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Victorian Writing Paper Victorian Writing Paper
The Discovery Of The Pahlavi Dynasty
The 1979 uprisings were aimed at getting rid of the Pahlavi dynasty which contained only two kings,
Reza Shah and Mohammed Reza Shah. Before the Pahlavi s, Iran was ruled by the Qajar dynasty, and
before that the Safavids. The safavids and Qajar s were responsible for two of the most important
aspects of Iran: The safavids made Shia Islam the official state religion in Iran, starting with Ismail 1
in 1501, and the Qajar s gave the muslim clergy The ulema political power. The first major revolution
in Iran was in 1906. It forced the ruling Qajar s to accept a constitution, it created a parliament and put
some limits on the king. It ultimately failed party because the clergy withdrew their support, partly
because the Shah worked very actively against it, and the Russian and the British worked to keep
Persia weak so they could continue to try to dominate the region. After WW1, Europeans rivalries
heated up because of the discovery of oil in the Middle East. The British established Iranian Oil
company and they helped to engineer the change in dynasty by supporting military commander Reza
Khan. Later on Reza Khan became Shah and he attempted to turn Persia, which he re named Iran
1935, into a modern, secular, western style state. Reza Shah is remembered for his dictatorial
repression, which led the clergy against him. During WW2 Reza Shah abdicated and his young son
Mohammad Reza Shah became the leader of Iran until 1979. The Shah in 1979 was an autocrat and he
employed a
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Research Paper About Jamaica
Jamaica is a very beautiful country with their amazing sand beaches and magnificent mountains.
Jamaica s culture as a whole is very diverse but everyone is nice. The food in Jamaica is very good
and has many different styles. The islands cuisine has adapted from many different cultures such as,
Britain, India, Spain and many more. Jamaica has a every deep history, the movie Pirates of the
Caribbean is actually based in Jamaica. The port that they are at in the movie (Port Royal) is a actual
place, and the port it self has a history of actual pirates too. In all Jamaica is a beautiful country and
has very interesting history and culture. Jamaica has beautiful beaches, and amazing land scape. The
animals in Jamaica are very diverse with many different animals. The islands geography is also
magnificent with it s rivers and Mt ranges. Jamaica is a very large island and is the third largest island
in the caribbean and is 4,213 miles in total, and Jamaica has a beautiful mountain range call the Blue
Moutains, that span east to west on the island, they reach up to 7,402 miles high. To complement the
Mts Jamaica has two great rivers that flow through the island, the ... Show more content on ...
The Jamaican police force has been committing un lawful killings and been getting away with them,
until last month where they where taken into court for a killing but they where proven innocent. But
they where only proven innocent became they had used a computer to tamper with evidence and make
sure they where proven innocent, this case is currently still going on. Jamaican scientist are currently
working on a cure for a cough known as the Barking cough and the Croup cough. This forms in little
kids that usually have a virus and there is currently no cure for the virus and it can be fatal. As a
country currently Jamaica is having some issues, but they are dealing with them as fast as they
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Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin
The song is about a materialistic path of life that people take, which only satisfies them with desires of
the world for material objects. This in turn leaves a weak feeling of lack of spiritual fulfillment leading
them a question of how they would get into heaven. The character in the song who is a lady in finds
the fulfillment of worldly satisfaction by buying stairway that she may use to heaven. Otherwise she
realizes that life is not all about being able to buy everything she can afford. The song shows the spirit
of this woman yearning for a deeper happiness. Then she is answered to her yearning soul that one
may take either of the two existing ways. It shows a chance of salvation for all souls that go down the
path that lead them to hell. The main part of this essay contains the analysis of the artifact. The
meaning in almost every verse when the song is broken down is foremost given in this analysis. Later,
we shall critically analyze the song and give deductions of the analysis. An evaluative judgment of the
artifact of this song is done. The revelation of the analysis about the artifact in particular and about
rhetorical processes in general will be explained. A conclusion will highlight the role the song plays in
our daily lives
In the song the stairway to heaven we find a Lady who wishes to buy the Stairs that will lead her to
heaven. She believes that all that shines is gold. The lady knows that even though she meets stores in
Heaven closed by the time she gets
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How Did Ww2 Affect Canada
The Second World War was the largest and most violent war to date. With an estimated 50 80 million
deaths and more than 50% civilian casualties, this makes WWII one of the deadliest wars in human
history. WWII was a turning point for Canada and its role in International conflict. Canada proved
itself a strong force in battle, and put on a unified front along with the other Allied powers. WWII also
caused some harmful effects for Canada such as loss of many Canadian lives and a terrible defeat
during the battle of Dieppe.
World War Two was the first time that Canada was able to decide as a country whether or not to join
the war, and it was conscription free until 1944. Canada s military grew substantially during WWII
and supplied many men with jobs following the Great Depression. Women also played a bigger role in
WWII and took over many jobs from men working in factories, some even got to work on navy ships
and serve alongside men in the war. Canada showed a significant amount of strength in battle, whether
it was fought in the air, sea or on the beaches Canadian military ... Show more content on ...
A few years prior to WWII was the Great Depression, jobs were scarce, money was low and the
quality of life for the average citizen was poor. The war brought jobs and boosted the economy
however it also brought burdens that Canada will remember forever. On August 19, 1942 Canada and
the other members of the Allied powers planned to attack the port of Dieppe. This was an extremely
disorganized and poorly planned attack resulting in a complete bloodbath once the Allied powers
reached the port of Dieppe . The German forces completely inialted almost all traces of Canadian
soldiers and this battle goes down in history as the most disastrous battle for Canada. This disaster
resulted in many deaths for Canadian soldiers and also was a major setback for Canada in the
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The World of Musical Theatre
Music can be traced back to the beginning of humanity. It has been an essential and crucial part of
human society and its development. In the sense of Musical Theatre, it is referred to the art of telling
stories through or with songs. This art can be traced all the way back to the Ancient Greeks (5th
century BC), where music was used to accompany their stage works. It has been said that Sophocles
composed his own music to accompany his own stage plays. In Greek theatre, a Greek Chorus was
used in the play to comment on the actions. They were a part of the plot of the show, but no musical
solos were present. The chorus was used also to be the conscious of the audience or as a sounding
board for the main characters.
Using the traditions of Greek Theatre, the Romans later replicated and expanded on the idea. The
expansion evolved into the use of orchestral accompaniment for songs and dances in 3rd Century BC
Plautus comedies. This later progressed in the Middle Ages with traveling minstrels and traveling
performers performing popular songs and slapstick comedy. Religious Drama s became popular in the
12th and 13th centuries, combining church chants as a liturgical teaching tools such as The Play of
Herod and The Play of Daniel.
By the time of Renaissance, the Religious Dramas have developed into an Italian tradition called
commedia dell arte where clowns improvise their ways through familiar stories. From there, Opera
Buffa derived from the
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Psychological Effects Of The Cold War
The Cold War began the use of space for war advantages. At the end of World War II, the dropping of
the two atomic bombs changed the way war was fought forever. The Cold War brought the need for
gathering intelligence on enemy countries driving the Cold War into the space race developing
artificial intelligence, satellites, which would be used for military use including spying and
reconnaissance. Many government agencies were formed and created the Corona Satellite having the
most effect on the Cold War intelligence gathering. Without the use of satellites during the Cold War
and agencies formed for foreign surveillance, the satellites used daily for television, GPS,
photography, reconnaissance, and space exploration would not exist. Satellites ... Show more content
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The United States took initiative and started surveillance on the Soviets by using U 2 spy planes. After
the incident of Gary Powers being killed when flying, the push for spying in space would allow for
intelligence on other countries above Earth s atmosphere and unnoticeable. Many government
agencies developed the Corona satellite having a major impact on the Cold War. This imagery allowed
for the ability to verify missiles and weapons which gave the United States confidence and a strategy
when fighting or signing treaties. This satellite allowed for the collapsing of the Berlin Wall and
ending the war against Communism. Today Satellites are launched and used from many countries all
across the world. These satellites allow for television, communication, weather, GPS navigation,
spying, space exploration, and so much more. The Corona Satellite opened the gates of all the new
technology advantages for space satellites which will continue into the future as technology advances
and circumstances encourage new
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Alexis De Tocqueville, And Max Weber s Analysis
The idea of human freedom is seen in multiple aspects through the eyes of multiple theorists. Human
freedom is an extensive topic because it extends throughout many different aspects of life, such as
politics, religion, and education to name a few. Throughout this paper, I intend to address the aspects
of human freedom as seen through the writings of Emile Durkheim, Alexis de Tocqueville, and Max
Weber. Each theorist presents his own ideas on what human freedom really is and how it can exist, but
they also share a few ideas as well. Durkheim is best known for his work Suicide in which he
discusses the restraints and regulations put on members of society. For Durkheim, this is where human
freedom exists; liberty exists in restraint. ... Show more content on ...
Men tend to cling to equality more than freedom because the advantages are instantaneously evident,
and they think it will last forever. Oppositely, the advantages of freedom are not as quickly evident,
and after all, Western society is all about the now and how quick one can see results for their efforts.
Political liberty requires great exertion while political equality evidences itself everywhere and is
much easier to come by. Because of this, Tocqueville believes that if men seek equality and freedom
and do not find it, they may seek equality in other things, even things as preposterous as equality in
slavery. Democracy is about freedom and equality alike. Equality, however, is an insatiable desire of
men. For Tocqueville, I think the positive outcomes of freedom need to more quickly evident in order
for people to crave it as they do
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Rocky s Success In The Boxing Establishment
Rocky explores how individual sporting achievement can bring about more than just success in the
boxing ring. Rocky is more than just your average boxing movie. Rocky follows Rocky Balboa
through his low life debt collecting days to his success in the ring. Rocky s success in the ring didn t
just stay in the ring, he developed success with personal relationships for his life. Rocky essentially
went from being a bum and on skid row to be an inspiration with his community all behind him. The
success that boxing brought Rocky wasn t all money, it brought friendships, romance and
relationships. Throughout Rocky, Rocky meets a shy Adrian who works in the pet store where he
features regularly. In this scene Adrian is dressed as a cocoon which
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The Kingdom of Heaven
The Kingdom of Heaven
The plot of this movie can be very well defined as a romantic quest for what is right and just in the
world at that time. The film starts off in the early 12th century with a blacksmith called Balian of
Ibelin (who is actually an artificier, or military engineer) that has just lost his wife to suicide and is
given the chance to go to the Holy Land to seek forgiveness for her sin by his long lost father Godfrey
of Ibelin. This becomes his secondary goal upon arriving in Jerusalem because soon after the start of
their journey, Balian s father dies and passes on his legacy to Balian making him the new Baron of
Ibelin. With the title comes the duty of defending Jerusalem in the name of the king and at the same
time ... Show more content on ...
In fact, it is said that when Guy failed to attack the Muslims in 1183, Baldwin went into a fit of anger
because he wanted them all dead. The movie makes it seem as though Baldwin wanted to keep peace
between the two groups but that was not true because really, he could not stand the Muslims and
would do almost anything to keep the Holy Land out of their hands.
When it comes to Saladin, the film makes it seem as though he was a man of tolerance and respect
when in reality, he took pleasure in watching the decapitation of hundreds of christen soldiers and
civilians alike. Through out his time as ruler of the Muslims, Saladin Preached jihad(or holy war) on
the Christians and made it very clear that his goal was to take Jerusalem by force and kill all of the
people living behind the walls and on the surrounding lands. Saladin as he is portrayed in the film is a
man who chooses to work together with the Christians to try to find a reasonable balance between
groups and holds them in high regard to himself.6 This is very far from any kind of truth at all.
I believe that this was such a big deal for groups when the movie came out because the film made it
seem as though both men wanted a somewhat peaceful solution to obtaining what they desired when
in fact, that was the last thing they wanted. Both men were very respectable from what I can tell, but
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Canad A Melting Pot Of Cultures And Natural Beauty
Phillip Seay
ECPI University Abstract
Canada is a melting pot of cultures and natural beauty. They have multiple official languages. The
country offers thousands of miles of national parks and glacier lakes to explore. You can taste some
food that are famous to Canada. You can watch hockey in the country it originated in. In this essay I
will cover a little history on Canada, including the nation s foods and sports.
Keywords: Maple Syrup, Hockey, Glaciers, Parks, Engineering, Poutine, Banff, Niagara Falls *Title
of Your Paper in Title Case* There are so many countries in the world, and all of them are unique in
their own way. With the introduction of modern transportation, visiting or moving to these countries
has become ... Show more content on ...
Cartier is also known for giving Canada its name. He heard to guides saying Kanata, meaning village,
so by the 1550s the name Canada began appearing on maps. In 1583, Sir Humphrey Gilbert claimed
Newfoundland as the first North American English Colony under Queen Elizabeth I. In the 1700s,
France and Great British fought for control of North America. In 1759, the British won and renamed
the colony the Province of Quebec. The British passed the Quebec Act of 1774, which allowed
Catholics to hold public office and worship publicly. This was not yet passed in mainland Britain. This
law also brought back French civil law and established British criminal law. The United States tried to
conquer Canada in 1812 through 1814. The US lost the battle and never tried again. During World War
1, over six hundred thousand Canadians served. In April 1917, the Canadian Corps captured Vimy
Ridge in France and earned the reputation as shock troops of the British Empire. By the end of the
war, sixty thousand were killed and a hundred and seventy thousand wounded. In 1916, Manitoba was
the first province to allow women to vote. In 1918, all women were allowed to vote in federal
elections. In 1921, Frederick Banting made a world changing discovery by finding insulin. Insulin has
since been used to treat diabetes. He won the Nobel Prize in 1923 for his discovery. The Great
Depression, or Dirty Thirties , hit Canada hard. This brought the need for minimum wage and a
standard work week.
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Information Security And Effective Corporate Governance...
Information is everywhere in business and good information management is considered to be
important any organization. Organizations and individuals are highly affected by misuses of
information that result from security failures. This report has been compiled after thorough research
on information security and it focuses on technical side of this critical issue and the impact of personal
behaviour in securing organizational systems. The fact remains that even with implementing good
mandatory controls; the application of computing defences has not kept pace with abusers attempts to
undercut them. Through studies of information security infringement behaviours have focused on
some aspects of security lapses and have provided some ... Show more content on ...
IT improves communication thus improving customer satisfaction and encourages innovation and
creativity which can be used in business growth and expansion. IT also improves the Human Resource
Management process and saves time through automation of various tasks. The use of internet and
computers to work eliminated the space and time boundaries as employees can work from anywhere
and anytime.
Though we enjoy the benefits that come with technology at work, it also tends to be risky, especially
when it comes to data/information security. Those employees in important decision making positions
will need access to private business information which can pose as a threat, as it is very difficult to
monitor the usage and privacy of this information. Employees carry flash drives at work, so they can
easily transfer critical business information and use it for their own personal gains.
One of the worst and most widespread crimes is identity theft. Such thefts where individuals Social
Security and credit card numbers are stolen and used by thieves are not new. Criminals have always
obtained information about other people by stealing wallets or dumpster digging. But widespread
electronic sharing and databases have made the crime worse. Because financial institutions, data
processing firms, and retail businesses are reluctant to reveal incidents in which their customers
personal financial information
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Costs and Public Goods
Due dates for each section are provided in the Course Description.
