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Online Platform Economy and Gig Workers: A
USA Perspective
Jim Spohrer
Director, IBM Cognitive OpenTech
Twitter: @JimSpohrer
Presentations on line at:
For Expert Workshop:
The Platform Economy as an Opportunity
for SMEs and Start-ups (December 9, 2020)
Skills for Industry
Fostering New Services and Jobs Creation
Expert Workshop
Promoting: Service Science & T-Shaped Skills
Today’s Talk:
• Title: Online Platform Economy and Gig Workers: A
USA Perspective
Abstract: My goal in ten minutes would be (1)
to summarize a few experts POV (Kenney &
Zysman, Owyang) that do a good job of showing
a balanced perspective of the challenges,
opportunities, and ongoing evolution, as well as
(2) describe their connection to the service
science community - speaking at previous
conferences, contributing papers to books - and
then (3) provide a few thoughts about what
platform related best practice actions (policy
directions) are aligned with creation of T-shaped
adaptive innovator with broad awareness of
advanced technologies, work practices, and
growth and entrepreneurial mindsets.
12/3/2020 (c) IBM MAP COG .| 2
Consumers and society at large are expecting
more from business. Embracing those
responsibilities can be good for shareholders, too.
the urban escalator seems to be faltering ….
regional programs to improve job quality …
Reframing employer responsibilities…
Gig work is
Platforms help.
Torpey E, Hogan A (2016)
Working in a gig economy.
Pros and cons of gig work
Pros: Flexibility, Passion
Cons: Inconsistency,
Scheduling, Lack of benefits
Silo to silo.
ILO (2017) Helping the gig
economy work better for
gig workers
WEF (2017) Towards a
reskilling revolution - a
future of jobs for all. URL:
Definitions – getting beyond silos
Farrrel D, Grieg F (2014)
Online Platform
The future of employment (Sapjic 2019)
The Size of the Gig Economy
1. About 36% of US workers are now involved in the gig economy. (Gallup)
2. 40% of US-based workers generate a large part of their income via the gig economy. (PYMNTS)
3. The yearly increase in the number of freelance workers keeps getting higher. (Wonolo)
4. In 2018, US independent workers spent a billion hours per week freelancing. (Upwork)
5. The gig economy is expanding three times faster than the US workforce as a whole. (Forbes)
6. US freelancers contributed $1.28 trillion to the American economy in 2018. (MBO Partners)
7. In 2013 alone, micro-businesses owned by freelancers generated $2.4 trillion. (AEO)
8. If the gig economy keeps growing at its current rate, more than 50%
of the US workforce will participate in it by 2027. (Wonolo)
The future of employment (Sapjic 2019)
Job Security and Satisfaction in the Gig Economy
9. More than 50% of full-time independent workers feel more financially secure
than those in traditional employment. (MBO Partners)
10. 51% of freelancers would not go back to traditional work for any amount of money. (Upwork)
11. 26% of millennials think the gig economy offers more security than traditional work. (T. Rowe Price Group)
12. 84% of freelancers are living their preferred lifestyle compared to just 54% of those working in traditional jobs. (Upwork)
13. 78% of gig workers say they’re happier than those working traditional jobs, while 68% say they’re healthier. (McKinsey)
14. One in six traditional job workers would like to become an independent earner. (McKinsey)
15. Those who work in the freelance economy by choice are the most satisfied group within the workforce. (McKinsey)
16. 64% of independent workers intend to stay independent. (Small Biz Labs)
17. 61% of independent workers freelance by choice. (Upwork)
18. The average freelance hourly rate ranges from $11 to $28 across the globe. (Payoneer)
19. 81% of full-time freelancers work as independents in order to be their own boss. (Statista)
The future of employment (Sapjic 2019)
The Gig Economy and Tech
20. More than 70% of freelancers find jobs through online markets and gig economy websites. (Payoneer)
21. More than three in four freelancers say technology makes it easier to find work. (Upwork)
22. 53% of young adults in the US use a smartphone to search for a job. (Federal Reserve Bank St. Louis)
23. 54% of freelancers use Facebook for self-promotion. (Payoneer)
24. 20-30% of the workforce in the US and EU-15 countries is involved in the gig economy. (McKinsey)
25. The gig economy in the UK doubled in size between 2016 and 2019. It now comprises 4.7 million workers. (The Guardian)
26. The number of freelancers has increased by 24% in the period from 2008 to 2015. (IPSE)
The Future of the Gig Economy
27. 90% of freelancers think the industry has an even brighter future ahead of it. (Upwork)
28. 42% of young people freelance. (Upwork)
29. Millenials will form 75% of the global workforce by 2025. (Forbes)
30. 80% of large US companies plan to switch to a flexible workforce. (Intuit)
How big is the US gig economy? 2019, 57 million gig workers in the US economy, amounting to 36% of all US workers.
T-shapes …
Beyond Silos.
Rodgers S (2016) Jeremiah
Owyang on the Collaborative
Kenny M, Zysman J (2016) The
Rise of the Platform Economy.
Gardner P, Maietta HN
(2020) Advancing Talent
Development: Steps
Toward a T-Model
Infused Undergraduate
Moghaddam Y, Demirkan
H, Spohrer J (2018) T-
Shaped Professionals:
Adaptive Innovators.
Concluding Remarks
1. Early days – more data needed to inform policy around platform economy and gig work
2. Clear benefits to realize– universal healthcare and basic income would “solve” two key drawbacks in USA
3. Clear challenges to tackle - platform super-powers versus government institutions – predictable outcome
1. See (Van Dijck J, Poell T 2018) – re “moderation” concept in book ”The Platform Society”
4. Needed: Reskilling is a bandaid (silo to silo) – Upskilling will be key (make a job, not take a job) to platform society
