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Writing A Conclusion Paragraph
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Writing A Conclusion Paragraph For Essay Writing A Conclusion Paragraph For Essay
Pedro Diary Entry
I promised her happiness, a new life. I could have given her everything. I would have been so much
more than Pedro. I feel as if all my flames are dying out. All the stars are being eaten away from the
inside. My universe grows cold.
It has been two weeks. My fingers feel frozen, my hands are idle. I do not wish to move, for I will
become a devil s plaything. If I begin to walk, I will only try to move towards her. If I began to speak,
I will only try to utter her name. I will do something I should not, and I will regret it deeply. When I
arrived home finally after that night, my Aunt Mary congratulated me yet again on my marriage. I
couldn t bear to tell that deaf hag that it had been called off. I escorted her to bed and began
rummaging ... Show more content on ...
I haven t seen you in a very long time. Ten years, in fact. It is the fifteenth anniversary of my wife s
passing. Even staring at her grave, I feel nothing. I feel empty. The feeling of tears welling up inside
you, or the feeling of joy pounding at your ribcage trying to escape. I do not feel those things
anymore. It is January. The wind bites at my nose, yet I do not feel the cold. These days, I am the cold
in the breeze. I feel Alex distancing from me. Perhaps he does not want to freeze. He has found love
with Tita s niece, Esperanza. They are so young. I wish my son the utmost happiness. I pray to God
that his love does not end the way mine did. Was I not passionate enough? Was my love not good
enough? I wonder if there is anyone in this world besides my dearest wife who would accept a love
like mine. What was so wrong with it, that it was denied? I want to rip my heart out. I feel so lonely
sometimes. I have tried all the natural remedies of my grandmother and nothing helps. My matches
have not been alight in so long, I feel as if they will never be set aflame again. An old man like me
will not find love this late in his life. I do not think there is any living woman that can breathe a
universe into me the way Tita
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Chief Seattle Essay
Chief Seattle
When stories are told about the American Indian it is usually the Indians that are looked upon as the
heathens. They are portrayed as savages who spent most of their time raiding wagon trains and
scalping the white settlers just for fun. The media has lead us to believe that the American government
was forced to take the land from these savage Indians. We should put the blame where it belongs, on
the U.S. Government who lied, cheated, and stole from the Indians forcing many Indian leaders to
surrender not only their tribes but their nation in order to save the lives of their people.
Among the Indians of the Pacific Northwest, perhaps the best known may be Chief Seattle. Chief
Seattle (more correctly known as Seathl or ... Show more content on ...
Seattle moved to Port Madison Reservation and lived in Old Man House, just across from Bainbridge
Island; This was a community house measuring some 60 x 900 feet easily the largest Indian made
wooden structure in the region . (4) When settlers first came to America they were meet by Indians.
Once the settlers were able to make it on there own, they no longer needed Indian help. Then they
began to try to change the ways and beliefs of the Indian. One of the aspects that the settlers spent
much time on trying to change of the Indians was their religion. Influenced by missionaries, Seattle
decided to convert to Christianity and was later baptized in 1838 by Father Modest Demers, at which
time Seattle adopted the Christian name Noah . One of the major differences I noticed while
researching information about Chief Seattle is that in Catholicism there is one book, I m sure that we
all have heard of it, the Bible. In Catholicism it is made up of the Old Testament and the New
Testament. The Old Testament is made up of scriptures before the coming of Jesus. The New
Testament is made up of scriptures written up after the coming of Jesus. These scriptures are written
up pretty straight forward and they are read year in and year out. There is no room for individual
interpretation by the reader, it is set in structure. In the Indian religion everything is told through
myths and legends. Because of this everything is passed down from chief to chief
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Erikson s Psychosocial Theory And Psychosocial Development
Theories and Theorists
Theories are the building blocks of psychology. Theories whether old or new has allowed us to know
what we know now. There are many theories in the field of psychology or educational psychology that
are important to further understand human behavior. However, this paper will focus on only two
theories which are; Erikson s psychosocial theory and Alfred Adler s Adlerian theory.
Erik Erikson s psychosocial development has always been a great contribution to the field of
psychology by Erik Erikson (Berk, 2007). Erikson suggested that everyone experiences a series of
psychosocial stages instead of psychosexual stages as proposed by Sigmund Freud. Despite the fact
that Erikson disagreed with Sigmund Freud in so many areas in his psychosexual theory, it was
actually Freud s psychosexual theory that helped Erikson formulate his own psychosocial theory and
Erikson was very much influenced by Sigmund and his work (Erikson, 1968). So even if Erikson
disagreed with Freud, Sigmund actually contributed to Erikson s psychosocial theory because if it
wasn t for Freud s shortcomings in his psychosexual theory, Erikson would not have come up with his
own psychosocial theory (Erikson, 1968).
Freud and Erikson hold opposite views on many things. However, they did agree on a few things to
like how they both believed that personality develops in a series of set stages. But dissimilar from
Freud s theory of psychosexual stages, Erikson s theory depicts the influence of
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Interpreting Northern Ireland By E. Moxon-Browne
Summary of a Review E. Moxon Browne s review of John Whyte s Interpreting Northern Ireland was
quite favorable. Moxon Browne discusses first Whyte s unbiased approach and dedication to the North
Ireland Conflicts. He emphasizes that Whyte had spent his entire life dedicated to researching and
summarizing the problems and solutions in the North Ireland conflict. Moxon Browne goes on to
cover Whyte s interpretations and understanding of the topic. Whyte states that the viewpoints of
Nationalist, Unionist, Marxist, and Internal Conflict are the main ways to interpret the North Ireland
conflict. Moxon Browne agrees that these four are the predominant ways to view the conflict,
however, he accentuates Whyte s belief of many, varied solutions ... Show more content on ...
Controversy swarms this topic because many believe partition to be an inherently evil British concept,
along with it being one of the main causes for an escalated North Ireland conflict. John Whyte covered
this topic using the Organizational Process method. When Britain decided to return Ireland to a state
of Home Rule, the Ulster unionist backlash was huge. Faced with a crisis, Ireland s officials were slow
to act. Britain stepped in to try to hastily resolve the conflict. British parliament proceeded to view the
conflict along pre established nationality lines of Catholic nationalists and Protestant unionists.
Parliament ignored the fact that many Protestant unionists were not organized or firm on their position
against Home Rule. Britain did not understand that Protestant unionists were able to be coerced or
appeased without partition. Britain also chose to partition because it was one of the first solutions
presented, one that they were quick to use in foreign affairs. They failed to realize that countries like
India and Palestine were thrown into decades of turmoil because Britain or Britain s allies chose to
partition the countries. Partition was also one of the resource efficient ways of calming down the Irish.
After entering WWI, British attention was not fully focused on the North Ireland conflict. After hastily
pushing Home Rule through, the final rejection
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Disadvantages Of Natural Dyes
Since the pre historic era, natural dyes are common for their use in coloring of food substrate, leather,
wool, silk and cotton. The use of this eco friendly, non toxic and non allergic natural dyes have
become important in order to avoid some hazardous synthetic dyes. However, given that the synthetic
dyes are easier to use, cheap and widely produced and available, the usage of natural dyes continues
on decreasing since the 19th century (Samanta, 2009).
Natural dyes produce very uncommon, soothing and soft shades as compared to synthetic dyes. It is
known that natural dyes produce unusual colors that appear to be harmonizing. On the other hand,
synthetic dyes are widely available at a reasonable price and produce a variety of colors; these dyes
however produce toxic ... Show more content on ...
Let the dye bath simmer for about an hour. Turmeric dye is famous in
India because for them yellow is a sacred color. They said clothes dyed with turmeric are pure.
Dyeing Process
One of the key factors in the trading of successful textile products is the dyeing process. This helps to
beautify and enhance the fabric. Usually the consumers look to some basic characteristics of product
such as good fixation. This is to ensure to maintain the properties, the substances that give color to
fabric must contain high affinity, resistance to fading and be economically feasible. First, drain the
vinegar mixture then pour the turmeric dye over the fabric into the pot; heat over medium low flame.
As the fabric left longer in the turmeric dye, the more vibrant the color. Then afterwards, wash the
Rinse Well the Cloth Then Dry the Fabric.
Drain the turmeric dye then rinse the cloth under running water to remove excess dye. Remember the
dye can stain porcelain so rinse the cloth on a stainless steel sink or even at an outdoor tap. Then let
the fabric dry overnight to see better
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The Middle Ages And Medieval Ages
The Middle Ages or Medieval Ages is the time period in Europe between the fall of Rome and the
beginning of the Renaissance (History). For this paper it will be referred to as the Middle Ages. This
time is also sometimes described as the Dark Ages by some because of some of the bad events that
happened and because they say nothing of importance came out of the time period. It is true Rome
fell, there were many wars which caused many to die, a shortage of food that caused many to die and
an awful sickness that caused many people to die. Despite The Great Famine, The Plague and the fall
of Rome during the medieval time period, it should not be known as the dark ages due to the
architecture, art, and both educational and the technological ... Show more content on
Many different reasons with many different answers, however, the Roman Empire did fall and we
were left with what we call the Middle Ages. There have been many movies, books and papers written
on the subject. One thing I find is a for sure fact is that after the fall of Rome there was no state or
government for the people in Europe and that s how the Catholic Church became the most powerful
institution in the Middle Age time period(History).
The first two reasons that the Middle Ages should not be called dark is the art and architecture created
in the Middle Ages. Huge cathedrals and ecclesiastical structures such as monasteries were built to
show devotion to the church (History). There were two styles of architecture during this time. The
Romanesque style cathedrals were solid with barrel vaults supporting the roof, thick stone walls and
few windows (History). The Gothic style has many huge stained glassed windows, pointed vaults,
arches and in contrast to the Romanesque style cathedrals they seemed to be weightless. The Sainte
Chapelle is an example of one of those cathedrals that is still standing today and in 2015 the project
restoring the stained glass windows were completed (Smith). Stained glass windows are a form of art
that came from the Middle Ages. Another example of still
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The Conflict Between Iran And The United Nations
The American hostage crisis occurred in Iran on November 4, 1979 when Iranians forcibly took
control of the American embassy in Tehran. The Iran hostage crisis had its origins in a series of events
that took place nearly a half century before it began. The source of tension between Iran and the U.S.
stemmed from an increasingly intense conflict over oil which continued throughout the years and
fueled Iran s hatred of Western influence throughout the revolution. During the midst of the
revolution, American diplomats and officials were held hostage within the embassy for 444 days.
Under pressure, President Carter tried every peaceful means he could in order to obtain the release of
the hostages. Diplomatic relations were cut off, imports of ... Show more content on
Iranians remained passive and allowed the U.S. to continually profit off of their oil for years until
newly elected Prime Minister Muhammad Mossadegh sought to change this. An American staged
coup successfully removed Mossadegh from office and reinstated Shah Reza Pahlavi, who moved Iran
into a more modern and pro Western era. As per their arrangement, the Shah negotiated a deal with the
U.S. that provided Iran with tens of millions of dollars in foreign aid and in return the U.S. was given
permission to once again control more than 80 percent of Iran s oil reserves. (Pollack 2004, 54)
Looking for a way to revive Iran and return the country to it s former glory, the people looked to the
one man they thought could accomplish this, Ayatollah Khomeini. Thus the Iranian revolution was
born. In an effort to remove Western influence and American intervention, extremists stormed the
American embassy s gates in Tehran, eventually forcing their way inside. American diplomats and
embassy officials were taken hostage and held for 444 days, starting the event that is known as the
hostage crisis.
After diplomatic intervention failed to secure the release of the hostages, President Carter decided to
order a rescue mission. Though the odds were against its success, plans for the military operation went
ahead and the rescue mission was ultimately a complete disaster. Departing from
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The Wise Sea Poem Analysis
The Wise Men Speak
(An Analysis on Sailing)
William Butler Yeats, was a poet from the Victorian age. Philosophers say that Yeats was one of the
greatest poets of all time, William Butler Yeats is widely considered to be one of the greatest poets of
the 20th century (Adams). One of Yeats most famous poem was Sailing to Byzantium. In the poem
Sailing, Yeats expresses three very important messages. The messages that Yeats expresses in Sailing
are, that the soul wants to leave body when it s about time to go, the elders are more wise, and that
younger generation doesn t listen to their elders. In the poem Sailing, Yeats expresses that as our body
ages our souls are ready to be set free. Our souls never age, but our bodies do. As our bodies start to
age our souls are ready to be set free from our aging bodies. Yeats states that when our souls are close
to being set free they start to sing, Soul clap its hands and sing, louder sing (11). The soul is
celebrating that it s about to be set free from its aging body. Our bodies are dead, but our souls
continue to live on. Dr. Duncan MacDougall of Haverhill, Massachusetts states, Human beings are
possessed of souls which depart their bodies after death and that these souls have detectable physical
presences were around well before the 20th century . Our souls continue to live after we are no longer
living. Another message represented in the poem Sailing, is that our elders are wise. Our elders are
wiser than the young because
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Essay on Feasibility of Geothermal Energy in the United...
Feasibility of Geothermal Energy in the United States Abstract Over the past years, gasoline and
electricity have been the leading energy resources. The search for an alternative source of energy has
become a complicated problem for scientists and an economic dilemma for America s public.
Scientists have been trying to recognize geothermal energy as the next leading source of energy. In
this research paper, I account for the inexpensive costs and different methods of gathering the
geothermal energy of America. Geothermal energy is a renewable energy resource which can heat and
cool buildings. Although there are some by products, using a particular type of system can help stop
their emission. In conclusion, the use of geothermal energy ... Show more content on
The pipes hold water, or glycol, transferring the heat inside buildings, which is known as heat
exchange (Solar4Scolars, para. 2 and 3). Feasibility of Geothermal Energy in the United States 3
Government funded research into obtaining geothermal energy was greatly dynamic in the 1970s and
early 1980s. However, as oil prices declined in the mid 1980s, alternative energy sources declined,
thus, funding for geothermal energy research greatly reduced. Consequently, this monetary difficulty
stifled any advancement on geothermal technology. Now that energy concerns have resurfaced, an
opportunity exists for the U.S. to pursue the EGS [Enhanced Geothermal Systems] option aggressively
to meet long term national needs, as observed by MIT Professor Jefferson Tester (MIT, January 22,
2007, para. 19). Based on previous studies, there is evidence that geothermal energy has a hopeful
future in helping the United States. To study the potential use of geothermal energy, the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology (MIT) found from experimental procedures that mining heat stored as thermal
energy can supply electricity at competitive prices and cause little detriment to the environment. The
study showed that drilling wells that reached hot rock and connecting them to regions of fractured
rock stimulated water flow. Relating to geothermal energy, this exchange of heat produced large
amounts of steam and hot water to run
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The Long History Of Summer Camp
The words summer camp conjure up fond memories of campfires, s mores, pranks, and color war for
many Americans. What appeals to many campers, or prospective campers, is the keeping of tradition.
Many campers can trace back their relatives who attended the very same camp, and find delight in the
idea of shared experiences with their close, or distant, relatives. The long history of summer camps in
America stems from an annual trip William Frederick Gunn began to take in 1861 in order to expose
young boys to what life in the wilderness has to offer. Originally, the Gunn s theory was that the
experience would strengthen not merely muscle, nerve, and self discipline, but developed a masculine
character as well. This applied specifically for boys, but camps for girls first appeared in 1902 with the
opening of Camp Kehonka, in reflection of the changing attitudes with reference to the role of women
in society. Sleepaway camps become a prominent institution in America in the 1900 s that influenced
the youth of this country, and continues to do so over one hundred years later, as thousands of summer
camps still run every summer, many of which are the same camps that sparked this burgeoning trend.
The development of this idiosyncratic principle in American life can be understood through the
development of various widespread opinions during, and before, the first sleepaway camp was
To fully understand the roots of the summer camp ideology, it is imperative to look
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Training Package
Name: Ajiboye Olusegun Olalekan
Code: MMP 701
DHS Employee Training Plan
State Of Employee Training in DHS
Adoption and implementation of the Training Plan will assure the alignment of training resources with
DHS program needs and administrative priorities.
Enterprise wide training needs will be identified on an on going basis and resources allocated to those
with the highest priority. Divisions will continue to have responsibility to identify and address
program specific training needs and will retain their training budgets.
DHS will have a shared training delivery system that includes a learning management system, distance
learning resources, other delivery methodologies, standards for ... Show more content on ...