Part A Microeconomics Worth 10% of total assessment:
Answer any five (5) of the following questions. Each question is worth 10 marks;
Question 1:
(a) Explain the impact of external costs and external benefits on resource allocation; (2.5 marks)
Ans : Resources are over allocated when negative externalities exist because the equilibrium price is
too low. Resources are under allocated when positive externalities exist because the equilibrium price
is too high
(b)Why are public goods not produced in sufficient quantities by private markets? (2.5 marks)
Ans :The main reason is that of free rider ... Show more content on ...
(4 marks)
Are these firms operating in the short or the long run? (1 mark) Firm A: short run / long run Firm B:
short run / long run
(c) Are these firms operating under perfect or imperfect competition? Firm A: perfect / imperfect (1
mark) Firm B: perfect / imperfect
(d) What level of output will these firms produce in the short run? Firm A: (2 marks) Firm B:
How would you describe their profit positions? (2 marks)
Firm A:
Firm B:
Question 4:
(a) Suppose you own a coffee shop. List some of the fixed inputs and variable inputs you would use in
operating the shop. (4 marks)
Ans : An input whose quantity can be changed in the time period under consideration, the most
common example of a variable input is labour. Other hand fixed input like capital, provides the
capacity constraint in production. Costs of production that do not change when the output changes
(e.g. factory rent or, coffee shop rent)
Variable inputs are Costs of production that change when the output changes (e.g. cost of materials or
wages and such as land, labour and capital and in a short given time period, at least one input such as
land (e.g. rent) or capital (e.g. equipment lease) is fixed or unchanging.
Land Capital = Fixed Input Fixed Costs
Labour = Variable Input Variable Costs
(b) Baubles and Beads manufacturing produces 100
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Understand The Concept Of Play Essay
From an early age children are known to engage in a number of activities in which would feed their
curiosity alongside aiding their development. The main activity in which they would willingly
participate in would be pretend play; play is not something which is only done by children however
can be performed by adults and even animals.
In order to understand play and how it may benefit young children we must first be able to define it,
however this creates the initial issue. This is due to the fact that the concept of play is disreputably
difficult to define (Burghardt 2011). Although despite this we are able to split the concept of play into
four various aspects, as described by Linda Rose Krasnor and Debra J. Pepler (1980), positive affect,
flexibility, intrinsic movement and nonliterality.
Positive affect refers to the idea that individuals who seem as though they are enjoying themselves
whilst they are playing. Flexibility would then touch upon the idea that the play behaviours would
differ ... Show more content on ...
One classification of play would be object play; this would occur within younger children and would
traditionally begin with children that are approximately 5months. At 5 month the child would use
object play as a way to feed their curiosity, it would allow them to explore objects by touching, feeling
and seeing what they would be able to do with it. However as the child ages to roughly 2years + they
would begin to use more than one object and allow their imagination to be free and would see objects
being more then what they are. An example of this would include a child seeing a block of bricks and
using it to build a house. Another example can include a child pretending to be a doctor with an ice
lolly stick and using it as a
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System Failure with India Building Callapse and French...
In introduction this assignment will contain two individual system failure reports; firstly the report for
the India Building Collapse will be dissected thus identifying certain information regarding the failure
of this particular system. The second system failure report is of the French Rail Crash and
correspondingly to the first incident information regarding the system failure will also be identified.
On September 27th 2013 a four storey building in Dockyard Road in the east of Mumbai collapsed
resulting in the death of 61 people. Officials have identified that 22 families of employees of the
Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai resided in the four storey building. As property and rent
prices in Mumbai rise it is those that are less fortunate that have to live in such dilapidated buildings.
Poor construction practices in India are believed to be one of the main failure causes. Rising prices in
India s cities results in those less affluent are forced to live is structurally poor accommodation. The
main failure cause was due to a central wall and supporting beams being removed thus giving the
building insufficient stability.
There have been many considerable warning signs as over 100 people have died due to building
collapses in Mumbai between April and June 2013 alone. An
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Lady Of Shalott Gender Roles
During the Victorian era many common themes are depicted throughout the writings of that time. One
of the more important theme is gender roles. The theme of gender roles is very prominent in The Lady
of Shalott by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Gender roles are also very noticeable in Jane Eyre by Charlotte
Brontë. In Alfred Lord Tennyson s The Lady of Shalott, the theme of gender role is obvious. The Lady
of Shalott is stuck in a tower and has been there for a long time. She feels alone and isolated while she
watched the world around her. This poem shows how women may have felt trapped in relationships.
The Lady wanted to leave and be with Sir Lancelot but was trapped. This symbolizes how women
want to leave a bad relationship but they are
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The Australian Curriculum V7.2 Science Rationale
The purpose of science education is not a straightforward concept, as it is ever evolving and dynamic
to meet the needs of society s expectations and values at that point in time (Ferrari, 2010). Science
education should be nurturing, engaging and challenging in the 21st century classroom, catering for all
students. We as teachers should encourage out students to explore the world, by providing motivation,
engagement and education about the wonder and potential of science, we need to move the focus of
our teaching away from the fact finding, memorising and formula driven practical that capture what
school has become to our students today (Ferrari, 2010). Science provides a practical way of
answering questions about our everyday lives, whether that is biological, physical or technological
world around us ( The Australian Curriculum v7.2 Science: Rationale, n.d.). This is why science
education is important to our curriculum.
The need for science education ... Show more content on ...
This is something that drives us to be dynamic, collaborative and creative students ( The Australian
Curriculum v7.2 Science: Rationale, n.d.). Our science knowledge shapes our actions in our personal,
social and economic lives (The Australian Curriculum v7.2 Science: Rationale, n.d.). Students can
experience the enjoyment of scientific discovery and cultivate their natural curiosity about the world
around them through science at school. This is why science should be relatable and meaningful to
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Copyright Infringement To MGM For Honda Commercial s Hero
Is American Honda Motor Company ( Honda ) liable for copyright infringement to MGM for the
Honda commercial s hero that aired on national television?
Copyright Infringement is the infringement of the exclusive rights of an author by the unauthorized
use of their work:
Copyrightable scenes that are repeatedly viewed in a series of motion pictures that have become
identifiable to the main character are scenes that are copyrightable protected;
Copyrightable characters with distinctive characteristics that are highly recognizable to that character
will qualify for copyright protection;
There must have been some form of access to the work;
The two types of substantial similarity test (i.e., extrinsic and intrinsic)
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Phineas Taylor Barnum Accomplishments
The Greatest Showman On Earth
Phineas Taylor Barnum is a man of many talents. He has achieved many great accomplishments
throughout his life. P.T. helped popularize opera in the U.S , stated Evan Andrews.( 10 Things You
May Not Know About P.T. Barnum ) Phineas Taylor Barnum created the world famous Three Ringed
Circus. With his help, the Swedish Nightingale became an overnight sensation. Barnum reportedly
netted a staggering $500,00 on tour, and Linds popularity helped make opera a mainstay in American
Theatres, claimed Andrews. There were social, economic,and cultural influences on Phineas Taylor
Barnum which affected his lifetime achievements. Barnum had many social influences throughout his
life. Some may say his father, mother, or his children were big influences, but there was many others
to. A woman by the name of Joice Heth also made an impact of Barnum s career. This woman claimed
to be the nurse of the former president, George Washington, making her a whopping age of 161 years
old. This is where his show career began, claimed Sara Ann McGill. With the fact that this woman was
claiming to be 161 years of age, Barnum immediately had the thought of having a show based on
unique people who could tell their stories in front of a live paying audience. ... Show more content on ...
Taylor s life in Bethel was much like any other boys except for his lack in money which drove him to
wanting to succeed, stated Karen Clemens Warrick.(P.T. Barnum: genius of the three ringed circus)
P.T grew up as the taylors boy and his family didn t come from much which made him want to
succeed ten times more than any other child in Bethel. As he aged Taylor and his parents moved to
New York where he first realized the hustle and bustle of working. He went from a country boy to a
city boy very fast, but that didn t stop him from wanting to
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Nuclear Sclerosis Case Study
A 67 year old female Caucasian patient comes in to the clinic complaining of decreased vision,
affecting the left eye more than the right. She is being treated for hypertension, cholesterol, and
diabetes. Her distance vision is 20/25 OD and 20/40 OS and her near vision is 20/25 OD and 20/50
OS. Her prescription was found to be 11.00 1.00X180 OD and 13.50 1.50X015 OS, which is classified
as high myopia. A 1+ nuclear sclerosis was found in the right eye. A 2+ nuclear sclerosis and a
paracentral subcapsular cataract were found in the left eye. Due to these findings, it was determined
that glasses could not fully fix the patients vision. This lead to a referral to a retinal specialist and a
cataract surgeon. No other abnormalities were noted on the initial examination. The patient then came
back when the cataract surgery was performed on the left eye and the visual acuity improved to 20/25
at distance and 20/25 at near OS. All things concerning the surgery seemed normal for a day after the
IOL placement. Six months later, the ... Show more content on ...
The main way light is obstructed on its way to the retinal is by a cataract in the lens, which is the case
in this patient. These can form two major ways: ultraviolet light damage and aging. Ultraviolet light
damage leads to an abundance of free radicals. These free radicals act on the crystalline proteins and
cause them to clump together, creating a cataract.[2] Another way cataracts are formed is by the
natural process of aging. Concentrations of alpha crystallins fall off with age with leads the other
subtypes to aggregate and form scleroses (cataracts).[3] This is what is leading to the glare that the
patient sees at night. The cataract is scattering the light entering her eye and leading to blur on the
retina. Both of these could have contributed to the cataracts in this patient due to her being over 65
and due to her age naturally being exposed to more
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Crown Of Life Research Paper
The ability to become young again, live forever, and to heal any wound has been discovered in 1991!
Ron and Tom are archaeologists from Australia, and their latest mission is to retrieve the Crown of
Life from the Tomb of Neferkheperuhersekheper located in Egypt. Whoever wears the Crown of Life
will become young, never die, and heal you whenever you get hurt. Ron and Tom arrived at the
entrance to the tomb. They put on their packs filled to the brim with their gear. The map showed that
there were four corridors leading to the podium holding the Crown of Life. Ron and Tom rolled over
the boulder blocking the first corridor. They saw that there are tiles on the ground, and if you stepped
on the wrong one, you would fall into a bottomless pit. ... Show more content on ...
They cautiously walked through it. As Tom turned around, Steve noticed that Tom walked into a
tripwire that activated a trap that threw spears. Steve quickly pushed Tom out of harm s way, but didn
t have enough time to completely get himself out of danger. The spear grazed his left shoulder, but
luckily no fatal damage occurred. Tom quickly took out the first aid kit out of his pack and wrapped
gauze around Steve s shoulder to stop the bleeding. As soon as Steve felt better, they continued to the
room containing the treasure. They saw the podium with the Crown of Life inside a glass container.
They both breathlessly walked up, and as soon as they were about to remove the glass case, everything
went dark. Esteban, the tomb robber, took the back of his flashlight and knocked both Steve and Tom
out. He tied them both together, and quickly scurried out of the tomb. Steve and Tom scooted over and
sat down on the glass case, shattering it into hundreds of pieces. They would then take the biggest
piece, and cut themselves free. After, they dashed out of the tomb. They quickly got back into their
jeep, and got out the thermal scanner from their trunk. Thier scanner showed two life forms about a
few miles away. Steve and Tom thought that Esteban had a partner. They drove as fast as the jeep
allowed to try to catch up to them. After a few hours, they finally saw that they stopped. Steve and
Tom followed Esteban and his partner into a
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Pm1 Change Management Plan
Change Management Plan
All projects experience changes due to progressive elaboration of scope details, deliverables, risks
responses, and stakeholder expectations. The purpose of the Change Management Plan is to document
and track relevant project data necessary to successfully plan, execute, and monitor and control
potential changes while developing a prototype bicycle capable of traveling over land, air, and water
Change Management Process
Following the Project Management Institute s (PMI) best practices, the change management plan was
created during the project planning phase, during the develop project management plan process (PMI,
2013). The process of performing integrated change control is formal process which
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Cell Anemi The Common Genetic Disorder Essay
Sickle Cell Anemia or (SCD) is the most common genetic disorder across the entire world it is an
inherited genetic condition giving to you by both your mother and father that affects your hemoglobin.
There is a mutation in the gene that tells your body to make hemoglobin (a red iron rich compound
that gives blood its red color). There are over 600 million hemoglobin molecules in each red blood
cell (Brown, M. (2012)). The purpose of hemoglobin is allow red blood cells to carry carbon dioxide,
and oxygen from your lungs to all parts of the body. People with sickle cell disease inherit the s gene
from abnormal hemoglobin from both parents, you usually find out you have this disease at birth. A
blood test is giving to all newborns to look for the s gene known as the sickle cell gene.
Children and adults can also have this test done. Young children s blood is usually taken from a finger
or heel prick for this test. Adults can have their blood drawn from a vein in the arm. Pregnant woman
who want to know if there baby will have sickle cell disease can have their unborn baby tested by the
amniotic fluid surrounded by the fetus to look for the s gene. In people with sickle cell anemia the
abnormal hemoglobin causes red blood cells to become rigid, sticky and crescent shaped. The crescent
shape is why they call it the s gene. Both of your parents must carry the s gene. If only one parent has
the s gene and passes it
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Annex Philippines
Should the United States have annexed the Philippines
Abraham Lincoln once said no man is good enough to govern another man without that other s
consent... In this case the U.S. is not good enough to govern the Philippines when the Philippines want
to be independent. The Spanish American war (1898) occurred when a U.S. ship blew up near Cuba
(was trying to gain independence from Spain). Within hours yellow journalists were all over the story
saying that it was a Spanish torpedo, and the U.S. should go to war. The United States government fell
for yellow journalism and went to war. It was an easy win for the U.S. as it lasted only 4 months. As a
result of the win the U.S. got an option on what to do with Philipines( also trying to gain independence
from Spain), annex them, make them independent, or give them back to Spain. At the beginning of the
war the United States said it would free the Philippines, because of all the help the Philippines offered,
however they ended up annexing it. So, should the United States annex the Philippines? No, the U.S.
should not annex the Philippines because it kills the spirit of 1776 and it goes against the golden rule.
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should not annex the Philippines because it goes against the spirit of 1776. We earnestly condemn the
policy of the present national administration in the Philippines. It seeks to extinguish the spirit of 1776
in those islands. (Document A) The U.S. was fighting for its own independence from Great Britain
over 100 years ago, and now Philippines is doing the same thing with Spain. So why doesn t the U.S.
support them on this instead going against it. The only way America is a country now is because it
rebelled against a bad ruler. Philippines is just trying to follow in our own footprints. That is why the
U.S. should not annex the Philippines because it goes against the spirit of
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20th Century Reformers Dbq
While a number of the most important reform movements of the late 19th and early 20th centuries
grew out of efforts to combat the negative effects of industrialization, the main focus of their efforts
was not the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the natural environment. Although some reformers,
such as Theodore Roosevelt and Gifford Pinchot, were deeply worried about the consequences of
economic development on the natural environment, the most influential, most effective reformers were
primarily concerned with the impact of the rise of big business on small businesses, industrial
workers, and consumers, and with corruption in government that reformers believed resulted from the
economic power of large corporations.
Farmers were upset at what they regarded as arbitrary and excessive railroad rates and abuses such as
rebates to big business like Standard Oil. These farmers were among the ... Show more content on ...