5. Needed: T-shaped adaptive innovators – depth (problem-solving with tech) and breadth (collaboration-communications)
1. Broad knowledge of advanced technologies (AI, Data Science, IoT, Quantum, Cloud, GreenTech,Regtech, etc.)
2. Work practices skills (agile, service design, open technologies, etc.)
3. Mindset (growth mindset, entrepreneurial mindset)
6. Needed: Service Science – Competing for collaborators in value co-creation is a constant while tech/org changes.
1. From a service science perspective balancing winner-take-all and improve-weakest-link important
2. Also, T-shaped adaptive innovators is best for capacity building in industry, academia, government, and regional small enterprises
7. Best practice examples: MIT-NSF, IBM, USA-Cities, Databricks, Seldon.
• Autor D, Mindell D, Reynolds E (2020). The Work of the Future: Building Better Jobs in an Age of Intelligent Machines. MIT Work of the Future Task Force. URL:
• Farrel D, Grieg F (2014) Online Platform Economy. JP Morgan Chase. URL:
• Gardner P, Maietta HN (2020) Advancing Talent Development: Steps Toward a T-Model Infused Undergraduate Education. Business Expert Press. URL:
• Hunt V, Simpson B, Yamada Y (2020) The case for stakeholder capitalism. McKinsey Report. URL:
• ILO (2017) Helping the gig economy work better for gig workers. URL:
• Kenny M, Zysman J (2016) The Rise of the Platform Economy. Issues in Science and Technology. Vol. XXXII, No. 3, Spring 2016. URL:
• Moghaddam Y, Demirkan H, Spohrer J (2018) T-Shaped Professionals: Adaptive Innovators. Business Expert Press. URL:
• Rodgers S (2016) Jeremiah Owyang on the Collaborative Economy. Dassault Systemes – Navigate the Future. URL:
• Sapjic DJ (2019) The Future of Employment –30 Telling Gig Economy Statistics. Small Business by the Numbers. URL:
• Spohrer JC (2011) On looking into Vargo and Lusch's concept of generic actors in markets, or “It's all B2B… and beyond!”. Industrial Marketing Management.
• Spohrer J (2017) IBM's service journey: A summary sketch. Industrial Marketing Management. 2017 Jan 1;60:167-72.
• Spohrer J, Kwan SK, Fisk RP. (2014) ”Marketing: A Service Science and Arts Perspective”. In Roland T. Rust and Ming-Hui Huang Handbook of Service Marketing
Research (489-526). [Competing for collaborators is the constant across time]
• Torpey E, Hogan A (2016) Working in a gig economy. USA Bureau of Labor Statistics. URL:
• Van Dijck J, Poell T, De Waal M (2018) The platform society: Public values in a connective world. Oxford University Press. [book review]
• WEF (2017) Towards a reskilling revolution - a future of jobs for all. URL:
Jim Spohrer, IBM Director, Cognitive OpenTech
Jim Spohrer directs IBM’s open-source Artificial Intelligence
developer ecosystem effort. After his MIT BS in Physics, he
developed speech recognition systems at Verbex (Exxon) before
receiving his Yale PhD in Computer Science/AI. In the 1990’s, he
attained Apple Computers’ Distinguished Engineer Scientist and
Technologist role for next generation learning platforms. He was
CTO IBM Venture Capital Group, co-founded IBM Almaden Service
Research, and led IBM Global University Programs. With over ninety
publications and nine patents, he received the Gummesson Service
Research award, Vargo and Lusch Service-Dominant Logic award,
Daniel Berg Service Systems award, and a PICMET Fellow for
advancing service science. Jim was elected as LF AI Technical
Advisory Board Chairperson and ONNX Steering Committee
Member (2020-2021). Jim is founding board member.
12/3/2020 (c) IBM 2020, Cognitive Opentech Group 14
Inclusive Prosperity in a Digital World
Jim Spohrer
Director, IBM Cognitive OpenTech
Twitter: @JimSpohrer
ISSIP Workshop: Future of Work and Learning (Thur Dec 10, 2-5pm PT) –
EU Sponsored Workshop on Gig Workers: (Wed Dec 9, 8-11am ET) –
Presentations on line at:
For Kauffman Foundation Workshop:
The Future of Work, Entrepreneurship, and
Access to Opportunity (December 3, 2020)
Roundtable: Inclusive Prosperity in a Digital
Host: Derek Ozkal, Senior Program Officer,
Entrepreneurship, Ewing Marion Kauffman
12/3/2020 16
1955 1975 1995 2015 2035 2055
Better Building Blocks
Timeline: Every 20 years,
compute costs are down by 1000x
• Cost of Digital Workers
• Moore’s Law can be thought of as
lowering costs by a factor of a…
• Thousand times lower
in 20 years
• Million times lower
in 40 years
• Billion times lower
in 60 years
• Smarter Tools (Terascale)
• Terascale (2017) = $3K
• Terascale (2020) = ~$1K
• Narrow Worker (Petascale)
• Recognition (Fast)
• Petascale (2040) = ~$1K
• Broad Worker (Exascale)
• Reasoning (Slow)
• Exascale (2060) = ~$1K
1712/3/2020 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group
+/- 10 years
Person Average
Annual Salary
(Living Income)
Super Computer
Mainframe Cost
Smartphone Cost
AI Progress on Open Leaderboards
Benchmark Roadmap to solve AI/IA
Timeline: GDP/Employee
12/3/2020 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 18
Lower compute costs translate into increasing productivity and GDP/employees for nations
Increasing productivity and GDP/employees should translate into wealthier citizens
AI Progress on Open Leaderboards
Benchmark Roadmap to solve AI/IA
12/3/2020 (c) IBM MAP COG .| 19
T-shaped Adaptive Innovator: Deep Problem-Solving and Broad Communication/Collaboration
Advanced Tech: AI to IoT to Quantum, Green RegTech, etc.
Work Practices: Agile, Service Design, Open Source
Mindset: Growth Mindset, Positive Mindset, Entrepreneurial
Many disciplines
Many sectors
Many regions/cultures
(understanding & communications)
“The best way to predict the future is to inspire the
next generation of students to build it better”
Digital Natives Transportation Water Manufacturing
Energy Construction ICT Retail
Finance Healthcare Education Government
Narrow AI
Broad AI
Disruptive and
General AI
▼ We are here 2050 and beyond 21IBM Research AI © 2018 IBM Corporation
The evolution of AI
Borrowed from David Cox, IBM-MIT Lead
22September 2018 / © 2018 IBM Corporation
Petaflops = 1,000,000,000,000,000 or a
million billion = 10 ** 15
Megaflops = 1,000,000 = million = 10 ** 6
Gigaflops = 1,000,000,000 = billion = 10 ** 9
Larges Super Computer in the World,
= 13 MegaWatts of Power (HOT!)
