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Why Is Writing Important Essay
Writing an essay on the importance of writing may seem paradoxical at first glance. It's akin to
navigating a labyrinth of self-reflection and recursive reasoning, as the very act of exploring the
significance of writing requires a mastery of the subject itself. The challenge lies not only in
articulating the obvious merits of communication through written language but also in delving
into the nuanced layers that make it a cornerstone of human expression.
The difficulty escalates as one grapples with the task of weaving a narrative that transcends the
mundane, steering clear of clichГ©s and superficial observations. The writer must embark on a
journey to dissect the multifaceted roles of writing, from its practical applications in academia
and professional realms to its profound impact on personal development and cognitive processes.
Crafting a compelling essay on this topic necessitates a delicate balance between introspection
and broad analysis. The writer must be adept at exploring the symbiotic relationship between
thought and language, dissecting how writing serves as both a mirror and a lens through which
our ideas are shaped and refined. This intellectual acrobatics requires not only a keen
understanding of linguistic nuances but also a profound appreciation for the intricate dance
between words and concepts.
Furthermore, the essay should transcend the mundane arguments about the practical utility of
writing and delve into the artistic and cultural dimensions. The challenge is to elucidate how
writing is not just a tool for communication but an art form that captures the essence of human
experience, enabling individuals to convey emotions, provoke thought, and preserve the
collective wisdom of civilizations.
In the end, tackling an essay on the importance of writing demands a writer's ability to navigate
the intricate labyrinth of language, ideas, and introspection. It requires not just technical
proficiency but also a deep appreciation for the profound impact that writing has on our
intellectual, emotional, and cultural landscapes.
For those seeking assistance in navigating this labyrinth or exploring diverse essay topics, it's
worth noting that there are platforms like where one can find expertly crafted
essays and a plethora of writing services to aid in the academic journey.
Why Is Writing Important Essay Why Is Writing Important Essay
Metaphors And Figurative Language
Literature Review
Nowadays, metaphor is considered as influential in our everyday life and its traces
are not only evident in the language but also in thought and action. The function of
metaphor in language, culture, and thought has been viewed by various disciplines
(Tendahl and Gibbs, 2008). In the discipline of linguistics, in particular, metaphor and
figurative language have long been the subject of studies from many different
perspectives. From a cognitive linguistic perspective, metaphor is a mental mapping
(p. 1825) in the cognitive processes of thinking and reasoning of people in their
everyday life (Tendahl and Gibbs, 2008). As noted by Tendahl and Gibbs (2008), the
last century ended up with its revolutionary studies on metaphor, most significantly in
the realm of cognitive science. They discuss a ... Show more content on ...
We can find several theories in the discipline of Linguistics including relevance
theory. Relevance theory, originally proposed by Sperber and Wilson (1986 1987), is
discussed in detail by Tendahl and Gibbs (2008). According to Tendahl and Gibbs,
relevance theory complements cognitive linguistics in defining metaphor and its
functioning. As they point out, in a cognitive linguistic perspective, people use
metaphors in their language because they think metaphorically and different language
configurations are viewed as conceptual processing mechanisms (p. 1825) where an
operation of mapping the concepts in the mind of speakers occurs (Tendahl and Gibbs,
2008). In their view, relevance theory, both by its encoding and decoding pattern of
thought communication and by its view at the intended meaning in a certain context
of communication, also has a cognitive look at language and mind, or more
specifically at communication and thought. We can clearly see such cognitive
perspective in relevance theory as suggested by Sperber and Wilson
Essay on Symbolic Citations in a Worn Path by Eudora
In the short story a worn path by Eudora Welty she uses symbolism to describe
many of the characters and objects that are given in the short story. Symbolism is
to use symbols to represent ideas and qualities. In a worn path Eudora does so she
uses manifolds of characters and objects to express the way the story is being told in
her own way. As doing so she helps the reader understand it more sufficiently and to
show that what is going on is still happening today.
In the short story a worn pass by Eudora Welty she uses several of characters for
specific reasons and various objects as well.The short story tells use about an old
lady name phoenix Jackson she is a blind elderly women and she has to go on a far
journey through the ... Show more content on ...
Phoenix realizes that she must keep on going so as she keeps going she passes
through various of places which are all dead which kind of makes her fell like if it
was meant to be there for her. So that helped her keep going she remembers that
there is a gum tree near by which water flows from it so as she reaches the gum
tree she drinks from it and remembers all the times she would go through there. She
continues her journey and is approached by a dog that knocks her over into a ditch
she asks fell help but there is no one around until a white hunter shows up and
helps her out. He asks her what is an old lady like her doing out there in the woods
and as if he feels he is more superiorto her, he points the gun he has at her and she
doesn t say anything. He asks her aren t u afraid grandma but she say no that she
has had that happen to her plenty of times and she won t be afraid he drops a
nickel on the ground but he doesn t realize it. Phoenix rallies his dog up and
another dog comes and the hunter s dog and that other dog start to fight and she
quickly picks up the nickel and puts it away hiding it from the hunter. The hunter
comes back and tells her if he had money he would give it to her but he doesn t. the
hunter lied to her and then he goes about his own way she finally reaches Natchez
and as
A Quick And Effective Solution For Prototyping Sdr Based...
A Quick and Effective Solution for Prototyping SDR based Wireless Systems Part 1
Authors: Andrei Cozma (ADI), Di Pu (ADI), Tom Hill (Xilinx)
There is a significant gap between the concept of a wireless system and the
realization of that working design. Bridging this gap typically involves teams of
engineers with a variety of different skill sets (RF, SW, DSP, HDL, embedded
Linux, etc.), and in many cases projects get de railed early in the development stage
because of difficulty in coordinating the efforts of these varied design entities.
In this four part paper we will examine the advances in platforms and tools which
allow developers to quickly simulate and prototype wireless systems while
establishing and maintaining a ... Show more content on ...
The third part will describe and showcase how to use Hardware in the Loop (HIL),
capturing signals with the target transceiver, but still doing the signal processing
on the host in Simulink for verification. The fourth part will show how to take the
algorithm developed in part 2, verified in part 3, and use MathWorks HDL Coder and
Embedded Coder to generate code and deploy it in the production hardware, and
finally we ll operate the platform with real world ADS B signals at an airport.
With the exponential growth in the ways and means by which people need to
communicate, modifying radio devices easily and cost effectively has become
business critical. Based on this requirement, Software Defined Radio (SDR)
technology has been widely employed recently, since it brings the flexibility, cost
efficiency and power to drive communications forward [1]. The purpose of a SDR
system is to implement as much as possible of the modulation /demodulation and data
processing algorithms in software and reprogrammable logic so that the
communication system can be easily reconfigured just by updating the software and
the reprogrammable logic and not making any changes to the hardware platform.
With the advent of the System on Chip (SoC) devices like the XilinxВ® ZynqВ®
All Programmable SoC that combine the versatility of a CPU and the processing
power of an FPGA,
Daoism And Confucianism
Roles Under the Chinese Golden Age
The three main belief systems that shaped daily life in China under the Tang and the
Song period: Daoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Each played an important role
in Chinese culture.
Daoism, an indigenous religion philosophical tradition that has shaped Chinese life
for more than 2,000 years. In the broadest sense, a Daoist attitude toward life can be
seen in the accepting and yielding, the joyful and carefree sides of the Chinese
character. An attitude that balances the moral and duty conscious. Stark and
deliberate character ascribed to Confucianism. Additionally, Daoism is characterized
by a positive, active attitude toward the occult and the metaphysical, whereas the
heathen, realistic Confucian tradition ... Show more content on ...
Buddhism needed the help of the ruling emperor to prosper, or suffered under their
objection. Emperor Wuzong, a faithful Daoist who viewed Buddhism as a barbaric,
foreign religion used by those to evade tax and responsibility to the state. In 845, he
burned 4,600 monasteries and 4,000 temples. Buddhist temples became havens of
refuge during times of the problem; land gifted to temples and monasteries allowed
monks to flourish their crops, and often, remains neutral from conflicts. Buddhism
was also useful for political reasons: some emperors persecuted them in favor of
Daoism, some adopted Buddhism to appease the masses (in Yuan Dynasty), and some
manipulated Buddhist ideologies of peace and neutrality as the publication to
overcome social
How Is Nora Controlled By Henrik Ibsen
In the play A Doll s House, Henrik Ibsen focuses on Nora s role in her marriage
with her husband, Helmer. Nora s character symbolizes the oppression of the woman
in the Victorian Era because of the lack to control she has as a woman during that
time period. Throughout the play, Ibsen portrays her character as being controlled by
Helmer physically, emotionally, and sexually. Even so, Nora still continue to strive to
achieve this one perfect womanthat her husbandexpects her to be. However, along
the way she comes to a realization about her marriageand that allowed her to break
free from Helmer s control. Although his expectations has hold her back from doing
what she wants, she has also learned to be a independent woman from his control. Her
... Show more content on ...
Even though Helmer controls her a lot, there are times where she seem to not be
bothered by his control. Not only is she submissive but she is also very
manipulative. Nora uses her sexuality to get what she wants from Helmer because
she knows it s the only thing that she has to gain power over Helmer s ego. She
would flirt, lie and touch Helmer to get him to approve on things that she wants.
When Helmer asked what Nora would like to have, she fumbled his coat button
and said hurriedly You could give me money, Torvald. No more than you think you
can spare; then one of these days I ll buy something with it. (45). This shows how
Nora acts toward Helmer when she wanted something from him. With Helmer, she
is forced to show sexual appeal toward him because she is a woman because that s
the only thing that she can do in order to get a reaction out of him. Another scene
where this happens is when Nora was leaning on his chair, stroking the nape of his
neck in order to get him to give back Krogstad position to him so he wouldn t reveal
the secret of her borrowing money. She knows the position that she stand when it
comes to Helmer. Even if her beauty is something that can manipulate him, it won t
last forever like the control that Helmer has over her. Helmer s reputation and him
being a man isn t something that can easily be destroyed unlike her physical
How Educated Are Students Who Attended American
How adequately educated are students who attended American public schools?
How much ethnic and cultural diversity is there in the American careers? Do
wealthy middle and upper class children have an advantage to receive more
opportunities than those who have a lower socioeconomic background? Millions of
people built mistrust toward American Dream because they did not achieve what
they were expecting in life. A lot of people want more money from their jobs or
want to win the lottery for their materialistic needs. Instead of trying to be happy
about what they have and cherishing everyday like it is their last. America is the land
of opportunities so people from different countries come to fulfill their own dreams.
Also, immigrants come to America just to live a better life and to not be
discriminated because of their nationalities, ethic, beliefs, or cultures. But racismis the
root of all evil in our country; the way Americans treat other races that is not the
same as our own, they humiliate, and torment them. By doing people wrongful
ways they have created the death of the American Dream because lots of people
have lost faith or perhaps never really believed. Racism stop the American Dream,
the history of racism has hunted their dreams and still lives today. Where the
American Dream originated from? Is it still being pursued? How it is expressed in
different ways though Dr. King, movies or rags to riches?
The American Dream originated during the Great Depression while
Diabetic Foot Problems
What are Diabetic Foot Problems and why do they occur? Foot problems are a big
risk in diabetics therefore diabetic patients must constantly monitor their feet or
face severe consequences, including amputation. With a diabetic foot, a wound as
small as a blister from wearing a shoe that s too tight can cause a lot of damage.
Because diabetes decreases blood flow, injuries are slow to heal as new blood often
doesn t flow freely to the injury. When wounds do not heal in a timely fashion, they
are at risk for infection meaning that infections in the feet of diabetic patients spread
quickly. If you have diabetes, you should inspect your feet every day. Look for
puncture wounds, bruises, pressure areas, redness, warmth, blisters, ulcers, scratches,
Peer Pressure In Stargirl, By Jerry Spinelli
According to a research done by the Canadian Lung Association, 70% of teens
started smoking because their friends smoked or because they felt peer pressure to
try smoking. That would be a dangerous behavior caused by peer pressure. Here is
another example of bad things caused by peer pressure; 55% of teens tried drugs
for the first time because they felt pressured by their friends. Not all the times, but
sometimes, people tend to do bad things with other people because they feel more
secure with other people than being alone. In Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli, the main
character named Stargirl defies conformity and lives with her own mind. That is why
I valueStargirl s affection(Individuality) more than JMS students
The first reason why I side with Stargirl ... Show more content on ...
As I wrote in the introduction paragraph, people can ruin their future because of
their friends who pressure them to do something that is not good. You might love
your friend who does bad things and that is okay. The point is that you do not have
to exactly follow what your friend is doing. You can do good things that your
friends do, but not bad things like drugs or alcohol that could affect your future.
For example, you are not going to kill yourself just because your friend does. Leo
tried to make Stargirl be like ordinary kids by saying, I think you should try to be
more like the rest of us (137). However, she refused to be like others and remained
unique. She knew she was going to be in some trouble even if she switched and
became like them; she would be pressured by other kids and be stressed out. That
is why Stargirl chose to stay being different. It is the same for me. I am not saying
that I don t want to have friends, but I really don t want to be pressured to do things
against my own desires. Valuing JMS students affection may ruin my future, which is
why I value Stargirl s affection
Standard Oil Myser In Spindletop
During the 19th century there was a rapid growth in industrialization and change
in America. The iron and steel industry spawned new construction materials, the
railroads connected the country and the discovery of oil provided a new source of
fuel (John D. Rockefeller, 2015). The discovery of an oil geyser in Spindletop was
a paramount cause for the rapid growth of the oil industry. Within a year, oil
became the primary fuel in America and became an integral part of the economy.
This state of things is made possible, and is obtaining, solely by and under the
power and use of machinery; first in the hands of individual capitalists; then in the
hands of companies; and, lastly, by corporations (Moody, 1883). Industry leader
John Rockefeller, was able to build an empire during this period of time and
established his company the Standard Oil... Show more content on ...
Rockefeller, 2015) and had a monopoly on fuel in America. In order to exploit
economies of scale, Standard Oil did everything from build its own oil barrels to
employ scientists to figure out new uses for petroleum by products (John D.
Rockefeller, 2015). With the rapid growth in factories and industries, there became a
need to change how the American workers were being treated. Labor unions were
created to help improve the working class with job related complications such as low
pay, unsafe or unhealthy working conditions, and exceptionally long hours. Andrew
Carnegie, an industrial giant in the steel industry, ran his companies with a dictatorial
hand; his factories operated around the clock and workers were burdened with long
hours (Engelman, 2015). Labor unions like the famous American Federation of Labor
and the Knights of Labor were able to improve working conditions for Americans by
establishing laws within the government and business, sometimes using strikes as a
tool to bring about these changes. Many times
Vancouver Research Paper
14 Sights You Have To See In Vancouver For a city with the perfect mix of culture
and outdoor adventures, Vancouver is a top tourist destination. Located on Canada s
west coast, in British Columbia, the city is one of the most popular spots in the
Pacific Northwest. If you re lucky enough to be traveling here, be sure to check out
these 14 amazing sites!
1. Stanley Park Vancouvers first official green space, Stanley Park is a massive and
stunning park just north of the downtown area, almost entirely surrounded by the
sea. Visitors to this lovely park will soon find that many activities are available,
such as taking the Stanley Park Train, or riding in a horse drawn carriage through the
park. Various cafes and restaurants are also available... Show more content on ...
Both a convention center and a ferry terminal, Canada Place is the site of many
events that happen in the city. Located right on the water of Vancouver Harbour,
visitors can enjoy The Canadian Trail, an interactive walking trail that allows
visitors to see all different areas of Canada represented. Guided walking tours are
available, and the Sails of Light show happens every night. Look for specific events,
such as Canada s 150th birthday celebration happening in 2017, or the annual
Christmas celebration, which take place at Canada
How to Kill Ants Essay example
How to Kill Ants
One warm night, he came through the bedroom window. His sudden intrusion
angered me. That was the first time I saw him in this house. His tiny round eyes
seemed innocent enough, but he was frightened by my stare. His skinny long legs
were trembling. He turned his head, saying, I m completely lost. That was certainly
not a good excuse for breaking into my private property. Hey, YOU, get outta here, I
said as I picked him and threw him out of the window. Never come back!
But I saw him a second time; he was in the kitchen with his friends. They were
stealing my roommate Susie s peach from her shelf. With his triumphant face, he
proclaimed, I conquered your kitchen. Ha, ha, ha. I was furious. Oh, shut up! I ...
Show more content on ...
Thus, spraying can even result in greater number of ants. Ants will continuously
coming to your house even though you may have previously killed thousands of
worker ants. This fight might never end.
Not only are sprays ineffective in exterminating ants but spraying is also harmful for
humans and pets. COMBAT Ant Roach Instant Killer includes many toxic chemicals
like the 73 % petroleum distillates. Petroleum distillates are frequently found in
gasoline, paint thinner, and charcoal lighter. It s no wonder the spray smells so much
like gasoline. When you spray, these petroleum distillates allow the toxic chemicals
in the spray can to go under furniture, behind appliances and into corners and even
into walls to kill ants where they hide. Unfortunately, these toxic chemicals also cover
the entire room. Unconsciously, you may touch these chemicals many times,
increasing the risk of being poisoned. While you are sprayinga group of ants, your
puppy behind you may accidentally inhale the mist and become sick. While cutting
carrots, you may drop a piece on the sprayed counter. Later, when you throw it into
your mouth, you would be eating poison. Many ant killer sprays advise, Wash
thoroughly with soap andwater after handling and before eating or smoking. Avoid
contamination of cooking utensils and food preparation surfaces. Do not use in
edible products. The questionable
Candy Chest Definition
The Candy Chest, The reason for this name because it represents this store
showing that we are just a simple but unique candy store. The hours for our store
would be Monday Thursday 11am 8pm, Friday Saturday 10am 9pm. The reasons
that we have chosen these times is that we need to stay open all day for the people
that are out and about during the day but, we also try to stay open later during the
day because there are many things that happen after dinner time in downtown
Salisbury such as, Gallery Gallop, Music at the Mural, Buskers Bash, Holiday Night
Out. This shop will make and sell candies such as Warbites, PB J Cups and
Chocobutters. The location of our candyshop would be in a small rural area like
downtown salisbury. The exact
Inequality in To Kill a Mockingbird
One of the major themes of To Kill a Mockingbird is the divisions in human society
and how those cause inquality among people. Even though most people know that
they shouldn t judge others, it s human nature, and because of this, it causes different
sections of society. Most of the characters experience this throughout the novel. In To
Kill a Mockingbird, certain divisions in society cause inequality in the town of
Maycomb, and the characters and the reader both learn important lessons. When
unequal divides in society form, the person or group of people that are looked down
upon don t get the respect that they should. In Maycomb, anyone different from the
traditional southern ways gets the short end of the stick. Raceis an obvious division in
the society of Maycomb. White people are automatically thought of as good people,
while African Americans do not get accepted. The people of Maycomb seem to think
that there s something not right about black people, just because that s not traditional
in the south. Tradition states that white people are better than black people without a
question, and we can see through name calling and the unfair trail that many people
in Maycomb still hold on to this tradition. They don t even think that African
Americans deserve to associate with whites hardly at all. Examples of characters
experiencing this divide are Atticus and Tom. Atticus gets looked down upon by a lot
of people in the town simply because he wanted to defend Tom, who was
Girl with a Pearl Earring Essay
Feature Article
Forbidden Love
The novel Girl with a Pearl Earring should definitely be included on the Novel
Ideas book club reading list. Elyshia Hickey reveals why this fascinating, historical
and romantic story will appeal to an adolescent audience, as it explores the theme of
sensual awakening. Set in 17th century Delft, Chevalier s novel explores the deep but
forbidden love between a young maid and her master. The author s clever
combination of an intriguing story, remarkable characters and descriptive language
allowed her to explore the themes of forbidden love, predators and sexual desires.