Supported by President Theodore Roosevelt, progressive reformers, like the Populists, sought to
strengthen railroad regulation and both enforce and further strengthen the antitrust laws. In 1902,
President Roosevelt not only forced mine owners to submit to arbitration to settle a nationwide coal
strike, he also asked his attorney general to file an antitrust suit against the Northern Securities
Company, a large railroad holding company. After the Supreme Court upheld a lower court decision to
break up the Northern Securities Company in 1904, Roosevelt went on to strengthen the Interstate
Commerce Commission s ability to regulate railroad rates by pushing the Hepburn Act through
Congress in 1906. A few years later, another progressive reformer, Woodrow Wilson, succeeded to the
presidency, and he managed to further strengthen the antitrust laws by pushing the Clayton Antitrust
Act through Congress in
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Essay on Writing Techniques in Poe s The Raven
Writing Techniques in Poe s The Raven
Edgar Allan Poe uses several writing techniques to create a single concentrated effect of unending
despair in his classic poem, The Raven. The most noticeable technique is the use of repetition. Just as
repeated exposure to cold raindrops can chill one to the bone, repeated exposure to words of
hopelessness and gloom creates a chilling effect. Poe saturates the reader with desperate futility by
repetitive use of the words nothing more and nevermore. These two phrases, used in refrain to end
seventeen of the poem s eighteen stanzas, drench the reader with melancholy. Poe also uses repetition
to spark the reader s curiosity. He refers to the sound of rapping or tapping eight times in the ... Show
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This rare radiance stands in stark contrast to the grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous raven
who now never leaves his chamber (71). Lenore is referred to as a sainted maiden (94), whereas the
raven is referred to as a prophet! and a thing of evil! (85, 91). The radiance of Lenore is contrasted
with the speaker s soul, which he describes as being under a shadow (107). These contrasts serve to
draw attention to the most significant contrast described in the poem: an intelligent, well read, loving
man interprets a bird seeking shelter on a cold night as an emblem of never ending anguish and
succumbs to depression and madness.
Poe masterfully chooses his words to create an effect. He introduces the idea that the tapping is caused
by something at his window lattice (33) followed by Let me see, then, what thereat is (34). His choice
of the word thereat is interesting in that it suggests the word threat . The sharp t sound at the end of
thereat conjures the sound of pecking on glass. The experience of hearing what the speaker hears
serves to increase the bond the reader feels with the speaker.
Poe s masterful alliteration likewise creates mood as exhibited in the phrase, And the silken sad
uncertain (13). These words are not commonly used together. The repetitive s sound forces the reader
to hesitate when reading the line, leading the reader to identify with the uncertainty that the speaker is
experiencing. In a similar way, the
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Essay on The Likelihood of Becoming a Film Editor
Have you ever thought of what career path you would like to follow when you grow older? Everyday
young people inch closer and closer to the time of decision for the career they would like to pursue for
the rest of their life. This one decision can often be influenced by the current economy condition and
how much money you can earn yearly or monthly.
Recession and its effects
In 2008 many people were changing and choosing to take a different career path due to unstable
economic condition. Some causes of the recession in 2008 include a sudden rise in price of oil,
irresponsible usage of Loan, and a weak Dollar (Governing). Right before the recession many
American citizens were charging items to their credit cards and then not paying off ... Show more
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They work with cinematographers and sound editors to bring sight and sound together within a movie.
There are several different tasks a film editor must engage in throughout the making of a movie: they
read the shooting script and meet with the director to understand their vision for the film. Editors visit
the locations during filming to gain a sense of how the shooting is progressing. They go through
footage, once shooting is done, and select scenes based on how well they fit in with the story line and
how effective the scene is at capturing the audience s attention. The editor looks for the best
combination of photography, performance, consistency and timing. Film Editors trim the segments of
footage to the lengths needed for the film and assemble them into the best order to tell the story (How
Stuff Works).
Statistics and Salary of a Film Editor
The current salary for a film editor is, for the tenth percentile, $25,660. For the twenty fifth percentile
the salary is $34,580. The fiftieth or median percentile salary is $51,300. If you re a more experience
film editor and you land in the seventy fifth percentile the average salary is $79,380. If you are an
excellent editor the average salary is $119,250. From research I discovered locations in which one
may have a good chance of becoming a film editor. Those locations include California, New York,
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Ethical Framework
Ethical Framework
Grand Canyon University: NRS437V
June 14, 2010
Ethical Framework As a professional health care worker, the implication confidentiality breach
regarding ethical dilemmas are significant to nurse and patient. The information disclosed can cause
problems on a personal and professional level. Breach of confidentiality occurs when the heath care
work discloses the patient s medical or personal information without the patient s informed written or
verbal consent. Confidentiality is needed between the nurse and the patient to maintain a good open
and honest relationship between both parties. There are several ethical implications regarding breach
of confidentiality, for example, ... Show more content on ...
However, the situation was a catch 22 as Andrea s trust in nursing would be broken. Without viewing
the episode, I believe Andrea was most affected by the decision for nurse Hathaway to inform the
school of the sex parties and Andrea s participation. This is where I believe nurse Hathaway broke the
ethical principle of veracity. The registered professional nurse, in facilitating the ethical decision
making process, can utilize different frameworks and models [through steps] (NYSNA, 2011). An
alternative to address the ethical issue, the nurse must first identify the issue at hand. Andrea, who was
a minor, was diagnosis with cervical cancer and upon completion of her assessment it was also noted
that Andrea was a participant in sex parties. The ethical dilemma lies in whether the nurse should
break confidentiality to inform her parents of the medical findings and the subjective information
given by Andrea. The second step is to obtain the facts, which in Andrea s case, is supported by
medical assessment, laboratory studies, diagnosis, and Andrea s own verbal statement. Next, the nurse
must evaluate alternative actions plans to handle and help resolve the dilemma. In this case, the nurse
should also consult the hospital case worker, ethics committee, nursing code of ethics, and hospital
guidelines and policies and procedures to help with the final decision or action plan. The ethics
committee would aid as case consultant, identifying
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Review Of The Crucible
Kristina Garcia
Mrs. Herrera
English III
December 11, 2016
What is Corruption?
Corruption can mean so many things and can be interpreted in countless ways but in the most
simplistic way of explaining what it is, it is the misuse of judgment, the struggle between what is right
and what is wrong. No one really knows what led to corruption, but some say it was religious reasons
that led to this malfeasance, meaning the devil, while others believe different. People in today s
society tend to relate this topic to politics because it is most commonly occurs within that faction of
society. Corruption is a reoccurring theme throughout The Crucible, it shows through the political,
McCarthyism, religious and personal reasons of the Colonial Era. The Crucible takes place in the early
England colonies in Salem, Massachusetts during what we know as the witch trials. It is based on a
group of girls involved in witch like activities, who begin to accuse others of committing witchcraft
just so that they do not get into trouble. One girl controls the group, Abigail Williams, and she plots
against Elizabeth Proctor who is married to John Proctor, who Abigail had an affair with. Due to these
childish and dramatic acts of Abigail and the girls, half the townspeople were taken to trial and found
guilty of witchery and worshipping the devil and were sentenced to hang. Not till the end did the
townspeople realize their mistake about the accusations, which turned out to be false.
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Difference Between Spanish And English Colonization
During the 15th through 17th centuries, advancements in technology and the desire for new resources
spurred the exploration of the New World for both Spain and England. Spain s interest in exploration
soon surpassed the rest of the countries in the Old World and the nation began to claim the majority of
territory in Central and South America. Spain sent conquistadores to assert their dominance in the
New World through violent conquest which resulted in difficult relations with native populations.
Although the English did not settle in North America until the early 17th century, well past the period
of the Spanish conquest, their methods of colonization were more successful in the long term. The
English were able to find economic success ... Show more content on ...
This caused a trade imbalance, thus hurting the Spanish economy and making it harder for the
colonies in the New World to become successful settlements. Because the Spanish Crown had little
interest in creating long lasting colonies in New World for any purpose other than to gain wealth for
the mother country, the group of Spaniards that came to America only consisted of conquistadores,
missionaries, and soldiers. It is important to note that no Spanish women made the journey to the
Americas, which contributed to Spain s issue with founding substantial settlements. All of these
factors made it difficult for Spain to benefit off colonization because the country lacked a strong,
stable economy in the New World. On the other hand, England was able to establish permanent
settlements in the Americas more efficiently than the Spanish because the purpose of colonization was
not solely to acquire wealth, but also to flee religious and political persecution. Since British colonists
had a comparatively more compelling reason to inhabit the Americas than the Spanish, they were
more likely to permanently settle and contribute to the economy through commerce and agriculture.
Their economic situation differed from the Spanish because instead of earning wealth through
conquest and exploitation, industry in English colonies was based on farming, fishing, and exports like
tobacco and lumber. The economy was also more
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Political Satire
The viewpoint of the political cartoon is that no one takes Al Gore seriously. The word serious is in the
cartoon and AL Gore is dressed as a penguin, which is funny. The cartoon is horatian because Al Gore
dressed in a penguin suit is humorous. The content creator used sarcasm and caricature in the cartoon.
The sarcastic part of the cartoon is Obama asking us to take global warming seriously. Caricature is
used by Al Gore dressed as a penguin.
The viewpoint of the author is that celebrities get involved in important causes like global warming
only for their own personal gain. The video portrays a dumb actor who drives up in a gas guzzling
vehicle. He perceives to warn us about global warming but is really campaigning to be the next
spiderman. The skit is horatian because the actor is not taken serious by the meteorologist. The SNL
skit, Climate Change is a parody because it portrays celebrities taking up a serious cause for their own
personal gain. Another satirical technique used by the author is exaggeration. The video is mocking
documentaries. ... Show more content on ...
In a serious tone the author is talking about napkins from takeout orders and climate change. The
author use of horatian can be seen with words like stockpiling and stacks when referring to napkins.
The author used sarcasm and exaggeration. An example of exaggeration in the article is using napkins
to save the planet. Sarcasm is used at the end of the article come when they warn against throwing out
packets of salt and
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Difference Between Border And Borderlands
In this week we mainly discuss about the borderlands. Before this class s study, I didn t think about the
difference between border and borderlands, but I do know that lots of illegally immigration situation
happened in Arizona. When I study in Central High School in Arizona, I had lots of classmate that
came with their parents from Mexico illegally. And I heard lots of story happened on them and reflect
our class s topic.
Arizona passed a bill called SB 1070, this bill was work on Anti immigrant sentiment and the borders
of belonging and not belonging. Lots of people from Mexico across the border come to Arizona
illegally, and this situation cause lots of social phenomenon. For example, the crime on the board is
very significant, and cartel
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Baby Teeth Research Paper
Checkups Baby teeth lay the foundation for dental health in the future. The American Association of
Pediatric Dentist recommends that your baby see the dentist when his or her first tooth appears or, by
his or her first birthday. It is recommended that your child and adolescent see the dentist for a check
up every 6 months to look for tooth decay, placement of the teeth, and cleaning. Sedation Nitrous
Oxide Laughing gas The AAPD recognizes nitrous oxide as a safe and effective technique to reduce
anxiety in children, especially those who are anxious about their dental visit or have a sensitive gag
reflex. The gas is eliminated from the body quickly after it is turned off. Administered through the
nose your child will stay awake and continue ... Show more content on ...
In simple terms, phase two is usually a full set of upper and lower braces. Because of the work of
phase one, the treatment time for phase two will be reduced significantly, usually 18 to 24 months.
Athletic Mouth Guards and Teeth Grinding Guards The proper way to protect your child s teeth during
a sporting event is a custom made mouth guard. A boil and bite mouth guard can offer protection,
however they will often have to be reheated and refitted. They will not provide the safety of a tailored
made mouth guard. Dental mouth guards are molded to the exact fit of your child s teeth. There is
always greater stability and protection from a form fitted protector. Bruxism, or tooth grinding, is
common in children and adolescents. If your child complains of pain in their jaw, face, or ear we
recommend a consultation for possible Bruxism. We can discuss with you the appropriate ages for,
and benefits of, wearing a night guard. Digital X rays We have cutting edge technology that uses the
lowest radiation possible for your children. High speed film, and proper shielding assure that your
child receives a minimal amount of radiation exposure. The digital x ray provides nearly 80% less
radiation than a standard
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The Maccabean Revolt Against The Seleucid Empire
The Maccabean revolt was led by the Jewish/Maccabees against the Seleucid Empire. The revolt
stated when the Seleucid Emperor, Antiochus IV, issued a decree prohibiting the Jewish religion, in
168BC. This caused the Maccabean revolt to start in 165BC, led by three brothers Judas, Jonathan,
and Simon. Maccabean send embassy to Rome in 163BC, they help to defeat the Seleucid Empire.
This revolt continues until 142BC, when Simon assumes the Maccabean leadership and gains
independence for the Jewish and recaptures Jerusalem.
The Jewish needed to fight against the Seleucid Empire to stop and prevent the persecution of the
Jewish people, if we do as our brethren have done, and fight not for our lives and laws against the
heathen, they will now quickly
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Themes In Imagining Argentina
Imagining Argentina is a novel written by Lawrence Thornton, which is set in the era of the late 1970s
of Argentina, during the dirty war. The dirty war came into effect when a military junta had taken
power by force, shortly after the former president was removed. The main cause of the dirty war was
to suppress the people of Argentina who are on the side of left wing politically. Anyone suspected or
even related to the side of left wing would have a green falcon visit their home or wherever they are,
and will be kidnapped and tortured, becoming known to the people as the disappeared . Although
thousands of Argentinians have disappeared through the years of the dirty war, their identity has not
disappeared, through the power a name holds. Carlos Rueda, the protagonist, believes names to be
much more than just a name. A name holds a person s uniqueness; their personality; their identity; and
their story. Carlos is gifted with an imagination, which can predict the fate of the disappeared through
the power these names hold. Although identity is a key theme, the overall message revolves around
imagination. Throughout Imagining Argentina the use of imagination is always present. Thornton
provides a powerful message which is imagination being our strongest tool; our reality. Imagination
helps us through times of desperation and despair. The human mind is stronger than any physical
force. Our power to imagine helps us stay strong, it helps us identify as humans. Imagination
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Rick Perlstein The Problem With College
Fran D Angelo
The Problems with College In recent discussions about college, a controversial issue has been whether
college is right for kids of this generation. On one hand, some argue that college is a liberating
moment for new college students. On the other hand, however, others argue that college these days is
missing creativity that it once had in the past. In an article written by Rick Perlstein What s the Matter
with College? he states that College as America used to understand it is coming to an end. According
to this view, Perlstein believes that colleges has lost its superiority that it once had in prior years.
College was made for students to further their education, but to also gain the college experience that
will hopefully ... Show more content on ...
While in high school Morris attended an art school and given the freedom to do whatever he would
like, therefore he expected the same going into his college experience. According to Perlstein, Morris
said I Hated it from the first day, he told me. People her are so insanely uncreative, and they re proud
of it. Morris goes on to say a big part of why college students are uncreative is because in high school
all they did was prepare for college, rather than living out their lives grow from experiences. Basically,
Perlstein s article is trying to express that college is lacking creativity for these new generation of
college kids, since kids these days are truly not experiencing life since college is believed to be the
upmost importance
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Importance Of Minor Characters In Hamlet
Minor characters in stories usually don t play major roles in stories. However, two minor characters in
Hamlet are essential to the development of the story s plot and theme. The ghost, a minor character
who introduces the problem, and Horatio who also appears rarely, play an important role in not only
developing the story but also strengthening the theme of the story.