DHS Training amp; Development is responsible for hiring a Project Manager to lead the various
Learning Teams, provide project management, contract administration, as necessary to develop
Management Development curriculum. The following represents the Management Training
recommendations from the
DHS Training Plan Steering Committee:
1. Use Workforce Management Steering Committee (WFMSC) decisions for:
Training content/topic areas
An over arching value for DHS
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Freedom Of Speech In John Stuart Mill s On Liberty
In On Liberty (1859), John Stuart Mill was a strong believer of freedom of speech. He identifies the
Harm principle to protect the freedom of thought and expression. He argues that people should not be
silenced for expressing their opinion or how they feel based on their beliefs. He declares four vaguely
arguments and makes several examples as to why freedom of speech is a very important aspect to
society. In this paper, I argue that Mill is correct in declaring that we have the right to express our
opinions as long as it does not bring harm to others. First, I will define how Mill uses the harm
principle to declare his argument and the four distinct reasons for freedom of opinion and the
expression of opinion. Secondly, I will declare my viewpoint based on why I agree with the harm
principle as well as Mill s argument following that we have a right to freedom of expression.
Mill uses the Harm Principle to identify his argument for freedom of speech. The Harm Principle
explains that the government are only justified in interfering with individuals who express their views
if only their views cause harm to others. If a person s actions only affect himself, then society, which
includes the government should not be able to stop a person from doing what he wants. Three ideas
helped shape the harm principle. The first idea, Mill states that the harm principle is composed of the
liberty of expressing and publishing opinions as being important as the liberty of thought, which
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The Odyssey Essay In The Odyssey
The Odyssey Essay Draft Dark and scary Odysseus and his men stuck in the cave fighting to save
their lives by a big and large creature with the name Cyclops. In the epic poem, The Odyssey by
Homer, It all started when Odysseus and his men wanted to take a rest after a long time floating on the
water. Little did they know what they were getting themselves into. The large creature entered the
cave, and man they were definitely in for a heck of a ride. Odysseus is brave and wise. Odysseus is
Brave. For example, Odysseus heated up the stake getting ready to stab the Cyclops in the eye. To
make a stake with pointed ends, this in the fires heart toughening it. (9. 231 232). This shows that
Odysseus was brave because, he had the braveness and strength to heat up the stake and get ready to
stab the Cyclops in the eye. This also shows that Odysseus is brave because the Cyclops is a very large
and scary creature. Odysseus stayed strong and did what he had to do to get back to his home, ad
return with him and his men safe. Odysseus is nothing comparable in size to the Cyclops. In addition
Odysseus stabbed the Cyclops right in the dead center of his eye. So with our brand we bored that
great eye, while blood ran out and around the hot bar (9. 296 297). This shows that Odysseus was very
brave because he stabbed the Cyclops right in the eye and risked his life to save his men and himself.
This also shows that Odysseus was brave because the Cyclops was very close to grabbing the men
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Jarrett Family In Ordinary People
The Jarrett family is in the movie Ordinary People is an example of a family that is hurting and needs
help. Conard the youngest son has been and going through a lot throughout the movie. His mother
Beth does not know how to cope with Conrad and his dad after losing her favorite son in a drowning
accident. Calvin the father of Conrad tries to show that he cares about how his son is feeling, but him
showing that he cares about Conrad which freaks him out since he is getting mixed emotions
throughout his family. This family many emotional conflict throughout this movie. It is a constant
fight or flight between these characters and the people around them.
Calvin in the movie tried to stay away from violence because he was to afraid if he showed ... Show
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Each little thing that goes on reminds him of what happened with his brother. His friends, and his
home life is hard on him everyday. He goes home and gets reminded by his mother on how he is not
his brother Buck. She will not look at him the same or treat him the same way she did when Buck was
around. Now that he is gone she only gives him the physical needs, no emotional support on his life.
Beth never asks her son how he is feeling and how his school life is going. Conrad feels unwanted and
not needed in his home life. He has no support and so he always feels like he has to put on a show just
to get by. Conrad finally realizes that he needs someone to talk to, so he finally goes to a psychiatrist
to get some help. The psychiatrist helps Conrad go through all his thoughts and help him realize what
he needs to say and do. He finally has enough confidence to tell his best friend why he is avoiding him
and never wants to hang out with him anymore. When he had a chance he striked back at his mother s
harsh remarks to him.He got tired of trying to walk around her. He had enough courage and
confidence to tell her how she made him feel. When Conrad and his dad was putting up the Christmas
tree, and she walked in without an hello and started questioning him why he quit the swim team.
Conrad finally found out how to fight once he got enough of being put down. Conrad learned to step
out of his comfort zone and take flight on his
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Examples Of Dishonesty In Everything I Never Told You
The foundation of any successful relationship is honesty and open communication.
In Everything I Never Told You, the Lee family steadily unravels because of deep loss and rampant
dishonesty. The novel opens with Lydia s death and continues as a flashback of the events leading up
to her passing. Celeste Ng places importance on certain objects and locations as powerful
representations of the Lee family: their desires, challenges, and disappointments. In Celeste Ng s,
Everything I Never Told You, the symbols of the Betty Crocker Cookbook and a discovered pack of
cigarettes reflect that it is impossible to fully know someone when dishonesty is present.
The Betty Crocker cookbook is a symbol of Marilyn s distant relationship with her mother. ... Show
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When Lydia does not come down for breakfast, Marilyn opens her daughter s door and sees the bed
unslept in: neat hospital corners still pleated beneath the comforter, pillow still fluffed and convex.
Nothing seems out of place (1 2). The outward appearance of Lydia s room satisfies Marilyn, as it is
organized, with nothing out of place. Like Lydia, the outside seems perfect, but there is much more
beneath the surface. Lydia conceals her true nature by presenting a facade that merely mimics what
her parents want her to be. After discovering a pack of cigarettes and a box of condoms in Lydia s
backpack, Marilyn looks down at the two tiny boxes caught in the hammock of her skirt, and the
outlines of Lydia s life so sharp and clear before begin to waver (120). All of Lydia s life, Marilyn and
James pressure her to be perfect, academic, and well liked. Lydia pretends to be all these things by
hiding failed tests, faking phone calls with friends, and feigning an interest in science. Because Lydia
cannot be honest with her parents, she begins to make and conceal reckless choices, such as smoking,
having sex, and sneaking out of the house. Upon finding these items in her backpack, Marilyn is
confronted with the reality that much of Lydia s life was unknown to
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Pidgin Language
Should Pidgin Language be implemented into the educational system?
When children are born into their culture they learn the native language (Pidgin) because that s a way
they can communicate with their parents and other people in their community. I believe if the
education system accommodates people to utilize their languages in school it would help increase
students learning abilities, higher test scores and less drop outs rates. I believe that Pidgin language is
real and it has been around for a very long time. Pidgin (with a capital P) is the common way of
referring to what linguists call Hawaii Creole, the Creole language that emerged on sugar plantations
in Hawaii during the middle to late 19th and early 20th centuries ... Show more content on ...
According to this Article Da Pidgin Coup,(1999), many people stated a lot of harsh and discriminated
comments about the people and language of the Pidgin people, which I believe is very wrong and it
doesn t help solve the present issues that exist in this matter. These are some people who are looked at
as good and influencing our children s cognitive thinking process. For example, One elementary
teacher writing for a journal claimed that children should be taught contrasting images to associate
with Pidgin and good speech. Words spoken correctly and pleasingly pronounced, she wrote, are
jewels, but grammatical errors and Pidgin are ugly. She urged teachers to tell children that Pidgin was
like the frogs, toads, and snakes in the fairy tales they were reading, Good speech was like the roses,
pearls, and diamonds that dropped from the lips of the good sister who helped people and was
beautiful. What I have learned about this article was that many people express their point of views
about Pidgin language and they compared the language to animals and being ugly. I think that it s
wrong and inhuman to take a group of people culture and state so many damaging words that put a lot
of stigma for the younger generations to come. I feel if people would know how important this
language is for the Pidgin people they would understand the importance of the culture. If its
implemented into the school system many students would prosper and the negative
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When The Day Break Movie Analysis
Film Analysis #2
When the Day Breaks, a Canadian animated short film created in 1999 by Amanda Forbis and Wendy
Tilby, has won over forty prizes such as a prize in the Chicago International Film Festival for Best
Animated Short in the same year it came out. The short film was also nominated for an Oscar in the
category for Best Animated Short Film one year later. When the Day Breaks, tells the story of Ruby, a
pig, whose life takes an unexpected turn after witnessing the accidental death of a stranger and how
she the aftermath of that situation.
The short film was able to tell a story while having no dialogue and it managed to carry the message
of how we are all connected. Amanda Forbis and Wendy Tilby showed the message by presenting
various frames in the film of electricity wires and water pipes and how both ended connecting Ruby to
her neighbors, the city and in the end to the rooster. Amanda Forbis and Wendy Tilby were able to
present the message in a unique and direct way since, the audience is shown and taught that
unpredictable things can happen every day and how tragedies or the ordinary common tasks we do
every day can connect us with our neighbors. I really enjoyed how the filmmakers presented how
tenuous and ... Show more content on ...
By using pencil and paint and using animals instead of humans, it made the tone the short film less
dark and depressing since it had already addressed human emotions. If they were to use any other
technique the short film wouldn t have had the same tone to it and the same impact to on the audience.
Another tool Amanda Forbis and Wendy Tilby used during the short film was sound effects, a
component of a soundtrack for animations. Most of the sounds that were on the film were mostly
common noises such as honking, a kettle, water drops and singing. The sound complements perfectly
the visuals in the film since it helps explain what is
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Analysis Of Acres Of Diamonds
Isaac Newton s third law states that To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction. Not
only can this statement be applied to the sciences, but also to how we behave on a daily basis. Russel
Conwell s claim in his speech Acres of Diamonds that poor people make themselves poor and rich
people make themselves rich defends the belief that we are responsible for our own success. This
means that even if you come from an impoverished background you can change your situation for the
better and fulfill your potential by leading a rich life. I agree with Conwell s proposition that you are
in charge of your own destiny. When you look at his speech and Temple current six commitments
upheld by Richard M. Englert, the university s president, you can find many connections. But along
with these similarities, there are also points that have changed and evolved to suit the needs of the
current student. As we break down the six commitments, it is clear that the founder s initial desires
and the present day goals of the university are brought together to create Temple s mission statement.
The first commitment made by the university is its devotion to its students in serving their financial
needs. Every graduate of a university has to struggle with dealing with debt and paying off student
loans. The fear of being in debt and the intimidation of the sticker price of higher education stops
many people from seeking out a degree. This problem affects students today but was also
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Out of Many Ch.3 Dbq Questions. Essay
Ch.3 dbq s
DOCUMENT A: * How would tens of thousands of settlers immigrating to New England with this
image of their own purpose shape the development of that colony? * Winthrop wants them to be a city
in which everyone can copy, and look up to. They want to be a city upon a hill, literally where they
can control everyone around them. They want to be a prosperous yet very close minded estate with no
religious tolerance. * What kinds of settlers arrived in Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth Plantation, and
Connecticut? * The puritans and Pilgrims arrived there (New England Colony). They were very
religious. Pilgrims wanted to separate from the church completely and the Puritans wanted to reform it
because they were ... Show more content on ...
They had small farmers, with 1 2 slaves each. * How was the environment of Virginia and the other
Chesapeake colonies different from that of New England? * South was un urbanized, had mainly
farming, and no seaports. New England was very urbanized and had seaports, and trade. * How did
this make the development of colonies along the Chesapeake different from the evolution of those in
New England? * New England was focused on family and religion mostly. They don t live apart like
the Southern Colonies and the South were also very competitive with agriculture. * How did the rivers
of the Chesapeake impact the development of communities? * South wanted to be by rivers. They then
had contact with the Indians who were there, and eventually kicked them out. * Why was slavery
considered a viable labor system in the colonies of the Chesapeake while it did not gain much of a
foothold in New England? * They used slaves for exports and labor; New England didn t need labor
like the South for agriculture. * How would this impact the development of different societies in
Virginia in contrast to Massachusetts? * Because of social structure and security. * They are over a
hundred years apart, but what do these two paintings tell you about the society which evolved in the
puritan town of Boston against the society of a plantation in Virginia? * South was not
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Compare And Contrast Hardin And Ostrom
The Tragedy of the Commons by Garrett Hardin and A General Framework for Analyzing
Sustainability of Social Ecological Systems by Elinor Ostrom both offer perspectives on the way
humans interact with common pool resources, as well as the property regimes that govern them. A
Common Pool Resource (CPR) is defined by Dietz as a valued natural resource that is available to
more than one person and subject to degradation as a result of overuse. (Hagerman, 2014 a).
Hardin offers a perspective on CPRs through analogies to commons , areas of open access where there
is an absence of well defined property rights [and] access is unregulated and open to anyone.
(Hagerman, 2014a) He explains a scenario where multiple herders own cattle, which all graze on one
common plot of land. The herders weigh the benefits and costs of adding one more cow, and going
beyond the carrying capacity of the commons. If one herder adds a cow, the cost is subtracted evenly
from the well being of the all herders. The benefits, however, are realised uniquely by the herder who
added the cow. ... Show more content on ...
(Dietz et al., 2003; Monbiot, 1994; Ostrom, 2009) Ostrom s paper examines the diverse outcomes of
the commons, as supposed to Hardin s one size fits all . (Ostrom et al., 2009, p. 419) This way of
looking at the possible outcomes of CPRs differs from Hardin s in that it takes into account different
social and economic variables, whereas Hardin bases his perspective uniquely off of real life
examples, such as that of the high seas. She introduces the Social Ecological System (SES), which is a
framework for examining the different roles, variables, and context that all play into the maintenance
or collapse of an ecosystem. (Ostrom, 2009) SESs are made up of (i) resource units...(ii) resource
systems... (iii) governance systems... and (iv) users (Ostrom, 2009, p.420) who all interact, and play
certain roles in the outcome of an ecosystem. (Ostrom,
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Cosmopolitanism In Kwame Appiah s Things Fall Apart
In the novel, Things Fall Apart, power and dignity are very critical aspects of the main character,
Okonkwo. These traits, however, were brought up in Okonkwo in the wrong way. Okonkwo
suppresses his emotions under a violent image of power and pride. His traits can be demonstrated
through the events happening in his life, which include his upbringing of putting hard work and
dedication as his first priorities. He acquires a large amount of wealth that he puts towards his family,
and expects his children to strive towards the same goal. This expectation represents Okonkwo s
defiance of embracing any ideologies that aren t his own. In the novel, Cosmopolitanism, the concept
represented is to engage readers to understand the similarities and differences that are shared amongst
people in the world. The author, Kwame Appiah, states that cosmopolitanism begins with the simple
idea that in the human community, as in national communities, we need to develop habits of
coexistence: conversation in its older meaning, of living together, association (Appiah). The main idea
is to learn and understand how the people in the world choose to live their lives by accepting all
different kinds of cultures. The basic theme that is found in the novel is acceptance. Comparing
Cosmopolitanism to Things Fall Apart can work if there is a connection between Okonkwo s story and
being cosmopolitan. His life could have turned out differently if he would have had acceptance instead
of rejection in his
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Population-Focused Health Plan Paper
Population Focused Health Plan Physical activity is a very important aspect of an individual s life.
There are many health benefits to being physically active. Living an active life helps to prevent and
lower the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, depression, and heart disease (Tuso, 2015).
Healthy People 2020 (2018) states that about 80% of adults and adolescents do not meet the physical
activity guidelines. Staying active may be difficult if there are no community resources to help. The
intention of this paper is to implement interventions within Paulding County that will help increase
physical activity among community members. A community assessment in Paulding County has been
completed. From the assessment, it has been
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Research Paper On Condensed Milk
Condensed milk Condensed milk is cow s milk from which water has been removed. It is most often
found in the form of sweetened condensed milk (SCM), with sugar added, and the two terms
condensed milk and sweetened condensed milk are often used synonymously today. Sweetened
condensed milk is a very thick, sweet product which when canned can last for years without
refrigeration if unopened. Condensed milk is used in numerous dessert dishes in many countries.
Condensed milk is used in recipes for the popular Brazilian candy brigadeiro (where condensed milk
is the main ingredient), key lime pie, caramel candies, and other desserts. When a can of sweetened
condensed milk is completely covered (at all times) by water, and once it starts to boil ... Show more
content on ...
Sampling of milk A representative sample is essential for accurate testing. Milk must be mixed
thoroughly prior to sampling and analysis to ensure a representative sample. If the volume of milk is
small, the milk may be poured from one bucket to another and a small sample is of milk is taken
immediately. If large volumes are handled, the milk must be mixed by stirring. Small samples are
taken from three or more places in the container. For best results, milk must be sampled when it is at a
temperature between 15 and 32 degrees Celsius. Types of Quality Analysers of milk: Milk Oscan
FT120 (composition analysis of milk) Very user friendly Routine operation takes place from one
single screen picture, sample can be analysed without pre heating and data are stored automatically.
