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Why Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay
Crafting an essay on the subject of why a particular type of marriage should be legally
recognized can be quite challenging. Firstly, it necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the
legal, social, and ethical dimensions surrounding the issue. Delving into the legal aspects entails
examining existing laws, precedents, and potential ramifications of legalizing such marriages.
This requires meticulous research and analysis to present a well-informed argument.
Moreover, discussing the social implications involves addressing deeply ingrained societal norms,
prejudices, and cultural perspectives. Articulating a persuasive argument demands not only
factual evidence but also empathy and sensitivity towards differing viewpoints. Balancing these
elements while maintaining a coherent and convincing narrative is no small feat.
Furthermore, navigating the ethical considerations inherent in the debate adds another layer of
complexity. Addressing questions of individual rights, equality, and the role of the state in
regulating personal relationships requires nuanced ethical reasoning. Engaging with these
complexities demands careful thought and deliberation to construct a morally sound argument.
In essence, crafting an essay on this topic demands rigorous research, empathetic understanding,
and nuanced ethical analysis. It necessitates the ability to navigate complex legal, social, and
ethical terrain while presenting a compelling argument for why a particular form of marriage
should be legally recognized.
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Why Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay Why Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay
Immortal Techniques In Dance With The Devil
Dance with the devil is a short text composed by immortal technique. Through a sick
and twisted turn of events, a young man named Billy infatuated with the street
lifestyle ends up dancing with the devil. It is based around the societal issues, gang
violence, and infatuation with materialistic things, greed, and our inability to put
money last to grow mentally and emotionally. The theme of overcoming challenges
is first presented in this short text when immortal technique says a corrupted young
mind, at the age of thirteen n*gga never had a father and his mom was a fiend, she
put the pipe down, but for every year she was sober her son s heart simultaneously
grew colder . Due to Billy s upbringing we can instantly assume that because he did
not have a... Show more content on ...
As the short text goes on we see how much impact his upbringing had on him as a
child emotionally. For example immortal technique says he friended for props like
addicts with pipes and needles so he felt he had to prove to everyone he was evil a
feeble minded young man with infinite potential the product of a ghetto breed
capitalistic would bleed, but he was sick of selling trees and gave in to his greed .
This highlights the purpose, how we are brought up as children can affect the way
we understand and perceive things as we grow, and can also influence the path we
decide to take in life. It also highlights the purpose, we are so blinded by the want
for materialistic things that we overlook our own intelligence and moral values to
fulfill our desires and satisfy ourselves. This is illustrated in another part when
immortal technique says so now he had a choice between going back to his life or
making money with mad men, up in the cife. His dreams about cars and ice, made
him agree, a hardcore n*gga is all he ever wanted to
Heroes In Adam Brown s Fearless
There are many heroes in the story Fearless . Adam Brown just happened to be the
biggest one of all. The story Fearless it is about a man who had a rough battle with
drugs. The man overcame the drugs and became a hero. Adam Brown had a tough
life until he joined the Navy.
He met his wife, Kelley, during a time when he had struggled with drugs. Kelley
helped him be sober again, and Adam wanted to marry her. When Kelley and Adam
got married, he decided that he was going to go into the Navy to serve for the
United States. When he joined, Adam had quickly decided that it was not enough
for him. He wanted to be a SEAL. Adam soon began to train to be a SEAL. He
pushed and pushed to be the best, and he was. He had been through a lot and he
made sure to strive to be the best. Brown was the type of person that would/could do
everything. ... Show more content on ...
When he made it to the hospital for surgery the doctor had told him that he would
lose his eye. But that didn t stop him from doing what he wanted. Soon after he
became apart of the Special Operations Forces elite.
Adam Brown was a hero for a lot of things. He died for his country and his men.
Adam went through a lot in order for him to be where he was in life. In the end,
Adam had everything. He had a family of his own and friends that he loved. He may
have had a rough beginning, but he ended it with a better one. Adam Brown was a
hero for many reasons. Fighting for his country is just one of the many.
When Adam was as young man he was always doing crazy things. For example,
one night after watching a Navy SEAL movie he decided that he was going to
jump out of a moving car off the I 70 West Bridge and into Lake Hamilton. (pages:
33 34) That was just one of the many things he did. Even when he was on an Op he
would always put others
Choices And Consequences In The Holocaust
The Choices and Consequences of the People in the Holocaust. The Holocaust was
a devastating time for Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and everybody else under the
wrath of Adolf Hitler; nearly twelve million innocent people were killed in this
catastrophe. The Holocaust played an important role in WW2 which allows the
present to look back into our history. It focuses on discrimination and gives modern
lives the chance to make sure it never happens again in our future. Every choice these
people made in the various pieces of literature would result in a consequence that
could change the path of their lives.
Many Jews struggled through the Holocaust before they were sent to concentration
camps. In Hidden, the children s book, Dounia was forced to ... Show more content on ...
In concentration camps, Jews were given their own portion of food which
contained bread, and some kind of liquid substance. This was hardly enough to
maintain a life so many prisoners made deals throughout the camps to trade
souvenirs for food. If they were caught in action, they would be beaten or killed.
With SS men controlling the fate of your life day and night, they can do anything
to you. In Eva s Story, Eva notices an officer following her around the camp and
then hides under a heap of clothes to protect herself knowing what would happen
if she was caught in this passage: I [Eva] quickly scurried behind them and buried
myself deep inside the mountain of clothes (Schloss 86). Many of the SS men also
would walk around during showers when the women prisoners were helpless and
vulnerable . They would go into the shower with them, splash them with water and
play with them like they were dolls. Eva was warned of this and when it came to
the showers, she hid behind the taller women to prevent being raped. Prisoners
would even create relationships with officers just for a proper share of food . Life
in the camps were harsh and dreadful enough for prisoners to give up or choose to
fight the conditions with no exact
Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cialis
A sluggish and consistent revolution is sweeping the marketplace for erectile
dysfunction drugs Cialis. Most men and women won t even be aware of it. Lilly
ICOS, the pharmaceutical alliance, which launched the blockbuster drug Cialis,
announced that the drug has completed 1 billion dollars in world sales because
launching in Europe less than two years back.
Actually Cialis has end up the top Erectile Dysfunction medication in France, for the
reason that January 2005, headquartered on the latst market data, easily overtaking
Viagra, the primary manufacturer to be launched on this market. It s also doing very
good in uk, Italy, Germany, united states, Canada, Australia, Mexico and Brazil.
So much so that a Lilly ICOS press free up contained ... Show more content on ...
In view that 2003, men with erectile dysfunction have had a option of oral remedies
for their situation a which can impact on relationships and everyday existence.
beyond the entire hype and the jubilation is the sheer superiority of Cialis over all of
the other medicines on hand in this indication. To have an understanding of the
advantages of Cialis, we must firstly have an understanding of this difficult .
Erectile Dysfunction or Impotence is defined because the lack of ability to make
sure and maintain an erection enough for sexual intercourse. ED impacts an
estimated a hundred and eighty million men global . 90 percent of ED circumstances
are regarding a physical or scientific , corresponding to diabetes, cardiovascular
ailments, and prostate cancer treatment, at the same time 10 percent are because of
psychological motives . In lots of cases, nevertheless, each psychological and physical
motives contribute to the situation.
The place bodily aspect play an primary position PDE 5( Phosphodiaterase)
inhibitors have a giant position to play. These comprise medicinal drugs like
Sildenafil (Viagra) and Vardenafil(Levitra). However none are as good as
Different Way Of Understanding State
The term state incorporates a number of range of things, a assembly of institutions, a
provincial unit, an instrument of oppression and coercion and the list goes on. There
are different way of understanding State, The Idealistic approach is given by G.W.F.
Hegel identifies the moments of social existence : THE FAMILY ,THE CIVIL
SOCIETY AND THE STATE. He argued that in State there exist a universal altruism
and it as an ethical community underpinned by mutual sympathy. But the biggest
drawback of this approach is that it is uncritical in nature and by defining it ethical it
could not distinguish between the institutions that are inside and outside the state.
According to functionalist approach state focuses on role and functions of ... Show
more content on ...
Thomas Hobbes portrayed the state as being Leviathan, a gigantic monster.
2. The state institutions are Public : All the institutions under state is public in nature
and serves the society as whole and are responsible for making collective decisions.
3. The state is an instrument of domination: State authorities make sure that their
laws, regulations are followed and impose them on the citizen of the state in which
the transgressors are punished. Weber said It is a monopoly of legitimate violence
therefore the [practical expression of state sovereignty.
4. The state is an exercise of legitimation: The decisions of the state are of the
supreme importance and authority as it Is assumed that the decisions taken by them
are for the greater good and in public interest.
5.The state is a territorial association : The dominion of the state is geographically
defined and encompasses all those who live within the state boundaries whether its
citizens or non citizens.
J. W. Garner gives a very all inclusive definition of the state, holds the view that the
state as a concept of political science public law, is a community of persons, more or
less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, independent,
nearly so, of external control and possessing an organized government to which the
great body of inhabitants render habitual obedience. It
Consider The Lobster Analysis
I was approximately 7 or 8 years old when the smell of gambling and blood was the
air, thrilling the expectations of the spectators. The ear piercing sound of a rooster
begging for mercy from his opponent. Like savages we cheered on the winner, I
found myself in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. Years later, when I sit down to read,
Consider the Lobsterby David Foster Wallace, the feeling of guilt that ran through
my mind made me feel uncomfortable. the Lobster are boiled alive at these festivals
and as the author mentioned that, the lobster was moving in agony as he was trying
to get out the pot while he was boilingalive. For the people that do not care, it is not
about individual conscience but on a moral perspective. I have a simple question
to ask them, can you imagine getting into a boiling pot and boiled alive for
approximately 35 45 seconds? Because that s how long it takes the lobster to die in
the boiling pot. Animal Cruelty has to be stopped in both cockfights in Puerto Rico
and the lobsters being boiled alive in New England or at least force people... Show
more content on ...
Since lobsters do not have a cerebral cortex which is the part of the brain that
receives neurotransmitters signals that feel pain. However, when it comes to
cockfights, roosters have a similar nervous system to humans. For example, if you
ever seen a feather being plucked from a rooster it is a similar feeling to pulling a
hair on a human. Unlike the lobster, the rooster has a cerebral cortex and it is very
similar to humans. When humans feel intense pain, our bodies seem to react by
sending hormones such as endorphins and enkephalins. Since the lobster don t have
an advanced nervous system they are more vulnerable to pain because they have
natural opioids. Somehow, lobster do feel difference in water temperature so, why
can t they feel pain in boiling
Political Satire In Jonathan Swift
Political Satire in Jonathan Swift s Gulliver s Travel
Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.. Jonathan Swift
Born on November 30, 1667, Irish author, clergyman and satirist Jonathan Swift
grew up fatherless. Under the care of his uncle, he received a bachelor s degree
from Trinity College and then worked as a statesman s assistant. Eventually, he
became dean of St. Patrick s Cathedral in Dublin. Most of his writings were
published under pseudonyms. He best remembered for his 1726 book Gulliver s
While leading his congregation at St. Patrick s, Swift began to write what would
become his best known work. In 1726, at last finished with the manuscript, he
traveled to London and benefited from the help of ... Show more content on ...
In the book, Gulliver broadly depicts what he had existed there and how the
circumstances, creatures, conventions are communicated. There s no immediate
connection with how the book and the film communicates the principles about on
the off chance that somebody erroneously blames another person for a wrongdoing
as Deceit is viewed as more awful than burglary, genuineness additionally is not
secured whatsoever, as it was trust the base of trade. The film secured this
examples when Gulliver in particular cases, as express in the fellowship and
dedication connection of Gulliver and Horacio, when Gulliver can t manages his lies
about their experience and life and as an outcome of this is accused of the outcast of
the island, yet at the end he recuperates his honor winning a fight which choose the
ordain of Blefuscu and
History Of Campaign Uniforms
The regular soldier had three different uniforms a Campaign Uniform, a Parade
Uniform and a Fatigue Uniform. The government didn t discipline the soldiers like
the British army did, so many of the uniforms were adapted to the commander s
preference, the location of the soldier, and materials that were available in the
area. The Service and Campaign uniforms were pretty much the same in a lot of
ways. The headdress was a black felt hat with one side pinned up with an American
eagle, which was the US s coat of arms. The coat was an almost knee length
Prussian blue jacket. The rank was worn on the coat sleeve. The overcoat was a sky
blue and took after the french model. Only officers wore these, they could also
choose a dark blue version. All
The Doctrine Of Separate Legal Personality
In this essay I will begin with the concept of a company having a separate corporate
personality and limited liability with their importance in company law. The
doctrine of separate legal personality which was made by the House of Lords in
Salomon v Salomon and co ltd (1897) was the landmark case. Furthermore I will
describe the concept of the veil of incorporation . I will give relevant cases of
when the veil of incorporation can be lifted by the courts and statuary provisions,
for instance, s.16 Companies Act 2006 and incorporate different viewpoints of the
judges. Finally I will state whether or not I agree with the given articulation.
1.1The consequences of incorporation Corporate Personality The doctrine of
Separate legal personality has long been regarded as a cornerstone of English law .
The main substance of a company is that it has a corporate legal personality different
from the members who form it. As a consequence of the separate legal personality
granted a company under s 16(2) of the... Show more content on ...
Salomon was a boot and shoe maker who has been working for over 30 years. He
took all the shares of the firm except six, which were held by his wife, daughter and
four sons. Part of the payment for the transfer of the business was made in the
form of debentures issued by the company to Salomon. Salomon transferred the
debentures to Mr. Broderip for 5000 pounds, in exchange for a loan. Liquidation
was not long in coming. The sale of the company s assets did not realize enough to
pay the lenders. The liquidators claimed that the debentures have been deceitfully
issued and were invalid. He denied that the business was transferred lawfully from
Mr.Salomon to the company. The judge who heard the case initially conceded that
the transfer has been legally done and could not be upset. He suggested (Broderip v
Salomon ) that Mr. Salomon has employed the company as an agent and that he has
to indemnify the agent. In the court of appeal Salomon s appeal was
The Theme Of Transiency Of Life In Marilynne Robinson
In the novel Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson, the theme of loss and the
transiency of life is exemplified by the irony of housekeeping. Housekeeping is
society s way of trying to maintain order in a world fill of chaos. Despite human
efforts to maintain their possessions and the status quo, nature repeatedly steps in and
reminds us that you cannot contain order in a world that is unpredictable.
Housekeeping is introduced after the train derailment and the first loss the family
experiences. Ruth describes that after her grandmother is widowed she takes up
housekeeping and forgets what she should have never forgotten (13). Sylvia forgets
that loss is inevitable and, instead of accepting this inevitability she continues to try
and control ... Show more content on ...