The ghost appears in only about two or three scenes but gives a revelation to Hamlet which shapes the
plot of the entire play. The ghost, who apparently is of Hamlet s father, is introduced in the beginning
of the story when he plays a role of foreshadowing the coming tragedy as the two guards who first
spot it believe that the ghost s appearance in the battle armor and of the ... Show more content on ...
However, as is the ghost, Horatio is crucial to the development of the play s plot and theme. Horatio
has a rather unique role in which he acts as a balancing force to the evils of murder, incest, and
betrayal in the play. Throughout the play, he remains loyal and a good friend and servant of Hamlet.
He does not exhibit any evil trait that most of the characters in the play have. This function of
countering the evilness of the other characters makes the story more diverse and interesting, and adds
realism. His sense of loyalty and honor was demonstrated when he tried to suicide to honor of Hamlet
s death in the end, only to be saved by Hamlet s command for him to be a messenger and tell the story
to the kingdom and others. By making Horatio one of the few characters to survive, the author in a
way glorified Horatio s sense of respect and honor and disapproved the evilness of the other characters
that died, most of whom were evil in some way. At the end, Horatio also has the important role of
bringing the story to a close. If the ghost had the role of initiating the story, Horatio certainly had the
role of ending it. Horatio is one of few characters who knows the revelation from the ghost, the
actions and motives of the characters, and he is the only character that survives the bloodbath in the
end. He is therefore the ideal character to carry the story forward because of his
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Analysis Of To Alhea From Prison By Richard Lovelace
If I have freedom in my love, and in my soul am free, Angels alone that soar above, enjoy such liberty
Richard Lovelace. To Althea from Prison is a poem written by Lovelace in 1642. Most poems from
the 1600s used the rhyme scheme: ABABCDCD. Which means that each stanza, the first and third
lines, the second and fourth, the fifth and seventh, and the sixth and eighth share a similar end rhyme.
This poem is one of Lovelace s famously known works and is often quoted by many. Interestingly
enough, the location of the poem s creation was the Gatehouse Prison to inspire the negation of the
Clergy Act of 1640. He presented a petition to the British parliament that objected the Bishops
Exclusion Bill. This lead to the creation of his poem ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, Lovelace s imagery of love further shows his overall theme of mental imprisonment. If I
have freedom in my Love, And in my soul am free (Lovelace 29 30). Therefore, implying that if you
have the power to accept love into your heart, then your soul is free. With Lovelace s imagery, we can
see his depiction of how imprisonment is what you make of it. Moreover, the use of symbols further
broadens the poet s central idea of mentality. He implies that birds are one of his symbols of
independence, The birds that wanton in the air no such liberty (Lovelace 7 8). Lovelace utilizes birds
as a symbol of freedom due to them being able to fly wherever they choose on their own will.
Lovelace also uses fishes as a symbol to demonstrate freedom with wild animals. Fishes that tipple in
the Deep Know no such Liberty (Lovelace 15 16). This depicts that fish are a symbol of freedom, as
they tend to swim around freely without any imprisonment. On the other hand, the poet makes a
connection between himself and his current situation of imprisonment. He does this by making
himself a symbol of a by relating to a linnet. When (like committed linnets) I with Shriller throat shall
sing (Lovelace 17 18). This symbolizes the poet as he himself has committed the act of crime to
imprison himself in the cell. Utilizing all these symbols, the poet conveys his message that animals
know how to be free as their mentality is free spirited. Indeed, Lovelace
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Properties of Ammonium Compounds
All ammonium compounds, which contain an ammonium ion (NH4+) and a negative ion, are
thermally unstable. A. Discuss two ways that ammonium compounds decompose when they are
heated. What chemical reaction is involved in the thermal decomposition of ammonium persulfate?
The ammonium ion is known for exhibiting unique thermal decomposition reactions when heated
because there are a considerable number of stable crystalline salts of the ammonium ion [14798 03 9]
NH+4 (Clintern, 2007). Ammonium acetates emit toxic ammonia fumes when heated, while
ammonium bicarbonate decomposes below its melting point, dissociating into ammonia, carbon
dioxide, and water (Clintern, 2007). There are some ammonium salts, such as ammonium dichromate,
ammonium permanganate, ammonium nitrate, and ammonium nitrite, which undergo an oxidation
reduction reaction after being heated: (NH 4 ) 2 Cr 2 O 7 ( s ) Cr 2 O 3 ( s ) + 4H 2 O ( g ) + N 2 ( g )
In the case of ammonium persulfate, (NH4)2S2O8, it has been observed under laboratory conditions
that upon thermal decomposition ... ammonium persulfate can potentially generate NOx species upon
thermal decomposition (UNEP Publications, 2005). B. What is the most likely reason OSHA requires
ammonium nitrate to be segregated for sulfur or finely divided metals? Explain your answer. The
extremely volatile chemical reactions which take place when ammonium nitrate is exposed to sulfur or
other finely divided metals are extremely hazardous to human
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Leaders and Managers in Health Care
Leaders and Managers Impact on Health Care
Healthy working areas are necessary in preserving positive interactions amongst nurses and between
the patients and the nurses. The stressors within nursing may cause burnout and nonattendance or
absenteeism which then may cause a shortage in health care (Shirey, 2006). A leader is vital in helping
to maintain retention of the nursing population as this person will have positive influence on the
environment where nurses practice. A smooth operating environment is likely to have excellent results
for the nurse and the patient. This paper will talk about the nurse to patient ratio, describe leadership
with management, along with a contrast and compare of the two. Furthermore, this paper will ... Show
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The manager approach to the nurse to patient ratio may be more indirect. Managers tend to
communicate with nurse leaders regarding work conditions in the unit. At the level of management,
performance matters most and patient satisfaction is important. As long as nurses perform to the best
of their ability, patient satisfaction will increase. In nursing, the management process consists of
gathering data, planning, organizing and administrating staff, leadership, and control. Viewed as a
management activity, the allocation of staff entails the maintenance of a proper workers to work ratio
and is therefore essential for a favorable outcome (Fagerstrom, 2009).
Leadership is influencing people and in contrast, management involves influencing employees to meet
goals and is focused primarily on organizational goals and objectives (Huber, 2010). A few contrasts
are mentioned within the textbook reading. The leader focuses on people, whereas the manager
focuses on systems and structures. A leader innovates whereas a manager administers. And managers
cope with complexity whereas leaders cope with change. (Huber, 2010)
Approach to Leadership
The leadership approach suits this writer s nursing philosophy. This writer believes in similar values as
that of a leader. This writer does her best work on the front lines of nursing; collaborating with teams,
communicating with fellow nurses, and coordinating patient care. This writer is motivated by
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Basketball Vs Football Vs Basketball
Track Field vs Football, Baseball Basketball Sports are one of the most popular extracurricular
activities among high school students and even adults that choose to professionalize their sport. Each
sport has its share of disadvantages that all help in contributing to one particular sport truly being the
best to take part in. Track and field is easily the best sport for anyone to choose to participate in. Track
and field is a sport in which various competitive athletic events take place that establish the skills of
running, sprinting, jumping and throwing on a running track and an adjacent field. Track and Field
favors a wide range of body types, has a lightweight uniform and is the safest in contrast to football,
baseball and basketball, which makes it the most idealistic of the sports. Track and field is a sport
most well known for its teamwork. The sport s teamwork is emphasized and strengthened through its
diversity. Track is abundant in diversity due to the fact that there is a variety of events to participate in
as opposed to playing the same game as everybody else like in football, baseball and basketball. For
example, the object of football is to get the ball to the other end; the object of baseball is to run around
a diamond before someones throws a ball home. Lastly, the main concept of basketball, much like
football, is to dribble the ball to the other end of the court. Track and field is also much safer than
football, baseball and track. There is little
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Learning the traditional purpose of one s name serves a core value. Until, these valuable lessons begin
to impede on one s daily life; which was demonstrated in the film Keita: The Heritage of the Griot.
The film was directed and written by Dani Kouyate, whose father, Sotigui, starred as the Griot in the
film. Mabo, one of the main roles within the film, is the depiction of a child living a post colonial
lifestyle within Africa. If not for Djeliba (the Griot) for entering Mabo s life, he would have never
have known the importance of his name. The film is a description of Mabo s history, name and
purpose, the deciding factor for him is to adhere to or precede with this path presented by Djeliba.
The post colonial lifestyle, has value to those within it, but when it is disturbed by the ancestral
calling, the reaction varies. Mabo, seeks curiosity and pride from his name, but as his family, teacher
and other influences begin to disrupt his lessons with Djeliba; it becomes obvious the amount of
frustration and concern that it is ... Show more content on ...
Although, throughout the film there were moments that seemed to be irrelevant, yet it is possible not
to have caught all the subtle symbolisms. Since reading Sundiata, in some particular moments, there
was a hidden personal expectation of the direction the scenarios could have went. Overall, the film left
an impact, as to self reflection and relating to my personal life. Especially, as the parents within the
film dispute over who knows best for Mabo, allows the viewer to see that is an universal conflict. The
characters within the film all brought a different perspective to the storyline. Though when observing
the characters, Mabo left an impression, the viewer can connect with him as he learns of his ancestors
through an illustrious story while trying to live his own
... Get more on ...
Case Study On Neural Machine Translation
Facebook partnered with Bing in 2011 for translation services, making it an early pioneer in the move
toward neural machine translation.
In December 2015, Facebook dropped Bing and began to outsource its translation services while
developing its own translation technologies.
Facebook s own neural machine translator went fully operational on August 3, 2017.
Hello and thank you for your question about Facebook neural machine translation. The short version
is that Facebook has been moving toward integrating their own translation technology since 2011, and
have recently (August 2017) gone fully operational with their own Neural Machine Translator. Below
you will find a deep dive of our findings.
Our goal for this ... Show more content on ...
Facebook was an early pioneer of online translation when in 2011 it started using automated systems
to translate users posts and comments in the News Feed. Facebook used Bing initially because they
didn t yet have their own technology.
In January 2015, Facebook open sourced Torch (their deep learning library). Facebook explains
TORCH as an open source development environment for numerics, machine learning, and computer
vision. Many projects on machine learning and AI at FAIR (Facebook AI Research) use Torch.
Also in 2015, Facebook acquired, a startup using understanding of natural language in
text/voice to power user interfaces.
In December 2015, Facebook dropped Bing and started using its own translation technology. The issue
was that Bing was built to translate more properly written website text, not human slang. Facebook
stated that the disconnect between the languages people speak and the content they want to connect to
on the Internet is what made them want to create their own neural network based machine translation
(MT) system.
Also in Dec 2015, Facebook opensourced it s hardware designs for anyone to explore through the
Open Compute Project. The server was called BigSur, which is described as servers with graphics
processing units (GPUs), which have become the chip of choice for deep learning.
Later, in June 2016, Facebook stated that Statistical
... Get more on ...
Toy Central Case
ISSUES IN ACCOUNTING EDUCATION Vol. 23, No. 2 May 2008 pp. 299 307 Assessing Audit and
Business Risks at Toy Central Corporation Christine E. Earley and Fred Phillips INTRODUCTION
[pic]s a senior in a professional services firm, you have been assigned to plan the financial statement
audit of a private company named Toy Central Corporation (TCC). In addition, the partner on the
engagement has asked you to identify business risks that could adversely affect TCC s sustained
profitability, so that they can be brought to the attention of the company s board of directors. These
tasks will require you to draw on your knowledge of supply chain management, marketing, internal
controls, audit assertions, and financial accounting. ... Show more content on ...
As a private company, TCC is not directly affected by the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX). However, the
partner in charge of the engagement has advised you that, ever since the financial scandals at the turn
of the century, TCC has become interested in strengthening its corporate governance. Two years ago,
following the release of the AICPA s Audit Committees Toolkit for public and private corporations,
TCC has asked your firm to consider not only financial reporting issues, but also significant business
risks that could affect the sustainability of TCC s success in the toy industry. Although TCC s board of
directors believes it is aware of strategic issues facing the company, it has been considering spinning
off its digital toy division into a separate company and, subsequently, merging it with an upstart
software company. Before embarking on a change in organizational structure, the board wants a
second set of eyes to ensure it has considered all significant business risks that currently exist and
could adversely affect TCC in the foreseeable future. TCC s audit committee is meeting in two weeks
and would like the partner to explain significant business risks identified during KDOK s interim audit
tests and the year end audit planning. The partner would like you to prepare an audit planning
memorandum that
... Get more on ...
Analysis Of Intimidate Partner Violence
This essay has been written to address intimidate partner violence which is one of the most prevalent
type of violence against women worldwide. Intimidate partner violence includes sexual abuse as well
as physical and emotional abuse moreover, controlling behaviour by a threaten partner. However, in
the past, the most countries in the EU have seen intimidate partner violence as a private matter. Only
in the 1990s that attitude changed and violence against women has emerged the attention by the
highest level of fundamental rights where parties of the state has the duty to protect the individual and
therefore, to safeguard victims (FRA European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2012, p. 7).
Alerting is the result of a multi country study ... Show more content on ...
The model demonstrates the interaction between individual, relationship, community and societal
factors (CDC, 2015). The first level identifies individual factors which can increase the likelihood to
become a victim or a perpetrator. Individual factors can be; the age, low level of education, but also
violent childhood, sexual abuse in childhood as well as alcohol and drugs and personality disorders
(CDC, 2015 and WHO ,2012, p.4).The second level of the model describes the relationship factors;
this can be conflicts in the partnership such as displeasure or the women has a higher education as her
partner which leads to /or increase low self esteem by the male partner but also economic inequalities
can be crucial ( CDC,2015 and WHO ,2012, p.4).The third and fourth level ( community and societal
factors) developed through diverse studies with regard to intimidate partner violence and demonstrates
the influences of environment such as poverty, social acceptance of violence, belief of gender role and
misconstruction of norms, such as the man has the right to discipline the women or the women
deserves punishment ,but also low social and economic status are determined ( CDC ,2015 and WHO
,2012, p.4).Studies occupy that intimate partner violence has massively physical and
psychosomatically consequences to the victims. Moreover, other pathways such as chronic sicknesses
such as depressions, phobias and other disease can arise. Accordingly, to the WHO (2012) and FRA
(2012) survey, women who experienced domestic violence have a higher risk to commit suicide
compared with women in a non abusive relationship. In addition, violence can lead to reproductive
health consequences such as abortion, unwanted pregnancies, miscarriages and negative sexual
behaviour. Above all, evidence shows that also the
... Get more on ...
Why Icu Nurses Perform Quality Ets As Spelled By Best...
What was the purpose of the study (research question, purposes, hypotheses)?
The research article being analyzed pertains to the methods of suctioning of an open system
endotracheal tube in ICU patients. The study was aimed to examine the techniques and practices that
ICU Nurses employ at bedside before, during and after suctioning of the open endotracheal system to
compare if it is in compliance with current recommended practices and procedures. The research
question is Do ICU nurses perform quality ETS as spelled by best recommended practice?