Low cost per sample analysed. Bacto Scan FC (Microbiology analysis of milk) Fossomatic FC
(Somatic cells analysis of milk) How to present to customers Ingredients powdered lactose crystals
40% Sugar Weight of total milk solids 28% weight of Milk
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Hypertension In Australia
In Australia, cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of mortality and has significantly
affected the Indigenous Australians, the ageing population and people living in rural and remote areas
(Parkinson Parker, 2013). About 3.0% of the total Australian population of 23.5 million is Indigenous
people. In June 2014, the estimated Australian Indigenous population was 713,000, around 357,000
females and 356,600 males (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), 2015). The principle
aim of this essay will be a critical review focusing on family analysis and education plan in relation to
the case of Amanda and Jim. The discussion of the incidence/prevalence and causes of Hypertension
in Australia and its classification and grading ... Show more content on ...
Lastly, support Amanda and Jim to engage in behavior change strategies to optimise their health and
wellbeing by encouraging them to be involved on secondary prevention or cardiac rehabilitation
programs; providing fact sheet on information and action plan of warning signs of heart attack; giving
appropriate psychological management and counselling strategies; and tailoring advice and
maintaining motivation and communication to maximise adherence to treatment plan (National Heart
Foundation of Australia,
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Carpenter Research Papers
There are jobs upon jobs out there, and one job out of millions would be a carpenter. Carpenters do all
sorts of things from building skyscrapers, to making houses, and to constructing roads. Carpenters
have been around for a long time and, they have been a big part in building the America as we know it
today. Therefore, there are many things to look at when considering to be a carpenter, the job
description, earnings and work conditions. There are many different things that carpenters need to
know to be carpenters. Therefor carpenters have to be a good at working with wood. Also carpenters
also have to know how to read blueprints. Most of the time a carpenter will be involved in all stages of
building or constructing the project at hand. There are many different specializations of carpenters
such as layout carpenter, framing carpenters, and finish carpenter. Carpentry depends on ... Show more
content on ...
The busiest time of the year for carpenter is summer through fall and, that is when most injuries occur.
Carpenters do a dangerous job and if they are not safe it can lead to falling or getting hurt by their own
tools. Carpenters are mobile workers; they work in many different areas and may have to travel to
work. Carpenters are usually under a tight deadline and may have to put in 14 hour days. Carpenters
also can be employed at schools, factories, government buildings and plants and, many are self
employed. Many carpenters are employed by big companies and are sent out to the different job sites
to work. In conclusion, there are many things to look at when considering to be a carpenter, the job
description, earnings and work conditions. Being a carpenter has many good advantages such as not
have to attend four years of college, and it can be a pretty high paying job. Finally, carpenters are very
important and they have had a big part in making the world the way it is
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The Battle Of Chattanooga
Have you ever none that there was a total of 100,369 troops total in the battle of Chattanooga? The
battle of Chattanooga was an important battle because the Generals where Ulysses S. Grant and
Braxton Bragg. The important thing is that you will learn about the battle of Chattanooga. Some
things you will learn about are the Generals, You will also learn all about the battle of Chattanooga,
how much people died, missing and captured, and how much where wounded. Generals
This battle was amazing because the generals where Ulysses S. Grant and Braxton Bragg. These were
two really good generals. Grant was so smart and confident that Lincoln made him head of all unions
army s. Grant won a lot of battles. Bragg became a full time ... Show more content on
After taking charge Ulysses S. Grant became really mad he went crazy he was going take over and
destroy the south. Grant then opened up the cracker line, to bring supplies to the beleaguered army of
the Cumberland. Grant went crazy he was ready to launch an attack. On November 24, Grant launched
an attack on lookout mountainn and then captured it after six hours of fighting! The battles went on
and on. Grant wanted this battle over fast so the nexted day he ordered Sherman to attack tunnel hill.
But the last time Sherman was ordered to lead the troops in an initial attack was a failure. A second
attack managed to completely break the center of the confederate line. After that victory it was grants
third in three days. Then, all of a sudden it opened the Deep South to a union invasion. At the end with
the success of Grants victories it also led the union to a great victory (
The battle of Chattanooga was a really bloody battle. At first there were a total of 100,369 troops and
12,485 that died it was not the bloodiest battle but it was bloody. Both sides didn t have a difference of
troops dying. Even though, Grant was successful he lost about 6,000 troops out of 56,000. It was
mostly troops not generals. On the other hand Brgg had lost about 6,700 troops out of 30,000 troops.
And another reason grant one was because he outnumbered Bragg by a lot. Here lets do the
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The Problem of Global Warming Essay
Global Warming is the increase of temperature on Earth which is caused by human activities and will
have very serious consequences for life on Earth if humans don t start to do something about it now.
Global Warming is caused when the
Greenhouse Gases combines with the atmosphere and traps heat. It is strongly related to pre human
and pre industrial global warming, it is also weakly related to depletion of ozone layer, which was
caused by the CFC (Chlorofluorocarbons) gas. The effects of global warming on the environment are
dangerous, such as: rising of sea level because polar caps melt, changes in the pattern of precipitation,
floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes and tornadoes. These effects would take away life and ...
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For instance, Nitrous oxide is the major greenhouse gas and has
296 times the effect of carbon dioxide (, Feb,
Human activities are the biggest contributor to global warming. Industrialization, transportation and
forest burning releases gases that join the atmosphere and trap heat.
Industrialization has been proved to release high amounts of carbon dioxide since the
Industrial Revolution began in the early 19th century. The total amount of carbon dioxide has
increased by one ? third of the usual amount in the atmosphere.
Transportation uses fossil fuels to run and as a result, it produces gases such as carbon monoxide and
carbon dioxide. Now, in the modern lifestyle, most of the people want and have private cars. This
further increases the amount carbon dioxide released to the air by the means of transportation. The
biggest cause of global warming is forest burning. This is because when we are burning forests, trees
inside it, which usually absorb carbon dioxide, release lots amount of carbon dioxide. Besides this, the
earth has also experienced natural global warming and ice ages several times before, which rises by up
to 5 degree Celsius. A climatologist said that humans have contributed to
Global Warming since 8,000 years ago, the year the amount of carbon dioxide started to increase.
There are lots of negative effects on environment and
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Apology In A Sorry State
In A Sorry State, the Canadian government s attempt to make several apologies is thoughtful;
however, simply uttering the words, I m sorry cannot undue the trauma of the past. The apology is
more for the people giving them, rather than for the actual victim. As Stephan Harper apologized for
Canada s colonial past, he said: it is the core of Canadian soul (Miyagawa 2012). This simply portrays
that the government is apologizing because it is Canadian of them to do so. This is a limitation of an
apology as it creates an overly celebratory image of the government (Farley 2017). Instead of making
the apology about the Aboriginal peoples, it focuses on the graciousness of the government.
The consequences of residential schools have been
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T.S. Eliot s The Fire Sermon
T.S. Eliot The Fire Sermon
An analysis of the poem focusing on the elements of nature
Joachim TRAUN
It is just a piece of rhythmical grumbling
(T.S. Eliot on The Waste Land )
Table of contents
1. Introduction 4
2. T.S. Eliot a brief biography 4
3. The fire sermon 5
3.1 Structure 6
3.2 Intertextuality 6
3.3 Interpretation 8 3.3.1 Water 8 3.3.2 City 11
3.3.3 Fusion 13
4. Conclusion 14
1. Introduction
There are not many poems which offer such a wide range of possible perspectives for an interpretation
as T.S. Eliot s The Waste Land , a cycle consisting of five parts. A deep and thorough knowledge of his
whole work, life and influences is necessary to provide a ... Show more content on ...
3. The Fire Sermon
The Fire Sermon is the third part of The Waste Land . The title is derived from a similar named work
by Buddha, which T.S. Eliot himself considered corresponding
in importance to the sermon of the mount (Eliot 1971: 148).
In addition to the title, at the end of the poem Eliot also refers to this work. 3.1 Structure
The structure of the Fire Sermon is not easy to analyze. The poem does not have a straight rhyme
scheme or rhythm. Its main structural element is variation. Therefore I would suggest seeing the whole
poem reflecting the image of a river. This is done on various levels: the actions and places described in
the poem merge into one another, the transitions are flowing (cf. line 255 257, where first the record is
put on the gramophone and then although there is a shift in place and speaker it says This music crept
by me upon the waters ), and also the rhythm and rhyme scheme are constantly changing, so speed
and intonation of a reader have to be adapted, just as a river runs sometimes faster and sometimes
more slowly.
There are parts with much more regular rhythm and rhyme scheme. Especially the part from line 218 I
Tiresias until line 256 And puts a record ). This reflects on the one hand the monotony of the
relationship ( love would not be suitable here!) of the described couple and on the other hand this is
the part, which is most clearly set in the
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Pros And Cons Of Juuvederm
Well apparently as we get older the skin also gets older! Wrinkles start to form on the skin and with
time they get deeper, but no one really loves wrinkles and everyone wishes to remain young.
Unfortunately that cannot be the case, as we get older the body s collagen production reduces which
leads to increased wrinkles which then lowers the skins suppleness.
To maintain the skin s elasticity and minimize wrinkles due to aging, dermatologists normally inject
patients with collagen. Most of the collagen supplements are however from fish and this has its pros
and cons. For starters, before one gets collagen filler, tests have to be done to ensure zero allergic
reaction to the skin. Due to this a new type of dermal filler has been introduced, juvederm. Juvederm
is FDA approved filler guaranteed to restore the skins moisture and suppleness for a year even deep
wrinkles, reduce acne scars and reduce under eye hollows. The major component is hyaluronic acid.
Hyaluronic acid
This a major component of the tissues that ... Show more content on ...
A sample of people were selected and given a juvederm injection one of the nasolabial fold and
followed for around 20 weeks. The same sample was injected with a bovine based collagen on the
opposite nasolabial fold and followed for 20 weeks also. Juvederm Injection site reactions for all the
patients were similar and lasted for a week. Swelling occurred in 80% of the patients, bruising in 60%
and itching in 35%. The patients who maintained improvement with Juvederm at 4 weeks was 90%
compared to the 40% with the bovine based collagen. The patients at the end of study showed a 90%
preference to juvederm compared to a 10% preference to bovine based collagen. Out of the selected
sample, 70% went back for the juvederm injections after 36 weeks, and 75% of the patients showed an
improvement prior to administration of the juvederm dermal
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The Dark Knight Unraveled
When someone says superhero, it is automatically assumed that one is talking about someone who
saves others using extraordinary powers or someone who is there to protect and make others feel safe.
For decades, superheroes have been around fighting crime and saving civilians from the villains that
reign. These superheroes create a light and give the viewer some kind of hope. Although a superhero
is seen as someone who is god like, there is one hero who defies this stereotype. His name: Batman.
Batman has been around for nearly seventy five years and has evolved into a a very controversial
character. Some people may see Batman as a dark figure who is not a hero, but a nuisance, while
others may see him as something greater than a superhero. In Christopher Nolan s, The Dark Knight,
released in 2008, Batman is a character who is seen in a different way than previous iterations. Instead
of just a crime fighting hero, Batman is presented as something greater as well as something some
may overlook. In Nolan s 2008 film, Batman portrays a character that not only relates to society on a
person level, but also parallels the Bush administration post 9/11. Imagine watching the ones you love,
murdered right before your eyes. At a young age, Batman had to watch his parents get shot and killed
by a ruthless mugger. Batman had this tragic childhood which is something many young people today
can relate to. Professor of Psychology at Henderson State University, Dr. Travis Langly,
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Pearl Harbor Attack Report
The sun broke the horizon at 7:03 and brought an orange tint to the skies in eastern Hawaii. On the
other side of the island, Lieutenant Commander Ryan was asleep in his barracks along with his fellow
pilots. Unaware about what was going to happen in about 52 minutes Ryan knew he had a boat
inspection scheduled at 8 a.m. on the battleship Oklahoma later that morning. Ryan scheduled his
alarm for 7:20 a.m. so he could awake early and make it to Pearl Harbor for his appointment.
Meanwhile on battleship Oklahoma the sailors had opened the portholes and water tight hatches so
that the Oklahoma would air out for a fresher inspection for Lieutenant Ryan. It was now 7:32 and
Lieutenant Ryan was on his way to base Pearl Harbor for the boat inspection, while driving through
the county of Honolulu Lieutenant Ryan decided to stop and grab a quick coffee from the local diner.
Meantime under 150 miles north from the coast of the Island of Oahu, the first fleet of Japanese
fighter pilots would be zoning in on their target. The Americans on base Pearl Harbor would be
completely unaware of the incoming attack. It was now 7:40 and Lieutenant Ryan would just now be
arriving at the check in gate at base Pearl Harbor. Lieutenant Ryan was greeted by ... Show more
content on ...
A Island wide warning was deployed over the radio interrupting music calling for all military
personnel to report for action. Immediately amongst the battleships on base Pearl Harbor the men
were called to their battle stations to fire upon the foreign enemies. Meanwhile the B 17 bombers
would be arriving from the north at the worst possible time they could have. As the B 17s were
entering the visible airspace of Pearl Harbor they were fired upon by friendly and enemy fire. The B
17s were sitting ducks for they had no weapons on board to protect themselves, multiple of the B 17s
were shot down in result of
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Ravitch Response Cori Knapp Analysis
Ravitch Response Cori Knapp
Ravitch?s discussion on ?achievement gaps? points out that African American students academic
scores have progressed remarkably since 1990 to 2011. She also states that the Hispanic and Asian
have progressed as well. Achievement gaps will continue to be an issue, as long as there are different
races, ethnic groups, the poor and the wealthy. The more disadvantaged one is, is going to lack in
education and prosperity. To solve an issue like the achievement gap, we need to take action and begin
at the root. These children are suffering because lack of proper education in the school system, which
stems from the poverty in the segregated neighborhoods. Low income
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Ethanol And Fuel Properties Of Ethanol
Ethanol contains a two carbon alcohol and six hydrogen (C2H6O) and has low cetane number (8), low
heating value (26.8) and low viscosity (1.08) at 40. Table 5. shows the properties of diesel, gasoline,
ethanol, acetone and butanol. Furthermore, the stability of any blend is an im portant factor in fuel
properties. The most significant issue of using ethanol with diesel is solu bility and miscibility.
Therefore, the use of biodiesel is an important method to stabilise ethanol in diesel [119, 124]. In order
to maintain the stability of ethanol diesel blends, two types of additive methodologies are normally
employed: the addition of surfactants (emulsifiers) that yield stable emulsions or micro emulsion, and
the addition of co solvent ... Show more content on ...
The effects of adding of vegetable methyl ester to diesel ethanol blends were studied by Chen et al.
[152], who observed that the addition of ester to diesel ethanol blends prevents phase separation up to
30% by volume to maintain the homogeneity of blends
Other significant research has undertaken by Barabás et al. [119] who investigated to 27 mix ture
samples of ethanol, biodiesel and diesel in different ratios. The experiments showed that only seven
samples were suitable in terms of miscibility and stability and two samples (B10D85E5 and
B25D70E5) could successfully replace diesel.