For hundreds of years people have wondered who is the girl in the portrait Girl with a
Pearl Earring, painted by a Dutch artist ... Show more content on ...
Vermeer asked Griet to wear his wife s pearl earrings for the sitting. She knew it
would cause more trouble but was obedient to the man she had fallen in love with.
This complication built suspense for the readers as they anticipated the wife s
reaction. After Vermeer s wife saw the earrings in the painting, she tried to destroy
it. Griet knew she had to leave. She chose to go to Pieter who she later married.
When Vermeer died 10 years later, he left the pearl earrings to Griet in his will. The
author s mix of realistic events, romantic love, and unwanted sexual encounters
reflect a timeless storyline that would appeal to young adults in today s society,
facing the same problems.
The author has skillfully constructed the characters to assist young readers to
connect with them. The main character, Griet, is a quiet, lonely, innocent and
vulnerable young lady. When Van Ruijven cornered Griet in the hallway and
grabbed her chin, she did not feel at all comfortable: I did not like the way he
looked at me . Griet had some artistic talent and vision and wanted this to be
recognized by her master, but was too shy to say anything. She was looking for
love and security, which she found in Vermeer. Vermeer s remarkable character
draws young readers in as he was portrayed as a very gentle, caring and loyal man
the type of man you would want to marry. Vermeer never forgot her and
Kemo 452b Research Paper
Many scientists and space enthusiasts awaiting news about a second Earth were
answered when NASA announced the results its phoenix like telescope Kepler, had
found. The exoplanet that created so much excitement has a size and age reminiscent
of Earth s, and, critically, even exists in the Goldilocks zone of its Sunlike star,
ensuring its neither freezing nor burning away any possibility of complex life.
Size, age, and other specs of second earth
Known as Kepler 452b, it s the smallest exoplanet we ve discovered existing within
that coveted circular area of a G2 star colloquially called the Goldilocks zone. G2 is
a category of star luminescence that our own Sun also falls under. The new planet is
about 6 billion years old, has a diameter ... Show more content on ...
Many officials had cute puns and quips to make about the development.
But we shouldn t get too excited to leap into our planet s family s arms.
The associate administrator of NASA s Science Mission Directorate, John
Grunsfeld , called Kepler 452b a close cousin to the Earth. This is an apt description.
Since the planet is rocky, like ours, yet smaller, the difference in gravity could do
more harm than good.
Additionally, initial studies have suggested to us that the planet has entered a rather
misfortunate runaway greenhouse gas phase, similar to what happened to Venus long
ago, which is why the planet is so hot and antagonistic to life.
But this unfortunate atmospheric development didn t stop the Chinese from getting
excited, whom after hearing about the new planet flooded social media with over 44
million posts about the planet s substantial opportunity to host life. China s
microblogging service, Sina Weibo, the hashtag #AnotherEarth exploded, with nearly
90,000 participants in the
Argumentative Essay On The College Dropout
In this article written by Holly Epstein Ojalvo writer from New York times says Is
college worth it? . What does that mean for a high school senior who is stressing at
the last moment of their high school year, and don t even know what to do with their
lives yet. Some students want to go from high school straight to college but some are
indecisive about it, it s either the work force, or the military.
Students that go to a Four year University don t even graduate. In this article
College dropout statistics it says with these three issues leading students to leave
college in the United States, more than 30% of students drop out in their first year. .
Most of these students come from low income backgrounds. There are many other
reasons as to college drop outs, one an overactive social life, but i don t see how that
could affect someone that much. Two homesickness, i could see this one happening
most of the time because i understand being far away from my family. Three lack of
guidance and mentoring from school officials.
But college also could be a good thing for students that know what they want to do
in life. See the 30% of dropouts are either because they aren t ready or they can t
really afford it or they can t handle the responsibility, etc. But the other 70% do end
up going on through high school and graduating and getting their degree or bachelor
s. But you don t always have to go to college to get a high paying job, some jobs just
require high school diploma. Most
Nail Salon Research Paper
Everyone dreams of getting professional nail services that guarantee a glamorous
look. However, this is not always the case for most people as they end up with an
infection or discolored nails. It is very crucial to take your time before choosing a
nail salon.
A nail salon primarily offers nail care services. However, some nailsalons can further
offer skin care services. Nail salons are mostly associated with highly skilled nail
technicians. Examples of the nail care services offered include nail enhancement,
manicure, and pedicure.
Facts about nail care services
It is important to let your nails breathe
People who routinely have their nails polished can end up with very weak nails.
Nails can become dehydrated and thin out during the process. They can also peel, ...
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It goes beyond the visible interior cleanliness and further entails proper cleaning of
the instruments used. Most people who go seeking for nail care services without
being so keen on a salon s sanitation level, end up with a bacterial or fungal
infection. An example of an infection includes hepatitis. You should check whether
the salon is using instruments that are routinely sterilized using ultraviolet rays.
This greatly helps fight infections. It is very important to check that your
technician is using new nail files. You should assess how clean the bowls used are.
If you don t trust a nail salon and doubt their levels of hygiene, you can carry your
own tools to get the nail art done. However, this may require you to buy a set of nail
care tools.
Does your nail salon of choice have a license?
A nail salon license is important. It shows that the business is legal and hygienic. It
is a requirement by law that nail technicians visibly display their operating license.
The licenses offer awareness on hygienic nail care services. They also include
professional qualifications of nail technicians.
Binary Forms In The Awakening
Allez vous en! Aleez vous en! Sapristi! That s all right! (Chopin 22). The beginning
of The Awakening draws attention to a caged voice that is not being heard.
Throughout the novel we see that Edna is living in a time where there is a lack of
permissibility for women with voices in society. Edna is always moving between
different spaces, such as Adele and Mademoiselle. Also, she goes back and forth
between Robert and Leonce. In The Awakening there are many binary forms
presented amongst the men and women of the text. Edna s characteris framed through
these binary forms and her awakenings are highlighted throughout the text. This paper
will argue that the characters in The Awakening are juxtaposing each other
throughout the narrative.
In The Awakening, Edna is torn between influences of society and individual
happiness. Leonce and Robert are two characters that show keen differences although,
there are differences there are also ... Show more content on ...
The framing of Edna through various characters allows the text to reveal that they
all plan take the courageous soul that Edna desires to possess. The suicide
represents Edna s way of rebelling against societies standards and following her
own rules for once in her life. Edna s goal throughout the narrative is self
independence. Mademoiselle Reisz expressed this too her, while characters such
as Adele and Mr. Pontellier failed to allow her to rebel against societies standards
for women. The things around Edna began to disappear due to Edna s desire for
independence. She s been sheltered most of her life and when she is taken away
from that, her downfall begins. Her suicide represents no evidence that it was
liberating and necessary. Edna eventually ends up alone with a false romantic
narrative. The things around Edna began to disappear due to Edna s desire for
independence. She s been sheltered most of her life and when she is taken away
from that, her downfall
Declaration Of Independence And The Way To Wealth
Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin both show an unfamiliar patriotism for a
country not yet formed in their works The Declaration of Independence and The Way
to Wealth respectively. Their ideology was manifested in their written works and
carried on through their actions. Jefferson lived a life as a wealthy farmer and
understood that government control was not a necessity, especially when it ventured
to tyranny. Benjamin Franklin embodied the Puritan ideology when urging others to
be industrious and frugal. Both of these ideals are examples of American ideology,
and Thomas Jeffersonand Benjamin Franklin express these in their works. As stated
by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, With a firm reliance on the
protection... Show more content on ...
Poor Richard forms the American ideology to be a hard working and economical
through all of his words of wisdom. There are no gains without pains (Way to
Wealth 237), which expresses the hard work mentality that was placed into the
American ideology because Americans were considered to be of lower class than the
people of Europe. Assuming that the Americans were lesser than them, the Europeans
did not pay much attention to the work ethic of the new nation, much less the nation
as a whole. So Benjamin Franklin wrote an Almanac, giving him a way to share his
knowledge with those in America. He created a society that would believe that
industry pays debts, while despair increaseth them (Way to Wealth 237) making
America relevant to the world, giving the country a place because it looked past their
present situation and more toward how to improve their livelihood. Benjamin
Franklin, an avid supporter of a hardworking and frugal society, sought to inform us
with his adages and make America into a better nation. Benjamin Franklin helped
form the American ideology of Industriousness and
Vin Diesel Research Paper
Throughout history there have been many individuals that have influenced society.
These individuals range from political to artistic figures. One of the most well
known in the entertainment world being Vin Diesel.His situations in his early life
led Vin Diesel to his big acting career now and it includes his early life, High school
/ College careers, and his acting career.
BACKGROUND INFO Vin Diesel was born on July 18,1967, at Alameda County,
California. His zodiac sign is the Cancer. He had three siblings. One sister Samantha
and two brothers Paul and Tim Vincent . Vin had never met his birth father. When he
was younger he attended Village Community School of New York and for college
before he dropped out he attended Hunter College ... Show more content on ...
Fast and Furious is one of Vin Diesel s highest paid movie. His very first movie was
Multi Facial in 1995. Then in 1997 he starred in Strays. Next came 1998, was Saving
Private Ryan. In 1999, Vin Diesel was in The Iron Giant. In 2000 ,Boiler Room, The
Chronicles of Riddick: Into Pitch Black and Pitch Black. In 2001 he started the Fast
and Furious series and made Knockaround Guys. In 2002, XXX and 2003 a man
apart. In 2004, he made two more The Chronicles of Riddicks and The Chronicles of
Riddick : Dark Fury. In 2005 , The pacifier came out and 2006 Find Me Guilty. In
2007 and 2008 he was working on Babylon A.D. and 2009 he played in Los
Bandoleros and Fast Furious. In 2010 he didn t act in any movies but when 2011 hit
he was in Fast Five. In 2012 he was working on Fast Furious six, and Riddick:
Blindsided, but they didn t come out till 2013. In 2014 he played in a family show
called Guardians of the Galaxy as Groot. In 2015, Vin Diesel played in The Last
Witch Hunter, and Furious 7. And also in 2016 and 2017 he was working on, The
Fate of the Furious, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, and xXx: Return of Xander
Cage. Vin Diesel is one of the most successful performers in the world, coming in
Analysis Of The Myth Of Robber Barons
Throughout American industrialization, large industries were run by some of the
richest men in history. These men got the nickname robber barons due to their
creation of large monopolies by making questionable business and government
activities, and by taking advantage of their workers to succeed. But in The Myth of
the Robber Baronsby Burton W. Folsom, he argues against these claims, and he
takes a deeper look into some of America s richest and most successful men. By
specifically looking at Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller, James J. Hill, the
Scranton family and many more, Folsom believed that these so called robber barons
were actually entrepreneurs with a drive to succeed, leading to an improvement in
American lives.
In his ... Show more content on ...
The government also enacted the Hepburn Act, which made shipping internationally
difficult on the railroad. Despite the fact that government grants led to incompetent
railroads, the Interstate Commerce Commission and Hepburn Act were put into
place, which made it so Hill could not offer rate discounts on exports traveling on the
Great Northern en route to the Orient which was helping improve the economy with
increased trade. Hill and other market entrepreneurs were not corrupt or unfair when
choosing to not have subsides, but rather the political entrepreneurs were corrupt and
insolvent. Also, Folsom argues that John D. Rockefeller was negatively impacted by
government intervention. The Sherman Act was intended to prevent monopolies and
those companies in restraint of trade . Yet Standard Oilhad no monopoly and
certainly was not restraining trade . Rockefeller s goal was not to create a monopoly
but in order to keep his business succeeding he needed directors in each state. By
enacting the Sherman Act, Rockefeller s company struggled, due to competition
rising. These laws essentially stopped the growth of successful businesses, such as
Hill and Rockefeller, who became so successful due to no government intervention.
Many saw robber barons as deceitful, but this is actually not the case. Within The
Myth of Robber Barons,
Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking has been hailed as one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists
since Albert Einstein. Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, which as he likes to
point out is the 300th anniversary of Galileo s death. Hawking originally studied at
Oxford University in England studying physics even though he would have
preferred math. He moved onto Cambridge University to work on his PhD in
cosmology. Hawking s career has focused upon the cosmic entities known as black
holes, and has extended to specialized areas such as quantum gravity, particle physics,
and supersymmetry. A field of study that Stephen Hawkingis known for is
cosmology. Cosmology is the metaphysical study of the origin and nature of the
universe. A brief synopsis... Show more content on ...
(Wikipedia 2005) More recently, scientists at NASA think that they may have
developed a way to view proof of Quantum Gravity, if it does indeed exist. This
year, NASA is scheduled to launch their Gamma Ray Large Area Space Telescope
(GLAST), which ...may be able to detect for the first time the effects of quantum
gravity in the speed of gamma ray burst photons... (Wanjek 2005) Two scientists as
NASA s Goddard Space Flight Center theorize that the gamma ray bursts which
will be detected by GLAST might possibly be ...powerful enough and distant
enough to see the highest of the high energy photons traveling slightly more
slowly than lower energy photons, weighed down by the effect of quantum
gravity. (Wanjek 2005) Only time will tell, but one thing is certain; Hawking and
other Quantum Gravity researchers will be keeping their eyes peeled for the
results. In the 1970 s Hawking proposed that during the big bang, 13.7 billion years
ago, local pockets of the Universe could have been dense enough and under
enough pressure to form small black holes. According to his theory, these
primordial black holes could have had masses as large as the Earth or as small as a
single raindrop. (Freedman, 2005) Basically, he believes that the beginning of real
time was a singularity and all of the matter in the Universe would have been on top of
How Does Macbeth Change Throughout The Play
In the play The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare, it starts off describing
Macbeth as a loyal thane of Glamis and very loyal to his king. Throughout the okay,
he will transform from this loyal warrior to a very evil, power hungry tyrant. He did
not reach this transformation alone however, there were a few ugly sisters who
helped with this transformation.
Obviously the three witches that are introduced in the beginning play a major role in
what Macbeth and his wife Lady Macbeth would do throughout the play. The play
opens up with the Three Witches being the first to talk, so we meet them very
early and actually before anyone else. At this point, they sort of set the mood of the
play by displaying the weather and mood of what s going on. One way they set the
mood of the play with weather is by what they said in Act 1, Scene 1 in the first two
lines, When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain? .
The Three Witches are often referred to as The Weird Sisters by many of the
characters. Throughout the play, the witches lurk around to persuade characters
Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to evil temptations. For example, when they ... Show
more content on ...
Macbeth would not (in my opinion) have murdered the King without the predictions
of the witches. This gives the witches the credit that they deserve. I think that maybe
if the witches hadn t been so correct about their predictions earlier in the play, then
Macbeth might have just shrugged them off and not paid so much attention to them
as he did after they told him he would be named Thane of Cawdor and ended up
being correct. Obviously from here on out, he would listen to them because he
wanted power and if the witches could help him get it, why not let them do it? The
witches represent such an unreasoning, instinctive evil that it is hard to understand as
Rise Of The Armenian Genocide
In 1915, officials of the Turkish government commenced an ambition to eradicate the
Armenian people residing in the Ottoman Empire. Ultimately, the genocide
slaughtered approximately 1.5 million of the 2 million Armenians in the Ottoman
Empire at the time and displaced hundreds of thousands more upon its end. To date,
the atrocities staining the Turkish deserts have still not been recognized at the
international level.
The plight of the Armenians originated centuries ago in the mountains of the
Caucasus. At the peak of the 4th century, the kingdom of Armeniadeclared
Christianity its official religion, but was annexed by the Muslim Ottoman Empire in
the 15th century. The rulers granted religious minorities to perpetuate some liberty
and self government,
Analyzing Yagyu s Life
Like many of the other girls in this series, Yagyu is undergoing training as a
government employed ninja. Since as far back as she can remember, this has been
her life. She grew up in a ninja family with this path set firmly in front of her, and
she never once saw a reason to question it. Her childhood was filled with blades and
shurikens, kunai and martial arts. Yagyu is not her real name, each girl is given a
codename when they take up the life of a ninja, however the series never reveals the
real name of any of the characters. As far as the world is concerned, Yagyu is who
she is.
Early in her life, it became obvious that she was a prodigy, one that was destined to
raise high in the ranks of the shinobi world. She grasped concepts easily, progressed
quickly, and didn t accept failure. Most of her free moments were spent either
training, or resting from training. The one exception was the time she spent with her
beloved younger sister Nozomi. She was ... Show more content on ...
When she found out her younger sister was dead, Yagyu s personality changed
almost instantly. She had lost the driving point in her life. She withdrew inwards,
refusing to take part in any training and barely even leaving her room. She remained
like this for some time, but eventually tried to move on and resume her training. Her
heart wasn t in it anymore, though.
One day, she made a discovery that shocked and saddened her. When she closed
her eyes, she could no longer clearly picture her beloved sister s face. This made
her feel like she was failing her sister s memory, and she decided to punish herself
for this by sealing one of her eyes. Taking one of Nozomi s hair ribbons, and an old
coin, she fashioned an eyepatch to cover her right eye, the missing eyesight her way
of paying tribute to her younger sister. Her self imposed punishment in place, she
dove back into training and before long she was prepared for more formal
The Correlation Between Amounts Of Time Spent Playing...
What is the relationship between the amounts of time spent playing video games and
your amount of sleep?
Nearly every day, you can read articles about urbanized countries throughout the
world, with issues or concerns arising from individuals playing video games for
excessive amounts of time. Individuals form addictions to a surge in excessive or
violent behaviors, commonly found among teens or younger children. Studies
also indicate playing excessive amounts of video games can also have an effect on
your sleeping patterns in a negative way. For instance, playing an extreme amount
of video games prior to going to bed may create a more difficult time in falling
asleep. So, I decided to take on a similar yet different type of study to discover out
how much video gaming an average high schooler plays each night and how this
may affect how many hours of sleep he/she receives. I was unable to find any online
articles for this type of study, so I decided to find out for myself using the high school
population at a local school. As the study began, I did believe that students who
participated in excessive video gaming may receive less sleep.
Statement of Task
The focus of this study was to investigate if the amount of time students spend
playing video games each evening may have an influence on the quantity of sleep the
average high school student receives. To determine this, I requested teachers to allow
me to survey students during school hours in an
Catfishing Research Paper
Meta: Learn if the person you ve been talking to on social media is really who they
claim to be. Don t let yourself be duped by catfishing. Hire an investigator to help.
It might be surprising to learn that inmates in prison are allowed to email and text
with others on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and through email providers that
service the prison system. There are more and more people meeting online and
making a connection, which leaves people ripe for being deceived by people who are
misrepresenting themselves.
Catfishing: What is It?
In 2010, a man named Nev Schulman made a documentary detailing his experience
meeting a woman named Megan online. It turns out that Megan didn t exist. She was
actually a woman named Angela ... Show more content on ...