The study was conducted for many reasons. First, in order to achieve optimal outcomes for the patient,
the most current research based practice must be employed as improper techniques can have
detrimental results to the patient in terms of inadequate oxygenation, injury to pulmonary tissues,
infections and increased anxiety to the patient. The second reason is to identify if ICU Nurses are in
compliance to the practice recommendations based on current research knowledge, and if not, to
implement actions to rectify deficiencies. The hypotheses statement is that ICU nurse s ETS
performance does not adhere to the best practice recommendation for ETS. The null hypothesis is that
ICU nurses adheres to ETS best practice recommendation standards when suctioning patients.
How was the sample obtained? The sampling of the observed subjects was obtained through the
sampling design of Quota Sampling. According to Polit and
... Get more on ...

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Victorian Writing Paper. Online assignment writing service.

  • 1. Victorian Writing Paper 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Victorian Writing Paper Victorian Writing Paper
  • 2. The Discovery Of The Pahlavi Dynasty The 1979 uprisings were aimed at getting rid of the Pahlavi dynasty which contained only two kings, Reza Shah and Mohammed Reza Shah. Before the Pahlavi s, Iran was ruled by the Qajar dynasty, and before that the Safavids. The safavids and Qajar s were responsible for two of the most important aspects of Iran: The safavids made Shia Islam the official state religion in Iran, starting with Ismail 1 in 1501, and the Qajar s gave the muslim clergy The ulema political power. The first major revolution in Iran was in 1906. It forced the ruling Qajar s to accept a constitution, it created a parliament and put some limits on the king. It ultimately failed party because the clergy withdrew their support, partly because the Shah worked very actively against it, and the Russian and the British worked to keep Persia weak so they could continue to try to dominate the region. After WW1, Europeans rivalries heated up because of the discovery of oil in the Middle East. The British established Iranian Oil company and they helped to engineer the change in dynasty by supporting military commander Reza Khan. Later on Reza Khan became Shah and he attempted to turn Persia, which he re named Iran 1935, into a modern, secular, western style state. Reza Shah is remembered for his dictatorial repression, which led the clergy against him. During WW2 Reza Shah abdicated and his young son Mohammad Reza Shah became the leader of Iran until 1979. The Shah in 1979 was an autocrat and he employed a ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Research Paper About Jamaica Jamaica is a very beautiful country with their amazing sand beaches and magnificent mountains. Jamaica s culture as a whole is very diverse but everyone is nice. The food in Jamaica is very good and has many different styles. The islands cuisine has adapted from many different cultures such as, Britain, India, Spain and many more. Jamaica has a every deep history, the movie Pirates of the Caribbean is actually based in Jamaica. The port that they are at in the movie (Port Royal) is a actual place, and the port it self has a history of actual pirates too. In all Jamaica is a beautiful country and has very interesting history and culture. Jamaica has beautiful beaches, and amazing land scape. The animals in Jamaica are very diverse with many different animals. The islands geography is also magnificent with it s rivers and Mt ranges. Jamaica is a very large island and is the third largest island in the caribbean and is 4,213 miles in total, and Jamaica has a beautiful mountain range call the Blue Moutains, that span east to west on the island, they reach up to 7,402 miles high. To complement the Mts Jamaica has two great rivers that flow through the island, the ... Show more content on ... The Jamaican police force has been committing un lawful killings and been getting away with them, until last month where they where taken into court for a killing but they where proven innocent. But they where only proven innocent became they had used a computer to tamper with evidence and make sure they where proven innocent, this case is currently still going on. Jamaican scientist are currently working on a cure for a cough known as the Barking cough and the Croup cough. This forms in little kids that usually have a virus and there is currently no cure for the virus and it can be fatal. As a country currently Jamaica is having some issues, but they are dealing with them as fast as they ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin The song is about a materialistic path of life that people take, which only satisfies them with desires of the world for material objects. This in turn leaves a weak feeling of lack of spiritual fulfillment leading them a question of how they would get into heaven. The character in the song who is a lady in finds the fulfillment of worldly satisfaction by buying stairway that she may use to heaven. Otherwise she realizes that life is not all about being able to buy everything she can afford. The song shows the spirit of this woman yearning for a deeper happiness. Then she is answered to her yearning soul that one may take either of the two existing ways. It shows a chance of salvation for all souls that go down the path that lead them to hell. The main part of this essay contains the analysis of the artifact. The meaning in almost every verse when the song is broken down is foremost given in this analysis. Later, we shall critically analyze the song and give deductions of the analysis. An evaluative judgment of the artifact of this song is done. The revelation of the analysis about the artifact in particular and about rhetorical processes in general will be explained. A conclusion will highlight the role the song plays in our daily lives In the song the stairway to heaven we find a Lady who wishes to buy the Stairs that will lead her to heaven. She believes that all that shines is gold. The lady knows that even though she meets stores in Heaven closed by the time she gets ... Get more on ...
  • 5. How Did Ww2 Affect Canada The Second World War was the largest and most violent war to date. With an estimated 50 80 million deaths and more than 50% civilian casualties, this makes WWII one of the deadliest wars in human history. WWII was a turning point for Canada and its role in International conflict. Canada proved itself a strong force in battle, and put on a unified front along with the other Allied powers. WWII also caused some harmful effects for Canada such as loss of many Canadian lives and a terrible defeat during the battle of Dieppe. World War Two was the first time that Canada was able to decide as a country whether or not to join the war, and it was conscription free until 1944. Canada s military grew substantially during WWII and supplied many men with jobs following the Great Depression. Women also played a bigger role in WWII and took over many jobs from men working in factories, some even got to work on navy ships and serve alongside men in the war. Canada showed a significant amount of strength in battle, whether it was fought in the air, sea or on the beaches Canadian military ... Show more content on ... A few years prior to WWII was the Great Depression, jobs were scarce, money was low and the quality of life for the average citizen was poor. The war brought jobs and boosted the economy however it also brought burdens that Canada will remember forever. On August 19, 1942 Canada and the other members of the Allied powers planned to attack the port of Dieppe. This was an extremely disorganized and poorly planned attack resulting in a complete bloodbath once the Allied powers reached the port of Dieppe . The German forces completely inialted almost all traces of Canadian soldiers and this battle goes down in history as the most disastrous battle for Canada. This disaster resulted in many deaths for Canadian soldiers and also was a major setback for Canada in the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The World of Musical Theatre Music can be traced back to the beginning of humanity. It has been an essential and crucial part of human society and its development. In the sense of Musical Theatre, it is referred to the art of telling stories through or with songs. This art can be traced all the way back to the Ancient Greeks (5th century BC), where music was used to accompany their stage works. It has been said that Sophocles composed his own music to accompany his own stage plays. In Greek theatre, a Greek Chorus was used in the play to comment on the actions. They were a part of the plot of the show, but no musical solos were present. The chorus was used also to be the conscious of the audience or as a sounding board for the main characters. Using the traditions of Greek Theatre, the Romans later replicated and expanded on the idea. The expansion evolved into the use of orchestral accompaniment for songs and dances in 3rd Century BC Plautus comedies. This later progressed in the Middle Ages with traveling minstrels and traveling performers performing popular songs and slapstick comedy. Religious Drama s became popular in the 12th and 13th centuries, combining church chants as a liturgical teaching tools such as The Play of Herod and The Play of Daniel. By the time of Renaissance, the Religious Dramas have developed into an Italian tradition called commedia dell arte where clowns improvise their ways through familiar stories. From there, Opera Buffa derived from the ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Psychological Effects Of The Cold War The Cold War began the use of space for war advantages. At the end of World War II, the dropping of the two atomic bombs changed the way war was fought forever. The Cold War brought the need for gathering intelligence on enemy countries driving the Cold War into the space race developing artificial intelligence, satellites, which would be used for military use including spying and reconnaissance. Many government agencies were formed and created the Corona Satellite having the most effect on the Cold War intelligence gathering. Without the use of satellites during the Cold War and agencies formed for foreign surveillance, the satellites used daily for television, GPS, photography, reconnaissance, and space exploration would not exist. Satellites ... Show more content on ... The United States took initiative and started surveillance on the Soviets by using U 2 spy planes. After the incident of Gary Powers being killed when flying, the push for spying in space would allow for intelligence on other countries above Earth s atmosphere and unnoticeable. Many government agencies developed the Corona satellite having a major impact on the Cold War. This imagery allowed for the ability to verify missiles and weapons which gave the United States confidence and a strategy when fighting or signing treaties. This satellite allowed for the collapsing of the Berlin Wall and ending the war against Communism. Today Satellites are launched and used from many countries all across the world. These satellites allow for television, communication, weather, GPS navigation, spying, space exploration, and so much more. The Corona Satellite opened the gates of all the new technology advantages for space satellites which will continue into the future as technology advances and circumstances encourage new ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Alexis De Tocqueville, And Max Weber s Analysis The idea of human freedom is seen in multiple aspects through the eyes of multiple theorists. Human freedom is an extensive topic because it extends throughout many different aspects of life, such as politics, religion, and education to name a few. Throughout this paper, I intend to address the aspects of human freedom as seen through the writings of Emile Durkheim, Alexis de Tocqueville, and Max Weber. Each theorist presents his own ideas on what human freedom really is and how it can exist, but they also share a few ideas as well. Durkheim is best known for his work Suicide in which he discusses the restraints and regulations put on members of society. For Durkheim, this is where human freedom exists; liberty exists in restraint. ... Show more content on ... Men tend to cling to equality more than freedom because the advantages are instantaneously evident, and they think it will last forever. Oppositely, the advantages of freedom are not as quickly evident, and after all, Western society is all about the now and how quick one can see results for their efforts. Political liberty requires great exertion while political equality evidences itself everywhere and is much easier to come by. Because of this, Tocqueville believes that if men seek equality and freedom and do not find it, they may seek equality in other things, even things as preposterous as equality in slavery. Democracy is about freedom and equality alike. Equality, however, is an insatiable desire of men. For Tocqueville, I think the positive outcomes of freedom need to more quickly evident in order for people to crave it as they do ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Rocky s Success In The Boxing Establishment Rocky explores how individual sporting achievement can bring about more than just success in the boxing ring. Rocky is more than just your average boxing movie. Rocky follows Rocky Balboa through his low life debt collecting days to his success in the ring. Rocky s success in the ring didn t just stay in the ring, he developed success with personal relationships for his life. Rocky essentially went from being a bum and on skid row to be an inspiration with his community all behind him. The success that boxing brought Rocky wasn t all money, it brought friendships, romance and relationships. Throughout Rocky, Rocky meets a shy Adrian who works in the pet store where he features regularly. In this scene Adrian is dressed as a cocoon which ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Kingdom of Heaven The Kingdom of Heaven The plot of this movie can be very well defined as a romantic quest for what is right and just in the world at that time. The film starts off in the early 12th century with a blacksmith called Balian of Ibelin (who is actually an artificier, or military engineer) that has just lost his wife to suicide and is given the chance to go to the Holy Land to seek forgiveness for her sin by his long lost father Godfrey of Ibelin. This becomes his secondary goal upon arriving in Jerusalem because soon after the start of their journey, Balian s father dies and passes on his legacy to Balian making him the new Baron of Ibelin. With the title comes the duty of defending Jerusalem in the name of the king and at the same time ... Show more content on ... In fact, it is said that when Guy failed to attack the Muslims in 1183, Baldwin went into a fit of anger because he wanted them all dead. The movie makes it seem as though Baldwin wanted to keep peace between the two groups but that was not true because really, he could not stand the Muslims and would do almost anything to keep the Holy Land out of their hands. When it comes to Saladin, the film makes it seem as though he was a man of tolerance and respect when in reality, he took pleasure in watching the decapitation of hundreds of christen soldiers and civilians alike. Through out his time as ruler of the Muslims, Saladin Preached jihad(or holy war) on the Christians and made it very clear that his goal was to take Jerusalem by force and kill all of the people living behind the walls and on the surrounding lands. Saladin as he is portrayed in the film is a man who chooses to work together with the Christians to try to find a reasonable balance between groups and holds them in high regard to himself.6 This is very far from any kind of truth at all. I believe that this was such a big deal for groups when the movie came out because the film made it seem as though both men wanted a somewhat peaceful solution to obtaining what they desired when in fact, that was the last thing they wanted. Both men were very respectable from what I can tell, but ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Canad A Melting Pot Of Cultures And Natural Beauty Canada Phillip Seay ECPI University Abstract Canada is a melting pot of cultures and natural beauty. They have multiple official languages. The country offers thousands of miles of national parks and glacier lakes to explore. You can taste some food that are famous to Canada. You can watch hockey in the country it originated in. In this essay I will cover a little history on Canada, including the nation s foods and sports. Keywords: Maple Syrup, Hockey, Glaciers, Parks, Engineering, Poutine, Banff, Niagara Falls *Title of Your Paper in Title Case* There are so many countries in the world, and all of them are unique in their own way. With the introduction of modern transportation, visiting or moving to these countries has become ... Show more content on ... Cartier is also known for giving Canada its name. He heard to guides saying Kanata, meaning village, so by the 1550s the name Canada began appearing on maps. In 1583, Sir Humphrey Gilbert claimed Newfoundland as the first North American English Colony under Queen Elizabeth I. In the 1700s, France and Great British fought for control of North America. In 1759, the British won and renamed the colony the Province of Quebec. The British passed the Quebec Act of 1774, which allowed Catholics to hold public office and worship publicly. This was not yet passed in mainland Britain. This law also brought back French civil law and established British criminal law. The United States tried to conquer Canada in 1812 through 1814. The US lost the battle and never tried again. During World War 1, over six hundred thousand Canadians served. In April 1917, the Canadian Corps captured Vimy Ridge in France and earned the reputation as shock troops of the British Empire. By the end of the war, sixty thousand were killed and a hundred and seventy thousand wounded. In 1916, Manitoba was the first province to allow women to vote. In 1918, all women were allowed to vote in federal elections. In 1921, Frederick Banting made a world changing discovery by finding insulin. Insulin has since been used to treat diabetes. He won the Nobel Prize in 1923 for his discovery. The Great Depression, or Dirty Thirties , hit Canada hard. This brought the need for minimum wage and a standard work week. ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Information Security And Effective Corporate Governance... ABSTRACT Information is everywhere in business and good information management is considered to be important any organization. Organizations and individuals are highly affected by misuses of information that result from security failures. This report has been compiled after thorough research on information security and it focuses on technical side of this critical issue and the impact of personal behaviour in securing organizational systems. The fact remains that even with implementing good mandatory controls; the application of computing defences has not kept pace with abusers attempts to undercut them. Through studies of information security infringement behaviours have focused on some aspects of security lapses and have provided some ... Show more content on ... IT improves communication thus improving customer satisfaction and encourages innovation and creativity which can be used in business growth and expansion. IT also improves the Human Resource Management process and saves time through automation of various tasks. The use of internet and computers to work eliminated the space and time boundaries as employees can work from anywhere and anytime. Though we enjoy the benefits that come with technology at work, it also tends to be risky, especially when it comes to data/information security. Those employees in important decision making positions will need access to private business information which can pose as a threat, as it is very difficult to monitor the usage and privacy of this information. Employees carry flash drives at work, so they can easily transfer critical business information and use it for their own personal gains. One of the worst and most widespread crimes is identity theft. Such thefts where individuals Social Security and credit card numbers are stolen and used by thieves are not new. Criminals have always obtained information about other people by stealing wallets or dumpster digging. But widespread electronic sharing and databases have made the crime worse. Because financial institutions, data processing firms, and retail businesses are reluctant to reveal incidents in which their customers personal financial information ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Costs and Public Goods BUECO5903 BUSINESS ECONOMICS ASSIGNMENTS A Semester 1, 2013 Due dates for each section are provided in the Course Description. Part A Microeconomics Worth 10% of total assessment: Answer any five (5) of the following questions. Each question is worth 10 marks; Question 1: (a) Explain the impact of external costs and external benefits on resource allocation; (2.5 marks) Ans : Resources are over allocated when negative externalities exist because the equilibrium price is too low. Resources are under allocated when positive externalities exist because the equilibrium price is too high (b)Why are public goods not produced in sufficient quantities by private markets? (2.5 marks) Ans :The main reason is that of free rider ... Show more content on ... (4 marks) Are these firms operating in the short or the long run? (1 mark) Firm A: short run / long run Firm B: short run / long run (c) Are these firms operating under perfect or imperfect competition? Firm A: perfect / imperfect (1 mark) Firm B: perfect / imperfect (d) What level of output will these firms produce in the short run? Firm A: (2 marks) Firm B: How would you describe their profit positions? (2 marks) Firm A: Firm B: Question 4: (a) Suppose you own a coffee shop. List some of the fixed inputs and variable inputs you would use in operating the shop. (4 marks) Ans : An input whose quantity can be changed in the time period under consideration, the most common example of a variable input is labour. Other hand fixed input like capital, provides the capacity constraint in production. Costs of production that do not change when the output changes (e.g. factory rent or, coffee shop rent) Variable inputs are Costs of production that change when the output changes (e.g. cost of materials or wages and such as land, labour and capital and in a short given time period, at least one input such as land (e.g. rent) or capital (e.g. equipment lease) is fixed or unchanging. Example
  • 14. Land Capital = Fixed Input Fixed Costs Labour = Variable Input Variable Costs (b) Baubles and Beads manufacturing produces 100 ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Understand The Concept Of Play Essay From an early age children are known to engage in a number of activities in which would feed their curiosity alongside aiding their development. The main activity in which they would willingly participate in would be pretend play; play is not something which is only done by children however can be performed by adults and even animals. In order to understand play and how it may benefit young children we must first be able to define it, however this creates the initial issue. This is due to the fact that the concept of play is disreputably difficult to define (Burghardt 2011). Although despite this we are able to split the concept of play into four various aspects, as described by Linda Rose Krasnor and Debra J. Pepler (1980), positive affect, flexibility, intrinsic movement and nonliterality. Positive affect refers to the idea that individuals who seem as though they are enjoying themselves whilst they are playing. Flexibility would then touch upon the idea that the play behaviours would differ ... Show more content on ... One classification of play would be object play; this would occur within younger children and would traditionally begin with children that are approximately 5months. At 5 month the child would use object play as a way to feed their curiosity, it would allow them to explore objects by touching, feeling and seeing what they would be able to do with it. However as the child ages to roughly 2years + they would begin to use more than one object and allow their imagination to be free and would see objects being more then what they are. An example of this would include a child seeing a block of bricks and using it to build a house. Another example can include a child pretending to be a doctor with an ice lolly stick and using it as a ... Get more on ...
