going to play a major role in the future of Moldova as a
country. How these events are influencing the opinions of the people will ultimately determine the
structure of Moldova s government, and this is a big deal for this struggling country. I personally do
not have an opinion yet about this issue as I am not adequately informed about the pros and cons of
the two political parties in conflict, but I hope to be able to better understand the two sides of this issue
and possibly develop my own opinion on the issue of Moldova s future government. Moldova s people
are faced between the choices of Socialist Russia, who is impressing on them with economical threats,
or continuing down the path towards the EU, which as their government appears to be bathed with
corrupted politics and politicians, is proving to be more of an obstacle than once imagined. Of which
is the lesser of two evils for this poor, literally and figuratively, European country?
Once I began
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Sam Houston Research Paper
Sam Houston was born in Rockbridge, Virginia on March 2,1793. He dedicated all of his life
defending his beliefs without giving up. His first major role was joining in the U.S Army and
demonstrated that he was able to rise rapidly, personal qualities of openness and friendliness and also
a determination of never throwing the towel. Houston also had the quality of being a noble person,
willing to protect the people that practically raised him, the Cherokees.After leaving them, he was
appointed agent in managing the removal of the tribe, but always seeking to protect them from any
injustice. His popularity, courage and commanding presence allowed him to rise in the politics of
Tennessee during the 1820 s where he was elected ... Show more content on ...
For Houston, Andrew Jackson was his idol. They both shared same beliefs like The Federal Union, it
must be preserved and pro slavery views.Houston even supported his presidential campaign and
worked closely with him. Old Hickory was like a mentor to Sam Houston and helped him rise in
politics. Another key individual in the live of Sam Houston is John Jolly( Chief Oo loo te ka), because
he became his adoptive father and was basically the one that taught him lessons that reached beyond
Indian culture and Indian white relations, he is the one that made Houston a person that favored peace
over war. For Houston, life with Cherokees was greatly to his own satisfaction and comfort and it
basically shaped his future. Margaret Lea was the third wife of Sam Houston. As he put it, he loved
his wife almost to madness . She was crucial in the life of Houston because she gave him happiness by
loving him and having 8 children together. After being unsuccessful at love, Houston had the loving
wife and family that he had always wanted.r, she even persuaded him to stop excessive drinking and
convinced him to join the Baptist
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The On The Board Game Monopoly
Introduction: The board game Monopoly is played amongst a group of 2 8 players. Each player roles
his or her dice and move around the board landing on properties, railroads, or utilities. The properties
typically raise in value the further along a player moves around the board. The thought of Boardwalk s
value depreciating to Mediterranean Avenue is unheard of in the board game of Monopoly. However,
in the real life game of Monopoly, a major city in America (Detroit, Michigan) had experienced a
catastrophic depreciation in value that ultimately led to the city filing for chapter 9 bankruptcy. This
writing assignment will evaluate the components that led to the rise and fall of a major city in
America. First, it is important to examine the components that led to the growth and prosperity of
Detroit, Michigan. The Rise of Detroit: The most significant factor that catapulted Detroit, Michigan
to becoming a prosperous city in America was the mass production of the automobile in the early 20th
century. Three companies encompassed the auto industry in America and they were Ford, General
Motors, and Chrysler. Consequently, the three companies were referred to as the Big Three. The Big
Three established their headquarters, and assemble plants in the Detroit area. David Littman, Senior
Vice President chief Economist, Comerica Bank (retired) stated, what really built the city of Detroit
were the thing of substance of a market system entrepreneurship and incentive...come to
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The Ethics in Biomedical Research
Rebecca Skloot is a writer specialized in science and medicine. In her first book, Skloot writes about
Henrietta Lacks life story. Henrietta Lacks was a strong African American woman, who died because
of cancer without knowing that her cancer cells were immortal and very useful for medical research.
Her family lived a poverty life without health care, when her cell was commercialized all around the
world. That condition was related to biomedical research s ethics and how consent form should be
used properly. Henrietta Lacks was born in Roanoke, Virginia, on August 1, 1920 (Skloot 40). Her
mother died when she delivered her tenth child. Because of losing her mother, Henrietta ended up
stayed with her grandfather. However, Henrietta ... Show more content on ...
She still worked on tobacco. She had no sign of weakness even though she had radium in her body.
However, when she came back to hospital for a check up, the medical team found out that her body
was already taken over by tumor. Her diaphragm, bladder, and lungs was a home for the cancer cells.
The worst thing was her kidney could not filter toxins in her body; it made her poisoned her own
body. She died on October 4, 1951.
HeLa has been used in medical research after Henrietta s death. However, Henrietta s family did not
know that her cell was taken and used that way. Her cells were part of research into the genes that
cause cancer and those that suppress it; they helped develop drugs for treating herpes, leukemia,
influenza, hemophilia, and Parkinson s disease (Skloot 22). HeLa was commercialized but Henrietta s
family lived in poverty without any health care. Henrietta s family has not received any money, while
people gained profit from selling HeLa. Henrietta s children received only a little education and some
of them had health issue. Henrietta s kids grew up in a black neighborhood that was one of the poorest
and most dangerous in the country (Skloot 26). Actually, any tissue that has been taken from body is
no longer yours anymore. It will be really hard to trace the identity of each tissue and then distribute
the benefits gained from it. However, it is important to let the patient and the families know if there is
any removal of tissues when the
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King Arthur Biography
Arthur was the first born son of King Uther Pendragon and the next heir to the throne. King Uther
died when Arthur was a baby. A magician named Merlin rescued Arthur and took him to a knight
named Sir Ector, who was a friend of the king. There, Sir Ector raised Arthur as a son while raising his
only child, Sir Kay was a knight in training. Nobody, not even Arthur knew he was a prince and the
next king of England.
Without a ruler, the kingdom started to panic and fight over who should be the next king of England.
To settle the argument, Merlin created Excalibur, which was the sword in the stone. Every knight and
noble came from all around and tried to pull the sword out, but all who tried failed. As the years went
by, Arthur grew and one day Merlin introduced himself. During this time Sir Ector taught Arthur how
to be a good squire for his adopted brother, Sir Kay. Arthur ... Show more content on
One day a lady asked if she could stay at the castle, King Arthur thought she was beautiful and stayed
with her all night. In the morning the girl was gone and King Arthur was sad again. One day after
King Arthur was done fighting, he went to sleep at another castle. Then he heard a strange noise and
followed it and saw a beautiful woman. The next day he asked the girl s father for her hand in
marriage. He agreed and they were married the next day.
King Arthur and his knights fought in many battles. King Arthur had a round table built for him and
his knights. The reason he had a round table built was to show the knights that everyone was equal
and that nobody was better than anybody else not even Arthur. The source I used in the stone. That concludes my king Arthur research. I
hope you enjoyed my presentation. King Arthur: An Introduction. King Arthur. N.p., n.d. Web. 29
Sept. 2015.
Copy paste citation What are n.p. n.d.? | View in list | Edit
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Vietnam Veterans Oral Histories In The Classroom Analysis
COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) repressed the government and firmly insured that any
disputes going on within the government would end. The head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI), J. Edgar Hoover founded the program in 1950. Hoover made it very clear that any person who
was an activist in the anti war movement would find their life invaded. Hoover s goal was to root out
communism using any tactics that he could. The ways that this was achieved was through wire taps,
lies, and having families investigated and threatened. The purpose of this was that the FBI wanted to
keep a close eye on suspect s lives. With this going on, many anti war activists and liberals decided
that the bad did not out weigh the good. Due to COINTELPRO, ... Show more content on ...
The so called Vietnam Vets share false testimonies of events that occurred while they served in
Vietnam. As stated in the article by Hagopian, The measure of such stories interest may not be
whether factually correct but whether they convey a moral or psychological truth important enough
for the narrator to wish to share it. The reason why false stories were being told was to keep up with
societal pressure of being a war hero. Veterans have been brought into classrooms as a primary source,
when a piece of writing from Vietnam should be the primary source. What should be taken away after
reading this article were that it s possible to encounter false Vietnam stories. With that being said,
people need to be advocates for their own learning and knowing that some stories could be just tales.
A way to get the real story would be to seek out information that was written in the time period, as
well as amercing oneself in the subject. As for the Veterans, remember to respect them and their
stories, but continue to be
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Adelphia Communications Scandal
Adelphia Communications scandal Matthew Tassin Trident University Ethics 501 Introduction
Adelphia Communications Company was a television cable company whose headquarters centered in
Coudersport, Pennsylvania. It ranked as the fifth most prestigious cable companies in United States.
John Rigas is the founder of the company. The company was highly respected until an infamous
scandal ensued following claims of bankrupt in 2002, at which time its headquarters relocated to
greenwood Village, Colorado. According to Jefferson (2007), after the ensuing controversial legal
proceedings ended, the company s assets were liquefied. Time Warner Cable acquired most of the
company s assets in 2006. LFC auctioned the rest of the assets. Pioneer ... Show more content on ...
The first ethical issue A company s external editor is mandated with assessing a public company s
ability to accurately institute internal financial reporting structure and systems as well as evaluating
the company to ensure that that there are no loopholes that mischievous individuals can use to fraud
the company (Lowenstein, 2004). Shareholders and the public place their trust on the external auditor
in revealing mischievous activities that take place in a company. In Adelphia Communication
Corporation context, the shareholders and the public trusted Deloitte. They believed that Deloitte
could and would evaluate Adelphia s operations, identify and report suspicious activities perpetrated
by the company. According to investigations, a number of warning signs could have notified Deloitte
of the fraudulent activity at Adelphia. Therefore, Deloitte was either incompetent in performing its
duty or it out rightly falsified its report. Considering its reputation and ensuing investigation, the latter
is true. Based on AICPA professional conduct code, Deloitte failed in its duty because it did not
conduct itself in the public s interest. Instead, it gave false audit reports of the company in favor of
Rigas family. Second ethical issue The second ethical issue surrounds the company s executives,
specifically Rigas family. Company s executives should never use their company s profits for personal
gains (Lowenstein, 2004). This is exactly
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Persuasive Essay On Indian Removal
Compare and Contrast Essay
The Indian Removal Act took place in 1830 by order of president Andrew Jackson to relocate Native
indians to the west. In his speech called On Indian Removal , he explains how Indian Removal is
beneficial to both the Indians and White Americans. Another writing about Indian removal is a
personal story about a young boy being relocated with his clan and traveling on what is known as the
Trail Of Tears. Though these two readings discuss the same topic, they use very different language to
get their point across and to describe their view on Indian removal. Between the two pieces of writing,
there are differences in the description of the situation, sentence structure, and tone. The differences in
language between Jackson s On Indian Removal and Rutledge s Samuel s Memory show that Indian
removal was viewed differently by different groups of people, and affected them in various ways.
The way that the situation is described in the two readings is very different. In Jackson s On Indian
Removal , he says, These remove hundreds and almost thousands of miles at their own expense,
purchase the lands they occupy, and support themselves at their new homes from the moment of their
arrival..... How many thousands of our own people would gladly embrace the opportunity of removing
to the West on such conditions! . Here he is saying that Indian Removal is an opportunity for the
Indians to purchase new land and start a new life somewhere else and the
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The Levels Of The Uk Government Essay
The levels of the UK government:
European Parliament
National/Central Government
Regional Government
Local Government
What is the European Parliament:
The European parliament is an elected parliamentary institution of the European union (EU) which
was formed on November 1st 1993, they mainly focus on functions like legislation within the 28
member states that form up the European union to help sustain, control and create a political and
economic community throughout Europe, the European parliament s general role is to represent the
citizens of the EU community.
What is the National/Central Government:
The National Government is basic terms is a body which runs the country (UK), Again the National
Government is an elected (by the public)parliamentary institution for the uk, they have the
responsibility for mainly developing and implementing policy s and laws as well as the national
interests of security and stability.
What is the Regional Government:
The regional Government also known as Regional Assemblies primary role was to channel across to
other regions and businesses the voice and opinions of the citizens in their region. Later on this
Regional Government started to Scrutinise about their regional planning, regional housing, regional
advocacy policy development and regional accountability.
