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Why using _.chain is a mistake.
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Why using _.chain is a mistake.
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import _ from "lodash";
_.chain([1, 2, 3])
.map(x => [x, x*2])
import map from "lodash/fp/map";
import flatten from "lodash/fp/flatten";
import sortBy from "lodash/fp/sortBy";
import flow from "lodash/fp/flow";
map(x => [x, x*2]),
sortBy(x => x)
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
_.chain을 이용한다면 functional programming이라 할 수 있을까?
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lodash/fp가 lodash 보다 
두배 더 빠른 웹팩 빌드/실행 시간과 1.5배 작은 빌드 파일 크기 결과를 얻을 수 있다.
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
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lodash 는 자바스크립트의 다양한 기능을 _ 하위의 유틸리티 형태로 메소드 형태로 제공하며
lodash/fp 는 lodash의 이런 기능을 기반으로 functional programming에 좀 더 친근한 스타일로 아래와 같은 특징을 가지기 위해 재 정리된 모듈이라고 할 수 있다.
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
lodash vs lodash/fp
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iteratee-first data-last methods
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
lodash/fp의 특징
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원본 데이터를 다른 데이터로 변환 작업 수행 시, 원본에 대한 변경이 금지되어 원본 데이터를 참조하는 다른 곳에서의 역 효과 (side effect) 를 미리 방지하고 기능의
재 사용성을 보장 할 수 있다.
특정 변환 작업 행위에 대한 정의를 미리 선언함으로서 입력값에 따라 동일한 처리의 결과를 보장할 수 있다.  (테스트의 용이성)
입력값에 따라 동일한 처리에 대한 로직을 그때마다 메모리 할당하는 것이 아닌 이미 처리 방식에 대한 캐시된 정보를 활용하여 처리 성능을 높일 수 있다.
위에서 언급된 특징을 바탕으로 입력값을 맨 나중에 반영함으로서 모듈의 재활용성을 높일 수 있다.
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
lodash/fp의 특징
iteratee-first data-last methods
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(_.flatten([1, 2, 3], x => [x, x*2]))).sort();
_.chain([1, 2, 3])
.map(x => [x, x*2])
정말 우아하게 코드가 함수형 같이 되었다. 
이제 이렇게 써야겠는걸? (이라고 사람들이 위의 스타일대로 프로그래밍을 시작함)
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
Code Refactoring History
1. 기본 절차형 프로그래밍(Precedual Programming)
2. immutable하면서 channing 하게 쓰고 싶다?
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사람들이 시간이 지나면서 가지는 궁금증은 ..
channing이 functional programmiong의 기본 조건이며 이렇게 사용하는 것이 정말 사용성이 좋아지는 것일까?
lodash의 모든 기능을 꼭  _.chain()  +  .value() 로 사용해야 할 것인가?
상황에 따라 입력값에 따른 단순 true | false만 필요한데?
내가 추가한 새로은 기능의 메소드를 어떻게 _.chain에 추가해야 하지?
성능에 대한 저하는 없을까?
이쯤되면 머리속이 복잡해지고 과연 이방법이 맞는지 고민하게 됨  ^^;
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
과연 이것이 functional programming 일까?
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lodash의 전체 모듈 파일 크기는 생각보다 큼 
10%의 기능을 쓰더라도 파일을 전체 로드하며 메모리/디스크 낭비로 이어지게 됨
특히 _.chain 함수를 사용할 경우 (대부분 array like)한 입력을 취하고 아래와 같이 chain object를 리턴하도록 되어 있음
_.chain = (array) => wrap(array, _); // Rough concept of chain
위와 같은 사유로 lodash를 전체 import 하거나 사용자가 원하는 메소드를 부분적으로 global lodash object에 수동 할당해줘야함
import _ from "lodash"; // Import everything.
_.chain([1,2,3]).map(x => x+1).value(); // Use the methods.
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
또 한가지의 문제점은?
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필요할때 사용하는 방식이 파일 크기 및 메모리 사용 크기를 최소화 할 수 있음.
import chain from "lodash/chain";
import value from "lodash/value";
import map from "lodash/map";
import mixin from "lodash/mixin";
import _ from "lodash/wrapperLodash";
// Add the methods you want. The object generated by chain() will
// now have these methods.
mixin(_, {map: map, chain: chain, value: value});
_.chain([1,2,3]).map(x => x+1).value(); // Use the methods.
하지만 실제 작업을 하면서 사용할 모듈을 살펴보면서 개별 관리를 할 수 있을까?
또한 전역 객체를 수정하는 것이 과연 좋은 선택일까?
_.runInContext로 이러한 불편함을 줄일수 있지만 lodash 전체 파일이 필요함
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
_.chain 해결 방안
lodash 파일 크기 줄이기
11 / 25
import filter from "lodash/filter";
const vowels = (array) => filter(array, str => /[aeiou]/i.test(str)
import _ from "lodash";
_.mixin({vowels: vowels});
_.chain(['ab','cd','ef']).vowels().value(); // Use the methods.