  • 16. System Failure with India Building Callapse and French... 1. INTRODUCTION In introduction this assignment will contain two individual system failure reports; firstly the report for the India Building Collapse will be dissected thus identifying certain information regarding the failure of this particular system. The second system failure report is of the French Rail Crash and correspondingly to the first incident information regarding the system failure will also be identified. 2. INDIA BUILDING COLLAPSE: 27TH SEPTEMBER 2013 LOCATION: MUMBAI, INDIA 2.1. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF INCIDENT On September 27th 2013 a four storey building in Dockyard Road in the east of Mumbai collapsed resulting in the death of 61 people. Officials have identified that 22 families of employees of the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai resided in the four storey building. As property and rent prices in Mumbai rise it is those that are less fortunate that have to live in such dilapidated buildings. 2.2. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF MAIN FAILURE CAUSES Poor construction practices in India are believed to be one of the main failure causes. Rising prices in India s cities results in those less affluent are forced to live is structurally poor accommodation. The main failure cause was due to a central wall and supporting beams being removed thus giving the building insufficient stability. 2.3. WARNING SIGNS There have been many considerable warning signs as over 100 people have died due to building collapses in Mumbai between April and June 2013 alone. An ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Lady Of Shalott Gender Roles During the Victorian era many common themes are depicted throughout the writings of that time. One of the more important theme is gender roles. The theme of gender roles is very prominent in The Lady of Shalott by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Gender roles are also very noticeable in Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. In Alfred Lord Tennyson s The Lady of Shalott, the theme of gender role is obvious. The Lady of Shalott is stuck in a tower and has been there for a long time. She feels alone and isolated while she watched the world around her. This poem shows how women may have felt trapped in relationships. The Lady wanted to leave and be with Sir Lancelot but was trapped. This symbolizes how women want to leave a bad relationship but they are ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Australian Curriculum V7.2 Science Rationale Introduction The purpose of science education is not a straightforward concept, as it is ever evolving and dynamic to meet the needs of society s expectations and values at that point in time (Ferrari, 2010). Science education should be nurturing, engaging and challenging in the 21st century classroom, catering for all students. We as teachers should encourage out students to explore the world, by providing motivation, engagement and education about the wonder and potential of science, we need to move the focus of our teaching away from the fact finding, memorising and formula driven practical that capture what school has become to our students today (Ferrari, 2010). Science provides a practical way of answering questions about our everyday lives, whether that is biological, physical or technological world around us ( The Australian Curriculum v7.2 Science: Rationale, n.d.). This is why science education is important to our curriculum. The need for science education ... Show more content on ... This is something that drives us to be dynamic, collaborative and creative students ( The Australian Curriculum v7.2 Science: Rationale, n.d.). Our science knowledge shapes our actions in our personal, social and economic lives (The Australian Curriculum v7.2 Science: Rationale, n.d.). Students can experience the enjoyment of scientific discovery and cultivate their natural curiosity about the world around them through science at school. This is why science should be relatable and meaningful to ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Copyright Infringement To MGM For Honda Commercial s Hero ISSUE Is American Honda Motor Company ( Honda ) liable for copyright infringement to MGM for the Honda commercial s hero that aired on national television? RULE Copyright Infringement is the infringement of the exclusive rights of an author by the unauthorized use of their work: Copyrightable scenes that are repeatedly viewed in a series of motion pictures that have become identifiable to the main character are scenes that are copyrightable protected; Copyrightable characters with distinctive characteristics that are highly recognizable to that character will qualify for copyright protection; There must have been some form of access to the work; The two types of substantial similarity test (i.e., extrinsic and intrinsic) ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Phineas Taylor Barnum Accomplishments The Greatest Showman On Earth Phineas Taylor Barnum is a man of many talents. He has achieved many great accomplishments throughout his life. P.T. helped popularize opera in the U.S , stated Evan Andrews.( 10 Things You May Not Know About P.T. Barnum ) Phineas Taylor Barnum created the world famous Three Ringed Circus. With his help, the Swedish Nightingale became an overnight sensation. Barnum reportedly netted a staggering $500,00 on tour, and Linds popularity helped make opera a mainstay in American Theatres, claimed Andrews. There were social, economic,and cultural influences on Phineas Taylor Barnum which affected his lifetime achievements. Barnum had many social influences throughout his life. Some may say his father, mother, or his children were big influences, but there was many others to. A woman by the name of Joice Heth also made an impact of Barnum s career. This woman claimed to be the nurse of the former president, George Washington, making her a whopping age of 161 years old. This is where his show career began, claimed Sara Ann McGill. With the fact that this woman was claiming to be 161 years of age, Barnum immediately had the thought of having a show based on unique people who could tell their stories in front of a live paying audience. ... Show more content on ... Taylor s life in Bethel was much like any other boys except for his lack in money which drove him to wanting to succeed, stated Karen Clemens Warrick.(P.T. Barnum: genius of the three ringed circus) P.T grew up as the taylors boy and his family didn t come from much which made him want to succeed ten times more than any other child in Bethel. As he aged Taylor and his parents moved to New York where he first realized the hustle and bustle of working. He went from a country boy to a city boy very fast, but that didn t stop him from wanting to ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Nuclear Sclerosis Case Study A 67 year old female Caucasian patient comes in to the clinic complaining of decreased vision, affecting the left eye more than the right. She is being treated for hypertension, cholesterol, and diabetes. Her distance vision is 20/25 OD and 20/40 OS and her near vision is 20/25 OD and 20/50 OS. Her prescription was found to be 11.00 1.00X180 OD and 13.50 1.50X015 OS, which is classified as high myopia. A 1+ nuclear sclerosis was found in the right eye. A 2+ nuclear sclerosis and a paracentral subcapsular cataract were found in the left eye. Due to these findings, it was determined that glasses could not fully fix the patients vision. This lead to a referral to a retinal specialist and a cataract surgeon. No other abnormalities were noted on the initial examination. The patient then came back when the cataract surgery was performed on the left eye and the visual acuity improved to 20/25 at distance and 20/25 at near OS. All things concerning the surgery seemed normal for a day after the IOL placement. Six months later, the ... Show more content on ... The main way light is obstructed on its way to the retinal is by a cataract in the lens, which is the case in this patient. These can form two major ways: ultraviolet light damage and aging. Ultraviolet light damage leads to an abundance of free radicals. These free radicals act on the crystalline proteins and cause them to clump together, creating a cataract.[2] Another way cataracts are formed is by the natural process of aging. Concentrations of alpha crystallins fall off with age with leads the other subtypes to aggregate and form scleroses (cataracts).[3] This is what is leading to the glare that the patient sees at night. The cataract is scattering the light entering her eye and leading to blur on the retina. Both of these could have contributed to the cataracts in this patient due to her being over 65 and due to her age naturally being exposed to more ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Crown Of Life Research Paper The ability to become young again, live forever, and to heal any wound has been discovered in 1991! Ron and Tom are archaeologists from Australia, and their latest mission is to retrieve the Crown of Life from the Tomb of Neferkheperuhersekheper located in Egypt. Whoever wears the Crown of Life will become young, never die, and heal you whenever you get hurt. Ron and Tom arrived at the entrance to the tomb. They put on their packs filled to the brim with their gear. The map showed that there were four corridors leading to the podium holding the Crown of Life. Ron and Tom rolled over the boulder blocking the first corridor. They saw that there are tiles on the ground, and if you stepped on the wrong one, you would fall into a bottomless pit. ... Show more content on ... They cautiously walked through it. As Tom turned around, Steve noticed that Tom walked into a tripwire that activated a trap that threw spears. Steve quickly pushed Tom out of harm s way, but didn t have enough time to completely get himself out of danger. The spear grazed his left shoulder, but luckily no fatal damage occurred. Tom quickly took out the first aid kit out of his pack and wrapped gauze around Steve s shoulder to stop the bleeding. As soon as Steve felt better, they continued to the room containing the treasure. They saw the podium with the Crown of Life inside a glass container. They both breathlessly walked up, and as soon as they were about to remove the glass case, everything went dark. Esteban, the tomb robber, took the back of his flashlight and knocked both Steve and Tom out. He tied them both together, and quickly scurried out of the tomb. Steve and Tom scooted over and sat down on the glass case, shattering it into hundreds of pieces. They would then take the biggest piece, and cut themselves free. After, they dashed out of the tomb. They quickly got back into their jeep, and got out the thermal scanner from their trunk. Thier scanner showed two life forms about a few miles away. Steve and Tom thought that Esteban had a partner. They drove as fast as the jeep allowed to try to catch up to them. After a few hours, they finally saw that they stopped. Steve and Tom followed Esteban and his partner into a ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Pm1 Change Management Plan Change Management Plan Introduction All projects experience changes due to progressive elaboration of scope details, deliverables, risks responses, and stakeholder expectations. The purpose of the Change Management Plan is to document and track relevant project data necessary to successfully plan, execute, and monitor and control potential changes while developing a prototype bicycle capable of traveling over land, air, and water (LAW). Change Management Process Following the Project Management Institute s (PMI) best practices, the change management plan was created during the project planning phase, during the develop project management plan process (PMI, 2013). The process of performing integrated change control is formal process which ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Cell Anemi The Common Genetic Disorder Essay SICKEL CELL ANEMIA Sickle Cell Anemia or (SCD) is the most common genetic disorder across the entire world it is an inherited genetic condition giving to you by both your mother and father that affects your hemoglobin. There is a mutation in the gene that tells your body to make hemoglobin (a red iron rich compound that gives blood its red color). There are over 600 million hemoglobin molecules in each red blood cell (Brown, M. (2012)). The purpose of hemoglobin is allow red blood cells to carry carbon dioxide, and oxygen from your lungs to all parts of the body. People with sickle cell disease inherit the s gene from abnormal hemoglobin from both parents, you usually find out you have this disease at birth. A blood test is giving to all newborns to look for the s gene known as the sickle cell gene. Children and adults can also have this test done. Young children s blood is usually taken from a finger or heel prick for this test. Adults can have their blood drawn from a vein in the arm. Pregnant woman who want to know if there baby will have sickle cell disease can have their unborn baby tested by the amniotic fluid surrounded by the fetus to look for the s gene. In people with sickle cell anemia the abnormal hemoglobin causes red blood cells to become rigid, sticky and crescent shaped. The crescent shape is why they call it the s gene. Both of your parents must carry the s gene. If only one parent has the s gene and passes it ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Annex Philippines Should the United States have annexed the Philippines Abraham Lincoln once said no man is good enough to govern another man without that other s consent... In this case the U.S. is not good enough to govern the Philippines when the Philippines want to be independent. The Spanish American war (1898) occurred when a U.S. ship blew up near Cuba (was trying to gain independence from Spain). Within hours yellow journalists were all over the story saying that it was a Spanish torpedo, and the U.S. should go to war. The United States government fell for yellow journalism and went to war. It was an easy win for the U.S. as it lasted only 4 months. As a result of the win the U.S. got an option on what to do with Philipines( also trying to gain independence from Spain), annex them, make them independent, or give them back to Spain. At the beginning of the war the United States said it would free the Philippines, because of all the help the Philippines offered, however they ended up annexing it. So, should the United States annex the Philippines? No, the U.S. should not annex the Philippines because it kills the spirit of 1776 and it goes against the golden rule. ... Show more content on ... should not annex the Philippines because it goes against the spirit of 1776. We earnestly condemn the policy of the present national administration in the Philippines. It seeks to extinguish the spirit of 1776 in those islands. (Document A) The U.S. was fighting for its own independence from Great Britain over 100 years ago, and now Philippines is doing the same thing with Spain. So why doesn t the U.S. support them on this instead going against it. The only way America is a country now is because it rebelled against a bad ruler. Philippines is just trying to follow in our own footprints. That is why the U.S. should not annex the Philippines because it goes against the spirit of ... Get more on ...