Sylvie begins to clean the house, she removes the eccentric collections that have
been building up in the home and begins grooming Ruthie to maintain a clean
appearance. Sylvie s practice of socially acceptable housekeeping is performed in
the hope of controlling an outcome in the face of human nature. Those days she
cast about constantly for ways to conform our lives to the expectations of others, or
to what she guessed their expectations might be, and she was full of purpose, which
sometimes seemed like hope (201). Nature s uncontrollability is displayed when
Fingerbone s choice to deny Sylvie legal guardianship of Ruthie becomes apparent
regardless of her attempts at housekeeping. The girls are forced to flee Fingerbone
and embrace that they live a transient life in order to remain together. The reader is
reminded that even human nature cannot be controlled and that when we try to
control an outcome based on predictability it is not
Inventory System
1. Introduction:
This document helps you to understand the complete functionality of how the
inventory Updation takes place in the Inventory Management System for the products
(both online and club) which are purchased from the eCommerce shopping site.
Also this document will help you understand how the Inventory Management System
is integrated with other applications in order to maintain the inventory level.
2. Overview of IMS:
Global Inventory Management System is otherwise called as IMS. IMS is a single
resource/entity where the inventory for all kinds of items is maintained/monitored.
The different kinds of items available in the eCommerce shopping site are Online,
Club and Auctions.
The three important terms used in IMS are ... Show more content on
On cancelling the order the demand and available gets back to the normal state. Note
that the order should be cancelled before the order reaches OMS. 5.2) Order
Cancellation from Customer Service Application:
Once an order is placed from eCommerce site, the demand and available gets
updated in IMS. On cancelling the order from CSC by CSR, the demand and
available gets back to the normal state. Note that the order should be cancelled before
the order reaches OMS. 5.3) Order Cancellation from Fulfillment Application:
Once an order is placed from estore, the demand and available gets updated in IMS.
In sometime the order will reach OMS. When the order is released, it goes to
fulfillment application for fulfillment. On cancelling the order from the fulfillment
application the demand and available gets back to the normal state.
5. Order Modification and Inventory Validation in IMS:
When an order is placed from eCommerce site, a reservation is made to IMS and the
ordered quantity is reserved. At the same time when the order is modified, the
demand and Available gets updated accordingly.
For Example;
Before Placing the Order:
Supply 10; Demand 0; Available 10
After placing the order for 5 qty:
Supply 10; Demand 5; Available 5
Music Hall Monologue Menace
Here Ben makes a serious situation look light and absurd. Majority of the
audiences would side with Ben and laugh at the old man s stupidity and the
resultant death whereas a few like Gus would be shocked and consider it to be the
fault of someone else (Who advised him to do a thing like that?) instead of the old
man and sympathize with the old man.
In addition to all these, Pinter has made use of the music hall monologue to capture
the audience s attention and create a ludicrous ambience. An apt illustration of the
music hall monologue is Mick s monologue in Act II of the play The Caretaker . Mick
tells that his uncle s brother was a spitting image of Davies. He moved from one
place to another like Davies, led a carefree life till he ... Show more content on ...
One such non conformist is Stanley Webber in the play The Birthday party who leads
a quiet life in a boarding house near the sea. What crime or wrong act he had
committed against the organization is unrevealed in the play. But at the end of the
play we find that he is forced to leave the boarding house with two representatives of
the sinister organization so that he can atone for his sins. Likewise in the play The
Dumb Waiter , the organization turns out to be a source of menace for Gus in the
play when he becomes the target of the next murder assignment assigned to them by
the organization. In the play Pinter does not reveal what caused the organization to
order Ben to kill his partner in crime, Gus. But it can be assumed that Gus had started
asking too many questions about how the organization worked and so on and this
may have agitated the rulers/administrators of the organization and they order his
execution to keep their ominous intentions and acts a secret.
b) Strangers/intruders: In many of his plays, Pinter has used strangers as agents of
menace who disrupt the comfortable and supposedly happy lives of the inmates of a
room or a house. Since the identity and the intentions of the strangers is a mystery, an
atmosphere of tension, suspense and fear is built up and the inmates of the room try,
though unsuccessfully, to bar the menace from entering their rooms and their lives.
In the play The Birthday Party
Energy Efficient Wireless Network For Green Radio Project
Energy Efficient Architectures and Key Techniques to Enable Energy Efficient
Wireless Network in green radio project
Technical innovations changed every day life as fast and profoundly as the massive
use of personal mobile communications. With rapid increase of modern
communications networks, problems like emission of CO2 and energy
consumption has emerged which have a potential adverse impact upon the
environment and their operating energy costs are also increasing. Since 2006, data
traffic on mobile networks has been increasing at a rate of approximately 300% and
is expected to grow even at much faster rate. This has forced the researchers to
address how to design future wireless networks which can reduce the energy ... Show
more content on ...
In 2007, analyst Gartner reported that ICT sector share about 2% in carbon
emissions. It might appear small at first sight but the overall footprint of the whole
ICT sector is expected to double between 2007 and 2020. Mobile data traffic is
going to increase dramatically in the next 5 years and one of the main reason is
increase in mobile video traffic. In developing countries, electricity connections
may not be directly available. So, for example, Vodafone uses extra 1 million
gallons of gas per day to provide power their network. The above example gives us
an idea of how the energy is consumed by the information technology. They are
increasing energy costs with larger base station site densities which leads to increase
in energy price. Many companies have decided to reduce carbon emissions, for
example Vodafone has set a target to reduce it CO2 emissions by approximately
50% by 2020. From an operators perspective, lowering of operating expenditure is
possible with reduce in energy consumption. 3% of world wide energy is used by
the Information and Communication architecture which is causing 2% of world
wide CO2 emmission. The main key reason behind the development of mobile VCE
green radio program is to reduce carbon emissions (CO2) and Reduction in operating
expenditure for wireless cellular networks. The challenge of energy reduction should
be achieved without compromise in the quality of service which is experienced by the
A Research On Creative Media Industries
Starting a business of any kind can and will be very competitive, I guarantee that
every business out there will have a small or large research team, helping them gather
the correct amount of research to create the product. This document will help you
understand the purpose of using research in the creative media industries.
The reason you will need to use research is because it plays a major part in all
aspects of creative media production and it is the main starting point for productions
of any scale. It can be used to determine the financial outcome of any future
production, it will determine the effectiveness of how successful your business will
become and it will assist with the planning and the technical ... Show more content on ...
These kinds of meetings will take place in an office room and when there will be a
set date and time for this. The way this kind or research will be carried out is by
setting up an application for a job role and then waiting for the applicants to apply.
Once they have applied to the role you will then need to invite them in for an
interview. You will do this type of research when you need to find an employee or if
you need to interview someone for particular information.
Doing interviews has many advantages such as they are useful to obtain detailed
information about feelings because you will be able to see how that person reacts to
your questions, you are able to ask more detailed questions, they have a high
response rate and the interviewees won t be influenced by others.
With advantages there comes disadvantages such as they are very time consuming
and they can be costly.
Surveying is also a form of primary research and it is a good way to discover what a
large amount of people think about a particular subject and you can cover a wider
range. Businesses will use this method of research. The reason they will use this
method is because it is able to cover a large quantity of people and what their views
are on a particular issue. This kind of research can be created on the computer and
Monetary Policy And Fiscal Policy
The Federal Government uses the monetary policy and fiscal policy to establish and
determine the best way to manage the economy. Monetary policy is used by the
Federal Reserve to manage the money supply. This includes credit, cash, check, and
money market mutual funds, with loans, bonds, and mortgages being the most
important. This policy can be broken into two categories: monetary restraint and
monetary expansion. As it states, one is trying to restrain the market while the other
expresses expanding the market. With control over the money supply, the two
categories for monetary policycan manage the inflationof the economy. After this has
been complete, the unemployment rate is a second objective that is handled and
reduced. Fiscal policy is used as reference to the tax and spending policies, and is
handled completely by the Federal Government rather than the independent agency
of the Federal Reserve. In comparison to the monetary policy, there is also two sub
categories of expansion and restriction. This paper will explain why I believe the
monetary restraint policy is the best option for maintaining a stable economy through
the use of controlled spending by limiting the access consumers have to money, its
reliability in being the solution to a growing problem, and the benefits we see from
past occasions. Using the monetary restraint policy will require the Federal Reserve
to increase the interest rate nation wide requiring citizens to decrease spending and
William Jay Bowerman Research Paper
Introduction Who is William Jay Bowerman? Most people are not familiar who
William Jay Bowerman is, but he is a well known in the American sports history
for being one of the best American track and field coaches. Furthermore, He was
the co founder and designer of Nike, one of the biggest athletic wear and
equipment companies in the world. He experimented and invented shoes with
different track surfaces and was very interested in shaving weight of his shoes. His
shoes have enabled athletes a competitive advantage.In addition, He invented the
concept of jogging as a fitness routine. Life Legacy Biography Bill was born in
Portland, Bowerman s father, Jay, served as president of the Oregon Senate and, for
a brief period, he was acting governor
A Comparative Analysis of Armies of the Night and The...
Taken at face value, Norman Mailer s Armies of the Night and Tom Wolfe s The
Electric Kool Aid Acid Test may seem very similar. They are both centered on a
major author of the 1960s and his experiencing of historical events of the time, while
set in the style of New Journalism. When examined closer, though, it becomes
apparent that these novels represent two very different sides of New Journalism
Armies of the Night an autobiography with personal and political motivations, The
Electric Kool Aid Acid Test
a sociological piece which tries to capture the essence of
its subjects rather than the absolute facts. By looking at the form and style which the
novels were written in and the motives behind Mailer s Armies of the Night and
Wolfe s The... Show more content on ...
The opening pages of chit chat, the reply to Time magazine, the celebrity talk
about Lowell, Macdonald, Goodman, the fierce competitiveness all this tells us
from the beginning that this is Mailer s story (Dickstein 149). By choosing to
depict acts in which he took part and from his point of view Mailer is able to make
the validity of his statements implicit he actually saw what he is writing about. At
the same time though, questions of how much Mailer s bias is affecting the novel
are raised. Mailer is able to address these questions of possible bias by making it
exceedingly obvious when his bias is at play. As Hellmann notes, Calling himself the
Novelist and self consciously using the contrivances of novelistic form, Mailer
makes us view the facts of his work as both reliable (in that we are fully shown their
source in his firsthand observation) and doubtful (in that we are constantly reminded
that they result merely from such observation) (39).
Instead of trying to hide this bias, Mailer uses it to further strengthen his work. An
example of Mailer s use of bias is in his description of the US Marshals he saw while
waiting on the bus which would take him to prison, he begins with their faces are
considerably worse than he had expected and they had the kind of faces which
belong to bad guys in a Western (150). This establishes Mailer s biased view of the
US Marshals and by providing these
Alexander Fleming Penicillin
Beyond the images of child labor and intense impoverishment that lingered around the
1920s, an era of antibiotics emerged. Sir Alexander Fleming, a bacteriologist from
London, created a medicine that pioneered the path for growth in the medical field,
penicillin. His discovery of the revolutionizing drug was nothing more than by
Fleming was a captain of the Royal Army Medical Corps, in addition to his medical
background. During his wartime experiences, when having to treat soldiers with
terminal sepsis, it fueled his desire to find any cure to this nuisance (unknowingly
creating a drug that will save millions). Sir Fleming s first encounter with the
antibiotic occurred when, returning from a vacation (Grimsley 1). Ironic to the
formality ... Show more content on ...
saw the use of antibiotics skyrocket because of a catastrophic fire at the Cocoanut
Grove Night Club in Boston, Massachusetts. Its success with healing the infections of
burn patients aided, ... the War Production Board to underwrite major research...
efforts (Grimsley 1). With the War Production Board sponsoring the exploration of
penicillin, they wouldn t have discovered one major roadblock; the ability to mass
produce Penicillium, the mold in which penicillin is derived, would have never been
conquered. Because the current method was deemed, ...slow and inadequate, a single
pound would cost $45,000 (Grimsley 1). As roadblocks to penicillin s advancements
became known, research efforts became futile and, inevitably, the War Production
Board withdrew their support in favor for another medicine. Miraculously, scientists
at the Peoria labs created an effective way to grow Penicillium in mass, solving
their dilemma. Called the Deep Fermentation method, it consisted of large drums
growing the Penicillium mold, which is constantly being, agitated and aerated
(Grimsley 2). Following its success in mass production, the military became one of
its major contributors. Pilot studies, an army field of education, persuaded the U.S.
Army to purchase 150 million units per weeks for hospital use, as a result,
penicillin saw its usefulness in everyday war, more notably, the Norway landing of
June 1944 (Grimsley 2). It goes to show, with the ability to mass produce penicillin,
thousands were able to escape amputation or even
The Doctrine Of Reformed Theology
Reformed Theology in Missions
The argument can and should be made that all Reformed doctrines are important for
the sake and cause of missions, but for this paper a few have been selected to
highlight their particular significance in their role in world wide missions. These
doctrines have often not received proper importance in missions because of a general
preoccupation or focus on certain Reformed teachings that seem to dominate most
people s view of reformed theology. In fact, they have received very little thought in
comparison to those that are concerned with soteriology in missions. Reformed
missions, however, emphasis and esteems doctrines that have in the past been
successful and need to be applied to missions in the church today ... Show more
content on ...
This, together with the preaching on the fall of man and his sinfulness, naturally
leads to preaching the gospel. Missions will only be successful if Jesus Christ is the
theme in gospel preaching.
The centrality of Christ and the importance of this is evident in Calvin s Institutes. It
is there that McNeill writes, It is important to realize that the focal point of the
Institutes is not found in God s sovereignty, or in predestination, or in insistence on
obedience to God s Word itself, apart from constant reference to Jesus Christ, whom
the written Word makes known. Paul writes to the Corinthians, For I resolved to
know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. as seen in
I Corinthians 2:2. In its missionary task the church needs to reemphasize the
centrality and significance of Jesus Christ. As Paul says in I Corinthians 3, it is not
Apollos or he that was important; it is the foundation that he (Paul) laid: Jesus Christ.
Even though you would think it impossible, some do not present the message of the
gospel, the death of Jesus Christ for men separated from God through sin, in such a
manner that Christ is seen and heard as the Scriptures speak of Him. There is a great
need to recover this correct and Bible presentation of the gospel before we take men
away from Christ. The great truths of the
Google vs. Monopoly
Google vs. Monopoly
Long Journey To Victory
Evil Monopoly
Google vs. Monopoly
Introduction When running a large system of goods or services which millions of
people follow, it is obvious there will be ones who will be jealous of such a system
and who will try to prevent or break this system by any means whether it involves
cheating or ... Show more content on ...