4.2.2 Ethanol blend Tested in CI Engines
Blending ethanol with diesel fuel has several issues in terms of performance and emission lev els. A
number of studies have examined the effect of ethanol on thermal efficiency, brake power, fuel
consumption and emission levels. Some research [114, 120, 125, 126] obtained dif ferent results in
terms of performance and emission levels. Most of this research agreed that ethanol causes an increase
in fuel consumption (BSFC) and a decrease in the efficiency of the diesel engines. Chen et al. [120]
showed that ethanol could decrease some types of emissions such as smoke and PM because high
oxygen content helps to complete the combustion. When vegetable methyl ester was added to
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An Accidental Man Made Disaster
A disaster is a highly disruptive event that causes suffering, hardship, injury, and even death
(Anderson McFarlane, 2015). A disaster can cause interruptions in businesses, and can cause partial or
total destruction to infrastructure, such as homes or hospitals (Anderson McFarlane, 2015). A disaster
can cause downed power lines, loss of transportation, loss of food, and sanitation problems. Disasters
are caused by naturally occurring events or man made events. Examples of naturally occurring
disasters are earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Man made disasters are accidental,
unintentional, or deliberately caused (Anderson McFarlane, 2015). An accidental man made disaster
example would be a toxic spill, or a nuclear power plant event. A deliberately caused man made
disaster would be a terrorist attack, school violence, or a bombing. Certain types of natural disasters
are more likely to occur in certain areas than others. For instance, areas along the coastline are more
likely to experience a hurricane than areas more inland. Every place one can live is prone to having a
natural disaster occur. Also, a man made disaster can happen anywhere; no place is safe from the
threat of terrorism. In my community of Mt. Lebanon, the biggest natural disaster that has happened
was flooding. About fifteen years ago, Mt. Lebanon had a terroristic attack. The terroristic attack was
a deliberate man made disaster. A man went on a racially motivated crime spree, killing five
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Women s Role In Japanese Buddhism
In addition, women were the first Japanese Buddhist monastics (Deal and Ruppert 80) in Japan. In
ancient Japan, Buddhists nuns played a significant role in the early development of Buddhist
institutions and practices and the first to travel outside of the Japanese order to learn
more about Buddhism (Deal and Ruppert 80). However, women were continue to be seen and treated
unequally, especially with regard to their institutional roles and doctrine (Deal and Ruppert 240) in the
tradition of Buddhism. As monks becomes the solid
Monastic communities for women in Japanese Buddhism flourished during the Nara period and
disappeared during the early Heian period. Japanese women are intimately linked to specific systems
of beliefs and religious teachings. These beliefs comprise of ... Show more content on
During the Heian period, women s literature was reflected or resolved perceived tensions between the
Buddhist and literary acts (Deal and Ruppert 103). In addition, it features the protagonist s concern
about her attachments, believe in the sorrows associated with impermanence, and Buddhist belief
(Deal and Ruppert 103). Besides, Setsuwa contains themes of karmic or miracles that deals with
Buddhist teaching. The story provides a teaching or lesson with expectation for the reader to study
Buddhist scriptures such as the Lotus Sutra or a take away message from the lesson given in the story.
Furthermore, with the appearance of Genji Monogatari a women s literature brought not only the
belief in Buddhism but also perceived tensions between Buddhism and fiction to the fore (Deal and
Ruppert 103). At the same time, it is interesting to see that fictional figures has gained much attention
through their unique story related to enlightenment compare to real women who actually attained
enlightenment are not
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The Depression Of Older Adult Depression
As the number of the older adults is increasing so are those living with depression; therefore, it is
important that perceptions around older adult depression be studied. According to the study done by
the US Department of Commerce, it is estimated that the older adult population will more than likely
double by 2050 and of 80 million and many as 1 in 5 Americans would be considered as an older adult
(US Department of Commerce, 1995). There are many losses that accompany the aging process.
These include the loss of loved ones and their independence. They begin to feel as though they will
depend on their families for the rest of their lives. These factors scare them and causes many of the
individuals to suffer from depression. One of the most predominant health problems in the United
States is mental health. In the last 20th century, mental illness treatment has been through diverse
changes in the United States. These changes have made it necessary for the policy and law makers to
enact a law to protect the identity and integrity for people with mental health illness. Most individuals
diagnosed with mental health illness are most often being ostracized and stigmatized. Because of
social stigma attached to the individual with mental illness, their privacy is being violated and it has
created so many issues in mental health.
Research Purpose The purpose of this research is to review factors that trigger elderly depression
states, their physical and mental health conditions,
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Essay On Analytics
Organizations are dealing with a tsunami of data from businesses, humans, and now machines through
the Internet of Things. Generating timely insights and predictions has become crucial to capitalize on
fast moving business opportunities. With business analytics now focused on the future, predictive and
prescriptive analytics are taking a front seat. As a Lead Assistant Manager with EXL Services
Decision Analytics, I have gained essential skills in model development and monitoring while
enabling the business to predict and mitigate losses. I aspire to extend my knowledge on multiple
technical and business domains through an intense MS program. Information has been my strength
throughout my student life. Grasping data from different ... Show more content on ...
Eagerness to learn more and the ability to grasp concepts quickly earned me a position in Risk
Analytics team with a premier UK based multinational bank. With an objective to address Economic
Capital Charge as per IAS39 accounting standards, I designed a loss forecasting model based on
historical recovery trend. To incorporate bulk recoveries from debt sale, I evolved an overlay
methodology addressing multiple types of debt sale strategies. Having generated a favourable
financial impact , I received Mastermind award as a part of Rewards and Recognitions at EXL. In
addition, I worked on model monitoring projects focused on improving the accuracy and robustness of
the risk models. Within one and a half year at EXL, Management reco gnized me as a star performer
with excellent analytical, programming and communication skills and promoted me to the post of
Assistant Manager. Post promotion, I led the rebuild of Probability of Default Impairment Forecasting
Model under the IAS39 accounting standards for one of the high materiality credit card portfolios.
Exploratory analysis of portfolio default trends revealed that the existing models were underpredicting
the impairment loss. We revised the model methodology and generated an impact of over 100 million
USD on impairment provision of the banks. Here, I leveraged my leadership skill to train team
members, technical skills to design efficient SAS code automating model development process across
products, and
... Get more on ...
Four Types And Functions Of Nonverbal Communication During...
Not all communication are done with words. Communication is a process in which people verbally or
non verbally share information and ideas. Nonverbal communication can best define as silent form of
communication with a person without using any form of speech to grab the audience attention. The
interaction between service employees and customers referred to as the service encounters, is a critical
part of service delivery process because its elements greatly impacts customers evaluations of service
consumptions experiences, service provider s nonverbal communication affects customer evaluations.
There are many types and functions of nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication
regulates relationships and can support or even replace verbal communication I many situations. This
essay outlines four types of nonverbal communication and their importance during Hospitality service
encounters. ... Show more content on ...
Most of us don t realize that interpersonal distance plays a great role in and also effects on
communications. Rapport and relationship. Interpersonal space or distance is crucial factor for judging
that if other person or object is favourable in our survival interests. For instance, customers who had
been touched by beauty service providers indicated that it was both the verbal and nonverbal
behaviour of the provider that attributed to their favourable attitudes. According to Sundaram and
Webster (2000), although touch can be used to communicate friendliness, warmth, and appreciation in
all types of service encounters, the manner in which touch affects customer evaluations can best be
illustrated with health care services. Service providers usage of touch will enchase customers
perceptions of friendliness and empathy. Facial expressions can compel one to communicate
interaction with another. Facial expression cause negative feelings. Introduction and management rely
on nonverbal communication in interpersonal
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Why Get Rid Of Scars
WHY NOT LEARN MORE ABOUT SERVICES? How to Get Rid of Scars Scars that tend to be ugly
and in a conspicuous spot on one s body may make one feel very embarrassed about having them. Due
to this reason, most people tend to look for ways in which they can get rid of the scars effectively so
that they can feel good about themselves. There are various risks that one is exposed when going for a
treatment procedure which is why one should put them into consideration. In addition to the amount of
money one spends in the treatment procedure; one should consider the time invested into it as well.
One should ensure that they stick to a certain scar treatment procedure consistently. This will help the
scar to heal effectively and soon be reduced or gotten
... Get more on ...
The Importance Of Apple Unlocking The Cellphones In Tim...
Cellphones have become increasingly ubiquitous in society becoming an essential part of everyday
life; holding all of our information about our personal lives, from bank information to private text
messages. With our nation s security being weakened by terrorists utilizing cell phone encryption, it
could be believed that companies such as Apple should comply with the FBI and government officials
to grant access to terrorist s cell phones. Most recently in San Bernardino an iPhone 5c supposedly
holding crucial information was locked to the FBI and they requested Apples help to unlock the
iPhone. It would be expected that Apple is to comply and help the FBI aiding the prosecution of
terrorists to help better society, however this is not the case, helping unlock terrorist s cellphones
would have multiple irrevocable consequences that would undoubtedly change the landscape of the
physical and digital world for the worse.
It may seem that Apple should aid the government in unlocking the terrorist s cellphones during the
San Bernardino case, however they should not, as unlocking the one phone in this case will cause
every other iPhone to be unlocked in the world. In the context of the San Bernardino case creating an
encryption key to unlock one phone that can never be used again is impossible and is even
acknowledged by Apple in Tim Cook s A Message to Our Consumers: The government suggests this
tool could only be used once, on one phone, Cook said. But that s simply not
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Rhetorical Analysis Of Dorothy Samuels Wrong On Gun Rights
The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution entitles citizens the right to possess and
bear arms; which has continually been an important issue for decades. Gun control is not just one
concern, but rather many, within a common category. One may consider gun control a crime issue,
while to others it may be a rights issue. Inside each and every issue, there are particular people who
want more gun control legislation, and those who want less. Dorothy Samuels does a phenomenal job
of portraying her stand on gun control through the use of ethos, logos, and pathos, in her article,
Wrong on Gun Rights . Samuels utilizes the rhetorical strategies in order to persuade the audience into
agreeing with her views. Dorothy Samuels view on gun control is illustrated in a handful of ways in
the article Wrong on Gun Rights . Her first important point informs and educates her audience of the
hazards of courts permitting second amendment rights as well as revoking bans on guns. This point
was also used to mention and elaborate on lawsuits involving the misuse of guns, which were handled
by the courts. Another significant point Samuels made was that US citizens should be advised of the
way our government ... Show more content on ...
She brought forward a variety of facts and aspects that allow a wide range of readers to understand
and be affected by her writing. Samuels made sure that she was thorough in her writing in order to
provide the best and most persuasive article on gun right that she could. She did this by taking
advantage of the three main rhetorical strategies that have been proven to work with many audiences,
ethos, logos, and pathos. She also got her viewpoint across in a very polite and professional manner
without being to direct towards the audience, which makes them slowly begin to agree with her more
and more as the article
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Rogue Trader Character Analysis
Jennifer L Cranford
Professor Ken Dalton
ACC 409
10 October 2017
Black Yellow: Profits and Warning Signs
Based on the true story of Nick Leeson, Rogue Trader is a movie about a man that went from London
to Jakarta to Singapore, to become the head of the derivatives trading in the up and coming Singapore
stock market. Leeson had proven to be an effective and efficient worker when he was tasked to get
bear bonds sorted on his first solo tasking with Barings Bank in Jakarta. That successful completion
got him put in the Singapore position because they needed someone there, and he seemed to have the
potential to make Barings a considerable profit.
Control Environment
The internal control environment in Rogue Trader lacked ... Show more content on ...
The bank s risk appetite was enormous, and they seemed to have their eyes on the potential for profit.
While Leeson did not personally exhibit any of the red flags typical of someone committing fraud,
such as financial difficulties, living beyond his means, or family problems, the work environment
threw up red flags. With management based in London, Leeson had little direct oversight. Barings was
okay with this because of the profit that Leeson was generating for the bank.
Control Activities
The Accounting Information Systems book recommends seven types of control activities that can
prevent fraud. These include: Proper authorization of transactions and activities, segregation of duties,
project development and acquisition controls, change management controls, design and use of
documents and records, safeguarding assets, records, and data, and finally independent checks on
performance. These control activities should have been in place to prevent the fraud from occurring.
Many of those control activities were ineffectively operating in Leeson s office. Use of proper
authorization of transactions was supposed to happen, but there was no validation of who authorized a
deal. Barings gave Leeson much responsibility, and there was no segregation of duties, which gave
him the ability to commit and conceal his fraud. Verification that documents were
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Time Magazine Claims On The Vikings
Ravagers, pagans, ruthless, Time magazine claims on the Vikings. They were more than that. Without
them history wouldn t be the same. They had trade routes from Iraq to the Canadian Pacific. They
were Metalworkers. they were explorers whose restless hearts brought them to North America some
500 years before Columbus. They were warriors. They were Democrats. Many people think of them as
the men who worshipped Thor and had horned hats. Well one of these is wrong. Vikings never wore
horned hats. They had great Hygiene. They slave traded. Much like Sparta their women had rights.
Vikings were known also for farming.,9171,996836,00.html lists/10 things you may not know about the Vikings
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A Trip To Jamaica Research Paper
If I had one chance to visit anywhere in the world, I would visit Jamaica. I want to visit Jamaica,
because I want to learn about other cultures, I want to see the crystal clear water, and the white sand, I
would like to go snorkeling to see all the vivid colors. I would rather fly to Jamaica, then go on a boat.
Jamaica is located on a island called the West Indies. Jamaica would be a beautiful place to visit for a
vacation. I want to see the way people dress, and what kind of material they make their clothing. I
want to listen to how they speak, and hear their way of communicating. I also want to learn all the
historical events that took place in Jamaica. I also could see the land culture differences, then the way
they are in Virginia.
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Chapter Historian Position Essay
Hello, I am Julianna Prato, a sophomore at Lakeland Senior High School. Throughout the year I had
the opportunity to work closely with the current Chapter Historian and I found myself falling in love
with the position. I now would like to run for the position of Chapter Historian for Lakeland High
School FBLA.
I would like to run for the position of Chapter Historian because Historian helps document history. It
is the Historian s responsibility to take pictures of their chapter and create a scrapbook that would be
presented as the State Leadership Conference however I want to do so much more with the position.
One day, my advisor showed me a scrapbook that was created in 1976 and by looking at that
scrapbook it showed me how powerful they are, that one day thirty years from now another Historian
could be looking ... Show more content on ...
I want to make sure that the 2015 2016 Lakeland High School FBLA be remembered for a long time.
Like I previously stated I had the amazing opportunity to work closely with the current Chapter
Historian for Lakeland High School FBLA. By working so closely with the Historian I was able to
learn the time and dedication it took to hold this position and learn that I was completely up to the
challenge. Lastly, I knew that the position of Chapter Historian was the only position for me because
you need to have creativity when it comes to a position like this. Not only do the Historians have to
create a scrapbook they also have to create the chapter display and a raffle basket that are all presented
at the State Leadership Conference. Also, please consider me for the position of Chapter Secretary as
well. Being Secretary along with Historian will allow me to work on getting Lakeland High School
FBLA chapter of the year at the next leadership conference more efficiently since both the secretary s
binder and the scrapbook are
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Javert Hunted Valjean
Javert, the inspector who chased Valjean, had one major turning point in Victor Hugo s novel.
Throughout the novel Javert hunted Valjean with a sense of justice and law. Javert believed in
enforcing society s law to such an extent it made him not think whether the laws were just. However,
throughout the novel it became evident that Javert not only wanted to follow the law, but also started
to enjoy hounding Valjean. Then, with a demonic and sensual pleasure, he settled down to enjoy
himself. He played his man knowing that he had him, deliberately postponing the climax, granting
him a last illusion of freedom, relishing the situation like a spider with a fly buzzing in its web or a cat
letting a mouse run between its paws the ecstasy of watching
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The Friar Research Paper
The Friar is looked well upon in his country for his involvement with the church. There is four
different types of Friar groups: Dominican, Franciscan, Carmelite, and Augustinian. Their job is to
listen to others confessions in the church to earn money. Many finds a Friar as a merry, festive, and an
easy man to be around. He is sworn to Poverty and lives on donations for a charity. A Friar is a
devious man in the way he seduces women and in his dedication in the church.
A Friar admires women greatly and will do almost anything to please them. He gives women a tippet
always full of knives and pins (233 234) and the women respect him for his wonderful gifts he
provides them. Each woman feels affection from the Friar, because he buys them anything she desires
for. A Friar is known as someone who seduces women and will marry them only for the chance to take
their virginity. He brings women into his life and uses them, then goes onto the next women. His
actions for his continuous use of women is not acceptable, especially since he works in the church. ...
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He lives on charitable donations and he begs on behalf of the poor. The poor feels obligated to give
the Friar money, because he works for the church and they may be considered unholy if they do not
give to him. The Friar does not pay any attention to beggars, because they do not have money to
provide the Friar with. He is humble in men s eyes; however, he is not humble because he knows he is
wealthy and knows he can acquire any women he wants (250). Other men see him as humble, because
most people who work at a church have a kind and giving soul. The Friar knows what he is doing is
wrong, but continues to beg for money he does not necessarily need. He knows he should gain a good
pittance, but he is selfish and takes money from poor people who need the money more than he does
(223). He is desperate and will take a penny from anyone he encounters
... Get more on ...
Symptoms And Symptoms Of Depression Essay
Everyone feels blue or sad occasionally, but if debilitating negative emotions begin to interfere with
your daily life and normal functioning treatment should be sought to see if you may be suffering from
depression. The rate of depression worldwide has seen a steady increase over the last few decades and
according to the World Health Organization (2011), it is the number one cause of disability in the U.S.
with economic costs exceeding in to the billions. Stress, which is directly correlated to depression, has
many contributing variables that can be very detrimental to your physiological and psychological
health [may be need more explanation and some specific examples to make argument stronger].
Depression is a very serious mental illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and
how you act. It can be caused by stressful events or can occur spontaneously, with no identifiable
specific cause. Those suffering from depression looking for a treatment to alleviate feelings of
negative affect will most likely be prescribed some sort of antidepressant drug. During the past 15
years, a plethora of antidepressant drugs has entered the marketplace all claiming to be the cure all for
your biochemical dysfunction (Benkert, O., Szegedi, A, Muller, M. J., 2002). However, many
antidepressants can cause severe side effects both physically and mentally. Tensions between the
research literature, pharmaceutical treatment options and alternative medicines available leaves
... Get more on ...