  • 26. 20th Century Reformers Dbq While a number of the most important reform movements of the late 19th and early 20th centuries grew out of efforts to combat the negative effects of industrialization, the main focus of their efforts was not the impact of the Industrial Revolution on the natural environment. Although some reformers, such as Theodore Roosevelt and Gifford Pinchot, were deeply worried about the consequences of economic development on the natural environment, the most influential, most effective reformers were primarily concerned with the impact of the rise of big business on small businesses, industrial workers, and consumers, and with corruption in government that reformers believed resulted from the economic power of large corporations. Farmers were upset at what they regarded as arbitrary and excessive railroad rates and abuses such as rebates to big business like Standard Oil. These farmers were among the ... Show more content on ... Supported by President Theodore Roosevelt, progressive reformers, like the Populists, sought to strengthen railroad regulation and both enforce and further strengthen the antitrust laws. In 1902, President Roosevelt not only forced mine owners to submit to arbitration to settle a nationwide coal strike, he also asked his attorney general to file an antitrust suit against the Northern Securities Company, a large railroad holding company. After the Supreme Court upheld a lower court decision to break up the Northern Securities Company in 1904, Roosevelt went on to strengthen the Interstate Commerce Commission s ability to regulate railroad rates by pushing the Hepburn Act through Congress in 1906. A few years later, another progressive reformer, Woodrow Wilson, succeeded to the presidency, and he managed to further strengthen the antitrust laws by pushing the Clayton Antitrust Act through Congress in ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Essay on Writing Techniques in Poe s The Raven Writing Techniques in Poe s The Raven Edgar Allan Poe uses several writing techniques to create a single concentrated effect of unending despair in his classic poem, The Raven. The most noticeable technique is the use of repetition. Just as repeated exposure to cold raindrops can chill one to the bone, repeated exposure to words of hopelessness and gloom creates a chilling effect. Poe saturates the reader with desperate futility by repetitive use of the words nothing more and nevermore. These two phrases, used in refrain to end seventeen of the poem s eighteen stanzas, drench the reader with melancholy. Poe also uses repetition to spark the reader s curiosity. He refers to the sound of rapping or tapping eight times in the ... Show more content on ... This rare radiance stands in stark contrast to the grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous raven who now never leaves his chamber (71). Lenore is referred to as a sainted maiden (94), whereas the raven is referred to as a prophet! and a thing of evil! (85, 91). The radiance of Lenore is contrasted with the speaker s soul, which he describes as being under a shadow (107). These contrasts serve to draw attention to the most significant contrast described in the poem: an intelligent, well read, loving man interprets a bird seeking shelter on a cold night as an emblem of never ending anguish and succumbs to depression and madness. Poe masterfully chooses his words to create an effect. He introduces the idea that the tapping is caused by something at his window lattice (33) followed by Let me see, then, what thereat is (34). His choice of the word thereat is interesting in that it suggests the word threat . The sharp t sound at the end of thereat conjures the sound of pecking on glass. The experience of hearing what the speaker hears serves to increase the bond the reader feels with the speaker. Poe s masterful alliteration likewise creates mood as exhibited in the phrase, And the silken sad uncertain (13). These words are not commonly used together. The repetitive s sound forces the reader to hesitate when reading the line, leading the reader to identify with the uncertainty that the speaker is experiencing. In a similar way, the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Essay on The Likelihood of Becoming a Film Editor Have you ever thought of what career path you would like to follow when you grow older? Everyday young people inch closer and closer to the time of decision for the career they would like to pursue for the rest of their life. This one decision can often be influenced by the current economy condition and how much money you can earn yearly or monthly. Recession and its effects In 2008 many people were changing and choosing to take a different career path due to unstable economic condition. Some causes of the recession in 2008 include a sudden rise in price of oil, irresponsible usage of Loan, and a weak Dollar (Governing). Right before the recession many American citizens were charging items to their credit cards and then not paying off ... Show more content on ... They work with cinematographers and sound editors to bring sight and sound together within a movie. There are several different tasks a film editor must engage in throughout the making of a movie: they read the shooting script and meet with the director to understand their vision for the film. Editors visit the locations during filming to gain a sense of how the shooting is progressing. They go through footage, once shooting is done, and select scenes based on how well they fit in with the story line and how effective the scene is at capturing the audience s attention. The editor looks for the best combination of photography, performance, consistency and timing. Film Editors trim the segments of footage to the lengths needed for the film and assemble them into the best order to tell the story (How Stuff Works). Statistics and Salary of a Film Editor The current salary for a film editor is, for the tenth percentile, $25,660. For the twenty fifth percentile the salary is $34,580. The fiftieth or median percentile salary is $51,300. If you re a more experience film editor and you land in the seventy fifth percentile the average salary is $79,380. If you are an excellent editor the average salary is $119,250. From research I discovered locations in which one may have a good chance of becoming a film editor. Those locations include California, New York, Florida, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Ethical Framework Running Head: EITHICAL FRAMEWORK Ethical Framework Grand Canyon University: NRS437V June 14, 2010 Ethical Framework As a professional health care worker, the implication confidentiality breach regarding ethical dilemmas are significant to nurse and patient. The information disclosed can cause problems on a personal and professional level. Breach of confidentiality occurs when the heath care work discloses the patient s medical or personal information without the patient s informed written or verbal consent. Confidentiality is needed between the nurse and the patient to maintain a good open and honest relationship between both parties. There are several ethical implications regarding breach of confidentiality, for example, ... Show more content on ... However, the situation was a catch 22 as Andrea s trust in nursing would be broken. Without viewing the episode, I believe Andrea was most affected by the decision for nurse Hathaway to inform the school of the sex parties and Andrea s participation. This is where I believe nurse Hathaway broke the ethical principle of veracity. The registered professional nurse, in facilitating the ethical decision making process, can utilize different frameworks and models [through steps] (NYSNA, 2011). An alternative to address the ethical issue, the nurse must first identify the issue at hand. Andrea, who was a minor, was diagnosis with cervical cancer and upon completion of her assessment it was also noted that Andrea was a participant in sex parties. The ethical dilemma lies in whether the nurse should break confidentiality to inform her parents of the medical findings and the subjective information given by Andrea. The second step is to obtain the facts, which in Andrea s case, is supported by medical assessment, laboratory studies, diagnosis, and Andrea s own verbal statement. Next, the nurse must evaluate alternative actions plans to handle and help resolve the dilemma. In this case, the nurse should also consult the hospital case worker, ethics committee, nursing code of ethics, and hospital guidelines and policies and procedures to help with the final decision or action plan. The ethics committee would aid as case consultant, identifying ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Review Of The Crucible Kristina Garcia Mrs. Herrera English III December 11, 2016 What is Corruption? Corruption can mean so many things and can be interpreted in countless ways but in the most simplistic way of explaining what it is, it is the misuse of judgment, the struggle between what is right and what is wrong. No one really knows what led to corruption, but some say it was religious reasons that led to this malfeasance, meaning the devil, while others believe different. People in today s society tend to relate this topic to politics because it is most commonly occurs within that faction of society. Corruption is a reoccurring theme throughout The Crucible, it shows through the political, McCarthyism, religious and personal reasons of the Colonial Era. The Crucible takes place in the early England colonies in Salem, Massachusetts during what we know as the witch trials. It is based on a group of girls involved in witch like activities, who begin to accuse others of committing witchcraft just so that they do not get into trouble. One girl controls the group, Abigail Williams, and she plots against Elizabeth Proctor who is married to John Proctor, who Abigail had an affair with. Due to these childish and dramatic acts of Abigail and the girls, half the townspeople were taken to trial and found guilty of witchery and worshipping the devil and were sentenced to hang. Not till the end did the townspeople realize their mistake about the accusations, which turned out to be false. Political ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Difference Between Spanish And English Colonization During the 15th through 17th centuries, advancements in technology and the desire for new resources spurred the exploration of the New World for both Spain and England. Spain s interest in exploration soon surpassed the rest of the countries in the Old World and the nation began to claim the majority of territory in Central and South America. Spain sent conquistadores to assert their dominance in the New World through violent conquest which resulted in difficult relations with native populations. Although the English did not settle in North America until the early 17th century, well past the period of the Spanish conquest, their methods of colonization were more successful in the long term. The English were able to find economic success ... Show more content on ... This caused a trade imbalance, thus hurting the Spanish economy and making it harder for the colonies in the New World to become successful settlements. Because the Spanish Crown had little interest in creating long lasting colonies in New World for any purpose other than to gain wealth for the mother country, the group of Spaniards that came to America only consisted of conquistadores, missionaries, and soldiers. It is important to note that no Spanish women made the journey to the Americas, which contributed to Spain s issue with founding substantial settlements. All of these factors made it difficult for Spain to benefit off colonization because the country lacked a strong, stable economy in the New World. On the other hand, England was able to establish permanent settlements in the Americas more efficiently than the Spanish because the purpose of colonization was not solely to acquire wealth, but also to flee religious and political persecution. Since British colonists had a comparatively more compelling reason to inhabit the Americas than the Spanish, they were more likely to permanently settle and contribute to the economy through commerce and agriculture. Their economic situation differed from the Spanish because instead of earning wealth through conquest and exploitation, industry in English colonies was based on farming, fishing, and exports like tobacco and lumber. The economy was also more ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Political Satire The viewpoint of the political cartoon is that no one takes Al Gore seriously. The word serious is in the cartoon and AL Gore is dressed as a penguin, which is funny. The cartoon is horatian because Al Gore dressed in a penguin suit is humorous. The content creator used sarcasm and caricature in the cartoon. The sarcastic part of the cartoon is Obama asking us to take global warming seriously. Caricature is used by Al Gore dressed as a penguin. The viewpoint of the author is that celebrities get involved in important causes like global warming only for their own personal gain. The video portrays a dumb actor who drives up in a gas guzzling vehicle. He perceives to warn us about global warming but is really campaigning to be the next spiderman. The skit is horatian because the actor is not taken serious by the meteorologist. The SNL skit, Climate Change is a parody because it portrays celebrities taking up a serious cause for their own personal gain. Another satirical technique used by the author is exaggeration. The video is mocking documentaries. ... Show more content on ... In a serious tone the author is talking about napkins from takeout orders and climate change. The author use of horatian can be seen with words like stockpiling and stacks when referring to napkins. The author used sarcasm and exaggeration. An example of exaggeration in the article is using napkins to save the planet. Sarcasm is used at the end of the article come when they warn against throwing out packets of salt and ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Difference Between Border And Borderlands In this week we mainly discuss about the borderlands. Before this class s study, I didn t think about the difference between border and borderlands, but I do know that lots of illegally immigration situation happened in Arizona. When I study in Central High School in Arizona, I had lots of classmate that came with their parents from Mexico illegally. And I heard lots of story happened on them and reflect our class s topic. Arizona passed a bill called SB 1070, this bill was work on Anti immigrant sentiment and the borders of belonging and not belonging. Lots of people from Mexico across the border come to Arizona illegally, and this situation cause lots of social phenomenon. For example, the crime on the board is very significant, and cartel ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Baby Teeth Research Paper Checkups Baby teeth lay the foundation for dental health in the future. The American Association of Pediatric Dentist recommends that your baby see the dentist when his or her first tooth appears or, by his or her first birthday. It is recommended that your child and adolescent see the dentist for a check up every 6 months to look for tooth decay, placement of the teeth, and cleaning. Sedation Nitrous Oxide Laughing gas The AAPD recognizes nitrous oxide as a safe and effective technique to reduce anxiety in children, especially those who are anxious about their dental visit or have a sensitive gag reflex. The gas is eliminated from the body quickly after it is turned off. Administered through the nose your child will stay awake and continue ... Show more content on ... In simple terms, phase two is usually a full set of upper and lower braces. Because of the work of phase one, the treatment time for phase two will be reduced significantly, usually 18 to 24 months. Athletic Mouth Guards and Teeth Grinding Guards The proper way to protect your child s teeth during a sporting event is a custom made mouth guard. A boil and bite mouth guard can offer protection, however they will often have to be reheated and refitted. They will not provide the safety of a tailored made mouth guard. Dental mouth guards are molded to the exact fit of your child s teeth. There is always greater stability and protection from a form fitted protector. Bruxism, or tooth grinding, is common in children and adolescents. If your child complains of pain in their jaw, face, or ear we recommend a consultation for possible Bruxism. We can discuss with you the appropriate ages for, and benefits of, wearing a night guard. Digital X rays We have cutting edge technology that uses the lowest radiation possible for your children. High speed film, and proper shielding assure that your child receives a minimal amount of radiation exposure. The digital x ray provides nearly 80% less radiation than a standard ... Get more on ...