(U.S., 2013)
The resolution disappointed consumer rights groups and Google rivals such as
Microsoft, which had lodged complaints with regulators in the hope of legal action
that would split up or at least hobble the internet s most powerful company.
(Timberg, 2001) Evil Monopoly A monopoly is an aristocratic domination of a
specific product or service by one essence. It usually associates with a control by a
business organization. A classic example of a monopoly would be Microsoft.
Oligopoly is a relevant term in which a product or service is managed by a small
group of large business organizations. Generally, economists come to the same
agreement that monopoly is in fact corrupting and damaging. A monopoly weakens
the free market moderation which in turn leads to a crippled economy. This is how
the progress for capitalism is supported. The outcomes of oligopolies can turn out the
same way but since there is a small group of large corporations, the competition is the
key to preventing the disadvantages that can easily happen under monopolistic
control. Monopoly opens doors wide for anti competitive practices.
Price gouging is one of such practices. If there is not
Bath Bomb Surface Area
Discussion The results show, if more of the bath bomb surface area is exposed ,the
volume of the balloon is bigger, thus supporting hypothesis that the more crushed
the bath bombs is (more surface is exposed), the larger the circumference of the
balloon is. Graph one agrees with the hypothesis and shows an increase in the
balloons volume, as more of the bath bombs surface area is exposed. The result
show that if there is less of the bath bomb surface area is exposed, the volume of
the balloon will be smaller. Table one shows a 75mL difference between the balloon
with the least surface area exposed and the balloon with most surface area. There are
several random errors that were apparent in this experiment. An error that could affect
the result
I Hate Reading
I hate reading. This mantra ran through my head with the bitter intensity of a six
year old s anger. I could be watching the crackling fireplace with imagined fairies
that darted through the flame and lived in houses made of burning wood. I could be
climbing the trees with branches that stretched twig fingers toward the endless sky. I
could normally be doing a myriad of different possibilities, but not today.
My mother claimed I needed to learn to read before second grade began, and
trapped me in is a single activity. Instead of doing my favored activities I
compliantly allowed the rough carpet to press indentations into my skin as I began
to read. The book s smooth cover clung to my fingertips as I looked for meaning in
the indecipherable syllables. I sat with water threatening to spill from my eyes,
lost in a sea of letters with waves of words battering me from all sides. However, I
blinked and tentatively pressed my lips into the hum of a m . I searched the depths
of my mind for the meaning of the next letter, letting the hum trail into eternity. Once
again, I identified the letter with time and opened my mouth to the sound of an a .
Instinctively, I looked to my mother for aid in my plight, as I desperately wracked
my mind for the sound of the last letter. With her help, I... Show more content on ...
Strangely, I found myself sitting still and solemn instead of jumping with the joy of
my victory. The battered binding of another book called to me, and consequently, I
opened the seventh book of the series and kept reading without pause. By the first
day of second grade, I had completed the series and replicated my experience
through other books, constantly evading the empty feeling of a book s end. When
my friends questioned my unusual custom of carrying a book with me as if it was
one of my limbs, I simply told them, I love
William Butler Yeats Research Paper
Yeats Irish Identity shaped poetry, mythology and history, other Irish writers,
folktales, Irish Theatre. Many people say that William Butler Yeats was the
greatest poem writer from the 20th century but to him he was just an ordinary
person that had a love for writing poems. William Butler Yeats was born on 13
June 1865 in County Dublin, Ireland to John Butler Yeats, a lawyer turned portrait
painter and Susan Mary Pollexfen, daughter of a wealthy family from county Sligo
Yeats s mother shared with her son her interests in folklore, fairies, and astrology as
well as her love of Ireland, particularly the region surrounding Sligo in western
Ireland where Yeats spent much of his childhood. He had a brother named Jack and
two sisters, namely, Elizabeth... Show more content on ...
Yeats works drew heavily on Irish mythology and history, he never fully embraced
his Protestant past nor joined the majority or Ireland Roman Catholics but he
devoted much of his life to the study in myriad other subjects. The Irish writer s
James O Grady and Sir William Ferguson were the most influential. Through his
writing Yeats found his voice to speak up against the harsh nationalist policies of
the time, his early dramatic works conveyed his respect for Irish legend and
fascination with occult. Yeats mother was the first introduce him and his sisters to
the Irish folktales he grew to love so much but little did you know that his brother
jack and father was also an accomplished artist and they both helped William in his
writing and it s the reason he found his own interest in the wonderful arts as he
called them. In 1894 Yeats met friend and patron Lady Augusta Gregory and thus
began their involvement with The Irish Literary Theatre which was founded in
1899 in Dublin. Along with literature, he also loved the theater and wrote several
plays. He collaborated with the likes of Lady Gregory, Edward Martyn and George
Moore to establish the Irish Literary Theatre for the purpose of performing Irish and
Celtic plays. As a dramatist, his successful works included The Countess Cathleen
(1892), The Land of Heart s Desire (1894) and The King s Threshold
Essay on Biography of Nikola Tesla
Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, Croatia at midnight between July 9th and 10th
1856. He was intelligent since his early childhood. He soon became interested in
engineering and he studied it at the Technical University in Graz, Austria, from
1877 to 1880. Right after that he went to the University of Prague in 1880, but his
father had died and he withdrew his studies from the University soon after. Tesla
always dreamed of becoming an electrical engineer and to invent a new type of
power transmission instead of Direct Current (DC). He mourned for his father for
about a year, but he had to return to his work. In 1881 he went to Budapest to work
as an engineer for a telephone company, but this isn t what he wanted to in life. Tesla s
... Show more content on ...
His dream was about to come true when George Westinghouse hired him. George let
Tesla develop all his ideas and Tesla finally produced his invention alternating current
(AC). He then became a U.S. citizen in 1889. In 1891 he made another invention
called the Tesla coil. It helped create many other inventions that used the Tesla coil
the television, a computer screen, the radio, and other electronics. Then Tesla was
struck by depression because of his mother s death in 1892. By about 1895 Tesla
became a poor man due to a number of failed inventions, so he tried to get a
contract with the military. His first attempt to get a military contract was
automated submarines and boats, but the government didn t accept his offer. He
finally got a military contract from the German Marine High Command. He made
turbines for the Germans, and it s thought to be used for their U boats. Soon After
World War 1 started and Tesla had to cancel his concert or he would have been
arrested for treason. Tesla was broke again and was desperate for money so he
attempted to build a death ray for the U.S. military. It s unknown what components
Tesla used for this machine and if it even worked. He said that it would be used to
defend of American soil; nevertheless the military rejected his offer. Tesla made one
last effort to get a military contract. He would make a sending
Robert Smithson Essay
In the 1960s and 1970s Land Art was established in the United States using
inspiration from the minimalistic style that was very popular in the 1960s. Land Art,
also called Earthworks, is an interaction and study of the natural elements and
manmade art.3 One of the most well known and originators of Earthworks is Robert
Smithson. Smithson created many inspirational pieces, which have lasted throughout
the years, not only through land artbut also with drawings, sculptures, films and
writings. Robert Smithson was born on January 2, 1938 in Passaic, New Jersey. He
grew up there and went to a public school. As a child he was very interested in
nature; he collected fossils and reptiles and took mean trips to the New York Museum
of Natural... Show more content on ...
The crystalline shape represents not only how we view everything but also the
illusions in nature. 1 Smithson did several more pieces involving mirrors and glass
that incorporated natural materials like shells and soil. Smithson became very
interested in entropy, the measure of energy and the disorder of an object or even in
nature. He based many pieces both writings and sculptures on the ideas that are
associated with entropy. One of the main focuses was on the decay of natural life.3 In
the late 1960s Smithson started to create his earthworks. He started by making them
as landmarkers like a map using mostly natural materials. He started making his most
commonly known piece, the Spiral Jetty, in 1970 off of Utah s Great Salt Lake.1 It
was the start to his large scale earthwork. He was inspired by an Indian monument
he saw in Ohio, the Great Serpent Mound. This was a turning point for him; he
was able to finally achieve his goal of putting work in the land and not just on it.3
Smithson drew many pictures and took a lot of time planning his work out on paper
before he started to construct the real one. He took many photos during the process
of making this piece and displayed the pictures together as a collage with both
pictures and maps.3 The Spiral Jetty is still there today. After he
Essay about University Education Should Be Free
Independent.Leadership.Equality. All of these are three characteristics as to
what free university education can provide to citizens.Higher education should be
free of charge for the citizens of the United States.In the US the average cost for
colleges per year is $8,893. Many middle class and under class people cannot
afford such costs. It is true that the government will give you grants but most of
the time students never get funding from them (Emmons 3). Most people of today
can hardly afford a car let alone the fees and tuition of college. Also, it could provide
equality to all people. Allowing everyone an equal opportunity to go to college and
make something of themselves. It provides a way for poorer families to break free
from... Show more content on ...
Instead, citizens should be paid to go to college because they are going there to
better themselves as citizens of the United States. Making new experiences for
each individual is important. No one will enjoy the experience if they have
crushing debts to worry about. Education should be out there to inspire peoples
mind and not just filling their head with others perspective. Every individual has
the right to learn and be educated, and have the opportunity to view this world in a
different perspective and do something on their own. But the cost of education is so
unaffordable to some mankinds that it is just ferocious for them to even consider
paying those education bills off ( Should Higher Free Education Should Be Offered
to All for Free? 4). If students were not stressed out over the cost, they could then
focus they re stress on leaning and getting educated. A student should only have to
worry about exceling him or herself to their best ability without worrying about the
price they have to pay to get their education.
A public university is supposed to be meant for everybody but only those who can
actually afford the price can actually go to it (Brady 4). Which therefore means that
the government can t call a university public if it not actually public (Brady 4).
According to Brady Aaron, When the roads that drive our economy and make
modern life possible get too crowded or too congested, we expect the state to
Symbols In Lord Of The Flies Essay
Many symbols have been brought to light while reading the book, Lord of the Flies.
Symbols usually represent different things in some cases, but in this book they all
tie around one thing, the downfall of civilization on an island. There has been
symbols such as, the beastie, the conch shell and even the beast head, that have all
been used to represent one thing. To begin, the beastie was by fat one of the biggest
symbolsused to portray downfall of civilization in the book. The beast had turned
young, proper British boys into ruthless savages. As the book talks more about the
beastie , we get more animal like behaviors coming from the group of boys,
especially Jack s tribe. There was many different perceptions of the beast, and its
leads the boys on to see the beast in it s true form, themselves. Piggy had no true
belief in this beastie due to his scientific... Show more content on ...
Ultimately, I ve come to a conclusion that the Lord of the flies represent the Devil
in many ways. In chapter 8, when the Lord of the flies speaks to Simon he says
this, I m warning you. I m going to get angry. D you see? You re not wanted.
Understand? We are going to have fun on this island. Understand? We are going to
have fun on this island! So don t try it on, my poor misguided boy, or else. The Lord
of the flies already foreshadows and guarantees death upon Simon. This reminds me
of then Jesus and Satan come face to face on a rock, which was the ultimate test.
This test was used to see if Jesus, the true Son of God, will fail, and go with Satan,
or forget the temptations, and do what s right. Jesus, like Simon, did not fall into
the temptations of Lucifer. Causing them later on in their life to die. Why is it the
good people die before the bad? Why is it that those who sin greatly, and choose to
worship Satan tend to live longer and more successful? But those who believe in
doing right, and know what is truly good tend to
п»їUnderstanding Organizations and the Role of Human...
Understanding Organizations and the Role of Human Resources
Activity 2
Organization Strategy and Human Resources
An organizational strategy is the creation, implementation and evaluation of decisions
within an organization that enables it to achieve its long term objectives.
Key strategic considerations of organisation strategy include:
1) What re configurations, reach extensions and strategic relationships will be
necessary to deliver the intended strategy.
2) What new skills and capabilities will be needed and what changes in the
procedures relating there too will be required.
3) What performance will be required and how these can be achieved.
4) What changes (if any), are required in the corporate culture to meet the new ...
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HR is in a position to add value by proper formulation and implementation of these
important functions thus supporting organization strategy.
A learning organization is fast becoming a reality. In any organization continuous
learning means growth through learning events and experiences for individual
employees as well as teams, and the organization as a whole. HR plays an important
role in developing a culture of continuous learning. Identifying training and
development needs and arranging and development programs for employee is part of
the whole learning process. A system which creates an environment conductive to
learning through experience, coaching, mentoring, self learning as well as through
training and development is a must in the learning organization. HR which is the
main organizer, director and controller of learning must ensure that actual learning is
followed by its application for bring about improvements in different areas of
operations. If that happens, the learning objective is achieved and HR is successful in
adding value to the organization.
Three Ways HR Professionals Support Line Managers and their Staff
The primary reason human resources and line managers should work together is
because both parties have a vested interest in ensuring the company achieves success.
Through working together, line management
Considered Suicide When The Rainbow Is Enuf Analysis
The idea of isolation and segregation between African American people continues
through the novels and plays. The inherited conflict between families is put on
display with the stories; For Colored Girls who have Considered Suicide when the
Rainbow is Enuf, Fences, and Jazz portray a variety of characters who seek comfort
in with relationships, yet never appear to receive love in return.
For Colored Girls who have Considered Suicide when the Rainbow is Enuf The
play For Colored Girls who have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf is a
piece written by Ntozake Shange that displays seven different African American
women through different aspects of their life and how it affected those around them.
Each woman portrays a story to tell, ... Show more content on ...
As an analogy, the book uses sports to depict their relationship. Troy is stuck in his
old ways, preferring baseball as a release. Cory on the other hand, enjoys football,
putting all his energy into the sport. Cory believes he can get into a major football
team to perhaps allow him a chance into a future education as well. However, in
Troy s eyes, this will only lead to Cory in a place of despair, like himself. Troy even
states, ...putting up with them crackers every day...cause I like you? You the
biggest fool I ever saw. to his own son. Troy puts his own past as how Cory s will
turn out if he focuses only on sports. Cory also tends to be disrespectful to Troy,
causing Troy to get angry and attempt to have Cory do as he asks through violence.