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Writing A Conclusion Paragraph For Essay

  • 1. Writing A Conclusion Paragraph For Essay 1. Step To get started, you must first create an account on site The registration process is quick and simple, taking just a few moments. During this process, you will need to provide a password and a valid email address. 2. Step In order to create a "Write My Paper For Me" request, simply complete the 10-minute order form. Provide the necessary instructions, preferred sources, and deadline. If you want the writer to imitate your writing style, attach a sample of your previous work. 3. Step When seeking assignment writing help from, our platform utilizes a bidding system. Review bids from our writers for your request, choose one of them based on qualifications, order history, and feedback, then place a deposit to start the assignment writing. 4. Step After receiving your paper, take a few moments to ensure it meets your expectations. If you're pleased with the result, authorize payment for the writer. Don't forget that we provide free revisions for our writing services. 5. Step When you opt to write an assignment online with us, you can request multiple revisions to ensure your satisfaction. We stand by our promise to provide original, high-quality content - if plagiarized, we offer a full refund. Choose us confidently, knowing that your needs will be fully met. Writing A Conclusion Paragraph For Essay Writing A Conclusion Paragraph For Essay
  • 2. Pedro Diary Entry I promised her happiness, a new life. I could have given her everything. I would have been so much more than Pedro. I feel as if all my flames are dying out. All the stars are being eaten away from the inside. My universe grows cold. It has been two weeks. My fingers feel frozen, my hands are idle. I do not wish to move, for I will become a devil s plaything. If I begin to walk, I will only try to move towards her. If I began to speak, I will only try to utter her name. I will do something I should not, and I will regret it deeply. When I arrived home finally after that night, my Aunt Mary congratulated me yet again on my marriage. I couldn t bear to tell that deaf hag that it had been called off. I escorted her to bed and began rummaging ... Show more content on ... I haven t seen you in a very long time. Ten years, in fact. It is the fifteenth anniversary of my wife s passing. Even staring at her grave, I feel nothing. I feel empty. The feeling of tears welling up inside you, or the feeling of joy pounding at your ribcage trying to escape. I do not feel those things anymore. It is January. The wind bites at my nose, yet I do not feel the cold. These days, I am the cold in the breeze. I feel Alex distancing from me. Perhaps he does not want to freeze. He has found love with Tita s niece, Esperanza. They are so young. I wish my son the utmost happiness. I pray to God that his love does not end the way mine did. Was I not passionate enough? Was my love not good enough? I wonder if there is anyone in this world besides my dearest wife who would accept a love like mine. What was so wrong with it, that it was denied? I want to rip my heart out. I feel so lonely sometimes. I have tried all the natural remedies of my grandmother and nothing helps. My matches have not been alight in so long, I feel as if they will never be set aflame again. An old man like me will not find love this late in his life. I do not think there is any living woman that can breathe a universe into me the way Tita ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Chief Seattle Essay Chief Seattle When stories are told about the American Indian it is usually the Indians that are looked upon as the heathens. They are portrayed as savages who spent most of their time raiding wagon trains and scalping the white settlers just for fun. The media has lead us to believe that the American government was forced to take the land from these savage Indians. We should put the blame where it belongs, on the U.S. Government who lied, cheated, and stole from the Indians forcing many Indian leaders to surrender not only their tribes but their nation in order to save the lives of their people. Among the Indians of the Pacific Northwest, perhaps the best known may be Chief Seattle. Chief Seattle (more correctly known as Seathl or ... Show more content on ... Seattle moved to Port Madison Reservation and lived in Old Man House, just across from Bainbridge Island; This was a community house measuring some 60 x 900 feet easily the largest Indian made wooden structure in the region . (4) When settlers first came to America they were meet by Indians. Once the settlers were able to make it on there own, they no longer needed Indian help. Then they began to try to change the ways and beliefs of the Indian. One of the aspects that the settlers spent much time on trying to change of the Indians was their religion. Influenced by missionaries, Seattle decided to convert to Christianity and was later baptized in 1838 by Father Modest Demers, at which time Seattle adopted the Christian name Noah . One of the major differences I noticed while researching information about Chief Seattle is that in Catholicism there is one book, I m sure that we all have heard of it, the Bible. In Catholicism it is made up of the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament is made up of scriptures before the coming of Jesus. The New Testament is made up of scriptures written up after the coming of Jesus. These scriptures are written up pretty straight forward and they are read year in and year out. There is no room for individual interpretation by the reader, it is set in structure. In the Indian religion everything is told through myths and legends. Because of this everything is passed down from chief to chief ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Erikson s Psychosocial Theory And Psychosocial Development Theories and Theorists Theories are the building blocks of psychology. Theories whether old or new has allowed us to know what we know now. There are many theories in the field of psychology or educational psychology that are important to further understand human behavior. However, this paper will focus on only two theories which are; Erikson s psychosocial theory and Alfred Adler s Adlerian theory. Erik Erikson s psychosocial development has always been a great contribution to the field of psychology by Erik Erikson (Berk, 2007). Erikson suggested that everyone experiences a series of psychosocial stages instead of psychosexual stages as proposed by Sigmund Freud. Despite the fact that Erikson disagreed with Sigmund Freud in so many areas in his psychosexual theory, it was actually Freud s psychosexual theory that helped Erikson formulate his own psychosocial theory and Erikson was very much influenced by Sigmund and his work (Erikson, 1968). So even if Erikson disagreed with Freud, Sigmund actually contributed to Erikson s psychosocial theory because if it wasn t for Freud s shortcomings in his psychosexual theory, Erikson would not have come up with his own psychosocial theory (Erikson, 1968). Freud and Erikson hold opposite views on many things. However, they did agree on a few things to like how they both believed that personality develops in a series of set stages. But dissimilar from Freud s theory of psychosexual stages, Erikson s theory depicts the influence of ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Interpreting Northern Ireland By E. Moxon-Browne Summary of a Review E. Moxon Browne s review of John Whyte s Interpreting Northern Ireland was quite favorable. Moxon Browne discusses first Whyte s unbiased approach and dedication to the North Ireland Conflicts. He emphasizes that Whyte had spent his entire life dedicated to researching and summarizing the problems and solutions in the North Ireland conflict. Moxon Browne goes on to cover Whyte s interpretations and understanding of the topic. Whyte states that the viewpoints of Nationalist, Unionist, Marxist, and Internal Conflict are the main ways to interpret the North Ireland conflict. Moxon Browne agrees that these four are the predominant ways to view the conflict, however, he accentuates Whyte s belief of many, varied solutions ... Show more content on ... Controversy swarms this topic because many believe partition to be an inherently evil British concept, along with it being one of the main causes for an escalated North Ireland conflict. John Whyte covered this topic using the Organizational Process method. When Britain decided to return Ireland to a state of Home Rule, the Ulster unionist backlash was huge. Faced with a crisis, Ireland s officials were slow to act. Britain stepped in to try to hastily resolve the conflict. British parliament proceeded to view the conflict along pre established nationality lines of Catholic nationalists and Protestant unionists. Parliament ignored the fact that many Protestant unionists were not organized or firm on their position against Home Rule. Britain did not understand that Protestant unionists were able to be coerced or appeased without partition. Britain also chose to partition because it was one of the first solutions presented, one that they were quick to use in foreign affairs. They failed to realize that countries like India and Palestine were thrown into decades of turmoil because Britain or Britain s allies chose to partition the countries. Partition was also one of the resource efficient ways of calming down the Irish. After entering WWI, British attention was not fully focused on the North Ireland conflict. After hastily pushing Home Rule through, the final rejection ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Disadvantages Of Natural Dyes Since the pre historic era, natural dyes are common for their use in coloring of food substrate, leather, wool, silk and cotton. The use of this eco friendly, non toxic and non allergic natural dyes have become important in order to avoid some hazardous synthetic dyes. However, given that the synthetic dyes are easier to use, cheap and widely produced and available, the usage of natural dyes continues on decreasing since the 19th century (Samanta, 2009). Natural dyes produce very uncommon, soothing and soft shades as compared to synthetic dyes. It is known that natural dyes produce unusual colors that appear to be harmonizing. On the other hand, synthetic dyes are widely available at a reasonable price and produce a variety of colors; these dyes however produce toxic ... Show more content on ... Let the dye bath simmer for about an hour. Turmeric dye is famous in India because for them yellow is a sacred color. They said clothes dyed with turmeric are pure. Dyeing Process One of the key factors in the trading of successful textile products is the dyeing process. This helps to beautify and enhance the fabric. Usually the consumers look to some basic characteristics of product such as good fixation. This is to ensure to maintain the properties, the substances that give color to fabric must contain high affinity, resistance to fading and be economically feasible. First, drain the vinegar mixture then pour the turmeric dye over the fabric into the pot; heat over medium low flame. As the fabric left longer in the turmeric dye, the more vibrant the color. Then afterwards, wash the fabric. Rinse Well the Cloth Then Dry the Fabric. Drain the turmeric dye then rinse the cloth under running water to remove excess dye. Remember the dye can stain porcelain so rinse the cloth on a stainless steel sink or even at an outdoor tap. Then let the fabric dry overnight to see better ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Middle Ages And Medieval Ages The Middle Ages or Medieval Ages is the time period in Europe between the fall of Rome and the beginning of the Renaissance (History). For this paper it will be referred to as the Middle Ages. This time is also sometimes described as the Dark Ages by some because of some of the bad events that happened and because they say nothing of importance came out of the time period. It is true Rome fell, there were many wars which caused many to die, a shortage of food that caused many to die and an awful sickness that caused many people to die. Despite The Great Famine, The Plague and the fall of Rome during the medieval time period, it should not be known as the dark ages due to the architecture, art, and both educational and the technological ... Show more content on ... Many different reasons with many different answers, however, the Roman Empire did fall and we were left with what we call the Middle Ages. There have been many movies, books and papers written on the subject. One thing I find is a for sure fact is that after the fall of Rome there was no state or government for the people in Europe and that s how the Catholic Church became the most powerful institution in the Middle Age time period(History). The first two reasons that the Middle Ages should not be called dark is the art and architecture created in the Middle Ages. Huge cathedrals and ecclesiastical structures such as monasteries were built to show devotion to the church (History). There were two styles of architecture during this time. The Romanesque style cathedrals were solid with barrel vaults supporting the roof, thick stone walls and few windows (History). The Gothic style has many huge stained glassed windows, pointed vaults, arches and in contrast to the Romanesque style cathedrals they seemed to be weightless. The Sainte Chapelle is an example of one of those cathedrals that is still standing today and in 2015 the project restoring the stained glass windows were completed (Smith). Stained glass windows are a form of art that came from the Middle Ages. Another example of still ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Conflict Between Iran And The United Nations The American hostage crisis occurred in Iran on November 4, 1979 when Iranians forcibly took control of the American embassy in Tehran. The Iran hostage crisis had its origins in a series of events that took place nearly a half century before it began. The source of tension between Iran and the U.S. stemmed from an increasingly intense conflict over oil which continued throughout the years and fueled Iran s hatred of Western influence throughout the revolution. During the midst of the revolution, American diplomats and officials were held hostage within the embassy for 444 days. Under pressure, President Carter tried every peaceful means he could in order to obtain the release of the hostages. Diplomatic relations were cut off, imports of ... Show more content on ... Iranians remained passive and allowed the U.S. to continually profit off of their oil for years until newly elected Prime Minister Muhammad Mossadegh sought to change this. An American staged coup successfully removed Mossadegh from office and reinstated Shah Reza Pahlavi, who moved Iran into a more modern and pro Western era. As per their arrangement, the Shah negotiated a deal with the U.S. that provided Iran with tens of millions of dollars in foreign aid and in return the U.S. was given permission to once again control more than 80 percent of Iran s oil reserves. (Pollack 2004, 54) Looking for a way to revive Iran and return the country to it s former glory, the people looked to the one man they thought could accomplish this, Ayatollah Khomeini. Thus the Iranian revolution was born. In an effort to remove Western influence and American intervention, extremists stormed the American embassy s gates in Tehran, eventually forcing their way inside. American diplomats and embassy officials were taken hostage and held for 444 days, starting the event that is known as the hostage crisis. After diplomatic intervention failed to secure the release of the hostages, President Carter decided to order a rescue mission. Though the odds were against its success, plans for the military operation went ahead and the rescue mission was ultimately a complete disaster. Departing from ... Get more on ...
  • 9. The Wise Sea Poem Analysis The Wise Men Speak (An Analysis on Sailing) William Butler Yeats, was a poet from the Victorian age. Philosophers say that Yeats was one of the greatest poets of all time, William Butler Yeats is widely considered to be one of the greatest poets of the 20th century (Adams). One of Yeats most famous poem was Sailing to Byzantium. In the poem Sailing, Yeats expresses three very important messages. The messages that Yeats expresses in Sailing are, that the soul wants to leave body when it s about time to go, the elders are more wise, and that younger generation doesn t listen to their elders. In the poem Sailing, Yeats expresses that as our body ages our souls are ready to be set free. Our souls never age, but our bodies do. As our bodies start to age our souls are ready to be set free from our aging bodies. Yeats states that when our souls are close to being set free they start to sing, Soul clap its hands and sing, louder sing (11). The soul is celebrating that it s about to be set free from its aging body. Our bodies are dead, but our souls continue to live on. Dr. Duncan MacDougall of Haverhill, Massachusetts states, Human beings are possessed of souls which depart their bodies after death and that these souls have detectable physical presences were around well before the 20th century . Our souls continue to live after we are no longer living. Another message represented in the poem Sailing, is that our elders are wise. Our elders are wiser than the young because ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Essay on Feasibility of Geothermal Energy in the United... Feasibility of Geothermal Energy in the United States Abstract Over the past years, gasoline and electricity have been the leading energy resources. The search for an alternative source of energy has become a complicated problem for scientists and an economic dilemma for America s public. Scientists have been trying to recognize geothermal energy as the next leading source of energy. In this research paper, I account for the inexpensive costs and different methods of gathering the geothermal energy of America. Geothermal energy is a renewable energy resource which can heat and cool buildings. Although there are some by products, using a particular type of system can help stop their emission. In conclusion, the use of geothermal energy ... Show more content on ... The pipes hold water, or glycol, transferring the heat inside buildings, which is known as heat exchange (Solar4Scolars, para. 2 and 3). Feasibility of Geothermal Energy in the United States 3 Government funded research into obtaining geothermal energy was greatly dynamic in the 1970s and early 1980s. However, as oil prices declined in the mid 1980s, alternative energy sources declined, thus, funding for geothermal energy research greatly reduced. Consequently, this monetary difficulty stifled any advancement on geothermal technology. Now that energy concerns have resurfaced, an opportunity exists for the U.S. to pursue the EGS [Enhanced Geothermal Systems] option aggressively to meet long term national needs, as observed by MIT Professor Jefferson Tester (MIT, January 22, 2007, para. 19). Based on previous studies, there is evidence that geothermal energy has a hopeful future in helping the United States. To study the potential use of geothermal energy, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) found from experimental procedures that mining heat stored as thermal energy can supply electricity at competitive prices and cause little detriment to the environment. The study showed that drilling wells that reached hot rock and connecting them to regions of fractured rock stimulated water flow. Relating to geothermal energy, this exchange of heat produced large amounts of steam and hot water to run ... Get more on ...
  • 11. The Long History Of Summer Camp The words summer camp conjure up fond memories of campfires, s mores, pranks, and color war for many Americans. What appeals to many campers, or prospective campers, is the keeping of tradition. Many campers can trace back their relatives who attended the very same camp, and find delight in the idea of shared experiences with their close, or distant, relatives. The long history of summer camps in America stems from an annual trip William Frederick Gunn began to take in 1861 in order to expose young boys to what life in the wilderness has to offer. Originally, the Gunn s theory was that the experience would strengthen not merely muscle, nerve, and self discipline, but developed a masculine character as well. This applied specifically for boys, but camps for girls first appeared in 1902 with the opening of Camp Kehonka, in reflection of the changing attitudes with reference to the role of women in society. Sleepaway camps become a prominent institution in America in the 1900 s that influenced the youth of this country, and continues to do so over one hundred years later, as thousands of summer camps still run every summer, many of which are the same camps that sparked this burgeoning trend. The development of this idiosyncratic principle in American life can be understood through the development of various widespread opinions during, and before, the first sleepaway camp was founded. To fully understand the roots of the summer camp ideology, it is imperative to look ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Training Package Name: Ajiboye Olusegun Olalekan Code: MMP 701 Email: DHS Employee Training Plan State Of Employee Training in DHS Adoption and implementation of the Training Plan will assure the alignment of training resources with DHS program needs and administrative priorities. Enterprise wide training needs will be identified on an on going basis and resources allocated to those with the highest priority. Divisions will continue to have responsibility to identify and address program specific training needs and will retain their training budgets. DHS will have a shared training delivery system that includes a learning management system, distance learning resources, other delivery methodologies, standards for ... Show more content on ... DHS Training amp; Development is responsible for hiring a Project Manager to lead the various Learning Teams, provide project management, contract administration, as necessary to develop Management Development curriculum. The following represents the Management Training recommendations from the DHS Training Plan Steering Committee: 1. Use Workforce Management Steering Committee (WFMSC) decisions for: Training content/topic areas An over arching value for DHS ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Freedom Of Speech In John Stuart Mill s On Liberty In On Liberty (1859), John Stuart Mill was a strong believer of freedom of speech. He identifies the Harm principle to protect the freedom of thought and expression. He argues that people should not be silenced for expressing their opinion or how they feel based on their beliefs. He declares four vaguely arguments and makes several examples as to why freedom of speech is a very important aspect to society. In this paper, I argue that Mill is correct in declaring that we have the right to express our opinions as long as it does not bring harm to others. First, I will define how Mill uses the harm principle to declare his argument and the four distinct reasons for freedom of opinion and the expression of opinion. Secondly, I will declare my viewpoint based on why I agree with the harm principle as well as Mill s argument following that we have a right to freedom of expression. Mill uses the Harm Principle to identify his argument for freedom of speech. The Harm Principle explains that the government are only justified in interfering with individuals who express their views if only their views cause harm to others. If a person s actions only affect himself, then society, which includes the government should not be able to stop a person from doing what he wants. Three ideas helped shape the harm principle. The first idea, Mill states that the harm principle is composed of the liberty of expressing and publishing opinions as being important as the liberty of thought, which ... Get more on ...
  • 14. The Odyssey Essay In The Odyssey The Odyssey Essay Draft Dark and scary Odysseus and his men stuck in the cave fighting to save their lives by a big and large creature with the name Cyclops. In the epic poem, The Odyssey by Homer, It all started when Odysseus and his men wanted to take a rest after a long time floating on the water. Little did they know what they were getting themselves into. The large creature entered the cave, and man they were definitely in for a heck of a ride. Odysseus is brave and wise. Odysseus is Brave. For example, Odysseus heated up the stake getting ready to stab the Cyclops in the eye. To make a stake with pointed ends, this in the fires heart toughening it. (9. 231 232). This shows that Odysseus was brave because, he had the braveness and strength to heat up the stake and get ready to stab the Cyclops in the eye. This also shows that Odysseus is brave because the Cyclops is a very large and scary creature. Odysseus stayed strong and did what he had to do to get back to his home, ad return with him and his men safe. Odysseus is nothing comparable in size to the Cyclops. In addition Odysseus stabbed the Cyclops right in the dead center of his eye. So with our brand we bored that great eye, while blood ran out and around the hot bar (9. 296 297). This shows that Odysseus was very brave because he stabbed the Cyclops right in the eye and risked his life to save his men and himself. This also shows that Odysseus was brave because the Cyclops was very close to grabbing the men ... Get more on ...
  • 15. Jarrett Family In Ordinary People The Jarrett family is in the movie Ordinary People is an example of a family that is hurting and needs help. Conard the youngest son has been and going through a lot throughout the movie. His mother Beth does not know how to cope with Conrad and his dad after losing her favorite son in a drowning accident. Calvin the father of Conrad tries to show that he cares about how his son is feeling, but him showing that he cares about Conrad which freaks him out since he is getting mixed emotions throughout his family. This family many emotional conflict throughout this movie. It is a constant fight or flight between these characters and the people around them. Calvin in the movie tried to stay away from violence because he was to afraid if he showed ... Show more content on ... Each little thing that goes on reminds him of what happened with his brother. His friends, and his home life is hard on him everyday. He goes home and gets reminded by his mother on how he is not his brother Buck. She will not look at him the same or treat him the same way she did when Buck was around. Now that he is gone she only gives him the physical needs, no emotional support on his life. Beth never asks her son how he is feeling and how his school life is going. Conrad feels unwanted and not needed in his home life. He has no support and so he always feels like he has to put on a show just to get by. Conrad finally realizes that he needs someone to talk to, so he finally goes to a psychiatrist to get some help. The psychiatrist helps Conrad go through all his thoughts and help him realize what he needs to say and do. He finally has enough confidence to tell his best friend why he is avoiding him and never wants to hang out with him anymore. When he had a chance he striked back at his mother s harsh remarks to him.He got tired of trying to walk around her. He had enough courage and confidence to tell her how she made him feel. When Conrad and his dad was putting up the Christmas tree, and she walked in without an hello and started questioning him why he quit the swim team. Conrad finally found out how to fight once he got enough of being put down. Conrad learned to step out of his comfort zone and take flight on his ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Examples Of Dishonesty In Everything I Never Told You The foundation of any successful relationship is honesty and open communication. In Everything I Never Told You, the Lee family steadily unravels because of deep loss and rampant dishonesty. The novel opens with Lydia s death and continues as a flashback of the events leading up to her passing. Celeste Ng places importance on certain objects and locations as powerful representations of the Lee family: their desires, challenges, and disappointments. In Celeste Ng s, Everything I Never Told You, the symbols of the Betty Crocker Cookbook and a discovered pack of cigarettes reflect that it is impossible to fully know someone when dishonesty is present. The Betty Crocker cookbook is a symbol of Marilyn s distant relationship with her mother. ... Show more content on ... When Lydia does not come down for breakfast, Marilyn opens her daughter s door and sees the bed unslept in: neat hospital corners still pleated beneath the comforter, pillow still fluffed and convex. Nothing seems out of place (1 2). The outward appearance of Lydia s room satisfies Marilyn, as it is organized, with nothing out of place. Like Lydia, the outside seems perfect, but there is much more beneath the surface. Lydia conceals her true nature by presenting a facade that merely mimics what her parents want her to be. After discovering a pack of cigarettes and a box of condoms in Lydia s backpack, Marilyn looks down at the two tiny boxes caught in the hammock of her skirt, and the outlines of Lydia s life so sharp and clear before begin to waver (120). All of Lydia s life, Marilyn and James pressure her to be perfect, academic, and well liked. Lydia pretends to be all these things by hiding failed tests, faking phone calls with friends, and feigning an interest in science. Because Lydia cannot be honest with her parents, she begins to make and conceal reckless choices, such as smoking, having sex, and sneaking out of the house. Upon finding these items in her backpack, Marilyn is confronted with the reality that much of Lydia s life was unknown to ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Pidgin Language Should Pidgin Language be implemented into the educational system? When children are born into their culture they learn the native language (Pidgin) because that s a way they can communicate with their parents and other people in their community. I believe if the education system accommodates people to utilize their languages in school it would help increase students learning abilities, higher test scores and less drop outs rates. I believe that Pidgin language is real and it has been around for a very long time. Pidgin (with a capital P) is the common way of referring to what linguists call Hawaii Creole, the Creole language that emerged on sugar plantations in Hawaii during the middle to late 19th and early 20th centuries ... Show more content on ... According to this Article Da Pidgin Coup,(1999), many people stated a lot of harsh and discriminated comments about the people and language of the Pidgin people, which I believe is very wrong and it doesn t help solve the present issues that exist in this matter. These are some people who are looked at as good and influencing our children s cognitive thinking process. For example, One elementary teacher writing for a journal claimed that children should be taught contrasting images to associate with Pidgin and good speech. Words spoken correctly and pleasingly pronounced, she wrote, are jewels, but grammatical errors and Pidgin are ugly. She urged teachers to tell children that Pidgin was like the frogs, toads, and snakes in the fairy tales they were reading, Good speech was like the roses, pearls, and diamonds that dropped from the lips of the good sister who helped people and was beautiful. What I have learned about this article was that many people express their point of views about Pidgin language and they compared the language to animals and being ugly. I think that it s wrong and inhuman to take a group of people culture and state so many damaging words that put a lot of stigma for the younger generations to come. I feel if people would know how important this language is for the Pidgin people they would understand the importance of the culture. If its implemented into the school system many students would prosper and the negative ... Get more on ...
  • 18. When The Day Break Movie Analysis Film Analysis #2 When the Day Breaks, a Canadian animated short film created in 1999 by Amanda Forbis and Wendy Tilby, has won over forty prizes such as a prize in the Chicago International Film Festival for Best Animated Short in the same year it came out. The short film was also nominated for an Oscar in the category for Best Animated Short Film one year later. When the Day Breaks, tells the story of Ruby, a pig, whose life takes an unexpected turn after witnessing the accidental death of a stranger and how she the aftermath of that situation. The short film was able to tell a story while having no dialogue and it managed to carry the message of how we are all connected. Amanda Forbis and Wendy Tilby showed the message by presenting various frames in the film of electricity wires and water pipes and how both ended connecting Ruby to her neighbors, the city and in the end to the rooster. Amanda Forbis and Wendy Tilby were able to present the message in a unique and direct way since, the audience is shown and taught that unpredictable things can happen every day and how tragedies or the ordinary common tasks we do every day can connect us with our neighbors. I really enjoyed how the filmmakers presented how tenuous and ... Show more content on ... By using pencil and paint and using animals instead of humans, it made the tone the short film less dark and depressing since it had already addressed human emotions. If they were to use any other technique the short film wouldn t have had the same tone to it and the same impact to on the audience. Another tool Amanda Forbis and Wendy Tilby used during the short film was sound effects, a component of a soundtrack for animations. Most of the sounds that were on the film were mostly common noises such as honking, a kettle, water drops and singing. The sound complements perfectly the visuals in the film since it helps explain what is ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Analysis Of Acres Of Diamonds Isaac Newton s third law states that To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction. Not only can this statement be applied to the sciences, but also to how we behave on a daily basis. Russel Conwell s claim in his speech Acres of Diamonds that poor people make themselves poor and rich people make themselves rich defends the belief that we are responsible for our own success. This means that even if you come from an impoverished background you can change your situation for the better and fulfill your potential by leading a rich life. I agree with Conwell s proposition that you are in charge of your own destiny. When you look at his speech and Temple current six commitments upheld by Richard M. Englert, the university s president, you can find many connections. But along with these similarities, there are also points that have changed and evolved to suit the needs of the current student. As we break down the six commitments, it is clear that the founder s initial desires and the present day goals of the university are brought together to create Temple s mission statement. The first commitment made by the university is its devotion to its students in serving their financial needs. Every graduate of a university has to struggle with dealing with debt and paying off student loans. The fear of being in debt and the intimidation of the sticker price of higher education stops many people from seeking out a degree. This problem affects students today but was also ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Out of Many Ch.3 Dbq Questions. Essay Ch.3 dbq s DOCUMENT A: * How would tens of thousands of settlers immigrating to New England with this image of their own purpose shape the development of that colony? * Winthrop wants them to be a city in which everyone can copy, and look up to. They want to be a city upon a hill, literally where they can control everyone around them. They want to be a prosperous yet very close minded estate with no religious tolerance. * What kinds of settlers arrived in Massachusetts Bay, Plymouth Plantation, and Connecticut? * The puritans and Pilgrims arrived there (New England Colony). They were very religious. Pilgrims wanted to separate from the church completely and the Puritans wanted to reform it because they were ... Show more content on ... They had small farmers, with 1 2 slaves each. * How was the environment of Virginia and the other Chesapeake colonies different from that of New England? * South was un urbanized, had mainly farming, and no seaports. New England was very urbanized and had seaports, and trade. * How did this make the development of colonies along the Chesapeake different from the evolution of those in New England? * New England was focused on family and religion mostly. They don t live apart like the Southern Colonies and the South were also very competitive with agriculture. * How did the rivers of the Chesapeake impact the development of communities? * South wanted to be by rivers. They then had contact with the Indians who were there, and eventually kicked them out. * Why was slavery considered a viable labor system in the colonies of the Chesapeake while it did not gain much of a foothold in New England? * They used slaves for exports and labor; New England didn t need labor like the South for agriculture. * How would this impact the development of different societies in Virginia in contrast to Massachusetts? * Because of social structure and security. * They are over a hundred years apart, but what do these two paintings tell you about the society which evolved in the puritan town of Boston against the society of a plantation in Virginia? * South was not ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Compare And Contrast Hardin And Ostrom The Tragedy of the Commons by Garrett Hardin and A General Framework for Analyzing Sustainability of Social Ecological Systems by Elinor Ostrom both offer perspectives on the way humans interact with common pool resources, as well as the property regimes that govern them. A Common Pool Resource (CPR) is defined by Dietz as a valued natural resource that is available to more than one person and subject to degradation as a result of overuse. (Hagerman, 2014 a). Hardin offers a perspective on CPRs through analogies to commons , areas of open access where there is an absence of well defined property rights [and] access is unregulated and open to anyone. (Hagerman, 2014a) He explains a scenario where multiple herders own cattle, which all graze on one common plot of land. The herders weigh the benefits and costs of adding one more cow, and going beyond the carrying capacity of the commons. If one herder adds a cow, the cost is subtracted evenly from the well being of the all herders. The benefits, however, are realised uniquely by the herder who added the cow. ... Show more content on ... (Dietz et al., 2003; Monbiot, 1994; Ostrom, 2009) Ostrom s paper examines the diverse outcomes of the commons, as supposed to Hardin s one size fits all . (Ostrom et al., 2009, p. 419) This way of looking at the possible outcomes of CPRs differs from Hardin s in that it takes into account different social and economic variables, whereas Hardin bases his perspective uniquely off of real life examples, such as that of the high seas. She introduces the Social Ecological System (SES), which is a framework for examining the different roles, variables, and context that all play into the maintenance or collapse of an ecosystem. (Ostrom, 2009) SESs are made up of (i) resource units...(ii) resource systems... (iii) governance systems... and (iv) users (Ostrom, 2009, p.420) who all interact, and play certain roles in the outcome of an ecosystem. (Ostrom, ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Cosmopolitanism In Kwame Appiah s Things Fall Apart In the novel, Things Fall Apart, power and dignity are very critical aspects of the main character, Okonkwo. These traits, however, were brought up in Okonkwo in the wrong way. Okonkwo suppresses his emotions under a violent image of power and pride. His traits can be demonstrated through the events happening in his life, which include his upbringing of putting hard work and dedication as his first priorities. He acquires a large amount of wealth that he puts towards his family, and expects his children to strive towards the same goal. This expectation represents Okonkwo s defiance of embracing any ideologies that aren t his own. In the novel, Cosmopolitanism, the concept represented is to engage readers to understand the similarities and differences that are shared amongst people in the world. The author, Kwame Appiah, states that cosmopolitanism begins with the simple idea that in the human community, as in national communities, we need to develop habits of coexistence: conversation in its older meaning, of living together, association (Appiah). The main idea is to learn and understand how the people in the world choose to live their lives by accepting all different kinds of cultures. The basic theme that is found in the novel is acceptance. Comparing Cosmopolitanism to Things Fall Apart can work if there is a connection between Okonkwo s story and being cosmopolitan. His life could have turned out differently if he would have had acceptance instead of rejection in his ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Population-Focused Health Plan Paper Population Focused Health Plan Physical activity is a very important aspect of an individual s life. There are many health benefits to being physically active. Living an active life helps to prevent and lower the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, depression, and heart disease (Tuso, 2015). Healthy People 2020 (2018) states that about 80% of adults and adolescents do not meet the physical activity guidelines. Staying active may be difficult if there are no community resources to help. The intention of this paper is to implement interventions within Paulding County that will help increase physical activity among community members. A community assessment in Paulding County has been completed. From the assessment, it has been ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Research Paper On Condensed Milk Condensed milk Condensed milk is cow s milk from which water has been removed. It is most often found in the form of sweetened condensed milk (SCM), with sugar added, and the two terms condensed milk and sweetened condensed milk are often used synonymously today. Sweetened condensed milk is a very thick, sweet product which when canned can last for years without refrigeration if unopened. Condensed milk is used in numerous dessert dishes in many countries. Condensed milk is used in recipes for the popular Brazilian candy brigadeiro (where condensed milk is the main ingredient), key lime pie, caramel candies, and other desserts. When a can of sweetened condensed milk is completely covered (at all times) by water, and once it starts to boil ... Show more content on ... Sampling of milk A representative sample is essential for accurate testing. Milk must be mixed thoroughly prior to sampling and analysis to ensure a representative sample. If the volume of milk is small, the milk may be poured from one bucket to another and a small sample is of milk is taken immediately. If large volumes are handled, the milk must be mixed by stirring. Small samples are taken from three or more places in the container. For best results, milk must be sampled when it is at a temperature between 15 and 32 degrees Celsius. Types of Quality Analysers of milk: Milk Oscan FT120 (composition analysis of milk) Very user friendly Routine operation takes place from one single screen picture, sample can be analysed without pre heating and data are stored automatically. Low cost per sample analysed. Bacto Scan FC (Microbiology analysis of milk) Fossomatic FC (Somatic cells analysis of milk) How to present to customers Ingredients powdered lactose crystals 40% Sugar Weight of total milk solids 28% weight of Milk ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Hypertension In Australia In Australia, cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of mortality and has significantly affected the Indigenous Australians, the ageing population and people living in rural and remote areas (Parkinson Parker, 2013). About 3.0% of the total Australian population of 23.5 million is Indigenous people. In June 2014, the estimated Australian Indigenous population was 713,000, around 357,000 females and 356,600 males (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), 2015). The principle aim of this essay will be a critical review focusing on family analysis and education plan in relation to the case of Amanda and Jim. The discussion of the incidence/prevalence and causes of Hypertension in Australia and its classification and grading ... Show more content on ... Lastly, support Amanda and Jim to engage in behavior change strategies to optimise their health and wellbeing by encouraging them to be involved on secondary prevention or cardiac rehabilitation programs; providing fact sheet on information and action plan of warning signs of heart attack; giving appropriate psychological management and counselling strategies; and tailoring advice and maintaining motivation and communication to maximise adherence to treatment plan (National Heart Foundation of Australia, ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Carpenter Research Papers There are jobs upon jobs out there, and one job out of millions would be a carpenter. Carpenters do all sorts of things from building skyscrapers, to making houses, and to constructing roads. Carpenters have been around for a long time and, they have been a big part in building the America as we know it today. Therefore, there are many things to look at when considering to be a carpenter, the job description, earnings and work conditions. There are many different things that carpenters need to know to be carpenters. Therefor carpenters have to be a good at working with wood. Also carpenters also have to know how to read blueprints. Most of the time a carpenter will be involved in all stages of building or constructing the project at hand. There are many different specializations of carpenters such as layout carpenter, framing carpenters, and finish carpenter. Carpentry depends on ... Show more content on ... The busiest time of the year for carpenter is summer through fall and, that is when most injuries occur. Carpenters do a dangerous job and if they are not safe it can lead to falling or getting hurt by their own tools. Carpenters are mobile workers; they work in many different areas and may have to travel to work. Carpenters are usually under a tight deadline and may have to put in 14 hour days. Carpenters also can be employed at schools, factories, government buildings and plants and, many are self employed. Many carpenters are employed by big companies and are sent out to the different job sites to work. In conclusion, there are many things to look at when considering to be a carpenter, the job description, earnings and work conditions. Being a carpenter has many good advantages such as not have to attend four years of college, and it can be a pretty high paying job. Finally, carpenters are very important and they have had a big part in making the world the way it is ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Battle Of Chattanooga INTRODUCTION Have you ever none that there was a total of 100,369 troops total in the battle of Chattanooga? The battle of Chattanooga was an important battle because the Generals where Ulysses S. Grant and Braxton Bragg. The important thing is that you will learn about the battle of Chattanooga. Some things you will learn about are the Generals, You will also learn all about the battle of Chattanooga, how much people died, missing and captured, and how much where wounded. Generals This battle was amazing because the generals where Ulysses S. Grant and Braxton Bragg. These were two really good generals. Grant was so smart and confident that Lincoln made him head of all unions army s. Grant won a lot of battles. Bragg became a full time ... Show more content on ... After taking charge Ulysses S. Grant became really mad he went crazy he was going take over and destroy the south. Grant then opened up the cracker line, to bring supplies to the beleaguered army of the Cumberland. Grant went crazy he was ready to launch an attack. On November 24, Grant launched an attack on lookout mountainn and then captured it after six hours of fighting! The battles went on and on. Grant wanted this battle over fast so the nexted day he ordered Sherman to attack tunnel hill. But the last time Sherman was ordered to lead the troops in an initial attack was a failure. A second attack managed to completely break the center of the confederate line. After that victory it was grants third in three days. Then, all of a sudden it opened the Deep South to a union invasion. At the end with the success of Grants victories it also led the union to a great victory ( Casualties The battle of Chattanooga was a really bloody battle. At first there were a total of 100,369 troops and 12,485 that died it was not the bloodiest battle but it was bloody. Both sides didn t have a difference of troops dying. Even though, Grant was successful he lost about 6,000 troops out of 56,000. It was mostly troops not generals. On the other hand Brgg had lost about 6,700 troops out of 30,000 troops. And another reason grant one was because he outnumbered Bragg by a lot. Here lets do the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Problem of Global Warming Essay Global Warming is the increase of temperature on Earth which is caused by human activities and will have very serious consequences for life on Earth if humans don t start to do something about it now. Global Warming is caused when the Greenhouse Gases combines with the atmosphere and traps heat. It is strongly related to pre human and pre industrial global warming, it is also weakly related to depletion of ozone layer, which was caused by the CFC (Chlorofluorocarbons) gas. The effects of global warming on the environment are dangerous, such as: rising of sea level because polar caps melt, changes in the pattern of precipitation, floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes and tornadoes. These effects would take away life and ... Show more content on ... For instance, Nitrous oxide is the major greenhouse gas and has 296 times the effect of carbon dioxide (, Feb, 2007). Human activities are the biggest contributor to global warming. Industrialization, transportation and forest burning releases gases that join the atmosphere and trap heat. Industrialization has been proved to release high amounts of carbon dioxide since the Industrial Revolution began in the early 19th century. The total amount of carbon dioxide has increased by one ? third of the usual amount in the atmosphere. Transportation uses fossil fuels to run and as a result, it produces gases such as carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide. Now, in the modern lifestyle, most of the people want and have private cars. This further increases the amount carbon dioxide released to the air by the means of transportation. The biggest cause of global warming is forest burning. This is because when we are burning forests, trees inside it, which usually absorb carbon dioxide, release lots amount of carbon dioxide. Besides this, the earth has also experienced natural global warming and ice ages several times before, which rises by up to 5 degree Celsius. A climatologist said that humans have contributed to Global Warming since 8,000 years ago, the year the amount of carbon dioxide started to increase. There are lots of negative effects on environment and ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Apology In A Sorry State In A Sorry State, the Canadian government s attempt to make several apologies is thoughtful; however, simply uttering the words, I m sorry cannot undue the trauma of the past. The apology is more for the people giving them, rather than for the actual victim. As Stephan Harper apologized for Canada s colonial past, he said: it is the core of Canadian soul (Miyagawa 2012). This simply portrays that the government is apologizing because it is Canadian of them to do so. This is a limitation of an apology as it creates an overly celebratory image of the government (Farley 2017). Instead of making the apology about the Aboriginal peoples, it focuses on the graciousness of the government. The consequences of residential schools have been ... Get more on ...
  • 30. T.S. Eliot s The Fire Sermon T.S. Eliot The Fire Sermon An analysis of the poem focusing on the elements of nature Joachim TRAUN 0004165 301/341 It is just a piece of rhythmical grumbling (T.S. Eliot on The Waste Land ) Table of contents page 1. Introduction 4 2. T.S. Eliot a brief biography 4 3. The fire sermon 5 3.1 Structure 6 3.2 Intertextuality 6 3.3 Interpretation 8 3.3.1 Water 8 3.3.2 City 11 3.3.3 Fusion 13 4. Conclusion 14 Bibliography 1. Introduction There are not many poems which offer such a wide range of possible perspectives for an interpretation as T.S. Eliot s The Waste Land , a cycle consisting of five parts. A deep and thorough knowledge of his whole work, life and influences is necessary to provide a ... Show more content on ...
  • 31. 3. The Fire Sermon The Fire Sermon is the third part of The Waste Land . The title is derived from a similar named work by Buddha, which T.S. Eliot himself considered corresponding in importance to the sermon of the mount (Eliot 1971: 148). In addition to the title, at the end of the poem Eliot also refers to this work. 3.1 Structure The structure of the Fire Sermon is not easy to analyze. The poem does not have a straight rhyme scheme or rhythm. Its main structural element is variation. Therefore I would suggest seeing the whole poem reflecting the image of a river. This is done on various levels: the actions and places described in the poem merge into one another, the transitions are flowing (cf. line 255 257, where first the record is put on the gramophone and then although there is a shift in place and speaker it says This music crept by me upon the waters ), and also the rhythm and rhyme scheme are constantly changing, so speed and intonation of a reader have to be adapted, just as a river runs sometimes faster and sometimes more slowly. There are parts with much more regular rhythm and rhyme scheme. Especially the part from line 218 I Tiresias until line 256 And puts a record ). This reflects on the one hand the monotony of the relationship ( love would not be suitable here!) of the described couple and on the other hand this is the part, which is most clearly set in the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Pros And Cons Of Juuvederm Juvederm Well apparently as we get older the skin also gets older! Wrinkles start to form on the skin and with time they get deeper, but no one really loves wrinkles and everyone wishes to remain young. Unfortunately that cannot be the case, as we get older the body s collagen production reduces which leads to increased wrinkles which then lowers the skins suppleness. To maintain the skin s elasticity and minimize wrinkles due to aging, dermatologists normally inject patients with collagen. Most of the collagen supplements are however from fish and this has its pros and cons. For starters, before one gets collagen filler, tests have to be done to ensure zero allergic reaction to the skin. Due to this a new type of dermal filler has been introduced, juvederm. Juvederm is FDA approved filler guaranteed to restore the skins moisture and suppleness for a year even deep wrinkles, reduce acne scars and reduce under eye hollows. The major component is hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid This a major component of the tissues that ... Show more content on ... A sample of people were selected and given a juvederm injection one of the nasolabial fold and followed for around 20 weeks. The same sample was injected with a bovine based collagen on the opposite nasolabial fold and followed for 20 weeks also. Juvederm Injection site reactions for all the patients were similar and lasted for a week. Swelling occurred in 80% of the patients, bruising in 60% and itching in 35%. The patients who maintained improvement with Juvederm at 4 weeks was 90% compared to the 40% with the bovine based collagen. The patients at the end of study showed a 90% preference to juvederm compared to a 10% preference to bovine based collagen. Out of the selected sample, 70% went back for the juvederm injections after 36 weeks, and 75% of the patients showed an improvement prior to administration of the juvederm dermal ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Dark Knight Unraveled When someone says superhero, it is automatically assumed that one is talking about someone who saves others using extraordinary powers or someone who is there to protect and make others feel safe. For decades, superheroes have been around fighting crime and saving civilians from the villains that reign. These superheroes create a light and give the viewer some kind of hope. Although a superhero is seen as someone who is god like, there is one hero who defies this stereotype. His name: Batman. Batman has been around for nearly seventy five years and has evolved into a a very controversial character. Some people may see Batman as a dark figure who is not a hero, but a nuisance, while others may see him as something greater than a superhero. In Christopher Nolan s, The Dark Knight, released in 2008, Batman is a character who is seen in a different way than previous iterations. Instead of just a crime fighting hero, Batman is presented as something greater as well as something some may overlook. In Nolan s 2008 film, Batman portrays a character that not only relates to society on a person level, but also parallels the Bush administration post 9/11. Imagine watching the ones you love, murdered right before your eyes. At a young age, Batman had to watch his parents get shot and killed by a ruthless mugger. Batman had this tragic childhood which is something many young people today can relate to. Professor of Psychology at Henderson State University, Dr. Travis Langly, ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Pearl Harbor Attack Report The sun broke the horizon at 7:03 and brought an orange tint to the skies in eastern Hawaii. On the other side of the island, Lieutenant Commander Ryan was asleep in his barracks along with his fellow pilots. Unaware about what was going to happen in about 52 minutes Ryan knew he had a boat inspection scheduled at 8 a.m. on the battleship Oklahoma later that morning. Ryan scheduled his alarm for 7:20 a.m. so he could awake early and make it to Pearl Harbor for his appointment. Meanwhile on battleship Oklahoma the sailors had opened the portholes and water tight hatches so that the Oklahoma would air out for a fresher inspection for Lieutenant Ryan. It was now 7:32 and Lieutenant Ryan was on his way to base Pearl Harbor for the boat inspection, while driving through the county of Honolulu Lieutenant Ryan decided to stop and grab a quick coffee from the local diner. Meantime under 150 miles north from the coast of the Island of Oahu, the first fleet of Japanese fighter pilots would be zoning in on their target. The Americans on base Pearl Harbor would be completely unaware of the incoming attack. It was now 7:40 and Lieutenant Ryan would just now be arriving at the check in gate at base Pearl Harbor. Lieutenant Ryan was greeted by ... Show more content on ... A Island wide warning was deployed over the radio interrupting music calling for all military personnel to report for action. Immediately amongst the battleships on base Pearl Harbor the men were called to their battle stations to fire upon the foreign enemies. Meanwhile the B 17 bombers would be arriving from the north at the worst possible time they could have. As the B 17s were entering the visible airspace of Pearl Harbor they were fired upon by friendly and enemy fire. The B 17s were sitting ducks for they had no weapons on board to protect themselves, multiple of the B 17s were shot down in result of ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Ravitch Response Cori Knapp Analysis Ravitch Response Cori Knapp Ravitch?s discussion on ?achievement gaps? points out that African American students academic scores have progressed remarkably since 1990 to 2011. She also states that the Hispanic and Asian have progressed as well. Achievement gaps will continue to be an issue, as long as there are different races, ethnic groups, the poor and the wealthy. The more disadvantaged one is, is going to lack in education and prosperity. To solve an issue like the achievement gap, we need to take action and begin at the root. These children are suffering because lack of proper education in the school system, which stems from the poverty in the segregated neighborhoods. Low income ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Ethanol And Fuel Properties Of Ethanol Ethanol contains a two carbon alcohol and six hydrogen (C2H6O) and has low cetane number (8), low heating value (26.8) and low viscosity (1.08) at 40. Table 5. shows the properties of diesel, gasoline, ethanol, acetone and butanol. Furthermore, the stability of any blend is an im portant factor in fuel properties. The most significant issue of using ethanol with diesel is solu bility and miscibility. Therefore, the use of biodiesel is an important method to stabilise ethanol in diesel [119, 124]. In order to maintain the stability of ethanol diesel blends, two types of additive methodologies are normally employed: the addition of surfactants (emulsifiers) that yield stable emulsions or micro emulsion, and the addition of co solvent ... Show more content on ... The effects of adding of vegetable methyl ester to diesel ethanol blends were studied by Chen et al. [152], who observed that the addition of ester to diesel ethanol blends prevents phase separation up to 30% by volume to maintain the homogeneity of blends Other significant research has undertaken by Barabás et al. [119] who investigated to 27 mix ture samples of ethanol, biodiesel and diesel in different ratios. The experiments showed that only seven samples were suitable in terms of miscibility and stability and two samples (B10D85E5 and B25D70E5) could successfully replace diesel. 4.2.2 Ethanol blend Tested in CI Engines Blending ethanol with diesel fuel has several issues in terms of performance and emission lev els. A number of studies have examined the effect of ethanol on thermal efficiency, brake power, fuel consumption and emission levels. Some research [114, 120, 125, 126] obtained dif ferent results in terms of performance and emission levels. Most of this research agreed that ethanol causes an increase in fuel consumption (BSFC) and a decrease in the efficiency of the diesel engines. Chen et al. [120] showed that ethanol could decrease some types of emissions such as smoke and PM because high oxygen content helps to complete the combustion. When vegetable methyl ester was added to ... Get more on ...