23September 2018 / © 2018 IBM Corporation
Exascale = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 or a
billion billion = 10 ** 18
Megaflops = 1,000,000 = million = 10 ** 6
Gigaflops = 1,000,000,000 = billion = 10 ** 9
Human Brain
= 20 Watts (COOL!)
Timeline: Leaderboards FrameworkAI Progress on Open Leaderboards - Benchmark Roadmap
Perceive World Develop Cognition Build Relationships Fill Roles
Memory Reasoning Social
Assistant &
Coach &
Speech Actions Declarative Deduction Scripts Speech Acts Tasks Institutions
Chime Thumos SQuAD SAT ROC Story ConvAI
Images Context Episodic Induction Plans Intentions Summarization Values
ImageNet VQA DSTC RALI General-AI
Translation Narration Dynamic Abductive Goals Cultures Debate Negotiation
WMT DeepVideo Alexa Prize ICCMA AT
Learning from Labeled Training Data and Searching (Optimization)
Learning by Watching and Reading (Education)
Learning by Doing and being Responsible (Exploration)
2018 2021 2024 2027 2030 2033 2036 2039
12/3/2020 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 24
Which experts would be really surprised if it takes less time… and which experts really surprised if it takes longer?
Level ->
Two disciplines: Two approaches to the future
Artificial Intelligence is almost seventy-years-old discipline in computer
science that studies automation and builds more capable technological
systems. AI tries to understand the intelligent things that people can do
and then does those things with technology. ( “...
we aim to build advanced AI - sometimes known as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) - to
expand our knowledge and find new answers. By solving this, we believe we could help
people solve thousands of problems.”)
Service science is an emerging transdiscipline not yet twenty-years- old
that studies transformation and builds smarter and wiser socoi-
technical systems – families, businesses, nations, and other special
types of responsible entities and their win-win interactions that
transform value co-creation and capability co-elevation mechanisms
that build more resilient future versions of themselves – what we call
service systems entities. Service science tries to understand the
evolving ecology of service system entities, their capabilities,
constraints, rights, and responsibilities, and then then seeks to improve
the quality of life of people (present/smarter and future/wiser) in those
service systems.
26-30 July 2015 3rd International Conference on The Human Side of Service Engineering25
Service systems are dynamic configurations of people,
technology, organizations, and information, connected
internally and externally by value propositions, to other
service system entities. (Maglio et al 2009)
Service Science: Conceptual Framework
12/3/2020 (c) IBM MAP COG .| 26
Service Science
Smarter and Wiser Service Systems:
Entities working to transform to
better future versions of themselves
Past Present Future
AR/VR Platforms”
Change Generalist
Innovator Depth
and Breadth)
Constant Competing for
win-win games
Competing for
win-win games
Competing for
win-win games
12/3/2020 (c) IBM MAP COG .| 27
Trust: Two Communities
12/3/2020 IBM Code #OpenTechAI 28
Value Co-Creation,
Ethical, Safe, Explainable,
Open Communities
Special Issue
AI Magazine?
Handbook of
OpenTech AI?
Timeline: Short History
© IBM Cognitive Opentech Group (COG)
Dota 2
“Deep Learning” for
“AI Pattern Recognition”
depends on massive
amounts of “labeled data”
and computing power
available since ~2012;
Labeled data is simply
input and output pairs,
such as a sound and word,
or image and word, or
English sentence and French
sentence, or road scene
and car control settings –
labeled data means having
both input and output data
in massive quantities.
For example, 100K images
of skin, half with skin
cancer and half without to
learn to recognize presence
of skin cancer.

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20201209 jim spohrer platform economy v3

  • 1. Online Platform Economy and Gig Workers: A USA Perspective Jim Spohrer Director, IBM Cognitive OpenTech Questions: Twitter: @JimSpohrer LinkedIn: Slack: Presentations on line at: For Expert Workshop: The Platform Economy as an Opportunity for SMEs and Start-ups (December 9, 2020) Skills for Industry Fostering New Services and Jobs Creation Expert Workshop Promoting: Service Science & T-Shaped Skills
  • 2. Today’s Talk: • Title: Online Platform Economy and Gig Workers: A USA Perspective Abstract: My goal in ten minutes would be (1) to summarize a few experts POV (Kenney & Zysman, Owyang) that do a good job of showing a balanced perspective of the challenges, opportunities, and ongoing evolution, as well as (2) describe their connection to the service science community - speaking at previous conferences, contributing papers to books - and then (3) provide a few thoughts about what platform related best practice actions (policy directions) are aligned with creation of T-shaped adaptive innovator with broad awareness of advanced technologies, work practices, and growth and entrepreneurial mindsets. 12/3/2020 (c) IBM MAP COG .| 2 Consumers and society at large are expecting more from business. Embracing those responsibilities can be good for shareholders, too. the urban escalator seems to be faltering …. regional programs to improve job quality … Reframing employer responsibilities…
  • 3. Gig work is growing… Platforms help. Torpey E, Hogan A (2016) Working in a gig economy. Pros and cons of gig work Pros: Flexibility, Passion Cons: Inconsistency, Scheduling, Lack of benefits
  • 4. Reskilling… Limited…. Silo to silo. ILO (2017) Helping the gig economy work better for gig workers WEF (2017) Towards a reskilling revolution - a future of jobs for all. URL:
  • 5. Definitions – getting beyond silos Farrrel D, Grieg F (2014) Online Platform Economy.
  • 6.