The relationship between the two creates an incohesive relationship where they can
t seem to understand each other. The rift between them grows causing a sense of
loneliness and isolation. At the end of the novel, Cory still comes to Troy s funeral
even after everything he previously did, comparing Raynell s experiences with Troy
to himself. The idea that Troy didn t have sense to use the time to understand Cory is
what caused that rift in the first
The Perception Of The Human Brain s Brain
The significance of this video s phenomenon is that it assists people learn what
kinds of conduct can help protect themselves to acceptably fit in their civilization
making them into, instinctive copycats and for a really good reason: survival... as
deep in the brain...we got special cells known as mirror neurons (H. C. Sinclair,
2013). It also relates to current human behavior for the reason that it echoes the
modeling or imitation behavior executed by children and adolescents. For example,
individuals that are into Football will get worked up from just watching it due to
similarly reacting to the responses of the actual audience at the game. The reason as
to why is because of the outcome of the human brains premotor cortex initiating its
mirror neurons via trying to mentally mimicking the same movements communicated
by their facial expressions. Ultimately, the simulation of these neurons on a cellular
level is fundamental for humans to effectively comprehend the feelings of others or
empathize that can straightforwardly be influenced without their knowledge such as
the case of advertisers that earn millions each year from making use of this unique
wiring to their advantage.
There is a connection between the national problem of drug addiction and prescription
drug overdose which is the aftermath of numerous factors in the United State of
America as a result of the, brain with a nucleus accumbens hypersensitive to
dopamine plus low baseline serotonin levels equals
Mythology In Ancient Civilizations
The Effect of Mythology on Ancient Civilizations
Mythology has existed for countless centuries, people have used myths and stories to
explain natural phenomenons and other things like the weather, morality, the reason
for life, death, after death, and other philosophical questions that are still questioned
today. The reason for this is that people have always been curious about things they
couldn t explain, so they found ways to understand it. In today s world, a parent
might explain certain things like rain or thunder by using holy examples, like Angels
are crying, God is bowling, etc.
Shinto is an ethnic religion that originated in Japanese mythology, they share the
same kamis or gods. Shinto is still a major religion in Japan. Many ancient shrines
are still standing and are still fully functioning. People still pray at these shrines and
great occasions, such as festivals, still occur. (Alles and Ellwood 1) Hinduism is
another modern religion that has roots in ancient mythology and civilizations.
Ancient civilizations have centered entire societies around gods and goddesses, they
ve believed in godly rulers and have created temples and shrines that still exist. Many
of the things ancient people have done is similar to that of modern religion. Temples
and shrines can be compared to churches, mosques, and synagogues. One of the only
differences between modern day religion and ancient mythology is polytheism and
monotheism, all mythologies contain many different gods
This is England
This Is England
While watching the movie This is England as the other , I was able to experience a
culture that was socially, culturally, politically, and ethically different from that of my
own. It was interesting to see a story unfold through the perspective of a young boy
named Shaun. The director showed Shaun s experiences dealing with serious issues
England was facing at the time such as racism, gangs, immigration, and
unemployment. Losing his father at an early age, Shaun lacked an older figure to
guide him towards the right path which ultimately causes him to join a gang called
the Skinheads. Based on the movie, gangs seem to be one of the major problems
within England s social economic political system. At first the gang Shaun ... Show
more content on ...
In spite of the outcomes of past events, England does not seem to care.
Of course, if one grew up in England and was raised to believe that whites were
superior to all races then that would be the social norm. If one was born in America,
he or she would grow up to believe that all humans were created equal no matter what
race you were. This is evident through the perspective of the main character of the
movie. Shaun grew up without a father figure to teach him about ethics and
morals. Shaun becomes more attracted towards Combo s strong character as the
movie progresses. Consequently, Combo eventually brainwashes the young boy
and made him believe that everyone in England who was not white caused a major
problem in society. However, I strongly believe that racism only causes more
problems. Living in America the land of equal opportunity for all twenty one years
of my life I have never experienced any major problems just because whites and
other minorities settled and lived in the same area. Everyone was created equal no
matter where you came from. Although I may find it particularly odd to see another
person hate someone because of their cultural background, I understand that I am
only observing the situation as the other . What may be strange to me can definitely
be normal for
Characteristics Of Bull Sharks
Great White sharks are known all around the world for their humongous size and
ferocious teeth, but in the coastal waters of Crystal River there is another predator
that might be smaller in size, but is just as dangerous. Bull sharks, though not the
largest species of shark, are known for being the most aggressive and most likely to
attack a human. It is because these and many other terrifying characteristics that
many experts consider the Bull sharkto be one of the most dangerous sharks in the
world, ( Bull sharks, like almost any other
type of shark, are known for living in salt water, but part of what makes them such a
threat to humans is the fact that they can be found in brackish or even freshwater
as well. What is even more terrifying is that fact that they have been found as far
inland as rivers and tributaries similar to our own King s Bay and Crystal River.
They also can be found in shallow, warm water. While this includes all of the world s
oceans, it also gives more evidence to the fact that Bull sharks could possibly be
stalking the very waters our town is known for. (
/FS_bullshark.htm)... Show more content on ...
Their noses are known for being short and blunt, giving them extreme similarities to
that of a bull, considering a bull s face is known for looking the same way. When you
see Mexican and Spanish bullfighting, the bull always runs head first into the human
that is antagonizing them. This is another way that a Bull shark is similar to a bull,
because they also are known to head butt their prey before attacking, this aggressive
type of behavior helps bring even more light on why this animal was named after a
How Did F Scott Fitzgerald Write The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald was one of the greatest writers in the 1920s. Not only is he one
of the greatest writers of this time, but he is also one of the most known. Many
people know about him and some of the work that he has done. Some of his books
are used in school in today s world. Most people have at least heard about one of
the books that he has written. His books are very popular. Most if not all of his
books were successful. But some were more successful than others. Fitzgerald was
famous for writing. He was an author of several novels. The first novelto make him
famous was called The Side of Paradise. Some other books he wrote were The
Great Gatsby, My Lost City, The Beautiful and Damned, and Tender in the Night.
But he is mostly known for writing The Great Gatsby. Not only did he write novels
but he wrote a few short stories. A few short stories that he wrote are May Day , The
Diamond as Big as the... Show more content on ...
Scott Fitzgerald was born on September 24th, 1896 in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He
was married to Zelda Fitzgerald, from 1920 and 1940. They had a daughter on
October 26th, 1921. Their daughter s name was Frances Scott Fitzgerald. When he
was 13 he went to St. Paul Academy. Then when he was 15 he went to the Newman
School. He then attended Princeton University, until he flunked out. Once he flunked
out he joined the army. After the war ended he went back to writing. He died
December 21st, 1940 in Hollywood, California from a heart attack. There were some
interesting things about F. Scott Fitzgerald. He was named after his famous ancestor,
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald who wrote The Star Spangled Banner. He was a bad
student, he barely had passing grades. Some people think that he may have had
dyslexia, he was a poor speller. Later on in life he became a heavy drinker, and his
wife had several mental breakdowns. Although he was a drinker, he only wrote when
he was sober. He kept record of his life and career. Also he died in the middle of
writing a
The Importance Of The Portrait In The Portrait By Oscar
Oscar Wilde shows us that art has symbolic meanings by giving us specific details
about what The Portrait can, actually, represent. Throughout the novel, we watch the
painting get uglier and uglier. We learn that The Portrait starts to bear the ugliness
that is Dorian s soul. When he does something horrid, it forms a new wound or
presents an even uglier sneer. The Portrait represents Dorian s sin. In class, we
argued that The Portrait represents Dorian s conscience. It more represents his soul.
However, it does help him halfway develop a conscience, but mainly he ignores it
and does something nasty anyway. It helps him develop a conscience by making
him want to do good. The Potrait makes him want to be a better person, so then it
might not be as ugly as it is. The Portrait represents the ugliness of Dorian, who is
perceived as beautiful. The first time we notice that The Portrait changes, is after
Sibyl Vane commits suicide. Dorian feels partially responsible, but at the same time,
he does not even care. He says She had no right to kill herself. It was selfish of her
(Wilde, 134). He is saying here that when Sibyl committed suicide, she didn t even
think about him. Her committing suicide was only to get him to feel bad for what
he did to her. However, he does not feel guilty until he looks at the painting for the
first time. This is also the evidence that leads us to believe that The Portrait helps him
develop a conscience. At this moment he also accepts that The Portrait
Essay on Industry Analysis Chipotle
Industry Analysis
Overview of the Quick Service Industry
The fast food, or quick service restaurant industry (QSR), represents approximately
200,000 restaurants and $155 billion in sales in the U.S. alone, they are one of the
largest segments of the food industry (Hoovers, 2011). This segment of the restaurant
industry is highly competitive and fragmented... number, size and strength of
competitors vary by region, market and even restaurant. All of these restaurants
compete based on a number of factors, including taste, quality, speed of service, price
and value, name recognition, restaurant location, customer service and the ambience
and condition of each restaurant (Chipotle, 2010).
The QSR industry is seeing growth due to the fact ... Show more content on ...
Changes in customer preferences, general economic conditions, discretionary
spending priorities, demographic trends, traffic patterns and the type, number and
location of competing restaurants have a moderate effect on the restaurant industry
(Chipotle, 2010). One example of customer preferences being a driver in the
industry is the Whole Food ism Movement which has put a large focus on organic,
antibiotic free, and non processed foods (Mansolillo, 2007). Consumers now look for
healthier options when eating and an overall healthier lifestyle. Chipotle has been
able to benefit from this movement by carrying on their Food with Integrity mission
(Chipotle, 2010).
Due to economic downturn the strength of the buyers power has increased as the
industry looks to gain consumers with pricing strategies much like those of
McDonald s Value Menuand combination meals even though the cost of
commodities have gone up (James, 2010). Customers of QSRs are looking for
quality food without high costs. While Chipotle does not have a value menu or offer
any type of combination meal much of their success is due to the fact that the
customers are willing to pay a higher cost for higher quality (Chipotle, 2010).
Power of Suppliers:
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Muslim Women
Howard Hassman (2011, 440) states that, While women, like men, have an interest in
enjoying an elemental capacity for self direction, the importance of this capacity is
not conceded by all cultures. It is important to note the significant influence culture
has on women s rights issues. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights(UDHR)
raised a variety of questions dealing with the inference of the term universal. It infers
that the declaration is meant to represent human rights in all countries, including
those that are non Western with highly complex cultures and societies. By creating
this agreement and applying it as universal it has the contradictory effect of
undermining communities autonomous rights to enjoy their own culture. Additionally,
in looking at historic actions of Western countries Anthropologists were concerned
that the UDHR was a series of attempts by the West to impose its values on other
societies. This can very well be the case because of the many debates that occurred
surrounding women s rights and female genital mutilation practices. Many criticized
Western scholars claiming that they could not legitimately criticize traditional
practices that seemed to violate women s rights. The context in which cultural
practices are birthed are placed within the social construct of the origin society. One
cannot possibly understand the human rights implications of another cultures if they
don t understand the culture as a participant. Also, there
The Political Relationship Of The United States And South...
The Vietnam conflict was a ruthless and long war that had serious consequences for
everyone involved and would prove to be a shameful and infamous snapshot of
American foreign policy at work. This paper will highlight the geo political
relationship of the United States and South Vietnam, focusing on events taking place
after the Geneva accords of 1954, in the attempts to insure a non communist Vietnam.
The United States refused to sign the Geneva accords (because the U.S. refused any
possibility of communist control over Vietnam), but elections were to be held in 1956
to decide the ruling government by popular vote. The U.S. government created
SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization), a regional alliance that swore to
protect South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos in the event of Communist rule. SEATO
quickly came into full force and became the exact mechanism Washington used to
justify its support of South Vietnam. This support of course even became the direct
involvement of U.S. troops in Vietnam. In 1955, the U.S. picked Ngo Dinh Diem to
replace Bao Dai as the head of the regime in South Vietnam. In a move to
consolidate the power, Prime Minister Diem called for a referendum between
Emperor Bao Dai and himself. In a very banana republic esque way, Diem won that
referendum by over 98% of the vote (although a questionable legitimacy to say the
least). With help, guidance and U.S. encouragement, Diem refused participation in
the Geneva planned elections that Ho Chi Minh
Nt1310 Unit 3 Lab 8.1
This is a network proposal to connect six computers and two printers. The purpose of
the project is to ensure the six employees can be able to; share files electronically
print to both laser printers access each other s calendars and share an Internet
connection. Requirements
Network Interface Card
A network interface card is already present in the computers. The purpose of the
network card is to enable the computers to connect together using a protocol in order
to transfer packets of data. In order to connect the computers, a form of connection is
required that links the computers. In this case the form of connection used will be
ethernet (Science Opposing Views, 2014).
Switch (8 port) ... Show more content on ...
Microsoft Office Professional 2013 contains the drivers and software needed to
connect the printers to the computers. Outlook Express software will be required for
the purpose of sharing a calendar.
Accessing files
Once one of the computers is properly configured as a file server, users can access
the storage by mapping the drives on the respective computers. The file server will
be mapped as a drive and users can store, edit and access files directly from the
shared storage disk. The disk will be connected to each computer. For example, when
a user needs to access any file from the file server, he/she can access the drive that
will now be mapped on the every computer (Science Opposing Views, 2014).
Once the printers have been configured to the print server. The six computers will be
connected to the server through LAN. When a user prints a document, the computer
will first connect to the server, after which the server sends the print job to the
allocated printer. Each computer will be allocated a printer. One of the printers will
be primary, and the second one the secondary.
Thief Of Always Character Analysis
Clive Barker s The Thief of Always truly develops the story through Harvey and
Wendell s friendship. Harvey is a brave kind friend to Wendell who on the other
hand, is a scaredy cat, and doesn t always appreciate what Harvey does for him.
The two friends work together and are on a quest to go home but when a stranger
walks up onto Harvey s front porch he is forced to turn back and defeat Mr. Hood.
Harvey unlike Wendell hasn t been at the Holiday House for very long. Wendell
knows the in s and out s of the house, while Harvey and Wendell work together to
defeat Mr. Hood. Wendell shows Harvey what he knows about the house and
together, take back what Hood stole. Clive Barker truly shows the significance of the
similarities, differences, and the ... Show more content on ...
Harvey is easily the bravest person in the holiday house. The first place that Harvey
shows his bravery is when he is transmutes into a vampire. The narrator of the story
admits that Harvey is brave enough to do this prank to Wendell. His cry became a
whoop;his terror to joy (46). This quote explains how Harvey cares about Wendell
and didn t want to harm him at first but when Jive pushed off the roof and into the
night sky he was brave. He also has a mischievous side underneath all the sweet,
caring Harvey. Harvey s joy got the best of him and turned into bravery. Wendell is
a coward compared to his best friend Harvey. Wendell truly shows his cowardness
when Harvey transforms himself into a vampire. Wendell cries for mercy and
eventually gets his way. Don t kill me! Please, please, I beg you don t kill me (46)!