In cases like that, the investigator will give you the information they ve uncovered,
but the rest will be up to you.
Catfishers Commit Fraud
Investigators can use a variety of equipment to search for someone online, find out if
they re in prison, learn where they live and if they re married or put them under
surveillance. If the catfisher has committed fraud or identity theft, the private
investigator can turn that information over to the police who will conduct their own
investigation that can lead to the person being arrested.
The investigator will use a variety of tools to learn all the information they can about
the fraudster including monitoring systems and in person surveillance using spy
glasses or spy cams. The lengths that the investigators goes to will depend on the
client s desires.
It s unfortunate when a person believes they re meeting someone online and feels an
incredible connection with them only to find out that they re lying. It s better to
know the truth than to be deceived. A private investigator can find out more about
the person you re talking to online if you have
Stereotypes In Cinderella By Jacob And Wilhelm Grimm
Fairytales are usually shown as stories where no one ever gets hurt, and dreams
always come true. The original story of Cinderella defies this stereotype, and shows
true punishment to those who hurt others. Cinderella is a girl who always remains a
good and kind person even though her stepsisters are always mean to her. Cinderella
goes to a ball against her stepmother s instructions, and she meets a prince who falls
in love with her. The prince later marries her, while the stepsisters are punished for
their cruelty to Cinderella. In Cinderella , Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm use imagery
and characterization to convey that you should remain kind and never harm others.
Imagery is used in order to show that people will be punished for mistreating
Dance On The Water Analysis
The Devil That Danced on the Water, a memoir written by the talented Modern
World Literature author, Aminatta Forna made its debut in 2002; just in time to
contribute to healing the brokenness of a society and their leftover open wounds
from the aftermath of the civil war in Sierra Leone. In this analysis research paper,
I will discuss how the author extends her writing to address an entire society, as well
as ordinary families and individuals that have experienced the horror and corruptness
that broken politics can bring upon a group of people. More narrowed, I will focus
on my particular interpretation and argument of the reading; not the author s work to
honor her father by tracking down the truth, but rather her ability to use her personal
experiences in a way that inspires a more hopeful, courageous, educated and
independent population throughout all of the world affected by war and hate,
particularly West Africa.
Aminatta, a woman of many cultural backgrounds, contributes multiple perspectives
of her writing, which helps readers understand differing cultures. Her mother was
Scottish, her father was from Sierra Leone and finally her influential step mother
fled with Aminatta and her siblings to make a life for them in England as the
downfall of democracy began in Sierra Leone. This two part book evolved as a
collection of piecing together memories and discoveries leading to the uncovered
mystery behind Mohamed Forna s public execution during Aminatta s childhood.
Mustang GT Essay
If you re looking for a vehicle that provides the perfect combination of refinement
and performance, then we at Gus Johnson Ford recommend the Trims of the 2016
Mustang GT for Sale near Coeur d Alene. The iconic Mustang GT lives up to its
brand reputation thanks to the well performing powertrain, and inside the cabin
you will find all of the latest technology and convenience features. {2016 Ford
Mustang GT Specifications and Details} Powering the GT trims is a 5.0 liter V8
that generates 435 hp and 400 lb ft of torque. You can choose either a six speed
manual transmission or opt for a six speed automatic, and rear wheel drive is
standard for all trims. Safety features are a priority with Ford, and as such all
Trims of the 2016 Mustang GT for Sale near Coeur d Alene come with protections
such as antilock disc brakes, traction and stability control, a rearview camera, front
seat side airbags, side curtain airbags and driver and front passenger knee airbags.
If you find yourself in valet parking situations or have a younger driver in the
family, you ll be happy to note that the MyKey system comes standard as well. You
can preset top speed and stereo volume if... Show more content on ...
You also get a rear spoiler, LED fog lights and a six way power driver seat. Topping
things off are upgraded brakes, electronic line lock and launch control. Of note is
that the latter feature only comes with the manual transmission Trims of the 2016
Mustang GT for Sale near Coeur d Alene. Options are great in number, and one
highlight is the California Special Package. It provides 19 inch black alloy wheels, a
special rear spoiler and unique design cues both inside and out. The GT
Performance Package gains Brembo front brakes and a Torsen limited slip
differential, while the Black Accent Package will get you the 19 inch black alloy
wheels, black out badges and a black rear
How Did Roman Cultures Use Arches
The Roman Empire is credited with the development of many great achievements.
These achievements can still be seen in Rome and throughout the world. The Romans
are well known for their aqueduct system and huge colosseum that are still standing
today. These monumental building feats would not have been created without the use
and knowledge of many different techniques. The use of cement was one of the
technologies employed to build these large structures. The utilization of arches was
another. Many people associate the idea of arches with the Romans. However, they
were not the first people to utilize arches. This paper will concentrate on why the
Romans were credited with developing the arch; what they did to improve previous
cultures use of arches; and how the Romans used arches to create massive structures
that are still standing today.
The Romans were the first builders in Europe, perhaps the first in the world, to fully
appreciate the advantages of the arch, the vault and the dome (Cartwright, 2013). The
Romans are credited with creating arches because they used them so often and in
extremely large structures. Most people have heard of the Roman ... Show more
content on ...
Heaton describes the Roman aqueducts as one of the greatest achievements in the
ancient world. The aqueducts transported water from reservoirs at a higher elevation
to different locations within Rome. At the height of the Roman Empire, they needed
to supply water to over one million people. There was over 260 miles of aqueduct
built during the Roman reign. The aqueduct system worked due to gravity. The water
would flow from a higher elevation to a lower elevation. The Romans tried to follow
the lay of the land as best as they could, but sometimes, to keep the gradient so that
the water would continue to flow, they would have to tunnel the aqueduct through
mountainsides or even build large bridge like structures to span across valleys
Police Misconduct Summary
White, M. D., Kane, R. J. (2013). Pathways to Career Ending Police Misconduct An
Examination of Patterns, Timing, and Organizational Responses to Officer
Malfeasance in the NYPD. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 40(11), 1301 1325. The
article seeks to extend prior research that has failed to fully explain factors that lead
to misconduct amongst policeofficers. Researchers looks to address career ending
misconduct by addressing there pathways which are: The timing of misconduct in
officer career, factors related to that time, the types of misconduct over time. These
factors are addressed through an examination of all officers separated from the New
York Police department during 1975 1996.
The sample population was 1542 sworn officer of the NYPD between the yeas of
1975 1999 that was fired from the forces for misconduct related issues. In addition to
that sample, a comparison group of approximately 1543 officers were included.
Officer of the comparison group served honorable careers, who had been hired under
same screening requirements, and endured similar entry level experiences as the
focused group. Data containing Personal files, performance appraisals, pre
employment investigations and much more was obtained and ... Show more content
on ...
Figure one was the survival function of dismissed officer. The provided data
suggests that the average time to career ending separation in days for the
dismissed officer group was nearly 7 years (2,544 days) . In reference to figure
number 2, Cox regression analysis that predicted time on the job , characteristics
like race, prior criminal history, and problem on prior job was positively associated
with being terminated quickly. As far as examining misconduct types over time, the
average time to firing officers who engaged in each of the categorical variable is as
follows: Crime/seriousness (7.8 years), administrative misconduct (6.0 years) , and
Drug misconduct (6.8
Est1 Task 1
You asked the following question: I have a situation where the batt insulation has
a foil backing (Johns Manville FSK 25) that is attached to the trusses. Below the
insulation is a concealed space where the wood stud walls go up to bottom of the
wood trusses and sheet rock or gypsum board goes 6 in. above the suspended
ceiling. Is sprinkler protection required in the concealed space below the insulation?
In response to your question we have reviewed NFPA 13, 2013 edition as the
applicable standard. Our informal interpretation is that sprinklers are not required
within the concealed space. The standard specifically addresses this arrangement as
Section that states, Concealed spaces formed by noncombustible or
limited combustible ceilings suspended from the bottom of wood... Show more
content on ...
ft. A diagram is provided in the annex in A. as one acceptable arrangement
of a concealed space in truss construction not requiring sprinklers. The original
proposal and the comment for this section for the 2007 edition was found and the
substantiation and committee comments did not indicate the type of insulation or
how it is should be attached to the joist. There are two other sections that specifically
mention batt insulation in and Section does not
specifically mention batt insulation and does not appear to be a requirement that only
loosely laid insulation to be used. The thought of when the sprinklers activate in
Cost Of Medical Malpractice
It is the duty of healthcare providers to provide you with the best healthcare possible.
When you visit a doctor, you trust them to diagnose your condition and offer
treatment. However, in spite of the extreme care that most medical professionals take,
there have been many instances of medical malpractices. Sometimes, a medical
practitioner may make errors in the process of administering treatment to a patient,
thereby causing him or her harm. When this happens, one can apply for a medical
malpractice claim. A malpractice suit can be lodged against an individual doctor, the
medical institution, nurses or whoever else may have caused the malpractice. There
are many types of monetary compensation for medical malpractice you can seek in a
suit.... Show more content on ...
2. Cost of Care Besides medical bills, cost of care for injuries from a medical
malpractice can sometimes be very high. These costs could run for a prolonged
period. Always ensure that your claims lawyer understands your need for care and
the expected duration of care before a cost of care compensation is determined. 3.
The Demise of a Loved One In the unfortunate event that a loved dies due to
medical malpractice, the closest family member can claim damages. Although no
amount of damages awarded can compensate for the loss of a life, the monetary
compensation can go a long way in assisting the bereaved family member to cope
with the loss. 4. Compensation for Physical Pain and Emotional Distress One can also
seek compensation for physical pain and emotional distress in a medical malpractice
case. This claim usually attracts a higher dollar amount in terms of compensation
than any other medical malpractice claim. A competent lawyer should help you get
the highest possible compensation for the pain and suffering you have gone through
after a medical malpractice situation. 5. Loss of Earning
Causes Of The Achievement Gap
An article from The Journal of Negro Education in the winter of 1960 attests similarly
the causes of the achievement gap so noticeable in the 21st Century. After the
Supreme Court decision to integrate public schooling, a Superintendent of a city
under court order[s] to integrate its schools noted an overall increase in the building
of schools primarily meant for African Americans than of white schools in the state.
This was not an attempt to assist the continually burdened African American school
system, but instead their best hope to maintain separate schools and keep segregation
ongoing as long as possible. However, more recent studies attest to the growing
knowledge available in combating such inadequate teaching practices. In
The Exorcism Of Emily Rose
Exorcisms is the religious or spiritual practice of purportedly evicting demons or
other spiritual entities from a person or an area they are believed to have possessed,
by definition. However, is there an actual demonic possession to one entity, or rather
is it a mental condition? Exorcisms has been the more popular choice lately in the
U.S, and is thriving with the millennium; not to mention, amateur exorcisms are
linked to deaths of their belief needing to exorcise a demon physically (Listverse).
Demonic possessionand mental illness has closely related symptoms to
schizophrenia, psychosis, and bipolar disorder. The idea of demonic possession is
sometimes thrown by some, believing that it has a logical, less religious, explanation,
but the... Show more content on ...
A quote from Opsasnick stated by, To psychiatrists, Rob Doe [Roland Doe]
suffered from mental illness. To priests this was a case of demonic possession. To
writers and film/video producers this was a great story to exploit for profit. Those
involved saw what they were trained to see. Each purported to look at the facts but
just the opposite was true in actuality they manipulated the facts and emphasized
information that fit their own agendas. Roland was an only child, and he was
close to his Aunt Harriet, she was an spiritualist and has shown Roland the Ouija
Board. Roland s symptoms of his demonic possession was described to be
childishly simple from the writings of skeptic Joe Nickell. In addition, the author
Mark Opsasnick explained that he proposed that the boy who under under the
suspicion to be possessed by a demon, was simply a spoiled, disturbed bully who
threw deliberate tantrums to get attention or to get out of school. Roland Doe was a
thirteen year old boy, he was diagnosed to be possessed by the devil. After having fun
with the ouija board that his aunt introduced him to, strange occurrences began to
happen around the home such as: uncertain sounds ( thumping, tapping and banging
coming from an otherwise empty upstairs, or objects moving on their own such as the
National Response Framework
June 24, 2015 NRF * Rank order (in order of priority) the 14 core capabilities of the
NRF. Explain why you rank ordered 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Be specific. * Explain
how the United States conducts an all hazards response in the five preparedness
mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and disaster recovery.
NIMS * When would a Deputy Incident Commander (Deputy IC) be necessary? Give
examples. * In The missing piece of NIMS: Teaching incident commanders how to
function in the edge of Chaos, the author notes that first responders have to deal with
a disaster situation already unfolding, and not all the pieces fit together nicely. The
author writes about the Five Tenets of Working in Chaos.... Show more content on ...
Now, they must look and prepare for situations never previously considered. Mass
shootings, chemical and nuclear attacks, and suicide bombers are just a few of the
possibilities. The reality is that today there are many dangers that have not been
previously imagined. The best that can be done is to plan, re plan and plan again.
2. Situational Assessment. Once the Incident Commander arrives on the scene, s
/he will need to assess the emergency quickly. Is there still a threat to the general
population? Are the casualties identified or does Search amp; Rescue need to be
mobilized? The IC needs to come up with a game plan to save lives, protect
property and the environment, meet basic human needs, and stabilize the situation.
5 3. Operational Coordination is third on the list of priorities. The IC has to
coordinate the efforts of Police, Fire amp; Rescue, as well as business owners and
nongovernmental organizations (NGO). Time is of the essence. The sooner the IC
has operational control, the sooner various pieces can be delegated, and the IC can
focus on the big picture. 4. Operational Communications 5. Mass Search and Rescue
Operations 6. Public and Private Services and Resources 7. Public Health and
Medical Services 8. Public Information and Warning 9. On Scene Security and
Protection 10. Mass Care Services 11. Fatality Management Services 12. Critical
Transportation 13.
Lilith Alternate Ending
Another Member of the Band There once was a girl named Lilith. She is an
outcast and lives on the streets. Lilith is often called name like, freak and fox girl.
She was part fox and everyone hated her for that. One day she was roaming the
streets and came across Freddy Fazbear s Pizza. It was dark and so the nightguard
was there. She snuck inside and looked around. Wow was all she could say, for she
had never seen a place like this. While she was looking around the nightguard
spotted her on the camera and thought she was an animatronic, because of her fox
ears and tail. He started freaking out since the camera didn t go static everytime she
moved. Now Lilith was now heading towards the office where the freaking out
nightguard was. When she got there the... Show more content on ...
Lilith fell asleep, in Foxy s arms, long before that. Foxy looked at her and smiled,
for she had been the only person who was not afraid of him. A couple minutes after
the pizzeria closed Lilith began to wake. When she woke up Foxy noticed the ears
and tail and asked her about it. She only sat there quiet. He sighed and thought of
an idea. Foxy asked her if she wanted to meet the others. Without a second thought
she jumped up and nodded excitedly. Foxy chuckled at her enthusiasm and walked
over to the main stage with her following. When she got to the stage she was
frightened for a second when they waved but then it soon turn into happiness.
Foxy and the others chuckled at how happy she was. Once they all introduced
themselves she told them her name and asked why Mike asked her if she was
going to kill him. They shook their heads and sighed. Chica was the first to speak
and she just gave a simple explanation. Lilith nodded and thought to herself, so that
s why I felt like there were other kids here. What she didn t realize was that she said it
aloud and all four of them heard her. They all gave her confused looks and she saw
this shook her head,
Electrochemical And Quantum Chemical Studies Of The...
Electrochemical and quantum chemical studies of the corrosion and hydrogen
evolution reaction of mild steel in acid medium
Rabab M. El Sherif a,*, K. M. Zohdy b Sowmya Ramkumar c
a Cairo University, Faculty of Science, Department of chemistry, Giza, 12613, Egypt
b Higher Technological Institute, 10th of Ramadan City, Egypt c Department of
chemistry, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Peelamedu, Coimbatore, India
Electrochemical behavior and hydrogen evolution reaction of mild steel in sulfuric
acid solutions, containing different concentrations of gamma Aminobutyric acid
(GABA) as a green inhibitor have been investigated. The electrochemical techniques
included Tafel polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The
rate of both the corrosion reaction and the hydrogen evolution affected significantly
by changing GABA concentrations. Polarization results showed that GABA is a
mixed type inhibitor with good inhibition efficiency. Increasing the temperature led to
an increase in the hydrogen evolution rate and a decrease in the total surface
resistance value (RT) or the relative film thickness (1/CT) of the steel. Quantum
calculation including EHOMO, ELUMO, the energy gap (?E) and the fraction of
transferred electrons (?N) demonstrated the inhibition ability of GABA. The results
were confirmed by surface examination using scanning electron microscopy.
Adsorption of GABA on the steel surface fitted the Langmuir isotherm.
Thermodynamic parameters
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the Wikipedia guidance essay, see Wikipedia:WikiBullying
Bullying is detrimental to students well being and development.[1]
Bullying is the use of force or coercion to abuse or intimidate others. The behavior
can be habitual and involve an imbalance of social or physical power. It can include
verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion and may be directed
repeatedly towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender,
sexuality, or ability.[2][3] If bullyingis done by a group, it is called mobbing. The
victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a target .
Bullying can be defined in many ... Show more content on ...
The Fifth Volume of the Newgate Calendar[11] contains at least one example
where Eton Scholars George Alexander Wood and Alexander Wellesley Leith were
charged, at Aylesbury Assizes, with killing and slaying the Hon. F. Ashley Cooper
on February 28, 1825 in an incident which might today be described as lethal hazing
.[12] The Newgate calendar contains several other examples that, while not as
distinct, could be considered indicative of situations of bullying. Virginia Woolf
considered fascism to be a form of bullying, and wrote of Hitler and the Nazis in
1934 as these brutal bullies .[13][14]
Anti bullying movement
In the 2000s and 2010s, a cultural movement against bullying gained popularity in
the English speaking world. The first National Bullying Prevention Week was
conceived of in Canada in 2000 by Canadian educator and anti bullying activist Bill
Belsey. The charity Act Against Bullying was formed in the UK in 2003. In 2006,
National Bullying Prevention Month was declared in the United States. The Suicide of
In the Plantae kingdom comprising of over 3,500 species...
In the Plantae kingdom comprising of over 3,500 species and about 250 noted
genera came the Liliaceae family, also known as the Lily family. They fall under
the order of Liliales. All plants in this family are perennial; therefore after flowering
they die back to underground bulbs, corms or rhizomes and then return back again
year after year. They are often found to be a prime example of monocotyledonous
plants. In the past the Liliaceaefamily had many genera clumped into one big family,
but recent reclassification systems (i.e. APG III Classification System) have assigned
many of the genera commonly associated with Liliaceae to different families such as:
Alliums now part of the family Amaryllidaeceae, and Hostas which are now of the...
Show more content on ...
It has a stem which is erect, simple and branched. They have 3 petals and sepals
which are all bright yellow. The petals are round and heavily bearded, and the sepals
underneath are pointed. Their leaves are simple narrow grass like leaves with a basal
leaf arrangement.
Uses Can be commercially grown for flower essence for sale in herbal stores as it is
believed to restore the Sensitivity and awareness of self
Contraints While it s not threatened, it is globally recognised as rare or uncommon.
Prefers shade.
Calochortus Nultalli
(Sego Lily)
Also known as the Sego Lily, this is the state flower of Utah. This has 1 to 4
flowers, each with 3 white petals with tints of lilac and have a yellow base. These
appear in early summer. Plants are around 15 45cm in height and have linear leaves
and a slender erect stem. Their leaves are linear and in a basal leaf arrangement.
Uses The bulbs of this are edible and can be boiled or roasted. They were eaten by
the Native Americans and early pioneers in Utah, although now it is mostly grown for
ornamental purposes. Possible use could be for ornamental purposes due to their
importance and rarity.
Constraints Very hard to grow.
A monocarpic genus after flowering the bulb dies, but offsets are produced. A genus
with large, showy flowers and is commonly known as the giant lily.
Cardiocrinum Gigantium
From the genus of Cardiocrinium comes the species C. giganteum. A lily with huge
fragrant flowers
Mexican Americans And Puerto Ricans Have Been Faced
Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans have been faced with many social injustices
in the past; these include police brutality, racism, discrimination, poor housing
condition and many more. After a time they grew tired and decided to take action
against these injustices. This led many of them to became part of a social movements,
fighting for a change which were successful . A few of these movements included the
ChicanoMovement which involved Mexican Americans; they use boycotting, and
their manifesto, El Plan De Aztlan to fight against social injustice and also to fight
for nationalism and self determination. It was said to be one of the most successful
movement. Another was the Young Lord s Movement which was mainly Puerto
Ricans but also... Show more content on ...
The first step the Young Lords took was cleaning the street of the Puerto Ricans
neighborhoods which had not been swept in weeks. After cleaning the streets the
sanitation workers refused to take up the bags that contained the trash from the street.
This prompted the Young lords to blocked the roads with the trash and also
branching out and blocking other areas. This prevented the buses from moving which
led to the city money for no one could take the bus.
These two scenes from the Chicano movement and the Young lord s movement were
similar in the sense that they use the strategy of prevent business owner and the city
from making money. The Chicanos went about this by boycotting, and also getting
other people in different states and around the world to not purchase Victoria
grapes. The Young Lords on the other hand blocked the streets, because of this bus
companies could not make money since the people could not take the bus. Both
groups knew that money is the paramount of America, so in order to get what they
wanted which was an end to the social unfairness. They had to come up with
political strategies that would prevent business owner and the city to lose
money,once they kept on losing money, they would see that something had to be
done. The difference revolved around what they were fighting against during the
specific scene. During the scene in Cesar Chavez s film, the Mexican Americans
were fighting against the low wages workers were earning and also the
Hsieh Zappos Hiring Process
The ninth value is to be passionate and determined. Hsieh s belief in the concept of
Zappos is what fueled his determination to keep the company afloat. We are
inspired because we believe in what we are doing and where we are going. (Hsieh,
p. 181). Hsieh refused to take no for an answer and that is attributable to Zappos
success. This is a key criterion in the Zappos hiring process. If a candidate doesn t
seem passionate about possibly working for Zappos, they won t fit in with the
culture. Being around co workers with a positive, but realistic, attitude makes coming
to work enjoyable. The final value asks employees to remain humble; another value
considered in the hiring process. Zappos has turned down many candidates for
employment that boastfully spoke of individual accomplishments instead of giving
credit to their team. The Zappos culture requires employees to take a modest
approach to customer service; constantly obsessing over the customer s needs. As
aforementioned, building relationships is key to the Zappos brand. In order to build
strong relationships, employees must treat everyone with respect.... Show more
content on ...
The values are structures in a way so that each value flows into the next. At
Zappos, they strive to merge an employee s professional life with their personal
life. Hsieh believes that the Zappos core values not only formally define the Zappos
culture, but they provide a pretty decent list of personal values too. This follows
Zappos desire to not only improve professionally, but personally as
Mutual Funds Advantages And Disadvantages
1.Mutual Funds(Open ended) A Mutual Fund is an investment vehicle that is made
up of a pool of funds collected from many investors for the purpose of investing in
securities such as bonds, stocks, money market instruments and identical assets.
Advantages: 1.Liquidity An advantage of mutual funds is the ability to get in and out
with relative ease. In general, you are able to sell your mutual funds in a short period
of time without there being much difference between sale price and the most current
market value. 2.Diversification By purchasing mutual funds, you are provided with
the immediate benefit of instant diversification and asset allocation without the large
amounts of cash needed to create individual portfolios 3.Professional selection of
individual... Show more content on ...
Certainty about the specific investments in trust The money placed in an investment
trust is used to capitalize a fixed portfolio. Unlike mutual funds or hedge funds, for
some investors, this is a key advantage because they are given the ability to always
know what they own. Disadvantages: 1.Opportunity cost This means that by putting
money in unit trust, you lost the opportunity to use it elsewhere. Of course there is
no guarantee that putting the money elsewhere will yield better returns. In the same
way, putting money in unit trust prevents you from investing it elsewhere, such as,
directly in the stock market. 2.Fees and charges The services provided by the unit
trust fund managers are not free. There are fees and charges payable by the unit
holders to the unit trust schemes. Granted these fees are almost negligible
compared to the professional expertise received by the investors, it is something the
unite holders have to bear. 5. Other type of funds 1.Money market funds It is open
ended funds which normally invest in short term securities, usually one year, for
example treasury bills or Government bonds. Money market funds are greatly
recognize as being really safe and give a great
Us Gaap Vs. Ifrs
There are vast and numerous differences between US GAAP and IFRS. The
biggest conceptual difference between US GAAP and IFRS is that US GAAP is
rule based while IFRS is principle based. Because of this, there are numerous
accounting topics that are handled differently between US GAAP and IFRS. It is
argued that IFRS fits the actual economics of business transactions more than US
GAAP, as IFRS looks more at the substance of transactions. US GAAP, on the other
hand, is more concerned with having exact rules to deal with accounting situations.
Both the United States and the over 110 countries that use IFRS are working
towards a global accounting standard; however, due to the cost and complexity of
this process, convergence of US GAAP and IFRS may take years or even decades
longer than expected, if indeed they are ever fully converged. Some key areas in
which the two systems differ are inventoryvaluation, classification of leases, revenue
recognition including the construction industry, the handling of intangibles including
research and development, depreciationmethods, and business combinations. While
there are many other differences in US GAAP and IFRS, this paper is limited in
scope to those listed above.
In the accounting world, there are many different ways to track and value inventory.
Commonly used methods in US GAAP include FIFO, LIFO, Specific ID, and
Weighed Average. This allows companies a great deal of flexibility on how their
inventory appears on the
Jesse Ernest Wilkins Jr
Jesse Ernest Wilkins jr. Born November 27,1923a in Chicago and died May 12,
2011 in Arizona was an American nuclear scientist mathematician and and
mechanical engineer he attended the university of Chicago at the age of 13,
becoming its youngest student. Because he was young and smart he got the
name negro genius in local newspapers at 17 Jesse, received his Associate
bachelor . in Mathematics and ranked in the top 10 in Mathematics famous
undergraduate Putnam Competition. the youngest student ever admitted.
University scholarships covered his tuition. He lived at home and tutored other
students to earn spending money. While majoring in mathematics, Wilkins took
extra courses and graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1940 at the age of 16. ... Show more
content on ...
Ernest Wilkins, Sr., was a well known lawyer who held a bachelor s
degree in mathematics from the University of Illinois and a law degree from the
University of Chicago. In 1941 and 1942 the elder Wilkins served as president of
the Cook County Bar Association in Chicago. President Dwight D. Eisenhower
appointed him Assistant Secretary of Labor in 1954, the first black American to
Synebia martin
6th period mr.rivers
hold a sub cabinet position. In 1958 he was appointed to the Civil Rights
Commission. Wilkins s mother, Lucile Beatrice Robinson Wilkins, held bachelor s
and master s degrees in education from the University of Chicago, and taught in
Chicago public schools.
Wilkins s dissertation, completed under Magnus R. Hestenes, was titled Multiple
Integral Problems in Parametric Form in the Calculus of Variations. He was the
eighth black American, and one of the youngest Americans , to earn a Ph.D.
degree in mathematics. A Rosenwald Scholarship enabled Wilkins to spend 1942
at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jerseys , as a postdoctoral
research fellow.
Despite his outstanding credentials, Wilkins could not find a position at a
research university. During 1943 and 1944 he was a mathematics instructor
A Character Analysis Of George In Seinfeld s The Pitch
On July 5th 1989, a sitcom was born into this world that would lead television into
a revolution in comedy. Seinfeld was a television sitcom that ran for about nine
seasons hosted by NBC. It was unique in a couple of ways. One of, if not, the best
way it was unique was its entire premise. In the episode, The Pitch, the character
called George sums up the shows premise in one sentence, Everybody s doing
something, we ll do nothing. All the sitcoms around this time, such as the Fresh
Prince of Bel air, all had a very formulaic idea about how the main character, Will,
would hang out with his family and his classmates at school. Also, it followed a strict,
introduce the characters, and introduce the problem(s), wrapped up with a solution at
... Show more content on ...
In the show, there are non stop references to food. In fact, there are about fifty five
plus episodes dedicated to food alone, that it about four to five seasons worth. With
such a big episode count, why is food such a big aspect? There is an old saying that
generally goes that food brings everyone together, especially around thanksgiving and
Christmas. I think it is interesting that the show takes this idea of getting together one
step forward and applies that idea to a common cookie, the black and white
Significant Changes In Canada In The 21st Century
While ethnic changes are a clear factor of fluctuating demographics, a factor like
gender balance can also be noted. 1961 marked two important events for women in
Halifax; the gender ratio was nearly 1:1 at 91,514 females to 92,432 and 34.8% of
women were part of the workforce. Certain jobs gained and lost popularity based
on necessity after the War. The significant loss of farming jobs will be explored
later. A Statistics Canada graph observes a twofold increase in office workers to
400,000 in 1964. The Canadian National Exhibition Place, which was used strictly
for military purpose in the early to mid 40s, became a place of amusement and
modern architecture for Toronto.
The entire Dominion is currently experiencing a rapid process of social ... Show more
content on ...
Similar to the industrial revolution of the 1800s, Canada underwent significant
infrastructural changes in the 1950s and 1960s and was impacted by myriad
technological innovations. Canada s first subway was the Toronto Transit
Commission s subway in 1949and the bulk of the TTC today (subway stops,
commuter parking, token adult fare) was implemented within the first 20 years
following the Second World War. Incidentally, the 50s and 60s also birthed Toronto
s major (and dysfunctional) highway, the Gardiner Expressway. Moreover, the
1960s were a time of sky rise building construction as observed in Montreal, where
the city s four tallest buildings were built before 1965. In addition, Montreal s mayor
in the 1960s also undertook major infrastructural development including the Montreal
Metro and a few of the city s major highways. In the same way, in Western Canada,
city modernization is observed in the construction of major transportation structures:
The Ironworkers Memorial Bridge and Port Mann Bridge were built in 1960 and
1964, respectively. Finally, urbanization is evident in the Vancouver area in the
founding of two universities in 1960 (British Columbia Institute of Technology) and
1965 (Simon Fraser
Similarities Between Dreams And Dreams
One of the interesting differences between the two is that often, we are aware of
watching a film, but not that we are in a dream, which is an important difference that
can have interesting consequences for answering if a dream is a fiction. Lastly,
Curry argues that in dreams we have a bi sociative character, meaning that we have
both the sense of being in the dreamand being a spectator in it, this is an interesting
phenomenon, however, I think that this also exists in normal everyday experience
in the form of reflexive awareness. By reflexive awareness, I mean that we can have
an awareness that we are aware, so this phenomenon is not exclusive to dreams.
Looking at the similarities between film and dreams is an interesting avenue to
examine the question, but does not give a full enough evidence to show that
dreams are indeed fictions, nor does it answer the question if a dream is even like
a film, all it shows is that they have similarities. However, it is possible to think of
a dream as a film, if you imagine a device that can record your dreams and then
project it onto a screen and watch the dream on the screen then the dream would
act as if it were a film, having the same similarities as mentioned above. But, there
would also be a lot lost in the translation as well, such as the bi sociative character
(Curry), and the ability to feel so much in a dream. But due to the ease in which it is
possible to imagine a dream as a film, it strengthens the argument for a
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Power factor monitor control 63. PROCURE SYSTEM FOR VEHICLE USING
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 67. Temperature Data Logger 68. SMS Enabled
Industrial Networking 69. Digital Anemometer 70. Mobile car Security System
Identification using RF Modems 73. Security Integrated System Based On WAP
For Remote Monitoring and Control of Industrial Process 74. Railway Gate
Management using GPS and GSM 75. Priority for Emergency Vehicles in Traffic
SYSTEM 77. Programmable Hopper Controller 78. TCP/IP BASED ENERGY
Temperature Monitoring and Controlling Using Embedded System 80. GPS GSM
based patient monitoring 81. Security System for Remote Access using Telephone
Line 82. I2C EPROM Programmers 83. Multi channel Temperature Monitor
controller 84. RF Based Embedded Virtual Highway Patrol 85. Mail Transfer
System 86. Lift control System 87. Tyre pressure monitoring system 88. WIRELESS
SECURE POLLING SYSTEM USING GPRS 89. Accident identification system 90.
Pc to Microcontroller communication Through USART. 91. Wireless Water Level
Controller 92. Traffic Priority for Ambulance 93. Telephone interface security system
Is Beowulf A Good Leader
Beowulf showed his confidence by defeating the monster unassisted by his 14
warriors. Leadership is not a skill that everyone has the ability to learn. Few people
are natural born leaders, some learn along their journey of life. Beowulf is a strong
willed, courageous warrior, who has many characteristics of a leader. Many have
believed Beowulf to be a leader, many followed him as so. However, In this
modern day, beowulf would be an unsuccessful Business leader. A good leader
realizes when he needs help, and picks the right men to do so. When having these
people work with you, you must appreciate their efforts, Outstanding leaders go out
of their way to boost their self esteem of their personal, if people believe in
themselves, it s amazing what people can accomplish (Sam Walton). Beowulf
failed to praise his 14 warriors, so when it came time for them to help, they bailed
on him. They did not believe they had the strength to do so. Beowulf lacked basic
communication skills with his warriors. Beowulf never failed to take care of them,
rather he coddled them. The warriors had gotten use to the riches but never thought
there would be a day Beowulf would actually need them.... Show more content on ...
Beowulf was known to gloat about himself, though all of his words were true, No
man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit
for doing it. (Andrew Carnegie). Beowulf continually refuses the help of others
believe he can do it all himself, to build his fame. He wants all the glory to go to
him, he wants his name to be written in history. A leader will not be able to do
everything by himself, a leader will be able to share the credit with his helpers. No
one would continue to voluntarily follow a leader who only puts himself on a
The Bunker Was Not A Bunker
The Bunker was not really a bunker. It was a majestic beautiful building, nothing
could destroy it. It was made from the best and strongest of materials. The inside of
the building was as majestic as the outside made from the finest leather s, the finest
metals, the finest food, all the finest materials in the world. The Place was not our
s though, there were door s, more door s than you can ever imagine. People, a
small group of people from all the continent s and area s that had survived. The
people were confused, where do we go? People asked. A stage appeared out of the
wall, people were afraid. We all start to panic, people running around running into
each other, some knocking others out, some just passing out. I stood there... Show
more content on ...
tell me who are you? why will you not show me your face? . The Green Eye was
not pleased with him standing up and shouting. QUIET!!! What is your name little
man? The man struggled to speak, startled by the load shout across the room, the
man finally got his name out M My N N Name I I Is J J Jeremy N N Nile i am from
Australia Well Little Man you are already DEAD!! The crowd Laughed at him
cause nothing happened SILENCE!! The Green Eye Shouted I WILL NOT
HAVE THIS BEHAVIOR IN MY COLONY!!!! The Crowd stopped laughing and
silenced so quiet you could hear a pin drop from a mile away. The Green Eye was
shouting some words Blinkida, Cordana, Soana, Tora With the last few words the
man was lifted off the ground the green eye opened his mouth and said LET THIS
LIKE HERE I can hear gears turning in the floor, a hatch on the floor opened
slowly, light poured out of the small crack in the floor AHH!!! The man screamed
AHH SAVE ME It was lava, As the man was floating over the pool of lava, he was
regretting his decision s of standing up to the Green Eye. The Green Eye of Vines
Lowered him into the pool of lava, he was at floor level now, slowly getting lower
to the ground, then slowly getting below the ground. The Green Eye was not in the
mood we guess, he pulled the man back up then called for the floor to be closed. The
man was traumatized now, he was shaking
Business Plan for Small Scale Mining in Sierra Leone
For the last 2 years our company has been closely following the Sierra Leanean
diamond Industry if we can call it that. Sierra Leone is a small country in West Africa
mainly known because of the bloody and vicious civill war which ended about 3
years ago. I have visited this country a few times each time for a period of 1 month
or more. During those vistts I tried to familiarize myself with the diamond and gold
mining industry. During those visits I have been in Freetown (the capital of Sierra
Leone) in which I successfully dealt with all the necessary ... Show more content on ...
For this reason it is advisable to stat activity in several sites before deciding on the
right equipment.
We were put in contact by the mines ministry people with the (Paramount Chief) of
Kamakwie area. The chief seems to be a faily decent person, more reliable than
most locals. He is a relatively educated person and easy to deal with. After the
initial meeting in Freetown we drove the company jeep to Kamakwie to close the
deal. We spent in Kamakwie around 3 weeks during which we got an initial tour of
the area, decided on the first site, signed the contract and started testing the site.
Anexed is the the contact for the site, signed with the chief (ih handwriting). This
contract together with my local resident Visa/work permit which II have aqquired in
Freetown (see annexed), and the company papers is almost enough for us to practice
mining in Kamakwie. The single additional document needed, is a local licence from
the mining ministry branch nearest to Kamakwie (Makenny). At the time I am
writing this Document, the licence is ready and waiting for me upon my return. One
very important obstacle we overcame in kamakwie is the residence place. As
mentioned before this is a very bacward place with no electricity , running water,
communication (no cellphone reception)
Sydney Carton Character Analysis
In A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens thorough development of each character
and skillful use of coincidence prevents anyone from fading into insignificance;
every character in the novel plays a role vital to the evolution of the plotline.
Perhaps more impressive than his ability to place every single character in a
significant role, Dickens uses the element of surprise to introduce the magnitude of
various roles. Sydney Carton, in particular, seems to play a rather insignificant part
in much of the novel, resulting from his self admitted worthlessness. Carton s
continual and somewhat irritating self criticism primes him for a surprising
acquisition of influence at the conclusion; an inconsequential life becomes the
novel s hero in an ending which few anticipate. Carton expresses regret over his
unfruitful life multiple times, agonizing over the idea of not having the opportunity
to alter it. Dickens creates a final set of circumstances that are traumatic for much
of the novel s characters; Carton, however, sees the situation as the perfect chance
to finally do something meaningful with his life. In an ironic yet sensible twist, the
only way Carton can redeem his wasted life is by losing it. In light of the nature of
his life up to the conclusion of the novel, he does not merit the Christ figure label
until his final act of sacrifice. Charles Dickens unexpectedly transforms a wretched
Sydney Carton into a symbol of Christ through the character s displays of selflessness,
Why Is Writing Important Essay
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Why Is Writing Important Essay

  • 1. Why Is Writing Important Essay Writing an essay on the importance of writing may seem paradoxical at first glance. It's akin to navigating a labyrinth of self-reflection and recursive reasoning, as the very act of exploring the significance of writing requires a mastery of the subject itself. The challenge lies not only in articulating the obvious merits of communication through written language but also in delving into the nuanced layers that make it a cornerstone of human expression. The difficulty escalates as one grapples with the task of weaving a narrative that transcends the mundane, steering clear of clichГ©s and superficial observations. The writer must embark on a journey to dissect the multifaceted roles of writing, from its practical applications in academia and professional realms to its profound impact on personal development and cognitive processes. Crafting a compelling essay on this topic necessitates a delicate balance between introspection and broad analysis. The writer must be adept at exploring the symbiotic relationship between thought and language, dissecting how writing serves as both a mirror and a lens through which our ideas are shaped and refined. This intellectual acrobatics requires not only a keen understanding of linguistic nuances but also a profound appreciation for the intricate dance between words and concepts. Furthermore, the essay should transcend the mundane arguments about the practical utility of writing and delve into the artistic and cultural dimensions. The challenge is to elucidate how writing is not just a tool for communication but an art form that captures the essence of human experience, enabling individuals to convey emotions, provoke thought, and preserve the collective wisdom of civilizations. In the end, tackling an essay on the importance of writing demands a writer's ability to navigate the intricate labyrinth of language, ideas, and introspection. It requires not just technical proficiency but also a deep appreciation for the profound impact that writing has on our intellectual, emotional, and cultural landscapes. For those seeking assistance in navigating this labyrinth or exploring diverse essay topics, it's worth noting that there are platforms like where one can find expertly crafted essays and a plethora of writing services to aid in the academic journey. Why Is Writing Important Essay Why Is Writing Important Essay
  • 2. Metaphors And Figurative Language Literature Review Nowadays, metaphor is considered as influential in our everyday life and its traces are not only evident in the language but also in thought and action. The function of metaphor in language, culture, and thought has been viewed by various disciplines (Tendahl and Gibbs, 2008). In the discipline of linguistics, in particular, metaphor and figurative language have long been the subject of studies from many different perspectives. From a cognitive linguistic perspective, metaphor is a mental mapping (p. 1825) in the cognitive processes of thinking and reasoning of people in their everyday life (Tendahl and Gibbs, 2008). As noted by Tendahl and Gibbs (2008), the last century ended up with its revolutionary studies on metaphor, most significantly in the realm of cognitive science. They discuss a ... Show more content on ... We can find several theories in the discipline of Linguistics including relevance theory. Relevance theory, originally proposed by Sperber and Wilson (1986 1987), is discussed in detail by Tendahl and Gibbs (2008). According to Tendahl and Gibbs, relevance theory complements cognitive linguistics in defining metaphor and its functioning. As they point out, in a cognitive linguistic perspective, people use metaphors in their language because they think metaphorically and different language configurations are viewed as conceptual processing mechanisms (p. 1825) where an operation of mapping the concepts in the mind of speakers occurs (Tendahl and Gibbs, 2008). In their view, relevance theory, both by its encoding and decoding pattern of thought communication and by its view at the intended meaning in a certain context of communication, also has a cognitive look at language and mind, or more specifically at communication and thought. We can clearly see such cognitive perspective in relevance theory as suggested by Sperber and Wilson
  • 3. Essay on Symbolic Citations in a Worn Path by Eudora Welty In the short story a worn path by Eudora Welty she uses symbolism to describe many of the characters and objects that are given in the short story. Symbolism is to use symbols to represent ideas and qualities. In a worn path Eudora does so she uses manifolds of characters and objects to express the way the story is being told in her own way. As doing so she helps the reader understand it more sufficiently and to show that what is going on is still happening today. In the short story a worn pass by Eudora Welty she uses several of characters for specific reasons and various objects as well.The short story tells use about an old lady name phoenix Jackson she is a blind elderly women and she has to go on a far journey through the ... Show more content on ... Phoenix realizes that she must keep on going so as she keeps going she passes through various of places which are all dead which kind of makes her fell like if it was meant to be there for her. So that helped her keep going she remembers that there is a gum tree near by which water flows from it so as she reaches the gum tree she drinks from it and remembers all the times she would go through there. She continues her journey and is approached by a dog that knocks her over into a ditch she asks fell help but there is no one around until a white hunter shows up and helps her out. He asks her what is an old lady like her doing out there in the woods and as if he feels he is more superiorto her, he points the gun he has at her and she doesn t say anything. He asks her aren t u afraid grandma but she say no that she has had that happen to her plenty of times and she won t be afraid he drops a nickel on the ground but he doesn t realize it. Phoenix rallies his dog up and another dog comes and the hunter s dog and that other dog start to fight and she quickly picks up the nickel and puts it away hiding it from the hunter. The hunter comes back and tells her if he had money he would give it to her but he doesn t. the hunter lied to her and then he goes about his own way she finally reaches Natchez and as
  • 4. A Quick And Effective Solution For Prototyping Sdr Based... A Quick and Effective Solution for Prototyping SDR based Wireless Systems Part 1 Authors: Andrei Cozma (ADI), Di Pu (ADI), Tom Hill (Xilinx) Abstract There is a significant gap between the concept of a wireless system and the realization of that working design. Bridging this gap typically involves teams of engineers with a variety of different skill sets (RF, SW, DSP, HDL, embedded Linux, etc.), and in many cases projects get de railed early in the development stage because of difficulty in coordinating the efforts of these varied design entities. In this four part paper we will examine the advances in platforms and tools which allow developers to quickly simulate and prototype wireless systems while establishing and maintaining a ... Show more content on ... The third part will describe and showcase how to use Hardware in the Loop (HIL), capturing signals with the target transceiver, but still doing the signal processing on the host in Simulink for verification. The fourth part will show how to take the algorithm developed in part 2, verified in part 3, and use MathWorks HDL Coder and Embedded Coder to generate code and deploy it in the production hardware, and finally we ll operate the platform with real world ADS B signals at an airport. Introduction With the exponential growth in the ways and means by which people need to communicate, modifying radio devices easily and cost effectively has become business critical. Based on this requirement, Software Defined Radio (SDR) technology has been widely employed recently, since it brings the flexibility, cost efficiency and power to drive communications forward [1]. The purpose of a SDR system is to implement as much as possible of the modulation /demodulation and data processing algorithms in software and reprogrammable logic so that the communication system can be easily reconfigured just by updating the software and the reprogrammable logic and not making any changes to the hardware platform. With the advent of the System on Chip (SoC) devices like the XilinxВ® ZynqВ® All Programmable SoC that combine the versatility of a CPU and the processing power of an FPGA,
  • 5. Daoism And Confucianism Roles Under the Chinese Golden Age The three main belief systems that shaped daily life in China under the Tang and the Song period: Daoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Each played an important role in Chinese culture. Daoism, an indigenous religion philosophical tradition that has shaped Chinese life for more than 2,000 years. In the broadest sense, a Daoist attitude toward life can be seen in the accepting and yielding, the joyful and carefree sides of the Chinese character. An attitude that balances the moral and duty conscious. Stark and deliberate character ascribed to Confucianism. Additionally, Daoism is characterized by a positive, active attitude toward the occult and the metaphysical, whereas the heathen, realistic Confucian tradition ... Show more content on ... Buddhism needed the help of the ruling emperor to prosper, or suffered under their objection. Emperor Wuzong, a faithful Daoist who viewed Buddhism as a barbaric, foreign religion used by those to evade tax and responsibility to the state. In 845, he burned 4,600 monasteries and 4,000 temples. Buddhist temples became havens of refuge during times of the problem; land gifted to temples and monasteries allowed monks to flourish their crops, and often, remains neutral from conflicts. Buddhism was also useful for political reasons: some emperors persecuted them in favor of Daoism, some adopted Buddhism to appease the masses (in Yuan Dynasty), and some manipulated Buddhist ideologies of peace and neutrality as the publication to overcome social
  • 6. How Is Nora Controlled By Henrik Ibsen In the play A Doll s House, Henrik Ibsen focuses on Nora s role in her marriage with her husband, Helmer. Nora s character symbolizes the oppression of the woman in the Victorian Era because of the lack to control she has as a woman during that time period. Throughout the play, Ibsen portrays her character as being controlled by Helmer physically, emotionally, and sexually. Even so, Nora still continue to strive to achieve this one perfect womanthat her husbandexpects her to be. However, along the way she comes to a realization about her marriageand that allowed her to break free from Helmer s control. Although his expectations has hold her back from doing what she wants, she has also learned to be a independent woman from his control. Her ... Show more content on ... Even though Helmer controls her a lot, there are times where she seem to not be bothered by his control. Not only is she submissive but she is also very manipulative. Nora uses her sexuality to get what she wants from Helmer because she knows it s the only thing that she has to gain power over Helmer s ego. She would flirt, lie and touch Helmer to get him to approve on things that she wants. When Helmer asked what Nora would like to have, she fumbled his coat button and said hurriedly You could give me money, Torvald. No more than you think you can spare; then one of these days I ll buy something with it. (45). This shows how Nora acts toward Helmer when she wanted something from him. With Helmer, she is forced to show sexual appeal toward him because she is a woman because that s the only thing that she can do in order to get a reaction out of him. Another scene where this happens is when Nora was leaning on his chair, stroking the nape of his neck in order to get him to give back Krogstad position to him so he wouldn t reveal the secret of her borrowing money. She knows the position that she stand when it comes to Helmer. Even if her beauty is something that can manipulate him, it won t last forever like the control that Helmer has over her. Helmer s reputation and him being a man isn t something that can easily be destroyed unlike her physical
  • 7. How Educated Are Students Who Attended American Public... How adequately educated are students who attended American public schools? How much ethnic and cultural diversity is there in the American careers? Do wealthy middle and upper class children have an advantage to receive more opportunities than those who have a lower socioeconomic background? Millions of people built mistrust toward American Dream because they did not achieve what they were expecting in life. A lot of people want more money from their jobs or want to win the lottery for their materialistic needs. Instead of trying to be happy about what they have and cherishing everyday like it is their last. America is the land of opportunities so people from different countries come to fulfill their own dreams. Also, immigrants come to America just to live a better life and to not be discriminated because of their nationalities, ethic, beliefs, or cultures. But racismis the root of all evil in our country; the way Americans treat other races that is not the same as our own, they humiliate, and torment them. By doing people wrongful ways they have created the death of the American Dream because lots of people have lost faith or perhaps never really believed. Racism stop the American Dream, the history of racism has hunted their dreams and still lives today. Where the American Dream originated from? Is it still being pursued? How it is expressed in different ways though Dr. King, movies or rags to riches? The American Dream originated during the Great Depression while
  • 8. Diabetic Foot Problems What are Diabetic Foot Problems and why do they occur? Foot problems are a big risk in diabetics therefore diabetic patients must constantly monitor their feet or face severe consequences, including amputation. With a diabetic foot, a wound as small as a blister from wearing a shoe that s too tight can cause a lot of damage. Because diabetes decreases blood flow, injuries are slow to heal as new blood often doesn t flow freely to the injury. When wounds do not heal in a timely fashion, they are at risk for infection meaning that infections in the feet of diabetic patients spread quickly. If you have diabetes, you should inspect your feet every day. Look for puncture wounds, bruises, pressure areas, redness, warmth, blisters, ulcers, scratches,
  • 9. Peer Pressure In Stargirl, By Jerry Spinelli According to a research done by the Canadian Lung Association, 70% of teens started smoking because their friends smoked or because they felt peer pressure to try smoking. That would be a dangerous behavior caused by peer pressure. Here is another example of bad things caused by peer pressure; 55% of teens tried drugs for the first time because they felt pressured by their friends. Not all the times, but sometimes, people tend to do bad things with other people because they feel more secure with other people than being alone. In Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli, the main character named Stargirl defies conformity and lives with her own mind. That is why I valueStargirl s affection(Individuality) more than JMS students affection(conformity). The first reason why I side with Stargirl ... Show more content on ... As I wrote in the introduction paragraph, people can ruin their future because of their friends who pressure them to do something that is not good. You might love your friend who does bad things and that is okay. The point is that you do not have to exactly follow what your friend is doing. You can do good things that your friends do, but not bad things like drugs or alcohol that could affect your future. For example, you are not going to kill yourself just because your friend does. Leo tried to make Stargirl be like ordinary kids by saying, I think you should try to be more like the rest of us (137). However, she refused to be like others and remained unique. She knew she was going to be in some trouble even if she switched and became like them; she would be pressured by other kids and be stressed out. That is why Stargirl chose to stay being different. It is the same for me. I am not saying that I don t want to have friends, but I really don t want to be pressured to do things against my own desires. Valuing JMS students affection may ruin my future, which is why I value Stargirl s affection
  • 10. Standard Oil Myser In Spindletop During the 19th century there was a rapid growth in industrialization and change in America. The iron and steel industry spawned new construction materials, the railroads connected the country and the discovery of oil provided a new source of fuel (John D. Rockefeller, 2015). The discovery of an oil geyser in Spindletop was a paramount cause for the rapid growth of the oil industry. Within a year, oil became the primary fuel in America and became an integral part of the economy. This state of things is made possible, and is obtaining, solely by and under the power and use of machinery; first in the hands of individual capitalists; then in the hands of companies; and, lastly, by corporations (Moody, 1883). Industry leader John Rockefeller, was able to build an empire during this period of time and established his company the Standard Oil... Show more content on ... Rockefeller, 2015) and had a monopoly on fuel in America. In order to exploit economies of scale, Standard Oil did everything from build its own oil barrels to employ scientists to figure out new uses for petroleum by products (John D. Rockefeller, 2015). With the rapid growth in factories and industries, there became a need to change how the American workers were being treated. Labor unions were created to help improve the working class with job related complications such as low pay, unsafe or unhealthy working conditions, and exceptionally long hours. Andrew Carnegie, an industrial giant in the steel industry, ran his companies with a dictatorial hand; his factories operated around the clock and workers were burdened with long hours (Engelman, 2015). Labor unions like the famous American Federation of Labor and the Knights of Labor were able to improve working conditions for Americans by establishing laws within the government and business, sometimes using strikes as a tool to bring about these changes. Many times
  • 11. Vancouver Research Paper 14 Sights You Have To See In Vancouver For a city with the perfect mix of culture and outdoor adventures, Vancouver is a top tourist destination. Located on Canada s west coast, in British Columbia, the city is one of the most popular spots in the Pacific Northwest. If you re lucky enough to be traveling here, be sure to check out these 14 amazing sites! 1. Stanley Park Vancouvers first official green space, Stanley Park is a massive and stunning park just north of the downtown area, almost entirely surrounded by the sea. Visitors to this lovely park will soon find that many activities are available, such as taking the Stanley Park Train, or riding in a horse drawn carriage through the park. Various cafes and restaurants are also available... Show more content on ... Both a convention center and a ferry terminal, Canada Place is the site of many events that happen in the city. Located right on the water of Vancouver Harbour, visitors can enjoy The Canadian Trail, an interactive walking trail that allows visitors to see all different areas of Canada represented. Guided walking tours are available, and the Sails of Light show happens every night. Look for specific events, such as Canada s 150th birthday celebration happening in 2017, or the annual Christmas celebration, which take place at Canada
  • 12. How to Kill Ants Essay example How to Kill Ants One warm night, he came through the bedroom window. His sudden intrusion angered me. That was the first time I saw him in this house. His tiny round eyes seemed innocent enough, but he was frightened by my stare. His skinny long legs were trembling. He turned his head, saying, I m completely lost. That was certainly not a good excuse for breaking into my private property. Hey, YOU, get outta here, I said as I picked him and threw him out of the window. Never come back! But I saw him a second time; he was in the kitchen with his friends. They were stealing my roommate Susie s peach from her shelf. With his triumphant face, he proclaimed, I conquered your kitchen. Ha, ha, ha. I was furious. Oh, shut up! I ... Show more content on ... Thus, spraying can even result in greater number of ants. Ants will continuously coming to your house even though you may have previously killed thousands of worker ants. This fight might never end. Not only are sprays ineffective in exterminating ants but spraying is also harmful for humans and pets. COMBAT Ant Roach Instant Killer includes many toxic chemicals like the 73 % petroleum distillates. Petroleum distillates are frequently found in gasoline, paint thinner, and charcoal lighter. It s no wonder the spray smells so much like gasoline. When you spray, these petroleum distillates allow the toxic chemicals in the spray can to go under furniture, behind appliances and into corners and even into walls to kill ants where they hide. Unfortunately, these toxic chemicals also cover the entire room. Unconsciously, you may touch these chemicals many times, increasing the risk of being poisoned. While you are sprayinga group of ants, your puppy behind you may accidentally inhale the mist and become sick. While cutting carrots, you may drop a piece on the sprayed counter. Later, when you throw it into your mouth, you would be eating poison. Many ant killer sprays advise, Wash thoroughly with soap andwater after handling and before eating or smoking. Avoid contamination of cooking utensils and food preparation surfaces. Do not use in edible products. The questionable
  • 13. Candy Chest Definition The Candy Chest, The reason for this name because it represents this store showing that we are just a simple but unique candy store. The hours for our store would be Monday Thursday 11am 8pm, Friday Saturday 10am 9pm. The reasons that we have chosen these times is that we need to stay open all day for the people that are out and about during the day but, we also try to stay open later during the day because there are many things that happen after dinner time in downtown Salisbury such as, Gallery Gallop, Music at the Mural, Buskers Bash, Holiday Night Out. This shop will make and sell candies such as Warbites, PB J Cups and Chocobutters. The location of our candyshop would be in a small rural area like downtown salisbury. The exact
  • 14. Inequality in To Kill a Mockingbird One of the major themes of To Kill a Mockingbird is the divisions in human society and how those cause inquality among people. Even though most people know that they shouldn t judge others, it s human nature, and because of this, it causes different sections of society. Most of the characters experience this throughout the novel. In To Kill a Mockingbird, certain divisions in society cause inequality in the town of Maycomb, and the characters and the reader both learn important lessons. When unequal divides in society form, the person or group of people that are looked down upon don t get the respect that they should. In Maycomb, anyone different from the traditional southern ways gets the short end of the stick. Raceis an obvious division in the society of Maycomb. White people are automatically thought of as good people, while African Americans do not get accepted. The people of Maycomb seem to think that there s something not right about black people, just because that s not traditional in the south. Tradition states that white people are better than black people without a question, and we can see through name calling and the unfair trail that many people in Maycomb still hold on to this tradition. They don t even think that African Americans deserve to associate with whites hardly at all. Examples of characters experiencing this divide are Atticus and Tom. Atticus gets looked down upon by a lot of people in the town simply because he wanted to defend Tom, who was
  • 15. Girl with a Pearl Earring Essay Feature Article Forbidden Love The novel Girl with a Pearl Earring should definitely be included on the Novel Ideas book club reading list. Elyshia Hickey reveals why this fascinating, historical and romantic story will appeal to an adolescent audience, as it explores the theme of sensual awakening. Set in 17th century Delft, Chevalier s novel explores the deep but forbidden love between a young maid and her master. The author s clever combination of an intriguing story, remarkable characters and descriptive language allowed her to explore the themes of forbidden love, predators and sexual desires. For hundreds of years people have wondered who is the girl in the portrait Girl with a Pearl Earring, painted by a Dutch artist ... Show more content on ... Vermeer asked Griet to wear his wife s pearl earrings for the sitting. She knew it would cause more trouble but was obedient to the man she had fallen in love with. This complication built suspense for the readers as they anticipated the wife s reaction. After Vermeer s wife saw the earrings in the painting, she tried to destroy it. Griet knew she had to leave. She chose to go to Pieter who she later married. When Vermeer died 10 years later, he left the pearl earrings to Griet in his will. The author s mix of realistic events, romantic love, and unwanted sexual encounters reflect a timeless storyline that would appeal to young adults in today s society, facing the same problems. The author has skillfully constructed the characters to assist young readers to connect with them. The main character, Griet, is a quiet, lonely, innocent and vulnerable young lady. When Van Ruijven cornered Griet in the hallway and grabbed her chin, she did not feel at all comfortable: I did not like the way he looked at me . Griet had some artistic talent and vision and wanted this to be recognized by her master, but was too shy to say anything. She was looking for love and security, which she found in Vermeer. Vermeer s remarkable character draws young readers in as he was portrayed as a very gentle, caring and loyal man the type of man you would want to marry. Vermeer never forgot her and
  • 16. Kemo 452b Research Paper Many scientists and space enthusiasts awaiting news about a second Earth were answered when NASA announced the results its phoenix like telescope Kepler, had found. The exoplanet that created so much excitement has a size and age reminiscent of Earth s, and, critically, even exists in the Goldilocks zone of its Sunlike star, ensuring its neither freezing nor burning away any possibility of complex life. Size, age, and other specs of second earth Known as Kepler 452b, it s the smallest exoplanet we ve discovered existing within that coveted circular area of a G2 star colloquially called the Goldilocks zone. G2 is a category of star luminescence that our own Sun also falls under. The new planet is about 6 billion years old, has a diameter ... Show more content on ... Many officials had cute puns and quips to make about the development. But we shouldn t get too excited to leap into our planet s family s arms. DON T JUMP THE SHARK, BECAUSE YOU CAN T The associate administrator of NASA s Science Mission Directorate, John Grunsfeld , called Kepler 452b a close cousin to the Earth. This is an apt description. Since the planet is rocky, like ours, yet smaller, the difference in gravity could do more harm than good. Additionally, initial studies have suggested to us that the planet has entered a rather misfortunate runaway greenhouse gas phase, similar to what happened to Venus long ago, which is why the planet is so hot and antagonistic to life. COLLECTIVE FERVER SENTIMENTALITY But this unfortunate atmospheric development didn t stop the Chinese from getting excited, whom after hearing about the new planet flooded social media with over 44 million posts about the planet s substantial opportunity to host life. China s microblogging service, Sina Weibo, the hashtag #AnotherEarth exploded, with nearly 90,000 participants in the
  • 17. Argumentative Essay On The College Dropout In this article written by Holly Epstein Ojalvo writer from New York times says Is college worth it? . What does that mean for a high school senior who is stressing at the last moment of their high school year, and don t even know what to do with their lives yet. Some students want to go from high school straight to college but some are indecisive about it, it s either the work force, or the military. Students that go to a Four year University don t even graduate. In this article College dropout statistics it says with these three issues leading students to leave college in the United States, more than 30% of students drop out in their first year. . Most of these students come from low income backgrounds. There are many other reasons as to college drop outs, one an overactive social life, but i don t see how that could affect someone that much. Two homesickness, i could see this one happening most of the time because i understand being far away from my family. Three lack of guidance and mentoring from school officials. But college also could be a good thing for students that know what they want to do in life. See the 30% of dropouts are either because they aren t ready or they can t really afford it or they can t handle the responsibility, etc. But the other 70% do end up going on through high school and graduating and getting their degree or bachelor s. But you don t always have to go to college to get a high paying job, some jobs just require high school diploma. Most
  • 18. Nail Salon Research Paper Everyone dreams of getting professional nail services that guarantee a glamorous look. However, this is not always the case for most people as they end up with an infection or discolored nails. It is very crucial to take your time before choosing a nail salon. A nail salon primarily offers nail care services. However, some nailsalons can further offer skin care services. Nail salons are mostly associated with highly skilled nail technicians. Examples of the nail care services offered include nail enhancement, manicure, and pedicure. Facts about nail care services It is important to let your nails breathe People who routinely have their nails polished can end up with very weak nails. Nails can become dehydrated and thin out during the process. They can also peel, ... Show more content on ... It goes beyond the visible interior cleanliness and further entails proper cleaning of the instruments used. Most people who go seeking for nail care services without being so keen on a salon s sanitation level, end up with a bacterial or fungal infection. An example of an infection includes hepatitis. You should check whether the salon is using instruments that are routinely sterilized using ultraviolet rays. This greatly helps fight infections. It is very important to check that your technician is using new nail files. You should assess how clean the bowls used are. If you don t trust a nail salon and doubt their levels of hygiene, you can carry your own tools to get the nail art done. However, this may require you to buy a set of nail care tools. Does your nail salon of choice have a license? A nail salon license is important. It shows that the business is legal and hygienic. It is a requirement by law that nail technicians visibly display their operating license. The licenses offer awareness on hygienic nail care services. They also include professional qualifications of nail technicians.
  • 19. Binary Forms In The Awakening Allez vous en! Aleez vous en! Sapristi! That s all right! (Chopin 22). The beginning of The Awakening draws attention to a caged voice that is not being heard. Throughout the novel we see that Edna is living in a time where there is a lack of permissibility for women with voices in society. Edna is always moving between different spaces, such as Adele and Mademoiselle. Also, she goes back and forth between Robert and Leonce. In The Awakening there are many binary forms presented amongst the men and women of the text. Edna s characteris framed through these binary forms and her awakenings are highlighted throughout the text. This paper will argue that the characters in The Awakening are juxtaposing each other throughout the narrative. In The Awakening, Edna is torn between influences of society and individual happiness. Leonce and Robert are two characters that show keen differences although, there are differences there are also ... Show more content on ... The framing of Edna through various characters allows the text to reveal that they all plan take the courageous soul that Edna desires to possess. The suicide represents Edna s way of rebelling against societies standards and following her own rules for once in her life. Edna s goal throughout the narrative is self independence. Mademoiselle Reisz expressed this too her, while characters such as Adele and Mr. Pontellier failed to allow her to rebel against societies standards for women. The things around Edna began to disappear due to Edna s desire for independence. She s been sheltered most of her life and when she is taken away from that, her downfall begins. Her suicide represents no evidence that it was liberating and necessary. Edna eventually ends up alone with a false romantic narrative. The things around Edna began to disappear due to Edna s desire for independence. She s been sheltered most of her life and when she is taken away from that, her downfall
  • 20. Declaration Of Independence And The Way To Wealth Analysis Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin both show an unfamiliar patriotism for a country not yet formed in their works The Declaration of Independence and The Way to Wealth respectively. Their ideology was manifested in their written works and carried on through their actions. Jefferson lived a life as a wealthy farmer and understood that government control was not a necessity, especially when it ventured to tyranny. Benjamin Franklin embodied the Puritan ideology when urging others to be industrious and frugal. Both of these ideals are examples of American ideology, and Thomas Jeffersonand Benjamin Franklin express these in their works. As stated by Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence, With a firm reliance on the protection... Show more content on ... Poor Richard forms the American ideology to be a hard working and economical through all of his words of wisdom. There are no gains without pains (Way to Wealth 237), which expresses the hard work mentality that was placed into the American ideology because Americans were considered to be of lower class than the people of Europe. Assuming that the Americans were lesser than them, the Europeans did not pay much attention to the work ethic of the new nation, much less the nation as a whole. So Benjamin Franklin wrote an Almanac, giving him a way to share his knowledge with those in America. He created a society that would believe that industry pays debts, while despair increaseth them (Way to Wealth 237) making America relevant to the world, giving the country a place because it looked past their present situation and more toward how to improve their livelihood. Benjamin Franklin, an avid supporter of a hardworking and frugal society, sought to inform us with his adages and make America into a better nation. Benjamin Franklin helped form the American ideology of Industriousness and
  • 21. Vin Diesel Research Paper Throughout history there have been many individuals that have influenced society. These individuals range from political to artistic figures. One of the most well known in the entertainment world being Vin Diesel.His situations in his early life led Vin Diesel to his big acting career now and it includes his early life, High school / College careers, and his acting career. BACKGROUND INFO Vin Diesel was born on July 18,1967, at Alameda County, California. His zodiac sign is the Cancer. He had three siblings. One sister Samantha and two brothers Paul and Tim Vincent . Vin had never met his birth father. When he was younger he attended Village Community School of New York and for college before he dropped out he attended Hunter College ... Show more content on ... Fast and Furious is one of Vin Diesel s highest paid movie. His very first movie was Multi Facial in 1995. Then in 1997 he starred in Strays. Next came 1998, was Saving Private Ryan. In 1999, Vin Diesel was in The Iron Giant. In 2000 ,Boiler Room, The Chronicles of Riddick: Into Pitch Black and Pitch Black. In 2001 he started the Fast and Furious series and made Knockaround Guys. In 2002, XXX and 2003 a man apart. In 2004, he made two more The Chronicles of Riddicks and The Chronicles of Riddick : Dark Fury. In 2005 , The pacifier came out and 2006 Find Me Guilty. In 2007 and 2008 he was working on Babylon A.D. and 2009 he played in Los Bandoleros and Fast Furious. In 2010 he didn t act in any movies but when 2011 hit he was in Fast Five. In 2012 he was working on Fast Furious six, and Riddick: Blindsided, but they didn t come out till 2013. In 2014 he played in a family show called Guardians of the Galaxy as Groot. In 2015, Vin Diesel played in The Last Witch Hunter, and Furious 7. And also in 2016 and 2017 he was working on, The Fate of the Furious, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, and xXx: Return of Xander Cage. Vin Diesel is one of the most successful performers in the world, coming in
  • 22. Analysis Of The Myth Of Robber Barons Throughout American industrialization, large industries were run by some of the richest men in history. These men got the nickname robber barons due to their creation of large monopolies by making questionable business and government activities, and by taking advantage of their workers to succeed. But in The Myth of the Robber Baronsby Burton W. Folsom, he argues against these claims, and he takes a deeper look into some of America s richest and most successful men. By specifically looking at Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller, James J. Hill, the Scranton family and many more, Folsom believed that these so called robber barons were actually entrepreneurs with a drive to succeed, leading to an improvement in American lives. In his ... Show more content on ... The government also enacted the Hepburn Act, which made shipping internationally difficult on the railroad. Despite the fact that government grants led to incompetent railroads, the Interstate Commerce Commission and Hepburn Act were put into place, which made it so Hill could not offer rate discounts on exports traveling on the Great Northern en route to the Orient which was helping improve the economy with increased trade. Hill and other market entrepreneurs were not corrupt or unfair when choosing to not have subsides, but rather the political entrepreneurs were corrupt and insolvent. Also, Folsom argues that John D. Rockefeller was negatively impacted by government intervention. The Sherman Act was intended to prevent monopolies and those companies in restraint of trade . Yet Standard Oilhad no monopoly and certainly was not restraining trade . Rockefeller s goal was not to create a monopoly but in order to keep his business succeeding he needed directors in each state. By enacting the Sherman Act, Rockefeller s company struggled, due to competition rising. These laws essentially stopped the growth of successful businesses, such as Hill and Rockefeller, who became so successful due to no government intervention. Many saw robber barons as deceitful, but this is actually not the case. Within The Myth of Robber Barons,
  • 23. Stephen Hawking Stephen Hawking has been hailed as one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists since Albert Einstein. Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, which as he likes to point out is the 300th anniversary of Galileo s death. Hawking originally studied at Oxford University in England studying physics even though he would have preferred math. He moved onto Cambridge University to work on his PhD in cosmology. Hawking s career has focused upon the cosmic entities known as black holes, and has extended to specialized areas such as quantum gravity, particle physics, and supersymmetry. A field of study that Stephen Hawkingis known for is cosmology. Cosmology is the metaphysical study of the origin and nature of the universe. A brief synopsis... Show more content on ... (Wikipedia 2005) More recently, scientists at NASA think that they may have developed a way to view proof of Quantum Gravity, if it does indeed exist. This year, NASA is scheduled to launch their Gamma Ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST), which ...may be able to detect for the first time the effects of quantum gravity in the speed of gamma ray burst photons... (Wanjek 2005) Two scientists as NASA s Goddard Space Flight Center theorize that the gamma ray bursts which will be detected by GLAST might possibly be ...powerful enough and distant enough to see the highest of the high energy photons traveling slightly more slowly than lower energy photons, weighed down by the effect of quantum gravity. (Wanjek 2005) Only time will tell, but one thing is certain; Hawking and other Quantum Gravity researchers will be keeping their eyes peeled for the results. In the 1970 s Hawking proposed that during the big bang, 13.7 billion years ago, local pockets of the Universe could have been dense enough and under enough pressure to form small black holes. According to his theory, these primordial black holes could have had masses as large as the Earth or as small as a single raindrop. (Freedman, 2005) Basically, he believes that the beginning of real time was a singularity and all of the matter in the Universe would have been on top of
  • 24. How Does Macbeth Change Throughout The Play In the play The Tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare, it starts off describing Macbeth as a loyal thane of Glamis and very loyal to his king. Throughout the okay, he will transform from this loyal warrior to a very evil, power hungry tyrant. He did not reach this transformation alone however, there were a few ugly sisters who helped with this transformation. Obviously the three witches that are introduced in the beginning play a major role in what Macbeth and his wife Lady Macbeth would do throughout the play. The play opens up with the Three Witches being the first to talk, so we meet them very early and actually before anyone else. At this point, they sort of set the mood of the play by displaying the weather and mood of what s going on. One way they set the mood of the play with weather is by what they said in Act 1, Scene 1 in the first two lines, When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain? . The Three Witches are often referred to as The Weird Sisters by many of the characters. Throughout the play, the witches lurk around to persuade characters Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to evil temptations. For example, when they ... Show more content on ... Macbeth would not (in my opinion) have murdered the King without the predictions of the witches. This gives the witches the credit that they deserve. I think that maybe if the witches hadn t been so correct about their predictions earlier in the play, then Macbeth might have just shrugged them off and not paid so much attention to them as he did after they told him he would be named Thane of Cawdor and ended up being correct. Obviously from here on out, he would listen to them because he wanted power and if the witches could help him get it, why not let them do it? The witches represent such an unreasoning, instinctive evil that it is hard to understand as a
  • 25. Rise Of The Armenian Genocide In 1915, officials of the Turkish government commenced an ambition to eradicate the Armenian people residing in the Ottoman Empire. Ultimately, the genocide slaughtered approximately 1.5 million of the 2 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire at the time and displaced hundreds of thousands more upon its end. To date, the atrocities staining the Turkish deserts have still not been recognized at the international level. The plight of the Armenians originated centuries ago in the mountains of the Caucasus. At the peak of the 4th century, the kingdom of Armeniadeclared Christianity its official religion, but was annexed by the Muslim Ottoman Empire in the 15th century. The rulers granted religious minorities to perpetuate some liberty and self government,
  • 26. Analyzing Yagyu s Life Like many of the other girls in this series, Yagyu is undergoing training as a government employed ninja. Since as far back as she can remember, this has been her life. She grew up in a ninja family with this path set firmly in front of her, and she never once saw a reason to question it. Her childhood was filled with blades and shurikens, kunai and martial arts. Yagyu is not her real name, each girl is given a codename when they take up the life of a ninja, however the series never reveals the real name of any of the characters. As far as the world is concerned, Yagyu is who she is. Early in her life, it became obvious that she was a prodigy, one that was destined to raise high in the ranks of the shinobi world. She grasped concepts easily, progressed quickly, and didn t accept failure. Most of her free moments were spent either training, or resting from training. The one exception was the time she spent with her beloved younger sister Nozomi. She was ... Show more content on ... When she found out her younger sister was dead, Yagyu s personality changed almost instantly. She had lost the driving point in her life. She withdrew inwards, refusing to take part in any training and barely even leaving her room. She remained like this for some time, but eventually tried to move on and resume her training. Her heart wasn t in it anymore, though. One day, she made a discovery that shocked and saddened her. When she closed her eyes, she could no longer clearly picture her beloved sister s face. This made her feel like she was failing her sister s memory, and she decided to punish herself for this by sealing one of her eyes. Taking one of Nozomi s hair ribbons, and an old coin, she fashioned an eyepatch to cover her right eye, the missing eyesight her way of paying tribute to her younger sister. Her self imposed punishment in place, she dove back into training and before long she was prepared for more formal
  • 27. The Correlation Between Amounts Of Time Spent Playing... What is the relationship between the amounts of time spent playing video games and your amount of sleep? Introduction Nearly every day, you can read articles about urbanized countries throughout the world, with issues or concerns arising from individuals playing video games for excessive amounts of time. Individuals form addictions to a surge in excessive or violent behaviors, commonly found among teens or younger children. Studies also indicate playing excessive amounts of video games can also have an effect on your sleeping patterns in a negative way. For instance, playing an extreme amount of video games prior to going to bed may create a more difficult time in falling asleep. So, I decided to take on a similar yet different type of study to discover out how much video gaming an average high schooler plays each night and how this may affect how many hours of sleep he/she receives. I was unable to find any online articles for this type of study, so I decided to find out for myself using the high school population at a local school. As the study began, I did believe that students who participated in excessive video gaming may receive less sleep. Statement of Task The focus of this study was to investigate if the amount of time students spend playing video games each evening may have an influence on the quantity of sleep the average high school student receives. To determine this, I requested teachers to allow me to survey students during school hours in an
  • 28. Catfishing Research Paper Meta: Learn if the person you ve been talking to on social media is really who they claim to be. Don t let yourself be duped by catfishing. Hire an investigator to help. Article: It might be surprising to learn that inmates in prison are allowed to email and text with others on platforms like Facebook, Twitter and through email providers that service the prison system. There are more and more people meeting online and making a connection, which leaves people ripe for being deceived by people who are misrepresenting themselves. Catfishing: What is It? In 2010, a man named Nev Schulman made a documentary detailing his experience meeting a woman named Megan online. It turns out that Megan didn t exist. She was actually a woman named Angela ... Show more content on ... In cases like that, the investigator will give you the information they ve uncovered, but the rest will be up to you. Catfishers Commit Fraud Investigators can use a variety of equipment to search for someone online, find out if they re in prison, learn where they live and if they re married or put them under surveillance. If the catfisher has committed fraud or identity theft, the private investigator can turn that information over to the police who will conduct their own investigation that can lead to the person being arrested. The investigator will use a variety of tools to learn all the information they can about the fraudster including monitoring systems and in person surveillance using spy glasses or spy cams. The lengths that the investigators goes to will depend on the client s desires. It s unfortunate when a person believes they re meeting someone online and feels an incredible connection with them only to find out that they re lying. It s better to know the truth than to be deceived. A private investigator can find out more about the person you re talking to online if you have
  • 29. Stereotypes In Cinderella By Jacob And Wilhelm Grimm Fairytales are usually shown as stories where no one ever gets hurt, and dreams always come true. The original story of Cinderella defies this stereotype, and shows true punishment to those who hurt others. Cinderella is a girl who always remains a good and kind person even though her stepsisters are always mean to her. Cinderella goes to a ball against her stepmother s instructions, and she meets a prince who falls in love with her. The prince later marries her, while the stepsisters are punished for their cruelty to Cinderella. In Cinderella , Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm use imagery and characterization to convey that you should remain kind and never harm others. Imagery is used in order to show that people will be punished for mistreating
  • 30. Dance On The Water Analysis The Devil That Danced on the Water, a memoir written by the talented Modern World Literature author, Aminatta Forna made its debut in 2002; just in time to contribute to healing the brokenness of a society and their leftover open wounds from the aftermath of the civil war in Sierra Leone. In this analysis research paper, I will discuss how the author extends her writing to address an entire society, as well as ordinary families and individuals that have experienced the horror and corruptness that broken politics can bring upon a group of people. More narrowed, I will focus on my particular interpretation and argument of the reading; not the author s work to honor her father by tracking down the truth, but rather her ability to use her personal experiences in a way that inspires a more hopeful, courageous, educated and independent population throughout all of the world affected by war and hate, particularly West Africa. Aminatta, a woman of many cultural backgrounds, contributes multiple perspectives of her writing, which helps readers understand differing cultures. Her mother was Scottish, her father was from Sierra Leone and finally her influential step mother fled with Aminatta and her siblings to make a life for them in England as the downfall of democracy began in Sierra Leone. This two part book evolved as a collection of piecing together memories and discoveries leading to the uncovered mystery behind Mohamed Forna s public execution during Aminatta s childhood. After
  • 31. Mustang GT Essay If you re looking for a vehicle that provides the perfect combination of refinement and performance, then we at Gus Johnson Ford recommend the Trims of the 2016 Mustang GT for Sale near Coeur d Alene. The iconic Mustang GT lives up to its brand reputation thanks to the well performing powertrain, and inside the cabin you will find all of the latest technology and convenience features. {2016 Ford Mustang GT Specifications and Details} Powering the GT trims is a 5.0 liter V8 that generates 435 hp and 400 lb ft of torque. You can choose either a six speed manual transmission or opt for a six speed automatic, and rear wheel drive is standard for all trims. Safety features are a priority with Ford, and as such all Trims of the 2016 Mustang GT for Sale near Coeur d Alene come with protections such as antilock disc brakes, traction and stability control, a rearview camera, front seat side airbags, side curtain airbags and driver and front passenger knee airbags. If you find yourself in valet parking situations or have a younger driver in the family, you ll be happy to note that the MyKey system comes standard as well. You can preset top speed and stereo volume if... Show more content on ... You also get a rear spoiler, LED fog lights and a six way power driver seat. Topping things off are upgraded brakes, electronic line lock and launch control. Of note is that the latter feature only comes with the manual transmission Trims of the 2016 Mustang GT for Sale near Coeur d Alene. Options are great in number, and one highlight is the California Special Package. It provides 19 inch black alloy wheels, a special rear spoiler and unique design cues both inside and out. The GT Performance Package gains Brembo front brakes and a Torsen limited slip differential, while the Black Accent Package will get you the 19 inch black alloy wheels, black out badges and a black rear
  • 32. How Did Roman Cultures Use Arches The Roman Empire is credited with the development of many great achievements. These achievements can still be seen in Rome and throughout the world. The Romans are well known for their aqueduct system and huge colosseum that are still standing today. These monumental building feats would not have been created without the use and knowledge of many different techniques. The use of cement was one of the technologies employed to build these large structures. The utilization of arches was another. Many people associate the idea of arches with the Romans. However, they were not the first people to utilize arches. This paper will concentrate on why the Romans were credited with developing the arch; what they did to improve previous cultures use of arches; and how the Romans used arches to create massive structures that are still standing today. The Romans were the first builders in Europe, perhaps the first in the world, to fully appreciate the advantages of the arch, the vault and the dome (Cartwright, 2013). The Romans are credited with creating arches because they used them so often and in extremely large structures. Most people have heard of the Roman ... Show more content on ... Heaton describes the Roman aqueducts as one of the greatest achievements in the ancient world. The aqueducts transported water from reservoirs at a higher elevation to different locations within Rome. At the height of the Roman Empire, they needed to supply water to over one million people. There was over 260 miles of aqueduct built during the Roman reign. The aqueduct system worked due to gravity. The water would flow from a higher elevation to a lower elevation. The Romans tried to follow the lay of the land as best as they could, but sometimes, to keep the gradient so that the water would continue to flow, they would have to tunnel the aqueduct through mountainsides or even build large bridge like structures to span across valleys (Heaton,
  • 33. Police Misconduct Summary White, M. D., Kane, R. J. (2013). Pathways to Career Ending Police Misconduct An Examination of Patterns, Timing, and Organizational Responses to Officer Malfeasance in the NYPD. Criminal Justice and Behavior, 40(11), 1301 1325. The article seeks to extend prior research that has failed to fully explain factors that lead to misconduct amongst policeofficers. Researchers looks to address career ending misconduct by addressing there pathways which are: The timing of misconduct in officer career, factors related to that time, the types of misconduct over time. These factors are addressed through an examination of all officers separated from the New York Police department during 1975 1996. The sample population was 1542 sworn officer of the NYPD between the yeas of 1975 1999 that was fired from the forces for misconduct related issues. In addition to that sample, a comparison group of approximately 1543 officers were included. Officer of the comparison group served honorable careers, who had been hired under same screening requirements, and endured similar entry level experiences as the focused group. Data containing Personal files, performance appraisals, pre employment investigations and much more was obtained and ... Show more content on ... Figure one was the survival function of dismissed officer. The provided data suggests that the average time to career ending separation in days for the dismissed officer group was nearly 7 years (2,544 days) . In reference to figure number 2, Cox regression analysis that predicted time on the job , characteristics like race, prior criminal history, and problem on prior job was positively associated with being terminated quickly. As far as examining misconduct types over time, the average time to firing officers who engaged in each of the categorical variable is as follows: Crime/seriousness (7.8 years), administrative misconduct (6.0 years) , and Drug misconduct (6.8
  • 34. Est1 Task 1 You asked the following question: I have a situation where the batt insulation has a foil backing (Johns Manville FSK 25) that is attached to the trusses. Below the insulation is a concealed space where the wood stud walls go up to bottom of the wood trusses and sheet rock or gypsum board goes 6 in. above the suspended ceiling. Is sprinkler protection required in the concealed space below the insulation? In response to your question we have reviewed NFPA 13, 2013 edition as the applicable standard. Our informal interpretation is that sprinklers are not required within the concealed space. The standard specifically addresses this arrangement as Section that states, Concealed spaces formed by noncombustible or limited combustible ceilings suspended from the bottom of wood... Show more content on ... ft. A diagram is provided in the annex in A. as one acceptable arrangement of a concealed space in truss construction not requiring sprinklers. The original proposal and the comment for this section for the 2007 edition was found and the substantiation and committee comments did not indicate the type of insulation or how it is should be attached to the joist. There are two other sections that specifically mention batt insulation in and Section does not specifically mention batt insulation and does not appear to be a requirement that only loosely laid insulation to be used. The thought of when the sprinklers activate in
  • 35. Cost Of Medical Malpractice It is the duty of healthcare providers to provide you with the best healthcare possible. When you visit a doctor, you trust them to diagnose your condition and offer treatment. However, in spite of the extreme care that most medical professionals take, there have been many instances of medical malpractices. Sometimes, a medical practitioner may make errors in the process of administering treatment to a patient, thereby causing him or her harm. When this happens, one can apply for a medical malpractice claim. A malpractice suit can be lodged against an individual doctor, the medical institution, nurses or whoever else may have caused the malpractice. There are many types of monetary compensation for medical malpractice you can seek in a suit.... Show more content on ... 2. Cost of Care Besides medical bills, cost of care for injuries from a medical malpractice can sometimes be very high. These costs could run for a prolonged period. Always ensure that your claims lawyer understands your need for care and the expected duration of care before a cost of care compensation is determined. 3. The Demise of a Loved One In the unfortunate event that a loved dies due to medical malpractice, the closest family member can claim damages. Although no amount of damages awarded can compensate for the loss of a life, the monetary compensation can go a long way in assisting the bereaved family member to cope with the loss. 4. Compensation for Physical Pain and Emotional Distress One can also seek compensation for physical pain and emotional distress in a medical malpractice case. This claim usually attracts a higher dollar amount in terms of compensation than any other medical malpractice claim. A competent lawyer should help you get the highest possible compensation for the pain and suffering you have gone through after a medical malpractice situation. 5. Loss of Earning
  • 36. Causes Of The Achievement Gap An article from The Journal of Negro Education in the winter of 1960 attests similarly the causes of the achievement gap so noticeable in the 21st Century. After the Supreme Court decision to integrate public schooling, a Superintendent of a city under court order[s] to integrate its schools noted an overall increase in the building of schools primarily meant for African Americans than of white schools in the state. This was not an attempt to assist the continually burdened African American school system, but instead their best hope to maintain separate schools and keep segregation ongoing as long as possible. However, more recent studies attest to the growing knowledge available in combating such inadequate teaching practices. In
  • 37. The Exorcism Of Emily Rose Exorcisms is the religious or spiritual practice of purportedly evicting demons or other spiritual entities from a person or an area they are believed to have possessed, by definition. However, is there an actual demonic possession to one entity, or rather is it a mental condition? Exorcisms has been the more popular choice lately in the U.S, and is thriving with the millennium; not to mention, amateur exorcisms are linked to deaths of their belief needing to exorcise a demon physically (Listverse). Demonic possessionand mental illness has closely related symptoms to schizophrenia, psychosis, and bipolar disorder. The idea of demonic possession is sometimes thrown by some, believing that it has a logical, less religious, explanation, but the... Show more content on ... A quote from Opsasnick stated by, To psychiatrists, Rob Doe [Roland Doe] suffered from mental illness. To priests this was a case of demonic possession. To writers and film/video producers this was a great story to exploit for profit. Those involved saw what they were trained to see. Each purported to look at the facts but just the opposite was true in actuality they manipulated the facts and emphasized information that fit their own agendas. Roland was an only child, and he was close to his Aunt Harriet, she was an spiritualist and has shown Roland the Ouija Board. Roland s symptoms of his demonic possession was described to be childishly simple from the writings of skeptic Joe Nickell. In addition, the author Mark Opsasnick explained that he proposed that the boy who under under the suspicion to be possessed by a demon, was simply a spoiled, disturbed bully who threw deliberate tantrums to get attention or to get out of school. Roland Doe was a thirteen year old boy, he was diagnosed to be possessed by the devil. After having fun with the ouija board that his aunt introduced him to, strange occurrences began to happen around the home such as: uncertain sounds ( thumping, tapping and banging coming from an otherwise empty upstairs, or objects moving on their own such as the chandelier
  • 38. National Response Framework June 24, 2015 NRF * Rank order (in order of priority) the 14 core capabilities of the NRF. Explain why you rank ordered 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Be specific. * Explain how the United States conducts an all hazards response in the five preparedness mission areas of prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and disaster recovery. NIMS * When would a Deputy Incident Commander (Deputy IC) be necessary? Give examples. * In The missing piece of NIMS: Teaching incident commanders how to function in the edge of Chaos, the author notes that first responders have to deal with a disaster situation already unfolding, and not all the pieces fit together nicely. The author writes about the Five Tenets of Working in Chaos.... Show more content on ... Now, they must look and prepare for situations never previously considered. Mass shootings, chemical and nuclear attacks, and suicide bombers are just a few of the possibilities. The reality is that today there are many dangers that have not been previously imagined. The best that can be done is to plan, re plan and plan again. 2. Situational Assessment. Once the Incident Commander arrives on the scene, s /he will need to assess the emergency quickly. Is there still a threat to the general population? Are the casualties identified or does Search amp; Rescue need to be mobilized? The IC needs to come up with a game plan to save lives, protect property and the environment, meet basic human needs, and stabilize the situation. 5 3. Operational Coordination is third on the list of priorities. The IC has to coordinate the efforts of Police, Fire amp; Rescue, as well as business owners and nongovernmental organizations (NGO). Time is of the essence. The sooner the IC has operational control, the sooner various pieces can be delegated, and the IC can focus on the big picture. 4. Operational Communications 5. Mass Search and Rescue Operations 6. Public and Private Services and Resources 7. Public Health and Medical Services 8. Public Information and Warning 9. On Scene Security and Protection 10. Mass Care Services 11. Fatality Management Services 12. Critical Transportation 13.
  • 39. Lilith Alternate Ending Another Member of the Band There once was a girl named Lilith. She is an outcast and lives on the streets. Lilith is often called name like, freak and fox girl. She was part fox and everyone hated her for that. One day she was roaming the streets and came across Freddy Fazbear s Pizza. It was dark and so the nightguard was there. She snuck inside and looked around. Wow was all she could say, for she had never seen a place like this. While she was looking around the nightguard spotted her on the camera and thought she was an animatronic, because of her fox ears and tail. He started freaking out since the camera didn t go static everytime she moved. Now Lilith was now heading towards the office where the freaking out nightguard was. When she got there the... Show more content on ... Lilith fell asleep, in Foxy s arms, long before that. Foxy looked at her and smiled, for she had been the only person who was not afraid of him. A couple minutes after the pizzeria closed Lilith began to wake. When she woke up Foxy noticed the ears and tail and asked her about it. She only sat there quiet. He sighed and thought of an idea. Foxy asked her if she wanted to meet the others. Without a second thought she jumped up and nodded excitedly. Foxy chuckled at her enthusiasm and walked over to the main stage with her following. When she got to the stage she was frightened for a second when they waved but then it soon turn into happiness. Foxy and the others chuckled at how happy she was. Once they all introduced themselves she told them her name and asked why Mike asked her if she was going to kill him. They shook their heads and sighed. Chica was the first to speak and she just gave a simple explanation. Lilith nodded and thought to herself, so that s why I felt like there were other kids here. What she didn t realize was that she said it aloud and all four of them heard her. They all gave her confused looks and she saw this shook her head,
  • 40. Electrochemical And Quantum Chemical Studies Of The... Electrochemical and quantum chemical studies of the corrosion and hydrogen evolution reaction of mild steel in acid medium Rabab M. El Sherif a,*, K. M. Zohdy b Sowmya Ramkumar c a Cairo University, Faculty of Science, Department of chemistry, Giza, 12613, Egypt b Higher Technological Institute, 10th of Ramadan City, Egypt c Department of chemistry, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Peelamedu, Coimbatore, India Abstract Electrochemical behavior and hydrogen evolution reaction of mild steel in sulfuric acid solutions, containing different concentrations of gamma Aminobutyric acid (GABA) as a green inhibitor have been investigated. The electrochemical techniques included Tafel polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The rate of both the corrosion reaction and the hydrogen evolution affected significantly by changing GABA concentrations. Polarization results showed that GABA is a mixed type inhibitor with good inhibition efficiency. Increasing the temperature led to an increase in the hydrogen evolution rate and a decrease in the total surface resistance value (RT) or the relative film thickness (1/CT) of the steel. Quantum calculation including EHOMO, ELUMO, the energy gap (?E) and the fraction of transferred electrons (?N) demonstrated the inhibition ability of GABA. The results were confirmed by surface examination using scanning electron microscopy. Adsorption of GABA on the steel surface fitted the Langmuir isotherm. Thermodynamic parameters
  • 41. Bully Bullying From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia For the Wikipedia guidance essay, see Wikipedia:WikiBullying Bullying is detrimental to students well being and development.[1] Bullying is the use of force or coercion to abuse or intimidate others. The behavior can be habitual and involve an imbalance of social or physical power. It can include verbal harassment or threat, physical assault or coercion and may be directed repeatedly towards particular victims, perhaps on grounds of race, religion, gender, sexuality, or ability.[2][3] If bullyingis done by a group, it is called mobbing. The victim of bullying is sometimes referred to as a target . Bullying can be defined in many ... Show more content on ... The Fifth Volume of the Newgate Calendar[11] contains at least one example where Eton Scholars George Alexander Wood and Alexander Wellesley Leith were charged, at Aylesbury Assizes, with killing and slaying the Hon. F. Ashley Cooper on February 28, 1825 in an incident which might today be described as lethal hazing .[12] The Newgate calendar contains several other examples that, while not as distinct, could be considered indicative of situations of bullying. Virginia Woolf considered fascism to be a form of bullying, and wrote of Hitler and the Nazis in 1934 as these brutal bullies .[13][14] Anti bullying movement In the 2000s and 2010s, a cultural movement against bullying gained popularity in the English speaking world. The first National Bullying Prevention Week was conceived of in Canada in 2000 by Canadian educator and anti bullying activist Bill Belsey. The charity Act Against Bullying was formed in the UK in 2003. In 2006, National Bullying Prevention Month was declared in the United States. The Suicide of
  • 42. In the Plantae kingdom comprising of over 3,500 species... In the Plantae kingdom comprising of over 3,500 species and about 250 noted genera came the Liliaceae family, also known as the Lily family. They fall under the order of Liliales. All plants in this family are perennial; therefore after flowering they die back to underground bulbs, corms or rhizomes and then return back again year after year. They are often found to be a prime example of monocotyledonous plants. In the past the Liliaceaefamily had many genera clumped into one big family, but recent reclassification systems (i.e. APG III Classification System) have assigned many of the genera commonly associated with Liliaceae to different families such as: Alliums now part of the family Amaryllidaeceae, and Hostas which are now of the... Show more content on ... It has a stem which is erect, simple and branched. They have 3 petals and sepals which are all bright yellow. The petals are round and heavily bearded, and the sepals underneath are pointed. Their leaves are simple narrow grass like leaves with a basal leaf arrangement. Uses Can be commercially grown for flower essence for sale in herbal stores as it is believed to restore the Sensitivity and awareness of self Contraints While it s not threatened, it is globally recognised as rare or uncommon. Prefers shade. Calochortus Nultalli (Sego Lily) Also known as the Sego Lily, this is the state flower of Utah. This has 1 to 4 flowers, each with 3 white petals with tints of lilac and have a yellow base. These appear in early summer. Plants are around 15 45cm in height and have linear leaves and a slender erect stem. Their leaves are linear and in a basal leaf arrangement. Uses The bulbs of this are edible and can be boiled or roasted. They were eaten by the Native Americans and early pioneers in Utah, although now it is mostly grown for ornamental purposes. Possible use could be for ornamental purposes due to their importance and rarity. Constraints Very hard to grow. Cardiocrinum A monocarpic genus after flowering the bulb dies, but offsets are produced. A genus with large, showy flowers and is commonly known as the giant lily. Cardiocrinum Gigantium From the genus of Cardiocrinium comes the species C. giganteum. A lily with huge fragrant flowers
  • 43. Mexican Americans And Puerto Ricans Have Been Faced With Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans have been faced with many social injustices in the past; these include police brutality, racism, discrimination, poor housing condition and many more. After a time they grew tired and decided to take action against these injustices. This led many of them to became part of a social movements, fighting for a change which were successful . A few of these movements included the ChicanoMovement which involved Mexican Americans; they use boycotting, and their manifesto, El Plan De Aztlan to fight against social injustice and also to fight for nationalism and self determination. It was said to be one of the most successful movement. Another was the Young Lord s Movement which was mainly Puerto Ricans but also... Show more content on ... The first step the Young Lords took was cleaning the street of the Puerto Ricans neighborhoods which had not been swept in weeks. After cleaning the streets the sanitation workers refused to take up the bags that contained the trash from the street. This prompted the Young lords to blocked the roads with the trash and also branching out and blocking other areas. This prevented the buses from moving which led to the city money for no one could take the bus. These two scenes from the Chicano movement and the Young lord s movement were similar in the sense that they use the strategy of prevent business owner and the city from making money. The Chicanos went about this by boycotting, and also getting other people in different states and around the world to not purchase Victoria grapes. The Young Lords on the other hand blocked the streets, because of this bus companies could not make money since the people could not take the bus. Both groups knew that money is the paramount of America, so in order to get what they wanted which was an end to the social unfairness. They had to come up with political strategies that would prevent business owner and the city to lose money,once they kept on losing money, they would see that something had to be done. The difference revolved around what they were fighting against during the specific scene. During the scene in Cesar Chavez s film, the Mexican Americans were fighting against the low wages workers were earning and also the
  • 44. Hsieh Zappos Hiring Process The ninth value is to be passionate and determined. Hsieh s belief in the concept of Zappos is what fueled his determination to keep the company afloat. We are inspired because we believe in what we are doing and where we are going. (Hsieh, p. 181). Hsieh refused to take no for an answer and that is attributable to Zappos success. This is a key criterion in the Zappos hiring process. If a candidate doesn t seem passionate about possibly working for Zappos, they won t fit in with the culture. Being around co workers with a positive, but realistic, attitude makes coming to work enjoyable. The final value asks employees to remain humble; another value considered in the hiring process. Zappos has turned down many candidates for employment that boastfully spoke of individual accomplishments instead of giving credit to their team. The Zappos culture requires employees to take a modest approach to customer service; constantly obsessing over the customer s needs. As aforementioned, building relationships is key to the Zappos brand. In order to build strong relationships, employees must treat everyone with respect.... Show more content on ... The values are structures in a way so that each value flows into the next. At Zappos, they strive to merge an employee s professional life with their personal life. Hsieh believes that the Zappos core values not only formally define the Zappos culture, but they provide a pretty decent list of personal values too. This follows Zappos desire to not only improve professionally, but personally as
  • 45. Mutual Funds Advantages And Disadvantages 1.Mutual Funds(Open ended) A Mutual Fund is an investment vehicle that is made up of a pool of funds collected from many investors for the purpose of investing in securities such as bonds, stocks, money market instruments and identical assets. Advantages: 1.Liquidity An advantage of mutual funds is the ability to get in and out with relative ease. In general, you are able to sell your mutual funds in a short period of time without there being much difference between sale price and the most current market value. 2.Diversification By purchasing mutual funds, you are provided with the immediate benefit of instant diversification and asset allocation without the large amounts of cash needed to create individual portfolios 3.Professional selection of individual... Show more content on ... Certainty about the specific investments in trust The money placed in an investment trust is used to capitalize a fixed portfolio. Unlike mutual funds or hedge funds, for some investors, this is a key advantage because they are given the ability to always know what they own. Disadvantages: 1.Opportunity cost This means that by putting money in unit trust, you lost the opportunity to use it elsewhere. Of course there is no guarantee that putting the money elsewhere will yield better returns. In the same way, putting money in unit trust prevents you from investing it elsewhere, such as, directly in the stock market. 2.Fees and charges The services provided by the unit trust fund managers are not free. There are fees and charges payable by the unit holders to the unit trust schemes. Granted these fees are almost negligible compared to the professional expertise received by the investors, it is something the unite holders have to bear. 5. Other type of funds 1.Money market funds It is open ended funds which normally invest in short term securities, usually one year, for example treasury bills or Government bonds. Money market funds are greatly recognize as being really safe and give a great
  • 46. Us Gaap Vs. Ifrs There are vast and numerous differences between US GAAP and IFRS. The biggest conceptual difference between US GAAP and IFRS is that US GAAP is rule based while IFRS is principle based. Because of this, there are numerous accounting topics that are handled differently between US GAAP and IFRS. It is argued that IFRS fits the actual economics of business transactions more than US GAAP, as IFRS looks more at the substance of transactions. US GAAP, on the other hand, is more concerned with having exact rules to deal with accounting situations. Both the United States and the over 110 countries that use IFRS are working towards a global accounting standard; however, due to the cost and complexity of this process, convergence of US GAAP and IFRS may take years or even decades longer than expected, if indeed they are ever fully converged. Some key areas in which the two systems differ are inventoryvaluation, classification of leases, revenue recognition including the construction industry, the handling of intangibles including research and development, depreciationmethods, and business combinations. While there are many other differences in US GAAP and IFRS, this paper is limited in scope to those listed above. In the accounting world, there are many different ways to track and value inventory. Commonly used methods in US GAAP include FIFO, LIFO, Specific ID, and Weighed Average. This allows companies a great deal of flexibility on how their inventory appears on the
  • 47. Jesse Ernest Wilkins Jr Jesse Ernest Wilkins jr. Born November 27,1923a in Chicago and died May 12, 2011 in Arizona was an American nuclear scientist mathematician and and mechanical engineer he attended the university of Chicago at the age of 13, becoming its youngest student. Because he was young and smart he got the name negro genius in local newspapers at 17 Jesse, received his Associate bachelor . in Mathematics and ranked in the top 10 in Mathematics famous undergraduate Putnam Competition. the youngest student ever admitted. University scholarships covered his tuition. He lived at home and tutored other students to earn spending money. While majoring in mathematics, Wilkins took extra courses and graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1940 at the age of 16. ... Show more content on ... Ernest Wilkins, Sr., was a well known lawyer who held a bachelor s degree in mathematics from the University of Illinois and a law degree from the University of Chicago. In 1941 and 1942 the elder Wilkins served as president of the Cook County Bar Association in Chicago. President Dwight D. Eisenhower appointed him Assistant Secretary of Labor in 1954, the first black American to Synebia martin 6th period mr.rivers 10/24/17 hold a sub cabinet position. In 1958 he was appointed to the Civil Rights Commission. Wilkins s mother, Lucile Beatrice Robinson Wilkins, held bachelor s and master s degrees in education from the University of Chicago, and taught in Chicago public schools.
  • 48. Wilkins s dissertation, completed under Magnus R. Hestenes, was titled Multiple Integral Problems in Parametric Form in the Calculus of Variations. He was the eighth black American, and one of the youngest Americans , to earn a Ph.D. degree in mathematics. A Rosenwald Scholarship enabled Wilkins to spend 1942 at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jerseys , as a postdoctoral research fellow. Despite his outstanding credentials, Wilkins could not find a position at a research university. During 1943 and 1944 he was a mathematics instructor
  • 49. A Character Analysis Of George In Seinfeld s The Pitch On July 5th 1989, a sitcom was born into this world that would lead television into a revolution in comedy. Seinfeld was a television sitcom that ran for about nine seasons hosted by NBC. It was unique in a couple of ways. One of, if not, the best way it was unique was its entire premise. In the episode, The Pitch, the character called George sums up the shows premise in one sentence, Everybody s doing something, we ll do nothing. All the sitcoms around this time, such as the Fresh Prince of Bel air, all had a very formulaic idea about how the main character, Will, would hang out with his family and his classmates at school. Also, it followed a strict, introduce the characters, and introduce the problem(s), wrapped up with a solution at ... Show more content on ... In the show, there are non stop references to food. In fact, there are about fifty five plus episodes dedicated to food alone, that it about four to five seasons worth. With such a big episode count, why is food such a big aspect? There is an old saying that generally goes that food brings everyone together, especially around thanksgiving and Christmas. I think it is interesting that the show takes this idea of getting together one step forward and applies that idea to a common cookie, the black and white
  • 50. Significant Changes In Canada In The 21st Century While ethnic changes are a clear factor of fluctuating demographics, a factor like gender balance can also be noted. 1961 marked two important events for women in Halifax; the gender ratio was nearly 1:1 at 91,514 females to 92,432 and 34.8% of women were part of the workforce. Certain jobs gained and lost popularity based on necessity after the War. The significant loss of farming jobs will be explored later. A Statistics Canada graph observes a twofold increase in office workers to 400,000 in 1964. The Canadian National Exhibition Place, which was used strictly for military purpose in the early to mid 40s, became a place of amusement and modern architecture for Toronto. The entire Dominion is currently experiencing a rapid process of social ... Show more content on ... Similar to the industrial revolution of the 1800s, Canada underwent significant infrastructural changes in the 1950s and 1960s and was impacted by myriad technological innovations. Canada s first subway was the Toronto Transit Commission s subway in 1949and the bulk of the TTC today (subway stops, commuter parking, token adult fare) was implemented within the first 20 years following the Second World War. Incidentally, the 50s and 60s also birthed Toronto s major (and dysfunctional) highway, the Gardiner Expressway. Moreover, the 1960s were a time of sky rise building construction as observed in Montreal, where the city s four tallest buildings were built before 1965. In addition, Montreal s mayor in the 1960s also undertook major infrastructural development including the Montreal Metro and a few of the city s major highways. In the same way, in Western Canada, city modernization is observed in the construction of major transportation structures: The Ironworkers Memorial Bridge and Port Mann Bridge were built in 1960 and 1964, respectively. Finally, urbanization is evident in the Vancouver area in the founding of two universities in 1960 (British Columbia Institute of Technology) and 1965 (Simon Fraser
  • 51. Similarities Between Dreams And Dreams One of the interesting differences between the two is that often, we are aware of watching a film, but not that we are in a dream, which is an important difference that can have interesting consequences for answering if a dream is a fiction. Lastly, Curry argues that in dreams we have a bi sociative character, meaning that we have both the sense of being in the dreamand being a spectator in it, this is an interesting phenomenon, however, I think that this also exists in normal everyday experience in the form of reflexive awareness. By reflexive awareness, I mean that we can have an awareness that we are aware, so this phenomenon is not exclusive to dreams. Looking at the similarities between film and dreams is an interesting avenue to examine the question, but does not give a full enough evidence to show that dreams are indeed fictions, nor does it answer the question if a dream is even like a film, all it shows is that they have similarities. However, it is possible to think of a dream as a film, if you imagine a device that can record your dreams and then project it onto a screen and watch the dream on the screen then the dream would act as if it were a film, having the same similarities as mentioned above. But, there would also be a lot lost in the translation as well, such as the bi sociative character (Curry), and the ability to feel so much in a dream. But due to the ease in which it is possible to imagine a dream as a film, it strengthens the argument for a
  • 52. Asaaaa ECE Mini Projects: Projects Q A, Guidance for your projects gclid=CN6UlK321bE... Custom Search 23 REGISTER LOGIN SEARCH ACTIVE TOPICS Electrical, Electronics Communication Projects Projects Q A, Guidance for your projects В» Projects Forum В» Electrical, Electronics Communication Projects Ads by Google Alarm Monitoring System Alarm House Alarm System Telephone System Topic: ECE Mini Projects Found this useful? Give a +1 Free Project Downloads 12 Add to Facebook: Get Free Electronics (ECE) / Electrical (EEE) Project Downloads: Electronics Project Download ECE Mini Project Downloads Robotics Projects Downloads Wireless Project Downloads Space Project Downloads ... Show more content on ... Power factor monitor control 63. PROCURE SYSTEM FOR VEHICLE USING CAN PROTOCOL 64. TCP/IP BASED STUDENT ATTENDANCE LOGGING SYSTEM 65. SECURE SYSTEM FOR DOMESTIC PURPOSE 66. CARGO MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 67. Temperature Data Logger 68. SMS Enabled Industrial Networking 69. Digital Anemometer 70. Mobile car Security System 71. ETHERNET BASED PATIENT MONITORING SYSTEM 72. Electricity theft Identification using RF Modems 73. Security Integrated System Based On WAP For Remote Monitoring and Control of Industrial Process 74. Railway Gate Management using GPS and GSM 75. Priority for Emergency Vehicles in Traffic Signals 76. WIRELESS SENSORY BASED ENERGY CONSERVATION SYSTEM 77. Programmable Hopper Controller 78. TCP/IP BASED ENERGY MONITORING SYSTEM FOR ELECTRICITY BOARD 79. Wireless Temperature Monitoring and Controlling Using Embedded System 80. GPS GSM based patient monitoring 81. Security System for Remote Access using Telephone Line 82. I2C EPROM Programmers 83. Multi channel Temperature Monitor controller 84. RF Based Embedded Virtual Highway Patrol 85. Mail Transfer
  • 53. System 86. Lift control System 87. Tyre pressure monitoring system 88. WIRELESS SECURE POLLING SYSTEM USING GPRS 89. Accident identification system 90. Pc to Microcontroller communication Through USART. 91. Wireless Water Level Controller 92. Traffic Priority for Ambulance 93. Telephone interface security system 94. VOICE BASED AUTO RECEPTIONIST FOR EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION
  • 54. Is Beowulf A Good Leader Beowulf showed his confidence by defeating the monster unassisted by his 14 warriors. Leadership is not a skill that everyone has the ability to learn. Few people are natural born leaders, some learn along their journey of life. Beowulf is a strong willed, courageous warrior, who has many characteristics of a leader. Many have believed Beowulf to be a leader, many followed him as so. However, In this modern day, beowulf would be an unsuccessful Business leader. A good leader realizes when he needs help, and picks the right men to do so. When having these people work with you, you must appreciate their efforts, Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost their self esteem of their personal, if people believe in themselves, it s amazing what people can accomplish (Sam Walton). Beowulf failed to praise his 14 warriors, so when it came time for them to help, they bailed on him. They did not believe they had the strength to do so. Beowulf lacked basic communication skills with his warriors. Beowulf never failed to take care of them, rather he coddled them. The warriors had gotten use to the riches but never thought there would be a day Beowulf would actually need them.... Show more content on ... Beowulf was known to gloat about himself, though all of his words were true, No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself, or to get all the credit for doing it. (Andrew Carnegie). Beowulf continually refuses the help of others believe he can do it all himself, to build his fame. He wants all the glory to go to him, he wants his name to be written in history. A leader will not be able to do everything by himself, a leader will be able to share the credit with his helpers. No one would continue to voluntarily follow a leader who only puts himself on a
  • 55. The Bunker Was Not A Bunker The Bunker was not really a bunker. It was a majestic beautiful building, nothing could destroy it. It was made from the best and strongest of materials. The inside of the building was as majestic as the outside made from the finest leather s, the finest metals, the finest food, all the finest materials in the world. The Place was not our s though, there were door s, more door s than you can ever imagine. People, a small group of people from all the continent s and area s that had survived. The people were confused, where do we go? People asked. A stage appeared out of the wall, people were afraid. We all start to panic, people running around running into each other, some knocking others out, some just passing out. I stood there... Show more content on ... tell me who are you? why will you not show me your face? . The Green Eye was not pleased with him standing up and shouting. QUIET!!! What is your name little man? The man struggled to speak, startled by the load shout across the room, the man finally got his name out M My N N Name I I Is J J Jeremy N N Nile i am from Australia Well Little Man you are already DEAD!! The crowd Laughed at him cause nothing happened SILENCE!! The Green Eye Shouted I WILL NOT HAVE THIS BEHAVIOR IN MY COLONY!!!! The Crowd stopped laughing and silenced so quiet you could hear a pin drop from a mile away. The Green Eye was shouting some words Blinkida, Cordana, Soana, Tora With the last few words the man was lifted off the ground the green eye opened his mouth and said LET THIS BE AN EXAMPLE TO ALL YOU PEOPLE OF WHAT THE LAW WILL BE LIKE HERE I can hear gears turning in the floor, a hatch on the floor opened slowly, light poured out of the small crack in the floor AHH!!! The man screamed AHH SAVE ME It was lava, As the man was floating over the pool of lava, he was regretting his decision s of standing up to the Green Eye. The Green Eye of Vines Lowered him into the pool of lava, he was at floor level now, slowly getting lower to the ground, then slowly getting below the ground. The Green Eye was not in the mood we guess, he pulled the man back up then called for the floor to be closed. The man was traumatized now, he was shaking
  • 56. Business Plan for Small Scale Mining in Sierra Leone DIAMOND AND GOLD MINING PROJECT IN SIERRA LEONE [pic] 9.25 CT DIAMOND FROM SIERRA LEONE CONTENTS 1. GENERAL 2. INITIAL REQUIREMENTS GENERAL For the last 2 years our company has been closely following the Sierra Leanean diamond Industry if we can call it that. Sierra Leone is a small country in West Africa mainly known because of the bloody and vicious civill war which ended about 3 years ago. I have visited this country a few times each time for a period of 1 month or more. During those vistts I tried to familiarize myself with the diamond and gold mining industry. During those visits I have been in Freetown (the capital of Sierra Leone) in which I successfully dealt with all the necessary ... Show more content on ... For this reason it is advisable to stat activity in several sites before deciding on the right equipment. 5. MAKING THE CONNECTION WITH THE LOCALS AND GETTING THE LOCAL LICENCES. [pic] We were put in contact by the mines ministry people with the (Paramount Chief) of Kamakwie area. The chief seems to be a faily decent person, more reliable than most locals. He is a relatively educated person and easy to deal with. After the initial meeting in Freetown we drove the company jeep to Kamakwie to close the deal. We spent in Kamakwie around 3 weeks during which we got an initial tour of the area, decided on the first site, signed the contract and started testing the site. Anexed is the the contact for the site, signed with the chief (ih handwriting). This contract together with my local resident Visa/work permit which II have aqquired in Freetown (see annexed), and the company papers is almost enough for us to practice mining in Kamakwie. The single additional document needed, is a local licence from the mining ministry branch nearest to Kamakwie (Makenny). At the time I am writing this Document, the licence is ready and waiting for me upon my return. One very important obstacle we overcame in kamakwie is the residence place. As mentioned before this is a very bacward place with no electricity , running water, communication (no cellphone reception)
  • 57. Sydney Carton Character Analysis In A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens thorough development of each character and skillful use of coincidence prevents anyone from fading into insignificance; every character in the novel plays a role vital to the evolution of the plotline. Perhaps more impressive than his ability to place every single character in a significant role, Dickens uses the element of surprise to introduce the magnitude of various roles. Sydney Carton, in particular, seems to play a rather insignificant part in much of the novel, resulting from his self admitted worthlessness. Carton s continual and somewhat irritating self criticism primes him for a surprising acquisition of influence at the conclusion; an inconsequential life becomes the novel s hero in an ending which few anticipate. Carton expresses regret over his unfruitful life multiple times, agonizing over the idea of not having the opportunity to alter it. Dickens creates a final set of circumstances that are traumatic for much of the novel s characters; Carton, however, sees the situation as the perfect chance to finally do something meaningful with his life. In an ironic yet sensible twist, the only way Carton can redeem his wasted life is by losing it. In light of the nature of his life up to the conclusion of the novel, he does not merit the Christ figure label until his final act of sacrifice. Charles Dickens unexpectedly transforms a wretched Sydney Carton into a symbol of Christ through the character s displays of selflessness,