What is the Local Government:
A local Government/Authority is an body which represents the voice and opinions of the people in
that local area and is also
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Fashion Channel
The Fashion Channel is an unique leading cable TV network specialized in only fashion programming
with broadcasting 24 hours a day and 7 days per week.The channel has a steady uprising revenue
background and profitable high growth above the its industry average from the establishment in 1996
by two men who has an entrepreneurial spirit. TFC(The Fashion Channel) has a huge revenue amount
of 310.6 million in 2006 with 80 million household viewer who has subscribed to their network in
cable or satellite TV groups.TFC viewers are mostly woman who have age between 35 and 54 and
TFC has a motto of Fashion for Everyone to reach every cable or satellite TV viewer by mass
marketing concept.And TFC has a highly low fee ... Show more content on ...
Let s analyze Segmentation Scenarios of Dana Wheeler:
In Scenario 1: Dana Wheeler targeted the women between the ages of 18 and 34 years old in a cross
segment of Fashionistas, Planners amp;Shoppers and Situationalists.
Pros: This scenario will offer lowest expenses in all among scenarios.It will focus on highly valued
large audience of women.This strategy will increase the brand awareness and viewing rate with
boosting % 20.It means mean of rating will increase to % 1.2 from % 1.0 .And it will satisfy the
current demographics of viewers.Network affiliate fees will be remain same as being at 2007 base and
this scenario may have an more attractive
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The Economic Impact of High Gas Prices
The economic impact of high gas prices 1
The Economic Impact of High Gas Prices
A Brown
Strayer University
The Economic Impact of High Gas Prices 2
The Economic Impact of High Gas Prices
Section 1: Introduction
The American economy is one of the strongest in the world; people from every
country comes here to live or travel on vacation with their families and take advantage of
its many economical opportunities available to its citizens. Traveling is one of Americas
Favorite pass time and a way of life for its citizen. When the quality of life is
interrupted, and people are not able do to the things that they use to do on a regular bases
the people panic and that send the nations economy ... Show more content on ...
Americans love luxury vehicles, during the pass 10 years SUVs` became the major family vehicle,
families are starting to feel the financial strain at the pump when they have to put gas in their vehicle.
Some people can not afford to fill up their SUVs because it cause $50 to $100.00 to fill their gas tank.
These same vehicles use to case lest than $35.00 at a lower gas price. Rising gas price affect every
one, not just drivers, some gas station in the south and mid west is completely out of gas due to the
rising gas price. The gas station owners can not compete with the larger oil company who control the
flow of oil. We are already seeing a ripple effect from the high gas prices. Go shopping lately? We
seem to be in a perpetual daze when it comes to the economy. Oh, nothing bad will happen; Things
will be okay . It seems easy to forget of the not so distant times during the Great Depression.
Rising gas prices affect everything across the board. This is because commodities need to be
transported across the country on trucks. Trucks, as you know, require lots of gas.
Section 4: U.S. Economy The rising cost of retail gasoline prices has affected U.S. households
regardless of whether their members drive, take public transportation, or walk. In a modern economy,
the interdependency created by supplying specialized labor and trading for all other
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Ethos Pathos And Logos In Astrophil And Stella
In sonnet one of Sidney s Astrophil and Stella , he utilizes reading, persuasion, and experience to win
the affection of his lover, Stella. All three of these terms tie in together with one another and coincide
with the three forms of rhetoric: logos, pathos, and ethos. Sidney commits a great amount of time to
articulate his love for Stella through his writing, logic, and rhetoric. The speaker realizes that the only
way to fully express his love for Stella in his poetry is to write from his heart, using the three forms of
rhetoric. Sidney begins to persuade Stella through logos, in which he states his arguments for the
reasons as to why she should pity him. He persuades her through his rhetoric and reading. He believes
that good poetry must
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Response To Lee Lewis Play Oedipus
To Lee Lewis, the most important aspect of theatre is the message the writers are trying to put across
to the audience. In order for that message to be heard, there can t be any sense of the director present,
nor the actors behind the characters, as she quotes If the directors hand is to visible in a work then that
s a failure to me ( 2014). This message from the writers is so powerful because it
conveys present issues and thoughts, which is why she is so interested in directing new work . You can
t take the writing of someone else and use it as your own materiel she quotes. This is what she calls re
authoring when an artist like Barrie Kosky or Benedict Andrews takes a work such as Barrie Kosky s
remake of Oedipus ... Show more content on ...
In an interview with Belvoir Street Theatre in 2012 he quotes; I found a deep sense of place (at once
concrete and metaphoric), and silence as an invisible substance the structuring principle which
underpins all utterances . Andrews feels these artists teach lessons about life and help him explore the
depths of theatre as an art form. He is only interested in working on great plays with great actors as he
states in the same interview. Barry Kosky is a very influential director who is interested in adapting to
the way he views a play, in 2000 at the National Circus Conference at the Powerhouse, he stated I m
not interested in the likes and dislikes of the audience. I m interested in my likes and dislikes...I need
an audience, but I need an audience that want to come on my ride, not the other way around. I think a
lot of people in this country are led by the notion that the audience is somehow indicative of the work
that should be done. For Kosky especially, the directorial strategies are very present and can
sometimes change the story from the way the writers intended. He is very present within his works but
that is his choice, it is not a mistake, instead of using the actors as characters he tends to use them as
props, and instead of using the writers to produce scripts, he uses the scripts as more
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What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Studying Abroad
In the last century, the contemporary world has become more globalized than before. There has been a
worldwide integration in different fields of life such as economic, political, business, trade, financial,
and educational fields. In order to deal with this globalization, students, in all over the world, should
be opened to other countries and cultures which exceed the boundary of their nation. Studying abroad,
which means leaving the homeland country and pursuing the education in another country ( Dervin
Byron, 2008), could be one of the ways for the students to explore this globalized world. It has been
mentioned by the Institute of International Education (IIE) that in the last two decades the number of
students studying abroad worldwide has tripled (Lieb, 2016). Should students be more encouraged ...
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Their point of view is that it is hard for these students to be responsible for arranging money for
university s tuition fees and for their living expenses. Although that is correct to a certain extent, there
are some weaknesses in this view. Firstly, students who have the intention to study abroad would put a
prior financial plan with their parents. That helps them to know their budget, and to spend money
according to it. Also, if there are some unexpected circumstances happen, they will be assisted
financially by their parents. Secondly, some universities and schools provide full or partial
scholarships for the international students (Cadd,2012). For example, University of British Columbia
offers scholarships and other forms of financial aid for international students. Thirdly, many students
can work part time jobs while studying to earn money. That will help them to cover their personal
expenses (Tyner,2013). There are many jobs that these students can work such as working in a
restaurant, club, library, or shop
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How Does Suicide Affect Teens
Suicide is a major problem in today s society. It is an even bigger problem for teenagers because
suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year olds (Teen Suicide Statistics). The Show 13
Reasons Why that premiered on Netflix showcases this important issue. This show will have a major
impact because it is reaching such a wide audience and has become so popular among teens. Although
the show 13 Reasons Why is said to be damaging to teens because it s very graphic, it is actually
beneficial to teenagers because it raises awareness about bullying and will prevent suicide.
This popular show 13 Reasons Why, is very influential and can really pass along advice to the
viewers. This show can raise awareness about bullying among all teenagers in this day in society. In
the article Get the Facts, it says, ... that 15% of students reported seriously considering suicide, 11%
reported creating a plan, and 7% reporting trying to take their own life (Get The Facts). This shows
how bullying can eventually lead to suicide. In a second sourced labeled Facts About Teens, Suicide
and 13 Reasons Why, Ron Avi Astor at the University of Southern California analyzed responses to
the California Healthy Kids survey that was given to middle and high school kids across the state. The
responses from the survey said this, Can bullying really influence someone to commit suicide? ...
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It can teach the viewers to watch what they say and how the stuff can affect the other person. It also
raises awareness about bullying and suicide. The series also can prevent suicide, at the end of the
show it shows a hotline in which you can call for help if you are in need. This shows that you should
not be afraid to ask for help because it can really help out in the long run. In the end even though the
show is said to be graphic and triggering, it can raise awareness about bullying and can prevent
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Mgmt 591 Lsi Essay
Tiffany Hawkins
May 18, 2013
LSI Paper
Mgmt 570
The Life Styles Conflict Inventory assignment gave me a chance to see on paper how my thinking
styles influence my ability to deal with conflict situation. The life styles survey is geared towards
helping individuals gain an insight into their own self development and personality along with the type
of behaviors we exercise to others as well. By doing the survey, I have a better understanding on how I
can constructively deal with conflict as an individual. The survey also helps us take a look on the
positive and negative qualities of our own personalities and different ways we to build and improve
upon them.
My score for constructive conflict which includes, pragmatist, ... Show more content on ...
I feel at times I accommodate myself at the approval of others. Like for example, I may act differently
around certain people then I would around people I feel comfortable around. I also try to maintain a
sense of peace and try to smooth over any differences that the group or peers may have. I can honestly
say that I try to stay away from any and every conflict if possible.
My score for aggressive/defensive style which includes escalator, dominator, competitor, and
perfectionist ranked medium/low. The escalator style I scored in the 97th percentile. I wasn t surprised
at my ranking in this field. Growing up I was spoiled as a child and I always got what I wanted. When
conflicts do arise I always get very upset at first and think it s a personal attack against me. It does
have affect on my personal relationship with my boyfriend when we get into arguments. I always try
to find a way to turn the argument around to make myself look good but I know this is unfortunately
self defeating. I know this is probably my biggest downfall among other but I know I can improve on
this in order to become successful. I didn t score to low in the competitor field. I do see winning as an
opportunity for growth and development in the business world. In my eyes, winning shows a since of
respect and people will get
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Road Visit To Goa Essay
Road Trip from Pune to Goa!!!
For years I have been dreaming of a long road trip from Pune to Goa. Our engagement gives us an
opportunity to go to Goa and that was our next destination after this engagement. I and my fiancée
Srishti planned for a road trip of 4 days to Goa in my car. Rather that visiting the whole Goa, we
decided to visit only the north part of Goa.
We planned to visit one of the best cities, Goa and planned all things to make this trip a memorable
one. North Goa covers half of Goa. Goa is famous for magnificent scenic beauty, old houses,
churches, temple and beautiful golden sand beaches and exciting culture. The best road to reach north
Goa in all aspect is from Pune NH4 Kolhapur Nipani (Karnataka state) Sankeshwar (Karnataka ...
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Now my car s control was in Srishti s hand. I was aware about the bad condition of Nipani Ajara road,
so we took the road which is 10 14 Km extra than Ajara road. Sankeshwar Gandhinglaj road was wide
and smooth enough to save journey time. We stop for some time at Amboli Ghat and then moved
ahead for next destination, Baga. It took 5 hours to reach Baga and it was around 12 noon. So we
search for a decent hotel for freshen up and rest. We booked a room at Relax Holiday Home in Arpora
for next 3 days. It is a nice hotel with swimming pool, gym and other amenities. After getting fresh,
we went for lunch as both were hungry. We had our lunch at the hotel restaurant and the food was
delectable. We had a power nap at the hotel after lunch. Then we went to Chapora Fort that played an
important role in history in defending the Portuguese from the attacks of Marathas. After spending
some time at the top of the fort we headed towards the Vagator beach. It s a small and beautiful beach
with a very less crowd. We spend some quality time together and saw the lovely sunset over the sea.
We had some lovely conversation that realizes me how special she is for me. At 7pm we went towards
Arpora Saturday night bazaar which is a very famous night bazaar. It is filled with many shopping
stalls, food stalls, drinks, live music show, etc. and you will enjoy walking through these. We spend 3
hours there by walking through the
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A Defense Of Peter Singer s Famine Relief Argument
Yaoxian Qu
Chad Vance
Introduction to Philosophy
A Defense of Peter Singer s Famine Relief Argument In his paper Famine affluence and morality ,
Peter Singer sought to provide response to a significant moral question: Is it morally permissible to
not donate to famine? Singer argued that we are morally obligated to famine relief. I am deeply
convinced by his argument. In this paper, I shall examine two significant objections to singer s
argument and explain why they would ultimately fail. Singer s original argument takes the following
(P1) Suffering and death from lack of food, shelter and medical care are bad
(P2) If we can prevent something bad from happening without sacrificing anything of comparable
moral importance, then we are morally obligated to do so.
(P3) Death caused by famine is something bad that happens that we can prevent without sacrificing
anything of comparable moral importance (namely, by donating to famine relief).
(C) Therefore, we ought to donate to famine relief. Singer assumed premise 1 to be undoubtedly true,
which is manifested by his statement: It is difficult, perhaps impossible, to refute such positions, and
so for brevity I will henceforth take this assumption as accepted. (Singer, 2) Those who disagree need
read no further. To support the second premise of his argument, he provided the following situation:
Shallow Pond: Imagine that you are going to work. On your way to work, you see a child drowning in
a pond.