  • 35. The Maccabean Revolt Against The Seleucid Empire The Maccabean revolt was led by the Jewish/Maccabees against the Seleucid Empire. The revolt stated when the Seleucid Emperor, Antiochus IV, issued a decree prohibiting the Jewish religion, in 168BC. This caused the Maccabean revolt to start in 165BC, led by three brothers Judas, Jonathan, and Simon. Maccabean send embassy to Rome in 163BC, they help to defeat the Seleucid Empire. This revolt continues until 142BC, when Simon assumes the Maccabean leadership and gains independence for the Jewish and recaptures Jerusalem. The Jewish needed to fight against the Seleucid Empire to stop and prevent the persecution of the Jewish people, if we do as our brethren have done, and fight not for our lives and laws against the heathen, they will now quickly ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Themes In Imagining Argentina Imagining Argentina is a novel written by Lawrence Thornton, which is set in the era of the late 1970s of Argentina, during the dirty war. The dirty war came into effect when a military junta had taken power by force, shortly after the former president was removed. The main cause of the dirty war was to suppress the people of Argentina who are on the side of left wing politically. Anyone suspected or even related to the side of left wing would have a green falcon visit their home or wherever they are, and will be kidnapped and tortured, becoming known to the people as the disappeared . Although thousands of Argentinians have disappeared through the years of the dirty war, their identity has not disappeared, through the power a name holds. Carlos Rueda, the protagonist, believes names to be much more than just a name. A name holds a person s uniqueness; their personality; their identity; and their story. Carlos is gifted with an imagination, which can predict the fate of the disappeared through the power these names hold. Although identity is a key theme, the overall message revolves around imagination. Throughout Imagining Argentina the use of imagination is always present. Thornton provides a powerful message which is imagination being our strongest tool; our reality. Imagination helps us through times of desperation and despair. The human mind is stronger than any physical force. Our power to imagine helps us stay strong, it helps us identify as humans. Imagination ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Rick Perlstein The Problem With College Fran D Angelo The Problems with College In recent discussions about college, a controversial issue has been whether college is right for kids of this generation. On one hand, some argue that college is a liberating moment for new college students. On the other hand, however, others argue that college these days is missing creativity that it once had in the past. In an article written by Rick Perlstein What s the Matter with College? he states that College as America used to understand it is coming to an end. According to this view, Perlstein believes that colleges has lost its superiority that it once had in prior years. College was made for students to further their education, but to also gain the college experience that will hopefully ... Show more content on ... While in high school Morris attended an art school and given the freedom to do whatever he would like, therefore he expected the same going into his college experience. According to Perlstein, Morris said I Hated it from the first day, he told me. People her are so insanely uncreative, and they re proud of it. Morris goes on to say a big part of why college students are uncreative is because in high school all they did was prepare for college, rather than living out their lives grow from experiences. Basically, Perlstein s article is trying to express that college is lacking creativity for these new generation of college kids, since kids these days are truly not experiencing life since college is believed to be the upmost importance ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Importance Of Minor Characters In Hamlet Minor characters in stories usually don t play major roles in stories. However, two minor characters in Hamlet are essential to the development of the story s plot and theme. The ghost, a minor character who introduces the problem, and Horatio who also appears rarely, play an important role in not only developing the story but also strengthening the theme of the story. The ghost appears in only about two or three scenes but gives a revelation to Hamlet which shapes the plot of the entire play. The ghost, who apparently is of Hamlet s father, is introduced in the beginning of the story when he plays a role of foreshadowing the coming tragedy as the two guards who first spot it believe that the ghost s appearance in the battle armor and of the ... Show more content on ... However, as is the ghost, Horatio is crucial to the development of the play s plot and theme. Horatio has a rather unique role in which he acts as a balancing force to the evils of murder, incest, and betrayal in the play. Throughout the play, he remains loyal and a good friend and servant of Hamlet. He does not exhibit any evil trait that most of the characters in the play have. This function of countering the evilness of the other characters makes the story more diverse and interesting, and adds realism. His sense of loyalty and honor was demonstrated when he tried to suicide to honor of Hamlet s death in the end, only to be saved by Hamlet s command for him to be a messenger and tell the story to the kingdom and others. By making Horatio one of the few characters to survive, the author in a way glorified Horatio s sense of respect and honor and disapproved the evilness of the other characters that died, most of whom were evil in some way. At the end, Horatio also has the important role of bringing the story to a close. If the ghost had the role of initiating the story, Horatio certainly had the role of ending it. Horatio is one of few characters who knows the revelation from the ghost, the actions and motives of the characters, and he is the only character that survives the bloodbath in the end. He is therefore the ideal character to carry the story forward because of his ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Analysis Of To Alhea From Prison By Richard Lovelace If I have freedom in my love, and in my soul am free, Angels alone that soar above, enjoy such liberty Richard Lovelace. To Althea from Prison is a poem written by Lovelace in 1642. Most poems from the 1600s used the rhyme scheme: ABABCDCD. Which means that each stanza, the first and third lines, the second and fourth, the fifth and seventh, and the sixth and eighth share a similar end rhyme. This poem is one of Lovelace s famously known works and is often quoted by many. Interestingly enough, the location of the poem s creation was the Gatehouse Prison to inspire the negation of the Clergy Act of 1640. He presented a petition to the British parliament that objected the Bishops Exclusion Bill. This lead to the creation of his poem ... Show more content on ... Additionally, Lovelace s imagery of love further shows his overall theme of mental imprisonment. If I have freedom in my Love, And in my soul am free (Lovelace 29 30). Therefore, implying that if you have the power to accept love into your heart, then your soul is free. With Lovelace s imagery, we can see his depiction of how imprisonment is what you make of it. Moreover, the use of symbols further broadens the poet s central idea of mentality. He implies that birds are one of his symbols of independence, The birds that wanton in the air no such liberty (Lovelace 7 8). Lovelace utilizes birds as a symbol of freedom due to them being able to fly wherever they choose on their own will. Lovelace also uses fishes as a symbol to demonstrate freedom with wild animals. Fishes that tipple in the Deep Know no such Liberty (Lovelace 15 16). This depicts that fish are a symbol of freedom, as they tend to swim around freely without any imprisonment. On the other hand, the poet makes a connection between himself and his current situation of imprisonment. He does this by making himself a symbol of a by relating to a linnet. When (like committed linnets) I with Shriller throat shall sing (Lovelace 17 18). This symbolizes the poet as he himself has committed the act of crime to imprison himself in the cell. Utilizing all these symbols, the poet conveys his message that animals know how to be free as their mentality is free spirited. Indeed, Lovelace ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Properties of Ammonium Compounds All ammonium compounds, which contain an ammonium ion (NH4+) and a negative ion, are thermally unstable. A. Discuss two ways that ammonium compounds decompose when they are heated. What chemical reaction is involved in the thermal decomposition of ammonium persulfate? The ammonium ion is known for exhibiting unique thermal decomposition reactions when heated because there are a considerable number of stable crystalline salts of the ammonium ion [14798 03 9] NH+4 (Clintern, 2007). Ammonium acetates emit toxic ammonia fumes when heated, while ammonium bicarbonate decomposes below its melting point, dissociating into ammonia, carbon dioxide, and water (Clintern, 2007). There are some ammonium salts, such as ammonium dichromate, ammonium permanganate, ammonium nitrate, and ammonium nitrite, which undergo an oxidation reduction reaction after being heated: (NH 4 ) 2 Cr 2 O 7 ( s ) Cr 2 O 3 ( s ) + 4H 2 O ( g ) + N 2 ( g ) In the case of ammonium persulfate, (NH4)2S2O8, it has been observed under laboratory conditions that upon thermal decomposition ... ammonium persulfate can potentially generate NOx species upon thermal decomposition (UNEP Publications, 2005). B. What is the most likely reason OSHA requires ammonium nitrate to be segregated for sulfur or finely divided metals? Explain your answer. The extremely volatile chemical reactions which take place when ammonium nitrate is exposed to sulfur or other finely divided metals are extremely hazardous to human ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Leaders and Managers in Health Care Leaders and Managers Impact on Health Care Healthy working areas are necessary in preserving positive interactions amongst nurses and between the patients and the nurses. The stressors within nursing may cause burnout and nonattendance or absenteeism which then may cause a shortage in health care (Shirey, 2006). A leader is vital in helping to maintain retention of the nursing population as this person will have positive influence on the environment where nurses practice. A smooth operating environment is likely to have excellent results for the nurse and the patient. This paper will talk about the nurse to patient ratio, describe leadership with management, along with a contrast and compare of the two. Furthermore, this paper will ... Show more content on ... The manager approach to the nurse to patient ratio may be more indirect. Managers tend to communicate with nurse leaders regarding work conditions in the unit. At the level of management, performance matters most and patient satisfaction is important. As long as nurses perform to the best of their ability, patient satisfaction will increase. In nursing, the management process consists of gathering data, planning, organizing and administrating staff, leadership, and control. Viewed as a management activity, the allocation of staff entails the maintenance of a proper workers to work ratio and is therefore essential for a favorable outcome (Fagerstrom, 2009). Leadership is influencing people and in contrast, management involves influencing employees to meet goals and is focused primarily on organizational goals and objectives (Huber, 2010). A few contrasts are mentioned within the textbook reading. The leader focuses on people, whereas the manager focuses on systems and structures. A leader innovates whereas a manager administers. And managers cope with complexity whereas leaders cope with change. (Huber, 2010) Approach to Leadership The leadership approach suits this writer s nursing philosophy. This writer believes in similar values as that of a leader. This writer does her best work on the front lines of nursing; collaborating with teams, communicating with fellow nurses, and coordinating patient care. This writer is motivated by encouraging ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Basketball Vs Football Vs Basketball Track Field vs Football, Baseball Basketball Sports are one of the most popular extracurricular activities among high school students and even adults that choose to professionalize their sport. Each sport has its share of disadvantages that all help in contributing to one particular sport truly being the best to take part in. Track and field is easily the best sport for anyone to choose to participate in. Track and field is a sport in which various competitive athletic events take place that establish the skills of running, sprinting, jumping and throwing on a running track and an adjacent field. Track and Field favors a wide range of body types, has a lightweight uniform and is the safest in contrast to football, baseball and basketball, which makes it the most idealistic of the sports. Track and field is a sport most well known for its teamwork. The sport s teamwork is emphasized and strengthened through its diversity. Track is abundant in diversity due to the fact that there is a variety of events to participate in as opposed to playing the same game as everybody else like in football, baseball and basketball. For example, the object of football is to get the ball to the other end; the object of baseball is to run around a diamond before someones throws a ball home. Lastly, the main concept of basketball, much like football, is to dribble the ball to the other end of the court. Track and field is also much safer than football, baseball and track. There is little ... Get more on ...
  • 43. Keita Learning the traditional purpose of one s name serves a core value. Until, these valuable lessons begin to impede on one s daily life; which was demonstrated in the film Keita: The Heritage of the Griot. The film was directed and written by Dani Kouyate, whose father, Sotigui, starred as the Griot in the film. Mabo, one of the main roles within the film, is the depiction of a child living a post colonial lifestyle within Africa. If not for Djeliba (the Griot) for entering Mabo s life, he would have never have known the importance of his name. The film is a description of Mabo s history, name and purpose, the deciding factor for him is to adhere to or precede with this path presented by Djeliba. The post colonial lifestyle, has value to those within it, but when it is disturbed by the ancestral calling, the reaction varies. Mabo, seeks curiosity and pride from his name, but as his family, teacher and other influences begin to disrupt his lessons with Djeliba; it becomes obvious the amount of frustration and concern that it is ... Show more content on ... Although, throughout the film there were moments that seemed to be irrelevant, yet it is possible not to have caught all the subtle symbolisms. Since reading Sundiata, in some particular moments, there was a hidden personal expectation of the direction the scenarios could have went. Overall, the film left an impact, as to self reflection and relating to my personal life. Especially, as the parents within the film dispute over who knows best for Mabo, allows the viewer to see that is an universal conflict. The characters within the film all brought a different perspective to the storyline. Though when observing the characters, Mabo left an impression, the viewer can connect with him as he learns of his ancestors through an illustrious story while trying to live his own ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Case Study On Neural Machine Translation Facebook partnered with Bing in 2011 for translation services, making it an early pioneer in the move toward neural machine translation. In December 2015, Facebook dropped Bing and began to outsource its translation services while developing its own translation technologies. Facebook s own neural machine translator went fully operational on August 3, 2017. Overview Hello and thank you for your question about Facebook neural machine translation. The short version is that Facebook has been moving toward integrating their own translation technology since 2011, and have recently (August 2017) gone fully operational with their own Neural Machine Translator. Below you will find a deep dive of our findings. METHODOLOGY Our goal for this ... Show more content on ... Facebook was an early pioneer of online translation when in 2011 it started using automated systems to translate users posts and comments in the News Feed. Facebook used Bing initially because they didn t yet have their own technology. In January 2015, Facebook open sourced Torch (their deep learning library). Facebook explains TORCH as an open source development environment for numerics, machine learning, and computer vision. Many projects on machine learning and AI at FAIR (Facebook AI Research) use Torch. Also in 2015, Facebook acquired, a startup using understanding of natural language in text/voice to power user interfaces. In December 2015, Facebook dropped Bing and started using its own translation technology. The issue was that Bing was built to translate more properly written website text, not human slang. Facebook stated that the disconnect between the languages people speak and the content they want to connect to on the Internet is what made them want to create their own neural network based machine translation (MT) system. Also in Dec 2015, Facebook opensourced it s hardware designs for anyone to explore through the Open Compute Project. The server was called BigSur, which is described as servers with graphics processing units (GPUs), which have become the chip of choice for deep learning. Later, in June 2016, Facebook stated that Statistical
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  • 46. Toy Central Case ISSUES IN ACCOUNTING EDUCATION Vol. 23, No. 2 May 2008 pp. 299 307 Assessing Audit and Business Risks at Toy Central Corporation Christine E. Earley and Fred Phillips INTRODUCTION [pic]s a senior in a professional services firm, you have been assigned to plan the financial statement audit of a private company named Toy Central Corporation (TCC). In addition, the partner on the engagement has asked you to identify business risks that could adversely affect TCC s sustained profitability, so that they can be brought to the attention of the company s board of directors. These tasks will require you to draw on your knowledge of supply chain management, marketing, internal controls, audit assertions, and financial accounting. ... Show more content on ... As a private company, TCC is not directly affected by the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX). However, the partner in charge of the engagement has advised you that, ever since the financial scandals at the turn of the century, TCC has become interested in strengthening its corporate governance. Two years ago, following the release of the AICPA s Audit Committees Toolkit for public and private corporations, TCC has asked your firm to consider not only financial reporting issues, but also significant business risks that could affect the sustainability of TCC s success in the toy industry. Although TCC s board of directors believes it is aware of strategic issues facing the company, it has been considering spinning off its digital toy division into a separate company and, subsequently, merging it with an upstart software company. Before embarking on a change in organizational structure, the board wants a second set of eyes to ensure it has considered all significant business risks that currently exist and could adversely affect TCC in the foreseeable future. TCC s audit committee is meeting in two weeks and would like the partner to explain significant business risks identified during KDOK s interim audit tests and the year end audit planning. The partner would like you to prepare an audit planning memorandum that ... Get more on ...
  • 47. Analysis Of Intimidate Partner Violence This essay has been written to address intimidate partner violence which is one of the most prevalent type of violence against women worldwide. Intimidate partner violence includes sexual abuse as well as physical and emotional abuse moreover, controlling behaviour by a threaten partner. However, in the past, the most countries in the EU have seen intimidate partner violence as a private matter. Only in the 1990s that attitude changed and violence against women has emerged the attention by the highest level of fundamental rights where parties of the state has the duty to protect the individual and therefore, to safeguard victims (FRA European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, 2012, p. 7). Alerting is the result of a multi country study ... Show more content on ... The model demonstrates the interaction between individual, relationship, community and societal factors (CDC, 2015). The first level identifies individual factors which can increase the likelihood to become a victim or a perpetrator. Individual factors can be; the age, low level of education, but also violent childhood, sexual abuse in childhood as well as alcohol and drugs and personality disorders (CDC, 2015 and WHO ,2012, p.4).The second level of the model describes the relationship factors; this can be conflicts in the partnership such as displeasure or the women has a higher education as her partner which leads to /or increase low self esteem by the male partner but also economic inequalities can be crucial ( CDC,2015 and WHO ,2012, p.4).The third and fourth level ( community and societal factors) developed through diverse studies with regard to intimidate partner violence and demonstrates the influences of environment such as poverty, social acceptance of violence, belief of gender role and misconstruction of norms, such as the man has the right to discipline the women or the women deserves punishment ,but also low social and economic status are determined ( CDC ,2015 and WHO ,2012, p.4).Studies occupy that intimate partner violence has massively physical and psychosomatically consequences to the victims. Moreover, other pathways such as chronic sicknesses such as depressions, phobias and other disease can arise. Accordingly, to the WHO (2012) and FRA (2012) survey, women who experienced domestic violence have a higher risk to commit suicide compared with women in a non abusive relationship. In addition, violence can lead to reproductive health consequences such as abortion, unwanted pregnancies, miscarriages and negative sexual behaviour. Above all, evidence shows that also the ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Why Icu Nurses Perform Quality Ets As Spelled By Best... Synopsis: What was the purpose of the study (research question, purposes, hypotheses)? The research article being analyzed pertains to the methods of suctioning of an open system endotracheal tube in ICU patients. The study was aimed to examine the techniques and practices that ICU Nurses employ at bedside before, during and after suctioning of the open endotracheal system to compare if it is in compliance with current recommended practices and procedures. The research question is Do ICU nurses perform quality ETS as spelled by best recommended practice? The study was conducted for many reasons. First, in order to achieve optimal outcomes for the patient, the most current research based practice must be employed as improper techniques can have detrimental results to the patient in terms of inadequate oxygenation, injury to pulmonary tissues, infections and increased anxiety to the patient. The second reason is to identify if ICU Nurses are in compliance to the practice recommendations based on current research knowledge, and if not, to implement actions to rectify deficiencies. The hypotheses statement is that ICU nurse s ETS performance does not adhere to the best practice recommendation for ETS. The null hypothesis is that ICU nurses adheres to ETS best practice recommendation standards when suctioning patients. How was the sample obtained? The sampling of the observed subjects was obtained through the sampling design of Quota Sampling. According to Polit and ... Get more on ...