  • 7. The future of employment (Sapjic 2019) The Size of the Gig Economy 1. About 36% of US workers are now involved in the gig economy. (Gallup) 2. 40% of US-based workers generate a large part of their income via the gig economy. (PYMNTS) 3. The yearly increase in the number of freelance workers keeps getting higher. (Wonolo) 4. In 2018, US independent workers spent a billion hours per week freelancing. (Upwork) 5. The gig economy is expanding three times faster than the US workforce as a whole. (Forbes) 6. US freelancers contributed $1.28 trillion to the American economy in 2018. (MBO Partners) 7. In 2013 alone, micro-businesses owned by freelancers generated $2.4 trillion. (AEO) 8. If the gig economy keeps growing at its current rate, more than 50% of the US workforce will participate in it by 2027. (Wonolo)
  • 8. The future of employment (Sapjic 2019) Job Security and Satisfaction in the Gig Economy 9. More than 50% of full-time independent workers feel more financially secure than those in traditional employment. (MBO Partners) 10. 51% of freelancers would not go back to traditional work for any amount of money. (Upwork) 11. 26% of millennials think the gig economy offers more security than traditional work. (T. Rowe Price Group) 12. 84% of freelancers are living their preferred lifestyle compared to just 54% of those working in traditional jobs. (Upwork) 13. 78% of gig workers say they’re happier than those working traditional jobs, while 68% say they’re healthier. (McKinsey) 14. One in six traditional job workers would like to become an independent earner. (McKinsey) 15. Those who work in the freelance economy by choice are the most satisfied group within the workforce. (McKinsey) 16. 64% of independent workers intend to stay independent. (Small Biz Labs) 17. 61% of independent workers freelance by choice. (Upwork) 18. The average freelance hourly rate ranges from $11 to $28 across the globe. (Payoneer) 19. 81% of full-time freelancers work as independents in order to be their own boss. (Statista)
  • 9. The future of employment (Sapjic 2019) The Gig Economy and Tech 20. More than 70% of freelancers find jobs through online markets and gig economy websites. (Payoneer) 21. More than three in four freelancers say technology makes it easier to find work. (Upwork) 22. 53% of young adults in the US use a smartphone to search for a job. (Federal Reserve Bank St. Louis) 23. 54% of freelancers use Facebook for self-promotion. (Payoneer) 24. 20-30% of the workforce in the US and EU-15 countries is involved in the gig economy. (McKinsey) 25. The gig economy in the UK doubled in size between 2016 and 2019. It now comprises 4.7 million workers. (The Guardian) 26. The number of freelancers has increased by 24% in the period from 2008 to 2015. (IPSE) The Future of the Gig Economy 27. 90% of freelancers think the industry has an even brighter future ahead of it. (Upwork) 28. 42% of young people freelance. (Upwork) 29. Millenials will form 75% of the global workforce by 2025. (Forbes) 30. 80% of large US companies plan to switch to a flexible workforce. (Intuit) How big is the US gig economy? 2019, 57 million gig workers in the US economy, amounting to 36% of all US workers.
  • 10. Upskilling… T-shapes … Beyond Silos. Rodgers S (2016) Jeremiah Owyang on the Collaborative Economy. Kenny M, Zysman J (2016) The Rise of the Platform Economy.
  • 11. Upskilling… T-shapes Gardner P, Maietta HN (2020) Advancing Talent Development: Steps Toward a T-Model Infused Undergraduate Education. Moghaddam Y, Demirkan H, Spohrer J (2018) T- Shaped Professionals: Adaptive Innovators.
  • 12. Concluding Remarks 1. Early days – more data needed to inform policy around platform economy and gig work 2. Clear benefits to realize– universal healthcare and basic income would “solve” two key drawbacks in USA 3. Clear challenges to tackle - platform super-powers versus government institutions – predictable outcome 1. See (Van Dijck J, Poell T 2018) – re “moderation” concept in book ”The Platform Society” 4. Needed: Reskilling is a bandaid (silo to silo) – Upskilling will be key (make a job, not take a job) to platform society 5. Needed: T-shaped adaptive innovators – depth (problem-solving with tech) and breadth (collaboration-communications) 1. Broad knowledge of advanced technologies (AI, Data Science, IoT, Quantum, Cloud, GreenTech,Regtech, etc.) 2. Work practices skills (agile, service design, open technologies, etc.) 3. Mindset (growth mindset, entrepreneurial mindset) 6. Needed: Service Science – Competing for collaborators in value co-creation is a constant while tech/org changes. 1. From a service science perspective balancing winner-take-all and improve-weakest-link important 2. Also, T-shaped adaptive innovators is best for capacity building in industry, academia, government, and regional small enterprises 7. Best practice examples: MIT-NSF, IBM, USA-Cities, Databricks, Seldon.