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Conception Of Negative Liberty In Robert Wright s Black Boy
The one conception of liberty that offers the most morally defensible analysis of a person in both of
these circumstances is Negative Liberty, as it removes the restrictions on one s ability to make
something of themselves and survive. The one conception of liberty that offers the least morally
defensible analysis is Positive Liberty, as it above and beyond what is necessary for a person to
survive and thrive. Positive Liberty asks that we provide everything that one needs to thrive, while
Negative Liberty maintains that we remove the restrictions on being able to attain those resources that
are required for Positive Liberty to exist. In Two Conceptions of Liberty, Isaiah Berlin defines
Negatively Liberty as to be free to the degree to which ... Show more content on ...
A frightened black woman sat between them. They got out and half dragged and half kicked the
woman into the store (Wright, 157). This is the kind of scene that we are exposed to in Richard Wright
s Black Boy. The obvious abuse of power by a white paternalistic society are seen in crystal clear
vision here. Wright is showing us just how bad it was for not only African Americans, but women in
the 1920 s. The Jim Crow Laws that American remembers well are a blatant example that necessitates
Negative Liberty. African American s during this era absolutely needed Negative Liberty above all
else. They could feed themselves, they could walk around, however, this was all done in fear, as they
were not free of the negative coercion of the dominant race in the country at the
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Paul Is Comforting And Reassuring The Colossian
(Summarise what I think the basic point of the passage is)
In this passage, Paul is comforting and reassuring the Colossians. Their minds were being filled with
false heretical teachings such as worshipping angels over God and trying to reinforce obscure
restrictions from the Old Testament. Paul encourages the Colossians to ignore their false and proud
teachings as, the Head (Jesus) makes the decisions for the body (the church), and all the ligaments
(believers/followers) must do is follow the orders from the head and ignore those that think otherwise.
He reminds the Colossians that Jesus died for us, and he is our leader, which would imply that any
other form of playing God is to be ignored.
Historical Context
(Why Colossians was written. To whom, what was going on in the church/life of Paul to provoke what
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They were also advocates of worshipping angels and had claimed that they had a number of
revelations and visions. Angels are part of the creation but are not the creator describes that some
people can misconstrue God s teachings and take them out of context. Worshipping angels also is
symbol of the angels that worshipped Lucifer, which is a demonic teaching, and is blasphemous. (Col
The head in this verse represents God, the body represents the church and the ligaments and joints
represent the followers and people of the church. Not holding fast to the head represents the heretics
who ha no relationship with Christ and were true believers in Christianity. The head gives the orders to
the body and the joints and ligaments are what move the body in doing what the church does. Paul
expresses that we are what make the church survive, but it can only ultimately be a Christian church
with Christ leading the way. (Col
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Personal Experience In My Life
I forgot to make Johnny and Cora, my younger siblings, their lunches again today. It s been very hard
on me, I have so much more responsibility than I have ever had before. With my older sister, Betsy,
sick in bed with the Spanish Flu, my mama working in a factory, and my father away fighting in the
Great War, I have to do everything I can for my family. I cook, clean, get the kids ready, help with
homework, care for Betsy, and I don t mind it all that much. The only thing I miss most about my old
life is getting to go to school and have opportunities to learn. All I can do now is sit at home and read
in the little free time I have. Today, I have to go to the pharmacist and refill Betsy s medicine. I walk
out of the door and into the busy ... Show more content on ...
Papa s coming home! I yell as I thrust the newspaper into her cold hands. Oh Rose, this is such good
news. Papa s coming home! she says weakly, but with a huge grin on her face. We sit together and talk
about what it ll be like with papa back at home. I read through the rest of the newspaper with her
looking over my shoulder. Betsy, look at this! There were 53,402 casualties in the war, that s a great
deal of men. I say with a frown. We seem to both know the possibility that papa didn t make it, but we
keep quiet. I hear the door swing open and run downstairs. Cora! Johnny! The Great War s over! I yell
as they put down their bags. Does that mean papa s coming home? Johnny cried out with tears of joy.
Yes it does Johnny. We ll all be together soon. I say as I pull them into a hug. Once they go to bed, I sit
by the fire and read through the newspaper some more. I see an article about Women s Suffrage and
wonder why my mama hadn t talked about this at all. It talks about women fighting for equal job
opportunities and even the right to vote. As I am caught up in reading, I hear a knock at the door. I
look through the window and see that it is my mother standing in the cold. Right when I open the
door, I realize that something is wrong. Mama? What s wrong? I say, dreading what her answer will
be. It s papa. He s gone. I got a letter at work today, she says, her voice shaky and soft. All I can do is
stand here, paralyzed with grief. My father,
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Ccu Widget Factory Assessment
CSU Widget Factory Assessment I have been asked to review three workplace injuries. The review
will consist of analysis s in the rate of recordable injuries (TRIR), the number of recordable injuries
that an employee missed work, resulted in a death, reduction in work duty, and transfers
(DART/LWDII), and the Severity Rate (SR) of incidents, on an average, of the number of lost days to
injuries and illness in the workplace. These lagging indicators are measured after the event, and for
comparison, leading indicators will be discussed to offer insight as to prevent the injuries in the future.
Data Analysis Leading Indicators During this assessment, three injuries were reported, burned retinas
in both eyes, lumbar strain, and a respiratory related
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The Transformation Of The Mongol Empire
The Mongol empire was one of the most dictatorial, formidable, and efficacious empires to ever
gallop across this earth. They were revolutionaries of there time. There military tactics, horsemanship,
and leadership system all helped cultivate an immense powerhouse that wreaked havoc on anyone
standing in their path. However it was there governance and leadership of these conquered these lands
that was most stunning and lasting.
The Mongol people started out as separated factions that were no more than a few hundred men. There
were bitter rivalries and animosity between tribes and long power struggle for control of the Steppe.
However it was not to stay this way for long. Born in 1162, Temujin, or more formally known as
Genghis Khan was summoned upon this earth. From an early age he was destined to become
something special. As all boys at this time, he was groomed to learn how to fight, kill, and defend his
tribe from other castes. You would assume that Genghis would have had a deep rooted hatred towards
the other nomads. However Temujin saw these nomadic people of the Steepes and he knew he could
unite them. In reality, however, the tribe was a rather open institution, its membership created more by
shared political interests than by descent from a common ancestor. It is the only way that is possible to
explain the fact that Chingiz Khan was able to organize the nomads of Central Asia. (Morgan, 2007)
His ability to coordinate and manage these nomad s was only the
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What Are The Things I Learned In Dare
These are things that I learned in DARE. The Introduction, DARE is Define, Assess, Respond, and
Evaluate. First, drug abuse, what is drug abuse? When friends or strangers offer you drugs, which is
bad. The only drugs are good are or is medicine your doctor gives you when you have strep throat
which is amoxicillin. When strangers or friends offer you drugs you should say: no. Which is the
option you do choose, but if they have something wrong with them and start attacking you or beat you
up, then feel free to kick then in the shin or punch them and run if it s after school but with the
stranger, run away even if you are an adult still do.
The 3 Paragraphes part 1: Tobacco. Tobacco includes smoking and that s it, smoking includes
cigarettes and cigars. The same stranger and friend or friends who offered drugs thinks it s a good idea
to offer you cigarettes. If you think cigarettes are good for you, then you don t know what smoking is.
For the young ones reading this and don t know what tobacco or smoking is, then i should probably
tell them before it s too late. The young ones who don t want to read this then they should ask their
parents, but i m gonna tell them otherwise. Smoking or tobacco is when you have a cigarette or a cigar
and you light it with a lighter, it s really bad to smoke. Why is it so dangerous or bad to smoke?
Because your lungs are getting more and more damaged the more you smoke, and that puts you in a
high risk of lung cancer. And the ... Show more content on ...
Bullying includes verbal, social, physical the worst one, and cyber which is online bullying. You have
probably been bullied when you were a kid or not, but if you were bullied as a kid, i m sorry. You
should tell the teacher or fight back with is the option you should or shouldn t do but if you do fight
back, it s either you get caught by the teacher or tell the teacher. If you get caught by the teacher then
you re in trouble or tell the teacher and the bullies are in
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Four Factors of an Aircraft in Flight
The human being is set apart from all other animals by an intelligent, reasoning mind. Another quality
that humans seem to possess is an inherent drive to utilize that mind to achieve to recognize
challenges and to attempt conquer them (Smith, 1992, p. 1). One of my favorite person that I used to
read about in high school was Benjamin Franklin; one of the founding Father of the United States of
America and the master mind behind the invention of electricity. As stated in the words of Smith, the
curiosity of Franklin lead him to discover how electricity works. This same driven factor of human
mind was what led the Wrights Brother to invent and fly the first power aircraft. The four forces that
are acting on an aircraft in flight are: Lift, Weight, Thrust and Drag. The airplane stays up because it
doesn t have the time to fall (Wrights Brothers). One of the unique quality/ characteristic that
differentiate aircraft from all other vehicles is its ability to get up in the air and stay for a long period
of time. The force that raises an object into the air is called lift. The force that acts against this lift
force is called weight. The left principle states that in order for an object to be lifted off the ground,
the weight of that object should be less than the air surrounding it. Now you might be asking, why is it
that aircraft which is heavier than car fly but car don t? The answer to this question lies within the
engineering of an aircraft. An aircraft has something
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Tips For College Essay Editing - College Raptor BlogCollege Raptor

  • 1. Tips For College Essay Editing - College Raptor BlogCollege Raptor 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Tips For College Essay Editing - College Raptor BlogCollege Raptor Tips For College Essay Editing - College Raptor BlogCollege Raptor
  • 2. Chin-Kee In The Monkey King Which leads us to the character of Chin Kee. At first he seems like a way for the author to call out the racist sitcom culture. With Chin Kee s extremely yellow complexion, his heavy Chinese accent and his high intelligence, he fits all the racist stereotypes people have of Asians. However, we later learn that Chin Kee was a disguise for the Monkey King and when we realize that Danny was formerly known as Jin Wang, Chin Kee s character gains another layer. Chin Kee s character does not just call out the racist sitcom culture, he is also there as a manifestation of Jin Wang s internalized racism. First of all, by writing this story as an American sitcom with a laugh track, every action of Chin Kee is underlined and mocked. Every mispronunciation ... Show more content on ... Chin Kee represents everything Danny hates about himself and his Chinese identity. He s therefore a manifestation of his internalized racism. Every time Chin Kee visits, he is reminded of the Chinese identity that he rejected. Danny tries to run away, change schools, but that won t change the fact that he is Chinese. His struggles with his identity will always follow him around, until he deals with them. When the Monkey King shows his true form, he asks Danny to do the same thing, to reveal himself as Jin Wang. The Monkey King tells Danny that he s not here to punish him, but to serve as your conscience as a signpost to your soul (221). The Monkey King is here to try and help Jin find his true identity, instead of running away from it. When Jin Wang asks him what he is supposed to do next, the Monkey King answers him: You know, Jin, I would have saved myself from five hundred years imprisonment beneath a mountain of rock had I only realized how good it is to be a monkey (223). The book does not give a clear answer what exactly his identity will be now. However, he has started to try and make things right with Wei Chen Sun, so he has made a first step into overcoming his internalized racism and accepting his Chinese identity .He seems at peace with himself, which is all a reader can hope ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Certified Ethical Hacking Lab #9 Assessment Worksheet Investigating and Responding to Security Incidents Course Name and Number: CSS280 1501A 01 Ethical Hacking Student Name: ***** ****** Instructor Name: ***** ****** Lab Due Date: 2/9/2015 Overview In this lab, you acted as a member of the incident response team who had been assigned an incident response in the form of a help desk trouble ticket. You followed the phases of a security incident response to investigate the event, contain the malware, eradicate the suspicious files, re test the system in readiness for returning it to service, and complete a detailed security incident response report in the provided template. You used AVG ... Show more content on ... You also used the OpenVAS scanning tool to scan the TargetSnort virtual machine to test the Snort configuration and see exactly what circumstances trigger an IDS alert. Lab Assessment Questions amp; Answers 1. What is the difference between an IDS and an IPS? The main difference between one system and the other is the action they take when an attack is detected in its initial phases (network scanning and port scanning). * The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) provides the network with a level of preventive security against any suspicious activity. The IDS achieves this objective through early warnings aimed at systems administrators. However, unlike IPS, it is not designed to block attacks. * An Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) is a device that controls access to IT networks in order to protect systems from attack and abuse. It is designed to inspect attack data and take the corresponding action, blocking it as it is developing and before it succeeds, creating a series of rules in the corporate firewall, for example. 2. Why is it important to perform a network traffic baseline definition analysis? So the administrator can ensure that the presence, absence, amount, direction, ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Light in August Essay In the novel Light in August, Joe Christmas and Joanna Burden are extremely damaged individuals. Both characters were raised in turbulent environments with an emphasis on religion. The sins they committed had a profound impact on them. They knew that their behavior was wrong but they were compelled to continue. Religion became a mental prison for them. A prison that they created but that they would never escape alive. Although Joe and Joanna viewed religion in completely different ways, they both lacked the capacity to forgive themselves because of their upbringing. For Joanna, religion was a source of comfort that was pushed on her by her father. Joanna was raised by puritans and she lives her life with a constant subconscious fear of ... Show more content on ... (Lackey 66) McEachern was a tyrant who perverted the true meaning of religion for Joe Christmas. He saw it as his duty to convert Christmas to Christianity and to force him away from a sinful life. Christmas was essentially raised to hate what he became. His sin becomes a way for him to resist McEachern s oppression but it also traps him. Joe Christmas was conditioned to believe that sin is wrong and by committing sins he was fighting everything that he had ever been taught. Joe was also subconsciously taught to distrust women. From his first experience with the dietician, all he knew was betrayal by the women in his life. His foster mother betrayed his foster father by attempting to help him. In his eyes, women were not to be trusted. The breaking point for Joe was Joanna s pregnancy scare. To him it was the ultimate betrayal. You haven t got any baby, you never had one. There is not anything wrong with you except being old. You just got old and it happened to you and now you are not any good anymore . (Faulkner 277) Joanna did not know what was happening to her body because she had never been taught. Joe however saw her mistake as an attempt at control. Her age made her useless to him and this realization destroyed her will to live. Maybe it would be better if we were both dead . (Faulkner 278) If she could not have Joe then she would kill him and then herself. Joe resolved to kill Joanna in order to escape her. He believed with calm paradox that he was the ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Essay On Enron Fraud A once massive communications company was brought to ruin by the mishandling of DIRECTORS, OFFICERS, and the CEO. Between 1999 and 2002 the CEO Bernie Ebbers orchestrated over $9 billion worth of fraudulent accounting transactions. Surely all of this was not accomplished by just one man, this took teams of people who were unwilling to question authority or stand up during times of corporate wrong doing. Therefore, the information to follow will contain explanation of how this fraud was committed and by whom, the reasoning behind the fraud, the consequences of their actions for them and the corporation, and the final outcome for the corporation and those directors and officers held accountable. According to the Report of Investigation by the special board of directors for WorldCom the accounting fraud was a number of unsupported and false accounting entries. During the investigation key witnesses were unavailable for questioning and accounting documentation was either nonexistent or piled on the floor of the storage area. This type of disorganization made it merely impossible to conduct any formal audit. Interestingly, the auditor in charge over the course of this fraud was Arthur Andersen who also conducted audits for Enron another company corrupted by fraud. Mr. Ebbers was indicated to be the main person in charge of the fraudulent accounting transactions. Through the course of this artifice, there were several other employees and officers involved; however, the focus ... Get more on ...