This quote truly proves that Wendell is a coward. It also proves he doesn t have
the investigation side to this scene. Harvey knows when something is wrong or
something isn t right. And this shows that Wendell does not have what it takes to
be as brave as Harvey. This exemplifies that Wendell is not the hero but the hero s
sidekick who later on, helps Harvey a lot. This is the most important part of Harvey
and Wendell s friendship. They care about each other. Harvey is kind about Wendell s
Example Of POP Report
A continuation of the POP program can be seen in the idea of hot spots. A hot spot
in itself, is an area that consumed a disproportionate amount of police time and
effort. (112) The idea of hot spots soon progressed to the idea of hot spot policing.
Which is based on the assumption that if the police direct focused, intensive efforts at
the areas with high concentration of crimeand calls for service they can reduce crime
and disorder. All while using the problem oriented policing model of SARA. Such as
the experiment that Lowell, Massachusetts conducted. As a result of thirty percent of
their crime came from hot spots around the city, they needed to come up with a plan
to reduce those numbers. In addition to traditional policeenforcement

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Why Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay

  • 1. Why Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay Crafting an essay on the subject of why a particular type of marriage should be legally recognized can be quite challenging. Firstly, it necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the legal, social, and ethical dimensions surrounding the issue. Delving into the legal aspects entails examining existing laws, precedents, and potential ramifications of legalizing such marriages. This requires meticulous research and analysis to present a well-informed argument. Moreover, discussing the social implications involves addressing deeply ingrained societal norms, prejudices, and cultural perspectives. Articulating a persuasive argument demands not only factual evidence but also empathy and sensitivity towards differing viewpoints. Balancing these elements while maintaining a coherent and convincing narrative is no small feat. Furthermore, navigating the ethical considerations inherent in the debate adds another layer of complexity. Addressing questions of individual rights, equality, and the role of the state in regulating personal relationships requires nuanced ethical reasoning. Engaging with these complexities demands careful thought and deliberation to construct a morally sound argument. In essence, crafting an essay on this topic demands rigorous research, empathetic understanding, and nuanced ethical analysis. It necessitates the ability to navigate complex legal, social, and ethical terrain while presenting a compelling argument for why a particular form of marriage should be legally recognized. Similar essays and much more can be ordered on Why Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay Why Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay
  • 2. Immortal Techniques In Dance With The Devil Dance with the devil is a short text composed by immortal technique. Through a sick and twisted turn of events, a young man named Billy infatuated with the street lifestyle ends up dancing with the devil. It is based around the societal issues, gang violence, and infatuation with materialistic things, greed, and our inability to put money last to grow mentally and emotionally. The theme of overcoming challenges is first presented in this short text when immortal technique says a corrupted young mind, at the age of thirteen n*gga never had a father and his mom was a fiend, she put the pipe down, but for every year she was sober her son s heart simultaneously grew colder . Due to Billy s upbringing we can instantly assume that because he did not have a... Show more content on ... As the short text goes on we see how much impact his upbringing had on him as a child emotionally. For example immortal technique says he friended for props like addicts with pipes and needles so he felt he had to prove to everyone he was evil a feeble minded young man with infinite potential the product of a ghetto breed capitalistic would bleed, but he was sick of selling trees and gave in to his greed . This highlights the purpose, how we are brought up as children can affect the way we understand and perceive things as we grow, and can also influence the path we decide to take in life. It also highlights the purpose, we are so blinded by the want for materialistic things that we overlook our own intelligence and moral values to fulfill our desires and satisfy ourselves. This is illustrated in another part when immortal technique says so now he had a choice between going back to his life or making money with mad men, up in the cife. His dreams about cars and ice, made him agree, a hardcore n*gga is all he ever wanted to
  • 3. Heroes In Adam Brown s Fearless There are many heroes in the story Fearless . Adam Brown just happened to be the biggest one of all. The story Fearless it is about a man who had a rough battle with drugs. The man overcame the drugs and became a hero. Adam Brown had a tough life until he joined the Navy. He met his wife, Kelley, during a time when he had struggled with drugs. Kelley helped him be sober again, and Adam wanted to marry her. When Kelley and Adam got married, he decided that he was going to go into the Navy to serve for the United States. When he joined, Adam had quickly decided that it was not enough for him. He wanted to be a SEAL. Adam soon began to train to be a SEAL. He pushed and pushed to be the best, and he was. He had been through a lot and he made sure to strive to be the best. Brown was the type of person that would/could do everything. ... Show more content on ... When he made it to the hospital for surgery the doctor had told him that he would lose his eye. But that didn t stop him from doing what he wanted. Soon after he became apart of the Special Operations Forces elite. Adam Brown was a hero for a lot of things. He died for his country and his men. Adam went through a lot in order for him to be where he was in life. In the end, Adam had everything. He had a family of his own and friends that he loved. He may have had a rough beginning, but he ended it with a better one. Adam Brown was a hero for many reasons. Fighting for his country is just one of the many. When Adam was as young man he was always doing crazy things. For example, one night after watching a Navy SEAL movie he decided that he was going to jump out of a moving car off the I 70 West Bridge and into Lake Hamilton. (pages: 33 34) That was just one of the many things he did. Even when he was on an Op he would always put others
  • 4. Choices And Consequences In The Holocaust The Choices and Consequences of the People in the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a devastating time for Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and everybody else under the wrath of Adolf Hitler; nearly twelve million innocent people were killed in this catastrophe. The Holocaust played an important role in WW2 which allows the present to look back into our history. It focuses on discrimination and gives modern lives the chance to make sure it never happens again in our future. Every choice these people made in the various pieces of literature would result in a consequence that could change the path of their lives. Many Jews struggled through the Holocaust before they were sent to concentration camps. In Hidden, the children s book, Dounia was forced to ... Show more content on ... In concentration camps, Jews were given their own portion of food which contained bread, and some kind of liquid substance. This was hardly enough to maintain a life so many prisoners made deals throughout the camps to trade souvenirs for food. If they were caught in action, they would be beaten or killed. With SS men controlling the fate of your life day and night, they can do anything to you. In Eva s Story, Eva notices an officer following her around the camp and then hides under a heap of clothes to protect herself knowing what would happen if she was caught in this passage: I [Eva] quickly scurried behind them and buried myself deep inside the mountain of clothes (Schloss 86). Many of the SS men also would walk around during showers when the women prisoners were helpless and vulnerable . They would go into the shower with them, splash them with water and play with them like they were dolls. Eva was warned of this and when it came to the showers, she hid behind the taller women to prevent being raped. Prisoners would even create relationships with officers just for a proper share of food . Life in the camps were harsh and dreadful enough for prisoners to give up or choose to fight the conditions with no exact
  • 5. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cialis A sluggish and consistent revolution is sweeping the marketplace for erectile dysfunction drugs Cialis. Most men and women won t even be aware of it. Lilly ICOS, the pharmaceutical alliance, which launched the blockbuster drug Cialis, announced that the drug has completed 1 billion dollars in world sales because launching in Europe less than two years back. Actually Cialis has end up the top Erectile Dysfunction medication in France, for the reason that January 2005, headquartered on the latst market data, easily overtaking Viagra, the primary manufacturer to be launched on this market. It s also doing very good in uk, Italy, Germany, united states, Canada, Australia, Mexico and Brazil. So much so that a Lilly ICOS press free up contained ... Show more content on ... In view that 2003, men with erectile dysfunction have had a option of oral remedies for their situation a which can impact on relationships and everyday existence. beyond the entire hype and the jubilation is the sheer superiority of Cialis over all of the other medicines on hand in this indication. To have an understanding of the advantages of Cialis, we must firstly have an understanding of this difficult . Erectile Dysfunction or Impotence is defined because the lack of ability to make sure and maintain an erection enough for sexual intercourse. ED impacts an estimated a hundred and eighty million men global . 90 percent of ED circumstances are regarding a physical or scientific , corresponding to diabetes, cardiovascular ailments, and prostate cancer treatment, at the same time 10 percent are because of psychological motives . In lots of cases, nevertheless, each psychological and physical motives contribute to the situation. The place bodily aspect play an primary position PDE 5( Phosphodiaterase) inhibitors have a giant position to play. These comprise medicinal drugs like Sildenafil (Viagra) and Vardenafil(Levitra). However none are as good as Tadalafil(Cialis).
  • 6. Different Way Of Understanding State STATE: The term state incorporates a number of range of things, a assembly of institutions, a provincial unit, an instrument of oppression and coercion and the list goes on. There are different way of understanding State, The Idealistic approach is given by G.W.F. Hegel identifies the moments of social existence : THE FAMILY ,THE CIVIL SOCIETY AND THE STATE. He argued that in State there exist a universal altruism and it as an ethical community underpinned by mutual sympathy. But the biggest drawback of this approach is that it is uncritical in nature and by defining it ethical it could not distinguish between the institutions that are inside and outside the state. According to functionalist approach state focuses on role and functions of ... Show more content on ... Thomas Hobbes portrayed the state as being Leviathan, a gigantic monster. 2. The state institutions are Public : All the institutions under state is public in nature and serves the society as whole and are responsible for making collective decisions. 3. The state is an instrument of domination: State authorities make sure that their laws, regulations are followed and impose them on the citizen of the state in which the transgressors are punished. Weber said It is a monopoly of legitimate violence therefore the [practical expression of state sovereignty. 4. The state is an exercise of legitimation: The decisions of the state are of the supreme importance and authority as it Is assumed that the decisions taken by them are for the greater good and in public interest. 5.The state is a territorial association : The dominion of the state is geographically defined and encompasses all those who live within the state boundaries whether its citizens or non citizens. J. W. Garner gives a very all inclusive definition of the state, holds the view that the state as a concept of political science public law, is a community of persons, more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, independent, nearly so, of external control and possessing an organized government to which the great body of inhabitants render habitual obedience. It
  • 7. Consider The Lobster Analysis I was approximately 7 or 8 years old when the smell of gambling and blood was the air, thrilling the expectations of the spectators. The ear piercing sound of a rooster begging for mercy from his opponent. Like savages we cheered on the winner, I found myself in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. Years later, when I sit down to read, Consider the Lobsterby David Foster Wallace, the feeling of guilt that ran through my mind made me feel uncomfortable. the Lobster are boiled alive at these festivals and as the author mentioned that, the lobster was moving in agony as he was trying to get out the pot while he was boilingalive. For the people that do not care, it is not about individual conscience but on a moral perspective. I have a simple question to ask them, can you imagine getting into a boiling pot and boiled alive for approximately 35 45 seconds? Because that s how long it takes the lobster to die in the boiling pot. Animal Cruelty has to be stopped in both cockfights in Puerto Rico and the lobsters being boiled alive in New England or at least force people... Show more content on ... Since lobsters do not have a cerebral cortex which is the part of the brain that receives neurotransmitters signals that feel pain. However, when it comes to cockfights, roosters have a similar nervous system to humans. For example, if you ever seen a feather being plucked from a rooster it is a similar feeling to pulling a hair on a human. Unlike the lobster, the rooster has a cerebral cortex and it is very similar to humans. When humans feel intense pain, our bodies seem to react by sending hormones such as endorphins and enkephalins. Since the lobster don t have an advanced nervous system they are more vulnerable to pain because they have natural opioids. Somehow, lobster do feel difference in water temperature so, why can t they feel pain in boiling
  • 8. Political Satire In Jonathan Swift Political Satire in Jonathan Swift s Gulliver s Travel Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.. Jonathan Swift Introduction Born on November 30, 1667, Irish author, clergyman and satirist Jonathan Swift grew up fatherless. Under the care of his uncle, he received a bachelor s degree from Trinity College and then worked as a statesman s assistant. Eventually, he became dean of St. Patrick s Cathedral in Dublin. Most of his writings were published under pseudonyms. He best remembered for his 1726 book Gulliver s Travels. While leading his congregation at St. Patrick s, Swift began to write what would become his best known work. In 1726, at last finished with the manuscript, he traveled to London and benefited from the help of ... Show more content on ... In the book, Gulliver broadly depicts what he had existed there and how the circumstances, creatures, conventions are communicated. There s no immediate connection with how the book and the film communicates the principles about on the off chance that somebody erroneously blames another person for a wrongdoing as Deceit is viewed as more awful than burglary, genuineness additionally is not secured whatsoever, as it was trust the base of trade. The film secured this examples when Gulliver in particular cases, as express in the fellowship and dedication connection of Gulliver and Horacio, when Gulliver can t manages his lies about their experience and life and as an outcome of this is accused of the outcast of the island, yet at the end he recuperates his honor winning a fight which choose the ordain of Blefuscu and
  • 9. History Of Campaign Uniforms The regular soldier had three different uniforms a Campaign Uniform, a Parade Uniform and a Fatigue Uniform. The government didn t discipline the soldiers like the British army did, so many of the uniforms were adapted to the commander s preference, the location of the soldier, and materials that were available in the area. The Service and Campaign uniforms were pretty much the same in a lot of ways. The headdress was a black felt hat with one side pinned up with an American eagle, which was the US s coat of arms. The coat was an almost knee length Prussian blue jacket. The rank was worn on the coat sleeve. The overcoat was a sky blue and took after the french model. Only officers wore these, they could also choose a dark blue version. All
  • 10. The Doctrine Of Separate Legal Personality In this essay I will begin with the concept of a company having a separate corporate personality and limited liability with their importance in company law. The doctrine of separate legal personality which was made by the House of Lords in Salomon v Salomon and co ltd (1897) was the landmark case. Furthermore I will describe the concept of the veil of incorporation . I will give relevant cases of when the veil of incorporation can be lifted by the courts and statuary provisions, for instance, s.16 Companies Act 2006 and incorporate different viewpoints of the judges. Finally I will state whether or not I agree with the given articulation. 1.1The consequences of incorporation Corporate Personality The doctrine of Separate legal personality has long been regarded as a cornerstone of English law . The main substance of a company is that it has a corporate legal personality different from the members who form it. As a consequence of the separate legal personality granted a company under s 16(2) of the... Show more content on ... Salomon was a boot and shoe maker who has been working for over 30 years. He took all the shares of the firm except six, which were held by his wife, daughter and four sons. Part of the payment for the transfer of the business was made in the form of debentures issued by the company to Salomon. Salomon transferred the debentures to Mr. Broderip for 5000 pounds, in exchange for a loan. Liquidation was not long in coming. The sale of the company s assets did not realize enough to pay the lenders. The liquidators claimed that the debentures have been deceitfully issued and were invalid. He denied that the business was transferred lawfully from Mr.Salomon to the company. The judge who heard the case initially conceded that the transfer has been legally done and could not be upset. He suggested (Broderip v Salomon ) that Mr. Salomon has employed the company as an agent and that he has to indemnify the agent. In the court of appeal Salomon s appeal was
  • 11. The Theme Of Transiency Of Life In Marilynne Robinson s... In the novel Housekeeping by Marilynne Robinson, the theme of loss and the transiency of life is exemplified by the irony of housekeeping. Housekeeping is society s way of trying to maintain order in a world fill of chaos. Despite human efforts to maintain their possessions and the status quo, nature repeatedly steps in and reminds us that you cannot contain order in a world that is unpredictable. Housekeeping is introduced after the train derailment and the first loss the family experiences. Ruth describes that after her grandmother is widowed she takes up housekeeping and forgets what she should have never forgotten (13). Sylvia forgets that loss is inevitable and, instead of accepting this inevitability she continues to try and control ... Show more content on ... Sylvie begins to clean the house, she removes the eccentric collections that have been building up in the home and begins grooming Ruthie to maintain a clean appearance. Sylvie s practice of socially acceptable housekeeping is performed in the hope of controlling an outcome in the face of human nature. Those days she cast about constantly for ways to conform our lives to the expectations of others, or to what she guessed their expectations might be, and she was full of purpose, which sometimes seemed like hope (201). Nature s uncontrollability is displayed when Fingerbone s choice to deny Sylvie legal guardianship of Ruthie becomes apparent regardless of her attempts at housekeeping. The girls are forced to flee Fingerbone and embrace that they live a transient life in order to remain together. The reader is reminded that even human nature cannot be controlled and that when we try to control an outcome based on predictability it is not