  • 13. References • Autor D, Mindell D, Reynolds E (2020). The Work of the Future: Building Better Jobs in an Age of Intelligent Machines. MIT Work of the Future Task Force. URL: • Farrel D, Grieg F (2014) Online Platform Economy. JP Morgan Chase. URL: online-platform-econ-brief • Gardner P, Maietta HN (2020) Advancing Talent Development: Steps Toward a T-Model Infused Undergraduate Education. Business Expert Press. URL: • Hunt V, Simpson B, Yamada Y (2020) The case for stakeholder capitalism. McKinsey Report. URL: corporate-finance/our-insights/the-case-for-stakeholder-capitalism • ILO (2017) Helping the gig economy work better for gig workers. URL: • Kenny M, Zysman J (2016) The Rise of the Platform Economy. Issues in Science and Technology. Vol. XXXII, No. 3, Spring 2016. URL: the-platform-economy • Moghaddam Y, Demirkan H, Spohrer J (2018) T-Shaped Professionals: Adaptive Innovators. Business Expert Press. URL: Professionals-Innovators-Yassi-Moghaddam/dp/194784315X • Rodgers S (2016) Jeremiah Owyang on the Collaborative Economy. Dassault Systemes – Navigate the Future. URL: owyang-on-the-collaborative-economy/ • Sapjic DJ (2019) The Future of Employment –30 Telling Gig Economy Statistics. Small Business by the Numbers. URL: numbers/gig-economy-statistics/#gref • Spohrer JC (2011) On looking into Vargo and Lusch's concept of generic actors in markets, or “It's all B2B… and beyond!”. Industrial Marketing Management. 2011;2(40):199-201. • Spohrer J (2017) IBM's service journey: A summary sketch. Industrial Marketing Management. 2017 Jan 1;60:167-72. • Spohrer J, Kwan SK, Fisk RP. (2014) ”Marketing: A Service Science and Arts Perspective”. In Roland T. Rust and Ming-Hui Huang Handbook of Service Marketing Research (489-526). [Competing for collaborators is the constant across time] • Torpey E, Hogan A (2016) Working in a gig economy. USA Bureau of Labor Statistics. URL: gig-economy.htm • Van Dijck J, Poell T, De Waal M (2018) The platform society: Public values in a connective world. Oxford University Press. [book review] • WEF (2017) Towards a reskilling revolution - a future of jobs for all. URL:
  • 14. Jim Spohrer, IBM Director, Cognitive OpenTech Jim Spohrer directs IBM’s open-source Artificial Intelligence developer ecosystem effort. After his MIT BS in Physics, he developed speech recognition systems at Verbex (Exxon) before receiving his Yale PhD in Computer Science/AI. In the 1990’s, he attained Apple Computers’ Distinguished Engineer Scientist and Technologist role for next generation learning platforms. He was CTO IBM Venture Capital Group, co-founded IBM Almaden Service Research, and led IBM Global University Programs. With over ninety publications and nine patents, he received the Gummesson Service Research award, Vargo and Lusch Service-Dominant Logic award, Daniel Berg Service Systems award, and a PICMET Fellow for advancing service science. Jim was elected as LF AI Technical Advisory Board Chairperson and ONNX Steering Committee Member (2020-2021). Jim is founding board member. 12/3/2020 (c) IBM 2020, Cognitive Opentech Group 14
  • 15. Roundtable: Inclusive Prosperity in a Digital World Jim Spohrer Director, IBM Cognitive OpenTech Questions: Twitter: @JimSpohrer LinkedIn: Slack: ISSIP Workshop: Future of Work and Learning (Thur Dec 10, 2-5pm PT) – EU Sponsored Workshop on Gig Workers: (Wed Dec 9, 8-11am ET) – Presentations on line at: For Kauffman Foundation Workshop: The Future of Work, Entrepreneurship, and Access to Opportunity (December 3, 2020) Roundtable: Inclusive Prosperity in a Digital World Host: Derek Ozkal, Senior Program Officer, Entrepreneurship, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
  • 16. 12/3/2020 16 1955 1975 1995 2015 2035 2055 Better Building Blocks
  • 17. Timeline: Every 20 years, compute costs are down by 1000x • Cost of Digital Workers • Moore’s Law can be thought of as lowering costs by a factor of a… • Thousand times lower in 20 years • Million times lower in 40 years • Billion times lower in 60 years • Smarter Tools (Terascale) • Terascale (2017) = $3K • Terascale (2020) = ~$1K • Narrow Worker (Petascale) • Recognition (Fast) • Petascale (2040) = ~$1K • Broad Worker (Exascale) • Reasoning (Slow) • Exascale (2060) = ~$1K 1712/3/2020 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 2080204020001960 $1K $1M $1B $1T 206020201980 +/- 10 years $1 Person Average Annual Salary (Living Income) Super Computer Cost Mainframe Cost Smartphone Cost T P E T P E AI Progress on Open Leaderboards Benchmark Roadmap to solve AI/IA
  • 18. Timeline: GDP/Employee 12/3/2020 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 18 (Source) Lower compute costs translate into increasing productivity and GDP/employees for nations Increasing productivity and GDP/employees should translate into wealthier citizens AI Progress on Open Leaderboards Benchmark Roadmap to solve AI/IA
  • 19. 12/3/2020 (c) IBM MAP COG .| 19 T-shaped Adaptive Innovator: Deep Problem-Solving and Broad Communication/Collaboration Advanced Tech: AI to IoT to Quantum, Green RegTech, etc. Work Practices: Agile, Service Design, Open Source Mindset: Growth Mindset, Positive Mindset, Entrepreneurial Many disciplines Many sectors Many regions/cultures (understanding & communications) Deepinonesector Deepinoneregion/culture Deepinonediscipline
  • 20. “The best way to predict the future is to inspire the next generation of students to build it better” Digital Natives Transportation Water Manufacturing Energy Construction ICT Retail Finance Healthcare Education Government
  • 21. Narrow AI Emerging Broad AI Disruptive and Pervasive General AI Revolutionary ▼ We are here 2050 and beyond 21IBM Research AI © 2018 IBM Corporation The evolution of AI Borrowed from David Cox, IBM-MIT Lead
  • 22. 22September 2018 / © 2018 IBM Corporation Petaflops = 1,000,000,000,000,000 or a million billion = 10 ** 15 Megaflops = 1,000,000 = million = 10 ** 6 Gigaflops = 1,000,000,000 = billion = 10 ** 9 Larges Super Computer in the World, = 13 MegaWatts of Power (HOT!)
  • 23. 23September 2018 / © 2018 IBM Corporation Exascale = 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 or a billion billion = 10 ** 18 Megaflops = 1,000,000 = million = 10 ** 6 Gigaflops = 1,000,000,000 = billion = 10 ** 9 Human Brain = 20 Watts (COOL!)