  • 6. High Levels Of Competitiveness And Hyper Competitiveness Thornton, Ryckman, and Gold (2011) theorize that high levels of competitiveness or hyper competitiveness would have a significant influence over achievement striving and impatience and irritability. It was further hypothesized that personal development competitiveness would be correlated with achievement striving but not with impatience or irritability. Hyper competitiveness was defined as competitiveness with others while personal development competitiveness was correlated with competing with oneself for self improvement. Three hundred and four participants were administered the Hyper competitive Attitude Scale, the Personal Development Competitive Attitude Scale, and the Type A Behavior Pattern Inventory. The results of the study indicated that Type A individuals who were hyper competitive were more likely to demonstrate the irritable and impatient aspects of Type A personality. They were also less likely to demonstrate positive correlations with achievement strings including academic achievement. In contrast, people with high levels of Personal Development Competitiveness were more likely to show high level achievement strings including academic achievements and were less likely to demonstrate impatience or irritability. Thornton, Ryckman, and Gold (2011) argue that this demonstrates that while some aspects of Type A personality and competitiveness have a positive effect on academic achievement and other types of achievement strings some can be highly detrimental to ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Abuse Of Delia In Sweat By Zora Hurston Due to the abuse that Delia suffers in the short story Sweat by Zora Hurston, she becomes stronger and gains independence. Sykes is a overcontrolling husband and frequently abuses Delia throughout their marriage. He does this in several different ways. First is verbal, he is always yelling and at Delia and never has anything nice to say. Along with a general rudeness toward her he makes threats to her, saying things such as, Ah oughter mash you in yo mouf fuh drawing dat skillet on me (Hurston 3). This threatening manner eventually stops working as she grew numb to his threats after fifteen years of marriage. So, in response to her numbness he escalates his abuse by physically assaulting her. The third way he torments his wife is psychologically ... Show more content on ... Her strength is a mental strength and she is stronger than most. Although Sykes is able to physically abuse her and stoops to lows such as abuse she still fights back. This is surprising as women during this time were expected to be completely submissive and obey their husband s command. Instead she ignores him since she knows that she is the dominant one. Even the men at the shop recognize that she is the provider in the family and that Sykes is an abuser. They also recognize the effect the abuse had on her and her appearance. They say the women Never wuz de same in de mind (Hurston 4). They also say Delia wuz ez pretty ez a speckled pup (Hurston 4). Now though she does not look the same as she did when she first married Sykes. Despite her abuse from her husband she grows stronger because of it. She does this by simply getting used to it. This is why he keeps changing his ways of abuse, because she has over come them and has become numb to them. Eventually everything will reach a boiling point where there is no ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Essay Courtroom Observsation You be the Judge Week 5 Courtroom Observation Paper Research BUSI 301 Liberty University Indiana Northern District Court Judges: Chief Justice Raymond, Brown, Uphold, Batten, Grambo, Wray, Bryant, Cross and Allen Case Number: 80a14 5352 vc804 Plaintiff: Debora White Plaintiff Representatives: Ashley Gavin and Jackson Riley Defendant: O Malley s Tavern and Patrick Gibbs Defendant Representatives: Xander Barden and Katelyn Lippa Defendant Council Overview: Xander Barden and Katelyn Lippa are the defendant s (O Malley s Tavern and Patrick Gibbs) representatives they are recommending the Court present an outline verdict to the bartender, John Daniels and O Malley s Tavern. There is definite ... Show more content on ... Norris case which was brought up in the courtroom; Mr. Hard was not as drunk. (Ashlock v. Norris, 475 N.E.2d 1167, 1170 (Ind. Ct. App. 1985). The bartender, Mr. John Daniels did not have any definite awareness of Mr. Hard s intoxication. Mr. Daniels is not able to recall any unusual behavior that was displayed by Mr. Hard. He does not have any reclamation of observing Mr. Edward Hard tripping over the pool stick because he had stepped away from the room. He did witness an argument start at the entrance doorway between Mr. Bruno White and Mr. Edward Hard in which Mr. Hard provoked. There were no additional drinks served after the altercation took place, the final alcoholic beverage had been ordered and served prior to the incident and therefore is not said to be actual knowledge. The last drink is the cutoff point for the statue and where the definite ruling intervenes. The process is in order to try and obtain an abstract opinion from Mr. John Daniels stating that he had no familiarity of Mr. Hard being drunk. When Mr. Edward Hard left the O Malley s Tavern he followed Mr. Bruno White in a careless manner, damaging numerous vehicles and consequently hitting Mr. White s automobile and killing him. The direct aim of Mr. Hard is being safeguarded with the implication of a motor vehicle accident while being intoxicated. The understanding and cause of the intoxication is not what is relevant, however the altercation that occurred at ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Personal Values Beliefs And Values Personal values, beliefs, and principles are necessary for individuals to know about themselves. However, when asked the question, what are your personal values, beliefs, and principles the first responses are often a laundry list of characteristics with the assumption that the three words are synonymous. From my experience, when asked this question the list grew longer and I started to wonder what the differences existed between each of these terms. Recognizing these differences is a major component of discovering how I make decisions when facing ethical dilemmas involving directives that may be morally unsound. Hence, I began the search of how the terms relate, their meaning and what my answer is to this question. Since I invested time to find the differences in principles, beliefs and values my long list became more defined. So, the essay will encompass the definitions of the terms, explain two elements for each category, how they relate to one another and how the knowledge influences tough decisions. Values What are values and what makes these different from principles and beliefs? Various references agree that values are the motivations and behaviors used to determine priorities of what one sees as important in life and work (, 2017; Atkins, 2017; Value, n.d.). The definition applied my list of characteristics illustrated how I desire to represent myself and what I value most. First, I value commitment to my principles, which my faith as a Christian ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Analysis Of The Story The Yellow Wallpaper By... Clinical psychologist and writer, Kay Redfield Jamison once said, I think one thing is that anybody who s had to contend with mental illness whether it s depression, bipolar illness or severe anxiety, whatever actually has a fair amount of resilience in the sense that they ve had to deal with suffering already, personal suffering. In the story, The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the narrator has severe depression, at the very least, and knows that she can get better if she is given the right treatment. While trying to get better, she can t help but be fixated on the yellow wallpaper in her room. The yellow wallpaper in this story is a representation of the narrator s relationship with her disease. The exterior portion of the wallpaper is a portrayal of the narrator s disease. At night, it becomes bars (Gilman 15). The fact that the exterior portion of the wallpaper becomes bars at night is symbolizing the fact that her disease is keeping her at bay and keeping her locked in, or unable to get better, whereas during the daytime, the exterior part is normal. This relates to how at times her disease is calm and controlled and other times, it flares up and completely controls her. The pattern is also described as torturing. Once you think that you have the pattern mastered, it comes back to overtake you. Whenever the narrator describes the frustrating the outside of the wallpaper is, she is illustrating how each time she starts to get the upper ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Woolworths Report Woolworths Transformation in Supply and Logistics Chains Hlaing Win Thawdar Li yi Mo yun Muhammad Fauzi Yuzar The Report has detail explanations about the current position Woolworths is standing in Australia s retail industry as well as against its competitors, the operation process before and after the change, the contributions Woolworths has made not only to the economy but also for the community, how Woolworths is shaping it CSR and the organized future plans that Woolworths has thought ahead. | Table of Contents The History of Woolworths3 1. About Australia s Retail Industry3 2. The Description of Woolworths3 3. Woolworths and its Competitors4 Supply Chain5 1. The Woolworth s roles in the Retail grocery ... Show more content on ... There are over 700 branches of supermarkets throughout Australia. Woolworth s started out as a single variety store similar to Wal mart and opened its first supermarket in 1955. It then opened the Big W discount department store chains for general merchandise and then Dick Smith Electronics in the consumer electronics division. Its operations are mainly in the supermarket category launching under nearly ten different names. The most recent one would be Macro Wholefoods Market which sells organic food and produce. Woolworth s stalls also include Thomas Dux Grocer, the upmarket deli chain, which has branched out from Woolworth s concept of inexpensive and whole sale method. Expanding from the brick and mortar method, it has e tailing channel as well. Woolworth s is also famous for Everyday Services which have loyalty program offering reward cards, Credit Card system and pre paid mobile service. In June 2010, new product known as Everyday Money Prepaid MasterCard was introduced. For facts about sustainability, Woolworth s is considered as a major investor in the communities of Australia and New Zealand. It makes contributions back to the economy by creating jobs, injecting more innovative products into economic flow and encouraging productivity. From a social point of view, the training and educational development programs are provided by Woolworth s to thousands of its employees, bringing up the food quality standards for the community, and direct ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Characteristic Of Decisions In Steinbeck s Of Mice And... The ability to make decisions and choices is a defining characteristic of humanity. Decisions define us, and they reveal to the world our values, motivations, and desires. As renowned author J.K Rowling once wrote, It is our choices... that show what we truly are (Rowling 333). This concept is one that can be readily observed in history, literature, and society and it is especially prevalent in Steinbeck s novella, Of Mice and Men. The decisions that individuals make in both fiction and the real world, can reveal characteristics of themselves that even they do not know. In Of Mice and Men, the first defining decision that reveals a character s personality is Candy s decision to forego shooting his dog. In the story, Candy is forced to make a difficult choice: to either kill his old, seemingly useless dog himself, or to let someone else do it. Ultimately, Candy succumbs to pressure from his fellow ranchers and he reluctantly lets someone else kill his beloved companion. When this impetuous decision is dissected, Candy s demeanor, values, and varying characteristics are revealed. Initially, when the idea of killing Candy s dog is brought up by Carlson, Candy immediately dismisses it saying, You ain t got no gun... [m]aybe tomorra (Steinbeck 47). However, when this idea is suggested just one more time, Candy agrees. This entire interaction shows that Candy is extremely compliant and acquiescent in his demeanor. He shies away from conflict and he will quickly change his own ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Blindness In King Lear Blindness Analysis Blindness is a motif that is seen throughout the play, whether it be literal or figurative blindness. The play revolves around the idea of blindness and almost all the characters at one point suffer from a point of being blind and oblivious to their surroundings. The first time we see blindness is with King Lear, in the very first scene of the play. King Lear is attempting to divide the kingdom between his three daughters. However Lear is blind to the fact that his two eldest daughters are deceiving, while his youngest daughter, whom he has banished, actually loved him the most. Lear is blind to their deception, and makes the mistake of splitting his kingdom between Goneril and Regan, this will eventually cause Lear to lose ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Wonders Of The Invisible World Chapter Summary Throughout time, historians have relied on first person encounters to accurately depict the world and the people at a certain time. Cotton Mather s, The Wonders of the Invisible World, does exactly that by giving the reader a perspective into the Salem witch trials as well as a first person view from Mather himself. Through this work, Mather shares his opinions on the actions taken in the trials and the works of the Devil and God inside of New England. During this time period, religion played a significant part in society such that it was a driving force behind the hysteria created. This hysteria doesn t seem to reach Mather, but rather he seems to be compelled to write due to his pre existing concern for society against the Devil and witchcraft. ... Show more content on ... It seems to be that Mather makes this deduction with guidance from his observations and is his driving force behind writing Wonders. He feels as though the Devil is running rampant through the colony that he has poured his heart into and also that it is a personal attack against him. Even though he understands everything that is taking place, he doesn t have the power as a single person to destroy it. All of this comes as though Mather knew this would happen to the colony at a certain point. This preface can be seen when Mather