  • 12. Inventory System 1. Introduction: This document helps you to understand the complete functionality of how the inventory Updation takes place in the Inventory Management System for the products (both online and club) which are purchased from the eCommerce shopping site. Also this document will help you understand how the Inventory Management System is integrated with other applications in order to maintain the inventory level. 2. Overview of IMS: Global Inventory Management System is otherwise called as IMS. IMS is a single resource/entity where the inventory for all kinds of items is maintained/monitored. The different kinds of items available in the eCommerce shopping site are Online, Club and Auctions. The three important terms used in IMS are ... Show more content on ... On cancelling the order the demand and available gets back to the normal state. Note that the order should be cancelled before the order reaches OMS. 5.2) Order Cancellation from Customer Service Application: Once an order is placed from eCommerce site, the demand and available gets updated in IMS. On cancelling the order from CSC by CSR, the demand and available gets back to the normal state. Note that the order should be cancelled before the order reaches OMS. 5.3) Order Cancellation from Fulfillment Application: Once an order is placed from estore, the demand and available gets updated in IMS. In sometime the order will reach OMS. When the order is released, it goes to fulfillment application for fulfillment. On cancelling the order from the fulfillment application the demand and available gets back to the normal state. 5. Order Modification and Inventory Validation in IMS: When an order is placed from eCommerce site, a reservation is made to IMS and the ordered quantity is reserved. At the same time when the order is modified, the demand and Available gets updated accordingly. For Example; Before Placing the Order: Supply 10; Demand 0; Available 10 After placing the order for 5 qty: Supply 10; Demand 5; Available 5 After
  • 13. Music Hall Monologue Menace Here Ben makes a serious situation look light and absurd. Majority of the audiences would side with Ben and laugh at the old man s stupidity and the resultant death whereas a few like Gus would be shocked and consider it to be the fault of someone else (Who advised him to do a thing like that?) instead of the old man and sympathize with the old man. In addition to all these, Pinter has made use of the music hall monologue to capture the audience s attention and create a ludicrous ambience. An apt illustration of the music hall monologue is Mick s monologue in Act II of the play The Caretaker . Mick tells that his uncle s brother was a spitting image of Davies. He moved from one place to another like Davies, led a carefree life till he ... Show more content on ... One such non conformist is Stanley Webber in the play The Birthday party who leads a quiet life in a boarding house near the sea. What crime or wrong act he had committed against the organization is unrevealed in the play. But at the end of the play we find that he is forced to leave the boarding house with two representatives of the sinister organization so that he can atone for his sins. Likewise in the play The Dumb Waiter , the organization turns out to be a source of menace for Gus in the play when he becomes the target of the next murder assignment assigned to them by the organization. In the play Pinter does not reveal what caused the organization to order Ben to kill his partner in crime, Gus. But it can be assumed that Gus had started asking too many questions about how the organization worked and so on and this may have agitated the rulers/administrators of the organization and they order his execution to keep their ominous intentions and acts a secret. b) Strangers/intruders: In many of his plays, Pinter has used strangers as agents of menace who disrupt the comfortable and supposedly happy lives of the inmates of a room or a house. Since the identity and the intentions of the strangers is a mystery, an atmosphere of tension, suspense and fear is built up and the inmates of the room try, though unsuccessfully, to bar the menace from entering their rooms and their lives. In the play The Birthday Party
  • 14. Energy Efficient Wireless Network For Green Radio Project Energy Efficient Architectures and Key Techniques to Enable Energy Efficient Wireless Network in green radio project Abstract: Technical innovations changed every day life as fast and profoundly as the massive use of personal mobile communications. With rapid increase of modern communications networks, problems like emission of CO2 and energy consumption has emerged which have a potential adverse impact upon the environment and their operating energy costs are also increasing. Since 2006, data traffic on mobile networks has been increasing at a rate of approximately 300% and is expected to grow even at much faster rate. This has forced the researchers to address how to design future wireless networks which can reduce the energy ... Show more content on ... In 2007, analyst Gartner reported that ICT sector share about 2% in carbon emissions. It might appear small at first sight but the overall footprint of the whole ICT sector is expected to double between 2007 and 2020. Mobile data traffic is going to increase dramatically in the next 5 years and one of the main reason is increase in mobile video traffic. In developing countries, electricity connections may not be directly available. So, for example, Vodafone uses extra 1 million gallons of gas per day to provide power their network. The above example gives us an idea of how the energy is consumed by the information technology. They are increasing energy costs with larger base station site densities which leads to increase in energy price. Many companies have decided to reduce carbon emissions, for example Vodafone has set a target to reduce it CO2 emissions by approximately 50% by 2020. From an operators perspective, lowering of operating expenditure is possible with reduce in energy consumption. 3% of world wide energy is used by the Information and Communication architecture which is causing 2% of world wide CO2 emmission. The main key reason behind the development of mobile VCE green radio program is to reduce carbon emissions (CO2) and Reduction in operating expenditure for wireless cellular networks. The challenge of energy reduction should be achieved without compromise in the quality of service which is experienced by the
  • 15. A Research On Creative Media Industries Introduction Starting a business of any kind can and will be very competitive, I guarantee that every business out there will have a small or large research team, helping them gather the correct amount of research to create the product. This document will help you understand the purpose of using research in the creative media industries. The reason you will need to use research is because it plays a major part in all aspects of creative media production and it is the main starting point for productions of any scale. It can be used to determine the financial outcome of any future production, it will determine the effectiveness of how successful your business will become and it will assist with the planning and the technical ... Show more content on ... These kinds of meetings will take place in an office room and when there will be a set date and time for this. The way this kind or research will be carried out is by setting up an application for a job role and then waiting for the applicants to apply. Once they have applied to the role you will then need to invite them in for an interview. You will do this type of research when you need to find an employee or if you need to interview someone for particular information. Doing interviews has many advantages such as they are useful to obtain detailed information about feelings because you will be able to see how that person reacts to your questions, you are able to ask more detailed questions, they have a high response rate and the interviewees won t be influenced by others. With advantages there comes disadvantages such as they are very time consuming and they can be costly. Surveying is also a form of primary research and it is a good way to discover what a large amount of people think about a particular subject and you can cover a wider range. Businesses will use this method of research. The reason they will use this method is because it is able to cover a large quantity of people and what their views are on a particular issue. This kind of research can be created on the computer and then
  • 16. Monetary Policy And Fiscal Policy The Federal Government uses the monetary policy and fiscal policy to establish and determine the best way to manage the economy. Monetary policy is used by the Federal Reserve to manage the money supply. This includes credit, cash, check, and money market mutual funds, with loans, bonds, and mortgages being the most important. This policy can be broken into two categories: monetary restraint and monetary expansion. As it states, one is trying to restrain the market while the other expresses expanding the market. With control over the money supply, the two categories for monetary policycan manage the inflationof the economy. After this has been complete, the unemployment rate is a second objective that is handled and reduced. Fiscal policy is used as reference to the tax and spending policies, and is handled completely by the Federal Government rather than the independent agency of the Federal Reserve. In comparison to the monetary policy, there is also two sub categories of expansion and restriction. This paper will explain why I believe the monetary restraint policy is the best option for maintaining a stable economy through the use of controlled spending by limiting the access consumers have to money, its reliability in being the solution to a growing problem, and the benefits we see from past occasions. Using the monetary restraint policy will require the Federal Reserve to increase the interest rate nation wide requiring citizens to decrease spending and borrowing.
  • 17. William Jay Bowerman Research Paper Introduction Who is William Jay Bowerman? Most people are not familiar who William Jay Bowerman is, but he is a well known in the American sports history for being one of the best American track and field coaches. Furthermore, He was the co founder and designer of Nike, one of the biggest athletic wear and equipment companies in the world. He experimented and invented shoes with different track surfaces and was very interested in shaving weight of his shoes. His shoes have enabled athletes a competitive advantage.In addition, He invented the concept of jogging as a fitness routine. Life Legacy Biography Bill was born in Portland, Bowerman s father, Jay, served as president of the Oregon Senate and, for a brief period, he was acting governor
  • 18. A Comparative Analysis of Armies of the Night and The... Taken at face value, Norman Mailer s Armies of the Night and Tom Wolfe s The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test may seem very similar. They are both centered on a major author of the 1960s and his experiencing of historical events of the time, while set in the style of New Journalism. When examined closer, though, it becomes apparent that these novels represent two very different sides of New Journalism Armies of the Night an autobiography with personal and political motivations, The Electric Kool Aid Acid Test a sociological piece which tries to capture the essence of its subjects rather than the absolute facts. By looking at the form and style which the novels were written in and the motives behind Mailer s Armies of the Night and Wolfe s The... Show more content on ... The opening pages of chit chat, the reply to Time magazine, the celebrity talk about Lowell, Macdonald, Goodman, the fierce competitiveness all this tells us from the beginning that this is Mailer s story (Dickstein 149). By choosing to depict acts in which he took part and from his point of view Mailer is able to make the validity of his statements implicit he actually saw what he is writing about. At the same time though, questions of how much Mailer s bias is affecting the novel are raised. Mailer is able to address these questions of possible bias by making it exceedingly obvious when his bias is at play. As Hellmann notes, Calling himself the Novelist and self consciously using the contrivances of novelistic form, Mailer makes us view the facts of his work as both reliable (in that we are fully shown their source in his firsthand observation) and doubtful (in that we are constantly reminded that they result merely from such observation) (39). Instead of trying to hide this bias, Mailer uses it to further strengthen his work. An example of Mailer s use of bias is in his description of the US Marshals he saw while waiting on the bus which would take him to prison, he begins with their faces are considerably worse than he had expected and they had the kind of faces which belong to bad guys in a Western (150). This establishes Mailer s biased view of the US Marshals and by providing these
  • 19. Alexander Fleming Penicillin Beyond the images of child labor and intense impoverishment that lingered around the 1920s, an era of antibiotics emerged. Sir Alexander Fleming, a bacteriologist from London, created a medicine that pioneered the path for growth in the medical field, penicillin. His discovery of the revolutionizing drug was nothing more than by chance. Fleming was a captain of the Royal Army Medical Corps, in addition to his medical background. During his wartime experiences, when having to treat soldiers with terminal sepsis, it fueled his desire to find any cure to this nuisance (unknowingly creating a drug that will save millions). Sir Fleming s first encounter with the antibiotic occurred when, returning from a vacation (Grimsley 1). Ironic to the formality ... Show more content on ... saw the use of antibiotics skyrocket because of a catastrophic fire at the Cocoanut Grove Night Club in Boston, Massachusetts. Its success with healing the infections of burn patients aided, ... the War Production Board to underwrite major research... efforts (Grimsley 1). With the War Production Board sponsoring the exploration of penicillin, they wouldn t have discovered one major roadblock; the ability to mass produce Penicillium, the mold in which penicillin is derived, would have never been conquered. Because the current method was deemed, ...slow and inadequate, a single pound would cost $45,000 (Grimsley 1). As roadblocks to penicillin s advancements became known, research efforts became futile and, inevitably, the War Production Board withdrew their support in favor for another medicine. Miraculously, scientists at the Peoria labs created an effective way to grow Penicillium in mass, solving their dilemma. Called the Deep Fermentation method, it consisted of large drums growing the Penicillium mold, which is constantly being, agitated and aerated (Grimsley 2). Following its success in mass production, the military became one of its major contributors. Pilot studies, an army field of education, persuaded the U.S. Army to purchase 150 million units per weeks for hospital use, as a result, penicillin saw its usefulness in everyday war, more notably, the Norway landing of June 1944 (Grimsley 2). It goes to show, with the ability to mass produce penicillin, thousands were able to escape amputation or even
  • 20. The Doctrine Of Reformed Theology Reformed Theology in Missions The argument can and should be made that all Reformed doctrines are important for the sake and cause of missions, but for this paper a few have been selected to highlight their particular significance in their role in world wide missions. These doctrines have often not received proper importance in missions because of a general preoccupation or focus on certain Reformed teachings that seem to dominate most people s view of reformed theology. In fact, they have received very little thought in comparison to those that are concerned with soteriology in missions. Reformed missions, however, emphasis and esteems doctrines that have in the past been successful and need to be applied to missions in the church today ... Show more content on ... This, together with the preaching on the fall of man and his sinfulness, naturally leads to preaching the gospel. Missions will only be successful if Jesus Christ is the theme in gospel preaching. The centrality of Christ and the importance of this is evident in Calvin s Institutes. It is there that McNeill writes, It is important to realize that the focal point of the Institutes is not found in God s sovereignty, or in predestination, or in insistence on obedience to God s Word itself, apart from constant reference to Jesus Christ, whom the written Word makes known. Paul writes to the Corinthians, For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. as seen in I Corinthians 2:2. In its missionary task the church needs to reemphasize the centrality and significance of Jesus Christ. As Paul says in I Corinthians 3, it is not Apollos or he that was important; it is the foundation that he (Paul) laid: Jesus Christ. Even though you would think it impossible, some do not present the message of the gospel, the death of Jesus Christ for men separated from God through sin, in such a manner that Christ is seen and heard as the Scriptures speak of Him. There is a great need to recover this correct and Bible presentation of the gospel before we take men away from Christ. The great truths of the
  • 21. Google vs. Monopoly Google vs. Monopoly Content Introduction.................................................................................................................................2 Long Journey To Victory .......................................................................................................................2 Evil Monopoly ...........................................................................................................................................3 Conclusion................................................................................................................................4 References..............................................................................................................................6 Google vs. Monopoly Introduction When running a large system of goods or services which millions of people follow, it is obvious there will be ones who will be jealous of such a system and who will try to prevent or break this system by any means whether it involves cheating or ... Show more content on ... (U.S., 2013) The resolution disappointed consumer rights groups and Google rivals such as Microsoft, which had lodged complaints with regulators in the hope of legal action that would split up or at least hobble the internet s most powerful company. (Timberg, 2001) Evil Monopoly A monopoly is an aristocratic domination of a specific product or service by one essence. It usually associates with a control by a business organization. A classic example of a monopoly would be Microsoft. Oligopoly is a relevant term in which a product or service is managed by a small group of large business organizations. Generally, economists come to the same agreement that monopoly is in fact corrupting and damaging. A monopoly weakens the free market moderation which in turn leads to a crippled economy. This is how the progress for capitalism is supported. The outcomes of oligopolies can turn out the same way but since there is a small group of large corporations, the competition is the key to preventing the disadvantages that can easily happen under monopolistic control. Monopoly opens doors wide for anti competitive practices. Price gouging is one of such practices. If there is not
  • 22. Bath Bomb Surface Area Discussion The results show, if more of the bath bomb surface area is exposed ,the volume of the balloon is bigger, thus supporting hypothesis that the more crushed the bath bombs is (more surface is exposed), the larger the circumference of the balloon is. Graph one agrees with the hypothesis and shows an increase in the balloons volume, as more of the bath bombs surface area is exposed. The result show that if there is less of the bath bomb surface area is exposed, the volume of the balloon will be smaller. Table one shows a 75mL difference between the balloon with the least surface area exposed and the balloon with most surface area. There are several random errors that were apparent in this experiment. An error that could affect the result
  • 23. I Hate Reading I hate reading. This mantra ran through my head with the bitter intensity of a six year old s anger. I could be watching the crackling fireplace with imagined fairies that darted through the flame and lived in houses made of burning wood. I could be climbing the trees with branches that stretched twig fingers toward the endless sky. I could normally be doing a myriad of different possibilities, but not today. My mother claimed I needed to learn to read before second grade began, and trapped me in is a single activity. Instead of doing my favored activities I compliantly allowed the rough carpet to press indentations into my skin as I began to read. The book s smooth cover clung to my fingertips as I looked for meaning in the indecipherable syllables. I sat with water threatening to spill from my eyes, lost in a sea of letters with waves of words battering me from all sides. However, I blinked and tentatively pressed my lips into the hum of a m . I searched the depths of my mind for the meaning of the next letter, letting the hum trail into eternity. Once again, I identified the letter with time and opened my mouth to the sound of an a . Instinctively, I looked to my mother for aid in my plight, as I desperately wracked my mind for the sound of the last letter. With her help, I... Show more content on ... Strangely, I found myself sitting still and solemn instead of jumping with the joy of my victory. The battered binding of another book called to me, and consequently, I opened the seventh book of the series and kept reading without pause. By the first day of second grade, I had completed the series and replicated my experience through other books, constantly evading the empty feeling of a book s end. When my friends questioned my unusual custom of carrying a book with me as if it was one of my limbs, I simply told them, I love