  • 24. Timeline: Leaderboards FrameworkAI Progress on Open Leaderboards - Benchmark Roadmap Perceive World Develop Cognition Build Relationships Fill Roles Pattern recognition Video understanding Memory Reasoning Social interactions Fluent conversation Assistant & Collaborator Coach & Mediator Speech Actions Declarative Deduction Scripts Speech Acts Tasks Institutions Chime Thumos SQuAD SAT ROC Story ConvAI Images Context Episodic Induction Plans Intentions Summarization Values ImageNet VQA DSTC RALI General-AI Translation Narration Dynamic Abductive Goals Cultures Debate Negotiation WMT DeepVideo Alexa Prize ICCMA AT Learning from Labeled Training Data and Searching (Optimization) Learning by Watching and Reading (Education) Learning by Doing and being Responsible (Exploration) 2018 2021 2024 2027 2030 2033 2036 2039 12/3/2020 (c) IBM 2017, Cognitive Opentech Group 24 Which experts would be really surprised if it takes less time… and which experts really surprised if it takes longer? Approx. Year Human Level -> +3 See:
  • 25. Two disciplines: Two approaches to the future Artificial Intelligence is almost seventy-years-old discipline in computer science that studies automation and builds more capable technological systems. AI tries to understand the intelligent things that people can do and then does those things with technology. ( “... we aim to build advanced AI - sometimes known as Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) - to expand our knowledge and find new answers. By solving this, we believe we could help people solve thousands of problems.”) Service science is an emerging transdiscipline not yet twenty-years- old that studies transformation and builds smarter and wiser socoi- technical systems – families, businesses, nations, and other special types of responsible entities and their win-win interactions that transform value co-creation and capability co-elevation mechanisms that build more resilient future versions of themselves – what we call service systems entities. Service science tries to understand the evolving ecology of service system entities, their capabilities, constraints, rights, and responsibilities, and then then seeks to improve the quality of life of people (present/smarter and future/wiser) in those service systems. 26-30 July 2015 3rd International Conference on The Human Side of Service Engineering25 Automation Transformation Service systems are dynamic configurations of people, technology, organizations, and information, connected internally and externally by value propositions, to other service system entities. (Maglio et al 2009)
  • 26. Service Science: Conceptual Framework 12/3/2020 (c) IBM MAP COG .| 26 Service Science
  • 27. Smarter and Wiser Service Systems: Entities working to transform to better future versions of themselves Past Present Future Organizational Units Family Clan Family Business/Nation Family Business/Nation “CyberGlobal AR/VR Platforms” Change Generalist (Breadth) Specialist (Depth) T-shaped (Adaptive Innovator Depth and Breadth) Constant Competing for collaborators: win-win games Competing for collaborators: win-win games Competing for collaborators: win-win games 12/3/2020 (c) IBM MAP COG .| 27
  • 28. Trust: Two Communities 12/3/2020 IBM Code #OpenTechAI 28 Service Science OpenTech AI Trust: Value Co-Creation, Transdisciplinary Trust: Ethical, Safe, Explainable, Open Communities Special Issue AI Magazine? Handbook of OpenTech AI?
  • 29. Timeline: Short History 12/3/2020 © IBM Cognitive Opentech Group (COG) 29 Dota 2 “Deep Learning” for “AI Pattern Recognition” depends on massive amounts of “labeled data” and computing power available since ~2012; Labeled data is simply input and output pairs, such as a sound and word, or image and word, or English sentence and French sentence, or road scene and car control settings – labeled data means having both input and output data in massive quantities. For example, 100K images of skin, half with skin cancer and half without to learn to recognize presence of skin cancer.

Notes de l'éditeur

  1. Thank-you for the opportunity to share some thoughts with you all today. Title: Future of AI and Post-Pandemic Society: A Service Science Perspective Abstract: My goal in ten minutes would be (1) to summarize a few experts POV (Kenney & Zysman, Owyang, and others – See next to last slide with references) that do a good job of showing a balanced perspective of the challenges, opportunities, and ongoing evolution, as well as (2)  describe their connection to the service science community - speaking at previous conferences, contributing papers to books - and then (3) provide a few thoughts about what platform related best practice actions (policy directions) are aligned with creation of T-shaped adaptive innovator with broad awareness of advanced technologies, work practices, and growth and entrepreneurial mindsets.  Bio: Jim Spohrer directs IBM’s open source Artificial Intelligence developer ecosystem effort. He led IBM Global University Programs, co-founded Almaden Service Research, and was CTO Venture Capital Group. After his MIT BS in Physics, he developed speech recognition systems at Verbex (Exxon) before receiving his Yale PhD in Computer Science/AI. In the 1990’s, he attained Apple Computers’Distinguished Engineer Scientist and Technologist role for next generation learning platforms. With over ninety publications and nine patents, he received the Gummesson Service Research award, Vargo and Lusch Service-Dominant Logic award, Daniel Berg Service Systems award, and a PICMET Fellow for advancing service science.
  2. Many questions arise – so let’s get started.
  3. From a service science perspective: Reskilling thinking = person versus machine – a race to lose. Upskilling thinking = person and machine thinking – a race to win Note: upskilling = person and organization thinking in 1800-1900’s.
  4. Recommendation 1. More measurements and datasets needed (family structure) 2. Torpey E, Hogan A (2016) Working in a gig economy. USA Bureau of Labor Statistics. URL: Top three: Other services, admin services, scientific & technical services Pros and cons of gig work Pros: Flexibility, Passion Cons: Inconsistency, Scheduling, Lack of benefits Question: No analysis of family and support structure around gig workers. Sapjic DJ (2019) The Future of Employment –30 Telling Gig Economy Statistics.  Small Business by the Numbers. URL: 2019:  The Size of the Gig Economy 1. About 36% of US workers are now involved in the gig economy. (Gallup) 2. 40% of US-based workers generate a large part of their income via the gig economy. (PYMNTS) 3. The yearly increase in the number of freelance workers keeps getting higher. (Wonolo) 4. In 2018, US independent workers spent a billion hours per week freelancing. (Upwork) 5. The gig economy is expanding three times faster than the US workforce as a whole. (Forbes) 6. US freelancers contributed $1.28 trillion to the American economy in 2018. (MBO Partners) 7. In 2013 alone, micro-businesses owned by freelancers generated $2.4 trillion. (AEO) 8. If the gig economy keeps growing at its current rate, more than 50% of the US workforce will participate in it by 2027. (Wonolo) Job Security and Satisfaction in the Gig Economy 9. More than 50% of full-time independent workers feel more financially secure than those in traditional employment. (MBO Partners) 10. 51% of freelancers would not go back to traditional work for any amount of money. (Upwork) 11. 26% of millennials think the gig economy offers more security than traditional work. (T. Rowe Price Group) 12. 84% of freelancers are living their preferred lifestyle compared to just 54% of those working in traditional jobs. (Upwork) 13. 78% of gig workers say they’re happier than those working traditional jobs, while 68% say they’re healthier. (McKinsey) 14. One in six traditional job workers would like to become an independent earner. (McKinsey) 15. Those who work in the freelance economy by choice are the most satisfied group within the workforce. (McKinsey) 16. 