begins to discuss how the Ephesians were rejoicing in God s gospel and the Devil began to try and dismantle all of their joy (151). The whole situation seems to be a prophetic experience for Mather which leads to him realizing how rooted the Devil is in his colony and the destruction that he is causing. He later goes on to state that, the devil has made a dreadful knot of witches in the county implying, once again, the rooted aspect of the Devil (152). This expresses one of the true characteristics of why Mather brought Wonders to life; he wants people to understand the true magnitude of what is happening and the reason behind ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Mohammed Reza Pahlavi And The Iranian Revolution The Iranian Revolution was the first of many popular civil insurrections that resulted in the overthrow of an autocratic monarchy which lasted from 1977 to 1979. It consisted of non violent demonstrations by the revolutionaries until late 1978, due to the shah s decision to violently silence demonstrators. The shah, during the time period, was Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. He was viewed by many to be a western puppet who implemented a variety of systems and programs that suggested westernization. Iran was being transformed under his rule, and there were efforts to separate from Islamic culture and religious values. However, because of Pahlavi s anti traditional changes, he saw a broad coalition of forces formed against him. These revolutionaries ... Show more content on ... The urban poor and trade union members desired a populist economy that supported their well being and gave the more financial opportunities. They also wanted democratic rights but were more concerned with their well being. The students generally just wanted transparency. Students were very anxious about their future and the condition of Iran. They wanted to rid Iran of corruption and westernization. Intellectuals wanted the Khomeini to return, to change the governmental structure, economic programs, and restore nationalism in Iran. Leftists strongly opposed the shah and were open to the clerics guidance. Islamists, of course, listened to the clerics and wanted Islamic culture to be reestablished in Iran. Lastly, the Shi a clerics wanted to establish an Islamic State, to cease westernization, and to rebuild Islamic culture. All these groups supported Khomeini and wanted the shah to be overthrown. They were not going to be satisfied with reformation alone to the shah. Although they all evidently had personal wishes, they came together in order to depose the shah and rebuild Iran ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Analysis Of Judith Slaying Holofernes Judith Slaying Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi ultimately painted one of the most violent representations of Judith in the history of art (Straussman Pflanzer, 12). Gentileschi was the only woman painter of the Baroque period in her time. She was born in Rome in 1593 to Orazio Gentileschi and Prudenzia Montoni. Artemisia was a follower of Caravaggio, whom art is frequently considered primarily in terms of its naturalism (Straussman Pflanzer, 13). She also learned the principles of art from her father and the basic perspective from Tassi. In Judith Slaying Holofernes the woman represented in a yellow costly garment is no other than Judith a Jewish widow. Despite her beauty for deceiving men, she is very brutal in revenge. By easily gaining her way through the Assyrians she gracefully grabs the attention of the General Holofernes, and then kills him by slicing through his neck with his own sword. She is then the heroine figure for Bethulia, Jerusalem, the Temple, and the people (Judith 8:11 12). The story of Judith is told to be a young religious widow from the Jewish city of Bethulia, chops off the head of Holofernes, general of the Assyrian army that had attacked her city. Robin Gallaher Branch states that Judith told the Bethulia leaders to meet her at her home where she could discuss to them her plan on how to save the city from thirst by the enemy (Branch, 1). After getting the approval from her city leaders they acclaim her for her wisdom and released her and ... Get more on ...
  • 17. The Accounting Of Territorial Formation The accountant of the conquest, and the making of what is today Latin America is a debatable subject in the field of humanities, especially in the field history. The most widespread approaches of this history are that of violence, war, oppression, possession of territories, and foundation of new colonies. In Frontier of Possessions, Tamar Herzog, a historian, professor of Latin American presents an account of the conquest from a different perspective, one that proposes that the acquisition of the territory of the New World by Spain and Portugal was a result of interactions of many actors that caused territorial division in both Iberia and the Americas (Herzog, 6). Hence, I conquer that one of the reasons of the conquest was the desire ... Show more content on ... Under those premises, Herzog steps away from comparative history. And focus at history that look at the information, in a thematically agreement with specific actors, and arguments, rather that in sequence, and progression in particular place. From the above mentioned, when analyzing the territorial division in the Americas is necessary to ponder why the treaties failed? Was not the Tordecillas treaty, which gave the right to conquest and posses the New World, enough? This question is very important, and Herzog explores it: the treaty of Tordecillas did not specify a geographical division; European couldn t agree, and trust their science or modernization. This contradictory approach is important in the narrative of Frontiers of Possessions; Herzog presents an opposed view to narrative about the modernity of the Europeans conquerors. It is ironic to think about modernization, conquest, and possessions of lands when European couldn t trust their own modernity, and yet used it as a justifiable reason to posses. This comes to show that these groups of people were common people that possibly did not understood or even care about modernity, but rather possession through different means. As an illustration, Herzog points out that Spaniard and Portuguese did not bother about linear or zonal classification of the land. ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Advice To Youth Satire Twain s Terrible Tips: Analytical Essay of Advice to Youth In Mark Twain s Advice to Youth he is giving advice to the parents of children through satire. Though it may seem he is speaking directly to the children, he uses horatian satire to address the parents and express what he believes to be the problems of how they are raising their children. Children are being raised to always do the right thing, though their parents know they will eventually make mistakes. Twain was trying to change this approach in parenting. Instead of teaching children to be superior, the children should be taught how to be a successful adult. All children are going to disobey, lie, and make mistakes. Mark Twain s satirical approach is meant to show parents that children should be prepared to be an adult, instead of having to learn everything the hard way. In Advice to Youth Twain uses techniques like irony, reversal, and understatement to subtly hint that parenting needs to change. Irony is a great tool to use, because it lightens the mood and brings humor into the story. By using irony, Twain can say the opposite of what he means, and still get his ... Show more content on ... It allows the writer to say the opposite of what the reader is expecting, and still getting their point across. When convincing the reader, getting up in the mornings with a lark is the best, Twain uses reversal. But a lark is really the best thing to get up with. It gives you a splendid reputation with everybody to know that you get up with the lark; and if you get the right kind of lark, and work at him right, you can easily train him to get up at half past nine, every time it s no trick at all. Typically getting up with the lark means getting up very early in the morning, but Twain reverses this belief by saying a person can train a lark to wake up much later. Reversal is a great technique to use in this case, because the reader is not expecting the lark to be waking up so ... Get more on ...
  • 19. A New Kind of Dreaming Conflicts and challenges cause the characters to change and grow Introduction: Anthony Eaton s a new Kind of Dreaming helps the reader to recognise the various challenges and conflicts that cause the characters to change and grow. Anthony Eaton best expresses Jamie as an outsider that is trying to find his place in the world, while uncovering the secrets of Port Barren s shady past. This changes Jamie from an adolescent delinquent to a responsible and admirable person. Jaime develops friendships that lead him to trusting and sympathetic qualities that are unusual for him in his past of crime. Jamie faces a challenge to build a stronger relationship with Cameron, but this is an obstacle for Cameron as he tries to understand Jamie and ... Show more content on ... Having Cameron in his life changed Jamie and challenged him to become a more preferable person. Body Paragraph 2: A challenge that Jamie has to face and overcome is when he tries to have some sense of belonging to the community of Port Barren. Archie, his guardian throughout the novel, tells him his version of a dreamtime story called The wanderers and the lost ones . This story challenges Jamie to think whether he is lost or a wanderer. This makes him feel responsible for finding out who is disturbing the balance and it is up to him to try and restore it. This is shown to the reader when Jamie thinks, It was weird, no beginning, no middle, no end, no plot. And yet he couldn t shake the feeling that there was something important behind the strange words. He pondered it but couldn t make anything of it [page 126]. The story makes Jamie wonder who he is and how he belongs in the community. This challenges him to think more about himself and what he needs to do to change and become a better person. This also made him change the way he thought about himself, it made him to thrive to do the best he can. Conclusion: Jamie faces many conflicts and challenges throughout the novel and they all have an effect that makes him change in character. Jamie s close relationship with Cameron helps him to thrive to be more confident ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Research Paper On Snoring Certainly, you want to know how much SnoreRx cost after knowing all its cool features. Snorerx Pricing: To be honest, when I first read all the incredible features for this fantastic anti snoring device, I was expecting a high price. But, when I ordered 2 SnoreRx pieces, I was surprised to find an amazing discount when you do multiple purchases. One anti snoring piece price: $99. Two anti snoring piece price: $154. Three anti snoring piece price: $199 It was supposed to be $198 when you buy two anti snoring pieces. So, they almost offer us 50% off the second piece deal. You can get your pieces shipped through USPS for $6.95. Also, you can ship you anti snoring pieces with FedEx for $9.95 because they are delivered quicker. Maybe, you ... Show more content on ... Since I could not wear any type of mask for a CPAP, I was told about anti snoring mouthpieces that were on the market to help me with my sleep apnea. So, I checked out the reviews for numerous different types of anti snoring solutions and I was drawn to SnoreRx because of the advanced adjustable feature. It honestly took a couple of weeks to get used to it and have it every night in my mouth but the result is amazing. I am not snoring anymore, I sleep my hours, and I wake up having so much energy because I am sleeping fine. I have recommended your mouthpiece to all I know. It isn t the cheapest mouthpiece out there yet I, and my wife definitely think it s the excellent and well worth its ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Why I Want To Be An Engineer Growing up, Math and science were always my favorite subjects. This led me to desire a career that incorporates these two subjects. As I furthered my education, I discovered I was very interested in engineering. Being able to learn new things and apply that new knowledge is something I have always enjoyed doing. The high job market, life flexibility, financial security and social impact are all reasons I have chosen to pursue a career in software engineering. One reason I want to be an engineer is I enjoy that kind of work. Problem solving is one major part of engineering, and something I have always enjoyed doing. If I enjoy the work I do, engineering will fell much less like a job , and make it much more enjoyable. I always knew I never wanted to have to wake up every morning to go to a job I hated. With engineering, I am ... Show more content on ... Currently, engineers are needed in all parts of the world. Being able to find a job easier will reduce a great deal of stress that may come with other careers. On top of that, because engineers are need all over the world, it is a great way to be able to travel. Although it may not be as relaxing is taking a vacation and traveling, it would still be a great opportunity to see the world. For these reasons, I am motivated to pursue a career in the engineering field. For me, the most important attribute for being an engineer is life flexibility. Seeing the life flexibility my mother has with her engineering job showed me how critical flexibility is. Anytime there was an emergency, my mother was always able to make herself available due to the flexibility of her job. My mother is also able to do the majority of her work from home. Having the flexibility to be able to work from home is another reason life flexibility is on the top of my list. Overall, having a flexible job is very important to me, and the flexibility of engineering is one reason I am drawn to that ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Narcissus Myth This story is a myth, which talks about a man and a beauty woman that is a nymph. Echo had the nymph beauty and Narcissus is the person Echo loved dearly, so she was like Narcissus stocker and at same time her crush. She followed him everywhere by his footsteps, but he didn t know. She waited impatience for him to figure out that she was following him. Until one day he dropped something walking so he had to go back and he heard something following him, so he shouted loudly who s there. She replied here , but he looked around and didn t see anyone, so he said come out then Echo said come and he still didn t see anyone. So Narcissus went about his business and never knew Echo was stocking him or his crush. How these two characters relate and ... Get more on ...