  • 24. William Butler Yeats Research Paper Yeats Irish Identity shaped poetry, mythology and history, other Irish writers, folktales, Irish Theatre. Many people say that William Butler Yeats was the greatest poem writer from the 20th century but to him he was just an ordinary person that had a love for writing poems. William Butler Yeats was born on 13 June 1865 in County Dublin, Ireland to John Butler Yeats, a lawyer turned portrait painter and Susan Mary Pollexfen, daughter of a wealthy family from county Sligo Yeats s mother shared with her son her interests in folklore, fairies, and astrology as well as her love of Ireland, particularly the region surrounding Sligo in western Ireland where Yeats spent much of his childhood. He had a brother named Jack and two sisters, namely, Elizabeth... Show more content on ... Yeats works drew heavily on Irish mythology and history, he never fully embraced his Protestant past nor joined the majority or Ireland Roman Catholics but he devoted much of his life to the study in myriad other subjects. The Irish writer s James O Grady and Sir William Ferguson were the most influential. Through his writing Yeats found his voice to speak up against the harsh nationalist policies of the time, his early dramatic works conveyed his respect for Irish legend and fascination with occult. Yeats mother was the first introduce him and his sisters to the Irish folktales he grew to love so much but little did you know that his brother jack and father was also an accomplished artist and they both helped William in his writing and it s the reason he found his own interest in the wonderful arts as he called them. In 1894 Yeats met friend and patron Lady Augusta Gregory and thus began their involvement with The Irish Literary Theatre which was founded in 1899 in Dublin. Along with literature, he also loved the theater and wrote several plays. He collaborated with the likes of Lady Gregory, Edward Martyn and George Moore to establish the Irish Literary Theatre for the purpose of performing Irish and Celtic plays. As a dramatist, his successful works included The Countess Cathleen (1892), The Land of Heart s Desire (1894) and The King s Threshold
  • 25. Essay on Biography of Nikola Tesla Nikola Tesla was born in Smiljan, Croatia at midnight between July 9th and 10th 1856. He was intelligent since his early childhood. He soon became interested in engineering and he studied it at the Technical University in Graz, Austria, from 1877 to 1880. Right after that he went to the University of Prague in 1880, but his father had died and he withdrew his studies from the University soon after. Tesla always dreamed of becoming an electrical engineer and to invent a new type of power transmission instead of Direct Current (DC). He mourned for his father for about a year, but he had to return to his work. In 1881 he went to Budapest to work as an engineer for a telephone company, but this isn t what he wanted to in life. Tesla s ... Show more content on ... His dream was about to come true when George Westinghouse hired him. George let Tesla develop all his ideas and Tesla finally produced his invention alternating current (AC). He then became a U.S. citizen in 1889. In 1891 he made another invention called the Tesla coil. It helped create many other inventions that used the Tesla coil the television, a computer screen, the radio, and other electronics. Then Tesla was struck by depression because of his mother s death in 1892. By about 1895 Tesla became a poor man due to a number of failed inventions, so he tried to get a contract with the military. His first attempt to get a military contract was automated submarines and boats, but the government didn t accept his offer. He finally got a military contract from the German Marine High Command. He made turbines for the Germans, and it s thought to be used for their U boats. Soon After World War 1 started and Tesla had to cancel his concert or he would have been arrested for treason. Tesla was broke again and was desperate for money so he attempted to build a death ray for the U.S. military. It s unknown what components Tesla used for this machine and if it even worked. He said that it would be used to defend of American soil; nevertheless the military rejected his offer. Tesla made one last effort to get a military contract. He would make a sending
  • 26. Robert Smithson Essay In the 1960s and 1970s Land Art was established in the United States using inspiration from the minimalistic style that was very popular in the 1960s. Land Art, also called Earthworks, is an interaction and study of the natural elements and manmade art.3 One of the most well known and originators of Earthworks is Robert Smithson. Smithson created many inspirational pieces, which have lasted throughout the years, not only through land artbut also with drawings, sculptures, films and writings. Robert Smithson was born on January 2, 1938 in Passaic, New Jersey. He grew up there and went to a public school. As a child he was very interested in nature; he collected fossils and reptiles and took mean trips to the New York Museum of Natural... Show more content on ... The crystalline shape represents not only how we view everything but also the illusions in nature. 1 Smithson did several more pieces involving mirrors and glass that incorporated natural materials like shells and soil. Smithson became very interested in entropy, the measure of energy and the disorder of an object or even in nature. He based many pieces both writings and sculptures on the ideas that are associated with entropy. One of the main focuses was on the decay of natural life.3 In the late 1960s Smithson started to create his earthworks. He started by making them as landmarkers like a map using mostly natural materials. He started making his most commonly known piece, the Spiral Jetty, in 1970 off of Utah s Great Salt Lake.1 It was the start to his large scale earthwork. He was inspired by an Indian monument he saw in Ohio, the Great Serpent Mound. This was a turning point for him; he was able to finally achieve his goal of putting work in the land and not just on it.3 Smithson drew many pictures and took a lot of time planning his work out on paper before he started to construct the real one. He took many photos during the process of making this piece and displayed the pictures together as a collage with both pictures and maps.3 The Spiral Jetty is still there today. After he
  • 27. Essay about University Education Should Be Free Independent.Leadership.Equality. All of these are three characteristics as to what free university education can provide to citizens.Higher education should be free of charge for the citizens of the United States.In the US the average cost for colleges per year is $8,893. Many middle class and under class people cannot afford such costs. It is true that the government will give you grants but most of the time students never get funding from them (Emmons 3). Most people of today can hardly afford a car let alone the fees and tuition of college. Also, it could provide equality to all people. Allowing everyone an equal opportunity to go to college and make something of themselves. It provides a way for poorer families to break free from... Show more content on ... Instead, citizens should be paid to go to college because they are going there to better themselves as citizens of the United States. Making new experiences for each individual is important. No one will enjoy the experience if they have crushing debts to worry about. Education should be out there to inspire peoples mind and not just filling their head with others perspective. Every individual has the right to learn and be educated, and have the opportunity to view this world in a different perspective and do something on their own. But the cost of education is so unaffordable to some mankinds that it is just ferocious for them to even consider paying those education bills off ( Should Higher Free Education Should Be Offered to All for Free? 4). If students were not stressed out over the cost, they could then focus they re stress on leaning and getting educated. A student should only have to worry about exceling him or herself to their best ability without worrying about the price they have to pay to get their education. A public university is supposed to be meant for everybody but only those who can actually afford the price can actually go to it (Brady 4). Which therefore means that the government can t call a university public if it not actually public (Brady 4). According to Brady Aaron, When the roads that drive our economy and make modern life possible get too crowded or too congested, we expect the state to
  • 28. Symbols In Lord Of The Flies Essay Many symbols have been brought to light while reading the book, Lord of the Flies. Symbols usually represent different things in some cases, but in this book they all tie around one thing, the downfall of civilization on an island. There has been symbols such as, the beastie, the conch shell and even the beast head, that have all been used to represent one thing. To begin, the beastie was by fat one of the biggest symbolsused to portray downfall of civilization in the book. The beast had turned young, proper British boys into ruthless savages. As the book talks more about the beastie , we get more animal like behaviors coming from the group of boys, especially Jack s tribe. There was many different perceptions of the beast, and its leads the boys on to see the beast in it s true form, themselves. Piggy had no true belief in this beastie due to his scientific... Show more content on ... Ultimately, I ve come to a conclusion that the Lord of the flies represent the Devil in many ways. In chapter 8, when the Lord of the flies speaks to Simon he says this, I m warning you. I m going to get angry. D you see? You re not wanted. Understand? We are going to have fun on this island. Understand? We are going to have fun on this island! So don t try it on, my poor misguided boy, or else. The Lord of the flies already foreshadows and guarantees death upon Simon. This reminds me of then Jesus and Satan come face to face on a rock, which was the ultimate test. This test was used to see if Jesus, the true Son of God, will fail, and go with Satan, or forget the temptations, and do what s right. Jesus, like Simon, did not fall into the temptations of Lucifer. Causing them later on in their life to die. Why is it the good people die before the bad? Why is it that those who sin greatly, and choose to worship Satan tend to live longer and more successful? But those who believe in doing right, and know what is truly good tend to
  • 29. п»їUnderstanding Organizations and the Role of Human... Understanding Organizations and the Role of Human Resources Activity 2 Organization Strategy and Human Resources An organizational strategy is the creation, implementation and evaluation of decisions within an organization that enables it to achieve its long term objectives. Key strategic considerations of organisation strategy include: 1) What re configurations, reach extensions and strategic relationships will be necessary to deliver the intended strategy. 2) What new skills and capabilities will be needed and what changes in the procedures relating there too will be required. 3) What performance will be required and how these can be achieved. 4) What changes (if any), are required in the corporate culture to meet the new ... Show more content on ... HR is in a position to add value by proper formulation and implementation of these important functions thus supporting organization strategy. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT A learning organization is fast becoming a reality. In any organization continuous learning means growth through learning events and experiences for individual employees as well as teams, and the organization as a whole. HR plays an important role in developing a culture of continuous learning. Identifying training and development needs and arranging and development programs for employee is part of the whole learning process. A system which creates an environment conductive to learning through experience, coaching, mentoring, self learning as well as through training and development is a must in the learning organization. HR which is the main organizer, director and controller of learning must ensure that actual learning is followed by its application for bring about improvements in different areas of operations. If that happens, the learning objective is achieved and HR is successful in adding value to the organization. Three Ways HR Professionals Support Line Managers and their Staff The primary reason human resources and line managers should work together is because both parties have a vested interest in ensuring the company achieves success. Through working together, line management
  • 30. Considered Suicide When The Rainbow Is Enuf Analysis The idea of isolation and segregation between African American people continues through the novels and plays. The inherited conflict between families is put on display with the stories; For Colored Girls who have Considered Suicide when the Rainbow is Enuf, Fences, and Jazz portray a variety of characters who seek comfort in with relationships, yet never appear to receive love in return. For Colored Girls who have Considered Suicide when the Rainbow is Enuf The play For Colored Girls who have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Enuf is a piece written by Ntozake Shange that displays seven different African American women through different aspects of their life and how it affected those around them. Each woman portrays a story to tell, ... Show more content on ... As an analogy, the book uses sports to depict their relationship. Troy is stuck in his old ways, preferring baseball as a release. Cory on the other hand, enjoys football, putting all his energy into the sport. Cory believes he can get into a major football team to perhaps allow him a chance into a future education as well. However, in Troy s eyes, this will only lead to Cory in a place of despair, like himself. Troy even states, ...putting up with them crackers every day...cause I like you? You the biggest fool I ever saw. to his own son. Troy puts his own past as how Cory s will turn out if he focuses only on sports. Cory also tends to be disrespectful to Troy, causing Troy to get angry and attempt to have Cory do as he asks through violence. The relationship between the two creates an incohesive relationship where they can t seem to understand each other. The rift between them grows causing a sense of loneliness and isolation. At the end of the novel, Cory still comes to Troy s funeral even after everything he previously did, comparing Raynell s experiences with Troy to himself. The idea that Troy didn t have sense to use the time to understand Cory is what caused that rift in the first
  • 31. The Perception Of The Human Brain s Brain The significance of this video s phenomenon is that it assists people learn what kinds of conduct can help protect themselves to acceptably fit in their civilization making them into, instinctive copycats and for a really good reason: survival... as deep in the brain...we got special cells known as mirror neurons (H. C. Sinclair, 2013). It also relates to current human behavior for the reason that it echoes the modeling or imitation behavior executed by children and adolescents. For example, individuals that are into Football will get worked up from just watching it due to similarly reacting to the responses of the actual audience at the game. The reason as to why is because of the outcome of the human brains premotor cortex initiating its mirror neurons via trying to mentally mimicking the same movements communicated by their facial expressions. Ultimately, the simulation of these neurons on a cellular level is fundamental for humans to effectively comprehend the feelings of others or empathize that can straightforwardly be influenced without their knowledge such as the case of advertisers that earn millions each year from making use of this unique wiring to their advantage. There is a connection between the national problem of drug addiction and prescription drug overdose which is the aftermath of numerous factors in the United State of America as a result of the, brain with a nucleus accumbens hypersensitive to dopamine plus low baseline serotonin levels equals
  • 32. Mythology In Ancient Civilizations The Effect of Mythology on Ancient Civilizations Mythology has existed for countless centuries, people have used myths and stories to explain natural phenomenons and other things like the weather, morality, the reason for life, death, after death, and other philosophical questions that are still questioned today. The reason for this is that people have always been curious about things they couldn t explain, so they found ways to understand it. In today s world, a parent might explain certain things like rain or thunder by using holy examples, like Angels are crying, God is bowling, etc. Shinto is an ethnic religion that originated in Japanese mythology, they share the same kamis or gods. Shinto is still a major religion in Japan. Many ancient shrines are still standing and are still fully functioning. People still pray at these shrines and great occasions, such as festivals, still occur. (Alles and Ellwood 1) Hinduism is another modern religion that has roots in ancient mythology and civilizations. Ancient civilizations have centered entire societies around gods and goddesses, they ve believed in godly rulers and have created temples and shrines that still exist. Many of the things ancient people have done is similar to that of modern religion. Temples and shrines can be compared to churches, mosques, and synagogues. One of the only differences between modern day religion and ancient mythology is polytheism and monotheism, all mythologies contain many different gods
  • 33. This is England This Is England While watching the movie This is England as the other , I was able to experience a culture that was socially, culturally, politically, and ethically different from that of my own. It was interesting to see a story unfold through the perspective of a young boy named Shaun. The director showed Shaun s experiences dealing with serious issues England was facing at the time such as racism, gangs, immigration, and unemployment. Losing his father at an early age, Shaun lacked an older figure to guide him towards the right path which ultimately causes him to join a gang called the Skinheads. Based on the movie, gangs seem to be one of the major problems within England s social economic political system. At first the gang Shaun ... Show more content on ... In spite of the outcomes of past events, England does not seem to care. Of course, if one grew up in England and was raised to believe that whites were superior to all races then that would be the social norm. If one was born in America, he or she would grow up to believe that all humans were created equal no matter what race you were. This is evident through the perspective of the main character of the movie. Shaun grew up without a father figure to teach him about ethics and morals. Shaun becomes more attracted towards Combo s strong character as the movie progresses. Consequently, Combo eventually brainwashes the young boy and made him believe that everyone in England who was not white caused a major problem in society. However, I strongly believe that racism only causes more problems. Living in America the land of equal opportunity for all twenty one years of my life I have never experienced any major problems just because whites and other minorities settled and lived in the same area. Everyone was created equal no matter where you came from. Although I may find it particularly odd to see another person hate someone because of their cultural background, I understand that I am only observing the situation as the other . What may be strange to me can definitely be normal for
  • 34. Characteristics Of Bull Sharks Great White sharks are known all around the world for their humongous size and ferocious teeth, but in the coastal waters of Crystal River there is another predator that might be smaller in size, but is just as dangerous. Bull sharks, though not the largest species of shark, are known for being the most aggressive and most likely to attack a human. It is because these and many other terrifying characteristics that many experts consider the Bull sharkto be one of the most dangerous sharks in the world, ( Bull sharks, like almost any other type of shark, are known for living in salt water, but part of what makes them such a threat to humans is the fact that they can be found in brackish or even freshwater as well. What is even more terrifying is that fact that they have been found as far inland as rivers and tributaries similar to our own King s Bay and Crystal River. They also can be found in shallow, warm water. While this includes all of the world s oceans, it also gives more evidence to the fact that Bull sharks could possibly be stalking the very waters our town is known for. ( /FS_bullshark.htm)... Show more content on ... Their noses are known for being short and blunt, giving them extreme similarities to that of a bull, considering a bull s face is known for looking the same way. When you see Mexican and Spanish bullfighting, the bull always runs head first into the human that is antagonizing them. This is another way that a Bull shark is similar to a bull, because they also are known to head butt their prey before attacking, this aggressive type of behavior helps bring even more light on why this animal was named after a bull.