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
_.chain 해결 방안
개발자가 기능을 확장한다면?
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import chain from "lodash/chain";
import value from "lodash/value";
import map from "lodash/map";
import mixin from "lodash/mixin";
import _ from "lodash/wrapperLodash";
mixin(_, {
chain: chain,
value: value,
map: map, // Add existing lodash methods you need.
vowels: vowels, // Add your own lodash methods.
_.chain(['ab','cd','ef']).vowels().value(); // Use the methods.
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
_.chain 해결 방안
lodash 파일 최소화 결과
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import chain from "lodash/chain";
import value from "lodash/value";
import mixin from "lodash/mixin";
import thru from "lodash/thru";
import _ from "lodash/wrapperLodash";
// Have one file that only imports core lodash methods you need.
mixin(_, {
chain: chain,
value: value,
thru: thru,
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
_.chain 해결 방안
lodash에서 사용자 확장 함수는 따로 관리?
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Curring + Composition
const add = (a, b) => a + b;
const add5 = _.partial(add, 5); // now `a` is bound (locked-in) to 5
//const add5 = (b) => 5 + b; // this is what it looks like inside
add5(3); // equivalent to invoking add(5, 3);
const _add = (a) => (b) => a + b;
const _add5 = _add(5);
_add5(3); // equivalent to invoking add5(3);
각 함수의 실행 결과에 대한 조합을  compose()  메소드로 대응함
const add8 = (x) => add5(add3(x));
const add8 = compose(add5, add3);
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
lodash/fp로 _.chain을 대체 가능
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처리 방식에 대한 선언을 별도의 변수로 저장하여 이를 필요 시 활용함
import map from "lodash/fp/map";
const squreCalc = map((x) => x*2);
squreCalc([1,2,3]) // eq map((x) => x*2)([1, 2, 3]); // We have this!
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
lodash/fp로 적용
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절차형 프로그래밍 방식으로서의 기본 예제
sortBy(x => x)(
map(x => [x, x*2])
)([1, 2, 3]); //arguments inject
import _ from "lodash";
_.chain([1, 2, 3])
.map(x => [x, x*2]).flatten().sort().value();
import map from "lodash/fp/map";
import flatten from "lodash/fp/flatten";
import sortBy from "lodash/fp/sortBy";
import compose from "lodash/fp/compose";
sortBy(x => x),
map(x => [x, x*2])
compose 함수는 실행 순서에 따라 아래에서 위로 정의를 해야하는 문법으로 구성됨
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
Argument Ordering
lodash/fp compose
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import map from "lodash/fp/map";
import flatten from "lodash/fp/flatten";
import sortBy from "lodash/fp/sortBy";
import flow from "lodash/fp/flow";
map(x => [x, x*2]),
sortBy(x => x)
)([1, 2, 3]);
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
lodash/fp 로 _.chain과 같은 flow로 처리할 수 있을까?
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_.chain() ... .value()  과 달리 No Wrapper Object 이며 추가적인 chain Object가 불필요함
“In fact our composition with flow/flowRight uses chaining internally (when monolithic) to support shortcut fusion in composed methods”
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
lodash/fp 결론
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_.chain의 동작 방식과는 달리 flow/compose 인자로 반드시 함수의 시리즈로 호출되어야 함.
_.chain([1, 6, 2]).sortBy().value()
flow(sortBy)([1, 6, 2]); // eq sortBy([1, 6, 2]); //not work because sortBy is curried and return a function
sortBy(/* _.identity */)([1, 6, 2]);
flow(sortBy())([1, 6, 2]);
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
lodash/fp Curring에 대한 주의사항
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// app-flow.js
import map from "lodash/fp/map";
import flatten from "lodash/fp/flatten";
import sortBy from "lodash/fp/sortBy";
import flow from "lodash/fp/flow";
const run = flow(map(x => [x,x*2]), flatten, sortBy(x=>x));
import _ from 'lodash';
console.log(_.chain([1,2,3]).map(x => [x,x*2]).flatten().sort().value());
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
webpack 빌드 결과
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Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
webpack 빌드 결과
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import * as _ from 'lodash';
const dates = [
[2010, 1, 1],
[2011, 1, 1],
[2012, 1, 1],
[2013, 1, 1]
* Using `moment-fp`
import * as M from '../dist/index';
const etc = _.compose('YYYY-MM-DD')),
_.reject(_.compose(_.equals(2011), M.year)),, 'day')),
// [ '2010-02-02', '2012-02-02', '2013-02-02' ]
Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
자매품 moment-fp
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Why using  _.chain  is a mistake.
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Why using _.chain is a mistake