  • 23. The Story Of An Hour Essay The story of an hour Kate Chopin s The story of an hour perceives this seemingly normal middle class family with an extensive amount of colorful irony. Louise Mallard is a housewife who tries to lead the most standard life possible with her all powerful husband.The many years of marriage has brought the feeling of emptiness and vacancy into the soul of Louise Mallard. Through her tribulations of marriage, releasing herself and setting both her body and mind free, and the deaths throughout the story irony encompasses and unifies this short story. The tribulations of Mr. and Mrs. Mallard s marriage escalated through the feeling of love. Love seemed to be no longer a never ending bond between the most important ... Show more content on ... Although the news of someone s husband dying would come as a complete shock to most, Mrs. Mallard looked upon this despairing moment as a time to finally set herself free, and let the feeling of power run wild all over her body. She said it over and over under her breath: free, free, free! The vacant stare and the look of terror that had followed went from her eyes....She saw beyond that bitter moment [that moment she would weep] a long procession of years to come that would belong to her absolutely. ; (13) Louise Mallard felt that feeling of power finally with in her grasp now that her husband was out of her life. She felt her life coming back into perspective, like there was at last a real reason to live. Free! Body and soul free! she kept whispering. ; (13) A women should feel like she is being set free once her husband embraces her in his arms, but this ironic twist has Louise Mallard being set free once she is just out of her husband s reach. Perhaps the biggest irony of all comes at the very end of the story. Once Louise Mallard s marriage had finally ended, she had been set free and the feeling of power was finally filling her body once again, yet she dies. Not from her heart disease or the shock of her husband s death, but rather from the shock of her husband being alive. Someone was opening the door with a latchkey. It was Brently ... Get more on ...
  • 24. The Country Of Moldova And The European Union Until recently, the country of Moldova did not even exist to my knowledge. I had never heard its name, did not know where it was located, and I obviously had no idea about the extremely complex and serious ongoing issue with their government system. Moldova is one of the poorest countries in all of Europe and has been tossed around between Russian and Romanian control since the 16th century. It only officially declared its sovereignty from its last owner, Russia, in 1990, its independence in 1991, and became a part of the United Nations in 1992. Even though it finally gained its independence, Moldova just cannot win for losing. It seems no matter what political decisions they make, they are wrong and ultimately pissing off someone. The ... Show more content on ... This gave many people in Moldova the impression that if the country sides with the EU, they will be lead into corruption which boosted the amount of Pro Russian supporters. Romania is also noticing this corruption occurring in the Moldovan government and is questioning Moldova s ability to be a part of the EU. I chose to research this issue because the current corruption of the Moldovan government and its impact on its people, is going to play a major role in the future of Moldova as a country. How these events are influencing the opinions of the people will ultimately determine the structure of Moldova s government, and this is a big deal for this struggling country. I personally do not have an opinion yet about this issue as I am not adequately informed about the pros and cons of the two political parties in conflict, but I hope to be able to better understand the two sides of this issue and possibly develop my own opinion on the issue of Moldova s future government. Moldova s people are faced between the choices of Socialist Russia, who is impressing on them with economical threats, or continuing down the path towards the EU, which as their government appears to be bathed with corrupted politics and politicians, is proving to be more of an obstacle than once imagined. Of which is the lesser of two evils for this poor, literally and figuratively, European country? Once I began ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Sam Houston Research Paper Sam Houston was born in Rockbridge, Virginia on March 2,1793. He dedicated all of his life defending his beliefs without giving up. His first major role was joining in the U.S Army and demonstrated that he was able to rise rapidly, personal qualities of openness and friendliness and also a determination of never throwing the towel. Houston also had the quality of being a noble person, willing to protect the people that practically raised him, the Cherokees.After leaving them, he was appointed agent in managing the removal of the tribe, but always seeking to protect them from any injustice. His popularity, courage and commanding presence allowed him to rise in the politics of Tennessee during the 1820 s where he was elected ... Show more content on ... For Houston, Andrew Jackson was his idol. They both shared same beliefs like The Federal Union, it must be preserved and pro slavery views.Houston even supported his presidential campaign and worked closely with him. Old Hickory was like a mentor to Sam Houston and helped him rise in politics. Another key individual in the live of Sam Houston is John Jolly( Chief Oo loo te ka), because he became his adoptive father and was basically the one that taught him lessons that reached beyond Indian culture and Indian white relations, he is the one that made Houston a person that favored peace over war. For Houston, life with Cherokees was greatly to his own satisfaction and comfort and it basically shaped his future. Margaret Lea was the third wife of Sam Houston. As he put it, he loved his wife almost to madness . She was crucial in the life of Houston because she gave him happiness by loving him and having 8 children together. After being unsuccessful at love, Houston had the loving wife and family that he had always wanted.r, she even persuaded him to stop excessive drinking and convinced him to join the Baptist ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The On The Board Game Monopoly Introduction: The board game Monopoly is played amongst a group of 2 8 players. Each player roles his or her dice and move around the board landing on properties, railroads, or utilities. The properties typically raise in value the further along a player moves around the board. The thought of Boardwalk s value depreciating to Mediterranean Avenue is unheard of in the board game of Monopoly. However, in the real life game of Monopoly, a major city in America (Detroit, Michigan) had experienced a catastrophic depreciation in value that ultimately led to the city filing for chapter 9 bankruptcy. This writing assignment will evaluate the components that led to the rise and fall of a major city in America. First, it is important to examine the components that led to the growth and prosperity of Detroit, Michigan. The Rise of Detroit: The most significant factor that catapulted Detroit, Michigan to becoming a prosperous city in America was the mass production of the automobile in the early 20th century. Three companies encompassed the auto industry in America and they were Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler. Consequently, the three companies were referred to as the Big Three. The Big Three established their headquarters, and assemble plants in the Detroit area. David Littman, Senior Vice President chief Economist, Comerica Bank (retired) stated, what really built the city of Detroit were the thing of substance of a market system entrepreneurship and incentive...come to ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Ethics in Biomedical Research Rebecca Skloot is a writer specialized in science and medicine. In her first book, Skloot writes about Henrietta Lacks life story. Henrietta Lacks was a strong African American woman, who died because of cancer without knowing that her cancer cells were immortal and very useful for medical research. Her family lived a poverty life without health care, when her cell was commercialized all around the world. That condition was related to biomedical research s ethics and how consent form should be used properly. Henrietta Lacks was born in Roanoke, Virginia, on August 1, 1920 (Skloot 40). Her mother died when she delivered her tenth child. Because of losing her mother, Henrietta ended up stayed with her grandfather. However, Henrietta ... Show more content on ... She still worked on tobacco. She had no sign of weakness even though she had radium in her body. However, when she came back to hospital for a check up, the medical team found out that her body was already taken over by tumor. Her diaphragm, bladder, and lungs was a home for the cancer cells. The worst thing was her kidney could not filter toxins in her body; it made her poisoned her own body. She died on October 4, 1951. HeLa has been used in medical research after Henrietta s death. However, Henrietta s family did not know that her cell was taken and used that way. Her cells were part of research into the genes that cause cancer and those that suppress it; they helped develop drugs for treating herpes, leukemia, influenza, hemophilia, and Parkinson s disease (Skloot 22). HeLa was commercialized but Henrietta s family lived in poverty without any health care. Henrietta s family has not received any money, while people gained profit from selling HeLa. Henrietta s children received only a little education and some of them had health issue. Henrietta s kids grew up in a black neighborhood that was one of the poorest and most dangerous in the country (Skloot 26). Actually, any tissue that has been taken from body is no longer yours anymore. It will be really hard to trace the identity of each tissue and then distribute the benefits gained from it. However, it is important to let the patient and the families know if there is any removal of tissues when the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. King Arthur Biography Arthur was the first born son of King Uther Pendragon and the next heir to the throne. King Uther died when Arthur was a baby. A magician named Merlin rescued Arthur and took him to a knight named Sir Ector, who was a friend of the king. There, Sir Ector raised Arthur as a son while raising his only child, Sir Kay was a knight in training. Nobody, not even Arthur knew he was a prince and the next king of England. Without a ruler, the kingdom started to panic and fight over who should be the next king of England. To settle the argument, Merlin created Excalibur, which was the sword in the stone. Every knight and noble came from all around and tried to pull the sword out, but all who tried failed. As the years went by, Arthur grew and one day Merlin introduced himself. During this time Sir Ector taught Arthur how to be a good squire for his adopted brother, Sir Kay. Arthur ... Show more content on ... One day a lady asked if she could stay at the castle, King Arthur thought she was beautiful and stayed with her all night. In the morning the girl was gone and King Arthur was sad again. One day after King Arthur was done fighting, he went to sleep at another castle. Then he heard a strange noise and followed it and saw a beautiful woman. The next day he asked the girl s father for her hand in marriage. He agreed and they were married the next day. King Arthur and his knights fought in many battles. King Arthur had a round table built for him and his knights. The reason he had a round table built was to show the knights that everyone was equal and that nobody was better than anybody else not even Arthur. The source I used in the stone. That concludes my king Arthur research. I hope you enjoyed my presentation. King Arthur: An Introduction. King Arthur. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2015. Copy paste citation What are n.p. n.d.? | View in list | Edit Thank ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Vietnam Veterans Oral Histories In The Classroom Analysis COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) repressed the government and firmly insured that any disputes going on within the government would end. The head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), J. Edgar Hoover founded the program in 1950. Hoover made it very clear that any person who was an activist in the anti war movement would find their life invaded. Hoover s goal was to root out communism using any tactics that he could. The ways that this was achieved was through wire taps, lies, and having families investigated and threatened. The purpose of this was that the FBI wanted to keep a close eye on suspect s lives. With this going on, many anti war activists and liberals decided that the bad did not out weigh the good. Due to COINTELPRO, ... Show more content on ... The so called Vietnam Vets share false testimonies of events that occurred while they served in Vietnam. As stated in the article by Hagopian, The measure of such stories interest may not be whether factually correct but whether they convey a moral or psychological truth important enough for the narrator to wish to share it. The reason why false stories were being told was to keep up with societal pressure of being a war hero. Veterans have been brought into classrooms as a primary source, when a piece of writing from Vietnam should be the primary source. What should be taken away after reading this article were that it s possible to encounter false Vietnam stories. With that being said, people need to be advocates for their own learning and knowing that some stories could be just tales. A way to get the real story would be to seek out information that was written in the time period, as well as amercing oneself in the subject. As for the Veterans, remember to respect them and their stories, but continue to be ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Adelphia Communications Scandal Adelphia Communications scandal Matthew Tassin Trident University Ethics 501 Introduction Adelphia Communications Company was a television cable company whose headquarters centered in Coudersport, Pennsylvania. It ranked as the fifth most prestigious cable companies in United States. John Rigas is the founder of the company. The company was highly respected until an infamous scandal ensued following claims of bankrupt in 2002, at which time its headquarters relocated to greenwood Village, Colorado. According to Jefferson (2007), after the ensuing controversial legal proceedings ended, the company s assets were liquefied. Time Warner Cable acquired most of the company s assets in 2006. LFC auctioned the rest of the assets. Pioneer ... Show more content on ... The first ethical issue A company s external editor is mandated with assessing a public company s ability to accurately institute internal financial reporting structure and systems as well as evaluating the company to ensure that that there are no loopholes that mischievous individuals can use to fraud the company (Lowenstein, 2004). Shareholders and the public place their trust on the external auditor in revealing mischievous activities that take place in a company. In Adelphia Communication Corporation context, the shareholders and the public trusted Deloitte. They believed that Deloitte could and would evaluate Adelphia s operations, identify and report suspicious activities perpetrated by the company. According to investigations, a number of warning signs could have notified Deloitte of the fraudulent activity at Adelphia. Therefore, Deloitte was either incompetent in performing its duty or it out rightly falsified its report. Considering its reputation and ensuing investigation, the latter is true. Based on AICPA professional conduct code, Deloitte failed in its duty because it did not conduct itself in the public s interest. Instead, it gave false audit reports of the company in favor of Rigas family. Second ethical issue The second ethical issue surrounds the company s executives, specifically Rigas family. Company s executives should never use their company s profits for personal gains (Lowenstein, 2004). This is exactly ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Persuasive Essay On Indian Removal Compare and Contrast Essay The Indian Removal Act took place in 1830 by order of president Andrew Jackson to relocate Native indians to the west. In his speech called On Indian Removal , he explains how Indian Removal is beneficial to both the Indians and White Americans. Another writing about Indian removal is a personal story about a young boy being relocated with his clan and traveling on what is known as the Trail Of Tears. Though these two readings discuss the same topic, they use very different language to get their point across and to describe their view on Indian removal. Between the two pieces of writing, there are differences in the description of the situation, sentence structure, and tone. The differences in language between Jackson s On Indian Removal