64% of independent workers intend to stay independent. (Small Biz Labs) 17. 61% of independent workers freelance by choice. (Upwork) 18. The average freelance hourly rate ranges from $11 to $28 across the globe. (Payoneer) 19. 81% of full-time freelancers work as independents in order to be their own boss. (Statista) The Gig Economy and Tech 20. More than 70% of freelancers find jobs through online markets and gig economy websites. (Payoneer) 21. More than three in four freelancers say technology makes it easier to find work. (Upwork) 22. 53% of young adults in the US use a smartphone to search for a job. (Federal Reserve Bank St. Louis) 23. 54% of freelancers use Facebook for self-promotion. (Payoneer) 24. 20-30% of the workforce in the US and EU-15 countries is involved in the gig economy. (McKinsey) 25. The gig economy in the UK doubled in size between 2016 and 2019. It now comprises 4.7 million workers. (The Guardian) 26. The number of freelancers has increased by 24% in the period from 2008 to 2015. (IPSE) The Future of the Gig Economy 27. 90% of freelancers think the industry has an even brighter future ahead of it. (Upwork) 28. 42% of young people freelance. (Upwork) 29. Millenials will form 75% of the global workforce by 2025. (Forbes) 30. 80% of large US companies plan to switch to a flexible workforce. (Intuit)   Frequently Asked Questions How big is the US gig economy? now 57 million gig workers in the US economy, amounting to 36% of all US workers. ILO (2017) Helping the gig economy work better for gig workers.  URL: WEF (2017) Towards a reskilling revolution - a future of jobs for all. URL: Farrrel D, Grieg F (2014) Online Platform Economy. JP Morgan Chase.  URL: Kenny M, Zysman J (2016) The Rise of the Platform Economy. Issues in Science and Technology. Vol. XXXII, No. 3, Spring 2016. URL:  Question: It could be great if we make the right choices in the coming years.  "As the work by Michael Cusumano, Annabelle Gawer, and Peter Evans has shown, these digital platforms are multisided digital frameworks that shape the terms on which participants interact with one another. " Rodgers S (2016) Jeremiah Owyang on the Collaborative Economy. Dassault Systemes - Navigate the Future.  URL: Today the world’s largest hospitality brand, Airbnb, is worth over $25 billion without owning a single room or hotel. Likewise, Uber, the world’s largest taxi service, is valued at over $62 billion without owning a single car. Autor D, Mindell D, Reynolds E (2020).  The Work of the Future: Building Better Jobs in an Age of Intelligent Machines. MIT Work of the Future Task Force. URL: (1) the urban escalator seems to be faltering according to the report: "Non-college educated workers used to be able to earn more by moving to cities, but no longer. The economic escalator that U.S. cities once offered to workers of all backgrounds has slowed. Even in the wealthiest U.S. cities, the workforce is increasingly bifurcated. On the one hand, high-wage professionals enjoy the amenities that thriving urban areas can offer. On the other hand, an underclass of less-educated service workers gets by with diminishing purchasing power while attending to the care, comfort, and convenience of the more affluent. " (2) importance of regional programs "Regional Commitment A focus on a regional commitment makes sense because labor markets are regional and because public labor market programs, adult education, community colleges, and school systems are all best managed by governors who can coordinate at the state level and operate at the regional level in the state (or in some cases, across state boundaries as in the Greater Washing ton area98). That said, there is a deeper requirement than good management: a shared commitment by employers, community groups and unions, and governmental and educational leaders to build and support a system. Several states exemplif y this kind of commitment. For example, Massachusetts, North Carolina, and Tennessee are widely admired for their cre-ative workforce development systems. But even in these best-practice states, limited resources constrain scale.99" (3) employers do not seem to pay attention to credential except in tightly defined circumstances "SKILLS STANDARDS Modeled on those in Germany, skills standards were intro-duced into the U.S. policy discussion during the Clinton administration. The rationale is that standardization of credentials would enable people to be more mobile across employers, and even geographies, while at the same time providing assurance to employers about the qualifications of a new hire. While attractive in the abstract, important questions remain about this idea. The deepest problem is that employers do not seem to pay attention to credentials except in tightly defined circumstances (e.g., some IT certi-fications), a limitation that has been demonstrated in two large-scale surveys.100 For reasons that are not fully under-stood, employers simply do not seem to find the credentials relevant. For skills standards to succeed, training institu-tions and employers will need to collaborate to define standards that are job-relevant and credibly certified. " (4) improving job quality "As argued above, this failure is not an inevitable conse-quence of technology, globalization, or market forces. Rather, a set of U.S.-specific institutional and policy choices failed to blunt —and in some cases magnified —the conse-quences of technological and globalization pressures on the U.S. labor market. To contend effectively with these challenges requires institutional and policy reforms that realign labor market opportunities with the rising produc-tivity and societal wealth that the U.S. has reaped from decades of innovation and investments in human and phys-ical capital." (5) Reframing employer responsibilities "Increasingly, U.S. businesses are engaging in that reevaluation. In August of 2019, the Business Roundtable—a group made up of the CEOs of many of the U.S.’s largest corporations—issued a new “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation,”signed by 181 CEOs, committing to lead their companies for the benefit of all stakeholders—customers, employees, suppliers, communities, and shareholders. It’s the first time since 1997 that the organization’s principles did not state that corporations exist principally to ser ve shareholders. Jamie Dimon, chairman and CEO of JPMor-gan Chase & Co. and chairman of the group, said at the time: “The American Dream is alive, but fraying.”" Good best practices boxes as well "Collaboration Between Management and Workers Around Technology Adoption" Hunt V, Simpson B, Yamada Y (2020) The case for stakeholder capitalism. McKinsey Report. URL: "First, many companies are making public commitments. Their progress, or lack of it, can be tracked, measured, and followed-up on. And given the plethora of information available, even those who do not make such commitments can be named and shamed when their actions fall short of expectations. Second, there is growing evidence that companies that take a long-term view—and stakeholder capitalism requires that—perform better. In a study that looked at 615 large- and mid-cap US publicly listed companies from 2001蝻, the McKinsey Global Institute found that those with a long-term view outperformed the rest in earnings, revenue, investment, and job growth. Other McKinsey research concluded that companies with strong environmental, social, and governance norms recorded higher performance and credit r
  5. I am Jim Spohrer, IBM’s Director of Cognitive OpenTech – meaning I lead open source AI for the part of IBM which works with software developers globally. As a result of my work in service science, I have won a number of awards, including the Gummesson Service Research Award, Vargo and Lusch Service-Dominant Logic Award, Daniel Berg Service Systems Award, and the PICMET Fellow award for advancing service science.