  • 37. An Accidental Man Made Disaster A disaster is a highly disruptive event that causes suffering, hardship, injury, and even death (Anderson McFarlane, 2015). A disaster can cause interruptions in businesses, and can cause partial or total destruction to infrastructure, such as homes or hospitals (Anderson McFarlane, 2015). A disaster can cause downed power lines, loss of transportation, loss of food, and sanitation problems. Disasters are caused by naturally occurring events or man made events. Examples of naturally occurring disasters are earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes. Man made disasters are accidental, unintentional, or deliberately caused (Anderson McFarlane, 2015). An accidental man made disaster example would be a toxic spill, or a nuclear power plant event. A deliberately caused man made disaster would be a terrorist attack, school violence, or a bombing. Certain types of natural disasters are more likely to occur in certain areas than others. For instance, areas along the coastline are more likely to experience a hurricane than areas more inland. Every place one can live is prone to having a natural disaster occur. Also, a man made disaster can happen anywhere; no place is safe from the threat of terrorism. In my community of Mt. Lebanon, the biggest natural disaster that has happened was flooding. About fifteen years ago, Mt. Lebanon had a terroristic attack. The terroristic attack was a deliberate man made disaster. A man went on a racially motivated crime spree, killing five ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Women s Role In Japanese Buddhism In addition, women were the first Japanese Buddhist monastics (Deal and Ruppert 80) in Japan. In ancient Japan, Buddhists nuns played a significant role in the early development of Buddhist institutions and practices and the first to travel outside of the Japanese order to learn more about Buddhism (Deal and Ruppert 80). However, women were continue to be seen and treated unequally, especially with regard to their institutional roles and doctrine (Deal and Ruppert 240) in the tradition of Buddhism. As monks becomes the solid Monastic communities for women in Japanese Buddhism flourished during the Nara period and disappeared during the early Heian period. Japanese women are intimately linked to specific systems of beliefs and religious teachings. These beliefs comprise of ... Show more content on ... During the Heian period, women s literature was reflected or resolved perceived tensions between the Buddhist and literary acts (Deal and Ruppert 103). In addition, it features the protagonist s concern about her attachments, believe in the sorrows associated with impermanence, and Buddhist belief (Deal and Ruppert 103). Besides, Setsuwa contains themes of karmic or miracles that deals with Buddhist teaching. The story provides a teaching or lesson with expectation for the reader to study Buddhist scriptures such as the Lotus Sutra or a take away message from the lesson given in the story. Furthermore, with the appearance of Genji Monogatari a women s literature brought not only the belief in Buddhism but also perceived tensions between Buddhism and fiction to the fore (Deal and Ruppert 103). At the same time, it is interesting to see that fictional figures has gained much attention through their unique story related to enlightenment compare to real women who actually attained enlightenment are not ... Get more on ...
  • 39. The Depression Of Older Adult Depression As the number of the older adults is increasing so are those living with depression; therefore, it is important that perceptions around older adult depression be studied. According to the study done by the US Department of Commerce, it is estimated that the older adult population will more than likely double by 2050 and of 80 million and many as 1 in 5 Americans would be considered as an older adult (US Department of Commerce, 1995). There are many losses that accompany the aging process. These include the loss of loved ones and their independence. They begin to feel as though they will depend on their families for the rest of their lives. These factors scare them and causes many of the individuals to suffer from depression. One of the most predominant health problems in the United States is mental health. In the last 20th century, mental illness treatment has been through diverse changes in the United States. These changes have made it necessary for the policy and law makers to enact a law to protect the identity and integrity for people with mental health illness. Most individuals diagnosed with mental health illness are most often being ostracized and stigmatized. Because of social stigma attached to the individual with mental illness, their privacy is being violated and it has created so many issues in mental health. Research Purpose The purpose of this research is to review factors that trigger elderly depression states, their physical and mental health conditions, ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Essay On Analytics Organizations are dealing with a tsunami of data from businesses, humans, and now machines through the Internet of Things. Generating timely insights and predictions has become crucial to capitalize on fast moving business opportunities. With business analytics now focused on the future, predictive and prescriptive analytics are taking a front seat. As a Lead Assistant Manager with EXL Services Decision Analytics, I have gained essential skills in model development and monitoring while enabling the business to predict and mitigate losses. I aspire to extend my knowledge on multiple technical and business domains through an intense MS program. Information has been my strength throughout my student life. Grasping data from different ... Show more content on ... Eagerness to learn more and the ability to grasp concepts quickly earned me a position in Risk Analytics team with a premier UK based multinational bank. With an objective to address Economic Capital Charge as per IAS39 accounting standards, I designed a loss forecasting model based on historical recovery trend. To incorporate bulk recoveries from debt sale, I evolved an overlay methodology addressing multiple types of debt sale strategies. Having generated a favourable financial impact , I received Mastermind award as a part of Rewards and Recognitions at EXL. In addition, I worked on model monitoring projects focused on improving the accuracy and robustness of the risk models. Within one and a half year at EXL, Management reco gnized me as a star performer with excellent analytical, programming and communication skills and promoted me to the post of Assistant Manager. Post promotion, I led the rebuild of Probability of Default Impairment Forecasting Model under the IAS39 accounting standards for one of the high materiality credit card portfolios. Exploratory analysis of portfolio default trends revealed that the existing models were underpredicting the impairment loss. We revised the model methodology and generated an impact of over 100 million USD on impairment provision of the banks. Here, I leveraged my leadership skill to train team members, technical skills to design efficient SAS code automating model development process across products, and ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Four Types And Functions Of Nonverbal Communication During... Not all communication are done with words. Communication is a process in which people verbally or non verbally share information and ideas. Nonverbal communication can best define as silent form of communication with a person without using any form of speech to grab the audience attention. The interaction between service employees and customers referred to as the service encounters, is a critical part of service delivery process because its elements greatly impacts customers evaluations of service consumptions experiences, service provider s nonverbal communication affects customer evaluations. There are many types and functions of nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication regulates relationships and can support or even replace verbal communication I many situations. This essay outlines four types of nonverbal communication and their importance during Hospitality service encounters. ... Show more content on ... Most of us don t realize that interpersonal distance plays a great role in and also effects on communications. Rapport and relationship. Interpersonal space or distance is crucial factor for judging that if other person or object is favourable in our survival interests. For instance, customers who had been touched by beauty service providers indicated that it was both the verbal and nonverbal behaviour of the provider that attributed to their favourable attitudes. According to Sundaram and Webster (2000), although touch can be used to communicate friendliness, warmth, and appreciation in all types of service encounters, the manner in which touch affects customer evaluations can best be illustrated with health care services. Service providers usage of touch will enchase customers perceptions of friendliness and empathy. Facial expressions can compel one to communicate interaction with another. Facial expression cause negative feelings. Introduction and management rely on nonverbal communication in interpersonal ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Why Get Rid Of Scars WHY NOT LEARN MORE ABOUT SERVICES? How to Get Rid of Scars Scars that tend to be ugly and in a conspicuous spot on one s body may make one feel very embarrassed about having them. Due to this reason, most people tend to look for ways in which they can get rid of the scars effectively so that they can feel good about themselves. There are various risks that one is exposed when going for a treatment procedure which is why one should put them into consideration. In addition to the amount of money one spends in the treatment procedure; one should consider the time invested into it as well. One should ensure that they stick to a certain scar treatment procedure consistently. This will help the scar to heal effectively and soon be reduced or gotten ... Get more on ...
  • 43. The Importance Of Apple Unlocking The Cellphones In Tim... Cellphones have become increasingly ubiquitous in society becoming an essential part of everyday life; holding all of our information about our personal lives, from bank information to private text messages. With our nation s security being weakened by terrorists utilizing cell phone encryption, it could be believed that companies such as Apple should comply with the FBI and government officials to grant access to terrorist s cell phones. Most recently in San Bernardino an iPhone 5c supposedly holding crucial information was locked to the FBI and they requested Apples help to unlock the iPhone. It would be expected that Apple is to comply and help the FBI aiding the prosecution of terrorists to help better society, however this is not the case, helping unlock terrorist s cellphones would have multiple irrevocable consequences that would undoubtedly change the landscape of the physical and digital world for the worse. It may seem that Apple should aid the government in unlocking the terrorist s cellphones during the San Bernardino case, however they should not, as unlocking the one phone in this case will cause every other iPhone to be unlocked in the world. In the context of the San Bernardino case creating an encryption key to unlock one phone that can never be used again is impossible and is even acknowledged by Apple in Tim Cook s A Message to Our Consumers: The government suggests this tool could only be used once, on one phone, Cook said. But that s simply not ... Get more on ...
  • 44. Rhetorical Analysis Of Dorothy Samuels Wrong On Gun Rights The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution entitles citizens the right to possess and bear arms; which has continually been an important issue for decades. Gun control is not just one concern, but rather many, within a common category. One may consider gun control a crime issue, while to others it may be a rights issue. Inside each and every issue, there are particular people who want more gun control legislation, and those who want less. Dorothy Samuels does a phenomenal job of portraying her stand on gun control through the use of ethos, logos, and pathos, in her article, Wrong on Gun Rights . Samuels utilizes the rhetorical strategies in order to persuade the audience into agreeing with her views. Dorothy Samuels view on gun control is illustrated in a handful of ways in the article Wrong on Gun Rights . Her first important point informs and educates her audience of the hazards of courts permitting second amendment rights as well as revoking bans on guns. This point was also used to mention and elaborate on lawsuits involving the misuse of guns, which were handled by the courts. Another significant point Samuels made was that US citizens should be advised of the way our government ... Show more content on ... She brought forward a variety of facts and aspects that allow a wide range of readers to understand and be affected by her writing. Samuels made sure that she was thorough in her writing in order to provide the best and most persuasive article on gun right that she could. She did this by taking advantage of the three main rhetorical strategies that have been proven to work with many audiences, ethos, logos, and pathos. She also got her viewpoint across in a very polite and professional manner without being to direct towards the audience, which makes them slowly begin to agree with her more and more as the article ... Get more on ...
  • 45. Rogue Trader Character Analysis Jennifer L Cranford Professor Ken Dalton ACC 409 10 October 2017 Black Yellow: Profits and Warning Signs Introduction Based on the true story of Nick Leeson, Rogue Trader is a movie about a man that went from London to Jakarta to Singapore, to become the head of the derivatives trading in the up and coming Singapore stock market. Leeson had proven to be an effective and efficient worker when he was tasked to get bear bonds sorted on his first solo tasking with Barings Bank in Jakarta. That successful completion got him put in the Singapore position because they needed someone there, and he seemed to have the potential to make Barings a considerable profit. Control Environment The internal control environment in Rogue Trader lacked ... Show more content on ... The bank s risk appetite was enormous, and they seemed to have their eyes on the potential for profit. While Leeson did not personally exhibit any of the red flags typical of someone committing fraud, such as financial difficulties, living beyond his means, or family problems, the work environment threw up red flags. With management based in London, Leeson had little direct oversight. Barings was okay with this because of the profit that Leeson was generating for the bank. Control Activities The Accounting Information Systems book recommends seven types of control activities that can prevent fraud. These include: Proper authorization of transactions and activities, segregation of duties, project development and acquisition controls, change management controls, design and use of documents and records, safeguarding assets, records, and data, and finally independent checks on performance. These control activities should have been in place to prevent the fraud from occurring. Many of those control activities were ineffectively operating in Leeson s office. Use of proper authorization of transactions was supposed to happen, but there was no validation of who authorized a deal. Barings gave Leeson much responsibility, and there was no segregation of duties, which gave him the ability to commit and conceal his fraud. Verification that documents were ... Get more on ...
  • 46. Time Magazine Claims On The Vikings Ravagers, pagans, ruthless, Time magazine claims on the Vikings. They were more than that. Without them history wouldn t be the same. They had trade routes from Iraq to the Canadian Pacific. They were Metalworkers. they were explorers whose restless hearts brought them to North America some 500 years before Columbus. They were warriors. They were Democrats. Many people think of them as the men who worshipped Thor and had horned hats. Well one of these is wrong. Vikings never wore horned hats. They had great Hygiene. They slave traded. Much like Sparta their women had rights. Vikings were known also for farming.,9171,996836,00.html lists/10 things you may not know about the Vikings ... Get more on ...
  • 47. A Trip To Jamaica Research Paper If I had one chance to visit anywhere in the world, I would visit Jamaica. I want to visit Jamaica, because I want to learn about other cultures, I want to see the crystal clear water, and the white sand, I would like to go snorkeling to see all the vivid colors. I would rather fly to Jamaica, then go on a boat. Jamaica is located on a island called the West Indies. Jamaica would be a beautiful place to visit for a vacation. I want to see the way people dress, and what kind of material they make their clothing. I want to listen to how they speak, and hear their way of communicating. I also want to learn all the historical events that took place in Jamaica. I also could see the land culture differences, then the way they are in Virginia. ... Get more on ...
  • 48. Chapter Historian Position Essay Hello, I am Julianna Prato, a sophomore at Lakeland Senior High School. Throughout the year I had the opportunity to work closely with the current Chapter Historian and I found myself falling in love with the position. I now would like to run for the position of Chapter Historian for Lakeland High School FBLA. I would like to run for the position of Chapter Historian because Historian helps document history. It is the Historian s responsibility to take pictures of their chapter and create a scrapbook that would be presented as the State Leadership Conference however I want to do so much more with the position. One day, my advisor showed me a scrapbook that was created in 1976 and by looking at that scrapbook it showed me how powerful they are, that one day thirty years from now another Historian could be looking ... Show more content on ... I want to make sure that the 2015 2016 Lakeland High School FBLA be remembered for a long time. Like I previously stated I had the amazing opportunity to work closely with the current Chapter Historian for Lakeland High School FBLA. By working so closely with the Historian I was able to learn the time and dedication it took to hold this position and learn that I was completely up to the challenge. Lastly, I knew that the position of Chapter Historian was the only position for me because you need to have creativity when it comes to a position like this. Not only do the Historians have to create a scrapbook they also have to create the chapter display and a raffle basket that are all presented at the State Leadership Conference. Also, please consider me for the position of Chapter Secretary as well. Being Secretary along with Historian will allow me to work on getting Lakeland High School FBLA chapter of the year at the next leadership conference more efficiently since both the secretary s binder and the scrapbook are ... Get more on ...
  • 49. Javert Hunted Valjean Javert, the inspector who chased Valjean, had one major turning point in Victor Hugo s novel. Throughout the novel Javert hunted Valjean with a sense of justice and law. Javert believed in enforcing society s law to such an extent it made him not think whether the laws were just. However, throughout the novel it became evident that Javert not only wanted to follow the law, but also started to enjoy hounding Valjean. Then, with a demonic and sensual pleasure, he settled down to enjoy himself. He played his man knowing that he had him, deliberately postponing the climax, granting him a last illusion of freedom, relishing the situation like a spider with a fly buzzing in its web or a cat letting a mouse run between its paws the ecstasy of watching ... Get more on ...
  • 50. The Friar Research Paper The Friar is looked well upon in his country for his involvement with the church. There is four different types of Friar groups: Dominican, Franciscan, Carmelite, and Augustinian. Their job is to listen to others confessions in the church to earn money. Many finds a Friar as a merry, festive, and an easy man to be around. He is sworn to Poverty and lives on donations for a charity. A Friar is a devious man in the way he seduces women and in his dedication in the church. A Friar admires women greatly and will do almost anything to please them. He gives women a tippet always full of knives and pins (233 234) and the women respect him for his wonderful gifts he provides them. Each woman feels affection from the Friar, because he buys them anything she desires for. A Friar is known as someone who seduces women and will marry them only for the chance to take their virginity. He brings women into his life and uses them, then goes onto the next women. His actions for his continuous use of women is not acceptable, especially since he works in the church. ... Show more content on ... He lives on charitable donations and he begs on behalf of the poor. The poor feels obligated to give the Friar money, because he works for the church and they may be considered unholy if they do not give to him. The Friar does not pay any attention to beggars, because they do not have money to provide the Friar with. He is humble in men s eyes; however, he is not humble because he knows he is wealthy and knows he can acquire any women he wants (250). Other men see him as humble, because most people who work at a church have a kind and giving soul. The Friar knows what he is doing is wrong, but continues to beg for money he does not necessarily need. He knows he should gain a good pittance, but he is selfish and takes money from poor people who need the money more than he does (223). He is desperate and will take a penny from anyone he encounters ... Get more on ...
  • 51. Symptoms And Symptoms Of Depression Essay Everyone feels blue or sad occasionally, but if debilitating negative emotions begin to interfere with your daily life and normal functioning treatment should be sought to see if you may be suffering from depression. The rate of depression worldwide has seen a steady increase over the last few decades and according to the World Health Organization (2011), it is the number one cause of disability in the U.S. with economic costs exceeding in to the billions. Stress, which is directly correlated to depression, has many contributing variables that can be very detrimental to your physiological and psychological health [may be need more explanation and some specific examples to make argument stronger]. Depression is a very serious mental illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. It can be caused by stressful events or can occur spontaneously, with no identifiable specific cause. Those suffering from depression looking for a treatment to alleviate feelings of negative affect will most likely be prescribed some sort of antidepressant drug. During the past 15 years, a plethora of antidepressant drugs has entered the marketplace all claiming to be the cure all for your biochemical dysfunction (Benkert, O., Szegedi, A, Muller, M. J., 2002). However, many antidepressants can cause severe side effects both physically and mentally. Tensions between the research literature, pharmaceutical treatment options and alternative medicines available leaves ... Get more on ...