and Rutledge s Samuel s Memory show that Indian removal was viewed differently by different groups of people, and affected them in various ways. The way that the situation is described in the two readings is very different. In Jackson s On Indian Removal , he says, These remove hundreds and almost thousands of miles at their own expense, purchase the lands they occupy, and support themselves at their new homes from the moment of their arrival..... How many thousands of our own people would gladly embrace the opportunity of removing to the West on such conditions! . Here he is saying that Indian Removal is an opportunity for the Indians to purchase new land and start a new life somewhere else and the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. The Levels Of The Uk Government Essay Introduction: The levels of the UK government: European Parliament National/Central Government Regional Government Local Government What is the European Parliament: The European parliament is an elected parliamentary institution of the European union (EU) which was formed on November 1st 1993, they mainly focus on functions like legislation within the 28 member states that form up the European union to help sustain, control and create a political and economic community throughout Europe, the European parliament s general role is to represent the citizens of the EU community. What is the National/Central Government: The National Government is basic terms is a body which runs the country (UK), Again the National Government is an elected (by the public)parliamentary institution for the uk, they have the responsibility for mainly developing and implementing policy s and laws as well as the national interests of security and stability. What is the Regional Government: The regional Government also known as Regional Assemblies primary role was to channel across to other regions and businesses the voice and opinions of the citizens in their region. Later on this Regional Government started to Scrutinise about their regional planning, regional housing, regional advocacy policy development and regional accountability. What is the Local Government: A local Government/Authority is an body which represents the voice and opinions of the people in that local area and is also ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Fashion Channel THE FASHION CHANNEL The Fashion Channel is an unique leading cable TV network specialized in only fashion programming with broadcasting 24 hours a day and 7 days per week.The channel has a steady uprising revenue background and profitable high growth above the its industry average from the establishment in 1996 by two men who has an entrepreneurial spirit. TFC(The Fashion Channel) has a huge revenue amount of 310.6 million in 2006 with 80 million household viewer who has subscribed to their network in cable or satellite TV groups.TFC viewers are mostly woman who have age between 35 and 54 and TFC has a motto of Fashion for Everyone to reach every cable or satellite TV viewer by mass marketing concept.And TFC has a highly low fee ... Show more content on ... Let s analyze Segmentation Scenarios of Dana Wheeler: In Scenario 1: Dana Wheeler targeted the women between the ages of 18 and 34 years old in a cross segment of Fashionistas, Planners amp;Shoppers and Situationalists. Pros: This scenario will offer lowest expenses in all among scenarios.It will focus on highly valued large audience of women.This strategy will increase the brand awareness and viewing rate with boosting % 20.It means mean of rating will increase to % 1.2 from % 1.0 .And it will satisfy the current demographics of viewers.Network affiliate fees will be remain same as being at 2007 base and this scenario may have an more attractive ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Economic Impact of High Gas Prices The economic impact of high gas prices 1 The Economic Impact of High Gas Prices A Brown Strayer University The Economic Impact of High Gas Prices 2 The Economic Impact of High Gas Prices Section 1: Introduction The American economy is one of the strongest in the world; people from every country comes here to live or travel on vacation with their families and take advantage of its many economical opportunities available to its citizens. Traveling is one of Americas Favorite pass time and a way of life for its citizen. When the quality of life is interrupted, and people are not able do to the things that they use to do on a regular bases the people panic and that send the nations economy ... Show more content on ... Americans love luxury vehicles, during the pass 10 years SUVs` became the major family vehicle, families are starting to feel the financial strain at the pump when they have to put gas in their vehicle. Some people can not afford to fill up their SUVs because it cause $50 to $100.00 to fill their gas tank. These same vehicles use to case lest than $35.00 at a lower gas price. Rising gas price affect every one, not just drivers, some gas station in the south and mid west is completely out of gas due to the rising gas price. The gas station owners can not compete with the larger oil company who control the flow of oil. We are already seeing a ripple effect from the high gas prices. Go shopping lately? We seem to be in a perpetual daze when it comes to the economy. Oh, nothing bad will happen; Things will be okay . It seems easy to forget of the not so distant times during the Great Depression. Rising gas prices affect everything across the board. This is because commodities need to be transported across the country on trucks. Trucks, as you know, require lots of gas. Section 4: U.S. Economy The rising cost of retail gasoline prices has affected U.S. households
  • 35. regardless of whether their members drive, take public transportation, or walk. In a modern economy, the interdependency created by supplying specialized labor and trading for all other ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Ethos Pathos And Logos In Astrophil And Stella In sonnet one of Sidney s Astrophil and Stella , he utilizes reading, persuasion, and experience to win the affection of his lover, Stella. All three of these terms tie in together with one another and coincide with the three forms of rhetoric: logos, pathos, and ethos. Sidney commits a great amount of time to articulate his love for Stella through his writing, logic, and rhetoric. The speaker realizes that the only way to fully express his love for Stella in his poetry is to write from his heart, using the three forms of rhetoric. Sidney begins to persuade Stella through logos, in which he states his arguments for the reasons as to why she should pity him. He persuades her through his rhetoric and reading. He believes that good poetry must ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Response To Lee Lewis Play Oedipus To Lee Lewis, the most important aspect of theatre is the message the writers are trying to put across to the audience. In order for that message to be heard, there can t be any sense of the director present, nor the actors behind the characters, as she quotes If the directors hand is to visible in a work then that s a failure to me ( 2014). This message from the writers is so powerful because it conveys present issues and thoughts, which is why she is so interested in directing new work . You can t take the writing of someone else and use it as your own materiel she quotes. This is what she calls re authoring when an artist like Barrie Kosky or Benedict Andrews takes a work such as Barrie Kosky s remake of Oedipus ... Show more content on ... In an interview with Belvoir Street Theatre in 2012 he quotes; I found a deep sense of place (at once concrete and metaphoric), and silence as an invisible substance the structuring principle which underpins all utterances . Andrews feels these artists teach lessons about life and help him explore the depths of theatre as an art form. He is only interested in working on great plays with great actors as he states in the same interview. Barry Kosky is a very influential director who is interested in adapting to the way he views a play, in 2000 at the National Circus Conference at the Powerhouse, he stated I m not interested in the likes and dislikes of the audience. I m interested in my likes and dislikes...I need an audience, but I need an audience that want to come on my ride, not the other way around. I think a lot of people in this country are led by the notion that the audience is somehow indicative of the work that should be done. For Kosky especially, the directorial strategies are very present and can sometimes change the story from the way the writers intended. He is very present within his works but that is his choice, it is not a mistake, instead of using the actors as characters he tends to use them as props, and instead of using the writers to produce scripts, he uses the scripts as more ... Get more on ...
  • 38. What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Studying Abroad In the last century, the contemporary world has become more globalized than before. There has been a worldwide integration in different fields of life such as economic, political, business, trade, financial, and educational fields. In order to deal with this globalization, students, in all over the world, should be opened to other countries and cultures which exceed the boundary of their nation. Studying abroad, which means leaving the homeland country and pursuing the education in another country ( Dervin Byron, 2008), could be one of the ways for the students to explore this globalized world. It has been mentioned by the Institute of International Education (IIE) that in the last two decades the number of students studying abroad worldwide has tripled (Lieb, 2016). Should students be more encouraged ... Show more content on ... Their point of view is that it is hard for these students to be responsible for arranging money for university s tuition fees and for their living expenses. Although that is correct to a certain extent, there are some weaknesses in this view. Firstly, students who have the intention to study abroad would put a prior financial plan with their parents. That helps them to know their budget, and to spend money according to it. Also, if there are some unexpected circumstances happen, they will be assisted financially by their parents. Secondly, some universities and schools provide full or partial scholarships for the international students (Cadd,2012). For example, University of British Columbia offers scholarships and other forms of financial aid for international students. Thirdly, many students can work part time jobs while studying to earn money. That will help them to cover their personal expenses (Tyner,2013). There are many jobs that these students can work such as working in a restaurant, club, library, or shop ... Get more on ...
  • 39. How Does Suicide Affect Teens Suicide is a major problem in today s society. It is an even bigger problem for teenagers because suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year olds (Teen Suicide Statistics). The Show 13 Reasons Why that premiered on Netflix showcases this important issue. This show will have a major impact because it is reaching such a wide audience and has become so popular among teens. Although the show 13 Reasons Why is said to be damaging to teens because it s very graphic, it is actually beneficial to teenagers because it raises awareness about bullying and will prevent suicide. This popular show 13 Reasons Why, is very influential and can really pass along advice to the viewers. This show can raise awareness about bullying among all teenagers in this day in society. In the article Get the Facts, it says, ... that 15% of students reported seriously considering suicide, 11% reported creating a plan, and 7% reporting trying to take their own life (Get The Facts). This shows how bullying can eventually lead to suicide. In a second sourced labeled Facts About Teens, Suicide and 13 Reasons Why, Ron Avi Astor at the University of Southern California analyzed responses to the California Healthy Kids survey that was given to middle and high school kids across the state. The responses from the survey said this, Can bullying really influence someone to commit suicide? ... Show more content on ... It can teach the viewers to watch what they say and how the stuff can affect the other person. It also raises awareness about bullying and suicide. The series also can prevent suicide, at the end of the show it shows a hotline in which you can call for help if you are in need. This shows that you should not be afraid to ask for help because it can really help out in the long run. In the end even though the show is said to be graphic and triggering, it can raise awareness about bullying and can prevent ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Mgmt 591 Lsi Essay Tiffany Hawkins May 18, 2013 LSI Paper Mgmt 570 The Life Styles Conflict Inventory assignment gave me a chance to see on paper how my thinking styles influence my ability to deal with conflict situation. The life styles survey is geared towards helping individuals gain an insight into their own self development and personality along with the type of behaviors we exercise to others as well. By doing the survey, I have a better understanding on how I can constructively deal with conflict as an individual. The survey also helps us take a look on the positive and negative qualities of our own personalities and different ways we to build and improve upon them. My score for constructive conflict which includes, pragmatist, ... Show more content on ... I feel at times I accommodate myself at the approval of others. Like for example, I may act differently around certain people then I would around people I feel comfortable around. I also try to maintain a sense of peace and try to smooth over any differences that the group or peers may have. I can honestly say that I try to stay away from any and every conflict if possible. My score for aggressive/defensive style which includes escalator, dominator, competitor, and perfectionist ranked medium/low. The escalator style I scored in the 97th percentile. I wasn t surprised at my ranking in this field. Growing up I was spoiled as a child and I always got what I wanted. When conflicts do arise I always get very upset at first and think it s a personal attack against me. It does have affect on my personal relationship with my boyfriend when we get into arguments. I always try to find a way to turn the argument around to make myself look good but I know this is unfortunately self defeating. I know this is probably my biggest downfall among other but I know I can improve on this in order to become successful. I didn t score to low in the competitor field. I do see winning as an opportunity for growth and development in the business world. In my eyes, winning shows a since of respect and people will get ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Road Visit To Goa Essay Road Trip from Pune to Goa!!! For years I have been dreaming of a long road trip from Pune to Goa. Our engagement gives us an opportunity to go to Goa and that was our next destination after this engagement. I and my fiancée Srishti planned for a road trip of 4 days to Goa in my car. Rather that visiting the whole Goa, we decided to visit only the north part of Goa. We planned to visit one of the best cities, Goa and planned all things to make this trip a memorable one. North Goa covers half of Goa. Goa is famous for magnificent scenic beauty, old houses, churches, temple and beautiful golden sand beaches and exciting culture. The best road to reach north Goa in all aspect is from Pune NH4 Kolhapur Nipani (Karnataka state) Sankeshwar (Karnataka ... Show more content on ... Now my car s control was in Srishti s hand. I was aware about the bad condition of Nipani Ajara road, so we took the road which is 10 14 Km extra than Ajara road. Sankeshwar Gandhinglaj road was wide and smooth enough to save journey time. We stop for some time at Amboli Ghat and then moved ahead for next destination, Baga. It took 5 hours to reach Baga and it was around 12 noon. So we search for a decent hotel for freshen up and rest. We booked a room at Relax Holiday Home in Arpora for next 3 days. It is a nice hotel with swimming pool, gym and other amenities. After getting fresh, we went for lunch as both were hungry. We had our lunch at the hotel restaurant and the food was delectable. We had a power nap at the hotel after lunch. Then we went to Chapora Fort that played an important role in history in defending the Portuguese from the attacks of Marathas. After spending some time at the top of the fort we headed towards the Vagator beach. It s a small and beautiful beach with a very less crowd. We spend some quality time together and saw the lovely sunset over the sea. We had some lovely conversation that realizes me how special she is for me. At 7pm we went towards Arpora Saturday night bazaar which is a very famous night bazaar. It is filled with many shopping stalls, food stalls, drinks, live music show, etc. and you will enjoy walking through these. We spend 3 hours there by walking through the ... Get more on ...
  • 42. A Defense Of Peter Singer s Famine Relief Argument Yaoxian Qu Chad Vance Introduction to Philosophy 12/04/2014 A Defense of Peter Singer s Famine Relief Argument In his paper Famine affluence and morality , Peter Singer sought to provide response to a significant moral question: Is it morally permissible to not donate to famine? Singer argued that we are morally obligated to famine relief. I am deeply convinced by his argument. In this paper, I shall examine two significant objections to singer s argument and explain why they would ultimately fail. Singer s original argument takes the following form: (P1) Suffering and death from lack of food, shelter and medical care are bad (P2) If we can prevent something bad from happening without sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, then we are morally obligated to do so. (P3) Death caused by famine is something bad that happens that we can prevent without sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance (namely, by donating to famine relief). (C) Therefore, we ought to donate to famine relief. Singer assumed premise 1 to be undoubtedly true, which is manifested by his statement: It is difficult, perhaps impossible, to refute such positions, and so for brevity I will henceforth take this assumption as accepted. (Singer, 2) Those who disagree need read no further. To support the second premise of his argument, he provided the following situation: Shallow Pond: Imagine that you are going to work. On your way to work, you see a child drowning in a pond. ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Conception Of Negative Liberty In Robert Wright s Black Boy The one conception of liberty that offers the most morally defensible analysis of a person in both of these circumstances is Negative Liberty, as it removes the restrictions on one s ability to make something of themselves and survive. The one conception of liberty that offers the least morally defensible analysis is Positive Liberty, as it above and beyond what is necessary for a person to survive and thrive. Positive Liberty asks that we provide everything that one needs to thrive, while Negative Liberty maintains that we remove the restrictions on being able to attain those resources that are required for Positive Liberty to exist. In Two Conceptions of Liberty, Isaiah Berlin defines Negatively Liberty as to be free to the degree to which ... Show more content on ... A frightened black woman sat between them. They got out and half dragged and half kicked the woman into the store (Wright, 157). This is the kind of scene that we are exposed to in Richard Wright s Black Boy. The obvious abuse of power by a white paternalistic society are seen in crystal clear vision here. Wright is showing us just how bad it was for not only African Americans, but women in the 1920 s. The Jim Crow Laws that American remembers well are a blatant example that necessitates Negative Liberty. African American s during this era absolutely needed Negative Liberty above all else. They could feed themselves, they could walk around, however, this was all done in fear, as they were not free of the negative coercion of the dominant race in the country at the ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Paul Is Comforting And Reassuring The Colossian Introduction (Summarise what I think the basic point of the passage is) In this passage, Paul is comforting and reassuring the Colossians. Their minds were being filled with false heretical teachings such as worshipping angels over God and trying to reinforce obscure restrictions from the Old Testament. Paul encourages the Colossians to ignore their false and proud teachings as, the Head (Jesus) makes the decisions for the body (the church), and all the ligaments (believers/followers) must do is follow the orders from the head and ignore those that think otherwise. He reminds the Colossians that Jesus died for us, and he is our leader, which would imply that any other form of playing God is to be ignored. Historical Context (Why Colossians was written. To whom, what was going on in the church/life of Paul to provoke what ... Show more content on ... They were also advocates of worshipping angels and had claimed that they had a number of revelations and visions. Angels are part of the creation but are not the creator describes that some people can misconstrue God s teachings and take them out of context. Worshipping angels also is symbol of the angels that worshipped Lucifer, which is a demonic teaching, and is blasphemous. (Col 2:18) The head in this verse represents God, the body represents the church and the ligaments and joints represent the followers and people of the church. Not holding fast to the head represents the heretics who ha no relationship with Christ and were true believers in Christianity. The head gives the orders to the body and the joints and ligaments are what move the body in doing what the church does. Paul expresses that we are what make the church survive, but it can only ultimately be a Christian church with Christ leading the way. (Col ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Personal Experience In My Life I forgot to make Johnny and Cora, my younger siblings, their lunches again today. It s been very hard on me, I have so much more responsibility than I have ever had before. With my older sister, Betsy, sick in bed with the Spanish Flu, my mama working in a factory, and my father away fighting in the Great War, I have to do everything I can for my family. I cook, clean, get the kids ready, help with homework, care for Betsy, and I don t mind it all that much. The only thing I miss most about my old life is getting to go to school and have opportunities to learn. All I can do now is sit at home and read in the little free time I have. Today, I have to go to the pharmacist and refill Betsy s medicine. I walk out of the door and into the busy ... Show more content on ... Papa s coming home! I yell as I thrust the newspaper into her cold hands. Oh Rose, this is such good news. Papa s coming home! she says weakly, but with a huge grin on her face. We sit together and talk about what it ll be like with papa back at home. I read through the rest of the newspaper with her looking over my shoulder. Betsy, look at this! There were 53,402 casualties in the war, that s a great deal of men. I say with a frown. We seem to both know the possibility that papa didn t make it, but we keep quiet. I hear the door swing open and run downstairs. Cora! Johnny! The Great War s over! I yell as they put down their bags. Does that mean papa s coming home? Johnny cried out with tears of joy. Yes it does Johnny. We ll all be together soon. I say as I pull them into a hug. Once they go to bed, I sit by the fire and read through the newspaper some more. I see an article about Women s Suffrage and wonder why my mama hadn t talked about this at all. It talks about women fighting for equal job opportunities and even the right to vote. As I am caught up in reading, I hear a knock at the door. I look through the window and see that it is my mother standing in the cold. Right when I open the door, I realize that something is wrong. Mama? What s wrong? I say, dreading what her answer will be. It s papa. He s gone. I got a letter at work today, she says, her voice shaky and soft. All I can do is stand here, paralyzed with grief. My father, ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Ccu Widget Factory Assessment CSU Widget Factory Assessment I have been asked to review three workplace injuries. The review will consist of analysis s in the rate of recordable injuries (TRIR), the number of recordable injuries that an employee missed work, resulted in a death, reduction in work duty, and transfers (DART/LWDII), and the Severity Rate (SR) of incidents, on an average, of the number of lost days to injuries and illness in the workplace. These lagging indicators are measured after the event, and for comparison, leading indicators will be discussed to offer insight as to prevent the injuries in the future. Data Analysis Leading Indicators During this assessment, three injuries were reported, burned retinas in both eyes, lumbar strain, and a respiratory related ... Get more on ...
  • 47. The Transformation Of The Mongol Empire The Mongol empire was one of the most dictatorial, formidable, and efficacious empires to ever gallop across this earth. They were revolutionaries of there time. There military tactics, horsemanship, and leadership system all helped cultivate an immense powerhouse that wreaked havoc on anyone standing in their path. However it was there governance and leadership of these conquered these lands that was most stunning and lasting. The Mongol people started out as separated factions that were no more than a few hundred men. There were bitter rivalries and animosity between tribes and long power struggle for control of the Steppe. However it was not to stay this way for long. Born in 1162, Temujin, or more formally known as Genghis Khan was summoned upon this earth. From an early age he was destined to become something special. As all boys at this time, he was groomed to learn how to fight, kill, and defend his tribe from other castes. You would assume that Genghis would have had a deep rooted hatred towards the other nomads. However Temujin saw these nomadic people of the Steepes and he knew he could unite them. In reality, however, the tribe was a rather open institution, its membership created more by shared political interests than by descent from a common ancestor. It is the only way that is possible to explain the fact that Chingiz Khan was able to organize the nomads of Central Asia. (Morgan, 2007) His ability to coordinate and manage these nomad s was only the ... Get more on ...
  • 48. What Are The Things I Learned In Dare These are things that I learned in DARE. The Introduction, DARE is Define, Assess, Respond, and Evaluate. First, drug abuse, what is drug abuse? When friends or strangers offer you drugs, which is bad. The only drugs are good are or is medicine your doctor gives you when you have strep throat which is amoxicillin. When strangers or friends offer you drugs you should say: no. Which is the option you do choose, but if they have something wrong with them and start attacking you or beat you up, then feel free to kick then in the shin or punch them and run if it s after school but with the stranger, run away even if you are an adult still do. The 3 Paragraphes part 1: Tobacco. Tobacco includes smoking and that s it, smoking includes cigarettes and cigars. The same stranger and friend or friends who offered drugs thinks it s a good idea to offer you cigarettes. If you think cigarettes are good for you, then you don t know what smoking is. For the young ones reading this and don t know what tobacco or smoking is, then i should probably tell them before it s too late. The young ones who don t want to read this then they should ask their parents, but i m gonna tell them otherwise. Smoking or tobacco is when you have a cigarette or a cigar and you light it with a lighter, it s really bad to smoke. Why is it so dangerous or bad to smoke? Because your lungs are getting more and more damaged the more you smoke, and that puts you in a high risk of lung cancer. And the ... Show more content on ... Bullying includes verbal, social, physical the worst one, and cyber which is online bullying. You have probably been bullied when you were a kid or not, but if you were bullied as a kid, i m sorry. You should tell the teacher or fight back with is the option you should or shouldn t do but if you do fight back, it s either you get caught by the teacher or tell the teacher. If you get caught by the teacher then you re in trouble or tell the teacher and the bullies are in ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Four Factors of an Aircraft in Flight The human being is set apart from all other animals by an intelligent, reasoning mind. Another quality that humans seem to possess is an inherent drive to utilize that mind to achieve to recognize challenges and to attempt conquer them (Smith, 1992, p. 1). One of my favorite person that I used to read about in high school was Benjamin Franklin; one of the founding Father of the United States of America and the master mind behind the invention of electricity. As stated in the words of Smith, the curiosity of Franklin lead him to discover how electricity works. This same driven factor of human mind was what led the Wrights Brother to invent and fly the first power aircraft. The four forces that are acting on an aircraft in flight are: Lift, Weight, Thrust and Drag. The airplane stays up because it doesn t have the time to fall (Wrights Brothers). One of the unique quality/ characteristic that differentiate aircraft from all other vehicles is its ability to get up in the air and stay for a long period of time. The force that raises an object into the air is called lift. The force that acts against this lift force is called weight. The left principle states that in order for an object to be lifted off the ground, the weight of that object should be less than the air surrounding it. Now you might be asking, why is it that aircraft which is heavier than car fly but car don t? The answer to this question lies within the engineering of an aircraft. An aircraft has something ... Get more on ...