  6. Thank-you for the opportunity to share some thoughts with you all today. Title: Future of AI and Post-Pandemic Society: A Service Science Perspective Abstract: My goal in ten minutes would be (1) to summarize a few experts POV (Kenney & Zysman, Owyang, and others – See next to last slide with references) that do a good job of showing a balanced perspective of the challenges, opportunities, and ongoing evolution, as well as (2)  describe their connection to the service science community - speaking at previous conferences, contributing papers to books - and then (3) provide a few thoughts about what platform related best practice actions (policy directions) are aligned with creation of T-shaped adaptive innovator with broad awareness of advanced technologies, work practices, and growth and entrepreneurial mindsets.  Bio: Jim Spohrer directs IBM’s open source Artificial Intelligence developer ecosystem effort. He led IBM Global University Programs, co-founded Almaden Service Research, and was CTO Venture Capital Group. After his MIT BS in Physics, he developed speech recognition systems at Verbex (Exxon) before receiving his Yale PhD in Computer Science/AI. In the 1990’s, he attained Apple Computers’Distinguished Engineer Scientist and Technologist role for next generation learning platforms. With over ninety publications and nine patents, he received the Gummesson Service Research award, Vargo and Lusch Service-Dominant Logic award, Daniel Berg Service Systems award, and a PICMET Fellow for advancing service science.
  7. The weakest link is what needs to be improved – according to system scientists. Accessing help, service, experts is the weakest link in most systems. By 2035 the phone may have the power of one human brain – by 2055 the phone may have the power of all human brains. Before trying to answer the question about which types of sciences are more important – the ones that try to explain the external world or the ones that try to explain the internal world – consider this, slide that shows the different telephones that I have used in my life. I grew up in rural Maine, where we had a party line telephone because we were somewhat remote on our farm in Newburgh, Maine. However, over the years phones got much better…. So in 2035 or 2055, who are you going to call when you need help?
  8. This slide is my version of Moore’s Law – just draw seven verticals every 20 years from 1960 to 2080, and five horizonal lines for $1 to $1T. Computing power is the diagonal lines. Today in 2020, for example, a terascale a million millions instructions per second is available for about$1K and petascale is available for 10M to 100M. Exascale is predicted to be available for $1K in 2060 – we will see – no one knos the future. The yellow line going down is the cost of digital workers, if you think of a CEO buying an AI capability for a particular price this is an important prediction. This can also be interpreted as the apps on your smart phones growing up to become digial workers with a voice interface. What is beyond Exascale? Zetta (21), Yotta (24) Time dimension (x-axis) is plus or minus 10 years…. Daniel Pakkala (VTT) URL: Dan Gruhl:   In 1983 10 GF was ~10 million.   That's 24.55 million in today's dollars.   or 2.4 billion for 1 TF in 1983   Today 1 TF is about $3k
  9. If you are an entrepreneur or CEO you are excited about the drop in cost of digital workers, because that means GDP per employee will continue its exponential increase. Source:
  10. By 2036, there will be an accumulation of knowledge as well as a distribution of knowledge in service systems globally. We need to ensure as there is knowledge accumulation that service systems at all scale become more resilient. Leading to the capability of rapid rebuilding of service systems across scales, by T-shaped people who understand how to rapidly rebuild – knowledge has been chunked, modularized, and put into networks that support rapid rebuilding.
  11. So when we talk about solving AI – typically researchers in the field of AI talk about 3 stages - and the General AI revolution is still decades away.
  12. To understand in part why this is so, take a look at the fastest super-computer in the world… IBM helped build it for Oakridge National Labs, and it can do 200 million billion instructiosn per second using 13 Megawatts of power.
  13. Compate that to the human brain which can by many estimates perform a billion billion instructions per second (5x more than Summit) on a mere 20 watts, over 100,000 times less power.
  14. In addition, to monitoring and driving increasing compute at lower energy cost – IBM is also tracking advances in open source AI on leaderboards, and based on the performance of open source AI for specific tasks, we can also predict when a particular capability is likely to reach human level performance (about 5% error rate, depending on the task). +3 from original estimates, getting video understanding (verbs and nouns and context) and episodic dynamic memory for learning events and expectation violations and importance is taking longer than expected… Expert predictions on HMLI: URL 2015 Pattern Recognition Speech: URL: 2015 Pattern Recognition Images: URL: 2015 Patten Recognition Translation: URL: 2018 Video Understanding Actions: URL: > Also UCF101 2018 Video Understanding Context: URL: 2018 Video Understanding DeepVideo: URL: 2021 Memory Declarative: URL: Also Allen AI Kaggle Science Challenge 2024 Reasoning Deduction: URL: 2027: Social Interaction Scripts: URL: 2030: Fluent Conversation Speech Acts: URL: 2030: Fluent Conversation Intentions: URL: 2030: Fluent Conversation Alexa Prize: URL: 2033: Assistant & Collaborator Summarization: URL: 2033: Assistant & Collaborator Debate: URL: 2036: Coach & Mediator General AI: URL: 2036: Coach & Mediator Negotiation: URL:
  15. What does it mean to solve automation? Transformation?
  16. Service_Science Conceptual_Framework In the Handbook of Service Science, and other publications, we have layed out the conceptual foundations of service science – the first approximation of terms we believe every service scientist should know… The world view is that of an ecology of service-system-entities. Ecology is the study of the populations of entities, and their interactions with each other and the environment Types of Service System Entities, Interactions, and Outcomes is what a service scientist studies. Service systems include: Person, Family/Household, Business, Citiy, Nation, University, Hospital, Call-Center, Data-Center, etc. – any legal entity that can own property and be sued We see that Resources (People, Technology, Information, Organizations) and Stakeholder (Customers, Providers, Authorities, Competitors) are part of the conceptual framework for service science.
  17. This simple time-lines recaps AI progress from 1950 projected to 2030. We see that AI systems can sometimes perform narrow tasks better than people, some roughtly at human performance level (around 5 percent error rate), and other tasks at less than human level performance. 1950 Nathaniel Rochester (IBM) 701 first commercial computer that did super-human levels of numeric calculations routinely. He worked at MIT on arithmetic unit of WhirlWind I programmable computer. Dota 2 is most recent August 11, 2017 as a super-human game player in Valve Dota 2 competition – Elon Musk’s OpenAI result. Miles Bundage tracks gaming progress: DOTA2: