sujan karki sujan karki ppt mri bir hospital radiology ppt civil hospital nams usg fetus monochorionic twins polyhydramnios oligohydramnios t2 weighted fetography mri placenta mri pregnent women mri fetus fetal mri patient preparation avulsion fracture meniscus in knee joint fat pad in knee joint coronary ligament anterior cruciate ligament ligaments of knee joint lisfrance and chopart joint ankle mri ppt knee mri ppt meniscus in ankle mri procedure of ankle joint mri procedure of knee joint mri ankle mri knee hemmorage stroke protocol ct head brain lesions mri planning mri positioning flair diffusion weighted b value bvalue seizure epilepsy dwi stroke mri procedure of brain mri brain meningioma ependidoma cholesteatoma cp angle facial nerve hrct internal auditory canal dihescence syndroe organ of corti temoral bone meaniers syndrome mondini anomali semicircular canal vestibule cochlea mri inner ear internal acostic meatu mri iam limax tube ufc detector stellar detector gn hounsfeild high requency generatior msct mdct spiral ct hekical ct fifth generation ct ebct fourth generation ct third generation ct second generation ct sujan computed tomography first generation ct ct history ct dess sequence pulse sequence mri gradient epi ge epi merge xcoil ycoil z coil rf spoiling gradient spoiling bssf fiesta c banding artefact spss coherent gradient echo gradient recalled echo gre gradient inherent filtration added filtration beam restricting devices collimators cones and cylinders aperture diphragm solution to decrease scatter radiation control of scatter radation air gap technique grid cutoffs production of scatter radiation grids beam shaping devices beam limiting devices scatter radiation kidney horse shoe kidney filming in ivu congenital abnormality uteroceole modifications in ivu intravenous urogram intravenous pyleogram ivu ivp indirect conversion in cr direct conversion in cr radiation dose digital fluroscopy image intensifier artefacts in fluoroscopy iitv system flat panel detector digital radiology conventional fluoroscopy fluoroscopy bscmit radiography veins venography safety in mri bio effects of mri safety mri safety mri cisternography ct cisternography cistern brain cistern contrast examination of cistern radiological procedure of cisternography cisternography
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