  • 35. How Did F Scott Fitzgerald Write The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald was one of the greatest writers in the 1920s. Not only is he one of the greatest writers of this time, but he is also one of the most known. Many people know about him and some of the work that he has done. Some of his books are used in school in today s world. Most people have at least heard about one of the books that he has written. His books are very popular. Most if not all of his books were successful. But some were more successful than others. Fitzgerald was famous for writing. He was an author of several novels. The first novelto make him famous was called The Side of Paradise. Some other books he wrote were The Great Gatsby, My Lost City, The Beautiful and Damned, and Tender in the Night. But he is mostly known for writing The Great Gatsby. Not only did he write novels but he wrote a few short stories. A few short stories that he wrote are May Day , The Diamond as Big as the... Show more content on ... Scott Fitzgerald was born on September 24th, 1896 in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He was married to Zelda Fitzgerald, from 1920 and 1940. They had a daughter on October 26th, 1921. Their daughter s name was Frances Scott Fitzgerald. When he was 13 he went to St. Paul Academy. Then when he was 15 he went to the Newman School. He then attended Princeton University, until he flunked out. Once he flunked out he joined the army. After the war ended he went back to writing. He died December 21st, 1940 in Hollywood, California from a heart attack. There were some interesting things about F. Scott Fitzgerald. He was named after his famous ancestor, Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald who wrote The Star Spangled Banner. He was a bad student, he barely had passing grades. Some people think that he may have had dyslexia, he was a poor speller. Later on in life he became a heavy drinker, and his wife had several mental breakdowns. Although he was a drinker, he only wrote when he was sober. He kept record of his life and career. Also he died in the middle of writing a
  • 36. The Importance Of The Portrait In The Portrait By Oscar Wilde Oscar Wilde shows us that art has symbolic meanings by giving us specific details about what The Portrait can, actually, represent. Throughout the novel, we watch the painting get uglier and uglier. We learn that The Portrait starts to bear the ugliness that is Dorian s soul. When he does something horrid, it forms a new wound or presents an even uglier sneer. The Portrait represents Dorian s sin. In class, we argued that The Portrait represents Dorian s conscience. It more represents his soul. However, it does help him halfway develop a conscience, but mainly he ignores it and does something nasty anyway. It helps him develop a conscience by making him want to do good. The Potrait makes him want to be a better person, so then it might not be as ugly as it is. The Portrait represents the ugliness of Dorian, who is perceived as beautiful. The first time we notice that The Portrait changes, is after Sibyl Vane commits suicide. Dorian feels partially responsible, but at the same time, he does not even care. He says She had no right to kill herself. It was selfish of her (Wilde, 134). He is saying here that when Sibyl committed suicide, she didn t even think about him. Her committing suicide was only to get him to feel bad for what he did to her. However, he does not feel guilty until he looks at the painting for the first time. This is also the evidence that leads us to believe that The Portrait helps him develop a conscience. At this moment he also accepts that The Portrait
  • 37. Essay on Industry Analysis Chipotle Industry Analysis Overview of the Quick Service Industry The fast food, or quick service restaurant industry (QSR), represents approximately 200,000 restaurants and $155 billion in sales in the U.S. alone, they are one of the largest segments of the food industry (Hoovers, 2011). This segment of the restaurant industry is highly competitive and fragmented... number, size and strength of competitors vary by region, market and even restaurant. All of these restaurants compete based on a number of factors, including taste, quality, speed of service, price and value, name recognition, restaurant location, customer service and the ambience and condition of each restaurant (Chipotle, 2010). The QSR industry is seeing growth due to the fact ... Show more content on ... Changes in customer preferences, general economic conditions, discretionary spending priorities, demographic trends, traffic patterns and the type, number and location of competing restaurants have a moderate effect on the restaurant industry (Chipotle, 2010). One example of customer preferences being a driver in the industry is the Whole Food ism Movement which has put a large focus on organic, antibiotic free, and non processed foods (Mansolillo, 2007). Consumers now look for healthier options when eating and an overall healthier lifestyle. Chipotle has been able to benefit from this movement by carrying on their Food with Integrity mission (Chipotle, 2010). Due to economic downturn the strength of the buyers power has increased as the industry looks to gain consumers with pricing strategies much like those of McDonald s Value Menuand combination meals even though the cost of commodities have gone up (James, 2010). Customers of QSRs are looking for quality food without high costs. While Chipotle does not have a value menu or offer any type of combination meal much of their success is due to the fact that the customers are willing to pay a higher cost for higher quality (Chipotle, 2010). Power of Suppliers: While
  • 38. Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Muslim Women Howard Hassman (2011, 440) states that, While women, like men, have an interest in enjoying an elemental capacity for self direction, the importance of this capacity is not conceded by all cultures. It is important to note the significant influence culture has on women s rights issues. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights(UDHR) raised a variety of questions dealing with the inference of the term universal. It infers that the declaration is meant to represent human rights in all countries, including those that are non Western with highly complex cultures and societies. By creating this agreement and applying it as universal it has the contradictory effect of undermining communities autonomous rights to enjoy their own culture. Additionally, in looking at historic actions of Western countries Anthropologists were concerned that the UDHR was a series of attempts by the West to impose its values on other societies. This can very well be the case because of the many debates that occurred surrounding women s rights and female genital mutilation practices. Many criticized Western scholars claiming that they could not legitimately criticize traditional practices that seemed to violate women s rights. The context in which cultural practices are birthed are placed within the social construct of the origin society. One cannot possibly understand the human rights implications of another cultures if they don t understand the culture as a participant. Also, there
  • 39. The Political Relationship Of The United States And South... The Vietnam conflict was a ruthless and long war that had serious consequences for everyone involved and would prove to be a shameful and infamous snapshot of American foreign policy at work. This paper will highlight the geo political relationship of the United States and South Vietnam, focusing on events taking place after the Geneva accords of 1954, in the attempts to insure a non communist Vietnam. The United States refused to sign the Geneva accords (because the U.S. refused any possibility of communist control over Vietnam), but elections were to be held in 1956 to decide the ruling government by popular vote. The U.S. government created SEATO (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization), a regional alliance that swore to protect South Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos in the event of Communist rule. SEATO quickly came into full force and became the exact mechanism Washington used to justify its support of South Vietnam. This support of course even became the direct involvement of U.S. troops in Vietnam. In 1955, the U.S. picked Ngo Dinh Diem to replace Bao Dai as the head of the regime in South Vietnam. In a move to consolidate the power, Prime Minister Diem called for a referendum between Emperor Bao Dai and himself. In a very banana republic esque way, Diem won that referendum by over 98% of the vote (although a questionable legitimacy to say the least). With help, guidance and U.S. encouragement, Diem refused participation in the Geneva planned elections that Ho Chi Minh
  • 40. Nt1310 Unit 3 Lab 8.1 This is a network proposal to connect six computers and two printers. The purpose of the project is to ensure the six employees can be able to; share files electronically print to both laser printers access each other s calendars and share an Internet connection. Requirements Network Interface Card A network interface card is already present in the computers. The purpose of the network card is to enable the computers to connect together using a protocol in order to transfer packets of data. In order to connect the computers, a form of connection is required that links the computers. In this case the form of connection used will be ethernet (Science Opposing Views, 2014). Switch (8 port) ... Show more content on ... Microsoft Office Professional 2013 contains the drivers and software needed to connect the printers to the computers. Outlook Express software will be required for the purpose of sharing a calendar. Accessing files Once one of the computers is properly configured as a file server, users can access the storage by mapping the drives on the respective computers. The file server will be mapped as a drive and users can store, edit and access files directly from the shared storage disk. The disk will be connected to each computer. For example, when a user needs to access any file from the file server, he/she can access the drive that will now be mapped on the every computer (Science Opposing Views, 2014). Printing Once the printers have been configured to the print server. The six computers will be connected to the server through LAN. When a user prints a document, the computer will first connect to the server, after which the server sends the print job to the allocated printer. Each computer will be allocated a printer. One of the printers will be primary, and the second one the secondary.
  • 41. Thief Of Always Character Analysis Clive Barker s The Thief of Always truly develops the story through Harvey and Wendell s friendship. Harvey is a brave kind friend to Wendell who on the other hand, is a scaredy cat, and doesn t always appreciate what Harvey does for him. The two friends work together and are on a quest to go home but when a stranger walks up onto Harvey s front porch he is forced to turn back and defeat Mr. Hood. Harvey unlike Wendell hasn t been at the Holiday House for very long. Wendell knows the in s and out s of the house, while Harvey and Wendell work together to defeat Mr. Hood. Wendell shows Harvey what he knows about the house and together, take back what Hood stole. Clive Barker truly shows the significance of the similarities, differences, and the ... Show more content on ... Harvey is easily the bravest person in the holiday house. The first place that Harvey shows his bravery is when he is transmutes into a vampire. The narrator of the story admits that Harvey is brave enough to do this prank to Wendell. His cry became a whoop;his terror to joy (46). This quote explains how Harvey cares about Wendell and didn t want to harm him at first but when Jive pushed off the roof and into the night sky he was brave. He also has a mischievous side underneath all the sweet, caring Harvey. Harvey s joy got the best of him and turned into bravery. Wendell is a coward compared to his best friend Harvey. Wendell truly shows his cowardness when Harvey transforms himself into a vampire. Wendell cries for mercy and eventually gets his way. Don t kill me! Please, please, I beg you don t kill me (46)! This quote truly proves that Wendell is a coward. It also proves he doesn t have the investigation side to this scene. Harvey knows when something is wrong or something isn t right. And this shows that Wendell does not have what it takes to be as brave as Harvey. This exemplifies that Wendell is not the hero but the hero s sidekick who later on, helps Harvey a lot. This is the most important part of Harvey and Wendell s friendship. They care about each other. Harvey is kind about Wendell s weaknesses.
  • 42. Example Of POP Report A continuation of the POP program can be seen in the idea of hot spots. A hot spot in itself, is an area that consumed a disproportionate amount of police time and effort. (112) The idea of hot spots soon progressed to the idea of hot spot policing. Which is based on the assumption that if the police direct focused, intensive efforts at the areas with high concentration of crimeand calls for service they can reduce crime and disorder. All while using the problem oriented policing model of SARA. Such as the experiment that Lowell, Massachusetts conducted. As a result of thirty percent of their crime came from hot spots around the city, they needed to come up with a plan to reduce those numbers. In addition to traditional policeenforcement